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H.R. HARMER INC MAY 11, 1994
unn·s Stamp News 911 Vandermark Rd Sidnev , OH 4536f
** * TC
O 83 DP
Never hinged Unused . Trial Color .
Used Block of four . Die Proof .
lru PP
On piece Block larger than four . Plate Proof .
9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
May 30, 1994 - Memorial Day
On cover.
S Specimen .
= Straight c.t.o .
In the production of this catalogue , we have used the 1994 Scott Postage Stamp Catalogues . We will continueto use foreigncatalogues in specificareas as supplementaryinformation.
Edge ; s.l. = Straight-line ; c.d.s. = Circular Date Stamp . =Cancelled to Order ; F.D.C. = First Day Cover COND ITION
The various gradingsof stamps are, in order: superb; extremelyfine; very fine; fine; fair. A lot described as 'fair" is so listed either by reason of general appearance or more often because of a small fault or faults . such as a crease , thin spot. short or missing pert, perforated into, cut into , etc . In the case of sets , large blocks , sheets , etc ., the condition quoted represents the average and quality above and below this standard can be expected .
Upto $150$300700Over
$ 5 $10 $25 $50 approximately 5% Bids which do not conform to the above will be automatically reduced to the correct level.
Mixed Cond ition : In large lots, the condition is generally expected to range from fair to at best fine . Serious defects ca n be expected .
Handstam p on reverse: Denotes either a dealer, collectoror indecipherableexpertiser'smark. Signed by : Denotes either the actual signature or mark of the expertiser. The absence of mentioning a signature does not reflect on the ability or knowledge of the party involved .
□[~ N.H
L.H .
0 .G.
$ 150 $ 300 $ 700 $1 ,500 $1 ,500
Please comply with the following : (a) Not more than 20 bids can be accepted and must be confirmed in writ ing. (b) Any errors are the responsibility of the bidder. (c) No bids accepted later than 1/2 hour before sale . BIDS BY FAX
You may Fax bids up to 1 hour before sale commences -
be sure to use (212) 447-5625 .
n.h. l.h. o .g .
Shaded portion can represent an actual hinge or the area disturbed by a hinge . Never hinged- unused with originalgum in Post Office state and unmounted Lightly hinged - unused with full original gum showing some evidence of a previous hinge which may be present in part or entirely removed . Origina l gum - unused with original gum somewhat disturbed by previous hinging which may still be present.
part o.g . disturbed o.g. unused ungumme d
1. 2. 3. 4.
Lots of not more than 10 items . To U.S. clients only . Viewer must pay postage and insurance both ways and return lots within 24 hours of receipt. References required from bidders unknown to us . VALUATION OF LOTS
Part originalgum - unused with originalgum, large hinge remnantsmay or may not be present. Disturbed original gum - unused with original gum . affected by sweating , glazing or mount disturbance ; may not resemble the original gum . Unused without gum (unles s gum is mentioned) Unused without gum, as issued .
Valuat ions of all lots are available in receipt of stamped . self-addressed envelope . IN THE MAILING ENVELOPE
You will find the bid form and prices realized for December 16, 1993 United States and British Commonwealth , Foreign & Literature .
BLOCKS OR SHEE TS AND THEIR GUM : Minor separations are the rule , rather than the exception . in the case of blocks or sheets of any size . A few separations-around four perts per row-do not affect the value of a block or sheet and are not grounds for the return of a lot. Blocks of four that have two stamps o.g. and two stamps n.h. are described "n.h. (2)/o.g.(2)". GUM DESCR IPTION
PAIRS : All pairs are horizontal , unless otherwise mentioned . CAT A LOGUE NUMBERS : The catalogue number s of the contents of the lots are given in parentheses immediate ly following the descri ptions, but in bulky lots only the range of issue is shown . CATALOGU E VALUES : The final column shows the catalogue value of the lot. This is shown in parentheses where, in the opinionof the auctioneers, the market value exceeds this figure. ESTIMA T ED VALUES : If an estimated cash value is given , it is shown in the description and always indicated by the abbreviations " Est. Cash Val." It is used where the lot is large or where the actual value has little relation to the catalogue price . It represents the auctioneer's appraisal of the true MARKET value of a lot and the figure is invariab ly close to the actual realization . It is useles s for mail .bidders to list any bids that are only a low proportion of such estimates . CATALOGUES USED IN LISTING : Scott Vol. 1-4 & U.S. Specialized Stanley Gibbons British Commonwealth Stanley Gibbons Great Britain Specialized Michel German y Michel Eu rope Ceres Others as noted in the description s
1994 1993 1993 1993 1993-94 1993
Recognizing that there are occasional differences of opinion concerning gum nomenclature by various expert committees , for example , a stamp described as o.g . being cert ified as large part o.g. or even part o.g., this minor classificationdiscrepancyalone is not sufficientgroundsfor return. COVER CONDITION
Minor faults including , but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps, small tears and some back flap damage have not been noted in the descriptionsof this catalogue.
Remember, NO lots may be returned with back stam ps stating Fake , Falsch , or similar markings . Recently there has been a spate of German expertise rs marking the backs of stamps . It is your responsibility as the purchase r not to let this happen .
SALE 2895
and BRITISH COMMONWEALTH Estates of Paul Beaver (Part I) , Lewis D. Gilbert and the properties of 5 other vendors. Wednesday , May 11, 1994 Morning Session at 11 :00 A.M.
FOREIGN GENERAL ISSUES LOTS 1-363 Wednesday, May 11, 1994 Afternoon Session at 1:30 P.M.
GENERAL ISSUES CONTINUED FOREIGN & BRITISH COMMONWEALTH COLLECTIONS AND VARIOUS LOTS 364 - 1135 EXHIBITION OF LOTS Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , Monday & Tuesday , May 4 ,5,6,9,10 from 9:30 a.m . to 5:15 p.m. or by Appointment EXHIBITION ROOM CLOSED 1:00 p.m. to 1 :45 p.m. EACH DAY ON SALE DAYS LOTS GO OFF EXHIBITION HALF HOUR BEFORE EACH SESSION To be sold at Auction by
14 EAST 33RD STREET , NEW YORK , NY 10016 Telephone : (212) 532-3700 Fax: (212) 447-5625 Keith A. Harmer, Jack LaCalami to - Licensed Auctionee rs License #'s 672829 , 780870
On all lots sold a commission of 10% on the hammer price will be payable by the buyer
WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1994 Morning Session AT 11:00 A.M.
* 2 * 3 * 4 * I
1913 Hand stamp ed on Turkey 1908 Iss u e 2 ½ pi vio let brown , o.g.(hinge remnants), fine. Mi. 9, DM 1800 ..........................(Photo )( I)
Hand stamped on 1909 I ss ue Spi dark violet , l.h. , fine. Mi. 10, DM2700 ............................................................................. (Photo )(l 0)
Additional Ovpt. lpi bright blue , l.h., very fine. Mi. 14, DM3600 ................................................ ................. ........................... (Photo )( 15)
Surcharged l0pi on 20pa car min e ro se, l.h., fine. Signed Otto Friedl and others. Mi . 16. DM2500 ........................................ .......(Photo )( I9)
225 .00 165.00
* 7 *
200 .00
Portuguese Colonies items are includ ed throughout this catalog ue.
* *
ANJOUN: 1912 Surchd. set compl. , wide and narrow setting s in pairs , o.g., I0c on 75c right stamp rounded corner, handstamps on reverse, mixed cente1ing to very fine. Very sca rce. Ceres FFrs2400+ vars.) ANNAM AND TONKIN: 1888 Hyph en Between " A" and "T" th e three ditf. , unu sed, Sc on 10c o.g. (hinge remnan ts), le on 2c perf s touch , fine to very fine. Very sca rce. Ceres FFr s5650 ..(Photo )(7-9)
1862 Unwmkd. imp erf 15c blue , unu sed, large eve n margins, tiny spot on fr ont, bri ght co lor and fre sh, ve ry fine . Sign ed H. Bloc h .............................................................................................. (Photo )(?)
* * 13 **
1892-95 Er ror Sc green, o.g., fresh, fine ............. ............(Photo )(96d)
I 90.00
II 12
Ear ly cover listings begin with lot #644.
ANGO LA: 1921 00,Sc on 75c r ed violet , o.g .. very fine. Scarce ................................................................. .............. ...........(Photo ) (223) Air Post; 1945 Emergency issue compl. , ungummed, generally fine to ve ry fin e. Ex George Sac ks a nd s ig ned Kess le r .................... ............................ ......................(Photo )( l972 San. 12-4 1)
S ;t.LSOd
1919 Hand sta mp ed 25q on 64h blu e, o.g. (hinge remnant), very fine. Very sca rce. Signed Champion, Mi. 50Tb, DM I000 ..........(Photo ) (88)
1917 Wmkd. Hon eyco mb 20p dull blu e & cla ret , invtd. cent er , sheet mar gin copy, l.h., fresh ........................................ (Photo ) (246a) 1,200.00 1930 R evo lution S0p d a rk g r ee n & violet, n.h. , very fine ..................................................................................... .....(Photo)(392 )
Air Post
* 15 *
* 17 **
16 In th e production of thi s catalog ue, we hav e used th e 1994 Scott Postag e Stamp Catalogu es. We will co11ti11ueto use for eig11catalogu es i11specific areas as suppl em entary information.
1928 Wmkd. RA in Sun 18c lilac gray , double impre ssion , l.h ., very fine. Signed Kessler and Sanabria ......................... ...(Photo )(C4b )
375 .00
1930 Zeppelin First Flight blue ovpt. 20c ultramarin e, invtd. ovpt. , sheet margin copy , l.h., pin holes. Signed Kneitschel, Mi . OM 1200 .............. ..................................................................... (Photo) (C20 var.)
S0c gray black, invtd. ovpt., she et margin copy, l.h ., very fine . Signed Otto Friedl .......................................................... (Photo) (C2 l a)
475 .00
Ip slate blue & r ed , invtd. ovpt., sheet margin copy, n.h. , very fine . Signed Kneit schel ................................................ (Photo )(C22a)
Buenos Aires
* 19 * 20 * 18
21 0 22 0 6.
1858 Typographed l(in) pesos light brown , large margin s to touched in places, unused, fresh, fine. Ex Adler .................(Photo) ( ])
1850 Typographed imperf lkr brown orange, mostly large margins all round, neatly caned, very fine. DM 1200 ..............(Photo) ( le)
3 (tre s) pesos green , margins three sides, touched at top, unused, few small thins, rich color, fine appearance. Ex Adler .........(Photo) (3) 1,400.00
4 (cuatro) pesos vermilion, margins to touching, unu sed, faulty but a collectible copy of this rare stamp ..........................(Photo )(4) 4,750.00 25 0
1859 1 (to) pesos blue , large margin s to touched in place s, lightly caned., fine. Ex Adler ...........................................................(Photo )(8)
1859 and 1862 Issue s compl. , clear or rough impression s, latter two each on small piece, large to enormou s margins and neatly caned. , extremel y fine. Ex Adler .................................(Photo )(9-13)
26 0
* 28 ** 29 * 30 ** 3 1 **
9kr blue , type I , o.g. , large margin s, very fine. DM4000 ............................................. .............................. .....(Photo)(5a)
1858-59 Embos sed pert' 141/22kr yellow, typ e I, neat c.d.s. cancel, bright color and well centered, extremely fine. Ex Adler, DM840 .................. ..........................................................................(Photo)(6a )
2kr orang e, type II, neat Trieste cancel, very fine. Signed Otto Friedl. Ex Adler, DM600 .............................. .................................(Photo) (6b)
St. Andrew 's Cro ss, r ed , larg e cro sses in strip of 4, o .g. , reenforced perf separations, fine ............................................ .......(Photo )DM800 1874-80 Fine Print 50kr brown , perf I0 ½ x12, n.h. trace of gum wrinkling, fresh, very fine. DM600 as hinged ..................(Photo )(40b)
2 10.00+
1883 Coat of Arm s 50kr red lilac, perf IO, Lh., fresh, fine. Ex Adler, DM800 ................................ ................................................(Photo )(46)
200 .00
1899 Without Varni sh Bar s th Hlac, imp erf pair , n.h. , large even margins , extremely fine. DM400 as hinged ................. (Photo) (70b) (110.00+) 1918-19 Granite Pap er 2k light blu e, perf 11 ½, n.h., fresh, fine. OM 1800 ..........................................................................(Photo) ( 172a)
* 33 * 34 * 35 ** 32
* 37 * 38 * 36
* 41
1925-27 Engraved l s deep green , pair imperf between , o.g. , extremely fine. DMIS00 as n.h . ............................. (Photo)(323 var.) uni.
1936 Dollfuss 10s dark blue, l.h., very fine. DM1600 ....(Photo)(380)
1922-24 20k to 5000k compl. less 1000k, imperf pairs, unused, large margins, very fine. As comp!. set $600 ....(Photo)(28 8-93,95-98 vars.)
1937 Railway set compl. , imperf pairs, n.h., large margins, extremely fine. DM500+ ......................................................(Photo)(385-87 vars.) 270.00+
* 52 *
Sem i-Postals 1923 Views set of nine, imperf, l.h. large margins, very fine. DM I 000 as n.h .... ................................................ ..............(Photo)(B57-65 vars.) 350.00
53 0
1924 Child Welfare set of five, imperf, l.h. large margins, very fine. DM900 as n.h . .................................................... (Photo)(B66-70 vars.) 300.00
1933 WIPA pert' 12½ S0g deep ultramarine, ordinary and granite paper s, very l.h., very fine. DM I050 ......................... (Photo) (B 110,a)
55 0
1933 Souvenir sheet of four, affixed (at selvage) to folder as almost always , o.g., almost perfectly centered , very fine. 1,800.00 DM5750 ......................................................................... (Blll)
1946 Uni ss ued se t of two , l.h., fine to very fine. Mi. VI , VII, DM3800 as n.h . .................. .................................(Photo)(B178 vars.)
**lfll1946 Renner imperf Souvenir sheets of eight, comp l. set, n.h., usual tiny inclusions , very fine. DMS200 ..... (Bl85-88)
uni .
* 44 * 43
45 46
* 48 **
Unissued 7k on 10k red brown , o.g., trace of toning, fine appearance ...................................................................................... (Photo)(C3var.) 400.00 1922-24 300k to 4800k , compl. set, imperf pair s, the two highe st values vert., o.g. (some hinge remnants), large margins, handstamp on reverse, very fine ................................ ...............................(C4- 1 I vars.) 600.00+ 1925-30 2g to 2s, compl., imperf, n.h. to o.g., large margins, handstamps on reverse, very fine ...............................(Photo) (C I 2-28 vars.)
2g to 80g, 9 diff., imperf incl. 2g, Sg, 6g, 8g pairs, n.h. or l.h., very fine ............................ ................................................. (C 12- 19,22 vars.)
Error Sg red, pair imperf between , l.h. negligible corne r creas ing, 205.00 fine. Signed Kessler, DM650 ............................. ............(Photo)(CI 3a) 1935 Sg to 10s, compl. set, imperf right sheet margin copies, n.h., large margins other sides, extre mely fine ..........(Photo)(C32-46 vars.) 275.00
Compl. set., FELDPOST double, o.g. , fine to very fine. DM550 .................... ............................................... ..........(Photo)(Ml-2l vars.)
1918 Karl I lh to lk, com pl. set, o.g. , fine to very fine. DM l 000 ................................................................................................ (M69-82)
1858-59 Embossed (lkr) blue, very large margins, lightly caned., extremely fine. Signed H. Bloch , DM1400 ..................... (Photo)(PS )
(lkr) lilac, toward reddish , o.g., huge margins showing portion of adjoining stamp at top, extremely fine. Ex Adler , DMl 700 ........................................... .......................................... .......(Photo)(P6)
(lkr) lilac, (lkr) gray lilac, mostly large margins all rou nd, neat c.d.s. cancels, very fine. DM 1500 .......................... ............(Photo) (P6)
56 * O
1861 (lkr) gray, o.g. and neat c.d.s. cancel, enormous margin s, extreme ly fine. Ex Adler, Mi. 23a , DM700 .................. ..(Photo)(P7)
57 0
(lkr) gray lilac, full to large margins, scarce "on the nose" BRZOZOW (Galicia) c.d.s. cancel, light age staining, fine ........(Photo) (P7a) ( I00 .00+)
* 59 *
60 R 42
205.00 Military Stamps; 1915 lh to 10k, compl. set, imperf, l.h., full to large margins, very fine. DM650 ........................(Photo)(MI-21 vars.)
Newspaper Stamps
Air Post 1918 Unwmkd . 2.50k on 3k ochre, invtd. surch. , l.h., small faults, very fine appearance. Photo-copy of Foundation Cert. ( 1956) for block of 4 of which this is the bottom right stamp..................... (Photo)(C2a) 1,250.00
Postage Due; 1911 Sk violet, 10k violet, o.g ., very fine. DM575
1908 2h dark blue, tete-beche vert. pair , o.g. , large margins , extremely fine. DM750 as n.h . ....................................... (Photo )( P 15a)
New spaper Tax; 1853 Typographed 2kr green, large part o.g. , large margins , negligible gum crea sing , fabulous color and impression , very fine. Mi. le , DM3000 ................ .......(Photo)(PRl) 1,500.00 1858-59 Issue 4kr red, reprint , o.g., margins all round, very fine. Netto N3, 6000sch ................................. ........................ (Photo) (PR3R) Issued stamp 4kr brown , o.g., marg ins all round , fine. DM950 ..................................................... ..................................... (Photo )( PR4)
62 0
1890 Perf 13 25kr carmine , clear "on the nose" K.K. Zeitungs Expedition Triest cancel, very fine .................. ............(Photo)(PR9) (110 .00+)
63 R
Lombardy-Venetia; 1886 Reprints of 1850 Issue Sc to 45c, compl., o.g. (hinge remnant), bright fresh colors , extreme ly fine. DM2 I 25 .................... ..................................................... ...............(Photo)( l -6R)
64 0
AZORES: 1868 Embossed Sr black, large margins and clear cancel, very fine .................. ............................................. .........(Photo)(l)
BELGIAN CONGO: 1942 Sc to 20fr. , the two diff. sets compl. , plus 1943 S0fr and lO0fr, imperf, n.h., full to large margins, fine to very fine . DM350 as hinged ........................................ ..( 187-227 vars.)
Parcel Post; 1887-93 Perf 15 3.S0fr on Sfr violet , blue surch., o.g., very fine. Ex Bradford Gill, DM1400 ............. ............. ....(Photo) (Q4a)
* 69 **
* 72 * 71
** 74 * 75 *
1849-50 Two essays in black and red, blank value tablets, on thick paper, approx. 32x32mm, some translucencies, fresh and still very fine..........................................................................(Photo) (3 or 4 or 5) 1865-66 Brus sels Print 40c rose, imperf, o.g. large margins and bright color, very fine . DM700 ....................................(Photo)(2l var.)
1932 Stratosphere set of three, imperf, top sheet margin copies, stamps n.h., large margins other sides, usual inclusions, very fine. San. 1972 $200 ........................................ ...................(Photo)(25 l-53 vars.)
Semi-Postals 1918 Surchd. set compl., 1.h. or o.g. (hinge remnants low values), Sc and IOc tiny thin s, fin e to very fine . Ex Paul Savage, DM2400 ................................................................. ............(Photo)(B34-47)
466 .85
35c+35c to lOfr+l0fr, compl., o.g . (hinge remn ants), 5fr and I0fr l.h., fine to very fine. DM2356 ...................................(Photo)(B41-47)
Ur+Ur to l0fr+lOfr , compl., l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine. DM2270 ....................................................................................(Photo)(B44 -47)
1928 Orval Abbey set compl., n.h., # B75 light corner crease, fine to very fine. DM440 ........................................................(Photo)(B69-77)
1929 Ovptd. set of nin e, l.h. , fin e to ve ry fin e . DM 2000 ....................................................................................(Photo)(B84-92)
Compl. set, l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine ................... .(Photo)(B84-92)
76 S
1932 Mercier set compl., handstamped SPECIMEN diagonally in violet , unu sed, 5fr+20fr pulled corner perf, fine to very fine ...............................................................................(Photo)(8114-22S)
Compl. set, n.h., fine to very fine. DM2200 .........(Photo)(8114-22 )
Compl. set, l.h., fine to very fine. DM 1100.......................... (B 114-22)
1933 Compl. set, boxed and dated Collegio ovpt., I.h. or o.g., fine to very fine. 4700 sets print ed .......................(Photo)(B114-22 vars.)
1932 Anti-tuberculosis set of seven, n.h., fine to very fine. DM650 .................................................................................(Photo)(8125-31)
1933 Madonna set compl., n.h., fresh, fine to very tine. DM2900 .................................................................................(Photo)(B132 -43)
Compl. set, l.h ., 10fr+40fr small co rner creas e, fin e to very fin e. DM1500 ................ .............................. ......................(Photo) (B 132-43)
* 79 * 80
** 82 * 81
**IBI 1934 Leopold ill
75c+25c olive black, lfr+25c red violet, sheets of 20 , n.h., negligible selvage fault s, very fine. DM4000+ ........................................................................................(8152a,153a) 1,500.00+ 1934 Anti-tuberculosis 5fr +5fr brown violet & red, n.h ., fresh, fine. DM900 ................ ...................................................(Photo) (B162 ) (60.00+)
1949 Van der Weyden, the two diff. Souvenir sheets, n.h., very fine. DM640 ................................................................................. (B466A,B)
Same, n.h., negligible corner crimps, very fine. DM640 ..... (B466A,B )
Parcel Post and Railway 87
* 88
1915 Handstamped 2fr violet, l.h. , lig ht gum to nin g, ve ry fin e appeara nce. Signed Balasse, DM 3600 ............................. (P hoto )(Q59)
* 9 1 ** 90
93 O 94 O 95
* 97 0
* 99 * 98
800.0 0
Sfr plum , o.g., tiny hand stamps on reverse, very fine . DM7700 ..............................................................(Photo)(Q60) 1,800.00 1916 Lithographed 10c to lOfr, compl. set, imperf, all but 1.lOfr top right corner copies, stamps n.h., some se lvage faults, fine to very fine. DM40 0 as hinged ................................................. .. (Q6 1-80 vars.)
1920 Perf 14 toe to 10fr, compl. set, l.h., fresh , fine to very fine . DM 1500 ............................ ................................................ .... (Q82- I 02)
1953-57 Train Stations lfr to 300fr, com pl. set, n.h., ve ry fine. DM940 ................................... ..................... ................... ..... (Q343-6 1B)
BENIN 1892 Perf 14x13½ 40c red on straw, pair, right stamp ovpt. omitted, unused, small thin s, very fine appearance ........... (P hoto )(I I, var.) BENIN: 1892 Blue Ovpt. Sc green on greenish, extreme ly fine. Signed A. Diena, Ceres FFrs4500 ...................................(Photo)(lS) 15c blue, lightly caned., fine. Signed Otto Friedl, Ceres FFrs4500 .........................................................................................(Photo)(lSA)
350.00 350.00
1892 Surcharged Ole on Sc green on greenish, 40c on 15c blue, o.g., extre mely fine. Latter signed Lesgor and others , Ceres FFr s3250
.............................. .......................................... ...............(Photo) ( 16, 17)
260 .00
75c on 15c blue, unu sed, very fine. Signed W.H.C. (Co lson), Cere s FFrs5500............................................................................. (Photo)(l8)
75c on 15c blue, black surch., tiny handstamp on reverse, lightly caned. and fresh. Ceres FFrsl7,500 . Very scarc e ................................................................................(Photo)(19) 1,900.00 BOLIVIA 1867-68 Engraved imperf 50c dark blue, l.h. if at all, large even margins , tiny corner margin crease , fresh, very fine ......... ..(Photo) (6a)
1868-69 Coat of Arms Eleven Stars 500c black, unused , fresh. Very rare stamp ............ ........... .......................... ............ .............. (Photo) ( l 9) 1,400.00
100 0
1911 Handstamp Surcharged in Green 20c on 2c green & black, lightly caned., very fine. Rare stamp. Signed H. Bloch ..(Photo)(97) 1,100.00
1917 Surcharged or Revenue Stamp 10c on le blue, lightly caned., light creases, fine. Rare .................................... ..............(Photo)(l02) 1,750.00
1925 Republic Centenary set compl. , imperf pairs , some with sheet margin , l.h . or o.g. , large margins , extreme ly fin e ...........................................................................(Photo)(lS0 -59 vars.)
1950 U.P.U. 4.20b red, Air Post 2.50b orange, imperf sheet margin copy and pair respectively , o .g., large margin s, ex trem ely fine . Purport edly on ly 17 copi es of th e 4.20b value a re know to exis t .............................. ..........................................(Photo)(332,Cl 26 vars.)
uni .
Air Post 104 *
105 *
1924 Engraved 10c vermilion & black (pair ), 25c dark blu e & black , lb red brown & black , imperf , 25c top sheet margin copy, l.h. or o.g., very fine. DM5 60 ...............................(Photo) (6 I ,3,5 vars.) 10c vermilion & black , in vt d. ce nter , sheet margin copy, l.h. , fre sh, fine. Signed Sanabria and other s, DMS000 ......(Photo)(Cla)
106 **
107 *
108 *
* 112 * 111
2b black brown, invtd. center, corner sheet margin copy, stamp n.h. , extremely fine. Signed Ke ss ler, DMS000 .......................................................................(Photo)(C6 var.)
1925 Two sets of thre e, surch. invtd. and normal , l.h. or o.g., a variety of handstamp s on reverse , fresh, fine to very fine ........................................................................(Photo)(San.1-3 ,la -3a)
12 1 0 unpr. 800.00
CAPE JUBY: 1916 Surchd. set of six, o.g., mixed centering to very fine. DM 885 ................. .................................. ............. ................... ( 1-6)
CAROLINE ISLANDS: 1900 Ovptd. 56 Degree Angle 3pf' to 50pf, compl. set, top gutter tab copies, stamp s n.h. or l.h., fresh, very fine ( 1-6)
I l 1.25+
1899 Ovptd. 48 Degr ee Angle 3pf light brown , Spf green , o.g. , toned gum, handstamp on reverse , fine. DM3 I 00 .........(Photo)( I a,2a)
900 .00
CASTELLORIZO: French Occupation; 1920 Base Navale set compl., l.h . to o.g. (hin ge remnant), mi xed ce nterin g to very fine .........................................................................................(Photo) ( l- 13)
20c brown violet, 30c lilac, lpi on 25c blue, "CASTELLOR/ZO " invtd., l.h., handstamp on reverse, fresh, fine. 30c signed H .R.H .. ( 7 - 9 vars.)
Occupation Navale set compl. , o.g. or large part o.g., severa l low values thin, others fine to very fine ........ ................. ................... ( 14-3 I )
CENTRAL LITHUANIA: 1920 Surchd. set of' ten, l.h. or o.g. , 2m on I 5sk small thin, fine to very fine .............................. (Photo)( l 3-22)
Surcharge Errors, five dill'., l.h., fine. Scarce g roup. Signed Kosack ......... .............................................................(Photo) (17 a,b, 18b,19a,b)
126 *
50c orange & black , red ovpt. , o.g. , fin e. Si gned Kess ler and Sanabria. Ex Roebling .................... ................. ................. (Photo )(C 17)
Bronze Inks set of five, o.g., very fine. Signed Sanabri a and others ....................................................................................(Photo) (C 19-23)
Compl. set, invtd. surch. or ovpt. , l.h . or o.g ., fine to very fine. Signed Kess ler and others ............ ............. .........(Photo)(San. 33a-37a)
127 *
128 * 129 *
BRAZIL 113 0
1843 BulJ's Eye Issue 30r black, early impression, full margins all round, neatly caned., extremely fine. Ex Adler ............... (Photo)(l)
130 *
114 0
90r black, margins alJ round, lightly caned., trace of thinnin g, fine. Signed A . Diena ......................... ........... .......................... ......(Photo)(3) 1, 100.00
* 116 * 117 *
1891 Liberty IO0r red & blue, tete beche pair, disturbed o.g ., fine ................................................... .....................................(Photo)( I09b)
1898 Green Surcharge Error 700r on 700r yellow , unused, very fine. Signed A. Dien a ...................................................... (Photo)( 126a)
1924 Arms Error 200r multi-colored , red omitted, o.g. , very fine ................................................. ........................................(Photo)(272 a)
118 * Ill! 1940 New York World 's Fair set compl., sheets of ten, ungummed, very fine ................ ................................................................ (496a-98 a)
18 1.00
BULGARIA: 1903 Error 10s on 10s rose & black, l.h., very fine. Mi. 65F, DM 1400 ................................... .......................... (Photo)(7 3d)
250 .00
119 *
123 *
125 *
Air Post; 1931 28L ultramarine, imperf corner sheet margin copy, neatl y caned., hand stamp on reve rse, extre mel y fine. DM600 .............................................................................. ...(Photo)(C 14 var.)
CAME ROUN : 1915 Expeditionery Corps IOc to 2fr, compl. less the rarity, o.g., some with interleaving on gum , few negligibl e faults, fine to very fine. Many signed Kohler and/or Richter and others ...............................................................(Photo)(lOl-05 ,06-15) 1,082.00
10c vermilion & black, brown ovpt., o.g., very fine. Signed Kess ler. Ex Roebling .......................... .............................. .............. (Photo) (C 13)
122 *
124 *
1930 Graf Zeppelin Sc on 10c, 10c, 15c, unovptd. and double ovpt., one invtd., se-tenant pairs, o.g., 10c one unovptd. and 15c ovptd., small thin, fine to very fine. Only five of each known to exist. Signed Kessler, San. 22e, 23e, 24f',$600 ...(Photo)(Cll ,12,14 vars.)
1912 Perf 12½ 5s pale green, o.g., small faults, very fine appearance . Sca rce. Signed E. Diena. DM1400 ............ ..................... (Photo) ( I0l a)
CHILE 131 0 1320 133 *
1854 White Paper Sc burnt sienna, full to large margin s, neatly caned ., fresh , very fine ..........................................................(Photo)(4)
Lithographed Sc pale brown, mostly large margins all round , very fine. Ex Bradford Gill .................................................... .......(Photo)(7)
1856-62 10c indigo blue, part o.g., mostly large marg ins all round , very fine. Roya l Cert. (1960) ............... ................. ............(Photo) ( I 0c)
134 *
Air Post; 1927 Surchd. set of five, l.h. , fine to very fine. Signed Champion .....................................................................(Photo)(Cl-5) 1,125.00
135 *
1928-30 Inscribed CORREOS DE CHILE 30c brown & black, double ovpt., one invtd., o.g. , very fine. Signed Kess ler and Sanab1ia ........................................................................................(Photo) (C 18a)
137 0
1861 Arms of New Grenada 10c blue, o.g. (hinge remnant), eve n margins all round , very fine. Ex Adler ........... .................... (Photo) ( 16)
750 .00
1863 Error 50c red, transfer of 50c in stone of 20c, large margins all round , neat ms. cancel, very fine. Ex John Redington ....................................(Front Cover Photo)(26b) 4,500.00 A lovely copy of this seldom off ered rarity.
