Sale 2892 - United States, British Commonwealth, and Foreign Stamps and Covers plus Literature

Page 1


Bert Fleischmann Stock, Francis A. Touret Estate and ''The Library"


* * Never

0 Used IE Block ol four . DP Die Proof .

hinged . Unused . TC Trial Color .


On piece . ia; Block larger than four . PP Plate Proof . !',


On cover .





9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Nove mber 25 , 26 - Thanksgi ving December 24 - 27 - Christmas




Straight Edge : s .l. = Straight -line ; c d .s. = Circular Date Stamp . c .t.o . = Cancelled to Order ; F.D.C. = First Day Cover

CONDITION The various gradings of stamps are, in order : superb ; extremely fine ; very fine : fine ; fair A lot described as ..fair " is so listed either by reason of general appearance or more often because of a small fault or faults , such as a crease, thin spot, short or missing pert , perfora ted into, cut into, etc .

In the case of sets , large blocks , sheets, etc ., the condition above and below this standard can be expected . Mixed cond iti on : In large lots, the condition Serious defects can be expected .

is generally

quoted represents

the average and quality

$ 5 $10 $25 $50 5% the correct level .



to range from fair to at best fine .

Ha nd sta mp on reve rs e : Denotes either a dealer , collector or indecipherable

expert1ser's mark .

Signed by : Denotes either the actual signature or mark of the expertiser . The absence of mentioning a signature does not reflect on the ability or knowledge of the party involved .


BIDDING LEVELS Up to$ 150 $150¡ $ 300 $300 - $ 700 $700 - $1 ,500 Over $1 .500 approx imately Bids which do not conform to the above will be automatically reduced to



You may Fax bids up to 1 hour before sale commences-be

n.h. 1.h.

= Never hinged unused with original gum in Post Office state and unmounted . ::: Lightly hinged - unused with full original gum showing some evidence of a previous hinge which may be present in part or entirely removed . = Origina l gum - unused with original gum somewhat disturbed by previous hinging which o.g. may still he present . part o.g. = Part original gum - unused with original gum, large hinge remnants may or may not be present. disturbed o.g . = Disturbed original gum - unused with original gum. affected by sweating , glazing or mount disturbance ; may not resemble the original gum . unused = Unused without gum (unless gum 1s mentioned) = Unused without gum, as issued . ungummed

rule , rather than the exception , in the four perfs per row-do not affect the lot. described "n.h.(2)/o .g.(2)" .

PA I RS : All pairs are horizontal, unless otherwise mentioned . CATALOGUE NUMBERS : The catalogue numbers of the contents of the lots are given in parentheses immediately following the descriptions , but in bulky lots only the range of issue is show n. CATALOGUE VALUES : The final column shows the catalogue value of the lo t . This is shown parentheses where , in the opinion of the auctionee rs, the market value exceeds this figure .

1. 2. 3. 4

Lots of not more than 10 items . To U.S. clients only . Viewer must pay postage and insurance both ways and return lots within 24 hours of receipt. References required from bidders unknown to us. VALUATIONS OF LOTS

Valuations of all lots are available

in receipt of stamped , self-addressed

envelope .

IN THE MAILING ENVELOPE You will find the bid form and prices realized for October 28, 1993 United States, and British commonwealth & Foreign.


Recognizing that there are occasional differences of opinion concerning gum nomenclature by vanous expert committees, for example, a stamp described as o.g. being certified as large part o.g. or even part o.g ., this minor classification discrepancy alone is not sufficient grounds for return .



EST IMATED VALUES : If an estimated cash value is given , it is shown in the description and always indicated by the abbreviations "Est. Cash Val. " It is used where the lot is large or where the actual value has little relation to the catalogue price . It represents the auctioneer 's appraisal of the true MARKET value of a lot and the figure is invariably close to the actual realization . It is useless for mail bidders to list a ny bids that are only a low proportion of such estimates . CATALOGUES USEQ IN LISTING : Scott Vol. 1-4 & U.S. Specialized Stanley Gibbons Brilish Commonwea lth Stanley Gibbons Grea t Britain Specialized (1993) Michel Germany Michel Europe and others as noted in the descriptions

sure to use (212) 447-5625 .


N .H. L.H . PART O .G . O.G. Shaded portion can represent an actual hinge or the area disturbed by a hinge .

BLOCKS OR SHEETS AND T HEIR GUM : Minor separations are the case of blocks or sheets of any size . A few separations-around value of a block or sheet and are not grounds tor the return of a Blocks of four that have two stamps o .g. and two stamps n.h. are

Please comply with the following : (a) Not more than 20 bids can be accepted and must be confirmed in writing . (b) Any errors are the responsibility of the bidder . (c) No bids accepted later than 1/ 2 hour before sale .

(1988) 1993 92 92-93

Minor faults including, but not limited to, file folds not affec ting stamps , sma ll tears and some back flap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue .

TO OUR CLIENTS Harmers continues to use the 1988 Scott catalogues in the production of its auction catalogues as we feel they more realistically reflect market condi tions. We will continue to use foreign catalogues in specific areas as supp lementary information . IMPORTANT

Remember, NO lots may be ret urned with back stamps stating Fake , Falsch, or similar markings . Recently there has been a spate of German expertisers marking the backs of stamps . It is your responsibility as the purchaser not to let this happen .

SALE 2892

UNITED STATES, BRITISH COMMONWEALTH and FOREIGN plus LITERATURE Bert Fleischmann Stock, Francis A. Touret Estate and 'The Library" Thursday, December 16, 1993 MORNING SESSION at 10:30 A.M.





14 EAST 33rd STREET , NEW YORK , NY 10016 Telephone : (212) 532-3700 Fax: (212) 447-5625 Keith A. Harmer, Jack LaCalamito - Licensed Auctioneers License #'s 672829 , 780870

On all lots sold a commission of 10% on the hammer price will be payable by the buyer.


Morning Session at 10:30 A.M.

UNITED STATES GENERAL ISSUE 1847 ISSUE: Sc, red brown, cancel removed , margins thr ee side s, unu sed appearance .... ................................................... .........(Photo)( I) 2 0

10c black, red grid cancel, good to large margins all round, extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (1993) ..............(Photo)(2) 2,000.00

3 0

1851-56 IMPERFORATE: le blue, type Ia, large even margins, neat c.d.s. cancel, small tear, sharp impression and very fine appearance. Foundation Cert. (1991). Scott 1994 retail $6520 ..............................(Front Cover Photo)(6) 5,500.00

1857-61 PERFORATED 15 le blue, type ill (Plate IV), neat c.d.s. ca nce l, reperfed , very fine a ppearanc e . A.P.E .S. Cert. ( 1993). Scott 1994 retail $ 1250

4 0



6 * ml

7 0

............................................................................................(Photo)(2 I) 1,250.00

le, type V, o.g. , fresh bright co lor , very fine. Ph otoco p y o f Foundation Cert. ( 1985) show ing block of four of which thi s is the bottom left stamp . Scott 1994 retail $ I 20 ...........................(Photo)(24)


1857 le, sheet margin blk of 6, n.h. to o.g., slight adhera nces mostly on se lvage, light vert. gum crease , fresh , fine ..................... (Photo)(24)


10c green, type ill, margin copy, neat grid cancel, extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (1986) ..................................................(Photo)(33)


1875 REPRINTS OF 1857-60 ISSUE



Issued Without Gum

3c scarlet, small thin, brilliant color and well centered, very fine appearance. 479 Print ed ........ ............................. ............... (Photo)(41) 2,850.00 Sc orange brown, 2 pressed creases, bright co lor , fine. Foundation Cert . (1992). 878 Printed ....................................................(Photo)(42)

9* 10

* 11




12c greenish black, natural paper inclusion, fresh co lor, fine . Foundation Cert. (1993) . 489 Printed ................................. (Photo)(44) 2,600.00


istern Union Packet Co. ¡~

( ')


30c yellow orange, quite well centered, fresh, almost very fine. 480 Printed .......................................... .........(Photo)(46) 1867 GRILLED ISSUES: "Z" Grill 2c black, fine, tied by ST . PAUL AUG IO MINN duplex on neat manila enve lop e, Signed Brookman . Fresh, attractive cover ..................................(Photo)(85B)


' ..,_.. ''-.. " <


., '




12 /



"F" Grill Sc brown , BLOCK OF SIX, o.g. to part o.g., faults, some on front primarily from grill application, rich color. A.P.E.S. Cert. (1976). Scott 1994 retail $9000+ ................................................................................(Photo)(95) 5,500.00+ A rare multiple and the second largest to the Ishikawa block of ten.

13 * ml

14 0

* 16 * 15

90c blue, lightly caned., sma ll tear , huge ce ntered co py, extreme ly fine appearance. Foundation Ce rt. ( 1993) .................... ....(Photo)( IOI)


1875 RE-ISSUE OF 1861-66 ISSUES 15c black, unused, reperfed, faults though intense color. Attractive copy of this rarity. P.S.E. Cert. (1992). 397 Printed ...... (Photo)(108) 3,000.00 24c deep violet, unused, reperfed, faint thinning, true rich color and fresh, line appearance. 346 Printed ........................(Photo)(109) 4,000.00 1869 PICTORIAL ISSUE

17 0

le to 30c, 9 diff., so me faults, ge nera lly fine to very fine appeara nce ................................................................................(Photo)( l 12- 19,2 1)


24c green & violet 18 PP83

* 20 * 21 * 19

24c, plate proof on India, blk of 4, huge margins all round, brilliant fresh, extremely line .........................................(Photo)(120P3) 1,100.00 24c, no discernable grill, unu sed , light crease , very fine appeara nce ..........................................................................................(Photo)( 120) 2,500 .00 24c, unu se d , brilli ant fres h co lo rs, fin e. Foundation Cert. ( 1973) ..........................................................................................(Photo)( 120) 2,500.00 24c, unu sed, rich co lors and fresh.....................................(Photo)( l20) 2,500.00

22 0

24c, blue PAID cancel, tiny tea r, we ll ce ntere d and very fine appear ance ..................... ........ .............. .............. ...... ................. ...(Photo)( 120)

23 0

24c, blue cance l, few lightly ton ed perf tip s, attract ive ....(Photo)( 120) 24c, rejoined vert . pair , light co rk cance ls, bottom stamp small fau lts, rich co lors, fine ........... .......... .......... ........ ............... (Photo)( 120) 24c, 2 copies, one wit h red cance l, perfs slight ly in at right , fresh ,


other repair ed , very fine ap peara nce ........ .......... ............... (P hoto )( l 20)


24 0 25 0

* 27 * 26

28 0

475 .00

900 .00

1875 RE-ISSUE OF 1869 ISSUE 6c blue, unused, tin y tear, fres h, ve ry fine appearance. Foundation Cert. ( 1989) . Ex Dale-Licht enstein. 2226 print ed ............ (Photo)( 126) 850.00 30c blue & carmine, unused, small corner scrape, brilliant colors, very fine appearance. Foundation Cert. (1989 ). Ex Dale/Lichtenstein. 1535 Printed .....................................(Photo)(l31) 1,750.00 30c, nea tly caned ., thin spots, perf ectly ce ntered and beautifu lly rich co lors , very fine appearance . Found ation Cert. (1993) .....(Photo)( 13 1) 1,000.00



30 0

90c carmine & black, unused, reperfed, large centered copy, extremely fine appearance. Foundation Cert. (1989). Ex Dale-Lichtenstein. 1356 Printed ...(Front Cover Photo)(l32) 5,500.00

90c, neatly caned., tiny tear and added perf , well centered and attractive. P.S.E. Cert. (1992) ....................(Photo)(132)


30 31 0

1870-71 NATIONAL BANK NOTE CO: With Grill le ultramarine, attractive centered reversed "$" sign fancy cancel, very fine. Foundation Cert. ( I 988) .................................................... (Photo)(l 34)

32 * EB 1883 AMERICAN BANK NOTE CO.: 30c orange brown , blk of 4, o.g. (hing e remnant s), rich color and brilliant fresh, fine to very fine ......................... .......................................................... (Photo )(2 17) ' 1,400.00 33


1890-93 2c lak e, o.g., p erfec tl y ce nt ere d , ex tr emely fine ................................................. ....................................... (Photo)(219D)



Exposition Postal Cards, Girsch and Roh ster comp!. set of ten with wrapper (EX73Wb), negligibl e faults, genera lly fine to very fine .................................................... (Photo )(USPCC set No. 7) USPCC 750.00




Comp!. to $1, plus $4, n.h. to unused , mixed condition or centering, fresh and generally fine or very fine appearance ....................... .............................................(Photo)(230-41,44) 5,683.50

36 ** EB3c green, Sc choco lat e, blks of 4, n.h. , fresh , fine to very fine ...................................................................................(Photo) (232,234)


30c orange brown 37 PPEB 30c, plate proof on India, blk of 4, full to enormous margins, tiny sc issors cut betw ee n bottom stam ps, brilli ant fresh, very fin e ....................................... ...................... .........................(Photo)(2 39P3) 38


30c, part Imprint pair , n.h.(1)/o.g.( l ), fresh, fine .......... (Photo )(239)

800.00 550.00+

39 * EB 30c, blk of 4, l.h., re-inforced separations, top left stamp tiny tear, fresh , fine ................................................................ .......... (Photo )(239) I , 150.00 40 OEB 30c, blk of 4, neatly caned., top right stamps negligible creasing, fine ............................................................................. .............(Photo )(239)

425 .00

41 * O 42


* * 45 * 46 * 47 * 48 * 49 *

30c, 3 copies, one unused (regummed), two neatly caned., one with portion of blue Paris receiver, small faults, fine or fine appearance ..... (239)


30c and S0c, small fa ult s, ti ed by TROY N . Y. DEC 6 pmk s on Co lumbian Exposition 2c violet entire ........ ....(Photo)(239 ,240,U349)

690 .00+


$1 salmon, unused , faint mark on front , fine appearance (Photo)(24 l) 1, 150.00


$1, unu se d , ex pe rtly re pair ed , ri c h co lor, fin e appearance .......................... ................................................................ (Photo)(24I)

1, 150.00

$2 brown red, o.g. , tiny tear , fresh, fine .............. ............ (Photo)(242)


$2, utlused , reperfed , rich co lor and fresh ......................... (Photo)(2 42) $4 crimson lake, unused , small thin and corner perf crease, vivid color and well centered, very fine appearance ............ (Photo)(244) 3,400.00 $4, disturbed o.g., tiny thin and corner perf crease, rich color, fine ..................................................... ................... ..................(Photo)(244) 3,400.00 $4, unused, margin added, fine appearance ...................... (Photo)(244) 3,40 0.00

$5 black

* 51 * 52 * 53 * 50



55 *83

·~..__--· Treasur er Cornell Un£vers£ty,






$5 , unused, corner perf crease , larg e copy , very fine .................... ...................................... ............................... (Photo)(245) 3,600.00 $5, unu sed, small faults, fine appeara nce ......................... (Photo)(245)

3,600. 00

$5, unu sed, small thin s, fine ........................................ .....(Photo)(245)


$5, unu sed, thin spots, corner perf crease , fine .................(Photo)(245)


$5, slightly di sturb ed o.g., reperfed , small faults , fine app ea ranc e .......................................................................................... (Photo) (245) 3,600. 00 1894 UNWMKD: Sc chocolate , imperf blk of 4, o.g. , full to large margins all round , very fine ............. ............... ................ (Photo) (255b)


S0c orange, n.h., "tall" centered copy, extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (1985) for block of four of which this is the bottom left stamp .................................................................. .............(Photo)(260)


$1 black, type II, part o.g., small faults, fine appearance (Photo)(26 1A) 1,850.00



le to 50c, comp!., o.g. to unused (regummed), Sc tiny tear, generally fine to very fine appearance ........................................ (Photo)(285-91) 1,392.50

59 * EB 4c orange, blk of 4, o.g., bright co lor and fresh, fine to very fine ..........................................................................................(Photo)(287)

** 61 ** 62 ** 63 * 60

64 65



Sc violet brown, n.h., very fine ........................................(Photo)(289)


Sc, n.h., very fine ......................................................... .....(Photo)(289)


$1, lightly caned. on small piece, fresh, fine ....................(Photo)(292)



Sc dull blue, n.h., large centered copy, extremely fine (Photo)(288)

$1 black, o.g., small faults, well centered and very fine appearance ..........................................................................................(Photo)(292) 1,850 .00




625 .00

$2 orange brown, o .g., repe rfed , sma ll thin s, fine appear anc e ................................................... .......................................(Photo)(293) 2,850 .00


1901 PAN-AMERICAN: le green & black, CENTER INVERTED, o.g., small crease, rich color and fresh, fine. Foundation Cert. (1992) ............(Front Cover Photo)(294a) 10,000.00 le to 10c, comp!. set, margin blks of 4 with Pl. No., n.h. to o.g. (hinge remnants) or paper adhering, separations and a few faults, gene ra IIy well ce nt e re d a nd fin e to ve ry fin e. Cati. as s in g les .....................................................................................(Photo)(294-99) 2,600 .00

1902-03 REGULAR ISSUE 68 * EB le to 13c, 8 diff., 12 blks of 4 incl. shades, n.h . to o.g. (hin ge re mn a nt s), mix e d co nditi o n o r ce nt e rin g, ge nera ll y fin e ............................... .................... ........................... (Photo) (300-06,308) 1,495.00

* 70 * 71 * 72 * 69

$1 black, o.g., very fine ....................................................(Photo) (3 1I)


$5 dark green, slightly disturbed o.g., fresh, fine ............ (Photo) (3 I 3) 2,750 .00

$5, o.g. (hinge remnant), small faults, fine ....................... (Photo)(3 I 3) 2,750.00 1906-08 IMPERFORA TE: Sc blue, pair, o.g., mostly enormous margins, extremely fine .................................................(Photo)(315) 1,100.00 1908-09 DOUBLE LINE WATERMARK


Perf 12 50c violet, very l.h. if at all, fresh, extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (1983) ................................................(Photo)(341)


74 * EB Imperf le to Sc, blks of 4, n.h. except l c (2) and Sc (I) o.g., very fine. Scott l 994 retail $51 l .50 .............................................(Photo) (343-47)





1908-10 Perf 12 horiz. 4c orange brown, Sc blue, line pairs, o.g. (hinge remnant s), latter trace of thin spot, fine ..........(Photo)( 350,35 l ) 1,650.00




* 79 * 80 * 78

** 82 ** 83 ** 81


1909 Perf 12 vert. 10c yellow, pair , n.h. , brilliant fresh, fine. Scott 1994 retail $4200 ........(Fro nt Cover Photo)(356)

1909 BLUISH PAPER: 3c deep violet, o.g., almost very fine. Signed Stanley Gibbons .................................................(Photo )(359) 1,650.00 1914-15 PANAMA-PACIFIC: Perf 10 10c orange, l.h. reperfed, fresh, very fine appearance ............................................... (Photo)(404) 1,400.00 10c, o.g ., reperfed, rich co lor and fresh, ve ry fine appeara nce ..........................................................................................(Photo)(404) 1,400.00 1912-14 SINGLE LINE WMK: Perf 12 20c ultramarin e, 1.h., well centered and fresh , extremely fine. Fo undation Cert. (1989) ............................................... ...........................................(Photo)(419)


1914 Perf 10 vert. 3c deep violet, pair, n.h., extremely fine. Scott 1994 retail $520 ..............................................................(Photo)(445)


1914-16 Perf 10 vert. 2c red, type II , lin e pair, n.h., very fine ................................................................. .........................(Photo) (454)


3c violet, line pair, n.h., very fine .................................... (Photo) (456) 1,300.00

84 ** lfll 1917-19 UNWMKD: Perf 11 le gree n, A.E.F. booklet pane of 30 n.h., very fine. Scott 1994 retail $600 ............................. (Photo)(498f) 85




Error Sc carmine, single error in strip of 3 with 2c, l.h., very fine ..........................................................................................(Photo) (505)

550.00+ 86 lfll181 Sc single error in blk of 6 with 2c, perfs touch, fresh, tied by NEW YORK G.P.O. AUG 2 1 duplex on cover (slightly reduced) bearing clea r red violet cac het, tran sit and Los Ange les 1923 rece iver on reverse. Scarce on cove r ............... ............................. .......(Photo)(505 ) 1,000.00+ 87


1918 BICOLOR: $2 carmine & black, margin copy, n.h., very fine ............................................................................... ...........(Photo) (547)

400.00 'i>


1922-25 REGULAR ISSUE 88 * IDI 7c, I le, 12c, 14c, bottom Pl. blks of 6, n.h. except 12c o.g., wide selvages except 7c, very fine ....................................(Photo )(559,563-65) 89


$1 violet black , $2 deep blue , $5 carmine & blue, n.h. except $5 l.h., very fine ....................................................................... (Photo)(57 l-73)

;z41 A IC IGA



''-. Gp.


90 ** 83 $1, $2, $5, blks of 4, last bottom arrow, n.h., few tiny gum skips, very fine to extremely fine. Scott 1994 retail $1640 (Photo)(S71-73) 2,380.00 9 1 ** 83 $5, center line blk of 4, n.h. , perfectly centered, extremely fine. Scott 1994 retail $900 ..................................................... (Photo)(S73) 1,700.00

lLt'II,, f

/.,Vo . •

fl< ,

C!lH I'

92 ** 83 1923-26 PERF llxlO:

2c carmine, blk of 4, n.h. (2)/1.h.(2), very fine. Scott 1994 retail $300 ............................................... (Photo)(579 )






2c carmine rose 93 ** Ill! 2c, n.h., very fine. Scott 1994 retail $450 .................................. (630)


94 ** liil 2c, n.h., very fine .........................................................................(630)


95 ** Ill! Another sheet, n.h., fine to very fine ......... .............. ................ ..... (630)


96 ** IHI2c, n.h., ink ms. in selvage on reverse, otherwise very fine ..........(630)


97 ** lnl Same, n,h., small inclu sions and minor selvage faults , well ce ntered stamp s, fine to very fine ............... .............. ......................... .......... (630)


98 ** lnl Similar lot, but l.h ................................................. ..................... ... (630)


99 * lnl

ce ntered, fine appeara nce .............. ................ ....................... ......... (630)

$5, Arrow & Pl. blk of 4, very l.h. if at all, very fine .....(Photo)(834)

.SS : : SS.="5: :,.... ... ........ ..=.I"'~"'"· ...=. ·- . . ~


.. .


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102 ** EE 1954-68 LIBERTY ISSUE: Hamilton $5 black, Pl. blk of 4, n.h., very fine ..........................................................................(Photo)(l053)


103 ** EB $5, top right Pl. blk of 4, No. 25367, n.h., very fine .....(Photo)( I053 )


I 04 ** EE Same, but top left Pl. blk, n.h., very fine ...................... (Photo)( I053 )


• . ..

• a>

-5,u~ · ··~ ... ········<···········~···


6c orange, 16c green, 24c carmine rose & blue, com pl. set, blks of 4, n.h . except 16c l.h ., few tin y inclu s ions , fin e to very fin e ........................................................................................(Photo)(C 1-3) 1,760.00

I 06 * EE

Com pl. set, blks of 4, 6c n.h., other s n.h. to o.g., fine to very fine ........................................................................................ (Photo)(C 1-3) 1,760.00

107 ** EE Com pl. set, left Arrow blks of 4, stamp s n.h. except 16c (2) o.g. , very fine. Scott 1994 reta il $1200...................................(Photo)(Cl-3) 1,850.00 108 ** EB Compl. set, center line blks of 4, n.h. , 16c l.h. , very fine

................... .....................................................................(Photo)(Cl-3)


109 * IHI 16c, Arrow & Pl. blk of 6, l.h., small internal se lvage tear, still very

fine......................................................................................(Photo)(C2) 2,250.00 110 * 161

2166 . . ....'f'.....2?).~~..


