Sale 2888 - United States, British Commonwealth, and Foreign

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John C. Chapin, Herbert A. Asdal and John M. Hall Collections

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Used. EB Block of four. DP Die Proof.

Never hinged . Unused. TC Trial Color.

On piece. ll!l Block larger than four. PP Plate Proof. 6

On cover . S Specimen.

The various gradings of stamps are. in order : superb; extremely fine; very fine; fine; fair A lot described as "fair" is so listed either by reason of general appearance or more often because of a small fault or faults, such as a crease , thin spot, short or missing pert, perforated into, cut into, etc. In the case of sets , large blocks, sheets, etc., the condition quoted represents the average and quality above and below this standard can be expecled. Mixed condition : In large lots, the condition is generally expected to range from fair to at best fine. Serious defects can be expected . Handstamp on reverse : Denotes either a dealer , collector or indecipherable expertiser's mark. Signed by: Denotes either the actual signature or mark of the expertise, . The absence of mentioning a signature does not reflect on the ability or knowledge of the ~arty involved.


Memorial Day


Up to$ 150 $150-$ 300 $300-$ 700 $700-$1,500 Over $1,500



May 31 -

9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

MAJOR ABBREVIATIONS SE ; Straight Edge; s.l. ; Straight-line ; c.d.s. ; Circular Date Stamp. c.t.o. ; Cancelled to Order; F.D.C. ; First Day Cover





$5 $10 $25 $50 approximately 5%

Bids which do not conform to the above wilt be automa tically reduced to the correct level. BIDS BY TELEPHONE

Please comply with the following: (a) Not more than 20 bids can be accepted and must be confirmed in writing. (b) Any errors are the responsibility of the bidder. (c) No bids accepted later than ½ hour before sale. BIDS BY FAX

r-7 fiil7 _ i! i l---

You may Fax bids up to 1 hour before sale commences-be


sure to use (212) 447-5625 .


N.H. L.H. O.G. PART O.G. Shaded portion can represent an actual hinge or the area disturbed by a hinge. n.h. Never hinged - unused with original gum in Post Office state and unmounted. l.h. Lightly hinged - unused with full original gum showing some evidence of a previous hinge which may be present in part or entirely removed. o.g. Original gum - unused with original gum somewhat disturbed by previous hinging which may still be present. part o.g. Part original gum - unused with original gum, large hinge remnants may or may not be present. disturbed o.g. Disturbed original gum - unused with original gum. affected by sweating, glazing or mount disturbance ; may not resemble the original gum. unused Unused without gum (unless gum is mentioned) ungummed Unused without gum, as issued. BLOCKS OR SHEETS AND THEIR GUM : Minor separations are the rule, rather than the exception, in the case of blocks or sheets of any size. A few separations- around four perts per row--00 not affect the value of a block or sheet and are not grounds for the return of a lot. Blocks of four that have two stamps o.g. and two stamps n.h. are described "n .h.(2)/o.g.(2)" . PAIRS: All pairs are horizontal, unless otherwise mentioned.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Lots of not more than 1O items. To U.S. clients only . Viewer must pay postage and insurance both ways and return lots within 24 hours of receipt. References required from bidders unknown to us. VALUATIONS OF LOTS

Valuations of all lots are available in receipt of stamper,, self-addressed envelope . IN THE MAILING ENVELOPE

You will find the bid form and Prices Realized for March 2, 3, 1993 United States, British Commonwealth & Foreign Auction .


Recognizing that there are occasional differences of opinion concerning gum nomenclature by various expert committees, for example, a stamp described as o.g. being certified as large part o.g. or even part o.g., this minor classification discrepency alone is not sufficient grounds for return .

CATALOGUE NUMBERS : The catalogue numbers of the contents of the lots are given in parentheses immediately following the descriptions , but in bulky lots only the range of issue is shown.


CATALOGUE VALUES: The final column shows the catalogue value of the lot. This is shown in parentheses where, in the opinion of the auctioneers , the market value exceeds this figure.

Minor faults including , but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps , small tears and some back flap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue .

ESTIMATED VALUES : If an estimated cash value is given, it is shown in the description and always indicated by the abbreviations "Est. Cash Val." It is used where the lot is large or where the actual value has little relation to the catalogue price. It represents the auctioneer's appraisal of the true MARKET value of a lot and the figure is invariably close to the actual realization. It is useless for mail bidders to list any bids that are only a low proportion of such estimates .

Harmers continues to use the 1988 Scott catalogues in the production of its auction catalogues as we feel they more realistically reflect market conditions .

CATALOGUES USED IN LISTING : Scott Vol. 1-4 & U.S. Specialized (1988) Scott Specialized ( 1993) Stanley Gibbons British Commonwea lth Ceres Stanley Gibbons Great Britain Specialized (1992) Michel Germany Michel Europe and others as noted in the descriptions


We will continue to use foreign catalogues in specific areas as supplementary information . 1993 1993 92 92-93


Remembe r, NO lots may be returned with back stamps stating Fake, Falsch , or similar markings . Recently there has been a spate of German expertisers marking the backs of stamps . It is your responsibility as the purchaser not to let this happen .





BIDDING Unless announced otherwise by the auc tioneer. all bids are per lot , as num bered in the printed Catalog ue. H. R. Harme r Inc. (hereina f1er ··Harmers" ), License #s 672829 , 780870 , as agen t lor the consigno r or vendo r, shall regulate the bidd ing and shall determine the man ner in which the bidding shall be conducted . Harmers rese rves the right to withdr aw any lot prior to sale (without liability to any potential purchaser or agent), to re-offer any withdr awn lot, to divide a lot or to gro up two or more lots belonging to the same consignor or vendor, and to refuse any bid believe d not made in good faith . The highes t bid ackno wledged by the auc tioneer shall prevail. Should a dispute arise betwee n bidders (including a disp ute betwee n a floor bidder and the auctio neer acting on behalf of a mail bidd er, consignor or vendo r), the auctioneer alone sha ll dete rmine who is the success ful bidder and whether to reoffer the lot in disp ute. Should a dispu te arise after the sale , the auct ioneer 's sale reco rds shall be conclusive . On all lots sold , a comm ission of 10% on the hamme r price is payable by the buyer. (a) The auctionee r rese rves the right to bid on behalf of clie nts (and co nsignors or ve ndors) but shall not be liab le for erro rs and omissio ns in executing instructions to bid, howeve r rece ived , and whether such errors or omiss ions be those of the bidder or age nt or those of the auctionee r. (b) All lots are offered subjec t to a rese rve price . The auctioneer may implement such rese rve price by bidding on be half of the cons ignor or vendor. (c) It may also be assumed that all consignors have bee n advanced monies agai nst the sale of their stamps and Harme rs therefore has a sec urity interest over and above the normal auction


com mission .

(d) Purchases made by a consig nor or vendor or his agent on his own lots shall be cons idered as a sale subjec t to co mmissio ns and sales tax as applicab le. (e) Age nts are respons ible for all purchases made on behalf of their clients, unless other arrang ements have bee n confirm ed in writing prior to the auction. PAYMENT FOR PURCHASES 4. Paymen t for lots , inc luding those on which opinio ns are desi red (Co ndition of Sale 8), shall be as follows : (a) Floo r Bidde rs. Payment of the pu rchase price , or suc h part thereof as Harme rs sha ll requ ire , shall be made by the purchase r in such manner as Harmers may determine. The name and addr ess of the purchase r of eac h lot shall be give n to the auctio neer immediate ly following the sale of suc h lot. (b) Mail Bidder s. A success ful mail bidde r will be notified of lots purchase d. Belore Harmers will send such lots, pay ment in full must be receive d by Harmers within three (3) business days ol rece ipt of the aforesa id notification by the mail bidder. Howeve r, a purchase r known to Harmers , or who furnishes satisfac tory refere nces, may, at Harmers op tion , have purchases delivere d or forwarded for immediate pay ment (by a do llar draf1 on a U.S. bank in the case of ove rseas purchasers) . Mailed de livery w ill be to the address on the bid sheet and proo f by Harmers of recei pt of a sending at the advised add ress shall constitute delivery. Al l charges for handling, delive ry and insurance (obtained by Harmers on behalf of the purchase r) shall be add ed to the purchase price ; a minimum charge of $1.00 will be made. Risk of loss in transit shi/II be on the purchaser . (c) Where an opin ion of a ge nera lly reco gni zed authority is desi red , the time for payment may be extended in accor d with and subj ect to Conditi on ol Sale 8. 5. Title shall not pass to the purchase r until full pay ment has been rece ived by Harmers as age nts for the consig nor or vendo r. 6. (a) Purchasers agree to pay for lots as specified in Condi tion of Sale 4 (or as the same may be modifie d by Cond ition of Sale 8), and no credit is extended ; a late payment charge of 2% for the first month and 2 112% for eac h succeed ing month compounded shall be add ed if payment is not made in acco rdance with the aforesa id co ndit ions. (b) In lhe eve nt that a bidd er shall fail to comply with these Cond itions of Sale (""Non-Compl ying Bidd er" ), then, as to any lot with respec t to which suc h failur e to compl y occ urs, Harmers may, in its so le disc ret ion, re-offer such lot durin g the same auction or at an auction at a later time, or by private trea ty at such time as Harmers, in its sole disc retion, dee ms appropriat e and the Non-Co mplyi ng Bidder shall be liable for the deficie ncy, if any, betwee n the hammer price and the net procee ds of a sale to a subsequ ent purchase r, whether at auction or by private treaty, as well as for all costs and expe nses of both sales , all other charges due thereunder, includin g co mmissions wit h respect to both sales , whether paya ble to Harmers or to a third party and all incidental damages . II shall be in Harmers ' so le disc retion to determin e whether to re-olf er the lol theretof ore hammere d-down to a Non-Co mplying Bidder at that same auction, or by private treaty in due co ur se, or at a subse quen t auction cond ucted by Harmers, or at an auction held by an auctionee r other than Harmers. In no eve nt shall any surplu s arising from the sale of a re-a ltered lot be paya ble to a Non-Complying Bidd er. (c) A defaulting purc hase r shall be dee med to have granted Har mers a sec urity interest in any property in Harmers possessio n owned by such purc hase r. Harmers shall have all of the right s afforded a sec ured party und er the New York Uniform Commercia l Code with respect to such property and may apply against such obl igations all monies held or received by it for the acco unt of, or du e from Harmers to such purchase r. (d) If Harmers takes any legal steps to sec ure payment of a delinqu ent acco unt , the defaulting pur cha ser shall be liable for all legal and other expenses incurred by Harmers to secure such paym ent , includin g but not limited to a reaso nable allowance for attorneys' fees . For purposes of thi s para graph , the term legal steps shall be dee med to include any and all consu ltation by Harmers with its attorneys with respec t to all mail ers arising out of a delinqu ent acco unt . · For United States stamps, the generally recognized authority, unless otherwise agreed , shall be the Philatelic Foundation of New York.


EXHIBITION AND INSPECTION OF LOTS ; QUALITY AND AUTHENTICITY (a) On Premises Inspec tion and Postal View ing. Ampl e opportun ity is give n for on premise s inspec tion pri or to the auction date, and, upon wrill en request and at Harmers discretion , for inspection by postal viewing (all as detailed elsewhere in this Catalogu e) . (b) Eac h lot is sold as 11enu ine and correclly desc ribed, base d on individu al desc ription as modifi ed by any specific notations in this Catalogu e, including but not restricted to the sec tion entitled " Key to Cataloguing ". (c) Quality . Any lot which a purchaser considers to be incorrectly de scrib ed may be returned to Har mers with in two weeks of its recei pt by such purchase r (" Return ing Purchase r" ), provid ed , however, that lhe same is receive d by Harmers within lour weeks of the date of the auct ion ; howeve r, Harmers may, in its discret ion, refuse acceptance of such return ed lot. If an op inion of a ge nerally reco gn ized authority is desired , the period of tim e within wh ich a lot must be rece ived by Harmers will be extended in acco rdance with Condition of Sale 8. In the eve nt that a dispute ca nnot be resolved by reference lo a generally recogni zed authority, and Harmers thereupon undertak es to re-o ffer lhe lot with a desc ription identical lo the des crip tion disputed, the Return ing Purcha ser shall be liable for the deficie ncy, if any, between lhe procee ds of the sale to the Returning Purchase r and the procee ds of a sale to a subsequ ent pur chaser, as well as for all cos ts and expenses of the re-sa le, includ ing commission, and all incidental damages . Any lot , the desc ription of which is disputed, must be return ed intact in lh e co ndition rece ived by lh e purc has er. The following lots are not returnab le exce pt at the disc retion of Harmers : (i) lots from pur chase rs who ail ended the exhibition of the lots; (ii) lots exa mined by pos tal viewers ; (iii) lots on acco unt of their appearance, if they are illu strated in this Catalogue ; (iv) lots desc rib ed as hav ing repairs, def ects or faults- for any reason; (v) U.S. stamps (through 19 18) for reaso ns of paper inclusions. (d) Authenticity . Any lol which is declared otherwise than genuin e by a generally recog nized authority is returnabl e, provided such lot is rece ived by Harmers within four weeks of the date of the auctio n. Proof that a generally recog nized authority decli nes to ex press an opin ion is normally groun ds for the return of a lot. (e) Expenses incurred in lh e submiss ion and the return of a lot unde r Condit ions of Sale 7-9 are not refunded. EXTENSION OF TIME (a) When an opinion from a gen erally recogni zed authority is not ex pected or ava ilable within four weeks from the date of the auction, the purchase r shall : (i) within seven days of rece ipt thereof submit the lot to one of the ge nera lly recognized autho rities. (ii) notify Harmers, in writi ng (and preferably on the form supplied). of such subm ission no later than fou r weeks from the date of the auction. Such notif icat ion shall be dee med given when receiv ed by Harm ers and shall include the name and addr ess of the aut hority to whom the lot has been subm ill ed. (b) A pros pective purchaser wishing to submi t a lot to an authority not acce pted by Harmers shall , prior to the date of the auction , requ est in wri ting permiss ion for such submission and obtain confirm ation of such request from Harmers. The auctionee r rese rves the right to refuse a bid where the author ity requ ested is not acce ptable on any ground s , wh ich ground s need not be disclosed by Harmers. (c) Payment for lots upon which an extension of time is obtained pur suant to this Conditi on of Sal e 8 may be made in acco rd wit h Condit ion of Sale 4, subject to the following (parag raph d) and herein. (d) If a lot is certifi ed by a ge nerally reco gniz ed authority to be other than as desc ribed: (i) the sale (and the invoice with respect thereto, ii outstanding ) will be ca ncelled ; and, (ii) to the extent set forth in Condition of Sale 9, payment of the expense of certif ication will be made to the purchase r.

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SALE 2888

UNITED STATES, BRITISH COMMONWEALTH and FOREIGN John C. Chapin, Herbert A. Asdal, John M. Hall Collections, a Collection of "never hinged" France and the properties of 12 other vendors

Tuesday, May 4 1993, AFTERNOON SESSION AT 1:30 p.m. LITERATURE COLLECTION (See accompanying catalogue) UNITED STATES


EXHIBITION OF LOTS Thursday , Friday, Monday, April 29, 30, May 3, 1993 from 9:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. or by Appointment EXHIBITION ROOM CLOSED 1:00 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. EACH DAY ON SALE DAYS LOTS GO OFF EXHIBITION HALF HOUR BEFORE EACH SESSION

To be sold at Auction by

H. R. HARMER INC. 14 EAST 33rd STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10016 Telephone: (212) 532-3700 Fax: (212) 447-5625 Keith A. Harmer , Jack LaCalamito - Licensed Auctioneers License # 's 672829 , 780870

On all lots sold a commission of 10% on the hammer price will be payable by the buyer.

Cancelled by red grid unl ess otherwise noted

UNITED STATES AFTERNOON SESSION Not before 3:00 P.M. TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1993 20 I 1:8:1

202 1:8:1

POSTMASTERS ' PROVISIONALS: NEW YORK, NY; 1845 Sc black on bluish, signed A.C.M. with periods, full to large margins, very fine, caned. by blue pen strokes on folded letter sheet (light stains) bearing red PAID arc and NEW YORK 5 cts 5 SEP c.d.s .. Foundation Cert. (1991). (Photo) 1993 Scott (9xlb ) 1,000.00 Sc, full to large margins except barely touched bottom right, fine appeara nce, tied by blue pen strokes on folded letter sheet (file folds, one affect ing stamp ) bear ing red PAID and NEW YORK 5 cts 18 NOV handstamp . . . . . .... . ... .. .. (Photo) 1993 Scott (9x I b) 1,000.00





206 0 206A

207 0 208 0 209 0

2 10 0

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r 202

GENERAL ISSUES 1847 ISSUE Sc red brown, shades 203


Sc, unu sed (regumm ed), full to large margins , vert. crease and light soiling along the crease, rich color and fine appearance. Fou ndati on Cert . (1992) . . ...... .. . ..................... (Photo) (1) 4,500.00


Sc deep red brown on noticeably blued paper, large to enormous margins showing portions of adjoining stamps top and right, circular grid cancel, superb .............. (Photo) (1) Sc, large to enormous margins showing large portion of adjoining stamps, very light blue circular pmk., extremely fine (Photo) (1) Sc brown, very large margins all round, neatly caned., extremely fine .......... ....... .. .. .. . . ....... . ........... . . (Photo) (1) Sc brown, RIGHT SHEET MARGIN COPY, mostly large other sides, rich color and impression, extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (1988) ... ................ . . . ..... . ....... .. . . .. . ...... (Photo) (1) Sc, full to large margin s, tiny corner margin nick whic h does not affect design, fine . ........ ........ . . . ........ . . .. ........ (Photo) ( I ) Sc, mostly very large margin s, indistinct red cance l, creased , very fine appeara nce .......... . ............ .. ... . ............... (Photo) ( I ) Sc pale brown, huge margins 3 sides showing portion of adjoining stamp at bottom, j ust in at left, lovely blue "5" canr.:el, very attractive .. ..... . .. ... . ............. ........ .. . ........ . . .... (Photo) (I) Sc dark brown, margin s to ju st into frame line lower right , bright red cance l and love ly impres sion, fresh ... ...... . . ... . (Photo) ( l a)


725.00 700.00

700.00 700 .00 700 .00

775 .00 700.00

2 I0A O 2 11 0 2 1I A O 2 12 0

Sc, PAIR , full to large margins, pressed creases and a couple shallow thins, very fine appearance ............... . ..... (Photo) (I) 1,600.00 Sc, mostly huge margins, ju st touched at one point, neat pen and red grid cancels, lovely impression and rich color, very fine appearance (Photo) ( la) 375.00 Sc, large margins 3 sides, ju st in at top, pen caned., tiny margin nick, lovely impression .. . .. ............. .... . . . ......... (Photo) ( I) 375.00 Sc, Pos. 80RI, double transfer top frame line, full to huge margins, pen and light red grid cancels, barely pressed crease, scarcer variety .. . .............. . .. . ... . .. . ..... . ... .. (Photo) ( la[A]) 375.00+

2 10 A

2 11

2 1 IA

2 12

Used on Cover

2 13

2 13A 2 14




2 14A C8l 2 14B C8l 2 15




Used to France; Sc, 4 margin copy, surface scrapes, most intere stingly used twice, first cancelled by pen on a prior envelope , then tied by black grid on this rare 1851 folded letter sheet to Bordeaux bearing red NEW ORLEANS AUG 9 c.d.s. , a red "PAID 5" and U.S.-French-Paquet marking , plus British transit and Bordeaux receiver on reverse. A.P.E.S. Cert. (1992). Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 ...................... . . .... . ............. . ....... . .. . .... .. . . . ... ... .. . .... .. ..... . ... ... ... . .................. . ............ (Photo) (1) A most interesting us age to defraud the posts. Sc orange brown, good to large margins and bright color, extremely fine, tied by portion of blue PHILADA. PA 5 cts pmk. with additional pmk. to left on early 1851 blue folded letter (minor aging and splitting) to Rhode Island. Very pretty stamp and cover (Photo) (lb) Sc, bright color, good to large margin s all round, extremely fine, tied by blue fanc y "X" in double circle and matching " UTICA MAY 6" oval on probable 1848 folded letter sheet to New York. Fresh cover. " 1847 Directory " back stamp and Foundation Cert. (1988) (Photo) (I ) Sc dark brown, good margins all round , very fine, tied by blue grid and matching PHILADA 5 cts JUN 9 on full 1851 folded letter to Bellfonte. Attractive cover. Foundation Cert. (1987) . .... ... ... .. .. ... . . . . .. . . ... . ...... . ..... . .................. . ...... .. .. . ..... (Photo) (la) Sc, large even margins, slight rub, fine, tied by circular grid cancel on 1850 folded letter bearing matching red ALBANY N.Y. DEC 9 c.d.s. (Photo) ( I )

875.00 925.00+ 875.00 850.00

Sc brown, pair, good to large margins, trivial corner crease , very fine, tied by green grid on 1850 envelope to Virginia , cover bears matching TALLAHASSEE Flor APR 7 c.d.s. , interesting enclosure with reference to cholera on the Mississippi. Scarce. Foundation Cert. (1992) . . .. . ............. . ........... . .. . .... . .......... . .... . .. . ... .. ... . . ...... . .......... . .... . .......... . ..... . (Photo) (1) 2,500.00 Sc, RIGHT SHEET MARGIN COPY, margins full to large other sides, very fine, tied by pen strokes on 1849 folded letter to Annapolis bearing green PRINCESS ANNE Md. MAR 21 c.d.s .... .. .. . ...... .. ... . .... . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. ... .. . ..................... ... . ....... . . (Photo) (1)



214A /

~- .,._,,t ~~

10c black 217 0

10c, mostly very large margins all round , sharp impre ssion and neatly caned. , extremely fine. Very pretty copy (Front Cover Photo) (2) 2,000.00

2 18 L.

10c, full to enormous margins showing portion of adjoining stamp at right, sharp impression, light circular grid cancel, extremely fine and beautiful (Front Cover Photo) (2) 2,000.00

219 L.

10c, large to enormous margins showing portion of adjoining stamp at bottom, tied by black grid cancels on small piece, extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (1988) (Color Photo) (2) 2,100.00

220 0

10c, fuJI to very large margins , blue circular grid cancels, very fine .. . ..... . .. ... .... .. . .. .... . . .. .. .. ..... . .. (Photo) (2) 2,050.00

22 1 0

10c, mostly large margins, neatly caned. in red, tiny thin and pin (Photo) (2) 2,000.00 hole, very fine ...... . .......... . .... . .......... . ..........

222 0

10c, good to large margins, caned. in red and black and with lightened pen stroke, fine appeara nce .... .. . . .... . ...... (Photo) (2) 1,250 .00

223 0

10c, full to large margins, lightened pen cance l, small faults, fine (Photo) (2) 1,250 .00 appeara nce . . . .. ................... . .......................

224 181

Used on local cover; 10c, margins all round, negligible wrinkle, fine, tied by light square grid on envelope bearing red NEW YORK SEP. 9 c.d.s . ....... (Photo) (2) 2,350.00

1875 REPRODUCTIONS OF 1847 ISSUE Sc red brown, 10c black, shaved plate proofs on card, good to (Photo) (3,4P4 ) 400.00 large margins, very fine appearance . ............... Sc brown, very large even margins, scarcer shade, extremely fine ........ .. ........ . .. . . . .. . . .. ..... . . . .................... (Photo) (3) 1,300.00

225 P 226 227 228 229

* * * *


23 1


Sc red brown, mostly huge marg ins, co uple small thins, extremely (Photo) (3) 1,300.00 fine appeara nce . A.P.E.S. Cert. ( 1980) .................. Sc, full to large margins, small faults, very fine appearance (Photo) (3) 1,300.00

Sc, marg ins all round , very large two sides, faint corner crease and small thin , fine appeara nce ................... . ..... . .... . (Photo) (3) 1,300 .00


10c black, large margins all round, tiny handstamp on reverse, fresh, very fine ................... . ... . .. (Photo) (4) 1,700.00 10c, mostly large margins, faintest trace of corner crease, very fine .... ................... .. . .. .. .. . ......................... (Photo) (4) 1,700.00

24 1

1851-56 IMPERFORATE 232 6

le blue, type le , Pos. 81R4, large margins three sides, ju st in at left, neatly caned., tear , fine appearance. Signed Ashbrook (Photo) 1993 Scott (6b) 1,200.00

233 0

le , type II , margins full to ju st touched, blue c.d.s. cancels, minute surface scrape, very fine .......... . ...... . ... . .. .. ....... (Photo) (7)


234 0

le, left margin strip of 3, margins ju st in, pen caned., fresh. (7)


235 0

Sc red brown, full to enormous margins showing portion of adjoining stamps at top, trivial corner creasing well away from design, light c.d.s. cancel, rich color, very fine .... (Photo) (12) 1,300.00

236 0 237 0 238 0

239 0

240 0

10c green, type II , mostly large margins all round, lightly caned., (Photo) ( 14) rich color, very fine .....................................


10c, type III, full to very large margins, neat c.d.s. cancel, rich color, fine ........... .. ..... .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . . (Photo) ( 15)


10c, full to very large margins all round, neat circular grid cancel, fresh, fine . . .. .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . ...... ... .. .. .. . .. . .... (Photo) ( 15)



242 0

242A O

243 0

10c, type IV, mostly large margins all round, strong recut line at top, light grid cancel, tiny natural inclusion, very fine ....... .. . .. .. .. .... . .. ... .. . . ... . .... . .... . .. . . . (Photo) (16) 1,500.00

10c, Pos. 86L, both "X" ovals recut at top, good to large even margins , trivial corner crease not mentioned in cert. , multiple strikes of town pmk. , clear recut at top, very fine. Foundation Cert. (1958) ........... .... ..... .... ... ... .. .... .... ...... (Photo ) (16) 1,525.00

IOc, Pos. 65LI , outer line recut at top, full to large margins , small tone spots, very fine, tied by SAN FRANCISCO CAL 21 MAY c.d.s. on envelope to South Carolina. Foundation Cert. (1992). Signed Ashbrook and Bartel s. Ex Anderson (Photo) (16) 2,250.00

12c black, TOP MARGIN COPY, full to large margins other side, neat c.d.s. cancel, faintest trace of corner crease, very fine (Photo) (17)


12c, mostly large margins all round, neat c.d.s. cancel, very fine (Photo) (17)


12c gray black, margins all round, grid cancels, fine. (Photo) ( 17)


1857-61 PERFORATED 15 244 0

le blue, type Ia, c.d.s. cancel, creased and a few small tone spots. Scarce ....... . ................. .. .. . ... ..... .. . ..... . .. .. .. (Photo) (19) 2,400.00


Used to Holland; le, type II, 10c green, type V, pair, SE at right, perfs touch, tied by grids on 186 1 folded letter (stamps Iifted and replaced) bearing red NEW YORK BR PKT APR 24 credit c.d.s. and agent's ova l, London transit and Amsterdam rece iver on reverse. Found ation Ce rt. ( 1984) ...... . .... . ....... . (Photo) (20,35)



246 0

Sc brick red, neat NEW ORL EANS c.d.s. cancel, small corner repair, light corner crease, very fine appea rance ..... (Photo) (27) 1,000 .00

247 0

Sc, lightly caned., small corner repair, fine appeara nce (Photo) (27) 1,000 .00



249 0

250 0



Sc orange brown, type II , unused, perf faults, fine appearance (Photo) (30)


Sc brown, type II , enormously " wide" copy, c.d.s. ca ncel, fine (Photo) (30A)


Sc, love ly red grid cancel, trace of crease, fine . ... (Photo) (30A)

175 .00

10c green, types lJ and Ill , combination vert. pair, o.g., SE at left, natural gum wrinkl es, fresh. Found ation Ce rt. ( 1977) (Photo) (32,33) 3,500 .00



253 0


't'.» -;. ;; C.




"' / la. , -, . <



/_() >" ( C


254 0



......__ _


10c deep green, type III , neat c.d.s. cance l, very fine. Foundation Cert. ( 1992) .. . .... . ...................... . .............. .. (Photo) (33)


- -#

7f-: •


10c, type Il , strip of 4, right stamp perfs trimmed at bottom, fine to very fine, tied by NEW ORLEANS La MAR 16 1859 c.d.s. 's on 1859 folded letter from Glasgow, Scotland, bootlegged across the Atlantic to New Orleans where it entered the mails to Mexico, cover bears New Orleans agent 's marking and "8 " handstamp. Foundation Cert. (1991) ...... . ...... . .. (Photo) (32)

256 0

10c deep green, type IV, Pos. 74LI, outer line recut at top, lightly caned., very fine. Foundation Cert. (1992) . (Photo) (34) 1,550.00 10c green, type V, SE at left with dividing line and showing portion of adjoining stamp, large part o.g., small thin spot, very fine appeara nce .. . .. .. . . . .. ...... . .................. . ..... (Photo) (35)


10c, huge copy, lovely light geometric star cancel , extremely fine (Photo) (35)


1875 REPRINTS OF 1857-60 ISSUE Ungummed as issued



le bright blue, fine .........................



* 259 B * 260 * 26 I * 259A


Sc orange brown, 2 pressed creases, extraordinarily "wide" copy and brilliant fresh, fine. Foundation Cert. (1992). 878 Printed ... . ... . ....... .. .. . .............. . ................ (Photo) (42)


Sc, reperfed, corner perf tear, rich color ...... . ........

(Photo) (42)


. .... (Photo) (42)


Sc, faintly creased, fresh ...........................

10c blue green, rich color and fresh. 516 Printed. (Photo) (43) 2,250.00 12c greenish black, natural paper inclusion, fresh color, almost very fine. Foundation Cert. (1993). 489 Printed (Cover Photo)(44) 2,600.00


26 1A

(Photo) (40)

3c scarlet, small thin, brilliant color and well centered, very fine appearance. 479 Printed .... (Cover Photo)(41 ) 2,850.00



. ...........

12c, fresh color, fine and attractive copy of thi s rarit y. (Cover Photo )(44) 2,600.00

30c yellow orange 262


30c, brilliant color and well centered, almost very fine. A lovely copy of thi s rarity. Foundation Cert. (1986). 480 Printed .. .... .. ... .. .. .. .. ...... .. .... ...... (Cove r Photo )(46) 2,850.00



262 B




* 264 *




30c, vibrant deep color, almost very fine . . . (Photo ) (46) 2,850.00

30c, vibrant color , almost very fine and attractive copy of this ra rity .......................................... (Photo ) (46) 2,850.00

30c, small thin, rich color. A collectable copy of this rarity. (Photo ) (46) 2,850.00 30c, small thin, brilliant fresh .........

.. ....... .. . ... (Photo ) (46) 2,850.00

90c deep blue, reperfed, beautiful deep color, fine. 454 Printed ....... .. .......................... .. ....... (Photo) (47) 4,250.00 1861 First Design 3c brown rose, unused, rich co lor (Photo) (56)


1861-62 PERFORATED 12 265




266 0 267


Used to France; 10c yellow green, 1861-66 Sc red brown, fine to very fine, tied by co ncentri c circ les cancel on 1863 envelope (mos t of back missing) to France , cover bears New Orleans c.d.s., red NEW YORK PAID 6 NOV 2 1 c.d.s., red PD, blue Calais transit, receiver on reverse ........ . ........................ . (Photo) (68,75)

(. ,/ , r,, .... !f



Used to Peru; 10c, 1861-66 24c lilac, tied by cork cancels on 1864 envelope (slightly reduced) bearing ESSEX Ct. SEP 12 c.d.s., Panama tran sit and red " 12" handstamp , Callao receiver on reverse. Foundation Cert. ( 1988) . ............. . ...... . . ...... (Photo) (68,78) 30c orange, New York fancy "Union Soldier" cancel (Skinner/ Eno PH-F 72), fresh . Foundation Cert. ( 1992) ... . .. (Photo) (71)



1861-66 Used to San Francisco; 2c black, two copies, one placed over Revenue 1862-71 le Express, red, tied by grid cancels on envelope (tri fle red uced) bearing GARDINER Me c.d.s., stamp folded to display Reven ue, unusual . . . .. .... ....... (Photo) (73,R I )

Alt l(?N✓,,


270 0











276 0 277


"A" Grill 3c rose, unused , faulty but co llectab le copy of this rare grilled stamp ..................................... . . .. . .. . . (Photo) (79) 1,650.00 "C" Grill 3c rose, lightly caned. , few short perfs hidden by cance l, fine appeara nce .. . .. .. . . ........................ . ..... .. . . (Photo) (83)


"D" Grill 3c rose, unused, pulled perf. A collectable copy of this rare stamp ...... . . . . .. . . .. . . .. .. ............... . .......... . (Photo) (85) 1,350.00 3c rose, good co lor and neatly caned ..............

. .. (Photo) (85)

425 .00

"Z" Grill 2c black, unused (regumm ed), light stains, fine (Photo) (85B) 1,200.00 appearance ... ... .... . ....... . . . .......... . ............. "E" Grill 12c black, unused, reperfed , small faults , fine appearance. Very scarce. Foundation Cert. ( 1980) ........ . . (Photo) (90) 1,400.00 12c, unu sed, reperfed , sma ll faults, fine appeara nce . (Photo) (90) 1,400.00 12c, intense color , fine ...... .. . . .... . ........

. . ....... . (Photo) (90)


15c black, unused, repa ired, very fine appearance . Rare . (Photo) (9 1) 2,750 .00

:;:1~ -' .:~~ .~:rl

,,_ <tc-r:-e 4u-,( /2/


'--~~~ ,.'/ ').


Readdressed Cover to India; 24c lilac, tied by neat cork cancel on 1866 envelope to London, readdressed to Calcutta, bearing CAMBRIDGE MASS c.d.s., red Boston AM PKT 3 PAID 7 APR credit, London arrival and transit, Calcutta receiver on reverse .. ... .. . .. . ...... . . .. ........... ....... . ........... (Photo) (78) (200.00)

ltt' .-

\· .


267 268



, .~,,_


J, bc

I ,~ ,'. .- -~_,

,, .t . -5~,,~·•,,f ;J? :;,;,.,.-:1/_, _.





"F" GRILL 278 * El:l le blue, blk of 4, o.g., reinforc ed separations, 2 stamps small faults (Photo) (92) 1,500.00 . ....................... good co lor and fresh ............