138 *
1910 Independence Centenary ½ c violet & black, invtd. center, o.g ., small thin s, fine .................... .......................... .........(Photo) (33 I a)
139 * 83
½ c, invtd. center blk of 4, unused, top right stamp very light crease, fine to very fine ............................................... .(Photo)(331a) 1,700.00+
1935 Nationa l Olympic s Sp purple black & blue, lOp brown & gray, l.h., very fine .................... .......................... ......(Photo)(435-36)
42 5.00
Air Post 141 *
142 *
1919 Experimental Flight 2c carmine rose, o.g., creases and small internal tear , very fine appearance. DM7500. Signed Kosack ....................... .............................. (Photo)(Cl) 2,750.00 1920 30c on 10c green, 2 difl'., 30c on 10c vermilion , unused, mostly la rge mar g in s a ll ro und , #2 0 s ma ll flaw , fin e to ve ry fin e ..........................................................................(Photo) (San. 19,20 ,25)
SCADT A Issues 143
[44 0 145 *
1921 Sc, 10c, 15c, 30c, imperf, Sc and 10c sheet margin pairs, l.h. o r o.g., large margins, ve ry fin e. Si gned exce pt 15c, San. $3 70 ...............................................................................(Photo) (C25-27,29)
1921-22 Handstamped surch. 20c on S0c pale green, small faults, 850.00 very fine appeara nce. Signed H. Bloch ............................(Photo) (C36) 1922 Handstamped Large "A" Sc to Sp, 9 dilI., n.h. to o.g. , fine to very fine ............................ ...................... ......(Photo)(S.G.3-5,7- 11, 13) £49 0
147 *
Handstamped "G.B." in Violet Sc to 2p, 8 diff., o.g. , fine to very fine ...... ................. ........................ .......(Photo) (S.G. I 5E-20E,22 E,23E) £ 19 1 Handstamped Large "A-U" Sc to Sp, compl. set, plus Air Regis. 20c gray, l.h . or o.g., few trivial toning, Ip perf tear, fine to very fine ...............................................................(Photo) (S.G.44A-54A, R55A) £530
148 0
Handstamped "E.U." in Black 30c on 20c gray, neat red c.d.s. cance ls, very fine ......................................... ....................(Photo)(S .G.56a) £3 00
149 *
1932 40c dull violet, invtd. ovpt., Ip blue, imperf, both corner sheet margin copies, l.h., very fine. San. $255 .(Photo) (C88,92 vars.) Antioquia; 1875-85 Imperf Sc green, two difl'., 10c lilac , on laid paper, full to large margins all round, neat ms. cancels, very fine ....................................................................................(Photo)(25a-27a)
146 *
150 0
245.0 0
15 1 0
* * *
156 0
157 SEB
10c viol et on pelur e pap er , ma r gins all round , neat ms. cancel , fine. Very scarce. Ex Redingt on ....................................... (Ph oto)(28)
1896 Perf 14 2c to Sp, compl. set, o.g. to unused, several with faults, fresh and generally fine to very fine ........................................ (97- l 16)
29 1.73
~. ?.D E~UJ'{DltfAMARCA
Cundinam a r ca; 1883 Typeset 2r black on gr eenish, unu sed, negligible cr easing, fine. Rare .................................................. (Phot o)(l6 ) 1,600.00 CORF U: Air Post; 1941 SOL to 100d , compl. set , l.h., very fine. Signed Drossos and Kessler. ......................................(Ph oto)( NC 1- 12)
Compl. set, o.g., fine to very fine ..............................(Photo )(NC 1- 12)
S0d violet, doubl e ovpt. , c.d.s. ca ncel, ver y fin e. Signed Kessler Purport edly 49 known 10 exisl .......... ........ .................. (Photo )(NC lOa)
COSTA RI CA : 1901 le to lOcol, compl. set, plus 1903 set of thr ee, all in diff . color s, th e Gove rnm ent Reprint s ovptd. "S pecim en" dia gona lly, perf 12½, blk s of 4, l.h. or o.g., 4c one sta mp small tea r , brilli a nt fr esh, fine to very fine .................... (Phot o)(45-57SR)
CUBA 1910 In vert ed Center s
* 162 * 163 * 16 1
159 * EB Air Post; 1947 Portrait s imp erf Souvenir sheets of four in issued colors, also pr oof sheet in sepia (signed), very fine ...(C l44 var., P)
?E J.J.O f ROVIpO RtiQ ..
.£,. .~ : .
t:t--- (kd-
158 * EB Sam e, but not o vptd. , l. h . or o.g. , ge n e rall y ve r y fin e ................................................................................... (Photo )( 45-57R )
le green & violet, 1.h., cent ered, extrem ely fine. Ex Bradford Gill
............................ ............................................. ............... (Photo )(239a )
le , l.h. , very fine ........................................................... (Photo )(239a)
10c br own & blue, l.h., very fine .................................(Phot o)(244a)
Special Delivery; 10c oran ge & blu e, o.g., tra ce of thinnin g, brilliant fr esh, fine ...............................................................(Photo )(E4a)
CYR ENAICA: 1924 Ma nzoni set compl. , l.h., fine to very fine. DM750 ...........................................................................(Photo )( l l - 16)
( 137.60)
In th e produ ction of this catalogue, we have used the 1994 Scott Postage Stamp Catalogues. We will continu e to use f oreign catalogues in sp ecific areas as supplementary informati on.
.... ,
Nat iona l Anthem Souvenir s heet s of 15 , with folder , ungumm ed, usual small se lvage faults, fres h and fine . Sig ned H. Bloch , DM5700 .......................................... ......................... (200a,20l a)
775 .00
Semi-Postals 166
* * **
* **
1919 Ovptd. on Stamps of Austria 20sh green, l.h., numerous handstamp s on reverse, very fine. Mi. 64, DM400 .................. (Photo)(B8a) ( I I 0.00) 10k violet, l.h., handstamp on reverse , very fine. Mi . 58, DM lO00 ................ ...................... ....................................................(Photo )(B2 1)
Air Post set of three , l.h., very fine. Signed Gilbert and other s ........... ................... .....................................................(Photo)(B37-39 ) 1,230.00 Postage Due S0h rose red , 1.h., gum creasing, fine. Signed Bloch and others, DMI 500 ................................................................ (Photo) (B54)
10k ultramarine , l.h., very fine. Signed Bloch and others , OM I 200 .................... ...................................................................... (Photo) (B57)
Ovptd. PORTO, 3 dilf ., l.h., very fine. Last two signed H . Bloch and others, DM950 ....................................................................(B58,59,62)
Air Post; 1920 Imperf 24k on S00(h) red brown, invtd. surch., n.h. , large margin s, hand stam ps on reverse, extremely fine. DMl000 ..........................................................................(Photo)(C2a)
Perf 13ž x13ž 28k on 1000h, INVERTED SURCHARGE, o.g. , very fine. Signed Champion, Mi. 194B var. ........(Photo)(C6a var.)
1922 Errors S0(h) and IO0(h) dull green, IO0(h) on 200(h) violet, invtd. surch., sheet margin copies, n.h. very fine. Signed Gi lbert, OM l 500 ....................................................................... (Photo )(C7a ,8a)
Sudetenland; 1938 Reichenberg-Malfersdor set of eight, l.h., fine to very fine. Signed H. Bloch ....................(Photo)(Mi. 36-43) OMI 190 as n.h. DAHOMEY: 1912 Carmine Surch . 10c on S0c brown on azure, name in red, o.g., very fine. Rare. Signed Champion and others, Ceres FFrs6000 .................... ............................................ (Photo)(40)
DANZIG: 1920 Germania 60pf on 30pf', double surch., l.h., handstamp on reverse, very fine. DM350 ................................. (Photo) (22a)
1920 lnnendien st 60pf mag enta , Im carmine, 2m gray blue. o.g. (hinge remnant) , fine to very fine. Signed R. Dub and/or others. Ex Roehling , DMSS00 ............................................ (Photo) (44,47,48) 2,125.00
* 18 1 * 182 * 180
* 185 * 186 * 187 * 188 * 189 * 184
1851 Wmkd . Small Crown imperf 2rs blue , sheet margin copy , margin s other sides, neatly caned., fine. DM3000 ............. (Photo)( I )
1854-57 Dott in g in Spandre ls 4s yellow brown , o.g., margin s all round , large at sides, very fine. Ex Adler, DM800 .............(Photo) (4a)
16s gray lilac , large part o.g., margins all round, very fine. Ex Adler, DM1 300 ....................... .........................................................(Photo )(6)
1858-62 Wavy Lines in Spandrels Ss green, o.g., brilliant fresh , extremely fine. Ex Adler, DMll00 ......................... ..........(Photo) (S)
1864-68 Pert' 13 Ss bistre, o.g. (hinge remnant), very fine. DM 1100 ......... ............................. ...................................................... (Photo )( l4)
16s olive green , o.g., very fine. DM 1600........... .............. ..(P hoto )( 16)
1870-71 Wmkd. Crown perf 12½ 2s gray & blue, unused, fresh, fine. DM6000 ...................................................................... (Photo )(2 1) 1,750 .00 2s to 16s, com pl. , imperf copies, unused, genera lly very large margins, few tiny faults, fine to very fine. DM3525 .......(Photo )( I 6b-20a) 1875-79 So slat e & carmine, invtd. frame, imperf pair, l.h. , larg e margin s, extremely lin e ....................................... ...(P hoto )(28c var.)
1000 g ra y & orange, invtd. frame , pair , extreme ly fine ..........................................................................................(Photo)(34b)
1907-12 Frederick VIU So green, imperf pair , l.h., large margins, gum creasing, very fine appeara nce. Danske Filatelisters Cert. ( 1960) . Facit SKrs7000 ............. ..................................................... (Photo )(72a)
190 ** B3 1912 Perf 13 350 on 160 slate & brown , invtd. frame top left stamp in sheet margin blk of 4 with normal s, n.h. , very fin e ....................... ..................... .............................................. (Photo)(79 ,a)
191 ** llil 1915 800 on 120 slat e & dull lake , invtd. frame left middle stamp in sheet margin blk of 6 with normals , n.h., negligible gum skip s, very fin e ....................... ................................................(Photo)(136 ,a)
192 ** B3 800 on So carmine, "P OSTERIM " bottom right sta mp in blk of 4 with normal s, n.h., extremely fine. DM325+ as hinged .............. ( 137)
193 * I.Iii Parcel Post; 1919-41 lOi:ired, " POSFFAERGE", top middle stamp in blk of 6 with normal s, n.h.(3)/o.g.(3). very fine. DM I050 as normals ............................................... ............................................... (O4,a)
I 94
195 0 196
197 /';.
DIBGO -SUAREZ: 1890 Perf 14x13 ½ 15c on Sc green on greenish, part o.g., fine. Signed A. Brun, Ceres FFrs4250 ............(Photo )(2)
1892 Ovptd . 30c brown on bistr e, on-the- nose c.d.s., tiny thin s, handstamps on reve rse, fine appearance. Ceres FFrs5000 .(Photo) (2 I)
Po stage Due; 1892 Fr ench Co lonies ovptd . 60c black, l.h. , very large margin s, hand stamp on rever se, extreme ly fin e. Ceres FFrsS000 .............................................. ........................... (Photo)(J12)
1fr brown , large margin s all round, tied by neat c.d.s. cancel on small piece, extreme ly fine. Ceres FFrs 7500 ...............(Photo)(J13)
* 199 * 198
201 0 202 0
* 204 * 205 *
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 1865 Unwmkd. Wove Paper ½ r black on rose, unu sed , marg ins all round , fresh, fine . Ex Roeb ling .......... ...................................(Photo) ( I)
208 475.00 209
1865 Laid Paper ½r black on pale green, unu se d, mar g in s to touched, hand stamp on reve rse, fresh, fine ........................... (Photo)(3)
1866 Ir black on pale green , unu se d , large margin s, very fin e .................................................................... ..........................(Photo)(?)
150 .00
Ir , mostly large margin s all round , lig ht red ca nce l, ve ry fin e ................... ........................................................... ................(Photo)(?)
* 21 1 * 2 10
125.00 2 12
1866-67 Wove Paper lr black on blue, no space between "Un" and "rea l", large margin s, neat red cancel, ve ry fine. Ex Adler ........................................................................................ ..(Photo) (l lb )
1867-71 Pelure Paper ½ r black on lavender, unused , mar gins all rou nd, very fine ................ ................................................... (Photo) ( 15)
2 10.00
tr black on rose, unu sed, mar gins all round , fresh, fine ...(Photo)(24)
1901-06 Perf 14 lp black & gray, o.g. , very fin e. Ex Roe blin g ..........................................................................................(Photo)( l42)
175 .00
2 13
2 14 2 15
EASTERN SILESIA : 1920 Imperf IO00(h) violet, black ovpt., o.g. (hinge remnant), large margins, handstamp on reverse, extremely fine. DMS00 ....................................................................(Photo)(2l a)
20(h) rose, imperf sheet margin copy, n.h., handstamp on reverse, extremely fine. Very scarce. DM2500 ........(Next Page Photo)(26a)
1929 Prince set of four, black or brown centers, n.h . or l.h., very fine ................. ..................................... ................ (Photo)( 155-58 vars.) Se mi-Po stal s; 1943 Children's Fund Sm+Sm copper brown , Arabic date "1493", sheet margin copy, l.h., very fine (Photo) (82a )
175 .00
1956 Scout Jambore e perf and imperf Souvenir sheets of three, n.h., very fine ............................(Photo)(B13-15 vars.) 1,000.00
EPIRUS: 1916 Rouletted 3L TO Sd, comp!. set, o.g., fine to very fine . DMI 100 .................. ............................................ (Photo )(N l?-22)
ERITREA: 1924 Manzoni set comp!., l.h., fine to very fine . DM750 ..................................................... .................................. (Photo)(75-80)
2 10.95
Postage Due; 1903 Wmkd. Crown SOL yellow , 100L blue, o.g., fine. 50L signed Bolaffi, DM9 I 5 .......... ..................... ..(Photo)(J 12,l 3)
Parcel Post; 1916 Sc to 4L, 7 diff., o.g ., 50c crease, fine. DM 1650 I ,Q3-8)
200 .50
ETHIOPIA: 1905 Violet Surcharge on 1902 Handstamped 10 on ½g red, unu sed , fresh, fine. Very scarce .........................(P hoto )(5 I B)
Diagonal Surchar ge on 1902 and 1903 Handstamped Sc on 16g black, o.g., latter tiny thin , fresh, fine . Very scarce ...................(55 ,56)
1908 Blue Surcharge on 1903 Handstamped lpi on ½g red, o.g. (hing e remnant), hand sta mp on reve rse, fre s h, fine. Ra re ................................................................................. ...........(Photo)(79)
1911 Provisional set comp!., o.g. (some hinge remnants), 16g on 16g short co rner perf , fre sh, fine to very fine. Signed Juliard ....................................... .............................................. (Photo)(94-100)
FAROE ISLANDS: 1919 Typographed 2o on So green, l.h., very fine. Signed Pelander and others......................................... ..(Photo)( I )
900 .00
2o on So, with Denmark So, tied by neat c.d.s. cance l on small piece, fine ............ ........................ .................................................... (Photo)( I)
400 .00
1940-41 Surchd. set comp!., l.h., very fine . DM I 000 ..... (Photo)(2-6 )
Comp!. set, neatly ca ned. , very fine ................................. (Photo)(2-6)
* 2 19 * 220 * 2 18
* *
223 6 224
1926 Port Fuad se t of four , l.h. , very fin e. Sign ed Champion and/or others. Ex Roehling ......................................(Photo)(121 -24) 1,370.00
2 15.00
* 2 17 *
Air Post; 1946 Air Navigation Congress, two errors, 30m green, ovpt. double and invtd ., l.h ., hand stamp o n reve rse, ve ry fin e .......................... ........................................................................ (C38a, b)
2 16
22 1
EGYPT 1922 Perf 14 S0m maroon, invtd. ovpt., l.h., very fine ..(P hoto )(87a)
225 0
I l !l
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226 0
FINLAND 1856 Wove Paper 10k ro se, neat boxed WIBORG cance l and small portion of ms. bottom right , large margin s, extreme ly fine. Signed H. Bloch .................................. ................................(P hoto )(2)
1867-74 Serpentine Roul ette Im yellow brown , roulette type Ill , neat c.d.s. cancel, very fine ................ ........................ .........(Photo )( I I)
227 0 228
1875-81 Perf 11 2p to 32p, comp l., l.h. or o.g., last with hin ge remnant , fre sh, fine to very fine ....................... ................ (Photo)(17-23) 1,060.00
229 0
* 23 1 **
1885 Perf 12½ Sm green & ro se, 10m brown & rose, neatly caned., very fine. DM2750 .........................................................(Photo)(36 ,37)
1891-92 Laid Paper perf 13½ 31/zr black & gray, 7r yellow, o.g., very fine. Latter signed A. Brun, OM 1250 .................... (Photo )(57 ,58)
Air Po st; 1930 Graf Zeppelin 10m gray lil ac, n.h. , ve ry fin e . DM500 ................. ................................ ..............................(Photo)(C I)
233 0 234
* 237 ** 236
* 239 ** 240 * 24 1 ** 238
Air Post
1862-71 Perf 14xl3 ½ 20c blue , tete-b eche pair in strip of 4, fine , tied by "3 86" in diamond of dots cancels and indi stinct 23 JAN 67 c.d. s . on folded lett e r , varioius pmk s on rever se . FFr s 14,000 .............................................................................. ........... (Photo )(26a) l8J
243 244
* * 247 ** 246
1928 lie de France l0fr on 90c red, IOfr on 1.S0fr blue , o.g., slight gum loss from hinging , former small light corner crease, fresh, fine ................... .................... (Photo)(C 3,4) 6,350.00
IOfr on 90c, small corner fault, fine. Signed A. Rendon ...(Photo)(C3)
I, I00 .00
1930-31 Perf Initial s "E.l.P.A. 30" 1.S0fr dark blue, error pair , with and without perfins , perf initi alled stamp n.h. , oth er o.g., very fine. Ceres FFrs9000 .....................................(Photo)(C6a var .) 1936 Plane over Pari s S0fr emera ld, l.h., ve,y fine ......(Photo )(C 14) 1936 Banknote S0fr ultramarine , l.h., extremely fine ..(Photo )(C 15)
450.00 375.00
1946-47 40fr to 200 fr set compl., imperf dated corner sheet margin copies, n.h. , large margin s other side s, extremely fine. Ceres FFr s2600+ ....................................................... (Photo )(C 18-21 va rs.)
1954 Aircraft set of four , incl. sheet margin copies, l.h., very fine. DM585 ........................................................................(Photo) (C29-32)
Offices in China
250 6 700.00+
Ballon Monte; Used to Russia, 1863-70 80c ro se on pinki sh, fine , tied on yellow Gazette #27 hearing PARIS 16 JANY 71 c.d .s. and ca rried on " La Post de Paris ". Colo,fulfranking to a rare destination . ........................................ (Photo)(36)
* 252 6
1877-80 Peace and Commerce 35c black on yellow orange , large part o.g., fresh, fine ...........................................................(Photo )(94a)
1903-38 Sower 20c to S0c, 4 difT. imperf sheet margin copies, n.h. , mo stl y larg e margin s other side s, brilliant fre sh , ve ry fine to ext rem ely fine .......................................... (Photo)(140a,41a,4Sa,46a)
1929-33 20fr bright red brown , Die II , o.g., fresh, fine (Photo) (254)
20fr orange brown , Die Ill , n.h., very fine. DM1175 (Photo)(2 54A)
Semi-Postal; 1917-19 Sfr+Sfr deep blue & black , o.g., negligible gum crease, well centered, fresh, fine .............................. (Photo)(B I0)
1937 Winged Victory se t of two , n.h., fine to very fine. DM650 ................ ................................................................................. (866-67)
FRANCE 1849-50 Ceres 10c bistre on yellowi sh , o.g. , margin s all round , fre sh, fine ............................ .................. ..............................(Photo )( ]) 1,000.00 ]Sc green on greenish, large margin s, nea tly ca ned ., very fin e. Signed A. Diena ............ .............................. ........................(Photo) (2a)
1904-05 4c claret on bluish, o.g., fresh, fine. Signed Ga lvez, Ceres FFrs5500 ..........................................................................(Photo)(47 A) Postage Due; 1903 Handstamped in Carmine Sc yellow green, tied by neat c.d.s. cancel on small piece, fine ............................ (Photo)(J7) 30c brown on bistre, part o.g., handstamps on reverse, small corner crease, fine. Ceres FFrs9000 ......................... ....................(Photo)(] I0)
475.00 550.00 950 .00
10c black on lavender, purple hand stamp, lightly tied on s ma ll piece , fine . Ve ry rare. Signed A. Diena , Ceres FFrs35,000 .................................(Front Cover Photo)(J21a) 4,250.00 Hoi-Hao; 1901 Ovptd. in Red )Sc blue, o.g ., small thins and perf staining, handstamp on reverse. A cullectible cupy uf !his rare stamp. Ceres FFrs9500 .....................................................................(Photo)(6) I, 150.00 Sfr red lilac on lavender , o.g., pencil mark s on reverse, fresh, fine for this. Ceres FFrs3950 ........................................................... (Photo)(l 5) 400.00 Mongtseu; 1903-04 25c black on rose, l.h., fine. Signed A. Brun, Ceres FFrs3750 ...................................................................(Photo)(7c) 300.00 Office s in Egypt
Alexandr ia; 1921 Surcharged Locally 30m on 15m on Ur claret & olive green, o.g., pin point thins, handsta mps on reverse, fresh, fine. Ceres FFrs6500 ................................................................ (Photo) (46A)
1921-23 Surc har ged in Pari s 60m on 2fr gray violet & yellow, unused , very fine. Ve,y scarce . Ceres FF rs 11,000 .............(Photo) (59)
* 259
Port Said; 1899 Additional Surcharge 25c on 10c black on lavender, o.g., handstamp on reverse, fine. Ceres FFrs2800 ......(Photo) ( 17)
* 26 1 * 260
Postage Due; 1921 30m on S0c red violet, o.g., fresh, fine. Very rare. Friedl Cert. (1960) and signed H. Bloch, Ceres FFrs17,000 ............................................................(Photo)(J4) 1,700.00 Otlices in Turkish Empire; 1885-1901 lpi on 25c yellow on straw, very l.h. if at all, brilliant fresh, fine. Ceres FFrs2750 ..........(Photo) (I)
1923 Handstamped lpi20pa on 35c violet, o.g., fresh. fine. Signed Otto Friedl, Ceres FFrs4250 .................. ............................(Photo) (55a)
Otlices in Zanzibar 262 0
1897 2½a and 25c on la on 10c black on lavender, c.d.s. cancel, fine. Ex Caspary, Ceres FFrs4500 ......................................(Photo)(30)
263 0
2½a and 25c on 1½a on 15c blue, neatly caned., fine. Ex Caspary, Ceres FFrs3850 ...................................................................(Photo)(3 I )
400 .00
264 6
1897 Printed Sheet Margins 2½a and 25c green on greenish, tied by neat c.d.s. cance l on small piece, very fine. Ex Caspary, Ceres FFrs5000 .............................................................................(Photo)(34)
265 0
1904 25c and 2½a on 4a on 40c red on straw, neat c.d.s. cancel, fine. Signed Otto Friedl, Ceres FFrs4250 ...........................(Photo)(50)
450 .00
SOc and Sa on 3a on 30c brown on bistre , lightl y ca ned., fine. Signed H. Bloch, Ceres FFrs5250 ...................................... (Photo)(5 I )
266 0 267 6
25c and 2½a on 3a on 30c lilac, neatly tied on small piece, few slightly soiled perfs , fine. Rare . Signed (T)oaspern and others , Ceres FFrs9250 ................................................................(Photo)(S7) 1,500.00
268 6
lfr and lOa on 3a on 30c, tied by neat double circle Zanzibar cancel, fine. Signed Champion and Economist, Ceres FFrs6500 ...(Photo)(59)
269 6
On Postage Due 1½a on 15c green, tied by neat double circle cancel on small piece, few tiny scuffs, well centered, fine. Signed Kohler and others, Ceres FFrs4250 .......................................... .............(Photo)(62) Postage Due; 1897 Error 2½a on S0c lilac, lightly tied on small piece, fine. Ceres FFrs4500 ...............................................(Photo)(J5a)
270 6
425.00 450 .00
FRENCH COLONIES: General Issues; 1872-77 Imperf 4c gray, unused, mostly large margins all round, extreme ly fine. Very rare. Ceres FFrs67,500 ........................(Photo)(l8) 7,500.00
274 0
Large Numera ls 80c rose on pinkis h, sheet margin copy , unused, large margins ot her sides, love ly br ight color, extreme ly fine. Ceres FFrs3650 ................................................................(Photo)(23)
Postage Due; 1884-85 Im perf lfr, 2fr, Sfr black, corner sheet margin copies, stam ps n.h., lar ge margi ns other sides, negligib le gum wrink ling, extreme ly fine . Ceres FFrsSSS0 ........(Photo)(J12a -14a)
FRENCH CONGO : 1891 First "0" of "Congo" Capita l Letter Sc on 20c red on greenis h, neat c.d.s. cancel, fine. Signed A. Brun , Ceres FFrs2400 .....................................................................(Photo) (6)
* 276
10c on 25c black on rose, invtd. surch., o.g., very fine. Signed A. Brun , Ceres FFrs 1850 ................. ................................. .......(Photo) (8a)
1887 20c on 35c black on orange, unused, large margins, extremely fine. Ceres FFrs2000 ...................................................... (Photo)(6)
1892 2c green on greenish, unused, large even margins, extremely fine. Signed Richter, Ceres FFrs4000 .............................(Photo)(l2)
Printed on Tinted Paper 75c black on salmon, margins to touched, light ly ca ned ., handstamp on reverse , fine ........... ....... .......................................... (P hoto )(Ceres 3) FFrs3500
284 0
75c black on grayi sh, large eve n margin s, lightly caned ., very fine. Signed Kess ler ......................................................... (Photo)(Ceres 4A) FFrs3250
75c black on flesh, unused, margins to just touched in places, fine. Signed Champion and Kessler ...............................(Photo)(Ceres 5) FFrs7500
286 0
FRENCH GUlANA 1886 Unwmkd. imperf Sc on 2c green on greenish, unu sed, large eve n margins, very fin e. Scarce. Sig ned Kosack and others , Ceres FFrs3750 ...............................................................................(Photo) ( I)
Imperf 75c red on bluish, red ova l pmk and neat ms., creases and very light sta ins, fine appema nce . Signed Champion .(Photo) (Ceres 2) FFrs9000
283 0
Air Post 1921 Perf about 10½ 75c violet on cream, neatly caned. , small corner crease, handsta.mp o n reverse, fine ....................... (Photo)(Ceres I )FF rs 11,000
282 0
10c on 40c red on straw, o.g., fresh, fine. Signed Kohler, Ceres FFrsl2,500 ................................................... (Photo)(9) 1,350.00 First "0" of "Congo" Small, vert. ovpt. 10c on 25c and 15c on 25c black on rose, unused. former perf touch and handstamp on reve rse, latter very fine. Ceres FFrs2400 ....................................(Photo)( 12, 13)
281 0
75c black on gray, margins to touched, nea tly ca ned. , pin hole, ha nd sta mp s on reverse s how in g s li g htl y o n front, fine ..................... ............................................................(Photo)(Ceres 6A) FFrs4000
75c black on salmon, unused, margins virtually all round, thinning, fresh, fine and attractive copy of this rarit y ................................................(Front Cover Photo)(Ceres 7) FFrsS0,000 75c black on rose, unused , margins to touched, tiny thin , bright co lor, fine ....................... .......................................................(Photo) (Ceres 9) FFrs7500
289 0
75c, margins to touched in places, light (A)YION ca nce l, handstamp on reve rse, fine .......... .................... .............................. (Photo)(Cer es 9) FFrs6000
290 L'>
75c black on yellowish, margins except touched extreme top left, neatly tied on small piece, fine .......... ........... .......... (Photo) (Ceres I 0a) FFr s8000
29 1
1943 Ovptd. "France Libre" 1.S0fr dark blue, vert. gutter pair, ovpt. placed tete-beche, n.h., extremely fine. Signed Kessler and Queyroy, San. 28b, $300. Only five guller pairs piuport edly known 10 exist ....................... ............................................. ....(Photo)(C3 var.)
