Sale 2889 - British Commonwealth and Foreign Stamps and Covers

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Linn's Stamp News 911 Vandermark Rd. Sidney, OH 45365



SYMBOLS b. On piece . IBl Block larger than four . PP Plate Proof.

0 Used . EE Block of four . DP Die Proof.

Never hinged . Unused . TC Trial Color .




9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Until July 2

On cover . Specimen .


Independence Day

SUMMER HOURS 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. July 6 thru Sept. 3



Straight Edge ; s .l. = Straight -line ; c .d .s . = Circular Date Stamp . c .t.o . = Cancelled to Order ; F.D.C . = First Day Cover

CONDITION The various gradings of stamps are , in order : superb ; extremely fine ; very fine ; fine ; fair A lot described as "fair " is so listed either by reason of general appearance or more often because of a small fault or laults , such as a crease, thin spot , short or missing pert , perforated into , cut into , etc . In the case of sets , large blocks , sheets, etc ., the condition quoted represents the average and quality above and below this standard can be expected . Mixed condition: In large lots , the condition Serious defects can be expected . Handstamp

on reverse : Denotes

is generally

either a dealer , collector


to range from fair to at best fine .

or indecipherable

expertiser 's mark .

Signed by : Denotes either the actual signature or mark of the expertise, . The absence signature does not reflect on the ability or knowledge of the party involved .


of mentioning


You may Fax bids up to 1 hour before

0 .G.


PART O .G. Shaded portion can represent an actual hinge or the area disturbed by a hinge . = Never hinged unused with original gum in Post Office state and unmounted . n .h . l.h . = Lightly hinged unused with full original gum showing some evidence of a previous hinge which may be present in part or entirely removed . o .g . = Original gum - unused with original gum somewhat disturbed by previous hinging which may still be present. = Part original gum - unused with original gum , large hinge remnants may or may not be part o .g. present. disturbed o .g . = Disturbed original gum - unused with original gum , affected by sweating , glazing or mount disturbance ; may not resemble the original gum . unused = Unused without gum (unless gum is mentioned) ungummed = Unused without gum, as issued .

BLOCKS OR SHEETS AND THEIR GUM : Minor separations are the case of blocks or sheets of any size . A few separations-around value of a block or sheet and are not grounds for the return of a Blocks of four that have two stamps o .g . and two stamps n.h. are PAIRS : All pairs

are horizontal,



rule , rather than the exception , in the four perts per row-do not affect the lot. described "n .h.(2) / o .g .(2)" .

mentioned .

CATALOGUE NUMBERS : The catalogue numbers of the contents of the lots are given in parentheses immediately following the descriptions , but in bulky lots only the range of issue is shown. CATALOGUE VALUES : The final column shows the catalogue value of the lot. This is shown parentheses where, in the opinion of the auctioneers , the market value exceeds this figure . ESTIMATED VALUES : If an indicated by the abbreviations value has little relation to the value of a lot and the figure list any bids that are only a

in writing .

1. 2. 3. 4.

sale commences-be

sure to use (212) 447 -5625 .

POSTAL VIEWING BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS Lots of not more than 10 items . To U.S. clients only . Viewer must pay postage and insurance both ways and return lots within 24 hours of receipt. References required from bidders unknown to us . VALUATIONS OF LOTS Valuations

of all lots are available

in receipt

of stamped , self-addressed

envelope .

IN THE MAILING ENVELOPE You will find the bid form and Prices Realized for March 23 , 1993 United States , and British Commonwealth & Foreign .

GUM DESCRIPTION Recognizing that there are occasional differences of opinion concerning gum nomenclature by various expert committees , for example , a stamp described as o .g . being certified as large part o .g . or even part o.g ., this minor classification discrepancy alone Is not sufficient grounds for return .



estimated cash value is given, it is shown in the description and always "Est. Cash Val. " It is used where the lot is large or where the actual catalogue price . It represents the auctioneer 's appraisal of the true MARKET is invariably close to the actual realization . It is useless for mail bidders to low proportion of such estimates .

CATALOGUES USED IN LISTING : Scott Vol. 1-4 & U.S . Specialized Stanley Gibbons British Commonwealth Stanle y Gibbons Great Britain Specialized (1992) Michel Germany Michel Europe and others as noted in the descriptions

BIDS BY TELEPHONE Please co mply with the following : (a) Not more than 20 bids can be accepted and mu st be confirmed (b) Any errors are the responsibility of the bidder . (c) No bids accepted later than 1/ 2 hour before sale .


â–Ą FJPJ[J] N.H.

BIDDING LEVELS Up to$ 150 $ 5 $150-$ 300 $10 $300 - $ 700 $25 $700 - $1 ,500 $50 Over $1 ,500 approximately 5% Bids which do not conform to the above will be automatically reduced to the correct level .

(1988) 1993 92 92 -93

Minor faults including , but not limited to , file folds not affecting stamps , small tears and some back flap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this cata logue .

TO OUR CLIENTS Harmers continues to use the 1988 Scott catalogues in the production of its auction catalogues as we feel they more realistically reflect market conditions . We will continue to use foreign catalogues in specific areas as supplementa ry information .

IMPORTANT Remember, NO lots may be returned with back stamps stating Fake , Falsch, or similar markings . Recently there has been a spate of German expertisers marking the backs of stamps . It is your responsibility as the purchaser not to let this happen .

SALE 2889

BRITISH COMMONWEALTH and FOREIGN Featuring po rtions of the Adm iral Snow Collec tion , P.J . Forresta l Collection , and the properti es of 13 other vendor s

Thursday, July 15, 1993 MORNING SESSION at 11 :30 a.m.



EXHIBITIONOF LOTS Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , July 12, 13, 14, 1993 from 9:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. or by Appointment EXHIBITION ROOM CLOSED 1:00 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. EACH DAY ON SALE DAYS LOTS GO OFF EXHIBITION HALF HOUR BEFORE EACH SESSION

To be sold at Auction by

H. R. HARMER INC. 14 EAST 33rd STREET , NEW YORK, NY 10016 Telephone : (212) 532-3700 Fax : (212) 447-5625 Keith A. Harmer , Jack LaCalamito - Licensed Auctioneers License #'s 672829 , 7808 70

On all lots sold a commission of 10% on the hammer price will be payable by the buyer.


July 15, 1993

Morning Session at 11:30 A.M.



* *



ANTIGUA: 1873-79 Crown CC perf 14 4p blue , o.g., fine. S.G. 20 .... . ............ . ...... . ................................ (Photo) ( 10) 1921-29 Mutt. Crown CA £1 violet & black on red, l.h., superb. S.G. 61 .. . ... . . . .. . .... . . . .. . . .. . ... .. ........ . ..... .... .. . (Photo ) (64) £1, o.g., extremely fine . . ......... . .............. ... .... (Photo) (64) £1, o.g., very fine ........................................ (Photo ) (64) ASCENSION : 1922 ½p to 3sh , com pl. set, l.h., very fine (Photo) ( 1-9) 1924-27 Seal of the Colony set compl. , l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine

* * *

4 5 6


450.00 450.00 450.00 519 .00

( 10-2 1)


2sh brown, l.h., brilliant fresh , extremely fine. S.G. 12 (Photo) (11) lOsh pink & gray, o.g., very fine. S.G. 14, £600 ... (Photo) ( 13)


AUSTRALIA 1913 Wmkd. Wide Crown and Wide A

* -8 * 7









* * 15 * -

* 18 * 19 * 20 * 21 * 22 * 17

(Photo) ( 14) 2,500.00

£2 deep rose & black, unused, corner perf creases, rich color, very fine appearance. S.G. 16 ......... (Photo) (15) 5,000.00 1915 Wmkd. Wide Crown and Narrow A 2p to 2sh, compl., o.g. (hinge remnants), fine to very fine. S.G. 20-26, £ I025 (Photo) (38-43) 1,530 .00 Ssh yellow & gray , l.h., extremely fine. S.G. 27 . . . (Photo) (44) 1,650.00 1915-24 Wmkd. Narrow Crown and Narrow A Ssh yellow & gray, l.h., fresh, fine. S.G. 42, £ 180 .. .. .............. (Photo) (54) 300 .00 £1 gray , l.h. , extreme ly fine. S.G. 75 ..... . . . .. . . .. .. (Photo) (57) 800.00

13 14


£1 ultramari ne & brown, l.h., bright colors and fres h, very fine. S.G. 15 . . . .. .. . .. ..... (Front Cover Photo ) (14) 2,500.00 £1, o.g., few perfs a trifle soiled, fine .... . .... . .......




£2 rose & violet brown , l.h., beautiful rich colors , very fine. S.G. 45 . ... . . . ... .. . .. . . . . .. . .. .. . . ..... . ... . (Photo) (59) 3,750.00 1929-30 Wmkd. Small Crown and A Multiple 6p to Ssh, compl ., o.g., fresh, fine to very fine. S.G. l07-11 , £334. (Photo ) (96- 100) 592 .50 lOsh pink & gray , o.g., very fine. S.G. 112 .. . . .. . (Photo) ( 101) 700 .00 £2 dull red & black , o.g., small corner crease ending in tiny tear, fresh, fine appearance. S.G. J 14 ...................... (Photo) ( I02) 3,2 50 .00 1931-36 Wmkd . Small Crown and C of A Mult iple 10 pink & gray , l.h. , extremely fine. S.G. 136 ............ . .... (Photo) (127) 675.00 lOsh, l.h., extremely fine .... . ........ . ......... ... ... (Photo ) (127) 675.00 £1 gray, o.g., fresh, fine. S.G. 137 . . ... . . .. . . . . ..... (Photo ) ( 128) 900. 00



£2 dull rose & black, l.h., fresh, very fine. S.G. 138 (Front Cover Photo) (129) 3,500.00

24 * EB 1937-46 Royal Family Ssh dull red brown, lOsh dull gray violet, £1 blue gray, chalky paper, blks of 4, n.h.(3)1.h.(I), £ 1 one stamp spot on gum, fine to very fine. S.G. 176-78 .... (Photo) ( 177-79) 25 ** EBSsh, lOsh, £1, thin rough paper, sheet margin blks of 4, £1 top right corner blk, stamps n.h., very fine. S.G. I 76A-78a, £688+ (Photo) ( 177-79 vars) 26 1963-65 Sp to £2, compl. set, n.h., very fine ... (Photo) (365-79)

uni. 497.30

Postage Due 1902-04 Wmkd. Large Crown and NSW Yip to Ssh, compl., o.g., few with hinge remnant or mixed centering, fresh and genera lly deep co lors, fine to very fine ..... . .. .. .. . . . .. . ..... (Photo) (J9-20)



** *





...... ......

lOsh emerald, perf 11, o.g., fine. Very scarce. Signed Thier. S.G. D43, £2000 . .. . .. . . . ... . ........ . .. (Photo) (J21) 2,750.00 20sh emerald, perf 11, o.g., bright color and fresh, very fine. Signed Thier. S.G. D44, £3750 (Front Cover Photo) (J22) 4,500.00 Exceptional copy of this rare stamp.


1907 Wmkd. Large Crown and Double-Lined A Yip to 6p, compl. set, l.h. or o.g., mixed centering to very fine. S.G. D53-57 , £425 . . ...... . ... . .. . . . ... . . . . . .. .. .. ....... . . .. ... . .. (Photo) (J29-33) 31 1909 Wmkd. Crown and Single-lined A £1 green & carmine, o.g., fresh, fine. S.G. D73, £425 .... . . .......... . .. . . . (Photo) (J49) 32 1931-36 Wmkd Small Crown and C of A Multiple 6p yellow green & rose, o.g ., brilliant fresh, fine. S.G. D 110 . (Photo) (J62) 33 ** EBMilitary Stamps; 1946-47 Ovptd. type "b" lp brown violet, blue ovpt., corner blk of 4, n.h., very fine. S.G. J2a (Photo) (M2a) 30

900.00 +

* *

7 15.00 650 .00 650 .00



600.00 + 34 0

1861 Unwmkd. rough perf 14 to 16 lp lake, clear cancel, well centered, very fine. S.G. 5, £375 . . .. . . ... . ........... . . (Photo) (2)


35 *

4p dull rose, slightly disturbed o.g., fine. S.G. 5 . . . . . (Photo) (3) 2,500.00

36 *

1862 Unwmkd. perf 13 lp brown lake, o.g., very fine. S.G. 16, £650 . ... . ..... . .. . .. . .. . .. . ... . ... .. .... .. . .. ............. . (Photo) (8)


37 *

1863-81 Crown CC perf 14 4p rose, o.g., fresh, fine. S.G. 35 (Photo) ( 18) 1,000.00

38 *

4p, unused, light handstamp on reve rse, fresh, fine. S.G. 37 (Photo) ( 18) 1,000.00

39 *

1882-98 Crown CA perf 12 4p rose, slightly disturbed o.g., pencil marks on reverse, fresh, fine. S.G. 4 1 ... . ............ (Photo) (25)

40 *

1883 Provisional 4p on 6p violet, unused, fresh, fine. (Photo) (26) 1,000.00

41 *

1884-90 Crown CA lp to £1, compl. set, l.h. or o.g., fresh, fine to very fine . ..... .. .......... . . . .. . . .... . . . . . . . . . .... (Photo) (27-32)


42 *

£1 brown, o.g., fresh, fine. S.G. 57 . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. (Photo) (32)


43 *

1902 Edward VII £1 green & black, o.g., fresh, fine. S.G. 70 (Photo) (43)

600 .00




45 46


* *

1859 Unwmkd. pin-perf 14 (Ip ) blue, sheet margin copy, unused, rich color and exceptional centering , extremely fine. Very scarce. S.G. 14 ... .. ........ . .. . ...... (Photo ) (11) 3,000.00 (lp ) pale blue, large part o.g., cert. stating " filled thinning " , fresh, fine appearance. Brandon Cert. (1992) . . ... (Photo ) (11) 3,000.00 1873 Wmkd. Small Star Ssh dull rose, o.g., corner perf fault, gum wrinkles, beautiful fresh color, fine. S.G. 64 ... . ..... (Photo) (43) 2,000.00

47 0

Ssh, neat c.d.s. cancel, negligible corner perf crease, rich color and well centered, very fine .... . . ..... . ... .. . . . .. . ... . . . . . . (Photo ) (43)


48 0

Ssh, neatly caned., fresh, fine . ... ... . ... . .. . ..... . .. . .. (Photo ) (43)


* *

BASUTOLAND: 1933 George V ½p to lOsh, compl. set, n.h. or . ........... (Photo ) ( 1- 10) l.h., very fine ...............................


BECHUANALAND: 1887 Wmkd. VR in Italic s lOsh green & black , o.g., fresh, very fine. S.G. 19 ............ . .. . .. (Photo ) (20)


49 50



* 53 *

BECHUANALAND PROTECTORATE: 1888-89 Wmkd. VR in Italics 2sh green & black, o.g., fine. S.G. 47, £425 . (Photo ) (55)





1889 Wmkd. Anchor , green ovpt. ½p black , " British " omitted , l.h., fresh , fine. Ex Lichtenstein. S.G. 30e, £2,000 (Photo ) (29e) 2,500.00


2sh6p green & black , o.g., fine. S.G. 48 ... . ... . .... (Photo ) (56) 1,000.00


l0sh green & black , o.g., handstamp on reverse , small crease not mentioned in cert., fine. Foundation Cert. . .. .. . . . . (Photo) (58) 5,750.00 (1969). S.G. 50 .......................... 1914-24 De La Rue ptg. Ssh carmine, double ovpt., one albino, o.g., very fine. S.G. 87a , £325 . .. ..... . .. ... . .. (Photo ) (93a var. )



* 58 * 59 *


1874 Provisionel 3p on lsh green, lightly caned., fresh, fine. Royal and B.P.A. Certs. ( 1938 and 1993 respectively). S.G. 14 (Photo ) ( I0) 1,350.00 1910-20 Mutt. Crown CA George V £1 black & violet on red, l.h., very fine. S.G. 55 .. . .... . .. . .... . ........ . ......... (Photo) (54)


£1, l.h., fine ... . .. . .. . ..... . .. . . .. .. ... . ... .. . . .. . .. . .. . ... (Photo) (54)


1922-34 Script CA 12sh6p ochre & gray black , very l.h. , brilliant fre sh and perfectl y centered , extremel y fine. S.G. 93 (Photo ) (97)



* * * * *





60 61 62 63

12sh6p, l.h., rich co lor, very fine ............. . ....... (Photo) (97) 750.00 BRITISH CENTRAL AFRICA: 1891-95 Unwmkd. perf 14 £1 (Photo) ( 14) 575.00 blue, o.g., deep co lor, fine . S.G. 14, £425 . ........... 1895 Unwmkd. 2sh6p violet & black, 3sh yellow & black, Ssh olive & black, o.g. , fres h, fine. S.G. 26-28 ....... (Photo) (26-28) 485.00 1896 Crown CA £1 blue & black, o.g., fresh, fine. S.G. 40 (Photo) (40) 1,250 .00 1903-04 Crown CC Edward VII 4sh violet & dull violet, l0sh black & gray green, £1 scarlet & black, o.g., fresh , fine. S.G. 445.00 64-66, £293 ..................................... ..... (Photo) (66-68) BRITISH COLUMBIA AND VANCOUVER ISLAND: 1867-69 Perf 14 10c on 3p lilac rose, o.g. (hinge remnant ), ink ms. on reverse, fine . S.G. 30 ....... .... . ... .. .. .. . . .. ........ . . (Photo) (IO) 1, 100.00 50c on 3p violet, l.h., bright co lor and fresh, very fine . S.G. 26, £400 . .... .. . .. . . . .. . . .... .. ................... . ........... (Photo) ( 12) 600 .00 BRITISH EAST AFRICA


1890 Stamps of Great Britain Surcharged

* 68 * 69 * 70 * 71 * 72 0 73 74

* * *

S0r liJac, o.g., fresh, fine. S.G. 99 (Front Cover Photo) (109) 3,750.00



BRITISH GUIANA: 1852 Lithographed le black on magenta, mostly huge margins all round, neat Demerara cancel, crease, very fine appearance. S.G. 9, £4250 (Photo) (6) 6,500.00



Jc, mostly large margins all round, neat c.d.s. cancel, horiz. crease, rich color, fine appearance. Signed Stanley Gibbons. S.G. 9, £4250 . . ... .. ... . ............... (Photo) (6) 6,500.00

78 0

4c black on blue, margins all round, large at sides, lightly caned., small surface faults, fine appearance. S.G. 10, £4500 ......... .. ..... ... .... .. .. .. ................. . (Photo) (7) 6,500.00





1881 Official Stamp surchd. 2c on 24c green, unu sed, fres h, very fine . Very scarce surcharge type. S.G. 158 .. .... . ... (Photo) ( I 00)


I_\ ~


½a on Ip lilac, very l.h., fres h, very fine. Signed H. Bloch . S.G. I (Photo) ( I ) 650.00 ½a on lp , o.g., very fine ............... . ....... .. .. .. . .. (Photo) ( I ) 650.00 la on 2p green & carmine, l.h., exce ptiona l ce nteri ng, very fine. . ... . .. .. .. ... ..... .. .. .. . ........ . .... (Photo) (2) 750.00 S.G. 2 .............. 4a on Sp lilac & blue, o.g ., fresh , fine. S.G. 3 .... ... (Photo) (3) 900.00 4a on Sp, o.g., trace of tonin g, fine. Signed H. Bloch. (Photo) (3) 900.00 Compl. set of three, each with handstamp on reverse, fine to very fine ................................. . .. . ... . ....... (Photo) (1-3) 1,225.00 1898 Crown CC Ir to IOr, compl., o.g., brilliant fresh, very fine. S.G. 92-97, £494 ............ .. ... .. . ...... .. .. .... . (Photo) ( 102-07) 766.00 20r yellow green, o.g. brilliant color, very fine. S.G. 98 (Photo) (108) 1,350.00

67 ., / iSf,




81 82 83 84 85 86

87 88 89 90

* * * ** * * * * * * *

1882-87 Crown CA 6p yellow, l sh gray, former large part o.g ., latter o.g. (paper hinge remnant), fresh , fine. S.G . 2 1, 22 (Photo) ( 16, 17) 1,000 .00 very fine. S.G. 93 .... .. ..................................

1904-06 Mult. Crown CA Edward VII $5 green & black, o.g ., (Photo) (71)


1913-17 George V $5 violet & black on red, l.h., extremely fine. .. ......... ... .... .... . ....... . . .. (Photo) (84) S.G. 110 .................


1922-23 Script CA $5 black & violet on red, sheet margin copy, n.h., few gum spots, very fine . S.G . 125 ...... . ..... (Photo) ( 104)


.. (Photo) ( I 04)


BRUNEI: 1907-21 Mult. Crown CA $25 black on red, 1.h.,. very (Photo) (39) ............. fine . S.G. 48 ......... . .... .. ................


Japanese Occupation; 1942-44 Handstamped le to $1, 15 diff., l.h. to dull o.g., fine to very fine. S.G. JI -7, I0- 17 (Photo) (N 1-7, I 0- 17)


le to $1, 15 diff., l.h. or o.g., some tropi ca l gum, fine. Sig ned ... .. . . . ......... . ....... (Photo) (N l-7, 10- 17)


$5, l.h., very fine . . .. .........

. .. . . .. ................

Rowell ................

$5 lake on greenish, dull o.g., extremely fine. S.G. J18 (Photo) (N18) 1,500.00 BATUM: 1919-20 Surchd. on Stamps on 1917 imperf S0r on Sk, o.g., extr emely fine. S.G. 40, £650 .... . ............ .. (Photo ) (49)


CAME ROONS: 1915 Surchd. set compl., l.h, or o.g., fre sh, fine to very fine. S.G. 1-13 ... .. .. ............ . . .. . . ..... (Photo) (53-65) 1,318.00 CANADA 1897 Jubilee Issue

91 0


* *










$1 lake, light Reg is. cance l, small faults, very fine appeara nce . S.G . (Photo) (6 1) .. . .... ............ 136, £400 ..............................

600 .00

$2 dark purple, very l.h. if at all, slightly streaked gum, very . .. (Photo) (62) 1,350.00 fine. S.G. 137 ........ . . ........ . .. .................... $3 yellow bistre , l.h., large centered copy, extremely fine. S.G. 138 ......... . ... . . ... ........ . . .. . . ....... (Front Cover Photo ) (63) 1,500.00 $4 purple , l.h., lovely bright color and fre sh, very fine. S.G. 139 (Photo) (64) 1,500.00 $5 olive green, very l.h., very fine. S.G. 140 .......

(Photo) (65) 1,500.00

1908 Quebec Tercentenary set compl., n.h., few tiny inclusions, very fine to extremely fine with some enormou s co pies . S.G . . . ........ (Photo) (96- 103) 188-95 , £300 ....... . . . ...................


1912-25 Admiral S0c black brown, $1 orange, n.h., extremely (Photo) (120,122) fine ......... ... .. . ...... ...... ... . . ..................




I 00

**831924 Imperf ** **

set of thr ee, blks of 4, n.h., large margins all round, brilliant fresh, extremely fine. S.G. 259-6 1, £330. (Photo ) ( 136-38)


1928-29 Schooner " Blueno se" S0c dark blue, pair , imperf vert., n.h. , extremely tine. 1988 Scott Can. Spec., Can. $2250 (Photo ) (158a var.)

uni .

Parliam ent $1 olive green, n.h. , extrem ely tin e . . (Photo ) (159)




1853 Wmkd. Anchor lp deep brick red, deeply blued pap er , lightl y caned. , full to enormou s mar gins, sup erb. S.G. la, £300 (Photo ) (la )



4p deep blu e, deeply blued paper , part o.g., mostly lar ge mar gins all round , light corner crease, very tin e app earan ce. S.G. 2, £2000 ....................... . ... . . .. ... .... . .... (Photo ) (2a) 3,000.00

1855-58 White Pap er 103


4p blue, o.g., mostly very lar ge mar gins all round , extr emely tine. S.G. 6a, £275 . .. .. . .. . . . ..................... .. .. . . (Photo ) (4)


104 0

4p , squar e pair , margin s clear to enormou s, red cancels, faults, fine appearance. Att ractiv e multipl e and rar e cancellation. S.G. £90+ . .... . . . ...... . ... . .. ... ............ . ..... .... ......... (Photo ) (4) (100.00+)

105 0

6p lilac, full to enormou s mar gins, neatly caned., very fine. S.G . 7b , £200 ... . . . .. .. . . . .. ........ . ........ .......... . ..... .. . . (Photo ) (5)


6p, sq uare pair , mostly enormous margins all round, lightly caned., very fine. S.G. £400+ .. . . .. .. .. . .............. . ....... .... (Photo ) (5)


6p slat e purple , very lar ge mar gins, lightly caned., extr emely fine. S.G. 7d , £1000 . . .. . ... .. .. . . .. . .. . .... . ...... (Photo ) (Sa var.)


