United States, British Commonwealth and Foreign COLLECTIONS and VARIOUS ONLY DECEMBER 8, 1994 3:00 P.M.
C 0
·.... ~ a)
.... 0
.. **
Never hinged
On piece
On cover.
Unused .
Block of four.
TC Trial Color .
Block larger than four.
Specimen .
Die Proof.
Plate Proof.
OFFICE HOURS 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
NOVEMBER 24 , 25 DECEMBER 23 , 26
Effective September 1, 1994 the buyers premium is 15%
SE = Straight Edge ; s.l. = Straight-line ; c.d.s. = Circular Date Stamp . c.t.o. = Cancelled to Order ; FD .C. = First Day Cover CONDITION
The various gradings of stamps are, in order: superb; extre mely fine ; very fine; fine; fair. A lot described as "fair" is so listed either by reason of general appearance or more otten because of a small fault or faults, such as a crease , thin spot, short or missing pert, perforated into, cut into, etc. In the case of sets , large blocks , sheets , etc., the condition quoted represe nts the average and quality above and below this standard can be expected . Mixed Condition:
In the prod uction of this catalogue , we have used the 1994 Scott Postage Stamp Catalogues . We will continue to use foreign catalogues In specific areas as supple mentary information .
In large lots, the condition is generally expected to range from fair to at best
fine .Serio us defects can be expected . Handstamp on reverse : Denotes either a dealer , collector or indecip herable expe rtise r's mark . Signed by : Denotes either the actual signature or mark of the expertise,. The abse nce of mentioning a signature does not reflect on the ability or knowledge of the party involved.
BIDDING LEVELS Up to$ 150 $ 5 $150- $ 300 $10 $300- $ 700 $ 25 700- $ 1,500 $50 Over $1 ,500 approximately5 % Bids which do not conform to the above willbe automatically reduced to the correct level. BIDS BY TELEPHONE
Please comp ly with the followi ng: (a) Not more tha n 20 bids can be accepted and must be confirmed in writing .
(b) Any erro rs are the responsibility of the bidder. (c) No bids accepted later than 1/2 hour before sale . BIDS BY FAX
You may Fax bids up to 1 hour before sale commences -
be sure to use
(212) 447 -5625 . Shaded portion can represent an actual hinge or the area disturbed by a hinge . Never hinged - unused with original gum in Post Office state and unmounted Lightly hinged - unused with full original gum showing some evidence of a previous hinge which may be present in part or enti rely removed . Original gum - unused with original gum somewhat disturbed by previous o.g. hinging which may still be present. Part original gum - unused with original gum , large hinge remnant s may or part o.g. may not be present. Disturbed origina l gum - unused with original gum , affected by sweating , glazdisturbed o.g. ing or mount disturbance ; may not resemble the origina l gum . Unused without gum (unless gum is mentioned ) unused Unused without gum , as issued. ungummed n.h. l.h.
BLOCKS OR SHEETS AND THEIR GUM : Minor separations are the rule, rather than the exception , in the case of blocks or sheets of any size. A few separations-around four perts per rowdo not affect the value of a block or sheet and are not grounds for the return of a lot. Blocks of four that have two stamps o.g. and two stamps n.h. are described "n.h. (2)/o.g.(2)".
Valuations of all lots are available in receipt of stamped , self-addressed envelope .
You will find the bid form and prices realized for Sept. 27, 1994
PAIRS : All pairs are horizontal , unless otherwise mentioned . CATALOGUE NUMBERS : The catalogue numbers of the contents of the lots are given in parentheses immediate ly following the descriptions , but in bulky lots only the range of issue is shown . CATALOGUE VALUES : The fina l column shows the catalogue value of the lot. This is shown in parentheses where, in the opinio n of the auctioneers , the market value exceeds this figure . ESTIMATED VALUES : If an estima ted cash value is given, it is shown in the description and always indicated by the abbreviations "Est. Cash Val." It is used whe re the lot is large or where the actual value has little relatio n to the catalog ue price . It represents the auctioneer's appraisal of the true MARKET value of a lot and the figure is invariably close to the actual realization . It is useless for mail bidders to list any bids that are only a low proportion of such estimates . CATALOGUES USED IN LISTING : Scott Vol. 1-4 & U.S. Specialized Stanley Gibbons British Common wealt h Stanley Gibbons Great Britain Specialized Michel Germany Michel Europe Michel Asia Ceres Others as noted in the descriptions
1. Lots of not more than 1O items . 2. To U.S. clients only. 3. Viewer must pay postage and insurance both ways and return lots within 24 hours of recei pt. 4. References required from bidders unknown to us.
1994 1993 1993 1993 1993-94 1991/92 1993
Dr. Paul J. Koman Collection
Recognizing that there are occasional differences of opinion concerning gum nomenclatu re by various expert committees , for example, a stamp described as o.g. being certified as large part o.g. or even part o.g., this minor classification discrepancy alone is not sufficient grounds for return .
Minor faults incl uding, but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps , small tears and some back flap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue . IMPORTANT
Remember , NO lots may be returned with back stamps stating Fake, Falsch , or similar markings. Recently there has been a spate of German exper tisers marking the backs of stamps . It is your responsibility as the purchaser not to let this happen .
SALE 2900
& FOREIGN The Estate of Dr. George L. Fite, Maurice Cardinal & Lawrence Maranzani Collections, and the properties of 13 other vendors.
Thursday, December 8, 1994 Afternoon Session at 3:00 P.M.
To be sold at Auction by
3 EAST 28TH STREET , 7TH FLOOR , NEW YORK , NY 10016 Telephone : (212) 532 -3700 Fax : (212 ) 447-5625 Keith A. Harmer, Jack LaCa lamito - Licensed Auctioneers License #'s 672829 , 780870
On all lots sold a comm ission of 15% on the hammer price will be payable by the buyer .
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1994 Afternoon Session at 3:00 p.m.
PLATE PROOFS: 1861 to 1875, selection of over 160 mostly diff. neatly arranged on stock pag es, mo stl y on card, so me trial colors and essays, blk s, mo stly R eve nue s, Due s, Newspaper , etc., some fault s, but generally brilliant colors and fine to very fine. Cati. value $5600+ .................................................................................................................................... .......... 19th and 20th Century
2 018J
Coll. as received , several hundred on Specialty pages, used, incl. Locals on cover , 1847 Sc sheet margin pair on cover, I0c two single s, other 19th cent. well repre sented and with dupl. , perf 12, grills , 1869 Pictorial s to 90c, Bank Notes, Bureau issues, Columbians and Tran s-Miss. complete, Washington-Franklin, etc., mixed condition or fault y to some very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $6,000-7,000 .........................................(Photo )
3 *O
A superior assortment of 200 generally better stamp s in stockbook , 19th cent. quite good with a selection of #67 shad es and cancels, plus much mor e, also later coils, 4 plate s from 1922 issues, Kansas and ebra ska, good Airs , few Ducks and Possessions. Pe,f ect for mail sale or small auction. Cati. value about $20,000 ............................................................................
4 * 83
Stock of many hundred in number ed glassines in file box, n.h. to o.g., few unu sed, incl. Columbians, Bureau issues, 20th cent. Commems, Washington-Franklin, Park s, coils, Airs , some back-of-book , blk s and Pl. blks, some better items, all in moderate quantitie s, mixed condition to many very fine. 1988 Scott stated by owner to be over $30,000 ............................
5 *O
Coll. and accum. as received in carton , n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. small coils. of singles and Pl. blk s generally 1922 to 1950, incl. 1922-23 Regular Iss ue, Perf 10, coils, Kan sas and Nebraska , Pre sidential s comp!., Famous Americans , Airs etc., and United Nations , in 3 ringbinders, plus loose used and hundred s more on pages in old auction lot offerings , mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500-1,800 .........................................................................
