DISCOVER A WORLD OF Magic ARTSYGET with it ARTTHEOF Appreciation CALMINGTHE Butterflies Peter Pan & The Nutcracker Two great family shows to see during the Houston Ballet’s 2022-23 season! September | Vol. 34 | Issue 9 A WORLD OF MAGIC AWAITS OPEN HERE SPECIAL NEEDS RESOURCE GUIDE

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6 | HOUSTON FAMILY MAGAZINE September 2022 TABLE OF CONTENTS D E S T I N , F L O R I D A T R A V E L F E A T U R E B Y A M Y G A R R E T T n B e a c h R e s o r t a n d S p a o n R e s o r t W a y a 3 2 5 4 1 7 7 Coastal LuxuryT H E H E N D E R S O N B E A C H R E S O R T A N D S P A P h o t o g r a p h y C r e d i t : A m y G a r r e t t 8 PUBLISHER'S NOTE Dancing into fall with the Houston Ballet 9 FAMILY FYI This month we're celebrating Mother's Day, join us in showing our gratitude to mother's everywhere. 26 SPECIAL NEEDS GUIDE Your resource guide to organizations, service providers and support groups in the Greater Houston Area 40 THE BIG TO-DO Explore all the great things happening in the Greater Houston area. 46 BOOK BITES This month it's all about MOM with these book picks from Bluewillow bookshop. IN EVERY ISSUE ON THE COVER See Trey McIntyre's Peter Pan, only at the Houston Ballet! Houston Ballet Principal Skylar Campbell as Peter Pan and First Soloist Christopher Coomer as Captain Hook in Trey McIntyre’s Peter Pan. Photo by Claire McAdams (2022). Courtesy of Houston Ballet. ARE YOU READY FOR FALL? DEWBERRYIT'SSEASON! >>>>>> 18 36 10 DISCOVER THE MAGIC OF THE HOUSTON BALLET written by Jill Morgenstern 16 GET ARTSY WITH IT written by Jan Pierce 18 CALMING BUTTERFLIES written by Sarah Lyons 22 HELPING KIDS MAKE FRIENDS written by Sarah Lyons 24 READING DIFFICULTIES, IS IT DYSLEXIA? written by Sarah Lyons 32 THE ART OF APPRECIATION written by Sarah Lyons 34 FOSTERING A BOND WITH GRANDPARENTS written by Jill Morgenstern 36 COASTAL LUXURY: THE HENDERSON BEACH RESORT & SPA written by Amy Garrett


While I do not have any formal training, I have always LOVED Wto hile I do not have any formal training, I have always LOVED to dance. I think it started when I was about 4, with a ballet drecital. ance. I think it started when I was about 4, with a ballet recital. Something about the music and how it made me feel. I knew at San omething about the music and it made me feel I knew at an early age that music and dance were always going to be eimportant arly age that music and dance were always going to be important to tme. o me. That is why our feature this month on the Houston Ballet was Tso hat is why our feature this month on the Houston Ballet so exciting to me. Although there was never any chance that I ewould xciting to me. Although there was never any chance that I would dance in the production dof ance in the production of The TNutcracker, he Nutcracker, I am happy that so Imany am happy that so many children realize their dream right here in Houston. Did you know cthat hildren realize their dream right here in Houston. Did you know that there are over 300 roles for kids in that show?! How magical is tthat?! here are over 300 roles for kids in that show?! How magical is that?! This month, we are also focusing on all aspets of health TMenttal his month, we are also focusing on all aspets of health. Menttal health and Special Needs are at the forefront of many hconversations ealth and Special Needs are at the forefront of many conversations right now.With the children being back at school, parents might rbe ight now With the children being back at school, parents might be uncovering areas that need addressing that they never urealized ncovering areas that need addressing that they never realized existed before It is with this in mind, that many of the articles eand xisted before. It is with this in mind, that many of the articles and our Special Needs Resource Guide were compiled. I hope if oyour ur Special Needs Resource Guide were compiled. I hope if your family is in need of support, you find advice and guidance fhere. amily is in need of support, you find advice and guidance here
WGuerra ith Whope, ith hope,
Kimberly Davis KGuerra imberly Davis
As we ease out of summer, fingers crossed we have a Aquiet s we ease out of summer, fingers crossed we have a quiet transition into fall. No storms, no floods, no hurricanes, etc. This tbrutal ransition into fall. No storms, no floods, no hurricanes, etc. This brutal heat has been enough to deal with this year. Here s to a fantastic hfall! eat has been enough to deal with this year Here's to a fantastic fall!

Reset by Therabody 5 minute Theraface Compression Therapy and Back Sweeps hydro product samples and makeup demos
9 | HOUSTON FAMILY MAGAZINE September 2022 Aesop gift with purchase and giveaways Fabletics 25% off your entire purchase Jo Malone London 20% off your purchase Morphe 10% off full priced Morphe products and a free in store makeup demo Creed Boutique a fragrance bar and special offer for attendees Origins mini facials and hand massages
Among many attitude shifts we ve seen since the onset of the pandemic is a heightened prioritization of wellness,” said Yahaira Hernandez, Assistant Director of Marketing and Business Development at The Galleria “This year s Beauty Week celebrates wellness as an important part of beauty, focusing on beauty from the inside out ” #GetYourGlow
Beauty & Wellness Celebration Event:
eauty Week is returning to The Galleria for the first time since 2019!
first online therapy application that serves the mother daughter pair exclusively The app is launching its pilot program in October 2022 at a special rate of $220 per month, per pair and is now accepting families and clinicians to join the program launch waitlist
Shoppers can enjoy many special week long offers and in store events, including: Beauty & Wellness Celebration Event #GetYourGlow
The Galleria will host a beauty and wellness event with makeup, hair and fragrance stations, a floral selfie wall, giveaways, and more Event stations include:
5085 Westheimer Road, Houston f a m i l y F Y I B E A U T Y W E E K S e p t . 4 1 0 t h @ T h e G a l l e r i a M a l l BEAUTY New MotherDaughter Teletherapy App Launches in Houston
The popular weeklong celebration gives shoppers a sneak peek at the latest beauty products, trends, offers and a special beauty event This year, the event has also been expanded to include a wellness component.
The monthly fee includes 2 live video sessions with a licensed clinician, 1 prescribed activity, 1 worksheet, and a journal prompt To Join the waitlist for teletherapy with your mother or daughter text “momandme to phone number 833 456 3638. COMPASSRN ORG
Saturday, Sept 10th, 2:00 PM 5:00 PM Level 1, near Nordstrom
The Passport Journeys Application is a new teletherapy app that promotes intentional bonding, healing, and growth for the mother daughter relationship Carefully designed with the help of 7 licensed behavioral health clinicians from the Houston area, the Passport Journeys app is the WWW SIMON COM/MALL/THE GALLERIA
The Galleria,
Supporting students who are interested in nursing and are historically underrepresented in the medical field to follow their dreams
CompassRN WWW


The Peter Pan ballet is made up of three acts. The first act takes place within the Darling home, with the children in the care of looming nursemaids. They are visited regularly by fairies and one night, while their parents are at a party, Wendy is saved from a shadow-y nightmare by Peter Pan. Act Two is set in Neverland, where the Darlings join the Lost Boys, encounter mermaids and beasts alike and battle Captain Hook and his merry band of pirates. The final act takes place aboard Captain Hook’s ship and features a duel between Captain Hook and Peter Pan, with a surprising twist on who comes to Peter’s rescue. This production is perfect for the entire family, with tickets starting at just $25 you can experience the magic for yourself. Need to catch an earlier show with the kids? There are still great seats available for the matinee performances on Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 17 and 18 at 2:00 PM.
PETER PAN Peter Pan kicks off the Houston Ballet’s 2022-23 season performances. Look for high flying fun during Trey McIntyre’s Peter Pan , September 9th to 18th . The production includes acrobatic flying by Peter, all 3 of the Darling kids and several other dancers, along with beautiful pas de deux and large ensemble dancing. In addition to the spectacular flying scenes, audiences will see sword fighting, giant puppets, and costumes inspired by punk fashion. Told through the eyes of a child, the audience follows Wendy, John, Michael and Peter as they escape to Neverland. Many know the story of Peter Pan through the Disney movie, but McIntyre intentionally did not watch the movie, relying instead on the original book by J.M. Barrie as inspiration. McIntyre also looked to Tim Burton’s movie The Nightmare Before Christmas, making it, in his words, “fun and macabre.” He used sets and characters to enchant both young and old, like the appearance of “ghoulish writteninmoreandcaptivatedtheinherdesign,nursemaids.”nine-footForcostumeJeanneButton,withextensivebackgroundtheater,wasanaturalforjob.Childrenwillbebythecostumes,somemaywanttoreadaboutcostumedesignthebookPippabyDesign,byClaudiaLogan.It’s
You’ve fought the traffic and survived the summer heat. Now it’s time to enjoy the benefits of living in a city like Houston! The Houston Ballet ranks 4th among the top in the nation and the new season is scheduled to start September 9th at the Wortham Theater Center. Houston Family Magazine has gathered up all you need to know to enjoy the upcoming performances, the dancers and the students of Houston Ballet Academy. Read on to put yourself in the know:
Former Houston Ballet Principals Sara Webb as Wendy, Joseph Walsh as Peter Pan and former Demi-Soloist Derek Dunn as John with Artist of Houston Ballet in Trey McIntyre’s Peter Pan Photo by Amitava Sarkar (2013), Courtesy of Houston Ballet.
a chapter book and is fiction but is loaded with information about the workings of ballet costumes, from the way the costumes are designed to the production and history.

Following Peter Pan, Good Vibrations takes the stage from September 22 – October 2
The Good Vibrations ballet is a world premiere by Arthur Pita and is inspired by The Beach Boys’ iconic song ‘Good Vibrations’. Dancers will catch the waves on surfboards carried by ‘surf spirits’ with groovy 60’s inspired costumes by designer Marco Marco. The Letter V was created on Houston Ballet in 2015 by Mark Morris, dancers move to the music of Joseph Hayden’s Symphony No. 88 in G Major and Stanton Welch’s Red Earth celebrates Australian artistry, and transports
The story of The Nutcracker itself is even older. It was first published in Germany in 1816 and translated into English in the United States in 1853. The music for The Nutcracker was not composed by Tchaikovsky until Stanton1892.Welch’s version of The Nutcracker has more students performing that any of Houston Ballet’s previous staging’s. Over 340 children between the ages of 7 and 18 perform each year, including students of Houston Ballet Academy and kids from the Houston community! The Houston Ballet Academy holds an annual open audition for children who want to participate in this holiday Amidsttradition.all the magical dancing in The Nutcracker, one of the many interesting effects is the snow. While it looks enchanted, the snow is actually made of paper which must be flame resistant so that it will not catch fire as it passes by the hot lights of the stage set. Two hundred pounds of paper snow are used each year through the run of performances! A backstage crew member controls the amount of snow falling by the speed at which he or she pulls a rope attached to the bag the “snow” is in.
November 25 - December 24 audiences to a world where adversity and emotion are expressed through movement, accompanied by original score from Peter Sculthorpe and artwork from set designer Kevin “Pro” Hart.
From November 25th to December 24th join the Houston Ballet for the longtime holiday tradition of The Nutcracker. Like Peter Pan, this is a perfect family activity. Choreographed by Stanton Welch, the ballet is set to the classic music of Tchaikovsky as Clara and Drosselmeyer are led on their journey to the Kingdom of Sweets to meet the Sugar Plum Fairy and her prince.
Houston Ballet Principal Soo Youn Cho as the Sugar Plum Fairy and First Soloist Harper Watters as the Prince with Artists of Houston Ballet and Students of Houston Ballet Academy in Stanton Welch’s The Nutcracker Photo by Amitava Sarkar (2019), Courtesy of Houston Ballet.

The Ballet categorizes dancers into different levels and allows dancers to work their way up through the ranks. As you attend one of the ballets presented this year, you may notice the different roles included in each performance. Be on the lookout for these levels of dancing: APPRENTICES
An apprentice in the ballet is an entry-level into the professional Company. This is a two-year position and allows a dancer to transition from being a student to a full-time Company member. Apprentices in the 2022-2023 season include Eric Best, Kali Kleiman, Griffin Koehl, Augustin Lehner, Amelia Meissner, Alexandra Walton, and Ryan Williams.
PRINCIPAL The highest-ranking dancers in the Company, principals perform the lead roles in ballet. They must not only be technically proficient as dancers, but also great actors to connect with the audience and convey the emotions of the role. Houston Ballet’s current Principals are Skylar Campbell, Soo Youn Cho, Jessica Collado, Karina González, Yuriko Kajiya, Melody Mennite, Chase O’Connell, Beckanne Sisk, Connor Walsh, and CharlesLouis Yoshiyama. See you at the ballet! THE DANCERS
The name of this level of dancer means “the body of the ballet.” These dancers usually perform as an ensemble, or group, often working together as one. The Houston Ballet Corps de Ballet includes Henrique Barbosa, Gretel Batista, Magnoly Batista, Jindallae Bernard, Neal Burks, Jaci Doty, Emma Forrester, Eli Gruska, Rafaela Henrique, Danbi Kim, Zoe Lucich, Riley McMurray, Jackson Miles, Saul Newport, Jaclyn Oakley, Samuel Rodriguez, Madison Russo, Song Teng, Yu Wakizuka, and Matthew West.
Students of Houston Ballet Academy and Artists of Houston Ballet in Stanton Welch’s The Nutcracker. Photo by Amitava Sarkar (2019), Courtesy of Houston Ballet.
Houston Ballet’s Soloists are divided into three ranks: demi soloists, soloists and first soloists. As the name implies, these dancers often have solos that highlight their particular talents. Demi Soloists in the Houston Ballet include Kellen Hornbuckle, Estheysis Menendez, Naazir Muhammad, Luzemburg Santana, Elivelton Tomazi, Natali Varnum, Chae Eun Yang. The Soloists are Chandler Dalton, Tyler Donatelli, Ryo Kato, Bridget Kuhns, Jacquelyn Long, Mackenzie Richter, Aaron Daniel Sharratt, and Alyssa Springer. First Soloists are the second highest rank in the Company and are often cast in leading roles. First Soloists are Christopher Coomer, Mónica Gómez, Allison Miller, and Harper Watters.
Houston Ballet Soloist Tyler Donatelli with Students of Houston Ballet Academy in Stanton Welch’s The Nutcracker. Photo by Amitava Sarkar (2019), Courtesy of Houston Ballet. Students of Houston Ballet Academy in Stanton Welch’s The Nutcracker. Photo by Amitava Sarkar (2019), Courtesy of Houston Ballet.
The Houston Ballet has more than sixty professional dancers, with more than 60% coming from the Company’s own Houston Ballet Academy.

