All is Calm - 2016 Advent Devotion Guide

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hopping, parties, last minute work projects, and travel plans can easily dominate the season of Advent. Yet God yearns for us to

clear our busy schedules, slow down, and prepare for the celebration of his greatest gift in the world, his Son, Jesus. Let the coming weeks be a time of calm that allows you to rest in the hope, peace, joy, and love that is only found in him. This Advent prayer devotional is a gift to you from the elders of Highland Park Pres. It is an invitation to prepare for the celebration of Jesus’ birth–Christmas. Each page has a daily Scripture for meditation and a prayer to lift up. Take the time each day to sit and dwell on his presence as you look in hope towards the one who brings the greatest joy and peace to this world. In his great love, God comes to earth in human likeness, to identity with us and to save us. Our elders pray that as we do this together as a church family that our love for Jesus would deepen and that his light would shine brighter in us so that people in the places where he has called us to serve will truly see him. In anticipation with you,

Laura Murray Pastor of Spiritual Formation


.............................................................................5 Week One: Nov. 27–Dec. 3

PEACE ...................................................................... 15 Week Two: Dec. 4–Dec. 10

JOY ................................................................................25 Week Three: Dec. 11–Dec. 17

LOVE ........................................................................... 35 Week Four: Dec. 18 –Dec. 24

CHRISTMAS DAY ............................ 44 Prayer for Christmas Day–Dec. 25

ADVENT GUIDE ..................................47 Guide to Worship, Service Opportunities, and Events during Advent





ome, thou long expected Jesus Born to set thy people free; From our fears and sins release us, Let us find our rest in thee. Israel’s strength and consolation, Hope of all the earth thou art; Dear desire of every nation, Joy of every longing heart. Born thy people to deliver, Born a child and yet a King, Born to reign in us forever, Now thy gracious kingdom bring. By thine own eternal Spirit Rule in all our hearts alone; By thine all sufficient merit, Raise us to thy glorious throne.


PSALM 42:5 Why are you cast down,


O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation.


ather God, we know who you are. You are as good as you are powerful. You are merciful,

unchangeable, and steadfast in your love for us. And yet, if we are honest, Lord, there are so many times when we do not believe these truths. We see the brokenness of the world around us, the brokenness in our own lives and in the lives of those we love, and we find ourselves feeling hopeless, overcome by the heaviness and weight of it all. Father, we pray that when hopelessness and doubt begin to creep in that your Holy Spirit would speak truth into our hearts, reminding us of your character and your unfailing love for us, and offering us encouragement that can only come from you. We pray for those today who are struggling to see your light in the darkness and for those whose hearts are burdened and hurting. Lord, remind them of who you are. Help them to put their hope in you and praise your name despite their circumstances. Comfort the hearts of your people, O God, as we look to you–knowing that you are with us, that you love us, and that you are our ultimate hope in times of trouble. Amen.



PSALM 62:5–6 For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for


my hope is from him. He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken.


ear Father in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Forgive us of our sins and thank you for the

blessings that you have provided to us. Lord, we look to you for hope in all things, but especially for our salvation. We know that when it is dark and lonely, when our lives seem hard and off track, when we are sick and suffering or disappointed, you are still with us. You love us and your grace will comfort us and give us hope for better days. Lord, give us the strength and the will to trust in you and to know and believe that you are our rock. Let us, Lord, be still and quiet, and listen for your comforting words. There is always hope through faith in you, Lord. Thank you for this quiet but certain assurance. Amen.





eavenly Father, thank you for protecting us

PSALM 119:114

from evil and for giving us safe and quiet

You are my hiding place

places in which to catch our breath, calm our hearts

and my shield; I hope in

and minds, and spend time with your Word. For it is in

your word.

your Word that we find real hope. Today, more than ever, our world is in desperate need of real hope– hope that lifts spirits, hope that changes lives, hope that is not fleeting and inconsistent, hope that endures through heartache, hunger, and illness, hope that is contagious, hope that creates more hope–real hope! As your disciples, we pray that you encourage, equip, and strengthen us to spread your hopeful Word in ways and in places that comfort those most in need. Without hope–real hope–living life can be challenging and joyless. We pray that you use this Advent season and the birth of your Son to bring joy and hope to the hungry and the homeless, the helpless and the lonely, the sick and the cynical, the rich and the poor, the young and the old. Let us never forget your everlasting love and grace that we do not earn or deserve. Please use us, while we are here on Earth, to spread joy and hope every day through our actions and through your Word. Remind us how to love one another as you have loved us. All these things we pray in your sacred name and in celebration of the birth of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.






