HRCA News Dec. 2009

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HRCA|news Enhancing property values and creating quality of life through recreation, community events and leadership

december 2009

H O M E T O W N H O LIDA Y & S P A R K LING W INE t a s t i n g It’s time, once again, to be on your best behavior, because Santa Claus is “Comin’ to Town!” Join your friends and neighbors in celebrating the spirit of the season on Friday, December 4 at Town Center South from 4:00 – 8:00 p.m. as the HRCA presents the 2009 Hometown Holiday. Enjoy the sound of the holidays as carolers sing classic holiday tunes, get your photo taken with Santa, visit his reindeer, or enjoy a hayrack ride around the square – all for FREE! We kick off this celebration with the lighting of the tree at 4:15 p.m., so be sure to get there early. Give back this season by bringing a new unwrapped toy for Toys 4 Tots or nonperishable food items for Food Bank of the Rockies.

committee openings P u b l i c Iss u es C o m m i ttee Public Issues Committee is a group of volunteers that study

The holiday cheer continues inside the Tattered Cover Bookstore! The HRCA is joining with Highlands WineSeller and Whole Foods Market to bring back the popular annual Sparkling Wine Tasting party. Participants will enjoy live holiday music while they taste six different sparkling wines and a selection of appetizers, all while enjoying the great atmosphere of the store.

issues assigned by the Board of

This social event benefits the Highlands Ranch Community Scholarship Fund. The cost is $17 for Members and $20 for Program Guests. If not sold out, everyone pays $20 the day of the event. You must be age 21+ to attend.

in the past are Traffic Signal

2010 Highlands Ranch Calendar

comes together when they receive

The 2010 Highlands Ranch Calendar is on sale now for only $5! Photographs of this year’s calendar depict the theme of the photo contest, “Highlands Ranch, a different perspective.” Several of this year’s photographs were taken by Highlands Ranch residents who were winners of the photo contest. The calendar is a “must have” for Ranch residents who want to know what is happening in their neighborhood, and they are great stocking stuffers or holiday gifts. Show pride in your community, purchase your calendars today at any recreational facility. Proceeds benefit the Highlands Ranch Cultural Affairs Association.

the issue in depth, and they report

Directors that do not fall into any of our regular standing committee categories. Some examples of issues that have been reviewed Synchronization, Ballot Initiatives, and Animal Control. The committee an assignment, they divide into work groups to better understand to the Board of Directors with a recommendation as to whether HRCA should become involved. If you are interested in volunteering, please





application form at HRCAonline. org/committees and send it to

Building a lifestyle that you want to live




community manager

is published monthly by the Highlands Ranch Community Association, Inc.

HRCA|event weather line 303-471-8888 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Rick Dinsmore 303-791-2411 Laura Hopkins 303-346-0603 Todd Landgrave 303-470-8765 David J. Martz 303-683-9524 Paul Meyers 303-791-7868 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES 9568 University Blvd. 303-791-8958 RECREATION FACILITIES 303-791-2500 Recreation Center at Northridge 8801 Broadway Facility Hours: M-F 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Sa. & Su: 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Recreation Center at Eastridge 9568 University Blvd. Facility Hours: M-F 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Sa: 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Su: 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Recreation Center at Westridge 9650 Foothills Canyon Blvd. Facility Hours: M-F 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Sa: 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Su: 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.