14 | HOUSTON FAMILY MAGAZINE September 2022 CytraP• bs • Cat Guards • S slloDlan Houston Ballet 70K+ D I D Y O U K N O W ? ? H O U S T O N B A L L E T P R I N C I P A L S O O Y O U N C H O A S T H E S U G A R P L U M F A I R Y A N D F I R S T S O L O I S T H A R P E R W A T T E R S A S T H E P R I N C E W I T H A R T I S T S O F H O U S T O N B A L L E T A N D S T U D E N T S O F H O U S T O N B A L L E T A C A D E M Y I N S T A N T O N W E L C H ’ S T H E N U T C R A C K E R P H O T O B Y A M I T A V A S A R K A R ( 2 0 1 9 ) , C O U R T E S Y O F H O U S T O N B A L L E T P A T R O N S S E E T H E N U T C R A C K E R E V E R Y Y E A R H A S P E R F O R M E D F A M I L Y FRI E N D LY PR I C I N G 8 D A Y S Student dancers play 4 V E R S I O N S O F T H E N U T C R A C K E R Known as "Value Days" O F S Y N T H E T I C R A T H A I R W A S U S E D T O M A K E T H E V A R I O U S R O D E N T C H A R A C T E R S 450 Feet 25+ roles in The Nutcracker y o u n g d a n c e r s a g e s 7 - 1 9 f i l l o u t t h e r e s t o f t h e c a s t 340+ C h r i s t m a s t r e e h a s a 2 5 f o o t s p i r a l s t a i r c a s e w i t h i n i t 39 Foot Tall Houston Ballet Come See the Magic h o s t s 1 0 0 + H I S D & P r i v a t e S c h o o l s S T U D E N T S O F H O U S T O N B A L L E T A C A D E M Y A N D A R T I S T S O F H O U S T O N B A L L E T I N S T A N T O N W E L C H ’ S T H E N U T C R A C K E R P H O T O B Y A M I T A V A S A R K A R ( 2 0 1 9 ) , C O U R T E S Y O F H O U S T O N B A L L E T . S T U D E N T S O F H O U S T O N B A L L E T A C A D E M Y I N S T A N T O N W E L C H ’ S T H E N U T C R A C K E R P H O T O B Y L A W R E N C E E L I Z A B E T H K N O X ( 2 0 1 9 ) , C O U R T E S Y O F H O U S T O N B A L L E T S T U D E N T S O F H O U S T O N B A L L E T A C A D E M Y I N S T A N T O N W E L C H ’ S T H E N U T C R A C K E R P H O T O B Y L A W R E N C E E L I Z A B E T H K N O X ( 2 0 2 1 ) , C O U R T E S Y O F H O U S T O N B A L L E T S T U D E N T S O F H O U S T O N B A L L E T A C A D E M Y A N D A R T I S T S O F H O U S T O N B A L L E T I N S T A N T O N W E L C H ’ S T H E N U T C R A C K E R P H O T O B Y A M I T A V A S A R K A R ( 2 0 1 8 ) , C O U R T E S Y O F H O U S T O N B A L L E T

15 | September 2022 Established 1983 2602 SANTA FE PL GALVESTON, TX 77550 GALVESTONRRMUSEUM.ORG 409-765-5700 NOVEMBER 11 - DECEMBER 23, 2022 MUSEUM | TRAIN RIDES EVERY WEEKEND | RAIL HOTEL | EVENT SPACE You can make wonder happen. There is nothing like the wonder of a young child. But not every child has the same access to education. We are working to change that by providing innovative learning opportunities for Houston’s most vulnerable 0-5-year olds. If you share our passion for making wonder happen, we invite you to for Children with a year-end gift keyword “QualityED” to 41444. Together, we can usher in a future bright with possibility for every child.

Children naturally love to engage in art projects The creative process is motivating in itself an invitation to create something unique There isn’t just one answer in artistic endeavors, rather there are infinite possibilities And that’s good for children.
Get ith It Jan Pierce of Your Children to A R T
Fine arts can include much more than drawing and painting. They include music and drama They encompass many kinds of artistic expression such as working with clay, creating mosaics, three dimensional paper creations, puppetry and making mobiles They include photography, cooking, flower arrangement any activity in which self expression bursts forth.
As our school classrooms become more and more focused on reading and writing excellence, our children may be missing out on some of the most important skills they can learn appreciation of and active participation in the arts!
Children will improve their fine motor skills. Handling paintbrushes, drawing with a pencil, cutting safely with scissors, all these require precision. Correct placement of fingers on piano keys, learning to play a scale, and strumming a guitar all build motor skills
You may take them to local art museums and introduce them to folk art, sculpture or oil paintings Whatever efforts you make to expose your children to the arts will pay off in their motivation, expertise and joy in creative learning
Children learn collaboration. Working in a singing group, acting a part in a play or working on a class mural are all projects that require communication, shared goals and working side by side to achieve those goals
Language skills are enhanced.
Children who might tend to be shy or fearful develop confidence when taking part in the arts
Singing with a group, reciting a poem with classmates, taking a chance on the bright purple paint all work together to build confidence in the decisions they make Because there is not just one way to create, children in the arts learn to embrace multiple points of view. If ten children draw the same apple, there will be ten different apples And that’s okay Art helps children learn to observe, describe, analyze and interpret. These critical thinking skills will be necessary in academic subjects such as math, science and writing Children in the arts will learn to reflect on a project and see ways to improve or change. They will envision how they might say a line or how they might project their voice in the next performance They’ll brainstorm Art is the best of both worlds
And you might be surprised at the learning that takes place while a child paints or molds playdough or plays the part of Peter Rabbit in a simple play
So get artsy with it and watch your children bloom.
Children who sing, act or create art learn to express their feelings either with or without words. They learn to express themselves in many different ways
17 | HOUSTON FAMILY MAGAZINE September 2022 move their clay into the shape they desire In art appreciation, children will learn about the vast diversity found in artistic expression around the world. They’ll build cultural awareness as they compare African masks with those created by Alaskan natives. Decision making will develop.
In creating any piece of art, there is a series of decisions made. What color, what shape, how big or small? Should I use watercolor or tempera? Art lends itself to experimentation that can spill over into creativity in other areas of life.
It’s not only beneficial to expose our children to the fine arts, it’s fun
Here are benefits of kids engaging in artistic projects:
Children learn a whole new vocabulary when they enter the world of the arts. They learn names of famous painters, color and shape words, they learn to describe the items in their drawing and identify various artistic processes such as shading, adding focal points and concepts such as perspective Visual spatial skills are developed
Child development specialists tell us that the left hemisphere of the brain is used in logical thinking and analytical processes basically our math, reading and science lessons. The right hemisphere of the brain is used in our emotional, intuitive and creative activities artistic types of activities. Ideally our children need to develop both sides of the brain and the sides must work together for optimal learning success
Children who participate regularly in the arts have been found to achieve better grades and win more awards than those children who don’t have that luxury.
Children learn how to place items on a piece of paper, how to connect pieces of a three dimensional work, and how to ways to sculpt the clay so it looks more like a giraffe the next time
(As reported in a ten year study by Shirley Heath of Stanford University.)
Providing experiences for your children in the fine arts can be as simple as supplying an art corner in your family room It can be singing songs together or reading poetry aloud You can make homemade playdough or use old socks to make puppets It doesn’t have to cost money or take a lot of time You may also choose to enroll your children in music lessons, art lessons or drama classes.

Rodganna Avery, mother of three, suggests “We talk about what to expect and how to handle it We also try to find books on the topic from the library ” R e l a x a t i o n t e c h n i q u e s
Prior to the big day, discuss with your child what they can expect. “We spend time talking about the event a few days before I allow them to ask questions and understand what to expect throughout the process ” says Lauren Heller, mother of twins This is a great opportunity to discuss with your child what their worries are specifically and help them work through them in a healthy way
our child may feel “butterflies in their tummy” if they have a big event coming up such as an important test, a piano recital, or even the first day of school It is normal to feel nervous when kids are expected to perform or speak in front of a group of people, if they have an upcoming dentist or doctor appointment, or if they have the pressure to do well on a test or at a sporting event
The child may grow more panicked because of this Model calming behavior to your child. Speak in a calm voice, try not to rush them, and keep your chit chat positive and encouraging P r e p a r e a n d d i s c u s s
Some other relaxation techniques may include stretching, reading a book, sipping a favorite drink, listening to music, or talking to a friend Many kids find physical activity relaxing Encourage your child to take a short walk or jog, do jumping jacks, shoot hoops, or play on the swingset This will help your child release some nervous energy Once your child has found a relaxation technique that works for them, they will have a tool in their back pocket when nerves arise
If you find your child is nervous often, sit down ahead of time and discuss some relaxation techniques they think wil l be helpful in calming butterflies when they arise “I taught my daughter to take slow deep breaths and to pretend she was somewhere else ” says Krystal Laws, mother of seven
Many adults find themselves feeling nervous for similar events at work or in the community Even though nerves are common, parents can help kids calm the butterflies and be successful M o d e l c a l m i n g b e h a v i o r
As a parent, watching our child battle nervous feelings can be difficult and may cause the parent to feel anxious and worried themselves

Children with extreme anxiety may “act out” with tantrums, refusal to do typical activities, and generally disobedient behaviors
While some nervousness is normal in children, kids may suffer from extreme anxiety that negatively affects their day to day life If your child is experiencing the following symptoms it may be time to seek additional help:
Excessive and extreme worry about normal, everyday activities that causes them to miss out on events at school or with friends (www kidshealth com) They may be restless, have difficulty concentrating, have trouble sleeping, and experience irritability They may also experience physical difficulties such as muscle tension, frequent urination, stomach aches, difficulty swallowing, and headaches (www verywell com) a l i z e a n d p r o b l e m s o
l v e
As the big day approaches, set your child up for success with a good night of rest and a healthy diet before the event This will help them feel they are at their best when the butterflies arrive Explain to your child that even adults get nervous about situations and these feelings are normal Children tend to feel more secure in new situations when they know they have your support and understanding along the way S y m p t o m s o f a n x i e t y i n c h i l d r e n
If you believe your child may have an anxiety disorder, seek professional help for an official diagnosis and support In the meantime, continue to be supportive and patient with your child and let them know you will help them work through these challenges
V i s u
The placebestfor FREE SEPT 6, 11 KNOWLEDGEAM IS KEY SEPT 21, 11 AM PAN-AFRICAN PASSPORT OPEN SCHOOL VISIT DAY OCT. 5, 2022 | 9:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. 609 Crawford Street 713.227.3637 Register Now! highAttendschoolclasses andstudentsMeetfacultyourExploredowntowncampus INCARNATE WORD ACADEMY A Catholic college preparatory for young women since 1873
If your child is nervous about an upcoming recital, performance, or game have them sit still, close their eyes, and visualize each step of the upcoming event and how it will go Picture a positive outcome with everything going smoothly During the visualization process, address any obstacles your child may foresee “Before an ice skating performance we consider what would happen if she fell just get back up, no big deal ” says Jane Hammond, mom of three Problem solve with your child how you can overcome any of the challenges they may be worrying about For younger kids, acting out the situation that is making them nervous can be very helpful “Our boys used to have a really hard time with doctor appointments We bought a doctor set and ‘played doctor’ while talking about what to expect They love going now!” says Becky Asher, mom to triplet boys.

