Freedom Rock Arrival Preparations
Song of the Week: Freedom of Speech– John Mellencamp ************* What a source of pride for Howe to be the first in Texas to have such a beautiful monument dedicated to the veterans who protect the freedoms we enjoy in this country! ************* Speaking of freedoms in the good ol’ U.S. of A, did y’all hear about how threatening the freedom of the press turned out for that small town Police Chief in Kansas last week? How embarrassing to not only have the loss of your job in a national spotlight but also be known and hated country wide for trying to use corrupt tactics to destroy American freedoms. It’s good to know even the smallest towns still matter to the Ameri- Keep Howe Beautiful President- Donna Wormsbaker (left) and Executive Director– Diana Inurria (right), photo provided by KHB can justice system and completed rocks in all Last weekend, preparalovers of freedom. counties in Iowa, and has tion began for the Freeplans to complete one in dom Rock project of************ Oklahoma and one in fered by the local Keep Favorite Quote of the Colorado, all to honor Howe Beautiful organiWeek: veterans. The Freedom zation. Members met at Memorial Park Saturday Rock in Howe will be “If you acknowledge the very first Freedom morning to cut and pick evil, you have to fight it. Rock in the entire state of That is why most people up tree branches, clean Texas. out flower beds, power choose to deny it– it’s wash, and more. The more comfortable”HoweEnterprise.com PragerU Twitter account rock, weighing at least 30 The process to bring this monument to Howe, tons, will be delivered Monday, October 2, 2023 Volume 61, Edition 21 Texas, has taken 3 years this Wednesday on a ************ semi-truck and requires a of dedicated planning by Keep Howe Beautiful. crane to lift from the EDITOR’S NOTE—This column is reserved as an editorial column truck to its future home at The project has amountand may not necessarily reflect Memorial Park at 401 N. ed to a cost of at least the policy of this publication. Denny St. in Howe. The $30,000, all of which has been raised with the help Last week, several citirock and crane were doINSIDE of many contributors. nated, in addition to zens took to social media City Council, City Update pg. 3 The community donated to express their disconmany other parts of this Yard of the Month pg. 5 HS Sports Update pg. 6 project arranged to honor to the project through a tent about the “yellow City of Howe Spotlight, pg. 7 spaghetti dinner and aucGrayson County Veterwater” in Howe. Some Ask Miss Adeline, Recipes, pg. 8 tion, car show, and barbe- citizens complained that ans. Cross Country, pg. 9 Farmers Almanac, pg. 9 cue. Additionally, three the water stains their Local Business Info pg. 10 grants totaling $15,000 The Freedom Rock is a sinks, bathtubs, and toiHot Jobs, pg. 11 were received from the project begun by Ray lets and one resident said City info, pg. 11 History/Christian, pg. 12 semi-local Toyota Mo“Bubba” Sorensen II her water “stinks like Local Churches, pg. 13 tors Manufacturing. from Iowa. Sorensen first sewer.” Many comPatriot Pony, pg. 14-15 Chamber Members, pg. 16 started by painting a miliplaints voiced throughout Past front pages, 17-24 tary helicopter on a mas- The painting on the rock the community are that will honor Grayson sive rock in his the cost of water in READERSHIP hometown, on which he County veterans, in par- Howe is far too expenJan. 1 - September 23, 2023 put the ashes of about 80 ticular, through refersive for the quality of Impressions: 217,786 ences to some communi- water they should receive Reads: 39,656 veterans into the paint. Data—Issu.com ty members’ military Since Sorensen’s first a discount on their water Water in local washing machine. Photo provided by Photo views—7,476,684 (Continued on page 4) (Continued on page 2) Freedom Rock, he has Data by SmugMug a Howe citizen
Discolored Water Sparks Local Social Media Outcry
October 2, 2023
Water Sparks Community Outcry
Photo provided by The City of Howe Public Works Department
(Continued from page 1)
bills for all the bottled water they are using. Mayor Karla McDonald commented on the social media thread where many in the community were voicing their distress saying, “I have contacted our Interim City Administrator and have asked that he bring this to the attention of the Public Works Director.”
Public Announcement provided by The City of Howe Public Works Department, this document among others can be found on the City of Howe website
On Thursday, September 28, the City of Howe posted an announcement on the City’s website from Mickey Phillips, the Director of Public Works. Phillips stated that some residents are experiencing “an increased return of discoloration as a slightly yellow to brown tint or taste & odor water quality issues (earthy smell or taste).” How-
ever, Phillips assures residents that “the water is safe to consume and use.” Phillips expressed his empathy for residents who are experiencing this hardship and assures citizens the Public Works Department has been working hard to troubleshoot areas that are affected. According to Mr. Phillips, the issue with the water is on a regional level and some of Howe’s neighboring cities are being affected as well. The City of Howe has provided a Troubleshooting Discolored Drinking Water guide on their website for citizens who may be experiencing issues with their water. The guide contains step-by-step instructions to help residents determine whether the City needs to be called and a Work Order needs to be issued.
October 2, 2023
City Council Meeting Update Last Thursday, the City of Howe held three meetings for local governmentthe Planning and Zoning Commission, a Special City Council Meeting, and a Board of Adjustment meeting. At the Planning and Zoning Commissions meeting, new officers Mike Segleski, Sharon Carroll, Cassie Montgomery, and Cort Myrick were sworn in. Two preliminary additions to Connections Park were unanimously approved by the P&Z Commission. The Special City Council Meeting was held to discuss items on the agenda, including naming October 5th as “Teacher’s Day” and adopting the new budget, which will raise total property taxes overall by $204,176 compared to last year; both gained unanimous support from The Council. Also included was a property tax change- “a tax of $0.436126 on each $100 valuation of property for the purpose of maintenance and operations and a tax of $0.093874 on each $100 valuation of property for the purpose of interest and sinking on bonds and certificates of obligation.” During the public hearing portion of this agenda item, a community member voiced her concerns, stating that the tax rate seems high to ask of citizens, especially considering the current economy. Councilmember Joe Shephard explained the process to the concerned citizen, stating, “We’ve had several public hearings to address this issue in the past; there is nothing we can do to change it now. Next year, around August or September, we will start having other meetings for the tax rate, that is when you need to appear {…} You need to make your concerns known, probably starting in August, watch out for those posted meetings and then the council can hear you and take (your concerns) into consideration.” The community member then asked if it would be possible for The City of Howe to send a letter to citizens to inform the public of changes in the tax rate. Monte Walker, current City Administrator Interim, explained costs and how they transfer to the citizens for Sanitation services concerning an agenda item proposing to amend and repeal conflicting ordinances concerning rates. The change in the ordinance affecting city rates for sanitation was approved unanimously by the council. Finally, the council met in an executive session to
discuss the Saddleback Development/ Park Property/Tennis Courts and related documents, Howe Commercial LTD Development Agreement, and other real estate matters. The council returned into open session and tabled the Park Development Agreement (Saddleback), and to act upon the Parkland Development Agreement (Saddleback/Connections Park) because the documents were not ready. The council approved upon a recommendation by the Planning & Zoning Commission regarding a request for approval of the Connections Park Addition Final Plat and the Amendment to Interlocal Cooperation Agreement (HISD-Tennis Courts). At the Board of Adjustments meeting, an extensive discussion between a representative of Malachi 3:10 Construction, the City Council, and the City Administrator Interim resulted in the conclusion to subdivide one plot into two on a property at the corner of 109 W. Duke St. in Howe.
