HRCA|news Enhancing property values and creating quality of life through recreation, community events and leadership
December 2010
H O M E T O W N H O L I D AY & S P A R K L I N G W I N E Hometown Holiday It’s time, once again, to be on your best behavior because “Santa Claus is Comin’ to December 3 at Town Center South from 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. as we present the 2010
scholarship donations
Hometown Holiday.
Over the past six years, the Highlands
Town!” Join your friends and neighbors in celebrating the spirit of the season on Friday,
Enjoy the sound of the holidays as carolers sing classic holiday tunes, get your photo taken with Santa, visit his reindeer, make a special holiday craft, and enjoy a hayrack ride
Ranch Community Scholarship Fund (HRCSF) has awarded $129,000 in college scholarships to graduating
around the Square – all for FREE! Local businesses will be handing out free goodies from
seniors who live in Highlands Ranch
cookies and hot chocolate to soup and apple cider! We kick off this celebration with
or attend high school here. This year,
the lighting of the tree at 5:00 p.m., so be sure to get there early. Give back this season
25 students were awarded a $1000
by bringing a new unwrapped toy for Toys 4 Tots or nonperishable food items for Food
scholarship. At this time of year when
Bank of the Rockies.
our thoughts turn to giving, we ask you to consider making a gift to the
Sparkling Wine Tasting
HRCSF. Your gift is an investment
Holiday cheer will bubble over from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. at the Tattered Cover Bookstore
in the youth of Highlands Ranch.
on Friday, December 3 with our Sparkling Wine Tasting. Held in conjunction with the
For more information, visit www.
Hometown Holiday, six sparklers will be presented by Highlands WineSeller. Find your
new holiday favorite! To enhance your tasting pleasure, appetizers will be provided by Indulge Wine Bar. Listen to live music while you browse the bookstore, then head outside for the Hometown Holiday. Advance tickets are $17 for members, $20 for guests. If not sold out, tickets the day of the event are $20 for everyone. You must be 21+ to attend. ID’s will be checked. Be sure to check out all the Holiday Happenings on our web site!
decorating contest Show your holiday spirit and decorate your home for Christmas. Enter the contest to win a prize! Judging day for the 2010 Holiday House Decorating Contest is Monday, December 13. For details, call 303-471-8821.
Building a lifestyle that you want to live
HRCA|news is published monthly by the Highlands Ranch Community Association, Inc.
HRCA|event weather line 303-471-8888 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Laura Hopkins 303-478-9103 Todd Landgrave 303-470-8765 Scott Lemmon 303-346-1412 Nick Robinson 303-791-0840 Gregory Terry 303-329-6199 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES 9568 University Blvd. 303-791-8958 RECREATION FACILITIES 303-791-2500 Recreation Center at Northridge 8801 Broadway Facility Hours: M-F 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Sa. & Su: 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Recreation Center at Eastridge 9568 University Blvd. Facility Hours: M-F 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Sa: 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Su: 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Recreation Center at Westridge 9650 Foothills Canyon Blvd. Facility Hours: M-F 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Sa: 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Su: 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Recreation Center at Southridge 4800 McArthur Ranch Rd. Facility Hours: M-F 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Sa: 6:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Su: 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
GARY D EB U S Community manager
2011 HRCA Budget The HRCA Board of Directors adopted the 2011 Budget at their November meeting. A summary of the 2011 Budget will be published in the January Newsletter. If you would like to view the entire line item detail 2011 Budget, you can go to www. and click on the link on the home page. Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch Have you ever wondered how to get more information about Highlands Ranch between newsletters? Simply go to the HRCA’s web site and click on the Subscribe to e-Me link. The Meanwhile Back at the Ranch e-newsletter includes coupons for HRCA programs, discounts at local retailers likes Sports Authority, and much more. Meanwhile Back at the Ranch provides helpful reminders for community events and special programs being offered right here in your community. Spending the Holidays in Highlands Ranch? Don’t worry; there are a lot of activities that are sponsored by the HRCA and the Highlands Ranch Cultural Affairs Association. Mark your calendar for some good old fashioned community fun at one of the events. For a complete listing of holiday activities, visit the home page of our web site and look for the Holiday Happenings link. Who Plows the Snow? The HRCA removes snow from its own property, but not the public or private streets in Highlands Ranch. If you have any questions, visit our web site and click on Community News to learn what organization is responsible for snow removal in your neighborhood and for contact information. One of these days we will have one of those big snowstorms. Snowstorms I have met the nicest neighbors in my neighborhood by being a friendly neighbor who will help out with snow shoveling when one of our Colorado storms hits. Remember, even though the mailbox may be in front of someone else’s house, you get your mail there too and it sure doesn’t hurt to help out a neighbor. Thanks, they appreciate it. Busy Recreation Centers As we head into winter, remember that we get our highest usage in the recreation centers as it gets dark earlier and the days get colder; not to mention those New Years Resolutions. We want to make sure you enjoy your visit to our recreation centers, and ask that you be courteous to others. Your workout will be more pleasant and enjoyable. If you happen to see an area that needs attention, just mention it to one of our staff and we’ll be happy to help. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Holidays from the HRCA!
