Mini Camps-Discoverers (Ages 5-6)
This three-hour day at Camp Backcountry is the perfect launchpad for kids entering kindergarten and first grade to take in a pint-size (half-day) version of our full-day, nature camp adventures. Mini camp will follow the same theme as nature camp, and each session will focus all its activities and adventures around that theme. Price $185/$195
Nature Camps (Ages 7-13)
Base Camp is just the beginning for our Nature Campers! Whether it’s their first introduction to the outdoors or they are a certified wild child, our Nature Camp sessions give campers opportunities to hike, build, create, explore, and adventure … all in the fresh summer air. Campers are broken up into three groups each week: Explorers (Ages 7-8),Voyagers (Ages 9-10), and Adventurers (Ages 11-13). Price $370/$380
Art Camps (Ages 7-13)
Your artist (no experience needed) can turn their vision into a work of art using all kinds of mediums from painting and sketching to land art and more. Excursions to unique Backcountry destinations will provide access to the perfect outdoor studio. Price $410/$420
Expedition Camps (Ages 11-13)
Expedition Camp takes our Nature Camps to the next level: bigger excursions, water adventures, and digging deeper into environmental topics! Campers get to test their outdoor know-how and willpower on adventures (think: summit hike, rock climbing, stand-up paddleboarding) that they’ll be talking about long after the summer sunsets. Price $510/$520
Before and After Camp Care (Ages 7-13)
In order to accommodate parents’ work schedules, we offer early drop-off and late pick-up options at our Base Camp. This program allows campers time to eat breakfast, build forts, tend to our barnyard critters, play games, and wind down from the day. Daily and weekly options available. Before Care Price: $10/day; After Care Price: $13/day Before Care 7:30 - 9:00 a.m. After Care 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
High Adventure Camp (Ages 14-17)
High Adventure Camp is all adventure, all week long! Each itinerary has a focus on leadership development Let your kid live the ranch life at our Camp taught through different adventure activities. Campers Backcountry horse camps. Campers will find themselves will head out on big hikes, whitewater rafting, rock immersed in learning about the equine species through climbing, and more as they indulge in a week’s worth of groundwork, animal science, games, and riding in the wilderness and leadership immersion. arena or on the trails. Price $510/$520 Price $530/$550
Backcountry Base Camp, 6005 Ron King Trail, Littleton, 80125 • Camp Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Horse Camps (Ages 7-13)
: S E M E H T CAMP 3 MAY 30 - JUNE
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JUNE 6-10
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JUNE 13-17
Skills Nature: Outdoor p Horse: Rodeo Cam em the El ents Art: Art Through
JUNE 20-24
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JUNE 27-JULY 1olor
ut C Nature: Wild Abo tures en Horse: Ranch Adv Color ut Mini: Wild Abo s s: Ropes and Rapid High Adventure
JULY 5-8
of Water Nature: Wonders ers R Horse: English id
JULY 11-15
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JULY 18-22
d Rock Life Nature: It’s a Har p Horse: Rodeo Cam g vas - Field Journalin Art: Nature's Can ock Life Mini: It's a Hard R
JULY 25-29
of Survival Nature: The Art ia Horse: Horse Man ture is Out There Expedition: Adven
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