* 304 * 303
* 306 ** 307 * 305
308 0 309 0
* 3 11 * 310
* 294 * 293
* * 297 * 298 * 299 * 300 * 30 1 * 295
3 12 0
FRENCH INDIA: 1941 FRANCE LIBRE 2fa9ca on 25c ultramarine & fawn, carmine ovpt. type "b", n.h., extremely tine. Ceres FFrs7500 ....................................... ................................(Photo)( ll6b )
3 13 0
1942-43 se t of five , l.h ., ve ry fi ne. I 6ca s ig ned H . Bl oc h .................................................................................. ...(Photo)( 177-8 1)
509.50 FRENCH MOROCCO: 1893 Ovptd. on France Postage Due Sc black , unu sed, hand stamp on reve rse, fine. Ceres FFrs12,000 .............................................................................................. (Photo)(9) 1,200.00 1903 Sc on Sc light blue, unused, fine. Ceres FF rs7500 ....(Photo) (24) 750.00
Semi-Postals; 1914 Handstamp Surcharged in Red IOc+Sc on IOc rose, o.g., tine. Rare. Signed Maury ............................... (Photo) (B3)
l0c+Sc on 10c rose, carmine surch., o.g., handstamp on reve rse, fine ........................................................ ....................................(Photo)(B5)
200 .00
GABON: 1886 Handstamp Surcharged 75c on 15c blue, unused, tiny thin , fine. Ceres FFrs8800 ........................ ............... ......(Photo)(5)
900 .00
1888-89 15c on tfr bronz e green on straw, o.g., few shor t perfs, fine . Ceres FFrs l2,500 ......... .............. ...................................(Photo) (7) 1,200.00 25c on Sc gre en on green is h, o .g ., ve ry fine. Ceres FFr s8 000 ............................................................................. .................(Photo)(8)
550.00 25c on lOc black on lavender, unu sed (reg umm ed) , small co rner fau lt, fres h. A colleclible copy of !his rare slamp. Cer es FFrs28, 500 ................................................... ...........................................(Photo) (9) 3,000.00 GERMAN SOUTH-WEST AFRJCA: 1897 3pfto S0pf, compl. set, o.g., fine to very fine. DM 1972 ................ ................ .........(Photo) ( 1-6) 483.25
3 14 0
BADEN: 1862 Pert' 13½ 3kr rose, unused, usual perf s, fine. Sign ed H. Bloch, DM3000 .... .................................................. .......(Photo)( 18) 1, 100.00 BA VARJA: 1849 Unwmkd. Plate I lk black, unused, most ly large margins all round , very fine. Brett I Cert. ( 1993) . Mi . I l a, DM 1700 ................................................................................. .............(Photo)( !) 500.00 lkr deep black, unused, margins all round, small faults, fine. Mi. I [b, DM5000 .................. ................... ....................... ..................(Photo)( I a) 1,750.00 1920 3m to 20m, compl., imperf vert. gutter pairs, n.h., extremely tine ........ .......................... .............................. ............... (251a-54a vars.) unpr. BERGEDORF: 1861-67 Lithographed set of five, o.g. (hinge remnants), margins clear to large, fine to very fine. DM9 25 .......... ( I a,2-5) 2 10.00 BRUNSWICK: 1852 Unwmkd. imperf l sg r rose, margin s all round, blue cancel, very fine. DM850 ..................... .......... (Photo)( I) 200.00 2sgr blue , fu ll ma rg in s, blu e tow n ca nce l, ve ry fine . DM700 ..............................................................................................(Photo)(2) 125.00 1853-63 Wmkd. Post Horn ¼s gr black on brown, o.g ., margins all round , very fine. Ex Adler, DM750 ......................................(Photo)(4) 200 .00 1864 Serpentine Roulette 16 l/3 sgr black, unused, handstamp on reverse, large copy, very tine. Mi. 13, DM1200 as o.g . .(Photo)(13) 300.00 1/3 sgr, blue c.d.s. cancel, fine. DMSS00 ......................... (Photo)( 13) 1,900.00 3sgr rose, SE, neatly ca ned .. very fine. Mi 16, DM 1500 ...(Photo)( 18) 400 .00 LUBECK: 1859 Wmkd. Small Flower s l s orange , marg ins all round, small thin . ve,y fine appeara nce. Signed Kohler. Ex Ad ler, Mi. 2, DM4000 ................................ .......................... .................. (Photo)(2) 1,250 .00
3 16 0
3 17 0
318 0
"ZWEI EIN HALB" 2s brown, sheet margin pair with normal, unused, margins other sides, numerous hand stamp s on reverse, very fine. Ex Bradford Gill , Mi. 3, F, DM750+ ......................... (Photo)(3 ,a)
1862 Unwmkd. yellow orange, mostly large margins all round, lightly caned., tiny faults, very fine appeara nce . Signed H . Bloch and others, Mi . 7, DM4200 ..........................................................(Photo) (7) 1,000 .00 OLDENBURG: 1852-55 Numeral 1/3sgr black on green, large even margins, small part of blue boxed cancel, tiny handstamp on reverse, extremely tine. Mi. 1, DM2800 ...........................(Photo) (4) 400.00 1 1859 Coat of Arms '3g black on green, margins all round, neat blue c.d.s. cancel, hand stamp on reve rse, trace of thinnin g, fine and attractive. Ex Adler, Mi. 5, DM8000 ................................ ....(Photo)(5) 2,250.00 3g black on yellow, unused, margin s all round, very fine. Ex Adler, Mi . 8, DM2300 as o.g . .................................. .................... .... (Photo)(8)
320 0
1861 2g red, large margins all round, neat blue boxed tow n cance l, handstamps on reve rse, very fine. DM 1200 ................ ....... (Photo)( 14)
350 .00
32 1 0
SAXONY: 1850 Typographed 3pf red, used, extensively repaired. Collectible copy of this popular classic. Friedl Cert. (1959)(Photo) ( I) 5,000.00
322 0
SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN: 1864 Lithographed imperf l ¼s blue & gray, type II, margins all round, lightly ca ned. , tiny co rner crease , fine. Ex Adler , Mj. 511, DM6000 ............................ (Photo) (] 6) 2,000.00
323 0
WURTTEMBERG: 1861 Perf 13½ thin paper 18kr dark blue, c.d.s. cance l, very fine. Signed Thier. Ex Ad ler, Mi . 20y , DM3200 ............................................................................................(Photo) (29)
324 0
1866-68 Rouletted 10 18kr orange , red STUTTGART c.d.s. cancel, very fine. Ex Milton A. Holmes, Mi. 34, DM3000 ..(Photo)(46)
3 19
1872 Eagle with Large Shield 2kr orange, c.d.s. cancels, tine. Mi. 24, DM6000 .......................................................................(Photo)(22) 1,750.00
326 0
18kr bistre, neat c.d.s. cancel, tiny thin spot, we ll ce ntered, very fine appeara nce. Mi. 28, DM5600 ........ ............ ......................... (Photo)(26) 1,500.00
1900 REICHSPOST 5pf ultramarine, gummed plate proof, very l.h .. Signed Kosack and others, Mi. 55p, DM2800 ......(Photo)(54P)
1902 DEUTSCHES RElCH 2pf to 80pf, compl. set, incl. 3pf "DFUTSCHES" in pair with normal, l.h . o r o .g. , ve ry fin e. DM 1435 ....................................... .......... .......... .....(Photo)(65c -74 ,66a)
Compl. set, o.g., fine to very fine. DM 1400 ........ ......(P hoto) (65C-7 4)
1920-22 Wmkd. Quatrefoils 1 ¼m vermillion & magenta, sheet margin copy, n.h., fine. DM3600 .......................... ........(Photo)(210)
33 1 0
1 ¼ m, neat c.d.s . ca ncel, fine. DM2 I 00 .............. ............ .(Photo) (2 I 0)
1923 Wmkd. Network Error I0mlrd on 2m violet, n.h., very fine . Signed Richter ....... ........................... .........................(Photo)(Mi .332F) Error I0mlrd on 10m vermilion , l.h. , very fine. Signed Richter .............................................................................. (Photo)(Mi. 334AF)
** 335 * 336 * 334
1932 Von Hindenburg set of seven, n.h., very fine. DM350 .. ( 3 9 I 97)
1951-52 Post Horn set compl., l.h. or o.g .. fine to very fine. DM2000 ......................................................................... .......... (Photo) (670-685)
Compl. sheet, o.g., fine to very fine ........................... (Photo) (670-85)
** 338 *
1926 Coat of Arms set of four, n.h., very fine. Mi. 398, 99Y , 400, 0 IX, DM467 ................... ........................................................ (815 - 18) 1929 Error 50pf+40pf chocolate, ochre & red, "PE" for "PF", o.g., extremely fine. DM500 ........................................(Photo)(B32a)
339 83181 1930 Charity set compl., bottom right corner blks of 4, except Sc (left margin blk), fine to very fine, each tied by BERLIN 19 I 3 1 c. d. s .s o n se para te e nve lope (crease at bo tt o m) to U.S. OM l l 35+(834-37) ............................................................................ 340
1931 Charity set of four , n.h. , fin e to ve ry fin e. DM475 ........................................ ...................................... ......(Photo) (B38-4 I)
341 83181 Compl. set, blks of 4, fine to very fine, eac h tied by doubl e circle BERLIN I. 12. 3 1 pmks on separate Regis. cove r (crease at bottom) to U.S., receivers on reverse. DMl230+ .........................(Photo) (B38-4 1) 342
174.64+ 140.00
20 1.28+
1943 Motorized Marksmen 5+4pf dark green, imperf sheet margin copy, n.h .. large margins other sides, negligible gum crease, very fine. DM300 ....................... .....................................(Photo) (B220 var.)
1948 Brandenburg Gate 10+5pf green, imperf pair, l.h., large even ma rg in s, neg li g ibl e g um c rease, very fin e. DM2000 as n .h . ........................................................... ......................(Photo)(B302 var.)
uni .
Air Post Semi-Otlicials
* 345 ** 346 * 347 ** 344
349 350
Rhein und Main; 1912 E.E.L.P. lOpf and 20pf, compl. set, l.h., fresh, latter perfs touch at left, former very fine .......(Photo)(Mi.V ,VI) DM 1330 1912 Bork-Bruck violet, sheet margin copy, n.h. , very fine ......................................................................................(Photo)(M i.lA ) DM900+ Another copy, o.g., handstamp on reverse, fresh, fine(Photo) (Mi. l A) DM900 Gotha-Erfurt l0pf gray violet, sheet margin copy, n.h., barest trace of gum toning, very fine ..................................................(Photo)(Mi.5) DM800+
Regensburger Photograph set of three , slightly disturbed o.g., hand sta mp on reverse, 20pf small bend , fine to very fine ............................. .................. ...................(Photo)(Mi.6-8) DM7500
Hel"l'A 1913 " AM RHElN" lOpf blue, 1.h., very fine ......... ....(Photo)(Mi.9)
1913 Graf Zeppelin red brown on yellow, o.g ., very fin e .............................. ................................................. ........(Photo) (Mi.11) DMI000
a 1 er, 341
35 1 181
The group of 8 cards bearing normal frankings and incl. Erste ...am Rhein lOpf blue , Regersburg lOpf and 20pf olive green, single copies on same card, Gorlitz label, 1933 Ballonfahrt , Gelber Hund 30pf, 3 copies on same car d , Im on l0pf, 2 cards , etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Value $500-600 .(Next Page Photo )
359 181
Air Post
* 353 * 352
354 355
356 181
1919 Unwmkd. 40pf dark green, imperf , very l.h. if at all, enormou s margin s, extremely fine. DM5000 .....................(Photo)(C2a)
1922-23 Wmkd. Network 3m dark blue only, o.g., several handstamps on reverse, very fine. DM350 .......................(Photo) (C IO var.)
1923 200m deep blue, imperf sheet margin pair , 1.h., extremely fine. DM400+ .............................................................. ...(Photo) (C 19a) 1926-27 Eag le lOpf ro se red, tete-beche dat e sheet margin pair , n.h. , fresh, fine. DM500 ..............................................(Photo )(C28b) 1930 South Amer ican Flight 2m, 4m , corner copies, tied by matching FRIEDRlCHSHAFEN I 8.5.30 c.d.s. ca ncels on post card and envelope respectively to Washington, some light stains . DM2000 .................................................................. (Next Page Photo )(C38 ,39)
1931 Polar Flight lm carm ine, without hyphen, sheet margin co py, sta mp s n.h. , fine. Signed Richter , DM4400 ................................................................... ...(Photo )(C 40 var.)
36 1 DP
145.00 120.00
2m ultramarine , without hyphen , sheet margin copy, 1.h., very fine. DM 1200 ................................................ ....................(Photo )(C4 1 var.)
Chicago Flight lm, very fine , and 4m, light crease, fine appearance, used with additional Zeppelin Im and tied on Round-World Flight cover by BERLIN 13. 10.33 . c.d.s. ca nce ls, usua l cac hets ............................................................. (Next Page Photo)(C43 ,45,35)
Otlicial; 1923 5pf dark green, invtd. ovpt ., n.h., very fine. DM600 .................................................................................. ......(Photo) (O48a)
BERLIN: 1956-63 Monument 25pf dull r ed brown , impr ession on gummed stamp paper , 53x6 I mm , very fine. Ex Br adford Grill .............................................................................. ..(Photo) (9N I 29DP) Sem i-Posta ls; 1949 Currency Victims Souvenir sheet of three, 1.h., very fine. DM 1500 ...................... ................................(Photo)(9NH3 a)
SOVIET ZONE : Mecklenburg-Vorpommern; Semi-Postals, 1945 set of thre e, fine to very fine, eac h pmkd on the nose by LUDWIGSLUST 2 1. I0. 45. First Day cancels on local envelope. DM2000 ................. .............................................(Next Page Photo )( I 2NH 1-3)
. . ...•...........•••......••... • -= ......,,====- •
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. . . ···························································· :
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.--- """'
* 366 * 365
* 368 * 369 ** 370 * 367
37 1 ~.,/;.
oo>4~,. ~4>. ~
<2~ ...
~ '>~ ~
, ........ ,¢
* 376 * 377 * 375
~ lj~•
~n. t!• .. . . .
38 1
j .1
356 '11
1896 Olympics Sd green, tod brown, o.g. , fresh , fine .. (P hoto ) ( 127 28)
4 10 00
1900 2d on 40L violet, imperf sheet margin pair, o.g. , large margins other sides, extre mely fine . Signed H . Bloch , Mi. 115 UC, DM2200+. (Photo)( 150 var.)
Imperf and Perf 11 ½ sets of four, l.h. or o.g. , fresh , fine to very fine. Mi. 116, 17, 23, 24A and B, DM887 .................. (Photo)(ISl-58)
1900-01 "AM" in red, SL on ld blue, double surch., o.g. , almost very fine . DM I 000 ..........................................................(Photo)( 159b)
SOLon 2d bistre, broad "0" in "50", right stamp in pair with normal, very fine . DM450+ ................................................(Photo)( l6 1,a)
(95 .00+)
1906 Olympics set compl., l.h . or o.g .. a few negligibl e fau lts or mixed centering, SOL thin , generally fine to very fine (Photo)( 184-97)
1911 Serrate Roulette 13½ todr deep blue, 20x26½mm, l.h., fresh, fine. DM I 000 ................................................................ ..(Photo)(2 I 2a)
1916 Ovptd. set compl., n.h. except 20L l.h., 3L small stain , fresh , (184.05) fine to very fine. DM500 as hinged .......................... (Photo )(233-48B) 1923 Surcharge on Occupation of Turkey 10d on tod carmine, l.h., tiny handstamp on reverse,very fine. Scarce value. Foundation Cert. (1961). Ex Milton A. Holmes, DM2400 as n.h. (Photo)(276A)
1933 Republic set of three, o.g. , very fine ................. (Photo )(378-80)
385 .00
1950 Errors 1000d cream & deep green, three diff., compr. without dates, dates invtd., dates double, l.h., very fine(Photo)(524a ,c,d)
Air Post; 1926 2d multi-colored , sheet margin pair, imperf vert., l.h., extremely fine ......................................................... (Photo)(Cta)
New Greece; 1912 Serrate Roulette 13½ 25d deep blue, 2 copies, black ovpt., horiz., red ovpt. vert., very l.h., handstamp on reve rse, very fine. DM800 ....................................... ............. ........... (Nl 25, 144a) 1912 IL to 25d, compl. set, o.g. (hinge remnants) , fine to very fine ..................................................................................(Photo)(N 150-66)
375 .00 623.25
379 * O !:::.Cavalla; 1913 Surchd. set compl., plus errors lOL on to s red & black and SOL on 10s invtd. surch., last o.g., others neat ly ca ned., severa l on small piece, handstamp s on reve rse, fine to very fine . Many signed ....................................................................... (Nl67 -78,74 vars.)
. 0
** 373 * 372
',-.... ""
l?-?t p_..,
1861-62 Fine ptg., figures on back 40L red violet on blue, unused , large ma rgins all round, tiny fau lts, rich co lor and fresh , very fine appearance ............................. ............................................. (Photo)(l4) 1,500.00
o•-...•/., ,..
'/,1, 'Yll!A,
Dedeagatch; 1913 Typeset lL to SOL, compl. set, ungummed, last two va lue light stain ing, handstamps on reverse, fine to very fine. DM 1400 .................................................................... (Photo)(N I88-95) GREENLAND: 1945 Liberation set eompl., o.g., very fine .. ( 19-27)
unpr. 275.50
' 382
1945 lo to Sk, compl. set, ovptd. in rever sed colors, n.h. except I i:i o.g., very fine. Scott 1994 reta il as n .h. $700 , OM 1900 .............................................. ......................................(Photo) (22a-27a) GUADELOUPE: 1891 Imperf 30c brown on ye llowi sh , 80c carmine on pinki sh, o.g., full to large margins all round, very fine. Ceres FFrs7900 .............................................................. (Photo) ( 12, 13)
1891 Perf 14xl3 ½ le to lfr , incorrectly ovptd. " ONPE ", " OUEP " or " BLOUPE " instead of "GUA DELOUP E", 14 ditT., 3 in pairs with normal s, o.g. , mi xed co nditi on or cen terin g to fine. Ceres FFrs9090 ....................................................... .....(betw. 14 and 26 vars.)
GUATEMALA 1881 Quetzel , Center Inv ert ed
* 386 * 385
387 0 388 0
2c brown & green , 20c yellow & green, part o.g., tiny faults, fine ............................. ....................................................... (Photo) (22a,25a)
Same , part o.g., small faults, fine appearance ............(Photo )(22a ,25a) 450.00 Sc red & green, li ghtly caned. , corner perf crease, fine ..........................................................................................(Photo )(23a) 1,300.00 Sc, violet cance l, creases, fine appearance .......................(Photo )(23a) 1,300.00
389 0
20c yellow & green, violet ca nce l, fresh ............... ...........(Photo) (25a)
1911 Po st Office 25c blue & black , invtd. center , unu se d, fine .........................................................................................(Photo)( l4 l a) Air Post; 1932-33 3c on 3p green, vert. pair imperf between , l.h., fine. Only 10 such pairs known .................................... (Photo)(C2 lb )
392 L'> 393
200.00 650 .00
1935-37 Quetzel Omitted 25c blue green, tied by violet pmk on small piece, fine. Signed Kessler ....................... .........(Photo)(C6 la ) 1,100.00 Quetzel Omitted Sq orange & indigo , l.h., very fine. Signed Kessler and Sanabria ..................................................(Photo)(C69a) 1,500.00 HONDURAS
1930 Additional Ovpt. in Blue 2c carmine, tete-beche pair, green ovpt. double , l.h., very fine ....................................... (Photo) (292 var.)
Air Post 1925 Overprinted "AERO CORREO"
** 396 * 397 * 398 *
Sc light blue, blue ovpt., unused, very fine. Ex Roebling (Photo) (C2) Sc, invtd. ovpt., o.g. , fine. Sign ed H . Bloch and others ..(Photo)(C2a)
20c , invtd. blue ovpt., unu se d (reg umm ed), small thin, ve ry fin e appeara nce. Sign ed Kess ler and Sanabri a Only eighteen copi es known ..........................................................................................(Photo)(C7a)
* 401 * 402 * 403 * 404 * 405 * 406 *
20c vert. ovpt., unused, fine. Only six copies known ......(Photo) (C7c) S0c red, l.h., fresh, fine. Signed Champion .............. ......... (Photo)(C8)
10c dark blue, part o.g., light stainin g, well ce ntered and fine looking co py of th is rare stamp. Signed H. Bloc h and other s .........(Photo) (C5) I , I 00.00 20c red brown , tete-bech e pair, position 2-3, unused, light creas ing, ve ry fine appe ara nce. Fri ed l Cert. ( 1960) and sig ned H . Bl oc h 400.00 ......................... .................................................................(Photo) (C6b)
500.00 600.00 300 .00
Surchd. 25c on le chocolate, invtd. surch., o.g ., light corner crease, fine. Signed H. Bloch ........ ........................ ..................... (Photo) (C I 0a)
25c on Sc light blue, invtd. surch., o.g., fine. Signed Kess ler and Sanabria ....................... ..................... ..................... ......... (Photo) (C 11a)
1930 Surcharged Vert. Sc on 10c blue , yellow surch. , l.h. , fine. Signed Sanabri a and others ........ ......................................(Photo)(C2 I ) Surcharged on Officials Sc on 10c, red surch., l.h ., ve ry fine . Foundation Cert. ( 1952) and signed H. Bloch ................. (Photo)(C33) Sc on 20c brown, blue surch., o.g. , fine . Friedl Cert . ( 1960) and signed H. Bloch ........... .............. ....................... ................(Photo)(C34 ) Error SSc on S0c vermilio n, right stamp in pair with normal, o.g., very fine. Signed Kess ler and other s .............. ..... ..........(Photo)(C35 ,a)
**831951 U.P.U. Souvenir sheet of four, imperf, n.h. , very fine ..(C 187a) LISTED CAT'L VALUE IS THE SCOTT 1994 ED.
450.00 350.00 400 .00 500.00+ 250.00
410 0
1871 Lithographed perf 9½ 3k light green , o.g., rich color and fresh, fine. DM2900 ..............................................................(Photo) (2) 25k bright violet , blue c.d .s. cancels, very fine. Mi . 6a, OM 1100 ...................... .......................................... .............................(Photo) (6a)
4 11
*EE 1924
** **
425.00 200.00
Wmkd. Double Cross Vert. S0f lake on bluish, cliche of 35f in plate of S0f, bottom right stamp in corner margin of 6 with normal s, n.h., fresh, fine. Mi. I20F, 12 1x, OM 1700+....(Photo) (96,a) ( 165.00+)
Denomination Tablet s Without Inner Frame 600k olive bistre, "800" in upper right corner middle stamp in corner blk of 9 with normal s, o.g., large perf separations, fresh, fine. DM700+ ................................. .................................................... ...(Photo) (393,a)
1931 Wmkd. Four Double Crosses 6f on Sf magenta, perf 14, n.h., very fine. Mi. 472x, DM450 ...........................................(Photo) (454 a)
1951 Stamp Exhibition incl. Air Semi-Posta ls, thre e diff. perf and imperf Souvenir sheets of one , n.h., very fine ... (C95,CB 13, 14, vars.)
l..!::.'1.1 ,.,,,,
:1., I
:I -..j\
4 19
42 1 0
140.00+ 423 0 (75.00) 424
425 uni.
**EE1950 U.P.U.
3fo dark carmin e & dark brown, perf and imperf Souvenir sheets of four , n.h., very fine. DM3000 ..........(Photo) (C8 I)
422 0
1934 Liszt 20f Souvenir sheet of one, 2 sheets , n.h., very fine. OM I I00 .................................. ....................................................... (486) ( I00.00)
Air Post; 1931 Graf Zeppelin set of two, imperf pairs, Ip n.h., 2p l.h., large margins, extremely fine. Signed Kessler, DM2800 as n.h. ............................................................................(Photo) (C24,25 vars.)
4 18
1873 Perf 14x13½ 2s ultramarine, 1.h., brilliant fresh , very fine. DM1400 ............................................................................... (Photo)(l)
8s brown, l.h., perfectly centered and brilliant fresh, very fine. Signed E. Diena, DM400 .............. .................................................... (Photo) (3)
16s yellow, o.g., fresh, very fine. DM1900 ...................... ..(Photo)(4)
1897 Perf 13 3a on Sa green , neatly caned., fine. Signed A. Diena, DM900 ................................................................................ (Photo) (3 I)
3a on Sa, nea tly ca ned., very fine. Signed A. Di ena, OM 1200 ............................................................................................(Photo) (33)
3a on Sa, neat c.d .s. cancel, very fine. Signed A. Diena, DM 850 ..........................................................................................(Photo) (33A)
1902-03 Errors ovptd. in black or red Sa to 100a, invtd. ovpt., 9 diff., o.g., fine to very fine ....................................(Photo) (45a,46b,47a,48a ,50b,5 l b,52a,53a,68a)
437 .75
Black Ovpt. perf 13 3a orange , Sa green, 6a gray , o.g., very fine. DMI450 .................................................... ................(Photo) (49,52,53)
* 436
** 438 ** 439 **
440 0
** 427 * 428 * 429 * 426
430 t, 431
* *
44 1
Sa and 6a, vert. pairs, bottom stamp surcharge omitted, fine to very fine ........................................... ..................................(Photo )(52b ,53b)
Perf 14xl3½ 16a brown , invtd. ovpt., l.h ., fin e. DM 1600 ...........................................................................................(Photo)(65a)
475 .00
1924-30 Surchd. set of four, l.h., very fine. DM2025(Photo) ( l40-43)
1930 Parliament incl. Officials, both sets compl., 1.h. or o.g., very fine ..............................................................................( 152-66,05 3-67)
Compl. set, each tied by special cancel on small piece, fine to very fine. DMI 338 ................................ ..............................(Photo)( 152-66)
Air Post; 1930 Gyrfalcon 10a deep ultramarine & gray blu e, imperf pair, l.h., gum creas ing, very fine appearance. Ex Dickerman ................................... ............................ ...........................(Photo)(C3a)
1933 Hopflug set of three, l.h. or o.g., handstamp on reverse, brilliant fresh, very fine. DM2400 ................................(Photo)(Cl2-14 )
Officials; 1873 Perf 14x13½ 4s green, o.g., faults, but a collectible copy of this rare stamp. DMJ0,000 ...............................(Photo)(Ol) 4,000.00 4s, imperf pair, o.g., mostly enormous margins all around, tiny scissors cut between stamps, very fine. DM450+ ..................(Photo)(O I a)
Italian Occupation; 1941 Grayish Paper 25d rose, invtd. ovpt., 1.h., very fine. Signed A. Diena ...................................... ......(Photo)(NC3a)
190 .00
1941 O vpt. Reading Up or on Single Stamp 2d to 100d, 3 dift'. of each, plu s 2d horiz. ovpt. on pair , n.h. , some pencil mark s on rever se, very fine. Rare g roup. Signed Kessler .................................................. (Photo ) (N C4a,b,6a,8a,b,c,9b)
German Occupation; 1943 50c olive brown, black and carmine ovpt., n.h., handstamp on reverse, very fine. DM780(Photo) (NC 13,b)
165.00 +
1943 50c olive brown , black and carmine handstamp , n.h., very fine ...................................................................... ....................(NCl3 ,b)
50c, carmine handstamp inverted, n.h., handstamp on reverse, very fine. Mi. 3rJK, DM2000 ............................. .......... (Photo) (NC13b var.)
IRAN: 1902 Initialed by Po stma ster of Meshed imp erf le to lk (on small piece) , 6 dift'., plu s pin-perf 12c dull blue , large margin s and neatly caned., faulty to very fine. Many signed , lk Yaremdji. Imperf Scott retail $1,422.50. Very rare ........(Photo)(222-26,28,34) 1942-46 Pahlavi 20r chocolate & violet, 100r rose red & black, 200r blue & black , bright colors and fre sh, very fine ................................................................................(Photo) (902,08,09) 1954-55 Sd to 200r, compl. set., l.h., very fine ...... (Photo )(999- l0l4 )
800.00 6 14.60
1956-57 20r to 200r, compl., n.h., very fine ............(Photo)( I068-72)
** 445 ** 446 ** 447 ** 448 ** 449 ** 450 ** 451 ** 452 ** 444
•• •• • ••• •• • ••
.:.n ~
1948 Coins 3m to 50m , comp!., bottom right full ta b corner copies, extremel y fine ........................................... ....................... (Photo )( l-6 )
15m red, vert. pair , imperf betwee n, perf 11x 11, n.h., very fine. Bale $240 ............................................................................... (Photo)(4 var.)
Roulett ed set of three , tab copies , n.h., very fine .......(Photo) ( I a-3b)
1948 Flying Scroll se t compl. , full tab s, n .h ., ve ry fin e .......................................................................................(Photo) ( I0- 14)
1949-50 "T he Negev" 500p deep orange & brown , full tab corner copy, n.h., very fine ............................................................ (Photo) (25)
1949 New Year set comp!. , full tab s, n.h., very fine ...(Photo )(28-30)
1950 Ind epend ence Day set of two , full tab corner copies, n.h., fine to very fine .................... .................................................(Photo )(33-34)
1952 Menorah lO00p dark blu e & gray, full tab co rner copy. extreme ly fine .....................................................................(Photo) (55)
·J' )~•
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Air Po st; 1950 Mosaic Dove 250p dark gray blue , imp erf' full tab copy, n.h. , ext r em e ly fin e . S ig n ed Sanabria , Bal e $900 ................................................................................ ...(Photo )(C6 var.)
Postage Due; 1948 Error s 20m ultramarin e, 50m orang e brown , ovpt. omitted, n.h., very fine. Bale $5 10 ................ .(P hoto )(J4 ,5 vars.)
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ROMAN STATES: 1852 Typographed Sb bla ck on rose, doubl e impr ession , full to large mar gins all round , nea tly ca ned. on small pi ece, ve r y fin e. Signed A. Diena , 1990 Sass. L12,500,000 .................................................(Photo)(6d) 2,000.00
455 0
TUSCANY: 1851-52 Wmkd. Crown in the Sheets l s ochre, large margins all round, clear boxed PD cancel, very fine. Sass. L2,650,000 ...................................................................... ........................ (Photo) (2)
456 0
60cr r ed on blui sh, margin s to cut in or touched , neatly caned., thinned , good color and attractive rarity. Sass. L28 ,000 ,000 .................................................................................. ............ (Photo )(9) 2,400.00
* 459 * 458
* 461 *
** 464
TWO SICILIES: Napl es; 1858 Wmkd. Fleurs-de-Lis in Sheet 50g ro se lake , unu sed, full to large margin s, small thin , fre sh, fine . Ex Milton A. Holm es, Sass. L4,S00,000 .................... .............(Photo )(7) 3,000.00 Provi sional Governm ent; 1860 Savoy Cross ½ t blu e, extensively repaired , attractive space filler. Sass. L32,000,000 .........(Photo )( 9) 4,500.00 Sicily; 1859 Unwmkd. ½g yellow, unused, full eve n margins, small light crease, brilliant fresh, very fine appearance. Signed A. Diena and Senf ....................................... ................................ ............(Photo) ( IOa) 1,500.00 ITALY 1922 Philatelic Co ngress set of four, l.h., fine to very fine. Signed H. Bloch, DM2000 ...................... ...................................(Photo )( l 42A-D)
7 15.00
1923 Manzoni set compl. , l.h. or o.g. , fine to very fine. DM I000 ............................ ................................... ......................(Photo )( 165-70)
3 11.80
1924 Cruise ovptd. set compl., n.h. , mixed centering to ext rem ely fin e. As fine a n.h. sel as one could expec t. Lire values sign ed H. Bloch. DM350 .......................................................... (Photo )( 174A-G)
(43.40+ )
1946 Perf 14 to0L carmine lake , n.h ., extremely fine. DMll00 ......................................................................................... (Photo)(477)
1961 Error 205L ro se lilac , sheet margin copy, n.h ., inclusion s, very fine. DM4000 .............................. ...(Photo) (834a) 1,500.00
Air Po st Semi-Officials; 1919 Vienna-Padua-Prague Flight, violet, blu e & yellow, o.g., min or creas ing, fres h, fin e. Sign ed Kess ler .................................................... .........................(Photo )( l 972San.S I)
1926 Tran s-Polar Expedition, black , blue & gray, se-tenant pair , frame normal and inverted , corn er vert. pair imperf between , fr ame in verted bottom copy , former o.g. reinforced perf separations, latter n.h., be arin g large violet ex pediti on handsta mp and signed Kessler, very fine .............................................. ......(Photo) (San. S3f,i) 1928 Nobile Polar Expedition 1.20L brown, green and black ovpts., black ovpt. on rever se only, n.h., very fine ..(Photo )(Sa n. S4)
Air Post 468
1930 7.70L Prussian blue & gray, seven stars, o.g., very fin e ............... ...................... .................... ............................ ...(Photo )(C27a)
Offices in Turkey; 1908 Second Printing 20pi on SL blue & rose, slightly disturbed o.g., handstamp on reverse, pe1f faults, fresh copy of this rare stamp . DM4000 ..................... ............................... (Photo)( 19)
JAPAN: Air Post; 1952-62 Without Zeros lSy to 160y, compl. set, n.h., very fine ..................... ......................................... (Photo)(C25-38)
47 1
lOL blue black, o.g., very fine .........................(Photo)(CO2)
5.25L+44.75L red , green & red violet, o.g. , separat ion between sta mps at right , small mark s on front, fine appearance .......... .......................................................... (Photo)(COI)
CYRENAJCA: 25L+2L copper red, l.h. , extremely fine ................................ .................. .(Fron t Cover Photo)(CBOl) 1,150.00 ,.-~ '
* 476 * 477 ** 478 ** 479 * 480 * 475
* 482 *
ERITREA: 25L+2L copper red, l.h. , inclu sion on rever se, very fine ...................................(F ront Cover Photo)(CBOl)
SOMALIA: 25L+2L copper red , l.h. , very fine ................................................... (F ront Cover Photo )(C BOl ) 1,050.00
TRIPOLITANIA: 25L+2LL copper red , o.g., extremely tine ...........................................(Front Cover Photo)(CBOl)
Postage Due; 1890-91 Surchd. set of three, o.g. (hinge remnant ), fresh, fine. Ex Roehling, DM3450 ...............................(Photo)(J 25-27)
Parcel Post; 1946-54 Wmkd. Wing Wheel lO00L ultramarine, l.h., gum skip, very fine ........................................................(Photo)(Q76)
Parcel Post Authorized Delivery; 1953 Wmkd. Winged Wheel 40L to ll0L, compl. set, n.h., very fine. DM I 020 ...................... ... (QY I -4)
1956-68 Wmkd. Multiple Stars 75L brown, l lOL lilac rose, n.h., very fine. DMl400 ..................................................... (Photo) (QY8 , I0)
Italian Social Republic; Parcel Post, 1944 Sc to 20L, comp!. set., l.h., fresh, fine to very fine. DM 1200 .................... ....... (Photo)(Q 1- 12)
Offices in China; Tientsin, 1917 Surchd. set of three, o.g., 2c on Sc minor gum crease, mixed centering to very tine. Mi . 9-11, DMl 880 ........................................................................................ (Photo)( l ,2,4) (262.50) 1918-21 $2 on SL blue & rose, type I , o.g., few toned pe1f tips on reverse, otherw ise very fine and scarce. DM400 ................(Photo)(23)
Postage Due; 1918 4c on 10c buff & magenta, o.g., light tone spot on reverse, fine . Signed A. Diena, Mi . 12, DM2000 .......... (Photo) (J5)
* 486 * 487 * 488 * 489 ** 48S
** 491 * 490
·.._S- '
1905 $1 ½ black violet, o.g., brilli ant fresh, very fine. DM3000 ............................................................. ...............................(Photo)(3 1)
~~ /~
$2½ slate & carmine, o.g., light vert. crease . very fine appearance. Signed Richter, Mi. 27A, DM3S00 .....................................(Photo)(32)
LATAKlA: Air Post; 1931-33 Error S0c ochre, invtd. ovpt., o.g ., very fine. Ceres FFrs3S00 ................. ....................... ........(Photo) (C I a)
LATVIA: Air Post; 1933 Latvia-Africa set compl., sheet margin copie s, n.h .. very fine. Signed Sanabria. E x C h a rl o t , DM 800 ...................................... ................................................(Photo)(C9- I 3)
Air Post Semi-Postals; 1933 Aviator set compl., perf and imperf, n.h., very fine. DM7S0 ......... ...................... (Photo)(CB2 l-24 ,2 I a-24a)
1945 25p to 300p, compl. set, impe1f pairs, 200p and 300p vert. pair s, extre me ly fine. DM I 000+ .......... ...................... (Photo) (C97- I 00 vars.)
