HRCA|news Enhancing property values and creating quality of life through recreation, community events and leadership
january 2010
201 0 w int er c u lt ura l se rie s This series of Thursday night performances pairs the best of song, dance, and more without the hassles and prices of downtown entertainment. Highlands Ranch Cultural Affairs Association, the SCFD, Cherry Hills Community Church, and Littleton Adventist Hospital are proud to make the arts enjoyable and accessible for all! • January 14 – Queen City Jazz Band performs New Orleans-style Dixieland Jazz. • January 28 – Central City Opera performs Smooth Operator. • February 11 – Grupo Tlaloc presents the rich Aztec culture with dance and song. • February 25– Arvada Center Dance Academy presents ballet and modern dance. All shows are at Cherry Hills Community Church, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Please visit for more information.
Co mmu n i t y I n f ormatio n Me e tin g s – University Campus Consideration Monday, December 21 - Recreation Center at Southridge Tuesday, January 5 - Recreation Center at Southridge Thursday, January 7 - Recreation Center at Southridge Tuesday, January 12 - Location to be announced Thursday, January 14 - Location to be announced Wednesday, January 27 - Location to be announced All meetings will begin at 7:00 p.m. For more information visit and click the link under Community News on the right side of the page. This link is updated periodically. The HRCA has made no decision on the request to purchase land from the HRCA.
so u t h r i d g e p o o l c losure The children’s pool area at Southridge will close Monday, December 21 for approximately 12 weeks for the pool deck remediation project. During this time the fitness pool at Southridge will remain open as well as the pools at Northridge, Eastridge, and Westridge. We will be updating progress on our web site at
board elections
BE A BOARD CANDIDATE At the March 16, 6:30 p.m. Annual Meeting of Delegates, the Delegates will elect Directors for open board positions. There are three Director positions available. Director Candidate Data Forms are available at all four recreation centers and online at under Community News. Forms are due February 1 by 5:00 p.m. to the attention of Rachel Campbell, 9568 University Blvd, Highlands Ranch, CO 80126 or BECOME A DELEGATE In even-numbered years (2010), members within even-numbered districts elect a District Delegate. Elections take place at the Annual Meeting of Members on April 27, 2010, 6:00 p.m. If you are interested in running for a Delegate position, please call the HRCA Administrative Office at 303-471-8802. 2010 ASSESSMENTS First Quarter Assessments are due January 1, 2010. The assessment amounts for 2010 are as follows: Administrative: $12.75 per quarter Recreation: $112.25 per quarter TOTAL : $125.00 per quarter
Building a lifestyle that you want to live