61.47 Howe Enterprise April 1, 2024

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Howe Fire and Rescue begin today

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HHS One-Act Play advances past bi-district with crown in hand

It’s that time of year. Seasonal allergies lead to head colds, chest colds, and all around misery. That describes my last week. Biden announced Saturday that Easter would be proclaimed as Transgender Day of Visibility. “Not a joke.” This comes nearly 10 years after Joan Rivers made her feelings known about the subject.

Some historians speculate that April Fools' Day dates back to 1582, when France switched from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar, as called for by the Council of Trent in 1563. In the Julian Calendar, as in the Hindu calendar, the new year began with the spring equinox around April 1. People who were slow to get the news or failed to recognize that the start of the new year had moved to January 1, and continued to celebrate it during the last week of March through April 1 became the butt of jokes and hoaxes and were called “April fools.” These pranks included having paper fish placed on their backs and being referred to as “poisson d’avril” (April fish), said to symbolize a young, easily caught fish and a gullible person.

Howe High School’s One Act Play. Courtesy photo.

Members of the Howe Fire and Rescue on Saturday. Staff photo. It’s been a long time coming for Howe Fire Chief Robert Maniet to unveil a full-time paid fire and rescue service for the City of Howe. The Howe Volunteer Fire Department was initiated in 1951 and there will still be a volunteer division within the Howe Fire & Rescue. But for the first time, Howe now has three fulltime EMTs and three full -time paramedics. The need has been in

place for quite some and the resolve came from necessity as options for ambulance services became increasingly hard to find. Maniet, who served as the volunteer chief for 12 years, became the first full-time paid chief of Howe Fire and Rescue by council decision late in 2023. His first day was January 1, 2024. This was a project initiated by former Howe Mayor Bill French and

carried through by his successor, current Howe Mayor Karla McDonald.

A first place finish in Melissa for the bi-district crown will see Howe move on to the area round of competition on April 10. Gunter and Pottsboro also advanced past the first round. Riley Troxtell was

named Best Performer, and the All-Star Cast went to the entire ensemble team of Tatum Gandillon, Hayden Adkins, Mia Wilson, Sicileigh Weinmann, and Kayley Laubhan. (Continued on page 6)

HoweEnterprise.com Monday, April 1, 2024

Volume 61, Edition 47

Citizens, state, county, city leaders voice opposition to TCEQ for proposed cement kiln in Dorchester

EDITOR’S NOTE—This column is reserved as an editorial column and may not necessarily reflect the policy of this publication.


HMS Track Results, pg. 5 HHS Golf, pg. 6 Bulldogs Baseball, pg. 7 Lady Bulldogs Softball, pg. 7 Eggstravaganza, pg. 8 Founders Day vendors, pg. 8 Hot Jobs, City Info, pg. 9 History/Christian, pg. 10 Local Churches, pg. 11 Patriot Pony, pg. 12-13 Chamber Members, pg. 14 Past front pages, 15-22 HoweEnterprise.com Stats January 2024—March 30, 2024 10,915 visits; 9,567 reads

A standing room only crowd at Denison’s Hilton Garden Inn. Staff photo. Denison’s Hilton Garden Inn was packed full of concerned Grayson County residents who were adamantly opposed to a quarry and cement plant proposed on 600

acres in Dorchester by BM Dorchester, LLC. Members of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) were present to hear the concerns from

citizens and state, county, and city officials on an air quality permit which would be the first of its kind to be issued for an area as heavily populated as Grayson County. The

meeting which began at 7 pm lasted until 10:30 pm with dozens of concerned citizens speaking on the topic and pleading their case for the cement kiln to not move into Grayson County. State Representative Reggie

Smith, State Senator Drew Springer, County Judge Bruce Dawsey, and County Commissioner Jeff Whitmire were all heavily opposed to the plant and made their voices heard (Continued on page 2)



April 1, 2024

Cement Kiln (Continued from page 1)

that there would be a legislative battle and judicial battle that would heavily impact their pockets. “We have the largest corporate investment in Texas history with T.I. (Texas Instruments) here,” said Smith of the $30 billion investment locally along with the $6 billion investment from GlobiTech. “This chip manufacturing conglomerate that is coming in here is about national security. Because right now we’re buying our chips from China.” Smith went on to say that the North Texas area is the beginning of what will become a national security hub. The Republican nominee for House District 62 Shelly Luther reiterated Smith’s points and stated she would not support the project. The main argument from the crowd was the air, water, and noise pollution, but Wyatt Watson, project manager and engineering director for GlobalWafers stated that they chose this area because it met all the requirements needed for chip manufacturing. One of those requirements is vibration isolation. Their billions of dollars of investments rely solely on the stability of the ground in order to produce silicon wafers. Watson said they have made the investments to isolate any vibrations from the surrounding area through layers of concrete that are attached to limestone bedrock. However, there

would be no isolation from the constant blasting of the limestone which would render North Texas as a useless environment to their industry. “The problem we have is not an annoyance problem, it’s a physics problem,” said Watson. “We simply cannot grow crystal if we have a vibrating facility. It simply won’t work.” Watson said this is a risk not only to their financial investment, but to the security of the United States as a national security threat due to the product being manufactured in America instead of overseas as has been the case for decades. A national, state, and local effort was made for their industry. Silicon driver Texas Governor Gregg Abbott was not in attendance but is scheduled to have meetings with local elected officials this week. State Senator Drew Springer, who decided not to run for re-election, spoke of the air quality issues that it will bring and said it will affect not only Grayson County, but other surrounding counties as well. Jace Yarbrough, running for his seat, reiterated his point and said it was bad for Grayson County and it’s bad for Texas and told the BM Dorchester panel that he would not support their efforts. Grayson County Judge Bruce Dawsey was unhappy that the only issue for discussion was air quality and none of (Continued on page 3)



April 1, 2024

Cement Kiln (Continued from page 2)

the other multiple areas of concern, such as water, seismic activity, and all other environmental qualities. “How can we trust Black Mountain to follow all the compliance rules when they cannot even fill out the TCEQ application correctly. You listed the school district as Gunter (instead of Howe ISD). There are numerous things that you forgot to put such as the airport that’s out there,” said Dawsey. Dawsey mentioned air \quality studies that were measured from Denton which is 180 feet lower than Grayson County. He mentioned that the particulate matter would drift outside of their location and into Hagerman Wildlife Refuge. Commissioner Whitmire told the panel that Grayson County has the biggest tech giants that are investing millions of dollars that may end up going away and not being worth anything. “We will be working with the Red River Conservation District to prevent them from being able to get the well access. I know that’s not your issue (speaking to the TCEQ panel), but that is our issue and we’re going to fight it with everything we have,” said Whitmire. “We fully expect that there’s going to be an enormous amount of litigation that goes on with our industries who are detrimentally impacted by the activities of this, and Grayson County will be right in there with them fully supporting those actions. So, I don’t know what kind of deep pockets Black Mountain has, but I don’t think you have as deep of pockets as some of our industries that are here.” Sherman Economic Development Corporation President Kent Sharp told the BM group that his words were not a warning, but a fact that tech giants will not be risking their investment. “We will fight in the political arenas, we will fight in the judicial arenas, and in any other arena. We will bring every resource,” said Sharp who then urged TCEQ to deny their application as those ahead of him did also. Howe Mayor Karla McDonald spoke to the TCEQ board mainly about the water quality indicating that the three ground wells that Howe has could be contaminated and even the surface water from the run-off. “Black Mountain will only create a mountain of negative health, environmental, and economic problems for our community,” said Mayor McDonald. “We don’t want a Black Mountain of problems in our lovely community.” Dorchester David Smith, who was met with a resounding round of applause from the audience, spoke for six minutes on the errors on the application and the convenient changes that took place by TCEQ. He also mentioned the decreased property values, damage to vegetation, habitats, and the effect it will have for a 30-mile radius. “The slipshod work is apparent, and

