61.13 Howe Enterprise August 7, 2023

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Grayson Publishing, LLC

© 2023 The Howe Enterprise

Volume 61, Edition 13, Monday, August 7, 2023 The pen is mightier than the sword. ***** Steve Davis of Don’s Smokehouse gave a speech at the chamber’s Howe Hump Day networking breakfast how he was a second generation owner of his business. This sparked my quick thinking to remember that my dad once said he worked for about a week or so in the print shop of the Howe Enterprise for my Papaw. That asterisk of information allowed me to one-up my friend Steve and proclaim that (maybe falsely) the Howe Enterprise is a third-generation business. ***** In talking with some of the 1998 Howe Bulldogs players about being recognized at the Community Pep Rally on August 19, we were trying to come up with a runthrough song for them. In going with the time period, we had a little fun suggesting Hanson’s “MMMBop” or “Tubthumping” by Chumbawamba. In the end, could it be “Spice Up Your Life” by the Spice Girls? Nah, quit playing games with my heart.

EDITOR’S NOTE—This column is reserved as an editorial column and may not necessarily reflect the policy of this publication.


HCFDC Agenda, pg. 5 Junior FFA, pg. 7 City Budget Workshop, pg. 7 Hot Jobs, pg. 8 2023 Broadcast, pg. 11 Community Pep Rally, pg. 11 Local Churches, pg. 12 History/Christian, pg. 13 Patriot Pony, pg. 14-15 Chamber Members, pg. 16 Past front pages, 17-24

READERSHIP Jan. 1 - August 5, 2023 Sessions: 52,220 Pageviews: 641,509 Users: 33,785 Data by Google Analytics

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Ozuna sworn in as newest It’s football time in Texas! officer for Howe ISD

Officer Brandon Ozuna was sworn in Monday morning by Howe ISD Chief Matt Whitworth. He was accompanied by his wife Elizabeth Ozuna. Enterprise photo.

Howe starting center Michael Riddle (51) races around a blocking dummy Tuesday as football began the day prior. Enterprise photo.

A good indication of the quality of a school district could be and should be based on whether their graduates are college or workforce ready. Howe ISD continues to show a reputation of hiring former students as Brandon Ozuna becomes the second Howe High School graduate to enter the Howe ISD Police Department. The 2012 graduate reports to 1990 Howe High School graduate Chief

The long-anticipated 2023 Howe Bulldogs season has finally arrived. Players reported to workouts at 6:15 am Monday morning in preparation for a back-to -back playoff berth. Howe is coming off a 65 season that ended with a 39-19 loss to Palmer in the first round after Howe lost multiple starters to injury including all-time passing leader Austin Haley who did not suit

Matt Whitworth. Ozuna becomes the third officer for the district. “This is huge. The expansion of the police department allows us to offer a higher level of protection for our students and staff,” said Whitworth. Ozuna becomes the third Howe Police Officer to resign for other opportunities in the last several (Continued on page 4)

up that night. But the season was a success in Head Coach Lance Bryan’s first year as Howe broke a 22-game losing streak on opening night at Honey Grove

which signaled a new day had dawned for the Howe Bulldogs. Bryan is very optimistic about the 80th Howe (Continued on page 2)

Chamber had big week with Howe Hump Day and Ice Cream Social

25 years ago: The Deed in Denton No one remembers or especially reflects through articles and holds special reunions of the ordinary team. Only the great teams that lift gold football have the honors of such. The 1998 Howe Bulldogs are one of those storied teams of yesteryear in H-town and they will be recognized and honored at the Community Pep Rally on Saturday, August 19 at 7:30 pm. Davey DuBose began his third season as the head coach of the Bulldogs in 1998. Th previous season, the Dogs finished with a 6-4 record, just missing the playoffs but with wins

Above: Business leaders gathered at Independent Financial Wednesday for Howe Hump Day. Below: Susan Garcia of HIT Roof & Exteriors served up Blue Bell ice cream Thursday night at Summit Gardens for the Howe Chamber’s annual event. Enterprise photos. (Continued on page 6)

The front page of the Texoma Enterprise, November 19, 1998. over Gunter, Prosper, and Aubrey. But closely contested losses to Pilot Point and Van Alstyne to go along with an overloaded abundance of

returning talent signaled that 1998 had the makings of something truly special. And that it was. (Continued on page 8)


August 7, 2023


Cooper Jones (24) will now wear the number 1 and move from receiver to quarterback. Photo by Michelle Carney. (Continued from page 1)

Bulldogs team as they will be much bigger than a year ago. He said summer workout attendance allowed them to get a head start to the season with installations of schemes and formations. “We really hit the ground running on day one. We weren’t having to do a lot of conditioning. Our kids were already conditioned from the summer,” said Bryan. “It was really nice to finally get helmets on them. Once you add the pads, it starts feeling like real football.” The last starting quarterback for the Howe Bulldogs, not named Austin

Haley was Bryce Krantz in 2018. With Haley manning the quarterback position for the last four seasons, Bryan is looking to Cooper Jones to take over in the gun. Jones moves from receiver where he has played for the last three seasons on varsity and had great success with 85 catches for 1,328 yards. Jones will be more of a running quarterback as he averaged 4.19 yards per rush a year ago mainly in short-yardage situations. “He’s a bowling ball when he starts running,” said Bryan of Jones. “He’s less of a speed guy than Austin was; he’s more of a brutal runner. There’s a lot of things that he does well.” (Continued on page 3)




August 7, 2023


Braden Ulmer (4) will carry a heavy load in the 2023 offense. Photo by Michelle Carney. (Continued from page 2)

Bryan says being here for his second year has given him and his coaches great insight on what players can do best that they might not have been doing a year ago and says some kids are in different positions which will make them better players overall. The offensive line will look a lot bigger than last year with the return of last year’s starting tackles who missed all season due to preseason injuries. Luciano Vazquez and Seth Goolsby are each over 6’-3” and over 225 pounds. “It’s almost like we got two new kids that moved in. They had their entire junior years taken away from them. They are practicing like guys that feel they have something to prove,” said Bryan. “This is their last year, and they know how quickly it can get taken away from them.” Howe would not have been able to win six games in 2022 without running back Antwone Rattler and his 1,439 yards and 16 touchdowns. Bryan does not intend for the Dogs to feature one particular back to replace Rattler, but to see a variety of choices including senior Kaden Dunn, junior Braden Ulmer, and sophomore Knox Bounds. Dunn and Bounds are two of the fastest athletes in the football program while Ulmer is a punishing runner that also features exceptional foot speed. “Ulmer is one of those guys that I felt didn’t touch the ball enough last year,” said Bryan. “When he did, he did a lot of good things with it, and I don’t want to have to rely on throwing it to him to get him the ball. He’s going to have a huge part in our offense and he’s going to do a lot of different things.” Bryan thinks James Cowart can also help them at the running back position.

