62.2 Howe Enterprise May 20, 2024

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Grayson Publishing, LLC

Volume 62, Edition 2, Such a difference in short amount of time. Back in 2016 during the tornado that ripped through Howe, there was so much effort and a “how can I help you” attitude from the community. Fast forward to 2024 and it seems the “this is the government’s responsibility” has replaced what made us great. It was the aftermath of the storm in 2016 that set us apart from other communities. But that did not happen in large measures as before. I was asked to emcee the retirement celebration for former Howe Head Coach and Athletic Director Joey McQueen in Lampasas over the weekend. The first thing I’ll always remember about my former coach was that he told us obsessively, “I love each and every one of you.” At the time, it seemed very weird for a guy to constantly tell us that he loved us...but when you get older, you realize how much courage it took to say that to a bunch of dumb teenage boys. Thanks to Coach McQueen, half of the senior class of 2024 have heard me tell them that I love each and every one of them. Looking back, that was far more important than 38 Buck and the shelves of gold footballs.

© 2024 The Howe Enterprise

Monday, May 20, 2024

2024 HHS seniors attend Baccalaureate Craven signs to play

softball in Kansas

Ryleigh Craven and family.

Forty-six of the Seventy-six members of the Howe High School Class of 2024 attended Baccalaureate Sunday night. Staff photo. Graduation week is officially underway with the traditional Baccalaureate that takes place each year at First Baptist Church of Howe. Honor Guards for the event were Preslee Harrell, Talan Haley, Brynn

Riley, and Charles Turner, all juniors. Ushers were Hayden Adkins, Bergen Bjorn, Presley Shockey, Braden Ulmer, and Mia Wilson, also all juniors. Howe Methodist Church

headed to Dickson, OK

Lance Bryan at Honey Grove in his Howe debut. Photo by Michelle Carney.


HoweEnterprise.com Stats January 2024—May 18, 2024 29,441 visits ISSU stats 66,140 impressions HoweEnteprisePhotos.com 3,197,471 photo views

Pastor J.B. Bryant gave the message which focused on love. Bryant told the students that life goes by quickly and mistakes will be made. However, there are those that love them willing to help. And of course, the love of the Lord.

Garner elected as Area V rep on Howe Head Texas State FFA Officer team Coach/AD

EDITOR’S NOTE—This column is reserved as an editorial column and may not necessarily reflect the policy of this publication.

City Council Agenda, pg. 3 School Board Agenda, pg. 4 FBC XYZ, pg. 5 Seniors 2024 photos, pg. 6-9 McQueen, pg. 10 Teacher of the Year, pg. 10 Hot Jobs, City Info, pg. 11 History/Christian, pg. 12 Local Churches, pg. 13 Chamber Members, pg. 14 Past front pages, 15-22

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Caden Garner and Camryn Craddock. Courtesy photo. The Area 5 FFAAssociation held their annual convention last week and Howe’s Caden Garners was selected as a Texas FFA State Officer to rep-

resent over 190,000 members. Camryn Craddock was selected as Area V Treasurer and will represent 19,000 members in the area.

After the tragedy of losing their son recently, the Bryan family has decided that a return to Howe was too painful, and no one can blame them. The upcoming young coach has accepted a position as assistant athletic direc(Continued on page 9)

Howe Lady Bulldogs softball pitcher and infielder Ryleigh Craven signed to continue her playing career at Allen Community College in Iola, Kansas.

and struck out 14 batters. Her senior year, she struck out 29 batters in 33.1 innings. At the plate, she was fourth on the team this season with a .893 OPS.

Craven led the team in innings pitched and strikeouts her sophomore year in 2022 when she struck out 107 hitters in 87 innings. A year ago, she pitched 19.1 innings

Allen Community College, formerly known as Allen County Community College was established in 1923. The original name was Iola Junior College.