this application is not complete or accurate nor follows normal quarry practices for an air study according to some engineers,” said Mayor Smith. Smith concluded with a noise ordinance from the City of Dorchester that would prohibit 24-hour operation from the cement kiln to protect the safety, health, and enjoyment of the residents located in close proximity. Howe Councilman Sarah Myrick said their application and signage did not meet the standards of bilingual statutes and requested the application to be rejected and resubmitted by BM Dorchester. “But there’s a deeper issue here,” said Myrick. “We have seven emails from the last 30 days where a TCEQ employee has corrected the application that BM Dorchester filled out. In one, there’s even advice on how to get this public meeting done before the new PM 2.5 standard comes around. It’s a glaring issue and it feels like an intentional omission in the change of the application.” Myrick asked the TCEQ board to reject the application and assure the public that the new person that oversees the permitting application process to be impartial and to follow all the rules. After BM Dorchester was found to wrongly fill out the application and stating that Dorchester was in Gunter’s school district, Howe Superintendent Kevin Wilson spoke and said that he represented HOWE ISD and that the Howe ISD had numerous school sites and proposed school sites within a five mile radius—one being as close as two miles. He argued that the planned quarry and cement plant would impact his students. “They say the air quality, as it meets the property line, will meet minimum standards. I can tell you the students of Howe ISD deserve more than minimum standards. said Wilson. Dorchester Baptist Church Pastor Zach Polling did what a Baptist Preacher does and gave three bullet points with a spiritual message. Directing his message to the TCEQ board, he said that they are there to make a ruling, but the ruling comes from God. “I want you to consider that you’re about to lay your hands on the bride of Jesus Christ. That’s my church,” said Polling. “You very well may make her homeless. If you fear God, you better take into consideration what her Husband Jesus Christ thinks, because I don’t think he’s amused.” Polling then said there will come a day when all will stand before their Maker and asked them if they were right with Jesus Christ. “You will give an account on how you rule on this matter and how it affects His bride so please take that into consideration. Howe Councilman Billie Ingram stated that the proposed cement kiln was in Howe’s Fire District and said there (Continued on page 4)

© 2024 The Howe Enterprise


April 1, 2024

Cement Kiln

The full house at the Texoma Event Center at Hilton Garden Inn in Denison. Photo posted at Concerned Citizens of Texoma Facebook page. (Continued from page 3)

is no possible way Howe could handle that kind of service to a plant of that magnitude. “We don’t have the manpower nor the resources. Your plant will burn,” said Ingram to the BM Dorchester panel. Howe’s City Administrator Monte Walker reiterated the points from State Rep Smith, State Senator Springer, County Judge Dawsey, and Commissioner Whitmire saying they have a fight on their hands. “If you thought you were going to a little Podunk area with a little small town mayor, you picked the wrong area,” said Walker. “You have to answer to your shareholders, but here in Grayson County, you can take a look at the room, we are the stake holders here.”


Dozens of concerned citizens from all over Grayson County rallied in opposition for this event and as time drug on, it seemed that most wanted their shot at the microphone to speak on the effects to livestock, wildlife, as well as their land and future generations. Springer pointed out an article stating that the Environmental Protection Agency recognizing the sickness and illnesses that are in Midlothian presume caused by the cement kilns. “Six of the 10 largest polluters in the DFW area are cement kilns in Ellis County, said Springer. “Grayson County should not be in that same category. Springer asked TCEQ for additional time and to leave the comment section open for more people to voice their concerns.



April 1, 2024

Howe Middle School District Track results GIRLS

ATHLETE 100 METER DASH 15.54 Sophie Castellanos


15.67 Aailyah Williams 15.69 Brynna Snell 17.27 Tatum Lindly 17.4 Alexis Perez 18.71 Allie Portman 200 METER DASH 29.67 Rylie Whiteside 30.14 Raegan McKinney 31.87 Livy Drewek 32.75 Dana Rico Vera 33.56 Fatima Pachecho 34.93 Kalysta Armas 400 METER DASH 01:13.0 Emilia Garza 01:17.5 Claudia Garcia 01:25.4 Delaine McCloud 01:29.9 Andrea Solis Flores 800 METER RUN 02:48.0 Kyliee Simms 02:58.5 Addison Donoho 03:18.7 Taylor Brunner 03:21.5 Delaine McCloud 03:21.8 Skylee Busch 1600 METER RUN 06:23.7 Addison Donoho 07:16.7 Kinley Willits 07:19.8 Kimberly Mariscal 07:31.8 Taylor Brunner 07:33.6 Maite Perez 07:48.4 Kennady Garner 2400 METER RUN 10:02.6 Kyliee Simms 10:12.9 Addison Donoho 11:50.2 Ruth Perez 14:05.8 Brinley Pritchard 100 METER HURDLES 19.73 Tabitha Bjorn 19.91 Mackenzie Gibbs 20.65 Alyssa Salinas 21.87 Katie Womack 22.44 Deyse Garcia 22.65 Laynee Turner 300 METER HURDLES 56.58 Sam Fuhr 58.73 Mackenzie Gibbs 59.47 Brooklyn Bjorn 01:01.6 Katie Womack 01:08.5 Jenni Whitmire 01:09.1 Deyse Garcia 4X100 METER RELAY 59.9 Relay Team 4X200 METER RELAY 02:00.5 Relay Team 4X400 METER RELAY 04:47.1 Relay Team HIGH JUMP 2-Apr Mackenzie Gibbs LONG JUMP 13-7 Sam Fuhr 13-2 Raegan McKinney 11-7 Emilia Garza 11-4.5 Isabella Stevens 10-0.5 Taylor Brunner TRIPLE JUMP 31-8.5 Rylie Whiteside 29-9.5 Sam Fuhr 28-1 Raegan McKinney 27-7 Tabitha Bjorn 26-0 Skylee Busch 23-10 Delaine McCloud DISCUS 51-2 Isabel De Leon

11th 12th 19th 20th 18th


2nd 2nd 8th 9th 13th 14th 4th 11th 16th 19th 1st 6th 16th 13th 14th 1st 8th 10th 13th 13th 16th 1st 3rd 8th 14th 6th 1st 4th 17th 18th 16th 2nd 2nd 3rd 8th 17th 16th 7th 5th 2nd 6th 6th 5th 14th 14th 18th 2nd 5th 4th 10th 8th 12th 9th


