MARCH 11, 1992
CONDITIONS OF SALE THE PLACING OF A BID SHALL CONSTITUTE ACCEPTANCE OF THE CONDITIONS OF SALE BIDDING 1. Unless announced otherwise by the auctioneer , all bids are per lot, as numbered in the printed Catalogue . Harmers of New York Inc. (hereinafter " Harmers" ), License #s 672829 , 780870, as agent for the consignor or vendor , shall regulate the biddin~ and shall determine the manner in which the bidding shall be conducted . Harmers reserves the right to withdraw any lot prior to sale (without liability to any potential purchaser or agent), to re-offer any withdrawn lot, to divide a lot or to group two or more lots belonging to the same consignor or vendor, and to refuse any bid believed not made in good faith. 2. The highest bid acknowledged by the auctioneer shall prevail. Should a dispute arise between bidders (including a dispute between a floor bidder and the auctioneer acting on behalf of a mail bidder, consignor or vendor) , the auctioneer alone shall determine who is the successful bidder and whether to reoffer the lot in dispute. Should a dispute arise after the sale, the auctioneer 's sale records shall be conclusive. On all lots sold, a commission of 10% on the hammer price is payable by the buyer. 3. (a) The auctioneer reserves the right to bid on behalf of clients (and consignors or vendors) but shall not be liable for errors and omissions in executing instructions to bid, however received, and whether such errors or omissions be those of the bidder or agent or those of the auctioneer . (b) All lots are offered subject to a reserve price. The auctioneer may implement such reserve price by bidding on behalf of the consignor or vendor . 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SALE 2877-2
& BRITISH COMMONWEALTH Featuring the Lloyd Panzram British Commonwea lth collect ion ,
Max Brenner's stock , additional material from the Sidney Lorenz Collect ion and the properties of several other vendors
Wednesday , March 11, 1992 MORNING SESSION at 11 :00 a.m.
To be sold at Auction by
14 EAST 33rd STREET, NEW YORK , NY 10016 Telephone : (212) 532-3700 Keith A. Harmer , Jack La Calam ito - Licensed Auctioneers License # 's 672829 , 780870
On all lots sold a commission of 10% on the hammer price will be payable by the buyer.
EXHIBITION OF LOTS Thursday , Friday, Monday , March 5, 6, 9, 1992 from 9:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. or by Appointment EXHIBITION ROOM CLOSED 1 :00 p.m. to 1 :45 p.m. EACH DAY ON DA VS OF SALE LOTS FOR EACH SESSION GO OFF EXHIBITION HALF HOUR BEFORE EACH SESSION
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Cat. Value
501 0
ARGENTINA: Semi-Postal; 1944 Sc on S0p blue black & light blue, imperf Souvenir sheet of one, neat First Day cance l, fine .............. . (Photo) (811 ) 400.00 Air Post; 1930 Zeppelin green ovptd. set compl., n.h. , low values handstamp on reverse, fine to very fine. 947 Sets Iss ued ................... .(Photo) (C25-29) 1, 185.00 Same, l.h ., low values handstamp on reverse, fine to very fine . .(Photo) (C25-2 9) 1, 185 .00 Corrientes; 1856 lr black on blue, Pos.8 , large margins excep t touched one point , fine used on loca l letter sheet. Brett! Cert . ( 199 1) and signed A. Rendon (Photo) ( I ) 400.00 AUSTRIA: 1936 Dollfuss 10s dark blue, unused (reg ummed), fresh , very fine (Photo) (380) 800 .00 Newspaper; 1851-56 Mercury (6kr) yellow, neat c.d.s. cancel, repaired, fine appearance. Rare ...... ... ..... ... . . ........................ . ...... .(Photo) (P2) 7,500.00 Newspaper Tax; 1858-59 Imperf lkr blue, type I, part o.g., margins three sides, touched at left, slight soiling, fine appearance. Ferchenbauer Cert. ( 1990). OM 1400 ............................ . . .. .... . . . . . .............. ... . (Photo) (PR2a) 700.00 4kr brown, margi ns clear at right large other sides, neat WIEN cancel, fine. A.P.E .S . Cert. ( 1989) ........... ................................... (Photo) (PR4) 1,200.00 BELGIUM: Semi-Postals; 1932 Mercier set com pl. , o.g. , #8118 small thin , fresh , fine to very fine ..................... .. ..... . ... . . .. . . ......... . (Photo) (8114- 22) 686.65 1933 Orval Abbey set compl. , l.h. , very light overall toning, very fine appearance (Photo) (81 32-43) I , 150.00 CAMEROUN: 1916 Ovptd. 20c to 2fr, comp!. , ovpt. reading up, o.g., some gum staining and mixed centering, fresh and ge nerally fine, very scarce. Signed Champion ....... . ... . .. . .. . . ... . .. . . . . ......... . .......................... ( 123-29) 587 .50 CENTRAL LITHUANIA: 1920 Surchd. set compl. , o.g., fine to very fine (Photo) (13-22) 1,085.00
** *
503 504
506 0 507
508 0
* 510 * 511 * 509
CHINA 5 13
5 14 6
* *
5 15 516 5(7
5 19 0
* 52 1 *
1897 Surchd. , 5 diff. , o.g. , $ I on 3c part o.g. and trace of staining , fine (78-80,82,84) 1903 le on left diagonal half of 2c scarlet, neatly tied on small piece, extremely fine. Signed Champion ........................ . ....... . .. ... .. . . . .(Photo) (123) 1949 Sun Yat-sen le to 500c, compl. set, ungummed , fine to very fine .(973-8 I ) 1951 Geese $5 to $50, compl. set, ungummed , very fine ..... .(Photo) (1042-45) Used to Germany; 1898 Japan 4s sepia on cream postal card pmkd. PEKING I.J.P.O . 17 May 1901 bearing K.D. FELDPOST STATION No.2 and Zittau receiver , very fine ............................................. . (Photo) (H&G27 ) Occupation Stamps; Kwangtung, 1942 Unwmkd. 8c olive green on #353, l.h. , ext remely fine. Very scarce . . ....... . . . .. . . .. ... . . . ........ . . . ... . (Photo) (IN26) Shanghai and Nanking; 1942-45 $6 on 8c olive green on re-engraved (#369), neatly caned., light creasing, fine. Very scarce .... ... .... .. .... . (Photo) (9N24) People's Republic; orthwest China, 1945 $1, $5, $10, rouletted 9, ungummed , very fine ................... . . . ..... . . . .............. . .... . .............. (4Lla-3a ) CUBA: 1910 Perf 12 le green & violet, invtd. center, large part o.g. , very fine (Photo) (239a)
249.75 501.50
140.00 450.00 275.00 200.00
Lot No. 522 523 524
* *
* 526 * 525
Cat. Value DENMARK: 1851 Wmkd. Small Crown 2rs blue, unused, large oven margins, . .... . ... . . .. . .(Photo) (1) 4,000.00 very fine . ....... . . .. .... . ......... . ..................... 1918 Wmkd. Crown Surchd. set compl., l.h. , fine to very fine .. . .... .. (138-44) 585 .00 Parcel Post; 1919-41 Error 106 red, blk of 9, center stamp "POSFFAERGE", n.h. incl. error or l.h ., neg ligible gum creas ing or bends, very fine (Photo) (Q3,a) 705 .00 + EGYPT: 1926 Port Fouad set of four, o.g., fresh, fine to very fine . Low values B.P.A. Certs . (1968), high value Foundation Cert. (1966) and signed by (Photo) (121-24) 1,600.00 Champion and others .. . .. .. . . .. ............................... ERITREA: 1924 15c on 2a brown orange, vert . margin pair with gutter, bottom stamp without "ERITREA", error n.h., top stamp creased, fresh, fine (Photo) (84a) 550.00
** 528 ** 529 *
532 533 534
** * * *
53 1
536 0
1863-70 Perf 14x13½ 2c red brown on yellowish, pair, n.h ., handstamps on reve rse, rich color and fresh, very fine. Ceres 26 11, FFrs 1200 ... .(Photo) (30) 1906-37 Sower 35c violet, type I, l.h ., very fine . Ceres FFrs 1850 .(Photo) ( 175b) (Photo) (254) 1929-33 20fr bright red brown, Die II, l.h ., fresh , fine ............ 1944 10c to 1.S0fr, 6 diff. , doubly printed, n.h ., very fine (Photo) (477-80 ,85 ,86 vars.) Semi-Postal; 1918 Red Cross 15c + Sc slate & red, n.h. , very fine. Ceres FFrs 1950 ..... .. . . .... . . . ... . .... . . . ....... . ....... .. . . ..... . . .. . . ........ (Photo) (Bl I) Air Post; 1936 Plane over Paris set compl. , l.h. , fine to very fine .(Photo) (C8- 14) . (Photo) (C 14) S0fr emerald, o .g ., very fine .... .. .. .... ............................. Postage Due; 1859-78 lypographed 60c yellow, o.g. , large margins, light creas ing, . ........ . (Photo) (J9) very fine appeara nce. Scarce ............................... OFFICES IN CHINA; Hoi Hao, 1901 le to Sfr, compl. less 15c blue, fine to very fine, tied by double circle HOI HAO 8 Avril 02 pmks. on local oversize envelope to Tonkin, 12 Avril receiver on reverse . . .. . . . .. .(Photo) (1-5,7-15) FRENCH COLONIES: 1872-77 Imperf 2c red brown on yellowish, large even margins, light c. d .s. cancel , negligible fault s, very fine appearance. Signed . (Photo) ( 17) Calves .... . . . .. .. .... . ...... . . ... .. .. . . . .. ... . ..... . ..................
115.00 + 225.00 1, 100.00 uni. 180.00 I , 175. 75 1,000 .00 500.00
1,276.75+ 750 .00
GERMAN STATES 537 ,0,. 538 0 539 0 540 0 54 1 0
BADE : 1862 Perf 131/2 3kr rose, neatly caned. on sma ll piece, fresh , fine. . (Photo) ( 18) 400. 00 DMI 000 .. . . . .. . ..... . ...... . ........................................ BRUNSWICK: 1853-63 Wmkd. Post Horn 1/Jgr black, margins all round , large three sides, lightly caned. , almost very fine . Signed Brett!. DMI 000 .(Photo) (5) 425 .00 ½gr black on green, thin paper, large even margins, lightly caned., very fine. (Photo) (6) 275.00 Mi.l 0Ax, DMI 000 .................................................... WURTTEMBERG: 1859 Imperf without silk thread 18kr dark blue, good to large margins exce pt ex treme bottom right , light c.d.s. ca nce l, trace of thinnin g, . ........ . .... . .... . ....... .. ... (Photo) ( 18) 1,650.00 fine. Mi. 15, DM 5000 .. . . .. .......... 1873 70kr brown .lilac, margins all round with dividing dots two sides, expert repair, neat TUBINGEN fan cancel. Attractive copy of this rarity. Mi. 42a, . .. . ........ ..... .... . ..... .(Front Cover Photo) (53a) 4,000.00 DM12,S00 ................ GERMANY
542 543 544 545 546 547 548
* * ** ** ** *
1872 Eagle with Small Shield 2kr orange, bold ce ntered GRAEFE NTH AL c. d .s., .. (Photo) (8) 200 .00 very fine. Sommer Cert . ( 199 1) ..................................... 1951-52 Post Horn set compl. , l.h. or o.g. , fine to very fine .. .(Photo) (670-85) 1,019.00 .. (Photo) (679,8 1,83-85) 822.50 30pf to 90pf, 5 diff., o.g ., fine to very fine .............. 1954-60 Heuss set compl. , n .h .. fine to very fine. DM IOO0 ..... (Photo) (702-2 1) 250.49 (702-2 1) 250 .49 Same, n.h., fine to very fine . . . . . . .. .. . . . . ... ............................... (702-2 1) 250.4 9 Another compl. set, n.h ., fine to very fine .... ............................. Berlin; 1948-49 Red ovpt. 2pf to 2m, compl. set, o.g ., mark values 1.h. if at all, . .... .... . (Photo) (9N2 1-34) 820. 50 fine to very fine . . ..... . .... .. . ........ . ... ..........
Cat. Value .. . (Photo) (9N2 l-34) 820.50 Same, o .g., fine to very fine .. ................................ Soviet Zone; Thuringen, 1945 Christmas Miniature sheet, n.h., very fine (Photo) (Mi. Block Ix) DM750 Offices in China; 1900 Tientsin Issue Spf green, tied on small piece by clean 1/1 ...... .(Photo) ( 18) 500.00 0 1 c.d .s . cance l, very fine. Signed Thier ........ ............ lOpf carmine, tied on sma ll piece by identical cance l as previou s lot , very fine . . . . ... .. . .. .... .... . (Photo) ( 19) 1000.00 . . . ...................... Signed Thi er .. . .......... 1901 Regular Issue 3pf to 3m, compl. , eac h tied on small piece by HANKAU 27/8 .. ...... ...... (24-35) 261.50+ ........................ 01 c .d. s., fine to very fine .......... 1905 Unwmkd. 2 1/, d on Sm slate & carmine, neat TIENTSIN cancels, very fine (Photo) (46) 350.00 Offices in Morocco ; 1900 Surchd. set compl. to 6p2Sc on Sm, type I, all neatly tied on separate small piece except 3p7Sc on 3m, most by MOGADOR c.d.s., (Photo) (7- 19) 1,009.50 .... .. .. ............................. fine to very fine .. ............ 6p2Sc on Sm slate & carmine, type I, neat c.d.s. cancel, handstamp on reverse, . . . .. . .. . .... ... . . ... . . . .... . . . . . . . ... ... .(Photo) (19) 700.00 extremely fine .............. 1905 Unwmkd. surchd. set compl., each neat ly tied on mall piece, mo t by .. .. . (Photo) (20-32) 632.00 .. ............ MAZAGAN c.d.s. , fine to very fine .......... 1906-11 Wmkd. Lozenges 6p2Sc on Sm slate & carmine, neat c.d.s . cancels. numero us handstamps on reverse, very fine. Signed Bothe ... . .... . (Photo) (44) 425.00 GREECE: 1940 Youth set compl., n.h., fine to very fine . OM 1400 (Photo) (427-36) 447.00 1951 Marshall Plan set compl., n.h., fine to very fine. DM950 .(Photo) (539-44) 477.00 Identical lot GREENLAND: 1945 Liberation set compl. , l.h ., very fine ......... .. .. ... ( 19-27) 515.00 Ovptd. in reversed colors, set compl., l.h ., handstamps on reverse , very fine (Photo) (22a-27a) 800.00
Lot No. 549 550
* **
55 1 f::, 552 f::, 553 f::, 554
555 f::,
557 f::, 558
** 560 ** 56 1 562 * 563 *
GUATEMALA Air Post 564
* ** ** ** *
569 570 571 572
574 0
1935-37 Error, Quetzel omitted 25c blue green, neat violet cancel, creased, very fine appearance. Signed H. Bloch . . . . . . . .... . ..... . .(Enlarged Photo) (C6la) 3,000.00 Same, neat violet c.d.s. cancel, small faults, very fine appearance. Signed H. Bloch .. . . .. ... . .. . .. .. . . . . .... . . . . . .... .. ... . .. . . .... .. . .... . .. ... .(Photo) (C6la ) 3,000.00 Another copy, crease, small tears, very fine appearance. Signed H. Bloch (Photo) (C6la ) 3,000.00 HONDURAS: 1877 Comayaqua Y,r on 2r black on green, Tegucigalpa blue surch. 2r on 2r black on pink, margins all round, neatly caned. , small faults, fine appeara nce. Rare . Signed A. Rendon .. . .... . . . . .... . . .. . . . . . (Photo) (3,23) HU GARY: 1888-98 Wmkd. " kr" in Oval lfo gray blue & silver, l.h. , very fine. . ... .(Photo) (34) 175.00 ........... .......... Noto riously undervalued .................... very fine reverse, on tamp hands n.h., , imperf Post, Air incl. compl., set 1950 Chess uni. (Photo) (889 ,890,C69) inclusions, few .h., n sheets, 2 one, of sheet Air Post; 1949 Chain Bridge Souvenir very fine . OM 1500 ......... . .... . .. ... . . . . .. .. .. . ... ...... .. . ...... . .. . ..... (C66) 600.00 ICELAND : 1924-30 10k on S0a claret, n.h., fresh, fine. DMI000 .(Photo) ( 140) 250.00 Officials; 1930 Parliament set compl., o.g ., fresh, fine to very fine (Photo) (053-6 7) 826.00
ITALIAN STATES: PARMA; Provisional Government, 1859 Sc yellow green, very large margins, neatly caned., very fine and attractive copy of this rarity. Sass. 12, LS,000,000. E. Diena Cert. (1991) and .. (Front Cover Photo) (12) 8,000.00 signed by him ............................ SARDINIA: 1854 Lithographed and Embossed Sc yellow green, margins clear to large, neat c.d.s. cancel, bright color and fresh , fine , handstamps on reverse and signed by E. Diena and A. Diena. 1990 Sass. L800 ,000 .... .. .. . .. . (Photo) (7)
Lot No. 575 0
576 577
** ** 578
Cat . Value TUSCANY: 1851-52 Wmkd. Crowns in the Sheet ls ochre on grayish blue, pair, large margins to touching, neat centered FIRENZE cance l, handstanps on reverse , . ..... . ....... . . ... ... . . . .... . .. . . .. ..... . .. .(Photo) (2) 1,500 .00 + fine ........................ (5 18) 115.0 0 ITALY: 1949 Centenary IO0L brown, n .h ., very fine. DM475 .............. 1950 Shortwave Radio set of two, n .h ., very fine. DM675 ...... . .... . .. (538 ,539) (92.00)
Parcel Post; 1946-54 Wmkd. Winged Wheel lO00L ultramarine, n.h. , trace of gum toning, otherwise very fine . ... ..... .... (Photo) (Q76) 1,350.00 JAPAN
579 580
* *
1916 Ceremonial Cap 10s ultramarine & dark blue, o.g. (hinge remnant ), very .. (Photo) ( 154) fine .. . .... . . .. . . ... . . ..... . .. . .. .. . . . . . ..... ..... .................. 1922-29 Old Die 8s olive green, 20s brown violet, o.g., eac h with handstamp on
750 .00
( I 74a, 176a)
reverse , former fine , latter very fine .. ......
.... ............
1922 Mt. Fuji 1½s rose carmine, sheet of 20, stamps n.h., **[§]
minor selvage faults, . . .... .(222a) 500 .00 fine to very fine ..... . . .... ... . . .... . ...... ..... . .................... 1937 Wmkd. Curved Wavy Lines '/2s to IOy comp!. set, o.g., fine to very fine 582 (Photo) (239-54) 1, 177.50 (306a) 250.00 583 ** EE 1940 National Parks Souvenir Sheet of four , n.h ., very fine ............... 1948 Philatelic Week Sy brown, sheet of five, stamps n .h ., few inclu sions, fine 584
58 1
** * * **
585 586
Same, 2 sheets of 5 , l.h. if at all , neglig ible crea sing, one with light tone spot s, fine (422a)
1948-49 Wmkd. Curved Wavy Lines 2y to S00y, comp!. set, l.h ., 20s small tear , . (Photo) (425-36 ) .. .... .......................... fine to very fine ................ 1949 Children's Day Sy rose brown & orange, Souvenir sheet of 10, n .h. , usual
.. .. .. .. .... .. .. .... .. .. .... (456)
gum bends and inclusions, very fine ............
1949 Postal Week 8y purple, sheet of five, n .h ., neg ligible gum creasing or bend s ,
. . (479a) . ...................... top selvage perf s separat ed , fine ................... (479a) Same, n.h. , neg ligib le gum creas ing , small selvage tear , fine ... ............. 589 590 ** EE1950 Sports set comp!., se-tenant sheet of 20, stamps n.h ., minor selvage faults, . ...... .... .. (505-08 ) fine to very fine ... . ........ ........ . ........................ 1950-52 Unwmkd. 80s to S00y, comp!. set, l.h. , fine to very fine ...... .(Photo) 591
425.00 425.00
* ***
500 .00 +
(509-218) The four diff. Souvenir sheets on one, 1.h., very fine ........ .(510a,14a , 19a ,2 lc) S0y dark brown, Souvenir sheet of one, n.h ., few enclusions, very fine (Photo) (521 a)
592 593
290 .00 200.00
Air Post
1919 1 ½s blue, 3s rose, comp!. set, l.h ., tiny surface fau lts, otherwise fresh and 594 .. .... .. (Photo) (C l-2) 800.00 fine to very fine . Signed H. Bloch .... .. .. ................ 595 * EE 1934 Philatelic Exhibition Souvenir sheet of four, l.h., very fine . .(Photo) (C8) 1,100.00 Same, o.g ., neg ligible creas ing , small corner thin , fresh , fine ...... .. (Photo) (CS) I , 100.00 596 176.50 .... ........ .. .. . (C9-13) 1950 Pheasant set comp!., l.h ., very fine ........ .......... 597 1951 and 1952 With Zeros, both sets compl. , I.h. , few inclu sions , fine to very fine 598 (Photo) (Cl4-24 ) 392.00 3 14.95 (C25-38) 1952-62 Without Zeros set comp!., l.h. , very fine ........................ 599 Military Stamp; 1910 Unwmkd. 3s rose, o.g ., fresh, fine ........ .. (Photo) (Ml ) 175.00 600 KARELIA: 1922 Sp to 25m, comp!. set, o.g. , 50p creased , handstamps on reverse , 601
* * * * * *
602 I::::,. 603 I::::,. 604 0
..... ( 1-15)
KIAUCHAU: 1900 Unwmkd. l0pf carmine, tied by TSINGTAU c.d.s. cancel on small piece bearing Chin a 2c on 3c , type " c ", very fine .(Photo) ( I 2 , China 80) lOpf, tied by TSINGTAU c. d .s. cancel on sma ll piece bearing China 2c ora nge, very .. ... ... .... ... ... .(Photo) ( 12,Chin a 88) ... ... . ........... fine .................... Sm slate & carmine, neat c. d. s . cance ls , negligible corner perf crease , fine (Photo) (22)
800 .00
fresh , fine to very fine. 25 m Foundation Cert . ( 1991) ................
. ····················
~;,;. 0=;, 1.. '
r::i:' .!1:11 ~ 01.. =;, 1m 8 ,u: o >.L..
;~ .m.
.: ············ ···~
........ . ............~~... .
593 595
Lot No. 605 * 606 * 607 * 608 * 609 * 6 10 * 6 11 * 6 12 * 6 13 * 6 14 *
6 15 *
Imperforate Souvenir Sheets of One
Cat . Value
1952 Wmkd. Curved Wavy Lines 200wn henna brown, 300wn green, ungumm ed, very fine ... ............... . . . ... . ........ . ..... . . . . . . ... . . (Photo) ( l 86A ,B vars.) uni. 1954 10h brown, 30h dark blue, ungummed , reduced at bottom , otherwise very fine (202A ,203) uni. 1955 10h, 15h, 50h and 20h laid paper, ungummed , very fine . . ....... .(Photo) uni. (209, 10, 12, B vars.) uni. 1955 Navy Anniversary , ungummed, very fine . . . .. . . . . ................. (225 var.) 182.00 1957 2h to 400h, comp!. set, l.h . , very fine . . . ... .. ...... . ........... . .. (249a-60a) 1957 Christmas set compl. , I.h., 25h gum creases, otherwise very fine (Photo) (265a-67a) 795.00 Air Post; 1954 25h to 71h, comp!. set, ungummed, very fine ... ... . ..... . (Photo) (C 12- 16 vars.) LIBYA: 1921 Wmkd . Crown Error Sc black & red brown, I.h. , fresh, fine (Photo) (22a) 925 .00 LUXEMBOURG: 1865-74 Rouletted in Color 30c lilac rose, part o .g. (paper adherence) , brilliant fresh , very fine . . . . ............ . ............... . (Photo) (23) I , 150.00 MONACO: 1932-37 Pictorials 15c to 20fr, comp!. set, plus 45c red, o.g. , very fine .. . . . .. . .... . . .. .. . .. . .. . .............................. (Photo ) (110-130, llSa ) 925.40 Semi-Postal; 1920 Sfr
+ Sfr red, o.g. , fresh, very fine. Rare (Front Cover Photo) (Bl8 ) 7,500.00
Air Post; 1955-57 Birds sets compl. , perf 11 and 13, l. h. , very fine .. . .. (Photo) (C4 l-44 ,C4 I a-44a) 756 .50 NETHERLANDS: 1852 Imperf 10c lake, two copies, full to large marg ins, very 6 17 18: fine, each tied by neat semi-circular AMSTE RDAM 14/2 1860 pmk. on loca l (Photo) (2) folded letter, very pretty ... . . . . . . ... . . . ...... . ..... . .... . .............. Used to Belgium; 10c, two copies, full to large marg ins, very fine, tied by single 6 18 18: semi-circular ROTTE RDAM 10/7 1859 pmk . on folded letter beari ng neat P .D . handstamp , trans it and Soignies rece iver on reverse ................. . (Photo) (2) 15c orange, large margins all round, face-free c.d. s. cancel , rich color , extremely 6 19 0 fine .. .. . ....................................... .. .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .. .. .. ... (Photo) (3) 125.00 620 0 15c, margins all round, neat framed FRANCO cancel, very fine .. . .. . . .(Photo) (3) 125.00 62 1 ** El3RUSSIA: 1949 Lenin Mausoleum imperf Souvenir sheet of four, n .h., minor creas ing , fres h , very fine . DM 2200 ... . ..... . ..... . ................ . . ( 1327a var.) 750.00 Semi-Postals; 1914 and 1915 10k blue & brown on bluish, 3k carmine & gray 622 black, imperf, latter sheet margin copy with stamp n .h., former l.h ., large margins, very fine ............... . . . . . ... . . . .. . ... . . . .... . . . (Photo) (88 , IO vars.) 300.00 RYUKYU ISLANDS: 1952 Provisional l00 y on 2y rose violet, o.g. , tiny 622A handstamp on reverse. I.P.J .P. Cert. (1975) . . . ... .(Back Cover Photo) (17) 1,750.00 6 16 *
* *
ST. PIERRE & MIQUELON 1942 Inverted Overprints 25c Prussian blue, n.h. , extremely fine. Signed A. Rendon . .(Photo) (229 var.) 40c slate blue, n.h. , extremely fine. Signed A. Rendon .... . .(Photo) (231 var. ) 45c deep green, margin copy, n.h. , extremely fine. Signed A. Rendon (Photo) (232 var.) 65c brown, n.h. , extremely fine. Signed A. Rendon . ........ . (Photo) (235 var.) ** lfr pale olive green, margin copy, n.h., extremely fine. Signed Rendon ** (Photo) (239 var. ) * [ยง! SAN MARINO: 1958 Panorama S00L green & black, sheet of 6, l.h ., very fine (4 11) Air Post; 1941 Zeppelin surchd. set of two, n .h. , handstamp on reverse, very fine . ** DM 500 ... . ............. . ................................. . ........... . .. . . (C l9,2 0)
623 ** 624 ** 625 ** 626 627 628 629
uni. uni. uni. uni. uni. 375 .00 150.00
Lot No .
* * 632 * 633 * 634 * 635 * 636 0
Ca t. Value
630 631
Hejaz; 1921 ¼pi green, rouletted 20, o.g., very fine . . . . . .. . . .(Photo) (L160) 600.00 1925 Serrate Roulette additionally ovptd. ½pi red, invtd ovpt., unused, very fine (Photo) (L71a) 1,000.00 Nejd; 1925 Pilgrimage set compl., o.g .. 3pi small thin spot, fine to very fine (Photo) (30-34) 600.00 Kingdom; 1964-70 Redrawn type I 200p dark gray & olive gray, very l.h. , extreme ly fine . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . ........... . .. .(Photo) (34 1) 250.00 Newspaper; 1925 Perf ll '/2 1/2pi red brown, o.g., haqdstamp s on reverse , fresh , fine. Exceedingl y rare . . . . . . . . . ..................................... (Photo ) (P2) 1,500.00 Postal Tax; 1936 '/sg scarlet, o.g ., very fine, rare . .... . . .... . ..... .(Photo) (RA2) 500.00 SCHLESWIG: Officials; 1920 l ½pf to 10m, compl. less Sm, c.d.s. cance ls, 2m two short perfs, !Om negligible corner crease, fine. Scarce .(Photo) (01-12 , 14) 2,565 .00
* 638 * 639 * 640 ** 641 * 642 **
SPAIN 1856 Wmkd. Crossed Lines Ir greenish blue, o.g .. margins all round , light staining, small thin , fine appearance. Very scarce .. . . . .......... . . .(Photo) (42) 1865 Unwmkd. imperf lr yellow green, o.g ., large margins , very fine. Signed A. Rendon ..... . ........ . ............. . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . .................. .(Photo) (7 1) 1865 Perf 14 19c brown & rose, part o.g., cert. stating "s ome worn perfs at top", handstamp s on reverse. Friedl Cert. (1975) and signed H. Bloch (Photo) (77) 1936 Philatelic Exhibition set compl. , incl. Air Post, n.h ., tiny inclusions, very fine. OM 1160 ... .. ......... . . . . . . . ... .... .. . .......... .(Photo) (572,573 ,C88,89) 1950 Stamp Centenary set compl., incl. Air Post, l.h ., very fine ....... .(Photo) (776-79 ,C l27-30) Air Post; 1936 Mural Crown 25c gray green, vert. pair, top stamp without tilde in " N" on " ESPANA " , n.h ., very fine . Signed A. Rendon. 1966 Sanabria $ 185 (Photo) (San. 173 ,a) SWEDEN; 1855 Unwmkd. perf 14 3s blue green, margins added, neat clear Stockholm c.d.s., very attractive. Wilen Cert. (1991) . . . ......... .(Photo) (1) 24s dull red, bold Stockholm c.d.s. handstamp on reverse, well centered , fine (Photo) (5)
643 0 644 0
2,750 .00 400 .00 3,250 .00 490 .00 580.00
4,000.00 2,500.00
* 647
649 * 63 650
651 652 18! 653 0
GENEVA; 1843 Sc black on yellow green, right stamp of " Double Geneva" , unused , margin s large to in at top, portion of dividing lines three sides, fresh , fine. Marchand Cert. (1991) Zurn. 4R , 32,000 SFrs . .... .... . ................... (Fro nt Cove r Photo ) (2Lla ) 19,000.00 1847 Large Eag le Sc black on yellow green, o.g.(hinge remnant ), margins all round, large at sides, trace of crease, very fine appearance. Hunziker Cert. (1966) and signed Friedl. Zurn. 2800 SFrs . . .. . . . . . .. . .... .. ... .(Photo ) (2L3) 1,600.00
Federal Administration; 1850 Frame Around Cross Poste Locale 2 1/2r black & red , Pos. 32, First Printing, moslty large margins, tied by neat grid on painted circular to Zurich , very fine and beautiful. Moses-Raz Cert. (1966). Zurn. 6250 SFrs . .(Back Cover Photo) (2) 1858-62 Unwmkd. imperf 40r dark yellow green , full to large margins , very fine used with 1862-63 20c orange , neatly caned. by GENEYE 28 MAI 63 c.d .s. cancels on envelope to London, appropriate transit markings. A lovely cover . Zurn. 26G , 400 SFrs .. . . . ... . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . ... . .. . . .(Photo) (40 ,45) 1934 NABA Souvenir sheet of four, o .g. in margin, very fine ..... .(Photo) (226) Semi-Postals; 1945 Lifeboat Souvenir sheet of one, n.h., very fine. DM625 (Photo) (BI 43) Similar lot Same, used on cover. Bern cancel , very fine ... . ....... ...... ................ (B 143) 1951 LUNABA Souvenir sheet of one, neat Wallisellen c.d.s. cancel, very fine (Photo) (8206)
600 .00 200 .00 350 .00 275 .00
* 655 * 656 * 657 * 654
Officials; 1950 U.N. European Office Sc to lOfr, compl. set, l.h ., very fine (701 -20) TRIPOLITANIA: Air Post; 1934 Circuit of the Oasis, the 3 high values, o.g., very fine . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . ..... .. .. . . . . .. ................... . ...... . . .. ...... (C40-42) TURKEY: 1923-25 Crescent and Star S00pi deep green, o.g., fresh, fine. Scarce (Photo) (624)
514 .65 323. 75 350 .00
VATICAN CITY: 1934 1.30L on 1.25L, small figures "30" in "1.30", l.h., very fine ... . ... . ..... . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .... . .. . ............ . .... . .... . . .... .(Photo) (36a) 1,750.00
650 51
Sf'fNCf EN
A•, (R
K [
EX 611
EX 607
_ __ ....,.@,__ __ _
- - --
EX 605
o I iiS~-i:- 4F,~,mi:.$ eol .l. oi/mi4 ii~ 6 ~ -a J3Ii.. El
GI ,UlA.01 l[/11
J -e
'fil,7\.8~ .!...~
"1 ft
fj t~ ~ cj
~ J.]~
1~ 1~ --¥-9 %..Un.~ 6.]_.l.J-½J:1)7)
Lor No.
ASCENSION: 1922 Ovptd. ½p to 3sh, compl. set, l.h ., very fine. S.G. 1-9, £300 (1-9)
1913 Wmkd. Wide Crown and Wide A £1 ultramarine & brown , o.g. , bright colors and fresh, very fine. S.G. 15, £1100 . . .. .. . .. . .... (14) 2,500.00
£2 deep rose & black , o.g. , few rough perf s, unusuall y well centered, . ........ (Photo) (15) 5,000.00 fresh, fine. S.G. 16, £2250 ...................... 1915-24 Wmkd. Narrow Crown and Narrow A £1 ultramarine & brown, c.d.s. .. .. (Photo) (56) cancel, very fine. S.G. 44, £650 ...............................
661 0
662 663 0 664 0 665 0 666 0 667 0
** ** ** * 672 673 * * 674 **
668 669 670 67 1
£2 deep rose & black , o.g. , inclusion and tiny translucency, rich color , . ....... (Photo ) (58) 3,750.00 very fine. S.G. 45, £2250 ....... . ... . ............
. .(Photo ) (58) 2,000.00 £2, c.d .s. cancel, thin, very fine appearance. S.G. £ 1200 ............ £2 rose & violet brown, lightly caned. , tiny thin, fine. S.G. 45b, £ 1100 .(Photo ) (59) 2,000.00 1929-30 Wmkd. Small Crown and A Multiple 6p to £2, compl. set, fine to very fine. S.G . 107-14, £750 . ... .... . .... . . .. .. ... . ....... . . .. . . ..... (Photo) (96-102) 1,041.75 1931-36 Wmkd. Small Crown and C of A Multiple £2 dull rose & black, lightly . . .. .. .. (Photo) (129) 600.00 caned ., extremely fine. S.G. 138, £275 .... . ............. 1932 Bridge Ssh gray green, lightly caned. , extremely fine. S.G. 143, £180 (Photo) (132) 400.00 . .... (2 18-21) 223.00 .. . .... 185 £ 224a-d, . S.G fine. very n.h., , 1949-50 Arms set of four ) (365-79) 497.30 (Photo 1963-65 Sp tp £2, compl. set, n.h. , very fine .......... ........... 1966-71 le to $4, compl. set less #401A, 402A, n.h., very fine ... . .. .. (394-417) 249.65 Postage Due; 1909 Wmkd. Large Crown and Double-lined A l0sh green & carmine, o.g., very fine. S.G . 0 72, £200 ... .... . ...... . .. . . . ... . .(Photo) (148) 475.00 £1, I.h. , fresh , extremely fine. S.G. D73, £375 ........ .. . . .. . . . . .. .(Photo) (J49) 650.00 1931-36 Wmkd. Small Crown and C of A Multiple perf 11 6p yellow green & .. . . ..... . ..... . . .(Photo) (162) 650.00 rose, l.h., brilliant fresh, very fine ............... Military; 1946-47 ½p to Ssh, comp). set, n.h., very fine. S.G . £ 150 . . ... (Photo) (MI -7) 191. 25 BAHAMAS
675 0 676 0 677 0 678 0 679 0 680 0
1861 Unwmkd. Rough Perf 14 to 16 Ip lake , neatl y caned. , perfect centering, . ... . . .. . . ........ (Photo ) (2) extremely fine. S.G. 4, £300 .... . .................. S.G. 5, £325 .(Photo ) (3) fine. very 4p dull rose , centered, borders virtually intact, 6p gray lilac, neat "A 05" and red c.d.s. cancels , fine. S.G. 6, £450 .(Photo ) (4) 1862 Perf 12 6p gray violet, neatly caned., quite well centered for this issue, almost . .... .(Photo) (7) . ........... very fine. S.G. 11, £350 . . . . ....... . ................ Perf 13 6p gray violet, lightly caned., fine. S.G. 19, £350 .... . ...... (Photo) ( 10) 1863-75 CC Perf 12½ lsh green, lightly caned., well centered , extremel y fine . . ... (Photo ) ( 15) . . ..... ...... . . . . . ..... . ............... S.G. 38, £300 .............
