Enhancing property values and creating quality of life through recreation, community events and leadership
election of directors & d e l e g at e s ANNUAL MEETING OF DELEGATES (Election of Directors) - The Annual Meeting of Delegates will be held March 15 to elect two candidates to the HRCA Board of Directors. There are five candidates running for the two Director positions. The candidates are: Christina Caputo, David Gundersen, Nancy McDonald, Brock Norris, and Jeff Suntken. For more information about the Director election process or to review the Candidates’ bios please visit the web site.
M a r c h 2 0 11
workshop backyard to table
“BACKYARD TO TABLE” Join us for this one-day workshop for homeowners on how to grow and harvest backyard bounty and
ANNUAL MEETING OF MEMBERS - In odd-numbered years members (property
turn your efforts into a delicious and
owners) within odd-numbered districts or vacant districts elect their District Delegate.
healthy meal. Select from class topics
2011 elections will take place at the Annual Meeting of Members on April 26, 5:30 p.m. at
such as: vegetable gardening, pest
Eastridge, Community Room. For more information about Delegate elections or to locate
management, composting, backyard
your delegate district, please visit If you are interested
fruit trees, cooking from the garden,
in running for a Delegate position, please call the HRCA Administrative Office at 303-471-
and preserving fruits and vegetable.
8958. Last date for known Delegate Candidates to be printed on the Notice mailed to members is March 16. Write-in Candidates will still be accepted and valid.
b a c k c o u n t ry t r a i l s t o re-open
The workshop also includes a series of lessons for children ages 5-13 while parents attend classes. Children will enjoy hands-on lessons and projects including: shooting sports,
The Wildcat Mountain Trails re-open on Saturday, March 26. The trails have been
gardening, insects, cooking, and the
closed for the winter to allow the elk, deer, and other wildlife to get through the winter
science of seeds and grains.
with minimal human disturbance. The Wildcat Mountain Trails are over five miles of natural surface trails for Highlands Ranch residents. The trails are perfect for wildlife
Saturday, March 5, 8:30 a.m. - 3:00
watching, mountain biking, and trail running. The HRCA’s Highlands Point Trail System,
p.m. at Southridge. Workshop fee of
along with the Douglas County East/West Trail that crosses through the Backcountry
$11 per adult or child includes class
are open year around. For trail maps and more information visit,
materials. Registration deadline:
call 303-471-8885 or email
February 28. For more information, call 303-730-1920.
30th Anniversary Building a lifestyle that you want to live