106 0

107 0





l sh bri ght yellow green, some o.g., full even mar gins all round , small light crease, beautiful vibrant color and fresh. A fin e copy of this rare stamp. S.G. 8, £2500 (Photo ) (6) 3,750.00

l sh deep dark green, o.g., very larg e to enormou s mar gins, sup erb. S.G. Sa, £225 . . .... .. . ... . .. .. ............. . .. (Photo ) (6a)


1861 Wood Block Issue 110


Ip red, margins all round, large two sides, fine. Signed A. Brun. S.G. 13 . .. .. . . .. . ................................ . . . ..... .. . (Photo) (7) 3,500 .00



Ip , large marg ins all round , clear grid cance l, small closed tear, very fine appeara nce ... . . .. ... . .... . ..... . .......... . . .. . (Photo) (7) 3,500 .00



Ip, margins a ll round , lightly ca ned., thin s, fine appeara nce (Photo) (7) 3,500 .00

I 13 114

0 0



Ip , neatly caned., marg ins added, fine appearan ce ... . (Photo) (7) 3,500 .00 4p pale milky blue, full to large marg ins all round , small thin s, fine. S.G . 14 ......... . .......... . ...... . . . .. ... ... . . . ..... (Photo) (9) 3,000.00 4p, mostly large mar gins all round , lightly caned ., margin tea r and faint corn er creas e , very fine appearance ... .. .... . .. . . . (Photo) (9) 3,000 .00


4p deep bright blue, full to huge margins, lightly caned ., pressed creases , fine. A lovely copy of this rare stamp. S.G. 14c, £4500 .. . .... . ... . .. .. .. . . .. . . . .... . . . .. ...... (Photo) (9a) 6,500.00

117 0

4p, full to enormou s margins, lightly caned. , fau lts, lovely color and very fine appearance . .. . .. .. . . ..... (Photo) (9a) 6,500.00




1863-64 De La Rue ptg. 4p steel blue , unused, margins all round, very large two sides , negligible tone spots not mentioned in cert. , true rich color , fresh , fine. Royal Cert. (1990 ). S.G. 19c, £2000 ... . ..... . .................. . .............. . . (Photo) (13a var.)


I 19 * EB l sh emera ld, triangu lar blk of 4, o.g., good to enormous margin s except touched at bottom right, lovely color and fresh. A fin e and rare multip le. S.G. 21 ... . . . (Photo) (15) 2,600 .00+ 120


12 1 0

lsh pale emerald, o.g. , small thin spot, fine . S.G . 2 I a, £ I I 00 (Photo) ( 15a) 1,750.00 1900 Issued in Mafeking lsh on 4p pale olive green, neat MY 12 c.d.s. cance l, perfectly centered , extreme ly fine. S.G. 5 (Photo) (166)


600 .00

CAYMAN ISLANDS 122 * 123 * 124 * 125 * 126 * 127 * 128 *

129 * 130


1907 Mult. Crown CA Edward VII 4p to Ssh, compl. set, l.h. or o.g., very fine . . .............................. ..... ... (Photo) ( 13- 16) Ssh vermilion & green, l.h., extremely fine. S.G. 16. (Photo) ( 16) 1907-08 Provisionals ½p on Ssh vermilion & green, o.g., fine. S.G . 18 .. .. . ..... . ... . . . . ......... .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . ... . (Photo) ( 18) lp on Ssh vermilion & green, l.h., tiny tone spot on reverse, fresh, (Photo) ( 19) fine. S.G. 19 ... . ................. . ....................... 1932 Centenary set compl., 1.h., very fine. S.G. 84-95 (Photo) (69-80) Compl.set, very l.h. exce pt lsh o.g., very fine .. . (Photo) (69-80) War Tax; 1917 1½p on 2½p ultramarine, S.G. surch. type 16, l.h., fresh, almost very fine. B.P.A. Cert. (1979). S.G. 55 (Photo) (MR3) 1½p on 2Y2p, l.h., small faults, fresh, fine appeara nce (Photo) (MR3) COOK ISLANDS: 1932-36 Wmkd. Single-lined NZ and Star l0sh to £5, compl., l.h., fine to very fine. S.G. 97-98b (Photo) ( I 05-08)

460.00 325.00 475.00 450 .00 1,007 .05 1,007 .05

1,750.00 1,750.00




1898 lmperf 20pa violet, unused, large marg ins all round, usual faint yellowish paper, very fine. Signed Drossos. S.G. I (Photo) ( I) 132 0 20pa, lighter shade, large to huge margins all round, usual paper, (Photo) ( I ) very fine ........ . ... . ........... . . . ......... . ............... 133 /:; 20pa, large margins, neat ly caned. on small piece of official envelope , faint crease, fine .. . ....... . .......... . ...... . . (Photo) ( I ) 134 * EE 1898 Lithographed lOpa blue, imperf corner margin blk of 4, unused, negligible selvage thin and soiling, fine to very fine. S.G. 2a ......... .. ...... . . .. . .. . ..... . .... ... ............. .. ..... (Photo) (2b) 135 * EE 20pa green, imperf blk of 4, unused, light crayon marks on front, offse t on reverse, fine. S.G. 3a .............. . . ...... . . . (Photo) (3a) 136 * EE lOpa brown, imperf corner margin blk of 4, unused, light creasi ng, very fine appeara nce. Foundation Cert. ( 1988). S.G. 4a (Photo) (4b) 13 1



1,000.00 575.00 575 .00

1,000.00+ 1,000.00+



* 138 * 139 0


* 14 [ * 142 * 143 * 144 * 145 * 146 * 147 * 140

1882-84 Die B ½pi to 12pi, comp!. set, l.h., very fine. S.G. 3 1-37 (Photo) ( 19-23, 24a, 25a) 430 .00 Same, l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine ..... (Photo) (l 9-23,24a, 25a) 430.00 6p olive gray, neatly caned., very fine. S.G. 36, £350 (Photo ) (24a) 250.00 1903 Crown CA Edward VU ½pi to 45pi, comp!. set, l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine. S.G. 50-59 . . ...... . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . . (Photo) (38-47) 697.90 1921-23 Script CA George V set comp!., l.h., mixed centering to very fine. S.G . 84-99 ... . .. . ..... . . . ... .. ... .. .. . .... (Photo) (72-86) 442.35 1921-23 Mult. Crown CA George V £1 violet & black on red, o.g. (hinge remnants), fresh, fine. S.G. 101 .. ...... (Photo) (88) 1,750.00 1924-28 £1 violet & black on red, o.g., very fine. S.G. 102 (Photo) (1 10) 650.00 1928 Anniversar y set compl ., n.h. or l.h., fine to very fine. S.G. 123-32 . .......... . ..... . ... .. . .. . . . .. ... ... ........... (Photo) ( 114-23) 638.00 Comp!. set, l.h., fine to very fine ................ (Photo) ( 114-23) 638.00 £1 olive brown & deep blue, 1.h., extremel y fine. S.G. 132 (Photo ) (123) 500.00 £1, l.h., fresh, fine ................... . .... . .. . ......... (Photo) ( 123) 500.00

\'Yl)-- - -


.~-;~-~ :~.:. :-.~ j"'

r··,::t; J.......:



148 * EE 1962 3m to £1, ovptd. SPECIMEN diagonally, blks of 4, n.h., extremely fine .............. ... . .... . .. . .. . .. . ...... (Photo) (206- 18S)

149 0

1963 Scouts Souvenir sheet of three, neat first day cancels, very fine ............................. . . .. . . . .. . .. . ... . .... . . .. (Photo) (226a)



15 1


* *


15 1


300 .00


DOMINICA: 1877-79 Crown CC perf 14 4p blue, malformed " CE" of " PENCE " , o.g., fresh, very fine. B.P.A Cert. (1978). Ex " Beaver Creek " . S.G. 7a, £2000 (Photo) (7 var.)


1923 Mult. Crown CA Seal of Colony £1 violet & black on red, o.g., extremely fine. S.G. 91 . ......................... (Photo ) (85)


£1, l.h., very fine .. . ..... . .... .. . ........


..... .... . . .... (Photo) (85)


* 154



* 156

* 158 * 159 * 157

1903 Crown CC Edward VII 20r olive gray & black, o.g., tiny corner crease, fine. S.G. 15 .. . ...... . .. . .. . .... . ..... . .. (Photo) ( 15) 1,250.00 S0r orange brown & black, o.g., fresh, very fine. S.G. 16 (Front Cover Photo) (16) 2,500.00 1904-07 Mutt. Crown CA 20r olive gray & black, o.g., fresh, fine. S.G. 32, £500 . . ... . .. . .. ... .. ... . .. .. . . ... .. .. . . .. . . ... .. . (Photo) (30)



S0r orange brown & black, corner Control copy, l.h., few light stain spots on reverse, very fine. S.G. 33 (Photo) (30A) 2,750.00+ 1912-18 George V 20r violet black on red, l.h., fine. S.G. 59 (Photo) (55)

450 .00

20r blue & violet on bluish, o.g., fresh, very fine. S.G. 60 (Photo) (56)


S0r gray green & rose red, I.h., extremely fine. S.G. 61 (Photo) (57) 1,250.00


* 16 1 *

1928 Provi sional 2\/2p on 2p brown violet , l.h. , ver y fine. B.P.A. Cert. (1967). S.G. 115 .. . .................... . . . ........ (Photo ) (52) 1,750.00 1929-32 George V ½p to £1, compl. set, l.h., very fine. S.G. 116-26 ..... . . . .. . . . .. . ... . .. . . .. . .... . . .. . ... . .. . ...... (Photo) (54-64) 871.60


1933 Centenary Issue 162


½p to 2sh6p, comp!., n.h. or l.h., fine to very fine. S.G. 127-35 (65-73) No Lot Ssh yelJow & black, l.h., very fine. S.G. 136 . ... . .. (Photo) (74)

163 164


165 166 167


** *


373.75 950.00

IOsh yellow orange & black, l.h., true rich color, very fine. S.G. 136a . . ... . ................. . .. . .. ...... . .. .. (Photo) (74a) 2,500.00 lOsh light brown & black, n.h., very fine .......... (Photo) (75) 1,100.00 lOsh, o.g., 2 stained perfs on reverse only, very fine. S.G. 137 (Photo) (75) 1, 100.00


£1 rose & black, NEVER lllNG ED, lovely color and fresh, very fine. S.G. 138 ...................... (Photo) (76) 2,750.00

* 170 * 169

£1, l.h., brilliant fresh, very fine ... . .................

(Photo) (76) 2,750.00

£1, l.h., negligible gum wrinkle s, perfectly centered, very fine (Photo) (76) 2,750.00

FUI 171








175 176

* *

1870 Times Expres s Quadrille Paper 6p black on pink, unused, mostly large margins with rouletting three sides, faulty. Very scarce. S.G. 3, £2000 .................. . ...... .. . .... .............. (Photo) (3) 2,750 .00 1871 Laid Batonne Paper 9p black on pink, pos. 23, dropped "I" of "FUI" , unused, large margins with rouletting three sides, trivial paper split along frame line at lower left. very fine. S.G. 8, £1300 .. .. . ..... . ..... . .. ... ... .. . ..... . . ...... . ... (Photo) (9) 2,000.00 1904-12 Mult. Crown CA Edward VII £1 violet & black on red, o.g., fresh, fine. S.G. 124 ... .... . .. . .... . ... . .......... (Photo) (78)


1912-23 George V £1 violet & black on red, Die I, l.h., extremely fine. S.G. 137 ................ . ... .. . ..... ................ (Photo) (91)


£1, Die II, l.h., very fine. S.G. 137a .. . ..... . .... . .. . (Photo) (9 1a)


GERMAN EAST AFRICA: 1917 George V 50r gray green & red, 1.h., fresh, fine. S.G. 62 . .... . .. . .. . ..... . ...... (Photo) (Nl 22) 1, 150.00



1903 Crown CA Edward VII 2sh to £1, compl., 1.h., fresh, fine to very fine. S.G. 52-55, £680 ...................... (Photo) (45-48) 1,060.00

* 179 * 178



18 1






£1 violet & black on red, o.g., very fine. S.G. 55 . (Photo) (48)


1904-11 Mult. Crown CA £1 violet & black on red , l.h., very fine. S.G. 64 ..... . ... ... ... .. . . . .. . . . . ..... . . . . .. .............. (Photo) (64)


1921-32 Script CA George V £5 dull violet & black, sheet margin copy, fresh, fine. S.G. 108 ......... . . (Photo) (93) 3,500.00

£5, o.g., gum slightly redistributed,

fresh, fine (Photo) (93) 3,500.00

GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS: 1912-24 Mult. Crown CA George V £1 violet & black on red, corner copy with number, stamp n.h., very fine. S.G. 24 ......... (Back Cover Photo) (26) 1,350,00 1921-27 Script CA lOsh green & red on emerald, l.h., very fine. S.G. 35 ..... . .. . .. . . . ..... . .... . . . ........ . ............ . . . (Photo ) (3 1)


GOLD COAST 184 185 186 187 188

189 190

* * * ** *

* *

1875 Crown CC perf 12½ 4p red violet, o.g. (hinge remnant), fresh, fine. S.G. 2 ............ ...... .. ...... ............... (Photo ) (2) 750.00 6p orange , o.g . (hinge remnant), few stained perf tips, we ll ce ntered, fine . S.G. 3 ..... .. .... .. ....................... (Photo) (3) 1,000 .00 1883-91 Crown CA lp blue, o.g., very fine. Scarce this nice. S.G. 10 .............. .. .. .. .. .... ............................... (Photo) (12) 1,500.00 1902 Edward VII 20sh violet & black on red, n.h., fresh, extremely fine. S.G. 48 .... . ............................ (Photo) (48) 225.00 1913-21 Mutt. Crown CA George V 3p to Ssh, Die 11, compl. set, l.h. or o.g ., fine to very fine. 2sh very sca rce. S.G . 77c , 79d, 80a, 8 1a, 82d .......................... .... .. .. (Photo) (73a,75c,76a-78a) 399.00 1921-25 Script CA ISs dull violet & green, Dies I and II , l.h., fine to very fine . S.G. I 00 ,a ......................... (Photo) (94,a) 575 .00 £2 green & orange, o.g., very fine. S.G. 102 ....... (Photo) (95) 625.00 GREAT BRITAIN 1840 Watermarked Small Crown, lmperforate lp black

19 1


192 0

193 0 194 0 195 196 197 198

0 0 0 0

199 0 200 0 20 1 0 202 0 203 0 204 0 204A

lp , Plate 11, G-K, mostly very large margins all round, neatly tied by black MC cancel on small piece, extremely fine. A lovely copy of this rare pla te. S.G. £1600 ............. . .. .. . . . (Photo) (I) (200.00 ) lp, Pl. 6, O-B, re-entry, margins all round, large three sides, black MC ca nce l, fine. S.G. £200 ...................... ...... .. (Photo) ( I) (200.00) The followin g twelve lots comprise Plates la through 1 I, position. 8-J. All are cancelled by red Maltese Cross unless otherwise noted. lp , Pl. la , marg ins clea r to mostly large, pin po int thin , fine. S.G. £ 180 .... .. .. . .... . ... .. ... . ... . ...... ...................... (Photo) ( I) 200.00 lp, Pl. lb, full to large margins, beautifu l fresh copy , very fine. S.G . £ 150 .................. .. .. .. .. . . .... .... .. ........... (Photo) ( I) 200.00 Ip , Pl. 2, margins clear to large, fine. S.G. £ 150 ..... (Photo ) ( I) 200.00 lp , Pl. 3, fine. S.G. £ 190 .................. .. .. .... ..... (Photo) ( I) 200.00 lp , Pl. 4, full lo large margins, very fine. S.G. £ 160. (Photo) ( I) 200.00 lp , Pl. 5, mostly large margins all round , small thin , fine. S.G. £ 150 (Photo) ( I) 200.00 Ip , Pl. 6, full to mostly very large margin s, beautifu lly impr essed pmk ., very fine. S .G £ 150 ......... . ..................... (Photo) ( I) 200 .00 lp , Pl. 7, marg ins clear to very large show ing portion of adjoining stamp , tiny scrape on front, fine. S.G. £ 180 ........... (Photo) ( I) 200.00 lp , Pl. 8, mostly very large margins all aro und showi ng frame line of adjoining stamp, very fine. S.G . £200 .............. (Photo) ( I) 200.00 Ip , Pl. 9, full to very large marg ins, very fine . S.G. £250 (Photo) ( I ) 200 .00 lp , Pl. 10, full to very large marg ins show ing portion of adj oining stamp, neat black MC cance l, very fine. S.G. £32 5 . . . (Photo) ( I) 200 .00 lp , Pl. 11, most ly large margins ju st in lowe r left, black MC ca nce l, two pin holes, fine appearance. S.G. £ 1600 ........... (Photo) ( I) (200.00) The previou s twelve lots as a unit

205 181



207 0

208 0



lp , K-E, guide line top right corner, margins clear to large, fine, neatly tied on local enve lope bearing indistinct red rectangu lar marking, SP 25 1840 and POST PAID handstamps on reverse. S.G. £250 ............. .. ....... . ...... .. .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . ...... . .. (Photo ) ( I) 1848 large cert., Cert.


Embossed l0p red brown , Die 3, o.g., margin s all round , two sides, embossing break s paper at right , not stated in lovely rich color and fresh, very fine appearance. Friedl (1978) and signed H. Bloch. S.G. 57, £2250 . . (Photo) (6) 3,750.00

1862 Wmkd. Heraldic Emblems l sh green, strip of 4, K-A/K-D, right stamp "K" in bottom left corner encircled by white line, neatly caned., very fine. Rare multiple. S.G. 90,a, unpr (Photo) (42, var.)


1882 Wmkd. Two Anchors £5 orange, neat double circle MANCHESTER ACCOUNTS cancels perfectl y centered, very fine. S.G. 137, £1200 .................................. (Photo ) (93) 1,650.00 1912-13 l ½p red brown , "PENCF", right stamp in pair with normal, n.h., fine. S.G. 364,a .... . . .. . . .... . ....... (Photo ) ( 161,b)


Seahorses 1913-18 De La Rue Printing

** Spec. 2sh6p yellow brown, inverted wmk. , n.h. , extremely fine. S.G. N64(2) f, £300 . .. .......................... (Photo) (173 var.) uni. 2 11 * 10sh light blue , I.h., perfectl y centered, very fine. S.G. 412 (Photo) (175) 2,500.00 2 12 * IOsh, I.h., fresh , very fine . . .. .. .... ... . ... . .. ...... . (Photo) (175) 2,500.00 2 13 ** £1 green, NEVER HINGED , deep vibrant color, very fine. Signed Buhler. S.G. 403 ... 2 10

... (Front Cover Photo ) (176) 3,000.00

* 2 15 * 2 16 * 2 17 * 2 14

2 18


£1, o.g. (hinge remnant) , negligible bend , very fine (Photo ) (176) 3,000.00 Waterlow ptg. IOsh indigo blue , l.h., vivid color, extremely fine. S.G. 402 .... ........................................ . ... (Photo ) (175a)


1913 Coils George V ½p green, Ip scarlet, o.g., fine to very fine. S.G. 397, 398 ........ . ..... . ....... . ........ . ...... (Photo ) ( 177, 178)


1919 Bradbury , Wilkinson ptg. 2sh6p chocolate brown , Ssh rose carmine, very l.h., fresh, fine. S.G. 414, Spec. N68( I ), £ 195 (Photo) ( 179, 180)

450 .00

2sh6p chocolate brown , right stamp re-entry, showing doubling of vert. lines in shield, in pair with normal , n.h. , inclusion left stamp, extre mel y fine. S.G. Spec. N65(2),b, £270+ (Photo ) (179, var.)


2 19

* *

1929 U.P.U . Congress £1 black, corner sheet margin copy, l.h., extremely tine. S.G. 438 ................. . ... . . ..... . . (Photo) (209) 1,000.00 220 £1, l.h., tiny tone spots on reverse, otherwise very fine. S.G. 438 (Photo) (209) 1,000.00 22 1 * EB 1934-36 George V l \/2p red brown, blk of 4, imperf. three sides, perf 14½ at bottom, l.h., bottom left stamp stain on reverse, brilliant fresh, tine. S.G. 441a,b, £900+ . .. (Photo) (212a, var.) uni. 222

223 224 225


** * **

1935 Silver Jubilee Error of Color 2½p Prussian blue, l.h., very tine. S.G. 456a . .... . ... . (Front Cover Photo) (229a) 7,000.00 The famous 20th Century Great Britain error. 1939-42 George VT l0sh indigo, n.h., very fine. S.G. 478 (Photo) (25 I ) GRENADA: 1863-71 Wmkd. Small Star 6p vermilion, part o.g., fresh, fine. S.G. 9, £650 ...... . .... . .................. . .. (Photo) (5) 1938-43 Seal of Colony lOsh deep carmine & gray blue, perf 12, sheet margin copy, n.h., slightly toned gum, very fine. S.G. 163c, £350 .......... .... . .... . . .... .......... ..... .. ......... (Photo) ( 142a)

200. 00 950.00 350.00

................ ......... ·-........

226 227 228

* * *

229 0



23 1


232 HELIGOLAND : 1867-68 Roulett ed ½sch blue green & rose, type II , part o.g., small faults, fine appearance . S.G. I a (Photo) ( I A) 1,650 .00 1873 Thick Quadrille Paper ¼sch yellow green & rose, o.g., handstamp on reverse, very fine ................... ..... (Photo) (8) 225.00 1876-90 Wove Paper 3pf deep green & dull red, l.h., very fine (Photo) (20) 475.00 INDIA: 1852 Scinde Dawk ½a on white, light grid cancel , tiny trace of repair by " W " of " DAWK ", strong clear embossing. Brandon Cert. ( 1993). S.G. SJ .......... . ....... . .. . .. (Photo ) (A l) 1,850.00

233 234 235 236

* * * * *

INDIAN STATES: Chamba ; 1938 to 1944 Wmkd. Multiple Stars George VT 1r to l0r compl . plus Officia ls, o.g., fine to very fine ............................. . ... ... .. . . . ... . . (82-85,052-54,66-69) 585.00 Cochin; 1948-49 Wmkd. Letters and Ornaments in Sheet perf 11 4p gray green, error pair , imperf. vert. , unu sed, right sta mp tiny thin spot , tine. S.G. Ula ...... . ....... ... . .. ... (Photo) (92a) 600.00 6p red brown, error pair, imperf vert., l.h., very tine. S.G. 112a, £700 . . ..... .. ........ .. ... . .................... . .... (Photo) (93 var.) uni. IRELAND: 1922 Dollard ptg. 2sh6p brown , Ssh carmine rose, lOsh gray blue, l.h. or o.g., very fine. S.G. I7, I9, 2 I (Photo) (12-14) 340 .00 Alex. Thom ptg. 2sh6p gray brown, Ss carmine rose, lOsh gray blue, o.g. , tine to very tine. S.G. 44-46 .. ........ (Photo) (36-38) 2,050.00 1922-23 2sh6p light brown , Ssh carmine rose, lOsh gray blue, o.g ., very fine. S.G. 64-66 ........ .... . . .. . . .. ... ... (Photo) (56-58) 372.50 1925-27 Compl. set of three, l.h., extremely fine. S.G . 86-88, £238 (Photo) (77-79) 300.00


238 239 240



1922-27 2sh50c to £1, compl., l.h., fine to very fine. S.G. 89-95 (Photo) (3 1-37)

* *







1921 Script CA George V S0r gray green & red , o.g., rich colors, very fine. S.G. 75, £1900 ......... . .... (Photo) (11) 2,250.00


£2 brown violet & green, l.h., very fine. S.G. 96 . (Photo) (38) 1,250.00 £3 yellow & dull violet, l.h., brilliant colors, very fine. S.G. 97 (Back Cover Photo) (39) 1,750.00


£4 rose lilac & black, o.g., handstamp on reverse , deep color , very fine. S.G. 98 .... . ... (Back Cover Photo) (40) 2,500.00 LABUAN: 1880 Wmkd. CA over Crown 6c on 16c blue , additional "6" across original value, some o.g., light stain mostly on reverse, fine. S.G. 12 ...... (Front Cover Photo) (11) 1,500.00 1880-83 Crown CC Sc on 12c carmine , additional " 8" across original value, part o.g., very fine. S.G. 13, £650. (Photo ) (12b)



1905 Overprinted Type "c" (S.G. "2 1") $5 red violet, unused, extremely fine. Signed Champion . S.G. 139 (Back Cover Photo) (122) 5,500.00 A lovely copy of this variety, missing from most major colleclions.