© 2023 The Howe Enterprise

With the loss of outside receivers Ryan Hough to graduation and Jones to a position switch, Bryan is hoping Malachi Dailey and Beau Stephens will step up in that role, however, he says Stephens is better suited at the tight end position. Kolin Murphy returns as a slot receiver along with Ulmer. One surprise to Bryan is the transformation of Jeremiah Thornton who has been a lineman, but his body

has changed so much that he’s gone from a defensive end and offensive lineman to a cornerback and receiver. “He’s gotten a little bit taller and a little bit leaner. He’s gotten really fast because he dedicated himself to track,” said Bryan. “We didn’t know that he was going to turn into what he’s turned in to, but now he’s definitely going to be a guy that we’re going to put him in positions to succeed.” Bryan also expects Garrett Rodgers and Eli Stoner to contribute to the receiver corps. “We lost a lot of guys at receiver, but we feel like our depth is stronger this year,” said Bryan. “We’ve got a lot of kids that have a lot of strengths and we’re going to try to find out how to use those.” The roster will be larger this year also as the Dogs got down to 18 healthy players at one point last season. As of Tuesday, Bryan thought the roster would be around 27 or so which is more than they started with a year ago. Howe began camp with roughly 60 athletes which is a bump of about 10 from a year ago. That increase is mainly due to the highly touted freshman class showing great retention from middle school. Defensively, Howe will switch from a 3-4 scheme to a 4-3 with four down linemen. Bryan feels like the depth that they have with the defensive linemen, they would be wasting a position if they didn’t put one of their better players in the game. Bryan expects Stephens, the defensive MVP a year ago to have another great season. The kicking chores will once again be by Jonathan Garcia who is now in his second year as a starter. Bryan raved about his work ethic and his ability to handle pressure situations. Offensively, Howe lost their coordinator Zac Cater who was named head coach for Coalgate High School in Oklahoma. Justin Graham will serve that role this year and they plan to attack defenses on the ground much more than a year ago. Bryan says their expectation is to be in the playoffs in 2023. “We want to exceed what we did last year and win more games than we won last year,” said Bryan.



August 7, 2023


Howe ISD Officer Brandon Ozuna and family. Enterprise photo. (Continued from page 1)

weeks. Whitworth, the former Howe Police Chief says he had the pleasure of working with Ozuna during his tenure with the city. “I was impressed by his attitude and his work ethic,” said Whitworth. “When he applied for the school police department, it was a great opportunity for us to continue to build a great department.”

ed to be able to serve kids that were brought up like me,” said Ozuna. He will be primarily located at Summit Hill Elementary School. He is married to Elizabeth, and they have two kids, a son Waylon and daughter Paisley.

Ozuna said he feels it will be a good transition going from a street officer to the school system. “I’m still able to serve the citizens, just in a slightly different capacity,” said Ozuna. “I’m excited for the opportunity to be able to help mentor the kids and still be a part of the community.” Ozuna says coming back to Howe ISD is like coming back home. “It’s kind of come full circle. I’m excit-

Ozuna’s badge was pinned (and pierced) by his wife Elizabeth at Monday’s swearing-in ceremony. Enterprise photo.

Howe ISD Chief Matt Whitworth swears in Officer Brandon Ozuna. Enterprise photo.



August 7, 2023




August 7, 2023

Chamber of Commerce

The Blue Bell Ice Cream Social drew one of the largest crowds so far for the event on Thursday evening. Courtesy photo. (Continued from page 1)

The Howe Area Chamber of Commerce had a busy week with Howe Hump Day on Wednesday hosted by Independence Financial and a Blue Bell Ice Cream Social hosted by HIT Roofing & Exteriors. “Back to School” was the theme for the local bank’s networking breakfast as the lobby was beautifully decorated with school-themed items. Each mem-

ber in attendance was able to give information about their business and enjoy breakfast tacos. On Thursday evening at Summit Gardens, HIT Roof & Exteriors served up Blue Bell to a packed venue. Multiple flavors were served even including Dr. Pepper ice cream. The local chamber has had 19 new members so far in 2023. Members ships can be purchased at howechamber.com

(Left to right) Sandy Franz, Dana Thornhill, Lacey Tucker, Susan Garcia, Kristen Harkless, and Brett Hetrick enjoy breakfast at Independent Financial Wednesday morning for Howe Hump Day. Enterprise photo.



Junior FFA

City of Howe Council Budget workshop Tuesday NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF HOWE, TEXAS WILL BE HELD ON THE 8th DAY OF AUGUST 2023 AT 6:00 P.M., AT 100 E. O’CONNELL, HOWE, TEXAS AT WHICH TIME THE FOLLOWING SUBJECTS WILL BE DISCUSSED, TO WIT: CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION PLEDGE TO FLAGS PUBLIC REQUEST - At this time comments will be taken from the audience on any subject that is on the agenda. All comments are limited to a maximum of three minutes. In accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Council may not discuss or act on any of the items not posted on the agenda.

CURRENT BUSINESS Budget Workshop. Current Budget and Budget for fiscal year 2023-2024 Code enforcement Animal Control Economic Development Administration Police Department Utility Department Utility rates Fire Department ADJOURN

August 7, 2023




August 7, 2023

The Deed in Denton (Continued from page 1)

Howe had everything a coach wants in a favorable seven homes games, returning starters including a bruising fullback in Josh DuBose, starting quarterback Clint Grogan, a left-handed dual-threat quarterback, a speedster receiver in Heath Horton, a big smashing offensive line, and a running back coming off a 1,242-yard season with 15 rushing touchdowns. His name was Nathanael Falls, but simply known in a 45-mile radius as “Neno.” But let’s not stop there, the defense was anchored by Justin Merchant, DuBose and slew of talent that would go on to hold their opponents to only 13.08 points per game (still 23rd all-time and 8th since 1947).

Nathanael “Neno” Falls. Courtesy photo.

The season began with a thrashing at Bulldog Stadium over Lone Oak, 41-7 but Howe found themselves at 1-1 after being embarrassed at Massey Stadium in Pilot Point, 43-0. At the time, no one knew what was to come after that devastating loss. But the players in the locker room and their coaching staff led by DuBose longed for the opportunity to get a chance at them again and felt like there was a good chance they might. But in the meantime, Howe reeled off 8-straight wins by an average of 41-8 on the scoreboard including a 55-0 win over Whitewright and a decisive 41-13 win over rival Van Alstyne. The 9-win regular season total was already tops in school history at the time and had them in discussion as the best team ever. But the true challenge for that title was to be tested in the first round of the playoffs. Cue the Darth Vader intro music as Howe drew none other than Pilot Point in the bi-district matchup that was to be played in their backyard of Denton ISD Stadium.

There were many emotions leading up to the game with a community-wide pep rally with an emotional speech by a 1990 former player that faced the same situation and prevailed against Celina that year. A letter from the 1990 team, the same letter written from then -Superintendent Pete Simmons, was distributed for the team to read on the bus to Denton.

The Bulldogs and the entire city knew that the challenge was uphill, and the fans spoke under their breath hoping the Dogs would just put up a fight and make it a close game. But ‘The Deed in Denton’ was nigh upon and the locker room and their head coach had different ideas.

“We took the field and played on emotion the first half,” said Dubose who saw the Dogs trail at the half, 7-6.