21 | HOUSTON FAMILY MAGAZINE September 2022 Grab your rods and reels for this weekend co ed fishing retreat. All levels and abilities are invited to attend sessions on fly fishing, Texas fly fishing, and fly casting. The per person rate includes two night hotel accommodations, six buffet meals, and lake access for fishing. F F N O V E M B E R 4 6 , 2 0 2 2 C A M P A L L E N ' S R E T R E A T R A T E S : SINGLE OCCUPANCY: $320 per person DOUBLE OCCUPANCY: $250 per person FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO REGISTER, VISIT CAMPALLEN.ORG OR CALL 936.825.7175 The Sun Has Not Set on Summer Just Yet There’s no need to pack those swimsuits just yet We still have time to enjoy Galveston Island before the cool fall days roll in Here are some of our favorites things to do on the island STEWART BEACH Stewart Beach is Galveston’s premier family friendly beach park, named as one of the “10 Best Beaches for Families” by the Family Vacation Critic Stewart Beach, located near where Broadway meets the Seawall, has all the amenities you need for a day of family fun at the beach Check out Calendar of Events BUCKET BRIGADE Join the Bucket Brigade in exploring the creatures and features that make Galveston beaches unique Tours are educational and fun for ocean lovers of all ages Hands on activities investigate topics including Galveston’s turbid water, marine debris, seaweed, and more Visit Website for Latest News Check out the newest 'Cool' kid in town! Galveston welcomes the Cordray Drug Store to the Island! Drop by to try out their Rolled Ice cream and Treats! The Galveston Children’s Museum is the perfect stop for adventures! Inside our Broadway Street building, you will find fun, interactive exhibitions and activities for children ages 2 10 But visitors of all ages will find something to surprise, engage, entertain, and inspire! O C T O B E R 8 , 2 0 2 2 REGISTER FREE NOW @ T W E E N S R E A D · T W E E N S R E A D . C O M SAVE THE DATE! DOBIE HIGH SCHOOL

H e l p n s M a k e F r i e n d s at any age
From the time we enter the world, we search out other people to connect with. We are social beings and making and maintaining friendships are a big part of our lives from childhood on. While making friends is of great importance, it doesn’t always come naturally to us. It can be difficult to find friends that are loyal and that you can build a connection with. Parents can help their kids build social skills that help them make friends at any age.
By Sarah Lyons
g K i d

The art of conversation
Kids who are polite, say please and thank you, pick up after themselves, and treat others respectfully are more likely to be invited to their friend’s homes Kids who take turns, share, and let guests go first are also easier to be around You can model good etiquette for your child and give them gentle reminders during playdates and social interactions
One easy way to encourage your kids to make friends is to provide them the opportunities to socialize Allow your kids to invite friends over to play or to meet at a park Hosting a playdate that encourages mutual interests helps build friendships as well. If your child is interested in animals, invite a friend with mutual interests to meet you at the zoo Sports and extracurricular activities are another great place to find friends with mutual interests “Helping them say hello to other kids at parks and school events helps.” says Loux. “I also make an effort to go to all class birthday parties so they have more time with friends ” Simply being around other people helps your child build social skills and make friends
Set an example
Being polite can go a long way in building friendships
Encourage healthy conflict resolution
It is important to remember that everyone has a different personality which will affect how they react in social situations Some children love to be the center of attention and thrive off of being around others Other children may be more reserved and shy They may enjoy being around other people but prefer to sit back and observe the situation. Remember that it’s important to cultivate your child’s social skills based on what they feel the most comfortable with, even if that is different from your own It is also important to remember that your child does not need to be the most popular person in the class, they really only need one or two close friends to feel accepted and connected to their peers
Be social
All friends experience conflict What is important is how you handle it Door slamming, stomping feet, the silent treatment, yelling, and hitting may release anger at the moment but can be damaging to a friendship As kids mature, it is important to encourage them to talk about their feelings, come up with a solution, or ask an adult to help As much as possible, have the kids work out their conflict However,being available to help them come to a resolution both friends can live with is important
Teach proper etiquette
It is just as important for parents to build strong friendships as it is for kids We have the opportunity to teach our kids through our example “We move a lot so explaining how I have to make new friends and step out of my comfort zone just like they do helps a lot ” says Stephanie Loux, mom of three Do you make time for friends in your life? Do you invite friends over or meet for coffee? How often do you step outside your comfort zone to meet new people? Our kids see how we interact with others If the parent is involved with friends, shows empathy towards others, and helps friends in need, kids will learn that friendships are a priority and understand the natural give and take of a relationship They will also watch how parents handle conflict and the normal highs and lows that friends experience
Role play One of the easiest ways to teach kids is through play As you are playing and interacting with your children, role play scenarios that they may encounter when meeting new people You can use puppets, dolls, or even stuffed animals to practice social situations they may encounter Through play, you can teach your child how to ask someone to play or how to join in on a game that is already started. Work out possible conflicts that may arise as they play with friends After role playing, kids will be more comfortable when they face similar situations on the playground.
For kids with the gift of gab, conversation may come naturally but for others a little practice and a few tips can go a long way Part of making and maintaining friendships is being able to take turns speaking, listening, and responding with empathy when appropriate Parents can teach kids how to have conversations during daily life by simply modeling this skill It can also be taught during roleplaying or simply giving them some tools to start a conversation. For example, kids should be reminded to look at the person in the eye, greet a friend as they arrive, respond when asked a question, and ask follow up questions so their friend knows they are listening It takes some practice but it will be worth it

By Sarah Lyons

Children learn to read at their own pace but if your child is struggling to make significant progress as compared to their peers, it may be possible they have a reading disability called dyslexia
Consider tutoring Individual help from a tutor can really give your child a boost in their reading skills because it can be tailored to your child’s needs and learning style
Encourage your child’s efforts and be supportive of them as they work through challenges Talk to them about what they are struggling with and discuss ideas that will help solve problems they may be facing Join a support group or see a counselor Having people around you that understand what you are going through and offer support can be a big help as your learn how to be a support your child
Ask for an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 plan. In most states, schools are required to provide specialized support for kids diagnosed with dyslexia Talk to your child’s teachers about setting up a meeting with educators to help your child be successful at school. Keep in contact with your child’s teacher If parents and teachers work together, it is easier to support your child through the challenges they may be facing when it comes to homework and school. Check in often with your child’s teacher regularly and encourage them to reach out if the interventions put in place don’t seem to be helping your child make adequate growth
According to Mayo Clinic, “Dyslexia is a learning disorder that involves difficulty reading due to problems identifying speech sounds and learning how to relate to letters and words. Dyslexia affects areas of the brain that process language” (www mayoclinic org)
People who struggle with dyslexia have normal intelligence and can succeed in school and careers with proper tutoring and support
Encourage reading Take turns reading aloud to your child, model good reading habits, and add reading to everyday activities (cooking, games, or instructions) Turn off electronics and add reading time of your day
AT SCHOOLHow do you help your child succeed?
Early intervention has been proven to help kids struggling with dyslexia As soon as you notice a problem, talk to your child’s doctor
Early intervention and a good partnership between parents and teachers are key to helping kids feel confident and successful in school and in future careers
Support learning at home Provide a clean, organized, and quiet place to study and offer help as needed.
2 3
Speech delay, trouble learning words, problems forming words correctly or reversing sounds or words that sound alike Reading well below the expected level for age, difficulty with spelling, difficulty reading aloud Trouble remembering sequences or identifying rhyming words, reversing letters or numbers Spending an unusually long time completing tasks that invoice reading and writing or avoiding these activities
1 4 5
If you believe your child may have dyslexia, talk to your doctor about testing, resources, and support. There is no single test that can determine if your child has dyslexia Your doctor may use a combination of questionnaires, medical history, psychological evaluations, and academic testing to determine if your child has dyslexia
3 4
2 3

26 | HOUSTON FAMILY MAGAZINE September 2022 special section | SPECIAL NEEDS RESOURCE GUIDE houston-area special needs resource guide a g u i d e t o o r g a n i z a t i o n s , s e r v i c e p r o v i d e r s , a n d s u p p o r t g r o u p s , c a t e g o r i z e d b y d i s a b i l i t y
THERAPY Aveanna Healthcare Locations throughout Houston, Katy and Pearland 770-441-1580
The Briarwood School Briarwood is a school for children who present with dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, ADD, and language processing challenges. Over 85% of Upper School graduates attend college. 12207 Whittington Dr. Houston, Texas 77077 281-493-1070
Project Sunshine 211 E 43rd St, Suite 401 New York, NY 1001717 www.projectsunshine.org212-354-8035
Children’s ClinicMultidisciplinaryTherafunPediatric Our model for therapeutic intervention is based on a child’s primary occupation.....PLAY! Learn more about our Occupational, Speech-Language, Physical, Social Motor Groups, and Music Therapy services. 4545
campers &
Distinct Abilities
Best Buddies of Texas 100 Southeast Second St., Miami, FL 800-89-BUDDY33131
The Mendell Law Firm 1155 Dairy Ashford, Suite 104 Houston, Texas 77079 281-759-3213 McCreary Law Office 2019 Washington Avenue, Suite 208 Houston, TX 713-568-860077007
The Arbor School is the most comprehensive special needs education program in Houston for children with a wide range of developmental delays, 6 weeks through age 18. 1635 Houston,BlalockTX 713-827-883077080
HISD | Special Education Resources for Parents
The Mission of the Office of Special Education Services is to provide support and guidance to parents, teachers, campus leaders and other stakeholders that directly improves student outcomes while removing barriers and raising expectations for students with 713-556-6005disabilities. SpecialEducation/
The Tutoring Center
Landmark College is a community designed exclusively for students who learn differently, including students with a learning disability (such as dyslexia), ADHD, autism, or executive function challenges. We champion a strengthsbased model for education, giving students the skills and strategies they need to succeed in life. River Road South Putney VT 802-387-6718info@landmark.edu05346 San Jacinto College Disabilities Services know that not everyone is a traditional student. Whatever your dreams, whatever your goals, whatever your unique situation, San Jac College is here with all the tools you need to put you on the pathway that leads to success. Central Campus 8060 Spencer Hwy Pasadena,TX 281-998-615077505 General Park Campus 13455 Lockwood Rd., Bldg.2 Houston, Texas 77044 281-998-6150 Campus 3700 Old Highway 146 La Porte, Texas 77571 281-459-5483 Campus 5800 Uvalde Rd. Houston, TX 281-998-615077049 Campus 13735 Beamer Rd. Houston, TX 281-998-615077089 Brookwood Community 1752 FM Brookshire,1489TX 77423 281-375-2100 Program 6717 Stuebner Airline Rd. Suite 207 Houston, TX 713-692-427977091 Village Learning & Achievement Center with TX 77339 281-358-6172 For For the with deliver truly barrierwith not-for-profit to enable thousands of their families to discover life. Kirby Dr. Houston, TX 713-686-566677092
The Monarch School and Institute At The Monarch School, they are dedicated to providing an innovative, therapeutic education for individuals with neurological differences—so that each unique individual can move forward and respond to life’s opportunities armed for success. 2815 Rosefield Dr. Houston, Texas 77080 713-479-0800 H.E.A.R.T.
We have a unique system of delivery that helps children increase their concentration, attention span, and focus while strengthening their academic skills. We work with students who have dyslexia, ADD/ADHD, and learning 14640disabilities.Memorial Dr. Houston, TX 832-486-928177079
Joycare Pediatric Day Health Center
All transforms
world for children and adults
The Joy School prepares students with learning differences to return to traditional classroom settings by enabling them to reach their academic and social potential in a safe, supportive Oneenvironment.Chelsea Boulevard Houston, TX 713-523-066077006
EDUCATION The Arbor School
The Parish School
The Joy School
Disability Rights Texas 7800 Shoal Creek Blvd., Suite 171-E, Austin,TX 78757 www.disabilityrightstx.org512-454-4816
The Learning Lane
They provide comprehensive homebased therapy services to kids from 0-21 years of age with a variety of disorders. 713-417-2783
free experiences by collaborating
HIGHER EDUCATION Houston Community College Disability Support Services 3100 Main St Houston, TX 713-718-200077002 disability-services/ Landmark College
FINANCE Archer Consulting Group 1235 N Loop West, Suite 907 Houston, TX 713-572-171777008
Ability and Beyond Specializing in: Autism (ASD), Developmental Delays, ADD/ ADHD, Sensory Integration Disorder, Auditory Processing Disorder 832-526-8892 Bissonnet, Suite 132 Bellaire, TX 713-592-020977401 and school or health issues. 9219 Katy Fwy. Ste. 113 Houston, TX 713-562-286477024
challenging illnesses or special needs. They intentionally Healthy Changes Hypnosis LLC Hypnosis can help children and their families with issues such as stress, relief of anxiety and fears, self-confidence
Arc of Greater Houston 9401 Southwest Freeway Houston, TX 77074
Our mission is to identify, educate, and empower children who have language and learning differences. 11001 Hammerly Blvd Houston, TX 77043 713-467-4696 x126
The first Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care Center (PPECC) in Houston. They offer an Advanced Day Program for medically fragile or complex kids from 6 weeks to 20 years of age. They provide excellent skilled nursing care services throughout the day along with speech, physical, and occupational therapy. They also offer an enrichment program that includes music, art, pet therapy, sign language for non-verbal kids, free educational classes for families, transportation and Telehealth Speech Therapy services. They also offer a FREE Educational Program with a Certified Teacher that includes a Special Education Curriculum for home schooled kids and a Virtual School Assistance Program! Joycare currently has bilingual staff. 6440 Sands Point Drive Houston, TX 713-268-940177074 WeeCare Therapy
Two ACADEMIC programs for 6 weeks through 6 years; TRADITIONAL and SPECIALIZED for children with Down Syndrome, Autism, & other developmental delays. Sign language & therapies included. 14045 Space Center Blvd., Ste. A Houston, TX 77062 281-488-0436
intellectual and developmental 3819disabilities.PlumValley Drive Kingwood,
Creating inclusive opportunities and discovering abilities of individuals
All Camp
The Learning Lane is an Applied Behavior Analysis Preschool Center model serving children ages from 1 to 7 years of age with autism or language 14600delays.Gladbrook Dr Drive Houston, TX 281-4537-909077068
The Harris School
FACES | Foundation for Autism Care, Education & Services Provides evidence-based intervention and hope. By providing scholarships for Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder are provided with evidence-based intervention and taught new functional strategies that improve outcomes for both child and family. 13121 Louetta Road # 1360, Cypress, Texas 77429 281-757-6750
ADD/ADHD Attention DisordersDeficitAssoc. Provides education, community support and resources for those impacted by ADHD and coexisting disorders, family members, mental health providers and 12345educators.Jones Rd., Suite 287-7 Houston, TX 281-897-098277070
Homeopathy Center of Houston Take control of your child’s health and get generalized detoxification, pain reduction and overall health improvements with autism specific professional formulas. We’ve helped almost 200 children fully recover from autism, and we want your child to be next. Hundreds more have seen lifechanging improvements in their health and behavior. Also offering PANDAS and Chronic Illness formulas. 7670 Woodway Drive, Suite 340 Houston, TX 713-366-870077063 Kahn Educational Group, LLC Committed to preparing thoughtful and personalized recommendations of 713-668-2609Houston,6717schools.VanderbiltTX77005
4510 nationalardadvocates@gmail.com281-265-1506Houston,RedstartTX77035
The Houston Council of the Blind works to improve the independence, security, equality of opportunity, and quality of life for all persons who are blind or visually impaired. Jewish Family Service 4131 S Braeswood Blvd Houston, TX 713-667-933677025
River Oaks Academy ROA provides individualized education for children with a wide range of special needs in a private school environment. Small student teacher ratios and specialized programming for those with learning differences, learning disabilities, unique learning styles, social skills needs, ADHD, autism and behavioral and emotional issues are provided. 10600 Richmond Ave. Houston, TX 713-783-720077042
The Harris School’s students have experienced social/emotional difficulty in previous school or social settings. Challenges may include but are not limited to anxiety, depression, attention issues, mood disorders or neurological disorders. They typically have average to above average intelligence but have a hard time performing well in school and forming relationships. Pre-K3 to grade 6 900 Lovett Boulevard Houston, TX 713-526-204677006
Your child deserves a personalized team that celebrates their individuality and addresses their unique needs. MeBe’s compassionate team members work together, collaborating across disciplines to create the best possible outcomes for your entire family. Whether working with your child at home or in one of the convenient clinics, they always prioritize play-filled, research-based care aimed at helping them reach their maximum potential. 1400 Broadfield Blvd, Suite 200 Houston, 619-795-992577084
FEAT – Houston: ABA Resource Information & Training To improve the quality of life of those affected by developmental disabilities by increasing resources and providing
The Lighthouse of Houston is a Community for the Visually Impaired. Programs and services assist individuals who are blind or visually impaired of all stages and all ages, from infants to older adults. Services help individuals gain 713-527-9561Houston,3602independenceWDallasSt,TX77019
The River Performing and Visual Arts Center
The Woodlands, TX 77380 281-361-3328
MeBe Family
Gateway Academy A unique school in Houston that serves 6th-12th grade students with academic and social challenges. Since 2006, they’ve been committed to teaching traditional academics, while also meeting the social and emotional needs of students with learning and social 3721differences.Dacoma St Houston, TX 713-659-790077092
Dr. R. Layla Salek, Behavior Specialist specializing in Applied Behavior Analysis in order to service children from infancy to 18 years. Dr. Salek helps children with emotional disorders, autism, ADHD, mental retardation, and down syndrome. 832-298-9118
The Clinic for Adult Attention Problems Provides exemplary patient care through state-of-the-art assessment and treatment and to expand knowledge through research. 2211 Norfolk Street, Suite 460 Houston, TX 713-523-005877098
The River, a program of TUTS Education, provides accessible, affordable, fine arts education for children, ages 3 -19, who have disabilities, chronic illnesses, or are economically disadvantaged. The River offers year-round, barrier-free classes in music, art, drama and dance. Financial aid is available.
If your child has been bullied or isn’t progressing in special education, we can help in navigating the process and level the playing field.
AUTISM Avondale House The only agency in greater Houston that serves individuals living with moderate to severe autism from ages 3 years through their lifetime. 3737 O’Meara Drive Houston, TX 713-993-954477025
LearningRx Learning Center Our one-on-one brain training programs have helped over 100,000 kids & adults with memory, reading & attention. 713-839-8885 Baylor Medicine Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences BCM Medical Building 1977 Butler Boulevard Houston, TX Baylor Psychiatry Clinic Mood Disorders Center -Administrative Office Houston, Texas 77030 713-798-4857
The Westview School Established by Jane Stewart in 1981, The Westview School is a private, nonprofit school for children with autism spectrum disorder from ages 2 to 15 years. The program is comprised of two main components: academics and social communication/social skills. Early Childhood - 8th grade 1900 Kersten Drive, Houston, TX 713-973-190077043
1475 West Gray Houston, TX, 713-558-881277019 Texas Adaptive Aquatics 103 Page Ln. Huffman, TX 832-435-625377336
Lighthouse of Houston
BLINDNESS Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired Outreach Program, Family Support 1100 W. 45th Street Austin, Texas 512-454-863178756 Houston Council of the Blind
1120Analysis.Medical Plaza Dr., Suite 100
information about Applied Behavior