500.00 750.00 800.00 600.00 500.00 650.00
Int No. 68 1 682
Cat. Value 1863-81 Perf 14 4p deep rose, o .g ., tiny fault s, handstamp s on reverse , rich color and fresh , fine . S .G . 37 , £350 ....... . .. .... ... .. . . ... .. .. . . . .. . .... (Photo) (18a ) 1,200 .00
* *
683 0
* *
1882-98 CA Perf 12 4p rose, o .g ., tiny thin spot, brilliant fresh, fine . S .G. 41 , £550 (Photo) (25)
900 .00
1884-90 Perf 14 £1 brown, light c .d .s. cancel , fres h, very fine . S.G . 57 , £225 (Photo) (32)
BAHRAIN: 1933 George V set compl., plus 1934-37 5 diff., compl. , n.h. to o .g ., fine to very fine . S .G . £ 197 . . . ...............
. .............
. .........
. . (l-18,19a )
350 .25
1938-41 George VI set comp!., n.h. incl. lSr , 25r or l.h. , very fine. S.G. 20-37, £550 .. .. . ... .. .. ... . . .. .. . ....... . .. . .... .. ... . ............ . .... . . .(Photo) (20-37)
BARBADOS 1852-55 Unwmkd. imperf on blued paper (2p) grayish slate, large part o .g. ,
687 0 688 0 689 0 690 0
69 1
moslty large margi ns all round , very fine . Brandon Cert . ( 1980). S.G . 4a, £250 (Photo) (3a)
1856-57 White Paper (½p) deep green, full to large margins, neat numeral "I " in grid cancel, very fine . S .G . 8, £250 ......... . .... . .. . ....... . .... . .. . (Photo) (5)
300 .00
1859 6p rose red, lsh black, each with large margins, very fine . S .G . 11, 12a , £210 (Photo) (8, 9)
365 .00
Pin-perf 14 (\/2p) pale yellow greens, perfs compl. two sides plus, clear " I " in grid cancel , pin point thin spot , still very fine . S.G . 13, £375 . ... . (Photo) (10)
Pin-perf 12½ (½p) pale yellow green, almost compl. perfs, neatly ca ned ., fine . S .G . 16, £700 .... . ............................ . . . ... . .. . .. . .. ... .. ... .(Photo) (12) 1,250 .00
1873 Wmkd. Small Star Ssh dull rose, o.g ., natural gum creasing, negligible toning , rich color and well centered , very fine appeara nce . S.G . 64 , £950
(Photo) (43) 2 ,000.00 692 0 693 694
* *
Ssh, lightly caned ., very fine . S.G . £300 . . .. . . . . . . ... . ... .. . .. . . .... . . .. (Photo) (43)
800 .00
1875 CC Perf 12Y2lsh purple, o.g ., rich color and brilliant fresh, fine . S .G . 71 , £500 . ..... . ...... .. . . . . .. . .. . ............. . ...... . ..... . .......... . ... .(Photo) (49)
1875-78 Perf 14 Y2p to l sh, 7 diff. , incl. 4p scarlet, o.g., l sh few stained perfs, bright co lors and fresh , fine to very fine . S.G . 72 ,73 ,75-77 ,79 ,81 , £480 (50-53 ,55 ,56 ,53a)
695 0
764 .00
1878 Bisect Slanting Serif Ip on left half of Ssh dull rose, lightly caned ., fine. Foundation and Royal Certs. (1949) and ( 1954) respectively . S.G . 86 , £600
(Photo) (57) 1,000 .00 696
* 697
698 699
* *
BECHUANALAND: 1887 Wmkd. V.R. in Italics IOsh green & black, o.g., very fine. S.G. 19, £200 ..... . ......... . ... . ..... . ............... . ....... .(Photo) (20)
Wmkd. Orb £1 lilac & black , part o.g. , rich color and fresh , fine. Brandon Cert. (1987). S.G. 20, £1000 .. .. ... ... .. . . . ... (Photo ) (21) 2,000.00 BECHUANALAND PROTECTORATE: 1888-89 2sh green & black, o .g ., very fine. S .G . 47, £250 ............. . .. . .. . . .. . . ... . ... . ................ .. (Photo) (55)
1914-24 and 1920-23 Seahorses 2sh6p, Ssh, l.h . or o .g. , fine to very fine. S.G. 83 ,84,86 ,87 , £670 ............................ . .. .. .... . .......... .(Photo) (92-95) 1, 100.00
Lot No.
700 0 70 1 0
* * 704 * 705 * 706 ** 707 * 708 **
702 703
709 710 7 11 712
* * *
713 0
7 14
Cat . Value 1874 3p on l sh green , neatly caned., few trimmed perfs, well centered, fine. S.G . 14, £650 ... ...... . . ... ...... .. . ... .. .. ..... . . .. . . .. . . .. ... .. . . . . . . .. . ..... .( 10) 1,350.00 1875 lp on 3p buff , lightly caned. , hand sta mp on re verse, fine. S.G. 16, £350 (Photo ) ( 14) 750.00 (Photo ) ( 15) 750.00 .................. £500 17, . S.G fine. fresh, Ip on l sh green, unused, 1910-20 MCA GEORGE V £1 black & violet on red, o.g. , pencil marks on .......... (Photo ) (54) 850.00 reverse, very fine. S.G. 55, £400 .......................... (Photo ) (54) 850.00 Same , o.g., fine .. .... ... .. .. .... ......................................... .(Photo ) (54) 850.00 Another copy, o.g., some rubbing, fine ............................... 1922-34 Script l0sh red & green on emerald, margin copy, n.h. , extremel y fine. . ......... . .......... (Photo ) (96) 300.00 S.G. 92, £120 ................................... 12sh6p ocher & gray black margin copy, l.h. , extremely fine. S.G. 93, £300 (Photo ) (97) 750.00 1969 £1 plus , compl. set Elizabeth 1963 TERRITORY: BRITISH ANTARCTIC black & rose red , n.h. , very fine. S.G. l- 15a, £300 ......... (Photo ) (1-15,24) 491.35
BRITISH CENTRAL AFRICA: 1891-95 Unwmkd. £2 rose red , part (Photo ) (15) o.g. , fresh, very fine. S.G. 15, £650 ....................
£5 yellow green, o.g. (hinge remnant), fresh, fine. S.G. 16, £ 1200 .. .(Photo ) (16) 2,000.00 1896 CC Sideways £1 blue & black , o.g., very fine. S.G. 40, £650 .(Photo ) (40) 900.00 1897-1901 CC £1 deep violet & black , o.g., fresh, very fine. S.G . 5 1, £200 (Photo ) (55) 450.00 BRITISH COLUMBIA AND VANCOUVER ISLAND: 1865 Unwnkd. imperf 10c blue , margins all round, large three sides, neat blue oval cancel, 2 mall tears and negligible tone spots, very attractive. Foundation Cert. ( 199 1). S.G. 12, £ 1100 (Photo ) (4) 1,500.00 30, £600 S.G. fine. fresh, and color rich o.g., , rose lilac 3p on 10c 1867-69 Perf 14 (Photo ) (I 0) I , 100.00 BRITISH EAST AFRICA
715 0 7 16 7 17
* *
718 * O
* 720 *
1890 Perf 14 ½a on Ip lilac, 4a on Sp lilac & blue , neat c.d.s. cancels, fine. S.G . .. . . ... ... . . ... . ... . .. . . .. . .... . ...... (Photo ) (1,3) 875.00 1,3, £475 .... . .................. la on 2p green & carmine rose , o.g. , very fine. S.G. 2, £425 ........ (Photo ) (2) 750.00 1890-94 Lithographed Sa gray, o.g. (hinge remnant), very fine. S.G. 18, £275 (Photo ) (24) 450.00 to very centering mixed used, 44 , #42 sed, 1895 ½a to Sr compl. set, l.h. to unu (Photo ) (38-52) 2,135.00 fine. Scarce set. S.G. 33-47, £1193 .......... .. .. ............... 1895 Wmkd. Star 2½a on la6p bistre brown , surchd. types " b" and " c", o.g., handstamps on reverse, fine to very fine. Very scarce . .. .. .... .(Photo ) (59b,c) 700.00 1898 CC 20r yellow green, o.g. , brilliant fresh , extremely fine. S.G. 98, £600 (Photo) (108) 1,350.00 BRITISH GUIANA
72 1 6 722 0 723 0 724 725
* *
726 0
1853-59 White Line Above Value le blue , full to large margins, neatly tied on small (Photo ) ( 10) 500.00 piece, very fine. S.G. 20, £300 ...................................... 1860 Numerals in Corners Framed 4c blue , large margin s all round , handstamp s on reverse , extremely fine. S.G. 21, £425 . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . ........ (Photo ) (12) 750.00 1862 lypeset 4c black on blue , without inner lines, roulette s clipped but well clear of design, neatly caned., very fine. S.G. 123, £325 .. ...... (Photo ) (42a) 500.00 1875 Perf 15 4c blue , o.g., centered, extremely fine. S.G. 109, £190 .(Photo ) (60) 250.00 1889 $1 to $5, compl. except $4 type Il , o.g. , $4 hand stamp on reverse , fine to ...... .... (Photo ) (124-127,28) 1,225.00 very fine. S.G. 185-89, £1240 .................. Official ; 1877 CC Sc rose, lightly caned., very fine. Rare. S.G. 10, £275 (Photo ) (0 10) 575.00
Lot No. 727 0 728
* ** * 732 * 733 * 734 * 735 * 729 730 73 1
BRITISH HONDURAS Cat. Value 1872-79 CC Perf 14 6p rose, neatly cancd .,very fine . S.G . 15, £ 150 .(Photo) ( 11) 350.00 1882-87 CA 6p yellow, o.g. (hinge remnant), fresh, fine. S.G. 2 1, £200 (Photo) (16) 500 .00 1888 50c on lsh gray, o .g., fine. S.G . 30, £325 ................ . . .. . .(Photo) (25) 600.00 1899-1901 $5 green & black, l.h ., very fine. S. G. 65, £ 180 . .... . ... .(Photo) (57) 500. 00 1904-06 Edward VII $5 green &' black, exceptional sheet margin copy, n.h. , extremely fine. S.G. 93, £170 ........................ .. .. . . . . . .. . . .(Photo) (71) 450.00 1913-17 MCA GEORGE V $5 violet & black on red, o.g. , very fine. S.G. 110, £160 ......................................................... .... . . .. .(Photo) (84) 450 .00 BRUNEI: 1907-21 MCA $25 black on red, margin copy, very l.h. , wrinkles, extremely fine. S.G. 48, £450 .... . . ... .. . . . . ............ .. . . ... .. . .(Photo) (39) 850.00 Occupation; 1942-44 Script le to $1, 15 diff., l.h. or o .g., usually yellowed gum , $ 1 slightly rounded comer, fine to very fine. Signed Rowe ll. S.G. J l -7, 10- 17, £302 ... .. . .. . .. .. . . . . . ........... . .. . .... .. . . . . ... . .. . . . ... .. (Photo) (N l -7, 10- 17) 547.50 1942 6c scarlet, n.h., very fine. A.P. E.S. Cert. (1973) and signed Rowell. S.G. JS, £500 ................. .. . . .. .... . ... .. ...... . .. . .. . . . .. . ..... . ... .(Photo) (NS) 700.00
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1992 AFTERNOON SESSION at 1:00 p.m. BURMA Lot No. 736
Occupation Stamps
Cat . Value
Henzada Issue; 1942 Wmkd. Elephant Heads 9p yellow green, n.h. , hand stamp
On Official Stamps 6p, 1½a, plus 1942 Myaungmya Type I 9p yellow green,
* 740 * 739
on reverse, very fine. Photocopy of Brandon Cert. ( 1988). S .G. 128, £275 .( IN7)
350 .00
n .h ., photo copy of Brandon Cert. ( 1988) for 6p and l ½a . S .G . 14, 34 ,35 , £255 ( 1Nl 3 , 14,28)
Myaungmya Issue; 1942 On Official Stamps l 1/2a turquoise green, n.h. , handstamp on reverse, very fine. The rarest of the Occupation issues. Photocopy of Brandon Cert. (1988). S.G. J9a, £600 . . . .... . .(Photo) (1N34)
1942 2r dark violet & red brown, 2 copies, o .g., very fine, one with Roya l Cert . (1989). S.G. 119,£240 .........................
. . . ..... . . ... .. .. . ... . .. . . ... ( IN44 )
Pyapon Issue; 1942 6p to 4a, compl. set, n .h . to o.g. , very fine. Signed Rowell or Tyler .. .. .. ... ................. . ............. . . . .... . . .. . .. . ... .(Photo) ( IN45-49 )
665 .00
742 0
744 0
* *
1915, August unwmkd. le to I0k, compl. set, o.g. (hinge remnants), some with handstamps on reverse, fine to very fine. S.G. 1-14, £779 . .(Photo) (Nl-14) 1,285.00 1915, September wmkd. Lion le carmine & indigo, neat c.d.s. cance l, negli gible stain not mention ed in cert . hand starnp on reverse , fine. B .P .A. Cert. ( 1976). 186 .. ... . . . . . . .. ... .......... . ..... .(Photo) (Nl5 ) Printed. S.G . 15, £300 ............
3c dark green, o.g. (hinge re mnant), very fine. Roya l Cert . ( 1983). S.G. 17, £300 (Photo) (N 17)
600 .00
9c yellow brown & violet, neat c.d .s. cancel, very fine. B.P .A . Cert . ( 1976) and signed Pemberton and Champion. 115 Print ed. S .G . 20 , £500 .. . (Photo) (N20)
850 .00
10c blue green & yellow brown, o.g., fresh, fine. Royal Cert. (1983) and signed Livingston. S.G. 21, £750 ........ ... . .. . .... . .. . ................ .(Photo) (N21) 1,250.00 lk silver, yellow brown & gray, o.g. , tiny thin spot not mentioned in cert., otherwide very fine . B.P .A. Cert. ( 1976) and signed Heiman. S.G. 24, £350 (Photo) (N23)
24c yellow brown & dark brown, o.g. (hinge remn ant), fresh , very fine. Roya l Cert. (1983 ). S .G . 23 , £375 . ........................... . .. . . .. . .. .. (Photo) (N24 )
2k silver, blue & rose, o.g., extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (1976). S.G. 25, £300 ................ . .. .. . .. ........................ . .......... . . .. . .(Photo) (N25)
3kr silver, violet & brown, lightly caned. on small piece , very fine. B.P .A. Cert . ( 1948). S .G. 26 , £450 .......... . . . ......... .... ....... . ...... . .... .(Photo) (N26 )
5k silver, brown & green, centered c. d.s. cance l, extreme ly fine . B.P.A. Cert. ( 1976). S .G . 27 , £425 .. . ............ .. ..... .. ... . . ........ . . . ..... . (Photo) (N27)
749 6
750 0
Lot No . 75 1
Cat. Value £1 gold, purple & black, o.g ., very fine . Royal Cert. ( 1983) and signed by seve ral incl. Champion. S .G. 28, £350 ..... .. ...... .. . ..... ... ...... .. .. .. (Photo) (N28) 550 .00 CAMEROONS: 1915 Surchd. set compl. , n.h. to o.g., fine to very fine . 5m signed by Richter and others . S.G . 1- 13, £450 ......................... . (Photo) (53-65) 1,3 18.00
CANADA 753 0 754 0 755 0 756 0 757
758 0 759 0 760 0 76 1 0 762 0
1851 Laid Paper imperf 3p red, large to enormous margins all round, fresh bright color, socked on nose 6-ring cancel, extremely fine. Magnificent copy. S.G. I , £600 ...................... . .... ..... . . ..... . . .. . . .... . . .. . .. .. (Photo) (1) 800.00 6p grayish purple, full to large margins, unusual red concentric circles cancel lightly applied , very fine. Royal Cert. (1969). Ex Lichtenstein. S.G. 3, £1200 (Photo) (2) 1,000.00 6p, margins all round , fine .. ......... . ...... ............................ .. (Photo) (2) 1,000 .00 1852-55 Wove Paper 6p slate gray, margins all round , large three sides , neat grid cancel, very fine. S.G. 10, £950 ....... .... ... .... .. . .. .. ...... ..... .. (Photo) (5) 1,000.00 6p greenish slate gray, sheet margin pair with part Imprint, mostly large margins, right stamp j ust in 2 places , fine, tied by " I 6" (Hami lton) cance ls on 1857 buff enve lope (edge faults) to Michigan , bear ing red CANADA/ PAID JO Cts, PAID and 20 handstamp s, Hamilton c.d.s. and Windsor backstamp. S.G . £3000+ (Photo) (5) 2,000.00 + 1855 Cartier lOp blue, enor mous margins three sides, j ust touched top left frame line, neat " 2 1" (Montrea l) cancel , fresh and very attrac tive . S.G . 15, £ 1200 (Photo) (7) 1000.00 1857 \/2p rose, margin s all round , lightly caned. , pressed crease , very fine. S.G . 17, £350 . .... . ...... . . . ... . .... . . .. . ... .. . .. ... ... . ..... . .... . . .. . . ... . ... . . (Photo) (8) 450 .00 7½p green, margins all round, clear at top, large other sides, indistinct numbered cancel , rich color, fine. S.G. 12, £ ............ ... ..... . (Photo) (9) 2,000.00 1858-59 Perf 12 3p red, fresh, fine. Foundation Cert .. ( 1977) . S.G. 26, £300 (Photo) (12) 475 .00 1868 Laid Paper 3c bright red, blue ringed cancels, fine. S .G . 58a, £300 (Photo) (33) 400 .00 1897 Jubilee Issue
763 ** EE½c black, blk of 4, n.h. , fresh, extremely fine. S.G. 121, £168+ .(Photo) (50) 340.00+ 764 ½c, blk of 6, n.h. , extremely fine. S.G. £252 + ................... ..(Photo) (50) 510.00 + 765 6c yellow brown, margin copy, n.h., inclusion , fresh, very fine. S.G. 129 , £75 (Photo) (55) 150 .00 766 ** EE6c, blk of 4, n.h. , fresh, very fine. S.G. £300+ .. .. .. ......... .... .. (Photo) (55) 600.00+ 767 ** $1 lake, margin copy, n.h. , faint gum skips mostly in selvage, fresh, very fine. S.G. 136, £400 ....... . .. . .. . .. ... ... ..... .. . . . ... . .................. .(Photo) (61) 700 .00 768 $1, n.h ., negl igible offset, rich co lor, very fine .. ................ .... .. (Photo) (6 1) 700.00 769 Another copy , n.h ., neg ligible offse t, fresh , fine . .. . . .. . . .... . .. ... . . . (Photo) (6 1) 700 .00 770 $2 dark purple, o.g. , negligible comer crease , viv id co lor and brilliant fresh, fine. S.G. 137, £700 .......................... . ................ .. ........ .. (Photo) (62) 1,350 .00 $5 olive green, o.g ., slight perf thins, well centered and fresh, fine . S.G . 140, £800 771 (Photo) (65) 1,500 .00 772 0 $1 to $5, compl. , usual roller cancels but sound, rarely seen nice with these cancels , fine to very fine. S.G. 136-40, £2450 . . . .... . . .. . . ... .(Photo) (61-65) 4,050.00 Registration ; 1875-88 Perf 12 Sc blue, o.g ., fresh , fine . S.G . RS, £325 (Photo) 773 (F3) 450.00 774 ** EEOfficials; 1949-50 Ovptd. O.H.M.S. 50c dark blue green, Imprint blk of 4, n.h. , ink marks on reverse of I stamp , fine to very fine ..... . ... ...... .. (Photo) (09) 900.00 +
** * * *
1861 Wood Block Ip red, full to large margins , lightly caned ., creased and tiny tears, very fine appearance . S.G. 13, £2000 .. ........ .. ............ .. (Photo) (7) 3,500 .00
···················~···················· .
1900 Issued in Mafeking
LntN o.
776 6
On Stamps of Cape of Good Hope, 6p on 3p red violet, neat MR27 c.d.s. on small piece, extremely fine. S.G. 4, £250 . ... . . ..... . .... . ... . .. .(Photo) (165) 600.00 lsh on 4p pale olive green, MR30 c.d.s. on small piece, extremely fine. S.G . 5, £325 .. . .. . . .. . . ............ .. . ............... . . ......... . . . . .. . .. . . . .(Photo) (166) 600.00 On Stamps of Bechuanaland Protectorate, comp!. set of four, neatly ca ned . , 6p on 2p on small piece, fine to very fine . S .G . 6-9 , £348 ...... . (Photo) ( 167-70) 710.00 On Stamps of Bechuanaland, lsh on 6p violet on rose, MY 15 c.d.s . on small piece, fine. S.G. 15, £600 . . . . . ... . . . . . ........ . ..... . .... . .. . . . . . .(Photo) (176) 1,250.00 2sh on lsh green, lightly caned. , very fine. S.G . 16, £300 . ........ .(Photo) ( 177) 650 .00 Goodyear Ip blue on bluish, clear MY 11 c.d.s. on small piece, fine. S.G. 17, £250 .. .. . . ............... .... ..... . . . .......... .......... . .... .. . . .. .(Photo) (178) 450.00 Baden-Powell 3p blue on bluish, 18½mm wide, MY 11 c .d .s. on small piece , very fine. S .G.20 , £32 5 . ......... . .............. . . .. .... ..... . . . .. .. .... . (Photo) ( 179) 750 .00 Issued in Vryburg; 1899 Perf 14 2p on 6p violet, lightly caned., very fine. S.G. 3B, £500 .............. . .......... ... . . . . . . ..... ..... . ............... .(Photo) (N3) 800.00
777 6 778
779 6 780 0 78 1 6 782 6 783
Cat. Value
1907-08 Provisional Issue Ip carmine, Control blk of 18, stamps n.h. (16)/1.h.(2), very fine. S.G . 17, £486+ . . .... .. .. . . . . .. ..... . ............. .(Illustrated last photo page) (17) 1,305.00+ ½p on Ssh vermilion & green, o.g ., insignificant gum stain spot, still very fine. S.G. 18, £225 . ............................. . . . .. . ..... . . .. . . . . .. .. .. .(Photo) (18) 475.00 ½p on Ssh, o .g., small thin , perfectl y centered , very fine appeara nce .(Photo) (18) 475 .00 ½p on Ssh, o.g. , fine . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . ................................. .(Photo) ( 18) 475.00 Ip on Ssh vermilion & green, l.h ., very fine . S.G. 19, £22 5 . ...... . . (Photo) (19) 450 .00 Ip on Ssh, c. d .s. cance l, slight soiling, fine . . . . . . .... . . ............... . (Photo) (19) 500.00 1935-36 George V lOsh carmine & black, n .h ., extremely fine. S .G. 111, £60 (Photo) (96) 150.00
*[§] ½p on
* 786 * 787 * 788 * 789 0 785
79 1
793 0 794 0
795 0
* 797 * 798 * 799 * 800 * 801 * 802 796
War Tax; 1917 l ½p on 2½p ultramarine, l.h. , extremely fine. Brandon Cert. (1989). S.G. 55, £700 .(Front Cover Photo) (MR3) 1,750.00 I '/2p on 2½p, n.h., fresh, fine . .. . . ..... .. . .. . . . . ... . .. .(Photo) (MR3) 1,750.00
CEYLON 1857 Blued Paper imperf 6p plum, margins all round , neatly cane d. , very fine. . .. . (Photo) (2) S.G. I , £450 . . .. . . ..... . ...... . ....................................
725 .00
1857-59 White Paper 4p dull rose, large margins to touched in places, neat grid cancel, rich color, fine. Royal Cert. (1969). S.G. 9, £4500 (Photo) (5) 6,500.00 lsh9p green, full margins exce pt barely touched frame line at bottom , neat ly caned ., fine . S .G . 17, £800 ......................................... . ........ . (Photo) ( 12) 1,200 .00 1861 Intermediate perf. Sp brown, part o.g. , small corner thin , normal ce ntering for this value , fine. S .G. 37, £ 1300 ... . . . . . .... . . . ... . . .. . . ......... (Photo) (29) 1,650.00 1921-33 Script George V S0r dull violet, slightly disturb ed.o.g., well centered , fine. Holcombe Cert. ( 1989). S .G . 353, £325 .......................... . (Photo) (245) 600.00 Officials; 1869 lp to 2sh, comp!. set, o.g., fine to very fine. Rare set. S.G . £473 (Photo) (01-7 ) 680 .00 COOK ISLANDS: 1932-36 Wmkd. NZ and Star Close Together 2sh6p to £5, comp!. set, n .h . to o .g ., very fine. S .G . 98a , b, 118-21 , £350 .(Photo) (103-108) 777.50 1943-50 Wmkd. Multiple NZ and Star 2sh6p to £5, comp!. set, n.h . or l.h ., very fine. S .G . 13 1-36, £275 ................................. . (Photo) ( 124A- 126C) 752 .50 £5 dark blue, very l.h . if at all, fresh , fine . S.G . 136 , £200 . ..... .(Photo) ( 126C) 425.00 1967 Surchd. set of three, very fine, tied by single 6 JE 67 first day cancel on official FDC, extremely fine. S.G. 219-21, £440 ............ .(Photo) (192-94) 1,150.00 +
lot No.
Cat. Value 1881 CC ½pi to 6pi, comp). set, lightly caned. , fine to very fine. Rare complete and without faults. S.G. 11-15, £700 .... .. . .. . . . .... . .. .. . . .. .(Photo) (11-15) 1,255.00 4pi olive green, unused, fresh, fine. S.G. 14, £850 . . . ..... ... .. ... . .. .(Photo) (14) 1,500.00 6pi olive gray, o.g ., tiny this spot, perfectly centered, fine. S.G. 15, £ 1300 (Photo) (15) 1,850.00 1886 ½pi on ½pi green, type I, neat c.d.s. cancel, fine. S.G. 28, £375 (Photo) (27) 750 .00 1921-23 Script George V lOpa to 4Spi, compl. set, l.h., fresh, fine to very fine. S.G. 85-99, £250 . .. . . . ... . ............ . . . . . ..... . ..... .. . .. . .... . .. . .. .. . . .(72-86) 442 .35 1921-23 MCA lOsh green & red on yellowish, l.h ., fine. S.G. 100, £350 (Photo) (87) 700.00 1924-28 £1 violet & black on red, o.g. , extremely fine. S.G. 101, £325 (Photo) (110) 650.00 1963 Boy Scout Souvenir sheet of three, 2 sheets one with wmk. reversed, o.g., very fine. S.G. 23 1a, £320+ . . . . ... .. . . . . . . .. . ... . . . . .... . .. . . .. ... . .. .. . .. (226a) 550.00+ DOMINICA: 1883-88 CA lsh deep lilac rose , o.g., perfectl y centered, extremely fine. S.G. 26, £170 .. . .. . . .. .... . . . .. . . . . . . . .. ... .. ...... . .. .. . . .. ... (Photo) (24) 325.00 1907-20 MCA Edward VII Y2p to Ssh, compl. set, l.h . or o .g. , fresh, fine to very fine . .... .. . . . . .. . . . ..... . .. . . . ... . . . . . ... . ...... ... ... . .... . ...... . . . ....... (35-49) 504.25 1923 MCA George V £1 violet & black on red, margin copy , stamp n.h. , fresh bright color , extremely fine. S.G. 91, £250 ... .. .... . . . . ... .. ..... .. (Photo) (85) 550.00
803 0 804 805
* *
806 0
* 808 * 809 * 810 ** 8 11 * 812 * 813 ** 807
* 815 * 816 * 817 * 8 18 *
1903 CA or CC Edward VII ½a to lOr, l.h . or o.g ., Sr n.h., fresh, very fine . S.G. 1-14, £420 ..... . . . ..... . .. ..... . . . ... . .. . .. . . . . . ... . ... . . . . .... . ... .(Photo) ( 1-14) 1904-07 MCA ½a to lOr compl. , l.h . or o.g. , fine to very fine. S.G. 17-3 1, £320 (Photo) ( 17-29A) 20r olive gray & black, o.g . , very fine. S.G. 32, £500 ...... . . . ..... .(Photo) (30) 1912-18 George 20r violet & black on red, o.g . (hinge remnant), very fine. S.G. 59, £250 . . . .... . .. . . . . . . ... .... . . . .. .. . . ..... . . . ..... . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. .(Photo) (55) 20r blue & violet on bluish, l.h. , extremely fine. S.G. 60, £225 .. .(Photo) (56)
561.75 585.25 750.00 450.00 550.00
FALKLAND ISLA DS 1891 Bisects 8 19 0 820
CA Sideways ½p on left diagonal half of lp claret, grid cancel , very fine . B.P.A. Cert. ( 1935) S.G . 13, £275 . . . ... . . . . . ... . .... . ..... . .. . . . ... .... . .. .(Photo) ( 19) Wmk. Upright ½p on right diagonal half of Ip claret, part o.g., fresh, fine. B.P.A. Cert. (1966). S.G . 13, £400 . ................ . ............ .(Photo) ( 19E) ½p on right diagonal half of lp orange brown, tied on small piece by "Fl " in grid cancel, very fine. S.G . 14, £200 . . ................... . .. . . . .... . .. .(Photo) (19G) 1889 2sh6p dark blue, Ssh brown red, o.g., very fine. S.G. 41,42 , £380 (Photo) (20,21)
82 1 .6. 822
* 823
824 0
825 826
850.00 550.00 750.00
1928 Provisionel 2½p on 2p brown violet, I.h., pencil signature on reverse, fresh, fine. S.G. 115, £650 ... . . .(Front Cover Photo) (52) 1,750.00 1929-32 MCA George V £1 black on red, o.g., extre mely fine. S.G. 126. £350 (Photo ) (64)
1933 Centenary set compl., l.h. or o.g. , fine to very fine. S.G. 127-38, £2500 . .. .. . . .. ..... . ... .. .... . ..... .. . .. .(Front Cover Photo ) (65-76) 5, 173.00
Dependencies; 1954 Elizabeth set compl. , n.h. , very fine. S.G. 26-40, £200 (I LI 9-33)
221. 95
Cat . Value margins, good ing, adher paper unused, pinkish, 1870 Quadrille Paper 6p black on faulty though accep table copy of this rar ity. S .G . 3, £2000 ........ .. (Photo) (3) 2,750.00
lot No. 827
6p, mostly large margins showing roulettes at sides, pen cancel, thins, fine appearance. S.G. £2000 ....... . . . ... . ... . . . . ...... . . .(Photo) (3) 3,500.00
l sh black on pinkish, full margins, caned. by light pen strokes, tiny thin spot, very fine. Very rare. S.G. 4, £1800 ... . .. . . . .(Photo) (5) 3,000.00
* 831 * 832 * 833 * 834
* 836 * 837 * 838 * 839 * 835
84 1 842 843
0 0
848 849
* *
* 844 * 845 * 846 ** 847 *
85 1 0 852 0 853 0
1871 Laid Batonne Paper Ip black on pinkish, large marg ins three sides , faults, .... ...... . (Photo) (6) 1,500 .00 .... ............ fine appeara nce. S.G. 5, £750 .............. 3p black on pinkish, unused, marg ins all round , thin in marg in , very fine .. (Photo) (7) 1,750.00 appeara nce. Royal Cert. ( 1976 ). S .G. 6 , £1200 ...... .. .. .......... l sh black on pinkish, margins showing roulettes two sides , light m .s. cance l, nick .. (Photo) ( 10) 1,850.00 at top , fine. S.G . 9, £1000 ......................................... 1871 Perf 12½ lp blue, 3p green, 6p rose, o .g ., Ip and 3p couple of tiny tone (Photo) ( 15- 17) 560 .00 spots, fresh, fine to very fine. S.G. 10- 12, £390 ................ 1874 6c on 3p green, ovptd. type b + c (S.G. T6), sma ll tear , fine appeara nce. . (Photo) (23) 850.00 S.G . 20, £650 ........................................................ 6c on 3p green, ovptd. type a + c (S.G. TS), o.g., fresh, very rare. B.P. A. Cert. (1977) and signed H. Bloch. S.G. 17, £900 .. . ......... .. .. .. .... .(Photo) (24) 900.00 12c on 6p rose, ovptd. type a + b (S.G. T6), l.h ., handstamps on reverse, very .(Photo) (25) 550.00 fine. S.G. 21, £550 ................................................. 1903 CA Edward VII £1 gray & ultramarine, l.h. , very fine. S.G. 114, £325 (Photo) (69) 800.00 1904-12 MCA £1 violet & black on red, l.h ., very fine. S .G . 124, £32 5 (Photo) (78)
1922-33 George V £1 violet & black on red, Die I, l. h., very fine. S.G. 137, £250 (Photo) (9 1) 500.00 Postage Due; 1917 Laid Paper ½p black, lightly caned. , handstamp on reverse. . . . . ... ... . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . .... . .. . ..... .(Photo) (Jl ) 650.00 S.G. Dl , £325 ............. ½p, narrow format, lightly caned. , extremely fine. S.G. DSa, £225 .(Photo) (J2) 450.00 .. .... . (Photo) (J6) 850.00 4p black, 19 18 c.d.s. cancel, fine. S.G. 0 5, £325 .............. GIBRALTAR: 1886 CA ½p to l sh, compl. set, 1.h. or o.g. , handstamps on reve rse, ½p crease , fine to very fine. S .G. 1-7 , £750 .. ... ....... . (Photo) ( 1-7) 1,363 .00 1903 Edward VIl £1 violet & black on red, sheet margin wmk. , o.g. , extremely .. (Photo) (48) 800.00 fine. S.G. 55, £475 ................................................ .. ........ .. ........ .. (Photo) (48) 800 .00 ...... .. .......... £1, o.g., very fine ............... 1953 Elizabeth set compl. , n.h ., very fine. S .G . 148-58 , £160 .... ..... .. . (132-45) 230.30 GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS: 1912-24 MCA George V £1 violet & black on red, l.h. , extremely fine. S.G. 24, £800 ........ . .... . . . . . . . .. .(Photo) (26) 1,350.00 1921-27 Script l0 sh green & red on emerald, l.h ., very fine. S.G . 35, £ 180 (Photo) (3 1) 425.00 GOLD COAST: 1921-25 Script George V £1 green & orange, Die I, o.g. , very .. ........ .... . (Photo) (95) 625 .00 fine. S .G. 102, £400 ..................................
GREAT BRITAIN 1840 Wmkd. Small Crown imperf Ip black, o.g ., good to large margi ns all round , light staining, horiz. crease, fresh and very attractive . S .G. 2, £27 50 .(Photo) ( I) 3, 500 .00 Ip , 4 copies, aJI full to large margins, one caned. in black, others red MC cancels, one Pl. lb , I-B non coincident re-entry, very fine. S.G. £560+ (Photo) ( I) 800 .00 2p blue, full to large margi ns, light MC cancel, beautifu l rich co lor, very fine (Photo) (2) 400 .00 1882 Wmkd. Two Anchors £5 orange, GLASGOW AP 4 94 cancel, couple of faint stain spots, fine. S.G . 137, £1200. Robson Lowe . ......... . .. . . .(Photo) (93) 1,650.00 Cert. (1976) . .. .. .. . .... . ...................