(Photo) (93)

575 .00

280 * El:l 3c red, blk of 4, o.g. , reinforced separation s, one stamp corner crease, bright co lor and fresh ... ...... ...... ... ........ (Photo) (94)


279 * El:l 2c black, blk of 4, very l.h. if at all, fresh ..........

28 1 282 283 284

* * *

(Photo) (95)


10c yellow green, unused, reperfed , fine appearance. (Photo) (96)


10c green, unu sed, repe rfed, thin spot, fine appeara nce (Photo) (96)

650 .00

Sc brown, unused, small thin spots, fres h .. ..........


24c gray lilac, unused (reg umm ed), reperfed , tiny tear , fine (Photo) (99) 1,250 .00 ... .................. appeara nce ..... . ........ . ...........

1875 RE-ISSUE OF 1861-66 ISSUES 285


2c black, large part o.g., thin spots, fresh and well centered, very fine appearance. Foundation Cert. (1982). 979 Prin1ed . .... .. .... . ... . ... .. (Front Cover Photo) (103) 2,500.00



15c black, unused, reperfed, faults, intense color and attractive copy of this rarity. P.S.E. Cert (1992). 397 Printed ..... ..... .. .... .. . . .. . . . .. .. .. . . ....... . . (Photo) (108) 3,000.00



24c deep violet, unused, probably reperfed, faint thinning, true rich color, fine appearance . 346 Printed (Photo) (109) 4,000.00


* * *

287 A 288 289

290 0

29 1


292 0

le buff, pair, right stamp SE, o.g. (hinge rem nant), bright co lor .. ........ (Photo) ( 112) and fresh ....... ... ........... . .................


2c yellow brown, pair, o.g ., right stamp tiny tone spot on rever se, (Photo) ( I 13) fresh , fine .... .. . . . . .. . .... .. . .. .. .... . ..................


(Photo) ( 114)


3c ultramarine, o.g. , very fine .......................

3c, Waterbury fancy " Holly Sprig" cancel (Rohloff type L-4), thinn ed and a little toned , attractiv e strike . Foundation Cert . ( 1990) (Photo) ( I 14) 15c, brown & blue, type I, reperfed , expe rtly repaired , fine . (Photo) ( 118) 1,750.00 . ............................ appearance ................ 15c brown & blue, type II , trace of thin , lightly caned ., well . ......... (Photo) ( 119) centered and ot herwise very fine ............

120 .00

293 0 294 0 295


24c green & violet, lightly ca ned., small faults, well ce ntered, fine appearanc e . .. . .... .. ... . .... . . .. ...... ... . ..... . . .. .. ... (Photo) ( 120)

450 .00

24c, good co lors and neatly ca ned. . ...... . .. . . .. . ... (Photo) ( 120)

450 .00

30c blue and carmine, unu sed (regumm ed), reperfed, fresh (Photo) ( 121) 2,250 .00

296 0

30c, neatly caned ., tiny thin s, otherwise very fine .. (Photo) ( 12 1)

297 0

90c carmine & black, lightly ca ned., creas ing, fine. (Photo) ( 122) 1,200 .00

225 .00

1875 RE-ISSUE OF 1869 ISSUE 297 A





12c green, unused, tiny pin point thin s, few scissored perfs, fres h. 1584 Printed ............. . ....... .. . . ......... . ....... . (Photo) ( 128) 1,500 .00


24c green & violet, unused, almost perfectly centered with rich colors, extremely fine. 2091 Printed (Color Photo) (130) 1,250.00

* 298 B * 299 *

24c, unu sed , small corner faults, fresh and very fine appearance. (Photo) ( 130) 1,250 .00



24c, large part o.g., rich co lors and fresh. 2091 Printed (Photo) ( 130) 1,250.00 30c blue & carmine, unused, small thin, lightened staining which does not detract, vibrant colors and well centered, fine. Foundation Cert. (1992). 1535 Printed .. . . . .... .... (Photo) (131) 1,750.00



3c blue, o.g., a fresh and fine copy. 1406 Printed (Color Photo) (125) 2,750.00

30c, neatly caned., thin spots, perfectly centered and beautiful rich colors, very fine appearance. Foundation Cert. (1993). (Photo) (131) 1,000.00




90c carmine & black, part o.g., large copy with fresh colors, fine. Foundation Cert. (1993). 1356 Printed. (Color Photo) (132) 5,500.00



90c, neatly caned., tiny tear and added perf, well centered and attractive, very fine appearance. P.S.E. (1992). (Color Photo) (132) 6,000.00 The rarest of the 1869 Re-Issues.

90c, bold cork cancel, small repaired tear, large centered copy, very fine appearance. Foundation Cert. (1986). (Color Photo) (132) 6,000.00

1870-71 NATIONAL BANK NOTE CO. With Grill 30 1 *

6c carmine, unused, good color, fresh. Foundation Cert. ( 1981) (Photo) (137) 1,500.00

302 *

10c brown, unused, fresh ..... .. . . ..... ...........

303 *

10c, deep shade, unused, fresh. Foundation Cert . ( 1981) (Photo) ( 139) 1,350.00

304 0

10c, neatly caned., well centered, very fine. Foundation Cert. (1992) . . ... ... . .... .. . ............. .... ........ ..... . ... . (Photo) (139)

..... (Photo) ( 139) 1,350.00


305 *

15c orange, unused, large SE margin at right, small corner repair, fine appearance .. . .. . ...................... . . ... .. ....... (Photo) ( 141) 1,700.00

306 0

90c carmine, small faults, large copy, fine appearance (Photo) ( 144)


307 0

90c, cork cancel, fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Photo) ( 144)


308 *

Without Grill 3c green, l.h., fresh, very fine. Foundation Cert . ( 1992) . . . ... .... ..... . . ... . . . . ...... . .................... (Photo) ( 147)



2c brown, l.h., fresh, extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (1992) (Photo) (157) (140.00)

3 10 *

7c orange vermilion, large part o.g., fine . .. . .. .... (Photo) ( 160)

311 *

90c rose carmine, unused (regummed) , corner tbin, rich color, very fine appearance .................... . ..................... (Photo) ( 166) 1,250.00

3 12 *

90c, unused, reperfed, tiny inclusion, fine appearance (Photo) ( 166) 1,250.00

3 13 *

90c pale rose carmine, o.g., light creasing, fresh, fine appearance (Photo) ( 166) 1,250.00


AMERJCAN BANK NOTE CO. 314 * EB 1879 2c vermilion, blk of 4, l.h., fresh, fine to very fine (Photo) ( 183)

2 10.00

3 15 **

15c red orange, NEVER HINGED, brilliant fresh, very fine (Photo) (189) (150.00)

3 16 *

15c, very lightly hinged if at all, fresh, very fine . (Photo) (189)


3 17 *

1888 30c orange brown, enormo us copy, extremely fine. Foun dation Cert. (1992) ................ ..... ........... ... (Photo) (217)


1890-93 90c orange, unused, perfectly centered, very fine (Photo) (229)


3 18 *



le to $5, compl. set, plate proofs on card, large margins, mostly with tone spots, fair to fine .. . ................ (Photo) (230-4SP4) 3,140.00

3c green, 4 copies, n.h., fresh, very fine to extremely fine (Photo) (232)


$2 brown red 321 322 323

* * *

$2, o.g., tiny corner perf crease, fabulously well centered, rich color and brilliant fresh. Foundation Cert. (1992). (Photo) (242) 1,250.00 $2, unu sed, small faults, neg ligible tonin g, large ce ntered copy , very fine appearance .. . .. ... . .... . .. . .. ........ . .. . .. . .... . . .. (Photo) (242) 1,250.00 $2, o.g. (hinge remnants), small stain and tiny thin , rich color and fres h, fine appearan ce ..... . .... .. . . .. . ... . .. .. . ... . ... (Photo) (242) 1,250.00

324 0

$2, Reg is. ca nce l, tiny thin s, fine ................

. . .. (Photo) (242)


325 0

$2, lightly caned ., vert. crease , we ll ce ntered and attr ac tive (Photo) (242)


$3 yellow green

* 327 * 327 A *


328 12:J

$3, o.g., tiny thin spots, brilliant fresh and otherwise very fine. Foundation Cert. (1992) .............. .. ... ...... . ... (Photo) (243) 2,600.00 $3, o.g., gum creasing, small thin, fresh very fine appearance (Photo) (243) 2,600.00 $3, o.g. , sma ll fault s, incl. small stain spot s, fine appearan ce (Photo) (243) 2,600.00 $3, used together with S0c slate blue, pair, all very fine, on rare 1887-94 30c red brown on blue entire (U339) Regis. to Denver, stamps and entire neatly caned. by lovely LYNN, MASS c.d.s. cancels, cover bears neat violet 1894 Regis. datestamp, very attractive. Ex 1987 Rarities sale .. . . .. ... .. . . . .. . . . . ... . . ... (Color Photo) (243,240,U339) 2,780.00+

$4 crimson lake 329 330

* *

$4, unused, thin and small corner crease, large centered copy, very fine appearance . . . . . . . . . . ... ... .... . ......... . .. . (Photo) (244) 3,400.00 $4, unu sed (reg umm ed) , small thin , reperf ed, fine appearanc e (Photo) (244) 3,400.00

33 I






$4 rose carmine , o.g., glowing color and brilliant fresh, natural paper inclusion, extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (1992) .... . . . ... . ... ........ . . .. . . . . .... (Color Photo) (244a) 3,400.00 $5 black, l.h., fresh, very fine. A love ly stamp . Foundation Cert. (1992) . .. . .. .... .. . .... .. ...... . .... (Color Photo) (245) 3,600.00 $5, unused, light creasing, fine . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . ... (Photo) (245) 3,600.00

1894 UNWATERMARKED 334 * El3 Sc chocolate, blk of 4, n.h.(2)/1.h.(2), one l.h. stamp small thin, fresh, fine to very fine ...................... .. ........ (Photo) (255) $1 black, type I, o.g., reperfed, fine ............ . .... (Photo) (26 I ) 335 $2 bright blue, part o.g., thinned , fine appearance. (Photo) (262) 336 $2, unused, reperfed, fine appearance .. . ............. (Photo) (262) 337 $2, o.g., rich color and fresh .... .. . .. . . . . .. . ..... . .... (Photo) (262) 338 $5 dark green, o.g., thin spot, deep color and fresh. (Photo) (263) 339

* * * * *

325.00 850.00 2,100.00 2, 100.00 2, 100.00 3,250.00

1895 WATERMARKED 340 ** El3Sc chocolate, Imprint blk of 4, n.h., natural offset on reverse, very (Photo) (270) fine ................. . .. . .. . .............. . .... . ........... 34 1 ** 6c dull brown, n.h., very fine ........ . . .. .... . .. . .... (Photo) (27 I ) $1 black, type II, o.g., reperfed, fresh, fine appearance 342 (Photo) (276A) $2 dark blue, unused, reperfed, very fine appearance 343 (Photo) (277a) $5 dark green, unused (regummed), very fine appearance 344 (Photo) (278) 1898 CHANGED COLORS: 2c rose carmine, type III, Imprint 345 and Pl. No. strip of 3, l.h., center stamp light spot on front, fresh, fine ... ...................... . ................... . ...... (Photo) (2798c) 346 ** El3Sc dark blue, blk of 4, n.h., fresh, fine .. . . . . . ...... (Photo) (28 1) 1898 TRANS-MISSISSIPPI EXPOSITION: le to $2, compl. set, 347 o.g. to unused, 50c regummed, couple SE, mixed condition, $2 thinned and repaired, bright colors ............ (Photo) (285-93) 50c sage green, unused (regummed), large centered copy and rich 348 color, extremely fine. Foundation Cert. ( 1992) ..... (Photo) (29 1) $2 orange brown, o.g., creases , deep rich color and fresh 349 (Photo) (293)

* * * *

* * *

( 145.00+) (65.00) 1,200.00 950.00 2,000.00

625.00 ( 142.50)

6,092.50 725.00 2,850.00

350 * 161 1902-03 REGULAR ISSUE: 4c brown, Pl. blk of 6, o.g., few separated perfs, rich color, fine ......... . ............. (Photo) (303) 850.00 351 $2 dark blue, l.h., slightly disturbed gum, reperfed, large copy, very (Photo) (312) 1,050.00 fine appearance. Foundation Cert. ( 1992) ...........




$5 dark green, unused (expertly regummed), huge centered copy, beautiful rich color, extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (1992) .... .. .. . .. .. . . ... . . . .... . ...... (Photo) (313) 2,750.00

353 ** 1611906-08 Imperf le blue green, left Pl. blk of 6, No. 4376, n.h., large margins, tiny inclusions, very fine ...... . . .. .. . ......... (3 14) 275.00 Perf Schermack 'Iype Il Sc blue, o.g., handstamp on reverse, fine, 354 catl. $ 1,350 as pair .. . ... . . ... . . ... .... . . . .. ... . .. . . . . .. (Photo) (315) 355 ** l:E 1904 LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION: 3c violet, blk of 4, n.h., fine to very fine . . .. .. . . ...... . ..... . . .. . ...... (Photo) (325) 380.00 356 * l:E 1908-09 DOUBLE LINE WMK.: Sc olive green, Pl. blk of 6, o.g., small thins and selvage tear, fine appearance. (Photo) (337) 475 .00 $1 violet brown, o.g., fresh, fine ... .. ... ... . . ... . . . . (Photo) (342) 450.00 357 1909 BLUISH PAPER: 6c red orange, o.g., fresh. (Photo) (362) 1,000.00 358 10c yellow, o.g. fine ..... . ................ . . . .. . ...... (Photo) (364) 1,050.00 359 15c pale ultramarine, slightly disturbed o.g., fine. (Photo) (366) 1,000.00 360 1910-11 SINGLE LINE WMK.: 15c pale ultramarine, o.g., large 36 1 copy, very fine ........ . .. .. . .. .. . ..... . . . ..... .. ........ (Photo) (382) 275.00 1910-13 PERF 12 VERT.: 4c brown, line pair, o.g., fresh, fine 362 (Photo) (395) 300.00 1913 PANAMA-PACIFIC EXPOSITION: Perf 12 10c orange 363 yellow, o.g., enormous centered copy, extremely fine (Photo) (400) 160.00 364 ** l:E 1912-14 PERF 12: 9c salmon red, 10c orange yellow, blks of 4, n.h., I0c n.h.(2)/1.h.(2), 9c few gum skips, fresh, fine .. (4 15,416) 360.00 365 S0c violet, o.g. (hinge remnant), fine . . . . ... .... . . ... (Photo) (421) 500.00 366 ** 1611914-15 PERF 10: 12c claret brown, Pl. blk of 6, n.h., very fine (Photo) (435) 275.00 S0c violet, n.h., tiny gum skips, fine .. . ... ....... ... (Photo) (440) 800.00 367 ** S0c, very l.h. if at all, very fine ........... . .. .. . .... . (Photo) (440) 800.00 368 1914-16 PERF 10 VERT: 3c violet, l.h., very fine. (Photo) (456) 300.00 369


* * * * * * * *

.• .•

* *



jEfi tth ll


........... . 4512



.••. • b~(J (.;


·······••\••···~~---1••········ ·-======ai• ••

*EB 1916-17

UNWATERMARKED: Error Sc carmine, top left stamp in blk of 4 with 2c, o.g., fresh . . .. . . .. .. . ... (Photo) (467) 750 .00 371 **la!llc dark green, Pl. blk of 6, n.h., fresh, fine . .... (Photo) (473) 325.00 372** 15c gray, n.h., very fine .. ... . . .. .. . . .. . . . .. ......... (Photo) (475) 175.00 50c light violet, o.g., very fine ... . .. ................. (Photo) (477) 1,400.00 373 1917 TYPES OF 1902-03 ISSUE: $2 dark blue, 1.h., very fine 374 (Photo) (479) 500.00 $5 light green, l.h., very fine ......................... (Photo) (480) 400 .00 375 370

* * *

1917-19 PERFORATED 11 376 377 378

*la! ERROR Sc rose, double error in blk of 12, n.h., two 2c stamps

o.g. and thin, separations, fresh, fine . . . .. ..... .. .. (Photo) (505) 1,300.00 Sc rose, o.g., fine ........ . .... . ............ .. .......... (Photo) (505) 550.00 *EB 6c to $1, 7 diff. plus llc extra shade, blks of 4, n.h. to o.g., 50c and $ I with bottom Pl. No., unused, fine to very fine (506, I 0- 12, 15- 18) 1,282.00


Plate Blocks of Six 379

**la!4c brown, 9c salmon red, 12c claret brown, top Pl. blks, n.h., 4c


**la!7c black, n.h., middle stamps vert. gum skip, fresh, fine

fingerprint on reverse, fine to very fine .... .............

38 1 382 383 384 385

(503,09, 12)


(Photo) (507) 325.00 separation, very fine (Photo) (508) 275 .00 **la!10c orange yellow, n.h., one stamp inclusion, brilliant fresh, fine (Photo) (5 10) 250.00 **la!30c orange red, n.h., vivid color and fresh, fine ... (Photo) (516) 600.00 1918 BI COLOR: $2 orange red & black, o.g., fine. (Photo) (523) I, I00.00 **la!1918-20 OFFSET PRINTING: Perf 11 2c carmine, type VI, Pl. blk of 6, n.h., light gum creas ing or bends, well centered, fine (Photo) (528A) 400.00

**la!Sc olive bistre, n.h., small selvage


386 387 388


Imperf 2c carmine, type V, l.h., large margins, very fine (Photo) (533)

** 2c, pair, n.h., full to large margins, very fine .... (Photo) (533) **EB1919 ROTARY PRESS: Perf llxl0 2c carmine rose, type III, Star Pl. blk of 4, n.h., folded between stamps horiz. and small separation , handstamp on reverse, fresh, fine ....... (Photo) (540)


**la!1920 Perf l0xll

le green, left Pl. blk of 6, No. 11738, n.h., fine (542)



550.00 175.00

1922-25 REGULAR ISSUE Plate Blocks of Six 390 ** 1613c deep violet, top Pl. blk, No. 14299, n.h., fresh, fine .... (555) 391 * !al 4c to 12c, 8 diff., mostly n.h., others l.h. or o.g., a few small faults, genera lly fine to very fine . . .. . ........ . .... . .... . (556,57,59,6 1-65) 392 ** 1616c red orange, n.h., few rejo ined selvage perfs, fresh, fine (Photo) (558) 393 * 161 Sc olive green, one stamp l.h., fresh, fine ..... . ..... (Photo) (560) 394 ** 16115c gray, n.h., one stamp small gum skip, very fine. (Photo) (566) 395 * [BJ 20c carmine rose, 25c deep green, 30c olive brown, bottom Pl. blks, each with one stamp o.g., (hinge remnant), light overall toning, 20c and 25c shorter selvage, fine .... . .. . (Photo) (567-69) lilac, very l.h., fine .. . ............ .. ... .... ..... ... (Photo) (570) S0c 396 * [BJ & blue, $5 carmine lake & dark blue, former n.h., carmine $5 397 (Photo) (573) gum wrinkles , latter o.g., very fine .. . . .... .......... of 4, 1.h., blk Pl. Star carmine, 2c llxl0: 398 * EB 1923-26 PERF . ......... (Photo) (579) handstamp on reverse , fine .... . ............. 399 * EB 1923-26 PERF 10: le to 9c, compl. Pl. blks of 4, n.h., incl. 3c and Sc, to o.g., a few small faults or mixed centering, fresh and .. ....... (Photo) (581-90) generally fine to very fine .............. 400 * 161 1925 NORSE-AMERICAN: Set of two, top arrow Pl. blks of 8, (Photo) (620,62 l ) 2c o.g. , 5c n.h., fresh, fine ...... ................. 40 I ** [BJ1926 White Plains Souvenir sheet of 25, 2c carmine rose, dot over first " S" of " STATES", Pl. No. 18773, n.h., few small gum (630) wrinkles , fine . . . .. . .. .. .... . .... ............ ....................... 402 * IBI Same, very l.h. in selvage, negligible edge creasing, small selvage . .. . ....... (630) separation, fresh, fine . ................................. 403 ** 1611926 PERF 11: 17c black, right Pl. blk of 6, No. 18022, n.h., very ... ... ..... .... (Photo) (623) fine .. ...................................... II, l.h., fine type carmine, 2c 10½: PERF 1926-34 404 (Photo) (634A) l.h. to o.g., compl., sets Both NEBRASKA: AND KANSAS 1929 405 ..... . (658-79) selected for centering, mostly very fine ............. (658-79) Same, l.h. or o.g., genera lly fine to very fine ............ 406 or o.g., l.h. others n.h., mostly 4, of blks Pl. diff., 12 10c, to le 407 * EB few negligible faults or mixed centering, fresh, generally fine (Photo) (659,60,62,63,67-71, 73,74,77) 408 ** EB 1938-43 PRESIDENTIAL ISSUE: $1 purple & black, $2 yellow green & black, $5 carmine & black, top Pl. blks of 4, n.h., $ 1 ... .. . .. . ..... . . (Photo) (832-34) fine, others very fine ..............


* * *



EX 395


2 10.00 1,260.00 425.00 725.00 300.00

1,000.00 900.00 800.00 450.00

1,165.00 975.00

525.00 525.00 250.00 350.00 53 1.50 53 1.50

1,780.00 852.50



1918 FIRST ISSUE AND 1923 SECOND ISSUE: Both sets compl., l.h., 6c slightly disturbed o.g., fine to very fine (Photo) (C l- 6)


* *

6c orange, very l.h. if at all, centered, extremely fine. (Photo) (C I)


1930 GRAF ZEPPELIN ISSUE: 65c green, o.g., gum crease , fine (Photo) (Cl3)




$1.30 brown, unused (expertly regummed), small thin, very fine appeara nce . . .................... .... . .. ... . ........ . ... (Photo) (C J4) 1,000.00


$2.60 blue, o.g., small thins, fine ....................


* **



1884 3c red brown, slightly d.isturbed o.g., tiny stain, rich color and fresh, fine. Foundation Cert. ( 1992) .. ...... ........ . . (Photo) (J 17)



OFFICES IN CIIlNA: 1919 Surchd. set compl., l.h. or o.g., few lower values small thins, 12c creased, mixed centering to very fine ...... . ..................................... . ....... (Photo) (Kl-16) 1,775.50



OFFICIAL STAMP: 1873 Navy 90c ultramarine, o.g. (hinge remnant), fresh, very fine. Foundation Cert. ( 1992) ..... . ... (045 )




PARCEL POST: 1913 15c carmine rose, 2 copies, n.h.( I)/o .g.( I), extremely fine .. .. . .. . . . . .. . ....... . .. . .. . .................... . ..... (Q7)



STATIONERY: 1920-21 Surchd. 'Iype 7 2c on 3c dark violet on (U479) white entire, black surch., very fine ... . .....................



4 10 411

4 19


(Photo) (C 15) 1,600.00

POSTAGE DUE: 1879 Unwmkd. perf 12 2c brown, n.h., brilliant fresh, very tine. Foundation Cert. (1992). (Photo) (J2) (175.00) 450.00



Hunting Permit; 1947 $1 black, 1948 $1 bright blue, former blk of 6 with Pl. No. , latter Pl. blk of 6, n.h., usual wrinkles , very fine ... . .................................... (RWJ4&15 )




CONFEDERATE STATES: 1863 2c brown red, mostly large margins, very fine appearance, tied by ATHENS GA. c.d.s. on locaJ envelope (drop letter usage), stamp and cover creased, scarce usage. A.P.E.S. Cert. ( I992) ............. . ................. .... . (Photo) (8) 1,300.00


423 424 425

£ f J1/at.v~

* * * *

CANAL ZONE: Stationery; 1907 Postal Card le on 2c carmine, caned. by MATACHIN 1908 " I" duplex to Tabernilla, fine. Scarce (UX I)


GUAM: 1899 Wmkd. Double Line USPS 3c to $1, type I, 7 diff., and Special Delivery 10c blue, o.g., 3c SE, 4c crease , fresh, m.ixed (Photo) (3,4,6,7, L0-12,E l ) 1,435.00 centering to very fine .................... PIIlLIPPINES: 1901 Wmkd. Double Line USPS $5 dark green, o.g., thins, fine appeara nce. 782 Overprinted ........ (Photo) (225) 1,650.00 1903-04 Red Ovpt. $2 dark blue, part o.g., tiny thin spot, fresh. Foundation Cert. (1973). 695 Overprinted. . .. ..... (Photo) (238) 2,000.00 $5 dark green, o.g., rich color and fresh. 746 Overprinted (Photo) (239) 2,400.00


, L-• ..r' ... ...,

«20 A



421 419 EX422






19th Century 426 * O



Coll. and accum. of over 500 stamps on page s, unu sed or used , some o.g., wide range of issues incl. imperfs., perf 15 and 12, Grills, 1869 Pictorials and Bank Notes, Columbians and Trans-Miss. to S0c, back-of-book with Postage Due and Officials, etc., some multiple s, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $2,000-2,500 .. . .... . . ....... ............. ...... .

Accum. of about 150 stamps is numbered glassines in small tin, o.g. to unused, incl. a few 1857-61, 1861-66, Grills, 1869s, Bank Notes, Bureau, faulty or mixed condition to very tine with much fresh, worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $500-750

428 0

1847 ISSUE; Sc red brown, shades, 8 generally 3-margined copies, 2 caned. in blue, 1 black, var. of shades, mixed condition (1) 5,685.00

429 0

Sc, 3 pen caned. copies, 3-margined or cut in, mixed cond ition . . .. ... ..........

430 0

10c black, 3 copies, margins lo jusl in, two caned. in red, other pen cancel removed, small faults ...... .. .. .. ...... . . . . .. . . . ..... (2) 5,250.00

....... ...............

. . ...... . . . .. . ..... . .. .. . .. ...... (I) I , 125.00

1851-56 IMPERFORATE 43 1 * O

le blue, group of 17 stamps, mostly used or unused appearance, incl. a pair and 2 strips of 3, variety of types though mostly II or IV, some possibly misidentified, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $ 500-750 ...... . . .. . .... . . .. ........... . . ... ....... .. .. . .. . .

432 * 0:8:I3c dull red, shades, group of 22 stamps on pages, mostly used, scattered o.g. or unused, incl. 4 pairs, good variety of shades with orange brown, clarel, brownish carmine, few colored cance ls, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 . .. . . . ....... . 433 * OP 1851-56 and 1857-61 10c green, shades, group of 35 stamps and one proof, mostly used, scattered unused or apparently unused, various types with some misidentified, variety of cancels, blue, black or red, Ocean Mail, mixed condition to very tine or very tine appearance, worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 . . . ... ...... ...... . ... . . 434 * OP 12c black, shades, group of 11 stamps and one proof, used except one regummed and repaired, good variety of shades, cancels, 2 pen caned., mixed condition to very tine appearance, worth inspection .. . .. .. .. ..... .. . . ....... . ............... .. ..... (17,44P3) 4,275.00

1857-61 PERFORATED 15 435 * O

le blue, group of 23 copies, mostly used, few o.g. or unused, variety of types with some misidentified, coup le on small piece, few better cancels, mixed condition . Est. Cash Val. $400-500 .................... . .. . .. .. ... . . .. .. .. .. ....... . .............. (betw. 20 and 24)

436 * OEE3c dull red, shades, group of 24 stamps, mostly used, scattered o.g. or unused, incl. type Il blk of 4, variety of cancels, shades and types, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $ 150-200 ... . . .. . .. .. ................ ................. . ... . .... . ....... (25,etc.) 437 * O

Sc brown, shades, group of 16 stamps, mostly used, scattered unused, a good range of shades excluding rarities, cancels and types, also 3 mounted or trimmed to resemble imperf, mixed condition to very tine appearance. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 (29-30A)

438 * O

12c black, shades, group of 15 stamps and one perfed proof, mostly used, scattered unused or unused appeari ng, few caned. in red, mixed condition to very fine appearance. Est. Cash Val. $400 ..... ......... . ... .. . ... .. ... . .. . .. . .. . .... . . ....... . .... . .. . ........ (36)

439 * O

24c gray lilac, shades, group of 7 used stamps, 2 unused, grid and town cancels, mixed condition to very fine appearing .. . (37) 2,600.00

440 * O

30c orange, shades, 6 copies, 3 unused or apparently unused, balance used, mixed condition .. ...........



90c blue, unused, 4 faulty copies, one with doubtful pmk., not incl. in cat!. value ..........


.. ............

(38) 3, I05.00

.... .. . .. ... .... ..... . . .. . ... . .. .... . . (39) 4,350.00



1860 to 1876, group of 23 covers, incl. two 1857-6 1 3c on patriotics, extensive range of 186 1-66 3c advertising covers, few grills, I0c Bank Note to Italy, one Blood's local, many attractive and interesting items, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 .. . .. ................................. . .. ............... . . . . .. ... . .. .. .... . .. .. . .. .. . . .. .. . . ................... ............... . .. . .......... .

443 * O

1861-66 PERF 12 AND 1867 GRILLED ISSUES; the coll. of over 200 stamps on pages, o.g. to unu sed or used , wide range of issues to 90c with numerou s shade s and cancels, good repre sentiation of grills, few multiple s, those misidentified accounted for , faulty or mixed condition, a few very fine. A valuable collection worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $4,000-6,000 ................................................................. (betw. 62B and 101)

444 * O

1869 PICTORIAL ISSUE; le to 90c, coll. of over 115 stamp s on pages, unused or used, incl. shade s and a variety of cancels, also le buff on brown orange Re-Issues, 90c, 4 copies, few proof s, some misidentified, fault y or mixed condition though some fine or very fine appearance ..... . . .. . .. .... . ...... . ...... ... . . . .. .. ......... .. . .. . (112-22, etc.) 31,000.00+

445 0

2c to 90c, accum. of about 55 stamps on stock sheets, incl. 10c (7), 12c (13), 24c (12), 30c (7), 90c, interesting variety of cancels, few larg e copies, faulty to mixed condition with some very fine or very fine appearing (betw. 113 and 122) 10,500.00

446 * O

1870 to 1888 BANK NOTE ISSUES; coll. of about 400 stamp s on pages , o.g. to unu sed or used, comprehen sive showing of th e thre e printer s, incl. scattered blks, grilled, good var. of shades, cancels (some colored), fanc y, NYFM , man y higher values with 30c black (21), 30c orange brown (3), 90c carmine, rose ca rmin e (20), purple (8), misidentifi ed accounted for, fault y to mixed condition with some very fine or very fine appearing. A valuable collection worth careful inspection ...................................................................... (betw. 134 and 218) 40,000.00+

447 * OEE1890-93, Coll. of about 100 stamps on pages, o.g. to unused or used, incl. a excellent range of shades, cancel s, vars. with Sc imp erf pair, few o.g., multipl es, 15c (7), 30c (8), 90c (9), some small faults though generally fresh, mixed condition to very fine .. . .. ...... ...... . ................................... . ........... . .. . ........... . ...... .. .... .. (219-29) over 47,000.00


Group of 12 plate proof s, compr. le , 3c, 4c, Sc (2), 6c, Sc, 10c, 15c (2), $1 and $2, all on card except Ic on India, bright colors, mostly fine to very fine .... . ............ .. ........................................... . .................... . . ..... (betw. 230P3 and 242P4) 1,685.00

449 * OEEColl. of over 130 stamp s on pages , o.g. to unused or used, incl. a good range of blks and Imprint multiple s, shade s, cancels , 30c (11), S0c (7), $1 (3), $4 (2), $5, some fault y or SE, mixed condition to very fine or very fine appearing with a few large copies ............................ . . ... ..... . ........ . ...... .... . .... .. ... . .. ... ....... (betw. 230 and 245) 22,000.00+

450 * EE le to S0c, accum. of about 80 on stock sheet s, o.g. to unused , incl. Sc (7), 6c (5), 10c (15), 15c (7), 30c (13), some large copies, few SE, faulty or mixed condition to very fine . .......... . .. .. . .. . . .. . ..... . . .. . . .... .. .. ........ ... (230-40) 9,400.00 45 1 0

le to S0c, accum. of about 100 on stoc k sheets, incl. 6c (4), 8c ( I 3), I0c (22), 15c ( 15), 50c (2), faulty to mixed condition, a few very fine . . . ... . . ............. ........... ... ............ ..................................................... . .. . . .. . .. ... . .. . (betw. 230 and 240) 1,630.00


452 * O




1894 to 1898 BUREAU ISSUES ; coll. of over 200 stamps on pages , o.g. to unused or used, compr. Unwmkd., Wmkd. , Changed Colors, good representation of most values, with 90c (15), $1 (18), $2 (5), $5 (3), few blk s and Imprint multipl es, variety of shade s, cancels, etc., few misidentified, faulty to mixed condition with some very fine or very fine appearing, worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-2,000 .. . .. ........ . .. .. . .. . . .. .. ..... . . . .. . . (betw. 246 and 284)

1898 TRANS-MISSISSIPPI EXPOSITION; le to S0c, accum. of 55 stamp s on stock sheet s, o.g. to unu sed, incl. Sc (7), Sc (4), 10c (13), S0c (4), some larg e copies, few SE, some faulty to mixed condition, some very fine. (285-91) 9,300.00

454 0

le to S0c, accum. of about 80 on large stoc k cards, incl. Sc (22), Sc (8), 10c (21), S0c (11), vari ety of cancels, mixed condition to some very fine .... . ................................................................................. . .... . .... ........ ... . ........ (285-91) 4,600.00



SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR: circa 1898, group of over 20 item s in ring-bind er, mostly covers franked 2c Bureau or Trans-Miss., nice variety of corner cards, cachets and all-over illustrations, some cards and unused, mixed condition, interesting group with some annotations. Est. Cash Val. $200-400 .............................. ............................ . .......... . .. . .... .. .. . . .. ... .. . .



Primaril y 19th Centur y, accum. of over 200 sta mps on page s in small ring-binder , stock cards, etc., in box, o.g. to unu sed, incl. a few early items, Columbian s to S0c, Bank Notes, Trans-Miss. and Bureau issues, moderat e quantitie s, mixed condition. High catl. value. Est. Cash Val. $500-1,000 ................ . ........ . ..... .......... . ......................... ..... .. . ...... . . . .......... . . 19th and 20th Century

457 * OEEStock of man y thou sand in glassines in boxes and file folder s in carton, much n.h. , balance l.h. to unu sed or used, incl. moderat ely bett er item s, Commems, blk s, etc., mixed condition. Very high catl. value. Est. Cas h Val. $3000+

458 * O

Accum. of many thou sa nd in glassines, counter books, etc., in carton , n.h. to unu sed or used, incl. Regular Issues, ea rly Air s, back-of-book with Postage Due, Par cel Post, etc., man y $5 to $10 items, mixed condition with much fine or bett er. Est. Cash Val. $2,000-2,500 .. . ...... . .. .. ....... . .. . ... . . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. ... . .. . . . ... . . . . . . . . . .. . . ........................ .