100 ** EE 1938-43 PRESIDENTIAL ISSUE: Harding $5 carmine & black, seve rely shifted vignette, comer blk of 4, stamps n.h., fine(Photo)(834) IO I * EE

·····1~1 ._~

2c, stamps n.h., se lvage reduced and thin affec ting one stamp, well


24c, ARROW AND PLATE BLOCK OF TWELVE, blue and red TOP, o.g., top left stamp natural gum crease, well centered and fresh, fine to very fine ..................(Photo)(C3) 2,600.00

........•.. :

'.......-~ L

1923 SECOND ISSUE 111 **

Sc dark green, 16c dark blue, 24c carmine, n.h., well centered, 16c enormous copy, extremel y fine. Scott 1994 retail $320 (Photo)(C4-6)


I 12 ** EB Compl. set , blks of 4, 24c with Pl. No., n.h., Sc very l.h. if at all,

few inclusion s, very fine to extremely fine .................(Photo)(C4-6) I


13 * EB Compl. set, blks of 4, 16c n.h., others n.h to o.g., 24c top stamps trace of thinning, fine to very fine ........................................... (Photo) (C4-6) 1,620.00

I 14


1918 and 1923 Both sets compl. , o.g., #C6 one nibbed perf, very fine (Photo) (C 1-6)


I 15 * EB Same , blks of 4, n.h. to disturbed o.g., two stamp s small thin s, generally fine to very fine ..................................................(Photo )(Cl-4 ) 3,380.00

118 ** IIll 65c green, $1.30 brown, $2.60 blue, compl. set, PLATE BLOCKS OF SIX , n.h. , some paper adherence or gum crack ling and selvage faults , 65c separation , fresh , fine to very fine ...................................(Back Cover Photo )(C13-15) 25,100.00

I l 9 **



65c, $1.30, $2.60, compl. set, bottom Pl. No. copies , n. h., $1.30 negligible gum skip s and bend , extremely fine. Scott 1994 retail $2300 ..........................................(Photo)(C13-15) 3,050.00+ Compl. set, Pl. No. copies, n.h., extremely fine ........................................................................(Photo)(C13-15 ) 3,050.00+

116 ** IIll 1926-27 Map set compl., side and bottom Pl. blk s of 6, n.h., 15c bottom Pl. blk trivial gum disturbance, fine to very fine .............(C7-9)


I 17 * IIll Com pl. set, side and bottom Pl. blks of 6, n.h. or l.h.,very fine(C7-9)




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* 122 * 12 1

Compl. set, o.g., very fine ........................................(Photo)(C 13-15) 3,050.00 Compl. set, o.g. (hinge remnant), fine to very fine.(Photo)(Cl3- 15) 3,050.00

123 * EE

65c, $1.30, $2.60, compl. set, BLOCKS OF FOUR, l.h. or o.g., 65c and $1.30 few small thins or gum skips, $2.60 one tiny tear, well centered, fine to very fine ...(Photo)(C l3-15 ) 12,450.00








$2.60, l.h., fresh, fine ....................................................... (Photo)(C 15) 1,600.00

$1.30, n.h., gum creas ing, fresh, fine appearance. Scott 1994 reta il $775 ..........................................................................................(Photo)(Cl4) 1,000.00 n.h ., g um bend,

very fi ne . Scott

1994 reta il $ 1200

................................................. .........................................(Photo)(CJ 5) 1,600.00

Used on Cover 127


65c, $1.30, very fine , tied by NEW YORK, N.Y. GRAN D CENTRAL STA. MAY 8 c.d.s.s , red cachet and Friedrichshafen 6 VI 30 pmk on picture post card bearing official violet "ROUND TRIP" handstamp ........................................................................................................... ........................................ (Photo )(C l 3, 14)




65c, very fine, used with 3c po stage and tied by LAKEHURST MAY 10, 1930 Flag duplex on card (minor creas ing) bearing Friedrichshafen (Bodensee) pmk approp riate ly cacheted front and reverse ......................................................... .................................. ........................................... ...................................(Photo )(C l 3)


65c, fine, tied by LAKEHURST NJ . JUN I 1930 duplex on card bearing FRlED RJCHSHAFEN (BODENSE E) pmk and appropriate ly cacheted .(Photo)(C l3)




I 30 181 65c, small crease, fine, tied by LAKEHURST N.J. JUN I 1930 duplex on approp riately cacheted card bearing green N.Y. pmk and Seville transits on reverse

(Photo )(C l 3)




$1.30, extremely fine, tied by VARICK ST. STA. N. Y. MAY 7 1930 duplex on cacheted cover, transit and Madrid receiver on reverse .....(Photo)(C l4 )




$1.30, extremely fine, tied by VARICK ST. STA. N.Y. JUN 2 1930 duplex on cacheted cover to Germany, Friedrichshafen (Bodensee) 6 6 30 pmk on reverse ........................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................(Photo)(C l4 )




$1.30, two copies, fine to very fine, tied by VARICK ST. STA. N.Y. APR 281930 duple x on envelope, appropriatel y cacheted front and back ..(Photo)(Cl4 )




$2.60, very fine, tied by light NEW YORK APR 30 duplex cancel and small portion of red cachet on cover, appropriately cacheted front and back..(Pboto )(C l 5)


I 35


$2.60, very fine, tied by V ARJCK ST. STA. N.Y. APR 30 duplex on appropriat ely cached cover ..............................................................................(Photo )(C l 5)


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50c green, 2 copies, one very fine, other enormo us centered copy, extremely fine. Scott 1994 retail $200 ............................. (Photo)(Cl8)


137 ** EB 50c, sheet margin blk of 4 with Pl. No., n.h., negligible gum skip or bends, very fine. Scott I 994 retail $400 ...........................(Photo) (C 18)


138 ** EB 50c, bottom right corner blk of 4, n.h., gum skips and bends, fine to very fine ........................................................................................ (C 18)


139 ** IIil 50c, bottom right corner blk of 6 with Pl. No., n.h., fine to very fine. Scott 1994 retail $600+ ............................................ (Photo)(Cl8)

750.00 +

140 ** IIil 50c, Pl. blk of 6, n.h., gum skips, very fine ..................(Photo)(C18) 1,100.00 14 1 * IIil 1935-37 Trans-Pacific set of three, top and bottom Pl. blks of 6, n.h. except 20c bottom Pl. blk l.h., very fine ........................ ... (C20-22)



.......~.1.1: .1..~·····•• ❖ ••···· · ···· · ··········

143 * EB 1911 Single Line Wmk. Perf 12 lOc ultramarine, part Imprint blk of 4 with Pl. No., n.h.(2)/1.h.(2), brilliant fresh, very fine. Scott 1994 retail $260 .......................................................... ................. (Photo) (E8)

SPECIAL DELIVERY 142 **EB 1908 10c green, blk of 4, n.h., extremely fine. Scott 1994 retail $200 ......................................... ..........................................(Photo)(E7)

1914 Perf 10 10c ultramarine, n.h., large centered copy, extremely fine. Scott 1994 retail $150 ..............................................(Photo)(E9)


145 **

1917 Unwmkd. Perf 12, 10c ultramarine, n.h., large copy, superb. Scott 1994 retail $1400 ..................................................(Photo)(El I)


REGISTRATION STAMP: 1911 IOc ultramarine, n.h., enormous copy, extremely fine. Scott 1994 retail $80 ....................(Photo)(Fl)


147 ** EBPOSTAGE DUE: 1956 Perf IO½xll $1 scarlet, Pl. blk of 4, n.h., extremely fine .................................................................(Photo)(J87)


146 **



144 **


** 149 *

1919 Su rchd. set compl., n.h. but some with pochette gum , generally fine to very fine. Scott 1994 retail $2047.50 .....(Photo)(Kl -16) 1,775.00 Comp l. set, o.g. (hfoge remnants), $ 1 on 50c light corner creasing, fe w small thin s incl. $2 on $ 1, fres h, mix ed ce nt erin g to fin e ......................................................................................(Photo) (Kl -16) 1,775.00 Comp l. set, neatly caned., 8c crease , 30c perfs cut , generally fine to very fine ..................................................................(Photo)(Kl-16) 1,825.00 16c on 8c olive bistre , Pl. blk of 6, n.h., rich co lor and fr es h ............................................................................................(Photo) (K8) 600.00


150 0 151



**EE60c on 30c orange







red, blk of 4, n.h. , extremely fine. Scott 1994 retail $460 .......................................... ............................(Photo )(K14) 1922 2c on le green , blk of 4, n.h. , perfectly centered , extreme ly fine. Scott 1994 retail $460 ...........................................(Photo)(K17 ) 4c on 2c carmine , sheet margin blk of 4, n.h., one stamp inclusion, fine to very fine. Scott 1994 retail $400 .......................... (Photo) (K 18) 4c on 2c, Pl. blk of 6, n.h. , extr emely fine ...................(Photo )(K18)


* 158 * 157

* 160 ** 161 * 159



··········1 • ··········:···· .

.. ...


365.00 325.00 675.00

OFFICIALS: 1873 Department of Stat e $10 gre en & black , o.g., natural paper inclu sion, bright color and fresh, fine Very Scarce.Foundat ion Cert. (1992). Scott 1994 retail $3000 ....................................................................(Photo)(O70) 2,750.00 $20 gr een & black , larg e part o.g. , lightly soiled at top , fin e. Foundation Cert. (1992) ............................................... (Photo )(O71) 2,250.00 NEWSPAPER AND PERIODICAL STAMP: 1875 Thin Hard Paper $24 dark gray violet , large part o.g., fresh, fine. Scott I 994 retail $750 ................................. .....................................(Photo )(PR29) 575.00 PARC EL PO ST: 1913 le to S0c, compl. , n.h. to o.g., fine to very 1-10) 603.50

$1 carmine , l.h. , extremely

fine. Scott 1994 r etail $375 ........................................................ .................................(Photo )(Q12)


PAR CEL POST POSTAG E DUE: 1912 le to 25c, compl. set, l.h. or o.g., unusually well centered copies, very fine to extre mely fine ................... .................................... ................................(Photo )(JQl -5)



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163 0 164 0

1871-72 THIRD ISSUE: 2c orange & black, invtd. center , uncancd., fresh, fine ........................................ .............(Photo)(R 135b) 2c, invtd. center, cente red ms . cance l, fresh and very fine ......................................................................................(Photo)(Rl 35b)


2c, cut cancel, fine ........................................................(Photo)(Rl 35b)


· ---: ....... 12 .................. -• .................. .......... .


Hunting Permit Stamps 165


1934 $1 blue, PI. No. copy, stamp n.h., fine .................(Photo)(RW I)


166 ** EE $1, corner blk of 4 with PI. No., stamps n .h. , fre s h , fine ..................................... ...................................................(Photo)(RWl) 1,700 .00+ 167 * EE $1, sheet margin blk of 4 with part arrow, n.h. (3)/o .g.( I), bottom stamps SE, fresh, fine .....................................................(Photo)(RWI) 1,700.00+


1936 $1 brown black, n.h., extremely tine ..................(Photo)(RW3)


169 ** EE 1937 $1 light green, blk of 4, n.h., few negligible gum skips, very fine ............................................................... ...................(Photo)(RW4)



** 171 ** 170



1938 $I light violet, n.h., very fine................................(Photo)(RW5)


$1, corner blk of 4 with PI. No., n.h., gum skips and negligible gum creasing, fine ............ ...................................................... (Photo)(RW5)

800 .00+

172 ** EE 1944 and 1945 $1 red orange, $1 black, blks of 4, n.h., gum bends, #RW 11 one stamp gum skip, very fine ................. ..............(RW 11,J 2)


173 ** EE 1946 and 1947 $1 red brown, $1 black, corner blks of 4 with PI. No., n.h., #RW14 gum creasing, very fine ...........................(RW I 3,14)

280.00 +

174 ** l.lll1946 $1, bottom Pl. blk of 6, No. 158448, without side selvage, n.h., extreme ly fine 3)


175 ** l.lll1947 $1, top right Pl. blk of 6, No. 159462 n .h ., ve ry fine 250.00 176 ** l.lll1952 $2 deep ultramarine, bottom right Pl. blk of 6, No. 162603, n.h., very fine .......................... ..................................................(RW19)


177 ** l.lll1954 $2 black, bottom right Pl. blk of 6, No. 164747, n.h., extreme ly fine ....................................................... .............................. .......(RW21)


178 **EE 1961 $3 multicolored, top left PI. blk of 4, No. 167772, n.h. , extremely fine .................................... ....................................... (RW28)





. ;11~~



180 * O

* [ij

POSTAL SAVINGS: 1940 Flat Plate ptg. 10c to $1, comp!. set, Pl. blks of 6, l.h. to o.g., fine to very fine (Photo)(PS 7-10) 3,050.00

CONFEDERATE STATES: 1861 Provisionals; New Orleans, La. 2c and Sc, group of 4 diff., thr ee o .g. to unu sed, one used, large margins to touched, small fau lts to very fine ............................. (62X 1-3,5)



182 * O


CANAL ZONE: 1912-16 Ovptd. Type II 2c vermilion & black, inverted center and ovpt. reading down , blk of 4, l.h., fresh , fine. Scott 1994 retail $3200+ .........................................................(Back Cover Photo)(39e) 2,800.00+

GUAM: 1899 le to $1, type I, plus Spec. Del. 10c (o.g. and used), mos tly o.g. , small fault s, fine appeara nce .......... (Photo )( 1-8, I 0- 12,E l ) 1,777.50

183 * IBI Sc blue, Pl. blks of 6, dull o.g. , fine .......................................... (Photo) 184 * IBI Sc, Pl. blk of 6, dull o.g. , small reinfor ced se parati on, fine .(Photo)(5)

700.00 700.00

l 85 * IBI Sc, two bottom Pl. blks of 6, Nos. 834 and 836, o.g. , eac h sma l I ara tions, fine ........... .............. ....... .......... ..... .... .............. ...... ............ ... (5)






PHILIPPINES: 1901 Double Line Wmk: $2 dark blue, o.g ., fr es h, 700.00 fine. Fo und ation Ce rt. ( 199 1) ...........................................(Photo)(224) $5 dark green, l.h., reperfed , ve ry fine appea rance ......... (Photo )(225) 1,650.00




... . ....




. ... ... ..





: 1961 Anti-Malaria imperf So u venir sheet of two, uncut pane of four Souven ir sheets, n..h., tiny indentations and marks on reverse, fine. Rare multiple .............................. (5 18,5 19 var.)

** 19 1 *



ANTIGUA: 1873-79 Crown CC perf 14 4p blue, o.g., deep co lor, almost very fine ..................................................................(Photo )( I 0)


1921-29 Mult. Crown CA George V £1 violet & black on red, o.g., fresh, very fine ...................................... .............................. (Photo )(64)


ARGENTINA: Air Post; 1930 Graf Zeppe lin ovptd . in green 20c to l.80p , comp l. set, l.h., handstamp or pencil marks on reverse, very fine. l. 80p A.P.E.S. Cert. ( 197 l) ................................ (Photo) (C25-29) 1, 185.00


ASCENSION : 1922 and 1924-27, Both sets comp l., l.h. or o.g ., fine to very fine .................. ........................ ............................. (Photo) ( 1-2 1)


AUST RALIA 1913 Watermarked

* * 195 * 196 *

Wide Crow n an d Wide A


½ p to 2sh , compl. , o.g., fine to very fine ....................... (Photo )( 1- 11)


£1 ultram ar ine & brown , very l.h., bright colors and fr esh, very fine .....................................................................................(Photo) (l4) 2,500.00 £ 1, o.g. (hin ge remnant ), fre sh, very lin e ....................... (Photo) (l4) 2,500.00




£ 1, o.g., fine ......................................... ............................... (P hot o)( 14) 2,500.00


£2 deep ro se & blac k, unu sed, slight rounded corn er, well cent er ed , fre sh, lin e ..............................................(P hoto )( lS ) 5,000.00


* 199 * 200 *

1915 Wmkd. Wide Cro wn and Narrow A 2p to 2sh, compl. , o.g. (hinge remnants), fine Lovery fine. S.G . £ 1025 ............(Photo )(38 -43) 1,530.00 1915-24 Wmkd. Narrow Crown and Narrow A £1 ultramarin e & brown , larg e part o.g., very fine .....................................(Photo )(5 6) 2,250.00 £1 gra y, l.h., fresh, fine ....................... .................... ........... (Photo )(57) 800.00




L* 202


£2 rose & violet brown , l.h., very fine (Fro nt Cover Photo)(59)

1929-30 Wmkd. Small Crown and A Multiple lOsh pink & gray, o.g., very fine ........................... .........................................(Photo )( IOl)




£1 gray, o.g., extremely fine ............ .............................. (Photo )( 128)

£1, o.g., very fine .........................................(F ront Cove rPhoto )(l28 )




£2 dull ro se & black , l.h. , rich color, very fine (Photo )( 129) 3,500.00



£2, l.h. , very fine ...........................(F ront Cover Photo )( 129) 3,500.00


1931-36 Wmkd. Crown and C of A Multiple 203





1932 Brid ge Ssh gray green , l.h., very fine ....................(Photo) ( l 32)

650 .00

20 8

* 209

Postage Due ; 1902-04 Wmkd . Large Crown and NSW V2p to Ssh, co mpl. , o.g., fresh co lors, fine to very fine. Nice set ..... (Photo )(J 9-20)


2 10 t8I 2 1I


2 12


* 2 14 *

2 13


lOsh emerald, perf ll , o.g., very fine. S.G. D43 , £20 00 ................................. ................... ....(Front Cover Photo)(J21) 2,750.00 AUST RJA: Semi-Postals; 1931 Rotary set compl., fine to very tine, tied by 22. YI.3 l . pmk s on loca l Reg is. envelope ....... (Photo)(B87-92) 1933 WIPA 50g deep ultramarine on granite paper, sheet margin copy, very fine, used with additi onal postage I Og and 50g, caned. or tied by appropriat e WTPA 24 JU N I 1933 pmk s on cac heted and Reg is. reduced envelope (small tear) ....................................... (Photo)( B 11Oa)

500 .00+

Air Post; 1950-53 Birds ls to 10s, 4 diff., left sheet margin blks of 4, n.h.(2)/1.h.(2), few inclusions, extremely fine (Photo)(CSS,57-59)


270 .00+

BAHAMAS: 1863-81 Crown CC perf 14 4p rose, unused, very tine ............................................................................................(Photo)( 18) 1,000.00 BARBADOS: 1873 Wmkd. Sma ll Star Ssh dull rose, o.g., bright color, fine ..........................................................................(Photo)(43) 2,000.00



800 .00 Ssh, SP29 1874 c.d.s. cance l, rich co lor, very fine .............(Photo)(43) in VR Wmkd. -89 1888 PROTECTORATE: BECHUANALAND Italics 2sh gree n & black, o.g. , very fine ...........................(Photo)(56) 1,000.00

2 15 0 2 16

* 2 17

2 18 2 19 P

* 22 1 *



lOsh green & black, o.g. (hinge remnant), handstamp on reverse , fre sh, fin e. Very rar e stamp . Fo und ation Cer t. (1969) .....................................................................(Photo)(58) 5,750.00 BECHUANA LAND: 1887 Wmkd. Orbs £5 lilac & black , nea t c.d.s. cancel, light vert. crease, very fine appearance ...(Photo)(22) 2,750.00 BELGIUM: 1953 Baudouin 1.S0fr gray, 2fr rose carmine, 4fr bright ultramarine, feuillet de luxe, Semi-Postal 1957 Patton imperf proof set of tive, ungumm ed, very fine ...................(45 1,52,57 var.,8606 - 1OP) Semi-Po stals; 1932 Mercier set compl., l.h ., few low va lues o.g., very fine ............ ............................................. ...........(Photo)(B 114-22)


1933 Orval Abbey set compl., l.h., very fine ..........(Photo)(B 132-43)

I, 150 .00


* 224 ** 225 * 223

1874 Provisional 3p on lsh green, neat cancel, fresh , tine. Royal & B.P.A. Certs . (1938, 1993). Ex Dale/Lichtenstein ..........(Photo)(lO) 1,350.00 1910-20 Mu lt. Crown CA George V £1 black & violet on red , very l.h., very fine. S.G. 55 ....................................................... ..(Photo)(54 )


1938-51 George VI lOsh bluish green & deep red on greenish, perf 14 n.h., very fine. S.G. I 19a, £200 ..........................(Photo)( 126b var.)


12sh6p deep gray & brownish orange, perf 14, o.g., extreme ly tine. Royal Cert. (1988). S.G. 120, £475 ......................(Photo)(127a var.)


226 0

12sh6p, lightly caned ., very fine. S.G. £400 ........... (Photo)(127a var.)



12sh6p gray & yellow, Flaw Sc, small break above left jewel in band of jewels in crown, l.h., very tine. Brandon Cert. (1990). S.G. 120d, £500 .....................................................................(Photo)(l27b)



228 0 229


* 23 1 * 232 * 230

233 0

* 235 * 236 ** 234

BOLIVIA: Air Post; 1930 Graf Zeppelin S0c orange & black, red ovpt ., violet s.l. cancel, very tine. Signed Heiman ......(Photo)(C17) 1,000.00 BRITISH COLUMBIA AND VANCOUVER ISLAND: 1867-69 Pert · 14 10c on 3p lilac rose, o.g. (hin ge re mnant), fre sh, fine ............................................................................................ (Photo) ( I0) 1, 100.00 S0c on 3p violet rose, l.h., fresh bright color , very tine. S.G. 32, £400 ..................................................... ..............................(Photo )( l2 )


BRITISH EAST AFRICA: 1890 ½ a on lp lilac, very l.h. , fresh, very tine. Signed H. Bloch ............................. ....................(Photo)(l )


4p on Sp lilac & blue, o.g., fresh, fine .................................(Photo) (3)


BRITISH GUIANA: 1853-59 Full White Line Above Value 4c blue, good to large margin s, neat BERBICE DE 8 1855 c.d.s., extremely tine. S.G. 19, £400 ...........................................(Photo)(lO)


BRITISH HONDURAS: 1904-06 Mult. Crown CA Edward VII $5 green & black , o.g., very fine .............. .............................. (Photo)(7 I)

450 .00

1913-17 George V $5 violet & black on red , very l.h., very fine .............................................................. ..............................(Photo )(84)

450 .00

1922-23 Script CA $5 black & violet on red, corner copy, n.h., 4 gum bubbles, very fine............................................. .........(Photo)( I04)



* 238 * 239 * 240 * 24 1 * 237

1907-21 Mult. Crown CA $25 black on red, sheet margin copy , l.h., extremel y tine ......................................................... ...(Photo)(39)


Japanese Occupation; 1942-44 Handstamped le to $1, 15 diff. , l.h. or o.g. , fine to very fine. Signed Rowe ll .............. (Photo) (N 1-7, I0- 17)


Same , l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine ...................... (Photo )(N 1-7, I0-17)


$5 lake on greenish, usual o.g., extremely tine ...........(Photo)(N18) 1,500.00 BULGARIA: 1882 Color Error Ss rose & pale rose , o.g., tiny thin, tine. Rare. B.P.A Cert. (1993) ........................................(Photo)(13a) 2,250.00

BUSHIRE 1915, September 242 0 243 0 244 L'>

* 246 * 247 * 248 * 245

249 L'>

* 25 1 * 250

le carmine & indigo , nea t c.d. s. ca nce l, very fine. S.G. 15, £30 0 .......................................................................................... (Photo) (N 15)

3c dark green, light c.d.s. cancel, very fine. S.G. 17, £400(Photo)(N 17) 9c yellow brown & violet, neat ly ca ned. on small piece, very fine. S.G . 20, £500 .................................. ................ ........... ......(Photo)( N20) lk silver , yellow brown & gray, o .g. (hinge remnants), ve ry fine. S.G. 24, £350 ........................... ........................................ (Photo)(N23) 24c yellow brown & dark brown, o.g. , light g um tonin g reve rse only, very fine. #23 , £375 ................................................(Photo) (N24) 2k silver, blue & rose, o.g. (hinge remnants), very fine. S.G . 25, £3 00 ................................................................................ ..........(Photo)(N25) 3k silver, violet & brown, o.g. (hinge remnant), corner crease, very fine appeara nce . S.G . 24 , £425 ........................................(Photo)(N26) Sk silver, brown & green, neatly ca ned . on small piece, very fine. S.G . 27, £42 5 ........................... ................................ ........(Photo)(N27) 1t gold, purple & black, o .g., handstamp on reve rse, very fine. S.G. 28, £35 0 ....... ..................................................................... (P hoto )(N28)

500.00 650.00 850.00 550.00 550.00 425.00 650 .00 650.00 550. 00

CAME ROUN: 1915 Surchd. set compl., l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine .................................................... ................. .................. (Photo)(53 -65) 1,3 18.00

CANADA 252 0

1851 Laid Paper 3p red, margins all round, very lightly ca ned., still with part o.g., small thin , fine ............ ........................... ........(Photo)( I)

253 L'>


1857 Very Thick Sof t Wove Paper 6p reddish purpl e, STRIP OF THREE, cancelled by pen crosses , hinged on small piece, large to enormous margins all round, extremely line. S.G. 23, £7500+ ........................................(Photo)(lO) 8,250.00+ The larges t used multipl e of this rare stamp, equalled only by the Dale/Lichtenstein unused strip.



1893 Jubilee $1 lake, corner copy, stamp n.h., crease at bottom, brilliant fresh, very fine appeara nce ........ ........................... ......(Photo)(6 I)

700 .00

255 ** 83 1927 Confederation Sc violet, imperf blk of 4, n.h., large margins, extremely fine ........ ................... ................................................... ( 144a)

280 .00+

256 ** 83 1928-29 George V Sc deep violet, imperf blk of 4, n.h ., large margins all round, extremely fine .......................... ........................ .... ( 153b)


257 0


* 260 * 26 1 * 262 * 263 *


264 0



CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: 1900 Issued in Maf eking t sh on 4p pal e olive gre en , ne a t MY 12 1900 c.d. s., centered , extrem ely fin e .......................................................................................... (Photo )( l66 )



Vr yburg ; 1899 O vptd. Z.A.R. 2p on 6p violet, unu sed , line . Exrremely rare sramp . S.G . 3, £3000 .................... (Photo )( N3) 5,500.00 CAYMAN ISLANDS: 1907-08 Provi sional s ½ p on Ssh vermilion & green , o.g., very fine ......................................................(Photo )( 18)

475 .00

Ip on Ssh vermilion & gr een, l.h., fresh, fine ................... (Photo )( 19)


War Tax ; 1917 1-½ p on 2- ½ p ultram a rine , ver y l.h. , fre sh, very fine. B.P. A. Cert. (1979) ............. ............................. ....(Photo )(MR3 ) 1,750.00 1 V2p on 2 V2p, l.h. , fr esh, fin e. Royal Cert. (1986) ...(Photo )( MR3 ) 1,750.00 CE NTR AL LITH UANI A : 1920 Surchd. se t of ten, l.h . or o.g ., handstamps on reverse, mixed centering to very fine ...(Photo )( 13-22) 1,085.00 CE YLON: 1857-59 Whit e Paper 4p dull ro se, grid ca ncel, larg e mar gins to ju st in , fre sh color. Rare sramp . Royal Ce rt. (1946). Ex To dd . S.G . 9, £4500 ............................... ............................. (Photo )(S) 6,500.00 1921-33 Script CA Ge or ge V S0r dull violet, BREA K IN SC ROLL (Rl/1 2) vari ety, l.h., very fine. B.P.A. Cert ( 1993) . S.G. 353a, £550 ..........................................................................................(Ph oto)(245)


266 * EE COLOM BIA: Bolivar ; 1879 Err or 20c green, imp erf sheet mar gin blk of 20, Regis. 40c br own print ed on reve rse, un gumm ed , small tea r and negligible ink spots, fine .................. (Ph oto)( 13a,F J var s.)

* 268 ** 267

COOK ISLANDS: 1932 -36 Wmkd . Single-lined NZ & Star IOsh to £5, com pl. , l.h., tine to very tine ............................. (Ph oto )( I 05-08)


1967 Sur chd. set of thr ee, n.h .. $6 tiny tone spots on reverse, fine to very fine .......................................................................(Ph oto) ( 192-94) I , 150.00

269 6

** 27 1 *






C RETE : 1898 20pa violet, sheet ma r gin copy, lar ge mar gins oth er sides, hin ged on small piece, extr emely fine ....................(Phot o)( l )


CU BA: 1910 E rror le gr een & violet, invtd. cent er , n.h., fresh, tine ......................... ........................................ ........................(Photo )(239a)


l e, in vtd. center , o .g., o ne sta in e d pe r f, we ll ce nt e red , fin e .........................................................................................(Photo )(239a)

200 .00

CYPRU S: 1924-28 Script Georg e V £5 black on yellowish, l.h. , fre sh, fine .................... ............. ....................(Photo )( l09 ) 7,000.00 1928 A nni ve r sa r y set co mpl. , n .h . or l.h ., fin e to ve ry fin e .......................................................................... ...........(Photo )( l 14-23)




1903 Crown CC Edward VII 20r olive gray & black , l.h ., fre sh and fine ................ ........................ ...................................... (Photo ) (lS ) 1,250.00



S0r , orang e brown & black , l.h., fre sh, very line (Photo )(16) 2,500.00



S0r, o.g., very lin e. Foundation Ce rt. (1977) .....(Photo )( l6 ) 2,500.00

* 278 *

1912-18 Mult. Crown CA George V 20r blue & violet on bluish, o.g., fresh, very fine ........................ ...................... ..............(Photo)(5 6)

279 S

S00r r ed & green on greenish, ovtpd. SP ECIMEN, l.h., very fine. S.G. 63, £650 ................................................... ................ (Photo )(59S)




28 1



S0r gray green & rose red, l.h., fresh, very fine ............(Photo)(5 7) 1,250.00 uni.

ECUADOR: Air Post; 1928 and 1929 "PROVI S IONAL " at 45 and 41 degree angles, the 10 diff. compl., incl. Air Regis., n.h. or l.h., # C la negligible toning, very fine ........(Photo )(C l-5, la-3a,CF l,a) 1,705.00 1929 S0c to 25s, comp!. set, plus Air Regis. l s rose, n.h. or l.h., very fine ...................................................................... (Photo)(C I 6-25,CF2)






1928 Provisional 2- ½ p on 2p brown violet, l.h., perfectly centered, extremely fine ................................................................... (Photo)(S2) 1,750.00 1929-32 Mult. Crown CA George V £1 black on red, very l.h .. extremely fine . ............................................................... ....(Photo)(64)

650 .00

1933 Centenary Issue 284

* 286 ** 287 * 285


289 0 290


* 292 * 29 1


l/2p to £1, comp!. set, l.h., very fine ...............(Photo )(65-76) 5,173.75 Ssh yellow orange & black, l.h., true color , very fine. A popul ar err or ..................................................................... ............ (Photo)(74a) 2,500.00 lOsh light brown & black, n.h., very fine .......................(Photo)(75) 1,100.00 IOsh, o.g., very fine ........................................ ....................(Photo}(75) 1,100.00


£1 ro se & bl ac k, n.h. , fr es h bright colors, very fine ........... ...............................................(Front Cover Photo)(76) 2,750.00

FA ROE ISLANDS: 1940-41 Surchd. set of five, neatly caned., very fine ...................................................................(Next Page Photo)(2-6)


FIJI: 1904-12 Mutt. Crown CA Edward VII £1 violet & black on red, o.g., very fine ..................................... .......(Next Page Photo)(78)


£1, l.h., fresh, fine ............. ..................................... .......................... (78)


1912-23 George V £1 violet & black on red, Die II , l.h., very fine. ................................ ........................................ (Next Page Photo)(9 l a)

500 .00



1863-70 Perf 14x13 ½ Sfr gra y lilac on lavender, 3 copies, faults as usual, fine to very fine appearance .............................. .......(Photo) (37) 2,550.00

E::::~·j .