LAGOS 245 246 247 248 249

* * * * *

* 25 1 * 252 * 250



1874-75 Crown CC perf 12½ lsh orange, value lS ½mm instead of 16½mm, o.g. (hinge remnant), fine. S.G. 8 . .. . ... (Photo) (6a)


1876 Perf 14 l sh orange, l.h., very fine. S.G. I6 .. (Photo) ( 12)


1882-1902 Crown CA 2sh6p olive brown, o.g., very fine. S.G. 27 ............................................ .., ... .. .. . ... . .. (Photo) (33)


Ssh blue, o.g., fresh, fine. Signed Holcombe. S.G. 28. (Photo) (35) 1,450 .00 Ssh, o.g., fresh, fine .... .................................

(Photo) (35) 1,450.00

lOsh brown violet, o.g., very fine. S.G. 29 .........

(Photo) (37) 3,250.00

LEEWARD ISLANDS: 1897 Jubilee Ssh green & ultramarine, o.g., very fine. S.G. 16 ........... . . .................... (Photo) (16) 1,500.00 Ssh, o.g., very fine .... .. .........................

. ...... (Photo) (16) 1,500.00

1921-32 Mutt. Crown CA George V £1 black & violet on red, l.h., extremely fine. S.G. 80 .. ... ... . ... .... .. ... .. .. . (Photo ) (83)


Afternoon Session at 1:30 P.M.

MADAGASCAR 1884 to 1886 BRITISH CONSULAR MAIL These issues, prinred on a rather "soft " paper, are p rone to thinning; therefore, all lots have slight 1hinning or thinnings unless 01herwise stated. Gum f or lhese issues is in the f orm of a small triangle of crackly gum at lop left or righl. Such slamps are so described; !hose without are classifie d as unused. 254


1884 "B.C.M ." and Arms 3p violet, o.g., tiny surface scrape, without thinnin g, otherwise very fine. S.G. 7, £250 .. (Photo) (3)


POSTAGE AND ARMS Handstamped "BRITISH VICE-CONSULATE" 255 256 257 258 259 260 261

* * * * *

* *

Violet Seal, ptg. type I lp rose, o.g., small tear, no thinnin g, very fine appearance. S.G. 14V . . . .. . . . . . .. .. .... . ......... . (Photo) ( 16)


1½p rose, trace of o.g., two light creases , no thinnin g, fine. S.G. 15V, £600 .............. . ......... . ....... . .... . ... .. . ... (Photo) ( 17)


3p rose, unused, small faults, fine. S.G. J7V ... . . .. . (Photo) ( 19)


9p rose, unused, very fine. S.G. 20V ................

(Photo) (24) 1,550.00

Black Seal lp rose, o.g., no thinnin g, very fine. S.G. 14B , £ 100 (Photo) (26)

130. 00

2p rose, o.g., very fine. S.G. 16B, £ 110 . . . . .. .. .. . .. (Photo) (28)


4½p rose, blue crayon cancel, o.g., horiz. crease, thinned, fine (Photo) (30) 1,250.00 appeara nce. S.G . 18B .... .. .. .... . .. . ..... . .............

Handstamped " BRITISH CONSULAR MAIL" 262 263

264 265 266 267 268

* * * * * * *

Violet Seal Ip rose, o.g., no thinnin g, very fine. S.G. 33V, £80 (Photo) (33)


2p, 3p, 4½p, unused, 2p o.g., 3p thinned, fine to very fine. S.G. 35-37Y ....................... . ......... . . .... . . ...... .. ... .. . (35,36,38)


Black Seal Ip, 1½p, 4½p, Sp, type I, o.g., Ip no thinning, fine to (Photo) (45,46,50,52) very fine. S.g. 2 1, 22, 25, 26 . ... . ...........


Ip and 3p type Il, l ½p and 2p, type I, o.g., fine to very fine. S.G. 22, 23, 33B, 36B ..... .. . ..... ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ....... (45a,46,47,48a)


lp, 2p, 4\/2p, 6p, type II, o.g. except 4½p unused, fine to very fine. S.G. 33, 35, 37, 38B ............................... (45a,47a,50a,51)


4p rose, o.g., light diagonal crease, fine. S.G. 438 , £ 180 (Photo) (49)

300 .00

9p rose, o.g., light horiz. crease, fine. S.G. 27, £90 . (Photo) (53)



** 270 * 27 1 **

1904-08 Wmkd. Rosette Sultan le to $100, compl. set, n.h. , fine to very fine. S.G. 61-77 ... . ......... .............. (Photo) (59-75) 1,364.45 Compl. set , l.h. or o.g., few n.h. , fine to ver y fine. $50 and $100 signed H. Bloch .. .. . . . . ....... . ... .. . . ..... .. ........ (Photo ) (59-75) 1,364.45 $50 green & blue , sheet margin copy, n.h., tiny inc lusion on (Photo) (74) 300.00 reverse , very fine. S.G. 76 .. . .. ......... ............... 272 ** EE $50, SHEET MARGIN BLOCK OF FOUR, n.h. , fresh , fine. Photo copy of A. Diena Cert. (1974), and signed by him . (Photo) (74) 1,200.00+ 269

273 ** EE $100, SHEET MARGIN BLOCK OF FOUR, n.h., fresh, very fine. A. Diena Cert. (1974) and signed by him. Rare multipl e. S.G. 77 ..... . .... . .. ... . (Bac k Cover Photo) (75) 3,000.00+ 274 0 275

KEDAH: 1921-36 Script CA le to $5, compl. set, neatly caned., . . ...... ... (23-45) 343. 15 fine to very fine. S.G. 26-40 ....................... KELANTAN: 1937-40 Sultan set compl. , plu s 1928-33 $1, the two diff. , l.h., very fine. S.G. 39-54, 39a ......... (Photo) (27-43) 801.30 MALACCA: Japane se Occupation; 1942 George VI $2 rose red & gray green, sheet margin copy, tied by neat c.d.s. on small piece , cert. stating "ge nuine par complaisance," extremely fine. Royal Cert. (1977) ....... ...... .. . .. ...... . .... .. .. .. . (Photo) (N13) 1,750.00 PAHANG: 1889 Crown CA 10c slate , l.h., very fine. S.G. 3 (Photo ) (3) 500.00 10c, o.g., very fine .................................... . .. (Photo ) (3) 500.00


276 L



* *



MALTA: 1919 Mull. Crown CA St. Paul lOsh black , o.g., very fine. S.G. 96 .............. . . (Back Cove r Photo ) (65) 5,750.00 Lovely copy of this popular stamp.

1921-22 Script CA lOsh black , l.h., tiny inclusion, fresh, fine. S.G. 104, £300 ......... .. ... .... ............................... (Photo ) (73) 475.00 1922 Mult. Crown CA SELF-GOVERNMENT 2sh ultr a marine 28 1 * & dull violet on bluish , l.h., extremely fine. S.G. 111 (Photo) (82) 450.00 Crown CC l0 sh blue black , l.h., very fine. S.G. I05. (Photo ) (85) 325.00 282 * MAURITIUS: 1924 Script CA Coat of Arms S0r lilac & green, 283 * very l.h. if at all, very fine. S.G. 222 ............. . (Photo) (200) 1,750.00 284 * EE MONTSERRAT: 1913 Mult. Crown CA George V Ssh green & scarlet on yellowish, n.h. (2)/1.h.(2), brilliant fresh, extremely fine. S.G. 48 ................ ........ .. ..... . .. . .. . .. ...... (Photo ) (42) 700.00+ NATAL: 1904-08 Mult. Crown CA Edward VII £1 lOsh violet 285 * & orange brown , o.g. (hinge remnant ), small thin spot , negligi ble rubbings , fine. Very scarce . S.G. 162 .... . ..... (Photo) (109) 2,500.00 1908-09 £1 black & violet on red, l.h., extremely fine . S.G. 171 286 * {Photo) (116) 600.00 £1, o.g., very fine .. . .......... . . ..... . ........... . ...... (Photo ) ( 116) 600 .00 287 * 280 *

NAURU: 1916-23 2sh6p yellow brown, Ssh carmine, lOsh light blue, plus 1920 2sh6p gray brown, l.h. or o.g., very fine. S.G. 20, 22, 23, 25 . . ....... . .... . ........... (Photo previous page) ( 13- 16) 1,425.00

288 *

* 290 * 29 1 *

Same, l.h., very fine ...... . . . . . . ...............


292 293

295 296

NEVIS: 1867 White Paper lsh deep yellow green, sheet margin copy, o.g., light gum crease, vivd color and brilliant fresh, fine. S.G. 14 . .. ........ . .... . ... . .... . ..... .... ...................... (Photo) ( I I ) 2,000.00

* *


.. ... . (Photo) ( 13- 16) 1,425.00

2sh6p, Ssh, lOsh, l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine. S.G. 2 1-23 (Photo) ( 13- 15) 1,250.00

1882-90 Crown CA 6p green, o.g., fine. S.G. 32 .. (Photo) (28)


NEW BRITAIN: 1914 First Setting Sp on 80pf lake & black on rose, o.g., two small thins, fine. S.G. 11, £600 ...... (Photo) ( 11) 1,000.00


* *

1914-15 2sh on 2m blue, pos. 4, o.g., pencil signature on reverse, fresh, fine. B.P.A. Cert. (1992). S.G. 13, £1500 (Photo) (13) 2,750.00 Seco nd Setting l sh on Im carmine , l.h., tiny faults , perfectl y centered, fine. S.G. 27, £2000 ........................ (Photo ) (27) 2,000.00 1914 Registration Label 3p black & red, " Manus" . o.g., fine. S.G. 39 .. . .. ........ . .. . .... .... . . . .. . ... . .... . ....... . . (Photo) (43e)



297 298

299 300

* * * *

1860 Without Mesh 2p orange, o.g., large margins all round, extr emely fine. S.G. 10, £250 .................. . . ..... (Photo ) (II )


1865-94 Pert' 12 10c black on white paper , full Imprint copy , o.g. (hinge remnant), negligible wrinkles, fine. S.G. 32, £ 150+ (Photo ) (27a) ( 120.00+) 1876-79 Rouletted 3c blue, o.g., enormous centered copy, extremely fine. S.G. 42, £250 ................. . ....... (Photo) (39)


1910 and 191 I Guy Issue, both sets compl., 2c perf 12x14, l.h. or o.g., few tiny faults, well centered, fine to very fine (87,88a,89- I03)


30 1 ** EB 1920 3c on 35c red, lower bar omitted right stamp in blk of 4 with normals, n.h., perfectly centered, extremely fine. S.G. 147,a, £122+ .. . ... .. . . .. . . . .. . ................. .. .... (Photo) (130,a)


Air Post 302 303 304 305 306

* ** * * *

1932 DO-X $1.50 on $1 blue, o.g., extremely fine. S.G. 221 (Photo) (C12)


$1.50 on $1, n.h., small part crack ly gum, very fine. (Photo) (C 12)


$1.50 on $1, l.h., very fine ...........................

(Photo) (C l2)


1933 Balbo $4.50 on 75c bistre, o.g., extremely fine. S.G. 235 (Photo) (C18)


$4.50 on 75c, very l.h., very fine .........


. ..... . . . . . (Photo ) (C 18)


* *

307 308 309 3 10 3 11 3 12 3 13 3 14


** ** * ** *

3 15 6.

3 16


3 17


1931 ½p to £1, compl. set, three part Imprint copies incl. £1, l.h., fine to very fine. S.G. 137-49 .... .. ........ . ....... (Photo) (C l- 13) 1935 Goldfield £2 violet, £5 green, compl. set, o.g., extremely fine. S.G. 204, 205 ...... . . . . . .... .... . . .... .. . . . . . (Photo ) (C44,45) Set of two , ver y I.h., very fine .... . .. . .. .. . .. . . . (Photo ) (C44,45) £2, n.h. , extr emely fine ......... . ...... . . . . . .. . .... . . . (Photo ) (C44) £5, n.h . extremel y fine . . . . ... . .. .. . . .. . ... .. . .. . . . .. (Photo ) (C45) £5, l.h., very fine . . ...... . .. . ..... . ... . .... ... .. .. . . . . . (Photo ) (C45) 1939 lOsh rose red, £1 greenish gray, n.h., extremely fine. S.G. (Photo) (C58,59) . .......... 224, 225, £335 .. . ....................... NEW HEBRIDES: 1920-21 Wmkd. RF in Sheet 2p on 40c red on yellowish, very l.h., fresh, fine. S.G. 35 . . . .... . .. (Photo) (3 1) NEW SOUTH WALES: 1885-86 "POSTAGE" in black lOsh rose & violet, fine, together with 1861-80 Ssh purple, perf 12xl0 , tied on small piece by Sydney OC 25 88 c.d.s. and oval, rare usage (Photo) (73,44e) & violet, perf rose lOsh paper white Blue, in 1894 " POSTAGE" 12, l.h., brilliant fresh, fine. S.G. 247a . . . . . . .......... (Photo) (76) 1905-06 Wmkd. Crown and A in Circle 20sh ultramarin e, perf 12 o.g., handstamp on reverse, extremely fine. Signed Stolow. (Photo) (120) S.G. 346a .. . . . . . . .... . ...................................

482.00 2,350.00 2,350.00 500.00 1,850.00 1,850.00 425.00 375.00

5 10.00 325.00 450.00



1915-22 Engraved George V l sh pale orange red, imperf pair, very l.h., huge margins, vivid color, extremely fine. S.G. 430da (Photo) (159a)


Postal Fiscal Stamps 3 19 320

* *

1903-15 Wmkd. NZ and Star Close Together £1 rose, perf 14½x14, o.g., brilliant fresh, very fine . . ... . ... .. . (Photo) (AR44) £1 rose carmine, l.h., vibrant color and fresh, fine. (Photo) (AR44)

750.00 750.00

1931-39 Coat of Arms 32 1 322 323 324

* * *




l sh3p to 30sh, 10 diff., I.h., incl. 12sh6p and £1, or o.g., 30sh (hinge remnant), very fine to extremely fine (Photo) (A R46,49 ,51,53,55-57 ,59-61) 1,212.50 30sh dark bro wn, I.h. extr emely fine. S.G. £250 . (Photo ) (AR61) 375.00 £2 violet, o.g., ext remely fine ..... . .... . . . . . . . .. . . (Phot o) (AR63) 575.00 £2 lOsh dark r ed, l.h., extremely fine . .. . . .. .... (Photo ) (AR64) 400.00



£3 lOsh rose, I.h., very fine. (Back Cover Photo) (AR66) 2,250.00 The second rarest Postal Fiscal. £4 light blu e, ver y I.h., extr emely fine. S.G. £300 (Photo) (AR67)




* 329 * 330 * 33 1 *

£4 lOsh dark olive gray, I.h., extremely fine. S.G. £1300 (Photo) (AR68) 1,700.00 1939 35sh on 35sh yellow, o.g., very fine. S.G. Fl86 (Photo) (AR70) 650.00 1940-58 Wmkd. Multiple NZ and Star lsh3p to £5, 18 diff., I.h. or o.g., fine to very tine ......... (Photo) (AR75-87,89-91,93,94) 1,805.00


1944-46 Surchd. set of four, l.h., fine to very fine. S.G. £250 (Photo) (AR95-98) 304.50 Official; 1911-14 Ovptd. on Postal Fiscal £1 rose, o.g., bright co lor and fresh, very fine. B.P.A Cert. ( 1992). S.G. 084 (Photo) (040) 1,350.00 NlGER COAST PROTECTORATE 1893 Provisional Issues

Some of the fo llowing surcharged stamps have tiny bits of backing pap er adhering to the gum.


* *




Handstamped type "c" (S.G. 7) ½p on 2½p violet on bluish, vermilion surch., o.g., fine. S.G. 2 1 .................. (Photo) ( 10) ½p on 2½p, green surch., o.g., neg ligible bend, fine. S.G. 27, £275 (Photo) ( 13) Handstamped type "d" (S.G. 9) 1/2p on 2p green & carmine, violet surch., o.g., very fine. S.G. 29, £300 . . .... . . . (Photo) ( 14)

375.00 375.00 400.00

Handstamped 'Iype "e"


* * *



335 336


½p on 2p green & carmine , violet surch., (S.G. type 3), o.g., very fine. S.G. £500 ......... . .... . .. .. ... . . ................ . . (Photo) (20) ½p on 2½p violet on bluish, vermilion surch., (S.G. type 6), o.g ., small crease, fine. S.G. 19 ............................. (Photo) (2 1) ½p on 2½p, two copies, green surch., other carmine, (both S.G. type 4), o.g., per-fs touch, fresh and otherwise fine. S.G. 11, 13 (Photo) (22,25) ½p on 2½p green surch., o.g. (hinge remnant) , fresh, fine. S.G. 11 (Photo) (25)


340 0

34 1 PEE

450.00 525.00

975.00 450 .00

½p on 2½p, black surch., o.g., ink ms. on reverse, fine. Missing from most major collection s. S.G. IS, £2750 (Photo) (26) 4,600.00 Only 19 copi es known. 1894 ½p on 2½p blue, double surcharge , lightly caned., small faults, very fine appearance. Twenty-four surcharged errors are believed to exist. Brandon Cert (1979). S.G. 65a . (Photo) (54a) 2,500.00 1897-98 Waterlow Plate Proofs 6p yellow brown , imperf blk of 4, each stamp with security punch, ungummed, large margins all round, top le ft stamp repaired tear, otherwise very fine. Only 48 copi es known . S.G. 71 P .. . .......... . ... . .............. (Photo) (60P)

NORTH BORNEO 1904 Inverted Surcharges


* *







-347 348

1911 Coats of Arms 25c to $10, compl. set, l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine. S.G. 178-83 ........................ . ........... (Photo) ( 152-57)


* *


* *

35 1



419 .50

1912 Unissued $10 brown, unused, fine. S.G. 185 (Photo) (159) 1,750.00 1926-28 Engraved le to $10, compl. set, l.h. or o.g. , fine to very fine. S.G .277-94, £400 . . .. .. . . .. ... ... . . .. ... . ..... (Photo ) ( 167-84) 602.60 Semi Postal s; 1916 War Fund Vermilion Cross, le to 25c, compl. set, l.h. or o.g., fresh, fine to very fine. S.G. 189-20 I (Photo) (B1- 13) 1,000.00 1918 Red Cross set compl., l.h. or o.g., $ 10 + 2c few small stains, fine to very fine. S.G. 2 14-34 . ........ . .... . . .. .. (Photo ) (B14-30) 1,38 1.65 NORTH WEST PACIFIC ISLANDS: 1915-16 Wmkd. Wide Crown and Wide A £1 ultarmarine & brown , o.g., tiny perf tear, very fine. S.G. 85 ........... . ...... . ..................... (Photo ) ( 10) 1,350.00 Wmkd. Wide Crown and Narrow A Ssh yellow & gray, absolutely distinctive purple ovpt. , l.h., very fine. S.G. 92 var., uni (Photo ) (22 var.) uni. 1915-19 Wmkd . Narrow Crown and Narrow A £1 ultramarine & brown , l.h. , rich color, extremely fine. S.G. 99 . (Photo) (38) 850.00 NYASALAND PROTECTORATE: 1908 Mutt. Crown CA Edward VU £1 black & violet on red, l.h., fresh, almost very fine. S.G. 81, £375 .. . ..... .. ..... ... .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. ... ... . . . .. . (Photo) ( 10) 500 .00

* 353 * 352


4c on 6c olive brown & black , o.g., small thin , fresh, fine. B.P.A. Cert. (1992). S.G. 147a ..... .. ...... (Photo) (125a) 450.00 4c on Sc brown lilac & black , l.h. , cert stating " ...gum disturbed " which we fail to see, fine. B.P.A Cert. (1992). S.G. 148a ....................................... (Photo) (126a) 500.00 4c on $10 brown, o.g., negligible tone spots on reverse, perfectly centered and fresh, very fine. B.P.A. Cert. (1992). S.G. 157a .............................. (Photo) (135a) 2,500.00




ORANGE RIVER COLONY: 1900-01 Periods Raised Above Letters Error of Color lsh on lsh orange, l.h., very fine. S.G. 121a ....... .. .. .. . . . . .. (Back Cover Photo) (52j) 2,500.00






* *

357 181

358 359

* *

1901-05 Wmkd. Multiple Rosette 2sh6p brown & black , slightly tropica l o.g., well centered, fine. S.G. 8 ......... . .. . ... (Photo ) (8) I , I 00.00 1907 Large "Papua" 1/2p to 2sh6p , compl. set , l.h, or o.g. , 2p light gum tones , very fine . . .......... ..... .............. . (Photo) ( 11- 18) 645.00 1917 Surchd. set of six, very fine, tied on flown cove r by PORT MORESBY 17 FE 39 c.d.s. cancels. S.G . 93-98x I 0, £400 (Photo) (74-79) 1932 Pictorial set compl. , l.h. incl. £ I , few o.g., very fine. S.G. 130-45 ........... . . .. ........... ..... . . .. . . . . .. . .. ... . (Photo) (94-109 ) 757.85 Postage Du e; 6p on 7½p deep ultramarine , o.g., light gum toning as almost always, fine. S.G. DI . . . . ... . . .. . . ..... .. . . .. (Photo ) (16) 1,350.00




• ;,



~ !" E f}i: NN

r~~ ..£r. _., ~


\ '

\: :

...... W~"




360 361

* *

RHODESIA: 1896 Ip on 3p gray & green, o.g. (hinge remnant), fine. S.G. 5 1 . .. .. ......... ... . .. . . .. . .. .. .. ... . . . ... . .... (Photo ) (40) 1,000.00 ST. CHRISTOPHER: 1882-90 Crown CA Ip lilac rose, o.g., true rich color and fresh. S.G. 12 .. . . .. ... .. . . . . .... ... .... . (Photo) ( 10) 1,000.00



* *

~ *

1863 Crown CC imp erf 4p on 6p carmine, o.g., full to large margins all round, bright color and fresh, very fine. S.G. 5 (Photo ) ( I0)


4p on 6p, large part o.g., good to large margins, tiny thin spot, fresh, fine ... . ........... . ................ . . . . . .. . . . . . .... (Photo) ( 10)


1922-27 Script CA Badge of Colony ISsh violet & black on bluish , o.g., fre sh, fine. S.G. 113 . . . ............. . .. . . (Photo) (94) 2,000.00


Mull. Crown CA £1 red violet & black on red, l.h., extremely fine. S.G. 96 .. . .. . ...... . .. .. .. .. ... . . . .. ...... ... ........ (Photo ) (99)



1934 Centenary set compl., l.h., incl. 10sh, or o.g., very fine. S.G. 114-23 ..... . ......... . ..... .. ... .. . .. ....... .. . .. .. . . . (Photo ) (101-10)



I0sh red violet & black, Imprint pair, n.h., extreme ly fine. S.G. 123 . . .. . .. .. ..... .. .... . ...... . .... . .. .. . . . .. . . ...... . . .. (Photo) (110)


~ *

ST. KITTS-NEVIS: 1920-22 Mu ll. Crown CA George V £1 black & violet on red, o.g., extreme ly fine. S.G. 36. (Photo) (36)



1923 Scr ipt CA Tercentena r y 1/2 p to 10sh, comp l., plu s Mull. Crown CA Ssh, 2sh Control corner copy, l.h., very fine. S.G. 48-59 .......... . .... . .... . ... . ....... . ........... . . . . . .. (Photo ) (52-63)


3~ 3~ 3~


m* 37 1

Mull. Crown CA £1 violet & black on red , l.h., very fine (Photo ) (64) 2,750.00


£1, o.g., very fine ... .. . . .. . .... . . .. . . ... .... . . . ... . ... . (Photo ) (64) 2,750.00

ST. VINCENT 372 373 374 375 376

* * * * *

1863-69 Unwmkd. perf 1lxl3 l sh brown , part o.g., fresh, fine. S.G. 14 . .... . .. . . .. . . . ... . . .. . ... . .. .. ....... . ............ (Photo) ( 10)


Perf 11 to 13x14 to 16, lsh slate, part o.g., almost very fine. S.G. 11 ...... . .............. . ... . ....... . .... ... . . .. .. .... .... .. (Photo) ( 12)


1871-78 Wmkd. Small Star clean-cut perf 14 to 16 6p blue green, l.h., fre sh, very fine. S.G. 19 ........... . ... (Photo) (14B) 1,100.00 Perf 11 to 13 l sh deep rose, o.g., ·beautiful rich color and fre sh, almost very fine. S.G. 17 ... . ....... . .......... . ....... (Photo ) (17) 1,350.00 Perf 11 to 13x14 to 16 6p pale yellow green, o.g., very fine. S.G. 26a, £550 ... .. ... . ...... .. ............ . .................. (Photo ) (21)










1881-81 Seal of Colony Ssh rose, some o.g., true rich color, fresh, tine. S.G. 32 .............................. (Photo) (29) 2,500.00

1880 Bisect Ip on left half of 6p blue green, large part o.g., tiny thin, fine. S.G. 28 . ... . . . . . . ... . ............... . . .... .. .. (Photo) (30) 1,000.00 1881 ½p on half of 6p yellow green, unsevered pair, part o.g., (Photo) (3 1a) deep vibrant color , fine S.G. 33a, £400 . .............


lp on 6p yellow green, o.g., bright color and fresh, fine. B.P.A. Cert. ( 1969). S.G. 34 .... . ..... . . . ..... . .... . . . ... . . . ... (Photo) (32)

750 .00

SAMOA 38 1









* *










1914 Unwmkd. 3sh on 3m black violet, o.g., tiny corner perf crease, very tine. Signed H. Bloch. S.G. 113 (Photo) (I 12) 2,500.00

Ssh on Sm slat e & car min e, o.g., very tin e. Signed Champion. S.G. 114 ........................... (Photo ) (113) 1,850.00

1935 Wmkd. NZ and Star Close Together £5 deep blue , o.g., very fine ................................................. (Photo ) ( 180)

800 .00

1945-50 Wmkd. Multiple NZ and Star 2sh6p to £5, compl. set, last a sheet margin copy, l.h. or o.g., Ssh trace of gum toning, very tine. S.G. 207-14 . ... . . . ... . . ..... .... .. .... . (Photo) (195-202) 1,617.50 Compl. set, l.h. or o.g., very tine .. . .. .. .. .. ... (Photo) (195-202 ) 1,617.50 Compl. to £3, l.h., 30sh neg ligible tone spot on reverse, fine to very fine. S.G. 207- 13 ................ . .. . ...... . .. .. ... (Photo) ( 195-202)


SIERRA LEONE: 1893 Crown CC ½p on 1½p violet, unused, fine. Scarce. S.G. 38 . . . .. . ......... . . . . . .... . ... . .. . .. . . (Photo) (32)


1897 Wmkd. CA over Crown 2½ on 6p lilac & green, surchd. types "c " and "d" (S.G. 11 and 12), sheet margin pair, l.h., fine (Photo) (54,55)


1912-24 Mutt. Crown CA George V £5 gray green & orange, o.g., slight rubbing, fresh, fine. S.G. 130, £ 1200. Signed Holcomb e (Photo) ( 12 1) 2,000 .00 £5, l.h., rich co lors, fine ..........