459 * OEEAccum. of several thou sand in glassines, envelopes, etc., in carton, n.h . to unu sed or used, incl. man y Commems, also Regular Issues and some ba ck-of-book , varying quantitie s with large amount of Champions of Liberity PI. blk s, mixed condition with man y very fine. Est. Cash Val. $2,000-2,500 .................................................. . .. . . . .. .

460 * OEEAccum. of several thou sa nd in glassines in boxes, stock pages and loose in carton, n.h. to unu sed or used, incl. Pl. blks , blk s, Souvenir sheet s, Airs, many Commems, mixed condition with man y very fine, worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $2,000-2,500 ................. . .... . ..... . .... . ... . .. .. ... .. .. . ..... . .... .. .... . .. .. ....... . ............ . ...... . ....... . ....... . .

461 * OIBlAccum. of a few thou sa nd in glassines in boxes, etc. in carton, n.h. to unu sed or used, incl. a few better item s with Airs , Famous Americans , etc., mixed condition with much fine or better. Est. Cash Val. $1,500-2,000 ...... . ....... .

462 * OEEAccum. and stock of several thousand in glassines, on page s in 2 binder s, etc., o.g. to unu sed or used, man y useful incl. a stock betw. #221 and 723, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $1,500-2,000 ... . .. . ... . .... .... . . . .. . ................ .


463 * OEB Accum. of several thousand in glassines, etc., and American album in box, n.h. to unu sed, some early used, incl.

Commems, 1934 Special Printing , some PI. blks, coils, etc., varying quantitie s, early issues mixed condition, later . ... ... .. .. .. ... ...................... generally tine to very tine. Est. Cash Val. $1,500-2,000 ...................................

464 * OEB Accum. of several thou sand in glassines , stockbook s or retail binder s in carton, n.h. to unu sed and used, incl.

Commems , PI. blks Souvenir sheets , useful group of Parcel Post, small Air Post coll., mixed condition to very tine. ... . . . . ... .. .. .... . . .................... . ........... .. ... ... ............... Est. Cash Val. $1,000+ ..................................

465 0

Accum. of many hundred in numbered glassines in box, incl. 1847 Sc (3), 1857-61, 1861-66, few Grills, Bank Notes, early Commems, Washington-Franklin, back-of-book, faulty or mixed condition, high catl. value. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 .. .. .. .

465A 1:81 Group of 29 generally classic covers ranging from stampless to 1860s, Locals, Express, advertising, Officially Sealed, also a . ........... .... ..... . few Revenues on photos, generally better than normal group. Est. Cash Val. $500 .......................... 466 O EB Stock of several thousand in 3 stockbooks and glassines in carton, used, wide range of issues incl. later Bank Notes, Bureaus, Commems, Washington-Frank lin and later issues with blks, Airs and back-of- book , mixed co ndition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. . ......... . . ....................................................................................................... $300-400 . ......................... 467 1:81

Accum. of several hundred items in carton, incl. scattered early usages , later FDCs, incl. Washington Bicentennial, 2c reds, co mmerc ial mail, Stationery unused and used, Canal Zone, United Nations, etc., mixed co ndition. Est. Cash Val. $ I 50-200 ...... .

468 0

Balance of a property, thousands of stamps in glassines, on pages, etc., in box, mostly used, some large quantities , back-of-book , ... ......... . . . .... . . refe rence, etc., mixed condition . Est. Cas h Val. $ 150 ...... . .... ..... ..... . ... . ..... . .....................................

469 1:81

To 1930s, cover accum. of a few hundred in box, incl. a few stample ss, patriotic s, extensive range of Bank Notes, fancy cance ls, adve rtising items, Com mems, Stationery , post cards, few better items with Ce ntury of Progress 50c gree n on Washington, D.C. FDC, . ...... . .. ... . .... .. .... . .................. mixed co ndition to very fine, worth inspection. Est. Cas h Val. $400-500 ......................

470 * O

1879 to 1956, small coll. in American album, o.g., some early used, incl. Bank Notes , 20th cent. Co mmems and a few Regular . ... .. . Issues, misc. Airs, some faults though generally fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $200-3 00 .....................................

47 1 * O EB1879 to 1939, stock of many hundred sorted in glassines in box, n.h. to unused, some early used, incl. PI. blks of 4 and 6 with Regular Issues, Columbians and other Commems, coils incl. line pairs, etc., mixed condition with much .. ........... . .. . .. . ........ .. ...... (betw. 189 and 840) 15,000.00+ tine to very tine ........................................................

Primarily 20th Century 472


Accum. of a few hundred in stockbook, mostly n.h. to o.g., scattered unused, incl. Columbian 3c to toe, Pan-American and Louisiana Purchase sets, good range of Washington-Franklin, later Commems, Presidentials, few back-of-book, generally .. .... ............ .. . ..... . . . . .. . .. . ... . ... .. ..... . ........... ......... . fresh and tine to very tine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 ................

473 1:81

Accum. of a few thousand covers or cards in 6 boxes in 2 cartons, wide range of cac heted FDC s, many pencil addressed, stationery envelopes and cards, some unused, Airs , scattered 19th cent. cove rs, modera te dupl., mixed co ndition to much very fine. . .. . . ....... . ....... ... . . .. .. . . . ....... ... . ..... . . ............................ Est. Cash Val. $200-400 .............................................

474 1:81

Accum. of a few thousand covers in boxes, etc., in 2 cartons, mostly FDCs in varying quantities, gro up of 19th cent., 3 volume co ll. of flight cover s, also special eve nts, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $200-400 ..... .... .. ...... . .. .. . . . ... ...... .

475 * O

Balance of a property, over 80 stamps in glassines, mostly l.h. or o.g., scatte red used, incl. many Commems , 2c Shie ld, Airs with .. . . .. ...... . Cent ury of Progress, etc., few faults though ove rall very fine to extreme ly fine . Est. Cash Val. $200-300 . . .............


20th Century



*[SJ Accum. of man y hundred




in glassines and sheet file in carton , much n.h. , balance o.g. to unused , strong in Air Post incl. blk s, Pl. blks, compl. and part sheets, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $3000+ ....... . .... . ...... .... . Accum. of man y hundred in glassines and loose in box, n.h. to unu sed, incl. Regular Issues, Comm ems, coils, Air s and back-of-book , man y blks or Pl. blks with better item s, mixed condition to very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Ca sh Val. $1,000-1,500 ........ .. .. . ...... . . ..... . .................. ... . .... ... ..... ...................................... . .. .

** [SJAccum. of compl. sheets in folder s and

album in carton , n.h., mu ch modern incl. Olympic s, History Flag s and other premium , Bicentennial Souvenir sheets, small Pl. blk coll. in 2 ring-bind ers and loose mat erial in glassines, few used , fine to ver y fine. Est. Cash Val. $750 ..... ... . .... . ... .. .. ... .. .. ...... . ....................................................................................... . Accum. of man y hundred covers in carton , incl. man y cach eted unaddre ssed FDCs, some with Pl. blks and Souvenir sheets, 479 181 Airs, etc., also some stationer y and a few stample ss, mixed condition. Est. Cas h Val. $500-1,000 .. . .. .. ... . ......... . .......... . 480 **83Stock and accum. of thou sand s in glassines in 6 boxes in carton , vast majorit y n.h. , incl. blks and Pl. blks, coils, booklet pan es, Souvenir sheets, Airs and misc. back-of-book, famou s American s to IOc thou gh not compl. , Regular Issues to $1 and $5, etc., var ying quantiti es, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-600 .......... .. . ... . .. . ................... .. ...................... .. . .... ..... . 48 1 *[SJ Coll. of man y hundr ed blks and Pl. blks of 4 or lar ger in 13 ring-binder s or album s (some slip cases) in 2 carton s, n.h. to o.g., with man y 1920s and 1930s issues, Souvenir sheets, Famou s American s, etc., to modern issues, generall y fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $500+ .......... . ..... ... . .. ... . ..... .. ............................................... . .. . .. . .... ....................... . . .. .. . .... .




y 20th Centur y to about 1935, accum. of about a hundr ed blks or 4 or larg er, mostly o.g., incl. a few Pan-Am. , Louisiana Purch ase, 1909, Panama-Pacific , 2c red s, National Park s, Pl. blks, etc., Whit e Plain s Souvenir sheets , unu sed, some separation s, mixed condition to very fine with mu ch fre sh, worth inspection. Est. Ca sh Val. $1.000-1,500 . .. ... ..... . . .. . .. . ................. . .......... . .... . .......... ... .......... . .. . . .. .. ........ . . ..... ... . .. .. . . . ... . .......... .

** [SJ20th

Centur y, Accum. of a coupl e hundred compl. sheets in 7 sheet files in box, n.h., wide range incl. premium items, Se-tenant, few Airs, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300 ... .......................................................................... .




* 487


1901 to 1930, coll. of about 70 on pa ges, mostly o.g., appar entl y compl. except #613, incl. Whit e Plain s Souvenir sheet and all perfs of Panama-Pacific Exposition, generall y fr esh and fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000 (betw . 294 and 689)


1901 to 1925, accum. of over 130 on stock card s, n.h. to unu sed, incl. Pan- Am. to IOc (11), Louisiana Purchase to 10c (7), J amestown Sc (8), mixed condition to very fine . . . . ..... . .. . .................. . . ... .. ... . ............... .. ... . over 13,000.00 1901 to 1925, group of about 40 on pag es, mostly o.g., incl. Pan-Am. and Louisiana Purchase sets, few Panama-Pacific and later, generally fresh and fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200-250 . . . . ... .... . ...... . ..... ... . .......... .. ... . ... . .. . ........ .. ......... . .... .


*[SJ 1904

1901 PAN-AMERIC AN EXPOSITION; le to IOc compl. , accum. of about 70 stamps , o.g. to unused , incl. 4c (9), Sc (9), Sc (12), IOc (18), few SE, lar ge copies, marginal marking s, fault y or mixed condition to ver y fine . . . . (294-99) 8,100.00

to 1932, coll. of 50 items on page s, n.h. to o.g., mostly Pl. blks of 4 or 6, incl. 1909 issues, Harding imperf , Hu guenot-Walloon and Hawaii Sc, Washington Bicentennial , National Park s perf and imp erf , mixed condition or centering , man y fine to very fine . . .................... ...... ....... ..... . . ........... . .... .... ........ . . ... ... . .. . .... . ....... . .. . (betw. 323 and 765) 3,875.00



490 * lal



1904 to 1920, accum. of several hundred in numbered glassines in small tin, o.g. to unused, incl. Louisiana Purchase set (9), Jamestown Sc (13), 1909s, Panama-Pacific with #404, mixed condition to very fine with much fresh. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 1923 to 1944, stock of many hundred in numbered glassines in box, n.h. to o.g., incl. almost compl. representation from Harding issues, incl. blks and Pl. blks of 4 or 6, many 2c reds, few Souvenir sheets, some SE copies and faults, overall fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000+ . . . .. .. . .............. . ............................. . .................. . .. . .. . . .. .. ... .. (betw. 610-921) 1931 to 1990, coll. of a few hundred difT. in Scott Commemorative album , n.h. to o.g., almost compl. issues incl. Century of Progress 50c, Souvenir sheets, Famous Americans, few cul squares, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200-250 .......... . .. .. . .... .

492 ** lal 1944 to 1991, accum. of many hundred neatly arranged in glassines in box, vast majority n.h., moderate quantities incl. Souvenir sheets , blks and Pl. blks, ZIP , se-tenant issues, few booklets, clean and fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500+ ... 493


AUTOGRAPHS: group of over 35 item s in ring-binder , modern covers or cards autographed by movie stars and other personalities, Emmet Kelly, Sparky Lyle, Barbara Eden, David Niven, others, nice variety. Est. Cash Val. $ 150 .................... .


1895 to 1954, coll. of 36 items on page s, n.h . to o.g., mostly Pl. blks of 4 or 6, many Washington-Franklin incl. imperfs, with or without star, 1925-26 13c green and 17c black, 1931 Rotary Press ptg., etc., some disturbed gum or small faults, mostly fine to very fine ...................... . .. . .............. . ........................ (betw. 265 and 832c) 5,275.00+

495 ** lal 20th Century , Coll. of many hundred items on pages in 4 Specialty binder s in carton , vast majority n.h., excellent array from 1938 Pre sidential s to modern issues, incl. coil pair s and strips , line pair s, unexploded booklets and pane s, blks , Pl. blks, compl. sheet s of later $2 and $5, ZIP blks, precancelled , Eagle Expre ss Mail , Official s, tagged , etc., clean and fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 . . .. .. .. . ... . .............................................................................. . . . . ..... ..................... . 496 * EE Accum. of many hundred in numbered glassines in box, n.h. or unu sed, scattered used , incl. coil pairs and strips , later precancelled , booklets and pane s, Pl. blks to $5, some back-of-book with Special Delivery, Postage Due, Officials, etc., moderate quantities, some faults in earlier issues, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $750.00 ... .. .... .. ............... . 497 * O

1902-03 and 1917 ISSUES; Coll. of over 200 stamps on pages, o.g. to unu sed or used , a good repre sentation of most denominations with many better higher values, 1902-03 S0c (6), $1 (6), $2 (5), $5 (3), 1917 $2 and $5 (6), range of 2c Washington Shield type s, booklet pane s Imprint multiple s, faulty or mixed condition to very fine, worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 ............. .. .................................................. (betw. 300 and 480)

498 * OEE 1908-1921 WASIDNGTON-FRANKLIN ISSUES; coll. of several hundred stamp s on pages, n.h. to unused , some used, excellent range of these issues compr. Double and Single Line Wmk. and Unwmk., imperf s, various perfs and coils (some doubtful) incl. pairs and line pair s, Offset ptgs. perf and imperf., flat plate and rotary press, blks and PI. blks, booklet panes, values to $1, many misidentified but accounted for, mixed condition with much very fine. A valuable collection worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $3,000+ ..................................... . .. . .. .. ..... .. 499 * Olal 1917 to 1978, group of 14 items in stock book, n.h. or used, compr. 19 17 $5 (4), 1922-25 $5 blk of 4 and 4 singles, Presidential $ 1 blk of 32, 1975-79 $2 4 blks of 25, last two items n.h., others used, generally very fine ................... (480,573,832c, 16 11) 1,026.00 500 * O

1918 and 1920 BICOLOR ISSUES; coll. of 33 stamps on pages , o.g. to unused or used, some reperfed , mixed condition or centering, a few very fine or very fine appearing .. .. ..... .... .. ................... ............. ......................... (523,524,547) 6,335.00

501 * lal

1918-20 OFFSET PRINTING; le, 2c, 3c, group of 10 diff. Pl. blks of 6 on pages, n.h. to o.g., compr. perf and imperf and incl. perf 2c type VI, generally fine to very fine .. . .... .. ............................ .. ......................... .. .......... (betw. 525 and 536) 1,565.00


502 * OIHI1922 to 1934, coll. of several hundred stamps on page s, much n.h. , balance o.g. or used, compr. flat plate and rotary press ptgs. , coils incl. line pairs , perf 10, imperf, blks and Pl. blks, few booklet panes and scattered Commems, some misidentified and small faults, overall fre sh and fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $2,500-3,000 (betw. 551 and 701)

503 * OIHIAIR POST: 1918 to 1983, stock of several hundred stamps in 2 stockbooks in box, n.h. to unused, some used , good repre sentation incl. Fir st and Second Issue s, later blks and Pl. blks of 4 or 6, some larger, varying though moderate quantities, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $2000 ........................ . ........ . . .... .. .. ........ (betw. Cl and C112a ) 504 * 83

1926 to 1979, coll. of about 150 blks or Pl. blk s on page s, n.h. to o.g., incl. a few better earlier items , some rejoined or with small selvage fault s, 1930 Sc Winged Globe and Transport set in Pl. blks, range of later issues, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-500 ... .. .... ... . ... . . . .. . . . ..... .. . . ..... . . .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .... .. . .... . ................... . ............. .. ............ ... .

505 * 83

1923 to 1979, accum. of hundreds in numbered glassines in cigar box, n.h. to o.g., incl. a dupl. range of Pl. blks, mostly 1940s . . . . .. . .. . . . ......... . through I 960s, scattered better singles, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200-300 . .....................

506 * O

BACK OF THE BOOK: Primarily 20th Century, coll. of a couple hundred on pages , o.g. to unu sed or used, incl. Airs with Fir st and Second issues, Century of Progre ss 50c green, Special Delivery , Registration , Parcel Post to $1, Postage Due, mixed condition to very tine, worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 .. .. ...... . ... . . . . .. . .. . . ..... . .. .. .................. .. .. .. ........... .



STATIONERY: 19th and 20th Century , accum. of many hundred items in boxes etc., in carton, unused or used, incl. envelopes in various sizes, postal cards, etc., fair variety with a few advertising, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200-400 ... . .. . .

508 0

REVENUES: Primaril y 19th Century, small coll. on album page s, incl. the First, Second and Third issues, Documentaries, few Wine and Stock Transfer, etc., values to $20, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $150-200 ......................... .. . .... . .. ............ .

509 6 1:8J 19th and 20th Century , accum. of a few thousand stamps on compl. or part pieces of document s, mostly Stock Transfer stamps used with New York State stamps, some early issues, also hundreds of 2c and 3c commercial mail and many hundred I 9th cent. invoices, mixed condition, all in 2 cartons. Est. Cash Val. $200-300 ...... . .............. . . .. . .. . .. .. ... ... .. . .... ...... ... .. . ... .... . . .. . 5 IO * IHI SOUVENIR CARDS AND CHRISTMAS SEALS: Balanc e of a property in various containers and sheet files in carton, moderate quantities and some caned. by appropriate slogan, Christmas Seals with many comp!. sheets and on cover, some foreign, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $ 150-200 ..... .. . .... .. . .. .. .... . . .. ..... .. . . . . . . ....... .. . . ..... ...... .. . ....... ... .. . . . .. . ... . .


5 11





U.S. POSSESSIONS: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of about 120 stamp s neatly arranged on stock sheets, o.g. to unu sed, compr. Canal Zone, Cuba, Guam, Philippine s, Puerto Rico, excellent range of ovptd. or surchd. with many better item s, few Postage Due, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 .... ....... . .............. . .. .

U.S. AND FOREIGN: SPACE; stock and accum. of several thousand covers and cards neatly arranged and haphazard in 4 cartons, containing commemorations of many space flights and endeavors incl. Apollo manned and unmanned, Saturn, Gemini, Sky Lab , Apollo-Soyuz, moon landings, test flights , Saturn, Mercury, foreign Launche s, sub-orbital flights , cooperative efforts, Recovery Forces, Submarine covers, cachets incl. handstamped , print ed and silk motif s with Astronauts, etc., also many cacheted covers bearing Briti sh and Foreign franking s. A fabulous array. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-2,000 .. .... . .. ... .... ..... ......... .. .. .. .. . ............. ......... . ... . ........... .. .... . . . ............. ... .

U.S. AND UNITED NATIONS: balance of a property, a few hundred items in 3 cover albums and loose in carton, incl. cacheted FDCs, Souvenir folders, unused Stationery, U.N. stamps incl. Geneva, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $ 150-250 .................. .



* * *

ANTIGUA: 1873 Crown CC perf 121/26p blue green, o.g., very fine. S.G. IS, £500 ... .. . . ................ . . .. .. ......... (Photo) (7) 1,000.00 1873-79 Perf 14 2½ brown, some o.g., fresh, very fine. S.G. 19, £600 .. . . ......... . .................. . ... . ..... . ... . ........ (Photo) (9)

900.00 ARGENTINA: 1864-67 Wmkd. RA in Italics Imperf Sc brown rose, unused, margins all round , huge three sides, fresh, almost very fine ..... . .. . .... . .. . .......... ........ .. . .. ... ..... . ...... . .. (Photo) (8) 1,800.00

AUSTRALIA Watermarked Wide Crown and Wide A 517 518

* *



½p to 2sh, compl., o.g ., fresh, fine to very fine. S.G. 1-12, £479 (Photo) ( 1- 11)


IOsh pink & gray, l.h., bright color and fresh, fine. S.G. 14, £600 (Photo) ( 13)


£1 ultramarine & brown, o.g., slightly disturbed gum, beautiful rich colors, almost very fine. S.G. 15 (Photo) (14) 2,500.00

520 * EE 1913-14 Engraved Kookaburra 6p lake brown, set of four top part Imprint blks of 4, Pl. Nos. 1-4, stamps n.h., mixed centering to very fine, fresh. S.G. 19, £ 1120+ ...... ... .... . . ... .......... ( 18) 2,000 .00+ 52 1 522

* **

Wmkd. Wide Crown and Narrow A lsh4p deep turquoise, o.g., fresh, fine. S.G. 66b , £750 ....................... (Photo) (37 var.)


1915 2sh brown, n.h., fresh, very fine. S.G. 26, £425 (Photo) (43)


1915-24 Wmkd. Narrow Crown and Narrow A 523


2p to Ssh, compl., plus 3p olive green, o.g ., 6p brown hinge remnants, fresh, fine to very fine. S.G. 35-42 , 37b, 73, 74, £635 (Photo) (45-54 ,47 var.)


524 * EE Ssh yellow & gray, blk of 4, l.h., few tiny inclusions, fresh, very fine. S.G. 42, £720+ ............. ..... ..... .... .. ...... . . (Photo) (54) 1,200.00+ 525 * EE Ssh, gutter blk of 4 with T. S. HARRISON Imprint, l.h., fresh, very fine. S.G. 42, £720+, Australian Commonwealth Speciali sts' (Photo) (54) 1,200.00+ Cati. ( 1988) K413b, Aust. $2,000 ........ .. ............ 526 527 528

* * *

IOsh bright pink & gray, part Imprint copy, stamp n.h., brilliant fresh, very fine. S.G. 43a , £350 ........... .. . . . ... .... (Photo) (55) 1929-30 Wmkd. SmalJ Crown and A Multiple Ssh yellow & gray, o.g., extremely fine. S.G. 111, £190 ... . ..... (Photo) (100) 1931-36 Wmkd. Small Crown and C of A Multiple £1 gray, o.g., (Photo) ( 128) fresh, fine. S.G. 137, £425 .... .. ........ . ... ..........


450.00 900.00

529 0 530 531 532 533

534 535

£1, sheet margin vert. strip of 4, neatly caned., very fine. S.G. 137, £600+ . . . . . ..... ... . ... .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . . . ........ . . . .. . ... (Photo) ( 128) 1, 100.00+ 0 £2 dull rose & black, sheet margin vert. strip of 3, light c.d.s. cancels, very fine. S.G. 138, £900+ .. . .. . . . ......... (Photo) (129) 1,800.00+ 1932 Bridge Ssh gray green, l.h., fresh, fine . . . ... (Photo) ( I 32) 650.00 0 Ssh, lightly caned., almost very fine . . . . . . . ..... . . ... (Photo) ( 132) 400.00 *EE 1934 Centenary of Victoria set compl., · perf 11, vert. gutter Imprint blks of 4, o.g., l sh small separation between gutter and right stamp, fine to very fine. S.G. 147-4911, £200+ (Photo) ( 142-44) 336.00+ Military Stamps; 1946-47 ½p to Ssh, compl. set, Ssh thin rough paper, o.g., fine to very fine. S.G. Jl -7, £ 170 ... (Photo) (MI -7) 19 1.25 PPEE1946-47 3p dark violet brown, thin B.C.O.F. proof ovpt. in red, sheet margin blk of 4, n.h. , fresh, extremely fine. B.P.A. Cert. (1975). S.G. £1200+ . ......... .. . .. . . ... . . ........ . ... (Photo ) (M3P) uni.

* *

AUSTRIA 536 181







** 54 1 **




543 0

1726 Roya l Court Document dated Laibach, May 20, addressed to a Prince listing his title s and bearing S letter sea ls, fre sh and very fine .... .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . ... ... . . ... . . .... ... ......... . . . .. . ..... . ... .

1919-20 Parliament 4k carmine & black, INVERTED CENTER, n.h., extremely fine. A beautiful copy of this popular error. Mi. Spec. DM4500 . . . .. . ... (Photo) (222a) 1,850.00 1936 Dollfuss 10s dark blue, n.h., extremely fine. Mi. Spec. DM2250 . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. ........ .. ... . . . . ... . . ... . ..... . . (Photo) (380) 1945 Perf 14 lm to Sm, compl. set of four, very l.h., tiny handstarnp on reve rse, fine Lo very fine. Mi. Spec. Va-d, as n.h. OM470 ... .. .. . . . . ... .. .. . . .... ... ........... . .. . . . . (Ger. 524-27 vars.) 1945 For Use in Styria Sm dark blue, perf 14, n.h., tiny inclusion, very fine .. . . . .... .. . .. . . .. . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . (Photo) (427a) lm to Sm, compl. set, Mi. type II , n.h., tiny handstarnp on reverse, very fine. Mi. Spec. 693-9611, DM I000 . ......... (Photo) (428-3 1)

800.00 175.00

850.00 204 .50

Semi-Postals 1932 Artists set compl., right sheet margin copies, n.h., extremely fine. Mi. Spec. DM460 . .. . . ........ . . . .. . .. . ..... (Photo) (B 100-05) ( I20.00) Compl. set, neatly caned., extreme ly fine. Mi. Spec. DM420 (B 100-05) 180.00

.JOHf,I ASH ...... ~Tl'IA l1AN




EX 533



544 545

** **

546 t:,. 547 548 549

* * **

550 0 551 0








556 0



558 0


1933 WIPA perf 12½ 50g deep ultramarine, sheet margin copy, n.h., extre mely fine. Mi. Spec. DM550 ............ (Photo) (BI IO) 50g, granite paper, sheet margin copy, stamp n.h., extremely fine. Mi. Spec. DMU00 ........ . .................. (Photo) (Bll0a) 50g, sheet margin copy , neatly caned. on small piece, very fine. Mi. Spec. OM 1000 ........ . .. ................... . . . . (Photo) (B l l0a) 1946 Unissued set of two, l.h., very fine. As n.h. DM3800 (Photo) (Mi.Vl,VII) Air Post; 1918 Comp l. set of three, imperf botton sheet margin copies, unu sed, extremely fine .............. (Photo ) (Cl-3 vars.) 1950-53 Birds 60g to 20s, compl. set, n.h., very fine. Mi. Spec. DM760 .. ...................................... .. ..... (Photo) (C54-60) Compl. set, neatly caned., fine to very fine .... (Photo) (C54-60) Newspaper Stamp; 1858-59 Embossed (lkr) blue, margin s all round , hugh three sides, neatly caned., very fine. Mi. Spec. DMl400 ....................... . ........................... (Photo) (PS) BAHAMAS: 1882-98 Crown CA perf 12 4p rose , part o.g., rich color and fresh, fine. S.G. 4 1, £550 ................... (Photo ) (25)

140.00 300.00 500.00

500.00 227.25 252.00 600.00 900.00

Special Delivery; 1916 Sp orange & black , DOUBLE OVERPRINT , right sheet margin copy , l.h., light vert. crease, perfectly centered and otherwi se very fine. S.G. Sla ....... .... ......... .. ........ . ............ . .. (Photo) (Ela) 2,500.00 BAHRAIN: 1938-41 George VI 3p to 25r, compl. set., l.h. or o.g., 4a creases, fine to very fine. S.G. 20-37, £550 ... (Photo) (20-37) 678.05 BARBADOS: 1852-55 Imperf Blued Paper (2p ) grayish slat e, o.g., large margin s, extremely fine. Brandon Cert. (1980). S.G . 4a ...... . .. . .. . . ... .. . .... . . .. .... .. .. . ........ . .. . . . . .... . (Photo ) (3a) 750.00 1856-57 White Paper (½) deep green, mostly large margins a ll round, neat " I" in grid cancel, very fine. S.G . 8, £200 (Photo ) (5) 300.00 1875 Crown CC perf 12½ 4p scar let, o.g., deep vivid color, very fine. S.G. 68, £ 150 ... ... . ...... . ......................... (Photo) (47) 275.00 1878 Bisect lp on left half of Ssh dull rose , lightly caned., fine. Signed Biihler. S.G. 86, £600 ...... . ................... (Photo) (57) 1,000.00

544 545

,. l





560 0 561 562 563

** * *

Used to Great Britain; Two envelopes from the same correspondent to Dorset, England, both bearing Great Britain adhesives, lp PI. Nos. and 1872-73 6p brown , PI. 11, single or pair (both with wing margin s), one cover bearing 7p postage uncancd. with Sp Due markings and IRELAND ISLE BERMUDA JA 8 1873 c.d. s. on front, other cover bearing 6p pair caned. by mailboat " B16" oval readdressed and consequently bearing lp tied by Bridgeport duplex, appropriate backstamps, stamps and covers small fault s though attractive. An interesting pair (Photo) (33,59) 1875 lp on 3p buff, lightly caned., fine. S.G. 16, £350 (Photo) ( 14) emerald , on green & red l0sh V 1922-34 Script CA George sheet margin copy, n.h., perfectly centered, extremely fine. S.G. (Photo) (96) . ... . .. .... ... . ............ 92 . ... . . ........................ 12sh6p ochre & gray black , I.h., extremely fine. S.G. 93 (Photo) (97) (Photo ) (97) 12sh6p , o.g., extr emely fine ...... . .. .. .. ..............

750.00 300.00 750.00 750.00

1938 George VI Issue 564


2sh deep purpl e & ultramarine on gray blue , perf 14½, o.g., usual brownish gum not mentioned in cert., very fine. Royal Cert. (Photo) ( 123a var.) ( 1990). S.G. 116a, £225 ...... .... .. ............


Perforated 14 565 0 566 567 568 569

** * * *

lOsh brown lake & green on greeni sh, c.d.s. cancel, extremely ... (Photo) (126a) fine. S.G. 119, £225 ... .. ... . ..................... l0 sh blui sh gr een & deep red on greenish, n.h., very fine. S.G. . ... . . .. ... . . (Photo ) ( 126b var.) 119a, £200 . . .. . ..................... lOsh, o.g., very fine. Roya l Cert. ( 1990) ..... (Photo ) ( 126b var.) 12sh6p deep gray & brownish orange , o.g., extremely fine. Royal Cert. (1988). S.G. 120, £475 . ......... (Photo ) (127a var. ) 12sh6p gray & yellow, Flaw Sc, small break above left jewel in band of jewels in crown , I.h., very fine. Brandon Cert. (1990). S.G. 120d, £500+ ...... . ......... . ........... . ........ (Photo) (127b)

375.00 uni. uni. uni. 800.00+




57 1 0 559


1986 Turtle 90c on $3 multicolored, 3 copies compr. double surcharge, double surcharge one inverted, and normal stamp, n.h., . .... (Photo ) (509, vars.) very fine. S.G. 534,a,b, £300 .............. BRITISH COLUMBIA AND VANCOUVER ISLAND: 1865 Crown CC Imperf Sc rose , right pane copy, small to good margins other sides, neatly caned., small faults but a presentable copy of this rarity. S.G. 11, £8000 . . .. . . . .. . . . ... (Photo ) (3) 7,500.00


1850-51 ly peset "C otton Reel" 12c black on blui sh, signed " E. D. W(ight )", cut to shap e with border outlin e intact , lightly caned. , thinned , still a tin e copy of thi s rarit y. B.P.A. Cert. (1956). S.G. Sil , £1700 .. (Photo ) (5) 3,250.00

573 0

1852 Lithograph ed le black on ma genta, lar ge mar gins, neat c.d.s. canc el, cre ase and small thin s, hand stamp on reverse, very tine appearan ce. Found ation Cert. (1985). (Photo ) (6) 6,500.00 Signed A. Maur y. S.G. 9, £4250 .. . ............

574 0

4c black on deep vivid blu e, lar ge even margins, clea r DEMERARA DE 20 1852 c.d.s. canc el, small fault s. A tin e and attra ctive copy of thi s rarit y. Foundation Cert. (1985). S.G. 10, £4,500 .... .... . ..... . ...... ...... . .. . .. . .. (Photo ) (7) 6,500.00

575 0

576 0

577 0

578 0



1853-59 Full White Line Above Value 4c blue , mostly large mar gins all round , neat BERBI CE DE 8 1855 c.d.s. canc el, very ..... . .... ... ......... ... (Photo ) (10) tin e. S.G. 19, £400 ............


1856 ly peset 4c black on mage nta , signed "E .D.W.", lar ge even mar gins, BERBI CE c.d.s. canc el, light crease, oth erwise very tin e. An attr ac tive exampl e of thi s rarit y. Fo undation Cert . (1985). S.G. 24, £5500 .... (Ph oto) (14) 9,000.00 The companion. stamp to the fam ed " British Guiana ". 1862 Roulett ed le black on ro se, full imperf mar gins. lightly caned., very fine. Foundation Cert. ( 1985). S.G. 117, £300 (Photo ) (36)


1876 Crown CC 4c ultramarin e, perf 12½, lightl y can ed., well cent ered , extrem ely tin e. Very scarc e perfor ation variet y. S.G. (Photo ) (74a) 135, £200 ................................................



Used to United Stat es; circ a 1890, Official Business envelope (spik e hole) from U.S. Consul Demerara with signature bearing " SHIP " hand stamp , Baltimore receiver and Postage Due 1884 2c red brown, pair, precancd. and creased, unusual. (Photo ) (U.S. J 16)

Official Busine~:~

BRITI SH HOND URAS: 1872-79 Crown CC perf 14 6p rose, o.g., fresh, fine. Rendon Cert. ( 1988). S.G. 15, £275. (Photo ) ( 11)

582 0

10c, ovptd. type I, Settin g II , 2, lightl y caned. , large centered copy, Iranian Philatelk Society (1964) and B.P.A. (1993) Certs. (Photo ) (N21) 1,350.00 S.G. 21, £850. 66 Overprinted . ......................


