United States British Co,n,nonwealth & Foreign
-. . ·--
... 1~ . 2~ -- ...... .
_ODO ..-~ .
1000. . ...
11',Rll 11',Rll
- -~
June 27, 1996
Never hinged
On cover.
Block larger than four .
OP Die Proof.
9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
On piece .
Until July 3 Unused .
Block of four .
Trial Color.
May 27 -
Memorial Day
July 4 - Independence Day Maybe July 5
9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. July 4 thru Sept. 1
MAJOR ABBREVIATIONS SE = Straight Edge ; s.l. = Straight-line ; c.d .s. = Circular Date Stamp . c.t.o . = Cancelled to Orde r; F.O.C. = First Day Cover CONDITION
The various gradingsof stamps are, in order: superb; extremelyfine; very fine; fine; fair. A lot described as ''fair"is so listed either by reason of general appearance or more often because of a small fault or faults , such as a crease , thin spot , short or missing pert , perforated into , cut into , etc . In the case of sets , large blocks , sheets , etc ., the condition quoted represents the average and quality above and below this standa rd can be expected .
BIDDING LEVELS Up to$ 150 $ 5 $150- $ 300 $10 $300- $ 700 $ 25 700- $1 ,500 $ 50 Over $1 ,500 approximately 5% Bids which do not conform to the above will be automatically reduced to the
Mixed Condition : In large lots , the condition is gene rally expected to range from fair to at best fine.Se rious defects can be expected.
Handstamp on reverse : Denotes either a dealer, collectoror indecipherableexpertiser's mark. Signed by : Denotes either the actual signature or mark of the expertiser . The absence of mentioning a signature does not reflect on the ability or knowledge of the party involved .
BIDS BY TELEPHONE Please comply with the following : (a) Not more than 20 bids can be accepted and must be co nfirmed in writing. (b) Any errors are the responsibility of the bidder . (c) No bids accepted later than 1/2 hou r befo re sale . BIDS BY FAX
You may Fax bids up to 1 hour before sale commences -
be sure to use
(212) 447-5625.
n.h. l.h .
O.G .
Shaded portion can represent an actual hinge or the area distu rbed by a hinge . Never hinged - unused with original gum in Post Office state and unmounted Lightly hinged - unused with full origina l gum showing some evidence of a
previoushinge which may be present in part or entirely removed. o.g.
Original gum - unused with original gum somewhat disturbed by previous hinging which may still be present.
part o.g.
Part original gum -
disturbed o.g .
unused ungummed
unused with original gum , large hinge remnants may or
may not be present. Disturbed original gum - unused with original gum , affected by sweating , glazing or mount disturbance ; may not resemble the original gum . Unused without gum (unless gum is mentioned) Unused without gum , as issued .
POSTAL VIEWING BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS 1. Lots of not more than 1o items . 2. To U.S. clients only . 3. Viewer must pay postage and insurance both ways and return lots within 24 hours of receipt.
4. References required from bidders unknownto us.
BLOCKS OR SHEETS AND THEIR GUM: Minor sepa rations are the rule , rather than the exception, in the case of blocks or sheets of any size . A few separations-around four perts per rowdo not affect the value of a block or sheet and are not groundsfor the return of a lot.
VALUATION OF LOTS Valuations of all lots are available in receipt of stamped , self-addressed envelope .
Blocks of four that have two stamps o.g . and two stamps n.h. are desc ribed "n.h. (2)/o.g .(2)" .
PAIRS : All pairs are horizontal, unless otherwisementioned.
Recognizing that there are occasional differences of opinion concerning gum nomenclatureby variousexpert committees, for example, a stamp described as o.g.
CATALOGUE NUMBERS : The catalogue numbers of the contents of the lots are given in pare
theses immediatelyfollowingthe descriptions, but in bulky lots only the range of issue is shown CATALOGUE VALUES: The fina l column shows the catalogue value of the lot. This is shown
being certified as large part o.g. or even part o.g., this minor classification discrep-
ancy alone is not sufficientgroundsfor return.
parentheseswhere, in the opinionof the auctione~rs, the market value exceeds this figure. ESTIMATED VALUES : If an estimated cash valu , is given , it is shown in the description an, always indicated by the abbreviations "Est. Cash Val." It is used whe re the lot is large or when the actual value has little relation to the catalogue price . It represents the auctioneer 's appra i: of the true MARKET value of a lot and the figure if inva riably close to the actual realization . I • useless for mail bidders to list any bids that ar. a low proportion of sue Estimates .
Minor tau and somi;
• Jing , but not limited to , file folds not affecting stamps , small tea rs lap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this cata-
logue . IMPORTANT Rememb
ilar mark1
Scott Vol. 1-4 & U.S. Specialized Scott Vol. 1A Sta nley Gibbons British Commonwealth Michel Ge rmany Michel Europe
backs of
ts may be retu rned with back stamps stating Fake , Falsch , or simmtly there has been a spate of German expertisers marking the '~ your responsibility as the purchaser not to let this happe n.
You will Commer and Harr
u form and prices realized for March 14, United States , British and Foreign , Harmer / Firby Literatu re Sale June 12 al Capex '96 ., V ay 1996 Private Treaty Literature list.
Others as noted in the descriptions Printed with Pantone 188 , 503
SALE 2907
& FOREIGN The Wright Key Plate, Goldfrank Canal Zone, Michener Liberia and Hoar Duck Federal and State Prints Collections and the properties of 22 other vendors. Thursday, June 27, 1996
Morning Session at 11 :00 A.M.
UNITED STATES SINGLES LOTS 1 - 250 Afternoon Session at 1 :30 P.M.
EXHIBITION OF LOTS June 24 - 26, 1996 from 9:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. or by Appointment EXHIBITION ROOM CLOSED 1:00 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. EACH DAY ON SALE DAY LOTS WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION
To be sold at Auct ion by
3 EAST 28TH STREET , 7TH FLOOR , NEW YORK , NY 10016 Telephone : (212) 532-3700 Fax: (212) 447-5625 Keith A. Harmer , Jack LaCalamito - Licensed Auctionee rs License #'s 672829 , 780870
On all lots sold a commission of 15% on the hammer price will be payable by the buyer .
THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1996 Morning Session at 11:00
UNITED STATES POSTMASTER 'S PROVISIONAL: New York , N.Y.; Sc black on India , dot in "P" of " POST " and scar on neck , large Die proof , 51x44mm , affixed to cards, light staining, fine appearance .................................... (9XIPbl )
Sc brown , full to large margin s, red c.d.s. cancel, vert. crease, very fine appearance .............................(Photo )(])
3 0
Sc red brown , three margin copy, neatly caned. and fresh .............................................................. ..........(Photo )(!)
4 0
Sc, margin s all round, red grid cancel, faulty though very fine appearance ............................................. (Photo )( I )
Sc dark brown , margin s all round , tied by red c.d.s. on readdressed folded letter sheet. docketed May 8, 1848 to Delhi, N.Y .................................................................................................................................................. (Photo) (la )
6 0
10c black , full to very large margin s, neat red grid cancel , faint corner crease not mentioned in cert. , fine. Foundation Cert. (1980) ........................................................................................................................... (Photo )(2) 1,250.00
7 0
10c, mostly large margin s all round , neat light red pmks, faulty, very fine appearance ......................... (Photo) (2) 1,250.00
1875 REPRODUCTION OF 1847 ISSUE: 10c black , larg e margins , faint pressed out crease, very fine appearance. Foundation Cert. No. 297253 (no ce1t.) ...................................................................................................... (Photo) (4) 1,000.00
9 181
10 0
1851-57 IMPERFORATE: Used to Canada; 10c green , type I, good to larg e margin s, very fine, tied by KENOSHA Wis. OCT 3 pmk on folded letter sheet bea rin g reddish oval UNITED ST ATES 6d hand stamp, WINDSOR OC 6 1857 back stamp. Foundation Cert. (1987). Ve,y alfract ive stamp and cover ........(Photo)(13)
12c black, full to large margin s, neatl y caned. , intense color , ext remely fine ...................................(Photo)(17)
1857-61 PERFORATED 15½ 11
* EE
le blue , types I and II , COMBINATION BLOCK OF FOUR, Pos. 37-38/47-48, unus ed, bright color and fresh, very fine .............................................................................................. (Photo Front Cover)(18,20) 5,000.00
12 13 0
3c dull red , type II , n.h ., very fine ...........................................................................................................(Photo) (26)
10c green, type III, lightly caned ., perfectl y centered, extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (1992) ....(Photo )(33)
14 0
10c, marg in copy showing pane line, neatly caned., very fine. Foundation Cert. ( 1986) ......................(Photo) (33)
15 0
10c, light c.d.s. cancel, very fine. Foundation Cert. ( 1992) ......................................................................(Photo)(32 )
Used to Hong Kong ; 10c, type V, STRIP OF FOUR " wide" copies, used with Sc brown , type II, fine to very fine, tied by neat PAID pmks on folded letter sheet bearing red BOSTON. BR. PKT. 40 JAN 23 and LONDON PAID FE 61 transits on reverse .........................................................................................................(Photo) (35,30A)
17 18
* * 19
20 0
24c gray, sheet margin copy, unused, tiny ink spot on front, very fine ................................................(Photo) (37a) 1,000.00 30c orange , o.g., vert. creasing, fine appearance ......................................................................................(Photo) (38) 1,350.00
90c blue , full o.g., fre sh, very fine. Foundation Cert. (1991). Lovely stamp .......... (Photo Front Cover)(39) 1,900.00 1861-62 PERF 12: 3c pink , neatl y caned., true color and perfectly centered, extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (1986) ..............................................................................................................................................(Photo)(64)
2 1 181
Used to France; Sc buff, used with 10c green, negligible perf stain , fine, tied by clear strike s of red grid and indistinct c.d .s. on folded letter sheet bearing red boxed P.D., CALAIS 26 MARS 62 pmk and ms. " Steamer Arabia for Liverpool ", backstamped ...............................................................................................(Photo )(67,68)
Used to Ireland; 30c orange , vert. pair , small fault s, fine appearance, used with 12c black , fine, tied by strikes of blue target and indistinct c.d.s. on envelope (faults) bearing NEW YORK Am PKT. APR I and "84", plus MAGHERA AP 12 1865 pmk, same-date Castle Dawson backstamp .........................................(Photo) (7 l ,69)
90c blue, unused, "two light creases", well centered, fresh, fine. Foundation Cert. ( 1995) .....................(Photo )(72) 2,100.00
. 1/
) a e-~?ce
~· ;..,P ·~ . Ir.. - ~
... I ,, -✓ -
"A" Grill 3c rose, margin copy, target cancel, perf faults, fine appearance . Scarce .............. ................ (Photo) (79)
25 0
"C" Grill 3c rose, neatly caned ., tiny faults, fine appearance and attracti ve .... ..... ..... ............ .......... ....... (Photo) (83)
26 0
"Z" Grill 2c black, neat grid cancel, fresh, fine .................................................. ................ ................ ..(Photo) (85B)
27 0
"E" Grill 2c black, cork cancel, very fine ............... ........................................................ ................ ........(Photo) (87)
28 0
12c black, neatly caned., fine ............................................ ............ ............................. ........ .............. .........(Photo}(90)
260 .00
29 0
"F" Grill le blue, lightly caned., very fine .............. ............................................................ ....................(Photo) (92)
30 0
90c blue, lightly caned., fine ....................................... .............................................'............................... (Photo}( ! 0 1) I .050.00
le to 90c, 8 diff., 15c type II , hybrid proofs on India pressed on large cards, bright colors and generally very fine. Scott $5000 as normal ................................................................... (Photo)( 112P,13P,17P,19P,20-22PI var.)
32 0
le to 90c, compl. set, plus extra 30c, mixed condition , generally attractive and neatly caned. , 2c by pen strokes (not figured), 12c by blue cork .......................................................................................... (Photo) (112-22) 4,220.00+
33 0
le to 90c, 9 diff. incl. 15c type II , used. mixed condition or centeri ng .......... .... ............... (Photo )( l 12- 17,19,20,22) 2,985.00
34 0
le to 12c, comp I., neatly or lightly caned., very fine to extreme ly fine ............................................ (Photo)( I I 2- I 7)
35 * 83 3c ultramarine , blk of 4, l.h., brilliant fresh color, fine ..................................................................... (Photo)(114) 1,250.00 36
toe yellow, unused, fresh, fine ......................... .............. .... ........ ..... ................... ............ .................. ....... (Photo) ( I 16) 1,500 .00 90c carmine & black, near cork cancel, reperfed , fine appeara nce ................................... .................... (Photo) ( I 22) I ,600.00
37 0 38
1875 RE-ISSUE OF 1869 ISSUE: 90c carmine & black, unused, vivid color and fresh, almost very fine. 1356 Printed ............................................................................................................ .(Photo Front Cover )(132) 4,750.00
With Grill 6c carmine, neat cork cancel, fine ..................... .................... ........................ ...................... (Photo) ( ) 37)
400 .00
40 0
7c vermilion, face-fr ee cancels. brilliant color. very fin e ..........................................