Stock and accum. of man y hundr ed on stock sheets in 2 ring-bind ers, plus loose in box, n.h. to unu sed or used, incl. better items with Columbians , Trans-Miss. and other Commems , Washington-Franklin, back-of-book incl. Special Delivery, Hunting Permit , etc., mixed condition to many fine or better. Est. Cash Value $1,200-1,500 .......................................................
7 * IBl Acc um. of well over 250 stamps in stockbook , n.h . to unu sed , incl. quantities of le Columbians and Trans-Mi ss., other Commems , few essays, Airs, back-of-book incl. Officials (few ovptd. SPECIMEN ), Confederate States , etc., few large multiple s, mixed condition to very fine. In ventor y includ ed. 1988 Scott $5600+ ........................................................................ 8 *O
A most eclectic assortment of a few hundr ed on sta mps on 10 stock pages, regular s, Airs , cut squar es, Revenue s, some very prett y copies. Worth inspection. Cati. value about $4200 ........
9 * O IBlRemind er of a prop ert y in carton , n.h. to unu sed or used, incl. better item s in glassines, Special Handlin g comp! . sheets in file, Chicago Souvenir sheets, coils, etc., mount ed and loose, mixed condition to very fine, messy but worth careful inspec tion. Est. Cash Value $1,000+ .............................................................................................................................................. IO * O
Accum. of a few hundr ed in glassines in cigar box, l.h. to unu sed or used, good var iety in moderate quantiti es, with Regular Issues , Commem s, Airs , back-of-book , incl. unu sed #299 , 326, 327, Q8, JQ4 , used #238-40, etc., mixed condition. 1988 Scott $11,000+ ...........................
Il O
Accum. of over 450 sta mps in stockbook , used, incl. Bank Notes and Bureau issues, Columbian s and Trans. Miss. , later Commems , Washington-Franklin , back-of-book , some slightl y better items, mixed condition to very fine. Inv entor y included. 1988 Scott $3700+ ......................................
12 * O
Small coll. of a few hundr ed in Scott American album , some earlies, paitial Kansas and Nebraska, usual selection of recent issues, few Souvenir sheets, mixed condition to generally fine. Est. Cash Value $400-500 ............................................................................................................................................ Coll. of a few hundred diff. on album pag es, used, few o.g., scattering of early 19th cent., Bank Notes, Trans-Miss. to 50c, compl. sets. Air Post incl. First Issue, misc. back-of-book, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $200-250 ............................................................................................................................
13 0
1857 to 1941, coll. as received, several hundred on Specialty pages, l.h. to unu sed, some later n.h., incl. Bank Notes, Columbians and Trans-Mis s. issues comp!. plus dupl. , 1902-03 and 1922-25 Regular Issues to $5, Washington-Franklin , coils, blk s, vars ., later Commems incl. White Plain s sheet of 25, Kan sas and Nebraska , etc., mixed condition with some faulty or repaired , much useful and worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $4,000-5,000 ................
15 ** 83 1898 to 1934, stock of several thou sand sta mp s in numb ered glassines in box, vast majorit y n.h. , incl. 2c red s and other Commems, coil strip s, blks of 4 or larg er, some slightl y bett er items and varying quantitie s, generally very fine. 1988 Scott $11,000+ ..............................(betw. 281 and 739) 16 ** IBlPrimaril y 20th Century , coll. and accum. of man y hundr ed in stockbooks , etc ., in box, vas t majorit y n.h. , balanc e l.h. or o.g., man y 1920s and 1930s issues incl. Pl. o. copies and strip s, unexploded booklets and a few comp!. sheets incl. #C7 and 8, White Plains sheet used, slightl y better items, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-1,000 ..............................................
20th Century 17
**rn Stock
*OIBIAccum. of many hundred
**rn Stock
of several thousand in numbered glassines in box , vast majority n.h., incl. many Presidential coil pairs and strips, blks of 4 incl. se-tenant, Airs, Dues , Officials, etc., generally fine to very fine. 1988 Scott $12,300+ ..................... (betw. 848 and 1418,C-9 and C61, etc.)
PI. blks of 4 or 6 on pages in 2 ring-binders, I.h. or o.g., some used singles , generally 1920s to 1940s with 2c reds and other better Commem s, Famous Americans, Presidentials to $1, Rotary Issues, Airs, Special Delivery , some comp!. matched corners, some faults though overall fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 ................ Accum. of many hundred in glassines in box, n.h. to unused , many 1920s to 1940s incl. PI. blks of 4 or 6, blks of 4, Washington Bicentennial , Parks , Presidentials , Airs, etc. , mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 ................................................................... of a few thousand in glassines in shoe box, vast majority n.h. , incl. coil strips , blks and PI. blks of 4, Airs , Souvenir sheets , Farle ys, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 ........................................................................................................................... of many hundred PI. blks and additional singles in glassines, stock cards and stockbook in box , n.h. to o.g. , some used, incl. many Airs , some slightly better, also coils , Washington-Franklin , back-of-book, United Nations , etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 .................................................................................................................
**IBI Accum. of comp!. or part
**IBI Face
*OrnBalance of a property , hundreds
**rnColl. and
sheets in box, n.h. , generally 1930s and 1940s issues with many Famous Americans and Overrun Countries , generall y fine to very fine. Cati. value $2800+ ..........................
or better, generally n.h. stamps , many useful higher value sheets in the 10c to 15c range , some far better 20th cent. issues, etc., very fine. Est. Cash Value $600-800 ........................................ of stamp s in envelope s and in ring-binder in box, n.h. to o.g. and used, mostly blks or Pl. blks incl. Famous Americans, Airs, cover and United Nations, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-500 ...........................................................................................................
accum . of hundreds of modern issues in carton, n.h., compr. Commemorative Panels with blks of 4 in 2 albums, post office year packs with folders, Souvenir cards, etc., very fine. Face $200 ......
*Orn 1901 to 1912, stock of several
thousand in Elbe stockbook , n.h. to unused or used , incl. PanAmerican , Pan-Pacific and other Commems, Washington-Franklin , coils, blks , etc., varying quantities , mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500 ........................ (to 409)
**IBI 1929 to 1990, small coll. on White
Ace pages in 3 ring-binders with slip covers , vast maj ority n.h., mostly Pl. blks of 4 or larger with many modern issues to $5 values, fine to very fine. Face over $350 ...
Misc. coll. whose strength is in the Imperf Farley Issues , incl. Parks with Pl. and position blks compl.. #771 , seven plates plus positions, four Chicago Souvenir sheets, the balance a hodge podge of stamps and covers, all in large album. Est. Cash Value $250+ ...................................................................
**rn 1934 to
1939, stock of a few thousand stamp s in numbered glassines in box, vast majority n.h. , incl. National Parks, Army-Navy , many Presidential s incl. coils, few Souvenir sheets, blks, etc., generally fine to very fine. 1988 Scott $13,500+ ......................... (betw . 744 and 847)
Farley Issues Perf and Imperf; coll. of singles, Souvenir sheets and blks of 4, plus Parks comp!. in 5 position blks of 4, Air Post Special Deliver y, ungummed or unu sed, fresh and very fine. Est. Cash Value $500 ........................................................................................................................................
**rn AIR POST:
BLOCKS: Stock of many hundred in numbered glassines in box, n.h. to o.g., incl. Washington-Franklin , many Presidentials , Arm y-Navy, Overrun Countries , booklet panes , Airs , etc., generall y fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,200-1,500 ...........................................
Stock of many hundred in glassines in box, vast majority n.h. , incl. PI. blks and blks of 4, varying quantities to about 40 of some, also coils and some Commems and singles, some stuck but generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000+ (betw. C9 and C77, etc.)
of many hundred in box, vast majority n.h., much Air Post incl. Winged Globe, Transpacific and Transpost issues in comp!. or part sheets , also glassines with coils and other Airs, 1920s and 30s Commems , etc., fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 ................................................................................................................................ (C17,21,22, etc.)