Oh Snapp! All-District Softball

The Howe Lady Bulldogs All-District awards were released last week, and two Lady Bulldog sisters received top honors. Senior Emery Snapp was named First Team All-District Outfielder while her junior sister Kamry Snapp was named Co-Utility Player of the Year in District 11-

3A. Sophomore pitcher Riley McCollum received Second Team All-District Pitcher and Freshman Mya Burt took Honorable Mention. The awards indicate that Howe’s future is very (Continued on page 2)



(Continued from page 1)

bright on the softball diamond with a freshman and sophomores being awarded. Howe went 11-10-1 this season which was an improvement over last year’s 13-15 record. Howe also placed a number of Academic All-District members which included Mya Burt, Kamry Snapp, Ryleigh Craven, Emery Snapp, Jaileigh Murphy, Zoey Montgomery, and Mikayla Komorowski. Howe was coached this season by Sam Switzler. It was her first year as the leader of the Lady Bulldogs.

May 20, 2024




May 20, 2024

Howe City Council agenda CALL MEETING TO ORDER INVOCATION PLEDGE TO FLAGS Mayor Karla McDonald will swear in Council Members Shawn Tyler, Ricky Price, and Sarah Myrick. PUBLIC RECOGNITION: Recognition for Howe Fire Chief Robert Maniet for fifteen years of service to the City of Howe. CITIZEN COMMENTS: The City Council invites citizens to speak to the Council on topics not already scheduled for public hearing or on the agenda. Citizens may address the Council for a maximum of two minutes. The Council is unable to respond to or discuss any issues that are brought up during this section that are not on the agenda, other than to make statement of specific factual information in response to a citizen’s inquiry or to recite existing policy in response to the inquiry. MAYOR COMMENTS: CITY OF HOWE PROCLAMATION—Motorcycle Awareness CONSENT ITEMS: These items consist of non-controversial, or “housekeeping” items required by law. Items may be considered individual by any Council member making such request prior to a motion and vote on the Consent Items: Discuss, consider, and act upon consent items which are marked by an *. * Minutes of Regular Council Meeting April 16, 2024. * Bills being paid for the month * Detailed check register report * Statement of Revenue and Expenditures * Independent Financial – Secured Deposits, April 30, 2024 * Recap and Standings – April 2024 ACTION ITEMS: Discuss, consider, and act upon Canvass of May 4, 2024 General Election. Discuss, consider, and act upon Nominee for Mayor Pro Tem. Discuss, consider, and act upon the resignation of Court/Permit Clerk Julia McLaughlin. Discuss, consider, and act upon allowing the City Administrator to hire a full-time court/ permit clerk. Discuss, consider, and act upon the Preliminary and Final plat of PRICE’S DUKE STREET ADDITION TO THE CITY OF HOWE, GRAYSON COUNTY, TEXAS. BEING A REPLAT OF THE JABEZ HANING SURVEY ABSTRACT NUMBER 544. BEING IN AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF HOWE GRAYSON COUNTY, TEXAS, CONTAINING 0.986 ACRES OF LAND, PROPERTY ID: 152612. Discuss, consider, and act upon a Final plat for NOBLE RIDGE PHASE 1A , BEING A 42.063-ACRE TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE MARY MILLER SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 776, IN THE CITY OF HOWE, GRAYSON COUNTY, TEXAS. PROPERTY ID: 438348 ORDINANCE NO. 819 Public Hearing for Ordinance No. 819 Discuss, consider, and act upon Ordinance No. 819 ORDINANCE NO. 820 Public Hearing for Ordinance No. 820 Discuss, consider, and act upon Ordinance No. 820 ORDINANCE NO. 821 Public Hearing for Ordinance No. 821 Discuss, consider, and act upon Ordinance No. 821 ORDINANCE NO. 822 Public Hearing for Ordinance No. 822 Discuss, consider, and act upon Ordinance No. 822 EXECUTIVE SESSION: The City Council will convene in closed session pursuant to the provisions of the Open Meeting Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code. Executive Session as authorized by Texas Government Code Sec. 551.071, Consultation with Attorney on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with this chapter (Open Meetings Act); Texas Government Code Section 551.072-Deliberation regarding real property; Texas Government Code, Section 551.074 – Personnel Matters. Real Estate Development Matters and development procedures Ponderosa Point Noble Ridge Grace Meadows Saddleback Impression Homes/Howe Meadows Centurion Waste Treatment Plant/Property Personnel Annual Reviews Public Works Director Code Enforcement Officer City Secretary Fire Chief Police Chief END EXECUTIVE SESSION AND RETURN TO OPEN SESSION Discuss, Consider, and act upon any items listed under closed or executive session, if needed. Discuss, Consider, and act upon approving Right of Entry Agreement for survey of property, authorize signatures for agreements and authorize survey work. ADJOURNMENT:

