Cross Country Volleyball Football
Howe Enterprise, May 24, 1973
A school band program for Howe moved closer to reality at a meeting of the Band Parents Organization, administrators, and board members Monday night. Due to the time element in employing a band director for the beginning of school next fall, those attending the meeting set a June 11 date for determining if enough interest is shown by parents, students, and other interested citizens to pursue the program further. School representatives had offered earlier to provide a teacher and practice room for a band if funds could be provided by a band parents organization to provide the necessary large instruments for the program.
It was brought out during the meeting that the smaller instruments, which are to be provided by students, could either be rented for about $10 per month on a lease purchase arrangement, or could be bought outright.
Members agreed to prepare a pledge sheet to be distributed throughout the district to further determine interest in the program. The forms outlines the
proposal and provides for persons to join the band parent organization at $2.00 per member, and/or to pledge $25.00 toward the program, which would be used toward purchase of the larger instruments, estimated at a total cost of more than $5,000. Members are striving for a goal of 100 pledges and 200 memberships, which would provide $2,900 toward the
Some of the instruments cost more than $900 each, according to a Sherman music store owner, who provided a list and cost estimate of beginning the program.
Pledge sheets may be turned in at Howe State Bank, City Hall, Reeves Cleaners, or The Enterprise office. They were distributed by school children Tuesday, and copies are also available at some downtown locations.
program, with future fundraising events planned for the additional money. Uniforms would not be needed for two or more years, it was determined.
If pursued, the program would include grades 5 through 12. Supt. Mitchell explained.
"We need a big organization to help finance these expensive instruments," he continued.
During the Monday meeting, officers were elected for the Band Parents Organization. Mrs. Norma Wallace, temporary officer named recently, served as spokesman for the meeting. Permanent officers elected included Sam Haigis, president; Mrs. Haigis, vice-president; Mrs. Glen Mitchell, secretary; Wanda Taylor, treasurer; Norma Wallace, ways and means; Mrs. Virginia Martin, membership and hospitality; and Judy Tracy, publicity.
1978 79
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Robin Hawkins
Robin Hawkins
Valerie Whitfield
Brent Wood
Lex Breeding
David Whitfield
David Whitfield
Danielle Mailloux
Rodney Holcomb
Paula Mullins
Paula Mullins
Sharla Powell
Sharla Powell
Sharla Powell
Kent Bearden
Carrie Mullins
April Taylor
April Taylor
April Taylor
Mandy Summers
Mandy Summers
Aaron Stringfellow
Aaron Stringfellow
Kyle Lowder
Kyle Lowder
Laura Stringfellow
Andrew Shaffer
Rhapsody Fearon
Erica Wortham
Kayla Cook
Jesse Richard
Jesse Richard
Ashley Krueger
Travis Fulton
Makenzie Duffee
Madeline Ansley
Madeline Ansley
Jessica Doty
Kaylee Dwyer
Kindle Catching
Kindle Catching
Erin Catching
Erin Catching
Chloe Scoggins
Olivia Morris
Brynn Riley
22 2022-23 2022
23 Results State Finals State Prelims State Finals DNQ State Finals State Prelims State Finals DNQ DNQ State Prelims State Finals State Finals State Champions State Champions State Finals State Finals State Finals State Prelims State Prelims State Prelims State Finals DNQ State Prelims State Finals State Finals State Finals State Champions Year 2021 2019 2017 2015 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 1993 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980
-20 2020-21
excellent members recently, they are acquiring a freshman class that were just named state champions for eighth grade.
“Pull out your shades,” said Band Director Angie Liss referring the Howe’s future being bright. Liss, serving in her 30th year employed by Howe says this year’s goal is the same as every contest year to make it to the place they don’t talk about.
The incoming freshman won OPS State with the concert march called Cluster Fluster Buster March. Liss jokes that she was never a fan of that song, but Julie Cook (Head MS band director) did, and the kids were, and they performed it masterfully.
Drum Major Brynn Riley says that the freshmen are making nice progress.
Liss says the band will be quite a bit larger this year in terms of the number of members as they’ve had good retention from middle school.
“We’re cautiously optimistic,” said Liss.
The program is called “Paradise” which is built around the song “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough”, however, it will be a slowed down version with a minor ballad feel.
“The picture that we’re trying to portray is that everyone is always looking for paradise whether through contentment or peace. Maybe it’s a place here or hereafter,” said Liss. “Whatever your belief system is, everyone is always looking for that place and joy.”
The opener is a flute quartet and front ensemble work with some big hits from the band. The second piece is called “Joy” by Curiale. The third piece is back to “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough”. The last movement is based on Beethoven's “Ode to Joy”. The music is going to express some dark spots, depicting the
struggles that one might go through. But will overall show the desire for
The props will look different this year with backdrops resembling clouds that progress all the way around the band. The front screens will have the word paradise in multiple languages to hammer home that the sense of joy and peace are worldwide. Ramps and stages will be placed in the front middle with the front ensemble fitting between of the flags will be decorated with mountains to match the performance.
Liss says that the band leadership spent the day with the freshman class to introduce them into the terminology and get acclimated to the setting and their leaders. They then had a pool party to build on team cohesiveness.
The band has some new faces that have moved in this year that are gelling very quickly with everyone according to Liss.
She was quick to mention that the front ensemble and percussion section have been extremely powerful early on.
Liss, who is a footballfriendly band director, is excited to get to perform on Friday nights.
“We’ve been doing all the chants and the cheers and thinking about it,” said Liss who recently incorporated the end of the fight song to be played on every first down. “I love football. I picked that
up while my kids were in Arkansas.”
The overall feel of the show will be a little different from recent years as Liss says they are going back to more of their classical roots to see what they can do to potentially boost themselves in the final results.
“That’s not what it’s all about, however. It’s about us all coming together and being a family and working towards a goal. But the goal is to obviously go where we don’t talk about,” said Liss. “We’d like to go where we don’t talk about and hang some medals around our neck.”
Liss says that in her 30th year, she doesn't have a lot of time left as she now has grandkids to chase around.
“I’ve got a few more years in me so we're even talking about what we’re going to do for next year’s show,” said Liss who is anticipating the program’s 50th year in 2024. “It’s pretty exciting to think about that in the 49 years that this band has been in existence, that I’ve been around for a whole lot of them.”
Liss served four years as a member of the Pride of Howe and even was a part of the first state championship in 1980.
“She’s an amazing person, an amazing leader, and I am very thankful to have someone with her experience and knowledge in this program,” said her drum major Riley.
Pull out your shades. It’s going to be a bright year for the Pride of Howe.
The long anticipated 2023 Howe Bulldogs season has finally arrived. Players reported to workouts at 6:15 am Monday morning in preparations for a back-toback playoff berth. Howe is coming off a 6-5 season that ended with a 39-19 loss to Palmer in the first round after Howe lost multiple starters to injury including all-time passing leader Austin Haley who did not suit up that night. But the season was a success in Head Coach Lance Bryan’s first year as Howe broke a 22game losing streak on opening night at Honey Grove which signaled a new day had dawned for the Howe Bulldogs.
Bryan is very optimistic about the 80th Howe Bulldogs team as they will be much bigger than a year ago. He said summer workout attendance allowed them to get a head start to the season with installations of schemes and formations.
“We really hit the ground on day one. We weren’t having to do a lot of conditioning. Our kids were already conditioned from the summer,” said Bryan. “It was really nice to finally get helmets on them. Once you add the pads, it starts feeling like real football.”
The last starting quarterback for the Howe Bulldogs, not named Austin Haley was Bryce Krantz in 2018. With Haley manning the quarterback position for the last four seasons, Bryan is looking to Cooper Jones to take over in the gun. Jones moves from receiver where he has played for the last three seasons on varsity and had great success with 85 catches for 1,328 yards. Jones will be more of a running quarterback as he averaged 4.19 yards per rush a year ago mainly in short yardage situations.
“He’s a bowling ball when he starts running,” said Bryan of Jones. “He’s less of a speed guy than Austin was; he’s more of a brutal runner. There’s a lot of things that he does well.”
Bryan says being here for his second year has given him and his coaches great insight on what players can do best that they might not have been doing a year ago and says some kids are in different positions which will make them better players overall.
The offensive line will look a lot bigger than last year with the return of last year’s starting tackles who missed all season due to preseason injuries. Luciano Vazquez and Seth Goolsby are each over 6’-3” and over 225 pounds.
“It’s almost like we got two new kids that moved in. They had their entire junior years taken away from them. They are practicing like guys that feel they have something to prove,” said Bryan. “This is their last year, and they know how quickly it can get taken away from them.”
Howe would not have been able to win six games in 2022 without running back Antwone Rattler and his 1,439 yards and 16 touchdowns. Bryan does not intend for the Dogs to feature one particular back to replace Rattler, but to see a variety of choices including senior Kaden Dunn, junior Braden Ulmer, and sophomore Knox Bounds. Dunn and Bounds are two of the fastest athletes in the football program while Ulmer is a punishing runner that also features exceptional foot speed.
“Ulmer is one of those guys that I felt didn’t touch the ball enough last year,” said Bryan. “When he did, he did
a lot of good things with it, and I don’t want to have to rely on throwing it to him to get him the ball. He to have a huge part in our offense and he’s going to do a lot of different things.
Bryan thinks James Cowart can also help them at the running back position.
With the loss of outside receivers Ryan Hough to graduation and Jones to a position switch, Bryan is hoping Malachi Dailey and Beau Stephens will step up in that role, however he says Stephens is better suited at the tight end position. Kolin Murphy returns as a slot receiver along with Ulmer. One surprise to Bryan is the transformation of Jeremiah Thornton who has been a lineman, but his body has changed so much that he’s gone from a defensive end and offensive lineman to a cornerback and receiver.
“He’s gotten a little bit taller and a little bit leaner. He’s gotten really fast because he dedicated himself to track,” said Bryan. “We didn’t know that he was going to turn into what he’s turned in to, but now he’s definitely going to be a guy that we’re going to put him in positions to succeed.”
Bryan also expects Garrett Rodgers and Eli Stoner to contribute to the receiver corps.
“We lost a lot of guys at receiver, but we feel like our depth is stronger this year,” said Bryan. “We’ve got a lot of kids that have a lot of strengths and we’re going to try to find out how to use those.”
The roster will be larger this year also as the Dogs got down to 18 healthy players at one point last season. As of Tuesday, Bryan thought the roster would be around 27 or so which is more than they started with a year ago. Howe began camp with
roughly 60 athletes which is a bump of about 10 from a year ago. That increase is mainly due to the highly touted freshman class showing great retention from middle school.
Defensively, Howe will switch from a 3-4 scheme to a 4-3 with four down linemen. Bryan feels like the depth that they have with the defensive linemen, they would be wasting a position if they didn’t put one of their better players in the game. Bryan expects Stephens, the defensive MVP a year ago to have another great season.
The kicking chores will once again by Jonathan Garcia who is now in his second year as a starter. Bryan raved about his work ethic and his ability to handle pressure situations.
Offensively, Howe lost their coordinator Zac Cater who was named head coach for Coalgate High School in Oklahoma. Justin Graham will serve that role this year and they plan to attack defenses on the ground much more than a year ago.
Bryan says their expectation is to be in the playoffs in 2023.
“We want to exceed what we did last year and win more games than we won last year,” said Bryan.
- Howe Enterprise
Howe School will always be the best school. We all can make it so.
Our pride, our glory and our honor Will guide us as we go.
The teachers always help to lead us
On to reach our goal.
Howe School will always be the best school
‘Til rivers cease to flow.
We are the Bulldogs of Howe High and we will fight to win this game, And we will cheer both loud and clear, our team to victory and fame.
Fight to the end, don’t break or bend, until we have a Victory.
Fight for the Black, the White, and win tonight
‘For the Glory of Old Howe High.
The Howe Bulldogs slammed the door shut on the 22-game losing streak on opening night a year ago at Honey Grove. They did so in dominating fashion in Head Coach Lance Bryan’s first ever game as a head coach by holding Honey Grove and their dynamic running back Ryelan Morris in check throughout most of the night. The result was a 20-15 win and Howe lit the Victory Light for the first time since October 18, 2019.
Howe kept the lights on with a high-powered offense that scored 49 at home the following week against Tom Bean. The Dogs racked up over 500 yards for the first time since senior quarterback Austin Haley’s freshman year at Bonham. Even more impressive perhaps was the 129 yards allowed to Tom Bean which was the lowest since allowing Callisburg only 60 in Zack Hudson’s final game as head coach of the Bulldogs.
While Howe’s offense kept gunning with all-time leading passer Austin Haley, the Commerce Tigers also lit the scoreboard with a 59-42 win at Bulldog Stadium.
Howe, again dominated S&S as they have throughout the years with a 68-14 win behind Antwone Rattler’s 191 yards rushing. But, again, the defense only allowed 125 total yards on the night to give Howe the easy victory, the third of the young season.