12c ultramarine , ovptd. type I, Setting II , 6, tied by double circle c.d.s. on small piece, tine. Iranian Philatelic Society (1964) and B.P.A. (1993) Certs. S.G. 22, £1000. 58 Overprinted (Photo ) (N22) 1,650.00


~ Ot, ,


* 58 1 *




BUSIDR E : 1915, Sept. , Wmkd. Lion 10c blue gr een & yellow brown , o.g., fre sh, tin e. Very scarc e. Royal Cert. (1983) and signed Living ston. S.G. 21, £800 . . .. ... .. . ... .. . . .. (Photo ) (N21) 1,250.00


c-, --/t!c

/-#-,-'~ _.,,,




~ ,;:_..-,:../


CANADA 1851 Imperf Laid Paper 6p grayish purple, mostly huge margins all round, scissors cut at top left barely infringes outer frame line (not mentioned in cert.), extremely tine appearance, tied by lovely strike of concentric circles cancel on 1851 Kennedy correspondence folded letter to New York, usual red PAID, CANADA arc and MONTREAL c.d.s., attractive stamp and cover. Royal Cert. (1977). S.G. £1800+ ......... . .... (Photo) (2) 1,000.00+ 1852-55 Wove Paper 3p red on ribbed paper, vert. pair, bottom stamp large uninked spot above " N" of " PENCE", mostly hugh margins, ju st in at top left, neat " 19" (London) in concentric circles cancels, attractive multiple. Friedl Cert. ( 1979) and signed H. Bloch. S.G. 22, £800+ .... .. .. .. .. .... .... ............. . ....... . (Photo) (4c) 900 .00+ 3p, pair, mostly huge margins, small ink spot on right stamp, very tine, tied by " 10" in concentric circles cancel on 1858 folded Bill of Exchange bearing red CANADA arc and faint COBOURG c.d.s., Kingston transit backstamp, attractive. Friedl Cert. ( 1979) and signed H. Bloch. S.G. 22, £ 1200+ .... .. .. .... .. ...... . (Photo) (4c) 900.00+ 3p, thin paper, vert. pair, margins full to just clear at top left, neat concentric circles cancels, folded horiz. between stamps well clear of design, fine. Freid I Cert. ( 1979). S.G. 5, £320 + (Photo) (4d) 400.00+ Used to United States; 6p brownish gray, margins clear to enormous at sides, just in at bottom, very tine appearance, tied by numera l in concentric circles on envelope to New York bearing red KINGSTON NO 2 1 1857 c.d.s. and framed CANADA arc, Cape Vincent transit, with enclosure. Foundation Cert. ( 1985). S.G. I I, £2000 on cove r . ... . . . . .. . ................................ (Photo) (5a) I, I00.00 1857 7½p green, margins all round, very large three sides, neat face-free cancel, shallow thin, very fine appearance. S.G. 12, £ 1500+ ............... .. .............. .... ..... . .. ...... .. . (Photo) (9) 2,000 .00

584 C8l

585 0

586 C8l

587 0

588 C8l

589 0






~~ ;f~C,

1870-89 Bisect le yellow, left diagonal bisect used as ½c, tine, tied by MIDDLETON (ANNAPOLIS) N.S. OC 3 96 c.d.s. cancels on unsealed local circular rate cover (tears at bottom) bearing ms. "Circular". Rare usage. Signed H. Bloch. S.G. 62db var. ......................... (Photo) (35c) 3,500.00

590 C8l

59 1


1888-93 Ottawa Ptg. Sc gray, o.g., enormous centered copy, extremely tine ...... .. .... .. .............................. (Photo) (42)



593 594




* *


20c vermilion, sheet margin strip of 6, l.h., small separation between middle stamps, bright color and fresh, fine. (Photo) (46) 1,350.00+ 1897 Jubilee Issue $1 lake, l.h., brilliant fresh, very fine. Signed H. Bloch. S.G. £400 . .... . ................. . . .. . ... . .... . . . . . . ..... . . . . . .. (Photo) $2 dark purple, traces of o.g., tiny thin spot, fresh, fine. S.G. £700 . ................ . .. . .... .. .. . ...... ... .. . ....... .. ... (Photo)

136, (6 1) 700.00 137, (62) 1,350.00


$4 purple 595 0

$4, lovely face-free violet Winnipeg c.d.s. cancels, almost perfectly centered, extremely fine. S.G. 139, £600 .... (Photo) (64) 1,000.00

596 0

$4, neat violet Winnipeg c.d.s. cancels, brilliant fresh, extremely fine . . . .. ...... .... ......... . ... .. .. . ..... . ...... . .. . .. ... ... (Photo) (64) 1,000.00

597 0

$4, sheet margin copy, light violet c.d.s. cancel, tiny thin and neg ligible crease, large centered co py, extremely fine appearance (Photo) (64) 1,000 .00

598 0

$4, sheet margin copy, neat violet c.d.s. cance ls, small light crease, fine . ... .......... . . ... .. . ... . ...... . ..... . .... . ........... . . (Photo) (64) 1,000.00


0 83

600 0 601


$4, SHEET MARGIN BLOCK OF FOUR, face-free violet c.d.s. cancels, fine to very fine. S.G. £2400+. (Photo) (64) 4,000.00+

$5 olive green, Toronto roller cancel, perfectly cent ered, extremely fine. Foundation Cert. ( 1980). S.G. 140, £600 . . . .. .. (Photo) (65) 1,000 .00 1912-14 Coils perf 8 vert. le yellow, 2c green, 3c carmine, vert. pairs imperf horiz., l.h., 3c bottom stamp light crease not mentioned in cert., fine to very fine. Each with Royal Cert. ( 1979). S.G. £660 . .... . ..... . ... . .... ... .. . .. . . (Photo) ( I 26a,28a,3 0a vars .)




** IBl1950





1930-31 Maple Leaf set compl., blks of 4, incl. both dies of 2c deep red and 2c dark brown, also rotary Sc dull violet, mostly n.h.(2)/o.g.(2), few tritlin g faults, Sc dull blue selvage foldover adheres to gum , $ I tri Ile gum disturbed, genera lly very fine (Photo) ( 162-77) 2, 118.60+ Fur Resources 10c black brown, seve rely misperfed into design at right , sheet margin blks of 20, n.h., very fine . .. . . (30 I) Fish Resources $1 bright ultramarine, bottom left and right Pl. blks of 4, n.h., very fine ..... . ..... ... ....... . .... . . (302)


600 .00

1950 Ovptd. "G" $1 red violet, top left and right Pl. ... ... (0 25) 1,000 .00+ blks of 4, n.h., extremely fine . .......... . ...............




1853 Wmkd. Anchor Bluish Paper lp red , margins small to just in, uncancd. on 1861 seaman's envelope, counter signed appropriately by commanding officer, red London transit and Liverpool receiver on reverse ...... . ................................ (Photo) ( I)


607 0





6 10

4p blue on deeply blued paper, large margins all round, fresh, very fine ........................................... .......... .. .. (Photo) (2a)

1855-58 White Paper lsh yellow green, part o.g., full to large margins, bright color and fresh, very fine. Very rare unused. S.G. 8, £2500 ............... . .................................... (Photo) (6) 3,750.00 lsh dark green, square pair , o.g., full to enormous margins , beautiful color, extremely fine. S.G. Sa, £450+ ... . (Photo) (6a)


611 0







6 15



1900 Issued in Mafeking lp blue on bluish, neat MAY I c.d.s., very fine .. . .................................... . ......... (Photo) (178)


CAYMAN ISLANDS: 1907 Molt. Crown CA Edward VII Ssh vermilion & green, l.h., very fine. S.G. 16, £ 170 ... (Photo) (16)


1907-09 ½p to Ssh, compl. set, plu s Crown CA l sh and lOsh, l.h. or o.g., very fine .. . .... . .. ........ ... ............... (Photo) (2 1-30)

61 1.15

War Tax; 1917 l ½p on 2½p ultramarine , S.G. surch. type 16, very l.h. if at all, fresh, fine. Signed T. Allen. S.G. 55, £700 (Photo) (MR3) 1,750.00 CEYLON: 1921-33 Script CA George V S0r dull violet, break in scroll (R. 2/12), l.h., very fine. S.G. 353a, £550 (Photo) (245 var.)



Air Post; 1923-28 Wmkd. Crosses and Circles 60c brown, compl. sheet of 25, Pos. 1 malformed "E" in "CENTAVOS", Pos. 21 minor var., n.h., very fine ......... (C45 var.)






1861 Wood Block lp red, unused , margins to just touched , small surface fault at bottom, good color, fine. S.G. 13, £13,000 .. .... .............. .... . ....... (Photo) (7) 25,000.00




* **

uni. -~


COOK ISLANDS: 1901 Ovptd. Crown lp brown, very well defined crown, part o.g., very fine. Signed Champion. S.G. 22 (Photo) (26)


, --..


• •-.-r ----

•✓~~r 7

275.00 2

1919 Engraved George V 2½p to lsh, compl. set, vert. pairs perf 14x14½ and 14xl3 ½, l.h. or o.g., 9p bottom stamp small hole, fine to very fine. S.G. 55a-68a, £262 . ..... (Photo) (53-57,59,60 vars.)


1932-36 Wmkd. NZ and Star Close Together £3 light green, n.h., very fine. S.G. 123b, £325 .... .. ..................... (Photo) ( 107)


~ :;!(//





£/ /

62 1




623 0 624 625

* *

DENMARK: 1854-57 Wmkd. Small Crown Imperf 16s gray lilac , o.g. (hinge remnant s), enormous even margin s, fr esh, extremely fine. Facit Krs 3200 . ..... . . .... .. .. . ... . .... (Photo ) (6) 900.00 1863 Wmkd. Crown, Roulett ed II 16s violet, unu sed, large copy with roulettes showing all sides, very fine. Facit Kr s 10,000 (Photo ) (10) 2,000.00 16s, clear " 1" in concentric circl es cancel, very fine. Facit Kr s 5000 . .. ........ . ..... . . . .. . .......... .. .. ... . ........ .. ... (Photo) (10) 1,200.00 DOMINICA: 1883-88 Crown CA 2Y2p red brown, st rip of 4, n.h.(2)/1.h.(2), fresh, fine to very fine. S.G. 16 ....... (Photo ) (20) 900.00+ DOMINI CAN REPUBLIC: 1883 Without Network Sfr on Ip gold, o.g., fresh, fine . .... .... ... .. .. . .. . ..... . ..... . . .. . (Photo ) (70) 675.00 ECUADOR Air Post

626 627 628

629 630 63 1 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639


1928-29 "P ROVISIONAL " at 45 Degree Angle , compl. set of five, Air Regis. l s on 20c gray, 41 degree angle, n.h. to dull o.g., few trifling tone spots, generally very fine .. (Photo ) (C 1-5,CF Ia) Similar lot l s on 20c gray , 6 copies , " 1" small at right , larg e at left, same but " 1" dimen sions reversed, another with both " l " heavy with thin serif , 2 of eac h, unused, very fine. 1972 San. 3a, b, c, (Photo ) (C3 vars.) . .... . ........... $600 .............................. plu s Air Regis. pl., com Ss to 50c 1929 and 60c on 3s 30c, on s 1 Yz * EE l s rose, margin or corner blk of 4, n.h. to dull o.g., generally very . ......... . ......... ... .. (Photo ) (C4,5, I6-22,CF2) fine ................ Similar lot 1929 "C ts." Between Sur char ged Numerals 50c on 10c gree n, . . (Photo ) (C6) very I.h. if at all, extremel y fine .................. (Photo ) (C6) Same, dull o.g., extremely fine ..... . . .. .............. 1929 Wmkd. Quatrefoils 50c to 25s, compl. set, Air Regis. l s rose, n.h., few faint gum bends, fine to very fine (Photo ) (C I6-25,CF2) Similar lot 1923-27 SCA DTA Sc to Sp, 3 compl. sets, ovptd. "A", "EU", " P ", first with Air Regis. 20c gray, n.h. to dull o.g., few with (S.G.26-36A,F,K,R37A) toning, fine to very fine . ..... . ............ Similar lot **~ 1928 Unissued Provi sional s l s, 150c, 3a, left corner blk s of 8, n.h., few minor tone spots, fresh, fine to very fine. Gebauer listing Same, but right corner blk s EGYPT: 1926 Port Fouad set of four , I.h., very fine. B.P .A. Cert. ( 1993) an d signed "e la" ....... . .. . .... ... ... . .. . . (Photo ) (121-24)



* * **

uni. 1,468 .00+

1,250.00 1,250.00 602.00








* *

1898 Crow n CC 2sh6p dark blu e, Ssh brown r ed, compl. set, neat double circle dated cancels, very fine. Latter signed Senf. S.G. 4 1, 42, £450 . .. . .... . . . .... .. .. . ..... . ... . ... . ... .. . . (Photo) (20,2 1) 1904-07 Edward Vil Y2p to Ssh, compl. set, o.g. (hinge remnants), (Photo ) (22-29) fresh, fine to very fine . . . ... . ....................... 1929-32 Mutt. Crown CA George V £1 black on red, ext r emely (Photo ) (64) fine . S.G. 126, £350 .. . .. .. .. ....... .... ................

900.00 629.50 650.00


1933 Centenary Issue 643




* *





FIJI: 1903 Crown CA Edward Vil £1 gray & ultramarine, l.h., (Photo) (69) fresh , very fine. S.G. 114 .............................


648 0

1912-23 Molt. Crown CA George V £1 violet & black on red , Die 2, extremely fine. S.G. 137a, £275 . .. .... . .... . (Photo) (91a)


1863-70 Laureated; 20c blue on bluish, very fine, tied by light " 28" (Rue du Cardinal Lemoine) in star cancel on neat folded letter bearing double circle PARIS 4 AVRIL 71 pmk. and bluish commercial handstamp, Paris-Berey April 4 and 5 pmks. on reverse. Scarce and lovely cover .. . . . ... . . . . .. .. .... . (Photo) (33) 10c pair, fair, tied by " 7" in star ca nce ls on 1871 illustrated folded invoice (portion of back flap missing) bearing doubl e circle PARIS R. DES (VIEILLES HAUDRIETIES ) 29 MARS (71) pmk . and bluish co mmercial handstamp, indi stinct (Agen) rece iver on reverse



649 0


l0sh light brown & black, o.g., extremely fine. S.G. 137, £550 (Photo) (75) 1,100.00

600 .00+



Ssh yellow orange & black, o.g., fresh, very fine. Royal Cert. (1989) . ........ .. . . ........ .. ... . . . ... ..... (Photo) (74a) 2,500.00

FAROE ISLANDS: 1919 Provisional 2o on So green , neatly tied on small piece with Denmark So, very fine ... . ..... . . . (Photo) ( I)

646 8.

The Commune Revolt, March 18 - May 28, 1871

2sh6p to £1, compl., o.g., bright colors and fresh, very fine. S.G. 135-38, £3350 .. ..... ..... . . ...... (Photo) (73-76) 4,975.00



(Photo) (32) 20c, fair, tied by s.I. MONTMORENCY cancel on folded letter (addressee's name excised) bearing matching double circle 20 AVRIL 71 cancel, Bordeaux receiver on reverse. Ex Spiegel. Rare cancellation . ... . ....... . . . ..... .... .. ... . . . . . ...... (Photo) (33) 20c, very fine, tied by gros chiffres on folded letter sheet (no side flaps) bearin g three-c ircle LE MESNIL ST. DENIS 26 AVRIL 71 cance l and comm ercial oval, Montfort -L' Am aury rece iver on reverse. Signed Calves ........ .. . .. .. . . . .. .. .... . . . ... . ... (Photo) (33)

FINLAND: 1891-92 Wmkd. Wavy Lines and Letters 3½r black & gray, 7r black & yellow, neat Helsinki c.d.s. cancels, very fine

(Photo) (57,58)






";•1·,,-::·;,, .'· 'A ..,,~ / "_~-,~... ', - . \·.,., h '"' "°

. '\

,~-~-, "sr,F, ..: ,h, ,~ ..... ' .:.:

\ ----j ~-::-·

.,, ' '..!....---·

t7~w,~ 650


/' ?.,,p-f


7 653 f/f:..



20c, damaged, tied by gros chiffres on printed folded letter dated May 20th bearing double circle BRUNOY 20 MAI 71 pmk., . (Photo) (33) Chateauroux receiver on reverse . ..... . ...............



MAIL TO PARIS; Bordeaux 20c, type III , Report II , good to large margins, very fine, tied by bold 822 gros chiffres on large part of printed flimsy folded letter sheet bearing double circl e CETTE 5 AVRIL 71 pmk., faint Paris 2(X) MAI receiver on rever se. Believed to be among the first items delivered at the end . . . (Photo ) (45) of " bloody week" ...... . ........ . .....................


20c, type III , Report II , mostly large margins, crease, very fine appearance, tied by gros chiffres on folded letter bearing double circle LILLE 30 AVRIL 71 cancel and bluish commercia l oval, (Photo ) (45) Calais-Paris transit on reverse ..........................



FOREIGN ORIGINATION: Used from Algeria; Bordeaux 20c, type Ill , Report II , mostly large margin s, very fine , tied by gros chiffres 5013 on cover front bearing BLIDAH ALGERIE 28 MARS 71 c.d.s., ink ms. " Bruner" (Agency) and 1863-79 10c, tied by double circle PARIS 1 MAI 71 pmk., impressive and exceedingly rare. Signed Calves .. ... .. .. . . .. . . . ... . .... . ........ (Photo) (32,45) One of the earliest Paris-bound mail to be impounded at Versailles.








Used from Great Britain; 1867-80 3p rose , Pl. 6 (SE), tied by London MY 9 71 duplex cancel on cover front bearing double circle ANGL. AMB. CALAIS 10 MAI 71 pmk. and red oval PD , addressed to " Bureau de Correspondance de Pari s 31 Place de la Bourse , pour remettre a Mr. Wiese" . Here the 10c bistr e was affixed and cancelled by the Agency's private blu e boxed hand stamp. Ex Holder. This Agency was the first authorized by the decree of 6 May 187 1 for the distribution of mail in Paris. One of the very rare items forwarded by them and a marvelous example of Commune posta l history ....... .. ...... . (Photo ) (32,G.B.49)



USED TO NEW CALEDONIA; 1877-80 Peace and Commerc e 35c black on yellowish, fine , tied by indi stinct double circle PARIS 13 MARS. 79 pmk. and red ink ms. " Decede " with note attached , red Paris tran sit and Noumea rec eiver on r ever se. To pardoned prisone r. Atlachment states he died earlier in hospital ... ..... . (Photo ) (94)

46' 656

1/ . .~½ ~lbx,?


66 1


662 0

1849-50 Ceres 15c green on greenish, lar ge to enormous margins showing portion of adjoining stamp at bottom, neatly caned. , small light crease, very tine and beautiful. Ceres 2b, FFrs 9250 (Photo) (2a) 1,350.00 1853-60 Napoleon ill 20c blue on bluish, Die II, n.h., full to large margins, superb. Roumet Cert. (1992) and signed Ca lves. (Photo) (15d) 375.00 Ceres 1411 as hinged , FFrs 2900 ................... very tine. caned., lfr lake on yellowish, full even margins, neatly Ceres 18a, FFrs 32,000 . .......... . . . . . . ... ... ... .... . . (Photo) (21) 4,000.00 1870 Bordeaux Issue

663 PP

664 665

666 667 668 669

le to 80c, compl., black plate proofs on surfaced paper , incl. le

Report 1, 2c and 4c Reports 1 and 2, Sc, 10c, 20c Report 2, 40c two proofs , some sheet margin copies, 12 proofs total, generally very tine. Most Ex Levett. Ceres E39-43, 46-49, etc., FFr s 23,700 (38-42,45-47TC, etc.) PIBI 20c black , type III, Report II , plate proof Corner Block of Six, trace of tone spots on reverse, very fine. Ex Gaillaguet. Ceres E46, FFrs 12,000 as singles . ....... . .. . .. . ..... . ... .. .. ..... (Photo ) (45P) le olive green on pale blui sh, Report ill, pair, mostly enormous l:i'5l margins three sides, ju st in at upper left, tine , appropriately tied on Newspaper by Banner and dated " MARDI 20 JUIN 1871 " . (Photo) (38) (180.00+) Ceres 39, as single FFrs 14,500 ..................... le bronze green on pale blui sh, pair, full to enormous margins 0 showing traces of adjoining stamps at top, clear gros chiffres 2535 (Photo ) (38a) 250.00+ (Morez-du-Jura) cancel, very fine .. . ................. 2c red brown on yellowish, Report 11, good to large margin s all 6. round , appropriately tied on portion of newspaper, very fine. Ceres Cert. ( 198 1) and signed Calves. Ceres FFrs 2000 .. . (Photo ) (39) 250.00+ 2c chestnut (marron ) on yellowish, Report II , slightly disturbed o.g., large margins, very tine. Rare shade. Ceres 40j, FFrs 9250 (Photo ) (39b) 1,350.00 * EB 4c light gray, Report 11, SHEET MARGIN BLOCK OF FOUR , o.g., larg e margins other sides, extremely fine. Sign ed (Photo) (40) 1,000.00+ Holcombe. Ceres 41d , FFrs 8500+ ...................



.. Ul


/J . s:un ,1> _,,: '








f" 11




670 1:81

671 1:81

672 1:81

673 6

674 0 675 1:81








* * **



679 680

Sc green on greenish, Report II, State 4, two vertical pairs placed horiz., large margins to touched or cut in, left pair creasing , fine appearance, right pair fine, all tied by gros chiffres 691 on folded letter sheet bearing CAEN 3 1 MAT 71 pmk., Alen~on receiver on reverse . Ceres FFrs 6750+ .... . .. . ..... . . . (Photo) (4 1) 660.00+ Sc, Report II, State 4, STRIP OF FIVE, mostly large margins, touched at extreme bottom left, very tine, tied by gros chiffres 2795 cance ls on enve lope bearing PAU 16 SEPT. 71 c.d .s., Antony receiver on reverse . Ceres FFrs 11,500 ... . . . . .... . . .. (Photo) (41) 825 .00+ Sc emerald on greenish, Report II, State 3, pair, full to large margins, gros chiffres 5055 (Philippevi lle, Algeria) cance ls, small light corner crease, fine. Ceres 42m , FFrs 8000+ ... (Photo) (4 1b) 2,000.00+ FISCAL USAGE, Sc yellow green on greenish, Report II , State 1, full to enormous margins, tied on Department of the Siene 35c stamped paper (two pin holes) by very light pen strokes and cance lled by blue F. HARTMANN ROUEN cachet, very fine and probably unique examp le of fiscal usage. Ex Gaillaguet. Ceres 42b (Photo) (4 1a) 20c dull blue on bluish, Report I, mostly large margins all round, lightly caned. , tiny thin spot, fine. Signed Calves. Ceres 44a, FFrs 4250 .. .. .... . . .. . . ....... . .................. .. . . . .... (Photo) (43) 675 .00 20c blue on bluish, type I, Report I, mostly large margins all round, small corner faults, very fine appeara nce, tied by light strike of gros chiffres cancel on large part of folded letter bearing indistinct December 1875 c.d.s. to Bordeaux. Signed G. Reine . Ceres 44c, FFrs 17,000 . . . ....... .. . . .. . ............... . . (Photo) (43) 20c blue, sheet margin copy, 20c dark blue, both type II , unused, 20c blue, type III, o.g., all on bluish, full to enormous margins all round, second and third stamps small faults, signed Calves or Holcombe, tine and attractive. Ceres 45g, i, 46f, FFrs 11,350 .... .. . .. . .. ... .. ... . ... . ... .. ........... .... ... (Photo) (44,a,45) 2,850.00 40c orange on yellowish, n.h., large to enormous margins, beautiful vibrant color , superb. Roumet Cert. (1991) and signed. Ceres as hinged , FFrs 3400 ...... ... .. ..... . ... .. . ... . (Photo) (47) 400.00 80c rose on pinki sh, o.g., mostly enormous margins all round, brilliant fre sh, superb. Signed Roumet. Ceres FFrs 4650 (Photo ) (48) 575.00 1877-80 Peace and Commerce 3c yellow on straw, type II , very l.h. if at all, extremely tine. Ceres FFrs 1600 ..... . (Photo) (89) 190.00 1900-29 Liberty and Peace 2fr gray violet & yellow, o.g., slight (Photo) ( 126) 950.00 gum loss from hinge, fresh, fine .... . . . . . ............. 40c to Sfr, 8 diff., n.h., some signed in pencil on reverse, selected for centering, brilliant fresh, extremely tine. Ceres FFrs 4793 (Photo) (121,22,24,25,27-30) 378.90 20fr magenta & green, n.h., perfectly centered, superb. Ceres FFrs 2150 .... . .. .. ... ... ...... . ..... ..... .. ... .......... (Photo) (132) 225.00

67 1

\ ,, /~

i (.,


. ...



..,, . ,..,,.,,






,'(,75 ..





1903-08 Sower 10c to lfr, compl. set, n.h., some signed in pencil on reverse, generally superior centering, very tine to extremely tine. Ceres FFrs 6113 . . . . . ..... . .. . .......... ... .. (Photo) (138-54) 1906-37 Precancel 30c light blue, n.h., extreme ly fine. Very scarce. Roumet Cert. ( 1991) and signed. Ceres 60, FF rs 2 150 (Photo) ( 173 var.) 1923 Philatelic Congress lfr claret & olive green, l.h., fresh, fine (Photo) ( 197)


uni. 475.00


*EE 1925 Philatelic

Exhibition Souvenir sheet of four, l.h. in margin, small faults not affecting stamps which are well centered and extremely tine .... .. ... . . . ... . . .. . . . . ................... (Photo) (226) 1,000.00


688 689 690 691 692 693




* * **

1927 Strasbourg Exhibition Souvenir sheet of two with label, n.h. , usual tiny inclusions, extremely tine. DM3800 (Photo) (241)




1929 Le Havre Exhibition 2fr orange & pale blue, n.h., extremely tine. DM2000 ............. ............ .. .. . (Photo) (246)


2fr, o.g., very fine .... . .. .... .. ..........


. ...... .. .. . .. (Photo) (246)

Same, l.h., tiny inclusion, very fine .. .. ..............

(Photo) (246)


1929-33 Engraved 20fr red brown, Die I, n.h., perfectly centered, superb. DMll00 ............ ....... ............ (Photo) (253)


Exhibition Souvenir sheet of four , n.h., brilliant fresh, extremely fine. Ceres FFrs 3400 ............ .. (Photo) (329)



**EE1937 Philatelic **



1945 Marianne The two unissued sets of three, n.h., handstamp or pencil signed on reverse, extremely tine. Inscribed set Roumet Cert. (1990). Ceres FFrs 3150 . (Photo) (Ceres 701A-F) 1963 Gallic Cock 25c ultramarine, carmine & brown, exper imental luminescent paper , n.h. , extremely tine. A very rare modern variety . Ceres 13318, Mi. 1384y, DM1900 (Photo) (1024 var.)


.... .......... ... :

,m1~•J ~



; ■.




I •,


... .. ...~··········· :·






·:••··········•:••··· 660.00

,EuHJJ:.:« I P,\RIS- 1915


~ ~

- .....,:; I ----I \..H. ,J. ► , hf, .......... r,.,...,..,P

I _, p_ ~

•M• Semi -Posta ls 695

696 697


** **

1917-19 War Orphans lfr+lfr claret & maroon , n.h., perfectly centered, superb. Roumet Cert. (1992) and signed Calves. Ceres FFrs 5500 .. .... ...... .. ........................... . .... .. (Photo) (B9) 1918 Red Cross 15c+5c slat e & red, n.h., extreme ly tine. Ceres FFrs 1950 .. ................... .. ....................... . (Photo) (B11)


15c+5c, n.h., tiny gum skip, very fine ........ . ...... (Photo) (Bl I)





698 699 700

** ** **



** 703 ** 704 ** 705 * 702


707 708 709


1930 "The Smile of Reims" and 1931 Allegory, n.h., extremely fine. DM785 ... . .. ... . .. . . ...... .. ....... .. .. .. ...... (Photo) (B34,38)


1937 Winged Victory set of two, n.h., extre mely fine. DM600 (Photo) (B66,67)


1928 lie de France lOfr on 90c dull rose, margin copy, n.h., very fine. Weid-Marchand Cert. (1986) and signed Thiaude and Guy. DM6000 ... (Front Cover Photo) (C3) 1,650.00

1930-31 1.S0fr dark blu e, perf ed initial s EIPA 30, n.h. , extremely fine. DM1800 .... .. ... .. . ....... .. .. ... . .... (Photo ) (C6b)


1936 Plan e over Pari s 85c to S0fr , compl. set, n.h. , very fine. DM3750 ...... . .. . . . .... .. . .. . . . .... ... .... . . .. . . .. .. (Photo ) (CS-14) 1,175.75 1936 Red Burelage S0fr ultramarine , n.h. , perfectly centered , superb . DM2500 ....................... . . ..... . ..... .. (Photo) (ClS )


Another perfectl y centered copy, l.h., extremely fine. (Photo ) (ClS )



** ** **

1928 Industry and Agriculture 1.50fr+8.50fr dull blue, type I, n.h., very fine. DM475 ..... .. ................ . . . ... .. . (Photo) (B27)

S0fr, burelage reversed, n.h., brilliant color and perfectly centered, superb. Roumet Cert. (1990) and signed by him. Ceres 15b, FFrs 7850 . .. (Front Cover Photo) (ClS var.)


1936 South Atlantic Flight set of two, n.h., extremely fine. DM 1360 .............................................. (Photo) (C 16, 17)


1949-50 Views set of five, n.h., extremely fine. DM375 (Photo) (C23-27)


1954 Aircraft set of four, n.h., extremely fine. DM550 (Photo) (C29-32)


War Stamps 710


71 I


1914 Valenciennes 10c vermilion, sheet margin copy with violet handstamp, n.h., brilliant fresh, very fine. As hinged Ceres FFrs 2850, Mi. DMl200 . .. . .......... . .. . . . . . .. ..... .. (Photo) (Ceres I )

1940 Dunkirk 50c rose red, 50c deep blue, ovptd. sheet margin (Photo) (Ceres 3,4) FFrs l 800 pairs, n.h., extremely fine ... . ... . ..............



713 0



1945 St. Nazaire 2fr lilac brown and 2fr dark violet brown, both on greenish, se-tenant bottom sheet margin pair, also single copy of former, ungummed , extremely fine. Signed Guy or A. Brun. Ceres 9, 9 var. . . . ... . .... . . ......... (Photo) (Mi.2,2b) DM 2,900.00+

72 1 0



FRENCH SOUTHERN AND ANTARTIC TERRITORIES: 1965 ITU 30fr multicolored , n.h., very fine ... ..... (Photo) (C8)


723 0



1872 Eagle With Small Shield ¼gr violet, very fine, tied by neat HANAU c.d.s. ca ncel on loca l envelope (small tear s at top), atLractive and scarce single usage . Mi. DM 1600 ...... (Photo) ( I )

7 16


1872 Large Shield 2½gr lilac brown, neat horseshoe cancel on small piece, fine. Mi. 2 1b, DM I 000 .. .. . . ............ (Photo) ( 19a)


500 .00

7 17 0

1900 REICHSPOST Sm slate & carmine, type I, Vallendar c.d .s. cance ls, very fine .......... .. . .. .. ...................... (Photo) (65) 1,500 .00

7 18 0

Sm, c.d.s. cance ls, corner perf crease, perfectly centered, very fine appearance. Signed Bi.ihler. Mi. 66 1V ...... . .......... (Photo) (65) 1,500 .00

7 19 0

Sm, type II , neatly caned., very fine. Mi. 65 11, DM I000 (Photo) (65A)


1840 Watermarked Small Crown

Offices in China; 1901 Surcharged set of four, Lightly caned., 6c on 25c tied on small piece, fresh, fine. Scarce set. Signed Calves (Photo) (14-17)





1951-52 Post Horn 2pf to 90pf, compl. set, l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine .. . ........... . . . ....... .. ............. .. ........... (Photo) (670-85) 1,0 19.00




White Paper Ip black, Pl. 4, N-L, large even margins, neat red MC cancel, extremely fine. S.G. 1, £150 ............. (Photo) (1) 2p blue, Pl. 2, T-G, full to large margins, slightly smudged black MC cancel, very fine. Foundat ion Cert. ( 1984) . S.G. £375 (Photo) (2) 2p, Pl. 1, pair, PG-PH, full to large margins, neat red MC cance ls, deep co lor, very fine. S.G. 1992 Spec. £700. (Photo) (2) 2p, Pl. 2, pair, HH-Hl , full to large margins, neat black MC cance ls, right sta mp with small corne r crea ses, very fine. S.G. Spec. £900 ........... . . ....... .. . . ... . .. . ..... . .......... .. ...... (Photo) (2)


400 .00 400 .00+

400 .00+



,...,..--. k_

lp, Pl. la, S-L, mostly full to large margins except small portion of top left corner missing, tied by red MC cancel and next day receiver on folded letter sheet (one stamp removed) to London bearing red LIVERPOOL MAY 6 1840 c.d.s. and additional strike of receiver. Royal Cert. (1993). S.G. Spec. 2, £20,000 ........... (Color Photo) (1) Exceeding ly rare.

lp, Pl. 8, A-L, large even margins , extremely fine, neatly tied by black MC cancel on 1841 London folded letter sheet bearing T.P./Hampstead-MO s.l. and red receiver on reverse. Scarcer Plate on cover. Foundation Cert. (1988). S.G. Spec. £350 (Photo) (1) 200.00+ lp, Pl. 2, B-J, large margin s, very fine, tied by red MC cancel 727 0 on July 5 (Sunday) 1840 folded letter to Edinburgh from Dundee. Scarcer Sunday usage. Foundation Cert. (1984). S.G. £250 . . .. ................ . . .. . ... . . . .... .. .. . .. .. .... ....... (Photo) (1) 200.00+ lp , Pl. 4, STRIP OF THREE and single, QI-QK, I-H, margins 728 0 full to enormous showing portions of two adjoining stamps, very fine, neatly tied by red MC cancels on 1840 folded letter sheet to London from Leeds, transit and receiver on reverse. Foundation Cert. (1988). S.G. £730+ .......................... (Photo) (1) 800.00+ 729 0 2p, PI. 1, 1-C, full to enormou s margin s showing portion of adjoining stamp, extremely fine, tied by centrally struck red MC cancel on July 7, 1840 invoice to Heath from Manchester, transit on reverse. S.G. 5, £650 .. . ... ......... ... ... ... (Photo) (2) 400.00+ 730 0 2p, Pl. 2, D-D, full to large margins , very fine, tied by neat black Manchester MC cancel on June 1841 invoice to Halifax bearing clear ornate red PL (Posted Late) in oval handstamp and Manchester transit backstamp. Signed H. Bloch. S.G. 5, £650 (Photo) (2) 400.00+ 731 * EB 1841 Bluish Paper lp red brown, Pl. 78, blk of 4, BK-CL, mostly large margins, just touched at one spot , fresh, very fine. Very scarce multiple. Foundation Cert. (1985). S.G. Spec. £600 (Photo) (3) 600.00+ 732 0 2p blue, PI. 4, strip of 3, SB-SD, mostly enormous margins all round , neat London grid cancels, extremely fine. S.G. 14, £105+ (Photo) (4) (90.00+) 733 0 1848 Embossed lOp red brown , full to large margins , very fine, tied by neat blue "29 1" (Fareham) 1844 type numeral and Calais transit on 1849 envelope to Paris bearing oval PD handstamp, blue Fareham backstamp and red London transit on reverse. S.G. 57, £900 ............ ....... .... ..... ... (Photo) (6) 550.00+ 734 1854 Wmkd. VR 6p dull violet, full o.g., margins three sides, barely touched at extreme top right , light horiz. crease, fine and attractive. Signed H. Bloch. S.G. 59, £2500 ........ (Photo) (7a) 3,500.00 735 * IHI 1858-69 Wmkd. Large Crown perf 14 2p blue, Pl. 9, BLOCK OF EIGHT, BF-CI, part o.g., fresh, fine to very fine. S.G. 45, £ 1280+ . . ................... . ..................... . ... .. . (Photo) (29a) 1,320.00+

<.. ?_ 727







Used on Cover 726


~ ...









