Leading Medicine Fall 2022, Houston Methodist Willowbrook Hospital edition

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LEADING MEDICINE FALL 2022 Creating Your Birth Plan Protect Your Heart: Living with Valve Disease Choosing a CANCER CARE TEAM 4 Things to Consider Before Starting Your Search YOUR LINK TO HEALTH INNOVATIONS, NEWS AND TIPS IN NORTHWEST HOUSTON


a specialist who can help make sure you recover the right way,” said Dr. Nickolas Boutris, an orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine specialist at Houston Methodist Orthopedics & Sports Medicine at Willowbrook.

Willowbrook and Towne Lake to quickly evaluate and treat your injury. Our boardcertified physicians offer world-class orthopedic and sports medicine care on a wide range of orthopedic injuries, including:

Injuries are bound to happen whether you’re competing in sports, exercising, moving furniture or simply stepping down from a curb. When you suffer an injury, it’s hard to know what to do next. Should you just walk it off, hope to get an appointment with a doctor the next day, go to an urgent care clinic the same day or head to the ER immediately? You may feel compelled to push through the pain but continuing to move the injured area could lead to further damage and a longer recovery time.

“It can be hard to judge the severity of an injury yourself, so it’s always a good idea to have injuries looked at by

There are some signs that indicate you should seek medical help right away, including:

■ Any deformity of the limb

■ Inability to bear weight

■ Persistent joint pain

■ Significant swelling with inability to move fingers or toes

■ Weakness when moving a limb or muscle

It’s important to seek an evaluation and treatment as soon as possible if you notice any of these signs. The specialists at Houston Methodist Orthopedic Injury Clinics offer same-day treatment at

■ Acute orthopedic injuries

■ Fractures and broken bones

■ Injured tendons

■ Dislocations

■ Painful or swollen joints

■ Sports injuries

■ Sprains and strains

■ Torn ligaments

“Whether you’re a student-athlete, weekend warrior or elite-level professional athlete, we know how important it is to get you moving again,” said Boutris. “Seeing a specialist as soon as you’re injured can be a gamechanger in your recovery.” •


Same-Day Care for Any Injury

The next time an injury slows you down, don’t wait. Whether it’s a sprained ankle from yardwork or a dislocated shoulder from exercising, anyone is welcome to stop by for quick and convenient same-day care at any of our Houston Methodist Orthopedic Injury Clinics.

Service is available Monday through Friday at Willowbrook, Towne Lake and The Farm League.

Visit houstonmethodist.org/osm-injury-wb or call 281.737.6824 to get started.

Now Open Saturdays During Fall for Student-Athletes

With school sports picking up during the fall, Houston Methodist Orthopedics & Sports Medicine at Willowbrook is offering convenient Saturday sports injury clinics specifically for student-athletes. Those at the junior high, high school and college levels can get back in the game faster, with doctor evaluations and X-rays or other imaging services.

Saturdays Aug. 20 - Nov. 12 8-10:30 a.m.

13802 Centerfield Dr., Suite 300 Houston, TX 77070 281.737.0999 houstonmethodist.org/athlete

No appointment necessary. All student-athletes welcome. Masks are required.

Bring your school medical form from your athletic trainer or coach and all applicable insurance information.

Chronic conditions, spine injuries, motor vehicle accidents and workers’ compensation injuries are not treated at the injury clinic. Please call 281.737.0999 to schedule an appointment the

appropriate physician for those conditions.


Every 40 seconds someone has a stroke — making it the leading cause of disability in the U.S. The chances of recovery from stroke are much greater when treatment begins quickly, so it’s important to recognize the signs and act fast.

“When it comes to stroke, every second that passes increases the risk of significant brain damage and permanent disability,” said Dr. Kasey Gildersleeve, a vascular neurologist at Houston Methodist Willowbrook Hospital. A stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is disrupted due to a blocked or burst blood vessel. When this happens, brain cells begin to die due to a lack of oxygen.


During a stroke, oxygen loss in the brain affects sensation, motor activity, vision, speech and memory. Paralysis or weakness on one side of the face or body is common, as is a sudden severe headache. An easy way to remember what to look for is the acronym BE FAST, which stands for balance, eyes, face, arms, speech and time. This quick and simple check of vital functions can help you spot the warning signs. If you suspect stroke, call 911 immediately.


