© 2023 The Howe Enterprise, Grayson Publishing, LLC
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City Council hires longtime volunteer chief Robert Maniet as Howe Fire Department’s first paid chief During the football season, Howe senior Kolin Murphy became one of a select few when he caught a touchdown pass in the final moments of the 2023 season. That means for the season, he rushed, passed, and received a touchdown. Not too many have pulled off that trifecta. But last year Austin Haley did all of that in one game against Tom Bean. Let us pause, this Thanksgiving Day, to reflect on the many blessings that the Almighty has showered upon this country. Let us consider how we have used these gifts, and endeavor to utilize them for the good of all of His creatures. We have much to be grateful for...we have much to achieve in years to come. We thank the Creator for providing us with the resources and the will to work for prosperity for all Americans. Always consider the source when presented with controversial information. Sometimes there’s an agenda that manipulates their narrative.
Robert Maniet (middle) pictured with the Howe City Council after being named the Howe Fire Chief at Tuesday night’s special meeting. (L-R): Billie Ingram, Michael Hill, Mayor Karla McDonald, Maniet, Sarah Myrick, Joe Shephard, and Rodney Hough. Staff photo.
Maniet is a graduate of Howe High School and is a TCFP Master Firefighter and an EMT. He has been certified for 15 years and has been with Howe for 15 years. He married his wife Kristi in 2016 and they have four boys— Jaycob, Kaleb, Noah, and Luke. His position will officially begin in January 2024. EMTs and Paramedics are scheduled to be hired in early 2024.
Letters to Santa The Howe Enterprise will continue its longstanding tradition of publishing ‘Letters to Santa’ from the Howe ISD kindergarten through third grade students. Through the December 18 edition, we’ll show their handwritten letters on various
pages throughout the editions.
HoweEnterprise.com Monday, November 20, 2023
Volume 61, Edition 28
Christmas Parade scheduled for City to rebuild three streets in Howe in 2024 December 9 at 4:30 pm The Howe Area Chamber of Commerce has announced that the annual Christmas Parade will be held December 9 with a 4:30 pm start time. The route will begin and end at the Howe Middle School Charles R. Thompson Gymnasium area and take the route as seen on the map to the left. This has been the same route for many years and take note that the route will once again NOT travel in front of the bank on Highway 5. A lot of people get uneasy when they get there early only to be told that it turns in front of First Baptist Church on Davis Street.
EDITOR’S NOTE—This column is reserved as an editorial column and may not necessarily reflect the policy of this publication.
City CDBG grant, pg. 2 Bethel Road closure, pg. 2 TxDot US 75 project, pg. 3 Chamber news, pg. 3
City Administrator position, pg. 3 Bulldogs Basketball, pg. 4 Lady Bulldogs Basketball, pg. 5 Letter to the Editor pg. 6 Clay Wilson honored, pg. 7 Memorial Rock Notice, pg. 7 FBC XYZ, Peggy’s Porch, pg. 8 Students of the Month, pg. 9 Soup Scoop, Sales Tax, HISD Job Posting, pg. 10
Hot Jobs, City Info, pg. 11 History/Christian, pg. 12 Local Churches, pg. 13 Patriot Pony, pg. 14-15 Chamber Members, pg. 16 Past front pages, 17-24
READERSHIP Jan. 1 - November 18, 2023 Impressions: 255,663 Reads: 45,531 Data—Issu.com Photo views—8,535,712 Data by SmugMug
There were three applicants for the position of the first-ever paid fire chief for the newly created Howe Fire Department. Howe has had a volunteer fire department since 1951 but the city council recently approved the formation of a paid fire department. On Tuesday, they made their first hire—no stranger to Howe— Robert Maniet who has served as Howe’s Volunteer Fire Chief since 2012.
The map of the parade route set for Dec. 9, 2023.
To enter a truck, vehicle, motorcycle, trailer, ATV in the parade, go to howechamber.com and scroll to the bottom.
E. Young Street between Denny and Hughes Streets. Staff photo. Interim City Administrator Monte Walker made a proposal to the city council for three streets to be completely rebuilt with an interlocal agreement with Grayson County. The three affected streets are E. Young Street between Hughes Street Denny Streets at $10,626; W. Duke Street from the service road to Denny Street for $36,865.40; and Quinlan Street from E. Young Street to E. Davis Street
at $42,024.40. The city had budgeted $196,000 for street repair and the council approved the listed item with a motion from Councilman Billie Ingram and second by Councilwoman Sarah Myrick. Construction will begin in the late spring and continue through the summer with attempts to avoid school traffic as much as possible.
November 20, 2023
City to seek permission to The City of Howe approved for a half-million dollar grant permanently close Bethel Road Texas Department of Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller recently contacted Howe Interim City Manager Monte Walker to share that Howe has been awarded a Texas Community Development Block Grant (TCDBG) to aid the construction of a project to rebuild a section of E. Young Street that connects Highway 5 to the service road of Highway 75. “This was exciting news from the commissioner, and it will benefit the citizens of Howe who as of now avoid that stretch of road due to its current state, said Walker. “These funds are also eligible to be used to help other areas of need for Howe. ” Walker said the city budgeted $196,000 for street repairs for this fis-
cal year and that the required match will come from that line item. “The biggest concern for that stretch of road is the sewer manhole in the middle of the street at the intersection of Bean Street which takes continuous asphalt repair to build up around it to even out the surface,” said Walker. “This will allow us to completely address that situation and make the entire stretch of roadway more manageable for traffic.” A kick-off celebration for Howe’s TCDBG will be held at the Texoma Council of Governments location in Sherman on January 19, 2024 at 9 am where Walker and Mayor Karla McDonald will be present.
Bethel Road that connects E. FM 902 to Ponderosa Road. Staff photo. Interim City Administrator Monte Walker presented to the city council Tuesday night several options regarding Bethel Road which he said was becoming dangerous for drivers. One option was to completely repair the stretch of road for roughly $38,000 through an interlocal agreement with Grayson County. Walker says most of the traffic on that road does not come from city taxpayers, but from residents outside of the city. In addition, the heavy semitruck traffic taking the ‘short cut’ to Highway 75 has contributed to the stretch of road being in the shape it is in. Also, there is a culvert protruding the surface at the west end of the road. “There’s a couple of options other than the rebuild,” Walker told the council. “You can permanently close the road, but that would require petitions from the adjacent landowners, and it would also require a resolution from TxDOT.” Councilman Joe Shephard said the
east end of the road is a unique intersection. “If you’re pulling up from Bethel Road going east, it’s very, very difficult to see traffic traveling down 902,” said Shephard. “If they come out of town like most people, except me, they go around that corner and pick up speed. I don’t know if there’s been a lot of wrecks there or not, but I wouldn’t doubt if there was.” Shephard then made a motion to authorize Walker to take the necessary procedures to close the road permanently. The motion was second by Councilman Michael Hill and it carried unopposed.