“I was concerned personally over how our kids would handle it,” said DuBose in a 1999 interview. “To be physically man-handled the second week of the year and now going into a bi-district game with them.”


Also, in the locker room prior to the game, a speech was given from senior Kevin Roach who had been paralyzed in a serious auto accident. He was a teammate who had been on varsity as a sophomore. “We felt like Kevin was part of our group and should have been on that field,” said DuBose. “I asked him to come in and give a speech to us.” An emotional DuBose said he was left speechless and had nothing that could have been said after what Roach told them prior to the game.

“I told them at halftime that if you remember a few months ago, we were getting beat bad at halftime,” said DuBose. “I said, ‘you’re playing these guys. You know you can play with them.’ We came out the second half and pretty much dominated.” Howe pulled off the 8.0 Richter magnitude come-from-behind 28-14 (Continued on page 9)

Job Title AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN workintexas.com Posting ID 16115187 Location Sherman Posting Close Date 08/26/23 Posting Link https:// bit.ly/3KtaRiZ DescriptionA local company is looking for an AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN who will completely inspect, repair and recommend necessary parts and labor to complete said repairs.

Job Title EQUIPMENT SELECTION STRATEGY ENGINEER workintexas.com Posting ID 16075136 Location Sherman Posting Close Date 09/29/23 Posting Link https:// bit.ly/3qf5yNe Description A local company is looking for an EQUIPMENT SELECTION STRATEGY ENGINEER who will be responsible for alignment and management of all equipment across the network within your module.

This position requires a High School Diploma or Equivalent, and a minimum of 2 years of related experience.

This position requires a Bachelor's Degree, and a minimum of 8 years of related experience.


August 7, 2023

The Deed in Denton (Continued from page 8)


The 1998 Howe Bulldogs

shocker that left 2A Texas High School football in disbelief. On the evening, the Dogs called on their horse. “Neno” carried the Bulldogs on his 6’- 4” frame to a tune of 31 carries for 158 yards and four touchdowns. Grogan threw for 156 yards and completed 10 of 15 passes. Horton was the leading receiver with 55 yards. The defense did allow Pilot Point 231 yards, however, Howe’s offense racked up 352. The season ended a week later at Pennington Field where no Howe team has been successful. Boyd, perhaps the best team in 2A Texas not crowned that year served the knockout punch by a score of 28-13. But the talks of the 1998 Howe Bulldogs being the greatest team ever were in full discussion at the local coffee hangout. Howe finished 10-2 and scored 406 points while only allowing 157 that year. Only the 2015 Bulldogs have scored more (410) and had a greater points per game scored (33.83). The 2016 Howe Bulldogs that moved up to Class 3A-I and made it to the third round also have to be on the lips of the coffee shop drinkers, but the Deed in Denton ranks as if not the greatest game in school history, it’s in the same breath with the 14-14 tie with Celina that saw Howe advance on stats in the first round of the 1990 playoffs. Falls finished his career with 3,057 rushing yards and 41 touchdowns.

Former Howe Head Coach Davey DuBose. Tyler Grisham is the only other Bulldog to eclipse the 3,000 yard mark. Grogan finished his career with 1,722 yards passing which is good for sixth overall in school history. DuBose left Howe after the 2020 season. He finished his Howe career with 34 wins and 20 losses which places him third all-time on the win list for Howe head coaches only behind Norman Dickey (51) and Jim Fryar (41). Falls and his teammates along with former head coach DuBose will return to Bulldog Stadium Saturday, August 19 to be honored on their 25th anniversary as perhaps the greatest Howe Bulldogs team of the 79 that have dawned the black and white to this point.

First row: Cody Zettler, Jarod Martin, Josh Ireland, Paul Simmons, Heath Horton, Trevor Stevens, Second Row: B. Ray Thornhill, Keith Lea, David Mize, Ian McCarthy, Brandon Watson, Josh Williams, Nick Spost. Third row: Chris Wallace, Glenn McCollum, Ben Eenigenburg, Michael Routt, Harlan Owens, Cody Kremling, Clint Grogan, Josh DuBose. Fourth row: Daniel Simmons (manager, Timmy Skaggs, Eric Allison, Brad Thompson, Richard Earnhart, Chad Allison, Brooks Foster, Kevin Smith (manager). Fifth row: Michel Evans, Erich Hefner, Sean Gray, Charlie Komorowski, Billy Oswalt, Jeremy Falls. Sixth row: Sean Douglas, Nathanael Falls, Justin Merchant, and Brian McDonald.


August 7, 2023



"With a united effort we can make the place in which we live clean, wholesome, attractive. We can make the crowded city dweller homesick to come back to us and real living. We can bring new life, new business, new beauty, to the little towns." - Mame Roberts

City of Howe SECONDS COUNT IN AN EMERGENCY! That's why the City of Howe has instituted the CodeRED Emergency Notification System - an ultra high-speed telephone communication service for emergency notifications. This system allows us to telephone all or targeted areas in case of an emergency situation that requires immediate action (such as a boil-water notice, missing child or evacuation notices). The system is capable of dialing 60,000 phone numbers per hour. It then delivers a pre-recorded message describing the situations to a live person or an answering machine in the affected area possibly including instructions requiring action on the part of the recipient. Once the situation is remedied, another call will be placed to the area signaling that the issue has been addressed and that normal activities can be resumed. The following information is required to add a telephone number into the "CodeRED" database: first and last name; address (physical address, no P.O. boxes); city; state; Zip Code; and primary phone number. The system works with cellular phones but requires a valid street address. When entering information, please fill out all of the screens because the newest data entered will replace the old data. Sign up by visiting http://www.co.grayson.tx.us/page/oem.cred

2022-23 Local taxation State Sales Tax General Revenue Sales Tax Economic Development (Type B) Sales Tax Total

6.25 % 1.00 %

City of Howe Tax Rate Howe I.S.D Tax Rate Grayson County Tax Rate Grayson College Tax Rate Total (per $100 valuation)

$0.54 $1.27 $0.31 $0.15 $2.27

1.00 % 8.25 %

City Hall 116 E. Haning St., 903-532-5571 Mayor: Karla McDonald City Council: Michael Hill, Rodney Hough, Billie Ingram, Sarah Myrick, Joe Shephard City Administrator: Jeff Stanley City Secretary: Regina Harris Utility Billing and Municipal Court 116 E. Haning St. 903-532-5571 Utility Clerk: Beccy Roberts Court Clerk: (After hours night drop available) Public Works 317 S. Hughes St. Public Works Director: Mickey Phillips Code Enforcement 317 S. Hughes St. Code Enforcement Officer: Benjamin Fuhr Howe Fire Department 118 E. Haning 903-532-6888 (nonemergency) Fire Chief: Robert Maniet Howe Police Department 700 W. Haning St. 903-532-9971 (non-emergency) Dispatch 903813-4411 Police Chief: Carl Hudman Police Sergeant: Keith Milks Economic Development 100 E. O’Connell St. 903-532-6080 EDC Director: Monte Walker City Council meets third Tuesday at 100 E. O’Connell St. at 6 pm. Planning & Zoning Commission Meets third Monday as needed Howe Community Facilities Development Corporation Meets as needed For more information visit the city website www.cityofhowe.org

Cityofhowe.org 2022-23 City of Howe Water, Sewer, Refuse collection rates - one bill


August 7, 2023

Howe Bulldogs broadcast sponsors

Studio42 would like to thank those who have already signed up to sponsor the Howe Bulldogs live football broadcasts. Scoggins Funeral Home, Baker Air Conditioning & Heating, Independent Financial, GCEC, Sonic of Howe, Attorney Micah Belden, Cory Hernandez State Farm, Rapid Electric, HIT Roof & Exteriors, The Llama Realty Group, Brother Plumber, Ed Meacham State Farm, Howe Athletic Booster Club, Michelle Carney Photography, Kellie's Kreations, TekWav, Knight Furniture, All In Custom Gutters & Christmas Lights, and Texoma Land and Home Realty TEAM.