• •r •••• •• • • • • • •-• • • ••• ••• • •• • • • ._._.,_.__. _•~•

1924 8th Olympic Games "The Trophy " Trial Color Die Proofs , Vignette and Frame Separate on gummed pape r

294 DP

25c black, 140xl13mm, 11.h., minor edge toning, very fine .................. .....................................................................................(Photo) ( I 99TC)

295 DP

25c brown & rose , 140x113mm , n.h., minor edge toning, very fine 199TC)

296 DP

25c brown & carmine , l39xl12mm , n.h., very fine ..............( I 99TC)

297 DP


:~: : ... . ......................... • 299


25c bi-color trial Die proof on thin white card , 142x110mm , 8 diff. color combinations , a few minor tone spots , bright color s and fresh , ver y fine .....(Photo)(199TC)


297 30

298 DP

Same , but 3 diff. combinations, very fine ................... .........(199TC)

299 *

1927 Stra sbourg Souvenir sheet of two with label, o.g., reduced and slight paper adherences, stamps n.h. and fresh, fine .........(Photo )(24 I )


1929 Le Havre Exhibition 2fr orange & pale blue , o.g., very fine ........................................................................................ ..(Photo) (246)




301 ** 83 Semi-Po stal s; 1930 " Th e Smile of Reims" two pan es of 4 in unexploded bookl et, n.h., offset on reverse, one pane selvage stain, fine to very fine. DM3200 ...................................................................... (B34a) 302


Air Po st ; 1936 " Banknote " SOfr ultramarine , corner sheet margin copy, n.h. , few tiny inclu sion s, extremel y fine. DM2500 .........................................................................................(Photo )(ClS )



303 **

FRENCH SOUTHERN AND ANTARCTIC TERRITORIES: 1966-69 Albatross 20fr slate, olive & orange, n.h ., ve ry fin e ............................................................................................(Photo )(28)


304 **

1965 ITU 30fr multi-colored , n.h., very fine ................... (Photo) (C8)



STATES: Thurn and Taxes; 1866 Rouletted in Color lsgr rose , pair without rouletting between , sheet margin blk of 9 with normal s, n.h. , extremely tine ............................... (Photo )(30,a)




* 307 ** 306


309 3 10 3 11

* ** **


3 12 * EB

1920-22 Wmkd. Qua tr efoil s 1 ¼ m vermilion & ma ge nta , o.g., inclusions, fresh, fine ........................................................(Photo) (2 l 0)


1924 Eagle 3pf to S0pf, compl. set, n.h., fine Lo very fine. OM800 ........................................................................... ..........(Photo)(330-36)

(5 1.13)

1926-27 Portraits and 1928-32 3pf to 80pf, both sets compl. , n.h. to o.g. , some small faults or gum slightly disturbed , fresh and generally fine Lovery fine ....................................................... (35 l-62,53b.66-84)


1926 -27 Spf to S0t>f, 6 ditT., n.h., few tin y inc lusions, very fine . DM926 ............................. .............................................. (353,55,58-6 I)


1927 Labor Bureau set of three, top sheet margin copies, stamps n.h., very fine. OM475 .................... ......................................... (363-65)


1935 "The Hamburg Flyer" 25pf ultramarine, imperf sheet margin copy, stamp n.h., very fine. DM3000 ..............(Photo)(461 var.)


1948-51 Buildings 4pf to Im, 13 diff., perf 14, margin blks of 4, n.h. or l.h., few gum bends. 1m one stamp small gum crease. fine to very fine ...................................................... (Photo )(635a-54a,57a.58a) 2,062.00

3 13 * EB Jm to Sm, compl., type I , margin blks of 4, n.h.(3)/1.h.( I), fine to very fine. OM l 159 ...................... ................ ............................. (658-6 1) 3 14 3 15



3 16 * 83



Im to Sm, compl., type II, top margin copies, stamps n.h., fine to very fine. OMJ 2 15 ...................................... ............. (Photo )(658b-61a)


Sm blue, type I, corner str ip of 3, imperf vert., n.h .. , few inclusions, extremely fine ...............................................(Photo)(66 1 var.)


1949 Federal Asse mbly se t of two, top left corner blks of 4, n.h.(3)/1.h.( I), gum bends, very fine. OM I 035 .......... (P hoto )(665 ,666)


3 17 * lHI 1949 Sta mp Ce nt enary set compl. , incl. Sem i-Po sta l, top corner blk s of 6, n.h.(5)/1.h.( I). few tin y inc lusion s. fine to very fin e. OM 1680 .................... .......................................(Photo )(667,668,B309) 3 18

406 .00


1951-52 Post Horn 2pf to 90pf , compl. set, l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine .................................................. .................... ........(Photo)(670-85 ) 1,019.00

3 19 * EB Compl. set, blks of 4, l.h., very fine (Back Cover Photo )(670-85) 4,076.00 320 ** EB 1951 Roentg en 30pf blue , corner blk of 4, stamps n.h., extreme ly fine. DM 1040 ................................ .................................... (Photo )(686)


32 1 ** EB 1953 von Liebig 30pf dark blue, top margin blk of 4, n.h .. negligible offset on reverse, very fine. OM540 ........................................ (695)


322 * EB

1954-60 Heuss S0pf gray, corner blk of 4, n.h.(3)/1.h.( I J. fresh. fine. OM2450 ................. .......... ................................................. (Photo)(7 I4)





I · ······2'··················:······· .




323 **

Semi-Postals; 1944 Nautilus Cup 12+88pf carmine brown, imperf sheet margin pair , n.h., few inclu sions, ext remely fine. OM700+ .................................................... ............................. {Photo)(B 287 var.)


324 ** EB 1950 Bach set of two , top right corner blks of 4, n.h . exce pt I 0+2pf l.h.( I ), minor selvage wrinkles, extremely fine. OM 1410+ ........................................... ......................................(Photo )(B3 14,3 I 5)


325 * EB 1951 Philatelic Exposition set of two , top sheet margin blks of 4, n.h.(3)/1.h.( I ), extremely fine. DM960 ................................ (8 3 18,3 I 9)


326 * EB 1951 Portrait s set of four , top right corner blks of 4, n.h.(2)/1.h.(2), 30+ I 0pf l.h., fine to very fine ................................................ (8320-23)



327 181

Air Post ; 1931 Polar Flight set of three , fine to very fine, Im and 2m on se parate picture post card, 4m on envelope, pmkd FRlEDRICHSHA FEN (BODENSEE) 26.7. 193 1, and LUFfSC HIFF GRAF ZEPPELI N 24.7.1931 respectively, all appropriately cacheted .................................................................................... (Photo )(C40-42) 1,200.00+

328 * lfll

Officials; 1923 400m dark brown , double ovpt. showing on portion s of two s tamp s in blk of 9 with normal s, l.h. , very fin e .................................................................................(Photo) (O27 , var.)


Propaganda Stamps; 1944 Hitl er 6pf violet, pair , 12pf carmine, fine to very fine , tied by WIEN 15.2.45. pmks on separat e faulty e nve lopes. Goo d examp le of th e tw o ve rs ions of the ! 2pf rate ................................................................................. (Photo )(M i. 15, 16) DMl550

330 **

Von Witzleben 24+6pf dark brown red , sheet margin copy, n.h. , extremely fine .............................................. .............. (Photo)(Mi. 29) DM500

33 1 * lfll

Baden; Semi-Postals, 1949 Monuments set of four, bottom left corner s heet number blk s of 6, n.h.(5) /1.h.( I ) exce pt 20+30pf n.h.(4)/1.h.(2), very fine. DM820+ .............................(Photo )(5NB5-8)

40 ,oo





332 * EB Wurttemberg; Semi-Postals, 1949 Coat of Ar ms set compl., blks of 4, n.h.(2)/1.h.(2), fine to very fine ........................................... (8NB l -4)





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1948 Black ' 'BERLIN " ovpt. , compl. set of 20, 3m sma ll tear, others fine to very fine, tied by BERN 5-10-48 c.d.s. and Specia l Air-Lift Cachet on larg e Regis. cover , edge fault s .................................. .......................................................................................................................................................(Photo )(9Nl-20)




Compl. set on Regis. cover (no cachet) , pmkd BERLIN 15-11-48, line .............................................................................................................(Photo)(9Nl-20)




A very similar set on two covers , pmkd 13-10-45 with Air-Lift cachet, few cover edge faults .......................................................................(Photo)(9Nl-20)




A very similar lot ....................................................................................................................................................................................................(Photo )(9Nl-20 )


~,,.:-, 01UJl[IIE P~ll DEii'flfH[P/ilJ ~)

('"• '


HlN~ ··



336 Altmann


t Washiniton lllr . Er ic Altman n

r..,,.York I

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U. S.A.






1948-49 Red Ovpt. 2pf to 2m, compl. set, l.h., few inclusions, fine to very fine .......................... ..........................................{Photo) (9N2 1-34)


338 * 83

1949 U.P.U. set compl. , blks of 4, l.h., few inclusions, very fine ..................................................................................(Photo)(9N35-4 I) 1,376.00

339 * 83

1949 3m henna brown , Sm deep blue, top left corner blks of 4, n.h.(3)/1.h.(1), fine to very fine. DM3530 ..............(Photo)(9N59,60)


1949 Goethe se t of thre e, bottom right corner blk s of 4, n.h.(3)/1.h.( I). inclusions, gum creas ing or bends, fine to very fine. DM2175+ .............................. ................................................ (9N61-63)


1949 Surchd. set of four, top margin blks of 4, n.h.(2)/1.h.(2), Im on 3m l.h.(4), fine to very fine. DM 1290 ......................{Photo)(9N64-67 )


1950 European Recovery Plan 20pf dark carmine, top right corner blk of 4, n.h.(3)/1.h.( I), very fine. DM800+ ........................(9N68)


1951-53 Freedom Bell, the three diff. compl. sets of live, margin or corner blks of 4, n.h. to o.g., fine to very fine ........... (9N70-79,94-98)

5 18.60+

1951-52 First and Re-engraved sets compl., margin or corner blks of 4, n.h. or l.h., fine to very fine ..........................................(9N70-79)


1953-54 4pf to 75pf , the 5 diff. blk s or margin blk s of 4 , n.h.(3)/1.h.( I), very fine. DMl670+ .......................... (9NI0l ,02,08- 10)


346 ** 83 70pf oliv e green, left margin blk of 4, stamps n.h. , very fine. DMI I00 .............................................. ...................................... (9NI 10)


340 * 83

34 1 * 83 342 * 83 343 * 83 344 * 83 345 * 83

Semi-Postals 347 * 83 348


349 * 83 350


1949 Currency Victims set of three, top left corner blks of 4, l.h., selvage reduced, negligible gum creasing or bends, fine .......(9NB 1-3)


Souvenir sheet of three, o.g., very fine ...................... {Photo)(9NB3a)


1950 Philharmonic set of two, top margin blks of 4, n.h.(3)/1.h.( I), very fine. DM 1135 ............................................................... ... (9NB4,5)


Compl. set, blks of 4, used with 20pf, 2 copies, fine to very line, tied by BERLIN CHARLOTTENBURG 8. 12. 50. pmks on Regis. cover , tran sit s a nd Trenton receive r o n reverse . DM 1600 + ....................... ........................................................{Photo) (9N68,B4,5)

Offices in Morocco; 1906-11 Wmkd. Lozenges 6p25c on Sm slate & carmine, neat c.d.s. cancels, very fine (Following Page Photo)(44)




fl .IV, l"l~t- r"te


35 1 ** ml Soviet Zone; Thuringer, 1948 Souvenir sheet of three, sheet of 6, hinged in selvage only, extreme ly fine. Cati. as n.h. Souvenir sheets ....................... .......................................................(Photo)(Mi. BLk. Ix) DM4650 352 0



F, ./ , I' ' ,



"- . 1



* 354

* 356 * 357 * 355

GIBRALTAR: 1903 Crown CA Edward VII 2sh to £1, compl., o.g ., fresh, fine to very fine. S.G . 52-55, £680 .............. (Photo)(45-48) 1,060 .00


1921-32 Script George V £5 dull violet & black , o.g., a touch redistributed, fresh and fine copy ............(Photo)(93) 3,500.00 GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS: 1921-27 Script CA George V lOsh green & red on emerald, very l.h., fresh and fine .... (Photo)(3 I)


GOLD COAST: 1875 Crown CC perf 12-½ 4p red violet, o.g. (hinge remnant) , fresh, fine ................................................... (Photo)(2)


6p orange, o.g. (hin ge remnant) , centered, fresh, very fine.(Photo)(3) 1,000 .00

358 181

GREAT BRITAIN: Used in Wales; 1840 Imperf lp black, 4 copies, 2p blue, most ly faulty , tied by c lear black MC ca ncels on folded letter (missing one 2p which paid the 8p rate) to Baltimore and bear ing the two types of "Return ed for Postage" markin gs and Boston rece iver, two diff . dated strikes of ABERGA VENNY , plus Liverpool tran sits on reverse, rare combination ................................. (Photo)( 1,2) 1,200.0 0+


1882 £5 orange , excellent forgery of this popular stamp .......................................................................................... (Photo) (93F)

GREECE 360 0

367 0 368


369 0

* 37 1 * 370


1896 Olympic s Sd green , 10d brown , neat ly ca ne d ., fin e ................................................................................... (Photo)( l27, 128)

490 .00

1900-01 Double Surcharge Including "AM" 25L on 40L violet, n.h., fresh, fine. Vis. 175b, Dr480,000 ...................(Photo)(160 var.)


25L on 40L, o.g., fresh, fine ................................... (Photo)(l60 var.)


25L on 40L, o.g., fresh, fine ................................... (Photo)(160 var.)


25L on 40L, o.g., tiny thin spot, fine ............. ........... (Photo)( 160 var.)


25L on 40L, o.g., tiny thin , fine .......... ............... ....... (Photo)( 160 var.)


Red and Black Surcharge SOLon 25L on 40L violet, l.h., tiny tone spot, fine............................................................................ (Photo)( 164)


SOLon 25L on 40L, neatly caned., fine........................... (Photo)( 164)

500 .00

1906 Olympics Id to Sd, compl. n.h., 3d centered to top, fine to very fine. Vis. est. Drl60 ,000 ......................... ..(Next Page Photo)( l94-97) Same, neatly caned. , very fine .................. (Next Page Photo)( L94-97)

505 .00 352.50

2d rose, 3d olive yellow, Sd dull blue, l.h., very fine to extremely fine ............................................................. (Next Page Photo)( L95-97)


Same, l.h., 3d neg ligible tone spot on reverse, fine to very fine ( 195-97)



*1811907 New Year Embossed



Greeting Card bearing dies of IL to Sd, 9 diff. , sent by the Director General of Posts and Telegraph s and his emp loyees. Print ed by J.P. Segg & Co., London, minor fault s and light overall toning , fine .................................................. (Photo) 1933 Republic set of three, l.h., fine to very fine ................... (378-80) 1,250.00 GRENADA

374 0 375 0

* 377 * 378 * 376




1861 Unwmkd. rough perf 14 to 16 Ip blue green, neatly caned., very fine ..............................................................................(Photo )( Ia)


Ip, fresh, fine ......................................................................(Photo) ( Ia)


1863-71 Wmkd. Sma ll Star 6p vermilion , o.g., fresh bright color, fine. S.G. 9, £650 ..................................................................(Photo )(5)


1873-78 Clea n Cut per f about 15 Ip deep green, sheet margin pair , o.g., very fine ............................................................(Photo )(5B)


1883 ½p orange & green, un severed pair, sheet margin wmk., o.g. (hin ge remnant), fresh, fine. Royal Cert (1920). Ex Turpin. S.G. 29a, £1200 .......................................................................(Photo)(lSa) 2250.00


G UA TEMA LA: Air Post; 1935-37 Error Sq orange & indigo, QUETZEL OMITTED, o.g., very fine (Photo)(C69a) 2,000.00 HONG KONG: 1885-91 Crown CA $1 on 96c violet on red, o.g., fresh, fine ............................................................................(Photo) (56)


HUNGARY: 1925 Sports set of eight , imperf sheet margin singles 38 1 **EB and blks of 4, n.h., lar ge margins , extremely fine .(Photo)(BS0-87)


382 ** EBSame , imperf blks of 4, n.h., large margins, extreme ly fine ....................................................................................(Photo)(BS0-87)


383 *

INDIAN STATES: Gwa lior ; 1942-49 George VI 3p to 25r, com pl. set , o.g., very fine ........................................................(Photo)( I00-17)

1 ,'


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* 385 * 386 ** 387 *


* 389 * 390 *


Cochin; 1948-49 Perf 11 Error 6p red brown, pair , imperf vert., very faint bends, l.h., very fine .................................... (Photo)(93 var.)


IRELAND: 1925-27 Ssh rose red , PAIR , "1922" wide & narrow , very l.h., fresh deep color, very fine pair. S.G. 84a, £400 (Photo) (78a)


ISRAEL: 1948 Flying Scroll set comp!., right tab copies , n.h., I Om ink ms. on reverse of tab, very fine ............................ ...(Photo) ( I0- 14)


JORDAN: 1923 Hand stamped Surch. perf 11-½, ½ pi on 1-½pi violet, pair imperf between, l.h ., very fine. The rarest of the known erro rs and the only one unlisted. S.G. 110 var .........(Photo )(91 var.)


KENYA, UGANDA AND TANZANIA: 1922-27 George V £2 brown violet & green, l.h. , brilliant fresh , very fine .....(Photo )(38) 1,250.00 £3 yellow & dull violet, l.h. , bright color s, very fine .....(Photo )(39) 1,750.00 KOREA: 1955 Athletic Meet 20h claret, 55h dark green, imperf So uvenir sheets of one , un g umm e d , tiny fau lt s , very fine ........................................................................... (Photo)(233 ,234 vars .)


39 1

: ;1!1)1



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LAGOS: 1904 Crown CA Edward VII ½ p to l0 sh, comp!. set, l.h. or o.g., generally fine to very fine .................................(Photo)(40-49) 1,265.50

392 ** EB LEBANON: Air Post; 1945 25pi to 300pi, comp!. set, imperf blk s of 4, n.h ., large mar g in s, few in c lusion s, very fin e. DM2000+ .......................................... ................................ (Photo )(C97- I 00 vars.) 393


* 395 * 396 ** 397 * 394

Air Post Semi-Postals; 1961 Olympic s, two imperf Souvenir sheets of three , one with 35p design omitted, other with 25p design omitted, minor stain spots or offset on reverse , fine . Very scarce. 1972 San. $350 ............................... ......(Next Page Photo )(C B12-14 vars.)



LEEWA RD ISLAN DS: 1897 Jubilee Ssh green & ultramarine , l.h. , very fine .......................................................... ...........(Photo)(16) 1,500.00 Ssh, o.g., very fine ............................................................. (Photo)(16)


1921-32 Mult. Crown CA George V £1 black & violet on red , n.h. , centered, extreme ly fine. S.G. 80, £225 .............................. (Photo)(83)


1938-51 George VI £1 black & brown purple on red , perf 14, 3 copies , l.h., fresh, fine to extreme ly fine. S.G. 114, £5 10(Photo) ( l 15a)


398 ** EB LUXEMBOURG: Air Post; 1952 Stamp Centenary 80c to lOfr , comp!. set, top right corner blks of 4, n.h., few tin y inclusions, extremely fine. DM800 ........................................................... (C 16-20)






MADAGASCAR: 1886 British Consu lar Mail; Black Seal Handstamped lp, types I and Il, unused, usual thins, former creasing, fine ........................................................(Next Page Photo) (45,5a)


6p, rose, o.g., tiny tone spot, otherwise very fine (Next Page Photo) (5 I)


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hair: 150 ...


FEDERATED MALAY STATES: 1906-22 Mutt . Crown CA 4c scar let, Die II, wmk d . upright, neat Tanjong cancel, well centered, very fine. Ex Asch. S.G. 38a, £400 ........................... (Photo )(44b var.)




** $50, sheet margin **EE$50, sheet margin

404 405



* 407


JOHORE: 1904-08 Wmkd. Rosette $50 green & blue, $100 gree n & sca rl et, l.h., fres h, fine ................................. ............. (Photo) (74,75) 1,050 .00

copy, n.h., very fine ............................. (Photo )(74)


blk of 4, n.h. , fresh, very fine .............. (Photo )(74)

1,200 .00

KEDAH: 1919 S0c on $2 dark brown & dark green, "C" of "Cents" inserte d by hand left stamp in pair with normal , tropical gum not mentioned in cert. , fine. Friedl Cert. (1977) and signed H. Bloch. S.G. 24a, £950 ............................................ .........(Photo) (21a) 1,500.00 PAHANG: 1889 Crown CA 10c slate , o.g., fresh, very fine (Photo)(3)



4 11


4 12


/ 1 "1


401 0







1897 Bisects with Red ms. Surcharge 2c and 3c on diagonal halves of Sc blue , UNSEVERED PAIR , line drawn through Sc and "2c" ms. invtd., light crease, still very fine. Signed H. Bloch. Ex Asch. S.G. 18a, £4500 (Front Cover Photo)(21 ,22) One of the rarest stamps in Malaya phi lately.


1878 Crown CC 2c brown , unused , fine. Signed H. Bloch. Ex Asch . S.G. 1, £950 .................... ................................ ........... (Photo)(l) 1,650.00 1886 Crown CA Ovptd. "PERAK" in Roman Capitals, 15x3mm , 2c rose , subsequently surchd. "l CENT" in italic capitals , lightly caned., corner perf crease, fine and rare provisional. B.P.A. Cert. (1982). Ex Asch. S.G. 24, £1300 ................................. (Photo) (6 var.)


Black Surcharge le on 2c rose, large part o.g., negligib le toning , line. Royal Cert. (1934) and B.P.A . Cert. (1989). S.G. 30a, £1000 ..................................... ..................................................... (Photo )( ISA ) 1,750.00 Official; 1890 Crown CA 2c rose , double ovpt. , part o.g. , rich color and well centered, very line. Signed H. Bloch. Ex. Asch. S.G. Ola , £850 ............................................................. ..........(Photo )( O3b ) 1,750.00 Japanese Occupation; 1942 $5 red on emerald, usual o.g ., very fine. Signed Rowell. S.G. 1205, £425 ................................ ........... (NI 6)


413 0



4 15




4 17


4 18

4 19 181

SELANGOR: 1882 Crown CA ovptd. "S." 2c brown, light concentric octagons and partial red postmarks, weU centered. B.P.A Cert. (1949). Signed H. Bloch. Ex Asch. S.G. 8, £1300 .............................................(Front Cover Photo )(3) 1,500.00 SUNGEI UJONG: 1881-83 Crown CC ovptd. "S .U." 2c brown, wing margin copy , o.g., shortened wing, otherwise fine. Ex Asch ....................................................... .......................................(Photo)(3) unpr. TRENGGANU: 1921-38 Script CA $50 orange & green, l.h ., very fine. Signed H. Bloch ........................................................ (Photo )(40) 2,000.00 1922 Exhibition set compl., o.g., fine to very fine ................. (8a-24a)


Semi-Postal; 1917 8c+2c ultramarine , "SS" in "CROSS" inverted , sheet margin copy, l.h., faint tone spot , otherwise very fine. Signed H. Bloch. Ex Asch. S.G. 22b, £600 .........................(Photo )(B3 var.)



MAURJTIUS: 1924 Script Coat of Arms 50r lilac & green, NEVER HINGED , perfectl y centered, bright fresh colors, sup erb .................................................................. (Photo )(200) 1,750.00

MEMEL: 1920-21 Unwmkd. 3m on 2fr to 20m on 5fr , 4 diff. vert. pair s, very fine, each tied by Memel 192 1 or 1922 pmks on separate Regis. cover to Chemnitz. DM I 150+ ..................(Photo )(29,30 ,32,33)


1917 Baghdad Issue

* 42 1 * 422 * 423 * 424 * 420



426 * Ill!




½ a on lOpa green , o.g., very fine. Foundation Cert. (1977). Signed Calves. S.G. 3, £550 ...................................................... ...(Photo )(N3)


½ a on lOpa , trace of o.g., light tone spots mostly on reverse not mentioned in cert., fine. B.P.A. Cert. ( 1988) ............................(Photo )(N3)


la on 20pa red , unused, very fine. Friedl Cert. ( I 980). Signed H. Bloch .................................................................................. (Photo )(N4)


la on 20pa rose, o.g., very fine. B.P.A. Cert. ( 1962). S.G. 14, £300 .......................................................................................... (Photo )(NI7)


1919 Mosul Issue Large Tughra la on 20pa black on rose, sheet margin pair imperf betw een, ex trem ely fine. Holcombe Cert. (1990) and signed by him. S.G. 2a, £600 .............. (Photo )(N43 var.)


Wmkd. Diagonal Zigzag Lines Sa on lOpa clar et, double surch. , l.h., fre sh, fine. Holcombe Cert. (1990) and signed by him. S.G. Sb, £550 ............................................................................... (Photo )(N49a)


MEXICO: 1947 Marquez 2c brown black , sheet margin blk of 8, bottom stamps partially printed with vignette only, unused, very fine ................................................................. (Next Page Photo )(830 var.)


1950-52 Wmkd. GOBIERNO MEXICANO and Eagle in Circle 80c claret , imperf sheet margin vert. pair , o.g., large margins, very fine ................................. .............................(Next Page Photo) (C 194a)


of toning, otherwise very fine ......(Next Page Photo) (592-95,C65 var.)