The big opening district game came at home against Leonard who was coming off a deep run in the playoffs.
Howe rattled the freshman quarterback for an easy 34-3 dominating win where Howe only allowed 135 total yards while accumulating 358.
Fall break did not come at a good time for Howe, but the Dogs scared Gunter by leading much of the initial half. But Gunter’s overloaded roster eventually took down Howe, who had half the roster size.
Bells did what Bells does they ran the football and ran it well to a tune of 418 yards and a 37-14 win. A hurting throwing arm of Haley didn’t
make things better.
Howe had a crucial matchup with Blue Ridge with everything on the line for the playoffs, but Haley’s sore shoulder and the driving rain played a big factor in the 4221 loss. Not to mention a defensive tackle named “Thor.”
Howe erased Lone Oak to enter the playoffs in the final regular season game, 34-15 and did so without Haley. Howe rushed for 424 yards and did not have any passing yards for the first time since 2018.
The Dogs lost to Palmer 3919 in the first round thanks in part to numerous injuries.
Gunter Tigers Head Coach Jake Fieszel. 2022: 15-0 state champions. Howe is 18-15 overall against Gunter dating back to the first game in 1935. Howe snapped an 11-game losing streak to Gunter in 2015. Gunter has won three in a row.
Bells Panthers Head Coach Dale West. 2022: 10-3 regional semifinalist. Howe is 35-11-5 overall against Bells dating back to the first game in 1936. Howe’s last win came in 2018 (30-15 at Bulldog Stadium). Bells is 41-21 under Head Coach Dale West.
Blue Ridge Tigers Head Coach Tim Wylie. 2022: 5-6, b-district finalists. Howe is 5-4 overall against Blue Ridge dating back to the first game in 2002. Howe had won 3straight over Blue Ridge but lost last year, 42-21 at home in the rain.
Howe Bulldogs Head Coach Lance Bryan. 2022: 6-5 bidistrict finalists. Howe snapped a 22-game losing streak on opening night in 2022. Head Coach Lance Bryan loses the school’s all-time leading passer in Austin Haley and his offensive coordinator Zac Cater. Howe looks to ground and pound.
mitted to Stephen F. Austin. The 6-0 170 pound receiver was a weapon for the state champion Gunter Tigers a year ago.
had 122 total tackles as a sophomore a year ago. He had two fumble recoveries and eight tackles for loss.
Five Year Snapshot of District 8-3A-II Members
Leonard Tigers Head Coach Justin Dozier. 2022: 6-4 Howe is 12-16 overall against Leonard dating back to the first game in 1961. The Bulldogs have won the last two meetings between the two schools, 34-13 (2015) and 34-3 (2022).
Lone Oak Buffaloes Head Coach Logan Turner. 2022: 0-10. Howe is 44 overall against Lone Oak with the series dating back to 1970 in the bidistrict championship. Howe won last season to clinch the playoffs by a score of 34-15. Lone Oak will be much improved in 2023.
School W L Points Allowed Diff (sort) Gunter 73 5 3,253 816 2,437 Bells 41 21 2,233 1,390 843 Leonard 29 25 1,509 1,389 120 Blue Ridge 24 30 1,316 1,515 -199 Howe 12 39 1,057 1,851 -794 Lone Oak 9 41 896 2,010 -1,114 Gunter’s Cannon Lamberg picked as District 8-3A-II Preseason Offensive MVP Bells’ Bryson Thompson picked as District 8-3A-II Preseason Defensive MVP
Norman Dickey 1964-1975
All-time leader in wins (51).
District, Bi-District, Regional Champs.
Second in wins (41). District, Bi-District, Area Champions in 1985 and 1989. Four playoff teams.
Davey DuBose
Third in wins (34). District, Bi-District Champions 1998. Three playoff teams.
Zack Hudson 2013-2014
Fourth in wins (30). Most in playoff wins (5). District Champs (1), BiDistrict and Area Champs (2).
Fifth in wins (29). District Champions and Co-District Champions.
Leslie Walden 1938-1939
Sixth in wins (18). Had a winning percentage of .900 with a career record of 18 -2-2.
Tied for seventh in wins (16). His defense in 1945 gave up zero points in the regular season
James "Blackie" Wade
Tied for seventh in wins (16). Brought the Victory Light to Howe.
Joey McQueen 1990-1992
Tied for seventh in wins (16) and first in playoff ties (2). District, Bi-District, Area Champions.
0 2 2 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 3 5 3 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 2 1 3 1 4 1 3 5 8 8 14 66 21 21 16 16 18 20 14 24 28 2 16 28 34 5 6 13 18 9 6 3 9 8 16 4 9 12 2 51 16 29 41 16 11 34 6 8 12 9 4 30 6 6 Barnes Milam L.B. Morris Leslie Walden Wesley Cox H.A. McDonald no coach Alfred Clayton John B. Lair Jack Osborn George Matlock Arthur Boyle Curtis Christian Eldon Ray Norman Dickey James Wade John Smith Jim Fryar Joey McQueen Terry Davis Davey DuBose Larry McFarlin Norwood Martin Stony Coffman Cory Crane Joe Watson Zack Hudson Bill Jehling Lance Bryan 1935 1936-1937 1938-1939 1940 1941 1942 1943-1944 1945 1946-1947 1948 1958-1959 1960-1961 1962-1963 1964-1975 1976-1979 1980-1984 1985-1989 1990-1992 1993-1995 1996-2000 2001-2002 2003-2005 2006-2009 2010 2011-2012 2013-16 2018-21 20220.600 0.765 0.900 0.900 0.667 0.750 0.692 0.889 0.842 0.444 0.529 0.600 0.125 0.436 0.432 0.580 0.719 0.500 0.379 0.630 0.300 0.250 0.300 0.818 0.200 0.517 0.150 0.545 Win % Year Coach W L T
Howe's first head coach, Barnes Milam, seen here with the first Howe Bulldog football team in 1935.
Jim Fryar 1985-1989
John "Buck" Smith
"Jack" Osborn
L.B. Morris 1936-1937, He was Howe’s second head football coach and his 13 wins rank him 10th all-time. He is a member of the North Texas Athletic Hall of Fame, Texas High School Coaches Association Hall of Honor, and the Fannin County Sports Hall of Fame.
On a field where minutes are kept, it has been over 45 million minutes between the first game at Bulldog Stadium on Oct. 3, 1935 and opening night of 2021. But in 2021 the playing surface became no longer grass (and sometimes mud). The Howe ISD Board of Trustees approved a $2 million project from Hellas Construction to rebuild the track that was originally constructed in 1986 and to place artificial turf on the football playing surface.
The school chose the top-of-theline Matrix Helix® synthetic turf system. Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation is what breaks down synthetic turf over time. The amount of play from athletes has very little effect on the overall life span.
The goal for the turf is to get the yard to stand up on end. Over time, the older turf lays flat and the flatter it lays, the more exposed it is to the UV rays.
The Helix-shaped turf fibers feature Shape Memory Technology. The fibers are curled and heat-set during the manufacturing process, allowing each fiber to spring back to its original position and secure the turf’s infill, reducing splash-out of
technology enhances the turf system’s resiliency, stability, and durability over time. The Matrix Helix synthetic turf system is also installed at Cowboys Stadium in Arlington.
The turf has an 8-year warranty, but the lifespan is expected to be 10-14 years.
Inside the turf are black pellets of rubber, but the installation also comes with a rubber pad underneath the turf surface for more safety.
Even if there were no black rubber pellets in the field at all, it would still pass the safety recommendation. The rubber
The crown of the field was removed and now is a flat surface from sideline to sideline. New goal posts were installed and the board decided on the “Block H” at midfield.
New fencing has been created
lane track, the concession stand would have had to be removed and the project would have gone from $2 million to approximately $10 million which relocation of bleachers on both sides of the stadium.
In 1964, Howe hired former Gunter Tiger and Austin College Kangaroo Norman Dickey as head coach. Howe had finished the ’63 season with 13 kids left on the team and Dickey went to every eligible student before his initial season and rounded up 20 kids to play football. With most of the kids underclassmen, the future looked bright for Bulldog football. Norman Dickey would go on to record more victories than any other coach in school history.
9/10/1965 0 Celina 37 09/17/65 0 Bells 18 9/23/1965 12 Pilot Point B 0 10/1/1965 6 at Celeste 27 10/8/1965 6 at Van Alstyne 45 10/22/1965 8 at Prosper 6 10/29/1965 6 Anna 34 11/5/1965 8 at Collinsville 23 11/12/1965 0 S & S 12 11/19/1965 6 at Allen 44 9/20/1935 0 at Tioga 12 10/3/1935 13 Sherman B 21 10/11/1935 0 at Whitewright 25 10/16/1935 41 Denison B 0 10/25/1935 12 Dorchester 0 11/1/1935 31 Gunter 6 11/8/1935 0 Collinsville 13 11/15/1935 32 Pilot Point 0 11/20/1935 47 Tioga 2 11/27/1935 39 at Tom Bean 0 9/21/1936 6 Sherman B 0 10/2/1936 21 Whitesboro 0 10/9/1936 0 at NTSC Denton 0 10/16/1936 13 at Collinsville 7 10/30/1936 18 Gunter 6 11/7/1936 26 Pilot Point 6 11/13/1936 25 Tioga 19 11/20/1936 19 Bells 6 11/27/1936 30 Tom Bean 0 9/26/1937 13 Sherman B 0 10/1/1937 0 at Whitesboro 6 10/8/1937 0 at NTSC Denton 43 10/15/1937 0 at Denison B 6 10/22/1937 6 Pilot Point 8 10/29/1937 40 Tioga 0 11/5/1937 6 at Bells 6 11/12/1937 13 Collinsville 7 11/19/1937 7 Gunter 6 11/25/1937 32 Tom Bean 0 9/23/1938 0 Cumby 0 9/30/1938 12 Anna 6 10/6/1938 21 Denison B 7 10/14/1938 12 Whitesboro 12 10/21/1938 12 Pilot Point 0 10/28/1938 65 Tioga 0 11/4/1938 43 at Gunter 0 11/11/1938 1 Bells 0 11/18/1938 27 Collinsville 0 11/24/1938 20 Tom Bean 0 12/2/1938 6 Anna 7 Bi-District Champs* forfeit (Howe declared champion due to Anna using ineligible player) 9/22/1939 6 Sherman B 0 9/29/1939 59 McKinney B 0 10/6/1939 6 Celina 0 10/13/1939 14 Anna 6 10/20/1939 14 Pilot Point 0 10/27/1939 56 Collinsville 0 11/3/1939 39 Denison B 0 11/10/1939 20 Bells 25 11/17/1939 6 Gunter 0 11/23/1939 25 at Tom Bean 7 12/8/1939 6 Lewisville - Bi-District 32