What’s New at City Hall? This week at City Hall was focused on finalizing the Connections Park agreements and getting them done in time for the city council meeting. All finalized documents should be signed and approved by both parties at the October 14 city council meeting. City Secretary Regina Harris sent the Herald Democrat notices for publication regarding the intention of the city to issue Certificates of Obligation to move forward with the wastewater treatment plant. City Administrator Interim Monte Walker received appraisal values for the property identified for the plant. The preparation for the all-important council meeting that saw the tax rate and the budget approved took a great deal of work this week from city staff. With a slew of new members coming on board with the Planning & Zoning Commission, city staff sent emails and will begin preparing them for their new roles and requirements as they were sworn in Thursday night. The city went above their 59,000,000 gallon threshold for water from the surface water source. The 82,000,000 gallons used sets Howe’s new minimum amount. Monte Walker reached out to GTUA to try and renegotiate a lower threshold moving forward due to the surface water contributing to having to flush millions of gallons through the system. A meeting is scheduled for next week. A new backhoe was delivered to the public works department from ASCO. The documents will be finalized this week, and a payment of $50,000 will be made. ASCO gave the city $25,000 in trade for the 2003 machine. Interest in the property along the west side of Smith Rod initiated a meeting for possible future development. (Continued on page 5)
October 2, 2023
Freedom RockArrival Preparations
Volunteer picture provided by Keep Howe Beautiful (Continued from page 1)
service. Plans for the artwork includes Perrin Airforce Base, Tuskegee Airmen, military aircraft, a few veterans from the community, and a big flag and bald eagle. Painting the rock will take about 2 weeks, during which Sorensen will paint during the day and possibly at night if the weather is pleasant. While painting, Sorensen told Keep Howe Beautiful members that he welcomes and is always happy to have people stop by and watch. The celebration and unveiling of the project, including the Freedom Rock and additional monuments and upgrades to the park, will occur this Veteran’s Day on November 11th. Volunteers for the event are set to include Howe High School Students who will be playing the National Anthem and Taps, both the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts who will honor the flag, Austin College students to provide general help, and local members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and Vietnam Veterans Association to honor and pro-
vide contributions to the celebration. A VFW member will pray over the event, the Vietnam Veterans Association will bring antique army vehicles for display, and the American Legion will give away hot dogs to those in attendance. Local Fire and Police will also be honored at the event, and the Fire Department plans to bring a large ladder truck to display the American Flag. Locally, a popular craft show will be held on the same day in Howe. However, it is possible to attend both events. The Veteran’s Day Dedication will occur from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., and the local craft show does not end until 4 p.m. The only thing still needed for this project are sheets of tin for a temporary covering for the rock while it is in progress to protect it from the weather elements. Keep Howe Beautiful would like to extend to the community a request for help in acquiring this last need for the project. To help in this matter, please contact Keep Howe Beautiful President Donna Wormsbaker via email at djwormsbaker@outlook.com.
"With a united effort we can make the place in which we live clean, wholesome, attractive. We can make the crowded city dweller homesick to come back to us and real living. We can bring new life, new business, new beauty, to the little towns." Mame Roberts
Keep Howe Beautiful Yard of the Month
October 2, 2023
What’s New at City Hall (Continued from page 3)
Keep Howe Beautiful is working with public works to make progress at Memorial Park in preparation for the Freedom Rock. The city began the process of conversion to DELCOM for IT services. Walker met with Zimmerer in Van Alstyne for a possible large sponsorship opportunity for the youth ballfields throughout Howe. Walker also inquired about a State Infrastructure Bank loan for right-of-way purchase and engineering costs for a re -route of FM 902 from curving south into town to north to Ponderosa Road which would make a clean connection from east to west for FM 902.
Walker completed the required Open Meetings Act certification along with the Public Information Act certification. Several meetings took place between the Walker, City Attorney James Tidwell, City Engineer Nolan Harvey, and Mayor Karla McDonald regarding a number of possible residential developments.
October 2, 2023
High School Sports Update This week there are no game updates for Football as it was a “Bye” week. Volleyball won against Bonham in 3 games on Tuesday and had a “Bye” game on Friday. Tuesday, Kendall Griffin completed 17 kills, Kamry Snapp had 12 kills and 2 blocks, Presley Shockey contributed10 kills and 2 blocks, Emery Snapp played 11 Kills and 2 blocks and Reese Smith had a whopping 44 assists.
© 2023 The Howe Enterprise
October 2, 2023
City of Howe Employee Spotlight Mickey Phillips is this week's City of Howe employee spotlight. Phillips is the public works director and has served in that capacity for several years. Originally from Melissa, Phillips is a die-hard Melissa Cardinals football fan, but his dedication to the City of Howe is remarkable. Phillips oversees the department and is often found covered in mud and soaked from head to as he is a handson leader who is trying to manage an aging infrastructure. The dry ground for a number of months has caused water leaks throughout the city and he and his crew are constantly battling them at all hours of the day and night. He most recently initiated a cleaning of one of the water towers to flush out rust and sediment in order to improve the water quality. "Mickey is a hard worker and his leadership style is to lead by example. He and his crew don't get
enough credit for all they are trying to do to help our citizens," said Interim City Administrator Monte Walker.
Zillow Monthly Local Update for 75495 ZIP code
October 2, 2023
“Ask Miss Adeline” Miss Adeline, I like Howe the way it is. How can we keep our city small? Thanks! Dear Keep It Small, No doubt change can be hard for all of us, and sometimes we can find comfort in doing what we’ve always done. However, resisting change is not always productive. Sometimes people don’t want change because they only see problems. I challenge you to have an open-mind and look for new possibilities and opportunities. Growth may bring new jobs, income, and tax revenue, and raise property values, allowing citizens more choices and diversity. Don’t focus on the ‘what-if’ and worst-case scenarios in your mind. Focus on being flexible and look forward to new changes that you may benefit from. Sincerely, Miss Adeline Dear Miss Adeline, Recently my nephew got married. There was a sit-down dinner at the reception and name place cards at the tables. Me and my husband were given seats that were at another table far away from my immediate family. I would like your opinion. Should I be offended? Thank you, Feeling Hurt Dear Feeling Hurt, Traditionally, immediate the family are sat together either at the same table or at another table
nearby, so long as everyone gets along. If you and your husband don’t get along with other family members, maybe someone is trying to send you a message that someone’s behavior needs to change. If you get along with everyone, ask why you and your husband had to sit at another table so far away. Maybe someone moved your place cards, and it was all a misunderstanding. Regardless of the reason, I encourage you to talk to your family member and tell them how it felt but, make don’t automatically assume it was done on purpose. Sincerely, Miss Adeline If you would like to send a question to Miss. Adeline, email askmissadeline@gmail.com
Recipes of the Week: Simple Stew Ingredients: 1 Large Chuck Roast (cut into stew sized chunks) 5 Large Potatoes (cut) 1-2 Large Onions 1 Head Cabbage (cut up into small strips- do not cut center) 3 Cans of Tomatoes with seasonings 1 Package of carrots (cut up) Salt Pepper Worchester Sauce (optional) Instructions: Put all ingredients into large pot or crock pot and cook for as long as possible. Serve with saltine crackers.
