62.11 Howe Enterprise July 22, 2024

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Grayson Publishing, LLC

© 2024 The Howe Enterprise

Volume 62, Edition 11, Monday, July 22, 2024 With five Mondays in the month and over 10 years of not taking a week off and never missing a publication, we are not going to issue a publication next Monday, July 29, 2024.

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City contracts J&J Utility Rowdy Vest hired as Consulting for water interim Howe Police Chief and and sewer management

The Howe Middle School will have Sixth Grade Orientation on Thursday, August 8 at 5:30 and 6:15 which are two identical sessions. Students can bring supplies for their lockers. Taking criticism is part of life and can often be very beneficial in the right situation, but when you experience a personal attack coming from someone you once highly respected, it makes you question everything about what you thought you knew about a person. Mike Segleski has accepted a position to start the football program at Cornerstone Christian Academy in McKinney. While this is a loss for Howe ISD, Segleski, in our humble opinion, was born to coach. He is one of the truly good guys in the profession and the young athletes at Cornerstone are the winners in this hire. Good luck Coach! Joe Biden announced Sunday that he will no longer be a candidate for re-election as the Democrat nominee creating a last-second switch. EDITOR’S NOTE—This column is reserved as an editorial column and may not necessarily reflect the policy of this publication.


Dr. Robert Malone, pg. 6 Hot Jobs, City Info, pg. 9 History/Christian, pg. 10 Local Churches, pg. 11 Chamber Members, pg. 12 Past front pages, 13-20 Howe Enterprise Readership January 2024—July 20 2024 EDITOR’S NOTE—This column is reISSU stats served as an editorial column and may not 85,852 impressions necessarily reflect the policy of this publication.HoweEnteprisePhotos.com 4,204,971 photo views

Rowdy Vest swearing in at Saturday’s Special Council Meeting. Longtime friend and mentor Steve Simmons stood with him. Staff photo. The City of Howe has found a former Texoma police officer to serve as Interim Police Chief. In a special city council meeting called for Saturday evening, the council voted unanimously to hire Rowdy Vest, a Celina native and 28-year veteran law enforcement of-

ficer. The vote was 4-0 with councilman Ricky Price absent from the meeting. Vest retired honorably from Frisco Police Department in 2022, has agreed to fill the position of leadership. He started his career in 1995 with

Denison PD and is a graduate from Celina High School and has a bachelor’s degree from Southeastern Oklahoma and a master’s degree from Amberton University.

At Tuesday’s Howe City Council meeting, former Van Alstyne Public Works Director Justin Johnson addressed the council for a 2-year contract with his company J&J Utilities and Consulting which was eventually approved for the amount of $12,500 per month and provides a combined 45 years of experience in the water and sewer field. He brings Jerry Davis, a Howe native and former City of Van Alstyne public works employee with him under the contract. Both will serve the City of Howe and maintain all water wells under their multiple licenses.

Justin Johnson Johnson carries a Class C Sewer license while Davis holds a Class C Water license. After leaving the City of Van Alstyne, he formed his own company that (Continued on page 5)

Howe Intermediate School has a new principal Vest has over 18 years of (Continued on page 4)

Changing of the guard Carl Hudman out as police chief after two stints covering 11 years At Tuesday’s Howe City Council meeting, longtime Howe Police Chief Carl Hudman was terminated by a four to none vote with former Howe police sergeant and current Howe ISD police officer Michael Hill abstaining from the vote. According to the June 18 agenda, the Council met in executive session to discuss the police chief position. On Friday, June 12, Tuesday’s agenda was posted listing the termination of Hudman as the third action item. The room was filled with members of the previous city officials including former Mayor Bill

Carl Hudman in 2015. Staff photo. French, former Mayor and City Administrator Jeff Stanley, and former City Administrator and Councilman Joe Shephard. Hudman was also surrounded by members of the Howe Police Department and the former city secretary. The

room also had the presence of a Grayson County Sheriff’s Deputy to ensure safety during the meeting. Hudman was given a 5year contract at the final city council meeting be(Continued on page 2)

Paula Lashley was approved by the Howe ISD School Board on Monday to be the new Howe Intermediate School Principal. She comes from Celina where she was the assistant principal. Her teaching career began in 2006 at Gunter ISD and then took a position at Frisco ISD. She replaces Mike Segleski who resigned to resume his coaching career.


