Never hinged
On cover.
Unused .
Block larger than four.
Speci men.
TC Trial Color.
Die Proof.
Plate Proof.
9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
On piece Block of four.
Effective September 1, 1994 the buyers premium is 15%
SE = Straight Edge ; s.l. = Straight-line ; c.d .s. = Circular Date Stamp. c.t.o. =Cancelled to Order ; F.D.C. = First Day Cover CONDITION
The vario us gradings of stamps are, in order : superb; extremely fine; very fine : fine; fair. A lot described as 'fair" is so listed either by reason of general appea rance or more often because of a small fault or faults, such as a crease, thin spot, short or missing pert, perforated into, cut into, etc . In the case of sets , large blocks , sheets , etc., the condition quoted represents the average and quality above and below this standa rd can be expected .
In the production of this catalogue, we have used the 1994 Scott Postage Stamp
Catalogues. We will continueto use foreigncataloguesin specificareas as supple¡ mentary information.
Mixed Condition: In large lots, the condition is generally expected to range from fair to at best
fine.Serious defects can be expected . Handstamp on reverse : Denotes either a dealer, collector or indecipherable expertiser's mark.
Signed by : Denotes either the actual signature or mark of the expertise, . The absence of mentioning a signature does not reflect on the ability or knowledge of the party involved.
0 .G.
BIDDING LEVELS Up to$ 150 $ 5 $150- $ 300 $10 $300- $ 700 $ 25 700- $ 1,500 $50 Over $1 ,500 approximately5% Bids which do not conform to the above will be automatically reduced to the correctlevel. BIDS BY TELEPHONE Please comply with the following : (a) Not more than 20 bids can be accepted and must be confirmed in writing . (b) Any erro rs are the responsibility of the bidder. (c) No bids accepted later than 1/2 hour before sale . BIDS BY FAX
You may Fax bids up to 1 hour before sale commences -
be sure to use
(212) 447-5625 . Shaded portion can represent an actual hinge or the area disturbed by a hinge. = Never hinged - unused with original gum in Post Office state and unmounted = Lightly hinged - unused with full origi nal gum showing some evidence of a previous hinge which may be present in part or entirely removed. o.g. :;;; Original gum - unused with original gum somewhat disturbed by previous hinging which may still be present. part o.g. = Part original gum - unused with original gum , large hinge remnants may or n.h. l.h.
may not be present.
disturbed o.g. = Disturbed original gum - unused with original gum , affected by sweating , glazing or mount disturbance ; may not resemble the original gum . = Unused without gum (unless gum is mentioned) unused ungummed :;:;:Unused without gum, as issued. BLO CKS OR SHEETS AND THEIR GUM : Minor separations are the rule, rather than the exception, in the case of blocks or sheets of any size. A few separations-around four perts per rowdo not affect the value of a block or sheet and are not grounds for the return of a lot. Blocks of four that have two stamps o.g. and two stamps n.h. are described "n.h. (2)/o.g.(2)".
1. Lots of not more than 10 items . 2 . To U.S. clients only. 3. Viewer must pay postage and insurance both ways and return lots within 24 hours of receipt. 4 . References required from bidders unknownto us.
VALUATION OF LOTS Valuations of all lots are available in receipt of stamped , self-addressed envelope .
GUM DESCRIPTION PAIRS : All pairs are horizontal , unless otheiwise mentioned . CATALOGUE NUMBERS : The catalogue numbers of the contents of the lots are given in parentheses immediatel y following the descriptions , but in bulky lots only the range of issue is shown.
Recognizing that there are occasional differences of opinion concerning gum nomenclatureby various expert committees, for example, a stamp described as o.g. being certified as large part o.g. or even part o.g., this minor classification discrep ancy alone is not sufficientgroundsfor return.
CATALOGUE VALUES : The final column shows the catalogue value of the lot. Thi s is shown in parenthe ses where, in the opinion of the auctioneers , the market value exceeds this figure .
ESTIMATED VALUES: If an estimated cash value is given, it is shown in the description and always indicated by the abbreviations "Est. Cash Val." It is used where the lot is large or where the actual value has little relationto the catalogue price. It representsthe auctioneer'sappraisal of the true MARKET value of a lot and the figure is invariably close to the actual realization . It is useless for mail bidders to list any bids that are only a low proportion of such estimates . CATALOGUES USED IN LISTI NG : Scott Vol. 1-4 & U.S. Specialized Stanley Gibbons British Commonwealth Stanley Gibbons Great Britain Specialized Michel German y Michel Europe Michel Asia C8r8s Others as noted in the descriptions
1994 1993 1993 1993 1993-94 1991/92 1993
Minor faults including , but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps , small tears and some back flap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue.
Remember, NO lots may be returned with back stamps stating Fake, Falsch, or similar markings. Recently there has been a spate of German expertisers marking the backs of stamps. It is your responsibilityas the purchaser not to let this happen.
SALE 2899
& FOREIGN The Estate of Theodore H. Talbot Jr., Narbik Karamian, Kirik & Elizabeth Truland Collections and the properties of 12 other vendors. Thursday, November 3, 1994 Morning Session at 10:30 A.M.
UNITED STATES Singles and Collections LOTS 1-289
Afternoon Session at 1 :30 P.M.
BRITISH COMMONWEALTH & FOREIGN Singles and Collections LOTS 290-1 037
EXHIBITION OF LOTS October 31 , November 1,2, 1994 from 9:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. or by Appointment EXHIBITION ROOM CLOSED 1:00 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. EACH DAY ON SALE DAYS LOTS WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION
To be sold at Auction by
3 EAST 28TH STREET , 7TH FLOOR, NEW YORK , NY 10016 Telephone : (212) 532-3700 Fax: (212) 447-5625 Keith A. Harmer , Jack LaCalamito - Licensed Aucti oneers License #'s 672829 , 780870
On all lots sold a commission of 15% on the hammer price will be payable by the buyer .
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1994 Morning Session at 10:30 a.m.
STAMPLESS COVERS: Woodstock Mills, E. Flor(id)a; blue townmarking in fancy notched circle with ms. "Feby 19" and "10 " on 1848 folded letter , commercial contents, to Castine, Maine, quite clear for this, fine ..........................................................................................................................................................................(Photo)
Originating in Panama; folded letter datelined Mar. 14, 1850 with incoming bold New York "Steam Ship " and "30" , commercial contents, to Boston. nearly very fine ...........................................................................(Photo )
Originating in Tahiti; clear red Edgartown MS. c.d.s. Nov 8, matching "SHIP " and ms. "7", on folded letter datelined Tahiti June 17, 1845, endor sed per ship "Three Brothers " to Boston , commercial contents mention goods that would sell well in the Society Islands , minor water stains , otherwise scarce and very fine ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................(Photo)
NEW HAVEN, CONN: E. A. MITCHELL, autographed letter entirely in his hand to J.W. Scott , docketed New Haven Ct May 19/71, compl. with mailing envelope bearing a 3c green Bank Note. The letter reads " I have signed a few stamps before handing the die over to the Historical Society and enclose herein ten of them. Of course none are genuine except with my signature. I have given three packet s ten each which will close my issue. These you are quite welcome to." A great collateral p iece. Ex Sloane. Est. Cash Value $300400 ...................................................................................................................................................................(Photo)
¾_/ 4
Jl»u./ ,4/✓n,-,,u c'f- I ,/1,,d~,
/f ,L /4 ., " . 3
34 & 36 Lib rry
1845 Bluish Wove Paper Sc black, signed ACM, connected, Pos. 4, large margins, tied by red NEW YORK
5 t:.
PAID c.d.s. on small piece, extremely fine .........................................................................................(Photo)(9Xl)
Sc, good to large margin s, neatly tied by red PAID cancel on front bearing red EW YORK Sets. 16 DEC c.d.s. very fine ..................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (9X I)
7 0
Sc, AC connected, good to large margins , red ink ms. cancel, almost very fine ..............................(Photo)(9Xl a)
8 0
Sc, pair , Pos. 39, 40, large margin s, superb. Foundation Cert. (1955) ..........................................(Photo)(9Xla)
9 0
Sc, signed A.C.M., mostly huge margin s, red c.d.s. cancel, small thins. fine ...................................(Photo) (9Xlb )
Sc, without signature, Pos. 4, mostly huge margins all round , red PAID cancel, negligible thinning, very fine ..............................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (9X le)
6 t:.
ST. LOUIS, MO; 1845 10c black on greenish, type I, barely touched extreme top right corner , other wise good to lar ge margin s, red c.d.s. cancel, fine and rare ............................(Photo Front Cover )(11X2) 2,500.00
'~ -~h J C.At11/A&
/'"C / ("
GENERAL ISSUES 1847 ISSUE Sc red brown , shades
Cancelled by red gr id unless othe,w ise noted 12 0
Sc , CORNER COPY , good to large margin s other sides , lightly caned. , extremely fine ............................................................ .............................................. ....................................(Photo Front Cover )(1)
13 0
Sc, large to enormous margin s showing portion of adjoining sta mp , sca rce black town cancel, superb .................... ................... .......... ............................... .................................................................................... (Photo)(l )
Sc dark brown , mostly large margins , tied (and hinged ) on small piece by lovely strike of blue UTICA N.Y. Nov. 15 ova l, extremely fine ...................... ................................................................... ........ .................. (Photo)(la)
15 0
Sc, margins all round , very large three sides, blue pmk, extremely fine ............................................. (Photo) (l )
16 0
Sc, early impression, mostly large even margin s, neatly caned. , extremely fine ................................ (Photo)(l)
17 0
Sc, beautiful color and impression, large even margin s, lightl y caned. , extremely fine .....................(Photo) (l)
18 0
Sc, large to enormous margins showing portions of adjoining stamps at sides, light grid and portion of black PAID pmk s, extremely fine ....................................................................... ............................................... (Photo)(l)
19 0
Sc, large to enormous margin s showing large upper portion of adjoining stamp, extreme ly fine ....(Photo)(l)
20 0
Sc, SHEET MARGIN COPY, good to large margin s other sides, blue cancels, very fine ......... .......(Photo)(l )
Sc dark brown , good to large margin s, tied by neat red "5" in circle and Baltimore R.R . s.l. ca nce ls on small piece, very fine .............................................................. ................................... ..................... ................ .....(Photo) ( l a)
Sc, dot in "S" in upper right corner, mostly large margin s all round , blue grid s and c.d.s. pmk s, very fine .......................................................................... ....... ....................................................................................(Photo) ( I )
23 0
Sc dark brown , good to enormous margins , blue framed PAID ca ncels, very fine .......................... ....(Photo) ( la)
24 0
Sc orange brown, full even margins , neat red " 10" cance ls, very fine ..................................................(Photo)( lb)
25 0
Sc dark brown , very lar ge margins , bla ck herringbon e ca nce l, neg ligibl e co rner margin crease , very fine ................................. ...................... .......... .............. ..................................................................... ............... (Photo) ( I a)
Sc, deep color and lovely impresss ion , good even margin s, tied by blue "5" in ova l ca nce l on small piece, very fine .......................................................................... ....... .............................. ................. ....................... ........(Photo) ( I)
475 .00+
Sc, good to large margin s, neat blue "5" cance l, very fine .......................... ............. ....................... ......... (Photo)(! )
475.00 425 .00
27 0 28 0
Sc, SHEET MARGIN COPY , large margins other sides, very fine ...................................................... (Photo) ( I)
29 0
Sc dark brown, mostly very large margin s, scarce black grid ca ncel, very fine ...................................(Photo) (! a)
30 0
Sc, good to very large margins , red ''5'' pmk, very fine ........................... ............................................... (Photo) ( I)
475 .00 475 .00
31 0
Sc dark brown, full to large margin s, blue grid cancel, very fine ................ .......................................... (Photo)(l a)
32 0
Sc, early impression, mostly very large margins all round , very fine ............. ....................... ............... (Photo) (])
33 0
Sc, mostly very large margins , blue grid ca nce l, very fine ............. .................................................... ...... (Photo)(I )
475.00 475 .00+
34 0
Sc, rich color , good to large margins , blue ¡'5" in ova l ca ncels, very fine ...................... .........................(Photo) ( I)
35 0
Sc, full to very large margin s, very fine ................ ...................................................... .................... .......... (Photo) ( I)
36 0
Sc dark brown , sharp impression, large to huge margin s, blue cancel, trace of thinnin g, very fine ...(Photo) (l a)
37 0
Sc, rich color and full even margin s, black grid ca nce l, very fine ........................ .................... ...............(Photo) ( I)
460 .00
38 0
Sc, dot in "S" in upper right corner , good to large margin s, deep red grid cancel. very fine ............... (Photo) (])
39 0
Sc, good to large margins , red pmk s incl. curved PAID , neg ligible corner marg in crease, very fine ...... (Photo) (l )
475 .00
40 0
Sc, SHEET MARGIN COPY , large margins other sides , very fine ........... .............. ............................. (Photo)(!)
425 .00
41 0
Sc, SHEET MARGIN COPY , good margins other sides , tiny thin , very fine .................... ................... (Photo)(l)
42 0
Sc, early impression, good to large margin s, neatly caned., deep rich co lor and fresh. Lovely stamp ....(Photo) ( 1)
425 .00
43 0
Sc dark brown , lovely color and sharp impression , good to large margin s, lightly caned., very fine(Photo )( I a)
450 .00
44 0
Sc, margin s all round , large at sides , very fine ........... .............................................................................(Photo) ( I)
425 .00
45 0
Sc, margins all round , large three sides, neat blue numera l ca ncel, very fine .........................................(Photo) ( I)
500 .00
46 0
Sc, full to large margins , black ca ncel, very fine .................................................................................... ..(Photo) ( I)
47 0
Sc, mostly enormo us margins showing portion of adjoining stamp, blue "5" in oval ca ncel , light spot at edge, very fine .................................................. ............... .............. ........................................................................(Photo) (l )
48 0
Sc blackish brown, good to enormous margins showing portion of adjoining stamp, neat blue grid cancel, almost very fine .............................................................................................................. ........................... (Photo) ( I a)
49 0
Sc, SHEET MARGIN COPY, good to large margins other sides, light ms. and blue pmk, almost very fine ..................... ................................................................................................................................................ (Photo)(! )
50 0
Sc dark brown, early impression, good to enormous margin s, blue framed PAID cancel. almost very fine ................................................................. ............................................................ ......................................(Photo) ( la)
51 0
Sc brown, margins all round, large two sides, lightly caned., almost very fine ......................................(Photo) ( I )
52 0
Sc, full to large margins, greenish black grid cancel, almost very fine .....................................................(Photo) ( I)
53 0
Sc dark brown, sharp impression, margins all round, clear blue Huntsville. Al. star cancel, pressed vert. crease, fine .................................................................................................................................................... .........(Photo) ( l a)
54 0
Sc brown, margins clear to very large, blue dotted grid cance l. fine ......................................................(Photo) ( I )
55 0
Sc, margins all round, double strike of numeral ''5'' cancel, fine .................................................... .........(Photo)( I)
56 0
Sc dark brown , margins all round , large at sides, neat blue town cancel, mall light co rner crease, fine ................. ...................................................................................... ............................................................ (Photo) ( ! a)
57 0
Sc, large margins except touched extreme top left corner, scarce black town cancel. fine .............. .....(Photo)( I )
58 0
Sc, margins all round, large three sides, blue c.d.s. and red grid cancels. bright color, fine ...................(Photo) ( I ) Sc, early impression, mostly large margins all round, neat orange red grid cancel, pressed horiz. crease, very fine appearance ............................................................................................................................................(Photo) ( I)
450 .00
59 0
60 0
Sc dark brown, pair, good to large margins, blue grid cancels, very fine ..................................... ....(Photo) (la)
61 0
Sc, vert. pair, good to large margins, neatly caned., top stamp small light crease, fine to very fine (Photo)(l) Sc pale brown, pair, margins clear to large at sides, lightly caned .. tiny corner fault, fine ...................(Photo) ( l)
62 0 63 0
Sc, margins all round and blue cancel, small faults. I 0c margins three sides, touched at top, both fine appearance. Latter A.P.E.S. Cert. ( 1969) ................ ................. ........................................ ................................... (Photo) ( I,2) l ,350.00 10c black
64 0
10c, mostly enormous margin s all round , neat grid cancel , extremely fine ................................(Photo)(2)
65 0
10c, large margin s, red town pmk , very fine ........................................ ................ ..................................(Photo) (2)
66 0
10c, good to large margins , blue c.d.s. cancels , very fine .......................................................... ............(Photo) (2)
67 0
10c, good to large margins , blue pmk , almost very fine ........................................................................(Photo)(2)
68 0
10c, good to large margins, lightly caned., almost very fine ........................................................ .........(Photo)(2)
69 0
10c, good to large margins , blui sh grid cancel , fine ....................................... .................................. .....(Photo) (2)
70 0
I0c, margins clear to large , black grid cancel, fine ...............................................................................(Photo)(2) 1,000.00
71 0
10c, margins all round, large two sides , doubl e strike s of bright blue "10" cancel, fine ...................(Photo )(2) 1,000.00
72 0
10c, margins all round, clear red " 10" pmk , fine ............................................. ............................. ........(Photo)(2)
73 0
10c, margin s all round, large two sides, red c.d.s. cancel, fine ............................................................. (Photo) (2)
74 0
10c, margin s clear to large, red grid and blue c.d.s. cancels, fine .................. ......................................(Photo) (2)
75 0
10c, good to large margin s, small thin, Canada target cancel , fine .....................................................(Photo )(2) 1,000.00+
76 0
10c, large margins , lightly caned., small corner crease. fine ........................... .......................................... (Photo) (2)
77 0
10c, tiny corner repair. neatly caned., fine appearance ............................................ ...................................(Photo) (2)
78 0
10c, repaired. lightened pen stroke, fine appearance ............................ .................... ................................... (Photo) (2)
10c, PAIR , Pos. 89, 90R , early impre ssion, full to enormous margin s showing frame lines of two adjoining stamp s, lightly caned. , very fine to extremely fine ...........................................(Photo Front Cover )(2) 2,000.00
80 0
10c, STRIP OF THREE, Pos. 81, 82, 83R, sharp impression , margins except touched top frame line and slightl y in at lower left, lightly caned. Fine and attra ctive multipl e ........................................ (Photo )(2) 7,000.00
Sc and 10c, FOUR-MARGINED COPIES, 10c frame line barel y touched one spot , both neatl y tied by red grids on repaired folded letter sheet to Lockport , N.Y. and bearing partial red RO CHESTER c.d .s. Foundation Cert. (1980) not accompan ying ................................................................................(Photo)(l,2) IS,000.00
\ 82
83 I
Sc, larg e to huge margin s, barely affected by light toning, cancelled by grid on I 850 folded letter bearing matching POTSDAM N.Y. OCT 5 c.d.s., to Malone, N.Y., nearly very fine ......................................................(Photo )(!)
Sc, margin s thr ee sides, in slightly at top, tied by red grid and used with Blood's Despatch le black on bronze, acid tied on local envelope ...............................................................................................................(Photo )(l , 15Ll3)
1875 REPRODUCTION OF 1847 ISSUE: Sc red brown, margins all round , very light crease, rich color and fresh, fine .....................................................................................................................................................(Photo )(3)
1851-57 IMPERFOR ATE: le blue , type II , ju st clear at top , good to larg e margin s other sides (tin y scissor s cut), beautiful color , tied by neat large Boston "PAID " in grid and red BOSTON MASS. AUG 13 c.d.s. on 1852 light blue folded letter , local drop use, An immaculate "gem " of a cover .................................... (Photo )(7) 1857-61 PERFORATED 15½ : 12c black , unu sed, well centered , showing large portion of adjoining stamp , very fine ...................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (36)
1867 GRILLED ISSUES: "C" Grill 3c rose, unu sed, tiny tear , fresh and fine appearanc e. Rare stamp. Ex Sloane .......................................................................................................................................................(Photo )(83)
87 0
"E" Grill 12c black , barely perceptible corner crease. large copy and fresh, still very fine ...................(Photo )(90)
* 89 0
"F ' Grill 30c orange , o.g., typical centering, bright color and fr esh. Ex Sloane ............................(Photo )(l00 ) 2,500.00 1875 RE-ISS UE OF 1861-66 ISSUES: 30c bro wnish orange , beautiful rich color and neatl y caned. , fine. Foundation Cert. (1980). 346 Printed .................................................................................. (Photo )( ll0 ) 6,000.00
90 DP
1869 PICTORIAL ISSUE: 1869 le buff, Die proof, 34x48mm, affixed to die sunk card, 152x227mm, very fine ..........................................................................................................................................................................( l 12PI )
91 PP
le to 90c, compl. set, plat e proof s on India , generall y very large margin s, 90c tiny thin spot, brilliant fresh, fine to very fine ............................................................................................................................(Photo )( 112-22P3)
* 93 0
12c green, unu sed, fresh, fine. Ex Sloane ...........................................................................................(Photo )( 128) 1,500.00 1875 RE-ISSUE OF 1869 ISSUE: 90c carmine & black, bold cork cancel , small repair ed tear , large centered copy, very fine appearance. Foundation Cert. (1986). 1356 Printed ................ .........(Photo )(132) 4,250.00
2c dark brown , brilliant fresh , almost very fine. Rare. Foundation Cert. (1980) ...................(Photo) (l68 ) 3,500.00
6c dull rose , fresh color , fin e copy of this rare stamp. Foundation Cert. (1980) .....................(Photo )(l 70) 8,500.00
10c pale brown, lovely color and fre sh, fine copy of thi s rarit y. Foundation Cert. (1980) .....(Photo )(1 72) 8,250.00
1879 AMERICAN BANK NOTE CO: 10c brown , without secret mark , unused, fresh, fine ..........(Photo) ( l 87)
15c bright orange , brilliant fresh , very fin e . Exceed ing ly rare . Foundation Cert. ( 1980 ) ................................................ ............................ .................... ........................... ....... (Photo Front Cover )(174) 8,250.00 975.00
1880 SPECIAL PRINTING OF 1879 ISSUE: 1880 7c scar let vermilion, reperfed and repaired , rich color and fre sh copy of this rarity ............................. ..................................................................(Photo) (196) 2,250.00
1890-93 Sc lilac, n.h., very fine ............................................................................................ .................. (Photo )(225)
$1 salmon, unused, repaired, very fine appearance .............................. ..................................................(Photo) (24 l ) 1,350.00 $1, neatly caned., pulp inclusion. well centered, fine ..............................................................................(Photo )(24 l) 525.00
102 103 0
* 106 * 107 * 108 * 109 * llO * 111 * I 12 * 113 * 114 * 115 *
* 117 ** 118 * 119 ** 120 ** 121 * 122 * 116
le to $5, comp!. set, plate proofs on card, brilliant colors and fresh, very fine .............(Photo)(230-45P4 ) 1,832.00
Used to Germany; $1 salmon, fine, tied by HOBOKEN , N.J. c.d.s. on printed Regis. cover bearing violet boxed NOV 15 1893 handstamp, Stettin receiver on reverse ..................... .........................(Photo)(241) 1,900.00
$2 brown red, unused, tiny repairs, rich color, very fine appeara nce ..................... ............................... (Photo)(242) 1,400 .00 $2, unused, repaired, fine appearance ............................................................. ....................... .................(Photo)(242) 1,400.00 $3 yellow green, unused, very fine ................ ................................................................................. ........(Photo) (243) 2,000.00 $4 crimson lake, unused, repaired, bright color, fine appeara nce ..........................................................(Photo) (244) 2,600.00 $4, unused, tiny corner repair. fine appearance ....................................................................................... (Photo )(244) 2,600.00 $5 black, unused, filled thin, fine ............................................................................................................(Photo)(245) 3,000.00 $5, unused, filled pinhole, fine appeara nce .............................. ...............................................................(Photo) (245) 3,000.00 1895 DOUBLE LINE WMK: $1 black, type II , disturbed o.g., negligible gum creas ing, well centered, fine ..............................................................................................................................................................(Photo)(276A) 1,000.00 $2 bright blue, o.g., thins, small crease, very fine appeara nce .............................................................. (Photo)(277) 850.00 1898 TRANS-MISSISSIPPI EXPOSITION: $1 black, o.g., small thins, fresh .................................(Photo) (292) I ,050.00 $2 orange brown, disturbed o.g., small thin. slightly oxidized, very fine appeara nce ..........................(Photo) (293) 1,700.00 $2, unused, corner pe1f tip added, fresh, fine appearance .................................................................... ...(Photo) (293) 1,700.00 1907 JAMESTOWN EXPOSITIO : Sc blue, n.h.. fresh. almost very fine .................................. .....(Photo)(330) 100.00 1909 BLUISH PAPER: 3c deep violet, 1.h., reperfed at left, fresh, fine ............... ...............................(Photo) (359) 1,500.00 1910-11 SINGLE LINE WMK: 4c brown , n.h., enormous centered copy, superb ................... .....(Photo)(3 77) 30.00 Sc blue, 6c red orange , Sc olive green, n.h., fine to very fine ......................................................... (Photo)(378-80) 173.50 1914-15 PERFORATED 10: 10c orange, l.h., very fine ......................................................................(Photo )(404) 825.00 1912-14 PERFORATED 12: 2c lake variety, n.h., cert. refers to a "natural pre-printing paper fold", incredible color, very fine. Foundation Cert. ( 199 1) ........................................................................................ .(Photo)(406 var.)
John Pabst, Hoboken N. J. 314
I--f:udson -Street
Registered. 0!11'ED BTATKB OPAIKRIC!. ij"
* 124 * 125 * 126 * 127 * 128 **
(Photo) (42 l) SOc violet , disturb ed o.g ., light vert. bend , well centered, still very fine ................................. ...............
(Photo) (423 ) 1912 DOUBLE LINE WMK: $1 violet brown, l.h., small thin , well centered, fine .................... .......
400 .00
(Photo) (440) 1914-15 SINGLE LINE WMK., PERF 10: SOc violet, o.g. , small thin , well ce ntered, fine ...............
10 VERT: 2c carmine rose, type I, lin e pair , o.g., small thin, fine ...........(Photo) (453)
425 .00
(Photo) (460) 1915 DOUBLE LINE WMK. , PERF 10: $1 violet black, parti ally disturb ed o .g., very fine .............
600 .00
)(572,573) 1922-25 REGULAR ISSUE: $2 deep blue, $5 carmine & blue, n.h., fresh, fine ...................... ..(Photo
300 .00
(6l 6) 1924 HUGUENOT-WALLOON: Sc dark blue, Pl. blk of 6, n.h., very fine ................................... ...(Photo)
.............. (630) 130 ** 83 1926 WHITE PLAINS SOUVENIR SHEET OF 25: 2c carmine rose, n.h .. very fine ....................
............. ....... ...... (630) 13 1 * IBI Same, stamps n.h. , some light toning in selvage, fine ....................... .................... ....................
350 .00
ntering to 1929 KANSAS: le to 10c, comp!. set, blks of 4 incl. margin or corner blks, n.h.(2)/o.g.(2) , mixed ce (658-68) extremely fine ............. ........................................................................................................................(Photo)
754 .50
23475, n.h., right stamp s l 33 ** 83 1938 PRESIDENTIAL ISSUE: $5 red brown & black, top Pl. blk of 4, Nos. 23481 / ... (834) neg ligible gum crease, perf ectly ce ntered, very fine ......................................................... ............ ....................
425 .00
very fine ............. ( 1053) 134 ** 83 1954-68 LIBERTY ISSUE: Hamilton $5 black, top right Pl. blk of 4, No. 25367, n.h ..
.................... (1053) 135 ** 83 Same, but top left, n.h., very fine .......................................... ................. ......................................
....... ....... .... ( 1053) 136 ** 83 Identical Pl. blk, n.h., neg ligible offse t on reverse. very fine .................................... .....................
.................... ....... ( I 053) 137 ** 83 Same, top left and right Pl. blks of 4, n.h., latter 2 stamp s Lightcreas ing, others very fine
650 .00
129 IBl
132 * 83
otherwise 1954-73 COILS: 4c red violet, imperf pair and line strip of 4, n.h., latter left stamp cut in slightly, ... ( 1058a) .......... ..................... .................... .................... .................... ............. ................. ............. ................... fine very
..... ( 1903) 1981-84 TRANSPORTATION COILS : 9.3c carmine rose, Pl. No. S strip of 5, n.h., very fine ............
225 .00
AIR POST l40 181
1922-25 le , privately ovptd. GRAF ZEPPELIN, Sc, $1, mixed centering , tied by LAKEHURST N.J . OCT 28 1928 prnks and violet cac het on flow n Roess ler cove r, Friedrich hafe n (Bodensee) 1.11.28 c.d.s. on reve rse .................................................................................................. ..................................... ................(Photo Next Page ) 1930 GRAF ZEPPELIN ISSUE
** 142 * l43 * l44 * 145 * 146 ** 147 * 148 ** 149 * 150 * LSI * 141
65c green, n.h., fresh, fine ......................................................................................................................(Photo) (Cl3 )
65c, Pl. No. copy, very 1.h. if at all, gum skips, negligible gum crease, well centered, fine ..................(Photo)(C 13)
65c, o.g., light gum creas ing and skips , large centered copy, fine appeara nce ...................................... (Photo)(Cl3)
$1.30 brown, l.h., very fine ..................................................................................................... .............(Photo)(C14)
$1.30, l.h., extremely fine ................................. ............................................ ........................................ (Photo) (C14)
$1.30, n.h. , inclusions, very fine .............................................................................................................(Photo)(Cl4)
$1.30, l.h., negligible gum creas ing, fresh, fine ......................................................................................(Photo)(Cl4)
500 .00
$2.60 blue, n.h., very fine ....................................................................................................................(Photo)(ClS)
$2.60, o.g. , tiny thin , fresh, otherwise very fine .............................. ........ ............................................. ..(Photo) (CI 5)
850 .00
$2.60, unused, very fine .................................................................................................................. ........(Photo)(Cl5)
$2.60, unused, thinned, fine appeara nce ............................ .................. .................... .............................. .(Photo) (Cl5 )
befordert ) a,u 9p latj.
