Linn's Stamp New~ 911 Vandermark Rd Sidney, OH 45365
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* * Neve r hi nge d . * Unu se d
0 Used . 1B Block o f four . DP Die Proof.
TC Tri al Color .
SYMBOLS 6 On piece . Block larger PP Pl ate Proof. [EI'
On cover . than
fou r .
9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
September 6, -
Labor Day
Specimen .
9:30 a.m . to 5:00 p.m . July 4 thru Sept. 3
MAJOR ABBREVIATIONS SE = Straigh t Edge ; s.l. = Str aight-line ; c .d.s. = Circu lar Date Stamp . c .t.o . = Cancelled to Order ; F .D.C . = First Day Cover
CONDITION Th e var ious gradings of stamps are , in o rde r: superb ; extremely fine ; ve ry fine ; fine ; fair A lot descr ibed as "fair " is so listed eithe r by reason of general appea rance o r mo re often because of a s m all f ault or fau lt s , such as a crease, thin s pot , shor t or missing perf , perforated into , cu t int o , etc . In th e case of se ts, lar ge blocks , sheets , etc ., the con d ition quo ted rep resents th e ave rage a nd quality above an d below this standa rd can be expected . Mixed condition: ln la rge lots , th e conditio n is generally Se ri o us defects can be expec ted .
Handst amp on reverse:
Deno tes either
a dealer,
expec t ed to rang e from
col lecto r o r indecipherable
fair to at be st fin e .
exper t ise r's mark.
Signed by : Denot es e ithe r the ac tu al sig nature o r mark of the expertiser. T he absence si gn a tu re d oes no t reflect on the abi lity or knowledge of the party involved .
~=7 GUM
c-----., ~-
of mentioning
- L _~i
PAIRS : All pairs are horizonta l . unless
: be accepted and must be con fir med in writing . il ity of th e bidder . 1/ 2 hour before sale .
sale com me nces-be
sure to use (212) 447-5625 .
rule , ra the r than the exce pti o n, in l he fou r perfs per row - do not af fec t th e lot. described "n .h.(2) /o.g .(2)"
mentioned .
CATALOGUE VALUES : Th e final column shows the catalogue value of th e lot. Th is is shown parentheses w here , in th e o p inion of the auctioneers , the market va lu e excee ds this figure .
1. 2. 3. 4.
Lots of no t more than 10 items . To U .S . clients only . Viewer must pay postage and insurance both ways and re turn lo ts within 24 hours of rece ipt. Reference s required from bidders unknown to us .
of all lots are available
in receipt
of sta mpe d , se ll -addressed
envelope .
IN THE MAILING ENVELOPE You will find the bid form and Prices Rea lized for Ma rch 23 , 1993 Unit ed States , and British Commonwealth & Foreign .
GUM DESCRIPTION Recognizing that there are occasional d ifferences of o pin ion concerning gum nomenclature by various ex pert committees , for examp le , a stamp described as o .g . be in g cer tif ied as large part o .g . o r even part o .g ., this minor classificat ion discrepancy alo ne is not suffici e nt grounds for return .
ESTIMATED VALUES : If an es t imate d cash value is given , it is shown in the description a nd always in dicated by th e abb reviations "Est. Cash Va l." It is used where the lot is large o r w he re the ac tu a l va lu e has little relation to the cata logue price . It represents the auctioneer 's app raisal of the true MARKET va lu e of a lot and the figu re is inva riably close to the actual realization . It is useless for mail bidders to lis t any bids that are on ly a low proportion of such es tim ates . 1-4 & U .S . Specialized
BIDS BY TELEPHONE Please comp ly wi th the following (a) Not more than 20 bi ds can (b) Any errors are the responsib (c) No bids accep ted later than
I \
CATALOGUE NUMBERS: T he ca talogue numbers of the contents of the lots are given in parentheses imm edi ately fo llow ing th e descrip ti ons, but in bulky lots only the ra nge of issue is shown .
CATALOGUES USED IN LISTING : Scott Vol. Sco tt Specia lized (1993) Stan ley Gibbons Brit ish Commonwealth Michel Germany Mich el Europe Stan ley Gibbons China Vla stos · G reece and o t he rs as noted in the descriptions
to the above
You may Fax bids up to 1 hou r before
N .H . L.H . O .G . PART O .G . Shaded portion can represent an ac tu al hinge or the area dis turb ed by a hinge . n.h . Never hinged - unu sed with original gum in Post Office sta le and unmoun ted . l.h. Lightly hinged unused with fu ll original gum showing some evidence of a previous h inge which may be present in part or entirely removed . o .g . Original gum - unu sed with original gum somewhat disturbed by previous hinging which may sti ll be present. part o .g . Pa rt o riginal gum - unuse d with origi nal gum , large hinge remnants may o r may not be present. distu rbed o .g . Disturbed original gum unused wi th original gu m , affected by sweating , glazi ng or mount disturbance; may not resemble the original gum . un use d Unused without gum (unless gum is mentioned) ungummed Unused without gum , as issued .
BLOCKS OR SHEETS AND THEIR GUM : Min or separations are the case of bl ocks or sheets o f a ny size . A few sepa rat iq ns-around va lu e of a block o r sheet a nd are no t grounds for the return of a Blo cks o f f our lhat have two stamps o .g . and two stamps n .h. are
$ 5 $ 10 $25 $50 approxima tely 5% will be au tomatically reduced to the correc t level .
□1. ~1r .· 71
Up to$ 150 $ 150- $ 300 $300 - $ 700 $700 - $ 1,500 Over $ 1,500 Bids which do not conform
Minor faults including , but not limited to , file folds not aff ec ting stamps , small tears and some back flap damage have not been note d in the descri pt ion s of this ca talogue.
TO OUR CLIENTS Harmers continues to use the 1988 Scott catalogues in the produc tion of its auction ca talogues as we feel they more realistically reflect market conditions .
( 1988) 92 -93 92 92-93 1989 1992-1993
We will contin ue to use foreign
in speci fic a reas as su ppl ementa ry inf o rm ation .
IMPORTANT Remember , NO lots may be re turn ed with back stamps sta tin g Fake , Falsch , or simi la r markings . Recently there has been a spa te of Ge rm a n exper t ise rs ma rk ing the backs of as the purchaser not to let this happen . stamps . It is your responsibility
SALE 2890
UNITED STATES, BRITISH COMMONWEALTH and FOREIGN Boyd N. Everett Latin American Collection , Howard Gaston Collection of Jamaica, Bert Fleischmann Stock , and the properties of 17 other vendors . Tuesday, September 14, 1993, AFTERNOON SESSION AT 1:30 p.m.
EXHIBITIONOF LOTS Thursday , Friday , Monday , September 9, 10, 13, 1993 from 9:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. or by Appointment EXHIBITION ROOM CLOSED 1:00 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. EACH DAY ON SALE DAYS LOTS GO OFF EXHIBITION HALF HOUR BEFORE EACH SESSION
To be sold at Auction by
H. R. HARMER INC. 14 EAST 33rd STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10016 Telephone : (212) 532-3700 Fax: (212) 447-5625 Keith A. Harmer , Jack LaCalamito - Licensed Auctione ers License #'s 672829 , 780870
On all lots sold a commissionof 10% on the hammer price will be payable by the buyer.
Lots containin g autographs of William H. Taft are located in the Philippin es section beginning with lot 223. I IZI
. , t~
STAMPLESS: Used to Hong Kong; 1854 Envelope bearing fancy PAID handstamp and matching TROY N.Y. FEB 3 c.d.s., various ms. rates, London transit, red NEW YORK AM PACK.ET FEB 4 backstamp and Hong Kong rece iver. Ex Franklin D. Roosevelt with handstamp ... . . .. .. ........ . ......................... .. .
1847 ISSUE Sc red brown, shades
e. ....~
Cancelled by red grid unless otherwise noted.
4 0 5 0 6 0
Sc, mostly huge ma rgins , neatl y caned. , extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (1991) ........... . .. . ............... ... .. ....... (Photo ) (1)
Sc, full to large margin s, face free cancel, very fine. Foundation Cert. (1993) ............... .. .... . .. .... .................... (P hoto ) (1)
Sc, mo stly large margins except close at upper left, neatl y caned., lovely impres sion and rich color , very fine . (Photo ) (1)
Sc, margins added, lovely impression and neatly caned., very attractive . . .................... . ............................. (Photo) ( I)
700 .00
IOc black 7 0
3 0
,, ~!
No Lot
lo'' ,
li'1-~~ -?;
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IOc, large to enormous margins showin g portion of adjoining sta mp at bottom , black grid cancels, extremely fin e. Foundation Cert. (1988) ........ .......... (Photo ) (2) 2,100.00
8 0
IOc gray black , margin s all round, huge thr ee sides, brilliant grid cancels, trace of sma ll thin , otherwise very fine . (P hoto ) (2) 2,000.00
9 0
IOc, large to huge margin s, light blue face free c.d.s. cancel, small corner crease, hand stamp on rever se, very fine (P hoto ) (2) 2,050.00
lO O
10c, clear to large margins, lightly caned., tiny thin spot, almost very fine. Foundation Cert. ( 1980) .. ........... ......... (Photo) (2) 2,000 .00
11 0
IOc, touched at bottom , large margins three sides, lightly caned., fine .... . .. . ....... . ............... .. . . . .. ..... .. .. . .... . .. . . . (Photo ) (2) 2,000.00
\ ',,
Used on Cover Sc dark brown, good to large margins, very fine, tied by blue grid and matching PIDLADA 5 cts JUN 9 on full 1851 folded letter to Bellfonte. Very attractive. Foundation Cert. (1987) ....... .... .. .... .. ..... ... .. .. ... ..... .. ... .. .. .... .. .. ... ...... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ... ... .. .. .. .. ....... .. ..... ... ..... .(Photo) (la) Sc, large margins, fine, tied by red BURLINGT O N Vt. 5 2 DEC c.d.s. on loca l folded letter sheet (staining) , dockete d 1850 .... .......... .(Photo) (I ) Sc dark brown, large margins three sides, ju st touched at bottom right, tied by blu e '' 2'' in c ircle handstamps on 1849 folded letter (fa int fold bare ly affec ts stamp) to Upper Black Edd y, Pa. bearin g blue PHlL A DA Pa 5 MAR 8 c.d .s ................................................. ........ ...... ...... (Photo) ( Ia)
15 0
Sc, enormous margins, very fine, tied by ms. on 1848 folded letter sheet with red READ ING Pa. FE B IO c.d.s., addr essed to Pres ident o f Phi ladelphi a, Readin g and Pottsville Railro ad, inside flap bearing part ms. R.W. Morga n "F ree Pass". Interesting impli cations ............ .... .. ..... .... ... (Photo) ( I)
375. 00+
16 0
JOc, mostly huge margins, very fine, caned. by ms. strokes and red squ are grids on 1848 folde d letter bea ring red NEW YORK FEB I c .d .s. Attractive. Found ation Ce rt. ( 1984) ................. .. ........ . ..... ................... ...... ...... ..... .... .... .. ..... ... .. ...... ... .... ....... ... ........................... ........... .(Photo) (2) 2,350 .00 Used to New Orleans, IOc, marg ins nea rly all round , frame line barely touched bottom le ft, cert. states " light tonin g", fine, neatly caned . on 1849 folded letter bear ing red JACKSO N Ml. DEC 20 c.d.s. Ex Rust. Found ation Ce rt. ( 1992) .... .......... .... ....... ...... .......... .... ..... .... ....... .. (Photo) (2) 2,350 .00
12 0 13 0 14 0
17 0
850 .00
1851-56 IMPERFORATE 3c dull red, Plate 3, an n.h. to o.g. left pane part Imprint and Pl. No. strip of 8, margins full to just in, folded vert. twice and a few trilling tone spots mostly on reverse, nevertheless a scarce and collectible multiple ... ..... .. ... ... .. ... ... ...... .. .. ... .... .. .. ........ .............. ... .. . (Photo) (11) 1,120.00+ 1857 Stampless folded letter to Richmond, Virginia from London, England, forwarded first to Washin gton, D.C. and subsequently ret urned to Richm ond, bearing two copies of 1851-56 3c dull red (small faults), one tied by Richmond c.d.s. other by unu sual Washin gton FREE c.d.s., app ropriate London transit, N. YO RK BR PKT c.d.s. and 19 CE NT S Arc, endorsed " P Asia", scarce usage. Photogra ph of ship acco mpanies. (Photo) ( 11) 3c, marg ins to ju st in, tied by C INC INN ATI O DEC 8 c.d .s. ca ncel on blu e Phonog raphy enve lope (small tone) to A lton, Michiga n . . (Photo) ( 11)
19 0
20 0
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21 0
Sc red brown, good to large margins, lightly caned., thinned , very fine appearance ........... . ...... .. ....... . .. . . . .... . ..... (Photo) ( 12) 1,300.00
22 0
10c green, type III , margins all round, enormous three sides, light black and red pm.ks., very fine ........................ (Photo) ( 15)
12c black, full to enormous margins showing portion of adjoining stamp at right, lovely red grid cancel socked-on-thenose, very fine ..... . ....................... . ........ . .. . . (Photo) (17)
12c, full to enormous margins showing portion of adjoining stamp at bottom, red and black cancels, very fine. Foundation Cert. (1989) . ... .......... .......................... ... . .. (Photo) (17)
12c, top sheet margin copy, full to huge margins other sides, light c.d.s. cancel, faintest trace of corner crease, very fine. (Photo) ( 17)
Used to England; 12c, pair, margins clear to huge exce pt touched bottom right, left stamp light crease, fine, tied by magenta grid cance ls on folded letter ( 1856?) bearing Hartford Ct. OCT 6 pmk., red 19 and PATD mkg., colorful and attractive cover. Foundation Cert. ( 1992) ............................... . .......... ..... (Photo) ( 17)
690.00 +
23 0
24 0
25 0
1857-61 PERFORATED 15 27 0
le blue, relief D, plate IV, type III, neat c.d.s. cancel, tiny corner crease, fine. P.S.E. Cert. ( 1993) .. ... ......... . ..... . ... (Photo) (2 1) 1,250.00
28 0
Sc brick red, neat red PAlD c.d.s. cance l, fresh ... . (Photo) (27) 1,000.00
29 0
Sc orange brown, type II , pin hole, love ly red grid cance l, " wide " copy, very fine appeara nce. P.S.E. Cert. ( 1993) .... . . (Photo) (30)
950 .00
Sc brown, type II , unused, tiny thin, "w ide" copy with lovely fresh color, very fine. Foundat ion Cert. ( 1992) ..... (Photo) (30A)
450 .00
* 32
90c blue, SE, unused, trace of thin, an attractiv e large copy (Photo) (39) 1,450.00
1875 REPRINTS OF 1857-60 ISSUE: 12c greenish black, lovely fresh color, fine and attractive copy of this rarity. 489 Printed . .. . . . ...... .. . ..................... . .. (Photo) (44) 2,600.00 30c yellow orange, small thin, vibrant color. 480 Printed (Photo) (46) 2,850. 00 1861 "AUGUST" ISSUE 3c brown rose, o.g., brilliant fresh, almost very fine .. . ... . .................................. (Photo) (56)
1861-62 PERFORATED 12 1861-62 le blue, 3c rose, fine, tied by New York dup lex on envelop e (tiny edge faults) to an officer in Co mmodo re Farrag ut's Squadro n in the Gulf of Mex ico, subseq uently advertised and return ed to New York beari ng boxed ADV le backstamp, FORWARDED and 3 handstamps with New O rlea ns circular datestamps on front and reve rse. A case of the leller missing the Purser. (Photo) (63,65)
35 181
36 * IBI 3c rose, corner blk of 8, n.h.(8)/1.h.(4), love ly co lor and fresh, fine (Photo) (65)
420 .00+ 10c yellow green, brilliant red PAID c.d.s cancel, bright color . (Photo) (68) (30.00) and large centered copy, superb .................... 1861 Toppan, Carpenter & Co. 24c black, Die essay die sunk on thin paper, 65mmx65mm , affixed to card , very fine 125.00 (Photo) 1993 Scott (70-E3) 90c blue, corner perf crease, well centered and lovely New York geometric cancel, very fine .... . .... . .. . .. .. . .. . .. ..... (Photo) (72) 250.00 1867 "F" Grill 10c green, neat Crossroads cancel, large centered copy, extremely fine. P.S.E. Cert. (1993). (Photo) (96) (110.00) 10c, neat co rk ca nce l, faint crease, large we ll ce ntered copy, I 10.00 (Photo) (96) 1875 RE-ISSUE OF 1861-66 ISSUE : le blue, slightly disturbed o.g., repe rfed, brilli ant fresh , very fine appeara nce . Foundation Cert. (Photo) ( 102) 500.00 ( 199 1). 3 195 Printed ... . . ..............................
37 0 38 DE
39 0 40 0 41 0 42
* 43
Sc brown, unused, slightly toned, otherwise very fine. An attractive copy of this rare stamp. Foundation Cert. (1991). 672 Printed .. . ...... . .. ..... . .. . ... .. .. . (Photo) (105) 1,000.00
. ····· ············...············-
12c green, large centered copy, lightly caned., extremely fine (Photo) (117) (90.00) 24c green & violet, lightly caned., light stain, large perfectly . ..... . ... . (Photo) (120) 450.00 centered copy, very fine .... . ............. 30c blue & carmine , unused, couple sma ll tones , large ce ntered (Photo) ( 12 1) 2,250. 00 copy, very fine appeara nce ........................... (Photo) (121) 225.00 ........ 30c, lightly caned., "tall" copy, very fine 90c carmine & black, neatly caned., fresh, very fine. Foundation ........ (Photo) (122) 1,200.00 .............. Cert. (1991) ..... .................. 90c, lightly can ed., thinn ed, very fine appearance .. (Photo) ( 122) 1,200. 00
45 0 46
47 0 48 0 C. qp -L~-'#'.e,,,,-✓72ct
, 4-~l. L.,,,,,-~~OL.C,/"
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49 0
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50 50 0
1875 RE-ISSUE OF 1869 ISSUE: 90c carmine & black, bold cork cancel, small repaired tear, large centered copy, very fine appearance. Foundation Cert. Cert. (1986). 1356 Printed .. .................... . ............. (Photo) (132) 6,000.00
51 0
1870-71 NATIONAL BANK NOTE CO: With Grill 6c carmine, neat black and red cance ls, very fine. Foundation Cert. ( 1993) . 1993 Scott retail $300 .. .. . . . ..... .. . ..... .... .. . .. .. . .. . .. . . . (Photo) ( 137) (250.00 )
52 0
Without Grill 90c carmine , neatly caned ., very fine (Photo) ( 155)
** *
1887 AMERICAN BANK NOTE CO: 2c green, n.h., fresh, extremely fine. Lovely stamp ................ . ...... (Photo) (213)
1888 30c orange brown , o.g., well centered and brilliant fresh, extremely fine. 1993 Scott retail $360 ........... . . (Photo) (217)
57 58 59
** ** ** ** ** ** **
le, 2c, 3c, 4c, n.h., (2c gum slightly disturbed) , selected copies , principally extremely fine .. . . . .. .. ...... . ..... . .. (Photo) (230-33)
Sc chocolate , n.h., perf disc adheres but does not indent on reverse, perfectly centered, extremely fine .. .. .. .. (Photo) (234)
6c purple, n.h., brilliant fresh, extremely fine . .. . (Photo) (235)
Sc magenta, n.h., light bend, very fine . .... .. .. . .... (Photo) (236)
(55 .00)
Sc, Imprint and Pl. No. strip of three, n.h., neg ligible gum wrinkl es, fresh, fine ... . . .. . . . ..... . . . .... . ......... .. . (Photo) (236)
15c dark green, n.h., beautiful rich color, very fine (Photo) (238)
30c orange brown, n.h., brilliant fresh color and perfectly centered, superb . . . . . .... . .......... . ................. (Photo) (259)
S0c slate blue, very l.h. if at all, trace of bend, very fine (Photo) (240)
$1 salmon 63
64 65
* *
$1, o.g. , trace of tiny thin s not mentioned in cert., bright co lor and (Photo) (24 1) 1, 150.00 fresh, very fine. Foundation Cert. ( 1985) ............ $1, slightly disturbed o.g., small thin , fine .......... (Photo) (24 1) I, 150.00 $1, unused (regumm ed), small faults, repe rfed though it gauges co rrectly, bright co lor and attractive ............ ..... (Photo) (24 1) I, 150.00 $1, neat New York duplex cancel, well centered, very fine (Photo) (241) 550.00
66 0
$2 brown red, shades 67
68 69 70
* * * *
$2, l.h., fresh, extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (1981) (Photo) (242) $2, o.g., tiny natural paper inclusion, bright color and fresh, fine. Foundation Cert. (1991) . ... ................... (Photo) (242) $2, l.h., trace of tonin g, fresh, fine ................... (Photo) (242) $2, unused (reg ummed), repe1fed, barely noticeab le faults, rich co lor (Photo) (242) and attractive ..... .......................... .. ........... $2, neat New York Regis. cance l, tiny thin and trace of crease, very fine appearance ............................... .. ......... (Photo) (242) $2, negligible perf staining, fine, tied by New York oval on Regis. envelope to Germany, transits and GERA REUSS 28 9 93 receiver on reverse . ................... . .......... (Photo) (242)
71 0 72 C8J
1,250.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 500.00
$3 yellow green, shades
* 74 * 75 *
$3, o.g., light horiz. crease, deep rich color and fresh. Foundation Cert. (1992) .... ..... .. .. .......................... (Photo) (243) 2,600.00 $3 olive green, slightly disturbed o.g., thin and trace of tone spots, (Photo) (243a) 2,600.00 fresh, very fine appeara nce ........................... $3, (SE), unused, tiny tear and pin point thin , bright co lor, fine appeara nce ........................... . ..... . .. ... ... . .. . (Photo) (243) 2,600.00
RINo. 1 L9QQ
$4 crimson lake, shades 76
$4, o.g., tiny natural paper inclusion, bright color and fresh, almost very fine. Foundation Cert. (1991) (Photo) (244) 3,400.00
$4, unused, small thin and corner perf crease, vivid color and well centered, very fine appearance ... (Photo) (244) 3,400.00
$4, unused, bright color, very fine ... . . . .. . .. . ..... (Photo) (244) $4, slightly sweated o.g., couple small thins, fine. (Photo) (244) $4, o.g., reperfed , brilliant fresh, very fine appearance (Photo) (244) $4, slightly disturbed o.g., repa ired perf and small surface rub, bright color, fine appeara nce ............. . .... . ....... (Photo) (244) $4, unused (regummed), small thin spots, bright co lor and fresh (Photo) (244)
* 80 * 81 * 82 *
-85 86 87 88 89
$5, redistributed o.g., lovely impression, very fine. PSE Cert. (1992) ................... . ................. (Photo) (245) 3,600.00 $5, unused, light bend, large copy, fresh, fine ... (Photo) (245) 3,600.00 $5, unused (regummed), fine ... . ....... ... .. . ....... . . (Photo) (245) 3,600.00 1894 UNWATERMARKED: Sc chocolate, n.h., fresh, very fine (Photo) (255) (80.00) $2 bright blue, o.g., corner perf crease and filled pin hole, reperfed, (Photo) (262) 2, I 00 .00 very fine appearance ................................... 1895 WATERMARKED: $1 black, type I, o.g., small barely perceptible crease, perfec tly centered, very fine. Foundation Cert. ( 1992) . ........ ... .. . . . ..... . . . .. . ...... . ...... . .... . .... (Photo) (276) 550.00 $1, lightly caned., perfectly centered, extremely fine (Photo) (276) (70.00) $2 bright blue, large part o.g. (regummed over small hinge thin), perfectly centered and fresh, very fine appearance . A.P.E.S. Cert. ( 1992) .......................................... ......... (Photo) (277) $2, unused (regummed), reperfed, very fine appearance (Photo) (277) 1898 CHANGED COLOR: 2c red, type III , perfs touch, tied by duplex on multicolored International Stock Food Co. advertising envelope (light file fold and pin hole) printed on both sides, reverse composed of various vingettes and " ... MAKES MONEY FOR STOCKMEN." Unusual and a beautiful cover. (Photo) (279B) 1898 TRANS-MISSISSIPPI
94 DE
95 P
* *
$5 black, unused, tiny thins, large well centered copy, very fine appearance .......................... (Photo) (245) 3,600.00
* * ** * *
90 0 91
3,400.00 3,400.00
900 .00 900.00
le to $2, the compl. set of bicolored Die essays die sunk on card, about 200x150mm, 2c and $2 centers transposed, all with brilliant fresh colors. 1993 Scott retail $8,500 (Photo Following Page) (285-93E) A very .fine and lovely set of these popu lar essays. le to 10c compl., small Die proofs (Roosevelt) but with gray backing card removed, 2c and Sc partially cut to shape, sma ll faults .. . .. . .. . . . . .... . ... .... ... (Photo Following Page) (285-90P2) 3,900 .00
2c copper red, CORNER SHEET MARGIN COPY, extremely fine, tied by SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Sept 17 98 duplex on all-over Spanish-American War patriotic cover, Longmeadow receiver on reverse. Probab ly the ultimate Trans-Mississippi two cent cover ... ..... . .. .. .... .. . .... .. . . ....... .... ... . ... (Photo) (286) 97 4c orange, n.h., tiny inclusion on reverse, brilliant fresh, very fine. Photocopy of Foundation Cert. (1985) for block of four of which this is the top left stamp ................. . .. (Photo) (287) (140.00) Sc dull blue, Sc violet brown, 10c gray violet, o.g. , I Oc reperfed , 98 very fine appeara nce, others extremely fine ..... (Photo) (288-90) 475 .00 50c sage green, slightly disturbed o.g ., reperfed, fres h, very fine 99 appea rance . .. .. .. .. .. .... .. ........ . .. . . .. ..... . . .. .. . .. (Photo) (29 1) 725.00 I00 * EB 50c dark sage green, blk of 4, n.h.(2)/o.g.(2) , one stamp tiny thin , fresh . . .. .. .. ... . ... . .. . ... . .... ... ... .. ... . . . ... . . .. ... . (Photo) (29 1) 3,000 .00 IOI $1 black, o.g. (hinge remnant), tiny thin s, fine ..... (Photo) (292) 1,850.00 96 181
* *
$2 orange brown 102 103 104 105 106
** *
$2, Imprint copy, n.h., perf separations, fresh, fine. Foundation Cert. (1991) ............................................. (Photo) (293) 2,850.00 $2, o.g. (hinge remnants), fine ......... : ............. (Photo) (293) 2,850 .00 0 $2, lightly caned., tiny surface scrape s, perfectly ce ntered and exce ptional looki ng co py . .. . . . . . .. . .............. . .. ... (Photo) (293) 875.00 $2, lightly ca ned. , small faults, very fine appeara nce . (Photo) (293) 875.00 0 1901 PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION: le to 10c, compl. set, n.h., 4c reperfed, otherwise a love ly se lect set, very fine to extremely fine ................ .. ...... .. . .. ... . ...... (Photo) (294-99) 650.00 ** EB 10c yellow brown & black, blk of 4, n.h., bottom stamps neg ligible gum wrinkle, fine ... . .... .. . .. ... .. . . .. . .... (Photo) (299) 925.00
1902-03 REGULAR ISSUE le blue green, very fine, tied by indistinct CAMBRIDGE N.Y. pmk. on gorgeou s multicolored all-over Jerome B. Rice Seed Co. advertising cover printed on both sides, Colton, N.Y. receiver and four colorful , almost three-dimensional renderings of vegetables on reverse. A marvelous example of this quaint medium. (Photo Next Page) (300) le , SE, tied by CA LL A, OHIO dated ca nce l on bea utiful
108 181
multi co lored Templin 's " Idea l" Seeds & Plants advertising post card. Ve,y fi ne and colo,fu l card .... . .. (Photo Next Page) (300) 3c bright violet, 4c brown, Sc blue, n.h., selected co pies, fresh, I IO 145. 00 ...... (Photo) (302-04) .. .... .............. very fine .................... 111 * EB S0c orange, blk of 4, o .g., top stamp s slightly disturb ed gum , rich . (Photo) (3 10) 1,900 .00 co lor and fres h ........................................ $2 dark blue, o.g . (small hinge re mnant ), fine .. ... (Photo) (3 12) 1,050 .00 112
** *
I 13
$5 dark green, o.g. (hinge remnant), well centered and rich color, very fine . ... . .. . . .. (Front Cover Photo) (313) 2,750.00
1906-08 IMPERFORATE: Sc blue, pair, l.h., large even mar.. ....... (Photo) (315) 1,100.00 gins, extremely fine .......... .. .............. 115 ** 1904 LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION: le to 10c, compl. set, n.h., selected copies, extremely fine. (Photo) (323-27) 457.50 380 .00 I 16 ** EB 3c violet, blk of 4, n.h. , fine to very fine ...... .. .. (Photo) (325) 1906 San Francisco Earthquake stampless cover bear ing SAN 117 181
I 18 181
FRAN CISCO , CA L. APR 23 1906 (inverted) dupl ex, Jersey C ity rece iver. Attractive and histor ic .. .. .... . . .. . .. . (Photo Next Page) Six picture post cards depicting scenes of the disaster, all franked by 1902- 03 I c blue green, mixed conditi on. Est. Cas h Val. (Photo Next Page) ......... .................. $ 100- 150 ................
I 18A 181
Souvenir postal card containing 20 disaster scenes with captions, dated April 18, 1906 and pos ted Ja n., 1907, plus " Vistas of Sa n Francisco" book let ( 1903) , fabulous co mparisons. Est. Cas h . .. . . .. . ........... Val. $50 ....... . . .. . . . . .... . . . ... .. .... . ..............
1908-09 DOUBLE LINE WATERMARK 15c pale ultramarine , n.h ., fresh, very fine ...... .. (Photo) (340)
119 ** 120
(60 .00)
**~ 15c ultramarine on "chalky " paper, PLATE BLOCK OF
SIX, n.h., fresh and rare multiple. Photocopies of research article on this important paper variety accompany. Foundation Cert. (1991) ... . .. .. . (Photo Next Page) (340 var.)
* **
12 1
124 125
* *
126 **
$1 violet brown, o.g. , co rner perf tip added , large we ll centered copy, very fine appearance .. .... .. ..... ... .... . .. .... (Photo) (342)
450 .00
1909 BLUISH PAPER: 2c carmine, unusually large well cen.. .... .......... . (Photo) (358) (100.00) tered copy, superb .................... 1909 LINCOLN BLUISH PAPER: 2c carmine, tiny inclusion, almost perfectly centered , extremely fine ... . .. .. . (Photo) (369) 275.00 1910-13 SINGLE LINE WMK: Coils perf 8½ vert. 4c brown, line pair, o .g., fine ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. ...... ..... . (Photo) (39 5) 300.00 1913-15 PANAMA-PACIFIC EXPOSITION: Perf 12 l0c orange, very l.h. if at all, fresh, extremely fine. (Photo) (400A) 250.00 .. ... .. . .. (Photo ) (400A) 250.00 10c, n.h ., fre sh, fine ........................
127 128 129 130 I3 1 132
* ** *
* **
133 0
134 135 136 137 I 38
* * ** * **
1914-15 Perf 10 10c oran ge, o.g., reperfed, fresh, fine appearance (Photo ) (404) 1,400.00 1912-14 PERF 12; 30c orang e r ed, n.h. , brilli ant color , extrem ely fine. Foundation Cert. (1987) ... . . . .. . .... (Phot o) (420) (120.00) 19i2-14 50c violet, o.g. (hinge remnant), fresh, fine. (Photo ) (42 1)
1913-15 PERF 10: 9c salmon r ed, ver y l.h., large cent er ed copy, extr emely fine . Foundation Cert. (1992) .... ..... . (Photo ) (432)
30c or ange r ed, l.h. , lar ge perfectl y cent er ed copy, sup erb (Photo) (439)
50c violet, n.h., tiny gum skips, fresh, fine .. .. .. . .. (Phot o) (440)
1915-16 RO TA RY COIL S: Perf 10 hori z. 2c red , type I, neat machin e ca ncel, deep color , very fine. Foundation Cert. (1987). 1993 Scott r etail $225 ... . ........... . . .. . .. . . .... . . . .. (Ph oto) (449) (160.00) 1914-16 Perf 10 vert. 3c violet, o.g. (hinge remnant), very fine (Pho to) (456)
1915 DO UBLE LINE WMK: Perf 10 $ 1 violet black, o.g., pin point thin, fine ........................ . . . .. .. . .. .. . ..... (Ph oto) (460)
1915 SING LE LINE WMK: Pert' 11 2c pa le ca rmin e red, n.h. , extr emely fine ............ . . . .. . .. . . .. . .... ... . ......... (Phot o) (461) (100.00) 1917 TYPES OF 1903 ISSUE : $2 dark blu e, $5 light green, l.h., fresh, fine . .............. . .. . .. ........... . . . . .. . .. . (Ph oto) (479,480)
$5, n.h. , la r ge cent er ed copy, extr emely fine ..... (Photo) (480)
~~- ·
·~ .1 ,/
./l y '
1917-19 UNWATERMARKED, PERF 11 139 ** 140 ** 14 1 ** 142 ** 143 ** 144
20c gray blue, n.h. , almost perfectl y centered, pretty color, extremely fine .................. . ..... .. . . ... ....... .. . . (Photo ) (515) 30c orange red , n.h., large centered copy, extremely fine (Photo) (516) S0c red violet , n.h., fresh, very fine . . . . ... . ........ . (Photo) (5 17) $1 violet brown , n.h. , perfectl y centered, superb. (Photo) (518) EB$1, blk of 4, n.h., deep color and fresh, fine . . ..... (Photo ) (5 18) 1917 DOUBLE LINE WMK: Pert' 11 2c carmine, o.g., perfectly centered, extremely fine . . .. . .. . . ... ... . . . . ........... (Photo ) (519)
(60.00) (50.00) 95.00 (75.00) 3 10.00 250.00
1918 BICOLOR ISSUE 145 146 147 148 149 150
* * ** * ** *
$2 orange red & black , l.h., very fine . .... . ....... . (Photo) $2, o.g., very fine . . .. . ... .. . . . . . . . ..... . . . .. ... . .. .. . . .. (Photo) $5 deep green & black , n.h. , large copy, extremely fine (Photo) $5, o.g., very fine . .. . .. . . ... .. .. . . . ..... . . . . ... .. . . . . .. . (Photo) $2 carmine & black, n.h. , very fine ... . . .. . . . .... . (Photo ) $2, o.g., perf ectly centered, extremely fine . . .. . ... (Photo)
.... ...
.• .. •
(523) 1100.00 (523) I, I00.00
(524) (524) (547) (547)
450.00 450 .00 400.00 400.00
-~-·· ====:!J ·• .
817 7 •
~· ~~--
4t •••
. • __-ffi\11
·······~············ ' ········
15 1 15 1 * !al
$2 lake & black , ARROW AND PLATE BLOCK OF EIGHT, o.g., beautiful rich color and well centered, very fine ..... . . ......... .. . . . ... . .... . .......... .. .. . ... (Photo) (547) 7,000.00
1922-25 REGULAR ISSUE: 30c to $2 compl., n.h., selected copies, very fine to extremely fine . ... .. . . . . . . . . . (Photo) (569-72) $5 carmine & blue , n.h. , extremely fine ... . .. . ... (Photo) (573) 153 154 O EB 1923-26 ROTARY: Perf llxlO le green , margin blk of 4, Washington D.C. duplex cancels, one pulled perf, well centered and scarce multiple . . ................. .. . .. . ... . . . . ....... . .. (Photo) (578) 152 **
3 15.00 400.00 260.00+
1923-29 COILS: Perf 10 vert. 2c carmine, type II , pair, n.h., very fine ....... . . ..... .. .. .. . ..... .. . .. . . .. . .. . . ... . .... .. . .. (Photo) (599A)
156 ** IBI 1926 WHITE PLAINS SOUVENIR SHEET OF 25: 2c carmine rose, n.h., few small gum creases, very fine ... . . .. . ... ...... (630)
500 .00
.. ... . ... . ...... . .. (630)
158 ** EE 1918 FIRST ISSUE: 6c orange, center line blk of 4, n.h., few small inclusions, brilliant co lor, fine to very fine ... (Photo) (C I)
159 ** EE 6c, blk of 4, n.h. , one stamp sma ll spot o n gum, fine to very fine (Photo) (C I)
155 **
157 ** IBI2c, n.h ., small margin fault s, fine ...........
16 1
162 **
24c carmine rose & blue, l.h., large centered copy, superb (Photo) (C3)
24c, nearly "grounded plane", o.g. (hinge rem nant), neg ligible corner crease , fine ......... . .. . .. . . . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. (Photo) (C3)
1923 SECOND ISSUE: 24c carmine, n.h., extremely fine (Photo) (C6)
1930 GRAF ZEPPELIN ISSUE 163 164 165 166 167 168 169
** * * * ** * *
65c green, n.h., tiny inclusion, extremely fine . .. (Photo) (C13)
65c, o.g ., small faults, perfectly ce ntered, very fine appeara nce (Photo) (C 13)
65c, o.g ., tiny thin spot s, gum bend s, fine ..........
(Photo) (C 13)
$1.30 brown, l.h., sma ll thin , fine ...................
(Photo) (C l4 ) 1,000.00
$2.60 blue, n.h., extremely fine .... .. ... .. . .. . ...... (Photo) (Cl5) 1,600.00 $2.60, l.h., fresh, fine ................
. .. .. . .. . .. .. . . .. (Photo) (ClS) 1,600.00
$2.60, o.g., light creas ing, inclu sion o n reve rse, fine . (Photo) (C 15) 1,600.00
Used on Cover 170 1:83
65c, vert. pair, light staining, well ce ntere d, tied by VARICK ST. STA . N. Y. APR 24 1930 duplex and small portion of vio let cac het on picture postcard (Indepe ndence Ha ll), add itional appro priate red (Photo) (C 13) .... . . . . . . .... . . ... . .. . . .......... cac het ..................
