HRCA|news Enhancing property values and creating quality of life through recreation, community events and leadership
february 2010
ne w H RC A /Pr o Di spo sa l tra sh & Re cycli ng The HRCA and Pro Disposal announce a new preferred-provider trash & recycling program
for Highlands Ranch. The new program will begin April 5, 2010.
• Saves money - just $11.33 per month
• Includes free single stream recycling
• Includes optional 96-gallon container (deposit required)
• No contracts to sign
• No fuel surcharges or environmental fees
Your voice can be heard and you
• Helps our environment and is safer for our community
can make a difference by getting
For more detailed information, check our web site at To sign up contact PRO Disposal at 303-791-3827.
involved in our community. The HRCA has elections each year for
D e l e g at es
Board of Directors and District
Who is my Delegate? Where do I find them and what do they do?
Highlands Ranch is divided into neighborhood “districts”. Each district has an elected
Directors are elected by District
“delegate”. This delegate is your voice for community and association matters. Delegates
Delegates in March at the Annual
gather monthly, the third Tuesday of each month, for the Recreation Advisory Committee (RAC) at Eastridge. Delegates make recommendations to the Board of Directors on important matters that impact our community. You can (and should) contact your
Meeting of Delegates, and serve staggered two-year terms. This year
delegate to keep up to date on what’s going on in the Ranch. You can find your delegate
there are three board positions
on the web site at
N e w H R C A W eb S i t e
Delegates are elected by their
Check out our new web site! It is a great resource to find information on programs and services the HRCA provides: community services, events, history of Highlands Ranch, and timely topics of interest. Check us out at
district constituents in April to serve individual neighborhoods in the Ranch. Find out more by going to the web site at elections.
Building a lifestyle that you want to live