60.46 Howe Enterprise March 27, 2023

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Grayson Publishing, LLC

© 2023 The Howe Enterprise

Volume 60, Edition 46

Monday, March 27, 2023

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Keep Howe Beautiful asks for community help A sitting US President cannot be indicted. Just in case anyone needed to know that. ***** Do things seem a little weird lately around the US? Do you like to read? Take the time and read this. ***** April Fool’s Day is approaching. Don’t get tricked by the deceivers. ***** We have sent questionnaires to each candidate for school board, city council, and mayor. We will run the school board answers in the April 10 edition and the city answers in the April 17 edition. ***** The Howe Area Chamber of Commerce has requested to host a forum for city council and mayor candidates. All have responded to the chamber with exception to the incumbents. We will keep you posted as we hear developments. ***** There could be a Netflix series done about Howe, Texas from November 2022—April 2023.


Howe ISD Board Recap, pg. 2 City Council Agenda, pg. 3 Lady Bulldogs Softball, pg. 5 Easter info for churches, pg. 6 The coup we never knew, pg. 7 Troop 45 Flag Program, pg. 8 HHS Track, pg. 9 Academic All-State, pg. 9 Peggy’s Porch, pg. 10 Kendall Griffin, pg. 11 Christian, pg. 14 Past front pages, pg. 19-26

READERSHIP Jan. 1 - March 25, 2023 Sessions: 19,037 Pageviews: 233,484 Users: 12,330

EDITOR’S NOTE—This column is reserved as an editorial column and may not necessarily reflect the policy of this publication.

Bulk Trash Pickup 2nd Friday of each month in Howe.

Piles of trash line L.B. Kirby Avenue just beyond the blooming Texas Bluebonnets. Keep Howe Beautiful wants help. Staff photo. Keep Howe BeautiLady Bulldogs take first HHS One-Act Play The ful organization is celebrating 10 years in Howe place at Bells relay wins bi-district and are hoping citizens will join them in their efforts for a spring cleanup. They are hosting a Texas Trash-Off on April 22 from 9 am to noon at Summit Gardens, but they really hope citizens will take a vested interest immediately.

The Howe Lady Bulldogs track team. Courtesy photo. The Howe Lady Bulldogs won their second first place finish last week as they took home the gold overall in the Bells Relays with 116 total points. Junior Kendall Griffin led all female athletes with 34 total points. The Howe girls had first place finishes from Teagan Stubblefield in the 300 meter hurdles with a time of 52.54. Howe’s 4x400 meter relay team consisting of

Kendall Griffin, Stubblefield, Jaedyn Jones, and Stephanie Bastida also finished first with a time of 4:21.58. Howe’s Aubrielle West won the discus with a toss of 86’4” and Griffin won first in the triple jump with a leap of 34’-7.5”. Griffin also won the high jump at 5’-0”. The varsity boys finished ninth overall with 21 points. The JV girls finished third and the JV (Continued on page 9)

Members of the Howe High School One-Act Play after winning the bi-district championship. Courtesy photo. The Howe High School Theater’s One-Act Play advanced to the bidistrict round after winning the District 11-3A crown on March 2. After winning first place in Melissa over the weekend, they will now advance to the area round of competition on March 29 at Grayson College.

Their play, entitled, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time— a play by Simon Stephens is based on the novel by Mark Haddon. In the recent bi-district round at Melissa, Howe took the title from district competitors Pottsboro and Gunter as well as

(Continued on page 4)

With bluebonnet season here, some are being hidden by the trash that escapes nearby bins at heavy traffic locations. The more people that move to Howe means more litter. “This has to be a community-vested project where the people of the Howe area work together to make our town as beautiful as it can be. We need help from everyone,” said Keep Howe Beautiful board member Diana Inurria.


March 27, 2023


Howe ISD Board meeting recap Howe Independent School District Superintendent Kevin Wilson reported to the board that the enrollment at the end of February was 1,281. He also informed them of resignations he received from Technology Director Bryan Brandon, High School Counselor Renea Taylor, Third Grade Teacher Lesa Winters, Kindergarten Teacher Morgan Jones, and Mike Parkman of maintenance. Liz Miller was hired as a nurse at Howe Intermediate School. Wilson shared with the board that the Summer Leadership Institute is June 21-23 and gave a recap of education bills that have been filed during the legislative session in Austin. Wilson presented the Depository Contract Extension with Independent Financial to the board. He recommended the board approve the Depository Contract as presented. The motion was made by Jeff Dailey and seconded by Tamela Shadden. Wilson presented a list of School Safety Formula Grant Expenditures to the board and recommended the board approve the list which included metal detectors by Entry Shield as presented. The motion was made by Charles Haley and seconded by Janie Finney. Wilson shared the Resolutions / Interlocal Agreements to join the following Purchasing Cooperative: Region 15 ESC – 791 Purchasing Cooperative,

Region 6 ESC – EPIC6 Purchasing Cooperative, Harris County Department of Education – Choice Partners Purchasing Cooperative, Region 16 ESC – TexBuy Purchasing Cooperative Howe ISD Purchasing Pro- Superintendent gram, and Region Kevin Wilson 2 ESC – GoodBuy Purchasing Cooperative. Wilson recommended the board approve the Resolutions / Interlocal Agreements as presented. The motion was made by Michael Doty and seconded by Lisa Tibbets. After an executive session, Wilson presented a list of teachers, counselors and assistant principals being recommended for professional contracts by Summit Hill Elementary School, Howe Intermediate School, Howe Middle School and Howe High School principals. Wilson recommended that the board extend the professional contracts received by each principal with the addition of Maggie Donohoe and Katie Ciani – Instructional Technology, and Michael Hill – Police Officer. The motion was made by Lisa Tibbets and seconded by Michael Doty.


March 27, 2023

Howe City Council Agenda NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF HOWE, TEXAS WILL BE HELD ON THE 28th DAY OF March 2023 AT 6:00 P.M., AT 700 W. HANING, HOWE, TEXAS AT WHICH TIME THE FOLLOWING SUBJECTS WILL BE DISCUSSED, TO WIT: CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION PLEDGE TO FLAGS PUBLIC REQUEST – At this time comments will be taken from the audience on any subject on the agenda. All comments are limited to a maximum of three minutes. In accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Council may not discuss or act on any of the items not posted on the agenda. CURRENT BUSINESS 1. Discuss, consider, and act upon to approve Amended Minutes from December 13, 2023. 2. Discuss, consider, and act upon Ambulance Agreement between FMR and the City of Howe. RESOLUTION 2023-0002 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOWE, TEXAS, AU THORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF A TEXAS COMMUNITY DE VELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM APPLICATION TO THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOR THE COM MUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND. 3. Discuss, consider, and act upon a resolution authorizing the City’s TXCDBG application and grants. ADJOURN Notes to agenda: The Council may vote and/or act upon each of the items listed in the Agenda. The Council reserves the right to retire into executive session concerning any of the items listed on this Agenda, whenever it is considered necessary and legally justified under the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Government Code Vernon’s Texas Codes Annotated in accordance with the authority contained in Section 551.071 – Consultation with attorney, Section 551.072 – Deliberation regarding real property, Section 551.073 – Deliberation regarding prospective gift, Section 551.074 – Personnel, Section 551.076 – Deliberation regarding security devices, and Section 551.087 – Deliberation regarding economic development negotiations.




March 27, 2023

One Act Play

Howe’s Ethan Strunc was named Best Performer. Courtesy photo.