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152 181
153 181
154 181
155 181
156 181
157 181
65c a nd $1.30, sma ll fau lts, very fin e app ea ra nce, former tied by BROOKLYN N.Y. MAY 3 1 1930 dup lex on mu lticolored picture post card (crease) , latter tied by LAKEHURST MAY 3 1 1930 Flag dupl ex on cove r (corner faults), both appropriat ely cac heted and bear ing Friedrichshafen (Bodensee) datestamp s ............ ...(P hoto) (Cl3 ,14)
575 .00
.J. MAY 3 1 1930 dupl ex o n fl ow n cac he ted ca rd to G erman y ................................................. ...............................................................................................................(Photo) (C 13)
65c, very fine, tied by PASSAIC N .J. May 26 1930 duplex on 2c postal card (sma U corner crease) to Germany. approp riately cac heted ............................................................................................ .................... ............(Photo)(C l 3)
65c, fine, tied by same cance l, appropriat e cac het s and FRIEDRJCHSHAFEN (Bodensee) rece iver on 2c postal card (edge faults) to Swit zerland ............................ ........ ........................ ........ ................ ................ ........ (Photo)(C 13)
$1.30, fine, tied by VARICK ST . STA. .Y. APR 28 1930 dupl ex on appropriat ely cac heted picture post car d ........................................ ........................................................................................................................(Photo)(C 14)
400 .00
1993 CENTURY OF PROGRESS: 50c green, 6 cacheted flight covers bearing single copies, 4 cities, mixed centeri ng to very fin e ......................... ................. ........ .................... ............ ........... ........... ............. ...................... (C33 )
480 .00
65 c, ve r y fin e, ti e d by LAKEHURST ,
* 159 * 160 * 16l * 162 *
l5 8
1919 Sur chd . set compl. , l.h. or o.g., several with sma ll thin s incl. $2 on $1, generally fine to very fine ............................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (Kl-16) 1,242.00 Co mp!. to $1 on 50c, plus 1922 set of two , l.h . or o.g. , in c l. 3 Pl. No . co pi es. fin e to very fine ...................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (Kl - 15, l7 ,18) 1, 117.00 Comp !. set less 24c on 12c, o.g . (hing e remn ants), most with thin s, mixed center ing to very fine appeara nce ...................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (Kl-10 .12-16) 1,194.50 $2 on $1 violet brown , Pl. No. copy, very l.h. if at alJ, couple gum wrinkles, very fine .................(Photo )(K16) (275.00+) $2 on $1, o.g. , fresh, fine ............................... ..................................... .................................... ................ (Photo) (Kl6 )
Browne 's Easton Despatch , Easton Pa; 1857 2c black on red, type I, barely tied on cover to which it does not belong and cancelled by genuine pen strokes. A wonde,fu l long-known mock-up. Foundation Cert. (1994) .............................................................................................................................................................(Photo)(30Ll) , 164 133 Chicago Penny Post; 1862 (le) ora nge brown , repnn , e e- ec fine. Ex Sloane ................................................................................................................................... (Photo) (38LlR ) 165 * liil Swart's City Dispatch Post, New York , N.Y.; 1849-53 Wove Paper , Taylor (2c) deep red , BLOCK OF 25, streaky but mostly full o.g., margins all round except 4 touched, fine to very fine. Impressive multiple. Ex Sloane ................................................................................................................................................(Photo)(136L4)
F o n ~ :·1lt d
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166 181
(2c) black, margins all round, on fold ed letter sheet bear ing small red POST OFFICE SW ART'S CHA THAM SQUA RE ova l and blu e "5" in c irc le on front , "LETTERS FOR N .YORK CITY DIRECT TO CHATHAM SQUARE POST OFFICE " red ova l on reve rse ................. .................... ...................... .......... ...... .......(Photo ) ( l 36L7 )
167 181
Washington (le) red, touched and tears, barely tied by indi stinct black ca nce l on 1850 fo lded letter shee t originating in Ph iladelphia and bea rin g red ova l SWARTS E. POST OFFICE N.Y. CHATHAM SQUARE ........ ........ .. .. 325.00
(Photo) ( l36L9) 168 0
Whittelsey's Express, Chicago, Ill.; 1857 2c dull red, ms. cancel, margins all round, faults incl. tear, fresh and very rare. Only three orfo ur known used. Ex Sloane and signed by him .............................. (Photo) (l46Ll ) 1,250.00
"Forwarded By ANDREWS ' EXPRESS"; mostly clear red strike with ms. "offices 77 Washington St" and pencil "12½ ", circa 1844 folded letter sheet, min or tonin g and file fo ld . A very scarce unlisted marking fo r a company that op erated only two years between Pon/ and and Boston .................................................. ..........(Photo)
170 181
Bigelow & Co. Eastern Express - Railroad Exchange; black on magenta express company label cut square, minor natural wrinkles, ms. "37" on folded letter datelined Lewiston Falls Mar 23, 1853, bu iness co ntent s, to Bige low Broth ers & Kennard in Bo ston, nearly very fin e .......... ...... ...... .......................... ................ ........... (Photo)
17 I 181
Bigelow's Express; black on magenta label on tiny folded letter datelined at South Gardner Mass. May 20, 1851, co mm ercial contents. to Bige low & Kennard in Boston. Att ractive and scar ce .................................... (Photo )
172 181
Carr's Bangor Express; black on green glazed circular cut (creased from file fold) label on folded letter circa 1853, busine ss co ntents. to B .B. & Kennard in Bos ton, nearl y fine .......................................................(Photo)
173 181
Gay & Co's Kennebec & Boston Express; black on pink glazed circular die cut label slightly affected by file fold, on folded letter datelined Augusta May 29, 1851, business contents to Bigelow & Brothers in Boston, very scarce and nearly fine. Am erican Stampless Cover Catalog records only one other exa mp le ............(Photo)
174 181
Gray's Lowell Express; circa 1844-45, with ms. "Gray's Express Paid", nea rly perfec t strik e of red markin g in fa ncy box , on fo lded letter shee t (min or fil e fo ld), to Boston, very fine ..........................................................(Photo)
175 181
Gray's New Bedford Express; two covers, one with mostly clear red oval on circa 1844 folded letter which requests "Send by Gray - Hatch charges 25 cents when he thinks he can get it..."; folded letter sheet with marking a bit incomplete but well struck, both to Bigelow & Brothers in Boston. Sca rce and fine ................... .......... (Photo)
176 181
Hodgman & Co's Bangor and Boston Express; black on glazed orange label on folded letter datelined at Bangor Feb. 10, 1849, business contents, to Bigelow Brothers & Kennard in Boston, usual discoloration of label, still very fLne .....................................................................................................................................................(Photo)
177 181
Hodgman & Co. Bangor Express - Railroad Exchange ; red on white die cut circular label , minor gum stains, on folded letter sheet bearing light red handstamp "PAID", to Belfast, Me. The PAID handsta mp is unusua l ..........................................................................................................................................................................(Photo )
178 181
Libbe y' s Bangor & Boston Expre ss; black on yellow label on circa 1853 folded letter , partial contents, to Bigelow Brother s & Co., Boston, extremel y fine. Unrecorded and very scarce ............... ................ ......... (Photo )
179 181
Return by Hodgman & Co; mostly clear red two-line marking , used with HODGMAN & CO. BANGOR EXPRESS - RAILROAD EXCHANGE black on magenta circular die cut label on folded letter to Bigelow Brother s & Kennard in Boston. Scarce and very fine ........................... ..................................................... .(Photo)
180 181
Longley & Co. Portland Express - Railroad Exchange; red on white circular die cut label on folded letter datelined at Saco, Maine Nov 14, 1851, business contents, to Bigelow Bros. & Kennard in Boston. Scarce and very fi ne ........................... ................. ............ ........................ ............................................................................(Photo)
18 1 181
Paulding S Express , New Bedford ; perfect blue hand stamp (modified from earlier Swift and Paulding 's Expre ss Stamp) on folded letter datelined at New Bedford Jan. 1, 1857, business contents , to Bigelow Bros. & Kennard in Boston. Very scarce and extreme ly fine .................................................................................(Photo )
REVENUE STAMPS : Hunting Permit; 1937 and 1938 $1, two diff., latter bottom Pl. No. copy, l.h., fresh , fine. $345 as n.h . ..........................................................................................................................................(RW4,5) TREASURY SAVINGS STAMP: 1920 Unwmkd. perf 11 $1 red on green , o.g., crea ses, fresh , fine appearance. Rare ................ .......................................................................... ..................... ........... (Photo Next Page )(TSl) 2,750.00
177 175
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CONFEDERATE STATES 1861 Provisional Issues 184
The Charle ston S.C. Essays 2c brown , 10c green , lithographed on wmkd. paper , full margins all round. Ve,y rare. Note in Sloane refer ence collection , are Ex Worthington (and Sloane ) .......................... (Photo )
185 *
Galatin, Tenn. " 5 cents ... ' to a finish' " green on buff stain. Listed in Scott in 1914, deleted in 1920s - mention ed in Dietz - thi s copy sold in Nassa u Stamp Co. auction Oct. 1914. Of questionable statu s, therefore sold as is ............................................... .................................................................. ................................... ......(Photo)
186 *
Athens, Ga. Sc purple , unused, mostly margins, usual small faults, fine ........................................ .....(Photo )(5Xl)
186A *
187 0
Rheatown , Tenn. Sc red, unu se d, larg e even mar gins, extremely fine. A love ly and great rar ity. Foundation Cert. (1994). Ex Sloane .............................................. .................... (Photo Front Cover )(69Xl) 2,000.00 General Issue; 1863 20c green, margins all round, cross-roads cancel, very fine ................................(Photo) ( I 3)
U.S. POSSESSIONS 188 * Hl GUAM: 1899 Sc blue, Pl. blk of 6, l.h., hinge re-enforced separation. fresh, fine .......................... .........(Photo) (5)
* 190 * 189
1857 Thin White Wove Paper Sc blue, unused, margins all round, small thins and tiny nick, fresh, fine appearance. Ex Sloane ....................................................................................................................................... ....(Photo) (8)
191 192 181
1864-65 Numeral Issue; 2c black, unused. large margins, tiny corner margin crease, very fine ........... (Photo) (20) Sc blue on bluish, unu ed, little or no margins. fresh. Foundation Cert. ( l 988) ............ ..........................(Photo) (2 l) *HONOLULU *U.S. Postage Paid, clear red April 8 c.d.s. on undated blue envelope to New Bedford , bearing red SAN FRANCISCO 5 MAY 12 PAID transit, some staining mostly on reverse, fine and Next Page)
375.00 600.00 850.00
,, I
( 192
193 181
Folded letter (minor file fold) datelined Honolulu Nov. 4, 1843, endorsed "v ia Mexico" with mostly clear boxed VERA CRUZ, MARZO 21 date stamp and red EW -YORK SHIP MAY 3 c.d.s. with ms. "20(2/3)", to Boston , marin e insuranc e business contents, very fine. An exceedingly rare use showing transit postal marking through Mexico ........................... .........................................................................(Photo)
Hawaii to U.S. via Mexican forwarder to Boston; folded letter datelined at Oahu June 11, 1842, endorsed "via Mexico" with triple oval FORWARDED BY WM .SCARBOROUGH & Co. MAZAT LAN on backflap bearing on front blue NEW ORLEANS La . SEP 13 c.d.s., matching SHIP and ms. "27", busin ess contents, very fine. Very sca rce routing for mail from Hawa ii ....................................(Photo )
HONOLULU *HA WAIIAN ISLANDS *; mostly clear red Dec. 28 c.d.s. on 1856 folded letter (minor water staining and file folds) bearing SAN FRANCISCO CAL. 21 JAN c.d.s. and matching "SHIP 12" to Boston, bu siness contents mention Gregory of Gregory's Expres s, fine ...............................................................(Photo)
Folded letter (minor toning ), datelined Feb. 10, 1840, with red NEW-YORK SHIP AUG 3 1 c.d.s. and ms. ·'20(¾)", to Charlestown Mass., endorsed per ship "Jo Peabody", marine insurance business contents, very fine ..........................................................................................................................................................................(Photo )
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EXPRESS COMPANY; FORWARDED BY HALE & CO. FROM NEW BEDFORD , clear red oval strike with matching tiny "SHIP" and boxed "COLLECT 6 Cents" corrected in ink ms. to "20", datelined at Honolulu Mar. 12, 1844 and enclosed "Delaware to Valp(arais)o", commercial contents, to Boston. Unusual and very sca rce usage, the ship marking is unrecorded ....................... ......................(Photo)
. _a_
COLLECTIONS AND VARIOUS THE GEORGE B. SLOANE UNITED STATES REFERENCE COLLECTION The fo llowing nine lots comprise the majority of the above collection originally housed in six albums. Besides genu ine and reference stamps, they are fill ed with magaz ine articles, pamphl ets, photos, etc. Inspection is recomm ended. Single items removed from 1he collection can be found in this catalogue identified by the E.:r:Sloane provenance.
POSTMASTERS ' PROVISIONALS: The collection in orginal album, consisting primaril y of photos and articles but with some useful Milbury, New York and Providence reprints and reference items , also stampless covers with corresponding c.d.s. marking s. Ve,y informative . Est. Cas h Value $500-600 .........................................................................................................................................
REGULAR ISSUES: An extensive collection of many hundred in original album, genuine grills very strong, Bank Notes well repre sented, paper varietie s, cancels, essays, pr oofs, SPECIMENS, issues to 1930s, quite extensive and man y useful articles and notation s. Inspection necessary. Est. Cash Value $5,000-6,000 .................................................................... BACK OF THE BOOK: Special Deliver y, Dues, Officials , Postal Notes and Officiall y Sealed, hundreds of stamps in original album, many genuine, especially Dues and Officials , usual articles and esoterica. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ............................................................................................
LOCALS: Hundreds of genuine and reprints, an intere sting group with notations , several stock cards and loose, some Carrier and Express material. Great selection worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $3,000-4,000 ......................................................................................................... NEWSPAPER STAMPS: A few hundred items , genuine, proof s, facsimiles and reference on album pages , useful group. Est. Cash Value $500-600 .........................................................................
REVENUES: The extensive collection of man y hundred in original album, annotated approval cards, articles, etc., extensive PLAYING CARDS , but also Regular Stock Transfer , Narcotic, Telegraph, etc., some interesting "invert " reference copies. Close 10 irrepla ceable. Est. Cash Value $3,000-4,000 ........................................................................................
CONFEDERATE STA TES AND PROVISIONALS : A fabulous collection of man y hundred in original album. The strength is in the provisional s with genuine , reprints and reference copies, numerous old articles and man y intriguing notation s. Well worth inspection. Irrepla ceable. Est. Cash Value $3,000-5,000 .................................................................................. POSSESSIONS: Canal Zone, Guam , Philippines and Puerto Rico, coll. of hundr eds of stamp s in original album, very strong Philippine s, plent y of genuine , articles , very useful. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 .................................................................................................................................................
HA WAil: The collection of some genuine and a selection of reprints and man y referen ce of the Numerals, articles , notations , etc. Ve1y aflractive. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 ............... 19th Century
208 1:8:1
STAMPLESS COVERS: 1826 to 1853, group of 29 covers, nearly all folded letter s, uses include railroads, "Steamboat" markings, L.I. Sound "Steamer 10" in oval, 1842 Green Bay, Wis T., 185 1 P.O.D. free frank of F. Warren, fancy Boston ¡'Ship 6", cross-border, generally fine. Est. Cash Value
209 1:8:1
USED TO CHINA: Three stamples s covers to Augustine Heard & Co., endorsed via Marseille s circa 1855-57, one with BOSTON AM. PKT. c.d.s. to Hong Kong, two with NEW-YORK BR. PKT c.d.s. to Canton, also one Heard stampless 1860 cover from Hong Kong to Foochow, all with appropriate rating and transit markings, a clean lot, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-500 ........................ ...... .
$200-300 ........................... ........................................ ..................................... ............................ ................ .
210 PPB3 PLATE PROOFS: 1847 to 1893, coll. of over 120 on pages and stock sheet , good selection
incl. #40-47P3, 145-55P3, most others on card with comp!. Officials, also severa l India blks of 4, plus 1869 le , 2c, 6c, 15c, type ill , privately perfed blks, Essays of #63, le brown imperf Imprint blk on wove, le vermilion , perf margin blk , mixed condition to extremely fine and generally brilliant fresh. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 ...............................................................
2 11 0 2 I2
2 13
1847 ISSUE: Sc, 4 copies, shades, small faults or defective, !0c margins added, cancels incl. black, blue and magenta grids. Est. Cash Value $300-500 ........................................................................... (l ,2) Sc, five stamps on four covers , compr. 3 singles, mostly large margins all round, and neat pen cancels that do not tie, on same 1850-51 correspondence to Belfast, Me., vert. pair, cut-in and preaffixing crease, tied by blue PHILADELPHIA 10 c.d.s., to Boston, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-600 ................................................................................................................................................( 1) 1851 IMPERFORA TE: le and 3c, group of 22 covers , incl. four le types II and IV, at least ten 3c orange brown shades, several quite nice, 3c dull red with numeral cancels, also another 6 misc. 1857-61 covers, a few faulty but generally clean and fine. Est. Cash Value $250-300 ...........................................
2 14 181
2 15
2 16
2 17
CIVIL WAR COLLECTION: A most interesting selection of 32 covers, plus ephemera , on exhibition pages , both U.S. and Confederate, mixed condition but some quite nice , also another small coll. of more recent autographs and free franks. Well worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $2,000-3,000 .................................................................................................................
1869 PICTORIALS: Coll. of 100+ covers in vinyl pages, nice selection of 3c advertising , le , 2 pen cancelled 15c, mixed condition but very intriguing. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ............................. 181
Primarily 19th Century, accum. of well over 100 items in box, compr. Long Island, N.Y. town cancels mostly on cover , some stationery and stampless, Queens , Nassau and Suffolk counties , variety of franking s and some scarce cancels, generally fine to very fine. Dealer priced at over $5500, worth careful inspection .............................................................................
Accum. of over 135 items in box, mostly Sewing Machine and Temperance covers, variety of corner card s and some all-over adverti sing, also picture post cards , unused and used stationery , few foreign and related items , mixed condition to very fine. Interesting, colo ,f ul and sometimes humorous group. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ..................................................................................................... 19th and 20th Century
2 18 * II!I Accum . of a few hundred in stockbook, n.h. to unused , incl. Columbians and other Commems , Regular Issues incl. coils, First and Second Issue Airs, Hunting Permit, Souvenir sheets (few used) , etc., generally better items , mixed condition to very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $2,500-3,000 ...................................................................................... 2 19 * O II!IBalance of a property , many thou sand in glassines , stockbook , etc. , in carton , much n.h. , balance I.h. to unu sed , sub stantial amount of PI. blks of 4 or 6, incl. 2c reds , Famous Americans , Souvenir sheets , ational Parks , etc., some back-of-book, mixed condition to very fine. Good stock worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $2,500-3,000 ......................... 220 * O ffi Coll. and accum. of many hundred in box, incl. National album containing mostly used, with a number of better early issues, imperfs, grills , 1869 to 30c, Columbians to $2, Trans-Miss. to $1, later issues incl. Souvenir sheets , Airs , back-of-book with Poss., etc., PI. blks in ringbinder , few on auction lot sheets, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $2,500 ......... 22 1 * O 181 The property as received in 3 cartons , ranging from generally cheaper classic issues through fairly recent compl. and part sheets , also a number of FDCs and flown covers. The sheets have a good number stuck together and need careful inspection , very disorganized , but well worth inspection for hidden trea sures. Est. Cash Value $2,000-3,000 ....................................... 222 * O
Stock of many hundred on retail pages in 12 ring-binders in carton, n.h. to unused , 19th cent. generally used , incl. many better items, compl. sets, Airs and back-of-book, Pl. blks, etc., mixed condition , worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $2,000-2500 ..........................
223 * O
Accum. of many hundred in glassines in box, l.h. to unused , few used, wide range of issues incl. back-of-book , moderate quantities with many $5-$10 items, mixed condition. Stated by owner to catl. $23,000+ ...................................................................................................................
224 * O ffi Stock and accum. of many hundred in glassines and album page s in box, n.h. to unused , some used , incl. Pl. blks with man y Famou s Americans to 10c, other Commems and Airs , sets, etc., some better items, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500+ ................
225 * 0 83 Accum. and balance of man y hundr ed in box, n.h. to unu sed or used, incl. singles identifi ed on stock cards , Pl. blks on album pages, etc., with bett er items, back-of-book, etc., mixed condition, worth inspection . Est. Cas h Value $1,200-1,500 ......................................................... 226 * 0
Selection of 55 stamp s on stock sheet and quadrill e pag es, compr. imperfs, Bank otes , Washington-Franklin, etc., and a group of 27 Black "Jack " sta mps, some fabulous appearing, fresh and generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-2,000 ...................................
227 * 0
Coll. of man y hundred in Scott Specialty album issues to 1956, incl. Regular s, Commems, Airs, back-of-book , useful popular sets, nice condition. Est. Cas h Value $1,000-1,500 ............
228 * 0
Accum. of man y hundred in stock sheets and glassines in box, n.h. to unu sed or used, many early issues and back-of-book , with Official s and Parcel Post , etc., also Commems and later Airs, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 ...................................................................
229 * 0
Stock of man y thou sand on retail pages in 9 counter-books in carto n, n.h. to unu sed or used, incl. man y slightl y better items, compl. sets, Airs, un exploded booklets, etc., mod era te quantities, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 ..................................................
230 * 0
Stock and accum. of several hundred in glassines in box, n.h. to unu sed, few used, generall y common Commems and Regular Iss ues, incl. coils, Pl. blks, Airs, back-of-book, mixed condition to some very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 .............................................................. .
231 * 0
Balance of a propert y in ca rton , man y hundred in coll. remaind ers, 2 stockbook s and retail page s in counter-books, mostly used, some n.h to unu sed, incl. a few slightl y better items, Airs, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 ...........................................................
232 ** 0 Coll. and accum. of man y hundr ed diff., plu s dupl. , in 2 Specialty album s and stock sheets in box, much 19th cent. beginning with 1847 issue, lat er typ es, shad es, grills, Bank Notes, Airs, etc., faulty or mixed condition. Es t. Cash Value $1,000+ ............................................................ 233 * 0 83 Balance of a propert y in ca rton , n.h. to unu sed or used, a few thousand stamp s in envelopes, folders, on pag es etc., incl. Pl. blks and some sets, mixed conditi on. Est. Cash Value $1,000 .. 234
Accum. of a couple hundr ed on stock pages and in glassines, strong group of Columbians to 30c, good middl e issues, some back-of-book , mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cas h Value $750-1,000
235 * 0
238 239
Accum. of a few hundr ed on retail pages in small rin g-bind er , o.g. to unu sed or used, incl. scattered slightl y bett er items, compl. sets and Souvenir sheets, mixed condition. Est. Cas h Value $500-750 ···················································································································································· * 0 rnlSmall balanc e in glassines, mostly used, incl. quantities of Famous Americans IOc values, Transport 50c Pl. bile, Hunting Pennit $ I and $2 Pl. blks of 6 with ide selvage, etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-500 .......................................................................................................................... * IBl 181Balance of a propert y, several hundr ed stamp s in box, n.h. to unused, some used, incl. Pl. blks and Souvenir sheets, 5c error, misc. back-of-book. covers with some Er st Day, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $300-400 ................................................................................................................................. * 0 Accum. of thou sa nds of mostly cheaper in shoe and file boxes, generally used, some foreign and orted selection of covers. Est. Cash Value $200-400 ............................................................................... * 0 83Coll. and accum. of a few hundr ed in album , glassines , etc ., o.g. to unused to used, generally common issues, some slightly better, Souvenir sheets, Airs, Pl. blk , etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $200-250 .....................................................................................................................................................
240 * 0
1847 to 1980s, stock of many thou sand in stock sheets in 20 ring-binders in 2 cartons, mostly used, some o.g. to unu sed among earlier issues, wide range with plenty of 19th cent. th ough gaps per sist throughout , varying qu antiti es of 1 or 2 to a few hundr ed of the mor e common issues, mixed condition. A usef ul stock. Est. Cash Value $2,000 ................................................ ..
241 * 0
1851 to 1983, coll. of man y hundred diff., plus small dupl. coll. in 2 Specialty albums, n.h. to unu sed or used, wide range of issues with some slightly better 19th cent. , gr ills, Pictorial s to 30c, Bank Notes, Columbians to $1, later Commems, coils, Kan sas and Nebra ska , Souvenir sheets , few Airs and back-of-book , misc. station ery, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cas h Value $1,500-2,000 ...........................................................................................................................
1857 to 1980s, coll. of many hundred diff. in National album , o.g. to unused , some n.h., incl. Ban k Notes, Columbians to S0c, Bureau issue s incl. wmkd. $5, Trans-Miss. to $1, later Com mems , extensive Washington -Franklin incl. coils, 1922-26 compl., Souvenir sheets, Kans as-Nebraska, Presidentials compl., Airs and Special Del., dupl. of better items , mixed cond'1tion to very fine. Est. Cash Value $3,500-4,000 ...................................................................
242 *
243 *
1861 to 1929, accum. of a couple hundred in numbered glassines in box, o.g. to unused, incl. sever al Bank Notes, Columbi ans to S0c, other Commems, few Washington -Franklin with coils, etc., mixed con dition. Est. Cash Value $600-800 ......................................................................................... .
244 *
1875-1984, coll. of severa l hundred mint mounted in two Lighthouse hingeless albums, very fresh colors, many n.h. and centered, some earlies regummed , compl. sets, Airs , back-ofbook . Superior collection. Cati. value $11,000+ .................................. (betw. 178 and 2108, etc.)
245 * EE
1893 to 1983, coll. of a few hundred diff. blks of 4 in Specialty album , n.h. to o.g., incl. some sligh tly better Commems and Regular Issues, some Airs and back-of-book , generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 ........................................................................................
246 * llll
1894 to 1968, accum. of a few hundred Pl. blks of 4 or 6 in numbered glassines in box, n.h. to unus ed, incl. Bureau Issues, man y Commems, some Air s and Washington -Franklin, moderate q uan ti ties , mixed condition to fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000+ ....... ...........................................................................................(betw. 248 and 1034,C7 and C23) Primaril y 20th Century
247 *
Stoc k of man y hundred on stock sheets in ring-binder, n.h. to unu sed, incl. Bureau Issue s, man y Commems and Washington-Franklin, coils , offset ptg. , some blk s and Souvenir shee ts, Airs and back-of-book , mixed condition. Needs careful inspection. Stated by owner to ca ti. well over $75,000 .................................................................................................................
248 * llll
Bala nee of a few thousand stamps in 4 stockbooks and Scott Commem. album in box, n.h. to unus ed, incl. many blks and Pl. blks of 4 or 6, a few better, also compl. sets, booklet panes, Regu lar Issues with coils and Pl. No. copies, Souvenir sheets, Airs, some early used and back -of-book, mixed condition with some stuck, very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 ......
249 * O
Most ly m mt accum. of thousand s in carton containing stockbook, album an d organize d in shoe boxes, inc I. 109 Bicentennial sheets , etc., interesting group. Est. Cash Value $500-750 .................. .
250 * O llllColl. of se vera l hundred on album page s, incl. singles, blks, Pl. blks, useful sets, back-of-book, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-600 ................................................................................. ... 251 * O llllThe smal I remainder of a used coll. in Scott American album, plus loose , incl. minor error s, Chicago sheets, quantity of recent booklets, etc. Est. Cash Value $400-600 ............................................ 20th Century 252 * O llll Stoc k of many hundred on dealer 's page s in 3 binder s and loose in box, n.h. to unused , some used, mostly Pl. blks with some better item s, many Airs, some blks of 4 an d single copies, gene rally fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 .................................... . 253 * llll
Bala nee of many hundred PI. blks and blks in glassines , stoc kbook and loose in box, n.h. to unu sed, incl. Pl. blks of 6, Famous Americans group and other Commems, Airs, etc ., mixed cond ition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 ............................................................ .......
254 ** llll Accu m. of a few thou sand sorted in glassines in carton, vast majority n.h. , balance l.h. to unus ed, incl. quantitie s of National Park s perf and imperf , Presidential s, some Airs, etc ., clean and generally fine . Est. Cash Value $1,000+ ...................................................................... . 255 **
Extensive n.h. remainder of generally earlier 20th Cent. issues in singles , blks , Pl. blks and sheets, incl. typic ally Famous Americans, popular sets, etc., needs sorting. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ..
256 ** llllAccum . of about 100 compl. sheets in sheet file, n.h. , incl. Army-Navy , some Famous Americans to 10c, Ai rs, few Pl. blks incl. Hawaii 80c, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $600+ ........
257 181
Remainder of many hundred covers in carton, compr. FDC s from 1930s, some interesting fabricated post card s, flights, etc., misc. foreign, needs sortin g. Est. Cash Value $400-600 .......... ................ ........... .
25 8 ** IBIBalance of a property in box, vast maj ority n.h., incl. comp!. sheets, Pl. blks of 4 or larger, Souvenir sheets with Bice ntennial set of fo ur, 10 incl. one set First Day ca nce ls, co il strips, Airs, FDC s, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Ca h Value $300 ............ ........................... ............................ ................... .... .. 259 ** IBIAccum. of many hundred Pl. blks. in glassines and loose in box, vast majority n.h., genera lly 1940s to rece nt face, also Souvenir cards, Souvenir and comp!. sheets, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $250 260 ** IBI1930s to 1940s, coll. of Pl. blks, many n.h., in speciali zed album s, usual selection, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $ 100- 150 .............. ............................................... .............. .............................................. . 261 ** IBI1940s to 1980s, group of mostly full sheets, usual 3c values but many better type va lues to 22c. Useful. Face Value $8 15 ........................................................ ............. ....................................................... 262 **
Recent 20th Century, singles, blks, plate strips and booklets, sorted neatly by denomination 6c to $5, very fine. Face Value $858 ................................................................................................................
263 * EE
1908 to 1964, stock of severa l hundred Pl. blks in gla ssine s in box , many n.h. , others l.h. or o.g., incl. many better with Commems , Washington-Franklin , 2c red, Air s, Special Delivery and other back-of-book , generally fine to very fine , worth careful inspection. Well over $16,000 catl. val ue ................ ......................... ........................................................ ............ .............. .
264 ** IBI 1909 to 1967, coll. of a few hundred mostly Pl. blks of 4 and singles in 4 ring-binders in car-
ton, vast majority n.h., incl. PI. blks of 6, Airs, few turn of the century issues and several better items, generally fine to very fine. Worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,500+ .............. 265 ** EE1919 to 1984, coll. of a few hundred diff. Pl. blks in Specialty album, vast maj ority n.h., incl. some blks of 4 with Pl. No., Souvenir sheets, Pres identials and Famous Am erica ns inco mpl ete, Overrun Countrie s Name blks of I 0, severa l boo klets and Airs incl. T ransport comp!. , genera lJy fine to very fine. Est. Cash Valu e $300-400 ............................................................................. ..................................... 266
1920 to 1990, coll. of several hundred diff. in 2 albums, n.h. to o.g., scattered used, incl. coils, slightly better Commem sets, 1931 Rotary, Souvenir sheets, Presidentials comp!., Airs, misc. back-of-book, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500 ....................................................... ..