34 * O
U.S. POSSESSIONS: Primarily 20th Century, accum. of over 400 stamps on stock sheet s, n.h. to unu sed or used , mostly Hawaii incl. 2 covers and a few large mint multiple s, Guam, Cuba and Puerto Rico, mixed condition to very fine. In ventory included. 1988 Scott $3300+ ................... ........
CANAL ZONE: 1904 to 1964, coll. of over 75 difT. on page s, l.h . or o.g., incl. a number of better stam ps and severa l compl. sets, incl . #4-8 , 58, 59, Flat and Pointed "A " serie s, Air Post Officials, generall y fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000 ............................................ .
36 * 181 HA WAIi: Stationery; 1884 to 1892, group of 10 item s, compr. envelopes #Ul-5 , postal cards #UXl-3 , postal reply cards #UY3 and 4 un severed and unfolded , fre sh, very fine to extremely fine. Cati. value $842 ............... ......................................................................................................... ......... 37 ** llll UNITED NATIONS: 1951 to 1986, propert y as received in numerous albums and stockbooks in 2 carton s, n.h. , compr . colls. of single s, Souvenir sheets and Margin In scription blks of 6, with Vienna and Geneva issues, also a stock of blk s, In sc ription blks , singles and Souvenir sheets, some comp l. sheets incl. Flag serie s, 1951 Anniversary , Year of th e Child, Souvenir car ds, Bunde sdruckerei Berlin Imprint , etc. , clean and very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 ..................... .......................................... ...................................................................... . 38 ** EE1951 to 1982, issues virtually complete in Specialty album , n.h., incl. Souvenir sheets with #38 , Airs, Geneva and Vienna issues, stationery and many blk.s of 4 to about 1975, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-250 .......................................................................................................................................... ..
39 * O
The remainder of a large propert y in 23 albums or stockbook s, plu s loose, ranging from spar sely filled Internationals to some very nice albums of Queen E lizabeth and George VI issues, some very useful material here and well worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $2,5003,000 ................................................................................................................................................. .
40 * O
The remainder of a property in one carton, incl. one dec ent old-time European album, some others in shoe box , olden German dealer approval book s and loose. Nothing of great value and disorganized , but some intere sting. Est. Ca sh Value $1,000-1500 .......................................
41 * O
Balanc e of a property , a few thousand stamp s in st ockbook , 2 albums and loose album page s in carton, o.g. or used , some n.h. , incl. brown International sparsely filled , Latin America and Canada , much Europe with Germany and area , Ital y, France, Greece , Monaco, Austria, etc ., some compl. sets an d slight ly better item s, mixed condition to very fine , worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $600-800 ................................................................................................................................ .
42 * O
The remainder of a property , a few thousand generally cheaper sta mps mostly in glassines, incl. new issues, earlier 20th cent. used. few sheets or Souvenir sheets, nothing remarkab le and needs sorting. Est. Cash Value $400-500 .............................. ......................................... ............................................ ..
43 * O
Balanc e of a propert y, man y thou sand stamps in 2 Global albums and stock sheet s in 4 ringbinders in carton, o.g. or used, wide range of issues of generally common vintage though a few slightly better sets, incl. Europe, British areas with Hong Kong, some Asia and Africa , mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-500 ............................... .................................................................. ......... .
44 * O
Sporadic coll. of many hundr ed o.g. or used in 1930s Scott International Junior album , usual selection of Americas, Eastern Europe, etc., nothing of great value but decent selections, generally fine. Est. Cash Value $300-400 ............................................................................................................................
45 * 0181The remainder of a property in 9 albums, folder and small box , many hundreds of stamp s, some decent recent British Cols., stamps and covers, Omnibu s covers, etc. Est. Cash Value $300-400 ............ . 46 * O
Primarily 20th Century , balance of a propert y, man y hundred in 3 small stockbook s and 2 album s in carton , o.g. or used, spatterings of many countries incl. United States, also United Nations, stockbooks incl. Switzerland and Canada, mixed condition . Est. Cash Value $ 150-250 ............................ 20th Cent ur y
47 ** llllAccum. of well over 150 Souvenir sheets neatly arranged in 2 ring-bind ers, vast majority n.h., also several comp!. sheets incl. Liechtenstein and Ryukyu l s., other Europe incl. Poland, Portugal , San Marino, British area , some Latin America and stamps, few slightly better sheets. fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-400 ................................................. .................................................................. ............... .
NEW ISSUES 1950s and 1960s
,,,. --(.¥)-!flep,ub-ticof r3yp,'lus 56Lli ..9'lllltive2 a2y oj lhe /13oy Jl)co uls 62ganisalio11in 'ey712us
.•.... .. ..•.•....
f9f 3 - 1963
....... •••....•.
... ..
:·········· ·····
. ... ....... . .. ...... :
······· ···· ·· ···· P R I C E 250
Old er "Ne w Issues"; a most inte r esting selection of hund re ds of gener ally older or bett er new issues in a file dr awer , sets , Souvenir sheets , booklets , Asia, also a sma ll Fourni er coll. of mostly It alian Sta tes, some cheap as would be expecte d but well worth caref ul inspection, generall y very fin e. Est. Cas h Va lue $2,000-2,500 ...........................................................(Ph oto)
1960s to 1980s 49
**l!ilAthouversayndla srgeof collection of issues suppli ed by Bom bay Stam p, Fa touUah & Laza r , etc., tens of n.h . stamp s, sets, Souvenir sheets , mini atur e sheets , acco mp anin g covers, etc ., not ju st th e unp opul a r ar ea, bu t also decent Eur ope a nd Asia, topica ls ar e trul y sta ggerin g, som e issues fr om th e 1950s. Gr ea t selection but a lot of work , sort ed for viewing, but not or ga nized. All hou sed in 9 boxes, one wh ich conta ins nothin g bu t invoices. Es t. Cas h Value $5,000-10 ,000 ················································ ····················································································
1960 Olympic s, E ur opa, Bru ssels ' Wo rld 's Fa ir , WHO, Wo rld Refugee a nd Space and Rockets, hundr eds of n.h. or l.h . sta mp s all in 6 most ly Specialty album s, usual sets, Souvenir sheets, pr oofs, etc. , generall y ver y fin e. Est. Cas h Va lue $600-800 ......................... ......................................................
EUROP A: Accum. of man y hundr ed on stock sheets and in stockb ook in box, n.h. to o.g., incl. som e bett er 1960s issues, lat er comp!. yea r s and blks of 4, fr esh and very fin e. Es t. Cas h Value $750-1,000 ·················································································· ···························· ····································
Primaril y 19th Century , man y hundred diff. in coll balanc es in box, n.h. to o.g., some used, wide range of countrie s with man y modern compl. sets and Souvenir sheets , man y 1960s and some earlier and slightly better , generally fine to very fine, needs careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $7501,000 ............................................................................................................................................................
53 * O
19th and 20th Centur y, the collection as received , many hundred diff. in 3 albums with slipcases in carton , l.h., o.g. or used, over 25 colonies, plus Malaya and States , spott y repre sentation of some while others are highly complete, incl. scores of better stamp s throughout , as well as a number of raritie s, better dupl. , blks and other multiple s, later sets, Airs and backof-book, incl. Labuan surchd. , Malta with MCA St. Paul lOsh, Malaya and States high values, Mauritius, Nepal tete-beche pair s, New Britain setting s, ewfoundland incl. pane s of 20, Australian States, Turk s Is. surch. types, better Africa, some faults as would be expected but overall fine to very fine. A wonde,ful collection deserving carefu l inspec tion.. Est. Cash Value $30,000-35,000 ..........................................................................................................(Photo )
54 * O
A varied assortment of 200 stamps in one "investment portfolio" sized stock book, many better items and sets, proofs, certificates, perfect for mail sale, worth inspection. Cati. value $21,000, plus S.G. ÂŁ2830 .................................................................................................................
