Sale 2858 - "Hessel" Autograph Collection of Presidents, Statesmen, and Signers

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5. 6.

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SALE 2858

HARMERSOF NEW YORK presents at auction


PRESIDENTS, STATESMEN& SIGNERS TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1990 at 1:30 p.m. at the Galleries of



14 EAST 33rd STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10016 Telephone: (212) 532-3700 Keith A. Harmer , Jack La Calamito -


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License # 's 672829, 780870


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9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.


May 28 -

Memorial Day


All letters, envelopes and address leaves bear some mounting traces on verso. KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS

DS - Document Signed ALS - Autograph Letter Signed, letter completely in the hand of the person who signed it Manuscript LS - Letter handwritten by another, but actually signed by the person indicated

ADS - Autograph Document Signed TLS - Typewritten Letter Signed


It is at the owner's request that these autographs be presented in the original order of the collection .


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ALS "G. Washington" as President, 7" by 9", lp. Philadelphia, May 9, 1794 . With int egral address leaf entire ly in Washington's hand, addressed to "The Revd /Mr. J. Belknap /Boston", franked by him in lower left, " President /US". Small circular black postal marking "9 / MA" and stamped "FREE " . Washington thanks Belknap for

"the first Vol. of an American Biography " and wishes "it was in my power to afford you my aid in the prosecution of so desirable a work . But I do not see where I can;-and if I did, my avocations are of such a nature as to allow me no time to frofit by the means." Est. Cash Va . $10,000-15 ,000


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Address leaf entirely in Washington 's hand , addressed by him to his stepson "John Parke Custis Esqr/near AlexandriaNirginia" , franked "G . Wash ington" in lower left. Est. Cash Val. $3000-5000

To Signer of The Declaration of Independence,

Samuel Huntington


Address leaf addressed in another hand to "H is Excellency /Governor Huntington /Connecticut", franked by Washington, "Presiden t/US " in lower left. Black straight- lin e postmark, " New York Dec 23", also stamped "FREE". Docket on verso indicates the year to be 1789. Vertical fold mark in center not near Washington 's writing; mounted . Est. Cash Val. $3000-5000


Address leaf entirely in Washington's hand , addressed to "The Honble /Genl. Sullivan /New -Hampshire ," and franked in lower left, "Free /G. Washington ". General John Sullivan, taken prisoner by the British at the Battle of Long Island , was later exchanged for Genera l Prescott. Est. Cash Val. $3000-5000

Possible Preparation For War 5


Important ALS "G. Washington ", 8" by 10", 2 full pages. Mount Vernon , September 9 , 1799. To South Carolina Governor Edward Rutledge , Signer of th e Declaration of Independence. Washington tells Rutledge that Brigadier General William Washington (a kinsman) had given "me the model of the cannon which you was so good as to present to me " and he thanks Rutledge for it. Washington , who, in 1798, was once more commissioned Lieutenant Genera l and Commander-in-Chief of all the Armies of the United States in Preparation of a possible war with Fran ce, then warns that th e United States shou ld be prepared for participation in a European war if it should be unavoidabl e. In part, "No man can wish more sincerely than I do, that we may not be drawn into the conflict which the European Powers are now involved ; but, at the same time , no one is more anxious that we should make every possible preparation to meet such an event, if it should be unavoidable. In order to do this, we should embrace the present moment to make our Establishments as respectable as circumstances will permit , and neglect no opportunity of introducing into them every improvement in the Military Art that can be useful. .. " Some show-t hrou gh, otherwise fine. A photograph of the model cannon is present in this lot. Est. Cash Val. $20 ,000-30 ,000 Address leaf entirely in Washington's hand, addressed to " His Excellency /Governor Rutledge /Charleston ", franked in lower left, "G . Washington". "Free " in another hand in upper right. Circular brown postmark , " Alex. Va/Sep 9" . With copy of Washington's letter to South Carolina Governor Edward Rutledge , Signer of the Declaration of Independence, indicating the year to be 1799. Washington died December 14 , 1799. Est. Cash Val. $3000-5000 THIS IS THE ADDRESS LEAF FOR THE LETTER DESCRIBED IN LOT # 5.


ALS "G. Washington ", 7" by 9", lp . Mount Vernon , December 29, 1787. To his neph ew, Bushrod Washington . With integral address leaf entirel y in Washington 's hand , addressed to " Bushrod Washington Esqr/In Assembly /Richmond ", and franked in lower left, " Free/G. Washington" (fold at bas e of signature). Washington had accidently kept a lett er addressed to Bushrod. In part, "The truth of the case is with a letter for myself , from Mr. Smith, it was enclosed with the Papers with which he was furnished for prosecuting the ejectments of the People living on my lands . .. & these being accompanied by another letter from that Gentleman , I took it for granted that the bundle (which was sealed) contained only the Papers which related to my land . .. " Est. Cash Val. $8000-10,000


ALS "G. Washington" , 8" by 10", 1 full page . Mount Vernon, March 24 , 1799 . To William Thornton , architect who des igned the U.S. Capito l Building . With integra l address leaf entirely in Washington's hand, addressed to " Willm. Thornton Esqr/Federal City". Washington's modesty precluded him from writing th e actual name of the "Fe dera l" City which was , of course, "Was hington " . Franked by him in lower left, " Free /G. Washington ". Manus cr ipt postal markin gs, "A lex 24 Mar Free ". Thornton had been trained as a physician and it was in this capa city that Washington wrote to him about his secretary, Col. Tobias Lear. In part , " I had desired Col. Lear to remain in the City as long as he could derive benefit from your friendly prescription to his Understanding~ It, or more properly they,_ stand so much in need of skillful assistance that an entire derangement may take place without it. " Th e " understanding " and "derangement" to which Washington refers ultimately led to Lear's suicide 17 years later. Letter and address leaf had been seaparted at two fold s and had been rep laced with transpar ent tape on verso, going through the " W" of the free frank . Est. Cash Val. $6000-8000

From George Washington To Patrick Henry 9

Address leaf entirely in Washington 's hand, addressed to "Patrick Henry Esqr", and franked in upper right , "Free /G. Washington ". Washington has penned the following in the lower left, "Recommended /to the care of the/Postmaster in/Richmond ". Black stra ight lin e postmark , " R'D . Jan . 22, ' 99", manuscript postal markings, "Alex 15 Jany". Note on verso in the hand of the Postmaster, "forwarded by Obt. Servt /A. Davi s". Broken red wax sea l of Washington's initials . Two horizontal folds ; slightly worn at horizontal folds. Est. Cash Val. $4000-6000



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Address leaf entirely in Washington's hand, addressed to "Fielding Lewis Esquire /at/Fredricksburg /in / Virginia", and franked in lower left, "G. Washington". Fielding Lewis (1726-1781) was married to Washington's sister , Elizabeth. Transparent tape repairs at folds on verso. Est. Cash Val. $3000-6000


Address leaf addressed in another hand to "The Honble Nicholas Cooke Esq./Governor &C. of the State of/Rhode Island". Franked in lower left, "G. Washington ". Manuscript "Free" in upper right. Docket on verso indicates the letter enclosed was written in Morristown, March 1, 1777. Most of red wax seal (three star shield) is still present. Browned vertical center fold is not near Washington 's signature. Est. Cash Val. $3000-6000


Address Adams". enclosed privilege.

leaf entirely in Adams' hand , addressed to "Mrs Hannah Cushing", and franked at mid-left, "J. Manuscript postal markings, "Quincy Ms. Jany 17th Free" . Docket on verso indicates the letter was written by Adams' wife , Abigail, January 15, 1814, and was an illegal use of the franking Est. Cash Val. $1000-1500


Address leaf addressed in another hand to "John Binns Esqre/Philadelphia ", franked in lower left, "J. Adams ". Manuscript postal markings, "Qu in cy Ms , Septr , 20th, Free". Docketed on verso "Sept. 20, 1819". Est. Cash Val. $1000-1500


Front portion of an address leaf addressed by his daughter-in-law, Louisa C. Adams, wife of John Quincy Adams, to " Alexander B. Johnson Esquire /Utica /Oneida County/New York", franked in the lower left in a bold but shaky hand , "J. Adams". Manuscript postal markings , "Quincy Ms , Deer 27th, Free ". Mounting stains on verso. Est. Cash Val. $800-1200

Abigail Adams ALS Sent Under John Adams' Frank 15

Address leaf addressed in another hand to "Mrs. Richard Rush /Washington ", franked in mid-left, "J. Adams". Manuscript postal markings, "Quincy Ms. Jany 11th Free ". Vertical docket by Attorney General Richard Rush goes through upper loop of "J" in Adams' signature. Rush writes, "From Mrs. Adams the/Elder, on learning/that I had a/severe fit of/illness". With integral ALS of ABIGAIL ADAMS, 8 by 9.5", lp. Quincy , January 12, 1815. Mrs . Adams had read in the newspapers of "the sickness of our highly esteemed friend and your beloved husband" and desired "a line to relieve as I hope, the anxiety of your and his Friends of this family all of whom take a sincere interest in the Health and prosperity of yours ... " John Adams and Attorney General Rush's father, Benjamin, were Signers of the Declaration of Independence. Est. Cash Val. $3000-6000 11







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Address leaf entirely in Jefferson 's hand , addr esse d to Signer of the Declara tion of Ind ependence "Caesar Rodn ey esquire /Wilmington " , franked in upp er left, as President, "free /Th:Jefferson Pr. US". Circular brown postmark, " Washn City/Jun /24", and straight lin e "FREE". Part of light postmark over part of signa tur e. Docket indicated year was 1802. Est. Cash Val. $2000 -4000


Address leaf entirely in Jefferson 's hand , addressed to "Mr. Robert Purviance /Baltimore" franked in upper left, as President , "free /Th :Jefferson Pr. US". Circular red postmark, "Was hin gton City/Mar /8" and straigh t lin e "FREE". Purviance was Collector of th e Port of Baltimore. Docket indicates year was 1806. Est. Cash Val. $2000 -4000


Address leaf entirely in Jefferson's hand , addressed to " Monsr . le Baron de Stackelberg /Charge des affaires de Suede /Washington ", franked in upp er left, "free /Th: Jefferson". Partial Virginia circ ul ar red postmark, " Oct 24". Pencil note indi cates letter enclose d was written from Monticello, October 23, 1822. Est. Cash Val. $2000-4000

The Impossibility Of Becoming A Winemaker 19

ALS "Th ; Jefferson" as President, 8" by 10", lp., Washington, March 24, 1801. With int egral address leaf entir ely in Jefferson's hand, addressed to "Mr. P. Legaux /at Springmill/near Philadelphia" , franked by him in upper left , "free . Th: Jefferson". Circular black postmark , "Wash. City/Mar ./25", stamped " FREE". Less than three weeks after becoming President, Jefferson writes, in part, "This is the first moment since the reciept[sic) of the 4th inst. that it has been in my power to acknowledge it and to thank you for the kind ofyour;avor offer o a number of vines . .. " Because "the season is too far advanced for their removal, " Jefferson declines th e offer but sta tes that he might accep t vines in the future but "of the eating kind preferably, my absence from home and other circumstances excluding me from the possibility of becoming a wine maker." Est. Cash Val. $500 0-8000

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Address leaf entirely in Madison's hand, addressed to "John Lewis Thompson Esqr/Philad elphia ", franked in upper right " Free James Madison" as President. Th e letter was forwarded with " Philadelphia " being crossed out and " Norfolk/Virginia" added in another hand . Circular brown postmark, " Wash City/Mar 16" . Also circular red postmark , "Phil/18 Mar. " Two folds, one through th e "a" of " Madison ". Dock et on verso indicates year to be 1817. Est. Cash Val. $800-1000


Address leaf entirely in Madison's hand , addressed to " Landon Carter Esqr ./King George Court House / Virginia ", franked in upper right , "James Madison " . Light circu lar brown postmark, " Wash City/ Feb 24", stamped "F REE". Est. Cash Val. $600-800


Partial address leaf in Madison's hand , addressed to " Charl es Cart er Esqr .". " Sprin g Camp P. Office /Floyd Count yN irginia " was added in another hand. Franked in upper right , " Free James Madison ". Excellent red circular postmark, "City of Washington /Mar 15", stamped " FREE". Est. Cash Val. $600-800


ALS "James Madison" as President-elect, 8" by 10", lp . Washington, February 7, 1809. With integral address leaf entirely in Madison 's hand, addressed to " Land on Cart er Esqr/Clive /near King George Court Hous e/ Virginia" franked in upper rig ht , "Dept. of State /James Madison " Circular bla ck postmark, " Washn City/Feb 6", stamped "F REE". Madison has "committed to the flames the paper delivered to my custody in Orange. The seal of it had never been broken . .. " Est. Cash Val. $1600-2000


ALS "James Madison" as Rector of the University of Virginia , 8" by 10", lp. Montp elli er, Dece mber 27, 1826. Address on verso entirely in Madi son 's hand to "N icholas P. Trist /n ear Charlottesvill eN irginia" , franked in upper right , " Free Jam es Madison" . Manuscript post al markin gs, " Orange CH Va./28 Deer. " Trist , a West Point stud ent who left to study law und er Thomas Jefferson, was lat er Andrew Jackson's Privat e Secretary , James K. Polk 's peace negotiator in Mexico and appointed Postmaster at Alexa ndria, Virginia , by U.S. Grant. An ANS "N.P. Trist /Philadelphia, Jun e 11,'55", exp lainin g Madison's lette r to him appears on a blank integral sheet opposite Madison 's ALS. Edges browned and transp arent ta.Pe repairs at folds. Originally in very poor condition, the paper has been expert ly restored. Est. Cash Val. $1000-1500


Address leaf entirely in Madison's hand , addressed to "Mrs Louisa M. Patton/New Orleans /at Mr. P. Laidlaws", franked in upper right , "Free James Madison ". Excellent bla ck circular postmark, " Orange-CH Va/Oct 9" , stamped "FREE". Year 1833 in pencil in unidentified hand. Also includes address leaf to Madison, with oval black stamped "University /of Virga " in upper left, manuscript " Free " in upper right , and docketed by Madison, "Jno . Wells/Sept. 21, 1829" . Est. Cash Val. $600-800



Address leaf entirely in Monroe's hand, addr essed to "John Lewis Thompson Esq./Phil adelphi a", frank ed in upp er ri ght as President-elect, "Dept of Stat e/Jas Monro e" " Philad elphia " has been cross ed out and "Elizab eth City/N. Carolina " writt en in an unid entifi ed hand . Two circular red postmarks , " Phil /2 Jan ", stamp ed " FREE". Docket indi cates letter in side was dat ed Dece mb er 30, 1816. Est. Cash Val. $600-800 Portion of an address leaf entirely in Monroe's hand , addr essed to "John Randolph Esqr /Richmond ", frank ed in upp er right , " Dept of Stat e/Jas Monro e". Fad ed brown circular postmark , "Wash City /Jan 9", stamped " FREE" . Est. Cash Val. $400-600

Political Association Between James Monroe and Charles F. Mercer 28



Address leaf entirely in Monroe's hand, addr essed to " Charl es F. Mercer Esquir e/Leesburg London count y/ Virgini a", frank ed in upp er right , "James Monro e". Circul ar red postmark , " New-York/Mar 26 " stamp ed " FREE". Althou gh undat ed , th e year is 1831 as Monro e mo ve d to New York City in 1831 and di ed th ere July 4, 1831 . 12-term Demo crati c congressman Mercer had been on e of the originators of the plan for establishing th e Free State of Liberi a whos e capital , Monrovia , was nam ed in honor of Monro e. Verti cal folds , one through " a" of "Jam es" . Est. Cash Val. $600-800 Address leaf in unid entifi ed hand , addr essed to " Gen eral Charl es Cotesworth Pinckn ey/Charl eston /So. Carolina " ( " Charl eston " crossed out and " Beaufort " penned in), frank ed in upper right beneath manus cript " Dept of Stat e", "Jas Monroe ". Circular brown postmark , " Washn City/May 6" and circular red postmark , " Chalsn SC/May 24" . Sup erb red wax seal of th e Departm ent of Stat e intact. Federalist Pinckn ey ran for Vice Presid ent in 1800 and for Presid ent in 1804 and 1808 . Est. Cash Val. $800-1000 Address leaf in unidentifi ed hand , addr essed to "Joseph Hopp er Nicholson Esqr ./Centr evill e, East ern Sho re/Maryland ", frank ed in upp er right ben eath manus cript " Am erican Legation at London ", "Jas Monro e". Circul ar brown po stmark , " Norfolk Va./Dec 14". Two red wax sea ls of th e Legation ha ve been affixe d on a blank portion of th e addr ess leaf. Est. Cash Val. $800-1000

Insider Trading In 1821 ? 31

Important ALS "James Monro e" as President, 8" by 10", 1.5pp . Washington, April 27, 1821 . Partial cir cular brown po stmark " Washn City/Apr 28", stamp ed "FREE " . With int egral addr ess leaf entir ely in Monro e' s hand , addr esse d to " Mr. William Benton /Oak Hill, n ear Aldi e,/Loudoun Virga ", frank ed in upp er right , "James Monro e". Benton wa s sup erint end ent of Oak Hill , Monro e's hom e. "In consequence of the prospect of war with Naples, I understand that flour has risen, somewhat & I think itfrobuble that it will rise more. It will be well for you to keep buck the sale of the flour, for the present. I it is sent down, you had better give the company a hint to that effect. I had rather it should come from you than me, us it might get into the papers if I give it, tho I know no more than others on the subject. .. " Light brown stains on portions of Monro e's writin g do not affect legibilit y sin ce Monro e penn ed this lett er darkl y and boldly . Est. Cash Val. $4000-6000


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Monroe's Diplomacy In War 32


Important ALS "Jas Monro e" as Secretary of Stat e, 8 by 9.5", 1 full pagr. Washington, Jun e 23 1812. With integral address leaf entirely in Monroe's hand, addressed to " The Honbl e/Joseph Nicholson / Baltimore ", frank ed in upp er right , " Dept of State /Jas Monroe ". Partial circular black postmark , " Washn City/Jun 25", stamped "F REE". A former Congressman , Nicholson was Chi ef Judge of th e 6th Judicial Circuit. Five days after th e United States declare d war on Great Britain , Monro e p ens , in part , "The Decln of War has terminated Mr Foster's mission to this country. He sets out tomorrow morning for New York to embark thence for England. The feverish state exhibited lately at Baltimore excites some anxiety, not for his safety, for no danger is apprehended to him personally, but for our national character, lest some instance of disrespect might be shown to him on the route. At such a moment as this, it would show an elevation of mind in the republican party generally, & do credit to the credit to the govt, if its friends treated him, at the towns thro which he passed , with kindness and attention . .. Some staining address leaf , not near Monroe 's writing . Est. Cash Val. $2000-4000 ALS "Jas Monroe" as Secre tary of State , 8 by 10", 1 full page plus three lin es on verso. Washin gton , Jun e 17, 1811. With int egra l adr ess leaf en tirel y in Monroe's hand , addressed to " Landon Cart er Esquire /Cleve near K. Georg e/Court Hou seN irginia ", franked in upper righ t, "Department of State!Jas Monroe". Circular brown postm ark, " Washn City/Jun e 18", stamped " FREE". In part, "As soon as I received your letter with a model of a carriage constructed on a new plan to avoid overtilting , I deposited it in the patent office. It is not usual for me to do more, the clerk in that office does everything else." Monroe had becom e Secretary of State just two months ear lier and comments that h e "intended when I obtained a moment of leisure to write you as a friend ... The truth is, I have much to do here in business, the most urgent, so that I hardly ever have a moment for my friends . Many I know I neglect, but I rely on their indulgence and their knowledge of me . . . " Est. Cash Val. $1500-3000 11


JOHN QUINCY ADAMS To His 16 Year Old Law Apprentice 34

ALS "John Quincy Adams ", 7.5" by 9", 2pp. Washin gton , April 11, 1808 . With integral address leaf entire ly in Adams' hand , address ed to " Mr. Alexander H . Evere tt./Boston ./Massachusetts. ", franked in lower left , " Free /John Quin cy Adams ./S.U.S ." No postal markin gs. Alexander H. Everett was graduated at Harvard in 1806 at 14, th e youn gest and also th e first in his class; he then studi ed law in Adams ' law office. His younger brother was th e great Orator , Edward Everett. In this lett er, Senator Adams writes th e 16 year old, " I received a few days since with great pleasure your classical epistle which I would answer in the same language , to make me a correspondent in it worthy of you. I would advise you to persist in the practice of using your classical acquirements , which y ou will find of great service through life. The depreciators of antient(sic) learning have drawn a very mistaken inference of its usefulness , from the mere fact that it is not always used, when possessed . .. " Repair ed tear at sea l. Est. Cash Val. $1400-2000

President John Quincy Adams Dicusses the Frailty of his Elderly Father 35

ALS "John Quincy Adams" as President, 8" by 10", lp. Washington, August 1, 1828. With int egra l address leaf in unknown hand addressed to "The Revd/ Wm B. Sprague-/West Springfield /Massachusetts", franked in upper right, "J.Q. Adams". Circular red postmark, "Washn City/Aug 2" , stamped "FREE". Sprague was the first noted autograph collector in the United States. Adams sends "a specimen of my own signature under a few lines from Pope's Messiah-more appropriate for the eye of a foreigner and a Clergyman than anything I could hope to have written myself. I have here nothing of my father's writing that I could give. In the last years of his life his eyes and hands had almost ceased to serve him, and he dictated even his signatures . .. " Est. Cash Val. $ 2000-4000


Front portion of address leaf in the hand of his wife, Louisa C. Adams, addressed to " Alexander B. Johnson Esqre /Utica ,/Oneida County / New York", franked in upp er right , "J.Q. Adams". Circular red postmark, " Washn City/Jul 21" , stamped " FREE". Said to be 1828 (as President). Stain over portion of addresse's name. Mounting stains on verso. Est. Cash Val. $200-400


Front portion of address leaf entirely in Adams' hand, addressed to "J. Mere dith Esqr /Baltimore", franked in upper right , "J.Q . Adams". Circular red postmark, "Was hington City D.C./Oct 28", stamped "F REE". Est. Cash Val. $200-400


Front portion of light brown address leaf in the hand of his wife , Louisa C. Adams, addressed to autograph co llector "Lewis J. Cist Esqr/S.C.L.S/Cincinnati /Ohio", franked in upp er right, "J.Q. Adams" (ink blot at top of "A"). Light circu lar red postmark. Minor tear in upp er right tou ches part of frank but is practi cally indiscernible. Est. Cash Val. $150-300


Envelope addressed by Dolly Madison , widow of James Madison, to "Bran tz Mayer Esqr /Baltimor e/Maryland", franked in upper right in a shaky hand, "J.Q. Adams". Circular red postmark, " Boston /Oct. .. " Not dated, but franked as Member of Congress in the 1840's. Est. Cash Val. $400-800