171 1:83
$1.30 and $2.60, fine, neatly tied by sing le strik e of NE W YORK VARJC K ST. APR 30 1930 duplex on enve lope (co rner miss ing), approp riate cac hets fron t and back , Friedri chshafen pmk . on reve rse (Photo) (C l4) 1,400.00+
First Day Covers 172
2 10 2 11
2 12
2 13
2 14 2 15 2 16
2 17 2 18
2 19
$2.60, small corner crea se, very fine appearance, tied by WASHINGTON D.C. APR 19 1930 Fir st Day duplex and portion of red cachet on envelope , appropriate cachets front and back ........... . .. . . . ....... ....... .................... (Photo ) (C lS) $2.60, well centered , fine , tied by green ink offset and First Day l8l WASHINGTON APR 19 1930 duplex on envelope, appropriately cacheted front and back . .... .... ... . ........ (Photo) (ClS ) ** EE 1933 CENTURY OF PROGRESS: S0c green, sheet margin blk of 4 with Pl. No., n.h., selvage creasing, stamps very fine to extremely fine .............. .................. .... ....... (Photo ) (C I 8) ** 1938 EAGLE: 6c ultramarin e & carmine , n.h., few tiny gum skips, fresh and fine copy of this popular color variety. Foundation Cert. ( 1991). Signed H. Bloch .... ................... (Photo ) (C23c) ** REGISTRATION STAMP: 1911 10c ultramarine , n.h., brilliant fresh, very fine ...................................... .. .. (Photo ) (F l) POSTAGE DUE : 1891 Perf 12 le to S0c bright claret , compl. set, o.g. (hinge remnants), 3c tiny thin spots, 50c few small tone spots on perf tips, brilliant colors and fresh, fine to very fine. 1994 Scott retail $69 1.50 .. ........... ................... (Photo) (122-28) 6. OFFICES IN CHINA: 1895 to 1898, le to 10c, S diff., each tied on small piece by MIL P STA No. 1 TIENTSIN CHINA FEB S 1901 c.d.s. cancels, fine to very fine . (Photo ) (272,79,B,81,83) * 1919 Surchd. set compl., o.g. (some hinge remnants), $ I on 50c, very l.h. if at all, few negligible faults, generally fine to very fine (Photo ) (Kl - 16) * PARCEL POST: 1913 $1 carmin e rose, o.g., small inclusion, large centered copy, extremely fine ................. (Photo ) (Q l 2) LOCAL STAMP: Demin g's Penny Post, Frankford, Pa; 1854 ( le ) black on grayish, full to lar ge margin s showing portion of adjoining stamp at bottom , very fine ............ (Photo ) (58Ll ) E CUT SQUARES: 186(?) 12c red , 12c, 20c, 40c green, 24c blue , " Bulleye " essays on buff , small faults, generally fine or fine appearance. Scarce group ...... (Photo ) (Thorp 37a,c,39b,4 ld,43b) **18lSTAMPED ENVELOPE: 1920-21 Surchd. lype 7 2c on 3c dark violet on white entire , black surch., very fine ... (Photo ) (U479) l8l CONFEDERATE STATES: Flag of Truc e Cover; 1861-62 3c rose, SE, affixed over Confederate States 1861 Sc green, tied by Richmond and Old Point Comfort c.d.s. cancels on 1862 envelope (torn backtlap ) to Massachusetts endorsed via Norfolk & Flag of Truce , with enclosure. A.P.E.S. Cert. (1992) (Photo ) (65,CSA l ) 1862 (Augu st) Archer & Daly Ptg. Sc blu e, pair , full to large l8l margins, tied by slightly unclear Virginia c.d.s. on lemon OFFICIAL BUSINESS envelope to Mill Hill, North Caro lina (Photo ) (7) 1863 2c red brown , mostly larg e margin s, ver y fine appearance , l8l tied by ATHENS GA c.d.s. on local envelope (stamp and cover creased), scarce drop letter usage. A.P.E.S. Cert. (I 992) (Photo ) (8)
22 1 6.
WILLIAM H. TAFT AUTOGRAPHS Small group of invitation s from Taft as Governor of the Philippine s and his wife (1900-1904, an important post to Taft as he twice turned down Roosevelt's offer to appoint him to the Supreme Court), incl. one Mr. and Mrs. Taft At Home , printed rec eption invitation for Major General MacArthur (a Taft adversary as a result of MacArthur's disdain for the native s), also one signed Helen H. Taft, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 ...................................... . ............ .
223 200.00 75.00
Three TLS document s relating to Taft's term as the First Civil Governor of the Philippine Island s, where he was instrumental in the organization of a civil government, one an October 4, 1901 1st Endorsement signed by Taft and congratulating A.L. Law she, Auditor, other two consist of letter signed by Elihu Root , Secretary of War, on War Department imprinted stationer y addre ssed to Law she with a Taft-signed covering letter also to Lawshe, minor folds or stain s, genera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $1,000 ............... . .... .... ... . ... .. . . ..... .. .. . .... ... . .
TLS March 2, 1900, five page s to Luke E. Wright , (Pre sident to th e Philippin e Commi ssion succeeding Taft), an inter esting and historic lett er as Taft was about to embark on a major diplomatic assignment during which he helped convert th e U.S. pre sence in the Philippin es from miJitar y to civil rule , suppre ssed an insurrection, established a civil service system and reformed a corrupt judicial system. " We mu st have tools with which to work ... Wm H. Taft", minor wear and tear , no words affected. Est. Cash Val. $2,000 ............................ ..
1,775.00 400.00
( 100.00)
6 15.00
CU BA: Puerto Princip e; 1898 Fifth Printing Sc on 3m blu e green, Pos. S, tied by 1899 c.d.s. cancel on small piece, very fine (Photo ) (2 15) 1899 Double Lin e Wmk; 2½c on 2c red , type III , small faults, tied by violet boxed SOLDIE RS LETTER W.W. WATTS CHAPL. I TEX V.I. and Mil. P. Sta. No. 26., Buena Vista, Cuba MAR 4 1899 c.d.s. on patriotic Soldier's envelope (fold, trifle toned) to Mo., Nashville and St. Louis R.P.O. receiver .. . .... .. .... (Photo ) (223)
ALS Jul y 16, 1904 Pointe-au-Pie , Canada, one pag e to diplomatic friend M. Magron, Secretary of War under Roosevelt, on Wa r Department stationery, asking for the dat e of Richard Olney 's (Secretary of State under Cleveland) Ma ssa chu setts speech on the U.S. as a world power. Olney had been active in reviving position s set forth in the Monroe Doctrine and this was of intere st to Taft. Very fine. Est. Cash Val. $600 .............. . Used from Ru ssia: 1902-05 lSk brown violet & blue , blk of 4, fine, caned. on large part of wrapper to Manila, rare usage .. (62) 1903-04 Regular Issue $2 da rk blue , o.g., tin y thin spot , well cente r ed and otherwise very fine . .................. (Photo ) (238) 2,000.00
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1944 "VICTORY" HANDSTAMPED ISSUES These rare stamps , because of lropical and war-time conditions, seldom exist without stains or grease spots, scrapes, etc., and pap er interleaving adhering to gum. Prospective bidders may assume these cond itions apply. Hands/amps are type II unless otherwise noted. 229 230 231 232
* *
* *
6c dark brown (on 413) , PAIR, SE at top, very fine. 206 Handstamped .. . .............................. ..... . (Photo) (468) 1,100.00+ 6c carmine (on 453), PAIR, fine. 235 Hands tamped. (Photo) (469)
250.00 +
6c orange (on 456), fine. 14 1 Handstamped .......
500 .00
(Photo) (470)
6c, VERTICAL PAIR, SE at left, bottom stamp small corner crease, fine ........ . .. .. ................................. (Photo) (470) 1,000.00+
233 * EE 6c, BLOCK OF FOUR, rich color, very fine. Rare multiple. Foundation Cert. (1993). 14 1 Handstamped. (Back Cover Photo) (470) 2,000.00+ 234
6c dark green (on 459), fine. 682 Handstamp ed .. (Photo) (471)
235 * EE 6c, BLOCK OF FOUR, one pulled perf, fine to very fine (Photo Next Page) (471)
150.00 600.00+
I0c carmine rose (on 437), type I handstamp , fine . Of 358 handstamp ed 72 are type I ............................ (Photo) (474)
237 * EE 10c, BLOCK OF FOUR, fine .. ... ... .. . . . ...... . . .. (Photo) (474) 238 239
* * *
125.00 500.00+
12c ultramarine (on 410), fine. 221 Handstamped. (Photo) (475)
300 .00
12c purple (on 460), sheet margin copy, light corner crease, fine. 22 1 Hands/amped ............ ........................ . .. (Photo) (477)
175 .00
16c dark blue (on 439), fine. 500 handstamped ... (Photo) (480)
24 1 * EE 16c, BLOCK OF FOUR, fine. Foundation Cert. (1993) (Photo ) (480) 30c orange red (on 420), very fine. 248 Ha11 d sta111 ped. (Photo) (482) 242 * 30c, VERTICAL PAIR , fine ....... . ................. (Photo) (482) 243 * 30c orange red (on 442), SE at left, very fine. 200 Hands tamped 244 * (Photo ) (483)
245 *
520.00+ 200.00 400.00+ 275.00
AIR POST; 4c rose carmine , VERTICAL STRIP OF FOUR, fine to very fine. Exceedingly rare multiple. Foundation Cert. (1993). / 22 Handstamped ......... (Back Cover Photo) (C63) 6,600.00+
SPECIAL DELIVERY; 20c blue violet (on E7), part Imprint copy, fine. Of 300 hands tamped 60 are type I ..... . (Photo ) (E9) 247 * EE 20c, CORNER SHEET MARGIN PART IMPRINT BLOCK OF FOUR, fine ............................................. (Photo ) (E9) POSTAGE DUE: 4c (sheet margin copy ), Sc, 16c, 20c brown 248 * red , fine. From 306 to 425 Hand stamp ed. (Photo ) (J 16, 18,2 1,22) 249 * EE 4c, SHEET MARGIN BLOCK OF FOUR, pencil ms. contro l number s in selvage, fine .. 306 Han.dstamped .. . ... (Photo) (Jl6) 250 * EE 10c, BLOCK OF FOUR , fine. 425 Han.dstamped. (Photo ) (Jl9 ) 16c brown red, PAIR , unu sed, exceptionall y fre sh and well 25 1 * centered, very tine . 425 Hands tamp ed ..... . .... . ... (Photo ) (J21 ) 246 *
200.00 800.00+ 430.00 520.00+ 360.00+ 200.00+
252 * [BJ OFFICIALS: 20c light olive green , SHEET MARGIN BLOCK OF SIX, fine to very fine. 7 / Hands tamped (Front Cover Photo ) (043 ) 5,600.00+ Only three kn.ow n multipl es.
See also Lot #365
Front bearing lovely strike of PONCE s.l. handstamp, to San . .. . . . .. .. ............ . ...... ... . ... . ......... . ... (Photo)
262 6
Germ an ........
Rico ) and FRANCO s.l. hand stamp , to Mayag uez ......
The fo llowing 18 lots comprise an offering of classic Puerto Rico Postal Histo,y. Mo re often than not cove rs f rom this stampless period reflect condi1ions in the tropics, namely climatic toning or ligh1 stains, worm holes, etc. This condition should be assumed to be present in these lots.
254 181
255 181
256 6
257 6
258 6
259 6
Front bearing blue SANGERMAN (earliest capital of Puerto
263 6
Stampless Covers
264 6
Front bearing rare black ST LORENZO s.l. handstamp and SAN LORENZO PUERTO RICO 6 May c.d.s. with two strik es of of ficia l ova l. This marking is normally fo und in blue ..... (Photo)
265 181
Folded letter sheet bearing SEIBA. and FRANCO s.l. handstamps with slightly unclear red (scarce) ISLA DE PTO RICO . .. (Photo) c.d.s, to Faj ardo. Excellent condition . . .. . ................
266 6 181
Front bearing 2-line faint TRUJILLO/BAJO handstamp and blue "2Rs." rate handstamp with faint official oval, to San Ju an. Very scarce and unusually nice condition ...... .. . .. . . . . .. . (Photo)
267 181
Envelope bearing ADJUNTAS s.l. handstamp and double circle ADJUNTAS PUERTO RICO 18 OCT c.d.s., also slightly unc lear blue ova l to Ponce. Rare ........ .. .. ...... . .... ....... .. .. .. . (Photo)
Envelope bearing bluish UTUADO s.l. handstamp and blue official oval, to Arec ibo, substanti a l silverfish acti vity. Rare sou1hwes1 town .................... . ........ . .. .. . .... .. . . .. . . . (Photo)
268 181
Envelope (reduced at right) bearing BARROS s.l. handstamp and matching official oval, repeated as sea l on reve rse, blue " 3R s. " rate handstamp to San Juan. Very sca rce . ... ..... (Photo)
Envelope bearing VlEQUES s.l. handstamp, blue "2R s." rate handstamp and circular black official marking, better than normal co nditi on. Rare marking f rom small offshore island (Photo)
269 181
Envelope bearing 'bluish YAUCO s.l. handstamp, official oval and blue "6Rs." rate handstamp, to San Juan . Rare ... (Photo)
270 6
Group of three fronts, one undated bearing CAGUAS and FRANCO s.l. handstamps, to San Juan, others 1850 or 185 1 to
Certified local envelope bearing appropriate "0 " indications in all four corners and scarce blue SALINAS s.l. handstamp. Purpo rtedly the only "c ertificado" envelope known as the Spanish p ractice of des troying them was adhered to in Puerto Rico .. .. .. .... . .. ....... . . . . .. . . (Photo)
Front bearing blue GURABO s.l. handstamp, double circle GURABO PUERTO RICO c.d.s., also faint blue ova l. Rare (Photo)
Manati or Mayag uez bearin g blue ISLA DE PTO RICO c.d .s. pmk s. and/o r rate or o ffic ial markin g. Est. Cash Val. $300-350 ......... .
Front bearing lovely strike of blue LOYZA s.l. handstamp, "2 Rs." rate hand stamp and blac k ova l. Rare .. .. ... .. .. ... (Photo) Front bearing LUQUILLO s.l. handstamp, also slightly uncl ear bla ck ova l, to Fajard o. Very sca rce mail between two small beac h (Photo) town s . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. ......... . ..... . .... . .. .. . .. . . ............
Stamped Covers 1875 folded letter headed San Juan to Genoa, Italy sent unpaid and consequently bearing Italian Postage Due 1870-1925 40c pair and lL light blue & brown, fine to very fine, tied by Genoa
27 1 181
c.d.s. ca nce ls, co ver bears appropri ate due markings, blue merchant s ova l with Puert o Rico and London tran sits and Gen oa receiver (Photo) (J9 , 13)
Front bearing lovely blue MAYAGUEZ and FRANCO s.l. handstamps, to German. Very sca rce ........... . .. .. ...... . (Photo)
1890-97 80c yellow green and Sc brown violet, fine to very fine, tied by boxed "R" handstamps and GUAYAMA PTO RICO 21 MAY 90 c.d.s. cancel, on Regis. envelope to San Juan. Purportedly from the Pedro Monge Collection. . ... . ..... .. ...... (Back Cover Photo) (130,110) Extremely rare, one of three known covers bearing 80c ye llow green as the stock was destroyed in a fir e.
272 181
26 0 181
261 6
â&#x20AC;˘ Envelope
bearing NARANJITO s.l. handstamp and black official oval, to San Juan, ex tensive ho ling, but a rare town mark neve rthe less ..... ................ . ................... .... . . . .. .. . (Photo) Front bearing PONCE s.l. handstamp, with blu e framed SIN CA RGO arc indicating offic ial mail , to Cag uas. Sca rce usage
See also Lot #366
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No Lot
274 pp
Accum. of over 85 plate proof s on card or India , incl. 1869 Pictorials, 1890-93 Bank Notes, Officials with Exec utive, Justice, State, Treasury and War Depts., Sc chocolate ovptd. UN1VERSAL POSTAL CONGRESS, etc., mixed condition to a few extremely fine. Est. Cash Val. $350-40 0 ........................................ . ....................................................................... . ... .
275 * O
Coll. of over 275 stamp s 1857-60 le type Illa , Sc excellent range of Bank $1, few multiple s, mixed
276 0
Coll. of over 300 on F.G. page s, virtually all used , incl. 1847 Sc, 10c, pen caned. , range of 1851-56 and 1857-60 issues, 1861-62, few grills, Pictorial s to 90c, good range of Bank Notes with values to 90c (5), Columbians and Tran s-M iss. to $2, Bureau to $5 (2), mixed condition with some misidentified or faulty not counted, worth careful insp ect ion 15,400.00+
277 * O
1847 to 1898, coll. of over 150 mostly diff. on pages, used , few unu sed , bett er item s throughout , incl. 1851-56 imperf and 1857-61 perf 15 various types and shade s, perf 12 to 90c, Grilled Issues, Pictorials , Bank Notes, few grills, Columbians to $2, Bureau unwmkd. and wmkd. and Trans-Miss. to $1, mixed condition as would be expected, but man y fine or bett er appearing and genera lly very attractive. Est. Cas h Val. $1,500-2,000 ... . ... . ........ . . . .... . ..... .
on National page s, mostly used, sca ttered o.g. to unu sed , incl. 1847 Sc, 1851-56 10c (2), 12c, (3), 10c (3 with typ e V o.g.), 12c (2), 24c, 30c, 1861-62 to 90c, few grills, Pictorials to 30c, Notes with values to 90c (4), few better fancy cancels, Columbians to S0c, Trans-Miss. to condition to very fine with much attractive, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $3,000
278 0
1847 to 1894, coll. of over 100 diff. on pages, used, incl. pert' 15 and 12, Pictorial s to 90c, good ra nge of Bank Note issues, Bureau types to wmkd. $5, mixed condition though som e very fine or attractive copies. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 (betw. 1 and 284)
279 E
1851 to 1861 Toppan, Carpenter, Casilear & Co., group of 10 3c Essays, incl. 4 showin g ma ster Die of Washington vignette only, also 4 Pl. proof s 3 on card, other on India from 1875 reprint plat e, colorful and attractive , generally fine to ver y fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-500 ....... . ... . ..... . ... . ... . ... . ... . ..... . ............................................. .... .. . .. .. .... . . ... .... . ....... . 1851-56 IMPERFORATE
280 C8J
28 1
3c orange brown , July 1851 Cover Ca lendar , group of 28 covers or folded letter s, compl. except Jul y 1, 20 and 27, each bearing 3c single , 8 or 9 are 4-mar gin copies, man y plated , good variety of origin s with July 2 from Mobile, Alabama , variety of colored cancel s and pmk s. incl. green and mage nta , mixed condition to very fine, an int er esting group worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 ..... . ........................ .. .. .. .... . .... . .... . ......... . .. . .
OC8J 3c, shade s, group of a bout 50 sta mp s on larg e annotated page s, mostly used singles , sca ttered covers, incl. a few collateral design item s, Match and Medicine, good range of shade s with man y orange brown , some plated , excellent rang e of varieties, recut s, New York City cancels, mixed condition to very fine , worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 ... . ........ (10,11)
OC8J 3c, group of 10 covers and 4 sta mps on larg e extensively annotated page s, incl. 3 WAY covers, couple Inland Waterway item s, stample ss, one VIA NICARAGUA AHEAD OF THE MAILS folded lett er bearing pair tied by NEW YORK SHIP c.d.s., variety of shade s incl. orange brown, one FORWARDED and one ADV 1, mixed condition to very fine, worth inspect ion. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 . ... ... . . .................. . ..... . ......................................... .. ............. . .................... (10,11)
3c, shade s, group of 18 covers bearing single copies, excellent variety of shad es incl . orange brown with corner margin copy to New J ersey, experimental orange brown with a couple expertized by Amonette, browni sh carmine, claret , some plated , one advertising, mixed condition to very fine. Attractiv e group. Est. Cas h Val. $750-1,000 .... . .................... .. .. .. .... (10,11)
3c, shade s, accum. of about 140 on stock sheets, mostly used, sca ttered unu sed incl. irregular part Imprint strip of 6, good 284 * 0 1:8:l ran ge of shad es, few orange brown, experimental orange brown , browni sh carmine and claret, scatte red covers, few better cancels incl. WAY, Sl-DP, STEAMBOAT, plate d copies, mixed condition to very fine, much attractive, worth careful . ..... . ............................................................ inspection . Est. Cas h Val. $600-800 ...................................... 285 0
3c dull red , shad es, a pa rtial reconstruction of over 575 stamp s, generall y neatly mount ed on plating chart s, Plates 1 (late), 2-8, also Plat e 3 left pa ne, " the 3 rows" compl ete, few pair s, sca tt ered pen caned., mixed condition to very fine. (11) about 4,000.00
3c, shade s, group of about 60 mostly ladie s' envelopes on stock card s, each bearing a single 3c, most envelopes ornately embossed, good variety of shad es and cancels, origin s etc., few better incl. clar et corner mar gin copy from Ann Arbor, Michigan, man y plat ed, few pen caned., mixed condition to very fine and generally attractive, worth careful inspection. Est. ... Cas h Val. $500-750 ............. . . ..............................................................................................................
3c dull red, shad es, group of 22 sta mp s on pages, mostly used, scattered o.g. or unused, incl. 4 pairs, good variety of shades with 287 * Ol:8:l orange brown, claret, brownish carmine, few colored cancels, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200-300 . . .. . ( I 0, 11) 288 * 0 16l1851-56 and 1857-61, 3c coll. of about 100 part Imprint item s in stockbook , mostly used imp erf. singles, scatte red unu sed with faulty strip of 7, couple covers, mostly plat ed exa mpl es with a good variety of shade s and cancels, few ora nge br own, pen caned., mixed condition to very fine with much attractive, wor th caref ul inspection. A most (10,11,26) difficult lot to dup licate. Est. Cas h Val. $2,000-2,500 ................................................................ 289 * OEB3c, shade s, acc um. of over 225 sta mps on sales sheets in small stockbook , mostly used, good range of multiple s and cancels , man y plated and 4-margin stamp s, int erest ing r a nge of shad es, mixed condition to exceptional , mu ch attractive. Est. Cas h .. .... . ........ (11,25-26a) Val. $600-800 .... . .. .. ....... ... . . ...... . . . .. . . . .. . . .. .. .... . ..... .... ... . .. ... .. . .. . . .. ... ..... . .. .. . ............. Circa 1861-65, gro up of 18 Civil War Reading Flash Car ds for soldiers, 12 diff., generally fine to very fine .... . ..... (Photo)
* OEBColl. of over 130 stamp s on pages , o.g. to unu sed or used, incl. a good ran ge of blks and Imprint multiples, shad es,
cancels, 30c ( 11), S0c (7), $1 (3), $4 (2), $5, some faulty or SE, mixed condition to very fine or very fine appearing with some not figur ed .. . . . .... ....... . . . .......... . .. . ..... . ... . . ... .. . ... . . . .. . .. . ..... . .. . ..... . ... . ... . . (betw. 230 and 245) 22,000.00+
* EB le to S0c, accum. of about 80 on stock sheet s, o.g. to unu sed, incl. Sc (7), 6c (5), 10c (15), 15c (7), 30c (13), few SE, faulty
le to $1, group of 26 stamps , n.h. to unu sed, incl. 6c, 10c, 15c blks of 4, mixed condition or centering, generally bright colors (230-41) 4,000.00+ and fre sh ........ . .... . .... . .. .. .. . . . . . ........ . ....... . .. . ... . ... . .... . .... . ..... ... .......... . .... . . . ...............................
or mixed condition to very fine, some large copies ............
.. .. . . . ... . . .. . ..........
. . . . .. .. . ... . ... ...... . .. ...... .. .. .. . . (230-42) 9,400.00
LIT ERATURE: THE VANISHED CITY, THE WORLD 'S COL UMBIAN EXPOSIT ION IN PEN AND PICTU RE, An Elaborat e Collec rion of Photo- eng ravings of the Buildin gs, Grounds and Exhibits of the World 's Fair Including the Marve ls of the Midwa y . ....... . Plaisanc e, The Werner Compa ny, not dated, handbound, interesting, minor wear, fine. Est. Cash Val. $ 125-150 ............
29 5
Group of 10 ditT. tick ets for the Exposition , incl. usual set of 6, one Manhattan Day, another Chicago Day, both with counter-fo ils, · ···· · · ····· · - ············· also Children' s Specia l Ticket, fine to very fine ·····································································
1898 TRANS-MISSISSIPPI EXPO SITION: le to S0c, accum. of over 50 stamp s on two stock sheets, o.g. to unu sed, incl. Sc (7), Sc (4), S0c (5), few SE, faulty or mixed condit ion to very fine, some large copies ... .... . .. .... (285-91) 9,300.00
19th and 20th Century 296 * O
Accum. of hundreds neatly arranged in large stockbook, o.g. to unused and used, incl. a few Bank Notes, Columbians and other early Commems, good range of used Washington-Franklin, Airs, back-of-book with Revenues , dupl. , mixed condition to very fine, worth inspection . Stated by owner to catl. 1991 Scott retail $7,500 . ........ ... . .. . . .. . .
297 * O
Accum. of well over 200 stamps on retail page s in ring-binder, n.h. to unu sed or used, incl. Commems and Regular Issues, better item s, blks of 4, etc., some mis-identified and mixed condition. High catalogue value. Est. Cas h Val. $1,000+ ..... .... ......... . ....... . .............................. .. . . .. . ...... . ..... . .. . .. . ... . .... . . .. . .... . .. .. ... . .... . .......... . .. . .. .
298 * O
Coll. of many hundred in Minkus album, o.g. to unu sed or used, incl. 1851-56 10c, 1861-62 to 90c, few Bank Notes to 90c (3), better early Commems, Washington-Franklin, later issues to about 1960, Airs, back-of-book , much not figur ed, mixed condition to very tine . Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 ... . ..... . .. . . . . ...... .. . .. . .... .. . . ... .. .. .. . .. . .. . .... . .... . . .. .. . ... ... .. .. ............ . .
299 * EEl::8l Stock of hundreds of stamps and covers in retail sales pages , etc., and loose in 2 cartons, n.h. to unused , moderately pric ed with some exceptions, few sheets , Airs, Souvenir cards , cacheted FDCs and stationery, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 . .. . . . . .. . .... . .. .. . . ... . .. . ..... . ... . . .. . .. . . .............................................................................. . ....... . ... . . . . 300 0
Accum. of several hundred in stock book and hundr eds more on paper loose in box, stockbook with Bank Notes , Columbian s and 20th cent. Commem s, Washington-Franklin , few blk s, Airs , back-of-book with Parcel Post, Tax sta mp s, etc., mixed condition to very tine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 ......................... .. .. ... .. . . .. . .......... .. ..... . ... .. .. . . .... . ................... .
30 I * O
Coll. of many hundr ed in stockbook, mostly used, few o.g., incl. a few early issues, Bank Notes, Washington-Franklin, back -of-book with Revenue s, mixed condition to very tine , worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $500-600 .........................
302 * O
Stock of a few hundred on dealer sa les sheet s in 2 stoc kbook s, o.g. to unu sed or used , incl. a few 1861-62, grills, Bank Notes, Bureau , Washington-Franklin, 2c reds , Airs, back-of-book , much faulty and some mis-identified , mixed condition. Stated by owner to catl. 1993 Scott retail over $12,000 . .. . .. . ... . .. . ............................. . ..................... . . . ............. . .. . ....... .... .
Stock and accum. of man y thou sand sta mp s on stock sheets in 12 ring-binder s and envelopes in carton and box, used, enormous range and some large quantitie s, moderat ely better item s, compl. sets, Souvenir sheet s, Airs, back-of-book , also Stamp Centenary FDC s, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $500+ .. . .... ..... . ....... .. .. . ... ........ . ... .. ........... . .... .. . . .. .
304 * O
Airs, .
Coll. of hundred s in Harris album, o.g. or used, incl. a few early issues, some not figured , fancy cancels, Bureau, Commems, later issues to about 1975, Airs, back-of-book , worth remounting , mixed condition to very tine ............................ over 3,100.00
305 * OIHIBalance of a property in box and carton, n.h. to unused and used, with Pl. blks and part sheets, small coils. in albums, a few moderately better incl. Lexington-Concord , 2c reds, etc., also thousands used in glassines and loose in large envelopes, some foreign mixed in, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $300-500 ........... . ........................ ..... ..... . .. . .... . . ... . . . .... . .. . ................ . .. . 306 * O
Property virtually as received, compr. a few sparsely filled albums, plus stockbooks, loose with perhaps some more interesting items, cheap Commems , disorganized but fun to play with. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 ..... . .. . . .. .. . . ... .. . .. . . . ........... . ..... . . . .. . .. .
307 0
1851 to 1935, coll. of several hundred on album page s in ring-binder, used , incl. a few early issues, Bank Notes to 90c, Columbians and Trans-Miss. to SOc, later Commems, Washington-Franklin, few Airs and back-of-book , mixed condition to some very tine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 ....... .. ...... . ....... . . .... . . . .... .. .. .. .. . . ... ... .. .. . ..... . .... .. .... . ..... ........ ... .. . .... .
309 0
1851 to 1909, group of over 60 stamps on stock cards, o.g. to unused, incl. a few 1861-62, grills, Pictorial s le (2) and 3c (4), range of Bank Notes, 1895 $1 type II , $2, few Postage Due and other back-of-book, mixed condition to very fine , worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $600 ...... .... .. .. . .... .. .. ........ . . .... . .... .. . .... . ...... . ....... . .... . ..... . ........ . ....... ... .. . ... . . .. ....... . 1851 to 1903, accum. of over 40 stamp s on 2 stock sheets, incl. 1857-61 Sc brown type II, 1867 "C Grill" 3c rose, 1869 15c type II, 24c, 30c, Bank Notes, Columbian $2, some reference , few small faults, mixed condition to very tine , worth careful inspection ..... . .. . . . .. . . .. ... . ..... . . .. . . .. . . ... . . .. .. . . .. ........ ... .... ........ .. ......... ............... ...................... ... . ......... over 2,500.00
3 IO * O
1857 to 1970, coll. of many hundred in National album, o.g. to unused or used, incl. a few early issues, Bank Notes, Columbians and a few better Commems, Washington-Franklin, Airs, mixed condition to very fine, worth careful inspection ... .. ...... . .. . ........ ............... .. ............. . ............... . .. .. . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . ... . ................................... 4,700.00+
3 I I * EB 1857 to 1909, accum. of over 30 stamps on 2 stock sheets, o.g. to unused , incl. 1857-61 Sc orange brown , 1861 First Design 3c, 1873 7c, 1908-09 $1, good range of blk s of 4 with 1867 "F Grill" le to 3c, 1879 2c, 1898 Bureau Sc, few reference, mixed condition to very fine, worth careful inspection ............................. (betw . 30 and 342) over 5,800.00 3 I2 0
3 13
1870 to 1971, group of over 75 stamps , incl. I 870-7 1 without grill to 90c, I 873 to 90c, Columbians to 50c, Special Delivery, few Hunting Permit Stamps, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-500 ................. ........ ................................. .
1885 to 1971, group of over 80 sta mps , o.g. to unused, incl. Columbians to 50c, Special Delivery apparent ly comp!. through 197 1, few Savings Stamps and Confederates, mixed cond ition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-500 ........ . ...... ..... . ....... . . .......... . 1887 to 1975, small coll. in nea rly new National album, mostly from I920s, incl. a few slightly better, Airs, misc. back-of-book, also accum. of larger blks or part sheets, all in carto n, much n.h., fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-500 ...................... .
3 I4 * [61
3 15
3 16
1893 to 1964, coll. of hundred s in Lighthou se hingeless album, mostly n.h. to o.g., scatte red unu sed , incl. Columbian 10c, good range of Washington-Franklin with a few coil pair s, early better Commems, Kansas-Nebraska comp!., Presidentials , Airs, back-of-book, generally very fine with man y selected copies, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $1,500-2,000 . . .. .. ... .. .. . ... .... .. .. .. ...... . . .......................................... .. .. .... ... .. .. . .. . ... . . . .. .. .. ....... . 1893 to 1945, accum. of about 100 stamp s on stoc k cards, o.g. to unused, incl. a few Columbians to I0c and other early Commems, Washington-Franklin, 1922-25, few Airs and back-of-book, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-500 ..... . .......... .
3 17 O raJ 1894 to 1965, accum. of about 200 blks of 4 or larg er in numb ere d glassines in small box , chiefly common with light dupl., mixed condition to very fine. 1993 Scott retail $380+ ............................................ .... .. .. . .. ........ . ...... . ............. ..
3 18
3 19
320 * O
32 1
COMMEMORATIVES: 1893 to 1970, coll. of several hundred diff. in album, o.g., few unu sed, incl. Columbians to $2 (fault y), Trans-Miss. to S0c, later comp!. sets, Souvenir sheet s incl. White Plain s, also small coll. of Air Post, some faults in early issues, overall fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,200 ..................... (betw. 230 and 1422)
Primarily 20th Century, accum. of a few hundred sta mps in stoc kbook, much n.h. , balance l.h. to unused, with misc. Columbians, other Commem s, comp!. sets, few Souvenir sheet s, Regular Issues incl. 1938 Presidential s to $5, $2 center line blk, other blk s, and Pl. blk s, coils, Airs, booklet pane s incl. Lindbergh, back-of-book , some fault s though generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,200-1,500 ....................................................................... .. Coll. of a few thou sa nd in 2 National albums and loose in box , n.h. to unu sed or used , incl. a few early Commems, Washington-Franklin, Pl. blk s with Imperf Parks and Famous Americans comp!. , Airs, extensive range of back-of-book, cut squares , Revenue s, many mixed sets and dupl., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 . .. ... . .. . . .. .. ..... .. . Accum. of over 225 stamps on stock cards, o.g. to unu sed, incl. a few 19th cent., early Commems, some SE, 2c reds, Kansas , dupl. , mixed condition to very fine, high catalog ue value. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 ................................ .. .......... .. .. ..
20th Century 322 * IBI Accum. of a few hundr ed stamps in stockbook , n.h. to o.g., incl. coils, some line pair s, booklet pane s, Washington-Franklin and other Regular Issues, Commems , blks, Pl. number copies, etc., some faults though generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 ... .. ....... . .. . ................ . .... . .... . ......... .. .... . .... ... ..... .... . .. .. .............. . .... .. ............................... . 323 * EE Accum. of many hundred in numbered glassines in box, n.h. to unu sed, scattered used, incl. coil pairs and strip s, later pre-cancelled, booklets and panes, Pl. blks to $5, some back-of-book with Special Delivery, Postage Due, Official s, etc., moderate quantities , some faults in earlier issues, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 . .. ... . ........... . .. . ... . 324 ** EEStock and accum. of several thou sand stamp s on stock sheets in 10 ring-binders and box in carton, vast majorit y n.h. , balance o.g., wide range of issues incl. Pl. blks, Zip and Mail Early blks , several hundred #1311 Souvenir sheet s, Air s, some back-of-book , varying and generall y moderate quantitie s, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 ................. . .... .. .. . . 325 ** IBIAccum. of a few thousand stamp s in glassines and loose in box, vast majority n.h. , balance o.g. or used , incl. 2c reds , many Airs , PI. blk s of 6, etc., modern issues, some in retired circuit books, mixed condition to much very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-600 .............. . .................. . ....... . .. .. . .. .. ............................ . .... . ............. . .. · .. · .............. . . . . . .... · . .. . . .. . ... . 326 ** EE Accum. of many hundred in glassines in box, vast majority n.h., balance l.h. or o.g., incl. National Park, Famous Americans, some Presidentials, coils with many in strips, many blks of 4, few Pl. blks, Airs and about a dozen unexploded booklets, Canal Zone, etc., fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-600 ................ . ....... . ........... . ... . .... . .. ..... .. . . .. .. ... .. . .... ...... . ........... .. .. . ....... . 327 ** EE Stock of many thousand modern issues in glassines in 3 boxes in carton, vast maj ority n.h., mostly Commems with mixed values to 50c, many blks, coils in strips, Souvenir sheets, Airs, etc., quantities noted on glassines, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-500 328 ** IBIAccum. of several thou sand stamps in 4 sheet flies in box, n.h., mixed denominations in compl. or part sheets, incl. 193 1 Rotary, Army-Navy, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 ... . . ... ... . .. ... ... . ... .. . .. . .... . ........................ . ...... . 329 * O IBIAccum. of over 100 booklets or booklet pane s in glassines in small box, mostly n.h., few used, light dupl., mixed condition to very fine. 1993 Scott retail $500+ ..... . ... .. . .................................. . ................................ .. ........... . .... . .. . .. . . . ... .. . 330 * EE 1901 PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION: le to 10c compl. , accum. of about 70 stamps on 2 stock sheets, incl. 4c (9), Sc (9), Sc (12) 10c (18), few SE, large copies, marginal markings , faulty or mixed condition to very fine . (294-99) 8,100.00
33 1 * O
1902 to 1981, coll. of many hundred diff. on International album page s, o.g. to unused or used , high degree of completeness to moderately better items, incl. Washington-Franklin and almost compl. Commems, Souvenir sheets, Pre sidentials and Liberty , Airs incl. Zeppelin s 65c and $1.30, some faults , generally fine to very fine. Est. Ca sh Val. $1,000-1,500 .......... . ......... . ............................ . ........................................................................... .
332 * 01611922 to 1934, coll. of several hundred stamps on pages , much n.h. , balance o.g. or used, compr. flat plate and rotar y press ptgs., coils incl. line pairs , perf 10, imperfs, blks and PI. blks, few booklet panes and scattered Commems , some misidentified and small faults, overall fresh and fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,500-2,000. (betw. 551 and 701) 333 * EE 1925 to 1970, coll. of several hundred stamps on page s in album, vast majority n.h., incl. many Commems with later blks or Pl. blks, Presidentials to $2, Moore $5, 2 Pl. blks, coils etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $250-300 ...... . .............. . 334 * OIBI 1930s to 1980s, group of over 100 Errors , Freaks and Oddities on dealer sales sheets, mostly n.h., incl. an excellent range of misperfs from a good range of issues, few Presidentials , Liberty , Americana , Airs, Postage Due, ink smears, booklets or booklet panes, generally very fine. A valuable accumulation of these collectible mistakes. Est. Cash Val. $1,500 .... . ..... . .. . 335 * IBI Circa 1933, small accum. of Souvenir sheets in sheet file, ungummed or n.h., compr. A.P.S., National Stamp Exhibition and Special Printing Souv. sheets, few uncut, also gutter pairs, generally very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-500 ..................... . ................ .
336 ** EE 1940 FAMOUS AME RI CANS : The complete series of PI. blk s of 4 less Bell bottom right #22632, n.h. , few small faults or separation s, #873 one Pl. blk creases, #878 one Pl. blk defective, generally fine to very fine. Rarely offe red as so comp/ ere a unir .... . .. .... .. . . .. .. . . .. ... . .. . ...... . ........
. ..... . ....... . ...... . .. . .. . . . ... . ...... . . . ....... . . ........
1956 FIPEX Souvenir sheet of two, ISO sheets, n.h., fine to very fine ..................
337 **
. ........
. 3,648.10
.. . .. .. .. . .... ... . .. . .. . . .. ....... .. ..... ( I075)
REGULAR ISSUE S: 1902 to 1978, coll. of over 350 diff. on pages , o.g., incl. 1902-03 to $1, many WashingtonFranklin with values to $1, various perf s, coils, perf 11 Sc error, 1922-25 compl., Rotar y ptg s. incl. perf 10, Kan sas and Nebraska, Pre sidential s compl., etc., some with small fault s though clean and generall y fine to very fine. Est. . .... ... ..... ... ..... .. . . ... ..... . . . .. .. . ..... . . .... .. . . . ... . . ... . (betw. 300 and 1338A) Cas h Val. $2,000 .. . ...................