But this I call to mind,

This hope comes from knowing that your steadfast

and therefore I have

love never ceases and that your mercies never come

hope: The steadfast

to an end. Lord, we pray for our congregation, those

love of the Lord never

facing physical and mental afflictions, and those facing

ceases; his mercies

financial difficulties every day.

never come to an end;

As we awake each morning, allow us to look up and

they are new every

praise you, Lord, for great is your faithfulness. Allow

morning; great is your

us to get up knowing that your mercies are new each

faithfulness. “The Lord

and every morning. Allow us to never, ever give up,

is my portion,” says my

because of the hope that we have in you, Lord.

soul, “therefore I will hope in him.”

he hope that we have in you, Lord, is often the only thing that keeps us going.

Heavenly Father, we pray for our city, our country, and our world. With all of the difficult problems, horrific threats, and violence that we face, we often feel helpless and fearful if we look only to our own devices for help or solutions. Help us, Lord God, to always remember that your steadfast love never ceases and your mercies will never end, so that our hope in you, Lord, will be everlasting and carry us through any situation we may face. Lord, please allow the hope that we have in you to shine through us each and every day to everyone that we encounter. Allow those who cross our path to see more of you and less of us, so that the light of hope that we have in you, Lord, is seen by everyone whom we meet and not hidden from view. We ask all these things in the name of your precious Son, Jesus. Amen.




ROMANS 5:1–5 Therefore, since we have


been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand,


overeign Lord, King of Kings, we come before

and we rejoice in hope

you today, in peace with you, standing in your

of the glory of God.

grace, and rejoicing in the hope of the glory of God,

Not only that, but we

in a hope we can trust by the witness of your fulfilled

rejoice in our sufferings,

promises. But how are we to respond to a world that

knowing that suffering

is hostile to the risen Christ, our Lord and Savior,

produces endurance,

the Son of God? By rejoicing in our faith. Because,

and endurance produces

although a world hostile to our faith leads to the

character, and character

suffering of your followers, we know that suffering

produces hope, and hope

produces endurance, and endurance produces

does not put us to shame,

character, and character produces hope.

because God’s love has

So we pray today for those facing hostility in any

been poured into our

form, but who remain trusting in you, God, and therefore have hope. For as we persevere, may we reflect hope to all those we come in contact with in

hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.

our government, our workplaces, our schools, our families, and our mission fields. We do this by the love, dear God, that you have poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit. So we thank you, Lord, for your amazing love that gives us our hope, and our trust in your assurance of living in your glory forever. Amen.



ROMANS 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace


in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.


eavenly Father, you are a God of mercy who knows each secret we hold in our hearts.

We are humble servants, imperfect, but always desiring the ability to hear your Holy Spirit. In some of our hearts there is despair, in others destruction, and in others fear or helplessness. In all of us, your hope can be a catalyst for us to overcome, heal, conquer, and be liberated, restored, and inspired. As Romans tells us, you are a fountain of abundant joy and peace. With each new day you can and do provide us with grace to push back against our earthly issues. That light of a new day redeems, restores, and protects us. Your love remains strong and true. It holds us without end. This season each of us can renew our prayer of hope for a better life, to be an example of humble kindness, love, and understanding, and to walk in your light. Christmas is a time for all of us to renew our commitment to live our lives in faith and glory. Let us be filled with your light and hope. In your name we pray. Amen.




ear Heavenly Father, we exalt you and praise

1 PETER 1:3–4

you. You made all things and everything is

Blessed be the God

yours. We thank you for your love for us, evidenced by

and Father of our Lord

your life, death, and resurrection. We are a desperate

Jesus Christ! According

people in need of you. We try to play God, planning

to his great mercy, he

out the details of our lives. We ask you to bless our

has caused us to be born

plans rather than surrendering ourselves to you,

again to a living hope

allowing you to lead. You love us so much that you left

through the resurrection

your throne in the heavens and physically entered into

of Jesus Christ from the

our world as a baby 2,000 years ago. You performed

dead, to an inheritance

miracles–healing the sick–only to die a gruesome

that is imperishable,

death. But death was not final, because you were

undefiled, and unfading,

resurrected, and you are alive today.

kept in heaven for you,

As your creatures, all we can do is surrender our lives to you, Jesus, and make you our King, totally and irrevocably. By surrendering, we are assured of a living hope, which promises we will be with you in paradise forever. How sweet that is! You will come again and receive us into yourself–there will no longer be any tears, sickness, or brokenness. We cannot even imagine how this will be. Thank you for our inheritance as adopted sons and daughters into your family, an inheritance that will never fade, decay, or be lost. We ask that you make us strong and courageous, so that we may tell others about you and these promises, and living gracious lives that lift you up. Send us out into the world to tell the lost and the searching about you, so that they too may have hope in this fallen world. Thank you Lord, Jesus. Amen.






ark the herald angels sing, ‘Glory to the newborn King, Peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled.’ Joyful, all ye nations, rise, Join the triumph of the skies; With the angelic host proclaim, ‘Christ is born in Bethlehem’. Hark! The herald angels sing, ‘Glory to the newborn King.’ Hark! The herald angels sing, ‘Glory to the newborn King.’ Hail, the heaven-born Prince of Peace! Hail the Son of righteousness! Light and life to all he brings, Risen with healing in his wings. Mild he lays his glory by, Born that man no more may die, Born to raise the sons of earth, Born to give them second birth. Hark! The herald angels sing, ‘Glory to the newborn King.’