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Former City Administrator and Councilman Joe Shephard sending off Carl Hudman in July 2017 as he resigned for a position in Alaska. Staff photo. (Continued from page 1)

fore the May 2023 election when thenMayor French was defeated by current Mayor Karla McDonald.

proached the podium and cut off Shephard saying that his comments are not allowed due to public comments not being on the agenda. Walker said Shephard was out of order.

The item was brought to the table after a brief recess for a Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. There was no discussion before a quick motion was made by recently elected Shawn Tyler to terminate Hudman and adhere to his severance pay outlined in his contract. The motion was seconded by Billie Ingram. Mayor Karla McDonald called for a show of hands and at that very moment, Shephard shouted from the audience, “are you going to have a voice vote? Are you going to afford him the decency to look him in the eye as you vote officially?”

“I can be out of order all I want. I have a question,” said Shephard who is well aware of how the procedure works and was in stark contrast to his days as city administrator when he would often shut down public comments in the same fashion that Walker took.

City Administrator Monte Walker ap-

(Continued on page 3)

Shephard again shouted, “Do you have the decency to look him in the eye when you vote.” That led Walker to tell the council members to ‘move forward please which drew another response from Shephard.



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Former Howe Police Chief Carl Hudman awarding David Morris with the 2015 Officer of the Year Award in January 2016. Staff photo. (Continued from page 2)

After action was taken by the council to terminate Hudman, he and his attorney Ed Richardson, Howe Police Officers, French, Stanley, and Shephard exited the building. Walker named HPD Sergeant David Morris the Officer-in-Command after the meeting. Hudman was originally hired by the City Council in January 2013 and started soon thereafter replacing John Cherry. He resigned in July of 2017 taking a federal position in Alaska but returned a year later. He began his law enforcement career as a reserve officer in North Carolina

in 1985 after his military career in the US Marine Corps. He returned to North Texas to work as an officer for the Bonham Police Department before landing with the Sherman PD where he spent 24 years until 2011. He then became the Chief of Police in Tioga before landing the same position in Howe. The following day, the city posted a Special Meeting agenda for Saturday at 6 pm at Summit Gardens. On the agenda was for the council to go into executive session and discuss and possibly taking action to hire an interim police chief. On Saturday, Rowdy Vest was hired as interim police chief. Vest began his duties Saturday night after being sworn in.

© 2024 The Howe Enterprise




July 22, 2024

Interim Chief Vest (Continued from page 1)

police supervision, including supervising the Special Investigative Unit for the city of Frisco for five years. He has a Masters Peace Officers License with thousands of hours in TCOLE training. Since retiring from Frisco, Vest has started and co-owns Defensify Security Solutions based in Gunter Texas. Defensify is a security film company that is designed to stop/deter active shooters from entering schools. Governor Abbott mandated security film on all schools after the Uvalde massacre. Defensify has secured hundreds of schools across Texas, including Sherman and Denison ISD’s. Vest has been recognized for his close work with DEA, where he served as a narcotic investigator for approximately 10 years. Vest was also awarded the Medal of Valor for his actions in the 2004 shootout with a murder suspect in downtown Sherman Texas. Vest was sworn in Saturday evening and immediately began work that night introducing himself to Sergeant David Morris and Sergeant Brian McLaren who were present at the meeting. His goal is to fill the two open officer positions to allow for a full staff. Vest was coached by G.A. Moore while playing football for the Celina Bobcats. He also has a long relationship with Steve Simmons who

Rowdy Vest coached at Celina before coming to Howe. Vest’s Bobcat teams were defeated by Howe in 1989 for what eventually decided the district championship. The following year of 1990, top10-ranked Celina and district runner-up Howe met in one of the greatest Class 2A games in Texoma history where the Bulldogs advanced in the first round in a 14-14 tie. In those games, Vest played against Howe City Administrator Monte Walker. “I heard about him for years playing against him and he was one of the best football players I ever faced,” said Walker. “But I only recently met him and as good of a football player he was, he’s a better human being. He’s the type of leader Howe needs at this moment and we’re very fortunate to have someone of Rowdy’s character to lead our police department.”