“Anyone can have a stroke, but there are factors, such as age, race, untreated medical conditions, lifestyle choices or a family history that increase your risk,” Gildersleeve explained.

While some things are beyond your control, certain health conditions that increase your stroke risk can be managed

with the help of your doctor, including atrial fibrillation (an irregular heartbeat), diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol. “Lifestyle changes like quitting smoking, eating a healthy diet and losing excess weight can all reduce your stroke risk,” Gildersleeve noted.

While stroke is more common in older people, it’s important to remember that stroke can occur at any age. In fact, an

estimated 10% of strokes occur in people under 50. Smoking, alcohol use, illicit drug use and other lifestyle factors are commonly responsible for stroke in younger adults. “A lot of people ignore the warning signs of stroke because they think they are too young,” Gildersleeve said. “When in reality, it’s important for all adults to talk to their doctor about their stroke risk.”




Does the person seem dizzy?

Ask if there is a sudden loss of balance.


Is there difficulty seeing clearly?

Ask if there are sudden changes in vision.


Does the face look uneven? Ask the person to smile.

ARMS Does one arm drift down? Ask the person to raise both arms.



Does the person sound strange? Ask the person to repeat a simple phrase. TIME If you observe any of these signs, it’s time to call 911 and to be taken to the nearest emergency room.

Find Out If You're at Risk for Stroke

When it comes to stroke, having an experienced team with access to advanced imaging tools and the latest treatment is important. Houston Methodist Willowbrook Hospital offers the highest level of stroke care and highly trained experts who are ready to begin treatment within minutes for even the most complex cases. Visit houstonmethodist.org/ neuro-wb to learn more or call 281.737.1167 to schedule an appointment with a specialist to discuss your risk factors.

Dr. Kasey Gildersleeve


Hearing the news that you or a family member have cancer can take your breath away. Your thoughts and emotions start to race. Deciding what to do next feels impossible.

“As a comprehensive health system, we have cardiologists and other specialists available at a moment’s notice.”

Your cancer team may include additional services to address other needs that arise during treatment. Look for a provider that offers these support services:

■ Nurse navigators

■ Physical, occupational or speech therapy

■ Registered dietitians

Finding the right provider and treatment plan is a highly personal decision for you and your family. Many people feel an urgency to get started with treatment right away. However, experts say it’s a good idea to take a couple days to understand your diagnosis before making any decisions. But where do you start?

Once you know the type of cancer you have and the stage, you can begin your search for a care team. Referrals from your primary care physician, family or friends are often good places to begin. For many people, online research is helpful.

Dr. Fadi Abu-Shahin, a board-certified hematologist-oncologist at Houston Methodist Neal Cancer Center at Willowbrook, offers advice for people just starting on their cancer journey. Here are just a few things to look for when choosing a cancer team.


When it comes to medical care, we all want to be treated like an individual, not a condition or disease. In cancer care, this is especially important. “A holistic approach to cancer treatment looks at the whole person,” Abu-Shahin said. “This means we consider everything about you when creating your treatment plan, such as your medical history and family and work responsibilities. It’s truly a patient-centered approach.”


Effective cancer treatment takes a team of experts working together, including hematologist-oncologists, radiation oncologists, surgeons, nurses and many other specialists. Having all these specialists collaborating under one roof creates a comprehensive approach that ensures no stone is left unturned. “For the patient, this creates a seamless experience,” Abu-Shahin said.

Certain health conditions can be affected by cancer treatment, such as arthritis, neuropathy (nerve damage or dysfunction), diabetes or some cardiac conditions. For example, a patient who is on blood thinners may be unable to have cancer surgery. “Involving specialists in treatment planning can be vitally important, especially for people with chronic health conditions,” Abu-Shahin explained.

■ Financial navigators and social work

■ Integrative medicine (acupuncture or massage)

■ Fertility preservation


People with the same kind of cancer may respond differently to the same treatment. That’s because everyone’s cancer is unique. “Every cancer has its own unique fingerprint, which influences how it grows and spreads,” explained Abu-Shahin. “At Houston Methodist, we use tissue typing and molecular therapy to create treatment plans that are highly targeted for both the individual and their specific cancer.”

If surgery is part of your treatment plan, look for a surgeon and hospital that offer minimally invasive surgical techniques to reduce complications and speed recovery. Image-guided therapy uses 3D (or higher) imaging that allows surgeons to plan the best surgical approach in virtual reality before or during surgery.