HRCA 2010 Budget – Great news! The HRCA 2010 Budget was adopted by the Board on November 17th as recommended by both the Recreation Advisory Committee and the Finance Committee. There is no increase in assessments for 2010. The adopted budget can be viewed online and a summary of the budget will be printed in the January edition of this newsletter. Voluntary Preferred Provider Trash and Recycling Service Program – The HRCA is negotiating a contract with a local trash and recycling service that will reduce the fee you pay for trash service if you are not in a subassociation that includes trash removal in your subassociation assessment. Details of the new program are not complete at the time this Newsletter went to print, so watch for details in future editions and on our web site. Individual homeowners may sign up for this program, but are not required to. The HRCA is excited about this new program that offers direct savings to our Members. Snow Season – Don’t forget to remove snow from your sidewalks after a snowstorm. Douglas County requires that walkways be cleared within a reasonable amount of time after snow stops falling. Mailboxes are generally the responsibility of the homeowner(s) next to the mailbox, but it certainly doesn’t hurt to lend a hand for your neighbors and neighborhood. A University Project? – The HRCA has received a request from Colorado Christian University to purchase land from the HRCA in the Backcountry Wilderness for the purpose of building a college campus. The HRCA will be scheduling several meetings where homeowners can learn more about the project, location, size of the land, how to make comments and provide input to Delegates and Directors, and how a decision will be made. Dates haven’t been scheduled as of this printing, so watch for future editions, visit the HRCA web site, and sign up for our email subscription service. Holiday Events in Highlands Ranch – The events that are put on by the HRCA and the Highlands Ranch Cultural Affairs Association help build our community. Make sure to attend some of the wonderful events scheduled between now and the end of the year. Events add value as we build a lifestyle that you want to live. Events also create a hometown atmosphere. Town Center North Ice Park – Have you tried the new synthetic ice skating rink in Town Center North? If you haven’t, you are missing out on the Ranch’s newest amenity. The new ice rink is a great place for young and old alike and a unique amenity that is rare in the Denver Metro Area. This project was funded by a preferred marketing agreement between Qwest and the HRCA. Enjoy! Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, and enjoy the Holiday Season.

Recreation Center at Southridge 4800 McArthur Ranch Rd. Facility Hours: M-F 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Sa: 6:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Su: 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Copyright © 2009 Highlands Ranch Community Association, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is required to redistribute, reproduce, modify or republish information from Highlands Ranch Community Association, Inc, in print or electronically.


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Quarterly Assessments

The assessment fees for 2010 will be $125.00 per quarter. First Quarter Assessments are due January 1, 2010. Assure your payment is never late by using the HRCA direct debit payment program. Please visit our website at for more information on this handy tool. For any questions regarding your account, please call 303-791-8958.

december 2009

BOA RD c orner By Rick Dinsmore, Secretary, Board of Directors We are very fortunate in Highlands Ranch that so many wonderful volunteers regularly step forward and volunteer to help in a variety of important ways. It always surprises those of us on the board and staff, especially during tough economic times that so many quality individuals volunteer year after year. And we would be completely remiss if we didn’t recognize them as well as our wonderful supporting volunteer organizations. Thank you so VERY much! So what is HRCA doing to satisfy this important Strategic Objective? We have already implemented an ongoing Resident Praise Program, effective April of this year for individuals worthy of recognition. This is currently being accomplished through a Monthly Volunteer Recognition Program in newsletters where one of our top Community Volunteers and Delegates is highlighted. If you are interested in volunteering, please visit Similarly, we are identifying and evaluating programs that promote opportunities for involvement and volunteerism. Towards this goal, we have created a new annual Volunteer Fair that regularly brings together local organizations seeking volunteers with those individuals seeking volunteer opportunities. That date is April 21, 2010 at The Recreation Center at Southridge in the Wildcat Mountain Auditorium. Contact if you are interested. Finally, those individuals and organizations who contribute by monetary contribution are also very much appreciated, especially those that contribute to the Highlands Ranch Community Scholarship Fund. This wonderful non profit organization provides annual $1K scholarships to worthy high school students who live or go to school in Highlands Ranch. Awards are determined by school and community participation, career and educational goals, academic performance, work and mentoring experience, extenuating personal or family circumstances plus three letters of recommendation. These kids are great! Right now this fund is in need of contributors, so any help is greatly appreciated! Contact if you are interested.


holiday decorations

The holiday season is here and just a brief reminder of the guideline for holiday decorations/lighting. Decorations and lighting do not require committee approval and may be put up 30 days prior to the holiday and then must be removed within 30 days following the holiday. So remember when climbing on the roof on a sunny weekend in early December, you will have to be up on that same roof in January to take them down. Everyone please be careful. If you love to decorate your home for the holidays, read about the 2009 Holiday House Decorating Contest on page 5!