Friends of Quinn An online community that offers resources and support for young adults with learning differences. Navigate Life Texas Resources and Support For families raising children with disabilities
Claire’s Place Foundation is a charity providing support to individuals, children and families affected by cystic fibrosis (CF). Founded by thirteen-yearold Claire Wineland who was born with CF. She envisioned this foundation as a source of hope, strength and joy for others living with CF providing both emotional and financial support.
Claire’s Place Foundation 2110 Artesia Blvd, Box 819 Redondo Beach, CA 90278 855-568-3273 Texas Children’s Cystic Fibrosis Care Center Provides comprehensive clinical services to help deal with the many problems cystic fibrosis causes. They specialize in the evaluation and treatment of complex, chronic, and rare pulmonary disorders. We also have a pulmonary diagnostic lab team which is thoroughly trained in diagnostic testing and pulmonary education. 832-822-3300 cystic-fibrosis-care-center IMPAIRMENTDEAFNESS/HEARING
Verbal Behavior Clinic of Houston Mary Susan McClure, MEd., BCBA 5000 Caroline Street Houston TX 713-528-234377004
The mission of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is to cure cystic fibrosis and to provide all people with CF the opportunity to lead long, fulfilling lives by funding research and drug development, partnering with the CF community, and advancing high-quality, specialized care. Texas Gulf Coast Chapter 50 Briar
The nationally renowned Center for Hearing and Speech is the most comprehensive resource for pediatric hearing loss in Texas and the only facility in the region that offers health services and spoken language education for children with hearing loss under one 3100roof. Shenandoah St. Houston, TX 713-523-363377021
Greater Houston Easter Seals Greater Houston proudly offers comprehensive services to help children ages birth to 21 years old living with a disability. 4888 Loop Central Dr, #200 Houston, TX 713-838-905077081
central hub where Houstonians can find a variety of useful information in one place. will do its best to fill in the missing gaps and help you fulfill your needs.
special section | SPECIAL NEEDS RESOURCE GUIDE Hollow Lane, Suite Houston,310WTX 713-621-000677027 www.cff.orgChapters/txgulf
It is our mission to improve the quality of life for children with multiple disabilities or profound deafness by providing needed adaptive equipment and select services. 2003 Aldine Bender Rd Houston, Texas 77032 281-219-3313 Houston Deaf Network Although Houston is the 4th largest city in the US, we have yet to see a
Deaf Chat Coffee is dedicated to providing a directory of social places in the USA for deaf people to get together, chat, and enjoy! Starbucks Coffee every third Friday of each month. houston-texas/ Sign Shares Sign Language Interpreting & Translation Services. 99 Detering, Suite 160 Houston, TX 713-869-437377007
Spinal Cord Injury Information Network
The Brain Injury Association of Texas is dedicated to providing emotional support, advice, guidance and other help for those anyone affected by brain injury. A non-profit public service organization, who works to develop programs for public awareness and education, support research and rehabilitation to brain injury survivors and their families. 316 W. 12th Street, Suite 405 Austin, TX 512-326-121278701
Cystic Fibrosis Family Support Group
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Houston Southern TX Chapter 1776 Yorktown Suite 560 Houston, Texas 77056, 713-334-4400
MyChild at Cerebal Resouces and help for children with Cerebal Palsy. Information on topics from A to Z. 41850 West Eleven Mile Rd., Suite 121 Novi, Michigan 48375 800-692-4453
DIABETES American Diabetes Association Houston 2400 Augusta Dr., Suite 175 Houston, TX 713-977-770677057
This site maintains this Information Network as a resource to promote knowledge in the areas of research, health and quality of life for people with spinal cord injuries, their families, and SCI-related professionals. You will find educational materials and information on research activities of the UAB-SCIMS along with links to outside (Internet) information. Univ of Alabama/Birmingham 529 Spain Rehab Center 1717 6th Ave. South Birmingham, AL 35233 205-934-328
The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
The Center for Hearing & Speech
SYNDROMEDIGEORGE 11.2 Syndrome Educational Foundation, Inc. Provides personalized information to people whose lives have been touched by VCFS; applicable research and clinical expertise regarding the management of the syndrome. 315-559-4685 National Craniofacial Assoc. P. O. Box 11082 Chattanooga, TN 37401 800-332-2373
BRAIN & INJURIESSPINAL Brain Injury Alliance
Harris Health System Harris Health System helps patients recover from all types of injuries, illnesses and acute and chronic conditions through its Rehabilitation Services. Check the website to see which location offers your needed support.
Be An Angel Fund
The Northwest Harris County Cooperative for the Hearing Impaired 10300 Jones Road Houston, Texas 77065 281-897-4000

UTHealth Pediatric Dentistry treats infants through adolescents, including those with special needs or medically complex conditions. As part of UT Dentists and The University of Texas
Baylor Comprehensive Epilepsy Center Baylor Medicine at McNair Campus 7200 Cambridge St Houston, Texas 77030 713-798-2273 Blue Bird Circle Clinic for Pediatric Neurology Clinical Care Center, Floor 9 6701 Fannin 832-824-9322Houston,StreetTX77030 18200 Katy Freeway Houston, TX 832-227-100077094
we’re educating
Does your child have special needs that should be considered during their appointment? Whether it is a physical or cognitive disorder, our friendly and well-trained staff would be happy to help accommodate them. Making sure your child goes to the dentist regularly despite their special needs is very 17222important.Red Oak Dr #104 Houston, TX (281) 343-3738
DENTISTS DOWN SYNDROME The Down (DSAH)AssociationSyndromeofHouston 7015 W. Tidwell, Bld. G, Ste Houston,108 TX 713-682-723777092 Down ParentingSyndromeNetwork Rise School 5618 H. Mark Crosswell Street Houston, TX 77021 Jan Stailey, Executive Director 713-532-7453 DYSLEXIA The Houston Branch of The International Dyslexia Association (HBIDA) P.O. Box 713-364-5177Houston,540504Texas77254-0504 Social Skills Playhouse 25510 Texas 249 Tomball, TX 832-289-256077375 The Education Department at The Arc of Greater Houston MHMRA Conference Center, Room B (behind MHMRA’s main building) 7033 Southwest Freeway Houston, TX 77040 ProactiveParent Free resources for parents and teachers Family to Family Network Eve 13150CuginiFM529, Suite 106 Houston, TX 713-466-630477041 Neuhaus Education Center 4433 713-664-7676Bellaire,BissonnetTX77401 Texas Education Agency (TEA) 972-348-1410 or Dyslexia Texas We are a Grassroots Movement
30 | HOUSTON FAMILY MAGAZINE September 2022 special section | SPECIAL NEEDS RESOURCE GUIDE committed to helping Parents, Students, Educators and Policy Makers make informed evidence-based decisions about dyslexia. We provide support, share resources and advocate on behalf of Students with and Families with Dyslexia in Texas. ADDITUDE ADHD and Dyslexia connection Wonderful resource of information every month regarding supporting special needs families. dyslexia-connection/ Epilepsy Foundation TexasHouston/ Dallas-Fort Worth/ West Texas 2401 Fountain View Drive, Suite 900 Houston, Texas 77057 713-789-6295 or 888-548-9716 Texas Medical & Sleep Specialists Memorial City Medical Plaza 1 902 Frostwood, Suite 210 Houston, Texas 77024 713-464-4107 or 877-770-8677 Texas Diabetes Council 1100 West 49th Street Austin, TX 512-776-283478756 ADA Houston Area Support Groups community/ local-o! ces/ area-support-groups.htmlhouston-texas/houstonDiabetesAmerica™ Health Centers 9473 FM 1960 Bypass, Suite 300 Humble, TX 77338 (713) 840-5270
UTHealth Pediatric Dentistry
Houston Children’s Dental Center Special needs dentistry, also known as special care dentistry, involves the diagnosis and provision of oral health care and dental procedures to people who have intellectual and/or cognitive disability, or who are affected by other medical, physical, or emotional issues. 7007 N Freeway, Suite 400 Houston TX 713-481-950077076 resources/special-needs-dentistry/ Pediatric Dental
Houston Methodist Diabetes Associates - Texas Medical Center Houston Methodist Diabetes Associates is comprised of a team of experts focused on delivering high quality and comprehensive patient care across Houston Methodist in both the hospital and outpatient settings. diabetes/ Diabetes & Kidney Disease Center Houston Bayshorekidney_disease/ 4000 Spencer Highway Pasadena, TX 77504 713-359-2000 St. Luke’s Health - Sugar Land Hospital 1317 Lake Pointe Pkwy Sugar Land, TX 77478 281-637-7000
generation of pediatric dentistry professionals.
Clear Lake Health Center 940 Clear Lake City Blvd., Suite 200 Webster, TX 281-282-190077598 Cy-Fair Health Center 11777 FM 1960 West Houston, TX 281-469-468877065 Sugar Land Health Center 15400 Southwest Fwy., Suite 200 Sugar Land, TX 77478 281-494-7010 Woodlands Health Center 17198 St. Luke’s Way, Med. Arts Ctr., 1, Suite 300 Woodlands, TX 77384 936-321-0808 Science Center at Houston, the next 6655 Travis St # 460 713-500-8220TX