There are many different treatment options for people with cancer, including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy and advanced surgical procedures.

“Although these are time-tested options, sometimes they are not what the patient wants,” Abu-Shahin noted. “Clinical trials offer another option to consider.”

Clinical trials are an important part of advancing cancer care. They allow researchers to develop new approaches to treating cancer, which means more options for patients. Clinical trials are especially valuable for people with rare or aggressive types of cancer. Houston Methodist is the only health system offering FDA-approved clinical trials at multiple locations across the Greater Houston area.

Most importantly, experts say you should trust your cancer team and feel like an equal partner in all the decisions about your care. And don’t hesitate to get a second opinion, especially if you are contemplating which treatment path to take.



World Class Cancer Treatment Close to Home

Visit houstonmethodist.org/ or call 281.737.2500 learn more about Houston Methodist Neal Cancer Center at Willowbrook and our approach to cancer treatment. With oncologists in Willowbrook, Towne Lake and coming soon to Tomball, you don’t have to travel far for exceptional care.

An important part of your cancer team, oncology nurse navigators are registered nurses who specialize in cancer care. During treatment you will have many appointments with your cancer team. Nurse navigators can help coordinate your appointments so you can schedule multiple services on the same day at the same location. This can help you maximize your time away from work or family. Nurse navigators can also:
Answer general questions about your treatment options. ■ Coordinate communication with your health care team. ■ Direct you to health care services for further diagnosis and treatment.
Direct you to local resources and support. ■ Provide family support. Visit houstonmethodist.org/cancer-wb to learn more.


Every day, your good health depends on your heart’s four valves opening and closing successfully about 100,000 times.

A narrowing or stiffening of a heart valve can make it harder for your heart to pump blood throughout the body. Having a leaky valve that doesn’t open and close properly can cause a backward flow of blood called regurgitation. As these problems worsen, the heart must work harder. For some people, valve repair or replacement surgery is needed to restore function.

“Infection, genetics, age and cardiovascular history can all lead to heart valve disease, while others are born with it,” explained Dr. Clifford Kitten, a cardiovascular surgeon at Houston Methodist DeBakey Heart & Vascular Center at Willowbrook.


Valve disease can increase your risk of heart failure. Fortunately, working with your doctor to manage your condition can help you feel better and protect your heart. Here are some key steps to take:

■ Take steps to avoid infection. Preventing infection is essential, especially for patients who have had valve replacement. Tell your doctor and dentist that you have valve disease, and take antibiotics before any dental procedures, surgeries or invasive tests if recommended. Also, be vigilant about taking care of your teeth and gums to prevent infection.

Keep Your Heart Strong

The cardiologists at the Houston Methodist DeBakey Heart & Vascular Center at Willowbrook can help treat and manage your valve disease. Together you can review the actions you can take to reduce complications and live your best life. Visit houstonmethodist.org/debakey/willowbrook or call 713.DEBAKEY to schedule an appointment with a cardiologist today.

■ Watch for signs of infection. See your doctor right away if you have any signs of an infection, especially if you have a fever, increased heart rate, fatigue, body aches, a persistent cough or swelling in the feet, legs or abdomen.

■ Take your medications as directed. Your doctor may prescribe medication to treat your valve disease or manage symptoms.

■ Consider surgery. Your doctor may recommend surgery to fix a valve problem. Surgical options vary based on the type of problem. A specialist can help you review your options.

It’s important to work with a cardiologist to monitor the health and function of your valve, even after valve replacement or repair. “Heart valve disease is a chronic condition that requires a lifetime of monitoring,” Kitten said. “You will need follow-up care and testing to ensure everything is functioning properly.” •


The transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) procedure offers a minimally invasive method of valve replacement for patients with aortic stenosis.

Aortic stenosis is the narrowing of the arotic valve. While mild cases don’t usually require immediate treatment, severe aortic stenosis can be life-threatening. An alternative to open-heart surgery, TAVI uses a tiny catheter to deliver a new aortic valve through a small incision in the groin. This less-invasive approach offers quicker recovery times, shorter hospital stays and

improved safety. It’s a great option for patients who are unable to undergo the stress and recovery time associated with open-heart surgery.

“For most people, this procedure is life changing,” said Dr. Devang Parikh, a structural cardiologist at Houston Methodist DeBakey Heart & Vascular Center at Willowbrook. “It offers an option for patients who, just 20 years ago, may not have been a candidate for surgery or who are worried about how the surgery can impact their quality of life.”