Address leaf in the hand of Richard Forrest of th e Departm en t of State, addressed to , " Humphrey Peake Esquire /Collector of th e Customs /Alexandria", franked in upper right beneath the words, " Department of State ", "J. Q. Adams" as Secretary of State. Partial circular brown "Apr 1" postmark, manuscript " free" . ALS, April 1, 1821, on verso by Forrest inqui ring as to the arr ival of the Schooner Eliza from New York. Est. Cash Val. $300-500


Front portion of address leaf entirely in Adams' hand, addressed to his son, " Charles F. Adams Esqr /Court Street /Boston", franked in upper right, "J. Q. Adams". Circular red postmark, "New-York/Oct 21". Elaborate curved lin es near frank touch "A" of signature. Mounting stains and small hole on verso. Est. Cash Val. $150-300


ALS "Andrew Jackson" as President, 8" by 10", 1.5pp . Washin gton City, Novemb er 7, 1830 . With int egral add ress leaf in unid entifi ed h and , addr esse d to " Maj Ed ward Rutl edge/Nash vill e/Tenn ess ee". "Edward " has been crosse d out and re place d with " H.M ." and "Nashvill e" repla ce d with " Hill sboro ". Frank ed across th e top , " Free And re w Jackson ". Circul ar red p ostm ark , "City of Washin gton /Nov 8", stamp ed " FREE" . Presid ent Jackson writ es in part , "The pressure of business on hand since my arrival at the Seat of Government. .. scarcely gives me any time to devote to my friends; my health is pretty good at present, but I feel a little debilitated from the sedentary life I experience. The fatigues of my long journey though great, tended in a measure to the improvement of my health, as the exercise and change of air was agreeable." Est. Cash Val. $2000-4000


Address leaf entirely in Jackson's hand , addr esse d to " Cap t Richard K. Cole/Arm y of th e U Stat es/Pen sac ola/Ft Mont gom ery". In upp er right porti on of th e leaf , Jackson h as penn ed th e followin g not e, "The Post Master near Ft. Montgo l = mery will have this forwarded /to its address without delay. IA. Jackson /Major Genl Comdg ". Partial oval black po stm ark, " Nashvill e/Aug", 1819 pen cilled in. Very int erestin g transit to Spanish Florid a durin g th e Semin ole Indi an camp aigns. Est. Cash Val. $800-1200


Address leaf entirely in Jackson's hand, addr essed to " Robert J. Chester Esq/Jackson /Madison Count y/West Tenn essee " , frank ed across top , " Fre e Andr ew Jackson " Circular red po stmark , " City of Washington /Feb 15" stamp ed " FREE". Docket touch es fin al " n " of "Jackson ". Not dat ed , but as President (Washin gton postmark) . Est. Cash Val. $600-1000


Address leaf entirely in Jackson's hand , addr esse d to " Genl J. B. Plau che-/New Orl eans- ", frank ed across top , " Free/Andr ew Jackson " . Circul ar blu e po stm ark , " Nashvill e Te./Jun 23", stamp ed " FREE". Docketed 1842. Est. Cash Val. $ 800 -1200


ALS "Andrew Jackson" , 9" by 15", 1 full pa ge. Philad elphia, January 11 , 1798. With int egra l addr ess leaf entir ely in Jackson 's hand , add resse d to " His Exce llen cy/Samu el Ashe Esqr ./Raleigh-/North Carolin a" , frank ed in upp er portion , " Free A. Jackson " . Sm all circul ar black postm ark , " 18/IA". U.S. Senator Andr ew Jackson of Tenn essee writ es to Governor Ashe of North Carolin a, in part, "Being informed through the medium of Governor Martin, that the Deposition of Mr. Love to substantiate the narrative to me heretofore forwarded you by Mr. Martin , was required by you-I immediately wrote Mr. Love on the subject , and addressed my letter to Mr. John Love." Jackson th en tells Ash e th at he sent th e letter to th e wron g gentl eman (Love 's first nam e was Charl es , not John) and th at hi s letter would be mailed by John Love from Raleigh to Charl es Love in Alexandri a. Minor separa tion at som e folds, oth erwis e fin e. Est. Cash Val. $1800-2500


11 ALS "Andrew Jackson" , 8 by 10", 1 full page. Phil ade lphi a, Janu ary 6, 1797. With int egral address leaf on verso entir ely in Jackson 's h and , addr essed to "M r Jesse Wilk enson /Suffolk/Virginia" , frank ed in lower left, "Free Andw Jackson". Small circul ar bla ck postmark , "6 /IA" stampe d "F REE". On Decem ber 6, 1796, Andrew Jackson was sworn in as Tennessee 's first and only member of th e House of Represen tativ es . His term end ed on March 3, 1797 ; on March 4th h e beca me a U.S . Senator . Durin g th e 13 weeks he served as Tenness ee's first Represen tativ e in Congress, Jackson writes abo ut some land . " It is situate I suppose about 25 Miles North East of Sumner Courthouse , and about 50 mile s from Nashvill , where it is situated is a beautiful Country for raising stock as I am informed . . .fine water , the Growth as I am told by the surveyor is poplar Cherry tree oak and walnutt . .. " Expert ly strengthened at folds on verso. Est. Cash Val. $2000-2500

Advice To His Troublesome Young Nephew 48

ALS "Andrew Jackson ", 8" by 10", 1 very full page . Hermitage, February 9, 1844. With addr ess leaf on verso en tire ly in Jackson's hand , addressed to his n ep hew, " Master Edward B. Don elson/near Bayo u Gou la/Pos t Office /State of Louisiana ", franked across top , "Free Andrew Jackson ". No postal mar kin gs. A fascinating letter to his troubl esome youn g nephew . After noting th at Edward and his mother are now livin g in the hom e of his uncl e, Major E.G.W. Butl er, Jackson writes, in part , " I learn that y ou ha ve just commenced y our studies . . . and that y ou hav e promi se d to reform & become a dutiful & clever boy . .. This intelligence, with the pledge that y ou have given me in y our l e tter now before me, that y ou have determined hereafter never to do an act in disobedience to y our dear moth ers commands & wishes , prepares me to believe that y ou will pursue y our education with asiduity & profit & never cease until y ou obtain a thorough education, and that y our acts thro life will b e such as comports with that of the real gentleman and good Christian-Then my dear Edward y ou will become a useful citizen and esteemed by all good men . . .I pra y y ou to adopt this course, it is the only one to make yo u a great & good man , and to give happiness to yr dear mother, & gratification to all yr dear friends and to no one more than to y our affection uncle . .. " With post scr ipt sign ed " A.J." Est. Cash Val. $30 00-5000



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Envelope addressed by Van Buren to " Miss Christina Cantine/Ithaca /Tompkins/New York", franked in upper right , " Free/M. Van Buren ". Said to be as President. Circular red postmark , " Washington City, D.C./Sep 18", stamped " FREE". Minor smudging in address . Est. Cash Val. $200-400


Envelope addressed by Van Buren to " Mr. Gustavas Henderson /Baltimore ", franked in upper right , " Free/M . Van Buren ". Circular red postmark, " Kinderhook , N.Y./J.- -30". Est. Cash Val. $150-300


Envelope addressed by Van Buren to " G. Kemble Esq ./Cold Springs/Putnam" , franked in upp er right, " Free/M. Van Buren". Circular bla ck postmark, " Kind erhook , N.Y./Jun 20" over frank, stamp ed " FREE" . Est. Cash Val. $150-250


Front portion of envelope addressed by Van Bur en to " Mr Thomas D. Carpent er/47 Wood Str eet/Philadelphia ", frank ed in upper right " Free/M. Van Buren ". Circular blue postmark, " Kinderhook, N.Y./Dec 30" . Est. Cash Val. $150-300


Front portion of envelope addressed by Van Buren to " Gov. C.C. Clay/Tuscalousa /Alabama ", franked in upp er right , " Free/M. Van Bur en ". Circular red postmark , "City of Washington/Jan 26" , stamped " FREE". Undated , but as Clay served as Governor from 1836 to 1837 when he was sworn in as U.S. Senator Uune 19th) and Van Buren was Vice Presid ent until he was sworn in as President on March 4 ,1837, this frank (Jan 26) is as Vice President. Est. Cash Val. $200-400


Address leaf entirely in Van Buren's hand , addressed to " Isaiah Townsend Esq/Albany /NY-", franked in upper right ," Free./M.V. Buren " . Circular red postmark, " Washn City/May 8", stamped "FREE". Undated, but 1828 in pencil. Fold passes through "e" of "Buren". Est. Cash Val. $150-300


ALS "M. Van Buren" as President , 8" by 10", lp. Washington , February 6, 1838. With address leaf on verso entirely in Van Bur en's hand , addressed to " Dr. Macauly /Agency Am erican Life Insce. & Trust Comp y/ Baltimor e". " Baltimor e" has been scribbled out and "New York" has be en penn ed in another hand. Two circu lar red postmarks , " Washington City, D.C./Feb 6" and " Bal(tim)o re, Md /Feb 6", stamped " FREE". In full , " I send you the promised letter & sincer ely wish you a pleasant voyage & safe return. As I am not in the habit of giving letters I wish you would not mention the subject. " Most certain ly, Van Buren wrote a letter of introdu ction for Macauly . Minor show through from scribble , repairs on blank portions on verso of letter , otherwise fine. Est. Cash Val. $600-800


ALS "M. Van Buren" , 8" by 10", half page. Washington , January 13, 1824. With integral address leaf on verso , entire ly in Van Buren 's hand , addressed to " Benjamin F Butler Esq/Albany /New York", franked in upper right, " Free/M . V. Buren" . Double circu lar red Georgetown postmark , " Geoetown ,D.C./Jan 14". Senator Van Bur en writes to his law partner and future Attorney General, in full , " I believe I omitted to give you authority to endorse my name on Mr Hoes note for $700 as often as it is renewed. If so I now do it." Est. Cash Val. $400-600






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ALS "M.V. Buren" , 8" by 10", 2.5pp. Washington, May 2, 1822. With address leaf on verso of third page entirely in Van Buren 's hand , addressed to "Thomas W. Olcott Esqe /Albany /New York", franked in upp er right, "Free/M.V.Buren ". Circular black postmark . Senator Van Bur en wr ites , in part, " I regret to inform you that the result of my negotiation with the Quarter Master Genl has been unfavorable to your claim. The ground taken by him & in the correctness of which I am constrained to acquiesce, is that he ought not to pay any acceptance of Captn Benson for which his bail would not be responsible to the government. That Captn Benson himself had no right to draw on the government & that therefore if you had advanced the money directly to him & taken his draft the government would not be authorised to pay ... Gen/ Jessup thinks & will be ready to say when called upon that it is due to the credit of this department that the government (that is congress) should direct the payment . .. " Est. Cash Val. $600-900


ALS "M. Van Buren ", 8" by 10", 3 full pages . Lindenwald , December 14, 1843. With address leaf on verso of third page, entire ly in Van Buren's hand, addressed to "Henry D Gilpin E/Philadelphia", franked in upp er right, " Free /M. Van Buren " . No postal markings. Gilpin had served as Van Buren's Attorney General. "Things at Washington have certainly gone well & politicians of all sects will , I hope, yet come to know that in Presidential questions at least, the only. . .for candidates is to leave all to the public." Five months later, Van Buren wou ld be the lead in g candidate for the 1844 Democratic presidential nomination on the first ballot at the convention . Small tear at margin, otherwise fine. Est. Cash Val. $600-900

Van Buren Correctly Predicts A Tyler Cabinet Appointment 59

ALS "M. Van Buren ", 811 by 10", 3 fu ll pages. Lindenwald , January 24, 1843 . With address leaf on verso of third page entire ly in Van Buren's hand , addressed by him to " Henry D. Gilpin/Esquire/Phi lade lphi a" , franked in upper right, " Free/M. Van Buren " . Circular red postmark, "Kinderhook/Jan 25". "From the best information I can derive from the newspapers , I shall not be surprised to find one of the Porters- -probably James a member of Mr Tyler's cabinet. .. Where is Gov Cass & what are his prospects? I am too busy a man to grope . . .labyrinth of newspaper speculations & gossiping stories . When, therefore I want to understand a particular point , I write to you or Mr. Wright. .. " Van Buren was right; on March 8, 1843, Tyler named James M. Porter Secretary of War. In 1844, Van Buren and Gov. Lewis Cass battled to a sta lemate for the presidential nomination and Polk was the compromis e candidate. Silas Wright of New York was nominated for Vice President, but declined. Minor seal tear , otherwise fine . Est. Cash Val. $600-900

WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON Harrison Reveals His Vice Presidential Aspirations in 1828 60

ALS "W.H. Harrison ", 8" by 10", 2 fu ll pages . Washington , Janu ary 18, 1828. With int egra l addr ess leaf entirel y in Harri so n 's hand , addresse d to "James Heaton Esq ./H of R of Ohi o/Columbu s", frank ed in upp er right , " Free/W.H. Harri son " . No postal mar kings . For th e first ti me, nomin ation s for n ation al office were made by state legis latur es in stead of con gress ion al ca ucuses. As U.S. Sen ator from Ohi o, Harri son wr ites, in part , " I am fearful that the omission to nominate a candidate for the V.P. will forever lose the opportunity to Ohio to place one of her citizens in that chair . . .My particular friend Colo. Powell of Virga . . .says that my

nomination in Ohio would have secured the nomination in that State without the least doubt. I had two nephews in the convention . . . several other relations and many warm friends. They waited with great anxiety for the result of the Ohio Convention. It came. No nomination was made . The proceedings from Harrisburgh were received. A made . .. Now my dear Sir, if a nomination is made in Indiana . .. will it not give Ohio an opportunity to do what she would have done & then open a correspondence with the Committee in the other States & ascertain who is most likely to succeed & oblige the others to give way? Certainly this course is called for . . .Now I solemnly declare that if it should be determined that I should decline , I will do it without a murmur & support Mr. Rush by every means in my power . .. " Richard Rush 's nam e was pl ace d in n omin ati on at Harri sbur gh and he was ch ose n to be Pres id ent John Quin cy Ad ams ' runnin g-mate. As a con solation for not becoming th e Vice Presid enti al candidat e, Harrison w as appoint ed U.S. Mini ster to Columbi a by Adam s four month s later. Est. Cash Val. $4000-8000

Harrison's Battle Plans 61

ALS "Willm Henry Harrison" , 8" by 10", 2pp . Head Qu art ers , Por etage River, Janu ary 29, 1813. With int egral addr ess leaf enti re ly in Harr ison 's hand , addr esse d to "Co lo. Morri son/D'y Qr Mas ter Gen l/Franklintown Ohio ", frank ed in upp er left und er manu scr ipt "P. Service " , " Will m Henry Harr ison " (minor smud gin g). No po stal markin gs, but Harri son has penn ed " Express" at lowe r left. He writ es , "From the plans which I have now formed, I anticipate complete success-the enemy had laid a trap for me-to show little force , but to have it ready below in the neighborhood of Fort George from whence it can come in the season in 8 days. I shall

now disappoint them by striking a sudden stroke destroying their provisions and shipping if possible and then returning to their side of the straight , and fortifying until the new levies arrive. If, on the contrary, I were to attempt the reduction of the Malden with the force I now have, their terms of service would expire by the time the firstJun would be fired. Indeed they will not march unless I promise to bring them part of the way back, an dismiss them in a few days . . . " Est. Cas h Val. $6000-9000




65 66 67

Envelope, 10" by 5", addressed by Tyler "To/the Secretary /of State", franked in upper right , "J. Tyler " as President. No Postal markings and undated. Red wax seal of the President was cut from the back flap and affixed to the lower left of the recto for display. About 80% of the sea l impression is clear. Est. Cash Val. $250-400 Address leaf, brown paper , addressed "To/Mrs Upshur/Washington City", franked in upper right , "J. Tyler" as President. " Washington City" has been crossed out , replaced with "Northampton County/Eastern Shore / Virginia". Circular red postmark , "Washington ... D.C./May 23", stamped "FREE". Black wax sea l of the President (not too clear) cut from verso and affixed to lower left of recto for display . Not dated , but year is 1844, as Tyler 's Secretary of State Abel Upshur was among those killed on February 28, 1844 in an exp losion aboard the U.S.S. Princeton. See also next lot. Est. Cash Val. $250-400 Envelope addressed to " Hon : David Henshaw /Boston /Massachusetts" , franked in upper right , "J. Tyler" as President. Circular red postmark, " Washington City, D.C./Mar. 4" , stamped "FREE ". Henshaw served as 'Tyler's Secretary of the Navy from July 24, 1843, until he was succeeded by Thomas W. Gilmer on February 15, 1844. Thirteen days later , Gilmer was killed in th e U.S.S. Princeton explosion . Black wax seal of the President (not too clear) on verso . Not dated , but 1844 is written in pencil on th e envelope. Est. Cash Val. $250-400 Envelope addressed by Julia Gardiner Tyler, his wife, to " Miss Fanny Gardiner /Shelter Island /Suffolk County /New York/Green Point/Post Office", franked in upper right, "J. Tyler". Circular red postmark, "Washington City, D.C./Feb 8", stamped " FREE" . Black wax seal on verso. Est. Cash Val. $250-400 Envelope addressed by Julia Gardiner Tyler, to "Samue l S. Gardiner Esqr /American Hotel/New York City/N.Y.", franked in upper right , "J. Tyler". Circular red postmark, " Washington City, D.C./Feb 1" , stamped " FREE" . Circular stains over portion of postmark , otherwise fine. Est. Cash Val. $200-400 Front portion of address leaf entirely in Tyler's hand , addressed to his eldest son, " Robert Tyler Esqr /Gloucester Ct. House/Virginia ", franked in upper right , "J. Tyler/USS " . Circu lar red postmark , " City of Washington /Feb 16", stamped " FREE". Manuscript note written vertically at left, " 1836/On resigning the Senate". Tyler resigned February 29. Defects. Est. Cash Val. $180-300

To His 14 Year Old Daughter 68

ALS "J. Tyler", 8" by 9.5', lpp . (Washington) , March 14, 1830. Front portion of the envelope entire ly in Tyler's hand (affixed to lower blank portion of second page of letter), addressed to "Miss Mary Tyler/Chs. City Ct. house/Virginia " , franked in upper right, " Free/J. Tyler". Partially damaged circular red postmark, " City of Washington" , stamped "FREE". U.S . Senator Tyler writes , "Why do you draw a distinction between an Englishman and a Swede, in speaking of the Duke of Marlborough and Chs XII. When you come to be more thoroughly acquainted with the history of Sweden you will learn that even in that frozen region genius has put forth its most beautiful and precious blossoms. We ~re more familiar with the history of England than that of any other country, and it is moreover our parent country-hence our admiration of its great men-but all times and countries have produc'd those who have reflected our honor on human nature ... " Tyler then compares English essa yists Joseph Addison and Sir Richard Steel e. Est. Cash Val. $800 -1200



ly ALS "J. Tyler", 8" by 10", 1 full page. Sh erwood Forest , February 27, 1848 . With integral address leaf entire postal No . " Tyler "J. , right upper in franked York", Esqr/New in Tyler 's hand , addressed to "A .G. Benson to the markings. He writes , "When I last saw you I promised to give you directions through Mr Gardiner asrelative a was Gardiner " .. . me for had long so have you which time and manner of sending me the chair of Tyler 's wif e. Est. Cash Val. $500-800 ALS "John Tyler", 8" by 12", thr ee-qu arters page. Sherwoo d Forest, Nov ember 6 , 1848 . With integral address leaf entire ly in Tyler 's hand , addressed " Mr. Ewell/President & Professor /of Wm & Mary /Williamsburg" , franked in upper right' "J. Tyler". No postal markings. In full, "These letters have come to me. They should have been soon addressed to yourself as the President of the College and a member of the Committee of Repairs. So various the to as contractors for advertize to well be not it would assembled be can committee whole as the heads of work." Seal tear, minor stains in upp er and lower blank portions , otherwise fine. Est. Cash Val. $600-900

On Pierce's Election and Choice of Cabinet 71

72 73



Remarkable ALS "John Tyler", 8" by 10", 2 full pages plus one line on third page . Sherwood Forest , November S. 25 , 1852 . Address leaf on verso of third page , entire ly in Tyler's hand, addressed to " Col. John election "The markings. postal No . Tyler" "J. right, upper in Cunningham /Washington City/D. of C.", franked of Gen. Pierce is full of bright promise. His sagacity will I doubt not bring the blossoms to perfection toand his that in due season the country will enjoy the ripe fruit. I have induh;ed in no speculation relative cabinet nor do I suppose he has maturd his own opinions. I was forced to make a cabinet upon the resignation of five members in a few hours but he has still three months to deliberate in, and I trust his work when it is done, will be well done." On Septemb er 9 , 1841 , five of Tyler's six cabinet members resigned in prot est of a Presid ential veto. Tyler continues , "The great work before him is to consolidate still more will firmly the old Republican Party for the sake of the Constitution and Union. I do not doubt but that he hands safe the to matter that leave to preferring speculation cabinet no in do it. I have therefore indulged in which the election has placed it . .. " Est. Cash Val. $5000 -8000 Address leaf entirely in Tyler's hand , addr esse d to "John B. Thompson /Ed . Southn Litterary/Messenger / Richmond ", franked in upp er right , "J. Tyler " . Red rubb er stamping " Way" Est. Cash Val. $200-300 Front of address leaf entir ely in Tyler's hand , addressed to " Mr. Edward Dusseault Jr/Charlestown / Massachusetts ", franked in upper right , "J. Tyler ". Circular blu e postmark, " Richmond , Va./Apr 7", stamped " FREE". Est. Cash Val. $150-300 at Front of address leaf entirely in Tyler 's hand , addressed to his eldest son, " Robert Tyler Esqr/Att. upper in manuscript in ." 25 Va./Jan CH City . Chas " . " Tyler "J. , right er upp in franked Law/Philad elphia/Pa" , left. Est. Cash Val. $150-300 Address leaf entirely in Tyler's hand , addressed to " A.G. Benson Esqr ./ City of/New York" franked in upper right , "J. Tyler". Circular blue postmark , "N orfolk, Va/Jul 6", stamped " FREE". Also, manuscript "Way". Docket indicates yea r was 1853. Est. Cash Val. $150-300


Envelope, 911 by 3.5", addressed entire ly in Polk's hand to "Hon Gideon Wells (sic)/Hartford /Conn", franked in upp er right, "Free/ J.K. Polk " . No postal markings. Welles later served as Lincoln's Secretary of the Navy. Est. Cash Val. $6 00-800