MONTSERRAT: 1913 Mutt. Crown CA George V Ssh green & sca rlet on yellowish, blk of 4, n.h.(2)/1.h.(2), fresh, extremely fine ..........................................................................(Next Page Photo) (42)


**!Bl MONACO: 1964 Olympics imperf Souvenir sheet of five, n.h., trace

429 * 83



43 1


432 0


433 434 0

435 0 436 437

. ............ . ...... .......... ······: ······:·· .....···:················ '

XV 111 •m• 0 LYM P I A D E TOKYO







~"1 :::i ~

,, ('




Ce%) 428 429




NATAL: 1904-08 MuJt. Crown CA Edward VII £1 lOsh violet & orange brown , o.g. (hinge remnant ), usual surface rubbing , fine. Rare stamp ...................................... .................. ................ (Photo )(109) 2,500.00 NAURU: 1916-23 2sh6p yellow brown , Ssh carmine, l0 sh light blue, plus 1920 2sh6p, l.h. or o.g., very fine ................(Photo) ( 13- 16) 1,425.00 lOsh, lightly caned., very fine .............................................(Photo) ( 15)


NEVIS: 1882-90 Crown CA 6p green, o.g., fine .............(Photo )(28)


NEWFOUNDLAND: 1860 No Mesh 6p orange, wmkd. double line "EV" of "STACEY", mo stly large margin s all round , lightl y caned., small, light crease, fine ...........................................(Photo )( 13) 1,000.00 1861 Second Printing l sh rose, huge margin s all round , neat cork cancel, extremely fine. S.G. 24e, £ 170 ...............................(Photo )(23)


Air Post; 1933 Balbo $4.50 on 75c bistr e, n.h. , fr esh, extrem ely fine ..................................................................................(Photo )(C 18)


$4.50 on 75c, n.h. , fresh, extre mely fine ......................(Photo )(C 18)



1850 Plat e II Ip carmine on laid paper , vertical pair , margin s all round , mostl y very large, neat " 49 " (Wagga Wagga) cancels, trace of thinning at bottom , very fine. B.P.A. Cert. (1993). S.G. 13, £950+ ..................................... ............................................(Photo )(2 b) 1,650.00+

439 0

Ip dull carmine on bluish, vertica l pair , margin s all round, lar ge three sides, lightly caned., fresh, fine. S.G. 8 ....................(Photo )(2c) 1,450.00+

440 0

Ip dull carm ine, no trees on hill, full to enormous margins , gr id cancel, very fine. S.G. Sa, £475 ....................................... (Photo) (2h)


1850 Plate 1 Intermediate Impression 2p grayish blue , mostly large margins all round, fine, tied by grid cancel on local mourning envelope, AP 3 1850 pmks on reverse. S.G. 16b, £550 ........(Photo) (3)


Plate II Ear ly Impression 2p indigo, pair , large margins, neatly caned . on sma ll piece, very fine. S.G. 21 ........................(Photo)(5h)


1850-51 3p myrtle green on yellowish paper , mostly very large margins all round, lightly caned., rich true color, extreme ly fine. B.P.A. Cert. (1993). S.G. 40, £1000 .................................(Photo)(9a)


44 1 181

442 6 443 0




1851 Thick Yellowish Wove Paper Ip carm ine, lar ge part o.g., full to lar ge margins, sma ll faults , rich color an d attractive copy of th is rare stamp. S.G. 44, £1800 ....................................... (Photo)(lO) 2,500.00 1851-52 Bluish Wove Pap er Ip vermilion, part o.g., margins three sides, touched or just clear at top, tiny spot on front, fine. B.P.A Cert. ( 1993). S.G. 47 , £900 ..........................................................(Photo)( 13) 1,500.00

446 0

1854-55 Wmkd. Doubl e-lin ed Numerals Sp orange, margin s all round, larg e three sid es, nea tl y ca ned. , very fin e. S.G.126 ............................................................................................(Photo )(30) 2,000.00

447 0

Sp yellow, margins all round, tiny corner margin crease , fine. S.G . 125 .....................................................................................(Photo)( 30a) 2,000.00

* 449 *

lsh pale red, pair, o.g., full to large margins, brownish, crackly gum, light creasing, fine. S.G. 128, £ 1500+ ................................(Photo) (3 l) 1,800.00+



45 1

* **

452 **

NEW ZEALAND: Po sta l Fiscal; 1939 Wmkd. Singl e-lined NZ and Star Close Together 35sh on 35sh yellow, o.g., very fine .......................................................................................(Photo) (AR70)


NIGER COAST PROTECTORATE: 1893 Handstamped type "c" (S.G.7) ½ p on 2½p violet on blui sh, vermilion surch., l.h., fine ............................................................................................(Photo) ( I 0)


NIUE: 1941-45 Wmkd. Sing le-lined NZ and Star Close Together 2sh6p to £1, compl. set, n.h., fine to very fine. S.G . 79-82 , £475 ....................................................................................... (Photo) (86-89)

7 15.00

Compl. set, n.h., fine to very fine .................................(Photo) (86-89)

7 15.00


454 455

* *


* 457 * 456

1901-05 le to S0c, compl. set, plus 1902 10c, 16c and 1910 $5, $10, l.h. or o.g., fresh bright colors, fine to very fine. S.G. 127-45, £425 ................................................................. (Photo)( 105- 19,22,23,50,51) 1912 Unissued $10 brown, unused, fine ......................... (Photo)(l59)



666.75 1,750.00

1ht flrmnriam Jin Xll

1922 Exhibition, Period after Exhibition le to 24c, 12 diff. red and blue ovpts., missing just five, o.g., fine to very fine. S.G. 253c, 55a58a, 60a, 62a, 65a-70a, £639 ..................................................... (Photo) Sc yellow brown & black , double ovpt., l.h., fresh , fine. S.G. 258c, £1600 ......................................................................(Photo)(141a var.)

VALOR B/ .0,80




6c olive green & black , double ovpt., o.g., tropical gum and a few light tone spots on front , small corner crease not mentioned in cert. , well centered and fine appearance. B.P.A. Cert. (1963). S.G. 260b, £1600 ...................... ..................................... (Photo)(142a var.)


uni. Semi-Postals; 1918 Surchd. set compl., l.h., incl. $5 and $ I0, or o.g., fine to very fine. $5 and$ IO B.P.A. Certs. ( 1971) ......(Photo) (B31-47) I , 140. 15











NORTH WEST PACIFIC ISLANDS: 1915-16 Wmkd. Wide Crown and Wide A £1 ultramarine & brown , l.h. , very fine .................................................. .......................................... (Photo )(lO) 1,350.00 OBOCK: 1894 Imperf S0fr red violet & green, o.g., large margins, usual gum toning, very fine ................................................ (Photo) (64) RIVER COLONY: 1907-08 Mutt. Crown CA Edward VII 4p olive green & carmine, "IOSTAGE" error , sing le in blk of 4 with normals, error n.h., very fine ...........................(Photo )(72,a)

VALOR B/ .0.80




de P.1nam.i a L1


Exposic16n Jc Bruse I.ts Jc: 1958


PALESTINE: Postage Due; 1923 Im bistre brown , Sm violet, imperf pairs, o.g., thin spots, fresh, very fine appearance ...................................................................................... (Photo)(] I a,4a) 1,325.00


463. 463

**ll:ll PANAMA: Air Post; 1958 Brussels World's Fair, imperf Souvenir sheet of seven, 3c vignette omitted and 15c double impression , mar-






gins at top and right, n.h., very fine ....................... (Photo)(C209 a var.)


1959 Pius XIl imperf Souvenir sheet of four, 2 sheet s each with Sc design omitted and miscut , n.h., light staining, fine appearance. 1966 San. 238e, $600 .....................................................(Photo)(C2 I 2a var.)


1960 Olympics imperf Souvenir sheet of two, unsevered pair of sheets without colored border and subjects mis-aligned , n.h., light toning and negligible bottom corner crimps, fine. San. 267c, unpr. ...............................................................................(Photo)(C237a var.)


reverse, otherwise very fine. 1966 San. $750 ............... (C 184-88 vars.)


**ll:ll PARAGUAY: Air Post; 1950 Roosevelt set compl., imp erf sheet margin blks of 10, n.h., light overa ll gum toning , handstamp on



468 0 469 470

* **

PORTUGAL: 1940-41 Rowland Hill 15c to 1.75c, comp!. se t, imperf pairs , un g umm e d , la rge m arg in s, ve ry fin e .......................................................................... (Photo)(595-602 vars.)


RHODESIA: 1890-94 Coat of Arms £10 orange brown, nea tly caned., fine. A.P.E.S. Cert. ( 1992) ...................................... (Photo) ( 19) 1,750 .00

1896 lp on 3p gray & green , o.g., very fine ..................... (Photo) (40) 1,000.00 1897 £1 black & red on greenish , n.h., centered, very fine. S.G. 73 ...................................................................... ................. .....(Photo)(57)


47 1 ** Hl RUSSIA: German Occupation ; 1941-43 Ovptd. OSTLAND 15pf brown lake, ovpt. omitted bottom left stamp in blk of 4 with normals, n.h., extremely fine. Mi. 91, DM500 .......... (Photo)(N19, var.)


472 * IBI 40pf bright red violet, ovpt. omitted one stamp, shifted and incomplete three others, in blk of 8 with normals, n.h. or l.h., light bend, very fine ............................................................... (Photo)(N25, vars.)


473 * IBI Ovptd. UKRAINE 3pf light brown, "E" of "UKRAINE" omitted middle stamp in blk of 9 with normals, n.h. incl. error (7)/1.h.(2), extreme ly fine. Mi. 21, DM450+ .............................(Photo)(N30, var.)


474 ** IBI5pf deep yellow green, ovpt. omitted bottom middle stamp in blk of 6 with normals, n.h., fine to very fine ................ (Photo )(N32 , var.)


* 476 *


477 6.

RYUKYU ISLANDS : 1952 Provi sional lO0y on 2y rose vio let, unused (regummed over faults), very fine appearance .......(Photo)( 17) 1,750.00 SAAR: 1920 Germania 5pf gree n, double ovpt., o.g., neg ligib le creasing, fine. Signed Calves and others. Mi.4aIII, DM800 (Photo)(4b)


1920 Perf 14x.14½ 10m yellow green, neatly caned . on small piece, short corner perf, fine .......................................................... (Photo)(39)


478 *Hl

* 480 * 479

Air Post; 1950 Council of Europe 200fr red brown, blk of 4, l.h., extremely fine .............................. .....................................(Photo )(C 12)


ST. CHRISTOPHER: 1882-90 Crown CA 4p blue, o.g., fresh, fine ............................................................................................ (Photo) ( l 3)


1885 Bisect Surch. Error ½ p on right diagonal half of lp rose, inverted surch., o.g., very fine ............................... .........(Photo) ( 17b)



* 482 * 483 * 481

1856 Wmkd. Star Imperf 6p blue, o.g., margins all round, mostly large, strong color, very fine . B.P.A. Cert. ( 1992) ................(Photo)(l)


1863 Crown CC imperf 4p on 6p carmine, margins all round, o.g. (hinge remnant), bright color, very fiae ..............................(Photo )(J0)


1908 Crown CA Edward VII lOsh green & red on greenish, l.h., fresh, fine ................................................. ..................... ......(Photo) (60)


484 * 485 * 486 *

487 *

488 * 489 * 490**

1922-27 Script CA Badge of Colony lSsh violet & black on bluish , l.h., very fine ..................................................................... (Photo)(94) 2,000.00 lSsh, o.g., fresh , fine .........................................................(Photo)(94) 2,000.00 1922-27 Mutt. Crown CA 4p to £1, compl. set , l.h. or o.g., £ 1 very l.h. if at all, very fine ............................................. ........(Photo) (95-99) 845.00 ST. KITTS-NEVIS: 1923 Tercentenary set compl., l.h., a very fine set .....................................................(Photo)(52-64) 3,606.75 Mutt. Crown CA £1 violet & black on red, l.h., very fine (Photo)(64) 2,750.00 ST. LUCIA: 1863 Crown CC perf 12½ (6p) emerald, part o.g., fresh color, fine .....................................................................(Photo) (6) 525.00 ST. PIERRE AND MIQUELON:1942 Ovptd. set of four and the two diff. surchd., n.h., fine to very fine ...................(Photo) (2 16A-20) 707.00 ST. VINCENT



492 * 493 * 494 * 495 * 496 * 497 * 498 0

1863-69 Unwmkd. perf 11 to 13 lsh brown, part o.g., fresh bright color, fine ............................................................................(Photo) ( I0)

850.00 1871-78 Wmkd. Small Star dean-cut perf 14 to 16 6p blue green , l.h., fresh, very fine ..........................................................(Photo) ( I4B) 1, 100.00 1880-81 Seal of Colony Ssh rose , traces of o.g., rich color and fine ............................................................................................(Photo)(29 ) 2,500.00 1880 Bisect Ip on left half of 6p blue green , part o.g., very fine ............................................................................................ (Photo) (30) 1,000.00 Ip on right half of 6p, lightly caned., very fine ................(Photo) (30) 550.00 1881 ½ p on half of 6p yellow green , unsevered pair , part o.g ., bright color, fine ................................................................(Photo) (3 la) 700.00 1881 lp on 6p yellow green , o.g., fine. B.P.A. Cert. ( I969). S.G. 3 1, £400 ....................................................................................(Photo) (32) 750.00 1883-84 Crown CA 6p yellow green , lightly caned., centered , extremely fine. S.G. 44, £325 ........................................... (Photo)(38) 450.00 SAMOA

499 * 500 * 50 I *

502 * 503 *

1914 Unwmkd. Ssh on Sm slate & carmine, o.g., light bend, well centered, very fine ............................................................. (Photo) ( 113) 1,850.00 1935 £5 dark blue, l.h.,very fine. S.G. 194, £450 ...........(Photo) ( 180) 800.00 1932 Wmkd. Single-lined NZ and Star Close Together £5 dark blue , o.g., fresh , very fine ....(Back Cover Photo)(l61) 4,500.00 £5, l.h., very fine ...............................................................(Photo )( 180)

800.00 1945-50 Wmkd. Mutt. NZ and Sta r 2sh6p to £5, compl. set, £5 sheet margin copy, l.h., very fine .............................(Photo) ( 195-202) 1,617.50

* 505 ** 506 ** 504



** *

* 510 *


5 11

5 12

** *

513 0

5 14


515 0

5 16


5 17


5 18


519 0



Compl. to £3, l.h., very fine .................... ..................(Photo) ( l95 -201)

967 .50

£5 dark blue, n.h., very fine ..... ........ .................. .............. (Photo) (202)


SAN MARINO: Air Post; 1951 Stagecoach 300L claret, brown & dark brown, imperf sheet margin copy, n.h., full margi ns, very fine. Sass. LI ,000,000 ............................... ................. ............ (Photo) (C75a)

450 .00

Same, part Imprint co py , sta mp n .h ., large margin s, very fin e ................................. ............. .......................................... (Photo) (C75a)


SIERRA LEONE: 1933 Wilberforce set compl., l.h., very fine set .............. ......................... .............................................. (Photo) ( 153-65) 1,586.75 £1 yellow & dark violet, l.h., brilliant fresh , very fine ....(Photo) ( l 65)


STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: 1922 Exhibition set compl., o.g., fine to very fine ...................................... ......................... (Photo )(l5 ld -99d)


SUDAN : Army Official; 1906-11 5m black & rose red, DOUBLE OVPT. , sheet margin copy, stamp n.h., extremely fine. Royal Cert. (1960) .......................................................................... (Photo)(MO8b )


SWEDEN: 1924 U.P.U. Congress set compl., l.h. or o.g., ge nera lly fine to very fine ...... ..................................................... (Photo) (2 I 3-28) I, 195.00 SWITZERLAND: Zurich; 1850 Coat of Arms 2-½r black & red, P.P . cance l, repair, fine appearance ............. .....................(Photo )( IL 5) 4 ,250.00 1945 Peace se t compl., incl. Semi-Postal , n.h ., ex tr eme ly fin e . OM 1502 ........................................................... (Photo)( 293-3 05 ,B 145)


Compl. se t, li g htl y cane d. , 60c li g ht stain , fin e to very fin e ........................................... ........... ................... (Photo )(293-305,B 145) I, 114.98 TOBAGO: 1882-96 Crown CA 6p bistre brown , o .g., very fine. Foundation Cert. ( 1977). S.G . 19, £55 0 .............................. (P hoto )(2 1) 1,000.00 TRANSVAAL: 1902-03 Mult. Crown CA Edward Vil £5 violet & orange, o.g., very fine ..................................................... (Photo) (267) 2,750.00 TRINIDAD: 1851-53 Unwmkd. Blued Paper (Ip) brown red, large pa rt o.g ., large m arg in s a ll round , d ee p rich co lo r, ve ry fin e. Foundation Cert . ( 1988) ............ ..........................................(Photo) ( La)


1882 Provisional Ip on 6p green, black surch., light c.d.s. cance l, thinned , well centered , very fine appearance ..............(Photo)(67b) 3,750.00 TUNISIA: Semi-Postals; 1918 New Colors Surc hd. set of eight , n .h., mi xed centering to extremely fine. As good an n.h. set as one could expect ................................................................(Photo) (B 12- 19)


521 ** EB URUGUAY: 1924 Olympic set of three, blk s of 4, n.h., mixed centering to very fine. DM800+ ........................................ (Photo)( 282-84) 522 ** EB VATICAN CITY: 1949 lL to lOOL, comp!. set, incl. Spec . Del., blks of 4, n.h., coup le of singles l.h ., very fin e. DM I LOOas n.h. ......................................................................... (Photo)(l22 -3 1,E I 1, 12)

ZULULAND 330.00+


WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 1872 3p black Die proof , sunk on card, 92x60mrn, mica overlay, very fine. S.G. 63DP .............(Photo )(40DP)

523 DP

* 53 1 * 532 * 530

533 **

* 535 *




* 526 * 525


* 529 *


1908-09 Wmkd. Multiple Rosette 40r orange brown & black, sheet margin copy, l.h. , extreme ly fine .........................(Photo )(116)


SOr lilac & black, very l.h. , extreme ly fine ................... (Photo)(117)


lOOr blu e & black , o.g., fresh, fme .................................(Photo)( 118) 1,250.00


200r black & brown , sheet margin copy, l.h. , ve r y fine .........................................................(Bac k Cover Photo)(ll9) 2,500 .00 1913 Dhow lOOr blue & black , l.h ., extreme ly fine . Roya l Cert. ( 1966) ........................ ........................................................ (Photo )( L39) 200r black & brown , l.h., very fine. Royal Cert. (1971) (Photo )(l40)

800.00 1,500.00

1892 Wmkd. Anchor Ssh rose , l.h., fre sh, extreme ly fine (Photo)(ll)


Ssh, l.h. , tiny inclu sion , extremely fine ...........................(Photo) (ll)


Ssh, o.g., gum spot, very fine ..............................................(Photo )( 11) 1,500.00 1894-96 Crown CA £1 vio let on red , NEVER HINGED , fre sh, extremel y fine. S.G. 28, £450 ...........................................(Photo)(23 ) 1,250.00 £1, very l.h. , fresh, extremely fine ................................... (Photo)(23)


£1, l.h. , extremely fine .................................... ..................(Photo )(23) 1,250.00




19th Century, group of over 60 covers in box, incl. perf 15 Jc, grill s, Bank Notes, few corner cards, entires , etc, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $200-300 ......................................... ............................................................................................. ...................................... .


1867 12c black E and F Grills, 19 used copies, usual small faults or mixed center ing. Scott 1993 retail $2500+ ............ ........... (90,97)

537 0 538


1894 Unwmkd. le to $1, type II , group of 16 sta mp s, 14 diff. , o.g. to unused (re-gummed), small faults or mixed centering, generally fine or fine appeara nce ............... ............................................................................................ ............... ................(246-53 ,55-59 ,6 I A) 19th and 20th Centur y


The stock and accum. of tens of thousands of items in 21 cartons or boxes, incl. thousands of covers and stat ionery mint and used, much commercial mail , FDCs, WWI and II incl. censored and some Pri soner of War, bundle s of Revenue Stamp ed Pap er and checks bearing re venue sta mp s, Naval covers , Official envelopes , stock certificates, later printed Free Franks, Soldier s' mail , Flights, Possessions, much more , mixed condition. Allow plenty of time for inspection. Est . Cas h Value $3,000-5,000



540 * 0 83 Coll. and accum. in American album and loose in box, n.h. to unu sed or used, many better items though unk empt and hapha za rdly arranged, incl. 1847 Sc, Bank Notes, Washington-Franklin, mu ch back-of-book with Postage Due, Official s, cut squar es, Revenu es, Savings Sta mp s incl. blks of 4, also some Hawaii, mixed condition, though much fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000

Stock and accum. of many thou sand s of stamp s in numerou s stockbook s and coll. balance s in 4 cartons , mostly used, some n.h. to unu sed, enormous rang e and quantit y incl. Regular Issues and Commems , Airs, extensive back-of-book with many Revenues, cut squares, some Possessions and foreign mixed-in , mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500

541 * O

542 * O

543 Ot81

Primarily packet mat erial , tens of thou sand s of sta mp s mostly bagg ed and bundled in 9 cartons, generally used, wide rang e of primarily common issues, some on paper , Airs and back-of-book , some moderatel y better and foreign mixed-in , mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $500-1,000 The remainder of a property in 2 boxes, compr. severa l partially filled albums and stockbooks with mostly used, older cove rs and postage plus numerous FDCs , some from 1930s , mixed conditio n. Est. Cash Value $200-300 .................................. ................................





1893 to 1970, coll. of a few hundred diff. on White Ace page s in ring-binder , n.h. to o.g., few unu sed, wide range of Commems , incl. Colombians to 50c, Tran s-Miss. to 10c, lat er compl. sets, Lincoln blue pap er, few Souvenir sheets, Airs incl. First and Second Issues, Zeppelin 65c, Century of Progre ss, etc., mixed condition to man y very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,200-1,500

Primarily 20th Century, stock and accum. in albums , stockbook s and sheet files in 2 cartons, n.h. to o.g., coll. balance s, blks and Pl. blks of 4 or 6, compl. sheets, Airs, few Philippine s and Canal Zone, some better item s inter sper sed among the generally common , some faults as would be expected thou gh generall y fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000

3,606 .00

20th Century 546 * lfil


Coll. and accum. on pages and in glassines in box, n.h. to o.g., incl. many better blks or Pl. blks of 4 or 6, 1909 Commem imperf arrow blks , booklet panes , some Washington-Franklin , Offset ptg., 1922-25 $1 and $2 blks, Huguenot-Walloon and Lexington-Concord , Airs, Postal Savings to $5, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000

547 ** lfil The mint coll. of sheets, Pl. blks, Souven ir sheet bricks, booklets , coils, etc., face about $750 in sheets alone, many better Pl. blks incl. Famous Americans, worth sorting. Est . Cash Value $750-1,000 548 * Oml Small accum. in glassines, etc., in box, n.h. to unused or used, mostly freak perforated or mis-cut stamps and panes, plate smears, Presidentials with severely misplaced vignette, etc., mixed condition . Est. Cash Value $300-500 .............................................................


1898 Trans-Mississippi 2c copper red , right pane of SO, Pl. No. 738, n.h. to o.g., some perf reinforcing, mixed centering to 1,2 12.50

550 * lfil

551 * lfil

4c orange, right pane of SO, Pl. No. 634, n.h. to o.g., considerable reinforcing, a few stamps with faults, fine or fine appearance ........................................................................... .................................................................................................. (287)


1904 Louisiana Purchase 2c carmine, left pane of SO,Pl. No. 2167, stamps n.h. except 2 l.h., fine to very fine ......................(324)

552 ** ml 3c violet, pane of SO, n.h., beautiful rich color and fresh, fine ...................................................(Following Page Photo)(325)



1909 ISSUES 2c carmine 553 ** EE Lincoln imperf 2c, arrow and corner blks of 4, 2 each, n.h. except I stamp. extremely fine. Scott 1994 retail $432.50 .............. (368) 554 * Lincoln Bluish Paper 2c, 7 copies, o.g., one stamp overall toning, mixed centering to fine ............................................. ...............(369) 555 ** Alaska-Yukon Pacific 2c, perf 12, 40 copies incl. blks of 4, n.h., generally very fine. Scott 1994 retail $440 ...............................(370) 556


Hud son-Fulton 2c, 40 copies incl. blks and pair s, n.h. to o.g., fine to very fine 557 ** lfil 2c, bottom left pane of 60, No. 5389, n.h., some large separations not affecting left Pl. blk of 6, fine to very fine .........................(372)

* 559 * 560 * 56 1 *

620.00 1,925.00 480.00 640.00 1,308.00

Imperf 2c, 20 copies incl. 1 blk and 7 pairs, n.h. to o.g., very fine .................................................................................................. (373) 1913-15 Panama-Pacific perf 12 le green (14), 2c carmine (4), Sc blue (14), 10c orange yellow (20), n.h. to part o.g., mixed centering to fine ...............................................................................................................................................................................(397-400)


le (20), 2c (15), perf 10 le (10), n.h. to o.g.(hinge remnants), fine to very fine, majority very fine ....................................... (397-8 40 I)


Perf 101c (8), 2c (19), Sc (11), n.h. to part o.g., few small faults and mixed centering, generally fine .................................(401-03) 562 ** lfil 1920 Pilgrim Tercentenary le green, 2c carmine rose , top and bottom left pane s of 70, No. 12436 and 12432 respectively , n.h., fine to very fine ................................................................................................................................................... ..........................(548,549) 563 ** ml 1924 Huguenot-Walloon set compl., panes of SO,n.h. except 2c slight perf reinforcement , fine to very fine .....................(614-16)



1925 Lexington-Concord set com pl., panes of SO,n.h. except 2c few l.h., fine to very fine ......................................................(6 I7-19)



564 * lfil

I, 100.00


565 ** ml 1925 Norse American set of two, panes of 100, n.h., 2c small separations, generally very fine (Following Page Photo)(620,621) 3,821.00 566 * ml 567

1926 Sesquicentennial, Ericsson and White Plains, panes of SOor 100, all but a few stamps n.h., fine to very fine .............. (627-29)

**liil1928 Hawaii set of two, sheets of 100, n.h. , fine to very fine ...................................................................................................(647,648)

927.50 2,962.00

568 * IBI The Farley Issues, the remainder from a coll., compr. 10 copies of the Chicago Souvenir sheet, plus Parks Pl. blks and other Souv. sheets, n.h. to ungummed, useful for stocki ng, generalJy fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 ...................................................... ....... .

1696 ]



1902 to 1978 , coll. of over 350 diff. on pages, o.g., incl. 1902-03 to $1, many Washington-Franklin with values to $1, various perf s, coils , perf 11 Sc error, 1922-25 compl. and Rotary ptgs., Kansas-Nebraska, Presidentials, couple Air Post, some with small faults, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500

570 ** IBI 1908-09 Double Line Wmk. perf 12 le green, bottom right pane of 100, No. 5301, n.h., mixed centering to fine to very fine ......... (33 1)

900 .00

1908 Perf 12 horiz. le green, 30 copies, mostly pairs and strips, n.h., fine to very fine ......................................... ............................(348)

750 .00

571 ** 572


1910-11 Single Line Wmk. perf 12, 3c to 15c, 5 diff., 2 to 7 copies each, o.g. , few small faults and mixed centering ........... (376,78 ,80-82) 2,627 .50

573 * IBI Sc blue, top left pane of 100, n.h. except one o.g., mostly very fine .......................................................................................................(378) 2,970.00

6c red orange, 17 copies incl. 2 blks of 6, n.h., fine ............... .... (379)


575 ** IBI 1911 Imperf le green, 120 copies in blks, a.h., very fine ........... (383)


1910 Perf 12 horiz. le green, 2c carmine, 23 and 9 copies respectively, incl. several pairs, o.g., fin e to very fine ................... (385 ,386)


574 **

* 577 * 578 * 579 * 576

1910-1911 Perf 12 vert. le green, 20 copies, incl. pairs and pasteups, o,g,, fine to very fine ............................................................. (387) 1,500.00 1910 Perf 8½ horiz. 2c carmine , 6 line pairs , n.h. to o.g ., one unused, fine to very fine .................................. ............................. .(39 1) 1,050.00 1910-13 Perf 8½ vert. 2c to Sc compl., 8 to 16 copies each, incl. pairs and paste-ups, o.g., few small fau lts and mixed centerin g, mostly fine ....... ................................. ............................... ......... (393-96) 2,420.00

580 ** ml 1912-14 Perf 12 le green, 17 PI. blks of 6, 9 with Imprint and "A", 8 with "A", n.h., mixed centering to very fine ........................... ...(405) 2,260.00 581 * IBI 2c carmine, 8 Pl. blks of 6, n.h. to o.g. (hinge remnants), mixed centering or condition .............. ........................................................... (406) 1, 120.00 582 * IBI 1912 Imperf le and 2c, 10 and 6 PI. blks respectively, latter with Imprint and "A", n.h. to o.g., generally very fine ................ (408 ,409)


583 * IBI le and 2c, 30 and 25 Pl. blks of 6 respectively, n.h. to unused, some small faults, mostly fine to very fine .............................. ........ (40 8,409) 2,000.00

** 585 *


1912 Imperf Coil le green, full roll of 500, n.h., fine to very fine ................................................................................ ....................(408E)


1912 Perf 8½ horiz. or vert. le and 2c, 9 to 56 copies each, incl. pairs and pasteups, #412 incl. 3 line pairs, n.h. to o.g., few small faults, generally fine to very fine ............... .................... .......... (410- 13) 2,44 1.00


. ..