Copyright © 2010 Highlands Ranch Community Association, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is required to redistribute, reproduce, modify or republish information from Highlands Ranch Community Association, Inc, in print or electronically.
December 2010
HOA news
BOARD corner By Laura Hopkins, Board of Directors
This is the season to spend time with family and friends, and to reflect on the past as well as to plan for the future. Today, in Highlands Ranch, we are enjoying the fruits of a vision that was created nearly 30 years ago. Our community is 91,000 strong, with excellent recreation facilities, miles of beautiful trails, natural open spaces and parks, and community programs, activities and events for all ages and abilities. Yet, when you think of great communities around the world, they all have one thing in common, great people. And, thanks to all of you as well as to our dedicated HRCA team, Highlands Ranch has been recognized as one of the best places to live by notable organizations including Forbes, Business Week and Money Magazine. So what’s next? In 2010, the Board continued to focus on the six strategic objectives that will help us build the lifestyle that you want to live and ensure we achieve the HRCA mission, “Enhancing property values and creating quality of life through recreation, community events, and leadership.” Together, at the HRCA, we strive to achieve this mission, while driving positive, meaningful change. This year, we introduced our preferred provider trash collection program that has saved the community over $1 million, and we partnered with other community organizations to sponsor the wildly successful, “Love in Action” Community Service Day, with more than 2500 volunteers painting, weeding, and providing maintenance for Highlands Ranch homes, schools and wilderness areas. We offered exciting new programming activities and events like the new Bike Race Series, Scare on the Square, and the Dive in Movie. And, we continued to strengthen our focus on the environment by implementing solar panels at the Eastridge and Westridge Recreation Centers. As we look to the future, the board and HRCA will remain focused on providing leadership that represents your best interests. You’ll hear more about how we’re working to implement further cost savings and environmental initiatives. We’ll also be recognizing community contributions and promoting even more opportunities for involvement. And, we’ll continue to build effective relationships with community organizations and stakeholders, offering first class recreational amenities and programming.
holiday decorations
The holiday season is here! This is just a brief reminder of the guideline for holiday decorations/lighting. Decorations do not require committee approval and may be put up 30 days prior to the holiday, then removed within 30 days following the holiday. So remember when climbing on the roof on a sunny weekend in early December, you will have to be up on that same roof in January to take them down. Everyone please be careful.
board motions At the November 16, 2010 Board of Directors meeting, the Board took the following actions: Approved the Minutes of Action from the October 19, 2010 Board of Directors meeting Accepted the comments from two of the three projects reviewed at the November 3, 2010 Development Review Committee meeting. Adopted the following motions as recommended by the Architectural Committee 6 properties for failure to paint the exterior of the home 3 properties for failure to remove unsightly material 4 properties for failure to remove commercial vehicles 56 properties for failure to maintain their landscaping 1 property for failure to maintain property 2 properties for failure to comply with trash pick up guidelines 1 property for failure to remove an inoperable vehicle 3 properties for failure to bring portable basketball goals into compliance 1 property for failure to remove noncompliant dog run Accepted the September 2010 Financial Statements as recommended by the Finance Committee Adopted Resolution 10-11-01 setting the Administrative Function Common Assessment at $51 and the Recreation Function Common Assessment at $457 for 2011 Budget. Adopted the 2011 Meeting Schedule Adopted the 2011 Election Schedule Adopted the 2011 Employee Holiday Schedule
H RCA o n l i n e . o r g
volunteer showcase delegate of the month
Renee Waters – Renee
Lisa Dragseth – Lisa has
has served as an HRCA
volunteered at the HRCA
delegate for three years.