November 20, 2023
US 75 interchange to be constructed in South Howe, Howe Area Chamber of Commerce adds one-way service roads to be formed by TxDOT two new members, 23 so far for 2023 massive overhaul from Collin County to FM 1417 The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is proposing to widen US 75 from Collin County Line to FM 1417 in Grayson County. The purpose of the project is to add capacity, improve traffic operations by converting frontages roads from two-way to oneway operation, provide frontage road turn around opportunities, and ramp improvements along US 75. The proposed project is 14 miles from Collin County Line to Fm 1417 and widens US 75 from two main lanes to three main lanes in each direction. The proposed project consists of three 12foot-wide main lanes with 10-foot to 11-foot -wide inside shoulders and 10-foot-wide outside shoulders in each direction separated by a two-foot-wide concrete traffic barrier. The proposed project converts frontage roads from twoway (where applicable) to one-way operation and retains existing widths (two 10-foot-wide travel lanes). The proposed project reconstructs or modifies existing ramps, where applicable, to support the main lane widening and frontage road conversion. In Howe, the proposed project would add an interchange between L.B. Kirby/Hall Cemetery Road and Blythe/ Farmington Road. The actual location
The Howe Area Chamber of Commerce has been more active in 2023 as related to new members since the reformation of the organization in 2025. Howe Chamber President Monte Walker stated that the business organization has accumulated 23 new business members in 2023 and attributes that to the success of the Howe Hump Day Networking Breakfast that takes place on the first Wednesday of each month. Last week, the chamber added two new members including Cora Grace Boutique and Amy Gibbs - United Real Estate-Insight Realty. New members for the year are Quick Check, Anna Kids Dentistry, Definitive Roofing & Specialty Coatings, LLC, Maureen Kane, REALTOR—Paragon REAL-
TORS, DIFY Home Services, Tracy Events Catering & Carryout Shop, Texas Data & VoIP Security, Nicole Faye Sells Texas, Jessie Brown Farmers Insurance, Hunter Knepshield of Texas, Chase’s All Time Jumpers, FNB Tom Bean, Beyond the Barn Photography, Essential Home Performance, Rock Express, southern Cross Remodeling & Roofing, Rethink Wealth—Kristen Harkless, Summit View Church, and Pest Hunters & Pond MGMT.
The Howe Hump Day is scheduled for Dec. 6 at 8 am at Summit Gardens and is hosted by Howe Mercantile and catered by Suzy Sauls.
Council takes tables hiring a full-time city administrator until January The City Council of Howe chose to delay the hiring of a full-time city administrator until the January meeting. The regular meeting for December was cancelled by decision of the Council. is where Dickens Road and Cavender Road would connect to US 75. The addition of the interchange would allow for one-way traffic on service roads throughout Howe and also opens up additional future commercial opportunities at a major intersection of US 75. While there are no intentions for ramp reversals in Howe at this point, improvements are designed to the existing ramps.
Howe’s Economic Development Director Monte Walker, who was appointed interim city administrator on August 29, is a finalist for the position. Seven other candidates, of which four were formally interviewed by the city council. After a lengthy executive session in Tuesday’s council meeting which included two interviews for city administrator, including Walker, and two interviews for fire chief, Councilman Joe Shephard made a motion to table
the hiring of a permanent city administrator until the January meeting. The motion was second by Rodney Hough and carried unanimously. Mayor Karla McDonald assessed the exact same pay structure as the former city administrator while serving as interim. The council approved a three percent raise for administration which took effect October 1.
November 20, 2023
Bulldogs open the basketball season with loss to Iowa Park The Howe Bulldogs are expected to be good in the 2023-24 season and a 6442 loss to Iowa Park doesn’t change that. Howe, coming off back-to -back playoff seasons under Head Coach Jay Forsyth are poised to make another run into the playoffs and maybe a run well within the playoffs. Howe’s first game, which took place well away from the friendly confines of Howe High School saw them trail by six points headed into the fourth period, however, the Hawks were able to soar to the finish line with a 12-point push. Howe was led by Anthony Lowder’s 20 points and Jacob Campbell’s 14 points on offense. Cooper Jones led the Dogs with four rebounds. Howe will host Nocona on Monday at noon.
November 20, 2023
Snapp and Griffin lead Lady Bulldogs to wins over Honey Grove and Community Howe’s Emery Snapp scored 20 against Honey Grove enroute to the Lady Bulldogs (3-1) 60-33 win. The Howe girls opened strong with a 13-5 opening period and never looked back. Other scorers were Kendall Griffin (14), Presley Shockey (10), Matalee Stewart (7), Tori Williams (3), Addison Bond (3), Reese Smith (2), Riley McCollum (2), and Aubrielle West (1). Shockey led Howe with 10 rebounds.
Griffin racked up 17 points against Community in the 43-28 win for Howe. Shockey, again, led Howe with eight rebounds. Other scorers were Snapp (10), Smith (5), Shockey (4), Williams (3), Stewart (2), and Bond (1). Howe will travel to Whitesboro on Monday at 10 am following the JV.
My name is David Smith and I am the Mayor for Dorchester Texas. I attended the Howe council meeting on November 14th, 2023 mainly in interest of proposed road work on Smith Road (in which we have a water line on) and ETJ items listed on the agenda. With Howe and Dorchester having a consolidated School system it is always on the minds of not only Howe residents, but also Dorchester and surrounding citizens for the health and proper management of Howe. I was sad to see the controversy that appears to truly be about a power struggle and not what is legal and the required actions of the Mayor. A question, then accusation was raised toward the Mayor of setting the compensation of the acting City Administrator. I viewed the meeting in question from the city’s website and seen that it was a motion that was put forward and approved by the council by a vote of 3-2. There were comments of the mayor appointing the administrator, which is her legal requirement, but no comments or interest on compensation that was stated.
© 2023 The Howe Enterprise
November 20, 2023
That same meeting showed immediate business was completed for necessary City functions to continue (example of health insurance for city employees that were coming on a deadline). I truly believe Howe has a Mayor and some new council members that are desperate to move past the power struggle and concentrate on the financial, utility needs (sewer), and strong growth that could be attained by concentrating on the needed subjects with the help of a good strategic team for development and growth made by a positive attitude and respectable conversations Formerly the council before the last election approved major contracts and made decisions without the review from the attorney, as stated by the attorney, that puts any city in unneeded risk. I would urge citizens to not only listen to comments in the meetings, but perform the due diligence to see the actions and facts of events, these meetings are recorded and available on the city website. Sincerely, David Smith, Mayor City of Dorchester
November 20, 2023
Clay Wilson named Lone Star State School Counselor Association Campus Principal of the Year The Lone Star State School Counselor Association (LSSSCA) presents awards each year to outstanding leaders in the education field. Howe Middle School Principal Clay Wilson was named the 2023 LSSSCA Campus Principal of the Year. This is an award that recognizes effective and outstanding school counseling programs in the state of Texas. The Lone Star Award prepares school counselors to apply for the national ASCA RAMP award. The Lone Star Awards recognizes comprehensive counseling programs that are data-driven, developmentally appropriate, and delivered to all students with the goal of improving student outcomes, closing achievement and opportunity gaps, and preparing students for post-secondary success.
Clay Wilson (middle) picture with his wife Alicia (right) and daughter Mia
“It was an honor just to be nominated. To be named as the recipient of the award was extra special. I think the award is a reflection of what a lot of people do at our school to help students in different ways so they can be successful in the classroom. We have a lot of great people at HMS and HISD and I'm blessed to work with a great group at HMS who include our counselor, teachers and support staff,” said Wilson. Wilson was nominated by K’lain Ashlock. “I nominated Mr. Wilson because he is attempting to make a difference
every day at Howe Middle School. He supports the social emotional learning that takes place at HMS. Once a month he holds assemblies to praise students and staff along with a short leadership/character skill. Not only does Mr. Wilson support the counseling program but he supports extracurricular activities: UIL, art, band, and athletics. Mr. Wilson supports me as a school counselor by allowing me to follow the state model for school counselors. He tries his hardest to take responsibility that is not counseling responsibilities off my plate so I can focus on the counseling role. Howe ISD is blessed to have Mr. Wilson. HMS works together and has the staff morale it has because of his leadership. He would humbly say that it is because of the HMS staff that he shines, but many of our staff agree that Mr. Wilson is the driving force.”
Two Howe youngsters want to remind fellow kids to not climb on the Freedom Rock at Memorial Park on Denny Street. Keep Howe Beautiful recently unveiled the $20,000 project that is a tribute to veterans of Grayson County. Courtesy photo.
