Leading Medicine Fall 2022, Houston Methodist The Woodlands Hospital edition

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LEADING MEDICINE FALL 2022 Keep Back Pain at Bay How to Protect Your Heart Against Heart Failure Choosing a CANCER CARE TEAM 4 Things to Consider Before Starting Your Search YOUR LINK TO HEALTH INNOVATIONS, NEWS AND TIPS IN THE WOODLANDS AND MONTGOMERY COUNTY


Crushing chest pain that radiates down the left arm, shortness of breath, sweating and anxiety. These are the hallmark symptoms of a heart attack — signs that most people can identify.

But what about heart failure? With a slower onset, this less familiar, yet common, cardiovascular condition affects about 5 million Americans and factors into 300,000 deaths every year, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.


The heart is a pump made of muscles and arteries. It pushes blood into the lungs where it’s filled with oxygen, and then circulates oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. In heart failure, the heart can’t pump as well as it should, causing blood and fluid to pool in the lungs and tissues. Over time, symptoms develop, which include:

■ Abdominal swelling or discomfort

■ Fatigue

■ Frequent hacking cough

■ R apid weight gain

■ Shortness of breath (especially when working hard or lying down)

■ Swelling in the feet and ankles

■ Trouble sleeping


“Many diseases can cause heart failure, but the most common cause is uncontrolled high blood pressure,” said Dr. Sapna Legha, a cardiologist at Houston Methodist DeBakey Heart & Vascular Associates at The Woodlands.

High blood pressure, or hypertension, occurs when blood vessels constrict or are built up with plaque caused by

cholesterol. With less room for blood to flow, pressure inside the vessels increases. The heart must work harder to move blood throughout the body, causing the heart muscles to grow and stiffen. This eventually leads to heart failure.

A weakened heart can also be caused by other conditions, such as trauma to the muscle from a heart attack, or a viral infection, coronary artery disease, kidney problems, smoking and diabetes. Additionally, obesity contributes to heart failure.


Once a diagnosis of heart failure is made — through ultrasounds and X-rays of the heart and lungs and other tests — the patient has numerous treatment avenues. Medications can increase the heart’s pumping ability, reduce fluid retention and control blood pressure.

“But drugs alone are not enough,” Legha said. “Heart failure patients must stop smoking and follow a healthy diet that limits salt and fat.” Patients should take all prescribed medications, control blood pressure, and notify their health care providers of changes in body weight or increased shortness of breath. Heart failure is a chronic condition, but with proper maintenance, it can be managed.

Diagnosed With Heart Failure?

To learn more about your diagnosis and treatment options available, request an appointment with a specialist at the Houston Methodist DeBakey Heart & Vascular Center. Visit houstonmethodist.org/ debakey/woodlands or call at 936.270.3933 .

Dr. Sapna Legha you know how to protect against heart failure?


Staying up to date with your annual breast cancer screening is easier than ever

You know you should get one, but you keep putting it off. Or maybe you got one once and just haven’t been back. Experts recommend annual mammograms starting at age 40. If you have a family history of breast cancer, your doctor may recommend you begin earlier.

up your annual mammogram screenings and clinical breast exams by your health care provider. “It’s important for women to understand that breast cancer can occur at any age, but risk increases with age,” Black said. “We save the most lives in postmenopausal women.”


“Annual mammograms are an important tool in the fight against breast cancer,” said Dr. Dalliah Black, a breast surgical oncologist at Houston Methodist The Woodlands Hospital. “Early detection saves lives.”

Monthly self-exams are just as important. If you notice breast changes or a lump, you should see your doctor as soon as possible.

The key to finding cancer early is to keep

■ About 200,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year.

■ For every 1,000 women screened, five are diagnosed with breast cancer.

■ Since 1990, mammography has helped reduce breast cancer deaths by one third.