1860 Thick Paper 6c red, corner copy inperf between stamp and selvage, o.g. , fresh. fine ................................... ..................... (Photo)( I)
* 49S * 496 * 497 * 498 *
unpr. uni.
4c green & black, Sc brown & black , o .g., 8c be nd , very fin e ..................... .............. ........ .............................. ........ ...(Photo) (3Sa,37a)
Sc, l.h., very fine ............................................................. ..(Photo)(37a)
$5 carmine & black, l.h., extremely fine ......................(Photo)(49a)
$5, o.g ., very fine ........ ............... ........... ............................ (Photo) (49a)
Errors of Color 16c greenish blue, 32c lilac, former margin co py, o.g ., very fine ..... ......... ............................... ........... (Photo) (4 I ,46 vars.)
1901-02 Handstamped "ORDINARY" 499
24c olive green on yellowish , o.g., ve ry fin e. Si g ned H . Bl oc h ..........................................................................................(Photo)(64C)
On Stamps with "0 S" Printed S00
le to 50c, 13 ditT., o.g. to unu sed, few small thin s, genera lly fine to very fine. Several signed. Ex Bradford Gill .......... (6S-66,67-68 ,70-78)
S02 83
747 .SO
le to $1, 12 ditT.,l.h . to o .g . (hin ge remnant s), fine to very fine. Many signed ................ ......... ............... ............. (Photo )(6S ,67-69 ,7 l -2,74 -79)
le green, pair, fine, with 1897 3c, tied by LIBERIA S DEC 01 c.d.s. cance ls on envelope to London, receiver on reve rse . Ve1y early date and rare .................................................. ........ ............... .(Photo )(6S,64) LISTED CAT 'L VALUE IS THE SCOTT /994 ED.
1892-96 Perforated 15, Center Inverted 494
.;,,~•__,c._--.!> -- t.'!"'T
LEBANON: Air Post; 1936 Tourist Publicity set compl., imperf pairs, o.g., large margins, few gum skip s or small thins, fine to very fine. Signed Kess ler, DM I 000+ ......................... (Photo )(C49-S6 vars.)
KIAUCHAU: 1900 Unwmkd. lm to Sm, compl. , bottom sheet margin copies, l.h., very fine. DM 1290 ................... ....(Photo)( 19-22)
* 505 * 504
* 508 * 509 * 507
510 0 511 512
* *
* 514 * 5 13
2c bistre & black , o.g., brilliant fresh , very fine. Ve ry rar e. Foundation Cert. (1961) ...............................................(Photo) (66A) unpr. $1 ultramarine & black, o.g., extremely fine ................... (Photo) (79)
$2 brown on yellowish, o.g., handstamp on reve rse, small internal tear not mentioned in cert., fine. Exceedingly rare. Found ation Cert. ( 1960) .................................................................................. (Photo) (80) 1,200 .00
* 517 * 5 16
On Stamps with "0 S" Handstamped le to 32c, 8 diff., plus 25c yellow green "0 S" and "ORDINARY" invtd., l.h. to o.g. (hinge remnants), some small faults, generally fine. Several signed, $765 plus var. ....................................................................... (82-90,88 var.)
* 519 *
Centers inverted
520 0
1906 Unwmkd. Sc to $2 , 9 dif'f. , l.h ., fine to very fine ......................................... .......................................(Photo) (103a-12a)
IOc to $1, 5 diff., o.g., fine to very fine ........................ ( 104a,O7a- l l a)
290 .00
1909-12 2c to 50c, compl. set, o .g ., fine to very fine .......... ( ! l 6a-23a)
1915-16 Surchd. type "m" 50c on $2 green & black, neat c.d.s. cancel, fresh, fine. Very sca rce ................. ..............................(Photo)(l47 )
Air Post; 1936 Unwmkd. 6c on 2c violet, 6c on le green, o.g. , very fine. Latter signed Sanabri a .............................................(Photo) (C 1,3)
1941 Liberia- U.S. Flight, 8 diff., l.h., very fine. Signed H . B loch and others ........................ ................... .................................. (C 18-22,24-26)
Military; 1916 Unwmkd. le on le green & black, surch. reading up, o.g ., very fine. Signed Champi on ...............................(Photo)(M2)
425 .00
LIBYA: 1921 Error of Color Sc black & red brown, o.g. , very fine ................................................................... ........................(Photo)(22a)
52 1
522 0
1915 Thin Unsurfaced Paper set of three , very l.h ., ve ry fin e. DMI 665 ................... ....................... ............. ............. .....(Photo)( la-3a)
4 13.50
25h ultramarine, l.h., extremely fine. DM850 ..................(Photo)( 3b)
225.0 0
1917-18 3h to 25h, 6 diff. imperf, 20h to 25h bottom sheet margin copies , l.h., very fine. DMl040 ........................(Photo) (4-7,9- I0 vars.)
1920 Ovpt. or Surch . Inverted , compl. set, 1.h., fine to very fine ............................ ........................................................ (Photo) ( 11a- I 6a)
1921 Surface Tinted Paper 2h to 15h, perf 9½, 8 diff. compl., l.h., fine to very fine. DM l 500 ....................(Photo )(54,55a-58a,59,60 a,6 1)
377 .35
1928 Johann 1.20fr to Sfr, compl ., neat c.d .s. ca nce ls, very fin e. DM l 725 .........................................................................(Photo)( 86-89)
1930 Srp to 2fr, perf. 11 ½, 11 ditf. , l.h. or o.g. (50rp hinge remnant), fine to very fine .............................(Photo) (95-97 ,98a,99, I 02a , 103-07)
452 .35
1933 3fr violet blue, 1934-35 2fr henna brown , neat c.d .s. cance ls, very fine. DM900 ....................................................... (Photo) ( 114, 130)
* 524 * 525 * 526 * 523
1934 Vaduz Sfr brown, Souvenir sheet of one, o.g. in selvage, tiny corner tear, otherwise very fine. OM4000 ...................(Photo)( llS ) 1,100.00 Sfr , the s tamp from th e Sou ve nir s hee t , I. h ., ve ry fine ............................... ....................................................(Photo)( J 15 var.)
uni .
1934-35 Coat of Arms Sfr dark violet, l.h., fresh, very fine. DM 1100 .......................................................................................... (Photo)( 13 1)
Sfr, 1.h., fresh, fine .................................................. .......... (Photo)( 13 1)
375 .00 320.00+
528 ** EE 1946 Saint Lucius sheet of 4, n.h. , very fine. DM600 ................. (2 I 8)
530 53 1 0
532 E
** 534 * 533
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1951 2fr dark blue, 3fr dark red brown , perf 14½ , fo rmer o.g. ( hin ge re mn a nt ) , la tt er l .h ., ve ry fin e. DM2500 as n .h . ................................................................................ (Photo)(259a,260a)
1952 Castle Sfr deep green, n.h. , very fine. DM550 ...... (Photo)(264)
Sfr, right sheet mar gin copy, nea t c. d. s. cance l, ex tr eme ly fin e. DM425 ................................................................. .......................... (264)
...,...,., . 'I
Air Post; 1935 Large Surcharg e 60rp essay on white paper, also co rrect ly p lace d o n I fr lake unu se d co rn e r co p y , very fin e .......................................................................... .............(Photo)(C 14E) Postage Oue; 1920 Sh to Sk, compl. set, imperf pairs, n.h ., 5k sma ll scissors cut between stamp s, very fine. DM400 ...... .......... (J 1- 12 vars.)
•. ,_v
527 ** EE 1941 Madonna l0fr brown carmine, sheet of 4, stamps n.h. , very fine . DMI 150 ................................................................................ ( 17 1)
Local Post; 1918 (10h) red & black, perf three sides, o .g .. handstamp on reverse , very fine ..........................................(Photo)( Mi. 1B) DM l 800 Liechtenstein com.plele sheets listed in Collections and Various section of this catalogue.
538 539
* **
* *
1920 Trial Printings set of five, n.h., mixed ce nter ing to very fine . DM500 ................................................... ..................................... (92- D)
250 .00
Air Po st; 1924 60c ro se, Air Post Semi-Postal 60c+60c, "unwmkd.", o.g. , very fine. Latter signed Lissiuk , DM 1450 as n.h . ...................................................... (Next Page Photo )(C34 ,CB3 vars.)
1935 New York-Kauna s Flight S0c gray black & olive, imperf, n.h. , large margins , ex tremely fine. DMS00 .............................................................. (Next Page Photo)(259 var.)
Vaitkus Memorial Ovpt. 40c deep rose & blue, l.h. , very fine. Mi. 404 , DM625 as n.h.................................(Next Page Photo)(C80 var.)
Grodno District; 1919 Unwmkd . set of eight , n.h. or l.h ., fi ne to very fine. Signed Kosac k. Ex Roebling, DMl250 ...................... (Ll -8)
2 10.50
540 t:,
* 542 ** 543 * 541
LUXEMBOURG: 1875-79 Luxembourg Print Sc yellow , imperf, full to large margins all round, tied by neat c.d.s. cance l on small piece, extreme ly tine ......................................................(Photo)(32b)
1923 l0fr deep green Souvenir sheet of one , o.g. , very fine. DM2000 ................................................................ ........... (Photo)(lS l )
1956 EUROPA set of three, n.h., very fine. DM6 60 .(Photo) (3 18-20)
Semi-Postals; 1935 Prof essional s set compl., l.h., fresh, very fine. OM 1500 ......................................... ................... ........(Photo) (B65A-Q)
356 .58
MACAO; 1911 Black Surcharg e Sa on diagonal half of 10a slate blue, UNSEVERED BISECT , ungummed , handstamp on reverse, very fine. Bisect catl. $600 ........................................(Photo)(159Ce) unpr. Red Surcharge Sa on right diagonal half of 10a slate blue, inverted surch ., ungumm ed, very fine. Normal call. $400 ................ ....... ( 160a)
546 ffi
1911 Provisional la black, corner fault, tine, on picture post card, cancelled 22.AGO.ll MACAU c.d. s . to Hong Kong. Ra re ..........................................................................................(Photo)(162) (100.00+)
547 181
2a black , fine , on small envelope bearing 18.AGO.ll MACAU c.d.s. to Hong Kong. Rare ................. ........ .....................(Photo)(163) (115.00+)
548 0
MADAGASCAR: 1891 Typeset Sf'r violet & black on lilac, large marg ins, tiny thin specks typica l of this paper, fine. Signed Kohler, Ceres FFrs8000 ................ .............................. ............ .........(Photo) ( 13)
600 .00
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1902 Surcharged on Stamps of Diego-Suarez 25c on S0c carmine on rose, unused (regummed ), small thin, fine appearance. Very rare. Ceres FFrs30,000 .....................................................(Photo)(S7) 3,250.00 MARIANA ISLANDS: Spanish Dominion; 1899 Perf 14 3c dark brown , o.g. (hin ge remnant) , ha nd sta mp o n reve rse, ve ry fin e ............................................... ............................................... (Photo) (2)
German Dominion ; 1899 Ovptd . at 48 degre e Angle 3pf light brown, violet c.d.s. cancels, very fine. DMS200 ........... (Photo)(lla) 1,100.00
552 0
Spf green, violet c.d.s. cancels, fine. DM3500 ..............(Photo)(12a) 1,050.00
* 555 * 556 * 554
25pf orange, violet c.d.s. cancels, fine. DM7000 (Photo) (lSa)
MARSHALL ISLANDS: 1897 3pf to S0pf, compl. set, o.g., (so me hinge remn ants), fine to very fine. DM 1500 ..................... (Photo) ( 1-6) MARTINIQUE: Parcel Post; Sfr on 60c brown on buff, o.g ., margins all round , fres h, fi ne. Ceres FFrs37 50 ........................ (Photo )(Q I)
MAURITANIA: Air Post; 1942 Error IOfr ultramarine, indigo & red, invtd. center, sheet margin copy, very l.h. if at all, very fine. Signed Kess ler, Ceres FFrs6000 .... ......... ....................... (Photo)(C 11a)
* 559 * 558
560 181
* 562 * 563 * 564 * 565 *
* 571 * 572 0 573
574 0
* *
1861 Imperf Bisect 4r black on yellow, left diagonal half, very tine,
tied on neat folded lette r by blue GUADALAJARA 30 MA YO I 86 I c.d .s. to Co li ma .......................... .......... ......... ..................... .(Photo) (9a)
Sr green on red brown, o.g., large margins, very fine. Ex Milton A. Holmes .............................................. .................................(Photo)( 12) 1864-66 Coat of Arms ½ r brown, type I , part o .g., large margins, very fine ........................................... ...................................(Photo)( l9)
300 .00
578 0 600.00
1872 Handstamped "Anotado" 6c black on buff, pair, o.g., full to enormous margins , very fine ...................................... .....(Photo)(71 ) 1,000.00+ 1875-77 Wmkd. Pap el Sellado in sheet Sc to 100c , compl. set, unu sed, fresh, fine to very fine . ...... ................ ..... ........(Photo) ( l 12-16) 402.50 1892 Wmkd. CORREOS E U M Sp carmine, unused (regumm ed), fresh, fine . Very scar ce. Sign ed Costale s .................. ........(Photo)(228)
IOp carmine , part o.g., ho1iz. crease, fresh ..................... .(Photo)(229)
1892 Unwmkd. perf 12 Sp carmine ro se, o .g., very fine . Signed Kneitschel ................................... ......... ........................ .....(Photo) (290)
400 .00
* 580 *
650 .00
With Green Seal 2c black & red, PAIR bearing both types, tied by indistinct 11 AGO 13 c.d.s. duplex on blue envelope to Magdalena. A. Diena Cert. (1955) and signe d by him ............................................. (Back Cover Photo)(323a,324a) 2,950.00+
Colorless Roulette 3c black & red, with green seal, unu sed , tiny thin , fine ......... ................. ....................... .........................(Photo)(325a)
400 .00
Sc black & red, type "d", um1sed , thin s, very fin e app eara nce ................................................................. .........................(Photo)(327)
400 .00
1913 Without Embossing Sc black & red, unused, extremely fine .................................................................................. ........(Photo)(338)
Sc black & red , "CENTAV OB ", unu se d, extremely fin e ........................................................................................ (Photo)(338a)
Colored Roulette Sc brownish black & red, double seal, c.d.s. ca nce l, very fine .............................................................. ..... (Photo)(340 b)
1915-16 Engraved lp brown & black, invtd. center, o.g., very fine .................................................... ............... ......................(Photo )(513a)
200 .00
1916 Perf 14 ISc gray blue & claret, tablet double, lightly ca ned., fine ..... .......................................... ............. ......................(Photo) (546a)
500 .00
1917-20 Error Ip blue & dark blue, l.h., very fine ..... (Photo) (627b)
1930 Sc orange, lp red brown & blue, double ovpt., o.g ., very fine ............ ...........................................................................
....... (669b ,74a)
1934-40 Perf 10½ 30c lake, unwmkd., n.h. , brilli ant fresh,, very fine .................... ........................................... .........................(Photo)(7 I 6a)
185.00 350.00
Air Post
1868 Thick Figures of Value bisect S0c black on yellow, left vert. half, very fine, tied by double c ircle CUENCAME pmk on fo lded letter sheet (port io ns of 2 back flap s re move d ), fres h bri ght cove r. Signed Aguirr e .............. .............................. .............. ........(Photo) (62c)
1913 Embossed CONSTITUCJONAL perf 12 Sc black & red (SE), neat ly ca ned., fine ............................. ......... ............. ..........(Photo)(32 l )
567 181
570 535.00
MEXICO 557 181
566 0
551 0
553 0
Civil War Issues
1927-29 Wmkd. CORREOS MEXICO S0c dark blue & claret, vert. pair IMPERFORA TE BETWEEN AND AT TOP, compr. the lower part of the listed variety "vertical strip of three imperf between", slight creases. Used contemporaneou sly (Feb. 6, 1928). Unique. Listed variety catl. $10,000 ..................... ...................(Front Cover Photo) (C2b) 1928 U.S .-Mexico Route s 25c dark green & gray brown , perf 14, o.g., very fine. Sign ed Ori ol, San . 5, $500 .................. (Photo) (C4 var.)
1929 Tejeria-Tapachula Flight 25c brown carmine & slate green , perf 12, l.h. , extremely fine . Very rare. Signed Ke ssler and other s, San . 8, $2500 ............ ........ ...................................... ..(Photo) (C4 var.)
uni .
25c , perf 12 or imperf , 8 d iff. bicolor s, l.h . or o.g. , small fault s (incl. light s ta i ning) to very fine. San . 9-16, $2200 ...... ......................... ........... ........ ....... ..... ................... (Photo )(C 4 vars.)
CORREOS J•hdo Libre y Soberanodi
SO®NORA. i 5 ; ~
!: O
OE 0£
13 OE 111i113
~ 7)
~/ ~
582 *
1929-34 Coat of Arms 35c blue green, imp erf pair , o.g., larg e margins, very fine. Signed Ruidiaz ...................................(Photo)(ClSa) 1,200.00
583 *
1930 Perf 12 Sc olive green & sep ia double ovpt. , l.h., very fine ........................ ...................................... ..........................(Photo) (C29a)
59 1 **
1931 Rouletted 15c on 20c olive brown , vert. pair , top stamp without surch., l.h., very fine ...............................................(Photo ) (C39c)
592 **
1934 University set comp !. , l.h. or o .g ., fresh, very fine ......................................................... .......................... (Photo )(C54-61)
40c dark gray blue, 80c claret, imperf sheet margin copies, n.h., la rge ma rg in s oth e r s id es , ex tr e me ly fin e. Imp e rf pa ir s $8 00 .......................................................................(Photo) (C I 92a,94a vars.)
593 *
Air Post Officials; 1929 Horiz. Ovpt. tp black, o.g., trace of thinning, fine. Friedl Cert. (1960) and signed H. Bloch (Photo)(COlO) 1,500.00
594 *
1932 Unwmkd. S0c dark blue & claret, l.h ., ve ry fin e . Si gned Kessler. Ex Roebling .....................................................(Photo) (CO 18)
595 *
1933-34 Wmkd. CORREOS MEXICO perf 12 10c violet double ovpt., l.h., very fine. Signed Kessler and Sanabria. Only 30 overprin!ed copies exist ...................................................................(Photo) (CO30 a)
Officials; 1900 Black Handstamp S0c, lp, Sp, perf 14, o.g., fine to very fine. Signed A. Diena .........................................(Photo) (O56-58)
435 .00
1916 Ovptd. Red Tablet Sp carmine & black, o.g., small thin, brilliant fresh, fine ...............................................................(Photo) (Ol 0 I )
1918 Rouletted 14½ le to 30c, comp!. set, o.g., very fine .(011 3- 18)
584* 585 *
586 *
1935 Ame lia Ear hart 20c lak e, l.h. perfect ly cente r ed and brilJiant fresh, extremely fine. Ex Roeh ling ....(P hoto )(C 74) 3,000.00
587 S
20c lak e, ovptd. MUESTRA (SPECIMEN), o.g., fine .......................................................................................(Photo)(C74S)
588 S
1939 Sarab ia 20c blue & red, ovptd. MUESTRA, l.h., very fine .....................................................................................(Photo) (C93AS)
20c, fine , used with 2 other stamp s, and tied on Reg is. FDC by 23 .MAY.3 9 c .d. s ., us ua l cac he ts and Ne w Yo rk rece iv e r ....................................................................(Next Page Photo) (C93A)
590 *
uni. uni .
597 * 500.00+
598 *
1939 Printing 40c slate green, imperf vert. sheet margin pair, l.h., large margins other sides, top stamp thin, light creases at bottom, very fine appearance. Signed Kessler.....................................(Photo) (C98a)
700 .00
1950-52 35c vio let, imperf' pair , n.h., lar ge margin s, very fin e ........................... ........................................................... (Photo) (C19lb )
t,J9 COHMEMORAfl't'O 1919 NCalaaril*II ........ •
Mai~a•!!.!! .!!J!J!a CORREO$ MEXICO AE REO 4 0 CVS .
60 1
** *
Chiapas; 1866 2r black on rose, margin s all round, very fine, tied by indistinct script FRANCO cancel on reverse of fo ld ed lette r sheet to Tabasco . Ve ry rare on cove r . Foundation Cert. (1955) ..................(Back Cover Photo) (3)
Yucatan; 1924 Imperf Sc violet, 10c carmine, 50c olive green, n.h., mostly enormous margin s all round, ext reme ly fine. Ex Adler ........................................................................................... (Photo)(l-3)
Pert' 12 set of three, l.h ., extre mely fine. Signed Aquirre ................................................................ ..........................(Photo)(4 -6)
* 603 *
* 605
1924 Perf 14x13½ 75c on lfr black on yellow, double surch., l.h., tiny thin, fine. Ceres FFrs6500 .......................................... (Photo) (58a)
85c on Sfr dark green, double surch., o.g., few stained perfs, fine. Ceres FFrs6500 ................................................................. (Photo) (59a)
Semi-Postals; 1919 War Orphans 5fr+5fr dull red, o.g. (hinge remnant), very fine. Ceres FFrs7750 ........................................(Photo) (B8)
1920 Ovptd. "20 mars 1920" Sfr+Sfr, n.h., light natural bend, fresh, fine. DM32,500 ......(Front Cover Photo) (B18) 4,000.00+
1939 5c+5c to Sfr+Sfr, compl. set, imperf sheet margin pairs, Sfr vert., l.h., large margins other sides, extremely fine. Ceres FFrs7000 as n.h . ................................................................. (Photo) (B26-35 vars.)
MONTENEGRO: Italian Occupation; Air Post, 1941 Anti-tuberculosis black and red ovptd. sets of four , o.g., fine to very fine. Signed A. Diena...................................... ......(Photo) (San. 1966 25-32)
German Occupation; 1943 Perf 14 25c to SL, compl. set, n.h., very fine. DM920 ..............................................................(Photo)(3N I0- 14)
Air Post, 1942 set of eight, mixed centering to very fine, tied on First Day Cover by 9 1.42 pmks., receiver on reverse....(Photo ) (2NC I0- 17) ( 144.50+)
6 1I*
* 613 * 614 * 615 * 6 12
618 **
** 620 * 619
NETHERLANDS 1852 Wmkd. Post Horn imperf Sc dark blue, large part o.g., large margins, marginal crease at bottom well away from design, very fine. Ex Adler, DMI000 .................................... ..........................(Photo) ( lc)
1869-71 Typographed 2½c violet, perf 13½, o.g ., fresh, very fine. DMI 150 ................................. .............................................(Photo) (22)
450 .00
1891-96 Perf 11 Sg bronze green & red brown, o.g. , very fine . DMl700 .............................................................................. (Photo)(54)
1898-1905 Wilhelmina 10g orange, o.g., ve ry fine. DM 1900 ........................... ...................................... ...........................(Photo) (86)
1913 Centenary set compl., o.g., very fine ............. (Photo)(90-101)
1920 Surchd. set of two, l.h., very fine. DM720
2.50g on 10g orange, very fine, with 3 other stamps, all neatly tied by GRAVEN HAGE 4. IX I 920 ca nce ls o n Reg is. e nve lope to Switzerland. Rare usage .......................................... .......... ............ ( I05) 1923 Ann iversary se t com pl. , o.g. (hing e remn an t). ve ry fine. DM1200 ....................................................................... (Photo) ( l 24-34)
1958 12c on 10c dark red brown, double surch. , pos. 94, n.h., extreme ly fine. Signed Koopman. Only one sheet kn own to exist .................................................. ......................................(Photo)(374a)
12c on 10c invtd. surch. , pos. 48, n.h., extreme ly fine. Signe d Koopman ......................................................................(Photo)(374b)
Air Post; 1951 Seagull set of two, neatly caned., very fine. DM600 13- 14)
Marine Insurance; 1921 15c to 7½g, compl. set, o.g., mixed centering to very fine. DM 1700 ................................ ............(Photo)(GYl-7)
* 623 * 624 ** 625 * 626 * 627 * 622
1868 Perf 12½x12 10c lake , o.g. , usual tropi ca l gum , fresh, fine ..............................................................................................(Photo)(2)
1938-40 Wmkd. Circles le to Sg, compl. set, l.h., genera lly very fine ................................................................. .................. (P hoto )(200 -225)
474 .29
1941 Perf 12½ Sg bistre, n.h., very fine ......................... (Photo)(247)
250 .00+
25g orange, l.h., brilliant fresh, extremely fine .............. ..(Photo) (249)
175 .00
Official; 1911 25c lilac , invtd. ovpt. , l.h. , extremely fine ................................................................. ......................(Photo)(O25a)
NEW HEBRIDES: French Administration; 1920 Surchd. on 1908 Issue Sc on 50c red on orange, o.g., extremely fine. Ceres FFrs7250 ................................................................................... .........(Photo) (35)
NICARAGUA 1914 Red Surcharge Sc on Sp light blue, violet c.d.s. cancels, light creas ing, very fine appeara nce. Sca rce .............................(Photo) (348) 1919 Sc on 20c slate, surchd. types I through VIIJ, unused, fine to very fine. Ra re g roup .............................. ......................... .(392-f,93G)
628 0 629
In the production of this catalogue , we have used the 1994 Scott Postage Stamp Catalogu es. We will continu e to use foreign catalogues in specific areas as suppl ementary inofrmation.
* 63 1 * 632 * 633 ** 630
635 0
* 637 *
638 L's 639
642 0 643 0
644 0
Air Post 1931 Green Surch. 20c on 25c black brown, o.g ., very fine. Signed Sanab1ia ............................................................................(Photo) (C 13) 1936 Tablet Reading Down 10c on 20c green, l.h., tiny gum skips, very fine. Signed Kess ler ...............................................(Photo) (C 135)
375 .00 350 .00
Another copy , l.h ., tin y thin , otherw ise ve ry fine. Signed Kess ler ............................................................................. ...........(Photo) (C I 35)
1946 Roosevelt 25c orange & black, 75c carmine & black, imperf top right corner copies , n.h., large margins other sides, ex tremely fine. Signed Kess ler, imperf pairs $350 . Pwp ortedly only 25 known ....................................................................(Photo) (C272b,273a vars.) NORTH INGERMANLAND: 1920 Error lOm brown & violet , invtd. center, n.h. , very fine .............................................(Photo) ( 14a)
700 .00
NORWAY 1855 Wmkd. Lion imperf 4s blue, four copies , mos tly very large margins all round , variety of ca nce ls incl. two with c.d.s., very fine. DMl 200 .............. .......................................... ....................... .............. ( I) 1877-78 Sans-serif Capitals, Post Horn Shaded 20i:iorange brown, o.g., brilli ant fres h, fine. DM650 ........ ................................(Photo) (27)
~1·.- ' _. 12..· ~.'
~~ 400 .00 230.00
1884 Post Horn Unshaded 12i:i green , unu se d , almos t ve ry fin e .................................................................... ........................(Photo) (41) 1,400 .00 20i:i ultramarine, imperf , very large margins , neatly caned. on small piece, extremely fine. Pair $1100 ................(Photo)(44c var.) 1941 Wmkd. Post Horn S0i:i deep claret , l.h ., ex tr e me ly fin e ..........................................................................................(Photo)(2 I 8)
200 .00
Postage Due; 20i:i ultramarine , perf 13½xl2½, both printings, o.g. , fine. DM I 075 ............................................................(Photo)(J5a)
300 .00
NOSSI-BE 1889 Imperf 25c on 40c red on straw, surch. type "a", o.g., large margins, two tiny thin s, otherwise very fine. Signed A. Diena and others. Ceres FFrsl 2,500 ......... .......... ........................................ (Photo) ( I) 1,300.00 1889 Pert' 14xl3½ Sc on lOc black on lavender, surchd. type "b", 600 .00 blue c.d.s. cance l, fine. Ceres FFrs5500 .................... ...........(Photo) (3) Sc on 20c red on greenish , surchd. type "c", blue c.d .s. ca nce l, small co rn er crease, fin e app ea ran ce . Si g ned Kohl er and o th ers, Ceres FFrs 12,000 ............... .............................................................(Photo) (6) I, 1,00.00 15c on 20c red on greenish , surchd. type "a", blu e c.d.s. ca nce l, 600 .00 vivid co lors, hand stamp on reve rse, fine. Ceres FFrs5750 ...(Photo) (7)
* 646 * 647 * 648 * 649 * 645
Postage Due; 1891 Perr 14xl3 ½ lfr on 35c violet on orange, invtd. surch ., slightly disturbed o.g ., very fine. Ceres FFrs3000(Photo)(J6 a)
* 65 1 * 650
* 653 * 654 ** 655 * 652
657 0
fine to very fine ................................................. .(Photo)(26-38 vars.)
1903 Small "PROVISORJO " set of two, l.h., each negligible thin, fresh, fine. Rare............................................................(Photo)(47,48)
1921 Lisbon Surcharges, 4 dilT., invtd. surch., plus ½c on Sr, 2c on 20r, double surch., o.g., fine to very fine .................... (83-86 ,90 vars.)
OBOCK: 1892 Handstamped Surcharge Sfr on lfr bronze green on s traw , o.g ., fr es h , fin e. Signed E . Di e na , Ce res FFrs5000 .................... ......................... ..................................... ..........(Photo) (3 I)
1894 Warriors S0fr red violet & green, o.g., large margin s, very fine. Ceres FFrs5250 .......... ................................................. (Photo )(64)
PANAMA: 1906-07 Engraved ½c to 50c, compl. less 2½c, but extra 10c, invtd. centers, o.g., some thinned, fresh, fine appeara nce to very fine ................................................. (Photo)(l85 -87,89-93 var.)
PANAMA: 1915-16 Exposition 20c brown & black, invtd. center, unused, very fine .............................................................(Photo) (2 I2a)
20c, invtd. center, unu se d, hori z. crease, ve ry fin e app eara nce ............ .................................. ........................................... (Photo) (2 I2a)
1956 Pan-American Conference set compl., imperf top sheet margin copies, n.h., extremely fine ........................(Photo) (C 157-80 vars.)