. ........

. ... . .... .. (Photo) ( 12 1) 2,000.00




SOUTH AFRICA: 1913-22 George V ½p to £1, compl. set, l.h., incl. £ I, or o.g ., some small faults, fresh, fine or fine appearance. S.G . 3- 17 . . . .. . .... ..... .. . . .... . . . . .... . ... . . .. ... . ... .. (Photo) (2- 16) 2,968.85


1927-28 Engraved 2p to lOsh, comp!. set, bi-lingual pairs, l.h., very fine. S.G. 34-39 .. .. .. ... . .... .. . . .. . .. . . .. .. (Photo) (26a-32a) 1,345.00





1886-96 Inscribed "POSTAGE & REVENUE" £5 brown, large hole perf 11½, sheet margin wmk., o.g., faint crease, fresh, fine. Ex King Carol. B.P.A. Cert. (1989). S.G. 2058 (Photo) (90a) 4,500.00 £5, unused, pin hole, rich color, fine appearance. B.P.A. Cert (1987) . .. ... ..... ... .. . . . .. ........... . .... (Photo) (90a) 4,500.00

SOUTH-WEST AFRICA Bi-Lingual Pairs 395 396

* *

1923 Setting I £1 red & deep green, o.g., fresh, fine. S.G.12 (Photo) (12a) 3,500.00 £1, vertical pair, o.g., top stamp faint corner crease, fresh, fine. As horiz. pair $3500 .. . . .. ... . .. . ....... . . .. . .... . .... (Photo) ( 12a var.)

1923 Setting ll

* 398 * 399 * 397

400 401



* 403 * 404 * 402

Ssh blue & claret, I.h. or o.g., extremely fine. S.G. 13 (Photo) (13a)


lOsh olive green & blue, l.h., extremely fine. S.G. 14 (Photo) (14a) 2,500.00 lOsh, o.g., brilliant fresh, extremely fine ... .... .. . (Photo) (14a) 2,500.00 lOsh, l.h., very fine . .. . .... . . . ..... . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . .... (Photo) ( 14a) 2,500.00 lOsh, 1.h., left stamp light tone spot, fine . . . . .... .. . (Photo) ( 14a) 2,500.00 £1 red & green, o.g., small separation , very fine. S.G. 15 (Photo) (15a) 3,750.00 1923-24 Setting m £1 red & green, l.h., brilliant fresh, extremely fine. S.G. 27 ... ....... .. . . . . .. . . . ..... .. ... (Photo) (27a)


£1, l.h., rich colors, very fine .. . . .. . . . .. .. ...... .. ... . (Photo) (27a)


1924 Setting VI 405


½p to £1, compl. set, Ish two short perfs, fresh, fine to very fine. S.G. 29-40 . .. . .. ..... . . . ..... . . . . .. . . . .. . . ... . . . . .. . (Photo) (29a-40a) 1,377.50



407 408 409

** * ** **

410 t::,.


lOsh olive green & blue, £1 red & green, n.h., fresh, fine to very fine. S.G. 39, 40 . . .... . ...... . . . . ................. (Photo) (39a,40a) 1,100.00 £1 red & pale olive green, n.h., very fine. S.G. 40. (Photo) (40a)


£1, l.h., very fine .. . ...... . ... .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. ....... . . . . (Photo) (40a)


£1, n.h., fresh, fine . . . .. . .. . .. .. . ..............


... ... .. (Photo) (40a)

£1 red & green, gutter at right, tied by neat Walvis Bay c.d.s. on small piece, very fine. Very rare as used pai r. S.G. 40 (Photo) (40a) 1,150.00+ 1927 Engraved 2p to lOsh, compl. set, l.h., fine to very fine. S.G. 49-54 . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . ...... .. .. . .. . .. .. ... . . . . . . .. .. .. (Photo) (88a-93a)


Compl. set, l.h., fine to very fine . .. ... .........

(Photo) (88a-93a)


1927 George V £1 light red & gray green, l.h., very fine. S.G. 57 (Photo) (95)


£1, l.h., very fine . .. ... .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. . . . . . ... . . . . . . . (Photo) (95)


1931-37 Pictorial set compl., l.h., fresh, fine to very fine. S.G. 74-85, 96 . . .. . .. . . . . . ......... ..... . .. . . .... . .. . .. (Photo) ( I08a-20a)

424 . 15

Officials; 1945-50 Ovptd. Large Serifed Letters 2p dark brown & dark blue, l.h., extremely fine. Very scarce. S.G. 021 (Photo) (O21a)


2p, l.h., very fine ...................................

(Photo) (O21a)


TASMANIA: 1853 Unwmkd. imperf Plate I Second State 4p red orange, neatly caned., full to large margins, handstamp on reverse, bright color and fresh, extremely fine. S.G. 7 (Photo) (2)


419 0

4p, margins all round , light com er crease, fine .... . .. (Photo) (2)

650 .00

420 0

1855 Wmkd. Large Star lp dark carmine, large margins to touched, lightly caned., cert. stating "s light repair" , fine appearance. Royal Cert. ( 1933). S.G. 14 .... .. . .. . . .... . . . .. . .. (Photo) (4) 1,650 .00


412 4 13

* *

* 4 15 * 414

4 16


* *

418 0





1892-99 Wmkd. TAS £1 green & yellow, l.h., very fine. Signed Champion. S.G . 225 . . . .. .. . ... . . . . . . ... .. .... ... .... . .. (Photo) (85) 1,000.00 TOBAGO: 1882-96 Crown CA 6p bistre brown, o.g., fresh, fine. S.G. 19 . . . ... . ............. . . .. . .. . . .. . ..... . ........... . . (Photo) (2 1) 1,000 .00





425 426

427 428 429

* * * * *

* 43 1 * 430







TOGO: 1914 First Setting ½p on 3pf brown, Ip on 5pf green, very l.h. if at all, very fine. B.P.A. Certs. ( 1981). S.G. Hl2, 13 (Photo) (33,34) 1,550.00 40pf lake & black, l.h., very fine. B.P.A 1967. Signed Champion . S.G. H7 . . . ..... .... ...... . .............. .... .... . ........ (Photo) (41)

450 .00

80pf lake & black on rose, o.g., extremely fine. B.P.A Cert. (1967). S.G. H9 .. ..... ................... .. ....... ....... (Photo) (43)


TURKS ISLANDS: 1881 Wmkd. Small Star Surchd. type "h" 2½p on lsh violet, large part o.g., very fine. S.G. 29, £550 (Photo) (2 1)


Surchd. type " I" 2\/zp on lsh violet, o.g., fine. S.G. 38, £450 (Photo) (3 1)


Surchd. type "p " 4p on lsh violet, o.g., fine. S.G. 45, £375 (Photo) (38)


UGANDA: 1896 'fype-Written Issue 20(c) violet, vert. pair, additional letters"a " and "z" to right of "R" top and bottom stamps respectively, unused, complete dividing lines two sides, periods break paper, top stamp light crease, fine. Ex Hind and Lichtenstein. S.G. 47 ..................... .. ...... .... . . (Photo) (47) 1,000.00+ VICTORIA: 1901-05 Edward VD £1 deep rose, perf 11, o.g., very fine. S.G. 388 . ............... .. . . .... . . .. .. . ..... (Photo) (206a)


1905-10 Wmkd. Crown over Double-lined A £1 rose, very l.h., (Photo) (230a) very fine. S.G. 411 ....................................


WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 1854-57 Lithographed imperf 4p blue, o.g. (hinge remnant), very large margins, extremely fine (Photo) (3)


1860 Engraved 6p dull green, o.g., mostly large margins all round, small pulp inclusion, very fine. Rare. S.G. 28 (Photo) (16) 2,500.00 1875 Crown CC lp on 2p yellow, large part o.g., fresh, fine. S.G. 67 .. ..... . ......... ....... .. .. ... . ......................... (Photo) (4 1)


ZANZIBAR 435 436 437 438 439


* * * * * *

1908-09 Wmkd. Multiple Rosette 40r orange brown & black, o.g., very fine. S.G. 242 .. . .. ... .. . .. .. ... . . . ... ..... . (Photo) ( 116)


50r lilac & black, o.g., very fine. S.G. 243 .. . . .... (Photo) ( 117)


lOOr blue & black, o.g., extremely fine. S.G. 244. (Photo) (118) 1,250.00 1913 Dhow 40r orange & black, l.h., extremely fine. S.G. 260c (Photo) (137)


50r dull violet & black, l.h., very fine. S.G. 260d . (Photo) ( 138)


lOOr blue & black, l.h., very fine . Signed Champion. S.G. 260e (Photo) ( 139)



* * *



441 442


200r black & brown, I.h., very fine. S.G. 260f. (Photo) (140) 1,500.00 1921-29 Script CA 30r dark brown & black, I.h., extremely fine. S.G. 297 .......... . . .. ................ . .. . . .. .. (Photo) (177)


ZULULAND: 1892 Wmkd. Anchor Ssh rose, 1.h., hand stamp on rever se, small tone spot, otherwise very fine. S.G.11 (Photo) ( I I) 1,500.00 1894-96 Crown CA £1 violet on red, l.h., extremely fine. S.G. 28 ......... . .. . ........ . ... . . .... .... .. . . . .. .. .. .. . .. . . (Photo) (23) 1,250.00


£5 violet & black on red, I.h., very fine. S.G. 29 (Back Cover Photo) (24) 7,500.00 A lovely copy of this rare stamp.




BRITISH COMMONWEALTH The following 68 lots comprise pres entation and Souvenir booklets which were presented to the most senior postal telecommunication and political officia ls of the United States government. Many booklets are scarce, with some autographed or including cards denoting the rank of the officials involved. Some better individual items or sets have been removed from their respective booklets and are listed immediately before the booklet itself. Dates given are approximate and the vast majority of stamps are never hinged or lightly hinged.



447 *EE

Primarily 1950s, five similar booklets containing over 300 stamps, n.h., wide range of colonies and compr. lOsh and £1 or equivalent values, also a pamphlet containing 24 stamps hinged or a few stuck, some perf faults though generally fine to very fine. Hard covers and spiral bindings. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 ............ . ............... ................. .. .. . ... ... . . .. ... ...... ... . Balance of over 25 booklets containing a few hundred stamps, n.h. to o.g., incl. Canada blks of 4, one Newfoundl and with stamps affixed , Briti sh West Indi es, Nigeria, South Africa , South-West Africa, Sudan, few others , some stuck or minor stainin g, mixed condition to very fine . Hard and soft covers . Est. Cash Val. $ 150-250 ......... . .. . .. . .................... .. .. ... ... . ... ... . ...... . . . ... .. . .. . ....... . .. . .. . .. . .. . ............... .



* *

BRITISH ASIA: 1946 to 1979, over 40 booklets containing a few hundred stamps, n.h. to o.g. , wide range of countries, incl. Bahrain , Burma , Indi a, Iraq, Kuwait , Mal ays ia, Nepal , Pakistan , severa l others, com p!. and part sets, some back-of- book , few stai ns with some affixed or stuck, overall fine to very fine . Mostly hard cove rs. Est. Cash Val. $200 .. .... .... .. . ..... . .. . ........ . .. .. . .. ... .. ............. . .. . ......... .... .

BRITISH OCEANIA: 1938 to 1979, 15 booklets containing a few hundred stamps, n.h. to o.g., mostly Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea 1950s and 60s issues, also Christmas Is., Norfolk Is., Cocos, Nauru, Samoa, Tonga, few others, many comp!. sets with moderate dupl., some affixed or stuck to pages, few stains though mostly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $750+ ............... .





ASIA: 1951 to 1976, over 30 booklets containing several hundred stamps, n.h. to o.g., compr. Cambodia incl. 4 Epreuves de luxe and Souvenir sheets in booklets, Indonesia incl. ovptd. RlAU set comp!. (3), Korea , Philippines, Thailand, Viet Nam, incl. many comp!. sets, other Souv. sheets, blks of 4, few used, some stamps affixed or stuck, also some staining, much fine to very fine. Hard and soft covers Est. Cash Val. $500-750 . . .... . ....... . ................ ... . ..... .. . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .... .. ........................ .... ............ ..... .... ..... .. . . EASTERN EUROPE: 1947 to 1979, over 35 booklets containing several hundred stamps, majority n.h., balance I.h. or o.g., compr. Bulgaria, Czechoslovakkt, Hungary, Jugoslavia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Turkey, incl. many compl. sets, Semis, Airs, few Souvenir sheets and FDCs, 1950s better sets, some affixed or stuck, overall fine to very fine. Mostly hard cover with acetate pockets. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 . ..... ......... .... ..... . . ... ............. ... . ........................... . ..... .. .. .. ..... .. .. . . . ... .. . ... .. . ... .. .. ... .. . ................... .




453 **

MIDDLE EAST: 1937 to 1979, over 30 booklet s containing a couple hundred stamps, n.h. to unu sed, compr. Egypt, Iran , Israel, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Syria, incl. compl. sets and better items , particularly Saudi Arabia issues of 1930s-50s (al:lh:ed or stuck to page s), Semis, few Airs, Souvenir sheets and back-of-book incl. Occu. , mixed condition to very fine , Hard and soft covers. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 ........... . ... ... ............................................................ . ................................. . ..... ......... ... . SCANDINAVIA: 1939 to 1978, 20 booklets containing many hundred stamps, vast majority n.h. , compr. Denmark , Faroe Is., Finland, Greenland, Iceland , Norway , Sweden, incl. numerou s compl. sets, coils, some Semis and Airs, Souvenir sheets , blks of 4, booklet s, misc. back-of-book , moderate dupl. , few slight stains, fine to very fine. Mostly hard covers and acetate pockets. Est. Cash Val. $600-700

454 * EB LATIN AMERICA: Group of about 50 bookl ets, n.h. to o.g., some affixed (stuck ) to pages, many countries incl. Brazil , Colombia, Chile, Peru , Venezuela, Mexico incl. #828 , much Argentina incl. 18p imperf essays, 6 diff. , Airs and blks of 4, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $150-250 .. .. . . . .. .. ........ ..... . . .. . .. ....... . ........ ... . ..... ..... ........ ....................... . . . .. ... .... . ... ........... . .. . ... .

AUSTRIA Air Post 455 ** 456-458 459


1950-53 Bird s set comp!., n.h., very tine. DM767 (Photo ) (C54-60) Three similar lots 1945 to 1957, vinyl folio containing two booklet s, over 175 diff. stamps, n.h., incl. moderately belier items and comp l. sets, Semis, etc., and picture post cards, very tine. Booklets with laced soft covers and embossed eagle, acetate pockets (betw. 432 and 620, B279 and B298, etc.)

460-46 1

Two identical lots

462 **

Same, but without folio and picture post cards




240.00+ EX455 240.00+

1946-1965, six booklet s containing well over 250 mostly diff. , vast majority n.h, incl. a few moderately better items, compl. sets, Semis, 1964 U.P.U. Congress blks of 4 mint and used plus singles on FDCs, few stains, generally tine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $ 125 ......... .

BELGIUM 464 ** 465


466 ** 467




469 **

1951 to 1963, over 250 diff. and 4 Souvenir or miniature sheets , n.h., mostly Regular issues and Semis, better items and compl. sets, tine to very fine. Red leatherette cover, acetate pockets ......... . ......................................... (betw. 4 12 and 602, B605 and B752, etc.)


1952 to 1957, over 135 diff. , n.h. , mostly Semis in compl. sets, also Regular Issues, few Airs, Postage Due and Official s, fine to very fine. Laced hard cover, acetate pocket s. . .. .................... . ... ...... .. . . . . . . . .... . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . (betw. 446 and 510, BSlS-605, etc.) 1,000.00+ Identical booklet and contents, n.h. , a few perf stain s, mostly fine to very fine ...........................................................

. .... 1,000.00+

1950s to 1970s, ten booklet s containing over 600 stamps, vast majority n.h., incl. compl. sets, few better items, blks of 4 incl. a few used, unexploded booklets, misc. stationery etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $ 125 ... .. .. . ... ... . ..... ... . .. . .. .. . ...... .. ...... . .... ... . CIDNA: 1951 to 1962, 15 bookl ets containing a couple hundred stamps, o.g. to ungummed, most affixed to page s, many comp!. sets incl. seve ral better 1950s issues with dupl. , Refugee #B14-16 , misc. Postage Due , also some People 's Republic circa 1977, fine to very fine. Hard and soft covers. Est. Cas h Val. $500 ......... . ....... .. .................. ... ........................... ........ ..... ... . . .... (from 1037) FRANCE: 1945 to 1976, 17 bookl ets containing several hundred stamps, vast majority n.h., incl. comp!. sets, better Semis and Airs, few Epreuves de luxe and Official s, misc. Andorra, Monaco and Reunion , stamp s affixed in one booklet , some others stuck , mixed condition with toning or gum disturbed from pocket s, much very fine and useful. Mostly hard or vinyl covers with acetate pocket s. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 ... .. ....... .. . . .... . ... ......... . .. . ................. ......... ...... ........... ......... ...... .......... . ........................ .



** 472 ** 47 3 ** 47 1





FRENCH COLONIES AND INDEPENDENT AFRICA: Primarily 1950s and 60s, over 40 booklets containing several hundred stamps, mostly n.h., some o.g., wide range of countries, incl. Cameroun, Chad, Dahomey, Fr. Morocco, Fr. Polynesia, Southern and Antarctic Terr., Niger, Senega l, Tunisia, Guinea, Ethiopia , Congo, several others, many compl. sets, moderately better Airs, few Souvenir sheets and FDCs, back-of-book, some faults though overall fine to very fine. Mostly hard cover with acetate pockets. Est. Cash Val. $500-600

GERMANY: Semi-Postal; 1951 Compl. set of two, n.h., neg ligible bends, very fine. DM5 75 .. .. .. ........ .. .. (Photo) (8 3 I 6,3 I 7) ( I 00 .00) 1951 Portraits set of four, very fine. DM450 . (Photo) (8 320-23)

( I 00 .50)

1949 to 1952, 29 diff., n.h. compr. comp!. sets of Reg ular Issues and Semis, fine to very fine. Soft cover (665-69,86-93,B309- I 5, 18, 19,24-30)

7 I 1.00

GERMANY AND AREA: 1954 to 1979, ten booklets containing over 200 mostly diff., n.h., mostly comp!. sets, incl. Semis, Airs, few Sou venir sheets, 1954 Heuss comp!. exce pt 50pf gray, G.D.R ., Ber lin, Saar, fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $250-300 .. . .. . .. . . . . GREAT BRITAIN: 1937 to 1979, 22 booklets containing a few hundred stamps, n.h. to o.g., incl. comp!. sets, Offices Abroad, scattered Regionals incl. Jersey, booklets, FDCs, Postage Due, phosphor and/or graphite, Stationery, some stamps affixed or stuck to pages, few stained , vast majority fine to very fine. Mostly hard covers. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 .................... . 47 6






GREECE: 1951 to 1979, three booklets containing over 110 stamps, n.h., better stamps l.h. or o.g. , few slightly stuck, ge nerally very fine (539-67, etc.) I, I 50 .00+ IRELAND: 1929 to 1979, six booklets containing over 400 stamps , n.h. to o.g., many comp!. sets with dupl. , few Airs, fine to very fine. Hard and so ft covers. Est. Cas h Val. $300-500 ............ ...... .. ............ .... .................. ......................... (betw . 80 and 452, etc.) ITALY

47 8




1945 to 1952, booklet containing over 80 stamps, n.h., incl. better items and co mp!. sets, #477 , I 950 Reg ular Issue, Airs, Spec ial Delivery and Postage Due, few with a trace of toning, fine to very fine. Laced embosse d cardboard co ver, acetate poc kets. Est. Cas h Val. $250-350 . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .... .. .. . ........... .. ... . ........ . ... . . . . .. . . .. . . ... . .. . . ............... . .... . ............ . ........ . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . (betw. 463 and 608, etc.) 1950 to 1957, booklet containing over 125 diff. n.h ., incl. comp!. and part sets, Airs and back-of-book with Postage Due and Parcel Post, generally tine to very fine. Laced hardcloth cover with ace tate pockets ................ .. .... .. .... ..... (betw . 549 and 724 ,El9 -24,J65 -78 ,etc.) Parcel Post Stamps

480 48 I 482

** **


Wmkd. Winged Wheel 300L brown carmine, perf 13½, n.h., fresh, fine. DM4500 .. ................................ (Photo) (Q74) (325.00) 300L, n.h., fresh, fine .... .. .. .... ........ .. . .........

(Photo) (Q74) (325.00)

300L, n.h., inclusions , fine ....... . ... . . . . . . . . ... . ... (Photo) (Q74)


48 3




IO00L, n.h., tiny inclusion, very fine .. .. . . (Photo) (Q76) (1,350.00)



IO00L, n.h., fresh, fine .. .... .... .............

Engraved l000L ultramarine, n.h., very fine. DM7500 (Back Cover Photo) (Q76) (1,350.00)

(Photo) (Q76)( 1,350.00)



Parcel Post Authorized Delivery



1953 Wmkd. Winged Wheel 40L to ll0L , compl. set, n.h., very (Photo) (QYl -4) fine. DMI0 20 ..................... . ...... . ...........


487 **

Compl. set, n.h., very fine .... . ............


488 **

Compl. set, n.h., fine to very fine ...... . .........