,, . '/

~., .......,,,,,...,, 728





/'/' ., ,,, , / , , au, l'o c.., ,

1- ;J




c:¼uu ~_), ',',f.,..,.

736 737

* *

738 * 739


740 0


1865 Wmkd. Large Garter 4p vermi.lion, Pl. 7, o.g., fresh, fine. S.G. 95, £300 ......... . ... . . . ................... . . .. . ..... (Photo) (43) 350.00 1867-80 Wmkd. Spray of Rose 2sh blue, left wing margin copy, o.g., lovely deep color and fresh. S.G. 119, £950 ... (Photo) (55) 1,350.00 1873-80 6p gray, Pl. 14, l.h., tiny corner crease, large centered copy, otherwise very fine. S.G. 147, £225 ............ (Photo) (62) 275.00 1883 Wmkd. Imperial Crown Surchd. set of two, 3p o.g., 6p large pan o.g., fresh, very fine. S.G. 159, 162, £425 (Photo) (94,95) 600.00 1884 Wmkd. Anchor lOsh cobalt, translucency referred to in cert. as an opinion we find somewhat harsh, (1989). S.G. 182, £3250 ...............

Regis. cancel, small "somewhat stained", very fine. Royal Cert. . ...... (Photo) (109a) 4,000.00


1887-92 Wmkd. Imperial Crown l½p to lsh, 11 diff., plus 1900 ½p and lsh, 1.h. or o.g., fine to very fine. S.G. 198-206, 07a- l I, 13, 14, £360 . ....... .... .. . ......... . ....... .. .. .. . . . . . ( I 12-22,25,26) 742 Sp lilac & blue , type I, o.g., tiny thin, fresh, very fine appearance. S.G. 207, £350 ................ . ......... . ............. . (Photo) ( 118a) 743 Pt:8:1 Mulready Envelopes; 1840 Proof of second state with essay side lab els and exper imenta l background, ms. notation at bottom " First experimental proof of six blocks - Engraving unfinished R.A. Thompson", also Ip black and 2p blue letter sheets, unused, small faults ... . . ... . . . . ............................. . .. (Photo ) (U3P,U3,U4) 744 181 Ip black envelopes Al64 and Al58 , first used May 8, 1840 to Essex with dated marking and T.P. Kensington s.l. on reverse, other used May 11, 1840 to Kent, fine to very fine. S.G. Spec. ME2, £675. Attra ctive fir st week usage. . .... . .. . ..................... (U I) 745 GREECE: 1896 Olympics 10d brown, o.g., fresh, fine. (Photo) (128)



402.25 450.00

:o : ll : a·····:··· ,,,,:··· : o····· ,,,,:·-·:·ro : ······ ,,,, ···········i· ·c··· ··:,.,,···:···:-j·D ···:···,,,··:··· :·j·· :·j·· ;··· ···:··· :·t:······











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400 .00










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1 .




747 .

GREENLAND: 1945 Liberation set comp! ., n.h., 5kr negligible tone spot on reverse, very fine. DMl600 ......... (Photo) ( 19-27)


**li:!l Parcel Post; 1905-37 700 violet, perf 11¼, complete sheet of 25, hinged neatly in selvage corners leaving the stamps n.h., perfectly centered and brilliant fresh, extremely fine. Mi. lOA, DM21,250 . . . ..... . .. . .. . . .. ......... (Photo) (Q7a) 3,750.00+


748 ** IBIlk yellow, perf 11¼, complete sheet of 25, stamps n.h., fresh, fine to very fine. Mi. llA, DM3250 ............... (Photo) (Q8a) 1,562.50+



* 75 1 * 750

752 * O 753 754

* *

755 S

756 757

* *

1861 to 1871 Unwmkd. and Wmkd. Large Star rough perf, 1875 perf 14, lp green, o.g. (hinge remnant s), fine to very fine. S.G. 2, 4, 14, £ 165 . .. . .... ... . . .. . ... . .. ... .. ... ......... . . . (Photo) (l,3,7A) 1863-71 Wmkd. Small Star 6p vermilion, o.g., negligible bend, large copy and brilliant fresh, very fine. S.G. 9, £650 . (Photo) (5) 1873-78 Wmkd. Small Star, clean-cut perf about 15 Ip deep green, sheet margin pair, slightly disturbed o.g., very fine. S.G. 10, £ 140+ .... . ... . .. . .... .. ..... .... . .. .. . ... .. . ...... .. . . (Photo) (58) 1875-81 Revenue Stamps Surchd. ½p to lsh, the 4 ditT.,o.g., !sh used, fine to very fine. S.G. 13, 2 1-23, £ 149 ...... (Photo) (8- 11) 1883 Ovptd. POSTAGE Ip orange & green, o.g., fine. S.G. 27, £225 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Photo) ( 16) 1883 Inscribed POSTAGE ½p to l sh, compl. set, 1.h. or o.g., Ip unused, and 1887 Ip rose, o.g., fine to very fine. S.G. 30-36, 40, £ 140 .. ... .. ... . ..... .. .... .. . .. ..... ....... ... .. ... (Photo) (20-26,30) 1934 George V Pictorials ½p to Ssh compl. set, perfed SPECIMEN, strips of 3, l ½p and 3p vert. strips, unused, fine to very fine. Scarce multiple s. S.G. 135-44S, £480 + ... (Photo) ( l 14-23S) 1938-43 Seal of the Colony IOsh slate blue & bright carmine, perf 12, l.h., extremely fine. S.G. 163c, £300 .... (Photo) (142a) lOsh, o.g., extremely fine ...... .. ... . . . . ... .. ...... . (Photo) (142a)

255.00 950.00 250.00+


72 758


EX 763



250.00 24 1.35 uni.

350.00 350.00


17 .

•.•... · • · · · .....,. · ·. · ~



= •





~; (·

I . ; 761

76011 )I(



1862 Unwmkd. 18c lilac, some o.g., fine. S.G. 4, £250 {Photo) (4)


1879 Surcharged For Postal Card Use 759 0

Crown CC 3c on 16c yellow, neat Fl (Foochow) grid cancel, bright color, extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (1984). S.G. Pl (Photo) (35A) 760 *C8lSc on 18c lilac, affixed to blue postal card, fresh, fine. Foundation Cert. ( 1963). S.G. P2 .. ... . . ....... . ... .. . . .... . ..... . . (Photo) (358 ) 761 *C8lSc on 18c, affixed to blue on white postal card, SE at left, fresh, fine . . . . .. . .. . . . .. ... .. . ..... . ...................... .. .. ... (Photo) (358) 762

600.00 350.00 350.00

*C8l3c on Sc on 18c lilac, neatly affixed to blue on white postal

card, short crossbar in "T" of "CE NTS", very fine. 8 .P.A. Cert. (1966). S.G. P3, £2000 (Back Cover Photo) (35C) 4,000.00+ Very rare and except ionally fresh.

763 764

* *

1897 $1 on $2 sage green, $1 on $2 gray green, large part o.g., former fine, latter very fine. S.G. F I0, 11, £ 185. (Photo) (67,68) ICELAND: 1897 Large Ovpt. 3a on Sa green, o.g., (paper hinge remnant), fresh, very fine .. ..... . ...................... . (Photo) (33)

375 .00 600.00

INDIA Officials 765 766 767


* * * *

1866 Wmkd. Crown and INDIA 2a violet, l.h., rich co lor and fresh, very fine. S.G . 015, £350 .. . . . .... . ... . .. . ... (Photo) (01 I)

750 .00

1866 Wmkd. Large Crown ½a violet on lilac paper, o.g., very faint crease , otherwise very fine . S.G. 0 I 9, £32 5. (Photo) (0 I 5)

375 .00

1909 Wmkd. Star Edward VII 2r to 25r, compl. set, plus IOr red & green, l.h. or o.g ., fine to very fine. S.G. 068-72 , 70a , £242 (Photo) (O47-5 l ,49a)


1926 George V Error la on la dark brown, o.g. , fres h, fine. (Photo) (074) Scarce . S.G. O107 a, £ 160 ... ... .. . . . . .. ..............


-~i i -1 i~ ·a


* 770 * 77 1 **


772 773

* *

) J ,.,.-;;

1922 Alex. Thom & Co. l0 sh gray blue, o.g. very fine. S.G. 46, . .... .. . ... ....... (Photo) (38) 1,500.00 £850 .... ........ ..... . .................. 1922-23 ½p to IOsh, com pl. set, o.g. (hinge remnant s), I 0sh l.h., fine to very fine. S.G. 52-66, £250 . . . .... . .. ...... (Photo) (44-58)


1925-27 2sh6p gray brown, Ssh rose red, IOsh gray blue, compl. set, vert. right sheet margin pairs, NEVER HINGED, I0 sh light vert. crease, all well centered and fres h, very fine . S.G. 83-85 , ... ........ .. . ..... .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. (Photo) (77- 79) £390+ ...............


Ssh, pair, " 1922" wide and narrow, very l.h., fresh deep co lor, . ..... ... ... .. (Photo) (78a) fine. S.G. 84a, £400 .....................


.-f·t ·


I0sh, vert. pair, " 1922" wide and narrow, lower stamp n.h., (Photo) (79a) 1,750.00 fresh, fine. S.G. 85a, £1100 .........................




ITALY: 1922 Philatelic Congress set of four, o.g., fresh, mixed .. . ... (Photo) ( 142A-D) cente ring to fine .............................. JAMAICA: Semi-Postals; 1923 Child Welfare set compl., o.g., with original photographs from which the stamp designs were adapted , each sepia photo grap h is signed by the photographer Miss . .... ... (Photo) ............... D. (Violet) F. Taylor. Rar e ...........


776 0



JAPAN: 1876-77 Perf 13½ Sr slate, virtually complete arched TSINGTAU ("N" reversed) CHINA cancel, very fine and .. (Photo) (55) .. . ... . ................ beautiful . . .. ... . . ................ LAGOS: 1904 Crown CA Edward VII ½p to lOsh, compl. set, l.h. or o.g., Ssh trace of toning on reverse, fine to very fine. S.G. . ... . .. . (Photo) (40-49 ) 1,265 .50 44-5 3, £550 .. . . .... . ....... . . .. .. . ...........


* *

** 78 1 *

1897 Jubilee ½p to Ssh, compl. set, o.g., 7p unused, Ssh two small tone spots on reverse, fine to very fine. S.G. 9- I6. (Photo) (9-16) 1,973.50 Ssh green & ultramarine, o.g., barely perceptible crease along bottom frame line, otherwise very fine. B.P.A. Cert. ( 199 1) (Photo) ( 16) 1,500.00 1921-32 Mult. Crown CA George V £1 black & violet on red, n.h., perfectly centered, superb. S.G. 80, £225 .... (Photo) (83)


(Photo) (83)


782 6.

£1, corner Control No. copy, clear St. Johns Antigua cancel on small piece, extremely fine. S.G. £250 . .. .. . ..... . .. (Photo) (83)


* 784 * 785 *

1938-51 George VI £1 black & brown purple on red, perf 14, l.h., extremely fine. S.G. 114, £ 170 ........ . . . .. .. . . (Photo) ( 115a)


£1, o.g., extremely fine ... . . . . . .. . .. .. ...... . .. . .. .. . . (Photo) ( I 15a)


£1, 2 copies, one fine, other very fine. S.G. £340 ... .. . .... ( I 15a)






788 789

£1, very l.h. if at all, superb .. . . .... . ................

**lalLIBERIA: *lal

1915-16 Unwmkd. Sc on 30c dark brown, surchd. type "g" , bottom sheet margin blk of 8, n.h., very fine. DM560 ( 140)


1916 Provisional 3c on 6c violet, bottom sheet margin blk of 18, ungummed, some toning, mixed condition to fine. A scarce multipl e . . ( 157) showing all 15 transfers. DM 1530+ ... .. . ... .. ...............


**lal1917 4c on 25c yellow green , blk.

of 15, pos. 12 and 14 " FCUR ", dull o.g., very fine. DM324+ .. . .. ..... ........ . .. . .. . .. . ...... ( 160b)



Parcel Post; 1927-28 50c orange , part sheet of 20 pairs, sheet margins with part Imprints at top and bottom, n.h., fresh, .. . .. . . (Photo) (Q17) 3,000.00+ fine and scarce multiple . .. . ... . . .............


EX 777



lI ~p~~IA1'I


MALAYSIA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS 1884 "4 Cents" on Sc, Black Surcharge 790




792 S 793


795 S 796


797 0 798

" 4 Cents " on Sc, l.h. , small corner crease, well centered and fresh, fine. Royal Cert. (1978) ..... ... . .. (Photo) (67) 2,750.00 1902 Edward VII $100 dull violet & green on yellowish, ovptd. SPECIMEN, l.h., slight rubbing, well centered and otherwise very fine. S.G. I22S, £22 5 .... . .... . ............. . ....... (Photo) ( I04A) uni. 1904-11 Mult. Crown CA Edward VII $25 green & black, o.g., rich color, almost perfectly centered, extremely fine. Signed Champion. S.G. 139, £800 . ... ... .. . . ..... . (Color Photo) (128A) 1,500.00



Crown CA "4 Cents" on Sc ultramarine, part o.g., well centered, fine. B.P.A. Cert. (1983). S.G. 72, £2000 (Front Cover Photo) (67) 2,750.00 A love ly copy of this short-lived rarity.


799 0 ~

1915 George V $100 red & black on bluish , l.h., fabu lously rich color and fresh , very fine. Rare. Friedl Cert. (1980) and signed H. Bloch. S.G. 214, £3000 (Color Photo) (173) 5,000.00 $100, ovptd. SPECIMEN, slightly disturbed o.g., very fine. S.G. 2 I4S, £225 ... .. . . .. ... .. .. .... .. . . . .. . . ..... . .... .. . . .. (Photo) ( I73S) uni. REVENUES; 1937-41 Script CA George VI Inscribed REVENUE-REVENUE $25 blue & violet on bluish, very l.h., brownish gum, generally very fine. Scarce . .................... (Photo) (uni.) 1945-48 Ovptd. BMA MALAYA $100 ultramarine & violet , 5 copies , each with neat double circle STAMP OFFICE cancel, very fine . .. . .. ..... ....... . . . .... . . . .. . ............. . .... . . . ... (Photo) (uni.) FEDERATED MALAY STATES: 1904-10 Crown CA $25 green & orange, o.g., rich color and almost perfectly centered, extremely fine. S.G. 51, £750 .. . . . . ........ .. . ... . .. . . (Photo) (37) 1,250.00 JAPANESE OCCUPATION; Postage Due , 1943 9c yellow orange, inverted ovpt., blk of 6, lightly caned., very fine. JD 38a, £252+ .. . .......... . . . ..... . ........ . .. . .......... (Photo) (NJ 17 var.) uni. MALAYAN STATES

800 OEB JOHORE: 1891 Crown CA 2c on 24c green, surchd. types "a ", " b" and " c" , type " b" strip of 3 (few trimmed perfs), others blks of 4, neat c.d.s. cancels, fine to very fine. S.G. 17- 19, £530+ ( 14-16) 500.00+ 80 I DP 1904-08 Sultan Master Die proof in black, cleared margins and value tablets, on glazed card, 92x61mm, ink ms. " Jan 7, 04 ." and handstamped AFTER HARDENlNG , very fine ... (Photo) (59DP) 802 1935 Engraved Sc black & violet, imperf between stamp and sheet margin, l.h., light crease, fine ....... . ... (Photo) ( 126 var.) uni. 803 KELANTAN: 1937-40 Sultan le to $5, comp!. set, l.h. or o.g., fresh, fine to very fine. S.G. 40-54, £450 ... .... . . (Photo ) (29-43) 701.30

* *


04 .

{\ pr:p t 1;·,R L

it~ ·

804 DE



PAHANG: REVENUE; Circa 1935 Sultan $250 Revenue Essay hand painted in black, gray, green and Chinese White with photographic vignette on thick card, 84x102mm, red ms. "Approved" initialed and dated. Unique .............. . . . (Photo )

1889 Crown CA perf 14 10c slate, o.g., very fine. S.G. 3, £250 (Photo) (3)


806 * IBl PERAK: JAPANESE OCCUPATION; 1942 Scr ipt CA Sc chocolate, unlisted booklet pane of 10, o.g., folded one vert. row , very fine and unique accord ing to our research. S.G. Jl93 var. (Photo ) (N4)

* *

$5 red on emerald, tropical o.g., very fine. Signed Rowell. S.G. J205 , £425 . .............. . ....... . .......... : .... .. ..... (Photo ) (N16)

* 8 10 *

1921-38 Script CA $5 red & green on yellowish, very l.h., brilliant fre sh, extremely fine. S.G. 58, £200 . . .. . . (Photo) (38)


$5, very l.h., brilliant fresh, very fine .... . .. .. ... ..... (Photo ) (38)



$25 blue & lilac, o.g., perfectl y centered, extreme ly fine. S.G. 34, £450 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Photo ) (39)


8 12


REVENUES; Script CA, group of S diff. , n.h. to o.g. (paper remnant s), compr. F.M.S. $250, Negri Sembilan $25, Perak $25 and $100, Selangor $25 (small fault s), fresh and generally fine to very fine ... ......... ... ... . .......................................... ..

8 13


MALTA: 1922 Molt. Crown CA SELF-GOVERNMENT 2sh ultramarin e & dull violet on blui sh, n.h. , extremely fine. S.G. 111, £200 . ... . . .. .... . ..... . .. . ............... ... ......... (Photo ) (82)


2sh, o.g., fresh, fine ................


807 808


8 11

8 14



TRENGGANU: 1910-19 Molt. Crown CA Sultan $25 green & carmine, o.g., rich color s and perfectly centered, extremely fine. S.G. 18, £700 .. ...................... .. ................. (Photo ) (19) 1,250.00

. . .. . ... . .. . ....... . . (Photo) (82)


._, ,



. i\


823 0

1849-54 EARLY IMPRESSIONS Yellowish White Paper 815 0

8 16 0

8 17 0

lp orange, mostly enormous margins showing large portion of adjoining stamp, lightly caned., warm color and clearly impressed background lines, extremely fine. Royal Cert. (1968). Ex Raymond Wilson. S.G. 6, £5000 (Back Cover Photo) (3a) 8,000.00

2p blue, Pos. 8, full to very large margins, neat circular grid cancel and portion of red transit marking, handstamp on reverse, beautiful color and wonderfully sharp impression, extremely fine. Royal Cert. (1969). Ex Dale. S.G. 8, £5500 . . . .. .. . ........ . .. .. (Back Cover Photo) (4a) 9,000.00 2p, margins to just in, neat "3 " (Pamplemousses) in double circle cancel, faulty though attractive copy of this rarity. B.P.A. Cert. (1984) . . . ... .. . . ... ......... .... .... ... .. . .. ....... . (Photo) (4a) 9,000.00

824 0

825 0

826 0

Bluish Paper 828 0

1p orange, very large even margins, lightly caned., excellent color and sharp impression, extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (1958). Ex Caspary. S.G. 7, £5000 (Back Cover Photo) (S) 7,500.00

819 0

1p, three large margins , close to barely touched at top , good color and strong groundwork, fine ..... (Photo) (S) 7,500.00

820 0

2p blue , margins all round , large three sides, light central cancel, lovely color and exceptionally clear impression, very fine. Foundation Cert. (1971). S.G. 8, £5500 (Back Cover Photo) (6) 8,000.00

82 1 0

2p, margins mostly all around, just in at left, neatly caned., tiny corner thin, rich color and very bold groundwork, fine appear(Photo) (6) 8,000.00 ance .. . ... . .. . . .. .. .. . . ... . . .. . ... .. . . .. . .. . . .. ..............


Early Intermediate Impression on Yellowish White Paper lp red orange (dull vermilion), Pos. 4, enormous margins and centered cancel, well defined groundwork, extremely fine. Pemberton handstamp on reverse, Foundation Cert. (1969). Ex Dale. S.G. 11, £2000. (Back Cover Photo ) (3b ) 2,500.00

Late Intermediate Impression on Bluish Paper lp red orange, large even margins , centered 5-ring cancel, deep color and good impression for this state of the plate, very fine. Foundation Cert. (1956) and signed Friedl. S.G. 11, £2000 (Back Cover Photo) (Sa) 1,500.00 Intermediate Impression 2p blue, margins all round, very large two sides, neat centered "1" in double circle cancel, handstamps on reverse, one showing ever so slightly on front , fine. Kohler Cert. (1936). S.G. 14, £2000 ...... . .. ... . .. .. (Photo) (6a) 1,650.00 1855-59 WORN IMPRESSIONS

827 0

818 0

Error "PENOE " 2p blue, enormous even margins, lightly caned., left margin thin not noted in cert., lovely color and typically sharp early intermediate impression, extremely fine appearance. Foundation Cert. (1956). S.G. 14a, £4000 (Back Cover Photo)(4bt) 5,000.00





Yellowish White Paper lp orange red, mostly enormous margins all round, neat 5-ring cancel , extremely fine. S.G. 16, £325 (Photo) (3c) 525.00 2p blue (toward gray blue) , very large margins, neat "1" in circle cancel, extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (1956). S.G. 21, £650 . . ... . .. . . ... . ... .. . . . . . .. ... . . . . .. .. . .... . ..... . . . .. . (Photo) (4c) 1,000.00 Bluish Paper lp brownish red, margins all round, lig htly caned ., small corner creases, fine. Ex Lagerloef. S.G. £325 . (Photo) (Sc) 700.00 2p blue, Pos. 4, o.g., enormous margins, creasing and small thin spot, fresh , very fine appearance. Foundation Cert. (1974). Ex Dale. S.G. 22, £1700 .... . . . . ... . .... . ... . ... .. ......... (Photo) (6b) 1,500.00 1858-59 Britannia (4p) green on bluish, o.g., full to very large margins, deep color and fresh, extremely fine. S.G. 27, £400 (Photo) (9) 650.00

83 1 832 833


* * *

(9p) magenta, o.g., large margins, wonderful bright color and fresh, superb. A beautiful stamp. S.G. 29, £475 __ (Photo) (11) 650.00 (9p), o.g., large margins and fresh, extremely fine _ (Photo) (11) 650.00 1854 Provisional 4p green on greenish, full o.g. (slightly tropical), mostly enormous margins, small light pen mark on front , very fine. Exceedingly rar e with gum_ Royal Cert. (1960). S.G. 26, £650. ----- ----------- ------------ (Back Cover Photo ) (12) 1,250.00 4p, margin s all round, enormous two sides , nea t 5- ring ca nce l, fine _ S_Q _ £350 --- -- -- ----------------------------------(Photo ) ( 12) 600-00


847 S

1910 MCA Edward VII le to lOr, compl. set, and 1935 Silver Jubile e set comp!., ovptd. or perfed SPECIMEN, l.h _ or o_g_, fine to very fine _ S.G_ 18 1-95, 245-48 S, £2 75

(Photo ) ( 137-5 1, 204-07S) 848


1924 Script Coat of Arms 50r lilac & green, n.h. , perfectly centered and brilliant fresh, superb. S.G. 222 (Photo) (200) 1,750.00



Early Intermediate Impre ssion 2p blue on bluish, full to very large margins , good color and neatly caned., extremely fine. Signed H.R.H. (Harm er). S.G. 38 ______ _________ ___(Photo) (14B) 1,750.00

836 0

Intermediate Impression 2p, hu ge margins, grid ca nce ls, very fine (Photo ) ( 14B) 1,750_00 Worn Impre ssion 2p, huge margin s, centra l 5- rin g ca nce l,




hand stamp on reverse, small exper t repairs, very fine appearanc e_ £375 --------···········-·--------------------(Photo) ( 14Bc)

s_o_39, 838




600 -00

Oct. 1859 Sherwin Issue 2p blue on bluish, mostly very large margin s alJ round , lightly caned., beautiful rich color , extremely fine. Fabulous copy of this rarity_ Foundation Cert. (1962). S.G. 40, £3000. (Back Cover Photo ) (15) 5,000.00 Dec. 1859 Dard enne Issue lp red (dull vermilion), margin s all round, enormous three sides, c lear gr id cance l, tiny hands tamp on reve rse, very fine _ Foundation Cert. ( 1953)_ S_Q _ 42 , £550



84 1












(Photo ) ( 16)


2p blue, margin s all round , large two sides, nea tly ca ned_, rich co lors , fine_ S _G _ 43a, £400 . ______. ___.. _. _. _. . ________ (Photo ) ( 17)


1859 Engraved 6p blue , o.g., margin s all round, fre sh, very fine. S.G. 32, £425 ........................................... (Photo ) (18)


l sh vermilion, o.g., very lar ge even margin s, tiny handstamp on reverse , true vivid color and brilliant fresh , extremely fine and beautiful. S.G. 34, £1800 (Back Cover Photo) (19) 3,000.00 1861 6p gray violet, lsh green, o.g_, large to huge mar gins all rou nd , fresh, extreme ly fine_ S_Q_ 33, 35 , £ 195 __ (Photo) (20,2 I)


1862 Perf 14 to l sh deep green , nea t gr id ca nce ls, very fine_ s_o_55 , £300 ___16 ______ __________ . ________ . __. ______ . __. ___ (Photo ) (23)


1878 Crown CC Surchd. set of nine , l.h _ to large part o_g_, 13c on 3p " wing" copy , fresh , fine to very fine_ S_Q_ 83-9 I, £325 (Photo ) (5 1-58)


1879-80 4c to 2r50c, 6 ditT., 1882-93 Crown CA set comp!. with a few extra, l.h_ to large part o .g_, fine to very fine (Photo) (60,62 ,63,65-75)



5 Minut e Recess



NATAL: 1902-03 Crown CC Edward VII £20 green & carmine, ovptd. SPECIMEN, very l.h., rich colors and fresh. S.G. 145aS, £400 ..... . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . .. . ......... . . ...... (Photo) ( JOOS)

850 S












* l:g:J






(1977). S.G. 23b, £600 .. . .................

IOsh deep bright blue, l.h., brilliant fresh, very fine. Royal Cert. . ... . . . .. . . . . (Photo) (15)


I0sh pale blue, neat Pleasa nt Island cancel on small piece, few tone spots, fine ce ntering. S.G. 23 , £300 ..... .. .. . .... . .. . . (Photo) ( 15)


NEVIS: 1867 White Paper perf 15 lsh yellow green, o.g., rich color and fresh, fine. Lovely copy of this rare stamp. Brandon Cert. (1990). S.G. 14, £800 . ... .. . ... . ... ... . ... . ..... (Photo) (11) 2,000.00




NAURU: 1916-23 Seahorses 2sh6p, Ssh, lOsh, compl. set, plus 2sh6p gray brown, l.h., extremely fine. S.G. 20, 22, 23, 25 (Photo) (13-16) 1,425.00

853 6


MONTSERRAT: 1884-85 Crown CA 4p blue, large part o.g., small faults and negligible toning, perfectly centered and very attractive. Rare with gum. S.G. 11. (Photo) (9) 6,500.00

1882-90 Crown CA 4p blue, o.g. (hinge remnants), very fine. S.G. 30, £275 ... . ...... ... ... . . . .... . .. . . . . .. .... . . . . . . . ..... . .. (Photo) (26)



\ ;,

550 .00

NEW BRITAIN: 1914 First Setting ls on lm carmine, unused, fresh, fine. Buhler Cert. (1988) and signed by him. S.G. 12, £1400. Only 63 1m stamps were surcharged (Photo) (12) 2,500.00 1914 Second Setting Sp on 80pf lake & black on rose, o.g., tiny thin not mentioned in cert., well ce ntered, fine. B.P.A. Cert. ( 1982) and signed G.P.S .Y. S.G . 26, Mi. 1111, DM 1900 . Only 325 80pf stamps were surcharged ... . . ... . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . ... . . . (Photo) (26)


1914 Surchd. on Stamps of Marshall Islands Sp on 80pf lake & black on rose, l.h., extremely fine. S.G. 58, Mi. 9, DM1700 (Photo) (38)


NEW BRUNSWICK: 1860-63 Perf 12 10c red, single and right diagonal BISECT, SE at bottom, fine, neatly tied by light grid cancels on 1860 Regis. envelope to Lower Coverdale, 1860 transit mkg. on reverse. Scarce. B.P.A. Cert. (1967). S.G. 17a, £800 . . ... . .... . . ... .. . . .... . ... . ...... . ... . ... . ..... . ... . . (Photo) (9a)


NEW GUINEA: Air Post; 1931 ½p tp £1, compl. set, o.g., ½p small thin spot, fresh, fine to very fine. S.G . 137-49 (Photo) (C 1- 13)

482 .00

1931 With Date Scrolls ½p to £1, compl. set, l.h. or o.g., few low values small tone spots, fresh, fine to very fine. (Photo) (C 14-27)

516 .00

1939 ½p to £1, comp!. set, l.h., very fine. S.G. 2 12-2 5, £450. (Photo) (C46-59 )


£ /~"-<ii -~✓~

. ..


~ \


- •..JJ

\. \/

.... _,/, ,.-1! \ .J,_\ ~

* 864 * 863



NEW HEBRIDES: 1920-21 Wmkd. RF in Sheet 2p on 40c red on yellowish, very l.h. if at all, very fine. S.G. 35 .. (Photo) (3 1) NEW REPUBLIC: 1886 Gray Granite Paper 2sh violet, 21 MAY 86, 2sh6p violet, 6 SEP 86, o.g., very fine. S.G. 35, 37, £300 (Photo) (27,28) 10sh6p, 13 JAN 86, o.g., fresh, fine. S.G. 43, £200. (Photo) (328 )


375.00 872 0

1855 London Print Blued Paper Wmkd. Large Star lsh yellow green, mostly large margins all round, touched bottom right, faults but rich color and lightly caned. B.P.A. Cert. (1992) and signed Schlesinger. S.G. 3, £5000 (Photo) (3)10,000.00 A most attractive copy of this very rare stamp.

873 0

lsh , large to huge margins three sides, just in at left, lightly caned., faint corner crease, bright color and attractive copy of this rarity ................... (Photo) (3)10,000.00

450.00 275.00




* 869 * 870 * 87 1 * 868

1850 Plate D lp red (dull carmine) on bluish wove, full to large margins, light grid cancel, deep fresh color, very fine. Roya l Cert. ( I960). S.G. 11 .................... . ... .. .. .. ............ (Photo) (2c) 725.00 1852-55 lp vermilion on bluish, unused, full margins all round, very fine. Ex Dale. S.G. 47, £900 ..... . ......... . . . .. . (Photo) ( 13) 1,500.00 1880-89 Wmkd 5/- perf 10 Ssh violet, large part o.g., rich color, fine. S.G. 26 1, £225 ....... ...... . . . . ......... ..... ...... (Photo) (85) 400.00 1890 Wmkd 20/- NSW in Circle perf 12xll 20sh ultramarine, o.g., fresh, fine. Foundation Cert. ( 1987). S.G. 264cb. (Photo) (88) 550.00 1905-06 Wmkd. Crown and A in Circle 20sh ultramarine, o.g., handstamp on reverse, fresh, fine. S.G. 346 ......... (Photo) ( 120) 450.00 Semi-Postals; 1897 lp and 2½p, compl. set, o.g., fine to very fine. S.G. 287c, d, £ 190 .... . .. . ......... . ... . .. . .. . ........ (Photo) (81 ,2) 332.50

874 0



* 877 * 876

878 0 879 0



1855-58 Auckland Print unwmkd. lp orange red, margins all round, close one point, lightly caned., handstamp on reverse , fine. S.G. 4, £ 1400 ............ . .... . ............. . .............. (Photo) (4) 1862-63 Wmkd. Large Star 2p blue, large part o.g., mostly large margins, tiny tone spot, rich color and fresh, very fine. S.G. 36, £300 .... . .......... . ..... . .. . ... .. ...... ... ...... . . . .. . ... (Photo) ( 12) 1862-63 3p brown lilac, full o.g., large margins all round, extremely fine. S.G. 40, £300 ... ... . . . .. .... .. . .. ..... (Photo) (13) 1864 Wmkd. NZ lp carmine vermilion, unused, margins all round, large three sides, vivid color, very fine. S.G. 97, £700 (Photo) (27) 1864 Rouletted 7 2p blue, roulettes showing three sides, cut imperf at left outside rouletting, grid cancel, scarce. S.G. I02, £700 (Photo) (28a) 1872 Wmkd. Lozenges perf 12½ 2p vermilion, neatly caned., negligible creas ing, deep vivid color and well centered, very fine for this. S.G. 142, £550 . . . . .. .. ..... . . . ..... ... ...... .... .. . (Photo) (50) 1906 Christchurch set of four, l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine. S.G. 370-73, £200 ....................................... (Photo) ( 122-25)






1,500.00 340.00

88 1


882 0 883

884 885

* * *

1915-22 Engraved George V 1½p to l sh, compl. set of 14, perf 14x13½ and 14x14½ vert. pairs, l.h. or o.g., 4p top stamp tone spot on gum, Sp and Sp top stamps thin spot, fine to very fine. S.G. 4 16b-29 b, 22c, 24cb, 30c, £609 ..... (Photo) ( 145-56,58,59 vars.) Postal Fiscal; 1939 35sh on 35sh yellow, lightly caned., very fine. (Photo) (AR70) S.G. F 186, £200 . ......................... . .......... Officials; 1907 Wmkd. NZ and Star Close Together 6p carmine rose, perf 14x14½, o.g. (hinge remnant) , bright color and fresh, fine. S.G. O64b , £400 . . ............................... (Photo) (027) 1908-09 6p carmine rose, 2 copies, perf 14x13½ and 14x15, o.g., fine to very fine.S.G. 07 1, 72, £250 . . . . ... .. (Photo) (036 vars.) NIUE: 1917 Engraved George V 3p violet brown, plus 1917-20 2'/2p to lsh, compl. vert. pairs perf 14x14½ and 14x13Y2,l.h. or o.g., 2½p and 3p top stamps thin spot and crease respectively, fine to very fine. Scarce. S.G. 22c, 28b-3 I b, £305 (Photo) (20,26-29 vars .)

uni. 475.00

175.00 uni.