Delicious “Dump” Cake Ingredients: 16 ounce can of cherry pie filling 1 large can of crushed pineapple in juice not sugar 1 yellow cake mix 1 ½ sticks of butter melted
Instructions: Pour cherry pie filling in 9x13 baking dish. Drain pineapple and pour over pie filling. Sprinkly dry cake mix over fruit mixture. Top with melted butter- drizzle over cake mix. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Cool slightly- serve warm with ice cream.
October 2, 2023
Howe Cross Country Last Thursday, the Bulldogs competed at the Blue Ridge Cross Country Meet. All pictures were provided by Head Cross Country Coach, Ashley Anderson. 53rd- Somang Lawson 16:04 Varsity Girls- 10th out of 17 teams 58th- Kamryn Robertson 16:10 23rd- Jaedyn Jones 15:07 67th- Brooklyn Upton 16:37 47th- Preslee Harrell 15:55 102nd- Luz Ralda 19:03
Varsity Boys- 15th out of 19 teams 31st- Ridley Carter 18:56 71st- Jacob Campbell 21:02
84th- Bobby Krueger 21:43 119th- Eric Daily 25:53 124th- Gavin Rodgers 26:44
Farmer’sAlmanac forZone 5/South Central States 10/2-10/3 Fishing: Good Monday evening, Poor Tuesday evening Weather: Wet over Southern Plains Gardening: Monday is a good day for transplanting and for planting beets, carrots, onions, turnips, and other hardy root crops where climate is suitable. Tuesday is a poor day for planting, seeds tend to rot in ground. 10/4-10/5 Fishing: Poor Wednesday evening, Best Thursday evening Weather: Heavy rain TX, Gulf Coast; cold Gardening: Wednesday is a poor day for planting, seeds tend to rot in ground. Thursday start seedbeds and flower gardens; good day for transplanting, best planting days for fall potatoes, turnips, onions, carrots, beets and other root crops where climate is suitable.
JV Girls66th- Andrea Ralda 21:14 69th- Grace Randall 21:20 79th- Kennadi Barrett 22:38 83rd- Yaira Tovar 23:14 92nd- Maya Garcia Lopez 24:26 93rd- Laila Terry 25:11
JV Boys66th- Bergen Bjorn 27:22 69th- Thomas Roberson 27:27 70th Tommy Whitt 27:29
The next Cross Country meets will be District! Junior High District will be held at Bells High School on October 4th, the High School District Meet will be held at Bells High School on October 12th.
Great job, Bulldogs, Good Luck at District!
10/6-10/7 Fishing: Best Friday morning, Poor Saturday morning Weather: Heavy rain TX, Gulf Coast; cold Gardening: Friday start seedbeds and flower gardens; good day for transplanting, best planting days for fall potatoes, turnips, onions, carrots, beets and other root crops where climate is suitable. Saturday is a most barren period that is best for killing plant pests or doing chores around the farm, good harvest day. 10/8 Fishing: Poor Sunday morning Weather: Sunny skies Gardening: Sunday is a most barren period that is best for killing plant pests or doing chores around the farm, good harvest day
Upcoming Howe Hump Day Breakfast
Howe Hump Day October 4th at Summit Gardens. Essential Home Performance is the sponsor! It is the tenth "Howe Hump Day Business over Breakfast" We are inviting all chamber members and local businesses to participate in our new monthly event to network with other businesses. You'll have a chance to promote your business. Bring a friend! Bring your business cards! Essential Home Performance will host and sponsor the event and provide breakfast and beverages. There is no charge to attend the event which will last from 8 am to 9 am Wednesday, October 4, 2023, at Summit Gardens, 100 E. O'Connell St., Howe, TX 75459 Sponsors for subsequent months: November - Sheryl Yowell Coldwell Banker; December - Howe Mercantile. Sponsors must be current chamber members and provide breakfast for the networking group. Previous sponsors: January - Howe Area Chamber of Commerce, February—Lacey Tucker of
October 2, 2023
Fairway Mortgage; March--ER of Texas Texoma; April—HIT Exteriors, LLC; May—The Llama Realty Group - Dana Thornhill; June - Legend Bank in Whitewright; July Brother Plumber; August - Independent Financial; September Howe Enterprise.
Business of the Week Last Friday, Steve Davis, the owner of Don’s Smokehouse in downtown Howe, kicked off another year at the Texas State Fair. Davis says, “This will be our 6th year at the State Fair of Texas. Our Booth is in the Food and Fiber Go Texan building. Last year, we sold 18,000 bags of jerky in 24 days! We’ve been getting ready for this for a while; the fair opens on Friday for 24 days of crazy.” Good luck to Don’s Smokehouse at the Texas State Fair this year! If you get a chance to attend the fair, be sure to swing by and say “hi” to a booth run by one of our locals businesses.
Photo provided by Don’s Smokehouse
Vendor Spaces Still Available!
For more information, email us at info@howechamber.com.
Local Upcoming Event:
Downtown Howe-lloween Festival vendor spaces are open! It's the 7th Annual Downtown Howe-lloween Festival, October 28, 2023, from 6 pm to 8 pm. Kids can wear their costumes, play games, and Trick 'R Treat. The chamber will have sausage-on-a-stick and turkey legs! Vendor spaces are $15 and you supply your own giveaway candy. Sponsorships are $200 Click the link to register. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/downtown-howelloween-festival-2023-tickets-672465250667?utm-campaign=social&utm-
October 2, 2023
Job Title: MANUFACTURING TECHNICIAN workintexas.com Posting ID 16222031 Location Sherman Posting Close Date 11/30/23 Posting Link https:// bit.ly/3PVcyrF
Workforce Solutions Texoma / Howe Enterprise Jobs of the Week – 10/02/23 Job Title: DIE CAST OPERATOR workintexas.com Posting ID 16217608 Location Denison Posting Close Date 12/29/23 Posting Link https:// bit.ly/48xOMtV Description: A local company is looking for a DIE CAST OPERATOR who will be responsible for operating a numbers manual, semi-automatic, and automatic die casting machines which produce a variety of die-cast parts. This position requires a High School Diploma or Equivalent, and a minimum of 1 year of related experience.
Description: A local company is looking for a MANUFACTURING TECHNICIAN who will perform preventative and corrective maintenance, along with equipment improvements, upgrades, and manufacturing tool installation. You will interface and communicate with engineering and manufacturing groups across the fab to ensure all issues are solved appropriately and efficiently. This position requires a High School Diploma or Equivalent, and a minimum of 3 years of related experience. Workforce Solutions Texoma is an equal opportunity employer/ program.
Bulk Trash Pickup 2nd Friday of each month in Howe.