November 20, 2023
FBC XYZ XYZ (eXtra Years of Zest) met at FBC Howe for their Nov. monthly meeting and enjoyed fellowship, food, friends, and a fantastic program. Mary Martha Stewart, leader of Peggy's Porch, Howe's free clothing facility, gave information about Peggy Porch's beginning and its goals. She and her friend Jackie Patton began the operation and named it after Mary Martha's mother, Peggy Richardson. The ladies involved in its beginning all had the same goal in mind - to help those in need. Just to share gently used clothing for free with people who need it is a joy. She explained its operation while sharing some heartwarming stories of people who have been helped. All during the presentation, Mary Martha included how obvious it is that God has lead in this ministry, although it is not related to any one denomination or to any church. Peggy's Porch is located in the white building behind City Hall in downtown Howe. It is open for free giveaway shopping on Saturdays from 9-11. Gently used clothing donations are accepted then also. Volunteers sort and hang the clothing, which is all the way from newborn through 3X , children, youth, men, women. Only clothing for the season is on display and is rotated in and out of storage as a new season begins. Shopping is open to anyone; no identification needed.
Mary Martha Stewart This operation is special to Mary Martha as well as all the volunteers that make it possible in addition to the generosity of the people who donate the clothing. Peggy's Porch is helping with a Christmas Store by collecting gently used items, anything that could be used as gifts for needy children to pick for free so they can have gifts to give their family members. These items can be dropped off at Peggy's Porch building on Saturday mornings from 9-11 a.m. These items will help bring joy to children at Christmas because they're not picking for themselves, but are choosing what they can give to others.
Peggy’s Porch Hosts “Christmas Store for Kids” Peggy’s Porch Community Clothes Closet will be collecting small gift items (suggested $10-20 value) from November 1 through December 6 so that local needy children will have the opportunity to give their parents or siblings a gift for Christmas. They will be able to choose a gift for free from the Christmas Store. Donations of new or nice, gently used gift items or monetary donations will be greatly appreciated so that we can create a memorable Christmas Store environment for these youngsters. Please call or text 903-814-9994 or message Peggy’s Porch on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/ Peggysporch?mibextid=LQQJ4d) if you have questions or would like to donate money for us to purchase small gifts. Gift item donations can be dropped off at Peggy’s Porch on Saturdays from 9-11 a.m., at the Howe Middle School office, or by arranging a drop off time through the contact options above. Peggy’s Porch volunteers are also actively collecting donations for the Christmas Store. Please note: This is not the same effort as Angel Tree. Gift item ideas might include housewares, home decor, jewelry, fragrance, makeup mirrors, candles, boxed candy, calendars, frames, blank journals, gift
cards, coffee mugs, metal water bottles, travel cups, jewelry boxes, car accessories, electronics, small appliances, sports-themed gifts, shaving kits, handbags, wallets, and more! No wrapping or identification is needed. This is a terrific opportunity to share some good things that you no longer want or need but would be appreciated and enjoyed by someone else. Think about the joy you will give to a child when they are able to give a gift to their parents or siblings on Christmas morning! Peggy’s Porch is located directly behind Howe City Hall at 116 E. Haning Street in Howe, Texas. It is the white building between E. Haning Street and E. Davis Street, across the street from the First Baptist Church of Howe. - Peggy’s Porch Leader
November 20, 2023
Howe Intermediate Students of the Month
Third Grade – Olivia Valdez, Jareth Perez. Fourth Grade – Payton Moore, Christian Mickelson. Fifth Grade – Evelyn Martinez, Hayes Carter. Courtesy Photo.
Howe Middle School Students of the Month
From L to R: Sixth Grade: Schantal Lorenzana and Jase Baker. Seventh Grade: Cannon Derrick. Eighth Grade: Mateo Hernandez. Courtesy Photo.
Howe ISD Howe ISD receives anAfor Staff Persons superior of the Month achievement Summit Hill Elementary: Stephanie Richardson Howe Intermediate School: Matt Boykin (Asst. Principal) Howe Middle School: Gabriela Savage (Secretary) Howe High School: Coach Switzler (Food Science Teacher/Volleyball and Softball Coach) Natalie McCall (Algebra 2/NHS)
Howe ISD received an A which signified a superior achievement with a score of 98 out of 100. The only non perfect score was related to debt as it related to property value. This is due primarily to the 2017 bond to build Summit Hill Elementary. As that debt comes down and the property values comes up, the district will score higher. This is common for districts seeing growth. The data is from 2021 and Superintendent Kevin Wilson indicated that as time goes by, this will improve.
Seventh Grade: Delaine McCloud. Eight Grade: Lilianne Freeman
Howe Middle School Employee of the Month— Gabriella Savage
Soup Scoop Howe ISD Superintendent Kevin Wilson told the Board of Trustees last Monday that the total enrollment is 1,283 students which is an increase of eight from September and an increase of two from the previous October. He accepted a resignation from the Intermediate School Nurse Liz Miller and is in the process of hiring a replacement. Wilson also stated that the district is looking at adding a position at Summit Hill Elementary that can help focus on behavior issues that are mounting at that campus. He said it could be an aid or behavior specialist. The district did budget for an extra teacher but did not use that. It would not require board action for the hiring. “I don’t know if it’s COVID, but the number of fairly significant behavior issues are growing. It’s wearing on teachers, staff, Mr. Jamar,” said Wilson. “None of this will be a short-term fix but I feel like we need to do what we can to allow them to do their jobs. It’s hard to be an instructional leader when you’re working one-on-one with kids for the large portion of the day,” he said concerning the behavior issues. The ISD had a successful Intruder Protection Audit at all campuses with the high school being the only one not tested to this point. Wilson said that they had a large purchase (which indicates anything from $25,000-50,000) from Labat which
was for food items for the cafeteria. There is some discussion about whether it is required to report to the Board. He said this is a purchase that will be reoccurring frequently and asked the board if they were wanting to be notified of each time. He said he would notify the board if something was unusual but unless they told him otherwise he would move forward with the large food purchases on a regular basis and make them aware of the regular occurring expenses that will add up. Wilson gave a legislative update of House Bill 1 where Chairman Buckley made the presentation. “Our Governor is adamant that we pass a voucher bill and as you know the additional funding for schools and teachers are tied to this. I firmly believe that we will not see this money until a voucher bill is passed,” said Wilson. “I’ll withhold my personal opinion on that.” He said he met with James Cruser of Cope Equities who is the point person for the development north of Howe High School on Ponderosa. He confirmed the sewer easement and delivered the check which a portion of it will go towards the landscaping of the high school. If things go according to plan, Cope will start working on the sewer easement in the spring or summer. Wilson told him that they needed to avoid
Howe sales tax receipts up 13.43 percent in 2023 Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar recently sent cities, counties, transit systems and special purpose districts $1.2 billion in local sales tax allocations for November, 1.9 percent more than in November 2022. These allocations are based on sales made in September by businesses that report tax monthly and on sales made
November 20, 2023
in July, August, and September by quarterly filers. The City of Howe’s total was $58,913.64 which is an increase of 7.66 percent over last year’s total. It is the highest ever for any November period for Howe. The total for the calendar year is $581,645.38 which is an increase of 13.43 percent.
Current month
2023 Total
Sherman Denison aGainesville Melissa Celina Anna Van Alstyne Bonham Whitesboro Gunter Southmayd Pottsboro Whitewright Howe Leonard Bells Collinsville Tioga Tom Bean Oak Ridge Savoy Ector Dorchester
$2,931,027.45 $1,004,636.96 $892,741.01 $833,478.99 $774,518.58 $707,589.59 $337,918.22 $259,655.96 $195,056.29 $103,866.79 $98,344.93 $97,869.07 $59,258.46 $58,913.64 $46,821.81 $36,954.43 $36,490.09 $29,381.62 $18,135.27 $10,026.04 $9,247.08 $5,279.72 $1,265.52
Sherman Denison Gainesville Melissa Celina Anna Van Alstyne Bonham Whitesboro Gunter Southmayd Pottsboro Whitewright Howe Leonard Collinsville Bells Tioga Tom Bean Oak Ridge Savoy Ector Dorchester
$33,707,663.30 $10,017,760.29 $9,221,591.81 $7,889,475.25 $7,592,977.98 $6,430,497.83 $3,566,779.09 $2,747,955.60 $1,889,473.64 $1,377,934.96 $1,107,145.10 $956,890.55 $620,148.31 $581,645.38 $456,844.60 $376,928.79 $325,238.98 $274,980.99 $157,300.59 $123,122.56 $76,859.36 $35,292.75 $12,841.34
graduation and requested that it needed to be finished by graduation or delayed until after that time which is Labor Day weekend. There could be minimal traffic issues during the process. He expects the construction of that development to begin late summer of 2024 and the district could see an influx of students 18 months after initial construction. Phase I will be apartments and commercial retail developments and the second phase will institute townhomes. Wilson then shifted gears and focused on the band’s success.