ISAIAH 9:6 For to us a child is born, to


us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.


eavenly Father, what a gracious and wise God you are. You sent your Son, the Prince of

Peace, to be our Savior and leader. There is enough conflict in this world that we did not need another military commander. Instead, we needed and still need someone to break the cycle of hate and division, to calm the storms of our lives. Lord, this Son you sent to us does this. He gives us the peace of knowing that in him, we are saved. He gives us the peace to reconcile our families and ourselves. He gives us the peace to resolve conflicts with neighbors and between nations. Father, since sin entered the world, humanity has not known true peace. Your Son gives us a glimpse of what the New Jerusalem will be: when lambs lay down with lions and swords are made into plowshares. True peace. At this time of year, Lord, give us the wisdom to understand the power of your great gift. Let the peace of your Son grow in us so that we may be a reflection of your love to others. Amen.



ISAIAH 26:3 You keep him in perfect


eavenly Father, oh how we desperately desire your peace. We need it! Your peace–perfect

peace whose mind is

in all ways–fulfills our needs for protection, comfort,

stayed on you, because

and provision.

he trusts in you.

We are reminded that trusting in you begins with knowing and believing your promises. However, you do not deliver those promises according to our expectations, but yours. When we dwell on your promises, we begin to trust you, your timing, and your ways. That feeds our hope and encourages us to return to the well of your Word to drink of your everlasting life! When we are filled with you, we are showered and soaked with your peace, which extinguishes the worries and soothes the pains from the trials of this world. We are also reminded that you are sovereign and all things begin, end, and are sustained by you. Our anxiety is too often evidence of a lack of trust in your sovereignty. May your Holy Spirit indwell our lives so that we search for, discover, and believe your wonderful promises found in the Bible. May those promises feed our souls with the hope in your Kingdom to come. May your fruit of perfect peace blossom in our lives. Amen.





racious, loving Father, we praise you for the


precious gift of your peace. From the small,

Blessed are the

hope-inspiring glimpses as we struggle through the

peacemakers, for they shall

storms of life, to the peace of understanding that our

be called sons of God.

salvation is not in our hands, but gloriously in yours. We praise you for the gift of peace. Father, we praise you for the peacemakers whom you have inspired and sent into this world–those who bring peace to our souls, to our friendships, to our family, to our church, to our community, to our nation, and to the relations between nations. We praise you for the gift of the peacemakers, the sons of God. Father, empower us with the peace of understanding. Strengthen us to be an instrument of your mercy, of your kindness, of your justice, and of your peace every day. With each opportunity for harsh words, empower us to deliver peace. With every opportunity for mendacity, strengthen us to instead deliver your peace. In every moment of strife, pain, stress, angst, Father, move our hearts and minds to peace so that we too may be your peacemakers. To your glory, and in the name and power of your Son, Jesus Christ, we offer this prayer. Amen.




JOHN 14:26–27 But the Helper, the Holy


eloved Father, you know our hearts and minds, you even know these words before they

Spirit, whom the Father

are written. You are aware that we yearn to know

will send in my name,

outcomes before they happen, believing that in some

he will teach you all

way knowledge will lighten our hearts and calm our

things and bring to your

souls. Even those who knew you and broke bread

remembrance all that I

with you here on Earth sought the comfort of knowing

have said to you. Peace I

what was yet to come. Even still, you have told us all

leave with you; my peace

we need to know is your Word and your Spirit in us. Yet

I give to you. Not as the

without you, true peace evades us. We pray that you

world gives do I give to

will open our hearts now so that we can accept your

you. Let not your hearts

promise of peace and receive your comfort, which is in

be troubled, neither let

us because you are in us.

them be afraid.

We ask that you fill us with your Spirit by reminding us that when our hearts are open, you do fill us with that peace even in our darkest of moments. As you did with those who followed you in your time here on Earth, remove our fears by reminding us that even when we fail to acknowledge and recognize your presence, you are with us always—in us and around us, wherever we are—and that you protect us whenever we are troubled. Lord, we accept these gifts from you as we reflect on your teachings, understanding that by knowing you, we know the Father and the Holy Spirit. We trust you in your Word, we follow you as our master, and we seek you as our friend. We pray these words in the precious, powerful, and comforting name of Jesus. Amen.