267 * EE
1923 to 1934, stock and accum . of a few thousand on stock sheets in box, n.h. to o.g., good representation with coils , better Commems, blks of 4 or larger , Souvenir sheets , KansasNebraska single s, etc ., varying quantitie s and some faults , generally fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Va lue $1,200-1 ,500 .................................................................... ............................ ................ .
268 * IBI
1931 to 1983 , coll. of severa l hundred diff. Pl. blks on Minku s page s in 8 ring-binders in carton, much n.h., compr. Pl. blks of 4 or 6 or larger, wide range of Commems and Regular Issues, some Airs, incl. Transport , Nationa l Parks perf and imperf, Famous Americans , Presidentials to 50c, few Souvenir sheets, etc., some faults incl. tape staining, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000 ..............................................................................................
269 ** IBI1935 to 1980s, stock and accum. of several thousand in loose stock sheets and 2 ring-binders in carton, vast maj ority n.h., nearl y compl. issues in moderate quantities from # 772, incl. Pl. blks, few Souvenir sheets, co ils and Regular Issues . etc., some faults thought overall fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-500 ................... ..................... ............................... ..................................... ................. ............. 270 ** IBI1938 PRESIDENTIALS: ½c to 50c, 26 diff., sheets of 100, n.h., fine to very fine. Cati. value
$3,017.81 ......................................................................................................(803-06,08-16,18-26,28-31) 27 1 ** IBI $5 carmine & black, sheet of 100, vignette severe ly shifted on many, n.h., some selvage
faults, generally very fine. Cati. as singles $9,500 ............................................................(Photo) 272 ** IBI1954 $1 red violet & black, sheet of 100, n.h., very fine ....................... ........ ............................... (832c) 273 * O EEAIR POST: 1918 to 1980s , stock of many hundred on stock sheets in ring-binder, n.h. to o.g. and used, incl. F ir st an d Second Issues, Zeppelin 65c and $1.30 , coil strips , unexploded booklets , etc. , vary in g quantities, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750 -1,000 .......... ...................... .. 274
275 181
1927 Lindbergh 10c dark blue, booklet pane of three, 21 panes and 1 unexploded booklet of 2, n.h.(6)/o.g.(17), generally fine to very fine. Cati. value $1,815 ................................................(ClOa) Circa 1928, coll. of 17 cacheted flight covers on pages, quite a variety of fra nkin gs, incl. First Fli ghts and Zeppelin Round-th e-World, almost all addresse d to Germany, mixed co nditi on. Est. Cash Value $ 100-150 ............. ...................................................... .............. ................................................... ................ .
BACK OF THE BOOK 276 * O [BI 19th and 20th Centur y, coll. and accum. of sever al thou sa nd in Specialty album and stock sheets in carton , n.h. to unu sed or used, incl. Airs, Revenue s, Cut Squares, Dues, Spec. Del., Parc el Post, Officia ls, Confederat e States, etc., mixed condition to ver y fine , should be carefully inspected. Est. Ca sh Value $1,200-1,500 ........................................... .................................... 277 * EE OFFICIALS: Treasury and War Dept s.; accum. of a few hundred on 3 stock cards, n.h. to unu sed, values to 90c, man y blks of 4, generally fre sh colors and fine. 1988 Scott $5,700 ............... 278
REVENUES: Match and Medicine , Perfume , Pla ying Cards; coll. of well over 400 stamps , mostly diff., mount ed on homemad e page s, few used, nothing of great value but man y in the $25-100 catl. area , some not counted , usual mix ed condition. Great selection. Est. Cash Value
u â&#x20AC;˘ ......................... ....... ................ .................... ............ ........... ............... .................................. . 279
Hunting Permit; 1935 to 1953, $1 and $2, group of 6 diff., #RW2 corner copy, l.h. or o.g., fine. $705 as n.h . ....................... .......................................................................................(RW2,6,16, 17, 19,20)
280 * O
U.S. POSSESSIONS: 19th and 20th Century; coll. and accum. of a few hundred in Specialty album and ring-binder, n.h. to unused or used, mostly Canal Zone incl. a few slightly better items and comp!. sets, also Guam, Hawaii, etc., some Spanish Dominion, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $500-600 ......................................................................................................................................... 28 1 * EE CANAL ZONE: Primarily 20th Century, selection of a couple hundred on 7 stock sheets, mostly o.g., incl. bl.ks of 4, back-of-book, 8 Guam and 2 used, generally fine to very fine .................................. 282 181 UNITED STATES AND UNITED ATIONS: coll. and accum. of many hundred items in 2 cartons, incl. hundreds of cacheted FDCs in 7 albums or ring-binders, unused and used stationery, commercial mail, picture post cards, some foreign, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $ 150-
~ 0 ........................................................ ...................................................................................................... 283
* [Bl181UNITED
STATES AND UNITED NATIONS: balance of a property, several hundred items in albums and loose in carton, much n.h., incl. Souvenir sheets, a few comp!. sheets, cacheted FDCs incl. Bicentennial sheets, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $ 150+ .................................. .
1951 to 1989, issues virtually complete in album, n.h., # 38 l.h., incl. other Souvenir sheets, Flag sheets, Airs, Geneva and Vienna issues, fme to very fine. Est. Cash Value $ 150-200..............................
285 ** EE1951 to 1988, issues compl. in Specialty album, vast maj ority n.h., compr. Margin Inscription blk of 4, Airs, Geneva and Vienna sets, some comp!. sheets incl. Flag series and 1976 25th Anniversary sheets of 20, incl. Geneva, few dupl., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-500 .................. 286 * O
Issues comp!. in Specialty album, n.h. to o.g., incl. Geneva and Vienna issues, plus stationery for all, # 38 Souvenir sheet creased, also 1976 25th Anniversary sheets of 20 (incl. Geneva) n.h., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-250 ......................................................................................................
287 **
1951 to about 1970, coll. of several hundred on pages in 5 ring-binders and loose in carton, vast majority n.h., issues virtually comp!. incl. Tenth Anniversary Souvenir sheet, 1st and 2nd ptgs., also blks and Margin Inscription blks #1-11, Cl-4, etc., other Airs, misc. FDCs and stationery, minor dupl., also Souvenir cards and 1979 Year of the Child sheets, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500 ............................................................................................. .................................. 288 1951 to 1955, small n.h. accum., incl. Margin Inscription bl.ks of 4 or IO and extra single copies, incl. #29, 30 and Airs, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-300 ................................(betw. I and 34, etc.) 289 ** EE1955 Tenth Anniversary Souvenir sheet of three, 5 sheets, n.h., very fine. Cati. value $500 .......(38)
Afternoon Session at 1:30 p.m.
* 29 1 ** 290
ANTIGUA : 1862 Unwmkd. 6p blue gree n, large part o.g., fresh, fine. S.G. £800 ................................. (Photo )( !)
1966 C hurchill E rr or ½c multi- co lored , top imprint shift ed to right , val ue at left, n.h., ve ry fine ......................................................................... .............................................................. ...................(Photo) ( 156 var.)
* 293 * 294 * 292
1913 Wmkd. Wide Crow n and Wide A lOsh pink & gray , o.g., brilliant fresh. fine. S.G. £600 ........(Photo )( 13)
£1 ultramarine & brown , o.g., brilliant fresh , very fine. S.G . £1100 ................................................. (Photo) (14) 1,250.00 1915 Wmkd. Wide Crow n and Na rr ow A Ssh yellow & gray , unused. inclu ion, pe1fectly centered and fresh, very fine .....................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (44)
1929-30 Wmkd. Small Crown and A Mu ltipl e lOsh pink gray , l.h., very fine S.G. £275 ................(Photo )( l0 1)
296 * EB 1931-36 Wmkd. Sm all Crown and C of A M ultipl e l sh4p light blue , vert. gutt er Imprint blk of 4, n.h. (2)/l.h. (2), small elvage crease and minor eparation , fine to very fine .......................................... {Photo )( 124)
297 ** EB1938 Chalk y Paper Ssh, I0 sh, £ 1, bottom left corner Imprint blk s of 4 , n.h., very fine . S.G . £440 + ..........................................................................................................................................................(Photo )( 177-179)
298 ** EBSimilar lot, n.h., fine to very fine .................. ................................................................................................. ( 177-79)
299 ** 83 1966-7140c to $4, comp!., blks of 4, n.h., very fine. S.G. £ 156+ ........................................................... ..... (4 12-17)
300 181
Postage Due; 1902-04 ½ p to l sh (various perfs), comp!., tied on envelope from a package with a variety of NSW stamps by several SYDNEY JA 2 05 c.d.s. strikes, probably philatelic but quite impressive. S.G. x8 ................................................................. ......................................... ...........................................(Photo) (J9-18 , etc.) (174.25+)
* 302 *
1909 Wmkd. Large Crown and Double Lined A £1 green & carmine, o.g., fresh, fine. S.G. £425 .(Photo)(J49)
£1, o.g., fresh, fine ...................................................................................................................................(Photo)(J49)
303 ** 83 Military Stamps; 1946-47 ½ p to Ssh, comp!. set, bottom left Imprint blks of 4, n.g., few with minor toning in selvage, fine to very fine. S.G. £600+ ....................................... ........................................................... (Photo)(Ml-7)
305 **
1910 Birthday Jubilee set comp!., l.h. or o.g., few with traces of gum toning , fine to very fine . DM 1250 ................................................................................ ..........................................................................(Photo)( l 28- 144)
1936 Dollfuss 10s dark blue, n.h., very fine. DM2250 .............................................. ......................... (Photo)(380)
306 ** 83 1948-52 Costumes 90g , l s rose red, 3.50 s, 10s, blks of 4, n.h., few tiny inclusions, very fine. DMI 196 .......................................................................................... ..................................................................... (536,38,52,56)
Orl gl na l-RtuJlorun g von Ludwig Hellhalmer
,,Briettaub en" (Serie ,.Szenen aus der Postgesch ich!e") Albor! KUrzl Vorlao M0 nchon
** 308 ** 309 *
Rotary set compl., plus 1933 WIPA 50g, ordinary paper, 1.h., very fine. DM900 .............. .(Photo) (B87-92, 110)
3 10 t::.
1933 Ski Federation set com pl., 2 sets tied on small pieces. very fine. DM 1250 ....... ......................... ..... (BI 06-09 )
344 .50
3 11
Semi-Postal Air Post; 1923 Monoplane and Pigeon, blue Hesshaimer essay die sunk on soft wove , 110x143mm, number 382 on reverse, very fine .......................................................................... ................(Photo)
1931 Rotary set of six, n.h., very fine . DM950 ................................................... .............................(Photo) (B87-92)
Compl. set, n.h., very fine .................................................................................................................(Photo) (B87-92)
BAHAMAS : 1863-65 Crown CC perf 14 4p dull rose, full o.g., fresh, very fine. Very scarce shade. S.G. 36, £1500 ............................................................................................................................................... .........(Photo)(18) (350.00) BATUM 1919 Imperf 10k dark blue, 25k orange, Seco nd Insurance Seal cance lled to order as always , each on small piece, very fine. Rare ................................................................ ............................................................(Photo) ( 14, 15)
3 13 /::.
3 I4
315 0
3 16
1919-20 Perf 14x14½ Surchd. "50r", 5 diff., l.h. or o.g., very fine. #27 and 29 Brandon Certs. (1988), #30 B.P.A. Cert. (1981), others handstamps on reverse. S.G. 23-26, 28, £1600 ..............(Photo) (27-30,32) 1,525.00 50r on 4k carmine, neatly caned., handstamp on rever se barely show on front , well centered, fine. Signed A. Diena. S.G . £375 ............ ..................... ................. .............. ........ ........................................................ .......(Photo)(29)
50r on 15k red brown & blue, o.g., handstamp on reve rse ju st shows on front , well centered and fresh, fine. S.G . £225 ............. ......................... ............................... .............. ...................................... ....................... ...........(Photo) (32)
250 .00
3 17 C8I
Russia 1909-12 4k carmine, tied by cyrillic STEAMER BATUM-ODESSA 19 04 vm c.d.s. on reverse of picture post card of Yalta , very fine. Scarce ............................. ................................................... ............... (Photo)
3 18 C8I
14k dark blu e & carmine, tied by double circle BATUM pmk and MARSEILLES 25 10 16 c.d.s. receiver on Regis. multi-colored picture post card (small corner crea ses) bearing on reverse French and cyrillic Regis. labels tied by BATUM 21 9 16 pmk plu s violet cyrillic hand stamp "Opened by Military Censorship KVK 103" and Pari s tran sit. Rare usage ................................ .................. ............................................... .............. (Photo )
3 19 **
BECHU ANALAND: Tati Concessions; 1895 l sh to £5, comp!. set of six, n.h.. brilliant fresh, very fine .(Photo)
320 ** EllBECHUANALA D PROTECTORATE: 1932 George V ½ p to l0 sh, compl. set, blks of 4, n.h., fresh, fine to very fine. S.G. £760+ ...................................................................................................................(Photo )(105-16) 321
BELGIUM: Semi-Postals; 1933 Madonna set comp!., l.h., fresh, fine to very fine ...................(Photo )(B 132-43)
uni. 624.48+ 450.00
323 0
1846 Crow ned Circle handsta mp in red , very fine strik e of PAID AT HAMIL TON. BERMUD A. on folded letter (portion missing, not affect ing pmk s) to Halifa x, N.S. bear ing red HAMIL TON BERMU DA FE 28 1857 c.d.s. on reverse. Rare and attract ive. S.G. CC3 , £3000 ......................................................................(Photo )
1875 lp on 2p blue, lp on l sh green, off-center as almost always, fine. S.G. £600 ......................................( l 3, 15)
GEORGE V ISSUES 1910-20 Watermarked Multipl e Crow n CA 324 325 326
* 327 * 328 329
2sh to £1 comp!., 1.h. or o.g., fine to very fine. S.G. 5lb -55, £689 .....................................................(Photo )(49-54)
2fr to £1, comp!., l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine ....................................................................................(Photo )(49-54) Same, l.h. or o.g., fine ......................................................................................................................................(49-54)
£1 black & violet on red, o.g., very fine. S.G. 55. £400 ..........................................................................(Photo )(54) £1, o.g .. very fine .......................................................................................................................................(Photo) (54)
Same, l.h., fine .......................................................................................................................................................(54)
647.75 400.00 400.00 400.00
Wmkd. Multiple Crown and Script CA 330
1922-34 lOsh deep red & pale green on deep emerald, sheet margin copy, n.h , extremely fine. S. G. 92c, £120 ........................................................................................................................................................(Photo )(96a)
12sh6p ochre & gray black
** 332 *
33 1 333 334
* *
335 0 336
12sh6p , n.h. , brilli a nt fre sh, very fine and beautiful. S.G. 93, £300+ ......................................... ........(Photo )(97)
1922-34 12sh6p ochre & gray black , l.h., brilliant fresh, very fine. S.G. 93, £300 ................................ (Photo )(97)
12sh6p, ochre somewhat deeper , l.h., very fine ........................................................ .............................(Photo )(97)
12sh6p , o.g., very fine ...............................................................................................................................(Photo )(97)
12sh6p, c.d.s. cancels, fine. S.G. £350 ................................................................................................. .....(Photo )(97)
BRAZIL: Air Post; 1927 S00r on l0r gray & black, o.g., very fine. Scarce. Signed Elliott... .........(Photo )(C6A)
* 338 * 337
339 0 340
* 342 *
1890 Surchd. on stamps of Great Britain, the three diff., o.g., fresh, fine. S.G. 1-3, £ 1100..............(Photo) ( I-3)
½a on Ip lilac, 4a on Sp lilac & blue, l.h., fresh, frne. S.G. £725 .........................................................(Photo)(l ,3)
1890-94 Unwmkd perf 14 4½a brown violet, vert. pair imperf between, neatly caned., bottom stamp light crease, fine. S.G. l l ad, £425 .................................................................... ............................................... (Photo)(20d)
8a and Ir gray, papermaker 's wmk., o.g., very fine. S.G. £475 ......................................................(Photo) (24,26)
1898 Crown CC 20r yellow green, o.g., handstamp on reverse, very fine. S.G. £500 ......................... (Photo)(l08)
BRITISH GUIANA : 1889 le to $5 , ty pe I compl. , l.h. or o.g. , fine to ve ry fine. S.G. £1200 .................. ............................................................... .................................................... (Photo)(112 -115,17,19-27,28)
343 ** EE1931 Centenary set com pl., blks of 4, $1 bottom imprint blk, n.h., very fine. S.G. £84+ ...................... (205-09)
344 ** EE1934 George V set compl., blks of 4, n.h., very fine. S.G. £360+ ................................................... (Photo )(210-22)
* 346 *
BRITISH HONDURAS: 1888 Crown CA 50c on lsh gray, fresh, very fine . Scarce S.G. 30, £325 ...(Photo) (25)
BRUNEI: 1907-21 Mutt. Crown CA $25 black on red, l.h., very fine. S.G. £450 ...............................(Photo) (39)
348 0
* 351 **
1852-55 Wove Paper 6p greenish gray , mostly large margin s all round , fine, tied by 7-rin g cancel on cover (small internal tear ) bea ring MONTREAL U.C . AP 1 1856 date stamp , to New York . Very attrac tive. Foundation Cert. (1991). S.G. 10, £1900 ........................................................ ......................................(Photo) (5b)
1868-76 Perf 12 6c dark brown , wmkd., lightl y caned. , horiz. crease, well centered, very fine appearance. B.P.A. Cert. (1993). S.G. 59a, £550 ........................................................................................................ (Photo )(27b)
12½ c blue , wmkd. , unu sed, negligible creasing , perfectl y centered and fr esh, fine. B.P.A. Cert. (1993). S.G. 60b, £1600 .................................................................................................................... ..........................(Photo )(28a) 1,500.00 1908 Quebec Tercentenar y set com pl., o.g., fresh, fine to very fine. S.G. £300 ............................(Photo )(96- l 03)
1928-29 and 1935 George V definiti ve sets com pl., n.h., fine to very fine ........................(Photo )( 149-59,2 17-27)
352 * El3 Air Post Semi-Officials; 1924 Laurentide Air Service 25c red with " 1924" added , top left corner margin blk of 4, l.h., very fine. Unitrade CL4. Can. $320 .................................................................. .....................................(- ) 353 0 354 0
Official s; 1950-51 Ovptd "G" 10c black brown , witho ut "G ", left stamp in pair with normal , lightly caned., light creasing, normal stamp large tear, very fine appearance and scarce. S.G. O30a. £400 ...............(Photo) (O26a)
CAYMAN ISLANDS: 1908 Crown CA Edward VII lOsh green & red on greenish, neatly caned. , extreme ly fine. S.G. £225 .......................................................................................................................... ...............(Photo) (30)
1932 Centenary set compl., 1.h., very fine. S.G. £350 ................................................... ....................(Photo )(69-80)
379. 15
356 0
Comp!. set, neatly caned., fine to very fine . S.G. £500 .................. ............ .......................... ......... ......(Photo) (69-80)
357 ** 83 1935-36 George V ½ p to lOsh, comp!., blks of 4, n.h., very fine. S.G. £600+ ............................. (Photo)(86 -96) 358
CHINA : 1898 Sc salmon, pair, very fine appearance , tied by indistinct bi-Lingual 24 JUL 03 pmk on envelope (roughly opened at bottom) bearing SHANGHAI I.J.P.O. 3 I JUL 03 c.d.s., numerou s tran sits incl. violet YOKOHAMA and Galt, Ontari o rece iver on reverse .................................................. .......................................(Photo) ( I 02)
1903 Provisional le on left diagonal half of 2c scarlet, very fine, tied by bi-lingu al FOOCHOW 24 OCT 03 pmk on loca l cover (small tear) ................. .......................... ................ ....................................................(Photo) ( 123)
537 .25
360 ** [!jiCROATIA: Semi-Postals; 1944 Charity set of four, imperf sheets of 9, n.h., small co rner fa ults, very fin e ..................... ............................................................................................. ......... .............. .................... .. (B52-55 vars.)
* 362 *
1928 Anniversary set comp!., l.h., briLlia nt co lors. fine to very fine. S.G. £250 .............. ............... (Photo) ( ! 14-23)
363 0
£1 olive brown & deep blue, lightly ca ned .. very fine . S.G. £300 ................................................. .......(Photo) (l23)
364 **
DOMINICA: 1923 Mult. Crown CA George V £1 viol et & black on red , n.h ., fr es h, fine.S.G. £225+ ...................................................................................................................................................................(Photo)(85)
CYPRUS: 1880 30pa on lp red, plate 220, double surcharge, one invtd., o.g., small thin , gum creas ing, fresh, fine appearance . S.G . I 0aa , £ 1100 .......................... .................... ................... .............. .......... ................... (Photo)(7b) 1,500.00
Thia Letter muat be giTea. OSoe to be Jt.eirtatered , an d Tk.e AddnM be
* 366 ** 367 * 368 * 365
369 0
1921-29 Script George V 12½ p Prussian blue, o.g., very fine. S.G. 76c, £375 ....................... ........... (Photo )(44a)
1929-31 George V set compl., n.h., fresh, fine to very fine. S.G. £400+ ........................................(Photo)(54-64)
£1 black on red, l.h., very fine. S.G. £300 .................. ............................................... ..............................(Photo)(64)
£1, o.g., very fine ......................................................... ..............................................................................(Photo)(64)
£1, lightly caned .. very fine. S.G. £400 ....................................... ..............................................................(Photo)(M)
1933 Centenary Issue
* 371 * 372 * 373 * 374 * 370
Ssh yellow & black, o.g., extremely fine. S.G. £500 .................................................... ..................... ...(Photo)(74)
Ssh, l.h., very ftne ............ .................................................... ............................................................. .........(Photo)(74)
Ssh, o.g., tiny thin speck, well centered ............................................ ........................................................ (Photo) (74)
lOsh light brown & black, l.h., very fine. S.G. £500 ...................................... ....................... .................(Photo) (75)
550 .00
lOsh, o.g. , fresh, fine ............ .....................................................................................................................
375 II!l181 War Tax; 1918 Ip red , blk of 6, tied by st rike s of FALKLAND ISLANDS 7 JA 26 c.d.s. envelop e to England, very fine ........................... ........................................................... ........................................ (Photo)(M R2)
FRANCE 1849-50 Ceres Issue 376 * EE 10c bistre on yellowish, BLOCK OF FOUR , unu sed, large margin s all round , extremely fine and rare multiple. Calves Certs. (1 973 and 1993 ) and s igned b y him . Ceres FFr s 52 ,500 with gum .................................................................................................. ....................................(Photo Back Cover )(1) 4,000.00+ 377
15c green on greenish, unu sed , large to enormou s mar gin s showing portion of adjoining stamp , fresh and beautiful , warm color , extremely fine. Weid and Ca lves Certs. (1974 and 1993 re spectively ) and signed ................................................................... .....................................................(Photo Front Cover )(2a ) 8,750.00
378 * EE 20c black on yellowish, CORNER SHEET MARGIN BLOCK OF FOUR , full o.g., large , eve n margin s other sides, negligible crease left pair , ver y fine and attractive multipl e. Calves Cert. (1993) and signed by him. Ceres FFrsll,500 ...................................... ........................ ............................... ......................... .......(Photo)(3) 379 0
40c orange on yellowish, type I, large margins and lightly caned., pin hole, very fine appeara nce. Signed Calves ............................................... ..................................................................................................................... .(Photo) (7)
800.00+ 375.00
380 181
Used to United States; 1853-60 Imperf 80c lake , used with 40c orange and 10c bistre , little or no margin s, tied by " J" in diamond of dolts cancels and BOSTON BR . PKT. 5 Cts JUL 3 c.d.s. on small envelope bearing red boxed PD and double circle (J) PARIS 19 JUIN 56 pmk., Paris-Ca lais transit on reverse. Attra ctive three-color combination ................................................... .............. ............... ................................................. ....(Photo )( 14, 18,19)
38 1 II!I
80c rose on pinkish , strip of 4 and blk of 6, good to lar ge margin s, neatly caned., one stamp in strip light creasing, frne to very fine. Ceres FFrs7300+ ................................ ........................................................ .............(Photo )(20)
1870- 71 Bord ea ux Sc deep yellow green (fonce ) on greenish , unused, full to enormous margin s, very fine . SOLUPHIL and Calves Certs. ( 1985 and 1993 respectively) and signed . Ceres 42c, FFrs l400 ......(Photo )(41 var.)
20c blue on blui sh, type II, report 2, o.g .. margins all round, large three sides. very fine. Calves Cert. ( 1993) and signed by him. Ceres 45e , FFrs7500 ............................ ...................................................................... .......(Photo )(44)
~ - ~ I ~~~ ~~ p/4 J d' t#~
80c groseille , sheet margin pair, o.g., large margins other side s, light crea sing not mentioned in cert. , fresh and fine. A lovely multiple and sca rce shade. Calve s Cert. (1993) and signed by him. Cere s 49f , FFrs24 ,000+ ........... ........................................................................ .............. ............................ (Photo )( 48 var .)
**[jj]gins 1876-78 Unissued Type II 20c blue on bluish, irregular CORNER BLOCK OF EIGHT , n.h., large marother sides , fresh , extremely fine. Rare and beaut ifu l. Calves Cert. (1993) and signed by him .............................................................................. ..................................... (Photo Back Cover )(Ceres 73 var.)
* 1923 Philatelic Congress lfr claret & olive green, l.h., very fine. DM1 200 ........................... ............ (Photo )( 197) 387 ** 1929-33 Engraved 3fr, Die IV, 5fr, Die II, IOfr Die ill , n.h., very fi ne .................................. ............. .. (248, 50,52) 388 ** 20fr orange brown, Die III , n.h., very fine. DMl 175 ......... ............................................ ................... (Photo)(254A) 389 **ffi 19351.50fr blue, blk of 4 n.h. , very fine. DMI 000+ ............... .............. ................................. .......................... (300a) 1937 Exhibition Souvenir sheet of four, n.h., very fi ne. DMlO0 0 .................................... ............................ ... (329) 390 **ffi 39 1 ** 1956 EUROPA 15fr blue, 15fr red, imperf trial color plate proofs on thin card, sheet margin s at right, ungummed , extremely fine ............................................................................................................. (Photo)(805TC) 392 **ffi 1989 PHILEXFRANCE Souvenir sheet of four , fluore scent paper , n.h. , ext remely fi ne. Found ation Ce rt. 386
( 1992). DMI000 ....... ............. ....... ......................................................... ......................... ................. ............ (2 168 var.)
275.00 3 10.00 325.00 320.00+ 200.00
** 1918 Red Cross 15c+5c slate & red, n.h., few tiny inclusions, extremely fine. Ceres FFrs1750 ...(Photo)(Bll ) 394 ** 1928 to 1931 Industry and Agriculture , Smile of Reims, Allegory, n.h .. few inclu sions, very fine to extremely fine. DMI 290 ................ ................................................................................................................ (Photo )(B27,34,38) 395 ** 1930 and 1931 Two diff., n.h., very fine. DM 815 .......... .................................................. .................... ........ (B34,38) 396 **ffi 1930 1.50fr+3.50fr , 2 panes of 4 with booklet and interleaving , n.h ., one with offset in se lvage , very fine. DM3000 ............................................... ........................................................ ...................................................... (B34a) 397 ** 1931 Allegory 1.50fr+3.50fr green, n.h., extremely fine. DM540 ................................ ....................(Photo) (B38) 398 **ffi 1937 Winged Victory set of two, blks of 4, n.h., fresh, fine to very fine. DM2600 ...................(Photo)(B66,67) 393
(100.00+) 420.00 260 .00 650.00 +
165.00 880.00+
Air Post
** 400 * 401 ** 402 ** 403 * 404 ** 405 ** 40 6 * 40 7 * 399
1936 Plane over Paris 50fr emerald , n.h., brilliant fresh, extremely fine. DM3200 ......................(Photo)(C14)
50fr, o.g. , very fine ............. ..................................................... ..................................... ........................ ..(Photo )(C l 4)
450 .00
1936 Banknote 50fr ultramarine, n.h., vivid colors, extremely fine. DM2600 ............................... (Photo)(C15)
50fr, n.h., extremely fine .................................................................................. ...................................(Photo)(C15)
50fr , o.g., extremely fine .......................... ........................ ................................................................... .(Photo )( C15 )
1954 Aircraft set of four, n.h., extremely fine. DM585 ..................................................................
GAMBIA: 1922-27 Script George V 3sh black purple & black, n.h .. very fine. S .G. £ 180+ .........(Photo)( l 17a)
175 .00+
GERMAN EAST AFRICA: 1917 50r gray green & red, 1.h., very fine. S.G. £50 0 ....................... (Photo )(N l22)
Same, 1.h., very fine ................................................................................ ............. .......... ..................... (Photo)(N 122)
* BAVARIA: 1849 Unwmkd. Plate I lkr black, unused, mostly large margins all round, rubbin g on fronts, very fine appeara nce. Brett! Ce rt. ( 1993). Mi. J[a ................ ............ .................................................................. (Photo)( ]) 409 * 1876-78 Wmkd. Horiz. Wavy Lines 50pf brown, o.g., pin point thins, fres h, fine. Signed Friedl. Mi. 46, DM 800 ................................................................................................................................................ ...................(Photo)(45) 410 *ffi 1881-1906 Wmkd. Vert. Wavy Lines 5pf, albino printing, corner blk of 4, n.h.(3)/o.g .(1), very fine. Mi. 48F, 40 8
DM4000 + as n.h ... ............................................................................. ..............................................(Photo) (49 var.)
411 0
BRUNSWICK: 1853-63 Wmkd. Post Horn imperf ¼ ggr black on brown, large margins, lightly caned ., very fine. DM 750 ................................................................................. ...................... .................... .................... .(Photo)(4)
500.00 225.00
uni. 165.00
•• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• • • ••• • •• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • •• •• •• •• ••
.. .
MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN: 1864-67 Rouletted 11 ½ 4/4s red, fine, tied (hinged) on Is orange red entire by double circle WISMAR 17/7 pm.ks, same-day AUSG backstamp. love ly combinwi on. Mi . Sb, U9 .... (Photo) (5)
4 13 t,.