© 2024 The Howe Enterprise


May 20, 2024

Howe ISD school board agenda A Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Howe ISD will be held on Monday, May 20, 2024, beginning at 6:00 p.m. at the Howe ISD Administration Office located at 105 W. Tutt St, Howe, Texas. I. II. III. IV.



CALL TO ORDER/DETERMINATION OF QUORUM INVOCATION/PLEDGES PUBLIC FORUM REPORTS A. Teacher/Student Recognition B. Demographic Study Report C. Administrator Reports D. Superintendent Report 1. Enrollment 2. Personnel – Resignations, New Hires and Update on Job Posting 3. HHS Graduation on May 25, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. 4. SLI Conference June 21-22 5. Annual Tax Collection Report 6. Quarterly Delinquent Tax Collection Report 7. Report of Purchases Outlined in Policy CH(LOCAL) 8. Other Information THE BOARD WILL CONSIDER, DISCUSS, AND/OR TAKE AP PROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING THE FOLLOWING: A. Oath of Office for Incoming Trustees B. Reorganization of Officers C. Update Signature Cards D. Determine Regular Meeting Day and Time for 2024-25 E. Consent Agenda a. Minutes from Regular Meeting on April 15, 2024 b. Monthly Financial Reports c. Call Public Hearing on Proposed Budget and Tax Rate on June 17, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. d. Resolution to Join the Educational Purchasing Cooperative of North Texas F. Budget Amendments G. Approval of Purchases as Outlined in Policy CH(LOCAL) H. Local Property Tax Exemption for Qualifying Child Care Facili ties J. 2024-25 Employee Compensation Plan BUDGET WORKSHOP A. Preliminary Revenue Projections, Expenditure Budget, and Tax Rate ADJOURN




May 20, 2024

XYZ - Christmas in May? Submitted— First Baptist Church Howe's Senior Citizen group , XYZ (eXtra Years of Zest) met recently and enjoyed their usual great potluck lunch. Prior to eating, the short business meeting took place with announcements about upcoming trips to Choctaw Cultural Museum on May 22, Hagerman Wildlife Refuge (date still unknown), and Pigeon Forge, Tenn. in Sept. In addition to the food and fellowship, the group always looks forward to the program for the morning. This time it was presented by Myra Hammonds and Sandy Schwartz representing and informing us about Operation Christmas Child, and the international Shoebox Ministry. Myra told about its beginning, development, and ultimately, its status today. Among the many numbers she shared with us about how many countries, languages, boxes, and delivery organizations are involved, one example was "300,000 boxes being delivered to war torn Ukraine. " Sandy showed how to pack a shoebox, filling it with a "WOW!" article and adding to complete it with more fun and useful items. Most shoeboxes go to very primitive, needy countries and people; therefore, small items like toothbrushes and pencils are greatly appreciated. Sandy told about a group of ladies in Van Alstyne "The Sew and Sews" that sew and send simple cotton dresses for children.

Jana McDaniel, FBCHowe's Shoebox Ministry Chairman, told of plans for a "packing party" in the fall where church members will participate in packing shoeboxes using items that have been donated all year long. How the shoeboxes are delivered and distributed to foreign countries and the stories of the children receiving them was heart warming. The ladies' passion for this ministry was contagious and inspiring.