Texas Gulf Coast Chapter 2503 Robinhood St. Suite 275 Houston, TX 713-529-012677005 Rheumatology Associates of Baylor
100, Conroe, TX 77385 Trinity Holistic Wellness Center To help individuals safely and naturally, to promote good health, selfempowerment, effectiveness, so that they may fully enjoy the gift of life. 22306 Sherrod Lane, Spring, TX 281-787-899977389 Department of Neurology Baylor College of Medicine Our multidisciplinary staff is devoted to the diagnosis and treatment of the entire spectrum of neurological disorders of infancy and childhood - from epilepsy and developmental and neurodegenerative problems to headaches, mental retardation, cerebral palsy, Rett Syndrome, and Tourette 6701Syndrome.Fannin St, CC1250 Houston, Texas 77030 832–822–7388 our-teamcenters/blue-bird-circle-rett-center/ more information please visit our website houstonfamilymagazine.comat Harris County Public Health Services 2223
Medicine International Pediatric AIDS Initiative at Texas Children’s Hospital 1102 Bates Ave, FC-630 Houston, Texas 77030 832-822-1038 Casa de Esperanza P.O. Box 713-529-0639Houston,301209TX77230 Texas Children’s Hospital Gillespie, Susan L., MD 1102 Bates Avenue, Suite 630 Houston, TX 832-824-103877030 LUPUS Lupus
TOURETTES Tourette Syndrome Association of Texas Richmond, TX 77406 281-238-8096 Tourette Syndrome Association of Texas Support Groups The Tourette AssociationRichmond, TX 77406 281-238-8096 /targets-forMeetings:tourettes Memorial Hermann Southeast Hospital 11800 Astoria Blvd., Houston, 77089 Katy/Sugarland/West Houston Support Group Meetings:281-395-5392zoom meetings Contact: Nicola Ferla Email: North Houston/ Woodlands Support Group Jamie 9803MarcosMeetings:jj01ut@gmail.comBlassingamePizzaTX-242,Suite West Houston, TX 713-439-600077027 College of Foundation of America, Houston Houston
11307 FM1960 St 240 Houston, Tx 832-237-858577065
2010 Naomi St. Suite A Houston, TX 713-667-829277054 ofhouston.comwww.rheumatologyassociates Rheumatology Clinic of
31 | HOUSTON FAMILY MAGAZINE September 2022 special section | SPECIAL NEEDS RESOURCE GUIDE Arthritis & Lupus Clinic 7500 Beechnut St., #290 Houston, TX 77074 (281) 313-7000 Lupus Meetup Group Houston members/ us/tx/houston/ Cure4Lupus DYSTROPHYMUSCULAR Muscular Dystrophy Association National Headquarters 161 N. Clark, Suite 3550 Chicago, Illinois 60601 ResourceCenter@mdausa.org800-572-1717 Muscular Dystrophy Association - Houston Gulf Coast/Metro 2900 Weslayan, Suite 375 Houston, TX houstongulfcoast@mdausa.org713-522-856177027 Health Care Coordinators care-center list The MDA Neuromuscular Clinic Methodist Neurological Institute Scurlock Tower 6560 Fannin Street, Suite 802 Houston, TX 77030 713.363.7310 ni.cfm? Blue Bird Circle 615 W. 713-528-0470Houston,AlabamaTexas77006 FRAGILE X Texas Fragile X Association Resources and guidance to families affected by Fragile X Syndrome P.O. Box 154985 Irving, TX 972-757-893975015-4985 The National Fragile X Foundation 1615 Bonanza St., Suite 202 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 800-688-8765 SYNDROMEGULLAIN-BARRE UT Medical School Neurology Academic Office 6400 Houston,FanninTexas 77030 disorders/guillain-barre-syndrome/conditions-and-treatments/nerve- UT Professional Building Adult Neurology Clinic 6410 Fannin Suite 1014 Houston, Texas 77030 832-325-7080 uthealth-neurosciences-neurology/ UT Physicians Neurology Clinic – Bellaire 6700 West Loop S, Ste 520 Houston, Texas 77401 (713) 572-8122 AIDS/HIV AIDS Foundation Houston, Inc. 6260 Westpark Dr. Suite 100 Houston, TX 713-623-679677057
Bluebird Circle Muscular Dystrophy Association Clinic Clinical Care Center, Neurology, 9th floor 713-522-3941 Myasthenia Gravis Muscular
Loop South

aking care of the kids and the daily responsibilities of running a house can strain your connection with your spouse. The busier you get, the easier it is to drift apart. One way to show your spouse that you love them and maintain a great relationship is to show them genuine appreciation for all they do in their role to keep the family running smoothly. Here are some simple ways to show your appreciation that go a long way in keeping your relationship strong. T

Consider writing your spouse a thank you card or love letter and leaving it where it will surprise them It is sure to build them up and make them feel appreciated and loved G i v e t h e m a b r e a k
A simple word of thanks goes a long way to show your spouse that you notice them and all that they do.
D o n ’ t k e e p s c o r e
In this day and age of email and text, who doesn’t love to receive a handwritten note with a thoughtful thank you included?
You can show your spouse how much you appreciate them by acting grateful. Try to reduce criticism and speak words that build up your spouse Encourage them, thank them, and acknowledge all they do When your children hear how much you appreciate your spouse, it will help build family bonds
33 | HOUSTON FAMILY MAGAZINE September 2022 S h o w i t
“One of the ways I show my husband I appreciate him is how I speak about him to others ” says Olathe mom, Holly Searls “I brag on him and tell others how amazing he is; because he is! I am proud to be married to him and it shows in the stories I tell others ”
If your house is anything like mine, we typically have specific jobs we each take care of on a regular basis To show your appreciation for your spouse, consider doing one of their “jobs” for the week Throw in a load of laundry, do the kitchen cleanup after dinner, or offer to put the kids to bed while your spouse relaxes All of these things show them that you notice how hard they work and you appreciate them If you are looking to reconnect with your spouse and show them you appreciate them there are plenty of ways to do it Write a note, have their favorite snacks on hand, schedule a date night or a quiet night in, tell others why they are great, encourage the kids to tell them, give them a hug, be excited to greet them when they come home from work, cook things they love to eat, give them a break, or simply tell them why you love and appreciate all they do. It may feel awkward at first, but once you see how much it encourages them, you will most likely want to do it more often
D o t h e i r “ j o b ”
S a y i t
Giving your spouse a gift, big or small, shows them how much you appreciate them and that you think of them when you are away Have flowers or cookies delivered to work or pick up a treat for them while you are out and about Spring Hill mom,Kristin Haugsness says “I pick up occasional treats for my husband such as his favorite candy or drink ” When they see that they are in your thoughts, they are renewed to keep working hard for your family.
The simplest way to show your spouse you appreciate them is to say “thank you”.
W r i t e a n o t e
It may seem obvious but as we get busy in our daily routines, it is easy to take for granted what your spouse does to contribute to the household Thank them for working hard to provide financially, for cooking and cleaning, for mowing the lawn, for packing the kids lunches or giving them baths, or for running errands
When it seems like there is a never ending list of things that need done to keep the house clean and organized, the kids fed and to various activities, the budget balanced, the yard maintained, and still manage to raise healthy happy kids, it is easy to get caught up in who is doing which task and who did not Try to avoid keeping score or comparing duties with your spouse Instead try to keep an attitude of everyone working as a team and consider taking on a little extra once in awhile if it lightens your partner’s load Linwood, KS mom Jane Hammond says “When I start to get frustrated with him and his annoying habits, I try to flip it around and look at my annoying habits, and how patient he is with me ”
I feel very appreciated when my husband comes home from work, notices that I am feeling overwhelmed, and tells me to take a break and go somewhere alone for a while He also encouraged me to join a monthly book club so I have a scheduled night out at least once a month. Pay attention to when your spouse needs a break and send them off to the spa, out with friends, or even alone on an errand so that when they come back they feel rested and recharged Tell others how great they are “I tell him, especially in front of the children, how much I appreciate him ” says Lenexa mom, Darcy King “I explain to the kids why I am thankful for him ” Your spouse will feel appreciated if you tell others how much you appreciate them.
Sometimes, the kids also need reminders from you to express their appreciation for your spouse G i v e a g i f t
rowing up I had a close rrelationship owing up I had close relationship with my grandparents and have wwonderful ith my grandparents and have wonderful memories of our time together My mgrandma emories of our time together My grandma loved to teach me about plants to play lcard oved to teach me about plants, to play card games, and to cook together. My ggrandpa ames, and to cook together My grandpa took me camping, fishing, and was talways ook me camping, fishing, and was always sneaking us extra dessert Grandparents sand neaking us extra dessert Grandparents and their grandchildren have a special bond tThis heir grandchildren have a special bond This will look different for each family but there ware ill look different for each family but there are some ways you can build and encourage sthe ome ways you can build and encourage the bond between your kids and btheir ond between your kids and their grandparents. grandparents E n c o u r a g e t i m e t o g e t h e Er n c o u r a g e t i m e t o g e t h e r
G It's Important to Your
By Sarah Lyons Children
Time spent together will help Tgrandparents ime spent together will help grandparents and grandchildren to bond naturally This awill nd grandchildren to bond naturally This will look different for each family but some lideas ook different for each family but some ideas could include cooking together, crunning ould include cooking together, running errands, attending the child’s sporting eevents rrands, attending the child’s sporting events or school activities, going to the park, oplaying r school activities going to park playing board games, going to a movie, sitting band oard games going a movie sitting and talking, or going out to dinner tSome alking, or going out to dinner Some grandparents find that having a set gtime randparents find that having a set time assures they have time with atheir ssures they have time with their grandchildren. For example, every gSaturday randchildren For example, every Saturday morning you go to breakfast or every mTuesday orning you go to breakfast or every Tuesday they babysit while the parents have a tdate hey babysit while the have a date night If you do not live in the same city, ntry ight If you do not same city try using a phone or video call at a set time ueach sing a phone or video call at a set time each week The nice thing about weekly calls is wthat eek The nice thing about weekly calls is that it allows for following up on the things ithe t allows for following up on the things the next week. Giving your child talking npoints ext week Giving your child talking points can help the conversation flow better If cyou an help the conversation flow If you know your parent is struggling with things kto now your parent is struggling with things to talk about with your child, send them a tquick alk with your child send them quick text reminding them to ask about the tbig ext reminding them to ask about the big math test or how the playdate went mThese ath test or how the playdate went These are some good examples of ways parents acan re some good examples of ways parents can facilitate the bond between ftheir acilitate the bond between their grandparents from a long gdistance randparents from a long distance