(Continued from page 1)

District 12 competitors Rains, Chisum, and Grand Saline. District 11 swept the contest with Howe, Pottsboro, and Gunter advancing to area. Ethan Strunc was named Best Per-

former while Audie Martin received All-Star Cast. Riley Troxtell was Honorable Mention All-Star Cast and Alexander Huerta was named All-Star Technician. HHS Theater is directed by Chelsie Nail.

Top left: Riley Troxtell—Honorable Mention All-Star Cast. Bottom left: Alexander Huerta—All-Star Technician. Right: Audie Martin—All-Star Cast. Courtesy photo.


March 27, 2023

Lady Bulldogs lose relocated washout game to Leonard

Howe freshman Riley McCollum nails a pitch. Photo by Alexa Brunner. The Howe Lady Bulldogs (10-12, 2-4) had their game with Leonard washed out due to rain and moved to the turf field in Bells. The result was a 9-8 heartbreaker for the Lady Bulldogs as they couldn't finish the comeback from a 5-run ditch they placed themselves in during the first inning. Leonard scored their first two runs in the first inning on three singles, a walk, and an error. Ryleigh Craven started in the circle for Howe and went five innings, allowing six earned runs on eight hits. She walked one and struck out two. Riley McCollum pitched the final two innings striking out five and allowing no runs on no hits. Howe’s first run came on a Riley McCollum single that scored Jocee McCullar who had doubled to center. In the top of the fourth, Howe fell behind 9-1 after a homer to right field by Leonard’s Pemberton. But McCollum answered back with a homer to center in the bottom half of the inning. A Jordan Brunner single later scored Emery Snapp to make it a 9-3 game heading to the fifth inning. Kamry Snapp led off with a double and was brought home by an error off the bat of McCullar. McCullar then scored on a single by McCollum to narrow the gap to 9-5 after five innings.


11-3A Girls Standings Gunter.........4-1 Bonham......4-1 Bells...........3-2 Blue Ridge..2-3 Pottsboro...2-3 Howe..........2-4 Leonard......1-4 Howe, eyeing the comeback, got a leadoff double from Shelbee Taylor who was brought home by a Mikaylah Komorowski single. Brunner was hit by a pitch and Kamry Snapp reached on an error that scored both runners to make it 9-8. In the seventh inning, Howe couldn’t get the tying run home after Emery Snapp led off with a double. A strikeout, pop out, and a grounder ended the game.



March 27, 2023

Local churches preparing for big Easter Sunday crowds

Easter service at First Baptist Church in 2019. Staff photo. The pandemic did a number of church attendance over the past several years. Most churches across the country became much more technologically advanced in video streaming services and connecting with members through a different means. However, Easter Sunday 2023 seems to be the perfect time to blow the doors wide open, so to speak, and put an official end to church distancing.

host a Community Easter Egg Hunt on Wednesday, April 5 at 6:30 pm beginning with a family dinner and hot dog cookout. They are accepting individually wrapped candy-filled eggs for the event that should be dropped off by April 2 at the campus located at 415 S. Collins Fwy in Howe. On Easter Sunday, April 9, they will host an Easter Worship and Communion Service at 10:30 am.

With Howe growing, new citizens are trying to find a church home. Howe has quite a few to offer for a “small town” and these are the following schedules for each local church.

Summit View Church, located at 910 S. Denny Street, will have Easter Sunday School for all ages beginning at 9:30 am. Worship Service will begin at 10:30 am.

The Howe Methodist Church will have a Good Friday service on April 7 at 6 pm at 810 N. Denny Street. Easter Service will take place on Sunday, April 9 at 10 am.

Bethel Baptist Church at 905 Ponderosa Road in Howe has Bible Study at 10 am with Worship Service at 11 am.

Howe’s First Baptist Church will have an 8:30 am Sunrise Service around the bell in the front lawn on Easter Sunday. At 9 am, a free breakfast will be held along with free photos at 9:30 am. A children’s Easter Egg Hunt will take place at 9:45 am and Worship Service will begin at 10:30 am. The address is 100 E. Davis St in Howe. The Howe Church of Christ will meet as normal which is 9 am Bible Classes for all ages followed by Worship Service at 10 am. The Howe Church of Christ is located at 1205 N. Collins Fwy in Howe. Community Bible Fellowship will

Howe Methodist Church Pastor J.B. Bryant (front) and Community Bible Fellowship Pastor Jeremy Moore (back) at the Howe Community Worship Service last fall. Staff photo.




March 27, 2023

The coup we never knew Wearebeginning to wakeupfroma nightmare to a country weno longerrecognize, and from a coupweneverknew. By Victor Davis Hanson Did someone or something seize control of the United States? What happened to the U.S. border? Where did it go? Who erased it? Why and how did 5 million people enter our country illegally? Did Congress secretly repeal our immigration laws? Did Joe Biden issue an executive order allowing foreign nationals to walk across the border and reside in the United States as they pleased? Since when did money not have to be paid back? Who insisted that the more dollars the federal government printed, the more prosperity would follow? When did America embrace zero interest? Why do we believe $30 trillion in debt is no big deal? When did clean-burning, cheap, and abundant natural gas become the equivalent to dirty coal? How did prized natural gas that had granted America's wishes of energy selfsufficiency, reduced pollution, and inexpensive electricity become almost overnight a pariah fuel whose extraction was a war against nature? Which lawmakers, which laws, which votes of the people declared natural gas development and pipelines near criminal? Was it not against federal law to swarm the homes of Supreme Court justices, to picket and to intimidate their households in efforts to affect their rulings? How then with impunity did bullies surround the homes of Justices Brett Kavanaugh, Samuel Alito, Amy Coney Barrett, Neil Gorsuch, John Roberts, and Clarence Thomas—furious over a court decision on abortion? How could these mobs so easily throng our justices' homes, with placards declaring "Off with their d— s"? Since when did Americans create a government Ministry of Truth? And on whose orders did the FBI contract private news organizations to censor stories it did not like and writers whom it feared? How did we wake up one morning to new customs of impeaching a president over a phone call? Of the speaker of the House tearing up the State of the Union address on national television? Of barring congressional members from serving on their assigned congressional committees? When did we assume the FBI had the right to subvert the campaign of a candidate it disliked? Was it legal suddenly for one presidential candidate to hire a foreign ex-spy to subvert the campaign of her rival?

© 2023 The Howe Enterprise

Was some state or federal law passed that allowed biological males to compete in female sports? Did Congress enact such a law? Did the Supreme Court guarantee that biological male students could shower in gym locker rooms with biological women? Were

women ever asked to redefine the very sports they had championed? When did the government pass a law de- Victor Davis priving Ameri- Hanson cans of their freedom during a pandemic? In America can health officials simply cancel rental contracts or declare loan payments in suspension? How could it become illegal for mom-and-pop stores to sell flowers or shoes during a quarantine but not so for Walmart or Target? Since when did the people decide that 70 percent of voters would not cast their ballots on Election Day? Was this revolutionary change the subject of a national debate, a heated congressional session, or the votes of dozens of state legislatures? What happened to Election Night returns? Did the fact that Americans created more electronic ballots and computerized tallies make it take so much longer to tabulate the votes? When did the nation abruptly decide that theft is not a crime, assault not a felony? How can thieves walk out with bags of stolen goods, without the wrath of angry shoppers, much less fear of the law? Was there ever a national debate about the terrified flight from Afghanistan? Who planned it and why? What happened to the once trusted FBI? Why almost overnight did its directors decide to mislead Congress, to deceive judges with concocted tales from fake dossiers and with doctored writs? Did Congress pass a law that our federal leaders in the FBI or CIA could lie with impunity under oath? Who redefined our military and with whose consent? Who proclaimed that our chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff could call his Chinese Communist counterpart to warn him that America's president was supposedly unstable? Was it always true that retired generals routinely libeled their commander-inchief as a near Nazi, a Mussolini, an adherent of the tools of Auschwitz? Were Americans ever asked whether their universities could discriminate against their sons and daughters based on their race? How did it become physically dangerous to speak the truth on a campus? Whose idea was it to reboot racial segregation and bias as "theme houses," "safe spaces," and "diversity"? How did that happen in America? How did a virus cancel the Constitution? Did the lockdowns rob of us of our sanity? Or was it the woke hysteria that ignited our collective madness? We are beginning to wake up from a nightmare to a country we no longer recognize, and from a coup we never knew.