339 ** EE COMMEMORATIVES: 1926 to 1940, small coll. in Specialty album, vast majority n.h., incl. Washington Bicentennial Pl. blks, other blks or Pl. blks of 4 or 6, few Souvenfr sheets, Famous Americans, #C 18 single, etc., fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400+
340 * Ol61AIR POST: 1918 to 1983, stock of several hundred in two stockbook s in box, n.h. to unu sed, some used, good repre sentation incl. First and Second Issues, lat er blk s and PI. blk s of 4 or 6, some lar ger, varying though mod era te . quantitie s, mixed condition. Est. Cas h Val. $1,500-2,000 .. . ..... . ............ . ... . .. . ..... . .. . . . . ... . . ... . .................... 1918 to 1952, accum. of over 70 sta mp s, vast majo rity n.h., incl. Map and Transport sets with dupl., Winged Globe issues in blks . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . ... . of 4, Lindbergh pane of 3, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200-250 .............................
34 1 **
1933 CENTURY OF PROGRESS: 50c green, 5 copies, n.h., some gum skips, fine to very fine .. . .. . ....... . . . . . . . ... .. .. . (C 18)
343 * O
BACK OF THE BOOK: 19th and 20th Century, coll and accum. of several hundr ed on pages a nd glassine s, etc. , in box, o.g. to unu sed or used, incl. Special Delivery, Posta ge Due , Official s, Parcel Post, Cut Squar es, Revenue s with Hunting Permit , .. ....... . ... . .... . ......... .. .... . ... . . . . etc., mixed condition. Est. Cas h Val. $500-750 .... . . . ... . .......................................
348 * O
REVENUES: Hunting Permit Stamps; 1934 to 1972, compl. except for #RW7 , 8 and 12, mostly o.g., 14 are PI. No. singles incl. #RWl and RW2, few small faults, SE or hinge remnant s, generally fine to very fine (RWI-6 ,9-11,13-39) 3,375.00
SPECIMENS: 1865 to 1889, group of 5 stamp s, o.g. to unused, compr. Type D 30c full black, 2c red brown, Type K I0c brown, Sample A in ms. Sc indigo, Newspaper Type C Sc dark blue, generally fine to very fine ( 190S D,2 10S D,209S K,2 16S N,PRSS C)
345 S
1934 to 1948, $1 group of 15 diff. , o.g., few n.h. or I.h., extra #RW12-14 , generally fine to very fine . . . . (RWl-15 ) 2,340.00 U.S. POSSESSIONS: Group of 9 stamp s, o.g., incl. Cuba Special Delivery, 1899 I0c on I0c, Danish West Indies 1905 St. Thomas Harbor set, generally fine to very fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CANAL ZONE: 20th Cent ur y, coll. of abo ut 200 on stock sheets, mostly o.g., some ear ly issues and bett er items, incl. #58, 59, 94, 95, good selection, genera lly fine with some ver y fine . . .. . .. . .. . . ... ... . . .. . ... ............. . .. . .. . .. . ........ . ... . ..... . . about 3,300.00
POSTAL HISTORY Oiher postal hi.Ho1y lols are listed in Collections and Various starting at 185 1-56 lmpe,j orate Issue. 349 OC8l MASONrC: Primarily 19th Century, accum. of about 100 cancels with a few on cover, loose, on sales sheets or
auction pages in box, good variety of cancels, positive and negative square and compass, open book, Maltese Cross, Crescent and Star, Fez, variety of colors with red, blue and green, range of towns, corner cards, issues are mostly Bank Notes with a few earlier, mixed condition and somewhat disorganized, still a valuable accumulation worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 ........................................ .. ..... .. ......... .. ... . ................ . 350 181
19th and 20th Century, A most interesting selection of almost 100 covers in 2 Lighthouse cover stockbooks, everything from 1847 Sc to Patriotics and Advertising to recent. Better than usual condition and well worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $500-750
35 1 181
Accum. of a few hundred items in ring-binder and loose in box, inc l. Bank Note issues, advertising co rner car ds and all-over, cac heted FDCs inc l. Baseball, Famo us Amer ica ns, etc. , Air Post with Flights and Spec ial Eve nts, group of Naval ca nce ls, unusual towns, misc. sta tionery, fine and var ied acc umulation. Est. Cas h Val. $400-600 ......................................................... ..
352 181
1851 to 1865, group of 10 covers, mostly Civil War period, incl. six Union Patriotics, one Star of Destiny, 1861-66 2c black on Sanitary Commission envelope (stained), couple Confederates, mixed condition, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $500-1,000 ...... . ................... . ... . . ... . ....... . ... .. .. .... .... . ... . .... . .. . ... . .. .. .... . .... .. .... . .... ............ ................. .... . .
1851 to 1910, group of ll covers or stationery items, inc l. 185 1-56 I c type IV, three co pies pen ca ned. on Maine cover, 1870-7 1
without grill 7c, 3 cop ies on reduced envelope to Jackso n Miss., James tow n I c on Exposi tion postca rd , 5 adver tising items incl. Famous Biscuit Co mpany, mixed co nditi o n to very fine, worth inspec tion. Est. Cas h Val. $400-500 ..................... . . . ....... .. . . 354 181
1898 to 1944, group of S Censored or Prohibited covers, incl. 1898 SPANISH COLO NI ES PROHIB ITED ON ACCOUNT OF WAR, 19 19 Chicago, couple POW cove rs to office rs interned on the Philippine Is., ge nera lly fine to very fine , an interesting gro up . Est. Cas h Val. $200-250
to Morocco bear ing labe l DESPATCH TO SPAIN OR U.S . POSTAL AGENCY SIBERIA sta mpless cover to 1944 cover to a U.S . civ ilian internee in Kobe, Japan , . ............. ..... . ..... . .. ........ . .......................... .
Primarily 20th Century 355 181
Cover and postcard accum. of a few hundred in box, inc l. some stampl ess and Bank Notes, range of picture postcar ds, ship cove rs, Antarctic , sca ttered stationery, FDCs with a few better, mixed co nditi o n to very fine, worth inspec tion. Est. Cas h Val. $300-500
356 0()
Accum. of a couple hundred covers or stationery in box, ge nerally I 920s-30s co mmerc ial usage, also First or Special Flight cove rs, FDCs , few albino impression s, also many hundr eds of U.S. on and off paper , plu s foreign in retired circuit books , misc. litera ture, etc., mixed co nditi on. Est. Cas h Val. $200-300 ................................... .... . ..... . .. .. ..... ... .. .... . . .... ........... .
357 0
Accum. of over 425 covers or stationery items on pages and loose in carton, inc l. a few 19th cen t. with a couple faulty Pat,i otics, Bank Notes, stationery, good ran ge of FDC s from 1930s, most ly addr esse d and cacheted, few better items, Airs , many blks of 4 and a few Pl. blks , mixed co nditi on to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $200-300 ................................................................... ..
Two cartons full of mostly postcards, postal stationery and a nice selection of interesting 20th cent. items, inclu. better FDCs, Airs, etc., thousands of pieces, worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 ...................................................... .... .
20th Century, coll. of severa l hundred covers in 9 albums in carton and box, com pr. "Go lde n Rep licas", Philat elic History of the U.S. , Signers of Dec lara tion of Independence, Presidents and American Revo lution , so me very fancy and almost all co piously annotated , genera lly very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200-300 .............. .. .................................................................. ..
360 181
AIR POST: 1952 Hawaii 80c bright red violet, 75 unaddressed cacheted FDCs, virtua lly all Art Craf t, ge nera lly very fine. (C46) 1,3 12.50
36 1 * 181
POSTAL STATIONERY: Primarily 20th Century, accum. of over 1500 items in carton, apparently all unu sed, few with print ed addr esses, wide range of ca tego ries, envelopes, postal cards, rep ly paid cards, aerogra mmes, chie fly common items, genera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $4 00-500 ............................ . ............. . .................. . ..... . ........ ......................... .. .
U.S. USED ABROAD: 1900 to 1953, group of 10 covers, incl. 4 POSTAL AGENCY SHANGHAI , 2 Occupation of Vera Cruz cove rs ( 1914), 1904 from Pago Pago, Samoa bear ing Louisiana Purch ase le pair, generally fine to very fine, an interesting group . Est. Cash Val. $300-400 .......................................................................................................................... .
U.S. POSSESSIONS: 19th Century, group of 4 items, co mpr. Cuba 1899 Sc on Sc on penalty envelope, Hawaii 1894-97 2c green on white postal card, Philippine s 1899 2c, Puerto Rico 1899 le, 2c (2), all to St. Louis, ge nerally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $ 150-200 . ............. . . ........ ... .. ............. . ........ ...... . ..... . .......... . .................... .. ......... .. . . ........................ . ..... .
*0:81U.S. ovptd.
PHILIPPINES: 1899 to 1947, small group of covers or stationery items, incl. I 899 le on picture post card to New York, 3 covers to Philadelphia , 1905 I c wrapper front, couple censored items, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $ I00 - 125 .. .. . .. .. ... .
PUERTO RICO: Primarily 20th Century, group of over 25 covers, incl. 1860 stampl ess folded letter to New York, few station ery items, First Flights, maritime mail, FDCs, misc. Forei gn, Cuba bisect to New York, Ecuador, Guatemala , reference , mixed co ndition to very fine. Est. Cas h Val.. $300-400 ....... .. . .. . . .. .. . .............. . ...................... . .... . . .. . .... . .. . .... . ..................... . ..... .
issues through 1952, few hundred mostly o.g., imperfs, some Victory , cove rs, Offici als, Air s, all on quadrill e pages, very interesting and genera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-500 . . .... . ............ .. ...... .. ................... . .. . ... .. ... . .. .
*IBl 1953 to 1955, accum.
**C81 1950 to 1960, balance of a property, a
**IBl1956 to 1965, accum. of several thousand stamps in box, n.h., mostly co mp!. sheets, also Margin Inscripti on blks of 6, Souv enir
of 45 compl. sheets, generally in sets, 2 to 5 each, some water damage and stuck together, still many collectible, mixed condition, inspection suggested ................... .......................................... (betw. 15 and 40) over 7,200.00 few hundr ed stamp s in co mp!. sheets and a couple hundr ed FDCs with I 0th Anniver sary Souvenir sheets, 1959 Souvenir Folders , etc., fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $ 150 .. .. ..... . . .. . .. . . ........... ...... . . .. . ..... . .. . . . . .
sheets and folders, FDCs and misc. station ery, fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $ 150-200 ........ 370
. ........................
. ........
.. .
*OIBl 1951 to 1985, stock of many thousand stamps on stock sheets in 16 ring-binders and loose in 2 cartons, vast majority n.h., few binders with used, excellent stock with many Margin Inscription blks of 4 or 6, Souvenir sheets, compl. sets with extras, Airs, Geneva and Vienna issues, plus hundreds of Souvenir cards and FDCs, clean and generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000+ ........................ . ...................... . . ...... ... .. ................... . ....... .
37 1
**EE1951 to 1980s, stock of many hundred on retail sales pages in ring-binders and glassines in box, vast majo rity n.h., incl. co mp!. sets, Margin Inscripti on blks, Souvenir sheets, Year folders, Souven ir cards , 1980 Flags, Vienna, few Airs, etc., generall y fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $ 150-200 ......................... . .. . ... . .... . . .. . . . .. . . . ................................................................... .
**EE1951 to 1968, stock of many hundred in glassines in box, n.h., good range of issues incl. earlier Commems
with Marg in Inscription blks of 4, co mp!. sets, many Souvenir sheets, etc. , clea n and fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-4 00 . .. ........ . . . .. . .. .... .. .... .
BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AND FOREIGN GENERAL ISSUES AUSTRALIA: 1929-30 Wmkd. Small Crown and A Multiple Ssh yellow & gray, I.h., fresh, extremely fine. S.G. 111. (Photo Next Page) (100) 450.00 373 * AUSTRIA: 1950 Costumes 3g, 30g, l s, 1.70s, very fine, tied by fancy SALZBURG 13. 3. 50 First Day cancel on cacheted envelope 374 0 (Photo) (520,27,38,45) Semi-Postals; 1931 Poets set compl., trace of staining, fine to very fine, tied by WlEN 14.XI.3 I. pmk s. on cacheted flown Reg is. envelope 375 0 to Germany, transit and Braunschweig rece iver on reve rse ........................................... .. ....................... . .. (Photo) (B93-98) ( 114.00+) 1933 Ski set of four, trace of perf staining, fine, each stamp tied by double circle lNNSBRU CK-WETTKAMPF E 9.1 1.33. pmk . on Reg is. 376 0 envelop e .... . ................. . .... . . .. . . .... ... . . . . .. .. . ....... . ...... . ..... . ........... . .. . ....... . . .. ....................... . .... . ... . . (Photo) (BI 06-0 9) 275 .50+ 1933 Anniversary set of six, fine to very fine, tied by co mmem. pmk . and SCHW ECHAT 17.XJ 33 . cance ls on Reg is. env. 377 0 (Photo) (B 112-17) 2 17.50+ BARBADOS: Used to St. Lucia; 1859 Pin-perf 14 (lp) blue, very fine, tied by " 1" in barred oval cancel on "Mercantile Intelligencer" 378 0 folded letter (tears, creases) bearing BARBADOES NO 10 1860 c.d.s. and ST. LUCIA NO 18 receiver on reverse. Ex Dale/Lichtenstein. S.G. 15, £750 .... . .. . ... .. ... . ..... .... . . .. . . . .. . .. ... . .. .............. . ....... . ... . ....... . .... . ..... . ......... . .. . ............... .. . .. .... (Photo) (11) 250.00+ 379 ** EE 1961 Elizabeth 2c on 2p orange & deep blue, invtd. surch., corner blk of 4, n.h., extremely fine. S.G. 60a . . . (Photo Next Page) (63a) 600.00+ BELGIUM: 1932 Stratosphere set of three, fine to very fine, tied by SCHAERBEEK 26 Xl.1932 First Day cancels on local Regis. 380 0 envelope . .. .. .. . . . . ..... ... .. . . ... . ....... . .. . .. . .. .............................. . .. . ............................. . ......................... (Photo) (251-53) Semi-Postals; 1931 Anti-Tuberculosis League set of seven, fine to very fine, tied by MALM EDY I 12.3 1. First Day cancels on local Regis. 38 1 0 (92 .35+) envelope ......................... . .. . ... . . . . ...... . . ... . .. . ... . . .. . . ....... . ..... . ................... . ................. . ..... . ..... . . . .. .. (Photo) (B107- 13) 1932 Infantryman set of two, very fine, tied by BRUXELLES 4 VIII 1932 First Day cancel on local Regis. envelope, next-day Brussels 382 0 receiver on reverse. DM330 as used .............................................. ... . . . .. . .. . .. ........ .. . . .............. . ........ (Photo) (8123,124) (145.00+) 1934 Crusader set compl., fine to very fine, tied by SCHAERB EE K I XII 1934 First Day ca nce ls on loca l Reg is. envelope. DM400 as used 383 0 (Photo) (B 156-62) 179.40+ 384 0 1935 Philatelic Exhibition Souvenir sheet of one, negligible edge creasing, otherwise very fine, tied by Exhibiti on 25-5-35 First Day cancel on envelope to U.S. DM350 as used ........... ..... .. .. .. . .. . ... ... . .. . ........... . ..... . .. . ....... .. ...... . ...... . ...... ............. . . (Photo) (B 169) 175.00+
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BERMUDA 1865-74 Watermarked Crown CC 385 ** EB Ip dull rose, blk of 4, n.h., fresh, extremely fine. S.G. 2, £340+ (Photo) (1)
386 ** EB lp rose red, blk of 4, n.h., few lightly toned perfs, left stamps light (Photo) ( la) edge crease, fine. S.G. I, £280 ....... . .................
387 ** IBIIp, BLOCK OF 24, n.h. or very l.h. if at all, few clipped perfs and minor gum creasing, fresh, fine. S.G. £1680+ . (Photo) (la) 1,800.00+ 388 * EB 3p buff, blk of 4, o.g., light creasing and toning mostly on reverse, well centered, very fine appearance . S.G. 5, £1800+ (Photo) (3) 3,000.00+
389 * IBI 6p lilac, sheet margin blk of 8, n.h. or l.h., trace of toning, sma ll separation between middle stam ps at bottom , fresh, fine. S.G. 7, (Photo) (5) £ 176+ ... .. .. . . . . . ... .. .. . .... .. .... . ....................... 390 * EB 1882-1903 Perf 14x12½ lsh green, blk of 4, n.h., 1865-74 lsh green, unused (regum med}, blk light sta ining on reverse, fresh , fine or fine appeara nce. S.G. 11, 8 .... . .. . .... .. .. . ..... . . .. . .. . ..... (9,6) (9) 39 1 * IBI lsh, blk of 6, n.h.(2)/o .g.(4}, fresh, fine. S.G. 11 ............... lsh, blk of 12, n.h. to o.g., few light creases, fresh, fine to very fine 392 * IBI (Photo) (9) 1865 to 1925, group of 4 items, used, compr. I sh invtd . wmk. , Ip 393 0 broken frame, Carave l Ip and 2½p doubly printed. Fine and interest ing gro up of erro rs .... . ......... .. . (S.G.8,24a,46a,48 vars.) 1874 Handstamped Provisionals 3p on l sh green, o.g., lovely 394 * color and fresh, fine. A.P.E.S. Cert. (1992). S.G. 13, £2000 (Photo) (12) 3p on lsh, lightly caned. , thinned, fine appearance . S.G . £850 395 0 (Photo) ( 12) 1874 "P" With Top Like "R" 3p on lsh green, lightly caned., 396 0 small closed tea r and light crease, we ll centered and very fine appeara nce. S.G. 13b . . . . .. . ..... . .... .. .. .. . .. . . .. . .. . (Photo) (12a) 1875 lp on 3p buff, Ip on lsh green, neatly caned. , eac h small 397 0 tear, fine appearance. S.G. 16, 17 .. .......... . ............... ( 14, I 5) 398 * EB 1883-1904 Crown CA lp dull rose, blk of 4, n.h.(2)/1.h.(2), fresh, (Photo) ( 19a) fine. S.G. 22, £400+ . .. . .. . .. . ....... . ................. 399 * EB lp rose red, blk of 4, l.h., bottom left stamp gum crease , bright co lor and well centered , very fine. S.G. 23, £240+ . (Photo) ( 19b)
4 10.00+ 240.00+ 480.00+
2,000.00 1,250.00
1,500.00 1,200 .00 400.00+ 240.00+
400 401
* *
1910-20 Mutt. Crown CA George V 4sh carmine & black, break in scroll, l.h., fres h, fine. S.G . 52ba, £225 .. . ... (Photo) (5 1 var.) £1 black & violet on red, l.h., fres h, fine. S .G . 55. (Photo) (54)
unpr. 850.00
1922-34 Watermarked Script CA 3p ultramarine, invtd. wmk., bottom sheet margin blk of 4, n/h/(3)/1.h.(1), extreme ly tine. S.G. 83 var. . . . ..... . . ... (88 var.) 403 * EE lsh brown black on yellow green, left sheet margin blk of 4, l.h., very fine. S.G. 87a .. . . . . . .. . ..... . ............................... (93) George V 2sh purple & bright blue on pale bluish, break in 404 ** scro ll, left stamp in sheet margin pair with normal, n.h. , very fine . S.G. 88,a, £ 165+ . .. .. . ............... . ....... (Photo) (94 var. ) 12sh6p ochre & gray black, major variety showing damage to 405 * right side of crown and both scrolls, o.g., rich color, very tine. S.G. 93 .. . .......... . ..... . ................................ (Photo) (97) 12sh6p, margin copy, l.h., fresh, fine ....... . .. . ... .. (Photo) (97) 406 * 12sh6p, o.g., fres h, fine ..... . ................ . . . ....... (Photo) (97) 407 * 12sh6p, neat c.d .s. ca nce ls, fine .............. . ......... (Photo) (97) 408 0 402 * EE
140.00+ 240 .00+
750.00+ 750 .00 750 .00 850 .00
1938-51 George VI, Perforated 14 409 O EEi"'. 2sh deep purple & ultramarine on bluish, perf 14¼, sheet margin corner blk of 4, neatly tied on small piece, extremely tine. S.G. 116a, £280+ .. .. . ... . ..... . . . . . .... . . (Photo) (123a var.)
4 10 ** EE 2sh, mottled paper, broken lower right scroll , bottom right stamp in corner Contro l blk of 4 with normals, n.h., neg ligible tone spot s on reve rse, very fin e. S.G. I I 6b,be, £ 161+ (Photo) ( 123b, var.) 4 11 ** EE Ordinary Paper Ssh dull yellow, green & carmine red on pale yellowish, corner Contro l blk of 4, n.h. , bottom right stamp small spot on gum , extremely fine. S.G. 118c, £72 0+ . (Photo) ( 125a var.) 41 2 i"'. Ssh, broken top right scroll, neatly ca ned . on small piece, very (Photo) ( 125a var.) fine. S.G . I I 8c var., uni. ..... .. .... ............. 41 3 ** EE Ordinary Paper IOsh deep green & dull red on greenish, corner Control blk of 4, n.h., extreme ly tine. S.G. 119d, £340 (Photo) (126b var.) 12sh6p deep gray & brownish orange, l.h., scarce first ptg., 4 14 brilliant fresh, extremely tine. S.G. 120, £475 (Photo) (127a var.) 12sh6p, virtua lly complete ST. GEORGES cancel, extremely 415 0 tine. S.G. 120, £400 ......................... .. (Photo) (127a var.)
uni. uni.
uni. uni. uni.
12sh6p gray & brownish orange, l.h., very fine . Scarcer shade. uni. S.G . 120a , £ 150 . .. ... . .. . ..... .. ... . ... . ...... . . (Photo) ( 127a var.) Perf 13 £1 violet & black on scarlet, sheet margin blk of 4, n.h., 4 17 **EE extremely fine. S.G. 121c, £180+ .. .. . .. . ... .. . .... . (Photo) (128) 240.00+ BOLIVIA: 1930 Graf Zeppelin 10c orange & black, o.g., fresh, 4 18 very tine. Foundation Cert. (1962). Signed Elliott. Ex Everett (Photo) (C13) 750.00 BRJTISH EAST AFRJCA: 1898 Crown CC 20r yellow green, 4 19 o.g ., trace s of thinnin gs, vibrant co lor, fine. S.G. 98. (Photo) ( I 08) 1,350 .00
4 16
CANADA 420 0
1852-55 Wove Paper 6p slate gray, mostly very large margins all round, lightly caned. , thinn ed, very fine appearance . S.G. 2, . ..... . . . . . ... .. ...... . .. . (Photo) (5) 1,000.00 £9 50 ... . ... .. .................... 1897 Jubilee Issue
42 1 422 423 424 425 426 427 428
* * * * * * *
$1 lake, n.h. , brilli ant fresh, fine ........... . ..... . .. . .. (Photo) (6 I ) $2 dark purple, o.g ., slightly disturbed gum , fres h, fine (Photo) (62) $3 yellow bistre, o.g. (hin ge re mnant), small light crease, beautiful . ....... (Photo) (63) dee p co lor, fine . . ... . . . . . . .. ...................... $3, large part o .g., small thin s, rich co lor and fres h, fine (Photo) (63) $4 purple, large part o.g., fres h, fine .. ... ... . .. . . . .. . (Photo) (64) $5 olive green, unu sed (regumm ed), filled thin , dee p co lor and fine . ... .. ... . (Photo) (65) .. .. .. . . ............. appeara nce .... . ........... $5, l.h., sma ll sea led tea r, neg ligible co rner perf crease , fine . ...... . .... . .. . .... . (Photo) (65) appearance .... . ... .. ................ $5, unu sed, small thin s, fine appearance . ..... .. ... . .. (Photo) (65)
700.00 1,350 .00 1,500.00 1,500 .00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500 .00 1,500 .00
429 429 430
*EE 1928-29 Schooner " Blue Nose" 50c dark blue, blk of 4, l.h., tin e . ... ... . . . . . . .. ... ....... . .. . ..... . (Photo) ( 158) to very fine .......... *EE 1935 Champlain $1 deep blue, bottom part Imprint blk of 4, n.h.(1)/1.h.(3), extremely tine ...........
.. .... . ....... .... .. . ... (227)
1, 100.00+
43 1
433 0 434 0 435
437 pp
438 0
CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: 1855-58 Wmkd. Anchor 6p gray on bluish paper, large part o.g., large to huge margins all round, crease, tiny closed tear at bottom, fresh, very fine appearance. Attractive copy of this rare stamp. B.P.A. Cert. (1993). Ex Dale/Lichtenstein. S.G. 7, £4250 ................. .... ... .......... ..... ... . .. (Photo) (Sb) 5,500.00
~~ -
1861 WOOD BLOCK Ip vermilion, unused, faults with left and right comers expertly added, nevertheles s an exceedingly attractive example of this rarity. Ex Dale/ Lichtenstein. S.G. 13 . .... . . . ... ... . ....... .. ... (Photo) (7) 25,000.00 1900 Issued in Mafeking; 6p on 3p red violet, MY 12 c.d.s., fine. S.G. 4 ..... . . .. ................ .. ..... . .... . ........ . .... (Photo) ( 165) lsh on 4p pale olive green, centered and nearly complete MR 27 c.d.s., very fine. S.G. 5 ............................. . . (Photo) ( 166) CASTELLORIZO: 1920 O.N.F. le to 4pi on Ifr , compl., l.h. or o.g., few small faults or gum thins, mixed centering to very fine. Each signed Champion. Vis. Dr88,000 ... ... ...... (Photo ) ( 14-26) 20pi on Sfr dark blue & buff , very l.h. if at all, extremely fine. A.P.E.S. Cert. (1990). Vis. Dr60,000 ... ..... .... . . . . (Photo) (28) CEYLON: 1857 Unwmkd. 6p purple brown, plate proof on slightly blued paper , ungummed, full to very large margins, very fine ... . ........................... ..... .. . .. . .. . .. . (Photo) (2P) CHILE: 1854 Lithographed Sc red brown, margins all round , neatly caned., very fine. Ex Everett ...... .. . .. .......... (Photo ) (7)
Used in Austria; 1894 Lithographed 9c dull green, perf stains, fine, tied by blue Peking Customs pmk. on readdres sed envelope (edge faults ) bearing France Offices in China 25c, tied by double circle SHANGHAI CHINE 17 AVRIL 96 pmk. , blue I G OF CUSTOMS PEKING APL 13 96 c.d.s, Customs Shanghai and blue Vienna transits on rever se. Rare cover ..... ... .... . . (Photo) (22,6)
A+ -
600.00 600.00 ~
348.50 225.00
300.00 440
1903 Bisect le on right diagonal half of 2c scarlet, fine, tied by bi-lingual FOOCHOW 23 OCT (03) pmk. on envelope (small faults) to Canton ............ . ..... .. ... . . .. . ..... ... .... (Photo ) ( 123) 44 1 OEE 1949 Hankow ptg. $500,000 on $20 red brown, blk of 4, neatly caned., light staining, fine. Scarce multiple. S.G. 119 I , £ I 80+ (Photo) (944A) 442 Military Stamp; 1943-44 Perf 12½ Sc red orange, n.h., extremely (Photo) (M3) fine. Very scarce. S.G. M676, £150 ................. 443 Northeastern Provinces; 1949 $22 gray, $65 dull green, $109 dark green, compl. set, ungummed, fine to very fine. S.G. 34, 37, 39, £70 ....... .. . . .. ... .. ... . .................. ... .. .... (Photo) (61-63) Anhwei Province; 1949 The four diff. handstamped issues, plus 444 #1 invtd. handstamp, ungummed , fine to very fine. S.G. 1215-18, 17a, £230 ....... . ......... .... . . .. ... ... .. ...... (Photo) (1,El,Fl,Hl) Kiangsi Province; 1949 The seven difT. stamps compl., ungum445 med, fine to very fine. S.G. 1225-3 1, £98 ... .... ( 1-3,Cl ,El ,Fl ,2) Similar lot 446 181
** * *
* *
300.00 300.00+ 150.00 (80.00) 150.00+ (38.00)
People's Republic 447
* * * 0 ** * * *
449 450 451 452 453 454
1950 Lithographed $500 on orange, pert' 14, pair, neatly caned., (Photo) (27a) very fine. Scarcer perf var iety. S.G. 1424a .......... 1950 Harvesters $20,000 on $10,000 red, ungummed, extreme ly (Photo) (30) fine. S.G. 143 1 .... . .. . .... . .. .. . . . ... .. ...... . .......... 1950 Surchd. set of fourteen, ungummed, mixed centering to very (Photo) (35-48) fine. S.G. 1436-49 ... .. ......... ......... . ............ Similar lot Same, pairs, neatly caned., mixed centering to very fine. (35-48) 1963 Landscapes set compl., n.h., fine to very fine. S.G . 2 142 -39 (Photo) (7 16-3 1) Northeast China; 1947 Anniversary set of three, ungu mmed, very (Photo) ( IL55-57) . ........... fine. S.G. NEl99-20 1 ................. 1949 Globe and Hammer set of three, ungumm ed, very fine. S.G. .. . . . . . ..... (Photo) ( IL 133-35) NE26 l-63 ...... . ..................... Port Arthur and Daren; 1949 Victory Anniversary IOy, the two difT. shades, ungummed, very fine. S.G. NE63, 64 (Photo) (2L60,a) North China; 1949 Surchd. type "a" or " b", 17 difT., incl. $20 on $20 type I and $ I 00 on $ 100 surch. 14mm wide , ungummed, fine to very fine. S.G. NC278/295 ... .. . (Photo) (3L37-50 ,52,53a,47a)
120.00+ 200.00 I 16.70 77.00 (24.00) 120 .00 180.00
115.00 118.25
Northwest China 457
458 * 83
46 0 * 83 46 1
0 83
* *
1946 Imperf $30 on $1 green, surchd. type b, ungummed, large margins, creases , very fine appearance . Very scarce. (Photo) (4L7) 1949 Shensi set of three, left margin Imprint blks of 4, ungummed , extremely fine. S.G. NW46-48, £160+ (Photo) (4L3 1-33) Same, neatly caned., fine to very fine. S.G. £ 168+ (Photo) (4L3 1-33) 1949 Kansu set of three, left Imprint blks of 4, ungummed, extremely fine. S.G. NW62-64, £160+ ........ (Photo) (4L45-47) Same, lightly ca ned., fine to very fine. S.G. £ 176+ (Photo) (4L45-47) $10 to $20,000, 12 diff., ungummed , #4L55 tiny tone spot, fine to very fine ....... .. .. .. . .. . .. . .... ... .. . .. ..... (Photo) (4L48-55,57-60) 1949 Sinkiang set of four, top left corner or left sheet margin copies, ungummed , very fine. S.G . NW89-92 . (Photo) (4L61-64) East China; 1946 Ovptd. " Xuazhung" and surchd. in red, 3 diff., ungumm ed, large margin s, very fine. (Photo) (S.G.EC264-66)
272.00+ 272.00+
272.00+ 272. 00+ 163.00 100.00 £ I 00
Central China 465 466
* *
467 0 468 0
1949 Honan $3 to $10,000, comp!. set, ungummed , $50 pulled perfs, fine to very fine. S.G. CC163-78 ...... (Photo) (6L66-81) $3 to $10,000, 14 diff., ungummed , fine to very fine (6L66 ,67,69-7 I ,73-8 I) Same, pairs, neatly caned., fine to very fine (Photo) (6L66,67,69-71,73-81) 1949 Surchd. set of two, pairs, left stamps SE, neatly caned., very .. (Photo) (6L88,89) fine. S.G . CC l58 , 159 .........................
412.50 403.00
806.00 140.00+
* * * *
469 470 47 1 472 0 473
474 C8l 475 C8J 476 C8l 477 C8J 478 C8l 479 C8J 480 C8l 481
483 C8l
1950 Surchd. set of twenty, ungumm ed, #6LI07 short co rner perf, mixed centering to very fine. S.G. CC97-l 16 ........... ..... (6 L90-109) Same, most with bottom Imprint , ungumm ed, mixed ce ntering to very fine . . ............................ . .. . ... . . .. . .. .. . .. . . . .. . .. (6L90- I 09) Com pl. set, sheet margin pairs, ungumm ed , fine to very fine .......... .. ......... . . .. ... . .. . .. .... .. . .. .. . .. . ..... ... . .. . . . .............. (6 L90- I 09) Compl. set, pairs, lightly caned ., fine to very fine ........ .. .................................. ..... . . .. ......... . .. .. .. .................. (6L90- I 09) Southwest China; 1949 Kweichow set of five, ungumm ed, very fine. S.G. SWl -5 ...... .. .. .......... ...... . .. ...... . ..... (Photo) (8L l2-16) Treaty Ports Amoy; 1895 Perf 11½ Sc orange, very fine, tied by triangular LOCAL POST AMOY ca nce l on native cove r, blue SHANGHAI LOCAL POST AU 3 95 receiver o n reverse ............. . ........ .. ... .. ........ . .. . . .. . . . ...... .. ... ....................... ... ......... . ... . . (Photo) (S.G.6) 1896 Surchd . in Black ½c on Sc reddish brown, very fine, tied by clear LOCAL POST OFFICE AMOY MA 20 96 c.d.s. cance l on flim sy native wrapper , blue SHANGHAI LOCAL POST MY 25 96 receiver on reverse ... . .................................. . . .... .... (Photo) (S.G.27) Chefoo; 1893 First Issue le red, very fine, tied by neat blue bi-lingual double circle LOCAL POST CHEFOO c.d.s. on native cover, blue Chefoo 12 Oct. oval and SHANGHAI LOCAL POST OC 14 93 receiver on reverse .. .. .. .......................... (Photo) (S.G.2) 1894 Retouched le scarlet, Sc orange, fine, tied by double circ le LOCAL POST CHEFOO 16 NOY 95 pmk . on Regis. enve lope to Shanghai , ap propriat e blue Local Post NO 18 rece iver on reverse ............ ... ... .. .......................................... ............ . (Photo) (S.G.7,9) 1893 Postal Card le red on greenish, caned. by indistinct double circle CHEFOO LOCAL POST 94 pmk. and bearing blue LOCAL POST AGENCY AMOY MA 1 94 receiver, reddish double circle LOCAL POST CHEFOO 23 APR 94 pmk. and blue SHANGHAI LOCAL POST transit on reverse, very fine ................................... . ........ . . . . . . ...... . .. . ............ . ................... . .. . ... . .. . .. . Chinkiang; 1894 Without Clouds le blue, fine, tied by double circ le C HINKIANG POSTAL SERVICE 25 SE 95 pmk . on neat envelope, identica l pmk . and blue SHANGHAI LOCAL POST next -day receiver on rever se ............................................ .. (Photo) (S.G .2) Chungking; Postage Due, 1895 2ca rose red, fine, tied by neat violet boxed bi-lingual CHUNGKING 24 FEB 97 pmk. on native envelope (Photo) (S.G.M9) Foochow; 1895 2c orange, fine, tied by POSTAL SERV ICE FOOCHOW C HIN A J U 19 96 c.d.s. cancel on native cover bearin g ide ntica l pmk. and blue SHANGHAI LOCAL POST JU 25 96 rece iver o n reverse. Very all racrive .. .. . . . .. . .... . .. . ........ . .. . ......... (Photo) (S.G .3) CORFU: 1941 SL to 100d, compl. set, n.h. excep t 20L l.h ., few tin y inc lusio ns or lowe r values sma ll faults, some with handstamp on reverse,
156.60 156.60 3 13.20 163.00 103 .00
ge nera lly fine to very fine ..............
.. ... ...........
.. ............
.. .. .... ... .... . ...... ..... . .... . ... ...............................
. ... .. (N 15-34)
Air Post; 1941 S0d violet, margin pair, negligible perf staining, fine, issued with Regular Issue 10d red brown, wrong font "C", vert. pair with ovpt. reading up, very fine, tied by Argostoli -Ferrovia pmks. on flow n cover (slightly reduced, sma ll tear) bearing SAN PIER D'ARENA GENOVA 3.8.4 1 receiver on rever se. Rare stam ps and cove r. Signed A. Diena. Only 115 of 1he air posl issued. . (Photo) ( 14a ,C5)
l·.CJl:)'1 EL:
rf,, I
~·~ ~)·' .. -
~ • _,.
I -~:,Jo~' ,~.,::
.. ;,-; tl,
483A * El3 COSTA RICA: 1901 le to lOcol, compl. set in diff. colors, the Government Reprints, perf 121/2, top corner blks of 4, o .g., fine to very fine .. .. .. . . . . . .. ... .. ... . . ... . . . . . .... ... ... (Photo) (45-54 R)
485 0
* **
CRETE: 1898 Handstamped 20pa violet, large part o.g. , full to large mar gins, very fine . Rare with gum. S.G . I ...... (Photo) ( I ) 1,000.00 20pa, margins all round, neatly ca ned., very fine ... (Photo) ( I) 575 .00 1898 Lithographed lOpa blue, sheet margin pair, imperf between, o.g. , very fine . ........ . . ......... ........ . .. . .... (Photo) (2a) unpr . 1924-28 Mult. Crown CA George V £1 violet & black on red, n.h., fresh, very fine. S.G. 102 . .. . .. .. . . .. . . . ... .... (Photo) (110) 650.00 CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Slovakia; 1939 Sh to 10k, comp!. set, fine to very fine, tied by double circ le 19 .IV.39 p111k s. on thr ee loca l envelopes (one small tear) eac h bearin g EXPRES labe l and next-day Prague rece iver on reve rse. DM565 as used . ...... (2-23)
284 .93+
DOMINICAN REPU BLIC All stamps are ex Everett except lot 495.
1865 Wove Paper ½r black on rose, sheet margin copy, large margins other sides showing complete dividing lines, extremely fine. Mi. 1, DM800 ...... .... .... . ............. . ........ . . (Photo ) (1) lr black on deep gree n, good mar gins all aro und showin g complete dividin g lines, neat blue " 27" ca ncel, small corner crease not mentioned in cert., handstamp on reverse, very fine. Foundation Cert. (1967). Mi. 2, DM1700 . . ..... . .... (Photo) (2) 1865 Laid Paper ½r black on pale greenish, unu sed , large
490 0
49 1
margin s at sides and show ing dividin g lines all round , light vert ..... (Photo) (3) crease, fine. Mi. 3, DM 1200 . . ......................