City of Howe SECONDS COUNT IN AN EMERGENCY! That's why the City of Howe has instituted the CodeRED Emergency Notification System - an ultra high-speed telephone communication service for emergency notifications. This system allows us to telephone all or targeted areas in case of an emergency situation that requires immediate action (such as a boil-water notice, missing child or evacuation notices). The system is capable of dialing 60,000 phone numbers per hour. It then delivers a pre-recorded message describing the situations to a live person or an answering machine in the affected area possibly including instructions requiring action on the part of the recipient. Once the situation is remedied, another call will be placed to the area signaling that the issue has been addressed and that normal activities can be resumed. The following information is required to add a telephone number into the "CodeRED" database: first and last name; address (physical address, no P.O. boxes); city; state; Zip Code; and primary phone number. The system works with cellular phones but requires a valid street address. When entering information, please fill out all of the screens because the newest data entered will replace the old data. Sign up by visiting http://www.co.grayson.tx.us/page/oem.cred
2022-23 Local taxation
City Hall 116 E. Haning St., 903-532-5571 Mayor: Karla McDonald City Council: Michael Hill, Rodney Hough, Billie Ingram, Sarah Myrick, Joe Shephard City Administrator (interim): Monte Walker City Secretary: Regina Harris Utility Billing and Municipal Court 116 E. Haning St. 903-532-5571 Utility Clerk: Beccy Roberts Court Clerk: Tammy Grisolia (After hours night drop available) Public Works 317 S. Hughes St. Public Works Director: Mickey Phillips Code Enforcement 317 S. Hughes St. Code Enforcement Officer: Benjamin Fuhr Howe Volunteer Fire Department 118 E. Haning 903-532-6888 (nonemergency) Fire Chief: Robert Maniet Howe Police Department 700 W. Haning St. 903-532-9971 (non-emergency) Dispatch 903813-4411 Police Chief: Carl Hudman Economic Development 100 E. O’Connell St. 903-532-6080 EDC Director: Monte Walker
State Sales Tax General Revenue Sales Tax Economic Development (Type B) Sales Tax Total
6.25 % 1.00 %
City Council meets third Tuesday at 100 E. O’Connell St. at 6 pm.
1.00 % 8.25 %
Planning & Zoning Commission Meets third Monday as needed
City of Howe Tax Rate Howe I.S.D Tax Rate Grayson County Tax Rate Grayson College Tax Rate Total (per $100 valuation)
$0.54 $1.27 $0.31 $0.15 $2.27
Howe Community Facilities Development Corporation Meets as needed For more information visit the city website www.cityofhowe.org
Cityofhowe.org City of Howe Water, Sewer, Refuse collection rates - one bill
October 2, 2023
Texas History Minute Texas has produced many powerful political figures in its long history. In the 1930s, Texas had one of the most Ken Bridges influential congressional delegations in the nation, including Sen. Morris Sheppard, the Senate Minority Whip, House Speaker John Nance Garner, and other congressmen such as future House Speaker Sam Rayburn and Wright Patman. Among those figures was Congressman Hatton Sumners of Dallas, a 34-year veteran of Congress and chairman of the House Judiciary Committee for fourteen years, helping to shape the direction of the federal judiciary. Hatton Sumners was born in 1875 on a farm in Lincoln County, Tennessee, on the border with Alabama. His father had been a Confederate officer during the Civil War, and his parents also operated a boarding school. When he was 19, the family moved to Texas, settling in Garland, then a tiny community of just over 500 residents a few miles from Dallas. Sumners wanted to pursue higher education and was interested in a law career. However, money was tight; and there were few alternatives at the time. He went to the Dallas city attorney, Alfred Wonzencraft, and explained his plight. Impressed by Sumners, Wozencraft hired him to work at his law firm, allowing him to study the law at night and even sleep in the offices. By 1897, Sumners passed the bar exam and began his work as an attorney. In 1900, he decided to run for Dallas County Attorney. Though only having practiced for three years, Sumners won easily and became county attorney at the age of 25. He made shutting down gambling in the county a priority, a crusade that he claimed led to his defeat in the 1902 primary. He was reelected in 1904 and convinced the state legislature to push through a bill making running a gambling establishment a felony. He declined to run for a third term in 1906 and was named president
of the state district attorney’s association and spent the next few years running his own law firm. In 1912, he was elected to Congress. He jumped into his work, quickly passing a bill to make Dallas a port of entry, easing the importation of products from abroad. Sumners was an enthusiastic supporter of the Federal Reserve Act to reform the nation’s banking system. He was instrumental in bringing the regional Federal Reserve Bank to Dallas. The move solidified the position of Dallas as a major financial center in the state. His congressional colleagues acknowledged his expertise on constitutional law and had him assigned to the House Judiciary Committee in 1919. He worked on a number of reforms to the federal judiciary, including changes to case loads and retirements. Though he supported a fair and transparent judiciary, he was often hostile to civil rights legislation, as were many southerners at the time. Sumners became chairman of the House Judiciary Committee in 1932. As part of his committee work, he served as a House manager in the impeachment cases of three federal judges in their trials before the Senate. He also appeared as an attorney before the Supreme Court on several occasions to defend the interests of Congress in several cases. In 1934, as President Franklin D. Roosevelt prepared to grant independence to the Philippines, Sumners wrote a constitution for the islands. In 1946, he announced his retirement after seventeen terms in Congress. He enjoyed a quiet life upon his return to Dallas. He lived on the campus of Southern Methodist University for several years while working as the Director of Research in Law and Government for the Southwestern Legal Foundation. In 1949, he established the Hatton Sumners Foundation to offer scholarships to aspiring students and grants for researchers. He published a book outlining his ideas about government and the importance of the civic responsibilities of individuals in The Private Citizen and His Democracy in 1959. He died quietly in 1962.
Take a quiet walk and talk to God today Jesus Christ loves you, and he desires to spend quiet time with you. Our heavenly Father beckons you to draw near to Him and promises that He will Dr. Billy Holland respond with compassion. As we go about our busy day, we often do not realize His presence, but like the Sun we do not always see, He is always there. May we listen with our spiritual ears, and be aware that He is always trying to communicate with us. Psalm 46:10 declares, “Be still and know that I am God.” The Lord of mercy and forgiveness is watching over you as a gift of his endless mercy and grace. He cares about your disappointments and heartaches. He adores you.
principalities. His angels are all around you and Jesus never takes His eyes away from you. He has engraved you on the palms of His hands.
Time on earth is short, here today gone tomorrow, but eternity will last forever. Each person has a spirit, and every spirit will either live forever with God or forever without Him. Jesus was born into this world, was crucified, and rose from the dead so that whoever believes in him can be spiritually born again and transformed. His blood paid our ransom and forgave our sins. Christ, the spotless lamb of God willingly gave His life and now is waiting for someone to give their heart to Him. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, and those who embrace him as Lord, are renewed and prepared to be a vessel of honor. Our heavenly Father is preparing a home in heaven, for all who will live, love, and trust Christ as Redeemer and Savior.