August 7, 2023

Attend the Church of Your Choice

Each Sunday...

Times are subject to change. Please check with each church for any possible changes

First Baptist Church Dorchester Zach Poling, pastor 11831 FM 902, Dorchester, TX 75459 903-476-5525 Wednesday 6:30 pm - Worship service Sunday 9:00 am - Men's Prayer Time 9:45 am - Sunday School 10:45 am - Worship Service 5:00 pm - Evening Service Summit View Church Brett and Deb Hetrick, pastors

Community Bible Fellowship Jeremy Moore, pastor

Howe Methodist Church of Howe JB Bryant, minister

415 S Collins Fwy, Howe, TX 75459 Wednesday 6:30 pm - Food and Fellowship 7:00 pm - Community Kids (ages 3 6th grade, nursery available) 7:00 pm - Youth and Adult Bible Study Sunday 10:30 am - Worship Service

810 N Denny St, Howe, TX 75459 903-532-6718 Tuesday: 8:30am - 1:00pm WeeCare Daycare (Registration needed) 9:30am - Women's Bible Study 6:30pm - Boy Scouts Wednesday: 9:00am - Wednesday Workers 6:00pm - 1st and 3rd Wednesdays Family Night Thursday: 8:30am - 1:00pm - WeeCare Daycare (Registration needed) Saturday: 9:00am-12:00pm - Feed My Sheep (1st & 3rd Sat. of each month) Sunday: 8:30am - Coffee and Donuts 9:00am - Sunday School 10:00am - Worship Service 3:00pm Cub Scouts

First Baptist Church Howe Roger Tidwell, pastor 100 E. Davis St., Howe, TX 903-5325504 Wednesday 5:30 pm—Free Meal 6:30 pm - Team Kid 6:30 pm - Youth Ministry 6:30 pm - Adult Bible Fellowship Sunday 9:15 am - Bible Fellowship 10:30am - Worship Service 6:00 pm—Potluck Fellowship and Bible Study

910 S Denny St, Howe, TX 75459 903-532-6828 Wednesday 7:00 pm - Radiate Youth 7:00 pm - Sanctuary of for prayer Sunday 9:30 am - Sunday School (kids, youth, women, men) 10:30 am - Worship Service 10:30 am - Kids Church Howe Church of Christ Aaron Alsbrook, minister 1205 N Collins Fwy, Howe, TX 75459 903-532-6441 Wednesday 7:00 pm - Bible Classes (all ages) Sunday 9:00 am - Bible Classes (all ages) 10:00 am - Worship Service 5:00 pm - Worship Service

Matthew 9:22 Jesus turned and saw her. “Take heart, daughter,” he said, “your faith has healed you.” And the woman was healed at that moment.


Texas History Minute Katherine Anne Porter was one of the most noted of Texas novelists. Her career spanned decades, and though her output Ken Bridges was limited, it had a profound impact on many aspiring writers from the 1930s through the 1970s. She was born Callie Russel Porter in May 1890 in Indian Creek, a small, unincorporated community in Brown County in Central Texas. Her father was a cousin to Texas writer William Sydney Porter, better known by his pen name O. Henry. Brown County also happened to be the home of noted western and horror novelist Robert E. Howard. Porter was the fourth of five children, but tragedy followed her for much of her early life. An older brother had died while still an infant. When she was two, her mother died shortly after giving birth to her youngest sister. Distraught and left with four young children to raise, Harrison Porter took his children and moved in with his mother, Catherine Anne Porter. The family spent the next few years living in the modest house in Kyle, a small community just south of Austin. From a young age in Kyle, she began writing stories. The future writer became very close to her grandmother in those years. But in 1901, her grandmother died while taking her on a trip to see relatives in West Texas. Afterward, her father moved the family sporadically across Texas and Louisiana. Porter’s education became increasingly sporadic, and she never attended high school. In 1906, she married John Henry Koontz, a Lufkin-area rancher. It would be the first of five marriages for Porter. The marriage was a disaster from the beginning, wrecked by Koontz’s alcoholism. Porter reported later that he flew into horrible rages fueled by his drinking. She alleged at one point that he threw her down a flight of stairs, resulting in a broken ankle. She left for Chicago in 1914 and filed for divorce, asking that her name be legally changed to Katherine Anne Porter in the process. She also picked up a writing job at the Chicago Tribune. She even began appearing a few silent film roles as extras while writing a story for Chicago film companies, with one company paying her $12 per day. After her divorce was finalized, she married Otto Taskett, a marriage that fell apart within months. At that same time in 1915, she was diagnosed with tuberculosis and sent to a sanatorium. While hospitalized, she began writing stories full time. Her fortune changed when she learned she had been misdiagnosed, and she returned to Texas in 1917 as a society writer for the Fort Worth Critic.


August 7, 2023

The next year, she moved to Denver to write for the Rocky Mountain News. But 1918 was also the year of the Spanish Flu Epidemic. More than 500,000 Americans died from the flu that year. Porter came down with the flu and nearly died herself. After her recovery, she spent most of the next decade travelling, living mostly in Mexico and New York City. Her first published short story, “Maria Concepcion,” (1922) was inspired by her experiences in Mexico. She married three times and divorced three more times between 1926 and 1942. As talented as she was, she found writing very frustrating. She once said, “I have written and destroyed manuscripts quite literally by the trunkful. I spent fifteen years wandering about, weighted horribly by masses of paper and little else.” She published a widely acclaimed and influential collection of short stories in 1930, “Flowering Judas and Other Stories.” Among her most famous story was the award-winning “Pale Horse, Pale Rider” (1939). This was a collection of three novellas which took place during the 1918 flu pandemic, inspired by her own illness. The story was adapted into several television movies in the 1950s and 1960s. This was followed up by another short story collection, “The Leaning Tower” (1944). She spent many of her years from the 1930s onward travelling the world, writing essays for The Nation and The New Republic and writing short stories. She met prominent writers, celebrities, and world leaders in her travels. However, she only wrote one novel. Ship of Fools (1962) took twenty years to write. The tale of misfits sailing to Europe in the early 1930s became instantly famous and was adapted into a movie in 1965. In 1965, she published The Collected Stories, her latest anthology. This earned her the Pulitzer Prize in 1966 as well as the National Book Award. She would continue to write for many more years. Porter died at her home in Maryland at the age of 90 in 1980. Her birthplace in Brown County was recognized by the state as a state historic landmark in 1990. In Kyle, the family home continued to stand years after Porter’s death. In 1997, the city, along with several local charities and benefactors, bought the old homestead and began renovating it. In 2000, it was declared a national landmark and the city established the Katherine Anne Porter Literary Center at the home. Operating today through a partnership with Texas State University in San Marcos, the organization invites noted writers to speak at symposiums and offers programs to help aspiring writers.