492 0
493 0
1866 La id Paper ½r black on straw , mar gins all round, lar ge three sides, neat r ed "86" Briti sh cancel, extrem ely fine. Mi. 5, DM300 . .. .. ... .. ............. . . ............... . ..... . ..... (Photo ) (5)
550 .00
Ir black on straw, good margins with dividing lines virtually intact, very fine. Exceedingly rare. Roumet Cert. (1966) and signed by him. Mi. 4, DM2750 ... (Photo) (4) 1,200.00
1866 Watermarked 494
Ir black on pale green, BOTTOM SHEET MARGIN COPY, unused, large margins other sides, light creasing, fold in margin. Fabulous copy, extremely fine. Ex Caspary, Lilly. Mi. 7y, DMSSOO.... (Front Cover Photo) (8) 2,500.00 Very rare, even missing from the Hubbard Collection. 1866-67 Pelure Paper ½r black on rose, Ir black on lavender, top right corner sheet margin copies, unu sed, large margi ns other s ides, neg ligibl e wrink les co mmon to pelur e paper , otherwi se very fi ne. Mi . 12, 16, DM650 ... . . .. . .. . .. ....... . . .. .. .. (Photo) ( 13,23)
½r black on rose, unused, large margins all round , extremely fine . Mi. 12, DM250 ...... ................. ..... . ........ .. .. (Photo) ( 13)
135 .00
497 498
* *
½r black on greenish gray , unused, good to large margins, very faint crease, still very fine. Mi. 14, DM450 . . . . ...... (Photo ) ( 16) lr black on rose , unused, large margins all round , intere sting offset impression on front, extremely fine. Mi. 17a, DM400+ (Photo) (24)
500 0
1867-71 lr black on magenta , unused , mostly large margins all round, extremely fine. Lovely copy. Ex Fer(Photo) (25) 1,400.00 rari. Mi. 17b, DM2500 ......................... lr black on salmon , good to large margins all round , lightly caned. , extremely fine. Mi. 17a, DM400 . . .......... (Photo ) (26)
l~~~i-~ ~. ,g;
502 * O
505 1:81
t ,
1870-73 Ordinary Paper ½r black on magenta , o.g., margins all round, fresh , very fine. A love ly copy of this (Photo ) (27) 1,000.00 rare stamp. Mi. 6b , DM1800 .................. 1866 to 1873, The most attractive remainder of the fir st issues, compr. 6 unused and 2 used, all with margins all round and generally fine to very fine ... . .. . ... ... ..... .. .... (7,9- 11, 13,28-30) 620.00 1883 Without Network Sfr on Ip gold, o.g., perfectly centered, full roulettes all round , fre sh and absolutely superb. Mi. 5 I, (Photo) (70) 675.00 DM950 ................................................... With Network Sfr on lp gold , the two type s, o.g., roulet1es almost (Photo ) (86,87) 475.00 .. ............ all round, very fine .................... DENMARK: 1904 Error lSo on 240 brown, short " 15" at right , center stamp in strip of 3 with normals, very fine, tied by VEILE 25 7 05 c.d.s.'s on Regis., envelope (reduced). Facit unpr., pro rata (Photo ) (56,a) with normal about Kr4000 . . . .. . ... ... .. ............. 1903 EAST AFRICA AND UGANDA PROTECTORATES: Crown CC Edward Vil 20r olive gray & black, unused, fresh, .... .. . .. .. (Photo) ( 15) 1,250.00 very fine. S.G. 15 ........ .. ...................
507 1:81
EGYPT: Used to Great Britain ; 1935 Silver Jubilee lpi ultramarine, very fine, tied on reverse of envelope (corner creasing, addressee erased) bearing red Crown double prepaid frank and bi-lingual Alexandria 8.NO.35 c.d.s. (Photo Next Page ) (S.G.A I0) from £360
508 1:81
1949 BEPITEC Unissued set of two envelopes, slate gray, other red brown, very fine. The normal green color presented at Brussels. Possibly unique ..... .......... . .. . . . (Photo Next Page)
509 TCEB Postage Due; 1888 2m black , imperf trial color plate proof, blk of 4 compr. the 4 diff. type s (Zeheri catl.), ungummed, large margins, very fine .. .. . .. .. .. . ..... .. .. .. ... . ....... (Photo) (J !OTC) 5 10
5 11
512 1:81
* 5 15 *
EPIRUS: 1914 lL to SOL, comp!. set, o.g., fine to very fine. 1994 Scott retail $322.50. Vis. Dr60 ,000 . .. ........ . ... (Photo ) (34-41) (126.75) Occupation Stamps; 1916 Engraved 3L on Sd, compl. set, l.h. or o.g., Id pencil marks on reverse, fine to very fine. 5d signed Drossos. Vis. 84, 88A, 92-95, Dr94, I00 .... . .. . (Photo ) (N 17-22)
FAROE ISLANDS: 1940-41 Surchd. set of five, some gum soiled perf tips, fine to very fine, used with additional postage and tied by double circle THORSHAVN 2 1.I0.43 pmks. on censored Regis. envelope (small faults) lo U.S., transits and Chicago receiver on . . ... .... . . .. .. (Photo Next Page) (2-6) reverse ......................
470 .00+
FIJI: 1871 Laid Batonne Paper 3p black on pink , margins all round showing roulettes in places, small faults, fresh , very fine appearance. S.G. 6, £1200 ... . .. . ...... .. . ........ .. ... (Photo ) (7) 1,750.00 1904-12 Mutt. Crown CA Edward VU £1 violet & black on red , very l.h., tiny inclusions, very fine. S.G. I24 ....... . (Photo ) (78)
.. ... .. .. (Photo) (78)
£1, 1.h., fresh, fine ..............
. .... . . ........
FRANCE 516 0
1849-50 Ceres 40c orange on yellowish, type I, large mar gins all round, faint corner crease outside design , brilliant co lor and neat " 908 " cance l, very fine ........................... . .... . . (Photo) (7)
525 .00
1923 Bordeaux lfr claret & olive green, light perf stains, fine appearance, tied by EXPOSITION 2 1 -6 23 pmk. on Reg is. cac heted Exhibition hote l cover. DMl200 as used. (Photo) ( 197)
5 18
**~ 1925
Philatelic Exhibition Souvenir sheet of four, NEVER HINGED, tiny inclusions or trifling bends not affecting stamps which are well centered, extreme ly fine. DM4500 . (Photo) (226) 1,000.00
520 0B
52 1
1929-33 Engraved 3fr to 20fr, 9 diff., o.g., fine to very fine (Photo) (247 A,48-53 ,54A) 1,391.50 1937 PEXJP blks of four and labels from Souvenir sheet, very fine, ca ned. by EXPOSITION PARIS 18 6 37 First Day cance l on 20c pictur e postcard with Ex position logo . . . .. . . (Photo) (329a-d)
1961 Paintings set of 4, imperf., n.h., extremely fine. Ceres FFrs3400 .... . .... . ....... . ............. ..... (Photo) (1014-17 vars.) Semi-Postals; 1917-19 War Orphans set compl. , o.g. (hinge remnants), 5fr l.h., lowest values small gum faults, fresh , fine to very fine .......... .. ..................... . . .... . ... . . (Photo) (B3-10) 2,786.00
'.\: ·
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512 ♦-♦
Air Post 523
524 525 526
527 528
529 530
53 1
532 533
1927 2fr and Sfr, perf. stain s, fine, tied by MARSEILLE 25 -6 27 First Day cancels on cacheted, unaddressed envelope, appropriate handstamps on reverse. DM900+ ................ . . .. (Photo) (C 1,2) 370.00+ * 1936 Plane over Pari s S0fr emerald, o.g., very fine (Photo ) (C l4) 1,000.00 1957-59 Caravel S0Ofr deep blue , S00fr red, trial color Die proof DP die sunk on wove, I 40x I I 0mm, very fine .... ..... .. . .. . (C35TC) 1957-59 Helicopter lO00f brownish violet, lO00fr bluish green , DP trial color Die proof s, each die sunk on card, I 35x I 18mm, negligib le corner crimps, very fine . . . .. . . ........ (Photo) (C36TC) *EB Offices in China; 1903 Sc on ISc pale red , invert ed su rch. , blk of 4, o.g., fresh, fine ...... . .... .... .. .. .. . . ............ (Photo ) (45a) 240.00+ 1922 Surchd. set of ten, neatly tied on same large piece by 6. SHANGHAI CHJNE 5 - 12 22 pmks., mixed centering to very fine (75-85) 170.25+ * Offices in Crete; 1903 Surchd. set of five, o.g., handstamps on reverse, 8pi light gum creasing, fine ............... (Photo) ( 16-20) 337.50 FRENCH EQUATO RIAL AF RI CA: Air Post; 1940-41 Ovptd. 181 l.S0fr olive black & yellow and 3.7Sfr brown & light green, very fine , used with 6.50fr and tied by double circle BRAZZAVILLE MOYEN CONGO 22 JUIL 42 pmks. on censored Regis. envelope, violet military backstamps . ...... . .. . . .. .... . .. . . (Photo ) (C9, 11, 13) 350.00+ PP FRENCH SOUTHERN AND ANTARCTIC TERRITORIES: Air Post; 1963 S0fr black, imperf plate proof, n.h., large margins, extremely fine. Purpor1edly only 50 known ........ (Photo ) (C4P) * O GAMBIA: 1869 Unwmkd. and 1874 Crown CC 4p and 6p, red c.d.s. cancels except 1874 6p o.g., all good to large margins, # I small thin, fine to very fine ............... .. . . . . . . .... . (Photo ) ( 1-4) 1,575.00 1886-93 Crown CA Sideways Jsh aniline violet, l.h., tiny embossing split , fresh , fine. Ex Dale/Lichtenstein. S.G. 36b, £1100 ............................... . . . ..... . .. ..... (Photo ) (19 var .) uni.
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535 0
536 0
537 C8J
BAVARIA: 1849 'Iypographed Plate I lkr deep black, unused, margins all round , large two sides, small thins, fresh, fine appearance. Brett! Cert. ( 1992). Ex Dale/Lichtenstein. Mi. I b, (Photo) ( Ia) 2,000 .00 DM5000 .... . ...... . .... . ................ .. . ............... BRUNSWICK: 1853-63 Wmkd. Post Horn ¼ggr brown, pair, margins all round , light centered " 43 " (Vechelde) ca nce l, very fine. (Photo) (4) Ex Dale/Li chtenstein. Mi. 4, DM2400 ..... . . . ..........
650 .00+
OLDENBURG: 1859 Coat of Arms 3g black on yellow, huge margins, blue framed WILD ESHA (Usen) ca nce l, small thin s, very fine and attractive. Ex Dale/Li chte nstein. Mi. 8, DM 1600 (Photo) (8)
750 .00
1862 Rouletted 11½; Used to United States, ½g orange, 2g blue , 3g bistre, small faults, fine to very fine appearance, slightly overlapping and with perfectly placed strike of blue double circle OLDENBURG 22/4 cancel on small neat envelope (lightly cleaned and back seal excised) bearing magenta ms. "4 ½" and red framed PAID 10 handstamp to New York, Bremen transit on reverse. Colorful. Brettl Cert. (1992) and signed Friedl. Ex Dale/Lichtenstein. Mi. 16Aa, 18A, 19A ...... (Photo) (17,19,20) (245.00+)
', tn
Ja.. )
L..-✓ f7
~ t. l..
539-540 54 1 542 543
1954-60 Heuss set compl., n.h., fine to very fine. DM I 000 (Photo) (702-2 1)
250.4 9
**El:l 50pf gray, blk of 4, n.h., extremely fine. DM2800 . (Photo) (714) **El:l Same, n.h., extremely fine .. . .. . . ... . . . . . . . ... . . . .... (Photo) (714) **El:l Another blk of 4, n.h., tiny inc lusion and light bend, very fine (Photo) (7 14)
545 546 547
** ** **
- ~4/
Two Similar lots 700.00 700.00 700.00
Semi-Postals 544
1933 Wagner perf 13½x13 20+10pf blue, n.h., light pencil marks on reverse, very fine. DM1600 . . ........... . .... . .. (Photo) (855)
1949 Centenary set of three, blks of 6, n.h., usual inclusions, fine to very fine. DMl 800 ....... .. .... . . .. . . .. .......... (667,668, B309)
1949 Welfare set of four, n.h., very fine. DM4 25 (Photo) (8 3 10- 13)
Same, margin or top right corner copies, n.h., very fine (Photo) (8 3 10- 13)
Air Post
549 181 550 181 551 552
553 554
556 0 557 181
558 0 558A
5588 0
1924 Carrier Pigeon set compl., n.h., 300pf light creasing, fine . ...... . ...... (Photo) (C20-26) to very fine. DM3400 . .............. 1930 South America Flight 2m, 4m, two copies, fine, neatly tied by single strike of FRlEDRJCHSHAFEN (Bodensee) 18.5.30. pmk. on cacheted envelope to U.S. DM2900. (Photo) (C38,39) 2m, 4m, two copies, fine, Lied by 18.5.30. pmk s. on cac heted envelope, green Lakehurst mkg on reve rse ...... (Photo) (C38,3 9) 2m, very fine, tied by neat double circle FRfEDR ICHSHAFEN (Bodensee) I 0. 16.30. pmk. on readdr esse d envelope bearing blue cac het of cos tumed native. OM I000 . . .. . .. ......... . (Photo) (C38) 2m, very fine, Lie d by doubl e circ le FRIE DRIC HSHAFEN (Bodensee) 23.9 .30. pmk . on cac heted envelope, Helsinki transit on . ... .. .. (Photo) (C38) reve rse .. . ... . ..... . . .. . . .... . ... . ............... 2m, fine, tied by FR IEDRICHSHAF EN (Bodensee) 23.9.30. on . (Photo) (C38) cac heted envelope to U.S ............................. 1931 Polar Flight 4m black brown, very fine, tied by Friedrichshafe n c.d.s. and Ice Breaker MALYGUlN cac het on cove r (slight edge wear) bearin g appropriate red cac het. AAMC Z 166a , DM2000 .... .. . ...... . .......... . .......... . ........... .. (Photo) (C42) 1933 Chicago Flight set of three, o.g., 4m n.h., fresh, fine to very . ......... . (Photo) (C35-45) fine. DM 1680 .. . ... . .. ...... . ............ Im carmine, 2m ultramarine, c.d.s. cance ls, fine to very fine (Photo) (C43,44) Baden; Semi-Postals, 1949 Rastatt set of three, fine to very fine, Lied by neat RASTATT 24.8.49. First Day cance ls on loca l envelope. DM400 ... . ...... . .... . .. . . .. ....... . .. (Photo) (5NB9- I I) Wurttemberg; Semi-Postals, 1949 Arms set compl., pairs, n.h. . . . ....... . (8NBl -4) fine to very fine. DM760 .... . ................... 1948 Black ovpt. 2pf to Sm, compl. set, ge nera lly lightly caned ., I2pf, 20 pf, Im creas ing, last also small tear, fine to very tine. .. ... .. .. .. . . (Photo) (9N l-20) DM6000 . .... ........................... 1948-49 Red ovpt. 2pf to lm , compl., neat ly ca ned., fine to very .. . ... . .. ....... . ........ (Photo) (9N2 I -33) fine. DM 1350 ............. lm olive, first ptg., pair, neatly caned., small creases, very fine (Photo) (9N33) appeara nce. DM2300 . .. .. ... . . ... . .. . . .. . ............
(279.00) 1,200.00+ 1,200.00+
400.00+ 400 .00+ 400 .00+
lliANMiHMI 755.00 565.00 55 1 11:,
( 105 .00+) 200.00
3,001.75 553 605.50 1,000 .00
f"RSTFR -ae AUS GAu.:..:..I
r I\ I llf 1.)1 1.Ll!'illEilGElt
tna- ~n• eniJ "'-••rbtntK t',ua.-J•1lt1
11R ri••• l .. rl\ l .. ccs,. ll ,
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Berlin 559 **
1949 U.P.U. set compl. , n.h., I 6pf short perf, 1m marks in top margin, fine to very fine. OM 1400 .. . ... . .... . . (Photo ) (9N35-4 1)
560 **
Semi-Po stal s; 1949 Curr ency Victim s set of thr ee, top mar gin copi es, n.h., very fine. OM750 .................. (Photo ) (9NB 1-3)
Sou venir sheet of thr ee, n.h. , very fine, few tin y inclu sions. DM2600 ...... . .. . .. . ..... . . . .. . ...... . .. . . .. . . . ... . (Photo) (9NB3a )
56 1 **
.. £18 .. ·························
£12 ················
562 ** El31950 Philharmon ic set of two , blk s of 4, n.h., natural offset on reverse, fine to very fine. OM 1300 ...... .. ................ (9NB4,5) 294.00 Occupation ; Rh odes, 1944 Type Ill Sc lilac red , l.h .. very fine. 563 A.P.E.S. Cert. ( 1990). OM600 as n.h . . . . ... .. ... . . (Photo ) (Mi. 12) 564 0 Offi ces in Moro cco; 1903 3p75c on 3m black violet, " M" of " Morocco " Mi. type II. , lightly caned., very fine. Mi. I 8ll, Il , OM675 ..... ................... ........ . . . ............ (Photo ) ( 18 var.) uni. GIBRALTAR: 1953 Elizabeth set compl ., n.h., very fine. S.G. 565 ** 145-58, £ 170 .. ...... .... .. .. .. ... . ......... . .. . .. .. (Photo ) ( 132-45) 230.30 566 Simila r lot 567 ** El31960 ½p to £ 1, compl. set, ma rgin blk s of 4, n.h., fine to very fine. S.G. 160-73 . . ... .. . ...... . .... . . ..... ...... .... ...... (Ph oto) ( 147-60) 387.80 GREAT BRITAIN: 1840 Wmkd . Sma ll Cro wn lp black , 0-J , 568 unu sed, full to very lar ge ma rgins, ver y fine. Foundation Cert. (1980). S.G. 1, £3000 .. ... .. .. ...................... . .... (Phot o) (1) 3,500.00
1902-11 Wmkd. Anchor Edward VII lOsh ultr amarin e, l.h., fresh, very fine . . ..................................... .. (Phot o) ( 14 1)
GIBRALTAR GIBRALTA , , , __, · - ~·· - - •~ - , . . . . ···················································· ········ SONDERPOS
. ············
. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil
... .. . ·································· - -
- .-
-- - - -
1:N IM DEll:MBl:R
* 57 1 * 570
1934 Re-engra ved Ssh carmin e, 10s da rk blu e, l.h., latter very l.h. if at all, very fine .. . ... . .. ..... .. .. ... . ... . ...... (Photo ) (223, 224)
Sa lonica Field Office; 1916 Ovptd . "Leva nt " \/2p to l sh, 7 ditT., l.h. or o.g., 6p n.h., ½p and 3p small thins, fine to very fine (Photo) (S.G.S 1-6,8)
1861 Paris Print SL emera ld on greenish, thin paper, margins all round, enormous three sides, neatly caned., very fine. Vis. 3b, Dr28,000 .. . .......................... . . . . .. . ....... .... (Photo) (3) 120.00 573 0 Large Figure on Back IOL red orange on bluish, two copies, margins all round, nea tly ca ned., small faults, fine or very fine appeara nce. Vis. 7, Dr l50,000 . . .. . .................... . . (Photo) (7) 700 .00 574 * EE 1862-67 Athens Print SOL rose carmine on pale rose, sheet margin blk of 4, crac kly o.g ., full margins other sides exce pt in slightly at top le ft, neg ligible thinnin g, beauti ful deep co lor and fresh, fine. Vis. 34, Dr60 ,000 .. . ........................ (Photo) (22) 380.00+ 574A * EE 1872-75 Thin Transparent Paper 40L brown on bluish, bistre figures on back, blk of 4, n.h.(2)/1.h.(2), large even margins all round, extremely fine. A.P.E.S. Cert. (1993) .. ... (Photo) (42d) 300.00+ 575 ** EE 1880-82 Cream Paper IOL orange, sheet margin blk of 4, n.h., large margins other sides, minor gum wrinkles, fresh, very fine. Vis. 70a, Dr43,200 ........... . ......................... (Photo) (54) (56.00+) 576 DP Circa 1880 20L carmine, 20L reddish violet, 6 ditf. trial color Die proofs on wove, appro x. 60x70 m, slightly diff. shades and papers, very fine . .. . ..... .. .. .. . . . .. . .... . . . ... . ...... .. . . .... (Photo) 577 * 1896 Olympics Sd green, l.h., trace of thinnin g, fresh, fine (Photo) ( 127) 325.00 578 ** 10d brown, n.h., tiny thin spot, fresh, fine. Signed Drossos. Vis. abo ut Drl40 ,000 . .. . .. .... .. . ......... . . .... .... ... .. .. . (Photo) ( 128) 400.00 579 * EE 1900 Imperf 20L on 2SL deep blue, blk of 4, n.h.(2)/ 1.h.(2), full to enormous mar gins all round , ex tremely fine. V is. 155a , Dr50 ,000+ ............................................. (Photo) ( 129a) 160.00+ 580 ** IBISOL on 40L salmon on cream, sheet margin blk of 12, wide and narrow settings, pos. 4, 7, 8, II broad "0 " in "SO", n.h., full to large margins other sides, some crackly gum, fine to very fine, Vis. 147, A, etc. Drl60 ,000+ ........... . ... . (Photo) (133,a) (100.00+) 58 1 ** Sd on 40L red violet on bluish, pair, n.h., very large margins, extremely fine. Dr60,800+ ....... . . . . .. . . . .. .... . . . . (Photo) (138a) 160.00+ 582 Perf I 1½ Sd on 40L red violet on bluish, narrow setting, 1.h., handstamps on reve rse, small thin , fres h, fine. Very Scarce (Photo ) ( 149) 475 .00 572
584 *
586 **
1900 Surcharge Including "AM" Id on 40L brown on bluish, 2d on SL green on cream, vert and horiz. pairs of each, imperf between, o.g., small faults, fine or very fine appearance . Vis. (Photo) ( 157, 158 vars.) ............. Drl97 ,500 + .....................
1900-01 Perf 14x13½ Surchd. set of live, plus SOL on 2d, broad "0" in "5 0" , l.h. or o.g., 25 L on 40L part o.g ., mixed centering, (Photo) ( 159-63,6 1a) very fine .........................................
Com pl. set, c.d.s. cance ls, 2d on IOd on small piece, 25L on 40L .. (Photo) ( 159-63) small thin , fine ....................................
25L on 40L violet, double surcharge, n.h., fresh, tine. Vis. .. ... . (Photo) ( 160 var.) 175b, Dr480,000 .................... 2SL on 40L, o.g., tiny thin spot, tine. A.P.E.S. Cert. (1990). (Photo) (160 var.) Signed Drossos. Dr300,000 . . .. .. .. . ...........
1901 Hermes Issue 588 ** 589
* **
IL to Sd, comp!. set, n.h., few inclusions, fine to very fine. Vis. Dr30 ,000 .. ..... . . ... .. .. . .... ... ... .. .. . . . .. ..... ... .. ... .... . ( 165-78)
1L to SOL, 10 diff. incl. SL types I and II , imperf pairs, l.h. or o.g., 20L left stamp tear, SOL thinnin g and gum creases, fine to very fine. Vis. Drl77 ,000 , 2L, 20 L, 25 L uni. (Photo) ( I 65a-67a,68c,69a-72a,74a)
IL to 2SL, comp!., imperf pairs, n.h., full to enorm ous margins all round , few tiny inclusions, SL and 20 L creas ing, fine to very fine. Vis. Dr7 3,000 , 2L, 20L, 25 L uni. (Photo) ( I 65a-67a ,68c ,69a-7 1a)
591 ** 83 JOL carmine, two diff. shades, imperf blks of 8, n.h. exce pt one 1.h., mos tly very large mar gins, one blk neg ligible gum wri nkles and small mar gin tear , other scissors cut betwee n stamps bottom right, (Photo) ( 169a) fine to very fine. Vis. 183a , Dr320,00 0+ ...........
(200.00+ )
1906 Olympics Issue 592
* *
594 0 595
IL to Sd, compl. set, n.h. to o.g., 5d slightly crack ly gum, some small faults incl. 2d co rner crease, 3d pin point thin s, fresh, (Photo) ( 184-97) genera lly fine to very fine .........................
625 .00
Compl. set, l.h. or o.g. , small faults incl. 25L and 2d light stain spots, fresh and generally fine . .... . ... .. . . .. . .. .. (Photo) ( 184-97)
625 .00
Compl. set, c.d.s. ca nce ls, fine to very fine . .... (Photo) ( 184-97)
37 1.80
3L orange, imperf pair, n.h. though partially gumm ed, very large margins, extreme ly fine. Signed Drossos. Vis. 200a, Drl 00 ,000 (Photo) ( 186a)
3d olive yellow, Sd dull blue, o.g., small thins, former perfect.ly cent.e red, fresh, fine ................................ (Photo ) ( 196, 197)
597 0
3d, Sd, former fine, latter very fine ... .. .. .. . .. . (Photo ) ( 196, 197)
598 *
1923 Additiona l Ovpt. SOL on SOL yellow brown , very l.h. if at all , tiny corner perr crea se, very fine. Signed Dros sos. Vis. 414, Dr200 ,000 ....... ..... .......... ....................... (Photo ) (2888 )
SOL on SOL, o.g., small faults not mentioned in cert., fine. A.P.E.S. Cert. ( 1989) .. . .. .. ..................... .... ..... .. ..... (Photo ) (288B)
596 *
599 * 600 *
1933 Republic set of three, o.g., I00d l.h., fine to very fine (Photo ) (378-80) 1,250.00
60 1 *
Compl. set, o.g., light gum toning, well centered, fine (Photo) (378-80) 1,250.00
602 **
1940 Youth set compl., few margin copies, n.h., few tiny inclusions, fine to very fine. DM 1450 ............ (Photo ) (427-36)
Compl. set incl. Air Post, light c.d.s. cancels, fine to very fine (Photo ) (427-36,C38-47)
1951 Reco very set compl. , n.h., very fine. DM825 (Photo ) (539-44)
603 0 604 ** 605-606
Two similar lots
Compl. set, fine to very fine, on Regis. First Day Cover to New York , (small cover faults and slightly reduced at bottom), very scarce. DM2000 .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . ... ...... . . ... . ..... . ..... . .... (539-44)
100.f ~
608 **
1953 National Product s set compl. , 2 sets, n.h., fine to very fine. DM 1400 .......... .. ....................................... . .... (549-55)
609 **
1954 and 1955 Ancient Art sets compl. , n.h., fine to very fine. Dr735 . . .................. . ............ ....... . . . . ........ (556-67.74-8 1)
6 10 ** EE 1955 20L to 4d , compl. set, blk s of 4, n.h., very fine. DM 1040 (574-8 1)
6 11 **
Air Post; 1933 Graf Zeppe lin set compl. , n.h., 120d trace of gum toning, fine to very fine. DM675 .................... (Photo ) (C5-7)
6 12 **
1933 SOL to S0d, compl. set , n.h., very fine. DM550 .. (C l5-2 1)
6 13 **
S0d dark brown , plate Haw showing long "tow rop e" beyond tail of aircraft , very fine ....................... (Photo ) (C21 var.)
6 14 ** ~ Air Post Sem i-Postals; 1944 S0,000d+450,000d on 100d slate black , double surch. , corner sheet margin blk of 15, n.h., few gum bends, very fine .................. .......... (Photo ) (CB9 var.) 6 15 0
6 16
6 17
Postal Tax; 1917 Rouletted 20L on 20L blue , neat c.d.s. cancel, negligible toning on rever se, very fine. Ve,y scarce. Signed Dr. Oertel and other s. Vis. Dr90,000 .. . . .. .... . .. . .. (Photo ) (RA24)
Samos; 1913 Victory set compl. , l.h. or o.g., Id and 5d small thins, fine to very fine. Signed Drossos. Vis. I5- 19, Dr50,000 (Photo ) (N87-9 I)
Com pl. set, l.h., I0d slightly disturbed o.g., few short perfs, Id small thin, most with handstamp on reverse, fresh, fine (Photo ) (N87-9 I)
6 14
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6 18 6
6 19
62 1
* *
Compl. set, all but 25d (small corner crease) on small piece, most with handsta mp on reve rse. Vis. Dr44,000. (Photo) (N87-9 I)
1915 Ovptd. set of five, o.g., most with slight gum thinning, fresh, fine. Signed Drossos. Vis. 32-36, Dr125,000 (Photo) (Nl04-08 ) 1,130.00 New Greece; 1912 Black Ovpt. IL to 25d, compl. set, o.g., I0d rou lettes touc h at top, fine . Vis. 246-66, Dr l00,000 (Photo) (N I 09-29)
Red Ovpt. lL to 25d, compl. set, n.h. to o.g., 5d very l.h. if at all, 25 L sma ll corner crease, fine to very fine. Vis. 286-304, Drl7 5,000 (Photo) (N 130-48)
4 I 9 .50
25d deep blue, vert. ovpt. reading down, o.g., very fine. Vis. 306, Dr75,000 ......................... . .. . . . . ... .... .... .. (Photo) (Nl44a )
- '
629 0 630 0
I I{
lPOl 'I""'.
63 1 0
-· It.' ~ ;\ 25
°) 30 I H ,
.. ................ ~
,, ~,,..,,,,;
* lal 1913 lL to SOL, se-tenant sheets of 6 and 8, ungumm ed, small faults and light sta ining, fine appeara nce. Vis. 9A-22A, Dr290, 000 (Photo) (N 188-20 I) 1,620.00
North Epirus; 1941 National Youth Ovptd. sets compl., n.h. , fine to very fine. DM475 .............. . . . ....... . ............. (N2 19-38)
..,, ,
* OlalTwo sheets of 8 with one blank, perf 11½, ungumm ed, ot her used, (N 179-8 1)
tl H
GRENA DA Grest Britain used in Grenada; 1856 6p lilac, part Imprint copy, very fine, caned. by "A lS " grid on 1858 folded letter sheet to London, slightly unclear Grenada double circle and red London receiver. Correspondenr ends ··P.S. pleas e send also a ju g of rhin oil for Sream Engine. " ............ ... ............ (Photo) (S.G. Z4) 1861 Unwmkd. Rough Perf 14 to 16 lp blue green, neatly caned., large copy, extremely fine. S.G. 1 .......... (Photo) (la ) Ip, light " A IS" cance l, very fine . Letter from W. Danforth Walker acco mpanies ....................... ... ............ . ...... (Photo) ( Ia) 1863-71 Wmkd. Small Star 6p dull rose red, wmkd. sideways, neatly caned., extremely fine. S.G. 8, £225 .. . (Photo) (Sa var.) 6p, light ly caned ., fine. S.G. 8 . .. . ................ (Photo) (Sa var.)
628 0
* lal Dedeagatch; 1913 SL, lOL, 2SL black, perf and imperf sheets of
former small co rner crease affecting blank , fine ........ 625
490 .00
flPQWPINO~ { , f:%2-H11I K H 61'1:U(IHI 1 H Kt"'.\r An -
8 and one blank, ungumm ed, few small perf separat ions and edge faults, perf sheet blank with small tea r, fine. Vis. I A-3A,a, Dr40,000 .... . . . .. ................................... . . (N 179-8 1, var.) 624
r~J 1m
I t
l :\ l·.11'(11,;\t. ,.. ,,,
....................... , ....
, .
4 ":,if\
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f PO10 PINO~
£120 550.00 550.00
uni. uni.
632 L 633 0 634 0 635
637 181
1875 Wmkd. Large Sta r perf 14 Ip blu e green, left dia gonal half in pa ir with normal , lightly caned. and tied by red London pmk. on small piece, fine. S.G. 14,a , £6000 on cover ... (Photo ) (7A,b) 1875-81 ½p purple , wmk. upri ght , pair neat blu e c.d.s. cancels , scisso rs separated at top and most of bottom, rich color and fre sh. The uniqu e pair. S.G. 21 F, £500+ . .. . .. .. (Photo ) (8 var.) uni. 1883 Wmkd. Small Sta r ½p orange & green, un severed pair , light blue c.d.s. cancel, fine. S.G. 29a, £600 . . .... . . (Photo ) ( 15a) 1,000.00 GUATEMA LA: 1894 Blue sur char ge toe on 75c ca rmin e rose, o.g., bright color and fr esh, very fine. Ve,y rare. Ex Eve r ett (Photo ) (54) 1,000.00 1922 Red Surch . 25c on lSp black & verm ilion , the four types in vert. strip of 4, n.h., bottom stamp tiny thins, very fine. Rare strip. Ex Everett . . . . . . .. ... . . ... ... . .. . . . . .. ...... (Photo ) ( 191-9 1c) 205.00+ HAIT I: Gr eat Britain used in Ha iti; 1876-80 4p pal e olive gree n, Pl.IS, crea se, fine appearance , tied by " C59" (J acmel) on folded lett er sheet bea rin g red " J ACMEL DE4 77 PAID ", " DUE 5 CENTS ", New York receiver and rare " J AMA ICA TRANSIT" and ms. . .. . . . . .. . .. .. . .. ... ..... . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . (Photo ) (S.G. Zll) HOND URAS Air Post
~~ \~~ r ·~, ~
~ ·l,_f' . ~IJ
All stamps are Ex Evere/1.
* 64 1 * 642 * 643 * 640
644 645
* *
1925 Perf 11½ 1p yellow gree n, unu sed , centered , very fine. Rare. Found ation Cer t. (1958) and signed Scott Sta mp and Coin Co . ....................................................... (Phot o) (C9) 25c on 20c brown , blue sur ch, tete-bec he pair , unused, reinforced, left stamp crease 110 1 mentioned in cert., otherwise very tine. Rare. Foundation Cert. ( 1957) ..... . . .. . . . ...... .. . . . ... . . . (Photo ) (C 13b) 1930 Sc on 10c blue , yellow sur ch., o.g., fre sh, very fine. Rare. Foundation Cert. (1963) and signed Sa nabria . .. (Photo ) (C21) 1930 IOc on 20c yellow brown , violet surch. , l.h., extremely fine. Signed A. Diena ... . . .. . . . . ... . .... . .. . ...... . . . ...... (Photo ) (C24) toe on 20c, violet surch ., o.g., extr emely fine. Foundation Cert. (1963) and signed Kessler , Heiman .... . . .. . . .. . .. . (Photo ) (C24) Sur chd. on Officials Sc on 10c blu e, red surch. , sheet mar gin copy, o.g., ext r emely fine. Foundation Cer t. (1963) and signed A. Diena ....................... . . ... . ... . . ..... . .. . . . .. . . . (Photo ) (C33) Sc on 20c yellow brown , blue sur ch., o.g., fine. Signed Kessler, Sanabria and others . .................... . ............. (Photo ) (C34) 20c on S0c red , doubl e surch. r eadin g up , o.g., few minor gum sta ins not mentioned in cert. , fine. Exceedingly rare. Friedl Cert. (1970) and signed by Sa nabria , Heiman, etc . .... (Photo ) (C36)
637 1,000.00 700.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 600.00 1,250.00
KONG: 1862 Unwmkd. 96c gray, unu sed, negligible faults not mentioned in cert., fr esh. A/tract ive copy of !his rare slamp . Foundation Cert. (1992). Ex Dale/Lichtenstein. S.G. 7, £1800 ... .. .... . . ... . . .. .. . . . . . .. .. ... . . . . .. . .. . .. . ......... (Photo ) (7) 3,250.00 HUNGARY: Air Post; 1933 lOf to Sp, compl. set, fine to very fine , tied by double circle LEGIPOSTA BUDAPEST 33 JUN. 24. on envelope (edge faults) bearing WlPA WlEN same date pmk. 169.50+ DM550 as used ...... . .... . . ... . .. ... .. . . . . . .... .. (Photo ) (C26-34) HONG
IONIAN ISLANDS 648 * EE 1859 Engraved (½p) orange, (Ip) blue , (2p) lake , blk s of 4, o.g., full to huge margins, very fine. S.G. 1-3, £420+ . .. (Photo) ( 1-3) strip of 4, o.g., margins all round, huge three sides, fold (½p), 649 between center stamps, very fine. S.G. I , £280+ ...... (Photo ) ( I ) Italian Occupation ; 1941 Handstamped in Blue 2d, Sd, 15d, 25d, 650 ** n.h., last light bend, fine to very fine. L732,000 (Photo ) (Sas. I I , 12, 16, 17) German Occupation; 1943 25c deep green, S0c purple , Air Post 65 1 50c olive brown, black and carmine ovpt. , n.h. to o.g., #N26 corner perf crease, some pencil marks or offset on reverse, fine to very fine. #NC 13b signed Kessler .. .. (Photo) (N26,27,a,NC 13,b) The 3 diff., extra Air Post with black ovpt. and 25c and 50c red 652 0 ovpt. , neatly caned, most signed Drossos. DM920 (N26,27,a, NC 13) Air Post , 1943 50c olive brown, carmine ovpt., n.h., handstamp 653 (Photo ) (NC I 3b) on reverse, very fine. DM550 ....................
600.00+ 400.00+
250.50 440.00 135.00
ISRAEL 1948 Coins 3m to S00m, compl., fine to very fine, tied by TEL AVIV 16 5 1948 First Day cancels on unaddressed envelope (Photo ) ( 1-8) 500m red brown , pa ir , PERFORATED TAB VARIETY, tied by HAlFA 16 5 1948 c.d.s. on pencil addressed First Day Cover, light overall toning. Rare. DM6000 as two used singles (Photo) (8)
654 655
659 ** 660
1948 New Year set of five, vert. pair s with horiz. gutters, n.h., Sm pair nibbed perf, fine to very fine. Bale l0b-l4b , $650 (Photo ) ( I 0- 14 var) 1952 Menorah lO00p dark blue & gray , full tab , n.h., very fine (Photo ) (55) Air Post; 1950 Sp to 250p, compl. set, full tabs , n.h., few tiny (Photo) (C 1-6) inclusions, very fine ......... . ........... . .............
~· 1'::,~"T•'::,~
unpr. 400.00
~ ~"
Postage Due; 1948 3m to S0m, compl. set, full bottom tabs, n.h., very fine. Bale PDI-5 , $2300 (Back Cover Photo ) (Jl-5 ) 2,750.00
1:-,, n>.::i-'::,:s..,\t.>•N
167 .50+
1000m black blue on pal e bluish, imperf plate proof , vert. pair , Pos. 14 and 19, ungummed , large margins , very fine. Rare. Purpor1edly on ly 6 pairs exisl. Ex Brambilla (Front Cover Photo ) (9P)
656 P
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671 **
673 **
661 662 663
** ** ** ** **
664 665 666 667 181
ITALY 1934 Valor set compl., incl. Air Post and Air Special Delivery, n.h., fine to very fine . DM475 .............
