If all of the family hustle and bustle is taking a toll on your passion, make reconnection a priority today Intimacy doesn't always grow after expensive romantic gestures Sometimes the more spontaneous and relaxed you can be with each other on a daily basis, the closer you'll feel more of the time.
Sprinkle little acts of affection into a busy schedule and you'll rekindle romance between you and your mate in no time You will feel closer to your spouse this season if you practice these thirty-three habits
BE PLAYFUL. Have an impromptu pillow fight, send a child-like love note, or just tease each other.
CLEAN UP YOUR ACT. Dress up for a leisurely evening of appetizers and desserts
SHARE A FEW LAUGHS IN. Watch a comedy sketch or a funny film together.
Get a couples' massage You deserve it.
ACTIVATE THE NO SCROLL ZONE. Park your smartphones beyond the bedroom.
The kids are all busy elsewhere? Take advantage of some grown-up alone time
COUNT THE WAYS. Make a list of all the ways your spouse gets you
Apologize for something you never admitted you were sorry about
ONCE A YEAR, POST YOUR ANNIVERSARY ON SOCIAL MEDIA. Otherwise, keep your contract sacred by forgoing social media shout outs
Cheer your spouse on. Ask for the support you need. That's win-win.
Nothing says "We're in this together" like sharing chores
Get them out in the open by spilling your guts first You'll feel lighter afterwards
Turn on some sultry music and flirt your way through a complicated recipe.
ENJOY EACH OTHER'S COMPANY. Hold hands. Rub shoulders. Give hugs. Dance in the living room.
PICK YOUR PREFERRED TIME. Snuggle in bed at least once every 24 hours whether morning, evening, or middle of the night.
You both have strengths & weaknesses - own yours & honor theirs
Fruit helps supply your body with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants
Two winks in a row means I can't wait until we get these kids to bed
LADY AND THE TRAMP IT. Share a plate of spaghetti and meatballs in a cozy Italian restaurant
APPRECIATION ALERT. Send each other gratitude texts in the middle of the day for a month
TAKE A WALK. Hold hands and don't speak. Just listen to the world.
Sit down at the table and have a heart to heart about whatever is weighing on your minds.
THE POWER OF ATTENTION. Put down what you are doing and look up when your spouse walks into a room.
Plan a date night after you've been apart for a little while You'll appreciate each other even more
You know what your partner feels less than stellar about. Offer support in that arena.
YOU DIDN'T MARRY IN WINTER. So why not celebrate your halfy wedding anniversary date?
BE A SMOOCH SENTINEL. No one goes in our out the door without a quick kiss
Watch a tearjerker and see who reaches for tissues first
Your love story is like chapters in a book Celebrate all the ways your relationship has evolved since you met
Practice it next time a conversation gets heated. "I respectfully disagree."
Give yourselves credit for all the things you've had to learn along the way
Don't brush off a crappy day or try to instill false cheer Instead make eye contact and say, "That totally sucks. I'm sorry you had to go through that "
CULTIVATE YOUR SHARED VISION. Map out the future you are building together and discuss it often
Mardi Gras is the celebration of Carnival, the final festivity before the season of Lent. While the Carnival Mardi Gras is the celebration of Carnival, the final festivity before the season of Lent While the Carnival season starts on January 6th, Fat Tuesday is the last hoorah before the fasting and sacrifices of the Lenten season starts on January 6th, Fat Tuesday is last hoorah before the fasting and sacrifices the Lenten season. Mardi Gras, which is the French translation of Fat Tuesday, takes place on February 21st. season Mardi Gras, which is the French translation of Fat Tuesday, takes place on February 21st
The season of Lent is associated with Christians, but Mardi Gras is a celebration everyone can participate in.
If you are planning to celebrate Fat Tuesday at your house, check out some of these fun party ideas.
The season of Lent is associated with Christians, but Mardi Gras is a celebration everyone can participate in If you are planning to celebrate Fat Tuesday at your house, check out some of these fun party ideas
Pancakes and Paczkis (powdered, filled fried dough) are a staple at a Mardi Gras feast. Traditionally in are a staple at a Mardi Gras feast Traditionally in European countries such as England and Poland, this European countries such as England and Poland, this was a great way to empty your pantry of ingredients was a great to empty your pantry of ingredients like fats, butter and sugar before the start of Lent fats, butter and sugar before the start of Lent. You can balance out the sugary meal by adding fresh You can balance out the sugary meal by adding fresh fruits and vegetables in the recognized Mardi Gras fruits and vegetables in the recognized Mardi Gras colors of purple, yellow and green. Other options for colors of purple, yellow and green Other options for Fat Tuesday might include traditional New Orleans Fat Tuesday might include traditional New Orleans dinners like gumbo, jambalaya and po’ boys. Finish dinners like gumbo, and po’ boys Finish the feast off with some Hurricane mocktails the feast with some Hurricane mocktails.