PRUSSIA: 1861-65 Rouletted 11 ½ 6pf orange , 2sg blue, 3sg bistre (2), tied (hinged) by blue Hanno ver pm.ks on small piece, fine. Mi. I Sa, 17a, 18a .............. ............. ............... .............. ............. .................. ...(Photo) ( 16, l 8a,20)
4 14 0
WURTTEMBERG: 1862 Thin Paper perf 10 9kr claret , neatl y caned., beautiful deep color, very fine. Thoma and G.P.S. Certs. (1993) and signed by Dr. Bohne. Mi. 24, DM2000 ............... .................... (Photo)(33)
GERMANY 4 15 t,. 416
1872 Eagle with Small Shield ½g r orange yellow, pair, tied by neat ELBING ca ncels on small piece, very fine . Mi. 14, DM300 .......................................... ......... ........................................................ ...............................(Photo) (3a)
1872 Eagle with Large Shield 2gr ultramarine, Sgr bistre, 7kr ultramarine, n.h., fresh, very fine. DMlO00 ................. ................................... .................................................. ................................................... (Photo) (18,20,24)
(55.00+ )
417 0
18kr bistre, slightly smudg ed cancel , fine. Mi . 28 , DM5600 ........... ............................ ......... .................. (Photo) (26) 1,500.00
4 18 0
1900 Inscribed REICHPOST Sm slate & carmine, type I, hand printed frame, neatly caned. , handsta mp on reve rse, very fine. Mi. 66III , type Ia, DM1000 .......................... .................... ....................................(Photo) (65 var.)
4 19 0
1902 Inscribed DEUTSCHES REICH 3m black purple violet, Berlin cancels, well centered , fine . Mi. 80Ab , OM 1100 ..................................................................... .........................................................................(Photo) (77 var .)
421 0 422 0
1905-11 Wmkd. Lozenge s Peacetime ptg. 25pf to 80pf, 5 diff., n.h., 40pf short corner perf, fresh, fine to very fine. Mi. 881-901, 921,931, DM3350 ..................................... ............ ............................. (Photo) (85-87 ,89,91 vars.)
1920 -22 Wmkd . Quatrefoil s l ¼ m vermilion & magenta, handstamp on reve rse, fine. Mi . 151Y, DM2200 ................. ........... .......... .......................... .......................... ................................................................... ....(Photo)(210 )
1920-22 1¼ m vermilion & magenta , small pulp inclusion, fine ..................... ............................ .........(Pho to)(210 )
350 .00
** 1924-28 U.P.U. Anniversary set compl., plus 60pf red brown, chalky paper, n.h., usual pin point inclusion, very fine. Chalk y paper with A.P.E.S . Cert. ( 1989) . Mi . 362y and set, DM489 ........................ (Photo) (340 -43,42a ) (85.00 ) 424 ** 1927 "I.A.A ." Ovptd. set of three, n.h., few tiny inclusions, very fine. DM475 ......................................... (363-65 ) 130.00 425 ** 1928-32 Presidents 4pfto 80pf, 15 diff., n.h., few inclusions , very fine. DM193 8 ....(Photo )(367-72 ,74-78 ,81-84) 426 ** 1933 Wmkd. Network Hindenburg 3pf to lO0pf, compl. set, few incl. lO0pf top sheet margin copies, n.h., few tiny inclusion s, 30pf and 40pf natural effect on reverse , very fine. DM2250 .....................(Photo)(401-14) 700.00 427 ** lSpf to lO0pf, com pl., n.h., few tiny inclusions, very fine. OM l920 ............................................. ..(Photo) (407-l4) 428 ** 1948 Band Ovpt. 2pf to 84pf, comp!. set, n.h., usual inclusions, most signed Dr. Dub or handstamp on reverse, fine to very fine. OM 1250 ............... ............................................................................................................ (585A -93) 475.00 429 ** Unissued lpf to 80pf, compl. set, n.h .. usual inclusions, fine to very fine. Signed SB and Becker ........ (Mi. I/I-IX) DMl 600 430 ** Carpet Ovpt. 2pf to 84pf , comp!. set, n.h., usual inclusions, signed Dr. Dub or handstamp on reverse, fine to very fine. DMl900 ......................................................... ....................................... ................................... .... (593A-99 ) 700 .00 431 ** Unissued lpf to 80pf, compl. set, n.h. , us ual inclu sio ns, fine to very fine. Signed SB an d Becker .......................................... ........................... .................. ..............................................................(Photo)(Mi .11/1-IX) DM2900 432 ** 1948-51 Building s 2pf to lm , compl. set, perf 14, n.h., few inclusions, very fine. OM 1549 .................. (643a-58a) 700 .00 352.75+ 433 ** 2pf to lm , 12 diff., n.h. , few tiny inclusions, fine to very fine. OM 1502 ............. ................. (634a,35a ,4 l a,46a-58a) 434 **[l;j] 8pf dark slate blue, corner blk of 6, left and middl e stamps imperf between, n.h .. few inclusions, very fine. DM600+ ................................................................................ .......................................................... (Photo)(640 , var.) 435 ** lm to Sm, comp!., types I an d II , incl. margin copies , n.h. , few inclusions, fin e to ve ry fine . DM1565 .......................... .................................... ................................................................ ................(Photo) (658-6 l ,58b-61 a) 660 .00 436 ** Compl . set, type II, n.h ., few tiny inclusions, fine to very fine. DM1225 .................................... (Photo) (658b-61 a) 450.00 423
** 439 *
1949 Stamp Centenary set compl. incl. Semi-Postal , fine to very fine, tied by strikes of fancy red HAMBURG 3 1. l 0.49. pmks on local Regis. cover , receive r on reve rse ......... ....................................... .............. ... (667,668,8309 ) 1951-52 Post Horn 2pf to 90pf, comp l. set, n.h., 80pf and 90pf slight album offset on reverse , fine to very fine ................................ ........................................................ ............................................. ...............(Photo)(6 70-85) 2,000.00 Comp!. set, l.h., fine to very fine ...... ............................. ......... ......................................................... ..(Photo) (670-85 )
Same, l.h., fine to very fine ......................................... ....................... .................................... ........... .(Photo) (670- 85)
2pf to 90pf, comp!. less 25pf and 80pf, n.h., few tiny inclusions, 90pf trace of fingerprint on gum not mentioned in A.P.E.S. Cert. (1987), fine to very fine. DM4550 ..........................................(Photo) (670-77 ,79-83 ,85) 6pf orange , imp erf , o.g ., hand stamp o n reve rse, larg e margin s, very fin e. Mi . l26 U, DM1200 as n.h . ............................................................................................................. ............................................(Photo) (673 var.)
**ffi1953 Exhibition set comp!., blks of 4, n.h., extremely fine. DMI000 .......................... ....... ......................(698-70 1)
uni. 320 .00
** 445 ** 446 * 444
1954-60 Reu ss set com pl. , n.h., few inclus ions, very fine. DM I 000 .................. ........ ..................... (Photo )(702-2 I)
50pf gray, n.h., few tiny inclusions, fres h, fine. DM700 ............................. ........................................ ...(Photo)(7 14)
( 130.00 +)
1954 lOpf dark green, imperf, l.h., handstamp on reverse, tiny gum tones and bits of pape r adhering, very fine appeara nce. Scarce. Mi. 197U , DM2200 as n.h .............................................................................. (Photo) (722 var. ) 1,000.00
Semi-Postals 447
**ffi1927 Von Hindenburg set compl. , blks of 4, n.h., few tiny inclusio ns, bri lliant fres h, very fine. DM 1040 ......................................................... ..................................................................................................(Photo) (B 19-22)
320.00 +
44 8 l!:ilt81 1929 and 1930, two local covers (one Regis.) bearing gutter or tete-beche gutter blks with labels, plus additional postage, Berlin receiver on reverse, fine. Mi. KZ14, WZ4, DM1850 ............................. (B28,34,35 vars.)
**ffi1930 IPOSTA Souvenir sheet of four, n.h., gum a bit disturbed, fresh, very fine. DM 1800 ........................... (B33) 450 ** 1930 to 1932 Castles and Scenes, the three diff. sets comp!., n.h., few inclusions. fine to very fine. DMl 145 449
.................................................................................... ........................................ ............................... .. (B34-4 1.44-48)
Two diff. compl. sets, n.h., few inclusions, genera lly very fine. DM670 ......................... ................. (B34-37 ,44-48)
232. 50
454 0
1933 Wagner set compl., perf 13½ x13, all but #B54 and B57 are bottom right corner copies, n.h., few inclusions, fresh, fine to very fine. DM3833+ .......................................................................(Photo)(B49-57) 1,300.00+
Comp. set. n.h., few inclusions, fine to very fine .................................................................(Photo)(B49-57) 1,300.00+
Perf 13½ x13, 25+15pf, 40+35pf, Perf 13½ x14 20+10pf, 2 numeral corner or sheet margin copies of each, variety of cancels, few small faults. Rare group. DM 1420 ...... .................... .............................. (Photo )(B56,57,55a)
1933 "Ten Year" Souvenir sheet of four, n.h., negligible wrinkling bottom margin, very fine. DM5500 ................................................ .....................................................................................(Photo Next Page ) (B58)
. . . . . r·······························r·······························l .. .. .. ..·········· .. ··························· ·•····································
456 181
Souvenir sheet of four (reduced and small faults), cancelled by BERLIN 20-3-34 c.d.s. pmk s on large Regis. flown envelope (rough edges) bearing Nice receiver on reverse. Rare genuine usage. DM18,000 ................................................................................................................................................. ........(Photo)(B58) 4,000.00+
457 458
** **
459 460 181
1934 Compl. set of nine, n.h., few tiny inclusions, fine to very fine. DM850 ............................................. (B59-67) 1951 Marienkirche set of two, n.h., extremely fine. DM600 ........................................... ..................... (8316,317) Identical lot
1952 Two diff. compl. sets, fine to very fine, tied by double circle MUNSTER 24. 1.53. pmks on cover (very slightly reduced, edge faults) to United States. DM430 off cover. .............................................................. (B325-30)
461 ** EE1953 Stamp Exhibition set of two, bottom right corner margin blks of 4, few tiny inclusions , extremely fine. DM680 ........................................................................................................................................................ (B332,333)
462 ** EESame, but bottom margin blks, very fine .................... .......................................................................... (B332,333)
463 ** EE1953 Welfare set compl., blks of 4, n.h., very fine. DM960 ...................................................................... (B334-37 )
320 .00
Air Post 1928-31 Graf Zeppelin set of three, n.h .. Im handstamp on reverse, brilliant fresh, fine to very fine. DM980 ........................................................................... ................................................................................(Photo)(C35-37)
1930 South America Flight set of two, l.h., very fine. DM 1200 .................................................... (Photo )(C38,39)
** 465 * 464
466 ** O 1930 and 1933 4m black brown , former caned., latter top sheet margin copy, stamp n.h., very fine. DMI 200 ............................................................................................. ........................................................................... (C39,45)
1933 Chicago Flight set of thre e, l.h., fresh, fine to very fine .............................. ..........................(Photo )(C43-45)
4 15.00
Used on Cover South America Flight set of two, 4m , short corner pert', tied by 18.5.30 pmk , to U.S., 2m, very fine , tied by 28.3.31 pmk , to Budape st, each cover appropriate ly cacheted. DM2000 ..................................(Photo)(C38,39)
469 181
1930 4m , two copies , one corner perf fault , other very fine , tied b y s ingle s trike of double circle FRIEDRICHSHAFEN (Bodensee) 18 5 30 on appropriately cacheted cover to United States. DM1900 (C39)
470 181
1933 Chicago Flight set of thr ee, fine to very fine , tied by KOL 10-10-33 c.d.s. cancels on flown Regis. cover bearing appropriate cachets to Chicago. DM2650+ ......................................................... (Photo)(C43-45)
47 1 181
4m , fine , ti ed by 19. 9. 1933 pmk s on cover bearing blu e MIT LUFTSCHIFF GRAF ZEPPELIN ZU BEFORDERN handstamp, to United States. DMl400 .......................................................................... (Photo) (C45)
468 181
473 181
Local Official; 1905 Unwmkd. 2pf gray blue, n.h., fresh, very fine. DM1500 ............................(Photo)(OL16) DUNKIRK: Semi-Postals, 1939, two covers each franked by 2 diff. Semis, tied by neat strikes of framed "Besetztes Gebiet Nordfrankreich" (type I) and DUNKERQUE NORD 12-8 40 pmks, Hazebrouck rece ivers on reverse, very fine. Tust Cert. ( 1993) ............................................. ...........................................(Phot o)( B86,87,90,92)
474 181
475 DP 476
FRENCH LEGION: 1941 Polar Bear Souvenir sheet of one, 2 very light stains, fine, tied by FELDPOST 29.1.42 pmk on unaddressed cover ........................... ................................ .....................(Photo)(M i.1) JERSEY: 1943 ½ p to 3p, compl. set, Epreuves de luxe, very fine. Scarce ............................... (Photo) (Mi. 3-8P) AL LIED ZONES: 1948-49 Without "PF", the 3 diff. se ts compl., n.h., ge nera lly very fine . DM 1270 ...................................................................................................... ...................................(5N28-40,6N30 -38,N28-37)
477 **
uni. 478.00
Same, n.h., few inclusions, fine to very fine .......................................................... .........(5N28-40,6N30-38,N28-37) 478 Semi-Postals; 1949 Coat of Arms imperf Souvenir sheet of four, the 3 diff., n.h., few inclusions, very fine. DM960 ....................... ....................... ........................... ..........................................................(5NB4a,6NB6a,8NB4a) 479 ** EE1949 Goethe sets compl., blks of 4, n.h., few tiny inclusion , very fine. DM900 .....(5NB I2- 14,6NB7-9 ,8NB9- l I)
480 P**
Baden; 1949 Engineering Congress 30pf dark blue, type II, n.h., very fine. DM1500 ..............(Photo)(5N41a)
BERLIN 1948 Black BERLIN set comp I., n.h .. few inclusion s or natural offset. fine to very fine. DM 1000 .......... (9N 1-20)
478.00 340.00
Red BERLIN set compl. , n.h. , few with natur al offset, fine to very fin e. DM4200 ........................................................................................................................... (Photo Back Cover )(9 21-34) 1,600.00 1949 U.P.U. Anniversary Issue
483 ** 484 485
** **
12pfto 2m, compl. set, n.h., few tiny inclusions, very fine . DMl 800 .......................................... (Photo) (9N35-41) Compl. set, n.h., inclusions, fine to very fine ................................................................................. (Photo) (9N35-4I )
Same, n.h., few inclusions, fine to very fine ............................................. ......................... ............. (Photo )(9N35-4 I)
486 ** EECompl. set, blks of 4, n.h., few tiny inclusions, very fine. DM7200 ............ (Photo Back Cover )(9N35-41) 1,900.00 487 181
Compl. set, fine to very fine, tied by double circle BERLIN CHARLOTTENBU RG 25.2.50 cancels on cacheted Regis. envelope, New York receiver on reverse ................. ............................................................(Photo )(9N35-4 I)
488 181
Same , fine to very fine , tied by doubl e circle KASSEL 22. I 1.49 ca nce ls on cac heted, unaddr esse d cove r ............................................ .................. .......................................................................................... .(Photo) (9N35-41)
l'lugpo â&#x2013; t
~r:sa,, A75/J,,
** 1949 Scene s lpf to Sm, compl. set , n.h., few inclusions, very fine. DM2000 .............................. (Photo )(9N42-60) ** Compl. set, n.h., usual inclusions, fine to very fine ....................... ................................................ (Photo)(9 N42-60) 49 I **IHI lpf , 4pf , IOpf, 20pf , pane s of 5 plu s label , lpt' and 4pf , 2 diff. of each , n.h .. fi ne to very fi ne. DM 820 ..................................... ................................................................. .............................................. . (9N42a,43a,47a,49a) 492 ** 1949 Goethe set of three, n.h., few tiny inclusions, I 0pf fine, others very fi ne. DM 740 ............... ........... (9N6 1-63) 493 ** 1951 to 1953 Fr ee dom Bell , the 3 diff. set s compl. , n. h., few in c lu sio ns, fi ne to ve ry fi ne . D M695 ........................... ....................................... ...................................... ................................................... (9N70-79,94-98) 494 ** Same, n.h., fine to very fine ............................................................. .................................. ............... (9N70-79,94-98) 489
**EE 1953 Second
**EE 70pf, bottom right corner blk of 4, n.h., extre mely fine. DM I 260 + ......... ............... .................................... (9N l 10)
** 50 1 ** **
** 504 * 503
1949 Currenc y Victim s set of thre e, n.h. , few inclusions, very fine. DM 900 ............................... (Photo )(9 NB 1-3) Souvenir sheet of three , n.h. , tin y hand stamp on rever se, ver y fine ......................................... .(Photo )( 9NB3a )
Souvenir sheet , n.h. , few inclu sion s a nd negligible mark s from corner mount s, ver y fine. DM2800 ............................. .............................................................................................................................. .(Photo)(9NB3a)
475 .00
GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC: 1951 China Friend ship set of three , n.h .. gum a touch disturb ed, very fine. DM I 200 ............................... ............................ .................. ................................................ ..(Photo )(82-84)
465 .00
**EE 1953 Marx Souvenir sheets, perf and imperf, n.h., very fine. DM 1000 ........................... .................... (144a , 146a)
509 0
* *
Same , n.h .. few inclusions, small corner crease, very fi ne ...................................... ..........................(Photo )(9 NB3a) Anoth er sheet , n.h., few small thins in left selvage. otherwise very fine. DM2800 .........................(Photo )(9 NB3a) Same, l.h. in selvage , very light stain bottom left co rner not affect ing stamps , fresh, fine ....... .................... (9NB3a)
508 0
380.00 +
507 0
1956-63 lm olive, very fine, tied by I 0. I 1.56 First Day cancel on unaddres ed cove r. OM 1200 ...(Photo) (9N 135)
222.50 222.50
7pf aqua , 40pf rose lilac , 70pf oli ve green , blks of 4, n.h., ve ry fin e to ex tr emely fi ne. DMl 440 ............................ .......................................................................................... .................................(Photo)(9N 108- I0)
225. 00
Re-engraving l0pf to 40pf , com pl., blks of 4, n.h .. 0pf natural offse t o n reve rse, very fin e. DM852 ...................... ............................................ ........ ..................................................................... ................... ........ ....... ...................................................... .............................................................................. ....... .................... (9N95-98)
498 181
( 125.00 +)
OFFICES IN MOROCCO: 19116p25c on Sm slate & carmine, neatly ca ned., very fine. DM1 000.(Photo) (57) OFFICES IN TURKISH EMPIRE: 1900 25pi on Sm slate & carmine, type I , neatly caned., extremely fine. DM1800 ......................................................................................................... ..........................................(Photo)(24) GIBRALTAR: 1903 Crown CA Edward VII £1 violet & black on red, light Regis. cancel, very fine. S.G. 55, £500 .............................................................................. ......................... .................................. ................. (Photo)(48)
700.00 700.00
440.00 200 .00
500.00 1904-12 Mutt. Crown CA Edward VD £1 violet & black on red, l.h., very fine. S.G. £475 .............. (Photo)(64) 400 .00 1921-32 Script George V £5 dull violet & black, slightly disturbed o.g., fresh, fine. S.G. £1500 ....(Photo) (93) 1,300.00
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1840 Wmkd. Small Crown imperf lp black , st rip of 4, B-A/B-D, good to very large margins , neat red MC cancels, very fine. S.G. £600+ ......................................................................................................... .........(Photo )(l) 440.00+ 513 O EB lp, blk of 4, H-K/1-L, good to large margins except touched one point at top , red MC cancels, right stamps vert. crease. small scissors cut between top stamps, fresh, fine. S.G. min. £3250 ......................................(Photo) ( I) 440.00+ 514 0 2p blue , sheet margin strip of three , S-J/S-L, good to large margin s other sides, MC cancels, fine to very fine. S.G. £900+ ...................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (2) 675.00+ 515 O EB 2p, Pl. 1, blk of 4, O-1/P-J, margin s just clear to huge showing portion of adjoining stamp, MC cancels, bright color and fresh, very fine. S.G. £1200+ .......................................................................................(Photo)(2) 900.00+ 516 1913 Waterlow ptg. 2sh6p black brown , re-entry (R.2/1), l.h., fresh. fine. Royal Cert. ( 1976). S.G. 400a, £650 ..................................................................................................................... ...................................(Photo) ( 173a var.) uni. 517 1915 De La Rue ptg lOsh light blue, very l.h., fre h. fine. S.G. £550 .................................................. (Photo)(l75 ) 900.00 518 lOsh blue, l.h., perfectly centered, extremely fine. S.G. 417,£175 ....................................................(Photo)(181) 190.00 519 Postage Due; 1954-55 Wmkd. Tudor Crown 4p bright blue, two imperf pairs , n.h.(I )/1.h.(I), large margins, very fine. One pair signed H. Bloch. S.G. £450 ..................................................................................... (Photo)(J42 a) 350.00 520 t8:I OFFICES ABROAD: Used in Puerto Rico: 1873-80 lsh green, Plate 12, 1 ½ p, Plate 3, tied by vert. oval "C61" pmk and PORTO-RICO SP 25 76 c.d.s. on folded letter sheet bearing red London PAID and blue merchant 's oval lower left , Genova receiver on reverse. From th e famous Costa co rr esp on dence ..............................................................................................................................................................(Photo)(64,32) 521 0 6 Turkish Empire; 1906 Pro visional lpi on 2p green & carmine, neatly caned. on small piece, handstamps on reverse, fine. S.G. £600 .............................................................................................................................(Photo) (25) 525.00 522 GREECE: 1940 Youth set compl. , incl. Air Post, n.h. , fine to very fine. DM2200 ................... (427-36,C38-47) 800.00 523 1933 Graf Zeppelin and 1954 NATO sets com pl., n.h.. fine to very fine. DM975 ............................. (CS-7,71-73) 3 15.00 524 1954 NATO set compl., n.h., very fine. DM300 .......................................................................................... (C71-73) 105.00 525 0 GRENADA: 1861 Unwmkd. rough perf 14 to 16 lp blue green , light "A 15" barred oval cancel, very fine. Letter from W. Danforth Walker accompanies. S.G. I, £275 ................................................................... (Photo) ( I a) 275.00 1975-81 Surchd. in Dark Blue lsh purple, o.g .. rich color and fresh, fine. Royal Cert. ( 1982). S.G. 13, £650 526 ........................................................................ ........................................................................................... (Photo) ( ! I) 400.00 HONG KONG: 1885-91 Crown CA $1 on 96c black , l.h ., light cre ase , fr es h, fine . S .G. 53 , £350 527 .................................................................................................................................................... ........(Photo) (55 var.) uni. 1921-37 Script George V $3 dull violet & green , $5 red & green on emerald, right and left sheet margin 528 copies respectively, l.h., latter stamp n.h .. very fine. S.G. £2 15...................................................... ............ ( 145, 146) 180.00+ INDIA: 1855-64 Unwmkd. White Paper ½ a blue, la brown , 2a yellow green, part Imprint copy, 2a buff , 529 imperf single copies, unused , large margins , very fine. $2490 as imperf pairs .........(Photo)(lla ,12a,14a,15b) Military Stamp; 1914 George V 4a olive green, double ovpt., one albino, 1.h., fresh, fine ......(Photo) (M40 var.) uni. 530 53 1 JAPANESE OCCUPATION; Adaman and Nicobar Island s, 1942 .5 on la , Officials .10 on la3p and .20 on 3p, o.g., very fine. Rare. Sold as is. Est. Cash Value $500-600 ................................... (Photo) (See S.G. footnote) Cochin; 1946-50 Wmkd. Letters and Ornaments in Sheet, lithrographed 4p gray green, ungummed , light 532 crease bottom margin, fine. Rare. B.P.A Cert. (1993). S.G. 103, £1100 .......................................... (Photo)(83A) 1,500.00 533 0 ICELAND: 1873 Wmkd. Crown perf 14x13½ 4sk dark carmine, on-the-nose c.d.s cancel, extremely fine .....................................................................................................................................................................(Photo)(2) 575.00 534 IRAN: Sari Locals; Circa 1977 Revolution ovptd. group of 20 diff. to 30r, n.h., very fine ......................(Photo ) uni. 535 IRELAND: 1922-23 Alex. Thorn ptg. 2sh6p light brown , Ssh carmine rose, l0sh gray blue , left sheet margin copies, n.h., extremely fine .................................................................................................................. (Photo) (56-58) 420.00 536 1925 lOsh gray blue , "1922" wide and narrow, vert. pair, very 1.h., extremely fine. S.G. £1100 ..(Photo)(79a) 1,000.00 537 1935 Re-engraved l0 sh dark blue, n.h. , vivid color, extremely fine. S.G. £350+ .............................(Photo)(95) 625.00 538 0 lOsh, lightly caned., almost very fine. S.G. £350 ..................................................................................... (Photo )(95) 350.00
* * * *
** ** **
* * * * *
** * **
ISRAEL All Full Tab Copies 539 540 541 542 543
** ** ** ** **
1948 Rouletted set of three, n.h., I Om tiny inclusion, brilliant fresh, very fine .................................(Photo) ( l a-3a) 1948 Flying Scroll set compl., right tabs, n.h., few inclusions, very fine ............................ .............(Photo)(I 0-14) 1949-50 S00p deep orange & brown, n.h., usual inclusion , very fine ............ .................... ..................(Photo) (25) 1949 New Year set of three, n.h., usual inclusions, very fine ................................. ......................... ..(Photo) (28-30) 1950 Independence Day set of two, n.h. , few tiny inclusions, very fine ........................................... (Photo)(33 ,34)
300.00 260.00 250.00 450 .00 425.00
Air Post; 1950 Sp to 250p, compl. set, n.h., usual inclusions, l00p light spots on tab , very fine ......(Photo) (Cl-6 ) 250.00 Postage Due; 1948 3m to S0m, compl. set, n.h., few inclusions , !Om gum disturbed , 20m very light crease, fresh, fine to very fine ............................................................................................ .............................(Photo)(Jl-5) 1,500.00 ITALY
546 547
548 549 550 181
* 552 ** 55 1
1889 Arms Sc dark green, n.h., negligible corner perf crease, fine. Sass. 44, L2,250,000 ................(Photo) (S2) 1946 Engraved IO0L carmine lake, n.h ., tiny inclusion, fresh, fine. DM 1100 .................................... (Photo)(477 )
400.00 1947-48 SL, IOL, 30L, compl. set, n.h., tiny inclusions, fresh, fine. DM939 ........................ ........ (Photo )(486-488) 300.00 1949 European Recovery , two compl. sets, n.h., tiny inclusions, very fine. DM700 ................ .....(Photo) (515-17 ) 350 .00 Air Po st; 1933 Graf Zeppelin set compl., perf stains, fine , tied by ROMA 27.5 .33 Zeppelin pmks on Reg is. envelope (light staining, small tear) bearing appropri ate blue cac het. additional mkgs and Friedri chshafen 30. 5. 33. datestamps on rever e. DM3000 ...................................................................... ...................... .....(Photo) (C42-47) Air Post Officials; 1933 SERVIZIO DI STATO 5.2SL+44.75L red, green & red violet, l.h., right stamp small thin, brilli ant fresh, very fine appearance. DM3000 .............................. ..................................... ........... (Photo) (CO I) 900.00 War Propaganda S0c brown, IL violet, 2L blue, n.h., very fine ........................ .............. ....(Photo)(S ass. l 2A-C) L650 ,000 Facist Republic ; 1943 Base Atlantic 10c to S0c, 5 diff., n.h., 50c small gum skip, very fine. Signed A. Dien a ................................................................................................... .......................................... ........ (Photo) (Sass.6,8-11) L500 ,000 Venezia Giulia; 1946-47 SOL dark green, invtd. ovpt., n.h. handstamp on reve rse, very fine . Sass. L450 ,000 ............... ......................... .................................................... ...................... ......................................... ...... (1LNC7 var.) uni .
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Used in the Aegean Islands; MONDO DIVISIONE CARABINIERE REALI DELL EGEO - (RODI) marking in violet, with EGEO 9.9.15 c.d.s. on Italian postalcard to Paris. Est. Cash Value $200-250(Photo Next Page) Usen in orth Russia; CORPO DI SPEDIZIONE RUSSIA SETTE TRI ONALE circular marking plus an sl VERIFICATO marking overwritten by Briti sh ms. "O .A.S." as the Italians used the British Field Post Service , all used on an undated Italian free-frank card to Torino. Quite rare .. Est. Cash Value $400 ......................................................................................................................................................(Photo Next Page ) A similar card bearing both marking s but without the "O.A.S.", also bearing an Italian town rece iver 23.4.19 on an Italian free-frank ca rd. Est. Cas h Value $300-350 ..............................................................(Photo Next Page )
Used in Palestine 558
Large red 3-ring DISTACCAMENTO ITALIANO DI PALESTINA - COMANDO marking , plus British ARMY POST OFFICE 11 OC 18 SZ 47 transit marking , Verificato and Censor 1 markin gs on Jerusalem picture post card. Very rare. Est. Ca h Valu e $400 ................ .............................................. ............................ ....(Photo)
A similar card but bearing the small red 3-ring Italian Detachment marking, plus Verificato and Censor I markings on 1917 Cairo pictur e post ca rd. Est. Cas h Value $300-350 ............................................................ (Photo)
Small red 3-ring Detachment marking plus British BASE ARMY POST OFFICE 27 JY 17 Z transit marking of Alexandria , usual other markin gs all on 19 17 Bethlehem pict ure post card. A rare rouring. Est. Cash Value $350 .......... ........................ .............................. ..................... ............ ................... ..............................................(Photo)
Small red 3-ring Detachment marking plus CENSORE No. 2 marking , used on 1917 Jeru salem pictur e post card to Fran ce. Est. Cash Value $300-350 ....................................................................................................... (Photo ) Used in Slovakia
CESKOSLOVENSKA POLNI POSTA 50 26 MAR 19 pmk , used on Italian free-frank card at Nin¡a. Est. Cash Valu e $200 ........................................... ....................................... ......................... ........... ................................. (Photo)
POST A MILITARE 52 2- 2 19 pmk , used with 34 PLUK CESKOSLOVE SKY marking on picture post card at Kromeriz. Est. Cash Value $200 ......... ...... ..................... ..................... ................. ....................... ........ ............. (Photo)
POL 1 POSTA C.P.S. 17 IX 19 pmk , used with Italian unit cac het on Beregsz dsz picture post card. Est. Cash Value $200 ................ ....................... ................................ .......... ............. ......................................................... (Photo)
3 REGGIMENTO C. 2o BATTAGLIONE Sa Compagnia marking , used with a Hungerian pmk on a Leva picture post card. Est. Ca sh Value $200 .............................. .............................................. ....................................(Photo)
"6a Comp. zappatori C.S." marking, used with a Hungarian Kassa pmk on a pictur e post card. Est. Cash Value $200 .......................................................................................... ........ ................. .................................... ........... (Photo)
The collection of about 115 covers or cards , several of which are on exhibition pages. The study include s Italian Forces in France, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Tripoli, Fiume , plus the usual military mail , aval units , POW , Free-franks and Allied forces in Italy. A mosr inreres ring selection and quire historical. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 .............. ................. ............ ............. ................................. ............................ .