Stadium 9/20/1940 12 Sherman B 0 9/27/1940 24 Tioga 0 10/4/1940 45 at Celina 0 10/11/1940 63 Collinsville 0 10/18/1940 25 at Anna 0 10/25/1940 54 at Gunter 7 11/1/1940 34 Pilot Point 0 11/15/1940 47 Bells 6 11/21/1940 27 Tom Bean 6 11/28/1940 6 Lewisville - BiDistrict 46 9/19/1941 32 Celina 0 9/26/1941 6 Anna 0 10/3/1941 13 Collinsville 0 10/10/1941 33 Gunter 6 10/17/1941 0 Bells 24 10/24/1941 7 at Van Alstyne 31 11/7/1941 21 Valley View 6 11/14/1941 20 at Pilot Point 0 11/20/1941 0 at Tom Bean 20 10/20/1942 40 Denison B 0 10/30/1942 33 at Bells 13 11/5/1942 6 at Van Alstyne 7 11/13/1942 42 Pilot Point 0 11/27/1942 12 Sanger - BiDistrict 12 Team played without a head coach 10/14/1943 0 at Sherman B 6 10/21/1943 34 Gainesville B 0 10/29/1943 19 Anna 2 11/5/1943 14 Tioga 13 11/12/1943 0 Bells 0 11/19/1943 7 at Pilot Point 14 11/25/1943 13 Tom Bean 6 9/29/1944 0 at Van Alstyne 25 10/5/1944 0 Denison B 12 10/12/1944 20 at Gunter 6 10/20/1944 27 at Tioga 6 10/27/1944 7 at Bells 7 11/3/1944 35 Celina 0 11/10/1944 12 Pilot Point 0 11/23/1944 7 at Tom Bean 6 9/21/1945 13 Van Alstyne 0 10/12/1945 26 Gunter 0 10/19/1945 39 Bells 0 10/26/1945 48 at Collinsville 0 11/2/1945 25 Sherman B 0 11/9/1945 13 Tioga 0 11/16/1945 6 at Pilot Point 0 11/27/1945 6 Tom Bean 0 12/4/1945 0 Frisco - Bi District 19 9/26/1946 6 at Sherman B 0 10/3/1946 26 Collinsville 0 10/11/1946 33 at Bells 0 10/18/1946 20 at Gunter 0 10/25/1946 20 Sherman B 7 11/2/1946 26 at Van Alstyne 0 11/8/1946 27 Whitesboro 0 11/15/1946 28 at Tioga 6 11/22/1946 6 Pilot Point 6 11/28/1946 40 at Tom Bean 0 9/8/1961 0 at Van Alstyne 14 9/15/1961 12 McKinney B 28 9/22/1961 28 S & S 6 9/29/1961 20 Fannindel 6 10/6/1961 0 Lake Highlands 6 10/13/1961 20 Bells 8 10/20/1961 0 at Leonard 43 10/27/1961 6 at Wolfe City 14 11/3/1961 0 at Royse City 44 11/10/1961 25 Celeste 0 9/18/1948 7 Denison B 6 9/23/1948 21 Tioga 0 9/30/1948 24 Bells 0 10/7/1948 0 Whitesboro 20 10/14/1948 25 Gunter 0 10/21/1948 0 at Van Alstyne 48 10/28/1948 0 at Whitewright 26 11/4/1948 6 Pilot Point 19 11/11/1948 6 Collinsville 20 9/7/1962 12 Van Alstyne 30 9/14/1962 0 at S & S 16 10/5/1962 8 Celina 34 10/12/1962 0 at Wolfe City 6 10/19/1962 6 Celeste 8 10/26/1962 0 at Leonard 37 11/2/1962 12 Royse City 12 11/9/1962 0 at Anna 22 11/16/1962 38 Bells 0 9/11/1958 32 Sadler 0 9/18/1958 42 at Collinsville 0 10/2/1958 0 at Prosper 24 10/9/1958 28 Collinsville 0 10/22/1958 0 Gunter 42 10/30/1958 48 Community 14 11/6/1958 12 at Southmayd 32 11/13/1958 0 Allen 19 9/3/1959 8 Southmayd 18 9/10/1959 36 Collinsville 0 9/17/1959 8 at Trenton 12 9/24/1959 18 Prosper 16 10/1/1959 20 at Collinsville 12 10/8/1959 14 Trenton 18 10/15/1959 34 at Gunter 6 10/22/1959 20 Southmayd 6 10/29/1959 0 at Allen 60 9/6/1963 0 at Van Alstyne 36 9/13/1963 0 S & S 16 9/20/1963 20 Allen 16 10/4/1963 14 at Celina 18 10/11/1963 6 Wolfe City 28 10/18/1963 0 at Celeste 46 10/25/1963 0 Leonard 28 11/1/1963 0 at Royse City 19 11/8/1963 8 Anna 8 11/15/1963 0 at Bells 0 9/8/1960 34 at Gunter 14 9/15/1960 6 McKinney B 26 9/22/1960 24 Prosper 8 9/29/1960 38 at Bells 6 10/6/1960 22 at Prosper 8 10/13/1960 36 Collinsville 6 10/20/1960 22 at Wylie 6 10/27/1960 48 Gunter 6 11/3/1960 26 Lindsay 6 11/10/1960 22 Allen 58 9/11/1964 0 at Celina 6 9/18/1964 8 at Bells 21 9/24/1964 2 at Plano B 20 10/2/1964 0 Celeste 0 10/9/1964 2 Van Alstyne 40 10/23/1964 0 Prosper 28 10/30/1964 6 at Anna 48 11/6/1964 6 Collinsville 8 11/13/1964 19 at S & S 36 11/20/1964 6 Allen 14 9/19/1947 13 Plano 25 10/3/1947 7 at Collinsville 0 10/10/1947 35 Bells 0 10/17/1947 34 Gunter 0 10/24/1947 18 Whitewright 0 10/31/1947 0 at Van Alstyne 7 11/7/1947 26 at Whitesboro 6 11/14/1947 14 Tioga 0 11/21/1947 0 at Pilot Point 6 11/27/1947 45 Tom Bean 0
Playoff game was played at Bulldog
9/10/1966 27 at Pilot Point B 6 9/16/1966 6 at Bells 2 9/23/1966 20 Valley View 12 9/30/1966 7 Celeste 6 10/7/1966 20 Fannindel 18 10/14/1966 8 at Leonard 23 10/28/1966 0 Prosper 0 11/4/1966 19 at Anna 0 11/11/1966 16 Celina 34 11/18/1966 0 S & S 34 9/13/1968 28 at Bells 6 9/20/1968 13 at Whitewright 32 9/27/1968 7 at Leonard 25 10/4/1968 20 Celina 19 10/11/1968 19 Collinsville 8 10/18/1968 44 S & S 6 10/26/1968 14 at Anna 40 11/1/1968 20 at Celeste 8 11/15/1968 22 Quinlan 6 11/23/1968 20 Allen 22 9/8/1967 32 Bells 14 9/15/1967 8 Callisburg 16 9/22/1967 40 at Valley View 29 9/29/1967 21 at Celeste 27 10/13/1967 7 Leonard 27 10/20/1967 28 Allen 16 10/27/1967 6 Prosper 14 11/3/1967 32 Anna 7 11/10/1967 0 at Celina 27 11/17/1967 27 at S & S 12 9/12/1969 46 Bells 12 9/19/1969 0 Whitewright 41 9/26/1969 22 Leonard 37 10/3/1969 3 at Celina 32 10/10/1969 12 at Collinsville 12 10/17/1969 32 at S & S 8 10/24/1969 33 Anna 6 10/31/1969 33 Celeste 0 11/14/1969 42 at Quinlan 16 11/21/1969 0 at Allen 28 9/11/1970 22 at Anna 0 9/18/1970 0 at Whitewright 24 9/25/1970 7 Crandall 12 10/2/1970 33 Van Alstyne 20 10/9/1970 42 at Community 12 10/16/1970 18 at Dallas Greenhill 14 10/23/1970 20 Prosper 8 10/30/1970 26 Celina 0 11/13/1970 33 at S & S 14 11/20/1970 42 Collinsville 6 11/27/1970 21 Lone Oak - BiDistrict Champs 12 12/5/1970 22 WindthorstRegional Champs 0 9/10/1971 21 Anna 6 9/17/1971 6 Whitewright 39 9/24/1971 6 at Crandall 27 10/1/1971 8 at Van Alstyne 7 10/8/1971 0 Community 12 10/15/1971 14 Dallas Greenhill 20 10/22/1971 19 Prosper 12 10/29/1971 0 at Celina 42 11/12/1971 27 S & S 12 11/19/1971 21 Collinsville 6 9/8/1972 13 Anna 12 9/15/1972 0 at Princeton 17 9/22/1972 7 at Sanger 6 9/29/1972 6 Allen 28 10/6/1972 7 Wolfe City 27 10/13/1972 7 at Whitewright 55 10/20/1972 12 Van Alstyne 40 10/27/1972 15 at Bells 22 11/3/1972 21 Pottsboro 0 9/7/1973 12 at Anna 0 9/14/1973 18 Princeton 14 9/21/1973 6 Sanger 29 9/28/1973 20 at Allen 26 10/5/1973 7 at Wolfe City 13 10/12/1973 7 Whitewright 0 10/19/1973 0 at Van Alstyne 19 10/26/1973 38 Bells 6 11/2/1973 44 at Pottsboro 22 11/9/1973 33 Leonard 20 9/6/1974 14 Anna 12 9/13/1974 13 at Princeton 14 9/21/1974 0 at Celina 18 9/27/1974 0 Allen 35 10/4/1974 9 at Whitewright 26 10/18/1974 0 at Van Alstyne 0 10/25/1974 14 at Sanger 28 11/1/1974 13 Frisco 15 11/8/1974 13 Pilot Point 7 11/15/1974 0 at Pottsboro 21 9/5/1975 7 at Anna 7 9/12/1975 13 Princeton 7 9/19/1975 0 Celina 20 9/26/1975 3 at Allen 33 10/3/1975 0 Whitewright 20 10/17/1975 6 Van Alstyne 22 10/24/1975 7 Sanger 18 10/31/1975 0 at Frisco 34 11/7/1975 12 at Pilot Point 34 11/14/1975 0 Pottsboro 40 9/5/1980 14 Sanger 0 9/13/1980 0 at Frisco 18 9/19/1980 0 at Pilot Point 43 9/26/1980 0 Whitewright 31 10/3/1980 14 Tom Bean 0 10/10/1980 20 at Pottsboro 6 10/17/1980 21 Callisburg 0 10/24/1980 20 Lindsay 8 10/31/1980 23 at Van Alstyne 7 11/7/1980 18 Bells 6 9/4/1981 8 at Sanger 7 9/12/1981 0 Frisco 38 9/18/1981 0 Pilot Point 45 9/25/1981 0 at Whitewright 21 10/2/1981 12 at Tom Bean 3 10/9/1981 8 Pottsboro 33 10/23/1981 46 Lindsay 20 10/30/1981 12 Van Alstyne 20 11/6/1981 21 at Bells 0 11/13/1981 32 at Callisburg 19 9/3/1976 7 Anna 20 9/10/1976 0 at Leonard 15 9/18/1976 37 Whitesboro 0 9/25/1976 0 at Frisco 40 10/1/1976 0 at Celina 53 10/8/1976 7 Aubrey 0 10/15/1976 7 at Pilot Point 3 10/22/1976 2 Van Alstyne 26 10/29/1976 7 Sanger 6 11/5/1976 6 Pottsboro 19 9/4/1982 26 Coppell 20 9/11/1982 28 at Royse City 7 9/17/1982 6 at Celina 21 9/24/1982 13 Anna 15 10/1/1982 0 at S & S 32 10/8/1982 0 Farmersville 34 10/15/1982 16 at Pottsboro 18 10/22/1982 44 Tom Bean 0 10/29/1982 21 at Van Alstyne 21 11/5/1982 23 Whitewright 6 9/2/1977 18 at Anna 6 9/9/1977 21 Leonard 6 9/16/1977 0 at Whitesboro 18 9/24/1977 12 Frisco 20 9/30/1977 0 Celina 27 10/7/1977 13 at Aubrey 6 10/14/1977 8 Pilot Point 21 10/21/1977 22 at Van Alstyne 21 10/28/1977 6 Sanger 6 11/4/1977 0 at Pottsboro 33 9/8/1978 21 Pottsboro 0 9/15/1978 0 Aubrey 25 9/23/1978 41 Alvord 6 9/29/1978 0 Wolfe City 21 10/6/1978 6 at Cooper 41 10/13/1978 28 Van Alstyne 12 10/20/1978 7 at Honey Grove 14 10/27/1978 28 Leonard 0 11/3/1978 0 at Whitewright 21 11/10/1978 0 at Bells 0 9/2/1983 13 at Coppell 7 9/10/1983 6 at Royse City 16 9/16/1983 12 Celina 6 9/23/1983 50 at Anna 6 9/30/1983 34 S & S 19 10/7/1983 6 at Farmersville 19 10/14/1983 6 Pottsboro 7 10/21/1983 34 at Tom Bean 0 10/28/1983 21 Van Alstyne 27 11/4/1983 15 at Whitewright 12 9/7/1979 14 at Pottsboro 14 9/14/1979 11 at Aubrey 12 9/22/1979 6 at Alvord 9 9/28/1979 6 at Wolfe City 48 10/5/1979 6 Cooper 0 10/12/1979 40 at Van Alstyne 0 10/19/1979 22 Honey Grove 0 10/26/1979 23 at Leonard 24 11/2/1979 0 Whitewright 41 11/9/1979 12 Bells 6 9/7/1984 8 at Coppell 2 9/14/1984 34 S & S 0 9/22/1984 20 at Celina 14 9/28/1984 20 at Valley View 21 10/5/1984 13 Springtown 17 10/12/1984 21 Anna 7 10/19/1984 68 Tom Bean 0 10/26/1984 10 at Pottsboro 3 11/2/1984 18 Whitewright 7 11/9/1984 6 Van Alstyne 15 11/16/1984 0 Farmersville - BiDistrict 17
9/6/1985 32 Coppell 6 9/13/1985 17 at S & S 6 9/20/1985 7 Celina 18 9/27/1985 15 Valley View 0 10/4/1985 0 at Springtown 20 10/11/1985 7 Anna 7 10/18/1985 37 at Tom Bean 0 10/25/1985 28 Pottsboro 6 11/1/1985 70 at Whitewright 0 11/8/1985 35 at Van Alstyne 0 11/15/1985 10 Farmersville - BiDistrict Champs 7 11/22/1985 18 Grand SalineArea Champs 0 11/29/1985 14 GrovetonRegional 16
1946 team gave up 19 points in 10 games to become the best defensive team in Howe history. New coach Jack Osborne brought his undefeated record from Missouri to Howe. The Bulldogs had seven shutouts and finished the season 9-0-1. The 6-6 tie with Pilot Point cost the Bulldogs a playoff spot. Howe shared the District Championship with Pilot Point and for the first time had the label of Co-Champions. During that season, Howe sported an aerial attack for the first time with Jack Gattis throwing touchdown passes to Ned Estes time and time again.