JOHN 16:33 I have said these things to


you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.


ather God, during this Advent season we often long for a sense of calm and peace, and yet we

find little peace in our individual lives or in our troubled world. Often the peace we seek is actually more about a desire to control the circumstances of our lives and the lives of those around us. We suffer great personal stress and uncertainty and wonder whether God knows of our problems, and if he does, we wonder if he truly cares. Forgive us, dear Father, for our arrogance and lack of faith. Each day remind us that our peace and security rest not in the circumstances of our lives, but in the strong confidence that you are in control, that you know and care for us, and that even in times of distress, your gentle hand guides all of our lives. We live in this world, but our true life is that which is in communion with our Father God, through Christ Jesus, and is one of never-failing peace, which no tribulation can ever affect. We pray these things in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.



COLOSSIANS 1:19–20 For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven,


ather God, we praise you for being the author of peace in our lives through the transforming

work of Christ on the cross. We confess that we strive to achieve in order to feel comfortable and powerful, so that we gain peace on the world’s terms, and not by relying on you. Forgive us for slipping into habits that honor ourselves far more than they honor you or serve others.

making peace by the

Thank you for bringing us into a personal relationship

blood of his cross.

with you, because we cannot justify ourselves no matter how hard we try. Thank you for giving us a place of peace in your heart through the completed work of your Son on the cross. Thank you for raising Christ from the dead so that we have the promise of eternal life. Father, we ask that you would guard us from the “me first” perspective of this world that only brings turmoil. By the power of your Holy Spirit, please live through us so that we can honor you and boldly bring others to faith by how we live. Let your peace transform our hearts so that we might serve you and others before we serve ourselves. Amen.






And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and


admonishing one another ear Lord, we proclaim your Son, Jesus the Christ, in all wisdom, singing as our Savior, yet peace does not always dwell

psalms and hymns and

in our hearts. We find that the storms in our lives–some

spiritual songs, with

that are looming and some that have recently past–

thankfulness in your hearts

cause us to become preoccupied with worry, and we

to God.

lose your peace. At such times, we think, “Why us?” How can we be thankful in times such as these? We know in our hearts that the peace your Son offers is not based on this world, but on the world to come. Jesus, we seek your help in calming the waters. We desire your peace in our lives. We wish the joy of your grace to resonate in our lives and to be a beacon for others around us. We will sing your praises to all who are near. We cannot express in simple words how thankful we are that you have chosen us. We lean on your words and your teaching and will join with others to lift you up in joyful thanksgiving. We praise you, we thank you, our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ of our lives. Amen.






oy to the World, the Lord has come! Let earth receive her King; Let every heart prepare him room, And Heaven and nature sing, And Heaven and nature sing, And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing. Joy to the World, the Savior reigns! Let men their songs employ; While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains Repeat the sounding joy, Repeat the sounding joy, Repeat, repeat, the sounding joy. No more let sins and sorrows grow, Nor thorns infest the ground; He comes to make his blessings flow Far as the curse is found, Far as the curse is found, Far as, far as, the curse is found. He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove The glories of his righteousness, And wonders of His love, And wonders of His love, And wonders, wonders, of His love.



ear Heavenly Father, thank you for your

PSALM 4:6–7

steadfast and unconditional love. You are the

There are many who say,

light that shines in the darkness. What joy there is in

“Who will show us some

knowing we can trust you to provide all that we need

good? Lift up the light

and for your faithfulness that never ceases. Father,

of your face upon us, O

our lives do not always go perfectly and according

Lord!” You have put more

to our plans. But even when we are anxious, we can

joy in my heart than they

lie down and sleep at night because of the joy and

have when their grain and

peace that you supply.

wine abound.

We confess our worries and anxieties to you, which are caused by relying on our own strength, knowledge, and abilities rather than depending daily on you. Forgive us when we lean on our own understanding and the words of others rather than on your Word. Father, help us to surrender our cares and worries to you, to let go and trust you to supply all our needs. Strengthen our faith so that we will not fret about the burdens in this life. You know what is best for us and you will bring it to pass. Thank you for the joy that comes in the morning, knowing that you are in control of all things. We love you, and we thank you for the many ways you bless us each day. Help us to count our blessings and receive the joy that you alone provide. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.