“I hope we never take for granted how strong our band program is,” said Wilson. “We’ve got an outstanding program from middle school up. At middle school, they consistently win their performance series,” said Wilson. “Don’t ever take for granted how much work they put into that and how consistently excellent that program has been. I can tell you the competition is tougher and tougher. It’s not like the old days. You have to be on your game just to get there one, and make the finals, two. We were in tenth after the prelims and moved up four spots during the finals.”
Howe ISD Job Posting Job Title: HVAC Technician Exemption Status/Test: Nonexempt Reports to: nance Dept./School:
Director of MainteMaintenance
Primary Purpose: Under general supervision, maintain, repair, and install heating and air conditioning systems and equipment throughout the district. Maintain and provide for the safe condition and operation of all HVAC systems in district facilities. Qualifications: Education/Certification: High school diploma or GED Clear and valid Texas driver’s license Special Knowledge/Skills: Knowledge of HVAC repairs, maintenance, and installation techniques Ability to read and interpret blueprints, diagrams, schematics, and written reference material Ability to diagnose and resolve problems Experience: 3 years’ experience in HVAC field Major Responsibilities and Duties: Maintenance and Repair Diagnose and repair malfunctions in various types of heating and air conditioning systems. Repair, replace, or calibrate controls including thermostats and switches. Install new heating and air conditioning systems and components and relocate and expand existing HVAC systems as needed. Fabricate, assemble, and install duct work and piping according to code specifications and connect motors, compressors, temperature controls, and humidity controls according to wiring schematics. Maintain preventive maintenance schedules and procedures for all HVAC equipment, including changing of filters and cleaning condensers and coils. Perform duct cleaning and air quality testing as needed. Receive and complete work orders. Select materials and hardware,
make time and materials cost estimates, and maintain accurate records on material and labor used. Inspect jobs upon completion and ensure areas are clean. Maintain inventory of district-owned tools, equipment, and materials including maintaining coolant dispensing records to meet federal requirements. Respond to emergency calls as needed. Safety Perform preventive maintenance on tools and equipment and ensure that equipment is in safe operating condition. Follow established safety procedures and techniques to perform job duties including lifting and climbing. Operate tools and equipment according to established safety procedures. Correct unsafe conditions in work area and promptly report any conditions that are not immediately correctable to supervisor. Supervisory Responsibilities: None Mental Demands/Physical Demands/Environmental Factors: Posture: Frequent standing, kneeling/squatting, bending/stooping, pushing/pulling, and twisting; work in tiring and uncomfortable positions Motion: Frequent walking, climbing stairs/ladders/scaffolding, grasping/squeezing, wrist flexion/ extension, and overhead reaching; frequent driving Lifting: Heavy lifting and carrying (45 pounds and over) on a daily basis Environment: Work outside and inside, on slippery or uneven walking surfaces; may work on rooftops; frequent exposure to extreme hot and cold temperatures, dust, toxic chemicals and materials, noise, vibration, and electrical hazards; work around machinery with moving parts; may work in tight or enclosed spaces; may work alone; may work irregular and prolonged hours; frequent districtwide travel To Apply: visit https:// www.howeisd.net/apps/forms2/? f=31938 , email resume to Ricky Brinlee at brinlee.ricky@howeisd.net, or apply in person at 105 W. Tutt St. Howe, TX 75459
November 20, 2023
Hot Jobs Job Title ASSEMBLER - METERING 2ND workintexas.com Posting ID 16126183 Location Sherman Posting Close Date 12/29/23 Posting Link https:// bit.ly/3sBEeKo Description A local company is looking for an ASSEMBLER - METERING 2ND who will affix a variety of sub-assemblies to inside of enclosures and metering products following print layouts, verbal and written instructions. This position requires a High School Diploma or Equivalent, and a minimum of 6 months of related experience.
Job Title PERSONAL BANKER II workintexas.com Posting ID 16228849 Location Van Alstyne Posting Close Date 1/1/24 Posting Link https:// bit.ly/3SMvlsc Description A local company is looking for a PERSONAL BANKER II who will provide best-in-class service by processing routine banking transactions. While developing deep customer relationships and a thoughtful understanding of their needs you will identify and offer the best and most appropriate personal business financial products and services. This position requires a High School Diploma or Equivalent, and a minimum of 1 year of related experience.
Bulk Trash Pickup 2nd Friday of each month in Howe.
City of Howe SECONDS COUNT IN AN EMERGENCY! That's why the City of Howe has instituted the CodeRED Emergency Notification System - an ultra high-speed telephone communication service for emergency notifications. This system allows us to telephone all or targeted areas in case of an emergency situation that requires immediate action (such as a boil-water notice, missing child or evacuation notices). The system is capable of dialing 60,000 phone numbers per hour. It then delivers a pre-recorded message describing the situations to a live person or an answering machine in the affected area possibly including instructions requiring action on the part of the recipient. Once the situation is remedied, another call will be placed to the area signaling that the issue has been addressed and that normal activities can be resumed. The following information is required to add a telephone number into the "CodeRED" database: first and last name; address (physical address, no P.O. boxes); city; state; Zip Code; and primary phone number. The system works with cellular phones but requires a valid street address. When entering information, please fill out all of the screens because the newest data entered will replace the old data. Sign up by visiting http://www.co.grayson.tx.us/page/oem.cred
2022-23 Local taxation State Sales Tax General Revenue Sales Tax Economic Development (Type B) Sales Tax Total
6.25 % 1.00 %
City of Howe Tax Rate Howe I.S.D Tax Rate Grayson County Tax Rate Grayson College Tax Rate Total (per $100 valuation)
$0.54 $1.27 $0.31 $0.15 $2.27
1.00 % 8.25 %
City Hall 116 E. Haning St., 903-532-5571 Mayor: Karla McDonald City Council: Michael Hill, Rodney Hough, Billie Ingram, Sarah Myrick, Joe Shephard City Administrator (interim): Monte Walker City Secretary: Regina Harris Utility Billing and Municipal Court 116 E. Haning St. 903-532-5571 Utility Clerk: Beccy Roberts Court Clerk: Tammy Grisolia (After hours night drop available) Public Works 317 S. Hughes St. Public Works Director: Mickey Phillips Code Enforcement 317 S. Hughes St. Code Enforcement Officer: Benjamin Fuhr Howe Volunteer Fire Department 118 E. Haning 903-532-6888 (nonemergency) Fire Chief: Robert Maniet Howe Police Department 700 W. Haning St. 903-532-9971 (non-emergency) Dispatch 903813-4411 Police Chief: Carl Hudman Economic Development 100 E. O’Connell St. 903-532-6080 EDC Director: Monte Walker City Council meets third Tuesday at 100 E. O’Connell St. at 6 pm. Planning & Zoning Commission Meets third Monday as needed Howe Community Facilities Development Corporation Meets as needed For more information visit the city website www.cityofhowe.org
Cityofhowe.org City of Howe Water, Sewer, Refuse collection rates - one bill
Texas History Minute Some men live only a short life, but one moment can be remembered for generations. James Fannin was a planter, Ken Bridges businessman, solider, and family man. He was only 32 when he died during the Texas Revolution. Fannin’s death would be a rallying cry across Texas, but his early life was one far from the concerns of the Texas frontier and the politics of Mexico. James Walker Fannin, Jr., was born on New Year’s Day in 1804 in rural Georgia. He came from a noted family that included veterans of the American Revolution, and later, the War of 1812. His cousin, Samuel F. B. Morse, would later invent the telegraph. Fannin’s father was a physician and a planter, but the circumstances of his birth created a scandal. His parents were not married. As a result, he was soon adopted by his grandfather, James Walker, and raised on his plantation at the other end of the state. In 1818, he enrolled at the University of Georgia. The next year, however, he earned an appointment to the United States Military Academy at West Point and enrolled as a cadet. Only 15, he was wild and unfocused, even with military discipline. His grades were poor, and his temper was sharp. At the beginning of his third year, he challenged a fellow cadet to a duel. This deeply upset his instructors, and he resigned from West Point. He returned to Georgia, went into business for himself, and married a young woman named Minerva Fort. Within a few years, his life had completely turned around. By 1828, he moved to Columbus, Georgia, where he was now focused, successful, and a respected member of the community. He joined the Georgia state militia, served as a Grand Master for the local Masonic lodge, and was a leader in the local temperance society. His wife eventually gave birth to two daughters. His business thrived. He attempted to become a local judge, but his dueling scandal at West Point ended that bid. In 1834, Fannin moved his family to