March 27, 2023

Howe Troop 45 flag fundraiser

The flag program for the local Howe Boy Scouts of America Troop 45 is the primary source of income for the organization. The money raised enables the young men to participate in Merit Badges, awards, camps, as well as provide various supplies and necessities for monthly campouts.

For $45 per year, Troop 45 will place an American flag at your residence or place of business on Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, Labor Day-Patriot Day, Veterans Day, and Presidents Day.



March 27, 2023

Howe lands four hoopsters to First TeamAcademic All-State

Track (Continued from page 1)

boys finished eighth. Varsity Girls 1600 M Run 4th, Preslee Harrell, 6:42.97 3200 M Run 4th, Preslee Harrell, 14:49.00 400 M Dash 2nd, Kendall Griffin, 1:04.68 100 M Hurdles 4th, Haley White, 20.09 800 M Run 2nd, Aryssa Krueger, 2:39.59 300 M Hurdles 1st, Teagan Stubblefield, 52.54; 4th, Jaedyn Jones, 55.09; 6th, Reese Smith, 56.62 4x400 M Relay 1st, Kendall Griffin, Teagan Stubblefield, Jaedyn Jones, Stephanie Bastida, 4:21.58 4x200 Relay 5th, Kendall Griffin, Teagan Stubblefield, Stephanie Bastida, Aryssa Krueger, 1:54.49 Long Jump 6th, Aryssa Krueger, 13’-6 3/4" Shot Put 1st, Aubrielle West, 30’-10" Discus 1st, Aubrielle West, 86’-4", 2nd Emery Snapp, 84’-4" Triple Jump 1st, Kendall Griffin, 34’-7 1/2" High Jump 1st, Kendall Griffin, 5’-0" Varsity Boys 200 M Dash 6th, Braden Ulmer, 24.84 400 M Run 6th, Kolin Murphy, 57.90 110 M Hurdles 5th, Eli Stoner, 20.81 4x100 M Relay 4th, Kaden Dunn, Garrett Gibbs, Preston Reeves, Garren Lankford, 46.28 Shot Put 3rd, Cooper Jones, 41’-4", 4th, Ulmer, Braden, 40’-5" JV Girls 1600 M Run 3rd, Brooklyn Upton, 7:31.00 3200 M Run 3rd, Andrea Ralda, 19:37 400 M Dash 3rd, Yaira Tovar, 1:16.59 800 M Run 2nd, Lexie Leon, 3:04.90 300 M Hurdles 6th, Lexi Haullmark, 1:04.55


Howe junior Kendall Griffin had the most points of any female athlete in the Bells Relays. Courtesy photo. 4x100 M Relay 3rd, Ayla Jones, Addison Bond, Abby Buttery, Sadie Stanley, 57.72 4x400 M Relay Lexie Leon, Lexi Haulmark, Abby Buttery, Addison Bond, 5:09.9 4x200 M Relay 4th, Ayla Jones, Addison Bond, Abby Buttery, Sadie Stanley, 2:09.5 Long Jump 4th, Abby Buttery, 12’-3", 5th, Ayla Jones, 11’-10" Shot Put 5th, Liala Terry, 23’-4 1/2" Discus 2nd, Mckinzy McCollum, 66’-10 3/4" Triple Jump 2nd, Addison Bond, 28’-4" JV Boys 3200 M Run 5th, Ortega, Jacob, 16:13.00 110 M Hurdles 5th, Watson, Travis, 22.21 300 M Hurdles 4th, Watson, Travis, 55.46 4x100 M Relay 4th, Jeremiah Thornton, Charlie Vera, Garret Rodgers, Jonathan Garcia, 49.96 4x400 M Relay 6th, Jeremiah Thornton, Jesus Garcia, James Cowart, Charlie Vera, 4:29.94 Long Jump 5th, Rodgers, Garret,14’-7" Discus 5th, Vera, Charlie, 85’-4" Triple Jump 6th, Rodgers, Garret Howe 31’-7"


March 27, 2023


Peggy’s Porch celebrating 10 years Peggy’s Porch, located behind City Hall at 116 W. Haning Street, is celebrating 10 years of providing free clothing to those in need. An anniversary celebration will take place on Sunday, April 2 at 2 pm at First United Methodist Church’s Fellowship Hall at 810 N. Denny Street. The group will discuss the history and impact of the project as well as express gratitude to so many who have contributed and supported Peggy’s Porch over the years. Refreshments will be served, including desserts by Howe’s Baby Bouse Bakery.

9thAnnual Bulldog RunApril 29 Howe ISD has announced the 9th Annual Bulldog Run for April 29 at the Charles R. Thompson Gymnasium parking lot. It will again feature a 5K, 1 Mile Family Fun Run/Walk, and Health Fair. Registration forms are available at all campuses or online at howeisd.net. Registration forms can

be turned into the front office of any Howe ISD campus. Onsite registration is from 8 am—9 am. The 1-mile walk/run begins at 8:30 am and donations over $10 receive a t-shirt. The 5K starts at 9 am with an entry fee of $20 which includes a t-shirt. The Health Fair will begin at 8:30—10

"With a united effort we can make the place in which we live clean, wholesome, attractive. We can make the crowded city dweller homesick to come back to us and real living. We can bring new life, new business, new beauty, to the little towns." - Mame Roberts


March 27, 2023


Howe Lady Bulldogs’Kendall Griffin namedAll-Texomaland Job Title ELECTRICAL HVAC ESTIMATOR workintexas.com Posting ID 15888540 Location Sherman Posting Close Date04/14/23 Posting Link https:// bit.ly/40xRDOH Description A local company is looking for an ELECTRICAL HVAC ESTIMATOR who will be responsible for evaluating bid specifications and drawings and ensuring that all items required are completed to successfully bid and win projects. This position requires 2 years at College or a Technical or Vocation School, and a minimum of 4 years of related experience.

Job Title MACHINIST workintexas.com Posting ID 15888725 Location Sherman Posting Close Date 06/16/23 Posting Linkhttps:// bit.ly/3LMoWcN Description A local company is looking for a MACHINIST who will set up and operate a variety of machine tools to produce precision parts and instruments. Includes precision instrument makers who fabricate, modify, or repair mechanical instruments. Will operate manual mill and lathe. This position requires a minimum of 2 years of related experience.