PSALM 16:11 You make known to


hank you, Father, for making known to us the path of life through Jesus, whose birth we

me the path of life; in

celebrate this season. As we go through our day, may

your presence there is

we walk with you on that path with energy, excitement,

fullness of joy; at your

and gratitude for all that you have planned for us.

right hand are pleasures

Please keep us mindful of the distractions that can


slow us down. We ask for your wisdom to direct us and for your strength to help us stay on the path you have called us to, as our obedience can be helpful and encouraging to others. Father, you fill us with an indescribable joy that can only exist in your presence. We confess that we look for joy in our Christmas traditions, which can be shortlived moments. Help us to be mindful that these events and gatherings should point us and the people in our lives to the ultimate joy of living with you eternally through our Lord Jesus Christ. Father, we pray for family members, friends, neighbors, and co-workers who do not know the joy of walking with you on the path of life. We pray that today might be the day that they would come to know Jesus as the ultimate joy and the only way to eternal life with you. In your Son’s name we pray. Amen.





ost gracious and loving Father, we are filled

PSALM 51:11–12

with gratitude and thanksgiving for your love.

Cast me not away from

Our hearts sing with joy. Your love surrounds us in

your presence, and take

the beauty of the universe–the birds, the mountains,

not your Holy Spirit from

the flowers, the sun, the moon, and the stars. Thank

me. Restore to me the

you, O Lord, for these and many other blessings.

joy of your salvation, and

Forgive us and purify our hearts, and as the Holy

uphold me with a willing

Spirit forever resides in us, may we exhibit to others


the love of Christ no matter the trials we face. Keep us on the narrow path you have laid before us and give us strength to persevere and accomplish your will no matter how difficult the circumstances. While we sometimes do not understand your will, help us to remember that all things work together for the good of those who believe in you. Renew our spirits, Lord, and restore in us the joy of your salvation. Fill our souls with hunger and thirst for you. Sustain us and give us the peace that comes with understanding that you will never leave us and that you are in control of all things. Lord, we praise you and we thank you for sending your Son Jesus, to die for our sins so that we might enjoy the promise of living in heaven with you after our earthly life is over. Bless our families, friends, police officers, fire fighters, and military men and women who serve and protect our country. May they all feel your love and presence during this Advent season. Protect them and watch over them. We pray for those who may not yet know you that they might come to know you. We pray this in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.



ISAIAH 49:13 Sing for joy, O heavens, and exult, O earth; break


forth, O mountains, into singing! For the LORD has comforted his people and will have compassion on his afflicted.


ear Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, thank you for your gifts of joy, comfort, and compassion. Help

us to ground ourselves daily in you alone, the source of true joy, through your Word and prayer. At the same time, help us to recognize and turn away from the daily ration of lies this world serves up, promising that joy is found here, there, and everywhere except in you. Crush us quickly, Lord, when we buy into the world’s lies. God, please help us to yield a daily harvest of true and lasting joy as the fruit of our relationship with you. Then help us extend it to our neighbor. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.





gracious heavenly Father, in the spirit of this

JOHN 15:10–12

season, may we be centered in joy.

If you keep my

Let us find joy in the glorious world around us


that we experience each day, and be grateful

you will abide in my

for knowing you. Let us find joy in family and

love, just as I have

friends, and comfort in memories and shared time

kept my Father’s

together. Let us find joy in our children and realize

commandments and

the privilege and responsibility granted to us as

abide in his love. These

we raise them to know you. Let us find joy in our

things I have spoken

parents for the lifetime of love and support they

to you, that my joy may

have given us.

be in you, and that your

Let us find joy in our church, that we may continue

joy may be full. “This is

to worship and commune together in your name and be beacons for those who seek to know you. Let us find joy in knowing that there are other

my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.”

believers in this world whom we do not know. May we pray for their strength to spread your Word in far-off places that we can’t reach. And finally, dear Lord, let us continue to find joy in your Word so that we will always strive to read, listen, and learn from your teachings. So that will we experience the joy that only your Word brings–the enlightenment and understanding that only the Bible can teach. You have said that if we follow your commandments and abide in your love that we will know this joy. Thank you, Father, for allowing us to fully know your joy. Amen.






And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully


eavenly Father, we thank you for the blessing of your Holy Spirit, who shows us how to know

pleasing to him: bearing

you better, how to glorify you in all that we do, and

fruit in every good work

strengthens us for the challenges that life brings. We

and increasing in the

know that with the Spirit’s help and presence, all things

knowledge of God; being

are possible, from simple understanding to overcoming

strengthened with all

great challenges that require endurance beyond what

power, according to his

we possess. We rejoice at the thought of living life in

glorious might, for all

a manner worthy of you, but realize there will be times

endurance and patience

that require endurance and patience. Lord, we thank

with joy; giving thanks

you for being with us during these times and for the

to the Father, who has

joyful comfort of knowing that we are secure in your

qualified you to share

loving arms.

in the inheritance of the

We pray for those in our church who are going through

saints in light.

challenges now and that you would strengthen them through your Spirit. Help us all to strive toward knowing you better so that we may bear fruit in every good work. Amen.




