H I G H L A N D PA R K P R E S BY T E R I A N C H U R C H 2 0 1 5 A D V E N T G U I D E
This is what Christmas is about – God giving his presence as a way to communicate love, care and worth. Jesus showed up so that we might know God in a way that was not possible before. His presence is the greatest gift and is something that we can offer to others as well. This Advent season, as you reflect on the God who showed up, we invite you to show up as well. Show up in your relationship with God; in the lives of the people around you; in the lives of your friends and co-workers. Even in the lives of strangers.
A childhood birthday that stands out in my mind is one where my dad “showed up.” Being a summer baby, most of my birthday parties were at the pool during the workday. My dad was such a work horse that I didn’t have any expectations that he would come. I can still remember exactly where I was and where he was when he walked into the pool area for the party. He showed up when I was not expecting it and his presence turned into the only gift that I remember from that day.
Our presence is one of the greatest gifts we can give. And what a great gift to receive! Our world tells us to hurry up, to be efficient, to create more and to accumulate. The acquisition of things, information, and money is more important than slowing down, paying attention, listening and being fully present with one another. We truly miss out on the greatest gifts. Consider what the God of the universe did to connect with people. He didn’t give us more things. He didn’t quicken his pace. He didn’t produce. He showed up. He gave the gift of his presence. God came as Jesus.
In the upcoming pages, you will find Scripturecentered devotions for the four weeks of Advent, which should encourage you to show up in your relationship with God. As you show up with him, may you also be encouraged and challenged to show up in relationship with others through practices such as slowing down, listening, simplifying and unplugging. God showed up. You are invited to do the same.
Laura Murray Pastor of Spiritual Formation
Week One: Slow Down & See L uke 10:25-37
Our to-do list often leads the way. When we’ve got places to go, people to see and tasks to take on; we have a hard time seeing clearly. We have a hard time seeing the people in front of us. We are moving too quickly to see someone hurting, someone wanting to celebrate or a need that is in front of us. We do not give time or space for compassion to even rise up and present itself and often we move forward passing the people who need a hand. In this week’s passage, what do you observe about the Samaritan’s actions? What did he do? What did he sacrifice? What does Jesus say about the Samaritan?
When we slow down, we are able to see. Read the passage throughout the week and consider intentionally slowing down. Consider how you might decelerate your pace; how you might pause for a few minutes before moving on to the next thing. Maybe intentionally walk a little more slowly from place to place, intentionally slow the pace of speaking, eating or even reading. Take time to intentionally notice the people around you. To whom is God calling you to “see” this week?
Contribute to local & global ministries in honor of your loved ones
RECURRING EVENTS Fish and Loaves Gift Market
Opportunities this Week N ov . 29 – D ec . 5
Through Dec. 20, 9 am–12:30 pm Stained Glass Hallway and Welcome Center
Treasures of Hope Toy Drive
Monday, Nov. 30 & Thursday, Dec. 3
Through Monday, Dec. 14 Donate new, unwrapped toys and gift items for kids of all ages. Leave your gift at the donation boxes in the Welcome Center.
Play & Learn: Experiencing Advent
Bonton Community Coat Drive
10:30–11:30 am, Wight Garden Join us for a morning of playing and learning with kids or grandkids as we explore Advent and how young hearts and minds can experience the season of waiting themselves.
Wednesday, Dec. 2 Children’s Advent Festival
6–7 pm, Elliott Hall Nativity performance, crafts & service project.
Through Thursday, Dec. 24 Donate new and gently used coats and clothing for all ages of Bonton families. Donation boxes are in the hallway outside Elliott Hall.
Missions Giving Opportunity
A special missions support offering will be collected throughout December.
Friday, Dec. 4 Reconciliation Outreach 10th Annual Christmas Tree Lighting
6:30–8:30 pm, Dorothy Moore Youth Center, 1411 North Peak Street Volunteers are needed to bring cookies, sing carols and serve hot chocolate, seat guests and be Santa’s helpers.
Nursery Care Information hppc.org/nurseryreservations Advent Season Events Nursery Care is available for. for most events for children 2 months to 4th Grade with 72-hour advanced reservations.
Full Details at hppc.org/advent
Week Two: Listen & Love L uke 18:35-43
Hearing and listening are not the same thing. We might have a good set of ears, but sometimes we have a hard time listening. Listening takes intention – it takes time and focus. As we struggle to listen, we silence people and don’t even realize it. Sometimes we intentionally silence others when they demand too much of us, or when we consider our agenda more important than them. In the passage this week from Luke, the crowd around the blind beggar wanted to quiet him, but he would not be silenced. Jesus stopped and attended to the man. He asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus gave him his attention and listened to what he deeply desired. Jesus
then brought a life-changing healing touch to the beggar’s life. When we take time to listen, we learn. When we learn, we have the opportunity to love people well. We learn what they need, what encourages them, what they struggle with and so much more. Read this passage throughout the week and consider when you could be a better listener. Are there times you are silencing others or shutting them down? Who do you need to listen to, to learn about and to love? Intentionally try to speak less for one day. Spend time in silence and meditate on this passage. How can Jesus’ action of invitation and listening lead you to listen and to love someone this week?