He knows our pain and sees every tear. You are His precious child. Trade your bitterness and sorrow for His unspeakable joy that is filled with the hope of His glory. It is in loving and giving that you will find true contentment. Offer up your fervent prayers and burdens for the souls that are lost and hurting. When you reach out to help those in need, you are reaching out to the Lord. Jesus is the Bread of Life and He is the living water. Those who come to Christ will never be spiritually hungry or thirsty again.
God created you as a unique, one-of-akind individual. There is no other person like you. He drew a blueprint for you to follow and wants to intervene, inspire, and empower you to accomplish His plans. It is not about our will, but His will be done. The question is who will do what He says and love Him just for who He is? In this journey, you will have tribulations and trials but do not be afraid or discouraged. If you are born again, greater is He who lives in you, than he who is in the world. God is in total control and has complete authority over all powers and
Within our mission and calling, there are two great commandments above all the others; We are to love God, and love one another as ourselves. If we choose to take up our cross and follow the Lord, we will live in the peace and joy of His presence. He is holy and desires that we have a clean heart so that we can walk closely with Him. Forgive those who have trespassed against you and sincerely pray for them as this will set you free from being offended. Holding on to resentment and hatred is a snare trap and will make our hearts calloused and cold. Be humble, give your anxieties, anger, and fears to Jesus and He will give you rest. Demonstrate His light of forgiveness and discernment that you may dwell in the secret place of the Most High.
Always remember that God’s promises cannot fail. Lean not on your own understanding but believe that your steps are ordered by the Lord. There are times when the way will grow dark and it will seem like you are walking through the valley of death but fear no evil. Remember, you are fighting in a war that has already been won. His word is a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path. Run into the name of the Lord and rejoice that you are safe and secure. Christ is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Father is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. He is waiting for you to reach out to Him. Read more about the Christian life at billyhollandministries.com
October 2, 2023
Attend the Church of Your Choice
Each Sunday...
Times are subject to change. Please check with each church for any possible changes
First Baptist Church Dorchester Zach Poling, pastor 11831 FM 902, Dorchester, TX 75459 903-476-5525 Wednesday 6:30 pm - Worship service Sunday 9:00 am - Men's Prayer Time 9:45 am - Sunday School 10:45 am - Worship Service 5:00 pm - Evening Service Summit View Church Brett and Deb Hetrick, pastors
Community Bible Fellowship Jeremy Moore, pastor
Howe Methodist Church of Howe JB Bryant, minister
415 S Collins Fwy, Howe, TX 75459 Wednesday 6:30 pm - Food and Fellowship 7:00 pm - Community Kids (ages 3 6th grade, nursery available) 7:00 pm - Youth and Adult Bible Study Sunday 10:30 am - Worship Service
810 N Denny St, Howe, TX 75459 903-532-6718 Tuesday: 8:30am - 1:00pm WeeCare Daycare (Registration needed) 9:30am - Women's Bible Study 6:30pm - Boy Scouts Wednesday: 9:00am - Wednesday Workers 6:00pm - 1st and 3rd Wednesdays Family Night Thursday: 8:30am - 1:00pm - WeeCare Daycare (Registration needed) Saturday: 9:00am-12:00pm - Feed My Sheep (1st & 3rd Sat. of each month) Sunday: 8:30am - Coffee and Donuts 9:00am - Sunday School 10:00am - Worship Service 3:00pm Cub Scouts
First Baptist Church Howe Roger Tidwell, pastor 100 E. Davis St., Howe, TX 903-5325504 Wednesday 5:30 pm—Free Meal 6:30 pm - Team Kid 6:30 pm - Youth Ministry 6:30 pm - Adult Bible Fellowship Sunday 9:15 am - Bible Fellowship 10:30am - Worship Service 6:00 pm—Potluck Fellowship and Bible Study
910 S Denny St, Howe, TX 75459 903-532-6828 Wednesday 7:00 pm - Radiate Youth 7:00 pm - Sanctuary of for prayer Sunday 9:30 am - Sunday School (kids, youth, women, men) 10:30 am - Worship Service 10:30 am - Kids Church Howe Church of Christ Aaron Alsbrook, minister 1205 N Collins Fwy, Howe, TX 75459 903-532-6441 Wednesday 7:00 pm - Bible Classes (all ages) Sunday 9:00 am - Bible Classes (all ages) 10:00 am - Worship Service 5:00 pm - Worship Service
Psalm 116:1-2 I love the Lord because He hears my voice and my prayer for mercy. Because He bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!
October 2, 2023
The Patriot Pony Country/World Events Community Opinions In the not-so-distant past, it was a regular occurrence for community members across the country to meet in restaurants, the local gas station, the donut shops, Ashley etc., to discuss opinions Husbands about the world we live in. As our lives have become more crammed with activity and social media has replaced face-to-face interactions, we have lost the ability to discuss topics and weigh in on the opinions of others as frequently. Social media platforms use algorithms to present users with information slanted to create as many “likes” and interactions with the platform as possible, at the cost of providing a broad picture of differing opinions and views. It is very easy to become accustomed to consuming news from the same TV stations, websites, and other avenues that we always have, leading to a narrow variety of opinions presented to our personal worldview. Everyone has reasons that cause them to adopt the views they have arrived to believe; I genuinely think knowledge of what others believe and why is not only valuable for empathy but also challenges us to honestly question why we believe what we do. Having an open exchange of opinions helps us to change the narrative from a “me vs. you or my side vs. your side” dividing mindset to a “let’s discuss issues in our country to understand each other and work together to do our part to improve things.” In this new addition to the paper, I would like to present current issues happening around us and gather the opinions of citizens, who are encouraged to write in and state their beliefs on the topic. Responses of varying opinions will be chosen and published in the paper weekly as they are received.
Last week, Senator Mitt Romney announced he would not be running for reelection, citing his advancing age as one of his main reasons for that decision. When asked by news sources in a video interview, “Is that a nice way to say to some of your colleagues who are older that maybe it’s time for them to step down as well?” he stated, “I do think that the times we're living in really demand the next generation to step up and to express their point of view, and to make the decisions that will shape American politics over the coming century. And just having a bunch of guys that were around, the baby boomers who were around in the postwar era, we're not the right ones to be making the decisions for tomorrow.” Considering his opinion of age and politics, Romney was asked if this opinion also applied to the current president, Joe Biden and former president Donald Trump, to which he responded, “Oh, I think it would be a great thing if both President Biden and former President Trump were to stand aside and let their respective party pick someone in the next generation.” Alternatively, in the recent republican party debates, a primary criticism of younger candidates is that they are too inexperienced in the world and are “rookies” politically, making them poor choices for political positions. Many factors are considered when voting for representatives, and this has become a recent “hot topic”- how important is the age of a candidate? What do you think? Is it important? Why or why not? Responses will be posted anonymously unless requested otherwise. To respond to this, please email ashley@howeenterprise.com. Thank you for your participation! Hopefully, we can all learn a bit from each other and have an open, respectful gathering
Civics Illiteracy? College students couldn't decipher between US, Russia constitutions, prof says Thomas Jefferson famously said that "wherever the people are well informed they can be trusted with their own government." Some educators are alarmed that literacy regarding the U.S. Constitution has been on the decline for a while, according to studies. By Charlotte Hazard
Political science professor at Suffolk Community College and Campus Reform Higher Education Fellow Nick Giordano said that 90% of college students couldn't differentiate the U.S. constitution from the Russia constitution. "So for the last decade, I assign my students a constitutional exercise," Giordano said on the "Just the News, No Noise" TV show. "It's to see if they could identify the Constitution, and 90% of my students can't differentiate between the American from the Russian constitution. It really is startling." Literacy regarding the U.S. Constitution has been on the decline for a while, according to other studies. According to a survey conducted by the University of Pennsylvania's Annenburg Public Policy Center, only one in six U.S. adults could name any of the branches of government. The National Assessment of Educational Progress, a congressionally mandated program within the U.S. Department of Education reported that 31% of eighth-graders performed below the NAEP Basic level in civics in 2022.