Tennessee, Politics & the Anti-Jackson Press 77

Political ALS "James K. Polk", 8" by 10" , 3 full pages plus two lin es on fourth page . Washington, September 10, 1835. Address leaf on fourth page entirely in Polk's hand , addressed to "Co l. Andrew A. Kincannon / Fayetteville /Tennessee", franked in upp er left, " Free /J.K. Polk " . Circular black postmark, "Co lumbia, Ten ./Sept 11" ("11" in manuscript), stamped "FRE E". As a Member of Congress , thre e months before being elec ted Speaker of the House, Polk writes, "The mass of our people are essentially Democratic, and all they want is Jjght and correct information, to induce them to act out J!.articularl:r their principles. I cannot believe that the State will finally separate herself from her Republican brethren, and be found associated in the coming contest with her old political enemies, the Poindexters, Cla:rs, Burgesses &c in their unholy efforts to divide and conquer us. We have had heretofore to contest asainst great odds ; against the power of the local press . . .but against all these, I think Tennessee will be found to be an adhering member of the Republican party . .. The Republican &Banner are both anti-Jackson in disguise . .. Of course what I suggest to you in relation to the press you will regard as confidential." Hole ca used by the seal tear has been expertly repaired, but four or five words are affected. Est. Cash Val. $4000-6000

To The Man Who Invented The Name "U.S. Grant" 78

Political ALS "James K. Polk" , 8 11 by 10", 2.5 pp. Columbia.T enn essee, August 7, 1837. With address leaf on verso of third page, entirely in Polk 's hand, addressed to "Hon . Thomas L. Ham er/Georgetown /Brown County /Ohio" , franked at upper right , " Free /J.K. Polk". Manuscript " Columbia T/Augt 7" in upper left. Speaker of the hou se Polk writes to Congressman Ham er, in part , "Our elections are just over, and as far as heard from, have not resulted as favourably as was anticipated. The pressures of panic (which must be temporary) have had much affect to our prejudice. Though we may be and probably have been defeated, in the late election, this is in my judgment no course to dispair of the State ... Our majority in the next House will not be so large as in the last; still I think it will be decisive . . . Our majority may not exceed 15 or 20 and possibly not more than 10 or 20 in number; and if in consequence of the absence of a few of our friends, the power of the house unfortunately pass into the hands of the opposition, all the measures of the administration at this important crisis would be thwarted and embarrassed , if not defeated . .. You will see the importance therefore of appraising our friends of the Session . .. " Two years lat er, Congressman Hamer beca m e part of Am erican history when he appointed a constituent, 17 year old Hiram Ulysses Grant , to West Point. He knew young Grant as " Ulyss es" and thought that was his first name. " Simpson " was Grant's mother's maiden name and, as many boys had their mother 's maiden name as their middle name, h e listed the boy as "U lysses Simpson Grant ". Grant deci ded to keep the name , rath er than change the records . Address leaf has been expert ly stre n gthene d . Est. Cash Val. $3000-5000


Envelope addressed by his private secretary and son-in-law, W.W.S. Bliss to " Henry Howe Esq ./New Haven ,/Conn.", franked in upper right , " Free z. Taylor" as President. Circular red postmark, "Washington /Aug 6", " FREE" ov er postmark. Not dated, but probably 1849 . Est. Cash Val. $1400-1800


Envelope addressed by W.W.S. Bliss to "Mrs Lu cy Durkee /60 Hammond Street,/New York City .", franked in upper right , " Fre e./Z. Taylor " as President. Mrs . Durkee was Bliss's aunt. Circular red postmark, " Washington D.C./Feb 9", " FREE" over postmark . Not dated , but probably 1850. Envelope had been taken apart, mounted on a heavy card, and refolded to its original shape . Est. Cash Val. $1400-1800


Partial address leaf entirely in Taylor's hand , addressed " To. The . Ajt. A. Genls Office/Detroit" , franked in upper right , "On Service /Z. Taylor, Maj/3rd Infy " . No postal markings. Not dat ed , but Taylor was Major, 3rd Infantry , from May 17, 1816 to April 20 , 1819 . Est. Cash Val. $600-1000


Address leaf entirely in Taylor 's hand , addressed to " Col. R. Jon es/Adjt. Genl./U.S. Army /Washington ", franked in upp er right beneath words " On Servic e", " Z. Taylor. Lt. Col/U.S. Army ". Cir cular red postmark , " Louis . Ky/May 14", stamped " Free " in script. Docketed 1826 . Est. Cash Val. $600-1000

From Zachary Taylor to Sam Houston 83

Envelope addressed by W.W.S. Bliss, to "General Sam Houston ,/U.S. Senate ./Washington ./D.C.", franked in upp er right "Z. Taylor ". No postal markings. Although not dated , most certainly as President as Bliss was his father-in-law 's secretary in th e White Hous e. Est. Cash Val. $1400-1800


Envelope addressed by Fillmore to "Geo . E. Langston, Esq ./Baltimore / Md .", franked in upper right , " M. Fillmore " as President. Circular bla ck postmark , " Washington /Mar 4 " . No year, but presidential wax seal on verso. Back flap missing, minor defects . Est. Cash Val. $200-400


Envelope addressed to "Dr. Fonerden/Hospital/Baltimore ", franked in upper right , "M. Fillmore", said to be as President because of circu lar black postmark , " Washington /FREE". No date. Est. Cash Val. $200-400


Envelope addressed to " Samuel Hallett Esqr /Banker /New York City", franked in upper right, " Free /M. Fillmore ". Circular black postmark , " Buffalo , N.Y./Jan 23, 1862 ", stamped, " FREE". Est. Cash Val. $150-300


Envelope addressed by Fillmore to "Mrs Sophia M. Bryant /Philadelphia/Pa. ", franked in upper right , " Free /M. Fillmore /VP. ", as Vice President. Circular light postmark , " Washington /March 17", stamped "FREE" above postmark . V.P. sea l has been removed from back flap and affixed to low er left on recto . Back of enve lope has defects . Est. Cash Val. $200-300


Brown envelope, 9" by 4", addressed by Fillmore to "J.H. Martindale Esq/Batavia /N. York" , franked in upper right, "Free /M. FillmoreN.P. " as Vice President. Oval greenish-blue postmark , " Buffalo, N.Y./Jul 28 ". Docketed 1849. Martindale later served as Union General and Military Governor of Washington in the Civil War. Est. Cash Val. $200-300


Address leaf entirely in Fillmore 's hand , addressed to "S.G. Haven Esq ,/Buffalo, N. York", franked in upper right, "M. Fillmore /M.C." Circular greenish-b lu e postmark, " Washington City D.C./Dec 27", stamped "FREE". Docketed 1841. Fold throu gh "m" of "Fillmore". Solomon G. Haven was Fillmore's law partner . Est. Cash Val. $150-300


ALS "Fillmore", 8" by 10", 1 full page . Washington , January 16, 1840. Int egra l address leaf entire ly in Fillmore 's hand , addressed to " S.G. Haven /Buffalo /N. York", franked in upper right , "M. Fillmore /M.C.". Circular red postmark, "Washington City, D.C./Jan 16", stamp ed "FREE" . Congressman Fillmore writes to his law partner , Solomon G. Haven , "People here know nothing of comfort in cold weather, their houses are all built for a southern summer day but by some mistake we have gotten a northern winter . .. The day has been wholly spent in discussing abolition. All the insolent bragaderia of the South has cooled down and they 'roar you as quietly as any sucking dove '." Est. Cash Val. $800-1200


Envelope, 9.5" by 4.5", addressed by Pierce to " Rev H. A. Boardman /Philadelphia/Penna. ", franked in upper right , " Franklin Pierce ' as President. Circular black postmark , "Washington Cy D.C./Feb 17 FREE". Red wax seal with perfect impression of the sea l of the president was cut from the back flap and fixed to left on recto. Est. Cash Val. $500-800


Envelope, 8" by 5", addressed to "T.J. Goodwin P.M/So. Hampton /N.H .", franked in upper right, " Free Franklin Pierce ". Said to be as President. No date. Est. Cash Val. $400-700


Envelope, 10" by 7", addressed to " Thomas J. Godwin Esq/So Hampton ,/N.H .", franked in upper right , " Fr. Frank . Pierce " as President. Circular black postmark , " Washington D.C./May 10, FREE". Red wax seal with impression of the seal of the President was cut from the back flap and affixed to left on recto. No year. Est. Cash Val. $500-800


Envelope addressed to "Hon Henry May/Baltimore /Md", franked in upp er right , "Free Frankn Pierce " as President. Circular black postmark, " Washington D.C./Oct 11 1855/FREE". Repaired tear through upper loop s of " F's" of Pierce 's holograph , otherwise fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-800


Envelope addressed by Pierce to "D.J. Max Alex Jewett Esq/11 Ivy Street /Boston /Mass.- ", franked in upper right , " Franklin Pierce ". Circular greenish -blu e postmark , "A ndover Ms ./Nov 1, 1859" . stamped " FREE" . Est. Cash Val. $400-700


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ALS "Frank Pierce" as President , 4" by 7", 2pp. plus three postscript lines on third page. (Washington) , July 2, 1853. With matching envelope addressed by Pierce to his Postmaster General , " Hon Jas. Campbell/P.M . General/Washington/D.C .", " Colo . Hale " in low er left, franked across th e top , " From the President " . Envelope and letter are black-bord ere d beca use of the death, six months ear lier, of Pier ce's 11 year old son, Benjamin . President Pierce had given this letter to Colonel William Hale of Dover , N.H. who "has business to transact at your Department and I wish to commend him & the object he seeks to your most favorable consideration .. .I never knew a more direct, honest and honorable man ... " Est. Cash Val. $1200-1500


ALS "Frankn Pierce" , 811 by 10", lp . Washington, Decem ber 12, 1838. Addre ssed on verso by Pierce to "Mrs Nanc y Wist/Concord /N.H.", franked in upp er right, "Free Frankn Pierce". Circular red postmark , "Washington City. D.C./Dec . 11", stamped " FREE". Pierc e tells Mrs Wist that "your friends here are in usual health at least I so presume having seen them a few evenings since ." Stains on letter including the " r" of " Frankn " . Est. Cash Val. $500-800


Envelope addressed by Buchanan to his Secretary of State, " Lewis Cass Esquire /Hutchins House /10 Waverly Place/New York" , franked in upper right , " Free/James Buchanan" as President. Circular black postmark, " Washington City D.C./ May 31/Free". Red wax presid ential seal removed from back flap , affixed in low er left corne r on recto. Est. Cash Val. $400-800


Address leaf addressed to " Stok es L. Roberts Esq./Harrisburg/Pa. ", franked Buchanan " . No postal markings . Est. Cash Val. $150-300


in upper

right , " Free /James

ALS "James Buchanan ", 6.5" by 10", lp . Lancaster , April 10, do cketed 1837 . Int egra l address leaf entirely in Buchanan 's hand, addressed to " Col. James Page/Philad elphia " , franked in upp er right, " Free /Jam es Buchanan". Circular red postmark , " Lancaster /Apr 10", stamp ed "FREE". 1.5" of right side of letter has been cut away, removing on e or two words from nine of the lin es of this lette r.Senator Buchanan enq uir es wh ether Dani el Palmer , who lost a leg in his Country's service , receives a pension and asks for more details. "He bores me to death; and I cannot entertain much . . .any feeling against a man who has suffered for his country . .. " Est. Cash Val. $40 0-600

Fears of Southern Feelings on Abolition 101

Ironic ALS "James Buchanan" , 8" by 10", 1 full page. Washington , Dece mber 23, 1837. With integral address leaf entirely in Buchanan 's hand, addressed to " Peter Wager Esquire/Philadelphia ". Circular red postmark , " Washington City, D.C./Dec 24 ", stamped "F REE". After Senator Buchanan discusses having earlier ordered "very good draft wine from you at $4 per gallon," he comments in part, I think a deeper & stronger feeling exists among the Southern men , than at any former period , on the subject of abolition petitions. I begin to fear this question may prove dangerous to the Union . .. " A presci ent statement as 23 years later , during his presidency, seven states suceded fron the Union becaus e of the qu estion of abolition. Est. Cash Val. $1400 -2000


ALS "James Buchanan ", 8 ' by 10", lp. Lan caster, November 26 , 1840. With inte gral address leaf in Buchanan 's hand , addressed to " Hon : James. K. Paulding /Secretary of th e Navy/Washington City ", oddly franked in lower left, " from Mr Buchanan" . Circular red postmark , " Lancaster, Pa,/Nov 27" , stamped " FREE". Horizontal brownin g across words , " Secretary of th e Navy ". Senator Buchan an recommends "the appointment of Dr. Andrew A. Henderson as an assistant surgeon in the Navy. No young gentleman could be better recommended & I presume, there are few, if any, more deserving . . . " Est. Cash Val. $600-900


Strange Autograph Statement unsigned, 8" by 10", lp . No date. With integral address leaf in Buchanan 's hand, addressed to "Ho n: Benjamin Champneys /Harrisburg/Pennsylvania ", franked in upper right , "Free /James Buchanan" . Circular red postmark, " Washington City, D.C./Jan 6 ", stamped " Fre e" . Docketed 1843 . No salutation. In full, " I should not like to have the enclosed shown unless it should become necessar y. The sentiments I would proclaim upon any proper occasion before the whole world; but I would rather not owe my election to any present pledges upon a subject in regard to which my whole public life has been one continued pledge. I have written to Mr W. Plumer on the subject." Champn eys was a m em ber of the State Senate of Penns ylvania. Buchanan was reelected to the U.S. Senate in 1843. Est. Cash Val. $ 500-800


Address leaf entirely in Buchanan's hand , addressed to " General Samuel M'Kean/Burlington /Bradford County/Penna", franked in upper right, " Free/James Buchanan ". Circular greenish-b lu e postmark, " Washington City, D.C./Apr 2 ", stamped " FREE". No dat e; probably as Senator. Est. Cash Val. $200-400


Address leaf entirely in Buchanan 's hand , addressed to " Henry. F. Slaymak er Esq/Salisbury P.O./Lancast er County/Pennsylvania ", franked in upp er right, " Free/Jam es Buchanan ". Circular red postmark, "Was hington City, D.C./May 24" , stamped "FREE". No date; probably as Senator. Est . Cash Val. $200-400






















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Envelope addressed by Lincoln to "Hon. Francis S. Corkosan /Baltimore/Md. ", franked in upper right "A. Lincoln" as President. Circular black postmark, "Washington, D.C. Sep 30 , 1863" (year not clear). Envelope has been expert ly repaired. Accompanied by photocopy of the letter enclosed in this enve lop e, dated September 30 , 1863. Est. Cash Val. $3000-5000


Address leaf addressed to "Gen l L.O. Campbell/Abingdon/Va" franked in upp er right, "A. Lincoln MC" as Member of Congress from Illinois . No postal markings . No date, but 1847-1849. Unrelated con temporary writing on portion folded under. Est. Cash Val. $2000-3000


Thin brown enve lop e addressed by Lincoln to "John Bennett /Petersburg /Ills", franked in upper right, " Free A. Lincoln M.C". No postal markings . No date , but 1847-1849 . Est. Cash Val. $2000-3000


Address leaf addressed to " Genl L.O. Campbell/Abingdon/Va .", franked in upper right , " A. Lincoln MC". No postal markings. Date in unidentified hand beneath frank, "Aug 22. 1853" but Lincoln was not a congressman at that time. No date, but 1847-1849. Est. Cash Val. $2000-3000


Address leaf addressed to "Gen l L.O.Campbell/Abingdon/Va.", franked in upp er right, "A. Lincoln MC". No postal markings. No date, but 1847-1849 . Est. Cash Val. $2000-3000


Address leaf addressed to "Gen t L.O. Campbell/Abingdon/Va.", franked in upper right , " A. Lincoln MC". No postal markings. No date , but 1847-1849. Est. Cash Val. $2000-3000


Autograph Endorsement Signed "A. Lincoln" as President on fourth blank integral sheet of ALS to him from C.F. Burnham, 7" by 9", lp. No place, no date. Burnham requests Lincoln "to release from prison at Pt. Lookout James Tevis 3rd Lieutenant 7th Ky. Cavalry upon his taking your oath of Amnesty of Dec. 8, 1863. His name was on a list of persons whose release you had heretofore ordered . . .but the order was revoked because he was reported a 3rd Lieutenant in the Rebel Service . . .he is not in fact a commissioned officer , being a mere orderly. His long imprisonment, penitence and frail health are urged upon your Excellency as reasons for his release." Lin coln has boldly pen ned in th e center third of the fourth sheet (left third of sheet has been cut away), "Let fames Tevis, named/within, be discharged. on taking the oath of/Dec th even though /he may be a Third /Lieutenant.IA. Lincoln/April 15, 1864." Lincoln left out the "8" from the date of the oath which did not apply to high-ranking army officers. Est. Cash Val. $4000-6000


On a 4" by 1.5" slip of paper , " File & Return /A.L./March 20, 1863 ", as President; also with an envelope addressed to "Abraham Lincoln /President of th e United States/Washington ,/D.C. ", 3¢ Washington stamp affixed, no postal markings. In the low er right , vertically , President Lincoln has penned the word "F ile ". Est. Cash Val. $400-800

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Envelope addressed by Johnson to " Genl Wm. M. Low ery/Greenville ,/Tenn .", franked in upper right , "Free /Andrew Johnson" most probably as President. Circular black postmark , " Washington City D.C./Jan 24 186-/FREE". Staining at edges, vertical docket just tou ches final " n " of "Johnson ", otherwise fine . Est. Cash Val. $1000-1500


Envelope addressed to "A. Haugh Esqr/care of English, Paul & bro/Baltimore /Md. ", signed in upper right "From /Andrew Johnson/Ex Pres US" . Postmarked 3ct Washington stamp in upper left. Repaired tear at top right touches "From" . Minor defects. Including an envelope addressed by Johnson, as President, " To the Commissioner /of pensions/Present" , signed in upper right, " From the Pres.". Both envelopes are addressed and signed in pencil. Est. Cash Val. $300-500


Enve lope addressed by Johnson to "Hon. Geo. C. Whiting /Commission er of pensions/Washington City/DistCol", franked in upper right , " Free/Andrew Johnson M.C.". "Ex Tenn " has been penned vertically across th e envelope , tou ching the "A" of " Andrew ". Not dated , but 1843-1853 . Also includes front of envelope addr essed to " Rev. Dr. Boardman/Philadelphia /Penna ", bearing secretarial " Andrew Johnson /USS " frank in upper right. Not dated , but 1857-1862. Est. Cash Val. $500 -800


Manuscript LS " Andrew Johnson " as President , 5.5" by 9", 1.5pp ., separate sheets . Engraved "Executive Mansion/Washington" stationery , Washington, D.C., October 3, 1865. To "G.B. Laniar Esq/Savannah /Georgia". In full, "In reply to your letter of the 27th net I would say that upon application to General Steedman you can obtain special permission to visit New York. I cannot release you, at present , altogether from your parole." Vertical light brown fold on first page, otherwise fine . Est . Cash Val. $1500-2000


ULYSSES S. GRANT. White envelope with words " Executive Mansion " and beneath it " Secr etary " printed at upper right. Grant, as President, has signed between the two , crossing out the word " Secretary " and address ed

the enve lope to his Secretary of State , "Hon. H. Fish /Sec. of State/Present". " Present " is a bit smudged, otherwise fine . Est. Cash Val. $400-800

No postal markings. The word


Executive Mansion card , 4" by 2.5", boldly signed " R.B. Hayes" as President. Est. Cash Val. $600-800


On fourth blank integral sheet of 5" by 8 lp ., ALS to him from Leonard Myers , Philadelphia, February 4, 1879, Hayes , as President , has penned , "Please give this/attention /RBH". Myers' _letter was delivered to Hayes by "my friend Edmund D. Patterson of this City who is desirous of obtaining the appointment of 2nd Lieut. in the Regular Army . .. " Includes the envelope in which Hayes placed Meyers ' letter and his note, engraved "Executive Mansion" in upper left, and addressed by Hayes to his Secretary of War, "Hon Geo . M. McCrary/War", franked in lower left, " From the President ". No postal markings. Est. Cash Val. $600-800 11 ,


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Comprises three items: an envelope front franked in upper right "J.A. Garfield", circular black postmark, "Washington D.C./Nov. 6/FREE", damaged ; another franked in upper right "J.A. Garfield /MC" , 4oth Congress vignette enve lope, circular black postmark, " Washington D.C., Congress , FREE/Jan 21", addressee and frank slightly water damaged ; and a House of Representatives envelope franked in upper right , "J.A. Garfield" above printed "M.C. ", circular red postmark, " Washington Free D.C./June 4" , addressed to "Mrs M.V. Dahlgren". Est. Cash Val. $200-400


Comprises three enve lop es, each franked in upp er right , "J.A. Garfield /M.C.". Circular black postmarks, "Congress Washington D.C./March 11 " and "Wash. D.C. Congress FREE/Feb 23" and circular blue postmark , " Laporte, Ind ./Oct 1, 1864" on " Teegarden House , Laporte , Indiana " enve lop e, also marked "Free" by Garfield . Est. Cash Val. $400-600 Comprises three envelopes , two franked in upper right, "J.A. Garfield /M.C. ", the third, an unused House of Representatives enve lope, franked in upper right, "J.A. Garfie ld " above printed "M.C". First two bear circular black postmarks , "Washington, D.C. FREE/Dec 1" and " Washington FREE/Jun 16". Est. Cash Val. $400-600



ALS "J. A. Garfield " as President-elect, 5" by 7", lp . Mentor, Ohio, November 12, 1880, with envelope postmark, "West Mentor addressed by Garfield to "Mr J. Wilkinson /New York/N.Y.", Octagonal /urple seat on November 8, House his resigne had he as franked Not stamp. Washington 3¢ , 1880" 13 /Nov. Ohio 1880 , four days after being elected President and no longer had the franking priviledge . On imprinted "Mentor, Ohio" stationery . In full, "Accept my thanks for your kind congratulations." Est. Cash Val. $400-800


CHESTER A. ARTHUR. Front portion of black-bordered envelope , " Executive Mansion /Official" imprinted in upper left, franked in upper right , "C.A. Arthur" as President. Circular black postmark, "Was hington D.C./Mar

2 8PM 1882 5" over " rthur " of signature. Addressed to " Th e Honorable /J.M. Dalzell./Caldwell./Noble Co. Ohio". Also with front portion of worn black-bordered addressed envelope, 8" by 3.5", imprinted in upper left, "Office of the President of the United States /Official", not franked, circular black postmarks, "Was hin gton, D.C./Dec 8 9PM 1881" and "5". Est. Cash Val. $400-800


Engraved card, 5" by 3.5", depicting a northeast view of the White House , people , horses and carriages, on the roadway, signed beneath the image, " Grover Cleveland /Feby 20. 1886" as President. Est. Cash Val. $200-400 TLS " Grover Cleveland", 5" by 7", lp . On "Executive Mansion/Washington " engraved stationery, May 5, 1893. To Mr F.J. Pfister, New York City. In full, " I was very much pleased to receive the beautifully bound copy of my writings and speeches which you were good enough to send me. Such an evidence of your thoughtfulness and esteem is highly appreciated." Small hole, mounting remnants on verso . Est. Cash Val. $200-400