ATHLETE 100 METER DASH 12.31 Christian Clark 13.55 Kevin Valadez 13.68 Ethan Potter 13.85 Ethan Lewis 14.03 Kayden Ross 14.48 Erick Flores 200 METER DASH 25.11 Gerardo Gonzales 29.3 Ethan Potter 29.38 Kayden Ross 29.56 Gunter Owen 30.07 Sam Blasengame 32.54 Alex Martinez 400 METER DASH 58.06 Kaiden Thomas 01:10.8 Henry Delavan 01:14.4 Ayden Chataca 01:16.1 Alex Martinez 800 METER RUN 02:44.9 Yahir Peres 02:54.8 Henry Delavan 02:58.6 Ayden Chataca 03:11.8 Jaden Strunc 03:24.0 Leland Landino 1600 METER RUN 05:59.0 Yahir Peres 06:43.1 Fransisco Perez 07:01.8 Abram Sadler 07:08.7 Grant Powell 07:14.9 Ayden Chataca 07:32.5 Jackson Clement 2400 METER RUN 09:28.8 Yahir Peres 10:24.4 Fransisco Perez 11:59.7 Jesus Cornejo 12:01.4 Jackson Clement 12:04.1 Carson McNutt 110 METER HURDLES 20.84 Ethan Lewis 22 Brent Smith 22.35 Erick Flores 22.98 Ethan Potter 23.17 Cooper Shadden 300 METER HURDLES 50.79 Deacon Bender 55.83 Ethan Lewis 58.98 Cooper Shadden 59.97 Brent Smith 01:00.9 Erick Flores 4X100 METER RELAY 48.98 Relay Team 4X200 METER RELAY 01:42.3 Relay Team HIGH JUMP 5-2 Christian Clark LONG JUMP 17-0 Gerardo Gonzales 16-5 Christian Clark 15-0.5 Kaiden Thomas 14-6.5 Camden Riley 14-0 Ethan Lewis 23-5 Erick Flores TRIPLE JUMP 37-11 Gerardo Gonzales 34-9 Kaiden Thomas 34-2 Deacon Bender 29-10 Ethan Lewis 26-6 Alex Martinez DISCUS 96-10 Kayden Ross 88-11.5 Shawn Stanley 72-9.5 Truitt Allison SHOT PUT 32-4.75 Kayden Ross 30-11.5 Truitt Allison 26-7 Aiden Kane

PLACE 2nd 5th 12th 6th 15th 10th 1st 10th 11th 10th 11th 19th 2nd 9th 16th 13th 11th 10th 15th 17th 18th 3rd 13th 16th 18th 13th 15th 4th 8th 13th 9th 14th 1st 5th 3rd 7th 8th 4th 3rd 7th 9th 9th 2nd 3rd 1st 3rd 5th 9th 6th 12th 16th 1st 4th 7th 5th 12th 3rd 7th 7th 7th 1st 11th



Bulldogs take first place in golf tournament, Haley finishes first overall

Left to right: Nathan Garibay, Rowen Fair, Jacob Sheft, Talan Haley, Colton Little, Ethan Chitty, and Jacson Hiightower. Courtesy photo. Howe High School golf team took first place at the Bonham tournament at Legacy Ridge. Talan Haley placed first of all golfers with a 75 tally. He combined with Colton Little (97), Rowan


April 1, 2024

Flair (92), and Ethan Chitty (97) for the overall championship. Others that competed were Jacson Hightower (107), Jacob Shaft (104) and Nathan Garibay (110).


All-Star Cast. Courtesy photo. (Continued from page 1)

Overall All-Star Tech Crew includes Rian Cox, Lily LaFoy, Mariana Guerrero, Payton Stapleton, Logan Nitchman, and Catelyn Armstrong. Mariana Guerrero received All-Star Technician and Knox Bounds received Honorable Mention.

All-Star Tech Crew. Courtesy photo.

Instructor Chelsie Nail and Riley Troxtell. Courtesy photo.



April 1, 2024

Bulldogs drop two to Blue Ridge Lady Bulldogs beat Pottsboro, 8-0 Sophomore pitcher Riley McCollum limited the Howe Lady Bulldogs (10-6 -1, 3-4) chances of committing errors on Friday morning as she struck out nearly half of the needed outs in the 7inning contest in an 8-0 win against Pottsboro. McCollum allowed only one hit and one walk while striking out 10 hitters. She also helped herself out at the plate by going 2-for-3 with a walk and a run scored.

Howe was blanked by Blue Ridge on Tuesday by a 7-0 score. The Tigers’ runs came in the first, third and sixth. For Howe (7-11, 0-4), Anthony Lowder got the start on the mound and pitched four innings, allowing two earned runs on five hits. He walked three and struck out four. He was spelled in relief by David Grant who pitched 1.2 innings. Grant was touched for five hits and walked three which cost the Dogs four earned runs. Braden Ulmer pitched the final out.

Emery Snapp drove in two runs and her sister Kamry Snapp had a double and an RBI. Mikaylah Komorowski had a multi-hit game that included a double.

Howe was limited to three hits which came from Garren Lankford, Will Ingram, and Landon Throm. On Friday, the Bulldogs made it more of a contest, however an 8-run second inning by the Tigers pushed Howe in the hole early. Throm pitched 1.2 innings, allowing six earned runs on four walks and five hits. The lefty struck out one batter. Lankford came on in relief and pitched 5.1 innings, allowing four earned runs on five hits. He walked five and struck out two. Howe had a total of nine hits Friday including a double by Lowder. He and Lankford each had two RBI in the contest. Garrett Gibbs and Zeb Montgomery each scored two runs to lead the team. Multi-hit games came from Kolby McNutt, Montgomery, and Lowder. Ulmer drew three of Howe’s eight walks in the game. The Bulldogs are scheduled to play Bonham Tuesday and Friday.

Howe junior Braden Ulmer. Photo by Michelle Carney.

11-3A Boys Baseball Standings Gunter 4-0 Blue Ridge 5-1 Pottsboro 5-1 Bonham 3-3 Bells 1-3 Howe 0-4 Leonard 0-6 x-clinched playoffs berth

Howe scored three in the first, three in the second, and two in the sixth inning.

11-3A Softball Standings Blue Ridge 5-2 Bells 5-2 Gunter 5-2 Bonham 4-3 Howe 3-4 Leonard 1-5 Pottsboro 1-6 x-clinched playoffs berth The Lady Bulldogs collected their eight runs on nine hits and six walks. Howe committed one error to Pottsboro’s four. The Lady Bulldogs are scheduled to play at Bonham on Tuesday and host Gunter on Friday.



The Howe softball fields were packed with eggs and kids thanks to The Llama Realty Group’s Eggstravaganza. Other sponsors were HIT Roof & Exteriors, Guild Mortgage, and Brother Plumber. Courtesy photo.

April 1, 2024




April 1, 2024

Hot Jobs Job Title EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN workintexas.com Posting ID 16235772 Location Sherman Posting Close Date 06/14/24 Posting Link https:// bit.ly/43EHWAN Description A local company is looking for an EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN who must have knowledge of troubleshooting techniques and ability to learn the operational concepts of systems and how to perform diagnostic and troubleshooting techniques to solve more complex operational and system problems.

Job Title APPRENTICE ELECTRICIAN workintexas.com Posting ID 16515512 Location Sherman Posting Close Date 06/24/24 Posting Link https://bit.ly/4ajtIbq Description A local company is looking for an APPRENTICE ELECTRICIAN who will be responsible for maintaining a safe work environment, learning, and understanding the electrical trade. You will work under the guidance of a Journeyman and Master Electrician assisting in the installation, alteration, and/or repair of electrical systems, conductors and associated materials and equipment within the commercial and industrial electrical industry.

This position requires an Associate's Degree, and a minimum of 4 years of related experience.

This position requires a High School Diploma or Equivalent, and a minimum of 1 year of related experience.

Bulk Trash Pickup 2nd Friday of each month in Howe.