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Public Works (Continued from page 1)

contracts with multiple cities, however, his day-to-day operations will be in Howe along with Davis. Johnson was initially contracted for a 3 -month term that did not include other sub-contracted workers other than himself. With the current Public Works Director being out since April 30, part of Johnson’s responsibility is to manage the staff during the absence. The City of Howe recently had two licensed water operators resign leaving a large void as of Friday, June 21. Johnson was contracted on Monday, June 24 and began work immediately that morning managing the remaining crew members including Bryce Krantz and Dalton Doss. The city recently hired Michael Barham, also a veteran of the public works department in Van Alstyne who started Monday, July 15. Barham carries a Class C water license as well as a license to operate splash pads. He’s also highly skilled in meter systems and water operating systems. Johnson told the council Tuesday that there is room for improvement and growth from employees being more productive and efficient with their time. He indicated that he and Davis being able to check water wells on a daily basis seven days a week will free up the other workers to focus on other items of need such as street repair, mowing, water leaks, and meter readings. He says this will reflect greatly in a reduction of overtime hours that were previously being spent.


City Administrator Monte Walker told the council that Johnson and Davis will ensure that the city is at all times compliant with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and Davis will be an integral part of the upcoming water conversion of the Greater Texoma Utility Authority (GTUA) surface water being taken underneath US Highway 75 from the east to the west side of Howe. “Justin has been serving as acting public works director and has done a remarkable job in that period of time,” Walker told the council. Walker said that the contract fits within the budget because it reduces the amount of overtime that was previously paid as well as bringing on that type of experience without having to pay insurance, retirement, and vehicle expenses that occur with full-time employees. “I believe we have the opportunity to cut down on costs not just in overtime, but also in inventory,” said Johnson to the council. He also stated that he believes he can acquire more competitive vendor pricing, contactor pricing, and overall cost of operations. He stated that since he arrived, the crew has completed numerous past due work orders, have a weekly maintenance schedule for Summit Gardens, fixed a several leaks that had been leaking for months, received training on meter readings, and completed water quality reporting.



July 22, 2024

The Keystone Cops and Cluster Investigation Who's on First?Welcome toThe Great Enshi**ening! By Dr. Robert Malone After the complete and abject failure of the Secret Service in stopping the attempted assassination of our next President of the United States, one would expect that there would be an investigation, maybe even more than one. But watching the news over the last few days has made it painfully clear that the investigations and the investigations of the investigators are to be never-ending. And despite assurances to the contrary, no one organization seems to be leading the way. Furthermore, whatever happened is being swept up into some classified dark hole, never to see the light of day.

Looks like the DHS Inspector General is investigating the Secret Service over their failure. Right? Well, that is weird, given that the United States Secret Service (USSS) is a federal law enforcement agency that operates under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). They are one and the same. Essentially, that means that the same agency that caused this huge security failure will be investigating themselves. However, it isn’t just the DHS that is investigating the security failures of the Secret Service. Apparently, the FBI has already come up with a reason for not investigating. And Congressman Tim Burchett has already called bull**** on their excuse. No… Wait! Should the Biden administration investigate itself? The Biden administration has also launched an investigation. Talk about a self-licking ice cream cone!

The House Oversight Committee has subpoenaed Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle and has also launched an investigation. House Speaker Mike Johnson has announced he also is setting up a task force to investigate the failed response by the Secret Service. Then we have Secret Service Director Cheatle explaining how having Secret Service agents on that low sloping roof could put officers in danger. Having them fall off, as a police officer did to avoid getting shot at by Crooks - well that just wouldn’t be right. A few things come to mind with this. The truth is a local police officer had been on the roof already and when threatened by the shooter, chose to fall off. So, the slope and height of the roof just wasn’t a cause for great concern by the local police force.

So many, many questions…What is also clear is that the leaks and com-

Then there is whole DEI/ESG notion coming from the Secret Service Director that we are all equal and interchangeable. That President Trump’s life is no more expendable or important than an agent’s. In my way of thinking, this goes against every principle of an elite security force. In all this madness, what is clear is that there is no grand plan to all of this. It is all just more Keystone Cops.

ments now being generated by the Federal government about the assassin are being produced to push a narrative.

Such as the only photo of the shooter being shown by MSM is one where it looks like Crooks is posing for his junior high yearbook. Hard to believe that the MSM couldn’t find a more recent photo… Then, there is this comment coming from the FBI. A federal law enforcement bulletin obtained by CBS News identified the gunman as "an apparent lone attacker." The FBI is investigating whether he was a politically motivated homegrown domestic violent extremist. (Continued on page 7)


July 22, 2024

Keystone Cops (Continued from page 6)

Do you feel those words oozing into your head yet? Moving on. According to the FBI, Crooks had no identification, and the AP has written that Crooks had no criminal record. And yet… After being killed at the scene, Crooks didn’t have any identification on his body, so agents had to “run his DNA and get biometric confirmation,” Kevin Rojek, the special agent in charge of the FBI’s Pittsburgh field office, said at a press conference Saturday night before the gunman was named. Why and how does the government have access to the DNA and biometric data of someone who isn’t a criminal? How were was the FBI able to analyze his DNA to discover his identity within an hour plus, after the shooting? What database was used? Has the government just de facto admitted that they have DNA and biometric data on most of us? Since that initial 24-36 hours, the government has essentially shut down information about the shooter, the investigation, and information surrounding the event. Information is now being swept into classified pigeon holes. This is not right.