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Engraved card , 5" by 3.5", depicting a northeast view of th e White House, people , horses and carriages , on the roadway , signed beneath the image, " Benj Harrison " as President. Est. Cash Val. $200-400


Manuscript LS " Benj Harrison" as President , 5" by 8". On "Executive Mansion /Washington" engraved stationery , June 28, 1889. To Hon J.S. Clarkson , Post Office Dept. Marked " Personal" at h ead. A patronage letter four months after his inauguration mentioning Postmaster General John Wanamaker and his Secretary of the Treasury William Windom. Est. Cash Val. $50 0-800


imp rinted Manuscript LS " Benj Harrison ", 7.5" by 9.5", 1.5pp . On "U .S. Senate Chamber/Washington" stationery , January 26, 1882. With addressed U.S . Senate Chamber enve lope bearing secretarial frank, " Benj . Harrison U.S .S." No postal markings. To Jas. H. Simpson . In part , "I have not seen you since my last interview with the Secretary of War, I believe. He promised me then the first vacancy for you but wanted nothing said about it. If you prefer to be in the War Department perhaps before entering at the Pension Bureau we had better call at the War Deaprtment again and see whether that place is read y for you now . .. " Brown water stain over portions of th e letter, but not affecting signature. Est. Cash Val. $200-400


WILLIAM McKINLEY. ALS "Wi lliam McKinley " as President, 4.5" by 3" card imprinted in upp er right, "Executive Mansion,/Washington." , March 7, 1899. To Hon John W Gaines . In full, "Cheerfully complying with your request believe me. " Light smudging, oth erwise fine. Est. Cash Val. $600-1000


Env elope , 7" by 5", engraved "White House" in upper left, franked in upper right, " T. Roosevelt " as President. Addr essed by typewriter to " Hon. L.M. Shaw /Secretary of the Treasury. ", marked "Persona l" by typewriter but und erlined by Roosevelt three times in ink . No posta l markings. Shaw served as Roosevelt's Secretary of the Treasury from 1902 to 1907. Est. Cash Val. $600 -1000


Comprises th ree items: TLS " Theodore Roosevelt " as Vice President , 8 by 10", lp . " The Vice President's Chamber/Washington , D.C." engraved stati one ry, but written from Oyster Bay, N.Y., August 20, 1901. With scarce enve lop e bearing Roosevelt's engraved frank, " Theodore Roosevelt " as V.P., circ ular bla ck postm ark, " Oyster Bay, N.Y./ Aug 27 1901 5PM". To "Mr. Earl Marble ,/Denver ,/ Colo." In full , "I am in receipt of your favor of the 19th inst and thank you for your kindness. It was the greatest pleasure to meet you at Colorado Springs." Rooseve lt ha s crossed out the word " meet", replacing it in holograph w ith " comm uni cate wit h " and has added in holograph , "I thank you again for your editoria ls.". Also with extr eme ly rare United Stat es Senate enve lop e, 9" by 4", addressed to " Hon . C.M. Depew /Senate Chamber/Washington , D.C." , bearing rare rubberstamped frank, "Theodore Roosevelt/VP. ", over printed "U .S.S. " Machine postmarked, "Washington, D.C., Mar 9 1901 7-30P" . Est. Cash Val. $600-1000 11

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Card engraved "The Whit e House/Washington" in upper right, 4" by 3.5", signed " Very sincere ly yours/Wm H. Taft/February 11, 1912" as President. Mounting remnants on verso . Est. Cash Val. $200-400


TLS "W illiam H. Taft" as President-elect , 5" by 8", lp. On his persona l "W illiam H. Taft/Cincinnati, Ohio" stat ion ery, but written from Washington , D.C., Mar ch 2, 1909. To Miss Alicia E. Sanderson, 227 Columbus Aven u e, New York City. Two days before his in auguration, Taft writes in fu ll , " I have your kind letter of the 24th of February and have read it with interest and sympathy. I thank you for y our good wishes. " As an afterthought, Taft has added, in holograph , "I hope you may soon be able to walk. " Est. Cash Val. $200-400


WOODROW WILSON. Card engraved

" The White House /Washington ", in upper right, 4" by 3", signed " Woodrow Wilson" as President. Mounting remnants on verso. With addressed White House env elope, not franked, machine postmarked, "Washington, D.C/Nov 17 1916, 130PM " Est. Cash Val. $200-400


WARREN G. HARDING. Card engraved


CALVIN COOLIDGE. Enve lope engraved in upper left, " Th e Whit e Hous e/Official Busin ess/Pe nalty for Private

" The White House /Washington" in upper right , 4" by 3", signed "Warren G Harding" as President. Rectangu lar browning on most of the card from prior framing, mounting remnants on verso. With addressed U.S. Senate envelope bearing printed " W.G. Hard(ing) " frank (last three letters cut off when enve lop e was opened), ma chine postmarked , " Washington. D.C/Sep 15 1917 9-PM". Est. Cash Val. $20 0-400

Use $300" , boldly franked in the left cen ter "Ca lvin Coolid ge" as President, addressed by typ ewr iter to "Mr. Leonard Ben edicks ,/795 St. Nicholas Ave.,/New York, N.Y." Machine postmarked, "Was hington, D.C. 10/Oct 26 1923 430 PM ". Est. Cash Val. $600-1000


Card engraved "T h e White House/Washington" in upper right, 4" by 3", signed "Herbert Hoover " as President. Mounting remnants on verso. Est. Cash Val. $200 -400


Envelope engraved in upper left, " The White House /Official Business " and " Penalty for Private Use to Avoid/Payment of Postage, $300" in upper right. Franked in upper right beneath penalty notice, " Herbert Hoover" as President. Machine postmark (circular at far right covering "ve r of "Hoover"), "Was hington D.C. (?)/Apr 8 1930 2-PM" Th ree lin e typewritten address has been crossed out. Opened at top. Est. Cash Val. $800-1200

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CARROLL, CHARLES OF CARROLLTON. ALS "C. Carroll of Carrollton, 811 by 6.5 11, lp. No place, June 3, 1767.

Letter discusses the necessity of purchasing goods from England or, at greater expense, in the country . Est. Cash Val. $200-400


HANCOCK, JOHN. First Signer. Partly printed and mounted DS "John Hancock" as President of the Continental Congress, 11" by 9", lp. [Philadelphia], January 9, 1776. Appointment of Eliphelet Newell as "Captain of a Company in the Regiment of Artillery Commanded by Col. Henry Knox." Countersigned by Charles Thomson. Uniformly browned except for narrow white border, folds (one just touching final "k" of "Hancock") otherwise fine. Bears Hancock 's characteristic signature and the date "1776". Est. Cash Val. $1500-2000


McKEAN, THOMAS. Manuscript LS "Tho M:Kean" as President of the Continental Congress, 7 by 9 2pp. Philadelphia, October 8, 1781. To Joseph Reed, Governor of Pennsylvania. Just 11 days before Cornwallis surrendered to Washington at Yorktown, McKean notifies Reed that "Brigadier General Irwine proposes to set out to morrow in order to take the command at Fort Pitt and may very probably have occasion for the aid of the Militia in the vicinity of that Post. .. " Est. Cash Val. $400-800


CHASE , SAMUEL. Autograph Endorsement

Signed " Sam Chase " on verso of manuscript petition, 8.5" by 13", lp. , [Baltimore, c. 1789), to John Eager Howard, Governor of Maryland. Chase pens , "The facts stated within Petition are true & we recommend the petitioner to your Excellency for a Remission of the fine." Also signed by Thomas Russell and Ly de Goodwin. The original fine was for "selling spiritous liquors" without having a licence". Est. Cash Val. $400-800


WILLIAMS , WILLIAM. ALS "Wm Williams"(also


11 ,

signed by 8 others), 7.5" by 12", lp . Lebanon , November 25, 1785. To John Lawrence, State Treasurer , concerning taxes due from the inhabitants of Lebanon (Connecticut). Est. Cash Val. $300-600


HEYWARD, THOMAS, JR. Partly printed DS "Thos Heyward Jr." as Judge of the Circuit Court of South Carolina, 12" by 8 11, lp. Charleston, August 12 , 1788 . Ordering John Palmer to appear in court. Est. Cash Val. $200-400


WOLCOTT, OLIVER. ALS "Oliver Wolcott", 8 11 by 5", lp. [Connecticut], July 2, 1787. To John Lawrence, State

Treasurer. In full, "Pay Capt. Joseph Heydon of Harwinton 1wenty Pounds lawful money on account of my salary as Lt. Gov." Mounted. Est. Cash Val. $200-400


HOPKINS, STEPHEN. Lower portion of a partly printed DS "Step Hopkins" as Colonial Governor of Rhode Island, 7.5" by 5", lp. Newport, March 22, 1765. With paper seal. Also signed by John Robinson as Collector of Customs. Est . Cash Val. $400-800


GERRY, ELBRIDGE. Vice President under Madison. Important manuscript

LS "E. Gerry" (also signed by W. Smith of Maryland and J. Parker of Virginia) as one of Massachusetts first Representatives in Congress, 8 by 12", lp. New York, May 9, 1789 . To the Governor of New Hampshire. Nine days after Washington's inaguration, the three congressman ask the Governor to send requested information to the House of Representatives "as they will be necessary in forming the important acts of Congress respecting Revenue and Commerce." On verso of Gerry 's letter is an extract from the Journal of the House , signed by John Beckley, Clerk, detailing the information needed . In part , "foreign produce and manufactures annually imported into, and of all the articles exported from the several states . . .Also the number of vessels both foreign and domestic, eneterd and cleared .. " Est. Cash Val. $800-1500 11



GERRY, ELBRIDGE. Important ALS " E. Gerry" as Vice President , 8 by 10" , lp. plus 2 lines on second page. Washington, June 17 , 1813. To Col. Austin. During the War of 1812 , Gerry writes of Caleb Strong his successor as Governor of Massachusetts. "The course pursued by the Massachusetts Legislature is what I expected; Their Governor has manfully displayed his British colours & it is infinately more honorable for him thus to identify himself with the enemy than to fight under the banner of hipocracy . .. " Strong, a Federalist, opposed the war and denied President Madison's request for troops . Gerry then discussed James and Dolly Madison. "I really have an affectionate regard for him & for his lady as far as it is proper to express or indulge in it; they are truly a virtuous intelligent & charming Couple. And the President does all that a man can do for his Country . .. " Transparent tape repairs at edges , otherwise fine . Est. Cash Val. $2000-4000

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8" by 10" l.5pp. [Philadelphia], Jun e 29, 1793. To banker John Nicholson. With separate address leaf. In part, "Our poor friends the African Congregation are again ashore. They consider you and me as their principal friends. Heaven has put it in your power to move their little bank. The loan of 1000 dollars more , they say will enable them to complete their building . .. " Minor defects, otherwise fine. Est. Cash Val. $600-1000 JEFFERSON , THOMAS. 3rd U.S. President, Adam 's Vice President, author of Declaration of Independence. Printed LS "Th Jefferson " as President , 8" by 10", lp. Undated , but 1808. Jefferson states, "The Embargo, giving time to the belligerent powers to revise their unjust proceedings and to listen to the dictates of justice, of interest and reputation, which equally urge the correction of their wrongs, have availed our country of the only honorable expedient for avoiding war . .. " The Embargo Act against international commerce was signed by President Jefferson on December 22, 1807. It was intended to prevent the United States from being drawn into the war between Britain and France and stopped all foreign trade. This form letter, with the name of the town, village or city filled in (in this case Lewiston, Maine), and signed in ink by Jefferson , was sent to the first name on letters of support. Tiny holes at cross-fo ld s , minor stains in blank margins, reinforced at folds on verso with transparent tape , otherwise fine. Est . Cash Val. $2000-4000 RODNEY , CAESAR . Manuscript DS " Caesar Rodney Recorder ", eight lin es on verso of third page of three page manuscript indenture, 8" by 12". Dover , March 27, 1770. While Associate Justice of the Colony of Delaware, Rodney certifies that the ind enture within is a true copy of what was recorded. Minor staining along right side of page, otherwise fine . Est. Cash Val. $300-600 RUTLEDGE, EDWARD. ADS "E. Rutledge /PfÂŁ Atty", 6" by 7.5", lp. No place, July 1, 1777. Rutledge pens a legal statement for th e signature of defendant Gabriel Caper's attorney Jacob Read and for himself. Est. Cash Val. $400-800 PAINE, ROBERT TREAT. ADS "R.T. Paine" (signed again, in full, in text), 8" by 12", 1.5pp. Boston, February 5, 1780. As the Attorney General of Massachusetts, during the Revolutionary War, Paine asks the Justi ces of the Superior Court to confiscate a William Walter 's property in Boston because Walter has, "since the nineteenth day of April Anno Domini seventeen hundred & seventy five . . .adhered to the King of Great Britain his fleets and Armies Enimies of the said Province Colony and State and then and there did give to them aid and comfort . .. " Three transparent tape repairs and separations at folds, otherwise fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-800 WHIPPLE, WILLIAM. ADS "Wm Whipple", 6" by 8", 1.25pp. Portsmouth, October 28,1782. Acknowledging that fellow Signer "Robert Morris Esqr Superintendent of the Finances of the United States has by Commission under his hand & seal duly appointed me to be the Receiver of the Continental Taxes for this State" and that he may be out of the state at times, Whipple appoints Joseph Whipple to act on his behalf . With red wax sea l. Est. Cash Val. $400-800 HART, JOHN. Manuscript DS "John Hart", 8" by 5", lp. [New Jersey], April 18,1778. To the Treasurer of New Jersey certifying that Henderick Smock Esq. "has attended at the sitting of Assembly at Princeton in April 1778 ten days for which he is entitled to receive ten pounds." Also signed by William Ch. Houston. Accompanied by a worn twelve shilling note, dated March 26, 1776 , signed in ink by Hart and two others. Est. Cash Val. $600-1000 RUSH, BENJAMIN. ALS "Benjn Rush",

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STONE, THOMAS. ADS " Thos Stone" in text , 9" by 12", lp. No place, August 30, 1786. A lengthy promissory note penned by Stone for th e signatures of Notley and Henry Maddocke who owe Thomas and his brother Michael J. Stone 2000 pounds of tobacco. Also docketed " T. Stone" on verso. Est. Cash Val. $600-1000


HARRISON, BENJAMIN. Father of President W.H. Harrison. Conclus ion of ALS " Benja. Harrison" , 7" by 4",

lp. No place, no date . Postscript to left of signa tur e possib ly refers to the futur e U.S. President, "P.S. There is 216 Inclosed for . .. Wine which send up by Billy and order him to leave half of it at the Court House for Mrs Debnam. " Minor defects. Est. Cash Val. $400-800


HARRISON, BENJAMIN. Partly printed DS "Benj Harrison " as Governor of Virgin ia, 13" by 15", lp. Richmond , July 4, 1783. Grant of land in Pittslyvania County. Split at some fold s, transparent tape on verso, but with fin e, dark, bold signature. Est. Cash Val. $400 -800


MORTON, JOHN. Manuscript DS "John Morton Sheriff" and by tw elve others, 12" by 16". Chester, Pennslyvania , July 13 , 1768. Concerning a mortage on land . Top lin e with ornate lettering damaged, otherwise fine. With worn nine pence note , very dark, signed "John Morton " . Est. Cash Val. $400-800


HUNTINGTON, SAMUEL. Important ALS " Sam Huntington ", 7" by 13" , lp . Princeton, September 16, 1783. To Richard Law. On Sept em ber 3, 1783, in Paris , th e United States and Great Britain signed the peace treaty end ing

the American Revo lu tion. Huntington pens, in part, "Our Ministers at Versails opinion that Hostilities were to cease in all parts of the globe north of the latitude in one month from & after the ratification of the preliminaries of peace . . .How reasons ma y dictate , keeping possession of Captures which were made by our until our enemies restore the Captures made by them under the parliament , is Cash Val. $1000-2000

give it as their decided of the Canaries inclusive far prudence or political citizens after that period another question . .. " Est.







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ELLERY, WILLIAM. ALS " Wm Ellery Collect ", 6 11 by 8", lp. Collectors Office, April 15 , 1795. To Jud ge Marchant concerning a petition by the master of th e sloop Lucy. Mounted . Est. Cash Val. $400 -800


ROSS, GEORGE. Short ALS "Geo : Ross", also signed by Will Atlee, 8" by 3.5" lp . No plac e, October 15 , 1765 .

To Mr. John Miller. In full , "We Will be Security to pay you three pounds for Henry Rash three months after date. " Stain ed, mount ed . Est. Cash Val. $180 -300 165

HOPKINSON , FRANCIS. ALS "Fras Hopkinson " 7.5" by 9", lp. Philadelphia,

May 2 , 1785. To Clement Biddle Esqr . Marshal , ordering him to deliver th e Sloop Fair Trader to th e owner w ho has paid to the court all monies owed . Est. Cash Val. $400-800


HOPKINSON , FRANCIS. Partly print ed inter est note signed, "F. Hopkinson " as Treasur er of Loans, 8" by 3.5", lp. United Stat es of Amer ica, Apr il 17 , 1780. To The Commission er or Commissioners of the United Stat es of

America , at Paris. "At Thirty Days Sight of this Third Bill, First, Second and Fourth not paid, pay to Benjamin Van Steinbergh or Order , Thirty Dollars in One Hundred and Fifty Livres Tournois , for Interest due on Money borrowed by the United States." Endors ed by Van Steinb ergh on verso. Minor defects . Est. Cash Val. $600-1000


CLYMER, GEORGE. ADS " Geo Clymer ", 5.5" by 2", lp . February 28, 1803. Early ch eck. "Bank U. States. Pay Mr Cly mer or bearer Twenty Dollars. " Est. Cash Val. $200-400


CLYMER, GEORGE. Manuscript DS "Geo Clymer", 8" by 4.5" , lp . Philad elphi a, Nov ember 26, 1789. Rece ipt for mone y paid. Foxed , otherw ise fin e. Est . Cash Val. $200 -400


SHERMAN , ROGER. Only man to sign all four major Ameri can documents : the Declaration of Independence, Constitution , Articles of Assoc iation and Articles of Confederation . ADS " Roger Sherman " , 5 .5" by 4", lp . New Hav en, November 27, 1786 . To John Lawr enc e, Treasur er, asking him to pay William Batt le tw ent y sh illin gs

"on account of what is due to me on the debenture of the Supm Court for the last circuit. " Est. Cash Val. $400-800


WILSON, JAMES. Twenty Doll ar engraved note , in black and red , January 14, 1779 , 4" by 3", boldl y signed "Jas Wilson " . Est . Cash Val. $300-600

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Nine Days Before Independence 171

HANCOCK , JOHN. Address leaf franked in lower left, "Congress Philada /John Hancock" , frank ed in upper right


ALS " Th ;Jefferson " as Vice President , 8 by 10", 2pp. Philadelphia , January 21, 1799. With integral address leaf entire ly in Jefferson 's hand , to "John W. Eppes /near Petersburg " franked by him in upper left, "free /Th: Jefferson ", light circular postmark and "F REE". Paper uniformly tanned . On October 13, 1797, John W. Eppes had married Jefferson 's youngest daughter , 19 year old Maria. "You will have seen the debates on Logan 's law, as it is called. The forged paper they endeavored to palm on the H. of R. as if written & presented by Logan to the French directory . . .begins now to be thought a contrivance from this side of the water to ensnare Logan. Yet they had the audacity to send the paper here and bring it forward as genuine. They were however completely discomforted & disgraced by the detection. Still they brazened the law through by their majority & it will probably pass the Senate as fast as forms will admit . .. "Dr George Logan, a Philadelphia Quak er, had taken it upon himself to go to Paris to negotiate for peace with the Directory . Upon his return , Congr ess pass ed a law, commonly referred to as " Logan's Law", providing a fine and imprisonment for any person undertaking such unofficial negotiation in the future . Jefferson followed with a discussion of the budget in detail concluding "there is a surplus of near a million , but the additional army to be raised (about 9000 men) will add 2.5 millions & the additional navy proposed by the Secretary 3 millions so that when they are complete there will be wanting for annual expenses 4.5 millions of dollars to be raised by new taxes . .. The existing taxes are 2.5 dollars a head on a population of four million . .. " Jefferson then turned to foreign affairs. In part , "We are now reading Gerry's communication of what passed between him & Talleyrand after the departure of his colleagues . . .Every newspaper kills Buonaparte in a different form but the news of London , Vienna & Constantinople is merely fabricated to keep up the spirits of their own people. The last national accounts from Buonaparte showed him to be in a very firm position. I do not believe he was destined to proceed further than Egypt. The London accounts of Irish affairs are thought equally fabulous. That rebellion is probably strong & organised. The French have certainly sustained considerable losses in endeavoring to assist them . .. " Est. Cash Val. $8000-15 ,000


ADAMS, JOHN. Address leaf franked in left portion "J. Adams" , " Free " in his hand in upper right. to " Honbl e

" On Publick Service /Free", addresssed by him "To/The Honble Nicholas Cooke Esqr./Governor of the Colony of Rhode Island/To be Communicated to the Assembly /At/Providenc e". Black straight line postamrk, " Phi la June 25". Docketed "President Hancock/June 26, 1776 " Est. Cash Val. $2000-4000

JEFFERSON, THOMAS. Extraordinary


Joseph Story /Judge of the /Suprem e Court of U.S./Salem ". Manuscript postal marking , " Quincy Ms, May 22d". Story served on the Supreme Court from 1811 to 1845. Est. Cash Val. $800-1400



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FRANKLIN , BENJAMIN. ALS "B. Franklin " , 8" by 13", lp. London , July 3 , 1771. With integra l address


FRANKLIN , BENJAMIN. ALS " B. Franklin" , 8" by 13", 1.5pp. London, February 6, 1772. With integral

leaf entire ly in Franklin's hand , to " Noble Wimberly Jones ', Esqr /Savannah /Georgia /via Charlestown / Packet", franked by him in lower left , " B. Free Franklin ". Postal markings . The London-born Jones, a doctor of medicine , was a member of the Georgia colonia l assemb ly and later served in the Continental congress. Fran klin writes , in part , " I see by the Newspapers that y our new Assembly is also dissolved. I am sorry for these Differences which must be uncomfortable to you and all that wish the Welfare of the Province. It is now thought that a Peace between the Turks and Russians is likel y soon to be concluded which gives a better Prospect of the Continuance of Peace among the other Powers of Europe : for it seldom happens that a War, begun between any two of them , does not extend itself sooner or later till it involves the whole. Spain show 'd a strong Inclination to begin with us, but France being not willing or ready to join her , she has smother'd that inclination for the present. " Est. Cash Val. $10,000-20,000

address leaf entire ly in Franklin 's hand , to "Joseph Smith Esqr/Burlington /Captn Falconer ", franked in lower left, " B. Free Franklin". "The Parliam ent had open 'd with a Calm in Politics, which seems to promise a quiet Session , the Opposition appearing to be in a very declining Way. There is no Talk of any Purpose to meddle with American Affairs, either by repealing the present Duties or adding new ones. A Peace between the Turks and Russians is supposed to be nearly concluded and no present Probability of any new Rupture in Europe. So that it is to be hoped we ma y have a few Years Quiet, and the Publick Debt be thereb y lessened . The Royal family is at pre sent in great Affliction. The dangerous Illness of the Duke of Gloucester ; the imprudent Marriage of his Brother ; the daily expected Death of the King 's Mother , and above all the Revolution in Denmark attended with the Imprisonment of his Sister ; are such a Accumulation of Distress that all good Subjects commiserate their Sovereign . . . " Circu lar brown stains on portions of the letter (not on his signature) darken Franklin 's writing rather than weaken it. Est. Cash Val. $ 10,000 -20 ,000

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FRANKLIN, WILLIAM. Last Royal Governor of New Jersey, son of Benjamin. Partly printed DS "Wm Franklin" as Governor, 8" by 6.5", lp. Burlington, August 17, 1774. Ordering the payment of his father's salary. He writes,

"Pay unto Joseph Smith Esqr. or Order, (for the use of Dr. Benjamin Franklin) Twenty five Pounds Proclamation Money, being for one Quarter 's Salary due to the said Dr. Franklin on this 1st of July last, as Agent for this Colony. " Est. Cash Val. $500 -1000 leaf franked in low er left "Free /B. Franklin", addressed by him to Mrs d". Catherine "Katy" Greene was the wife of Rhode Island Governor Warwick/Rhodeislan /at Catherine Greene William Greene. Heavily stained, crude ly repa ired on verso, but signature of Franklin is clear and unimpair ed. Est. Cash Val. $1500-2500




FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN. Address leaf franked in low er left, "Free /B. Franklin", addressed by him to "William Greene Esqr /at/Warwick". Pencilled date (probably taken from the letter), July 19, 1763. Greene later served as

Governor of Rhode Island. With address leaf in Franklin 's hand to "Miss Katy Ray/at/Westerly" with Franklin 's red wax sea l (unsigned). Katy Ray later married William Greene. Spotting on both items. Est. Cash Val. $2000-4000 179


PENN, JOHN. Important Autograph letter (unsigned), 7.5" by 12", lp. York, February 18, 1778. To Col. The.