489 **

1950-1978, 20 booklets containing a few hundred stamps, n.h., incl. many better comp !. sets though some stuck or slight gum toning, incl. Airs and back-o f-book, also a handfull of post office bulletins and some Soma lia and Sa n Marin o, mixed condition to very fine. Hard and soft cove rs, two are quit e ornate with text and quantities printed. Est. Cas h Val. $400-600 ............................ . ...... ..... . . ... . .. . . . . . . .

490-49 1

Two similar lots

486 **



... . .... (Photo) (QY 1-4)

(Photo) (Q Y 1-4)

179.7 5


JAPAN: 1946 to 1949, 67 stamps and a few Souvenir sheets affixed (stuck) to pages, o.g., to unused, incl. some compl. sets, se-tenant blks of 4, 1948-49 lO0y and 500y generally fine to very fine, Hard cover ................................ .. ....... (betw. 391 and 480, etc.) 1,150.00+

493 ** IHI1951 to 1953, 16 sheets of 20 and 3 Souvenir sheets of two with covers, n.h., fine to very fine. Felt hard cover (527-30,33-36,39,40,81,82 ,85,86,92,93,etc.) 494







1952 to 1978, over 20 booklets containing a few hundred stamps, n.h. to o.g., incl. compl. or part sets, few Souvenir or miniature sheets, better Airs, some affixed or stuck to pages, fine to very fine. Hard and soft covers. Est. Cash Val. $750+ . .... . ... .. ........ ............ . LUXEMBOURG: 1948 to 1978, four booklets containing a few hundred stamps, n.h. to o.g. , incl. co mp!. sets, Semis, few Souvenir sheets, 1956 Europa , 2 sets, not affec ted by sporatic staining, some stuck but ove rall fine to very fine. Two hard cove r spiral bound , others soft cove r, ace tate pocke t. Est. Cash Val. $200-300 ...................................... .. .... . .. .. . ... ....... .. ......... . .. . .. . .. . ..... .. .. .. ................. . ..... . MONACO: 1946 to 1978, five booklets containing over 200 stamps, n.h., exce pt one folder with stamps affixed (stuck) to pages, incl. co mp!. sets, Airs with 1955-57 Birds, 2 sets but mixed perfs, Postage Due, ge nerally fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $200 ............. . .......... .








50 1





NETHERLANDS: 1939 to 1979, 16 booklets containing several hundred stamps, mostly n.h., incl. many compl. sets with Semis, Wilhelmina 1946 and 1953 issues, few Souvenir sheets, blks of 4 (some used) and Officials, fine to very fine. Most are hard cover with acetate pockets. Est. Cash Val. $1,000 .. .......................................... . ... .. . . .... . ....... .. ........... . .. .. ... ..... ... . ....... . NETHERLANDS COLONIES: 1950 to 1979, seven booklets containing a couple hundred stamps, n.h., co mpr . Netherlands Antilles, Neth. New Guinea and Surinam , incl. co mp!. sets with Wilhelmina, Sem is, Postage Due, few Souvenir sheets, some light stainin g though mostly fine to very fine. Hard and soft cove rs with ace tate pocke ts. Est. Cash Val. $200-250 . .. . . . . .... .... . .. . .. .. . . ....... . ............................. . NORWAY: 1863 to 1956, U.P.U. 1957 booklet containing about 85 diff., n.h., incl. #246 , co mp!. and part sets, Semis, Air Post #C l , misc. Officia ls, fine to very fine. Soft laced cove r and acetate pocket s ............ . ......... . .. . . ..... .. .. .. . .... .. .. . . . .. . . . . . (betw . 10 and 354, etc.)


1925 to 1949, over 75 diff., n.h., incl. comp!. sets, Semis , Air Post #C la, 194 1 University, 1946 Haako n set of four, etc., fine to very fine. Hard cove r with acetate poc kets .................... . .. . .................. . ......... . .. . .......... .. ... .... . .. . .. . . .. ..... . . (betw . 111 and 297, etc.)


PORTUGAL AND COLONIES: 1938 to 1978, 13 booklets and large envelope containing several hundred stamps, n.h. to o.g., many compl. sets, few Souvenir sheets, colonies compr. Angola, Cape Verde, Mozambique, Macao, Timor, St. Thomas and Prince ls., Port. Guinea, Port. India, incl. 1938-39 Vasco da Gama and Plane over Globe (n.h.) and later sets, a very few stuck, mostly tine to very fine. Hard and soft covers. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 .............................................................................. .. .... . ......... . . SPAIN: 1952 to 1979, nine booklets containing over 250 stamps, l.h., so me n.h., incl. co mp!. sets, better Airs wit h #C l44 and C l45 , some co lonies, fine to very fine. Hard and sof t cove rs. Est. Cas h Val. $300 ............................................................................ .. .

503 **

1924 Unwmkd. U.P.U. Congress So to Sk, compl. set, n.h. , few short perf s or inclu sions, 800 one pulled perf, fine to very fine. DM4000 . . . . .... . ... .. . .. . . ... . (Photo ) (197-211) 1,170.00

504 **

1924 Unwmkd. U.P.U. So to Sk, compl. set, n.h. , some short or frayed perf s, fine to very fine . DM4500 (Photo ) (213-27) 1,229.50

505 **



1903 to 1947, over 100 diff. n.h. , mostly the coil issues, incl. better item s and Semis, mostly fine to very fine. Soft cover in blue, glassine pocket s .. ... .. . . . .. . . . (betw. 66 and 406, 832-39 ) 1,390.00



1920 to 1954, over 225 diff. coils, I.h. or o.g., incl. numerou s better item s, misc. Semis and Airs, few small fault s or stuck , generally fine to very fine. Hard cover, cloth spine and spiral . ..... (Photo ) (betw. 115 and 473, etc.) 2,025.00+ bindin g ..... . ............. 507 ** EE SWITZERLAND AND LIECHTENSTEIN: 1941 to 1960s, 19 booklet s containing man y hundred stamps, vast majorit y n.h., incl. compl. and part sets, Semis with blk s of 4, many Officials incl. a few blks of 6 with FD cancels, FDCs, Souvenir sheets, some booklets incorporate Liecht enstein compl. sets, few negligible perf tone s or slightly stuck , fresh and fine to very fine. Mostly hard cover with acetate pocket s. Est. Cas h Val. $750+ ..... . ........ . . . .. . ... .. .. . .... .. ... .. .. . . . ..... . ... . ....... . ...... . .. . ...... . ....... . . .. . .. .. .... . . . .. .. ... .. . . 508


VATICAN CITY: 1951 to 1979, six bookl ets containing over 125 stamp s, n.h. to o.g., incl. Stagecoach Souvenir sheets (3), Gratianus and other slightly better affixed (stuck) to pages, generally fine to very fine. Hard and soft covers. Est. Cash Val. $200-250 ..... . ..... . ... .. .... .


5 10

* **

5 11 **

AUSTRIA: 1936 Dollfuss 10s dark blue , l.h. , two tin y handstamp s on r ever se, very fine .. .. . .... . ... . . .. .... . .. (Photo ) (380)


BELGIUM: 1952 U.P.U. Congre ss set compl., incl. Semi-Postal, . .. . .. . (Photo ) (435-45,8514 ) n.h., very fine. DM750 ...............


EGYPT: 1956 Boy Scouts perf and imp erf Souvenir sheets of three, n.h. , latt er small thinning , otherwise very fine (Photo ) (813-15 vars.)



5 13



1863-67 Perf 14xl3 \/2 2c red brown on yellowish, blk of 6, n.h., folded horiz. along perfs, brownish gum, very fine. Ceres 261, FFrs 3250+ .... . . . . ...... . .......... . ......... . ... . . . .. .. . ... . . (Photo ) (30)


1929 Le Havre 2fr orange & pale blue , corner sheet margin copy, n.h., very fine. DM2000 ......... . .. . ..... . . .. . (Photo) (246)


Semi-Postals 5 14 **

1926-27 " La Marseillaise " 5fr+lfr slate blue & black , corner sheet margin copy , n.h. , very fine. DM460 ....... (Photo ) (B23)


5 15 **

5fr+Hr , n.h., very fine ....... ............


(Photo ) (B23)


5 16 **

Same, sheet margin copy, n.h., very fine ..........

(Photo ) (B23)


5 17 ** EE 5fr+1fr , sheet margin blk of 4, n.h., very fine. DM1840+ (Photo ) (B23) 1937 Winged Victory set of two , n.h. , very fine. DM600 (Photo ) (866 ,67)

5 18 **

500.00+ 190.00

r o-~~3;~

Ill 2ND Pi\N·AR,_\ll,li\,"\\llORK ~





* *


5 19


52 1 0



522 ** 523 0



Air Post; 1936 50fr ultramarine , l.h., perfectly centered, ex(Photo) (C15) ........... ............ tremely fine .................... OFFICES IN CRETE; 1903 Surchd. set of five, o.g., mixed . .. (Photo ) ( 16-20) condition to fine ..... . .. . .......................... Compl set, neatly caned., I pi on 25c perfs in at top, fine to very ( 16-20) . . ........... fine ... . . . . ... ... . . . ........ .. . .. ..................... FRENCH SOUTHERN AND ANTARCTIC TERRJTORlES: 1966-69 Albatross 20fr slate , olive & orange , n.h., very fine (Photo ) (28) 1859 Without Silk GERMAN STATES: WURTTEMBERG; Thread lkr black brown, good to large margins, deep color , lightly caned., extremely fine. DM 1500 . . .. . .. . . . .. (Photo) (13a)

900.00 337.50 296.50

425.00 350.00


- ~.,.:i , ,;.C:_.,-;111 -;.;

\i' 1)lUA t\l\Ol lKl R -t\Lr:X1

Semi-Po stal s 524


525 526 527 528 529

** ** ** ** ** **

1949 to 1951, Stamp Centenary, Bach and Philatelic Exposition issues compl. , n.h. , fine lo very fine. DM710. (8309,14,15,18,19) 1949 Welfare set of four, n.h., fine to very fine. DM425 (Photo) (B3 10- 13) 1951 Marienkirche set of two , n.h., 20+5pf negligible bend, very .. ... . . . .. ..... (Photo ) (B3 16,3 17) fine. DM575 . ...... . . .............. 1951 Portraits set of four , n.h., fine to very fine. DM450 (Photo ) (8 320-23) (Photo) (83 20-23) Compl. set, n.h., fine to very fine .............. Rhein and Main ; 1912 lOpf, 20pf , 30pf , compl. set, n.h., fine to . ..... . ............ . (Photo ) (Mi. 1-nI ) very fine .. . . . ...................

(159.75) (90.00) ( I00.00) ( 100.50) ( I 00.50)


Air Post 530






533 534

* 0









539 0



1930 South America Flight 2m ultramarine, very fine, tied by LUFfSCHIFF 10. 9. 1930 pmk . on cove r bearing red cac het, Mosco w rece iver on reverse. DMI000 ... . ....... . .. (Photo) (C38) 4m black brown, fine, tied by FRIEDRJC HSHAFEN 18.5.30 pmk. on cac heted corner, tran sit mkgs. on reve rse. DM I000 (Photo) (C39) 1931 Polar Flight set of three, lm top selvage copy on card, others on separate cover, 2m corner crease, fine to very fine, all tied by 7. 3 1. c.d.s. cance l and appropriat ely cac heted in red, 4m with additional FIRST " TNTOUR IST " EXPEDITION 193 l ICEBREAKE R " MALIGIN " violet handstamp on reve rse. DM 3 I 50 (Photo) (40-42) 1933 Chicago Flight set of three, o.g., fine to very fine (Photo) (C43-45) 2m ultramarine , fine, used with additional post age and Eag le 50pf and tied by LUFfS CHJFF I 6. I0.33 pmk s. on cac heted cove r. DM700 . ..... . .. . . .. . . .. .. . . . .. .... ....... .......... . . ... (Photo) (C44) BERLIN; Semi-Postals, 1949 Currency Victims set compl. and Souvenir sheet of three, l.h., fine to very fine. (Photo) (9NB 1-3,a) ICELAND: 1939 New York World's Fair 20a, 3Sa, 4Sa, compl. very fine, tied by REY KJAVIK 30.4 .39 First Day ca ncels on (Photo) (2 13- 15) cac heted , unadd ressed cove r ....................... Set of three, very fine, tied by First Day ca nce ls, on Reg is. cacheted cove r .. .. ........... . .... . . . . .. .. . .... . .. . . (Photo) (2 I 3- 15) Air Post; 1933 Hopflug set of three, barely hinged if at all, fresh, very fine. Signed Dr. Debo. DM7000, Facit Krs. 24,S00 as n.h. (Photo) (C12-14) IONIAN ISLANDS: Air Post; 1943 S0c olive brown, carmine ovpt., neat c.d.s. cance l, very fine. Signed Drossos (Photo) (NC 13b) ITALY: 1923 Manzoni JOcto SL, compl. set, l.h., fine to very fine (Photo) ( 165-70)

An Bord Luhachtff


, Zepp.;:1111

400.00 400 .00

- MIii'







I 90 .00

• t



--1,.-0 \.· \

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-1o -



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DM450 DM450




OcJ tL

I.. I~\



~ -::;. ,~,~.... -5. 1~~1 l

259 .02

•· t: 1-'Jt"ir


.. (11





..1lll1tu~7 (,<i'.'.>J L ~q





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Hr",'· l.ja , iJ. (j!'jj

P.O. Oor 121 Reyltjoyjl( • l,lon d

JAPAN 54 1 542 543

* * *

544 0 545 546

* * *

547 548 0 549 550

1871 Native Laid Paper imperf 48m brown, Pl. I, pos. 9, ungumm ed, small faults, very fine appeara nce ........ (Photo) ( I) 100m blue, Pl. I, pos. 13, ungumm ed, full to large margins, light creas ing, very fine appearan ce ........... ... .. . ......... (Photo) (2) 500m blue green, wove paper, Pl. I, pos. 15, ungummed, very large margins, extreme ly fine ... . .... .. ....... ........ (Photo) (4d) 1872 Perf 9-12 2s vermilion on wove paper, pos. 12, small faults, very fine appea rance ..... . .... . .. . .. . ... . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . (Photo) (7a) 1899-1907 Typographed 6s to ly , compl., o .g. (so me with hinge remnants), fine to very fine . ................ . ..... (Photo) ( IO 1-08) 1916 Ceremonial Cap 10s ultramarine & dark blue, l.h., dull (Photo) ( 154) gum , fine ....... . . ... .. . ................................ 10s, o.g., small faults, very fine appeara nce ...... .. . (Photo) ( 154) 10s, neat violet l.J.P.O. cancel, very fine. Scarce cancel (Photo) (154) 1921 Postal Service set of four, o.g. , IOs neg ligi ble gum crease, fine to very fine ... . ... . . ..... . .... .... . ......... . . . . (Photo) ( 163-66) 1937-45, six booklets panes of 20 in 5 booklets, compr. 2s crimson, 2 panes (booklet exploded), 4s dark green, 5 panes, n.h., so me glass ine bac king adhering, fine to very fine. (259a,26 I a)

* **ll.ll

HJ ~ ~ ".t"' ll!lrl-31 t e:"&

225 .00



~ •~ 11


240 .00


L~ nn11l s m111n111~ n11l t-11 ~ ~ ".t"' ll!!rl-31 t e:--&................552 ......

. ..... ...... . ·················-··················· ....., .............. 400.00

.l -



425. 00




......1..sQQ· ······J



553 t-n ~ ~".t"' ll!!~,te:"& ............. ·················••·•·················· ···················

750.00 750 .00 555


ii Sm






················ .. ... ········· .. .... ......... ................. . Biiileal

Biiil CII ~





.....: ...................: ...................: ...................: ...................: .................. .

55 1 552 553 554

** ** ** **

555 0 556 557

* **

1948 "Bea uty Looking Back" Sy brown, sheet of five, n.h., usual bends and inclusions, very fine ...................... . (Photo) (422)

22 5.00

Same, n.h., usual inclusions or bends, very fine . ... (Photo) (422)

225. 00

Another sheet, n.h. , usual inclusions or bends, very fine (Photo) (422)

225. 00

Same, n.h., usual inclusions, light creas ing or bends, fine (Photo) (422)

225. 00

Same, neat maroon commemorative cancel, bends and creases along ex treme right verl. perf and selvage , very fine. (Photo) (422)


1948-49 Wmkd. Curved Wavy Lines 2y to S00y, compl. set, I.h. or o.g. mixed condition to very fine . ........ . . (Photo) (425-36)


1949 "Moon and Geese " Sy purple, sheet of five, o.g., few se lvage perfs se parated, very fine .. ...... .. . .. ...... .. (Photo) (479)






1950-52 Unwmkd. S0s to S00y, 14 diff. , l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine . . . . . . .. . ....................... (Photo) (509,ll ,12A-1S, 20-218) lOOy carmine lake , l.h., very fine . ................ (Photo ) (52 1A)

936.65 250.00

Air Post

560 0 56 1 562 563 564 565

566 567

568 569 570

1919 Perf 13x13½ 1½s blue, 3s rose, com pl. set, neatly caned., (Photo) (C 1,2) 375.00 fine to very fine ....................................... ** EB 1934 Exhibition Souvenir sheet of four, n.h. , very fine (Photo) (C S) 1,100.00 * EB Same , l.h., very fine .......... . ...... . . . . . .. .. . .. .... .. (Photo ) (CS) 1,100.00 1951 and 1952 With Zeros lSy to 160y, compl. set, l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine . .. . ...... . .... . .. . ....... . .... ..... (Photo) (C l4 -24) 392.00 1952-62 Redrawn SSy to 160y, compl., n.h., fine to very fine (C30-38) 265.00 OFFICES IN CHINA; 1900-06 Unwmkd. Sr to ly, 14 diff., plu s 1900 3s carmine, o.g., some hinge remnants or small faults, generally fine to very fine .. . . ...................... ( 1-5,9, I 0, 12- 19) 27 1.50 1914-21 Wmkd. Zigzag Line s ½s on ly , compl., o.g., some small faults, 30s perfs touch left, genera lly fine to very fine .... (33-47) 426.75 OFFICES IN KOREA ; 1900 Sr to 50s, compl., plu s 1900 3s carmine, o.g., som e small faults , generally fine to very fine (Photo) (l-13 ,15) 1,251.00 KOREA: 1951-52 Flags 500w, 22 dill'. incl. Jtaly flag without 115.00 . .. (betw . 132 and 167) crown , l.h., fine to very fine ............... MONACO: 1964 John F. Kenn edy 50c bright blue & indigo , Souvenir sheet of one and Epreuve de luxe, n.h. , extremely fine (Photo ) (596 vars.) uni. SAMOA: 1900 3pf to S0pf, compl., last short corner perf, fine to 0 very fine, tied by Apia 14 June 00 c.d.s. cancels on Reg is. envelope (fold not affecti ng stamp s) to Berlin, rece iver on reverse (Photo ) (5 1-56)

£1IISCHR£/B£N. ~J_


* ** *


* *

: -}.:.·•






~- -,-.

-\~.: .~ .. ~. 1l ~


.: ...,.7.::~ .\Iii


lio lZ 561 . .................




: "'



r::::i l

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~~f 1!1!'11 ;' [i::J



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,r :iil

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\eII •


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:a,eix ~ . : ......... .....:.

! ti


EX 569


57 1




SPA[N: Air Post; 1953 Sorolla 50p dark violet, very l.h. if al all, fine . . ...................... . .. . . . ... .. . .. ...... . ........ (Photo) (C l44)

500 .00

Air Post Semi-Postal; 1950-51 Canary Islands Visit 25p+10c . ..... . (Photo) (C B 18) dark violet brown, l.h., fine ................






575 0

Zurich; 1843 Red Vertical Lines 6r black, unu sed, margins three sides, in slightly at right, thinn ed, clear ly printed with red lines quite visible, fresh, fine appeara nce .................. .. .... (Photo) ( I L2) 5,500.00 1846 Red Horizontal Lines 6r black, unu sed, margin s three sides, in at left, large handstamp on reverse, rich co lor and fresh (Photo) ( IL4) 1,500.00 1850 Coat of Arms 2Y2r black & red, repair ed, neat PP cance l, fine appeara nce ... . .. . .... . ...................... . ...... (Photo) ( I LS) 4,250.00



Federal Administration 576

577 578


** **

1907-25 Granite Paper 3fr bistre & yellow, o.g., very fine (Photo) ( 145)


1945 Peace set compl., incl. Semi-Postal, n.h., extreme ly fine. DM1502 .... . . .. ....... .. .. . ................ (Photo) (293-305 ,8145 )


Same, sheet margin or corner copies, very fine to extremely fine (Photo ) (293-305 ,8145)

527.22 585


Semi-Postals 579


58 1

* ** **







** **

1929 U.P.U. Souvenir booklet containing 1913 to 1928 Pro Juventute issues, l.h. or o.g., #B2 few short perfs , otherw ise very fine .......... . .. . ..... . ... . . .. ........ . ........................... (B 1-48)


1940 National Fete Day imperf Souvenir sheet of four, n.h., very fine. DM 1100 . .... .. .. ... . .. . . . ....... ... ......... . ... (Photo) (B I 05)


1945 War Victims imperf Souvenir sheet of one, l.h., extremely fine. DM575 ...... .. ..... . ... .. ........ . . . ........ .... . (Photo) (8143)


Same, n.h., extre mely fine .......................

.. . (Photo) (B 143)

200.0 0

THAILAND: 1885 Surchd. type " c" 1t on lsol blue, o.g., creases , fine appeara nce . Scarce . ................... . .. . . (Photo) (8)


VATICAN CITY: 1935 Juridical Congress set compl. , all but 80c top right corner copie s, n.h., few tiny inclusions, fine to very fine. DM1400 . . .. . .. . ... . .. .. ... . .... ....... .......... (Photo) (41-46)

(160 .00)

1936 Pre ss Conference set compl .. , n.h., fine to very fine. DM850 (Photo) (47-54 )


COLLECTIONS AND VARIOUS There are additional large lots in the pr eceding Presentation Booklets section.

BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AND FOREIGN 19th and 20th Century 586 * O

Coll. of several thousand diff. in 15 International albums in 3 cartons, o.g. or used, excellent range of Western Europe and British areas , though sporadically presented, incl. many better items or compl. sets, Semis , Airs , etc., few envelopes in box, clean and generally fine to very fine, requires careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $5,000-7,500

587 * O

Coll. of several thousand in 1930 International Junior album, A to Z, mixed used and o.g., many useful early issues, Europe and British well represented, mixed condition to very fine. Est . Cash Val. $1,250 . ... . ..... ... . .. ...... . .. . . . . .

588 * O

Balance of a property, over 450 on stock pages, cards, etc., in box, o.g. to unused or used, mostl y Europe incl. German States , Bulgaria coll., Austria , Switzerland, Portugal, several others and misc. British areas , mixed condition, incl. some reprints and reference not figured. Est. Cash Val. $500-600 ... . ... . ........ . ............ . . .. ..... . .. .. .... . ...... . . . .. . .... . .. . . . . ..... . .. . ..... .. .. . ... .

589 * 0:8J Aecom. of many thousand in glassines, boxes and loose in 2 carton s, n.h. to unused or used, incl. some U.S., U.N., few FDCs or other promotional items, Australia, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-500 . . .... .. . . . . . .... .. .. . .. .. .... . . . .... . .. . 590


Accum. of about 120 items in ring-binder , many postal cards and some covers, much Europe incl. Germany, Austria, Russia, Netherlands, Switzerland, others incl. Nicaragua, 2 turn-of-century covers and Japan, 2 postal cards (one reduced), few British, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $200-300 ................... . .. .. ... ... ..... . ......................................... . ......... . ... . ... . .. . ... . .. . .



To about 1940, accum. of over 50 items, good range of better cover s, incl. Canada, France, Germany with a couple Zeppelin flown items, Mexico with 186 1 4r quadrisect, Switzerland, Vatican Stationery, Airs, censored, Regis., mixed condition to very fine, worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $200-300 ...................... .... . .. . .. . .. . . .. ..... . . . .......... . .............. . ............................. . .. . ... .

592 * O

1840 to 1937, coll. of several thousand diff. in set of two International Junior albums (1938 bound ed.) in box, o.g. to unused or used , albums in excellent condition and containing a wide range of countrie s with many better item s or compl. sets, incl. U.S., much Europe and British areas , some fau lts as would be expected, very clean and overall fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $2,000-2,500 .. . .... ........................ . .... ........ ......... .. . . . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . ... .. .. .