Registration; 1903-04 Group of five diff. , extra 20c (F 16), o.g., full margined copies, small thins, fine to very fine.(Photo)(F6 ,9, 16,20.22)
PERU 1857 Pacific Steam Navigation Co . 1r blue on blui sh, part o.g., larg e margin s, extremely fine. Ex Roehling ....................(Photo )(l) 1,200.00
tr , lightly caned. , margin s all round , very fine. Royal Cert. (1940). Ex Adler .................................... .......................................... (Photo )( l ) 1,400.00
2r brown red on bluish, pair, o.g., mostly large margin s except barely touched one point, brilliant fresh, fine. Ex Adler ........................................................................ (Photo)(2) 2,600.00 1899 Libert y 10s blue green, large part o.g., very fine. Rar e wi1h gum. Ex Roehling ............................................................. (Photo)( 159)
660 * EE PHJUPPINES: 1877-79 Handstamped surch. 12c on 25m black, invtd. surch. bottom left stamp in blk of 4 with normals, o.g., one normal stamp small thin , fine. Error signed H. Bloch .....(Photo)(6 1,a)
* 662 * 663 * 661
NY ASSA: 1901 2½r to 300r, com pl. set, invtd. centers, l.h. or o.g.,
POLAND: 1860 Unwmkd. 10k blue & rose, o.g ., small thins, very fine appearance. DM2000 .....................................................(Photo)(l )
10k dark blue & rose, o.g., pencil marks on reverse, fine. DM4500 ............... .............................................................................(Photo)(l b)
1919 Cracow Issue 3h bright violet, o.g., very fine. Signed Richter , DM550 ......... .................................... ........ ........................... (Photo)(41)
PORTUGAL: Used in Madeira; 1862-64 50r yellow green, l00r lilac , tremendously large copies (some stains) , tied by " 5" in grids and red P.D. on envelope bearing blue FUNCHAL 19-12 1866 c.d.s., Lisbon tran sit and German receiver on reverse. Extremely rare ..................... ............................................................(Photo)(l5,16)
ANGOLA: Used to England; 1881-85 IOr green, 5 copies, plus 1886 IOr, 20r (little color run), all tied by 5(?) OUT 88 ANGOLA ovals on envelope bearing Lisbon transit and red London receiver on reverse. Atlract ive and rare combin ation .......... (Photo)(l0,17,18)
666 [8]
AZORES: Used to United States; 1875-80 IOr yellow green, 3 copies, 1871-75 20r bistre , tied by c.d.s. and LISBON 21 JUL. 80 transit on rever se of slightly trimmed cover bearing LOUISVILLE receiver. Co lo r f rankin g. Ex Paul Wise ...................................................................................(Photo)(32(3),24)
666 665
LOURENCO MARQUES: Used to United States; 1898-1903 lO0r , tied on top of 3 copies of Transvaal Ip by Lourenco Marques c.d.s. , the lp s tamp s tied by "0" in octagon (probably Johannesburg), neat UTICA NOV 23 1899 duplex receiver on reverse. A most interesting routing due to Boer War mai l restrictions. Ex Paul Wise .............................................................(Photo)(44, etc.)
1871 Thin transparent Brittle Paper tor black, PAIR , tied with India ½a by numerous cancels, incl. BOMBAY 21FE 72 duplex on rever se of neat native cover to Goa . ............................................. ..(Back Cover Photo) (l) ____ A_vl?_!}I rare First ~su e cove_r_.__________
1872 Thick Soft Wove Paper 20r orange vermilion with India ½a, tied on piece by Dec 187 1 cancels .................................................... (7)
1872 White Laid Paper 20r vermilion, tied by "L" in grid on reverse of envelope addressed "Nova Goa" and bearing PANG[M 15 8 I 873 c.d.s. and SANGU EN transit. Scarce stamp on cove r ........(Photo) ( 19)
673 [8]
1874 Thin Bluish Toned Paper lOr black , PAIR , tied by numeral grid cancels on FRONT of flimsy folded letter sheet to Goa bearing MAPUCA 5 10 75 oval on rever se. Rare loca l usage. Ex Paul Wise ............................ ....................................................... (Photo)(29) 1877 25r rose , pair , tied by black grids and BOMBAY arrival c.d.s. on reverse of tiny native cover bearing 11/6/78 ms. docketing. A little so iled but a rare co ver ................... ................ .....................(Photo) (59)
-') ,·
<•;/, 1$'
fi ....-~
ii I ·•:. ,.
l~rr.""""', ~- ~~
.._,,, _,,
}~~ ~ fl 667
(600.00+) _
20r dark carmine, used with India ½a, both tied by BOMBAY 3 DE 187 1 c.d.s. duplex and ms. on reverse of neat native cover to Goa, several distinctive cancels. Attra cti ve cove r. Higgins and Gage handstamp ............................... .................................. ....................(Photo) (2) (300.00+)
670 t::. [8]
/.?0/?/ ,.
·.111a, -
1883 6r on 200r yellow, tied by clear barred "DfU" cance l on back of envelope to Bombay, Nov.22. receiver, DIU 18 11-82(?) m.s. transit. Colo,ful. Ex Paul Wise ............(Previous Page Photo)(ll0) 181
The classic cover remainder , compr. Portugal , Azores (4 each), Angola (1), Port. Indies (3 and a front), LourencoMarques (1 card), all from 1860s to 1897, mixed or multiple frankings, fabulous group on original 1960 lot sheets. Est. Cash Value $1,000
For additional cover lots, refer to the Postal History listings beginning with lot #965 .
Stamps off Cover 676 0
679 0
PORTUGAL: 1853 Unwmkd. imperf Sr orange brown, large even margins, neatly caned., very fine . Signed H . Bloch and A. Diena ...................... ........................................................................(Photo) ( I)
1895 St. Anthony 300r, S00r, lO00r, o.g., very fine .(Photo)( 144-46)
PORTUGUESE GUINEA: 1881 Small Ovpt. Sr black , ungummed , very fine. Signed A. Diena ............................(Photo)(l) 1,000.00 20r bistre, lightly caned., very fine ......................................(Photo)(2)
1871 Thin Transparent Brittle Paper l0r black, o.g., two pin holes, large pe1fectly centered copy , fine ........................................(Photo)(l)
681 0
1872 Thick Soft Wove Paper lOr black, indistinct cancel, intense color and fine for this ......................................................... (Photo) (5A)
682 0
200r ochre yellow, neatly caned., large perfectly centered copy, extremely fine .................................................. ................... (Photo)(8)
Perf 12½ to 14½ and Compound 200r yellow, unused, fresh, fine. Signed A. Diena ................ ..................................................(Photo)(14)
1874 Thin Bluish Toned Paper 20r vermilion, neatly caned. and small ms., very fine ..........................................................(Photo)(30)
1876 Perf 12½ to 13½ and Compound 200r yellow, o.g., fresh. Very scarce. Signed A. Diena .............................................(Photo)(4 I )
600r violet, unused, fresh and fine copy of this rare stamp. Royal Cert. (1961) .......................................................................(Photo)(43)
1877 Recut 20r to 900r, compl., o.g. (some hinge remnants), fresh, fine to very fine ............................................... ........................... (49-55)
1883 Handstamped Black Surcharge 6r on lO0r green, large sheet margin copy, o.g. (hinge remnant), very fine .................. (Photo)() 07)
PUERTO RICO : 1890-9 7 Alfonso XIII 80c yellow green , l. h., fresh, fine. Scarce ................. ............................................ (Photo)( 130)
ROMANIA : 1862 White Laid Paper 3pa orange, 6pa carm ine, o.g., margins all round, fine to very fine. Latter signed Otto Fried l, DMl355 .........................................................................(Photo) ( l l , 12)
684 0
* 686 * 687 * 688 * 689 * 690 * 685
692 0
3pa yellow, o.g., large margins, extremely fine. Ex Adler , DM675 .................................................... .......................................(Photo)() l a)
200 .00
1871-72 Imperf 10b orange yellow, laid paper, large margins, neat c.d.s. cancel, extremely fine. Mi. 27x, DMlO00 ........... (Photo)(44a)
1872 Tinted Paper set compl., imperf pairs, o.g., some faults, generally fine to very fine. DM2000+ ........................(Photo)(53-59 vars.) unpr.
694 0 695
696 0 697
700 701
* * *
RUSSIA 1884 Vertically Laid Paper 3.S0r black & gray , neat c.d.s. cancel, handstamp on reverse, very fine. Mi. 38y, DM 1250 ..........(Photo )(39)
7r black & orange, o.g. (hinge remnants), fine. Mi. 39y, DM1350 ............................................................. ...............................(Photo)(40)
7r , c.d.s. cancel, very fine. DM 1500 ...................... ............(Photo)(40)
1902-05 Perf 14 to 15 and Compou nd 3k rose red , groundwork omitted, neatly caned., very fine. DM I000 ...................... (Photo) (57a)
1906 Sr dark blue , green & pale blue , perf 11½, l.h., very fine. Mi. 628 , DM450 ...................................................................... (Photo) (71a)
1909-12 Unwmkd. Wove Paper 7k blue, imperf , l.h., margi ns all round, fresh, fine . DM 1000 ................................ ..............(Photo)(78b)
;_r-_.· --. · 11 ,_-_-:_:, • ·, I ~- ,. 1, _ f · ~
1924-25 Typographed 50k brown , o.g., large margins, ext remely fine. Signed Juliard, Mi. 237TT , DM 1250 as n.h ....... .....(Photo)(275A)
~· i'-U ' ~· ,·~ - ,.,~,_.-~
1927 Revolution Anniversary Sk deep brown, 7k myrtle green, imp erf vert. pair s, addit ional 7k on carton paper , 7k top sheet margin pair s, g laze d o.g ., large margins , very fine . DMl040 ....................................................................... .(Photo) (376a,377b, var.)
EX701 o.:c W./ <i,J;,, 7J7 TUlcP
~,.:.,,.; ; fl •
1_•_ 1
i' I..
,U · ~--_.__~,
-c ·DI ,r:-.--11i £1T• T"';.,. -,i ~··,·.~•·c' l.·~ ,J f,;;'J' ~ . II! \ i::,i s\, ,.,. .~' ' .! I !: . ti;;·~I
_ ~n l'i: _iii.WT<
5 15.00+
.. ·.
::~:di. ' . . \,,,:.
,(~···--~;.~-"' H ----- - . '·•!: lf .... !
7k , wmkd. paper , imperf vert. pair, slightly glazed o.g., very fine. DM700+ ...................................................................(Photo )(377b var.) 1,000.00
l?pfl 11J~··1~ ;,f!II( ~ • @I I 'ii! 11:.:.\\Ji! I ! 1.•.:.•~ 1
* 705 ** 704
706 707
1932 Moscow Philatelic Exh ibiti on imperf Souvenir sheet of four on thick paper , full o.g. , negligible tone spot s on gum and corner crimps, fine. Rare slie e1. DMl0,000 ................................................................(Photo )(485,486 var.)
-i~ ·:
I_~ ..,.._
1934 Fedoro v set of two, imp erf, l.h ., large margins , very fine. DM I000 as n.h .. ..................................................... (Photo) (529a,530a)
1938 North Pole Re sc ue 50k ultramarine, imperf pair , n.h ., extreme ly fine ............................................................. (Photo) (646a+)
1-· --,
l,f. \. ~
p T~·· 71'
·•...:,II !;, I ' ... , I -' . 1A.{ 1 ~ ,-..._..,:~~'
**ml1949 Lenin imperf
* *
Souve nir sheet of four, n.h., negligible bends and corner crimps, fresh, fine. DM2500 ........................ ................... ( l 327a)
425 .00
Semi -Posta ls; 1922 Famine Relief, invtd. sur ch., 4 diff. , plu s #822 double surc h., o.g., few perf stains, generally fine to very fine. Mi. 174c, 75a-c, 75f, DM 1850 ............................................. (8 19-23 Vars.)
1923 4r+4r on S000r dar k violet , silver surch. , l.h., large margins, handstamp on reverse, extremely fine. DM2000 .............(Photo )(842)
In the production of this catalogue , we have used the 1994 Scott Postage Stamp Catalogues. We will continu e to use foreign catalogues in specific areas as supp lementary informati on .
1-lapO.IHblO Ko~uccapnaT (RA JU CCCP
Commissariat du Peuplc des mu nlc:nl ons postatc s et eiect.
Air Post
* 7 10 * 709
7 11
7 12 0 71 3
714 0 7 15
7 16
* 71 8 * 7 17
1924 Imperf 10k on Sr green, thick "5", l.h ., e normous mar g ins, extremely fine. Mi . 268 1, DM900 as n.h.....................(Photo) (C7 var .) uni. 1930 Graf Zeppelin 40k dark & dull blue, 80k dark carmine & rose, imperf, former right sheet margin copy, l.h., extremely fine. DM6000 as n.h. ....................................................(Photo)(C12b,13b) 1,400.00 1931-32 Ir dark green, pair, imperf between, o .g., very fine . Signed H. Bloch ................................... ............ ..................... (Photo) (C24 var.) uni. 15k gray black, perf 10½, c.d .s. ca nce l, very fine. DM700 ..... (C25a) I I0.00 1933 Unwmkd. 10k green, corner pair, imperf between, n.h ., handsta mp on reverse , very fine. DM600 .............................. (Photo)(C46a)
375.0 0+
Another pair , imperf betw een, neatly cane d .. ve ry fin e. DM600 ........................................................................................(Photo)(C46a)
Postage Due; 1924-25 Unwmkd. 40k on 35k blue , imperf sheet margin vert. pair , margin s all round n.h ., ve ry fine. Mi . 9aU, DM500+ .................................................. ..........................(Photo)(J9a) ( 120.00+) Offices in Turkish Empire; 1865 Lithographed (20k) blue & red, unused, margins all round, brilli ant fresh, fine. S igned A. Diena and others , Mi . 2, OM I 800 ........ ................................................. (Photo) (3) 900.0 0 (20k), unu sed , large margins, tiny thin , handstamp s on reve rse, fine ............................. ....................................... ..........................(Photo)(3) 900.00 1879 Surchd. Type "c" 7k on 10k carmine & green, blue surch., o.g. (hinge remna nt), fres h, fine. Mi . ll!Tb, DM900 .......... (Photo) ( l9c)
700 .00
* 720 ** 72 1
722 6 723
1920 Unissued 2pf gray, o.g., very fine. Signed E.K., Mi. A31 , DM3000 .............................................................................(Photo)(19) 1,000.00 3pf brown, n.h ., ve ry fine. Signed Dr . Dub , Mi. B31 , DM700 ............................................................................................ (Photo) (20) ( 100.00+) 1920 Issued Spf to 10m compl. less 7 1/2p, n.h. to o.g. (hinge remnants), mixed centering to very fine. 3m, Sm, 10m signed Dr. Dub ............................... ...................................................(Photo) (21,23-39) Sm deep blue, neatly ca ned. on small piece , very fine. Signed Richter, DM2600 .................... ................. ......................................... (Photo)(38)
725 0
900.0 0
Air Post; 1948 set of three, imperf, n.h. , large margins , very fine . DM650 ......................................................... ........ (Photo)(C9-I I vars.)
1885 Imperf Surchd. Type "d" 25c on lfr bronze green on straw, part o.g., large margin s all round , light crease, handstamps on reve rse, fine. Rare. Foundation Cert. (1950), Ceres FFrs18,500 ..............................................................................................(Photo)(8 ) 2,100.00 1886 Typographed Sc black on white, neat blue c.d ..s ca ncel, few thin specks, fine ............................................. ................. .... (Photo )( 12)
726 0
728 6 729
SAAR 719
~·~ : .' -~·j
** 732 * 733 * 734 * 735 * 736 ** 731
1891 Surchd. Type "e" 15c on 35c black on orange, invtd. surch., neat c.d.s. cance l, very fine. Ceres FFrs3500 ....................(Photo)( 16a)
325. 00
Surchd. Type "r' 15c on 35c black on orange, unused, fine. Very scarce. Ceres FFrsl0 ,000 ........................................... ......(Photo)( 17)
15c on 35c, invtd. surch., neatly caned . on sma ll piece, fine. Signed Co lson, Ceres FFrs9000 .................................................... (Photo)( 17a)
1942 10c bistre & magenta, 30c red brown & blue, o.g., very fine, former handstamp on reverse , latter signed by A. Diena. Ceres FFrsl 6,500 ............................................................... (Photo)(206C ,D) 1,275.00 Ovptd. set of eleven, n.h. to o.g., seve ral with handstamp on reve rse, 5c few slightly toned perf tip s, fine to very fin e. Ceres FFr s I 3,450 ............................................................................. ........(Photo) (207- I 6) 1,06 1.00
40c deep blue & dark brown, invtd. ovpt., n.h., very fine. Ceres FFrs8500 ............................................................... ..(Photo)(209 var.)
Ovptd. or Surchd. , 7 diff ., n.h. to o.g., fine to very fin e. Ceres FFrs6645 ............. .............. ......................... ............... (Photo)(2 16A-2 I)
35c deep green, double ovpt., o.g., tra ce of perf toning on reverse, handsta mp on reverse, very fine ................................ (Photo)(230 var. )
90c ultramarine , invtd. ovpt., l.h., few ton ed perf s, otherw ise very fine. Ceres FFrs8500 ..................... .............................(Photo}(2 38 var.)
1.40fr dark brown, invtd. ovpt., sheet margin copy, l.h., few lightly stained perf s, otherwi se very fine. Ce res FFr s8500 ...(Photo )(24 I var.)
2.25fr ultramarine , invtd. ovpt., n.h., very fine . Signed Stri ckland ..... ........ .......... ............... ................... .......... .............. ..(Photo )(257 var.)
~------MIOU[LON-. Pl[RRE o.-----= )S-~l!ff
. . .. ~~ ~ ' .. • . 4J1.,1•••=·~ .-. , :;:-,': ~--!~"?'~ - . ~ ,:-: ..,...;s.._~-- r - .... . ··s,, ·.' \I~ [ t.!.... . ·, :....... !l;:•;<,•t.1·rr,......._..,=...,:.u.!:.;..i
~~~~ sdcMtt
j't:; . . . F. Il,goc ,,
........•.............. 737
1941 Noel Ovptd. in Carmine 10c to 3fr, compl. set, plus the 2 diff. surchd., first "l " of "1941" broken, n.h., 25c small tear, others very fine. Ceres FFrs5800 ........................................... (Photo ) (260-79 vars.) Same, slightly smaller "o" in "Noel", n.h., 20c and 25c light creasing, 80c paper flaw. fine to very fine ............................... (260-79 vars.)
74 1
~rs. =l :• I~~J .
. ...
Noel Ovptd. in Black 1.75fr bright blue, n.h., extremely fine. Ceres 475.00+ FFrs6000 ..................... ......................................................(Photo)(293) Semi-Po stals; 1942 Orphans Fund set of two , left sheet margin blks of 4, 10fr+1.40fr with bottom gutter selvage, n.h., very fine ............ .............................................................. (Photo )(C eres 3 11A,B) FFrs8000+
Parcel Post; 1942 20c bistre brown & violet brown, n.h., very fine. Ceres FFrs5000 ............. ..................................................... (Photo) (Q5)
ST. THOMAS AND PRJNCE ISLANDS: 1889-91 Provisional S0r on 40r brown, o.g., fresh, fine. Very scarce ...................... (Photo) (26)
743 744
* 181
* 747 * 746
748 749
1913 On Provisional Issue of 1902 130r on lO0r brown on yellowish, unused , extremely fine. Rare ..................................(Photo) (l63) SALVADOR: Air Post; 1929 Unwmkd. 20c deep green, red ovpt. , o.g., light perf staining mostly on reverse, fine. Friedl Cert. ( 195 1) and signed by him ...................................................................(Photo )(C I a)
1903-23 Mt. Titano 2L violet, o.g., fresh, fine. OM 1500 .(Photo )(72)
1947 Stamp Centenary lO0L, 1952 Columbu s 200L, imp erf sheet margin single and pair respect ively, n.h., latter slightly aged gum and signed Kessler, very fine. Sass. LI ,050,000.(Photo )(C55a ,80 var.)
**[!]Air Po st; 1952 200L multi color ed sheet of six, n.h., very fine. D1400 ............................................................................................(C87) 751 **[!]1954 lO00L dark blu e & brown , sheet of six, n.h., negligible tone
spots on gum, very fine. DM l 400 ....................................(Photo) (C9 l)
300.00 575.00
* 758 * 759 * 760 * 761 * 762 ** 757
* 764 *
,~. ,,
.!~l s~ !~!. i i (
Hejaz ; 1921 ½ pi on lpa and lpi on lpa , o.g. (hinge remnant), ver y fine. Former signed "e la" and Turpin ...........(Photo )(L22,23)
J edda Issues; 1925 ½ pi on lpa , lpi on lpa , two sets, o.g. (hinge remnant), very fine. One set signed Champion, other "ela" .... (L74,75)
Ovptd. in Blue Vert. pert' 11 '/2 ½ pi red , l0pi violet & dark brown , o.g., former small scrape , fine , latter very fine. Very rare. Signed "ela " ................... (Front Cover Photo)(L76 ,A) 3,000.00 Nejdi Occupation of Hejaz; 1925 The complete issue, o.g., mixed centering to very fine. Signed "e la" ............................... (1-20,22-29)
1925 Pilgrimag e Issue surchd . set of five, o.g. (hinge remnants), fine to very fine. Signed "ela" .............................................. (Photo )(30-34)
Hand stamp ed or Surcharged group of 18 diff. , o.g. (some hinge remnants), fine to very fine. Signed "e la" ..... (35-38,39,40a,4 l a,42-54)
1925 Medina and J edd a sets of five , o.g, (some hinge remnants), fine to very fine. Signed "ela" .................................................... (59-68)
550.00 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; 1934 Perf 11 ½ ¼g to l s, compl. set, o.g., very fine .............................................................(Photo)(138-49) 1,651.00 Compl. set, o.g. (some hinge remnants), few small faults, fine to very fine .................................................................. .............(Photo )( 138-49) 1,65 l .00 Imp er f set compl. , o.g. (hinge remnants) , very fine ..(Photo) ( 138-49) 1,651.00 Air Post ; 1949-50 Unwmkd. 100g violet ro se, imperf pair , n.h. , large margin s all round , handstamp o n reverse, ext re me ly fine .....................................................................................(Photo) (C6 var.) SENEGAL: 1887 Perf 14xl3 '/2 Sc on 20c red on gr eenish, surchd . type "c", o.g., fresh, fine. Ceres FFrs6500 ...........................(Photo )(3)
toe on 20c red on greenish , surchd. type " I", o.g., handstamps on reverse, fine. Ceres FFrs3850 .............................................(Photo) (l 9)
* 753 * 752
SAN MARINO 1892 Cmi. Surch. set of three , invtd. , fine to very fine , together with 7 other stamp s, all tied by REPUBLICA DI S MARINO 20 MAR. 1898 cancels on Regis. cover to Germany. Rare and attractive. L2,250,000+ .....................................................(Photo) (25a-27a ) Sc on 30c brown , double surch. , one invtd. , "G" for "C" variety, very fine. Signed E. Diena. DM750+ ........................(Photo) (26b var.) Gymnastics Souvenir she et of four , n.h., ve ry fin e. DMI000 .........................................................................................(355)
* 766 * 767 * 768 * 769 * 770 * 765
1905 Provi sion a l 40c on 10a lila c, l.h., fresh, fine. DM I 000 ........................................ ......................................................(Photo) (9) 1924 Manzoni se t compl. , l.h ., fine to ve ry fine. DM700 .......................................................................................(Photo )(6 1-66) Air Post Official s; 1934 25c slat e blue & r ed orange, plu s uni ssued set of five, unsued, very fine . ................................(Photo) (CO I, vars.) 25c , in vtd. surch. , o.g., slight gum toning, very fine appeara nce. Signed Sanabria , 1972 San. S4c, $700 .....................(Photo )(CO I var.) Parcel Post; 1928-39 Black Ovpt. 25c to 20L, compl. less 50c, n.h. or l.h., fine to very fine. DM 18 10 .................... (Photo) (Q42-43,44-50) SOMALI COAST: 1894 Imperf Sfr carmine, small part o.g., margins all round, small thin , very fine appeara nce. Ceres FFrs I 0,000 ..............................................................................................(Photo )(5)
175.00 2 10.95
uni. 235.63
* *
1894-1902 25fr rose & blue , o.g. , marg ins all round , fresh, fine. Ceres FFrs6000 ...... ...................................... ...... ................. (Photo) (2 I)
1902 Black Surcharge on Obock 10c on S0fr red violet & green, "01" instead of "10" one stamp in pair with normal, l.h., large margins, extreme ly fine. Ceres FFrs I900+ .......................... (Photo )(33F ,g)
1943 Locomotive and Palm s (20fr ) green, denomination omitted, l.h., very fine. Ceres FFrs4750 .............................. (Photo )(23 7 va r.)
* 777 *
1873 "Espana" 4p red brown , o.g., large copy, extremely fine. Signed A. Diena, DM1300 ............................................. (Photo)(199)
1878 2c to 10p, compl. set, o.g., 20c unused, fresh, fine to very fine .....................................................................................(Photo)(232-4 I)
625 .00
77 8 t:,
1889-99 lp dark violet, imperf pair, large even margins all round, neatly caned. on small piece, very fine. DM280+ .....(Photo)(268 var.)
10p orange red, unused, brilli ant fresh, very fine ...........(Photo)(270)
* 780
* 782 ** 78 1
* 784 * 785 * 786 * 783
** 788 *
789 790
* *
** 792 * 793 ** 791
1866 Perf 14 19c brown, tine, tied by "2" in grid on neat blue folded letter dated 27 Dec . 1866 , Zuri ch tran sit and Geneva rece ive rs on reve rse .............................................................. ............. ......(Photo) (84) ( 140 .00+ )
1854 Thin White Paper imperf 2r vermilion, unused, large margins, extremely fine. Ex Milton A. Holmes ..................(Photo)(28a) 1,250.00
1920 U.P.U. Congress set compl., imperf pairs, zero serialization, o.g., very large margins, some faults, generally tine to very fine. DM9600 as n.h. singles (Photo)(3 18-330 vars.) 2,500.00 1931 Unissued 4p carmine rose, 10p brown , zero serialization , o.g. , fresh, fine. Former DM2500 as n.h . ....... (Photo)(Mi.V,ll ,IV var.) 1938 Submarine set of six and Souvenir sheet of three, n.h. , Souvenir she et a few crackly gum spot s, fine to very fine ..................................................................................(Mi.721-26,Blk.5) DM2575 Compl. set, most n.h. , I 5p trace of gum toning, fresh, fine to very fine ...............................................................................(Photo)(Mi.721-26) DM 1100+ Souvenir sheet of three, l.h., small selvage faults, fine ....... (Mi .Blk .5)
1938 Militia set compl., l.h., very fine. DM I OOO .......(Photo)(606- I4)
Compl. set, o.g. (hinge remnant ), I0c small thins, generally very fine ............................................. ................ ........................ (Photo) (606- I4)
309 .75
Semi-Postals 1926 Error of Color 20c violet brown , n.h., very fine. DM800 ..........................................................................................(Photo)(B6a)
190.00+ EX791
1927 Ovpt. or Surch. Errors, 9 diff. , compr. invtd. , double or wrong color, l.h. or o.g., some traces of gum toning , very fine. Most signed Galve z or Champi on .........(Photo)(B47a -53a ,58a ,62a,48b ,50b)
440 .00
Same, but 4 diff., l.h., fine to very fine ...........(Photo)(B48 a-52a ,52b)
2 10.00
1928 Catacombs Restoration, both sets compl., imperf., l.h., large ma rgin s, so me tonin g, ge ne rally fin e to ve ry fin e . DM 171 2 (874 - 105 vars.)
1937 2p orange brown, 2p dark green, perf and imperf Souvenir sheets of one, n.h., very fine. DM2360 ..........(Photo)(B108A,C,b,d)
Same, but o .g ., pe nc il ma rk s o n re ve rse , very fin e . DM1800 I 08A ,C,b,d)
1938 Cathedrals perf and imperf Souvenir sheets of four, n.h., very fine. DM475 .................... ..................................... .................. (Bl0 8E,j )
(97.50 )
t./. (_'
JULIO 1936
â&#x20AC;˘ '
Air Po st
* 795 * 796 ** 797 ** 798 *
- - -- - -- - - ---- - --- ----- - - -
1938 Libert y Sp on Ip multi-colored, perf Souvenir sheet of one, 1.h., light corner creasing, very fine. DM1800 ...............(Photo )(C97c)
. i.fJ
. l .t.F 4 . 11 . 17 .,.,G
1947 25p dark violet & brown , S0p dark ca rmin e, n.h., former very fine, latter fine. DM600 .................... ................................... (C l 23,124)
Imperf Souvenir sheet of one, o.g., negligibl e sta ining and light creases, very fine a pp ea rance. DM8000 .................... (Photo )(C9 7d ) 3,000.00
1950 Stamp Ce nt e nar y se t of' four, n.h . very fine. DM2000 ...................... ............................................................ (Photo )(C l27-30) ( 161.00)+ 1953 S0p dark violet, l.h., fine ...................................... (Photo )(C J44)
Air Post Semi-Postals 799
** 804
1938 Defender s of Ma drid 45c+2p+Sp blu e & greenish blue , invtd. s urch. , s he et margin copy , o .g ., very f ine. DMl000 .................................................................................. (Photo )(CB6 var.)
45c+2p+Sp , imperf sheet margin pair , l.h. , lar ge margin s other sides, extremely fine. Signed Sanabria . DM2000+ ..(Photo) (CB6a)
Perf Sou venir sheet of one , l.h. , briHiant fr esh , very fin e. DM8000 .............................................. .............(Photo )(C B6b ) 3,750.00
Imp er f Souvenir sheet of one , l.h. , hand sta mp on r ever se, negligibl e selvage creasing at bottom , very fine. DM16 ,000 ............................................................... ...........(Photo )(C B6c) 3,250.00 1950-51 Caudillo Visit 25p+l0c dark violet & brown , n.h., very fine. DMI 350 ................................................................ (Photo) (CB 18)
···························: ... .;;pl8 ~«~~' ... ·1·~1. .. . ·m. UC,llE,;,p
25p+l0c, WITHOUT CONTROL NUMBER , n.h ., fr es h, fine. Signed Lla ch, DM8500 ....................... .(Photo)(CB18a) 3,000.00
Carlist Issue; 1874 16m rose , larg e margin s, extr emely fin e, showing frame of two other sta mp s, tied by blue cancel on neat folded lette r to Barcelona (transit and receiver on reverse and front). Rare
1875 tr brown , strip of 3, ver y fin e exce pt cut in one cor ner, inversely tied on envelope by blue provincial cancels. Very rare on cover ................................................ ...................................(Photo )(X7) ( 135.00+)
250 .00
1 r ,• }.•~jH tr,t01[0~ ;1'/~~~:11~~\, •AOottq
SPANJSH SAHARA: 1941-46 Perf IO to 11 4p dull rose, !Op light brown, n.h., former centered to left, latter very fine . Signed Garc ia, DM2025 as hinged ......................................(Next Pag e Photo) (49,50)
SPANISH MOROCCO: 1915 Unissued 15c violet , 20c olive green , o.g., former very fine, latter fine. Ve,y scarce. Signed Galvez , DM700 .................................................................... (Next Pag e Photo )(56 ,57)
~Ul'll ~.--lliian~~• mO~ =~~ ~~, ESP)I
~~~··.. . --=..._-: ,5: ; ir~ •n ~
01 IU. 0'11:'.l~
* 8 10 * 809
SURJNAM: Air Post; 1931 D0-X toe red, double ovpt., l.h., tiny thin , handstamp on reve rse, very fine appearance ........ ....(Photo )(C8a)
1941 20c to 10g, comp!. set, imperf , ungummed , large margins, extremely fine . Ex George Sachs ....................... (Photo)(C I 5- I 9 vars.)