Cat. Value 1884 Wmkd. Anchor lOsh ultramarine, o.g. , negligible perf crease, rich color and fresh , very fine . S.G. 183, £750 .. . .......... . . . . . . . . .... .... . ... . . .(Photo) (109) 950.00
Lot No . 854
Seahorses 1913-18 Waterlow Ptg. IOsh indigo blue, l.h., vivid color, very fine. S.G. 402, £500 . . .. . .... . . .. ..... . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . .. .. ....... . .... . .(Photo) (175a) 950.00 £1 green, neat GUERNSEY 2 AP 14 c .d. s., extremel y fine. S.G. 403 , £600 (Photo) ( 176) 1,000 .00 1919 Retouched 2sh6p gray brown, Ssh carmine rose, l0sh blue, margin copy, compl. set, l.h ., each light handstamp on reverse , very fine . S .G . 415a-17 , £560 (Photo) (179-81) 1,075 .00 1929 U.P.U. Congress £1 black, very l.h., extremely fine. S.G. 438, £650 (Photo) (209) 1,000.00 Officials; Inland Revenues, 1882-85 Wmkd. Imperial Crown lsh green, bold " 498 " in grid cancel, fine. S.G . 07 , £450 . .. . . .......... . .. . .. . .. .(Photo) (07 ) 850 .00 1892 Wmkd. Three Imperial Crowns £1 green, centered double line MANCH ESTER ACCOUNTS c .d .s., handstamps on reverse, fresh, fine . S .G . 016 , £450 (Photo) (015 ) 800 .00
856 0
* 858 * 857
859 0 860 0
861 0
Office of Works, 1902 10d carmine rose & violet, neatly caned., handstamps on reverse, very fine. Royal Cert. (1955). S.G. 040, £1500 ................ .. . . ......... . ...................... . (Photo) (053) 2,000.00 Offices in China; 1917 and 1922-27 MCA and Script sets compl. , plus 50c black on blue green, olive back, l.h . or o.g ., fresh , mixed centering to very fine. S.G. l -28 , 12b, £78 6 ..... . ..... . ...... . ......... . . . ............. . . . .. (Photo) ( 1-27, ll a) 1, 12 1.55 Offices in Morocco; 1898 CA Dark Blue Ovpt. lpe bistre & blue, l.h ., fresh, fine . B .P.A . Cert . ( 1969). S.G . 7c, £120 . . ... . ....................... . .. .(Photo) ( I I) 600 .00 Offices in Turkish Empire; 1906 lpi on 2p green & carmine, neatly caned ., few small stain spots and some color run , well centered and fine appearance . S.G . 15, £600 . . ... . . . . ....... . ............... . . ... . . . ................ .. ....... . .(Photo) (25) I , I 00 .00 GRENADA: 1888-91 Wmkd. Small Star "d" vert. 4p on 2sh orange, part o .g., short perfs at top , fresh, fine. B.P.A. Cert. (199 1) and signed H. Bloch . S.G . 41a, £325 . . ........ .. .. . ....... . . . ... . . . .... . ..... . .................. . (Photo) (33) 1,000 .00 1963-64 Wmkd. St. Edward's Crown & CA Multiple 6c olive & black, n.h. , extremely fine . S.G . 2 18, £ 160 ....................... .. . ...... . ... .(Photo) (199) 350 .00 GRIQUALAND WEST: 1877 CC 6p dull violet, type "q " ( S.G. type 13), fine. Second rarest of the used "G" ovpts. S.G. 76, £160 ...... .. . .. .(Photo) (79) 450.00
864 0
* 866 ** 865
867 0
1863-80 CC Perf 14 96c bistre , neat blue " 62" in grid cancel, very fine. S.G. 18, £425 ......... .... ... . ... . ............. . ............. . ............. (Photo) (23) 1874 Perf 12½ 4c slate, neat blue numeral cancels, well centered, negligible staining, very fine. Rare. S.G. 9e, £250 .............. . ........ . . .(Photo) (25) 1876 Perf 14 28c on 30c violet, part o.g., fine. S .G. 2 1, £500 ...... .(Photo) (30) 1891 Jubilee 2c rose, taJI " K"i n " KONG ", neatly caned ., fresh, fine. S .G . 48d , £300 ................................................................. .(Photo) (66d) 1903 CA EDWARD VIII $10 orange & black on bluish, c .d.s . cancel, fine . S .G . 76, £275 ... . ................................ . .......... . . . .. . ..... . .. . . (Photo) (85) 1904-11 MCA $10 orange & black on bluish, l.h. , extremely fine. S.G. 90, £550 (Photo) (108)
869 0
870 87 1 0 872 0 873
750.00 500.00 850 .00 600 .00 700 .00
1854 Wmkd. Coat of Arms in Sheet ½a red, unused, enormous margins all round, superb. S.G. 1, £800 ........ . .... . . .(Photo) (1) 1,250.00
Official; 1866 Green Ovpt. 2a violet, minor surface abstractions not mentioned in cert ., rich color, fine . S.G. 0 16, £350 ....................... . . . . .(Photo) (01 2)
500 .00
* 877 * 878 * 879 ** 880 * 88 1 * 882 * 876
Cat. Value
1938 Wmkd Multiple Stars George VI 3p to 25r, compl. set, n.h. or l.h. , very .(Photo) (70-87) fine. S.G. 82-99, £650 . . .. . .. . .. . . ... ... . . . ..................... 25r dark violet & blue violet, very l.h. , extremely fine. S.G. 99, £300 (Photo) (87) 1942-44 3p to 15r compl. , plus 1942 ½a and la and 1948 14a, l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine . S .G . 100-06,08-20 , £335 . . . . . ..... . ........ (Photo) (87 8 - 105 , 107) 1943 25r dark violet & blue violet, gutter copy, stamps n.h. , extremely fine. S.G. 107, £325 .. . .. . ..... . ...... . . . ... . .. . . . . . . . .. ... . ......... . ........ . (Photo) (106) Official; 1940-41 Ir brown & slate, very l.h. , extremely fine. Very Scarce. S.G. . .(Photo) (O51A) 068 , £600 .... . . .. . .. . . . .... . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . .................... GWALIOR: 1942-49 George VI 3p to 25r, compl. set, n.h . to o.g., very fine. S .G . 112-28 , £324 ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ... . . .. .. . ..... . ...... . . (Photo) ( 100- 17) 1949 3p to 12a, compl. set, n.h. or l.h ., very fine . S .G . 129-37 , £275 (Photo) ( 118-26)
824.95 300.00 44 1.00
375.00 750.00 453 .75 356 .65
JIND 883
* 886 *
* 888 * 889 *
1885 Ovptd. "JHI D" set compl. , 2a unused , others o.g . , fine to very fine . S.G . . ....... . . .. . . . . . . . .(Photo) (33-38) 1-6 , £ 350 ....... . ..... . . . ...................... 1885 Ovptd. "JEEND" set compl.. , o.g. to part o.g., fine to very fine . S.G . 7- 12 , £3 50 .. . . . . . .... . . .. . ....... . . . . . . .... .. ...... . .. ... . . . .. . . .... . .... . (Photo) (39-44 ) 1886-98 Wmkd. Star Red and Black ovptd. sets compl. , l.h . to part o.g . , 2r light .. .(Photo) (45-62 ) crease, fine to very fine . S .G . 13-3: c::625. . ... . . . ........... 1937-38 George VI 3p to 25r, compl. set. n.h. to o.g., very fine to extremely fine. .(Photo) (133-50) S.G. 109-26, £450 ........ . . . . . ... . . . . . . . .... . .. . .............. 1942-43 3p to 25r, compl. set, l. h. or o.g., very fine . S .G . 127-36 , £325 (Photo) ( 155-64)
NABHA: 1938-39 George V 3p to 25r, compl. set, n.h. or l.h ., fine to very fine . . (Photo) (69-86) .. . . ... . .................... . .......... S .G . 77-94 , £4 50 .......... PATIALA: 1937-38 George V 3p to 25r, compl. set, n.h . or l. h. , very fine . S .G . 80-97 , £3 50 ... . . ..... . .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. . . ...... .. . .... . . .. . . . (Photo) (80-97)
388 .50 355.00 7 17.0 8
658.48 573 .00 73 1.70 532 .60
BHOPAL: Official; 1949 Ovptd. Rosettes and surchd. 2a on 1 Yza deep plum, lightly caned ., pulled perf , fine appearance. Very scarce. S .G. O357a , £300 (05 9) BU AWAR: 1937 Perf 9 4a to Ir, compl. set, neatly caned ., very fine. S .G . 11- 15 , . ... . .... . ...... (6- 10) £ 180 . .. . .... . .... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... . . . ...............
375 .00 (92 .00)
1915 Sr vermillion & pale green, the 2 types, ungummed, very fine. S.G. 49, 72, . .. .(31) £410 ....... . . . .. . ..... . ...... . . . . . ....... . . . .... . .... . ......................
600.00 +
* * 895 * 896 * 897 *
893 894
1915-41 Rouletted /. a to 3r, compl. less 12a, ungumrned , very fine .(0 1- 10 , 12-14) 500 .50 4r pale green & red brown, ungummed , tiny corne r tear, fine. S .G. 0 26 , £27 5 (Photo) (015 ) 400 .00 Sr vermilion & pale green corner sheet margin copy, ungumm ed , pin-hole, otherwise very fine. S.G . 027 A . £27 5 . . .. .. . .... . ........ . .. . ... . . (Photo) (016 ) 400 .00 1919 ¼a to 4r, compl. , ungummed , 2a tiny nick, 4a pin-hole, 4 r small thins, generally fine to very fine . Very scarce ....... . ....... . .. . ..... (Photo) (0 17-3 1) 1,338. 50 Sr vermilion & paJe green, ungummed, very fine. S.G. O27B, £300 (Photo) (0 32) 550.0 0 1
Cat . Value
Lot No.
* 899 * 900 * 901 * 898
* *
CHARKHARI: 1940 Perf II " I ANNA" on Ir red brown, l.h. if at all , very fine. Rare . S.G. 56, £300 . . . . . . ........ . . ... . . . ............ . .... (Photo ) (38A )
JAIPUR: Official s; 1931 Unwmkd. Sa purple , Ir red orange, ungummed , very fine. Rare. S.G. 11, 12, £450 ......... . . . . . . . . ................ (P hoto ) (OlOA,B )
1941-46 Raja Ir bistre & gray black , l.h .. very fine. S.G . 030 , £ 200 (Photo ) (029 )
400 .00
KISHANGARH: 1899-1900 Imperf on thin white paper la blue , ungummed , full margins , very fine. S.G . 3, £350 ..... . ... ... . . . .. . . .... . . . ..... . .... (Photo ) (2)
IRAQ: 1931 Faisal I 2Sr violet , o.g., very fine. S.G. 92, £500 (P hoto ) (27) 1,200 .00
Official 1931 2Sr violet , o.g. , very fine. S.G . 0105, £550 .(P hoto ) (038) 1,500.00
1935 Re-engraved set of three, l.h ., very fine. S .G . 99- 10 1, £425 .(Photo) (93-95)
9 15 .00
Compl. set, neatly caned ., fine to very fine. S .G . £425 .....
. . .. . .(Photo) (93-9 5)
905 .00
JORDAN: 1922 Handstamp surch. -5/i opi on Sm orange , l.h ., very fine. Signed ela . S .G . 24, £ 180 ...................... . . ... ... . . ......... . ....... . (Photo) ( 19 B)
450 .00
1923 Im dark brown, gold ovpt. reading up, o.g., very fine. Scarce. S .G . 98bB , £ 150 . .... . .. . .......................................... . . . ... .. . . ... .(Photo) (73B )
375 .00
1933 Im to £1 , compl. set, 1.h. or o.g., very fine. S .G. 208-2 1, £ 575 (Photo) ( 185-98)
752 .45
KUWAIT: 1929-37 Wmkd . Multiple Stars ISr olive green & ultramarine , o.g. , very fine. S.G. 29, £450 .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . (Photo) (35)
750 .00
LABUAN : 1879 Wmkd. CA over Crown 2c green, o.g. , handstamp on reve rse, bright color and fresh , fine. S.G . I , £500 ........................... . (Photo) ( I )
850. 00
12c carmine , attractive red dotted grid cance l, well ce ntered , very fine . S.G . 3 , £400 (Photo) (3)
575 .00
1880-83 CC Sc on 12c carmine , large surch. , o.g. well centered , extremel y fine. S.G. 14, £130 ........................ . ..... . . . ..... . . . . . . . ... .. .. . . . (Photo) (13)
LAGOS: 1882-1902 CA 2sh6p olive brown, o.g., very fine. Royal Ce rt . ( 1983). S .G . 27, £275 . .... . . .. .. . . . . . . . ..................................... .. (Photo) (33)
675. 00
IRELAND: 1922 Alex. Thom & Co. ptg 2sh6p gray brown, Ssh carmine rose, IOsh gray blue, light c.d.s. cancels, very fine. S.G . 44-46, £1425 (Photo) (36-38) 2,625.00
* 909 * 9 10 * 9 11 * 9 12
* 9 14 * 9 13
9 15
* 917 * 918 * 9 16
Ssh blue, o.g. , well centered, fresh, very fine. Royal Cert. (1983). S.G. 28, £550 . .. . .. . . .. .... . . . . . . . . . .... . . . .................... .. (Photo) (35) 1,450.00 1904 Edward VII lOsh green & brown, very 1.h. , very fine. S .G . 53, £ 300 (Photo) (49)
750. 00
LEEWARD ISLANDS: 1921-32 MCA GEORGE V £1 black & violet on red, l.h ., extremely fine. S.G . 80, £225 ..................................... . . (Photo) (83)
400 .00
LONG ISLAND: 1916 Typewritten on Thin Wove 2p black, 2p mauve , 6p black, ungummed , negligible faults as almost always , fine . Scarce group . .. . . . (Photo) (S .G.30 ,3 1,35)
MADAGASCAR 1884 to 1886 BRITISH CONSULAR MAIL These issues, printed on a rather "s oft" paper, are prone to thinning; all lots are therefo re with slight thinnin g or thinnin gs unless otherwise stated . Gummin g on these issues is in the form of a small triangle of crack ly gum at top left or right. Such stamps are so described ; others without this are cla sified as unused.
Lot No.
Cat . Value
9 19
2p violet, o.g. , negligible creas ing, very fine appearance. S.G . 6, £250 .(Photo) (2)
2p, very fine. S.G. £250 ... . . . ... . . . . ..... . ... . .... . .... . . . . .. .. . . ..... . .(Photo) (2)
92 1
2p, small faults, very fine appeara nce ..... . . . ..........................
.. (Photo) (2)
3p violet, o.g. , negligible wrinkles only, very fine. S.G. 7, £200 . . . .(Photo) (3)
3p, faint crease , very fine appearance . S.G. £225 . . . . . . . ... .. . . . .. . . . . . . .(Photo) (3)
* 923 0 924
* 926 * 927 *
375 .00
4p, " 1 oz. " corrected to "4 oz." in ms., fine. Royal Cert. (1985). S.G. 8, £550 (Photo) (4a) 1, 100.00 .. (Photo) (6)
.. . .. . .(Photo) (7)
2sh violet, o.g. , faint creases, very fine. S.G. 4, £500 ...............
.(Photo) (8)
6p red, blue crayo n ca ncel, small faults, fine. S.G. II , £425 .......
.. (Photo) ( II )
550. 00
6p violet, unused, creased, very fine appeara nce . S.G . I , £400 .... . ... . (Photo) (5)
l sh violet, o.g ., very fine. S.G. 2, £325 ...............
. . . .. .. . .......
l sh6p violet, unused, very fine. S.G. 3, £325 ...................
Inscribed "LETTER" 929
Violet SeaJ Handstamped 930 931
* * 932
Inscribed "POSTAL PACKET" 4p violet, o. g., small internal tear, fine . .. . ... . .(Photo) (12) 2,000.00 appearance. Rare. S.G . 8ab, £1000 ....... . . . ............ Inscribed "LETTER" 6p violet, o.g. , faint crease, fine. Very scarce. S.G. la , . ...... . .... . .... .... . (Photo) (13) 1,650.00 . . . ........ . ................... £900 .............
Handstamped "BRITISH CONSULAR MAIL" in black; 4p violet, o.g ., negligible overall toning but no thins, very fine. S.G. 12, £1600 (Photo) (14) 2,750.00
* 934 *
lp rose, type I, unused, creas ing, very fine appearance. S.G. 14V, £250 (Photo) ( 16)
525 .00
2p rose, type I, o.g., faint stain spots, bright color, very fine. S.G. 16V, £250 (Photo) (18)
}.-0:.M. '
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, l'/J sTAL l' .\( 'KBT-/.
B.C. M..
2 0/,,
l.1-'.T 'H,H .
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lo,1. ,
Cat . Value
Lot No.
* 936
937 0
* 939 * 940 * 94 1 * 938
3p rose, type I, o.g., sound, very fine. S.G. 17V, £250 ..... . ..... . .(Photo) (19)
3p rose, type II, o.g. , sound, very fine. S.G. 30, £1100 .(Photo) (19a) 1650.00
4½p rose, type I, crayon cancel, small corner crease , fine. S.G. 18V, £250 (Photo) (2 1) 6p rose, type II , o.g. , very fine . S.G . 32, £800 ...............
..... . .. (Photo) (22) 1, 100.00
6p, type II, o.g., faint stains and corner crease only, fine ...........
.. (Photo) (22) 1, 100.00
Sp rose, type III , unused, sound, very fine. S.G. 40, £500 ....... . (Photo) (23a)
9p rose, type I, unused , small faults, fine appearance. S.G . 20V, £900 .(Photo) (24) 1,550 .00 Black Seal Handstamped, Type I
* 943 *
2p rose, o.g., corner creasing only, fine. S.G. 168 , £ 100 ............
944 0
4½p rose, crayon cancel, light crease, fine , S.G. 188 , £600 .. .. .... .. (Photo) (30) 1,250.00
l ½p rose, unused, fine. S.G. 158 , £450 .............................
.. (Photo) (27)
.(Photo) (28)
Handstamped "BRITISH CONSULAR MAIL" in black 945
* 948 * 949 * 950 * 947
lp to 3p, comp!. o.g., Ip sound, fine to very fine. S.G. 33V-36V, £315 (Photo) (33-36)
Ip rose, o.g., sound, very fine. S.G. 33V, £75 . . . ... .. . .. . .... .... . .. (Photo) (33)
I ½p rose, o.g., very fine. S.G. 34V, £80 ............
(Photo) (34)
4p rose, o.g., very fine. S.G. 43V, £275 .. .. ....... .. . .. . .............
(Photo) (37)
4p, o.g., sound, very fine ..............................................
(Photo) (37)
4½p rose , unused , negligible bend , otherwise sound, very fine. S.G. 37V, £85 (Photo) (38)
. ................
Car. Value
Lot No. 95 1
* 952
6p rose, o.g ., light crease, very fine appearance. S.G . 38V, £ 180 ... .(Photo) (39)
lsh rose , o.g. , ver y fine. Rare. S.G. 45V, £1000 . . . .... . .. (Photo ) (42) 1,750.00
2sh rose, unu sed , tear s, fine appearance.
Rare . S.G. 47V, £1100 .. (Photo ) (44) 2,250.00
Black Seal Handstamp
* 955 * 956 * 957 * 958 * 959 * 960 * 96 1 * 962 *
Ip to 3p, 4½p, type I , 6p, type II , o.g. , some creasing or small nicks, fine or fine appearance. S.G. 21-25,38B, £485 ..... . . . ........ .(Photo) (45-48 ,50,51)
Ip to 3p, 4½p, type II, o.g. or unused, some creases , 2p without thinning , fine to . .......... .(45a-48a ,50a) very fine . S.G. 33-37 , £305 .............................
540 .00
4p rose, o.g. , very fine. S.G . 43B , £90 ...... . . . . ..... . . . .. . . .. . . .. .. . .(Photo) (49)
4p, unused, small corner crease , very fine appearance . . .. .. ... . . ... . . .(Photo) (49)
Sp rose, type I , o.g., light creases only, very fine. S.G. 44B, £300 .(Photo) (52)
9p rose, o.g. , crease only, very fine. S.G . 27, £80 ...... . .. . . .. ..... .(Photo) (53)
l sh rose, o.g. , very fine. S.G. 45B, £160 . . . . . . .. . . . .... . . .. ..... . ... .(Photo) (54)
.(Photo) (55)
2sh rose, o.g. , faint corner crease, without thinning, very fine. S.G. 47B, £400 (Photo) (56)
l sh6p rose, o.g. , very fine. S.G. 46B, £275 .........................
5 minure recess
• ··: ~
MALAYSIA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS 1880 10c on 30c claret Cat. Value 10c on 30c, types e, f(2), g (S.G . a,b,c[2]), light grid cancels, fine to very fine. S.G. 33-35, £275 . . .. . . . . . . . ...... . ..... . ................................ (Photo) (22-24) 582.50 10c on 30c, type g var. (S.G. g), o.g. (hinge remnant ), fine. S.G. 36, £500 (24 var.)
Lot No.
963 0 964
* 965
966 0 967 0
10c on 30c, type j (S.G. i), c.d. s. cancel , very fine. S.G. £375 (Photo ) (25A) 10c on 30c, type k (S.G . I), lightly caned. , light tone spot, fine. S.G. 39, £500 (Photo ) (258 ) 1880 Sc on Sc yellow, the three types, unused, #29 part o.g., fine. S.G. 41-43, £265 (29-31) 1882 Sc on 4c rose, neat centered cancel, very fine. S.G . 47, £ 160 . . .(Photo ) (32) 1880-81 10c on 12c blue , corner Control No. blk of 4, n.h.(2)/o.g .(2), fresh, very fine. Rare multiple. S.G . 45, £ 152+ ..... . . ............... . ........ . (Photo ) (34) 1883-84 "TW O CENTS" on 32c pale red , surch., S.G. type f, l.h. , perfectly centered, bright color, very fine. S.G . 60, £300 .................... (Photo) (59) 1892-99 CA $5 orange & carmine , o.g ., fine. S.G . 105, £275 ..... .. (Photo ) (88)
* 969 0 970 *Hl 971 * 972 * 973 * 968
* 975 * 976 * 977 * 978 ** 974
10c on 30c, type j (S.G. i), part o.g. , fine. S.G. 37, £1000 (Back Cover Photo ) (25A) 1,850.00
981 0
* 983 * 984 * 985 * 982
986 06
850.00 290.00 450.00 200.00 + 375.00 550.00
1904-11 MCA Edward VII $25 green & black , o.g., fresh , very fine. S.G. 139, £800 .. .. . .. . . .. .... . . ........................ (Photo) (128A) 1,500.00
FEDERATE D MALAY STATES 1900 First Issue le to $5, compl. set , l.h. or o.g ., few minor gum stai ns on low values, fine to very fine. S.G. 1-13, £708 . . . .. . ... . . ... . . .. ... . .(Photo ) (1-13) 1900 CC $1, $2, $5, l.h . or o.g., $5 gum crease, fresh, fine to very fine. S.G . 23-25, £235 . ..... .. . . ...... . .. . . . ............ . ............................. (Photo) ( 14-16) 1931-34 Script $1, $2, $5, l.h. , very fine. S.G. 77,79,81, £ 147 ... (Photo) (77-79)
768.00 265.00 265.00
MALAYAN STATES JOHORE: 1904-08 Wmk d . Rosette le to $100 compl. set, l.h. or o.g. , $50 and $100 n.h. , fresh and generall y very fine. $50 and $100 signed H. Bloch. S.G. 61-77, £550 .. .. . ............ . . . ..... . . . ........................... (Photo ) (59-75) 1,364.45 $50 green & blue, margin copy, n.h., fresh, fine. S.G. 76, £130 ..... (Photo ) (74) 300.00
**Hl$100finegreen & scar let, BLOCK OF FOUR , n.h. , full color and fresh, to very fine. Exceedingl y rare multipl e. Royal Cert. (1983) S.G. 77, £1000+
980 0
. . . . . ... . . . ....... . . . ... . .... . ..........
. ... (Photo) (75) 3,000.00+
KEDAH: 1912-21 MCA le to $5, compl. set, lightly caned., fine to very fine.
Rare set used. S.G. 1-23, £295 ....................... . . . ........ (Photo ) (1-20) 382.65 1921-36 Script le to $5, compl. set, neatly caned. , fine to very fine. Another rare set used. S.G. 26-40,52-59 , £215 ... ......................... . ... (Photo ) (23-45) 343. 15 KELANTAN: 1937-40 Sultan set compl., plus 1928-33 $1 ultramarine and $1 blue, l.h. or o.g ., brilliant fresh, very fine. S.G. 39,a,40-54, £462 (Photo ) (27-43) 80 1.30 PAHANG: 1889 CA 10c slate , o.g., fresh , very fine. S.G. 3, £250 .. (Photo ) (3) 500.00 10c, o.g., fresh, very fine ......... . . . . . ..... . ....... . .................... (Photo ) (3) 500.00 1898-99 CC $5 green & ultramarine , o.g. , extremely fine. Signed H. Bloch. S.G. 24, £425 . . ...... . ............ .. ............ . . ............ .... ......... (Photo) (20) 450.00 1897 CA Bisects 2c on 5c and 3c on 5c blue , right and left diagonal halves respectively, neatly caned., latter on small piece, former small corner crease fine to very fine. S.G . 18, 18c, £500 ........................ . . . .... . .. (Photo ) (2 1,22) 1,000.00
PERAK lot No.
* 988 * 989 * 990 * 99 1 * 992 * 993 * 994 *
995 0 996 0
997 0
* 999 * 1000 * 1001 * 998
Cat. Value
1886-90 CA 2c on 4c rose, surchd. from the triplet, o.g., fine. Very rare with gum. S.G. 16, £300 . . .... . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . ... ..... .. ..... . . .(Photo) (12) 500.00 le on 2c rose, without period after " PERAK", unu ed, fine. Scarce . Signed H. Bloch. S.G. 25, £250 . .. . . . . . ... . . .. ... . . . . . .. . .. . . . . ... .. . ...... . . (Photo) ( 14a) 450.00 Roman Numeral le and 2c rose, strong strike, o.g. (hinge remnant), handstamp on (Photo) ( 18A) 350.00 reverse, almost very fine. S.G. 3 1, £ 160 .......................... . 38, £250 S.G fine, , o.g. part capitals, Roman thick 1889-90 le on 2c rose, (Photo) (2 1) 525.00 le on 2c "PREAK" Pos. 6/1, o.g., faint tone spots, fresh, fine. Scarce . S.G . 35a, . (Photo) (23a) 350.00 £225 ..... ...... .. . . .. .. . ....... . .. . .. ... .. . . ... . . . . .................. 1895-99 CA or CC le to $5, compl. , o.g., $1 unu sed , fine to very fine. S.G. (Photo ) (47-60) 1,051.95 66-79, £735 .. . .. . . .. .. . . . . ........................................ 1938-41 Script le to $5 compl. set, o.g., fine to very fine. S.G. 103-2 1, £450 (Photo) (84-98) 5 I I. I 0 OFFICIALS; 1890 CC 12c blue, 24c green, o.g. (hinge remnant), fresh, fine. Scarce . S.G . 06 ,0 8, £500 . .. . ..... . . . . ... . . .... . ....... . . .. . . . . . . .(Photo) (01 ,2) 650.00 CA 12c violet brown, lightly caned., rich color, fine. Very rare used. S.G . 07 , £ 180 (Photo) (08 ) 250.00 ., bottom c.d.s 1882 27 JU red SELANGOR: 1882 CA Ovptd. "S" 2c brown, neat left comer perfs added, very fine appearance. Rare. S.G. 8, £1 100 .(Photo) (3) 1,500.00 1886-89 Small Italic Capitals 2c rose, neat c.d. s. cancel, extremely fine. S.G. 43, . ....... . .. ... . .. ..... .(Photo) (14) 500.00 £130 ........................................... 1891 2c on 24c green, the five types, l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine. S.G . 44-48, .(Photo) ( 19-23) 408.50 £336 .. ... . ... .. . . .. .. ... . .... ... . .................................. S.G. 54-65, fine. very to fine , o.g. or l.h. , compl. $10, 1895-99 CA or CC 3c to (Photo) (29-40) 1,253.85 . ................... £860 . . .. .. . . . .... ..... . ........................ SUNGEI UJONG: 1881-84 CA IOc slate, part o.g. , handstamp on reverse , very fine. Rare. Only 300 printed. S.G. 26, £275 .... . . . ......... .. ... .(Photo) (18) 375.00 1891 2c on 24c green, 3 of the 4 types, incl. the two rarest, o.g., fine to very fine. S.G. 46,48,49 , £570 .. . . . . . ...... ... . . . . . ...... ... ... . . . .. .. . . .(Photo) (27,28,30) 675.00 TRENGGANU
* 1003 * 1004 **
1910-19 MCA le to $25 compl. set, l.h. or o.g. , fre sh with bright colors, moslty (Photo ) (1-19) 1,544.75 . ............. very fine. S. G. 1-18, £870 ..... . ..... . ............. .(Photo ) (19) 1,250.00 £700 $25 green & carmine, l.h. , brilliant fresh, very fine. S.G. 18, 1921-38 Script $5 red & green on yellowish, n.h ., extremely fine. S.G . 58, £200 (Photo ) (38) 375.00
1005 1006
* *
1008 * O 1009
$50 orange & green, l.h ., brilJiant fresh, very fine. Signed H. Bloch. S.G. 35, £950 ......... .. .. .. .. ... ... . . .. . . ... . . . . .. ... . . .. .(Photo) (40) 2,000 .00 1922 Exhibition set compl., l.h. , fine to very fine. S.G. 37-47, £300 (Photo) (8a-24a)
JAPANESE OCCUPATION ISSUES KEDAH: 1942 Issue compl. to $5, o.g. (hinge remnants), very fine. S.G. Jl-15 , £350 . .. .. . . . . .... . .. .. ... . ..... . ..... . ..... . . . .. . .... . .. ........... (Photo) (Nl-15 ) KELANTAN: 1942 Surchd. group of 7 diff., o.g. or lightly caned., negligible toning on reverse, fine to very fine. Rare. 6c, Sc signed Rowell. S.G. (Photo) (N4,10A,13-16,18) J16 ,20-23,26,34, £555 ............................... Thai Occupation ; 1943 le to 10c, compl. set, ungummed, very fine. S.G. TKl-5 , . ..... . . . .. . ..... .(Photo) (2N 1-5) . ............ . .... .. . . ........... £250 ............
465. 10
600.00 240.00
Cat. Value
lot No.
MALACCA: 1942 12c ultramarine, complete handstamp blk of 4, usual toned o.g ., very fine. S .G. 151, £300 .................................. . (Photo) (Nl2 ) 240.00+ NEGRI SEMBILAN: 1942 12c ultramarine, I.h. , handstamp on reverse, very fine. S.G. J169, £500 ...... ... . . ..... . . . . . . .. . . . .. .... . . ......... .(Photo) (Nl0) 550.00 40c dark violet & carmine, neatly caned., very fine. S.G. 1172 , £450 .(Photo) (Nl4 ) 325.00 PRNANG: 1942 $5 green & red on greenish, 1.h., usual browni sh gum , very fine. B .P .A . Cert . (1956) . S.G. 189 £250 ..... . ........................ .(Photo) (Nl3 ) 500 .00 PERAK: 1942 First Issue compl. to 50c, o.g. , 15c unused , fine to very fine. S .G . 1190-202, £384 ................ ............. ... .. . . . .. .. . .... . .. . . .(Photo) (Nl-13 ) 461 .00 $5 red on emerald, I.h., very fine. S.G. J205, £425 . .. . . .... . .. .. .(Photo) (N16) 600.00 1942 $1 red & black on bluish, lightl y caned. , very fine . Rare used . Signed Rowell. S.G . 1252, £300 ............ . . . ... . ..... . . .. . .... . . ... . ........... .. (Photo) (N23) 325.00 SELANGOR: 1942 $5 brown red & green on emerald, n.h., extremely fine. Signed Rowell .............. ...... . ..... . . ..... .................... .(Photo) (N15) 400.00 $5, lightly caned. , handstamps on reverse, very fine ....... ...... .(Photo) (Nl5) 400.00 1942 Vert. ovpt. 3c green , margin copy , n .h. , usual browni sh gum , very fine . Photo-c opy of B . P .A. Cert. (I 990) ..... . ... . . . ..... . . .. . . .... . .... (Photo) (N26) 400. 00 TRENGGANU: 1942 First Issue compl. to $5, less $1, o.g. (hinge remnant), $5 I.h. , 2c, 20c used and tiny thin, fine to very fine. S.G. J97,98,100,04 ,0612,14,15, £665 .... . .. . .................................. .. (Photo) (Nl-14,16,17) 889.50 $100 red & green, o.g., usual tonin g , fine appearance. Friedl Cert. ( 1983) . S.G . JI 18, £750 ........... . ... .................... . . . ..... . ........... .. (Photo) (Nl7C) 900.00 1942 Handstamped in Red compl. to $3, plus the 4 surchd. values, l.h . or o.g., some browni sh gum , fine to very fine. S .G. £6 19 ..... . (Photo) (Nl8-29 ,30-33) 748.00 MALDIVE ISLANDS: 1906 Edward VII 2c to 25c, compl. set, o.g. , handstamp
1010 * IB
* 1012 0 1013 * 1014 * l015 * l016 0
l017 ** 1018 0 1019
* l022 * l023 * l024 * 1025 * 1026 ** l027 * 1021
on reve rse, fresh, very fine. S.G. 1-6, £150 .................................
l029 0 l030 0
1032 0 l033
MAURITIUS 1848 Imperf Worn Impression 2p blue on bluish, good to large margi ns all round , lightly caned ., fine. S.G. 22, £550 ................................. . (Photo) (6b) 800.00 1859 Lapirot Worn Impression 2p blue on bluish, margins all round , neat , clear cancel, very fine . S .G . 29, £375 ................................. . (Photo) ( 14Bc) 600.00 1859 Dardinne 2p blue, large even margins, neatly caned., superb. S.G. 33a, £400 ................................................................. . (Photo) (17) 650.00 1862 Perf 14 to 16 lsh deep green, unused, rich color and fresh, fine. S.G. 47, £1400 ...... . . . ........ . ............ . ..... .. .......... . .. . . . .. . . .. .. . . . (Photo) (23) 2,250.00 l sh, neat " 53 " cancel , coup le of minor margin stain spots , fine. S.G. £300 (Photo)
1028 0
MALTA: 1860-61 Unwmkd. '/2p buff on bluish, part o.g., fresh, fine. S.G. 1, £850 ..... . ................................... . .. . ... . ...... . . .. ..... . .. .(Photo) (2) 1,250.00 1921-22 Script lOsh black, I.h., almost very fine. S.G. 104, £300 . . (Photo) (73) 475.00 1922 MCA Self-Government 2sh ultramarine & dull violet on bluish, n .h., very fine. S.G. 111, £200 ........ .......... .. ............................ . (Photo) (82) 450.00 2sh, l.h ., very fine . ................................ . .......... . . ........ . (Photo) (82) 450.00
1860-63 Perf 14 6p green, o.g. (hinge remnant), well centered, very fine. Rare in this condition. S.G. 51, £425 ...................... . . .. .... . .... . (Photo) (27)
MESOPOTAMIA 1917 Baghdad Issue 1034
* 1037 * l038 0 1039 *
1035 l036 * 6
Mosque 1/2a on lOpa green, o.g. , very fine. Scarce. B.P.A. Cert. (1968). Il9 Printed. S.G. 4, £850 ................ . .(Back Cover Photo) (N7) 1,850.00
Post Office 1/2a on lOpa carmine, o .g ., very fine. S.G. 9, £275 .. . (Photo) (NIO) Star and Crescent Ovpt. on surchd set of three, la part o.g., 2a o.g. , ½a tied on piece , fine to very fine. S.G. 13, 15, 17, £420 ...... . ........... (Photo) (N l 6-18) la on 20pa carmine rose, o .g ., handstamp on reverse, very fine . S.G . 15, £300 (Photo) (N 17) la on 20pa, neatly caned., very fine. S.G . £325 .... .... ............ .(Photo) (N l7 ) Obliterated Crescent la on 20pa carmine rose, o .g., very fine. S.G. 22, £275 (Photo) (22)
400.00 7 10.00 400.00 400.00 475.00
Cat. Value
lot No .
1040 *
1042 0 1043
1044 0 1045
1046 0
1048 0
2a on lpi ultramarine , l.h., very fine. Very rare , only 111 printed. Foundation Cert. (1969) S.G. 25, £950 . . ....... . ..... (Photo) (N23) 2,250.00 la on 20pa carmine rose , 2a on lpi ultramarine, o.g., very fine. S.G. 21,24, £ 185
(Photo) (N24,25)
NATAL: 1869 CC "Postage" 12¾mm lsh green, lightly caned., fine. S.G. 37, (Photo) (21) 1,250.00 ...... ... . .................. £375 ...................................... 3p "POSTAGE" Tall Capitals (#9, S.G. 10), part o.g. , centered, extremely . . .... ... .(Photo) (35B) fine. A remarkable copy. S.G. 28, unpr . .............
1902-03 CC Edward VII £5 black & violet, lightly caned., almost very fine. S.G. . . . .. . . . . . . . .. .... (Photo ) (98) ... . . . . ... . ... . ........... 144, £250 .................
NAURU: 1916-23 Seahorses 2sh6p light brown, Ssh carmine , IOsh light blue , comp!. set, l.h. or o.g. , very fine. S.G . 2l ,22,23b, £780 .. . .. .(Photo) (13-15) 1,250.00 MONTSERRAT: 1884-85 CA 4p blue, neat " A08" in grid cancel, fresh, very fine. . .. . ....... (Photo ) (9) . . . ................ S.G. 11, £250 ... . ....... . ................
NEPAL: 1881 European Wove Paper pin-perf la ultramarine, 2a purple, 4a green, o.g., last with tiny tone spot, very fine. S.G. 1-3, £390 .. .(Photo) (1-3)
Imperf 2a purple , vert. tete-beche pair , one stamp showing damaged frame , large margins , lightly caned. , minor wrinkling, very fine. S.G. Sa, unpr. (Photo ) (Sa) 2,000.00
1049 ** El31949 2p to Ir, comp!. set, blk of 4, n.h., fine to very fine. S.G. 64-72, £120+ (5 1-59)
* 1051 * 1052 * 1050
1053 0
200.00 +
NEVIS: 1861 Unwmkd. Bluish Paper 4p dull rose, unused , very fine. S.G.2, . ... (Photo) (2) 1,750.00 . . ... ......................... £600 ... . .............................. 6p gray, unused, fresh with bright color, fine. S.G. 3, £500 ........
(Photo) (3) 1,500.00
lsh green, lightly caned., extremely fine. S.G. 4, £150 .. . .. . .. .... . .. (Photo) (4)
1882-90 CA 6p green, lightly caned., handstamp on reverse , very fine. S.G. 32, . ....... . . .. ..... .. (Photo) (28) . ....... . ........ . . .. ............... £350 ...........
* 1055 * 1056 *
1057 0 1058
1059 6.