Even Joe Rogan is perplexed. He just can't quite bring himself to acknowledge the obvious deployment of #PsyWar by the blob and their mockingbird media on the American public.

enormous bet against President Trump’s Truth Social stock ($DJT) ONE DAY before the assassination attempt is Austin Private Wealth LLC, majority held by George Soros’ Vanguard and BlackRock. Coincidentally, BlackRock, a party that would have greatly profited from President Trump’s death, included the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, in a 2022 promotional video. Alex Soros infamously shared an Atlantic Magazine cover image which featured a bullet hole in glass, followed by a picture of cash which added up to the number 47, a message some interpreted as a cryptic death threat against President Trump. Austin Private Wealth LLC is also connected to the late-President George H.W. Bush, who was a client, and through his son, President George W. Bush, who attended events and was involved in the company's charitable initiatives. Bush family close associate James A. Baker III, a former Secretary of State and H.W.’s White House Chief of Staff, has served as the firms Senior Policy Director since its inception in 2006. Being that this was the largest bet the firm has ever taken, it’s fair to presume Baker had a role in making it. It’s also important to remember the moment H.W. made a Sicilian style death motion toward a tv showing President Trump decimating his son Jeb during the 2016 Presidential primary. Lastly, Austin Private Wealth LLC, according to their website, directly supports the ACLU, ADL Austin, Shalom Austin, Jewish Community Center, Camp Young Judaea, Congregation Beth Israel, Austin Jewish Academy, and Hadassah. APW LLC claims that this was all just a technical reporting mistake.

"The whole thing stinks of either incompetence or a design or we're in The Matrix...The whole thing is bananas. He's 20-years-old and then you find out he was in a BlackRock commercial?" And then there is the issue of whether or not Austin Private Wealth LLC (APW LLC) placed a large short put on Trump Media (President Trump’s Truth Social stock ($DJT)) right before the assassination attempt. Per DiedSuddenly_ (on “X”) : The firm that took the suspicious and

“The SEC filing which showed that Austin Private Wealth shorted a large number of shares of Trump Media & Technology Group Corp (DJT) was incorrect and we immediately amended it as soon as we learned of the error. No client of APW holds, or has ever held, a put on DJT in the quantity initially reported. The correct holding amount was 12 contracts, or 1,200 shares — not 12 million shares, as was filed in error. In submitting the required report for the second quarter of 2024, a multiplier was applied by a third-party vendor that increased the number of the shares by a multiple of 10,000 for all options contracts (not just DJT). We did not catch the error before approving the filing. We filed the report on July 12 to reflect our po(Continued on page 8)

© 2024 The Howe Enterprise



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Keystone Cops (Continued from page 7)

sitions on June 28. We amended it on July 16. We deeply regret this error and the concern it has caused, especially at such a fraught moment for our nation. We are committed to full transparency and maintaining the trust of our clients. As such, we are reviewing our internal procedures and our processes with the third-party vendor that assists with SEC filings to better understand how this happened and avoid similar issues moving forward. “ https://austinprivatewealth.com/newsand-events. Here is a new term to add to your vocabulary. “Enshi**ification”. It's a real term coined by a writer at the Financial Times that describes the decay of services. Enshi**ification is a pattern where online services and products experience a decline in quality over time. It is observed as platforms transition through several stages: initially offering high-quality services to attract users, then shifting to favor business customers to increase profitability, and finally focusing on maximizing profits for shareholders at the expense of both users and business customers. This process results in a significant deterioration of the user experience. A variety of platforms have been described as examples of this, including Airbnb, Amazon, Facebook, Google Search, Twitter, Netflix, Bandcamp, YouTube, Reddit, Uber, and Unity.