November 20, 2023
Velasco, then a prosperous port city in BrazoriaCounty at the mouth of the Brazos River. He bought a plantation and became a slave trader. Though illegal across the rest of Mexico, Fannin’s business was in high demand among the Texas colonists. He arrived in Velasco at a time when tensions were high amid the bitter memories of a vicious battle between residents of Velasco and the Mexican Army two years before in which a dozen men died over a Mexican garrison nearby. Relations between the colonists and Mexico were disintegrating rapidly, and Fannin was soon swept up in the excitement. Fannin became part of a rising chorus of voices calling for Texas independence by early 1835. In Mexico City, one government after another came to power and collapsed, with each regime unable to contain the rising resentment across the country. Mexico tried to tighten its grip on the Texas colonists, with their rage only rising in response as Mexico’s ideas of law and order clashed with Texas ideals and ambitions. Uprising and rebellions would soon erupt across southern and central Mexico, with Texas following suit. In Texas, a group of citizens formed the Committee of Safety and Correspondence, echoing the American Revolution, and contacted Fannin in August to use his influence in the cause. Fannin called for the Consultation, a meeting to be held later that year to discuss the possibility of independence. Fannin also contacted old friends and powerful allies in Georgia and from his days at West Point to solicit funds for a possible fight against Mexico. A militia was formed in Velasco, the Brazos Guards, with Fannin appointed as captain. Mexico made its first move in October at the Battle of Gonzales. The army attempted to repossess a cannon on loan to the community used for defense against Native American tribes. Word had spread of the arrival of the army, and Fannin’s Brazos Guards had arrived to rally the people and to intercept the arriving force. Gunfire erupted on October 2, making Gonzales the first battle of the Texas Revolution. Mexican forces were repelled for the time being, but Fannin realized it was only the beginning.
Jesus did not call us to be a bench-warmer I’ve watched Kentucky basketball since I was a kid and I admit that sometimes I do get a little carried away. I was reading an article a Dr. Billy Holland few years ago and was intrigued by a comment from the father of one of the players, who by the way was a top 10 NBA draft pick. He was asked about the first time he recognized that his son was going to be a special player, and he explained that it had a lot to do with the way he held the ball even at an early age. He went on to say his son’s body language revealed a deep bonding connection, a reverential respect and a level of love and commitment that was more than a trend or impulsive fad. This vision became the heart and core of his imagination and his determination could not be stopped. You may have already figured out where I am going with this. Sometimes a story or a phrase captures our attention and when I thought about these comments, I went straight to my office and began writing. I’m not being negative for being passionate about our gifts and talents, but when it comes to priorities, there is nothing wrong with checking the intentions of our adoration. Most everyone has interests and hobbies but if our love is not for God and all people then we are probably dedicating our worship to something or someone else. I began to ponder; do I read my Bible with excitement and anticipation like that young man holds a basketball? Is my mind constantly focused on a desire and zeal to accomplish God’s will? Do I spend as much time in prayer and study to become all that God has called me to be as he does in the gym practicing for a championship? Laziness and apathy are a formula for failure, especially in God’s kingdom. No doubt this explains how a sluggish and lukewarm attitude is the reason why many of us have spent too much time on the bench instead of being a starter on the front line for His service. It’s been said, that nothing significant has ever been accomplished without
© 2023 The Howe Enterprise
passion and this especially applies to our relationship with God. The Bible is a direct link with who God is and what He wants, so when we neglect His instructions we are actually ignoring Him. His Word is living truth and the most incredible navigation system on earth because it can literally speak divine wisdom and direction into our mind and spirit. So, if we believe His promises are designed for our lives and they never fail, the problem is more of a lack of enthusiasm and faith to embrace them than He is difficult to understand or trust. You would think the Bible would be the most highly sought-after and exciting resource in the world but it is usually the last resort. Why? Well, we could make a list of reasons and excuses but to save space and time, we should go ahead and acknowledge the number one answer is “love” or maybe I should say the lack thereof. What do you mean? Too often, we only think about God when we need Him instead of because He is the center of our lives. The reason why you and I do not spend 5 hours a day practicing basketball is because we do not love it that much and the same is true with everything else that are whims instead of passions. I need to spend 5 hours a day in prayer and then I might have enough spiritual discernment to know what He is saying. Am I really too busy for God? Are you? We invest our time, energy, and enthusiasm into what has captured our hearts and will always give more attention to what or who we adore. This sounds elementary but actually, it’s so profound it goes right over our heads. We can attempt to justify and make excuses, but in the end; we choose how we live. Most of us know what we should do, but sadly our rebellious nature against God is usually more persuasive than our willingness to obey Him. If we only had a stronger fervency for developing an awareness of His presence and becoming more like Christ, we could become a champion for His glory. Dr. Holland lives in Central Kentucky with his wife Cheryl, where he is a Christian minister, author, and community chaplain. To learn more about Jesus and the Christian life visit: billyhollandministries.com
November 20, 2023
Attend the Church of Your Choice
Each Sunday...
Times are subject to change. Please check with each church for any possible changes
First Baptist Church Dorchester Zach Poling, pastor 11831 FM 902, Dorchester, TX 75459 903-476-5525 Wednesday 6:30 pm - Worship service Sunday 9:00 am - Men's Prayer Time 9:45 am - Sunday School 10:45 am - Worship Service 5:00 pm - Evening Service Summit View Church Brett and Deb Hetrick, pastors
Community Bible Fellowship Jeremy Moore, pastor
Howe Methodist Church of Howe JB Bryant, minister
415 S Collins Fwy, Howe, TX 75459 Wednesday 6:30 pm - Food and Fellowship 7:00 pm - Community Kids (ages 3 6th grade, nursery available) 7:00 pm - Youth and Adult Bible Study Sunday 10:30 am - Worship Service
810 N Denny St, Howe, TX 75459 903-532-6718 Tuesday: 8:30am - 1:00pm WeeCare Daycare (Registration needed) 9:30am - Women's Bible Study 6:30pm - Boy Scouts Wednesday: 9:00am - Wednesday Workers 6:00pm - 1st and 3rd Wednesdays Family Night Thursday: 8:30am - 1:00pm - WeeCare Daycare (Registration needed) Saturday: 9:00am-12:00pm - Feed My Sheep (1st & 3rd Sat. of each month) Sunday: 8:30am - Coffee and Donuts 9:00am - Sunday School 10:00am - Worship Service 3:00pm Cub Scouts
First Baptist Church Howe Roger Tidwell, pastor 100 E. Davis St., Howe, TX 903-5325504 Wednesday 5:30 pm—Free Meal 6:30 pm - Team Kid 6:30 pm - Youth Ministry 6:30 pm - Adult Bible Fellowship Sunday 9:15 am - Bible Fellowship 10:30am - Worship Service 6:00 pm—Potluck Fellowship and Bible Study
910 S Denny St, Howe, TX 75459 903-532-6828 Wednesday 7:00 pm - Radiate Youth 7:00 pm - Sanctuary of for prayer Sunday 9:30 am - Sunday School (kids, youth, women, men) 10:30 am - Worship Service 10:30 am - Kids Church Howe Church of Christ Aaron Alsbrook, minister 1205 N Collins Fwy, Howe, TX 75459 903-532-6441 Wednesday 7:00 pm - Bible Classes (all ages) Sunday 9:00 am - Bible Classes (all ages) 10:00 am - Worship Service 5:00 pm - Worship Service
Jonah 2:9 But I, with shouts of grateful praise, will sacrifice to you. What I have vowed I will make good. I will say, ‘Salvation comes from the LORD.’ ”
November 20, 2023
The Patriot Pony
Texas House Republicans join Mike Johnson to post Democrats to kill school choice more than 40,000 hours Texas Gov. Abbott says he will keep calling a special legislative session until the lawmakers pass a school choice bill. in it to win it."