41 0
90c carmine , lightly caned., negligible crease, "wide" centered copy, very fine ............................. (Photo)(144) 1,150.00
..... ...................... ..(Photo) (l 38)
Without Grill 7c vermilion, unused, rich color and fresh, fine .... ..... ....................................................
(Photo) (l 49)
¡ 550.00
43 0
24c purple, on-the-nose cork cancel, almost perfectly centered, extremely fine ............................(Photo)(1 53)
44 0
90c carmine , lightly caned., almost very fine ............ .................. ........ .............. ........... ....... ....... ......... ...(Photo) ( I 55)
1873 CONTINENTAL BANK NOTE CO: 12c blackish violet, part o.g., rich color, very fine. Foundation Cert. (1973) ............................................. ............................. ..................................................................(Photo)(162) 1,350.00
46 0
12c, lightly caned., deep vivid color, extremely fine .......................................................... ................ (Photo)(l62)
47 0
30c gray black, lightly caned., enormousl y "wide" copy, extremely fine ............................ ............ (Photo) (165)
90c rose carmine, o.g., reperfed, fresh, fine .......................... .............................................................(Photo)(l66)
49 0
90c, light purple cancel, small thin, well centered, very fine appearance .................. ............................. (Photo)(l66 )
2,250.00 260 .00
AMERICAN BANK NOTE CO. ISSUES 50 * 83 1879 2c vermilion, part Imprint blk of 4, l.h.(2)/o.g.(2) , fresh, fine .................. ................................ .(Photo)(l 83)
51 52 0
1879 Soft Porous Paper Sc blue, l.h., very fine .................... .................................................. .............. (Photo) (l 85)
30c full black, neatly caned., extremely fine .................................... .................... .............................. (Photo)(190)
53 0
90c carmine, cork cance l, fi ne ......... ......... .............. .................. .............................. ............ ........ ........ .... (Photo) (l 91)
* 55 *
1881-82 Re-engraved le gray blue , very l.h., large perfectly centered copy , sup erb .....................(Photo)(206)
6c rose, sheet margin copy, unused. very fine .................................. .................................................... (Photo) (208)
10c brown, o.g., very fine ............ .............................................. ............. ............................. ...................(P hoto )(209 )
57 **
1883 2c red brown, n.h., brilliant fresh, extremely fine .......................................... .................... ......(Photo)(210)
2c, Pl. No. pair, stamps n.h., selvage faults, extremely fine ............. .................................................(Photo)(210)
54 56
.. . , I••
\.)- . ,J.; :..
• •
~~ -
** 60 * 61 * 62 * 59
1887 le ultramarine , n.h., "tall copy", very fine ................................................................................(Photo)(212)
1888 Sc indigo, o.g., large centered copy, very fine ............................................................................... (Photo) (216)
30c orange brown, very 1.h. if at all, light corner crease, weLIcentered and fresh, fine. Foundation Cert. ( 1983) ................................................................ ............................................. ....................................................(Photo) (217)
90c purple, o.g., tiny thins not mentioned in cert., fine. Foundation Cert. (1983) .................................(Photo) (218) 1,100.00
63 0
90c, Regis. cancels, light creases, large centered copy, very fine appearance ........................................ (Photo) (218)
64 DP
1890-93 15c indigo, large Die proof on lndia affixed to card, 61x63mm, fine ............... ............................ (227PI)
1,c 2c, 3c, Sc, $3, $5, small Die proofs with gray card backing (Roosevelt) affixed to cards, mixed conilition to fine ............................... ................................ ....................................................................... (230P-33P ,36P,43P,45P2 ) 1,450.00
*EB3c green, blk of 4, n.h.(3)/1.h.(1), fresh, very fine ............................................................................. .....(Photo) (232)
le to Sc, comp!., l.h. or o.g., extremely fine ...................................... .............................................(Photo)(230-36 )
450.00 347 .50+
68 S
15c dark green, ovptd. "Specimen ", n.h., very fine .......................................... ................................ (Photo) (238S)
69 0
50c slate blue, lightly caned., large centered copy, extremely fine ...................................................(Photo)(240 )
$1 salmon
* 71 *
$1, o.g., trace of thinning, bright color and fresh .......................... ..................... ..................................... (Photo) (241) 1,400.00
72 0
$1, bold Regis. cancel, couple small thins, large copy, very fine appearance ........................................ (Photo) (241)
73 0
$1, neatly caned., rich color, fine ..................................................................... ....................................... (Photo) (241)
74 0
$1, neatly caned., reperfed, deep color, fine appearance ......................................................................... (Photo) (241)
$1, o.g. (hinge remnant), fresh bright color, fine .............................................................................. ......(Photo) (241) 1,400.00
$2 brown red $2, o.g ., fresh, fine .......................................................................................... .........................................(Photo) (242) 1,450.00
76 0
$2, lightly caned., thinned, very fine appearance .............................................. ......................................(Photo) (242)
77 0
$2, lightly caned., repaired, very fine appearance ......................................... ..........................................(Photo) (242)
78 0
$2, barely noticeable thin, neat Regis. cancel and rich color ..................................................................(Photo) (242)
$3 yellow green, shades
* 80 *
81 0 82 0
* 84 *
$3, unused, two pin-point thins, reperfed , fresh, centered copy, extremely fine appearance .......(Photo)(243 ) 2,250.00 $3, unused, trace of thin, well centered, very fine appearance .................. ..............................................(Photo) (243) 2,250 .00 $3, deep shade, lightly caned. , large perfectly centered copy, extremely fine .........................(Photo)(243) $3, neatly caned., faulty, fine appeara nce .............. ................................ .............................................................. (243)
900.00 900.00
$4 crimson lake, unused, reperfed, bli ght colors, fine appearance ........................................................(Photo) (244) 3,000.00 $5 black, unused, negligible thin, very fine appearance .................................. .................................(Photo) (245) 3,500.00
85 0
$5, lightly caned., couple tiny thin spots, fine ........................... ..............................................................(Photo)(245) 1,500.00
1895 WATERMARKED: $1 black, type II, o.g., light crease, fine .................................... .............(Photo) (276A) 1,200.00
* 88 **
le to 50c, comp!., 1.h. or o.g., a few small faults, fresh, genera lly fine or very fine appearance ............ ....... (285-91) 1,217.50
4c orange, Pl. No. copy, n.h., very fine ................................................................................................. (Photo) (287)
89 * EE 4c, blk of 4, l.h., one stamp trace of thin , fine to very fine .............. ............................. ..........................(Photo) (287) 6
210 .00+ 575.00
**IESc dull blue, arrow blk of 4, n.h. , one stamp small gum spot, fresh, fme............................................. (Photo )(288) ** Sc violet brown , n.h., fresh, fine .................................. ................................. ......................................... (Photo) (289) *IE Sc, Imprint Pl. blk of 4, o.g., rich color and fresh .................................................... .............................(Photo )(289)
S0c sage green , very l.h., tiny gum crease. fresh, fine ............................................................................(Pho~o)(291)
90 91
730.00+ 260.00
$1 black
* 95 * 96 *
97 0
$1, unused , very fine. Foundation Cert. (1979) .................. ................................................................ (Photo) (292) 1,250.00 $1, o.g., small crease, well centered, fine ................................................................................................(Photo) (292) 1,250.00 $1, unu ed, small light crease, very fine appearance .................................................. ............................(Photo) (292) 1,250.00 $1, neatly caned., light creases, very fine appearance .............................................................................(Photo) (292)
$2 orange brown
98 99
* *
100 0
$2, l.h., fresh, fine. Foundation Cert. (1979) ....................... ........................ ................................... ....(Photo )(2 93) 2,100.00 $2, unused, filled thins, very fine appearance ................................................................ .........................(Photo )(293) 2, 100.00 $2, lightly caned., reperfed, small thins, fine appearance ........................................................... ............(Photo )(293)
* 102 * 103 * 104 * 101
le to S0c, compl. less Sc, 15c Pl. blk No. copy, l.h. or o.g., Sc pe1fs cut, others fine to very fine (Photo ) (300-05,07-09)
$1 black , o.g., very fine ................................................................................................... ....................... (Photo ) (3 l l )
$5 dark green, slightl y glazed o.g., fine ............ ................. ........................................... ....................... (Photo)(313) 1906-08 IMPERFORATE: Sc blue , o.g., large margins, very fine ......................................................(Photo )(3 I5)
*IE *IBI 107 **
** 109 * 110 * 108
Sc, blk of 4, slightly disturbed o.g., full to enormous margins, very fine .... .......................... ........... ......(Photo )(315) 1,400 .00 250.00 1907 JAMESTOWN: 2c carmine , Imprint PI. blk of 6, l.h., very fine ........................................................... (329) 170.00 Sc blue , n.h., extremely fine ............ ............................................................ ...................................... ...(Photo )( 330) Sc, n.h., almost very fine .................................................. ........................................................ .............(Photo )(3 30)
1908-10 DOUBLE LINE WMK: Perf. 12 Horiz. le green , line strip of 4, n.h. (3) incl. line pair , o.g.(1) , extremely fine .............................................................................................................................. ..........(Photo) (348) 1909 LINCOLN BLUISH PAPER: 2c carmine , o.g., very fine ............................. ............................. (Photo ) (369)
310.00+ 200.00
**IE2c, blk of 4, n.h. , fre h, fine ........................................................ ............................................................(Photo )(369) I,I00.00+ l 12 *IE 2c, margin blk of 4, 2mm spacin g, slightly disturbed o.g., fresh, fine to very fine ........................... ...(Photo ) (369) 825.00 1909 ALASKA-YUKON-PACIFIC: lmperf2c carmine , bottom Pl. blk of 6, No. 5249, n.h. , very fine .... (37 1) 200.00 l l 3 **IBI
l l4 115 116
1910-11 SINGLE LINE WMK: 15c pal e ultramarin e, n.h. , fresh, fine ..................................... .......(Photo) (382) 1913-15 PANAMA-PACIFIC: Perf. 12 Sc blue , blk of 4, n.h. , fresh, fine .........................................(Photo ) (399) Perf. 10 Sc blue , blk of 4, n.h.(2)/o.g.(2), fme to very fine .................................................................... (Photo ) (403)
**IE *IE
350.00 420 .00+ 800.00+
** 118 ** 119 ** 120 ** 121 ** 122 ** 123 ** 124 * 125 ** 126 ** 127 * 128 ** 129 * 130 ** 117
1912-14 SINGLE LINE WMK: Perf. 12 Sc olive green , sheet margin at right , n.h. , enormou s center ed cop y, superb ............. ................................................... ............................................................................ ........(Photo )(414) 9c salmon red , 20c ultramarine , 30c oran ge red , n.h. , 20c streaky gum, fresh, fine ........... (Photo )(4 15,4 19,420) 30c, n.h. , very fine ................................................................................................ ...................................(Photo )(420) 1914 PERF. 10 VERT: 4c brown , n.h. , very frne ............. ....................................................................(Photo )(446) Sc blu e, pair , n.h. , brilliant fresh, fine ............ ............................................................... .........................(Photo )(447) Sc, line pair , n.h. , deep color, fine ........................................................................................ ............... ...(Phot o)(447) 1916-17 UNWATERMARKED PERF . 10: Error Sc carmine , middl e stamp in strip of thr ee, error stamp n.h. , ver y fine ................ ................................................ ....................... ..................................................(Photo )(467) 1917 TYPES OF 1903 ISS UE: $2 d a rk blue , $5 light gr ee n , o.g. and l.h . re spective ly, fres h, fine ...................................................... ................................................................................ ....................(Photo )(479,480) ROT ARY PRESS: 1916-17 Perf. 10 Horiz . 2c carmine , typ e II, line pair , n.h. , fresh, fine ............ (Photo )(487) 1916-22 Perf. 10 Vert. 3c violet , types I and II , line pair s, n.h. , former fine, latter very fine .....(Photo )(493 ,494) 1917-19 PERF. 11: Error Sc ro se, sin gle error in vert. pair with 2c, o.g., fine. Foundatio n Cert. ( 1984) ................................................................................................................................................................. (Photo )(50 5) 1917 DOUBLE LINE WMK., PERF. 11: 2c carmine , n.h. , ver y fine .................. ..................... .......(Photo )(S19) 2c, o.g., very fine .............................................................. .....................................................................(Photo)(S19) 2c, n.h., fresh, fine ....................................................................... .......................................... .................. (Photo )(5 19)