H RCA o n l i n e . o r g

board motions At the November 17, 2009 Board of Directors meeting, the Board took the following actions: Accepted the comments from the November 4 Development Review Committee meeting Adopted the following motions as recommended by the Architectural Committee 3 properties for failure to remove a commercial vehicle 5 properties for failure to paint the exterior of the home 9 properties for failure to maintain landscaping 1 property for failure to remove an inoperable vehicle 2 properties for failure to submit for approval of an improvement 3 properties for failure to remove unsightly materials 1 property for failure to comply with fencing guidelines 1 property for failure to comply with trash pickup guidelines 1 property for failure to maintain their properties Accepted the September 2009 Financial Statements as recommended by the Finance Committee Adopt Resolution 11-09-01 approving the 2010 HRCA Administrative and Recreation Operating Budgets Approved the 2010 Facility Closure Schedule Approved the selection of Pro Disposal as the HRCA Preferred Provider for the Voluntary OptIn Trash Collection and Recycling Program



volunteer showcase d e l e g at e o f t h e m o n t h Mike

h r c a vo l u n t e e r o f t h e m o n t h



Jerry Reichardt - If you

has been a resident of

have attended one of the



HRCA’s music events you

12 years. He has been

most likely have been in



the company of Jerry. A

past three years, and

volunteer for nine years, he

is currently a Delegate

helps at many events but

for District 63. Mike

his true love is music. He

volunteers because he believes in helping the

and his wife Frances moved to Colorado from Florida

community continue to be a great place to live and

where Jerry was in law enforcement. “I feel that retired

raise a family. Mike’s favorite place in Highlands

people should do what they can to assist others either

Ranch is Sand Creek Park. He and his family enjoy

through their church or community,” he explains. His busy

taking walks there and watching the owls. Thank

schedule leaves him little time at home, but home is his

you, Mike. We appreciate your dedicated service to

favorite place in Highlands Ranch. Thank you, Jerry, for

the community of Highlands Ranch!

your years of volunteer service at the HRCA!

Ranch for


H a n u k a h H a pp e n i n g

Donate your car, truck, motorcycle,

ChaiLands Ranch Metro Jewish Community is holding its 24th annual

boat, or RV to one of HRCA’s

Hanukkah Happening Sunday, December, 13 from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m.

501(c) 3 organizations and earn

at The Recreation Center at Northridge. This year’s celebration

a tax deduction this year! •

includes singing, bounce castles, games, balloons, face painting,

Any condition accepted • Free

music, prizes, food, and more. Admission is free. Please contact Beth

towing • Free title services • Tax

Horwitz for an invitation at 303-470-6652.

deductible • Hassle free • 100% of the net proceeds goes to the selected nonprofit • For more

ho l i d a y room r e n t a l s

information visit

Plan your holiday party with HRCA. We

hr c a g i f t c a r d s

have facility space available with a variety of options to make your special event

With the holidays upon us, treat your loved ones with a gift

a success! To make room reservations,

card or fitness gift certificate. They make great stocking stuffers

please call 303-791-2500. For details,

for the last minute shopper and can be purchased at any of our


recreation centers year-round.


december 2009


upcoming events B REAKFAST W IT H SA N TA A sleigh-full of fun awaits young and old alike at the HRCA’s annual Breakfast with Santa. Feast on a delicious pancake breakfast, enjoy crafts, write a letter to Santa, and visit with the big guy in person! Each child receives a small gift from Santa and may mail a letter to him. Don’t forget your camera to capture the moment! Children must be accompanied by a paying adult. For more information visit To purchase tickets, simply call


303-471-8859. Saturday, December 12 • 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. • Recreation Center at Eastridge • $9

Step back to a time before the hustle

Child, $11 Adult • Infants under one are free but must sit on parent’s lap.

and bustle of the holiday season became so commercial.