Opportunities this Week D ec . 6 – D ec . 12
THIS WEEK ONLY Sunday, Dec. 6 Club Christmas
Sundays, Dec. 6, 13 & 20 at 9:30 am Bell Center 5th–12th graders combine for Christmassy Sunday School.
Women’s Ministry Cup of Christmas Cheer
Wednesday, Dec. 9
MASH Candy House Construction
Treasures of Hope Christmas Shop
6–7:15 pm, Alexander Hall Elementary 1st–4th Grade
JAM56 Christmas Party
Through Friday, Dec. 18 Help decorate, stock shelves, collect toys or work at one of Dallas Leadership Foundation’s Treasures of Hope Christmas shops. Contact pam.huntress@hppc.org.
Middle School Christmas Bash
Fish and Loaves Gift Market
High School Party
Treasures of Hope Toy Drive
Thursday, Dec. 10
Bonton Community Coat Drive
6–7:15 pm, JAM56 Room 5th and 6th Grade 6–7:15 pm, Bell Center 7th and 8th Grade
7:30–8:45 pm, Bell Center 9th – 12th Grade
Through Thursday, Dec. 24 Details on page 6.
Friday, Dec. 11
Christmas Poinsettias – Deck the Halls of Worship
7–9 pm, Home of Ali & Bryan Dunagan
Acts Too Christmas Party
Christmas Sing-Along and Performance by Rachel Jones
Monday, Dec. 7 Perot Museum Trip
10 am – 3 pm, leave from HPPC, $30 The Perot Museum is presenting a National Geographic film on the City of Jerusalem. Lunch at El Fenix and visit the museum to browse the exhibits and see the film. RSVP required at 214-525-4216 or molly.jones@hppc.org.
Through Monday, Dec. 14 Details on page 6.
Young Adult Christmas Party
2–4 pm, 4320 Belclaire Ave., 75225 Annual women’s Christmas gathering. 6:30–9:30 pm, Home of Monica & Leland White
Through Dec. 20, 9 am–12:30 pm Stained Glass Hallway & Welcome Center
11 am, Elliott Hall A Friday Fellowship event.
Saturday, Dec. 12 Journey Christmas Party
7–10 pm, Home of Misty & Chris Quinn
Through Friday, Dec. 11 Honor or remember those you love with a poinsettia that will adorn our worship services the week before Christmas. Cost is $25. Poinsettias may be picked up after the 10 pm Christmas Eve Service. Order online at hppc.org/advent or for more information contact tina.russo@hppc.org.
30’s–40’s Christmas Party
7:30–9:30 pm, Home of Laurie & Mark Connell
Full Details at hppc.org/advent
Week Three: Unplug & Connect L uke 10:38-42
Jesus didn’t have an iPhone. There was no television, Internet, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest, but there were distractions. Distractions have always existed and they can take the focus off of the things that really matter. In the passage this week, Martha lost sight of what matters, even as she was doing a good thing. What mattered was connecting with Jesus and she was distracted. Distractions are those things that make it difficult to pay attention to the most important things. Our priorities get disordered and our energies are put into the trivial rather
than the meaningful. Read this passage throughout the week and consider what is distracting you from your relationship with God? What is distracting you from paying attention to others? How can you intentionally unplug from distractions and instead connect with God and others this week? Maybe it is silencing your cell phone for a period of time in the day. Maybe it is turning off your email or notifications. Maybe it is choosing to play or do something with another person that does not involve a screen. How can you unplug and connect this week?
Opportunities this Week D ec . 13 – D ec . 19
THIS WEEK ONLY Sunday, Dec. 13 Highlander Christmas Concert: Handel’s Messiah
6 pm, Sanctuary Highland Park Presbyterian Church’s acclaimed performance of Handel’s Messiah has become a time-honored Christmas tradition. This no cost concert also has free nursery care available with reservations.
Thursday, Dec. 17
HPPDS Christmas Service
Homebound Communion
11–11:45, Sanctuary Annual Christmas service with student-led worship, carols and Nativity story. For more information visit hppds.org.
Friday, Dec. 18 Christmas: The Stories You Didn’t Know Behind the Songs
11 am, Elliott Hall Join us for Friday Fellowship with Dave Tanner, entertainer and singer.
Hillier School Christmas Sanctuary Service
Week of Dec. 13 If you know of a homebound member who would welcome the sacrament of Communion this week, please call Congregational Life at 214-525-4230.
Treasures of Hope Christmas Shop Through Monday, Dec. 14 Details on page 7.