HEBREWS 12:1–2 Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let


us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,


despising the shame, and ear God, you have blessed us with a reason to

is seated at the right hand

be overflowing with joy. Thank you for sending

of the throne of God.

Jesus to save us and to set the perfect example for us. You give us far greater things than we expect. We do not deserve, yet we receive an unconditional and eternal love from you. God, make us giddy with excitement and plant your joy deep in our hearts. Please give us the courage to show others our joy and make it contagious. Amen.







ove divine, all loves excelling, Joy of heav’n, to earth come down; Fix in us thy humble dwelling; All thy faithful mercies crown! Jesus, thou art all compassion, Pure unbounded love thou art; Visit us with thy salvation, Enter every trembling heart. Come, Almighty to deliver, Let us all thy life receive; Suddenly return, and never, Nevermore thy temples leave. Thee we would be always blessing, Serve thee as thy hosts above; Pray, and praise thee without ceasing Glory in thy perfect love.


PSALM 57:9-10 I will give thanks to you,


O Lord, among the peoples; I will sing praises to you among the nations. For your steadfast love is great to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds.


ear Lord, as we close our eyes to pray, we can barely contain our thoughts due to the

evocative images generated by these rich verses. The outpouring of our love toward you is caused by the vastness of your love revealed to us. Our response of praise and worship is focused on you, our Creator, who surrounds our world with majesty and awesome wonder. Your bold, enduring, everlasting love is soaring; it’s enormous. The magnitude of your love cannot be contained by the measure of our universe. Exclaim to the nations indeed! These old wineskins are bursting open with an expansive new wine that covers the earth to the filling of the heavens. As we prepare for your advent and meditate in anticipation of your great gift, may our thoughts and countenances reflect our adoration of your matchless love. Amen.



PSALM 86:5 For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding


in steadfast love to all who call upon you.


oving and all-powerful God, you chose to create the universe and each of us as an expression of

your love. So we have value in your eyes! And you created us to be like you, to reflect your timeless nature and character during our brief lives through our love, patience, forgiveness, kindness, and faithfulness. Yet we all fall short each day. Scripture and experience inform us that you hear and answer the confessions and prayers of those who put their trust in you. And you forgive us. You sent your only Son, a sinless man, to die for our sins. Such is your abounding love! Lord, help us each day to prayerfully approach you, submitting all areas of our lives for your divine guidance. Amen.




MATTHEW 5:43–44


You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.’


ear Lord, your ways are not our ways, but we so want to choose your way in all things.

Our desire is to love as you love and you tell us to love even those who treat us poorly. Lord, this does not come easily. We confess that we want to protect ourselves and we usually react negatively to others’ slights with anger, criticism, or abandonment. Forgive us, Lord, and in your grace, teach us instead to see others with your loving heart. Thank you for calling us to participate in your redeeming work by surprising others with grace rather than judgment. Remembering how you loved us “while we were yet sinners” and went to the cross while being treated with derision and cruelty, we ask you to convince us that–in your strength–we can respond to difficult, hurtful people with blessing, prayer, and acts of kindness. May your love flow through us and may your Kingdom come as we love in your name and to your glory. Amen.




MATTHEW 22:36–39


ear Lord, as we prepare ourselves for the celebration of your birth, we focus on the plans

“Teacher, which is the

that we have made­–meals, parties, presents, and

great commandment in

trees. We wish each other ‘Merry Christmas’ and look

the Law?” And he said to

forward to time with our friends and families. We are

him, “You shall love the

thankful for the gifts that you have given us, and the

Lord your God with all

love that you have shown us.

your heart and with all

However, as sinners, we often do not fulfill what you your soul and with all your have asked and demanded of us. We do not love you mind. This is the great fully with all of our hearts, souls, and minds. We do not and first commandment.

translate that love for your holiness and goodness into

And a second is like

our actions and into our love for others.

it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

As we look around us this Christmas season, we see so many people who need our love–friends, neighbors, family members, and even strangers who are going through the motions of their lives without knowing you and your love for them. As we enter this time of celebration, dear Lord, we pray that you would stir our hearts to love you as you first loved us, and to feel that love and translate it into actions of love to those around us. Please make this Christmas a time of love, a time of joy, a time of peace, and a time of hope. We pray all these things in your loving name. Amen.





ear Heavenly Father, you tell us that on the

JOHN 13:34–35

night before your Son, Jesus, died for us,

A new commandment I

he identified Judas as his betrayer. He extended a

give to you, that you love

morsel of bread meant to signify friendship and grace,

one another: just as I

knowing that this person so close to him would turn

have loved you, you also

against him.

are to love one another.