1914 First Setting Sp on S0pf purple & black on salmon, o.g., handstamp on reverse, very fine. S.G. 10, £350 .. ... . . .. .. .. . . .... . .... . .......... . (Photo) (10)
Sp on 80pf lake & black on rose, unused, tiny faults, fine. S.G. £600 .(Photo) (11) 1,000.00 Second Setting 80pf lake & black on rose, o.g., (hinge remnant), fresh, fine. S.G. 26, £400 . .. . . . . .... . . . ..... . . ... .... .. ... .... ... . .... . ...... ..... .... .. (Photo) (26)
On Stamps of Marshall Islands 3p on 25pf orange & black on yellowish, lightly caned. , very fine. Signed A. Brun. S.G. 54, £325 ... ..... ..... ..... (Photo) (34)
3p on 30pf orange & black on salmon, o.g., handstamp on reverse, perfectly (Photo) (35) centered, extremely fine. S.G. 55, £275 .... . .. ... . ................
Sp on 80pf lake & black on rose, neatly tied by violet RABAUL JAN 14 1915 (Photo) (38) oval cancel, extremely fine. S.G. 58, £450 .. . .....................
Lot No .
1060 0
Cat . Value 1865-94 Perf 12 Thin Yellowish Paper Sc brown, "wide" copy showing one letter of Imprint, lovely grid cancel, faint crease, extremely fine appearance. S.G . 26, £ 150 .. .. ......... . ........ . . . . ... . ... . . . . . ... . .. . . . ... . ... . ... ... .. . . . .(Photo) (25) 300.00
Thicker Paper Sc black, full Imprint copy, o.g., fresh, fine. S.G. 38, £190+ (Photo) (26)
1062 PP
1897 Cabot set compl., inperf plate proofs in issued colors on card, large margins and brilliant fresh, extremely fine . . .. .... . . . ..... .(Photo) (61-74P)
Identical Lot
225. 00 +
1064 PPEB Same, sheet margin blks of 4, large margins other sides and brilliant fresh, extremely fine .. . . ... . ... . .... . . ........ . . .. . . . .. . .......... . ... .(Photo) (61-74P)
* 1066 ** 1067 * 1065
* 1069 *
1070 06
* 1072 * 1071
1073 0
1910 and 1911 Guy Issues compl., less Lithographed 6c, type I, l.h ., fresh, fine to very fine. S.G. 95-99, IOOa-05, 11-16, £377 ........... .. . . .(87-9l,92A -103)
568 .50
Air Post; 1932 DO-X $1.50 on $1 blue, n.h ., very fine. S.G . 221, £180 (Photo) (Cl2)
1933 BALBO $4.50 on 75c bistre, o.g., spot on gum , very fine . S.G. 235 , £275 (Photo) (C I8)
700 .00
NEW GUINEA 1925-28 ½p to £1, compl. set, o.g. (hinge remnant), !0sh tiny thin , fine to very fine. S.G. 125-36, £400 .......... .. . ... . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . .... . . .. ... .(Photo) (1- 13)
1931 With Date Scrolls Ip to £1, compl. set, l.h ., high values barely hinged , fine to very fine. S.G . 150-62, £250 . . . . . . . . . ...... . ... .. ............ .(Photo) (18-30)
553 .50
1932-34 Without Date Scrolls set comp!., neat c.d.s . cancels , a few on small piece incl. high values , very fine. S.G. 177-89, £250 .. . . . .... . .. . . ... (Photo) (3 1-45)
Air Post; 1931 ½p to £1, compl. set, n.h. or l.h ., very fine. S.G. 137-49, £200 (Photo) (Cl-13)
1931 With Date Scrolls set compl., n.h., incl. £1 , to o.g., very fine. S.G. 163-76, £200 ... .. . .. .......... . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..... . ............ . .. . .. .(Photo) (Cl4-27)
516 .00
1935 Goldfield £5 green, lightly caned. , very fine. S.G. 205, £500 .(Photo) (C45) 1,000.00 NEW REPUBLIC 1886 Without Arms
* 1075 * 1076 * 1077 * 1078 * 1079 * 1080 * 1074
Yellow Paper l sh violet, "13 OCT 86", o.g., few tone spots, still very fine (Photo) (S.G.9)
lsh6p violet, "6 SEP 86", o.g., extremely fine . . .... . . . ....... .(Photo) (S.G.11)
4sh violet, "17 JAN 87" , unused, fine. S.G. 15, £400 . .... . .. . . ... .(Photo) (11)
13sh violet "4 JA
87", o.g., very fine. S.G. 23, £400 .. . ..... .. .(Photo) (16A)
Blue Granite Paper; 3p violet, vert. tete-beche pair, "13 OCT 86", unused , very fine. S.G. 28a , £325 ... ......... . ...... . .. .... . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. (Photo) (2 1a)
12sh violet, "13 JAN 86", l.h. , handstarnp on reverse , very fine. S.G. 44 , £300 (Photo) (33)
575 .00
13sh violet, " 17 JAN 86", o.g., fresh . S.G. 45 , £400 . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . .(Photo) (34)
625 .00
Lot N o. 108 1
Cat . Valut 1850 Imperf Plate I Ip red on yellowish wove, large even margins, neatly caned. , extremely fine. S.G. 2, £400 ...... . . . .. . ... . .......... . . . ...... . . . . . .(Photo) (1) 1,000.0~ 1850 Plate I Intermediate Impression 2p deep blue on yellowish wove, very large margins, lightly caned., extremely fine .... . ... . . . .... . . . ... (Photo) (S.G.16c ) £30( Plate II 2p blue on yellowish wove, large margins , neatly caned., very fine. S.G. 23, £200 . .. . . . . .. . . ... . .... . ........... . . ... ... . . . . . . . ... . . .. . . . . .. ... .(Photo) (5) 300.01 Retouched 2p blue on bluish wove, full to large margins, "39" in grid cancel, fine. S.G. 28, £130 .......... . .. .. ........... . ................... . ... (Photo) (SF) 375.01 3p green on bluish wove, margins all round , neat grid cancel, very fine. S .G . 42 , £200 ............... . ............................. . ........ . .... . . . . . . . . .(Photo) (9) 425 .00 Ip carmine on thick yellowish wove, pair , margins all round , lightly caned. , trace of a thin , rich color, very fine. Ex Lichtenstein. S.G. 44, £360+ (Photo ) (10) 1,000.00 + 1852-55 lp brick red on bluish wove, pair , mostly enormous margins showing portions of adjo ining stamps three sides , bold " 18" in barred oval cancel, small corner crease , otherwise very fine. Ex Lichtenstein. S.G . 48, £200 + (Photo ) ( 13) 500 .00 +
Officials 1088 0
1879-80 Wmkd. Small Crown and NSW Perf 10 3p green, red ovpt. , lightly caned ., very fine. Signed Champion. S.G . 0 4 , £200 . . . .. . . ........ (Photo ) (0 3) 450 .00 1889 Wmkd. NSW " POSTAGE" in black £1 ro se & violet, perf 11, Reprint, fresh and fine, very rare. Only JOO print ed . . ..... . ............. . (Photo) (O22R) 1889 Wmkd. NSW lOsh rose & violet on bluish, perf 12, neatly caned ., tiny thin specks, fine. Very scarce . Signed Champion. S.G . 0 37, £500 ... (Photo) (0 23) 1,000 .00 " POSTAGE" in blue lOsh rose & violet on white paper , perf 10, lightly caned ., unl . unusual rough perfs , very fine, rare. Signed Richter. ....... (Photo ) (O23a var. ) 1888-89 Wmkd . 5/-, Ssh violet, red ovpt. , neatly caned., corner perf crease , fine appearance. Royal Cert. ( 1979). S.G . 04 7, £400 ................ .(Photo ) (030 ) 750 .00 20sh ultramarine , lightly caned., very fine. S.G. 048 , £400 . . . . . .(Photo ) (031 ) unpr . 1890 Wmkd., 20/- NSW in Circle 20sh ultramarine , lightly caned., very fine. S.G. 050 , £500 ..... . ........ . . . . . ... . . .. . . .. . . ..... . .... . .. . ...... (Photo ) (033 ) unpr. 1894 Wmkd. Small Crown and NSW 9p on l0p red brown, o.g., fine. S.G . Oil , (Photo) (039 ) 600 .00 £275 ... . ......... . . . . . ........ . . . . .. . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . ...............
1089 R 1090 0 109 1 0 1092 0 1093 0 1094 0 1095
1858-61 Unwmkd. Imperf 6p brown on thick soft white paper, full to large margins, light " 18" (Dunedin) cancel , fresh , very fine. S.G. 13, £300 (Photo ) (9) 1864 Wmkd. N Z Perf 13 lsh yellow green , grid cancel quite well centered , fresh , very fine. S.G. 106, £550 ....................... . ...... ... (Photo) (30C) 1878 Wmkd. N Z and Small Star Wide Apart 2sh deep rose , Ssh gray , neatly caned ., fine. S.G. 185, 186, £550 . . . ... . . . ............... . ... . . ... (Photo) (59 ,60) 1958 2p on l ½p rose brown, n.h., extremely fine. S.G. 763b , £ 1IO .(Photo) (320)
** 1100 ** 1101 * 1102 1103 * ** 1104
500.00 575.00 750.00 185.00
Postal-Fiscals 1901 "COUNTERPART " at Bottom 2sh6p brown, n.h., fresh, fine. S.G. F57a , £150 ......... . ................ .. ..... . . . . . .. . . .. .. . .. .. ...... . ..... (Photo) (AR3 l) 1925 Wkmd. N Z and Star Close Together £2 deep violet, perf 14½, l.h ., brilliant fresh, fine .......... . ....... ... . . .. . .. . .. . ... . ................. . .. .(Photo) (AR45) 1931-39 25sh turquoise blue , o.g., very fine. S.G . Fl 59 , £200 . . .(Photo) (AR60) £2 violet, n.h. , extremel y fine. S.G. F162, £300 .. .. . . . . . .... . .. . .(Photo ) (AR63)
450.00 800 .00 300.00 575.00
£3 lOsh rose, margin copy, very l.h. if at all, faint gum tone spots, still very fine. S.G . Fl65, £1200 ............ .. ..... . ... .. .(Photo ) (AR66) 2,250.00
Lot No.
1105 0
* * 1108 ** 1106 1107
Cat . Value 1939 35sh on 35sh yellow, margin copy, neat c.d.s. cancel, extremely fine. S.G. F186, £200 .................. . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . .... .. .... . ........ .(Photo) (AR70) 475.00 1940 Surchd. set of four, o.g., very fine. S.G. Fl87-90 , £375 .(Photo) (AR7l -74) 395 .00 1940-58 Wmkd. Multiple NZ and Star 25sh blue, l.h ., very fine. S.G. F204, £275 (Photo) (AR87) 300 .00 £2 lOsh dark red, margin copy, n.h., extremely fine. S.G. F207, £225 (Photo) (AR90) 275.00 Officials
* * 1112 * 1113 * 1111
1114 0 1115 1116
* * 1117 1118 * *
1892 Wmkd. N Z and Small Star Wide Apart magenta handstamp 2½p ultramarine, perf lOxll, o.g. (hinge remnants), fine for this issue , Royal Cert . ( 1983). S.G. 010 , unpr. .......... .. . . . ............ . ...... . .. . ... . . .(Photo) (03 ) 650.00 Sp olive gray, perf 12xll '/2, o.g., very fine. Scarce. Royal Cert. (1983). S.G. 011, unpr . ..... .. .... ... ............. . ........................ . .... .(Photo) (04 ) 1,100.00 1899 Perf lOxll ½p black, o.g. , fine for this. Royal Cert. ( 1983). S.G. 03 , unpr. (Photo) (09 ) 425.00 1902 Unwmkd. Perf 11 2½p blue, violet handstamp, o.g., fine. Royal Cert . ( 1983). S.G. 015 , unpr ............... . . .. . .... . . . . ..... . ....... . .. (Photo) (011 ) 950.00 3p orange brown, handstamp inverted, o.g. , small thins, fine. S.G. 022 var . (Photo) (012 var.) uni. Sp red brown, brown purple handstarnp, neat Wellington " Coin" 1901 cancel, tiny margin tear, fine. Very rare . Royal of New Zealand Cert. (1987). S.G. 07 , £400 (Photo) (01 3) I , I00 .00 Green handstamp Sp red brown, o.g., fine. S.G . O17a, unpr. .. . .(Photo) (015 ) 775.00 1905-07 Wmkd. N Z and Star Close Together 2½p blue, violet handstamp, o.g., Royal Cert . ( 1983). S.G. 021 , unpr. . ........... . ..... . ....... . ... (Photo) (01 9) 600 .00 1933 Perf 14 Ssh green, l.h ., fresh. S.G. 011 3, £250 .............. .(Photo) (057 ) 650.00 Victoria Land; 1911-13 Scott Expedition ½p deep green, o.g. (hinge remnant), fresh, fine . . ..... .... ............. .......... ................... .(Photo) (S.G.A2 ) £500 NIGER COAST PROTECTORATE 1893 Provisional Issue Handstamped Surcharge type "c"
1119 0 1120
112 1
* 1122 0
1124 0
½p on 2½p violet on bluish, red surch. (S.G. type 7), neat c.d .s. cancel, very fine. S.G. 21, £225 . . ... . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . ...... . . . ... . ....... . .. .. . .(Photo) (10) ½p on 2½p, green surchd. (S.G. type 8), o.g. (hinge remnant), fresh, fine . S.G. 27, £275 ........................................................... . .. .(Photo) ( 13)
375.00 375.00
Handstamped Surcharge type "d" (S.G. type 9) ½p on 2p green & carmine, violet surch., o.g., very fine. S.G. 29, £300 (Photo) (14)
400 .00
½p on 2p, blue surch., clear centered c.d.s., fine. S.G. 30, £700 (Photo) (15) 1,200.00 ½p on 2½p violet on bluish, red surch., o.g. , some gum staining mostly on reverse , fine. S.G. 31. £400 ... .... .. . . ...... . . .. . .. ... .. .. . . .. . .. .. .(Photo) ( 17) ½p on 2½p, blue surch., centered c.d.s. cancel , handstarnp on reverse, fine . S.G. 32, £300 .... . ......... . ........... .... . ........................... . ... .(Photo) ( 18)
925.00 550.00
Handstamped Surcharge lype "e" ( S.G. types 4, 5 and 6) 1125 0
½p on 2p green & carmine, violet surch., c.d.s. cancels, handstamp on reverse, fine, Royal Cert . ( 1963). S.G. 18, £400 ....................... . .... .(Photo) (20)
450 .00
wt No. 1126
* 1128 * 1129 * 1130 * 113 1
½p on 2½p violet on bluish
Cat. Value
½ p on 2½p, red surch. , c.d.s. cancels, handstamp on reverse, fine . S.G . 17, £200 (Photo) (2 1)
l/2p on 2½p, carmine surch. , o.g ., fresh, fine. S.G. 13, £325 ... . . . .(Photo) (22)
l/2p on 2½p, blue surch. , l.h ., fresh, very fine. S .G . 14 , £325 ..... .(Photo) (24)
725 .00
½p on 2½p, green surch., o.g ., fresh , fine. S.G . 11, £250 ..... .. . . .(Photo) (25)
Handstamped surch. type "r ' (S.G. 10); ½p on 2½p violet on bluish, green ... ... ... . .(Photo) (28) 1,000.00 surch. , l.h. , very fine. S.G. 35, £400 .................. Handstamped surch. type "g" (S.G. 11); lsh on 2p green & carmine, violet surch., neat c. d .s., few tiny tone spots, fine. S .G . 37, £400 .. . . . .(Photo) (29) lsh on 2p, red surch., o.g. , very fine. S.G. 38, £550 ... .. ......... .(Photo) (30)
1894 Bisect Issues 1133 0
Wmkd. Imperial Crown Ip on right half of 2p green & carmine, neatly caned ., . . . ... . .... . .. . .... . . .(Photo) (50) very fine. S.G. 59, £300 .......................
475 .00
1134 0
Unwmkd. Blue Surch. ½p on left half of Ip vermilion, neat c.d .s. cancel, very fine . S.G . 64, £250 ... . ..... . . . .... . . . .. . .. . . .. . ... ... . .... . .. . ... . . .. (Photo) (51)
1135 0
Violet Surch. ½p on right half of lp vermilion, neat c .d .s. cancel, very fine. S .G . 63, £325 ... .... . . .. .. . .. .. . . . . .. ... . ..... ... .. . . . . . ........ .. . . .. . . .. . .(Photo) (52) .(Photo) (52) Same, but left half, neatly caned. , very fine ......... . . . ...............
NIUE: 1902 Handstamped in Green Ip carmine, o.g. , rich color, fine. S.G. 1, .(Photo) (1) £375 . . .. . .... .... . ... . .. .. .. . . . . . ......................................
1941-45 Wmkd. NZ and Star Close Together lOsh rose, £1 pink, n.h ., extremely . .(Photo) (88,89) fine . S .G . 80,8 1, £ 170 ...... .. . . ................................
435 .00
1136 0
* 1138 **
NORTH BORNEO 1139 0 1140
1883-84 Unwmkd. Perf 12 2c brown, blue grid cancel, fabulous centering for this issue, extremely fine. Rare. S.G . 3, £150 ... .. .. . .. ...... . . . . .... . .(Photo) (4) 1926-28 Pictorials le to $10, compl. set, l.h. or o.g., brilliant fresh, fine to very . ..... . .. . ... .(Photo) ( 167- 184) fine. S .G . 277-94 , £375 ...... . . . .................
300.00 602.6 0
* 1142 * 1143 * 1144 * 1145 * 1146 * 1147 * 1148 *
1916 Red Cross set compl., o.g. , 12c tiny stain, fine to very fine. S.G. 202- 13, 192, . ..... ... .. .. ......... .. .. ......... ....... .(Photo) (B1- 13) 1,000.00 £655 .................... 1918 "RED CROSS" set compl. , l.h. or o.g. , brilliant fresh, very fine. S.G. ...... . ...... ..... (Photo ) (814-30) 1,381.65 ..... ................ 214-34, £600 ............. Red Cross, set compl. , o.g. , $5 and $10 n.h. , fine to very fine. The two high values, B.P.A. Cert (1971). S.G. 235-52, £450 . ... ...... . . .. (Photo ) (831-47 ) 1,140.15 Same , l.h. or o.g. , fine to ver y fine . . . ... . . . ........ . ... . ........ (Photo ) (831-47 ) 1,140.15 Occupation ; 1942 Ovptd. on War Tax le and 2c, n.h. , ver y fine. Rare. Signed .(Photo) (Nl5A,B) . . . ............ Rowell. S.G. J16,17, £435 ................... 1944 Stamps of Japan l s to l y, compl. set, o.g., fine to very fine . Most signed .(Photo) (N34-47) Rowell. S .G . 35-48, £300 . .. . .. . ...............................
400.00 575 .70
NORTHERN NIGERIA: 1900 CA ½p to lOsh, compl. set, o.g ., fine to very fine. . .... .(Photo) (1-9) S.G. 1-9, £225 .. . . .... ......... ................................
544 .55
NORTHERN RHODESIA: 1925-29 Script George V ½p to 20sh compl. set, 1.h. .(Photo) ( 1- 17) or o .g., fine to very fine. S.G . 1- 17, £300 .......................
Lot No. 1149 1150
* I 151 ** 1152 1153 ** * 1154
I 155 6 1156
* * 116 1 * 1162 * 1163 * 1160
Cat. Value
1915-16 Wmkd. Wide Crown Wide A Ssh yellow & gray, l.h., very fine. S.G. 83, £750 . . .. . ... . .. .... . . ..... . .. . . . ...... . . . ... .(Photo) (8) 1,500.00 £1 ultramarine & brown, o.g. , rich colors and fresh , fine, Signed Champion. S .G . 85, £500 ..... . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ... .. ..... . ....... . . . .. . . . ... . ...... .. ...... (Photo) (I 0) 1,350 .00 1915-16 Wmkd. Wide Crown and Narrow A Ip carmine , Die la midd le stamps in str ip of 4, n.h., very fine. S .G. 103,c, £240 + ......... .. .... (Photo) ( 12,b) 552.00+ Same , but Die la 3rd stamp in strip of 6, very fine ... . .................... (12,b) 280.00+ 1915-19 Wmkd. Narrow Crown and Narrow A £1 ultramarine & brown, l.h. ,
extremely fine. S.G. 99, £350 ... .. .. ........ ....... ..... ........... (Photo) (38) 850.00 NOVA SCOTIA: 1851-53 Blue Paper Ip red brown , large even margins all round , lightly caned. , fresh and bright color. Extremely fine, lovely copy. Royal Cert. (1958). S.G. I , £400 ......... .. . ... .. . . .. .. . ... . ... . ... (Photo) (1) 450.00 3p blue, diagonial bisect , tied by neat grid on small piece with 6p yellow green , close to huge margins , very fine. B.P.A. Cert . ( 1938) ... . ... . (Photo ) (2 var ,4) 6p dark green, good to huge margins, lightly caned. , deep color , very fine. Royal Cert. (1986). S.G. 6, £750 .. ... .. . . . . ... . .. .. . .. ... . . . .... . . .. . .. .. . .(Photo) (5) 1,000.00 NYASALAND PROTECTORATE: 1908 MCA Edward VIl £1 black & violet on red , l.h ., very fine . S.G . 8 1, £375 ................................. . (Photo) ( 10) 500.00 OMAN: 1955-57 Wmkd. Multiple St. Edward's Crown E2R l '/2 on I ½p green , neatly caned., very fine. Scarce. B.P.A. Cert. (1969). S.G. 58a , £425 (Photo ) (56A) 600.00 PAPUA NEW GUINEA: 1901-15 Wmkd. Multiple Rosette 2sh6p brown & black, o.g. , very fine. S.G. 8, £600 ... . ........... . ....... . . .. ...... (Photo ) (8) 1,100.00 1907 Ovptd. 4p, 6p, lsh , right margin copies, l.h . if at all , very fine. S.G . 23-25 , £225 . .............................. . ..... . . . ........................ (Photo ) ( 15- 17) 360.00 1932 Pictorial s ½p to £1 , compl. set, l.h. , very fine. S.G. 130-45, £325 (Photo ) (94-109 )
PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND: 1861 Perf 9 6p yellow green, l.h. , tiny faults, bright color, fine . S.G. 4, £475 ..... ....... ...... . .... . . ... .. . .. ...... ....... (Photo) (3) 1,000.00 QUEENSLAND: 1860 Wmkd. Large Star imperf lp deep rose, unused , margins all round , somewhat faded from stain cleaning, very fine appeara nce. B.P.A . Cert . (199 1). S .G . I , £2250 ... . ......... ..... ......... . ............... (Photo ) ( I) 3,500.00 6p deep green , margin s all round, lightly caned., fresh , very fine. S.G. 3, £800 (Photo) (3) 1,200.00 Wmkd. Crown and Q Sideways Ssh rose, £1 dark green, o.g., fine. S.G . 272 ,273 , £3 15 . . . .. .. . . .. . . ...... . ... . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .... . . ...... ... . . . .. .... (Photo ) ( 126 , 127) 750.00
* 1167 * 1168 * 1169 *
RHODESIA 1896 Perf 14 Ip on 3p gray & green, o.g. , handstamp on reverse , very fine. S.G. 51, £325 .............................................................. (Photo ) (40) 1,000.00 Ip on 4sh gray & vermilion, o.g. , fresh , fine. S.G . 52, £275 .. . . .... (Photo) (4 1) 900.00 1897 Arms Perf 13½ to 16 £1 black & red on greenish, o .g. (hinge remnant) , fine . S.G. 73 , £400 ................... . ......... . ............... .. .......... (Photo) (57) 850 .00 1905 Victoria Falls set compl., o.g., fresh , fine to very fine. S.G. 94-99, £200
* 1171 * 1172 * 1173 * 1174 * 1170
(76-81 )
1910 Double Portraits ½p to Ssh, 16 diff., incl. 2½p ultramarine , 4p orange & violet black, Sp perf 13½, 1.h. or o.g. , brilliant fresh , fine to very fine ................... .(Photo) (101-05,07 ,08, 10-15,04a,06a,09a ) 2sh6p sepia & deep crimson , o.g., very fine. S.G. 156, £375 .... .(Photo ) (113) 7sh6p carmine & light blue , o.g. (hinge remnant ), almost very fine. S.G. 161, £650 . .. . . .. . . .... ...... . . .. . ... . . . . . . . .. .... . . . . . ... .. ... ... .. . ...... (Photo) (116) lOsh deep myrtle & orange , o.g., rich colors, fine. S.G. 163, £550 .(Photo) (117) lOsh blue green & orange , o.g. (hinge remnant ), ver y fine. S.G. 164, £475 (Photo ) (117a)
1,847.75 700.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00
wt No. 1175 1176
Cat. Value l0sh, o.g. , fresh, fine ... . .... . . . ...... . ............... . ......... . ... .(Photo) (117a) 1,000.00 £1 carmine red & bluish black, neat c.d .s. cancel. fine. Ex Farouk. S.G. 165 , £375 (Photo) ( 118) 750.00 1913-19 Admiral Head Die 111 £1 magenta & black, o .g ., rich color , very fine . S .G . 279 , £500 . . . .. . . . ....... ... . .. . .. . . . . ... .. . . .... .. . . .... . . .. . .(Photo) ( 138a) 900.00 £1 violet indigo & black, lightly caned . , fine. S.G. 79a , £550 .... . .(Photo) ( 138) 825 .00 ST. HELENA: 1908 MCA Edward VII lOsh green & red on greenish, 1.h., fresh , very fine. S.G . 7 1, £180 ... . . . . ... . . .. . . ... . .. . . ... . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. .. (Photo) (60) 450.00
* 1178 0 1179 * 1180
MCA £1 red violet & black on red, barely hinged , very fine. S.G . 96 , £400 (Photo) (99) 1934 Centenary set compl., l.h. , fine to very fine. S.G . 114-23 , £275 (Photo) ( 10 1- 10)
118 1
* II 82 * 1183
* 1185 *
700.00 673.75
ST. KITTS-NEVIS: 1923 Tercentenary set compl., l.h. or o.g., mostly very fine. S.G. 48-60, £1100 . . . . . ... . . ..... . . .. ....... (Photo ) (52-64) 3,606.75
ST. LUCIA: 1860 Wmkd. Small Star (4p) deep blue, o. g., bright color and fresh, fine . S.G. 2, £250 . ..... . .... .... . . . . .. . . ...... . .... ....... . .. . . .... .. .(Photo) (2) 725 .00 1885 CC Perf 12½ 6p slate blue, unused, small corner crease, rich color, fine. Rare. S.G. 10, £1200 . . . . ..... . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ... . .. . . .. . .. .(Photo) (26) 3,750.00 1883-98 CA 6p violet, neat c. d.s. cancel, fine . S.G. 35 , £200 .. . . . .. .(Photo) (34) 550.00
1922-27 Script Badge of Colony ISsh violet & black on bluish, barely hinged, very fine. S.G . 113, £850 .... . . ........ . ...... . .(Photo) (94) 2,000.00
* I 189
1190 1191
1880-81 Perf 11 to 13 Ssh rose, o.g., rich color, very fine. S.G. 32, £1000 . .. . .... .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .... . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . .. ...... .(Photo) (29) 2,500.00 1880 Biscet Ip on left half of 6p blue green, lightly caned ., fine. S.G . 28 , £225 (Photo) (30) 1881 lp on 6p yellow green, o .g ., handstamp s on reverse, brilliant fresh, almost very fine . S.G. 34, £375 . . ... . ............ . . . ... . ... . . .. ............ . ..... .(Photo) (32)
* 1195 * 1196 ** 1197 * 1198 * 1194
1192 1193
1861 Unwmkd. Clean-cut Perf 14 to 16 Ip rose, lightly caned ., ink marks on reverse , fine. S.G . I , £450 . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. (Photo) ( I) 1,250.00 1871-78 Wmkd. Small Star perf 11 to 12½xl5 lsh lilac rose, neat " A I0 " grid cancel , faint corner crease, fine. S.G. 20, £400 . . . .. . . . . . . . . ..... .. .(Photo) (22) 1,000.00
550.00 750 .00
4p on lsh vermilion, lightly caned. , vivid color, very fine. B.P.A. Cert (1951) S.G. 35, £700 .. . . ... . . ... ...... .. . .. . . . ........... .(Photo) (33) 1,500.00 1883-84 CA Perf 12 6p yellow green, lightly caned., well centered, extremely fine. S.G. 44, £300 . ...... .. . . .. . . . . . .. .. . ........ . . .... . ... . . . .. . .. .(Photo) (38) 450.00 1904-11 MCA Edward VII £1 violet & black on red, o .g ., fine . S .G. 93 , £300 (Photo) (89) 575.00 SAMOA: 1935 Wmkd. N Z and Star Close Together 2sh6p to £5, compl. set, l.h., incl. £2 and £5, or o.g., very fine. S.G . 189-94, £751 .(Photo) (175-80) 1,275.00 1942 £5 dark blue, rare thin paper, n.h., extremely fine. S.G. 194d, £650 (Photo) (180) 800.00 1945-50 Wmkd. Multiple N Z and Star 2sh6p to £3, comp!., n.h. or l.h ., fine to very fine. S.G. 207-2 13, £553 . .... . . . ... . .... . . . .. . . . . . .. .... .(Photo) (195-201) 967.50 SARAWAK: Occupation; 1942 $3 blue green & rose, l.h. , very fine. Signed Rowell S.G . J23 , £500 .. . . . . .... . ... . ..... . ... . . ... . ... . . ...... .(Photo) (N19A) 650.00
SIERRA LEONE 1897 Surcharged on Revenue Stamps Cat . Value 2Y2p on 3p lilac & green, type "d" (S.G. 12), o.g., fine. S.G. 58, £300 (Photo) (51) 600.00 2½p on 6p lilac & green , the four types ( S.G. 8,10,11,12), margin strips of 4, n.h., very fine. S.G. 59-62, £373 + .............. .............. (Photo ) (52-55) 755.00 2½p on 6p, type " d" (S.G. 12), very l.h. if at all, extremely fine. S.G. 62, £225 (Photo ) (55) 450.00 2'/2p on lsh lilac, type " b" (S.G. 10), unused, usual " washed" appearance, fine. S.G. 65, £700 ... .... ... . ........ ... ..... . . ... ... ... . ........ .. ........ (Photo) (57) 1,350.00 2½p on lsh , type "c" (S.G. 11), unused, centered, very fine. S.G. 66, £400 (Photo ) (58) 850.00 1903 CA Edward VII £1 violet on red, o.g., very fine. S.G. 85, £200 .(Photo) (76) 400.00 1904-05 MCA £1 violet on red, o.g. , very fine. S.G . 98, £200 ...... (Photo) (89) 375.00 1912-14 George V £2 violet & ultramarine , o.g. , faint toning, fine. S.G. 129, £475 (Photo) ( 120) 700.00
Lot No.
* 1200 ** 1201 * 1202 * 1203 * 1204 * 1205 * 1206 * 1199
1207 1208
* * 1210 * 1211 *
£5 gray green & orange , l.h. , very fine. S.G. 130, £1200 .. (Photo) (121) 2,000.00 * 1914-23 Script £2 violet & ultramarine, o.g. , very fine. S.G . 147, £425 (Photo) ( 138) 850.00 £5 gray green & orange , o.g. , gum stains, very fine appearance. S.G. 148, £1200 (Photo ) (139) 2,250.00 1933 Wilberforce set comp!., o.g. , (hinge remnants), bright colors, fine to very fine. S.G. 168- 180, £600 .... . . . ... . ... . .............. . ................ (Photo ) (153-65) 1,536.75 SOLOMON ISLANDS: 1914-23 MCA George V £1 violet & black on red, l.h. , extremely' fine. S.G. 38, £225 . . . . ... . . . . . . .... . . ... . . . .... . .. . ..... (Photo ) (41) 500.00 SOUTH AFRICA: 1913-22 George V £1 red & deep green, lightly caned., fine. S.G. 17, £350 . .. . . ....... . .... . .... .. .......................... . . . .... (Photo ) ( 16) 700.00 SOUTH AUSTRALIA: 1855-56 London Print 6p deep blue , mostly huge margins showing portion of adjoining stamps, neat , clear cancel, extrem ely fine. Royal Cert. (1988) S.G. 3, £150 . .. . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . ...... . . .. ... . .. . .(Photo ) (3) 250.00 1867-74 Perf 11½, 12½ 2p vermilion, correctly knifed from sheet, neatly caned., fresh, fine. 8 .P.A. Cert. ( 1982). S.G . 42, £400 ............... (Photo ) (43 var.) SOUTHERN NIGERIA: 1903-04 CA Edward VII ½p to £1, comp!. set, o.g., fine to very fine. S.G . 10-20, £250 ...... .... .... . .. . ...... . ... . .(Photo ) (10-20) 693.90 SOUTH GEORGIA: 1963 Elizabeth set compl., plus 1969 £1 slate green, n.h ., very fine. S.G. 1- 16, £180 ............... ............ .. ...... .... .. (Photo ) ( 1-16) 274.20
1212 0
12 13 0 12 14 0
* 12 16 ** 1215
12 17
12 18
** 12 19
1220 122 1
SOUTH -WEST AFRICA Bi-lingual Pair s 1923 Setting I ½p to Ssh, comp!., l.h. or o.g. , fine to very fine. S.G. 1- 10. £339 (Photo ) ( la- l0a) Ssh blue & claret , bi-lingual pair , bends, n.h. , fresh, fine. S.G. 10, £180 (Photo ) ( I0a)
* *
* *
l0sh olive green & blue , l.h. , rich colors, fine. S.G . 11, £2000 (Front Cover Photo ) (lla ) 5,500.00 £1 red & deep green , o.g., fresh , very fine. S.G. 12, £1200 (Back Cover Photo) (12a) 3,500.00
1923 Setting II Ssh blue & claret, l.h ., very fine. S.G. 13, £225 ... (Photo) ( 13a)
l0sh olive green & blue , very l.h. , brilliant fresh , very fine. S.G. 14, £700 ....... .. . ..... . .. .. . .................... . ............. (Photo ) (14a) 2,500.00 £1 green & red , o.g. , rich colors, almost very fine. S.G. 15, £1400 (Photo ) (15a) 3,750.00
wt No.