Howe had the most successful run since the 1940s when John "Buck" Smith was hired in 1980 through the Jim Fryar years and ended with Joey McQueen at the helm in 1991. From 1984-1991, Howe made the playoffs in seven of the eight seasons back when the UIL only took two teams from each district. Howe won the district championship in 1984, 1985, 1989, and 1991. They were bidistrict champions in 1985, 1989, and 1990 and captured the area championship in 1985, 1989, and 1990.
9/5/1986 20 at Princeton 0 9/12/1986 19 Van Alstyne 22 9/19/1986 23 at Celina 22 9/26/1986 28 Anna 16 10/3/1986 21 Caddo Mills 47 10/10/1986 32 at Whitewright 0 10/17/1986 14 Pottsboro 16 10/24/1986 34 at S & S 7 10/31/1986 49 Bells 0 11/7/1986 43 Tom Bean 12 11/14/1986 7 Pilot PointBi District 28 9/2/1988 0 Cooper 24 9/9/1988 28 Dallas Christian 22 9/16/1988 14 at Callisburg 7 9/23/1988 17 Pilot Point 14 9/30/1988 20 at Aubrey 0 10/7/1988 7 Celina 28 10/14/1988 21 at Pottsboro 14 10/21/1988 36 at S & S 0 10/28/1988 19 Van Alstyne 6 11/4/1988 31 at Tom Bean 7 11/11/1988 0 Farmersville - BiDistrict 34 9/4/1987 35 Princeton 7 9/11/1987 21 at Van Alstyne 6 9/18/1987 12 Celina 6 9/25/1987 34 at Anna 14 10/2/1987 28 at Caddo Mills 0 10/9/1987 48 Whitewright 0 10/16/1987 3 at Pottsboro 16 10/23/1987 42 S & S 0 10/30/1987 38 at Bells 0 11/6/1987 20 at Tom Bean 23 9/8/1989 22 at Cooper 24 9/15/1989 21 at Dallas Christian 49 9/22/1989 26 Callisburg 8 9/29/1989 23 at Pilot Point 36 10/6/1989 40 Aubrey 0 10/13/1989 28 at Celina 12 10/20/1989 41 Pottsboro 0 10/27/1989 48 S & S 0 11/3/1989 35 at Van Alstyne 13 11/10/1989 27 Tom Bean 13 11/17/1989 28 Royse City - BiDistrict Champs 14 11/24/1989 17 ElectraArea Champs 9 12/1/1989 14 McGregorRegional 38 9/7/1990 12 at Leonard 27 9/14/1990 6 at Van Alstyne 12 9/21/1990 17 Little Elm 0 9/28/1990 0 at Pilot Point 24 10/5/1990 27 S & S 0 10/12/1990 7 at Aubrey 14 10/19/1990 75 Whitewright 0 10/26/1990 27 Callisburg 10 11/2/1990 43 at Tom Bean 6 11/9/1990 12 Bells 11 11/17/1990 14 Celina - BiDistrict Champs 14 11/23/1990 10 OlneyArea Champs 10 11/30/1990 0 Mart - Regional 28 9/6/1991 27 Leonard 6 9/13/1991 3 Van Alstyne 13 9/20/1991 32 at Little Elm 7 9/27/1991 3 Pilot Point 7 10/4/1991 76 at S & S 0 10/11/1991 33 Aubrey 6 10/18/1991 32 at Whitewright 0 10/25/1991 50 at Callisburg 0 11/1/1991 22 Tom Bean 0 11/8/1991 12 at Bells 7 11/15/1991 8 Van Alstyne - BiDistrict 30 9/4/1992 20 Van Alstyne 71 9/11/1992 13 at Royse City 21 9/18/1992 0 at Farmersville 21 9/25/1992 18 at Valley View 12 10/2/1992 6 Lone Oak 14 10/9/1992 7 at Celina 50 10/16/1992 0 Pilot Point 39 10/23/1992 0 at Aubrey 31 10/30/1992 18 at S & S 0 11/6/1992 13 Little Elm 15 9/3/1993 0 at Van Alstyne 23 9/10/1993 6 Royse City 44 9/17/1993 0 Farmersville 58 9/24/1993 6 Valley View 14 10/1/1993 8 at Lone Oak 36 10/8/1993 13 Celina 28 10/15/1993 6 Pilot Point 21 10/22/1993 20 Aubrey 20 10/29/1993 20 S & S 6 11/5/1993 43 at Little Elm 6 9/4/1998 41 Lone Oak 7 9/11/1998 0 at Pilot Point 43 9/18/1998 42 Quinlan 6 9/25/1998 52 Wolfe City 20 10/2/1998 34 Anna 7 10/9/1998 41 Van Alstyne 13 10/16/1998 55 Whitewright 0 10/23/1998 21 at Bells 0 10/30/1998 40 Tom Bean 12 11/6/1998 39 at Leonard 7 11/13/1998 28 Pilot PointBi District Champs 14 11/19/1998 13 Boyd - Area 28 9/3/1999 7 at Lone Oak 35 9/10/1999 12 Pilot Point 20 9/17/1999 21 at Quinlan 29 9/24/1999 55 at Wolfe City 0 10/1/1999 45 at Anna 18 10/8/1999 27 at Van Alstyne 17 10/15/1999 25 at Whitewright 27 10/22/1999 42 Bells 7 10/29/1999 46 at Tom Bean 2 11/5/1999 34 Leonard 0 11/11/1999 14 Pilot PointBi District 30 9/2/1994 25 Whitesboro 6 9/9/1994 27 Prosper 23 9/16/1994 0 at Cooper 21 9/23/1994 20 Bells 14 9/30/1994 18 at Tom Bean 20 10/7/1994 0 at Whitewright 22 10/14/1994 28 Leonard 0 10/21/1994 0 at Wolfe City 14 10/28/1994 10 Anna 12 11/4/1994 19 at Van Alstyne 13 9/8/2000 28 at Princeton 7 9/15/2000 13 Denton Liberty Christi an 21 9/22/2000 13 at Addison Trinity Chri stian 33 9/29/2000 34 at Bells 14 10/6/2000 47 Anna 0 10/13/2000 30 Tom Bean 0 10/20/2000 14 at Van Alstyne 10 10/27/2000 14 Gunter 15 11/3/2000 7 at Whitewright 14 11/10/2000 33 S & S 0 11/18/2000 17 Farmersville - BiDistrict 20 9/8/1995 34 at Whitesboro 6 9/15/1995 7 at Prosper 0 9/22/1995 14 Cooper 20 9/29/1995 6 at Bells 35 10/6/1995 13 Tom Bean 33 10/13/1995 11 Whitewright 28 10/20/1995 28 at Leonard 0 10/27/1995 7 at Wolfe City 26 11/3/1995 7 Anna 20 11/10/1995 7 Van Alstyne 6 9/6/1996 8 Whitesboro 0 9/13/1996 7 Pottsboro 6 9/20/1996 7 Honey Grove 0 9/27/1996 7 at Pilot Point 35 10/4/1996 34 Prosper 0 10/11/1996 0 at Van Alstyne 35 10/18/1996 21 Gunter 7 10/25/1996 14 at Aubrey 6 11/1/1996 0 at Celina 34 11/8/1996 0 S & S 14 9/7/2001 6 Princeton 20 9/14/2001 9 at Denton Liberty Chris tian 49 9/21/2001 7 Addison Trinity Christia n 14 9/28/2001 20 Bells 10 10/5/2001 14 at Anna 0 10/13/2001 27 at Tom Bean 0 10/19/2001 0 Van Alstyne 33 10/26/2001 6 at Gunter 12 11/2/2001 13 Whitewright 41 11/9/2001 14 at S & S 15 9/5/1997 21 Whitesboro 13 9/12/1997 14 at Pottsboro 19 9/19/1997 14 Honey Grove 6 9/26/1997 20 Pilot Point 34 10/3/1997 21 at Prosper 9 10/10/1997 14 Van Alstyne 26 10/17/1997 26 at Gunter 23 10/24/1997 43 Aubrey 6 10/31/1997 0 Celina 48 11/7/1997 43 at S & S 10
8/30/2002 6 Honey Grove 26 9/6/2002 23 at Princeton 28 9/13/2002 7 at Van Alstyne 28 9/27/2002 23 Leonard 0 10/4/2002 14 at Bells 12 10/11/2002 14 Blue Ridge 20 10/18/2002 3 at Whitewright 8 10/25/2002 20 S & S 2 11/1/2002 0 Anna 7 11/8/2002 0 at Tom Bean 35 8/29/2003 22 at Honey Grove 31 9/5/2003 15 Princeton 7 9/12/2003 7 Van Alstyne 32 9/26/2003 28 at Leonard 21 10/3/2003 21 Bells 6 10/10/2003 38 at Blue Ridge 13 10/17/2003 21 Whitewright 34 10/24/2003 14 at S & S 13 10/31/2003 7 at Anna 22 11/7/2003 0 Tom Bean 57 11/15/2003 21 Grand Saline - BiDistrict 14 11/22/2003 14 Maypearl - Area 21
2022 Teagan Stubblefield 2021 Avery Snapp
Erin Catching
Ally Harvey
Kindle Catching
Alli Morgan
Kaylee Dwyer
Riley Harvey
Madeline Ansley 2013 Emily Dawsey
Miranda Casteel 2011 Kathryn McGinnis 2010 Tiffani Batchelor 2009 Taylor Cook
2008 Britney Bilbrey
2007 Sigrid Debber
2006 Kiley Huntsman
2005 Andi Lands
2004 Rebecca Lowder
2003 Alison Hightower
2002 Benedicte Sebjornsen
2001 April Gregory 2000 Julie Holcomb 1999 Karra Pryor 1998 Katrina Vest 1997 Robin Davidson 1996 Tiffany Orr 1995 Sheryl Anderson
Tasha Johnson
Heather Finney
Heidi Keene
Amy Campbell
1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959
8/26/2005 6 at Denton Liberty Christi an 40 9/2/2005 15 at Cooper 38 9/9/2005 20 Van Alstyne 21 9/23/2005 14 at Leonard 20 9/30/2005 6 Whitewright 47 10/7/2005 7 Blue Ridge 20 10/14/2005 7 at Anna 41 10/21/2005 7 Gunter 42 10/28/2005 43 at Bells 7 11/4/2005 12 at Tom Bean 36 8/27/2004 0 Denton Liberty Christian 14 9/3/2004 0 Cooper 42 9/10/2004 2 at Van Alstyne 42 9/24/2004 0 Leonard 10 10/1/2004 0 at Whitewright 57 10/8/2004 37 at Blue Ridge 36 10/15/2004 13 Anna 24 10/22/2004 6 at Gunter 34 10/29/2004 13 Bells 22 11/5/2004 3 Tom Bean 43 School 54 32 20 30 8/28/2009 27 at Blue Ridge 9/11/2009 6 Van Alstyne 9/18/2009 7 Valley View 9/25/2009 46 at Tom Bean 10/2/2009 7 Gunter 10/9/2009 6 at Bells 10/16/2009 12 Whitewright 10/23/2009 20 at Honey Grove 10/30/2009 12 Leonard 11/6/2009 28 at Melissa 8/27/2010 26 at Collinsville 12 9/4/2010 49 Chico 0 9/10/2010 21 at Valley View 12 9/17/2010 41 Wolfe City 13 9/24/2010 21 Honey Grove 27 10/8/2010 28 at Paradise 27 10/15/2010 47 Boyd 20 10/22/2010 43 at Ponder 10 10/29/2010 20 Pottsboro 13 11/5/2010 43 at Callisburg 40 11/19/2010 0 New BostonArea 35 8/31/2012 13 Lindsay 49 9/7/2012 40 at Chisum 14 9/14/2012 41 at Whitewright 20 9/21/2012 27 Gunter 42 9/28/2012 15 at Pottsboro 48 10/12/2012 29 Farmersville 46 10/19/2012 15 at Caddo Mills 34 10/26/2012 0 Commerce 46 11/2/2012 15 at Van Alstyne 42 11/9/2012 12 Sunnyvale 40 8/26/2016 14 at Gunter 42 9/2/2016 38 Bowie 13 9/9/2016 37 Muenster 31 9/16/2016 44 at Quinlan 13 9/23/2016 56 at Caddo Mills 27 10/7/2016 7 Pottsboro 35 10/14/2016 36 at Van Alstyne 39 10/21/2016 28 Whitesboro 17 10/28/2016 31 Pilot Point 3 11/4/2016 44 at Callisburg 7 11/11/2016 29 Grandview - BiDistrict 28 11/18/2016 31 Jefferson - Area 7 11/25/2016 7 MineolaRegional 21 9/1/2017 12 Gunter 50 9/8/2017 14 at Bowie 37 9/15/2017 12 at Muenster 46 9/22/2017 0 Quinlan 28 9/29/2017 14 Caddo Mills 17 10/13/2017 6 at Pottsboro 35 10/20/2017 27 Van Alstyne 53 10/27/2017 12 at Whitesboro 34 11/3/2017 16 at Pilot Point 38 11/10/2017 21 Callisburg 0 8/30/2013 9 at Lindsay 5 9/6/2013 33 Chisum 44 9/13/2013 31 Whitewright 0 9/20/2013 0 at Gunter 19 9/27/2013 0 Pottsboro 28 