Being honest with God and ourselves In the field of psychology, cognitive dissonance is the perception of contradictory information and the mental toll of it. Relevant items of information Dr. Billy Holland include a person’s actions, feelings, ideas, beliefs, values, convictions, and things that are going on all around us. Cognitive dissonance is typically experienced as mental and emotional stress when an individual participates in an action that goes against what they know is right. According to this theory, when two desires or ideas are not consistent with each other, people will try to justify and compromise until they become consistent enough to be accepted. This discomfort is triggered by the person’s knowledge clashing against new information when it’s introduced, wherein the individual tries to find a way to resolve the contradiction to reduce their guilt. This might sound like a lot of psychological gobbly goop, and you might be asking, what does all of this have to do with me and the way I live? I’m glad you asked. We all have a lot of personal and secret thoughts going on in our minds and how we deal with it goes a long way toward being a more stable, balanced, and spiritually content person. I’m not excited about it, but we are constantly exposed to negative voices and influences that we might consider, but I hope we refuse. The point is coming to the place where we are honest with God and ourselves. Many of our headaches and anxieties are self-inflicted and our temptations often come from areas where are weak and vulnerable. The devil has been watching us for a long time and there is no reason for him to stop using tactics against us that are always successful. Take for example, we know that we should stop wasting so many hours each day playing on our phones and television, but we do it anyway. Why? Because we want to. Of course, if we really believe this is a serious problem we would turn them off, but instead, it’s much easier to ignore it with a compromising and enduring attitude. This is cognitive dissonance. The gen-

eral idea of living on purpose is to examine every aspect of our lives and develop a desire to become the best version of ourselves we can be. Or in other words, it should be important to us that we are the person that Jesus died for us to be. The subconscious discomfort we are talking about is an internal misery that does not need to be a part of our lives. We want peace and the more we please God and follow His voice, the less we are convicted and condemned for our willful disobedience. We realize we need to take control of our mental and spiritual condition instead of allowing our fleshly desires and emotions to control us. In the same way that Adam and Eve were ashamed in the Garden, we also feel that guilt when we do not obey what God is saying. It’s an illusion to expect spiritual joy, and contentment to fall out of the sky. Rather, since we have been given free will to make our own decisions, our destiny has everything to do with whose voice we follow. This is not to say that God does not have a plan for us or fails to intervene, but much of the time He blesses what we give Him. Our responsibility to serve Him is refusing sin and being willing to guard our most precious assets...our mind, spirit, and the Holy Spirit within us. What about how we feel about food and its association with our weight? Some analyze every bite and go to the gym to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Counting calories gives them the security to know they are being good. Others could care less about being healthy and are willing to take as many medications as necessary to maintain their existence. Those who smoke realize it’s linked to cancer, but are convinced they can get away with it. The same is true with alcoholism. And what about the ones who secretly watch pornography and then try to secretly justify their behavior? Whatever our vices and struggles, our contradictions are trying to convict and warn us. God sees and knows everything, and when His truth does not line up with our actions, asking Him for help is the best decision we could ever make. Dr. Holland is an ordained Christian minister, community chaplain, and author. Discover more about the Christian life at billyhollandministries.com. You can help support this ministry at PayPal.Me/psalmz103

© 2023 The Howe Enterprise



August 7, 2023

The Patriot Pony Trump’s team ‘have the goods’to prove election results were rigged says Jan Halper-Hayes

While Trump faces host of charges, none filed in Biden special counsel probe on classified memos U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Robert Hur special counsel to investigate Biden's handling of classified documents distributed. Smith spoke publicly after charges in both cases were announced. By Nicholas Ballasy

Jan Halper-Hayes, who sits on a task force for the Department of Defense says Donald Trump bankrupted the United States Corporation established in 1871. Watch the video by clicking here. GBN News— In a recent interview with GB News, U.S. political analyst Jan HalperHayes provided her insights into the allegations of election fraud surrounding the 2020 U.S. presidential election and discussed the potential ramifications of these claims. The political analyst suggested that the accusations levelled at former President Donald Trump, though not yet reaching the severity of treason or sedition, may pave the way for a relitigation of the 2020 election. This was because, as she stated, Trump’s right to due process has allowed him to subpoena witnesses and present evidence. Halper-Hayes also touched upon the Executive Order issued by Trump in 2018, which outlined the consequences of foreign or domestic interference in future elections, specifically the 2020 election. According to HalperHayes, this directive signaled Trump’s prescience of potential election integrity issues. She also expressed concerns over the politicization of the legal system in the U.S., which she believes to be problematic. The analyst further questioned the common narrative that the Trump campaign lost multiple court cases challenging the election results. According to Halper-Hayes, the truth is that out of 60 cases, only three were heard: Trump won two and lost one, while the rest were dismissed for lack of standing. She suggested that the media distorted these facts. Drawing attention to the controversy surrounding Trump’s election fraud

allegations, Halper-Hayes mentioned the 2000 mules film that documented suspicious activities at drop boxes in Georgia. She maintained that election integrity varies across states and that there might have been some machinations at play, but she refrained from making any explicit allegations. Halper-Hayes also offered insights into Trump’s likely defense strategy, suggesting that it would be grounded in the First Amendment, defending his right to express his belief about the election results. She stressed that in a democracy, it’s crucial to respect the election outcomes, even if they’re disappointing. She went on to mention recent whistleblower revelations that suggest dubious transactions involving Hunter Biden and Ukrainian energy company Burisma. The analyst presented these instances as examples of “Deep State” exposure that Trump has been keen to encourage. Confronted with skepticism about Trump’s credibility, Halper-Hayes acknowledged Trump’s propensity to exaggerate but insisted he was a “straight shooter” when it came to his actions and plans. She contended that he was committed to reforming the U.S., going as far as to hint at Trump’s alleged intentions to dismantle the “U.S. Corporation” established in 1871 and return the country to being a republic. These controversial remarks from Halper-Hayes are sure to stimulate further debate surrounding the 2020 U.S. presidential election and its aftermath. As the legal challenges continue, the analyst’s perspective offers a unique take on the events surrounding this ongoing political saga.