The neologism "enshi**ification" was coined by writer Cory Doctorow in November 2022 to describe this phenomenon. The American Dialect Society recognized the term's relevance and impact by selecting it as its 2023 Word of the Year. Doctorow has also referred to this concept as platform decay, emphasizing the inevitable decline in service quality due to these profit-driven changes. To tackle and diminish enshi**ification, Doctorow advocates for two fundamental solutions: upholding the end-to-end principle and guaranteeing the right of exit. The end-toend principle asserts that platforms should transmit data in response to user requests rather than algorithmdriven decisions. Ensuring the right of exit entails facilitating user departure

from platforms without data loss, which necessitates interoperability. These strategies aim to uphold the standards and trustworthiness of online platforms, placing emphasis on user satisfaction and encouraging market competition. The use of the term has broadened, and we can probably say the we are seeing the enshi**ification of the Secret Service. We are living through The Great Enshi**ening! There is much to what happened that will always be both unknown and unknowable. However, much is known that isn’t being shared and won’t be shared. Trust in government is broken. The government does not even trust the government. If you take a moment to reflect on all of this, you will see that it clearly demonstrates that the “government” knows it has been corrupted. Welcome to PsyWar - based civil war, where we all are forced to live in a post -truth world. “We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country.” ―Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn




July 22, 2024

Hot Jobs


Job Title DIE CAST OPERATOR workintexas.com Posting ID 16454830 Location Denison Posting Close Date 08/21/24 Posting Link https:// bit.ly/3SdfD8q Description A local company is looking for a DIE CAST OPERATOR who will be responsible for operation of manual, semiautomatic, and automatic die casting machines which produce a variety of die-cast parts. The operator will be responsible for the removal, installation, and operation of diecast dies.

This position prefers a High School Diploma or Equivalent, and a minimum of 1 year of related experience.

This position requires a High School Diploma or Equivalent and prefers a minimum of 1 year of related experience.

Job Title GENERAL LABORER PRODUCTION workintexas.com Posting ID 16439570 Location Gunter Posting Close Date 08/30/24 Posting Link https:// bit.ly/4bLiL3m Description A local company is looking for GENERAL LABORER PRODUCTION who will follow the manufacturing process based on the production line (pipes or boxes).

Bulk Trash Pickup 2nd Friday of each month in Howe.

City of Howe SECONDS COUNT IN AN EMERGENCY! That's why the City of Howe has instituted the CodeRED Emergency Notification System - an ultra high-speed telephone communication service for emergency notifications. This system allows us to telephone all or targeted areas in case of an emergency situation that requires immediate action (such as a boil-water notice, missing child or evacuation notices). The system is capable of dialing 60,000 phone numbers per hour. It then delivers a pre-recorded message describing the situations to a live person or an answering machine in the affected area possibly including instructions requiring action on the part of the recipient. Once the situation is remedied, another call will be placed to the area signaling that the issue has been addressed and that normal activities can be resumed. The following information is required to add a telephone number into the "CodeRED" database: first and last name; address (physical address, no P.O. boxes); city; state; Zip Code; and primary phone number. The system works with cellular phones but requires a valid street address. When entering information, please fill out all of the screens because the newest data entered will replace the old data. Sign up by visiting http://www.co.grayson.tx.us/page/oem.cred

2023-24 Local taxation

City Hall 116 E. Haning St., 903-532-5571 Mayor: Karla McDonald City Council: Michael Hill, Sarah Myrick, Billie Ingram, Shawn Tyler, Ricky Price. City Administrator: Monte Walker City Secretary: Michelle Hewitt Utility Billing and Municipal Court 116 E. Haning St. 903-532-5571 Utility Clerk: Beccy Roberts Court Clerk:/Permit Clerk: Amy Bond (After hours night drop available) Public Works 317 S. Hughes St. Public Works Director: Mickey Phillips Code Enforcement 317 S. Hughes St. Code Enforcement Officer: Benjamin Fuhr Howe Fire Department/EMS 118 E. Haning 903-532-6888 (nonemergency) Fire Chief: Robert Maniet Howe Police Department 700 W. Haning St. 903-532-9971 (non-emergency) Dispatch 903-813-4411 Interim Police Chief: Rowdy Vest City Council meets third Tuesday at 100 E. O’Connell St. at 6 pm.