City of Howe SECONDS COUNT IN AN EMERGENCY! That's why the City of Howe has instituted the CodeRED Emergency Notification System - an ultra high-speed telephone communication service for emergency notifications. This system allows us to telephone all or targeted areas in case of an emergency situation that requires immediate action (such as a boil-water notice, missing child or evacuation notices). The system is capable of dialing 60,000 phone numbers per hour. It then delivers a pre-recorded message describing the situations to a live person or an answering machine in the affected area possibly including instructions requiring action on the part of the recipient. Once the situation is remedied, another call will be placed to the area signaling that the issue has been addressed and that normal activities can be resumed. The following information is required to add a telephone number into the "CodeRED" database: first and last name; address (physical address, no P.O. boxes); city; state; Zip Code; and primary phone number. The system works with cellular phones but requires a valid street address. When entering information, please fill out all of the screens because the newest data entered will replace the old data. Sign up by visiting http://www.co.grayson.tx.us/page/oem.cred

2023-24 Local taxation State Sales Tax General Revenue Sales Tax Economic Development (Type B) Sales Tax Total

6.25 % 1.25%

City of Howe Tax Rate Howe I.S.D Tax Rate Grayson County Tax Rate Grayson College Tax Rate Total (per $100 valuation)

$0.53 $1.05 $0.31 $0.15 $2.04

0.75 % 8.25 %

City Hall 116 E. Haning St., 903-532-5571 Mayor: Karla McDonald City Council: Michael Hill, Rodney Hough, Billie Ingram, Sarah Myrick, Joe Shephard City Administrator: Monte Walker City Secretary: Michelle Hewitt Utility Billing and Municipal Court 116 E. Haning St. 903-532-5571 Utility Clerk: Beccy Roberts Court Clerk: Julia McLaughlin (After hours night drop available) Public Works 317 S. Hughes St. Public Works Director: Mickey Phillips Code Enforcement 317 S. Hughes St. Code Enforcement Officer: Benjamin Fuhr Howe Fire Department/EMS 118 E. Haning 903-532-6888 (nonemergency) Fire Chief: Robert Maniet Howe Police Department 700 W. Haning St. 903-532-9971 (non-emergency) Dispatch 903-813-4411 Police Chief: Carl Hudman Economic Development City Council meets third Tuesday at 100 E. O’Connell St. at 6 pm. Planning & Zoning Commission Meets third Monday as needed Howe Community Facilities Development Corporation 903-532-6080 Howetexas.org EDC Director: Monte Walker Meets as needed For more information visit the city website www.cityofhowe.org

Cityofhowe.org City of Howe Water, Sewer, Refuse collection rates - one bill


Texas History Minute John Wesley Hardin was one of the most violent figures of a violent age. Born in Bonham to a Methodist preacher in 1853, he quickly moved to a life of crime. By the time Ken Bridges he was 18, he killed perhaps eight people. This was only the beginning of a bloody career as a gunfighter. From a young age, Hardin was always in trouble of some kind. At the age of nine in 1862, he attempted to run away from home to join the Confederate Army. At the age of 14 in 1867, he got into a knife fight at his father’s school, nearly killing a fellow student. His father had no choice but to expel him. The next year, at age fifteen, he killed for the first time when he shot and killed a former slave named Maje Holshousen following a fight. He soon became a gambler and killed again at age 17 in a dispute over a card game. He escaped Texas authorities in 1871 after killing the Waco town marshal and found work on a cattle drive. According to several sources, he engaged in several gunfights with would-be cattle thieves that left maybe five men dead before arriving in Kansas. It was August 1871 that saw one of his most notorious killings. He was in Abilene, Kansas, then a notoriously riotous trailhead town. He had fallen into a drunken stupor after a night of gambling and retired to a hotel room for the night. A neighbor in the room next door started snoring loudly, the noise reverberating through the thin walls. Hardin started shouting at the man about his snoring, to no avail. Still drunk, Hardin pulled out his guns and started firing through the walls, shooting the snoring man in the head, killing him instantly. Hardin then jumped out of his second-story window to avoid arrest, stole a horse, and then rode back to Texas. Two months later, he found himself in another gunfight with two Texas state policemen, killing one and wounding another. He claimed to have killed three members of a posse near Austin. After several more gunfights, he injured another state policeman near Hemphill in July 1872. In August, he was shot after an argument over a poker hand in Trinity. Once his identity was confirmed by local authorities, he was arrested but accidentally shot while in custody. After recovering from his injuries, he escaped the county jail and was on the run again. In May 1874, he killed Deputy Sheriff Charles Webb in a saloon in the central Texas town of Comanche. The killing enraged townspeople, resulting in the lynching of Hardin’s own brother as he escaped from Brown County to Florida. Texas authorities set a large reward for his capture. Hardin was on the run for nearly three years before Texas Rangers captured him on a train in Pensacola in August 1877. Rangers knocked him unconscious and dragged him back to Texas for trial. This time, there would be no escape. He was found guilty in June 1878 and sentenced to 25 years in prison, a surprisingly light sentence for the time. He served his time at the state prison in Huntsville, and tried and failed several times to escape. In spite of his crimes, he studied law and theology and eventually ran the prison Sunda at becoming an attorney was the best fit. He passed the bar exam and moved to Gonzales. He left


April 1, 2024

shortly afterward when he shot a man on a $5 bet. His next move was to El Paso where he spent time scrambling for money in poker games and trying to find law clients. In August 1895, his girlfriend was arrested in El Paso police officer John Selman, Jr., on a charge of possession of a firearm within the city limits. Hardin angrily confronted Selman and supposedly pistolwhipped him. The next day, Selman’s father, John Selman, Sr., had his own argument with Hardin over the incident. The elder Selman had his own problems with the law and had killed a number of men in his own gunfights. Hours later, finding out that Hardin was gambling at the local Acme Saloon, Selman walked in and shot Hardin in the back of the head. He was quietly buried in El Paso the next day. In the end, the man who lived by the gun died by the gun. As for Selman, he escaped conviction but was killed in a gunfight with a U. S. Marshal the next year. Since Hardin’s death, many studies have been done on his wild career. Hardin recounted his own life in a book that was published posthumously in 1895. As in life, so many details of his career were embellished or could never be verified. The 1956 film The Lawless Breed was loosely based on Hardin’s autobiography. He was also featured in Texas writer Larry McMurtry’s The Streets of Laredo in 1993. More than a century after Hardin’s death, he still draws fascination over a life as a gunman that left more than two dozen people dead. y School. In February 1894, he was released for good behavior, though he still had eight years left on his sentence. After his release, he plotted his next career move and somehow decided that becoming an attorney was the best fit. He passed the bar exam and moved to Gonzales. He left shortly afterward when he shot a man on a $5 bet. His next move was to El Paso where he spent time scrambling for money in poker games and trying to find law clients. In August 1895, his girlfriend was arrested in El Paso police officer John Selman, Jr., on a charge of possession of a firearm within the city limits. Hardin angrily confronted Selman and supposedly pistolwhipped him. The next day, Selman’s father, John Selman, Sr., had his own argument with Hardin over the incident. The elder Selman had his own problems with the law and had killed a number of men in his own gunfights. Hours later, finding out that Hardin was gambling at the local Acme Saloon, Selman walked in and shot Hardin in the back of the head. He was quietly buried in El Paso the next day. In the end, the man who lived by the gun died by the gun. As for Selman, he escaped conviction but was killed in a gunfight with a U. S. Marshal the next year. Since Hardin’s death, many studies have been done on his wild career. Hardin recounted his own life in a book that was published posthumously in 1895. As in life, so many details of his career were embellished or could never be verified. The 1956 film The Lawless Breed was loosely based on Hardin’s autobiography. He was also featured in Texas writer Larry McMurtry’s The Streets of Laredo in 1993. More than a century after Hardin’s death, he still draws fascination over a life as a gunman that left more than two dozen people dead.