Giordano said that the education system is failing young people by not teaching them the foundation of the document. "When I asked my students, 'Don't you feel embarrassed that you don't even know the Constitution and why is that?'" he said. "The number one response is 'we've never read it.'" "I find that astounding that after 13 years....that not a single teacher in the K through 12 system and college, thought to assign the students to read the Constitution and actually discuss it so they understand it," he continued. Another survey in Kansas taken back in 2017 reported that 21% of high school students could not name any First Amendment freedoms. Giordano stated that America will slip away if the Constitution is not taught to the next generation. "Our constitution is unique in that it curtails the power of the government and empowers 'We the People,'" he said. "Unfortunately since it's not being taught in our schools and most people don't know the Constitution....you're not going to defend what you don't know." "My fear is that as we see the Constitution slip away, the America that we know is also going to slip away along with it," he concluded.
Impeachment memo: Biden family Memo to lawmakers says Biden lied about his family business dealings and participated in helping his son make money. By John Solomon
The three House chairmen leading the impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden told fellow lawmakers Wednesday night that the president’s family collected at least $15 million in foreign funds and that there is evidence the Justice Department “obstructed” federal agents from pursuing evidence leading to the White House. “Department of Justice personnel blocked avenues of inquiry that could have led to evidence incriminating President Biden and impeded efforts to prosecute Hunter Biden for tax crimes relating to foreign business arrangements that could have implicat-
ed President Biden,” Reps. James Comer, Jim Jordan and Jason Smith wrote in a 30-page memo to colleagues on the eve of the first impeachment inquiry hearing in Congress. The memo, obtained by Just the News, accused Joe Biden of having extensive knowledge of his son Hunter Biden’s business dealings, lying about them to the American public, and allowing his family to profit from foreigners seeking influence from his roles as vice president under Barack Obama and now as president. “The President had knowledge of many of his family’s business dealings, and indeed participated in them by having phone calls and attending private dinners—including while he was (Continued on Page 15)
October 2, 2023
The Patriot Pony Impeachment Memo: Biden Family
(Continued from Page 14) Vice President—with his family’s business associates and foreign business associates who would pay his family millions of dollars for no identifiable product or service,” the chairmen of the House Oversight, Judiciary and Ways and Means Committee wrote. You can read the full memo here: The memo said congressional investigators have tracked bank records showing $24 million in foreign funds flowed to Hunter Biden‘s businesses and those of associates between 2014 and 2018, with $15 million of that ending up in the accounts of Biden family members or their businesses. “These foreign business associates of the President’s family had interests in countries where then-Vice President Biden—and as President—played, and continues to play, an active role in formulating and implementing the foreign policy of the United States,” the memo alleged. “The President has not been truthful about his family’s
foreign business entanglements.” “Weeks before the 2020 Presidential election, then-candidate Joe Biden said on national television that his family did not receive any money from China. That was a lie. Joe Biden not only knew about his family’s work with Chinese nationals, business associates have confirmed that Joe Biden met with his family’s Chinese associates— including while he was Vice President,” it noted. The memo also stated that one ground for the impeachment inquiry was evidence from IRS and FBI whistleblowers about interference in the probe. “The Committees have also uncovered substantial information, including through whistleblowers, indicating that the Biden Administration has obstructed the criminal investigation into Hunter Biden,” the memo said. “This information includes evidence that Department of Justice personnel blocked avenues of inquiry that could have led to evidence incriminating President Biden and impeded efforts to prosecute Hunter Biden for tax crimes relating to foreign business arrangements that could have implicated President Biden.”
Anthropology groups shut down sex discussion to protect transgender people AmericanAnthropologicalAssociationandCanadianAnthropologySociety playtheeugenicscardtosilenceacademicspreviouslytargetedforcancellation butwon'tsayhowmanymemberscomplainedabouttheirsexpanel. take a major review of the processes associated with vetting sessions" at annual meetings. By Greg Piper North America's largest annual gathering of anthropologists won't get to hear why sex remains a "necessary analytic category in anthropology," not replaceable by gender identity, because the idea is comparable to eugenics and would "cause harm" to everyone in the discipline. That was the explanation the American Anthropological Association and Canadian Anthropology Society gave for canceling the session "Let's Talk About Sex, Baby" scheduled for their November joint conference in Toronto. AAA President Ramona Pérez and CAS President Monica Heller provided few details in a Sept. 25 letter notifying the sexperts their session wouldn't happen, claiming the groups' executive committees received requests to review its content from "numerous members." Their review determined its "ideas were advanced in such a way as to cause harm to members represented by the Trans and LGBTQI [sic] of the anthropological community as well as the community at large," the presidents wrote. "Going forward, we will under-
The sexperts hit back in a public letter the next day, accusing the two groups of choosing to "forbid scholarly dialogue" by "an international panel concerned about the erasure of women." "What are they going to cancel next[,] teaching evolution?" pediatric gender clinic whistleblower Jamie Reed, who says she learned to "sex skeletal remains" as an anthropology major, wrote on X, formerly Twitter. The anthropology groups escalated in kind, giving Just the News a statement Wednesday against "transphobia in anthropology" that accuses the panelists of making the same arguments used to justify "race science" a century ago. It did not specify how many members complained or what exactly they said, as the sexperts and Just the News sought. Evolutionary biologist Colin Wright posted the letter the next day to X, prompting an exclamation-point response from platform owner Elon Musk. Psychologist and bestselling author Jordan Peterson, referring to socalled gender affirming medicine, posted: "I'm not Transphobic[.] I just hate
Butcher-surgeons And castrators." San José State University anthropologist Elizabeth Weiss, one of the sexperts who posted the initial correspondence, told Just the News they didn't receive a response before AAA and CAS played the eugenics card. "If the panel was so egregious, why had it been accepted in the first place?" she wrote in an email. "I do wonder if the issue is in part related to my other controversial stands against the reburial of skeletal remains presumed to be affiliated with Native Americans," Weiss said, referring to denunciations by her department, administration and activists dating to 2021. She was the featured speaker at a National Association of Scholars eventFriday on racial exclusion in science. The description says Weiss has faced "harassment, ostracism, and denial of access to museum specimens essential for her research work." At least two other panelists were apparently also previous cancellation targets. The University of Alberta abruptly terminated anthropologist Kathleen Lowrey's administrative role in 2020 because she was "not able to be effective." Lowrey, the panel's organizer, told Edmonton Journal she blamed the boot on her "gender-critical feminist" views. Harvard professor and testosterone researcher Carole Hooven quit after her own department's diversity task force director publicly trashed herfor recognizing the sex binary, but joined Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker's lab as an affiliate. (She had to drop off the panel for unrelated reasons.) Despite the denunciation from AAA and CAS, the panel descriptionremains on Page 1,300 of the preliminary program, the only public catalog of conference content, as of Friday. "Contesting the transition from sex to gender in anthropological scholarship deserves much more critical consideration than it has hitherto received in major di[s]ciplinary fora," the description begins. Sex is indispensable to "hominin evolution … contemporary artificial intelligence … the anthropology of education" and "debates within contemporary feminism about surrogacy." Weiss's presentation emphasizes that "skeletons are binary" – a helpful determination in "both criminal abuse cases and archaeological cases, such as in recognizing infanticide practices" – but "people may not be." She said "anthropologists should be (and are)" studying how to identify gender identity in skeletal remains, in part because of the "overrepresentation" of transgender people as crime victims. Autonomous University of Barcelona professor Silvia Carrasco was slated to discuss "the intriguing disappearance of sex in the education against sex-based oppression, violence and exploitation" in Spain.