May 20, 2024

Seniors 2024

Catelyn Armstrong

Jeffrey Booth

Kierra Bowman

Angie Burris

Mary Burris

Adrian Cabral

Jacob Campbell

Kaleigh Capps

Ethan Chitty

Ryleigh Craven

Madilynn Douglas

Kaden Dunn

Abraham Garcia

Adrian Garcia

David Garcia




May 20, 2024

Seniors 2024 Jesus Garcia

Sheriden Garcia

Sawyer Hightower

Emma Hitesman

Erika Jimenez

Alexander Jones

Cooper Jones

Mikaylah Komorowski

Caden Garner

Garrett Gibbs

Kimberly Gonzalez

Seth Goolsby

Kendall Griffin

Jaycie Grisham

Madalyn Helpenstell



May 20, 2024

Seniors 2024

Lily LaFoy

Kayley Laubhan

Evan Leakey

Colton Little

Victoria MartinezReyes

Ethan Mayo

Lucas Mitchell

Zebulon Montgomery

Zadrian Morris

Polo Mouton

Kade Murphy

Kolin Murphy

Railyn Murphy

Jacob Ortega

Autumn Owens

Luz Pelaez-Ralda

Monika Perez

Jesse Portman

Kynlee Ray

Gavin Reed

Mia Reisch

Michael Riddle

Noah Riley

Erik Rivera-Estrada



May 20, 2024

Seniors 2024

Jenna Roper

Sarah Rutschlin

Logan Smith

Makayla Smith

Reese Smith

Emery Snapp

Owen Snell

Payton Stapleton

Matalee Stewart

Haven Sturgess

Kaleb Taylor

Nevaeh Thornhill

Landon Throm

Gage Troxtell

Riley Troxtell

Tyler Tschacher

Aixalee VazquezGonzalez

Luciano VazquezMaldonado

Mahlon Walker

Aubrielle West

Davian Williams


turning starters at key positions.

Lance Bryan gives a hug to Kolin Murphy moments after his final game as the head coach of the Howe Bulldogs November 3, 2023. Photo by Michelle Carney. (Continued from page 1)

tor and offensive coordinator at Dickson High School in Oklahoma. There he will be surrounded by family members and has two nieces and a nephew that attend the school. His wife Erika will also be employed by the district. Bryan, the Howe Bulldogs 27th head football coach finishes with a 9-12 overall record in his first head coaching job. He was hired in January 2022 and in his first game as the leader of the Dogs, Howe snapped a 22-game winning streak on opening night on the road against a very good Honey Grove Warrior football team. He then took Howe, which had been 0-10, to

the playoffs in his first season. The 2022 Howe Bulldogs finished with a 6 -5 record losing to Palmer in the first round of the playoffs. Howe lost four of their last five games that season after a tough district stretch with Gunter and Bells and losing their starting quarterback Austin Haley late in the season. A year ago, Howe struggled from the very beginning when quarterback Cooper Jones was virtually lost for the season on the first play of the second quarter in the first game. Senior Kolin Murphy stepped in and drove the bus as well as possible, but Howe was depleted with injuries and a lack of re-

Bryan is originally from Gainesville, Texas where he played football for the Gainesville Leopards. He played college ball at Hardin Simmons and eventually became a graduate assistant coach there. He landed a job at Carthage High School in 2010 and then went to Jasper High in 2011. Bryan was at Class 5A Hutto from 20122016. He took the defensive coordinator job at Class 6A Baytown Sterling near Houston in 2017 before coming to S&S in 2018. Prior to arriving at

Howe, he spent three seasons at Sanger as the defensive coordinator. Bryan’s legacy in Howe will be one that turned around the Bulldogs program that had gone 7-43 in the five seasons before his arrival. He put together the first winning season and the first playoff season for Howe since 2016 in his first year. He will also be known for producing skilled athletes in middle school that will soon benefit whoever becomes the 28th head coach of the Howe Bulldogs.

Lance Bryan moments after clinching the playoffs at Lone Oak on November 3, 2022. Photo by Michelle Carney.


May 20, 2024

Former Howe coach honored with surprise retirement party

Joey McQueen After 41 years in education, Joey McQueen officially retired over the weekend as the principal at Lampasas High School. He was hired as an assistant football coach in Howe in 1988 and became the head coach in Howe

in 1990 and led the Dogs to a District, Bi-District, and Area Championship. His coaching and administrative journey took the McQueens to 14 schools during his time.

