07 05 2015press release former member of the satun pao giving evidence in a human trafficking case f

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มูลนิธิเพือ่ สิทธิ มนุษยชนและการพัฒนา (มสพ.) Human Rights and Development Foundation เลขที่ 109 ซอยสิทธิชน ถนนสุทธิสารวินจ ิ ฉั ย แขวงสามเสนนอก เขตห ้วยขวาง กรุงเทพฯ 10310 109 Soi Sitthichon, Suthisarnwinichai Road, Samsennok, Huaykwang. Bangkok 10310 Tel: (+662)277 6882/277 6887 Fax: (+662)277 6882 ext 108 E-mail: info@hrdfoundation.org

For immediate release on 7 May 2015 Press release Former member of the Satun PAO giving evidence in a human trafficking case filed against him by Songkhla public prosecutor with Rohingya migrant as injured party On 27 April and 6 May 2015, the Songkhla Provincial Court conducted hearings to examine witnesses in a case filed by Songkhla public prosecutor against Mr. Anat Hayeemasae, former member of the Satun Provincial Administration Organization (PAO) on human trafficking offence committed against Rohingya migrants. The offence involves an illegal exploitation against a person including extortion and holding a person for ransom as per the 2008 Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act and on depriving a person of liberty and kidnapping. The Rohingya migrant as injured party has asked to be an interpleader of the case. Two witnesses gave evidence during the hearings including; 1. Mr. Anat Hayeemasae, the defendant, in short said that during 2014, the Satun PAO organized an international kite festival and he as a member of the Satun PAO was asked to look after delegations from Malaysia since he can speak Malay. He was then introduced to Mr. Abideen, a local politician from Penang, Malaysia. Then, on 10 March 2014, Mr. Anat said he had received a phone call from Mr. Abideen who asked him to bring a migrant worker from Myanmar to the Hat Yai bus terminal claiming that the mother of the worker was seriously ill. Mr. Anat thus brought the Myanmar worker to the Tam Marang ferry pier in Muang District, Satun, and together they were having some food a convenient store prior to proceeding to the Hat Yai bus terminal where the uncle of the worker was there to pick him up. Upon arrival, Mr. Anat was arrested by police and later was pressed with the charges. 2. Mr. Amart Supranee, Director of the Bureau Education, Religion and Culture, Satun PAO, gave evidence that during the 2014 international kite festival, Mr. Anat was responsible for the job and he got to know Mr. Abideen, a local politician from Penang, Malaysia, by the introduction of Mr. Anat. Mr.

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