De Montford University professor Kathleen Richardson's presentation focuses on how gender ideology obfuscates "disparities between men and women in tech arenas." It says the academic managerial class and tech sector are the 21st century "incarnation" of literary critic Walter Benjamin's 1935 quote on fascism giving the masses "an expression while preserving property." The sexperts' protest letter cited the qualifiers in the panel description about the relevance of gender identity to certain specialties in anthropology, but also the real feminist struggles that are compromised when gender replaces sex. The cancellation letter's stated concern for the "scientific integrity of the program," which "anathematize[d]" the panel, "looks very much like an antiscience response to a politicized lobbying campaign," they wrote. Rather than let the panelists debate their diverse "political commitments," AAA and CAS declared "war on dissent and on scholarly controversy." The anthropology groups reinforced that concern in their Sept. 27 letter by invoking "the settled science in our discipline" and the threat of dissent to "vulnerable members of our community." The boards accused the sexperts of "one of the cardinal sins of scholarship" by assuming that "sex and gender are simplistically binary," as reflected in Weiss's phrase "sex identification." At the same time, they declared there is "no single biological standard by which all humans can be reliably sorted into a binary male/female sex classification." In perhaps the most incendiary comparison, the boards claimed that gender -critical scholarship serves the same function as race science, "to advance a 'scientific' reason to question the humanity of already marginalized groups." AAA didn't respond to Just the News queries on its confidence that its membership largely agrees with its characterizations. "This is a strawman argument and dishonest about our session and intent," Weiss told Just the News, noting that many anthropologists use "sex identification" rather than the boards' preferred "sex estimation," a term that acknowledges uncertainty, not gender identity. It was particularly odd for them to single out her presentation because it acknowledges the importance of gender identity in criminal forensics, Weiss said. It can also identify "the harm transitioning does to individuals, such as abnormally osteoporotic bones in a young female who was on puberty blocking hormones and then transitioned to testosterone."
Honesty isn’t telling people what they want to hear… it’s telling what the facts are without any persuasion left or right.
Grayson -Collin Electric Cooperative, Inc. P.O. Box 548 Van Alstyne TX 75495 www.grayson-collin.coop 903-482-7100 mmcginnis@gcec.net REAL ESTATE
ADVERTISING/MARKETING Howe Enterprise P.O. Box 595 Howe TX 75459 howeenterprise.com 903-339-0100 news@howeenterprise.com AGRICULTURE Norman Farms 4871 Mackey Rd Howe TX 75459 903-815-5545 ajnorm4@aol.com ANTIQUES Howe Mercantile 107 E. Haning St Howe TX 75459 facebook.com/Howe-Mercantile1639767196252428/ (817) 313-2168 georgiacaraway@aol.com
CHILDCARE Koti Academy of Howe 105 Doyle Street Howe TX 75459 https://www.kotiacademy.com/ 903-532-9663 cassie@kotiacademy.com
FIREARMS Guns N More 281 Celtic Road Howe, TX 75459 GunsNMore.net (903) 267-1091 jared.c@gunsnmore.net
First Baptist Church Howe 100 W. Davis Howe TX 75459 http://www.fbchowe.org/ 903-532-5504 info@fbchowe.org
Scoggins Funeral Home & Crematory 637 W. Van Alstyne Parkway Van Alstyne TX 75495 scogginsfuneralhome.com 903-482-5225 tommywscoggins@hotmail.com
First United Methodist Church 810 N. Denny St. Howe, TX 75459 903-532-6718 Church@fumchowe.org https://www.fumchowe.org/
Bob Utter Ford 2525 Texoma Parkway Sherman TX 75090 bobutterford.net 903-892-3555
DIFY Home Services 204 Tate Circle Sherman, TX 75090 9037440435 ernie@difyhs.com
Hunter Knephsield of Texas, LLC P.O. Box 759 Van Alstyne, TX 75495 https://www.hkparkandplay.com/ 8004514138 (Main) hktexas@flash.net (Main)
Independent Financial 100 South Denny Howe TX 75459 independent-bank.com (903) 532-5521 aanderson@ibtx.com Legend Bank 201 W. Grand Whitewright, TX 75491 legend-bank.com 903-532-4778 Brandon.grooms@legend-bank.com First National Bank of Tom Bean 109 S. Britton St. Tom Bean, TX 75489 https://www.fnbtb.com/ 903-546-62752 rbridges@fnbtb.com First United Bank 2011 Texoma Parkway Sherman TX 75090 firstunitedbank.com 903-813-5760 sarah.myrick@firstunitedbank.com BARBER SHOP Good Fellas Barber Shop 105 E. Haning Howe, TX 75459 9725020559 goodfellasbarbershoptx@gmail.com BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Provider Business Partners 106 W. Young St. Howe TX 75459 providerbusinesspartners.com 903-487-2248 sharla@ providerbusinesspartners.com Smith-Garner, PC 609 N. Denny St., P.O. Box 1019 Howe TX 75459 http://www.howecpa.com/ (903) 532-1040 amanda.garner@howecpa.com BUTCHER Don’s Smokehouse 111 E. Haning Street Howe, Texas 75459 Donssmokehouse.com (214) 881-8377 DonsSmokehouse@gmail.com CATERING Tracy Events Catering & Carryout Shop 211 S Preston Van Alstyne, TX 75495 Tracyevents2006@gmail.com