(33 l-4 I ,C66- 72,CE8,9)
Identical lot 1946 Engraved Perf 14 lO0L deep carmine lake, n.h., tiny inclusions and gum skips, very fine. DMll00 .... (Photo) (477) lO0L carmine lake, n.h., tiny inc lusions, fine ... . .. (Photo) (477) 10001, n.h., fine ..................... . .. . ... . . ........... (Photo) (477) lO0L carmine, perf 14xl3 ½, n.h., very tine ..... (Photo) (477a) 1948 St. Catherine set compl., incl. Air Post, fine to very fine, tied
by doubl e c ircle MILANO I MAR 48 First Day ca nce ls on Regis. flown envelope to U.S., New York receiver on reve rse (Photo) (489-92,C l27, 128) 668 ** EB 1949 Centenary I00L brown, blk of 4, n.h., folded along ve11. perfs, one stamp inc lusion , anot her light bend, very fine. DM2 I 00 (Photo) (5 18) 669 ** EB 1950 Radio Conference set of two, blks of 4, n.h., folded along
horiz. perfs, very tine. DM3200 . .............. 670
975.00) (75 .00) (75.00)
(Photo) (538,539 ) (368.00)
Parcel Post; 1946-54 Wmkd. Winged Wheel l000L ultramarine , n.h., fresh, fine ...... (Front Cover Photo) (Q76) (1,350.00)
Parcel Post Authorized Delivery; 1956-58 Wmkd. Multiple Stars 75L brown , l IOL lilac rose , right sheet margin copies, n.h., forme r tiny inc lusions, ex tre me ly fine. DM I025 . (Photo) (QY8, I0)
Same, but 75L top sheet margin, n.h., extreme ly fine (Photo) (QY8, I 0)
ll0L , vert. pair of compl. stamps, n.h., very fine . DM950 (Photo) (QY I 0)
330.0 0
Aegean Islands; 1933 Balbo Flight triptychs set of two, n.h., very fine. DM220 ....................
. ... . . . ........................
682 * EB
683 0
1905-11 Mult. Crown CA lsh black on greenish, $1llLLING bottom right stamp in corner Control blk of 4 with normals, I.h., reinforced separations, few negligible stains, fine. Rare control block. Ex L.C.C. Nicholson. S.G. 54,a (Back Cover Photo) (43,a) 2,500.00+
1919-21 2½p blue & dark blue, double impression, tiny internal tear, fine appeara nce. Only ten stamps with double impressions believed to exist. S.G . 82 var. . . ... . .... . ..... . ... (Photo) (79 var.)
lsh bright orange & orange, FRAME INVERTED, unused, very fine. S.G. 85a, £18,000 (Front Cover Photo) (83a) 25,000.00 Only a handful of unused copi es known to ex ist. A great 20th Century error.
JAMAICA The ' 'Gaston '' Errors 675 S
676 0 677 0 678 * lal
68 1
1860-63 Wmkd. Pineapple lsh brown, distinct double impression of entire design, ovptd. SPECIMEN, o.g., horiz. crease and tiny thin. Pwp ortedly the unique copy. S.G. 6S var. (Photo) (6S var.) Jsh brown, $1llLLING, small faults, handstamp on reverse, lightly ca ned . and rich co lor . S.G . 6c ... . . . ... . ....... .. ... .. . (Photo) (6c) 1870-71 Crown CC lsh brown, $1llLLING, lightly caned. , corner (Photo) ( 12a) perf creas ing, fine. S .G . 13b .... .... ........ ........... 1890 Provisional 21/2p on 4p orange brown, double ovpt. and 1½mm spacing top stamps in corner Control blk of 6 with normals, also broken "K" for "Y", " PFNNY" for " PENNY" and other broken letters top row, error stamps n.h., tiny faults and negligible adherances on reverse, reinforced separations at bottom, fresh and fine. S.G. 30,b, vars. . ......... (Photo) (27,b) 2½p on 4p, triple surch., o.g., light overall toning not mentioned in cert., fine. Royal Cert. (1933). Ex L.C.C. Nicholson. S.G. 30b var. ..... .. .. .. .......................... .. .. .... .. .. (Photo) (27 var.) 1897 Crown CA lsh brown, $HILLING, o .g. (hjnge remnant s), horiz. crease, fresh, fine appearance. S.G . 24b ..... . (Photo) (28a) 1903-04 ½p to Sp, "SE R.ET" for "SERVIET", in pairs with normals, o.g ., Ip short corner perf, Sp staining , fine or fine appeara nce . S.G. 33-36,a ..............
1,500 .00 1,350.00
1,950.00+ uni. 2,000.00
. ... .. ..... .... .. . .. (33-36 ,b-a) 1,875 .00+
Abolition of Slavery 685
Unissued Script CA 6p blue green & red, WITHOUT SPECIMEN OVERPRINT, o.g., negligible gum crease, fresh, very fine. Ex Alexander Preston Watts. S.G. £ 14,000 .... (Front Cover Photo) (See footnote after 87) 20,000.00 Eight copi es believed to exist.
686 S
Mutt. Crown CA 6p blue green & red, ovptd. SPECIMEN reading up, o.g., very fine .. . . . . . . . . . ... . .... . .. . . . . ... .. .. . (Photo) 1,250.00
687 S
Script CA 6p blue green & red, ovptd. SPECIMEN reading down , l.h ., very fine .... .. .. . .. .. ... . . ... .. ........ .......... (Photo ) 1,250.00
688 S
6p, ovptd. SP EC IMEN readin g down , o.g., light overall toning, very fine . ... . . . ... . . ... .. .. . . . .. . . . . . ............... .. . .. .. . .. (Photo) 1,250.00
** 8:I1956
Elizabeth Sp red orange & bright ultramarine, perforations shifted dramatically through "JAMAICA", corner number blk of 4, stamps n.h., very fine. Purportedly only ten copi es known . .. . ................................. . ........ (Photo) ( 167 var.)
Officials 690 0
69 1 0 692 693
*8:I *8:I
695 0
696 0
1890 Type II ½p green, both "I''s of "OFF ICIAL " omitted, lightly caned., fine. Royal Cert. (1927). S.G. Ole , £500 (Photo) (01 var.)
½p, " L" of " OFFICIAL" omitted, lightly caned., defective, fine appearance. S .G.10ld , £500 . . . . ... .. ... . . . .. . .... . (Photo) (0 I var.)
½p, double ovpt., blk of 4, n.h.(2)/ 1.h.(2), bottom 1ight stamp crease , fresh, fine. S.G. 0 I f, £260+ ................. (Photo) (0 I c)
½p, double ovpt, one slanting, blk of 4, o.g., creas ing, very fine appearance .. . . . ................ . ............ .. ......... (Photo) (0 le)
440 .00+
½p, double ovpt., one vertical, fine. B.P.A. Cert. (1956). S.G. Olh ................. . .. . .. . ...... . . . ... . . . . ... . ...... . . . . (Photo) (Ole ) 1,250.00 Type I 1/2p green, double ovpt., top ovpt. broken "E" for second "F", light staining, fine appearance. Possibly only three kno wn copies. S.G. O2a var. . . . .. . ... . ... . .. .. . . . . .... (Photo) (OH' var.)
Revenue Stamps; 1897 Mutt. Crown CA lsh brown, ovptd. JUDICIAL, vert. pair, bottom stamp plate naw between "A" and "G" of " POSTAGE", ms. cancel, very fine. Purportedly uniqu e mullip le. Ex Alexander Preston Watts. S.G. 53a var. (Photo) (54a var.)
:ich liecht. Verkaufsstelle fii r Postwertzeichen , I
iecht. Verkaufsstelle fiir Postwertzeichen, Vaduz
697 698 699
700 701 702
** *
JAPAN: 1936 Leased Terr itory set of three , n.h., gum disturbed from glassine backing, very fine .... . ............. (Photo) (227-29) 276.00 JORDAN: 1920, Nov. 9pi bistre , perf 15xl4 , unused (regummed), fres h, fine. Att ractive copy of this rare stamp. 8.P .A. Cert. ( 1989) S.G. 8, £ 1300 .................................. . .......... (Photo ) (9a) 1,750.00 ** KENYA , UGANDA AND TANZANIA: 1938-54 George VI S0c gray black & red violet, types I and II in sheet margin vert. pair , light gum toning, otherwise very fine. S.G. 144,a, £ 185+ (Photo ) (69a,b) 300 .00+ KOREA: 1956 Laid Paper 10h lilac rose, 20 h lilac , 50h violet, imp erf Souvenir sheets of one , l.h., very fine. DM 1350 (Photo) (235-37 vars.) uni. ** 1958 Tenth Anniversary imp erf Souvenir sheet of two, n.h., very fine ............. . .. .. ................. . .... .. .... .. .. . ... (Photo ) (285a) (75.00) **EEKUWAIT: 1923-24 Wmkd. Star George V l0r carmine & green , sheet margin blk of 4, n.h., light gum toning, otherwise very fine. Scarce multipl e. S.G. 15 ........................... . .... (Photo ) ( 15) 1,000.00+
-.J .....
1 ,_ lie rrn Georg e !Conrath, 25 N Filbert Allento wn Pa.
~~,gg~· ~ ~ ¢ ~
704 1:81
705 1:81
1934-35 Coat of Arms Sfr dark violet, l.h., fresh, very fine. DMI 100 .................................. . ............... (Photo ) ( 13 1) 500.00 1951 Royalty 2fr dark blue, perf 121/2x12, 3fr dark red brown , perf 14½, former light offset, very fine , each tied by VADUZ 20. XI. 51 First Day pmk s. on Regis. envelope, Allentown receiver on reverse. Mi. 304A , 3058. DMlO00 ....... (Photo ) (259,260a ) 350.00+ 1955 2fr dark brown , 3fr dark green , compl. set, ver y fine , tied by neat VADUZ 5. IV. 55 First Day cance l on flown Regis., enve lope , Allentown rece iver on reverse. DM800 (Photo ) (287,288) ( 110.00+)
E.>71 4291 l
u .II...::=-7l 'd 1JL......
ii. a ~,..>,I._
I t~.£ ~
-r4J 1 -ti-~ 6 l i]:
........... ,, . •-.- -~~!jl •....,J.~~ l -t~6➔ <Q--t~o~tl4 ~~ ~· ~¥ql~· .~,l!itl'j ~~i~ .J-, 14 2 8 9~ l2il 4 ~ ~!;?~:: 111o~~n:::40
:z~ .
701 ~-~~.,1;,j
(ff~~:;: !I~~
70 8
7 12
713 7 14
Air Post; 1930 lSr to lfr, comp). set, neg ligible perf staining, fine to very fine, tied by boxed I. Postflug VADUZ-St. GALLEN 3 1. August (Photo) (C I-6) ( 162.50+) 1930 pmk s. and St. Gallen c.d .s. on flown Reg is. cover, Berlin receiver on rever se .............................................. 1936 Graf Zeppelin set of two, Jjght stainin g, fine appearance , tied by TRIESENBERG I.Y.36 First Day cance l and tiny portion of red cachet 180.00+ on flow n Reg is. envelope beari ng ms. " By Airship ' Hindenberg"', New York rece ivers on reverse .................. .... ... (Photo) (C l5 , 16) Compl. set, 2fr ink offset, fine, tied by TRIESENBERG 4. V.36 pmk . on cacheted Reg is. envelope, New York backsta mps (Photo) (C l 5, 16) 180.00+ LUXEMBOURG Semi-Postals 1933 Henry VII set compl., very fine, tied by double circle VILLE 28 .5.36. pmk s. on enve lope to U.S. DM340 as used (Photo) (B55-59) (97.40) 1934 John the Blind set compl., fine to very fine, tied by double circle VILLE 28. 11.35. pmks . on Regis. enve lope, Richmond rece iver on reve rse. DM380 as used ................... .... . . .... . .. .... ..... . .............................. .... ......................... .. ...... . (Photo) (B60-65) ( 110.28+) 1936 Wenceslas I set of six, fine to very fine, tied by WECKER 1.12.36. First Day ca nce ls on Regis. enve lope, railroad backsta mp (Photo) (B73-78) 1939 Royalty set of six, fine to very fine, tied by VILLE 1.12.39. First Day cance ls on Reg is. envelope, Bloomfie ld, N .J. rece iver on reverse. (Photo) (B98- 103) DM280 as used .......... . ...................................... . ...... . ........ . ............. . ... . ............. .. ................... 1946 Anniversary set of four, very fine, tied by VILLE 5. 12.46. First Day cancels on unadd ressed envelope. DM500 . (Photo) (B 133-36) 1949 Souvenir sheet of three, very fine, tied by fancy 8 JAN. 1949 First Day cancels on Regis. envelope, New York receiver on reverse. DM900 .......................................... . .. . . ................ . . . ........... . ..... . . . ...... . ....... .. ... . . . .. . ... . ....... .. .... .. . (Photo) (BISI) 1950 Child Welfare set compl., very fine, tied by LUXEMBOURG PUPILLES DE LA NATION 24.6. 1950 First Day cancels on Regis. (Photo) (B 156-6 l ) 141.40+ envelope, Rhode Island receiver on reverse . DM375 ...............................................................................
._,_,_'!' .ti ,!'>-1-lf'••t.,.V...,... ,~ ,
LUJ:embourg Cheri ty la aue l939 Fir st Dey Cover
707 '/
709 ~ .t
,,.:i'JE..,,.,_..z 2> ,ei.z.. .s;. :
K. H. Boyter 364 Fourth Avenue
R T''fi~::;• 708
New Yor k/Ci tY U . S .A.
7 16 * 7 17
7 18
719 720
MALAYA: Kelantan; 1937-40 Sultan set comp l., l.h. or o.g., brilliant colors, very fine. S.G. 40-54, £527 ...... (Photo) (29-43) * EE Perak; Japanes e Occupation , 1944 Red Cross, the seven diff. surchd. , singles and mar gin blk s of 4, n.h. or o.g., generally tropical gum, fresh, fine to very fine. Single copies signed Rowell (S.G.13 11- 17) ** Trengganu ; 1921-38 Script CA $5 red & green on yellowish, sheet margin Control copy, stamp n.h. , very fine. S.G. 58 (Photo ) (38) ** MANCHUKUO: 1934 Wmkd. Curved Lines l/2f to l y, compl. set, n.h. , ver y fine .................................. (Photo ) (23-31) ** 1937 Wmkd. Character s 13f on 12f brown red , n.h., one perf trace of stain, very fine ........ .. .. .. .................. (Photo ) ( 108)
72 1 0
375.00 429.50 175.00
MAURITIUS : 1848 Int erm ediate Impre ssion 2p blue on bluish, Pos. 12, very lar ge even margin s, neat double circle " 14" (Riviere du Rempart ) cancel, extremel y fine and bea utiful. A.P.E.S. Cert. (1993). S.G. 14, £2000 (Back Cover Photo ) (6a) 1,650.00
722 l8l
MONACO: Air Post ; 1955-57 Bird s set compl., perf 11, ver y fine, tied by MONACO-VILLE 14 - I 1955 First Day cancels on two cacheted envelopes . DMS00 as used ........ (Photo ) (C4 l-44) 723 * NATAL: 1902-03 Crown CC Edward VII £1 lOsh violet & blue green, o.g., trace of toning on reverse, very fine. S.G. 143 (Photo ) (97) NETHERLANDS: 1949 Juliana lg to 10g compl. , n.h. except lg 724 * I.h., very fine . DM3000 ........................... (Photo ) (319-22) 725 ** EE 1952 Stamp Centenary sets compl., blks of 4, n.h., very fine. DM768 . ............. . ..... ......... ... ....... . .. . . ............ . (332-39) 726 pp NEW BRUNSWI CK : 1860 Connell Sc brown , imperf plate proof on India , sheet margin copy, another copy ovptd. SPECIMEN vert. at left in carmine , full to large margins except latter frame line touched, fine lo very fine .................. (Photo ) (SP)
111: f,n
a lNtlJl::::Rl.l\NDJ!
1860 Without Mesh 6p orange , mostly very large margins all round, thinned, neatly caned. and attractive. S.G. 14, £600 (Photo ) ( 13) 1,000.00 728 pp 1897 Cabot le to 60c, compl. set, imperf plate proofs on card , pair s, full to enormous margins, extremely fine. (Photo ) (6 1-74P) 1897-1901 Edward VII 2c vermilion, imp erf pair, o.g., large 729 * margins three sides, close at bottom, small thins, handstamps on reverse, fine, scarce. S.G. 87a, £225 .. . ........... . . . .. (Photo) (82) 200.00 730 PPEE 1908 Map 2c rose carmine, imperf plate proof on car d, single and sheet margin blk of 4, full to enormous margins other sides, extremely fine ............. .. ............................ (Photo) (86P) 1910 Guy Issue le deep green , imperf pair , l.h. , enormous 73 1 * margins all round , ext r eme ly fine ... . .......... (Photo) (87 var.) uni. 6c clar et, typ e II , imp erf pa ir , I.h., enormou s margin s, extr emely 732 * fine . ....................... . .... . .. . ... . . . . . . ... . . .. .... (Photo ) (92Ab) 300.00
1911 Engraved 6c brown violet, imperf pair, l.h., enormous margins, natural offset on front, extremely fine. (Photo) (98a) PP 1929-31 Re-engraved le green, 2c deep carmine, 3c deep red brown, imperf plate proofs on card, pairs, le vert., full to large margins, very fine ....... . . . ..................... . (Photo) ( I63-65P) ** EB le green, imperf blk of 4, n.h., large margins all round, left stamps light vert. bend , very fine. S.G. 179b, ÂŁ220+ ...... (Photo) ( 163c) * EB 3c deep red brown, imperf blk of 4, ungummed, very large margins, scissors cut between right stamps well away from design, extremely fine .......................................... . .. . ...... ( 165a) PPEB 1932-37 George V 2c gray black, imperf trial color proof, blk of 4, ungummed, enormous margins, extremely fine .... . ( I 85TC ) * EB 1933 Gilbert le to 32c, compl. set, blks of 4, n.h.(2)/1.h. or o.g.(2), very fine . . .. .......................................... (Photo) (2 12-25)
733 * 734
735 736
737 738
280.00+ 250.00+
743 744 745 746
** ** ** **
1933 Balbo Flight $4.50 on 75c bistre, n.h., extremely fine .......... (Photo) $4.50 on 75c, n.h. , extremely fine ... . . . ..... . ... . . (Photo ) $4.50 on 75c, n.h. , extremely fine . .. ... ..... . ..... (Photo) Another copy, n.h., fresh, fine. A. Diena Cert. ( 1983) (Photo)
(C18) (C18) (C l8 )
700.00 700.00 700.00
(C l 8)
Air Post 1931 Unwmkd. SOc green, $1 blue, imperf vert. pairs, n.h., full margins all round , very fine. S.G. I 93b, 194b, ÂŁ72 5 (Photo) (C7,8 vars.) uni. 1932 D0-X $1.50 on $1 blue, l.h., very fine .... . . (Photo) (C I2) 475.00 740 * 74 1 * EB $I.SO on $1, blk of 4, o.g., small faults and separations, fine (Photo) (C l2) 1,900.00+ 1933 Labrador Sc light brown, 75c bistre, imperf left sheet 742 * margin copies, unused, large margins other sides, extremely fine. $ I 050 as imperf pairs .............. . . .. . . . (Photo) (C 13a, 17a vars.) unpr . 739 **
747 747 ** EB $4.50 on 75c, blk of 4, n.h., perfectly centered, extremely fine ......... ... . ............................. ..... (Photo) (Cl8) 2,800.00+
748 ** EE NEW GUINEA: 1932-34 Without date scrolls 2sh to £1 compl., sheet margin blks of 4, 2sh with Imprint, n.h., very fine. S.G. 186-89 ... . . .. . ..... ......... .......... . ............... . (Photo) (42-45) 1,680.00+ 749
Officials; 1932-34 Without date scrolls lp to Ssh compl. set, l.h., generally very fine. S.G. 023-35 ................. (Photo) (0 23-35)
4 17.75
NEW ZEALAND: Official; 1933 Perf 14 Ssh green, o.g., fresh, (Photo) (05 7) fine. S.G. 011 3 ...... .. .. .. ...........................
75 1 0
NIGER COAST PROTECTORATE: 1893 Handstamped Surch. ½p on 2½p violet on bluish, red surch. type "e" (S.G. 5), neatly (Photo) (2 1) caned., extremely fine. S.G. 17 ...... ........ ..........
754 ** 755
* * *
lOsh on Sp lilac & blue, vermilion surch. type "h" (S.G. 12), o.g., characteristic centering for this value. A fresh and fine copy of this rare stamp. Ex Dale/Lichtenstein (Back Cover Photo) (33) 16,500.00 NIUE: 1941-45 Wmkd. Single-lined NZ and Star Close Together 2sh6p to £1 compl. set, n.h., fresh, fine to very fine. S.G. 79-82, £475 ........ . ... . ...................... . . . ..... . . . .... (Photo) (86-89)
7 15.00
Com pl. set, n.h., fine to very fine ... ..............
(Photo) (86-89)
7 15.00
NORTH WEST PACIFIC ISLANDS: 1915-19 Wmkd. Narrow Crown and Narrow A £1 ultramarine & brown, o.g., very fine. (Photo) (38) S.G. 99 ....................... . .. . ........................
PANAMA; Air Post; 1936 Arosemena Sc on ½c orange, o.g. , very fine. Only 200 issued. Signed Charla!. Ex Everett (Photo) (C 19)
RHODESIA: 1910 Double Portrait lOsh red orange & myrtle green, o.g., brilliant fresh, very fine. S.G. 163 ..... (Photo) ( 117) 1,000 .00
758 181
RUSSIA: 1925 Imperf set of four, fine to very fine, tied by MOSCOW 25 I 25 Exhibition cancels on Regis. envelope, filing crease. Very scarce ... . .. . . . ........... (Photo Next Page) (294-97)
759 181
Air Post; 1930 Graf Zeppelin set of two, fine to very fine, used with other values and tied by Special Zeppelin MOSCOW 10 IX 30 First Day cancels on envelope (40k on 3k postal card) to Germany, eac h bea rin g a ppropri ate vio le t ha nd sta mp and FRIED RICHSHAF EN (BODENSEE) 11 9 30 pmk. (Photo Next Page) (C l2, l 3)
760 ** EE RYUKYU ISLANDS: 1948-49 First Printing ly ultramarine, blk of 4, n.h., very fine ...................... .. .. . .. . ...... . (Photo) (7a) 1,200.00+ 761 S181
Postal Stationery; 1964-65 l '12 c multicolored postal cards, 3 ditT., ovptd. SPECIMEN, #UX26SA creasing and light staining, others very fine .. .. .. .... . .. . ... (Photo Next Page) (UX26-28SA) 1,150.00
762 !:::,
ST. CHRISTOPHER: 1885 Diagonal Bisect '/2p on half of lp rose, invertd. surch., pair with lp and 4p on 6p green, period after " PENCE" , all tied by " A l 2" in grid on small piece. Ex Dale/Lichtenstein. S.G. 22b, 13, 23b .......... (Photo) ( 17b,9, 19a) 1, 140 .00+
J"• Iv
761 1111111
I \..g r.'~
~ I I
....¾~.1 ~ :t.: \..,/
FEff~v - c ~-769
763 764
765 766 767 768
* * * ** ** **
•lt lif~
/ <:)~
8,,0,~........_ JC ) ~ 7
ST. HELENA: 1934 Centenary set compl.., 1.h., fine to very fine . S.G. 114-23 . .. ..... . .... . . .. . ............... . ........ (Photo) ( 10 1- 10)
673 .75
ST. KITTS-NEVIS: 1923 Script Caravel set compl., plus MCA Ssh, l.h. incl. I 0sh or o.g., fine to very fine. S.G . 4 8-59 (Photo) (52-63)
ST. VINCENT: 1880 Bisect Ip on right half of 6p blue green, unu sed, deep co lor , fine. S.G. 28 ............. . ........ (Photo) (30) 1,000 .00 SAN MARINO: Air Post; 1933 Graf Zeppelin surchd. set compl., n.h., very fine. DM750 ....... . ...... . . . ........... . (C 11- 16)
Same, n.h., 5L tiny inc lusions, very fine .. ................
(C 11- I 6)
Same, vert. pairs, n.h., few tiny inclusions, very fine (Photo) (C I 1- 16)
30 1.50
769 181
Hejaz; 1916 Local cover (slightly reduced) bearing bi-lingual FEE PAID mkg., DJEDDA 23.11.1916 pmk. on reverse. Very rare. Addressed to a repr esentative and close confidant of the Sherif of Mecca . . . .. .. . .. . ... . .. .. .. . ....... . .......... . . . ......... . ... (Photo)
770 pp
1916-17 lpa, ¼pi, ½pi, lpi , imperf plate proofs, ungummed , large margins, extremely fine. Rare. Only 300 sets recorded (Photo) (LS-SP)
* ** *
i:tr U d.S 8 ll
•·,..,.!y C-3 ..
1921 ½pi red, double ovpt., both invtd., part o .g., fresh, fine. Very rare . S.G . 24d , £525 .... .... .. .. . ...... ........ ... (Photo) (LI 7 var.)
1925 King Ali blue ovpt. lOpi red & orange, imperf, n.h., very large margins all round , very fine . S .G. see note after I 85C , £300 (Photo) (LI 85 var.)
1925 Pilgrimage Spi scarlet, unsurfaced buff paper, unused, fresh, fine. Exceedingly rare. S.G. 231a, £500 . (Photo) (45 var.)
**83Kingdom **
of Saudi Arabia; 1960-62 lype I lO0p dark blue & green blue, 200p lilac & green, blks of 4, latter bottom right corner blk, n.h., 200p two stamps gum disturb ed (one with trace of this), fresh, fine. S.G. 426 , 427 , £400+ ...... (Photo) (225 ,226)
420.00 +
1964-70 and 1966-78 Redrawn 200p dark gray & olive gray lO0p dark blue & red brown, n.h., former light bend, latter pulled perf, fine to very fine . S.G . 556 , 686, £350 .. . . (Photo) (34 1,449)
Air Post; 1960-61 lype I 2p green & dull purple, vignette severely shifted and showing well below bottom frames, imperf blk of 4, n.h., extremely fine. S.G. 429 var., uni. (Photo) (CS var.)
Postage Due; 1925 20pa red, invtd. ovpt., Pos. 11, sheet margin copy, n.h., brilliant fresh, extremely fine. Rare. Signed D. Graham. S.G. D93a, £500 . .. . ....... . .... . .. ... . . (Photo) (LJ22a)
Postal Tax; 1936 General Hospital 1/sg scarlet, o.g. , small inclusions, fresh , fine. S.G . 345, £375 ..... . .... . ... (Photo) (RA2)
780 0
78 1 0
782 181
784 0
* *
SIERRA LEONE: 1933 Wilberforce ½p to £1, compl. set, lightly caned., high values by Regis. ovals, £1 tied on small piece, generally very fine. Scarce used. S.G. 168-80. (Photo) (153-65) 2,258.45 SWITZERLAND: 1850 Without Frame Around Cross Sr black & red on deep blue, Pos. 4, large 10 huge margins, nea t black P.P. in circle cance l, tiny corner crease, very fine appeara nce. Yan der Weid/M archand Cert . ( I989) . Ex Dal e/Lichtenstein. Zurn. I 5lI, Sfrs750 . .. . ................... . ... . . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . . ........ (Photo) (7a)
1855-57 Helvetia lfr lavender, black silk thread, full to large margins, neatly ca ned., pin hole, very fine appearan ce. Zurn. 27Ca, (Photo) (30) SFrs 1250 ... . . . . .. . . . ..... .... .............................
1942 10c brown, red & gray blue, the three diff. inscriptions, very fine, tied by double circle MANSHORN 2 1.111. 42 . First Day cance ls on enve lope (s mall edge tears), Nazi ce nsor mkgs. o n reverse . Zurn . Sfrs450 ................ ..... . ..... . . (Photo) (28 1-83) TANGANYIKA: 1927-31 George V lsh to £1, compl., l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine. S.G. I 02-07 ..................... . .......... (39-44)
TASMANIA: 1853 Unwmkd. imperf Ip blue, mostly large margins all round , neg ligible all-over toning, nea t face-free ca nce l, very fine . S.G. £650 .. . .. .... .. . .. ....... ..... . ............ (Photo) ( I) 1,000.00 THRACE: 1913 Giumulzina District Surchd. set of four, l.h. or o.g., handstamps on reverse, fine to very fine. Vis. Dr5 0,000 (Photo) ( 1-4)
Same, 1.h. or o.g ., IOL on 20pa disturb ed o.g. , fine to very fine. All but IOL signed Richter .... . ........... . ... ..... . . ... ... .......... ( 1-4)
787 * IBI TRINIDAD: 1851-53 Unwmkd. (Ip) blue, corner sheet margin blk of 20, full o.g. , all but a few n.h ., large marg ins other sides , gum wrink les tow ards corner margin stamps, very fine and impre ssive multipl e. S.G. 3 ... . ..... . .. .. . .. . .. .... ... . ...... . ....... (Photo) (3)
** 790 * 79 1 * 792 ** 793 * 789
ZANZIBAR: 1913 Wmkd. Multiple Rosette 200r black & brown , l.h., fre sh, very fine. S.G. 260f ..... . .. . .. (Photo ) (140) 1,500.00 200r, n.h., fresh, fine .... . ..... .. ... ...............
..... (Photo ) ( 140) 1,500.00
ZULULAND: 1892 Wmkd. Anchor Ssh rose, l.h., perfectly centered, extr emely fine. S.G . 11 ...... . .... ......... . (Photo ) (11) 1,500.00 Another cent ered copy, l.h., extremely fine ........
(Photo ) (11) 1,500.00
1894-96 Crown CA £ 1 violet on red, NEVER 1-DNGED, fresh, very fine. S.G. 28 . ... .. . ............. . ....... .... .. . . . . (Photo ) (23) 1,250.00 £ 1, very l.h., fr esh, very fine ......... . ........ . . .... . . (Photo) (23) 1,250.00
19th Century , coll. of several thou sa nd dilf. in 2 bound International albums (revised edition) in carton, o.g. to unused or used, stamps from virtually everywhere with much Europe, Latin America and Briti sh areas, incl. bett er items throughout , faults as would be expected but many fine and useful items , worth careful inspection. Est. Cash . .... . ... . .. . ... .. ...... . ... ... . . ...... . ... .. . .. . . . .. . . . . .. ... . . .. . Val. $4,000-5,000 ........... . .. ........... ....... . ................
19th and 20th Century 795 * c::)c8JAccum. of several thou sa nd stamps and a few hundred covers or picture postcard s in ring-binders , etc., in carton , n.h. to unused or used, much Western Europe and Briti sh areas, wide range with some early covers, Latin America , mixed condition to very fine, an eclectic accumu lati on worth careful inspection. Est. Cas h Val. 1,500+ ..... .. . .. .. . .
796 * O
Accum. of man y hundred stamp s in glassines in brimming stockbook in box, mostly used, balance unu sed , much Europe, Latin America and some Briti sh areas, few U.S., incl. better item s, cancels , etc., mixed condition with reference not figur ed. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 .......... . .. . .... ... . .. . .. . . .. .. . . ...... .. .. . ...... . .. . . ... . .. . .. .. . . .. .. . ... .
Accum. of man y hundr ed stamp s on stock ca rd s inserted into bulging stockbook in box, n.h. to o.g., some used, mostly Europe with much Sca ndin avia, also Latin America and misc. Briti sh, etc., incl. compl. or part sets, scattered better item s, reprints , Airs, back-of-book , U.S. 3c on Patriotic cover - go figure -, generally fine to very fine and .. .. . . . ... . ................... worth insp ection. Est. Cas h Val. $1,000-1,500 . . ...... .. .. . . .. .... . . . .. . .. . .........................
798 * c::)c8JBalance of a prop ert y, thou sands of stamp s in albums or loose and a few hundred covers in two cartons, unu sed or used , incl. stamp s on pap er, sea ls, wide ran ge of countrie s incl. U.S., mostly comm ercial covers, few station er y, mixed condition with scattered moderately better , should be carefully inspected. Est. Cas h Val. $1,000+ . . .. . ...... . 799 * c::)c8JBalance of a property , stamp s and covers strewn haphazardly in 2 cartons , incl. U.S., Jamaica , Dominican Rep. , etc. , colls., accum s., multiple s, imperf s, misc. Literature , mixed condition though much useful , worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. ... . . .. . . $500-1,000 .............................................................................................................................. 800 * c::)c8JRemainder of a propert y in carton , a few thou sa nd stamp s and a coup le hundred cover s, incl. U.S. Revenue s, small coll. of Austria and Hung a ry , accum. on stock sheets, Briti sh areas, etc., Briti sh covers with cacheted FDCs, Canada Flights, early . Great Britain, etc. , mixed condition to very fine , eclect ic and worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $500-1,000 ................... 80 I
Coll. of man y hundred in 3 large Schaubek albums in carton, o.g. to unused or used, sca ttering s from man y countries though stronger in Europe, some U.S., a few slightly bett er items, mixed condition to very fine , worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. . .. . ........ .. . .. . .. . . .. . ........ . ... . ........... . $500-750 ..... . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . . . ... . . ..... . .. ......... .. . ... .. ... . . ...... . .. . . . ...................
Accum . of a few thou sa nd stamp s on pages or small album s and loose in box, mostly used, balance unused , mu ch Austria . . . .. . ... . and other Europe incl. Great Britain , misc. U.S., mixed condit ion. Est. Cash Val. $500-600 .............................
Balance of a property in 2 cartons, o.g. to unused or used, a dozen albums incl. bound Internationals and 1875 Appleton, some sparsely filled or empty, a few slightly better items particularly Canada, also thousands used in glassines or loose, some U.S. mixed . in, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $300-500 ...... .. ..... . ......... . . .. . . ..... . . ..... .. .... . ..................................................
To about 1930, propert y as recei ved, compr. a coll. of several thou sa nd in 2 Junior International albums , o.g., to unused or used, incl. Europe and Colonies , Latin America, few better U.S. in separate American album, some dupl. and reference, mixed . cond ition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200-300 ..... ..... . . .. ... . .. ....... .. . . ... .. .... . ... . . . .. . .......... . ........ . ......................
805 * O 806
Small balance in stockbook, unused or used, wide range of countries incl. U.S., Great Britain Ip black, other Europe and British areas, a few moderately better items, mixed condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
To about 1920, coll. of several hundred in The ROWLAND HILL PO STAGE STAMP A LBUM by T. H. Hinton (London, circa 1908), mostly used, few o.g., chiefly common issues, generally fine to very fine, an attractive album. Est. Cash Val. $ 100 . .. . .. .
807 * O
Primarily 20th Century, property as received, coll. of many thousand ditf. in numerous Minkus albums, 4 Internationals and ring-binders in 2 cartons, o.g. or used, some n.h., wide range of countries, incl. United States and extensive British Commonwealth, compl. or part sets, Souvenir sheets, etc., some faults though generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $4,000-5,000 . .. ...... . . . .. . .. . ... . . . ..................... . . ........... . .. . . ... . ... . ... .. . .. . .. ....... . ........ .
808 * O
Property as received , thou sands of stamps in stockbooks , glassines, album and loose in carton, n.h. to o.g. or used, wide range with much Europe and British area s, misc. U.S., compl. sets, Airs , common as well as moderately better , mixed condition to very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-2,000 . . .. . .. . . .. . ... . ... . ........ .. . . ... . . .
20th Century 809 * O
Accum. of a few thousand stamps in 6 stockbook s in carton, n.h. to o.g. or used , wide range of countries though mostly Europe and Briti sh areas, larger group of France and Rus sia with compl. and part sets, some French Colonies , few imperf s, etc. , generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,200 ................................. .. . . .
8 10
**IBI Small
8 1I
*EE Accum. of several
8 12
*OIBI Accum. of several
8 13
8 14
**IBI Accum. of over
8 15
**IBI Accum. of many hundred stamps in stockbook, vast maj ority n.h., wide range of countries incl. Europe and British areas, many
balance of a propert y on stock sheets in ring-binder and sheet files in box, vast majority n.h., incl. Liechtenstein , G.D.R. , compl. sheets. , some tete-beche , selection of Germany , other foreign incl. French Colonies, Cayman Island s Centenary set (2), etc. , a few small faults though overall fine to very fine, eclectic balance. Est. Cash Val. $600-800 . . . . . .. . .. .. . . ... .. .. .
hundred Souvenir sheets on stock sheet s in 2 ring-binders, n.h. to o.g., wide range of countries incl. Europe with Germany, Great Britain and some colonie s, Africa , etc., scattered cacheted FDCs and compl. sets , some faults though generally fine to very fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,600.00+
hundred items on stock sheets in ring -binder , vast majority n ..h, some used , primarily Souvenir sheet s with compl. or miniature sheets, some compl. sets of singles, unlisted gold and silver foil issues, many countries incl. Africa, Europe, British area, Airs, etc., fine to very fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000.00+
Balance of a property, about 50 ditT. on stock sheets, n.h. to o.g., mostly comp!. sets incl. Belgium, Luxembourg, Saudi Arabia 1974 UPU Centenary, Canada Admiral and O.H.M.S to $ 1, War Tax, Sudan Army Official invtd. ovpt. #M04a affixed to small piece, Lebanon Semis invtd. ovpts., etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-600 ................................................. . 125 unexploded booklets on stock sheets in 2 ring-binders, n.h., incl. much Europe with France, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Switzerland, Scandinavia, others, British areas, few Japan, etc.,. fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-500
comp!. sets, also Souvenir sheets and some comp!. sheets of China and Japan, fresh and fine to very fine .................... 8 16
8 17
**EESmall balance of a property on stock cards, vast maj ority n.h., incl. San Marino Air Post, Netherlands and Colonies
8 18
8 19 * O
about 1,800.00
Accum. of several hundred ditT. in stockbooks, vast maj ority n.h., modern issues with larger selection of Ascension, Belgium, France, Great Britain, Pitcairn Is., United Nations, many comp!. sets, fine to very fine ................ . .... . ..... . ................ ..... 1,600.00+ 1949 UPU blks of 4, Great Britain £5 orange reprint, Switzerland modern blks of 4 and 1930s Semis, etc., fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $ 150-200 ·· · ······································· · ············· · ····· · ·· · ·· · ········ · ·· ··· · ·· · ·· · ················ ··································· 1920 to 1970s, coll. of many hundred, compr. K, L and M countries in International album, l.h. or o.g., some used, incl. Latvia and Lithuania, early Madagascar, Luxembourg, British areas, comp!. or part sets, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200-400
1940 to 1949, coll. of many hundred in International Part n album, o.g. or used, many countries with some representation, much Europe and British Colonies, misc. U.S., comp!. or part sets, Semis and Airs, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-500 .. . . .. . .. .
TOPI CA LS: Coll. of man y hundred ditT. on loose album page s and ring-binder in box, n.h. to o.g., compr. 1974 UPU Centennial and Anti-Malaria issues, many countries and compl. sets, Souvenir sheets, se-tenant, few imperfs, etc., fine to very fine ... almost 1,500.00
19th and 20th Centur y, accum. of a few thousand stamp s in glassines by country in 4 boxes in carton , used, wide range of colonies though some with only token representation, some compl. sets and scattered better items, blks, etc., mixed condition with pen cancels not figured. Est. Cash Val. $400-600 .......................... . ....................... ....... . ...... . ........ .... . . ... .. . ........ .