Bland, near Petersburg, Virginia. Franked on verso in low er left , "Free /J. Penn. Signer of Declarat ion ". At this time the Continental Congress was meeting in York, Pennsylvania. "Since my last nothing of Consequence has happened, except Genl Howe 's agreeing to an exchange of Prisoners; officers for officers, Soldiers for Soldiers & Citizens for Citizens ... Genl. Howe complimented Genl. Washington in high terms but cast reflections on Congress, he was answered by our General that he should always resent any affront offered the Representatives of a Free people under whose authority he acted & that he had avoided ever saying anything against the Conduct of those whom General Howe served . .. " Expertly repaired with a few words lost, not materially affecting comprehension. Est. Cash Val. $3000-6000 ELLERY, WILLIAM. Lengthy ALS "William Ellery", 8" by 13", 3 very full pages. Baltimore, February 15, 1777.

At the time, the Continental Congress was meeting in Baltimore. With address leaf on verso of third page, franked in low er left "Wm Ellery", marked "Free" in upp er left, addressed by him to "The Honble /Nicholas Cooke Esq/Governor of the State of/Rhode Island & Providence /Plantations". After discussing important financial matters, Ellery writes, "The Two Armies remain in the same Situation they did. Ours at Morris Towne and the British Army at Brunswick. There have been lately two or three Skirmishes, in One of which We should have defeated the Enemy and taken a Number of their Waggons had it not been for the Cowardice of a Col. Buckner of Virginia. However We did not lose a Man but the Enemy by the Account given by the Country People had their Colonel Commandant killed and a Major wounded and, between 20 and 30 Privates killed . .. " Transparent tape repair at folds on verso of third page, otherwise fine. Est. Cash Val. $2000-4000

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CLARK , ABRAHAM. ALS " A. Clark ", 8" by 12", half page. Philadelphia,

April 25, 1794 . Franked on verso in upper right , "Abra . Clark ", addressed to "Hon. Jonathan Dayton/Eliza Towne ". Sma ll brown circu lar postmark, " 25(A)P" stamped " Free ". "The Bill for Stopping intercourse &c has gone through its different stages to engrossing & will this morning be engross'd ready for passing ... How the bill will fare in Senate is unknown. It is said our two members are against it, if so it is lost. . . " Clark 's resolution passed th e house but was defeated in th e Senate when Vice Presid ent John Adams vot ed "nay " to break a ti e. Jay's Treaty later in 1794 sett led differ ences with England. Est. Cash Val. $2000-4000 (Photo on previous page)


LEE, RICHARD HENRY. ALS "Richard Henry Lee ", 8" by 10", lp. Philadelphia,


LEE, RICHARD HENRY. Address leaf franked in low er left, " R.H. Lee ", addressed




GERRY, ELBRIDGE. Address leaf franked at right , " free/E. Gerry" , addressed

April 28, 1792. With integral address leaf franked in low er left, "R.H. Lee" , addressed to, "Doctor Beatty /at Princeton in/New Jersey". Small black circular " 30 AP" postmark , stamped " FREE". Address leaf repaired. Dr John Beatty had been captured by the British at Fort Washington in 1776 and was exchanged two years lat er. In 1792, he was elected to Congress. Lee has received a letter from his brother William and quotes it to Beatty. " .. .he writes as followeth 'Be so good as inform Dr. Beatty that I have had all his accounts relative to my sons expences revised & in that which he sent me by him last spring I find he has charged the crowns he gave to my son when he left Princeton . .. 'In consequence of the above letter . . .I deliver to our common friend Mr. Boudinot three dollars for you . .. " Est. Cash Val. $1000-2500 to " His Excellency/The Governor of Georgia /Savannah". Franked " On Public Service" in upper right. Black straight line postmark, " N. York May 2," stamped " FREE". Docketed vertically on right portion of enve lope over address, "Received June 28th 1790/Letter & Resolution /of Congress Apl. 30th/respecting a fuller repre /sentation. Read in /Council 8th July 1780/No 8/dated 30 April/Resolution /of Congress". Repaired , otherwise fine with bold signature. Est. Cash Val. $400-800 BENJAMIN. Front portion of address leaf franked in low er left, " Benj. Harrison" , and in upper right , "Pub lic Service ", addressed to "The Honorable /Sp eaker of the house /of/Delegates ". Est. Cash Val. $400-800

by him to "James T Austin

Esq/at/Boston". Est. Cash Val. $300-600 186

GERRY, ELBRIDGE. ALS "E . Gerry " as Vice President , 7.5" by 12.5", 2pp . Senate Chamber , ½ after 3 June 23,

1813. With integral address leaf franked at right , "free/E. Gerry ", addressed by him to "James T Austin Esq/at Boston". Repaired address leaf. On June 1, 11813, Commander James Lawrence had been fatally wounded in combat between the "Chesapeake" and the British warship "Shannon". His dying orders were "Don't give up the ship! " Gerry writes, in part, "We have information by a Swede ... stating melancholy facts in regard to the Chesapeake. The Carnage on both sides was dreadful, but our brave officers & seamen have gained honor notwithstanding the unfortunate accidents & final result. . . General Dearborn has proffered his resignation . . .I have this morning recd your favor of the 18th and find a sorrowful confirmation of the fate of the Chesapeake." Stains in margin of second page and address leaf, otherwise fine. Est. Cash Val. $2000-4000

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GERRY, ELBRIDGE. Short ALS "E. Gerry", 7" by 9", half page. Philad elphia , Feby 22, 1792. With integral address leaf franked in lower left, "free E Gerry", addressed by him to "Samue l M. Gerry Esq/at/Marblehead / Massachusetts". Small brown circular postmark , "22FE". In full, "Dear collector, Inclosed is the act as it passed relative to the fishery. My sincere regards to Mrs Gerry & family & be assured from yours sincerely E Gerry" . Minor stains and marginal tears, otherwise fine. Est. Cash Val. $800-1500


FRANCIS. ALS "Fr. Hopkinson T.L." as Treasurer of Loans , 8" by 12", lp. Philadelphia , September 22, 1778 . With integral address leaf franked in upper right "Hop kinson " (smudged), addressed to " Nathaniel Appleton Esquire /Commissioner of the /Continental Loan Office /in /Massachusetts Bay". Headed "(Circular)". Hopkinson sends orders. In part, "When you discharge the Interest due on any Certificate in Cush or Bills or both (us the Case may be) you will be pleased to endorse the Certificate us follows ... But in taking the Receipt it will be necessary to specify the numbers, denominations & amount of the bills issued . .. " Est. Cash Val. $800-1500


PACA, WILLIAM. Rare ALS " W. Paca", 7" by 12", 1.5pp. No Place, October 28, 1779. With integral address leaf


franked in lower right, "free/W Paca. ", addressed by him to " Wm Hornsby Esqr ./Queen Anne County / Maryland. ". In part , "The Enemy's Light Horse ... made an Excursion in the Jerseys and did some Mischief but the principal damage was the burning of the Farwell Court House. A colonel of the Militia writes that the Officer who commanded and three privates were made Prisoners by our people . .. The Prisoners had their Horses shot." Est. Cash Val. $2000-4000

From One Signer To Another 190

WHIPPLE, WILLIAM. Address leaf franked in low er left, "Free /W Whipple"

him to " The Honrble Josiah Bartlett Esq/Kingston /New-Hampshire". 191

(slight smudging), addressed by Docketed, May 24, 1779

CARROLL, CHARLES OF CARROLLTON. Address leaf franked across top , "Ch. Carroll of C free" , addressed

by him to his attorney, Joseph J. Speed, Annapolis. Red circu lar postmark, "Balte, Md, May 6", also stamped "FREE". Est. Cash Val. $300-600 SAMUEL. Address leaf franked in low er left, "S. Huntington /Free" , addressed "For /Col. Ebenr Huntington /Camp at/ West point" . Est. Cash Val. $300-600

by him




BARTLETT, JOSIAH. Front portion of address leaf franked in low er left "Post free /J: Bartlett /N: Hampshr",

addressed by him to "Genl/Nat hani el Folsom/Exeter /New Hampshire". postmark. Est. Cash Val. $300-600

Small brown

circ ular "23 NO"


BARTLETT, JOSIAH. Front portion of address leaf franked in low er left, "Free /J: Bartlett ", addressed by him to "The/Honb le/Nathel Folsom Esqr/Exeter /New Hampshire". Est. Cash Val. $200-400


WOLCOTT, OLIVER. Address leaf franked in lower left, " Free /O Wolcott", addressed

Wolcott/Litchfield /Connecticut".

Est . Cash Val. $300-600

by him to "Ms Laura

STATESMEN The "Father of Our Country" to the "Father of the Constitution" 196

WASHINGTON, GEORGE. Addr ess leaf franked in low er left, " Free/G. Washin gton ", addr essed by him to "The Honble /James Madison Junr/Orange County". Black strai ght lin e postmark , " Alex . May 2" . Dock eted verticall y to th e left of the addre ss, by James Madison , " G. Washington /Mt. Vernon May 1, 1788 ". Est. Cash Val. $4000-8000


WASHINGTON, GEORGE. Addr ess leaf frank ed in low er left, " G. Washin gton ", addr ess ed by his secretar y, Ten ch Til ghman , "To/His Exce llency Thomas Wharton Eqs/at/Lancas ter". Wharton was th e first Governor of Penn sylvania . Verti cal fold in cent er do es not tou ch Washin gton 's bold signatur e. Docketed April 8,1778. Est. Cash Val. $3000-5000


MONROE, JAMES. Address leaf frank ed in upp er right , "James Monro e", addr ess ed by him to "Thomas M. Randolph /Govrnor of Virga ./Richmond" . Light circular postm ark . Undated , but as President sinc e Randolph was governor of Virginia from 1819 to 1822 . Randolph was marri ed to Marth a Washington Jefferson , eld est child of Thomas Jefferson. Minor split at folds , oth erwis e fin e. Est. Cash Val. $600-1000


MADISON, JAMES. Front portion of address leaf frank ed in upp er right "James Madison ", address ed to "His Excellency Wm Mill er/Govr of North Carolina /Raleigh. ". Undat ed , but as President since Mill er was Governor of North Carolina from 1814 to 1817. Stamp ed " FREE" . Est. Cash Val. $600-1000


AMERICAN STATESMEN. Coll. of nin e addr ess leaves, eac h frank ed , vari ed condition . Compris es : John Jay (1st Chi ef Justi ce), Henry Laurens (With ALS as Presid ent of Con gress to N.C. Governor Caswell) , Abraham Baldwin, Alexander Hamilton, James McHenry (with ALS as Secretar y of War, 1797), Gouverneur Morris, Richard Peters and Edmund Randolph (two , one with foxed ALS). Est. Cash Val. $500-1500


AMERICAN STATESMEN AND MILITARY. Coll . of 21 address leav es, each frank ed , varied condition. Comprises : Henry Lee, Samuel A. Otis (held Bible at Washington 's inauguration), John Armstrong (front portion), Samu el Hardy , Joseph Reed (With ALS, 1779), James Varnum & Peleg Arnold (on sam e address leaf), Pierce Long (with ALS, 1785), Jame s Searl e (With ALS, 1780), Rufus King, William Hemsl ey (with ALS, 1783), Walt er Livingston (two , on e just front portion , oth er with Manus cript LS also sign ed by Samuel Osgood) , Jeremiah Wadsworth (two , each with ALS, 1789,1794), Tench Coxe (with Manuscript LS,1812), Samuel Meredith (with Manuscript LS, 1799), Charles Pinckney (front portion) , Thomas T. Tucker , George That cher (with ALS , 1798), Theodore Sedgewick (with ALS, 2pp .,1798, about a bill "to raise an Army of 20,000 men . . . all treaties with France are at an end") and Charles Thomson. Est. Cash Val. $1000 +



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Front portion of address leaf franked in lower left , "Free /GI Washington", addressed by him to the famous portrait painter " Mr. Chas. W. Peale /Philadelphia". No postal markings. Beneath the frank and fold, Charles ' son has penned , "Presented to Mr Thomas Herring by/Rembrandt Peale". The date " 1787" appears next to Rembrandt's note and was probably penned by him to indicate the date of the frank . During his lifetime , Washington gave Charles W. Peale fourteen sittings , the first in 1772. Rembrandt Peale was just 17 in 1795¡ when he executed a portrait of Washington from whom he obtained three sittings. Mounted on a card. Est. Cash Val. $2000-4000

To John Hancock 203

Address leaf franked in lower left, " G. Washington", addressed by his aide-de-camp, Robert Hanson Harrison, to " The Honble /John Hancock Esq/President of Congress /at/ Philadelphia". "On Public Service" written in top center . Originally vertically split in two at the center, it has been repaired . The address portion is damaged although every word is legible. Washington's signature is dark and bold. Curiously , Washington has left out the " o" and ":" he usually placed between the "G" and "W". Damaged docket by John Hancock on verso, "Genera l Washington/Dated 19th Septr 1777/Parker's Ford Schulkill ". Est. Cash Val. $2500-4000


Address leaf franked in lower left. "G. Washington ", addressed by his military secretary Tench Tilghman , to " Col. Wigglesworth /at/Providence /or/Boston" , "On Public Service " in upper right. No postal markings. Docketed vertically at far right, "General Washington /Middle Brook 11 March 1779". In 1779 , Col. Edward Wigglesworth , after taking part in th e Battle of Monmouth, applied to Washington for leave to resign which was granted; later he was appointed by Washington Collector for the Port of Newburyport. Est. Cash Val. $3000-5000

A Pass Through The Lines For A Lady 205

ADS "G. Washington", 7" by 3.5", lp. No place , June 11th 1779. In full, "Permit Mrs. Hay & Phineas Herd to pass all Continental and other Guards on her way to Kakeat." In a postscript , Washington adds, "The Horsemen who Escort Mrs. Hay is to return unmolested. " This additional note is signed "G W---n ". Expertly repaired at folds which pass through his signature. Minor defects. Est. Cash Val. $4000-8000

George Washington to Thomas Jefferson 206






Address leaf franked in lower left, "G . Washington " , addr essed by hi s military secretary, Tench Tilghman , to "His Excellency Thomas Jefferson Esqr/Governor of the State of Virginia /at/Richmond. " Dock eted , not in Jefferson 's hand , "Gen l Washington /Dec 10, 1780". Separated at some fold s, but not address portion which is in very good condi tion . Est. Cash Val. $4000-8000 Partial address leaf and seal, franked in low er left, "G. Washington", addressed by his military secretary, Tench Tilghman, to Signer of the Declarat ion of Ind epe nd enc e and father of U.S. Presid ent W.H. Harrison , " His Exce llency Benjamin Harrison Esq/Governor of th e State of Virginia /Richmond". " On Public Service " at top right. Undated, but Harrison served as Governor of Virginia from 1781 to 1784. Comp lete red wax seal of Washin gton is present. Est. Cash Val. $30 00-5000 Addr ess leaf franked in lower left , "G . Washington " , addressed to Ben jam in Harrison as " His Excellency Governor Harrison/Virginia" , " Public Service" in upp er right. Dockete d , "Genera l Washington /Augst 12 '82". Rectan gular light tanning over most of address leaf. Complete red wax sea l of Washington is present. Est. Cash Val. $2500-5000 HAMILTON, ALEXANDER. Address leaf franked in upp er right, "on public serv ice/A. Hamilton ", addressed to "Samuel Hodgdon Esquire /Superint endant of Military /Stores /Philad elphia ". Partial black circul ar New-York postmark, stamped "PA ID". Docke ted, " Major Genera l Hamilton /3 Januar y 1800. " Two folds , otherwis e fine. Est. Cash Val. $30 0-600 HAMILTON , ALEXAN DER. ALS "A. Hamilton", 7" by 9", 1.5pp. New York, Nov emb er 18, 1799. With integral address leaf franked in upper right, " On public ser vice/A. Hamilton" , addressed by him to " Samuel Hodgdon Black "New York Nov 19" postmark, stamp ed , of military /Stores /Philadelphia". Esquire /Superintendent Regiment of Artillerists and Engineers is second the of McKea "Capt. part, in pens, lton Hami " PAID". recruiting at Alex andria in Virginia . He writes to me that he is destitute of tents and camp Utensils . .. " Est. Cash Val. $800-1500 LAFAYETTE, MARQUIS DE. Frenc h General in the American Revo luti onary War. Important ALS " Lafayette" in English . 6.5" by 8.5", 2pp. Morristown , January 7, 1781. With integral address leaf franked " Lafay ette M.G." in lower left, addressed by him to "Co lon el Walter Stewart /at/Princetown ". Address a fit faded, worn fold through frank. On January 1,1781, Pennsy lvania troops under General Anthony Wayne marched out of camp near Morristown ; they had been inadequately fed and clothed during th e winter and had not been paid for nearl y a year . Severa l officers and a number of privates were kill ed during th e mutiny that ens ued . General Arthur St. Clair suppressed the mutiny and on January 17, 1781, th e 13th and 2nd Pennsylvania regiments were combin ed und er Col. Stewart's command; he was only 24 years old. Lafayette writes, in part, "I take this opportuni ty of inquiring from y ou what are yo ur present prospects of settling the unhappy and disgracing nothing to do here in the presence of Gen] St Clair I should have dispute which has taken place-having liked to stay with you. Whatever has been said by some on this occasion , I cannot yet believe that the soldiers of y our line and particularly those of the Light Infantry have forgot theyr sensitiveness for one whom they must know to be theyr friend. However dissatisfied I may be with theyr present mode of conduct which makes me more unhappy than any thing I have experienced. I shall try to render them service if it comes within the reach of my power . .. " Minor defects, otherwise fin e. Est. Cash Val. $1500-3000

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LAFAYETTE, MARQUIS DE. ALS "Lafayette" in English, 7" by 9", 1p. New Windsor , January 30, 1781. With

int egra l address leaf franked " Lafayette M.G." in lower left, addressed by him to " Colonel Walter Stewart /at/Trenton". Worn fold through frank, otherwise fine . "As I have promised to let you know the time of my going to Rhodeisland , I hasten to inform you that his Excellency [George Washington] and myself intend to set out in a few days for that place. " In a postscript he adds, in part , "Have Gen] Waine and Col. Butler any intention to go to Rhode Island this Winter? " Est. Cash Val. $1000-2000


War. Imp ortan t Manuscript LS "Steuben /Maj. Gen .", 8" by 13", 3pp . Richmond , Virginia , February 3, 1781. With address leaf on verso of third page, franked in lower left , " Steuben ", addressed to "The Honorable Major Gen. Green /Commanding th e/Southern Army ". Seal tear affec ts four wo rd s, otherwise fine. Steuben writes, "Mr Arnold [British Brigadi er incursion into this state notwithstanding the General Benedict Arnold] still continues at Portsmouth--his weak opposition I was able to oppose has not drawn my attention from the main object of reinforcing your Army . . . The second division of 400 men which I expected to have sent off the 15th Jany will not possibly be efuipped for the march before the 20th instant. I am determined to move Heaven & Earth to get them off i possible by that time .. .I believe I before advised you of my intention to form the remains of the 9th Regt at Fort Pitt into two Companies & to call down the Super numeracy Officers General Washington has approved it and I have accordingly given the necessary Orders to Cols Broadhead & Gibson .. ." Est. Cash Val. $2000-4000


STEUBEN, BARON VON. Add ress leaf franked in lower left, "S teuben/Maj Gen ", and " Public Service" in upper right. Addressed to " Lt Colonel Walker /Ade Camp /to th e Comdr in Chf ", sma ll black circ ular postm ark, " 28

STEUBEN, BARON VON. Prussian General in the American Revolutionary

IA", stamped "FREE" . Docketed "28 Jany 83". Benjami n Walker had served as Steuben's Aide-de-Camp before holdin g the same position on Washington 's staff . Vertical fold in middle not tou ching Steuben 's frank. Est. Cash Val. $600 -900

leaf franked in lower left, " Cornwallis ", addressed by him to "Gove rnor Nelson /&c &c &c", head ed by him , "By a Flag of Truce". Vertica l docket at left , " Recd Septr 10- 81". Nelson was Thomas Nelson Jr., Governor of Virginia and a Signer of th e Declaration of Independen ce . Cornwallis was the British General who surr endered to Washington at Yorktown , Virginia five wee ks later. Est. Cash Val. $600-9 00




CORNWALLIS , LORD CHARLES. Portion of an address leaf franked in low er left, "Free /Cornwallis",


HASTINGS, MARQUIS OF. British General , participated

addressed by him to "Lie ut General Harris /Belmont /Febersham /Kent" , dated at head , "Colc h ester August eleve nth 1801 ". Fold through frank. Colchester stampe d postal markings. Est. Cash Val. $300-600 (as Captain) in the Batt les of Bunker Hill, Long Island and White Plains. Front portion of address leaf franked in lower left, "Hastings", addressed by him "To His Grace /The Duk e of Wellington /&c &c/London" . Contemporary note indicates it was addressed to Wellington on ly a few days before Hasting's death. Mounting traces on verso. Est. Cash Val. $150-300