Pancakes and Paczkis (powdered, filled fried dough)
It’s not Mardi Gras without King Cake. While It’s not Mardi Gras without King Cake. While you can buy one from a supermarket, it is also you can buy one from a supermarket, it is also fun to bake one yourself. A King Cake is a mix fun to bake one yourself. A King Cake is a mix between a coffee cake and a cinnamon roll and between a coffee cake and a cinnamon roll and iced with green, yellow and purple frosting You iced with green, yellow and purple frosting. You will find many great recipes on Pinterest. A will find many great recipes on Pinterest A plastic baby is placed inside the King Cake and plastic baby is placed inside the King and traditionally, the person who gets their slice traditionally, the person who gets their slice with the baby inside is said to have a year filled with the baby inside is said to have a year filled with luck and prosperity. with luck and prosperity
Masks and crowns are a popular craft for Mardi Gras. Masks and crowns are a popular craft for Mardi Gras Why not make a game of it? Using the rules of the Why not make a game of it? Using the rules of the Cootie game, players roll a dice to get the craft items Cootie game, players roll a dice to get the craft items like feathers, beads or felt to decorate their mask or like feathers, beads or felt to decorate their mask or crown. Another craft option is a personalized mosaic crown Another craft option is a personalized mosaic monogram that can be created by gluing beads to a monogram that can be created by gluing beads to a wooden or paper initial. Designing mini parade floats wooden or paper initial Designing mini parade floats is yet another way to use your creativity Start with is yet another way to use your creativity. Start with shoe boxes or small shipping boxes and decorate shoe boxes or small shipping boxes and decorate with tissue paper, sequins and other craft supplies. with tissue paper, sequins and other craft supplies. Have the partygoers vote on the best one. Have the partygoers vote on the best one.
For our family, no celebration is complete without
For our family, no celebration is complete without games. The Cajun French Mardi Gras phrase, “Laissez games. The Cajun French Mardi Gras phrase, “Laissez les bons temps rouler,” translates to “Let the good les bons temps rouler,” translates to “Let the good times roll.” Partygoers can play a simple dice game times roll.” Partygoers can play a simple dice game like Pig, where players add up their rolled die score like Pig, where players add up their rolled die score until they say stop or roll a one. Other dice games until they say stop or roll a one. Other dice games include Farkel, Tenzi or Quixx. Minute to Win It include Farkel, Tenzi or Quixx Minute to Win It games can easily be adapted to fit a Mardi Gras party games can easily be adapted to fit a Mardi Gras party. We like Bead Separation Anxiety, Necklace Drop, We like Bead Separation Anxiety, Necklace Drop, Doubloons Flip and Supercoin (See website more Flip and Supercoin (See website more details.) details )
Mardi Gras is such a fun, colorful celebration
Mardi Gras is such a fun, colorful celebration and should be captured in a photo booth. Have and should be captured in a photo booth Have the party goers wear their decorated masks the party goers wear their decorated masks and crowns plus dress up items including and crowns plus dress up items including beads and feathers and pose for silly pictures beads and feathers and pose for silly pictures.
Photo booth signs can be found on Etsy to print
Photo booth signs can be found on Etsy to print on your own or for purchase at local party on your own or for purchase at local party stores. Mardi Gras backdrops are available stores Mardi Gras backdrops are available online at Amazon or Oriental Trading A less online at or Oriental Trading. A less expensive background option can be created expensive background option can be created from fairy lights, balloons or streamers in from fairy lights, balloons or streamers in purple, green and yellow. purple, green and yellow.
If you would like to include gift bags for your If you would like to include gift bags for your guests, fill a party bag with beads, stickers, guests, fill a party bag with beads, stickers, chocolate coins, play dough, glow sticks, chocolate coins, play dough, glow sticks, temporary tattoos, colorful sunglasses and temporary tattoos, colorful sunglasses and even noisemakers (the other parents will love even noisemakers (the other parents will love you!). you!).