822 * O
Coll. of man y hundr ed on pag es in box, o.g. or used, incl. Brunei, Burma, Ceylon, Hong Kong with stamp s and a few covers, India etc., some better item s and compl. sets, perf vars., Official s, cancels, etc., some fault s though much fine to very fine 2,000.00
823 * O~ Accum. of 20 items, n.h. to unused or used, incl. Great Britain 1867-80 I0p unused with SE, Cape of Good Hope 2 diff. 4p triangulars, Jamaica Elizabeth Ish JUDICIAL sheet of 120, New Zealand Pictorial plate proofs, generally fine to very fine, an interesting group. Est. Cash Val. $200-300 ........ ...... ............................................. ..... .. .... .. . .............. . ............. . Primarily 20th Centur y, accum. of over 170 stamps ovptd. or perf ed SPECIMEN, mostly o.g., scatter ed unu sed, incl. Bahamas, Barb ados, Bermuda, Domini ca, Grenada, Mauritius with 1899 Labourdonnais 15c strip of 3, St. Vincent , com pl. and part sets, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $1,000 . ..... ........................................ .. .. . . .
824 S
Accum. of several thou sa nd sta mps in glassines in 2 boxes and small colts. on pag es or stockbook s in carton, n.h. to o.g., some unu sed, generally common issues from many colonies, incl. compl. or part sets, blks incl. Irel and , Semis Airs, etc., few Specimen s and mod erat ely better item s, some faults though overall fine to very fine with man y n.h. , worth car eful inspection!' Est. Cash Val. $1,000 .. . ........................ ..................... .. . .. ..... . .. ........ . ..... . ..... .
826 * OEBStock of man y hundr ed in glassines , reta il sa les pages and loose in carton, n.h. to unused, some used, smatterings of a wide range of countries with much Great Britain, some comp!. sets, Souvenir sheets, few covers, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200-300 ............................... . .............. ..... ............ . .. .... . ........ .... .. ...... ......................... .... ...... . .... . ........ . 827
20th Century but for a few, coll. of a few thousand diff. neatly arranged in 6 stockbook s in carton , n.h. , modern issues with a wide ran ge of Colonies, incl. compl. or part sets, high values, slight dupl., fre sh and generally very fine . Est. Cas h Val. $1,000-1,500 ....................................................... .. . . ... . ............... . . ............ .. ... . ... . .
828 ** EB20th Century, accum. of man y hundred in glassines in box, vast majority n.h., wide range of countries with many comp!. sets, blks of 4, part sets, some slightly better, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 . .. . . .. .... . .. . .. . ..... . .. . . .................. . .. . .. . 829
OMNIBUS: 1948 Silver Jubile e, group of over 75 stamp s, n.h. to o.g., 2 used, mostly sets of two, a few colonies with the high value only, fine to very fine .. ..... ... .. . .. . . ............................................ . ...... . ............ . .... .. .... . ......... . . . . ..... ... ..... 1,050.00+
830 * O
83 1
BRITISH AMERICA: 19th and 20th Century to about 1980, coll. of many hundred diff. on album page s and a few stock sheets in carton , n.h . to o.g. or used , compr. Anguilla, Barbado s, Cayman Is., Jamaica , Leeward ls., Monserrat , Trinidad and Tobago with sub-divi sions, Turk s and Caicos Is., incl. early issues but mostly mod ern compl. sets and Souvenir sheets, also 1981 Roya l Wedding issues and 1983 Commonwealth Collection, generally fine to very fine 5,500.00+
BRITISH OCEANIA: 1892 to 1935, coll. of over 250 mostly ditT. on pag es, l.h. or o.g., compr. Aitutaki, Cook Is., Niue, Penrhyn ls., incl. va lues to ÂŁ1, ovpt . and surch. vars., many S.G. shades, compl . sets, fresh and fine to very fine. S.G. ÂŁ5200 5,000.00+
FOREIGN 19th and 20th Century 832
Accum. of a few hundred diff. in stockbook, n.h. to o.g., few used, much Europe, Austria to Vatican City, some Middle East, other areas and misc. British, incl. compl. sets or better items, Airs, Souvenir sheets, some faults to much very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $1,500+ ........... . . .. ..... . .......... ........ ................ . .. . .
Balance of a property in stockbooks and on pages in ring-binders in carton, n.h. to unused or used, incl. small co ils. of Portu guese and Span ish Co lonie s, Latin America , n.h. acc um . of Argen tina, Bolivia , Afg hanistan, Algeria, Reven ues etc., mixed cond ition with much very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200-4 00 . . . .. .. .... .. ........ . ...... . .. .. . . .. ... . .. ...... . ................ ...... .......... .
834 *P
Accum. of over 40 items on stock sheets, compr. Andorra, Argentina and Spain, o.g. to unused, incl. Waterlow Specime ns with punch , stamp s ovp td. MUESTRA (Spec imen), imperf Essays , tria l co lor Die proof s, printer 's waste , refe rence, etc. , mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $ 150 ... .. . . . ................ .. ... . ....... . ........................ ........ .... . ......... . ......... ... ....... .... .
835 * 0
To about 1920, coll. of hundreds in small "IMP ROVED POSTAGE STAMP ALBUM" (S.G. 10th edition, 1885), o.g. to unused or used, compr. an excellent range of countries, stamps neatly mounted on sensibly interleaved pages, Great Britain and Commonwealth carefully removed, better U.S., generally fine to very fine, worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $500-750
REVENUE STAMPS: Accum. of many hundred in stockbook, o.g. to unused or used, much Europe and Latin America, incl. Austria, Hungary, Italy, Cuba, Ecuador, also Mauritius, Philippines, etc., variety of departments and multiples, some faults as would be expected with much very fine. Interesting array. Est. Cash Val. $500-1,000 ......................................... .
Primarily 20th Century, accum. of several hundred in glassines in shoe box, n.h. to unused or used, incl. Greece , Turkey, Jugos lavia and other Europe, also Africa with Belgian Con go, Ethiopia , Liberia , etc., some comp !. sets , mixed co ndition with much very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200 -300 ..................... . .... . ...... .. .... .... .................................. . ...... .. .. . ..... ............ .. .. .
838 ** IHI20th Century, accum. of over 200 Souvenir or miniature sheets in 3 ring-binders, vast majority n.h., mostly Europe incl. Belgium, Germany and G.D.R., Netherlands, Poland, French and Portuguese Colonies, misc. Latin America, Surinam, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 .......................................... . .................................... ...... .. . 839 ** IHIAccum. of many hundred stamps in glassines in box, n.h., appare ntly new issues circa J960 with a wide range of co untries, Liberia and other Africa, French Comm unity, Surinam, Spani sh Co lonies , etc ., many blks, Souvenir and full sheets , sets, etc., fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-500 ..... . .. . .. .. .. .... ..... .... .. . .. ... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ... .. .. .. . ............. . . ...... .... . ... .. .. .. . . . ..... ... . . .... . .. . 840
84 1 **
Stock of a few thousand stamps in glassines, stock cards, retail sales pages in carton, n.h. to o.g. or used, many countries incl. Middl e East with Israel, Africa, Latin America , co mp!. or part sets, Souvenir sheets , Airs, Japan , Korea and other Asia, cac heted FDCs , etc. , ge nerally fine stock of moderately priced stamp s. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 ..... .. .. . . ........ . . ..... .... .. .. . . .. . . .. .. . ... . . INDEPENDENT AFRICA: 20th Century, accum. of several hundred diff. in glassines in small box, n.h., compr. Burundi , Congo Rep ., Ethopia , Guinea, Liberia, Rwanda, Soma lia, mostly co mp!. sets incl. some imperf s, Semi s and Airs, fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $200-300 ... . . ...... . .. . ... . .. .... . .... .... ... . .. ........ ........ ... ....................... . .... .. ...... . .. ........ ....... ........... .... ...... .
ASIA 842
19th and 20th Century, accum. of over 300 stamps in small stockbook, n.h. to unu sed or used, incl. Hong Kong, Mongolia, few Tibet , some co mp!. sets and better items, moderate dupl. , mixed co ndition Lo very fine. Est. Cash Val. $ 150-200 .. . ............... .
843 * <::)cg;]Primarily 20th Century, balance of a property in box, a few hundred stamps on retail pages in counter books and many hundred more c.t.o., commercial and FDCs, picture postcards, Souvenir sheets and blks, mostly Japan, also China, Korea, few Thailand, etc., mixed condition to very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $400-600 . .. ............ ......... . ... . 844
Accum. of a few hundred haphazardly placed in glassines in shoe box, l.h. to unused or used, incl. Ch ina, Japan, Korea, Thailand , etc., scatlered moderat ely belier items, some faults though ge nera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $ 150-250 ...... ........ ... .. ..
20th Century, accum. of several hundred diff. in glassines in box, n.h., incl. China, Indonesia , Japan , Korea, South East Asia with Thailand, few others, many compl. sets, Airs, etc., fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-600 ... .. . .
**EECirca 1960, accum. of a few hundred in glassines in box, n.h., incl. Philippin es,
Ryukyu Is., Indones ia, Cambodia , Viet Nam, few others, mostly co mpl. sets, blks of 4, So uvenir and co mp I. sheets, fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $ 150-200 ............... . .. . .... .
SOUTH EAST ASIA: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of a few diff. in 2 small stockbooks, n.h. to ungummed, so me used , incl. French Office s in China and sub-divisions, lnd o-C hina, North Viet Nam, Japanes e Occu . with Burma , Malayan States, etc., some faults in early issues, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $200-300 ......................... . .. .. ... .. ....... .. . . .. . .. . .......... .
20th Century, stock of several thousand stamps in glassines and retail sales pages in ring-binders in 2 boxes, n.h. to unused or used, wide range with many co untri es wes t and east, co mpl. and part sets, Semi s, Souv enir sheets, Airs, few book lets, blks, cac heted FDCs , etc., so me faults though overa ll fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $300-500 .............. .. ........ . .. . .. .. .. . . .
**EE20th Century, accum. of several thousand stamps in glassines in box, vast majority n.h., balance o.g. or used, wide
range of countries with much Western Europe, many compl. sets, Semis, Airs, usually blks of 4, Souvenir sheets, imperfs, etc., clean and fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000+ ................................. . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. .. . . .. ... . . .
**EEAccum. of a few hundred
85 1
**EE20th Century, accum.
in glassines in box, n.h., co mpr. Jugos lavia, Portu ga l, Trieste, Zo nes A and B, Turkey , mostly 1950s and 60s co mpl. sets, part sets, blks of 4, some back-of-book , fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $25 0-350 ......... .. . ... .. . . ... .. .. . .
of many hundred stamps in glassines in shoe box, n.h., compr. Albania, Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Russia, incl. many compl. sets, blks of 4, Semis, Airs, few imperfs, generally post-WWII, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $750
854 0 855
EASTERN EUROPE: Primarily 20th Century, accum. of several thousand in glassines in 2 boxes, o.g. or used, some l.h., mostly Hungary and Romania, also Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, incl. many compl. sets, part sets and moderate dupl., Semis, Airs, some blks of 4 and back-of-book , mixed condition to much very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 ... . . .. . . . .
SCANDINAVIA: 19th and 20th Century, accum. of many hundred in glassines in box, l.h. or o.g. and used, compr. Denmark, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and a few D.W.I., incl. better items, compl. or part sets, Semis, Airs and back-of-book, mixed condition to much fine to very fine, careful inspection essential. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 . . ... . . . .. .. . Primarily 20th Century, used stock of a few thousand in stockbook, co mpr . Denmark , Finland , Norway , Swede n, mostly modern issues in modera te quant ities, incl. some Semis, Airs and back-of- book, clea n and ge nera lly fine to very fine .............. . .... . . .. 2,600.00 +
Century, accum. of many hundred in glassines in box, n.h., compr. Denmark , Finland, Greenland, Iceland , Norway, Sweden, many issues of 1950s and 60s, incl. compl. and part sets, blks, coils with many pairs or strips, Semis, back-of-book , some scarcer Regular Issue values, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $750+ . .. .... . .. . ........... . ... . .. ........ . .. .. . . .. . ......... . .
19th and 20th Century, accum. of seve ral thousand in glassines in 4 shoe boxes in carton, l.h. to unused or used, scattered n.h., compr. 20 countries in alphabetical order but stamps in no order within any country, incl. moderately better items, some apparently compl. sets, many Airs and some back-of-book , mixed condition to much fine to very fine, inspection essential. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 . . . .. . . ............ . .................... . ................. . . . .. . .... . ... . .. . . . . ... .. ... . . ... . .. . . ... . ......... ... ... ... . 20th Century, accum. of many hundred diff. in glassines in box, n.h., 18 countrie s with many compl. sets, Semis and Airs, misc. back-o f-book , inc l. Hispaneo la, Cuba, etc., part sets or moderat ely bett er item s, clean and fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $300-400
No t es
858 ** 83 Accum. of many hundred stamps in glassines in box, vast majority n.h ., wide range o f co untri es though sporad ic issues, many blk s of 4 plus Souv e nir sheets, co mpl. or part sets, Air s, etc., fine to very fine . Est. Cash Val. $20 0-300 ....... ... ......... .. ....... . 859
LATlN WEST INDIES: 19th and 20th Century to about 1970, coll. of a few thousand dilT. in Specialty album, n.h. to o.g., some used and a few early unused, compr. Cuba and Puerto Rico both with U.S. Administration, Dominican Rep., Haiti, high degree of completeness incl. better items, Semis, Airs, Souvenir sheets, good selection of back-of-book with some scarcer items, some faults in early issues as would be expected, overall fresh and fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $2,000-2,500 ..... ..... ........... .... .... . ............... . .. . .. . .. . .. . ............ ....... . . .. . . . ......... .
86 1
Primarily 20th Century, accum. of many hundred in glassines in shoe box, l.h. or o.g. and used, inc l. Egy pt, Iran, Lebanon , Syri a, few others , co mpl. or part sets, blks of 4, back -of- book, some faults as wo uld be expected, ge nera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 . ........ . .......................... . ... . . . ................ . -.... -.. . . -.. -. . · · -· · -· · -· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
20th Century, accum. of many hundred dilT. neatly arranged in glassines in box, n.h., generally com pl. sets of 1950s and 60s, incl. Egypt with Palestine Occu., Iran, Lebanon, Libya with Fezzan, Syria with U.A.R., Tunisia, Yemen, incl. Semis and Airs, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $600-800 ....... .. ..... .... ... . . .. .. ... . . . . .. ........... . . ................... .. ..... . . .. .. . . . . . .. . ....... . Coll. of several hundred mostly dilT. in ring-binder and album in box, o.g. or used, co mpr. Alge ria , Egyp t, Morocco and Tunisia, incl. many compl. sets, Sou venir sheets, etc ., Briti sh, Fren ch and Independence issues, ge nerally fine to very fine . . . .... . . . .. ....... 2,2 00 .00+
863 ** 83 Circa 1960, accum. of many hundred in glassines in box, vast majority n.h., mostly blks of 4 from many countries, incl. Israel , Iran , Egyp t, Saudi Arabia , Liby a, Afghani stan, others , co mp!. or part sets, imperfs and Souv enir sheets, fine to very fine. Est. Ca sh Val. $200-300 . .. . ... .. ................... .. . ............... . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . ...... .. ..... ... .................. ... ...... .. . .... .. . -. ... -.............. .
Other " Collections and Various" lots ,nay contain covers and such to vary ing degrees.
Accum. of a couple hundred covers in box, many co untri es with much Europ e, incl. Germ any and Briti sh area, wit h cac heted FDC s, co mp!. sets, co mmercial mail , etc., mixed co ndition . Est. Cas h Val. $200-400 ... ..... . .. .. ... ... . .. . . .. ... .......... . .. . ... . ........... .
Balance of a property, severa l hundred items on pages, etc., in 6 albums in carton, incl. many cac heted FDCs , incl. so me U.S., goo d se lect ion of Vatican C ity, modern Ca nada, Port uga l inc l. co mmercial mail , History of Aviation in spec ia l album , etc ., ge nera lly fine to very fine . Est. Cash Val. $200 -400 ... .. . . .......... . ....... . ...... .. . ................ . ........ . ...... . ...... . .... . . .... . ..... . . ........ .
866 18:J
Accum. of over 60 items in shoe box, most ly co mmerc ial cove rs from many d iff. co untri es, some Officia l Flight or Ze ppe lin Flight cove rs inc l. U.S., Cana l Zo ne, Germany , North Pole Mail card , Canada and Newfoundland, Euro pe, etc., mixed co ndition . Est. Ca sh Val. $200-300 ... .......... . ........................ . . .. ...... ............ . ... .. . . . .. ... .. . ... -. -... -. -...... · · · · · · · · · · · -· · · · -· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
Small accum. of covers in box, misc. se lection incl. Chi na and Korea FDC s, Europ e and Briti sh areas , commercia l mail , etc. , mixed co nditi on. Est. Cash Val. $ 150+ ............. . ....... . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . . . .... ... . . . .. .. .. . .. ... .. ............................... . .. . . .. .. .. . . .. . ... .
BRITISH COMMONWEALTH: 20th Century, accum. of a few hundred items in carton, mo stly cac heted, unaddre ssed FDC s co mmemorating Stamp Ce nte naries , wide range of co lonies with Grea t Britain and so me Reg ional Issues , comp !. sets and Souv enir sheets, fine to very fine . Est. Cas h Val. $300-500 ...... ...... . ..... ..... . .. . ..... .. ........ .. .... . ... . ...... . ..... . .. .. ... . ... .. .. .. . ........ .
869 18:J
Accum. of many hundred items in carton, wide range of countri es with many cacheted FDC s incl. Great Britain, Au stralia , New ea land and other Oceania , Ghana , South Africa co mmercial cove rs, etc ., genera lly fine lo very fine . Est. Ca sh Val. $300-500 . ..
AUSTRALIAN STATES: 1888 to 1912, group of 10 covers or stationery items, incl. 2 wrappers , 3 pictu re postcards, Australia Ip Coro nation postal ca rd, Quee nsland ½p to Italy, few small faults, an attractive and interest ing gro up. Est. Cas h Val. $ 100 .....
FOREIGN 20th Century, the balance of well over 200 items in box, wide range of countries incl. Algeria and other French areas, Middle East with Saudi Arabia, Egypt, etc., Ethiopia and other Africa, but mostly Europe with Albania, Bulgaria, Germany with Danzig, Saar and G.D.R., Greece, Jugoslavia, Romania, Russia, Turkey, misc. U.S., etc., FDCs, compl. sets, Airs, commercial mail, few picture postcards, some faults though generally fine. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 . . ............... ....... . ................ .
87 1
Accum. of several hundred items in box, mostly Europe cacheted, unaddressed FDCs with many commemorating Stamp Centenaries and Philatelic Exhibitions, also Middle East, other Africa, misc. French Colonies, many countries incl. Belgium, France, Austria, Hungary, Italy, Spain, San Marino, others, compl. sets, Semis, Souvenir sheets, some Flights and special event cancels, misc. stationery and air letter sheets, colorful and interesting group. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 .. . ....... . ...... .
Circa 1900 to 1945, group of 7 covers or cards, incl. ornate multi co lored unused postcard (pheasa nt shooting), Germa ny 1928-3 1 2m Zeppe lin on postcard to New York , mixed co ndition to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $ 150-200 ... .. .. . .. .. ........... . ............ . .. .
874 C8J
ASIA: 20th Century, accum. of over 175 items in box, incl. China, Korea, Japan, Indones ia, Philippin es, Thail and, few others , most ly cac heted, unaddr essed FDCs ce lebratin g Stamp Centenar ies , United Nation s, UNESCO and Human Rights, with comp !. sets and Souve nir sheets, few blks of 4, fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $200-400 .... . . ... . .. . .. . .......... ............ . ............ .... ... .
875 C8J
Accum. of over 200 items in box, mostly 1960s cac heted FDCs, incl. Philippin es and Japan, few Korea, Chi na, Ryukyu Is., few ot hers, some 1950s and earlier commercial mail , co mp!. sets, etc., ge nerally fine to very fine . Es t. Cas h Val. $ 150-250 ... . ....... .
EUROPE: Turn of the Century, group of over 90 picture postcards or postal cards in box, much Bavar ia, also Austria , Germany, Switzerla nd, Wunt emberg, others, goo d range of ca nce ls and pictured subjects, scenes, roya lty, philat elic motifs, so me multi co lored or unu sed, mixed co ndition. Est. Cas h Val. $ 150-250 ......... . .. . ..... . .. . .... . .. . . . .... . . . .. . ... . ...... . .................... .
SCANDlNAVIA: Primarily 20th Century, accum. of over 70 items in box, mostly Denmark, Finland, Norw ay and Swede n, cac heted FDCs co mmemora ting Stamp Centenaries, incl. co mp!. sets with some modera tely better, fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $20 0-250 ....... ...... . ... . ... .. . .... .. .. . . ... . . .. . .. . .......... . ................................ . ..... . ... . .. . .............. . . .. . . .. . .. . ...... . ..... .
878 C8J
20th Century, accum. of many hundred diff. items neatly arranged in 4 boxes in carton, compr. Denmark, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Karelia, Norway, Sweden, vast majority cacheted, unaddressed FDCs, primarily 1950 to 1970, some earlier incl. commercial mail, few Flights and misc. 19th cent., many compl. sets or better items, few blks, better Lion types of Finland, Olav and Haakon VII of Norway, Greenland FDC #10-18 (perf stains), etc., generally fine to very fine, a valuable accumulation worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. 2,000-2,500 ................ .. .... .
879 C8J
LATIN AMERICA: 20th Century, accum. of a few hundred items in carton, mostly cac heted, unaddressed FDCs, many co mm emora ting Stamp Ce ntenaries and Phil ate lic Exhibiti ons, also Kennedy , UNESCO, space Antarctica , etc ., com p!. sets, Souvenir shee ts, Semis, many co untrie s incl. Arge ntin a, Bolivia , Brazil , Cuba , Dominican Rep., Haiti , Gu atemala, Ho nduras, Mexico, Nicarag ua, others, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-600 ..... . . . . . ...... ... .. .. . .. ....... . .................... . ...... ... . .. .......... .
880 C8J
Accum. of over 200 covers in box, incl. Argentina, Brazil, Co lombia , Cuba, Haiti, Hondur as, Mex ico, Panama, few others, commercia l mai l and cac heted FDC s, much 1950s to 1970s with Arge ntin a Flight and Aerona utic covers, Cuba chess topical, etc., comp !. sets and Airs, ge nerally fine to very fine . Est. Cash Val. $200-400 . .... . ............. . ........ . . . ............ .. . . . . .... . .... . . . ... .
AUSTRIA: 19th Century, group of 13 items, incl. 1850 I kr, 2kr, 6kr on folded letter, later Coat of.Arms and Franz Jos eph issues, some fronts or addre ssee exc ised, mixed cond ition . Est. Cash Val. $ 150-250 ............. . ...... . .................................. .. .. .
882 181
20th Century, accum. of a few hundred items in box, mostly cacheted FDCs from 1930s to about 1975, many unaddressed, incl. compl. sets, Semis, Airs and earlier items with some Flights, Special cancels, few blks, etc., some faults incl. slight staining, overall fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000+ ...... . ...... . . ......... . ... .. .. . .... . . . . . . . .. .
BELGIUM: 20th Century, accum. of well over 200 items in box, many cacheted FDCs with better 1950s issues, some earlier incl. many Semis, Souvenir sheets, Airs and Air Semi-Postal sets, few Occu. and misc. 19th cent., mixed condition though much very fine. Est. Cash Val. $750+ ... ........ . .. . . .. .. . ..... . .. . . ... . ..... . ....... ..... . ... .. . .. ..... ... ... .. .. . . .. .. ... ............... .
CZECHOSLOVAKIA: 20th Century, accum. of several hundred items in box, majority cac heted , unaddressed FDC s of 1950 to about 1970 , some ear lier incl. a few Flights or Spec ial ca ncels, Souvenir sheets, co mmer cial mail, stationery pictur e postal cards, etc., genera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $200-400 .......................... . ..... . .... ..................................... . ... . . . . . . .
885 181
FRANCE: 19th Century, accum. of about 100 items in box, mostly folded letters or letter sheets with a variety of frankin gs, incl. Ce res, Napoleo n imperf and perf, Bordea ux throu gh Peace and Commerce, few fronts, mixed frankin gs, printed matter, etc., many to Italy, mixed co ndition. Est. Cas h Val. $300-500 ... ........... . ........ .. ....... . .... . ............. . ...................................... ..
20th Century, accum. of several hundred items in box, majority cacheted, unaddressed FDCs 1950s to 1980, some earlier, incl. many compl. sets and Semis, some Airs, commercial mail, few better items, Occu., etc., generally fine to very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 . . .. . . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. ............................ . . ... .... .. .... ..... .. . . . ... ..... ... . ........ . . .
887 181
GERMANY AND AREA: 20th Century, accum. of several hundred items in box, incl. many cacheted , unaddr essed FDCs and shee tlets, G.D.R., Saar , Berlin , etc., many co mp!. sets, Semis , special cance ls, 1902 3pf " DFUTSCHES " on cover , postal cards, etc., ge nera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $400-600 .. ... . . . . . .... .. ..... ...... .. . . . . .. . ........ .. .. . . ....... . ..... . ........ . ..... ... . ..... .
888 181
Offices Abroad; 1900 to 1914, group of 32 stationery items or picture postcards, incl. China, Kiauchou, 6 postcards with various TSINGTAU cancels, 3 pre-Boxer Rebellion postcards with Chinese stamps philatelically added, few Japan I.J.P.O., one Russian Office postcard tied by Tiensin c.d.s., generally fine to very fine, an interesting group. Est. Cash Val. $500-600
889 181
GREECE: Primarily 20th Century, coll. of about 180 items on pages in 2 ring-binders and loose in box, incl. co mmercial mail, few stampl ess, picture postca rds, cac heted, unaddresse d FDC s with comp!. sets, ce nsored, soldiers' mail, surroundin g islands and frankin gs with back-of-book, unused and used station ery, variety of destinations, few signed A. Diena or Drossos. Est. Cas h Val. $400 -600 .. . ............ ... ........ ...... .. .... .. . .. . ........ . .. ..... .. . ...................... ..... ... . ...................... ¡ ... ¡ .......... . ..... ... .
890 181
Air Post; group of 20 flown covers on pages, incl. I 920-30s flight and First Flights, Bulaw ayo- Athens, Athens-Melbourne, other s, Reg is., cacheted, Rhodes, British franking s, etc., mixed co ndition to very fine. Scarce gro up. Est. Cash Val. $300-500 ....... . .... .
89 1 181
HUNGARY: 20th Century, accum. ofa few hundred items in box, mostly 1940s to about 1970 cacheted FDCs, incl. many co mp!. sets, Airs, Souvenir shee ts, etc., few earlier commercia l cove rs and better items, mixed co ndition with some staining. Est. Cash Val. $300-500 .. . ...... ............. . . . ... ...... ........ . ............. . ....... . ........... . .......... ............. ......... . .... . ..................... . . .. .
892 181
ISRAEL: 1948 to 1970s, accum. of several hundred items in carton, mostly cache ted FDCs, many unaddresse d, incl. #1 -9, staining, other ea rly items, Souvenir sheets, Airs , late r tabs, Special Events, etc., mixed conditio n. Est. Cas h Val. $400-600 . . .. . . .
893 181
1967 to 1985, accum. of hundreds of items, almost co mplete issues with tabs on both cac heted, unaddr esse d FDCs and Maximum cards , neatly arranged in glassines and cata log ued in box , very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $200-400 . . .. .. (betw . 337 and 889A ,C38-47)
894 181
ITALY: Primarily 20th Century, accum. of over 150 items in box, mostly cac heted FDC s incl. many 1950 s with blks of 4, some earlier with commer cial mail, few flights, misc. San Marino , Vatica n City, etc., ge nerally fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $400-600
895 181
JAPAN: Turn of the Century, group of 20 picture or commemorative postcards, few multico lored, fore ign destination s with Canada , Eng land, Mex ico, ge nerally fine to very fine, an attractive gro up. Est. Cash Val. $200 ..... . .. .... ........ . .......... . .. . ... .
896 181
1928 Enthronement of Emperor Hirohito, five diff . sets on multicolor ed and/or embossed privat ely issued postca rds, each set in OJig inal attract ive folder , 18 diff. postcards, generally very fine. Est. Cash Val. $250-300 ... . ............... .. ..... . .... . ............. .
897 l8l
LIECHTENSTEIN: 20th Century, accum. of over 150 items in box, mostly cacheted FDCs of 1950s to about 1971, many unaddressed, compl. sets, Semis and a few Airs incl. Zeppelin Flights, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750
LUXEMBOURG: 1930 to 1970, accum. of about 175 items in box, mostly cacheted, unaddressed FDCs, incl. many compl. sets and Semis, some better earlier issues, few faults or light cover edge stains, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 .............. .. ... .. .. . . .. . ........... . ...... .. . . . . .............. .. ................ ·••· ............................. .... ........ .
899 l8l
MALTA: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of about 20 items on pages, inc l. Great Britain 6p on 1860 cove r Lo Eng land, 4p on 1863 cove r to Nap les, later inc l. ce nsored, Reg is., also posta l card s, co mp!. sets inc l. Silver Weddin g, etc., variety of Europ ea n and loca l destination s, ge nera lly fine to very fine. Est. Ca sh Val. $300-500 ................................... .. ........... .. .......... .. .. . ...... ..
900 l8l
MONACO: 1940s to 1960s, accum. of about 100 items in box, prim arily cac heted, unaddressed FDC s, incl. co mp!. sets with Sem is and Air s, better issues and a few earlier co mmercia l cove rs, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $3 00-500 .... . .. . ....... . . .. ..... . .... .
90 1
NETHERLANDS AND COLONIES: 1930s to 1970s, accum. of well over 200 items in box, mostly cacheted FDCs, many unaddressed, compl. sets with Semis and Airs, colonies compr. Neth. Antilles and Surinam , few Souvenir sheets, earlier commercial covers, some faults or negligible edge staining, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $600-800 .. .. . . . .. .. . . .
902 l8l
PALESTINE: Turn of the Century, group of 6 items, co mpr. pictur e postcard bea ring Russia n Offic es I 0a on 2k gree n, another to Jerusa lem bea ring Ita ly I0c , Turkey 20 p, 2 cop ies on cover bearing Milit ary ce nsor mkg., Grea t Britain I ½p Fie ld post Irish Guard s co ntinge nt, 2 piece s, one bea ring Russian Off . I pi on I Ok on Reg is. rece ipt, other Turkey in Asia I0pa reve nue on postal rece ipt , mixed conditi on to very fine. Scarc e gro up . Est. Ca sh Val. $ 150+ ............................ .. ... .. ...... ... .. .. ... .. . .. .. .. .. .......... ..
903 l8l
POLAND: 1919 to 1970s, accum. of seve ral hundred items in box, mostly cacheted FDCs, incl. compl. sets, Souvenir sheets, Semis, Occu., imperfs, many unaddressed and a few moderately better items, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 .. . ............. . . . . ........... . ... ......... . . ... .................................. ... ............ . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . . .. ..... . ...... . . . . ... .
SPAIN: 20th Century, accum. of over 300 items in box, mostly 1950s and 60s cac heted, unadd ressed FDCs , so me earlier incl. co mmerc ial mail, few Fli ghts, etc ., man y co mp!. sets, Airs , etc., also Spani sh Co lonies with a few moderate ly better sets, misc. Portuga l, some slight edge sta ining, vast majo rity fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $400-600 ...... . .. ..... .......................... .. .
90 5 l8l
SWITZERLAND: 19th Century , group of 9 items, imperf and perf Sin ing He lvetia with sing le, multipl e and mixed franking s, mixed co nditi on. Est. Ca sh Val. $ 150-200 . . . . . . .. . ..........................................................
906 l8l
... .... . .... . .. ... .. .. . . .......
20th Century, accum. of over 125 items in box, inc l. cac heted FDCs of 1950s and 60s , some earlier, Semis, Offi cials, Souvenir sheets, picture pos tca rds, front s, Airs, with a few Flights, comme rc ial ma il, so me faults though mostly fine to very fine. Est. Cas h . ............................ ... . . .. .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Ya I. $400-600 .......... . . . ....................
ALBANIA AND BULGARIA: 1879 to 1957, coll. of many hundred dill'. on Specialty pages, o .g. or used, incl. man y pre- and post-WW II co mp!. sets, so me early issues, So uvenir sheets, Semis, Air s and back-of -book , genera lly fine to very fine ..............
ANTIGUA: 1863 to 1886, coll. of 21 mostly diff. on album pages, o.g. to unu sed or used, inc l. bette r items, fau lts to very fine, attractive group ....... . . . . . .........
..... . .. . .. . .. ... . . ........
. ....................
.. ..........................................
(betw. 2 and 20) 3,000.00+
ARGENTINA: Revenues; 19th and 20th Century, coll. of a few hundred on pages, o .g. or used, many series appa ren tly to highest value, var iety of departments or services, fascinating and sca rce co llection, genera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Va l. $300-500 . .
9 10
* OHl AUSTRALIA: 1913 to 1981, coll. of several hundred diff. on hingeless album pages in box,
9 11
n.h. to o.g. or used , inc l. co mp!. or part sets, few Souvenir sheets, Antarctic Terr., also New Zea land Semi - Posta l gro up of about 50 Souvenir sheets, apparent ly n.h., genera lly fine to very fine ................. ... ... . . . ...... . .. . ..... . .. . ....... . ..... . ....... . .............. . ............................ about 1,700 .00
1913 to 1980, coll. of several hundred diff. on album pages in ring-binder, n.h. to o.g. or used, good range of issues with compl. or part sets, some mixed mint and used, booklet panes, Postage Due, Officials, Antarctic Terr., generally fine to very fine (betw. l and 758,etc.) 3,425.00+
9 12 * <::)18]1913 to 1977, coll. of a few hundred ditl'. on Lindner pages, n.h. to o.g. or used , incl. co mp!. or part sets, severa l cac heted , unaddressed FDCs bea ring blks of 4, misc. Airs , Dues and Antarctic Terr. , gene rally fine to very fine ............. . .. . ....... abo ut 1,800.00
9 13 * IHI 1913 to 1936, George V specia lized coll. of severa l hundr ed stamp s in album, n.h. to o.g., incl. shade s, perf s, plate varieties of all sort s, man y blks, pair s and strip s, Imprint s, perf and ovptd. "0 S", etc., annotated and generally fine to very fine. A f asc inatin g study. Est. Cash Val. $2,500-3,500 .......... . ....... . ..... . .... . . . ...... . .......... .. ....... .
9 14 * O EEAUSTRIA: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of many hundr ed on page s, etc., in carton, n.h. to o.g. or used , wide r ange of issues incl. early item s, many compl. sets with blk s of 4 throughout, Semis, extensive back-of-book with Lombardy-Venetia, also man y covers inter sper sed, early sta mple ss to modern FDCs, some faults though overall fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $4,000-5,000 ..... . . ............. .. ... . ... .. ...... .. . . ... .. ... . ..... . ..... . ... . .. . .................. . 9 15 * O
1850 to 1950, coll. of several hundred mostly diff. on Specialty pages, o.g. to unu sed or used, high degree of completeness with early item s, man y compl. sets, Semis, Airs, full rang e of back-of-book with Offices Abroad, mixed condition with much very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 .... . ..................................... . .... .. . .. . . .. . ....... . . . .... . ....... . . ..... . .. . .................. .
9 16 * O
9 17 * O
AUSTRIA AND AREA: 19th and 20th Centur y, coll. of over 500 in Lighthou se hing eless album, o.g. to unu sed or used, incl. Lombardy-Venetia, Offices in Crete and Turkish Empire, a good variety of Fieldposts, Bosnia Herzegovina, generally fine to very fine. DMI0 ,800+ . .... . ..... . ... . ... . .. .. .. . ... . ..... . .... . . ... .. .. . ....... .. ... . ... . ..... .
BAHAMAS: Primaril y 20th Cent ur y to 1981, coll. of over 300 diff. on Minkus pages, n.h. to o.g., some early used, mostly comp!. sets, incl. £ I values, few Souvenir sheets and War Tax, generally fine to very fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,700.00+ BELGIUM
9 18 * O
9 19 0
19th and 20th Cent ur y to about 1958, extens ive coll. of many hundred diff . in 2 large albums , n.h. to unu sed or used, incl. early issues with shade s and cancels, man y lat er compl. sets, Semis, Souvenir sheets, Airs, good range of back-of-book , select ion of precancelled o.g., mixed condition to mu ch very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,500-2,000 ...... .
1849 to 1985, coll. of man y hundr ed diff. neatl y arranged in 3 stoc kbooks in box, used , sca ttered modern n.h. , incl. some early with shades and dupl. , many lat er compl. sets, Souvenir sheet s, Semis, Airs and back-of-book with Parcel Post, Occu. , etc., generally fine to very fine . Est. Cas h Val. $750-1,000 . . . . .. . . . .. . .... . .... . .. ... .......... . ................... . ................. .. ...... .
920 * 0:81 1849 to 1970s, coll. of man y hundred sta mp s in 4 hingele ss albums in carton, o.g. to unu sed and used, wide range of issues with extensive 19th cent., shade s and cancels, covers inter sper sed throughout , later compl. sets, Semis , Souvenir sheets and back-of-book , some faults though much fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $750-1,000 .......... . ... .. ......... . .. . . ........ . ..... . . . 92 1 * O
1960 to 1979, coll. of man y hundred in 2 hingeles s albums in box, n.h. to o.g. with used dupl., many comp!. sets, Semis, Souvenir and miniature sheets, few unexploded booklets, clean and generally fine 10 very fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,350.00+
922 * O EESemi-Postals, 1910 to 1964, stock of man y hundred neat ly arranged on stock sheets in larg e ring-binder, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. many compl. sets plu s ext ra s, blks of 4, Souvenir sheet s, also Airs and back-of-book , moderate quantitie s, mixed condition to much very fine. Useful show stock . Est. Cas h Val. $750-1,000 .. ... . .... . ........... . ....... .. .... . . . . .. ... . . .. .... ... . . BERMUDA 923 0
19th Century, group of 32 stamp s on stock sheet, all bearing numeral cancels, incl. a few shades and a strip of 3, mixed condition to very fine .. . ... . ......................... .. ... . .. .. . . .. .. . . ...... . . .. .. .. ........... . .......... . .. . . ..... . ....... . ..... . ................ about
924 * O
1865 to 1981, coll. of a few hundred diff. on album page s and stock sheet s, n.h. to o.g., a few early unused or used, mostly 20th cent. comp !. sets with values 10 £ I , early items mixed condition, othe1wise fine to very fine . ... . . . . .. . . .. . .. . ... . . . .... . .. . .. ... . .... . 2,000.00+
925 *
1865 to 1951, coll. of about 100 diff. on Specialty page s, generally o.g., a few unu sed and later n.h. , incl. slightl y better item s, compl. sets, George V to IOsh, George VI 12sh6p and £1, generally fine to very fine. S.G. £1400+ .. . .. . (betw. 1 and 128b) 2,200.00+
926 0
1865 to 1948, coll. of over 250 stamps arranged on stock sheets by catl. number, exce llent arra y of ca nce ls incl. numerals and c.d.s.'s, some in blue, pairs and blks of 4 with co mplete cance ls, shades, some on small piece, etc., genera lly fine to very fine (betw. I and 134) 1,900 .00+
* ffi 1880 to 1904, group of 15 multiples, n.h. to o.g . (hinge remnants), incl. Ip bottom Co ntrol blk of 12, others are blks o f 4, fresh and fine to very fine ....................