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565 1/(i/.. . .
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568 **
JAPAN: Air Post; 1929-34 Exhibition Souve nir sheet of four , n.h., negligible gum bend s, extreme ly fine ............................................................ .....................................................................................................(Photo )(C8)
569 ** 83 Souvenir sheet, n.h. , negligible gum wr inkles, very fine ....................................................................(Photo )(C8)
* 571 * 570
JORDAN: 1923 20pi gray, invtd. ovpt., l.h., handstarnps on reverse, very fine. S.G. 68a, £450 ........(Photo )(63a)
lm to 20pi, compl. set, less lm with green ovpt. , lpi , 9pi, 20pi ovpt. reading down , o.g., fine to very fine .........................................................................................................................................................(Photo )(73 ,74-83)
402 .00+
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KE YA, UGANDA, TA ZA IA 1922-27 George V Issue
* 573 * 574 * 575 * 572
£2 brown violet & gree n, l.h., extreme ly fine. S.G. £600 .....................................................................(Photo )(38)
£2, o.g., very fine .......................................................................................................................................(Photo )(38)
£3 yellow & dull violet, l.h., brilliant fresh, fine. S.G. £750 ....................................................................(Photo )(39)
£4 rose lilac & black , l.h., fresh, very fine. S.G. £ 1200 ............................................................... ...........(Photo )(40) 1,750.00
£5 blue & black , l.h., very fine. Signed Turpin . S.G. £1500 .................................(Photo Front Cover )(41) 2,100.00
LAGOS : 1882-1902 Crown CC Ssh blue , o.g. (hinge remnant) , very fine. S.G. £450 ..........................(Photo) (35)
577 *
LIECHTENSTEIN: 1934 Vaduz Sfr brown , Souvenir sheet of one, very l.h. in selvage , very fine. DM 3500 ...........................................................................................................................................(Photo Back Cover )(115) 1,100.00
579 ** EE1951 Srp to lfr , compl. set, top left corner blk s of 4, n.h. , extremely fine. DM1400 ....................... ....... (247-58)
580 0
1951 Georgina 3fr dark red brown , perf 14½, 2 copies, lightly caned., very fine. DMI 150 ....................... (260a)
450 .00
1952 Cast le Sfr deep green, pair , n.h. , extremely fine. DMll00
582 **
584 **
* 589 *
LITHUANIA: Air Post; 1935 New York-Kaunas Flight S0c gray black & olive, n.h., handstamp on reverse, very fine. DM500 .............................................................................................................................(Photo )(259 var.)
1935 Vaitkus Memorial 40c deep ro se & blue , n.h., very fine. DM625 ......... ............................. (Photo )(C80 var.)
1935 40c, n.h., handstamp on reverse , very fine .............................................................................(Photo) (C80 var.)
MALAYAN STATES: Johore; 1904-08 Wmkd. Rosette $100 green & sca rlet , sheet margin copy , n.h. , brilliant fresh, fine. S.G. £250+ .......................... ..........................................................................................(Photo )( 75)
Kelantan; 1937-40 Sulton set comp) ., 1.h.or o.g., very fine. S.G. £450 ...........................................(Photo) (29-43)
MALTA : 1919 Mutt. Crown CA St. Paul lOsh black , slightl y disturbed " pouchette " gum, fine. S.G . £3000 ......................................... .................. ......................... ......................................(Photo Back Cover )(65) 3,250.00 MAURITIUS: 1859 Engraved lsh ver milion , unused, mostly very large margins all round, light crease, brilliant fresh , very fine appearance. S.G. 34, £1800 ....................................................... .......................... .............(Photo) ( l9 ) 1400.00
590 0 591
MONACO: 1949-50 U.P.U. Anniversary incl. Air Post , four Epre uves de luxe compr . Sfr , lSfr , 2Sfr, perf and imperf (2), other lOfr , 40fr , S0fr , l00fr imperf , n.h.(2)/1.h.(2), very fine ..................... (245-46,C30-33 vars.)
NAURU : 1923 De La Rue ptg. l0 sh light blue , lightly caned, fine . S.G. 23, £325 ............................... (Photo) ( l5 )
425 .00
NETHERLANDS : 1852 Wmkd . Po st Horn imperf lSc orange, used with 10c lake , both large to enormou s margin s and crease from file fold , very fine appearance, tied by neat strikes of THOLEN 13/3 pmk on 1852 folded letter bearing red boxed PD and matching double circle PAYS-BAS handstamp on reverse. Colorful and a/tractive .......................................................... ....................... (Photo Back Cover)(2,3)
592 0 593
NEW BRITAIN: 1914 First Setting lsh on Im carmine, neatl y caned., very fine. S.G . 12, £1900 .(Photo )( l2 ) 1,000.00
Second Setting 3sh on 3m black violet, o.g., fre sh, fine. Signed Friedl. S.G. £3500 ..................(Photo)(29)
**~ 1932-37 Engraved 2c green, perf 13½, top sheet margin blk of 20 with selvage at sides, partially perfed cre-
EWFOUNDLAND: 1919 Caribou set compl., pairs, n.h., fine to very fine. S.G. £ 140+ ....................... ( 115-26)
ating imperf vert. pair, pos. 6 and 16, stamps n.h., few gum spots and folded twice along vert. perfs, very fine. S.G. 223ca var.. ............................................................................................. ........................ (Photo)(l86 var.)
2,000.00 163.00 +
**~ 1932 Sc orange red, without wmk, bottom sheet margin pair, in blk of 6 with normals, n.h. , fold and separation horiz. row betwee n lowe r stamp s, fres h, fine ....................... ......................... ....... ..................(Photo) (209, vars.)
**ffiAir Post; 1931 Wmkd. Coat of Arms set compl., blks of 4, n.h ., very fine. S.G . £296+ ......... ................... (C9- l I)
NEW GUINEA : Air Post; 1939 ½ p to £1, compl. set, l.h. or o.g., very fine. S.G . £475 ......... ....(Photo)(C46-59)
EW REPUBLIC: 1886 l sh violet on granite paper, vert. tete-bech e pair, o.g .. one stamp faults, very fine appeara nce . S.G. £300 ...................................................................................................................... .......(Photo)(25a)
**ffiNIGERIA: 1936 George V set compl., blks of 4, n.h., few low values small faults, otherwise very fine. S.G. £480+ ..................................................... ........... ........... ................. ........... ..................................... ........(Photo) (38-49)
497 . 12+
NORTH BORNEO : 1931 Anniversary set compl., n.h., very fine. S.G. £ 180+ ........................................ ( 185-92)
Compl. set., l.h., brilliant co lors. very fine ...................................... ............................. .......... ..................... .. ( 185-92)
182 .00
Semi-Postals; 1918 Surchd. set compl. , l.h. or o.g. , brilliant fres h. fme to very fine. S.G . £450 ...(Photo) (B31-47 )
Same, compl. less le, plus Sc and 10c shades, o.g., few low values faults, fresh and generally very fine. S.G. £461 ...... ............ .......................................................... ....................................................................... (Photo) (B32-47)
**~OMAN: 1971-72 Errors 25b on 40b black & orange , part Imprint blk of 9, Arabic "2" and "5" omitted Pos. 2 and 8 respectively, n.h .. very fine. S.G. 145 , a, b. £215+ ..................................... ..................(Photo) ( l 33B , vars.)
**~ Same, except one error in each blk of 9, n.h.. very fine. S.G. £260 + ..............................................
607 0 ~
608 0
.... ( 133B, vars.)
25b on 40b, blk of 15 (3x5), Arabic "2" and "S" omitted Pos. S and 11 respectively , c.t.o., very fine. S.G. £228+ ..................... ............................ ................. ................. ................ ................................................... . ( 133B,va rs.)
PAPUA EW GUINEA : 1901-5 Wmkd. Multiple Rosette 2sh6p brown & black, neatly ca ned. , very fine. S.G. 8, £550 ............................................................................. .......................................................... .......... (Photo)(8)
1952 ½ p to £1, compl. set, n.h., fine to very fine. S.G . £ 150 .......... ........................................... ................. . ( 122-36)
220. 10
Postage Due; 1960 6p on 7½ p blue , n.h .. traces of gum toning as almost always . very fine . S.G. £750( Photo )(J6)
650 .00
QUEENSLAND: 1860 Wmkd. Large Star 6p deep green, mostl y large margin s all round, lightly caned., very fine. S.G. £800 ............................ ............................... ................... ..................................................... (Photo) (3)
RUSSIA : Air Post; 1933 Stratosphere and 1934 Zeppelin sets compl., n.h., very fine. DM950 .... (C37-39, 53-7)
6 11 0
6 I2
RHODESIA 1910 Double Portraits
613 6 14 *
615 0 6 16 S
* *
6 I9
6 17
6p claret & brown, perf 15, o.g., brilliant fresh, very fine. S.G. 176, £800 .................................... (Photo)( 108a) 1,000.00 lOsh red orange & blue green, o.g .. fresh. fine. S.G . 164, £375 .............. ..................................... .....(Photo)( l l 7a) 300.00 £1 rose scarlet & bluish black, neatly caned ., very fine. S.G . 166, £375 ........................ .................. ...(Photo )(l 18) 350.00 £1 crimson & slate black, ovptd. SPECIMEN, o.g., vivid colors, large, perfectly centered copy, extremely fine. S.G. 166aS, uni. .............................................................................................. .......................... (Photo)(118aS) uni. 1913-19 Admiral £1 black & purple, o.g. , deep co lor and fres h, fine. S.G . 242 , £400 .......................(Photo)( 138) 400.00 £1 black & violet, l.h., fresh , fine. S.G. 243 , £450 ......................... ........................................................(Photo)( 138) 400.00 SAAR
1920 2.50m rose lilac shade, very fine, tied by BLIESKA TEL 29 SEP 20 c.d.s. on Regi . cover , Einoed Pfal z receiver on reverse. Mi. 43a , DM I 200 ...................... .............. ........................................................... (Photo )(57 var.) unl. 620 1950 Council of Europe 25fr deep blue, Air Post 200fr red brown, n.h., extreme ly fine. DM550 ........ (226,C l2) (103.00) 621 ** EESame, blks of 4, n.h., extremely fine. DM2200 ........................................................................... (Photo)(226,C12) 412.00+
Semi-Postals 622 12:s1
1931 and 1934, Two diff compl. sets, very fine, eac h on separate cover , latter Regis. and Wittenberg rece iver on rever se ......... .......... .......................................................... ........................................................ (Photo)(B30- 36,54-60)
623 0
1932 Scenes set of seven, neatly ca ned. very fine. DM I 800 ................ ........... ............ .....................(Photo )(B37-43)
462 .00
Nr. 937
L £,,_. ~..L-4 71':.,_7' £ EX622
624 ** IBl1949 Art set of five, blks of 8, n.h., very fine to extremely fine. DM2200 .....................................(Photo )(B69-73)
625 ** IBl1950 Scenes set of six, blks of 6, n.h., very fine. DM870 ............................................................................. (B77-81)
( 148.50+)
626 ** IBl1851 Painting s set of five, bottom right corner date blks of 6, stamp n.h., few inclusions, very fine. DM840 ........................................................................................................................................................................ (B84-88) ( 159.00+) 627 **
ST. HELENA: 1934 Centenary set compl., n.h., l0 sh gum skip, fine to very fine. S.G. £275 .....(Photo) (I0 l-10 )
628 ** tE ST. LUCIA: 1936 George V set comp l., blks of 4, n.h., fresh, very fine. S.G. £220+ ...................(Photo )(95-l06) 629 ST. VINCENT: 1880-815 sh rose, o.g., almost very fine. S.G. 32, £1000 ...........................................(Photo)(29) 630
* *
63 l ** 632
SAMOA: 1935 Wmkd. NZ and Star Close Tog et her £5 dark green, o.g. , very fine. S.G . 194, £350 .................................................................................................................................................................(Photo )(l80) 1945-50 Mu ltiple NZ and Star £5 dark blue , n.h., very fine. S.G. 214, £250+ ...................................(Photo )(202)
** 637 *
300.00 350.00
SAN MARJNO: 1949 an d 1951 U.P.U. Anni versary lO0L, 200L, 300L, sheets of six, each tied on separate cachete d, unaddre ssed FDC, negligible selvage faults, very fine. Sass. L740,000 ..........................(304,C62,75)
633 Air Post; 1933 Graf Zeppelin set compl. , n.h., extremely fine. DM700 .....................................(Photo)(Cll -16) 634 ** tE Same, blk s of 4, n.h. , very fine to extreme ly fine. DM2800+ ......................................................(Photo )(Cll -16) 635 0 Compl. set, light green cancels, very fine to extreme ly fine. DM1150 .......................................(Photo)(C ll-16 ) 636
263.12+ 316.96+ 850.00
(138.15+) (552.60+) 387.50
SARAWAK: 1934 Unwmkd . le to $10, 18 diff., imperf right sheet margin pair s, n.h., incl. the $3-$10 values,
very fine ..................................................................................................................................(Photo )(betw. 109-134) Telegraph Stamps; 1932 compl. se t of eleven, n.h. or 1.h., fresh , fine to ve ry fine ..................................................................................................................................(Photo next page)(94- I 08 vars.)
uni. uni.
■ EA
~ ,_,,.,.
---·r ,
·rvi)•" 7
~'1 i..:J
SOMALIA : Air Post; 1932 Perf 12 Sc to SL, 6 diff., fine to very fi ne, tied by MOGADISCIO 27 9 33 pmk s on Reg is. card for 9th South America Fli ght, appropriate red framed triangular cac het, very fin e. Siege r DM 800 ..........................................................................................................................................................................(Photo)
639 **
Air Post Official; 1934 25c slate blue & red orange, n.h., inclusion, handstamp on reverse , very fine. DM2500 as hinged ............................. ................... .......................... ............................ ........................(Photo)(COI)
SOUTH AFRICA: 1913-14 George V £1 red & deep green, sheet margin copy, very l.h ., very fine. S.G . £700 ...................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (l 6)
1927-28 Engraved set comp!., bi-lingual pairs 1.h. or o.g., fres h, fine. S.G. £500 .............. ............. (Photo) (26-32)
512.0 0
640 *
642 ** IBI1937-40 Comp!. unexploded 2sh6p booklet compr. Ip and 2½ p panes of 6 (SE), n.h., fine. Scarce booklet. Cati. $90 as panes ..................... ................................................................ ............ ........................................ (46c, 49d ) 643
* 645 * 644
SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Officials; 1901 Perf 10 2sh6p violet, o.g., trace of surface soiling, light creasing, fine appearance . Rare. S.G. 086 , £2000 ....................................................................................................(Photo)(O83) 2250.00 Ssh rose, o.g., corner crease, fresh, fine. Rare. S.G. 087 , £2000 ...................................................... (Photo) (O84) 3,000.00 SOUTH WEST AFRICA: 1923 Setting II l0sh olive green & blue, o .g., rich colors. very fine. S.G . 14, £550 ...................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) ( l4 )
900 .00
1924 Setting VI £1 red & green, 1.h., brilli ant fresh, very fine. S.G . 40, £3 00 ........ ............. ........ ..........(Photo) (40)
648 *
650 0
651 0
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: 1907 4c on 16c orange brown & green, additional ovpt. in red, o.g. (hinge remnant), neg ligible staining , very fine appeara nce. S.G. 145a, £4 50 .......................................... ..............(Photo)(l38a)
SUDA : Army Officials; 1906-11 Wmkd. Multiple Crescent Star lOp deep violet & black, l.h., very fine . S.G. Al 3, £450 ...................................................................................... ..............................................(Photo)(MO12)
500 .00
SWEDEN: Semi-Posta ls; 1916 Surchd. set of ten, n.h., genera lly superior centering , fresh, very fine. 1992 Facit, Krs4675 .............. ............................................................... .............. ........................... .......................(Ph oto) (B12- 2 1)
2 17.50 +
00 .00
SWITZERLAND: Zurich; 1846 Red Horizontal Lines 6r black, type I, good margins all round, neat red rosette cancel, very fine. S.P.S. Cert. (1984) and signed Weid. Zurn. 2W, SFrs2300 ....................(Photo)(1L4) 1,400 _00
ca ncels, ver y fin e. Exceedingly rare. 1901 Wmkd. Cro ss in Oval 3fr yellow brown , neat ST .GALLE SBPV Cert. (1994 ) ........ ..................................... .................. ...................... (Photo Fro nt Cover ) (/Zum .72F a) SFr s 9,000
652 ** Ell1934 NABA Souvenir sheet of four, n.h. , brilliant fre sh, ve ry fin e. DM2000 ........ .............. ...... ..... (Photo)(226)
653 0
1945 Peace 80c to lOfr compl., neatly ca ned. , very fine. DM2 175 ................. ............. ............... ....(Photo)(300-05 )
654 0
Same, very fine ............................. ........................................ .......... ...................................................(Photo)(300-05)
Similar lot
656 0
2fr to lOfr comp)., neatly caned .. very fine. DM1775 ................ ................. .....................................(Photo)(302-05)
395 .00
657 0
Air Post; 1919-20 30c yellow brown & pale green, neatly caned., very fine. DM3300 .................... (Photo)(C l )
658 0
Offica ls; War Bo a rd of Trade , 3c to 30c , 7 diff. , ha nd stamp s on r eve r se, fin e to ve r y fin e. DM4210 ............................................................................................................ ...........................................(Photo) (l0l-3 ,5-8) 1,037 .50
** 660 *
VA TI CAN CITY: Air Po st; 1948 Archangel set of tw o, n.h. , ext remel y fine. DM1385 ..........(Photo)(C16,17)
Compl. set, o.g. , fine to very fine ......... ........................ .............. .................... ........ ........................... (Photo )(Cl6 , 17)
413 .00
VICTORIA : 1850 Third State lp dull red, o.g ., huge marg ins, small fau lts, fine . S.G. 8a, unpr. .........(Photo)( !)
662 **
Postal Fiscals; 1884-96 Typographed lOsh brown, n.h., fresh, fine ........ .......................... ....... ....... (Photo) (ARlO )
250 .00+
ZANZIBA R: 1908-09 Wmkd . Multiple Rose tte l00r blu e & black , o.g., fr es h, fin e. S .G . 244, £650 .................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) ( J18)
1913 Dhow 200r black & brown, l.h., very fine. Roya l Cert. ( 1966) , S.G. 260f, £600 ........................(Photo) ( 140)
500 .00
ZULULAND: 1892 Wmkd. Anchor Ssh rose, l.h., few specks on front, very fine. Foundati on Cert. ( 1994), S.G . £475 ............................ ...................... ............................................... ..................... .................. ...................(Photo)( ! I )
425 .00
* 668 *
1888-94 Crown CA ½ p green, no period, double ovpt., o.g. , light co rner creases , fine appeara nce. S.G . 13a, £ 1000 .................. .............. ........................................... ............................... .................. ........................... (Photo)( 12e) 1,500 .00 1894-96 £1 violet on red, l.h., fresh, fine . S.G . £450 .................................... ...........................................(Photo)(23)
450 .00
£1, disturb ed o.g ., fresh, fine ....... ..............................................................................................................(Photo) (23)
PLEASE NOTE: Effective September 1, 1994 the buyers premium is 15 %
«NABA» 1934 < u
E-< "'
.-..... <
ZURICH "' >< .., 0
"' ::i
19th Century, accum. of over 100 items in box, generally classic issues on cover and mostly Europe, incl. Austria , France, Germany and a few States, etherlands , Russia used in Poland , Asia, some posta l cards and sta mpless, few on old auction lot pages, mixed condition. Worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $3,000-3,500 ....................................................
CUT SQUARES: Lovely Schaube k Specialized album , a few hundred mounted issues to 1904, good selection with better U.S ..A beautiful album. Est. Cash Value $200-300 ....................................................
670 * O
19th and 20th Century 671 * OC81Group of a few hundr ed stamps on stock sheets in ring-binder , n.h. to unused or used, quite a number of better items from man y areas, incl. Briti sh Commonwea lth with Great Britain , Australia and States , Gambia , much Europe and Latin America, incl. Peru ear ly cancels, Souvenir sheets and a few cover s, some items with certs., also Air s and multiple s, mixed condition to very fine. Ideal auction items or for immediate counter display. Est. Cash Value $4,000-6,000 ......................................................................................................................................
672 * O
The fascinating remaind er of thou sands of stamp s conta ined in album s, old-time European album pages, old lot sheets, sma ll coils., covers, etc., some interesting items buried and some far bett er items separat ed. Has to be inspected. Est. Cash Value $4,000-5,000 ........................
673 0
The coll. as rec eived, primaril y on home-made album page s in folders and in 10 ringbinder s, plus a specialized album and some Scott pages, alphabeticall y organized, nothin g great but some useful Europ e incl. Luxembourg and ethe rland s. Est. Cash Value $2,0002,500 ..................................................................................................................................................
674 * OC81A propert y as received , man y thousands of stamps in stockbooks, pages , loose, middle value issues, dupl. , wide selection incl. U.S., and disorgani zed. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 .........
675 * OC81The propert y as received in a larg e carton , compr. albums and pa ges, stock pages, etc., incl. man y better singles and sets, U.S., topical s, picture post car ds, well worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 ................................................................................................................. 676 * O
The coll. as received in 7 Scott International s, thou sands of stamp s incl. U.S., strength especially in Germany, mor e rec ent albums spar sely filled , worthwhile lot. Est. Cash Value $1,250-1,500 ......................................................................................................................................
Accum. of over 80 covers in box, wide range of countrie s and issues with much Europe, incl. France, Belgium , Germany , Netherlands, Switzerland , Russia, several others , misc. Asia with China and Japan , some used stationery, man y slightly better items or scarcer usage, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000+ ....................................................................
678 * O ffi Balanc e of a prop ert y, man y thou sands in carton , n.h. to unu sed or used, incl. auction lot coll. balance s, Briti sh Commonw ealth coll. of many hundr ed diff., World Refugee coll. incl. Souvenir sheets and blks of 4, apparently n.h., mount ed pack et of thou sa nds in 21 books, some better items and comp!. sets in colls. and balance s, mixed condition to very fine, worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,000 ................................................................................................ The remainder of a coll., compr. quantiti es of used France and Germany, New South Wales #92 679 * OC81 sheets (1988 Scott $14,600), plus a foreign 20th cent. cover coll., Rock et Mail coll. and a holding of recent Canada covers and sta tionery. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ................................................. Accum. of several hundr ed covers and station ery items in box, mostly Europe with man y coun680 C8I tries, also misc. U.S., Middle East, etc., Hungary and Czechoslovakia FDCs and unused and used stationer y, comp!. sets, Souvenir sheets, etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $600800 ·······························································································································································
68 1 * O
Stock of several thousand well organized in 8 large stockbooks in carton, better Canada, G.B., Europe, etc., nothing expensive but useful. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ................................................
682 * O
Stock of thousands and thousands of mint and used, well organized in old-time 10 drawer wooden file cabinet, incl. some useful n.h. Europe sorted-in, also United States, much cheap but worth re-sorting. Est. Cash Value $500 ....................... ...................................... ............................ .................... .
*01:8:1 Accum.
A most interesting selection of about SOprimarily 19th & early 20th Century covers, stampl ess to 1920s, incl. U.S ., flights. etc. Est. Cash Va lue $300-500 ..................... ............................ .......................... . * O Balance of a property, many thousand in 2 cartons, incl. sparse ly filled album s, Greece co ll. and accum ., some modern in quantities, stoc kbooks of U.S. and U.N. mint So uvenir sheets and modern used, etc., also Greece litera ture, incl. pamphl ets, catalogues, spec ialized articles, etc., mixed conditi on to very fine . Est. Cas h Value $200-300 ....... .......................... ................... ........................................ ........... * Ol:8:I Balance of a property, many hundred diff. in 2 global albums, stock sheets, etc., in carton, o.g. to unused or used, wide range of co mmon issues, also a group of cove rs incl. some FDC s, commercia l mail , etc., mixed conditi on. Est. Cas h Va lue $ 150+ ............. ............ .................... .......................... ............ . * O Balance of a property, unused or used, thous ands sorted in envelopes by countr y, also col l. balances on page s, stock sheets, etc., Canada sheets unused, United State s, also bag of used Canada on and off paper (5lbs.+ ), all in 2 carto ns, mixed co nditi on. Est. Cash Value$ 100-200 ........................................... :. 0 The small remainder of a property contained in 9 stockbooks or albums , plus 3 boxes of loose glassines, primarily used. Est. Cash Value$ I 00-200 ................................................ .......... ........... .............
of a few thou sand in carton containing stock book, pages, boxed covers, so me better Bermud a and Commonwea lth , genera lly fine . Est. Cash Value $300-500 ............ .................................. ....
Primarily 20th Century 689
Accum. of over 150 items in box, mostly covers incl. much Europe, British Commonwealth with compl. sets, commercial mail, postal and picture post cards, few Souvenir sheets, some slightly better items, mixed condition, worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,000-2,000 ..........
Many thousands of mint and used singles and sets, well organized and very tidy, in 9 file-type boxes, some useful, incl. one box of primarily n.h. Europe, worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ······························ ········································ ··········································································· ···· 69 1 C8:I Accum. of a few thousand items in 2 cartons and 2 boxes, incl. co mmer cial mail from many countries. a numb er with better franking s, modern FDC s with silk cac hets. Asia. Europe incl. Ge1many, Briti sh areas. United State s, etc., also hundr eds of picture post ca rds with a variety of themes , mixed conditi on to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-500 .............. ........................................ ............................ .... . 692 * O !:::.The remainder of many thousand stamps in 2 cartons , o.g. to unused or used, some o n paper, incl. packet and investment material, comm on U.S. and foreign , Sou venir shee ts, blks. etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $ 150 ........................................................................................ .............. ............................ . 690 * O
20th Century 693
Exceptional group of well over 150 stamps and a few Souvenir sheets, neatly arranged in stockbook , n.h., mostly sets with a few better singles, strong Western Europe , Germany, Great Britain, etc., generally very fine. Cati. value $4165 ...........................................................
Selection of better singles and sets, a few hundred stamps, mostly n.h., incl. Europe blks, British sets, some non-Scott. Worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 .................................................. About 150 diff. in stockbook , I.h. or o.g., some better singles but mostly compl. sets, compr. British areas and Europe, set values to $375, generally fine to very fine. Cati. value $3000 ............. ** O The remainder of a property, co mpr. European part sheets , 3 fresh Scott album s, U.S . mint stationery, etc., wort h inspection. Est. Cash Value $200-300 ........................... ........... .................................... **rnlPrimarily 1950s to 1970s, Souvenir sheets, miniature sheets, sets, large variety loaded with topicals, fresh and most if not all n.h., very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ....................................... ....... **rnlBOOKLETS: Accum. of over 100 generally modern booklets in small box, n.h., strength in Briti sh Commonwea lth, good selection, very fine. Est. Cash Va lue $400-500 ........ .............. ................. ......... ...... . ** PRESE TATION PACKS: Accum. of well over one hundred in box, strength in Great Britain, Australia, mostly 1970s and 1980s, values to £5, very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ..................... .
694 * 695 696 697 698 699
SOUVE IR SHEETS 700 ** IBl Many hundred in small box, wide assortment, with some dupl., very high catl. value, nothing of consequence in recent issues. Est. Cash Value $2,000-3,000 .................................... .........
1950s and 1960s, many thousands in glassines and completely disorganized, many superior countries of Europe and Asia, Souvenir sheets. As expected n.h., but many affected by moisture and stuck together, no stains. Worth careful inspection and the effort to organize. Est. Cash Value $3,000-4,000 ................................................................................................................. TOPICALS
702 181
ST AMPS ON STAMPS: 1890 to 1942, the coll. of over 1200 diff. Germany items in acetate sheets chronologically arranged in 5 ring-binder s in carton, incl. multi-colored picture post cards , cachet and franking combinations, stamp Exhibitions, stamp dealer mail and stamp related events , unu sed and used stationery, Regis. covers , label s, etc., with about 85% pre1933 usage, the balance being Third Reich issues, condition is generally very fine and the quantity remarkable. A beautiful array of this topic, imposs ible to duplicat e. Est. Cash Value $5,000+ ..............................................................................................................................................
703 ** l!ll EUROPA: From 1956, the extensive coll. of many hundred neatly arranged in 4 stockbooks with slipcases in carton, n.h., issues virtually compet e, plus blks of 4, compl. sheets, forerun-
ner s, Council of Europe, Northern Countries, Souvenir sheets, few vars., misc. Foreign sets and United Nations 1979 Year of Child sheets , clean and generally very fine. Worth careful inspection. Stated by owner to catl. 1994 Scott and some 1989 Michel about $8500 ................ 704 ** l!ll1956 to 1991, issues virtually complete on pages in 6 ring-binder s and loose in carton, n.h., incl.
705 181
706 **
Souvenir sheets and compl. sheets, booklets , varieties , etc., also over 150 covers, mostly cacheted , unaddres sed FDCs, generally very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 .................................................. OLYMPICS: selection of 32 German envelopes or cards bearing the 2 diff. Souvenir sheets on 16 covers, singles from sheets , post cards plus 3 from other countries , many Regis., few unu sed and a few faults, excellent specialist group. Est. Cash Value $600-800 ....................................................... TRAINS: Coll. of several hundred in stockbook , va t majority n.h., most recent issues, blk , some impe1fs, nice selection, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-400 ......................................... .
707 **
Thousands of stamps in 14 albums, n.h. , incl. Silver Wedding, U.P.U., Freedom from Hunger, Roland Hill, World Refugee, Malaria, etc., also Omnibus, usual contents and huge new issue cost. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 ................................................................................