888 S





89 1


892 S



1883-84 Unwmkd. perf 12 Sc on 2c brown, some o.g., Lig ht tone spots mostly on reverse, well centered, very fine appeara nce. S.G. 3, £350 ... . .... . ......................................... . .. . (Photo) (4) 1886 ½c lilac rose, le orange, former o.g., latter unused, very fine. (Photo) (22,23) S.G. 34, 35, £ 160 . ... . .. . . .. ........ . .... ............ 1901-05 le to 50c, compl. set, ovptd. SPECIMEN, o.g. to part o.g. , some gum toning, 24c small nick, fine to very fine. S.G. 127-40S, £250 . . ... . .. . .... . ... . . .. ..... . .......... (Photo) ( I05- I6S) 1901-05 le to 50c, compl. set, 1902 10c and 16c, plus 1910 $5 and $10, o.g., fresh, fine to very fine. S.G. 127-45 compl. set, £425 (Photo) ( 105- 19,22,23,50,5 1) 1922 Exhibition Issue le to 50c, compl. set, extra shades plus 25c and 50c perf 14½x15, l.h. or o.g., 16c unused, some with tropical gum, genera lly fine to very fine. S.G. betw. 253 and 275b, £ 190 ( I36a-53c and vars.) le to 24c, 12 diff., incl. 20c on 18c blue and red ovpt., all with stop after "EX IIlBITION ", o.g., some with tropical gum, fine to very fine. S.G. betw. 253c and 270a, £639 (Photo) (136a-43a,46a-49a vars.) 1899 Unissued set of three, 1916 Surchd. set comp!. and 1923 3c on 4c, ovptd. SPECIMEN, l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine. S.G. 186-88, 276S, £240 .................. . . . . . .. . .. (Photo) 160-62,66S) 1939 Pictorials le to $5, compl. set, l.h., very fine. S.G. 303- 17, (Photo) ( 193-207) £350 . ...... . ... ....... . .. . ......... . . . . . ...........

600.00 335.00




uni. 454.20

Semi-Postals 894




1916 Red Cross le to 24c, 12 diff., vermilion cross, o.g. (some hinge remnants), 2c thin spot, 16c thinned, fresh, fine to very fine. S.G. 189-200, £372 ... .. ....... .. .. . . . . . .... . . . . . ... (Photo) (B1- 12) le to 25c, compl. set per S.G., carmine cross, o.g., fine to very fine and signed Champion. S.G. 202-13, £650 (Photo) (81-3,5-13)

550 .00


896 897 898

** ** *

1918 Red Cross set compl., n.h., fresh, fine to very fine. S.G. 214-34, £600 .... .. . ... . .... .. . ..... ... .. ... . .. ... .. (Photo) (B14-30) 1,381.65 3c+2c dull rose carmine & black, n.h., fresh , fine. S.G. 2 17, £ 130 (Photo) (B 16 var.) uni. Postage Due; 1901 3c lilac & olive green, double ovpt. and stop after "DUE", l.h., fresh , fine . S.G. D 17b, £200. (Photo) (Jl 2a var.) uni. NORWAY

~ o ~ o 00 1 0

~ ~ ~ ~

o o o o

006 * O 907 0 908


1855 Wmkd. Lion imperf 4s blue, huge margins all round, light grid cancel, extremely fine ... . ..... .. .. .. .... . . . ... . ... (Photo) (1) 4s, large margins , neat Bergen c.d.s. cancel, extreme ly fine (Photo) (I) 4s, large margins , clear I I-bar grid ca nce l, very fine. (Photo) ( I) 4s, larg e even margins, neat c.d.s. ca ncel, hand sta mp on reverse shows slightly on front, very fine ......... . ............ . (Photo) ( I) 4s, margins all round, lar ge three sides, scarce r I I-b ar circular gr id ca nce l, fine .... .. .. .. . .... ... .. . . . .......... . . .. . .. . . . . (Photo) ( I) 4s, 3 copies, lar ge or very large margins, circular grid ca ncels, small faults, fine .. . . .. .. . . . . . . ... . . . ... ..... .. ...... . ... .. (Photo) ( I) 1863-66 Lithographed 3s gray lilac, neat c.d.s. cancel, extremely fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Photo) (7) Returned Letter Stamps; 1872 set of two , former used , latter part o.g ., " ubesorget" error part o.g. and signed Champ ion, fine to very fine. Rare. Facit RM I, 2, 2v . Krs 5450 .... .. ....... . .. . .. . . (P hoto) NOVA SCOTIA: 1851-53 Blue Paper lp red brown , very large margin s, lightly caned., extremely fine. S.G. I , £400. (Photo ) (1) NYASALAND PROTECTORATE: 1938-44 George VI l0sh bluish green & brown red on pale green, n.h., fresh, fine. S.G. 142a, £200 . . . ........ . ...... . . . .. . ...... . . . ... . . .... (Photo) (66 var.)

150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150 .00 450.00






* 9 11 * 9 12 * 9 10





9 15


1900 Periods Level with Bottoms of Letters lp on Ip violet, " d" omitted, o.g ., neg ligible stai n, fine. S.G. I 02i , £300. (Photo) (45e) 6p on 6p carmine ro se, no period after "V", l.h., fresh , fine. S.G. I 08a, £250 . ...... .. . . .... . .. .. . ... . .... ..... . .... . . . ... . (Photo) (50a) 6p on 6p, "6" omitted, l.h. , extremely fine. S.G. 108b, £300 (Photo) (50b) 1900-01 Periods Raised Above Bottoms of Letters Ip on Ip violet, no stops after " V" and " I ", o.g ., light crease , very fine appeara nce . S.G. I I 3f, £325 ..... . ...... . .. . .. . .. (Photo) (45 i var .) "2½" on 3p ultramarine, o.g. , fresh , fine. S.G. 115, £ 180 (Photo ) (47c) 1907-08 Mult. Crown CA Edward VII 4p on olive green & carmine , " IOSTAGE " for "POSTAGE", l.h., fine. S.G. 150a, (Photo) (72a) £ 180 .. . .... . . ... ... .. .... . ..... . ....... . ................. PENRHYN ISLAND: 1917-20 Engraved George V 21/2 p dull blue, 6p carmine rose, lsh vermilion, vert. pairs perf 14xl4 ½ and 14x13½, l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine. S.G. 24c , 26c , 27c, £2 15 (Photo) (2 1,23 ,24 vars.)

500 .00 450 .00


uni. 375 .00




916 I:::,. 917 0



919 S


92 1

* *

922 0



924 I:::,.

925 926

* *

POLAND: 1860 Typographed IOk dark blue & rose, neatly ca ned. on small piece, fine .. .. . ..................... . ... (Photo) ( I b)


QUEENSLAND: 1860 Wmkd. Large Star 6p deep green, mostly large margins all round, lightly caned., inclu sion, rich co lor, very fine. S.G. 3, £800 .... . ..... . .. . .. .. ... .. .. .. . .. . ..... ..... (Photo ) (3) 1,200 .00 REUNION: 1885 Imperf Sc on 40c orange on yellowish, strip of 3, o.g ., margins close one point to very large, slight surch . offse t on front , very fine .......................... . ... .... . .. ... ... . . (Photo) (3) RHODE SIA: 1910 Double Portrait Issue, ½p to £1 ovptd. SPECIMEN , unused, some discolored, incl. 7sh6p, IOsh and £1, 3p and 7sh6p small thins, neverthele ss a fresh and attractive set, fine to very fine centering. Each with sepa rate Royal Cert. (1978). S.G. 119-85S, £2750 (Photo ) (101-18S)



lp rose carmine , perr 15, flaw in Queen's cheek, o.g. (hinge remnants), fresh, very fine. S.G. 170b var., £2 50 (Photo) ( I02b var.)

650 .00+

6p claret & brown, gash in ear, o.g., fresh, very fine. S.G. 144 var . . . .. . .............. . .. . .... .. . .. . .. . . ..... ... ... (Photo) (108 var.)


Ssh yellow green & brown red, £1 bluish slate & carmine, neat Sa lisbury c.d.s. cance ls, very fine. S.G . £575 .. (Photo) ( 115, 118) I, 150.00 ROMANIA: 1866-67 Imperf Thin Wove Paper 20pa black on rose, type I, dot in Greek border, o.g ., full to very large margin s, very fine .. ... ... . .. . . . ....... . .. . .... . ...... . ............ (Photo ) (3 1a)


SAAR : 1920 Sm deep blue, tied on small piece by Hamburg c.d.s. , very fine ...... . . .. . . .... .. .. . .. . .... . .......... . . (Photo ) (38) 1,250 .00 ST. CHRISTOPHER: 1882-90 Crown CA 4p blue, o.g., hand stamps on rever se, fine. Scar ce. S.G. 17, £400 . . ..... (Photo) ( 13)


1885 Bisect Surcharge Erro r ½p on right diagonal half of Ip rose, invtd. surch. , o.g . (hinge remn ant), fresh, fine . (Photo) ( 17b)

900 .00



928 0



1856 Wmkd. Star imperf 6p blue, o.g., mostly large mar gins all round, rich co lor and fresh, almost very fine. B.P.A. Cert . ( 1992) . S .G. I, £5 00 ...... . . . .. . ....... . .. .. . .. ... . . .. . .. . . .. .. . . . .. (Photo ) ( I)


6p, mostly very large margins showing portion of adjoining stamp, neat ce ntered cance l, very fine. S.G . £ 180 . . .. (Photo) ( I)


1873-74 Crown CC perf 12½ 6p dull blue, o.g. (hinge remnant ), fresh, fine. S.G. 16, £550 ..... . . . .. . ......... . . .... . ..... (Photo) (3)




Used to Germany; 1868 Short Bar Ssh on 6p orange, 1884-94 ½p on 6p green, words 15mm, pair, fine to very fine, tied by quarter ed circle of bars (Hibb ert CNB 7) on 1896 Regis. envelope bearing red oval REGISTERED ST. HELENA hand stamp , 2 London Regi s. tran sit datesta mp s and Ulm receiver (Photo) (24,34)


Used to England; 1884-94 Ip on 6p red, perfs touch, tied by ST. HELENA 11 AU 1900 c.d.s. (Hibbert CDS 2) on 1900 envelope additionally bearing Great Britain Ip lilac, Die II, 2 copies, tied by Southampton ship letter c.d.s. cancels, scarce. B.P.A. Cert. (1989) ...... ... . ........... . . .. ....... .. ........ ... ..... .. (Photo ) (35)

932 C8J

lp on 6p red , fine, neatly tied by grid on 1894 soldier's envelope from a gunner in the St. Helena Detachment of the Royal Artillery, countersigned by his Commanding Officer bearing ST. HELENA AU 6 94 c.d.s (Hibbert CDS 1), few trifling tone spots. Very rare .. .......... ....... ................ .... .. (Photo) (35)


Used to Holland; 1893 2½p on 6p blue, fine, tied by barred grid (Hib bert CNC 1) cancel on 1901 Boer War pri soner 's envelope (top slightly damaged ) bearing Netherlands Postage Due 18941910 10c and 15c, boxed T hand stamp with "25" in red ms., on reverse s.I. DEAD WOOD CAMP (Hibbert BW 4). Scarce (Photo) (47)



930 Regist ered.



--f :fa,,);;;.._~~ .






hJi.Av w


'ft~~ E.l'f~L.ANn



0 0








1922-27 Script CA Badge of Colony 15sh violet & black on bluish, I.h., very fine. S.G. 113, £850 . ......... ...... (Photo) (94) 2,000.00






1908 Crown CA Edward VII I0sh green & red on greenish, o.g., fresh , fine. S.G . 71 , £ 180 ........... . ...... .... . ...... . (Photo) (60)

936 ** EE ST. KITTS-NEVIS: 1920-22 George V 2sh6p, Ssh, lOsh, blks of 4, Ssh and lOsh corner blks, n.h., fine to very fine ...... (33-35)

1923 Tercentenary £1 violet & black on red, very I.h., fresh, extremely fine. S.G. 60 ..... . . .......... (Photo) (64) 2,750.00 ST. LUCIA: 1883-84 Crown CA perf 14 4p yellow, o.g., brilli ant fresh, very fine. S.G. 27, £ 170 ......... .. .............. (Photo) (2 1) lsh orange, o.g., intense co lor and fresh , very fine . S.G. 29 , £250 (Photo) (23) ST. VINCENT 1871-78 Wmkd. Small Star perf 11 to 13)sh claret, neat red

350. 00 500.00

c.d.s., faint crease, rich co lor, fine appearance. S.G. 2 1, £250 941


934 *



* *



(Photo) (18) 450 .00 1880 Bisect Ip on right half of 6p blue green, lightly caned., fine. S.G . 28 ................. ... . . .... . ........................ (Photo ) (30) 550.00 1881 Provisionals lp on 6p yellow green, lightly caned., bright color, very fine. S.G . 34, £275 ............... . ........ (Photo) (32) 425 .00 4p on lsh vermilion, neatly caned., small corner crease, vibrant color, very fine appearance. S.G. 35, £700 ......... (Photo) (33) 1,500.00 4p on lsh , light c.d.s. ca nce l, vivid co lor and fresh, fine. B.P.A. Cert . ( 1951) ............................. .. ....... . ........ (Photo) (33) 1,500.00 4p on lsh, neat c.d.s. ca nce l breaks paper slightly , brilli ant co lor, fine ................... .... . . ....... . . ....................... (Photo) (33) 1,500.00 1883-84 Crown CA 6p yellow green , lightly caned., well centered and bright color, extremely fine. S.G. 44, £325 ... (Photo) (38) 450.00







* 95 1 * 950


953 954

* * *

955 0 956


957 0

SAMOA: Used to England; 1895-99 Bisect lsh rose, right diagonal half, used as 21/2p for overseas lett er, tied by blue APIA SAMOA APR 24 95 double circle (fir st da y of usage) on envelope (slightly toned) readdressed to Lancaster, appropriate markings. S.G. 25a, £275 .. . .. . ..................... (Photo) (18ac)


1914 ½p to 9p, 6 diff., incl. 2 pairs, ½p on 3pf vert., bottom stamp fraction bar omitted, o.g., fine to very fine. # I 09 Bothe Cert. ( 198 1) and all signed Bothe excep t # I 06, I 08 (Photo) ( IOI b, 02,05,06,08 ,09)

965 .00

2½p on 20pf ultramarine , comma after "I ", o.g. , small faults, fresh, fine appearance. Royal Cert. ( 1969). S.G. I 04d, £450 (Photo) ( I 04d)

825 .00

1935 Wmkd. NZ and Star Close Together £5 dark blue, l.h., very fine. S.G. 194, £450 .............. .... ................ . . (Photo) ( 180)


SIERRA LEONE: 1872-73 Crown CC 3p yellow buff, wmk. upright, slightly disturbed o.g., fine. Very scarce. S.G . 13, £475 (Photo) (8a) I , I 00.00 1897 Wmkd. CA over Crown 2½p on l sh lilac, type "c" (S.G. 11), unused, usual " washed" appearance, well centered, very fine. S.G. 66, £400 ............................ . . . ...... . .. . .. . . (Photo) (58)


1933 Wilberforce £1 yellow & dark violet, l.h., brilliant fresh, very fine. S.G. 180, £375 ... .. . ... . ............... . ... (Photo) ( 165)


SOLOMON ISLANDS: 1914-23 Mutt. Crown CA George V £1 violet & black on red, o.g. , fresh, fine. S.G. 38, £225 . (Photo) (4 1)


£1, light c.d.s. cancel, very fine. S.G. £ 160 .... . .. . .. (Photo) (4 1)


SOUTH AUSTRALIA: 1855-56 London Print 2p dull carmine, o.g., mostly large margins all round, redistrib uted gum over small thins, slight soiling, rich co lor and fine appeara nce. S.G. 2 (Photo) (2) 1,750 .00 2p, strip of 3, very large even margins, neatly caned., vert. paper flaw in middle stamp , very fine. B.P.A. Cert. ( 1986). S.G . £330+ (Photo) (2)



Used to Canada; 1860-69 Rouletted 6p dull blue, 2 slightly overlapping copies, neatly tied by G.P.O. ADELAIDE SA AP I 68 c.d.s. cancels on envelope bearing red London transit, Montreal (Photo) (20) receiver on reverse .... . . ...... ..........................



Used to England; 1867-74 Compound perf 6p dark blue, very fine, tied by " 8" (Norw ood) in grid cancel on 1876 envelope endorsed " Via Brindi si" bearing lNSUFFICIENTLY STAMPED/ VIA BRINDISI s.l. handstamp and red London receiver, Adelaide transit backsta mp, scarce .. . ........ .. ..... . ... ... .... .. . (Photo) (47)


960 0

SWEDEN: 1855 Coat of Arms 24s dull red, neat 1855 dated cancel, very fine. Facit Krs 15,000 . . ... . ....... . .. . .. (Photo) (5) 2,500.00

96 1 0

1862-69 Lion and Arms 170 gray, light c.d.s . cancel, faint corner crease , very fine appearance ............ . .... . ... .. .. ... (Photo) ( 15) 1, 100.00

962 963

* **

1924 U.P.U. lk green, 2k rose red, 5k deep blue, l.h. or o.g., very fine ... . ... . . . .. .. .... . ............... .. .. ..... . . .... . . . (Photo) (225-27)

750 .00

SWITZERLAND: 1914-30 Engraved l0fr gray green, n.h., very fine. DM1300 ....... . .... . .. . ... .. .. .. . ...... . ......... . (Photo) (185)






1928 Re-engraved Sfr blue , n.h. , very fine. DM900 (Photo ) (206)




Semi-Posta ls; 1940 Nationa l Fete Day imperf Souvenir sheet of four , n.h., tiny red surface mark at top, very fine. DM I I 00 (Photo) (8105)


TAIDTI: 1884 Imperf 25c on lfr bronz e green on straw , invtd. surch., large even margin s, neat c.d.s . cance l, extreme ly fine. ........ ...... ...... .. ....... (Photo ) (4) Signed Calves ................


966 0



TOBAGO: 1879 Crown CC l sh green, o.g., lovely color and fresh, very fine. S.G. 4, £350 .. .. .. .. ........ .. .......... (Photo ) (4)

650 .00



1882-96 Crown CA 4p yellow green, o.g. (hinge remnants), bright (Photo ) ( l9) color, very fine. S.G. 18, £ 170 .. ......................




6p bistre brown , o.g. , very fine. Foundation Cert. ( I 977). S.G. 19, (Photo) (2 1) 1,000 .00 ................... £550 ........ .. . . . . . . . . . .. ..............



TOGO: 1915 "CCUPAT ION " for "OCCU PATION " 2sh violet & blue on blui sh, o.g., very fine. Signed H. Bloch. S.G. H42F , . ......... (Photo ) (73 var.) ..... ............... £200 . . ................




20sh violet & black on red , o.g., very fine. S.G. H46F , £500 (Photo) (76 var .)




Surfac e Colored Paper Ssh green & red on yellowish, o.g., small corner crease, fine. S.G. H44F, £200 ........ . ... (Photo ) (78 var.)


973 0

TRANSVAAL: 1902-03 Crown CA Edwa rd VII £5 violet & orange, neat c.d .s. cancel , very fine. Foundation Cer t. (1971). . (Photo ) (267) S.G . 259, £400 .. . .....................................




975 0

976 0



1851-53 Unwmkd. Blued Paper (lp ) brown red , large part o.g., mostly large margin s all round , hand sta mp on reverse , rich color and fresh, ver y fine. Foundation Cert. (1986). S.G. 7, £300 (Photo ) (la)


1852 Yellowish Paper , Fine Impres sion (l p) blu e, good to enormous margin s all round showing portion of adjo inin g stamp , bold grid cance l, light corner crease, lovely clear impress ion and rich color , fine. Rare. B.P.A. Cert. (1991). .. .... ...... .. .. (Photo ) (9) 3,750.00 S.G. 13, £2000 ..... . .............. (lp ) blue on white paper , full to very large margin s, clear " 1" in grid cancel, pre ssed crease, very fine appearance. Attractive copy of thi s sca rce sta mp .. ..... .. .. . ... . ... ......... . (Photo ) (9b) 2,400.00 1855-60 Fourth Issue (lp ) slate blue , part o.g., good margin s to ju st in at upper right , hand stamp s on rever se. A collectab le copy of thi s rare sta mp. Signed A. Brun. S.G. 18, £4000 (Photo ) (11) 8,500.00

978 0



* *







Precancelled "TOO LATE"; 1864 to 1894 (Ip) to Ssh, group of 7 stamps handstamped "TOO LATE" diagonally, two 4p violet in red, o.g., 4p gray used, incl. 1869-94 Ssh dull lake perf 12½, mixed co ndition to very fine ....... .... (Photo) (betw. 48 and 59)


TURKS ISLAND: 1881 Unwmkd. 2½p on 6p gray black, surchd. type "g" (S.G. 16), margin copy, o.g., fresh, fine. S.G. 26, £225 ............ . . . .. .. . .. . . ... ...... ........ ... ....... (Photo) ( 18)


Wmkd. Small Star 4p on lsh violet, ovptd. type "p" (S.G. 39), o.g., fresh, fine for this. S.G. 45 , £375 ... . .. . ......... (Photo) (38)


4p on lsh violet, surchd. type "q" (S.G. 30), o.g., rich color and fresh, fine. A ve,y rare stamp not pr esent in the Dal e/Lichtenstein col/ec1io11. B.P.A. Cert. (1993). S.G. 46 (Photo) (39) 4,000.00 VICTORIA: 1850 Lithographed lp rose, 3p blue (S.G. 27a, 31c Campbell & Fergusson printings), mostly huge margins, extremely fine, tied by indi stinct grid cancels on 1856 folded letter sheet to Geelong, receiver and indistinct transit on reverse. Signed A. Diena . ... .. .. . .............................. (Photo) (2,3) 1905-10 Wmkd. Crown and Double-lined A £2 dull blue, l.h., perfectly centered and fresh, superb. S.G. 412, £600 (Photo) (231) 1,500.00


985 0



987 0 988 989

990 991 992

* * * * *

1854-57 Engraved Imperf lp black, mostly very large margins, neat grid cancel , very fine. Alcuri Cert. ( 1982) and signed by him. . .. . ... (Photo) ( I ) S.G. I , £ 180 ... .. . ...................................


1854-57 Lithographed 6p bronze, full to very large margins, neat " I " in 15-bar grid cance l, expertly repaired , extreme ly fine appearance. S.G. 18, £600 . . ..... .. . . ...... . .............. (Photo) (4) 1,500.00 1860 Wmkd. Swan Engraved 6p dull green, part o.g., good margin s exce pt touched lower right, faults, fine appearance. Very rare . S.G . 28, £ 1100 ......................... ... ... .. . . .. (Photo) ( 16) 2,500.00 6p, mostly large margins all round, cente red "6" in grid cance l, very fine. S.G. £400 .. . .. . . ..................... . ........ (Photo) (16) 1, 150.00 1861 Rough Perf 14 to 16 Ip rose, some o.g., very fine. S.G. 44 (Photo) (24B)


1865-79 Crown CC perf 12½ lsh sage green, o.g. (hinge remnant) , beautiful rich color and fresh, very fine. S.G. 62, £200 (Photo) (34a)


1902-05 Wmkd. V and Crown lOsh violet, l.h., brilliant fresh, extremely fine. S.G. 127, £200 . .......... . ........... (Photo) (87)


£1 brown orange, o.g., fresh, fine. S.G. 128, £300 . (Photo) (88) 1,000.00 ZANZIBAR: 1908-09 Wmkd. Multiple Rosette 200r black & brown, l.h., fresh, very fine. S.G. 260f ..... .. ...... (Photo) (119) 2,500.00





~¾ ' ✓~~ . ~


Primarily 19th Century, balance of a property , 11 item s, mostly franked covers or front s, incl. 3 stampless, France, Hungary, Spain, Cape of Good Hope 6p, variety of markings, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $ 150 ...... .. . .. ... .... ..... . .. ... . .... ......... . 19th and 20th Century

994 * O

Coll. of severa l thousand in 9 Scott springback albums and accum. in 3 small stockbooks in 2 cartons, o.g. to unu sed or used, wide range of countries expeciall y Europe and its colonies, scattered bett er item s, some faults as would be expected, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $3,000-5,000 ...... . ... . . .. . . . ........ . ................................ .

995 * O

Stock of tens of thou sa nd s in over 40 stockbook s, plu s hundred s of picture postcard s in 4 cartons, wide range of countries with less expensive sta mp s, all areas with much Europe , postcard s incl. U.S. and many topical themes, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-2,000 .......................................... .. . .... ............ .. ..... . .. . ... .. ... .. .

996 * Ol8l Accum. of many thou sa nd stam ps on page s in 6 counter books, 3 ring-binder s, glassines and loose in carton , n.h. to o.g. or used, much Western Europe, incl. compl. or part sets, blks, Airs, Souvenir sheets, Briti sh areas, Lebanon, United Nations , United States, also a small cover selection with some First Days, etc., mixed condition though much very fine, worth careful inspection . Est. Cash Val. $1,000-2,000 .. . ... . ... . . . .... .......... . ................. . ... .. ..... . . .

997 * Ol8l Rema ind er of a property in lar ge carton, incl. used on and off paper, covers, stat ioner y, some U.S., several albums or album remnant s, small gro up of mint , etc., mixed condition and messy, should be inspected. Est. Cas h Val. $1,000-2,000 ... .... ..... . .......... .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . . . . .... . ..... . . . ...... . .... . ... . ... .. . .. .. . .. .. . . .... .... .. ............................ . 998 * O

Coll. of man y thou sand diff. in 2 albums in box, unu sed or used, wide range of countries and issues of generally lower priced sta mp s, some moderately bette r items, Semis, back-of-book , etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 . ............... .

999 * O

Stock and accum. of a few thousand on stock sheet s, cards, coll. remainder s, etc., in carton, mostly used , some o.g., much Latin America, Australia and other Briti sh, few part sheets and covers, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $750-1,000

1000 * O

Coll. of hundr eds in 3 lar ge spar sely filled Schaubeck albums in box, unu sed or used, wide range of countries , generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-1,000 ................ . ................................. . .... . ........................ . .. . . .... . .. . .......... .

I00 I * O

Accum. of about 125 sta mps on larg e stockcard s, o.g. to unu sed or used, inc. Hambur g 1859 ½s, Israel , Northern Rhode sia 1925-29 set (except 3sh) , Palest ine 1918 lpi deep blu e, Rhod esia ran ge of Doubl e Portraits, Sierra Leone Wilberforce Ssh, Western Australia 1860 lsh imperf plate proof in deep gree n, reference , mixed condition to very fine, an eclectic grouping perfect for mail sale. Est. Cash Val. $500-600 . . .. . ....... . .. . .. . ... . .. . .. . ... . .. . ...... . ....... .... ..... .. ....... . .............. . .... ... .

I002 * Ol8l Balance of a property on pa ges, in glassines, etc ., in 2 cartons , o.g. or used, incl. Germany and German States, Italian States, coll. balances, some better items in B.N.A., Great Britain and other Europe, small Rotary coll., U.S., Canada Revenues, coll. of Cuba, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Vatican City, reference, etc., many covers interspersed, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $400-600 ...... . 1003 * O

Balance of a prop erty on pages and in stockbo oks in carton, o.g. to unused or used, useful U.S., Austria, France, Monaco, few others, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $400-500 ..................................... . .... .. .... . ... . ................. . ......... ... . . . ... . .

I004 * O

Accum. _of several hundred stamps in glassines, etc., and loose in cigar box, o.g. to unused or used, incl. scattered better items, variety of cancels, Europe, Chile, British areas, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-500 ............ . . . .......... .. .. . . . .. . . . . .


I 005


Accum. of tens of thousands in stockbooks, glassines retail pages, etc., in 2 cartons, n.h. to o.g. or used, inc l. bundl ed stock , co mpl. se ts, topica ls, many co untries incl. Ca nada mint and used, Qatar low va lue shee ts, investment lotted co mpl. and part shee ts, . .... .. . . ........... so me slightly better, ge nera lly clea n with a se mbl ance of order. Est. Cas h Val. $3 00 -500 ...........................



Disorganized accum. of thousands, on cover, paper, loose in boxes and in one stockbook in carton, n.h. to unu sed or used , inc l. Europe , Briti sh Commonwea lth with Great Britain and Ireland, Liec htenstein, better ite ms, so me bundl ed stock and in nee d of much so rtin g, mixed co ndit ion to very fine . Est. Cas h Val. $300 -400 . .. . .. .. . .. . ..... . ... ... . . .. . .. .. . . . .. . .... .. .. .... . .. . .......... . ... . ....... .

I 007


Balance of a property in carton, unu sed or used, so me Grea t Britain , modern Europe, Cindere lla material, etc., mixed co nditi on, we ll wo rth inspec tion. Est. Cas h Val. $300 -400 . .. .... . .... . ..........

I 008


. .. . . . .................

.... .

Coll. of a few hundred in 1950s Viceroy album, unu sed or used, strength in Briti sh and Europe, also so me U.S. and Japa n, mixed co nditi on. Est. Cas h Val. $200-300 ... . .. . ............


. .........................................


. .. ... . .... . .... . . . .. . ... . .... . .. .. ... .... .......

. . .. ...........

. .........

. .. .

* OEEAccum. of several hundred on retail or approval pages in 5 ring-binders in box,

n.h. to o.g. or used, wide ra nge of co untri es, incl. Europe and Briti sh areas, co mpl. or part se ts, blks of 4, So uvenir shee ts, reprint s and reference, eclec tic gro up , mi xed co ndi tion. . . . . .. ...... . . .. . .......... .... ....... . .. . .... . .. . . .. ......... . ...... .. . . ..................... Est. Cas h Val. $200-300 .... . ... ... . ..... . ...........

IOIO 121

Accum. of several thousand covers or stationery items neatly arranged in containers in 2 cartons, wor ld wide commercia l mai l inc l. U.S. , French and Great Brtiain stampl ess and latte r early franked baggage tags, Poland ca rds, large gro up of ce nso red , Air letter . sheets , etc., mixed condi tion. Est. Cas h Val. $200-300 . ... . ........ . .... . .... . .. .. . .. . . ....... . .. . ....... . . .. ........ . ... . ...................



Coll. of several hundred in 2 large Schwaneberger albums, International and ring-binders in carton, albu ms sparsely filled though many co untri es represe nted, mixed con diti o n. Est. Cash Val. $ 150 ................................

10 12 121

IO13 121

. ............

.. .. .. ...........


POSTAL STATIONERY: Large mixed accum. in carton, many hundred totally unsorted, incl. French Cols., Portuguese Cols., British areas, U.S., envelopes, postal cards, Air letter sheets, etc., some covers, wide range of . countries, generally fine to very fine, needs careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $2,000-3,000 .. .. . . . .. ..................

PICTURE POST CARDS: Tum-of-the-centur y accum. of over 200 in 2 binders, unu sed and used, co mpr. France and Great Brita in street and co untry sce nes, so me multi co lored and quite a variety, ge nerall y fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $ 100-150 ....

Primarily 20th Century

IO 16



Coll. of many thousand dilT. on pages or stock sheets in 30 ring-binders or albums in 2 cartons, unused or used, enormous range of countries, generally less expensive items with Commems, definitives from almost everywhere, scattered imperfs and Souvenir sheets, back-of-book, mixed condition. Excellent for " pick-what-you-want " counter . .. . .. . .... ..... . .. .......... . books. Est. Cash Val. $2,000-2,500 .......... . .. . ..... . ........ . ... . . . .. . ..............................

IO 15


Accum. of many hundred in glassines, stock sheets, etc., in box, n.h. to o.g. or used, primarily Europe particularly Germany, Italy, Austria, others incl. Great Britain, Ireland and other British areas, many better post WW II issues incl. Semis, varying quantities, mixed condition though much very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,250-1,500 .... .. ......... .

* OIBlBalance of a property in box, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. coll. remainders of Austria, Czechoslovakia, Romania, group of

complete sheets with Japan, France booklets and polychrome sheet, some British material, mixed condition though much very . . .. . .. .. .. .. ... ... ..... . . ... . . ...................... fine. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 . . .......................................................

IO 17



* Ol2l Accum. of hundreds on pages, stock cards and loose in carton, n.h. to unused, used, incl. a few U.S., U.N., better covers with

Balance of a property in box, many hundred in stock books, glassines, etc., and loose, n.h. to unused or used, incl. British areas, Europe, Souvenir sheets incl. Japan, scattered moderately better items, mixed condition though much very fine, worth . ............. . . . . ............ .. . ........ . ..... . .. . ..... . ..................... careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $500-1,000 ................... Cyprus, Danish West Indies bisects, Russia, Switzerland imperf, Sitting Helvetia, mixed condition to very fine, worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 ............ . .... . ......... ...... . .. . ..... . . .. ...... . .. ... . . .. .. . . ... . .. ... ... . .. . ..... . . . ... . ......... . .