BRITISH AFRICA: 20th Century, coll. of a few hundred diff. on pages, l.h . or o.g., co mpr. Ascension, St. Helena , T1istan da Cun ha, incl. many modern co mp!. sets and Sou venir sheets , bette r Elizabeth sets and Tri stan book.lets , ge nerally very tine. Est. Cash Value $250-300 ..................... ............ .
56 * 0181 BRITISH WEST INDIES: 19th and 20th Century, the coll. as received in 15 Specialty albums in 3 cartons, compr. several thousand stamps, n.h. to unused or used, and hundreds of covers, about 20 colonies and well represented, incl. many plate and ptg. vars. real and imagined, re-entries, double transfers, S.G. shades and vars., town and numeral cancels, incl. modern issues on and off cover, comp!. sets, scores of better stamps with dupl., a wealth of postal history incl. stampless, many WWII covers and O.H.M.S. envelopes, incl. Treasury and Customs Depts., Regis., censored, War Tax incl. vars., classic and modern issues with town cancels, cac heted FDCs , First Flight s, stationery , stamps of Great Britain Used Abroad (mostly off cover), much more, faults as would be expected but many stamps very fine. Ama zingly inclusive and a valuable collection worth caref ul inspection. Est. Cash Value $7,500-10,000 .......................................................................................................................(Photo)
FOREIGN 19th and 20th Century 57 * O
Coll. of man y hundr ed in 5 lar ge and 12 small stockbooks and loose in car ton , mostly l.h., some used, incl. Austria , Israel n.h. with bookl ets, Liechtenstein , Belgium , Luxembourg, Bosnia incl. #105-22 imperf pair s, Monaco, St. Pierre and Miquelon , better items, comp!. sets, Semis, etc., some faults but overall fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Value $1,200-1,500 .........
58 * O
Balance of a prop ert y, a few thousand diff. in 8 album s in carton , mostly used, some o.g., compr. coll. balances of Aust ria with Bosnia , Germany and area , Belgium , F rance , Netherland s, Switzerland , wide ran ge of generall y lower pric ed sta mps, some slightly better incl. comp!. sets, Semis, etc ., reference items and reprints not figur ed, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750+ ............................................................................................................................................... 59 * ml Balance of a prop ert y in sheet file, n.h. to o.g., compr. Korea #2, complete sheet of 80, Luxembourg # 82a. Salvador #1-4 , 75 sets in part sheets, plus 1890 Regis. cover. mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-500 ................................................................................................................................... 60 **
61 * O
Primaril y 20th century , stock and accum. of man y thousand in num erou s stockbo oks or ring-binder s and cigar boxes in carton, n.h. to o.g. or used, mostly Europe incl. Belgium and Netherlands with Colonies , G reece and area , Liechtenstein , Luxembourg, San Marino , Switzerland , Russia, Turkey , Scandinavia, Portu gal and Colonies, misc. Latin America and Asia, incl. comp!. or part sets, Souvenir sheets, Semis, some blks, few covers , etc., generally lower pric ed thou gh much useful, mixed condition to very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,500+ .................................................................................................................
Coll. of many hundr ed in 3 album s on hand lett ered quadrille pag es, issues to 1930s, value mostly in Europe, also some South America and a few British, many sets, mo tly o.g., generally fine. Est. Cash Value $400-500 ............................................................................................................................................ 20th Centur y
62 * O
A superior selection of a few hundr ed in stockbook , generally better stamp s or sets, Europe , South America , majorit y mint with some n.h., few used and 19th cent., some nice str aightforward popul ar items. Excellent for snwll auctions or mail sales. Some S.G., Ceres , Michel, Zumstein listed only. Cati. value $19,000+, plus some unlisted ..................................................
63 ** EB Coll. and accum. of severa l hundr ed diff. plus dupl. , neatly arr anged in 4 stockbook s in box, n.h. , compr . Andorr a, French Admin. , Monaco , St. Pierr e and Miquelon, mod ern issues incl. comp). or part sets, blks of 4, Airs, etc., clean and very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000 ...... 64 * O
The remaind er of a prop ert y, primaril y thou sand s of sta mp s in 2 boxes, a lot of South America, totally disorganized , great for packet or better. Est. Cash Value $500 ................................................
AIR POST 65 * 0181 Coll and stock of a few thousand sta mps on appro val cards and stock page s, incl. mint and used sets, 16 covers, Scadt a tete-beche and sideways blk s, plu s 7 ovptd. sheets, 2 Poland Souvenir sheets, stro ng French Cols. plus bett er Europ e, dupl. , good cross-section, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $6,000-8,000 ............................................................................. 66 **
67 181
68 * O
SOUVENIR SHEETS: Accum. of about 250 neatl y arranged in stockbook , vast majorit y n.h., few l.h. or used, incl. Germany and G.D.R., Belgium , Hungar y, Poland , Spain, Vatican City, others to lesser degree, also a few U.P.U. pre sentation booklets incl. stamps with Ital y n.h., generall y very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 ...............................................................
AFRIC A: 1908 to1944, group of 12 advertising covers, with Egypt and Portugue se Colonies , some fascinating items incl. ammunition from Laurenco-Marques and 2 all-over featuring automobiles from 1920s Cairo. Rare gro up, has to be seen. Est. Cash Value $500-600 .............................. ASIA: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of a few hundred diff. on pages in album, unused or used, incl. Hong Kong, Straits Settlements. some China, India, Dutch Indies, etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-300 ............................................................................................................................
70 * O
19th and 20th Century, coll. of a few thousand on 34 packed stock pages in ring-binder, o.g. or used, some n.h. or mixed se ts, strength in Switzerland, Austria and Belgium , also Scandinavia and other countries, nothing recent and many better with Souvenir sheets, generally mixed condition on earlies to very fine. Est. Cash Value $2,000-3,000 ........................... .
Primarily 20th Century, accum. of many hundred diff. in 4 stockbooks in box, n.h . to o .g . or used, incl. Germany and area , Austria, Netherland s, Switzerland , Spain Costume s and Coats of Arms series, other Eu rope and misc. Briti sh, co mp!. and part set , Semis, Souvenir sheets, etc., ge nera lly fine to very fine . Est. Cash Value $300-500 ........................................................................................ ....... ..... ............... .
71 ** llll 20th Century, accum. of several thousand stamps in comp!. or part sheets in files in box.,
n.h., mostly Vatican City, incl. Souvenir sheets and comp!. sets, Netherlands Semis #833640, 48-52, EUROPA, etc., fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000+ ........................................ .
Group of 114 covers or cards generally from the 1930s to 1950s, incl. FDC s, flight s, co lonies, one cras h and prese ntation card , 31 Scandin avia , nice France and Co ls .. useful selec tion. Est. Cash Val ue
~00 .............................................................................................................................................................. 73 * O
EASTERN EUROPE: 19th and 20th Century, accum. of many thousand in glassines in carton, unused or used, incl. Baltic States and Russia, Poland , Czechoslovakia , Hungary, Turkey , etc., mixed condition to very fine, rather messy but worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $500-1,000 ........
Group of 113 covers generally from the 1930s, inc l. stronger Russia. Bul garia, Czechoslovak ia, etc. , also Turk ey, many interesting Regis. franking s, grea t dest inations . Est. Cas h Value $200-300 .................
LATIN AMERICA 19th and 20th Century
75 * O EE Coll. of many hundred diff. in 4 albums and glassines in carton, n.h. to unused, some used,
compr. Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Salvador, generally extensive representation with better issues, especially Air Post, also Air Officials, Souvenir sheets, blks of 4, few vars., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $2,500+ ..............................