March 27, 2023


City of Howe SECONDS COUNT IN AN EMERGENCY! That's why the City of Howe has instituted the CodeRED Emergency Notification System - an ultra high-speed telephone communication service for emergency notifications. This system allows us to telephone all or targeted areas in case of an emergency situation that requires immediate action (such as a boil-water notice, missing child or evacuation notices). The system is capable of dialing 60,000 phone numbers per hour. It then delivers a pre-recorded message describing the situations to a live person or an answering machine in the affected area possibly including instructions requiring action on the part of the recipient. Once the situation is remedied, another call will be placed to the area signaling that the issue has been addressed and that normal activities can be resumed. The following information is required to add a telephone number into the "CodeRED" database: first and last name; address (physical address, no P.O. boxes); city; state; Zip Code; and primary phone number. The system works with cellular phones but requires a valid street address. When entering information, please fill out all of the screens because the newest data entered will replace the old data. Sign up by visiting http://www.co.grayson.tx.us/page/ oem.cred

2022-23 Local taxation State Sales Tax General Revenue Sales Tax Ad valorem reduction Sales Tax Economic Development (Type B) Sales Tax Total

6.25 % 1.00 % 0.50 % 0.50 % 8.25 %

City of Howe Tax Rate Howe I.S.D Tax Rate Grayson County Tax Rate Grayson College Tax Rate Total (per $100 valuation)

$0.54 $1.27 $0.31 $0.15 $2.27

Cityofhowe.org City Hall 116 E. Haning St., 903-532-5571 Mayor: Bill French City Administrator: Jeff Stanley City Secretary: Regina Harris Utility Billing and Municipal Court 116 E. Haning St. 903-532-5571 Utility Clerk: Beccy Roberts Court Clerk: Kristie Tatar (After hours night drop available) Public Works 317 S. Hughes St. Public Works Director: Mickey Phillips Code Enforcement 317 S. Hughes St. Code Enforcement Officer: Benjamin Fuhr Howe Fire Department 118 E. Haning 903-532-6888 (nonemergency) Fire Chief: Robert Maniet Howe Police Department 700 W. Haning St. 903-532-9971 (non-emergency) Dispatch 903813-4411 Police Chief: Carl Hudman Police Sergeant: Keith Milks Economic Development 100 E. O’Connell St. 903-532-6080 EDC Director: Monte Walker City Council meets third Tuesday at 700 W. Haning St. at 6 pm. Planning & Zoning Commission Meets third Monday as needed Howe Community Facilities Development Corporation Meets as needed For more information visit the city website www.cityofhowe.org

2022-23 City of Howe Water, Sewer, Refuse collection rates - one bill


What does having a pure heart mean to you? Many are familiar with the beatitudes which are a section of a larger discourse spoken by Jesus in His earthly ministry. They are found in His sermon Dr. Billy Holland on the mount in Matthew chapter 5, and some of them are mentioned again in the sermon on the plain found in the twentieth chapter of Luke. Both homilies are filled with spiritual wisdom and laid the groundwork for New Testament Christianity. There are also beatitudes found in the Psalms, and all of these truths are timeless and just as lifechanging and relevant today as they were when they were spoken. The Greek word for “beatitude” simply means blessed, fortunate, and content, and presented in the context of living each moment with a relentless determination for having a clear understanding of right and wrong and demonstrating boldness to accomplish God’s purpose no matter the cost. When you think about the condition and direction of your life today, do you see consider yourself being this type of Christian? It’s easy to read over these precepts while yawning, but they were never meant to be options or suggestions. You might have heard the old saying that beatitude is short for “be-in-this-attitude” and this is a good way to make them more personal. When we take the time to meditate on the deeper meanings, we realize they are pillars in the foundation of our faith and our relationship with God and humanity. Today I want to focus on one of these statements found in Matthew 5:8, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Within the context of the next two chapters, Jesus is basically teaching us what being His follower is about. Christ is clear about the importance of being holy and pure in our conscience, but how do we develop this attitude and retain it? As we ponder about the state of being pure, we also notice Jesus mentions the word heart. What do you think of when you hear something like, “well, bless your heart”, “she broke his


March 27, 2023

heart” or “he loved her with all of his heart?” Some say it is the conscience, the emotions, the intellect, and our will, others believe it is the deepest recess of the soul. Whatever, or wherever it is, it is the most sacred place of our existence and the very location that God wants us to surrender to Him so that He can dwell there. Daniel 1:8 talks about how Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with sin. In this light, we see that it is our responsibility to guard and protect our inner sanctuary from the darkness and corruption of carnality. The first several chapters of Proverbs explain that we are to store the treasures of God’s word in our hearts and the authority of His truth will produce joy and peace. “My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear to my sayings. Let them not depart from your eyes; keep them in the midst of your heart. For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh. Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life” Proverbs 4:2023. This is about staying focused and being consistent which by the way is one of the most difficult aspects of the Christian life. A pure heart is not divided and as James 1:6-8 reminds us, a double-minded person does not receive help from the Lord. A pure heart for God walks with integrity, repents often, and does not fear what the world thinks of them. A pure heart embraces humility, comprehends and embraces our identity in Christ, and makes a covenant vow to surrender our will in order that we might accomplish His. It’s a beautiful thing to be close enough to God to feel conviction from the Holy Spirit. This is His way of getting our attention when He wants to correct or give us special instructions. Hebrews 10:22 talks about drawing near to God with a true heart in the full assurance of faith, and having our hearts purified from an evil conscience. Living in God’s presence and being pure in heart does not happen by accident. We see what we are trained to see. May we be awakened and allow the refiner to have His way. Let us be consumed with a passion to be holy, knowing those who are pure in heart will see God. Read more about the Christian life at billyhollandministries.com

Local church calendar A Christian Fellowship 150 Fellowship Ln, Sherman, TX 75090 (903) 815-1333 Wednesday 6:30 pm – Potluck Meal 7:00 pm – Worship Service 7:00 pm – Jr & Sr High Youth Sunday 9:30 am – Sunday School (all ages) 10:30 am – Worship Service 10:30 am – KidZone Children’s Service (5yr – 12 yr.) Community Bible Fellowship 415 S Collins Fwy, Howe, TX 75459 Wednesday 6:30 pm - Food and Fellowship 7:00 pm - Community Kids (ages 3 6th grade, nursery available) 7:00 pm - Youth and Adult Bible Study Sunday 10:30 am - Worship Service First Baptist Church Dorchester 11831 FM 902, Dorchester, TX 75459 903-476-5525 Wednesday 6:00 pm - Meal (Donations for adults and kids eat free) 6:30 pm - Praise service 7:00 pm - Youth Bible Study 7:00 pm - Adult Bible Study 7:00 pm - RA's/GA's/children's group Sunday 9:00 am - Men's Prayer Time 9:45 am - Sunday School 10:45 am - A.M. Worship Service 5:00 pm - Adult Choir Practice 6:00 pm - Evening Worship First Baptist Church Howe 100 E. Davis St., Howe, TX 903-5325504 Wednesday 6:30 pm - Team Kid 6:30 pm - Youth Ministry 6:30 pm - Adult Bible Fellowship Sunday 9:15 am - Bible Fellowship 10:30am - Worship Service 6:00 pm—Potluck Fellowship and Bible Study