Dr. Clifford Kitten Dr. Devang Parikh


Giving birth can be one of most anticipated days of your life. Choosing the right provider and a little preparation ahead of time will help you have the childbirth experience you are looking for.


One of the first decisions to make in your pregnancy is choosing your provider and where you will deliver. While most women are familiar with obstetrician-gynecologists, many are not as familiar with the role of a certified-nurse midwife — advance practice nurses who are trained in childbirth and women’s health.

“Midwives are whole-woman focused and offer family-centered care,” said Jennifer Thorpe-McCovery, a certified nurse-midwife at Houston Methodist Willowbrook Hospital. “We work in collaboration with obstetriciangynecologists in a hospital setting to help you create the childbirth experience you envision.”

Whether you decide to use a doctor or a certified nurse-midwife, a birth plan outlines your decisions for your care team to follow when the time comes.


A birth plan is exactly what it sounds like — an outline of your preferences during labor and delivery. It can include everything from your medication wishes to music choices.

To get started, write down your thoughts, ideas and questions, and bring it to your monthly checkups to discuss with your obstetrician-gynecologist or midwife as your due date gets closer. Common questions to consider include:

■ Where should you go for childbirth classes?

■ Who do you want in the room during labor and delivery?

■ Do you want to be offered pain medication or do you prefer to ask for it?

■ Is delayed cord clamping important to your birth experience?

■ Is skin-to-skin contact after delivery a priority for you?

■ What information will be shared with waiting visitors during labor and after the birth?

■ Do you have any requests if a c-section is necessary?

“Putting a plan on paper in advance keeps you from being overwhelmed when the time comes,” Thorpe-McCovery pointed out. “We want women to feel empowered going into the birth experience.”

l• Queen-sized beds


When it comes to childbirth, some women prefer a comfortable home-like environment rather than a traditional labor and delivery hospital room. The new low-intervention birthing suites at Houston Methodist Willowbrook Hospital offer a personalized childbirth experience with the safety net of a full-service hospital.

“Our suites offer women with low-risk pregnancies a home-like birth experience without forgoing the capabilities of modern medicine,” said Lindsey Smith, a certified nurse-midwife at Houston Methodist Willowbrook.

“Our midwives are trained to administer medication if wanted, and surgical or medical care is immediately available if needed.”

These suites provide a long list of amenities, including:

■ Large hydrotherapy bathtubs

■ Queen-sized beds

■ Walk-in showers

■ Wireless medical monitoring

■ Aromatherapy with essential oils

Medical equipment is neatly tucked away, but is available the moment it’s needed. In addition, the hospital offers several pain management strategies, including nitrous oxide (commonly called laughing gas) as a low-dose alternative to help with pain relief and relaxation.

There is no extra cost, and each suite is available on a first-come-first-served basis. Talk to your obstetriciangynecologist or midwife to find out if low-intervention birth suites are a good option for you.

Houston Methodist Willowbrook offers customized birthing experiences designed around you. To learn more about our Childbirth Center, visit houstonmethodist.org/ childbirth-wb or call 281.737.2500 Care

Jennifer ThorpeMcCovery, CNM Lindsey Smith, CNM
Personalized Pregnancy

Early Detection Starts With Your ANNUAL MAMMOGRAM

Advanced Breast Screenings to

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Home At Houston Methodist Breast Care Centers in Northwest Houston, our specialists review your mammogram history and track results over time — detecting changes earlier. That’s why getting your mammogram starting at age 40 — or earlier, if you have a family history — is so important. Our Breast Care Center offers: • The latest 3D mammogram technology • Board-certified breast imaging radiologists • Acceptance of most major insurance plans Your health and safety are our priority. We are taking every necessary precaution to keep you safe. BARKER CYPRESS RD. Towne Lake* Willowbrook 249TELGE RD. PERRY RD.JONES RD. GRANT RD. 1960 CYPRESS N. HOUSTON RD 99 WALLER-TOM BALL RD Tomball* (coming early 2023) Scan the QR code, visit houstonmethodist.org/breast-care or call: Towne Lake 281.737.1832 Willowbrook 281.737.PINK (7465) We do not require a doctor’s order for your annual screening mammogram. *Towne Lake and Tomball offer screening mammograms only.

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