Fish and Loaves Gift Market
Through Dec. 20, 9 am–12:30 pm Stained Glass Hallway and Welcome Center
Treasures of Hope Toy Drive Through Monday, Dec. 14 Details on page 6.
Tuesday, Dec. 15
12:45 –1:30 pm, Sanctuary Annual Christmas worship service with student led Carols and Scriptures. For more details, visit hillierschool.org.
McCoy Class Christmas Party
Saturday, Dec. 19
Through Thursday, Dec. 24 Donate new and gently used coats, clothing and toys for all ages of Bonton families. These coats will be available at their Christmas “shopping” event for the local families. Donation boxes are in the hallway outside Elliott Hall.
6–9 pm, Elliott Hall
Wednesday, Dec. 16 Project JAM56
4:30–7 pm, HPPC and RO JAM56 hosts a Christmas party for RO’s afterschool program kids followed by a pizza party at HPPC. Contact sterling.vonstrohe@hppc.org.
Chinese Evangelical Event
5–8 pm, Bell Center The Chinese Church Ministry will hold their annual Christmas celebration with worship, reenactment of the Nativity, music, food and fellowship. Contact: ben.wang@hppc.org.
Bonton Community Coat & Toy Drive
Full Details at hppc.org/advent
Week Four: Simplify & Look Up L uke 12:22-31
Building up things that will keep us safe and will secure our future is nothing new. We naturally look around to see what others are doing, how they are building their kingdom and how they are advancing. We worry about tomorrow and cloak this worry with achievement and advancement. We build our tiny kingdoms rather than focus on the kingdom that matters – God’s Kingdom. God invites us to look up. When we look up we see the treasures that matter and we are able to simplify our lives. The call to simplify is a call to trust. Rather than building things around us, we are to trust God and build up the people around us – the treasures that truly matter. Giving gifts of encouragement, compassion, kindness and forgiveness. These are eternal treasures.
Simplify and look up. Look up to God and ask him to show you the treasures that matter – the people around you. As you read the passage for the 4th week of Advent, consider which worries plague you. How might these worries be directing your life rather than trust in God? Consider simplifying by clearing unnecessary activities off your calendar, block off hours of time with no agenda. Simplify your goals, even if you think they are minor goals and do not take up much time. As you simplify, stay open and aware of how God might be providing you opportunities to build up treasures in heaven in the people around you.
All services will be led by Bryan Dunagan, include candlelight and will be held in the Sanctuary. hppc.org/christmaseve
11 am Led by Hall Worship Band
4 pm Family Service led by Children’s Choirs
6 pm Led by Genesis Choir and Brass Ensemble
8 & 10 pm Led by Chancel Choir and Brass Ensemble Christmas Eve Complimentary Nursery Care is available for all Christmas Eve services except 10 pm for children 2 months through 5 years. Reservations encouraged hppc.org/nurseryreservations.
Opportunities this Week D ec . 20 – D ec . 26
Christmas Day: Give Thanks & Receive L uke 1-2:21
Jesus, fully God and fully man, showed up. He emptied himself and took on the role of a servant so that we might have life. Jesus’ presence then and now gives us life and will give us life forevermore. Give thanks and receive the gift of God’s presence in Jesus. Read the story of Jesus’ birth and consider the humility it took for Jesus to show up. Look at all the people who showed up and how they were able to receive the gift of Jesus. Spend time in gratitude today, thanking God for his presence. Spend time thanking him for those who have given you the gift of their presence throughout your life. Give thanks for his presence today!
THIS WEEK ONLY Sunday, Dec. 20 Missionary Blessing
9:30 am, Elliott Hall in lieu of Sunday School All Sunday morning communities join together to encourage and bless all of our church supported missionaries and mission partners.
Friday, Dec. 25– Christmas Day All Nations Christmas Celebration 11 am–3 pm, Gym and Elliott Hall
Christmas at Bonton Farms
2–4 pm, Turner Courts, 6601 Bexar St. 75215 Volunteers are needed to enjoy a meal and fellowship with the Bonton community.
RECURRING EVENTS Bonton Coat & Toy Drive Through Thursday, Dec. 24 Details on page 9.
Christmas Eve Offering
All offerings will benefit World Vision’s efforts to aid Syrian refugees fleeing ISIS.
Full Details at hppc.org/advent
3821 UNIVERSITY BLVD DALLAS, TEXAS 75205 214-526-7457 | HPPC.ORG
All Services will be led by Bryan Dunagan, include candlelight and will be held in the Sanctuary. hppc.org/christmaseve
11 am
4 pm
Led by the Hall Worship Band
Family Service led by Children’s Choirs
6 pm
8 & 10 pm
Led by Genesis Choir and Brass Ensemble
Led by Chancel Choir and Brass Ensemble
10 am – 6 pm
Live nativity animals on the Front Lawn!
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