Cat. Value 1923-24 Setting 111 £1 red & green, corner Control No. pair, o.g. , brilli ant fres h , fine . Very pretty. S.G. 27, £45 0 ................................... .(Photo) (27a) 900.00 1924 Setting VI £1 red & green, n.h. , brilliant fresh, very fine. B.P.A. Cert. (1981) for blk of 4 of which this is the lower pair. S.G. 40, £450 (Photo) (40a) 900.00 £1, l.h ., almost very fine ..... . . . . . ... . ..... . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . . (Photo) (40a) 900 .00 1927 £1 light red & gray green, Control No. copy, l.h ., very fine. S .G. 57, £ 140 (Photo) (95) 550 .00 £1, o.g ., fres h , fine ...... . .......................................... . ... .(Photo) (95) 550.0 0 1927-28 Engraved set comp!., n.h. or l.h. , fine to very fine . S.G. 49-55, £255 (Photo) (99a- 105a) 702.50 Comp!. set, o.g. , fres h , fine . ........... . . . . . . . .... . ..... . . .. . . . . (Photo) (99a- 105a) 702.5 0 1931-37 Pictorial set comp!., n .h ., very fine. S.G. 74-85 , £2 17 .(Photo) ( l08a- 120a) 424 .15 Postage Due; 1924 MCA Sp violet & black, margin pair, l.h. , extremely fine. Th e second most valuable Postage Due of South-West Africa. S.G . D17a , £375 ... . .. . ..... . .................................. . ..... . . .. . . ... . .. (Photo ) (J21 ) 600.00 Officials; 1945-50 Fancy Serifed Ovpt. 2p dark brown & dark blue, n.h. , very fine. Rare. S.G . 021 , £400 ........ . ............. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. .(Photo) (O21a) 850.00 STELLALAND: 1884 Unwmkd. Ip to l sh, comp!. set, o.g. , Ip part o.g., few tiny faults, fresh and generally fine. S .G. 1-5, £239 ................... . (Photo) ( 1-5) 590.00 TOBAGO: 1882-96 CA 6p bistre brown, neat "A l4" cancel , very fine. S.G. 19, £475 .... . . . ...... . . . ................ . ................. . ... . .... . .... . (Photo) (2 1) 800 .00
* ** 1226 1227 * * 1228 * 1229 * 1230 1231 * 1232 ** * 1233 ** 1234 * 1235 1225
1236 1237
TOGO 1914 First Setting ½p on 3pf brown, l.h. , extremely fine. S.G. Hl2 , Mi. DM1800 . . .(Photo) (33) 750.00 ½p on 3pf , lightly caned ., extremel y fine. Royal Cert. (1973). S.G. Hl2 , DMll00 . . .. . . .... . ......... .. ... . . . .. . . . .. . . . ........................ (Photo ) (33) 500.00 Ip on Spf green, n.h. , extr emely fine. S.G. H13, DM1800 + .. . ... .(Photo ) (34) 800.00 Ip on Spf, lightly caned. , extremely fine. Royal Cert. (1973). DMll00 (Photo) (34) 475.00 1914 3pf to 30pf, comp!. l.h . or o.g., fine to very fine. S .G. Hl -6, DM l 900 (Photo) (35-40) 745 .00 40pf lake & black, l.h., very fine. S. G . H7, DM I 100 . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . (Photo) (4 1) 450.00 80pf lake & black on rose, l. h ., very fine. S.G. H9, DMI 100 .. . ... .(Photo) (43) 450 .00 1915 Third Setting 20pf ultramarine, neat c.d .s. cancel, fresh, very fine. Rare. S.G . H32, DM2600 . .. .. . . ......................... . ...... . ..... . ... .(Photo) (64) 1,100.00
* 1238 ** 1239 0 1240 124 1 1242 1243
* * 0*
TRANSVAAL 1869 Fine Impression imperf 6p ultramarine, good to enor mous marg ins, lightly caned. , fine . S.G. 2a , £ 120 ...... . ............. . ..................... . (Photo) (2) 250.00 1245 * El3 1878-80 Engraved ½p to 2sh, plus extra l sh shade, bottom left SE corner blks of 4, unu sed , mixed centering to very fine. S.G. 156-62, £ 1272+ .(Photo) (97- 103) 1,233.00+ 1246 0 1885-93 Perf 12'/2 £5 dark green, centered c.d. s. cancel, extremely fine. Royal Cert. (1985). S.G. 187, £170 ... . .. . .. . ............ . ..... . .. . ..... . (Photo) (135) unpr. 1247 0 1902-03 CA Edward VII £5 violet & orange, neat 28 May 09 c .d.s., very fine. Foundation Cert. ( 197 1). S .G. 259, £400 . . . . . . . . . . .... . . .. . . ..... . (Photo) (267) 800 .00
1905-10 Error MCA Ip carmine, wmkd. Anchor, lightly caned., very fine. Rare. Brandon Cert. (1977). S.G. 274a, £450 .(Photo) (282a) 1,500.00
1249 6
1900 Issued in Rustenburg; 6p violet & green, neatly tied on piece by 23 JUNE
125 1 1252
0 0
boxed circ le cance l, very fine. P .F. of South Africa Cert. ( 1980). S.G. 6, £250 (Photo) (229) 1900 Issued in Schweizer Reneke; "BESIEGED" Reading Up ½p gree n , 12 SEP c .d.s., very fine. Brandon Cert . ( 1977) S.G. I , £225 . . . . . .... . . .. (Photo) (232) Ip rose & green, clear 11 SEP cance l, very fine. S.G. 2, £225 .... . (Photo) (233)
1253 6
"BESIEGED" Reading Down ½p green, neat IO.SEP. c.d.s. , extremely fine. B.P.A . Cert. (1983). S.G. 5, £400 ............................... .(Photo) (236) "BESIEGED" Reading Up Ip carmine, tied by center 12 SEP cance l on small p iece, very fine. S.G. 6, £400 ... . . . ..... . . . .... . . . ........ . ..... . (Photo) (236A)
850.0 0 525.00 525.00
850. 00 850.00
lot No.
Cat. Value
1855-60 Unwmkd. Imperf Fourth Issue (lp) deep greenish blue, good to large margins all round , light crease, very fine appearance . S.G . 17, £650 .(Photo) ( 11)
650 .00
Fifth Issue (lp) bluish gray, large margins, lightly caned., very fine. Royal Cert . (1957). S.G . 19, £450 .... . ... . . . ......... . . . .... . ... . . . ...... . ...... .(Photo) (11)
650 .00
1859 Engraved 6p green, very large margins, neatly caned. on small piece , faint corner crease , otherwise very fine. S.G . 28 , £425 . ..... . ..... .. ... .(Photo) (16)
750 .00
1257 * EE 1859 Pin-perf 14, 6p yellow green blk of 4, o.g., top pair light crease, brilliant fresh, fine to very fine. S.G. 43a, £240 + ............ ......... ...(Photo) (25)
1258 *
1860 Clean-cut Perf 14 to 151/26p yellow green, I.h., beautiful fresh color and very fine. Exceptional copy. S.G. 49, £200 .......... . ........... .(Photo) (31)
1259 *
1861 Rough Perf 14 to 16½ 4p brown lilac, o.g. (hinge remnant), fresh and bright color seldom found with this issue, extremely fine. S.G. 54, £160 (Photo) (35)
Officials; 1893-94 ½p to Ssh, compl. set, o.g., Ssh minor gum stains, fresh, fine. S.G. 01-7, £330 ... . ........ . . ...... . ..... .......... ... . .. .. .. ... .(Photo) (01-7)
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO: Semi-Postal; 1914 ½p red, fine, pmkd. G.P.O. PORT OF SPAIN SP 18, 1914 on local envelope , (edge faults) and tied by red ms . " not known here" , fine. S.G . 157, £180 (Illustrated last photo page) (Bl )
425 .00
1254 1255
1256 6
1260 * 126 1
* 1264 * 1265 * 1266 * 1263
1267 0 1268
1873-79 Wmkd. Small Star lsh violet, lightly caned., faults and repairs but still presentable and very rare . S.G . 6 , £2000 .... . . . . ... . . . .. .... . . ... . . . .(Photo) (6) 3,750.00 1881 2½p on lsh, surchd. type "i" S.G . 29, £550 . ......................
(S.G. 19), o.g . (hinge remnant), fresh, fine . . ..................... .. ... .(Photo) (2 1 var. )
2½p on lp dull red, surchd. type "o" (S.G. 24), o.g. (hinge remnant), fine . S .G . 35, £700 . . . . .... . .......... ... . . . . ..... .... ... . ............ . .......... .(Photo) (30)
700 .00
2½p on lsh violet, surchd. type "I" (S.G. 23) , part o.g ., very fine . S .G . 36 , £450 (Photo) (3 1)
Unwmkd. 4p on 6p gray black, surchd . type " q" (S .G . 30), o .g. , fresh , fine. S .G . 44 , £325 ................ ................... . .......... . . .. ... .. ..... . . .(Photo) (34)
Wmkd. Small Star 4p on lp dull red, surchd . type " p" (S.G. 28). lightly caned . , fine . S.G . 48 , £400 ............................................. . ... . .(Photo) (36)
700 .00
4p on lp , surchd . type " p" (S.G . 29) , o.g., fresh, very fine. S.G. 47 , £450 (Photo) (37)
750 .00
UGANDA THE TYPE-WRITTEN STAMPS 1895 (May) Narrow Letters, Narrow Stamps Ungummed
* 1270 * 1271 * 1272 * 1269
S(c) black, dividing lines showing three sides, very fine. S.G. 26, £450 (Photo) (26)
15(c) black, dividing lines complete three sides, negligible creas ing , otherwise very fine. Signed H. Bloch . S.G . 28 , £425 ... ... .. ........... . ....... . .. .(Photo) (28) 1,000 .00 20(c) black, dividing lines three sides, very fine. Signed H. Bloch. S.G. 29, £350 (Photo) (29)
S0(c) black, dividing lines three sides, very fine. Signed H. Bloch. S.G. 33, £425 (Photo) (33)
wt No . 1273
* 1274 * 1275 6 1276 6 1277
Cat. Value 5(c) violet , sheet margin copy, dividing lines three sides, very fine. S.G. 35, £325 (Photo) (35) 650.00 IO(c) violet, light crease, handstamp on reverse, fine. S.G. 36, £300 .(Photo) (36) 650.00 20(c) violet, pen caned . on small piece, small faults. Roya l Cert. ( 1977). S.G . 38, £275 . .. .. . . ...... ......... . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . ..... .. . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . .... . . . .(Photo) (38) 650.00 30(c) violet, pair, caned. by pencil strokes on small piece, faulty. Rare used multiple. S.G. 40 , £900+ .. .. .. ............................................... . (Photo) (40) unpr. 50(c) violet, dividing lines two sides, faint pencil stroke, very fine. S.G . 42, £425 (Photo) (42) 800.00
1896 New Wording
* 1279 * 1280 * 1278
128 1 0 1282 0
* * 1285 * 1283 1284
IO(c) violet, dividing lines three sides, period " holes", very fine S.G . 45 , £275 (Photo) (45) 15(c), small faults, very fine appearance. S.G . 46 , £275 . ... . .... ... .. .(Photo) (46) 20(c), very fine. S.G. 47, £250 ....................................... .(Photo) (47)
500 .00 500 .00
500.00 20(c), crayon cancel, 2 minor stains, period " holes", fine. S.G. 47, £ 190 (Photo) (47) 450 .00 30(c), dividing lines all three sides , crayon cancel, very fine. S.G. 49, £425 (Photo) (49) unpr. 50(c), very fine. Signed H. Bloch. S.G. 51, £375 ....... . . .. . . .. .. .. .(Photo) (51) 650.00 60(c), small nick , fine. S.G . 52, £1200 ..................... . .... ... . . .(Photo) (52) 2,500.00 IO0(c), stained but acceptable copy of this rarity. S.G . 53, £1200 .(Photo) (53) unpr. VICTORIA
1286 0
** 1288 ** 1289 * 1287
1290 0 129 1
1293 0 1294 0 1295
1296 0 1297
1298 0
1901-05 Wmkd. V and Crown Perf 12½ £2 dark blue, neat c.d .s. cancel, very fine . S .G. 377, £250 ............ . ......... . .. . ... . . . . . .... . . .. . . . . . .(Photo) (208) 600.00 1905-10 Wmkd. Crown and Double-lined A Perf 12\/2 £1 rose, n.h ., very fine. S.G. 411 , £275 ........ . . . ...... . . . ... . . . .. .. .. ................... .(Photo) (230a) 700.00 £1, wmk. sideways, n.h. , very fine . . . . . .. ... . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. .(Photo) (230a) 700.00+ Postal-Fiscals; Lithographed £1 orange on yellowish, part o.g., small faults and soiling, fine appeara nce. Rare. S.G. 259, unpr ................ .. (Photo) (ARl4 ) 2,000.00 35sh violet, fiscal cancel, fine ......... ............................. .(Photo) (ARl7 ) 750 .00 Semi-Postals; 1897 and 1900 Sets of two, l.h ., fresh , fine to very fine. S.G . 325,26,46,47, £233 ... ... . .. . . . . . . . ............................... .(Photo) (81 -4) 555.00 WESTERN AUSTRALIA 1854-57 Wmkd. Swan Imperf lsh pale brown, unused, margins all round , large three sides, fine. S.G. 4c, £325 ................................. ..... .(Photo) (5) Lithographed Rouletted 7½ to 14 6p pale brown, rouletted all round and just touching at top, neat grid cancel, very fine. Royal Cert. (1949). S.G. 6a, £600 (Photo) (10) 1860 Engraved Imperf 6p dull green, mostly large margins all round, socked-onnose " 6" in grid cancel, very fine. S.G. 28, £400 . . .. .......... .(Photo) (16) Rouletted 2p vermilion , unused, roulettes all sides, bright color , very fine. S.G. 30, £375 . ........... .. ............. . .... .. . . . .... . ..... . . . .. .. ....... .(Photo) (17) 6p dull green, good to large margins three sides , roulettes two sides, blue grid cancels, fresh, fine. B.P .A. Cert . ( 1988). S.G . 32, £375 .......... . (Photo) ( 19) 1872-78 CC Perf 14 4p carmine, o.g .. brilliant fre h, fine . S .G . 74, £225 (Photo) (38) 1883 CA Perf 12x14 Ip ochre yellow, centered "8" in grid cancel, bright color, very fine. S.G. 81, £150 . . ...... . ..... . ... . . . ...................... .(Photo) (54)
1,350.00 1,150.00 1,000.00 1,200 .00 500 .00
1300 0 130 1 I':::,
* 1303 * 1304 * 1305 * 1306 * 1307 * 1308 * 1302
1896 Surcharged in Red
Cat. Value 2½a on la violet brown, surchd. S.G. type 3, fresh , fine. S.G. 32, £225 (Photo) (21 var.) 2½a on la, surchd. type "b" (S.G. 4), lightly caned., very fine. S.G. 33, £500 (Photo) (22) 350.00 2½a on la, neat 9 FE. 93 c.d.s. on small piece, very fine .. . . ... . .(Photo ) (22) 350.00 2½a on la, surchd. type "c" (S.G. 4), o.g., very fine. S.G. 34, £225 (Photo) (23) 250.00 2½a on la 6p bistre brown, 2½a on 2a ultramarine , surchd. types "a" var., "b" and " c" (S.G. 3, 4 and 5), o.g. to part o.g., fine to very fine. S.G. 35-40,£565 . . ..... .. . . . . . .... . . .. . . . ...... .. . . . . ... .. . .. ........ (24,C,25,28,A,29) 590.00 1908-09 Wmkd. Multiple Rosette Palace 30r dark brown & black , o.g. , very fine. S.G. 241 , £250 .. .. .. .. . . . . . .. ..... .... . ... . . . . . . .... . .. . ..... .. . ... .(Photo) ( 115) 400 .00 1913 Dhow 40r orange & black, l.h ., very fine. B.P.A. Cert. ( 1975) . S.G . 260c, £225 ... . . .. . . . ... ......... .. .. .. . . . . . . ... . . . . . .. .... . . ... . . .. . . .. . .. . .(Photo ) ( 137) 400.00 50r dull violet & black , l.h ., streaky gum, very fine. S.G. 260d, £225 .(Photo ) (138) 500 .00 IO0r blue & black , o.g., extremely fine. Royal Cert. (1966). S.G. 260e, £300 (Photo ) (139) 800.00 1921-29 Script 30r dark brown & black , margin copy, l.h. , extremely fine. S.G. 297, £150 . . .. . .. . . . . . .... . ... ... . . . . . .. . .... . .. . . . . . ... . ....... ... . .(Photo ) (177) 350.00 5 minute recess
â&#x20AC;¢ A.D
l'r Lil'
-;::-, fRAC'rl
-< < N
Lot No . 1309
13 IO
* O Property virtually as received in 2 cartons, com pr. several sparsely to
Cat. Value
Accum. of coll. balances, mostly on pages , thousands of stamps in 7 cartons, o.g. to unused or used, good range of countries though mainly Foreign, incl. Austria, extensive Germany and Area, Latin America, with stronger Brazil, some Great Britain and Commonwealth, better items, Semis, Airs, back-of-book , reference, mixed condition to very fine, a veritable graveyard of former auction lots though well worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $6,000-8,000
partially filled albums, 6 stock books, Great Britain and Canada, several Omnibus albums , plus misc. stock pages loose, part sheets , somewhat organized. Plenty to look through. Est. Cash Val. $1,500
13 1 I
13 12
13 13
* Oz Accum. of thou sand s of stock cards in shoe boxes and loose in 4
Balance of a property , thousands of stamps in glassines, stock books , albums and loose in 2 cartons, unused or used, incl. small stocks or accums. of Belgium, Switzerland, Austria , Vatican City sets, Fiume, Russia , Latin America, some U.S. Poss. , small Germany coll., Spain and Cols., much more with proofs , reference, reprints , vars. , uni. etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-2,000 . . ..
Accum. of man y thousands in boxes in carton, n.h. to unused, alphabeticall y arranged cheaper stamps in glassines, incl. Semis, etc. , wide range of countries but mostly Europe , looks to be very clean and better than packet material. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-2,000
cartons , o.g. to unused and used , few covers , incl. Austria , Belgium , Israel , Panama , Switzerland , Latin America , retired circuit books , few Souvenir sheets, dupl. to wholesale quantities , mixed condition to very fine, worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 .......... . . . ......... . ..................................... .
13 14
* O To about 1959, coll. of thousand s in 5 International album s, o.g. to
unu sed or used, incl. a wide range of countrie s, Briti sh Commonwealth , Europ e and Colonies, Latin America , compl. and part sets, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000 ............... .
13 15
13 I 6
* O To about 1930, coll. of hundr eds in 3 Schaubek album s, o.g. to unu sed or used , *O
13 17 cs:
incl. Briti sh Common wealth , Europe and Colonies, Latin America , somewhat spar se in 2 late r volumes, mixed condition . Est. Cash Val. $500-750 . Balanc e of propert y, a few hundred stamps and misc. covers on pages and loose in
box, un used or used , incl. old ap prova l pam phle ts, glass ines, misc. U.S., etc., m ixed conditio n . Est. Cash Val. $ 150 -250 ........................ . Balance of a propert y, about 100 covers in box, incl. modern co mm ercial mail, pos t ca rds , FDCs , China, New Zeala nd, Poland and other Europe, few Reg is., mixed condi tion , eclectic group. Est. Cash Val. $ 150-250 .. . ........ . . .. .. . . . .. .
Primarily 20th Century
lot No . 13 18
13 I 9
Stock of tens of thousands in glassines alphabetically arranged and in cat!. number order in boxes in large and small carton, n.h. to o.g. , stamps from almost all countries but particularly Europe and its colonies , hundreds of better items or comp!. set, Semis, Airs, back-of-book , some blks of 4, comp!. booklets or bklt. panes, some imperfs, single to mostly moderate quantities, some faults though overall fine to very fine. A fabulous "old-time " stock almost impossible to duplicate. Est. Cash Val. $10,000-15 ,000 .. .. . .. . .. . . .
Accum. of many hundred in 7 stockbooks, album and on pages, n .h . to unu sed or used , scatt ered I 9th cent. , extensive range of Israe l, mostly with tabs , some Sout h America, mixed conditi on to very fine . Est. Ca sh Val. $300-500 . .... .. . .. . ... .
* Oz Accum. of a few hundred,
132 1
*O~ Balance of a property,
* Oz The balance of a property, thousands of stamps in various envelopes etc.,
on pages and loose in glassi nes in box, n.h ., to unu sed or used , cove rs, incl. Bechuanala nd , Hong Kong, Latin Amer ica, few better items , some FDC s, mixed conditi on to fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-500
many hundred stamps in envelopes, etc., in box, n.h. to o.g. or used , incl. Souvenir sheets , Asia with misc . Chin a and Japa n , much Ind onesia unli sted , comp!. sheets, Souvenir sheets , etc., genera lly fine to very . . .. . .. ......... fine . Est . Ca sh Val. $ 150-250 ....... . . . . ........ . ..... . .......... unu sed or used , and perhap s 200 cover s in carto n , much mode m material in wholesale quantities or as " investment " packets, mounted packet s , etc. , cove rs mostly unaddressed and cac heted comp!. set, Briti sh areas, etc ., and some U.S . , mixed . . ... .. . .. . . . ........... conditi on . Est. Cash Val. $ 100-200 . ......................
Ca t. Value
20th Century , stock of many thousand stamps in glassines, neatly arranged by catl. number in boxes in carton , vast majority, n.h. , wide range of countries with British areas, but expecially Europe and its colonies , incl. blks of 4, Semis and Airs, imperfs, booklets, EUROPA issues, Asia, etc., mostly moderate quantities, some faults though fresh and clean, overall fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. . ..... . . . . ....... . . . . . .......................... $2,000 -2,500 . . ...........
of a few hundred Souvenir sheets and some stamps in box, n.h. to o.g. , *~ Accum. wide range with Middle East, Europe, some Latin America, and British areas, also misc. Switzerland PTT booklets, generally fine to very fine. Est. .. . . ... . . . .................... . ................. Cash Val. $500-750 .. . ............
TOPICALS: Antarctica; British Antarctic Terr. #1 -42, 45- 152 , plu s Australian Ant. Terr. betw. #LI and 76 , also a topical coll., all in glassi nes, many cove rs . . . .. . . . .. . .. .. ..... . .. . . .. . . . . . 1,200.00 and FDCs , gnera lly n.h. and very fine ...........
Coll. of many hundred stamps on pages in 8 ring-binders in carton , n.h. to o.g., co mpr. IGY, Row land Hill , Captain Cook , Amer ican Bicent ennial, 1953 Coronation and 1978 Coro nation Anniversary , incl. comp!. sets , Souv enir and miniature shee ts, IGY with specia l cove rs incl. Iceb reak er, Byrd Sta . , etc. , ... generall y fine to very fine . Est. Cash Val. $300 -500 .. . .. . ........ . ..........
LITERATURE: Cata logo De Carimbos (Brasil-Imp erio) by Paulo Ayres ( 1937) in English , French and Portuguese, good conditi on. Est. Cas h Val. $ 100 ........
BRITISH COMMONWEALTH 19th and 20th Century
Lot No.
Cat . Value
A foot locker full of stamps, com pr. a fabulous accumulation of collections and collection remainders, all prepared for auction with catl. values attached to each group. Over 140 coils. ranging from one of Cape of Good Hope , catl. about $45,000, to coils. of a few hundred dollars, all values are unchecked but according to the owner total about $380,000, which may include reference material. Condition varies. Perfect for small auctions or mail sales, inspection highly recommended. Est. Cash Val. $25,000-30,000 ... . .. . .... .. . .
Accum. of a few hundred in stockbook in envelope, n.h. to unused or used , wide range of countries with man y better items thoughout, compl. or part sets, numerous " difficult" items and man y $100 + catl. value, Occu., etc., few certs , mixed condition though much fine and useful , excellent for mail sales, worth careful inspection About 32,000.00
Stock and accum. of many thousand stamp s in glassines, retail pages, stock cards and stockbooks, etc., in carton , n.h. to unused or used , wide range of countries from all areas, incl. compl. or part sets, Souvenir sheets, better items , moderate or single quantitie s, early items in mixed condition and re venue cancels not figured, later generally fine to very fine. Excellent for retail packaging or mail sales. Est. Cash Val. $2,500-3,000 .. . ....... . ........ ... .. . . .
Stock of a few hundred on sales sheets, n.h. to unused or used , incl. Great Britain , range of surface printed , 1891 ÂŁ1, 1955 high values n.h. , Canada 1897 $2, Cape of Good Hope , Gibraltar, Ireland , South Africa, compl. set or better items , mixed condition to very fine, perfect mail sale material, worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 . . .. . ......... . ..... .. . . .......... .
Coll. of a few thousand on pages in spring-back and 6 ring-binders in carton, mostly used, some o.g. to unused, wide range of colonies with more common issues, better Canada and Great Britain with early items , and Officies Abroad, some compl. sets, Omnibu s issues incl. 1948 Silver Wedding (not compl. ), mixed condition though later generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 ........ . . . . ... . .. . .. . . . ...... . . . . . ... . . .... . . .. . ... . ... . . . . ...... .
Balance of a property , several thousand stamps on pages , etc., in carton, n.h. to unused or used , compr. coils. and coll. balance s from all areas of the realm, dozens of countries incl. Canada, Australia , Great Britain , India and a small Revenue coll., compl. sets, Souvenir sheets, Omnibus issues incl. Churchill, Red Cross, Freedom From Hunger , scattered better items, mixed cond ition . Est. Cash Val. $500-750 . . . . . . . . .... .. .. . . . . .... . .. .. . ... . .......... .
Primaril y 20th Century, stock of tens of thousands of primarily mint stamps, neatl y sorted on approval cards, wide range of issues, missing generally high values but useful for filling mail orders. Strong in Br. Amer ica (no BNA ), Africa, also some Omnibus, moderate quantities , some used , primarily Edward Vil and George V Issues , useful stock filler . Est. Cash Val. $4,000 . . . . . . . .... . .... .
lot No .
Cat. Value
BRITISH AFRICA: 19th and 20th Century to about 1920, coll. of many hundred diff. on pages in box, l.h. to unused or used, over 20 countries incl. Bechuana land , East Africa and Nigeria sub-div isions, Gambia, Gold Coast, Mauritius, St.Helena , Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somaliland Prot., Zululand, others, better items, compl. or part sets, some faults in early issues, 20 cent fresh and generally fine to very fine, worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $2,500 + ........ ... .
BRITISH AMERICA: 19th and 20th Century to about 1920, coll. of many hundred on pages in 4 binders in box, l.h. to unused or used, good range of countries incl. Antigua, Barbados, Grenada, Jamaica, Leeward ls., St. Vincent, Trinidad and Tobago and sub -divisions, Virgin Is., several others, better items, compl. or part sets, misc. back-of-book, few dupl. S.G. shades, defective and Revenue cancels, not firgured , early issues mixed condition, later generally fine to very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $2,500-3,000 ...... . ............. ........ . . . . ... . . .. . . ................... .
BRITISH NORTH AMERICA : 19th and 20th Century to about 1920, coll. of over 200 diff on pages, com pr. Canada and Newfoundland, misc. Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Is., incl. some better items, large and small Queen issues, Jubilee to 50c, few compl. sets in tld., early items faulty or mixed condition, later generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 . . .. . . . . .... . ... . . . . . . . ........... . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . .... . ... . .. . .. . .. . .. . .
BRITISH ASIA: 19th and 20th Century to about 1920, coll. of several
hundred mostly diff. on pages in 2 binders in box, l.h. or unused to used, compr. Brunei, Ceylon, Hong Kong with a few Treaty Port cancels and 1891 Jubilee , India and misc. States, Labuan, North Borneo, Sarawak, incl. better items, few compl. sets, Officials, Great Britain Offices in China , minor dupl. , early issues mixed condition, 20th cent. generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000 .... ...... . . . .. . . .. . . . ..... ... . ... . ............ . .... ....... . ..... . .
BRITISH EUROPE: 19th and 20th Century to about 1920, coll. of several hundred diff. on pages in 2 binders in box, l.h. to unused or used , compr. Great Britain with Offices in Morocco, Cyprus, Gibraltar , Ireland , Malta, and misc. Heligoland reference items , incl. better items, part sets, few S.G. shades , early issues mixed condition with some very fine, 20th cent. fresh and generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,200-1,500 ........ . . . ... . . . . . . .. . .. . . .
BRITISH OCEANIA: 19th and 20th Century to about 1920, coll. of a few hundred on pages in binder , l.h. to unused or used, fair range incl. Cook Is., Fiji, Glibert and Ellice Is. with 2 sets #1-7, New Zealand and a few others, incl. better items, few multiples, minor dupl. , Solomon Is. with the 2 diff. Canoe issues etc., some faults, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,200-1,500 .. . .. .. . . .. .
AUSTRALIAN STATES: 19th and earl y 20th Centur y, coll. of a few hundred on pages in binders , o.g. to unused or used, compr. small selections of New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, a few comp!. sets, Postal-Fiscals, South Australia, 1886-96 to ÂŁ20 ovptd. SPECIMEN, etc. , also a matching stockbook of a few hundred commonwealth, all in box, mixed condition, some fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-500
THE LLOYD PANZRAM COLLECTION BALANCES The fo llowing 108 lots comprise the country remainders . Mr . Panzram removed his stamps (for the most part ) f rom albums onto stock pa ges so they could be stored in a bank vault . lot No.
Cat . Value
1342 1343
1949-1969, group of 14 diff. commemoratives , n.h., compr, over 900 stamps, complete issues include I953 Coronation, Freedom From Hunger, ITU, ICY, Churchill , WHO, Soccer, UNESCO, few others, partial 1949 UPU and Red Cross, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $250-350 .............................. . 1935 Silver Jubilee complete, 249 stamps, l.h . or o.g. , fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 ............... . . . . . ......... . . . ............ . .. . ........ . . .. .... .. . .. .
BRITISH AFRICA: Primarily 20th Century, several hundred diff., in ring-binder, n.h. , to o.g., some used, about a dozen countries incl. Basutoland , German East Africa, Lagos, North Nigeria , Southern Rhodesia , Sudan Swaziland , Tanganyika, Togo, Uganda, few others, man y better items, and comp!. sets, George V to 20sh or £1, etc., Madagascar S.G. listed, etc., generally fine to very fine, worth inspection . .......... . . . ......... . ........ . . . .................... . .... I0 ,300.00 +
BRITISH AMERICA: 19th and 20th Century, a few hundred diff. on Specialty pages, l.h. or o.g., few used, compr. St. Kitts-Nevis, Tobago, Trinidad & Tobago, Turk & Caicos Is., incl. better early items, George V to £1 and other compl. sets, Postage Due, etc., generally fine to very fine ..... . ....... 3,750.00 + BRITISH OCEANIA: 20th Century, over 250 diff. , n.h. to o.g., few used, incl. Aitutaki, Gilbert and Ellice Is., Nauru, Pitcairn ls., couple others, incl. comp!. sets, few se-tenant and Souvenir sheets, generally fine to very fine ..... ... . .. . . 2,600.00 +
OMNIBUS: 1948-49 Silver Wedding issue complete , 138 stamps, n.h., fine to very fine. S.G. £1300 .... ........ ........ . .. ................ .. .
ANTIGUA: 1862 to 1975, almost complete issues plus a few dupl. on album pages and stock sheets, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. early items, Seal of Colony and George V set compl. , Tercentenary, Souvenir sheets, etc. , also Barbuda #1-ll, o.g., some early with small faults, generally fine to very fine ............ . . .. . . .. . ....... . .. . ... . . .. about 5,200.00
ASCENSION: 1922 to 1975, over 140 diff. plus 7 Souvenir sheets, n.h. to o.g. , high degree of completeness, incl. ovptd. and Seal of Colony sets complete, 1934 George V set used, Elizabeth sets to £ 1, etc., fine to very fine ................. 1,900 .00 +
AUSTRALIA: 1913 to 1975, several hundred diff. , n.h. to o.g., some used, incl. various George V and Kangaroo issues to £1, perf. vars. many compl. sets, few unexploded booklets, se-tenant issues, excellent range of Postage Due and Officials, also some Antartic Territor y, some faults in earlier issues but fresh overall and generally fine to very fine .. ............................. .. .......... 9,900.00 +
135 1
BAHAMAS: 1859 to 1973, about 300 diff. on Specialty pages and a couple stock sheets, n.h. to o.g., some earl y used, excellent range of issues with better items, incl. 1883 4p on 6p unused, Edward VII and George V to £1, virtually compl. from 1938, few Souvenir sheets, War Tax, etc., generally fine to very fine ................ 6,100.00+
BANGKOK: 1882-83, 14 diff. with extra #4, unused or used, some small faults, CA 24c additional violet cancel, generally fine .. . .. . .(3-8, 11,12, 14,15,17-20 ) 3,120.00
Lot No.
1353 * O
1354 * O
Cat. Value BARBADOS: 1852 to 1974, over 350 stamps on album pages and stock sheet , n.h. to o.g. or used , incl. early better items, various perf and imperf, almost complete o.g. from 1892 Badge of Colony, Souvenir sheets, few dupl. , some 5,000.00 + faults though overall line to very line ..... . .. . . . ............................... BATUM: 1919 and 1920, about 50 diff. stamps, o.g. or used, incl. better surchd. items, several signed or with handstamp on reverse, fine to very fine (betw. I and 65) 785.00
1355 * O
BECHUANALAND AND BECHUANALAND PROTECTORATE: 1886 to 1966, over 150 difT., l.h. to unused , few used , incl. better items, various surchd. or ovptd. , 2p ovpt. reading down , without period, etc., later compl. sets incl. George V pictorials , early issues mixed condition, later generally line to very 3,350.00 + . .......................................... line . . .... . . . ... . .. . ...................
1356 * O
BERMUDA: 1865 to 1975, over 275 stamps on album pages and stock sheets, n.h. to o.g. or used , a few better items incl. 1875 Ip on 2p blue , 1910-20 George V lOsh, Tercentenary and later sets, early issues mixed condition , later generally line to very line .... ... . ........ . .. ....... . . .. . .. .. . .... . ..... . . . 3,000.00 BRITISH CENTRAL AFRICA: 1891 to 1907, over 50 diff. , o.g. to part o.g., 3 used, incl. first issue £1 and unwmkd. Coat of Arms £1 used , other issues to Ssh or I0sh and Edward VII £1 o.g., generally line to very line (betw. 1 and 70) 4,325.00+
1357 * O
1358 * O 1359 * O
BRITISH COLUMBIA AND VANCOUVER ISLA D: 1860 to 1869, 11 difT., o.g. to unused or used , incl. #4 used, #10 o.g., mixed centering or condition (1,4-12,17 ) 4,395.00 almost used 2 and unused to BRITISH EAST AFRICA: 1890-1898, about 70 o.g. compl. issues, generally line to very line, several scarce items (betw. 14 & 107) 3,900.00+
1360 * O
1361 * 0
1362 * O 1363 * O 1364 0 1365 * O 1366 * 0
BRITISH GUIANA: 1860 to 1966, over 200 mostly difT. on stock sheets
and album pages, o.g. to unu sed or used , good representation with numerous better or scarcer items, George V and Centenary sets, 1939-51 Pictorials , Officials, etc. , some faults though generally line and attractive .... . . ... . . . ....... . . .. .. . . ....... . ...... . .. . .. . . ........ 7,500.00 +
BRITISH HONDURAS: 1865 to 1962, over 125 diff. on Specialty pages, o.g. or used , incl. a few better early items, various surchd. , ovptd. REVENUE , Edward VII and George V to $2, some faults , overall line to very line (betw. 1 and 166, etc.) 2,475.00 + BRUNEI: 1906 to 1952, about 90 difT., o.g., few used , incl. First issue river scene to $5, 1922 Exhibition set compl. , generally fine to very fine .(betw. I and 96) 2,050.00+ BURMA: 1937 to 1949, almost complete issues, o.g. or used , incl. George V set, Occu. of Independence Army and Japan , man y signed by Milo Rowell, generally line to very line with man y scarce items .. . ....... .. . ....... . . . .... . 2,850.00 + CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: 1853 to 1864, 9 difT. triangulars , used except one and one pen caned., mostly margins all round, one rebacked, mixed condition though ... ... . ......... (betw. I and 14) 2, I 00.00 + some fine to very fine appearing ................ 1863 to 1900, over 65 mostly diff. , mostly used, few unused , incl. surchd. items, Hope Seated to Ssh, various issues in Mafeking, few on separate small piece, generally fine . .. ....... . . ..... .... . .. ... ..... . ... . ..... . ...... . .. (betw. 14 and 2) 2,675.00+ CAYMAN ISLANDS: 1900 to 1959, about 100 diff. on Specialty pages , l.h. or o.g. , few used , issues almost compl. to 1932, incl. Edward VII to Ssh, George 3,550.00 + V to lOsh and the Centenary set, generally line to very line .................
1367 * O
CEYLON: 1857 to 1910, over 175 difT., o.g. to unused or used , excellent range of issues with many better items , imperf clean-cut and rough perfs , surchd. and Edward VII to lOr, earlier issues mixed condition though attracti ve and a few exceptional looking copies, later generally line to very line , worth careful inspection 13,300.00 +
lot No. 1368
Cat. Value
COOK ISLANDS: 1892 to 1946, over 100 diff., l.h. to unused, 2 used, better or scarcer items incl. surchd., Crown ovpt., Postal Fiscals to £1, high degree of completeness with First Issue on white pages, some faults though generally fine to very fine ................................. ..... ... ...... (betw. 1 and 124) 2,750.00+
* O CYPRUS: 1880 to 1960, over 140 diff. , n.h. to o.g., some used, incl.
ovptd. and surchd. issues, almost compl. 20th cent. issues to 45pi, George to VI 90pi, mixed o.g ./used , 1928 Anniversary set compl., £1 l.h. if at all, Republic set n.h., etc., some faults in early issues, fine to very fine .. ................................ .(betw. 1 and 197) 5,800.00
* O DOMINICA: 1874 to 1958, over 75 diff. on Specialty pages, almost compl. issues
to about 1933, incl. wmkd. CC perf 12'/2 and 14, the 3 diff. bisects and other surchd. all used, Edward VII and George V issues o.g., generally fine to very fine ............ ... ...... .. .. ..... ........................ . .(betw. l and 82, etc.) 2,300.00+
FALKLAND ISLANDS: 1878 to 1932, over 50 diff. , o.g., few used, incl. the First issue, later Victoria with 4p wmkd. sideways , 1904-07 Edward VII and 1912-14 George V sets compl. , etc., some small faults though generally fine to very fine .... .... .. .. .. ........ .... ...... ................ (betw 1 and 65, etc.) 4,350.00+
* O FIJI: 1872 to 1963, over 125 diff. , n.h. to unused , good range of
surchd. "V. R." types, Edward VII and George V to Ssh, George VI and early Elizabeth sets compl. , few Postage Due, generally fine to very fine ............................... (betw 18 and 175, etc.) 4,650.00+
* O GIBRALTAR: 1886 to 1927, about 70 diff. , o.g., incl. Victoria compl. sets,
GAMBIA: 1869 to 1922, about 115 diff., l.h. to unused , few used, issues very nearly compl. incl. imperf unwmkd. and wmkd. CC, generally fine to very fine ............................................................. (betw. 1 and 124) 3,675.00 Edward VII to 8sh, wmkd. CA £1 used , George V to £1, generally fine to very fine .... .......... .......................................... (betw . 8 and 92) 3,775.00
* O GOLD COAST: 1875 to 1928, over 100 diff. , o.g., some early used , incl. Victoria
wmkd. CC perf 12½ and 14 compl., later to 20sh, Edward VII and George V to 20sh, George VI lSsh DIE II , Postage Due, generally fine to very fine (betw. 1 and 107, etc.) 2,400.00 +
GREAT BRITAIN: 1840 to 1984, several hundred diff. in hingeless album , n.h. to o.g., early issues used , excellent representation with a high degree of completeness, Victoria £1 values, Edward VII, Seahorses , later compl. sets, phosphor , nearly complete Postag e Due and smaller Regional issues, some fault s in early items , very clean collection and generally fine to very fine (betw. 1 and 1070, etc.) 18,500.00 +
GREAT BRITAIN AND OFFICES ABROAD: Primarily 20th Century, many hundred diff. , n.h. to o.g. or used (mostly earl y), a few better earl y items in mixed condition , G.B. virtuall y complete issues after 1940, incl. phosphor , graphite, Postage Due, Officials with better items, good rang e of Regional issues with Guernsey, Jersey , Isle of Man , Mulread y envelopes and letter sheets, excellent Offices in Africa, Morocco with sub-divisions and Turki sh Empire, generally fine to very fine . ...... . . . . ..... . . . . ... . .. . .... . .............. . .. .Over 16,000.00
* O GRENADA: 1861-1929, over 120 diff. on Specialty pages , issues very nearly
compl. , mostly used to about 1891, generally o.g. thereafter , incl. Postage Due, clean and generally fine to very fine ................. (betw . 1 and 112) 3,950.00
UJI No .
