Introducing the Rev. Bryan H. Dunagan, Senior Pastor of HPPC

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The Pastor Nominating Committee of Highland Park Presbyterian Church is pleased to introduce

T he R everend

B ryan H. D unagan Candidate for Senior Pastor

etter from the


Dear Friends, When you called each of us to serve on the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) in October 2012, none of us could have known what God was up to in our midst. So much has happened in these last 18 months including leadership transitions and a church-wide denominational discernment process that culminated in a vote for a new direction in October 2013 to ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians. In a similar way, we join together today to vote for a new leader, who subject to approval by our congregation, will become only the seventh Senior Pastor in the history of Highland Park Presbyterian Church.

This brochure is designed to offer a first look at Bryan and his family as well as provide details about why the PNC enthusiastically and unanimously is recommending Bryan to be our next Senior Pastor. In making this recommendation, the PNC did considerable work evaluating more than 100 candidates and networking with more than 60 contacts. We also spent time in prayer and Bible study learning to listen and discern His guidance. Unified in our deep love for the body of Christ at HPPC, we believe God is calling Bryan to lead our community of biblically-based, Christ-centered believers forward to discover what God wants for us in the future. It is with great humility and thankfulness to our Lord for His faithfulness that we submit this recommendation.

The PNC is thrilled to have the opportunity to introduce the Rev. Bryan H. Dunagan, a native Texan who is currently the Teaching Pastor at Peachtree Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, Georgia. Through God’s great sovereignty, Bryan and his wife, Ali, have quickly developed a strong love for our church community and feel a definitive call to HPPC.

T he P astor N ominating C ommittee Front row from left to right: Lauren Eastburn Laurie Connell Anne Compton Mark Mills Lila Marshall Back row from left to right: Pete Townsend David Konker Monty Montgomery Robert "Jackie" Burke John Van Amburgh

Anne R. Compton William A. Montgomery PNC Co-Moderator PNC Co-Moderator

etter from the

R ev . B ryan H. D unagan

To the congregation of Highland Park Presbyterian Church, I am honored, humbled and grateful to be extended this call to serve as your next senior pastor. As my wife, Ali, and I have been praying for you this last month, we have been filled with anticipation to meet you and begin a new journey together. We look forward to hearing how God is at work in your lives. From our earliest conversations with the Pastor Nominating Committee, we found HPPC to be a church centered in Jesus, grounded in Scripture and committed to mission. You are a congregation who believes the church is not just a building but a community of people whose love for Christ shapes your commitment to one another and leads you into the world to live beyond yourselves. You understand your calling as a neighborhood church in the heart of a city and at the doorstep of a university. You are a church seeking to understand what it means to engage a changing culture with the unchanging hope of Christ. While I will greatly miss the Peachtree Presbyterian community we have served for the past nine years, Ali and I are confident that God is leading us into this new season of ministry at HPPC. We realize with this call, we become part of a church family that will help us raise our children, Ann and Wheeler, to know and love Jesus with all their heart, mind and strength. I am actually a native Texan born right here in Dallas at Presbyterian Hospital. So, in many ways, I am coming home. It has been 16 years since I left Texas for college; how exciting it is to return—this time with a family of my own. Over the years, I have attended HPPC and have been struck by the Christcentered preaching and heartfelt worship of your congregation.

You should know I look forward to becoming part of ECO. Through my involvement in The Fellowship of Presbyterians, I have already developed relationships within this new denomination. I know HPPC will be called to provide leadership in this movement of churches, and I am grateful for the renewed focus to pursue the mission that God has for the church. As your new senior pastor, I look forward to helping HPPC dream God-sized dreams about the impact this congregation can have, not only in the city of Dallas, but also as part of an interwoven global church. Ali and I share your passion for mission both locally and abroad and look forward to praying together, “God, give us your eyes and your heart for this broken world.” I believe HPPC is uniquely positioned to be a church that honors a legacy of great leadership while blessing and raising up a new generation of Christfollowers. You are an intergenerational congregation with a tremendous history of making disciples of Jesus Christ. In fact, multigenerational ministry is one of HPPC’s greatest assets, and I fully recognize the need to be a pastor to all generations. For me, preaching is not the performance of an hour, but the outflow of a life. It is a great privilege to be given this opportunity to point people to Jesus – not only through my words, but also through my actions – as together we seek to be transformed in Christ. Yours in Christ,

Rev. Bryan H. Dunagan

bout the

R ev . B ryan D unagan

Personal Background · · · ·

B orn in Dallas G raduated Lamar High School in Houston M arried to Alison Wheeler Dunagan C hildren: Ann and Wheeler, 8-month-old twins

Formal Education · S tanford University Stanford, California – (1997-2001) Bachelor of Arts, Political Science · R egent College Vancouver, British Columbia – (2002-2005) Master of Divinity · O rdination Presbyterian Church (USA) January 15, 2006 · F uller Theological Seminary Pasadena, California Candidate for Doctor of Ministry ◊ C urrently writing dissertation on transformational preaching