NiiHi(lWWW, . - ...-~



** ** 588 * 589 ** 590 *

le, 50 vert. pairs, n.h., fine to very fine ............... ...................................... ............. ................................... ..................... ................... (410) 1912-14 Perf 12 Sc to $1, 7 diff., 1 to 9 each, o.g . (hinge remnant s), mixed cen tering or condition, some very fine .. (4 14- 17, 19,20 ,23) 1914-15 Unwmkd. perf 10; le to 20c, 13 dilT.,1 to 22 each, n.h. to part o.g., few small faults, generally fine to very fine (424 -34,37,38) 3c deep violet, 40 copies incl. blks of 4, n.h., centered, genera lly very fine to extremely fine .................. .................. ..................... (426) 1914 Perf 10 vert. le to Sc, compl. set, 1 to 20 each, n.h. to part o.g., mixed centering to fine .................... ......................... ..... (443-47)



700 .00 1,540.00 I , 162.80

540 .00 2, I I0.00



Perf 10 horiz. le green (40), 2c carmine type

m (30), generally

pairs and strips, mostly n.h., balance o.g., ge nera lly 760 .00

** 593 ** 594 ** 592

le , 30 copies plus 20 line pairs, 2c type m, 30 copies, mostly pairs, near ly all n.h. , mixed centering, generally fine to


Perf 10 vert. le green, 70 copies in pairs and strips, n.h. , very fine le, 40 copies, m9stly pairs or strips plus 18 line pairs, most ly n.h., 2 line pairs small faults, otherwise fine to very fine ............. (452) 2c carmine rose, type I, 3 pairs and strip of 4, n.h., very fine to extremely fine ......................................................................... (453)



** *

** ** 599 * **



2c, 14 copies incl. pairs, n.h. to o.g. (hinge remnant s), mixed centering to very fine 2c carmine, type III, 96 copies, mostly pairs and strips, n.h., generally very fine ......................................................................(455)


2c, 40 pairs and 10 line pairs, n.h., fine to very fine ....................................................................................

.................... ............ ..... (455)


4c brown, Sc blue, 20 each incl. pairs, o.g. , few n.h., few small thins, genera lly fine to very fine ........................................... (457,458) ml 1916-17 Unwmkd. perf 10 2c carmine, 8 Pl. blks of 6, the error sheet Pl. No. 7942, n.h. exce pt I very l.h., mixed centering to fine


597 598


950 .00


1,080 .00 60 1 602 603

** EE llcdarkgreen , 70copi es y blks,n.h ., 19SE,fi ne ....................................................... .............. ......... .............. ................(473) * ml 1916-17 Imperf le and 2c, 20 and 15 Pl. blks of 6 respectively , mostly n.h., balanc e o.g ., very fine ..................................... (48 1,482)


2, 100.00 675.00

3c violet, types I and II , 14 and 64 copies respectively , incl. numerous pairs and blks, many n.h., balance o.g ., near ly all 9 14.00

* ml _ 605 * ml 3c, type II, 5 Pl. blks of 6, o.g., very fine 606 * ml 3c, 8 pl. blks of 6, o.g. , couple very slight fau lts, fine to very fine 604

875 .00 675 .00 1,080.00

1916-22 COIL ISSUES 607


Perf 10 horiz. 2c carmine, type II , 10 pairs plus 10 line pairs, type m, 20 line pairs, 3c violet, 20 pairs, n.h. to o.g. , mostly fine to very fine ................ ................ ............................. ............................... ............. ......... ........ ............................... ............... .................. (487-89)



2c, type II , 20 pairs, n.h. exce pt one, very fine


3c, 20 line pairs, n.h. exce pt one, fine to very fine




** 61 I * 6 10

6 12 613 614




Perf 10 vert. 3c violet, types I and II , 20 each, 4c orange brown, 40 copies plus 5 line pairs, virtua lly all n.h., fine to 1,585 .00

Sc blue, 30 line pairs, n.h., few o.g., near ly all fine to very fine lOc orange yellow, 5 strips of 4, n.h., very fine to extremely lOc, 58 copies incl. pairs and strips and 2 line pairs, n.h. to o.g., fine to very fine ...................................... .......... ..................... .... (497)

** EE 1917-19 Unwmkd. perf 11, stock of blks of 4, many n.h., also singles in blks n.h., incl. 30c (2), S0c, $1.00 (2), very few faults,

900.00 550.00 1,809.00

fine to very fine ................................................................................ ..................................................................(betw. 498 and 518) about 4,000.00


6 15


6 16 * llil 6 17 * llil 6 18 6 19

** *

620 0

l e to 13 c, 12 diff. , I to 71 copi es ea ch , in cl. a few blk s, n. h. to o .g., mixed cond iti o n and ce nte ring, so me very fi ne -04,06,07,09, 10, 12, 13) le to 13c, 7 diff. Pl. blk s of 6, 2 to 15 each , incl. 2c error sheet Pl. No. 7942 , 10 Pl. blk s, n.h. to o.g., mixed cent erin g and a few small faults , generall y lin e to very line ............................................................ .......................................................(betw. 498 and 513) le to Sc, 5 diff. Pl. blk s of 6, 2 to 23 each, n.h. to o.g., mixed centering to fine .......................................... ............... (498 ,99,50 1,02,04) 1923-25 Imp erf le gre en, top right pan e of 100, No. 15456, n.h., light overa ll toning, very fine appearance ................................(575)

1,670.75 3,327.50 2,340 .50 1,090.00

COIL S: To about 1968, accum . of a few hundr ed in small stockb ook , n.h. to o.g., incl. Wa shin gton -F ranklin , flat plat e a nd rotar y issues, Pr esidenti als, Air s, Wa r Savings, man y line pair s and strip s, few r efer ence not figur ed , generall y fine to very lin e. Es t. Cash Valu e $750-1,000 PRE CANCE LS: Th e stock of thou sa nd s contain ed in 4 bo xes or ca rt ons, stock books and file cards, a fair degree of sorting evident, some covers. mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $250-300 ............................................................................................... ...................


AIR PO ST: 1918 to 1927, group of 25 items on stock sheet, l.h. to unu sed , compr . Fir st and Second Issues and 2 Lindb er gh pan es of 3, mixed condition , a few ver y lin e ..................................................................................................... ..................(C l ,3-6,lOa)


1918 and 1923 Fir st and Second Issues, stock compr. #C l (8), C4 (8), C5(3), C6, incl. blk s of 4, n.h. to o.g., fresh, generally fine to very fine ........................................................................................................................................... ............... ............................(C 1,4-6)


623 ** 83 1952 Hawaii 80c bright r ed violet, Pl. blk s of 4, 3 match ed sets compr. the thr ee diff. Pl. numb ers, incl. th e scar ce #24594 , n.h. except one stamp l.h., very fine ........................................................................................................................................................... (C46)

660 .00

62 1

622 * 83

624 * O

SPEC IAL DELIVERY : 1885 to 1957, group of 39 stamp s on stock sheets, l.h. to part o.g., 2 used , incl. bett er items with dupl. , mixed condition to ver y lin e. Scott 1993 retail $2,700+ ................ ................................. ............................... ............... (E l-6 ,8-11, etc.)

625 * O

OFFI CIALS: 1873 to 1879, group of 28 stamp s on stock sheets , n.h. to unused or used, incl. Interior, Treasury , War, Agriculture 3c on soft porous paper, mixed condition to some fine. Est. Cash Value $ 150-200

626 ** llil PAR CE L PO ST : 1912-13 le a nd 3c ca rmin e ro se, bott om left pan e of 45, n.h., fine to very fine 627 * O CUT SQ UARE S: 20th Ce ntur y, coll. of over 300 items in a lbum , mostly unused, compr. le, 2c and 3c errors or misprints, many on full comers, incl. partially printed, albino, smeared or doubly printed, also a few albino or smeared surchd., generally fine to very fine and a fascinating array . Est. Cash Value $200-400

1,0 12.00




629 * O

REVE NUES : Huntin g Permit Stamp s; 1934 to 1968, issues compl. on Specialit y page s, l.h. or o.g., lin e to ver y lin e ...(RWl -35) 1934 to 1958, accum. of over 80 sta mp s on stock sheets, n.h . to unu sed or used, most ly th e fir st six issues incl. Pl. No. copi es, SE, #RW6 Pl. blk of 6 with side selvage (sepa r ations), 2 oth er blk s and a coll. of 1989 Sta te Duck s in fan cy album , mixed condition to very lin e. Es t. Cash Va lue $1,500+ ......................................................... (be tw. RWl and RW25 )

630 ** 83 1957 $2 emera ld , top left pa ne of 28, Pl. No. 1662.59, n.h ., very lin e to extr emely lin e .........................................................(RW24) 63 1 ** llil 1960 $3 r ed brown , da rk blu e & bistr e, top left pan e of 30, Pl. No. 167503, n.h., ver y lin e ........................ .......................... (RW 27)


1961 $3 multic olor ed , top ri ght pan e of 30, Pl. No. 16772, n.h. to disturbed o.g., well centered, fine to very fine ................... (RW28)

2, 170.00+

632 * llil


633 * O llil U.S. PO SSESSION S: 19th and 20th Centur y, stock of man y hundr ed stamp s in la rge Elbe sto ckbook , n.h . to o.g. or used , compr. Canal Zon e ($4,500+), Cuba , Guam , Ha waii, Philippin es, Pu erto Rico, some Spani sh Admin. and misc. for eign, incl. bett er items, multipl es incl. Pl. blk s of 6 or 10, Imprint strip s, back-of -book , clea n and generall y lin e to ver y lin e .................................................................................. .......................... ............................................... ...................... about 10,000.00



19th and 20th Ce ntur y, coll. of several hundr ed diff. on Specia lty pa ges, l.h. to unu sed , compr. Ca nal Zon e, Cuba , Guam , Philippine s, Puerto Rico, incl. num erou s bett er items or compl. sets and a high degree of compl eteness with Air s and back-of-book , som e with small faul ts, over all fin e to ver y lin e. Est. Ca sh Valu e $1,500+


635 * O



637 * EB

Coll. of over 200 stamps on album pages and a couple stock sheets, o.g., to unused or used, compr. Canal Zone, Danish West Indies, Hawaii , incl. a few better items and compl. sets, Airs, etc., D.W.I. almost compl., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $500-750 UNITED NATIONS: 1951 to 1976, Large Elbe stockbook of many hundred , mostly mint , few used , incl. quantities of 1951-55 issues and one mint#38 , European issues with inscription blks , fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500 A quite compl. coll. of Imprint blks with all the better issues, also the 10 year Souvenir sheet, some n.h. single copies, very useful dupl., generally l.h., very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-250 ................................................................. .................................................... .

BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AND FOREIGN 19th and 20th Century 638 * 0181 Balance of a property , thousands of stamps in stockbooks, glassines, etc., and loose in 3 cartons, n.h. to o.g. or used , much topical material , Ryukyu Islands , Canada, Gibraltar and Sweden booklets , wide range of Commonwealth with many Elizabeth issues, blks , etc., also a few hundred covers, mixed condition to very fine. Needs careful inspection. Est. Cash Value$ 2,000-3,000

639 * O

Stock of tens of thousands of stamps in envelopes and such and loose in 24 boxes or cartons, n.h. to unused or used, enormous range and depth of many countries, portions in order by country and catl. number , incl. much Europe and colonies, British areas, some U.S., Latin America, Asia, etc., country collection packs , bundled stock , card displays , etc., generally the more common issues though many scarcer or moderately better items in quantity , mixed condition as would be expected though generally far above the norm. A fabulous "o ld-time " stoc k. Est. Cash Value $5,000-10,000 .... OWNE R RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVAL

640 * 0 1!:llThe dealer's balance of collection remainders, stoc kbook s and stock sheets, display cards, etc., in 11 cartons, n.h. to unu sed or used, enormous range of countries with much Europe and Latin America, British areas, some U.S., etc., coll. balances range from "p icked clean" to barely touched, many common issues as well as better items, multiple s, revenues, Semis, Airs and back-of-book , mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $3,000-5,000 OWNER RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVAL

64 1 181

The stock and accum. of many thou sand covers in 28 boxes or cartons, enormous range with much Europe and British, Latin America, Asia, French Colonies, some U.S. and sta tionery mixed-in , tremendous amount of WWII censored, commercial mail , some Flights, British WWI Fieldpost, stamp less, FDCs, priced country groups, etc., mixed condition. A fantastic holding with many esoteric and arcane items among the common. Allow extra time for viewing. Est. Cash Value $3,000-5,000 OWNER RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVAL

642 * OEB Stock and accum. of many thousand stamps in glassines, etc., in 4 cartons, n.h. to unused or used , many countries with much Europe, Latin America, British areas, some U.S., Asia, etc., incl. multiples , some moderately better sets in quantity incl. Switzerland, Semis, cheaper stamps se-tenant or tete-beche, gutter blk s, bisects, proofs , Locals, revenues, reprints and reference , country packet s, cancels, mis-perfed , Cinderellas, etc., mixed condition. Fabulous selection worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $2,000-3,000


643 * O

Stock and accum. of tens of thousands of stamps in enve lopes, etc., and loose in 28 boxes or cartons, unused or used , stamps from almost everywhere incl. U.S., with country lots or groups, packets, on and off-paper , bundled stock, revenues, mixture, some stock by catl. number , many pre-WWII issues, generally common but much useful, mixed condition . Est. Cash Value $2,000-3,000 OWNER RESPONS IBL E FOR REMOVAL

644 * O

The balance of a propert y in 2 cartons, incl. coils. of Br. America in spar sely filled Specialty albums, modern France , Afghanistan, world wide Souvenir sheets , hundred s of stamp s in glassines, approval books, also auction and mail sale lots, small coll. of Indian States, etc., mixed condition to very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500

645 * O IIll Accum. of many thou sa nd stamp s in sheet files, envelopes , etc., and loose in 2 cartons, n.h. to unu sed or used , primarily co mpl. or part she ets and large blk s, incl. Europe, Briti sh and French Colonies, Germany American Zone , Spanish Revolution , Philippine s (U.S. Admin.), Estonia, Liechten stein, Ca nada , Cinderellas and ref erenc e, Sta mp Shows, Exhibitions and France WWI label s, Souvenir sheets, etc., some slightl y better , mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $500-1,000 646 * O EB The remaind er of a property on album page s, old auction lot sheets, approval cards, also mostly non-Briti sh covers, a Roosevelt coll., etc., man y useful middl e value items, well worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $500 647 * O

Ca rton full of approval and circuit book s and page s, mostly usual cheap assortment , but some wonderfu l old-time selection s, worth inspect ion. Est. Cas h Va lue $300-500

648 * O

Coll.of several thou sa nd in 1930 Int erna tional Junior album, A to Z countries , mixed used and o.g., man y useful early issues, Europ e and Briti sh areas well represented, mixed conditi on to very fine. Es t. Cas h Value $1,000-1,200

649 I:::.

PARCEL POST RECEIPTS: Primaril y Europe, thousands contained in 8 boxes, mostly WWil perio d or ju st befor e and after, strength in Netherlands, Switzer land , Germany and Occupied Area s, Russia, Hun gary. Fabulous franking s, city cancels, int eresting dest ination s. A bit dirty but th e best group we have offered. Est. Cash Value $2,000-3,000 ........


PICTURE POST CARDS: Stock of almost 4500 primarily turn-of-century or ear ly 20th Cent. , Europ e very strong, also U.S., primarily scenes, but useful groups of ship s, WWI dest ru ction scenes, Ch urch es, Transportation , whatever. Needs sorti ng. Est. Cas h Value $500-1,000




POSTAL STATIONE RY : Primarily Europ e and Sout h America, stock of over 3000 items, postal car ds and envelopes in 4 boxes or cartons, genera lly from th e ear ly 1900s, many used, incl. reply cards, mixed frankings, Portuguese Cols., etc. Fabulous assortment needin g sortin g. Well worth inspec tion. Est. Cash Value $2,000-3,000


Primaril y 20th Century, accum. of a few thou sand stamps in 2 cartons, unused or used , somewha t arranged for packet sale, many topical subjects incl. Air Post, Scien tists, Rulers , Musi cians, Nurses, Tra ins, Horses , Sports, etc ., also a Frank lin D. Rooseve lt co ll. on pages in ring-bind er, mix ed condj tion . Est. Cash Va lue $ 150-200

653 **

20th Century , coll. of many hundred on album page s in 12 ring-binder s in 2 cartons, vast majority n.h. , compr. Freedom From Hunger , ITU , ICY , WHO , UNESCO, Anti-Malaria, Human Right s, others, incl . Commonwealth Omnibu s, man y compl. sets and perf and imp erf Souven ir sheets , also a nearly complete coll. of United Nations, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000


ALGERIA AND FRENCH MOROCCO: Medicine; 1950 to 1963, group of 13 items , incl. Algeria #250 and 252 sepia die sunk Epreuves de luxe, #251 and 252 imperf trial color strips of 5, latter vert. strip with pos. 4 partial print, etc., Morocco #268, 269, C41 Die proofs die sunk on card and signed by artist, also France Anti-Malaria #1032 Epreuve de luxe, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500+

654 DP

Stamp Ce11te11ary topical sets and Souvenir sheets are listed i11Collectio11sby Country section of this catalogue.






19th and 20th Century , accum. of many hundred diff. cut squares on retail sales sheets in box, unused or used , many co lonies as well as Great Britain , generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $ 150 20th Century, coll. of several thousand dill. and many Souvenir sheets in 4 albums in carton , n.h. or l.h, modern issues of many colonies and primarily compl. sets, incl. Ascension, Antarctic Terr. , Cook Is., Cyprus, Dominica, Malta, Papua New Guinea , Rhodesia, Singapore, South West Africa and others, clean and fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $2,000 .... OMNIBUS: 1935 Silver Jubilee , issues compl. (249 stamps) on stock sheets, l.h. or o.g. , fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $250 .....

FOREIGN 658 ** O Primarily 19th Century , accum. of many hundred cut squares on retail sales pages , unused or used, wide range of countries with much Europe and Latin America , also some Great Brit ain and Canada, genera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Value $200-300 659 Qt:,.

20th Century, mixture of ten s of thousand s of stamps on and off paper in over 60 sealed Government " Kilo" package s in 7 cartons , some dated circa 1950, incl. Jugo slavia , Netherlands , Norway, etc. , mixed condition , Est. Ca sh Value $1,000+

660 * Ot81 ASIA: 19th and 20th Century , small balance in glassines , etc., mostly China and Japan , incl. stamps, 3 Prese ntation booklets, few covers and stationery, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value$ I

EUROPE 66 1 * O

THE BALKANS: Primarily 20th Century, coll. of several hundred diff. in 2 albums, o.g . to unused or used, incl. Jugos lav ia and sub-divisions, Bosnia and Herzegov ina, Croatia, Serbia, co mp!. and part sets, Occu., etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cas h Value $200-250

662 * Ollll SCANDINAVIA: 19th and 20th Century, coll. and accum. of a few thousand neatly arranged on stock sheet s in 2 ringbinders , n.h. to o.g. or used, compr. Denmark , Finland , Greenland , Iceland , Norway , Sweden , incl. many compl. sets with minor dupl. , blk s, Souvenir sheets, group of Sweden unexploded booklets and coil pairs or strips, Semis , Airs and back-of-book , mixed condition in earlier items, otherwise generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 ......... 663 * O

Primarily 20th Century , accum. of many hundred in glassine s and retail sales pages , mostly used, some o.g ., incl. Denmark , Finland , Norway, Sweden, wide range of issues in varying quantities to as little as one, some Semis, Airs and back-of-book, mixed condition to very fine. Es t. Cas h Value $200-300


665 **


LATIN AMERICA: 19th and 29th Century, portions of a property as received, many thousand in 11 albums and loose pages in 2 cartons, o.g. or used, auction lot collections, but for a few exceptions, as originally presented, compr. extensive coils. of Bolivia , Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Salvador, Uruguay, Venezuela, numerous better items and compl. sets throughout, Souvenir sheets, Airs and back-of-book , some dupl. coils., mixed condition to much very fine. A valuable property worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $10,000+

664 * O

20th Century, coll. of many hundred diff. in numbered glassines in shoe box, vast maj ority n.h. , incl. Argentina , Brazil, Dominican Rep., Chile, Colombia , Mexico, several others , many compl. sets with Semis and Airs, some moderately better, clean and fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-500


Primarily 20th Century, coll. of many hundred diff. in 4 albums or ring-binder s in carton, n.h. to o.g., scattere d used , compr. Egypt , Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, incl. many compl. sets, better items , Souvenir sheets , Airs , back-of-book with Egypt and Iraq Officials, Israe l with tab s, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000+

667 * O

Accum. of many hundr ed on retail sales pages, in glassines and loose in box, mostly used, some o.g., incl. Egypt , Lebanon, Morocco, blks of 4, few covers incl. one Saudi Arabia , Airs, etc ., varyin g quantiti es, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash

668 **

20th Century, coll. of many hundred diff. in numbered glassines in box, vast majority n.h., incl. Afghanistan, Egypt, Ethiopia, Israel , Lebanon , Morocco , Iran , Syr ia, etc., many compl. sets, Airs, etc., fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500+

669 * OCB:JARAB EMIRATES: 20th Cent ury , accum. of many hundred stam ps and covers in envelopes and loose in carton, many countries with much unlisted, incl. compl. sets, Souvenir sheets, imperfs, gold foil stamps, FDCs , etc, frne to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-400




ANTIGUA AND DOMINICA: 1882 to 1933, coll. of about 80 diff. on stock sheets, l.h. or o.g. , incl. slightly better items and comp I. sets, fine to very fine....................................... ................................. ............ .................................. ................................... ................

67 1 * Ornl ARGENTINA: 1940 Sta ee ls, genera lly very fine ................................. ............................................................................. .............. ....................... .................... (474) 672


673 * O

2, 150.00+ 385.00

AUSTRALIA: 1913 to 1975, coll. of several hundred diff. on pages , l.h. or o.g., good repre sentation with Kangaroo values to lOsh, George V vars., Exhibition pane of 4, compl. sets, booklet panes, Postage Due and Officials , a very few with small fault s, early portion with bright colors, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 Coll. of sever al hundred diff. neatly arranged on stock sheets, n.h. to o.g. , some early issues used, incl. George V and Kangaroo issues to ÂŁ1, perf var s., later compl. sets, Airs, extensive Postage Due, also Officials and Antarctic Terr. , some fault s though overall fine to very fine ....................... .................................................................................................................................... ......




675 * O


19th and 20th Century, coll. of many hundred diff. on pages, l.h. or o.g., some early issues unused, incl. numerous better items and Semi-Postal sets, also Franz Joseph and Birthday Jubilee issues compl. , extensive back-of-book with Postage Due, Occu., Offices in Crete and Turkish Empire, misc. Lombardy-Venetia , some faults in early issues as would be expected, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000+ Coll. of many hundred in Specialty album, l.h. to unused or used, extensive early issues incl. cancels, ptgs., perf vars., later compl. or part sets, few imperf, Semis, Airs, back-of-book with Officies and Lombardy-Venetia, incl. better cancels, paper vars., etc., Bosnia and Serbia, mixed condition as would be expected, much very fine and usefuJ. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ...

676 * OB The remainder in album and on album pages, compr. 19th ce nt. and mint 20th cent, incl. blks with n.h. copies , back -of- book , covers, hundr eds of stamps, genera lly fine to very fine, wort h inspec tion. Est. Cas h Value $300-400 ................... .......................... ............... .

20th Century, accum. of over 35 covers, plus a few cards, incl. J930s and post-WWII Semis, comp !. sets and/or FDCs , few ce nsored, Regis. etc., mixed condit ion. Est. Cas h Value $200-300

677 B

678 * O

BELGIAN AND NETHERLANDS COLONIES: 19th and 20th Century to about 1982, coll. of many hundred diff. in 5 albums, etc., in carton, n.h. to o.g., some used and early unused, compr. Neth. Antilles, Indies, Surinam, Belgian Congo, Ruanda- Urundi, Katanga, Burundi, Rwandi and Indonesia, incl. many compl. sets with some used dupl., Semis, Airs, back-of-book , Souvenir sheets, some better items and vars., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 .....

679 * O EB BELGIAN CONGO: 20th Century, accum. of a few hundred in glassines in box, unu sed or used, most ly 1942 issues, some ear lier , incl. blks, mixed condition. Est. Cash Va lue$ I 00 680

68 1





BELGIUM: 1851 to 1975, coll. of many hundred diff. on pages in album, vast majority l.h., some n.h. and a few early items unused, incl. many compl. sets with Semis, Airs and back-of-book with extensive Parcel Post and Railway stamps, numerous Souvenir sheets, some small faults in early issues as would be expected, very clean and generally fine to very Line. Est. Cash Value $1,000+ BRAZIL: 19th and 20th Century, accum. of over 100 items in box, unused or used, most ly statio nery with a nice variety of posta l cards, reply cards, entires and wrappers, so me bearing additional postage, few cove rs, Flights , etc. , genera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value 1943 Stamp Centenary imperf Souvenir sheet of three, 1237x95mm, 35 sheets, ungumm ed , genera lly very fine. Mi. Block 6/ I , DMl925 ............................... ............... ........ .......................................................... ............ ............................................................ ....... (6 l2)


Similar lot

684 * O

Souvenir sheet of three, 127xl02 or 103mm, 6 ungummed , 3 with First Day cancel, few tiny faults, fine to very fine. Mi. Bloch 6/2, DM5175 ............................................................................................................. .................................................................. (612 var.)




BULGARIA: 1879 to 1979, coll. of many hundred diff. on pages in album , vast majority l.h., some ear ly items o.g. or unused, incl. better items and many comp !. sets, Semis , Airs, Postage Due, Souvenir sheets and a few imperfs , some faults though overa ll fine to very fine. Est . Cas h Value $300-500

686 * O

1879 to 1976, coll. of many hundred diff. on pages in large ring-binder, l.h. to o.g. and some used dupl. , incl. better items, many comp I. sets, Souvenir sheets , Semis , Airs, back-of-book , generally fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Value $300-500 .... (betw . I and 2299, etc.)

** 688 *

1979 PHILASERDICA SL Souvenir sheet of one, 15 sheets, n.h., few light bends , one small corner crease , fine to Bloc k 91 , DM I


350 .00

CANADA: 19th and 20th Century to 1971, coll. of a few hundred diff. in hingeless album, n.h. to unused, incl. a few Large Queen types, Jubilee to 10c, Admiral to $1, later compl. sets and back-of book, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750



689 69 0 * O

CAYMAN ISLANDS: 1900 to 1936, coll. of over 65 ditT.on stock sheets, l.h. or o.g. , ge nerall y very fine.( l - 17,2 1-28,50-68,85-96) CHINA: Primarily 20th Century, coll. of about 500 stamps and a few Souvenir sheets on pages, unu sed or used, wide ra nge o f


ge nera lly co mm on issues, so me co mpl. se ts, Airs, Occ u., misc . Korea se- tenant, mixed co nd ition. Est. Cas h Value $200 -300 ............... . 69 1 B3C8l

CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Bohemia and Moravia; circa 1939, coll. of a few hundred stamps on pages and about 15 covers, n.h. to o.g. or used, inc l. many co rne r blk s of 4, back-of-book , ge nerally fine to ve ry fine. Est. Cas h Va lue $200

692 * C8l

Sudetenland; Nazi "Liberation " ovpts., etc., incl. sets, covers, "Wie sind frei", few hundr ed o .g. on album pages, ge nerally fine to ve ry fine. So ld as is. Est. Cas h Va lue $200-300

693 * O


DENMARK : 19th and 20th Century, coll. of over 300 stamps plus several stationery items in hingeless album, mostly used, so me late r o.g., inc l. a few Coa t of Ar ms, many num era l types , some co mpl. se ts with Se mis, etc., so me small faults, ge nera lly fine to very fine, Est. Cas h Va lue $200 -250

ETHIOPIA: 1894 to 1975, coll. of seve ral hundred diff. on pages, l.h. or o.g., incl. many early ovptd. or surchd. issues with a few vars., later compl. sets, Airs and Postage Due, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500 695 ** B3 FINLAND: 1931 Stamp Anniversary set of two, 30 sets incl. corner blks of 4, n.h., so me neg ligible gum creas ing or bend s, mos tly 694

very fine. DM36 0 ............ ..... .................. ..... ..................................................................................................