593 * 0:8J 20th Century , Property almost as received in 2 cartons, compr. everything from Canadian FDCs and Flights to a world-wide stock to Russian topical covers from 1960s and 1970s, Channel Islands coll., etc., much useful, worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 .. .. ................ . ........ . ..... . ............ . .... . .. .. . . . . ... . . . .... . .... .. .. .. .. . ........ .. ... . ............................. . 594




Balance of a property, hundreds of covers and thousands of Christmas and Easter seals, mostly Canada , in carton , wide range of commercial covers with U.S., incl. FDCs, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $ 100 .................................... . .. . .... .. ...... .. TOPICALS: 20th Century, coll. and accum. of a few thousand stamps on pages and stock sheets in 5 binders and loose stock sheets in carton, l.h. or o.g., some n.h. or used, wide range of count ri es with stamps from almost- everywhere, much Europe, British areas , Japan and China, others, many compl. sets, Airs, few imperfs and Souvenir sheets, featuring Anima ls incl. birds, fish and sea life, Art, Costumes, Religion, severa l other topics to lesser extent, clean and fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 . . . . ... ..... ... .... ... . ... . .......... . .. ... ... .. .. .... ..... .. . . .... ... .. .. . ...... . .. . . . ................... . ........... . ... . .... . . .

596 ** IBIJohn F. Kennedy; circa 1964, coll. of many hundred diff. on white Ace pages in 4 ring-binders in carton, vast majority n.h., wide range of countries with many compl. sets, imperfs, Souvenir and miniature sheets, se-tenant, FDCs, Die proofs, etc., fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-500 .. . .............. . .. . .. . .. . .. .......................... . ................................................ . . . . .. .


Not es

BRITISH COMMONWEALTH 597 * OEB19th and 20th Century, accum. of several items in stockbook, on pages in binder, etc., in box, n.h. to o.g. or used, many

countries incl. Canada Pl. blks, Cyprus, etc., Souvenir sheets, some foreign material, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 .. . . . .. ..... ... ......... . ......... . ... .. ... .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . . . . .... .. ... . . .. . . .... . ...... .. . . ...... . .... . . .. . . .. . . .. .. .. . ....... . .. . 59 8 * C)c8:JPrimarily 20th Century, accum. of hundreds in 8 albums or binders and on stock sheets in 2 cartons, n.h. to unused or used, incl. Great Britain with FDCs, Canada, Omnibu s issues, prom otion al and a few better items, mixed co ndition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400 -500 .... . ................ .. ...... . . . .. .. .. .. . . ... . . .. . ... . ..... .. ........ . .. . ... ---------------------------------------------------------· · 599 181

Accum. of well over 200 items on pages in ring-binders and loose in box, mostly covers of a wid e range of co untries, incl. Canada, Grea t Britain , Australi a, Ant arctic Terr., Chri stmas sets or cac heted FDC s, Airs, Mt. Everest and Saltoro Ex pedition card s, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300 -400 . . ..... .. ............. . . . ...... ... . . . .. .. .. . . .. ...... .. .. . ... .. .. .. ... . ................ .

600 * O

Accum. of several hundred mostly ditT.on stock sheets in ring-binder and loose in box, n.h. to o.g., so me used, incl. Great Britain Victoria iss ues , Australia, New Zea land, South Africa , severa l other s, so me co mp!. sets, Souvenir shee ts, back-o f-boo k, multipl es, etc. , some faults thou gh ove rall fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $250-350 ...... . ... . .. . ....... . .... . .... . . . .. .. .. . . . . ... . . . .. .. .. . . ... .

60 I 602 603

* * *

1930s to early 1940s, misc. remainder of issues and part sets neatly mounted on gilt-edged quadrille pages, l.h., incl. some better, fresh and fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $250 ... .. . ... . ..... . ...... . .. . . . ...... . ... ..............


... ..............


1940s to 1950s, coll. of several hundred on 7 stock pages, l.h., values to £5, $4.80, some better sets suitable for mail auctions, very fresh and overall very fine. Cati. 1993 about $1,800 .... . .. ........ ... . .......... . .. .... . .... . .... . . .. .. . . .......... . .. . ..... . ... .. . . OMNIBUS: 1935 Silver Jubilee, compl. issue (249 stamps) on stock sheets, l.h. or o.g ., fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400 -500

604 ** EB1977 to 1982, coll. of many hundred items in 6 White Ace albums in carton, vast maj ority n.h., co mpr. Silver Jubil ee, 25th Anniv . of Coro nation, 198 1 Roya l Weddin g, 21st Birthd ay, 1982 Birth of Prince Willi am, virtually co mp!. issues incl. booklets, Souvenir and miniature sheets, etc., generally very fine. Es t. Cash Val. $200- 300 ...... . .. . . .. ... . . . . . .. . . .. . .. .. ... .. . .. . . . .... . ..... . . .. .... . ..... . 605 * O

EAST AFRICA: 19th and 20th Century to about 1930, coll. of over 200 diff. on pages, o.g. to unused or used, incl. Br. East Africa, E. Africa and Uganda Protectorates, Kenya and Uganda, Tanganyika, etc., many better items, surchd. or ovptd., Edward VII to lOr, George V to 20r and £1, generally fine to very fine ................ . . . . ... .. . .

606 * O

BRITISH ASIA: 19th and 20th Century, accum. of about 300 mostly diff. on stock sheets, o.g. or used, incl. Bahrain, Brunei, Ceylon, Hong Kong, Sarawak, Straits Settlements, misc. India and States, etc., few better and compl. sets, generally fine to very fine. S.G. about £4000 .... . .. .. . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . ... . ....... . .. .. ....... .. .. . . . .. .... . . . ........ ............. 5,000.00+

THE P. J. FORRESTAL COLLECTION The fo llowing 76 lots comprise the " Forres/al " collection balances. Mounted on Scott Specialty album. pages, the stamps gene rally have original gum and many are lightly hinged unless otherwise noted. There is intermitant staining though most s1amps have not been affected. The colors are much fres her than normal. Content is comprehensive, with many $ 100 to $300+ catalogue value items, and is virtually comp/ere f rom the 1920s. 607 60 8 609

* * *

BRITISH AFRICA: Primarily 20th Century, over 500 diff., compr. Ascension, Cameroons, German East Africa, Ghana, Niger Coast Prot., Sudan, Tristan Da Cunha, many com pl. sets incl. Airs and back-of-book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,875.00 EAST AFRICA: 1903 to 1961, about 250 diff., compr. East Africa and Uganda Protectorates, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, Tanganyika, incl. Edward VII to 20r, George V to £1, Postage Due, Tanganyika wmkd. sideways .. . ........ . ........... . ... . ... 3,975.00+ SOUTHERN AFRICA: 19th and 20th Century, over 350 diff., compr. Basutoland, Cape of Good Hope, Orange River Colony, Stellaland, Swaziland , Transvaal, incl. compl. sets, Elizabeth surchd. types with Postage Due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,300.00



BRITISH AMERICA: 1890 to 1963, over 300 diff., compr. Barbuda, Br. Antarctic Terr., Cayman Is., Leeward Is., South Georgia . .. ....... . .............................. . . ........ . . ....................... . ... . .... ...... . .. . ... . ...... . ............. 5,700.00+

6 11 * O

BRITISH NORTH AMERICA: 19th and 20th Century, over 225 diff., o.g. to unused or used, incl. Canada, Br. Columbia and Vancouver Is., etc., mixed condition with a few stuck down. Est. Cash Val. $200-400 ................................................ .

6 12 * O

BRITISH ASIA: 19th and 20th Century, many hundred diff. in 2 Specialty albums, mostly used, some unused , incl. many Gulf States, India and smatterings of States, Hong Kong, Malayan States, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000

6 13

6 14 6 15


* * 6 16

BRITISH OCEANIA: Primarily 20th Century, over 400 mostly diff., o.g., compr. Aitutaki, Cook Is., Nauru, Niue, Penrhyn Is., Samoa, incl. Postal Fiscals ovptd., many com pl. sets or better items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ,600.00+ 20th Century, over 150 diff., o.g., incl. Christmas Is., Gilbert and Ellice ls., Norfold Is., Pitcairn ls., few others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,650.00+ ANTIGUA: 1863 to 1964, over 125 diff. , o.g., very nearl y complete issues ... ... . .. . ..... ... . .........


AUSTRALIA: 1913 to 1961, over 300 diff., o.g., incl. Kangaroo Ssh, 10sh and £1 values, Melbourne pane of 4, later compl. sets and better Postage Due and Officials .. ..... ........... ...... ... ...... (betw. l and 342, J39 and J94, etc.)10,400.00+

617 * O



619 * O 620

...... . ... (betw. 2 and 151) 4,200.00+

AUSTRALIAN STATES: Primarily 19th Century, over 250 diff., o.g. to unu sed, few used, compr. New South Wales, Queen sland , South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria , Western Australia , better items throughout incl. Semis, etc . .... 14,000.00+

BAHAMAS: 1861 to 1964, about 200 diff., o.g., incl. better ear ly items (a few unu sed), complete issues from 1906 with Special Delivery and War Tax ....... . ... . .... . .... . . .. ....... . ..... . .. .. ... .. .................. (betw. 8 and 201, etc.) 7,400.00 BARBADOS: 1852 to 1965, over 225 mostly diff., some early used, country complete from 1882 (betw. 2 and 56, 60-264, etc.) 4,050.00+


BECHUANALAND AND BECHUANALAND PROTECTORATE: 1886 to 1961, over 175 diff. , o.g., few unused, countries almost complete, su rchd . types and Postage Due ............................................... . (1-21,23-26,28-54,61-92,94-193, etc.) 5,325.00+

62 1 * O

BERMUDA: 1865 to 1963, about 175 diff., few early used , country complete from 1880 ... .. .......

622 * O

BRITISH CENTRAL AFRICA: 1891 to 1907, over 45 diff., o.g., few unu sed and three used, incl. better surchd . item s and 1897-1901 Coat of Arms £1 . . .. . ......................................... ... .... . .. ... ....... .. ...... .. ................. (betw. 1 and 73) 2,500.00+









(betw. I and 14, 18-194) 4,200.00+

BRITISH EAST AFRICA: 1890 to 1897, over 70 diff. , o.g. to unu sed, issues nearl y complete (14-30,34,36-48,50,S 1,53-93,97 ,98,100,59a) 4,775.00+

BRITISH GUIANA: 1860 to 1964, over 190 diff. , few early unu sed, country very nearly complete from 1881 (betw. 17 and 287) 5,300.00+

BRITISH HONDURAS: 1865 to 1964, about 175 diff., country almost complete, incl. Semis , Postage Due and War Tax ... .............. . .............. .. . . .. . ........................ ... ...................................... (betw. 1 and 186, etc.) 4,575.00 BRUNEI: 1906 to 1958, over 90 diff., o.g., $25 black on red unused, virtuall y complete issues ......................

..... (1-99) 2,550:00+




CYPRUS: 1880 to 1960, over 175 diff., o.g. to unused, issues very nearly comp lete . . . .... .. .... (betw. 1 and 200) 11,600.00+

628 -


DOMINICA: 1874 to 1964, over 170 diff. , few earl y unused , country very nearl y comp lete. (betw. 1 and 184, etc.) 4,900.00+



EGYPT : 1867 to 1957, coll. of a few hundred diff. on Specia lty page s, o.g., few used, incl. compl. sets, few Souvenir sheets, Airs, back-of-book incl. some Occu., generally fine to very fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




FALKLAND ISLANDS: 1878 to 1964, over 185 diff., incl. George V to £1, War Tax and Dependencie s (betw. 1 and 149, lLl-37, etc.) 5,450.00+

63 1


FIJI: 1871 to 1961, about 150 diff., o.g., few ear ly used , incl. Edward VTI, George V Dies I and U, Postage Due (betw. 16 and 175, J7-19, etc.) 2,800.00+



GAMBIA: 1869 to 1961, over 160 diff., o.g., few unu sed, countr y complete .. . ... ..... . . .. . . .. .. . .. . ..... . .. . ................

(1-171) 5,200.00+

-633 634

* 635


GIBRALTAR: 1886 to 1953, country complet e but for two, o.g., generall y fine to very fine. (1-63,66-92,94-160,Jl-3 ) 6,050.00+ GOLD COAST: 1876 to 1954, over 140 diff. , country almost comp lete with bett er ear ly item s and Postage Due (betw. 4 an d 160, Jl-6)



GREAT BRITAIN: 1840 to 1961, over 300 diff., o.g. to unu sed , few used, better items with surface printed , Victoria an d Edward £1, Seahorses , later comp l. sets, Postage Due and Mulready letter sheets. Cati. well in excess of $20,000



OFFICES ABROAD: 1898 to 1957, coll. of over 350 diff., o.g., few used, compr. Offices in Morocco with the variou s currencies , Tangier , Erit rea, Soma lia and Tripolitania , few Turki sh Emp ire and China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,450.00+


* * *

GRENADA: 1863 to 1963, over 175 dilT., countr y comp lete from 1895, also Postage Due ..... (betw. 3 and 32, 36-192, etc.) 2,700.00+

638 639

IRELAND: 1922 to 1961, over 175 diff., incl. coils, few Airs and Postage Due ... . .... . .... . ... (betw . 1 and 181, Cl-6,Jl-11 ) 2,550.00+ JAMAICA: 1860 to 1964, over 200 diff., l.h. to unu sed, one used, country comp lete from about 1885, incl. "PFNNY " , Semis and War Tax ..... ... . .. . . . . . .... . ........... ......... . . . . .. . ...... . .... ... .. .. . . . .. . . .. . .. .. ..... . ... . .. .... .. ..... .. . (betw. 2 and 232, etc.) 3,000.00


*O *O *



MAURITIUS: 1849 to 1961, over 250 diff., o.g., some early used, almost complete country from 1878, incl. Dies I and Il, Special Delivery and Postage Due, early items mixed condition ................... .. ..... . ..................... . . (betw. 7 and 269, E l-5,Jl -7) 3,550.00+


MONTSERRAT: 1876 to 1964, about 150 diff., o.g., issues very near ly complete .. .. ... . .......................


* *



NEVIS: 1861 to 1890, 26 mostly diff. , o.g. to unused, incl. grayish paper, few shades, wmkd. Crown CC and CA, mixed condition to a few very fine .......... . ... .. ..... ........ ....... .... . ... . .......................... . .................... . . .. . . ... . ........ (betw. I and 30) 3,200.00+

640 64 1

LABUAN: 1879 to 1904, over 100 diff. , o.g. to unused, few c.t.o., incl. better surchd. items ...................

(betw. 2 and 118) 1,800.00+

LAGOS: 1847 to 1905, 55 diff. , o.g. except three used , incl. the var ious Victoria issues and Edward VIT comp lete . . . . . . . . . . 3,200.00+ MALTA: 1860 to 1961, over 275 diff. , o.g., country very nearly comp lete , incl. Air Po st and Postage Due, also Ionian Islands, the three diff . ................................ .. ... .. .. .. . ...... . . . . . . ........... .. . . . ... ... . .. . . . ..... . .. . . . . ... . ... (betw. 1 and 286, etc.) 4,400.00

(1-6,8,10,12-153) 3,000.00+

NATAL: 1859 to 1909, over 75 diff., o.g. to unu sed, incl. better ovpt. types, Edward VII to £1 lOsh and Officials (betw. 8 and 115, 01-6 ) 4,900.00+




NEW BRITAIN: 1914 and 1915, 23 stamps, 22 diff., o.g., incl. Rabaul Regis. Label ond Officials (1,2,4-6,8, 17-19,22-26,30,35-37,43,44,O1,2) 3,996.00

648 * O





NEW GUINEA: 1925 to 1937, country very nearly complete, o.g., few unu sed, incl. Airs and Officials (1-Sl,Cl-43,46-57,01-35) NEW HEBRIDES: 1908 to 1957, country complete but for one, incl. Postage Due ..... .. . . . ..............

65 I * O


* 653

654 655 656 657



.. ..... ( 1-30,33-92,J 1-20) 1,540.00+

NEW ZEALAND: 1855 to 1961, over 450 mostly diff., o.g. to unused, some early used and slight dupl. or shades , . ... . . .. ... (betw. 2 and 352, etc.) 16,500.00 incl. Postal Fiscals, Semis, Airs, back-of-book with better Postage Due ............

NIGERIA: 1914 to 1962, country complete, incl. George V Dies I and II ... . ... . ........ . .... . ...... . . . ..........

* * * *

. .... ( 1- 13 1, etc.) 1,550.00+

NORTH BORNEO: 1883 to 1961, over 260 diff., o.g., some unused, numerous better items incl. Semis and Occu. . ....... . ... .. . .. ... .. . (betw. 1 and 295, B31-47,JS0-54, N16 and N33) 6,200.00+ . ......... . ......... . .............. issues ............. NORTHERN NIGERIA: 1905 to 1912, country complete ................................

. . . .. .. . . ........ .. . .. .. ..... ...........

( 1-52) I, 195.00

NORTH WEST PACIF IC ISLANDS: 1915 to 1922, 30 diff., o.g., values to I0sh .. .. . . . .. . .... . .. .. . . . .. .. . . .... (betw. I and 46) NYASALAND PROTECTORATE:


1908 to 1954, over 110 diff. , o.g., incl. £ 1 values and Postage Due. ( 1-9, 12-23,25- 111,Jl -5) 1,250.00

PAPUA NEW GUlNEA: 1901 to 1963, over ISO diff., o.g., very few used, mostly comp!. sets incl. Airs, Postage Due and . . .. . (betw. 1 and 161, Cl-15,Jl-5,7-14,O1-12) 2,800.00+ . .. . ......... ................................................ Officials . . ......................

658 * O

* 660 * 66 1 * 662 *

RHODESIA: 1890 to 1919, over 130 diff., o.g. to unu sed, three used , incl. better surchd. items , Double Portrait and Admiral sets, mixed condition though many fresh and fine . ..... ............ .. . .. . .. .. . ... . .. . .. . . ... (betw. 1 and 140) 13,000.00+

THE RHODESlAS: 1924 to 1961, compr. Northern Rhodesia , Rhodesia and Nyasaland , Southern Rhodesia , over 200 stamps, countries complete except R. and N. #64A, incl. Postage Due and Southern Rhodesia #2b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,035.00



NEWFOUNDLAND: 1857 to 1947, over 225 diff. , l.h. to unused, few used, country complete from 1890, also better Airs and Postage Due, early issues mixed condition , later generally fine to very fine (betw. 1 and 270, C2,3a,6-17, etc.) 7,500.00+


1870 to 1890, 19 diff., incl. bisect ½p on lp vert. pair, o.g. to unused .............

. .... ( l,2,4-7,9, 11-22) 2,826.00

ST. HELENA: 1856 to 1961, over 150 diff., o.g., few unu sed, incl. better early surchd. values, country complete from 1890 (betw. 1 and 172) 5,475.00+ but for two stamps ........... . .... .. ... . .... . .......... . ..... .. .. .. . .. . .. .... .. . . .. . . . . ... ... . . .. .. ..................... ST. KITTS-NEVIS: 1903 to 1963, over 140 diff., country complete but for two stamps ...........


664 * O

. . .... .. . . . (l -35,37-63,72- 160)


ST. LUCIA: 1860-1964, over 190 diff., few early unused, country very nearly complete, incl. Postage Due and War . .... . . . .... . .... . ... . . . .... .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. . . (betw. 1 and 196, etc.) 8,450.00 Tax . . . .. . . . ...................................................

ST. VINCENT: 1862 to 1963, over 160 diff., few early unused or used , country complete from about 1885 (betw. 2 and 201) 8,100.00+


665 666


* * 667

668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676

* * * * * * * * *

* 678 * 679 * 680 * 68 1 * 682 * 677

SARAWAK: 1869 to 1957, country very nearly complete, o.g., few unused ..........

. . . ... . .... . .. . . .. ...... . ( l -2 1,25-27 ,32-2 11) 1,400.00+

SEYCHELLES : 1890 to 1962, over 210 ditT., country comp lete, incl. George V Dies I and 11. ( 1- 197, betw . 198 and 2 11, etc.) 2,000.00+


SIERRA LEONE: 1859 to 1961, about 200 diff., o.g., incl 1875 Surchd. on Revenue stamps, almost complete country from 1903, #53 and 139 unu sed , Wilberforce set comp l., etc. . .......... . ............................ (betw. 3 and 224) 10,150.00+ SOLOMON ISLANDS: 1907 to 1961, country complete, incl. Postage Due ... .. ............

.. .. ........ . . .... . .. . .... (1-108,Jl-8 ) 2,400.00+

SOMALILAND PROTECTORATE: 1903 to 1960, o.g ., country comp lete incl. Offici als ... .... ........

.. .. ....... . ( 1- 143,0 1- 16) 2,245.00

SOUTH AFRICA: 1910 to 1961, over 200 ditT., o.g., country almost complete, incl. George V £1, many better bi-lingual pairs, Semis, Airs and Postage Due .. . .. . ....................... . . .. ...... ... . . ...... .. ............................ . .... (betw. 1 and 280, etc.) 5,500.00+ SOUTH-WEST AFRICA: 1923 to 1962, over 175 items, o.g., incl. many bi-lingual pairs, Semis, Airs and Postage Due (Photo) (betw. 1 and 280, etc.) 3,900.00+ SOUTHERN NIGERIA: 1901 to 1913, country comple te ........................................ TOBAGO: 1879 to 1896, 25 ditT., o.g. to unused ...................................

. ...........

. . .. .... ... ......... . .... .. . . ..........

. ..............

.... .. (betw.

TOGO: 1914 to 1916, 29 ditT., o.g., incl. #35 with B.P.A. Cert . ( I967), #62 and 63 signed H. Bloch .......... TONGA: 1886 to 1953, over 110 ditT., incl. better Officials . .... . ... ... ... ...... . ........................

( 1-56) 1,960.00 I

and 3 1) 1,590.00

.... . . (66-9 1, etc.) I, 162.00

. . (betw . I and 113, 01 - 10) 1,900.00+

TRINIDAD: 1851 to 1909, over 80 diff., o.g., a few unused, incl. values to £1, Postage Due and Officials (betw. 1 and 107, Jl-6 ,9-17,O1-6) 3,600.00+ TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO: 1913 to 1963, over 125 ditT., country complete plus some Postage Due and War Tax ( 1- 112,J 1- 16, etc.) TURKS ISLANDS: 1873 to 1894, 24 ditT., l.h. to unused, incl. surchd . ½p, 2½p and 4p types . . . .......... TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS: 1900 to 1964, 150 diff., country complete incl. War Tax .................. VIRGIN ISLANDS: 1866 to 1964, over 130 diff., o.g., almost complete country ...........

. . ... (betw. 4 and 57) 1,6 13.00 . . ( 1- 141 ,MRl - 13)



. ... ..... . .. .... ( l,2,5a-7a,8, 10, 12- 143) 2,800.00+

ZANZIBAR: 1895 to 1961, over 250 diff., o.g., incl. small second "z" (dropped or raised), compl. sets and values to 30r, Postage Due . . ................................................................... . .... . .......................... . ... (betw. 3 and 279, etc.) 3,400.00+ ZULULAND: 1888 to 1896,o.g., country complete but for two stamps, ........ . ... ..................


(1-22) 2,491.00



19th Century, Map Selection, compr. 13 small maps from an atlas, 3 large of Switzer land and France , plus one fabulous 1800 map of Egypt and portion s of surrounding area, generally fine. Est. Cas h Val. $75- 100 ............... . ...... . .......................... ... . .

684 * EB8l 19th and 20th Century, accum. of many hundred in stockbook and on pages in 2 ring-binders in box, incl. much Western Europe, n.h., balance o.g., Souvenir sheets, blks of 4, etc., also covers and a few fronts incl. British areas, generally tine to very tine. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 ................. . . . ... .. ............... ................. .... . ................................ . ... ..... . 685


Balance of a property, several hundred diff. in 4 Specialty albums and loose pages in carton, unused or used, incl. Argentina and other Latin America, misc. China , etc., generally fine. Est. Cas h Val. $300-400 ............ . ........ .... . ....................... ...



Primarily 20th Century, coll. of many hundred ditT. in Specialty album, ring-binder, etc., in carton, o.g. to unused or used, compr. Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Jugoslavia, incl. many compl. sets, Semis, Airs, back-of-book, some faults though mostly tine to very tine. Est. Cash Val. $750+ . . ..... . ... .. .......... . ... ... .. . . . . ............. .. ........... . .... .. .... . .... . ... . . .