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KNOX, HENRY. 1st U.S. Secretary of War. Front portion of address leaf franked in low er left , " H. Knox", addressed by him to "Gouverne ur Morris Esq/Phi lade lphia". Light stra ight bla ck "N- York" postmark, stamped " FREE" . Est. Cash Val. $150-300 MARSHALL , JOHN. Chief Justi ce of the U.S. Supreme Court. Rare address leaf franked in th e upp er right, "Dep t of State /J. Marsha ll ", addressed by him to "The Honble Thomas Dwi ght/M assac hu sett s". Dwi ght , a Federalist, was a State Senator and was later elected to Congress . Faint Washington postmark, stamped "F REE". Docke ted "Ge nl Mar shall/Jan y 2d 1801 ", th e date of hi s appo intment. Est. Cash Val. $600-1200

Constitutionality 220

From The Chief Justice

MARSHALL , JOHN. Exceed in gly imrort ant ALS "J. Mars h all " as Chief Justice , 8 by 10 ", 4pp. Richmo nd , Dece mb er 22, 1823. With separat e lea addr essed in hi s hand to "Th e Honbl e/Henry Clay/Washington " . Circular red postmark , " Richd Va/Dec 23", stamp ed "F REE". A remarkable letter from the Chief Justice , John Marshall , to the Speaker of the House , Henry Clay, urging the defeat of a proposed law which would require more than In part, "That gentleman , a simple majority of the Supreme Court to declare a law unconstitutional. [Kentucky Senator Richard M. John son ] I perceive has moved a resolution requiring a concurrence of more than a majority of all the Judges of the Supreme Court to decide that a law is repugnant to the Constitution . . .It is among the most dangerous things in legislation to enact a general law of great and extensive influence to effect a particular object. . .If the mental eye be directed to a single object, it is not easy for the legislator, intent only on that object, to look all around him, and to perceive and guard against the serious mischiefs with which his measure may (?) . I am perhaps more alive to what concerns the judicial department and attach more importance to its organization than my fellow citizens in the legislative or executive , but let me ask if serious inconvenience is not to be apprehended from a very numerous Supreme Court ? It ought not to be too small; but the one extreme is as much to be avoided as the other. Let me ask too, and I put the question very seriously, if a regulation requiring a concurrence of more than a majority of all the Judges to decide any case , ought not to be well considered in all its bearings , before its adoption? To say nothing of the influence of such a rule on the business of the court, let me ask your attention to the enquiry whether it accords with the spirit of the Constitution? If it goes to defeat an object which the Constitution obviously designs to accomplish , I need not say to you that , although the judiciary may be bound by it, a conscientious legi slator can never assent to it . . .If Congress should say explicitly that the courts of the Union should never enter into the enquiry concerning the constitutionality of a law, or should dismiss for want of jurisdiction , every case depending on a law deemed by the Court to be unconstitutional, could there be two opinions respecting such an act? What substantial difference is there between withdrawing a question from a court. . . and disabling a court from deciding that question? . .. When we consider the remoteness, the numbers and the age of the Judges , we cannot expect that the assemblage of all of them , when they shall amount to ten , will be of frequent recurrence. The difficulty of the questions, and other considerations, may often divide those who do attend. To require almost unanimity is to require what cannot often happen , and consequently to disable the court from deciding constitutional questions . . .It seems to me that a law requiring more than a majority to make a decision as much counteracts the views of the Constitution as an act requiring more than a majority of the legislature to pass a law . . . " Est. Cash Val. $8000-15 ,000 11


HANCOCK, JOHN. Address leaf franked in low er left, "Congress Philade ./John Hancock", addressed by him to " His Exce llency Thomas Johnson Esq ./Governor of the State of Maryland /At/Annapolis" , franked in upp er right "On Publick Service" . Vertica l fold through center not touching signat ur e. Docke ted "May 18, 1777" . Est. Cash Val. $1500 -2500


GREENE, NATHANIEL. American General in the Revo luti onary War. ALS "Nat h Greene " , 7" by 9", 2pp. Camp Fredericks bur g, November 14, 1778. With integral addr ess leaf franked in low er left, "N . Greene" and " (On public Service) " in upp er right , addressed by him to "Ephram Bowen Esq/DQMG/Providence". In part, "As forage is very dear and difficult to be got you had better sell off all such Horses us have got poor and unfit for Service . Especially those that are old. You must udvertize the Sule of the Horses sometime before it begins. If there are any Wuggons or carriages that appear unfit for the purpose of a Campaign Let them be sold off also . . .Mr. Whittlesen you will dismiss from any further employments. Settle his accounts before you udvertize him of this. He has been dabbling in Politicks and creating mischeif . .. " Minor bro wning at folds , otherwise fine. Est. Cas h Val. $1000-2000


AMERICAN STATESMEN & MILITARY. Coll. of 12 address leaves, eac h franked , varied conditio n . Compris es : Henry Dearborn (front portion), Benjamin Tallm adge, Horatio Gates, Aaron Burr, Joseph Habersham (with ALS), Tobias Lear (two, one with ALS), Philip Van Cortlandt (front portion), George Clinton (front portion), Henry Lee (with short ALS), John Glover (portion) and Jethro Sumner (with ALS). Est. Cash Val. $500-1000


BURR ,AA RON . ALS "AB", 7" by 9", 1 full page . Philadelphia, June 7, 1794. With integral address leaf franked "Free /A. Burr " in upper right, addressed by him to his 11 year old daughter " Theoda B. Burr /No. 30 Partition St./N ew York" , sma ll brown circu lar postmark "7 IU" , stamped "FREE " . "I have received my dear Theo 's two little , very little french Letters . The lust left you tormented with heuduch & Toothuch-too much for one poor little Girl to suffer at one time . . . You must fight them us well us you can till I come , and then I will engage to keep them , at buy ... " Burr was representing New York in the U.S. Senate at the time; his wife had died earlier in 1794 of cancer and Theodosia now ran the hou seho ld. She was a remarkable youn g lad y. By th e age of 10, she read Horace and Terence in the original Latin, spoke French and studied Greek. Est. Cash Val. $600-1000


AMERICAN STATESMEN & MILITARY. Coll. of 17 address leaves, each franked, varied condition. Comprises: Theodoric Bland (with ALS also signed by James Madison ), James Monroe, James Wilkinson (with Manuscript LS, 1812), Timothy Pickering (seven franks with 6 ALS's), Isiah Thomas (with ALS) , Jeremiah Wadsworth (with ALS), Nicholas Fish , Thomas Pinckney (with ALS), John E. Howard (with ALS), William Smallwood (with ALS), and William S. Smith. Est. Cash Val. $1000-200 0

CORRECTED PHOTOPLATE FOR LOTS #221, 222, 224 (June 12 , 1990 Auction)



HANCOCK, JOHN. Address leaf franked in low er left, "Congress Philade ./John Hancock ", addressed by him to "His Excellency Thomas Johnson Esq ./Governor of the State of Maryland /At/Annapolis ", franked in upper right "On Publick Service". Vertical fold through center not touching signature. Docketed " May 18, 1777". Est. Cash Val. $1500-2500


GREENE, NATHANIEL. American General in the Revolutionary War. ALS " Nath Greene ", 7" by 9", 2pp. Camp Fredericksburg , November 14, 1778. With integral addr ess leaf franked in lower left, "N. Greene" and "(On public Service) " in upper right , addressed by him to "Ep hram Bowen Esq/DQMG/Providence". In part, "As forage is very dear and difficult to be got you had better sell off all such Horses as have got poor and unfit for Service. Especially those that are old. You must advertize the Sale of the Horses sometime before it begins. If there are any Waggons or carriages that appear unfit for the purpose of a Campaign Let them be sold off also . . .Mr. Whittlesen you will dismiss from any further employments. Settle his accounts before you advertize him of this. He has been dabbling in Politicks and creating mischeif . .. " Minor browning at folds, otherwise fine. Est. Cash Val. $1000-2000


AMERICAN STATESMEN & MILITARY. Coll. of 12 address leaves, each franked, varied condition . Comprises: Henry Dearborn (front portion), Benjamin Tallmadge, Horatio Gates, Aaron Burr, Joseph Habersham (with ALS), Tobias Lear (two , one with ALS), Philip Van Cortlandt (front portion), George Clinton (front portion), Henry Lee (with short ALS), John Glover (portion) and Jethro Sumner [with ALS). Est. Cash Val. $500-1000


BURR,AARON. ALS "AB", 7" by 9", 1 full page. Philadelphia, Jun e 7, 1794. With integral address leaf franked "Free/A. Burr " in upp er right , addressed by him to his 11 year old daughter "Theoda B. Burr/No. 30 Partition St./New York", small brown circular postmark "7 IU", stamped "FREE". "I have received my dear Theo 's two

little, very little french Letters. The last left you tormented with headach & Toothach-too much for one poor little Girl to suffer at one time . .. You must fight them as well as you can till I come, and then I will engage to keep them, at bay ... " Burr was representing New York in the U.S. Senate at the time ; his wife had died earlier in 1794 of cancer and Theodosia now ran the household. She was a remarkable young lady. By the age of 10, she read Horace and Terence in the original Latin , spoke French and studied Greek. Est. Cash Val. $600-1000 225

AMERICAN STATESMEN & MILITARY. Coll. of 17 address leaves , each franked, varied condition. Comprises: Theodoric Bland (with ALS also signed by James Madison ), James Monroe, James Wilkinson [with Manuscript LS, 1812), Timothy Pickering (seven franks with 6 ALS's), Isiah Thomas [with ALS), Jerem iah Wadsworth (with ALS), Nicholas Fish , Thomas Pinckney (with ALS), John E. Howard [with ALS), William Smallwood (with SJ._ancLWJlliam _S~_Smith ._EsJ._Cas.h VaLilQ00-2000

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Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Senators and Signers ,


ADAMS, JOHN. Address leaf frank ed at left "J. Adams " and in upper right "Free ", addr essed to "Hon ble Rich ar d Rush Esqre /Attorney Genera l of th e U.S ./City of Washington " . Manuscript postal marking at top , " Quin cy Ms Au gust 3oth " . No year, but Rush served as Attorney General from 1814 to 1817. Est. Cash Val. $1000-1500


JEFFERSON, THOMAS . Addr ess leaf franked at upp er left , "free /Th: Jefferson " , ad dr esse d by him to " Mr. John Heckewelder /Bethlehem " , sma ll black circ ul ar postmark , " 12 AP " stampe d "FREE". Heckewelder was a mi ss ionary amo ng th e Indi ans of Pennsylvania and Ohio. Est. Cash Val. $1500-2500


BURR, AARON. ALS " A. Burr " as Vice President , 8" by 10", 1 full page . New York, Jul y 20, 1801. With integral addr ess leaf franked in up per right , "A . Burr " , addressed by him to "Ep hr aim Kirby Esquire /Litchf ield/ Conn ect. ", black postmark , " New York/July 21" , stamp ed " FREE". "You must pardon me, my dear Sir, for writing little & cautiously, for you have taught me to distrust your post office. Where your commission can have lain so Jong or rather why it has been so long witholden, I cannot conceive . . .I am much rejoiced to find that you have at last received your commission . .. " Ephraim Kirby h ad been appo int ed by Presid ent Jefferson as Supervisor of U. S. Revenue for Connecticut and , evid entl y did not rece ive his commission from Washington promptly . Est. Cash Val. $600-1000


PRESIDENTS & VICE PRESIDENTS. Coll. of 22 ad dr ess leaves or enve lop es , each franked , var ied con dition . Comprises: George Clinton (front portion), John C. Calhoun (with ALS), Martin Van Buren (front portion), Richard M. Johnson (with ALS), John Tyler (front portion as President), George M. Dallas (front portion) , Millard Fillmore (as V.P.), William R. King, John C. Beckenridge (as V.P.), Hannibal Hamlin (thr ee enve lop es), Andrew Johnson , Schuyler Colfax (as V.P.), Henry Wilson (envelope), Thomas A. Hendricks (two , enve lop es, one damaged) ; six pr int ed franks. Est. Cash Val. $1500 +


GERRY, ELBRIDGE. ALS " E. Gerry" as Vice President , 7.5" by 9", lp. Boston, September 5, 1814. With int egral addr ess leaf franked in upp er right , "free /E. Gerry ", addressed by him to "John G. McDonald Esq/at/ Washington" , red circ ul ar postmark, " Boston MS/Sep 6", stamped " FREE". On Aug ust 24-25 , 1814, th e British captured Washington , D.C., and burn ed the Capitol and oth er public buildin gs. Gerry wri tes, "I have this morning received your Jetter of the 25th of August & rejoice to learn that the public records & files of the Senate are, as I flatter myself are those of the other Departments , in a place of safety. I think it best that they should remain in status quo untill it shall be determined where Congress are to hold their next session . .. " Gerry, as Vice President, presided over th e Senate; h e died in office less th an four months later. Est. Cash Val. $1000-2000


AMERICAN STATESMEN: SENATE PRESIDENTS PRO-TEM. Coll. of 22 address leaves or enve lop es, each franked, varied condi tion . Includ es: Abraham Baldwin, William H. Crawford, Nathaniel Macon , Littleton Tazewell, John Pope (with ALS), Hugh L. White, Samuel Southard , Willie Magnum (front portion), Lewis Cass, James M. Mason, Jesse D. Bright, L.F.S. Foster, T.F. Bayard , John Sherman (front portion , mounted), two printed franks. Est. Cash Val. $200-400

\0 N N


U.S. Supreme Court and House of Representatives 232

SUPREME COURT JUSTICES. Coll of 18 items including ten ALS's, varied condition. Comprises: Joseph Story, Bushrod Washington (two), Gabriel Duvall (with franked address leaf), John McLean (with integral franked address leaf), Wm. H. Taft (TLS), Louis D. Brandeis, Benjamin N. Cardozo. With franked address leaves or signed enve lop es of John Blair (front portion), Salmon P. Chase, Levi Woodbury and Henry Baldwin. Est. Cash Val. $1000-1500


SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE. Coll. of 32 items , includin g nine ALS 's with integral franked address leaves or franked enve lop es, varied condition. Comprises: Jonathan Dayton, Langdon Cheves, John W. Taylor, Andrew Stevenson, R.M.T. Hunter (1850, about Clay's compromise), John W. Davis, Robert C. Winthrop, N.P. Banks, and Schuyler Colfax. With franked address leaves or signed envelopes of Nathaniel Macon (front portion), Henry Clay , Henry Hubbard , James K. Polk (spotted not near signature, John W. Davis , R.M.T. Hunter (front portion , mounted) , Robert C. Winthrop (two), Linn Boyd, N.P. Banks (front portion), James L. Orr, Galusha Grow , J.G. Blaine, M.C. Kerr, Samuel J. Randall (front portion), TB. Reed, five others (House Clerks) . Est. Cash Val. $800-1200

Statesmen 234

OGLETHORPE, JAMES. English soldi er, received charter for the colony of Georgia in 1732 and founded Savannah. Exceed ingl y rare address leaf franked in low er left , " Free James /Oglethorpe" , no postal markings. On verso of address leaf is an ALS "Cromll Mortimer" , 811 by 10", lp. Queens Square Holborn, London, November 2, 1748. Addressed to "The Revd Mr Morant /at St Mary/Colnchester /Essex" Mortimer thanks Morant for a "barrel of oysters , carriage & porterage paid; wch were exceeding good . .. " and then writes in a postscript , "how does Mr Smith's wife do? who over turned their chaise against our chair on the road to London . .. Repa irs do not affect Oglethorp e's strong signature. Est. Cash Val. $1000-2000


DUDLEY, JOSEPH. 17th Century Governor of Massachus etts , New Hampshire and Rhode Island and later , Governor of Massachusetts from 1702-1715. Rare partial address leaf franked in lower left , "J. Dudly", addressed by him "To Charles Stor y Esq/Secretary to h er Majesty 's Province /of New Hampshire/Portsmouth ". Pencilled date " 1711" (Queen Anne was the reigning monarch). Est. Cash Val. $500-800


BELCHER, JONATHAN. Governor of Massachusetts and New Hampshire (1730-1741) and New Jersey (1746-1757) . Rare address leaf franked in low er left, "J Belcher /Free", addressed by him to "The Honoble /Mr Secretary Waldron /of His Majestys province /of NHampshire /Portsmouth". Est. Cash Val. $300-600


BRITISH STATESMEN. Comprises: Jeffery Amherst , Governor Genera l of British North America (1760-1763), address leaf franked in lower left , "Jeff:Amherst" , addressed by him to Stephen Hopkins, Providence (as Governor of His Majesty' Colony of Rhode Island). Repairs do not affect Amherst's signature. Also, William Pitt , British Prime Minister (1783-1801 and 1804-1806), front portion of address leaf franked in low er left , "W. Pitt " addressed by him to W. Haynes, Surrey, dated 1801. Est. Cash Val. $400-800


TRUMBULL, JONATHAN. Governor of both the Colony and State of Connecticut (1769-1784). Coll. comprises: front portion of address leaf franked in low er left as Governor, "Colony of Connecticut/Jonth Trumbull", addressed by him to James Otis, "President of the Council of the Colony of/Massachusetts Bay "; address leaf franked in lower left as Governor , "State of Connecticut/Jonth Trumbull" , addressed by him to Nicholas Cooke, "Governor of the State of Rhod e Island" ; ALS "Jonth Trumbull" , 8 by 12", lp. Lebanon , September 20, 1781. Franked as Governor in upp er right, "Public Service /Jonth Trumbull ", to Eleazer Wales, Hartford. Concerning funds for (Roger) Sherman and William Baldwin . Est. Cash Val. $600-1000 11


AMERICAN STATESMEN. Coll. of 13 franked address leaves. Comprises: James A. Bayard, Rev. Noah Worcester (as Postmaster with ALS), Isaiah Thomas (with ALS to Jededia h Morse) , Jedediah Morse (ALS, no frank), Albert Gallatin , John Randolph of Roanoake (three , on e with ALS), Joseph Hopkinson, John Steele , John Davis , Edward Livingston , (thr ee, one wi th ALS as Secretary of State to George M. Dall as). Est. Cash Val. $500-1000

A Discussion of Postal Rates During the War 240

HAZARD, EBENEZER. Postmaster of New York (1775-1782), U.S. Postmaster General (1782-1789). Import ant ALS "Eben Hazard", 6 by 8 lp. Plymouth , April 6, 1781. Franked in upper right , " Free/Eben Hazard ", addressed by him to "Dudl ey Woodbridge Esqr./Post Master /at/Norwich" . In part , "Mr. Hallam is mistaken about the late Resolution of Congress; it is no more than 'That the postage of letters, in future, be double the Sums paid before the Commencement of the present war.' Those Sums were as in the Table of Rates; they are now to be doubled . . .instead of taking 3d Sterling per Dwt. as the Tables direct, take 6d Sterlg or Bd lawfull . .. " Est. Cash Val. $500-800 11




WEBSTER, NOAH. American lexicograp h er, wrote spe llin g books and dictionaries . Important ear ly ALS " Noah Webster ", 7" by 9", lp. New York, November 4, 1788. With integral addr ess leaf (a third neatly cut away) addressed by him to "Isaiah Thomas Esq/Worchester" . Thomas was an earl y printer of spe llers and dictionaries. Webster writes, in part, " I shall have about 500 of the American Sp_elling Book ready to be delivered about the time I shall begin the Lectures. They will be done much better than Folsom 's edition; ... You may have them at the price they sell at by the dozen in Boston . . .I flatter myself you will not refuse so good an offer . . . " Est. Cash Val. $1000-2000


AMERICAN STATESMEN. Coll. of 24 items: franked ad dres s leaves or enve lop es, a few front portions, some with ALS's, ear ly 19th cen tur y. Includ es : Richard Rush (front portion), Gabriel Richard (with 1820 ALS about Indians), Josiah Quincy (with 1813 ALS), Silas Wright, Thomas H. Benton (two , one with ALS) , Artemas Ward, Jr. (with 1814 ALS), Stephen Longfellow (with ALS, sea l tear affects four words) , Theodore Frelinghuysen, John R. Ingersoll , J.J. Crittenden , others. Est. Cash Val. $400-800


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WEBSTER, DANIEL. Secretary of Stat e for Presidents Harrison , Tyler and Fillmore ; grea t orator in Senate . Compris es thre e items: Early ALS "Daniel Webster" (rare in full) , 7.5" by 9.5", lp. Boston , Janu ary 17, 1817. With integral address leaf franked in upper right , "free/D. Webster /M.C.", addresse d by him to "Charles Fenton Merc er Esq.loÂŁ London , now at,/Richmond/Va ./To be forwarded , if/Mr M. has left R". Mount ed. Th e Congr ess man from New Hampshire penn ed , " I beg to commend Mr Sullivan to your notice & kindness as a Gentleman of very respectable character & connexions. I am in the hope of returning to W. the latter part pf the month . .. " With two franked env elopes , eac h addressed by Webst er ; one with postal markings , franked " Danl Webst er ", th e other " D. Webst er". Est. Cash Val. $60 0-1000


AMERICAN STATESMEN. Coll. of 33 items , compris in g: franked ad dress leaves or enve lop es, a few front portions , some with ALS's, mid 19th century. Includ es: Thaddeus Stevens (two , one postmarked and not franked but addressed to him by Presid ent Lin coln ), Rufus Choate , James D. Doty (as Delegate fron Wisconsin Territor y), Horace Mann (two) , Edward Everett (front port ion , mounted) Abbott Lawrence, David Wilmont, R.B. Roosevelt (T.R's Uncle) , John Jay (with 1844 ALS mentioning pro-and anti-Texian m ee tin gs in New York), F.E. Spinner , Rufus King (with ALS), and others. Est. Cash Val. $500-1000


DOUGLAS, STEPHEN A. Defeated Lin coln in 1858 Senate race, but was defeated by Lincoln in 1860 Presidential election. Black-bordered env elope franked by him in upp er right , " free/S.A. Douglas /U.S .S.", add ressed by him to " Mr George H Foster /Charlestown /Mass ". Black circu lar postmark, " Washington D.C Free /27 Jan " Est. Cash Val. $30 0-600


AMERICAN STATESMEN. Coll. of 24 items , comprising : frank ed env elop es , a few front portions, some with ALS 'S, mid-19th cen tur y. Includes: Judah P. Benjamin (front p ortion) , Alexander H. Stephens, Charles Sumner (five), G.W.C. Lee, James M. Mason, John Slidell (front portion), John P. Hale , N.B. Judd , Samu el Coop er, George P. Morris , Pierre Soul e, and oth ers . Est. Cash Val. $600-1000