While former President Donald Trump faces an array of federal charges in two separate cases as a result of Special Counsel Jack Smith's investigation, no one has yet been charged in a separate special counsel probe of President Joe Biden's handling of classified documents while he was vice president. In January 2023, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Robert Hur special counsel to investigate the Biden case. In November 2022, Obama-era documents with classified markings were discovered at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement at the University of Pennsylvania’s Washington D.C. office. The documents were found by Biden's attorneys, and a spokesperson for the House Oversight Committee told CNN that "we now know the classified documents were not kept in a locked closet at the Penn Biden Center as the Biden team has asserted." The Federal Bureau of Investigation also discovered classified documents in a garage at Biden's home in Wilmington, Del., in January 2023, prompting Garland to appoint the special counsel. In a January 10 press conference, Biden said he was "surprised" that the documents were found and that "he did not know what was in the documents." In August 2022, the FBI searched Trump's Mar-a-Lago home for classified documents. Trump was charged in June 2023 with 37 counts for mishandling classified information as part of special counsel Smith's investigation. Trump was later hit with additional charges in that case, and indicted in August 2023 on charges related to the Jan. 6, 2021 riot, which also stems from Smith's investigation. Trump was arraigned at the federal courthouse in Washington D.C. on Thursday on the Jan. 6 related changes. He has pleaded not guilty to all charges. After the FBI raid of Trump's Mar-aLago home, the agents gathered documents together for a series of photographs that were widely distributed to the media. By contrast, research by Just the News shows that after classified documents were discovered both at the Biden Penn Center and Biden's garage, no such publicity photos were made or

No one has been charged in Hur's investigation of Biden and Hur has not publicly addressed any aspect of the investigation. His only statement came after he was assigned to the case. “I will conduct the assigned investigation with fair, impartial, and dispassionate judgment. I intend to follow the facts swiftly and thoroughly, without fear or favor, and will honor the trust placed in me to perform this service," he said. Meanwhile, congressional investigators are continuing their probe of Biden's potential role in Hunter Biden's foreign business dealings. In a June 26 press conference Biden categorically denied having any role in his son's business dealings, and more recently White House spokesperson Ian Sams called the matter an "evidencefree wild goose chase." House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) said in a July 31 statement following Devon Archer’s four-hour interview with the committee that “Devon Archer’s testimony today confirms Joe Biden lied to the American people when he said he had no knowledge about his son’s business dealings and was not involved. Joe Biden was ‘the brand’ that his son sold around the world to enrich the Biden family. When Joe Biden was Vice President of the United States, he joined Hunter Biden’s dinners with his foreign business associates in person or by speakerphone over 20 times." Garland has not appointed a special counsel in the Hunter Biden probe. IRS whistleblowers told a congressional committee that U.S. Attorney David Weiss asked for special counsel status to bring forth charges against Hunter outside of the state of Delaware but he was denied. However, after those allegations surfaced, Weiss publicly stated that he hasn't asked for special counsel status. IRS whistleblowers also said they had plans to search Hunter Biden's storage unit in Northern Virginia but his attorneys were tipped off. “No sooner had we gotten off the call [than] we heard AUSA Lesley Wolf had simply reached out to Hunter Biden’s defense counsel and told him about the storage unit, once again ruining our chance to get to evidence before being destroyed, manipulated, or (Continued on page 15)



August 7, 2023

The Patriot Pony Text messages given to FBI: Chinese wanted Biden family name to help acquire U.S. energy assets “They will be the Goldmans of China,” one of Hunter Biden’s business associated boasted about the relationship with CEFC.

By John Solomon Text messages provided to the FBI show that a Chinese energy conglomerate that struck a controversial deal in 2017 with Hunter Biden began its pursuit of a relationship with the future first family back in late 2015 when Joe Biden was still vice president, hoping to seize on the name of one of America’s most famous political dynasties to provide cover for its ambitious plan to buy up energy assets inside the United States. “There will be a deal between one of the most prominent families from US and them (China) constructed by me,” Hunter Biden's business partner James Gilliar texted future partner Tony Bobulinski on Christmas Eve 2015, shortly after Hunter Biden had been alerted to CEFC China Energy's overture and its wealthy leader Ye Jianming. “I think this will then be a great addition to their portfolios as it will give them a profile base in NYC, then LA, etc,” Gilliar added in the text message obtained by Just the News. “For me it's a no brainer but culturally they are different, but smart so let’s see. … Any entry ticket is small for them. Easier and better demographic than Arabs who are little anti US after trump,” Gilliar wrote. You can view that text message here: File GilliarBobulinski12-2415ProminentFamily.pdf The text messages obtained by Just the News provide fresh evidence that the Biden family name and "influence" were key to foreign clients like CEFC in communist China. It also corroborates bombshell testimony earlier this week to Congress from another of Hunter Biden's business partners Devon Archer, who claim Hunter Biden and Joe Biden came as a "brand" package to help foreign clients seeking influence. The courtship between the Chinese energy firm and Hunter Biden started slowly, according to the text messages and separate emails from a Hunter Biden laptop the FBI seized in December 2019. Hunter Biden didn’t connect with Ye for a planned dinner in Washington D.C. on Dec. 6, 2015 that was going to be hosted by Serbian businessman named Vuc Jeremic, according to the emails and news reports. File Dinner in DC_12-

115Redacted.pdf But the vice presidential son did meet later that month with CEFC Executive Director Jianjun Zang, according to Hunter Biden's schedules on his now-infamous laptop. By mid-March 2016 – 10 months before Joe Biden would leave office – the discussions had advanced far enough that two of Hunter Biden's business partners, Rob Walker and Gilliar, had drafted a memo for Hunter Biden to sign and send to CEFC, according to an email on Hunter Biden’s laptop entitled “H to Zang Draft.” “Take a look and let me know. Very simple. Once ok'd. I'll send to Joan to sign?” Walker wrote Hunter Biden. “Yes,” Hunter Biden replied. Over the next two years, the Chinese energy deal would evolve into some of the most infamous moments of the Biden family scandals that were becoming publicly known from the Hunter's abandoned laptop and the reporting of news organizations ranging from The Washington Post to the New York Post. Those include: Ye would meet with Hunter Biden and gift him with a 3-carat diamond mto the future first son in February 2017. Joe Biden also met with CEFC officials, according to an FBI interview report of Rob Walker made public by IRS whistleblowers in their testimony to Congress Emails from Bobulinski would reference a deal involving “the big guy” and a possible 10 percent share of the deal for Joe Biden. Hunter Biden would send a stinging message to a CEFC executive demanding payment in summer 2017, even suggesting that his father was standing beside him as he sent the angry message. Hunter Biden would set up an office in Washington DC for the venture and ask that keys be made for his father, mother and uncle as well as one of the CEFC “emissaries” from China. By summer of 2017, Hunter Biden had met directly with Ye in Miami and sent a letter consummating plans to raise up to $500 million for energy asset purchases in target countries. You can read that letter here: File HunterYe.pdf Hunter Biden and his family members would score millions in payments for consulting and in attorney's fees from the relationship even though none of the energy deals pursued by CEFC in the United States ever closed, according to the laptop documents and bank records released by Congress. CEFC was a leading edge of China's "Silk and Belt Roads Initiative" to acquire energy assets across the globe. Ye's official biography bragged about

