HRCA September - December 2022 Activity Guide

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This course teaches some of the more popular options strategies such as Iron Condors, Butterflies, Straddles and Calendar/Diagonal Spreads. This course goes beyond simply defining strategies. It teaches which strategy is the most efficient to use based on the individual’s outlook for the markets. Learn which strike prices to use based on your risk/reward profile. Learn to calculate the potential profits and losses on each trade and how it impacts the overall ROI of the entire account. Understand key money-management principles specifically related to options trading. Critical details will also be discussed to help prevent self-inflicted losses. Course is taught by an options professional with over 30 years of trading experience. Basic understanding of options is highly recommended. Northridge, Wetterhorn; Price $150/$172 Sa 11/12/22 9:00 a.m. - Noon

Athletes Global Financial Freedom Class (Ages 12-18)

Participants will learn success strategies of budgeting, investing, compound interest, while developing a winning plan to reaching financial freedom. Westridge, Golden Eagle; Price $50/$57 Su 11/06/22 - 11/13/22 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Su 12/04/22 - 12/11/22 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.


Girls Emotional Wellness Art Affirmation Workshop (Ages 12-18)

Empowering girls to build on their emotional strength & confidence in this stressful time. One time workshop will include a combination of mindfulness focus, wellness journaling, and self-affirmation art intervention. Attendees will take home the art project. April Thompson is a Licensed Child and Family Therapist, specializing with kids, tween/teen girls, young adult women, and parent education. Westridge, Hawk Room; Price $50/$58 Su 10/02/22 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. Su 11/13/22 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.

Empowering Kids: Happiness Flip Workshop(Ages 7-9)


A.P.E’s Basic Class/ Child Escape (Ages 5-12)

This is a good introductory and refresher course for kids. It will cover a broad range of topics including: defining a “Stranger”, “Lures”, Role Playing, distancing, what to yell, “Going Bananas”, “Code Words”, and communication. Child Escape: The first and most important counter move if attacked or threatened is to “run like the wind” (and bring attention to the situation). If running away is not immediately an option, you may need to know how to get out of a situation “physically.” This class goes over ways to specifically get out of danger if a child is grabbed, picked up, put in a car, etc. Because of the physical nature of this class, it is only given to both kids and parents together. Westridge, Falcon; Price $30/$35 Su 09/11/22 11:00 - 1:00 p.m. Su 11/06/22 11:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Women’s Self Defense Class (Ages 12+)

We start by discussing the importance of staying aware and being “smart” on the street and at home. We will than teach the basic strikes necessary to fend off an attacker. At this point, the instructor puts on a full padded body suit which enables the participants to land real strikes. Finally, we spend most of the class role playing some different type of attacks that women may face from a predator. This class is for any woman who is interested in becoming more empowered and more confident if ever faced with this danger. Westridge, Falcon; Price $50/$58 Su 09/11/22 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. Su 11/06/22 2:00 - 5:00 p.m.

workshop incorporating power poses, positive affirmations, and simple movement. This workshop teaches children how to combat negative thoughts and stress and setting them up for a successful year and life! A Happiness Flip journal is included to help create positive mindset habits at home. The workshop will be facilitated by Marrielle Monte, author of the AwardWinning children’s book, Magic Thinking for Kids. Westridge, Hawk Room; Price $40/$46 Su 09/18/22 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. Su 10/02/22 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.* Su 11/13/22 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. *Meets in the Barn Owl

Empowering Kids: Resilient Families Workshop (All Ages)

Are you ready to stop worrying if your children are going to be resilient when they grow up? This workshop will teach simple and easy tools for everyone to become more resilient and less stressed! An engaging and interactive workshop for the whole family! Let’s shake off the last two years of stress with some family fun! This is a two-part workshop. Marrielle Monte, a Certified Happiness Coach and author of the Award-Winning book, Magic Thinking for Kids, will facilitate the workshop. Westridge, Owl Room; Price $99/$115 per family Su 09/11/22 - 9/18/22 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. Su 10/02/22 - 10/09/22 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.* Su 11/06/22 - 11/13/22 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. *Meets in the Barn Owl

Happiness Blueprint (Ages 18+)

Ever want to be a little happier? Incorporating small wellness habits into your life will result in living a happier life. Each class will engage in wellness activities and discussions, so you have your own blueprint for happiness. This workshop is a 90-minute, 4-part series. This series will be facilitated by Marrielle Monte, Certified Happiness Coach and author of the AwardWinning book, Magic Thinking for Kids. Southridge, Arrowhead Conference Room; Price $160/$184 Th 09/22/22 - 10/13/22 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.

Athletes Global Youth Brain Fitness Class (Ages 8-12)

Our brain fitness class focuses on stimulating and improving our participants critical, creative thinking skills, focus, concentration, and memory. Finally, goal is to help improve our participants social, emotional, physical, and mental skills in a FUN learning environment Northridge, Crestone; Price $65/$75 Th 09/08/22 - 09/29/22 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. Th 10/06/22 - 10/27/22 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. Th 11/03/22 - 11/17/22 4:30 - 6:30 p.m.* Th 12/01/22 - 12/22/22 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. *Adjusted price $50/$57


Options Trading: Intermediate Level (Ages 18+)

Athletes Global Inner Beauty Class (Ages 12-14)

Our program focuses on building our participants inner beauty, self-esteem, self-confidence and self-belief. We introduce them to the beauty industry through skills training in makeup art, skincare, styling, hair and photography. Our purpose driven program will offer hands-on training and teach a strong foundation in the world of beauty artistry. Westridge, Falcon; Price $65/$75 Su 09/11/22 - 10/02/22 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Su 10/09/22 - 10/30/22 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.


Kids WatchBabysitting Class(Ages 11-18)

Learn guidelines for working with parents and their children to make the time safe and fun.You will learn how to set up your own babysitting business, how to keep the kids entertained, and what to do in an emergency. This is a hands-on class where you will learn and practice everything from baby diapering and feeding to basic child/infant first aid, choking protocols, and CPR. The class includes a Kids Watch guide and personal web access to many other trusted resources such as games, suggestions, and videos from other babysitting experts and advice from young, experienced babysitters. Each student will receive access to the pediatric first aid text for reference along with the babysitting manual and certificate of participation from WestCPR LLC. Please bring a peanut free snack/lunch. Westridge, Falcon; Price $78/$89 Sa 09/17/22 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Sa 10/15/22 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Sa 11/12/22 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Sa 12/10/22 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

2 0 2 2 S e pte mbe r - Decem b er Activity Gu id e


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