Ministry Experience

Leadership Style

· P eachtree Presbyterian Church Atlanta, Georgia ◊ Teaching Pastor – 2009-present ◊ Pastor of Evangelism & Adults – 2005-2008 ◊ Seminary Intern – 2003 ◊A ssociate Director, Student Ministries – 2001-2002

· · · · · ·

Prior Experience · F irst Presbyterian Church Bellingham, Washington · L a Jolla Pesbyterian Church La Jolla, California · F irst Presbyterian Church Houston, Texas · M enlo Park Presbyterian Church Menlo Park, California

C harismatic Team Builder L istener M otivator C ollaborator B ridge Builder S trong Work Ethic

Leadership Skills · · · · · ·

P reaching S trategy and Vision L eadership Development D iscipleship & Spiritual Formation E ntrepreneurial M issional Development

Fun Facts · P layed Lacrosse at Stanford, 4 years · E njoys running, bicycling and skiing

W e B elieve G od C alling H im to HPPC

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The PNC enthusiastically and unanimously believes that God is calling the Rev. Bryan Dunagan because his gifts fit the needs of HPPC. Briefly, here’s why:

❶ C ontagious love for Jesus Christ – Bryan’s love for Jesus is clearly visible in his life and resonates through his daily interactions with others and through his preaching.

❷ G ifted Communicator – Bryan is one of two primary preachers in both contemporary and traditional worship at Peachtree. He collaborates with the Senior Pastor in communicating the vision of the church and creating transformational worship. He has the unique ability to weave together strong biblical truths, humor and real-life experiences into a message that leaves you wanting more.

❸ V isionary Leader – Bryan has the ability to conceptualize needs and then build support, consensus and game plans to meet those needs. After nine years, Bryan has helped transform and grow ministries and worship at Peachtree particularly among younger generations.

❹ R elational Bridge-Builder – People of all generations are drawn to Bryan. His intergenerational focus emphasizes loving and respecting the legacy generations while encouraging them to nurture and support the younger generations.

❺ Heart for the Great Commission – Bryan and his wife Ali share a missional heart with a passion for sharing the gospel locally and around the world. He believes the local church is the hope of the world and feels called to empower people to go and share the love of Jesus Christ.

❻ Leadership Experience in a Large, Thriving Presbyterian Church – The demographics, history and complexities of the 7,000-member Peachtree congregation are similar to HPPC. Bryan is a member of the executive team developing strategic plans and addressing the complexities of managing a $12 million budget. He has helped lead the church through multiple stewardship campaigns, inviting an affluent congregation into deeper levels of discipleship. Also, Bryan feels an affinity with ECO and is excited about HPPC’s new denomination.


O thers S ay A bout B ryan

“Bryan has been ready to be a senior pastor for quite a while. We’ve done everything we possibly can to hold onto him for as long as we have. I see God's wisdom being worked out in Bryan having waited for this amazing opportunity of leading HPPC. Bryan is uniquely gifted by virtue of his abilities, background, academics and passions for the challenges of the Highland Park community. Everyone in our congregation loves Bryan. He is a highly relational pastor who has a fan club of people in their 70s… Wherever he goes, Bryan will have a huge impact.” – Rev. Dr. Vic Pentz Senior Pastor Peachtree Presbyterian Church “Bryan is committed to excellence in all he does. He holds himself to a high standard, preaches with a strong commitment to the Bible, and leads with grace.” – Todd Sandel Executive Director Lifegate Counseling Center at Peachtree “Bryan Dunagan is one of the top three pastors of his generation in the PC(USA). I would want Bryan to be my pastor...[He] is a great communicator with an informal style. He has a heart for the lost and unreached and is blessed with a winsomeness and ease.” – Rev. Dr. Stephen A. Hayner President Columbia Theological Seminary “Simply put, Bryan can preach. Not only will he be effective in the pulpit, but in the community as well. He will ensure that the legacy of HPPC as a missional church will continue.” – Rev. Dr. Jim Singleton Associate Professor of Pastoral Leadership and Evangelism Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

“Bryan has amazing gifts in preaching and teaching to all generations. He has a way of bringing the lost back into a relationship with the risen Christ and further maturing those who already follow Him.” – Rev. Dr. Dana Allin Synod Executive ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians


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As part of the upcoming Wednesday night series, Our Legacy Continues, Bryan will come to Dallas on

Wednesday, May 21 to meet the congregation and tell his story.

A Prayer Request from Bryan & Ali: “Please pray for joy during the transition. We are leaving the church where Ali grew up and a congregation that has meant so much to our family. We are exhilarated by the idea of moving to Dallas, but pray that The Lord will help make the transition smooth for us.”

A few of Bryan’s favorite things... ⋅ The love of his life, Ali ⋅ T heir twins, Ann and Wheeler

⋅ R unning, bicycling and skiing ⋅ Mission trips

⋅ Anything outdoors

⋅ El Fenix

⋅ L acrosse to play, football to watch

⋅ Sharing Christ’s love

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