Howe Methodist Church of Howe 810 N Denny St, Howe, TX 75459 903-532-6718 Tuesday: 8:30am - 1:00pm WeeCare Daycare (Registration needed) 9:30am - Women's Bible Study 6:30pm - Boy Scouts Wednesday: 9:00am - Wednesday Workers 6:00pm - 1st and 3rd Wednesdays Family Night Thursday: 8:30am - 1:00pm - WeeCare Daycare (Registration needed) Saturday: 9:00am-12:00pm - Feed My Sheep (1st & 3rd Sat. of each month) Sunday: 8:30am - Coffee and Donuts 9:00am - Sunday School 10:00am - Worship Service 3:00pm Cub Scouts Howe Church of Christ 1205 N Collins Fwy, Howe, TX 75459 903-532-6441 Wednesday 7:00 pm - Bible Classes (all ages) Sunday 9:00 am - Bible Classes (all ages) 10:00 am - Worship Service 5:00 pm - Worship Service Howe Church of the Square 100 E. O’Connell St., Howe, TX 75459 Sunday 10:00 am—Worship Service Summit View Church 910 S Denny St, Howe, TX 75459 903-532-6828 Wednesday 7:00 pm - Radiate Youth 7:00 pm - Sanctuary of for prayer Sunday 9:30 am - Sunday School (kids, youth, women, men) 10:30 am - Worship Service 10:30 am - Kids Church

Times are subject to change. Please check with each church for any possible changes

Acts 3:19 Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord,

© 2023 The Howe Enterprise


March 27, 2023

Texas History Minute The late 1800s was the age of the railroad. Trains steamed across the hills, valleys, and plains of a growing United States, Ken Bridges steadily bringing distant communities closer together. Thousands of miles of track were laid down by thousands of men to build a rail network that brought people and goods from one end of the country to the other. One of the most important figures in Texas railroad development was business titan Jay Gould. Born Jason Gould in Roxbury, New York, into a farming family in 1836, he grew to hate farming. As a result, his father, John Burr Gould, reportedly left him at a boarding school with 50 cents and a few changes of clothes. Gould, however, was a quick study with an aptitude for math. As a young man, he found work as an accountant and as a surveyor. By 1859, he started investing heavily in railroads. After the Civil War, he concentrated on New York-area railways, earning impressive profits and steadily gaining more influence in the railroad industry. The Civil War had delayed railroad construction in the South, and Gould became determined to expand his holdings in the region, ultimately buildings lines from Missouri to Texas and west to Colorado. He formed the Texas and Pacific Railroad by an agreement with the state legislature in 1871. By 1873, he gained control of the powerful Erie Railway and the Union Pacific Railroad, taking advantage of financial crises and scandals surrounding both companies. In 1879, he took control of the Missouri Pacific Railroad, giving him effective control of one-sixth of the nation’s rails. As Gould looked west of the Mississippi River, he quickly moved to crush his rivals. Gould merged his many company interests and built hundreds of miles competing tracks across the

region. The St. Louis Iron Mountain and Southern Railroad, in which Gould had heavily invested, had completed a line from St. Louis to the Texas border by this time. As the Texas and Pacific reached the Arkansas state line in 1873, he parceled out the land connected his railway with the Iron Mountain route and formed the city of Texarkana at the junction of the railroads and the state boundaries. Gould would buy the St. Louis Iron Mountain and Southern Railroad in 1881 to more fully incorporate his Missouri Pacific network. Fort Worth would become an important terminus for his railroad as he pushed his railroad empire steadily westward. The Missouri Pacific would become a powerful force in locomotive passenger and freight traffic across the Southwest. In fact, “MoPac,” an acronym for the railroad, is a heavily-traveled road in Austin and was named for the railway. By the 1890s, Gould’s companies promised passengers train travel from Chicago, Illinois, to California, through Texas, in just three days. He would be responsible for the names of several cities across the nation as his railroads rolled through. Gouldsboro, Pennsylvania, was renamed for him. Gould, Ohio, was named after one of his railroad depots in 1881. Paragould, in the northeast corner of Arkansas, was named for Gould and Texas and St. Louis Railroad owner and rival J. W. Paramore when the town was founded at the intersections of their two routes in 1882. Gould was both admired and hated in his day. He had become incredibly successful in the railroad industry, but his labor policies sparked some of the largest labor strikes in Texas History. For all of his accomplishments in building railroads, he did not live a long life to enjoy it. Gould died of tuberculosis in New York City in 1892. Though railroads have declined in relative importance since his day, the railroad magnate put Texas and America on the path to the twentieth century.


Living with children Q: Our 22month-old son has developed a bad habit of spitting out bites of food. The first time it happened, I had set John Rosemond a cup on his tray while he was still chewing a bite of food. He removed the food from his mouth, set it on his tray, and then took a drink. I thought nothing of it, but it’s gotten progressively worse since then. Sometimes he’ll chew a bite of food for a while, takes it out of his mouth, put it on his tray, and takes a bite of something else. Then he puts the halfchewed bite back in his mouth and begins chewing on it again. If I catch him before he spits out a bite, I can sometimes coach him into chewing and swallowing. We have tried only giving him one bite at a time once the prior bite is swallowed, but this isn’t working. What can we do? A: Like so many of today’s parents, you’re paying so much attention to the details of your son’s behavior that you are unable to see that where any given behavior is concerned, there is always a bigger picture. This age child is prone to experimenting with the “stuff” of the world, and what you are describing is simply one such experiment. To you, your son’s behavior appears odd (alarming?) only because you can’t remember what the world was like when you were his age. As a consequence of your own amnesia, you are concerned that your son may be developing a “bad habit” when he’s simply engaged in a very innocent and playful process that involves curiosity, discovery, and creativity. The food grows his body; playing with his food grows his brain! Your son wonders what happens to food when he chews it, and the only

way to answer the question is to remove it from his mouth. By chewing one thing, then another, he’s playing with different tastes and combination of tastes. At the age of 22 months, he’s discovering how to make the simple, necessary act of eating something not just enjoyable, but adventurous. He’s discovering that food is a “manysplendored thing.” How wonderful! This is no big deal, but be assured that if you make a big deal of it, if you focus a lot of attention on this issue, if you try to micromanage how he eats (you may have already started down this road), then what is now harmless play may turn into something very serious. Food may become the focal point of a power struggle between you and him. Instead of regarding food and the act of eating as an adventure, he may become a picky eater, a food neurotic instead of a gourmand. Believe me, this is not the time to be correcting your son’s table manners. Left alone (and I mean completely alone), this will probably run its course before his third birthday, by which time he will be trying to imitate your behavior at the table. If it hasn’t run its course by then, begin gently correcting him. In the meantime, if you just can’t stand watching him chew and remove and replace and chew and remove and so on, then feed him separately, away from the table—out of sight, out of mind. Family psychologist John Rosemond: parentguru.com, johnrosemond. com. John Rosemond has worked with families, children, and parents since 1971 in the field of family psychology. In 1971, John earned his masters in psychology from Western Illinois University and was elected to the Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society.



March 27, 2023

The Patriot Pony Trump kicks off 2024 rallies in Arizona Supreme Court allows Texas, vows to punish China and Lake to explore signature foster 'quantum' economic growth verification on 2022 early ballots Thousands gatherinWaco as 45th president gives rousing manyas130,000ballotswithmismatchedsignatureswerecounted speech on why next election is seismic forAmerica's future. As inthe2022gubernatorialrace,farabovethe17,000-votegapbetween school. "I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate," he said.