Elementary and Secondary Teachers of the Year

Tela Brockelman Elementary Teacher of the Year

Kerry Kelly Secondary Teacher of the Year




May 20, 2024

Hot Jobs Job Title GENERAL PRODUCTION workintexas.com Posting ID 16341287 Location Sherman Posting Close Date 06/28/2024 Posting Link https:// bit.ly/3UITJtR Description A local company is looking for GENERAL PRODUCTION who will be responsible for entry level non-skilled general labor while maintaining a safe work environment and adhering to company policies and procedures. Applicants will be considered for any general labor type opening on any shift.

Job Title RELATIONSHIP BANKER I workintexas.com Posting ID 16394075 Location Sherman Posting Close Date 07/29/2024 Posting Link https:// bit.ly/4dIJgaA Description A local company is looking for a RELATIONSHIP BANKER I who will follow proper procedures accurately and efficiently for all customer-servicing activities performed. As well as maintain a basic knowledge of all products, services, procedures, policies, and appropriate regulatory issues relating to daily job functions.

This position requires a minimum of 6 months of related experience.

This position requires a High School Diploma or Equivalent, and a minimum of 1 year of related experience.

Bulk Trash Pickup 2nd Friday of each month in Howe.

City of Howe SECONDS COUNT IN AN EMERGENCY! That's why the City of Howe has instituted the CodeRED Emergency Notification System - an ultra high-speed telephone communication service for emergency notifications. This system allows us to telephone all or targeted areas in case of an emergency situation that requires immediate action (such as a boil-water notice, missing child or evacuation notices). The system is capable of dialing 60,000 phone numbers per hour. It then delivers a pre-recorded message describing the situations to a live person or an answering machine in the affected area possibly including instructions requiring action on the part of the recipient. Once the situation is remedied, another call will be placed to the area signaling that the issue has been addressed and that normal activities can be resumed. The following information is required to add a telephone number into the "CodeRED" database: first and last name; address (physical address, no P.O. boxes); city; state; Zip Code; and primary phone number. The system works with cellular phones but requires a valid street address. When entering information, please fill out all of the screens because the newest data entered will replace the old data. Sign up by visiting http://www.co.grayson.tx.us/page/oem.cred

2023-24 Local taxation State Sales Tax General Revenue Sales Tax Economic Development (Type B) Sales Tax Total

6.25 % 1.25%

City of Howe Tax Rate Howe I.S.D Tax Rate Grayson County Tax Rate Grayson College Tax Rate Total (per $100 valuation)

$0.53 $1.05 $0.31 $0.15 $2.04

0.75 % 8.25 %

City Hall 116 E. Haning St., 903-532-5571 Mayor: Karla McDonald City Council: Michael Hill, Rodney Hough, Billie Ingram, Sarah Myrick, Joe Shephard City Administrator: Monte Walker City Secretary: Michelle Hewitt Utility Billing and Municipal Court 116 E. Haning St. 903-532-5571 Utility Clerk: Beccy Roberts Court Clerk: Julia McLaughlin (After hours night drop available) Public Works 317 S. Hughes St. Public Works Director: Mickey Phillips Code Enforcement 317 S. Hughes St. Code Enforcement Officer: Benjamin Fuhr Howe Fire Department/EMS 118 E. Haning 903-532-6888 (nonemergency) Fire Chief: Robert Maniet Howe Police Department 700 W. Haning St. 903-532-9971 (non-emergency) Dispatch 903-813-4411 Police Chief: Carl Hudman Economic Development City Council meets third Tuesday at 100 E. O’Connell St. at 6 pm. Planning & Zoning Commission Meets third Monday as needed Howe Community Facilities Development Corporation 903-532-6080 Howetexas.org EDC Director: Monte Walker Meets as needed For more information visit the city website www.cityofhowe.org