By The Center Square Staff After multiple groups lauded an omnibus education bill that passed a House committee, including a school choice measure, several House members on late Friday stripped it from the bill. Twenty-one Republicans joined Democrats to do so. Rep. John Raney, R-College Station, filed an amendment to remove the school choice provision from the bill, which would have created Texas' first Education Savings Account. The House voted 84-63 to pass Raney's amendment, effectively killing school choice. "I believe in my heart that using taxpayer dollars to fund an entitlement program is not conservative and is bad public policy, period," Raney said on the floor. During a heated exchange with other members, an outcry broke out in the chamber, with people jeering and shouting. House Speaker Dade Phelan, R-Beaumont, struck his gavel and threatened to clear the room if order wasn't restored. Rep. Brad Buckley, R-Killeen, who authored the bill, said he would send it back to committee. It's unclear if it will go anywhere. This is the fourth special session Gov. Greg Abbott has called specifically to pass school choice after the Senate previously passed education bills. It ends the first week in December. He has said he will keep calling a special legislative session until the legislature passes a school choice bill. "I will continue advancing school choice in the Texas Legislature and at the ballot box, and will maintain the fight for parent empowerment until all parents can choose the best education path for their child," Gov. Abbott told the Austin American-Statesman. "I am
"The small minority of pro-union Republicans in the Texas House who voted with the Democrats will not derail the outcome that their voters demand," he added. Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick issued a statement saying, "the Texas Senate has led on school choice since I became Lieutenant governor. The Senate has passed school choice in 2015, 2017 and four times this year. I am stunned that 21 House Republicans will continue to fight against parents and denied them the right to choose a school they think is best for their child. These members apparently think their own view is more important than the views of their voters of which over 80% of Republicans support school choice along with the majority of independents and many Democrats." Phelan has yet to issue a statement on what transpired. Austin Democrat James Talarico said, "We did it. We just defeated Greg Abbott's voucher scam. The People's House has spoken. I'm so proud of the bipartisan coalition in the Texas House that defended our schools and our kids." In addition to including a school choice measure, the bill expanded funding for teacher salaries and public schools, expanded the size of the TEA and failed virtual learning programs. It also created a virtual reality metaverse program whereby students could learn as avatars. Several of the measures were highly criticized over concerns about more money being poured into programs without accountability for improved educational outcomes. The 21 Republicans who voted with Democrats to kill school choice, according to the unofficial vote count, include: Allison; Bailes; Bell; K.; Burns; Clardy; Darby; Dean; Geren; Holland; Kuempel; Lambert; Murr; Price; Raney; Rogers; Shine; Smith; Thompson, F; and Vandeaver.
of Jan. 6 footage online
Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy had previously made some of the footage available to media outlets and personalities such as former Fox News host Tucker Carlson.
By Ben Whedon House Speaker Mike Johnson on Friday announced that he planned to post nearly all of the Capitol Hill security footage from the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot online for the public to view. "When I ran for Speaker, I promised to make accessible to the American people the 44,000 hours of video from Capitol Hill security taken on January 6, 2021," he said in a statement obtained by Punchbowl News' Jake Sherman. "Truth and transparency are critical." "Today, we will begin immediately posting video on a public website and move as quickly as possible to add to the website nearly all of the footage, more than 40,000 hours. In the meantime, a public viewing room will ensure that every citizen can view every minute of the videos uncensored," he continued. "This decision will provide millions of Americans, criminal defendants, public interest organizations,
and the media an ability to see for themselves what happened that day, rather than having to rely upon the interpretation of a small group of government officials." "I commend Chairman Loudermilk and his team for their diligent work to ensure the thousands of hours of videos are promptly processed to be uploaded to the committee's public website," he continued. "Processing will involve blurring the faces of private citizens on the yet unreleased tapes to avoid any persons from being targeted for retaliation of any kind and segregating an estimated 5% of the videos that may involve sensitive security information related to the building architecture." Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy had previously made some of the footage available to media outlets and personalities such as former Fox News host Tucker Carlson. McCarthy did not make the footage directly available to the general public. Ben Whedon is an editor and reporter for Just the News. Follow him on X, formerly Twitter.
IRS takes aim at Americans' earnings from Venmo and PayPal, dispatches 30 million new tax forms House Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith's office raises alarm that tax agency "has no plan on what to do with the new information" it will collect with the new forms.
By Nicholas Ballasy A new Government Accountability Office (GAO) report shows that the Internal Revenue Service for the first time will be sending out 1099-K tax forms to about 30 million Americans for earnings paid through Venmo and PayPal. House Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith, R-Mo., responded: "Thanks to Democrats, more Americans who mow lawns or sell concert tickets and used couches through Venmo or PayPal will have those transactions scrutinized by the IRS starting in January 2024 thanks to a lower reporting threshold for IRS form 1099-K," read an analysis from Smith's office on Thursday. "A new report from the GAO shows
that the IRS will send at least 30 million new 1099-K tax forms to Americans’ mailboxes come January, even though the agency has no plan on what to do with the new information – and it is unlikely most Americans will understand how to fill them out," his office also said. According to the GAO report, the IRS "expects to receive about 44 million Form 1099-Ks in 2024—an increase of about 30 million. However, this estimate may change as IRS receives more information from large filers and states." The report concluded that the IRS "does not have a plan to analyze these data to inform enforcement and outreach priorities," which "limits its understanding of changes in taxpayer burden." Smith described the policy, which is tucked inside the Democrats' nearly $2 (Continued on page 15)
November 20, 2023
The Patriot Pony
IRS Minnesota’sAmerica-hatingAG There’s more going on with the Georgia Keith Ellison just admitted the case and chilling truth about George Floyd… ballot trillion American Rescue Plan Act, as attorney (Continued from page 14)
It seems like almost everything the propaganda media and corrupt government tell us ends up being false. From “weapons of mass destruction” to COVID, the 2020 election, and even the death of George Floyd, each of these spin jobs conceals a different actual “truth.” When these truths are revealed, they expose the deep-seated rot in our country. Revolver recently published a thoughtprovoking article on this topic, highlighting the absolute decay of our judicial system and the deterioration of juries, which has steered America into a dark, unjust wasteland wrought with radical activism and blind stupidity. Revolver: The Anglo-American common law was supposed to save Derek Chauvin. That it failed to says a lot about the America we all actually live in now. It’s been two and a half years since the former Minneapolis police officer was convicted of murder for the death of drug addict and lifelong criminal George Floyd. Chauvin is barely onetenth into his twenty-two-year prison sentence, which he is serving concurrently with a 21-year federal sentence for depriving Floyd of his “civil rights.”
resignations than you’re being told…
fall. We encourage you to read the piece entitled, “Trial by Ordeal: The Chauvin Verdict and the Dark, Embarrassing Truth of the American Jury System.” Meanwhile, unsettling revelations about George Floyd and the lies we’ve been fed continue to emerge. In one of the most startling confessions, the AG from Minnesota, known for his disdain for America, has now admitted the ultimate truth about the George Floyd case—a situation we were told centered around racism. Our country witnessed riots and death, all in the name of George Floyd, the so-called “persecuted” man allegedly victimized by American racism. Yet, as Keith Ellison now states, racism was never actually a factor in the case.