. ...........
.. . . ... .. . . .. .. .. . .. . . . ..........
. .................
... .. . .. ... . . .. . .. .. .. . .. . (betw. 18 and 26,S.G.2 1 and 34)
900 .00+
** ffi 1938-53 George VI 2sh, 2sh6p, Ssh, IOsh, £1, group of 11 blks of 4, sheet margins except one 2sh, vast majority n.h., one 2sh6p
93 1 0
900 .00+
'-'flffi 1910 to 1949, accum. of well over 300 stamps, mostly in blks of 4, maj ority n.h., balance l.h. or o.g., many sheet marg in multipl es incl. #9 2 two vert. corner sheet margin strips of 5, shades, George V Seal o f Co lony and pictorials, etc., few light gum stainin g, overall fine to very fine . . . . . . .. . ........................................................................ (betw. 40 and 141,S.G.44 and 133)
** ffi 1883 to 1904, group of 17 multiples on stock sheets, vast majority n.h., mostly blks of 4 with shades, 2p blue Control strip of 3, fresh and fine to very fine . . ..... .. ..................
. . ... ...... . . . .. .. .. (betw. 16 and 25,S.G. I 9 and 30)
with minor scroll flaws, annotated using S.G. numbers, few stamps light gum toning, fresh and mostly extremely fine (S.G.116b-d,17d,18e,19e ,f,2lc)
2sh to £1, group of 34 stamps on stock sheets, used except one 12sh6p o.g., most with neat or face-free c.d.s. cancels, incl. better ptgs. and annotated by S.G. numbers, few small faults, generally very fine. A nice array of this pop ular issue. (S.G.116,b-d,17,b-d,18,a,e,19,a,e,f,20a-c,b,d)
£1 ,300+
10sh green & vermilion on greenish, IOsh green & dull red on greenish, 4 and 5 copies respectively, n.h., extremely fine. S .G. I I 9e, f, £2 18 ... .... . . .... . .................
. ... . .............
.. .... . ... . . . . . .. .... . . . ... . . .. . . . . . ...........
.. .....................
( 126, var.)
BOLIVIA: 19th and 20th Century, selection of 34 stamps on stock page, mostly l.h. or o.g. , incl. better tetc-bechc (#396) and Airs, plus 2 interesting Guatemala, generally fine to very fine .... ·.. .... . ........................................... . ............... . ...... 1,200 .00+
BRITISH GUIANA: 1862 to 1973, coll. of a few hundred diff. on album pages, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. seve ral moderately better early items, later co mp!. sets, earli er issues mixed condit ion with pen cance ls not figured, later fine to very fine ..... about 2,000 .00
BRITISH HONDURAS: 1865 to 1981, coll. of a few hundred diff. on album pages and stock sheets, n.h. to o.g., some used, primarily compl. sets from about 1935, some earlier though revenue cancels and bisect on small piece not figured, values to $5, Semis, Belize, etc., generally fine to very fine .................................... . .... . . . . . ... .. . . .. .. .. . . .. .. ....... . . .. . .. . .. about 1,300.00
BRUNEI: 1906 to 1924, small coll. on pages, l.h. or o.g., one used, incl. 1922 Exhibiti on set co mp!., fine to very fine. Est. Cas h
93 7
BULGARIA: 1879 to 1970, coll. of many hundred diff. on Specialty pages, o.g. or used, scattered n.h., co mprehensive with many
Val. $200 . . . .. ... . ... . ................
. ................................
. .... . .... .... ... . ..... . ..............................
. ... . ........
. ..... .
co mp!. sets inc l. 193 1 and 1933 Balkan Ga mes, Souvenir sheets, Semis, Airs and back-o f-boo k, genera lly fine to very fine. about 1,800 .00
939 0
1897 Jubilee ½c to S0c, group of 24 on stock sheet, l.h. or o.g., I to 4 each, few small faults, generally fine or fine appearance, fresh and with bright colors, few exceptional looking .. . ....... . ... . .. . . .. . .............. .......................... . .. . .. . .. . ..... (50-60) 2,395.00 19th and 20th Century, balance of a property, a few hundred stamps on dealer sales sheets, used, incl. better early items, some faulty or repaired, Large and Small Queen types, Admirals, multiples, $1 values, Officials and Postage Due in varying quantities, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $500-1,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
* OEEColl. of several hundred diff. on Specialty pages in box, mostly used , some o.g., spora tic represe ntation but incl. Newfoundland and other pro vinces, also acc urn. of a few hundr ed used blks on stoc k sheets in ring-bind er, with $ I values, O fficials, etc., mixed co nditi on to very fine .............. . ... . .. .. ............ . . . ......................... . . .. . .. .. . .. . ............... . ......... . ......... . ........... 3,000.00+
94 1
* Offi Accum. of several hundred on retail sales pages in ring-binders and glassines in box, n.h. to unused or used, incl. Small Queen, Jubilee and Admiral values but mostly modern issues incl. Pl. blks, also some Newfoundland and other provinces, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $150 ... . .. .. ... .. ... .. .. . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. ....................................... ... .. . . ...... . ..... . ...... . . . 942
* ffi Primarily 20th Century, accum. of a few hundred stamps on dealer sales sheets in small ring-binder, n.h. to unused, incl. better items, few compl. sets, blks and Pl. blks of 4, coils, Officials, etc., mixed condition to much very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $1,000+ .. . .. . ........ .. . . . ...... . .. ........... ............ . ...... . .............. . .... . . .
943 * O 944 * O
CAROLINE ISLANDS: 1900 lo 1910, three similar coils. on page s, o.g. or used, each compr. # 1- 18, 23, few faults, generally fine to very fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CHJLE: 20th Century , remainder of 32 sta mps or Souvenir sheets, mostly Air Post incl. #C 1-5 used, C2 I3, 2 18 and 220D Souv. sheets, useful and generally fine to very fine group ... . . ...... ........................................ .... ....... .. . . ....... .. ... . .. . about
CHJNA 945 * O
1878 to 1897, group of over 80 stamp s on stoc k sheets, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. a few Larg e and Small Dragon s, 1894 Lithographed, lat er sur chd. with variou s spacing s, 1897 surchd. types , generally line to very lin e, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $500-600 .............. .. . . ... . ...................... ......... . .. ...... . . .. . .. .. ....... ......... ................... ..... ...... .
946 * O~ 20th Century , accum. of over 200 stamp s on stock sheets, o.g. to unused or used, mostly errors, incl. imperf, invtd. or double surch. or ovpl., imperf between stamps and sheet selvage incl. l 902-03 issues, missing character in ovpt., imperf between, printed both sides, etc., generally fine to very fine. Fascinating group. Est. Cash Val. $300-500 ............. ..... ... ... .. .. . . .. .. ... ... .. . ... . 947 * OEE1903 to about 1950, coll. and accum. of a few thou sa nd arr an ged on stoc k sheets in 3 ring-binder s in box, n.h. to un gumm ed or used, wide range of issues, incl. compl. or part sets, bette r item s throughout , vars. with some in multiples with normal s, other blks, Semis, Airs, back-of-book with man y Provinces, Japan ese Occu. with sub-divi sions, Formosa, etc., some fault s though overall a line to very fine accumulation. Est. Cash Val. $1,500+ 948 * Olal 1946 to 1948, comprehensive stock of man y hundred on stock sheets in 2 ring-binder s, n.h. to ungummed, some used, incl. many varieties listed in Williams CNC call., blks of 4 and other multiples, some with Imprints, etc., fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 ....... .. .... .............................. . .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. ............. ............ . ...................... . . .... ... . ..... ... . .... .. ........ . 949 * O~ 1948-49 Gold Yuan Surcharge s, hu ge stock and accum. in 7 sheet files and stock sheets in 5 ring -binder s in carton , un gummed and used, incl. extensive 50c on $20 sheets , many sorte d by basic stamp and surch. setting s showin g their endless var s., also difT. paper s, sizes, etc., listings by Williams GOLD YUAN STAMPS OF CHINA catl. which is included , fabulou s stock. Est. Cas h Val. $1,500-2,000 ......... . ....... . .... . ....... .. ... . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . ... . ... .. .. .. .. . ..... . 950 ** EE1958 to 1964, accum. of a few hundred in glassines, n.h., mostly comp!. sets and some Souvenir sheets, to 10 of each, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200-300 .. .. . .. . . ... ..... . .. . . ... . .. ... . ..... .. . .. . ...................... .......... ................................... . 95 1
* * (g] Taiwan
Definitives; 1960s to 1980s, specialized coll. of several hundred on stock sheets in ring-bind er, vast majorit y n.h. , man y Imprint and Date multiple s incl. blks of 4 or larger , with ptgs. and high values, also a comparable selection of Specimen singles, line to very lin e, well annotated and very useful to th e speciali st, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-2,000 . ............................... . ... . ................ .......... ................... ....... .
952 * OEEJapane se Occupation; Circ a 1942 comprehensive stock of many hundred neatl y arranged on annotated stock sheets in 4 ring-binders in carto n, n.h. to o.g., some used , Scott/Ma listings of generally less expensive types, some vars., blks and other multiple s, Imprint s, etc., mixed condition to much very fine. Es t. Cash Val. $750-1,000 . .... . .. . .. .. ..... . .. .. .. . .... .. ..... . . ... . 953 * OEEPEOPLE'S REPUBLIC AND SINO-SOVIET AREAS: 1948 to about 1955, coll. of many hundred arranged on stock sheet s in 2 ring-binder s in box, n.h. to ungummed , some used, wide range of issues incl. various " L" and S.G. Communist China listing s, many compl. sets with imp erfs, blks, pair s, some reprints , better item s galore, generally fine to very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $1,500+ ........... . ....................... .. . .................. . 954 * OEETREATY PORTS: 19th Centur y, group of well over 250 stamp s in stockbook , n.h. to unu sed or some used, compr. Amoy, Chefoo, Chink.iang , Chungking , Foochow, Hankow , lchan g, Kewkiang, Nanking , Shanghai , Wuhu , incl. compl. or part sets, Postage Due, various perfs or imp erf , few blk s of 4, Shanghai le postal card, generally fine to very fine for th ese popular issues. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 ............................................................................................................. . 955 * O
COSTA RICA: 1862 to 1960, coll. of a few hundred on Scott pages, mostly l.h. or o.g., incl. Semis , Airs , Official s, country virtually compl. 1993 Scott retail $1650 .............. . . . .. . ...... . .... . . . ... . .. . . .. . ..... . ........ . .. . ... .. .. . . .. . . ....................... .
CRETE: 1898 lo 1910, stock and accum. of several hundred on stock sheets and cards, l.h. to unused or used, some n.h., excellent range and depth, particularly Cretan Government issues with many compl. sets, Postage Due, Vlastos listed, some First Day cancels, France Offices in Crete, ovpt. errors, etc., some faults as would be expected though much fine to very fine. A valuable collection worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 . ................ .
* 0 1:E!l CUBA: 1880 to 1888, coll. of many hundred on pages,
o.g. to unu sed or used, incl. many sca rcer ite ms, blk s of 4 and larger, wide ran ge of cance ls, diago nal bisects on cove r and small piece, also a group of Reve nues , so me fau lts as would be expected though much fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-600 .......................... ............................. ... .......... ........ ........ .. .. .. ..
1855 to 1961, coll. of several hundred diff. on Specialty pages, n.h . to o.g. or used, wide ran ge of issues with Spani sh Dom ., U.S. Admin. and Republic , many co mp!. sets, Airs, Sou venir sheets, misc. back-o f-book , so me faults in early items , overall fine to very fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,200.00+
1855 to 1959, coll. of over 800 in Specialty album, o.g. to unused or used, incl. a good range of Spanish Dom. issues, few reference or faulty not figured, Republic with many compl. sets or better values, blks, Airs, Souvenir sheets, mixed condition to generally very fine, an attractive collection worth inspection .................. ...... .. .. ... . . . . over 3,900.00
CYPRUS: 1882 to 1982, coll. of a few hundred mostly ditT. in hingeless album, n.h. to o.g., so me used , prim arily 20th ce nt., inc l. co mp!. sets with 1928 Anniv ersary, Souv e nir sheets, minor dupl. , generally fine to very fine . ... .. .... ....................
96 1
** EBCZECHOSLOVAKIA: 20th Century, accum. of a few hundred stamps in glassines in box, much
I 950s-60s
iss ues , blks of 4, etc., fine to very fine . Est. Cash Val. $250-350 . ....... . .........
about 2,000 .00
n.h., incl. many co mp!. sets with ....... ............................ ..
1918 to 1982, coll. of well over 2000 ditT. on Scott and Minkus album pages in box, n.h. to o.g. or used, exce llent representation with many comp!. sets, Souv enir and miniatur e sheet s, Semi s, Air s, back-of-book ge nera lly fine to very fine .. . .. .... .... .. . . ... . ..............................................
wit h Bohemia and Moravia , etc ., clean and . .. ........................................ .. .... . 2,300.00 +
DENMARK: 1858 to 1971, coll. of a few hundred diff. on hingeless album pages, mo stly used , some n.h. to o.g. , goo d range of issues inc l. better items, later co mp!. sets, few Sem is and Air s, back-of-book, also a select ion of Greenland and Dani sh West Indies, some sma ll fau lts thou gh overa ll fine to very fine ................ . .... . ........................... .. ................................... abo ut 2,900.00
DOMINICA: 1877 to 1978, coll. of several hundred ditT. on Scott and Lindner pages, n.h . to o.g. or used, some early issues thou gh prim arily co mp!. sets fro m about 1935, incl. Souv enir sheets, generall y fine to very fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,200 .00+
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: 1879 to 1960, primarily unused coll., some better early surchd. varieties, n.h. Souv enir sheets, very fresh and quite co mplete , fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $250 .................................................
.. . ..........
. ..
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC AND ECUADOR: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of a few hundred ditT. on Specialty pages, o.g. or used , va lue mostly in Ecuador with so me early issues, later comp !. sets, Semi s, Air s and misc. back-o f-book , mixed co nditi on to later fine to very fine ........... .................. . .. . ................................................................................. . ............ I, I 00 .00+
FRANCE: 1862 to about 1960, coll. of over 300 ditT. on Specialty pages, o.g. or used , few n.h., incl. a few Bordeaux , later issues with a few Semis and Air s, mixed condition to very fine . Stated by owner to cat!. abo ut $2,5 00 .... . ..........
. ..... . . . ...........
... .
Primarily 20th Century, accum. of a few hundred on pouchette cards in small ring-binder, n.h. to o.g., sca ttered used, incl.
Offices in Turkish Empire; 1893 lo 1903, coll. of over 90 stamps on stock sheets, o.g. to unused or used dupl., compr. Cavalle, Dedeagh, Port Lagos, Vathy, incl. Sc and IOc types I and II, mostly compl. sets, mixed condition to very fine ............. . .. 2,245.00+
FRENCH COLONIES: 19th and 20th Century, accum. of many hundred in glassines in 3 shoe boxes in carton, o.g. or used, some n.h., incl. Reunion ovptd. "CFA" , wide range of colonies though many just token representation, stronger Algeria, French Morocco, Reunion with Airs and blks of 4, incl. compl. or part sets, misc. Otlices Abroad, etc., mixed condition with reference items not figured, later issues generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-600 .. . .......... . ..... . ... . .. ........... .
971 PEE
FRENCH COMMUNITY: 20th Century, accum. of several hundred items in stockbook and loose in box, n.h., incl. imperf blks of 4, Epreuves de luxe, color trials and Die proofs die sunk on card, many compl. sets, Airs, Omnibus issues, etc., fine lo very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500+ ... .. .. ....... . .. .. . .. .................. . ... .. ........................................... . .............. ..
comp!. or part sets with s light dupl. , Semis, Airs , etc., fine to very fine. Usef ul counter boo k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Accum. of many hundred diff. in glassines in box, n.h., many countries with compl. or part sets, Airs, pre- and post-Independence, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 ................ . . . ... . .. . .. . .. . .. . ... . .. ... . .. ...................................................... .
AND ANTARCTIC TERRITORIES: 1855 to 1968 misc. remainder , compr. # 1, C l-3 n.h., C l? imperf o.g., very fine, cover LO France franked by #2, 4, 6, 14, 16- 19, 22, C4 and tied by TERRE ADELfE T.A.A.F. IO I 1968 c.d.s.' s bearing two violet " XV II " Polar Expedition handstamps, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $ 150 ... . ... . ... .. . . .... .. ... . .... . . ... ... . .
GERMAN STATES: 19th Century, coll. of a few hundred stamps on hingeless album pages in ring-binder, mostly used, some unused, good representation, incl. Alsace and Lorraine (no Wurttemberg ), many scarcer stamps in mixed condition, reprints and reference not figured. High catl. value. Est. Cash Val. $1,000+ ....... . .. . ........... . ... . . . . . . . GERMANY
975 **
1920-23, coll. of 48 coil strips of 11 neatly arranged on large stock sheets, n.h., some small faults though generally fine to very fine for these difficult multiples. Est. Cash Val. $300-500 . .. . .. .. .. . .. . . . ................................ . .. ..... . .... ... . .. . ............... .
976 0
1948 to 1978, coll. of seve ral hundred diff. in Schaubek album, used, scattered o.g., mostly compl. sets incl. Semis, few Souvenir sheets, #664a reduced , Allied Zones and Berlin, generally fine to very fine and neatly pmkd . . . . .. . . . . .... . . . . about 3,500.00
977 ** EB 1955 Schiller 40pf blue, 5 blks of 4, n.h., fine to very fine. DM840 . .. . ..... .. .. . . . . ... . . .. .. .. .. . . .. ... . . .. . .... . ..... . ... . . . . . (727)
1959 Composers Souvenir sheet of five, 12 sheets, n.h., fine to very fine. DM960 .. . .... . .. . .... .. .. . ..... . ............
. .. . ... (804)
Semi-Postals; 1953 Welfare set of four, 3 sets, n.h., minor natural offset on reverse, fine to very fine. DM660 .... . . . (B334-37)
980 ** EB 1954 Portraits set of four, 10 sets incl. blks of 4, n.h., fine to very fine. DM 1500 ... . . . . .. ..... .. .. .. . .. .. .. ...... . . . . .. (B338-4 1)
98 1 ** EBSimilar Lot 982 ** EBSame, but 12 com pl. sets in blk s of 4, n.h., fine to very fine. DM 1800 . . .. . .... .............
. . .....................
. .. . ..... (B338-4 1)
19th and 20th Centur y, accum. of several thou sa nd in glassines in 2 shoe boxes, l.h. or o.g. and used, value mostly in 20th Century Germany, incl. compl. and part sets, Semis, Airs, Allied Zon es, Berlin , G.D.R. , man y better post-WWII issues, Saar, Dan zig with scattered n.h. , back-of-book with Occu. , misc. State s and Colonies, etc., 19th cent. mixed condition and reference not figur ed, later issues genera lly fine to very fine. Disorganized but worth careful inspection. Est. Cas h Val. $1,500-2,000 . ... . . .. . ..... . . .. . . .......... . .. . ........................... . .... . ............. .
To about 1972, coll. of a few thou sa nd diff. on Minkus pane s, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. State s in mixed condition with some defective not figur ed, Germany incl. compl. or part sets, few ea rly better items, Semis, few Souvenir sheets, Berlin , Offices Abroad, misc. Occu., Danzig, etc ., many modern issues n.h. , generally fine to very fine. High catl. value. Est. Cash Val. $2,000-2,500 ..... . . . . ... . ........................ . . . ...... . ... ... .. ............ ........ ... .. . .. .. . . .. . . .
To about 1970, coll. of man y hundred on Minku s page s, o.g. or used , wide range of issues though sporadic , incl. States, Plebi scites, Saar, etc., Occu. , G.D.R., Germany with Semis and back-of-book, Berlin , compl. or part sets, generally fine to very fine. Stated by owner to catl. (1985) about $3,500 . . . . . . . .. . ... . .. .. . ..... .. .......................... ............. . . ........ ............ . 20th Centur y
Coll. of man y hundred diff. on hingele ss album pag es in box, o.g. or used, scattered n.h. , incl. compl. or part sets, se-tenant issues, Semis, Souvenir sheets, Airs, back-of-book , Occu. , Offices and Colonies, Allied and Soviet Zones, G.D.R. to about 1954, generall y fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $1,500+ .............................................. ...
987 ** [6]Accum. of many hundred in glassines in shoe box, n.h., incl. compl. and part sets totally unsorted, much post-WWLI with Semis , Berlin and misc. Allied Zones , blks of 4 or larger , moderate quantities, clean and fine to very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $500-1,000 . . .. . .. .... ... .. . .. .. .... . ..................... . ......... . ..... . .. . ........ . ...... . .. . .. . ....... ...... . . . . 988 * O
Coll. of several hundred diff. in hingeless album, n.h. to o.g. or used, compr. Danzig, Saar, Occu. issues with Bohemia and Moravia , Poland General Govt. , Allenstein , Marienwerder , Upper Silesia , etc., incl. compl. sets or better items, a few Souvenir sheet s, generally fine to very fine. Est. Ca sh Val. $500-750 ....... . .......... .. .... . . .. .. .. . ... .... .. .......... .. .. .................... .. .
989 * O
Stock of several hundred displayed on cards, etc., in 3 ring-binder s in box, o.g. or used , some n.h., good range of issues with man y compl. sets, Semis, Souvenir sheet s, pre- and post-WWII , Airs, Allied Zone s, Berlin, moderate dupl., some fault s though overall fine to very fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000.00+
990 * O
To 1981, coll. of many hundred diff. on Lindner page s in box, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. compl. or part sets, Semis, Souvenir sheets , Air s, back-of-book, Occu. , Allied and Soviet Zone s, etc., some intermediate and many modern issues n.h. , generally fine to very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 ................................. ..
99 1 ** [elGERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC: Primarily 1950s to 1970s, accum. of a few thousand in glassines in shoe box, n.h., incl. many compl. sets as well as part sets, blks of 4 or larger, Semis, Airs, misc. back-of-book, etc., generally moderate quantitie s and totally unsorted , fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 ......................................................... .. 992
993 * O 994
GOLD COAST: 1875 to 1941, coll. of over 110 diff. on Specialty pages, o.g., few unused , almost complete issues incl. early perf 12½ and 14, Edward VII and George V sets, ]Ssh Die II, etc., few small faults though generally fine to very fine. S.G. £2500+ ....................................................................................... (betw. 1 and 127) 4,575.00+ 1875 to 1928, coll. of 75 difT. on pages, o.g. or used, good selection of early issues, incl. 1875 perf 12½, other better items with values to lOsh, George V to lS sh, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-600 .............. .. ............... .... .... .. .. . GREAT BRITAIN: Offices in Morocco; 1898 to 1935, coll. of over 150 difT. on pages, l.h. or o.g., few used , incl. da sh between "n " and "c " of "Agencies" , "M " with long serif , many in pairs with normals, later com pl. sets , generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 . .. . . ....... . . . ..... .. . .......... .. ......... . .. . .... . . . .. .. . . . . .. . ..... . ... . .. . ... . ... . . . ... .. . . .. . .... .. ...... .. .. . GREECE
995 * O
1861 to 1895 Hermes Issues, coll. and accum. of over 350 stamps on stock sheet s, mostly used, some o.g. or unused, wide range of ptgs. with better items and several multiples, shades, paper s, cancel s, few errors and other misc. issues, private perfs , etc., mixed condition though much fine and useful , some exceptional copies. Est. Cash Val. $1,500+
996 * O
19th and 20th Century to about 1985, stock and accum. of many hundred in stockbook, l.h. to unused or used, some later issues n.h. , incl. many Hermes with various ptgs., shades and cancels, 1886-88 Belgian Print incl. pairs and strips, 1896 and 1906 Olympics, surchd. types with a few vars., later compl. and part sets, blks, etc., early items mixed condition with some very fine (reference not figured), later generally fine to very fine, high cat). value. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 .. . .. ... . .. . .. . ... .. ... .. .. . . .. . . . ........ ........ ... . .. . ... ........ .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .... .. . . . . . . ........ .
997 * O
1861 to 1974, coll. of several hundred diff. in Specialty album, o.g. to unused or used, incl. many Hermes ptgs., Olympics part sets, surchd. and ovptd. issues, some compl. sets, Airs, Postage Due and other back-of-book, Crete, Epirus, Thrace, etc., mixed condition. Stated by owner to catl. (1992) over $4,000 ..... .. . .... . .. ... ........ ... .. ..... .. ......... .. . .. ....... .. . .... ..... .. .. ..
998 * O
1896 to 1923, stock and accum. of a few hundred on stock sheet s, l.h. to unu sed or used , some n.h., incl. numerous 1896 and 1906 Olympic s with values to 10d, surchd. issues imperf and perf, spacing and perf vars. , shade s, multiples, cancel s, narrow or wide zero , 1901 and 1917 issues incl. imperf pairs or blk s of 4, etc., mixed condition to very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $2,000-2,500 .......................... ...... ................. (betw. 117 and 315)
Century, accum. of a few hundred in glassines, n.h. , incl. compl. and part sets, blks of 4 or larger , much post-WWIJ , fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500 .............................. . .......... . ........................... . ........ . ....................... . .. .
*EB 1920s to 1950s, accum.
I006 1007 1008
1916 Venezilist Insurrection , coll. of over 40 stamp s on page s, o.g. or used, incl. lower values with ovpt. invtd. or double, generally fine to very fine. Vis. 1991, Dr234,000+ ............. .... . .......... .. .............. .... . ....... . ...... ... .... ... . . ..... (233 and 2848,etc.) of a couple hundred on stock cards, n.h. to o.g., incl. 1927-28 Navarino and 1939 Ionian ls., 2 compl. sets of each , later compl. sets, Airs , blks of 4, usually 1 to 5 each, fre sh and generally very fine. 1993 Scott retail $1,650+
** ** *O ** ** **
*OEB1924 to
1961, stock of several hundred on stock sheets , n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. com pl. and part sets, few errors, blks of 4, many Air Post from 1926, some small faults though much fine to very fine. High proportion n.h. Est. Cash Val. $2,500+ ........................................................................................................................ .
1939 Union Anniversary set of five, 5 sets, n.h., fine to very fine. DM2000 ................................................ 1954 Union Proposal set of six, n.h., very fine. DM690 ........ . .........
. ....... .. .....................
(4 16-20)
.. . .. .. ....... ......... .. (568-73)
Air Post and Back-of-Book; 19th and 20th Century, accum. of several hundred in stockbook, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. compl. and part sets, Air Semi-Postals, Postage Due, Postal Tax, Lemnos, Mytilene, Samos, New Greece, etc., few vars., some faults though generally fine to very fine. 1993 Scott retail 2,800+ .. ..... . .................. . ................................. .. ..... . . . .. . ... . 1933 Allegory SOL to S0d, compl. set, 3 sets, n.h., few tiny spots or inclusions, fine to very fine. DM 1350 .. ........ . . . . (C8- l 4)
1952 Victory set of four , 4 sets, n.h., very fine. DM520 .................
. .. .........
... . .. .. ... . .. .... . .. . . . . ... . ... .. . . . ... . ... (C67-70)
1954 NATO set of three , 5 sets, n.h., fine to very fine. DM2000 .. .... . .. ....... . ...... ..... . .........
. ......................
(C7 1-73) 1,0 12.50
19th and 20th Century, coll. and accum. of several hundred in stockbook , l.h. to unu sed or used, scatte red n.h. , incl. Corfu, Crete, Thrace, France Offices in Cavalle, Dedeagh , Port Lagos, Vathy and Crete, few Italian Islands , multiple s and cancels, some fault s though overall fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 .... .. . . .... . .. .. ............ . .......... . ....... .. .. . . ..... . . .. .
Primaril y 20th Century, coll. and accum. of many hundred on stock sheets, l.h. to unu sed or used, some n.h. , incl. Posta ge Due and Postal Tax, other back-of-book with extensive lcaria , Lemnos, Mytilene, Samos, New Greece, Cava lla, other areas incl. Epirus, Ionian ls., Thrace, etc., also Castellorizo, Italian and British issues of the area, many errors inter sper sed and better item s throughout, incl. ovpt. double or invtd. , etc., multiples , essays, catl. annotations are 1993 Scott retail and Vlastos listings, mixed condition to much very fine. A valuable collection worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $2,500+ .. . .. ... .... ................ ..... . .......................... . ................ ... . .... .
â&#x20AC;˘ OEBNew Greece;
Primarily 20th Century, accum. of many hundred on stock sheets and album page s in ring-bind er, l.h. or o.g. and used, incl. some Olympics, rouletted, later Commems , Airs, back-of-book, smatterings of Crete, Epirus, etc., some multiples and various cancels, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $ I50-200 . ... .... . .. ....... . . .. .. ....... . . . . . .. ... . .... . .. .. .... . .... . .................................. .. . . 1912, coll. of about 100 stamp s on stock sheets, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. engraved and lithographed with red or black ovpt. reading up or down , double , incorrect letter , blk s of 4 or 6, etc., Vlastos annotations, generally fine to very ..... . .............. . fine. A valuable group of these fascina ling errors. Est. Cash Val. $500-1,000 . .. .. . ..... .. .... . .... ............... LITERATURE: Greece and Cyprus; A quite extensive selection of 26 pamphlet s and book s, plus runs of " The Report " and " H.P.S.A. Bulle/in ". Incl. important books, some in Greek. A superior offering. Est. Cash Val. $200-400 .............. . ... . . . .. .. . .
IOI3 1014
GRENADA: 19th and 20th Century coll. of over 150 stamps on stock sheets or cards. Thge Major value is lO0 stamps through 1888 which incl. an out standing selection of classic issues, mostly annotated by S.G. with condition, benerall y fine ro better. Nice group. S.G. ÂŁ2200+ ............. ...... . .... . .. ... . .... . .. . ..................................................... . .......... .......... ........ .
10 15
GRENADA AND MONTSERRAT: Primaril y 20th Century, coll. of many hundred on page s in box, n.h. to o.g., some early .... ... . .. 2,400.00+ used, incl. many comp!. sets and Souvenir sheets, Montserrat Officials, generally fine to very fine .. ... . .....................
GUATEMALA: 1871 to 1964, coll. of a few hundred diff. on Specialty pages, n.h. to o.g. or used, good range of issues, inc l. a few beller ea rly items, later co mp!. sets, Airs , few Souve nir sheets, etc ., genera lly fine lo very fine .. ... . . . . ... . ...... . ....... .. ... 2,000.00+
IO 17
1871 to 1959, coll. of a few hundred on Scott pages, mostly l.h. or o.g., incl. a wonderful selection of the 1922 surchd. issues, Airs, Postal Tax, etc., generally fine to very fine. 1992 Scott retail $1,550 .. . ................. . . .. .. . .. . . . . .. . ..... . ..... . .. . ........ .
IO 18
HONDURAS: 1865 to 1959, coll. of a few hundred primarily o.g. stamps neatly arranged in Scott album, many better items with very compl. back-of-book and excellent Air Post, generally fine to very fine. Well worth careful inspection 5,800.00+
HUNGARY: 1871 to 1960, coll. of many hundred diff. on KA-BE album pages in box, o.g. or used, some n.h., wide range of issues with minor dupl., incl. early better items, many pre- and post-WWII compl. sets and Souvenir sheets, Semis, Airs, much back-of-book incl Occu. issues, some faults though overall fine to very fine ................... . .. . 8,000.00+
1020 ** 13320th Century, accum. of many hundred stamps in glassines in shoe box, n.h., mostly post-WWII co mp!. or part sets, incl. Semis and Airs, blk s of 4, se-tenant issues, few inperf and slightly better items, moderace quancities, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200-300 ............................................ . . . .......... . ....................................................... . ..... . ... . ...... . ... . ... . . . I021
I 023
IRELAND AND MALTA: 1885 to 1973, coll. of a few hundred diff. on pages, n.h. to o.g. or used, inc l. mode rn co mp!. sets, a few modera te ly better items, Ireland issues to 1954, ge nera lly fine to very fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,200.00+ ISRAEL: 1948 to 1973, coll. of a few hundred stamps in hingeless album and over 100 covers in box, n.h. to o.g., inc l. First Coins to 50m with tab s, others with tabs and without, Souvenir shee ts incl. Typese tter, Airs, etc., cove rs incl. First Days, commercial, ea rly ce nsore d , Max imum ca rds, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $250 -350 ............................................. . 1949 to 1985, coll. of many hundred with full tabs mounted on White Ace pages in ring-binder, n.h .. inc l. Souve nir shee ts, later stamps in new issue glass ines, all in box, fine to very fine . Also a small world-w ide co ll. in album . Est. Cash Val. 400-600 (be tw. 15 and 899A ,C7-47 ,etc.) ITALY
I 024
I 025
1862 to 1945, coll. of several hundred diff. in hingeless album, o.g. or used, few n.h., high degree of completeness with compl. sets or better items and Semis, some faults or usual mixed centering, generally fine. Also a largely compl. coll. of Trieste Zone A, l.h. or o.g., very fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Coll. of many hundred diff. on hingeless album pages, o.g. or used, some n.h., good representation with better items and comp!. sets, some mixed mint and used, incl. Semis, Airs and back-of-book, mixed condition or centering to very fine. Stated by owner to catl. $8,100 ....................... . .................................... . ....... .. .. ... ....... . .... .. .. .
I026 ** 13320th Ce ntu ry, acc um. of a few hundr ed stamps in glass ines in box , n.h. , mostly post- 1950 issues incl. com p!. or part sets, blk s of 4, Air s, some back -of- boo k, mod erate quantiti es, fine to very fine. Es t. Cas h Val. $300-500 ....... . ........ .. ..... . ...... . .... . . ...... . 1027 **
1951-53 Presentation booklet containing well over 100 diff. stamps of the period, n.h., inc l. co mp!. sets, bac k-of-b oo k with Authorized Deli very, etc .. Bookl et hard bound and quit e ornate, with tex t and quantitie s print ed, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-500 ....... . ... . .......... . . . .. . ...... . . . .. . .................................. . ................................. . .............................. .. ITALY AND AREA: 19th and 20th Century, accum. of many hundred in glassines in shoe box, 1.h. to unused or used , value most ly in 20t h Century Italy, incl. co mp!. and part sets, Semis , Airs , back-of-book , San Mar ino , sca ttered Co lonies and States , reference items not figured , mixed conditi on to very fine. Disorganized but worth inspection . Est. Cas h Val. $400-600 ............ . JAMAICA
1029 121
The Howard Gaston Exhibition Coll. of 12 stampless covers, incl. straight-lines, fleurons, town c.d.s.'s, some purported earliest or latest known, also 3 covers bearing "TOO LATE". Attractive group. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 .................. .
* OEE19th and 20th Century to about 1935, small balance of a property, o.g. or used, incl. early numeral cance ls, George V ½p " Bow "
var. , George VJ " brok en chimn ey" and "e xhau st pipe" vars., Jubil ee issue with turret or extra flagstaff, all in multipl es with norm als, Jam aica Patriotic Leag ue ½p tied on loca l co ver and singles of the various ptgs., early items mixed condition , later generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-500 .......................................... ..... . ...... . .......... . .. . .. . . ........................ .... . I 03 1
1860 to 1981, coll. of several hundred diff. on Minkus pages, n.h. to o.g., early mostly used, generally comp!. sets from about 1929, few Souv enir sheets, Semis, etc., mixed condition to much very fine .... . . ..............................
....... . . ..... . ......
about 1,300 .00
I 032
* OEEJAPAN: 1953 to 1977, coll. of several hundred diff. on hingeless album pages, much n.h., balance o.g. or used, incl. Sou venir
1860 to 1937, coll. of over 115 diff. on Specialty pages, l.h. or o.g., incl. better items and virtually complete from 1885, also Semis, War Tax with 2 ovpt. invtd., Officials, few small faults, generally fine to very fine ............ (betw. 2 and 115,etc.) 3,550.00+ and Lottery sheets, man y co mp!. sets with a high degree of co mpleteness, ge nerally fine to very fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
** IBICirca 1960, accum. of many hundred in glassines in box, vast majority n.h., incl. Souvenir sheets, compl. sets and full sheets, blks, some earlier issues, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 ..........
850 .00+
. .. . . ... . . . .. . .. ...... .. .... . ..................
. . ...... . .
* OIBlJUGOSLAVIA: 1918 to 1943, coll. of several hundred diff. on Schaubek album pages, o.g. or used, incl. sub-di visions and general issues, co mp!. or part sets and back-of- boo k, also #B l 24-2 7 and Croatia #BI & 2 comp!. sheets, n.h ., generally fine to very fine ............................ .. ................ . ...... . ..................... . ....... ........ . .. . . ... . .. . .......................... . .......... . .. . . .. 1,400.00+
** EEKOREA: 1959 to 1968, stock of many hundred in glassines in box, n.h., mostly comp!. sets with acco mpanyin g Sou venir sheets,
1944 to 1977, coll. of many hundred diff. on hingeless album pages in box, n.h. to o.g., so me used, many comp!. sets with a few mixed mint and used , Semi s, Souv enir shee ts, Airs, back-of-boo k, ge nerally fine to very fine with many useful n.h ... . .... .... 1,400.00+ usually IO eac h, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-500 ...... . ................
I 039
1041 1042
. . ........
. ...................
.. ............
LATVIA: 1920 to 1936, accum. of over 175 stamps on stock sheets, n.h. to o.g. , co mp!. sets incl. Semis, Airs and Air Post Semis, imperfs with a few pairs, fresh, fine to very fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 1,000 .00+
LUXEMBOURG: Primarily 20th Century to 1981, coll. of a few hundred diff. on hingeless album pages, o.g. or used, scattered n.h., incl. some better items, co mp!. or part sets, Semis, few Souvenir sheets and back-of- boo k, ge nerally fine to very fine. Stated by owner to cat!. $2,8 00+ . . . . . .... . . . .. .. .. ... .. . .. . .. . . . .. ... . . .. .... .. .. .. . . .. . . . .. . ................................... .. ..... .. ... . . .. . ... . . MANCHUKUO: 1932 to 1945, coll. of about 150 diff., appar ently n.h., incl. 1932 unwmkd . set, better surchd . items with dupl. , later co mp!. sets, Airs, etc., few faults, overa ll fresh and fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $ 150-200 ...... . ...........
. .. . ..... ...... . .
NAURU: 1916 to 1937, coll. of about 50 stamps on pages, l.h. or o.g ., incl. 2p orange Die II , ovpt. ce ntered , short " N" in " NAURU ", Freighter set, few dupl. , fine to very fine. S.G . £ 575 . . . .. . .. .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .
900 .00+
** EENETHERLANDS: 20th Century, stock and accum. of many hundred in glassines in box, n.h., mostly compl. sets of 1950s and 60s, some earlier, incl. blks and corner blks of 4, varying though moderate quantities, part sets, many Semis, etc., clean and fine to very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 . . .... ... .. ... . . . .. . ............................................ ...