BRITISH COMMONWEALTH OMNIBUS: 1935 Silver Jubilee complete, n.h., generally very fine. Cati. value $925 ....................... Same, in Savoy album, l.h. or o ..g., fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300 ................... ......................... 710 ** Bl Stock of many hundred in glassines in small box , strong in 1953 and 1939 Coronation , 1949 U.P.U., incl. blks, mostly n.h., very fi_ne.Est. Cash Value $400-500 ........................................................ .
708 ** 709
19th and 20th Century 711 S
SPECIMENS: Selection of a few hundred on 3 stock page s, generally l.h. or o.g., some unused, incl. better singles and sets from Malta, "China", Straits Settlement, Great Britain and North Borneo, some shorts sets, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,5002,000 ..................................................................................................................................................
712 * 0 83 The balance of a property , seve ral thousand in glassines or stock cards in box, n.h. to
unused or used, wide range of colonies and issues with man y ÂŁ1 values or equivalent, wmkd. sidewa ys or invtd. , cancels, ptg. errors and plate vars., 1935 Silver Jubilee values with extra flagstaff, re-entries, compl. and part sets, S.G. shade s, etc., mixed condition to very fine, a valuable balance. Careful inspection essential. Est. Cash Value $10,000-12,000 ......................
7 13 * O
Selection of a few hundred on stock pages and in glassines , n.h. to used, nice selection of singles and sets, high values , better than normal quality overall , generally fine to very fine. Ve,y useful. Est. Cash Value $2,500-3,000 .....................................................................................
714 * O
Fresh coll. of man y hundred , compr. Great Britain , Briti sh Europe and Australasia, mint and used in Scott Specialty album with slip cover, incl. sets, values to £1, short sets, better singles, quite useful for expansion. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 ........................................ ......
7 15 *
7 16
Coll. and selection of overall better sets and single s on album page s and in dealer cards and glassines, incl. ewfoundland , ew Zealand , Soloman ls., etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ............................................................................................................................. .
C8:I Balance
of a property , about 75 covers in shoe box , incl. slightly better frankings , ce nsored Fieldpost, FDCs, interesting nlish-mash. mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $200-300 ............................. .
7 17 * O
To about 1963, coll. of man y hundr ed diff. in 2 Specialty albums, compr . Great Britain , Briti sh Europe and Oceania , l.h. to o.g. or used, somewhat sporadic representation though man y comp!. sets, phosphor issues, covers, some Souvenir sheets and back-of-book , mixed condition to very fine, worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500 .....................................
7 18 * O EE Primarily 20th Century, accum. of several hundred mostly diff. in stockbook , o.g. or used, some n.h., wide range of random issues incl. better items , blks of 4, sets, etc., generally fine to very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500 ......................................... 7 19 ** EE Accum. of many hundred on stock cards in box, n.h., wide rang e of slightly better random item s, incl. George V and VI, comp!. or part sets, blks of 4, vary ing quantitie s, clean and fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 .......................................................... ...................
20th Century 720 **S
SPECIMENS: Recent issues from St. Vincent, Nevis, Tonga, Tuvalu , Montserrat and a few oth ers, probabl y between 1,000 and 2,000, wonderful selection of topic al them es, all n.h. and very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ..............................................................................................................
721 * O
Group of a few hundred on old auction lot page s in box, n.h. to o.g., scatter ed used, wide range of generally better comp!. sets, mostly George V and VI, few faults but overall fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500 ....................................................................................... .
722 ** ilil Accum. of several thou sand in envelopes in box, vast majority n.h. , balance o.g. or used , wide range of colonies and mostly modern issues, incl. large multiples , Souvenir sheets, some comp!. sets, better or higher values of part sets, few vars., wmkd. sideways, etc., generally fine to very fine. Worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 ......................... 723
**C8:I Balance of a property , a few thou sa nd stamp s in glassines, etc., and
loose in 2 cartons, n.h. to o.g., mostly modern issues with Royal Wedding and other omnibus issues fairly compl., incl. Souvenir sheets , plus a few hundred cacheted FDCs with the same issues, also some better ea rlier compl . sets and a scattering of used, generally fine to very fine. Quite exp ensive as new issues. Est. Cash Value $500+ ...............................................................................................................................................
724 ** EEThree ditT. compl. sets in blks of 4, n.h., com pr. Great Britain #2 I 0-20. Grenada # 114-23, Trinidad and Tobago #34-42, fresh and fine to very fine. S.G. £380+. Cati. value $544.24+ ................................... 725
1950s to 1960s, stock of man y hundred in glassines, quantities of 3 to 10 each , generally better countries incl. Falkland Is., Fiji , Gilberts, all n.h. and extre mely fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 ······································································································································
726 ** ililBOOKLETS: Group of almost 100 mostly rec ent in sma ll box, most of value in Great Britain and Australia. more popular included, very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-300 ..................................................... 727 ** PRESENTATION PACKS: Accum. of 32, incl. Australia Antarctic Terr., Great Britain , etc ., better countries, n.h. and very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-400 ............................................................ ..........
BRITISH AFRICA 19th and 20th Century
728 * O
The coll. virtuall y as received, man y hundred diff. on stock sheets in box , n.h. to unused , scattered used, 23 countries with better items and compl. sets throughout , many £1 values or equivalent , Die types , etc., early issues mixed condition, later fine to very fine. Ideal for immediate counter display. Cati. value about $21,000 .................................................................. .
729 * O
A similar but sma ller coll. as received , n.h. to unused , some used , 12 countries with better issues, particularly st rong Bechuanaland , Gambia , Gold Coast , Mauritius, mixed condition to very fine, excellent for mail sales. Cati. value about $9800 .................................................... .
730 * O
Coll. of man y hundred in Scott Specialty album, issues to 1950s, good representation throughout , mostly l.h., sets, etc. Worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500 ................ ..
73 1 * O
To about 1930, coll. of many hundred diff. on album pages , o.g., scattered unused or used, about 20 colonies with stronger Bechuanaland , Br. East Africa and sub-divisions , Lagos, Mauritius, Rhodesia , South and South West Africa with bi-lingual pairs and imperf compl. sheets , Zanzibar , incl. many better items or compl. sets, also back-of-book issues, brilliant colors and generally fine to very fine. Cati. value £16,000+ .................................................. ......
732 * O
Primarily 20th Century to about 1965, coll. of man y hundred ditT. in 2 Specialty albums, l.h. or o.g., some used, many countries and mostly George VI and Elizabeth sets, some earlier, incl. S.G. sha des or slightly better items , Great Britain Offices in Africa sub -divisions, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $2,500 .......................................................................... ..
BRITISH COLUMBIA AND VANCOUVER ISLAND: 1865 to 1869, group of 10 stamps , compr . #4, 11, 15, two each of #7, 8, 12, all unused , and #9 used , small faults, fine or fine appearance and attractive. Cati. value $2,610 ................................................................ ................................................... . CANADA
734 * O
735 **
736 * O
1859 to 1933, coll. of about 125 ditf. on album pages, few used incl. Large Queen issues, others mostly o.g. with Victoria Maple Leaf and Numeral issues , Edward VII compl. , Admiral to $1 and imperf , 1928-29 Parliament set, back-of-book with Registration stamps, etc., some small faults but generally brilliant fresh and fine to very fine. Cati. value £4900+ ..................
Primarily 20th Century , balance of a property , several thousand in carton, vast majority n.h. , incl. Elizabeth Regular Issues in Pl. blk s and coils, some large quantities , few earlier issues in sheets, with Newfoundland, small coll. on page s in ring-binder, o.g. or used, some better items and blk s, group of War Effort , etc., on stock page s, back-of-book , mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500+ ............................................................................................................... ............... Accum. of over 100 sta mp s on stock sheets, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. several 50c and $ I values, blks of 4, few sets and back-of-book. misc. Newfoundland, generally fine to very fine . Est. Cash Value $400-500 .......................................................................................................... ....................... .....................
BACK OF THE BOOK: 19th and 20th Century, accum . of many hundred items in box, n.h. to unused or used. incl. a variety of Revenues with 11 unexploded booklets of 2, 5 and 8 panes, seals and labels, tobacco and cigarette stamps. postage on cancelled checks, few prov inces, cut squares, also ome U.S. of similar ilk. mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $200 ............................................................. .. 738 * Ol!llOFFICIALS: 1949 to 1962, accum. of many hundred on stock sheets, n.h. to o.g. and used, incl. part sheets , blks and Pl. blks with a number of #024 n.h. , some better items, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750 ............................ .................................................................................. ..
737 * O
Stock of several thousand in envelopes by catl. number in box, used, incl. Air and Special Delivery Oflicials, varying quantities to 600 or 700 of some, clean and condition better than normally found. Stated by owner to catl. in excess of $15,000 ....................................................
739 0
740 * 0 83Perforated Initial s; stock and accum. of many hundred on stock sheets , n.h. to o.g. or u ed (few unused), incl. War Effort, L938 and 1946 issues with $ 1 values, blks of 4 or 6, Airs, etc., also cancelled group on pages, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-500 ................... ......................... ......... . 74 l * O
CANADA AND NEWFOUNDLA D: 19th and 20th Centur y, small group on auction lot pages, o.g. or used, incl. Jubilee with $4 and $5 roller cancel s, Beaver and Cartier types, Newfoundland with better comp!. sets incl. Airs, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000 .....................................................................................................................................
742 * 0 83Another group on stock cards and in glassines in box, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. better items, blks
or Pl. blks, vars. incl. Newfoundland Air Post without comma or period , cancels , etc., mixed condition to very fine. Careful inspection essential. Est. Cash Value $750+ ............................................. 743 * O
NEWFOUNDLAND: 1857 to 1920, coll. and accum. of over 80 neatl y sorted on stock pages, o.g. to unused , few used, strong classics incl. shades , some faults though generally fine or better. Cati. value $5800+ ..................................................................................(betw 1 and 130)
Coll. of over 100 mostly diff. on album page s, generally l.h. or o.g., some unused , incl. imperf and other early issues with a few multiples, better item s, Guy lithographed and engraved, Royal Family and Caribou sets, fresh , bright color s and generally fine to very fine. Cati. value ÂŁ4800+ ............................................................ ......................................................
WEST INDIES 19th and 20th Century 745 * O
746 * O
The coll. virtually as received , several thou sand diff. neatl y arranged on stock sheets in box, l.h. to unu sed, some early used, 16 diff. countries, most with catl. value $1,500 to $3,500+, numerou s better item s and comp!. sets, some modern n.h. , early issues mixed condition , later fine to very fine. Excellent f or immediate counter display or aucrion offerings. Cati . value $32,500+ ............................................................................................................................................
A similar but smaller coll. as received , n.h. to unused or used, 10 diff. countrie s, mixed condition to very fine, worth inspection. Cati. value $20,500+ ..............................................................................
747 * O
Coll. of many hundred in Scott Specialty album , issues to 1956, incl. useful popular sets and singles, very fre sh colors, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 ................
748 * O
To about 1930, coll. of many hundred diff. on album page s, o.g., some unu sed or used, compr. 16 colonies with numerou s better item s and comp!. set s, stronger Bahamas , Barbado s, Br. Honduras , Cayman Is., Leeward Is., Montserrat, Tobago, Trinidad , Virgin Is., quite fresh with bright colors , generally fine to very fine. Cati. value ÂŁ12,200+ .................
749 * O
Primarily 20th Century, coll. of many hundred diff. in 2 Specialt y album s, l.h. or o.g., some used, mostly West Indies George VI and Elizabeth sets to about 1963, some earlier issues, also Canada, ewfoundland, Falkland Is., plu s cacheted FDCs inter sper sed, some faults though generall y fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,200-1,500 ...............................................
BRITISH ASIA 19th and 20th Cetntury 750 * O
Coll. of many hundred in Scott Specialty album s, issues to 1950s, incl. some extensive India and States , fresh bright color s, sets, worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 ............
Coll. and accum. of over 275 on stock and pages, compr. Nort h Borneo , Labuan , Brunei , mostly c.t.o., some o.g. or unu sed, incl. a few slightly better items, plus Nort h Borneo #4, Postage Due, etc., mixed condition to very fine. Cati. value $1650+ ........................................................................... Primaril y 20th Century to about 1963, coll. of man y hundr ed diff. in 2 Specialty albums , l.h. or o.g., man y countries incl. India and States, sporadic Mala ysia, emirates , etc., with compl. sets and Souvenir sheets, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750 .................................................. To 1960, coll. of over 2000 diff. in Specialty album , l.h. or o.g., some used, incl. Aden , Bahrain , Ceylon, Malayan States , etc., somewhat sparse th ough genera lly compl. sets and a few slightl y better items, fine to very fine. Cati. value $3000+ ..................................................................................
752 * O
Coll of many hundr ed diff. on stock sheets, n.h. to o.g., scatt ered used, comp r. Bahrain, Burma , Oman , Brunei, Sarawak , Straits Settlements , value mostly in last three, incl. better compl. sets, Occu. , Officials , etc., some faults but overa ll fine to very fine. Cati. value $5400+
754 * O
757 0
BRITISH ASIA AND OCEANIA: 19th and 20th Century to abo ut 1930, coll. of several hundred diff. on album pages, o.g., some unu sed or used, better countri es incl. Batum , Hon g Kong Postal Fiscals , Indi a, Strait s Settlements , orth Borneo , Cook Is., Tonga , several oth ers , man y bett er items or compl. sets, some back-of-book, fresh and generally fine to very fine. Cati. value ÂŁ9100+ ................................................................................................................... BRITISH OCE ANIA: 19th and 20th Centur y, to about 1968, coll. of a coupl e thousand neatl y arranged on stock sheets, n.h. to o.g., few un used or used, compr. Cook Is., Fiji, Gilbert and Ellice Is., New Zealand , Norfolk ls., Papua New Guinea , Pitcairn Is., Samoa , Solomon Is., Tonga , incl. num erou s better items and compl. sets with some dupli cated areas, shade s, Postal Fiscals , etc., some faults but overall fine to very fine. Idea l for mail sales. Cati. value about $14,000 .........................................................................................................................
1960s to 1970s, accum. of several hundr ed used in glassines, mostly topicals, Souvenir sheets, sheetlets. 1988 catl. value $2000+. Est. Ca h Value $250-300 ...................................................................
FOREIGN 19th and 20th Centur y 758 * O
759 * O
760 * O 76 l * O 762 0
A most intere sting remainder of a few thou sand of Europe , South America , Middle East , etc., everything from imperf classics to semi-mod ern sets, worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $2,000-3,000 ......................................................................................................................................
A messy accum. of thou sa nds loose and in glassines, everythin g from damaged classics to very fine 20th cent. issues, strong in Europe , also some Briti sh, a smor gasbo rd needing careful viewing. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ............................................................................................................... Coll. of man y hundr ed contained in Scott International Part I, incl. interesting areas, a true smorgasbord. Est. Cash Value $300-500 ............................................................................................................. Stock of man y thou sand , mostly used, neatly organized in various boxes, interesting Europe, needs inspection. Est. Cash Value $200-400 ......................................................................................................... Primarily 20th Century , severa l thou sa nd in larg e carton , some bundled, loose and in glassines, disorganized, some U.S., mostly packet but could be some interesting. Est. Cash Value $l00-200 .......... 20th Centur y
763 * Oli,ilBalance of a property , man y thou sands in envelopes and loose in box, vast majorit y n.h. , incl. slightly better sets and Souvenir sheets , common new issues, investment packe ts, much Eur ope incl. Germany, Asia, Latin America , occasional Briti sh, generally fine to very fine. Comp letely unsorted but worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $500-1,000 ................................................................. 764 * O Accum. of several thou sand, mostly used, neatl y organized in 7 large ring-bind er stockbook s, decent Eur ope, some Briti sh and minor U.S., incl. compl. sets, etc. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ........ 765 * 083 Coll. of about 100 Souvenir sheets in Schaubek specialt y album , n.h. to o.g. or used, mostly Europe incl. Belgium , France, Germany , Liechtenstein, Romania , San Marino , several others, incl. many Semis, some slightl y better items, some small faults , generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500+ ......................................................................................................................................
766 * O
Stock of several thousand neatly organized in 8 stockboo ks in carton, mostly used, nothing valuable but useful sets and singles some U.S .. Est. Cash Value $200-300 ................ ...................................... .
767 *
To about 1963, coll. of many hundred diff. in 10 albums in carton, I.h. or o.g., compr. French Community, some Independent Africa, Yemen, U.A.R. and Laos, incl. many compl. sets, Airs, Souvenir sheets, etc., some small faults, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 .....
ZEPPELIN FLIGHTS: circa 1930, coll. of 33 covers or cards on pages, mostly franked by German stamps incl. a number of South Ame ri ca #C38 , 39, also A us tri a, Spain, Switzerland , Liechtenstein, etc., some creasing of covers or small faults, overall fine to very fine and worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,200-1,500 ............................................................
Group of 14 Zeppelin covers or cards, incl. U.S. (5), Russia with North Pole imperf et, Spain , Austria. etc .. also Italy 1934 Rocket Mail cove r, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $250- 350 ..................
770 * O
ASIA: Coll. of many hundred in Scott Specialty, usual range in each country, unused and used, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-600 .............. ......................... .........................................
77 1 * O
Primarily 19th and early 20th Century, coll. of a few thousand in three Scott Albums, incl. some better sets, Austria, Luxembourg , etc., also some other countries, generally fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 .................................................................................................................
772 * O
19th and 20th Century, coll. of a few thousand contained in 5 fresh Scott Specialty albums with slip covers, quite useful Austria, Luxembourg, some Scandinavia, generally very fine. Excellent collection fo r expansion. Est. Cash Value $1,000-2,000 .................................................
**OThe well organized stock of several thousand contained in 7 large stockbooks, n.h. to used ,
incl. many u eful, also a stoc kbook of mint U.S., worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $400-600 ........................
*OrnAccum. of a few hundred in small box, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. Greece, Benelux with some
20th Century, A true smorgasbo rd of a few hundred singles, sets, Souvenir sheets, better Spain, Greece, Portugal, dupl. generally in blks, nice selection. Est. Cash Value $1,000-2,000
colonies, Scandinavia, compl. sets, blks of 4, Semis and Airs, etc., fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 ...................................... ........................... .......................................................... 776
**ffiSmall accum. in glassines, compr. Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg , n.h., mostly comp!. sets or Souvenir sheets, incl. Semis. few blks. fine to very fine. DM3300+ .......................................................... . 777
**ffiEASTERN EUROPE: 20th Century, accum. of perhaps a couple hundred stamps, n.h., incl. Yugoslavia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, blks of 4, several Souvenir sheets, generally better sets, fine to very fine. DM15,350+ ..................................................................................................
778 * O
EASTERN AND SOUTHERN EUROPE: coll. of many hundred in Scott Specialty albums, issues to 1930s , dece nt Greece and Romania, sets. etc., generally fine. Est. Cash Value $400 -500 .................... .
779 0
SCANDINAVIA: 1855 to 1882, group of 12 diff. classic issues selected for centering and cancels, compr. Ice land #1 2, 13, 17, Norway #1 , 3, 4, Sweden # 8, 9, 11, 12, 16, 27. fresh and very fine or better. Cati. value $425 .................................................................................................................... .................
78 1 * O
19th and 20th Century, balance of a stock of many hundred on counter pages, home-made album pages and 2 stock cards, incl. 19th Cent. with better cancels, Airs, dupl., etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Va lue $300-400 ........................ .......................................................... ......... ........ ....... . Primarily 20th Century, small stock of over 100 on 2 stock pages, nice selection of n.h. singles and sets, some dupl., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ...............................................
782 ** llllLATIN AMERICA: 20th Century, accum. of a few hundred in glassines, vast maj ority n.h., random issues from about a doze n countries, incl. comp!. sets, blks, Nicaragua U.P. U. Souvenir sheets, Airs, etc., varying quantities, fine to very fine. 1988 ca t!. val. $2,050+ .............. ....................................... . 783
CENTRAL AMERICA : coll. of many hundred in Specialty album, issues to 1930s sets, singles, equal representation , ge nerally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-400 .......................................... .
784 * O
SOUTH AMERICA: coll of many hundred in Scott Specialty album, issues to 1930s, usual representation, better Argentina, generally fine. Est. Cash Value $400-600 ........... .................... ........... ..... .
785 **
MIDDLE EAST: 20th Century, small accum. of compl. sets or Souvenir sheets, n.h., incl. Egypt. Palestine Occu .. Iran, Lebanon, Syria, seve ral blks of 4, fine to very fine. 1988 cat!. val. $ 1,675+ ...........
COLLECTIONS BY COUNTRY ANGOLA: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of a few hundred primarily o.g. stamps on album pages, usual range of sets. fairly comp!. and generally fine to very fine. E t. Cash Value $400-500 .................. .. ANTIGUA: 1863 to about 1932, accum. of about 70 stamps in glassines, o.g. to unused or used, incl. a number of better items with dupl., Edward VII Ssh, George V £1, Tercentenary sets, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ................................................................... .
786 * O 787 * O
AUSTRALIA: 1912 to 1930, coll. of about 85 diff. on album pages , l.h. or o.g., S used, incl. better Kangaroo and George V type s, Postage Due and perf initial ed " OS", generally brilliant fresh and fine to very fine. Cati. value £2200+ ............................... (betw. 1 and 107,etc.)
789 ** 83 1963-65 Cook 7sh6p olive green, 9 copies, and 1969 set of four , 8 sets in blks of 4, n.h., very fine. S.G. £235. Cati. value $308.80 ................. ............................................ .................................. (376,462-65) 790 * O AUSTRALIA STATES: Primaril y 19th Century, coll. of over 160 diff. on album page s, o.g., some used, compr. South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia , with some bett er item s, Officials incl. perf initialled "SA" or "OS", few Victoria Half-Lengths , etc., generally fine to very fine. Cati. value £2600+ ..................................................................................................... ............................... .
AUSTRIA 79 1 * O
19th Century, specia lized selection of about 100 classic issues with some very int eresting cancels, hand-made page s, larg e copy imperforate s, printing s, etc., all on a few approval cards. Worth careful stud y, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-1,000 ............................................... .
792 * 0181 19th and 20th Century, a jam-pack ed coll. of many hundred on album pages, very comp). with sets, Souvenir sheets, few covers, Semis, etc., good Lombardy-Venetia, nice cancels. Worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,750-2,000 ......................................................................... .
20th Century 793 * O
Primarily 20th Century, balance of a few hundred on stock sheets and loose, n.h. to o.g., some used, incl. comp!. or part sets, Semis, Airs, back-of-book, blks of 4, some slightly better items, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-500 ..................................... ....................................................... Selection of n.h. singles and sets in glassines, no more than 2 of each, good variety with better Semis and Airs. A very fin e lot. DM4460 ................................................................................................. .
795 ** mlStock of several hundred in glassines in box, n.h., mostly compl. sets of 1940s-50s, incl. many Semis, blks of 4 or larger, Airs, etc., varying quantities, fresh and fine to very fine. DM4450+ ....... 796 ** mlStock and accum. of many hundred in box, n.h., primarily l 960s-70s issues in blks of 4 or larger, some Semis, generally very fine. Face Schs4200 ...................... .................................................................. 797 ** 83 1946 Scenes set of four, 11 sets incl. blks of 4, n.h., usual inclusions, very fine. OM 1300. Cati. value $459.25 .................................... ............................................................. ..........................................(496-99) 798 ** IBl1948 and 1949, group of S diff., compr. #518, 58, 59, 61, 62, 9 to 24 each incl. corner blks of 4 or larger, n.h., few tiny inclusions, genera lly very fine. OMl453 . Cati. value $478.50 ................................ . 799 ** IBl1949 and 1950, group of S diff., compr. #565-67, 70, 28 each, 569 27 copies, incl. corner blks of 4, n.h., few tiny inclusions, very fine. OM2400. Cati. value $848 .............................. ................................... . 800 ** llll1952, group of S diff., compr. #577 , 79-82, 7 to 22 each, incl. corner blks of 4 or larger, n.h., few inclusions, very fine. DM1008. Cati. value $417 ..................................................................................... 801 **
1952 to 1954, group of 4 diff., 4 each, n.h., few tiny inclusions, very fine. OM748. Cati. value $260 ···················································· ··························································································(583,92,94,95) Semi-Postals
802 ** 83 1922 to 1936, small group of six compl. sets, 2 to 8 each. n.h., incl. blks of 4, very fine. OM 1804. Cati. value $554 .............................................................................. ........................ (B50-56,71-86, 142-5 1) 803 ** 804
1924-1937 , group of 4 diff. issues, n.h ., very fin e. OM500 . Cati. va lu e $ 192 .50 ........................................................................ ................................................... (B66-70,99, 132-37,56-64) 1933 Charity set compl., pairs and singles, n.h., very fine to extremely fine. OM1800. Cati. value $600 ............................................................................................................................................. (BI 12- 17)
805 ** 83 1948 Artists set compl., 30 sets incl. blks of 4 or larger, n.h., few inclusions, generally very fine. OM2700. Cati. value $1020 .................................................... ............................... ..................... (B245-51) 806 ** IBl1949 Child Welfare set compl., 10 sets in blks of 4 and 6, n.h., extremely fine. OMl600 . Cati. value $680 .......................... .................... ............................ ............................... ....................................(B260-63)
807 ** EECoat of Arms set compl., 13 sets incl. sheet margin blks kof 4, n.h., few tiny inclusions. DM975. Cati. value $338 ................................................................................................. .......................... (B264-67) 808 ** EE1950 to 1952, group of 4 diff., compr. of# B272(5), 77(9), 78(18), 79(4), incl. blks of 4, n.h., few tiny inclusions, very fine. DMl 469. Cati. value $505.50 ............................................................................ 809 ** EE1951 Reconstruction set of four , 12 sets incl. blks of 4, n.h., very fine to extremely fine. DM 1680. Cati. value $600 ........................................................................................................................... (B273-76) 8 10 181 Air Post; 1948-52 30g dark violet, group of 10 cacheted cover s or multi-colored cards (one not franked ), compr. various 1957 blimp flights, very fine. Est. Cash Value $100 ................................(527) 8 l I 181 LOMBARDY-VENETIA: 1850 Imperf 15c red , group of 16 cover s bearing single franking s, variety of pm.ks, also some plate vars., generally fine. Est. Cash Value$ I00- 150 ........................................... 812 181 1864-65 Perf 9½ group of 11 cover s, 10 bearing Ss rose , other 10s blue , variety of c.d.s. or ring cancels, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value$ I00- 150...................................................................... .. 8 13 0 BAHAMAS: 1861 to 1935, coll. of over 100 on special quadrille page s, useful earlie s to £1, condition generall y better that normal, excellent for expan sion, generall y fin e. Est. Cash Value $7501,000 ................................................................................................................ ............................................ 8 14 ** EE1942 Landfall ½ p to £1, compl. set, 10 sets incl. corner blks of 4, n.h., fine to very fine. Cati. value $500+ ....................................... ...................................................................................................... ( I 16-29) 8 15 * O
8 16
BARBADOS: 19th and 20th Century , coll. of well over 250 diff. on stock sheets, n.h. to unu sed or used, incl. a number of better item s and compl. sets, S.G. shade s, some faults in earl y issues as would be expected , generall y fine to ver y fine. Cati. value $4,100 ..................... BECHUANALAND PROTECTORATE: 1914 to 1923 Seahor ses 2sh6p and Ssh, 12 each , plu s 2sh6p double ovpt. , one albino , l.h. or o.g., variou s ptgs., few small faults though fresh and generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,200-1,500 ........................................ (92-95)
8 17 * O
BELGIUM: 19th and 20th Centur y, stock of a few hundred on stock pages and in glassine s incl. 38 copies of #2 , 22 of #8, and nice selection of 20th cent. issues, man y n.h. , mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 .............................................................................................................. 818 * O Two coils. of many hundred on album page s, earlie s generall y used, latt er I.h. or o.g., incl. sets, Semis, Souvenir sheets and back-of-book , generally fine to ver y fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 .... 819 ** EE1924 to 1935, group of 3 Souvenir sheets , n.h .. compr. # 17 1. B I06. B 169, Semis with tiny corner fault, fresh and otherwise fine. DM2 l 50. Cati. value $270+ ....................................................................... 820 * O
82 1
BRAZIL: Air Post; 1930, group of 7 Zeppelin covers or card s fr anked by Sanabria #Zl , 3, 6, 7 in combination with additional postage , appropriately numbered or cacheted, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $150 ..........................................................................................................................................
822 * O
824 * O
BRITISH CENTRAL AFRICA: 1891 to 1904, coll of about 65 diff. on stock sheets, o.g. to unu sed (several regummed ), better item s throughout incl. 1891-95 Coat of Arms to £5, other issues lOsh or £1, mixed condition to some very fine. Cati. valu e $5,700+ .....(betw . 1 and 73)
BRITISH EAST AFRICA: 1890 to 1898, coll. of about 70 diff. on stock sheet, o.g. to unu sed, incl. better surchd . item s and a few compl. sets, papermak er 's wmk. , also 1890-91 imperf ½ a to l r, 8 diff. single copies (not included in catl. value), some faults as would be expected , generally fine to very fine. Cati. valu e $2350 ...................................................................................................................... BRITISH HO DURAS: 1866 to 1973, coll. of well over 200 diff. on Specialt y page s, n.h. to o.g., few used, sporadic early issues, highly complete from about l 935, clean and generally fine to very fine. Cati. value $550+ ................................................................................................................... ......................
825 * O
BELGIUM , NETHERLANDS , LUXEMBOURG: Primaril y 20th Century to 1963, coll. of man y hundred diff. in 2 Specialt y album s, I.h. or o.g., some used , man y compl. sets with value mostly in Belgium , incl. better Semis and Railwa y issues, Sou venir sheets , etc., some fault s incl. light staining on a few, generall y fine to very fine, worth inspection. Est. Ca sh Value $2,000+ ...................................................................................................................................
CEYLON: 19th and 20th Centur y, coll. of about 300 stamp s on stock sheets, n.h. to o.g. some early unu sed or used, incl. bett er classic issues, surchd. type s, Edward VII and George V to lOr , compl. sets, some faults as would be expected but generally fine to very fine. Cati. value $5000+ .....................................................................................................................................
CHINA: circa 1946 to 1948, accum. of 44 covers to United States , variety of Sun Yat-sen types incl. surchd.. many Regis., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-400 .........................................