for over five years. Lisa found
Renee attributes the success
time in 2009 to spend over
of Highlands Ranch to the
63 hours helping at special
many volunteers and staff
events! “I have met wonderful
who work to make this an
people through the volunteer
exceptional community. As a
program at Highlands Ranch,
delegate, she brings her own life experience and viewpoint
working with them at certain events is a good way to stay in
to benefit our community. Renee says she enjoys living in
touch,” Lisa says. Although she volunteers at many events,
Highlands Ranch “...because of the many amenities it offers
the Summer Concert Series is her favorite. In addition, she
and because of the great people we have come to know.
enjoys the Sundial House in the Back Country. Thank you
Home, family, and friends make this a terrific place to live!”
Lisa for your years of service to the HRCA. We appreciate
Our thanks to Renee for her great contribution.
your dedication and willingness to get the job done!
things to re m e m ber F or the H olidays stocking stuffer idea – HRCA Gift Cards! With the holidays upon us, treat your
Highlands Ranch Community Scholarship Fund - Make an
loved ones with an HRCA gift card
investment in the youth of Highlands Ranch. Learn more
good for most classes, programs, and
about the Scholarship Fund at
events. They make great stocking
Cars for Charity - This holiday season, donate your car, truck,
stuffers for the last minute shopper
motorcycle, boat, or RV to one of HRCA’s 501(c) 3 non profit
and can be purchased year-round at
organizations (the Community Scholarship Fund or the Cultural
any of our recreation centers.
Affairs Association) and earn a tax deduction this year! Any
2011 Highlands Ranch Calendar The 2011 Highlands Ranch Calendar is on sale now for only $5! The calendar celebrates our 30th anniversary and features photographs taken in the Ranch and interesting facts about our history. A “must have” for Ranch residents who want to know what is happening, and they are great holiday gifts. Show pride in your community, purchase your calendars today at any recreational facility. Proceeds benefit the Highlands Ranch Cultural Affairs Association.
make a difference and make a donation
condition is accepted and free towing and title services are available. All of the net proceeds go to the selected nonprofit. For more information visit
Room Rentals Plan your holiday party with HRCA. We have facility space available with a variety of options to make your special event a success! To make room reservations, call 303-791-2500. For details, visit
December 2010
upcoming events W i n t e r M ARKET
Holiday Concert
Tired of all the frantic hustle and bustle of the holidays? Visit the HRCA’s Winter Market. We are teaming with Denver Farmers’ Market to bring you unusual gift ideas, handmade items, and a variety of food items for that special gift or holiday meal. So, bundle up and stroll through the market stalls of Colorado farmers and crafters. The laid-back atmosphere will get you into the spirit of the season. You’re sure to find something that will make your holiday warm and inviting for your family and friends.
The Swing Set Jazz Band of the Highlands
Visit our web site for a list of vendors.