Cityofhowe.org City of Howe Water, Sewer, Refuse collection rates - one bill


May 20, 2024

Texas History Minute After the guns fall silent and the parades pass by, how should a family, friends, and a community continue to remember those who give their Ken Bridges lives for their country? While politicians and scholars debate the impact of particular wars, those closest to those men and women who perished in war are left with the bitter tears and broken hearts. As a way to honor the fallen and grieve their loss, Memorial Day was established as a day for that purpose. The modern observance has its roots in the Civil War. It had been a tradition for many years in many areas up to the 1860s, but especially in the rural South, for cemetery associations, churches, and families to take a day in spring to clean the wild growth of weeds at the graves of loved ones as well as plant flowers or decorate the graves in some way. As much as it was an act of remembrance and respect for those who had passed on, it was also a time for communities and families to come together. There had already been special observances at cemeteries for the Civil War fallen while the war still raged on. After the Civil War had ended in 1865, the nation mourned the loss of nearly 700,000 lives. Brother had fought against brother; cousin had fought against cousin. Shortages of food and medicine and disruptions of the few basic services that existed added to the civilian deaths across the South. In those moments, the political and ideological divisions that had separated North and South for so long fell away, and bitter foes and separated families were reunited in grief. Some southerners were setting aside days to honor the Confederacy’s fallen. Starting in 1866, the Ladies Memorial Association in Georgia began marking April 26 as a day of remembrance, marking the anniversary of the surrender of Confederate Gen. Joseph E. Johnston as Memorial Day, an observance that soon spread. After 1868, southern states began making Confederate Memorial Day into state holidays. However, some organizations, such as the Grand Army of the Republic, a society of Union war veterans, helped establish and spread the tradition of Decoration Day in the South. The organization was founded shortly after the Civil War. In 1868, Union Gen. John A. Logan, now head of the Grand Army of the Republic, called for Decoration Day to take place on May 30

of that year to honor the deceased of both sides. Why the particular day was chosen has been a matter of speculation by historians for some time. Some theorize that it was chosen to avoid marking the anniversary of any particular battle or major event in the war while others believed it was for more practical purposes given the later arrival of spring in the North. The organization faltered in the South in the 1870s and was reorganized across the region in the 1880s, with dozens of chapters in Arkansas. Decoration Day activities were just one activity but became an important tradition. Annual Decoration Day activities included work at cemeteries for both northern and southern dead and educating children about the importance of the day. As early as the 1880s, Decoration Day began to be called Memorial Day, and this only became more common in the early 1900s. After World War I, the scope of Decoration Day began to change. More than 117,000 American soldiers died in just a few months of fighting in Europe in 1917 through 1918. Though Armistice Day on November 11 (which became Veterans Day in 1954) came to honor the service of the soldiers of World War I, the tradition of honoring those who died in wartime continued. Now more than 50 years after the end of the Civil War, and with those survivors and their widows passing on, their children and grandchildren continued to honor the memories of the Civil War and added those who died in their generation’s great conflict. Though it was recognized by many states as a holiday and had expanded into an honored tradition in many communities, it was not a holiday observed at the same time nationwide. Gradually, it expanded to include all those men and women who died in all wars. In 1968, President Lyndon Johnson singed the Uniform Monday Holiday Act into law, which created the threeday Memorial Day weekend, moving it from the May 30 date that so many states already observed. Since 1971, as part of that act, Memorial Day has been observed on the last Monday in May as an official federal holiday. Today the Department of Veterans Affairs manages 135 national cemeteries. Hundreds of thousands of Americans have died in American wars since the nation’s founding, and Memorial Day is but one moment to stop and reflect on what they died for. Though these men and women were but ordinary people with their own lives and dreams for the future, they died so that others may have theirs.