Stock and accum. of many thousand stamps in glassines, etc., neatly arranged in boxes in carton, n.h. to o.g. and used, wid e ran ge of countri es and issues, inc l. co mpl. and part sets in varyin g quantities, many with catl. numb ers and ready for retail sale, ge nera lly approv al material with so me better, clean and fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200-400 ........ . .. .. . . . .... . ... .. ....... . .



102 1 C8J I 022


Accum. of tens of thousands in glassines, stock cards, etc., stuffed in 2 cartons, unused or used, enormou s range of countri es , inc l. some U.S., many small packet se lections and individu al country group s, generally fine, needs sorting and should be inspected . Est. Ca sh Val. $200 -400 .............. . . ...... .. . . .. .. . . . .... . ............ . ....... . ... . ... ... . . ... .. .. .... . . ......................... ... . .. .. . .. . . . Balance of a few commercial covers in box, wid e range of co untri es inc l. U.S. and a varied group o f Cuba, also a few hundr ed stamp s in a lbum s and loose, mixed co ndition . Es t. Cash Val. $200 -300 . . .. . .. . .. . ............ . . .. ............... ........ .. .. .. ........... . Large accum. of thousands in glassines, etc., in 6 boxes in 2 cartons, n.h. to o.g. or used, wide range of co untri es and issues, genera lly appro val material with so me moderate ly better, co mpl. sets, topica ls, fairly tidy and c lea n. Est. Cash Val. $200-300 . . . . 20th Century

1023 ** l!il Accum. of several thousand in glassines in shoe boxes, metal file box, etc., and loose in 2 cartons, n.h., wide range

of countries with mostly issues of 1950s to 70s, many topical themes incl. UNESCO, Olympics, Tele-Communications and Space, Refugees, Human Rights, Stamp Expositions, World's Fair, Kennedy, Art, etc., many compl. sets, Souvenir and compl. sheets, some blks, booklets, Semis, also thousands more used on and off pages, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,200 .. ................................... . ..... . ............... .......... . . . .. ............... .. . . . . .. . . ... . I 024 C8J

Accum. of several hundred covers in 2 boxes, incl. many European cacheted FDCs, British areas, comp I. sets, Airs, Semis, Souvenir sheets, some Regis., many topical themes, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 ..... .... . .... .. ..... .

I 025 C8J

Accum. of many hundred covers completely unsorted in 2 cartons, commercial mail from an enormous range of countries, much Europe, scattered FDCs, Air Mail, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 .................... .. . .. ............. ... . .



Accum. of several thousand on stock pages in 8 ring-binders in carton, used , some o.g., incl. modern issues of Great Brit ain, Ireland , New Zea land, Australia, Jap an, Germany, Switzerland, Au stria with so me 19th ce nt., mixed co nditi on to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $300-500 ........... . .. . . ....... .............. ......... . ......................... . ................. . .. . . . . .. ...... . ....... . ...... . ............. .

1027 C8J

Small group of Flight covers in ring-binder, incl. Great Britain , U.S., Europ e with Netherlands South America, German y. Luxe mbourg, Korea, etc. , fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $ 150 .. . .... .. .........

1028 C8J


. ..... . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. .. .. ... . ... ..... .

AIR LETTER SHEETS; Accum. of over 300 items with dupl. in box, mostly 1948 to 1955 with strength in Briti sh Co mm onwea lth, fine to very fine . Est. Cas h Val. $400-600 . .. . .. . .... . . ... . ...........



... .... . .. .. .... . . . . .. . .........

. .........

. .... . ... .

** IB!SPACE: 20th Century, accum. of a few thousand stamps in glassines, etc., and loose in box, n.h., enormous range of co untri es, inc l. Europ e, Briti sh areas, French Co mmunit y, Asia, Latin Am erica with many co mpl. sets, imperfs, Souvenir sheets, co mpl. sheets etc ., fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $400-600 ... . . .. .......... . .. . . .. . . .......... . ... .. . . . . ........................ . .. . . ... ................. .

BRITISH COMMONWEALTH 1030 * Ol!il 19th Century, coll. and accum. of many hundred diff. on pages, l.h. to unused or used, many colonies represented

incl. Cyprus, Dominica, Antigua, Jamaica, Natal, St. Helena, St. Vincent, Prince Edward Is., Tobago, Turks Is., Zululand, Australian States, others to lesser extent incl. Indian States, numerous better or scarcer items, blks of 4 or larger, etc., mixed condition as would be expected, many very fine. A valuable collection worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $2,000-3,000 . .. ........ ..... .......... ....... . ...................... . ... .. .. . ..... ... . ........... . .. .. . ... .. . .............. .

I 03 1 * O

Group of 23 mostly better items on stock sheets, o.g. to unused or used, wide range incl. Canada, India, New Zealand, Virgin Is., Australian States, others, mixed condition or fine with many very fine appearing ... . ..... . . . . 14,000.00+


1032 * O

1033 S



Group of over 35 stamp s on stoc k sheet s, used, few o.g. to unused , incl. Great Britain, Canada, Cape of Good Hope , with 2 square pair s, Cyprus, Hong Kon g, New Zealand, Zululand , few others, many better items , mixed condition to some ver y fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,100.00+

Primaril y 20th Century, accum. of about 175 stamp s ovptd. SPECIMEN, mostly o.g., incl. Bahama s 1912-19 to £1, Falkland Is. 1929-32 to £1 perf , Lagos , Northern Nigeria 1900, Orange River Colony 1903-04, Trinidad 1896-1900 sets compl., few small fault s, generall y fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $500-750 ............................................ . .... ... .................. .. . .. .... .


Accum. of over 70 sta mp s, n.h. to o.g., incl. Australia 1973-84 high values in blks of 4, Malta George V 2sh (6), K.U.T., St. Christopher, SL Kitts-Nevis, generally fresh and fine to very fine. . .. ..... . .. .... ... . . .. . . . ... .. . . .. ................. ... . ... ........ over 1,260.00






20th Centur y, mint retail stock in numbered glassines in tray s, some light dupl., many $20 item s, topical theme s, etc., fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $2,000-2,500 ... .............. . ....... . ....... . ... . ..... .. . ...... .............. . .. . . . ... .

1910 to 1953, group of about 140 sta mp s on lar ge stockcard s, n.h. or o.g., scatte red used, incl. Bermuda George VI lOsh (9), 12sh6p (2), £ 1, Leeward Is. George VI lOsh (7), £1 (2), Nyasaland, Tanganyika, shades, vars., generall y very fine, worth ca r eful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 .................................................. . .. .. .... . .. . ... . OMNIBUS: 1935 Silver Jubil ee, complete for common design type, o.g., no Australia, New Zealand , South Africa, Egypt, etc., fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200 .. . . .. . ...................... . .... . . ....... ..... . .. .. .... . .. . ..................... . .. . . . ...... . ........... .

I038 ** EB1948-49 Silver Wedding, four comp!. sets, vast majorit y in blk s of 4, apparently all n.h. , generally very fine. S.G. £5600 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,996.00

1039 * O

BRITISH AMERICA: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of severa l thou sa nd diff . in 5 Specialty albums with slipcases in carton, n.h. to o.g., some early used , comp!. Dominica, Falkland ls, St. Vincent, Trinidad and Tobago , Turk s and Caic os and their sub-di visions, Virgin Is., man y compl. sets, bette r ea rly items, Souvenir sheets, ovptd. SPECIMEN , few blk s and misc. dupl. , small faults though generally fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $3,500-4,500 . ...... ........ .

1040 * O

BRITISH NORTH AMERICA: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of several hundr ed diff. on page s, l.h. to unused or used, co mpr. New Brunswick, Newfo undland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward ls., incl. moderately better items, comp!. sets, Airs, blks of 4 or larger, some faulty or mixed condition, later Newfoundland generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-500 .......................... .

104 1 S

AUSTRALASIA : 19th and 20th Centur y, group of about 40 sta mp s ovptd. SPECIMEN , n.h. to part o.g., incl. Australia 1915-24 I0sh, £ 1 (both), £2 (3), 1929-30 I0sh strip of 3, I93 1-36 I0sh, £ I (2), £2 (2), Sterling and Decimal Navigators, South Austra lia I 886-96 2sh6p to £ I0, 11 values, mixed condition to very fine. S.G. as comp!. units £ 1330. Est. Cash Val. $400-600 . .. ........ . .

1042 * O

Coll. of man y hundred in 8 Minku s Album s, unused or used, some useful earlies, later mint sets with modern era, mostly n.h., incl. Aden, Hong Kong, Iraq, Kuwait, Transjord an, Trucial States, etc., mostly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-600 ....... .



BRITISH OCEANIA: 1892 to 1935, coll. of over 250 mostly diff. on pa ges, l.h. or o.g., compr., Aitutaki, Cook Is., Niue, Penrhyn l s., comprehensive and incl. ovpt. or surch. var s. and S.G. shade s, com pl. sets, etc., fre sh and fine to very fine. S.G. £5200 ............................................................................................................... 5,000.00+

Note s



Primarily 19th Century, accum. of just under 100 stamps on stock sheets, o.g. to unused or used, mostly classic Europe, incl. Austria, Belgium, Greece, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, also misc. items of Bulgaria, Egypt, Reunion, few others, many better items with 4-margined imperf issues, some faults though much very fine and attractive . .... .. . .. . ................ . . ..... . . ............... . .. . ....................... .... . ......... .................. .... ......... 7,900.00+

1045 * 01!:!l19th and 20th Century, balance of a property in 2 cartons, incl. colls. in 7 albums and 2 ring-binders, unused or used, with much Europe, Notgeld in album and large envelope, Hungary folded sheets, n.h., other foreign and misc. British, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $3,000-5,000 . .. . . .. ............ .. . ... .... ... .. ... .. ......... . ..... .. .... ... . . ...... . . I 046


Small balance on stock cards, etc., incl. Vatican City, Czec hoslovakia, Denmark , few Italian State s, etc. , some compl. sets, Air s, some faults though overa ll fine to very fine . Est. Cash Val. $200-400 .... ....... .. ....... ....................... . ...... ... ................ .

1047 * Oc8l ASIA: Primarily 20th Century, accum. of a few thousand stamps in 3 ring-binders, etc., in box, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. Japan , China, Korea, Ryukyu Is., etc ., some comp l. sets and blks of 4, also misc. covers, mixed condition to much very fine. Est . Cash Val. $400-600 . ..... .... .................... . .. .. ..................... .... .... . ....... . ................ . .... .. ... .... . ................... . .. . . .. . ... . I 048


Accum. of a few hundred mostly diff. on stock pages, used, some o.g., compr. Italy and area and Jugo slavia, incl. many Commems , few comp l. sets, back-of -book , etc ., mixed co ndition . Est. Cash Val. $ 150-200 ............................ . .. .... . . . . ................. ... .





Primarily 20th Century, accum. of several hundred mostly diff., neatly arranged on stock sheets, l.h. to o.g. or used, incl. better Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Liechtenstein, Russia, Switzerland and several others to lesser extent, also some misc. foreign other than Europe, incl. many comp!. sets, Semis, Airs, scattered back-of-book, clean and generally fine to very fine, excellent for retail display or mail sale lotting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,500.00+

19th Century, mint coll. in small album, incl. useful Briti sh and Frenc h Co ls. Spain , etc. , nothin g outstanding but some love ly ear ly mint items. Est. Cash Val. $250-300 .... ........ . .. . . .. . . ............ . . ... ... ..... . . . . . .. ......................... . ......... . ...... ...... .

1051 ** l!:!lEUROPA: 1957 to 1975, accum. of a few thousand in glassines and envelopes in box, n.h., mostly from 1961, incl. blks and compl. sheets, few bookl ets, modera te quantitie s, very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $250-350 . ..... ...... . ......... .... ........ . .... ... .. .. .. .... .




SCANDINAVIA: Primarily 19th Century, accum. of over 50 stamps on stock sheets, mostly used, some o.g. to unused, compr. Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, numerous better items, incl. many first or very early issues, mixed condition to very fine. High catl. value and generally quite attractive group. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500



19th and 20th Century, accum. of about 190 mostly diff. on stock sheets, l.h. to unused or used, compr. Denmark, Norway, Sweden, incl. comp!. set or better items, with Semis, Airs, some back-of-book, some faults though attractive copies, many fine to very fine, worth careful inspection . . ..................... .. ... .................... ........... . . ... . . .. ... 17,000.00+


LATIN AMERICA: Primarily 20th Century, accum. of about 90 diff. on stock sheets, o.g., few used, mostly Uruguay incl. a few co mp!. sets with Airs, Mexico #CO30 o.g., Ecuador Air Officials, Nicaragua #C 14- 17, etc., ge nerally fine to very fine ..... . . 1,975. 00+





ANTIGUA: 1863 to 1886, coll. of 21 mostly diff. on Specialty album page, o.g. to unused or used, incl. better items, generally . .... . ..... . .......... (betw. 2 and 20) 3,070.00 . .......................... .. . . . .. . ... ... .. ................ fine and attractive group ...............



1863 to 1879, group of 8 diff., o.g. to unused, #3 used, a few small faults though generally very fine or very fine appearing (2-6,8,10,11) 2,100.00



AUSTRALIA: 1913 to 1985, coll. of many hundred diff. on pages in 2 ring-binders, o.g. or used, and later used dupl., incl. many compl. sets from 1932 with values to £2 or equivalent, many unexploded booklets n.h., gutter and coil pairs, Souvenir sheets, Airs, Officials, better Postage Due, Military, scattered ovptd. SPECIMEN, also Br. Antarctic Terr. with Elizabeth £1 values and misc. Australian States, early issues mixed condition, later generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000

I 05 8


1913 to 1979, coll. of over 700 on pages, n.h. to o.g., some used, high degree of completeness with a few slightly better Kangaroo values, George V shades and perf vars., many later compl. sets, panes, few blks of 4, Airs, Postage Due, Officials, Military and Antarctica, clean and generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 . . . .. .. .. . ............ ... .. . . . . . ... ..... .

I 059


1914 to 1964, group of 26 stamps, l.h. or o.g., incl. 193 1-36 Ssh, Robes£ I (2), Arms£ I and £2 , Navigators (2), Milit ary set co mp I.,


1949-50 Arms £2 green, 3 copies incl. bottom right corner, n.h., fine to very fine. S.G . 224d, £300 . . . .. . . .. .. .. ........


I 06 I RP

fresh, ge nera lly fine to very fine .........

.. ....... . .........

.. ........................

.. ..... . ... . . .....................

(betw . 2 1 and 379) 1,8 13.25 ... (22 1)


AUSTRIA: 19th and 20th Century, small balance of a property on lot pages and loose, incl. one stampless cove r, I9t h cent.

reprint s incl. 2 blks of 9, 20th cent. Die essays , I965 WIPA Anniv. sheets, black proofs , 1920 2k ovptd . Flugpost, etc., ge nera lly .. . .... ... . . . . ........ . ... ... .... . . ..... . .... . ...... ... ................ fine to very fine . Est. Cas h Val. $ 150 . ...................................

I 064

1908 to 1981, coll. of over 900 diff. in stockbook, n.h., incl. many compl. sets or slightly better items and Semis, clean and ** fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500 . ... . . .. . .. ...... .... . .......... .. ......... ..... ... ...... . ... (betw. 110 and 1195, Bl and 8329 ) ** A very similar though smaller coll., n.h., fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $250-3 50 . .. . . .. . .. . ... .... .. .. .... .. .......... .. .. .... .. . 1969 to 1986, group of 6 diff. Souvenir sheets, n.h., varyi ng quantiti es of IO to 50 each, fine to very fine. (betw. 840 and I 372) **!Bl



AUSTRIAN AREA: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of unused and used on pages, inc l. Empire issues, Militar y Post, Serbia,



BELGIUM: 1849 to 1925, coll. of a few hundred on pages, o.g. or used, incl. use ful 19th ce nt., later co mpl. sets, Semis , etc. , mixed 3,350.00 + . ......... .. . .. ... .. .. . .................................. . ............. conditi on to many very fine ........ . ...... . ... . . . ..........................



BERMUDA: 1865 to 1950, coll. of about 100 diff. on Specialty pages, o.g., couple unused, incl. moderately better early items, compl. sets and George V to lOsh, generally fine to very fine. S.G. £1,280 .. . ...... . .. . ..... . .. . .. ... . . ...... . (betw. 1 and 122) 2,100.00+



1938 to 1953, group of 30 stamps, n.h. to o.g., incl. 2sh (3), 2sh6p (3), Ssh (4), IOsh (3), 12sh6p S.G. # 120b, 120d (3), £ 1 (3), good range of shades, gum and perf vars., genera lly very fine . (betw. S.G. I IO and 12 1c, £924). Est. Cas h Val. $300 -400 . . .... . .

I 069


BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA: 1879 to 1918, coll. of over 200 on pages, unu sed or used, incl. I 879 values to 5k, 1906 set,

1062 I063

1070 0


Romania, Bosnia, etc ., fresh and attract ive gro up with many co mpl. sets, mixed conditi on. Est. Cash Val. $250-300 ...... .. . . . .. . . .

19 10 Jubil ee Milit ary Post, etc., genera lly fine and fresh. Est. Cas h Val. $200 .................

. ...... . . .... . .. . ... ..........


. ... .

BULGARIA: 1885 to 1940, selection of over 150 on stockpages, mostly used, incl. dupli cated range of 1885 issue, Postage Due, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $200-300 ............................

... . . .. .... . . . ... ........

. .. .. . ........................




1879 Jubilee $1 lake, $2 dark purple (2), $4 purple, first o.g., others used with ge nera lly medium roller ca nce ls, $ I small crease, fine. Signed H. Bloch . .. ..........

. ..... . ............

. . .. . . . . .... . .... . .. . ..........

. .. ..... . ..........


. .. . .. . .. .. . .. ......

(6 1,62,64) 2,600 .00


Primarily 20th Century, huge accum. of bundled stock, tens of thousands in 9 shoe boxes, etc., in large carton, wide range of issues with thou sa nds of moderately better items, incl. Admiral and other issues, Airs, back-of-book with Officials, Special Delivery , some Revenues, etc., also Newfoundland, mixed condition as would be expected but above average condition with much useful, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $1,000+ . . .. . .......... .. . . ... .. .......... .

1072 0

Vast stock of ten s of thou sa nds in envelopes and glassines in 8 boxes in 2 cartons, wide range of issues, some moderately better, incl. sca ttered early, Admirals, Commems., coils, Airs, large amount of Officials , some perf-in s, etc., varying quantities with some quite large , also a small coll. of slogan cancels, clean and above average for a hoard thi s size, worth careful . .. . ... ...... . ... ..... . ...... . ............... . .. . ................................ inpection. Est. Cash Val. $500-1,000 ..........................

1073 0

20th Century I07 4



Accum. of several hundred stamps on stock sheets, n.h. to o.g., generally moderately better items catl. to $90, incl. blks and Pl. blk s of 4 or larger , Royal Yacht, Chateau de Ramezay, War Effort with $1 Destroyer , Ferry, Fish Resources, Air and Air Spec. Del., Special Delivery , etc., generally fine to very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. . ... . .. ............................... Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 ... .. ... . ............ .. . ... ....... ....... .................................

I075 * IBl Accum. of several thou sand sta mps in compl. or part sheets, etc., in 3 file folders in box , n.h. Lo unused, wide range of issues though haphazardly arranged, some slightly better, Airs, batch of #300, 4c dark carmine, coil strips of 4, unused, mixed condition . .. . ....... . ........ . ........ . .. .. . .. . . though much very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-600 ... . .... . . . .. . .. . .... .......... . . ....................... I076 * [8]

Accum. of man y hundred on stoc k sheet s, n.h. to unused or used, various issues in moderate quantities, incl. blks of 4 or larger, Pl. blks, some slightly better, booklet panes, coils, some back-of-book, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 ... . .. . .. . ... . ... .

I077 ** EB 1930 to 1938, select ion of 23 blks of 4, n.h. incl. #162, 171, 173 Pl. blks, # 174, 175, 243. etc., tine to very fine .. ...... ......... 1078



CO ILS; 1942 to 1951, stock of a few thousand neatly arranged on stoc k sheet s, vast majorit y n.h. , incl. Geroge VI perf 8 and 9½ vert., others with and without inscription, many strip s of 4 or larger , fine to very fine, high catl. value. Est. Cash Val. (betw. 263 and 310) ........ ... .................. .......... .............................. . . ....................... $500-750 . .. . ................

1079 ** EB 1950 Oil Wells S0c dull green , 1953 Totem Pole $1 gray, Pl. blks or blks of each, fre sh, very fine .......

(294,32 1) 4,990.00+

1080 ** IBlOFFICI ALS; 1949 to 1955, accum. of man y hundred stamp s on stock sheets , vast majorit y n.h. , compr. ovptd. "O.H.M.S." and "G", incl. blk s and Pl. blks of 4 or larger , Air and Special Delivery , Officials, varying though generally moderate .. ..... (betw . 01 and 039, etc.) quantities , fine to very fine. Est . Cas h Val. $500-750 .... . .. . . . . . . .. . .. ... . .......................... 108 1 0

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: 1853 to 1864, group of 7 triangular s, compr. 1853 4p (2), 1855-58 Ip, 4p blk of 4, 6p on bluish, Ish, . ....... . .. . ........ (2,3,4,5b,6, 12a) 1,745.00 1863-64 Ip pen caned. with S.P.A. Cert. ( 1975), mixed condition ..................................


1854 to 1863, group of 11 covers, all bearing triangulars, incl. S single 4p inland item s, 4p pair on 1856 envelope to London, 1855-58 6p, 3 copies on separate envelopes or folded letter to England, lsh dark green on envelope to Scotland, mixed condition though many attractive. Est. Cash Val. $500-600 ...... . . ..... ... .. .. . .. ............ .. ............. . ... .. . ........ . .... . . .. . .. . .


1083 * EBl8lCOLOMBIA: Air Post; SCADTA 1920 to 1934, group of 90 sta mp s in glassines, n.h. to dull o.g., incl. 1920-21 set in singles, 1923 30c on 60c, 1929 Pictorials, 1930 Simon Bolivar and 1934 Cartagena sets, blk s of 4, also IOc posta l card, 20c letter card and 20c letter sheet , unu sed, generally fine to very fine ..... . . . ....... . .. . (12-16,52,SS-67,80-82,111-14,CF2,H&GF 1,FAl,FG1) 1,772.00 I084

Similar lot

I085 * EB 1921 TO 1932, accum. of about 190 stamps in glassines, n.h. to dull o.g., incl. 1921 Sc to 3p and 1923-28 set compl., singles and blk s of 4, 1929 Pictorial s set compl. blks of 4, 1932 set, generally fine to very fine . (C25-34,38-S0,53-67,83-95,CFI,2,4) 3,195.50 I086

Similar lot

1087 **

COMORO ISLANDS: 1975 group of 19 sheets of 25, n.h., plus misc. blks and singles of Diirer and Rubens sets in various denominations, fine to very fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1088 * O


CRETE: 1899 to 1910, accum. of well over 100 stamps on stock sheets, l.h. to unused, some used, incl. better items and compl. sets, few blks of 4, ovptd., etc., some small faults though overall fine to very fine . (betw. 12 and 120) 5,660.00+

1089 * O

DANZIG: 1920 to 1939, coll. of a few hundred on pages in 2 binder s, o.g., high degree of completeness with used dupl., incl. compl. sets, Semi s, Airs and Officials, also German Occu. of Luxembourg, Poland, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 . .... . ... . ... ... ... . . . .. . .. .. ...... . .. . ... . .. .. ..... . ......................... .. . . . . ... .. ......... .... .............. .. .. ... ..... .. .

1090 * O

DENMARK; 19th and 20th Century , accum. of mostly used values , incl. 1854 to 8s, 1864 to 16s (3), 1870 to 48s, 1882 Small Numeral So (5), etc., mixed condition ... .. .. .. ........ . ......... . ............... ... .. . . .. .. .. . .... . .............. . .......... . ... ... ....... ... . . 3,700.00+

109 1 * O

1901 to 1925, coll. of a few hundred on pages , unused or used, incl. useful selection of 19th cent., later compl. sets or better values, generally fine to very fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I , 180.00

1092 * O

EASTERN RUMELIA: 1885 Spi rose & blue, 6 copies, o.g. to unu sed or used, hand stamped in blue or black, incl. pair with one invtd. , most signed or hand stamp on rever se, fine and scarce group .. . .. . .. .. . . ............................ .. .. . . . (24,26,37) 3,000.00



EGYPT: 1866 to 1951, coll. on pages, primarily o.g., incl. 1857 to 5pi, 1879 with 20pa ultramarine, 1933 Congress, 1952 ovptd., etc., mostly fine and fresh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,800.00+ FRANCE

I 094


19th Century, group of 26 stamps on stock sheet, unused or used, incl. better items with imperf and perf Napoleon , Bordeaux, etc., and imperf Postage Due issues, few small faults, generally fine to very fine and attractive .. . .. .... . ............ . . ... . .. ... 3,175.00

I 095


1853-1972, coll. of several hundred on pages, used, incl. 1877 to 5fr, 1900 to 20fr, etc., some light toning. Est. Cash Val. $200-300

I 096


1859 to 1900, coll. of a few hundred on page s, mostly used, some o.g., incl. better Peace and Commerce types, Postage Due 1882 to I fr, etc., mixed condition .. ........................... .. .. .. .... . ... .... .. . ...... . ............... . ..... . .. . .......... . ........................ .. 2,070.00



FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR; The Commune Revolt , 1871 Paris Outgoing Mail, group of 6 covers , incl. 1870-73 40c double rate , most other s franked by 20c, various pmks. incl. Paris star , one to Fort Issy, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $500-750

I 098



**lal1900 to 1992, the

coll. of many hundred dill. NEVER IDNGED stamps in 6 immaculate hingeless albums with slip cases in 2 cartons , scattered turn-of-century and virtually complete issues from about 1923, incl. Semis, Airs , Postage Due, Officials , Occu. and precancelled , a few shade s and minor var s., 1906-37 set with 10c green type I, PHENA-Septyl label , Souvenir sheets, Semi-Postal booklet s, 1964 PIDLATEC sheet with labels , the modern Marianne serie s with difficult to find papers , white gum (tropical ), phosphor and tagged , perfs and coils, minor dupl. in stockbook , misc. FDC s, also TIMBR ES D E FRA NCE AU TYP E M ERSO N by J. Storch and R. Fran~on, 3 additional binders with slip cases, extra pages and mounts, a wonderful collection of the best attainable. Est. Cash Val. $3,000-3 ,500 ... ... . .. .. ... . .. ................. . . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . . ......... .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. ... . .. . . . . ......... ......................... ..

1100 * O

110 I


1870-71 BORDEAUX ; group of over 25 items on stock sheets , used , one 80c o.g. incl. Anchor and Yokohama cancels, 10c perce s en ligne on cover , 20c type II reconstructed " Report Bloc", 30c, 2 copies with long " R" in "REPUB " , 80c strip of' 3, Sperati Die proof's and other reference, mixed condition to very fine. E st. Ca sh Val. $1,000+ ... . .. .

Accum. of over 120 stamps on stock sheet, 1.h. or o.g., few used, incl. many better items or com pl. sets with Semis and Airs , also a few French Southern and Antarctic Terr., etc., generally fine to very fine, worth inspection . . . . . . 3,800.00+

Accum. of several hundred diff., in glassines in cigar box, n.h., mostly I 960s and 70s, incl. compl. sets, Semis, unexploded booklets, few coil strips, blks, Airs and misc. back-of-book, minor dupl., clean and fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200-300 ...


FRENCH COLONIES: 20th Century, accum. of over 200 imperf progressive trial color plate proofs in sheet margin strips of 5, few compl. sheets, n.h., co mpr. A fars and Isas and Co moro Islands, incl. Semis and Airs, very fine and attractive group. Est.

I 102 TC~

Cash Val. $300 -500 ....... . .... .. ..................... 1103 1104

* *

.. . ... ...... . . .. . .. . ... . .. . .. .. .. . ...... .. ....... ... ... . . .. . ..... . ....... .. ........


. ..... . .. . .

FRENCH GUIANA: 1887 to 1925, coll. on pages, prim arily o.g. to unu sed, incl. 1887 5c on 30c, 1888 5c on 30c , 1892 to I fr, etc., ge nerally fine and fres h ............

. .... . . ..... ..... . .. ..... .. .......................

. ... . . . . . ....... .............

. ..........

.. ... . . ..... . ... 1,360 .00

GAMBIA: 1880 to 1953, coll. of over 125 ditT. on pages, l.h. or o.g ., missing only a few of the period, fres h and fine to very fine (betw. 5 and 152) 1,525.00+



GERMAN STATES: 19th Century, group of over 40 stamps on stock sheets, unused or used, incl. small selection of Baden, Hanover, Prussia, Wurttemberg , few others, good range of cancels with some on small piece, some small faults though many fine or very fine appearance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,500.00+



1852 to 1866, group of 3 items, co mpr. Bremen roul etted 3gr black on blui sh, Brunsw ick unwmkd . imperf. lsgr rose , both lightly ca ned., latter in blue, and Pruss ia rouletted 30sg blue, top sheet margin strips of 3 with " I" Imprint , o.g ., fine to very fine. (9, 1,22) 1,350.00


* OEEGERMANY: 19th and 20th Century to 1981, coll. of a few thousand on pages in 3 binders in carton, l.h. or o.g. and many used dupl., wide range of issues with a high degree of completeness, incl. booklet panes and later booklets, se-tenant or tete-beche multiples, Gelber Hund postal card, Semis, some Airs, back-of-book and misc. states, Souvenir sheets and blks, band and carpet ovpt. incl. unissued, double, invtd., etc., Buildings with perf and other vars., coil strips, etc., generally fine to very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $2,500 .......... .. . ....... .



Primarily 20th Century, accum. of over 2000 stamps mounted in 3 approval books, unused or used, generally common issues incl. Co mmems, Se mis, so me bac k-of-book, Alli ed Zo nes, Berlin and G.D.R ., fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $ 150-200 ...... .. .

1109 * 0:8l Semi-Postals; 1936 and 1937, group of 10 Souvenir sheets, co m pr. #8 9 and BI 02, 2 eac h, n.h., Olympics set of two, 2 sets and extra #8 9 1, used, usual wrinkl es, fine to very fine. DM 850 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1110



GERMANY AND AREA: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of a few thousand ditT. in 2 Schaubek albums in box, o.g. or used, wide range of issues, incl. states, colonies, Plebiscites, Occu., Germany with compl. or part sets, Semis, Berlin, G.D.R., Souvenir sheets, mostly common issues with some moderately better, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 Group of over 100 covers or cards in box, incl. Bavaria , Germany with pre-WWII postal cards, generally fine. Es t. Cash Val. $ 150-200 ...... . .... ... .. ....... .. ...... . . ................. . ... . ....... . .. . ........ . ................. . . .. .. . .. . .. . . . . .... . .. . .... . ..... . . ... . .. . . ... . .

1111 C8:I 1112


GERMAN AREA: 20th Century, accum. of over 100 ditT. on stock sheets, l.h. or o.g., some used, compr. Danzig, Memel, Marienwerder, Saar, incl. compl. sets or better items with Semis and Airs, generally fine to very fine .. ...... . ............. . ... 2,300.00+

I I 13


GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC: 1949 to 1985, country virtually complete on pages in 3 ring-binders in carton, l.h. or o.g., plus many used dupl., with Souvenir sheets, Semis, Airs and back-of-book , also " ION" numbers incl. Goethe Souv. sheet, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500 ... ..... ... . . .. . . .. ... . . . .. . ...... . . .. .. ... ......... . .. . ............. . ...... . ..... .

1114 * ~ C8:IGHANA: 20th Century, coll. and accum. of hundreds in hingeless album, glassines and loose in carton, virtually complete issues, vast maj ority n,h., incl. Souvenir sheets, compl. sheets, etc., plus FDC s, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200-300 .. .... . . 1115


GOLD COAST: 1875 to 1941, coll. of over 110 ditT.on Specialty pages, o.g., few unused, high degree of completeness, incl. early perf 12½ and 14, Edward VII and George V compl. sets, 15sh Die II, etc., few small faults, fresh and generally fine to very fine. S.G. £2500+ ..... . . . ........... .. ....... . ....... . ....... . . . ... . .. . ........ . ...... (betw. 1 and 127) 4,575.00+



1840 Wmkd. Small Crown imperf lp black, pair and strip of 3, 2p blue, 2 vert. pairs each on small piece, large margins to ju st in, mixed co ndition .. .. . . . . .. . ........

.. .. . .. ... . .. .. .... . . . . . . ... ..... . . .. .... ... . . .... . ... . .. .. ... . ...............

. .... ........

. .. . ( 1,2) 2,600 .00+

1117 C8:I

lp, 4 copies, all with full margins, fine to very fine, caned. or tied on separa te folded letter shee t, one Pl. 2, T-L with doubl e letter, 3 caned. in red , I in black, also 2p, 2 copies, marg ins 3 sides , ju st in or touch ed other, tied on separa te folded letter sheet, mixed ........ . .. . .. .. ....... .. . ......... . . ( 1,2) conditi on, an interesting gro up. Est. Cas h Val. $250-300 ..........................................

1118 0

2p, 5 copies, each full to large margins and caned. in black, attractive shades, genera lly fine to very fine ..............


. .. . .. ... (2) 2,000.00


OC8:I 1841 lp red brown, accum. of about 1000 mostly unused copies, incl. an extensive range of covers, few strips and blks of 4,

I 120

08:l:8J2p blue, group of 18 stamps, com pr. single, pair, strip s of 3 and 4, 2 singles and pair eac h on separate folded letter sheet, blk of

partial plating of purportedly Pl. 58, cancellations incl. a few with No. in Maltese Cross, also group of stampless and stationery items, early 4p and Ip uniform post items, range of 1809 Penny Postage Jubilee stationery, misc. Foreign, mixed ... (3,etc.) condition, an interesting lot worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 .... .. . .... .. . .. .......................... 4 on envelope, margins to cut in, variety of destination s, mixed co ndition , an attrac tive gro upin g. Est. Cas h Val. $250-300 .. . (4)

OC8:I 1854 to 1869, Ip and 2p Stars and Plate No. accum. of several hundred on pages, mostly used, incl. 1858-69 2p Pl. 13

I 12 1

reconstruct ion missing only positions T-A and T-E, 1864 Ip Pl. 196 bLk of 10 part o.g ., few cove rs, mixed co ndition to very fine. .. . .. ... . .. . .... ........ ... .. . . .. . ...................................................... Est. Cash Val. $ 150-200 ...... .. ...........................