Ranch Community Concert Band will
Saturdays & Sundays, December 11 & 12 and 18 & 19 • 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
return for its annual holiday concert to
• Town Center North
celebrate the season. The whole family will enjoy an evening of instrumental and
H OLI D AY TE D D Y B EAR TEA Delight in a special Teddy Bear Tea party with all the trimmings! After tea, enjoy a fun-filled kid’s show. This is a great way to create fond memories with a special someone! Remember to bring a camera to capture the moments. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
vocal jazz music guaranteed to bring the holidays to life! Friday, December 17 • 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. • Southridge, Wildcat Mountain Auditorium • $5 Members, $7 Guests • Under 2 free on parent’s lap
Saturday, December 4 • Tea Time: 10:30 – 11:15 a.m. Show Time: 11:15 a.m. – Noon • Southridge • $11 Members,
$15 Guests, $15 day of the tea, if not sold out. No children under 2 please. • Hanukkah Happenings – Sun, Dec 12, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Northridge. Join your neighbors in the community and share your commonality of religion and culture. Reservations are required. For more information call 303-470-6652. • A Christmas Carol: Kids performing for Kids! – Thur, Dec 16, 6:30 p.m., Southridge, FREE. This adaptation will have everyone singing and dancing! Come join us as we celebrate the holidays with the performance of A Christmas Carol performed by students of the KidStage theatre program at Southridge. Admission is free, but tickets are required and can be picked up at the registration desk. • Blood Drive – Tue, Jan 4, 10:00 – 11:40 a.m. and 1:00 – 3:30 p.m., Eastridge, Community Room. For more information, call Bonfils Blood Center at 303-363-2300. • Showtime at Southridge – Sat, Jan 8, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. $7 Members, $10 Guests, $10 day of event, if not sold out. PlayGround Theatre Company presents a Wild West Show in the Wildcat Mountain Auditorium. Saddle up for western tales, country ditties, riding, roping, and a gold rush of laughter for the whole family. Please check the web site for the most current event information and prices.
H RCA o n l i n e . o r g
Sleigh-loads of holiday cheer for all good little girls and boys! Kick off your holiday with a pancake breakfast, crafts, letters to Santa, and you can even meet Santa! Remember to bring your camera for a photo with Santa. Saturday, December 11 • 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. • Eastridge, Gym • $9 Child , $11 Adult • Children one and under are free but must sit on a parents’ lap.
recreation sports & fitness HOLIDAY STOCKING STUFFER IDEA! Take advantage of the holiday school break to give someone the gift of a private swim lesson. A thirty minute private lesson will provide a one-on-one opportunity to become more confident in the water. It’s a great way to stay active during the holiday school break and give competitive swimmers an edge before state meets. For scheduling and more information call 303-471-8867 for group swim lessons NEW! Monthly Nursery Friendly Fitness Super Pass! Enjoy unlimited drop-in fitness classes and nursery usage for one calendar month for one low price of $90. Please note, nursery usage is per one child. More children may be accommodated for an additional fee. Please check with respective facilities for hours of operation. December Nutrition Seminar Healthy weight loss is the topic of the month, just in time for the holiday season or for your New Year’s resolution planning! Register online or at any recreation center. A minimum number of registrants must be met in order for this class to run, so sign up today! Only $10 for members.
or 303-471-8942 for coached privates. Don’t wait – slots fill up quickly!
Winter Break Falcons Sports Camp Spend part of your winter break with us at our sports camp. This camp for ages 7–12 offers the perfect opportunity to explore a wide range of sports and fun “playground” games during the week. Join us inside on the turf field at Westridge December 20-24 or December 27-31 from 9:00 a.m. – noon.
Teach Sports Winter Basketball Camp Kids ages 8–14 are invited to learn basic basketball FUNdamentals through drills, contests and games. It’s a great way to spend winter break and stay active. Camp is December 27–31, 9:00 a.m. – noon at Eastridge.
Therapeutic Recreation Sports Camp These fun Winter Sports Camps incorporate many sports including soccer, basketball, baseball, kickball, and tennis in a fun environment where friends can enjoy time away from
Mom & Tot Yoga Moms and toddlers ages 1–3 years are encouraged to try this new Yoga class on Friday from 10:05 – 11:05 a.m. at Southridge. No pre-registration is needed.
school together. Camps are December 21 and 28, 9:00
For more information call 303-471-7048.
social from 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. on November 19 and December 17. Visit www.
a.m. – noon at Southridge Gym for ages eight and up. For information visit
Holiday Tennis Socials Join in the fun and enjoy three hours of tennis and refreshments at our two holiday for more information.