...... .......................... ( 182, 183)

FRANCE: 1849 to 1878, coll. of about 75 stamps on Specialty pages, used, inc l. better ite ms, pair s, one blk and strip o f 4, mixed

696 0

co ndition thou gh many 4- marg ined attractive sta mps. Est. Cas h Value $25 0+ ............ ..... ............ ............................. ....... (betw. 697




699 * O 700


701 **


and 76)

19th and 20th Century to 1975, coll. of many hundred diff. on pages in spring-back binder , l.h. or o.g., few early unused, incl. Napoleon and Bordeaux issues, Peace and Commerce types I and II , later mostly compl. sets with Semis, Airs and back-of-book , also a selection of unexploded booklets and panes incl. Sower types, few Souvenir and se-tenant sheets, some small faults in early issues as would be expected, overall fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500 ..... . Primarily 20th Century to 1965, coll. of several hundred ditT.on pages in album, n.h. to o.g., incl. a few better early items with Peace and Commerce, Liberty and Sower types, later compl. sets, etc., Semis, Airs, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 FRENCH COLONIES: 20th Century to about 1950, coll. of several hundred diff. in International album, o.g. or used, wide range of co lo nies though ge nera lly com mon issues, fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Value $200 -300 ............................................... .............. .

FRENCH COMMUNITY: 20th Century, coll. of many hundred diff. in numbered glassines in shoe box, vast majority n.h., many countries incl. Cameroun, Polynesia, Ivory Coast, New Caledonia, Madagascar, St. Pierre & Miquelon, others, mostly compl. sets with Semis and Airs, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 FRENCH SOUTHERN AND ANTARCTIC TERRITORIES: 1956 to 1990, coll. of well over 200 diff. on stock sheets, vast majority n.h., issues almost complete incl. many Airs, also se-tenant strips with labels, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 GERMANY

20th Century, coll. and accum. of about 100 items on pages and loose in box, n.h. to o.g., compr. unexploded booklets (about 40) and booklet panes, many 1920s-30s, incl. Semis and Airs, Germania, few Colonies, Berlin and G.D.R., several better combinations, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $800-1,000 70 3 * 0 83 Circa 1923, coll. of several hundred blks of 4 on loose pages and in 2 ring-binders in box, stamp s n.h. to o.g ., inc l. many Inflati on 702 * lfll

issues with shee t mar g ins, part Imprin t Pl. or Order numb ers, pair s and other multipl es, Official s, etc., few shee ts and misc . used, genera lly fine to very fine . Est. Cas h Valu e $300-500 704 * B3

1948-51 Buildings, group of 23 items on stock sheets, n.h. to o.g., co mpr. I 0pf , 25pf , 40pf , 60pf , 90 pf, incl. imp erf pair s and blk s of 4, 60pf gutter blk , 25 pf, 40pf, 90pf imperf betwe en, 90pf doubly print ed, etc. , ge nera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Value $300 -400 ....

2 10.00


Notes GERMANY AND AREA 19th and 20th Century

705 * O

Coll. of a few thou sa nd stamp s in album, o.g. to unu sed or used, incl. extensive selection s of States and Colonies, with dupl. , cancels, man y on small piece, Danzig , Memel, Saar, Alsace and Lorraine, WWI and Third Reich Occu. , many better items throughout , mixed condition and somewhat unkempt. A valuable collection worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $5,000-6,000

706 * O

Coll. of a few thou sa nd diff. on pages in albums, l.h. or o.g., some used or unused , excellent rang e and exte nsive representation with man y Shield types, REICH SPOST and DEUTC HES REICH issues, compl. sets and better items, Souvenir sheets, Semis, Air s, back-of-book with Offices Abroad, Allied Zones, Berlin , G.D.R., Saar, some dupl. , some faults as would be expected, much fine to very fine. Est . Cash Value $5,000-6,000



Stock of tens of thousands of stamp s in sheet files, envelopes, etc., in 11 boxes or cartons, n.h. to unu sed or used, incl. hundr eds of comp!. sheets, some c.t.o., States with much Bavaria , Memel, Dan zig, Saa r , all period s of Germany with Allied Zones , Russian Zone locals, G.D.R., Souvenir sheets, unexploded bookl ets, se-tenant and tete-beche sheets, coil rolls, coils. on pages, mixtur e on and off pap er, etc., mixed condition. Disorganized but a valuable stock worth careful inspection. Est. Cas h Value $4,000-5,000



Stock and accum. of many thousand covers in 6 boxes or cartons, enormo us ran ge compr. covers and unu sed or used stat ionery, incl. States and Colonies, Berlin, Danzig, Saa r, G.D.R and Soviet Zone locals, American and Allied Zones, WWI and II Fieldpost , Seapost, censored , Gestapo and other Third Reich incl. Occu. areas, mod ern issues, Official mail , some stample ss, FDCs, etc., man y cacheted, unaddressed, multipl es and mixed franking s, etc., mixed condition to much very fine. A wonderful array requirin g careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $3,000-5,000



Accum. of many hundred items in 2 boxes, mostly covers incl. inflation period, comp!. sets and FDCs, Semis, Airs, with Zepp elin flight s, Souvenir sheets, Occu. , se-tenant and tete-beche multiple s, Berlin , Allied Zones, Soviet Zone locals, Dan zig, Saar, some sta tes though mostly stationer y, particularly Bavaria , also Germany stat ionery and misc. foreign, mixed condition. Worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $2,000+

7 10 * O

Coll. of man y hundr ed on pages, o.g. to unu sed or used, incl. a selection of Shield types and sub sequent issues with numerou s bett er items and dupl. , some comp!. sets, Semis, etc., N.G.C. and Thurn and Taxis, Berlin and other postWWII, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500

7 11 * O

Coll. of man y hundred in album , used , some unu sed, incl. many Shield types, Reich spost and Deutsches Reich , Semis, Airs, Souvenir sheet s, Allied Zones, Berlin , G.D.R., better post-WWII issues, Occu. , etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500

712 * Ell

Balance of a property, many hundred stamps in coll. balances or remainders in box, o.g. to unused or used, incl. States with Bavaria, Plebiscites, WWI and II Occu., G.D.R., Germany used blks, back-of-book, Danzig, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $500-750

713 * O

Coll. of many hundred on pages in binder, unused or used, incl. a group of Shield types and other 19th cent., Germania, inflation issues, few States, back-of-book and misc. foreign, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $300-500

714 * O

Coll. of several hundred diff. in Specialty album, much unused or used, incl. Bavaria, Wurtt emberg, Bohemia and Moravia, Danzig, Memel, Saar, various Occu. issues, Poland General Government incl. Castle !Oz re-engraved (purportedly ten known), signed Ferd Lorber, otherwise the more common issues, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $200-300


20th Century 7 15 * Ell

7 16 * O

Coll. of many hundred blks or corner blks of 4 in 2 ring-binders and loose pages in box, n.h. to o.g., few used, incl. many Third Reich and post WWII issues with a number of better compl. sets, Allied Zones, Berlin, Semis, some backof-book, Occu. , Propaganda issues, Danzig , Slovakia , misc. 19th cent. and a few Souvenir sheets, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $4,000-5,000

Group of over a hundred stamp s on stock card s, etc., in envelope, n.h. to unused, few used , compr. errors or varietie s, incl. imperf , some pairs, invtd. or without ovpt. or surch., imperf betwe en, margin and corner blk, imperf gutter pairs on carton paper , etc., also Danzig , Bavaria , Soviet Zone , few Allied Zone , generally fine to very fine. Fascinating group. Est. Cash Value $750

717 * 01!}] SE-TENANT AND TETE-BECHE ISSUES; 20th Century , coll. and accum. of several thousand stamps on pages and loose in box, n.h. to o.g., some used, an assortment of multiples incl. Republic and much Third Reich , Semis, Airs, Officials, Berlin , Soviet Zone and G.D.R. , some Occu. , compl. sheet s, etc., some faults but overall fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 .. 7 18


PARCEL POST RECEIPTS: Accum. of several thousand in 3 boxes, incl. much post-WWII with many franked by 1951-52 Post Horn Issue, Third Reich period incl. Occu. area s, Poland General Government, etc., misc. foreign mixed in, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-1,000

719 * 01!}] LOCALS: circa 1945, several thousand stamp s on pages in coll. remainders and coll. auction lots, n.h. to unu sed or used , excellent range of both Allied and Soviet Zones , incl. blks and corner blks of 4 or larger, better Souvenir sheets, compl. sets, plate vars. , imperf and part perf with multiples, some Third Reich Occu. issues, Numeral and von Stephen handstamped (many blks of 4), reference , etc., faults as would be expected , much very fine. A fascinating balance worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $2,000+ 720 ** Ell OCCUPATION: Baden; 1949 Engineering Congre ss 30pf dark blue, type I, 19 copies incl. bottom corner blks of 4, n.h., few inclusions, very fine. OM 1425 ..........................................................................................................................................................(5N41) 721 * Ell

722 **

1953 Karl Marx " Red Book" , over 160 books in carton , many in original IO-pack wrapping, some faults though overall fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000+

723 ** Ell Semi-Postals; 1949 Stamp Day and 1950 DEBRIA Exhibition , 25 copies incl. blks of 4 and 12 copies respectively, n.h., fine to very fine. DM1480 ............................................................................................... ..........................................................................(814 ,2 1) 724 **


GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC: 1948 to late 1960s, coll. of many hundred diff. corner sheet margin blks of 4 on loose pages and ring-binder in box, n.h. to o.g., almost complete issues incl. " ION" numbers, Semis, Airs, Officials, a few larger blks or without selvage, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750+

1950 Stamp Exhibition imperf Souvenir sheet of two, 10 sheets, n.h., few inclusions, very fine. DM4000 ............................(B21a)

(67.00) 600.00





727 * O

728 * O

729 * O



OFFICES ABROAD; 1884 to 1913, coll. of over 125 diff. on Specialty pages, l.h . or o.g., compr. Offices in China, Morocco and Turkish Empire, incl. many compl. sets, China 56 and 48 degree angles , Turkish Empire lpi on 20pf blue surch., etc., generally fine to very fine ..........................................................................................................................................

Notes 6,600.00+

GREAT BRITAIN: 1960, group of 5 Presentation Packs , stamps n.h., incl. phosphor/graphite issues and De La Rue 2sh6p to ÂŁ 1, compl. set, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value$ I GREECE: 1861 to 1933, coll. of many hundred on albu m pages, duplicated o.g. and used , excellent representation with some Hermes Heads, Olympic sets, blks of 4, surchd. and ovptd. issues, comp l. sets, Airs , full range of back-of-book with many Postage Due, some ovptd. SPECIMEN in red , Postal Tax, mixed condit ion to much very fine. Worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500 1886 to 1895 Herme s Issues, stock of a few hundred on retail sales pages , o.g. to unused or used, Belgian and Athens ptgs, perf and imperf, mixed condition though many 4-margined copies. Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 1896 to 1906, accum. of over 350 stamps on stock sheet s, o.g. to unu sed or used, few n.h. , mostly 1896 and 1906 Olympic issues , a lso 1896 designs surchd. and ad ditional "AM" ovpt., etc., and 1896 Regis. cover bearing IL to 25L comp l. to Germany , varying quantities , mixed cond ition to very fine, few reference not figured. Est. Cash Value $1,0001,200

GREECE AND AREA: 19th and 20th Century to about 1975, coll. of many hundred diff. on Specialty pages in binder, l.h. or o.g., few unused , incl. better ear ly issues, later mostly compl. sets, numerou s varietie s with wide or narrow zero , double or invtd. ovpts., imperf s, etc., Air s and extensive back-of-book , also Crete, Epirus, Thrace , some fault s in early issue s as would be expected, much fine to very fine.E st. Cash Value $1,000-1,500

73 1 * 018l HUNG ARY: 19th and 20th Century, a quite extensive coll. of many hundred in somewhat disorganized album , n.h. to used, incl. comp l. sets, Rooseve lt Commems, Postal Cards, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 732



1871 to 1975, coll. of man y hundred diff. in large bulging black Scott album, vast majorit y l.h. , few early issues unused , many compl. sets incl . numerous imperf s, Souvenir sheets (many n.h.) , Semis, Airs, extensive back-of-book , better early items with various wmk s. or perfs , generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000+

**ffi1951 Stamp Anniversary


set of three with Semi-Postals, 9 perf and 6 imperf sets, incl. corner blk s of 4, n.h., 60pf perf few gum skips, fine to very fine. All catl. as perf. $8 10, OM 1500 ................................................................... .......................(973,B207,208, vars .)


INDIA AND STATES: 19th and 20th Century, coll. ofa few thousand mostly diff. on page s in spring-back binder , l.h. to unu sed, incl. some better early item s and compl. sets with much Edward VII and George issues, excellent range of Convention and Feudatory States with many better values or varieties , few reference not figured, mixed condition to much very fine, an attractive collection worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500

735 * O

IRELAND: 1922 to 1986, coll. of a few hundred diff. in Specialty album, used, some early o.g. incl. Seahorses, many compl. sets, few Airs and Postage Due, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $250-350

736 * 18l

ISRAEL: From 1948, a small but useful collection in r ing-binder, l.h. singles and blks, plus an assortment of covers with l O forerunners, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200


Accum. of a few hundred stamps in 5 small stock books in box, n.h. to o.g., incl. tab singles and blks, # 1-6 Pl. No . copie s, etc., fine to very fine. Est. Cash Valu e $ 150-2 00 738 * 01:81Circa 1950, stock and accum. of thousands of stamps in 4 cartons, n,h, to unu sed or used, ge nera lly co mmon issues on and off paper, mint sheets and blk s, many hundr ed cove rs and stat ionery items, man y aerogra ms and postal ca rds, also small group s of Palestine stamp s and cove rs interspersed, mixed co nditi on. Est. Cash Value $200-400 739 * Olnl ITALIAN COLONIES AND AEGEAN ISLANDS: 1934, accum. of about 150 stamps on stock sheets , n.h. to o.g. or used, co mpr. Socce r Champi onship issues incl. Airs, blks of 8, etc., some stainin g though much very fine. Est. Cash Value $200 -400 ........... . 740 ** EB ITALY: 1951 Stamp Centenary set of two, 13 sets incl. blks of 4, n.h., fine to very fine. DM 1274 ....................... .............. . (568 ,569) 74 1 ** EE 1951 Stamp Centenary set of three, 8 sets incl. vert. gutter blks of 4, n.h., very fine . DM400+ ............................... ........... ... (587-89) 737

742 * O

743 **


3 13.95 84.00+

ITALY AND AREA: Primarily 20th Century, accum. of many hundred in glassines, retail sales pages, etc., in box, unused or used, mostly Italy and ge nerally common issues in varyi ng quantiti es, few Vatica n City blks, some back-of-book , cove r and picture post ca rd, mixed co nditi on. Est. Cas h Value $200-300 20th Century, coll of many hundred dill".in numbered glassines in box, vast majority n.h., incl. San Marino, Libya, Somalia, etc., many compl. sets, Semis, Airs and back-of-book , fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500

744 ** lnl JAPAN: 20th Century, accum. of many hundred dill".in glassines and stock sheets in box, vast majority n.h., incl. many com1>I.sets, Souvenir sheets and compl. sheets, 1972 to 1982 coll. on album pages, scattered better items, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000+ 745 * O



LIBERIA: 1860 to 1960s, a quite compl. coll. of several hundred primarily o.g. stamps on quadrille pages, numerous co mp!. sets, surchd. varieties, dupl. o.g. and used, stron g in ear lier issues, ge nera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Value $300 LIECHTENSTEIN: 1912 to 1975, coll. of several hundred diff. on pages, l.h. or o.g., incl. Semis, Airs, Postage Due, Officials, Souvenir sheets, some compl. sheets and better early compl. sets, fresh and fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 ...............................................................................................................................................(betw. 1 and 571, etc.)

747 ** lnl 1958 Sports set of four, sheet of 25, n.h., some light stainin g, most stamp s very fine . DM 1125 ................................. .............. . (320-23) 748


749 ** 750


75 1 * O

752 753

* *


LUXEMBOURG: 1852 to 1975, coll. of many hundred dill".on pages, l.h. or o.g., few early issues unused, incl. many Coat of Arms types and other better items, later compl. sets with Semis, Souvenir or compl. sheets, extensive back-ofbook, some small faults but generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 1952 Stamp Centenary 2fr and 4fr, se-tenant pairs and Air Post set compl., 5 sets, n.h., few tiny inclusions, ly fine. DM2050

758 .35

2fr black, 4fr red brown, compl. sets, 9 se-tenant sets, n.h., usual inclusions, very fine. DM 1800 ...... ................... ........ ....... (278 ,279)


MEXICO: 1856 to 1976, coll. of many hundred dill".in Minkus album, o.g. or used, incl. Hidalgo and Numeral types, later compl. and part sets, Airs and back-of-book with a high degree of completeness, mixed condition to many very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 1940 Stamp Centenary set com pl., incl. Air Post, 6 sets, n.h. to o.g. , a very few tiny faults, fine to very fine .......... (754 -58,C I03-07) MONACO: 1885 to 1988, coll. of many hundred dill".in Specialty album, l.h. or o.g., wide range of issues with compl. or part sets, Souvenir sheets, Semis, Airs, Postage Due, also Andorra coll. of over 200 dill"., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000

95 1.30


754 ** O NETHERLANDS: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of over 250 diff. in 2 Davo albums in box, n.h. to o.g. or used, sparsely filled but incl. #1 -3, compl. or part sets, Semis and a number of Souvenir sheets, mixed condition to very fine. Also another Davo almost new. Est. Cash Value $200-250 755 ** EB 1952 Stamp Centenary set of four, 6 sets incl. bottom right blks of 4, n.h., very fine. DM I020 ............................................. (336-39) 756 **

NETHERLANDS AND COLONIES: 20th Century, coll. of many hundred in numbered glassines in box, vast majority n.h., balance l.h., many compl. sets with Semis, Airs, etc., incl. Aruba, Neth. Antilles, Indies, New Guinea, Surinam , fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-600 ............................................... .......................... ..................................................... ..................................................... .

757 * O

NEWFOUNDLAND: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of over 200 diff. on stock sheets, l.h. to unused, some early used, incl. a few better early values, later compl. or part sets, Airs with DO-X and Balbo, some faults as would be expected, many very line. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000

758 * O

NEW SOUTH WALES: 1850 to 1906, coll. of over 160 diff. on stock sheets, o.g. to unused or used, incl. better items, various surchd. or ovptd., Semis, Regis., Postage Due incl. Ssh, 20sh ovptd. SPECIMEN, Officials, mixed condition to some very line, high catl. value. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ...................................................................... ................................... (betw. I and 131, etc.)






761 * O 762


763 * O

19th and 20th Centur y to 1975, coll. of several hundred diff . on pages in spring-b ack bind er, l.h. to unu sed, wide range of issues with ea rly better item s, compl. sets, Semis with Souvenir sheets, Postal Fisca ls and back-of-book with Postage Due, Official s and Life Insurance Dept. , early issue s mixed condition with some not figured , later line to very line. Est. Cash Value $500-750 To about 1936, coll. of over 160 stam ps neatly arranged on stoc k sheets, mostly l.h. or o.g., incl. several early issues, later comp). sets, few shades and slight dupl. , Semis with Laughing Boy set, Airs and Official s, genera lly fine to very line. S.G. ÂŁ3490 .................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................


1859 to 1974, coll. of man y hundred diff on pa ges, l.h. or o.g. and used dupl., incl. better ear ly item s, lat er compl. sets with Semis, misc. back-of-book , mixed condition to very line ......................................................... .........................(betw. 9 and 551, etc.)


1862 to 1978, coll. of a few hundred diff. on Specialty pages, primarily 20th cent. issues, n.h. to o.g., some early items unused, incl. many compl. sets, Semis and back-of-book with Postage Due and Officia ls, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300NORWAY: 1855 to 1964, coll. of well over 500 stamps in Specialty album, unused or used, wide range of issues with better items compl. or part sets with minor dupl., Semis, Postage Due and Officials, some faults though overall fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $250-300

764 ** EB 1947 Post Office Anniversary set compl., 14 sets incl. blks of 4, n.h., generally very fine. DM9 I 0 .........................................(279-89)

3 17.80

765 ** EB 1955 Philatelic Exhibition set of three, 19 sets incl. top right corner blks of 6, n.h., very fine. DM 17 10.......................... ..... (340-42)


766 * O

767 * O

PAPUA NEW GUINEA: 1901 to 1970s, dealer 's stock of many hundred neatly arranged on stock sheets in ringbinders, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. early issues with paper and wmk. vars., cancels, etc., later comp). sets, few blks, generally line to very line. Scott 1992 retail about $6,400 POLAND: 20th Century, coll. of a few hundred in album, mostly used, some o.g., primarily 1919 to 1940 issues, incl. pairs and blks, perf vars., a few compl. sets and Souvenir sheets, genera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-250 ........................................ .

768 * O IIil General Government; circa 1940, coll. of several hundred stamps in album and on loose pages, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. corner blks of 4 and larger, few compl. sheets, Officials incl. used on cover, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value$ I 50-200 ......................... .

* 770 *


PORTUGAL: 1940-41 Rowland Hill 15c to 1.75c, 12 compl. sets, n.h. to o.g., fine to very fine ........................................... (595-602)


1952 NATO set of two , 4 sets, o.g.,


77 1 ** EE 1953 Stamp Centenary set of eight, singles and blk s of 4, n.h., very fine. DM575 ............................................. ...................... (784-9 I) 772 ** EE ROMANIA: 1958 Stamp Centenary set compl., 15 perf and 7 imperf sets, incl. blks of 4 of both , n.h., generally very fine. OM 1450 ..................................................................................................................................... .............................. ........... ( 1252-59, vars.) Air Post; 1958 Stamp Centenar y lOL blue , Souvenir sheet of one , 12 sheet s, lOL red , 3 imperf sheet s, IOL ovptd. in red , n.h., 773 very fine. DM2950 ................................................................................................................ ................................ (C57, vars. see footnote)


774 * O



776 * EE 777 * EB



RUSSIA : 1858 to 1964, coll. of man y hundred diff. in lnt ertnationa l album, l.h. or o.g. and used dupl. , incl. compl. or part sets, some imperf s and Souvenir sheets with 1964 Olympic s Ir green, 1947 Council Bldg. imperf , blue omitted , few Semis and Airs, Offices, Wrangel issues, Centra l Lithuania , misc. G.D .R. , etc., genera lly tine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500 1964 Olympic s imperf Souvenir sheet , 5 "g r een" sheet s, n.h. , few negligible wri nkl es or inclu sion s, genera lly very fine. DM3750 ................................................ .................................. ........................................................................ .......................... (2926 var. ) RYUKYU ISLANDS: From 1948, coll. of a few hundred o.g. stamps on page s, compr. early singles with # Ia-7a, extensive later blks with some n.h.(2)/1.h.(2), very fresh and generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-400

180.00 379.75 575.00


SAAR: 1920 and 1921, group of over 80 stamp s on stock sheet s, n.h. Lo o.g., one unused. compr. ovptd. "Sarre" and "SAARGEBEIT" issues, incl. ovpl. invtd. or double, split bars, mis-placed and split SAARGEB IET. various Michel types, few blks and '•kiss" doubles, many signed and generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-500 ...................................................................................... . 1920 to 1959, coll. of well over 300 diff. on page s, l.h. or o.g .. incl. many comp!. sets, Semis incl. earlier issues. Officia ls, few vars. and tete-beche pairs. generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $350-450

1947 to 1959, coll. of man y hundr ed stamp s on pa ges, n.h. to o.g., generall y blks or corner blk s of 4, incl. compl. sets, Semis, Airs a nd Officia ls, several gutter blks, fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Value $500-750 SAN MA RINO: 1877 to 1980, coll. of several hundr ed diff. in Specialt y album, n.h. to o.g., some used, incl. better item s and 780 * O man y compl. sets with Airs, few Souvenir sheets and back-of-book , some fault s thou gh overa ll tin e to very tine. Est. Cas h Value $500-750 78 1 ** EE 1947 Stamp Centenar y set compl. with Air Post, 14 sets incl. blks of 4, n.h., I00L one light crease, fine to very fine. DM630 I ,C55) 779 * EE



783 * O



785 **

786 * O

787 * O

( 134. 12)

SIE RRA LEONE AND TONGA: 1872 to about 1975, coll. of man y hundred diff. on pag es in spring-back binder , l.h. or o.g., mostly comp l. sets with Sierra Leone Victoria and Edward VII £ values, George V £5, Wilberforce set compl., Tonga with a few va rs., Air Post Official s, etc., generally fine lo very fine. Est . Cash Value $1,500-2,000 SOUTH AF RI CA: 20t h Centur y, accum. of man y hundred in stock cards and glassines in box, mostly used, some o.g .. incl. comp!. or part sets. bi-lingual pairs, Officia ls. also South-West Africa. Swazi land, Bechuanaland, few 19th cent. reference not figured, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value$ I SPA IN: Ca nar y Islands; 1936 to 1938, coll. of 42 diff on Specia lty pa ges, n.h. to o.,g., all compl. sets and #9LC2 I blk of 4, many signed, fine to very fine ..................................................................................................................................................... (9LC4- 13,20-53) SPAIN AND COLONIES: 20th Centur y, coll. of many hundred diff. in numb ered glassine s in shoe box, vast majorit y n.h. , wide rang e of mostly mod ern issues, genera lly compl. sets with Semis and Airs, a few moderatel y bett er, also Portu gal and Co lonies selection of a few hundr ed diff. , fine to very tin e. Est. Cas h Value $500-600 SPANISH MOROCCO: 1903 to 1955, coll. of over 375 diff. on Specialty page s, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. the various early ovptd. issues with compl. or part sets, later issues incl. Semis, Airs and Special Delivery, Tangier and Tetuan, some with small faults, generally fine to very fine with many scarce items. Est. Cash Value $250-300 SWE DEN: 19th and 20th Centur y, coll. of a few hundr ed diff. in hing eless album, used, scattered o.g., incl. a few moderately better early items, compl. or part sets, se-tenant issues and some back-of-book, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $250-300

72 1.00




1850 to 1975, coll. of a few hundred diff. in Specialt y album, used, incl. better early items, many later compl . sets with Semis and Airs, few Souvenir sheets, back-of-book with Postage Due, Oflicial s, etc., mixed condition to much very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750

789 ** EB Semi-Postals; 1936 National Defense Souvenir sheet of three, 2 panes of 4, n.h., one small edge fault, fine Lo very fine. 1992 Zurn. SFrs l000


1943 Stamp Centenary imperf Souvenir sheet of two, 10 sheets, n.h., very fine. DM 1350 ........................................................ (81 32)


1945 Dove imperf Souvenir sheet of two, 4 sheets, n.h., very fine . DM I000 ...............................................................................