SWEDEN 1855 First Issue 3s blue green, neatly caned., small faults but a well centered, fine looking copy of this rare stamp. DM9000 ........................(Photo)(!) 3,000.00 8s ye llow orange , lightly ca ned. , very fine. Signed H. Bloch, DM2300 ............... ...................................................... ........(Photo)(4a) 425.00 8s, neat Stockholm c.d.s. cancel, very fine ..................... (Photo)(4a) 425.00 8s lemon yellow, neat Stockh olm c.d.s. cancel, fine ..........(Photo)(4b) 875.00 24s dull red, clear Stockholm c.d.s. cancel, tiny corner perf crease, attrac tive. OM4000 ...................... ......... ................................ (Photo)(5 ) 1,750.00 1858-61 Coat of Arms 9o violet, full o.g ., fresh, almost very fine. OM I 000 ......................... .......................................................(Photo) (7) 325.00 9o (toward lilac), part o.g ., very fine. Signed H. Bloch ......(Photo)(7) 325 .00 240 orange (towar d ye llow ), o.g., fre s h.ve ry fin e. OM I 100 ............................................................................................(Photo)( IO) 2 10.00 1885 Reprint s of 1858 Iss ue, 6 diff. , very fin e. Fac it 7- 12N l , Krs5000 ...................... ................ ................ ..........(Photo) (6-8, IO- l 2R)
8 1I 0 8 12 0 8 13 0 8 14 0 8 15 0
* 8 17 *
8 16
8 18
8 19 R
1862-69 Lion and Arms 170 gray, o.g. (hinge remnant), large perfectly centered copy, extre mely fine. Signed H. Bloch, DM2200 ........................................... ................................................ (Photo)( lS )
82 1 0
I 7o, c.d.s. cancel, very fine. OM2000 ................................ (Photo) ( 15)
200 vermilion , o.g. , fre sh, very fin e. Signed H. Blo ch, OM 550 ............................................................................................(Photo) ( 16)
* 823 * 824 * 825 * 826
* 828 * 827
1872-77 Numera l perf 14 60 dark violet , l.h. , fresh , ve ry fin e. OM900 ........... ...................................................................(Photo)(20a) 200 vermilion, o.g., fresh , fine. DM2000 .......... ........... .....(Photo)(23) lrd bistre & ultramarin e, o.g ., trivi al corner perf crease, perfect ly centered, very fine. Signed H. Bloch, DM2100 ................ (Photo)(27 a)
250.00 550.00 600.00
1891-1904 Typograp hed and Engraved lo to lk , 12 diff., imperf copie s, o.g. , lar ge margins and fresh , very fin e. DM4075 .................................. (Photo)(52a ,53a,55a,57a-65a) unpr. Engraved Soblue gree n, imp erf pair , o.g., large marg ins, extremely fine. OM440+ .................................................................... (Photo)(56c)
265.0 0
1910-14 Gustav V Sk claret and 1910-19 So green, 150 red brown and 200 deep blue, part o.g., 156 o.g., others unused, large margins, extreme ly fine .......................................................... (73,77,82,83 vars.)
* 83 1
832 833
1910-19 550 pa le blue, l.h., brilliant fresh and perf ectly centered, extremely fine. DM4000 ..................................................(Photo)(90) 1,000.00 800 black, o.g., hand sta mp on rever se, fre sh, very fine. DM4000 ...........................................................................................(Photo) (92) 1,000.00
1920-21 Wmkd. Wav y Lin es perf 10 200 blu e, l.h. , fre sh, fine copy of th is rare ly offered stamp. Signed Peland er. Ex Cromwell, Facit Kr s6000 ..................................(Photo )(144) 2,250.00 1924 U.P.U. Congress set compl.. incl. lOo wmkd., n.h., krona values l.h., fine to very fine. DM1800+ .........................(Photo)(l 97-2 12)
1924 U.P.U. set compl., incl. lOo wmkd., o.g., 250 thin, fine to very fine. DM2000+ ............................................................ (Photo)(2 I 3-28)
,;•·, -•--• .. ,.....,,.-.t"'.~-. /
** 835 ** 834
300 greenish blue, n.h., very fine. DM360 ....................(Photo)(2 18a)
** 837 **
841 842 843
** * *
" ~-
:::-~..: -~
1931 Palace Sk dark green on toned paper, n.h., fresh, fine. DM675 ..........................................................................................(Photo)(229)
Sk on white paper, n.h., very fine. DM l200 ...................(Photo) (229)
1936 Postal Anniversary So to lk , compl. set, pair s, n.h ., fre sh and generally very fine. DM1954+ ................................. (Photo)(248-62)
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Semi-Postals; 1918 Surchd . on Wrong Values, 9 diff., l.h., # B27 va r . thin , han dsta mp o n reve rse , fin e to ve ry fine ................................................................. (Photo )(B22-26 ,28-3 1 vars.)
Air Post; 1920 Wmkd. Wavy Lines set of three, invtd. surch., l.h., hand stamp s on rever se, very fine. DM1800 as n.h . ....................................................................................(Photo) (Cla-3a )
Wmkd . Crown , 200 on 2o orange , l.h. , very fine. Facit Kr slS ,000 .............................................................(Photo )(C 4) 1,700.00 1942-53 Swans 20k bright ultramarine , perf four sides, n.h., perfectly centered, extremely fine. DM340 ...........................(Photo )(C8c)
City Post; 1856-62 Perf 14xl3 ½ (3o) bistr e brown , o.g., very fine. Signed Kohler. Ex Roebling, DM 1200 ...........................(Photo )(LX2)
Official; 1889 Perf 13 Error lOo on 12o blue , invtd. surch. , slightly toned o.g., otherwise fresh and very fine. DM I200 .......(Photo) (O26a)
In the productio11 of this catalogue , we hav e used the 1994 Scott Postage Stamp Catalogu es. We will co11ti11ueto use for eign catalogues i11specific areas as supplem e11taryinfon11atio11.
,.,eJ..•-.,i: .•.
845 0
1850 Poste Locale Without Frame Around Cross 2½r black & red, margin s all round , large three side s, light creasing , neatly caned. and attractive. A fine looking copy of thi s rare stamp. Signed Otto Friedl and others , DM45,000, Zurn . 1992 SFr s37,500 (Front Cover Photo)(4) 17,000.00
1850 Rayon Without Frame Around Cross Sr black & red on deep blue, large margins, nea t PP ca nce l, ve ry fin e. Zum . SFr s7 50 ............ .................................................................................(Photo) (7a)
Sitting Helvetia Issues 846 *
1854-55 Emerald Silk Thread, Fine Impression 20r pale orange, o.g ., margins all round, very fine. Zum. SFrs 1700 .............(Photo) (23)
847 0
1855-57 Carmine Silk Thread lOr blue, thin paper , margin s all round, neatly caned., very fine. Zurn. 23F, SFrs1700 .(Photo)(27a)
848 0
1857 Green Silk Thread, Rough Impressions Sr pale gray brown, mostly large margin s, neatly ca ned., fresh, very fin e. Zum . 22 F, SFrs 1600 ..................................................... ........................(Photo) (32)
750 .00
849 0
Sr, corner sheet margin vert. pair , bottom stamp without silk thread, touched other side s, neat grid cance l, small separati ons between stamps at right, minor selvage crease, fine ...........(Photo) (32) 1,500.00+
850 0
lSr pale dull rose, pair, margins all round, blue grid and PD cancels, very fine. Zum . 24F, SFrs l400 ................................. ..(Photo) (33)
851 0
20r pale dull orange, two silk threads, sheet margin copy, mostly large margins other sides showing portion of adjoining stamp at top, fine ............................... .......................................................(Photo) (34) ( I 00.00+)
852 0
1858-62 Thick Ordinary Paper l0r dark blue, "cross" variety, margins to touched, lightly caned., fine. Zum. SFrs275 ..........(37 var.)
853 *
1862-63 White Wove Paper 30c vermilion , o.g. (hinge remnant), very fine. Zum . 33, SFrs 1600 ............................................(Photo) (46)
1867-78 30c ultramarine , l.h ., ve ry fin e . Zurn . 4 1, SFr s600 ............................................................................................(Photo) (56)
855 0
856 0 857 *
858 *
1881 Granite Paper 40c gray, lightly caned., handstamp on reverse, very fine. Rare. Zurn. 50, SFrs4250 ......(Photo)(66) 1,800.00 lfr gold, neatly caned., very fine. Zum. 52, SFrs l500 .......(Photo) (68)
1882 Numeral White Paper 10c rose , o.g. (hinge remnant), fresh, fine. Zurn. 55, Sfrs4000 ......(Front Cover Photo ) (79) 2,000.00 1888 Standing He lvetia perf 9½ S0c blue, o.g., fresh color , fine . Zurn. 70B, SFrs 4600 ..................... ...................................(Photo)(92) 1,200.00
* 860 ** 859
86 1
lfr claret, o.g., trace of gum toning, rich color, fine. Zurn. 71B, SFrs4250 ...........................................................................(Photo)(93)
1900 U.P.U. Allegory Re-engraved toe deep carmine (matt), sheet margin copy, sta mp n.h., negligible bend, fresh, fine. Zurn. 78Cc, SFrs1250 as hinged .................................... .............(Photo)(102 var.)
* 863 * 864 * 862
867 0
25c blue , n.h., brilliant fre s h, very fine. Zurn. 79C , SFrs2300 as hinged ................. ........................ ...(Photo)(l03 )
1907 Perf 11½x ll 3fr yellow brown, pair , o.g. (hinge remnants), fine ................ ....................................................................(Photo) ( 125)
1921 Provisional lOc on 13c olive green, double surch. , l.h., very fine. DM 1200 as n.h ........................... .............................(Photo) ( 196a)
1930 Sc on 7½c deep green on buff, two errors, surch. double, other invtd. , 1.h., very fine ............................... .......(Photo) (208 vars.)
1934 NABA Souvenir sheet of four, o.g. in selvage, tiny corner wiinkle, very fine. DM 1100 ..................................................... (Photo )(226)
450 .00
1938 League of Nations 20c red & buff , imperf sheet margin at left, l.h., very fine. Zurn. SFrs 1750 ........................... (Photo )(238 var.)
Po stage Due; 1882-83 Granite Paper 50c ultramarine , lightl y caned., fresh, fine. DMI000 ..............................................(Photo)(J12 )
400 .00
g :··,·:···.:-=······ ... ··=: ~~ ~ =· :■ .. ' : 1 '
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Otncial Stamps League of Nations Issues
869 870
* *
87 1 872 0 873
* 875 * 874
876 S
* *
' .
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1922-31 Ordinary Gum 2½c to lOfr gray green, 8 diff. , l.h., fine to very fine. Mi. 26, 27x, 28, 30, 31-35, DM3835 .... (Photo)(betw. 20 and 30) unpr.
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Sc to lOfr, compl. set of 15 as listed in Michel, l.h., Mi. 115, DM4600 .................... .............(Photo)(betw. 203 and 29)
Sc to 70c, 6 diff., l.h., 30c few soiled pe1fs, fine to very fine. Mi. I618, 20, 19x, 2 l x, DMl905 ................................... (2O4, 13,16, 17,2 1,24)
10c violet on buff , l.h., extremely fine. DM500 ...........(Photo )(2O I0)
1930-44 Grilled Gum 3c, Sc, 30c, neatly caned., 30c very slight color run, fine to very fine. Mi. I9z, 27z, 29z, DM985 ........... (2O2a,6a, 17a)
401 .00
30c deep blue on buff, sheet margin copy, very fine, tied by double c ir cle Geneva 3 1 I 34 ca nce l o n o fficial enve lope . DM900 ...................................................................................... (Photo)(2O17a )
375 .00+
1935-36, 90c to 2fr , compl. set, l.h., very fine. Mi . 22z-25z , DM325 -34) 1932 Disarmament set compl., l.h. or o.g., lfr tiny thin, generally very fine. DM4750 ................. ................................(Photo)(2O36-41) 1937 The Mythen 3fr orange brown, ovptd. "S pecimen" in red , l.h., fresh, fine. Zum 56S, SFrs300 ................... ...........(Photo) (2O56S)
877 S
1938 League of Nations set compl., ovptd. "Specimen" in red, l.h., very fine. Zurn. 57-60S, SFrs400 ........................... (Photo) (2057 -60S)
878 S
Circular ovpt. set of four, ovptd. "Specimen" in red, 1.h., very fine. Zu rn. 6 1-64S, SFrs400 ............................................ (Photo )(2O6 1-64S)
879 *
20c red & buff, o.g., very fine. Mi. 61, DM775 ...........(Photo) (2O6 I)
1942-43 10c dark red brown , n.h., very fin e. Mi . 68a , DM700 ........................................................................................(Photo)(2O68)
10c, o.g., very fine. Ex Roebling, DM500 .............................. .... (2O68)
** 88 1 *
International Labor Bureau Issues 882
* 883
* 885 * 886 * 887 * 884
1927-30 Ordinary Gum 2½ c to l0fr gray green, 6 diff., l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine. l0fr signed H. Bloch. Mi. 25,27-31, DM3310 .................................. ....................................(Photo)(3O1,5,7 ,8,26,31) unpr.
Sc to 10fr violet, compl. set as listed in Michel, l.h., 10c light creasing, 10fr trace of gum toning, tine to very tine. Mi. 1-14, 8x, lOx, llx, DM4770 ..(Photo)(betw 303 and 25) unpr. Sc to 70c, 6 diff., l.h., fine to very fine. 40c signed Kohler. Mi. 15- 19, 20x, OM I780 .................... .......................... .......... (304, I0, 12, 13, 17,20)
1937 Grilled Gum 90c to 2fr, compl. set, l.h., fine to very fine. Mi . 2 lz-24z, DM496 ............. .............................. .................. ....... (3O27-30) unpr. 1925 90c to 2fr, compl. set, ordinary gum, l.h., very fine. Mi . 2 l x24x, DM 1200 ......................... ............................................ (3O28a-30a)
1932 Disarmament set comp!., l.h. or o.g., tine to very tine. Mi. 3237, DM4500 ............................................................(Photo)(3O32-37) unpr.
888 S
1937 The Mythen 3fr orange brown, ovptd. "Specimen" in red, l.h., fresh, fine. Zurn. 48S, SFrs300 .............................(Photo )(3O47S)
889 0
3fr, lightly caned., very fine. Mi. 48, DM550 ............................ (3047 )
890 S
1938 League of Nations, set comp!., ovptd. "Specimen" in red, l.h., very fine. Zurn. 49-52S, SFrs400 ........................... (Photo) (3O49-52S)
89 1 S
Circular ovpt. set of four, ovptd. "Specimen" in red, l.h., very fine. um. 53-56S, SFrs400 ............................................(Photo) (3053 -56S)
892 ** OIBI......... 1942-43 lOc dark red brown, right corner margin blk of 10, bottom pair uncancelled, stamps n.h., very fine. Purportedly only one shee t kn ow n with ca nce ls omill ed on bottom row . Mi. 60a , DM1518+ .....................................................................(Photo)(3O60) unpr. 893 894
** **
10c, o.g., very fine. Ex Roehling, Mi. 600, DM500 ......(Photo)(3O60)
1950 European Office Sc to 70c , set compl., "C" for "E" in EUROPEEN, to p shee t marg in co pi es , stamp s n.h. , ve ry fin e. DMI 100 ................................................ .......................... (7O 1- I I vars.)
Sc to 70c, 5 compl. sets, compr. defective "0 " and broken "A" of "NATIONS", brok,en second "F" of "OFFICE", broken "U" and "N" of "EU ROPEEN ", sheet margin copies and stamps n.h. except last l.h., very fine .............................................(7O1-ll vars.)
1920 Black Surcharge 100p on Sfr dark blue & buff, o.g., trace of thinnin g, fine. Very scarc e. Ceres FF rs 15,000 ................... (Photo)(72) I, I 00.00
**ffiextremely 1945 4p to 40p, compl. set, imperf' sheets of' four , n.h. , fine. DM6000 ...................... (Photo)(300-05 vars.)
1955 U.N. Anniversary, 4 diff. trial co lor imperf sheet lets of 4 on gumm ed stamp paper, very fine .............. (P hot o)(392 ,393 ,C200 ,20 IP)
Air Post 1920 Surchd. set of' three, o.g., I Op on 40c trace of thin , fine to very fine. Signed Sa nabria , Ceres FFrs6200 ............. ............ ..(P hoto )(C l -3)
380 .00
1921 Set of' thre e, o .g., fres h, fine to very fine. Signed H. B loc h, Ceres FFrs6575 ...... ............... ...................... .................. ..(Photo )(C4 -6)
1931-33 S0c to IO0p, compl. set, imperf left sheet margin copies, o.g ., large margins oth er sides, I 0p i small thin , fi ne to very fine. OM I 000 ................................ ............................ .(Photo)(C46-56 vars.)
1934 S0c to 100p , compl. set, imperf top sheet margin copies, stamp s n.h. or l.h., lar ge even margin s other side s, very fine. DM3000 ........................................................... (Photo)(C57-66 vars.) unpr.
904 0
905 DP
1942 IOp slate green & yellow green, imperf Souvenir sheet of one, tiny inclusion, very fin e. OM I 000 ....................... ..... (Photo)(C98 va r.)
1945 Sp to 200p, compl. set, imperf top left corner copies, lig htly ca ned., very fine ............. .................................. (Photo) (C 117-23 vars.)
1955 Rotary Internation al, 6 diff. trial co lor Die proofs on gumm ed stamp paper, appro x. 11Ox140mm , very fine ..... (Photo) (C 187-90 T C)
Ii -41.-.··e
In the pr oduc tion of this catalogue, we have used the 1994 Scali Postage Stamp Catalogu es. We will continue to use for eign catalogues in spec ific areas as supplementa1y information.
® ··
1884 Imperf 25c on lfr bronze green on straw, invtd. surch., o.g., large margin s, extremely fine. Signed A. Brun , Ceres FFrs4500 ........................................................................................ ......(Photo)(4)
907 b.
1893 Handstamped pert' 14x13½ le black on lilac blue, neat c.d ..s ca nce l on small piece , very fin e . S igned Stanley Gibbon s, Cere s FFrs3500 ....................................................................... ........(Photo)(5)
908 b.
2c brown on buff, neatly caned. on small piece, very fine. Rare . Ceres FFrslS,000 ............................................................... (Photo)(6) 1,500.00
909 0
Ovptd. 4c claret on lavender, on the nose c.d.s. cancel, handstamp on reverse, very fine. Ceres FFrs7500 ............................(Photo)(l9)
910 b.
35c violet on orange, neat c.d.s. cancel on small piece, very fine. Very scarce. Ceres FFrsl 1,500 .................................. ......(Photo)(26) 1,400.00
* 912 ** 9 13 ** 91 I
9 14 9 15
** *
Postage Due; 1893 Imperf 1fr brown, large part o.g., large margins all round, very fine. Sign ed Otto Friedl , Cere s FFr s5250 .(Photo)(J 12)
450 .00
TIMOR: 1947 Ovptd. set compl., 20a invtd. ovpt., n.h., very fine ...........................................................................(Photo)(245A -l ,Jm,K)
TURKEY: 1918 Unissued lOpa to 25pi, comp!. less l0pi , n.h., very tine. DM3000 as hinged compl. set ...........(Photo)(M i.IX-XJl,XlV ) 1923-25 Crescent and Star lOpa to S00pi, comp I. set, plus 2pi deep green, n.h., fine to very fine .............................. (Photo)(605-24,09a)
Postal Tax Air Post; 1930-31Surchd. "Bes lira" SL on RACU, l.h., fresh, fine. Very rare. Signed Kessler, DM1500 ....(Photo)(RAC23)
* *
918 0
* 920 ** 9 19
92 1
1908 Cru ise r set of three, centers invtd. , o.g ., fin e to ve ry fine .................................................................................. (Photo) ( l 74a -76a)
Air Post 1921-22 25c bistre brown, black ovpt., o.g., light perf toning, fresh, fine . Signed Kess ler and others ...... ..................................(Photo) (C I a)
450 .00
Another copy, li g htl y ca ned. , ink m s . o n rever se, very fin e ..........................................................................................(Photo) (C I a)
450 .00
1945-46 Inverted Surcharge , 3 diff., l.h., very fine. Signed Kess ler and other s ................. .............................. ........... ....... (C I I6a, 117a,119a)
23c on l.38p orange , blue surch. , n.h .. S igned Nicklin , San . 140, $ 150 ........................ ........... ............................ .................... .. (C l 17 var. )
1960-61 6c to 20p, 4 diff., double impressions, extra 20p printed on both s ide s, n.h ., ve ry fin e. San. 230a, 34a , 3 5a , 37a ,b ............................................................. ..(Photo) (C2 l 5,219 -20,22 var.)
Air Parcel Post; 1939 Pluna Company, the set of three in vert. setenant strip, another strip with 40c broken plate in red back ground, 40c and 2p tied on same small piece, compl. set, used with Pega sus Air Po st and tied by 16 FEB 39 pmk s. on Regis. envelope to U.S., Montev ideo tran sit and Cri stobal rece iver on reverse , genera lly fine to very fine , Scarce group. Est. Cash Value $200-300 ......... ......... .
* 924 * 925 * 926 *
VATICAN CITY: 1934 Provisional set comp!., l.h or o.g., fresh, very fine. DM2700 ........................ ..............................(Photo)(35-40)
Co mp!. se t , o.g. , very fin e. Signed A. Di e na , DM2700 .......................................................................................(Photo)(35-4 0)
1937 Provisional 25c on 40c indigo, l.h., very fine ........ (Photo)(3 I 9) Air Post; 1947 Error 20c on S0c blue, "20" omitted, vert. strip of' 3, nea tl y t ied o n s m a ll pi ece, ve ry fin e. Sa n. 40 I b , $3 00+ .................................................................................(Photo)(C225 va r.)
929 * 930 93 1
** 933 ** 934 * 935 ** 932
** 937 ** 936
VENEZUELA: 1871-76 Bolivar S0r green, full o.g. , marg ins all round exce pt des ign ju st touched one spot, fresh, fine ....... (Photo)(36) 1,000 .00
927 6
325 .00
1919 Surchd. on Austrian Military Stamps l sh greenish blue, o.g., handstamp on reverse, fresh, fine. OMI 000 ....................... (Photo)(34)
650.00 340.00
lOsh orange brown, o.g., extremely fine. Signed Otto Friedl and others, DMIO00 ................................................................(Photo)(39)
YUGOSLAVIA Air Post; 1949 Railroad Centenary pert' and imp erf Souvenir sheets of one, n.h., very fine. OM I 250 .............. ........... (P hoto )(C33,a)
TRIESTE: Zone B; Air Post, 1949 IL gree nish blue , 2L red brown, imperf. sheet margin copies, n.h., large margins other sides, handstamp on reve rse, very fine. OM800 .............. (Photo) (C3,4 vars.)
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Ssh olive green, 6sh violet, l.h., very fine. Signed Otto Friedl and/or others, OM6 30 ............................................. ................ ............ ... (37-38)
Air Post; 1941 Ovptd. set of ten, l.h., hands tamps on reverse, fine to very fine. OM550 .......................................................(Photo)(NC 1- 10)
! ...11il
WESTERN UKRAINE: 1919 Stanislav Issue 10hr deep violet, 1.h., tr ace of to nin g , o th e rwi se ve ry fin e . Sign ed Kohl e r, OM I 000 ............................................................................................ (Photo)(27)
Ljubljana; 1941 Unwmkd. 15d brown, n.h ., very fin e. Si g ned Bolaffi, OM550 ........................... ..................................... (Photo)(N 14)
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uni. ( 100.00)
1953 Espera nto Congress 300 d viol et & gree n, n.h ., very fi ne. DM 1100 ............................ ............ ................................... (Photo)(C2 I)
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1950 Railroad Centenary pert' and imperf Souvenir sheets of one, n.h., very fine. DM I 000 ...... ........................................... (Photo)(C 17a)
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938 ** IBI Sheet of eight, n.h., very fine. DM8800+ .........(Photo) (C2 1) 1,480.00+
In the pr oduction of this catalogue. we have used the 1994 Scott Postage Stamp Catalogues. We will continu e to use for eign catalogues in specific areas as supplementary informa tion.
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In the p roduction of this catalogue, we ha ve used the 1994 Scott Postage Stamp Catalogues. We ,viii continue to use for eign catalogues in specific areas as supplementary information.
THE LEWIS D. GILBERT COLLECTION Mr. Lew is D. Gilbert ( 1907- 1993), whose death was reporte d in a three-co lumn New York Times obitu ary on Dece mber 18, 1993 , was co nsidered one of the greatest advoca tes of shareholders ' rights in American business. He crusaded to make corporate exec utives more responsive to shareholders and was one of the first "gadfli es" to speak out at annual meetings. It was written of him that he always held shares of the firms he was annoying and authored a book based on his experiences entitl ed "Di vidends and Democracies ". Perhaps his best known quotation resulted when he was asked what he and his brother lived on. He replied "dividend s and interest , just like eve ryone else". Mr. Gilbert 's pass ion for stamps was as consuming as his cor porate ethics' ad vocacy. A Life member of the American Philate lic Soc iety since 1930 , he started co llecti ng at an ea rly age. Harmers is pleased to have the opportunity to offe r the following 26 lots. These co mpri se a very extens ive 300 volume 19th and 20th Century co llect ion of the world, but for U.S. and As ia, and is replete with class ic iss ues , genera lly used, and better later o.g. stamp s and sets. Back -o f-the-book issues abo und . Cond ition is mixed due to varying degrees of adhes ive hinging; nevert he less there is much that is not affected. Care ful inspection will be rewa rdin g.
BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AND FOREIGN 939 ** ~ NEW ISSUES: Many thousand diff. in glassines stuffed in 20 bulging stockbooks in 3 cartons, enormous range and hundreds of Souvenir sheets, many Airs, virtually all n.h., clean and generally very fine. Est. Cash Value $2,500-3,000 ..
BRITISH AFRICA: Many hundred diff. in 8 albums in carton , wide range of countrie s though somewhat sporatic contents , incl. Bechuanaland Prot., Kenya and sub-divi sion s, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Tristan Da Cunha, others. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500
94 1 * O
942 * O
943 * O
BRITISH AMERICA: Many thousand diff. in 21 albums in 2 cartons, wide range with about 20 countries, Anguilla to Virgin Is., Falkland ls., South Georgia , Souvenir sheets, many ÂŁ1 values or equivalent. Est. Cash Value $3,000-4,000 .....
NORTH AMERICA: Many hundred diff. in 3 albums in box, value mostly in Canada, incl. early issues, Jubilee set compl. , $3 no gum, $2, $4, $5 obliterated, 20th cent. practically compl., back-of book, etc., also Newfoundland and other province s. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 BRITISH ASCA: A few thousand diff. in 14 albums in 2 ca rtons, numerou s countries though somewhat sporatic representation, incl. Malayan States and Straits Settlements, Hong Kong, Singapore, Ceylon, India and misc. states, several others. Est. Cash Value $1,500+
944 * O
945 * O
BRITISH OCEANIA: Many hundred diff. in 17 albums in 2 cartons , wide range with Australia and States, New Zealand , Fiji, Gilbert and Ellice ls., Papua New Guinea , Solomon ls., several more. Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500 ..........
EASTERN EUROPE: Several thousand diff. in 27 albums in 3 cartons, numerou s countries incl. Albania, Bulgaria , Czechos lovakia, Hungary , Estonia, Lat via, Lithuania , Poland , Romania , Russia , etc., man y sets and Souvenir sheets. Est. Cash Value $2,500+
947 * O
WESTERN EUROPE: Countries nearly complete, seve ral thou sand diff . in 8 albums in carton, compr. Belgium , Greece and Area, Luxembourg with Profe ssional s' set, Turkey with Women 's Alliance set, Yugoslavia , incl. Souvenir sheets, also Austria, German, Italian and Briti sh Offices in Levant, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $3,0004,000
948 * O
SCANDINAVIA: To about 1988, coll. of a few thou sa nd ditl'. in 6 album s in box, l.h. to o.g., some ea rly used, compr. Denmark , Faroe ls., Finland, Greenland, Iceland , Norway, Sweden, also some Danish West Indie s. Est. Cas h Value $2,500-3,000
949 * O
LATIN AMERICA: Many thousand diff. in 27 albums in 3 cartons, about 20 well repr ese nt ed co untri es, incl. Columbian States, Cuba with Spanish Dominion and U.S. Admin. , bett er Airs and reference not figur ed. Est. Cash Value $5,000+
950 * O
MIDDLE EAST: Many hundred diff. in 12 albums in carton, many countries incl. Egypt, Israel , Iraq , Libya with Halian issues, plu s Cyrenaica and Tripolitania , Morocco, Lebanon, Tuni sia each with Spanish, German, Itali an or British issues, also Afghan istan. Est. Cash Value $2,000+
952 * O
953 * O
BRITISH EUROPE: Many hundred diff. in 14 albums in carton , compr. Great Britain and Channel Islands, Cyprus, Gibraltar, Ireland , Malta , some moderately better item s. Est. Cash Value $2,500+ ...............................................................
AUSTRIA: 1850 to 1990, country very nearl y complete in Minkus album , incl. better early issues, Dollfuss, Semis, Airs, Occu. , etc ., worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 ETH IOPIA AND LIBERIA: Many hundred diff. in 2 Minkus album s, Ethiopia with a high degree of completeness with scarcer early item s, 20th cent. almost complete issues. Est. Cash Value $600-800 FRANCE AND MONACO: A few thousand diff. in 8 album s in carton, many better items throughout and a high degre e of completenes s, incl. Semis and Air s, worth carefu l inspection. Est. Cash Value $2,500-3,000
954 * O
FRENCH COLONIES: Severa l thou sand difl". in 17 album s in 2 cartons, eno rmou s range with compr ehensive to sporatic representation , many better items with Airs a nd Souve nir sheets , Offices Abroad , An dorra , a lso F r ench Comm unit y an d other Africa, worth carefu l inspection. Est. Cas h Value $2,500+
955 * O
GERMANY AND GE RMAN AREA: Severa l thou sa nd diff. in 10 a lbum s in ca rt on, wid e range with state s a nd colonie s, Danzig , Otlice s Abroa d, Occu. , G.D.R., Saar, Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia , Ger man y highly comp lete with better sets a nd Souve nir sheets, Semis, Airs, Berlin and Allied Zone s, worth caref ul inspection. Est. Cash Val ue $5,0006,000
956 * O
IRAN: Many hundred diff . in Minku s album , incl. numerou s early issues a nd later better com pl. sets. Est. Cas h Value $1,200-1,500
957 * O
IT ALY AND IT ALIAN AREA: A few thou sa nd diff. in 3 album s an d loose pa ges in box, incl . better States used a nd genera lly faulty , colonies with General Issues, Eritrea, Soma lia, Aegean Is., Fiume , Trieste Zone A, Italy with many better sets an d back-of-book , incl. Parcel Post lOOOL.Est. Cas h Value $2,500-3,000
LIECHTENSTEIN: Co untr y near ly comp lete on Minku s pages in 2 ring-binder s, incl. Semis, Air s, back-of -book with Otlicial s, also a few Souvenir sheets. Est. Cas h Value $750-1,000
959 * O
NETHERLANDS AND COLONIES: Many hundr ed difl'. in 5 albums in box, good r epr esentat ion of colonie s, compr . Ant illes, New Guin ea, West Irian , Surin am, incl. many compl . sets, Souvenir sheets, Air s, etc., Netherlands nea rly complete issues, incl. Seagull a nd Marine Insur ance sets, worth careful inspection. Est. Cas h Value $2,000
960 * O
PORTUGAL AND CO LONIES: Severa l thou sa nd diff. in 7 albums in ca rton , genera lly good r epr esentation in colonies with many compl. sets and sca r cer items, worth caref ul inspection . Est. Cas h Value $1,500+
961 * O
SAN MARINO: Country very near ly compl ete in Minkus album , incl. Airs , few Souvenir sheet s and exten sive back-of-book. Est. Cas h Value $500-750
962 * O
SPAIN AND COLONIES: Many hundr ed diff . in 6 albums in box, good range of African coloni es, also Andorra , Philippine s, Puerto Rico , Spain with a good repr esenta tion incl. severa l better early items, 20th cent. almo st complete issues. Est. Cas h Value $2,000+
963 * O
SW ITZERLAND: Many hundr ed diff. on Minkus pages in 2 ring-binder s, incl. better ea rly Federal Admini stration a nd Helvetia issues, 20th cent. nearl y complete, incl . Souvenir sheets, Semis , Airs and extensive Otlicial s. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000
964 * O
VATICAN CITY: 1929 to 1990, issues virtually complete in 2 White Ace album s, incl . bett er Air Post and back-of-book , also several Roman States used. Est. Ca sh Value $750
Listed Cat'l value is the Scott 1994 ed.