his links to the Chinese communist government and military, saying he served as deputy secretary of the China Association for International Friendly Contact, identified as a front for China's military in a 2011 U.S. congressional report. In the end, the CEFC relationship fell apart as Ye was reportedly was placed under house arrest in his home country and Patrick Ho, one of the Chinese CEFC executives sent to the United States was arrested by the FBI and convicted of bribery and money laundering in the United States. Hunter Biden was never accused of wrongdoing in that case though he was paid nearly $1 million in a legal retainer to help Ho’s defense, according to documents on his laptop and federal court records. The 2015-17 text messages between Hunter Biden and his partners, which have received little public scrutiny, outline the earliest overtures from CEFC and give the clearest indication of what China hoped to gain from the Biden association: both "influence" and a trusted family name that would lend credence to China’s ambitions to enter the U.S. energy market and buy both American and Western energy assets without creating suspicion. “Still closing the perimeters of ops with the Chinese, will know Thursday if we are driving U.S. investments,” Gilliar wrote to Bobulinski in a May 2016 text message on an encrypted messaging app, suggesting things might be “still a little premature.” “You got anyone big in oil?” Gilliar asked. “We will participate in a big purchase of upstream assets in Europe? Bargain. Sorry downstream, not awake.” Soon other potential Biden-related deals intersected with CEFC, including one involving a Romanian businessman named Gabriel Popoviciu, the text messages and emails show. “I brought him to h,” Gilliar would text Bobulinski on May 20, 2017 about a contact between the Romanian figure and Hunter Biden, who apparently was referred to by his first initial. “Chinese will do quick to finance relationship with b.” he added, apparently referring to the Biden name by its first initials. “There are several angles to discuss face to face.” Time and again, the messages accentuated the value of the Biden name to the Chinese and other foreigners. “What is the deal in Romania and how does the B influence relative there,” (Continue reading…)

Trump (Continued from page 14)

concealed," IRS Supervisory Agent Gary Shapley said. According to the whistleblowers' testimony, the FBI tipped off Biden's presidential transition team of the IRS investigators' plan to conduct an interview with Hunter Biden. He was reportedly never interviewed as part of the investigation. Top Republicans in the House and Senate have questioned whether Hunter Biden had access to the classified documents at his father's home. The New York Post reported that Hunter wrote in his memoir that he was quarantined at the home. “I also believe it is critical for the FBI to search Hunter Biden’s homes, home and office residences to make sure there are no classified documents there, given all the evidence that’s piling up. We need to ascertain who’s had access to what and when,” said Senator Ted Cruz (R-Tx). Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee wrote to Garland on Jan. 13 demanding all relevant documents and communications between the department, the FBI, the White House and Biden's attorneys regarding classified documents in Biden's possession. According to the Washington Examiner, The Department of Justice rejected the committee's demands on the basis that it "requests non-public information that is central to the ongoing Special Counsel investigation." The DOJ went on to say that “Disclosing non-public information about ongoing investigations could violate statutory requirements or court orders, reveal road maps of our investigations, and interfere with the Department’s ability to gather facts, interview witnesses, and bring criminal prosecutions where

US Corporation began in 1871? Jan Halper-Hayes claimed on a recent news cast that the United States was no longer a republic in 1871 but was set up as a corporation which also included the Vatican and the British Crown. She says President Donald Trump is dissolving the corporation through Executive Order 13848 on September 12, 2018 and giving the power back to the citizens of the United States as a republic just as he claimed during his inauguration with the Military Judge Advocate Generals standing behind him. According to Halper-Hayes, it took 650 airplanes to remove the United States gold from the Vatican bank. EDITOR’S NOTE—This Patriot Pony column is reserved as an editorial and may not necessarily reflect the policy of this publication.

Grayson -Collin Electric Cooperative, Inc. P.O. Box 548 Van Alstyne TX 75495 www.grayson-collin.coop 903-482-7100 mmcginnis@gcec.net REAL ESTATE

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CHILDCARE Koti Academy of Howe 105 Doyle Street Howe TX 75459 https://www.kotiacademy.com/ 903-532-9663 cassie@kotiacademy.com

FIREARMS Guns N More 281 Celtic Road Howe, TX 75459 GunsNMore.net (903) 267-1091 jared.c@gunsnmore.net



First Baptist Church Howe 100 W. Davis Howe TX 75459 http://www.fbchowe.org/ 903-532-5504 info@fbchowe.org

Scoggins Funeral Home & Crematory 637 W. Van Alstyne Parkway Van Alstyne TX 75495 scogginsfuneralhome.com 903-482-5225 tommywscoggins@hotmail.com

First United Methodist Church 810 N. Denny St. Howe, TX 75459 903-532-6718 Church@fumchowe.org https://www.fumchowe.org/



Bob Utter Ford 2525 Texoma Parkway Sherman TX 75090 bobutterford.net 903-892-3555

DIFY Home Services 204 Tate Circle Sherman, TX 75090 9037440435 ernie@difyhs.com


Hunter Knephsield of Texas, LLC P.O. Box 759 Van Alstyne, TX 75495 https://www.hkparkandplay.com/ 8004514138 (Main) hktexas@flash.net (Main)

Independent Financial 100 South Denny Howe TX 75459 independent-bank.com (903) 532-5521 aanderson@ibtx.com Legend Bank 201 W. Grand Whitewright, TX 75491 legend-bank.com 903-532-4778 Brandon.grooms@legend-bank.com First National Bank of Tom Bean 109 S. Britton St. Tom Bean, TX 75489 https://www.fnbtb.com/ 903-546-62752 rbridges@fnbtb.com First United Bank 2011 Texoma Parkway Sherman TX 75090 firstunitedbank.com 903-813-5760 sarah.myrick@firstunitedbank.com BARBER SHOP Good Fellas Barber Shop 105 E. Haning Howe, TX 75459 9725020559 goodfellasbarbershoptx@gmail.com BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Provider Business Partners 106 W. Young St. Howe TX 75459 providerbusinesspartners.com 903-487-2248 sharla@ providerbusinesspartners.com Smith-Garner, PC 609 N. Denny St., P.O. Box 1019 Howe TX 75459 http://www.howecpa.com/ (903) 532-1040 amanda.garner@howecpa.com BUTCHER Don’s Smokehouse 111 E. Haning Street Howe, Texas 75459 Donssmokehouse.com (214) 881-8377 DonsSmokehouse@gmail.com CATERING Tracy Events Catering & Carryout Shop 211 S Preston Van Alstyne, TX 75495 Tracyevents2006@gmail.com