76 * O
Balance of a propert y in box, man y hundr ed on pages in old auct ion lot coils., o.g. to unu sed or used, compr. Costa Rica , Guatemala, Nicaragua , Panama , Salvador , incl. some comp!. sets or scarcer item s, Airs, ref erence, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $600-800 .............................. ..
77 ** llllPrimarily "New Issues" and old "New Issues", tens of thousands in three boxes, one box Ecuador
Souvenir sheets, one Ecuador older sheets, the third contains a variety of material, some massive quantities, nothing expensive but great mint packet and better. Est. Cash Value $500 .................... 78 0
Stock of many thousand stamps neatly arranged on stock sheets in 3 large ring-binders in carton, used , co mpr . 20 co untr ies with some Ai.rs and back-of-book , vary ing though genera lly moderate quantities, c lea n stock. Est. Ca sh Value $300-500 ...................... ......................................................................... .
79 **
1920s to 1950s, accum. of many hundred in glassines in box, vas t major ity n.h. , compr. 19 co untr ies with many co mp!. sets, Airs, and blks of 4 , some slightly better , clean and genera lly very fine . Est. Cash Value $300 -400 ........................................................................................................................................... .
MIDDLE EAST: 20th Century, a most interesting selection of almost 60 covers, mostly 1940s and
1950s thoug h a few quit e a bit earlier. bette r Lebanon , Egypt , etc. Est. Ca sh Value $150 ........................ .
1867 to 1971, coll. of severa l hundred diff. in Specialty album, n.h . to o.g . or used , some ea rly issues , high degree of co mplete ness from about 1940, incl. some better Semi-P osta l sets, Airs and mi sc. back-of -book , mixed co nditi on to very fine. Cati. value $ 1350+ ............................................................... .
82 * O
1871 to 1970, coll. of a few hundred diff. in Minkus album, o.g. or used, incl. some compl. sets, Semi s, back- of- book issues , generall y fine to very fin e. Est. Ca sh Va lue $ 150-250 ......... ..................... ... .
83 ** EB20th Century, accum. of a few hundred neatly arranged in 2 stockbooks in box, n.h., generally post-WWII issues incl. comp I. or part sets, blks and corner blks, Costumes issue with a few better
values, Semis, etc., generally very fine to extremely fine. Est. Cash Value $600+ ............................ .. 84 EB
Group of 112 covers or cards, mostly 1920s to 1940s though a few earlier, incl. German Oc cu., pro pag anda , num ero us earlier Regis., picture post cards, various destination s. Interesting selection. Est. Ca sh Valu e $200-300 ..................................................................................
85 * O
............... ............... ............. .... ..
Stock and acccum. of several hundred in stockbook and ring-binder, n.h. to o.g ., some used, mo stly the co mmon issues in mod erate quantitie s, incl. co mp!. or part sets , Semis and back-of-boo k, ge nerally fine to very fine . Est. Cash Value $200-2 50 ........................................................................................ .
BELGIUM 19th and 20th Century
86 * O
87 * O
The massive stock contained in 2 old-time large Elbe stockbooks, a few thousand stamps, quantities of many better items with classics well represented, more recent issues n.h., good back-of-book, usual mixed condition on earlies but quite decent. 1988 Scott about $80,000 ..
Stock of a few thousand in glassines and 3 stockbooks in box, l.h. to unused or used, wide range of issues in moderate quantities, incl. classic issues, compl. or part sets, Semis, back-of-book with Occu., etc., some faults though overall fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ...................... ..
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To 1948, coll. of 135 covers mounted in album, replete with classics, better FDCs, advertising, well documented flights, presentation cards, incl. a few colonies, very complete. Great destinations and combinations. Est. Cash Value $500-1,000 ....................................... ......................... ..................(Photo)
89 * O
Primarily 20th Century, coll. of a few hundred diff. on stock sheets, n.h. to o.g. or used, goo d represe ntation incl. better Semis and some pre-WWTI n.h. , ge nera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $250 350 .............. .............................. ...................... ........... ....................................................... ..................... .......
90 ** EE20th Century , coll. and accum. of several hundred in 4 stockbooks and sheet file in box, n.h.,
mostly post-WWII sets , incl. many blks and corner blks, Semis and back-of-book , some slightly better, fresh, very fine to extremely fine. Est. Cash Value $500 ................................................ ........... 91 * O
BRITISH HONDURAS: 1866 to 1962, colJ. of about 120 mostly diff. on pages, n.h. to unused, some early used, incl. a number of better stamps, 25c "BEVENUE" in pair with normal, Victoria to $5, n.h., later sets, small faults in early issues, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $600+ ......................... ........................ ........................................................................................................ .
92 181
CAMEROUN: 1903 to 1914, group of 13 cards and 2 envelopes , compr. Spf and lOpf stationery, 4 picture post cards, 2 with two nud es and franked on front. a SEEPOST marking. interesting and varied gro up . Est. Cash Value $40 0-500 .............................. ...........................................................................
CANADA 93 pp
PLATE PROOFS: 19th Century, a superior selection compr. 2p(2), Sp, 9p, 16p, 18p blk of 4, 20p pair and Newfoundland #98 imperf corner copy, all fresh and generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-600 .................................................................................................................... .............
94 * O~
Primarily 20th Century, the propert y as received , mostly a Plate Block Stock of modern issues, neatly arranged in envelopes in file boxes, other containers and loose in 6 cartons, generally n.h., incl. better values, panes, Souvenir year books and post office publications with stamps, also some U.S., other British and foreign, Canada stationery and covers, thousands of used singles incl. a goodly amount ovptd. "O.H.M.S. " or "G", and coll. of gold foil FDCs in 4 well annotated and illustrated albums , mixed condition to very fine, high catl. value and useful stock. Est. Cash Value $5,000-7,500 ................................................................ ..
95 ** EEAn excellent selection of a few hundred blocks of the more popular issues, n.h. or generally 2
stamps n.h., a great many better values with strong Airs and Officials, some dupl., generally very fine. Much beller than normal. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ............................................ ................ ........ 96 ** EEAn "investment" group of popular sets in blks of 4 of which 2 stamps are n.h., incl. Des troyer, Monument , Chateau . Totem Pole and Fisherie s $ 1, fresh, very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-500 ........ ...... . 97
PLATE BLOCKS: 20th Century, the coll. virtually as received in 4 albums , almos t all n.h . glaze d gum, many bette r va lues incl. $ I M onum ent Pl. blk of 6, etc. , very c lean but fo r gum problem s. Est. Cash Value $300 -400 ............................ ......... ........... ........... ............................... .................... ........... ..... .... .
98 ** EE 1950 Oil Wells 50c dull green, 52 Pl. blks of 4, and 1953 Totem Pole $1 gray, 29 blks or Pl. blks of 4, n.h., 3 additional blks not counted, very fine. A nice holding . Cati. value $4120
········································· ········································· ··························································<294,321) 99
CUBA: 19th and 20th Century, accum. of many hundred in numbered glassines in box, n.h. to o.g., incl. Spanish Domini on and U .S. Admin. , later comp !. sets, blks of 4, some Airs and back-ofbook, so me slightly bett er n.h. sets, ge nera lly fine to very fine . Est. Cash Va lue $250-350 ................ ...... .
I 00 * O
CZECHOSLOV AKlA: 1919 to 1929, coll. of a few hundred diff. on album pages, l.h. to unu sed or used , incl. co mp!. se ts with bette r Semi s and Air , few tete-beche gutt er pairs , back-of-book inc l. Leg ion Pos t, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-400 ................................. ...... ...... ............ ..