(60.00) 522.50 180.00 175.00 150.00 325.00 800.00+ 575.00 165.00 275 .00 400.00 475.00 325.00 475.00
1918 $2 orange red & black, $5 deep green & black, 1920 $2 carmine & black, o.g., first with trace of thin spot, very frne appearance,others very fine ...............................................................................(Photo )(523,524,547) 1,080.00 $2, part arrow copy, n.h., light crease , fine ................................................................................... .......(Photo)(523) 975.00 $2, o.g., trace of thinnings , fresh, fine ............................................................................. ........................(Photo )(523) 650.00 $2, unused (regummed), fine appearance .................................... ........................................... .................(Photo )(523) 650.00 $5 deep green & black , gr een Pl. No. copy, stamp n.h ., very fine ............................ .......................... (Photo )(524) 350.00 + **831918-20 OFFSET PRINTING: Imperf. 2c carmine rose, type IV, line blk of 4, n.h., enormou s margins, extremely fine ..................................................................................................................................... ...(Photo)(532) 240.00+ 181 1918 Schermach Type III 2c carmine, type VII, cut in, tied by CHICAGO ILL. OCT. 20 1920 slogan cancel on envelope (faults) to New York . .............................. ........................................................ ................ ................ ...(543B) 450 .00 1920 BI-COLOR: $2 carmine & black, corner copy, n.h., fresh, almost very frne ........................... (Photo)(547) 300.00
**83½ c to $1, 16 diff. , additional
131 132 133 134 135 136 137
* *
140 141 142 143 144
25c shade, blks of 4, $1 with Pl. No., n.h. , generally very fine or bett er ..............................................................................................................(Photo) (551-53,SS,56,58,59,61-66,68,70,71) 1,999 .80+ **836c red orange, Pl. blk of 6, recuts two lower stamps, n.h., pencil note on reverse, usual centering, fresh, fine ................................. ............................................................................................................................... .(Photo)(558) 325.00 **83$2 deep blue, arrow blk of 4, n.h., top pair natural gum skip, very fine ........................ ................ ......(Photo)(572) 600.00+ **83$5 carmine & blue, arrow blk of 4, n.h., extremely fine ...................................................................(Photo)(573) 1,040.00+ 0 1923 PERF. llxlO: le green, lightly caned., extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (1992) .................. (Photo)(S78) 140.00 1924 HUGUENOT-WALLOON : Sc dark blue, Pl. blk of 6, n.h., very fine .....................................(Photo)(6 16) 265.00
*IBI2c carmine rose, l.h. in margin, very fine ................................................... ........................................ ............. (630) 146 *IBI2c, l.h. in margin, very fme ..................................... ....................................................................... .................... .. (630) 147 *IBI2c, hinged in margin, very fine ......................................................................................... ..................... .......... .... (630) 148 *IBI2c, l.h., very fine ...... ........................ ........ .................................... ................................................ ............... ........ .. (630)
Same .......................................... ........................................ .......................................................................................... . 149 2c, l.h. in margin, slightly reduced selvage, very fine ................................................ .................... ........ ............. (630) 150 * IBI
400 .00
*llll 15 1 *llll2c, dot over first "S" in "STATES", No. 18773, o.g. in selvage , very fine .............. ............... ..................... .... (630)
400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 425 .00
1929 KANSAS AND NEBRASKA Both sets comp!., genera lly neatly cance lled and selected copies, fine to very fine ..................................... (658-79 ) 348.5 5 153 EE Kansas le to 10c, comp!. set, blks of 4, n.h. except 10c n.h.(2)/1.h.(2), selected blocks, very fine to extremely fine .................. ................ .................................................................................................................. (Photo)(658-68) 1,433.40 154 *EENebraska le to 10c, comp!. set, blks of 4, n.h.(2)/o.g. (2), generally fine to very fine ................ (Photo)(669-79) 1,590.00 155 *EEComp I. set, blks of 4, n.h. to o.g ., mixed centering to very fine . As hinged Scott $ 1333+ .......... .......... ....... (669-79) 156 **EE 1931 ROTARY PRESS: Perf. llxlO ½ llc to S0c, comp!. set, plus extra shades 13c and 25c, blks of 4, n.h., very fine ........... ................................................... ............................ .............................................................. (692 -701) 568.00 157 *EECompl. set, Pl. blks of 4, n.h. incl. 50c or l.h., very fine .............. ..................... .............. ........ ........ ............ (692-701) 491.30 158 1932 WASHINGTON BICENTENNIAL: ½c to 10c, comp!. set, Pl. blks of 4, n.h., fine to very fine ... (704-15) 250.00 + 159 *EE1938 PRESIDENTIAL: Harding $5 carmine & black, Pl. blk of 4, l.h . in selvage , very fine .......... (Photo )(834) 475.00 152 0
**EE 16c green, deep shade , blk of 4 with Pl. No., stamp s n.h. , one gum skip, fine to very fine .......... .......(Photo) (C2) **EE 16c, cent er line blk of 4, n.h. , fresh , fine ...... ...................................................................... ................ ....(Photo )(C2)
425 .00+
24c carmine ro se & blu e, Pl. No . and arrow strip of 6, blu e and red TOP, n.h. excep t left stamp l.h ., fresh , fine ............ ........................... ...............................·.............................. .................... ............. ....................... ...... (Photo )(C3)
850.00 +
**EE 24c, blk of 4, n.h. , fresh, fine to very fine .......................................
600 .00+
............ ........ ........ ......... .................... (P hoto ) (C3)
600.00 164 * IBI 24c , arrow Pl. blk of 12, r ed and blue TOP ,slightl y disturbed o.g., two stamps sma ll thins , reinforced selvage separation, bright colors and well centered, fine ........ .................... ............................ ...........(Photo)(C3) 1,500.00 165 181 24c, SE and perfs in at bottom, tied by clear strike MAY 15 1918 FIRST TRIP dupl ex on envelope (small tear , somewhat dirty ) to New York, receiver on reverse .................................................................................. (Photo) (C3) 750.00 66 1923 SECOND ISSUE: Sc dark green, 16c dark blue, 24c carmine, comp!. set, blks of 4, n.h., fine to very fine .......................................................................................................................................................(Photo)(C4-6 ) 1,390.00 167 16c, blk of 4, n.h., fresh, fine ............................................... ................ .......................... .......................... (Photo)(C5) 600.00 168 24c, blk of 4, n.h., very fine ........ ................. .................... ....................................................... ................. (Photo)(C6) 640.00
I **EE **EE **EE
65c green, $1.30 brown, $2.60 blue, comp!. set, $1.30 Pl. o. copy 1.h., others o.g., very fine to extremely fine ........................... ................................ ............... ..................................................................(Photo)(C13-15) 1,675.00+
Com p!. set, o.g. (hinge remnants ), very fin e ....................................................... .................. (Photo)(Cl3-15)
. :
~· ... ..... •.•
,~~ J T OP
......I ... ..
. ... ... - ... m :m .: m .• ······• ············•···· .•. .. •. .. 8492
· ··········!·············!········· '
171 Comp!. set, o.g., small faults, fine or fine appearance .................................................................(Photo)(Cl3-15) 1,675.00 172 * 83 65c, blk of 4, n.h.(2)/o.g.(2), one o.g. stamp tiny thin, otherwise very fine to extremely fine ........(Photo)(C13) 1,300.00+ 173 * 83
$1.30, blk of 4, n.h.(2)/o.g.(2) , gum bends, one o.g. stamp tiny thin, fine to very fine ............(Photo)(C14) 2,550.00
First Day Covers 174
Comp!. set, fine to very fine , each tied by WASHINGTON , D.C. APR 19 1930 duplex cancel on separate cover (65c on card), appropriately cacheted or backstamped ............................(Photo)(Cl3-15) 4,350.00
Used on Cover
177 181
65c, very fine, tied by clear strike of VARICK ST. STA. N.Y. MAY 31 1930 duplex on picture post card (minor corner creasing) bearing Friedrichshafen (Boden see) pmk and appropriately cacheted ........................(Photo)(C 13)
65c, tied by light strike of LAKEHURST NJ. JUN 2 (1930) duplex on le postal card bearing Friedrichshafen (Bodensee) 6 6 30 pmk and appropriately cacheted ...............................................................................(Photo) (Cl3)
$1.30, very fine, and $2.60, fine, used on 2c entire and tied by strikes of NEW YORK VARICK ST. STA. MAY 7 1930 duplex cancels, FRIEDRICHSHAFEN am Bodensee backstamp and appropriately cacheted, incl. last day usage of special violet double circle mkg ................................................................(Photo)(Cl4,15)
$1.30, very fine, tied by neat strike of VARICK ST. STA. N.Y. APR 29 1930 duplex to picture post card (small tear) bearing green Lakehurst pmk and appropriate cachets ..................................................................(Photo) (Cl4)
$1.30, few toned perfs, well centered, fine, tied by LAKEHURST , N.J. MAY 30, 1930 duplex on cacheted envelope to Germany, Friedrichshafen (Bodensee) backstarnp.................................. ............................(Photo) (C 14)
$2.60, fine, tied by VARICK ST. STA. N.Y. APR 29 1930 duplex on envelope, green Lakehurst backstamp and appropriately cacheted ............................................................................................................................(Photo)(C 15)
C ;, i:' j r.
•if.IL ·:~-c~ L__- ==- 1 17
. ~...... ::;;Ji :_~·-
F rom Ot to Trenk le , treet ' 11 15 , iillow ..:ian Antonio , Texas . 179 U. S . A. . f rom New Y..,rk , Via St amsh1.ph fen Ger:riPny. z~ p l in 11 t o Friee~ic~~r:r - t N J U. S . A. Thence 0
Lakeh urs
, ·
"+ · ,
s ,9 . ~. ~. '
.. 15
181 EE 182
1933 CENTURY OF PROGRESS: 50c green, blk of 4, n.h.(2)/o .g.(2), fine to very fine .................(Photo) (CI8)
**IBI 50c, Pl. blk of 6, n.h., small gum skips and light bend s, selvage tear and separation , fine ................... (Photo) (C I8)
400.00 675 .00
* POSTAGE DUE: 1884 Sc red brown, I.h., "tall copy", extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (1995) (Photo)(J18) 350.00 * and OFFICES IN CHINA: 1919 and 1922 sets compl., $2 on $1 bottom part Imprint copy, o.g., some n.h., 6c 24c small thin, superior centering, generally very fine .................................................... .....(Photo) (Kl-18) 1,800.00 185 **IBI SPECIAL HANDLING: 1925-29 Unwmkd. 10c to 25c, compl., top or bottom PI. blks of 6, n.h., 25c gum 183 184
bubble and narrow selvage, very fine .................................................... .............. ............................................ (QEl -4) CARRIER: 1842-45 Surface Colored Glazed Paper 3c black on blue green, neatly tied by red Despatch cancel on small piece , fine ............................................................ ............ ................................................................... (6LB5)
313.50 140.00
1864 PRIVATE DIE PROPRIETY: Dalley's Horse Salve 2c bright blue, large Die proof on India, reduced to stamp size and affixed on card, brilliant fresh, fine. Scott $750 as normal ............................. (Photo)(RS73TC)
* 189 *
1935 to 1943 $1, five diff. Pl. No. copies, n.h. to o.g., # RW3 tiny spot, fine to very fine ....... {Photo) (RW2-4,7, 10) 1,467.50 1937 $1 Scaup Ducks , n.h. , two barely perceptible tone spots, perfectly centered, very fine. Foundation Cert. ( 1995) .................... ........................................... ..................................... .......................................... ................. (Photo) (RW4) 260.00 16
The John Hoar Jr. Collection The following six autographed prims are individually framed and matted and include an unsigned copy of the original stamp matted underneath.The catalogue values quoted are fr om the Sam Houston Sport in Art 1995 Catalogue.