OC8:I Primarily 19th Century, accum. of a few hundred on pages, stock cards and loose in box, mostly used, 1847 l sh green on


folded letter sheet to New York, incl. couple lp Plate No. reconstructions (various plates), range of covers and stationery, few later surface printed, 1929 P.U.C. low values FDC, mixed condition to very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 ············································································································································· 19th and 20th Century

I 123 0

Stock of several thousand neatly arranged on stock pages in ring-binder, used, incl. several #l s and other early issues, later compl. or part sets, varying quantities throughout, mixed condition with later fine to very fine. 1992 catl. about $7,000 . . ..

1124 C8:I

Aecom. of over 60 items in acetate pockets in ring-binder, eclec tic array with used Mulready wrapper, envelope and front , stationery - illustrated PENNY POSTAGE - cards, WWll related items and Nation al Saving s Campaign , flights, co lonies, misc. . . ........ . .. . ..... . . .. .. . ................. fore ign, mixed condit ion, wort h inspection . Est. Cash Val. $200-300 ...... ....................



Coll. of several hundred on album pages in binder, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. a few ea rly issues , later compl. sets with dupl. , Souvenir sheets , mixed co ndition . Est. Cash Val. $ 150-200 .............................



. ..........

..... . .......


... ... ... .

To about 1978, coll. of many hundred in Specialty album, mostly used, later o.g. and used, many early issues and later compl. sets with dupl. throughout, back-of-book with Postage Due, Officials, Offices in Africa, etc., mixed . . ........ .............. condition though much very fine and useful. 1992 catl. $8,000+ .... . .. . . . ....... . ....................

1879 to 1960, group of about 60 stamp s on stoc k sheet s, n.h. to unu sed or used, incl. 1879 Perkin s Bacon essays , 1884 Ssh (3), lOsh (4), 1902-11 2sh6p (2), Ssh, lOsh, Seahorses 2sh6p, 1938-42 lOsh indi go (2), 1951 £1 (6), generally fine to ver y fine, .. .. ................ an eclectic groupin g perfect for mail sale. Est. Cas h Val. $750-1,000 .............................................




* 83 GRENADA: 1938 to 1950, group of 62 stamps on stock cards, n.h. to o.g., incl. excellent range of lOsh shades with S.G. #163d



HONG KONG: 1935 to 1982, coll. of about 300 ditf. on Specialty pages, l.h. or o.g., few used, incl. many co mpl. sets, wmk.



HUNGARY: 1871 to 1914, selection of over 90 on stock sheets, unused or used, incl. many co mpl. sets or better values, some . . . . ............................................... dupl. , genera lly fine to very fine . Est. Cash Val. $200-300 ................................

113 1


ICELAND AND GREENLAND: 20th Century, accum. of over 110 stamps on stock sheets, l.h. or o.g., some used, incl. compl. . ... . ..... . .. . 4,700.00+ sets or moderately better items, Airs, Officials, etc., clean and fine to very fine ......................................



INDIAN STATES: 19th Century, small accum. in stockbook, unused or used, co mpr . S amra, Jind, Jammu and Kashmir ,


ISRAEL: 1949 to 1952, group of 10 better items on stock sheet, l.h. or o.g ., incl. "T he Negev " 500(p), Petah Tikva , 1949 New


2 blks of 4, #163f blk of 4 and 6 singles, Perf 14 narrow frame 16 copies, fresh, generally very fine. (betw. S.G. 153 and 163f) vars., Postage Due, few n.h . Souven ir sheets, fresh and fine to very fine ....... . ........

.. ..................


(betw . 147 and 407, etc.) 1,400.00+

Kishanga rh, few used on small piece, vary ing qunatities , mixed co ndition . Es t. Cas h Val. $200-400 ..........

. .. . .. .... ..........

... .

Year, U.P.U. , 3rd Maccabia h, tab copies, etc. , ge nerally fine to very fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,450.00 +


** IHI1950 and 1952 Coins Sp to 4Sp, compl. set of 6, tete-beche and gutter sheets of 90, n.h. , very fine. 1992 Bale $200


(39a-42a , 56a,59a) 1135

**IBI1951 to 1977, accum. of over 200 complete sheets with tabs in 5 folders in box, n.h ., good


* 0181Accum. of hundreds of stamps and covers in containers in carton, inc l. mint comp !. sets, Souvenir sheets, some tab s, bookl ets,

range of issues in comp!. sets, few slightly better , gutters and Souve nir sheets, fres h and fine to very fine . Est. Cas h Val. $200-400 ... . . ... . . ......... .. . ... ... . . . ..... . . many FDCs , stationery and small ring-bind er of cacheted autogra phed cove rs, genera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200-300


**IBI ITALY AND AREA: 20th Century, accum. of several hundred in glassines in shoe box, n.h., mostly

I 960s and 70s, co mpr. Ita ly, San Marino and Vatica n City, inc l. many comp!. sets, blk s o f 4 or larger, some Airs, etc., mod era te quantitie s to one of an item , fine to very fine. Est. Ca sh Val. $200-300 ..... . . . .. . .... . .. ......... ... . . .. . ...... . ......... ....... . .... . ........... .. . .. . .. .. . ........... .....




*O 1140 0





JAMAICA: 1860 to 1937, coll. of over 115 diff. on Specialty pages, l.h. or o.g., incl. better items and virtually complete from 1885, also Semis, War Tax with 2 ovpt. invtd., Officials, fresh and generally fine to very fine. S.G. £2250+ ... .. ......... . ..... . ... . .. . ... . . ... . . .. .. . . . .. . .. .. ..... . . . . .. . ... .. . . ... . .. ............... . ... . . . . (betw. 2 and 115, etc.) 3,550.00+ JAPAN: 1871 to 1892, accum. of over 400 on stock sheets, mostly used, some unused, good representation of these early issues with a variety of cancels, papers, Syllabic characters, large and small perfs, shades, reference items, etc., mixed condition though some very fine, worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $500-1,000 ...... . .............. . . . . ... .. ......... . .. .............. . .. .. .... . KOREA: 1957 Christmas and New Year set compl., 2000 sets, used, fine . .. ... ... . .. ...... . .... . .... ...........

(265-67) 6,000.00

LEEWARD ISLANDS: 1890 to 1951, coll. of about 100 almost all diff. on Speciality pages, l.h. or o.g., nearly complete issues incl. Edward VU to Ssh and George VI £1 vars., fresh and fine to very fine. S.G. £1450+ .. .. .... . .. . . .. . (betw. 1 and 115c) 2,150.00+ 1921 to 1954, group of 28 stam ps, n.h. to o.g., one used, incl. 1921-32 l0sh, 1938-51 IOsh with head Haw 21a, good range of £1 shades with S.G. #114a (5), 114b (3), 114c (7), other with minor vars., fresh, generally very fine. (betw. S.G. 79 and 147)



*OIBI 19th and 20th Century to about


**IBI 20th Century, small accum. on stock sheets, glassines, etc., in box, vas t majority



1928, coll. and accum. of many hundred on stock sheets, etc., in box, n.h. to unused or used, good range of issues incl. numerals with diff. spacings, various surchd. incl. vars., blks of 4 and larger multiples, postally used, many Officials, Postage Due, few cut squares, etc., mixed condition as would be expected, much very fine and useful. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 ....... . ......... ....................................... . ....... ....... . . . . ....... .. . ...... .. . .............. ... . . . .. . . ....... .. . n.h. , incl. 1952 Ashmun , with Airs , imperf plate pro ofs of frames , sheets of 20 , also the Souvenir sheet and addition al with ornate bord ers in diff. co lors , many other Souvenir sheets incl. Stamp Centenary perf and imperf, trial co lors, others imperf, misc. cove rs, etc., genera lly fine to very fine . Est. Ca sh Val. $300-500 ............ . . ...... ... .. .............................................. .. ... . . ................... . ... .......... . . . ... ... ....... ...... .... ... .

Accum. of many hundred on stock pages, o.g . to unused or used , wide range of issues in vary ing quantiti es , incl. so me mod ern issues, n.h., few Souvenir sheets , many Offici als and quantitie s of #157 -59 , mixed co ndition with so me very fine . Also variou s literatur e of Liberia philat e ly, news letters, platin gs and other spec ialized works, all in small carto n. Est. Ca sh Val. $300-500 ..... .

I I46 DP I I 47


Group of 12 Die Proofs die sunk on card, incl. Air Post 1948 Plane in Flight in issued co lors, ano ther with black fram e and center drawn in ink , Ashmun proof s without vignette, etc ., genera lly fine to very fine . Est. Cas h Val. $ 150 ...... ..... . .......... . ... . ..... . 1916 3c on· 6c violet, 80 copies, ungumm ed, mixed co ndition to very fine. DM6800 . ... ... ... ....... . . .. .... . . . .. . . .. . ... ......

( 157) 2,800.00

I 148

Similar lot

1149 PP

1949 Ashmun Issue incl. Air Post, group of 33 items on pages, compr. vert. pairs with large gutter between, progres sive trial co lors, issued co lors, part Imprint , with and without value , etc. , fine to very fine. Est. Ca sh Val. $ 150 ...... .. . ... (309- l 2,C63,64)

1150 SIBJ

Air Post; 1947 to 1952, group of 4 Souvenir sheets, n.h. or l.h., co mpr. 1947 Centenary imper f and perf sheets ovptd. SPECIMEN , 1950 UPU shee t ovptd. UPU JUBIL EE SPECIMEN and 1952 Ashmun sheet, very fine . Est. Cash Val. $ I 00-150 (C56a var.,C67a var.,C69a)

1151 * O


1153 * O 1154


LUXEMBOURG: 1852 to 1930, coll. of a few hundred on page s, unused or used, good range of 19th cent. incl. 1852 I sgr, 1859 I c, 4c, 40c, 1865 30c and 40c, etc., mixed condition ................................................................ . .... . .... .. .... .. ..... 3.500.00


MALAYSIA: 19th and 20th Century to 1957, coll. of over 1100 diff. in Specialty album , mostly l.h. or o.g., scatte r ed unu sed or used, comprehensive range of states, expecially FMS, Johore , Kedah, Perak, Selangor, Sungei Ujong, mostly compl. sets or better values, few ovptd SPECIMEN, some small faults as would be expected but overall fresh and fine to very fine, an attractive collection with many sca rc e stam ps. S.G. £12,250 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,700.00 MARTINIQUE: 1886 to 1937, slightly duplic a ted selection on page s, unused and used, many better values, incl. 1886 and 1892 surchd., etc., mixed condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,435.00 NAURU: 1916 to 1947, coll. of about 50 diff. on page s, l.h. or o.g., incl. 2p orange Die II, ovpt. centered , short "N" in "NAU RU ", Freighter set, etc ., fine to very fine. S.G. £575 . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


1155 * O

NETHERLANDS: 20th Century , accum. of over 125 sta mp s on stock page s, l.h., o.g. or used, incl. moderately better items or comp!. sets with 1869-7 1 I c black o.g., 1946 Wilhelmina, many Semis, generally fine to very fine ... .. .... ... ............... . .... ... 2,000.00+

1156 * O

NEVIS: 1861 to 1890, coll. of 25 sta mps on page s, o.g. to unu sed, 2 used , incl. early engraved and lithographed , wmkd. better items and 2 ovptd. REVENUE, few small faults as would be expected, generally fine to very fine. S.G. £1675+ (betw. 5 and 31, etc.) 2,750.00+

1157 * OIBlNEWFOUNDLAND: 19th and 20th Century , sma ll wholesale stock of hundred s, o.g. and used, incl. some part sheets, blks, quant ities in numbered glassines, etc., nothing terribly exciting, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 ......... . .. . .. . ..... . .. .. . 1158 * O



I 160


1161 S 1162

I I 63

* *O

NEW ZEALAND: 19th and 20th Centur y to 1986, coll. of man y hundr ed diff. on page s in ring-binder, n.h. to o.g., used dupl. , many compl. sets, Semis , Airs and back-of -book with better Official s, also blks of 4, bookl ets, Souvenir sheet s, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $600-800 .... .. . ..... . ............... . .......... . ..................... . . .. . .. . ........ . ....... . . . . . ... ... . 1936 to 1990, coll. of several hundred neatly arranged on stock sheets, o.g., issues mostly compl. with a second set of many , incl. a few gutter pair s, paper and perf vars., Semis, some Official s and Life Insurance, clean and generally fine to very fine (betw. 218 and 900+, etc.) about 5,500.00 NORWAY: 1857 to 1976, coll. of severa l hundred on pages , o.g. or used, incl. useful 19th cent., later comp!. sets, Semis, back-of-book, mixed condition ... . . . .. . .... .. ... . ............ . .......... . . . .. . . . .. ... ................ . ...... .. .. ... ..... ........ . .............. 2,750.00 NYASALAND: 1908 to 1930, group of 9 diff. ovptd. or perfed SPECIMEN, l.h. or o.g., compr. Edward VII 2sh6p to £ 1, Script George V 2sh to I 0sh, fresh, generally very fine. Est. Cash Val. $ 150-200 ........................................ .. . . ... ........... . . .. . . 1908 to 1964, coll. of 160 sta mp s on stock cards, n.h. to o.g., incl. 1908 2sh6p (5), 1913-18 £1, 1921-30 set, 2sh break in scroll var., lOsh (3), 1938-44 2 sets, Ssh (3), l0sh (4), later compl. sets, Postage Due , vars., shades and gums, fre sh and generally very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-600 ........... . .. .. ... . .. . ..... . .................. . ............. .. . .. .. . .. . ........ (betw. S.G. 78 and DS)

RHODESIA: 1965 to 1971, small coll. on page s, o.g. or unused, incl. 1965 sets, Mardon Printing, Dual Currency, etc., fresh and mostly fine to very fine . .... . ......... . . ................ . ............................................. . .............. . . .. . ... ... . ...... .. ... . .. 1,048.00

1164 * O




RUSSIA: Primarily 20th Century , coll. of man y hundred diff. on pages and stoc k sheets in box , o.g. or used, some lat er n.h., wide range of issues with man y compl. sets, Airs , Souvenir sheets , back-of-book incl. Offices, cancels and Ru ssian areas , some dupl. , generally fine to very fine. Worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $2,000-3,000 ..... .

20th Century, accum. of severa l hundred diff. in glassines in box, n.h., mostly 1960s and 70s, few earlier, incl. many comp!. sets, Souvenir sheets, some imperfs, minor dupl. , fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $250-350 . .. . .. . . ... .. .................... . . ... . ... . ...... .

1166 ** IBlRYUKYU ISLANDS: 1965-66 Turtle s 3c, 2 diff , a couple hundred sheets of 25, n.h., curling, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $ 150-200 ... . ....... . .......... . ..... .. .... . . ................. .... . ....... . .. . ............ . .. . ........ . ........ . .. . ... . .. . ...... (36,37) I 167


ST. CHRISTO PHER: 1870 to 1890, coll. of 28 stamps and 2 compl. sheets of 20 on album page s, mostly o.g., 5 used , incl. better items with values to Ssh, surchd ., bisect s and severed pair , fine to very fine and attractive group (betw. 1 and 22, etc.) 2,460.00


Coll. of 20 stamps on Specialty album pages, mostly o.g., 2 used, incl. better items and 3 bisects, fresh and generally fine to very fine. S.G. £980 .. .. .... . ... .. ...................... . ... .. . .. .. .. . ..... . . . . .. ....... . ...... . .. .. .... . .. . ...... . . .. . .... (betw. 1 and 22) 1,800.00+ ST. KITTS-NEVIS: 1920-22 MCA George V 2sh6p, Ssh, lOsh, top sheet margin corner strips of 5, stamp s n.h., fold at perfs 1169 ** between second and third stamps, very fine. S.G. 33-35 .... . .. . .. .. .. . . ......... . . .. ................ . . .. . .. ... ..... .. ............... (33-35) 450.00+ 1170 * O ST. LUCIA: 1860 to 1885, coll. of 24 stamps on Specialty album pages, o.g. to unused or used, incl. values to lsh, shades, surchd., various wmks., attractive group with some very fine copies .. . . ..... . .. . .. .. . . .. ... ..... .. ........ .. .. ... (betw. 1 and 25) 2,560.00 1111 * O ST. VINCENT: 1862 to 1878, coll. of 32 stamps on Specialty album pages, mostly used, values to lsh , incl. unwmkd., wmkd. and various perfs, few shades, generally neatly caned., overall fine to very fine with a few exceptional copies. S.G. £2825+ (betw. 2 and 23) 4,300.00 1l72* 1Bl SAUDI ARABIA: Coll. of over 50 items, o.g., incl. 1925 ½pi red invtd. ovpt., pair, 1925 blue ovpt. on 3pi dark green imperf blk of 35 ( IO stamps without ovpt.), various imperf between, other ovpt. vars., fine to very fine and interesting group. Est. Cash Val. $200-300 ........... . .......... . ....... ... ........ . . .... ........... ........ .. . .. .. . .. .. . . · · ··· ...... ... . . ....... ... . ... . .. . . . ...... ····· ·· ··· .. ... .. . . 1173 * O SEYCHELLES: 1890 to 1953, coll. of over 175 mostly diff. on pages, o.g. or used, incl. Victoria, George V Dies I and II, surchd., Edward VII and later comp!. sets, genera lly fine to very fine .. . .. .... . .... .. .. ............ ... ....... . ........ ... (betw . I and 172, J 1-8) 1,600.00+ 1890 to 1935, coll. of over 115 diff. on Specialty pages, 1.h. or o.g ., issues very nearly comp lete, Dies I and II, surchd., etc., fresh 1174 * and fine to very fine. S.G. £725+ .. . ...... .... .... .. ....... .. . .. .. .. .... ... ..... .. .. .. .. . . . ... .. . . .. .. . . .. . ... . . . .. ... . .. (betw. I and 12 1) 1,450.00+ 1175 * O 1891 to 1941, coll. of a few hundred, o.g. or used, incl. many compl. sets with 1890 issue, 1893 and 190 I surchd., Edward VIl sets, later virtually comp!., fine to very fine ............................... . ... .. . . . . . ...... . . . . . . .. ... . . . ...... . . . .. . .. . . . ... . .. .. . ..... . ... 1,700.00+ 1176 ** EE SHARJAH: Air Post; 1964 Kennedy Memorial set compl., 7 sets incl. bottom right corner blks of 4, n.h., fine to very fine. S.G. £210 ... . .. . .................... ... . . . . ... . .. . . . .... . ... . ...... . ..... .. ... .. .. . .... . .... . .. .. ...... . . .. .. .. .. . .. ... . . . ... . .. . .. .... (C7- 12) 280.00 1177 * O SIERRA LEONE: 1859 to 1956, coll. of over 175 almost all diff. on pages, o.g . or used, incl. compl. or part sets, a few moderately better items, fine to very fine. 1992 catl. value $ 1000+ ......................... . . . . . . .. . .... ...... .. . . . . . ... .. .. . . . . . ....... ... . . ....... . . . SINGAPORE: 1948 to 1963, coll. of 64 diff. on Specialty pages, 1.h. or o.g. , issues almost co mplete, genera lly fine to very fine. 1178 * S.G. £430+ .... . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. ..... . ...... . ...... . .. .. .. . . .. ....... ... ........... ..................... . .......... . . ...... .. . .. . . (betw. I and 69) 425.00 1179 * O SOLOMON ISLANDS: 1907 War Canoe ½p to lsh compl., compr. 4 to 8 copies each, generally mint, few used, condition and centering varies, fresh and generally fine group ..................................................... .. ....................... (1-7) 3,067.00 1907 to 1951, coll. of 69 diff. on Specialty pages, l.h. or o.g., comp lete excep t George V £ I, genera lly fine to very fine. S.G. £800 1180 * ( 1-40,43-78) 1,640.00 SOUTH AFRICA: 1910 to 1939, coll. of over 125 diff. on Specialty pages, l.h. or o.g., incl. George V to lOsh, later compl. 118 1 * sets and bi-lingual pairs, Silver Jubilee blks of 4, Semis, Airs, Postage Due and Officials, mostly fine to very fine and attractive. S.G. £2000 .. ..... .. .. .. ..... ...... .................. ... .. .. .................. .. .. .. .... ................. (betw. 1 and 78a, etc.) 2,600.00+ 1182 * O SPAIN: 1865 to 1905, group of over 60 better items, unused or used, incl. 1868 25m, 1870 25m gray blue, 19c yellow green, 1875 20c brown orange, 1905 Don Quixote Ip, all o.g., etc., fresh and genera lly fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-500 ....... .. .............. .. .. . SUDAN: 1897 to 1940, coll. of 125 diff. on Specialty pages, l.h. or o.g., virtually complete issues incl. Gordon set, Airs, Postage 1183 * Due, Army Officials and Officials, fresh and fine to very fine. S.G. £800+ .. . . ... .... .. ....... ..... .... .. ......... .. ( 1-59,C 1-30,etc.) 950.00+ 1184 * O SWEDEN: 1858 to 1975, coll. of a few hundred on pages, o.g. or used, many better values or compl. sets, incl. 1858 240, 500, 1872 I rd, 1889 I0o on 240, Semis, Postage Due, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $350 .. .......... ..... ..... .. ............... .. 1185 * O SWITZERLAND : 19th and 20th Century, small coll. on album pages, mostly used, some o.g., incl. Sitting Helvetia, few imperf, later perf vars., Semis, some back-of- book with Postage Due, Officials, etc. , slight dupl., mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $200-250 TANGANYIKA: 1921 to 1931, coll. of 43 diff. on Specialty pages, l.h. or o.g., almost complete issues, incl. Giraffe and George 1186 * V to £ 1, fine to very fine. S.G. £500 .... . ......... ......................... ........ .. . .. . .. . .. .... .. . .. ............... (betw. I and 44, etc.) 850.00 1187 * O TURKEY: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of several hundred in stockbook, o.g . or used, incl. usefu l First Issues, later ranges, Dues, Red Cross, etc., genera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200-300 .... .... .................................... .. ...................... . 1188 * O EETUVALU: Accum. of hundreds in stockbook, incl. #1-15, o.g. or used, subsequent issues mostly n.h., with gutter pairs, blks, etc., fresh and genera lly very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-500 .. . .. .. ......... . .. .... .... . ............................ . .... . .. .... ......... .... .. .. 1168 * O



UNITED NATIONS: Accum. of thousands of stamps and many hundred covers and stationery in various containers and loose *():g:i sa le, cac heted FDCs , many pencil addresse d, Souvenir ca rds, etc., clea n in 2 cartons, many n.h., co mpl. sets, some in books for retail

..... .....................

and ge nerally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200-400 ....................

. ...... . .........

. . ... . . .... . .. . . . .. .



1960 Fifteenth Anniversary Souvenir sheet of two, 700 copies, 1967 Chagall Souvenir sheet of six, 75 copies, n.h., very fine.

119 1


UPPER SENEGAL AND NIGER, UPPER VOLTA: 1906 to 1928, stock of many hundred neatly arranged on stock sheets in ring-binder, n.h. to o.g., incl. co mpl. or part sets, Postage Due, surchd ., etc., so me slight ly better, vary ing qu antities, mixed

(85, 179) 3,556.2 5

cond ition. Cati. over $7000 .........

... . .. . .... . ... . . . .... . . .. .. ..........

. . .. .... . . .. .... . .. . . . .. . ... . ....... . . .. .. . . . .. . .. .... ................






1929 to 1981, coll. of a few hundred diff. on album pages in ring-binder, muc h n.h., balance o.g . or used, mostly mod ern era

incl. co mpl. sets, Souvenir sheets, misc. back-of-boo k, genera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $250-350 . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .... . 1929 to 1953, group of about 50 stamps on stock sheets, l.h. or o.g ., comp l. sets incl. I 935 Juridi ca l Congress, Semis and Airs with Archange l, U.P.U., Grati anu s, etc., fine to very fine . .. . ... . .. . . ... ...... . .......... . .. . . .. . . ......... . ........ . .. . . . . .... . ..... . . . ...... 1,375 .00+

1194 ** IBIAccum. of many hundred stamps in compl. or part sheets in large sheet album, vast maj ority n.h., wide range of issues though mostly modern era, some co mpl. sets, se-tenant , etc., fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $200-300 .......... . . .. . ... . . . . . ..... . . .. . .. ... . Coll. of a few hundred items in 2 cover binders in box, incl. cac heted, unaddresse d FDCs , Spec ial Events, compl. sets, unused I I 95 C8I stationery, Max imum car ds, etc., some moderately better items, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-500 ...... . .. ... .. .. . . . .. . .... .


Printed in U.S.A. by Cosmos Communications (Mailed April 9, 1993)

ATTENTION OUT OF STATE AND FOREIGN DEALERS New York State Tax Regulations Out of State and Foreign dealers must have a New York "Out of State Resale Permit" ("O.S.R.") in order to avoid sales tax on over the counter deliveries. Forms are available from Harmers. It is valid for only two years and must be renewed or Harmers must collect New York Sales Tax. New York/New Jersey Cooperative Interstate Tax Enforcement We collect New Jersey Use Tax of 6%, unless you have a New Jersey Resale Certificate or a current New York State "Out of State Resale Permit". PLEASE REMEMBER-HARMER$ DOES NOT CHARGE SALES TAXWE ONLY COLLECT IT.


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375 105 850 170 150



8 9

50 55 120 40 220

4 5

10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 22 26 26A 27 29 32 33 34 35 35A 36 40 41 42 44 45 46 47 49 50 51 52 53 55

56 57

58 59 61

62 63 64 66


68 69 71 72 74 75 76 77 78 79

00 81 82 83 85 86

200 100

200 230 85 225 190 100 80 145 55 190 130 140 105 95 120 40 105 120

90 65 140 50 230 180 55 80 90 170 140 70 270 95 80 160 180

60 150 150 425 150 85 70 210 180 375 120 120 325 170 150 100 40 75 160


89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 . 103 104 105 106 107 110 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 121 122 124 125 126 128 129 130 131 132 135 136 137 138 143 144 145 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 159 160 161 163 164 165 166 168 169 171 173 174

TOTAL $427 ,746 .00



300 70 65 325 190 105 160 65 350 160 150 65 550 2600 160 4:i 45 120 85 325 150 1150 550 140 170 25 100 525 160 110 250 I 15 70

60 70 65 190 150 400 950 375 375 95 65 105 70 400 60

65 105 170 160 150 210 70 35

00 45 65 250 50 35 50 40 105 130 45

175 176 1n 178 182 185 186 187 188 189 191 193 193A 194

150 170 300 65 35 100 100 65 45 65 55 65 45 105

End of li terohJre

202 204 205 206

170 300 290 210 206A 290 207 160 208 145 209 130 210 150 210A 325 21 I 210 211A 120 212 135 213 625 213A 260 214 250 2148 230 217 725 220 675 221 475 222 325 223 260 224 675 225 100 226 450 227 300 228 230 229 190 230 625 231 400 232 240 234 90 235 425 236 80 239 750 240 525 241 600 242A 220 243 105

246 140 247 125 250 65 251 400 253 220 254 700 255 55 256 200 257 190 2598 180 260 375 262 800 263A 425 264 1250 269 270 271 190 272 80 273 300 274 270 275 210 276 75 2n 475 281 160 282 90 283 90 284 250 285 725 289 105 291 280 293 85 295 300 297 220 297A 675 2978 270 298 650 298A 350 2988 375 301 200 302 160 303 130 305 210 306 120 307 140 308 100 309 170 311 270 312 180 3 13 290 315 250 316 180 317 210 318 95 321 950 322 220 323 130 325 115 326 850 327 400 327A 260 328 3000 329 425 330 350 331 1600 332 2200 333 425 334 350 335 100

336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343

344 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 356 358 359 360 361 363 364 366 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376

3n 378 379 381 382 384 385 386 387 390 391 393 394 395 396 397 401 402 403

404 405

406 407 408 409 410 411 412 416 418 423 424 425

160 170 160 240 190 80 160 210 425 550 220 270 240 300 2700 90 160 120 160 240 375 140 135 120 180 300 210 120 115 95 575 180 180 300 140 220 280 145 125 170 125 65 200 90 425 280 lO!i 260 325 160 240 220 130 80 200 130 575 260 170 70 150 300 400 70 170 250 450

426 427 428 429 430 431 433 434 435 436 437 438 439

3000 500



625 230 525

500 1300 525 575 160 1300 425 525

441 442 443 444 445

850 270 4000 3000 950 446 3750 447 750 448 550 451 160 452 2900 454 425 456 1000 465 1100 465A 575 466 290 467 250 468 135 469 600 472 550 473 400 474 550 475 190 478 1050 480 1050 481 575 482 1050 483 550 484 900 485 1000 486 240 488 600 489 800 490 1000 491 170 492 850 493 140 494 1000 495 1200 497 2300 498 5250 499 300



504 505 506 507 508 509 511 512 513 514 515

300 180 400 200 145 240 1050 1150 90 290 160

516 518 520 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529

530 531 533

534 535 537

300 230 450 270 190 425 425 325 150 170 250 400 145 95 75 700 1250



539 540 541 542


60 290 190 90 70 105 220 200




160 125 75 140 170 650 190 100 70 65 180 1250 120 140 180 100 170 300 850 600 1000 5250 210 100 120 110 375 450 400 600 350 425 105 2.iO

543 544 545

549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559

560 561 563 564 565 570 571 572 574 576

5n 578 579 580

581 582 583 584 585

586 587 589 591 592 593 596 597 598

oO 170 2 10 400

2?0 21Xl

599 601 602 603 604 605 606 608 6 10 611 613 614 615 618 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 632 633 634 635 636 639

640 641 643 644 646 647 649 65:) 654 656 658 660 661 662 663

664 666 668 669 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 600 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688

es:> 160 35:) 145 145 220 290 375 1000 170 130 425 230 110 280 325 230 180 145 200 160 145 325 260 325 135 135 125 130 750 250 125 1200 650 100 180 300 260 130 160 850 425 210 525 475 220 80 200 375 200

300 170 135 230

300 400 260 95 190 375 300 450 120 200 550 1050 475

690 691 692 693 694 695 696 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 723 724 725 726 727 728 731 732 733 734 736 737 738 739 740 743 744 745 746 747 748 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766

160 325 425 375 45:) 325 200 70 210 100 1350 300 900 800 325 1000 475 160 210 220 125 325 375 300 200 210 210 200 425 95 240 170 7000 125 160 450 190 100 325 425 125 90 100 160 1000 2700 300 100 325 1800 450 55

s:> 100 40 110 15:) 135 115 210 160 Is:)

2600 140 170 230 170

767 130 768 160 769 425 770 140 771 170 773 400 774 260 775 220 776 160 778 280 779 240 781 140 782 180 784 95 786 105 787 200 788 60 789 525 790 1800 791 800 793 525 794 2100 796 105 797 260 798 425 799 105 800 125 801 100 802 170 803 190 804 750 805 135 806 200 808 400 809 120 810 120 811 375 812 350 813 270 814 95 815 4000 816 5000 817 800 819 575 820 1700 821 475 822 1600 823 2600 824 900 825 450 826 850 827 400 828 150 829 425 831 160 832 180 833 375 834 180 835 525 836 425 837 90 838 2300 839 250 840 160 843 140 844 200 845 60

846 847 849 851 852 854 855 857 858

860 861 862 863 865 867 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 882 884 886 887 888 890 892 893 894 895 896 897 900 904 905 906 907 908 910 911 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 923 924 929 931 932 933 935 937 938 939 941 942 944 945

948 25:) 115 949 2()(1 951 145 952 95 954 95 955 180 956 135 957 135 958 959 210 960 425 120 961 170 962 300 963 190 965 190 966 160 967 973 260 976 260 977 475 115 979 95 980 1800 981 982 170 180 985 986 300 110 988 95 990 525 992 135 993 994 375:> 995 525 996 850 997 1700 998 850 450 999 1000 700 1001 525

90 120 525 270 160 280 115 130 200 125 170 220 105 95 325 105 85:) 475 240 65 130 180 100 180 115 105 105 95 115 85 90 125 160 260 45:) 55 00 160 170 95 25:> 105 120 145 90

90 80

00 210 170

800 105 55 85

400 250 375 325 325 500 575 120 115 85 15:> 325 240

1002 900 1003 220 1004 425 1005 700 1006 400 1007 375 1008 110 1009 240 1010 375 1011 105 1012 1800 85 1013 1014 2100 1050 1015 1016 700 1017 650 1018 400 1019 475 1020 425 1021 210 1022 325 1023 650 1024 800 1025 525 1026 525 1027 95 1028 325 1029 650 1030 3400

1031 2000 1032 105:) 1033 850 1034 180 1035 1600 1036 800 1037 190 1038 1900 1039 45:)Q 1040 650 1041 55:> 1042 450 1044 1300 1045 2300 1046 375 1047 1000 1048 15:) 1049 1900 1050 200 1051 375 1052 1500 1053 2600 1054 350 1057 900 1058 800 1059 400 1060 130 1061 150 1062 700 1063 450 1064 120 1065 210 1066 220 1069 200 1070 160 1071 375 1072 1600 1073 800 1074 1600 1075 55:> 1076 500 1078 900 1081 130 1082 650 1083 240 1085 425 1086 45:) 1087 70 1088 850 1089 475 1090 230 1091 140 1092 325 1093 280 1094 450 1096 90 1097 400 1098 950 1099 3000 1100 950 1101 200 1103 290 1104 300 1105 75:) 1106 350 1107 3500 1109 120

SEASON'S TOTAL TO DATE : $2,391,401.00 (including 10% on the hammer price payable by the buyer)



1110 800 1111 130 1112 425 1113 800 1114 130 1116 300 1117 550 1118 400 1119 1000 1120 210 1121 290 1122 675 1123 325 1124 190 1125 145 1126 650 1127 600 1128 220 1129 400 1130 170 1131 850 1132 300 1133 210 1135 130 1136 325 1137 180 1139 1600 1140 425 1141 525 1142 400 1143 675 1144 210 1145 425 1146 130 1147 350 1148 325 1149 90 1151 220 1153 180 1155 450 1157 325 1158 675 1159 575 1160 290 1161 110 1163 130 1164 1700 1165 200 1166 120 1171 700 1172 260 1173 350 1175 230 1176 60 1179 400 1182 290 1183 250 1186 230 1187 200 1188 280 1189 280 1190 210 1191 475 1192 325 1193 575 1194 270

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