101 181
Coll. of 164 covers, cards and presentation cards, neatly presented in a spring-back binder, real strengt h in 1920s and 1930s issues, Regis., Airs, ovpts., many genuine usages in this period. Well worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ....................................................... ........................ .........
102 181
DANSIH WEST INDIES: 1877 to 1905, group of 16 items , compr. mint and used envelopes, postal cards and postal reply cards #UYS and 6, both unsevered , also Virgin Is. ½p and lp postal cards bearing D.W.I. Postage Due le pair and 6c respectivel y, both uncancd. , and 4c tied by St. Ann 30/7 1902 datestamp on reverse of unfranked envelope , generally very fine and very scarce group. Cati. value $1595+ ................................................................. ...........................................(Photo)
103 0
EGYPT: 1866 to 1963, coll. of a few hundred diff. in 2 albums , used, incl. early issues, later comp !. sets. Semi s, Airs , back-of-book incl. Occu .. some modera tely better item s. mixed co nditi on to very fine. Est. Cash Value $30 0+ ................ .......................................... ............. ................................................. .
I 04 * O
FINLAND: 19th and 20th Century to 1974, coll. of several hundred on album pages , o.g . to unu sed or used, incl. so me better ea rly items and perf vars. , Semi s. etc .. som e loose dupl. , mixed con dition to very fin e. Est. Cash Value $300-350 ........ ............. .......... .......... ...... ............. .......... .......... ........ ...... ..
105 181
FRANCE: Stampless covers; coll. of 175 mounted in two albums , great va riety of towns inc l. straight-lin es, some doc umentatio n, also twenty 1937 Exposition covers from co lonies. Est. Ca h Value $400-500 .................... ............... ...................................... ........ ............... ......................................................
I 06 * O
1862 to 1984, coll. of several hundred diff. in 2 Davo albums, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. Napoleon types, Peace and Commerce issues, 20th cent. with many comp!. sets, Semis and a few Souvenir sheets, Airs and back-of-book , mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500+ ...................... ..
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107 * O
FRANCE AND COLONIES: Primaril y 20th Cent ur y, stock and accum. of a few thou sand in 6 stoc kbook s or ring-bind ers and loose in carton , n.h. to o.g., some used, value mostly in France incl. compl. and part sets, Semis, Airs , a lso a small coll. balance and a few hundred in glassines , colonie s and post-ind ependenc e issues, Monaco and Southern and Antar ctic Terr. , also other Independent Africa with Burundi , Lib eria , etc., mod erate quantities incl. slightl y better items, generally fine to ver y fine , worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 .............................. ............................................................................................. ...........
108 * O
GERMAN COLONIES : 19th and 20th Century, coll. of man y hundr ed diff. on a lbum page s, l.h. , o.g. or used, excellent showing with man y sets or sca rcer values, few on small piec e, also Office s in China a nd Mo r occo, fr esh and generally fine to very fine , worth inspection. Est. Cas h Value $1,500-2,000 .......................... ............................................................
I 09 181
GERMAN EAST AFRIC A: 1897 to 1910, group of one envelope and 11 cards incl. two r eply, good variety of rare pmks and destinations. Est. Cash Value $400-500 .................................................... ..
110 * O
GE RMAN STATES: Selection of 24 o.g. or used stamp s, far better th a n normal , good Berg edorf and Old enburg , few faults , some very fine. Wo rth inspection. Cati. value $5420, plu s Mi. DM2000 ............................................................................... .................................... ..........
1933 to 1942, coll. of a few hundr ed used, in specia lized KA-BE album , incl. Occupations, very comp!. and attractive, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-400 ............................................ . SE-TENANT AND TETE -BECHE ISSUES
I 12 * O
1910 to 1982, coll. of man y hundr ed on pag es and in 2 album s in box, n.h. to o.g., a few early used, incl. early types with adverti sing lab els, various Germania issues, some numb ers and Imprint s, important Semis and Air s, Hind enburg types, also some modern iss ues and G.D.R . Worker s, generall y fine to very fine. A lovely collection of these popular issues and many with all the poss ible combinati ons. Est. Cash Value $4,000-5,000 .......................................
113 **
1951-52 Posthorn Issue, 4pf to 20pf , 19 diff. , com plete, n.h. , generally ver y fine. Mi. Wl -S12, DM7270 .................................................................................. ..................................(671,73,75,77)
114 **
1954-60 Heu ss, coll. of about 125 items on page s, n.h. , compr. the var ious permutation s as listed in Mic hel, incl. bookl et pan es, vert. and hori z. wmk. , etc., almost comp lete, generally very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000+ .................................................. ............................................ ..
GERMANY AND GERMAN AREAS 115 * O EB19th and 20th Century, stock and accum. of several thousand in 7 stockbook s or ring -binders in carton , n.h. to unused or used, wide range of issues incl. compl. or part sets, blks , Souvenir sheets, Semis, back -of-book , Danzig , Saar , G.D.R. , Berlin , Occu. , loose covers and misc. stationery, also small coll. balance in Minkus album with Germany and States incl. Bavaria , etc., some slightly better items, mixed condition (refer ence items not figured ) to very fine. Est. Cash Value $7501,000 ......................................................................................................................................... ................... 116 * O
Stock of man y hundred neatl y arranged in 5 stockbooks in box, n.h. to o.g. or used, Germany with a wide range of issues, many mod ern sets incl. Semis, Souvenir sheets, booklets , etc., G.D.R ., States incl. Bavaria , Offices and Colonies , Danzig , Saar , etc., also 3 approval books and small used coll. on page s, moderate quantitie s and generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750
Primaril y 20th Century, coll. and accum. of about 350 covers and some card s in album and loose in box, mostly cacheted unaddressed FDCs of Germany, Berlin and G.D.R., also earlier issues and stationery. few flights and Norway, Russia. United States, generally fine to very fine, some slightly better items. Est. Cash Value $300-500 ................................................ ............................................................... .
20th Century 118 ** EB Coll. and accum. of a few thou sand in 11 stockbook s and ring-binder in carton, vast majority n.h., some o.g. or used, incl. man y blks and corner blks of 4, Souvenir sheets, coil strips , Semis, Berlin , Saar , G.D.R. incl. Michel listed vars. , some better pre-WWII n.h. and early 1950s, clean and generelly fin e to very fine , worth car eful inspection. Est. Cash Value $2,500-3,000 ...................................................................................................................................... Balance of a property , a few thou sa nd sta mps in 5 stockbook s, album and loose in carton , used , some n.h. to o.g., incl. coils. of Germany with bett er post- WWII Semis and Berlin , G.D.R., etc., incl. Souvenir sheets , varying quantitie s of other issues to mod ern era, Allied Zones , tete-beche and se-tenant , misc. foreign, mixed condition to much very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000+ ...................................................................................................................................
119 0
Primarily 1930s and 1940s, group of 139 covers or cards , principally Nazi issues with FDC s, Commem s, propaga nda, etc. , also 11 Zeppelin and a few co lonies. DO-X , Saar or plebiscites. Interesting group. Est. Cash Value $300-400 ..............................................................................................
12 1 **
1949 to 1985, coll. of many hundred diff. virtuall y as received in 3 hingele ss albums in carton , n.h. , most issues present incl. man y better sets with Semis, minor Michel listed vars. , wmks., paper s, Souvenir sheets , blks of 4, coil strip s and better Berlin , generally very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 .........................................................................................................
122 **
BERLIN : 1949 Scenes, coll. of over 60 se-tenant or tete-b eche items on album page s, n.h., issues almo st complete incl. the variou s permutation s as listed in Michel. DM12,600+ ...........
123 * O
GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC : A very compl. coll. to about 1957 in Schaubek album , mostly o.g., few used, many sets, Souvenir sheets. generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $400500 ................................................................................................................................................................