1936, signed by Richard Bishop to the owner, stamp Pl. No. copy. Est. Cash Value $500-750 .......................... 1,000.00
1938, signed Roland Clark, faded sta mp. Est. Cas h Value $2,000-2,500 ...................................................... 3,800.00
1939, signed Lynn Bogue Hunt , stamp and print few light stain s. Est. Cash Value $5,000-7,500 .............. 10,000.00
1943, signed Walter E. Bohl, few light stain s, stamp Pl. No. copy. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 .............. 1,800.00
194 195
1984 and 1985, both No. 50, signed William Morri s and G. Mobley respectively. Est. Cash Value $200 -300 .... 450.00 1934, Issue Reprint in black , No. 1009 of 2000, bearing original Conserva tion and Hunting sta mps and companion 20c Regular Issue, Est. Cash Value $200 ............................................................................................. 1986 to 1996, compl. in original folders, each No. 20 and with copy of stam p. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 .... 1,960.00
191 17
ST A TES ISSUES Key First of State
New Hampshire 1983, numbered and signed print, matted and framed with 01igina l stamp. Est. Cash Value $300-400 .. Maine 1984 , as above. Est. Cash Value $200-250.............. ........ .............. .................... .............. .................................
198 199
New Jersey 1984 , as above with two stamp s. Est. Cash Value $300-400 .................................................................. . Ala ska 1985 , in original folder with stamp , signed and numb ered (35). Est. Cash Value $300- 40 0 .......................
600 .00 400 .00 700 .00
700 .00 Maine 1985 to 1992 , compl. , each in original folder with stamp , all signed and all numbered 20. Est. Cash Value $600 -900 ........................................ ......... .................................................. ...... ....... ...................... ..................... 1,460.00
The remainder of the State s Issue s; 1985 to 1989 , 19 print s, the vast majority Fir st of State , incl. Georgia , Kentucky , Montana , New York, Vermont, Utah , Wyoming , etc. , each in original folder with stamps, 6 prints numbered 20. Est. Cash Value $2,000-2 ,500 .......................... .............. ........................ ........ over $4,000 CANADA: 1985 to 1990 , 6 prints , eac h in original fo lder with stamp , no medallion, all signed. Est. Cash Value $350-400 ····················································· ·········· ····························································································· ··········· RUSSIA: 1989 , numbered and signed by the artist to the owner , framed and matted with the two different complete sheets, Pl. No. 17942, also signed. Est. Cash Value $250-300 ...... ...... ........................................ ........ .... .
205 206 181 207 181 208
2c ro se, dull o.g. , fresh, fine ...... ....................... ......................... ............. .....................................................(Photo) ( l ) Sc blue , fine , tied by strike of CANAL ZONE CRISTOB AL JUL 13 1904 dupl ex on envelope to New York, rece iver on reverse ............. .................... ................ ......... ............ ................. ............................... ................. (Photo )(2) 10c yellow , fine , tied by clear strike of CANAL ZONE CRISTOB AL JUL 13 1904 duplex on envelope (closed tear) to New York , rece iver on reve rse .............................. ................ .................... ..................................... (Photo )(3) 1904-06 Error 2c rose , inverted ovpt. , o.g., very fine ........................................ ...................... .......... (Photo ) (lOa)
550 .00 240.00 325. 00 250.00
"PANAMA " Reading Up at Left , Down at Right 209 * llll 2 10 0 2 11
Sc blue , antique " CANAL " and " ZONE " (pos. 1 and 9 re spectivel y) in blk of 9 with normal s, o.g., fine to very fine ............................... .............. ............................ ......................... ............................................. (Photo )( l 2,a, b)
206.00 + Sc blue, "PAN AMA " inverted , bar at bottom , lightly caned. , perf faults , but a collectible copy of this rarity ........................... ........................................ ........................ .................. ...................... .............................. (Photo )( l 2e) 1,000.00 10c yellow, spaced "AL " in "CA AL " and left "M" in "Panama " tall and thin , bottom left stamp in part Imprint blk of 4 with normal s, error stamp 1.h., others o.g., fresh , fine. 200 Overprinted ....................(Photo )(l3) 260.00 + Additional Surcharge "8 cts "
2 12
*HJ 8c on S0c bistre brown , spaced
* 2 14 *
2 13
2 15 2 16 E
"AL " in "CANAL " top left stamp , large and small "8" compr. the three diff. types , in Imprint blk of 4, o.g., very fine. 194 Ove,pr inted ............................. ............................(Photo )( l4, var.)
Error 8c on S0c, " CANAL ZONE " in verted and right " PA AM A" 5mm below bar , o.g. , ver y fin e. Ex Johns . Very rare. Only a few possib le with this combination .......................................................... .....(Photo )( 14b)
Surchd. Types "b" and "c" 8c on S0c bistre brown , each "PANAMA " reading down and up, first "A" in left "PANAMA" barely visible , dull o.g ., very fine ...... .................................. ........ ...... ....................... (Photo) ( 18b, 19d) Surchd. Type "c" 8c on S0c bistre brown , antiqu e "CANAL" , dull o.g., very fine.1 90 Overprinted ..(Photo)(19a) "Sets. " carmine surcharge Essay on Colombia 10c orange , dull o.g. , very fine. Rare essay, only fi ve examp les have been recor ded .................... ........... ........... ................ ........................................ .................... ...........(Photo )( 20E )
275 .00+ 200.00
1906 -07 Engraved
*HJ le to 10c, incl. ovpt.
reading up , extra shade of 2c and Sc, blks of 4, 10c and one Sc Imprint blks , n.h. to dull o.g., fres h, fine ................................................................ .................................................................... .............. (2 1-26)
433 .00
Errors , Doubl e Overprint
* * 220 * 2 18
le green & black , o.g., very fine. 300 lss ued .................................................... ............... ...................... (Photo) (22e) 2c red & black, o.g ., very fine. JOOJssued ................. ........ ............. ..... .................. .................. ...... ...... ..(Photo) (23c)
Sc ultramarine & black , unused, very fine. 200 Issued ...................................... .................................. (Photo) (24c)
275 .00
------------:::::;:;oA~ M_::::: '"
.... 206
c .
* * 223 * 224 * 22 1
le, pair imperf between, o.g., left stamp trace of thin, fresh, fine. 50 Known ................. ................. (Photo) (22a) 1,250.00 Sc purple & black, pair imperf between and at left margin , dull o.g .. left stamp corner rejoined, fine appeara nce. 34 Exist ......................... ..................................................................................................... ......................(Photo) (25a) 1,750.00 1909 Ovpt. Reading Down 2c vermilion & black , without ovpt., right stamp in pair with normal , disturbed o.g., fine ............................................................................................................................. .............. .......(Photo)(2 7a) 2,600 .00 1911 Error 10c on 13c gray, "10 cts ." inverted , o.g., small glazed spot on gum, fresh, fine .............. (Photo) (36a) 300.00 225 * IHI 1912-16 Ovptd. Type II 2c vermilion & black , booklet pane of 6 and part pane of 4 in unexploded booklet , n.h., fresh, fine ................ .......................... .......................... .................................... ............................................. (39c) 675 .00+ 2c, ovpt. reading down , sheet mar gin pair, part o.g., fine .................. ................................ ................. (Photo) (39d) 350.00+ 226 2c, inverted center , ovpt. reading down , o.g., tiny thin, fresh , fine .................................................. (Photo) (39e ) 700.00 227 1915-20 Ovptd . Type III le green & black , o.g ., very fine .......................................................................... ...... (46) 228 180.00 le light green & black , doubl e ovpt. , dull o.g ., light crease, frne appearance. 180 Exist ............ ........ (Photo )(46b) 229 300.00 Sc deep blue & black , l.h., very fi ne ............. ........................................................ ................................... (Photo )(48) 230 550 .00 1918-20 Ovptd . Type IV set of three , o.g., very fine .................. .............. ................ ............ ............ (Photo) (52-54) 23 1 347.50 le green & black, ovpt. reading down , large part o.g. , fresh, fine .................................................................... (52a) 232 175.00 1920-21 Ovptd. Type V le green & black, ovpt. reading down, sheet margin pair, o.g., fresh , fine ..(Photo )(55a) 233 500 .00+ 222
* * * * * * * 234 * 235 * 236 * 237 *
2c orange vermilion & black , double ovpt., slightly disturb ed o.g., very fine. JOO Exist ................... (Photo) (56a) Sc deep blue & black, o.g., very fine ....................................................................................................... (Photo) (57) 1920 50c orange , lb dark violet & black , o.g., forme r tiny glazed spot on gum, latter horiz. gum skips, fine to very fine .......... ................... ............. ................... ................. .................................. ................................(Photo) (58,59) 19212c carmine , Sc blue, 10c violet, ovpt. reading down , dull o.g., 2c sma ll stain, fine ........ ................ (6 la-63 a)
575 .00 325.00 425.00 385.00
238 * IHI 2c carmine , large five point star Pl. blk of 6, l.h., negligible gum wrinkle, very fine. Rare plate block .............. ......... ................ ............................. .......................... ........... ............................. ...................... (Photo)(84) 1,600.00 239
1925-28 Letters "A" with Sharp Pointed Tops Sc dark blue, "ZONE CANAL", sheet margin copy, glazed spot on gum, fresh. Very scarce, only 90 Ove1printed .......................................................................... (Photo )( 86e)
17c black , "ZONE CANAL ", o.g. (hinge remnant) , fine. 270 Overprinted ................ .......................... ............ (9 1c) 241 ** IHI1933 Rotar y Press 3c deep violet, two handmade panes of 6 in unexploded booklet, stamps stapled upside down in booklet, n.h., fresh , fi ne. Rare .............. .................................. ............................ ...... .............. ............ ( l 15c) 242 ** EEAir Post; 1929-31 lSc on le yellow green, type II, blk of 4, n.h., fine to very fine ............ ................. (Photo )(C2) 243 EE
325.00 200 .00 550.00 + 4 50 .00+
Air Post Official s; 1941 "PANAMA CANAL" 17mm Long Sc yellow green, 10c orange, 30c rose lake , 40c ye llow , BLOCKS OF FOUR , neat ly precanc elled and o.g ., very fine. Ex Tow s. Rare multiples ............................ ............ ................................. ..................................... ...... (Photo Front Cover)(COS,9 ,11,12) 2,875. 00
244 0 20c red violet , neatly cane d .. very fine ................ ............................. ........ .............. ............................ .............(CO I 0) 245 * EE Postage Due: 1914 Single Line Wmk. le rose carmine , blk of 4, 2mm spacing , o.g. , large separation , fine to very fine ............................. ........................................ ........... .....................................................................(Photo )(J l )
246 * IHI le , deep shade , Imprint and Star Pl. blk of 6, top right sta mp "E" of "ZO E" upright , 3mm spaci ng, disturbed o.g ., light staining most ly on reverse, fine. Scarce .......................................... ............ ..............(Photo) (Jl )
247 0
Official; 1941 50c rose lilac , type IA , neatly ca ned. , very fine ............... ........ ............................. .........(Photo )(O8)
249 DP 250 PP
1861 Thin Bluish Wove Sc blue, fault y, fine appearance , unca nce lled on envelope (edge faults) beari ng red HONOLULU HAWAIIAN -ISLANDS MAR I. double circle SAN FRANCISCO CAL MAR 17 1862 pmk s and large '¡SHIP l 2" hands tamp to Mas sachusetts . Ex Emerson ................................................................................... (9) 1875 2c brown , large Die proof , 63x74mm , die sunk on card, sma ll corner faults, fresh, fine ....... (Photo )(35 P I) 1894 View 2c brown , plate proof on India affixed to card , very fine ....................... .................. .................. (75P2)
850.00 550.00 125.00
Afternoon Session at 1:30
253 0
254 0
Balance of over 80 stamps on stock cards , used, a few o.g. to unused , mostly Bank Notes incl. 90c unused , also perf 15½ and 12 issues, incl. a number of better items, mixed condition, with a few exceptional looking copies. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 ........................................
Balance of a few covers, incl. 2c "Black Jack" grill, Wells Fargo tationery , Patriotic tied by Charleston S.C. 1861 cancel, one Samoa, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $200-300 ..................... 1851 to 1895, balance of about 50 stamps on stock cards , etc., used but for le blue (#24 l.h.), incl. 12c imperf and perf 15½, better "E" and "F'' grills , Bureau issues, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $500-1,000 ....................................................................................................................................... 1867 GRILLED ISSUES: 2c to 90c, selection of 41 stamps on pages and stock card , used , var ious grills and a variety of cancels, incl. a number of better items (some mis-identified by owner), mixed condition, several exceptional looking copies. Worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ··················································································································································
255 0
1869 PICTORIAL ISSUE: le to 90c, compl., selection of well over 80 stam ps on stock sheets, used, varying quantiti es to one 90c, a few pairs, incl. 3c without grill, variety of cancels, incl. red, fancy cork, condition quite mixed as would be expected (some not figured) though many fine or very fine appearance. Scott $11,000+ .......................................................(112-22)
256 * O
BANK NOTE ISSUES: 1870 to 1888, selection of over 100 stamps on stock cards, retail pages, etc., used , some l.h. or o.g., wide range with a number of 90c types and other slightly better items , mixed condition to ver y fine, worth careful inspection. Useful group. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 ...........................................................................................................................