Do we love God and ourselves enough to change? I recently read a story about an elderly preacher who was invited each week to speak at a school in Africa and he made a tremendous Dr. Billy Holland impact on the children. In every lesson, he would begin and conclude by leading them into confessing the phrases, self-control, self-discipline, and sound mind. One of the young students in these classes is now a man who remembers how they recited these words so much they became a part of their vocabulary. When the children would see him walking down the streets, they would shout, “self-control, self-disciple, and sound mind” and he would shout them back. He explains at the time he didn’t understand the weight and the sense of commitment these words carried, but over the years he developed a deeper wisdom about these principles that everyone can possess to fulfill the mandate that God has given them here on earth. I embrace the power of positive confessions and believe it’s beneficial to speak God’s promises over our lives and those we love. It’s directly associated with faith in what He says and helps bring us to a place of maturity where we know He is listening. According to His perfect will, He can create the fruit of our lips and wants to demonstrate His truth. There is a carnal idea that we can name and claim whatever we want which is based more on our will than His. True spiritual confessions repeat and confirm what God has told us as we come into agreement with a revelation of His spiritual authority and victory that Christ wants us to walk in. As with every purpose, we realize that God wants to share His thoughts and agenda with us so that we can know what He is doing and how He wants to use us. These positive and powerful battle cries are critical to the faith and encouragement of every devoted warrior of Jesus as they fervently fight on the front lines for His glory. Without self-control, we are as James describes like a wave on the sea tossed here and there as it’s declared that a double-minded person is unstable and cannot receive anything from the Lord.

Let us train our minds and develop an awareness of God’s presence to stay focused on our mission. We cannot walk in the Spirit of God and continue to serve our carnal nature, as Matthew chapter 6 clearly explains that we cannot serve two masters at once. Either we will hate the one and love the other. Without self-discipline to learn divine wisdom and resist temptation, we will remain defeated by the many snare traps that are set for us every day. Without a sound mind, we become an easy target of the enemy to become infected with doubting and compromising that causes us to be unstable in our spiritual convictions. When we look closely at our relationship with Christ and the gift of salvation, we do not see within God’s word where we automatically live as an overcomer for Him. On the contrary, while everything is provided, the gifts, armor, sound mind, wisdom, faith, love, discernment, holiness, joy, passion, and all the other tools and weapons of our warfare, do not just fall out of the air. They must become a relentless vision that we pursue and intentionally incorporate within our minds. When anyone is successful in anything, we learn that achievement does not happen with a half-hearted effort. They decided that nothing (including pain) would prevent them from being driven to succeed. Can we compare this level of intensity to being possessed to please God? Yes. One definition of self-control is, “The ability to manage one’s impulses, emotions, and behaviors to accomplish long-term goals especially when facing resistance and discouragement.” Until we comprehend what it will take to become the best version of ourselves for God, we will find ourselves rendered powerless to the desires of our fleshly feelings and carnal nature. The question is do we love God and ourselves enough to change? Overcoming in this life is about resisting the internal and external influences that are battling us for control. Since Self-control is a fruit of the Spirit, it’s given to empower us to like Christ as we strive to fulfill the Father’s plans. If we sincerely want to change how we live, we must change our habits, and the only person that has the power to replace bad habits with good ones is ourselves. Dr. Holland is a Christian minister, chaplain, and author. Read more about the Christian life at billyhollandministries.com.



May 20, 2024

Attend the Church of Your Choice

Each Sunday...

Times are subject to change. Please check with each church for any possible changes

First Baptist Church Dorchester Zach Poling, pastor 11831 FM 902, Dorchester, TX 75459 903-476-5525 Wednesday 6:30 pm - Worship service Sunday 9:00 am - Men's Prayer Time 9:45 am - Sunday School 10:45 am - Worship Service 5:00 pm - Evening Service Summit View Church Brett and Deb Hetrick, pastors

Community Bible Fellowship Jeremy Moore, pastor

Howe Methodist Church of Howe JB Bryant, minister

415 S Collins Fwy, Howe, TX 75459 Wednesday 6:30 pm - Food and Fellowship 7:00 pm - Community Kids (ages 3 6th grade, nursery available) 7:00 pm - Youth and Adult Bible Study Sunday 10:30 am - Worship Service