Christmas Markets take pride in

S H O W TI M E AT SOUT H RI D GE - h o l i d a y CO N CERT Get your toes tapping and sing along as you get in the Spirit of the Season with popular Christmas music in the Ranch! Highlands Ranch Cultural Affairs Associaton (CAA) is proud to welcome the Highlands Ranch Swing Shift Band back to perform your favorite holiday tunes. Friday, December 18 • 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. • Recreation Center at Southridge • Tickets: $2 per person, 2 & under free

offering products that are not massed produced, but grown or crafted locally. In keeping with that holiday tradition, the HRCA is bringing its own version of the German Christmas Market to the Ranch. We are teaming with Denver Farmers’ Market to bring you unusual gift ideas, handmade items, and traditional Christmas foods for that special gift or holiday meal. So, bundle up and get into the spirit of

• Holiday House Decorating Contest Judging – Monday, December, 14, 5:30 p.m. Decorate your house and enter the Holiday House Decorating Contest sponsored by HRCA and Wells Fargo. You might win a cash prize! Entry forms are available at decorating. Entry form deadline is 5:00 p.m. on Monday, December 7. Judging will be Monday, December 14 and winners announced on Tuesday, December 15.

the season by strolling through the market stalls of Colorado farmers and crafters. You’re sure to find something that will make your holiday warm and inviting for your family and friends.

• Showtime at Southridge - Salida Kids’ Circus – Saturday, January 9, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Saturdays & Sundays, December 12

Tickets: Members $7, Guests $10 in advance. All tickets $10 day of the event, if not sold

& 13 and 19 & 20 • 10:00 a.m. – 3:00

out. Be amazed by Colorado’s newest troupe of stilt walkers, acrobats, jugglers, clowns,

p.m. • Town Center South

trapeze artists, and more! Children 2 and under are free but must sit on a parent’s lap.

Please check the web site for the most current event information and prices.

H RCA o n l i n e . o r g



recreation sports & fitness J A N U A R Y S W I M L E S S O N S – $ 6 S AV I N G S HRCA is offering a $6.00 discount for all participants in the January Learn to Swim Program. No coupon necessary! The fees have already been adjusted! It can’t be any easier to take advantage of this opportunity. The January-April 2010 Activity Guide should be arriving to your home shortly. But you don’t need to wait to register. Just visit to register online, call 303-791-2500 to register by phone or stop by at any recreation center. Contact 303-471-8867 or losborne@hrcaonline. org for more information.

P e rso nal Trai ning P r i c e B reak!

A du l t B as k e t ball & V olleyball Adult Winter Basketball and Volleyball seasons are just around

From now until December 31,

the corner. Leagues include eight regular season games plus

2009, personal training six and 12

playoffs. Leagues for basketball and volleyball are set to begin the

session prices have been reduced!

week of January 4. Basketball leagues are played on Sunday and

All sessions expire six months from

Wednesday nights. Volleyball leagues are played on Monday and

the date of purchase and are non-

Thursday nights.

refundable, so stock up now for the holidays! Please call 303-471-7048

Y ou t h D odgeball Tournamen t

for all questions or to schedule with

Please join us Decemeber 29 for the Youth 5v5 Holiday Dodgeball Tournament. This is a

a trainer today.

recreational tournament for kids ages eight to 12 who want to come out and have fun! It’s a

great way to spend Christmas break and meet new friends! Team size is seven players and

F oo t Care is coming t o Wes tridge!

teams must have at least two eight year olds. The games are played between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. For more information, contact at

The HRCA Foot Care Clinic has been such a popular program at the Southridge Recreation Center that now it will also be available at The Recreation Center at Westridge, starting in January 2010! The Foot Care Clinic is great for those individuals




nurse to tend to and care for foot problems. To sign up for the clinic or for more information, please call the Southridge facility at 303-471-7020.


Indoor S o c c er Club Denver’s professional indoor soccer team, the Denver Dynamite, want you to be a part of their indoor soccer club for ages 8–17. All players must attend a tryout in December. Visit and go to online registration for information concerning tryout dates and times. Practices and league games are in January and February. Price includes uniforms, coaching, and team league registration fees.