257 * O
1870 to 1883, the study of over 140 sta mps on well annotated pages, n.h. to unused or used, compr. the National Continental and American Bank Note Co. issues, incl. grilled, a few split grill, ribbed paper or double paper, variety of shade s and cancels, blks of 4, values to 30c, also 6 plate proof pair s on India or card, some regumm ed or small faults, but much fine to very fine with a number of spectac ularl y large copies, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 .................................................................................................................
259 * O
Group of 21 covers , incl. multiple or mixed frankings, corner card or advertising, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $100-150 ........................................................................................................... 1890-93 AMERICAN BANK NOTE CO: le to 90c, selection of 22 stamps , l.h. to unused and 12 used, incl. shades, generally well centered, mixed condition to very fine. Scott $2375+ ......(219-29)
260 * O
1893 COLUMBIAN ISSUE: Selection of about 55 sta mp s on stock sheets, l.h. to unused (regummed), varying quantitie s incl. $2 and four 50c values, also over 20 used incl. $4, defective but attractive, mixed condition to several extremely fine. Scott $10,900+ (230-40,42,44)
261 018l Coll. of about 100 items in ring-binder , incl. 10 covers with mixed or multiple frankings, many Columbus and Liberty envelopes, stamps, some modern issues and ephemera, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $100-150 ................................................................................................................................... 262 BUREAU ISSUES: 1894 to 1898, selection of 31 on stock sheet, n.h. to unused (few regummed), values to 15c incl. shades, generally fine to extremely fine with some large copies. Scott $1575 ....................................................................................................................................(betw. 246 and 284) 263 * O 1898 TRANS-MISSISSIPPI ISSUE: le to $2, selection of 31 stam ps on stock sheets , o.g. to unused (regummed) or used, incl. 50 unu sed and used, $1 and $2 used, mixed condition or centering. Scott $3820 ...................................................................................................................................(285-93)
19th and 20th Century 264 * O~ Accum. of many hundred in incl. Columbians and other 20th cent. blks and Pl. blks very fine. Careful inspection
glassines in small carton, n.h. to unu sed, some used, good range Commems, Washington-Franklin, Airs, back-of-book, man y of 4 or 6, varying quantitie s, mixed condition to much fine to essential. 1988 Scott state d by owner to be about $70,000 .........
265 * O
Stock of a few thou sand in number ed glassines in 2 shoe boxes, o.g. to unu sed and used, incl. a number of bett er items with Commem s, Regular Issues, Air s, much back-of-book with some possessions, varying quantitie s and disorgani zed, fault y or mixed condition. Scott 1988 stat ed by owner to be about $27,000 ..............................................................................................
266 * O
Balance of a prop ert y, over 100 stamp s on stock sheets, n.h. to o.g., plus a few used, incl. 1851-57 imp erf with 10c pair and le on same small piece, 12c black, mint portion incl. Columbian s to S0c and oth er bett er Commem s, le , 2c and Lincoln blue paper , Franklin perf 11 S0c and $1, $2 carmine & black , 1922-25 $2 and $5, earl y Air Post and Special Delivery, several blks incl. Registr y, mixed condition to some very fine. Est. Cash Value $2,000
267 * O EB Coll. of a few thou sand in National album , o.g. or used, some modern n.h., incl. Bank Note issues, Columbian s with $2, 20th cent . Commems and Regular Issues, Souvenir sheets, better Airs and extensive back-of-book , incl. Officials, cut square s, Revenues, Savings, possessions with Cuba , Guam incl. Guard Mail, Philippin es, Puerto Rico, some modern blks and Pl. blks, booklet pane s, a numb er of moderat ely bett er items or sets, 1922-25 to $5, Kan sasNebr aska , Pre sidential s, etc., earl y issues fault y or mixed condition , later generall y fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 ........................................................................................
Se lecti on of a lmo st 100 sta mp s in stockbo ok , unu sed (r egummed ), almo st all ar e Columbian s to S0c, Air Post Fir st and Second issues and Centur y of Progre ss, var ying quantities and mixed condition, generally fine to very fine appearanc e. 1988 Scott over $14,000 .......
Selection of over 90 stamp s on stock card s, o.g. to unu sed (regummed ) incl. Columbian s, Tran s-Miss. to $2, wmkd. $2 Mar shall, Air Post First Issue, etc., mixed condition to very fine or very fine app earanc e. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 .......................................................
270 * O EE Stock and accum. of man y hundr ed in glassines and pochett e card s in box, n.h. to unu sed, mostly singles and compl. sets of Commems and Regular Issues, some Pl. blks, Airs and back-of-book , mixed condition to fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,200-1,500 ................... 271 * Oliil Accum. of a few hundr ed in two stockbooks in box, n.h. to unu sed or used, wide range of issues incl. better earl y items, Commem s and Regular Issues, incl. Washington-Franklin , later blks and Pl. blks, Airs, back-of-book incl. Confederat e State s and Possessions, mixed condition (some not figur ed) to fine to very fine, worth car eful inspection. Scott $15,000+ ....
272 * OIIil Balanc e of a prop ert y, several thou sand stamp s in glassines, stock card poch ett e r etail pages, National album and loose in carton , unu sed or used, wide ranging through back-o fbook, incl. blks and PI. blks, sets, var ying quantiti es, incl. slightly better items, also United Nations Tenth Anniversar y imperf Souvenir sheet (3), some n.h. mixed-in , mixed condition to fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-2,000 ........................................................................
Selection of about 75 stamp s in stockbook , generally unu sed (regumm ed), compr . popular Commems with Columbian s and Tr ans-Miss. and Air Post First and Second issues, generally fine to very fine app ear ance. 1988 Scott about $12,000 ...............................................................
274 * O EE Accum. of a few thousand on stock sheets, etc., in glassines and count er book in box, n.h. to unu sed or used, incl. some bett er early items, man y 20th cent. Pl. blks and blks of 4, with 2c reds and Airs, misc. back-of-book , fault y or mixed condition to later very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 ........................................................................................................................... 275 0
Balance of a propert y on album pages, bind ers and loose in box, n.h to unu sed or used, incl. coils. and r emaind ers, with man y compl. sets a nd slightl y bett er item s, Bureau issues, Comm ems incl. Tran s-Miss. to 10c, Pr esidential and Libert y $5, coil s, bookl et pan es, Souvenir sheets, Airs incl. Cl and C2, etc., mixed condition to man y very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 ...........................................................................................................................
Balance of many hundred in glassines strewn in box, n.h. to unused , scattered used, wide range with sets, Airs, back-of-book , Souvenir sheets, blks and Pl. blks, mixed condition to fine. Quite messy, but worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,000+ .............................................
276 *
277 * O
Balance of several hundred on album pages in ring-binder and stockbook in box, used, some unused, compr. coll. remainders and better items randomly placed in stockbook , incl. much 19th cent. with Bank Notes, Commems , Washington-Franklin and Airs, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 .......................................................................................................................................
278 * O rn Balance of a property, several thousand on pages or stock sheets, in glassines and loose in box, n.h. to unused, some used, incl. PI. blks, coils, 2c reds , Washington-Franklin , few Souvenir sheets and proofs, mixed condition and somewhat messy. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ................................ 279 * O IHIColl. of many hundred in American album , n.h. to unused or used, incl. several Bank Notes and Columbi ans, 20th cent. blks and singles with Air s. Souvenir sheets, some back-of-book, incl. Revenues, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $350-450 .............................................................................. 280 * Ot8lBalance of a property, many hundred stamps on pages in album, 2 ring-binders and loose in carton, n.h. to unused or used, wide range of generally common issues, some slightly better incl. Airs and back-of-book with Postage Due, Revenues, Hawaii, some modern postage. precancels selection, etc., also a couple hundred FDCs incl. United Nations, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $300-400 ....... 281 t8l Covers, Postal History and Americana; a small mixed coll., compr. early flown covers, revenue bank drafts, philatelic autographs, seals, ration books, etc., mixed condition. needs sorting. Est. Cash Value $200-300 ............................................................................................................................................ 282 t8l Coll. of over 60 covers in ring-binder , incl. 1869 Picto1ial 3c, Columbians, few Trans-Miss. and early 20th cent. Commems, several local Postmasters' signatures, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $150-250 ······················································································································································ 283 t8l Small balance in a coup le albums and loose in box, incl. stampless and early franked covers, later FDCs and unused stationery, bits of Americana, stamp show labels, tobacco stamps, also colonial embossed revenues on documents, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $ 150-200................................ 284 *
285 *
To 1930s, coll. of many hundred diff. on album pages, o.g. to unused or used , scattered n.h., wide ranging Regular Issue s and Commems, incl. imperf , perf 15½ and 12, grills, 1869 Pictorials to 30c, Bank Note s, Columbians, etc. , 20th cent. with Washington-Franklin , comp!. sets incl. 1922-25, Kansas-Nebraska, Souvenir sheets , Airs incl. First and Second issues, 1930 Zeppelins, full range of back-of-book incl. Postage Due, Officials, cut squares, Revenues with First issues, Offices in China and good selection of Possessions, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $5,000-6,000 .................................................................................... To 1909, selection of 40 stamps on stock sheets , n.h. to o.g., incl. American Bank Note Co., 1902-03 Regular Issue to 13c, 1909 Commems perf and imperf , Providence Provisional Sc reprint, some sma ll faults, mixed centering to very fine. Scott about $2500 ...............................................................
286 * O
1847 to 1976, coll. of many hundred diff. in Specialt y album, n.h. to unused or used, wide range of issues incl. better items throughout, with early imperfs , perf 15½ , perf 12, grills, many Bank Notes and 1869 Pictorials to 90c, Bureau issues, Columbians incl. $4 and TransMiss. $2, other Commems, Washington-Franklin, Souvenir sheets, better back-of-book incl. Special Delivery, Officials, etc., faulty or mixed condition , some very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $3,000-4,000 ......................................................................................
287 * O
1851 to 1975, coll. of several hundred diff. in hingeless National album, n.h. to unused or used , incl. better items with perf 12, few grill s, 1869 Pictorials, Bank Note issues, Columbians , Washington-Franklin, coils, 20th cent. sets and Souvenir sheets, Airs incl. First and Second issues, back-of-book incl. Hunting Permit, mixed condition. Scott 1988 state d by owner to be about $17,000 ..............................................................................................................
288 * O
1857 to 1930s, coll. of several hundred mostly diff. on White Ace pages , used, some o.g. to ungummed, incl. Perf 15½ to 30c, Perf 12 to 90c, 1869 Pictorials to 30c, many Bank Notes incl. three diff. 90c, Bureau issues, Columbians and Trans-Miss. to 50c, later Commems, 1902-03 to $2, Washington-Franklin with coils, a few Souvenir sheets , Air Post First and Second issues, Special Delivery , Postage Due, Parcel Post, etc., mixed condition to some very fine or very fine appearing. Est. Cash Value $1,000+ ..................................................................
289 * ffi
1893 to 1938, stock of several hundred in numbered glassines in cigar box, much n.h., balance l.h. to unused, mostly Commems and Regular Issues incl. blks and PI. blks of 4, some Airs, moderate quantities , some faults though generally fine to very fine. Scott 1988 stated by owner to be over $7000 ............................................................(betw. 232 and 749, Cl and C23) 24
Primarily 20th Century 290 * llil
Stock and accum. of a few thousand in numbered glassines and stockbook in box, much n.h., some 1.h. to unused , incl. Air Post with quantiti es of modern Pl. blks, man y Regular Issue blks and Pl. blks, booklet pane s, stockbook with additional Bank Note and Bureau issues used, also mint Washington-Franklin, coils, etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500-1,800 ...........................................................................................................................
29 1 Ol!il
The used stock of tens of thou sands in numb ered glassines and mounted in 20 ring-binder s in 6 cartons , mostly Commems, also Airs incl. some compl. sheets, #C9 , etc., cut square s, mint and used stationery and other back-of-book , printed free frank s, misc. United Nations , etc., unusuall y well ordered and clean. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 .......................................
292 * OIBl Balance of a propert y in stock files and stock pages, etc., much n.h., balance o.g. to unused , with compl. sheets incl. State Flags, Farley Souvenir sheets in part panes , FIPEX (50 used),
blks and Pl. blks, Air Post Sc and 6c line pair s, etc., mixed condition to very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 .........................................................................