So now you understand the importance of yearly mammograms. But what’s equally important is where you have your

Schedule Your Mammogram Online

Schedule your mammogram today at the Houston Methodist Breast Care Center at The Woodlands. With online scheduling, it’s easier than ever to make an appointment for your annual mammogram screening. Simply go to houstonmethodist.org/breastcare-woodlands and select “Schedule Mammogram,” or call 936.270.3600

mammogram. The Houston Methodist Breast Care Center at The Woodlands is staffed by fellowship-trained breast radiologists and is a leading breast imaging facility in Montgomery County and the north Houston region.

Our Breast Care Center offers:

■ 3D mammograms (breast tomosynthesis)

■ Di agnostic breast ultrasound

■ Breast MRI

■ MRI-guided biopsy

■ Ultrasound biopsy

■ Stereotactic biopsy

“If you receive an abnormal mammogram result, try to stay optimistic,” Black encouraged. “The majority of abnormalities are benign. If you do receive a diagnosis of early breast cancer, treatments have improved with less impact on our daily lives.” •



Hearing the news that you or a family member have cancer can take your breath away. Your thoughts and emotions start to race. Deciding what to do next feels impossible.

ensure the patient’s safety,” Ramshesh explained.

Your cancer team may include additional services to address other needs that arise during treatment. Look for a provider that offers these support services to complement your cancer care:

Finding the right provider and treatment plan is a highly personal decision for you and your family. Many people feel an urgency to get started with treatment right away. However, experts say it’s a good idea to take a couple days to understand your diagnosis before making any decisions. But where do you start?

Once you know the type of cancer you have and the stage, you can begin your search for a care team. Referrals from your primary care physician, family or friends are often good places to begin. For many people, online research is helpful.

Finding the right hospital and team of specialists can make a big difference in the type of care you receive. And knowing what to look for can help you make the right decision. Dr. Priya Ramshesh, a board-certified hematologist-oncologist at Houston Methodist Neal Cancer Center at The Woodlands, offers advice for people just starting on their cancer journey. Here are just a few things to look for.


When it comes to medical care, we all want to be treated like an individual, not a condition or disease. In cancer care, this is especially important. “A patient-centric, holistic approach to cancer treatment takes into account the whole person,” Ramshesh said. “At Houston Methodist, we not only look at your diagnosis, but consider everything that makes you who you are when designing your treatment plan. This includes your medical history, your family, your job, your responsibilities and the activities you love.”


Effective cancer treatment takes a team of experts working together, including hematologist-oncologists, radiation oncologists, surgeons, imaging specialists, nurses, pharmacists and many other specialists.

“Having all these specialists collaborating under one roof creates a comprehensive approach that ensures no stone is left unturned. It creates a seamless experience,” Ramshesh said.

Certain health conditions can be affected by cancer treatment, such as arthritis, neuropathy (nerve damage or dysfunction), diabetes or some cardiac conditions. “For example, a patient who is on blood thinners for vessel disease may be unable to have cancer surgery. Because Houston Methodist is a comprehensive health system, we are able to invite a cardiologist to join the cancer team to

■ Nurse navigators (see side bar)

■ Physical, occupational or speech therapy

■ Registered dietitians

■ Financial navigators and social work

■ Integrative medicine (acupuncture or massage)

■ Fertility preservation

“Cancer treatment has a profound effect on the body, mind and spirit,” Ramshesh said. “Having these vital support services available are an important part of our patient-centered approach to care.”


People with the same kind of cancer may respond differently to the same treatment. That’s because everyone’s cancer is one-of-a-kind. “Every cancer has its own unique fingerprint, which influences how it grows and spreads,” Ramshesh explained. “At Houston Methodist, we use tissue typing and molecular therapy to create treatment plans that are highly targeted for both the individual and their specific cancer.”

If surgery is part of your treatment plan, look for a surgeon and hospital that offers minimally invasive surgical techniques to reduce complications and speed recovery. Image-guided therapy uses 3D (or higher) imaging that allows surgeons to plan the best surgical approach in virtual reality before or during surgery.


There are many different treatment options for people with cancer, including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy and advanced surgical procedures.