People 's Republic; coll. and accum. of hundred s in album and on stock pages more or less sort ed, a lot of n.h. material in glassines, also some other non-r elated stamp s. Est. Cash Value $300-400 .. Three Year Books, 1986 (2) and 1987, with issues mount ed, generally n.h., incl. comp!. sets and Souvenir sheets, very fine. Est. Cash Value $250-300 ................................................................................
827 * O 828 **
CYPRUS: 19th and 20th Cen tur y, coll. and accum. of a few hundr ed on stock pag es and in glassines , incl. better high value Victoria and Edward VTI, recent Elizabeth , mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $600-700 ........................................................................................................
829 * O
1880 to 1955, coll. of about 100 on Scott pages, mostly l.h. or o.g., incl. better Victoria, 1928 to £ 1, nice selection, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-500 ....................................................... . 1963 Boy Scouts Souvenir sheet of thr ee, 4 sheets, thr ee with wmk. invtd., n.h., very fine. S.G. £720. Cati. value $500 ....................................................................................................................... (226a)
832 ** 833
1880 to 1968, coll. of over 250 diff. on stock sheets, n.h. to o.g., incl. numerou s better ea rly items and bett er comp!. sets throu ghout , a few faults though overall fine to very fine. Cati. value $5300 ...................................................................................................................................... .
EGYPT : 1884 to 1934, coll. of well over 200 dill'. on album page s, l.h. or o.g., incl. comp!. sets with many Commems and slightly better items, Airs, Postage Due and Officials, generally fine to very fine. Cati. value $900+ ......................................................................................................................................... Primaril y 20th Century to 1963, coll. of several hundr ed diff. on Specialty page s, l.h. or o.g., some used, incl. comp!. or part sets, few Souvenir sheets, bar ovpt. types, Airs, Occu., etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $ 150-250 ...........................................................................................................
834 * O
FALKLAND ISL A DS: 1878 to 1968, coll. of over 140 diff. on stock sheets , n.h. to unu sed, incl. better early issues, S.G. shade s, 1891-96 2½ p deep blue, Edward VII to 3sh, George V to £1, generall y fine to very fine. Ca ti. value $4500+ ...................................... (betw. 1 and 179) 1878 to 1963, coll. of over 125 diff. on stock sheets, n.h. to unu sed, incl. bett er Victoria types, Edward VII to Ssh, George V to £1, few faults in very ear ly issues, generally fine to very fine. Cati. value $3150+ .....................................................................................................................................
836 * O
837 * O
FINLAND: 19th Century , a sup erior coll. of about 100 stamps on album page s, some wonderful classics in better than normal condition, man y signed. Worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 ................................................................................................................ .
FRANCE 1853 to 1873, th e specialized coll. of over 200 stamp s on stock sheets, neatly arranged by issue and incl. man y bette r items throughout , a wonderful array of scarc e shade s and cancels, incl. Anchor , some in blu e, types , etc., many annotat ed, also some pair s, tied on small piece (printed matter ), and 9 cover s, some faul ts as would be expected but man y very fine and exceptional copies. A valuabl e collection worth careful inspection. Some signed and one cert. Est. Cash Value $4,000-5,000 ................................................................................................ .
838 0
1863-70 Perf 14xl3 ½ Sfr gra y lilac on lavend er, 4 copies, neatly caned., faulty but generally very fine appearance. Cati. value $2400 ....................................................................................................... (37)
839 0
19th and 20th Century, coll. of many hundr ed on hom e-mad e album page s with dupl. on counter sheets, mostly l.h., some probabl y n.h., incl. most of th e popular 20th cent. sets and singles, Airs , Semis, very nice. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 .....................................................
841 * O
842 * O
Coll. of a few hundr ed on stock page s, incl. earlie s to 80c, good Semis and Air s, bett er Souvenir sheets, much n.h. , also some proof s and dupl. in glassines , mixed condition to very fine. Est . Cash Value $1,000-2,000 .................................................................................................
1849 to 1902, coll. of about 200 sta mps on stock sheets , mostly used, some o.g. to unused, good representation of these issues, incl. several multiples, Peace and Commerce types, mixed condition to some exceptional copies. 1994 Scott retaiI $3350+ ..................................................................................... 20th Century
ed in glassines in box, n.h. , incl. compl. sets and bett er **ffiStock and accum. of several hundr lar ger, incl. Semis an d Airs with #C27 gutter dat e blk , also item s with man y blks of 4 or Mo naco and a few ot her coloni es with Souvenir sheets , etc. , generally very fine. Y &T FFrs48,500+ ........................................................................................... ..........................................
844 * Q[lj]Balance of a few hundred in glassines and stock sheets , n.h. to unu sed, some used, incl. better Semis and other item s, comp!. sets, blks, Monaco and a few colonies, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $600-800 ......................................................................................................................... 845 ** The n.h. coll. on nine stock page s, compr. ingles and blks, sets, Semis, precancels, few used, fresh and nice selection, generally very fine. E t. Cash Value $300-500 ............................................................. 846 * [lj]
1903 to 1980s, coll. of many hundr ed neatly arranged in 2 stockboo ks with slipca ses, all but a very few early issues n.h. , excellent repre sentation with dupl. sets, blks of 4, dat e blks, extensive Semis and Airs, Souvenir sheets and a few comp!. sheets, much premium material generally in very fine to extremely fine condit ion. Worth careful inspection. 1994 Scott retail sta ted by owner to be well in excess of $10,000 ...................................................... .......................
847 DP
1931 to 1948, group of 14 diff. Epreuves de luxe, incl. a few collective types or comp!. sets and Semis, generally very fine to extremely fine. Ceres FFrs7875 ............................................................. . 848 ** EE1961 to 1964 Art Series , 12 diff. in comp!. sets, n.h., 9 to 25 each incl. blk of 4, generally fine to very fine. Cati. val. $443.20 ........................................................................................................................ . Semi-Posta ls 849
1937 Winged Victory, 11 sets affixed and uncancelled on Official Louvre art picture post cards, compr. 2 bLks of 4 and 3 singles each, fresh and very fine. Cati. value$ 12 I 0 ........................... (866 ,867)
850 ** [lj]1951 Portraits set of six, 10 sets incl. blks of 4 or 6, n.h., very fine. DM I 200. Cati. value $470 ................................................................ ....................................................................................(825 8063) 851 ** EE1955 Portraits set of six, 10 sets incl. blk s of 4, n.h. , very fine. DM2700. Cati. va lue $1005
852 ** 853 **
.................................................................................................... ................................................ .(B294-99) Air Post; 1947 U.P.U. Congress 500fr dark Pru ssia n green , 6 copies , n.h. few tiny inclusions, DM660. Cati. value $240 ................................................................................................................... (C22) 1957-59 Aircraft set of three , 5 sets, n.h., few tiny inclusions, very fine to extremely fine. DM 1243. Cati. value $451.25 ...........................................................................................................(Photo )(C34-36)
854 ** EESame , 3 sets, n.h., very fine to extremely fine. DM745. Cati. value $267.75 .............................. (C34-36)
19th and 20th Century , coll. virtually as received, a few thousand diff. in 2 Specialty albums, l.h. to unu sed or used, some n.h. , wide range of colonies and issues, highl y comp lete with many better compl. sets and Souvenir sheets , particularl y France, with better 19th cent., Semis, Airs, Offices , etc., incl. Andorra and Monaco , mixed condition (few reference not figur ed) to very fine. Worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $6,000-8,000 ............................ .
856 * O
Coll. of a few thousand in two Scott Specialty albums, issues to 1930s, above average completene ss with sets, etc ., generally fine. Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500 .......................................
857 * O
The coll. of man y hundred mounted in two Scott Specialty album s with slip covers , issues to 1950s, better Semis, Airs and int eresting classics. Nice collection. Est . Cash Value $1,0001,500 ··················································································································································
858 ** 859
Accum . of thou sands in stockbooks , cards and pag es, Colonies the stronger portion with a great deal n.h. sets, dupl., etc., very useful. Est. Ca h Value $400-600 .......................................................................
FRE CH COMMUNITY: 1934 to 1954, Omnibus Issues compl., com pr. Colonial Exposition, Milita ry Medal, Liberation, first o.g., others n.h., fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-300 .............. 860 ** [lj]1949 UP.U. Anni versa ry omn ibus issue comp!., 15 sets incl. blks, n.h., very fine. Ceres FFrs9000 ...... 86 1 ** FRENCH INDIA: The mostly n.h. stock of thou sand s neatl y organized on stock pages with hea vy dupl. , primaril y France Libre ovpts., generally very fine. 1988 catl. value $6280 ............................. . 862 ** [lj]GABO : Air Post; 1971 Flowers set of six, imp erf, 58 sets incl. blks of 4 or larger , n.h., generally very fine . ...................................................................................................... ....................(Cl 09-11 vars. )
19th Century, coll. of 77 diff'. better stamps in one small stock book , incl. Ba varia #1 , Mechlenburg-Strelitz #1, la, 3, Oldenburg #7 , 9, 15, Wurttemberg #53, few dupl. , better than normal group. Est. Cash Value $3,000-4,000 .......................................................................
864 * O
Coll. of over 100 on 4 stock pages, incl. stronger Baden , Bremen , etc., plus Heligoland , well annotated and quality bette r than normal, few certs., mixed condit ion to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-2,000 ...........................................................................................................................
BAVARIA: 19th Century , selection of about 50 stamps on approval card s and in glassines, some quite specialized items annotated in German , a little bit of everything, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 .............................................................................................................. 866 ** IBI1916-20 Imperf 7½ deep green , 15pf vermilion (2), compl. pane s compr. 15 uncut tete-beche booklet pane s each , n.h., few inclusions, very fine. Mi . MHB9B, I0B, DM2075 ............( 120, 122 var .)
865 * O
867 ** IBIBERGEDORF: 1861-67 Unwmkd. imperf l ½s black on yellow, right pane of 100 showing the four tete-beche pair s at left, apparentl y n.h., a few small faults (not affecting tet e-beche copies) an d usual gum wrinkles , fresh and stamps generally very fine. Each hand stamped W.H.C. (Colson). Cati. value $2770+ .............................................................................................................(3,a) 868 ** IBITHURN AND TAXIS: 1859 to 1865, gro up of 5 ditT. compl. sheets of 150, n.h., compr. #13. 14, 25. 51, 52, some selvage faults or separations, fresh and generally fine to very fine. DM2400+ as hinged singles. Cati. value $855+ ............................................................................................................................ 869 ** EE1865 Rouletted ¼s gr black , sheet of 150, n.h., some separations and small selvage fault . fresh and fine. DM3000+ as hinged singles. Cati. value $ 1500+.........................................................................(2 I)
19th Century, stock of about 100 stamps on appro val cards, great strength in Shield issues with o.g., cance ls, #3 used blk of 4, quite well organized, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $3,000-5,000 . ......................................................................................................................... 20th Century
871 ** O Accum. of many hundred neatl y arranged in glassines, a great deal n.h. singles and sets, also some useful hinged and used items, some dupl. , Souvenir sheets, Saar , generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 ................................................................................................. 872 * Ollll A disorgani zed accum. primaril y in glassines, incl. extensive n.h. coll., bett er cancels and values, covers , Hitler sheets, etc., needs inspection . Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 ................... 873 ** llllAccum. of a few thousand stamp s in compl. or part sheets in album , n.h., mostly Germania and Numeral types, varying to large quantities, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $ 150-200........................... 874 * llll 1933 to 1943, group of 10 diff. Hindenberg booklet pane "s heets", o.g .. few reinforced and minor gum bends, generally fine to very fine. DM2250 as n.h ................. (Mi.MHB38-4145b.48-50,72,Einh#l ) 875 **
1940s, specialized selection of Michel listed var ieties, 34 stamps annotated on stock cards, n.h., 1 to 5 each , very fine. A truly sca rce grouping. DM7150 .......................................................
876 ** llll 1946 Numeral 12pf slate gray , 16pf slate green , 24pf orange brown , unexploded bookle ts, 250, n.h., fine to very fine. DM13,750 .......................................................................(539a, 544a)
877 ** 878 ** 879
1949 to 1955 Presentation book containing 65 diff., n.h., incl. better compl. sets and Semis, fine to very fine. DM5800+. Cati. value $1914.65 .....................(665-69,86-701,22-32,B309-41)
1949 , group of 6 diff . in compl. se ts , n.h., fin e to very fin e. DM 855 . Cati. va lue $295.50 .............................................................................................................................................. (665-69.B309) Export Fair set of three , 3 sets each on cacheted FDC, also Souvenir sheet of three and comp!. set on same flown cover, fine to very fine. DM 1270 ............................................................................(662-64,a)
880 ** HJU.P.U. Anniversary , 30pf ultramarine , 21 copies with blks, incl. corner date blk of 4, n.h., few tiny inclusions, generally very fine. DM4410. Cati. value $1522.50 ............................................(669) 88 1 * O Stock and accum. of many thousand , mostly from 1950 to 1970s, neatly sorted in glassine envelopes in 4 file boxes in carton. Worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $400-600 ...................................................... 882 ** Hl 1955 40pf blue, 20pf red & black , 20pf red lilac, single and margin blk of 4 of each, n.h., very fine. DM552. Cati. value $146.25 ..................................................................................................... (727,28.3 I ) 883 ** ml INFLATION SHEETS: The Roger Koerber Stock of German Inflation Sheets, very extensive, most sheets separated , identified and comp!. with margin numeral s, some uniden tified and potentiall y better , all n.h., inspection very important. Est. Cash Value $3,000-4,000 ....... 884 **
COILS A D BOOKLETS: Mostly modern accum. from 1950s and 1960s, n.h. , strip s of 5 with Contro l No., values to DMl.50 , very high Michel catl . value. Est. Cash Value $500-750 .................. 885 * OHl SOUVENIR SHEETS: Semi-Postals; 1936 and 1937, group of 19 sheets, n.h. to o.g. or used, varying quantities, generally fine to very fine. Cati. value$ I 088 ........................................... (890-92 , 103-06) 886 t8J AIR POST: 1924 to 1936, group of 28 covers or cards bearing a variety of franking s, several with 1936 Olympics, mostly cacheted Zeppelin Flights. fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-400 .............. 887
Circa 1930, group of 20 Zeppelin covers or card s, all but one bearing 1928-31 Im , 2m or 4m, some multiple or mixed franking s, variety of flights and mk gs incl. 4 Tokyo, gene rall y fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,200-1,500 .................... ........................................................
GERMANY AND AREA 19th and 20th Century 888 * OHJ Coll. of a few thousand diff. in 4 Specialty album s in carton, l.h. to unu sed or used, some n.h., Germany with a high degree of completeness (no Berlin ) incl. man y comp!. sets, some better item s, Souvenir sheets, Semis, etc., plus modern blks of 4 on stock sheets, G.D.R., state s and colonies, Danzig, man y Occu. , better post- WWII sets incl. ovptd . Post Horn issues double or invtd. , many signed "S.B., mixed condition (with some stuck) to very fine. A valuable collection worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $4,500-5,000 .....................................
889 * OtBJ Coll. of a couple thou sand diff. in 4 Specialty albums in carton , n.h. to o.g. or used, wide range of issues with much pre-WWII , man y comp!. sets or better items, Michel listed vars., Souvenir sheets, Allied Zones and Berlin , Soviet Zone locals, Danzig , Saar, covers, Colonies and Offices Abroad, States, etc., mixed condition (reference items not figured ) to many very fine. Worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $4,000-5,000 .................................................... 890 * O
Coll. of man y hundred diff. in Schaubek album, o.g. to unu sed or used, incl. States, Saar , Danzig, Meme l, Colonies and Offices, better items of Germany and comp!. sets with dupl. , man y Souvenir sheets and Semis, particularly 1920s and 30s, back-of-book , Occu. , etc., also loose material , mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $3,500-4,000 ..............................
891 ** O Coll. of many hundred diff. neatl y arranged in stockbooks with slipcase, early issues o.g. or used, 20th cent. almost all n.h., incl. a small group of States and Shield types, ear ly 20th cent. German ia Miche l types and ptgs., man y better comp!. sets, Semis, number strips and se-tenant, Allied Zones, Berlin , G.D.R., several varieties, etc., some faults in early issues, otherwise fresh and generally very fine. Est. Cash Value $2,500-3,000 ..................................... 892 * O
Coll. of many hundred in Scott Specialty album, issues to 1930, incl. sets and some better singles, back-of-book , generally fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 .................................................................... 893 * O HlAccum. of man y hundred arranged on stock sheets in 3 ring-bind ers in box, n.h. to o.g. or used, wide range of issues with some slightly bett er items , Shield types, States, Semis and Airs, inflation period blks of 4, also G.D.R. , Danzig , Saar, etc., misc. U.S. and foreign, mixed condition with a few reference. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ............................................................................................. 894 * Ot8l To about 1980, stock of several thou sand in glassines, 2 stockbooks, etc., in carton, o.g. to unu sed or used, some better items and varying quantitie s of man y issues, incl. Berlin, some states , etc., Michel vars., se-tenant and tete -beche multiple s, coll. of modern cacheted FDC s in album , mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $4,000-5,000 ......................................
in carton, n.h. to unu sed 895 * O EBTo about 1970, coll. of a few thou sand in 5 Schwaneberger albums sets and better or used, wide range of issues with States, Empire and Reich issues, cancels, coil strips, Numeral and Germania booklets, ed unexplod and s pane sheets, items, Souvenir Offices and Colonies Saar, locals, Zone Soviet vars., blks, covers, G.D.R. and Berlin , Michel Value $3,000Abroad , etc., mixed condition (reference not figured ) to very fine. Est. Cash ·························· 4,000 ························································································································ Primaril y 20th Century 896 * O
issues used Coll. of many hundred diff. neatl y arranged in stockbook with slipcase, early noted Michel with issues Germania , types Shield incl. , n.h. y majorit vast o.g., few a and Berlin , G.D.R. , varieties , later mostl y compl. sets , Souvenir sheets , Semis, Allied Zones, to very fine. some early issues small faults as would be expected, overall fresh and fine ................ ............... ............... ............... ,500 $3,500-4 Value Cash Est. n. inspectio Worth careful plus some Primarily Errors and Varieties; an intere sting group of approx. 15 unlisted items, lot worth Unusual etc. ovpts., invtd. , erfs imp , omitted vignette significant others, incl. .......................... inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,000-2,000 ............................................................
singles and sets, some 898 * O ll'ilAccum. of thou sands in glassines and mint sheet file, incl. man y better very fine. DMll ,800. to fine generally sheets, for used, man y n.h., no excessive dupl. except ............... Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 .......................................................................................... 899
901 * O
sheets , many Accum. of about 85 items in box, incl. FDCs, Germany Semis incl. Souvenir censored , few Germania types on cover, parcel post receipts , Berlin , G.D.R., Saar , Regis., clean and States with single franking s, also France Semi-Postal Red Cross sets on FDCs, over Michel 1989 catl. to owner by Stated n. fin e to ver y fine. Worth careful inspectio .................... DM8000 ........................................................................................................................ in carton, value Coll. and accum. of man y hundred covers in 2 Specialty albums and loose unu sed sta cards, maximum , Berlin also FDCs, G.D.R. and II post-WW y German in mostly Value Cash Est. fine. very to fine generally etc., Semis, tioner y, man y franking s with better ········· ··············· ··············· ··············· ··············· ··············· ··············· $1,000 ············································· of Germany , incl. Small group on old auction lot pages, n.h. to o.g., few used, mostly better sets , few states , etc., sheets Souvenir 2 incl. Arms of Coat Zones Allied s, Semis and Airs with Zeppelin ............................... mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750+ ............................................. Post, c.t.o. sheets, The remaind er of 76 covers, incl. some States , Occupations, etc., useful Air ..................... ............... ............... ............... $500-600 Value Cash Regis., sets, etc., great selection. Est.
903 * O
mostly 1.h., balTo about 1960, coll. of man y hundred diff. on pages in 2 small ring-binder s, with many betance o.g. to unu sed or used, value generally from 1930s through post-WWII Berlin almost ', "PF' without incl. Zones Allied Airs, Semis, , sheets Souvenir sets, pl. ter com $2,000-2,500 Value Cash Est. fine. very to fine y majorit compl., G.D.R., some faults but vast 20th Century
arranged in 2 Coll. virtually as received , several hundred blks of 4, some larger , neatly **ffistockboo lat er numblks, corner some issues, I pre-WWI k s with slipcases, n.h., incl. better
period s, also ber strip s, Semis, some back-of-book , Berlin , G.D.R., Souvenir sheets in all n. Est. inspectio careful Worth fine. very to fine and clean very , #MHB19 comp). sheet of Mi. . ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... Cash Value $3,000+ .............................................
, incl. man y compl. sets, 905 ** l!ll Stock and accum. of several hundred in glassines, etc., in box, n.h. G.D.R. etc., blks of 4 or larger , Semis, Allied Zones, Danzig , Saar , Souvenir sheets, few .......... ............... 0+ DM15,00 fine. very generally and clean 1950s, about to s varying quantitie etc., n.h. to o.g., some 906 * O li:ilBalance of man y hundred in glassines, stock cards, few album pages, better values, much sets, part or I. comp blks, Airs, and Semis incl. issues of range wide used, Value $1,500Saar, also Danzig, Occu., G.D.R., etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash ··········· ··············· ··············· ··············· ··············· ··············· ··············· 2,000 ·············································
907 * O
Coll. of many hundred in Scott Specialty album, issues to 1950s, incl. States. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ................................................................. better Semis, sets and ............................................
908 ** ~ SOUVENIR SHEETS: Stock of man y hundred with majorit y of value in the 1930s and 1940s, especially Olympics, G.D.R. Marx sheets , majority incl. cancelle d ble faults but a very superior group. Est. Cash Value $3,500-4,000 .............n.h., a few negligi.............................. 909 *
Small selection of about 60 sta mps or Souvenir sheets, mostly o.g., wide var iety but strength in Czechoslovakia ovpts. , much Michel listed only. Specialist lot. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ............... 910 181 1950 and 1953 Three 1952 Christmas cards, stamps tied by fancy NURNBERG CHRISTKINDLESMARKT 13.12.52. cancels, plus Otto 30pf on cacheted , unaddressed FDC, fine to very fine. DM700+ ..................................................................................................................... ......(688,B324,9N81-83,B4,5) 911 ** ~ ALLIED ZONES:1949 U.P.U. Anniversary set of two, 42 sets incl. blks of 4 or larger, n.h., few tiny faults, generally very fine. DM1260. Cati. value $420 .......................... .............................. (5N45,46) BERLI 9 I2 * O
1948 to 1962, coll. of about 250 on Specialty pages and a few glassine s, o.g. or used , incl. black and red BERLIN with dupl. , some reference , Freedom Bell and other compl. sets, Semis, etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000+ ............. ...............................
9 13 181 9 14 ** 915 **
9 16 ** 9 17 ** 9 18 **
1951 to 1961, coll. of well over 60 FDCs in cover album in box, mostly cacheted and unaddressed, incl. comp!. sets and Semis, generally very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-50 0 .............................................. 1951 to 1955, group of 14 diff. in compl. sets, incl. Semi-Postals, n.h., very $ I74.50 .............................................................................. ...................(9N80-8 fine. DM557. Cati. value 3,99, I00, 11, l5 ,9NB6- I I) ~ 1954 to 1969, small stock of com pl. sets on stock sheets, n.h., com pr. #9N I 03, 04, 07. l l -14, 16, 17, 20-36, 43, 2 I5-22, 35-50, incl. blks of 4 or larger, #9N 116, 117, 54 sets, others between I and 19 each, very fine. DM2400+. Cati. value $830+ .................................................... .................................................. RUSSIAN ZONE: Semi-Postals; 1949 Goethe Souvenir sheet of one, 3 sheet s, n.h., very fine. DMl200. Cati. value$ 525 .............................................................................. ...............................{I0NBI ) ffi GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC: 1952-53 Wmkd. DDR and Post copies incl. blks of 4, o.g., very fine. DM4340. Cati. value $1705 ............. Horn lm olive green, 62 .................................... (116) Semi-Postals; 1950 Imperf Souvenir sheet of two, 3 sheets, n.h., gum skips and negligible offset on reverse, very fine. DM I200. Cati. value $390 .................................................... .............................. (B2 l a)
919 *
GIBRALTAR: 1886 to 1968, coll. of about 400 stamp s on stock sheet s, n.h. to o.g., few unu sed, incl. numerou s better items and sets with dupl. , some faults though overall fine to very fine and quite useful for mail sales. Cati. value $5700+ ............. .........................................
The John S. Saylor Collection of the Cancellations of England and Wales 920 0
The basis for the Parmenter/Saylor six-volume reference series, in excess of 75,000 stamps ranging from Penny red imperfs to the end of the 19th Century. The variety of cancels is truly staggering and exceedingly well documented , including minor variation s. The rarest of the rare are pr esent. The collection is housed in 3 albums and include s all the documentation of this massive undertaking. Est. Cash Value $7,500-10,000 ............. .........................................
92 I 0 ~
1840 and 1841, coll. of over 175 stamps on pages, with 1840 lp black , 30 copies incl. 2 pair s, 2p blue, 10 copies incl. pair , 1841 incl. strips and lp blk of 6 on cover, 2p blk of 8, Ivory Heads, red or black MC and various numeral cancels, almost all 4-margi ned and generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 ....................................... ......................................
922 ** 18120th Century, coll. and accum. of many hundred stamps , vast majority n.h. , and man y cacheted FDCs in album and loose in two cartons, incl. many comp!. sets, corner Africa and misc. foreign, Jersey and Guernsey, generally modern issues, blks of 4 or larger, South P.O. Year Books, etc., some faults though generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-500 ............. .............................................
181 The H.R. Harmer
Great Britain to U.S. Registry postage holding , many many hundreds of I0sh, £ 1 Castles and Elizabeth II Definitives to £5 in 8 cartons and boxes on comp!. packages and fronts, plenty of lower values. Great genuine usages and some not cancelled. Est. Cash Value $200-400 ...................... Stationery; 1840 Mulready lp black, envelope and 3 lett er sheets , black and red MC cancels (2 each) and 1840 or 184 1 datestamps, mixed condition to fine. Cati. value $385 ...............................(U 1,3)
925 * O
GREAT BRITAIN AND OFFICES: 19th and earl y 20th Century, coll. of well over 100 difl'. on album pages , o.g., few used, incl. 1884 l0sh , o.g., 1891 £1 Regis. cancels , Postage Due 1914-24, Offices in Morocco and Levant with sets and better items, incl. Salonica S.G. Sl-8 , Ionian Is. and a few Gibraltar incl. George V £1 orange & black , also G.B. 1864 lp , used group of over 90 mounted by plate number , small faults to much very fine. Cati. value £4250+ ...............................................................................................................................................
926 0
POST OFFICES ABROAD; Primarily 19th Centur y, accum. of a few hundred in glassine s or stock cards , most are Great Britain stamps used abroad, good variety of obliterators and many well defined, also later issues used abroad, Military cancels incl. stamps of Australia, Egypt, India used in Singapore, Baghdad, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $300-500 ...................................................... 927 *181USED IN ADDIS ABBABA: 1942 to 1945, George VI group of 7 stamps , plus multiple franking on Regis. piece, 2 covers (one censored) and one letter sheet bearing Addi s Abbaba pmk s, also signed letter from Robson Lowe attesting to their rarit y, mixed condition to very fine. Fasc inating and rare group . Est. Cash Value $300-500 ...............................................................................................
928 * O
GREECE: 1861 to 1895 Herme s Issues, coll. of man y hundred on pages in ring-binder , mostly used, some o.g. to unused , wide range of ptgs. and shades , pair s and a few strips , also 1886-95 perf and imperf and 1900 surchd. issues, mixed condition to very fine with several exceptional copies. 1988 catl. value stated by owner to be about $28,000 ..................................
929 * O
Extensive coll. of many hundred in 2 Scott Specialt y albums , issues to 1980s with extensive selection of earlie s, incl. Olympic s, strong 20th cent. sets and great back-of-book, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500 .........................................................................
**EE Air Post ; 1952 Army
set of four , IO sets incl. blks of 4, n.h., very fine. DM 1150. Cati. value $371 .......................................................................................................................................................(C67-70)
93 1
*0181 GREECE
AND AREA: 19th and 20th Century , coll. and accum. of man y hundred in Specialty album, stockbook and loose in carton, n.h. to o.g. or used , virtually as received incl. many compl. sets, Airs , back-of-book with Occu., Epirus , Thrace , etc., also over 100 covers or cards, incl. some slightly better and FDCs, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,200-1,500 ...........................................................................................................................
1969 to 1972 The New Issues Dealer Stock remainder contained in 9 cartons , generally hundreds of each issue, some errors , all in n.h. blks or sheets, probably hundreds of thousands of stamps and fantastic face value. Inventory available only at our premises. Est. Cash Value $2,000-3,000 .........................................................................................................
933 0
HO G KO G: 19th and 20th Century , accum. of a few hundred stamps in box, most bearing Treaty Port cancels, good variety with c.d.s. and numeral types somewhat sorted, also Great Britain Offices in China, mixed condition to very fine, worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $300-500 ...................
934 **
1938-48 George VI 30c olive bistre , 4 copies, n.h., usual inclusions, fine to very fine. S.G. 151, £480+. Cati. value ($ 100+) .................................................................................................................(161)
**EE $1 lilac &
**EE 1946 Peace 30c carmine
ultramarine , $2 deep orange & green , 2 blks of 4 each , $5 lilac & red , 3 blks of 4, n.h., typical brownish gum on pre-war issue, brilliant fresh , fine to very fine. S.G. 155, 57, 59, £928+. Cati. value ($251.08+) .................................................................................................................(163-65) & deep blue , 500 copies incl. part sheets , n.h., very fine. S.G. £500. Cati. value $625 ........................................................................................................................................... (174)
*0181 INDIA
AND STATES: 19th and 20th Century, an excellent accum. of many hundred on album pages, stock cards , in blks, sheets, a lovely specialized group of Jammu and Kashmir , covers all of the same value, other covers, errors, etc., a bit disorganized but worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,250 ......................................................................................
938 * Iii! INDIAN STATES: 20th Century , coll. of several hundred in album, n.h. to unused, compr. Cochin and Travancore, plus Orchha 1935. S.G. listed to 15r, incl. throughout blks of 4 or larger, gutter blks, S.G. vars., Die types, invtd. wmk., etc., and Officials, some faults though generally fine to very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $400-600 ...................................................................................