293 * OllilAccum. and balance in album, counter book, glassines and loose in carton , n.h. to unu sed or used,
incl. many blks and Pl. blks, with quantitie s of #610 Pl. blks of 6, other Commems, plus Regular Issues and back-of-book , mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 .........................
294 * O
295 * O
Accum. of a few hundred in glassines in box, randon selection in moderate quantiti es to one of an item, mixed condition to fine to very fine. Scott 1988 stated by owner to be over $11,000 ..........................................................................(betw.10 and 893,Cl and C61,RW2 and RW54)
Balance of a property , several hundred stamp s in carton , n.h. to unused or used, incl. National album and loo e pages with modern issues, Rocket Mail essays, etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $150-200 ........................... ............... .......................... .............. ........... .................................... .. 20th Century
296 ** !Bl Accum. of compl. or part sheets in box, n.h., compr. Sc, 10c, 13c, 15c and several 18c, almost all Commem s, fine to very fine. Face over $2400 .........................................................................
297 * EE Accum. of several hundred in glassines in box, n.h. to unu sed, incl. Loui siana Purcha se
and Pan-American issues to toe in varying quantities, but mostly #700-900 issues, incl. PI. blks, coils, a few Souvenir sheets and Airs, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500-1,800 ......................................................................................................................................
298 ** EE Stock and accum. of severa l thou sand stamps on pages in 3 count er books, glassines and
loose in carton, vast majorit y n.h., some l.h. to unu sed, Pl. blks incl. Army-Navy, man y other Commems and Air Post from #Cll, incl. Century of Progr ess singles, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500-1,800 .............................................................................
299 ** !Bl Accum. of several hundred sheets in 12 sheet files and loose in box, n.h., mixed denominations
with man y Sc and 10c Commems, premium incl. Space Twins, se-tenant issues, Airlift $1, etc., fine to very fine. Face about $1850 ......................................................................(from 928)
300 ** IBI Coll. and accum. of compl. sheets in 3 sheet files in carton , n.h., mixed Commems with
majorit y 4c, Sc and Sc, Regular Issues with values to $1, also Airs and Special Delivery , about 1000 4c Pl. blks, some United Nations sheets and FDCs, plus Challenger $9.35 and commemorative coin FDCs, misc. common used, generally very fine with some premium. Face well over $1500 ........................................................................................................................
30 l ** llil Accum. of a few thousand in glassines and sheet files in box, vast majorit y n.h. , mostly
Army-Navy , Famou s Americans and Overrun Countries, with Pl. and ame blks, compl. and part sheets, etc., generall y fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 ........................
* * II!l Accum. of many
Stock of many hundred in glassines , etc., and ring-binder in box, o.g. to unused , some n.h., incl. many Pl. blks of 4 or 6, Regular Issues, Commems with Farley , multiples, some cross gutter, Airs and back -of-book, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 .......
hundred Pl. blks of 4 or larger in box, n.h., almost all Commems in mixed denominations, many 8c, 10c, 13c and some premium , fine to very fine. Face about $1100 ....
Coll. of many hundred on White Ace pages in box, n.h. or l.h., incl. Pl. blks of 4 or larger, ZIP, etc., Souven ir sheets , coils, booklets, Airs, Postage Due, Officials , Regular Issues to $5, Express Mail, se-tenant and some premium, fine to very fine. Face well over $1000 ...............
*rnl Accum. and balance
**ffiBalance of many hundred
on stock sheets and album pages in ring-binder and stockbook, n.h. to o.g., incl. Washington Bicentennial Pl. blks and singles stock, other slightly better Pl. blks incl. Airs , some back-of-book, mixed condition to fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ......................
in glassines and loose in small carton , n.h to unused , generally common Commems and Regular Issues with a few slightly better, incl. a fair quantity of Liberty series $1 Pl. blks, some Presidentials and Airs, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 .........
of several hundred on album pages, stock sheets, glassines, etc., in box, n.h. to o.g., fair range of material with many Pl. blks, incl. Presidentials, Commems and Air s, some back -of-book and misc. used 19th cent., mixed condition to much very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 .............
* *rnlAccum . of many
hu nd red blks and Pl. blks in glassines and loose in box, vast majority n.h., generally common issues though some slightly better , incl. a few 19th cent. , #538a, 540a blks of 4, 1920s and 30s coils incl. line pairs , Souvenir sheets incl. A.P.S. and Special ptgs , imperf Parks, Air Post , small Pl. blk coll. in album and misc. United Nations, generally very fine. Est. Cash Value $750+ ....................................................................................................................
**rnlStock an d accum. of several hundred
*C81Coll. of hundreds
**rnlSmall ba lance of a property
OC81 Balance
of a property in stockbooks , ring -binders, etc., in 2 cartons , vast majority n.h., some o.g. or used, incl. comp!. or part sheets, Year sets in post office books, coll. balances , Commem panels, Souven ir sheets, Airs, Pl. blks of 4 or larger , Souvenir cards , United Nations , etc., fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $600-800 ................................................................................................................. of several thousand stamps in sheet files, envelopes, etc., in carton, vast majority n.h., wide range of issues incl. comp!. and part sheets, Pl. blks, blks, Airs , etc., some slightly better with 2c reds, 1930s issues, Presidential $1 Pl. blks of 20, Famous Americans , small Pl. blk coll. on pages, etc., varying though moderate quantities and much useful, generally very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ..........................................................................................................................................
items in 2 stockbook s and loose in box, n.h., mostly coil strips incl. line pairs, booklets and booklet panes, with Air Post and some premium items, #C37 (35 line pairs), 1305C, etc., moderate quantities, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $350-450 ...............................
of stamps and covers in about 60 album s or ring-binders in 4 cartons, incl. blks and Pl. blk , Souvenir sheets and cards, Airs, many cacheted FDCs, incl. 1920s and 30s, maximum cards, stationery incl. postal cards, special events and cachets incl. silk, valentines, many topical themes incl. Liberty , American Indi ans, Interpex, Ameripex, Washington Bicentennial, etc., also Unit ed Nations incl. margin inscription blks and covers, some 19th cent. and foreign mixed-in along with ephemera, generally fine to very fine. !deal for retail sale and counte r display. Est. Cash Value $300-400 .
of a property in carton, incl. modern comp!. and part sheets, Pl. blks, etc., n.h., Aeronautics 2c and 5c, part panes, singles in stockbook, Souvenir sheets, some I 920s and 30s issues incl. coils and used, back-of-book, Canal Zone on paper, etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-300 in box, vast maj ority n.h., incl. Souvenir sheets, comp!. and part sheets, Airs incl. Transpacific 50c PI. blk of 20, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $150+ ............
of a property, many thousand stamps in glassines , etc., in 2 cartons , used, wide range of mostly modern issues in varying quantities, also United States and United Nations covers and thousands more world-wide stamps on and off paper, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $ 100-200...........................
**rnl1919 to 1978, coll. of several
1901 to 1967, coll. of several hundred mostly diff. on Minkus pages in ring-binder , n.h. to o.g., with better Commem sets, a few Washington-Franklin incl. coils, $2 and $5 bi-colors , Lincoln blue paper, Souvenir sheets incl. two White Plains, Hamilton $5, better Airs, some faults though much fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500-1,800 ........................................... hundred diff. Pl. blks of 4 or larger on album pages in 5 ringbinders, vast majority n.h., incl. Harding, Huguenot-Walloon, Lexington-Concord, 2c reds, Fa mous Americans (reduced selvage ), Regular Issue s incl. $5 Hamilton, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. cash value $1,000-1,200 ....................................................................................... 26
19th and 20th Century, balance of about 60 items on stock cards, n.h. to unu sed or used , incl. *OEE Columbians, Trans-Miss. , Pan-American, Jamestown Sc, etc. , Pilgrim blk of 4 with Pl. No.,
Olympics Pl. blks of 4, etc., mixed condition to some very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ...............
1925, stock of about 500 stamps in stockbook, n.h. to unused (some regummed ), few *llll 1901,tocompr. Pan-American , Louisiana , Jamestown , 1909 Commems perf and imperf, used Pan-Pacific perf 12, Pilgrim, Harding issues, Huguenot-Walloon, Lexington-Concord , Norse -American, incl. many comp!. sets, blks, arrow blk sets, center line blks, Lincoln blue paper, few blks and Pl. blks of 6, Edison coil, some faults as would be expected, but much very fine. A valuable stock worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $3,000-4,000 ....................
1919, stock and accum. of several hundred items in stockbook , vast majority n.h. , some **llllFrom o.g., incl. blks of 4, Pl. blks of 4 or 6, with Victory , Aeronautics, many 2c reds , Washington
Bicentennial, Ericsson, etc., also Overrun Countries ame blks , fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750+ .................................................................................................................(betw. 537 and 734, etc.) 1919 VICTORY: 3c violet, top left pane of 100, n.h., some separations not affecting Pl. blks, fine to very fine. Scott $1490+ .......................................................................................................................(537)
**l!ll 1925 LEXINGTON-CONCORD: Set comp!., pane s of SO, n.h., 2c and Sc short bottom selvage, 322 **IIll fine to very fine. Scott $2461.50+ ...............................................................................................(617-19) 1926 to 1932 2c reds , accum. of 30 sheets in file, n.h., incl. Aeronautics 2c and Sc, a few dupl. , fine 323 **IIll to very fine. Est. cash value $500-750 ....................................................................(betw. 627 and 717) From 1930s, many hundred Pl. blks of 4 or 6 in glassines in 2 cartons, vast majority n.h., incl. 324 **llll Army-Navy, Virginia Dare through Overrun Countries to modern issues, ZIP blks, post office
Year sets, Souvenir cards, few FDCs, etc., varying quantities and a number of premium items, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ......................................................................... 1932 and 1933, accum. of 28 sheets in file, n.h., mostly 3c Byrd, generally fine to very fine Est. Cash Value $200 ...................................................................................................................... (712,24-27,33,34)
**li:il 326
1935 SPECIAL PRINTING: Stock and accum. of several hundred items in stock book , vast **li:ilmajority n.h., incl. Souvenir sheets, Pl. blks of 6, crossed gutter and center line multiples,
matched sets of arrow blks, many Byrd Pl. blks , perfed National Parks sets, some used , generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 ............................................................
Farley and Park Issues; stock of thousands in sheet files, on pages, stockbook and envelopes in **IIll box, mostly n.h., incl. Souvenir sheets , perf and imperf, sheets, arrow blks , et., extensive but
needs sorting, generally very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ............................................................ Great Seal 16c dark blue , comp!. sheet , compr. four panes of SO, ungummed, generally very fine. Scott $630+ .........................................................................................................................................(77 1) 1968 AIRLIFT: $1 multi-colored, 46 Pl. blks of 4, n.h., incl. several matched sets, generally very fine. Scott $575 .................................................................................................................................( 134 1)
*IIll 329 **EE 330 ** 1976 AMERICAN BICENTENNIAL: Souvenir sheets of five, 34 comp!. sets in envelopes, n.h., incl. 10 envelopes caned. each day of lnterphil, generally very fine. Scott $646 ........................(1686-89)
20th Century, accum. of several hundred Pl. blks in glassines in box, n.h., very few l.h., incl. 1938 **EE Presidentials to $2, later issues incl. a number of Moore $5, also higher "ce nt" denominations ,
ZIP blks, etc., varying quantities , fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ................................ Accum. of a few hundred stamps on stock sheets, etc., n.h. to o.g., some used , incl. WashingtonFranklin with blks and arrow blks of 4, coils incl. line pairs , Offset ptg. with Pl. blks of 6, 1923-29 and 1938 Presidentials with line pair s, few partial Pl. Nos., etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500+ ...................................................................................................................................... 1902-03 REGULAR ISSUE: le to $5, selection of about 80 stamps on stock sheets, o.g. to unused (regummed) or used, few n.h., incl. shades, $2 l.h., faulty though fine appearance, three used $2 and two $5, mixed condition to very fine or very fine appearance. Scott about $5000 ........(300-13)
1908 to 1929 WASHING TON-FRANKLIN ISSUES: Coll. of over 210 items on stock sheets , vast **IIllmajority n.h, incl. imperfs and various wmkd. and unwmkd. , many coils (some doubtful) , with
* 336
pairs and a few line pairs , blks of 4 or 6, Offset and Rotary ptgs , a few regummed or small faults, overall fine to very fine. Nice selection worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ............ 1908 to 1919, selection of over 80 on stock sheets, n.h. to unused (few regummed ), compr. perf 12, 10 and 11 types incl. shades, few pairs and part Imprint copies, some small faults, overall fine to very fine. Scott $2500+ ............................................................................................ (betw. 331 and 518)
* IBI 1916 to 1926, group of 6 items, compr. Sc carmine
errors in multiples with 2c, perf 10 middle stamp in strip of 3, thinned and perfs in at left, perf 11 two double errors in blks of 12 and single error in blk of 6, errors n.h. to slightly disturbed o.g., also two White Plains sheets, one n.h. (weak perfs) , other l.h. in selvage, generally fine to very fine. Scott $4350+ (467,505,630) 27
*OEE 1922 to 1929, coll. and accum. of a few hundred
on stock sheets , n.h. to o.g., incl. 1922-25 Issue compl. with shades and dupl., perf 10 and other Rotary Press ptgs, blks and PI. blks of 4, 3c and 14c PI. blks of 6, Kansas set compl. plus dupl., some used and precancelled incl. Parcel Post, some small faults though overall fine to very fine with man y exceptional copies. Est. Cash Value $1,000+ .................................................................................................................