10/11/2013 13 at Farmersville 55 10/18/2013 7 Caddo Mills 12 10/25/2013 12 at Commerce 7 11/1/2013 7 Van Alstyne 31 11/8/2013 6 at Sunnyvale 41 8/31/2018 9/7/2018 9/14/2018 9/21/2018 9/28/2018 10/5/2018 10/12/2018 10/19/2018 10/26/2018 11/2/2018 8/29/2014 14 at Bonham 0 9/5/2014 44 Sacred Heart Muenster 16 9/12/2014 10 Lindsay 21 9/19/2014 20 at Ponder 27 9/26/2014 14 Pottsboro 56 10/10/2014 14 at Gunter 33 10/17/2014 48 Tom Bean 12 10/24/2014 49 at S & S 33 10/31/2014 38 at Whitewright 0 11/7/2014 21 Leonard 27 11/14/2014 30 Cooper - BiDistrict 20 11/21/2014 50 Hughes SpringsArea 32 11/28/2014 21 WaskomRegional 71 8/28/2015 41 Bonham 14 9/4/2015 27 at Sacred Heart Muenst er 0 9/11/2015 40 at Lindsay 14 9/18/2015 49 Ponder 0 9/25/2015 7 at Pottsboro 49 10/9/2015 21 Gunter 19 10/16/2015 77 at Tom Bean 0 10/23/2015 28 S & S 0 10/29/2015 29 Whitewright 0 11/6/2015 34 at Leonard 13 11/12/2015 43 Edgewood - BiDistrict 33 11/20/2015 14 New London West Ru sk - Area 31 9/1/2006 13 at Blue Ridge 36 9/8/2006 15 at Gainesville State Sch 49 49 8/26/2011 18 Collinsville 7 9/2/2011 34 Arlington Oakridge 49 9/9/2011 3 Valley View 14 9/16/2011 25 at Wolfe City 26 9/23/2011 14 at Honey Grove 55 10/7/2011 9 Paradise 14 10/14/2011 6 at Boyd 55 10/21/2011 6 Ponder 22 10/28/2011 0 at Pottsboro 34 11/4/2011 28 Callisburg 19 21 Ponder 41 at S&S 30 Bells 7 at Boyd 26 Bonham 7 at Emory Rains 0 Pottsboro 12 at Lone Oak 14 Commerce 0 at Van Alstyne 18 20 15 33 49 41 27 20 40 60 8/30/2019 9/6/2019 9/13/2019 9/20/2019 9/27/2019 10/4/2019 10/11/2019 10/18/2019 10/25/2019 11/1/2019 21 at Ponder 39 S&S 13 at Bells 7 Boyd 66 at Bonham 28 Emory Rains 3 at Pottsboro 42 Lone Oak 14 at Commerce 28 Van Alstyne 35 14 19 34 27 55 42 6 20 40 8/28/2020 9/4/2020 9/11/2020 9/25/2020 10/2/2020 10/9/2020 10/16/2020 10/23/2020 10/30/2020 11/6/2020 8 at Callisburg 24 at Bells 8 Sanger 0 at Pottsboro 7 Winnsboro 10 Emory Rains 0 at Commerce 7 Mineola 29 at Bonham X Mount Vernon 48 47 35 52 56 55 49 70 31 X 8/27/2021 9/10/2021 9/16/2021 9/24/2021 10/1/2021 10/8/2021 10/15/2021 10/22/2021 10/29/2021 11/5/2021 21 Callisburg 24 at Sanger2 20 at Weatherford Christian 14 Pottsboro 17 at Winnsboro 38 at Rains 21 Commerce 0 at Mineola 27 Bonham 6 at Mount Vernon 35 61 27 59 70 43 31 50 60 56 8/26/2022 9/2/2022 9/9/2022 9/16/2022 9/23/2022 10/7/2022 10/14/2022 10/21/2022 10/28/2022 11/3/2022 11/10/2022 20 at Honey Grove 49 Tom Bean 42 Commerce 42 Tioga 68 at S&S 34 Leonard 21 at Gunter 14 Bells 21 Blue Ridge 34 at Lone Oak 19 Palmer - BiDistrict 15 6 59 14 14 3 54 37 42 15 39
No one remembers or especially reflects through articles and holds special reunions of the ordinary team. Only the great teams that lift gold football have the honors of such. The 1998 Howe Bulldogs are one of those storied teams of yesteryear in Htown and they were recognized and honored at the Community Pep Rally on Saturday, August 19 at 7:30 pm.
Davey DuBose began his third season as the head coach of the Bulldogs in 1998. The previous season, the Dogs finished with a 6-4 record, just missing the playoffs but with wins over Gunter, Prosper, and Aubrey. But closely contested losses to Pilot Point and Van Alstyne to go along with an overloaded abundance of returning talent signaled that 1998 had the makings of something truly special. And that it was.
Howe had everything a coach wants in a favorable seven homes games, returning starters including a bruising fullback in Josh DuBose, starting quarterback Clint Grogan, a lefthanded dual-threat quarterback, a speedster receiver in Heath Horton, a big smashing offensive line, and a running back coming off a 1,242-yard season with 15 rushing touchdowns. His name was Nathanael Falls, but simply known in a 45-mile radius as “Neno.” But let’s not stop there, the defense was anchored by Justin Merchant, DuBose and slew of talent that would go on to hold their opponents to only 13.08 points per game (still 23rd all-time and 8th since 1947).
The season began with a thrashing at Bulldog Stadium over Lone Oak, 41-7 but Howe found themselves at 1-1 after being embarrassed at Massey Stadium in Pilot Point, 43-0. At the time, no one knew what was to come after that devastating loss. But the players in the locker room and their coaching staff led by DuBose longed for the opportunity to get a chance at them again and felt like there was a good chance they might.
But in the meantime, Howe reeled off 8-straight wins by an average of 41-8 on the scoreboard including a 55-0 win over Whitewright and a decisive 41-13 win over rival Van Alstyne. The 9-win regular season total was already tops in school history at the time and had them in discussion as the best team ever. But the true challenge for that title was to be tested in the first round of the playoffs. Cue the Darth Vader intro music as Howe drew none other than Pilot Point in the bi-district matchup that was to be played in their backyard of Denton ISD Stadium.
The Bulldogs and the entire city knew that the challenge was uphill, and the fans spoke under their breath hoping the Dogs would just put up a fight and make it a close game. But ‘The Deed in Denton’ was nigh upon and the locker room and their head coach had different ideas.
“I was concerned personally over how our kids would handle it,” said DuBose in a 1999 interview. “To be physically man-handled the second week of the year and now going into a bi-district game with them.”
There were many emotions leading up to the game with a community-wide pep rally with an emotional speech by a 1990 former player that faced the same situation and prevailed against Celina that year. A letter from the 1990 team, the same letter written from thenSuperintendent Pete Simmons, was distributed for the team to read on the bus to Denton.
Also, in the locker room prior to the game, a speech was given from senior Kevin Roach who had been paralyzed in a serious auto accident. He was a teammate who had been on varsity as a sophomore.
“We felt like Kevin was part of our group and should have
been on that field,” said DuBose. “I asked him to come in and give a speech to us.”
An emotional DuBose said he was left speechless and had nothing that could have been said after what Roach told them prior to the game.
“We took the field and played on emotion the first half,” said Dubose who saw the Dogs trail at the half, 7-6.
“I told them at halftime that if you remember a few months ago, we were getting beat bad at halftime,” said DuBose. “I said, ‘you’re playing these guys. You know you can play with them.’ We came out the second half and pretty much dominated.”
Howe pulled off the 8.0 Richter magnitude come-from-behind 28-14 shocker that left 2A Texas High School football in disbelief.
On the evening, the Dogs called on their horse. “Neno” carried the Bulldogs on his 6’4” frame to a tune of 31 carries for 158 yards and four touchdowns. Grogan threw for 156 yards and completed 10 of 15 passes. Horton was the leading receiver with 55 yards. The defense did allow Pilot Point 231 yards, however, Howe’s offense racked up 352.
The season ended a week later at Pennington Field where no Howe team has been successful. Boyd, perhaps the best team in 2A Texas not crowned that year served the knockout punch by a score of 28-13. But the talks of the 1998 Howe Bulldogs being the greatest team ever were in full
Howe finished 10-2 and scored 406 points while only allowing 157 that year. Only the 2015 Bulldogs have scored more (410) and had a greater points per game scored (33.83). The 2016 Howe Bulldogs that moved up to Class 3A-I and made it to the third round also have to be on the lips of the coffee shop drinkers, but the Deed in Denton ranks as if not the greatest game in school history, it’s in the same breath with the 14-14 tie with Celina that saw Howe advance on stats in the first round of the 1990 playoffs.
Falls finished his career with 3,057 rushing yards and 41 touchdowns. Tyler Grisham is the only other Bulldog to eclipse the 3,000 yard mark.
Grogan finished his career with 1,722 yards passing which is good for sixth overall in school history.
DuBose left Howe after the 2020 season. He finished his Howe career with 34 wins and 20 losses which places him third all-time on the win list for Howe head coaches only behind Norman Dickey (51) and Jim Fryar (41).
Falls and his teammates along with former head coach DuBose returned to Bulldog Stadium to be honored on their 25th anniversary as perhaps the greatest Howe Bulldogs team of the 79 that have dawned the black and white to this point.
-Howe Enterprise
discussion at the local coffee hangout.