Cat. Value
GRIQUALAND WEST: 1877, over 90 diff. , mostly used, scattered unused, nice variety with a few inverted " G" , 3 certs. and a few unpriced, mixed condition .. ..... ............... (betw. 2 and 102) 6,350.00+
* O HELIGOLAND: 1867 to 1890, over 20 stamps, o.g. to unused or used, nice range incl. scarce items, some with handstamps on reverse, few reference, generaUy fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 .... .. ................................ ..
* O HONG KONG: 1862 to 1937, over 125 diff. , I.h. to unused or used, high degree of completene ss incl. better items , surchd and/or handstamped , Edward VII to $5, George V to $10, mixed condition to many very fine ............................. .(betw. 1 and 146) 12,400.00+
INDIA AND CONVENTION STATES: 19th and 20th to about 1945 and misc. modern , man y hundred diff. , o.g. or used , numerous better items thoughout with compl. or part sets, incl. Military and Officials , excellent selections of Chamba, Faridkot, Gwalior, Jind , Nabha, Patiala , some small faults as would be expected , overall fine to very fine and a valuable collection worth careful inspection 12,900.00 +
* O Feudatory States; 19th and 20th Century, coll. of man y hundred diff. in stockbook, n.h. to unused or used , excellent representation of states and issues , mostly moderately priced , some better items and multiples , scarce issues throughout, few vars. and minor dupl. , ovpt. or surch. types, Officials, etc., mixed condition as would be expected , though much fine to ver y fine. A valuable collection worth careful inspection ...... . ...... S.G. ÂŁ13.000.00 +
I 384
* O IRAQ: 1923 to 1958, over 300 diff., excellent range of issues with many comp!. sets and Officials, fine to very fine ...........................
(betw. I and 227 , etc.) 1,950 .00
* O JAMAICA: 1860 to 1962, about 175 diff. , on Specialt y pages , o.g. or used, high
IRELAND: 1922 to 1968, about 250 diff. , n.h . to o.g. , issues almost compl. , incl. Seahorses to lOsh, coils, Airs and Postage Due, fine to very fine (betw. I and 267, etc.) 3,150.00 + degree of completeness with better early items and later comp!. sets, incl. George V, War Tax, etc. , generally fine to very fine .... .. . .. .. (betw. I and 196, etc.) 2,350.00+
* O JORDA N: 1920 to 1962, few hundred d.iff., n.h. to o.g., few used , excellent range of ovptd. or surchd. to 1925, incl. Postage Due , man y compl. sets, Postal Tax and Palestine , generally fine to very fine with man y scarc e items .. ....... ..... (betw. 1 and 380, etc.) 6,700.00+
* O LABUAN: 1879 to 1904, over 125 diff. , o.g . to unused or used, incl. better items,
KENYA, UGANDA AND TANZANIA: 1921 to 1961, over 100 diff. , n.h. to o.g ., incl. Geroge V to ÂŁ 1, 1935 Pictorial set comp!., Postage Due sets, etc., fine to very fine . ...................... ....... .. ........ ... .. .... ....... (betw . I and 135) 1,475.00+ KUWAIT: 1923 to 1961, over ISO diff. , n.h. to o.g. , incl. wmkd. multipl e stars George V and VI to 15r, Officials George V, both sets compl., a few with , small faults, overall fine to very fine .. ...... .(betw. I and 172,CI-4,O1-25 ) 3,100.00+ various surchd. Victoria, etc., Postage Due, mixed condition, some very fine (betw. 2 and I I 8, etc.) 1,850.00 +
139 1
LEEWARD ISLANDS : 1890 to 1954, over 100 diff. , on Specialty pages, l.h . or o.g. , incl. 1890 Ssh, Jubilee issue to ls h, Edward VII comp!., George V to I0sh, etc. , generally fine to very fine ...... .. ...... . .. .... ... ........ (betw. 3 and 147) 1,850.00+
lot No.
Cat. Value
1392 * 0
MADAGASCAR: British Cons ular Mail; 1884 to 1886, 28 stamps, o.g. to unused (2 used), incl. 3 "B .C.M.", others Vice-Consular or Consular both with violet and black handstamped seals, some defective but most small faults , fine to very fine appearance, a few very fine .. . . . ... . . . . . ........ . ....... . . . . . . . .. . .. . .(betw. 1 and 53) 5,850.00+
1393 * 0
MALAYA AND STATES; 1880 to about 1965. many hundred diff. in ring-binder , n.h. to unused , scattered used, excellent representation with numerous better 19th cent. items and Japanese Occu . issues, some compl. sets, small faults though fresh and overall fine to very fine, A valuable collection with many scarce stamps . . . .. . . .. . .. 18,000.00 +
1394 * O
MAURITIUS: 1848 to 1934, over 175 diff., o.g. to unused or used, incl. better early items in mixed condition, Edward VII I0r , etc., George V Dies I and II, some with small faults, generally fine . .... . . . . .... . . . ... ...... . . . . .. ... . . . . . 4,450.00 +
1395 * O
MALTA: 1860 to 1969, few hundred diff., n.h. to o.g., some early used, high degree of completeness, incl. better early issues , ovptd. SELFGOVERNMENT, POSTAGE, later compl. sets, to ÂŁ1, St. Paul l0sh, Postage Due, etc. , some small faults, generally fine to very fine .(betw. 2 and 408,etc. ) 3,850.00+
1396 * O
MESOPOTAMIA: 1917 to 1922, over SO diff. , o.g. to unused or used , incl. better Baghdad items , Officials, mixed condition . .... (betw. NI and NO22) 2,950.00+
1397 * O
MONTSERRAT: 1876 to 1958, over 100 diff. on Specialty pages, o.g., some used, incl. Edward VII Ssh values, Tercentenar y set, etc., some faults though overall fine to very fine .. . ...... . ..... . ... . . . .. . . . . ... . . .. . . .{betw. 1 and 148) 2,700.00 +
1398 * O
NATAL: 1857 to 1909, about 100 diff. , o.g. to un used or used , good range of issues incl. ovptd. "Postage" types, few surchd. , Edward VII to ÂŁ1 and Officials , mixed condition with some very fine (betw. 1 and 116, 01-6 ) 6,300.00
1399 * O
NEPAL: 1881 to 1960, over 125 diff. , n.h. to unused or used, excellant representation, incl. imperf and pin-perf on native wove paper with tete-beche pair s, later comp!. sets, incl. Officials, genera lly fine to very fine (betw. 4 and 117, etc.) 1,625.00 +
1400 * O
NEVIS: 1861 to 1890, 25 stamps on Specialty album page , o.g. to unused or used, incl. grayish paper and 1867 white paper issues, wmkd. CC and CA, violet surch. pair, generally fine to very fine . . ........................................... .. .... 1,750.00 +
1401 * O
NEW BRITAIN: 1914 and 1915, 22 diff. , mostly o.g. , 2 used , incl. First and Second Settings, Officials and Registration label , generally fine to very fine (betw. S and 44, 01,2) 2,686.00
1402 * 0
NEWFOUNDLAND: 1857 to 1947, about 225 diff., 1.h. to unused, some earl y used , incl. better items to 1897 surchd., almost compl. issues thereafter with Airs and Postage Due, some small faults though overall fine to very fine with some early exceptional copies (betw. 1 and 270, C2 and C19,etc. ) 7,800 .00
NEW GUINEA: 1925 to 1939, over 70 diff. , l.h . to unused, compr. Regular Issues , Airs, and Officials, a few with small faults, mostly fine to very fine (l- 12,C28-43,46-59 ,Ol-34) 2,340.00 NEW HEBRIDES: 1908 to 1967, over 100 diff. , n.h. to o.g ., incl. Edward VII issues, 2p on 40c wmkd RF in sheet (perfs touch left), later compl. sets incl. Postage Due, mostly fine to very fine . . ......... . ..... (betw. 1 and 107, J6- 15) 1,450.00 +
Cat. Value
Lot No. 1405
NEW REPUBLIC: 1886 and 1887, about 75 diff., o.g., a couple used, compr. yellow and granite papers and Arms Embossed, incl. a few S.G. vars, Arms invtd. and granite paper 3p tete-beche pair, some falults, fresh and many fine to very fine . . .. (betw. 1 & 64, etc.) 9,200.00 +
1406 * 0
NEW SOUTH WALES: 1850 to 1906, over 150 diff., o.g. to unused or used, incl. better items, various surchd. or ovptd., Semis, Registration , Postage Due with 3 ovptd. SPECIMEN , and Officials , mixed condition to some very fine ....... . .... . .(betw. 1 and 131, etc.) 11,000.00+
1407 * O
NEW ZEALAND: 1855 to 1976, man y hundred diff., n.h. to unused or used, excellent representation with numerous better items , many compl. sets , beginning with Christchurch, extensive Postal-Fiscals , Semis, back-of-book with Postage Due, Officials , Life Insurance, etc., early issues mixed condition with Revenue cancels not figured, later generally fine to very fine, worth careful inspection . .... 25,000.00 +
1408 * 0
* 1411 **
NIGER COAST PROTECTORATE: 1892 to 1898, 32 diff. , o.g. or used. incl. surchd., 2 bisects, 1897-98 set comp!.., generally fine to very fine (betw. l and 63) 1,860.00 NIGERIA: 1914-1974, over 275 diff. , n.h. to o.g., almost complete issues, incl. Dies I and 11, George V pictorial set and later comp!. sets, about 40 diff. Biafra (converted to dollars from S.G.), fresh, fine to very fine .(betw. l and 326, etc.) 1,350.00+ NIUE: 1902 to 1976, over 150 diff. , n.h. to o.g., incl. many comp!. sets, Postal-Fiscals to ÂŁ 1, fine to very fine .. .. . . . . . . .......... ..... . (betw. 3 and 188) 1, 125.00 NORFOLK ISLAND: 1947 to 1975, almost complete issues, about 140 diff., n.h., (betw. I and 189) fine to very fine . . . . .. . .. . .......... . ...........................
14 12 * O
700.00 +
NORTH BORNEO: 1883 to 1961, over 350 diff. , o.g. to unused or used, excellent representation with better items, incl. surchd., many compl. sets, Semis, Postage Due, Occu., some smaJJ faults though mostly fine to ver y fine .. . . .. ... .. . ... .. (betw. 1 and 295, etc.) 4,700.00+
14 13 * 0
NORTH WEST PACIFIC ISLANDS: 1915 to 1922, over 30 diff. , o.g., various wmks. to Ssh and l 0sh, the two surchd. used, generally fine to very fine (betw. I and 46) 1,550.00 +
14 14 * O
NOVA SCOTIA: 1851 to 1863, 9 diff. , o.g. to unused or used, generally fine (2,4 ,5,8- 13) 1,778.00
14 15
14 16
14 17 * 0
NYASALAND PROTECTORATE: 1908 to 1964, over 100 diff. , n.h. to o.g., incl. Edward VTI to I0sh, George V to ÂŁ 1, later comp!. sets, incl. Postage Due, fine . . . . .. .(betw. l and 134, Jl -5) 1,250.00+ to very fine ........................................ PAPUA NEW GUINEA: 1901 to 1957, over 125 diff. , n.h. to o.g. , nearl y complete issues, incl. values to 2sh6p and l0sh , 1952 set compl., Airs, Postage Due and Officials, generally fine to very fine . . . . .... . . ... ... . .... .. . 2,850.00 + PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND: 1861 to 1872, 14 diff. , o.g. to unused or used, . .. . .... . . .. ...... . .... . .(1-7,9, 1- 16) 1,357.25 mixed condition .. .... . ..... . ..... . ...........
1418 * O
QUEENSLAND: 1860 to 1909, about 140 diff. , unused or used, incl. better items, mixed sets, Semis and Registration, mixed condition to some very fine ...... . ...... .... . . .(betw. 2 and 144,Bl-2,Fl-3 ) 9,500.00+
lot No .
Cat. Value
1419 * O
ST. CHRISTOPHER: 1870 to 1890, 23 diff. on Specialty album page, o.g., few used, compl. but for the great rarity, also incl. Antigua Ip provisional (S.G . £160, converted), mostly fine to very fine ...... ............................ (1-22, etc.) 2,000 .00 +
1421 * O
ST. HELENA: about 90 diff., o.g. to a few unused, some used. excellent representation of surchd. issues, Edward VII and George V, Badge of Colony to lOsh, 1934 Centenary lOsh, etc., some early items small faults, generally fine to very fine (betw. 1 and 110, etc.) 6,900.00+
1422 * O
ST. LUCIA: 1860 to 1948, over 100 diff. on Specialty pages, o.g. to unused or used, primarily issues to 1936 incl. many better early items, surchd. with a bisect pair, later issues with Edward VII and George V to Ssh, 1936 Pictorial set compl., etc., generally fine to very fine ...... .. .... .. .... .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. (betw. 1 and 126, etc.) 4,850.00 +
1423 * O
ST. VINCENT 1862 to 1958, over 150 diff. on Specialty pages, o.g. or used, incl. many better early items, wmkd. and unwmkd. with various perfs, 1898 and other sets compl., Edward VII to Ssh, etc., some small faults though generally fine to very fine (betw. 2 and 200, etc. ) 6,450.00+
1424 * O
SAMOA: 1877 to 1955, about 120 mostly diff., n.h. to unused or used, incl. a few First Issues, surchd., Postal-Fiscals, some compl. sets, small faults in earlies, generally fine to very fine . . ........ . . . ................. . ..... . ..... .. 3,000.00 + SARAWAK: 1869 to 1946, over 150 diff., n.h. to unused, high degree of completeness with compl. sets, various surchd. , over 25 Japanese Occupation, some used, many signed Rowell, generally fine to very fine (betw. 1 and 158, etc.) 2,950.00 + SEYCHELLES: 1890 to 1941, over 100 diff., n.h . to o.g. , almost compl. issues to about 1932, fresh, fine to very fine .. .. .................... (betw. I and 144) 1,600.00 +
1427 * O
* 1429 * 1428
RHODESIA: 1890 to 1966, about 140 mostly diff., o.g. to unused or used, incl. 1890-94 Coat of Arms £5 used, surchd. and ovptd. issues, Falls, 1910 Double Portraits to 7sh6p with shades, Admiral, S. G. listed, etc. some faults and Revenue cancels, generally fine to very fine ...... ..... ... .. .. . . ... ... . . .. ... . . ... . ...... . ...... . ..... . ... 8,500.00 +
143 1 * O
SIERRA LEONE: 1859 to 1936, over 200 diff. , n.h. to o.g., excellent range of issues with better early items, Victora and Edward VII to £1, George V to £1, 1932 Pictorial set compl. , etc., few Airs and a couple used incl. Independence llsh on £1, mostly fine to very fine . . ............ ............ . .................. . .... . ................. 5,200.00
SINGAPORE: 1948 to 1975, issues nearly complete, n.h . to o.g., incl. Sesquicentennial set compl. , se-tenant blks, etc., fine to very fine .(betw. la and 224,etc.)
825.00 + SOLOMON ISLANDS: 1907 to 1965, issues almost complete, n.h. to o.g. , incl. War Canoe sets, George V to JOsh, etc., mosthy fine to very fine (betw. I and 142) 1,800.00 + SOMALILAND PROTECTORATE: 1903 to 1960, issues very much nearly complete. n.h. to o.g., couple used, incl. Offic ials, generally fine to very fine 1,975.00 + SOUTH AFRICA: 1910 to 1972, few hundred diff. , n.h. to o.g ., some used, many bi-lingual pairs, later compl. sets, Semis, Air , Postage Due and Officials, various types, generally fine to very fine ......... ............................... .......... 2, 100.00+
Lot No.
* 1434 * 1433
Cat . Value
SOUTH AUSTRALIA: 1855 to 1912, over 200 diff. , mostly used, some o.g. to unused, incl. many better items , inscribed POSTAGE & REVENUE or POSTAGE issues, extensive Officials, mixed condition with reference items not figured ... . ............ ... . ......... 11,700.00 +
SOUTHERN NIGERIA: 1901 to 1912, complete country less 1903-04 Edward set, l.h . or o.g., fine to very fine ..................... . ............... ( 1-9,21-56) 1,260.00+ SOUTH-WEST AFRICA: 1923 to 1973, over 300 diff. , n.h. to o.g., many bi-lingual pairs , Settings III and VI to lOsh, and others , later compl. sets, Semis, Airs, Postage Due and Officials, very clean and fine to very fine 3,800.00 +
* O TASMANIA: 1853 to 1912, over 100 stamps mostly used. some o.g. ,
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: 1867 to 1948, over 250 diff. , o.g. to unused or used , good range of issues with numerous surchd. types , Edward VII to $5, George V to $25, 1907 Settlemants and 1922 Exhibiton sets, compl. , Occu. , etc., mixed conditon as would be expected, some very fine .. . ........... . ............................. 6,500.00 +
good range of early issues with shades, later compl. sets mixed o.g./used, mixed condition though many better items .... . ....... 8,800.00 + 1437
* O TONGA: 1886 to 1968, about 200 diff. , n.h. to unused or used, high degree of
completeness with Officials and Air Post Officials, early items mixed condition, later fine to very fine ... .. . . .. . . ..... ... ... .. .. . . ........ . .. . ... ... .. 2,750.00 +
* O TRANSVAAL: 1869 to 1910, about 250 mostly diff. , o.g. to unused or used , excellent range of early issues with various ptgs. and ovpt . types, Pietersburg imperf and perf, etc. , some faults as would be expected, but generally superior appearance and many fine to very fine, a valuable collection worth inspection .. . . . .. . .... . ............ 15,300.00
* O TRINIDAD: 1851 to 1909, about 100 diff. on Specialty pages, o.g. , to unused or
used , excellent range of early issues imperf and vars. perf combinations , later Britannia to ÂŁ1, Postage Due, mixed condition with some very fine (betw. 1 and 107, Jl-17 ) 5,700.00+ TURKS ISLAND: 1867 to 1894, about 35 diff. on Specialty pages, o.g. to unused or used , incl. a good selection of surchd. issues, wmkd. Star and unwmkd. , mostly fine to very fine, worth inspection .. . . ....... . .... (betw. 1 and 57) 3,400.00+
* O VICTORIA: 1850 to 1912, about 250 diff. , mostly used, some o.g. , excellent array with man y early issues incl. 2 pairs, later compl. sets and better items, many Postal-Fiscals and Postage Due, faults as would be expected though many fine to very fine, worth careful inspection ............................. . ............... .. .. . ... . . .. . .. 14,000.00 +
VIRGIN ISLANDS: 1866 to 1928, complete issues on Specialty pages, l.h. to a few unused , one used, also 1889 Ip carmine (19), compl. sheet of 24, some with small faults , fresh and generally fine to very fine ................. (1-66) 3,800.00 + WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 1854 to 1912, about 100 diff. , o.g. to unused or used , incl. various earl y Swan issues, various perfs , surchd. etc. , few Revenues , mixed condition though some very fine ... . .. . ........... (betw. 1 and 103) 6,600.00+
* O ZANZIBAR: 1895 to 1936, over 175 diff., n .h. to unused or used, incl. compl. and part sets to 20r or 30r, "Zanzibar" with small or dropped second " z", various surchd., and Postage Due, some with small faults, mostly fine to very fine ... . .. .. ................ . .... . . 4,000.00 +
LntN o.
Cat. Value
1888 to 1896, 20 diff. , o.g. , few used, incl. First issue comp!. to I sh, wnkd. CA
to 4sh, generally fine to very fine ........
.... .... .. ...... .. .. .... (1-10, 12, 14-22)
880 .00 +
The Panzram Balances
19th and 20th Century reminder of a few thousand diff. in box, n.h. to o.g. or used , enormous range of countries mostly with the "odd" value, some compl. sets, Souvenir sheets, back-of-book, scattered better items, clean and generally fine to very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $1,500-2,500 .... .. .. .. .......... . ........ .
The Elizabethan and later issues remainder of the collection, thousands of primarily n.h. stamps and Souvenir sheets neatly arranged in 12 stockbooks, plus some new issue envelopes, virtually all comp!. sets, some earlier issues and Omnibus, perfect for filling 1960s and 1970s album spaces , generally very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,500-2,000
Additional British collections will be f ound in "Co llections by Country" section
Primarily 10th Century , colJ. of a few hundred , o.g. or used, incl. U.S. with 1847 Sc (2), 1857 Sc brown (2), Hawaii selection incl. values to $1, Mexico, Peru, etc., mixed condition, an " old-time" group worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,200 ........ .. .. ..
19th and 20th Century
Accum. of coll. balances in 29 binders in 3 cartons , o.g. to unused or used , incl. Austria, Belgium, Germany and Area, Netherlands, Mexico and other Latin America, Switzerland, better items, Semis, scattered British Commonwealth , Reprints , reference , mixed condition to very fine, worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $3,000-4,000
1450 * 00 Stock of hundreds on sales sheets, loose and in 5 ring-binders, n.h. to unused or used , incl. Argentina, Austria , Belgium , Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil with extensive range of classics, few Souvenir sheets, Danzig, France, Germany with South America Flight 4m and Chicago Flight 2m post cards, Sweden, better items and compl. sets, mixed condition to very fine. Perfect mail sale material, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $3,000-4,000 .. . .... ... .. .. .... . .
Accum. of about 100 stamps in stockbook in envelope , n.h. to unused to used, mostly Western Europe incl. Belgium, France, few proofs, Greece, some German areas and Scandinavia , etc., few comp!. sets , mixed condition to some very fine .... .. .. . .. .... . .. ... .. .. ........ 9,300.00+
Coll. of a few thousand in 5 Specialt y albums, o.g. or unused, incl. Latin America , Southern Europe with Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, few early issues, later comp!. sets, few Souvenir sheets , reference , mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 .. ............ .. .. .. ... .. .. .... . .. .. .... .
Cat. Value
lot No. 1453
To early 20th Century, coll. and accum. of a few thousand on pages in binders and loose in box , unused or used, wide range of countries though mostly Europe , incl. Belgium , Netherlands, Austria, Norway, German y and States , some Latin America , China and Japan, etc., scattered better item s, some Reprint s and reference items , generally faulty or mixed condition with man y not figured, some very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000 + ... ............... ....... ......... .
To 1920, coll. of man y hundred in 6 Ne Plus Ultra album s, o.g. to unused or used, incl. extensi ve Latin America , German y with State s and Colonie s, few China and Japan, some better items, later compl. set , reference , mixed condition to ver y fine. Est . Cash Val. $2,000
* O Primarily 20th Century accum. of a few thousand on retail and album pages,
1456 0
stock cards in glassines, etc. , in carton, n.h. to unused or used, smatterings of many countries though mostly Middle East and Africa, incl. Ethiopia, Liberia, some independent colonies, compl. sets, Airs, Souvenir sheets, Sports and Olympics issues, EUROPA, United Nations, 2 vol. coll. balance of "notables", generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500 + .......... . Accum. of several thousand stamps in glassines in 3 small boxes, used , almost entirely compl. sets, mostly Europe incl. Greece, Hungary, Russia, many others, some colonies, Latin America , misc. Asia and British areas, single to vary ing quantities, genera lly fine to very fine . Est. Cash Val. $300-500 .... . ..... . .... .
20th Century, accum. of a few hundred covers in various containers in carton,
* O ASIA: Primarily 20th Century, accum. of many hundred in glassines, stock
People ' s Rep. , Jap an, Korea, South East As ia, Nepal, Philippine , Indonesia, few others, some compl. sets, Souvenir sheets, co ll. remainders, etc ., mixed . ...... . .. . . . ..... .. .... .. . condition. Est. Cash Val. $250-350 .................... 20th century, coll. of many hundred stamps on pages in box, n.h. to o. g., incl. Indonesia, Ryukyu ls. with many complete sheets, Thailand , Mongolia, few others, many compl. sets , Souvenir sheets, Airs, etc. , clea n and generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-600 . . .. . . . . . ...... . ...... . ... . ...... . ........ . ... .
sheets, album pages, etc. , in box, o.g. to unused or used , incl. Chin a and
larger selection of Sweden, Netherlands, G. D . R., Finland , Switzerland , other Europe and Asia plus misc. British and U.S ., incl. numerous FDC s (many unopened), co mmercial mail, Reg is., few flights and picture post cards, beari ng Souvenir sheets, blks, Semis, and compl. sets, clean and genera lly fine to very fine, worth care ful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $400-600 . .. .... . ... .. . . ... . . . . . . . AFRICA: 1958 to 1975, virtually complete issues on pages in box, l.h . or o.g., compr. Burundi , Co ngo, Morocco, Guinea, Rwanda, incl. se-tenant issues , Souvenir sheets, Semis, Airs, etc. , fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200 -300
1951 to 1975, coll. of many hundred on pages in album, o.g. , compr. Cambodia, Laos and Viet Nam, incl. compl. sets, extensive of imperfs, Souvenir sheets, promotional items, generally very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,250 ... . ...... . .. . ... . .. . . ...... .. .. .. ..... . .. .
* O MIDDLE EAST: Primarily 20th Century, accum. of many hundred on pages,
etc. , in box , o.g. to unused or used , compr. country coils . or coll. balances, incl.
Egy pt , Syria and UAR issues , Pakistan, Israe l, lran, Saudi Arabia , various Emerites, others, compl. or part sets, Souvenir sheets, etc. , genera lly fine to very . ..... . .... . fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-500 .. . .. . .. . ... . .... . ... . .................. 20th Century, coll. of several hundred dilI. on pages, l.h . or o.g., incl. Aatay , Libya , Morocco, Syr ia-Arabian Govt. , Anatolia, Yemen, with better items and compl. sets, few Souvenir sheets, generally fine to very fine with severa l scarce stamps. Est. Cas h Val. $400-600 . .. .. . ........ .. . ..... .. ... . . .. . . .. . . . . ......... . 1923 to 1975, coll. of many hundred on pages, in 2 blue albums, o.g., incl. Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait with a few better values , some unlisted , genera lly fine to very ... fine. Est. Cas h Val. $200-300 .... . . . ........ . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. .. . . . .. . ...........
EUROPE lot No. 1464
19th and 20th Century Cat. Value
* O Stock of many hundred in glassines in box, o.g. to unused or used ,
compr. Bulgaria , Eastern Romelia, Romania , Serbia, excellent range of 19th cent. with many better items , some back-of-book reference , moderate quantities in mixed condition, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $1,000 + ........ ........ .. .......... ..... .
* O Aecom. of thousands of stamps on album pages , etc., in carton, l.h. to unused
or used, compr. coils. and coll. balances with a wide range of countries with some several times over, incl. Scandinavia, Russia, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany and Netherlands and their areas or colonies, Switzerland, Greece, Turkey , Austria, Belgium, Romania, others, compl. or part sets, Semis, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $500-1,000 . . . .. .... . .. . .... . ......... . . ..... .
* O Aecom. of many hundred stamps in glassines, retail pages, stock cards, etc., in
box, n.h. to o.g. or used, wide range of countries incl. Austria, Turkey , Scandinavia, Eastern Europe with Poland , Russia and Area, others , compl. or part sets, Souvenir sheets, country groupings priced for retail , etc., mixed condition to fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-600 . .... ... ..... ......... .
* O Coll. of several hundred on pages in 4 binders in box, used, few unused, incl.
Coll. of several hundred diff., on pages in spring-back binder , l.h. to o.g. , incl. Bosnia, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, few others, many compl. sets, Souvenir sheets, Semis, Occu. , few better items, some faults, overall fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-500 . ... . . ........................................................ . Austria, Jugoslavia, small selections of Monaco, Romania, Hungary, Russia, few others, also a coll. of Israel and a stock book of misc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 . ..... ... . ... ..... . ....... . ................. . ........... ..
1469 * EB 20th Century , accum. of many hundred diff., stamps neatl y arranged
in 6 stockbooks in carton, n.h. to o.g., compr. Finland, France, Netherlands, Switzerland, very nice range of mostly modern issues, incl. many compl. sets, Semis, Airs, some back-of-book with Officials, few better Swiss Souvenir sheets, French Semi-postals bklts , blks of 4, scattered used , clean and fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000 ... ... .. . . . ..... . ........ . . . . . ...... . .... .. .. ......... .
* O BENELUX: 19th and 20th Century, accum. of a few hundred in glassines,
BALTIC STATES: 1918 to 1940, coll. of several hundred diff. on pages in binders, l.h. to o.g. , compr. Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, high degree of completeness with perf and imperf sets, better items , Souvenir sheets, Airs, Air Semis, etc., few vars. and back-of-book incl. Occu., some small faults and a few reference items, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1000 + stockbook, etc., in box, n.h. to unused, some used, compr. Belguim, Luxembourg, Netherlands and misc. colonies, incl. compl. or part sets, better Semis, misc. back-of-book, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 ........ .
* O SCANDINAVIA: 19th and 20th Century, stock of many hundred neatly
arranged in glassines, with catl. number and value, in box, unused or used , compr. Denmark, Finland, Sweden, plus misc. , incl. man y better items in depth, invtd. frames and perf vars., Semis and a good range of back-of-book , mixed condition though some very fine, a valuable stock excellent for mail sales. Est. Cash Val. $3,000-5,000
Lot No. 1473
Cat. Value
To about 1985, coll. of a few thousand difT. on pages in spring -back album and 2 ring-binders in box, used , some o.g., compr. Denmark , Finland, Norway, Sweden and a small group of Iceland , excellent range with many better items or scarcer stamps, some compl. sets, Airs , back-of-book , some faults in 19th cent. though some very fine , later issues generall y fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $2,000-2,500 .. .. ........ ............. . ......... .. . . . .. . ... . .. . .. . . .
SOUTHERN EUROPE: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of over 250 difT. on pages, l.h . to unused, compr. Crete, Epirus, Thrace, incl. better items, Postage Due, Occu., vars. , few reference, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-500
LATIN AMERICA 19th and 20th Century 1475
Coll . of thousands in 6 Specialty albums , o.g. to unused or used, incl. excellent representation of most countries Central and South America, Cuba, Dominican Republic , Haiti, good range of early issues, many later compl. sets, few Souvenir sheets, Reprints , reference, mixed condition to very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $2,500-3,000 . . . .. ...... . ........................ . .. . .. .
Stock of thousands in 13 stockbooks and loose on stock pages in 2 cartons, o.g. to unused or used , wide range of countries, strength in Brazil, Chile, Ecuador and Uruguay , better items , comp!. and part sets, dupl. , Reprints and reference , mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $2,000-3,000 ... . . . .................. . . .. ...... . . .
Stock of several thousand in glassines in boxes in carton, unused or used , over a dozen countries with better Argentina, Brazil , Colombia and States , Cuba, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Salvador, Uruguay, others, some blks , Airs, back-of-book , varying quantities , fault y or mixed condition with reference items not figured. Est. Cash Val. 2,000-2,500 ......... . . .. . .. ................................. .
Stock and accum. of several thou sand stamps in glassines, stock sheets , re ta il pages , etc., in box, n.h. to unu sed or used , wide range of countries with man y comp!. sets, Airs, some Souvenir sheets and back-of-book , early issues mixed condition, later generally fine to very fine, excellent for mail sales. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 . .................... .. ............. . .. . ...................... . Ba lance of a few thousand on pages in coll. or coll. remainders in carton, o.g. to unused or used, many countries represented with a few more than once, incl. Airs, back-of-book, some compl. set, and Souvenir sheets, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 . ......... . ................... .. .............. . . .. . . .. . .............. . To about 1975, coll. of many thou sand diff. in 2 large black Scott spring -back albums in box, l.h. to unused , extensive representations of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Guatemala, Panama , Paragua y, Peru , incl. man y better items, compr. or part sets, Souvenir sheets, Airs, excellent back-of-book , hundreds of varieties with imperfs, ovpt. or surch. vars., double, invtd., etc. , many Sanabria listed, imperf. plat e proofs, much more, Reprints or reference not figured , clean and generally fine to very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $3,500 + .... .................... .
1891 to 1952, accum. of several hundred in glassines in cigar box , n.h. to unu sed , a few used , incl. early kingdom issues in blks of 4 or larger, few gutter blks , Registration stamps, Official s, Parcel Post and Postal Tax, varying quantiti es with some large amounts, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $150-200 .... . . ... ........ . ... . . .... . .. . . .............. .... .
Cat. Value
AUSTRALIA: 1913 to 1975, coll. of a few hundred on Scott pages, o.g., incl. 1913 to 2sh, 1914-24 4p lemon, 1915-24 to l0sh , 1918-23 ½p 4p (3), thin "½" at right in pair, George V to l sh, 1929-30 to Ssh, 1931-36 to Ssh, 1937-46 to £1, 1949-50 to £2, 1963-65 to £2, Commems, Postage Due, Officials, generally fresh and fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,500-2,000 . . ..... .. . . . . . .. . ....... . . .... ...... .
**16l 1971 Christmas 7c multicolored , full sheet of 100 , compr , 2 panes of 50 and gutter,
n.h., incl. 8 blks of 7, fold in gutter , also 2 FDCs with blks of 7 , very fine (508 g) 1,000 .00 +
**16l Face lot of sheets, over $550 in sheets and Pl. blks, values to$ n.h. , very fine . Est. Cash Val. $250-300 ................
10 , but mostly 22c , .. .. .. .................. .
AUSTRIA: 1850 to 1930: coll. of a few hundred on album pages, mostly used , neatly mounted dupl. , cancels, sets, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300 .... . ...... .. ...... .. . . ............................. . .......... . .. . ............ .
AUSTRIA AND HUNGARY: 19th and 20th Century, stock of amny hundred arranged in glassines by catl. number and value, o.g. , to unused or used, value mostly in Austria classics and turn of century issues, incl. thin and thick papers, type I and II , Reprints, perfs, some Semis, good range of back-of-book with Newspaper stamps, Offices and Lombardy-Venetia, many better items, generally faults or mixed condition, some very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500
Lombardy-Venetia; 1850 to 1865, accum. of over 40 items on stock pages, mostly used , some o .g. , incl. 1850 15c cancel group pairs and strips of 3, few on small piece, ribbed paper , cracked plate, wmkd. , etc ., nice range of cancels, also some Franz Joseph and Coat of Arms, interesting and generally fine group. Est. Cash Val. $300-500 .. .... .. .. .. .. ........ .. .... .. .. .... .............. ... (betw. 4 & 24)
1488 0
BAHAMAS: 1938-46 Script George VI 2p gray, 100 copies, many c .d. s . cance ls, generally fine to very fine .... .... ........... . ....................... .. . . ... .(103) 3,000.00
1948 Silver Wedding set compl., 20 sets in blks of 4 , each neatly caned. , on separate FDC , fine to very fine .... . ...... . .... .......................... ( 148,49) 1,500.00 +
BELGIUM and LUXEMBOURG: 19th and 20th Century, stock of many hundred in glassines with catl. number and value in box, o.g. to unused or used, excellent range of early issues with many better items in depth , incl. Luxembourg with Officials , varying quantities , mixed condition with reference item s not figured, some very fine. A valuable " old-time " stock worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $2,000-3,000 . . ... . . .................. . .... . .......... . .... . .. .. . .. .
CANADA 149 1
19th Century, cover accum. of many hundred in 2 tra ys in box , i'ncl. a few early issue s, Large Queens , extensive range of Small Queens , Maple Leaf and Numeral issues, Advertising with a good range of topics, Regis. , few overseas destination s, Stationery , few Newfoundland , mixed condition to very fine , an intere sting lot worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 . ... . .... . . .... . . . .
Cat. Value
Lot No. 1492
20th Century, mint accum, of several thousand stamps in glassines, 2 stockbooks **[ยง] , moderate quantities from about 1940, incl.