**llil1975-81 AMERICANA
ISSUE: 16c to $5, compl., sheets of 100, n.h., very fine. Scott $1,579+ .....................·············....... ..............................................................................................................(1599-1612)
*Ollil 1918 to 1972, coll. and accum. of several hundred stamps in sheet file and ring-binder , mostly
n.h., balance o.g. or used, incl. First and Second Issues blks of 4 mint and used, many PI. blks of 4 or 6 with dupl. , incl. Map, Lindbergh with pane of 3 and booklet, Winged Globe issues, Century of Progress regummed singles, Transpacific, Air Special Delivery incl. sheets, Special Delivery PI. blks , etc., some faults but overall fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $2,000 .....................................................................................................................................
Selection of 9 crash covers on stock sheets , mostly 1920s and 30s, variety of flights and post office explanations of events. Est. Cash Value $250-350 ......................................................................................
1922 to 1933, selection of 33 covers on pages and loose, mostly flown covers incl. Round-the-World and other Zeppelin flights, special domestic flights, etc., frankings incl. 1922-23 Regular Issue, First and Second Air Post, variety of commemorations and cachets, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $ 150-250 ............................................................................................................................................
*llil 1926 to about 1973, stock and accum. of several thousand stamps in glassines and sheet file in box, much n.h. , balance I.h. or o.g., many PI. blks and singles, also part panes and sheets incl. C17, 20, 22, 29, 30 and coils, some Regular Issues, Commems and Postage Due mixedin, clean and generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $2,000+ .............................................
**llil1926-27 MAP: 10c dark blue, 15c olive brown , 20c yellow green , pane s of SO, n.h., fine to very fine. Scott $1283.50+ ........................................................................................................................(C7-9) 344 **llil 1927 to 1934, five diff. panes of SO, n.h. , generally fine to very fine. Scott $2417.50+ 343
....................................................................................................................................... (Cl0 ,12,16,17,19) 1933 CENTURY OF PROGRESS: S0c green, group of 15 flown covers, frankings compr. 11 singles, 3 with multiples plus one blk of 4, mixed centering to very fine, appropriately cacheted. AAM Z-2 l 6a-e, 20, a, 2 1b, c, 22, a, b, etc. Scott $ 1690 ...............................................................................................(C 18) S0c, four FDCs , compr. two singles, blk of 4, blk of 4 with Pl. No., mixed centering to fine, all tied by NEW YORK OCT 2 1933 duplex cancels, appropriately cacheted and backstamped, fai.r to fine. Scott $1290 ......................................................................................................................................... (Cl 8) 1935-37 TRANSPACIFIC: Set of three , 25 PI. blks of 6, compr. 6 sets, 25c (4), S0c (3), n.h. but for one S0c, some gum skips or bends , generally fine to very fine. Scott $2050 ......................... (C20-22) Compl. set, bottom panes of 50, n.h., usual gum bends or inclusions, well centered, fine to very fine. Scott $ 1180.60+ ............................................................................................................................ (C20-22) S0c carmine , top left pane of 50, PI. No. 21624, n.h. , separations not affecting Pl. blks, generally very fine. Scott $538+ ................................................................................................................................ (C22) 1939 TRANSATLANTIC : 30c dull blue , top right pan e of 50, PI. o. 22382, n.h. , gum skips, fine to very fine. Scott $605....................................................................................................................... (C24) Similar lot
**[!:j] 348 **[!:j] 349 **llil 350 **[!:j] 347
**EE 1941-44 TRANSPORT: 6c to S0c, compl. stock of about 160 PI. blks of 4, vast majority if not all n.h., incl. some matched corners and about a dozen S0c orange , fine to very fine. Scott $1900+ (C25-3 l) 353 **llil Compl. set, panes of SO, n.h., fine to very fine. Scott $ 1000.55 .................................................(C25-3 l) 354 **!Bl 1941 to 1974, accum. of over 150 sheets in files in box, n.h., moderate quantities and premium items incl. Hawaii 80c, generally very fine. Face over $975 ...............................(betw. C26 and C87) 355 *EE 1952 HAW AIi: 80c bright red violet, 30 Pl. blks of 4, n.h.(23)/l.h. or o.g.(7), incl. several matched sets, generally very fine. Scott $825 ...................................................................................................(C46) 356 **IBI Accum. of several compl. sheets plus part sheets in file folder, n.h. , mostly modern 2 1c to 40c 352
issues, very fine. Face about $575 ...............................................................................................................
1946 to 1978, stock of many hundred in glassines and 2 ring-binders in box, n.h., excellent representations and many matched corner s, plus several hundred more ZIP or Mail Early blks and misc. Special Delivery, generally very fine. Face about $1400
POSTAL STATIO ERY: 1853-55 3c red on buff "THREE" label curved ends, group of about 40 entires and a few fronts , variety of c.d.s. cancels and destinations, mixed condition. E t. Cash Value $150-200 ......................................................................................................................................................
CUT SQUARES: 1853 to 1978, stock of man y hundr ed in numbered glassines and pages in box, unused but for a few, incl. better items, early reprints, variety of Die types, a few color errors, Officials and possessions, compr. Canal Zone, Cuba, Philippines , Puerto Rico, man y full corners throughout and Thorp-Bartel s cro ss-referenced , moderate quantities, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,500 ................................................................... HUNTING PERMIT: 1934 to 1995, issues compl. on album pages, n.h. to o.g., fine to very fine. Scott $5393.50 as n.h ..............................................................................................(RWl-62 )
361 * O l!il U.S. POSSESSIONS: CANAL ZONE; 1904 to 1978, coll. of several hundred items in album, n.h. to o.g. or unused , some used, incl. First Issue Sc or 10c, later blks of 4 or large with antique letters , CANAL or ZONE , "CA" or "AL" spaced , " CANAi " and other broken , missing or invtd. letter s, "PAMANA" etc., 1906 types in blks , diff. ptgs with resultant spacings, ovpts dropped or misplaced , Imprint multiple s, pairs from bottom of rare booklet pane s incl. one cover , cancels and precancels , "A''s flat and pointed tops incl. Pl. blks of 6, Airs and Air Officials, some "0 " over "N" spacing, booklet panes , Postage Due, Post Office Seals incl. #OXS sheet of 32 with wmk, mixed condition to much very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 ...................................................................................................................................... 362
UNITED NATIONS: 1951 to 1979, issues complete on Specialty pages, n.h., incl. 10th Anniversary Souvenir sheet, Geneva and Vienna, generally very fine. Est. Cash Value$ 150 ........................................ Small balance in sheet file, n.h., incl. flag sheets, 1976 Anniversary sheets incl. Geneva, generally very fine. Est. Cash Value $ 100 ...................................................................................................................
~ ~ -;z;
I 9 (,, (.,.
BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AND FOREIGN ALBANIA Handstamp ed on Stamp s of Turk ey 1913 Additional Ovpt. in Ca rmin e l 0pa blu e green , neatly can ed., very fine. Holcomb e Cert. (1995) and signed by him and other s. Mi. Al2 , DM1300, S.G. 12 ..........................................................................(Photo )(2) Hand stamped on 1909 Issue; 2pi blu e black, invert ed hand stamp , neatly caned . on small piece, very fine. Holcomb e Cert. (1995) and signed by him and oth ers. Mi. 8 var ., DM 1800+, S.G. 8 var . Very sc arce .............................................................................................................................................................(Photo )(8 var. )
364 0
365 6
Spi dark violet, o.g., very fine. Holcombe Cert. (1995) and signed by him and oth ers. Mi. 10, DM2700, S.G. 9. 650 Handstamped ......................................... .................................................................................. ...........(Photo )( lO)
uni. 350.00
The f ollowing five lots comprise limited pr esentation cop ies handstamped in sp ecial colors. These were distributed to selected offi cials only and are subsequently quite rare.
Hand stamped in Red Spa ochr e, o.g., very fine. Holcomb e Cer t. (1995) and signed by him and oth ers. Mi. 4 var. , DM900 as normal , S.G. 4 var . .................................................................................................(Photo )(4 var .) Hand stamped in Reddi sh Violet lpi ultr amarin e, inverted hand stamp ri ght stamp in pair with normal , neatly caned. on small piece, very fine. Holcomb e Cert. (1995) and signed by him and oth ers. Mi. 7 var. , DM1500+ as norm al, S.G. 7 var . .....................................................................................................(Photo)(7 var. )
368 6
Handstamp ed and Additi onal Ovpt. in Red 2pi blue black, tied by violet VLO NE canc el on small piece, fine. Holcomb e Cert. (1995) and signed by him and oth ers. Mi . le, unpric ed, S.G. 14b ....(Phot o)(8 var.)
369 6
Handst amp ed in Violet 20pa carmin e rose, o.g., fr esh, fine. Holcombe Cert. (1995) and signed by him and oth ers. Mi. 13 var. , DM1300 as norm al, S.G. 13 var ... ................................................................(Photo)(14 var. )
-37 1
372 0
/f> -
374 S 375
I 3tJ ,
376 0
Hand stamp ed in Red lOpa on 20pa carmin e rose, o.g., fr esh, fine. Holcomb e Cert. (1995) and signed by him and others. Mi. 16 var. , DM2500 as normal , S.G. 11 var . ....................(Photo Front Cover )(19 var. )
Valona; 1914 Pro visionals Spa to S0q, 9 diff., each tied by violet bi-lingual JO OCT. 1914 pmk on small piece, fine to very fine. Holcombe Cert. (1995) and signed by him and others. Rare ........................(Photo)(Mi . 1-6,9-1 1) DM690 ANTIG UA: 1921·29 Mutt. Crown CA George V £3 violet & black on red, n.h. , very fine. S.G.. 61, £ 170+ ...................................................................................................................................................................(Photo)(64) 190.00+ AUSTRALIA: 1963•65 7sh6p olive green, lOsh deep clar et, £1 purpl e, £2 bro wn black, compl. set, ovptd. SPECIMEN, 1.h . or o.g., very fine. S.G. £450 ................................................................................(Photo)(376-79S) Postage Due; 1931•37 Wmkd . Small Crown and C of A Multiple 6p yellow green & rose, o.g., fresh, fine. S.G. D 110, £275 .......................................................................................................................................(Photo)(J62) 6p, lightly caned., fine. S.G. £250 ...........................................................................................................(Photo)(J62)
uni. 300.00 300.00
1910Birthd ay Jubil ee set compl. , most 1.h. incl. 10k, few o.g., fres h, very fine. DM1250 .~ Ph oto)(128•44) 377 *2:Zt> 1936 Dollfuss 10s dark blue, lightly caned., extr emely fine. DM2000 ...............~ ......................(Photo )(380) 378 0
365.50 675.00
l¼:'Semi•Posta ls 1931 Rotar y set compl. , n.h. , 20g negligible offset on reverse, extr emely fine. DM950 .......~...(Ph oto)(B87•92) 1933 Ski Federation set compl., Lightly caned., very fine. DM625 .........................~ ·..............(Photo)(B106-09) '70· . e, l.h., extremely flme. DM350 .................................................... (Photo)(Bll0 ) 1933 WIPA 50g deep ultr amarin
340.00 172.25 125.00
** 38 1 *
379 380 0
382 * llil
1946 Renner Souvenir sheets of eight, compl. set, n.h. or o.g., usual inclusions, very fine to extr emely fine .....................................................................................................................(Photo Back Cover)(B185•88) 1,800.00+
383 Ollil
Compl. set, can celled "WIEN 107 lb 7x46" , n.h . and very fine. DM9500 .(Photo Back Cover )(8185•88 ) 3,600.00
384 385
* *
.'.............................(Photo)(J45,46) 205.00 Postage Due; 1911 Sk and 10k violet, o.g., fresh, fme. DM480 ............../~ BELGIUM: 1875•78 Perf 15 Sfr deep red br own, o.g., pin•point th in, perfectly cent ered and brilli ant fr esh, .(Photo )(39) 1,000.00 ................... ..................... fine. Signed Senf. DM3000 ...............................................................-x,</{J: 30
* 387 ** 386
1910-25 Mutt. Crown CA 4sh carmine & black , broken crown and scroll (pos. 24), o.g., brilliant fresh, fine ...................................................................... ............................................... ./3,t)............................(Photo) (SG52bb) 1922-24 Script 2sh purple & blue on grayish blue, break in scroll (pos. 12), Control corner copy, stamp n.h ., very fine .......................................................................................................... (Photo)(SG88ca)
;o_r.: .......... ......... .....
