Enhancing property values and creating quality of life through recreation, community events and leadership
B a c k c o u n t r y H a pp e n i n g s The eagle has landed! For the first time in many years, there is a confirmed active Golden Eagle nest on Wildcat Mountain! Following recommendations from the Colorado Division of Wildlife and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the HRCA is taking steps to ensure the eagle nest is not disturbed by closing part of the trail system. If the nest is successful, the trail will remain closed until mid July or August. Eagles and eagle nests are protected by the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, a federal act that prohibits any “take” of eagles. “Take” includes to “disturb” and to “molest” eagles or eagle nest sites. Fines are severe, up to $100,000 and one year in jail. The HRCA will keep the public up to date on the nest status through the Backcountry facebook page and other channels. Find us on facebook at HRCABackcountry. For more information about the trail closure, visit Backcountry and click on Trail Information.
C o n c u s s i o n awa r e n e s s It is conservatively estimated that 1,500 to 2,500 youth athletes visit emergency rooms for sports-related concussions each year. Concussions pose particular risks to children and young adults whose brains are still developing and may take longer to recover after an injury. A young athlete needs plenty of time and proper medical supervision to give the brain an opportunity to mend. The Jake Snakenberg Youth Concussion Act was signed into law on March 29, 2011 and requires that coaches of all youth organized sports for kids ages 11-18 complete annual concussion recognition education. The legislation covers middle school-aged athletes and high school kids because this age range is most at risk for sports-related concussions. Join us for a free seminar, What Every Parent and Coach Needs to Know About Concussions, Tuesday, May 24, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. at Southridge.
P o l i c y c o n s i d e r at i o n s The Board of Directors will be considering amendments to the Residential Improvement Guidelines and Site Restrictions, a Covenant Enforcement and Fine Policy, and a Consent Agenda Policy, at their May 17 meeting. For more information, visit the web site.
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of Highlands Ranch
The Taste of Highlands Ranch celebrates 16 years of wine, food, and fun. The 2011 Taste, benefitting The Children’s Hospital, features wine, beer, and spirits from Highlands WineSeller and sumptuous cuisine from over 30 area restaurants including: Boston’s Gourmet Pizza & Sports Bar, Sweet Tomatoes, Sushi Nori, Fox and Hound Restaurant, Anthony’s Pizza & Pasta, Rubio’s Fresh Mexican Grill, Nicolo’s, Salsa Brava Fresh Mexican Grill, Maggiano’s Denver South, Sonoma’s Wine Bar & Grill, The Makery Cake Co., Nicolo’s, Farro Italian Restaurant, Lodo’s Bar & Grill. A silent auction rounds out the evening. Friday, May 6, 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Recreation Center at Eastridge. Tickets are $25 for Members and $30 for Guests and are available by calling 303-471-8859 or by visiting any HRCA recreation center. Tickets will be $30 the day of the event, if not sold out. You must be 21+ to attend, ID’s will be checked.
30th Anniversary
Building a lifestyle that you want to live