124 * O
GREAT BRITAIN : 19th and 20th Century , accum. of a few hundred in 3 large stock book s and 1 small in box, mostly used, some l.h. or o.g., incl. man y surface printed types with a variety of Pl. numbers , better item s, Seahorses, blks, Postage Due, Official s, etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750+ .................................................................................... .......................................... 125 ** ll:ll20th Century, accum. of seve ral hundred in 2 stockbook s and ring-binder in box , n.h., incl. George V corner Control strips of 3, compl. or part sets. blks of 4 or larger. phosphor and phosphor & graphite ptgs., Postage Due, Regionals and over I 00 unexploded booklets. fresh and generally very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-500 .......................................................... ..........................................................
126 **
REGIONAL ISSUES: 1969 to 1980, issues virtuall y complete in Davo album, vast majotity n.h., compr. Guernsey, Jersey, Isle of Man, incl. a few Souvenir sheets and Postage Due, generally very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-400 ........................................................................................................................... .
127 * O
GREECE: Primaril y 20th Century , coll. of a few hundred diff. on Specialty pages and a few stock sheets, n.h. to o.g. or used. a few early items incl. 1896 Olympics, later cornpl. sets and Airs, slight dupl., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-500 ..................................................... .......
Grou p of 55 covers from 1940s and 1950s, popular issues, Airs, destinations, etc. Est. Cash Value $200-300 ......................................................................................................................................................
129 ** EB1958 to 1966, stock of man y hundred in glassines in box, n.h., compr. compl. sets with blks of 4, varying quantities, fresh and very fine. About DM4000. Cati. value$ 1200+ ............ (betw. 624 and 848) 130 * O ll:llHONDURAS: 1865 to 1909, coll. of man y hundr ed on page s in box, o.g. to unused or used, incl. numerous reference items and reprints, bogus cancels with some larger multiples, also genuine issues with shades and cancels, 1907 imperf vars, Officials, etc., mixed condition to very fine. Excellent showing and idea/for study and comparison. Est. Cash Value $300-500 ................................................ ..
HUNGARY: 1871 to 1981, coll. of many hundred diff. on pages in 2 binders, o.g. or used, incl. early lithograph ed and engraved issues with dupl., later comp!. sets and Semis, back-of-book with a number of Occu. issues, Airs, few imperfs and Souvenir sheets, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ............................................................................................................... ..
131 * O
132 * t8l
Coll. of a few hundred in 2 Minkus specialty albums, n.h. exce pt better items 1.h. or o.g ., co mp!. to 1960, incl. envelopes. cards and air letter sheets, exce llent for ex pansion into new issues, genera lly very fine. Est. Cash Value $300 ............. .......... ......................................... .......................................................... . ITALIAN STATES: Parma and Tuscany, 2 pages from a old-time dealer's counter book containing 19 of Parma and 23 of Tuscany, all stamp s basica lly appear genuin e though conditi on is mixed as would be expected. 1988 Scott stated by ow ner to be about $7400 ................................ .................. ..... .... .
134 * O
ISRAEL: The very large coll. and accum. as received housed in 11 ring-binders and albums plus loose in 2 cartons, primarily the end result of decades of new issue service, covers, blks, dupl., organized and disorganized. A stock ready to go with some sorting. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 ....................................... .............................................................................................. .
ITALY : Primarily 20th Century, coll. of over 275 diff. on pages in ring-binder, l.h. or o.g ., so me n.h., mostly 1920s to 1940 s, incl. comp!. or pan sets, some Airs and misc. back-of- boo k, ge nera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-2 50 ........ .......................................................... ............... ..................... .
ITALY AND AREA: 19th and 20th Century, a lovely coll. of many hundred virtually filling 2 Scott Specialty albums, l.h. or o.g., incl. colonies, Libya with Fezzan, San Marino, Trieste Zones A and B, Occu. incl. Yugoslavia, Albania, etc., Italy with better Semis, scarcer backof-book issues throughout and all areas exceedingly well representated, some reference and used 19th cent. incl. states. Only a few great rarities needed. Wonde,ful collection. Est. Cash Value $10,000+ ....................................................................................... .............................(Photo)
137 * O
Primarily 20th Century, stock and accum. of many hundred in stockbook and ring-binder, n.h . to o.g. , some used, mostly Italy with varying representation of co lon ies , incl. some comp!. sets and backof-boo k with Occu .. Trieste, etc. , mixed conditi on to very fine. Est. Cash Value $250-350 ..................... .
138 t8l
Group of 63 covers or cards, primarily 1930s to 1950s, incl. flights, 5 Zep pelin items, Lib ya . Somali a, Eritrea , incl. a few earlies , plus AMG-PTT , 7 cove rs and 21 unused cards. Est. Cash Value $300 ............. .................... ............................................................................................................................ .
139 t8l
LIECHTENSTEIN: 1900 to 1970s, group of 79 covers, primary stre ngth in I 930s to I 950s, popular ets on Reg is., flow n or FDC s, wor th inspect ion. Est. Cash Value $300-400 ...... ............ ......... ........ ..........
140 ** IIilLUXEMBOURG: 20th Century, coll. and accum. of a few hundred in 2 stockbooks in box, n.h., prim arily post-WWTI issues incl. comp !. sets, blks and corner blks, Semis, etc., very fine to extremely fine. Est. Cash Value $350-450 ................. .................... .................................... .......................... ................ . 14 1 t8l
MADAGASCAR: 1897 to 1940, group of 8 covers or cards, incl. provi iona ls, Regis. flown, useful selec tion. Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 ......... ......................................................................................... ......... .
142 * Ot8lMEXICO: 19th Century, a most interesting coll. of classics, compr. about 60 stamps and 16 covers or fronts, nice assortment incl. strips , bisects on pieces, decent condition and an exce llent group of Guadalajara provisionals, well worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $600-800 .................... .. 143
MONACO: 1885 to 1991, coll. of several diff. in Specialty album, n.h. to o.g., incl. Charles to lfr, Albert to 5fr values, mostly comp!. sets, Semis, Airs, few imperfs and Souvenir sheets, also a small coll. of Andorra in another album, few early types with small faults, overall fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500+ ......................................................................................................................................
1885 to 1972, coll. of several hundred cliff. in Specialty album, n.h. to o.g., few used, incl. better early issues to lfr, many compl. sets, Semis with Red Cross perf and imperf panes of 4, Souvenir sheets, better Airs incl. Birds, few imperfs and 2 Roosevelt Epreures de luxe, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000+ ................................................................... .
145 * O18lNETHERLANDS AND COLONIES: 19th and 20th Century, sporadic coll. of hundreds on homemade album pages in album, mixed sets, some dupl. and three very intere sting Indi es cove rs, nice selection. Est. Ca sh Value $200 ............................................................ .............................................. . 146
NEW ZEALAND: 1875 to 1916, group of 8 covers, incl. 2 adver tising and a Reg is to N.Y., other interesting items , mixed co ndition to very fine. Est. Ca sh Value $ 150-200 .... ................ ........................... . NORWAY: 1855 to 1952, lovely coll. of over 250 diff. on pages, o.g . or used, incl. better earl y items, co mp!. sets, Semis and some back-of-book, fresh and fine to very fine. Est. Ca sh Value $400 -500 ..................................................................... ............ ................................ ................... (fro m I and BI , etc.)
147 * O
PORTUGUESE INDIES: 19th Century, group of 4 covers franked by #2 with India, #19, #29 pair and a rare #110 , all tied on separate cover, generally fine to very fine. A rare group. Est. Cash Value $600-700 .................................................................................................. ....................................... . RUSSIA: 19th and 20th Century, coll. and accum. of a few thousand on pages or stock sheets and loose in box, o.g. to unused or used, quite messy and in need of sorting, wide range of issues with some slightly better items, Airs, etc., mixed condition . Est. Cash Value $300-500 ......................................... ....