December 2010
education youth & adult Dancing our Way into a New Year The dance program at the HRCA will be toe tappin’ to a new tune
Dance Academy, for children 6–12
in 2011. In addition to the popular ballet classes for children of all
years old, has limited space and is
ages, we are opening the curtain on some new dance programs
by audition only. Please see the new
that are sure to keep your young ones challenged and enjoying the
Activity Guide for audition dates and
art of dance.
times. For more information, call
Highlands Ranch Community Association Dance Academy These
limited classes are formatted for students who would like to take
Classics for Tiny Ones These programs
their ballet instruction to the next level. Students will develop a
focus on specific dances such as Cinderella, Swan Lake, or Sleeping
deeper understanding of theory and practice and apply that to
Beauty while teaching children the specific choreography associated
more structured ballet outcomes. Students will participate in the
with that particular ballet. We will also incorporate themed crafts.
recital and at various community events throughout the year. The
This monthly program is for children 3–5 years old.
help your child achieve success with Achieve Reading Now that your child’s school year is under-way, and parent-teacher
Slingerland®approach to language
conferences have given you a peek into their academic activities,
arts instruction, your child will achieve
perhaps you are asking yourself if additional academic assistance
success. Private sessions are available,
would help them get past that reading block or catch them up to
or try a small class setting. The sessions
their classmates in reading comprehension. A new program offered
build on each other and will set your
by the HRCA, Achieve Reading, could give your child that leg-up
child up for academic freedom and
with reading, writing, and spelling. Achieve Reading wants your child
reduce classroom anxiety. For more
to enjoy picking up a book. Using the well respected and proven
information, please call 303-471-8818.
more exciting New programs for the new year We are offering some exciting new
It’s Easy Being Green! teaches kids ages 8–12 the importance
programs for 2011. Get a head start in
of recycling. Recycling is never more fun than when it’s used to
your planning! Look for the following
make art!
fun programs beginning in January:
Storybook Pottery, for ages 3–4, gives wings to children’s
Build it with Duplo, for ages 3–5,
imaginations. They will love hearing stories about fantastical
allows young ones the chance to learn
creatures and then building them out of clay! A new book and
basic engineering using wheels, axles,
project will be presented each week. Dress for a mess!
gears and pulleys!
New! Stepping Stones, for ages 2½–3 ½, is a great first step to
After School Masters Program, for ages 5–12, is for any kid who
help prepare your child for preschool. Learn about colors, abc’s
likes to sketch or paint. Each week we will discuss a well-known
and numbers while having social interaction and fun. A snack will
artist such as VanGogh, Picasso or Dali and create a work of art
be served.
inspired by that master artist’s style.
For more information call 303-471-8928.
H RCA o n l i n e . o r g
9568 University Boulevard Highlands Ranch, CO 80126 303-791-2500
facility closures Dec 10-11 – Eastridge Basketball Courts Closed for Breakfast with Santa Dec 12 – Northridge Wetterhorn & Aerobics Room Closed 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. for Hanukkah Happening Dec 24 – All Facilities Closed at 5:00 p.m. for Christmas Eve Dec 25 – All Facilities Closed all day for Christmas Dec 31 – All Facilities Closed at 5:00 p.m. for New Year’s Eve
NEW! 2011 January–April Activity Guide Coming to your mailbox this month!
community partners
For event details, see page 5 or visit Dec 3
Hometown Holiday & Sparkling Wine Tasting
Dec 5
Holiday Teddy Bear Tea
Dec 6
Board Working Session* 6:00 p.m.
Dec 11
Breakfast with Santa
Dec 12
Hanukkah Happening
Dec 11–12 & 18–19 Winter Market Dec 14
RAC & Board Meeting* 6:30 p.m. (Recreation Advisory Committee - monthly Meeting of Delegates) Note: Location change: Highlands Ranch Mansion, 9900 Ranch Road.
Dec16 A Christmas Carol – Kids performing for kids! Dec 17 Showtime at Southridge – Holiday Concert * These meetings are at Eastridge and open to our members.
The HRCA’s ability to bring events to Highlands Ranch is made possible in part by our Community Partners, the Highlands Ranch Cultural Affairs Association (CAA), and the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District (SCFD).