" G R A N D P A R E N T S A R E L I K E S T A R S . . . . " G R A N D P A R E N T S A R E L I K E S T A R S . . . .
Let grandparents know that, in most gsituations, randparents know that, in most situations, you will be responsible for any ydiscipline ou will be responsible for any discipline needed This allows grandparents to nenjoy eeded This allows grandparents to enjoy the fun aspects of time with the kidshe fun aspects of time with the kids When bringing up the subject, be kind band ringing up the subject be kind and patient and explain that you don’t pwant atient and explain that you don t want anything to come between the kids aand nything to come between the kids and their grandparents and the tspecial heir grandparents and the special relationship they have If discipline must rbe elationship they have. If discipline must be handled by the grandparent, they hshould andled by the grandparent, they should try to stay as close to the tparents ry to stay as close to the parents disciplinary style as possible or ddelay isciplinary style as possible or delay punishment for when the parents preturn unishment for when the parents return. Allow your kids to be Aspoiled..... llow your kids to be spoiled..... a little abit little bit My kids know that when they spend Mthe y kids know that when they spend the night with my parents they will nhave ight with my parents, they will have donuts for breakfast the next morning dThey onuts for breakfast the next morning They can also count on any number of csweet an also count on any number of sweet treats while they are visiting When ttheir reats while they are visiting When their birthday comes around, they usually bget irthday comes around, they usually get spoiled by gifts from their grandparents sas poiled by gifts from their grandparents as well At home, sweet treats are limited, wtoys ell At home, sweet treats are limited, toys are purchased on occasion and donuts afor re purchased on occasion, and donuts for breakfast are not the norm While I may bbe reakfast are not the norm While I may be cringing at the sugar induced coma cthat ringing at the sugar induced coma that my kids will be in when they come mback y kids will be in when they come back home, the kids feel a closeness to htheir ome, the kids feel a closeness to their grandparents for allowing them to have ga randparents for allowing them to have a few extra treats They feel like they share fa ew extra treats They feel like they share a secret that really isn’t a secret at all swith ecret, that really isn’t a secret at all, with their grandparents and it goes a long tway heir grandparents and it goes a long way to strengthening their bond That, to me, tis o strengthening their bond. That, to me, is worth allowing a few extra treats from wtheir orth allowing a few extra treats from their grandparents on goccasion randparents on occasion
Set SLimits et Limits
Grandparents are GImportant randparents are Important Grandparents are important because Gthey randparents are important because they have life experience and love to hshare ave life experience and love to share them with their grandchildren They thave hem with their grandchildren They have the opportunity to share their love tand he opportunity to share their love and time without the pressures parents face tin ime without the pressures parents face in raising rchildren. aising children
G r a n d a p r e n t ' s D a y t h i s y e a r i s o n S u n d a y S e p t . 1 1 , 2 0 2 2 . . . . Y O U D O N ' T A L W A Y S S E E T H E M , B U T Y O U K N O W T H E Y A R E T H E R E " . . . . Y O U D O N ' T A L W A Y S S E E T H E M , B U T Y O U K N O W T H E Y A R E T H E R E " Unknown Author
Let the parents handle Ldiscipline the parents handle discipline
Grandparents may ohave f children Grandparents may have different disciplinary styles or feelifferent disciplinary styles or feel different behaviors deserve reprimandingehaviors deserve reprimanding
If your kids are lucky enough to Ihave f your kids are lucky enough to have grandparents in their lives foster gand randparents in their lives, foster and encourage them to build their erelationship ncourage them to build their relationship as much as possible Your kids will acherish s much as possible Your kids will cherish the memories for their tlifetime he memories for their lifetime
A common source of conflictcommon source of conflict between parents and grandparents can be pdiscipline arents and grandparents can be discipline of children
All of these things can help build Athe ll of these things can help build the grandparent grandchild bond but if gthe randparent grandchild bond but if the parents are not comfortable with what pis arents are not comfortable with what is going on, it will end up creating ganger, oing on, it will end up creating anger, resentment, and end up hurting rthe esentment, and end up hurting the relationship between the rgrandchildren elationship between the grandchildren and their grandparents in the long run aSet nd their grandparents in the long run Set limits that everyone understands and lcan imits that everyone understands and can live with. For example, it is okay lfor ive with For example, it is okay for grandparents to break the rules and glet randparents to break the rules and let the kids have ice cream for dinner but it tis he kids have ice cream for dinner but it is not okay for them to ride in the ncar ot okay for them to ride in the car without a car seat Make sure that wyour ithout a car seat Make sure that your child and the grandparents know cwhat hild and the grandparents know what your unbreakable rules are so ythat our unbreakable rules are so that everyone is on the same epage. veryone is on the same page
36 | HOUSTON FAMILY MAGAZINE September 2022 D E S T I N , F L O R I D A T R A V E L F E A T U R E B Y A M Y G A R R E T T T h e H e n d e r s o n B e a c h R e s o r t a n d S p a 2 0 0 H e n d e r s o n R e s o r t W a y D e s t i n , F l o r i d a 3 2 5 4 1 ( 8 5 5 ) 7 4 1 2 7 7 7 Coastal LuxuryT H E H E N D E R S O N B E A C H R E S O R T A N D S P A P h o t o g r a p h y C r e d i t : A m y G a r r e t t

F L O R I D A :
FAMILY MAGAZINE September 2022
ng village on the Gulf of w a well known vacation es along Florida’s Emerald que paradise lures travelers e with its white sugar sand se waters vacationers (and traffic) to the g a secluded resort with a astline can be challenging outshines the competition g 0+ acres of Henderson Beach State Park, with rolling sand dunes dotted with sea oats, is the crown jewel of the Emerald Coast: The Henderson Beach Resort and Spa. This incredible resort is a quiet oasis off the busy condo lined strip of Destin The unique location offers guests the opportunity to experience the tranquility of the seaside without the crowds
Beach Steps from the hotel, guests have private beach access to experience the beauty and tranquility of unspoiled coastline. With crystal clear waters, soft sand, and calm surf, guests can enjoy water sports, food and beverage service, or choose to relax in comfortable beach chair rentals for the perfect beach day Resort Pools and Spa
Guests of the hotel will enjoy custom furnishings, cloud like mattresses with luxurious bedding, well appointed elegant bathrooms, and stunning views of the Gulf from the sweeping balconies.
The Henderson Beach Resort and Spa boasts traditional coastal architecture with luxurious fine touches throughout 170 spacious rooms and suites
For the sun worshippers or parents looking to relax poolside in a cabana, the adult only pool and spa is the perfect way to enjoy an afternoon. Families with kids of all ages will love the large resort pool, splash zone, and lazy river just steps from the beach.

Order delicious meals poolside at Sea-Level. Frozen cocktails, snacks, salads, and handheld treats are offered to maximize pool time. Frozen mocktails and fresh coconuts are a huge hit with the kids Grab an afternoon treat or Starbucks coffee at Sprinkles Café Indulge in freshly baked pastries, stuffed cookies, ice cream, or a selection of grab and go snacks For a special treat, s’mores kits are also available for purchase and is the perfectly messy experience for families with kids of all ages
Unwind and experience complete relaxation with a spa treatment
Horizons offers a more casual dining experience while showcasing panoramic views of the Gulf Coast. The menu highlights hand crafted signature cocktails, gourmet pizzas, and fresh seafood.
Sip cocktails, take in the sea breeze, and enjoy live music from The Rooftop. Expansive views of the coast and Henderson State Beach Park provide a casual and relaxed atmosphere to sample a selection of seafood favorites from the raw bar. With no shortage of fabulous dining selections or amenities The Henderson Beach Resort and Spa is the perfect hotel for vacationing families.
The Henderson Spa features 11 private treatment rooms, a wet area with experiential shower, whirlpool hot tub, and lavender steam room. Spa guests will feel invigorated with a visit to the Himalayan Salt Suite or a flotation therapy session. A full service salon and extensive menu of personalized spa services will be sure to please each and every guest.
The Henderson celebrates fresh flavors, quality ingredients, and 5 star service at Primrose Named for Destins first commercial fishing boat, the menu offers a fine selection of steaks, fresh Gulf seafood, and shareable plates
A state of the art 24 hour fitness center with daily classes is also available on property Spa
The Caviar Age-Defying Facial, Collagen-Infusion Facial, and Deluxe Hydra facial are among the most popular treatments selected.
The open concept kitchen also features a sushi bar and rotating chef’s menu Dine in understated elegance indoors or choose expansive Gulf views on the terrace
The Henderson Beach Resort and Spa offers numerous activities for active guests as well Beach cruisers, kayaks, paddle board rentals, lawn games, and ping pong are all complimentary and can be booked through the activity center
The crispy cauliflower, fresh shucked oysters, seafood chowder, 1855 Black Angus Beef Tenderloin, and Pompano are all delicious

39 | HOUSTON FAMILY MAGAZINE September 2022 GALVESTON HISTORIC SEAPORT HOME OF THE 1877 TALL SHIP ELISSA NOW OPEN! SHIP TO SHORE LEARNlandingonthroughHistoricGalveston’s....................................................................................historicimmigrationstorycomesaliveattheGalvestonSeaport.Followinthefootstepsoftheearlyimmigrantsinteractivelearningwithimmersiveexperiences,allbasedauthenticanddocumentedpersonalstoriesofimmigrantsinGalveston.MOREAT#GALVESTONHISTORYANDWWW.GALVESTONHISTORY.ORG FunFamilyFallattheLoneStarFlightMuseumHotDogsonLaborDaySeptember5GirlsInAviationDaySeptember25TouchATruck&APlaneOctober22 Free!

THURSDAY 1 Kingdom of Dreams, a mural by Zozo Garcia Head over to pick out your favorite land marks among the images layered in the mural’s colorful and contrasting organic and geometric shapes.
TXU Energy presents Undersea Discovery at The Houston Zoo experience the ocean from the rocky coast to the deepest sea and observe some of the most amazing marine crea tures in the world, right here in Houston. Houston Zoo All day. All ages. Included in general admission.
First Thursday Concert Series
40 | HOUSTON FAMILY MAGAZINE September 2022 Discovery 8am-11pm.greenAllages
All events listed are FREE unless otherwise noted. Don’t forget to check out our online calendar at for even more family friendly activities.
Photographer: Holly Young Photography Galápagos Tortoise Encounters, Houston Zoo Houston comes alive in September with city-wide celebrations, family fun and exciting festivals, as the city basks in the last weeks of summer.
FRIDAY 2 Labor Day Weekend special pass (September 2-5) Weekend Adventure Pass Valid for FOUR days instead of three at Downtown Aquarium, Kemah Boardwalk and Pleasure Pier! Downtown Aquarium Houston All day, all weekend. All ages
Find your groove at Heritage Place! Invite your friends and bring the family to relax at this outdoor concert series. Heritage Place, 500 Metcalf Street, 7pm.ConroeAll ages Blue Willow Bookshop Storytime Bring your child to Blue Willow to enjoy stories, songs and an art activity every Thursday. Blue Willow Bookshop 10am. All ages Nature Nesters A special program designed for children to connect with nature through activities, songs and crafts every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Delores Fenwick Nature Center, 10am.PearlandAge: 4 and under Drop-in Tour: Tunnels of light On this guided tour, explore the un derground tunnels of light that connect the buildings together on the Museum campus. This guided tour is included with general admission, which is free on Thursday. Meet up with the docent in the lobby of the Beck Building. Museum of Fine Arts, Houston 1:30pm. All ages Thursdays at The Bryan Enjoy a curated selection of wines, enjoy the music of local Galvestonian talent. thursdays-at-the-bryan/ The Bryan Museum, 1315 21st Street, 4-7pm.GalvestonAll ages $5 Thursdays at the Lone Star Flight Museum Traveling exhibits are also included when exhibit is included in general admission. Lone Star Flight Museum All day. All ages