149 * O
SAAR: 1930 to 1950s, virtually compl. coll. of Regular Issues, Semis and Airs with the two good Souvenir sheets, all but 2 very l.h. and fres h, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Va lue $400-600 ..................... .
151 * O
SAUDI ARABIA: 1917 to about 1930, accum. of over 350 in stockboo k, o.g. to unused or used, good range with generally one to only a few of each, incl. scarcer items, much Hejaz with some Postage Due, generally fine to very fine. 1988 catl. value about $6500 ................... .
SPAIN AND COLONIES: Primarily 20th Century, group of 60 covers or cards from quite a few colonies to Civil War period, 8 Can ary Islands Airs and a few Portuga l, very nice select ion with seldom see n frankin gs. Est. Cash Value $300-400 ..................... ...... ........... ........ ........................................... . SWITZERLAND: 19th Century, Sitting Helvetia Imperf and Perf issues, selection of 124 cover fronts to France, incl. singles, multiples, combinations , dupl. but many better quality and interesting markings. Stamps 1988 Scott about $4000 ...................................................................... ............
19th and 20th Century, coll. of seve ral hundred diff. in album , o.g. or used, incl. Sitting and Standing Helvetia types with shades and perf vars., later comp!. sets, Semis and better Airs, some back-of-book , generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 .................................................. 155 * O Coll. of a couple hundred diff. on Minkus pages in ring-binder , plus a few hundred more in stockbook, l.h. or o.g., used, coll. with many compl. sets, better Semis, Airs, few Souvenir sheets and unexploded booklets, back-of-book with Officials, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ················································································································· ···································· 156 * 83 SYRIA: 1945 to 1955, selection of 16 imperf sheetlets of 4, pairs or singles, 4 are trial colors, also set of 7 c.t.o. (prob ably Spec imens) corner cop ies , I st issue listed in Michel at DM6000 , rest unli sted, very fine . Est. Cash Value $300-400 ...................................... .......................................... .......................... . 154 * O
SYRIA AND LEBANON: 20th Century, colJ. of about 250 diff. on pages in binder, o.g. or used, incl. French Occu. and Mandate issues, few co mp!. sets incl. Airs. so me back-of- book . fine to very fine. Est. Ca sh Valu e $300-400 .......................................................... ........................................ ........... ....... TANNU TUVA: 1934-35 Pictorial sets, 36 stamps tied on 5 addressed Regis. covers, to Hung ary, Swit zerland, New York and one address blanked out, all but one w ith rece iver. A rare genuine ly used group. Est. Cash Value $ 150............................................... ........................................... ..............................
157 * O
159 * 018l TOKELAU ISLANDS: 1924 to 1978, a specialized coll. of hundreds of stamps and covers mounted on exhibition quality quadrille pages housed in 5 albums, incl. blks, FDCs. Great variety and seldom seen this extensive. Est. Cash Value $600 .....................................................................................
VATI CAN CITY: 1929 to 1965, issues complete on Scott album pages, l.h., incl. Semis, Airs, plus back-of-book , fresh and generally very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 .........(Photo) 1931 to 1991, issues almost compl. from 1950s in Specialty album, vast majority n.h., incl. some earlier sets, Air s and some back-of-boo k, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300 -400 ................................. . END OF SALE
SOME THINGS NEVER CHANGE __.,on and the 1<.... Stampcollectingjustdoes ..~.
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Shall I Sell my Stamps now 1
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was th e question put to me by an old Philat elist fri end o f some thirty years' standing, In honesty I felt hound to tell him th a t he wou ld probably realiz e higher pr ice!ii if he waited, but I questi oned if he would O do bette r " for the simpl e r eason that money to-day will buy more in the way of stocks and shar es than it will in th e future , and stocks and shar es will also increase in value and earn int erest at the same time; if be had been thinking of buyi ng hou ses it would have bee n a diffcrtn t proposition. G roughly ther e is not much in it; se lling to-day at lo wer price s tha n t he boom price s l'EAKI o f eight een month s and two yea rs ago, there is the practical certai nty that the mo ney to-day buys at leas t as much and po ssibly more . In any case, wheth er you are buyer or seller, put yo ur self in touch wit h Bond Street . Y ou wi ll not re g ret it. F or the benefit of woulclbe sellers, I shou ld like to ment ion that last Monday's sale was th e best I ha ve held fo r six feeling that financ ial months. Bidding was keener, pri ces higher, and altngct her a distinct depres~ion was a thin g o f the- past.
\J.,, an<! adclecl to th e qu estio n was th e inquiry" Shall I do bette r if I wait"
Colonials, including two 6; 20th. -Superb H awke r entires and other rarities . 6; 28th. -A impor tant lots.
March 27th
.Plccy, London. " ;:,~,~~.?:'.'.~·:.,:.~!~.,
big wholesale
would h•• · .
Valuer, Philatelic Auctioneer, hpert,and OLD BOND STKllT GALLERIES,
6, 7, and 8, Old Bond St., LONDON, w. 1.
Sale of 1400
sell product In • ·• will hell> . ·"."'flwhere
1ts mencan society stampcollectingpenonalir •. .. In thi§ resr--
(reproduced from the London Philatelist I922)
Seventy years later, the same questions are askedand Harmers offer the same answers. We all view our great hobby in the reflec tion of the financial pool : Are stamps for my enjoy ment and do I keep them for this reason-or are they an investment and I will hold on to them becau se prices are down from a few years ago? Fine question s need ing profound thought. If the latter, just ask yourself: Can I " do better "?
CONSIGN NOW PHONE 1-800-223-6076 for information and our informative booklet.
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Should a dispute arise after the sale , the auctioneer's sale records shall be conclus ive. On all lots sold, a comm ission of 15% on the hamme r price is payable by the buyer. (a) The auctioneer reserves the right to bid on behalf of clients (and consignors or vendors) but shall not be liable for errors and omissions in executing instructions to bid, however received , and whether such erro rs or omissions be those of the bidder or agent or those of the auctioneer . (b) All lots are offered subject to a reserve price . The auctioneer may implement such reserve price . The auctioneer may implement such reserve price by bidding on behalf of the cons ignor vendor. (c) It may also be assumed that all consignors have been advanced monies against the sale of their stamps and Harmers therefore has a security interest over and above the normal auction commiss ion . 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DECEMBER 8, 1994
PRICE $1.00 (or by subscription)
DECEMBER 8, 1994 The Estate of George L. Fite Maurice Cardinal & Lawrence Maranzani Collections
SALE 2900
TOTAL $195,350.00
1 950 2 9500 3 4750 5 1450 6 1300 7 850 9 1050 11 525 12 325 13 300 14 4750 15 1300 16 950 18 1250 19 1250 21 1000 22 650 23 850 24 375 25 500
26 28 29 30 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
220 325 1800
51 52
55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 65 66 68 69 71
800 900 425 1150 190 2000 1000 650 475 300 425 200 300 2000 9000 750
800 900 42500 220 8000 1350 950 650 1400 400 3750 800 7000 1000 250 1350 800 525
73 74
75 2800 76 700 77 1100 78 475 79 375 80 210 81 325 82 200 83 750 84 400 85 160 86 3500 87 650 88 1800 89 220 90 550 91 600 93 400 94 4000 95 650
96 97 98 99 100 102 104 105 106 107 108 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119
300 450 450 250
270 900 230 700 700 950 2000 525 3500 1450 700 700 600 800 3~0 1250
120 900 121 2300 122 2600 124 700 125 600 127 475 128 180 129 280 130 300 132 700 133 230 135 350 136 17000 137 210 138 1300 139 1050 141 105 142 850 143 750 144 1300
(including 15% on the hammer price payable by the buyer)
145 146 147 148 149
150 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161
260 270 350 800 325 650 575 525 350 525 270 280 280 1000 1100 525