State Sales Tax General Revenue Sales Tax Economic Development (Type B) Sales Tax Total

6.25 % 1.25%

Planning & Zoning Commission Meets third Monday as needed

0.75 % 8.25 %

City of Howe Tax Rate Howe I.S.D Tax Rate Grayson County Tax Rate Grayson College Tax Rate Total (per $100 valuation)

$0.53 $1.05 $0.31 $0.15 $2.04

Howe Community Facilities Development Corporation 903-532-6080 Howetexas.org EDC Director: Monte Walker Meets as needed For more information visit the city website www.cityofhowe.org

Cityofhowe.org City of Howe Water, Sewer, Refuse collection rates - one bill


Texas History Minute The twentieth century opened up a new frontier for innovation and adventure: the skies. With the first successful airplane flight of Orville and Ken Bridges Wilbur Wright in 1903, airplanes began making rapid advances that would change transportation forever. Aviation had come to stay, and Texas would play an important early role. Two pilots in particular, Louis Paulhan of France and American army pilot Ben Foulois, would make Texas an important center in aviation as they completed the first airplane flights in the state. Paulhan was a jovial French aviator who took the world by storm. He was one of the first ten licensed pilots in France and one of only a handful around the globe. In a short time, he became one of the best in the world. In January 1910, he broke his own record by flying at an altitude of more than 4,000 feet at a California air show. Later that year, he would complete the longest flight to that time: more than four hours in the air. Huge crowds came to see him flying an airplane, the new technological wonder, as he brought his air show to Texas. And on February 18, 1910, he completed an important milestone in Texas History: he completed the first successful airplane flight in the state. And he had only learned to fly a plane the year before. Most of the early advances in Texas aviation would come from the military. The army quickly became interested in airplanes and worked with Orville and Wilbur Wright for pilot training and purchasing airplanes. Lt. Ben Foulois, a Connecticut native whose first flight was with Wilbur Wright in 1909, was ordered to Ft. Sam Houston in San Antonio in 1910 with a Wright Model A Military Flyer for experimental flights. It was the only plane the army even had at the time. Foulois later quipped that for a time he was the entire United States Air Force. Just a month after Paulhan’s groundbreaking flight, Foulois completed the first successful military airplane flight in Texas on March 2, 1910. He made four brief flights that day, accidentally crashing the plane on one flight. After repairing the plane, Foulois had a seat belt installed as well, noting the need for pilot safety. The somewhat centralized position of Texas in comparison to the rest of the country, the mild climates, and wideopen fields absent of mountains or thick forests across North and Central Texas were seen by aviators as great advantages for early aircraft. Foulois began training new pilots. As the Mexican Revolution swirled across the Texas border, the army was employing pilots for reconnaissance missions along the border as early as 1911. The 1st Aero Squadron was organized on March 5, 1913, at Fort Sam Houston, the army’s first aviation squadron. As the number of pilots grew, by March 1914, the Aviation Section of the Signal Corps was established within the army. Eventually, aviation separated into its own branch. By the end of 1915, the squadron consisted of 300 pilots and support technicians and more than fifty


July 22, 2024

aircraft, mostly scattered Martin T tractor planes, Curtiss R-2 biplanes, and Curtiss JN-3 “Jenny” biplanes. When raiders under Pancho Villa attacked the small border town of Columbus, New Mexico, in March 1916, the squadron was reassigned from San Antonio to Columbus in order to assist Gen. John J. Pershing’s punitive raid into Mexico. However, the technology was still so primitive and reliability so limited that the planes were shipped to New Mexico by train. The planes were used mostly for reconnaissance purposes and for relaying messages to the different units under Pershing’s command. Though the planes faced serious problems because of the thin mountain air, the squadron was successful in their reconnaissance efforts.

World War I created a massive surge in aviation in the state. The air station at Ft. Sam Houston expanded rapidly and became Kelly Field. Love Field, then just north of Dallas, was established by the army in 1917 as a training center for army pilots. That same year, Call Field opened in Wichita Falls as an army flight school. The University of Texas offered classes in radio and aviation to cadets. British pilots also came to Texas for training, as Pershing invited the Royal Flying Corps to establish flight schools in the United States. Royal Flying Corps cadets from England and Canada trained at Camp Taliaferro in Fort Worth starting in 1917 and set up three small airfields across Tarrant County for new pilots: Hicks Field near Saginaw, Barron Field near Everman, and Benbrook Field just north of Benbrook. Through these training centers, Allied air power expanded rapidly, but most closed in the years after the war ended. Though the federal government experimented with delivery of the mail as early as 1911, regular air mail service did not begin until May 1918. Texas air mail routes would not become available until the mid-1920s. Meanwhile, aviation continued to expand across Texas in spite of post-war military cutbacks. The City of Dallas purchased Love Field from the army in 1927, and other cities began constructing their own air fields while private aviation firms and passenger airlines began operating. As for Foulois and Paulhan, they remained respected figures in aviation. Both survived World War I as decorated war heroes. Paulhan was a special guest on Air France’s inaugural non-stop jet flight from Paris to Los Angeles in 1960. He lived quietly in France until his death in 1963. Foulois eventually became head of the army air corps and retired as a major general in 1935 and lived his later years on the grounds of Andrews Air Force Base before his death in 1967. Today, aviation continues to a large role in the state’s economy, from both military and civilian efforts. Texas today is home to some of the busiest airports in the world, boasts aerospace manufacturing firms, and serves as the headquarters for some of the nation’s largest airlines. After a century of flight, aviation had grown to a multi-billion dollar industry in the state, employing more than 135,000 Texans and allowing hunderds of thousands to fly across the globe.