H R C A Tr i a t h lon O ff - S eason Cl i n i c Stay fit during the “off-season” and improve your race experience next year. This free clinic on Saturday, December 8 from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. is for all ages and is taught by the HRCA Tri Camp coach. Visit for more details.

december 2009


education youth & adult D ay C a mp e v o lv e s to m e e t c omm u n i ty n e e d Our Day Camp is changing for

something gooey in the kitchen, and go swimming which is a must!

the New Year! Instead of offering

Watch out for the following Spring Ranch Camp Days: January 22



Creepy Crawlies; February 15 Olympic Torch; March 12 Chew on

we are moving our schedule to

This; March 22–April 2 Spring Fling, April 16 Spring has Sprung;

accommodate your child during

April 19 Be Green; and April 20 Earth Day Celebration. These will

all track off periods, traditional

be jam packed days filled with lots of activities and age appropriate

and modified days off, and spring,

fun! They won’t want to miss it! Our summer program will begin

summer, and fall breaks only. Have

June 1 and will have full-week or full-day options until August 6.

your kids join us for our first day of Ranch Camp on January 18,

Ranch Camp is the way to go! For more information please call,

2010 when they are out of school. Fun Zone will be our theme



where your kids will get to play on bouncers in the gym, cook up

Pa rty A n i m a l s ! With the holidays approaching you may be looking for something

Plan a fun day out to celebrate the

fun to do with the kids when they are out of school. Maybe you

holidays or plan a baby shower to

and your girlfriends are interested in having a girl’s day out and

make clay ornamental pieces to

making some holiday treats to share with family and friends. The

decorate the new baby’s room. Try

Cooking, Art, and Pottery staff has just what you’re looking for!

booking a wedding shower where

Plan a holiday treat day in the kitchen with our chef. She’ll teach

you can cook up a nice lunch to

you how to bake new desserts, breads, and goodies that you can

enjoy together or a birthday jewelry

wrap up for your neighbors or your children’s teacher and do it

party where everyone walks home

with your own group of friends. Or, schedule a party in the pottery

with a memory they can wear! Whatever the occasion let us do the

studio and make personalized hot cocoa mugs for a member of

planning and you can sit back, relax and enjoy your company! For

your family as a stocking stuffer and do it alongside your colleagues.

more information or to book a party, please call 303-471-8853.

S u g a r P l u m Pa rt i e s Get your kids into a festive holiday spirit with a Sugar Plum Party!

Sugar Plum Fairy! We will also take a special photo of your child

These one-hour events for children ages 3-6 will take place on

with the Sugar Plum Fairy for you to take home. Your little ones

December 4, 11, and 18. Parties will include music, dancing,

won’t want to miss this event! For registration details or more

holiday crafts, yummy treats and a very special visit from the

information, please call 303-471-8853.

Sto c k i n g St u f f e r s Stop by one of the recreation centers and purchase a pottery

explore a jewelry making class or get that Red Cross babysitting

class, a tumbling session or a month’s worth of preschool for a

certification they will need to start their own babysitting business.

family member that you can stick in their stocking for the holidays!

For more information please call 303-471-8818.

This is a great way to encourage them to try something new,

H RCA o n l i n e . o r g



9568 University Boulevard Highlands Ranch, CO 80126 303-791-2500


facility closures December 11-12 – Eastridge Gym Closed for Breakfast with Santa set up December 13 – Northridge Aerobics Room and Gym Closed at 4:00 p.m. for Hanukkah Happening December 24 – All Facilities Closed at 5:00 p.m. for Christmas Eve December 25 – All Facilities Closed all day for Christmas December 31 – All Facilities Closed at 5:00 p.m. for New Year’s Eve


For event details, see pages 4 & 5 or visit

December 4

Hometown Holiday & Wine Tasting

December 13

December 5

Holiday Teddy Bear Tea

December 7

Board Working Session*, 6:00 p.m.

December 15 RAC & Board Meeting*, 6:30 p.m. (Recreation Advisory Committee monthly meeting of Delegates)

December 12

Breakfast with Santa

December 12-13 & Christmas Market 19-20

Hanukkah Happening

December 18 Showtime at Southridge Holiday Concert * These meetings are open to our members.

community partners Preferred provider

Highlands Ranch Community Association’s ability to bring cultural events to Highlands Ranch is made possible in part by our Community Partners and the Highlands Ranch Cultural Affairs Association (CAA) and the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District (SCFD).

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