Note s
Other "Collections and Various " lots ,nay contain small groups of covers.
Primarily 19th Century, accum. of well over JOOitems in box, incl. scarcer Latin America stationery unused and used , Netherlands Franchise stamp on cover, other Europe incl. Austria Fieldpost covers and cards , mixed condition, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $500-750
"Sta mp s on Post Cards", the U.S.M. series depicted in color and embossed , 36 diff. cards, genera lly very fine. Est. Cash Value $ 150
POSTAL STATIONERY: Primarily 19th Century, accum. of a few hundred items in box, mostly unused , some used , much Europe and British Commonwealth with Indian States, also Latin America, Asia with Thailand, Japan , Shanghai, Hawaii, Portuguese Colonies, etc., mostly postal cards with some postal reply cards (unseve red and detached), mixed condition though several better or scarcer cards. Est. Cash Value $500-750 19th and 20th Century
Accum. of over 80 covers in shoe box, wide range of countries and issues with much Europe, incl. France, Belgium , Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Russia , several others, China and misc. Asia, some used stationery, generally fine to very fine with many moderately better items. Est. Cash Value $1,500+
Accum. of severa l hundred covers and sta tionery item s in box, mostly Europe with small selection s of many countries, also U.S., a little Middle East, etc., some slightly better or scarcer sta mp s posta lly used , few postal receipts, sets, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000
Accum. of many hundred item s in numerou s cover albums and loose in 2 cartons, wide range of countries and contents, incl. Europe, British areas, U.S., Latin America, etc., stampless, commercial mail , slogan cancels, unaddressed cacheted FDCs, flights or special events, unu sed and used stationery, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-1,000
97 1
Accum. of several hundred items in box, many countries with much Europe, British, Japan, U.S., etc., incl. cacheted FDCs, some with comp!. sets, picture post cards, Switzerland PTT folders, etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-300 ..................
Turn of the Century, accum. of well over 300 picture post cards in shoe box, wide range of frankings with much Europe and U.S., interest ing array of subjects, many early color photos and WWI subjects and free franks, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-400
Primarily 20th Century, accum. of a few hundred items in box, much Europe with Germany, Spain, Hungary Roosevelt Souvenir sheets, many cacheted FDCs incl. compl. sets, Semis and Airs, Maximum cards, British areas, some Asia, postal cards, etc., better 19th cent., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000
20th Century 974
Accum. of a few hundred covers in box, wide range of countries incl. Latin America and Europe, some British Asia and Middle East, cacheted FDCs, sets, Souvenir sheets, few slightly better, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750
Accum. of many hundred covers strewn in carton, many countries incl. a wide range of Commonwealth issues, Europe, group of China People 's Rep., U.N., Latin America, etc., many cacheted FDCs, also commercial mail, stationery, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500+
Accum. of a few hundred items in 3 cover albums in carton, small selections of a numb er of countrie s, vast majority Swit zerland with FDC s bear ing co mp!. sets and Semi s, PTT cards, few with mint stamp s, blks of 4 , picture post cards, also Great Britain , Austria , Latin America , China, etc., mixed co ndition to very fine . Est. Cash Value $300-500 ............................................. ........ ....... ........... ....... ...
The remainder of several hundred recent covers in a carton, ge nerally 1960s on, many dupl. of philat elic franking s, incl. bett er Briti sh or Foreign countrie s. Est. Cas h Value $ 1
Air Post; Accum. of over 150 covers in box, mostly Special or First Flights and catapult mail, incl. Germany and other Europe, Great Britain, Canada, India, etc., generally cacheted or appropriately marked , fine to very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000
FIRST FLIGHTS: Circa 1930 group of 35 covers on auction lot pages, wid e range of countri es incl. U.S., Franc e, Arge ntina , Brazil, Liby a, Japan , China , etc., British areas and other Latin Ameri ca, most are cacheted or appropriately marked and represe nt flight s wh ich ge nera lly ca rried less than 50 pieces to only a handful , fine to very fine, interesting gro up . Est. Cas h Value $300 -400 ..... .
EUROPEAN CLASSIC COVERS: A wonderful assortment of over 75 19th Century covers, some first issues incl. 28 Austria, 4 Netherlands , 4 Russia, 5 Spain stampless, 4 Scandinavia, 13 France (10 better stampless), plus Germany, States, etc., many on original lot sheets, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $600-800
FOREIGN: Primarily Europe and Colonies, 20th Century, the better remainder in a carton, hundreds of covers from the turn of the century to 1950s, excellent FDCs from Austria, Liechtenstein, Germany, also Flights. Worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500
SCANDINAVIA; 20th Century, coll. of over 100 items on pages in ring-binder, mostly Sweden FDC s, also Denmark, Finland , feel and, Norway issues, incl. co m pl. sets, Souvenir sheets and so me fronts, genera lly post-WWII to 1950 s incl. Gree nland # I 0- 18 FDC , fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $250 -350
TOPICALS: EUROPA; 1956 to 1972, coll. of over 300 cacheted, unaddressed FDCs on White Ace pages in 4 ring-binders and loose in carton, almost co mp!. issues with a little dupl. , clea n and fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Valu e $300-400
SPORTS AND OLYMPICS: Many hundred covers, majority FDCs but some earlier, incl. Europ e, So uth Am erica , se ts, Souvenir sheets, Airs etc., some faults but great topi ca l var iety. Est. Cash Valu e $35 0-500
LATIN AMERICA: Classic covers, group of 20, compr. Chile and Nicaragua bisects, 8 Panama , 8 other Nicaragua, Brazil center invtd., 3 Cuba, generally superior condition, many on original lot sheets.Very useful. Est. Cash Value $600-700 ..............
Group of 30 items, compr. 19th or turn -o f-ce ntury , 2 1 cove rs or stationery items, and 20th Century , 9 better Air Post cove rs of Venezuel a and Costa Rica, ear ly issues incl. Reg is. to Europe and many seldom postally used frankin gs o f Costa Rica, Peru, Uruguay , Guatemal a, etc. , fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-500
Selection of over 250 20th Century covers, nothing later than 1940s, Air Post very strong as would be expected, incl. Zeppelin, Scadta, Condor, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Haiti, Peru, Costa Rica, some on original lot sheets. Well worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000
AUSTRIA: 19th Century, Cancellation coll. of over 200 stamps and a few covers on pages, incl. Coat of Arms and Embossed issues through 1860s, nice variety with red Recommandirt, incl. re-addressed Wien cover, blue, some on small piece, few multiples, Newspaper Tax and Lombardy-Venetia, clean and well above the average. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000
989 6 18J
Lombardy-Venetia; 1850 to 1865, coll. of a few hundred incl. well over 60 folded letters neatly mounted in 6 albums in carton, excellent selection with many stamps on small piece and showing the entire postmark, multiples and mixed frankings, a number of better stamps and variety of better cancels arranged by city or town , some faults as would be expected but well above the norm, very attractive selection. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000
FRANCE: Rail Road cancel coll., compr. 33 covers and 92 stamps, incl. mix ed franking s, multipl es , goo d va riety of stamp s, so me
doc um ented, very fine gro up . Est. Cash Value $300-400
99 1
FRENCH COLONIES: The accum. of 230 covers from the turn of the century to 1940s, some classic ovpts., better groups of St. Pierre France Libre (13), lndo-China (8), Syria, etc., good overall representation. Est. Cash Value $500-750
992 18J0
GERMAN STATES AND GERMANY: 19th Century , accum. of over 30 covers and postal stationery items, incl. Germany Eagle and Shield, Bavar ia, Thurn and Taxis, Nor th G er man Confederation , Saxo ny, few fronts, pos tal rece ipt s. variety of markin gs, also about 15 Bavar ia stamp s, "lesse r lights" but quit e nice, mi xed co nditi on to very fine . Est. Cash Value $300-500
GERMANY AND GERMAN AREA: 20th Century, accum. of well over 200 covers in box, incl. Semis, Berlin , Soviet Lone
Loca ls, GDR , few bl ks and Souvenir shee ts, comp!. sets on so me cove r, Occu. , Air s, etc., ge nera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value
$400-600 994
BERLIN: Accum. of about 75 items in cover album in box, num ero us Blac k BERLIN (a lso few red) , inc l. blks , Airlift , Reg is .. later sets or better values, Semis , FDCs , pictur e pos t ca rds, etc .. ge nera lly fine to very fine. Est . Cas h Value $500+ OFFICES IN CHINA: 1904 to 1913, group of 6 covers or cards, 5 to Germany, I to U.S., ca nce ls, incl. Shanghai , Ti entsin , Peki ng, Hankow. also one J<jautschou 1906 Reg is. cover bea ring I I copies of I c brow n. Interest ing grou p. Es t. Cash Value $ 150-200.
996 * 18J 997
HUNGARY: Stationery; 19th and 20th Century , accum. of about 100 unused items in cigar box, mostly post ca rds, many with multi-colored sce nes , reply ca rds, few enve lopes, wrappers , etc., ge nera lly fine to very fine . Est. Cas h Va lue $ 150-250 HUNGARY AND CZECHOSLOVAKJA: Primarily 20th Century, accum. of about 100 items in box, mo stly cac hete d FDCs, incl. Air s and Souvenir sheets, co mp!. sets on sa me cove r, Reg is. mail, parce l rece ipts, postal ca rds, etc .. so me faults, genera lly fine to very fine . Est. Cas h Value $ 150-250
INDIA: 20th Century, accum. of over 100 Flight covers in box, inc l. ear ly First or Spec ial Fli ght s, goo d mix o f franking s and markin gs, so me entir es and frankings other than Indi a, genera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Valu e $ 150-250
An exhibition collection of 125 covers and cards, about half of which are mounted on document ed pages. The study includes Italian forces in Palestine, North Russia, Czechoslovakia, France, Siberia, Yugoslavia, Turkey, etc., POW mail from Italian camps, Free franks, basic military postmark s and less common variations, plus Allied forces in Italy , American, French escadrille in Venice, British S.P.101 and P.P.l pmks, etc. A fascinating array of this esoteric area. Est. Cash Value $7,500+
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TRIESTE: Zone A; 1947 to 1954, coll. and accum. of well over 150 covers on page s and loose in box, issues virtually complete on FDCs, many cacheted, incl. Airs and back-of-book, also dupl. , blks of 4, commercial usage, mjsc. stationery, fine to very fine and a great selection. Est. Cash Value $300-500 .
LIECHTENSTEIN : 1916 to 1921, group of 11 items on page s, incl. WWI Austrian soldiers' free frank card from Triesen, another card franked by IOh rose censored at Feldkirch and Innsbruck, few later covers, mostly Regis., a few bearing better stamps, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-300
NETHERLANDS: 19th & 20th Century to ear ly 1950s, a quite extensive collection of sever al hundred cover s mounted on album page s and loose, st rength in regular issues and Flights, also good selection of Intern ee/P.O.W. , Tramway and Rock et Posts, plu s some better Colonies, pa ges quite well anotated. Worth close inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,500 .......
PORTUGUESE COLONIES: Group of 34 covers from the 1890s to 1954 , (incl. 3 fronts) , Macau (5), Funchal (3) , Mozambique (4), most importantl y incl. the unlisted 1929 World's Fair Issue on 8 diff . covers, some turn of the century, interesting assortment with severa l on original lot sheets. Est. Cash Value $350-400
SPAIN AND COLONIES: 1920 to about 1956, coll. of over 120 covers on page s and loose in box, incl. a few better Flights, many cacheted FDCs with better Air Post, Regi s., a dozen Canary Island s covers with better frankings or compl. sets, Andorra, Ifni , Sahara, Morocco, Tangier, etc., clean and tine to very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $750+ ......
I 005
SWITZERLAND: 20th Century, generally 1920s to 1940s, accum. of almost 800 covers, good variety of franking s, some FDCs, Flights , Semis, dupl s., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000
VENEZUELA: 19th Century, group of over a dozen items on old auction lot page s, generally sca rcer or seldom seen pieces on cover, incl. bisects, 1896 Map, 1890s Bolivar typ es, Official, stample ss, etc., variety of destination s incl. Europe, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $500-1,000 Listed Cat'l value is the Scott 1994 ed.
19th and 20th Century I007 * O
Balance of a property , thou sands of stamps in over 20 album s or stoc kbook s, plus glassines, etc., in 3 cartons, n.h. to unus ed or used, wide range of countries incl. U.S. and Possessions , much Europe, French Colonies, etc., in several Junior International s, some compl. sets, Semis and back-of-book , anima ls coll., etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500
I008 * O
The property virtually as received contained in 15 albums an d on some page s, better Briti sh, also a useful group of Germany, short sets, man y areas covered. Useful. Est. Cash Value $1,500+
I009 * O 83 Balance of over 200 stamp s in stock cards or glassines in box, n.h. to unused or used , incl. better stamp s and reference items from many countries, much Europe with German and Italian States classic issues, Latin America, etc., mixed cond ition with some very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 Coll. of several thou sa nd in 1930 International Junior album , A to Z countries, used and o.g., some useful early Europe and Briti sh, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750
1010 * O
IO I I * O l!:!l Property as received , many thou sand in glassines in 4 steel file drawers and loose in box and carton, n.h. to o.g. or used, wide
range incl. blks and part sheets, Souvenir sheets, packet s, retired circuit book s, etc., much Europe, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $500-750 IO12 ** GJ Primarily 20th Century, coll. and accum. of many hundred covers and stamp s on pages in ring-binder s, stockbook and
loose in carton, much Western Europe and Asia, incl. Belgium, France, Germany , Switzerland, Scandinavia, other Europe, some China and British areas, better cacheted FDCs and compl. sets, Souvenir sheets, etc., clean and generally fine to very fine, wort h careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,500 1013 * 0 1!:!lBalance of a property , thou sa nd s in ring-binder s, glassines, etc., in 2 cartons, incl. much British with Omnibus issue s, Souvenir sheet s, unexploded booklet s, U.S. and U.N. Souven ir cards and cacheted FDCs , much n.h. , balance o.g. or used , clean and genera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 20th Century 1014 ** O A collection virtually as received contained in one file box packed with glassines, 12 stock books and 9 mint sheet folders in 2 cartons, vast majority of value in n.h. new issues from better years and countries , decent Europe and Great Britain. A bit disorganized but worth the effort. Est. Cash Value $4,000-5,000
Accum. of well over 200 mostly ditT. in stock book, n.h. to o.g., almost all compl. sets with Scandinavia incl. Iceland , other Europe, Japan , Australia, Semis, Airs, few Souvenir sheets, etc., clean and fine to very fine ......................................
IO16 * O
A group of 9 stock books plus page s, mostly used, no high values but lots of stamps and well organized. Est. Cash Value $300 ......... .
1017 0
The basically pack et remainder in two cartons, incl. U.S., mostly unsoaked, needs inspection. Est. Cash Value$ I00
Generally 1950s to 1970s IO 18 ** EB The "co llection " of many thou sands all in original priced glassines. Virtually every part of philately covered except
Japan, China and France & Cols. lmperf s, Souvenir sheet s, miniature sheets , sheet s, sets, fabulous topicals and imperforates abound. Generally better countries. Condition as would be expected is excellent and virtually all n.h. , arranged in over 16 file type boxes and 2 other boxes. Sorting alone will greatly enhance thi s accumulation. Set aside extra time for careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $15,000-20,000 .................................................................................................(Photo )
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I 020
102 1
AIR POST: To about 1950, coll. of man y hundr ed diff. in 4 Specialty albums in carton, l.h. or o.g., wide range of countrie s and generally excellent repr esentation , incl. numerou s better items and sets, clean and fine to very fine. Worth careful inspection . Est. Cas h Value $10,000+ REVENUES: Thousands contained in collections of Netherlands, Switzerland , Latin America, Russia, Cuba , Mexico, some British , Denmark Railwa y stamp s, all in 7 albums or folder s, plus some extra, extensive and worth inspection . Est. Cash Value $500-1,000 TOPICALS: 1949 U.P.U. Anniversary; coll. of a few hundred diff. on Whit e Ace pag es in ring-binder , n.h. , wide range of issues with man y sets, imperf s, Souvenir sheets incl. Belgian Congo and Ruanda-Urundi sheet s of one with colored border s, Briti sh Omnibu s issues, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-600
I 022 * EE 181 SPORTS AND OLYMPIC S : coll. of several hundred stamp s, n.h . to o.g. , and over 50 covers in Specialty album , incl. Yugos lav ia, Cro atia, Italy, San Marino , Libya , Triest e Zones A and B w ith bett er item s, etc., many co mpl. sets in blk s o f 4 and cacheted FDC s, Airs, few Souvenir sheets and Maximum cards, fres h and fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $350-450 ................ ...... .. ..
1023 ** 181Severa l hundr ed diff. stam ps and perhap s 100 cacheted unaddre ssed FDCs in 4 bind ers and loose in carton, compr. Red
Cross, Anti-malaria , Churchill and Freedom From Hunger , last two with additional on FDCs, wide range of issues incl. U.S., Souvenir sheets, few imp erfs and slightly bett er item s in Red Cross topic incl. France Semis, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500+
FOREIGN 1024 **
ASIA AND INDEPENDENT AFRICA: 1950s to 1970s, coll. of several hundred diff . on Specialty pag es in box, n.h., many Afr ican countri es generally in compl. sets, A irs, Souve nir sheets, etc. , also China, Korea , Southeas t Asia, fres h and fine to very fine . Est. Ca sh Value $300 -400 .......................... ............ ............................................. .......................................... ....................... .................... .....
EU ROP E 1025 * O
EASTERN EUROPE: 19th and 20th Century, coll. in 10 album s and man y auction lot coils. in 2 car tons, o.g. or used, some n.h. , compr. Albania, Bul ga ria , Czec hoslovaki a, Eastern Silesia , Croatia, Yugoslavia , Mo nt enegro, Ser bia , Poland , Hungar y incl. coll. of imperf s, Romania , Russia with some States, Office s and Wrangel issues, incl. many compl. sets, better items, Souvenir sheet s, Semis, Airs and back-of-book , some coils. virtually untouched since 1960, mixed condition to much very fine. Est. Cash Value $4,00-5,000
I 026 * O
Accum. of man y hundr ed diff. on auction and mail sa le page s (some as early as 1960) in box, n.h. to unu sed or used, compr. Albania with ptg . vars. incl. Airs ovpt. invtd ., "SHQYRTARE ", etc., Bulgaria with classics incl. better surchd. , later imperf or imp erf between, Czechoslovakia with errors, tete-beche pair s, etc., Hungar y with classics, later imperf s incl. early Airs, back-of-book incl. Occu. and sub-divi sions, Yugoslavia, Poland , Romania with early errors and better shade s, Ru ssia with bett er early item s incl. vars., many better 20th cent. imperf s, back-of-book incl. Wenden, Offices Abroad, Wrangel issues, Territories, man y compl. sets and Souvenir sheet s throughout , also mi sc. Serbia and Montenegro, referenc e, etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $4,000-5,000
1027 * O EE THE BAL TICS: 1918 to 1940, many hundred stamps on pages in a group of old auction lots coils. in box, o.g. or used, scat-
tered n.h., compr . Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, incl. compl. or part sets, imperfs, Semis, Air s, etc., blks of 4, also Central Lithuania, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500
1918 to 1936, accum. of a few hundred on old mail sale and auction pages in box, n.h. to unused , some used, compr. Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, incl. many compl. sets and seldom seen slightly better items, Semis, Airs, imperfs, surch. errors, few Souvenir sheets, etc., some small faults though overall fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750
1028 * O
l 029 * O
SCANDINA VLA: Old lot sheets; 19th and 20th Century, a superb offering of hundreds on lot sheets, from major classic rarities with faults to an incredible number of a,b,c, etc., nos. to back-of-book , proofs, Semi-Official Air Post, varieties seldom found in collections, some n.h. in later issues. Est. Cash Value $7,500-10,000
I 030 * O
Coll. of severa l thousands diff. plus dupl. in 4 albums and well over a dozen auction lot coll. balance s in carton, n.h. to unused or used, mostly Denmark , Finland with coll. of Lion types, blks of 4, Danish West Indie s specialized coll. with better shade s, invtd. frames and blks of 4, Norway, Iceland, Sweden, etc., many compl. sets and blks of 4, extensive back-of-book, some faults as would be expected, but well above average and many very fine. Est. Cash Value $6,000+ ...
19th and 29th Century, severa l thou sa nd diff. on old mail sale and auction lot sheets, neatly arranged in 3 boxes, n.h. to unu sed or used , about 20 countries extensively represented, with better items throughout , compl. sets, Airs, Air SemiOfficials and back-of-book , some reference , Colombia and Ecuador SCADTA issues, Colombian States, Costa Rica with Guanacaste, Honduras Airs and Air Officials, much more, incredible array of errors and varieties, imp erfs, part perf s, etc., mixed condition to very tine . A fabulous lot containing many of those seldom seen "a" numbers and varieties. Est. Cash Value $10,000-15,000
I 032 * O
Many thou sa nd diff. and thousands more dupl. in old auction lot coll. balance s in 2 cartons, o.g. to unused or used, many countries in depth and various specia lized areas within severa l, incl. Colombian States, Hondura s Air Post, Ecuador provi sional hand stamp s, Peru Provi sional Issues, Nicaragua, Salvador and Venezuela cancellation groups, many better item s and compl. sets throughout, imperfs , errors , Airs incl. Venezuela perfed "GN", extensive back-ofbook , reference item s, etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $7,500-10,000
I033 * O EB Coll. of many thousand diff. in 19 albums in 2 cartons, o.g. to unu sed or used, many countries in depth incl. numerou s
better item s and sets throughout, Argentina with many o.g. Otlicials, Brazil coll. o.g. blks of 4, Colombian States, Costa Rica with man y vars. incl. sca rce perfs and Guanacaste , Haiti specialized 2 vol. coll. incl. early and surchd. blks of 4, Hondura s Air Post Officials specializ ed group in stockbook, much more, mixed condition as would be expected. A valuable lot worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $5,000-7,500 1034 0
Air Post; 1920s to 1950s, coll. of several hundr ed diff. on pages , used, compr. Costa Rica , Guatemala , Honduras, Peru , Uruguay, Venezuela, incl. compl. sets, Souvenir sheets, few Air Officials and slightly better item s, neatly caned. and generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $600-800 Proofs and reprints coils. and loose, a few hundred on album pag es and old lot sheets , strong Argentina , Colombia plus Paraguay and others , many bett er. Worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $300-400
1036 * O
MIDDLE EAST: 19th and 20th Century, several thousand stamps in 2 albums and many auction lot coll. balance s in box, o.g. to unu sed or used , excellent array with many scarcer item s, incl. Egypt with early perf vars., extensive Iran and Saudi Arabia, Syria with Arabian Government issues, Yemen, etc. , man y Airs and Souvenir sheet s, imperf s, error s, referenc e as well as a numb er signed "e la" or others, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cas h Value $5,000-6,000
Old lot sheets; accum. of man y hundred s sorted by country, strong groups of Iran , Syria, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia, also Isra el and Yeman, man y listed varieties, imp erfs, invts., etc. Fabulous sp ecialist material. Est. Cas h Value $1,0001,500
COLLECTIONS BY COUNTRY 1038 * Olfll AFGHANISTAN: 19th and 20th Centur y, man y hundr ed incl. old auction coils. or lot pa ges in box, o.g. to unu sed or used, incl. ma ny ea rly issues with lar ge multipl es, later imp erfs, few sheets, Air Post 1939 set of three imp erf, pair s imperf vert., etc. , Otlicials and Posta l Tax, mixed condition, worth careful inspect ion. Est. Cas h Value $1,000+ AUST RI A I039 * O
I 040 * O
I 04 1 * O
19th Centur y, a few hundr ed on old mail sale or auction lot pa ges in box, o.g. to unu sed or used , incl . man y better items with variou s early shades and pap ers, 1858-59 Embossed types I and II, 1874-80 ptg s. and perf vars., back -of-book with bette r Newspaper stamp s and Lombard y-Ve netia , Danube Steam Navigation Co., etc., mixed condition to very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cas h Value $2,500-3,000 1850 to 1956, coll. of a few hundr ed diff. in Scott spring-back album, mostly o.g., some n.h. or ea rly used, incl . bett er items, compl. sets with 1910 Jubil ee, 1945 ovptd. types to Sm, nice gro up of Semis , some small fault s, overall fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $800-900 1850 to 1956, coll. of a few hundr ed diff. in Schaubek album, o.g. or used, incl. several better items. comp !. or part sets with Semis. back-of-book incl. Offices in Crete, Turkish Empire, Occu., Lombardy-Venetia, mixed condition to ve1y fine. Est. Cash Value $400-500
1042 * OEE 1908-13 Franz Jo seph , coll. of over 150 stamp s on page s, 1.h. to unused or used, good selection with diff. papers, plate flaws and imped¡. assortment s of cancels, blks incl. I Ok lightly caned., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-500 ..........( 110-27, etc.) 1043 R
1044 * O
1045 * O
AUSTRIA AND LOMBARDY-VENETIA: Reprint s; Group of 43 reprint s on original Billig lot sheets, incl. perf and imperf, many o.g., generally very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-300 .................................................................... ( 1- 16,22-26,P 1-8,L-V 1- 14 ,20-24) AUSTRIA AND BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA: Primaril y 20th Century, man y hundred diff. on mail sale and auction lot pag es and severa l coll. balance s in box, o.g. to unu sed or used , incl. man y compl. sets, Semis and back-of-book , Bosnia with 19th cent. issues and many perf combination vars. and imperf s, error s, etc., also Austria Offices Abroad, Serbia, etc., some faults though generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 BELGIAN CONGO AND RUANDA-URUNDI: 19th and 20th Century, several hundred stamp s on old mail sale or auction lot page s in box , n.h. to unu sed, few used , incl. many compl. sets, ovptd. and hand stamped , imperf s, Souvenir sheet s incl. UPU, some invtd. fram e, Airs and back-of-book , generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750
1046 * O
BELGIUM: Old lot sheets; 19th and 20th Century, a fine selection of a few hundred on lot sheets, from better classics to 1950s, outstanding Airs, Semis, Officials and Parcel Post, some varieties, Souvenir sheets, etc., rarities with some faults, rest generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $2,500-3000
l047 * O llll 1849 to 1980, accum. of many hundred stamps in glassines and stock sheets in box, much n.h., balance o.g. or used, incl. compl. or part sets, blks of 4 or larger, Semis, few Souvenir sheets and back-of-book, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-300 1048 * O
BELGTUM AND COLONIES: 19th and 20th Century, many thousand in 4 albums and a number of auction lot coll. balances in carton, o.g. to unused or used, excellent representation with dupl. of better items and sets, extensive backof-book, Semis, Souvenir sheets, colonies include Congo, East Africa, Ruanda-Urundi with handstamp and ovptd., booklet panes, etc., mixed condition to very fine Est. Cash Value $2,500-3,000
1049 * 181 COLOMB[A: Air Post; SCADTA, Overprinted "S" (Switzerland); the small collection mounted to exhibition standards on 8 custom album pages, compr. violet ovpt. to 60c plus a double on 30c used, black ovpts. com pl. and IO combination covers. Lovely group, generally very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-400 1050 S
COSTA RJCA: Muestras (Specimens) and plate proofs; accum. of about 160 on pages and approval cards, ranging from #1, 2 to about 1950, all in issued colors and mostly o.,g., great variety incl. San. I62-74PP, few with stains, mostly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $250-300
105 1 * 0181 CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Austrian Towns; 19th and 20th Century, small coll. on pages, compr. 11 stampless and 22 Austrian stamps, few on small piece, also some STATNf POSTA and other unlisted mint, town cancels generally clean and complete and quite a variety, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $ 150-250 1052 0
DENMARK : 1851 to 1964, coll. of a few hundred diff. on Specialty pages, used, few o.g., high degree of completeness with 4rs brown group of 24, incl. First and Second ptgs, Semis, Airs and better back-of-the-book, some faults as would be expected , generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-500
1053 * O
EGYPT: 19th and 20th Century, several hundred stamps on mail sale and auction lot pages in box, n.h. to unused or used, good range of issues incl. numerous better early items, later compl. sets and vars., imperfs, double or invtd. ovpt., proofs with printed Arabic or "Cancelled" on reverse, Souvenir sheets, extensive back-of-book with Palestine Occu., etc., mixed condition to many very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000
I 054 * O
ETHIOPIA: 1894 to about 1960, many hundr ed in coll. balance s and mail sale lot pag es, o.g. to unu sed or used , excellent representation with many bett er and seldom seen items, compl. sets, er ror s, Airs, Postage Due nea rly compl ete, some dupl. , some faults as would be expected, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Valu e $1,000+
I 055
FRANCE : Semi-Postals; 1914 to 1974, issues almost complete on Specialty pages, l.h. or o.g., incl. some better early sets, later unexploded booklets, n.h., fresh and fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500+ .................................... .....................(betw. Bl and B480) FRANCE AND COLONIES
l 056 * O
19th and 20th Century to about 1957, coll. of man y thou sa nd ditT. in 6 Specialty albums in carton , o.g. to unu sed, some used, high degree of completeness with hundred s of bett er item s and scarc er issues throughout , incl. Semis, Airs, ext ensive back-of-book , especially Postage Due issues, ver y strong France Otlicie s Abroad, etc., mix ed condition with some ref erenc e to very fine. A valuable collection worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $20,000-25,000
I 057 * O
Many hundred diff. on old mail sale and auction lot page s in box, o.g. to unu sed or used, wide range of colonies incl. Andorra, Monaco and Middle East colonies, better items and th e unu sual abound, many error s, unli sted , SemiOfficial s incl. covers, pro ofs, reference as well as signed copies, mixed condition as would be expected, worth careful inspection. Est. Cas h Value $5,000+
I 058 * O
Severa l thou sand stamp s in a few album s and several auction lot coils. in carton, l.h. to unu sed or used, wide range though mostly France , many compl. sets, Semis, Airs, Oflices, Monaco, etc., 19th cent. mixed cond ition, genera lly tin e to very tine thereafter , worth carefu l inspection. Est. Cash Value $2,500
I 059 ** 83 IMPERFORA TES IN ISSUED COLORS: 20th Century , accum . of several thou sand in glassine s and auction lot pages
in 2 boxes, vast majorit y n.h. , wide range of colonies and numerou s bett er France, incl. pr e-WW II, compl. sets, pair s and blks of 4, Semis, Souvenir sheets, man y Airs, also Monaco, Ca mbodi a, Laos, Viet Nam, Fezzan, some Ind ependent Africa and misc. plat e pro ofs and trial colors, genera lly very fine. Somewhat disorga nized but worth careful inspection. Est. Cas h Value $2,500-3,000
1060 DP
FRENCH COLONIES: 20th Centur y, a few hundr ed items in auction lot coils. in box, incl. Die proof s, some die sunk and embo ssed, Epr euves de luxe, few composites incl. France and Monaco, other colonies with Chad to Rhin e series incl. 2 collective Epr euves de luxe, Pictorial s, Transport and other Airs, especiall y Reunion , also St. Pierre and Miquelon with imp erf progr essive trial color pro ofs, generally tine to very fine with many scarce items. Est. Cas h Value $1,500-2,000
I 06 I * O
GERMAN STATES : Prim arily 19th Centur y, several hundr ed sta mps on old mail sale or auction lot pages in box, n.h. to unu sed or used, excellent repr esentat ion of man y states, particularl y Ba varia , num erou s better items throu ghout , severa l multipl es incl. booklet pan es, errors with imp erfs, or ovpt. omitted, mixed condition as would be expected but genera lly well above average and many tin e to very tin e. Est. Cas h Value $4,000-6,000
1062 6.
