HRCA News Nov. 2009

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HRCA|news Enhancing property values and creating quality of life through recreation, community events and leadership

november 2009

S O L A R PA N E L S b ring ne w light to hrca The installation of the solar panels at the Recreation Centers at Eastridge and Westridge are now complete and up and running. In the next few weeks you will see a monitor in these facilities that will show the direct results of the solar energy generated. The panels will generate approximately 25 kilowatts of energy and save the Association around $5,779.00 a year.

ice arena

grand opening

“We are fulfilling one of the Board of Directors Strategic Objectives - Championing

n e w o u td o o r

environmental stewardship & sustainability,” says Board Member Paul Meyers. “The HRCA

s y n thet i c i ce are n a

has become a great example of what our community members can do with solar and is a leading example of sustainability in the community.” The HRCA’s Green Team is excited to support this project to promote energy efficiency, reduce pollution, save valuable resources, and improve overall conservation. For more detailed information, visit the web site.

NU T C R A C K E R H I G HLIGHTS Join us for our traditional kickoff to the holiday season with the Showtime at Southridge “Nutcracker Highlights“. This is a fantastic family-friendly event where folks don’t have to travel far or spend a fortune to enjoy this holiday favorite. Prices are kept low by the support of the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District grants generated by our tax revenue. The ballet will be performed by the International Youth Ballet. The performance highlights the

Join us on November 7, 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. for the Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting ceremony of HRCA’s new Ice Arena at Town Center North. Attendees are eligible for prizes and




figure skating and ice hockey demonstrations, and learn more about the new ice programs the HRCA has created just for this synthetic outdoor rink.

Nutcracker Ballet and is graced by guest appearances of professional dancers. There will be three performances given: Friday evening, November 27 from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m, and

Todd Landgrave, Board President

Saturday, November 28 from 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. or 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. Tickets are $5 Members, $7

says, “We are very pleased that

Guests in advance and $8 and $10 the day of the event, if not sold out, and are available by

the HRCA has brought this exciting

calling 303-791-2500 or visiting any HRCA Recreation Center.

new amenity to Highlands Ranch for our community to enjoy.”

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