810 N Denny St, Howe, TX 75459 903-532-6718 Tuesday: 8:30am - 1:00pm WeeCare Daycare (Registration needed) 9:30am - Women's Bible Study 6:30pm - Boy Scouts Wednesday: 9:00am - Wednesday Workers 6:00pm - 1st and 3rd Wednesdays Family Night Thursday: 8:30am - 1:00pm - WeeCare Daycare (Registration needed) Saturday: 9:00am-12:00pm - Feed My Sheep (1st & 3rd Sat. of each month) Sunday: 8:30am - Coffee and Donuts 9:00am - Sunday School 10:00am - Worship Service 3:00pm Cub Scouts

First Baptist Church Howe Roger Tidwell, pastor 100 E. Davis St., Howe, TX 903-5325504 Wednesday 5:30 pm—Free Meal 6:30 pm - Team Kid 6:30 pm - Youth Ministry 6:30 pm - Adult Bible Fellowship Sunday 9:15 am - Bible Fellowship 10:30am - Worship Service 6:00 pm—Potluck Fellowship and Bible Study

910 S Denny St, Howe, TX 75459 903-532-6828 Wednesday 7:00 pm - Radiate Youth 7:00 pm - Sanctuary of for prayer Sunday 9:30 am - Sunday School (kids, youth, women, men) 10:30 am - Worship Service 10:30 am - Kids Church Howe Church of Christ Aaron Alsbrook, minister 1205 N Collins Fwy, Howe, TX 75459 903-532-6441 Wednesday 7:00 pm - Bible Classes (all ages) Sunday 9:00 am - Bible Classes (all ages) 10:00 am - Worship Service 5:00 pm - Worship Service

Acts 4:31 After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.



Howe Enterprise

Air Conditioning & Heating

• •

Baker Air Conditioning & Heating Essential Home Performance, LLC

Hunter Knepshield of Texas Malachi 310 Construction Rock Express, LLC


Anna Kids Dentistry Howe Family Dentistry

• •

• • • •

Bob Utter Ford


First United Bank First National Bank of Tom Bean Independent Financial Legend Bank

Barber/Hair Salon

Good Fellas Barber Shop

Funeral Homes

Boat Storage

Scoggins Funeral Home

Anchorz Boat & RV Storage


Don's Smokehouse


Tracy Events Catering & Carryout Shop

• • • •

Firearms & Sporting Goods


• •

Information Technology Texas Data and VoIP Security


Koti Academy



• •

First Baptist Church of Howe Summit View Church


DIFY Home Services Howe Metal Works

Corey Hernandez State Farm Texas Farm Bureau Insurance, Darren Foster – Agent David Rodriguez State Farm Ed Meacham State Farm Jessie Brown Farmers Insurance

Tek Wav



903 Brewers

Lacey Tucker Guild Mortgage




Party Rentals and Décor

Chase's All Time Jumpers

Pest Control

Pest Hunters & Pond MGMT

HIT Roof & Exteriors Neff's Roofing & Construction OK Roofers Southern Cross Remodeling & Roofing

Guns N More

Bainbrook Apartments M&M Properties

Rethink Wealth


Financial & Investments


Rapid Electric

Angels of Care

Michael Taylor - Keller Williams Nicole Faye Sells Texas, LLC The Llama Realty Group


Howe Community Library Howe ISD

Auto & Motorcycle

Texas Farm Bureau Insurance, Loretta Anderson – Agent



May 20, 2024


Beyond the Barn Photography


• • •

Retail & Shopping

• •

Cora Grace Boutique Debby Edwards Pink Zebra Howe Mercantile


Brother Plumber Torque Plumbing

Professional Services

Howe Mini-Storage

Provider Business Partners TLD Design Consulting

Tax Advisors

Smith-Garner CPA


Adams Automotive

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Public Utilities & Environment

Atmos Energy Grayson -Collin Electric Cooperative, Inc.

Real Estate

Amy Gibbs - United Real Estate-Insight Realty Erica Dunnihoo, Realtor® Maureen Kane, REALTOR®, ParagonREALTORS®

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May 20, 2024


85years ago this week


May 20, 2024

60 years ago this week



May 20, 2024

50 years ago this week



May 20, 2024

40 years ago this week



May 20, 2024

35 years ago this week



May 20, 2024

30 years ago this week



May 20, 2024

25 years ago this week



May 20, 2024

20 years ago this week


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