939 * O
IRAN: 1875 TO 1935, coll. of a few hundr ed on Scott pages, some ear lie , later comp!. sets, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-300 ............................................................................................
*083IREL AND : 1922 to 1992, coll. of man y hundred
diff. on pages in 3 ring-binder s in box, n.h. to o.g., some used, incl. earl y issues with Seahor ses and min or var s., virtuall y complete issues beginning with Governm ent Printing Office, incl. booklets and booklet pane s, blks, Souvenir sheets , gutter pair s, P.O . Commem Pack s, Airs , Postage Due, Revenue s, few forerunners and essays, group of cancel s with Great Britain used in Ireland , etc., large portion n.h. , generall y fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500 ...................................................
94 1 181 Coll. of several hundred items in 5 ring-binder s and loose in carton , mostly cacheted FDCs with many unaddressed or pencil addres ed, incl. comp!. sets and Souvenir heets, Airs, few flights, unused stationery, picture post cards, slogan cancels, etc., also 2 stampless and a Stevensgraph "R.M.S. Baltic", plus a small group of autographs, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-500 ............................ 1922 to 1932, coll. of over 70 mostly diff. on album pages, o.g., almost complete issues with extra 942 Seahor ses and Postage Due first issues, fr esh and fine to very fine. Cati. value ÂŁ1100+ ....................
*IHI Overprint
Control s; 1922-23, coll. of several hundred stamp s on pages in ring-binder , n.h. to o.g., incl. many corner blks of 6 or strips of 3 as well as single control copies, variou s ptg s and Plate s, perf and imperf margin s, 2p Dies I and II , dupl. , etc., fine to very fine. An excellent showing. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 ...................................................................................
945 **
1948 to 1990s, coll. and **181
accum. in album s and loose in carton , man y hundred stamps , vast majorit y n.h., and a couple hundred cacheted FDCs incl. #1-9, earl y issues unu sed or used, with Scroll tete-beche gutter pair s, virtuall y comp!. countr y after 1950, some comp!. sheets, P.O. Year Books, mostl y full tab s, mixed condition to much ver y fine. Est. Cash Valu e $1,200-1,500 ......................................................................................................................................
1948 to 1988, countr y almo st compl. in Specialty album , vast majority n.h. , some unu sed (regummed ), full tab copies, a few earl y apparently rejoined , incl. Fir st Coins to 500m, Scroll tete-beche gutter pair s, a few Souvenir sheets, Air s incl. #Cl-6 , etc., few earl y with small faults , overall fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ................................................................................ Countr y virtually comp!. in Specialt y album, vast majority n.h., few early unused, incl. Souvenir sheets, several tete-beche or tete-beche gutter pairs, Airs, Postage Due incl. 2 sets #J 1-5, mostly very fine. Est. Cash Value $250-300 ....................................................................................................................
1948 to 1980, stock of thou sand s neatl y arranged in bulging Elb e stock book , mostly n.h., dupl. blks, Souvenir sheets, full and partial tabs, etc., generally fine. Est. Ca h Value $300-500 ....................... 1948 to 1978, coll. of a few hundr ed diff., plus a few compl. sheets in stockbook with slipcase, n.h., 948 **IHI generally full tab copie s, also tete-beche and tete-beche gutter pair s, Sou venir sheet s, Air s, Postage Due, few Revenue s and forerunner s, slightl y better items incl. Flag left and right tabs (2 each) , Petah Tik va corner tab , U.P.U., Menorah , #Jl-5 without tab s, etc., generall y ver y fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ..............................................................................................................................
949 **
Selection of about 50 stamp s on appro val card s mostly n.h., incl. full and partial tab s, sets, more popular issues, useful and generall y very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 .......................................
**831948 to 1970s, coll. and accum. of several thou sand stamp s in album s and stockbooks in car-
ton , vast majorit y n.h. , some used, incl. comp!. sets, Souvenir and comp!. sheets , some early issues with tab s, forerunner s and minor ptg. var s., mixed condition to ver y fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 ...........................................................................................................................
95 1 181 Coll. of many hundred items on pages in ring-binder s and cover album s in 2 carton s, incl. many cacheted and unaddre ssed FDCs, maximum card s, comp!. sets with and without tab s, Souvenir sheets , Airs, post office openings and other special events , many flight covers, some stationer y, etc., clean and generall y fine to very fine with some slightly better or more intere sting than usual . Est. Cash Value $500-1,000 ...................................................................................................................... 952 ** 1949 to 1978, coll. of a few hundred diff. in stockbook with slipca se, n.h., full tab copies plus tetebeche and tete-beche gutter pairs, generally compl. sets with some slightly better, also compl. sheets incl. Typesetter, Airs etc., generally very fine. 1994 catl. $ 1475+ .............................................................. Accum. of several hundred compl. sheet s in sheet files and ring-binder s in carton , n.h., mostly 953 **IHI I 950s and I 960s in moderate quantities, incl. comp!. ets and Airs. tete-beche. etc., generally very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-600 ............................................................................................................................
blks 954 * O rnlREVENUES: 1948 to 1986, small coll. and accum. on page and stock sheets, n.h. to o.g., incl. of 4 or larger, margin copies, varying quantities with a few slightly better, also fiscally used with some on small piece, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $250-350 ....................................................... 955 * O
ITALIA AREA: 19th and 20th Century, an outstanding selection of many hundred on stock pages, incl. some states, colonies and San Marino, majority of 20th cent. issues n.h. incl. popular Souvenir sheets. Worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $4,000-5,000 ...................... ITALY
956 * O ffi Primaril y 20th Century, accum. of several hundred on stock pages and in glassines, strength in n.h. popular issues, also better used high values in blks of 4, except for a few 19th cent. generally fine to very fine. Worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $2,000-3,000 ............... 1928 to 1950, group of 5 diff. compl. sets, compr. #201-10, 331-41, 359-66, 549-67, C66-72, n.h., few tiny inclusions , fresh , fine to very fine. DM1308. Cati. value ($230.79+) ...................................... 1949-1951, group of 8 diff. in compl. sets, n.h., few tiny inclusions, very fine. DM1380. Cati. value ** $545 .................................................................................................................................(5 14.38,39,72-76) ** ffi 1949 U.P.U. Anniversary SOL bright ultramarin e, bottom right corner blk of 4 and right margin single, n.h., few tiny inclusions, very fine. DMl 125. Cati. value $250 ..............................................(514) ** ffi 1951 and 1952, small group, n.h., compr. #568, 569(4), 572, 573(3), 577(6), 602, 603(19), incl. blks of 4 or larger , generally very fine. DMI 737 less one #602-603 set. Cati. value $715 .......................... ** ffi 1951 Gymnastic Festival set of three , 6 sets incl. blk s of 4, n.h., few tiny inclusions. very fine. DM1080. Cati. value $450 .............................................................................................................(574-76) * O181Air Post; 1917 to 1930s, small coll. of 4 o.g. stamp s, 4 covers and 2 used triptychs on album pages, quite out of the ordinary, also some not counted, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-400 ..
957 ** 958 959 960 96 I 962
963 **
1933 Tran satlantic Flight set of two tript ychs, 8 sets, n.h. , few with light tone spots on gum, well centered, fine to very fine. DM4560. Cati. value ($680+) ...................................... (C48,49)
964 *
Back-of-Book; 20th Century, coll. of several hundred on stock sheets and album pages, incl. Airs and Semis, most of value in Republic and BLP ovpts. though much non-ovptd. material, vast selection with some surely to be reference material , worth careful inspection. Must be offered "as is". Est. Cash Value $2,000-4,000 ..........................................................................
ITALY AND AREA: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of hundred s in Scott Specialt y album , issues to 1938, bett er singles and sets, nice selection of colonies and back-of-book , generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 .............................................................................................................. to o.g., 966 * O18120th Century, accum. of man y hundr ed on stock sheets, glassines and loose in box, n.h. good portion used, incl. some compl. sets and better items, blks of 4, Balbo tript ychs n.h., San Marino, colonies, Vatican City, Ital y back-of-book , also about a dozen covers, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ..................................................................................................... 967 ** ffi Small accum. in glassines compr. n.h. sets , incl. blk s of 4, Airs, Vatican City, San Marino, colonies, generally I930s-50s, fresh and fine to very fine. Sass. L2,880,000 .............................................
965 * O
LIECHTENSTEIN Very neat accum. of over 100 in glassines, n.h., quantitie s from 1 to 4 of each, generally popular sets and 1949 Souvenir sheet (4), very fine. DM6250 ............................................................................. quanti969 * O Stock of a few hundred on a stock page and in glassines, better middle value sets with some ....... ................... $300-500 Value Cash Est. fine. very to fine generally multiples, in ties of decent I 960s full sets. comp! some incl. used, or unused to 970 * O rnl1912 to about 1949, accum. of a few hundred , n.h. sheets, blks, Airs, Officials and a few covers, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-500 ... 97 1 ** ffi 1929 to 1954, group of 18 blks of 4, mostly sets in margin or corner blk s, n.h., very fine. DMl370. Cati. value $384+ ................................................................................(93, I 66-70,72-75,92-95.265,81-83) fin e. 972 ** ffi 1936 to 1946, group of 13 Souvenir sheets, compr. #151 (6), B14(4), B18(3), n.h. , very DM1450. Cati. value $515 ......................................................................................................................... Cati. 973 ** ffi 1939 to 1950, small group in glassines, n..h., mostly comp!. sets incl. blks, very fine. DM 1892. B15-17) 245, and 157 (betw. .................. .................... .................... ................... value $603.25 ....................
968 **
974 OC8:I Circa 1949, small group of used stamp s plus 9 covers , incl. a few sets, blk s of 4, 1951 Royal Family issues on covers incl. 3fr per 14½, Portrait Souvenir sheet on FDC , etc., fine to very fine. DMSlO0+ as used off cover ...................................................................................................................... 975 ** 1949 Portraits imperf Souvenir sheet of thr ee, 4 sheets , n.h., very fine. DM 1280. Cati. value $480 ············································································
········· ······································
··················· ···· ···········m~
976 ** [jj]1950 lfr on 40rp blue & indigo , sheet of 25, n.h., two tiny inclusions, very fine. DM1800+. Cati. value $625+ .........................................................................................................................................(246) 977 C8:I Air Post; 1930 to 1936, group of 8 Zeppelin covers, most frank ed by #C7 , 8, 15, 16 singly or in combination, variety of destinations, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ............. 978 C8:I LUXEMBOURG: 1945 to 1966, accum. of over 50 diff. sets on FDC s, incl. #26 1-64, 280-85. B 14350. many cacheted a □ d unaddressed, fine to very fine. DM 1500......(betw. 261 and 4 17,B 117 and B257) 979* 0
MALTA: 1860 to 1928, coll. of about 150 diff. on album pages, o.g., few used, incl. S.G. listed shade s, better item s to lOsh and £1, fresh and fine to very fine. Cati. value £2550+ .............................................................................................................................(betw. 1 and 159)
980 *
1863 to 1968, duplicat ed coll. of a few hundred on stock sheets, n.h. to o.g., very few unu sed, incl. better item s and comp!. sets throughout with a number of lOsh or £1 values, some faults though overall fine to very fine, excellent for mail sales. Cati. value $4000+ ..................
981 ** ffi MONACO: 1942 to 1949, group of imperfs in issued color s, n.h., compr. #237-44 , C2 l-26 sheet margin pairs, #C2-7 corner date bll<s and vert. pairs, also France #B309 , 310 bottom sheet margin pairs, very fi□ e to extremely fine. Yvert FFrs6250 ................................................................................................ 982 ** [jj]Air Post; 1942 Sfr to lO0fr, compl. set, imperf sheets of 25, n.h., few inclu sions, very fine. Yvert FFrs8750+ ..............................................................................................................................(C2-7 vars.) 983 ** 1949 Plane-Arm s set of three , imperf , n.h.(3) incl. corner date pairs, l.h.( I ), very fine. Yvert FFrs6800 ...............................................................................................................................(C27-29 vars.) 984 * O
MOZAMBIQUE: 19th and 20th Centur y, the country virtually comp!. on Minkus pages, earlies with some used, rest n.h. to o.g., comp!. sets, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 .................................................................................................................
985 * OC8:INET HERL A DS: 19th and 20th Century, stock of ma ny hundr ed on stock page s and glassines, also some 1950s FDCs, bett er singles and sets, n.h. coil strip s, some unlisted , good variety , generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 .............................................. 986 * O
NETHERLANDS COLONIES: 19th and 20th Centur y, coll. of approx. 100 stamp s on one stock page, mostly used, incl. better singles and sets, fresh and generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-500 ······················································································································································ 987 ** [jj]OMAN: 1971-72 Surchd. set of thre e, 100 sets incl. blks of 4 or larger , n.h., fine to very fine. Cati. value $2700 ..................................................................................................................................( 133A-C) 988 C8:I PALESTINE: accum. of over 35 covers, most bearing franking of 1927-42 issue. variety of destinations and a few Regis., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value$ I 50 .................................................. 989 ** [jj]POLAND: Semi-Postals; 1946 Education set of three , sheets of 12, n.h. slightly disturbed gum bottom selvage. 11z+ I 9z small corner thin, very fine. Cati. value DM3600+ ................................ (B49-49B) 990 ** ffi PORTUGAL: 1949 U.P.U. Anniv ersa ry set of four , 23 sets incl. blk s of 4, plu s 1946 1.75e Souvenir sheet of four, n.h., very fine. DM857. Cati. value $ 199. 15 ................................(667a, 713- 16) 991 * O PORTUG AL AND COLONIES: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of man y hundred in Scott Specialt y album, issues to 1930s, good repre sentati on throu ghout , incl. sets, etc., generally fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 .......................................................................................................................................... 992 ** PORTUGUESE COLONIES: 1949 U.P.U. Anni versary omnibus set compl., 9 sets, n.h., fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-500 ........................................................................................................... 993 * O Angola to Zambezia, 1870 to 1928, coll. of a few hundred diff. in Specialized Bor ek album , o.g. to used, some slightly better items, generally fine. Est. Cash Value $250-300 ............................................... 994 C8:I RUSSIA: Coll. of 12 covers or cards on album pages, primaril y Romanoff Issues, incl. mult. frankings, Regis., plus a few post cards. Very interesting. Est. Cash Value $200-300 ........................................ 995 ** O 20th Century, stock and accum. of many hundred in glassines, etc., in box, n.h. to o.g., some used, much 1930s-40s incl. man y blks of 4 or larger , Souvenir sheets , comp!. or part sets, Airs, etc., good portion n.h. with slightly better issues, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 ...........................................................................................................................
SAAR 996
**[B) 1949-51 3fr to IOOfr, 7 diff., 6 to 30 copies each, incl. blks of 4 or larger, n.h., generally very fine.
1947 to 1959, dupl. coils. of over 300 stamps on album pages, vast major ity n.h., incl. comp!. sets with better Semis and Officials, genera lly very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-500 ..................................... .. .
DM3565. Cati. value ($418+) .............................................................................(207,09,12,14,16,17,20) 998 ** 1949 Council of Europe set of two incl. Air Post, plus 1949 Semi-Postals Art set compl., latter bottom left corner dated copies, n.h., extremely fine. DM 825 . Cati. value($ I 49+ ) ........ (226,B69- 73,C I 2) 999 **El3 1948-1952 , group of 7 diff. blk s of 4, n .h ., ex tr e mel y fi ne. DM70 8. Cati. va lu e ($ 12 1+) ..................... ........................................ ........................................... ........... .......... ........ (222-24 ,B91 ,C9- 11) 1000 **El3 Semi-Postals; 1950 and 1951, group of 3 diff., compr. #874 , 75, 5 each, 882 , 10 copies, n.h., very fine to ext remely fine. DMl475 . Cati. value $250+ ............... .................... .............................. (B74 ,75 ,82) I00 I **El3 1950 Stagecoach 15fr+15fr brown red & dark brown, 6 copies incl. vert. gutter sheet margin blk of 4, n.h., very fine. DM I 080+ . Cati. value ($ 150+) .......................................................................... (B76 ) I 002 181 Air Post; 1930 and 1931, group of 4 Zeppelin covers bearing a variety of frankings incl. 12 copies of #119, approp1iately cac heted, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-400 ....................................... ... . 1003 *
ST. HELENA: 1856 to 1968, coll. of over 200 diff. on stock sheets, n.h. to unused, incl. a number of better early issues and surchd. types, 20th cent. almost compl. mixed condition to very fine. Worth careful inspection. Cati. value $5300+ ..............................................................
**[B) 1947 St. Marinus set compl., incl. Air Post, 11 sets incl. blks, n.h., very fine . DM 880. Cati. value
**El3 1946 to
**li:il 1949 U.P.U. Anniversary IOOLblue & gray violet, 5 sheets of six, n.h., few tiny inclusions or gum
($ 143+) ....................... ................................................................. ................ ...................... (260-65 ,C52 ,53)
1951, small group compr. #304 (2), C41-50(5), 75(9), E16(5), incl. blks of 4, n.h., frne to very fine. DM920 . Cati. value ($ 176 .75+) ................................................................ (304 ,C4 I -50,75,E 16)
bends, very fine. DM2750. Cati. value $500+ ....................................... ......................................... (304) Anniversary 200L deep blue, 49 copies incl. blks of 4 or larger, plus 4 sheets of six, n.h., genera lly very fine . DM769 . Cati. value ($ 102.20+) ....................... .................... (C62 ) 1008 1951 300L multicolored, 4 sheets of six, n.h., very fine. DM2200. Cati. value ($400+) .............(C75) I 009 * O SARAWAK: 1869 to 1957, coll. of about 160 mostly diff. on Specialty pages, o.g. to unused or used, high deg ree of completeness with dupl. of some early issues, mixed co ndition to very fine . Cati. value $800 ...................... ........................................ .................... ............. ............... .................... ................. . 10 10 * O SPAI : 19th and 20th Century, coll. of many hundred in Specialty album, issues to 1960s, strong in classics, nice showing of later sets, mixed condition in earlies to very fine. Est. Cash Value $600-800 ....................................................................... .............................................................................. 1011 Circa 1930, balance of a few hundred in glassines, etc., n.h. to o.g., incl. Goya and Monserrat issues in blks of 4 or larger, Semis and Airs, also a few covers and Colonies issues of 1950s, generally fine to very fine with a good percentage n.h. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 .................................. . 1012 **l!ll STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: 1937-41 Unissued George VI Sc scarlet, 60 copies incl. blks of 4 or larger, n.h ., fine to very fine. S.G. ÂŁ660 ............................................................... ....................... ............... . 1013 * O SUDAN: 1935 Gordon set compl., 5 sets, l.h. or o.g. , 1 et neatly caned., fine to very fine. S.G. ÂŁ570 . Cati. value $602.82 ..................... ......................... ......................................... ........................... ........ (51-59) 1014 *OEl3 SWEDEN: 1857 Coat of Arms 12o blue, specialized coll. of hundred s on annotated quadrille pages, studies of plates, cancels, shades, incl. singles and blks of 4 with original gum. Interesting. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ................................................................................... ................................... IO15 **[B) 1910 to 1963, coll. of over 25 exploded and unexploded booklets on pages and stock sheets, n.h., incl. bette r earlier items and dupl. , genera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $250 -350 ....................... . 1007
**[B) Air Post; 1950 U.P.U.
19th and 20th Century, accum. of a few hundred on stock pages and in glassines , many n.h., singles, sets, Semis and some proofs, quite fresh and generalJy fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ................................................................................ .................... .................. .............................. .
1017 ** O Small balance on stock sheets and pages, unu sed or used, incl. evera l be tter ea rly iss ues and Offici als, also a group of mint in glass ines, n.h., incl. blks of 4 and a few Souvenir sheets, misc. cove rs, mixed co ndition to very fine . Est. Cash Value $400-600 ................................. ................... ............ ........... . 1018
Primarily 20th Century, stock of many hundred on counter book pages, many n.h. , incl. sets, backof-boo k, no excess ive dupl. , nice selection, generally fine to very fine. Est. Ca sh Value $300-500 ......... .
1019 ** I020 181 102 1 **
1941-59 S0c to 2fr , 7 compl. sets. Semi-postals; 1919 Arms set of three , 10 sets, n.h., very fine. DMl 080+. Cati. value $477.50 .........................................................................................(270-78,B12- 14) 1945 Peace 60c to Sfr, group of 13 flown covers , some Regis., incl. Sfr single franking, all to New York , generally fine to very fine. As used stamp s DMS00S. Cati. value $1150+ ................................ 1945 to 1955 , group of 3 diff . Souvenir sheets, n.h. , very fin e. DMl515. Cati. value $585 ........................................................................................................................................(352a,B 143,B206) Semi-Postals
I022 ** !Ill1926 Coat of Arms set of four , com pl. sheet s of 100, n.h., fo lded once along perfs, very fine. DMI000. Cati. value $300 ............................................................................................................(B37-40) l 023 ** !Ill1927 Pestalozzi set of four , 00sets in compl. sheet s, n.h., very fine. DM950 . Cati. value $300+ .......................................................................................................................................................(B41-44) 1024 ** IIll1928 Red Cross set of four , lO0sets in compl. sheets, n.h., very fine. DMJ000 . Cati. value $325 .......................................................................................................................................................(B45-48) I 025 ** !Ill1936 National Defense Fund Souvenir sheet of three , S blks of 4 sheets, n.h., very fine. DM4250. Cati. value $1250 ............................................................................................................................(B80a) l 026 181 THAILAND: circa 1941 to 1950, accum. of 16 covers bearing a var iety of mixed franking s, all to New York with many Regis., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $ 150-250 ............................ I 027 PPrn
UKRAINE : 1918 Trident Overprint Plate s, four metal plat es of 25 subje cts each, small to large and diff. types, some wear and slight damage to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-400 .........
I028 * O
Overprint ed Issues; specia lized coll. of hundr eds mount ed on well annotated quadrill e page s, wonderful variet y with most unli sted in Scott , some signed. Fas cinating area. Est. Cash Value $1,000-2,000 .................................................................................................................
VATICAN CITY 1029 * 181 1929 to 1980s, th e comprehensive coll. of th e country compl. in 4 Lighthouse specialty albums, l.h. or o.g., incl. #35-40 with certs ., dupl. of most issues on FDCs, as well as almost compl. coll. of post cards and Aerogram s. Wonde1ful collect ion. Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500
1030 ** rn The extensive coll., much dupl. , continued in 7 White Ace specialty binders , incl. blks of 4, covers , stationer y, some Stat es, great deal of n.h., ha s to be inspect ed. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 ...................................................................................................................................... l03 1 **
Coll. of a few hundred on White Ace pag es, compl. except #35-40, vast majorit y n.h., incl. Grattianus and Tobias , very fresh and very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 ......................
1032 **
Selection of a few hundred primaril y n.h. sta mps on 2 stock pag es and in glassines, incl. better earlier singles and sets, Airs , plus usual range of modern issues, generally very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 ................................................................................................................
I033 ** 181Accum. of several hundred stamp s in glassines and stock sheet, vast majorit y n.h., plu s well over 150 covers in box, incl. comp!. sets, bLks of 4 or larger, Airs, moderate quantities, cacheted FDCs, maximum cards, few Souvenir sheets, also recent Germany FDCs, generally very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-500 ...................................................................................................................................................... 1034181 Covers; man y hundr ed incl. a signifi ca nt numb er of earlier iss ues, majorit y FDCs , dupl. Worthwhil e group. Est. Cash Value $500-750 .......................................................................................... 1035 ** !Ill Air Post; 1949 U.P.U. Anniversa ry set of two, right sheet margin blks of 10, n.h. , very fine. DM4560. Cati. value $1375 ..............................................................................................(C48,49) 1036 ** I037 *
Same, 6 sets, n.h., very fine. DM2700. Cati. value $825 ..........................................................(C18,19) ZULULAND: 1888 to 1896, coll. of 21 diff. on album page , o.g. fresh, fine to very fine. Cati. value $923 ..................................................................................................................................(l-l l, 12a,13-22) END OF SALE
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PRICE $1.00 (or by subscript ion)
NOVEMBER 3, 1994 The Estate of T heodore H. Talbo t, Jr. Narbik Karam ian Kirik & Elizabeth Truland Collect ions
SALE 2899
TOTAL $734,418 .75
UNITED STATES , BRITISH COMMONWEAL TH and FOREIGN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 54 55 56
57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
210 110 325 325 260 270 150 950 145 400 3750 475 650 270 400 500 350 350 260 700 240 2 10 325 850 250 250 325 350 280 290 200 210 250 400 220 200 220 220 350 350 150 210 180 11n
160 2 10 240 210 180 190 150 170 160 17() 180 425 425 325 375 1150 650 500
67 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 84A 89 94 97 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 134 135 136 137 138 140 141 142 143
500 475 475 425 600 500 425 525 425 425 190 3250 1450 3750 450 260 300 180 1600 1900 6000 55 800 140 170 900 190 170 675 375 350 450 450 450 105 170 325 270 375 220 140 300 85 125 160 180 100 300 140 2 10 230 210 350 200 160 160 270 135 150 115 160 145
1-14 350 145 300 146 350 147 325 148 525 149 350 150 350 151 270 220 152 80 155 140 156 250 157 525 159 160 220 200 161 163 2000 164 200 165 500 168 400 169 450 140 170 171 280 140 172 173 200 174 260 125 177 270 178 180 350 181 350 70 182 183 350 186A 3250 105 187 188 210 190 375 191 210 193 2500 194 3750 195 525 280 196 197 12000 750 199 200 9500 201 2200 202 9500 203 2800 204 7000 205 5250 206 1400 207 5500 208 300 260 209 210 1250 211 650 625 212 213 300 215 600 216 2600 2 17 1700 2 19 2500 220 3250 221 2000
222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 242 243 244 245 248 249 250 251 253 254 255 256 258 259 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 2Sl 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290
2300 1400 1500 1500 1600 800 1200 1100 1000 3250 1000 700 700 350 325 375 260 2000 5500 750 2200 1000 1300 500 425 350 1200 1100 800 525 325 425 700 650 1900 llAlO 450 450 1300 1000 575 650 4000 240 850 700 350 2000 900 1050 170 475 250 105 350 190 425 180 425 190 325 150
292 200 293 575 295 190 296 125 297 180 298 180 301 250 220 302 325 303 170 304 305 525 200 306 308 190 309 180 200 3 10 3 12 425 3 14 1050 315 130 160 316 260 319 320 850 321 260 322 450 160 323 324 300 280 325 170 328 125 330 332 145 145 333 140 334 250 335 160 336 475 337 240 338 200 3 39 180 340 190 341 342 600 85 343 344 350 200 345 3-16 230 425 347 140 348 85 352 354 130 180 355 325 356 357 625 210 358 250 359 75 360 361 220 362 130 145 363 140 364 365 220 366 375 160 368 180 369 280 370
371 372 373 379 383 386 387 388 390 393 394 395 396 397 399 401 402 403 404 405 406 408 409 410 414 415 4 16 4 17 4 18 419 420 421 423 425 426 427 428 429 431 432 433 434 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455
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456 457 458 460 461 462 463 464 465 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 504 505 506 507 508 509 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 521 522 523 524 525
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526 527 528 529 531 532 533 535 536 537 538 539 541 542 543 545
546 547 548 549 550 551 552
554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 567 568 569 570 573 574 575 576 577 578 579
580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 590 591 592 593 594 596 597 598 599 600 601
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602 603 604 605 606 608 610 611 612 6 13 614 61 5 616 617 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 6~1 64? 644 645 646 647 648 649 652 653 654 655 656 657 659 660 662 663 664 665 667 669 670 671 672 673 674 675
105 260 260 210 200 210 290 200 160 300 190 135 120 150 70 320 325 325 300 125 105 2 10 280 300 125 85 130 600 190 170 130 150 525 375 125 80 475 375 125 170 350 180 400 260 230 210 180 350 375 260 95 260 230 130 250 2600 475 4500 7500 2600 1800 1100
676 1800 678 1200 679 1200 900 680 681 500 683 500 270 684 425 685 280 686 95 687 325 688 850 689 691 800 692 105 693 1450 750 694 850 695 696 400 325 697 701 2200 702 4650 703 1800 950 704 270 706 750 707 500 708 260 709 280 710 711 1350 712 18000 714 1900 700 715 716 575 717 3000 718 1800 721 2900 722 1050 425 723 325 724 725 1150 726 200 728 4500 729 2400 730 2300 731 4500 732 1900 733 800 734 800 950 735 290 736 737 800 738 1800 739 1250 740 1250 741 1350 742 1500 743 1200 744 1600 745 6000 746 3000 747 2100 748 3500
749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 778 779 780 781 783 784 785 786 787 790 791 92 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 8 11 812 813 814 815 816
1200 1800 1600 350 1400 700 3000 3000 200 1900 1250 300 170 190 375 650 750 160 575 2500 600 850 1150 1150 260 1000 800 325 240 160 375 400 375 525 270 400 600 700 425 1900 425 525 450 230 170 200 350 140 290 80 325 400 250 140 210 260 160 110 650 220 750 900
817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 830 832 834 835 836 837 841 843 844 845 846 848 849 850 851 852 854 855 856 857 858 860 863 864 866 867 868 869 871 872 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893
525 700 115 1600 500 1450 750 225 750 210 650 200 950 250 180 1700 1200 1100 800 1600 800 325 2600 75 220 375 120 120 85 6500 1050 1250 450 220 2800 2200 350 1300 210 220 1400 1000 150 600 1400 900 140 160 800 750 65 2600 290 500 600 1000 3500 6500 3500 3250 700 650
895 896 897 900 901 902 903 904 905 907 908 909 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 939 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 953 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 964 965 966 967 968
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400 180 850 200 250 425 1150 1100 1200 350 550 525 450 1100 425 290 2100 190 170 180 210 260 250 1900 800 750 375 850
969 300 970 450 200 971 210 972 973 260 700 974 200 975 976 300 977 650 979 850 980 1400 982 400 210 983 984 750 985 1050 986 500 200 987 988 105 325 989 110 990 991 650 992 350 180 993 994 750 995 1250 375 996 997 400 120 998 75 999 190 1000 180 1001 1002 400 1003 1350 95 1004 90 1005 350 1006 1007 85 280 1008 210 1009 1010 1450 1011 750 210 1012 230 1013 1014 575 525 1016 450 1017 425 1018 170 10 19 1020 800 240 1021 140 1022 1023 120 1024 125 1025 750 1029 2000 1030 1150 1031 1300 1032 1000 1036 525