There are times in our own lives when loving someone

By this all people will

who has hurt us, wronged us, or betrayed us doesn’t

know that you are my

seem right or fair. We want others to deserve our love,

disciples, if you have love

yet we forget about the times when our actions are

for one another.”

undeserving of that same love. Please forgive us. Father, just as Jesus used the betrayal of Judas to glorify you, would you help us to believe in your amazing redemption of all things and to be forever thankful? You sent your Son, Jesus, to the cross to show your unending love for us. May we remember the new commandment that he gave to the disciples on the night of the Last Supper and even to us today: to love each other as you have loved us. We do this in loving obedience so that all the people of the world will know that we are your disciples. Please help us, dear Jesus, to love without restraints, without reasons, without results. Help us to love always, so that the world will know that we are Christians and you will be glorified. Amen.




ROMANS 5:6–8 For while we were still weak, at the right


ear God, we often think of ourselves as pretty good people. Not that that belief earns us

anything, but it’s easy to compare ourselves to others

time Christ died for

and to be pleased with ourselves. “Of course, if you

the ungodly. For one

were to send Christ to die for anyone, you might do so

will scarcely die for a

for me. After all, I’m a pretty good person.”

righteous person–though

But we think wrongly. Why would you send your perfect

perhaps for a good

and well-loved Son to die for anyone who is less perfect

person one would dare

than your perfect Son? It doesn’t make sense and we

even to die–but God

are convicted of our pride. Who are we kidding to tell

shows his love for us in

ourselves that it makes sense in our own case–that we

that while we were still

deserve it? Why do we think we might be deemed to

sinners, Christ died for us.

be worthy of Christ’s sacrifice? And yet, that is the decision you made for us. We did nothing. You sacrificed your well-loved, perfect Son for us–powerless, worldly, often rebellious, and ungrateful sinners. Why? It wasn’t that we were a good trade for your Son. It can only be explained as a demonstration of your love for us. God, we thank you for your incomprehensible love for us. We bow in humble submission to this truth that we cannot understand. We confess our pride, rebelliousness, and ungrateful hearts. And, Lord, we boldly ask for a better understanding and appreciation of your love for us. Not only that we might internalize that sacrificial love in our own hearts, but that your sacrificial love for us would reflect outward, so that we might demonstrate that same sacrificial love to our neighbors, our community, and our world. We thank you for this gift of grace that we cannot understand and pray these things in your Son’s name. Amen.





od of grace, we are humbled by your

ROMANS 8:35–39

ever-presence and willingness to help in our

Who shall separate us

hour of need. We feel blessed beyond any measure to from the love of Christ? know that if you are for us, then it really doesn’t matter

Shall tribulation, or

who is against us—that there is no power strong

distress, or persecution,

enough or circumstance dire enough to separate us

or famine, or nakedness,

from your love. For your love, the love of God, enables

or danger, or sword? As

us to be “more than conquerors” and to rise above

it is written, “For your

every adversity.

sake we are being killed

Father God, we are so undeserving of such unyielding,

all the day long; we are

unconditional love. We celebrate you and express our

regarded as sheep to be

unbridled gratefulness for loving our imperfections and slaughtered.” No, in all these things we are more remaining patient while we learn to center ourselves in Jesus, to root ourselves in Scripture, to build

than conquerors through

community with our brothers in Christ, and to go forth

him who loved us. For I

as servant leaders to share the Gospel.

am sure that neither death

Be with us, Lord, as we strive to follow your desire for us. Be with us as we face temptations and persecution in your name. Be with us when we doubt and disappoint you. Be with us when our needs become insurmountable and our faith in you falters. Lord, how undeserving, yet deeply thankful, we are of your love that never leaves us, ever. Be with those, merciful Father, who need to know you in the midst of loneliness and desperation. May all those who suffer know that

nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

nothing–no nothing–will ever “separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” We pray that we feel this joy today, and every day, and that we will continue to go forth to share this Good News to all generations and all nations in your holy name. Amen.



MERRY CHRISTMAS LUKE 2:11–14 “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ


the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.” And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude


racious God, what an amazing gift we have received! Thank you! Through him, you have

of the heavenly host

brought us perfect peace and everlasting joy. As

praising God and saying,

we celebrate the birth of our Savior today, may we

“Glory to God in the

continue to worship him in all we say and do. Please

highest, and on earth

grow us in your love and through the power of the

peace among those with

Holy Spirit that we might share with others the hope

whom he is pleased!”

that it is to know Jesus! In Jesus’ matchless name we pray. Amen.




he Advent season offers the opportunity to share in the ancient longing for the coming of the Messiah, as well as the call to be alert for his Second Coming. Find ways to worship, connect, and serve with us this season! See our event and worship listings on the following pages or visit



STARTING POINT Sundays, Jan. 22, 29, and Feb. 5, 11 am–1 pm, The Parlor The church is not an organization you join, it’s a family you belong to. During this three-week experience, you’ll learn about the heart and mission of Highland Park Pres, see what it’s like to be part of a small group, and have an opportunity to join our church family. CUP OF CHRISTMAS CHEER Sunday, Dec. 4, 2–4 pm Jan Rees-Jones’ Home Join the Women’s Ministry for their annual Christmas gathering!