Christ is risen and what it means for everyone Throughout history, no one has made a greater impact than Jesus Christ. So, who is this person called Jesus? He was not just a man; He was Dr. Billy Holland God. It’s widely known Jesus was born of a virgin 2000 years ago, but He existed long before that. As the Son of God and second person of the Trinity, Jesus is the Alpha and Omega which means He is from the beginning and has no end. His being infinite is beyond our comprehension and exalts God as the highest authority. Jesus the Christ means He is the anointed one, the promised Messiah. All other gods and idols have been created, but the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has always been and will always be. Jesus said in John 8:58, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, before Abraham was - I am” which explains that His physical birth in Bethlehem and His agonizing death on Calvary was a calculated plan to come down from heaven and rescue believers that needed to be saved from their sins. In this holy week, we think of Jesus dying on the cross and how after three days He arose triumphant over death and paid the ransom for those who are hopelessly lost. The crucifixion and resurrection prove how much God loves us and wants to save us! Jesus resurrecting from the dead is truly the greatest event in the history of mankind. Of all philosophies, ideas, and imaginations within every civilization, there is only one truth when it comes to the Almighty God of the Bible being the creator of all things and the judge of every person’s heart. This is why He is called the King of kings, and Lord of lords. He is Omnipotent which means He is not limited in power or authority. He is Omniscient which reveals He is the only one who has complete knowledge, wisdom, perception, awareness, and understanding. He sees everything and knows the hearts of every person that has ever been born. God is also Omnipresent, meaning He sees and hears everything with the divine ability to be everywhere at the same time including knowing the fu-

ture. When we realize that no other religion has anything spiritually or historically comparable to the Bible, we wonder how anyone could not want to know God and be born again. It’s because every person at one time was spiritually blind and unable to see the spiritual truth. We must hear God’s word which allows the Holy Spirit to convict our conscience, then God graciously opens our eyes, and we are compelled and drawn to repent and worship the Savior. “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” Romans 10:17. Romans 1:16 also declares, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.” Further understanding is found in II Corinthians 4:4 where it speaks of the lost not being able to comprehend the love, mercy, and grace of God. “Satan, the god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” Many will ask, “Why did Jesus need to suffer? Could He not just snap His fingers and save everyone?” When Adam and Eve lost their standing with God in the Garden, humans continued to enjoy their free will and it’s this ability to choose that allows us to give our heart and strength completely to Him or walk away. We are constantly deciding between good and evil. We are not forced to sin and neither will God make us love Him. For those of you who do not know Jesus as your Lord, I pray you will ask Him to save you today. We realize the gospel of Christ appears to be relatively simple as Romans 10:13 proclaims that “Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” but the concept of His grace does not erase human accountability, neither is it based on human works. What Jesus did is not an automatic ticket to heaven for everyone, it’s an opportunity to know our Creator and be in blood covenant with the Lamb that was slain. May we not abuse God’s mercy as an excuse for our disobedience because the true definition of covenant requires both parties to honor their vows. Visit billyhollandministries.com to read more about the victorious Christian life.



April 1, 2024

Attend the Church of Your Choice

Each Sunday...

Times are subject to change. Please check with each church for any possible changes

First Baptist Church Dorchester Zach Poling, pastor 11831 FM 902, Dorchester, TX 75459 903-476-5525 Wednesday 6:30 pm - Worship service Sunday 9:00 am - Men's Prayer Time 9:45 am - Sunday School 10:45 am - Worship Service 5:00 pm - Evening Service Summit View Church Brett and Deb Hetrick, pastors

Community Bible Fellowship Jeremy Moore, pastor

Howe Methodist Church of Howe JB Bryant, minister

415 S Collins Fwy, Howe, TX 75459 Wednesday 6:30 pm - Food and Fellowship 7:00 pm - Community Kids (ages 3 6th grade, nursery available) 7:00 pm - Youth and Adult Bible Study Sunday 10:30 am - Worship Service

810 N Denny St, Howe, TX 75459 903-532-6718 Tuesday: 8:30am - 1:00pm WeeCare Daycare (Registration needed) 9:30am - Women's Bible Study 6:30pm - Boy Scouts Wednesday: 9:00am - Wednesday Workers 6:00pm - 1st and 3rd Wednesdays Family Night Thursday: 8:30am - 1:00pm - WeeCare Daycare (Registration needed) Saturday: 9:00am-12:00pm - Feed My Sheep (1st & 3rd Sat. of each month) Sunday: 8:30am - Coffee and Donuts 9:00am - Sunday School 10:00am - Worship Service 3:00pm Cub Scouts

First Baptist Church Howe Roger Tidwell, pastor 100 E. Davis St., Howe, TX 903-5325504 Wednesday 5:30 pm—Free Meal 6:30 pm - Team Kid 6:30 pm - Youth Ministry 6:30 pm - Adult Bible Fellowship Sunday 9:15 am - Bible Fellowship 10:30am - Worship Service 6:00 pm—Potluck Fellowship and Bible Study

910 S Denny St, Howe, TX 75459 903-532-6828 Wednesday 7:00 pm - Radiate Youth 7:00 pm - Sanctuary of for prayer Sunday 9:30 am - Sunday School (kids, youth, women, men) 10:30 am - Worship Service 10:30 am - Kids Church Howe Church of Christ Aaron Alsbrook, minister 1205 N Collins Fwy, Howe, TX 75459 903-532-6441 Wednesday 7:00 pm - Bible Classes (all ages) Sunday 9:00 am - Bible Classes (all ages) 10:00 am - Worship Service 5:00 pm - Worship Service

Romans 10:17 Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.



April 1, 2024

The Patriot Pony Biden declares 2024 Easter Sunday How “Black Epstein” was cleverly used date as 'Transgender Day of Visibility' by Dems to scare the hell out of Millennials "I callupon allAmericans to join us in lifting up thelives and voices of transgenderpeople throughout ourNation and to worktoward eliminating violenceand discrimination based on genderidentity,"theWhite House said.

By Charlotte Hazard President Joe Biden declared March 31 "Transgender Day of Visibility," the same 2024 date for Easter Sunday. "NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility," the White House wrote in a Friday press release. "I call upon all Americans to join us in lifting up the lives and voices of transgender people throughout our Nation and to work toward eliminating violence and discrimination based on gender identity," the statement continued.

Biden has spoken out in support of the transgender community in the past. Last year, he paid tribute to transgender people who lost their lives due to violence. "Today, on Transgender Day of Remembrance we are reminded that there is more to do [to] meet that promise, as we grieve the 26 transgender Americans whose lives were taken this year," he said last year, according to CBS News. Biden said in his Friday statement that he was very proud to have appointed transgender individuals in his administration. "Transgender Americans are part of the fabric of our Nation. Whether serving their communities or in the military, raising families or running businesses, they help America thrive," he said.

TexasAG Paxton launches probe of Boeing supplier Boeing's aircraft have come under scrutiny in the wage of several high-profile malfunctions mid-flight.