“These are all well-established options, but they aren’t always what the patient wants,” Ramshesh noted. Additionally, some people with rare or aggressive cancers may find that they don’t respond as well as hoped to traditional treatments.

This is where clinical trials come in. “Clinical trials are an important part of advancing cancer care,” Ramshesh explained. “They allow us to develop new approaches to treating cancer, which means more options for the patient.” Houston Methodist is the only health system offering FDA-approved clinical trials at multiple locations across the Greater Houston area.

“Most importantly, you should trust your cancer team and feel like an equal partner in all the decisions about your care,” Ramshesh said. “And don’t hesitate to get a second opinion, especially if you are contemplating which treatment path to take.”



Oncology nurse navigators are registered nurses who specialize in cancer care. They support you at every step of your cancer journey, from diagnosis to survivorship.

Cancer care means you will have many appointments with your team. Nurse navigators can help coordinate your appointments so you can schedule multiple services on the same day at the same location. This helps you maximize your time away from work or family.

World Class Cancer Treatment Close to

Visit houstonmethodist.org/ cancer-woodlands to learn more about Houston Methodist Neal Cancer Center at The Woodlands and our approach to cancer treatment. With seven locations throughout the Greater Houston area, you don’t have to travel far for exceptional care.

Nurse navigators can also:

■ Answer general questions about your treatment options.

■ Coordinate communication with your health care team.

■ Direct you to health care services for further diagnosis and treatment.

■ Direct you to local resources and support.

■ Provide family support.

Visit houstonmethodist.org/oncology-nurse-navigator to learn more.


Keep BackPain at Bay

Your back is like a hardworking machine. It gives strength to your movements and supports most of your weight. With all this work to do, it’s no wonder the back is prone to injury and strain. Four out of five adults will experience at least one episode of back pain in their lifetimes.


“Back pain is experienced by both the young and old, but the risk of developing it increases with age,” said Dr. Cyril Sebastian, a neurosurgeon at Houston Methodist The Woodlands Hospital. “Back ailments can stem from a variety of sources, including heavy lifting, improper sports or exercise techniques, sitting hunched over a desk or being overweight.”

The most common causes of back pain are overuse or injury. Other causes include:

■ Aging

■ Arthritis, inflammation of the joints

■ Congenital spinal anomalies

■ Fractures

■ Herniated disk

■ Muscle strains or spasms

■ Obesity

■ Osteoporosis (weak and brittle bones)

■ Pinched nerve

■ Poor posture

Conditions, such as scoliosis or spinal tumors, also contribute to back pain. Depending on the source of your back problem, you may experience acute pain (lasting no longer than a few weeks) or chronic pain (lasting for months or years). Whether your pain is intense or a slight throbbing, it’s important to seek a treatment option that’s right for you.


Minor back ailments, primarily those associated with strains or spasms, can be successfully treated at home with combination of hot and cold compresses, rest and anti-inflammatory medications.

“Although you may be tempted to spend a few days in bed recuperating, this isn’t the best solution,” Sebastian said. “To help maintain back strength and movement, try to keep up with your regular activities.”

If your pain is severe or disabling, a spine specialist can perform an exam to determine the source of the discomfort and prescribe a treatment plan that may include physical therapy, injections or surgery to relieve pain. The main goal of treatment is to help you live a pain-free life. •


1. Watch your weight. A few extra pounds can cause added stress on your back and muscles. Losing weight in a healthy manner can help keep back pain at bay.

2. Stay active. Exercising regularly is the best way to keep your back in working order. Strong, toned muscles provide proper cushioning for everyday movements.

3. Put out the cigarettes. Smokers may have more difficulty recovering from a back ailment because their oxygen levels are reduced.

4. Be aware of how you sit and move. Your mother may have told you to “stand up straight.” Her advice was true. Good posture, whether sitting, standing or lifting, keeps your back in alignment.