God is an ever-present help in trouble On September 25, 2000, two years after being diagnosed with bipolar disorder, 19year-old Kevin Hines in a state of chaos and despair, atDr. Billy Holland tempted to commit suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. He fell more than 220 feet to the freezing dark waters of the Pacific Ocean, slamming into it at 75 miles per hour. The fall took only 4 seconds, and no one was more surprised that he had survived than Kevin himself. You see, the bridge was completed in 1937 and since that time nearly 2,000 people are known to have jumped to their deaths. What makes Kevin unique? He is the only known survivor. The impact shattered three of his vertebrae and came within two millimeters of severing his spine and yet he did not die. During his rapid descent, Hines recalled an instantaneous feeling of regret as he prayed, “God, I don’t want to die. Please help me.” While under the water and realizing he was not dreaming, he suddenly had an overwhelming will to live. However, the weight of his clothes kept dragging him down below the surface. For what felt like an eternity, it took all of his strength to resurface for just a few seconds at a time to take a gulp of air and then he would go down again. Suddenly he felt a strange force from below pushing him upward. What in the world was under him? Only later did he learn that eyewitnesses from the bridge had seen the mystery that was keeping him afloat: a large sea lion came to his rescue by supporting his body above the water until the Coast Guard could pick him up. This true account is nearly on the level of Biblical proportions, and one that we know is nothing less than a miracle. Experiencing extreme mood swings, Kevin was hearing voices telling him he was not worthy to live, and slowly he was beginning to believe them. Many people suffer from mental diseases and chemical imbalances that are not their fault. Kevin battled suicidal thoughts hours before his attempt. “I remember waking up my father early

in the morning and telling him I loved him. My dad woke up with a concerned look and asked me if I was okay, to which I paused and responded, yes. Shortly after, my father went back to sleep, I remember rocking myself back and forth at the side of his bed in the dark, desperately trying to come up with the words to explain how I truly felt.” That night, Hines hoped his father would convince him to change his mind. The mind is also vulnerable to spiritual deception when external voices from the dark side attempt to deceive and mislead. King Solomon mentions in Proverbs 4:23, “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” This verse suggests that guarding your mind and thoughts determines how you live your life. Every life has been created by God and has a carefully designed purpose. Jesus loves you and wants you to live! He would have still gone to the cross if you were the only person on earth. Thoughts of hopelessness are lies, God will always be our eternal hope! When depression becomes more than you can handle seek help immediately and call on God. He is our great deliverer. Psalm 91 says, “I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust.” Kevin He has been a mental health advocate since his recovery and spends his time and energy to encourage those who struggle through the same battles that he knows only too well. As a motivational speaker, he emphasizes the importance of mental wellness and provides lifesaving resources for those who may be struggling with suicide. He encourages men and women to turn to God and ask Him to break their negative thinking patterns. Kevin continues, “If you’re ever stuck in a negative thought pattern you can’t get out of, find a mirror, any mirror, and look into it and say, I am not my thoughts. I am not how I feel right now. I can choose to live, to thrive, and embrace the gift called life.” His survival of the Golden Gate Bridge leap is now the catalyst for inspiring countless others to choose life and reminds us that living mentally well takes time, endurance, hard work, support, and faith. Dr. Holland is an ordained minister, chaplain, and Christian author. You can read more about the Christian life at billyhollandministries.com



July 22, 2024

Attend the Church of Your Choice

Each Sunday...