By Ben Whedon Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton this week launched an investigation into Spirit AeroSystems Holdings, Inc., a major supplier of Boeing, demanding that it provide materials related to its diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) practices and any impacts they may have on production. Boeing's aircraft have come under scrutiny in the wage of several highprofile malfunctions mid-flight. The head of the company's 737 Max program left earlier this month while CEO Dave Calhoun announced his decision to step down this week. The company failed dozens of audits as part of the Federal Aviation Administration's own review efforts.

The subject of Paxton's probe, Spirit, manufactures fuselages for the 737 jets, Paxton highlighted, observing that "[o]n certain models of the 737, apparent manufacturing defects have led to numerous concerning or dangerous incidents, some of which occurred inair." File Paxton letter to Spirit Aero "The potential risks associated with certain airplane models are deeply concerning and potentially life-threatening to Texans. I will hold any company responsible if they fail to maintain the standards required by the law and will do everything in my power to ensure manufacturers take passenger safety seriously," he said in a press release. The formal request to examine (RTE) includes a list of bevy of documents for the firm to produce to Paxton's office in connection with the probe.

with “Vote or Die” campaign…

Democrats and Jeffrey Epstein certainly had quite the connection, didn’t they? The convicted pedophile and sex trafficker was known for his hefty donations to Democratic causes over the years. Granted, he’d throw a bone to the right every now and then, presumably to keep up appearances or to use a Republican for more influence. However, it’s widely known that he played a significant role in Democratic circles, pouring funds into the campaigns of those he could control outright. Open Secrets: From 1989 up until 2003, Epstein donated more than $139,000 to Democratic federal candidates and committees and over $18,000 to Republican candidates and groups, according to data from OpenSecrets. Notable recipients include former President Bill Clinton and former Senator Bob Packwood, a Republican. In 2003, a couple of years before a full-scale investigation into the allegations of sexual exploitation of underage girls, his political giving abruptly stopped. From 1999 to 2003, Epstein donated $77,000 to Democrats John Kerry, Richard Gephardt, Chris Dodd, and other high-profile politicians and committees. Dodd received a $1,000 contribution from Epstein during his reelection campaign in 2003, however, the contribution was returned in 2006. After a hiatus in political giving during the investigations into his sexual abuse, Epstein gave to independent Connecticut House candidate Gwendolyn Beck in 2014 and U.S. Virgin Islands Democratic Delegate Stacey Plaskett both in 2016 and the most recent midterms (Epstein owns a private island in the Virgin Islands called Little Saint James). Most recently, Epstein contributed $10,000 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in October 2018. It was swiftly returned by the committee four days later. What many Americans might not have caught onto is that the left had their own “black” version of Jeffrey Epstein, a sleazy figure who’s been operating under the radar for quite some

time. It’s only starting to unravel now with the downfall of Sean “Puffy” Combs, known to many as “Diddy,” “Puff Daddy,” or “P. Diddy.” The Mirror: According to Lil Rod’s lawsuit, Diddy – whose real name is Sean Combs – stashed a number of hidden cameras in his properties in Los Angeles and on Star Island. The filing read: “While living and traveling with Mr. Combs, Mr. Jones discovered that Mr. Combs had hidden cameras in every room of his home.” The filing continued: “[Combs] has recordings of several celebrities, artists, music label executives, and athletes engaging in illegal activity…these individuals were recorded without their knowledge and consent.” It also added: “Mr Combs possesses compromising footage of every person who has attended his freak-off parties and his house parties.” Drugs The lawsuit alleges that Combs regularly hosted “sex-trafficking parties” which included the use of illegal drugs. It has been reported separately that the singer’s alleged “mule” was arrested on drug charges at Miami airport while the rapper’s LA and Miami mansions were raided by the police. According to legal documents obtained by TMZ, 25-year-old Brendan Paul was arrested on Monday and charged with two separate charges: One count for possession of suspected cocaine and another for suspected marijuana possession. In the paperwork, officers alleged they came across suspected “contraband” in Paul’s travel bags and after the suspected narcotics were tested, they were found to be illegal substances. This led to Paul’s arrest. The suspect was held in custody but later bailed. There has so far been no evidence that connects the drugs reportedly found in Paul’s possession with Diddy. Paul is set to appear in court on April 24. High-profile names Record producer Jones claimed in his (Continued on page 13)

HoweEnterprise.com a a

Diddy (Continued from page 12)

£24million lawsuit against Diddy that the rapper’s “affiliation” to big-name celebrities gave him and his associates “legitimacy”. Links to such prominent figures, Jones’ lawyers claimed, meant guests were drawn to the rapper’s alleged sex-trafficking parties. Court documents filed in New York last month claim Diddy had “access to celebrities such as famous athletes, political figures, artists, musicians, and international dignitaries”. Sex workers Jones also claimed the rapper was regularly partying with sex workers and “underage girls”. He claimed Diddy would make attendees of his parties sign nondisclosure agreements. Jones accused the musician of threatening and forcing minors into “commercial sex acts”. Jones also claimed he was forced to hire prostitutes for Combs in Miami, where sex work is illegal. In separate proceedings in December last year, Cassie Ventura claimed she was subjected to torrents of abuse from her former long-term partner. The singer alleged she had been coerced by Combs “to engage in a fantasy of his called ‘voyeurism.’” She claimed she was directed to have sex with several male prostitutes while Diddy watched, masturbated, took pictures and shot video. He called them “freak-offs.” Gee, all that was missing was a private island in the Caribbean… While all of this perverted madness was allegedly going on, Combs was the driving force behind the fearinducing “Vote or Die” campaign, which effectively terrified young voters into thinking they had to cast their vote… or literally, die. This disturbing campaign started back in 2004. However, the “Vote or Die” campaign and Diddy’s “Revolt” media played significant roles in the sham that was the 2020 election. Hollywood Reporter: Sean “Diddy” Combs has relaunched his classic “Vote or Die!” campaign for the 2020 presidential election, with a slew of new initiatives aimed at persuading Americans to do their civic duty. Sean “Diddy” Combs has relaunched his “Vote or Die!” campaign for the 2020 presidential election, with a slew of new initiatives (and, yes, new tee shirts) aimed at persuading Americans to do their civic duty. Launched in partnership with hip-hop network Revolt TV, the “Vote or Die!” 2020 campaign kicked off on Sept. 24 with a town hall, “State of Emergency: Election Day and Black America,” featuring Kerry Washington and Dr. Cornel West as speakers, among others. Earlier in October, Revolt released