1043 0
NETHERLANDS AND COLONIES: 19th and 20th Century, accum. of many hundred in glassines in box, used, incl. numerous better early items and perf vars., compl. and part sets, syncopated perfs, many Semis and back-of-book issues, few blks of 4, value primarily in Netherlands but incl. Neth. Antilles, Indies and Surinam, mixed condition to much very fine. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 ........................ .. . .. . . . . .. . ........ ........... . . . .... . . . .. . ............................................ .. .. . .. .
I 045
** EENETHERLANDS COLONIES: 20th Century, accum. of several hundred stamps in glassines in box, n.h., compr. Neth.
Primarily 20th Century, accum. of several hundred in glassines in box, l.h. or o.g. (hinge remnants), scattered unused, wide range of issues with early better items, compl. and part sets, many Semis and back-of-book, few syncopated perfs, colonies incl. Neth. Antilles, Indies, New Guinea and Surinam, some faults though overall fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $750+ NETHERLANDS AND SURINAM: 1852 to 1971, coll. of several hundred diff. on album pages, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. a few early issues, compl. or part sets, many Semis, few Souvenir sheets and Postage Due, some faults in early items, generally fine to very fine . ... . .... . . .......... . ..... .. . ......... . . ....... . . .. ....... . . . .. . .. ... . ... .. . .. . ... .... . .. .. .. . .. . . .. ........ . .. .. .. . ....... about 2,700.00 Antilles, Indies, New Guinea, Surinam, mostly 1950s-60s with some earlier, compl. and part sets, blks of 4, Semis, Airs and Postage Due, fresh and fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 ..... . ............................. . ...... .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .... . ...... . .
NEVIS: 1861 to 1890, coll. of 25 stamps on pages, o.g. to unused, 2 used, incl. early engraved and lithographed issues, better wmkd. items and two ovptd. REVENUE, few small faults as would be expected, generally fine to very fine. S.G. £1675+ (betw. 5 and 31,etc.) 2,750.00+
* O~ NEWFOUNDLAND: 19th and 20th Century, accum. of a few hundred stamps on dealer sales sheets in small ring-binder,
n.h. to unused or used, good range of issues, incl. blks of 4 or larger , few co mp!. sets and Airs, imperfs, 1898 cove r, etc. , mixed co ndition to many very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-600 ...................... ... ... .. ...... .. ... . ............ . ... . . .. ....................... . I 049 * EE 1050
I 05 1
1932-37, group of 6 imperf items, compr. 4 pairs (one vert.) and 2 sheet margin blks of 4, ungumrned exce pt Sc deep violet, type II, n.h., all with large margins, very fine. S.G. 2 10a, 14 var., 24a, 25ca, 36a, 39a, £380+ .. ( 185 vars.,89a,9 1b,92a,2 I2a, ISa)
NEW ZEALAND: 1855 to 1982, coll. of several hundred diff. in Stanley Gibbons album, n.h. to o.g. or used, good range of primaril y 20th cent. issues , incl. co mp!. sets, Sem is with Souve nir sheets, back-of- book, ge nera lly fine to very fine ................. 2,800.00 NORFOLK ISLAND: 1947 to 1983, accum. of over 200 stamps on cards in box, n.h. to o.g., few used, many co mp!. sets with ex tra values, fine to very fine ........................
4 10.00+
. . . . . .. . ................................
. ...........................
.. . (betw . I and 3 18) 1, 100.00+
NORWAY: 1855 to 1971, coll. of several hundred diff. on hingeless album pages, n.h. to o.g. or used, goo d represe ntation with ea rly item s, various Post Horn issues, later comp!. sets, Sem is and back -of- book , some small faults in ear ly items, mostly fine to very fine .......... ..... . ......... .. .................... .. ...... . .. .. . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. .... . .. . .................. . . . . .. . ....... ......... . ...... about 2,700 .00+ PANAMA: 19th and 20th Century, accum. of several hundred stamps on cards and stock sheets in box, n.h. to o.g, incl. early ovp td. with blks of 4, few vars., better items or co mp!. sets, genera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-600 ................. . PERU
19th Century, a quite superior primarly classic imperf selection on stock page, mostly used, shades adn mostly excellent margins, generally tine to very tine. Well worth inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,300.00+
19th and 20th Century, stock of several thousand stamps neatly arranged in stockbook, o.g. to unused or used, some modern n.h., incl. many Coats of Arms types, later ovptd., compl. and part sets, Airs, back-of-book, mixed condition to much very tine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 ........... . . .. .. . . .. . ... .. . .... . .... . .......... .
I 056
Accum. of several hundred stamps in stockbook, o.g. to unused or used, incl. better items, comp!. sets, blks of 4, Airs, later issues generally one each o.g. and used, some faults as would be expected, generally attractive and tine to very tine. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 . .. . ................. .. ...... .. ... . .. .. . ................. . ........ . .. ... . .... . ............................... . .... . .. . .............. .
1858 to 1960, coll. of several diff. on Specialty pages, o.g. or used, few n.h ., incl. co mp!. or part sets, Airs, few Semis, back-of -book with Postage Due, Offi cials, misc. Occu. , mixed co nditi on to later fine to very fine ........ . ............................... . .... about 2,400.00
POLAND: 1918 to 1977, coll. of many hundred on Specialty pages in box, o .g. or used, some n.h., incl. co mp!. or part sets, Souvenir shee ts, Semi s, Airs and back-of- book inc l. Occ u., some faults though overa ll fine to very fine . .... ............ . . . .. . about 3,000 .00
** ~ General Government ; Semi-Postal, 1944 Castle lOz+l0z red & black, imperf sheet of eight, 16 sheets, n.h., usual inclusions, generally tine to very tine. DM6000 .......................
. .... ........ . ........ . ........................
. .............
.. .. . . . . .. (NB41a) 1,600.00+
PORTUGAL AND SPAIN AND THEIR COLONIES: 19th and 20th Century, accum. of many hundred in glassines in shoe box, n.h. to o.g. or used, wide range of issues with co lonies somewhat sporad ic represe ntat ion, incl. comp !. or part sets, Airs, some back -of- book and blks, genera lly low to moderate ly priced issues, mixed conditi on to many very fine. Stamps haphazard ly placed in envelopes requirin g caref ul inspection . Est. Cas h Val. $300-500 .. .. .... .. . .. .... . ...... .. ........... .. ........................ . ....... .
106 1
I 062
ROMANIA: 19th and 20th Century to about 1964, coll. of over 4400 in 2 Minkus albums, n.h. to unused or used, incl. a good range of early issues, later compl. sets, better values, Semis, etc., mixed condition to generally very tine. 1992 Scott retail $4,900+ ······ ············ ···················· · ···················· · ······· · ································ ·· · ················ ·· · · · · · ···· · ·········· · · 1859 to 1945, coll. of several hundred diff. on Specialty pages, o.g., some used , few bett er or scarcer ear ly items, later comp !. sets and Souve nir sheets, Semis , Airs, back -of- book , some small faults though genera lly fine to very fine and attract ive co llectio n. Stated by owne r to ca lt. $4,200 + ...................... . ...................... .. ... .. .... . . . ........ . ...... . .. . .. . . . ..... . .. . . .... ..... . .. . ... .
1864 to 1970, coll. of many hundred diff. on Specialty pages in box, o.g. or used, some modern n.h., high degree of co mpleteness with Semis, few Souven ir sheets and imperfs, Airs and back-of-book , generally fine to very fine ..................... . ........ about 3,200 .00
RUSSIA AND AREA: Primarily 20th Century, accum. of many hundred in glassines in box, l.h., o.g. or used, wide range of issues incl. comp !. and part sets, Airs and back-of-book , also Estonia, Latvia, Lit huania, Tannu Tova and ot her areas, some faults thou gh genera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-600 ...... . .. .. ....... . ...... ... ..................... . .. . ............................ .
I 065 ** Ell Offices in the Turkish Empire; Mont Athos, 1909-10 Surchd. and ovptd. set of seven, 10 sets incl. blks of 4, n.h., fine to very fine. Vis. Dr200,000 ....................................... .. .................................................. . .. . ...................... ( 111-17)
4 14.50
1066 ** lal RYUKYU ISLANDS: 1948 to about 1968, accum. of a few hundred in glassines, vast maj ority n.h., incl. blks of 4 or larger, Airs, Spec ial Delivery, co mpl. sets, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 ..... . . . ............. . ............................. ... ... . 1067 S
1964-65 Ovptd. SPECIMEN, group of 14 diff., n.h., very fine ...... ..... ..................................
. ............
. ( 124-36,39S)
1068 ** lal SAAR: Primarily post-WWU , accum. of a few hundred in glassines, n.h., incl. compl. and part sets, blks of 4 or larger, Semis and Airs, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 .... . ..................... . . . ..... .. ... .. . .. .. ... . .. . ... ............ . ... .. .... . .... .. . . . I 069
ST. CHRJSTOPHER: 1870 to 1890, coll. of 28 stamps and two compl. panes of 20 on album pages, mostly o.g. , 5 used, better items incl. values to Ssh, surchd. issues with bisects and #17c unsevered pair, fine to very fine and attractive. (betw. I and 22,etc.) 2,460.00
Coll. of20 stamps on Specialty album page, mostly o.g., two used, incl. wmkd. Crow n CC perf 12½ and 14, surchd. incl. 3 bisects, fresh and genera lly fine to very fine ..................................................... . . . .... ... . .... .................. (betw. I and 22) 1,800.00+
I 07
ST. KITTS-NEVIS: 19th and 20th Century to 1980, coll. of about 350 mostly diff. on album pages and stock sheet, n.h. to o.g ., some used, many compl. sets and a few Souvenir sheets, also severa l Nev is and St. Christopher, early items mixed condition, later generally very fine ............................................. .. .... . ... . .............. . ............. .. ...... . .................... about 1,700 .00
I 072
ST. LUCIA: 1860 to 1885, coll. of 24 stamps on Specialty album page, o.g. to unused or used, values to I sh, incl. shades, surchd., various wmks., attractive group with some very fine ... ... .. . . .. .... . .. .... .. .......... . ........... .. ......... . ......... (betw. I and 25) 2,560.00
I 073
1860 to 1981, coll. of a few hundred diff. on album pages, n.h. to o.g., a few early used, mostly 20th cent. compl. sets and over a doze n Souvenir sheets, early items mixed condition, overall fine to very fine .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . 1,450.00+
I 074
ST. VINCENT: 1862 to 1981, coll. of several hundred diff. on album pages and stock sheets, n.h. to o.g., early issues used, incl. better items, many later compl. sets with a few Souvenir sheets, some early items small faults as would be expected though much fine or attractive, later generally very fine ............................................. ... . . ........... . ............ about 3,000.00
1075 ** Ell SAN MARINO: 20th Century, accum. of a few hundred in glassines, n.h., incl. many compl. sets, blks of 4, Airs, back-of-book with better Parcel Post multipl es, many 1950s and 60s issues, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-500 ... .. .. . ......... .... ...... . I 076 * Ell
SAUDI ARABIA: 1921 to 1925, group of 7 items on stock sheets, mostly n.h., balance o.g., incl. two singles with double ovpt., Postage Due #LJ25a blk of 6, invtd. ovpt., 4 margin or corner blks of 4, few gum tones, generally very fine. S.G. 36a, 71, 73, 74, 90, D31b, 96b, £1225+ ...................... . ................... ... . ..... . ..... . ....... ... ............ (L29a,58-60,80,LJ4a,2Sa) 1,100.00+
* *
SPAIN: 1850 to 1938 and 1965 to 1977, coll. of many hundred diff. on hingele ss album pages in box , n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. scattered 19th cent., later compl. or part sets, Semis, Airs, etc., latter portion virtually all n.h., generally fine to very fine 2,300.00+
I 080
Revenues; 19th Century, coll. of well over 125 items, mostly affixed to pages, incl. 1870 to 202p, 1871 and 1872 10 255p, other series to 62p, generally fine to very fine for these . A varied and scarce group . Est. Cas h Val. $300-500 . ... . .... . .... . ... .. ...... . . .
SOLOMON ISLANDS: 1907 to 1951, coll. of over 65 diff. on Specialty album pages , l.h. or o.g ., co mplete issues exce pt George V £ 1, genera lly fine to very fine. S.G. £800 .... ...... ............. . .... .. ............. .. .............. ... . .. . . ............... ( 1-40,43-78) 1,640.00+
SOUTH AFRICA: 1910 to 1939, coll. of over 125 diff. on Specialty pages, I.h or o.g., incl. George V to tOsh, later compl sets and bi-lingual pairs, Silver Jubilee blks, Semis, Airs, Postage Due and Officials, mostly fine to very fine and attractive. S.G. £2000 .. . ... . ................................... . .. ... . .. . .. . .. ................. . ................ . . . . . .................. (hetw. 1 and 78a ,etc.) 2,600.00+
108 1 ** lal SPAIN AND COLONIES: 20th Century, accum. of many hundred in glassines in box, n.h., many 1950s and 60s issues incl. co mpl. or part sets, moderately better items, blks, Franco and Costumes series, few Airs, coloni es incl. Fernando Po, Span. Guinea and Sahara , Ifni, etc., fresh and fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-600 .... .................................. ... ..................... ..
1854 to 1862, group of over SO imperf Sitting Helvetia stamps arranged on stock sheets according to quality, couple covers, excellent range of papers and impressions, shades, couple multiples, mixed cond.ition to very fine with many attractive and signed. A useful group worth careful inspection. Zurn. SFrs6900+ ..... . .... .. ................. . .... . .. .. .... .......................... . 19th and 20th Century, accum. of a few hundred on stock sheets in 2 ring-binders, l.h. to unused, incl. Silting Helvetia and Numeral types, later issues incl. tete-beche pairs, Semis, few Souvenir sheets, small selection of Military stamps, some cancelled, annotated using Muller catl., many varieties, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200-400 .................. . ... ...... ..... . .
1084 * O
1843 to 1937, coll. of several hundred mostly diff. on hingeless album pages , used, some l.h. to unu sed , good range of issues incl. many Sitting Helvetia , imperf and perf , various papers , Standing Helvetia with perf vars., later compl. sets, Semis , Airs, Officials, etc., mixed condition though man y useful items ............ . ....... . .... . ..... . .... . .......... 9,500.00+
1085 * O
1851 to 1977, coll. of man y hundred diff. on hingele ss album page s in box , n.h. to o.g. or used , incl. moderatel y better early item s with slight dupl. , few perf vars., later compl. sets, some mixed mint and used , Semis, Airs, back-of-book, early issues mixed condition, later generally fine to very fine with some imtermediat e and man y later issues n.h. 6,000.00+
1086 ** IHIPrimarily 20th Century, accum. of a few thousand stamps in glassines and sheet files in box, n.h., few used, some Sitting Helvetia values in multiples but mostly modern issues, incl. blks of 4, tete-beche and gutter tete-beche blks, compl. sets with Semis in blks of 4 or larger, few PTT booklets, Officials, Souvenir sheets, etc., clean and fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $750+ 1087 * O
Stock of many hundred in stockbook, used, some mint, incl. comp !. or part sets with Semis , misc. Airs and back-of-book, moderate quantities, genera lly fine to very fine .......... . .. ........ . ........ . .... . ........................ . ....................... .. .. . ........ . about 2,200 .00
1088 * OEBSmall accum. on stock cards in box, incl. n.h. blks of 4 and used comp !. sets, Semis, few Airs, etc., fine to very fine but for a few. Stated by owner to catl. almost $ 1, 100 . . .. .. . .. ......... . .............................. . ...... . ............. .. .. . .. .... . . .... . ..... . ..... . 1089 OEB 20th Century, accum. of a few hundred on stock sheets in ring-binder, in glassines and loose in box, used, incl. comp!. and part sets, 1945 Peace to I0fr (3), one Sfr, Semis , Souven ir sheets, blks of 4 with se-tenant, tete-beche and gutter tete-beche, misc. stationery, ring-binder items annotated using Muller catl., genera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-500 ..................... . I090 ** EBSemi-Postals; 1960 S0c+ 10c blue & gold, imperf Souvenir sheet of four, 15 sheets, n.h., very fine. DM 1650 ...........
(8 297)
109 1 ** EBTRISTAN DA CUNHA: 1977 to 1987, coll. of over 175 diff. blks of 4 on pages in binder, n.h., apparent ly comp!. sets, incl. severa l gutter blks, few singles and 19 Souvenir or comp !. sheets, very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200-300 . . . . ... ..... . ................. . 1092 * O
TURKEY: 1863 to 1973, coll. of several hundred diff. on Specialty pages, n.h. to o.g. or used, some ear ly issues though many comp!. sets from about 1939, few Souvenir sheets and later blks, Semis, Airs and back-of-book with Postage Due, Newspaper and Postal Tax issues, mixed condition to later very fine ........ .... ..... . .. . . . . .. .. . ... ... ....... . . ....... . .................................... 2,400.00+
I093 ** IHIVATICAN CITY: 20th Century, accum. of a few thousand stamps in glassines and 2 sheet files in box, n.h., incl. many comp!. sets, blks of 4, some comp!. or part sheets, Airs, etc. , much I960s issues, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-350 .. . .......... . 1094 * O
1929 to about 1970, accum. of a few hundred in glassines in box, l.h. or o.g. and used, incl. comp!. or part sets, Semis, Airs and back-of-book, moderate quantities with a few better items, some faults though overa ll fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300+ ....
1095 * O
Accum. of a few hundred in stockbook, mostly used, balance n.h. to o.g. , incl. some comp!. sets, Airs and back-of-book, generally fine to very fine ............................................................................................................ . . . .. 1989 catl. about 1,900.00
I096 * O
Coll. of a few hundred diff. on album pages, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. many comp!. sets from about 1938, Airs and misc. back-of-book, generally fine to very fine ....... ... ... . . ..... ..... .... .. . ... .. .... . . . .. ..... ... ............ ..... ........... . .. . ........ about
1097 * O
1098 * O I099
VENEZUELA: 1859 to 1991, coll. of over 2400 stamps in Specialty album, n.h. to unused or used, incl. a few early issues, reference not figured, good range of later 19th cent. and 20th cent. compl. sets or better items, Air Post virtually compl. with 1951 Arms, mixed condition to generally fine to very fine, an attractive collection (betw. I and 1434,Cl and C1060) 8,000.00+
VIRGIN ISLANDS: 1866 to 1980, coll. of over 250 diff. on Minkus pages and stock sheet, n.h. to o.g., few ear ly used, mostly 20th cent. comp !. sets, incl. a few Souven ir sheets, generally fine to very fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 1,700.00+ 1866 to 1928, coll. of over SOstamps on pages, l.h. to unused, one used, incl. 1866 Ip green, imperf plate proof, 4p on l sh, Ursula set comp!., George V to Ssh, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $350-450 .. ........ ....... .................................... .. END OF SALE
Unl ess announced o th erw ise by the auctioneer , all bids are per lot , as nu mbered in the printed Catalogue . H . A . Harm er Inc . (he reinafter "Harmer s"), Li ce nse #s 67 2829 , 780870 , as age nt for th e consig nor o r vendor . shall regulate the bidding a nd shall determine th e manner in wh ic h th e bidding s ha ll be co nducted . Ha rm ers re se rves th e righ t to withdraw any lot pri o r to sale {with o ut li a bility to
(a) On Premises Inspection and Post al Viewing . Ample o pp o rtunity is given f or on premises in spec t ion prior to th e a ucti on d ate , and , up on writt e n requ es t and at Ha rm e rs discretion , for in spectio n by po stal viewing (al l as detail ed elsewhere in th is Catalogue) . (b) Each lo t is so ld as ge nuin e and correc tly described , base d o n individua l d esc ript io n as modified by a ny spe c ifi c not a ti o ns in th is Catalogue , in c luding but not res tr ic ted to the sec ti on e ntitl ed 路路Key to Cataloguing ". (c) Qu alit y . Any lo t whicl1 a pur c ha se r co nsid e rs to be inco rrec lfy desc ribed may be returned to Harm e rs within tw o weeks of its recei pt by such purchaser r Return ing Pur c haser " }, prov ided , however , that th e sa me is recei ved by Ha rm ers within fo ur weeks o f th e da te of th e auc t ion ; however , Harmers may , in it s di sc re t io n, refuse accep tan ce o f s uc h re turn ed lot. If a n opinio n o f a gen erall y reco gni ze d authority is des ired . the perio d of time within w hich a lo t mu st be receive d by Ha rm ers will be ex te nd ed in accordance with Condition o f Sale 8 . In the even t th a t a di sput e ca nnot be re so lved by re ference to a ge ne rally recognized a uthority , a nd Ha rm e rs th ereupo n und ertak es to re-offer th e lot with a des cripti o n iden t ical to the de sc ript ion di sput ed , th e Return ing Pur c hase r shall be liabl e fo r the d eficie ncy . if any , be tween th e proceeds o f the sale to the Re tu rning Pur c ha se r and th e procee ds of a sa le to a sub se qu e nt pur c hase r, as we ll as fo r a ll cos ts a nd e xpen ses of l he re-sa le, including commission , and all inci dent al damage s . Any lot. the de sc ription of wh ic h is di sputed , mu st be return ed intact in th e co ndit io n received by the pur chase r . Th e f o ll owing lo t s are not returnable except at the discretion o f Ha rm e rs : (i) lo t s f ro m pur c hase rs who a tt en ded th e exhibi tion o f the lots ; (ii) tots exa mined by po stal viewers ; (iii) lots o n accou nt of th ei r appearance , if t hey are illustrated in thi s Ca talogue ; (iv) lot s d esc rib ed as having repairs . def ec ts o r fau lts- fo r any rea so n : (v) U.S . stamps (thr oug h 1918 ) fo r re asons of paper inc lu sio ns. (d ) Auth enticity . Any lo t which is de c la red o therwise th an genuine by a generally recognize d author ity is return a bl e , provided such lot is re ceived by Harme rs within four weeks of th e d a te o f the a uction . Proof that a generally recognized au tho rit y decline s to ex pr es s an o pinion is no rma ll y ground s fo r th e return of a lot. (e } Exp enses incurred in the submi ssio n a nd th e re turn o f a lot under Cond it ion s o f Sa le 7-9 a re no t refund ed .
(a) Wh en a n opinion from a ge nera lly recog ni ze d au th o nty Is not expec ted o r available within four week s fr o m th e dat e o f th e a uction , th e purchase r shal l : (i) within seven days o f receipt thereof submi t the lot to o ne o f th e general ly recognized auth o rit ies . (ii} not ify Ha rm e rs, in writing (and pr e fera bly o n th e fo rm supplied}. o f suc h sub mi ssio n no later than lo ur week s from the dale of the auction . Such no tifica tion s hall be deemed given when received by Harmers and shall includ e th e na me a nd ad dr ess o f the au thori ty 10 wh o m th e lot has been submitted . (b) A pro spectiv e pu rcha se r wi shing 10 subm it a lot 10 an au th ority no t accepted by Harmers sh all , prior to the da te o f th e auction , reques t in writing permis sion fo r suc h submi ssio n and ob tain con firmat ion of such reques t fr om Harm ers . Th e auc tio nee r reserves th e rig ht to refu se a bid where th e au th on ty requested is not acceptab le on any grounds , whi c h grounds nee d not be di sclosed by Har mers . (c) Paymen t for lots upon w hi ch an ex tensio n of t ime is ob tained pursuan t to th is Condi tion of Sa l e 8 may be made in acco rd wi th Condi ti on o f Sa le 4 , subj ec t 10 th e fo ll owi ng (paragrap h d) a nd herein . (d) If a lot is ce rtifi ed by a general ly recog ni zed au th or ity to be o th er than as described : (i) th e sale (a nd th e invoice with respec t th ereto , if ou tstand in g) will be cancelle d ; a nd , (ii) lo th e ex tent se t forth in Condition of Sale 9 . payment of th e expe nse o f ce rt ifica t ion w il l be made to the purchaser .
an y potential pu rc ha se r or agent), to re-o ffe r a ny withdrawn lot , to div ide a lot o r to group two or more lots belonging to the same cons ign o r or v end or , an d to refu se any bid believe d not made in goo d faith .
The highest bid acknow ledged by the auc t ioneer sha ll prev ail. Shou ld a di sp ute a rise between bidder s (i nc luding a di spute betw ee n a floo r bidd er an d th e auctioneer ac ting on be half of a ma il bidder . co nsign or or vendor) , th e auc t io neer a lon e sha ll determin e who is th e success ful bidder a nd whether to reoffer th e lot in d is pute . Should a di sput e a rise af ter the sa le. the auctioneer 's sa le reco rd s s hall be conclusive . On a ll lots s old , a c ommi ss ion of 10 % on the hammer pri ce is pay a ble by the buy er .
(a) Th e auctioneer re se rve s th e rig ht to b id on behalf of clients (a nd co nsi gn ors or ve ndors) but shall not be liable for errors and o missio ns in exec ut in g ins tru ction s to bid , how eve r re ceive d , a nd whe th er suc h e rrors or o miss ions be th ose o f !he bidd e r o r agenl or t hose o f th e auc t io neer. (b) All lo ts are off ered subje c t to a rese rve price . The a uc tioneer may impl emen t suc h re se rve pri ce by bid ding on behalf of th e co nsignor o r ve nd or. (c) It may also be assu med th a t a ll co nsignor s hav e been advanced moni es agai nst th e sa le o l th eir sta mp s and Harm e rs th e re fo re ha s a sec urit y interest ove r an d above th e no rmal a uction com mis sio n. (d) Pur c ha ses made by a co nsign o r or ven do r or his age nt on h is own lot s sha ll be conside red as a sa le subjec t to co mm issio ns a nd sales tax as a pplicabl e . (e) Ag ent s are re spo nsibl e for all purchases made on beha lf of th eir c lie nts, unl ess o ther ar rangemen ts have been co nfirm ed in writing pr ior to the a uct io n .
Payment fo r lots . in c lud ing tho se on which o pinions are desired (Co nd itio n of Sa le 8) , s hall be as fo ll ow s : (a) Floor Bidder s . Paym ent of th e pur c hase pri ce , or such pa rt th e reo f as Harm ers sha ll requi re, shall be made by the pur c haser in such manner as Harm e rs may de termine . Th e na me an d address o f th e pur chaser o f eac h lot sha ll be given to the a ucti o ne e r im media tely fo ll owing th e sa le of suc h lot. (b) Mail Bidders . A success ful mail bidd er will be notified of lots pur chase d . Before Ha rmers will se nd such lots , payme nt in full must be receiv ed by Ha rm ers within thr ee (3) business day s o f receipt of the afore sai d no tifi ca t io n by lh e mai l bidder. However , a purchaser known to Harmers , or wh o furn is hes sa ti sfac to ry refe re nces. may . at Harmers o pt ion, ha ve purchases del ivere d o r forwarded for im med ia te payment (by a doll a r draft on a U.S . bank in the case o f overseas pur c hase rs) . Mailed delivery will be to the address on th e bid s hee l and proof by Harmers of rece ipt o f a se nd ing at the advised addr ess s hall cons titut e delivery . All charg es for handling . delivery and insurance (obtained by Har mer s on be half o f th e purcha se r) shal l be ad ded 10 th e purchase price : a min imum c ha rg e of $1 .00 will be made . Ri sk of loss in tran si t sha ll be on th e purchaser . (c) Wher e an opinion o f a gene ra ll y recog ni ze d authority路 is d esi red . th e time fo r payment may be ex tend ed in acco rd with a nd subje ct lo Co nditi o n o f Sale 8. Title sha ll not pass to the pur cha se r unt il full payme nt has been received by Harm e rs as agen ts for th e consignor o r ve ndor .路
5. 6.
(a) Pur chase rs agree to pay for lots as speci fied in Condition o f Sale 4 (or as th e same may be modified by Condition of Sale 8) , and no cre dit is extended ; a late paym ent cha rge of 2% for the first mon th and 2 '/z % fo r each suc cee ding month co mpounded shall be add ed if payment 1s not made in accordance with the a fo re sai d condi tions . (b) In the eve nt th a t a bidd er sha ll fail to co mpl y with th ese Co nditi ons of Sale ("No n -Complying Bidde r") , th e n , as to any lo t with res pec t to which such failure to comp ly occu rs . Harme rs may , in its sole d isc retion , re-offer such lot during the same auc tion o r at an auc tion at a later time , o r by private tr ea ty at such time as Harm ers , in its sole d isc retion , deems a ppr op riat e an d th e Non -Com ply ing Bidder shal l be liable for th e deficiency . if a ny . between th e hammer pr ice an d the net proceeds of a sale to a subse quent purchaser, wheth e r a t a uction or by private treaty . as well as for all costs and expenses of both sa le s . a ll other cha rg es due th ereunder . rnc lud1ng co mm issio ns with res pect to both sa les , whether payable to Harmers o r to a third pa rt y and al l incidental damages . It shall be in Harme rs ' so le discre ti on to determine wh ether to re-o ff er the lo t th ere tofore hammered -down to a Non -Complying Bidder at th at same auc ti on , o r by priv ate tr ea ty in du e co ur se, o r at a sub seq uen t auc t ion conduc ted by Harmer s, or at an auc ti on held by an a uct io ne e r other than Harm ers . ln no eve nt shall any su rplu s arising from the sale of a re -o ff e red lot be paya bl e to a No n-Complying Bidd e r. (c) A de faulting pur chaser shall be deemed to have gran ted Harmers a securi ty interest in any property in Har mers ' possessio n owned by suc h pur c ha se r. Harmers sha ll have all of the right s a ff orded a secu red party under th e New York Un iform Commercial Code with respec t to such property a nd may a pply agains t s uc h obliga tions all mon ies held or received by it for th e accoun t of , o r due fr o m Har mers to s uc h purchaser . (d) If Harmers take s any legal steps to secu re payment o f a d elin qu en t acco unt. the default ing purch ase r shall be liab le tor a ll legal an d olhe r ex pe nses incurred by Harme rs to sec ure such payment. including but not limited to a reaso nab le a ll owa nce for att orneys ' fees . Fo r purposes of thi s paragraph , th e te rm legal ste ps s ha ll be dee med to i nc lu de any an d a ll consu lt a tio n by Harm ers with its a ttorn eys with re spec t to a ll matt ers arisi ng o ut o f a delinquent acco unt.
Un ite d Stat es stamp s , the gene rall y recog nized au lh o rity , unl ess othe rw ise agree d . shall be the Philateli c un d ation of New Yo rk .
) r
EXPENSES OF CERTIFICATION 9 . Expenses described
of ce rtifi ca ti on sha ll be borne by the purcha ser excep t where a lot is ce rt ified oth er th an as a nd is ret urn ed to Ha rm ers in accordance with Condition of Sale 8 .
SALES TAX 10 . Unl ess exemp t ed by law , a purcha ser s ha l l pay compensa tin g use taxes o f any o the r State ,
New York
Sta t e and
sa les taxes , or any
11 . All matt e rs arising out of thi s auct ion sha ll be governe d by the laws of the State of New York wi th out giving eff ec t to l he choice of law princip les !hereof. 12 . Any co ntro ve rsy or claim arising out of or relat in g to thi s auc tio n sha ll be se ttl ed by arbi tr a tion in Th e City o f New York , State of New York in accorda nce with th e Rul es o f the Amer ica n Arbitr ation Associa tion and judgment up on the awar d rendered by th e Arbitr a to r or Arbitr a tor s may be ent ere d in any Court hav ing Jurisdiction . 13 . The purchaser at thi s a uction (a) co nse nt s a nd subm its to th e jur isd ic tion of the Cour ts o f th e Stat e o f New Yo rk an d o f the Cour ts of the Un ited Sta tes fo r a Judicial d istri ct within th e territori a l lim its o f the State o f New Yo rk for a ll mail e rs arising ou t o f th is auc tion sa le , including , wilhou l limit atio n , any ac t io n o r pr ocee d ing instituted for th e en fo rceme nt of any right. remedy , ob liga tion and liabil ity a ris ing und er or by reason thereof ; and (b ) consen ts and submi t s to lh e venue of such ac t io n or proceeding in the City and County of New York (o r suc h judicial di stri ct of a Co urt of the Un ited States as s hall inclu d e the sa me} .
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230 105 53) 325 575 210 125 375 125 220 120
200 100 200 170 33) 100 210 240 120 70 65 l!il 125 000 145 160 33) 160 73) 240
60 230 125 75 325
500 23) 425 160 135 83) 200 00 260
500 400 500 400 170 700 675
500 33) 00
100 90 170 125 173)
PRICE $1 .00 (or by subscription )
95 96
98 99 100 101 103 104 105 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 118 119 120 121 122 123 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 134 136 137 138 142 144 145 146 1-47 148 l!il 151 152 153 156 157 158 159 162 163 166 167 170 173 17-4 211 213 21-4 215 217 219 220
Boyn N. Everett, Bert Flelachm■nn, Howard Ga■ton Collection■
575 220 140 170 325 23) 325 300 300 00 135
200 170 83) 400 375 115 55 1500 85 00 130 260 110 130 230 100 115 230 100 90 137 160 170 260 260 300 210 105 160 2400 135 130 220 160 l!il 100 125 180 230 625 100 475 170 100 63) 63) 325 140 65 200
221 222 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 23) 251 252 260 268 269 274 275 276 277 278 279 200 282 284 285 289 290 291 293 294 295 295A 296 297 299 300 302 303 305 306 307 308 309 31'4 315 318 319
190 115 63) 125 270 270 900 130 200 00 23) 230 105 70 210 140 140 170 2700 190 475 210 260 140 125
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270 143) 1000 123)
320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 331 332 333 335 337 339 340
342 343 345 347 348
349 33) 352 354 356 357 358 362 363 364 367 368 369 370 371
37'4 375 376 378 300
382 383 384 385 386
387 388
390 391
392 393
39-4 395 396 3</7 398
83) 525 625 375 675 425 325 53) 400 140 1000 1900 400 375 85 43) 123) 170 525 125 85 600
2000 83) 375 220 575 140 1100 270 115 400 260 105 23) 1 l!il 200 23) 55 90 105 33) 80 00 115 135 95 270 100 000 260 80 00 70 90 80 700 90 115 105 290
399 402 403 404 405 409 410 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 420 423 429 431
120 160 70 110 400
190 100 115 260 100 125 65 13'
125 33) 100 425 83) 432 1!5 434 23) 435 230 436 437 120 13) 438 439 1100 440 400 210 441 442 230 443 85 444 200 445 90 446 90 447 40 448 125 449 125 43) 125 451 75 '452 95 453 90 -454 100 463 00 -464 60 220 465 474 85 475 85 '476 140 200 477 -478 200 ,479 190 160 480 481 125 482 190 483 300 483A 110 2!il 484 488 115 489 5!il '490 600 '491 400 63) 492 95 -493
$317,397 .00
494 495 496 497 498 499 500 3)1 ~2 ~3 3)4 3)5 3)7 3)8 510 511 512 514 516 517 518 519 522 523 524 527 528 531 532
523) 500 130 200 230 2300 ·210 1600 300 600 33) 3) 100 375 115 190 210 140 l!il 220 900 160 63) 180 300 90 80 48 100
535 536 537
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538 539 5-CO 541 542 543 544 545 546 547
548 549 53) 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 557A 558 5588 559 560 561
562 564
565 566 567
568 569 570 572 573 !.'74 577 578
580 581 582 S84 585 586
588 591
592 593 594 595
598 600 601 607 610 611 612 613 615 616 617 619 620 621 622 62-4 625
632 636 637 638
640 641 642 643
644 646
648 651 663 664 665 666 667 668
669 670
85 80 95 700 100 125 00 140 115 75 120 125 90 220 125 90 53) 70 160 160 120 130 100 130 260 180 30 115 105 85 100
200 190 120 -425 200 200 115 90 210 55 105 425 240 200 230 23) 23) 125 125 -425 240 100 160 140 135 170 00 700 700 1600
673 675 678 679 681 683 684
685 686 687 689
692 693 696 697 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 718 719 720 721 722
n4 725
-425 4!1> 300 260 9!1) 375 135 90 7500 7000 300 325 120 180 145 140 130 l!D 400 100 210 210 220 1!:0
90 60 55 110 130 65 65 65 110 65 180 160 325 80 1000 180 4!:0 80
n6 n1 n8 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 741 743 7« 745 747 748 7!:0 751 752 753 756 757 759 760 762 763 764 766 767 768 769 779 780 781 787 788 789 790 791
180 140 290 95 105 160 80 70 105 60 75 200 4!:0 425 240 190 200 1000 400 100 115 2500 190 105 220 75 1000 170 95 160 115 105 220 4!:0
500 130 145 145 4!1> 300 290 290
793 795 796 798 799 800 802 803 804 805 807 808 809. 810 813 814 8t7 819 820 821 825 826 827 828 830 831 832 833 834 837 838 839 8.(0
841 842 843 8« 845 846 847 848 849
'400 1200 7!1> 9!1) 700 6!1> 3!1> 4!1> 1!1) 105 3500 1200
900 575 375 3!1> 135 250 180 475 750 200 9!:0 2!1> 9!1> 9!1> 1200 200 140 210 4!:0 325 300 170 290 700 400 800 170 200 3~
850 855 856 8f S 860 862 863 864 866 867 870 872 874 875 879 881 882 88~ 885 886 887 888 889 890
325 6~ 800 200 270 230 260 200 350 100 70 400 200 160 280 115 750 650 230 500 425 525 350 290 13')I 250 892 325 R94 325 200 895 897 625 898 450 899 250 23) 902 904 290 90~ 135 906 325 907 350 909 220 910 250 911 475 913 1600 9 14 3500 915 450
918 919 920 922 923 924 927 928 930 932 933 934 935 936 937 939 940 941 943 944 945 946 947 950 951 953 954 955 957 961 965 967 970 971 972 974 975 976 977 978 979 980
950 500 375 600 115 240 85 150 425 115 220 260 350 150 350 900 250 280 160 180 1250 1100 1700 750 575 1450 525 400 400 220 325 200 400 450 270 1000 230 425 110 130 110 260
SEASON'S TOTAL TO DATE: $317,397.00 (including 10% on the hammer price payable by the buyer)
981 260 982 325 983 12!:0 984 2200 985 5!:0 987 5!:0 988 500 989 475 990 850 991 450 992 850 993 350 994 375 996 1000 998 2000 999 375 1001 600 10v2 2100 1013 160 1015 290 1016 290 1017 575 1018 1000 IOaJ 160 1021 1!:0 1022 200 1024 1200 1025 1400 1026 350 1027 575 1029 4!:0 1029 5!:0 1030 625 1031 170 1032 525 1033 240 1034 600 1037 6!:0 1038 325 1040 300 1041 170 1042 650
1043 1044 1046 1047 1048 1049 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1075 1078 1081 1083 1086 1088 1089 1090 1093 1094 1096 1098 1099
625 625 425 400 700 1!:O 375 500 6!:0 600 250 425 650 260 600 350 270 425 525 220 280 350 300 270 400 300 475 625
200 600 80 325 210 240 240 1!:0 290 260