Times are subject to change. Please check with each church for any possible changes

First Baptist Church Dorchester Zach Poling, pastor 11831 FM 902, Dorchester, TX 75459 903-476-5525 Wednesday 6:30 pm - Worship service Sunday 9:00 am - Men's Prayer Time 9:45 am - Sunday School 10:45 am - Worship Service 5:00 pm - Evening Service Summit View Church Brett and Deb Hetrick, pastors

Community Bible Fellowship Jeremy Moore, pastor

Howe Methodist Church of Howe JB Bryant, minister

415 S Collins Fwy, Howe, TX 75459 Wednesday 6:30 pm - Food and Fellowship 7:00 pm - Community Kids (ages 3 6th grade, nursery available) 7:00 pm - Youth and Adult Bible Study Sunday 10:30 am - Worship Service

810 N Denny St, Howe, TX 75459 903-532-6718 Tuesday: 8:30am - 1:00pm WeeCare Daycare (Registration needed) 9:30am - Women's Bible Study 6:30pm - Boy Scouts Wednesday: 9:00am - Wednesday Workers 6:00pm - 1st and 3rd Wednesdays Family Night Thursday: 8:30am - 1:00pm - WeeCare Daycare (Registration needed) Saturday: 9:00am-12:00pm - Feed My Sheep (1st & 3rd Sat. of each month) Sunday: 8:30am - Coffee and Donuts 9:00am - Sunday School 10:00am - Worship Service 3:00pm Cub Scouts

First Baptist Church Howe Roger Tidwell, pastor 100 E. Davis St., Howe, TX 903-5325504 Wednesday 5:30 pm—Free Meal 6:30 pm - Team Kid 6:30 pm - Youth Ministry 6:30 pm - Adult Bible Fellowship Sunday 9:15 am - Bible Fellowship 10:30am - Worship Service 6:00 pm—Potluck Fellowship and Bible Study

910 S Denny St, Howe, TX 75459 903-532-6828 Wednesday 7:00 pm - Radiate Youth 7:00 pm - Sanctuary of for prayer Sunday 9:30 am - Sunday School (kids, youth, women, men) 10:30 am - Worship Service 10:30 am - Kids Church Howe Church of Christ Aaron Alsbrook, minister 1205 N Collins Fwy, Howe, TX 75459 903-532-6441 Wednesday 7:00 pm - Bible Classes (all ages) Sunday 9:00 am - Bible Classes (all ages) 10:00 am - Worship Service 5:00 pm - Worship Service

Psalms 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid?



Howe Enterprise

Air Conditioning & Heating

• •

Baker Air Conditioning & Heating Essential Home Performance, LLC

Auto & Motorcycle

Bob Utter Ford


First United Bank First National Bank of Tom Bean Independent Financial Legend Bank

Barber/Hair Salon

Good Fellas Barber Shop

Boat Storage

Anchorz Boat & RV Storage

• •


July 22, 2024


• •

Anna Kids Dentistry Howe Family Dentistry


Maureen Kane, REALTOR®, ParagonREALTORS® Michael Taylor - Keller Williams Nicole Faye Sells Texas, LLC The Llama Realty Group


Tek Wav


Howe Community Library Howe ISD


903 Brewers

Lacey Tucker Guild Mortgage


HIT Roof & Exteriors Neff's Roofing & Construction OK Roofers Southern Cross Remodeling & Roofing

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Hunter Knepshield of Texas Malachi 310 Construction Rock Express, LLC

• • •

Ed Meacham State Farm Jessie Brown Farmers Insurance Texas Farm Bureau Insurance, Loretta Anderson – Agent


Rapid Electric


Financial & Investments


Edward Jones-Financial Advisor: Robert Franze ChFC® Rethink Wealth

Party Rentals and Décor

Chase's All Time Jumpers

Pest Control

• •

• •

Firearms & Sporting Goods

Guns N More Funeral Homes

Scoggins Funeral Home

Pest Hunters & Pond MGMT


Beyond the Barn Photography

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• • •

Retail & Shopping

Cora Grace Boutique Debby Edwards Pink Zebra Howe Mercantile





Don's Smokehouse

Angels of Care


Brother Plumber Torque Plumbing

Tracy Events Catering & Carryout Shop

Professional Services

Howe Mini-Storage

Provider Business Partners TLD Design Consulting

Tax Advisors

Smith-Garner CPA


Adams Automotive


Koti Academy


First Baptist Church of Howe Summit View Church

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DIFY Home Services Howe Metal Works


Bainbrook Apartments M&M Properties

• • •

Information Technology Texas Data and VoIP Security


Corey Hernandez State Farm Texas Farm Bureau Insurance, Darren Foster – Agent David Rodriguez State Farm

• •

Public Utilities & Environment

Atmos Energy Grayson -Collin Electric Cooperative, Inc.

Real Estate

Amy Gibbs - United Real Estate-Insight Realty Erica Dunnihoo, Realtor®


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