HRCA|news Enhancing property values and creating quality of life through recreation, community events and leadership
march 2010
E L E C T I O N O F D I RE C T OR S & DE L E G A T E S ANNUAL MEETING OF DELEGATES (Election of Directors) - The Annual Meeting of Delegates will be held on March 16 to elect three candidates to the Board of Directors. There are 12 candidates running for the three open positions. The candidates are: Weylan Bryant, John Ewing, Michael Flower, William Good, Laura Hopkins, Matthew Lauer, Scott Lemmon, James Livingston, David Martz, Shon Payne, Kimberle Rupert, and Gregory Terry. You may read their bios on the web site. ANNUAL MEETING OF MEMBERS - In even-numbered years members (property owners) within even-numbered districts or vacant districts elect a District Delegate. 2010
quarterly assessments You will notice something new on your quarterly statements. Your District Delegate is listed with their contact information.
elections will take place at the Annual Meeting of Members on April 27, 6:00 p.m., at the
Please keep your delegate’s
Recreation Center at Eastridge, Community Room. For more information about delegate
phone number handy so you can
elections or to locate your delegate district, please visit, click on the General
contact them with issues and
Info tab and choose Leadership. If you are interested in running for a delegate position, please
concerns about our community.
call the HRCA Administrative Office at 303-471-8958.
Are You Ready?
changes RIGs
New Trash/Recycling Program Begins Soon... The HRCA and Pro Disposal announce a new preferred-provider trash and recycling program for Highlands Ranch. The new opt-in program begins April 5. It is designed to save residents money - (just $11.33 per month), help our environment and is safer for our community. Other benefits of the program include: free single stream recycling, optional 96-gallon container (deposit required), no contracts to sign, no fuel surcharges or environmental fees.
Proposed changes to the Residential Improvement Guidelines are posted on the HRCA web site for review. Staff
The program divides the Ranch into five service zones, for pick up Monday - Friday. Your trash
will be asking the board to
will still be picked one day a week, but that day could change according to the zone map. For
consider the adoption of these
more detailed information on the zones go to page three.
changes at the March 16 board meeting. The new guidelines go into effect April 5, 2010.
Building a lifestyle that you want to live