GERMANY: 1949 U.P.U. Anniversary 30pf ultramarin e, 21 copies, tied on sma ll pieces , few small fault s, ge nerally fine to fine. DM2940 .................................................................................................................................... ...................................................
630 .00
1063 6.
1951 Roentgen 30pf blue, 24 copies incl. vert. pair s pmkd . on small pieces, small fau lts to very fine. DM 1200 ....................... (686)
1064 * O
GERMANY AND GERMAN AREA: 19th an d 20th Century, several thou sand diff. in 5 album s and over 35 auction lot coils. in carton , o.g. to unu sed or used, wide rang e with Germany and many States, Colonies, Dan zig, Meme l, Saar, Upper Silesia, etc., WW1 and II Occu. , Allied and Soviet Zones, Berlin , G.D.R., Semis, comp l. sets, back-of-book , man y better item s throughout , mixed condition in ear ly issues as would be expected, much fine to very tine. Est . Cash Value $10,000-12,000
I 065 * O
Many hundred on old mail sale or auction lot pages in box, n.h. to unu sed or used, wide range of issues incl. Eagle and Large or Sma ll Shield, turn of the century mark values, later issues with Semis, etc., many 1920s errors and imperf s incl. Danzig , Saar, etc., also Memel, Colonies and Officies Abroad, small Local s coll. on page s, mixed condition to much very tine, carefu l inspection essential. Est. Cas h Value $4,000-5000
1066 t:.
BERLIN: 1953 Strike set of two , 8 sets, each tied on small piece, few small faults, generally fine to very fine. DM520 ....(9N99, I00)
1067 * O
GREECE AND AREA: 19th and 20th Century, many hundred dill. in album and a handful of auction lot coll. balances, o.g. to unused or used, many better early issues with dupl., later compl. sets, extensive back-of-book with Postage Due, Postal Tax and numerous Occu., also Crete, Epirus, Thrace , faults to very fine, 19th cent. generally superior to the norm. Est. Cash Value $2,500-3,500
I068 * O
Accum. of a few hundred stamps on old mail sale or auction page s in box, n.h. to unused, some used, better classics incl. First Issue , many compl. sets, vars. incl. imperf , doubly printed, Airs, back-of-book with Occu. , Crete, Thrace, reference, few blk s, etc., mixed condition to very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $2,000
I 069
l 071 * O
I073 * O
1075 * O
ISRAEL: 1949 to 1973, small coll. in stockbook, n.h., primarily full tab copies, incl. corners, few Souvenir sheets with Typesetter and Freedom from Hunger, tete-beche pairs and gutter pairs, Airs, etc., generally very fine ........(betw. 15 and 521a, C7 and C37, Jl -5) ITALIAN COLONIES: 20th Century, coll. of many hundred dill. in Specialty album, n.h. to o.g., compr. General Issues and smaller colonies, Cyrenaica, Eritrea , Aegean Is. and sub-divi sions, Libya , Somaliland and Tripolitania, incl. many compl. sets and scarcer items , Semis and excellent back-of-book with better Postage Due and Parcel Post, mostly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000
IT ALIAN ST ATES: 19th Century, group of over 125 stamps on mail sa le or auction lot page s in box, o.g. to unu sed or used, compr. Modena, Parma, Romagna , Roman States, Sardinia and particularly Tu sca ny and Two Sicilies, incl. a number of better item s, few vars., etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500
ITALY AND ITALIAN AREA: 19th and 20th Century , several hundred mostly ditJ. on old mail sale and auction lot page s in box, n.h. to unu sed or used , wide range incl. better Italy, Fiume, San Marino , Vatican City, Colonies, etc. (no States), many sca rcer item s and sets, Souvenir sheets, Offices Abroad etc., mixed condition to very fine Est. Cash Value $ 2,500-3,500
Many hundred diff., in 3 albums and over 10 auction lots coll. balances in carton, o.g. to unused or used, incl. many compl. sets, Pneumatic Post and other back-of-book , Occu., Fiume, San Marino , mi sc. States, Cyrenaica, Eritrea, Lib ya, Somalia, Tripolitania, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 Primarily 20th Century, coll. of many hundred dift'. in Ne Plu s Ultra album, I.h. or o.g., incl. San Marino , Trieste Zones A and B, Vatican City, incl. slightly better items and many compl. sets with Italy post-WW[J issues, Semis, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750+ OFFICES ABROAD; 19th and 20th Century, severa l hundred stamp s in auction lot coll. balance s, o.g. or used, incl. General Issues, China, Tientsin, Turkish Empire with sub-divisions, Aegean ls., etc., many scarce or seldom seen items with Postage Due, some dupl., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-500 ..........................................................................................................
Listed Cat'l value is the Scott 1994 ed.
1076 ** 83 TRIESTE: Zone A; 1947 to 1954, several coils. conta inin g hundr eds of stamp s on pag es and stockbook in box, vast majorit y n.h. , countr y virtuall y compl ete plus Italy and German y A.M.G. issues, incl. blk s of 4, gutter pair s, corner In scription blk s of 5, Revenu es, num erou s perf vars., errors incl. ovpt . invtd. , double , without per iod (some in pair s with normal s), broken "G", etc., clean and generally fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Value $1,000+
I077 *0181 LIBERIA : Old lot sheets; 19th and 20th Century , accum. of man y hundred , very extens ive starting
with #la , numerou s sets, imp erfs, invts. and varieties , Sanabria listed items, tlown covers from 1940s. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 ............. .
I 078 * O
Many hundred stamps on pages in old auction lot coils. in box, o.g. to unused or used, incl. many of the first four issues, later issues with numerous varieties, imperf., imperf between , multipl es, surch. and ovpt. errors, Official s, proofs, etc., mixed condition to very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $500-750 LlECHTEN STEIN
I 079
Group of 23 proofs, co mpr. imp erf s, co lor trials. essays. incl. 1-3, 55-7, 61,63, 66, 68, 119, 129, B4 plu s I 1952 essay Souvenir sheets . ge nera lly fine to very fine. Est. Ca sh Va lue $400-500
1080 * O
1912 to 1960s, many hundr ed in 2 albums and coll. remaind ers in box, o.g. or used, incl. some better compl. sets, Austria 15kr pmkd. Vaduz , Souvenir sheets, Officials, etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000+ ......... .
I 08 1
1912 to about 1960, accum. of a few hundr ed on old mail sa le or auct ion lot page s in box, o.g. or used, incl. better items and compl. sets, few Souvenir sheets , 1930 Regular Issue and Officals selection sort ed by perf types, Semis, etc., some fault s though overall fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000+
Complete Sheets I 082 ** 83 1942 Anniversary set of five, sheets of 25, n.h. , very fine. DM 1375+ .........................................................................................(176-80)
1944-45 2f'r, 3fr, 5fr, compl. set, plus 1947 5fr, sheets of 8, n.h., few small edge faults, stamp s very fine. DM 1525 ..(Photo)(2 l 5- 17)
I084 ** 83 1949 Portraits set compl., sheets of 12, stamp s n.h ., few se lvage fau lts, very fine. DMI 560+ ...................................... ............(227-35)
I085 ** 83 1949 5rp dark brown & buff, sheet of 25, n.h ., severa l folds along perfs, very fine. DM 1937 ....................................................... (239)
1086 ** ~ Anniversary set of three, sheets of 20, n.h., very fine. DMl 100+ ............................................................................................... (240-42)
1087 ** ~ 1950 Animals set of three, sheet of 20, n.h., 20rp selvage creasing and one stamp tiny crease, very fine. DM3500+ ........ (243-45)
1088 ** ~ 1951 2fr dark blue , perf 12 ½x l2 , 3fr dark red brown , perf 14 ½, sheets of 20, n.h. , very fine. DM6750+ .......................................................................................................................................................................(259,260a) as hinged 1955.00+ l 089
1952 Art set of thre e, sheets of 12, stamp s n.h. , very fine. DM2640+ ......................................................................................(261-63)
Listed Cat'l value is the Scott 1994 ed.
Notes 1090 ** (!jj Cast le 5fr deep green, sheet of 9, n.h., very fine. DM4950+ .............. ............................. ............. ...................... ................. (264)
1091 ** (!jj 1.20fr on 40rp blue, sheet of 20, n.b., minor selvage falut s, very fine. DM 1400+ ............. ............................................................... (265)
550 .00+
1092 ** (!jj 1953 Art set of four, sheets of 12, n.h., very fine. DM2580+ ...................... ............ ........ ........ .............................. .................. .. (266-69)
1093 * * (!jj Scout Conference set of four , sheets of 20 , n.h., very fine. DM 2200+ .........................................................................
........ ..... .. (270-73)
1094 ** llil National Museum set of three, sheets of 12, n.h., very fine. DM2 160+ ............................................................ ......................... (274-76)
720 .00+
1095 ** ml 1954 Sport s set of four, sheets of 25, n.h ., very fine. DM 2750+ ...................... .................. .............. ........ ....................... ............ (277-80)
937 .50+
1096 ** (!jj Surchd. set of three, sheets of 12, n.h., very fine. DM I 020+ ............ ............................... ...... ........... .............. .......... ................... (28 1-83)
I 097 ** (!jj Madonna set of three, sheets of 20, n.h., I fr light sta in in selvage barely affec ting one stamp , very fine. DM2200+ ....... ........ (284 -86)
I 098 * * (!jj 1955 Royalty set of two, sheet s of 12, n.h., negligible selvage corner creasing bottom left, very fine. DM5000 .... (287,288)
I 099 ** (!jj Sport s set of four, sheets of 25, n.h., very fine. DM 2750+ ........................... ........... .......... .......................................................... I I 00 ** (!jj Portrait s set of four , sheets of 20, n.h., very fine. DM I I 00+ ....................................................
(289 -92)
875 .00+
................................... ............... (293-96)
340 .00+
1101 ** (!jj 1956 Sport s set of four , sheets of 25, n.h., very fine. DMl 500+ ...................... ........ .................... ............................................. (297-300)
525 .00+
1102 ** (!jj 1957 Sport s set of four , sheets of 25, n.h., very fine. DM 22 50+ ............ ........................................................ .............. ............... (308- l 1)
625 .00+
l l 03 * * (!jj 1958 Sports set of four , sheets of 25, n.h., very fine. DMI 187+ ........ ......... ........ ...................... ............... ...... ....... ...................... (320-23)
3 12.50+
I I 04 * * (!jj 1960 Trees set of three, sheets of 20, n.h., very fine. DM 23 00+
800 .00+
1105 ** (!jj Air Post; 1948 lOrp to 10t'r, com pl. set sheet s of 9, n.h., few smaller selvage fault s, very fine. DM I 600 ....................... ......... (C24 -33)
1106 ** (!jj 1960 Anniversary set of four, sheets of 20, n.h., very fine . DM I000+ ............... ................ ..... ...................................... ......... .... (C34-37)
320 .00+
I I 07 ** (!jj 1937 to 1965, the balance of over 100 complete sheet s in 2 file folder s in box, stamp s or sheets n.h. but for a very few, mostly compl. sets incl. Sem is, genera lly very fine. DM20 ,000+ .................................... ... (betw. 132 and 403 ,B15-17,19-23)
LUXEMBOURG: 19th and 20th , many hundred difl". in 4 auction lot co ll. balances in box, o.g. to unused or used, extensive 19th cent. with numerous and dupl. better items, later comp l. sets , Souvenir sheets and Semis, Officals plentiful incl. ovpt. invtd., mixed cond ition as wou ld be expected (reference not figured), though many very tine and overall quite attractive. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 ........... ........................ ................. ...... ..................................................................
1108 * O
I I 09 * O
About 200 stamps on old auction lot page s in box, o.g. to unused or used , incl. many classic issues, rouletted and rouletted in color , some later sets and comp l. sheet s, Semis, better Officials incl. invtd. ovpt., reference , etc., mixed conditi on to very fine. Est . Cas h Value $1,000-1,200
I 110 * O
MEXICO: 1856 to 1956, coll. of many hundr ed diff. in Specialty album , o.g. to unu sed or used, excellent representation with myriad Hidalgo better items, Numerals, 1895 to 1898, Pictorials with perf vars., Civil War period, compl. sets, back-of-book with Porte De Mar an d better Officials, reference, etc. mixed conditi on. Est. Cash Valu e $1,500+ ..............
1111 * O
NETHERLANDS AND COLONIES: 19th and 20th Century, accum. of several hundred stamp s on old auction lot page s, some dating back to 1960, o.g. to unused , some used, colonies compr. Neth. Antilles, Indie s, Surinam, extensive and incl. many classic issues with shade s and perf vars., better compl. sets, Semis, back-of-book with Postage Due perf or typ e vars., Indie s with Japane se Occu. Sanabria listed item s, mixed condition to very fine. Worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $3,500-4,500
1112 * O
Many hundred ditT. plus dupl. of better item s and sets in 2 albums and over a dozen auction coll. balance s, o.g. to unu sed or used , with syncopated perf s incl. blks of 4 and Semis, extensive back-of-book throughout , colonies compr. Indie s incl. Japane se Occu., New Guinea, Antilles, Surinam also some Indone sia incl. ovptd. RJAU, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $3,000
1113 * O
PORTUGAL AND COLONIES: 19th and 20th Century, coll. in 2 albums and over 20 old auction lot coils. in carton, o.g. to ungummed or used, some n.h. , extensive range and depth in most colonies as well as Portugal, incl. many compl. sets and better item s, Souvenir sheet s and excellent back-of-book , many seldom seen item s with Macao surchd. " Reis" and 191) Laid Paper set of two, St. Thomas and Prince Is. ovptd. " REPUBLICA " and Newspaper stamp s, Timor "Libe rtacco ", reference , etc., mixed condition to very fine. Many ex Donald Roehling and virtually untouched since 1960. Est. Cash Value $4,000-5,000
I I 14 * O
Several hundred stamps on old mail sale and auction lot pag es in box, o.g. to unu sed or used, good representation of many colonies, particularly 19th and ear ly 20th cent. with num erous better and seldom seen item s, errors , some compl. sets and n.h . Souvenir sheet s, back-of-book, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $2,000-3,000
I I 15 * 0 83 To about 1955, coll. of many hundred in 6 albums in box, o.g. to unused or used, some n.h. , incl. blks of 4, man y colonies encl. Angola, Cape Verde, Macao, Guinea, Congo, Mozambique, etc ., many compl. sets, slightl y better or scarcer items with dupl. Ceres issues, Souve nir sheets, Airs , extensive back-of-book with Portugal Rifle Club, etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,200-1,500
1116 * 0 83 RUSSIAN AREA: circa 1918, many hundred dilf. plus dupl. in old auction lot coils. in box, mostly o.g., compr. individ-
ual colls. of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Far Eastern Rep. , South Russia, Ukraine, incl. num ero us compl. sets and better item s, back-of-book , specia lized Ukraine with nearly all type s of Kiev, Kharkov, Odessa, Podolia, etc., incl. rarities and vars., blks, used on piece and on cover (very scarce), also privately applied ovpts., misc. Western Ukraine, Wrangel Post and doubtful issues, some signed Champion. Several collections ex Donald Roehling and virtually untouched, generally line to very line. Est. Cash Value $1,000+ 1117 ** [i;i]SAAR: 1957 Heuss l(fr) to 200(fr), 49 compl. sets, incl. blks, n.h., fine to very fine. DM2940 .................. ................. ...... ....... (263-82) 1118 * O
SPAIN: 19th and 20th Century , coll. of many hundred diff. on album pages in box, o.g. to unu sed or used, wide range incl. many early issues with dupl. , later compl. or part sets to about 1940, Semis, Airs, back-of-book with listed and unli sted Revolutionary Issues , few Souvenir sheets, colonies with somewhat sporadic representation, mixed condition with some stuck , reference items not figured. Est. Cash Value $2,000+
Civil War Issues; circa 1935, acc um. of a few hundr ed items on pa ges and loose in box, n.h. to o.g., incl. many Souvenir sheets, se-tenant multiples, Revolutionary ovpts. with many sub-divisions Scott and Sanabria listed, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-400 ............................................................................................................................................................................................ .
1119 * EB
1120 * O
SPA IN AND COLONIES: 19th and 20th Centur y, a few thousand stam ps in 2 album s and severa l auction lot coils. in carto n, o.g. to unused or used , some n.h. , excellent repre senta tion with Car list Issues, man y colonies near ly compl ete issues, incl. better items or compl. sets , Airs a nd back-of-book, mixed condition to very fine, worth ca reful inspection. Est. Cas h Value $3,000-3,500
I 12 1 * O
Accum. of severa l hundr ed mostly diff . on old auct ion or mail sale lot sheets in box , o.g. to unu sed, some n.h . or used , inc.I. better ear ly item s and later comp l. or part sets, Sem is, Airs with many imp erf, some back-of-book wit h Canary Islands, error s, Civil War incl. inlisted , mostly Spain though a few better colonie s items incl. Mar iana Is. Sc, Puerto Rico color error s #l3a a nd 14a, etc., mixed condit ion to very fine. Est. Cash Value $2,000+
SPANISH COLONrES: 19th Century , coll. of several hundred dill'. on Specia lty pages and in stockbook , o.g. to unu sed or used , com pr. Cuba, Philippines , Pu erto Rico, incl. many better items a nd scarcer stam ps with dupl., provisional s a nd back-of-book, mixed conditi on with reference not figured. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 SW ITZE RL AND Old lot sheets; 19th Centu ry, Sittin g Helvetia, selection of abo ut JOOsta mp s or blk s, mixed used an d o.g., many classics a nd #14 used (dm gd.); mixed conditi on to ma ny very fine , int er esting assortment. Est. Cas h Value $1,000
1123 * O
1882 to 1907 Sta ndin g Helvetia a nd Numeral specia lized coll. of 81 o.g. stamp s (plu s few used), one essay also mount ed on exhibition quality page s, or ganized according to Zumstein listin gs, only a few rari eties removed, some faults, still a sup er ior grouping
1125 R
Sta ndin g Helvetia ; selection of 660 reprint s, majority Pari s reprint s mount ed in 2 count er book s, also Libertas essays and reprints a nd Par is bi-color proof s, man y shad es, pair s, blks , etc. Extensive group. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000
1126 * O
19th and 20th Centur y, A few thou sa nd in album and old auction coll. balan ces in carton , n.h. to unused or used, wide r a nge with a few Rayon typ es, bett er Sitting Helvetia, etc., man y compl. sets incl. Peace, Semis with Souvenir sheets, excellent back-of-bo ok incl. bette r Postage Due and Officials, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cas h Value $2,500+ ..... .
1127 * O
Old lot sheets, 20th Centur y, group of severa l hundr ed , good Regular Issues, Semis, Dues, Officials, sets, Souvenir sheets, some fault s on high er values but generally fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Value $1,500
Semi-Postals; lmp erforate s, 1913 to 1925, group of 32 contained on old lot sheets, ungummed except Bl o.g., some sheet margin copies, generally very fine, Est. Cas h Value $400-500 ........................................ .............................. ................... (81, 810-40 imp )
Listed Cat'l value is the Scott 1994 ed.
I129 *OEBSoldiers'
Stamps; 4 specia lized MiiUer albums (1940) containing many hundred s of WWII stam ps, also many loose collateral covers and stamp s in glassines from WWI and II. Fascinating and lovely books. Est. Cash Value $1,500
113 1
TURKEY: 19th and 20th Century, several thou sand sta mp s on auction or mail sale lot sheets and 10 auction collections, n.h. to unu sed or used, excellent repre sentation throughout with compl. sets, Semis, Souvenir sheets and lat er imperf s, extensive back-of-book , incl. Postage Due, Local s, Newspaper, PostaJ tax with Airs, Hata y, Turkey in Asia, better items abound with multiples and errors, "Fo ur Cities" unu sed, Postage Due sets used, much more , mixed condition to much very tine. Est . Cash Value $3,000
I 132
Many hundr ed diff. in album and several auction lot coll. balanc es in box, o.g. to unu sed or used, many bett er items and compl. sets with dupl. , extensive turn-of-c entur y and back-of-book with Posta l Tax and Turkey in Asia, also Hata y, Montenegro and Serbia , mixed condition to very tin e. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500
1134 O 1135
1919 to 1982, coll. of many hundr ed diff. in 2 hing eless albums and stockbook in carto n, excellent repr esenta tion with man y compl. sets, better items and Souvenir sheets , imp erf, early Air Post er ror s, 1934 Pre sentation set (incl. Air Post) with empty value tablets, over 20 covers, circa 1920, Arabian Government Issues, U.A.R. incl. imp erf sheets of' one or two, RAU ovptd. set, much more , clean and fine to very tine , worth inspection. Est. Cas h Value $1,500-2,000 ..
VATICAN CITY: 1929 to 1974, issues almost complete in hing eless album, vast majorit y n.h., incl. Souve nir sheets and bett er Air Post with Archangel, U.P.U. Anniversary, Gratianus, etc., back -of-book , fresh and generally tin e to very tine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 1933 to 1973, coll. of a few hundred diff. on White Ace pa ges in ring-binder, neatly caned., incl. some slightly better early issues and better Air Post, Semis and some back-of-book, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-500 Air Post; 1962 Archangel set of two, 49 sets, n.h., generally fine to very fine. DM475+ ..........................................................(C45,46) END OF SALE
BIDDING Unless announced otherwise by the auctioneer , all bids are per lot , as numbered in the printed Catalogue . H. R. Harm er Inc. (hereinafte r " Harmers "), License #s 672829 , 780870, as agent for the consignor or vendor, shall regulate the bidding and shall determine the manner in which the bidding shall be con ducted . Harmer s reserves the right to withdraw any lot prior to sale (without liability to any potential purchaser or agent) , to re-offer any withdrawn lot , to divide a lot or to group two or more lots belonging to the same co nsignor or vendo r, and to refuse any bid believed not made in good faith . The hi9hest bid acknowledged by the auc tion eer shall prevail. Should a dispute arise between bidders (including a dispute between a floor bidder and the auctioneer acting on behalf of a mail bidder , consignor or vendor), the auctioneer alone shall determine who is the successful bidder and whether to reoffer the lot in disp ute . Should a dispute arise after the sale, the auctioneer's sale records shall be conclusive . On alf lots sold , a commission ol 10% on the hammer price Is payable by the buyer . (a) The auctioneer reserves the right to bid on behalf of clients (and consignors or vendors) but shall not be liable for errors and omissions in executing instru ctions to bid , however received , and whether such errors or omissions be those of the bidder or agent or those of the auctioneer. (b) All lots are offered subject to a reserve price . The auctioneer may implement such reserve price by bidding on behalf of the consignor or vendor. (c) It may also be assumed that all consign ors have been advanced monies against the sale of their stamps and Harmer s theref ore has a securi ty interest over and above the normal 'auction
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5. 6.
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10 ,
11 .
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O::>IX3W ' ONV-,,
I 1
" l:I "H
,-4 ,-4
PRICE $1.00 (or by subscription)
SALE 2895
$1,10 8,927.00 The Estates of Paul Beaver (part I) and Lewis D. GIibert
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 58 59 61 62 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76
170 240 260 200 125 200 350 120 210 180 105 750 450 260 120 375 475 210 375 85 200 190 850 180 125 105 140 135 145 375 325 325
400 230 325 180 230 1250 550 1050 600 220 475 240 140 180 120 150 160 210 230 280 160 130 260 850 130 75 450 125 240 115 115 260 425 350 350 65 280 250 210
77 78 79
320 145 700 BO 95 81 475 82 210 83 950 84 90 85 160 87 750 88 1050 89 130 290 90 91 110 92 150 93 350 240 94 95 160 96 230 90 145 99 425 100 1100 101 375 102 240 103 230 104 95 105 525 106 1350 325 107 375 108 325 109 270 110 220 111 112 325 160 114 290 115 325 116 125 117 100 118 119 110 121 105 122 525 123 210 124 125 125 190 126 425 127 190 128 260 129 375 130 450 131 90 132 95 133 100 425 134 135 130 136 350 137 2100 230 138 139 1100 140 500 141 850 142 135 143 85 144 190 145 160 220 147 148 105 149 75 150 150 325 151 125 152
153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 185 186 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226
440 375 110 210 240 375 220 150 850 450 170 375
BO 130 700 160 180 190 120 220 200 200 375 75 1300 350 140 210 210 700 325 150 180 115 250 105 230 210 140 450 425 650
BOO 280 210 500
400 325 270 95 425 200 BOO 210 90 1100 125 260 200 115 230 BO 75 95 350 375 190 210 180 450
227 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 25'1 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 268 270 273 274 275 276 277 278 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302
200 270 190 90 450 280 850 1300 105
400 350 475 85 3250 425 525 300 300 130 100 290 240 300 2100 425 210 180 240 350 140 1100 130 200 240 250 350 290 375 525 475 220 280 300 125 85 475 200 210 325 425 280 190 200
400 210 1600 280 210 475 180 BOO
400 1000 290 600 90 220 170 260 280 2!,J
303 304 305 306
308 310 311 312 313 314 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339
340 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380
180 325 400 105 130 90 65 657 125 290 300 275 200 200 210 550 600 325 280 1050
400 700 240 220 900 290 85 190 BO 425 425 BO 105 180 145 120 210 230 260 180 190 1700 450 260 525 650 95 105 210
BOO 375 180 160 300 325 325 180 230 170 130 105 190 150 625 240 BOO 425 230 250 280 325
381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408
409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 438
440 441 442 443
444 445 446 447 449 450 451 452 453 455 456
150 375 350 375 325 300 550 450 115 575 375 BOO 950 125 170 325 950 375 350 500 180 350 350 375 145 350 350 85 350 115 210 140 105 120 350 270 250 200 550 170 190 150 260 375
400 325 260 325 210 180 650 675 170 200 600
BO 425 270 200 120 130 105 125 150 270 220 115 550 160 220 425
457 458 459
460 461 462 463 464 465 466 468 469 470 471 to 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 Y.>4 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529
400 375 575 145
BO 200 1100 55 100 300 230 525 4500 350 1800 260 400 350 210 75 375 375 240 260 600
475 170 250 230 150 105 105 210 160 150 150 95 230 450 350 350 220 115 525 625 425 170 190 425 150 220 250
400 290 190 140 270 280 325 140 160 700
500 240 250 220 130 425 95
531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543
544 545
546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559
560 561
562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576
577 578 579 lo 581 582 583
95 110 115 190 170 170 170 160 270 160 375 160 170 2200 500 135 160 475 950 160 600 525 800 210 220 525 105 140 160 260 400 190 280 325 280 525 1650 115 180 400 300 400 160 200 200 95 190 3250 1050 450 105 105
1800 270 140 210 130 115 150 425 180
587 588 589 590 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615
160 200 230 240 325 5250 400 900 190 150 280 300 320 350 525 125
617 618 6 19 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639
640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 655 657 658 659 660 661 663 664 665 666 667 668 670 673 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 693 694 695 696 698 701 702 703 704 705 706 707
210 375 325 75 325 400 260 170 145 200 475 325 700 280 180 210 140 750 200 130 525 450 130 105 575 400 400 350 100 240 250
80 350
400 135 230 145 190 375 800 190 100 200 70 350 950 125 325 1050 110 145 1550 155 230 325
90 160 70 375 150 115 450 500 155 135 2 10 220 120 135 230 155 230 160 425 220 1600 80 200 290 220
708 200 709 190 7 10 700 711 75 712 70 7 13 180 714 95 715 120 250 716 718 300 719 375 720 75 475 721 722 425 723 130 724 1100 400 725 240 726 727 475 525 728 729 1000 730 500 731 375 732 260 733 800 736 400 737 300 738 300 739 375 740 450 741 325 742 150 743 160 125 744 745 700 746 180 230 747 748 130 749 300 270 750 751 350 753 105 270 755 230 756 757 140 145 758 759 650 760 500 761 625 763 250 764 160 765 140 766 170 767 450 768 675 200 769 770 350 771 300 772 120 260 773 774 800 1800 775 776 300 325 777 778 75 779 325 2200 780 781 130 782 675 230 783 210 784 350 785 786 210 787 230 788 1o 789 425 160 790 791 475 792 300 793 145
794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 8291o 831 832 833 834 835 837 838 839 840 841 842 843
844 846 847 848 849 850 85 1 853 854 857 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881
280 1800 300 240 150 150 400 2000 2800 230 1800 1300 1100 180 260 220 170 450 240 230 250 400 105 200 160 500 230 75 200 250 260 525 135 130 1700 230 240 50 105 270 260 220 1200 85 160 270 6250 900 2 10 35~ 300 270 130 350 80 1000 240 250 550 140 190 55 240 325 170 600 950 145 55 105 190 85 525 50 95 75 115 135 90
882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 89 1 892 893 894 895 896 899 900 901 902 903 906 907 908 909 910 911 913 914 915 916 917 9 18 919 920 922 923 924 925 926 928 929 930 931 932 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 953 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 970 971 972
550 800 200 65 150 650 45 135 55 350 40 130 400 425 160 260 90 280 150 260 220 625 375 750 325 375 525 250 750 210 145 110
80 260 550 55~ 260 140 180 160 160 350 100 85 130 85 105 1300 8500 2500 5750 2700 3000 3750 3500 7000 5150 5250 9500 2900 2400 700 7000 4250 9500 1000 8000 1800 4750 3250 1050 6500 2300 850 425 160 550
600 300 400
973 974 975 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 998 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057
1150 950 550 575 1150 650 4250 9000 210 325 350 1600 2400 650 2300 325 1700 550 525 950 180 160 900 350 2800 800 1200 800 850 10500 2300 1500 525 2300 1300
800 6500 900 325 210 22000 15000 4250 575 525 500 500 10000 13000
800 1250 18000 10500 52500 26000 8000 1050 1800 8500 3750 1150 5500 1350 475 475 160 2200 2400
6000 290 7000 1150
800 115 450 4650 1250 550 47500 16000
105S 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135
3250 10000 4750 10500 260 65 18000 12500 45 3750 6000 550 4250 6000 9500 4500 525 1150 2100 7500 1700 1050 1150 250 250 270 325 200 600 1200 475 1100 210 475 400 400 5~ 180 350 900 500 200 270 400 210 400 260 170 2700 1550 1600 3750 8500 5500 9500 5250 1250 425~ 220 5500 1350 9000 10500
3000 1300 1350 525 6500 1050 1050 2000 2800 3750 1900 950 475 160
SEASON'S TOTAL TO DATE : $3,120,474.00 (including 10% on the hammer price payable by the buyer) QYIIIl;;QLQI tt!JMll~B:i LOTS NOT INCLUDED IN nil$ LIST WERE ElniER "SOLO ON niE FLOOR" Wini A CORRECTED DESCIPTION., WITHDRAWN OR DID NOT RECEIVE A BID.