Find Relief From Back Pain

Do you have back pain that lingers despite rest and home remedies? It may be time to see a spine specialist. At Houston Methodist, our board-certified spine experts work together to provide comprehensive, personalized care, designed to help you return to daily activities. To find a Houston Methodist spine specialist in The Woodlands, visit houstonmethodist.org/ spine-doctors-woodlands or call 936.270.3905



You don’t have to be a major league pitcher to experience shoulder pain. It’s the third most common musculoskeletal complaint, after lower back and neck pain. Repetitive stress, overuse, injury and deterioration of the joint due to age or orthopedic conditions are major causes.

“When experiencing shoulder pain, it’s important to seek treatment as soon as you notice the problem,” said Dr. Marc Labbé, an orthopedic surgeon at Houston Methodist The Woodlands Hospital. “Failure to do so could lead to even more issues as your injury gets worse.”


The shoulder joint is comprised of bones, muscles, tendons, bursa (a fluid-filled sac between two of the bones in the shoulder) and a vast network of nerves. A group of muscles and tendons known as the rotator cuff keeps the shoulder joint stable. There are many conditions that cause shoulder pain, including osteoarthritis, bursitis, frozen shoulder, tendonitis and rotator cuff injuries.


Over time, repetitive stress, trauma and age-related wear and tear weaken the soft tissue surrounding the shoulder joint, creating inflammation and in some cases, partial or complete tears of the muscles or ligaments.

R otator cuff injuries are common and increase as we age, especially after 40. These injuries may occur earlier in people who have jobs that require repetitive overhead motions, such as painters or mechanics. “People with rotator cuff issues commonly complain of a dull ache in their upper arm and shoulder during activity,” Labbé said. Weakness and night-time pain may also be symptoms of rotator cuff injury.


A thorough physical exam to assess range of motion and muscle strength, along with a review of a patient’s health history, will help identify the problem. X-rays and MRIs can look for bone spurs and evaluate the soft tissues.

Many shoulder conditions can be treated at home with rest, ice or heat and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen. Physical therapy (PT) can help fix poor posture and strengthen

supporting muscles. When shoulder pain persists despite home remedies and PT, a steroid injection or surgery may be recommended.


Minimally invasive arthroscopic shoulder surgery is a good option for many shoulder conditions. Arthroscopic surgery is performed using a keyhole-sized incision near the shoulder. Surgeons insert a tiny camera to see inside your shoulder and use miniature instruments to repair the damaged area. Smaller incisions reduce recovery time and helps you return to normal activity sooner. •

Put an End to Shoulder Pain

If shoulder pain is keeping you up at night — don’t suffer in silence. An orthopedic specialist can identify the cause of your pain and help design a treatment plan. To make an appointment at Houston Methodist Orthopedics & Sports Medicine at The Woodlands call 936.321.8000


Many types of shoulder pain can be effectively treated with physical therapy alone, eliminating the need for surgery or other invasive procedures. In addition to pain relief, PT strengthens muscles to reduce the strain on your joints.

Our highly experienced team works together to evaluate your needs and deliver a treatment plan that’s right for you. Through exercise, education, the latest equipment and a tailored treatment plan, our goal is to reduce your pain and get you back to doing the things you love.

Houston Methodist Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation in Conroe, Kingwood and The Woodlands offer the full range of physical therapy treatment options. To schedule an appointment, call 936.270.3520.

Dr. Marc Labbé

Early Detection Starts With Your ANNUAL MAMMOGRAM Methodist Fannin

Advanced Breast Screenings Close to Home

At Houston Methodist Breast Care Center at The Woodlands, our specialists review your mammogram history and track results over time — detecting changes earlier. That’s why getting your mammogram starting at age 40 — or earlier, if you have a family history — is so important.

Our Breast Care Center offers:

• The latest 3D mammogram technology Board-certified breast imaging radiologists

• Acceptance of most major insurance plans

Your health and safety are our priority. We are taking every necessary precaution to keep you safe. Woodlands

Scan the QR code, visit houstonmethodist.org/breast-care or call 936.270.3600 to schedule your mammogram today.

We do not require a doctor’s order for your annual screening mammogram.

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