300.0 0

790 **

(8 144)

79 1 ** 792 * EBC8l TRIESTE: Zone A; From 1947, extensive coll. of many hundred in 2 albums on home-m ade pages, o.g., incl. numerous blk s, genera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Value $ 150 793 * O

TURKEY: 19th and 20th Century to about 1990, coll. of many hundr ed in S stockbook s in carton, n.h. to o.g., early used, wide range of issues with many compl. sets, some blks of' 4, Airs and back-of-book , seve ral sca rcer issues with some pre-WWll n.h. , generally fine to very fine, worth careful inspection . Est. Cash Value. $750-1 ,000

794 ** llil VATICAN CITY : circa 1960s, accum. of many hundr ed stamps in compl. or part sheets in album , vast majorit y n.h., incl. comp !. sets, fine Lovery fine. Est. Cash Value $200-250 795 ** EB VENEZUELA: 1959 Sta mp Centenary set com pl. incl. Air Post, SO sets incl. blks of 4, n.h ., ge nera lly very fine. DM 1500 .......... ................................... ...................... ............ ..................... ........ ............... ............................. ......... .................. ...... (740-42 ,C706-08)




Sperati, J. de LA PHILATELIE SANS EXPERTS ?, SB, with 6 plates incl. Newfoundland pence, uncut page s, Author ' s hand stamp on inside cover , so me spine damage & small cover tear , otherwise very fine. Est. Cash Value $75

PHILATELIC LITERATURE The language of the text is indicated by the language of the title unless otherwise noted.


Baxter, J.B. PRINTING POSTAGE STAMPS BY LINE ENGRAVING, 1939, HB with gold stamping on cover, #75 of limited ed. of 550, very fine condition .


de Worms, Sir Percy PERK.JNS BACON RECORDS, Vols. I & II, 1953, HB with original blue cloth binding and gold stamping on spine, incl. dust ja ckets

An interes ting and informative study of this subject. Est. Ca sh Value $75


World Air Post; AERO PHILATELIST ANNALS, set of 5 HB books, co mpr. Vols. 1-5, 1953-58, Vol s. 6-8, 1958-6 1, Vols. 9- 11, 1961-64 , Vol s. 12- 14, 196467, Vo ls. 14 (dupl.)-18 , 1966-71, a ll with gold stampin g on spine and cover , in very fin e cond ition . Est. Cash Valu e $75- 100


American Air Mail Society, Air Mail Catalogue, 5 vols. 1974 most rece nt ed., plus 1983 sup ple me nt, fine. Est. Ca sh Value $75



(torn) , in very fine conditi on (owner 's hand stamp s). Also inc lu. 2 article s (May 1929 & Jan. 1935) by Sir Edward Baco n on oblit era tion s on stamps printed by Perk.ins Baco n. A wonderfu l addition to any Library . Est. Ca sh Value $ 150- 175 8 10

Field, D. D. FIELD 'S PRICED CATALOGUE OF AIR MAIL STAMPS AND AJRPOSTS 1934, the rare and most desirable 2nd ed., HB in ¼ leather, gold stamping on spine, very minor flaws, overall in exceUent condition. Est. Cash Value $250-300 Air Post; Kessler, F. KESSLER 'S CATALOGUE OF AEROGRAMMES, /961,

Easton, J. THE DE LA RUE HISTORY OF BRITISH & FOREIGN POSTAGE STAMPS 1855 TO 1901 , HB with original carmine red binding and gold stamping on spine, inc l. decorative dust cove r (min or wear) and origina l order form , all in ex tre mely fin e co nditi o n (o wner 's hands tamp s). plu s The London Philatelist , Vo l. LXIV , No . 751 , Jun e 1955 o n the De La Ru e Ce nt e na ry Exhibiti on and the orig inal 1955 Ce ntenary Journal printed by De La Rue. An historica l study of the printin g works. Est. Cas h Value $ 150

in 2 vols., orig inal binders , no suppl e ments. Est. Cash Value $50 800

Muller, F. AEROGRAMMES DU MONDE ENT/ER, 1950, HB ¼ leather ed., gold stamping on spine, very minor wear , in overa ll extreme ly fine co nditi on.

WORLDWIDE General Hand Books

Est. Cas h Value $50-75 801

Rocket Mail; Ellington, J.T./Zwisler, P. ELLINGTON-ZWJSLER ROCKET 1904-1967, 1967, plus Vol. 2, 1968-72, pub. 1973, HB with gold stamping on spines and covers, exce llent conditi on. Est. Cas h Valu e

8 11


at bott om, Vo l. Ill plate Case split at bottom right. Still a rare set and importa nt librar y additi on. Est. Ca sh Value$ I 00- 150




Barefoot, J. FORGERY & REPRINT GUIDE, 1983-84, compl. set of 16 booklets, Nos. 1- 19, main empha sis Europ e, almost as new. Est. Cash Valu e$ 100- 125 Billig, F. GROSSES HANDBUCH DER FALSCHUNGEN , 1935-38, set compl. to 44, German States series HB, gold stamping on cover, others SB, all in very fine condition. Still useful reference. Est. Cash Value $300-350 Earee. R.B. ALBUM WEEDS; or, HOW TO DETECT FORGED STAMPS , 1906 3rd ed., Vols. I & II, HB, with decorative gold and black stamping on spine (shows wear) and cover, fully gilt-edged pages. Th e last and most co m-

8 12

Billig, Fritz BILL/G'S PHILATELIC HAND BOOK , Vols. l-33, 1943-72, Vol. I Third revised edition, Vols. II-IV Second revised editions, remaining original, condition varies from fine to virtually as new, #14 signed, all with owner's handstamps. Wealth of useful reference. Est. Cash Value $300-350

8 I3

Herst, H., PAT 'S PARAGRAPHS 1931-1945 , No s. 1-49 in three origi nal bind ers. Est. Cash Valu e $ 100

8 13A Lindquist, H. THE STAMP SPECIALIST , 20 vols. compl., some da mpne ss aro und edges. Est. Cash Valu e $ 100- 125 8 14

plete version , a class ic on forgeries. Est. Cash Value $ JOO- I 50 805

Lowe, R. SPERATJ AND HIS CRAFT, The Philatelist, 1953-56 (?). Rare assemblage of his 39 article s covering every known and recorded Sperati reproduction , in loose - lea f bind e r (miss ing XV titl e page only) , exce llent rese arch series. Est. Cash Valu e $75


Collin, H./Calman, H. A CATALOGUE FOR ADVANCED COLLECTORS , Vols. 1-111,3rd vol. with compl. set of plates, HB, gilt-edged pages, ribbled spine with gold stamping, hinge dam age at sp ines, Vol. II miss ing spine bindin g

Ragatz, L. THE FOURNIER ALBUM OF PHILATELIC FORGERIES, 1915 ed., SB, fuUy illus., ge nerall y fine to very fine (sm. tear and scrape from cove r), plu s Fournier 's 1914 Price-List of Philateli c Forgeries 1947 Van Berg reprint , very fine. Multi - lingual with Eng lish intro . and French co untr y listings. Est. Ca sh Value $75

8 15

Munk, H. KOHL-BRIEFMARKEN-HANDBUCH, Vols. I to V, 1926-36, HB in blue cloth, wear and binding damage, otherwise fine. A most important work. Est. Cash Value $200-250 Williams, L.N. & M. THE FUNDEMENTALS OF PHJLATELITY , 1971 orig. edition, HB with gold stamping on spine and cover, in ge nerally exce llent condition. A class ic work which belongs in eve ry librar y. Est. Ca sh Value $75- 100

8 16

Maritime Mail; Ringstrom, S.ffester, H. E. THE PRIVATE SHIP LETTER STAMPS OF THE WORLD, HB in 3 vols., Part 1, The Caribbean, Part 2, Australia-Europe-South America, Part 3, The Sue z Canal Company , with tipped-in forgery block and folded enlargement from Saatjian 40c sheet, cloth bindin g with go ld stampin g on cover and spine , all with decorative dust cover s (Part I torn at bottom ). In virtua lly new condition . Est. Cas h Value $ 150- 175




Bertrand, Gustave MEMORIAL PHILATELIQUE, Ce que dise11tLes Timbres, 1932-34, Tome I La France depuis 1880, II La Belgique, III Luxembourg-Sw isseLiechtenstein, IV L 'ltalie, HB with gold stamping on spine, I & Ill some fad ing but goo d co nditi on, II & IV in very goo d co ndition . Love ly Libr ary edition s. Est.

83 1

Cas h Value $ 150- 175


8 19

Klein, Wilhelm DIE POSTALISCHEN ABSTEMPELUNGEN UND ANDERE ENTWERT-UNGSARTEN AUF DE N OSTERREICHISCHEN POSTWERTZEICHEN-AUSGABEN 1867, 1883 u11d1890, 1967, compl. set of 15 sections with original slip-cover, very fine, Est. Cas h Valu e $ 150 -200 Mueller , Edwin HANDBOOK OF AUSTRIA AND LOMBARDY-VENETIA CANCELLATIONS ON POSTAGE STAMP ISSUES 1850, 1858-59, /860-61 , 1863 and 1863-64, 1961, comp!. set o f 14 sec tion s with s lip cove r (bad ly dam-

fabulou s refe rence for ca nce ls and sta mps. Est. Cas h Value $ 150 83 1A Yvert & Tellier CATALOGUE SPECIALISE DES TIMBRES DE FRANCE,



DIE POSTMARKEN VON OESTERREICH, 1927, HB, slight spine wear , otherwise very fine. Use ful refere nce. Est. Cas h Value $70-8 0


82 1

DIE POSTSTEMPEL AUF DER FREJMARKENAUSGABE 186 7 VON OSTERREICH UND UNGARN, 1930, HB, red binding with gold stamped spine, slight dama ge to front cove r, otherw ise very fine. Scarce c lass ic. Est. Cash


HANDBOOK OF THE PRE-STAMP POSTMARKS OF AUSTRIA, Collectors Club, 1960, HB, exce llent co nditi on . Usef ul refe rence. Est. Ca sh Va lue $75 Ryan, G.S. CANCELLATIONS OF HUNGARIAN POST OFFICES ON AUSTRIAN STAMPS 1850-67, Royal Philatelic Society, 1980. HB with gold stamping on spine and front cover, incl. slip case, limited edition #233 of 400, co lor illustratio ns, as new. Wonderful refe rence. Also rare Magya r Allan Postaterkepe 1750- 1850 map, some stai ning and split folds. Est. Cash Value $ 125- 150



Tchilinghririan/Stephen AUSTRIAN POST OFFICES ABROAD, 1962-67 , Vols. One to Seven, CB. The foremost reference written and scarce. Est. Cash Value $500-750 BELGIUM: Catalogue; Balasse, Willy TOME I-Ill , PB, Tome I cove r separat-

836 837



L'Academie de Philatelie ENCYCLOPEDIE DES TIMBRES-POSTE DE FRANCE 1849-1853 and 2nd volume ANNEXES, HB set in very fine co nditi on.



Est. Ca sh Valu e $ 125- 150 cover damage and spine taped , still a rare class ic. Est. Cash Va lue $75- 100 828

CATALOGUE des MARGUES POSTAL de la FRANCE , 1907, 2nd ed., HB, cove r dama ge. Import ant and rare work . Est. Ca sh Value $75


Pothion , Jean/Rochette , Andre CATALOGUE DES MARQUES POSTALES ET OBLITERATIONS DE PARIS 1700-1876, 1958, PB, very fine. Est. Ca sh

Glasewald, Georg GLASEWALD PRIVATPOSTMARKEN KATALOG, 1953, 1953 ed., HB, very fine. Est. Ca sh Value $75-80 ITALIAN STATES: Sa rdinia ; Bolafffi , Alberto THE PO STMA RK-ST AMPS AND THE POSTAL CANCELLATIONS OF THE SARDIN/AN STATES, Used During the Period 1851-1863, 1948, HB with dust jacket , #4 of limited edition of 300. Exce llent co nditi on, book itse lf a lmost like new. Est. Cash Value $75- 100 TAVOLE CROMATICHE BOLAFFI, 1952-54, #14 to 35 compl., co lor plates on ca rd of the 20c and 40c stamps, numb ered acco rdin g to Rasso ne's ca ta logue , very fine. Est. Cash Value $50


ed, otherwise ge nerally fine to very fine. Best refere nce for Be lg ium . Est. Cas h Valu e $ 125- 150

Value $75

GERMANY: Friedemann , Albert DIE POSTWERTZEICHEN UND ENTWERTUNGEN DER DEUTSCHE N POST ANSTA LT EN IN DE N SCHUTZGEBIETEN UND IM AUSLANDE, original 1921 ed., HB, with gold stamping on spine, we l illus. and in very good conditi on. Est. Cas h Va lue $75- 100 Same, 1967 Revi sed ed. by Dr. Heinrich Wittman in 3 cloth-bound ringbinders, gold stamping on front covers, very fine. Es t. Cash Value $75- 100 GERMAN PHILATELIC REVIEW, Jan. 1953 to Oct. 1956, Vol. I & II compl., Vol. 3 minus #5, Vol. 4 contains #1 & 3 only. In English. Interes ting studi es of Ger man Philat e ly. Est. Cas h Value $75

Value $ 100- 125


TOME I (1849-1900),very tine. Useful specializ ed catalogue, well illus. Est. Cash Value $50-75 FRENCH COLONIES: Langloi s, M./Bouselet, V. LES OBLITERATIO NS DES BUREAUX DE POSTE DES COLONIES FRAN(:AISE, rare 1927 ed., onl y 50 printed and only Nos. 1-8 , of which thi s is #7 , were printed on Manufactures Imperiale s du Japon paper , s ig ned by bot h Lan g lo is a nd Bouse let, interna l spine dama ge, otherwi se very fine. Est. Cas h Value $ 100- 150


aged), Sec tion I cove r separat ed & split at pages 16 & 17, otherwi se very fine. In German and Eng lish. Est. Cash Value$ I00-125


Salles, Raymond LA POSTE MARITIME FRAN(:AISE, Tome I-IX , 1962-75, HB and in excellent condition. The definitive work on French Maritime mail, scarce. Est. Cash Value $500-750 Yvert et Tellier CATALOGUE SPECIALISE DES TIMBRES DE FRANCE, 1975-82, Tome I and II, the original large, wh ite hardbound set, little worn but

ITALY: Braschi, P. / PR/Ml FRANCOBOLLI A ROMA, 1978, HB with much illustration (64 color plates) and gold stamping on spine and cover, #376 of limited ed. (1550) and autographed. Inc ludes l 978 Centenario di Pio IX Souvenir sheet in back cove r pocket. Almo st new (owner 's handstamp). Est. Ca sh Value $50


Gaggero, G./Mondolfo, R. LE COLLETTORJE POSTAL/ DEL REGNO D 'lTALIA, 1970, HB, with gold stamping on spine and cover. Usefu l listings and illus. of provin c ial and tow n postal markin gs, Like new (owner 's handstamp). Est. Cas h Value $75- 100

84 1

Air Post; Cherubini, C./Taragni, S. CATALOGO ITALIANO DELLA POSTA AREA, Vol. One 1846-1930 & Violini, E. CATALOGO DEGLI AEROGRAMMI ZEPPELIN, 1974 and 1971 respectively, HB, in exce llent condit ion with decorative du st j acke ts (so mew hat worn ), in Engli sh and Italian . Est. Cash Value $50-60


NETHERLANDS: Korteweg, P.C. 300 JAAR POSTMERKEN VAN NEDERLAND 1570-1870 , scarce 1st edition in Dutch of this definitive work of the classis period, HB, very fine, (owner 's handstamp s). Est. Cash Valu e $75-100


SWITZERLAND: Jaggli-Weber, H DIE SCHWEIZERISCHEN POST-und ENTWERTUNG-STEMPEL 1843-1862, 1920 , HB with colorful embossed cover , very fine. Est. Cash Value $75


van Balen Blanken, G.C./Buurman , B. NEDERLAND 1852 5 CENT PLAA T /VI, 1968-70, 6 HB vols. with decorative gold stamping on spines and covers, color illus. throughout , in English and Dutch. Virtu ally as new. The definiti ve study . Est. Cash Value $ 125-150 NEDERLAND 1852 10 CENT PLAAT 1-X, 1972-75, 10 HB vols. with decorative gold stamping on spines and covers, fully illus., in English and Dutch. Pristine condition. Again the definitive study. Est. Cash Value $300 NETHERLAND INDIES: Dutch East Indies 1941-1945 , Roelf Boekema Jan.28-Feb I. , 1975, Auction #75, 6048 lots with exten sive illus., and color plates. Exce llent reference on Japan ese 0 cc. of South eas t Asia, with empha sis on Dut ch East Indi es. Est. Cash Valu e $60-80 POLAND: Bojanowicz , M.A. THE KINGDOM OF POLAND , 1979, HB , gold stamping on cover and spine , fully illus., very fine. Est. Cash Value $75 RUSSIA: Prigara , S. V. THE RUSSIAN POST IN THE EMPIRE , TURKEY , CHINA AND THE POST IN THE KINGDOM OF POLAND , 1981 Skipton tran slation , HB with gold stamping on spine and cover. As new . Est. Cas h Value $75 Skipton , D./Michalove , P. POSTAL CENSORSHIP IN IMPERIAL RUSSIA , 1989 , Vols. I & II , HB with slipcase, gold stamping on spine and cover, fully illus. New. Est. Cas h Valu e $ 100- 125


Winkler, J.J. HANDBUCH DER SCHWEIZER VORPHILATELLE 16951850, 1968, HB with gold stamping on spine and cover , in very good condition. Est. Cash Value $75


Andres, F.X./Emmenegger, H. GROSSES HANDBUCH der ABSTEMPLUNGEN auf SCHWEIZER MARKEN 1843-1882 , 1931, HB with gold stamping on spine and cover, incl. fold- out map and 2 1 cance l overlays. Exce llent condition (owner's handstamp). Est. Cash Value$ I00- 150


The same , private binding of original 1931 paper back version, incl. otiginal cove r and fo ld-out map, some wear but generalJy fine co ndition. Est. Cas h Value $75- 100


DENMARK: Hagemann, G.A. DENM A RKS OG DANSK VEST/ND/ENS TOFARVEDE FRIMAERKER, 1941, HB, almost new. Est. Cas h Value $75- 100 DENMARKS OG DANSK VEST/ND/ENS FRIMAERKER , 1942, HB, almost new. Part I cove rs the Dani sh issues of 1864-70 , Part 2, the Dutch West Indies issues 1855- 1905. Est. Cas h Value $75- I00 DENMARKS OG DANSK VEST/ ND/ENS FRIMAERKER (BI ND 4) , 1951, HB, as new. Part I co vers Danish Coa t-of-Arms issues , provinces etc., Part 2, the Dutch West lndi es prov inces, Coat-of-Ar ms issues, etc. Est. Cas h Value $75- 100



846 847








Ayrivie , A. 6 CUARTOS 1850 PLANCHAS DEFECTOS y RETOQUES MATASELLOS , 1940, HB, copy No. 889, over 2500 illus., minor spine damage, otherwise very fine. Writt en in Spanish, French, English and German. The historic study of Spain' s first stamp . Est. Cas h Value$ I 50- 175 Galvez , CATALOGO GALVEZ PRUEBAS Y ENSAYOS DE ESPANA 1960 , 1962, HB, ge nerall y in ex tre mely goo d conditi on (so me inside spine dam age). Co nsidered the definiti ve wo rk on proo fs and rare. Est. Cas h Value $ 150- 175 CATALOGO ESPECIAL/ZADO DE LOS SELLOS DE CORREOS DE ESPANA , 1960, SB, so me spine and cover damage, otherwi se fine. The definiti ve proof study. Est. Cas h Value $75- 100 Moone , A.M. LAS FALSIFICACIONES DEL SELLO ESPANOL , 1966, HB and numbered 299 of 500, with ¼ burgundy leather, beautiful scrolled gold stamping on spine , alm ost as new. Est. Ca sh Value $75- IO0 Tizon , M./Guinovart , J. PREFILATELIA ESPANOLA ; ESTUD/0 DE LAS MARCAS POSTALES DE ESPANA Y SUS DOMIN/OS DE IND/AS. SIGLOS XVIII y XIX, Vols. I & II, HB, numbered 0145 of limited ed. of 1000 , gold stamping on spine, attractive cream and burgundy binding, almo st as new, The esse ntial work on Spanish prestamp postmark s. Est. Ca sh Value$ ] 50-200 DE SELLOS DE CORREOS DE Tort, A. GU/A DEL COLECCIONISTA ESPANA, Vols. 1-111 compl., scarce original 1935-50 ed., HB with dark blue embossed covers, black stamping on front and spine , fully illus. , plus many color plates. Slight spine wear (Vol. I cracked at spine, all owner's handstamps), otherwise very tine set. Est. Cash Value $500-750



86 1





Schmidt-Ander son, J. THE POSTAG E STAMPS OF DENMARK 1851-/951 , 1951, HB with gold stamping on spine, some binding and spine faults, od1erwise fine. lncl. plate of color specimens. Est. Cash Value $75- 100 FINLAND: Hellman, E.A . DIE FIGURENSTEMPEL FINNLA NDS SUOMEN KUVIOLEIMAT , 1961, HB with dust jacket , limited ed. #370 of 500, well illus. with map in pocket and scarce cancel transpariences booklet (40pgs ), also rare 1974 limited ed. Supplement , #125 of 600 , HB with dust jacket . Both in excellent condition (Supplement owner' s handstamp). Est. Cash Value $200-250 lCELAND: Jon son, J.A. ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF ICELAND STAMPS , 1873-1973 , 1977, luxury ed. with leather binding, embossing on spine, cover s and case, fully illus. with much color. Co mprehensive study, in pti stine condi tion and beautifull y decorated . Est. Cas h Value $ 100- 125 SWEDEN: Sverige s Filatelist-Forbund , SVERIGES FRANKOTECKEN HANDBOK 1855-1963 , Vols. I to III (1961, 1962 , 1964 respectively), SB in cloth hard-bound cover (spine damage) , gold stamping on cover and spine, very fine. An important work. Est. Cas h Value$ I 00- 125

ASIA 866

ASIAN PHILATELY, 1977 to 1991 Williams newsletter-magazine, compl. set of 14 vols. plus index (115 issues) , like new. Excellent reference of China . Est. Cas h Value $ 100


Similar Lot


869 870 871 872 873 874

875 876 877 878 879

Mizuhara, M. THE MAGNIFICENT COLLECTION OF CHINESE STAMPS , Part I Chinese Maritime Customs Post 1872-1897, 1978,HB in brown cloth with gold stamping on spine and cover, incl. decorative slip cover. New. A must for any China collector and lovely library edition. Est. Cash Value $75-100 Part II Postal History of the JJPO Shanghai 1876-1922, 1978, as above. Est. Cash Value $75-100 Part III Chinese People's Post 1929-1949 Part I, 1978, as above. Est. Cash Value $75-100 Part IV Chinese People 's Post 1929-1949 Part JI, 1979, as above. Est. Cash Value $75-100 Part V Modem History of the Manchuria , 1980, as above. Est. Cash Value $75-100 Part VI Postal History of Shantung Province, as above. Est. Cash Value $75-100


883 884


HUAYOU JIJJN JI, THE MAGNIFICENT COLLECTION OF CHINESE STAMPS , Second Series, Vol. I US Postal Activities in China, 1982, beautiful cloth HB with gold stamping on spine, incl. decorative slip cover. New. Continuing the comprehensive study of these wonderful China collection s. Est. Cash Value $75-100 Vol. II Stamps and Postal History of MONGOLIA , 1983, as above. Est. Cash Value $75-100 Vol. III Imperial Japanese Post Office s in Chinese Mainland , 1985, as above. Est. Cash Value $75-100 Vol. IV Imperial Japanese Post Offic es in Chine se Mainland , The Second Half, 1984, as above . Est. Cash Value $75-100 Vol. VA Century of the MANCHURI AN Postal History, 1986, as above. Est. Cash Value $75-100


The librar y balance of several hundred items in 4 boxes or carton s, incl. Taiwan Postal Bulletins from 1950s, few with stamps, Ma catl. (1947 reprint), Williams CNC, Gold and Silver, Schumann China, 1975 COMPLETE COLOR CATALOGUE , hardbound with slipcover , also 1978-80 ed., 1978 SELEC T


LARGE DRAGONS , 1978 POST A GE STAMP CATALOGUE OF THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA, 900 pgs., in English, other specialized works, newsletters,





89 1

auction catalogues, price lists, etc., generally fine to very fine condition. Est. Cash Value $300-500 JAPAN 880


Ichida, S. THE DRAGOON STAMPS OF JAPAN 1871-72 , 1959, deluxe HB in ¼ green leather with dust jacket in slip case, gold stamping on spine and cover, beautifully illus., in Japanese with English titles on plates, incl. 11 loose photos of sheets and 1971 Supplement in English and French. A pristine copy signed and numbered 473 of limited ed. Beautiful library edition. Est. Cash Value $200-250 The same, 1959, HB in blue cloth with gold stamping on spine and cover, incl. 11 photos of sheets in pocket inside back cover, almost like new. # 293 of limited edition , in English. Est. Cash Value $ 150-200

THE CHERRY BLOSSOM ISSUE OF JAPAN 1872-1876 , 1965, HB in red cloth beautifully embossed with gold stamping on black background, also on spine, incl. dust jacket (tom), fully illus., in English, cracked at hinge at page 9, otherwise in very fine condition. Limited ed. #5 7 I. Est. Cash Value $ 175-200 Same, unnumbered but signed, incl. slip cover, in very fine condition. Est. Cash Value $ 175-200 AOCHl-1872 1 SEN BLUE, NATIVE PAPER , 1968, 2 vol. set in ¼ blue leather with gold stamping on spine and cover, 2nd vol. (with slip case) contains 26 plates of complete sheets and reconstructed plates, in English and Japanese. Dedicated and signed by author on special pale blue rice paper bound-in and numbered 113 of limited edition. A beautiful set worthy of any library. Est. Cash Value $300-350 6 SEN PURPLE -BROWN, NATIVE PAPER 1874, 1968 , HB in purple ¼ leather with gold stamping on spine and cover, incl. original dust jacket, full illus., in Japanese with separate English translation. Signed by author with special dedication page on cream paper in limited ed. , this #5 of 250. Est. Cash Value $300-350 KOBAN KITTE, 1974, HB in brown cloth with gold stamping, incl. original dust jacket and slipcover, fully illus., #483 of limited ed. of 1000. As new. Est. Cash Value $200-250 JAPANESE POSTAGE STAMPS IN THE MANUFACTURE , HB with dust jacket, incl.14 officially authorized essays, limited ed. of l000 , rare and beautiful reference. As new. Est. Cash Value $200 JAPANESE PHILATELY , Vols. 9-18, plus 20,23,26,30 and 32,34,35,37, mostly comp!., plus 3 earlier issues and indices, member list, etc., excellent reference in good condition. Est. Cash Value $ LOO - I SO THAILAND: Linnemann, H.S. THE PO S TAL HISTORY OF SIA M 188 31935 , 1938, SB, in very fine condition. Est. Cash Value $75- 100




ARGENTINA: Kneitschel, V. CATALOGO DE LOS SELLO S POSTALES DE LA REPUBLJC A ARGENTI N EA y B UENOS AIRES CORDOBA CORRIENTES ENTRE RIOS , 1958, the special 6th ed. in 2 vols., HB in blue leather with gold stamping on spine and cover, incl. S upl Enero, I 959 and 1960, Vol. I spine damage, both vols. show wear. Est. Cash Value $75- 100 BRAZIL: Ayres P. CATALOGO DE CA R1MBOS BRASJL-IMPERIO , 1937, HB, rare limited ed. #130 of 500 and signed by author , only minor wear (small hole at base of spine) and slight damage inside front cover near spine, otherwise in very fine condition. Est. Cash Value $250-300 CHILE: Galvez, J. LOS PRJMEROS SELLOS DE CHILE , 1964, HB in gray with gold stamping on spine and cover, incl. 14 plates, 8 in color (3 fold-out), usual surface cracks at hinge, otherwise in very fine condition (owner's handstamp), in Spanish, English and French. Est. Cash Value $250-300 GUATEMALA: Goodman, R. GUATEMALA 1 AND 2, THE POSTAL HISTORY AND PH/LATELY, 1969 and 1974 respectively, HB with gold stamping on spines and decorative dust jackets, (some wear), books in excellent condition (Vol. I owner' s handstamp). Est. Cash Value $75- 100 MEXICO: Schatzkes, J. THE CANCELLATIONS OF MEXICO 1856-1874 , 1964, HB with gold stamping on spine, #105 of limited ed. of 265, incl. dust cover (worn at top), very fine. Est. Cash Value $75- 100