Centennial Saturdays at The Houston Zoo Celebrate 100 years at the Houston Zoo! On the first Saturday of every month the zoo is hosting mini celebrations that include animal meet-and-greets and special Keeper Talks. Houston Zoo All day. All ages Sandcastle Days at East Beach Grab your sand pails and shovels and head to East Beach. East Beach, Galveston 11am, 1pm, 3pm. All ages SUNDAY 4 Footgolf Rally family and friends to try a new sport on a 9-hole course located at the Cen tennial Park Disc Golf Course. FootGolf is the combination of soccer and golf. It’s played on a golf/disc golf course with a standard #5 soccer ball as the official ball size. Play is free, just bring your own ball. Centennial Park Disc Golf Course, 8am-9pm,Pearland every day. Age: 10+ The Car Culture show Calling all car enthusiasts. Head over to marvel at the 50+ exotic and muscle cars on display, along with a DJ spinning tunes and other exciting amenities. La Centerra at Cinco Ranch 8-11am. All ages
Labor Day Celebrations
Levy Park Event Pavilion 9-11am. Age: 15+ Bollywood & Bhangra Dance (every Saturday) Enjoy a whole-body workout while dancing to the rhythm of joy with the powerful nature of Bollywood and Bhangra Music. Levy Park event pavilion 10am. Age: 15+ First Saturday Bolivar Flats Nature Walk Explore Bolivar Flats Shorebird Sanctuary and discover the diversity of life of our coastal ecosystem every 1st Saturday of the month. Bolivar Flats 10am, meeting point is at the vehicular. All ages, $10 parking
SATURDAY 3 Art in the Park Learn Spanish while exploring different art techniques! Create a unique art piece while improving your speaking and lis tening skills en español. All materials are included. Class is limited to 20 kids per session and its first come, first serve. Discovery Noon-1pm.GreenAges: 3-12
Family Movie Night: War with Grandpa Bring the entire family for Family Movie Night. Central Green Park event pavilion 7:00pm. All ages
41 | HOUSTON FAMILY MAGAZINE September 2022 September 2022 EVERY THURSDAY, MANY OF ADMISSION.MUSEUMSHOUSTON’SOFFERFREE Children’s Museum of Houston 5-8pm • 1500 Binz St. **FREE Admission for Bank of America card holders the first FULL weekend of the month. Health Museum 2-7pm • 1515 Hermann Dr. Museum of Fine Arts, Houston 10am-9pm • 1001 Bissonnet **FREE MFAH admission Saturdays & Sundays for all kids 18 & under with a library card Houston Museum of Natural Science 2-5pm • 5555 Hermann Park Dr. Buffalo Soldiers National Museum 1-5pm • 3816 Caroline St. Houston Museum of African American Culture 6-8pm • 4807 Caroline St. FREE SUNDAYS Holocaust Museum Houston 2-5pm • 9220 Kirby Dr., ste. 100 FREE THROUGHWEDNESDAYSUNDAY Menil Collection 11am-7pm • 1533 Sul Ross Street FREE THURSDAY WITH RESERVATION Cistern History Tours, Houston 1-5:30pm • The Water Works at 105 Sabine Street • Age: 9+ FREE THROUGHTUESDAYSUNDAY Contemporary Arts Museum Houston Tuesday-Friday 10am-7pm, Sat.10am-6pm, Sun. 12-6pm • 5216 Montrose Boulevard Focus Tour: “Beauty and Ritual: Judaica from the Jewish Museum” This guided tour offers an inside look at the exhibition. Museum of Fine Arts, Houston 2:30-3:15pm. Age: 15+ Gorilla Encounter every Friday Step into a real tree house and get a up close view of a gorilla’s world. Spend time feeding and interacting with one of the greatest apes all while learning about how our global partners are protecting gorillas in the wild. Houston 10:45-11:30am.zoo All ages. $65/members, $90 nonmembers
First Saturday Arts market in the Heights This outdoor arts event features paint ings, sculpture, photography, jewelry and handcrafted items, live music and gourmet food trucks! 540 West 19th St, Houston 11am-6pm. All ages Photography Workshop: portrait and lighting Learn how to harness natural light and explore different aperture settings to create beautifully lit and composed portraits. All camera types are suitable for this workshop. Bring a reflector if you have one, but not required.
Relax and enjoy Labor Day weekend at Waterway Square. The festivities include live music, children’s activities, crafts, balloon art and complimentary face painting, strolling entertainers, a Pie Eating Contest and fireworks!
Bucket Brigade Interpretive Beach Tours Join the Bucket Brigade in exploring the creatures and features that make Galves ton beaches unique! East Beach, 11am-3:45pm.GalvestonAllages Pride Beach Bash Come down to the beach for a Pride party. 1923 Boddecker Dr., Galveston, Texas All day. All ages Movie Nite on The Strand: A Blast from the Past Saengerfest Park event invites families to enjoy a series of beloved movies under the stars. Saengerfest Park, Galveston 8:30pm. All ages
31 Waterway Square Place, The 5Woodlands-9pm.All ages The Heights Morning Market Food, mimosas, and coffee cocktails are available to enjoy while you shop every Sunday. 3106 White Oak Drive 10am-2pm. All ages Family Date Night: Music in the Plaza (every Sunday) Enjoy uplifting and inspirational music while dining on the surrounding patios. City Centre Plaza 5-7pm. All ages Family Zone on the Go Enjoy hands-on activities at the Family Art Cart in the galleries, with staff mem bers on hand to answer questions. Museum of Fine Arts Houston 1pm. All ages Family Sundays with the Houston Astros Family Sundays offer a little extra incen tive for spending the day at the ballpark cheering on the Houston Astros. Pack ages include 4 tickets to the game, 4 hot dogs and 4 sodas, plus an afternoon of baseball family fun! fan-value/family-sundays
Minute Maid Park Various times on Sunday. All ages MONDAY 5 Monday’s with Mommy Dance, play, craft, and have a blast spending the morning together each week. Hosted by Texas Children’s Hospital - West Campus. LaCenterra at Cinco Ranch 10 – 11am. Age: 0-6 Labor Day at LSFM Enjoy $10 admission and check out the amazing hangar. FREE Hot Dog, Chips and Drink for museum visitors! Serving begins at 11 a.m. While supplies last. laborday2022/ Lone Star Flight Museum 10am-5pm. All ages
THURSDAY 8 Heights & Bike trails & Donovan Park Explore the Heights Hike and Bike Trail and view some of the most beautiful examples of Victorian and turn-ofthe-century architecture then picnic at Donovan Park. 2799 Moy St., Houston Samba Dance Class Learn a popular Brazilian dance style during this exciting class. Samba is a partner dance from Rio de Janeiro that evolved as a ballroom dance to the Brazilian samba musical rhythms. Midtown Park 7-9pm. Age: 16+ FRIDAY 9 México en el Corazón Immerse yourself in the colors, artistry and music of Mexico with Mariachis, folkloric ballet and more. Discovery Green 7-10pm. All ages Movie at the Museum: Peter Von Kant (September 9-11) In a retelling of Rainer Werner Fassbind er’s The Bitter Tears of Petra Von Kant, a famous director offers to help a hand some young man break into cinema. Museum of Fine Arts, Houston 7pm. Age: 13+ Twilight Safari: Early Explorers While the sun might have set, the adventures have just begun. Gather your family and head to the Zoo after hours for this unique experience. Join the zoon’s Education staff on a night tour of and see what the animals are up to when the lights go out. This two-hour, onsite program is designed for families with younger children. kids-families/family-nature-experiences/ Houston Sundown.ZooAge: under 10
Jaw-dropping feats by the world’s greatest aerial flyers, acrobats, contortionists, dancers, balancers, and jugglers pair with breathtaking music performed by the full Houston Symphony in this one-of-a-kind live concert event—perfect for the whole family!
First Tuesdays at the Houston Zoo
Enjoy a literary experience! Spend the morning with a story followed by a craft that accompanies the reading. All craft supplies are included. Levy 10am.ParkAge: 2-5 $0.99 Kids’ Meals at the Aquarium (Monday-Thursday)
The play is set in 1934, when the clever and combustible Lucille Wiley, Manager of the Cleveland Grand Opera Company, is ready to welcome world-class soprano Elena Firenzi for her one-night-only starring role in Carmen.
Play Date at Delores Fenwick Nature Center
You’ll need a free ticket to enter the gates, so get them online and skip the ticket lines! Houston Zoo All9-5pmages
Family Storytime & Craft
the big to do CALENDAR OF EVENTS and fun crafts that highlight Japanese traditions from origami to woodblock print making and more! Levy Park. 4:30pm. All ages Nature Discovery Center & Story time Visit the discovery rooms and enjoy the outdoor trails and play area. Plan to stay for nature story time which can include live animal encounters and a simple craft. Nature Discover Center Tues.-Fri. Noon-5:30pm, Sat.-Sun. 10am530pm, story time Wednesday at 4pm. All ages
Septemberwww.houstonsymphony.org9,10,11 MAIN THEATERSTREET
We begin with Aesop’s classic fable of The Tortoise and the Hare but continue the story which find them 10 years down the road, now with children of their own and exploring modern day distractions. The Grand 1894 Opera House September 20, 2022
Spend a day in nature by walking/run ning the ~ 2 miles of trails with an edible fruit, explore the Fite Road bat colony observation area, the native bird rook eries and enjoy the Great Room which features live animal exhibits, touchable bio-facts, and a craft table. Delores Fenwick Nature Center, 9am-6pmPearland Tuesday-Saturday All ages Galápagos Tortoise Encounters every Sunday and Tuesday Come and see these giant, slow-motion reptiles. Pro tip: Feet are friends, not food. Our tortoises might confuse red shoes for treats, so it’s best to leave your red shoes at home for this one (yes, we’re serious). Closed-toe shoes are required. Houston Zoo 10am. All ages. Tickets $65/member $90 non-members
WEDNESDAY 7 Mommy or Daddy Wednesdays at Moody Gardens Moms (or Dads) with toddlers 5 and un der can take advantage of a discounted One-Day Value Pass that grants entry to the attractions at Moody Gardens by visiting on Wednesdays. Moody Gardens All day. Age: Half off exhibits for parents & children 4-5; children 3 & under are free. Japan Junction Experience the wonder of Japan. Enjoy expanding your cultural horizons through kamishibai “paper drama” storytelling
The inspirational true story of the relationship forged between renowned 1951 Life Magazine photographer Eugene Smith and South Carolina midwife, Maude Callen. Eugene is sent to do a story on Maude, but never expects the life-changing impact it will have on him.
Peter Pan Escape to Neverland with Wendy, John, Michael and Peter on their daring adventures in Trey McIntyre’s Peter Pan! This reinterpretation of Sir James M. Barrie’s classic tale is told through the eyes of a child, with spectacular flying sequences, swashbuckling sword fights, giant puppets and of course, a little pixie dust!
Downtown Aquarium Lunch and dinner. All ages
Ain’t misbehavin’
Enjoy this amazing offer! Coupon online – must show by phone or print out. .99C kids’ meal with the purchase of an adult entrée. Not valid with other promotion or offer.
Former Houston Ballet Principals Sara Webb as Wendy, Joseph Walsh as Peter Pan and ofDunnDemi-SoloistformerDerekasJohnwithArtistHoustonBalletinTreyMcIntyre’sPeterPan.PhotobyAmitavaSarkar(2013),CourtesyofHoustonBallet.
Last Stop on Market Street On a visit to see his Nana, CJ is introduced to the people in her community, from those who ride the bus to people at the soup kitchen. Through their adventures, CJ learns about friendship, empathy and finding joy in unexpected places. Septemberwww.mainstreettheater.com21–October22 STAGES
The Adventures of Tortoise and Hare
Sly, genial, and bursting with the wit and energy of one of the most innovative periods in American music, this unforgettable hit musical will rock your world. Just for you, only from us. Hobby Center for the Performing Arts
Lend me a soprano
September 16-October 9
September 21-October 23
One of the first ten artists inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, the Everly Brothers were pioneers of country rock, known for tight harmonies and steel-string acoustic guitar. Stages Repertory Theatre Through September 4
September 20-October 2
A.D Players at the George Theater

Hours:www.thehealthmuseum.orgMon.-Sat.9am-5pm., Thurs. 9am7pm., Sun. 12-5pm Admission: $10 adult, $8 senior 65+, free for children under 2 FREE on Thursdays 2-7pm DeBakey Cell Lab Gear up with a lab coat, gloves and goggles and travel through experiment stations.
The Texas Aviation Heritage Gallery
TUESDAY 13 Family Storytime & Craft
The Sugar Shack Barnes painted two versions of The Sugar Shack, which depicts dynamic, elongated figures dancing in a crowded Black music hall in segregated mid-century North Carolina.
bayou-bend/collection-and-gardens/ Bend Gardens Tuesday-Saturday 10am-4pm. Sunday 1-5pm. Enjoy special pricing when you visit Bayou Bend for Detective Days! Free for children 18 & younger, and $10 for adults.
Through October 2, 2022
HOLOCAUST MUSEUM Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9am-5pm., Sat. 10am5pm., Sun. 12-5pm Bearing Witness: A Community Remembers
Enjoy a literary experience! Spend the morning with a story followed by a craft that accompanies the reading. All craft supplies are included. Levy 10am.ParkAge: 2-5 Engineer Ride Along Have you ever dreamt of being the engi neer of a train? Dress in complimentary TSR safety gear and get ready to assist the engineer and conductor in preparing for your departure inside the cab of a steam or diesel locomotive. engineer-ride-along/ Texas State Railroad. All ages. Advanced reservations and a background check are required, and some clothing restrictions apply.
Through September 5, 2022 HOUSTON MUSEUM OF NATURAL SCIENCE 9am-5pm Mon-Sun $25 adult, $15 children 3-11, senior 62+ and college students FREE every Thursday 2-5pm Transcending Audubon Rex Brasher’s Inspiration: Transcending Audubon features 29 framed works by artist Rex Brasher, a wildlife artist committed to painting all of the birds of North America in their natural habitat.
THURSDAY 15 Fiestas Patrias Festivities include special music, songs, dances, native cuisine, costumes, and homage to folk heroes. fiestaspatrias/ All10am-5pmages Bayou Bend Detectives (TuesdaySunday) Unleash your child’s inner sleuths in the gardens or the historic house. Go on self-guided detective hunts to solve seasonal riddles using clues that teach about a diversity of topics, such as trees and plants, art and design, and American history.
Tyke Hike at the Houston Arboretum & Nature Center
MONDAY 12 Barbara Fish Daniel Nature Play Area Let your kids interact with nature. The 1.5-acre play area encompasses a boulder rock scramble, a rolling lawn, a stream and waterfall, climbing logs and stones, and a 33-foot slide.
Barbara Fish Daniel Nature Play Area
A chronological walk through the history of aviation in Texas. Permanent Exhibition MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS HOUSTON Tues.-Wed. 10am-5pm., Thurs. 10am-9pm., Fri.-Sat. 10am-7pm., Sun. 12:15-7pm. $15 adult; $10 senior 65+, $7.50 children 13-18 & students (19+) (children 12 & under free).
Hours: Tues-Sat. 10am-5pm. Sun. 12pm5pm. Closed on Monday Admission: free Amoako Boafo: Soul of Black Folks Working primarily in portraiture, Boafo is known for his vibrant use of color and thick, improvisational gestures created by his fingerpainting technique. His work is actively centered on Black subjectivity, Black joy, and the Black gaze.
7:00 am – 8:00 pm, Monday – Sunday. Age: 3-7 Lone Star Flight Museum photo by cici loo photography
LONE STAR FLIGHT MUSEUM Hours: Tues-Sat. 10am-5pm. Sun. 12pm5pm. Closed on Monday Admission: $18 adult, $15 students, $12 child 4-12.
Through October 10, 2022
Explore the great outdoors with your toddler at Tyke Hikes. The morning includes story time, a nature-related activity or craft, and a stroller-friendly hike around the trails. programs/tyke-hikes/ Arboretum 9:30am and 10:30am. Age: 1-4 Downtown aquarium Houston All day. Age: 6-12. Family day on the Ocean Star: Life on a Rig Learn about the different kinds of offshore structures, what they do, and who works on them. Try on safety gear, explore the old control room and partici pate in a scavenger hunt. Ocean Star Offshore Drilling Rig & Museum, Pier 21 - Galveston 10am - 3pm. All ages Family Art inspired from MFAH masterpieces Especially designed for the entire family with an interactive gallery tour, hands-on activities followed by an opportunity to create a related art project. Families also receive materials to extend the lesson at home. All day. Age: school-age children Music Nite on The Strand: The Fab 5 Get a taste of Galveston’s thriving local music scene with this free live concert series at Saengerfest Park. nite-on-the-strand/ Strand St., Galveston 6pm. All ages Movies on the Beach: The princess and the frog Grab a lawn chair and a blanket and head down to the beach with family and friends to watch this classic family movie. on-the-beach/ Beach 8:30pm. All ages SUNDAY11 Fiestas Patrias This patriotic holiday is celebrated throughout Mexico with parades, parties and public gatherings. Traders Noon-3pm.VillageAll ages
Through December 31, 2022 Virtual Realities: The Art of M.C. Escher from the Michael S. Sachs Collection Virtual Realities features more than 400 prints, drawings, watercolors, printed fabrics, constructed objects, wood and linoleum blocks, lithographic stones, sketchbooks, and the artist’s working tools.
Permanent Exhibition
The perfect way to spend the day for young aspiring marine biologists!
WEDNESDAY 14 Music Nite on the Strand Enjoy performances while strolling or re laxing on the many patios of the Strand. Saengerfest Park, Galveston All6pmages
Charlotte Salomon: Life? Or Theatre? Discover one of the most important and powerful achievements of the 20th century – the singular and complex artwork Life? Or Theatre? by GermanJewish artist, Charlotte Salomon – which through imagery and text tell the slightly fictionalized and theatrically imagined story of Salomon’s family. Through December 4, 2022
SATURDAY 10 Marine Biologist for a Day
The Gallery is personalized with testimony of Holocaust Survivors who later settled in the Houston area. These incredible individuals lived through a genocidal war that inflicted mass death on unprecedented numbers of innocent civilians. Permanent Exhibition