1498 1499
**IB **
1500 1501
19th and 20th Century, coll. and accum. of a few hundred in binder, on pages
and loose in glassi nes in box , o .g. , to unused or used , incl. a few Small Queens , Quebec IOc, later co mp!. sets, back-of- book with Offi cia ls and Regis . 8c , few Newfoundland, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200-300 .. .. . ... . Primarily 20th Century, stock of hundreds in 6 stockbooks in box, n.h . to unu sed or used , incl. a few ear ly issues, later comp!. sets, dupl. few Provinces , station ery, back- of-book , al o some New Zealand , mixed co ndition to very fine . . Est. Cash Val. $300- 500 . . . . .. ...... .. . . . . ... . . . . . . ...... . ... ....................
and 6 sheet files in box, n.h. coils, compl. sets, booklets, tagged, Christmas issues, Officials, blks or Pl. blks of 4 or larger and compl. or part sheets, clean and fine to very fine. Est. .. . . ... .............................. Cash Val. $500-750 . ..... .................... Cover accum. of a few thousand in boxes, majority Edward Vll and Geor ge V
i sues, incl. Reg is. , Officials, Special Delivery, few censored, Adverti sing, Stationery , Postage Due, few better de tination s and orig ins, Newfound land , .. ... .. ...... . mixed condition to very fine . Est. Cash Val. $400-500 ............ n.h. to ring-binders, 2 in pages stock on stamps thousand several Accum. of disturb ed o.g. , hundr eds of Pl. blks in vary ing quantitie s with quite some dupl. , incl. 4c Red Cross, Alberta and Sask ., Civil Aviation , I0c Eski mo, 25c Chemica l, 1951 Postal Centenary , 1939 Roya l Visit and 1934 Cartie r, etc. , mixed cond ition with some stuck , much fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $250-350 1935 to 1955, group of 40+ compl. or part sheets, n .h ., mostly le throug h 7c values , incl 1938 I0c , few better Airs with 1938 6c, generall y fine to very fine . . . .... . . .. .. . . .. . . ............. ... ............. Est. Cash Val. $200-300 ........... . (294) 960.00+ . .. fine very mostly .h., n 4, of blks 1950 Oil Wells S0c dull green, 20 Pl. negligible or s bend few a .h., n copies, 16 ultramarine, 1951 Fisheries $1 bright (302) 1,200. 00 creas ing, fine to very fine ......... . ......... ... . .. ....... . . .. ...............
Similar Lot COILS: 1942 to 1961, stock and accum. of several hundred mostly in strips or pairs, vast majority n.h. , incl. many Geroge VI perf 8 or 9\/2 vert. , 1951 4c orange vermilion, and Elizabeth, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-600 AIR POST: circa 1928, accum. of a few hundred in box, incl. extensive range of Sc brown olive or special covers , First Flights or different legs , cachet s, some
dupl. , variety of destinatio ns, few Regis., mixed condition to very fine. Est . Cash . . . . . .. . . . . Val. $400- 500 ... . . . . . . . . . .... .. .. . . .... .. .. .. ....... ..... ...............
AND AIRPOST SPECIAL DELIVERY: 1928 to 1947, stock and accum. of many hundred, n.h . to unused , few used , varying quantitie s with many blks of 4 or larger , some Pl. blks, condition varies but much fine to very fine , useful stock . Est . Cash Val. $300-400 . .. . . .... . (betw. CI and C9 ,CE l-4)
ovptd. "O.H. M.S." or "G", 82 and 157 **ffiAIR POST Officials; 1949 and 1950 ity n.h ., some offset or slight gum disturb ance, a copies respectively, vast major
few with smal l faults, fres h and overall fine to very fine . .. . ... . .... . . . (COl,2) 4,745.00 SPECIAL DELIVERY: 1898 to 1946, accum. of well over 150 on stock pages, n.h. to unused or used, all represented in moderate quantities, incl. some blks of 4, some faults though many very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 (El-11 ) and 32 24 "G", or "O.H.M.S. ovptd. 1950 OFFICIALS: DELIVERY SPECIAL
**ffi 1507
1508 1509
copies respective ly, incl. Pl. blks, n.h. , fine to very fine . . . .. . ........
(EO I ,2) 2,0 40 .00 +
OFFICIALS: 1949 to 1962 Ovptd. "O. H.M. S." or "G", accum. of a **[ยง] and sheet file in box, vast majority
few thousand on stock pages n.h. , some o.g. , many Pl. blks of 4 or larger, some part sheets, excellent representation in varying to large quantities, incl. $1 values, some gum disturbed or small faults, overall fine to very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $1,500-2,000 (betw. 01 and 039 )
**ffi1949-50 Ovptd. "O.H.M.S. $1 red violet, 3 Pl. blks of 4, n.h. , very fine (0 I0) 720.00 + , some with faults, overa ll fine **ffiS0c dull green, 25 Pl. No. or corner blks of .4,,.... n.h. . . . . .... . . . . . .. . ... (0 24) 1,300 .00 + . .......... to very fine . . .... . ........................
lot No .
Cat . Value 1510 ** 63 50c, 150 copies, incl. corner blks of 4, vast majority n.h., a few faults, overa ll very fine ... .. . .. ......... . ... . .. . . . . . ............. . ........................ . .. .... .(024) 1,950.00 1511 ** 63 1952-53 Ovptd. "G" Totem $1 gray, 40 Pl. blks of 4, n.h ., fine to very fine (032) 2,800.00+ 1512 181 STATIONERY: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of over 250 items, unused and used, incl. an exce llent range of postal cards , few letter cards , reply paid , misc . Newfoundland , light dupl. generally fine to very fine, an attract ive collec tion. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 . . .. ..... .... .... .... .. . .. . ..... . . . ... .. .. . . . . .... ... ... ...... . 1513 0 CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: 1853 to 1864, accum. of 15 triangulars, used ,, compr. 1853 Ip , 4p (2) , 1855-58 Ip (2), 4p (3 with pair) , 6p , lsh (2), 186 1 4p , 1863-64 4p, 6p, lsh (cleaned ), also Great Britain 1840 Ip , mixed cond ition to very fine 6,947.00 CAYMAN ISLANDS: 1901 to 1926, coll. of about 60 diff. , plus a few blks on 1514 pages , l.h . or o.g ., compr. Edward VII and George V issues , values to 5sh and I0sh, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-500 ... (betw . 3 and 65)
CHINA 1515
15 17
19th and 20th Century to about 1975, coll. of many hundred diff. on pages in spring-back binder, l.h. to ungummed, excellent range of issues incl. Customs Post , Govt. Post surchd., Imperial Post and Republic issues with compl. or part sets, surchd. issues, imperfs and other vars., Souvenir sheets, Airs, back-of-book with man y Pro vinces , North China, etc. , also some People 's Rep. , early issues mixed condition , later generall y fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,500 + ............................ .............. · ·· ·· · ·· · ·· ·· ·· ·· · · ·· ··
1878 to 1912, accum. of over 500 stamps in glassines in box, o.g. to unused or used , incl. large Dragon (about 30 copies ), small Dragon 1894 Shanghai and subsequent surchd. issues, 1897 surchd., etc., various shades and a variety of cancel s include seals (few blue ), Pa Kua , single and double line bi-lingual types , etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 .... ..... . ............ ..
* 0 1!.!1 Primarily 20th Century, stock of a few thousand in glassines (mostly by catl. number) in 5 boxes in carton, n.h. to ungummed or used, excellent range of mostly more common issues, some better items, incl. 1942-44 surchd. issues with various districts, Occu. with many areas in large and small characters, Manchuria incl. uni., People's Republic and sub divisions, blks, vars. , some reference and reprints, compl. sets, misc. Treaty Ports and a small coll. on pages, clean and generally fine to very fine. A valuable stock worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $1,500-2,500 ....... . ...... . ... ... .. . . .... .
1518 * 018l 20th Century, small coll. on pages, used , some o.g. , incl. Occu . issues, # 3Ns-9Ns with various types , also a group of " JUNK " pigs., some on cover and misc. Provinces, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200-300 ......... ...... . 1950s to 1990, stock of several hundred on stock pages in 2 ring-binders, n.h. 1519 to ungummed, Commems and Regular Issues, incl. compl. and part sets, blks of 4, etc. , moderate quantities, clean and fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 ............. . ................ . . . .. . .. . ......... . . .. . ..... . . .. .. .. .. . 1520 * 018l I950s to 1980s, remainder of a few thousand on pages, in glassines and loose in box, o .g. to unused or used, a few covers , some sets , bundled stock, etc. , mixed conditio n. Est. Cash Val. $ 150-200 . .. .... .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .... ... .... . ............. . 152 1 181 1953 to 1980s, accum. of well over 150 FDCs in box, many cacheted , comp!. sets, Souvenir sheets, some oversize, some better early items , few Maximum cards, fine to very fine . Est. Cash Val. $300-400 ...................................... . 1522 * O 1960s to 1980s, small accum. of presentation books and folders, philatelic event souvenirs etc., in box , generally fine to very fine . Est . Cash Val. $150-200 .. 1523 0 STATIONERY: 1948 to 1990s, stock of many hundred in box, incl. areograms , mint and used postal cards, Regis. , express and military envelopes or cards, etc., many with commemorative cancels, fine to very fine , interesting lot worth careful inspection . Est. Cash Val. $400-500 . .. . . . .... ........... ... ................ . ... . .
Lot No.
Cat. Value TREATY PORTS; 19th Century, coll. of about 350 on pages , o.g. to unused or used, incl. Amoy, Chefoo , Chinkiang, Foochow , Hankow, lchang, Kewkiang , Tientsin , Wuhu , etc., generally cheaper issues, Postage Due, few vars., and dupl. , mixed condition . Est. Cash Val. $150-250 . . .. . . .... . .. .... . ............. .
*[el Circa
*[el 1949,
1949 to 1990, neat dealer 's stock of tens of thousands of stamps in over a dozen stockbooks and file folders , glassines in boxes, etc., in 3 cartons, n.h. to ungummed, some used, incl. many Regional issues, general issues, Souvenir sheets, full sheets, compl. sets, some better items, blks, varieties, etc. , Stationery and some FDCs, a very clean and valuable stock requiring careful inspection .. Scott listed material alone catls. over $94,000 by 1992 Scott, some uncounted, much unlisted and some covers. No damaged material counted. Est. Cash Val. $40,000 + ...... .... ... .
1949, Yang listed stock and accum. of a few thousand in stock pages in ring-binder and sheet file in box, n.h. to ungummed, few used, varying to large quantities , incl. blks of 4 or larger, many varieties annotated, interesting and varied stock, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-2,000 .............................. .
mostly Central China accum. of over 200 compl. sheets, ungummed, perf and imperf , some surchd. , varying to large quantities, mostly fine to very fine. S.G. about ÂŁ18,000 ... . ..... . . .
* O COLOMBIA: 1859 to 1899, coll. of over 120 unused or used incl. 1859 to lp, 1861 to lp, 1864 to lp, later compl. sets or better values, etc. , mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $800-1,000 . ........ .......... ... . .. . ..... . . . .. ... . . . .
COLOMBIA AND STATES: 1859 to 1910, coll. of a few hundred, o.g. or used, incl. 1859 and 1861 to lp, 1863 to 20c, 1865 to Ir, 1867 to lOp, etc. , Registered, incl. 1865 and 1881 issues, States with Antioquia, Bolivar, Cartagena, Medellin, Santander, etc. , mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. 1,250-1,500 .... ...... . . .. . ..................................................... . .. .
* O 1862 to 1895, coll. of a few hundred , unused or used, many compl. sets and better items, incl. 1859 to lp , 1860 20c, 1862 and 1864 issues to Ip, 1866 to lOp, States incl. Antioquia 1868 Sc green (Diena), Bolivar, Cundinamarca, Tolima, etc., lovely old time collection worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $1,500-2,000 ....... . .. . .. .
DANISH WEST INDIES: 1856 to 1917, coll. of over 70 stamps on Scott pages , o.g. to unused , incl. 1856 3c (2), 1866 3c, 1873 4c, good range of Numeral and Arms issues, 1905 to 5fr, Postage Due, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 ...................... ..... ............ . .. . .. . . . ....... . . ..... . ...... . DENMARK: 1851 to 1975, coll. of several hundred diff. on pages, I.h. or o.g., few early items unused, high degree of completeness with many better items, invtd. frames, Airs, and excellent back-of -book issues, 19th cent mixed condition, later generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,500-2,000 . ... EGYPT: 1866 to 1975, coll. of hundreds on pages in album , o.g. to unused, incl. 1866 to 5pi , later 19th cent., compl. set , 1938 Birthday ÂŁ1 , Airs, back-of-b ook, Souvenir sheets, mixed condition to very fine , an attractive collection. Est. Cash Val. $300-500 ..................... . .... . ... . ........................... . ... .. ..... .
Lot No.
Cat . Value
1535 * O
FALKLAND ISLANDS: 1878 to 1979, coll. of over 500 mostly diff. on stock pages, n.h. to o.g., incl. early items with S.G. shades, Edward VIl to Ssh, George V sets to £1, Centenary to lsh, almost complete issues thereafter incl. Dependencies, also South Georgia Elizabeth issues and Ross Is., fine to very fine. Plus Falkland Is. and Dependencies specialized catalogue 1800-1897, by Stefan Heijtz, lovely collection. . . . . . ....... . .. .. . . . . .... ... . . . . ..... ... . . . .......... 6,450.00 + 1878 to 1929, coll. of over 50 mostly diff. on pages, l.h. to unused, few used, incl. better items , shades ½p on Ip bisect, issues to Ssh, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $500-600 . . ..... . . . .... . ... . . . .. .. . .. . . ............. .(betw. 1 and 48)
FINLAND: 1860 to 1975, coll. of several hundred diff. , on pages, l.h. or o.g. , few early unused, high degree of completeness and virtually comp!. after 1925, incl. Semis and Airs, some faults in early issues, generalJy fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 .. . . .. .. . . . .
FRANCE 1537 * O
1849 to 18793, coll. of over 90 unused or used , man y " classic" values in fine condition , incl. 1863-70 to Sfr, Bordeaux , Peace and Commerce to Sfr, Postage Due, etc., some mixed condition , worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $800-1,000 . . ... . . . ... ....... . ......... . . . .. . ..... . ....... . ... . .. . .... (Photo )
1538 * O
1539 * O
1849 to 1985, coll. of severa l hundred diff. on pages, loose and in ring-binder in box, used , some o.g., incl. a few better early items , later comp!. or part sets, Semis, Airs, misc. back-of-book, some small faults though overall fine to very fine with some exceptional looking copies. Est. Cash Val. $500-750
1542 TC
19th and 20th Century, stock of a few thousand stamps in glassines, with catl. number and value, in box, o.g. to unused or used, excellent range of early issues to turn of the century with many better items in depth , some French Colonies General Issues mixed in, Postage Due, Alsace and Lorraine , Offices Abroad and French Morocco , also some better later items incl. Semis, varying quantities in mixed condition, reference items not figured. An extraordinary and valuable "o ld-time " stock. Est. Cash Val. $3,000-4,000 .. . . . .
1849 to 1975, comprehensive coll. of many hundred stamps on pages , in binder, l.h. or o.g., many better early items with some unused , later comp!. sets, incl. Semis, Airs, some back-of-book , unexploded booklets , bklt. pane s, compl. sheets incl. #612a, 1100, minor ptg. vars., early issues mixed condition, later generally fine to very fine. A valuable collection worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $5,000-7,500 .................. .. ........ .. . .......... . ............... . .. .
20th Century, coll. of over 400 stamps on stock pages, n.h. to o.g., incl. comp!. sets, Semis, few Airs, minor dupl. particularly in Semis, few se-tenant issues, Art series, etc., generall y fine to very fine (betw. 194 and 1821,B6 and B450,etc. ) 3,875.00+
Coll. of over 85 imperf trial color plate proofs on pages, l.h ., incl. 1953 Sports issue (over 15), 1956 EUROPA, few Semis, colorful and very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200-300 ...... ........ . ... .... . .. ...... . . . .......... .. . . ........ . . . .......... .
Cat . Value
Lot No.
* O FRANCE AND COLONIES: 19th and 20th Century , stock and accum. of many
hundred in glassines , retail pages , stock sheets, etc., in box, n.h. to o.g . or used, incl. misc. Offices Abroad and better Monaco, some colonies with post independence and Omnibus issues, comp!. or part sets, Semis, Airs, etc., mixed condition though much fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300 -500 .. .... . ..... .
* O OFFICES ABROAD: 1859 to 1895, coll. of over 150 unused or used ,
Turkish Empire incl. Dedeagh , Cacalle, Port Lagos, Vathy, China, etc., also Frensh Colonies General Issue 1871 and 1872 values to 80c, many scarce or better items, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. ... . .. . . .. ........... .... ... . ........... $1,200-1,500 .....................
* O FRENCH COLONIES: 19th and 20th Century, accum. of man y hundred on
1547 P
FRANCE AND FRENCH COLONIES: 19th and 20th Century assortment of earlier issues in older approval book, interesting assortment, generally fine .. . . 1,500.00 pages in box, n.h. to o.g. or used, compr. coils. and coll. remainders, incl. Madagascar , Monaco, Mauritania, Chad, New Caledonia, others, comp!. and part sets, Airs, Souvenir sheets, some back-of-book, generally fine to very fine. Est. . . .. . . . . .... .. .... .. .. . . . ........................ Cash Val. $300-500 .............. 20th Century, coll. of man y hundred items on pages in spring-back binder , l.h. , incl. many imperfs in issued color, trial colors, some progressive proof multiples, Die proofs, comp!. or part sets, Airs, etc. , fair range of colonies incl. Andorra, Algeria, Cameroun, Fr. Morocco, Fr. West Africa, Oceania, Middle Congo, New Caledonia, Reunion, several others, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-500
* O GERMAN STATES: Primaril y 19th Century, stock of a few thousands
FRENCH SOUTHERN AND ANTARCTIC TERRITORIES: 1955 to 1989, complete issues on stock pages incl. Air Post with se-tenant . .. .(1-150,Cl-107) 3,051.15 strips, n.h. to lh. , fine to very fine ..............
neatl y arranged in glassines , by number with catl. value, in box, unused or used , some o.g. , excellent representation of most states with many scarce items , cancels, shades , few vars., single to mostly moderate quantities , some mis-identified , Reprints or reference , generally fault y or mixed condition , still a wonderful "o ld-time " stock worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $7,500-10,000 ..... .
* O Coll. of over 550 stamps on album pages , mostly used , balance unused ,
better selection of Baden , Bavaria, Pru ssia, Thurn and Taxis, Wurttemberg , smaller groups of a few other s, incl. many better items, sha des, cancels incl. man y numeral types, railroad , c.d.s. , few blue etc., dupl., some small faults though man y 4-margin copies, and some exceptional examples. Est. Cash Val. $1,500-2,000
155 1
* O GERMANY: 19th and 20th Century, stock of man y hundred stamps
neatl y arranged in glassines , by number with catl. value , in box, unused or used , later issues, o.g., incl. man y better early issues with Large and Small Shield , Reichspost and later issues, Semis, few Airs, back-of-book, incl. Offices, Allied Zones , Berlin, etc., moderate quantities and mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $2,000-2,500
GERMANY AND AREA: 19th and 20th Centur y, coll. of hundreds in 2 Specialty albums, o.g. to unused or used , scattered n.h., incl. a few States , Empire, Occu., Plebiscites , Saar , G.D.R., few Souvenir sheets incl. OSTROPA, few Reprints and reference not figured , mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 . . .. ... .... .. .. ... . . .... . . ..... ..... . ..... . .... . .
Lot No . 1553
Cat. Value
* O Accum. of a few hundred on retail pages, stockcards, in glassines, etc., in box,
n.h. to unused or used , incl. misc. states, Saar , Danzig, few colonies , etc. , some comp!. sets and Souvenir sheets, mixed condition with later issues generally fine to very fine . Est. Cash Val. $200-300 . . . . . . . .. . . ... . . .. . . . .. .... . . . . . .. . ... . .... .
* O Primarily 20th Century, coll. and accum. of a few thousand stamps in
16 stockbooks in carton, n.h. to o.g . and duplicated used, many better compl. sets, particularly post WWII, Semis, Airs (no Zeppelins), back-of-book, Allied Zones, Berlin, G.D.R. , some Occu. and colonies, Bavaria, Danzig, Saar, etc. , booklets, se-tenant with stamps or labels, Commem and modern slogan cancels on small piece, scattered blks of 4, etc. , clean and generally fine to very fine, worth careful inspection, Est. Cash Val. $2,500-3,000 .... .. . .
GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC: 1948 to 1975, virtually complete issues neatly mounted on pages in binder, l.h. or o.g. , incl. " ION"s, with Goethe and the other Souvenir sheets, Semis and back-of-book, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 . . . . . .. ..... . ....... . ..... . ..... . .... . ........... .. . . .... . . . .. . GREAT BRITAIN: 19th and 20th Century, decent used stock of thousands neatly sorted in 2 stockbooks, some good earlies, later dupl. , usual mixed condition to very fine ... . . . . .... .. . . .. . ... . ........... .... .. . .... .. . ....... .Over 5,000.00 Coll. and accum. of several hundred, in box, n.h. to o .g ., ear ly issues used , incl. " Penny Black ", 3 copies, surface printed, etc ., in stock cards, later issues in S.G . Commemora tive album , comp!. sets, phosphor, etc ., also some Offices in China with dupl. , some faults though much fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-500 . . . . .... . . . . . . . .... . . . .... . . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. ... . .. .... . .. . . .. . . . . . . ...... . .. . 1939-42 George V1 lOsh indigo, 100 copies, mostly c .d .s. cancels, generally fine to very fine . ....... . . . . .. ... . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... . . . ... ... . . .. . . . . .. . . . ... . .. (25 1) 2,500 .00
1556 0
1558 0
* O GREECE: 1816 to about 1965, stock of many hundred stamps in glassines, with catl. number and value, in box, o.g. to unused or used, excellent representation to about 1950 with many items, incl. blks of 4, shades, good range of surchd. issues, Airs, Postage Due and Occu. , single to moderate quantities, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $1,000+ . . ...... . . ..... ..... . . . . ..... . .... . . . ........ . . ... . . .
* O Primarily 20th Century, accum of a few hundred on stock sheets, retail pages,
156 1
etc., in box, n.h. to o .g ., some used , mostly modem comp!. sets, a few better incl. Airs, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 . . . .. .. . . ... . . . . GREENLAND: 1938 to 1975, coll. of over 85 diff. on pages, o .g., mostly comp!. sets, a few Parcel Post with staining , others fine to very fine .(1- 18,28-70 ,etc.) 1, 100 .00+ HONG KONG: 1880 to 1980s, used stock of thousands neatly sorted in glassines, generally 10 or less of each, some recent with hundreds, primarily Elizabethan, generally fine to very fine. Scott 1990, $6,500 .... . ... . . . ...... .
1562 0
HUNGARY: 1971 to 1975, fantastic coll. of almost complete issues in large bulging black Scott album, l.h. to a few unused early issues, incl. Souvenir sheets (many n.h. ), with Roosevelt tete-beche, imperf sets abound, Semis, Airs, excellant back-of-book, few perf vars., diff. wmks, etc., clean and neatly mounted, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 . . . .... . ..... . ......... . ..... ... .... .
ICELAND: 1873 to 1975, almost complete issues on pages, I.h. or o.g. , few earl y unu sed, incl. better items, Airs and Officials, few surch. vars. and reference , early issues mixed condition , later fine to very fine. A valuable collection worth car eful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $2,000 ... . .. . .. . .. . . ... . . . .. .. . . ..... .. ......... . ....... . ...... . . .. . .. . . .
Lot No.
Cat. Value
1565 * 0
INDIA AND STATES: 19th and 20th Century, stock of many thousands in glassines and stock cards in box, unused or used, excellent range of India early issues with many better items, few blks of 4, Officials, etc., states well represented though generally less expensive stamps, mixed condition, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-2,000 .. ..................... ...... . .. . ..................... .
1854 to 1975, coll. of many hundred on pages in album , o.g. to unused, incl. a few early issues, 1866 6a type I, later sets mostly to Sr, 1937-40 to 25r, 1948 Gandhi lOr, Officials, excellent range of Convention and Feudatory States with many compl. sets, or better values, few reference, mixed condition to fine to very fine, an attractive collection. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 . ...... . IRAN: 19th and 20th Century, to 1975, coll. of hundreds, o.g. to unused, incl. a few early issues, later 19th cent., comp!. sets, or better values, Airs, back-of-
book, mixed condition to very fine, another attractive collection. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 ...... .. ...................... ....... . . . . .. .. . .... . ..... . .... ... .. . ....... .
1568 * Oc,,:iIRELAND: Primarily 20th Centur y, coll. of over 350 stamps in Davo album, n.h. to unused or used , a few covers incl. Great Britain used in Ireland with 1840 lp on folded letter, few censored items, good range of ovptd. issues with Seahorses to lOsh, later compl . or part sets, misc. Great Britain, Devon postal history in albums and loose in carton, some U.S. and Foreign, mixed condition to fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 ........ . ........ . .... . .. ... . . .. . . . . .
1948 to 1973, coll. of many hundred on pages in black Scott binder , n.h. to o.g., incl. 1948 First Coins, 1948 New Year with tabs, Commems from 1958 mostly in compl. sheets, Souvenir sheets, generally very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000 . .. .. ... . ........... ...... .
1571 * O
ITALIAN COLONIES: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of many hundred diff. on pages in spring-back binder, l.h. or o.g. , excellent representation throughout , incl. Cyrenaica, Eritrea, Fiume , Libya , Somaliland, Tripolotania, Corfu, few others with compl. sets, better items, Semis, Airs, back-of-book incl. Parcel Post pairs , perf and other vars., clean and generall y fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,500-2,000 ....... . . .. . . ....... . .... . . .. ......... . . . .......... . ........ .
ITALIAN STATES: 19th Century, stock of several hundred in glassines in box, used, some unused, compr. Modena , Parma , Roman States, Sardinia , Tuscany , Two Sicilies, excellent representation of these issues with many better items thoughout, incl. shades and cancels , some margin copies and multiple s, faulty or mixed condition with reference items not figured. A valuable " old-time " stock worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $3,000-5,000 .......... . . . ....... .
Coll. of over a hundred stamps on pages, unused , compr. Modena, Parma, Romagna , Roman States, Sardinia , Tuscany , Two Sicilies, many better items , in fault y or mixed condition, some very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-2,000 ... . ... . ....... .... ...... .. ..... .. ........ .
Lot No. 1573
Cat. Value
ITALY: 1862 to 1975, coll. of a couple thousand diff. on pages in binder, almost complete issues, l.h. or o.g. , some early unused, incl. Airs and excellent back-of-book with Postage Due, Parcel Post and P.P. Authorized Del., Offices Abroad and Aegean ls., early issues mixed condition , generally fresh and overall fine to very fine, a valuable and attractive collection. Est. Cash Val. $3,000 -5,000 .... ITALY AND AREA: 19th and 20th Century, accum. of over 200 stamps on stock pages, o.g. to unused or used , incl. some better items, few states, Trieste-Zone A, San Marino, some Italy post-WWII Commem s, Postage Due , etc. , reference items not figured , mixed condition to some very fine. Est . Cash Val. $400-600 Primarily 20th Century, accum. of a few hundred in glassines, sales sheets, etc., in box , n .h. to o.g ., some used, some comp!. sets, particularly San Marino and Vatican City , incl. Airs and Parcel Post, generally fine to very fine . Est. Cash Val. $350-450 ..... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . ............. . . ...................... .
ITALY AND COLONIES: 19th and 20th Century, stock of many hundred stamps in glassines, by number with catl. value, in 2 boxes, unused or used, some o.g. , excellent group of early Italy, also later comp!. or part sets, Semis Airs, back-of-book incl. Offices Abroad, Aegean ls. and sub-divisions, good range of Colonies with Eritrea, Cyrenaica, Somalia, several others, mixed condition with reference items not figured. A valuable "old-time " stock worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $1,500 + .. ...................... .
JAPAN 1577
1872 to 1876, group of over 20 stamps, used , some unused , mostl y 1874 foreign wove paper and 1875 changed colors , also 1872-73 20s lilac on wove, #42 MIHON , etc., mixed condition ............................... (betw. 9 and 54) 1,600.00+
1871 to 1900, coll. of over 60 stamps on album pages , o.g., to unused, many better items incl. First Issues , Chrysanthemum types , KOBAN issues to ly, etc., mixed condition with some very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,200-1,500 ............................ (betw. I and 109)
19th and 20th Century 1579
1582 *[ยง]
Accum. of many hundred on stock pages and circuit books in box, n.h. to unused or used, incl. better items, Regular Issues , Commems, comp!. or part sets, some se-tenant issues, Semis, Airs, multiples , single to moderate quantities , mixed condition though much very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 .................................... .
Accum of over 60 stamps on stock cards, o.g. to unused , incl. better Koban items, 1896 set of four , later Commems some comp!. sets, I 92 1 I Os Comm unications Bldg. , 1923 imperf , 1938-39 coil set of four and others, also # C l and 2 and Military stamps , mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $400-600 .................... . Stock of hundreds in 2 stockbooks, n.h. to unused or used , incl. a few early issues , later comp!. sets, few Souvenir sheets , light dupl. , mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 .. .... ................. .. .......... ...................... . Accum. of over 15 items, vast majority n.h., mostly modern unexploded booklet s, few l 930s , also I 899-1907 3y50s exploded bklt. , panes unused and some separations or rejoined , others generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200 -300 .. . . .... . . . ... . . . .. .. .. . ....... . .................. . ....................... . Group of 16 items, incl. #4 98 on cacheted unaddressed J .P.S. FDC , Regis. censored cover to Germany , 19 15 cover to U.S. , few stationery incl. I early used postal card , mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $ I 50-200 .... .. .. .............. .. ..
Cat . Value 1871 to 1926, coll. of over 50 unused or used, incl. 1871 imperf Dragon, 100m blue (2), 1872 ½s, etc. , mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $200 .. ..... ...... . * O 1894 to 1966, accum. of a few hundred in numbered glassines, with catl. value, in box, o.g. to unused or used , fair range of issues in moderate quantities , incl. compl. or part sets, better items with dupl. , few blks of 4, Airs, Military stamps and Officies in China and Korea, mixed condition and some . .. . . . ..... . reference. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 . . ... ...... .. . . . . .............. 1896 to 1970, stock of a few hundred in glassines in box, n.h. to o.g., mostly Commemoratives in compl . sets, incl. better early issues, blks of 4, se-tenant, also a few Semis and Airs, earl y issues mixed condition , later generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $600-800 ... . . ... . . . . ... .. .. . . .... . ... .. . .. . .. . . .. . * OEE20th Century, accum. of over 90 items on pages and loose in box, n.h. to o.g. , few used , compr. Souvenir and Lottery sheets , also a few compl. sheets, excellent range incl. 1950-52 Regular Issues and Semis, some faults though overall fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500 + ........ ....................... Accum. of over 60 Souvenir sheets in envelope, vast majority n.h. , others l.h ., incl. late I 940s issues, a few later Miniature sheets, single to small quantities, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 .... ... ...... . . . .. ... .. . . . . ..... ....... .. ..... . Sl§l Group of over 20 items , ovptd. MIHON (Specimen) , n.h., incl. unexploded booklets, Semi-Postal Souvenir sheets, I 960 Letter Writing Week Imprint blk of 6, 1961 Flowers Imprint blks of 4, etc., fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $ 150-200 . ... ........ .. . .. .... . . ... ......... . ........ . ..... . .. .. ....... . ..... . ..... .
Lot No. 1584 * O 1585
1588 1589
1900 to 1952, coll. of several hundr ed dil'f. on pages, l.h. to ungummed , incl. man y compl. sets, with Cermonial Cap (perf sta ining), old and new Dies, Nat ional Parks and other Souvenir sheets (some n.h .), few Airs and Military , some faults in early issues, fresh and generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 .. . . . .. . .. . .
*[§] 1923 Imperf
½s to 20s, 8 diff. , ungummed, varying quantities of a single stamp to over 75 of ½s, incl. blks of 4 or larger, some faults, generally fine to very fine (179-84,86,87) 1592 * EE 1938 to 1956 Nat ional Parks, group of over 25 Souvenir sheets, on pages, n.h . to o.g., few used, some with folders, mixed condition though many very fine. Est. . ...... . ......... (betw. 283a and 624a) Cash Val. $200-400 ...................... 1950-52 50y dark brown , Souvenir sheet of one, 4 sheets, l.h. or o.g. , fine to very 1593 . . . . .. . ... . ....... . . .. ........... . .. . .. .(521a) fine . . . ..... . .. . .. ....................
645 .00
*[§]1952 to 1975, coll. of several thousand stam ps on pages in 2 spring-back
binder s, n.h. to o.g. , incl. man y Comme m. compl. sheets, Souvenir sheets, Semis, unexploded booklets , clean and generally fine to very . .. ...... . . . . fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 ........................
OFFICES ABROAD: 1900 to 1921, issues nearly compl. on pages , compr. Offices in China and Korea, o.g. , generally fine to very fine (l-19 ,22-30,33-45, Korea 1-13,15) 2,353.00 JAPAN AND RYUKYU ISLANDS: Primarily **[§]
1960s and 1970s issues in glassines , 2-ring binders and mint sheet files in carton, vast majori ty n.h. , incl. compl. sheets and Souvenir sheets, Semis, some better items and se-tenant issues, Letter Writing Week issues, vary ing though moderate quantiti es for both countries, a clean and fine to very fine stock . Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,200 ... . ......... . . .
diff. (Gibbons format ), o.g. or used , incl. man y compl. sets, blks, varieties, better or scarce surchd. values, Specimen ovpts., etc. , written-up by S.G., unusual and attractive lot. Est. Cash Val. $2,000-2,500 ........ . .. .
JORDAN : 1920 to 1926, coll. of severa l hundred
lot No .
Cat. Value KOREA: 1885 to 1974, coll. of many hundred diff. on pages in spring-back binder, l.h. to ungummed, high degree of completeness with many Souvenir sheets, imperfs copies, Airs, 1951-52 Flags set, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 . . . . .. . . . . ..... .... . . .. . . . . . . .. ................. . . ..... . .
Primarily 20th Century, accum. of several hundred in glassines in box, vast majority n.h .. incl. many comp!. sets, later Souvenir sheets, few imperfs, Semis, Airs, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200-250 . .. .. .. . ... .. . ... . ..... . ..... . . . . 20th Century, accum of over 100 Souvenir sheets in glassines in box, n.h. mostly 1950s and 60s, incl. 1956 20h blue, 4 panes of 6 in unexploded booklet , varying quantities and a few stamps , fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $ 150-250 .... .. . 1958 to 1976, coll. of over 275 diff. Souvenir sheets in album, vast majority n.h . , also 1951-52 Flag set comp!. (stamps) and other misc. issues, fine to very fine. Est . Cash Val. $250-350 .. . .. . . .. . . ... . . . ... .. . .. .. . . . . .. . . .. . ... . .. . .. . ..... . ... . 1958 to 1959, group of 8 diff. imperf Souvenir sheets, l.h. , very fine (283a-9 l a) LEBANON AND SYRIA: 20th Century, coll. of over 200 items on papes, l.h. , mostly imperf issues, incl. comp!. sets and Airs, few Souvenir sheets, Syria trial col~r die proofs, die proofs incl die sunk, many margin or corner copies, some pairs, fresh and fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 . . .. .. . .. . . .
1602 DP*
1919 to 1972, coll. of many hundred diff. on pages in spring-back binders, l.h. or o.g., excellent representation of both countries, incl. ovpt. or surch. vars., double, invtd. , spacings, missing letters, etc., many compl. sets and Souvenir sheets, Airs with Sanabria listed vars. and back-of-book, clean and generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 .. . ..... . ........... . ..... . .. . .... . . .
1604 * O
LIBERIA: 1860 to 1976, coll. of hundreds on pages in album, n.h. to unused, incl. a few early issues, proofs, imperf between varieties, compl. sheets , later comp!. sets, back-of-book, mixed condition to fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-500 .. .... . ... . .. . .. . . . .. .. . .. ... .. .. . .. . .. ..... .. . . .. ... .. ... .. ............. ..
1605 * O
1860 to about 1945, stock of many hundred stamps in glassines, with catl. number and value, in box, n.h. to unused, some used, excellent range of these issues especially the surchd. values to about 1916, incl. imperfs, blks of 4 or larger, #115-24 black proofs imperf pairs, surch. invtd., double etc., few "ORDINARY", back-of-book incl. Military stamps, again with surch. or ovpt. vars. , mixed condition with much very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750
1606 * 0
LIECHTENSTEIN AND SWITZERLAND: Primarily 20th Century, accum. of a few hundred in glassines and stock pages in box, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. some comp!. sets, Semis, Airs, misc. back-of-book, early items , mixed condition , later generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200-300 ..... .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .
1607 * 0
MALAYA AND STATES AND STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: 19th and early 20th Century, coll. of a few hundred diff. on pages in binder, o.g. or used, some l.h. , fair range of issues with scattered moderately better items, ovptd., surchd., short sets, some faults though generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-600 . .. .. . . . .... . . . . . ... .. ........ ... .. .. . . ..... .. . . . .. . . . . ......... . . . . .