PERU: Lamy, G./Rinck, J. PEROU OBLITERATIONS POSTALES, the 2nd ed. 1964, HB , decoratively embossed cover with gold stamping on spine, #71 of a limited ed. of 400, 35 plates, 9 color, almost as new (owner's handstamp). In English, French, German and Spanish. Signed by Rinck. Est. Cash Value $ 100 URUGUAY: Lee, E. THE POSTAGE STAMPS OF URUGUAY, 1931, HB in half leather, gold sta mping on spine (damaged), worn at edges. Limited ed. #142 of 200. Est. Cash Value $250-300 Hoffmann, R. ESTUDJO DE LAS FALSIFICACIONES DE LOS SELLOS POST ALES DEL URUGUAY, 1948, SB, #64 of limited ed. and signed by author , also CATALOGO DE LAS VAR! EDAD ES MAS IMPORTANTES DE LOS SELLOS POS TALES DE LA REPUBLI CA ORIENTA DEL URUGUAY , 1948, SB, also signed, both books show some cove r wear, otherwise very fine. Est. Cash Value $75- 100 VENEZUELA: Wickersham, C. THE EA RLY STAMPS OF VENEZUELA, 1958, HB with gold stam ping on spine , very fine condition, also with dust cover (torn). Est. Cash Value $75- 100







ARABIA; Donaldson, N. THE POSTAL AGENCIES IN EASTERN ARABIA AND THE GULF , 1975, HB, gold stamping on spine and cover , in almost new condition. Est. Cash Value $50-60 ETHIO PIA ; Payne, EJCape, N. ET HIOPIA , 1981-82, the comp!. Cockrill set of 8 booklets , compr. 1-fV Issues from I 894-1936, V Postmarks/Cancels to 1936, VI Fiscals/Forgeries, VIl Stationery/Airmail and vm Occu./WWII 1936-43. Beautiful deluxe green leather binding with nubbed spine and gold stamping, virtually as new. Est. Cash Value $ 100-125 TURKEY: Pa sser A. THE STAMPS OF TURKEY, 1938, SB, incl. set of 76 plate s, sp ine damage and pen-titled , otherwise in very good condition. The definitive stud y. Est. Cash Value $200-250

GREAT BRITAIN AND BRITISH COMMONWEALTH General Ref ere nee While well-worn, the book s in the following four lots are important additions to any Briti sh Empire librar y. 902



Puttick & Simpson, THE POSTAGE STAMPS, ENVELOPES , WRAPPERS , AND POST CARDS OF THE NORTHERN AMERICAN COLONIES OF GREAT BRITAIN , 1889, HB in ½ leather with gold stampin g on cover, incl. 6 plates in inside back cover pocket with flap intact. Est. Cash Value $75-100 THE POSTAGE STAMPS , ENVELOPES, WRAPPERS , POST CARDS AND TELEGRAPH STAMPS OF THE BRITISH COLONIES IN THE WEST INDIES, 1891, HB as above, incl. 32 autotype illus. (pocket split, flap missing). Study also covers British Honduras and the South American Colonie s. Est. Cash Value $75- 100 THE POSTAGE STAMPS, ENVELOPES, WRAPPERS, POST CARDS , AND TELEGRAPH STAMPS OF BRITISH INDIA AND CEYLON , 1892, HB as above, incl. 22 of 24 autotype illus. (few toned) in back pocket (flap missing). Est. Cash Value $75- 100

THE POSTAGE STAMPS, ENVELOPES, WRAPPERS , POST CARDS , AND TELEGRAPH STAMPS OF THE BRITISH COLONIES, POSSESSIONS AND PROTECTORATES IN AFRICA, in 3 Vols., compr. Part s 1 & 2, 1895, Part 3, 1906 and Part 3, Plates, 1895-1906, all HB as above. Parts 1 & 2 incl. 20 illus. (back pocket split, flap missing) plus 1 page with color die proofs of the Mauritius Ip orange & 2p blue. Est. Cash Value $250-300


9 10

9 11

9 12 9 13 9 I4 9 15

9 16


Bodily , R./Jarvi s, C./Hahn, C. BRITISH PICTORI AL ENVELOPES OF THE 19th CENTURY , 1984, HB with gold sta mping on spine and cover, beautifully illus. with much color, as new. Est. Cash Value $ 100-125 Dend y Marshall, C.F. A STUDY OF THE LINE -ENGRAVE D TWO PENCE POSTAGE STAMPS OF GREAT BRITAIN, 1929, HB with gold sta mping on cover and spin e, (damaged at bottom, slightly torn at top), otherwise fine. Est. Cash Value $75 Evans, E.B. THE MULREADY ENVELOPE AND ITS CARICATURES , 1891, HB with beautifully decora tive black and gold sta mpin g on cover with goldsta mping a lso on spine , nonnal wear with binding slightly loose . A wonderful library edition . Est. Cash Value$ I00-125 Osborne, H. BRITI SH LI NE ENGRAVED STAMPS, REPAI RED IMPR ES SION S, 1950, HB with gold sta mping on cover and sp ine (color somewhat faded), in very fine condition, well illus. a great study. Est. Cash Value $200-250 BRITISH LINE ENGRAVED STAMPS, TWO PENCE BLUE , STUDIES OF PLATES 1 TO IS , 1946, HB with gold sta mpin g on cover and spine (color somewhat faded) , otherwise in very fine condition , well illus. The rare original. Es t. Cash Value $250-300 Nissen, C./McGowa n, B. THE PLATI NG OF THE PENNY BLACK POSTAGE STAMP OF GREAT BRITAIN 1840, 1922, SB, the original text and glossy plate photo s with the original front cover (torn ), no binding. Excellent for hard binding. Est . Cash Value $500 Parmenter , J./Goodman, M./Saylor, J. BA RRED NUMERAL CANCELLATIONS, ca. 1985-88, Vols. One to Six, virtually as new. Est. Cash Value $75- 100 Proud , E.B./Griffith, K. HISTORY OF BRITISH ARMY POST AL SERVICE , Vol. 1, 1882-1902, HB , as new. Est. Cash Value $50-75 Same, VOL. II, 1903-1927, HB , as new. Est. Cash Value $75- 100 Robert son, A. A HISTORY OF THE SH IP LETTERS OF THE BRITISH ISLES , 3 Vols., 1956, 1959, 1964, HB in binder s, compr. Vol. I with slip case , #194 of limited ed. of 600 on Art paper and signed by author, Vol. II Supplements 1 & 2 and Vol. III Supplements 3-5, incl. a folio of 15 notices in original SERIES NO. 3 folder plu s 13 additional folio s for insertion in binders. Overall in very fine condition (several loose folios worn). The classic work on British Maritime postal history. Est. Cash Value $500-550 Wiseman , W.A. THE DE LA RUE YEARS 1878-1910 , Vol. I, 1984, HB in green cloth , cover with gold stamping on black background, spine gold stamping, as new. #589 of limited ed. of 600, decorative dust j acket (torn at top) Est. Cash Value $ 100- 125 Wright , H.E/Creeke, A. B. A HISTORY OF THE ADHESIVE STAMPS OF THE BRITISH ISLES , 1899, HB in ¼ cloth with gold stamping on black background , incl. back pocket with 38 plates, generally in very fine condition (loose at binding). Est. Cash Value$ 100-125





92 1 922 923 924

VICTORIA: Pack, C.L. VICTORIA THE HALF-LENGTH PORTRAITS AND THE TWOPENCE QUEEN ENTHRONED , 1923, HB in blue cloth with gold stamping on cover and spine, gilt-edged pages, in extremely good condition. The comprehensive study. Est. Cash Value $250-300 Purves , J.R.W. THE HALF-LENGTHS OF VICTORIA , 1953, HB in tan cloth with gold stamping on black background on cover and spine, gilt-edged pages, #22 of limited ed. of 120, in very fine condition. A thorough study of the stamps and cancellations. Est. Cash Value $400-500 NEW ZEALAND: Collins , R.J.G./Fathers, H.T.M. THE POSTAGE STAMPS OF NEW ZEALAND , Vol. I, 1938, HB in ¼ leather with gold stamping on cover and spine, incl. 2 photos (Plates A & B) in back cover pocket, #197 of limited ed. of 1,000, in extremely fine condition (owner's handstamp, slight binding tear inside back). Rare and first of an important serie s. Est. Cash Value $400-450 Collins/Watts, C.W. Vol. II, #1,699 of 2,000 limited edition , in very good condition (front cover slight wrinkles). Est. Cash Value $350-375 Vol. Ill , 1955, #871 of limited edition of 1,150, in extremely fine condition. Est. Cash Value $300-325 Vol. IV , 1964, #166 of limited ed. of 1150, in extremely fine condition. Est. Cash Value $300-325 Vol. V, 1967, #160 of limited ed. of 1,000, in extremely fine condition. Est. Cash Value $300-325

93 1



934 935 936



BECHUANALAND: Holmes, H.R. THE POSTAGE STAMPS, POST A L STA OF THE BECHUANALANDS , 1971, HB in orange cloth with gold stamping on black background on cover and spine, gilt-edged top pages, # 199 of limited ed. of 500, a love ly book in exce llent condition (owner' s handstamp). Est. Cash Value$ I 00- 125 Jurgens, A.A. THE BECHUANALANDS A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE COUNTRIES AND THEIR POST A L SERVICES TO /895 , 1945, HB Presentation Copy signed by author , with gold stamping on cover and spine , shows only slight wear. A thorough study. Est. Cash Value $200-250 CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: Allis, G.J. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, ITS POSTAL HISTORY AND POSTAGE STAMPS, 1930, HB in ½ leather with gold stamping on spine, general wear and spine damage. Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 Jurgens , A.A. THE HANDSTRUCK LETTER STAMPS of th e CAPE OF



GOOD HOPE FROM 1792 TO 1853 anti th e POSTMARKS FORM 1853 TO 1910, 1943, HB, Subscription copy #101 of 200 and signed, gold stamping on



cover (somewhat marked) and spine (some wear), otherwise in very fine condition. A va.lued study and rare. Est. Cash Value $200 Stevenson, D.A. THE TRIANGULAR STAMPS OF CAPE OF GOOD HOPE , 1950, HB with decorative gold stamping on cover and spine, illus. (4 color plates), incl. l st and 2nd supplements (tape marks), in extremely fine condition. The classic study of these stamps. Est. Cash Value $200 TRANSVAAL: Curle, J.H./Basden, A.E. TRANSVAAL POSTAGE STAMP , 1940, HB with gold stamping on spine, incl. 8 color and 4 black & white plates in inside back pocket, generally in excellent condition. Est. Cash Value $ 150-200

Sayers), 1949, 2nd ed., HB with gold stamping on cover and spine (slight tear at top), otherwise in very fine condition. Signed by both authors. Est. Cash Value $75 Webb, F.W. HONG KONG & THE TREATY PORTS OF CHINA & JAPAN , 1961, HB in red with gold stamping on black background on spine and cover (some ink lines), in very fine condition. Limited ed. #30 of 500. The rare and major study of this area. Est. Cash Value $250-300 lNDIA: Dawson, L.E. THE ONE ANNA & TWO ANNAS POSTAGE STAMPS OF INDIA 1845-55, 1948, SB, some small damage at top of spine, otherwise in more than very fine condition , incl. separate envelope with 12 plates. Est. Cash Value $75 MALAYA: Proud, E. THE POSTAL HISTORY OF BRITISH MALAYA, Vol. I Straits Settlements , 1982, HB, in almost new condition. Est. Cash Value $75 THE POSTAL HISTORY OF BRITISH MALAYA, Vol. ll, The Federated States, HB, in almost new condition. Est. Cash Value $50 SARAWAK: Forrester-Wood , W.R. THE STAMPS AND POSTAL HISTORY OF SARAWAK , 1957, HB with gold stamping on spine, in almost new condition. Est. Cash Value $75 Boggs, W. THE POSTAGE STAMPS AND POSTAL HISTORY OF CANADA , 1946, HB, 2 vol. set, slightly weak binding, otherwise very fine. The definjtiv e work. Est. Cash Value$ 100- 125 BRITISH NORTH AMERICA




HONG KONG: Lobdell , H.E./Hopkin s, A.E. HONG KONG AND THE TREATY PORTS , Postal History anti Postal Markings, (Bishop , Morton and



94 1


CANADA: Duckworth, H.E. & H.W. THE LARGE QUEEN STAMPS OF CA NAD A A ND THEIR USE 1868-1872 , 1986 , HB with gold stamping on cover and spine, virtually as new. Est. Cash Value$ 100 Firth, L.G. CANADA THE FIFTEEN CENTS OF 1868 , 1963, HB with gold stamping on spine and cover, illus. with 9 color photos, almost as new. Rare. Est. Cash Value $ 100- 125 Harrison, H.W. CANADA 'S REGISTRY SYSTEM : /827-1911 , 1971, HB with gold stamping on cover and spine, virtually as new (owner' s handstamps). The consummate study. Est. Cash Value $75- I00 NEW BRUNSWICK AND NOV A SCOTIA: Argenti , N. THE POSTAGE STAMPS OF NEW BRUNSWICK AND NOVA SCOTIA , 1962, HB with gold stamping on black background on cover and spine, gilt-edged pages at top, #54 of limited ed. of 350, generally very fine (some cover scratches, ink printing on bottom page edge). Rare and inportant work. Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 Jephcott, C.EJGreen , VJYoung, J. THE POSTAL HISTORY OF NOVA SCOTTIA AND NEW BRUNSWICK 1754-1867 , 1964, HB with gold stamping on cover and spine, #25 of limited ed. of 400, almost like new (owner' s handstamps). Rare and very important work. Est. Cash Value $200









BARBADOS: Bacon, E.D./Na pler , F.H. THE STAMPS OF BARBADOS, 1896, HB with decorative gold stamping on cover and spine, gilt-edged pages, with 6 plates, in extremely good condition except for some spine wear. Est. Cash Value $75- 100 BERMUDA: Dickgiesser, R./Yendall, E. KING GEORGE VI LARGE KEY TYPE STAMPS OF BERMUDA, LEEWARD ISLANDS, NYASALAND, 1985, and Dickgiesser's BERMUDA KING GEORGE VI HIGH VALUES, A Guide to the Flaws and Printing, 1980, both HB with gold stamping on cover and spine, in almost new condition. Est. Cash Value $75 Ludington, M. BERMUDA THE POST OFFICE, POSTAL MARKINGS AND ADHESIVE STAMPS, 1962, HB with gold stamping on spine, #67 of limited ed. of 265, well illus., incl. 1968 Supplement , both in very fine condition . Classic study . Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 BRITISH GUIANA: Townsend, W./Howe, F. THE POSTAGE STAMPS AND POSTAL HISTORY OF BRITISH GUIANA, 1970, HB in burgundy with gold stamping on black background on cover and spine, gilt-edged pages, in almost new condition (owner's handstamps). A most important work. Est. Cash Value $200-250 GRENADA: Bacon, E.D./Napier , F.H. GRENADA: To Which is Prefixed an Account of the Perforations of the Perkins Bacon Printed Stamps of the British Colonies, 1902, HB with decorative gold stamping on cover and spi ne, giltedged pages, with 9 plates, some spine wear and slightly loose at binding, otherwise in fine condition (cover scratched). Est. Cash Value $ 100-125 JAMAICA: Collett, G./Edwards, W., et al JAMAICA ITS POSTAL HISTORY, POSTAGE STAMPS AND POSTMARKS, 1928, RB, in very fine condition. A comprehensive study . Est. Cash Value $ 100-125 ST. VINCENT: Napier, F.H./Bacon, E.D. SAINT VINCENT. With Notes and Publishers' Prices, 1895, HB with decorative gold stamping on cover and sp ine , lightly worn with cover staining , slightly loose at binding, Est. Cash Value $75-100


95 1




Ashbrook, Stanley Ashbrook Special Service, 1951-57, original mimeograph printing and glossy photos sorted in text, all in 3 heavy binders. Est. Cash Value $500-750 Heath 's Infallible Counterfeit Detector, U.S. Treasury Department, 1870, HB, fabulous study with numerous examples of original engravings, somewhat frayed portions and writing on interleaves, but still very fine. Est. Cash Value $250-300 Hill, Henry W. THE UNITED STATES FIVE CENT STAMPS OF 1856-61 , HB, #362 of limited ed. of 500, in very fine condition. A most comprehensive study . Est. Cash Value $ 100- 125 Luff, J. THE POSTAGE STAMPS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1902, copy #3 of the original signed and numbered issue, with marbleized hard covers and insert for the 23 original plates, a bit rough from wear, but a true collector's item. Est. Cash Value $250 Neinken, M. THE UNITED STATES ONE CENT STAMP OF 1851 TO 1861, 1972, HB with slip cover (tear), incl. original identification chart of the various types in back pocket, in very fine condition. Est. Cash Value $75-100





Toppan, G./Deats, H. & Holland, A. BOSTON REVENUE BOOK , AN HISTORICAL REFERENCE LIST OF THE REVENUE STAMPS OF THE US INCLUDI NG THE PRIVATE DIE PROPRIETARY STAMPS, 1899, original soft cover (frayed spine). Perfect for binding . Est. Cash Value $75-IO0 TRAVELERS ' OFFICIAL GUIDE OF THE RAILWAY AND STEAM NAVIGATION LINES IN THE UNITED STATES, CANADA AND MEXICO , 1900, SB, every schedule and map of every line, 1022 pgs. Est. Cash Value $75- 100 White, R.H. THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF UNITED STATES POSTAGE STAMPS, Vols.1-V, in 3 original binders, incl. one slip cover. As new. Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 Kelly, K./Judd, D. THE ISCC-NBS METHOD OF DESIGNATING COLORS AND A DICTIONARY OF COLOR NAMES, 1965, HB, plus the very rare actual color chips. Fabulous reference. Est. Cash Value $ 150



960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969

Boker, John R. Jr., GERMAN STATES, H. Kohler, 1985-92, the set of 11 auctions complete with PRs and English translations plus Preview, beautifully illus. in color, in very fine condition. Est. Cash Value $350-375 Similar Lot Caspary, Alfred H., H.R. Harmer, New York, 1955-58, the 16 auctions and prices realized in 3 volumes, original house binding, very fine. Est. Cash Value $350 The 16 auctions and prices realized in 4 volumes, private binding , fine. Est. Cash Value $250 UNITED STATES , 1955-57, the 6 sales in one volume, house binding, very fine. Est. Cash Value $ 100- 125 Dale/Lichtenstein, H.R. Harmer , New York, 1968-71, the 11 sa les and prices realized in 2 volumes , hou se binding, very fine. Est. Cash Value $350 Lilly, Josiah K., R.A. Siegel, 1967-68 , the 10 sales and price s realized in 2 volumes, house binding, as new. Est. Cash Value $200 Similar Lot, with Sales Prospectus, private binding. In excellent condition. Est. Cash Value $ 150-175 Similar Lot, without prospectus, fine. Est. Cash Value $ l 25-150 Similar Lot , with prospectus but no prices realized, some edge faults, fine. Est. Cash Value $75- 100 Newbury, Saul, R.A. Siegel, 1961-63, the complete 6 sales and prices realized in one volume, twin of house binding, very fine. Est. Cash Value $200

970 97 I

Similar Lot H.R. Harmer Annual Resumes, 1929 to 1962, attractively bound in two volumes, 33 years of important price information on rarities. Est. Cash Value $250


Hanners of San Francisco, 1977-1985, full run of catalogues except last year of operation, attractively bound in 8 volumes. With prices realized, very fine. Est. Cash Value $150

With Sincere Season's Greetings and every good wishfor a Happy and ProsperousNew Year

The Directors and Staff of H.R. HARMER INC.






5. 6.

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Should a dispute arise after the sale , the auctioneer's sale records shall be conclusive . On all lots sold , a commission of 10% on the hammer price is payable by the buyer. (a) The auctioneer reserves the right to bid on behalf of clients (and consignors or vendors) but sha ll not be liable for errors and omissions in executing instructions to bid , however received , and whether such errors or omissions be those of the bidder or agent or these of the auctioneer . (b) All lots are offered subject to a reserve price . The auctioneer may implement such reserve price by bidding on behalf of the consignor or vendor . (c) It may also be assumed that all consignors have been advanced monies against the sale of their stamps and Harmers therefore has a security interest over and above the normal auction commission . (d) Purchases made by a consignor or vendor or his agent on his own lots shall be considered as a sale subJect to commissions and sales tax as applicable . 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PRICE SU )0 {o, by sub'ScnpbOn)

14 EAST 33rd STREET, NEW YORK. NY 10016


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15 17 18

95 1400 2300 270 95 140 325 230 700 625 190 170 650 130


350 190 180 120 200 150 525 350 1150 100 450 120 150 525 250 180 115 85 140 110 105 115 115 450 400 260 350 425 350 375 300 550 170 150 220 140 115 260 115 325 3500 525 200 170 425 250 425

21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 39 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58

60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72



73 74 75 76

n 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 109 110 111 112 114 115 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 138 139 142 143 144 145

Bert Fleischmann Stock, Francis A. Toure! Estate and "The Library"

190 210 300 1500 500 450 325 180 550 170 1600 650 260 650 135 150 650 650 105 260 260 250 150 250 200 110 700 250 200 180 170 400 425 700 475 800 290 600 350 650 1400 1050 800 3600 210 600

500 260 105 120 120 200 210 350 450 375 160 230 190 170 210 70

146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 160 161 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 175 176

in 178 179 182 183 185 186 187 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 216 217 218 219

100 125 525 350 750 160 425 850 260 525 550 500 210 190 150 80 210 525 575 260 400 325 2 10 170 120 105 125 160 170 800 210 300 220 180 350 120 100 260 150 130 650 500 170 350 450 210 1050 200 280 220 1200 1300 130 350 1200 130 230 400 230 1200 475 75

220 221 222 223 224 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286

140 400 260 200 160 450 210 230 260 220 170 180 105 160 120 350 210 190 450 145 190 250 210 220 135 160 200 230 375 105 1550 210 75 75 170 375 100 400 375 290 575 350 125 125 125 105 130 75 1500 200 525 525 140 325 230 325 110 450 190 1400 600 425

287 288 289 292 294 295 296 297 298 299

300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344

345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352

375 1250 130 190 260 230 350 2200 525 260 160 200 350 125 95 105 190 130 210 125 95 550 525 160 190 300 190 260 375 1800 210 80 350 95 250 170 250 425 270 125 120 160 850 1100 1100 1050 210 450 650 375 260 160 375 210 300 190 300 280 200 220 800 160

TOTA L $509, 140.50

353 356 357 359 360 361 362 363 364 364 366 367 368 369 370 372 373 374 375 376 378 379 380 381 382 383 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 400 401 402 403 405 406 407 408 409 410 412 412 414 415 416 418 419 420 421 422 423 425

260 180 160 220 115 575 375 375 140 130 170 210

400 110 150 240 230 170 100 240 500 625 220 550 350 180 200 115 95 350 425 350 400 150 250 350 280 230 300 105 65 200 300 130 350 125 3250 650 400 800 260 900 240 425 130 550 200 350 190 160 170 200

426 428 429 431 433 436 437 438 439

440 442 443 444

446 448 449 450 451 453 454 455 456 458 459 460 461 464 467 468 469 470 471 473 474 475 476

4n 478 481 482 483 484 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 494 496 497 498 499

500 501 503 504 506 507 508 509

55 135 170 160 125 200 200 300 450 230 170 400 450 425 180 180 90 160 250 400 300 900 325 400 300 125 150 280 210 260 170 110 105 105 550 1IO 110 190 190 160 100 550 220 550 575 65 350 125 105 220 200 200 120 600 220 1450 375 105 170 170 400 210

510 511 512 514 515 516 517 518 520 521 522 523 524 525 527 528

530 532 534 535 536 537 538 539

540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566

180 200 140 21:/J 240 260 750 170 160 130 170 180 300 290 800 240 425 180 400 325 220 300 300 11000 4750 2100 2300 700 1400 5500 2000 1800 1200 250 1300 550 1350 260 150 220 21:/J 270 475 280 475 300 850 700 1100 325

567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 577 578 579 580 581 583 584

585 587 588 589

590 591 592 593 594 595 597 599 600 601 603 606 608 610 61 1 612 6 14 6 16 617 6 18 619 620 621 623 627 628 629 630 631 632

750 650 2700 130 150 160 1800 140 120 100 170 280 230 100 140 400 200 130 325 400 325 160 250 250 260 475 375 130 100 475 160 100 160 425 100 240 1050 375 180 170 850 400 350 145 425 950 1800 575 650 400

633 1500 634 2500 635 800 270 636 11:/J 637 639 9000 640 7000 641 21000 642 5250 643 9000 644 1200 645 1450 646 1050 647 1250 950 648 649 2600 625 650 651 3250 652 280 1050 653 325 654 656 2 100 230 657 180 660 662 2500 664 9000 575 665 666 3250 667 170 700 668 669 500 350 670 1550 672 750 673 674 1350 675 950 375 676 677 575 1450 678 680 800 681 180 1:/J 683 200 684 500 685 425 686 688 900 300 689 21:/J 690 425 691 692 42 5

694 600 696 675 697 5500 698 1600 700 1600 701 900 702 1400 703 230 704 700 705 8000 706 9500 707 5250 708 10000 709 10500 710 750 711 2500 712 650 240 713 714 350 715 3500 716 2000 717 3750 718 800 719 1450 210 720 721 1150 722 1700 210 723 724 450 1500 725 726 21:/J 727 2200 729 700 730 3750 650 731 732 1350 140 733 734 2600 125 736 738 600 739 350 170 740 74 1 70 742 270 743 700 1050 744 745 375 1700 746 125 747 1050 748

749 750 751 752 753 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 768 769 770 771 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 782 783 784 785 786 788 789 790 791 792 793 796 797 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807

190 180 1900 11:/J 650 120 750 1300 650 10:Jl 600 575 550 21:/J 90 160 1050 240 80 125 90 450 300 900 600 750 950 650 2000 2 10 11:/J 900 270 375 210 260 210 950 575 120 75 30 45 55 105 375 130 85 80 75

SEASON ' S TOTAL TO DATE: $1,278,511.50 (inc luding 10% on the hammer price payoble by the buyer)



808 8 11 812 813 813A 814 815 816 817 819 820 822 823 826 828 829 830 831 832 833 334 836 837 838 839 840 842 846 847 848 849 852 855 856 865 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 to 878

120 120 21:/J 75 100 240 115 135 240 120 80 70 100 180 55 70 425 190 230 155 55 105 95 60 100 1:/J 55 50 50 85 115 85 55 90 70 100 240 11:/J 11:/J 11:/J 11:/J 150


425 180 135 145 130 350

880 881 882 883 884


885 886 888 889 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 902 903 904 905 909 911 916 9 17 919 920 to 924 925 927 928 929 931 932 934 937 939 941 942 943 944 945 946 948 94~ 950 951 952 954 957 958 961 964 966 967 966 970 971 972

300 155 120 90 180 180 110 105 105 200 60 45 70 105 105 105 65 300 125 500 125 95 450 1550 65 120 190 140 100 375 70 75 95 105 220 85 60 150 200 60 65 425 325 125 75 275 80 325 350 100 100 50 90 275 130

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