By Charlotte Hazard Former President Donald Trump kicked off his 2024 campaign rallies Saturday night with a rousing event in Waco, Texas, casting the next presidential election as a battle to defeat "sinister forces" seeking to topple America and vowing to muster a "quantum leap" in Americans' living standards if returned to the White House. With multiple criminal investigations bearing down from New York to Georgia, Trump said his enemies were afraid to defeat him at the ballot box so they've weaponized law enforcement against him and his supporters. "For seven years, you and I have been taking on the corrupt, rotten, and sinister forces trying to destroy America," he told thousands of cheering fans, who kicked off the rally in new fashion by playing Trump's No. 1 best selling music hit "Justice for All" that overlayed his recital of the Pledge of Allegiance with a rendition of the Star Spangled Banner recorded by Jan. 6 defendants in prison. The 45th president called the 2024 election "the final battle" and the "big one" that would decide whether America remained a free country or slipped toward socialism. "Between our borders, our elections, and the weaponization of law enforcement, a banana republic, that's what we've become," Trump said. "You put me back in the White House, their reign will be over, and America will be a free nation once again," he added. Trump used the speech to excoriate the performance of Joe Biden on the global stage and the declining American economy, while explaining the policies he would pursue if reelected to defend parents' rights, decouple the U.S. supply chain from China and reinvigorate an economy bled down by inflation, rising interest rates and bank failures. "It's not enough just to stop the forces tearing down America," he said. "It's time to start talking about greatness for our country again. Our objective will be a quantum leap in American standards of living." Among the domestic solutions he promised, an effort to restore parents' right to choose whether their children get vaccinated or wear masks to

On foreign policy, he vowed to drastically reduce America's reliance on foreign energy sources and China's manufacturing by waging a manufacturing renaissance. "I will implement a four-year plan to phase out all Chinese imports of essential goods and gain total independence from China," he promised. Both during and before the rally, Trump taunted Democrat prosecutors investigating him and suggested their intentions weren't legal but political. "What kind of person can charge another person, in this case a former President of the United States, who got more votes than any sitting President in history, and leading candidate (by far!) for the Republican Party nomination, with a Crime, when it is known by all that NO Crime has been committed, & also known that potential death & destruction in such a false charge could be catastrophic for our Country?" he wrote on his Truth Social platform ahead of arriving in Texas. The rally was held during the 30-year anniversary of the Waco siege that lasted nearly two months before the attack on the Branch Davidian compound that resulted in 86 deaths. The Trump campaign insists that the rally has nothing to do with that anniversary. Trump's campaign spokesperson said that Waco was the "ideal location" because of its proximity to Texas' major metropolitan areas and its infrastructure to host "a rally of this magnitude." "President Trump is holding his first campaign rally in Waco in the Super Tuesday state of Texas because it is centrally located," spokesman Steven Cheung said. Twitter—@rattletrap1776 No one can counter my claims, because my claims aren’t Laws and Orders I wrote or passed… Laws are revised or revoked, Orders are rescinded or accomplished. The Laws and Orders I focus on have ALL been extended beyond September 2023 on into 2024… dot GOV and MIL sites.


By Natalia Mittelstadt Former GOP gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake's election lawsuit is heading back to trial court over Maricopa County's signature verification practices after the Arizona Supreme Court's ruling on Wednesday, which also dismissed the other six counts in the suit and allowed sanctions against Lake to be considered. Since falling about 17,000 votes short in the 2022 Arizona gubernatorial election to current Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs, Lake has continued to contest the election results in court, arguing that there were ballot chain of custody and signature verification issues in addition to thousands of Republican voters being disproportionately disenfranchised on Election Day, when voting machine errors occurred in nearly 60% of the voting centers in Maricopa County. Lake is suing Hobbs, Secretary of State Adrian Fontes, and Maricopa County election officials, and is requesting that the election results be invalidated or that she be declared the winner. The Arizona Supreme Court on Wednesday remanded to trial court Lake's claim that Maricopa County violated its signature verification policies. File Arizona Supreme Court Document .pdf The trial court and Arizona Court of Appeals dismissed Lake's claim of signature verification issues on the basis of laches, meaning that Lake brought the lawsuit too late. The lower courts ruled that Lake should have challenged Maricopa County's signature verification policies before the election. Lake's appeal clarified that she wasn't challenging the policies themselves, but, rather, how Maricopa County allegedly violated them, an argument with which the Arizona Supreme Court agreed.

"Contrary to the ruling of the trial court and the Court of Appeals Opinion, this signature verification challenge is to the application of the policies, not to the policies themselves," the state's highest court found. "Therefore, it was erroneous to dismiss this claim under the doctrine of laches because Lake could not have brought this challenge before the election." The high court ruled that the trial court must determine whether Lake's claim should be dismissed outside the laches basis and that the former candidate must "establish that 'votes [were] affected "in sufficient numbers to alter the outcome of the election"' based on a 'competent mathematical basis to conclude that the outcome would plausibly have been different, not simply an untethered assertion of uncertainty.'" Hobbs had requested that Lake cover her attorney's fees, while Fontes also requested sanctions. The requested sanctions against Lake, the court ruled, can only be pursued on the basis of her "factual claims ... (i.e., that the Court of Appeals should have considered 'the undisputed fact that 35,563 unaccounted for ballots were added to the total of ballots at a third party processing facility'), and not legal arguments (i.e., pertaining to the burden of proof or purported conflict in the lower courts)." The court added: "The record does not reflect that 35,563 unaccounted ballots were added to the total count." Lake released a statement following the ruling. "I am thrilled that the Supreme Court has agreed to give our signature verification evidence the appropriate forum for the evaluation it deserves," she said. "For years signatures have been a third rail for Maricopa County," she continued. "The process of verifying these signatures is the only security measure on mail-in ballots. The amount of time allotted to check these signatures was only 8 seconds, which is not humanly possible. The system is completely broken. That's why they are absolutely terrified of letting anyone take a look at their signatures. The signature verification process in Maricopa County is a house of cards. Thanks to this ruling my team will get the chance to topple it "Immediately following the election, multiple Maricopa County Elections (Continued on page 17)


March 27, 2023


The Patriot Pony Covert Operation

Arizona signatures (Continued from page 16)

Department officials — individuals who were involved in the signature verification process — reached out to me and urged my team to review the signatures. Now, thanks to this Supreme Court ruling, my team will be able to give the signatures the scrutiny they deserve. " ... These whistleblowers were intimately involved in the process and they allege that Maricopa County WILLFULLY ignored law and procedure. "This violation of procedure allowed for tens of thousands of illegal ballots to be approved and counted. Aside from all other issues, including nearly 60% of polling locations being inoperable on Election Day, this issue alone casts the veracity of Katie Hobb's victory in serious doubt. "When we verify these allegations, there will be no doubt that this election was compromised and that its results fail to meet the standard of certainty as outlined in Arizona law." Signature verification is for early ballots, where voters' signatures on the ballot envelopes are checked with signatures on voters' files to ensure they match. In January, Lake said, "We have three whistleblowers in the signature verification department in Maricopa County who said they were rejecting tens of thousands of signatures — to the tune of up to 130,000 ballots that were being rejected for bad signatures — and somebody above them was sending them on through to be counted, anyway." Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer gave a statement to Just the News on Thursday. "We of course respect the Court's determination that one (out of many) of Lake's allegations

should not have been dismissed according to one legal theory," wrote Richer. "We know, however, that if this allegation proceeds to a factual analysis, Maricopa County will be able to demonstrate that over 150 people spent a total of thousands of hours to review approximately 1.5 million signatures from the November 2022 election. "Maricopa County’s process is more robust than ever: workers received enhanced training; we have access to all signatures in the voter's file; and all initial determinations are sent to an audit queue. After this two-tiered review, Maricopa County found 18,510 signatures to be non-matching. Of those, we were able to 'cure' 15,411 by calling, mailing, texting, and emailing the voters. "Those thousands of people can attest to the checks of our process, as can the over 150 bipartisan workers who reviewed signatures. Workers are always told that accuracy is the only important factor. Workers are not given a quota of how many signatures to complete in an hour. Workers are not paid according to the number of signatures they review. And at no point were workers told to 'hurry up.'