BROWN, JOHN. Abo liti on ist; seized governme nt arsena l at Harp ers Ferry, Virginia in 1859, conv icted of treason, an d hanged. Excee din gly rare address leaf franked in upp er right, " Free/J. Brown PM/at Randolph Pa", addressed by him to "Mr. Seth Thompson /Hartford /Trumbu ll Co/Via Erie /Ohio ". Brown had been appoint ed Postmaster by Andrew Jackson. Undated , but Brown left Pennsylvania for Ohio in 1835 . Very good condition . Est. Cash Val. $500-1000


LEE, ROBERT E. Address leaf signed in upper left, " RE Lee", addressed by him to "James B. Bever ly Esq/The Plaines/Fauqui er Count y/Va", Manuscript "Paid 6" in upp er right, stamp ed " Warrenton , Va/NCV" with manuscript "3 0" ju st to th e left of the " R" in Lee's signature. Stains do not affect Lee 's signature. Est. Cash Val. $600-1000

Robert E. Lee to J.E.B. Stuart 249

LEE, ROBERT E. Rare tan emre lop e franked in upper right " R. E. Lee/Genl ", marked by him in upp er left " Confidential ", and addressed to " Genl J.E.B. Stuart /Commr Cavr. ". Mountin g stains on verso. No postal markings . Est. Cash Val. $2000 -4000

Robert E. Lee To Jefferson Davis 250

LEE, ROBERT E. Rare front portion of tan envelope franked in upper right , " R.E. Lee/Gen] ", addressed by him to "His Excy Jeffn Davis /Pres: C. States /RichmondNirga. ". Mounted on heavy card. Light rectangular tanning from prior display , otherwise fine. Est. Cash Val. $2000-4000


DAVIS, JEFFERSON. President of th e Confederacy. Coll. comprises three items: two front portions of envelopes , each franked by him in upper right, "Jeffr. Davis /U.S.S ." , each addressed by him to Thos. S. Triss (Agent for Indian Affairs] at Fort Laramie , Nebraska Territory. Circular black Washington postmarks, one undated , th e other , 1858 . Tears across second "f" of signature on each has been repaired. With third envelope franked "J. Davis /U.S.S ." , no postal markings . Est. Cash Val. $600-1000


AMERICAN STATESMEN. Coll. of 67 items, comprising: franked envelopes , a few front portions, some with ALS's, mid-to-l ate 19th century. Includes: James A. Seddon, Robert Toombs, Schuyler Colfax (three, one as V.P.), Washington Hunt (address leaf franked by Hunt but with 1844 ALS of W.L. Marcy inside], Charles F. Adams, Richard Yates, Ira Harris, John Conness, C.L. Vallandigham, Fernando Wood, J.S. Morrill, Horace Greeley, George H. Pendleton, Roscoe Conkling, S.S. Cox (two , one with ALS], Lyman Trumbull, ten printed franks, and others . Est. Cash Val. $600-1000


REVELS, HIRAM R. Chaplin of a Black regiment in Vicksburg in 1864; first Black U.S. Senator , (February 23, 1870 to March 3, 1871), Republican representing Mississippi upon its readmission to representation in the Congress following th e Civil War. Exceedingly rare "Senate Chamber." envelope franked , "H.R. Revels" in the upp er right abov e printed " U.S .S", addressed by him to "George Evans Esqr /Troy/N.Y." Circular black postmark, " Washin gton D.C. Free/Apr 4" (1870). Est. Cash Val. $800-1500


AMERICAN STATESMEN. Coll. of 35 items , including franked address leaves and a few front portions , varied condition , mostl y late 18th century . Comprises: John Jay (front portion) , Timothy Pickering (front portion , mounted], Edmund Randolph, Alexander Hamilton (four, one signed " Secy of the Treasury" , another with a lett er from a clerk] , Tench Coxe (two , each with ALS to Jedediah Morse re: geography) , Oliver Wolcott, Jr. (four, on e with ALS , one with Manuscript LS), James McHenry (two], Henry Knox (three front portions, one mount ed) , Joseph Habersham (two, one with ALS), Ebenezer Hazard (two , each with ALS, June 6 & September 5, 1789), Abraham Bradley (with ALS), Samuel Dexter, Benjamin Stoddard (with ALS), Albert Gallatin (four, two with lett ers from aides], Henry Dearborn (three , one with letter from an aide] and Levi Lincoln (three, one just front portion]. Est. Cash Val. $2000 +


JEFFERSON, THOMAS. Address leaf entirely in Jefferson 's hand, addressed to " Messrs LeRoy & Bayard /New York", frank ed in upper left , "free /Th ; Jefferson". Faint circular red postmark , "Char lott esville /Feb 23", do cketed " February 21, 1819". Est. Cash Val. $2000-4000


PICKERING , TIMOTHY. Interesting Manuscript LS "Timothy Pickering" as John Adams ' Secretary of State, 8"

by 10", 5 full pages. Department of State , June 15, 1798. With integral address leaf franked in upper right, "Free /T. Pickering", addressed to "Mr. Gorham Parsons/Merchant /Boston " , faint postmark. Concerning a claim regarding The Eliza and its cargo of brandy which "was captured by a corsair of Tunis and carried into that place . .. " Joel Barlow , U.S. Counsul to Algiers, then purchased the Eliza and its cargo from the Bey of Tunis. Pickering then re lates the story of a passenger , Molina , on the Eliza who states that the vessel 's Captain Greaves "had treated him with the most shocking cruelty . . .confined him in chains . . .flogged him every day, saying he would take vengeance on him for what the Americans had suffered in Barbary ... " Pickering concludes that Parsons will not receive any money from the United States for his los ses, "from no principle either of justice or equity can it be expected, that the Brigantine and brandy should be restored. It is apparant that the United States will at all events, be losers by the vessel." Est. Cash Val. $400-800 257




ALS "Timothy Pickering " as Adams ' Secretary of State , 8" by 10", lp. Departm ent of State , July 26, 1797. With integral addr ess leaf franked in upper right , " Free /T. Pickering ", addressed by him to "James Sullivan Esq ./Boston ", small circular black postmark, "27 /IY.", stamped "FREE". Sullivan was one of the commissioners appointed by Washington to settle the boundary-line between th e United Stat es and the British North American provinces. "The president knew not any persons who could give information relative to the St. Croix boundary . . .He will of course give his testamony before [the Commissioners] when desired. " Est. Cash Val. $400-800 HAMILTON , ALEXANDER. Manuscript LS "A. Hamilton /Secy of the Treasury ", 7.5" by 10", l.5pp. Treasury Department, January 14, 1791. Small hole through "Sec" of "Secy", otherwise fine. With integral address leaf franked in low er left, " A. Hamilton", addressed to "His Excellency /Joshua Clayton Esq./Dover /State of Delaware". Stamped "FREE". Expertly repaired. Clayton was President of Delaware from 1789 until 1793 when he became Delaware 's first Governor. Hamilton wishes to be "informed what sums in final settlement certificates were paid over to the several states by the agents for settling the accounts of their respective lines in the late Army" and requests "the favor of your directing a return of the sum received by your state to be made out as expeditiously as may be convenient and transmitted to this office. " Est. Cash Val. $600-1000 HAZARD, EBENEZER. U.S. Postmaster General, 1792-1789. ALS " Eben Hazard" as Postmaster General, 9" by 13", lp . (New York), April 19, 1789. Address leaf on verso franked in upper right, " Free/Eben Hazard " , straight line postmark, " N-York", stamped, " FREE" . Addressed by him to "The Revd Jedediah Morse /at/Charlestown / Near Boston " (father of Samuel F.B. Morse) . After discussing a copyright , Hazard pens, in part, "The Vice Presidt is to be here tomorrow & we expect the President in the Course of this week . .. " John Adams was sworn in as 1st Vice president on April 21st , Washington as 1st President on April 30th. Est. Cash Val. $600-1000 HAZARD, EBENEZER. ALS "Eben Hazard" as Postmaster General , 9" by 13", lp. New York, April 26, 1789. Address leaf on verso franked in upper right , "Free/Eben Hazard", straight line postmark , " N-York", stamped " FREE". Addressed by him to "The Revd Jedediah Morse /at/Charlestown /near /Boston". "You missed a pleasing sight last Thursday:-the Procession was grand & well conducted:-at present our Public Affairs were a pleasing aspect. . .Mrs Hazard & Arthur will go after Thursday next ; the President is to be invested with his Office on that Day & there are to be Fireworks at night. .. ' Est. Cash Val. $600-1000 PICKERING , TIMOTHY. Important


as Postmaster General , 9" by 13", 1.5pp . New York, August 27, 1789. Inte gra l address leaf franked in upper right , " Free/Eben Hazard", addresse d by him to Jede di ah Morse in Charl estown. No postal markin gs. In part , "Congress have agreed to adjourn the 22nd of Septr:- the Post office Business will lie over too:-perhaps it is hardly right for me to complain but I cannot help thinking that Congress are not impressed with suitable Ideas of the Importance of the Department . .. " Est. Cash Val. $500-900


imp ortant ALS "Eb en Hazard ", 8' by 13", lp . New York, September 27, 1789. Address leaf on verso franked in upp er right , " Free/Eben Hazard ", addressed by him to Jede di ah Morse , Charlestown. Straigh t lin e postmark, " N-York Sep 21", stamp ed " FREE" . Samu el Osgood became U.S . Postmast er Gen eral on Sept ember 26, 1789. This letter was writt en by Hazard the n ext day, still u sing his frankin g privil ege which he lost wh en he lost his job. In part , "Don 't write by Post, for I cannot afford to pay Postage , & any letter won 't come free in future as Mr Osgood has got my office from me: for the particulars of this Affair I must refer you to Mr Belknap to whom I have written largely. Mrs. H. bears our loss like a Christian & I am not dejected by it, though I feel a little anxious about future prospects; however we endeavor to commit our way to God & expect that he will direct our steps . .. " Est. Cash Val. $500-900


HAZARD , EBENEZER. Import an t ALS " Eben Hazard " , 8" by 12", 3pp. New York, November 21, 1789. No frank ,


HAZARD , EBENEZER. Revea lin g ALS " Eben Hazard"

HAZARD , EBENEZER. Historically

no postal markings. Addressed by him to " Th e Revd Jededia h Morse /at/C har lestown ". Hazard h ad been removed as postmaster Gen eral by Washington wh o rep laced him with Samuel Osgood. In part, "I hope, with y ou, that Congress will find something clever for me & ye t I do not seem to care much about it unless it should be accompanied with some assurance of Permanency . . . The fact I believe is that Mr. O[sgood] was a favorite & therefore to be provided for & I suppose my Off ice was thought as suitable for him as any, for according to the proverb 'he that wants to beat a Dog can easily find a Stick'. In my case, the reason assigned would, upon canvassing, be found flimsy to the last degree . .. " Est. Cash Val. $600-1000

leaf franked in upper right , "] .Marshall " as Secretary of State , benea th manuscript " Department of State ". Integral ALS of Jacob Wagner , lp. , 8 by 10". Washington , November 14, 1800. To Israe l Whalen , Puveyor of the United States , Philadelphia . Brown circul ar postmark, " Wash City/Nov 16" , ju st three days before the first sess ion of the Congress at Washington , D.C., the new national capita l. Very interesting letter. In full , "Mr. George Harrison informs the Secretary of State that 2 gold watch chains and 2 pieces of worked silver muslin , purchased by order of the late Secretary of State [Timothy Pickering] for the Dey (sic) of Algiers , remain on hand. It is the request of Genl. [John] Marshall , that you receive them into your custody, subject to his future directions. " The Uni ted States was paying large sums of mon ey (and givin g gifts as ev id enced by this letter ) to the leaders of the Barbary States on the Mediterranean coas t of north Africa for protection against Barbary pirates . The "Bey " was th e ruler of Algiers. Est. Cash Val. $600-1000




MADISON JAMES. Manuscript LS " James Madison" as Secretary of State , 8 by 10", lp. Department of State , February 8, 1804 . With integral address leaf franked in upper right, " James Madison ", beneath manuscript "Dep . State" , addressed to James Sheafe, Portsmouth , N.H . Brown c, ¡cular postmark , " Wash City/Feb 10", stamped, " FREE". Portion removed from blank area above postmar ... Repaired on verso at folds with transparent tape . On April 30, 1803, the United States had purchased Louisiana from France for $15 million. "I have to inform you that instructions have been transmitted to Paris calculated to promote a modification, if possible, of the Convention of the 30th of April last, so as to divide the sum payable under it more equally among the claims ... " Sheafe was a former N.H. Representative and Senator . Est. Cash Val. $1000-1500


MADISON, JAMES. Address leaf franked in upper right, "James Madison " as Secretary of State, beneath manuscript "Department of State ", addressed to Samuel Bayard at Princeton, N.J. Circular "Washington City/Oct 31" postmark, stamped " FREE" , docketed 1807 . Est. Cash Val. $500-900


GALLATIN, ALBERT. Secr etary of th e Treasury for both Jefferson and Madison . Scarce ALS "Albert Gallatin " as Secretary of the Treasury , 8 by 10", lp . Treasury Department , October 5, 1802 . With int egral address leaf franked in upp er right " Alb ert Gallatin", beneath manuscript " Treasury Department ", addressed to Robert Gilmor e, Baltimore . In part , "The cost of books in London, per invoice filed in the Treasury is ÂŁ489. 7 Sterling . . .Par on the rate of exchange at the time of importation will, it is presumed, be the proper rule of settlement. .. " Est. Cash Val. $400-800




AMERICAN STATESMEN. Coll. of franked address leaves and a few front portions . 35 items in varied condition , early 19th century. Comprises: Robert Smith (four, one front portion, two with Manuscript LS's), Caesar A. Rodney (two , plus one ALS), Samuel Smith (with ALS) , John Breckenridge (with ALS both in poor condition), Gideon Granger (thre e, one with 1811 Manuscript LS establishing a post office at Stockbridge, Virginia), William Eustis (front portion, mounted), Richard Rush (three), William Pickney, Return J. Meigs, Jr. (two , eac h with ALS), Alexander J. Dallas, William H. Crawford (two , one with 1820 ALS) George W. Campbell (with ALS), Benjamin W. Crowninshield (two printed circular LS's, one not franked), Paul Hamilton (two , on e with 1810 Manuscript LS to Capt . William Bainbridge , other not franked with ALS), George Graham, William Jones (front portion), J.Q. Adams (front portion), William Wirt (with ALS), Samuel S. Southard (two) , Smith Thompson, (two , one front portion , on e with a letter written by a clerk) , John Rogers (two) , and John McLean [two , one with ALS). Est. Cash Val. $2000 +


GRANGER, GIDEON. Postmaster General for Jefferson and Madison. Manuscript LS " G. Granger " as Postmaster General , 8 by 10", 2pp. General Post Office, November 20, 1807. With integral address leaf franked in upper right , " Granger/PMG" beneath manuscript "Genera l Post Office ", addressed to " Messrs Theodore & Herman Ely/New York City/N.Y.". Brown circu lar postmark, "Washington City /Nov 21", stamped " FREE" . Writing about a letter that had been lost in the mails , he says, in part , "No institution can be so perfect as to operate without error, nor is it possible to fill an extensive department of Government with officers, without occasionally introducing some who do not approve themselves sufficiently faithful and vigilant . . . Our operations, 'tho sometimes defective, have hitherto shewn as few losses as are expected in any country and public sentiment has long since decided that this institution is not 'a Public Nuisance' . .. " Est. Cash Val. $500 -900 11









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CRAWFORD, WILLIAM H. Secretary of th e Treasur y for Presid ents Madison and Monro e. Two interesting

ALS's " Wm . H. Crawford " , both are 8" by 10", lp . and 2pp. Washington , Mar ch 2nd and 4th , 1811. With integral address leaves (one greyed) both franked in upper right , "Free Wm Crawford " and addressed by him Judge Joseph Nicholson , former Maryland Congressman . No postal markings. In the March 2nd letter, Crawford refers to Secretary of Stat e Robert Smith wh o "continues to give incontestable evidence of his disappointment as well as his hostility to the administration . .. " Earlier, Levi Lincoln and John Quincy Adams had both declin ed th e appo intm ent of Associate Justice to the Supr em e Court. Evidently Smith , a lawyer and form er Attorney General , wanted th e appointment but was not offered it. The March 4th letter comments that President "Madison has done nothing yet, but I think there is no room to doubt but that he will shortly lay the axe to the root of the evil. " On Apri l 11, 1811, Smith resign ed as Secretary of State and was suc ceeded by Jam es Monro e th e next day. Both letters also refer to a schedu led duel betw een Mr. Eppes and Mr. Randolph on March 4th. Th e affair was sett led before a meeting (detail s in March 4th letter) . Est. Cash Val. $500-1000 271

MONROE , JAMES. Address leaf franked in upper right , "Dept of State/Jas. Monroe",

"Benjn . Walker Esquire/Wmsburg/Virga " , brown circ ul ar postmark, twi ce. Light tanning. Est. Cash Val. $600-800 272

addressed by him to " Washn City/Jan 8", stamped " FREE"

ADAMS , JOHN QUINCY. Address leaf franked in upp er right, "J.Q. Adams" , as Secretary of State, light postal markings. Letter within is ALS of William Thornton, architect of the U.S. Capitol Building , and sup erintendent

of the U.S. Patent Office , 8" by 10", lp. Dept. of State, Patent Office, January 7, 1825. Addr essed by Thornton to "Mr. Gurdon J. Saltonstall , Society Hill /Darlington County /South Carolina ". Con cerning Saltonstall's inv entions of a "c otton planter " and a "c ircu lar batter y". Est. Cash Val. $500 -900 273

CALHOUN, JOHN C. Vice President under both J.Q. Adams and A. Jackson. Comprises three free franked

address leaves (one front portion diagonall y cut at upp er right) . Est. Cash Val. $250-500 274

CALHOUN , JOHN C. Manus cript LS "J.C. Calhoun ", 8" by 10", lp. Depar tm ent of War, Jul y 17, 1822 . With

int egra l address leaf franked in upp er right , "J.C. Calhoun " , addressed to Prof. Benjamin Silliman , Yale Colleg e, New Hav en. In fart , "I am obliged to you for the pains you have taken in the examination of that Institution, and shall avai myself of your suggestions for improving the condition of certain branches of the sciences taught at West Point. .. " Est. Cash Val. $400-800 275

CALHOUN, JOHN C. Important ALS "J.C. Calhoun " , 8" by 10", 1.5pp. , Washington, Jul y 22 , 1841. Minor stains.

With integral address leaf franked in upp er right , " free /J.C. Calhoun" , add ressed by him to " Mjr C. Yancey /Buckingham /Court House/Virginia" , red circ ular postmark , " Washington City D.C./Jul 22" , stamped " FREE". In part, "The tone and sentiments of your Resolutions gave great satisfaction to our friends and have had a good effect in cheering and sustaining us in the arduous struggle we are entangled in . . .Nothing yet is certain as to the result of the session. Clay's bank project shall probably fail; but I fear it will only be to establish the no less objectionable project of Ewing . .. " Henry Clay 's bill providing for the incorporation of a n ew bank of th e United States passed but was vetoed by President Tyler on August 16, 1841. Another bank bill , framed to meet what were thought to be Tyler's objections , passed but was vetoed September 9th. In protest to this veto, Secretary of the Treasur y Ewing as we ll as the rest of Tyler's cab in et (except for Secretary of Stat e Daniel Webster) resigned . Est. Cash Val. $800-1500








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AMERICAN STATESMEN. Coll. of franked address leaves and enve lop es and a few front portions. 59 items in vari ed condition, mostly ear ly to mid 19th century. Comprises: Henry Clay (four, just one front portion) , P. Bradley (with ALS), Louis Mclane (three, one with ANS), Edward Livingston (three, plus signature), Martin Van Buren, Samuel D. Ingram (five, with one un signed letter), John Forsythe (four , one just front portion), Roger B. Taney (front portion), John Eaton (two, one with ALS), John J. Albert & Carey A. Harris (on same address leaf), Levi Woodbury (five, two wi th third person ALS's), Asbury Dickins, Lewis Cass (five, one just front portion, one with ALS, plus ANS), Mahlon Dickerson (thre e, one wi th ALS), John Branch (cut franking signature), William T. Barry (with ALS), John M. Berrien (three), John Boyle, Amos Kendall (thr ee, one just front portion, ano th er with manu scr ipt LS), Joel R. Poinsett (three , one with ALS), J. K. Paulding (two), H.D. Gilpin (front portion), and John M. Niles (two , each with ALS). Est. Cash Val. $2500 +


CLAY, HENRY. J.Q. Adams' Secretary of State. Importan t ALS "H. Clay", as Speaker of th e Hous e, 8" by 10", 1 full page. Washington, February 22, 1817. With integral address leaf franked in up per right, "Free H. Clay ", addressed by him to "Geo. C. Thompson Esq/near /Harrodsbur g/(K.), Via Marietta ", no postal markings. Ten days before th e inauguration of James Monroe as Presid ent , Clay writes, "Kentucky may be under an eclipse, for a moment , but her light cannot I trust be extinguished. There is much speculation here as to the new Cabinet. . .It is certain that J.Q. Adams will be Sec y of State. Mr. Crawford will remain in the Treasury, if he pleases (and it is not known whether he pleases or not to remain). Crowinshield will not give up the ship; and it is rumored that the place of the Secy of War will be offered to our friend Col. Shelby". Clay was perfect: Adams got State , Crawford stayed in Treasury , and Crowninshield staye d at Navy. Calhoun got War but only after Isaac Shelby turn ed down th e post. Est. Cash Val. $800-1500


CLAY, HENRY.ALS " H. Clay " as Secretary of Stat e, 8 by 10", lp. Ashland, Jun e 24, 1825. With int egra l addres s leaf franked in upper righ t, " Free H. Clay", addressed by him to Col. George Thompson at Sh aw n ee Springs (Kentucky), black circul ar "Lexn K/Jun 28" postmark. In part , " I heard of your touching interviews with LaFaye tte. I regretted that I could not witness them . . .I expect to see him in Washington , prior to his return to Europe, and will not fail to deli ve r y our messag e." Three lines of one papagraph have been inexplicably crossed out. Est. Cash Val. $500-900


CLAY, HENRY. ALS " H. Clay" as Secretary of State , 8 by 10", lp. Lexn, July 26, 1828 . With int egra l address leaf franked in upper right, " H. Clay ", addressed by him to Col. George Thompson, Kentucky , red circular "Lexn K/Jul 29" postmark. In part, "Should the confident expectations of our friends, as to the result of the pending election in K. be realized, there is an end of Jacksonism in the Union. Of that I have not a particle of doubt. .. " Clay was wrong, Andrew Jackson was elected President in 1828. Even Kentucky voted for Jackson against Adams-Clay. Est. Cash Val. $600-1000