Investigative journalist Rogan O’Handley shared his insights on what’s truly happening in a post on X. Did you know there is an ongoing court case in Fulton County, Georgia (where Atlanta is) since 2021 whose only aim is to inspect 150,000+ mailin ballots alleged to be fraudulent (no creases from being sent in the mail, perfect black circles, etc)?
The judge has illegally delayed proceedings since then. Now we find out defense attorneys for GA have resigned and there is speculation these ballots may have illegally been destroyed.
Helping to lead the charge was Fox host-turned-X-titan Tucker Carlson, who highlighted little-noticed recent developments in the Chauvin aftermath.
Yet, the Revolver piece highlights that the problem is more profound than just the Floyd issue. It’s a symptom of the deeper decline in our government, education, and justice systems. We’re a nation in grave danger, with these outcomes being the telltale signs of our
So, why did the two defense attorneys jump ship like that? An IT expert named Kevin Kelton suggests that the county might be gearing up to admit they’ve destroyed the ballots in question. If true, this puts Fulton County in a heap of legal trouble. Destroying evidence during a case often signals guilt. But there’s more at stake here— are we witnessing a coverup?
The judge dismissed it but the appeals court allowed the case to go forward.
The Chauvin verdict was an obvious, sick joke from the moment it happened, but even on the American right, the full realization of this fact seems to have taken until the last few weeks.
It turns out everything you were told about the Floyd case was a lie. Are you shocked? We didn’t think so.
As you’ve probably heard, in a surprising development, two defense attorneys abruptly resigned from the Georgia ballot case. The case surrounds the accusation that thousands of GA ballots were actually counterfeit.
Want to know why nobody believes in our elections anymore? Here’s the stark reality in a nutshell: Our ruling elite, including the media and political figures, incited angry black (and some diverse, equitable, and inclusive) mobs with the lie that George Floyd was murdered by a white cop simply because of his race. In response, these mobs rioted, destroyed people’s livelihoods, ruined lives, and committed murder, all under the banner of Floyd’s name and a complete and total “race hoax.”
Because of this Banana Republic degeneracy occurring in Georgia and other states. If the ballots are legitimate, what is there to hide? We all know what’s going on here. Justice delayed is justice denied! The phrase “Justice delayed is justice denied” aptly describes the current situation. Many believe that the defense attorneys have foreseen this unraveling and want no part of it. Hence, they walked away. Now, the question is: Has the judge intentionally delayed the trial to give the other side time for damage control or to devise a ‘Plan B, C, or D’? This sketchy, peculiar behavior is precisely why the majority of Americans have lost trust in our government and our election process.
"misguided" because it lowers the annual threshold from $20,000 to $600 for Americans to report transactions from third-party payment platforms. "This goes after hairdressers and your neighbor’s kid, not billionaires, and will create a digital trail for IRS agents to monitor more Americans regardless of whether these individuals actually owe any taxes on the payments they received," he said. Smith also said the GAO report is a warning that more middle class taxpayers will likely be subject to IRS audits. “Thirty million more tax forms flowing into mailboxes across the country will be a new years nightmare for millions of Americans and a mess for the IRS. The Biden Administration itself had to deploy a legally dubious delay of this policy for a year precisely because it is unworkable," Smith said in a statement. "The whole plan is just another effort by Washington Democrats to use the IRS to target working families. According to the Joint Committee on Taxation, over 90 percent of this new tax burden will fall on middle-class families and gig workers who will be caught in the crosshairs of the Democrats’ tax scheme," he added. Smith said the GAO report clearly shows the agency does not have a clear plan how to use the information it is collecting. Smith referred to the new forms as an IRS "surveillance scheme" imposed by the Democrats. The Tax Policy Center noted that the lower threshold of $600 especially impacts small businesses and gig workers in addition to "casual" Venmo and PayPal users. "Without better outreach and communication from the IRS, the new threshold might drive more otherwise lawabiding taxpayers to work around the reporting rule," wrote Renu Zaretsky in an analysis posted on the organization's webpage. A press release from credit card giant Visa published a study earlier this year finding that "59% of small businesses surveyed said they already are, or plan to, use only digital payments within the next two years – largely in step with 41% of consumers surveyed who said the same." Smith also said the GAO report is a warning that more middle class taxpayers will likely be subject to IRS audits.
REAL ESTATE Bill French Properties 315 N Travis Suite B-3 Sherman TX 75090 billfrenchproperties.com 903-893-BILL (2455) bill@billfrenchproperties.com
ADVERTISING/MARKETING Howe Enterprise P.O. Box 595 Howe TX 75459 howeenterprise.com 903-339-0100 news@howeenterprise.com AGRICULTURE Norman Farms 4871 Mackey Rd Howe TX 75459 903-815-5545 ajnorm4@aol.com ANTIQUES Howe Mercantile 107 E. Haning St Howe TX 75459 facebook.com/Howe-Mercantile1639767196252428/ (817) 313-2168 georgiacaraway@aol.com
CHILDCARE Koti Academy of Howe 105 Doyle Street Howe TX 75459 https://www.kotiacademy.com/ 903-532-9663 cassie@kotiacademy.com CHURCHES First Baptist Church Howe 100 W. Davis Howe TX 75459 http://www.fbchowe.org/ 903-532-5504 info@fbchowe.org First United Methodist Church 810 N. Denny St. Howe, TX 75459 903-532-6718 Church@fumchowe.org https://www.fumchowe.org/ Summit View Church 910 S. Denny St., P.O. Box 295 https://summitviewhowe.com/ info@summitviewhowe.com
Bob Utter Ford 2525 Texoma Parkway Sherman TX 75090 bobutterford.net 903-892-3555
DIFY Home Services 204 Tate Circle Sherman, TX 75090 9037440435 ernie@difyhs.com
Hunter Knephsield of Texas, LLC P.O. Box 759 Van Alstyne, TX 75495 https://www.hkparkandplay.com/ 8004514138 (Main) hktexas@flash.net (Main)