ADDISON TRINITY CHRISTIAN 9/22/2000 13 - 33 9/21/2001 7 - 14 ALLEN 11/13/1958 0 - 19 10/29/1959 0 - 60 11/10/1960 22 - 58 9/20/1963 20 - 16 11/20/1964 6 - 14 11/19/1965 6 - 44 10/20/1967 28 - 16 11/23/1968 20 - 22 11/21/1969 0 - 28 9/29/1972 6 - 28 9/28/1973 20 - 26 9/27/1974 0 - 35 9/26/1975 3 - 33 ALVORD 9/23/1978 41 - 6 9/22/1979 6 - 9 ANNA 9/30/1938 12 - 6 12/2/1938 6 - 7 10/13/1939 14 - 6 10/18/1940 25 - 0 9/26/1941 6 - 0 10/29/1943 19 - 2 11/9/1962 0 - 22 11/8/1963 8 - 8 10/30/1964 6 - 48 10/29/1965 6 - 34 11/4/1966 19 - 0 11/3/1967 32 - 7 10/26/1968 14 - 40 10/24/1969 33 - 6 9/11/1970 22 - 0 9/10/1971 21 - 6 9/8/1972 13 - 12 9/7/1973 12 - 0 9/6/1974 14 - 12 9/5/1975 7 - 7 9/3/1976 7 - 20 9/2/1977 18 - 6 9/24/1982 13 - 15 9/23/1983 50 - 6 10/12/1984 21 - 7 10/11/1985 7 - 7 9/26/1986 28 - 16 9/25/1987 34 - 14 10/28/1994 10 - 12 11/3/1995 7 - 20 10/2/1998 34 - 7 10/7/1999 45 - 18 10/6/2000 47 - 0 10/5/2001 14 - 0 11/1/2002 0 - 7 10/31/2003 7 - 22 10/15/2004 13 - 24 10/14/2005 7 - 41 ARLINGTON OAKRIDGE 9/2/2011 34 - 49 AUBREY 10/8/1976 7 - 0 10/7/1977 13 - 6 9/15/1978 0 - 25 9/14/1979 11 - 12 9/30/1988 20 - 0 10/6/1989 40 - 0 10/12/1990 7 - 14 10/11/1991 33 - 6 10/23/1992 0 - 31 10/22/1993 20 - 20 10/25/1996 14 - 6 10/24/1997 43 - 6 BELLS 11/20/1936 19 - 6 11/5/1937 6 - 6 11/11/1938 1 - 0 11/10/1939 20 - 25 11/15/1940 47 - 6 10/17/1941 0 - 24 10/30/1942 33 - 13 11/12/1943 0 - 0 10/27/1944 7 - 7 10/19/1945 39 - 0 10/11/1946 33 - 0 10/10/1947 35 - 0 9/30/1948 24 - 0 9/29/1960 38 - 6 10/13/1961 20 - 8 11/16/1962 38 - 0 11/15/1963 0 - 0 9/18/1964 8 - 21 09/17/65 0 - 18 9/16/1966 6 - 2 9/8/1967 32 - 14 9/13/1968 28 - 6 9/12/1969 46 - 12 10/27/1972 15 - 22 10/26/1973 38 - 6 11/10/1978 0 - 0 11/9/1979 12 - 6 11/7/1980 18 - 6 11/6/1981 21 - 0 10/31/1986 49 - 0 10/30/1987 38 - 0 11/9/1990 12 - 11 11/8/1991 12 - 7 9/23/1994 20 - 14 9/29/1995 6 - 35 10/23/1998 21 - 0 10/28/1999 42 - 7 9/29/2000 34 - 14 9/28/2001 20 - 10 10/4/2002 14 - 12 10/3/2003 21 - 6 10/29/2004 13 - 22 10/28/2005 43 - 7 10/6/2006 28 - 6 10/5/2007 42 - 16 10/10/2008 44 - 0 10/9/2009 6 - 12 9/14/2018 35 - 8 9/13/2019 13 - 19 9/4/2020 24 47 10/21/2022 14 - 37 BLUE RIDGE 10/11/2002 14 - 20 10/10/2003 38 - 13 10/8/2004 37 - 36 10/7/2005 7 - 20 9/1/2006 13 - 36 8/31/2007 28 - 20 8/29/2008 49 - 14 8/28/2009 27 - 9 10/28/2022 21 - 42 BONHAM 8/29/2014 14 - 0 8/28/2015 41 - 14 9/28/2018 26 - 49 9/27/2019 66 - 27 10/30/2020 29 31 10/29/2021 27 60 BOWIE 9/2/2016 38 - 13 9/28/2017 14 - 37 BOYD 11/19/1998 13 - 28 10/15/2010 47 - 20 10/14/2011 6 - 55 9/21/2018 7 - 33 9/20/2019 7 - 34 CADDO MILLS 10/3/1986 21 - 47 10/2/1987 28 - 0 10/19/2012 15 - 34 10/18/2013 7 - 12 9/23/2016 56 - 27 9/29/2017 14 - 27 CALLISBURG 9/15/1967 8 - 16 10/17/1980 21 - 0 10/16/1981 32 - 19 9/16/1988 14 - 7 9/22/1989 26 - 8 10/26/1990 27 - 10 10/25/1991 50 - 0 10/27/2006 6 - 16 10/26/2007 6 - 63 11/5/2010 43 - 40 11/4/2011 28 - 19 11/4/2016 44 - 7 11/10/2017 21 - 0 8/28/2020 8 - 48 8/27/2021 21 35 CELESTE 11/10/1961 25 - 0 10/19/1962 6 - 8 10/18/1963 0 - 46 10/2/1964 0 - 0 10/1/1965 6 - 27 9/30/1966 7 - 6 9/29/1967 21 - 27 11/1/1968 20 - 8 10/31/1969 33 - 0 CELINA 10/6/1939 6 - 0 10/4/1940 45 - 0 9/19/1941 32 - 0 11/3/1944 35 - 0 10/5/1962 8 - 34 10/4/1963 14 - 18 9/11/1964 0 - 6 9/10/1965 0 - 37 11/11/1966 16 - 34 11/10/1967 0 - 27 10/4/1968 20 - 19 10/3/1969 3 - 32 10/30/1970 26 - 0 10/29/1971 0 - 42 9/21/1974 0 - 18 9/19/1975 0 - 20 10/1/1976 0 - 53 9/30/1977 0 - 27 9/17/1982 6 - 21 9/16/1983 12 - 6 9/22/1984 20 - 14 9/20/1985 7 - 18 9/19/1986 23 - 22 9/18/1987 12 - 6 10/7/1988 7 - 28 10/13/1989 28 - 12 11/17/1990 14 - 14 10/9/1992 7 - 50 10/8/1993 13 - 28 11/1/1996 0 - 34 10/31/1997 0 - 48 CHICO 9/4/2010 49 - 0 CHISUM 9/7/2012 40 - 14 9/6/2013 33 - 44 COLLINSVILLE 11/8/1935 0 - 13 10/16/1936 13 - 7 11/12/1937 13 - 7 11/18/1938 27 - 0 10/27/1939 56 - 0 10/11/1940 63 - 0 10/3/1941 13 - 0 10/26/1945 48 - 0 10/3/1946 26 - 0 10/3/1947 7 - 0 11/11/1948 6 - 20 9/18/1958 42 - 0 10/9/1958 28 - 0 9/10/1959 36 - 0 10/1/1959 20 - 12 10/13/1960 36 - 6 11/6/1964 6 - 8 11/5/1965 8 - 23 10/11/1968 19 - 8 10/10/1969 12 - 12 11/20/1970 42 - 6 11/19/1971 21 - 6 8/27/2010 26 - 12 8/26/2011 18 - 7 COMMERCE 10/26/2012 0 - 46 10/25/2013 7 - 12 10/26/2018 14 - 40 10/25/2019 14 - 20 10/16/2020 0 49 10/15/2021 21 31 9/9/2022 42 - 59 COMMUNITY 10/30/1958 48 - 14 10/9/1970 42 - 12 10/8/1971 0 - 12 COOPER 10/6/1978 6 - 41 10/5/1979 6 - 0 9/2/1988 0 - 24 9/8/1989 22 - 24 9/16/1994 0 - 21 9/22/1995 14 - 20 9/3/2004 0 - 42 9/2/2005 15 - 38 11/14/2014 30 - 20 COPPELL 9/4/1982 26 - 20 9/2/1983 13 - 7 9/7/1984 8 - 2 9/6/1985 32 - 6 CRANDALL 9/25/1970 7 - 12 9/24/1971 6 - 27 CUMBY 9/23/1938 0 - 0 DALLAS CHRISTIAN 9/9/1988 28 - 22 9/15/1989 21 - 49 DALLAS GREENHILL 10/16/1970 18 - 14 10/15/1971 14 - 20 DENISON B 10/16/1935 41 - 0 10/15/1937 0 - 6 10/6/1938 21 - 7 11/3/1939 39 - 0 10/20/1942 40 - 0 10/5/1944 0 - 12 9/18/1948 7 - 6 DENTON LIBERTY CHRISTIAN 9/15/2000 13 - 21 9/14/2001 9 - 49 8/27/2004 0 - 14 8/26/2004 6 - 40 DORCHESTER 10/25/1935 12 - 0 DURANT, OK 9/15/2006 0 - 38 9/14/2007 12 - 52 EDGEWOOD 11/12/2015 43 - 33 ELECTRA 11/24/1989 17 - 9 FANNINDEL 9/29/1961 20 - 6 10/7/1966 20 - 18 FARMERSVILLE 10/8/1982 0 - 34 10/7/1983 6 - 19 11/16/1984 0 - 17 11/15/1985 10 - 7 11/11/1988 0 - 34 9/18/1992 0 - 21 9/17/1993 0 - 58 11/18/2000 17 - 20 10/12/2012 29 - 46 10/11/2013 13 - 55 FRISCO 12/4/1945 0 - 19 11/1/1974 13 - 15 10/31/1975 0 - 34 9/25/1976 0 - 40 9/24/1977 12 - 20 9/13/1980 0 - 18 9/12/1981 0 - 38 GAINESVILLE B 10/21/1943 34 - 0 GAINESVILLE STATE SCHOOL 9/8/2006 15 - 6 9/7/2007 25 - 26 GRAND SALINE 11/22/1985 18 - 0 11/15/2003 21 - 14 GRANDVIEW 11/11/2016 29 - 28 GROVETON 11/29/1985 14 - 16 GUNTER 11/1/1935 31 - 6 10/30/1936 18 - 6 11/19/1937 7 - 6 11/4/1938 43 - 0 11/17/1939 6 - 0 10/25/1940 54 - 7 10/10/1941 33 - 6 10/12/1944 20 - 6 10/12/1945 26 - 0 10/18/1946 20 - 0 10/17/1947 34 - 0 10/14/1948 25 - 0 10/22/1958 0 - 42 10/15/1959 34 - 6 9/8/1960 34 - 14 10/27/1960 48 - 6 10/18/1996 21 - 7 10/17/1997 26 - 23 10/27/2000 14 - 15 10/26/2001 6 - 12 10/22/2004 6 - 34 10/21/2005 7 - 42 9/29/2006 8 - 35 9/28/2007 0 - 55 10/3/2008 0 - 49 10/2/2009 7 - 47 9/21/2012 27 - 42 9/20/2013 0 - 19 10/10/2014 14 - 33 10/9/2015 21 - 19 8/26/2016 14 - 42 9/1/2017 12 - 50 10/14/2022 21 - 54 HONEY GROVE 10/20/1978 7 - 14 10/19/1979 22 - 0 9/20/1996 7 - 0 9/19/1997 14 - 6 8/30/2002 6 - 26 8/29/2003 22 - 31 10/24/2008 13 - 30 10/23/2009 20 - 34 9/24/2010 21 - 27 9/23/2011 14 - 55 8/26/2022 20 - 15 HUGHES SPRINGS 11/21/2014 50 - 32 JEFFERSON 11/18/2016 31 - 7 LAKE HIGHLANDS 10/6/1961 0 - 6 LEONARD 10/20/1961 0 - 43 10/26/1962 0 - 37 10/25/1963 0 - 28 10/14/1966 8 - 23 10/13/1967 7 - 27 9/27/1968 7 - 25 9/26/1969 22 - 37 11/10/1972 13 - 19 11/9/1973 33 - 20 9/10/1976 0 - 15 9/9/1977 21 - 6 10/27/1978 28 - 0 10/26/1979 23 - 24 9/7/1990 12 - 27 9/6/1991 27 - 6 10/14/1994 28 - 0 10/20/1995 28 - 0 11/6/1998 39 - 7 11/11/1999 34 - 0 9/27/2002 23 - 0 9/26/2003 28 - 21 9/24/2004 0 - 10 9/23/2005 14 - 20 10/31/2008 28 - 59 10/30/2009 12 - 14 11/7/2014 21 - 27 11/6/2015 34 - 13 10/7/2022 34 - 3 LEWISVILLE 12/8/1939 6 - 32 11/28/1940 6 - 46 LINDSAY 11/3/1960 26 - 6 10/24/1980 20 - 8 10/23/1981 46 - 20 8/31/2012 13 - 49 8/30/2013 9 - 5 9/12/2014 10 - 21 9/11/2015 40 - 14 LITTLE ELM 9/21/1990 17 - 0 9/20/1991 32 - 7 11/6/1992 13 - 15 11/5/1993 43 - 6 LONE OAK 11/27/1970 21 - 12 10/2/1992 6 - 14 10/1/1993 8 - 36 9/4/1998 41 - 7 9/9/1999 7 - 35 10/19/2018 12 - 20 10/18/2019 42 - 6 11/3/2022 34 - 15 MART 11/30/1990 0 - 28 MAYPEARL 11/22/2003 14 - 21 MCGREGOR