April 1, 2024 a

The Patriot Pony a shortform series on voter suppression among Black voters and a multi-state marketing campaign. Coming up, the campaign will be releasing a study on Generation Z voters and infuse 2020’s Revolt Summit and the event ONE Musicfest with voter education. Influencers and stars will also be receiving “Vote or Die!” merch, naturally. Revolt plans on producing profiles of politically-engaged public figures wearing the tee shirt, as stars including Paris Hilton, Alicia Keys, Hulk Hogan and The Game did previously. Revolt TV chief operating officer Detavio Samuels says in a statement, “When you talk to youth in Gen Y and Gen Z, it is clear they feel the older generations have failed them in a lot of ways. Whether it be our nation’s current stance on police brutality, systemic racism, gun control, climate change or LGBTQ rights, the younger generation wants change. Vote or Die is here to remind them that issues related to their survival will be determined by the people they put in office this election season.” Combs first launched the campaign in 2004 prior to the presidential contest between then-candidates George Bush and John Kerry to make voting “cool” for young and minority voters. It seems Democrats once again enlisted the help of someone many are labeling a “sex trafficking” scumbag to sway American voters. This is becoming a bit of a recurring theme, wouldn’t you agree? If it’s not communist Soros’ money rigging the game, it’s perverted pedophile funds flowing into the Dem coffers and influencing American voters. This is precisely what Jesse Watters discussed on his show recently. Here’s what Watters had to say about the Dems’ “Black Epstein”: For two decades, Diddy was the Democrats’ biggest black celebrity influencer. Democrats used Diddy’s charisma, star power and street cred in the black community, every single election. He was a political enforcer and in the back pocket of the powerful. That made him powerful, with a free pass. Now if Diddy’s found guilty, he’s a combination of Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein. So how prevalent is sexual blackmail in American industry and Democrat politics? It’s more than you think. And the powerful not only tolerate it, they participate in it. Let’s be real: Puff Daddy wasn’t exactly on a mission to encourage millennials across the board to dive into the voting process. Instead, his “Vote or Die” campaign was all about instilling deep fear to push them towards voting Democrat. This was a scare tactic to get young minorities out to vote, and of course, they used “violence” to appeal to them. Looking back on this 2016 article about “Vote or Die,” it’s clear those scare tactics actually did the trick, much like they did during the COVID scamdemic.

On Milwaukee: It’s a sad state of affairs when “Vote or Die!” serves as the battle cry for the drive to get out the youth vote. Sadly, it’s gotten to the point where nothing short of a death will get young people to participate in the political process. This election year, it worked. But there remains much to be done when there is no presidential election brouhaha. Whether motivated by G. Dubya or P. Diddy, exit polls showed that while 17 percent of young people ages 18-29 voted this year (roughly the same proportion as in 2000) more of them voted this time around. Nearly 21 million voters younger than 30 voted Nov. 2, an increase of 4.7 million from 2000, according to a study by the University of Maryland School of Public Policy. The war in Iraq may have pushed the under-30 crowd to the polls, and nationwide exit polls conducted by NBC News showed that those ages 18-29 were evenly split at 49 percent on their approval of the war. Whatever the reason, it is heartening to see young people heading to the polls in large numbers. They are engaged in the debate. They are concerned about the outcome. And the real concern is for those whom various celebrity-encrusted voter drive efforts are designed — the often apathetic

college student. In fact, back in 2020, South Park really had Diddy’s number down pat, didn’t they? As this sex trafficking horror story continues to unravel, the regimebacked propaganda media will stick to its usual script: protecting the Democrats while bending over backward to strip this scandal of any political context. But as they predictably attempt to whitewash the narrative, we’ll stand our ground, ready to point out how the Dems’ “Black Epstein” is yet another sleazy cog in the larger and more dangerous left-wing political wheel. P Diddy With Hillary Clinton : r/ NormMacdonald Sean (Diddy) Combs says Obama 'shortchanged' black community, warns Clinton that she must earn African-American votes – New York Daily News Sean (Diddy) Combs says Obama 'shortchanged' black community, warns Clinton that she must earn African-American votes – New York Daily News The folks from Q, who called out the creepy “underage celebrity sex rings,” really deserve an apology after being ridiculed and dismissed as “conspiracy kooks.”

Sheryl Bentley, Coldwell Banker (903) 821-7653 yourrealtorsheryl@gmail.com

ADVERTISING/MARKETING Howe Enterprise P.O. Box 595 Howe TX 75459 howeenterprise.com 903-339-0100 news@howeenterprise.com AGRICULTURE Norman Farms 4871 Mackey Rd Howe TX 75459 903-815-5545 ajnorm4@aol.com ANTIQUES Howe Mercantile 107 E. Haning St Howe TX 75459 facebook.com/Howe-Mercantile1639767196252428/ (817) 313-2168 georgiacaraway@aol.com AUTO Bob Utter Ford 2525 Texoma Parkway Sherman TX 75090 bobutterford.net 903-892-3555 BANKING Independent Financial 100 South Denny Howe TX 75459 independent-bank.com (903) 532-5521 beth.harville@ifinancial.com Legend Bank 201 W. Grand Whitewright, TX 75491 legend-bank.com 903-532-4778 Brandon.grooms@legend-bank.com First National Bank of Tom Bean 109 S. Britton St. Tom Bean, TX 75489 https://www.fnbtb.com/ 903-546-62752 rbridges@fnbtb.com First United Bank 2011 Texoma Parkway Sherman TX 75090 firstunitedbank.com 903-813-5760 sarah.myrick@firstunitedbank.com BARBER SHOP Good Fellas Barber Shop 105 E. Haning Howe, TX 75459 9725020559 goodfellasbarbershoptx@gmail.com BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Provider Business Partners 106 W. Young St. Howe TX 75459 providerbusinesspartners.com 903-487-2248 sharla@ providerbusinesspartners.com Smith-Garner, PC 609 N. Denny St., P.O. Box 1019 Howe TX 75459 http://www.howecpa.com/ (903) 532-1040 amanda.garner@howecpa.com BUTCHER Don’s Smokehouse 111 E. Haning Street Howe, Texas 75459 Donssmokehouse.com (214) 881-8377 DonsSmokehouse@gmail.com CATERING Tracy Events Catering & Carryout Shop 211 S Preston Van Alstyne, TX 75495 Tracyevents2006@gmail.com CHILDCARE Koti Academy of Howe 105 Doyle Street Howe TX 75459 https://www.kotiacademy.com/ 903-532-9663 cassie@kotiacademy.com




First Baptist Church Howe 100 W. Davis Howe TX 75459 http://www.fbchowe.org/ 903-532-5504 info@fbchowe.org

Scoggins Funeral Home & Crematory 637 W. Van Alstyne Parkway Van Alstyne TX 75495 scogginsfuneralhome.com 903-482-5225 tommywscoggins@hotmail.com

First United Methodist Church 810 N. Denny St. Howe, TX 75459 903-532-6718 Church@fumchowe.org https://www.fumchowe.org/ Summit View Church 910 S. Denny St., P.O. Box 295 https://summitviewhowe.com/ info@summitviewhowe.com CONSTRUCTION/BUILDING SERVICVES DIFY Home Services 204 Tate Circle Sherman, TX 75090 9037440435 ernie@difyhs.com Hunter Knephsield of Texas, LLC P.O. Box 759 Van Alstyne, TX 75495 https://www.hkparkandplay.com/ 8004514138 (Main) hktexas@flash.net (Main) RockExpress, LLC 1434 Schneider Rd Howe, TX 75459 https://rock-express-llc.business.site/ 903-818-2386 rockexpressllc@gmail.com TLD Design Consulting LLC 103 E. Haning St. Howe TX 75459 http://www.tld -dc.com/ 903-436-4601 tdefrange@tldconsulting.net CONVENIENT STORES Quick Check #4 411 W. Haning Street Howe, TX 75459 903-532-5265 zackwilks82@yahoo.com