Accum. of several hundred items on pages in ring-binder and loose in carton, many Europ e cac heted FDCs, incl. Spain, Austria,


Belgium , lots of others, also co mmercia l mail, other FDC s with some Asia, Latin America, stationery, picture post cards, topica l gro up of Chess stamp s or spec ial cance ls, mixed co nditi on to much very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-600 .......................... .. . . 688


20th Century, accum. of a few thousand diff. on stock sheets in ring-binders, stockbook, etc., and loose in box, majority n.h., balance l.h. to disturbed o.g. or used, much Europe ind. Austria, France, Germany , Italy, many others, Asia with China, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, Fr. S. and Antartic Terr., Latin America incl. Cuba, Middle East, etc., many compl. sets, Semis, Airs, Souvenir sheets, clean and mostly fine to very fine, worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $1,500+ .................. . . . .... . .. .. ... . ................... . .............. . ... . ....... . . .. .. . . . ......... . .. . . .... . .. ... . .. . .

689 * 0 16lASIA: Primarily 20th Century, accum. of many hundred stamps on retail and album pages, stock cards, glassines ,

etc., in box, n.h. to unused or used, incl. Manchukuo blks, Japan and Ryuklyu Is. compl. sheets, China, incl. Treaty Ports, Regular Issues, North China, etc., Shanghai, few others, moderately better items, compl. or part sets, Airs etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 ........... .. ............. .... ... ... .. .. ...... . .... .. . ... ... . .. . ........ . 690


Several hundred stamps or covers in containers and loose in box, incl. Japan , China , Korea, etc., incl. Commems , Air s, FDC s, stationery, co mpl. sets, genera lly fine to very fine , wort h carefu l inspec tion . Est. Cash Val. $400-600 . ... .. .. . . . ...... . .............






EUROPE: 19th and 20th Century, colls. and accum. of hundreds in envelopes, on album pages, on sheets and loose in box, o.g. or used, compr. the constituent parts of the former Jugoslavia , incl. blks, covers, early Bosnia, First issues with perfs, cancels, Bohemia, Croatia, Serbia with 2 covers bearing #1N22-42, other vars. and covers, somewhat disorganized , mixed condition, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $1,000 . . ... .. .. . . ...... . . . .. . ....... .. ...... . .. .

A never hinged remainder of a few hundred mostly from the 1960s, compr . San Marin o (about $200 catl.), France , Bel gium , Luxe mbourg and so me Briti sh, inc l. Souvenir sheets, some dupl. , very fine . ...... . ... . .... .... ...........

. ...... . ... . . . .. .. . . .... about



Beale, P.O., THE POSTAL SERVICE OF SIERRA LEONE, Th e Roya l Phil ate lic Society , London 1988 , standard work as new. Est. Ca sh Val. $50-$75 .............


. .... .. . .. ....................................................................

. ................................


Lowe, Robson, THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF BRITISH EMPIRE POSTAGE STAMPS, Volum es I-YI co mpl. , Vo l. I Second ( 1952) ed ition, Vol. V two- part De-l uxe edition , also HANDSTRUCK POSTAGE STAMPS OF THE EMPIRE, 194 1, so me water dam age affecting Vols. I-IV, still highly usable. Est. Cash Val. $250 ............................

. .. ...... ...........

. .. . ...............

. .. .


Mueller, Edwin, MERCURY STAMP JOURNAL , Volumes 1-5, 1947-61, Nos. 1-60, attractively bound in 5 original volumes, couple a little musty, generally very fine, an important work. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 . . . . ... .. ..... ........... . . ...... .. . ..... ... .


Stevenson, D. Alan, THE TRIANGULAR STAMPS OF CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, H.R . Ham1er, 1950 with suppl ement, some wate r damage but still serviceab le, also a bound photocopy of CAPE HANDSTRUCK LETTER STAMPS AND POSTMARKS by A.A . Jur gens. Est. Cash Val. $ 100- 125 ... ... . ... .... ............................ . ........... ... . . ... .. . . . . . .. . ........... . .. . . . . .. ..... . ............. ..


Townsend & Howe, THE POSTAGE STAMPS AND POSTAL HISTORY OF BRITISH GUIANA, Th e Ro ya l Philate lic Society, London 1970 , water dama ge affec ts board s and frontispiece , highly serviceable. Est. Cash Val. $50-75 .. . .. . ....... .. ... .... . . ..... .. .


Webb F.W., THE PHILATELIC AND POSTAL HISTORY OF HONG KONG AND THE TREATY PORTS OF CHINA AND JAPAN, James Bendo n reprint with additional materi al by Patri ck Pearso n, 1991, more useful than the origina l, new. Est. Cash Val. $75- 100 . ... . . .. . . ... ... . .. . .. .... . .. ........................


· · · .. · · . ... .. · ..... · ...... .. · . .... .. . · .... .. ...... . . .. . . ... ...........

. .... .............


Wilson, Sir John, THE ROYAL PHILATELIC COLLECTION, 1952 red clothbound edition, trifling board wear, very fine. An ideal and usab le substitut e fo r the de-lu.xe leather-bound volume. Est. Cash Val. $200 . ....... ... ...... . . .. . . ......... .. ..... . ......... .

A useful "How to" selection of six books, incl. Neil THE PHILATELIC EXHIBITOR 'S HANDBOOK, Foster HOW TO PREPARE STAMP EXHIBITS, Ca lvet M. Hahn POSTAL HISTORY PRIMER and FOR J UNIORS WITH LOVE, L.N . & M . Willi ams TECHNIQUES OF PHILATELY, generall y fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $75- 100 ...... . .............................. ..



BRITISH CARIBBEAN PHILATELIC JO URNAL, Briti sh Caribb ea n Phi latelic Stud y Group, Vo ls. 1-3 1, 196 1-9 1, co mp!. with a


few additi ona l, Vo ls 1-28 attractive ly bound in blue, usef ul and very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $200-25 0 . .. ...... . .... . . .. . . .. ..... . .. . .. .

BRITISH WEST INDIES STUDY CIRCLE BULLETIN, Nos. 1- 153, 1954 to Jun e 1992 co mp!. , nea tly bound in 8 bind ers , also


few additi onal, membership lists, auctions, etc., fine to very fine . Est. Cas h Val. $ 150-200 .....................................

. ....... .


THE PHILATELIST, l 954-58, I 972-9 1, plus a few others and so me dupl. , yea rs genera lly co mp!. or close to it, use ful early re ference, genera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $ 150-200 . .. .... .. . .. ... .. . ... .. . . . .... . . . .. . . ..... .. .. . . .. . . ... ... ..... .... . . .. .. . . .


POSTAL HISTORY INTERNATIONAL, Brighton, England, Vo l. 2, No. 4 through Vo l. 9, No 6 (April 1973 to Jul y 1980), comp!. exce pt for three issues ( Vo l. 8 Nos . 1-3, I 979), some a little musty, exce llent source for posta l history ani cles rarely ava ilable in U.S. Est. Cas h Val. $75- I00 .... ............................ ........... ................................................................... ....... .

WAR COVERS, 1978 to 1982, Run s o f the War Cove r Club Bulletin and Civil Censorship Stud y Group, appare ntly co mplete, also the USN/USMC MOBILE LAND FORCES AND THEIR P.O. FACILITIES - LOCATIONS AND ASSIGNMENTS, 1st ed ., all in 4 large ring- bind ers. Est. Cas h Val. $75- I 00 ........................................... .. .................................................. ..




defi niti ve co llec tion, very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $50-60 ..................................................

.. ....................

.. ...... .. .... . ..


Incomplete runs from 1970s to 1990s, inc l. H.R. Harmer, all of fices, Stanley Gibb o ns (w ith Mercurphil a), some Phillip s, Cave ndi sh and Siege l, severa l hundr ed in 6 ca rtons. Est. Cas h Val. $ I00- I 25 ........... .. ...... . .................................... .. ... . .. . ........ .


BERMUDA: Group of nine books/pamphlet s, inc l. THE POSTAL HISTORY AND STAMPS OF BURMUDA (Qu arterman and suppl ement, Arnell & Ludi ngton, THE BURMUDA PACKET MAILS and THE HALIFAX-BERM UDA MAIL SERVICE 1806 to 1886, Dickgiesse r and Yenda ll, KING GEORGE VI LARGE KEY TYPE STAMPS, also about 22 issues of BERMUDA POST, generally fine to very fine, a usef ul gro up. Est. Cas h Val. $ I 50-200 ...... reprint , a little water da maged)



ANTIGUA: 1882 to 1932, group of 32 diff. on stock sheets, l.h. or o .g., inc l. Terce ntenary set co mp!., fine to very fine (betw. I 2 and 76) 1,238.75

7 10


ARGENTINA : 1862 to 1956, coll. of a few hundred items on pages, n.h. to unu sed, some used, inc l. so me ea rly modera te ly better items, later co mp!. and part sets, Airs with Ze ppe lin issues with b lue and gree n ovtp ., early refe rence items and reprint s inc l. Buenos Aires and Co rdoba, few ce rts., multipl es and cove rs, some faults though ge nera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $400-6 00 .....


7 11


1913 to 1966, almost 300 diff. on Specialty pages, I.h., few o.g., some Kangaroo and George V issues incl. 4p yellow, almost complete from 1932 with Airs, Postage Due, Military set, etc., fine to very fine ..... . . .. .. ... ...... . .... (betw. 1 and 417, etc.) 4,750.00+

7 12 * O@ 1914 to 1931, George V Ip, specialized coll. of over 700 stamps on custom pages in 2 albums, n.h. to unu sed or used, inc l. Die vars., substitut ed cl iches, a host o f popu lar flaws such as Penavy, sec ret mark and retouch, Wattle line and retouch, Ferns, RA jo ined, Roo's tongue out, etc ., blks, Impr ints, shades, printin gs, papers, extreme ly we ll annotated with fine line drawings of vars. , some to ning, also stoc kbook with many hundr ed Ip reds and Briti sh Soc iety o f Au strali an Phi late ly Chec k List ( I 979) , mjxed co nditi on to very fine, interestin g and wo rth careful inspection. Est. Cas h Val. $400 -500 .................. ............................. .... . ....... . 7 13 0

George V, coll. of a couple hundred on pages, used , inc l. shades , papers, Dies, values to I sh4p (7), few ov ptd . " OS", mi xed co nditi o n to very fine, an interesting gro up. Est. Cas h Val. 150-200 ................ . .... . ............. ... .. .. ...................... .. .... ..


714 I::::.

Circa 1973, accum. of a few hundred stamps used on parcel tags in box, incl. many $ IO va lues, genera lly fine. Est. Cas h Val. $ 150-200 . . . ..................................................... .. . .... . . .. . .. .. . .... .. .. .. . ...... . .. . ... .. . . ... . . . ..... . ........................... .



1976 to 1988, accum. in box, apparently n.h., promoti onal items such as AUSIPEX 84 album with issues from all countri es , Post Offi ce packs, 1987-88 Bice ntennial Fleet issues, Souv enir books, high face , very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $ 150-200 .................... .


*()cg:] AUSTRIA: 19th Century, coll. of over 150 stamps on pages, used, some o.g.,

7 17



incl. Coa t of Arm s, embossed types I and Tl, varie ty of ca ncels, some back-o f-book and Lombardy-Venetia , also over 25 cove rs or station ery (few unu sed), mixed co ndition. Est. Cas h Val. $300-400 ........................................ .. ...... . . .. ........ ..... ................................................................. . .. . .


1858 to 1954, coll. of a few hundred ditT. in Specialty album , o.g. , few used, some co mpl. sets incl. Semis, Airs, bac k-of book, ge nera lly fine to very fine . Est. Cash Val. $350-450 ................................................................................... . .. . .


BAHAMAS: 1861 to 1935, coll. of over 100 stamps on custom pages, mostly neatly caned., incl. a good range of first types, 1884-90 compl., later values to £1, few back-of-book, mixed condition to very fine .... . .. . . (betw. 1 and 96) 9,000.00



BARBADOS: 1852 to 1953, coll. of over 140 stamps on Specialty pages, l.h. to unused, scattered used, incl. a few early issues, compl. from 1875-78, few dupl. and back-of-book , mixed condition to generally fine to very fine .... ........................... 5,300.00



BECHUANALAND AND BECHUANALAND PROTECTORATE: 1886 to 1965, coll. of about 150 stamps on custom pages, l.h. to unu sed, scattered used , incl. many compl. sets or better va lues, 1932 set, etc., mixed co ndition to very fine (betw . I and 20 1) 3,250.00

72 1



* OIBl19th and 20th Century, accum. of several hundred stamps in stockbook and loose in box, n.h. to o.g. or used, good range with

CANADA: 1897 Jubilee , group of 17 stamps, compr. ½c to $1 compl., extra 2c, Sc, Sc, 10c, 20c, n.h. to o.g. , few sma ll faults, fresh and genera lly fine to very fine ......... .... ............. ...... .. ........... ....... ....... ........ ............................ .. (50-6 1) 1,905.00 quit e a bit n.h., incl. co mpl. sets, few Admira l va lues, booklet pane s, Grain Exhibiti on Pl. blks and blks of 4 , back-of-book with War Tax part sheets, etc., some faults though ove rall fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $400-500 ................. . ...... . ...... ........... .


*()cg:] Primarily








* EB 1970 to 1983, coll. of several hundred stamps in Minkus album, l.h., some used, incl. many co mpl. sets, blks of 4 and Souvenir

20th Century to about 1990, coll. of many hundred stamps and a couple hundred covers on album pages, etc., in 5 binders in box, l.h. or o.g . and used, many modern issues incl. blks, booklets, station ery, cac heted FDCs, Souvenir sheets, back-of-book , etc., ea rly mixed co ndition, later genera lly very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200-400 .. . ........ . ............... .. ...... . .. . .. . 1903 to 1951, balance of 19 diff. on stock sheets, n.h. to o.g., incl. 1928-29 I c to $ 1, co mpl. set. fine


very fine (betw. 89 and 302) I, 16 1.10

CAYMAN ISLANDS: 1900 to 1936, coll. of over 60 mostly ditT. on stock sheets, l.h. or o.g ., generally very fine ( 1- 12, I 7 ,2 I -28,50-68,8 5-96) 1,428 .35 CIDNA: 20th Century, balance of a property, a few hundred stamps in glassines, stock sheets, etc., unused or used, varyin g quantiti es, few cove rs or cards, misc. Shan ghai, etc., mixed conditi on. Est. Cas h Val. $ 150-200 .. .. . . . . ... . . ... .. .. . . .. ... .. ... ... ... . sheets, few booklet s and stationery, some earlier issues incl. reprint s, fine to very fine . Est. Cas h Val. $200-300 ... . ..............



* OEB1880 to 1970s, stock of many hundred on stock pages and glassines in box, n.h. to unused or used, excellent range of issues incl. better early items, compl. or part sets in moderate quantities, Dies A and B, some modern ovptd. SPECIMEN, blks etc., some faults in early items though many very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,200-1,500 ... . ......... .



730 181 731


1880 to 1964, coll. of over 140 stamps on Scott Pages, l.h. or o.g., many comp l. sets incl. 1960 ovptd. , fresh and fine to very fine 1,380.00 20th Century, accum. of over 90 items on pages and loose in box, mostly covers incl. so me cacheted FDC s, few bearing Souvenir sheets incl. 1963 Scout shee t, some stationery , mixed co nditi on. Est. Cash Val. $200-300 .......................... ........... ...... .. 1960 Republic 2m to £1, 4 compl. sets, n.h., fine to very fine. DMl840

.... ....... .... ......................................



732 **

1963 Scouts Souvenir sheet of thre e, 5 sheets, n.h. few negligible bends, very fine. DM2250 ..... ....... . .. . .. . .. . .. . .......

(226a) 1,375.00

733 ** EB1963 Freedom From Hun ger set of two, 75 sets incl. corner blk s of 4, n.h., very fine ... . . .. . .. . . ...... . . ... ....... . . . . (222,223)


734 ** EB1964 Olympic s set of thre e, 100 sets incl. blks of 4, n,h, very fine . ........ . ..... . ... . ... ... . . ....... . .. .... . ... .. ...... . . . . . (24 1-43)


735 736

* *

DOMINICA: 1907 to 1933, group of 49 diff. on stock sheets, l.h. or o.g., very fine ... . ...... . ...............

. .. . ..........



FALKLAND ISLANDS: 1898 to 1929, group of 21 diff. on stock sheets, l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine . . . . . .. (2 1,28-39,4 1-48) 1,700.25

737 * O

FUI: 1871 to 1989, coll. of over 500 mostly diff. on pag es, n.h. to unu sed or used, incl. a good range of early issues with 1875 2p on 6c on 3p green (Roya l Cert. ), 1904-12 to £1, good range of later issues, compl. sets, few small faults in 19th cent., generally tin e to very tin e, worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $600-800 .. . ......................... . .. . ...... . .... . ......... . .. . ........ .

738 * O

1872 to 1963, coll. of over 125 diff. on custom pages, n.h. to unu sed, few used, incl. a good rang e of surchd. and " VR " types, later sets to Ssh or £1, mixed condition to generall y very tine .. . ..... .. . . . .. . ...... .. . . .. . ... .. . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . (betw. 18 and 175) 5,000.00+



1903 to 1946, coll. of over 80 sta mps on pa ges, l.h. or o.g., incl. 1903 to 5sh, 1904- 12 compl. George V to 5sh (2), few back-of-book, generally fresh and very fine ........ ... .............. . ...... . . . . ... . .. . .. . . .. ... . . . . . .. ... .. . .. . (betw. 59 and 138, 17- 19) 1,360.00 FRANCE

740 * !Hl 1863-70 Perf 14x13½ le bronze gree n on pale blui sh, 2c red brown on yellowish, over 75 stamp s, incl. blks of 4 or larg er, man y n.h. (browni sh gum ), some paper adh erenc e or faulty not figur ed, fault s to very tin e or very tin e appearance . (29, 30) 2,450.00+ 74 1 * O

Primaril y 20th Century , 2 coils. and misc. coils. on pag es in 3 bind ers in carton, o.g. or used, wide rang e of issues, incl. compl. sets , Semis, misc. back-of-book , generall y tin e to very tine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 . . . ........ . ... . .. . ... . ... . .. . ................ .

742 * O

Coll. of man y hundr ed diff. on pag es in 3 binder s in box, l.h. or used, incl. compl. sets with some used dupl., Semis, few colonies incl. Andorra, misc. covers or post cards, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300 . . ........... . .. . ......... . .... .......... .. .. .

743 * O

To 1984, coll. of several hundred diff., neatl y arranged in large stockbook , mostly o.g., used to 1920, incl. a few early issues, virtually compl. 1900 to 1976, excellent ran ge of Semis, few Airs and Postage Due, minor fault s in 19th cent., generally tine to very tine , an attr act ive collection worth ca reful inspection . . ... . . ... . . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. ... . .10,600.00



1917 to 1982, coll. of over 400 stamp s neatl y mounted on stock page s, n.h . to o.g., incl. compl. sets, Semis, Airs, few dupl. , man y popular issues, also a few Monaco , generalJy tin e to very tine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000.00+



1917 to 1936, accum. of 16 diff. on stock sheet, l.h. or o.g., incl. #300a, fine to very fine . ........ . . . (betw. 252 and 306, 8 8,9) 1,665.50

746 ** EB 1961 to 1966 Art Issues, accum. of almost 100 stamp s on stock sheets, n.h., mostly compl. sets, incl. blks of 4, very fine (betw. 10 14 and 1152) 747 1:81 748 749

* *

Semi-Po stal s; 1954 to 1971, group of 18 diff. cacheted FDCs, incl. Red Cross issues, Portraits incl. #8285 -90, etc., very fine. Est. Cash Val. $ I 00- 125 ..... . . . ...... .. .... .. . ........ ............ . .. . ..... . ........ . . .. ... . ... . .. . .... . . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. (betw. 8 285 and 845 3) GAMBIA: 1869 to 1935, coll. of about 100 sta mps on custom page s, o.g. to unu sed, incl. 1869 4p, 6p, 1874 6p, later Cameos, good ran ge of lat er issues with values to 4sh,, generally fre sh and tine to very fine ............ .. .. ... . .... (betw. 1 and 128) 4,750.00 GERMAN COLONIES: 1900 to 1905, group of 34 diff. on stock sheets, l.h. or o.g., few n.h., compr. unwmkd , Yacht types of Cameroun, German New Guinea (#19) and Kiauchau , tin e to very tine .. . .. . ........ . ....... . . . . . (Ca m.7-19 ,Ki.10-24,26-30) 1,807.25

750 * 0

75 1 * O


GERMAN COLONIES AND OFFI CES ABRO AD: 19th and 20th Centur y, coll. of over 250 sta mps on page s, 1.h. or o.g., some used, good ran ge of Eagle and Yacht type s, incl. compl. sets or better item s with Caroline Is., Eas t Africa, New Guinea , Kiauchau , Marshall ls., other s, fre sh and generally tin e to very tine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,850.00+

Coll. of about 300 stamp s on page s, o.g. to unu sed or used, wide range with some moderately bett er item s, a few postal or pictur e post cards, some fault s though overall tine to very tine. Est. Cash Val. $500 ..... . .. ... . . . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . ........ . ......... .





* OEB19th and 20th Ce ntur y to about 1989 , co ll. of a few thou sa nd stamp s in ring-bind ers a nd 3 Specia lty albums in ca rton , l.h. or o.g. and used, wide ran ge with compl. and part sets, Semis , Airs , back -of-book , Souvenir sheet s, blk s of 4, few bookl ets and coil strip s, Berlin , Dan zig Memel, Saa r , other areas , Oc cu. and States, ea rl y issue s mi xed condition , otherwise ge nerall y fin e to very fine. Es t. Cash Val. $2,000+ ......................... . .. . .... . .. . . . ........... .





To 1949, coll. of ma ny hundr ed in Schaubek album, o.g. and used causing some dupl. , some n.h. in th e 1920s-40s, State s actually quite dece nt , Co lonie s, Souvenir sheet s, etc. , worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $1000+ . . ....... .. .... .

Coll. of a few hundred in 2 large stockbooks, o.g. to unused or used, incl. a good range of States, Berlin, Saar, Plebiscites, Federal Republic, good range of Colonies, compl. sets or better values, mixed condition to very fine, worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 .......... .... .. .. .. . . . .. .. .... . ..................................... . . . ... . .. . . ... . .. . . . . . . . . ... .. ... . . . . ...... . .. . ... . . .

755 * E!::b,;J20th Century, coll. of post-WWU issues in 4 albums in carton, hundreds of stamps, apparently n.h., some o.g. or used, acco mpanying cove rs or FDCs, good range of issues with co mpl. sets, Se mis, many blks of 4, also many hundr ed earlier issues of Germa n Area on stock pages, genera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-500 ..... ... ...... . .. . .. .. ... ....... ........ .. ... . . . . ... .. .

Coll. of several hundred items on pages in Specialty binder and loose in box, incl. cac heted FDCs, picture post ca rds and stationery, many Hitler types with special cance ls, co mmerc ial mail, few Inflatio n period , Channel Islands, Berlin, Fieldpost, etc., ge nera lly fine to very tine. Est. Cash Val. $300-500 ....................... .. ... .. .. . . . . . .. .. .. . . .. . . ... . .... .... .. ... .. .. .... .. . . .... .. .. . .







GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC: 1948 to 1971, coll. of several hundred in 3 stockbooks, o.g. or used, incl. range of Sov iet Zo ne, later co mpl. sets, Semis, ge nera lly tine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $200-250 . . .. . . . .................................... .



GIBRALTAR: 1886 to 1968, coll. of about 100 stamps on Scott pages, l.h. or o.g. plus 5 used, virtually co mpl. from 193 1, fresh and fine to very fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,498.00



1886 to 1944, coll. of over 80 stamps on Specialty pages, l.h. or o.g., some used, incl. a few early issues, 1886-98 to I sh, 19 12 to 4sh, 192 1-32 to I0sh, fresh and mostly fine to very fine . . .. ..................................................... (betw . I and 114a) 1,600.00

76 1 762

* *~

763 0

ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT; 1948-50, three ditT. sheets of 100 stamps, n.h., issued by the Allied Travel Board for V.1.Ps, few selvage faults. DM800 .. . . ....... . . . . . . .. . . .. ... .. . ... . .......................................... ....... . . .. . .. .. ...... . .... ... ..... .