12/1/1989 14 - 38 MCKINNEY B 9/29/1939 59 - 0 9/15/1960 6 - 26 9/15/1961 12 - 28 MELISSA 11/7/2008 30 - 61 11/6/2009 28 - 31 MINEOLA 11/25/2016 7 - 21 10/23/2020 7 70 10/22/2021 0 50 MOUNT VERNON 11/6/2020 X-X (DNP) 11/5/2021 6 56 MUENSTER 9/9/2016 37 - 31 9/15/2017 12 46 NEW BOSTON 11/19/2010 0 - 35 NEW LONDON WEST RUSK 11/20/2015 14 - 31 NTSC DENTON 10/9/1936 0 - 0 10/8/1937 0 - 43 OLNEY 11/23/1990 10 - 10 PALMER 11/10/2022 19 39 PARADISE 10/8/2010 28 - 27 10/7/2011 9 - 14 PILOT POINT 11/15/1935 32 - 0 11/7/1936 26 - 6 10/22/1937 6 - 8 10/21/1938 12 - 0 10/20/1939 14 - 0 11/1/1940 34 - 0 11/14/1941 20 - 0 11/13/1942 42 - 0 11/19/1943 7 - 14 11/10/1944 12 - 0 11/16/1945 6 - 0 11/22/1946 6 - 6 11/21/1947 0 - 6 11/4/1948 6 - 19 11/8/1974 13 - 7 11/7/1975 12 - 34 10/15/1976 7 - 3 10/14/1977 8 - 21 9/19/1980 0 - 43 9/18/1981 0 - 45 11/14/1986 7 - 28 9/23/1988 17 - 14 9/29/1989 23 - 36 9/28/1990 0 - 24 9/27/1991 3 - 7 10/16/1992 0 - 39 10/15/1993 6 - 21 9/27/1996 7 - 35 9/26/1997 20 - 34 9/11/1998 0 - 43 11/13/1998 28 - 14 9/16/1999 12 - 20 11/18/1999 14 - 30 10/28/2016 31 - 3 11/3/2017 16 38 PILOT POINT B 9/23/1965 12 - 0 9/10/1966 27 - 6 PLANO 9/19/1947 13 - 25 PLANO B 9/24/1964 2 - 20 PONDER 10/22/2010 43 - 10 10/21/2011 6 - 22 9/19/2014 20 - 27 9/18/2015 49 - 0 8/31/2018 21 - 18 8/30/2019 21 - 35 POTTSBORO 11/3/1972 21 - 0 11/2/1973 44 - 22 11/15/1974 0 - 21 11/14/1975 0 - 40 11/5/1976 6 - 19 11/4/1977 0 - 33 9/8/1978 21 - 0 9/7/1979 14 - 14 10/10/1980 20 - 6 10/9/1981 8 - 33 10/15/1982 16 - 18 10/14/1983 6 - 7 10/26/1984 10 - 3 10/25/1985 28 - 6 10/17/1986 14 - 16 10/16/1987 3 - 16 10/14/1988 21 - 14 10/20/1989 41 - 0 9/13/1996 7 - 6 9/12/1997 14 - 19 11/10/2006 24 - 49 11/9/2007 6 - 34 10/29/2010 20 - 13 10/28/2011 0 - 34 9/28/2012 15 - 48 9/27/2013 0 - 28 9/26/2014 14 - 56 9/25/2015 7 - 49 10/7/2016 7 - 35 10/13/2017 6 35 10/12/2018 0 - 21 10/11/2019 3 - 42 9/25/2020 0 52 9/24/2021 14 59 PRINCETON 9/15/1972 0 - 17 9/14/1973 18 - 14 9/13/1974 13 - 14 9/12/1975 13 - 7 9/5/1986 20 - 0 9/4/1987 35 - 7 9/8/2000 28 - 7 9/7/2001 6 - 20 9/6/2002 23 - 28 9/5/2003 15 - 7 PROSPER 10/2/1958 0 - 24 9/24/1959 18 - 16 9/22/1960 24 - 8 10/6/1960 22 - 8 10/23/1964 0 - 28 10/22/1965 8 - 6 10/28/1966 0 - 0 10/27/1967 6 - 14 10/23/1970 20 - 8 10/22/1971 19 - 12 9/9/1994 27 - 23 9/15/1995 7 - 0 10/4/1996 34 - 0 10/3/1997 21 - 9 QUINLAN 11/15/1968 22 - 6 11/14/1969 42 - 16 9/18/1998 42 - 6 9/23/1999 21 - 29 9/16/2016 44 - 13 9/22/2017 0 - 28 RAINS 10/5/2018 7 - 41 10/4/2019 28 - 55 10/9/2020 10 55 10/8/2021 38 43 ROYSE CITY 11/2/1962 12 - 12 11/3/1961 0 - 44 11/1/1963 0 - 19 9/11/1982 28 - 7 9/10/1983 6 - 16 11/17/1989 28 - 14 9/11/1992 13 - 21 9/10/1993 6 - 44 S&S 9/22/1961 28 - 6 9/14/1962 0 - 16 9/13/1963 0 - 16 11/13/1964 19 - 36 11/12/1965 0 - 12 11/18/1966 0 - 34 11/17/1967 27 - 12 10/18/1968 44 - 6 10/17/1969 32 - 8 11/13/1970 33 - 14 11/12/1971 27 - 12 10/1/1982 0 - 32 9/30/1983 34 - 19 9/14/1984 34 - 0 9/13/1985 17 - 6 10/24/1986 34 - 7 10/23/1987 42 - 0 10/21/1988 36 - 0 10/27/1989 48 - 0 10/5/1990 27 - 0 10/4/1991 76 - 0 10/30/1992 18 - 0 10/29/1993 20 - 6 11/8/1996 0 - 14 11/7/1997 43 - 10 11/10/2000 33 - 0 11/9/2001 14 - 15 10/25/2002 20 - 2 10/24/2003 14 - 13 11/3/2006 20 - 30 11/2/2007 24 - 28 10/24/2014 49 - 33 10/23/2015 28 - 0 9/7/2018 41 - 20 9/6/2019 39 - 14 9/23/2022 68 - 14 SACRED HEART MUENSTER 9/5/2014 44 - 16 9/4/2015 27 - 0 SADLER 9/11/1958 32 - 0 SANGER 11/27/1942 12 - 12 9/22/1972 7 - 6 9/21/1973 6 - 29 10/25/1974 14 - 28 10/24/1975 7 - 18 10/29/1976 7 - 6 10/28/1977 6 - 6 9/5/1980 14 - 0 9/4/1981 8 - 7 9/11/2020 8 35 9/10/2021 24 61 SHERMAN B 10/3/1935 13 - 21 9/21/1936 6 - 0 9/26/1937 13 - 0 9/22/1939 6 - 0 9/20/1940 12 - 0 10/14/1943 0 - 6 11/2/1945 25 - 0 9/26/1946 6 - 0 10/25/1946 20 - 7 SOUTHMAYD 11/6/1958 12 - 32 9/3/1959 8 - 18 10/22/1959 20 - 6 SPRINGTOWN 10/5/1984 13 - 17 10/4/1985 0 - 20 SUNNYVALE 11/9/2012 12 - 40 11/8/2013 6 - 41 TIOGA 9/20/1935 0 - 12 11/20/1935 47 - 2 11/13/1936 25 - 19 10/29/1937 40 - 0 10/28/1938 65 - 0 9/27/1940 24 - 0 11/5/1943 14 - 13 10/20/1944 27 - 6 11/9/1945 13 - 0 11/15/1946 28 - 6 11/14/1947 14 - 0 9/23/1948 21 - 0 9/16/2022 42 - 14 TOM BEAN 11/27/1935 39 - 0 11/27/1936 30 - 0 11/25/1937 32 - 0 11/24/1938 20 - 0 11/23/1939 25 - 7 11/21/1940 27 - 6 11/20/1941 0 - 20 11/25/1943 13 - 6 11/23/1944 7 - 6 11/27/1945 6 - 0 11/28/1946 40 - 0 11/27/1947 45 - 0 10/3/1980 14 - 0 10/2/1981 12 - 3 10/22/1982 44 - 0 10/21/1983 34 - 0 10/19/1984 68 - 0 10/18/1985 37 - 0 11/7/1986 43 - 12 11/6/1987 20 - 23 11/4/1988 31 - 7 11/10/1989 27 - 13 11/2/1990 43 - 6 11/1/1991 22 - 0 9/30/1994 18 - 20 10/6/1995 13 - 33 10/30/1998 40 - 12 11/4/1999 46 - 2 10/13/2000 30 - 0 10/13/2001 27 - 0 11/8/2002 0 - 35 11/7/2003 0 - 57 11/5/2004 3 - 43 11/4/2005 12 - 36 10/20/2006 27 - 0 10/19/2007 0 - 23 9/26/2008 6 - 7 9/25/2009 46 - 20 10/17/2014 48 - 12 10/16/2015 77 - 0 9/2/2022 49 - 6 TRENTON 9/17/1959 8 - 12 10/8/1959 14 - 18 VALLEY VIEW 11/7/1941 21 - 6 9/23/1966 20 - 12 9/22/1967 40 - 29 9/28/1984 20 - 21 9/27/1985 15 - 0 9/25/1992 18 - 12 9/24/1993 6 - 14 9/19/2008 29 - 32 9/18/2009 7 - 6 9/10/2010 21 - 12 9/9/2011 3 - 14 VAN ALSTYNE 10/24/1941 7 - 31 11/5/1942 6 - 7 9/29/1944 0 - 25 9/21/1945 13 - 0 11/2/1946 26 - 0 10/31/1947 0 - 7 10/21/1948 0 - 48 9/8/1961 0 - 14 9/7/1962 12 - 30 9/6/1963 0 - 36 10/9/1964 2 - 40 10/8/1965 6 - 45 10/2/1970 33 - 20 10/1/1971 8 - 7 10/20/1972 12 - 40 10/19/1973 0 - 19 10/18/1974 0 - 0 10/17/1975 6 - 22 10/22/1976 2 - 26 10/21/1977 22 - 21 10/13/1978 28 - 12 10/12/1979 40 - 0 10/31/1980 23 - 7 10/30/1981 12 - 20 10/29/1982 21 - 21 10/28/1983 21 - 27 11/9/1984 6 - 15 11/8/1985 35 - 0 9/12/1986 19 - 22 9/11/1987 21 - 6 10/28/1988 19 - 6 11/3/1989 35 - 13 9/14/1990 6 - 12 9/13/1991 3 - 13 11/15/1991 8 - 30 9/4/1992 20 - 71 9/3/1993 0 - 23 11/4/1994 19 - 13 11/10/1995 7 - 6 10/11/1996 0 - 35 10/10/1997 14 - 26 10/9/1998 41 - 13 10/14/1999 27 - 17 10/20/2000 14 - 10 10/19/2001 0 - 33 9/13/2002 7 - 28 9/12/2003 7 - 32 9/10/2004 2 - 42 9/9/2005 20 - 21 9/12/2008 6 - 48 9/11/2009 6 - 35 11/2/2012 15 - 42 11/1/2013 7 - 31 10/14/2016 36 - 39 10/20/2017 27 - 53 11/2/2018 0 - 60 11/1/2019 28 - 40 WASKOM 11/28/2014 21 - 71 WEATHERFORD CHRISTIAN 9/16/2021 20 27 WHITESBORO 10/2/1936 21 - 0 10/1/1937 0 - 6 10/14/1938 12 - 12 11/8/1946 27 - 0 11/7/1947 26 - 6 10/7/1948 0 - 20 9/18/1976 37 - 0 9/16/1977 0 - 18 9/2/1994 25 - 6 9/8/1995 34 - 6 9/6/1996 8 - 0 9/5/1997 21 - 13 10/21/2016 28 - 17 10/27/2017 12 - 34 WHITEWRIGHT 10/11/1935 0 - 25 10/24/1947 18 - 0 10/28/1948 0 - 26 9/20/1968 13 - 32 9/19/1969 0 - 41 9/18/1970 0 - 24 9/17/1971 6 - 39 10/13/1972 7 - 55 10/12/1973 7 - 0 10/4/1974 9 - 26 10/3/1975 0 - 20 11/3/1978 0 - 21 11/2/1979 0 - 41 9/26/1980 0 - 31 9/25/1981 0 - 21 11/5/1982 23 - 6 11/4/1983 15 - 12 11/2/1984 18 - 7 11/1/1985 70 - 0 10/10/1986 32 - 0 10/9/1987 48 - 0 10/19/1990 75 - 0 10/18/1991 32 - 0 10/7/1994 0 - 22 10/13/1995 11 - 28 10/16/1998 55 - 0 10/21/1999 25 - 27 11/3/2000 7 - 14 11/2/2001 13 - 41 10/18/2002 3 - 8 10/17/2003 21 - 34 10/1/2004 0 - 57 9/30/2005 6 - 47 10/13/2006 0 - 49 10/12/2007 13 - 54 10/17/2008 30 - 20 10/16/2009 12 - 10 9/14/2012 41 - 20 9/13/2013 31 - 0 10/31/2014 38 - 0 10/29/2015 29 - 0 WINDTHORST 12/5/1970 22 - 0 WINNSBORO 10/2/2020 7 56 10/1/2021 17 70 WOLFE CITY 10/27/1961 6 - 14 10/12/1962 0 - 6 10/11/1963 6 - 28 10/6/1972 7 - 27 10/5/1973 7 - 13 9/29/1978 0 - 21 9/28/1979 6 - 48 10/21/1994 0 - 14 10/27/1995 7 - 26 9/25/1998 52 - 20 9/30/1999 55 - 0 9/17/2010 41 - 13 9/16/2011 25 - 26 WYLIE 10/20/1960 22 - 6
In the early 1980s, high school mascots were not abundant in North Texas and Howe had no intentions of having one either. But a cheerleader tryout that went awry for a returning varsity cheerleader led to the creation of something great.
In the fall of 1984, the Bulldog mascot, not yet named, took the field for the first time. The Bulldogs were one of the only teams around to have a mascot, but Terry remembered the first encounter with a rival mascot.
Tina Terry, a sophomore varsity cheerleader didn't make the cut her junior year and to make things worse, her sister Tanja was selected. Both sisters and their mother Betty went cheerleader outfit shopping at the National Cheerleading Association (NCA) store in Dallas. The mom of the varsity cheerleader and former varsity cheerleader had a thought when she saw a true gray Bulldog mascot costume
"The first other mascot was in Anna, and I ended up motioning to the Anna Coyote to meet me in the middle of the field," said Terry. "We kind of did a little round of fisticuffs right before the game."
Even though Terry was the first mascot as a junior and bought the suit, Gilstrap required her to try out again against other competitors to
be mascot again her senior year. Terry won the nomination against several competitors. Once Tina Terry graduated from Howe High School in 1986, the family donated the Bulldog suit to the school. Jodi Shannon took over as the mascot and the name "Spike" first appeared that fall. Since that first fall of 1984, the Spike club has grown to several members. Following Terry and Shannon were Heather Turnbow, Brandi Whaley, Michelle Haynes, Casey Keene, Janet Middleton, Jamie Middleton, Sarah Earls, Courtney Williams, Jennifer Finney, Adrianne Tidwell, Kelly Wrede,
Melissa Boatman, Lindsay Nicholas, Ashley Stogsdill, Kelsa Bertrand, Kiley Huntsman, Tayler Earnhart, Hannah Holt, Kallie McClain, Megan Ing, Marissa Rose, Darby Stewart, Rachel White, and Chris Blaszak, Kiley Fleming, Emma Sutherland, Reagan Troxtell, Skiley Buchanan, and now Aviana Acevedo.