"Since the 2020 general election, Maricopa County has won over 20 lawsuits challenging the fairness, accuracy, legality, and impartiality of its election administration. "This case will be no different, and will simply add another mark to Lake's impressively long losing streak.”

By Derek Johnson “In the beginning of a change, the PATRIOT is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a PATRIOT.” Mark Twain If you’d like someone to be added to the Docs, send me an individual email, I’ll be more than happy to. All of my series of documents include: Part One: Covert Operation Part Two: Ukraine and its importance Part Three: Optics 101 Part Four: Hindsight is 2020 Military Aircraft Operations and Optics The Military and Constitution Regulated Inauguration The “Why’s” in 2022 and 2023 looking back on 2017 to 2021 Not one thing in the pages below is an opinion. I am a United States Army Veteran, Retired, DV. I was a 14S, Air and Missile Defense. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Business from The University of Alabama and a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Colorado State University, in which I finished with National Academic and Military Honors with a 3.8 GPA.

Fontes' office told Just the News on Friday in response to a request for comment, "The secretary of state's office generally does not comment on pending litigation."

None of those mean anything except some people always want to know “how do you know this if…” and what follows behind the if is always something like “you weren’t a Colonel, so, how could you know this…” or “you’re not a lawyer, so, how can you know this…”

The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and Hobbs didn't immediately provide comment on Thursday.

How about using the brain we all have that it takes to attain any kind of manmade title… Also, no one needs to know where one served and what we did. War was not meant to be glorified or used as a resume builder. There’s also no way for anyone to verify what kind of soldier one was. Many soldiers join for salary, medical, housing, college, and retirement benefits not only for themselves but spouses and children. The average ASVAB score is a 31 in the Army… if you took a test right now on Military Law, Regulations, History and Constitution, about 75% of the military would be sent home. Many soldiers did not want to be on duty, much less war. But come home and act like freakin’ heroes. We know what we did. Those who did the most, talk the least about their service, missions, and medals. The soldier who talks and posts on social media about “my deployment” is a whoremonger and that’s not what service is

about. That too has been misconstrued for the past 30 years or more. The soldier who’s always talking about “when I was in Iraq” and “when I was deployed”... “I, I, I, I”... they are missing the point of SERVICE. Service is for the people. The people who are supposed to be doing their part as “we the people” to their Congress. Military is a separate entity once again with our own laws, rules, duties, and regulations. It’s those kind of soldiers who’ve misconstrued service to civilians and when Veterans who know UCMJ, Regs, Codes, Symbols try to talk to the civilians they’ve butchered service to, no wonder we receive the looks, reactions, and comments we do. I had a Great Uncle, Purple Heart at Normandy… Some of his immediate family had no idea until they opened his cedarchest and found his DD-214 and the Medal. He never talked about those beaches. And he was a Marine. Marines today… are like people who do CrossFit or Vegans… you hear about it every 10 minutes. All the wars from 1871 to present day are all Corporate Wars… Deep State, The Establishment, and money driven. And when the truth is all revealed, it will be a true great awakening. Corporate Wars are destructive to leadership, morals, standards, honor, and integrity. It’s amazing, it seems the better technology gets, the more lazy people seem to become. I enlisted with a degree. The reason that’s important… It means something to Veterans and soldiers. I scored in the upper echelon of the Military, all Branches, on the ASVAB, and chose to enlist instead of going to Officer Candidate School or Warrant Officer School from the start. I enlisted to earn the respect and build experience for when my WOC packet was accepted (as it was), when I became a WO, I would have the respect of the enlisted soldiers I was asking to go into dangerous missions. They would know I’d been there before. I had 9 Letters of Recommendation all from Colonels and Congressmen. The requirement at that time was only 3. The point with all of the “I” in the above is to outline the fact I had the scores to become a General, but many Americans make comments as if someone who didn’t serve in the “amount of time” they think in their minds could know what we know (when they know NOTHING about Military), or being a bucknut specialist couldn’t know what a higher rank or officer knows, or not being a “Politician” or Attorney, is the very reason we are where we are. Those are lazy people who won’t and don’t read themselves, so when they’re presented with this much information… they resort to condescending comments and attitudes. (Continued at thedocuments.info)

ADVERTISING/MARKETING Howe Enterprise P.O. Box 595 Howe TX 75459 howeenterprise.com 903-339-0100 news@howeenterprise.com AGRICULTURE Norman Farms 4871 Mackey Rd Howe TX 75459 903-815-5545 ajnorm4@aol.com Renfro Farms 1589 Harrell Rd Howe TX 75459 renfrofarms@gmail.com ANTIQUES Howe Mercantile 107 E. Haning St Howe TX 75459 facebook.com/Howe-Mercantile1639767196252428/ (817) 313-2168 georgiacaraway@aol.com AUTO Bob Utter Ford 2525 Texoma Parkway Sherman TX 75090 bobutterford.net 903-892-3555

CHILDCARE Koti Academy of Howe 105 Doyle Street Howe TX 75459 https://www.kotiacademy.com/ 903-532-9663 cassie@kotiacademy.com

FIREARMS Guns N More 281 Celtic Road Howe, TX 75459 GunsNMore.net (903) 267-1091 jared.c@gunsnmore.net



Bethel Baptist Church 905 Ponderosa Rd, P.O. Box 458 Howe TX 75459 bethelbaptisthowe.com 903-532-6032

Scoggins Funeral Home & Crematory 637 W. Van Alstyne Parkway Van Alstyne TX 75495 scogginsfuneralhome.com 903-482-5225 tommywscoggins@hotmail.com

First Baptist Church Howe 100 W. Davis Howe TX 75459 http://www.fbchowe.org/ 903-532-5504 info@fbchowe.org First United Methodist Church 810 N. Denny St. Howe, TX 75459 903-532-6718 Church@fumchowe.org https://www.fumchowe.org/ New Beginning Fellowship 910 S. Denny St, PO Box 295 Howe TX 75459 http://www.nbfhowe.com/ (903) 532-6828 wallace@nbfhowe.com



Independent Bank 100 South Denny Howe TX 75459 independent-bank.com (903) 532-5521 aanderson@ibtx.com

TLD Design Consulting LLC 103 E. Haning St. Howe TX 75459 http://www.tld -dc.com/ 903-436-4601 tdefrange@tldconsulting.net

Legend Bank 201 W. Grand Whitewright, TX 75491 legend-bank.com 903-532-4778 Brandon.grooms@legend-bank.com

American Efficiency Solutions 2917 Wolf Front Rd Van Alstyne TX 75495 americanefficiency solutions.com/ 214-284-6309 mike@aes-llc.net

First National Bank of Tom Bean 109 S. Britton St. Tom Bean, TX 75489 https://www.fnbtb.com/ 903-546-62752 rbridges@fnbtb.com