Independent Financial 100 South Denny Howe TX 75459 independent-bank.com (903) 532-5521 aanderson@ibtx.com Legend Bank 201 W. Grand Whitewright, TX 75491 legend-bank.com 903-532-4778 Brandon.grooms@legend-bank.com First National Bank of Tom Bean 109 S. Britton St. Tom Bean, TX 75489 https://www.fnbtb.com/ 903-546-62752 rbridges@fnbtb.com First United Bank 2011 Texoma Parkway Sherman TX 75090 firstunitedbank.com 903-813-5760 sarah.myrick@firstunitedbank.com BARBER SHOP Good Fellas Barber Shop 105 E. Haning Howe, TX 75459 9725020559 goodfellasbarbershoptx@gmail.com BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Provider Business Partners 106 W. Young St. Howe TX 75459 providerbusinesspartners.com 903-487-2248 sharla@ providerbusinesspartners.com Smith-Garner, PC 609 N. Denny St., P.O. Box 1019 Howe TX 75459 http://www.howecpa.com/ (903) 532-1040 amanda.garner@howecpa.com BUTCHER Don’s Smokehouse 111 E. Haning Street Howe, Texas 75459 Donssmokehouse.com (214) 881-8377 DonsSmokehouse@gmail.com CATERING Tracy Events Catering & Carryout Shop 211 S Preston Van Alstyne, TX 75495 Tracyevents2006@gmail.com
RockExpress, LLC 1434 Schneider Rd Howe, TX 75459 https://rock-express-llc.business.site/ 903-818-2386 rockexpressllc@gmail.com TLD Design Consulting LLC 103 E. Haning St. Howe TX 75459 http://www.tld -dc.com/ 903-436-4601 tdefrange@tldconsulting.net CONVENIENT STORES Quick Check #4 411 W. Haning Street Howe, TX 75459 903-532-5265 zackwilks82@yahoo.com DENTAL Anna Kids Dentistry 2016 W. White St. Anna, TX 75409 214-831-2400 Annakidsdentistry.com info@annakidsdentistry.com Howe Family Dentistry 100 S. Collins Freeway, PO Box 960 Howe TX 75459 howefamilydentistry.com 903.532.5545 EDUCATION Howe Community Library 315 S. Collins Freeway Howe TX 75459 www.howeisd.net/Page/83 903-745-4050 atchison.melissa@howeisd.net Howe Independent School District 105 W. Tutt St. Howe TX 75459 howeisd.net/ (903) 745-4000 ELECTRIC Rapid Electric, LLC (903) 421-8100 http://www.RapidElectricCo.com/ brent@rapidelectricco.com ENTERTAINMENT Chill Out Shaved Ice Howe, TX 75459 Chillout903@hotmail.com 903-436-0708
FINANCIAL Rethink Wealth—Kristen Harkless 559-681-7461 Kristen.Harkless@rethinkwealth.com FIREARMS Guns N More 281 Celtic Road Howe, TX 75459 GunsNMore.net (903) 267-1091 jared.c@gunsnmore.net FUNERAL HOME Scoggins Funeral Home & Crematory 637 W. Van Alstyne Parkway Van Alstyne TX 75495 scogginsfuneralhome.com 903-482-5225 tommywscoggins@hotmail.com HAIR SALON Good Fellas Barber Shop 105 E. Haning St. (972) 502-0559 goodfellasbarbershoptx@gmail.com HEALTHCARE ER of Texas 115 W. Travis St Sherman, TX 75092 http://oroftexas.com/ 903-770-9099 tiffanyr@eroftexas.com HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING Baker A/C & Heating, Inc. 215 N. Denny St. Howe TX 75459 903-532-6225 bakerac.mark@yahoo.com Essential Home Performance, LLC 509 Borrow Way Van Alstyne, TX 75495 https:// www.essentialhomeperformance.com/ 14695459125 Info@essentialhomeperformance.com HOUSING Bainbrook Apartments 511 S. Collins Fwy Howe, TX 75459 (469) 712-4082 bainbrook75459.com
Texas Farm Bureau Insurance, Loretta Anderson – Agent 1363 S Waco St Van Alstyne TX 75495 https://www.txfb -ins.com/ insurance/agent/grayson/ 23242/lorettaanderson 903-819-1041 landerson@txfb-ins.com INTERNET TekWav 223 N. Walnut St. Sherman TX 75090 http://www.tekwav.com 903-375-9787 jj@tekwav.com IT/DATA Texas Data and VoIP Security 109 W. Tilton Blue Ridge, TX 75424 https://www.tdavinc.com/ (972) 924-5010 dana@tdavinc.com MORTGAGE The Wood Group of Fairway – Lacey Tucker https://homeloanbylacey.com/ 469-910-0375 lacey.tucker@fairwaymc.com NON-PROFIT Goodwill Industries of Northeast Texas 2206 E. Lamar St. Sherman, TX 75090 goodwillnorthtexas.org spierce@goodwillnorthtexas.org United Way of Grayson County 713 E. Brockett P.O. Box 1112 Sherman, Texas 75091 903.893.1920
Sheryl Bentley, Coldwell Banker (903) 821-7653 yourrealtorsheryl@gmail.com Maureen Kane, REALTOR®, Paragon-REALTORS® 614 E Lamberth Rd Sherman, TX 75090 402-202-1540 maureen@paragonrealtors.com Michael Taylor – Keller Williams Realty P.O. Box 575 Howe TX 75459 mtaylor@kw.com Nicole Faye Sells Texas, LLC 215 N Quinlan St Howe, TX 75459 https://nicolefaye.fathomrealty.com/ 972-872-0529 nicolefayesellstexas@outlook.com The Llama Realty Group Dana Thornhill 204 Tate Circle Sherman, TX 75090 903-821-6890 llamarealtygroup@gmail.com RESTAURANTS El Patio Escondido Mexican Restaurant & Cantina 495 W. Van Alstyne Pkwy, P.O. Box 637 Van Alstyne TX 75495 elpatioescondido.com 903-482-5538 williampacheco519@yahoo.com Palio’s Pizza Cafe 303 W. Haning St. Howe TX 75459 https://www.palioshowe.com/ 903-532-0390 paliospizza@att.net ROOFING
PARTY RENTALS/DÉCOR Chase’s All Time Jumpers 2519 CR 4215 Bonham, Texas 75418 https:// www.chasesalltimejumpersllc.com/ 903-227-6488 Coltonlawrence24@yahoo.com PERSONAL SERVICES AND CARE
Definitive Roofing & Specialty Coatings, LLC 1094 Marlow Rd Bells, TX 75414 9038202110 roofingsc1@gmail.com
M&M Properties 901 N. Denny St Howe TX 75459 903-815-8355 mariecurtis16@gmail.com.
Debby Edwards Pink Zebra 1403 S. Travis St. Sherman, TX 75090 https://pinkzebrahome.com/ debbyedwards 903-820-8914 debbyedwards2@gmail.com
Cory Hernandez State Farm 2114 Texoma Parkway Sherman, TX 75090 http://insurancequotetexoma.com/ 9038938400 cory@insurancequotetexoma.com
Beyond the Barn Photography 3354 FM 902 Howe, TX 75459 469-951-4054 Sara@beyondthebarnphotography.co m
Ed Meacham, State Farm 1303 N Sam Rayburn Frwy, Ste. 200 Sherman TX 75090 https://www.statefarm.com/ agent/US/TX/Sherman/EdMeacham-3TGY5753JAK 903-892-3923 ed@mredinsurance.com
Brother Plumber 708 Maple St. Howe, TX 75459 469-968-4487 trent@brotherplumber.com http://Brotherplumber.com/
Howe Mini-Storage 609 N. Denny St. Howe TX 75459 903-532-7867 amanda.garner@howecpa.com
Jesse Brown Farmers Insurance 403 W. Haning St. Howe, TX 75459 https://agents.farmers.com/tx/howe/ jessie-brown 9034824063 jbrown9@farmersagent.com
Torque Plumbing 102 S. Collins Frwy Howe TX 75459 (972) 658-1515 torquemayes@yahoo.com
Kathy McGarry, Mayo Agency 215 S Ray Roberts Pkwy, P.O. Box 519 Tioga TX 76271 940-437-2378 kathy.mayoagency@gmail.com
Atmos Energy 5111 Blue Flame Rd. Sherman TX 75090 http://www.atmosenergy.com/ 1-888-286-6700 (Main) 1-866-322-8667 Natural Gas Emergency Jan.Rugg@atmosenergy.com
Texas Farm Bureau Insurance, Darren Foster – Agent 1363 S Waco St Van Alstyne TX 75495 https://www.txfbins.com/ insurance/agent/grayson/ 32707/darrenfoster 903-436-2470 dfoster@txfb-ins.com
Grayson -Collin Electric Cooperative, Inc. P.O. Box 548 Van Alstyne TX 75495 www.grayson-collin.coop 903-482-7100 mmcginnis@gcec.net
HIT Exteriors, LLC Howe, TX 75459 972-977-1523 sergio@hitexteriors.com Southern Cross Remodeling & Roofing Howe, TX 75459 Roofingbysoutherncross.com 972-800-9383 roofinbysoutherncross@gmail.com
TV SERVICES Cavender Home Theater DISH 6202 Texoma Parkway Sherman TX 75090 http://www.cavendertv.com/ 903-892-3499 chris@cavenderht.com TOWING Adams Automotive & Towing 85 Redden Rd Van Alstyne TX 75495 adamsautotow.com 903-482-5784
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