When Tina Terry didn't get selected for varsity cheerleader, she didn't tuck her tail, she grew one. And the Bulldogs have never been the same since.
- Howe Enterprise
1970-1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981-83 1984 1985-1987 1988 1989 1990-91 1992-1995 1996 1997-2001 2002 2003-2005 2006-2007 2008-2009 2010 2011 2012 2013-2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022-2023
Anna Bi-District Champs* forfeit
Lewisville - Bi-District (home)
Lewisville - Bi-District
Sanger - Bi-District
Frisco - Bi District
Lone Oak - Bi-District Champs
Windthorst - Regional Champs
Farmersville - Bi-District
Farmersville - Bi-District Champs
Grand Saline - Area Champs
Groveton - Regional
Pilot Point - Bi District
Farmersville - Bi-District
Royse City - Bi-District Champs
Electra - Area Champs
McGregor - Regional
Celina - Bi-District Champs
Olney - Area Champs
Mart - Regional
Van Alstyne - Bi-District
Pilot Point - Bi District Champs
Boyd - Area
Pilot Point - Bi District
Farmersville - Bi-District
Grand Saline - Bi-District
Maypearl - Area
New Boston - Area
Cooper - Bi-District
Hughes Springs - Area
Waskom - Regional
Edgewood - Bi-District
New London West Rusk - Regional
Grandview - Bi-District
Jefferson - Area
Mineola - Regional
Palmer Bi-District
Panther Stadium, Van Alstyne, TX
Bulldog Stadium, Howe, TX
Teachers College, Denton, TX
Whitesboro, TX
Newsome Stadium, McKinney, TX
Ron Poe Stadium, McKinney, TX
Leeper Stadium, Gainesville, TX
Bearcat Stadium, Sherman, TX
Warrior Stadium, Bonham, TX
Homer B. Johnson Stadium, Garland, TX
Tiger Stadium, Corsicana, TX
Clark Stadium, Plano, TX
Williams Stadium, Garland, TX
Bulldog Stadium, Howe, TX
Memorial Stadium, Wichita Falls, TX
Mesquite Memorial Stadium, Mesquite, TX
Clark Stadium, Plano, TX
UTA Maverick Stadium, Arlington, TX
Pennington Field, Bedford, TX
Clark Stadium, Plano, TX
Denton ISD Stadium, Denton, TX
Pennington Field, Bedford, TX
Pennington Field, Bedford, TX
Denton ISD Stadium, Denton, TX
Tom Kimbrough Stadium, Murphy, TX
Pirate Stadium, Wylie, TX
Wildcat Stadium, Paris, TX
Jackie Hendricks Stadium, Princeton, TX
Van Memorial Stadium, Van, TX
Rose Stadium, Tyler, TX
Royse City ISD Stadium, Royse City, TX
Forney City Bank Stadium, Forney, TX
Northwest ISD Stadium, Justin, TX
Lindale Eagle Stadium, Lindale, TX
Royse City ISD Stadium, Royse City, TX
Buffalo Stadium, Lone Oak, TX
Most points scored in a single game
Most points given up in a single game
Most points scored in a single playoff run
Most points given up in a single playoff run
Least points given up in a single playoff run
Least points scored in a single playoff run
Most wins in a single playoff run
Most ties in a single playoff run
Most wins vs. an opponent
Most losses vs. an opponent
Most games vs. an opponent
Total shutouts
Total times shutout by opponent
Last shutout by Howe
Last time shutout by opponent
Most overall points scored vs. an opponent
Most overall points given up vs. an opponent
Most wins by a head coach
Most losses by a head coach
Most playoff games started
Frisco, Farmersville (2), New Boston
Celina, Olney
all 14 wins vs. 14 different teams
Windthorst, Grand Saline
Frisco, Farmersville (2), Mart, New Boston
Grand Saline
New Boston
Hughes Springs
Lewisville, Farmersville
Zack Hudson
Jim Fryar
Andrew Griffin
Brandon Wall
Tyler Grisham
Brice Honaker
Mike Helpenstell
Clay Marshall
Tanner Hartsfield
Matt Griffin
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 19 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 14 7 32 46 12 19 12 0 17 7 0 16 28 34 14 9 38 14 10 28 30 14 28 30 20 14 21 35 20 32 71 33 31 28 7 21 39 817
6 6 6 12 0 21 22 0 10 18 14 7 0 28 17 14 14 10 0 8 28 13 14 17 21 14 0 30 50 21 43 14 29 31 7 19 564
12/2/1938 12/8/1939 11/28/1940 11/27/1942 12/4/1945 11/27/1970 12/5/1970 11/16/1984 11/15/1985 11/22/1985 11/29/1985 11/14/1986 11/11/1988 11/17/1989 11/24/1989 12/1/1989 11/17/1990 11/23/1990 11/30/1990 11/15/1991 11/13/1998 11/19/1998 11/11/1999 11/18/2000 11/15/2003 11/22/2003 11/19/2010 11/14/2014 11/21/2014 11/28/2014 11/12/2015 11/20/2015 11/11/2016 11/18/2016 11/25/2016 11/10/2022 TOTAL Date Howe Score Opponent Location Opp Score W L T
Most playoff games
Most playoff games started Most playoff games started Most playoff games started Most playoff games started 50 71 101 123 7 0 2 2 1 3 4 2 5 50 78 5 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Hughes Springs Waskom
2014 2014 2014 2014 1938 1945, 1984, 1988, 2010 1970, 1985, 1989, 2014 1990 all tied 1970, 1985 1945, 1984, 1988, 1990, 2010 1985 2010 2014 1939, 1940, 1984, 1985, 1988, 2000 2014, 2015, 2016 1985, 1986, 1988, 1989 2014, 2015, 2016 2014, 2015, 2016 2014, 2015, 2016 2014, 2015, 2016 2014, 2015, 2016 2014, 2015, 2016 2014, 2015, 2016 2014, 2015, 2016
Game Records
Yards are not a complete list (482 games have been completed). Point records are completed
47 399 15 465 49 126 511 210 181 50 170 137 269 122 668 0 58 147 251 38 230 35 39 0 71 34 31 124 0 90 33 9 24 311 184 0 32 14 28 16 683 238 32 7 6 509 78 123 28 145 28 21 38 54 92 141 56 77 35 31 43 10 41 598 59 25 20 112 854 121 156 98 194 177 435 16 0 208 34 56 37 81 72 415 30 158 1360 71 27 138 858 0 126 256 6 20 131 47 651 34 208 1140 234 203 52 80 127 323 118 354 49 73 586 117 90 93 79 13 0 49 32 148 28 12 12 43 17 40 75 25 34 40 39 29 14 637 166 50 31 0 524 12 164 105 171 0 14 14 77 58 7 6 49 0 14 0 10 37 447 118 13 2 160 410 171 206 171 83 93 989 71 32 113 101 40 13 18 360 1121 22 200 755 21 20 251 708 22 24 212 22 0 0 0 3 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 11 1 12 1 4 11 4 3 1 4 4 5 4 19 0 1 4 6 1 7 0 2 0 1 1 2 4 0 2 0 0 0 9 7 0 1 0 0 1 15 7 0 0 1 16 2 2 1 4 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 20 0 1 1 3 23 4 3 2 4 5 10 0 0 5 2 2 2 2 1 10 2 4 38 1 1 4 24 0 2 10 0 0 2 1 23 0 7 35 5 3 1 1 2 9 4 11 1 1 19 1 2 2 4 0 0 1 1 5 0 1 0 1 1 2 1 0 1 1 2 1 0 18 4 1 1 0 12 0 5 3 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 14 2 0 0 3 10 6 10 4 0 2 26 2 1 4 7 1 0 0 12 31 0 7 17 0 0 9 17 1 0 3 1 2000 1958 1978 1938 2011 1976 1936 2002 2014 2016 1998 1986 1967 1961 1939 2010 2012 1935 2012 1958 1978 1982 1970 1938 1988 1970 1935 2000 1935 2006 2015 1989 1961 1982 1945 1943 2006 1985 2016 1985 1935 1978 2014 2016 1961 1961 1939 1960 1990 1970 1990 2003 1989 1939 2008 2016 2021 2016 2010 2015 1936 1990 2010 1935 1965 1947 1964 2010 1972 1972 1958 1968 2018 1962 1961 2014 1958 1942 1935 1958 1984 2012 1935 1935 1959 1941 1941 2014 2021 1936 1935 1970 2020 1961 1960 2001 1975 1979 2005 2011 1997 2022 2022 2021 2017 2019 2017 2021 1969 1997 2010 2013 2011 2022 1971 2014 1985 1971 1938 1989 1971 1948 2004 1935 2007 2015 1989 1966 2013 1981 1943 2007 2003 2016 1985 2022 2022 2014 2016 1961 2022 1940 2015 1993 2022 1990 2003 1989 1961 2009 2021 2021 2017 2010 2015 1937 1990 2011 2017 1966 1947 1964 2019 2021 2003 1997 2017 2021 1993 2022 2015 1958 2021 1946 1959 1985 2013 2022 2022 1959 2011 2019 2014 2021 2017 2015 1970 2021 2011 1960 Addison Trinity Christian Allen Alvord Anna Arlington Oakridge Aubrey Bells Blue Ridge Bonham Bowie Boyd Caddo Millls Callisburg Celeste Celina Chico Chisum Collinsville Commerce Community Cooper Coppell Crandall Cumby Dallas Christian Dallas Greenhill Denison B Denton Liberty Christian Dorchester Durant, OK Edgewood Electra Fannindel Farmersville Frisco Gainesville B Gainesville State School Grand Saline Grandview Groveton Gunter Honey Grove Hughes Springs Jefferson Lake Highlands Leonard Lewisville Lindsay Little Elm Lone Oak Mart Maypearl McGregor McKinney B Melissa Mineola Mount Vernon Muenster New Boston New London West Rusk NTSC Denton Olney Paradise Pilot Point Pilot Point B Plano Plano B Ponder Pottsboro Princeton Prosper Quinlan Rains Royce City S & S Sacred Heart Sadler Sanger Sherman B Southmayd Springtown Sunnyvale Tioga Tom Bean Trenton Valley View Van Alstyne Waskom Weatherford Christian Whitesboro Whitewright Windthorst Winnsboro Wolfe City Wylie Opponent First Meeting Latest Meeting Wins Losses Ties Howe Points Opp. Points
Rush Yards Date Opponent 608 578 571 561 553 513 500 10/17/2014 9/23/2016 10/16/2015 11/1/1985 10/19/1984 11/12/2015 11/4/2016 Tom Bean at Caddo Mills at Tom Bean at Whitewright Tom Bean Edgewood *playoffs at Callisburg Pass Yards Date Opponent 343 322 309 301 295 293 279 10/22/2010 10/20/1989 9/2/2022 9/27/2019 9/10/2021 10/8/2021 10/8/2010 at Ponder Pottsboro Tom Bean at Bonham atSanger atRains at Paradise Total Yards Date Opponent 618 594 593 588 581 578 558 520 513 10/17/2014 9/27/2019 11/1/1985 10/16/2015 10/19/1990 9/23/2016 10/19/1984 11/4/2016 11/12/2015 Tom Bean At Bonham at Whitewright at Tom Bean Whitewright at Caddo Mills Tom Bean at Callisburg Edgewood *playoffs Least Yards Allowed Date Opponent -9 3 5 10 17 17 9/10/1959 10/5/1990 9/23/1965 10/16/2015 10/18/1991 10/4/1991 Collinsville S & S Pilot Point B at Tom Bean at Whitewright at S & S Most Yards Allowed Date Opponent 612 608 608 580 566 552 533 10/1/2021 11/28/2014 9/12/2008 9/10/2021 10/20/2017 9/26/2014 9/28/2007 AtWinnsboro Waskom *playoffs at Van Alstyne AtSanger Van Alstyne Pottsboro at Gunter Points Scored Date Opponent 77 76 75 70 68 68 66 10/16/2015 10/4/1991 10/19/1990 11/1/1985 10/19/1984 9/23/2022 9/27/2019 at Tom Bean at S & S Whitewright at Whitewright Tom Bean At S&S At Bonham Points Allowed Date Opponent 71 71 70 70 63 61 61 60 60 11/28/2014 9/4/1992 10/1/2021 10/23/2020 10/26/2007 9/10/2021 11/7/2008 10/29/2021 11/2/2018 Waskom *playoffs Van Alstyne AtWinnsboro Mineola Callisburg AtSanger Melissa Bonham at Van Alstyne