CLAY, HENRY. ALS " H. Clay" as U.S. Senator, 8" by 10", lp. Ashland, September 23, 1840. Tear repa ir on verso next to signature. With integral address leaf franked in upper right , "free H. Clay" , addr esse d by him to Archibald McLean in Virginia, partial Washington postmark (address leaf faded , but legibl e). In part , "I have received the invitation to the meeting called by the Tippecanoe Club of Grace Creek . . .but indispensible engagements will not allow me that satisfaction . . .my cordial congratulations on the bright prospects of the triumph of the good cause which it is intended to promote ... " "Tippecanoe" William H. Harrison won th e Presidency in 1840. Est. Cash Val. $500-900



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VAN BUREN, MARTIN. ALS " M. Van Bur en " , 8" by 10", half pa ge. Lind enwald , Nov emb er 3, 1848. With int egral addr ess leaf frank ed in upper right , " Free/M. Van Bur en ", address ed by him to "Mr. G. W. Curti s/at/Union Coll ege/Schen ectad y", light postmark. Four da ys before h e lost th e 1848 pr esid ential election to Zachar y Taylor, Van Buren pen s, "The patriotic & liberal spirit which is so strongly expressed in your note does you great credit & I send you my autograph with great pleasure! With best wishes for your success in life." Est. Cash Val. $500-900 POINSETT, JOEL R. As Van Bur en 's Secretar y of War he reorganized militar y forces and su ccessfull y dir ected th e second Seminol e War. Th e poins etti a, whi ch he brought to the U.S . from Mexico while h e was Minist er to Mexi co, is n am ed in hi s honor . Important ALS "J. R. Poinsett " as Secretary of War, 8" by 10", 1.5pp. Washin gton , Sept emb er 22, 1837. With int egral addre ss leaf franked in upp er ri ght , " Free J.R. Poin sett ", addre sse d by him to "Dr. Jos John son/Charleston /So .Ca.". Red circular postmark , " Washington City D.C./Sep 22", stampe d " FREE" . In part , "Would it not be possible to raise a volunteer company or two in Charleston for the Florida war- -Some of the Governors have attempted to dictate terms to me and I have promptly declined their offers. But I want a few more men and if a company or two could be raised in our city I would be glad to receive them ... " Dr. Joseph John son , a promin ent Charl eston ph ysi cian , wa s a form er Mayor and a lea der in th e nulli fication controv ersy. Est. Cash Val. $300-600 AMERICAN STATESMEN. Coll. of 44 franked addr ess leav es and env elop es, a few front portions , varied condition , mo stly mid-19th centur y. Compris es: Daniel Webster, Thomas Ewing (two, on e ju st front portion) , John J. Crittenden, Selah R. Hobbie (with two LS's), J.D. Simms, Hugh S. Legare (with ALS) , Abel P. Upshur, T.W. Gilmer (as M.C.), Walter Forward, George M. Bibb (two), William Wilkins (with Manus cript LS), David Henshaw (front portion), John Nelson, Charles A. Wickliffe, James Buchanan (front portion), Robert J. Walker, William L. Marcy (two , plu s cut frankin g signatur e), Nathan Clifford, Thomas Veazey (print ed 1837 LS on verso regardin g ext endin g th e franking pri vilege to Governor s), George Bancroft, Isaac Toucey, William J. Brown , John M. Clayton (w ith ALS), William M. Meredith (w ith ALS " W.M.M." ), Reverdy Johnson (two) , Jacob Collamer, S.D. Jacobs, Charles M. Conrad (front portion) , Edward Everett (thr ee), Thomas Corwin, Winfield Scott (front portion), W.A. Graham, and J.P. Kennedy (two , on e with ALS). Est. Cash Val. $1500 + GRANGER, FRANCIS. Very int eres tin g enve lop e frank ed in low er left, " Fr Gran ger" , add res sed by him to " Col. Todd /Presid en t's Hous e". Abov e th e addr ess, Gran ger has p enn ed , "Please send a line by the/bearer saying how the /Prest is just now. IF.Gr." Col. Charl es Scott Todd , an aid e to Harrison during th e War of 1812, and son of lat e Associat e Justi ce Todd , was a confid ential advi sor to Presid ent Harrison. Thi s not e refers to Harrison 's illn ess, pl euris y feve r, whi ch led to hi s death on April 4, 1841 , just on e month after hi s inaguration . An ything referrin g to Harrison 's illn ess is scarce. Est. Cash Val. $400-800 GILMER, THOMAS W. Tyler 's Secretar y of th e Navy. Excee dingl y rar e env elop e frank ed in upper right , " T. W. Gilm er ", beneath st amp ed " Navy Departm ent ", addr essed by him to "Richd Stillw ell Esq/U.S . Marshalls office/New York ". Circul ar red postmark , " Washin gton City, D.C./Feb 26", stamp ed " FREE" . Gilmer ent ered upon hi s duti es in th e Navy Departm ent on February 19, 1844 . On e of his first official acts was to visit the U.S.S. Prin ce ton , th e first prop eller-driv en warship , on th e Potomic River, on Februar y 28. The ship 's "Peacemak er ", a ten ton gun , fired with a 25-pound char ge whi ch exploded and burst at th e breech . Gilm er, Secre tary of State Up shu r and four oth ers we re kill ed ; but , lu ckil y, Presid ent Tyler wa s below deck wh en th e explo sion took pl ace. Est. Cash Val. $500-900


DAVIS, JEFFERSON. Three enve lop es and one address leaf , eac h franked by Davis, one as a Member of Congress, two as a U.S. Senator and one as Secretary of War. Est . Cash Val. $800-1500


LINCOLN'S CABINET. Coll. of 13, including franked enve lop es and a few front portions. Comprises: William H. Seward, Salmon P. Chase, William P. Fessenden (front portion), Hugh McColloch, Simon Cameron (front portion), Edwin M. Stanton (front portion, torn through signature, mounted), Gideon Welles, Edward Bates (front portion), James Speed, Montgomery Blair (front portion), William Dennison (front portion). With franked enve lop es of Lincoln's secretaries: John G. Nicolay and John Hay . Est. Cash Val. $1000 +


AMERICAN STATESMEN. Coll. of 35 items including franked envelopes and address leaves, a few front portions, varied condit ion , mostly mid-19th cent ur y. Comprises: Samuel Cooper, J.C. Dobbin, Caleb Cushing, James Campbell, Robert McClelland, J.A. Pierce (front portion), J.S. Black, John A. Dix (with ALS), John B. Floyd (right half front portion), Jacob Thomson (envelope not franked, with Manuscript LS), William H. Seward (five, one just front portion as Secretary of State addressed to " Lieutenant General Grant"), W. Hunter (four, one stamped) , R.S. Chew, F.W. Seward (two), Simon Cameron (front portion), Gideon Welles, E.T. Welles (two), G.V. Fox, James Speed, A.W. Randall (front portion), Lorenzo Thomas, R. Morrow, William M. Evarts (front portion), and James Harlan (front portion) . Est. Cash Val. $1000 +


STANTON, EDWIN M. Autograph Document Signed "Edw in M. Stanton /Sec of War", 5" by 8 lp. War Department letterhead, Washington City, October 22, 1864 . With War Department envelope franked in upper right, "Edwin M. Stanton" above printed "Secre tary of War" . Stanton has written vertically on the face of the envelope, "Pass for/Benjamin Hummer". The page is headed by Stanton, "Goo d for 30 days". Both the letter and the envelope are foxed, otherwise fine. In full, "Benjamin Hummer has permission to pass and repass by the Aqueduct bridge between Washington and the farm on which he resides near Falls Church with his family & horses & wagons and to bring into Washington any farm produce & take out reasonable family supplies & store goods for the use of his own family." Est. Cash Val. $400-800


STANTON, EDWIN M. ALS "Edwin M. Stanton" as Secretary of War, 811 by 10", lp. War Department letterhead, Washington City, March 27, 1863. With enve lope franked in upper right "Edw in M. Stanton" (tear through upper portion of frank), addressed by him to "Major General Sickles" . " Hon . Wm Whiting /Solicitor War Dept" penned by Stanton in low er left. In part, "I desire to introduce to you my friend Mr Whiting Solicitor of the War Department who visits Head Quarters to see an 'army with manners' . .. You shall have a sight of that 'interesting document' very speedily if it has not already reached you. I signed it on the 20th of this month." At the top , the newly comm ission ed Major General Daniel E. Sickles has penned and signed with initials, "My promotion to be Major Gen'l U.S. V (dating fr Nov 1862} DES" . Minor staining. Est. Cash Val. $500-900


DAHLGREN, JOHN A. A Union Rear Admiral and inventor of the Dahlgren gun, which was mounted on several ships during the Civil War, including the ironclad Monitor. Comprises three items: scarce carte-de-visite photograph signed (on th e photograph itself) beneath bust image in uniform, " R. Admiral Dahlgren /Chief of Bur . of Ordnance /U.S. Navy/1868". With envelope franked by Secretary of the Navy Gideon Welles to Dahlgren and Dahlgren's admission ticket to the Senate floor for the inauguration of Ulysses S. Grant as President , March 4, 1869 . Est. Cash Val. $500-900

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GRANT, ULYSSES S. Signature an d addr ess "Yours Truly /U.S. Grant /A. Welch Esq ./Chestnut Hill /Pa." cut from ALS as President (seven hol ograph lin es on verso about hor ses). With the enve lope wi th printed head in g, "From the President of the United States", franked " O.E. Babcoc k" as Secretary, addressed by President Grant to "A . Welch, Esq ./Chestnut Hill /Philad elphia /Pa." Circular po stmark, " Washington DC Free" . Est. Cash Val. $400-800 AMERICAN STATESMEN. Coll. of 34 items , compris ed of a few franked enve lop es and a few front portion s, varied condition, mid to late 19th centur y. Includ es: Elihu B. Washburne (front portion postmarked 1864 , to "Hon. A. Lincoln /Sprin gfield , Illinoi s), Hamilton Fish (two front portions), George S. Boutwell, Wm. M. Belknap (front portion), Lot Morrill (thr ee, one front portion), W.T. Sherman, Zachariah Chandler, Horace Porter (with two items relating to John Paul Jon es' remains) , John Sherman (front portion), Carl Schurz , Alexander Ramsay (front portion), William Windom, Frederick T. Frelinghuysen (front portion), A.H. Garland (with signed ca bin et photograph), Thomas F. Bayard (initi als), John W. Foster (addressed by him , not franked), and William M. Evarts (stamped en ve lop e addressed by him to Presid ent Hay es, with slight ly smudged ALS to Hay es). Est. Cash Val. $500 + AMERICAN STATESMEN & MILITARY. Coll. of fran ked address leaves and a few front portions. 13 items in varie d condition, ear ly 19th centur y. Compris es: Jacob Kingsbury (with ALS to Nicho las Brown , Provid enc e), William Jones (two , one with Manus cript LS, th e other with 1814 ALS of Thomas Tingey) , James McHenry, Joseph Anderson (with 1820 print ed LS), William Eustis (front portion), James Winchester (very light), Isaac Chauncey , Jacob Jones (with manuscript LS), Alexander Macomb (two , one front portion , other with ALS), and Lewis Cass . Est. Cash Val. $500 + GREENUP, CHRISTOPHER. Member of Ken tu cky's first Congressional delegation in 1797 and a Governor of Kentucky . Int eres tin g ALS " Christ. Greenup", 8" by 10", 2pp. Philadelphia, November 22, 1794. With integral address leaf franked in upp er right , "Free Christ. Greenup ", addressed by him to "Thomas Todd Esqu ire/ Frankfort /Kentuck y". Circular postmark , " 22/NO" , stamped " FREE". Todd later becam e an Associate Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. In part, "The Senate formed a Quorum on the 18th instant and the succeeding day the President delivered his speech to both Houses of Congress . .. The Western insurgents (as they are called) are quelled and several are now lodged here in Jail and many more are apprehended . .. " The "Western insurgents" Greenup spea ks of are the Western Pennsylvania farmers protesting a liquor tax, remembered as the Whiskey Rebellion . Est. Cash Val. $200-400 DAVENPORT, JOHN. Important ALS "John Davenpor t " , 7" by 9", 3pp . Washington , December 15, 1800. With address leaf on fourth page frank ed in upp er right , "free J. Davenport ", addressed by him to " William P. Beers Esquire /Albany/S tat e New York". In Part, "Mr. Jefferson is undoubtedly elected President ; and Aaron Burr probably VP. It is calculated by some gentlemen that Burr & Pickney will have an equal number of votes; but from all I can learn, I think the chance is in favor of Burr & that he is chosen. That which the enemies of the Washington Administration have been laboring ernestly for twelve ye ars past is now accomplished . .. " When th e electorial votes were finall y co unt ed, Jefferson was not elected President, h e was tied with Burr with 73 votes each (Adams had 65, Pickn ey 64). Th e election th en went to th e Hous e of Representatives wh ere, on February 17, 1801 , Jefferson was chosen President and Burr, Vice President. Est. Cash Val. $500 -900


WINCHESTER, JAMES. American General in the War of 1812. He was captured in 1775 and in 1813 by the British and exc hanged each tim e. Comprises five ALS 's (four with free franks), each 8" by 10", four are each one page in length, on e is two pages. Each dated 1812 with military content. From the two page August 30th letter, "You will forthwith take command of all the officers of the additional army in East Tennes-

see . . .From Captain Joseph Rogers you will receive such orders instructions and blank forms as hath been put into his hands . .. The causes which hath combined to retard the recruting service in East Tennessee is to be regretted." Est. Cash Val. $1000-1500 298

DECATUR, STEPHEN. American naval officer in the War of 1812. Front portion of address leaf franked in upper right, " Stephen Decatur " beneath manus cript " Nav Comm Offic e" . Light postmark , stamped " FREE". Fold through space in signature slightly dis color ed , otherwise fine. Address ed to " Capt. Thos. McDonough/ Portsmouth/N.H. " McDonough , later Admiral , served und er Decatur on the Ent erpris e in 1804 . Est. Cash Val. $300-600


JACKSON, ANDREW. Partial address leaf boldly franked across th e top , "Free Andrew Jackson ", addressed by him to " Major Wm. B. Lewis /Treasury Department /City of Washington /District of Columbia ". Circular blue postmark , " Nashville, T". Lewis , who wrote part of Jackson 's first inaugural address , became Auditor of the Treasury in 1829 and remained in the Treasury Department until 1845 . Est. Cash Val. $600-1000


AMERICAN STATESMEN & MILITARY. Coll of 24 items , including franked address leaves and enve lop es and a few front portions , varied condition, early to mid-19th century. Comprises: Edmund P. Gaines, David Porter (front portion), Richard M. Johnson (with ALS on verso), Robert Smith, Joseph Smith (three) , J.G. Totten, Stephen Van Rensselaer (with ALS), John Rogers (slight damage to "J" in frank , with ALS), James Gadsden, Alexander Smyth , William Duane (with ALS of Richard Bach e, Jr., grandson of Benjamin Frank lin), Winfield Scott (seve n , two to Robert And erson who defended Fort Sumt er in 1861 , on e front portion), John E. Wool (two , one with ALS) and John C. Fremont (two , one front portion , th e other as 1st U.S . Senator from California, to Charles F. Mayer in Baltimore , stamped " STEAM/SHIP" in black , "PANAMA " in red). Est. Cash Val. $1500 +


HARRISON, WILLIAM H. Address leaf franked in upp er right , "Free /W.H. Harrison ", addressed by him to "James Heaton Esqr/H. of R. of Ohio /Columbus ". No postal markings , but docket indicates year to be 1826. Professionally repaired vertica l cut in center to the left of Harrison 's signature. Est. Cash Val. $600-1000


ARMISTEAD , GEORGE. American Army Officer. Rare address leaf franked in upp er right , " public service /Geo Armistead Mjr" , addressed by him to "J. Nicholson Esqr/Capt Artillery /Baltimore ". No postal markings. Armistead and 1000 men held Fort McHenr y, the principle defense of Baltimore harbor , during the bombardm ent by the British on the evening of Sept ember 13-14, 1814. This bombardment was witnessed by lawyer Fran cis Scott Key who was then inspired to writ e " Th e Star Spangled Banner ". Est . Cash Val. $300-600



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11 SCOTT, WINFIELD. American General. Important political ALS "Winfie ld Scott ", 8 by 10", 4pp. Washington, Scott/Major General ", /Winfield Army the of Qrs "Head , right upper in June 28, 1845 . With envelope franked addressed by him to " Hon. Jas . Cooper /Gettysburg,/Penna ", light red circu lar postmark , " Washington City, D.C./Jun 29", stamped "FREE" . In part , "The flood of talk , the overabundance of writing and superfluity of action of the part of Mr. Clay, in 1844, resulted in such disasters to the Whig Party, that my friends, with one accord, have imposed upon me the severest instructions to aviod those rocks . . .I have but little doubt that Mr. Polk expects or at least hopes to be his own successor in 1849. Hence his injunctions that no one of his Cabinet should be an aspirant. .. The removals are made slowly & only in proportion as they can ascertain the fidelity & efficiency of the new men excluding all partisans of Buchanan, Dallas, Cass &c &c. . .But the Whigs are a small majority. If it were otherwise, I am sure but few would think of me & I am certain that I should not think of myself. " in 1848, the Whigs nominated Mexican War hero Zachary Taylor and Scott came in second . Polk did not seek renomination. Est. Cash Val. $600-1000 TAYLOR, ZACHARY. Envelope franked in upp er right "Z. Taylor " next to manuscript " Free". Originally addressed by him to "Miss Eliza Taylor/Washington ", but this has been erased. " Washington" had been crossed out and replaced with " Annapolis /Md." Circular red postmark, " Washington D.C./Feb 1/Free ". Est. Cash Val. $500-900 CROCKETT, DAVID. Served in Congress from 1827 to 1831 and 1833-1835 . Rare 5" by 3" front portion of address leaf boldly franked "Free/D. Crockett" in upper right, addressed by him to "Mesrs E.L. Cary & A. Hart/Philadelphia/Penn ". Circular red postmark, "City of Washington/Dec 22 ", stamped "FREE". Lower left blank corner has been torn away (about two square inches), just nicking the "M" of " Mesrs ". Est. Cash Val. $1000-2000 AMERICAN STATESMEN & MILITARY. Coll. of franked address leaves and enve lopes and a few front portions. 58 items in varied condition, mostly mid-19th century. Includ es: David G. Farragut (cut franking signature as Rear Admidal), U.S. Grant (short , unsigned note in his hand on front portion of an enve lop e, Headquarters Army of the United States , "Hon. E.B. Washburn /Introducing/Gen. Bolles/Col & J.A.G.IU.S.N.") , W.T. Sherman (three), George B. McClellan (front portion addressed by him to "His Excellency /The President "), J.A. Garfield (envelope addressed to "Mrs. J.A. Garfield ", closely cut at conclusion of " d " ), Thomas S. Jesup, Benjamin F. Butler (the General), Nathan Towson (two), Robert F. Stockton, Robert Anderson (1842 ALS with integral address leaf, no frank), John A. Logan (front portion), Robert C. Schenck (to the President), Surgeon General Joseph K. Barnes (front portion ; at Lincoln's death-bed, treated Garfield) , Daniel E. Sickles, Nathaniel P. Banks (front portion), Henry W. Halleck (two front portions), Edwin M. Stanton (front portion), F.W. Seward, William Sprague (with 1864 ALS mentioning a " bill freeing the wife & children of the slaves that enlist"), Grenville M. Dodge and W.S. Schley (front portion of envelope addressed by him, not signed). Est. Cash Val. $1000 + HOUSTON, SAM. Envelope franked in upper right, "Free /Sam Houston ", addressed to "Thomas D. Carpenter , Esq./Philadelphia/Penn ". Circular blue postmark, "Was hington /Jan 10", stamped "FREE". Est. Cash Val. $600-1000


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JULY 25 & 26, 1990



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(a) On Premises Inspection and Postal Viewing. Ample opportunity is given for on premises inspection prior to the auction date , and , upon written request and at Harmers discretion , for inspection by postal viewing (all as detailed elsewhere in this Catalogue) . (b) Each lot is sold as genuine and correctly described , based on individual description as modified by any specific notations in this Catalogue . (c) Quality. Any lot which a purchaser considers to be incorrectly described may be returned to Harmers within two weeks of its receipt by such purchaser (" Returning Purchaser " ), provided , however , that the same is received by Harmers within four weeks of the date of the auction ; however , Harmers may , in its discretion , refuse acceptance of such returned lot. If an opinion of a generally recognized authority is desired, the period of time within which a lot must be received by Harmers will be extended in accordance with Condition of Sale 8. 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Any lot which is declared otherwise than genuine by a generally recognized authority is returnable , provided such lot is received by Harmers within four weeks of the date of the auction . Proof that a generally recognized authority declines to express an opinion is normally grounds for the return of a lot. (e) Expenses incurred in the submission and the return of a lot under Conditions of Sale 7-9 are not refunded . EXTENSION OF TIME (a) When an opinion from a generally recognized authority is not expected or available within four weeks from the date of the auction , the purchaser shall : (i) within seven days of receipt thereof submit the lot to one of the generally recognized authorities . (ii) notify Harmers , in writing (and preferably on the form supplied) , of such submission no later than four weeks from the date of the auction . Such notification shall be deemed given when received by Harmers and shall include the name and address of the authority to whom the lot has been submitted. (b) A prospective purchaser wishing to submit a lot to an authority not accepted by Harmers shall , prior to the date of the auction , request in writing permission for such submission and obtain confirmation of such request from Harmers. The auctioneer reserves the right to refuse a bid where the authority requested is not acceptable on any grounds, which grounds need not be disclosed by Harmers . (c) Payment for lots upon which an extension of time is obtained pursuant to this Condition of Sale 8 may be made in accord with Condition of Sale 4, subject to the following (paragraph d) and herein. (d) If a lot is certified by a generally recognized authority to be other than as described: (i) the sale (and the invoice with respect thereto , if outstanding) will be cancelled ; and , (ii) to the extent set forth in Condition of Sale 9, payment of the expense of certification will be made to the purchaser. EXPENSES OF CERTIFICATION Expenses of certification shall be borne by the purchaser except where a lot is certified other than as described and is returned to Harmers in accordance with Condition of Sale 8. SALES TAX Unless exempted by law, a purchaser shall pay New York State and local sales taxes , or any compensating use taxes of any other State . APPLICABLE LAW, JURISDICTION , ETC. All matters arising out of this auction shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York without giving effect to the choice of law principles thereof. Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this auction shall be settled by arbitration in The City of New York , State of New York in accordance with the Rules of the American Arbitration Association and judgment upon the award rendered by the Arbitrator or Arbitrators may be entered in any Court having jurisdiction . The purchaser at this auction (a) consents and submits to the jurisdiction of the Courts of the State of New York and of the Courts of the United States for a judicial district within the territorial limits of the State of New York for all matters arising out of this auction sale , inclu ding , without limitation , any action or proceeding instituted for the enforcement of any right , remedy , obligation and liability arising under or by reason thereof ; and (b) consents and submits to the venue of such action or proceeding in the City and County of New York (or such judicial district of a Court of the United States as shall incl ude the same).

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