1610 * O
MANCHUKUO: 1932 to 1945, issues nearly compl. on pages, l.h. to o.g ., some vars., 2 booklet panes ( one without tab), Airs, generally fine to very fine .. ..
MONACO: 1885 to 1975, issues almost complete or pages, l.h. or o.g. , incl. many better items, Semis, Airs, back-of-book, Souvenir sheets, 1949 perf and imperf Epreuves de luxe, over 25 imperf trial color proofs incl. 1955-57 Birds, generally fine to very fine, a lovely collection. Est. Cash Val. $1,500-2,000 ... . . . .... .. . ...... . .. . . .. ... . .
1885 to 1960, accum. of over 60 stamps on stock page, o.g . to used, incl. a few moderately better items, #Cl on small piece, etc., generally fine to very fine . 1,375 .00+
lot No.
1611 * O 1612
Cat. Value 1885 to 1921, selection of 32 stamps , o.g. or used , incl. 1885 o.g. to lfr , 1891 to Sfr, generally fine to very fine, many scarce. Est. Cash Val. $500-600
lmperforate Issues; 1937 to 1964, coll. of over 140 difT. on pages , l.h . or o.g., all in issued colors, with comp!. sets, few Airs and Postge Due. very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-500 .(betw. 149 and 600,B91 and B96,Cl0 and C35 vars., etc.) MONTSERRAT: Primarily 20th Century, coll. of 75 mostly diff. on pages , few early used, virtually compl. issues 1903 to 1929, few shades, generally fine to (betw. I and 74) very fine. Est. Cash Val. $350-400 .. ...........................
NEPAL: 1881 to 1946, specialized coll. and accum. of many hundred 1614 * 0 1§1 stamps, on pages, stock card s and loose in box, n.h. to unused or used , fantastic representation with mostly nati ve wove paper ptgs ., shades, papers , ptg. vars. incl. damaged frame or cliche inverted , etc., many tete-beche pairs and blks of varying size to full sheets , other large multiples with some plated , variety of cancels encl. Telegraph, few modern issues, clean and generall y fine to very fine. A wonderful lot for the specialist. Est. Cash Val. $2,000-4,000 ... 1615
20th Century, coll. and accum. of well over 100 covers on pages and loose in box, incl. Official stampless Regis. nati ve envelopes with many difT. large and small seal markings, negatives , some violet, also franked local post and some foreign destinations , various ptgs., generally fine, interesting and scarce group. Est. Cash Val. $500-1,000 ...... ........ . . . ......... . ... .. . . ... . .... . . .. .
1616 * O
NETHERLANDS: 19th and 20th Century , coll. of a few hundred on stock pages , earlies used, later issues (catl. about $100) mostly n.h. sets, generally fine to very .. .. . . 2,000.00 fine . .... .. .. . .... . . . . . . .. ... . . . .. . .. . .. ... .... ........ ...... ... .. .............
1617 * O
1852 to 1940, coll. of over 350 stamps on pages, used , some o.g. , high degree of completeness with some dupl. of better items , compl. sets, four Souvenir sheets, Semis, Airs , Postage Due and Officials, some small faults though .. .. . overall fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 ........................
1618 * 0
1620 0 1621
NETHERLANDS AND COLONIES : 19th and 20th Century, stock of a few thousand stamps in glassines, with catl. number and values, in box, o.g. to unused or used , excellent representation of earl y issues with man y better items , later compl. or part sets, Semis and back-of-book , colonies compr. Neth. Antilles, Indies and Surinam, generally moderate quantitie s in mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. . .......... . .... . . ........ . .. . . . $1,000-1,500 .............................
1852 to 1975, coll. of many hundred on pages in album, o.g. to unused, incl. Netherlands with a few early issues, later 19th cent. , 1913 Centenary to Sg, 1920 2.50g on 10g (both), 1923 to 2½g, 1925-27 to Sg, good range of syncopated perfs, Semis, back-of-book, Souvenir sheets , booklets, excellent range of Colonies, man y compl. sets with Curacao 1947, back-of-book, mixed condition to generall y very fine , an attractive collection worth careful inspection. Est. ... Cash Val. $2,500-3,000 ....... . . .. . . ........ .. .... .. ................ NETHERLANDS ANTILLIES: 1948 Wilhelmina 27½c henna brown, 110 copies, generally neat or light cancels, fine to very fine .. ... ... .. .. .. ..... (195) 2,475.00 NEW ZEALAND: 1859 to 1975, coll. of hundreds on pages in album, o.g. to unused, incl. a few early issues, range of profiles and pictorials to Ssh, 1906 Christchurch and later com pl. sets, Semis with Smiling Boy, Souvenir sheets , back-of-book, mixed condition to fine to very fine, an attractive collection .... ... ... ........ . worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 ................
wt No.
Cat . Value
1622 * O
1859 to 1974, coll. of many hundred stamps on pages, l.h. or o.g. and duplicated used , incl. better earl y items, copmpl. sets incl. Christshurch , 1913 Auckland Ex. and later issues, Semis, Airs, misc. back-of-book, earlier in mixed condition , generally fine to very fine ........... ... ................ . . . . .(betw. 9 and 551, etc.) 5,800.00+
NORWAY: 1856 to 1975, coll. of many hundred diff. on pages, l.h. or o.g. , some early unused, high degree of completeness with many better items, or compl. sets, few booklet panes, Semis, Postage Due and Officials , early items mixed condition with a few not figured, overall fresh and fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500
PAPUA NEW GUINEA: 1901 to 1917, coll. of over 100 stamps on pages, l.h . or o.g. , incl. a few better items, with dupl. , perf vars. , etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 .. . . . . . ... .. . . . . . . . . .. . .... . . . . . . .(betw. I and 79)
1625 * O
PORTUGAL: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of several hundred, used (genl. earlies) and o.g., on pages in spring-back binder, 50% of value in classics, some better 20th cent., back-of-book, etc. , generally fine to very fine Almost 4,000.00
1626 * O
Coll. of a few hundred on KABE album pages, o.g. or used, numerous compl. sets and better values, back-of-book , some very fine or very fine appearing earlies , rest generally fine to very fine . ... .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. ... . . . .. . .. . .. . . .... . 4,000.00
1628 * O
1629 * O
PORTUGAL and COLONIES: 19th and 20th Century to 1974, extensive coll. of many thousand diff. in black Scott album, l.h. or unused, excellent representation of all colonies with many better 19th cent. items and almost complete 20th cent. issues, incl. Souvenir sheets (some n.h. ), Semis, Airs, full back-of-book, vars. incl. errors with value missing , invtd. center, imperf and perf variations, Ceres issues nearly compl., Angola Birds, etc., many rare or seldom seen stamps, early issues mixed condition with reprints not figured, later issues generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $5,000-7,500 ... . ..... . ... . .. .. . .. . . .... . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . ... .
Stock of a few thousand stamps neatly arranged in glassines, with catl. number and value, in box, unused or used, excellent representation of early issues of all but a few colonies, many better or scarce items with some in depth , incl. Angola, Azores , Madeira , several others , better Ceres items, papers, back-of-book, mixed condition, reprints not figured. Est. Cash Val. $3,000-4,000 . . .... . . .. . . ............ . .. .
Accum. of several hundred in glassines, stock sheets , etc. , in box, n.h. to unused or used, incl. comp!. or part sets, Souvenir sheets, nice range of colonies though generally moderate cat!. value, also some Spain and scattered colonies, some faults in early issues, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $250-350 .... PUERTO RICO: 1873 to 1899, coll. of over 175 stamps on Scott pages, o.g. to unused, incl. a few ovptd. issues, Alfonso XII issues mostly comp!. except color errors, 1890-97 to 80c, 1893 3c, U.S. Admin., mixed condition to very fine, an attractive collection. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 . ..... . ....... . . . . ... . . ... .. ... .... .
Cat. Value
lot No . 1631
RUSSIA AND AREA: 19th and 20th Century to about 1975, extensive coll. of many thousand diff. in large black Scott spring -back album, I.h. or o.g., few unused, almost complete issues of Russia, incl. Semis, Airs, extensive back-of-book with Offices in China and Turkish Empire, Souvenir sheets (some n.h.) , some vars. with imperfs, invtd. surch. or ovpt., groundwork omitted, perf vars., etc., sub-divisions include Armenia, Azerbaijan, Far Eastern Rep., Georgia, Siberia , Tannu Tova, Ukraine, others, some reference with early issues in mixed condition, overall fresh and fine to very fine, a valuable collection worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $2,500-3,500 .. ... . .. . .. . . . . ... ...... . . . ... ..... .. .......... . . . ......... . .
Stock of many hundred arranged in glassines , by catl. number and value, in box, unused or used , incl. many better early items of Russia with Semis and back-of-book , also some Azerbaijan, Arme nia, Siberia , Ukraine, few others , mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. . $1,000-1,500 . . . . ... . . . . . ... ....... . ..... . . ... ... .. ......................
I633 * O
Offices in China; 1899 to 1920, coll. of several hundred, o.g. or used, many compl. sets or better values , blks , imperfs, 1920 Semis surchd., etc. , generally fine to very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $600-800
RUSSIA AND EASTERN EUROPE: 1920s correspondence of over 100 covers or cards, mostly to Shanghai, China , incl. useful range of Railway and transit cancels with some interesting contents , condition a bit rough. Est. Cash Val. $250 ........ ... ......... .... .... . ..... · .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .. · · · · · .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · SAAR: 1920 to 1958, issues almost complete on pages , o.g. , incl. Semis, Airs , few tete-beche pairs, etc., some small faults incl. light stains, genera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 . . ...... . . . .... .. . . .... .. . . .. .. . .. . .. .... .
SAN MARINO: 1877 to 1975, almost complete issues on pages, l.h. or o.g., incl. Semis, Airs, Postage Due and Parcel Post , also several Miniature and Souvenir sheets , fresh and fine to very fine, a lovely collection. Est. Cash Val. $2,000.00 + ......................... ..... .
circa 1925, accum. of 13 items, n.h. to unused, incl. Hejaz King Ali rouletted 13, ½pi vert. pair with invtd. ovpt. (S.G. 71a), Postage Due invtd. ovpt. (S.G. D93a), 1926 compl. set blks of 4 (S.G. 254-60), other ptg. varieties, imperf sheet, vert. strip of 3 imperf betw ., etc., some signed eta or Wilson, generally fine to ver y fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 ........ .
SHANGHAI: 1865 to 1893, coll. of over 125 diff. on pages, o.g. to unused, incl. over 25 Large Dragon , subsequent issues incl. many surchd. , mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 .. .. . .. ... . . .
SPAIN; 1850 to 1975, coll. of man y hundred on pages in album, o.g. to unu sed , incl. a few earl y issues, later 19th cent. , 1920 to 4p, 1922-26 and later compl. sets or better valu es, Semis, Airs , Souvenir sheets , Revolutionar y issues, back-of-book , mixed condition to ver y fine, an attracti ve collection worth careful inspection. . . .... . .. . .. .. . .. . . . . Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 ......... ............. Revolutionar y Issues; 1936 to 1938, coll. and accum. of man y hundred on pages and stock sheets, n.h. to o.g., scattered used, excellent representation with many comp!. sets, Airs, a few errors, Souvenir and complete sheets, generally fine to . ...... . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . very fine . Est. Cash Val. $300 -500 . . ..... . .................
I.ntN o.
Cat. Value
SPAIN AND COLONIES: 19th and 20th Century to about 1950, st ock of many hundred arranged in glassines by catl. number and val ue , o.g. to unused or used, some n.h., excellent representation of etassic issues with better items in depth , Semis, back-of-book with Revolutionary and Canary Islands issues, better Andorra, Cape Ju by, Fernando Po, Morocco, few others, conditions faulty or mixed with reference items not figured, some very fine, a valuable stock worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $3,000-4,000 .. ... . .. . . ... . .. ..
SPANISH COLONIES: Primarily 19th Century, coll. of a few hundred, unused or used, many compl. sets or better values with a high de gree of completeness, incl. Cuba, Philippines , Puerto Rico, U.S. Admin., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $800-1,000 ................... . .. . ....
Primarily 20th Century to 1975, coll. of many hundred on pages in blaum , o.g. , compr. an extensive range of colonies with ma ny compl. sets, or better values, ovpt. vars., Airs, few Souvenir sheets, generally fine to very fine, an attractive collection worth care fut inspection. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 ... ...... . .. . .. . ...........
SWEDEN: 1858 to 1975, coll. of many hundred diff. on pages , l.h. or o.g., a few unused , better items , compl. sets, a few booklets , aim ost complete issues from 1920, incl. both U.P.U. sets, Semis, Airs , et c., some faults in early issues to about 1925, generally fine to very fine thereafter , a valuable collection worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $3,000-4,000 . . ................... . ....................................
**16l 1918 to 1975, coll. of over 225 diff. unexploded booklets on pages, n. h. ,
all identified by catl. number , fine to very fine (betw. 78a and 1148a, B40a and B58a) 3,175.00+
1854 to 1863 Sitting Helvetia, group of over 40 imperf., used except one, majorit y Sr and lOr value, few pair s or used on small piece, 40r (4), lfr, 2r gray (2), variet y of impression s, mixed condition to very fine wit h many attractive examples. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 ........... . ..............
1850 to 1975, coll. of many hundred diff. on pages, l.h. to o.g. , some used Officials, high degree of completeness with man y better items, (few early unu sed), perf. vars., css, Semis, Airs, back-of-book with bett er Officials, Souvenir sheets, some faults in earlier issues, fr esh and generall y fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $2,000-2,500 . ..
1854 to 1985, coll. of many hundred diff. , on pages loose and in ring-binder , used , some o.g., incl. better items, later compl. sets, Souvenir sheets, Semis, Airs, back-of-book with some Officials, Postage Due, etc., some faults though overall fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 .. . . . ..................... .
Primarily 20th Century , coll. of man y hundred in Specialty album, mostly n.h . to o.g., few used, incl. a few early issues, imperf and perf Helvetia, comp!. and part sets, Semis, back of-book, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-500 . . . . ..... .. . . . . . . . ..... . .... .. ........
. .......................
. . .. . .......
Lot No. 1650
* 1653 *
Cat. Value 1936 to 1960s, accum. of about 150 stamps, vast majority n.h ., scattered used , incl. 1960-63 Regular Issue blks of 6, Souvenir sheets with 1955 National Philatelic Exhibition Souvenir sheet (2), Semis with 1943 Geneva Souvenir sheet , generally very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300 . . . .. ..... . . .. ...... .. . . ........ . ..... . ... . . . ...... . TANNU TUVA: 1926 to 1936, coll. of over 100, o.g., many compl. sets, or better values, incl. rare 1933 surchd. set (Mikulski Cert.), generally fine to very fine, scarce group. Est. Cash Val. $800-1,000 .. . . . ........... . .... . .. . .. . ... . . TRIESTE: Zone A and B; 1947 to 1954, issues virtually complete on pages, l.h. , incl. Airs and back-of-book , fine to very fine . Est. Cash Val. $300-400 . . . .. . . TURKEY: 1863 to 1975, coll. of many hundred on pages in album, o.g. to unused, incl. a few early issues, later 19th cent., 1914 to l00pi, compl. sets, back-of-book, Souvenir sheets, mixed condition to generally very fine, an . ......... . . . attractive collection. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 ..................
VATICAN CITY: 1929 to 1975, issues nearly complete on pages, l.h. or o.g., incl. #37-40 , Souvenir sheets, better Air Post, etc. , fine to . . . .. . .. . ... .. . 3,600.00 + very fine ... . . . .... . . . . .. . .............................. END OF SALE
OFFICE HOURS 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
OFFICES CLOSED February 17, 1992 Presidents Day
BIDS BY TELEPHONE Please comply with the following : (a) Not more than 20 bids can be accepted and must be confirmed in writing. (b) Any errors are the responsibility of the bidder (c) No bids accepted later than ½ hour before sale. BIDS BY FAX You may Fax bids up to 1 hour before sale commences-be
sure to use (212) 447-5625 .
POSTAL VIEWING LIMITATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS 1. Lots of not more than 10 items. 2. To U.S. clients only. 3. Viewer must pay postage and insurance both ways and return lots within 24 hours of receipt. 4. References required from bidders unknown to us. VALUATIONS OF LOTS Valuations of all lots are available in receipt of stamped, self-addressed envelope. IN THE MAILING ENVELOPE You will find the bid form and the printed list of prices realized for United States, British and Foreign December 18, 19, 1991 Auction.
BIDDING LEVELS $5 $10 $25 $50 approximately 5%
Up to$ 150 $150-$ 300 $300-$ 700 $700-$1,500 Over $1,500
Bids which do not conform to the above will be automatically reduced to the correct level.
GUM DESCRIPTION Recognizing that there are occasional differences of opinion concerning gum nomenclature by various expert committees, for example, a stamp described as o.g. being certified as large part o.g. or even part o.g., this minor classification discrepancy alone is not sufficient grounds for return.
COVER CONDITION Minor faults including, but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps, small tears and some back flap damage have not been noted in the descriptions in this catalogue.
*** TC
Never hinged . Unused. Trial Color .
Used. Block of four . Die Proof.
!::. llll PP
On piece. Block larger than four. Plate Proof.
"" s
On cover . Specimen .
MAJOR ABBREVIATIONS Stra ight Edge ; s.l. = straight-line ; c.d.s. Circular Date Stamp ; c.t .o. = Cancelled to Order ; F.D.C. = First Day Cover
CONDITION The various gradings of stamps are, in order : superb ; extremely fin e; very fine ; fine ; fair A lot described as " fair " is so listed either by reason of general appearance or more often because of a small fault or faults , such as a crease , thin spot , short or missing pert , perforated into , cut into , etc . In the case of sets , large blocks , sheets , etc ., the condition quoted represents the average and qua lity above and below this standard can be expected . Mixed condition : In large lots , the condition is generally expected to range from fair to at best fine . Serious defects can be expected . Handstamp on reverse : Denotes either a dealer, collector or indecipherable expertiser's mar1<. Signed by: Denotes either the actual signature or mark of the expertiser. The absence of mentioning a signature does not reflect on the ability or knowledge of the party involved. GUM
[7r- 7 â&#x20AC;˘7 N.H. L.H. O.G. PART O.G. Shaded port ion can represent an actual hinge or the area disturbed by a hinge . n.h. Never hinged - unused with original gum in Post Off ice state and unmounted . l.h . Lightly hinged - unused with full original gum show ing some evidence of a prev ious hinge which may be present in part or entirely removed . e .g. Original gum - unused with original gum somewhat disturbed by previous hinging which may st ill be present . o.g .(h.r.) Original gum with hinge remnant part e .g. Part original gum - unused with original gum , large hinge remnants may or may not be present . disturbed e .g. Disturbed orig inal gum - unused with original gum , affected by sweating, glaz ing or mount disturbance ; may not resemble the or iginal gum . unused Unused without gum (unless gum is ment ioned) . ungummed Unused without gum , as issued .
BLOCKS OR SHEETS ANO THEIR GUM Minor separations are the rule , rather than the except ion , in the case of blocks or sheets of any size . A few separations - around four perts per row-do not affect the value of a bloc k or sheet and are not grounds for the return of a lot. Blocks of four that have two stamps o.g . and tw? stamps n.h. are described " n.h.(2)/o .g.(2) " PAIRS All pairs are horizontal , unless otherw ise mentioned . CATALOGUE NUMBERS The catalogue numbers of the contents of the lots are given in parentheses immed iately following the descript ions , but in bulky lots only the range of issue is shown . CATALOGUE VALUES The final column shows the catalogue value of the lot . This is shown in parentheses where , in the opinion of the auct ioneers , the marke t value exceeds this figure . ESTIMATED VALUES If an estimated cash value is given , it is shown in the description and always indicated Qy the abbreviation " Est . Cash Val. " It is used where the lot is large or where the actual value has little relation to the catalogue price . It represents the auctioneer's appra isa l of the true MARKET value of a lot and the figure is invariably close to the actual realization. It is useless for mail bidders to list any bids that are only a low proport ion of such estimates . CATALOGUES USED IN LISTING Scott Vol. 1-4 & U.S. Specialized (1988) Stanley Gibbons (London) British Commonwealth (1991) Stanley Gibbons S.E. Asia (1985) Stanley Gibbons Middle East (1990) Michel Specialized Catalogue of Germany (1991) Ceres 1992 Sassone Specialized (1990) and others as noted in the descriptions Printed in U.S.A. by Cosmos Commun ications (Bulk Mailed February 10, 1992)
S.G. S.G. S.G. Mi.
7. (a) On Premises Inspection and Postal Viewing. Ample opportunity is given for on premises inspection prior to the auction date, and, upon written request and at Harmers discretion , for inspection by postal viewing (all as detailed elsewhere in this Catalo~ue). (b) Each lot is sold as genuine and correctly described , based on individual description as modified by any specific notations in this Catalogue, including but not restricted to the section entitled " Key to Cataloguing". (c) Quality . Any lot which a purchaser considers to be incorrectly described may be returned to Harmers within two weeks of its receipt by such purchaser (" Returning Purchaser" ), provided, however, that the same is received by Harmers within four weeks of the date of the auction ; however, Harmers may, in its discretion , refuse acceptance of such returned lot. If an opinion of a generally recognized authority is desired , the period of time within which a lot must be received by Harmers will be extended in accordance with Condition of Sale 8. In the event that a dispute cannot be resolved by reference to a generally recognized authority , and Harmers thereupon undertakes to re-offer the lot with a description identical to the description disputed , the Returning Purchaser shall be liable for the deficiency , if any, between the proceeds of the sale to the Returning Purchaser and the proceeds of a sale to a subsequent purchaser , as well as for all costs and expenses of the re-sale, including commission , and all incidental damages . Any lot, the description of which is disputed , must be returned intact in the condition received by the purchaser. The following lots are not returnable except at the discretion of Harmers: (i) lots from purchasers who attended the exhibition of the lots; (ii) lots examined by postal viewers ; (iii) lots on account of their appearance, if they are illustrated in this Catalogue ; (iv) lots described as having repairs, defects or faults-for any reason; (v) U.S. stamps (through 1918) for reasons of paper inclusions . (d) Authenticity. Any lot which is declared otherwise than genuine by a generally recognized authority is returnable, provided such lot is received oy Harmers within four weeks of the date of the auction . Proof that a generally recognized authority declines to express an opinion is normally grounds for the return of a lot. (e) Expenses incurred in the submission and the return of a lot under Conditions of Sale 7-9 are not refunded. EXTENSION OF TIME 8. (a) When an opinion from a generally recognized authority is not expected or available within four weeks from the date of the auction, the purchaser shall : (i) within seven days of receipt thereof submit the lot to one of the generally recognized authorities . (ii) notify Harmers, in writing (and preferably on the form supplied) , of such submission no later than four weeks from the date of the auction. Such notification shall be deemed given when received by Harmers and shall include the name and address of the authority to whom the lot has been submitted . (b) A prospective purchaser wishing to submit a lot to an authority not accepted by Harmers shall , prior to the date of the auction, request in writing permission for such submission and obtain confirmation of such request from Harmers. The auctioneer reserves the right to refuse a bid where the authority requested is not acceptable on any grounds, which grounds need not be disclosed by Harmers. (c) Payment for lots upon which an extension of time is obtained pursuant to this Condition of Sale 8 may be made in accord with Condition of Sale 4, subject to the following (paragraph d) and herein. (d) If a lot is certified by a generally recognized authority to be other than as described: (i) the sale (and the invoice with respect thereto, if outstanding) will be cancelled ; and, (ii) to the extent set forth in Condition of Sale 9, payment of the expense of certification will be made to the purchaser . EXPENSES OF CERTIFICATION 9. Expenses of certification shall be borne by the purchaser except where a lot is certified other than as described and is returned to Harmers in accordance with Condition of Sale 8. SALES TAX 10. Unless exempted by law, a purchaser shall pay New York State and local sales taxes, or any compensating use taxes of any other State. APPLICABLE LAW, JURISDICTION, ETC. 11. All matters arising out of this auction shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York without giving effect to the choice of law principles thereof . 12. Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this auction shall be settled by arbitration in The City of New York, State of New York in accordance with the Rules of the American Arbitration Association and judgment upon the award rendered by the Arbitrator or Arbitrators may be entered in any Court having jurisdiction . 13. The purchaser at this auction (a) consents and submits to the jurisdictiOI'\ of the Courts of the State of New York and of the Courts of the United States for a judicial district within the territorial limits of the State of New York for all matters arising out of this auction sale, including , without limitation, any action or proceeding instituted for the enforcement of any right, remedy, obligation and liability arising under or by reason thereof ; and (b) consents and submits to the v:enue of such action or proceeding in the City and County of New York (or such judicial district of a Court of the United States as shall include the same).
MARCH 11, 1992
PRICE Sl.00 (or by subscnphon)
SALES 2877- 1 & 2
1 4000 2 575 280 3 200 4 170 6 7 190 8 65 ll 260 13 125 14 375 15 250 18 525 19 400 20 210 21 475 24 160 25 65 28 475 29 160 30 1200 31 500 32 350 33 800 34 525 35 400 36 1300 220 37 38 200 150 39 40 550 41 800 43 650 45 1300 46 270 48 800 50 550 51 350 52 220 210 53 54 700 190 55 160 57 140 58 160 59 500 60 61 450 325 62 63 600 200 64 200 65 700 66 350 67 325 68 100 69 70 1800 71 550 325 72 700 73 74 675 77 850 400 78 79 190
·80 81 82 83 84 85 87 88 89
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 99 100 101 102 103 105 106 108 109 110 ll l 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 121 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 13 1 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149
475 200 210 180 425 325 575 105 450 260 100 325 190 160 200 300 290 1550 1450 425 2000 450 150 150 160 400 105 2800 125 190 1300 575 1700 325 230 475 1600 230 220 325 1150 350 575 375 1000 325 220 525 300 140 300 140 650 325 160 525 375 190 250 280 115 1500
17 150 151 152 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 176 177 178 179 18 1 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 20 1 202 203 204 205 207 208 209 2 10 21 l 2 12 213 214 215 216 217 219 220
525 210 210 105 1300 750 700 450 425 1800 1200 375 400 400 280 2800 425 650 1500 220 425 280 160 260 550 170 600 325 400 325 125 210 650
600 625 300 300 425 425 325 220 1000 270 350 260 120 550 160 220 210 500 375 105 250 700 290 130 450 1050 230 800 425
221 222 223 224 225 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 250 252 253 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288
100 210 210 190 210 190 450 475 3250 700 1400 325 850 375 240 400 475 450 135 200 130 210 125 2 10 2 10 400 750 350 450 85 400 220 200 375 500
' ~5 550 260 325 400 325 250 250 240 250 250 210 150 150 325 600 750 700 950 260 200 105 180 180 220 200 250
289 130 290 105 29 1 110 293 90 294 280 295 190 297 325 298 190 29? 290 300 160 301 375 302 260 303 250 304 260 305 350 306 250 307 400 308 500 3 10 700 31 l 750 3 12 180 3 13 100 315 145 316 95 317 100 3 18 425 319 475 320 280 32 1 130 322 120 323 145 325 2 10 326 1150 327 1200 328 900 329 950 330 750 331 200 332 115 333 800 334 160 335 600 336 270 337 2900 338 200 339 200 340 190 341 180 342 180 343 350 344 85 345 450 346 525 347 500 348 500 349 230 350 1 lO 351 525 352 325 354 280 355 210 356 5!'0
TOTAL $961 ,810 .00
357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 37 1 372 373 374 375 376 378 379 380 38 1 382 384 385 386 387 388 390 39 1 393 394 395 396 397 398 399
400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 413 414 415 416 417 418 4 19 420 423 424 425
750 425 270 230 110 1350 200 1800 525 350 600 3000 1400 1100 80 200 240 115 400 650 600 210 2000 500 1400 2700 475 270 2000 1900 2 100 350 450 2500 3000 2200 2000 2500 1400 1450 1200 1100 1000 1700 1100 1600 l 150 1900 600 260 325 1500 1600 2600 1700 1400 1900 1900 1100 1300 1150 2900
-426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 44 5 446 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 46 1 501 502 503 504 505 508 509 510 511 512 5 13 515 516 518 519 520 522 523 524 525 526 527 529 530 531 532 533
7000 1150 1000 1300 1000 3250 230 500 375 400 325 190 150 140 550 475 675 1300 500 1500 170 350 1050 1150 400 280 135 100 850 160 290 425 100 250 130 190 325 260 105 375 250 180 220 180 450 575 200 1000 55 115 115 650 130 160 625 260 95 325 105 95 450 300
534 535 536 537 538
540 541 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558· 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 568 510 571
572 573 574 575 576
5T7 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588
5911 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599
600 601 602 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614
115 425 125 140 110 21/J 600 400 290 160 160 160 280 260 150 220 350 130 125 325 160 230 140 190 160 160 160 425 750 600
600 105 230 100 180 1350 200 250 180 200 2600 425 210 400 850 160 210 280 325 180 290 230 475 550 125 130 325 675 550 85 200 160 140 100 120 220
400 200
250 300 650 1500 750 550 200 260
e15 616 617 618 619 621 622 622A 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 631 632 634 636" 637 638 639
3500 180 200 180 60 400
80 800 350 350 350 350 350 300 105 115 210
500 375 650 160 450 260 300 60 250 675
641 642 643 644 646
647 648
1600 3750
649 650 651 652
654 (,55
658 660 6ol.
663 664 665 666 667 668
669 670 671 672 673 678 679 680
681 682 685 690 691 693 695 697 698 698 699 700 702 704 705 706 708 709 710 711 713 714
115 115 140 105 120 145 160 1000 900 260 550 260 160 180 100 105 65 160 290 180 180 100 250 130 130 280 180 270 230 240
550 210 210 290 170 130 180 150 170 220 425 850 350 230 425
715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 774 776 778 779 780 78 1 782 788 789 794 796 797 798 799 800 804 805 806 807 808
200 170 150 425 220 375 210 180 290 170 575 200 140 135 200 130 140 130 260 160 525 325 170 400 125 325 350 145 190 325 425 200 180 180 220 220 170
550 425 575 475 750 105 85
500 130 100 280 425 230 270 250 190 280 325 525 240 210 150 300 170 150 270 125 105 625 280 220 250 220 260 170 220 170 135 150
610 811 813 814 815 816 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 829 832 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846
847 848 849 851 852 853 854 856 858 859 860 961 362 863 864 865 866 867 868 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897
180 120 200 135 135 210 190 250 180 140 450 270 1600 100 280 750 700 170 400 400 260
200 190 220 170 210 425 280 250 80 500 120 240 250 190 575 160
300 350 145 145 525 500 210 160 190 130 180 240 180 125 150
500 525 230 450 180 190 260 450 190 230 270 260 525 270 260 210 145 115 210 350 160 130 450 325
898 899 901 903 904 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 916 917 918 919 920 922 924 925 926 927 929 931 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 942 944 945 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 %6 967 970 971 972 973 974 976 979 980 9a2 985 987 989
990 991 9'12 994 995 996 998 999 1000
290 30) 290 300 475 210 140 120 325 325 230 230 105 210 220 145 240 130 145 130 325 260 350 290 150 800 190 210 375 140 625 160 750 950 210 240 180 180 105 130 475 425 180 130 160 150 85 350 400 425 130 270 900 210 190 170 190 120 525 350 125 1000 190
300 325 270 170 140 95
400 325 100 400 210
500 170
450 1001 1002 600 1003 525 135 1004 1005 800 280 1006 280 1007 375 1008 250 1009 1010 375 800 1011 1012 550 180 1013 260 1014 250 1015 1016 250 240 1017 220 1018 180 1019 1020 500 1021 625 1022 625 120 1023 1024 250 170 1025 170 1026 145 1027 1028 135 1030 300 475 1031 1033 200 130 1035 145 1036 125 1037 1038 115 1039 135 625 1040 115 1041 270 1042 260 1043 120 1044 270 1045 1046 180 325 1047 1050 1000 210 1051 260 1052 160 1053 200 1054 300 1055 270 1056 300 1057 210 1058 250 1059 1060 65 1062 115 120 1063 1064 525 150 1065 140 1066 1067 160 170 1068 125 1069 150 1070 150 1071 130 1072 160 1073 160 1074 140 1076 230 1077 145 1078 180 1079 180 1080 230 1081 260 1082 100 1084
1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1099 1100 1101 1102 l 104 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1168 1170
95 230 125 450 85 250 150 115 210 260 260 350 70 200
300 125 525 125 130 140 270 525 135 450 190 350 300 120 200 110 145 180 550 260 210 160 130 150 210 140 260 160 375 145 170 200 180 105 110 270 375 450 400 425 350 135 145
500 230 150 290 160 400 350 190 500 400 120 220
300 700 JOO 135 210 200 450
1173 210 1174 210 1176 160 1177 240 1178 135 1179 150 1180 550 1181 230 1182 145 1183 900 1184 125 1185 475 1187 160 1190 105 1191 190 1194 180 1195 325 1197 300 1198 475 1199 180 1200 400 1201 180 1202 140 1203 125 1204 130 1205 120 1206 200 1207 700 1208 260 1209 525 1210 400 1211 180 1212 170 1213 115 1216 100 1217 170 1218 170 1219 1700 1220 1000 1221 140 1222 650 1223 1100 1224 425 1225 400 1226 270 1227 290 1231 230 1232 400 1233 325 1234 115 1237 145 1239 135 1240 210 1241 145 1242 135 1244 130 1245 220 1246 110 1247 425 1248 270
1251 130 1252 270 1253 280 1254 110 1255 155 1256 160 1257 135 1258 160 1259 110 1260 160 1261 115 1264 270 1265 190 1266 240 1267 270 1268 240 1269 350 1270 450 1271 300 1272 350 1273 220 1274 19'0 1275 120 1276 145 1277 350 1278 240 1279 170 1280 19'0 1281 110 1282 325 1283 180 1284 600 1285 260 1287 210 1288 200 1289 210 1290 130 1292 125 1293 300 1295 350 1296 125 1297 115 1298 115 129~ 130 1300 160 1301 575 1302 210 1303 475 1304 140 1305 170 1306 135 1307 300 1309 170 1309 16000 1310 1300 1311 2100 1312 2700 1313 5500 1314 1050 1315 475
1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1349 1352 1353 1354 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1365 1366 1368 1369 1374 1375 1379 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390
250 325 15000
600 1600 350 350 2600 1250 500 450 70 5000 5500 900 650 850
3150 2600 2600
900 1300 1000 10(}0 700 675 290 270 2500 900 450 450 850 750 270 500 950 950 1100 1250 450 475 1000 550 750 625 1200 1000 500 1800 1700 3250 4750 525 750 375 1900 350 800 350
1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1405 1407 1409 1410 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1419 1420 1421 1423 1424 1425 1426 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1442 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1460A
400 1600
5500 650 800
550 450 425 300 850 2200 425 1800 2500 250 230 1250 425 220 400
500 350 1500 325 1050 900 475 1500 350 300 300 400 350 1500 375 800 1200 900 475 2700 800
?SO 700 1100 160 3250 4250 12."0 3500 6250 1600 2100 2200 800 1050 1050 350 475 500 1150
1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 149a 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521
375 650 850 3250 1300
900 1500 300 9()0 2400
575 6500 1800 900 3750 1600
5000 850 375 4250 19'0 2000 260 270 375 3250 525 250 325 4250 5250 600 425
800 4250 230 150 115 190 200 900 900 350 575 625 3SO 2100 170 220 18() 425 200 425 9500 4250 3750 280 1150 400 375
SEASON'S TOTAL TO DATE: $2,680,598. (including 10% on the hammer price payable by the buye r)
1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1531 1532 1533 1535 1536 1538 1539 1540 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1557 1559 1559 1560 1561 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587
400 425 350 22000 1600 500 800 1000 600 1200 600 600 1000 8500 450
5500 550 800 1000 180 850 1500 850 19000 1600 4250 1250 280 4250 525 260 160 2100 260 230 2000 1800 2000 3500 750 9J'J 1000 43JO
5750 2000 8500 600 675 6000 450 2300 2300 950 475 650 200 425 1900 1600 800
1588 575 1590 2700 1591 450 1592 500 1593 350 1594 1600 1595 1700 1595A 800 1596 2000 1597 1700 1598 625 1599 625 1600 1100 1601 850 1602 1000 1603 1600 1604 1700 1605 1500 1606 325 1608 400 160~ 1300 1612 375 1614 2000 1615 400 1616 625 1617 1050 1618 2400 1619 6250 1620 200 1621 2100 1623 1200 1624 375 1625 475 1626 425 1627 12000 1628 5500 1629 400 1630 525 1631 6500 1632 1900 270 1634 1635 1000 1636 4000 1638 1900 1639 8500 1640 1400 1641 9500 1642 700 1643 4000 1644 3500 1645 625 1646 375 1647 1600 1649 525 230 1650 1651 1250 1652 325 1653 1700 1654 1250