RockExpress, LLC 1434 Schneider Rd Howe, TX 75459 https://rock-express-llc.business.site/ 903-818-2386 rockexpressllc@gmail.com TLD Design Consulting LLC 103 E. Haning St. Howe TX 75459 http://www.tld -dc.com/ 903-436-4601 tdefrange@tldconsulting.net CONVENIENT STORES Quick Check #4 411 W. Haning Street Howe, TX 75459 903-532-5265 zackwilks82@yahoo.com DENTAL Anna Kids Dentistry 2016 W. White St. Anna, TX 75409 214-831-2400 Annakidsdentistry.com info@annakidsdentistry.com Howe Family Dentistry 100 S. Collins Freeway, PO Box 960 Howe TX 75459 howefamilydentistry.com 903.532.5545 EDUCATION Howe Community Library 315 S. Collins Freeway Howe TX 75459 www.howeisd.net/Page/83 903-745-4050 atchison.melissa@howeisd.net Howe Independent School District 105 W. Tutt St. Howe TX 75459 howeisd.net/ (903) 745-4000 ELECTRIC Rapid Electric, LLC (903) 421-8100 http://www.RapidElectricCo.com/ brent@rapidelectricco.com ENTERTAINMENT Chill Out Shaved Ice Howe, TX 75459 Chillout903@hotmail.com 903-436-0708
HAIR SALON Good Fellas Barber Shop 105 E. Haning St. (972) 502-0559 goodfellasbarbershoptx@gmail.com HEALTHCARE
Texas Farm Bureau Insurance, Loretta Anderson – Agent 1363 S Waco St Van Alstyne TX 75495 https://www.txfb -ins.com/ insurance/agent/grayson/ 23242/lorettaanderson 903-819-1041 landerson@txfb-ins.com INTERNET TekWav 223 N. Walnut St. Sherman TX 75090 http://www.tekwav.com 903-375-9787 jj@tekwav.com IT/DATA Texas Data and VoIP Security 109 W. Tilton Blue Ridge, TX 75424 https://www.tdavinc.com/ (972) 924-5010 dana@tdavinc.com
ER of Texas 115 W. Travis St Sherman, TX 75092 http://oroftexas.com/ 903-770-9099 tiffanyr@eroftexas.com
Baker A/C & Heating, Inc. 215 N. Denny St. Howe TX 75459 903-532-6225 bakerac.mark@yahoo.com
Goodwill Industries of Northeast Texas 2206 E. Lamar St. Sherman, TX 75090 goodwillnorthtexas.org spierce@goodwillnorthtexas.org
Essential Home Performance, LLC 509 Borrow Way Van Alstyne, TX 75495 https:// www.essentialhomeperformance.com/ 14695459125 Info@essentialhomeperformance.com HOUSING Bainbrook Apartments 511 S. Collins Fwy Howe, TX 75459 (469) 712-4082 bainbrook75459.com M&M Properties 901 N. Denny St Howe TX 75459 903-815-8355 mariecurtis16@gmail.com. INSURANCE Cory Hernandez State Farm 2114 Texoma Parkway Sherman, TX 75090 http://insurancequotetexoma.com/ 9038938400 cory@insurancequotetexoma.com Ed Meacham, State Farm 1303 N Sam Rayburn Frwy, Ste. 200 Sherman TX 75090 https://www.statefarm.com/ agent/US/TX/Sherman/EdMeacham-3TGY5753JAK 903-892-3923 ed@mredinsurance.com Jesse Brown Farmers Insurance 403 W. Haning St. Howe, TX 75459 https://agents.farmers.com/tx/howe/ jessie-brown 9034824063 jbrown9@farmersagent.com Kathy McGarry, Mayo Agency 215 S Ray Roberts Pkwy, P.O. Box 519 Tioga TX 76271 940-437-2378 kathy.mayoagency@gmail.com Texas Farm Bureau Insurance, Darren Foster – Agent 1363 S Waco St Van Alstyne TX 75495 https://www.txfbins.com/ insurance/agent/grayson/ 32707/darrenfoster 903-436-2470 dfoster@txfb-ins.com
The Wood Group of Fairway – Lacey Tucker https://homeloanbylacey.com/ 469-910-0375 lacey.tucker@fairwaymc.com
Bill French Properties 315 N Travis Suite B-3 Sherman TX 75090 billfrenchproperties.com 903-893-BILL (2455) bill@billfrenchproperties.com Sheryl Bentley, Coldwell Banker (903) 821-7653 yourrealtorsheryl@gmail.com Maureen Kane, REALTOR®, Paragon-REALTORS® 614 E Lamberth Rd Sherman, TX 75090 402-202-1540 maureen@paragonrealtors.com Michael Taylor – Keller Williams Realty P.O. Box 575 Howe TX 75459 mtaylor@kw.com Nicole Faye Sells Texas, LLC 215 N Quinlan St Howe, TX 75459 https://nicolefaye.fathomrealty.com/ 972-872-0529 nicolefayesellstexas@outlook.com The Llama Realty Group Dana Thornhill 204 Tate Circle Sherman, TX 75090 903-821-6890 llamarealtygroup@gmail.com RESTAURANTS El Patio Escondido Mexican Restaurant & Cantina 495 W. Van Alstyne Pkwy, P.O. Box 637 Van Alstyne TX 75495 elpatioescondido.com 903-482-5538 williampacheco519@yahoo.com
United Way of Grayson County 713 E. Brockett P.O. Box 1112 Sherman, Texas 75091 903.893.1920
Palio’s Pizza Cafe 303 W. Haning St. Howe TX 75459 https://www.palioshowe.com/ 903-532-0390 paliospizza@att.net
Chase’s All Time Jumpers 2519 CR 4215 Bonham, Texas 75418 https:// www.chasesalltimejumpersllc.com/ 903-227-6488 Coltonlawrence24@yahoo.com PERSONAL SERVICES AND CARE Debby Edwards Pink Zebra 1403 S. Travis St. Sherman, TX 75090 https://pinkzebrahome.com/ debbyedwards 903-820-8914 debbyedwards2@gmail.com PHOTOGRAPHY Beyond the Barn Photography 3354 FM 902 Howe, TX 75459 469-951-4054 Sara@beyondthebarnphotography.co m PLUMBING Brother Plumber 708 Maple St. Howe, TX 75459 469-968-4487 trent@brotherplumber.com http://Brotherplumber.com/ Torque Plumbing 102 S. Collins Frwy Howe TX 75459 (972) 658-1515 torquemayes@yahoo.com PUBLIC UTILITIES Atmos Energy 5111 Blue Flame Rd. Sherman TX 75090 http://www.atmosenergy.com/ 1-888-286-6700 (Main) 1-866-322-8667 Natural Gas Emergency Jan.Rugg@atmosenergy.com
Definitive Roofing & Specialty Coatings, LLC 1094 Marlow Rd Bells, TX 75414 9038202110 roofingsc1@gmail.com HIT Exteriors, LLC Howe, TX 75459 972-977-1523 sergio@hitexteriors.com Southern Cross Remodeling & Roofing Howe, TX 75459 Roofingbysoutherncross.com 972-800-9383 roofinbysoutherncross@gmail.com STORAGE Howe Mini-Storage 609 N. Denny St. Howe TX 75459 903-532-7867 amanda.garner@howecpa.com TV SERVICES Cavender Home Theater DISH 6202 Texoma Parkway Sherman TX 75090 http://www.cavendertv.com/ 903-892-3499 chris@cavenderht.com TOWING Adams Automotive & Towing 85 Redden Rd Van Alstyne TX 75495 adamsautotow.com 903-482-5784
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