TUESDAY 20 Family Storytime & Craft
Parachute Play time
An exciting career program for teens. Downtown Aquarium Houston All day. Age: 12-17. Family Capoeira
Please see now exhibiting or central side for ideas MONDAY 19 Please see now exhibiting or central side for ideas
SATURDAY 17 Flea by Night Feel good about supporting local artisans and small business owners! Flea by Night is an open-air market with trea sures waiting to be discovered including vintage, handmade, recycled and repurposed local goods. While you shop enjoy a snack from the food trucks and great live music from Houston bands. Discovery Green 6-10pm. All ages Screen on the Green®: Wizard of Oz Pack a picnic and a blanket to enjoy a family movie under the stars to watch the story about a young farm girl and her little dog who are magically transported into the enchanted land of Oz via a Kansas tornado. Discovery Green 7-10pm. All ages Photography Workshop: symbolic self-portrait Learn how to create meaningful and sym bolic images that express who you are. Bring one or more personal objects from home to photograph. All camera types are suitable for this workshop. Levy Park event pavilion 9-11am. Age: 15+ Working on the Wild Side
Join BBP and Bcycle for What’s Growing On? a nature-focused bike tour through Buffalo Bayou Park. BBP’s conservation team will highlight birding, in conjunc tion with Houston’s Bird Week to include our bat colony at Waugh Drive and egrets, hawks, and herons who make their home along Houston’s historic waterway. Buffalo 6-8:30pm.BayouAll ages. $10/ person Dancing Under The Stars with Fred Astaire Break out your dancing shoes and join us in the Plaza for a night of dancing under the stars. dancing-under-the-stars-3/ Sugarland Town Square 7:30pm. All ages Family produced by ROCO
Did you know that Houston is considered the Art Car Capital with the largest number of art cars of any city? Unique and engaging, the museum will trigger a family debate on which car is the coolest, most colorful or most elaborate. 140 Heights Blvd. Wednesday-Sunday 11am-6pm.
The Galveston Beach Family Challenge Take on the challenge and win prizes at 14 stations including sack race, limbo and so much more. Stewart Beach, Galveston All Age:day8+ to participate, all ages for spectators
Drop-in experience: Pipe Cleaner Portraits
THURSDAY 22 Movie night at the museum: Light from the East After the fall of communism in 1991, young actors from New York travel to Kyiv for the first U.S./Ukrainian cultural exchange theater project in Soviet history. Museum of Fine Arts Houston 6pm. Age: 13+
Come out for an evening of live music and lawn games with friends and family. Located in Heritage Square by Dish Society. La Centerra at Cinco Ranch 6-8pm
Sunday Morning Hikes
FRIDAY 23 What’s Growing On? Bike Tour: Birds on Buffalo Bayou
Texas Children’s Hospital West Campus presents Parachute Play Time with Gymboree Play & Music for a morning of toddler-friendly fun every 3rd Friday. City Centre 10am-Noon.PlazaAge: 0-5 Move night at the museum: Loving Highsmith (September 16-18) The life of Texas-born author Patricia Highsmith (Strangers on a Train) comes to the big screen in this documentary about her quest for love and her trou bled identity. Museum of Fine Arts Houston 7pm. Age: 15+ Move night at the museum: Strangers on a Train (September 17-18) In this acclaimed Alfred Hitchcock thrill er, a chance encounter on a train sets off a deadly chain of events. Museum of Fine Arts Houston 2pm. Age: 15+ Movie Night: Selena Grab your friends and head over to Bag by Park to enjoy the movie Selena! Midtown Park 7-9pm. Age: 16+
The annual festival features cook offs, music, a 5K, a Lil’ Shrimps Parade, and, of course, a LOT of shrimp! Teams lining the Historical Strand District will dish out a sample to festival attendees. Historic Downtown Strand, Galveston 9am-4pm All ages, $12 for an official GumboTasting Cup tasting cup.
Train Rides at Zube Park Ride a miniature diesel train around the park. Zube Park 9am and 1pm. All ages
Pirate ‘n Mermaid Day Land-ho; navigate your way through the museum with your best peg-legs and fancy tails to find the hidden treasure! pirate-n-mermaid-day-3/ Children’s Museum, The Woodlands 10am-2pm. All ages
Come take a stroll with the Lake Houston Naturalist crew every Sunday. Meeting point is at the Nature Center. Lakewww.houstontx.govHoustonWilderness Park All10amages
Third Thursdays at LaCenterra
ArtCar Museum
the big to do OF EVENTS
Bring the family for a unique Afro-Brazil ian martial art that develops discipline, coordination, strength, and rhythm. Instruction is provided by the Brazilian Cultural Institute and is open to families of all sizes and skill levels. Midtown Park 10am. All ages Buffalo Bayou Volunteer Day Get your gloves out to help maintain and revitalize Buffalo Bayou this summer while having fun. No tools necessary. The Water Works. 105 Sabine St., Age:8:30-11:30amHouston.+10Just sign up and complete the required online volunteer waiver
Enjoy a literary experience! Spend the morning with a story followed by a craft that accompanies the reading. All craft supplies are included. Levy 10am.ParkAge: 2-5
The Menil Collection
Join ROCO as its 18th season kicks off with “Family”, part of the Albert and Margaret Alkek Foundation In Concert Series, featuring the full 40-piece cham ber orchestra.\ Miller Outdoor Theatre 8pm. All ages Galveston Island Shrimp Festival
One of Houston’s many reputable museums, the Menil Collection campus allows you to combine art and a family picnic on the spacious green areas that surround the buildings. The Menil WednesdayCollection–Sunday. 11am-7pm All ages
Create a three-dimensional portrait with pipe cleaners inspired by the work in the exhibition, Amoako Boafo: Soul of Black Folks Contemporary Arts Museum 1–4PM every Saturday at the Museum. All ages
Explore HMNS

Celebrate Latin Heritage month Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with a self-guided tour of the exhibitions, hands-on activities, and live music on the plaza with SON BAYOÚ. Contemporary Arts Museum Houston 6-8:30pm. All ages
SATURDAY 24 HEB Movie Night: Plumshuga and Fame! Enjoy a short documentary on Plum shuga, a new play about the first Black lead ballerina in a major U.S. company: Houston’s own Lauren Anderson. Discovery 6:30-7:30pm.GreenAll ages ROCO in concert: Family Join ROCO as its 18th season kicks off with “Family”, part of the Albert and Margaret Alkek Foundation In Concert Series, featuring the full 40-piece cham ber orchestra. Church of St John the Divine 5pm. All ages Movies on the Beach: The Pirates of the Caribbean The Curse of the Black Pearl Grab a lawn chair and a blanket and head down to the beach with family and friends to watch this classic family movie.
Farmers Markets in and around Houston
MONDAY 26 Celebrate Johnny Appleseed
You can find vendors selling fresh produce, jams and jellies, desserts, prepared food, coffee, olive oils and wine. 1245 Heights Blvd. Every first Saturday of the month 8:30am-1pm.
45 | HOUSTON FAMILY MAGAZINE September 2022 September 2022
Find fresh seasonal vegetables from local farms as well as farm fresh eggs, meats, cheese, coffee, honey, pre pared foods and organic products. Grogan’s Mill, Woodlands Saturdays 8am-12pm. 2619 Polk St, Houston Saturdays 6-10pm.
FRIDAY 30 Family Movie Night: Raya and the Last Dragon Bring the entire family for Family Movie Night. Levy 7:30pm.ParkAll ages
TUESDAY 27 Family Storytime & Craft Enjoy a literary experience! Spend the morning with a story followed by a craft that accompanies the reading. All craft supplies are included. Levy 10am.ParkAge: 2-5 Train Rides at Zube Park Ride a miniature diesel train around the park. Zube Park 2pm and 5pm. All ages
Home to local growers, craftsmen, and artisans, this market operates year-round come rain or shine! 205 W. Main St., Tomball Saturdays 9am - 1pm.
Locally grown produce, prepared foods, and edible farm products supporting farmers and producers, from area farms, ranches, bakeries, and local business. comwww.galvestonsownfarmersmarket. The Bryan Museum, Galveston Thursdays 3-6pm, Sundays 9am-1pm.
This farmers market offers fresh pro duce, baked goods, produce, gour met food, artists, live music, cornhole tournaments, and even free yoga!
love apples? Johnny Appleseed
You can find flavorful, fresh foods. Additionally, four times a year the market hosts a large event featuring local breweries, chef demonstrations, and giveaways in an effort to bring together community members and highlight local favorites. 5600 Greenbriar Drive Tuesdays 3:30-6:30pm. Traders Noon-5pm.VillageAll ages Nature visits at the Joe Turner Nature Center Tour the Ecosystem Displays; the Bugs Room; the Reptile and Amphibians Room; and Eye on the Wilderness with lighting and sound effects. Lake Houston Wilderness Park All day, Wednesday-Sunday All ages HMNS at the park: Astronomy telescopes HMNS’s program will give you an oppor tunity to explore the universe through another lens, literally. The Astronomers will set-up a telescope to explain the mechanisms behind the equipment and guide you through identification tech niques. You will enjoy star gazing or solar spotting outside. Levy 2-4pm.ParkAll ages Day you
2nd Annual Charreada The charreada is a festive event that is similar to an American rodeo in its variety of equestrian activities. Like the Ameri can “rodeo culture,” Charrería extends beyond horses and riders to include aspects such as costume, music, and food that bring a uniquely Latino culture to a sport that has its roots in Spain.
One of the oldest and largest farmers markets in Houston. Stop by the covered tents for over 60 vendors carrying produce, seafood, meats, and everything in between. Richmond Ave. Saturdays 8am-noon.
THURSDAY 29 Annual Woodlands Family YMCA Dragon Boat Team Challenge Cheer on the teams as they paddle their hearts out during this 4-day event from September 29-October 2. Northshore Park in The Woodlands 8am – Noon or 2:00 – 6:00pm. All ages, free for spectators
The market offers a vast array of produce and food products that were grown or produced within a 200 mile radius of Fulshear. SaturdaysFulshear 9am-1pm.
trekked barefoot across the country planting apple trees and created hun dreds of thousands of unique apple trees that led to apple varieties still produced today. Celebrate with apple-themed books, crafts, games and by planting seeds. day/ Arboretum and Botanic Gardens 4 All-6pmages
Pick up some ready-to-eat or pack aged-to-go foods from Houston local farmers, then take a stroll through the streets of downtown Houston. Hermann WednesdaysSquare.1:30pm.
Shopping locally grown food is a family favorite activity. These farmers markets have plenty to bring to the table.
You’ll find fresh produce and hand made items at First Congregational Church near I-10 and Voss. The good news it’s situated in a fairly shaded area with lots of room to walk, for the kids to run, and escape the heat. 10840 Beinhorn Road Saturdays 9am-1pm. East 8:30pm.BeachAll ages
WEDNESDAY 28 Simulator Bay Flight simulators allow you to experience the adventures of flight in a whole new way every Saturday and Sunday. Lone Star Flight Museum Saturday: 11am-3pm, Sunday: noon-3pm Age: +10, free with admission
JENNIFER CHAN IS NOT ALONE by Keller Sometimes middle school can make you feel like you're totally alone in the universe...but what if we aren't alone at all? Thanks to her best friend, Reagan, Mallory Moss knows the rules of middle school. The most important one? You have to fit in to survive. But then Jennifer Chan moves in across the street, and that rule doesn't seem to apply. Jennifer doesn't care about the laws of middle school, or the laws of the universe. She believes in aliens--and she thinks she can find them.
BEFORE THE EVER AFTER by Jacquline Woodson
By Valerie Kohler, Blue Willow Bookshop
LION IS NERVOUS by Sue Graves The class field trip is coming up, and Lion worries about the weather, the rides, and everything else--and his anxiety makes him clumsy which causes his friends to worry about him.
Did you know that crayons have feelings too? Sometimes they are happy and sometimes they feel downright blue. A fun board book to help young readers understand and express their feelings.
We're all in the same boat, both literally and metaphorically, in this playful look at how we can work together for the common good. The animals in this boat discover that working together gets them much further and is more fun than trying to go their separate ways.
LIARS OF MARIPOSA ISLAND by Jennifer Mathieu Joaquin Finney can't imagine why anyone would want to come to Mariposa Island. He just graduated from high school and dreams about going to California to find his father and escape his mother's .Thismanipulation.multilayered novel explores the nature of secrets, lies, and fierce, destructive love.
I AM PEACE by Susan Verde
For as long as ZJ can remember, his dad has been everyone's hero. As ZJ contemplates his new reality, he has to figure out how to hold on tight to family traditions and recollections of the glory days, all the while wondering what their past amounts to if his father can't remember it. And most importantly, can those happy feelings ever be reclaimed when they are all so busy aching for the past?
A gentle expression of mindfulness for the youngest readers, encouraging children to breathe, taste, smell, and be present in the here and now. WE'RE ALL IN THE SAME BOAT by Barney Saltzberg

Unwrap the joy of the season at Gaylord Texan with endless hours of holiday entertainment and activities for the whole family to enjoy together. NOV. 11 - JAN. 1

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