Carl Seay Construction 3787 Texas 289 Dorchester, TX 75459 469-288-1965 ceseay10@gmail.com

First United Bank 2011 Texoma Parkway Sherman TX 75090 firstunitedbank.com 903-813-5760 sarah.myrick@firstunitedbank.com

CONVENIENT STORES Quick Check #4 411 W. Haning Street Howe, TX 75459 903-532-5265 zackwilks82@yahoo.com


DENTAL Howe Family Dentistry 100 S. Collins Freeway, PO Box 960 Howe TX 75459 howefamilydentistry.com 903.532.5545

Provider Business Partners 106 W. Young St. Howe TX 75459 providerbusinesspartners.com 903-487-2248 sharla@ providerbusinesspartners.com Smith-Garner, PC 609 N. Denny St., P.O. Box 1019 Howe TX 75459 http://www.howecpa.com/ (903) 532-1040 amanda.garner@howecpa.com LegalShield 1548 Timbercreek Dr. Howe TX 75459 http://JLALEXANDER. WeAreLegalshield.com 214-549-4474 jlalexander@ legalshieldassociates.com) BUTCHER Don’s Smokehouse 111 E. Haning Street Howe, Texas 75459 Donssmokehouse.com (214) 881-8377 DonsSmokehouse@gmail.com

EDUCATION Howe Community Library 315 S. Collins Freeway Howe TX 75459 www.howeisd.net/Page/83 903-745-4050 atchison.melissa@howeisd.net Howe Independent School District 105 W. Tutt St. Howe TX 75459 howeisd.net/ (903) 745-4000 ELECTRIC Rapid Electric, LLC (903) 421-8100 http://www.RapidElectricCo.com/ brent@rapidelectricco.com ENTERTAINMENT Chill Out Shaved Ice Howe, TX 75459 Chillout903@hotmail.com 903-436-0708

HAIR SALON Good Fellas Barber Shop 105 E. Haning St. (972) 502-0559 goodfellasbarbershoptx@gmail.com HEALTH Angels of Care Pediatric Home Health 8001 S. U.S. Highway 75 Sherman TX 75090 angelsofcare.com 903-532-1400 jriggs@angelsofcare.com Core Fit Nutrition 300 W. Haning St Howe, TX 75459 469-337-1053 C.culton@icloud.com ER OF TEXAS 115 W. Travis St Sherman, TX 75092 http://oroftexas.com/ 903-770-9099 tiffanyr@eroftexas.com NURSE C.E.R.T.S. 505 Castlegate St. Howe, TX 75459 90.-821-3392 loavamccarthy@msn.com DEBBY EDWARDS/PINK ZEBRA 1403 S. Travis St. Sherman, TX 75090 debbyedwards2@gmail.com 903-820-8914 HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING Baker A/C & Heating, Inc. 215 N. Denny St. Howe TX 75459 903-532-6225 bakerac.mark@yahoo.com HOUSING Bainbrook Apartments 511 S. Collins Fwy Howe, TX 75459 (469) 712-4082 bainbrook75459.com Pradera Manufactured Home Park 709 N. Collins Freeway Howe TX 75459 http://praderamhp.com (903) 532-0014 pradera@havenparkmgmt.com M&M Properties 901 N. Denny St Howe TX 75459 903-815-8355 mariecurtis16@gmail.com. INSURANCE Ed Meacham, State Farm 1303 N Sam Rayburn Frwy, Ste. 200 Sherman TX 75090 https://www.statefarm.com/ agent/US/TX/Sherman/EdMeacham-3TGY5753JAK 903-892-3923 ed@mredinsurance.com Kathy McGarry, Mayo Agency 215 S Ray Roberts Pkwy, P.O. Box 519 Tioga TX 76271 940-437-2378 kathy.mayoagency@gmail.com

Texas Farm Bureau Insurance, Darren Foster – Agent 1363 S Waco St Van Alstyne TX 75495 https://www.txfbins.com/ insurance/agent/grayson/ 32707/darrenfoster 903-436-2470 dfoster@txfb-ins.com Texas Farm Bureau Insurance, Loretta Anderson – Agent 1363 S Waco St Van Alstyne TX 75495 https://www.txfb -ins.com/ insurance/agent/grayson/ 23242/lorettaanderson 903-819-1041 landerson@txfb-ins.com Aflac Agent Chyna Vincent 1671 Taylor Rd Dorchester TX 75459 940-641-1714 chynakv@live.com INTERNET TekWav 223 N. Walnut St. Sherman TX 75090 http://www.tekwav.com 903-375-9787 jj@tekwav.com LEADERSHIP The Iku Organization http://theikuorganization.org/ 214-392-6218 soga.aralola@gmail.com

Sheryl Bentley, REMAX REALTORS (903) 821-7653 yourrealtorsheryl@gmail.com Michael Taylor – Keller Williams Realty P.O. Box 575 Howe TX 75459 mtaylor@kw.com The Llama Realty Group Dana Thornhill 204 Tate Circle Sherman, TX 75090 903-821-6890 llamarealtygroup@gmail.com RESTAURANTS El Patio Escondido Mexican Restaurant & Cantina 495 W. Van Alstyne Pkwy, P.O. Box 637 Van Alstyne TX 75495 elpatioescondido.com 903-482-5538 williampacheco519@yahoo.com Palio’s Pizza Cafe 303 W. Haning St. Howe TX 75459 https://www.palioshowe.com/ 903-532-0390 paliospizza@att.net ROOFING

NON-PROFIT Goodwill Industries of Northeast Texas 2206 E. Lamar St. Sherman, TX 75090 goodwillnorthtexas.org spierce@goodwillnorthtexas.org United Way of Grayson County 713 E. Brockett P.O. Box 1112 Sherman, Texas 75091 903.893.1920 PLUMBING Brother Plumber 708 Maple St. Howe, TX 75459 469-968-4487 trent@brotherplumber.com http://Brotherplumber.com/ Torque Plumbing 102 S. Collins Frwy Howe TX 75459 (972) 658-1515 torquemayes@yahoo.com PUBLIC UTILITIES Atmos Energy 5111 Blue Flame Rd. Sherman TX 75090 http://www.atmosenergy.com/ 1-888-286-6700 (Main) 1-866-322-8667 Natural Gas Emergency Jan.Rugg@atmosenergy.com Grayson -Collin Electric Cooperative, Inc. P.O. Box 548 Van Alstyne TX 75495 www.grayson-collin.coop 903-482-7100 mmcginnis@gcec.net Cavender Home Theater DISH 6202 Texoma Parkway Sherman TX 75090 http://www.cavendertv.com/ 903-892-3499 chris@cavenderht.com REAL ESTATE Bill French Properties 315 N Travis Suite B-3 Sherman TX 75090 billfrenchproperties.com 903-893-BILL (2455) bill@billfrenchproperties.com

HIT Exteriors, LLC Howe, TX 75459 972-977-1523 sergio@hitexteriors.com STORAGE Howe Mini-Storage 609 N. Denny St. Howe TX 75459 903-532-7867 amanda.garner@howecpa.com TOWING Adams Automotive & Towing 85 Redden Rd Van Alstyne TX 75495 adamsautotow.com 903-482-5784 Pristine Towing & Roadside Assistance 135 Hodgins Rd. P.O. Box 1672 Van Alstyne TX 75495 (903) 814-8064 WELDING Robertson Welding Service 1716 Baker Rd. C Sherman, TX 75090 903-328-6588 carobertson1975@yahoo.com


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