FIRST FRIDAY EXPERIENCING ADVENT Friday, Dec. 2, 9:30–10:30 am Explore Advent with your kids or grandkids four years old and under.

HIGHLAND KIDS & STUDENTS CHRISTMAS CELEBRATIONS Wednesday, Dec. 7 There is a Christmas celebration for each age group from 1st–12th. Visit for specific details.

SUNDAY MORNING CLASSES CHRISTMAS PARTIES Visit for specific details of each Christmas celebration.

FAMILY CHRISTMAS DINNER Wednesday, Dec. 14, 6–8 pm, Elliott Hall Celebrate the season at our White Christmas Family Dinner. Featuring the Ed Bernet Band and carols by our own Andrew Sisters!

ADULT 60+DAY TRIP Thursday, Dec. 15, 12–4:30 pm Dallas Summer Musicals Presents: Broadway Christmas Wonderland. Santa and his merry helpers take you on an unforgettable nostalgic Christmas journey. Cost: $40

Details for all these events at


HAITI OUTREACH MINISTRIES By making a donation to the Haiti Special Giving Fund, you are helping to complete the construction on the high school that will provide a quality Christian education to 150 students each year.



Sunday, Nov. 27, 9:30 am, Elliott Hall All adult Sunday Morning Classes join together to prepare Christmas gifts for our missionaries around the world.

Monday, Dec. 12–Friday, Dec. 16 600 N. Pearl Street, 13th Floor, 75201 Volunteers needed for evening shifts at Dallas Leadership Foundation’s (DLF) community store.

FISH & LOAVES GIFT MARKET Through Sunday, Dec. 18 Contribute to local and global ministries in honor of your loved ones. Purchase online, Sundays in Stained Glass Hallway, or weekdays in Welcome Center.

ACT SOUTH DALLAS CHRISTMAS PARTY Tuesday, Dec. 13, Mill City Celebrate Christmas with our friends in Mill City. Volunteers are needed to serve food and pass out gifts.



Through Wednesday, Dec. 7 Drop off new books in Alexander Hall or the Welcome Center for grades Pre-K to 5th grade for our partners at the Amelia Earhart Learning Center.

Sunday, Dec. 25, 1–4 pm, 6601 Bexar St., Dallas 75215 Volunteers are needed at Turner Courts to enjoy a meal and fellowship with the Bonton community.

Details for all these events at


ALL IS CALM SERMON SERIES Sundays in Advent Silence, slowing down, sabbath rest are things we don’t associate with the frenetic pace of the holiday season. Join us as we look at spiritual practices that help us experience Jesus during Advent.

ADVENT FESTIVAL Wednesday, Nov. 30, 6–7 pm, Elliott Hall Children’s Choirs Nativity performance, crafts, and service project for kids 4th grade and under.


CHINESE CHURCH PLANT CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE Saturday, Dec. 24, 6–9:30 pm, Bell Center The Chinese Ministry’s candlelight worship service a light dinner and guest speaker, Dr. Ramesh Richard.


Friday, Dec. 9, 7 pm, Sanctuary Handel’s Messiah, performed by our acclaimed choral ensemble, has become a cherished Christmas tradition.

Sunday, Dec. 25, 11 am, Sanctuary Bring your whole family to this relaxed combined worship service. All are welcome, even if you are still in pajamas.



Sunday, Dec. 18, 7 pm, Sanctuary Sing along with your church family and the Chancel Choir and Orchestra to the inspiring sounds of Christmas.

Friday, Dec. 25, 11 am–3 pm, Elliott Hall Come celebrate the birth of our Lord and King, Jesus Christ, with worship, fellowship, feasting, and singing!

Details for all these events at

CHRISTMAS EVE More details at

WORSHIP All services are held in the Sanctuary, include your favorite carols, a candle lighting experience, and a Christmas message.




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Candle Lighting Services with Children’s Message

Front Lawn from 10 am–6 pm Bring your family and friends and take a selfie with the camel!

6, 8, 10 PM Candle Lighting Services with Choir & Brass Ensemble

Nursery care is available for children 2 months through 5 years for all Christmas Eve services except for 10 pm. Reservations encouraged.


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