1903 to 1946, coll. of over 85 stamps on pages, l.h. or o.g., incl. 1903 and 1904-11 to Ssh, 1912 compl., 1921-32 and 1938-49 to ÂŁ1, fresh and generally very fine .. . ..... . ............ .... . ........... . .... .. .... .. ..... . .. .. .... . .... . .. . . . . .. . .. (betw. 39 and 120) 2,330.00 GOLD COAST: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of over 250 stamps in White Ace album, mostly o.g., few used, incl. 1875 CC lp , 4p and 6p, 2 each, 1894 20sh (2), 1898-1902 and later compl. sets, stationery with Postal Order, few covers incl. Victoria items, mixed condition to very fine, an interesting collection worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 . . .. . . . .. .. .. ... .. . .. . HONG KONG: Victoria Issues; coll. of 42 on one stock page, incl. values to 48c or $ I, surchd. issues, 2 o.g ., fresh and genera lly fine to very fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,300.00



HUNGARY: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of many hundred diff. on pages in 5 binders and loose pages in carton, l.h. or used, wide range of modern issues, as well as 19th ce nt., lithograp hed and engraved , incl. many compl. sets, Souvenir sheets, Airs, etc., also a small coll. of Romania, early items mixed co ndition, otherw ise mostly very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300- 400 .. .... ....... ..... .



INDIA: 19th and 20th Century to about 1950, accum. of about 150 items in album and loose in box, few better items with 1854 4a two singles (cut to shape) on enve lope to Scotla nd, range of Geo rge V issues (many fronts), interesting marking s, mixed condi tion to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $ 150-200 . .. ... .. .. .. . ....... . ....... ........ . .......... . ....... .. . .. . ........ . . . .. . ..... . .. . .... . . .. .



1873 to 1930s, coll. of over 200 stamps on stock cards, mostly used, balance to o.g . with Geo rge V sets to I Sr or 25 r, few Reven ue or teleg raph cance ls not figured, 6a vio let issues, useful Officials with many better va lues throu ghout, mixed co ndition to very fine abo ut 2,500.00



ITALY: 19th and 20th Century to about 1942, coll. of a few hundred diff. in Specialty binder, o.g. or used, incl. some co mpl. sets, Semi s and Airs, misc. back-of-book and Co lonies, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $ 150-250 ........................ .




768 * O

1871 to 1981, coll. of many hundred diff. on album page s, o.g. to unused or used , incl. better early issues, wove and laid papers , syllabic character s, later comp!. or part sets, Souvenir sheets, Semis, Airs, misc. Offices and Revenues , some faults, particularl y in early issues, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 ................ . .... .

769 * O

1871 to 1947, coll. of a few hundred in album , used, some o.g., incl. a few better early item s, misc. covers, syllabic characters, cancels, later comp!. or part sets, Offices in China and Korea , mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $750+ ... . . .................. :.

770 * O

1876 to 1940, coll. of over 160 diff. on Specialty page s, o.g. or used, incl. a few comp!. sets or better items, Airs, Offices in China and Korea, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $250-300 ............................ ... ..... . .................................... . ........ . .. .

Primaril y 20th Century, accum. of several thou sand stamp s in glassines, stock cards, etc., and loose in carton, n.h. 771 * OIE!l to o.g. or used, wide range of issues in varying quantitie s, comp!. or part sets, Souvenir sheets , ovptd. MlliON (Specimen ), blk s of 4 or larger , Semis , some Airs, etc., some faults though overall a fine and valuable accumulation. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 ..... . . . ............... ............... . .................... . .... .. .... . . . .. .. . . .. ............ . ........ . 772 cg()

Balance of a property, a couple hundred items in box, incl. commercial mail, some Regis., Bureau of Poste preprinted envelopes, over 60 picture post cards, man y war time or pre-WWII , stationer y, etc., also a few thou sand stamp s in sheets caned. , mixed condition . Est. Cash Val. $300-500 . . .. . .... . ............... . ........ . .................................. .. .. .. . . . ... .. .... . 20th Century

773 **

Coll. of over 1800 stamps in 2 stock book s, vast majorit y n.h., quite comp!. from 1935, incl. Souvenir sheets, comp!. sets, fre sh and fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $750 ................... . ..................... . .. . ........................ .... .. . ... . ...... .......... .


*OEE Accum.


**EE1938 to

of. over 85 Souvenir or lottery sheets in box, n.h. to ungummed or used, incl. National Parks, many with folders or interleaving, lots of imperf sheets of 1940s issues, varying quantities, some faults though overall fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 ............................ . ........... ... . .... ..... ...... .. . . ......... . ..... .. ..... . ......................... . .. . ........... . ... .... ... . .. . 1941 National Park s, group of 7 diff. Souvenir sheets of four, n.h. , all but #318a with covers, negligible wrinkle s or inclu sions, very fine ................................... ....... .. ...................... . .. . .. .. .. . .... .. .. . . .. . ... ... . . . ... ....... (283a-323a )

776 S


778 * O 779


1940 to 1963, coll. of over 125 mostl y diff. ovptd. MlliON (Specimen ) on stock sheets or page s, l.h. or o.g., incl. a few seldom seen items, some comp!. sets and minor dupl., fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $ 150-200 .................. . ..... . .......... . ... ,.. . .. . .

**EE1945 to

1978, coll. of over 75 diff. Souvenir sheets or Lottery sheets on pages in ring-binder , n.h. , incl. Semis and #735 sheet of 10, many with covers, fine to very fine . .... . ...... . ................ (betw. 358a and 1316a, Bll ,14a-3la ) 1,168.00

1948 Imperf Souvenir sheet of one, 4 ungummed, I neatly caned., very fine .............



1948 Miner Imperf Souvenir sheet of two, 9 ungummed, 4 neatly caned., usual inclusion, some minor edge creasing, fine to very fine ... . ... .. . . .. . . .. .. ............ . .... . ........ . ................................................................. . .... . .. . ...... ... ... . .... .. . (438)



**EE1950s to

78 1


782 * O


. ............

. ..............

.. ..........

1980s, stock of over 250 diff. blks of 4, plus 32 Ryukyu Is., virtually all n.h., very fine. Est. Cash Val. $ 150-200 (betw. 598 and 1500)

Stationery; accum. of over 175 item s in box, mostly mint , incl. issues of 1940s, etc., envelopes, postal cards, postal reply cards, aerograms, few ovptd. MIHON (Specimen), postal card Art series in envelope, etc., fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200-400 . . . KENYA, UGANDA AND TANZANIA: 1921 to 1964, coll. of over 400 stamps on page s and stock card s, n.h. to o.g., scattered used, incl. 1921 to 5r(2 ), 1922-27 to ÂŁ1 (2), dupl. of lower values, 1935 Pictorial set compl., George VI perf vars., multiple s, shade s, also 15 unexploded booklet s, fresh and generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 .......... .. . . . . . .... ....... .




* 785



LIECHTENSTEIN: selection of a few hundred Souvenir sheets or stamps in com pl. sets, l 960s though some as far back as about 1930s, alI or vast majority n.h., few covers and dupl., very fine ............. . .......... . .. .. . ..... . ..... ......... . ... ................


MADAGASCAR: 1886 Consular Mail, lp to 6p, 7 stamps, 5 diff., o.g. or unused, compr. #26 and 46, 2 each, 45, 45a, 5 1, very fine or very fine appearance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



MALAYA AND STATES: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of over 450 stamps on stock sheet s, l.h. or o.g., values to $25, compl. or part sets, surchd. or ovptd. item s, Postage Due, neatly arranged and generally fine to very fine. S.G. . ......... ........ .. 9,000.00+ ............ . ......................................... £8,500+ ............. . ............. . . ... ......................... Primarily 20th Century, coll. of over 300 diff. on stock sheets, l.h. or o.g., few n.h., compr. Federation, Johore, Kedah, Kelantan , Perak , Straits Settlements and Sarawak , incl. moderately better items and many compl. sets, clean and fine to very . .......... . . . .. .... .. .. .... . . ...... . .................... . .... ... . ............... fine. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 ... .. ......... ...............

787 * O

788 * O 789


790 * 83 79 1


792 * O

MALAYAN STATES: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of many hundred diff. neatly arranged in stockbook, l.h. or o.g., some used, excellent range of States and much Straits Settlements with values to $10, better early items , shades, Japane se Occupation, three Die proofs, generally fine to very fine with some exceptional copies. S.G. over £9000 11,000.00+

Primarily 20th Century, stock of many hundred neatly arranged in stockbook, compr. Penang, Perak, Perlis , n.h. to o.g. or used, majority George VI and Elizabeth issues, incl. com pl. sets to $5, generally fine to very fine . . .. . ...... . ..... .. . .. . about 2,500.00 MALTA: 1885 to 1969, coll. of a few hundred stamps on Scott pages, l.h. or o.g., compl. from 1922, sets to £1, some . ......... . .. . ... ... ...... 2,412.00 . . .. ....... . ......... . . ...... . . .. .............. back-of-book, fresh and fine to very fine ............................ MONACO: 1885 to 1968, coll. of several hundred in stockbook, o.g., scattered used, incl. early issues to 5fr, few blks, later comp!. sets or better values, Semis and Airs, few imperfs, generally fresh and fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-500 ... . ............. . MONTSERRAT: 1903 to 1932, group of 30 diff. on stock sheet , l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine .. . . .................

( 12-3 1,75-84) 1, 111.50

NETHERLANDS AND COLONIES: 19th and 20th Century to about 1940, coll. of over 250 diff., o.g. to unused or used, incl. a few better items, compl. or part sets, scattered Semis, Airs and back-of-book, some small faults though generally fine. Est. Cash . .. . ...... . Val. $300-350 ............................................................................................................................

793 * O

NEWFOUNDLAND: 1857 to 1949, coll. of over 250 diff. on Specialty pages , l.h. to unused , few n.h. or used, incl. early issues with shades, better items, compl. sets, Airs etc., few Nova Scotia, some faults or stuck, many fine to very . . .. . .. ... . .... . . .. ..... .. .... .. .. . .. . . . . ... . .. .. .. ... .... ... ..... . fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000+ .. ... . .. . . .... .. . . ... .. . . ..............

794 * OIHINEW ZEALAND: Primarily 20th Century, coll. of a few hundred in 2 albums , n.h. to unused or used, incl. a few early issues, later compl. sets or better values, Semis, Postal Fiscals, blks, dupl., fresh, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $250-300 ... 795


1898 to 1969, coll. of a few hundred on Scott pages, n.h. to o.g., 3 used, many comp I. sets with values to £ I or $ I 0, generally 2,942.00 . ........ . .. . . .. ............................................ .. .. .......... .. . . .................... fine to very fine ........ . ..........................

796 * O

NORWAY: 1855 to 1980, coll. of several hundred diff. in hingeless album, n.h. to o.g., early used, almost complete country incl. 1855 4s, Oscar issues, Post Horn shades, Semis, Airs, few Souvenir sheets and back-of-book, mostly fine to very fine, . an attractive collection. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 . . . .. .... . .. . .. . . .. . ..... .............................................................

797 * O

NORWAY AND SWEDEN: 19th and 20th Century to about 1940, coll. of over 250 diff. on Specialty pages, o.g. or used, incl. better items, some compl. sets, Postage Due and Sweden Officials, some faults though generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash ..... . . .... .. ......... .......... ....................................... Val. $500-600 ............................................................

798 0

PAPUA NEW GUINEA: 1901 to 1932, coll. of 40 used stamps (one o.g.) on Scott pages, incl. sets, part sets, Officials, generally fine to very fine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

799 * O

PORTUG UESE COLONIES: Angola to Zambezia; 1870 to 1928, coll. of 850 diff. mounted in specialized Borek album, better . ....... . Azores, some sets, generally fine. Est. Cash Val. $400 .. . . .. . . ... . ..... .. .... .. . .. .... . .. .... ... .. .... .. ........ . .................

£ 1,030



80 1



RUSSIA: 1857 to about 1986, coll. of a few thousand diff. on pages in 3 Specialty albums in carton, l.h. or used, high degree of completeness incl. a few better early items, Semis, Airs, Souvenir sheets, back-of-book with Offices and Russian area, etc., some faults in early issues though overall fresh and fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 ....... . ............. .. ... . ............................................... ...... ... . . . ........... ... ... ...................... .

Coll. of a couple hundred items on pages in 2 binders and loose in box, incl. two stamp less, later cac heted FDC s and co mmercial


mail, stationery mint and used, fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $ 150-250 ........................

. ... . ...........

. ....................




RUSSIA AND LATVIA: circa 1925, group of 12 items on stock sheet, n.h. to ungumm ed, co mpr. print er's waste and errors, incl.


** ~

RYUKYU ISLANDS: 1958 to 1972, accum. of a few thousand stamps, mostly compl. sheets in box, n.h., incl. a few modera tely

imperf pairs and blk s, misperforat ed, co lor omitt ed or inco mplete ptg., etc. , genera lly fine to very fine . Est. Cash Val. $ 150-200 better items, 1970 sheets of four , stock book of singles incl. Airs , few blks of 4, and ovptd . MIHON (Spec imen), also a gro up of co mmercial cove rs and stamp issuing announce ment s, genera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $300-500 ... ... .. . . . ... . .. . ... .. ... .



ST. LUCIA: 19th Century, stock of over 170 stamps neatly arranged on stock sheets, o.g. to unused or used, incl. 1860 6p (2), 1863 to l sh, good range of surchd. and perfs, 1883-98 issues, some not counted, much attractive, mixed condition to very fine ..... . . . . . .. . ... . .. ..... . .. .... ....................... ..... .. .............. . .. . . .. ........................ about 9,200.00





SOUTH AFRICA: 1910 to 1958, coll. of over 160 stamps or bi-lingual pairs on hingeless pages, mostly o.g., incl. 19 13-22 to


SOUTH-WEST AFRICA: 1923 to 1981, coll. of over 270 stamps or bi-lingual pairs on pages, n.h. to o.g., incl. 1927 setting




809 C8:J

1902 to 1982, stock of many hundred neatly organized in 2 stockbooks, primarily o.g., values to Ssh or $2.50, better Edward VII and George issues, generally fine to very fine .. . ... . ..... . .......... . . .. . .. ... . . . .. ...................... ... ............. . ........ ... 6,800.00 I sh (2), London Pict orials to I sh (pairs), 1933-54 to I 0sh, Si lver Jubil ees, Semis , Postage Due, genera lly fresh and fine to very fine. Cat i. 1993 Scott $845 . .. ............................................................................. .... ..... ... ............................. . IX to I0 sh, later co mpl. or part sets, few back-of-book , ge nerally fresh and fine to very fine (betw . I and 474) (Ca ti. 1993 Scott $8 15)

1923-1939, coll. of over 150 items neatly mounted on Specialty pages, l.h. or o.g., incl. many bi-lingual pairs with values to Ssh and l0 sh, later compl. sets, Semis, Airs, Dues and Officials, generally fine to very fine ........ (betw. la and 136a, etc.) 4,900.00+ SPAIN: 20th Century, accum. of over 125 items on pages and loose in box, incl. cac heted FDC s, Maximum ca rds, co mpl. sets, Airs, few slightly better, misc . stationery and some Co lonies, genera lly fine to very fine . Est. Cas h Val. $ 150-250 ... . .. . ...... . . . .

8 10


SPAIN AND COLONIES: 19th and 20th Century to about 1983, coll. of many hundred mostly diff., in album and on pages in ring-binder s in carton, o.g. or used, scattered n.h., wide range of issues incl. compl. or part sets, Semis, Airs, back-of-book , Revolution issues, Souvenir sheets, nice range of Colonies' modern issues, early item s mixed condition, later generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 ........... ..... ... ..... . ... .. . ... ... .. . .. .. ...... ..... ........ .. ... .... ..... .. ............ ...... . ..... .

8 1I


STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: 19th and 20th Century to George V issues, coll. of over 200 stamps neatl y arranged on stock sheets, o.g. to unu sed, incl. surchd. item s, values to $5, used dupl. , mixed condition to very fine . . ...... . .... . .................. 3,700.00+

8 12

8 13 8 14

* **


SWITZERLAND: 1858 to 1976, stock of few hundred on sales sheets in 3 small stockbooks, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. a few sitting and standing Helvetia, few better Souvenir sheets with many n.h., extensive range of Semis, Airs, League of Nations, etc., better used with appropriately dated cancels, generally fresh and very fine, worth inspection. Cati. 1993 Scott $2700, plus Mi DM4500 premium for n.h. . .. .. ................ . .... . ......... ......................... ... .

1914 to 1945, balance of 7 diff. stamps and 1 Souvenir sheet, l.h. or o.g ., fine to very fine ..........

. ......

( 185,297 -302 ,8144 )


Selection of about 100 Souvenir sheets and stamps, mostly 1950s and 1960s, a few earlier, all or vast majority n.h., so me dupl. , very fine ....... . ... .. ... . ..............

. . .......................

. ....... . ...... .. .. . .......................


.. ... . ...... . ...........


600 .00+



8 I6

**leiUNITED NATIONS: 1951 to about 1980, accum. of many hundred in glassines in box, n.h., mostly Margin

8 17


VATICAN CITY: 1929 to 1990, accum. of many hundred stamps neatly arranged on stock sheets, n.h., and small coll. on album pages, l.h., in 2 ring-binders, many compl. sets with moderate dupl., incl. Semis, Airs, back-of-book, blks of 4 and Souvenir sheets, clean and fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 . ........ ....... ......... . ........ . ........ ... ............ . ....... .

8 18


Accum. of well over 300 items in cover album and loose in box, incl. cac heted FDC s and many Spe cial Eve nt covers, Maximum cards, etc ., some franked by foreign stamp s, fine to very fine . Est. Cas h Val. $ 150 . . .... .. .. . ..... .. ..... .. ... .. .. . .. ... .. . ....... . .... .

8 19


WEST IRIAN: 1962 UNTEA le to 5g, compl. set, 5 sets, n.h., fine to very fine . .. . . ..... ... ..... . . . . .. .. . . . . ... . ... . . . . . ... (1-19 )

Primarily 1960s to 1970s, accum. of a few thousand stamps and about 200 covers in carton, mostly odd ly shaped and peelable issues, Airs and Air Official s, comp !. or part sheets and large blks , imperfs , surc hd . or ovp td., imcomplete ptgs., FDCs with sets, also some Sierra Leone, varying quantitie s, some faults but genera lly fine to very fine , high face value, suitable for promoti on. Est. Cash Val. $300 -500 . .. .. ...... . . .... ........................ .... ..... . ... ....... . . .............. . ... .. ............... . ... .. . .


Inscripti on blks of 4 or larger , few Souve nir sheets, generally very fine . Est. Cash Val. $200-250 . .. . . .... .. . . ............................................. ..

END OF SALE THANK YOU, T.C. This is the rhird auction held for me by Harrners and each has been handled with dispatch, and the pro ceeds exceeded my expectations in every case. Mr. Tony Colin

THANK YOU, W.F. Your we/1-prinred and equally well-illusrrated catalogue arrived at my home address today and I am truly well pleased at rhe way you lolled all them (sic) items. A rather spl endid j ob .. . W.F . 25/11/ 92

THANK YOU, E.K. . Thank you for rhe check covering the sale of my husband 's stamp collection on December 16-/ 7, 1992. It cerrainly exceeded original expectarions! I am pl eased. E.K. 4/23/93

Printed in U.S .A. by Cosmos Communications (Mailed June 15, 1993)






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,r Un ite d Sta tes stamp s, the generally mdat ion of New York .

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agreed , shall be the Philatelic


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...:. ~




°" °" .. i.n


~ :;)


PAICE$1 .00


(or by subscription)

14 EAST 33rd STREET, NEW YORK , NY 10016





P.J . Forrestal and Admiral Snow Collectlon1


3 7 8

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 29 30 31 32 33 35

36 39 40 41 42 43 48 49 50 51 52 59 60 61 62 63 64 68 69 71 72 73 74 75 79 80

84 85 89 90 92 93 94 95 96 97 98


130 115 100 325 475

80 250 950 140 250 350 190 190 180 325 100 2300 300 350 180 170 425 280 150 110 130 140 140 115 100 110 1100 220 180 180 135 145 300 130 160 230 125 350 260 400 900

180 250 100 350 425 425 325 375 350 575 250 80 160 425

100 101 103 104 109 111 119 123 126 127 129 131 133 135 137 139 140 142 143 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 155 156 157 159 160 161 162 164 167 169 170 171 174 176 177 178 179 182 186 187 188 189 190 206 209 210 214 219 220 223 225 229 230 231

160 135 145 125 250 300 700

90 240 220 250 160 115 130 170 125 210 425 240 125 160 120 150 1400 150 135 180 650 120

500 475 240 80 240 210 750

800 210 200 300 290 280 270

500 375 105 140 140 200 425 60 140 625 350 270 75 170 115 200 180

232 233 234 235 236 237 239 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 275 276 279 280 283 286 287 289 290 291 293 294 295 296 299

300 301 302 30~ 304 305 306 307 308 309 310

230 100 575 105 85 1000 375 950 375 325 1800 250 300 170 325 1~ 525 120 120 110 450 170 525 85 90 85 180 180 160 170 125 80 375 350 200 625 1950 100 475 190 170 160 120 300 200 950 270 800 170 130 140 120 125 115 200 180 140 425 550 180

311 312 313 314 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 329 330 331 333 334 335 339 342 343 344 345 347

348 349 351 352 353 354 355 356 358 359 361 365 367 368 375 376 380 381 382 385 387 388 389 390 392 393 397 401 403 404 405 406 407


525 350 125 115 180 200 200

300 115 210 140 850 160 750 500 80 425 140 160 150 1700 95 145 750 130 260 260 240 105 200 130 750 260 160 200 325 150 200 230 115 375 260 180 650 475 350 220 190 525 500 240 575 105 260 135 160 150 230 280 160

411 413 414 415 416 417 419 421 423 424 426 427 428 430 431 432 434 435 436 437 438 439

100 90 105 90 220 230 65 220 270 120 200 210 190 170 160 60 80 270 260 375 120


230 450 125 150 1800 800 160 190 625 475 575 105 500

441 442 443 445

446 447 448 450 451 452 454 455 to

458 459 90 460 80 85 461 462 90 463 90 180 464 466 210 467 85 468 1000 469 675 470 400 471 90 472 70 473 425 474 300 475 400 476 145 477 425 425 478 270 479 479A 220 4798 220 350 480

481 482 483 484 485 486 487

488 489 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 501 502 503 504 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519

520 521 523 525 526 527 528 529 532 533

534 535 536 538 539

540 541 542

543 544 545 546 547 548 549

350 525 2200 1900 1200 240 • 240 210 350 400 1200 675 200 160 850 210 90 550 230 450 575 325 675 190 400 90 700 210 400 65 65 65 240 80 220 100 110 160 65 90 75 75 65 450 260 100 350 65 700 105 260 160 170 500 210 475 425 325 280 190

550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559

560 561 562 563 564

565 566 567

568 571 572 573 574 578 579 580 582 583 584 585

586 587 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 598 599

600 604 605 607 609 610 611 612 613 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623

105 300 280 280 250 145 425 325 575 190 260 1150 700 250 280 160 350 600 125 230 160 350 145 260 150 200 120 105 260 230 6000 1100 525 145 425 2100 650 105 1500 750 550 260 425 325 1500 525 475 1100 700 650 1400 575

2000 23)() 850

600 800 1000 500 1000

624 625 626 627 628 629 630 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639

900 850 600 1250 650 180


750 1150 525 2900 475 550 425 600 400 640 1,.41 600 642 750 1,43 425 i,44 450 /,45 650 /,46 325 647 900 1,48 1600

649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 664 665 666 667 668 670 671 674 676 677

93) 280 1550 325 1600 250 375 250 500 1900 200 400 700 300 1000 400 270 1700 575 900 900 280 475 210

678 375 679 170 680 400 681 650 682 450 55 683 684 850 685 450 686 650 687 575 688 2000 689 1550 500 690 691 900 692 120 693 45 694 250 3)() 695 697 45 698 80 699 160 701 290 702 270 703 60

704 706 708 710 711 712 713 715 716 717 718 720 721 722 723 724 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733

40 65 105

400 650 400 135 130 270 375 750 450 400

800 325 JOO 190 425 1600 180 JOO 325 425


734 736 738 741 742 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 762 763 71,4 765

30 JOO 525

500 230 260 80

55 525 425 1100 1200 3000 1000 1300 650 290 · 220 270 180 850 250 250 125

SEASON'S TOTAL TO DATE: $2,668,937.00 (including 10% on the hammer price payable by the buyer)



766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 784 785 786 787 789 790 791

23) 270 2000 1600 575 2200 425 900 550 650 190 700 100 325 160 450 450 150 1600 850 2400 425

500 210

792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 810 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819

425 1600 270 280 700 325 230 400 1900 125 160 700 750 290 230 250 900 1100 1700 105 115 550 250 600 210 95

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