RockExpress, LLC 1434 Schneider Rd Howe, TX 75459 https://rock-express-llc.business.site/ 903-818-2386 rockexpressllc@gmail.com TLD Design Consulting LLC 103 E. Haning St. Howe TX 75459 http://www.tld -dc.com/ 903-436-4601 tdefrange@tldconsulting.net CONVENIENT STORES Quick Check #4 411 W. Haning Street Howe, TX 75459 903-532-5265 zackwilks82@yahoo.com DENTAL Anna Kids Dentistry 2016 W. White St. Anna, TX 75409 214-831-2400 Annakidsdentistry.com info@annakidsdentistry.com Howe Family Dentistry 100 S. Collins Freeway, PO Box 960 Howe TX 75459 howefamilydentistry.com 903.532.5545 EDUCATION Howe Community Library 315 S. Collins Freeway Howe TX 75459 www.howeisd.net/Page/83 903-745-4050 atchison.melissa@howeisd.net Howe Independent School District 105 W. Tutt St. Howe TX 75459 howeisd.net/ (903) 745-4000 ELECTRIC Rapid Electric, LLC (903) 421-8100 http://www.RapidElectricCo.com/ brent@rapidelectricco.com ENTERTAINMENT Chill Out Shaved Ice Howe, TX 75459 Chillout903@hotmail.com 903-436-0708

HAIR SALON Good Fellas Barber Shop 105 E. Haning St. (972) 502-0559 goodfellasbarbershoptx@gmail.com HEALTHCARE

Texas Farm Bureau Insurance, Loretta Anderson – Agent 1363 S Waco St Van Alstyne TX 75495 https://www.txfb -ins.com/ insurance/agent/grayson/ 23242/lorettaanderson 903-819-1041 landerson@txfb-ins.com INTERNET TekWav 223 N. Walnut St. Sherman TX 75090 http://www.tekwav.com 903-375-9787 jj@tekwav.com IT/DATA Texas Data and VoIP Security 109 W. Tilton Blue Ridge, TX 75424 https://www.tdavinc.com/ (972) 924-5010 dana@tdavinc.com

ER of Texas 115 W. Travis St Sherman, TX 75092 http://oroftexas.com/ 903-770-9099 tiffanyr@eroftexas.com




Baker A/C & Heating, Inc. 215 N. Denny St. Howe TX 75459 903-532-6225 bakerac.mark@yahoo.com

Goodwill Industries of Northeast Texas 2206 E. Lamar St. Sherman, TX 75090 goodwillnorthtexas.org spierce@goodwillnorthtexas.org

Essential Home Performance, LLC 509 Borrow Way Van Alstyne, TX 75495 https:// www.essentialhomeperformance.com/ 14695459125 Info@essentialhomeperformance.com HOUSING Bainbrook Apartments 511 S. Collins Fwy Howe, TX 75459 (469) 712-4082 bainbrook75459.com M&M Properties 901 N. Denny St Howe TX 75459 903-815-8355 mariecurtis16@gmail.com. INSURANCE Cory Hernandez State Farm 2114 Texoma Parkway Sherman, TX 75090 http://insurancequotetexoma.com/ 9038938400 cory@insurancequotetexoma.com Ed Meacham, State Farm 1303 N Sam Rayburn Frwy, Ste. 200 Sherman TX 75090 https://www.statefarm.com/ agent/US/TX/Sherman/EdMeacham-3TGY5753JAK 903-892-3923 ed@mredinsurance.com Jesse Brown Farmers Insurance 403 W. Haning St. Howe, TX 75459 https://agents.farmers.com/tx/howe/ jessie-brown 9034824063 jbrown9@farmersagent.com Kathy McGarry, Mayo Agency 215 S Ray Roberts Pkwy, P.O. Box 519 Tioga TX 76271 940-437-2378 kathy.mayoagency@gmail.com Texas Farm Bureau Insurance, Darren Foster – Agent 1363 S Waco St Van Alstyne TX 75495 https://www.txfbins.com/ insurance/agent/grayson/ 32707/darrenfoster 903-436-2470 dfoster@txfb-ins.com

The Wood Group of Fairway – Lacey Tucker https://homeloanbylacey.com/ 469-910-0375 lacey.tucker@fairwaymc.com

Bill French Properties 315 N Travis Suite B-3 Sherman TX 75090 billfrenchproperties.com 903-893-BILL (2455) bill@billfrenchproperties.com Sheryl Bentley, Coldwell Banker (903) 821-7653 yourrealtorsheryl@gmail.com Maureen Kane, REALTOR®, Paragon-REALTORS® 614 E Lamberth Rd Sherman, TX 75090 402-202-1540 maureen@paragonrealtors.com Michael Taylor – Keller Williams Realty P.O. Box 575 Howe TX 75459 mtaylor@kw.com Nicole Faye Sells Texas, LLC 215 N Quinlan St Howe, TX 75459 https://nicolefaye.fathomrealty.com/ 972-872-0529 nicolefayesellstexas@outlook.com The Llama Realty Group Dana Thornhill 204 Tate Circle Sherman, TX 75090 903-821-6890 llamarealtygroup@gmail.com RESTAURANTS El Patio Escondido Mexican Restaurant & Cantina 495 W. Van Alstyne Pkwy, P.O. Box 637 Van Alstyne TX 75495 elpatioescondido.com 903-482-5538 williampacheco519@yahoo.com

United Way of Grayson County 713 E. Brockett P.O. Box 1112 Sherman, Texas 75091 903.893.1920

Palio’s Pizza Cafe 303 W. Haning St. Howe TX 75459 https://www.palioshowe.com/ 903-532-0390 paliospizza@att.net



Chase’s All Time Jumpers 2519 CR 4215 Bonham, Texas 75418 https:// www.chasesalltimejumpersllc.com/ 903-227-6488 Coltonlawrence24@yahoo.com PERSONAL SERVICES AND CARE Debby Edwards Pink Zebra 1403 S. Travis St. Sherman, TX 75090 https://pinkzebrahome.com/ debbyedwards 903-820-8914 debbyedwards2@gmail.com PHOTOGRAPHY Beyond the Barn Photography 3354 FM 902 Howe, TX 75459 469-951-4054 Sara@beyondthebarnphotography.co m PLUMBING Brother Plumber 708 Maple St. Howe, TX 75459 469-968-4487 trent@brotherplumber.com http://Brotherplumber.com/ Torque Plumbing 102 S. Collins Frwy Howe TX 75459 (972) 658-1515 torquemayes@yahoo.com PUBLIC UTILITIES Atmos Energy 5111 Blue Flame Rd. Sherman TX 75090 http://www.atmosenergy.com/ 1-888-286-6700 (Main) 1-866-322-8667 Natural Gas Emergency Jan.Rugg@atmosenergy.com

Definitive Roofing & Specialty Coatings, LLC 1094 Marlow Rd Bells, TX 75414 9038202110 roofingsc1@gmail.com HIT Exteriors, LLC Howe, TX 75459 972-977-1523 sergio@hitexteriors.com Southern Cross Remodeling & Roofing Howe, TX 75459 Roofingbysoutherncross.com 972-800-9383 roofinbysoutherncross@gmail.com STORAGE Howe Mini-Storage 609 N. Denny St. Howe TX 75459 903-532-7867 amanda.garner@howecpa.com TV SERVICES Cavender Home Theater DISH 6202 Texoma Parkway Sherman TX 75090 http://www.cavendertv.com/ 903-892-3499 chris@cavenderht.com TOWING Adams Automotive & Towing 85 Redden Rd Van Alstyne TX 75495 adamsautotow.com 903-482-5784


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