HAIR SALON Good Fellas Barber Shop 105 E. Haning St. (972) 502-0559 goodfellasbarbershoptx@gmail.com HEALTHCARE ER of Texas 115 W. Travis St Sherman, TX 75092 http://oroftexas.com/ 903-770-9099 tiffanyr@eroftexas.com HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING Baker A/C & Heating, Inc. 215 N. Denny St. Howe TX 75459 903-532-6225 bakerac.mark@yahoo.com Essential Home Performance, LLC 509 Borrow Way Van Alstyne, TX 75495 https:// www.essentialhomeperformance.com/ 14695459125 Info@essentialhomeperformance.com HOUSING Bainbrook Apartments 511 S. Collins Fwy Howe, TX 75459 (469) 712-4082 bainbrook75459.com M&M Properties 901 N. Denny St Howe TX 75459 903-815-8355 mariecurtis16@gmail.com. INSURANCE

DENTAL Anna Kids Dentistry 2016 W. White St. Anna, TX 75409 214-831-2400 Annakidsdentistry.com info@annakidsdentistry.com

Cory Hernandez State Farm 2114 Texoma Parkway Sherman, TX 75090 http://insurancequotetexoma.com/ 9038938400 cory@insurancequotetexoma.com

Howe Family Dentistry 100 S. Collins Freeway, PO Box 960 Howe TX 75459 howefamilydentistry.com 903.532.5545

Ed Meacham, State Farm 1303 N Sam Rayburn Frwy, Ste. 200 Sherman TX 75090 https://www.statefarm.com/ agent/US/TX/Sherman/EdMeacham-3TGY5753JAK 903-892-3923 ed@mredinsurance.com

EDUCATION Howe Community Library 315 S. Collins Freeway Howe TX 75459 www.howeisd.net/Page/83 903-745-4050 atchison.melissa@howeisd.net

Jesse Brown Farmers Insurance 403 W. Haning St. Howe, TX 75459 https://agents.farmers.com/tx/howe/ jessie-brown 9034824063 jbrown9@farmersagent.com

Howe Independent School District 105 W. Tutt St. Howe TX 75459 howeisd.net/ (903) 745-4000

Kathy McGarry, Mayo Agency 215 S Ray Roberts Pkwy, P.O. Box 519 Tioga TX 76271 940-437-2378 kathy.mayoagency@gmail.com

ELECTRIC Rapid Electric, LLC (903) 421-8100 http://www.RapidElectricCo.com/ brent@rapidelectricco.com

Texas Farm Bureau Insurance, Darren Foster – Agent 1363 S Waco St Van Alstyne TX 75495 https://www.txfbins.com/ insurance/agent/grayson/ 32707/darrenfoster 903-436-2470 dfoster@txfb-ins.com

ENTERTAINMENT Chill Out Shaved Ice Howe, TX 75459 Chillout903@hotmail.com 903-436-0708 FINANCIAL Rethink Wealth—Kristen Harkless 559-681-7461 Kristen.Harkless@rethinkwealth.com FIREARMS Guns N More 281 Celtic Road Howe, TX 75459 GunsNMore.net (903) 267-1091 jared.c@gunsnmore.net

Texas Farm Bureau Insurance, Loretta Anderson – Agent 1363 S Waco St Van Alstyne TX 75495 https://www.txfb -ins.com/ insurance/agent/grayson/ 23242/lorettaanderson 903-819-1041 landerson@txfb-ins.com

TekWav 223 N. Walnut St. Sherman TX 75090 http://www.tekwav.com 903-375-9787 jj@tekwav.com IT/DATA Texas Data and VoIP Security 109 W. Tilton Blue Ridge, TX 75424 https://www.tdavinc.com/ (972) 924-5010 dana@tdavinc.com MORTGAGE The Wood Group of Fairway – Lacey Tucker https://homeloanbylacey.com/ 469-910-0375 lacey.tucker@fairwaymc.com NON-PROFIT Goodwill Industries of Northeast Texas 2206 E. Lamar St. Sherman, TX 75090 goodwillnorthtexas.org spierce@goodwillnorthtexas.org

Maureen Kane, REALTOR®, Paragon-REALTORS® 614 E Lamberth Rd Sherman, TX 75090 402-202-1540 maureen@paragonrealtors.com Michael Taylor – Keller Williams Realty P.O. Box 575 Howe TX 75459 mtaylor@kw.com Nicole Faye Sells Texas, LLC 215 N Quinlan St Howe, TX 75459 https://nicolefaye.fathomrealty.com/ 972-872-0529 nicolefayesellstexas@outlook.com The Llama Realty Group Dana Thornhill 204 Tate Circle Sherman, TX 75090 903-821-6890 llamarealtygroup@gmail.com RESTAURANTS El Patio Escondido Mexican Restaurant & Cantina 495 W. Van Alstyne Pkwy, P.O. Box 637 Van Alstyne TX 75495 elpatioescondido.com 903-482-5538 williampacheco519@yahoo.com

United Way of Grayson County 713 E. Brockett P.O. Box 1112 Sherman, Texas 75091 903.893.1920

Palio’s Pizza Cafe 303 W. Haning St. Howe TX 75459 https://www.palioshowe.com/ 903-532-0390 paliospizza@att.net



Chase’s All Time Jumpers 2519 CR 4215 Bonham, Texas 75418 https:// www.chasesalltimejumpersllc.com/ 903-227-6488 Coltonlawrence24@yahoo.com PERSONAL SERVICES AND CARE Debby Edwards Pink Zebra 1403 S. Travis St. Sherman, TX 75090 https://pinkzebrahome.com/ debbyedwards 903-820-8914 debbyedwards2@gmail.com PHOTOGRAPHY Beyond the Barn Photography 3354 FM 902 Howe, TX 75459 469-951-4054 Sara@beyondthebarnphotography.co m PLUMBING Brother Plumber 708 Maple St. Howe, TX 75459 469-968-4487 trent@brotherplumber.com http://Brotherplumber.com/ Torque Plumbing 102 S. Collins Frwy Howe TX 75459 (972) 658-1515 torquemayes@yahoo.com PUBLIC UTILITIES Atmos Energy 5111 Blue Flame Rd. Sherman TX 75090 http://www.atmosenergy.com/ 1-888-286-6700 (Main) 1-866-322-8667 Natural Gas Emergency Jan.Rugg@atmosenergy.com Grayson -Collin Electric Cooperative, Inc. P.O. Box 548 Van Alstyne TX 75495 www.grayson-collin.coop 903-482-7100 mmcginnis@gcec.net REAL ESTATE Bill French Properties 315 N Travis Suite B-3 Sherman TX 75090 billfrenchproperties.com 903-893-BILL (2455) bill@billfrenchproperties.com

Definitive Roofing & Specialty Coatings, LLC 1094 Marlow Rd Bells, TX 75414 9038202110 roofingsc1@gmail.com HIT Exteriors, LLC Howe, TX 75459 972-977-1523 sergio@hitexteriors.com Southern Cross Remodeling & Roofing Howe, TX 75459 Roofingbysoutherncross.com 972-800-9383 roofinbysoutherncross@gmail.com SHOPPING Cora Grace Boutique 407 W. Haning St Howe, TX 75459 903-821-0456 coragraceboutique@gmail.com STORAGE Anchorz Boat & RV Storage 311 Old Highway 6 Howe, TX 75459 903-444-2500 info@anchorzboatrvstorage.com Howe Mini-Storage 609 N. Denny St. Howe TX 75459 903-532-7867 amanda.garner@howecpa.com TV SERVICES Cavender Home Theater DISH 6202 Texoma Parkway Sherman TX 75090 http://www.cavendertv.com/ 903-892-3499 chris@cavenderht.com TOWING Adams Automotive & Towing 85 Redden Rd Van Alstyne TX 75495 adamsautotow.com 903-482-5784


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