2sh6p black & bright orange vermilion on deep bluish , break in top right scroll, Pos. 9, very l.h., extremely fine. Royal Cert. (1996). Very rare ....................//:Jot) ·,.........(Photo Front Cover )(SG89f var.) I
1.20, 12sh6p gray & orange, o.g., very fine ................................................................................................ (Photo)(SO93)
1938-53 George VI, Perforated 14 or 13, Script Watermark 2sh deep purple & ultramarine on gray bluish, November 1937 and October 1940 ptgs. , n.h. , plus Oct. 1940 reprinting, bottom sheet copy, l.h., extremely fine ......................................../.2o..,.. .......... ............ ........(SG116) 2sh deep purple & ultramarine on gray bluish, line perf 14¼, May 1941 ptg. , corner sheet margin copy, n.h., very fine ............................................................................................/"JO... '............................ (Photo) (SG 116b) **EE 2sh purple & blue on deep bluish, 2sh purple & deep blue on bluish , six diff. ptgs., 2sh dull purple & blue on pale bluish, 2sh reddish purple & blue on pale bluish, two diff. ptgs., incl. 4 corner copies, plus S.G. 116c and f sheet margin blks of 4, stamps n.h., very fine to extremely fine ....................................................... (SG l l 6c,d,e,f) **EE 2sh6p black & red on gray bluish , two diff. ptgs. , 2sh6p black & red on pale bluish , four diff. ptgs. and December 1946 reprinting, Perf 13, 2sh6p black & orange red on pale bluish , two diff. ptg s., 2sh6p black & red on pale bluish, single and margin blk of 4, n.h., very fine to extremely fme ..............................(SG 117,b,c,d) **EE 2sh6p black & red , 2sh6p black & orange red (two slightly diff. shades ), 2sh6p black & red , all on bluish ordinary paper, blks of 4, n.h., very fine to extremely fine ................................................................. (SG I I 7b,c,d) **EE Ssh green & red on yellowish, Ssh pale bluish green & carmine red on pale yellowish, Ssh green & red on pale yellowish, three diff. ptgs., Ssh yellow green & red on pale yellowish, Ssh green & scarlet on yellowish, two diff. ptgs. , n.h., very fine to extremely fine .................................................................................(SG 118,d,e,f,g) Ssh pale green & red on yellowish, Januar y 1939 ptg., very 1.h. if at all, extremely fine (~:.( Photo)(SG118a) Ssh dull yellow green & red on yellowish, line perf 14¼, May ~941 ptg., corner copy, stamp n.h., slight tropical gum, very fine .............................................................................//.0.,.......... ................................. (Photo)(SG 118b) Ssh dull yellow green & carmine red on pale yellowish, November 1941 ptg., n.h. , extremely fine. Very rare printing ....... .......... ........................ .......... ............................. ..... ...... .. ./(O..~ ...................................... (Photo)(SG118c) **EE Ssh green & red on pale yellow, top sheet margin blk of 4, n.h., brilliant fresh, very fme ...~/~: ......... (SGI 18e)
* 391 ** 390
394 395
* ** 398 ** 396 397
** !2:!!::;i!~~~:. ..1~~~ ..~.~ ..~~l~ ..e~ ·~·~·a·l·~'. ..~.~.v.e.n::~~~..l.~~7J~a..~~~.~~~.~~~.~.'..~.t~~.~ ..~:~h:~:;1s~1~;), 401 ** lOsh bluish green & deep red on greenish, January 1939 ptg., corner copy, n.h., extremely fine (Photo) (SG119a) 400
402 403
404 405 406
£250 £160+
£2750+ £275
£330+ £300+
£356+ £292+
£452+ £250 £200+ £250+ £192+ £450+ £200+
** l0sh yellow green & carmine on greenish, line perf 14¼ September 1941 ptg., n.h., extremely fine ..................................... ...................... ...................................... .2,2!'.?...~ ..........................................(Photo)(SG 119b) **EE lOsh yellowish green & deep carmine red on greenish , March 1943 and November 1944 ptgs. , lOsh deep
* **
£399+ £160 £160+
** 408 ** 407
* 410 ** 409
green & dull red on greenish, emerald back, December 1946 ptg. , lOsh green & vermilion on greenish , June 1951 ptg., lOsh green & dull red on greenish , Januar y 1953 ptg. , corner copy and corner blk of 4, very fine to extremely fine .......................................................................................~ ...................................(SG 119c,d,e,f) 12sh6p gray & brownish orange , Jul y 1938 ptg. , very I.h. if at all, extremely fine ..~ .........(Photo)(SG120a) 12sh6p, slightly lighter shades , July 1939 ptg. , sheet margin copy, n.h., very fine .... (Photo )(SG120a) 12sh6p gray & pale orange , October 1940 ptg., same on ordinary paper, March 1943, December 1946 and June 1948 ptgs., Perf. 13 chalk Surfaced , August 1950, June 1951 and September 1952 ptgs. , incl. margin or corner copies, n.h., very fine to extremely fine ...................................................,./. ........................(SG120b,c,e)
Multiple Crown CA Watermark /YJJ lv- · £1 purple & black on red, November 1937 ptg., corner copy, stamp n.h., extremel y fine .......(Photo)(SG121) £1 pale purple & black , £1 deep reddish purple & black , both on pale red, £1 violet & black on scarlet, perf 13, March 1943, December 1946 and April 1952 ptgs. , corner copies, stamps n.h., first slight bend , fine, others extremely fine ...............................................................,L. ......................... ............... (Photo)(SG121a,b,c) £1 pale purple & black and £1 deep reddish purple & black , both on pale red , July 1941 and June 1945 ptgs., very l.h. ifat all, very fine ................................................../. ....................................................... (SG12l a,b) £1 bright violet & black on scarlet, October 1952 ptg., corner copy, n.h., very fine .../. ......(Photo) (SG l2ld )
£198+ £150 £160+
~9.~~ .. ~~~~~.~~~ .. ~.~ .. $~..~~.l.~i~.c~~.~.~~~•..~~~·b·l~.~~~c.~~~~e:..~~~~~~..~~:.~'...~Jt~~.~r~~~'.~ ..~i~~: ..~. ·.?...~Ji uni. 9;~O~ Postal Fiscal; 1937 Inscribed "REVENUE" on Both Sides George V 12sh6p gra y & orange, l.h., vivid colors and brilliant fresh , extremely fine ................................................................... ........ .......... .. (Photo)(SGFl) 1
... e.
CANADA 4 13 0
1857 Imperf ½ prose , margins all round , large at sides, lightly caned., fine. S.G. 17, £375 ./~ .'.....(Photo )(8) 425.00 7½ p green , large margin s three side s, in slightly at top, lightl y cane d., fine appeara nce. S.G. 12, £1500 ................................. ............................... ............................... ..........................,<20..\........... .................. (Photo) (9) 1,750.00 1858-59 Perf.12 3p red , "2" in four-ring cancel, bandstamps on reverse, fresh, fine. S.G. 26, £300 ....(Photo) (J2) 375.oo..JJO . 1897 Jubilee $5 olive green, o.g., trace of gum toning, fine. S.G. £800 ................ ......3.:-@..~ ...............(Photo) (65) 950.00 1939 Royal Visit le green & black , three large Die proofs on India, approx. 96x88mm , die sunk on card , compr. vignette , frame and finished product, small faults not affecting design, fine ............~ ............(246DP)
414 0 415 0 416
4 17 DP
419 420
1855-58 White Paper 6p s late lilac , o.g., full to large margin s, extremely fine. S.G. 7, £4250 ··········································· ···························· ··························r ···························(Photo Front Cover )(Sa) 3,500.00 l sh bright yellow green, o.g., large margins all round, negligible crease, brilliant color , very fine. S.G. 8, £2500 .................... .................................................... ..................................................~ ................................(Photo) (6) 1,500.00 1861 Wood Block 4p blue , full even margins, lightened red cancel, tiny corner crease, very fine appearance .................................................... ............... .....................................................;l./O...,..................................(Photo)(9 ) 1,400.00 1863-64 De La Rue ptg. lsh bright emerald green , o.g., full to huge margins, tiny gum stain visible on front, very fine. S.G. 21, £350 ....................................................................................... (Photo )(15) 250.00 1900 Issued in Mafeking; Goodyear lp deep blue on blui sh, neatly caned., very fine. Signed Blihler. S.G. £275 ......................................................................... ....................................................... /EIJ ··•······················(Photo) ( l78 ) 200.00 Baden-Powell 3p blue on blui sh, 18½mm wide , neat AP 14 cancel, very fine. S.G. £350 (Photo) ( 179) 250.00
421 0 422
1853 4p blue , deeply blued paper , 1863-64 6p purple, margins all round, former cleaned cancel, latter part o.g., small faults, fine appearance ...................................... .........................!6!:;i:-.! ...........................................(2a, 14)
_zs:: .............................
423 0
.~ .c.'.:...
424 0
CEYLON 1857-59 White Paper Imperf. 2p deep green, o.g., margins all round, large two sides, fresh, very fine. S.G. 3, £ 150 ....~ ......(Photo) (4) !flt?, 4p dull rose mock-up , very fine appearance ............................................................... ............................... (Photo) (5)
* 426 * 427 * 425
6p plum , unused , margins clear to large , fine. S.G. 6, £1800 ...................~..................................... (Photo )( 6A) 1,500.00 6p brown , neatly caned., margins all round, very fine. S.G. 6a, £400 ........ ./(~ ................. .............(Photo )(7) 250.00 Sp brown, cleaned cancels, rebacked and scissors cut, beautiful color and sharp impression , very fine unu sed appearance. S.G. 7 .................................... ................................~ ............. ................................(Photo )(8) lOp vermilion, part o.g., large margins all round, very fine. S.G. 9, £800 ............~..............................(Photo )( 10) 850.00
428 0 429 0
* * 432 * 430
/80 · 2sh blue , unused, repaired, very fine appearance ............................................. ........................................ (Photo) ( l3 ) 5,500.00 1857-58 Typographed ½ p lilac, full o.g., large even margins , extremely fine. S.G. 17, £160 ?.--::f.• ..(Photo )( l4 ) 100.00
43 1
CHINA 1878 Thin Paper le green, neat blue chop, very fme .........................L
433 0
* * 436 * 437 * 438 * 434
443 0
710.00 400 .00
~:?P. ..'...................... ....
PEOPLE ' S REPUBLIC: NORTHWEST CHINA; 1945 Rouletted $1 green, $5 dark blue , $10 rose red , comp!. set, ungummed, mixed centering as usual, fine ................................... .}&,.C? ..~ ....................(Photo )(4Lla-3)
44 1 0
1897 Revenue Stamp s Surchd. , four diff. , o.g. (hinge remnants), fine to very fine .... (Photo) (78- 80,82) le on 3c, 2c on 3c, 4c on 3c red , surchd. types "a" , ''b", "e" , o.g. (hinge ~ mn c3nt), first two small thin, fine or fine appearance ............. .......................... .............. ................................................. /. ....:...............................(78,79,82) $1 on 3c, red type "g", o.g. (hinge remnant ), fine ................... ....................... (Photo)(84)
............... ......... ................ ........ (Photo) (l) ...........(Photo)(75-77)
1897 Perf 11½ -12 Surchd. set of three , o.g. (hinge remnants ), fine to very fine .......L
CHINA; Parcel Post, 1950 Surchd. set of four , blk s of 4, ungummed, $5 one stamp pulled corner perf , others very fine ............................................. /,". .................................... .................. (Photo )(SLQ23-26) 1,560.00+
~~ ..~.~·r·~·~·'.··~~ ~~..~.~~~. ~ ~.~~~..~.f ..~~~.~.'..~~.~.e~.L ~~."...b.'.~.s..~:..~'...~.n.~~.~~ .~.~.(t~~:o;(S~Qi7!~~) ~~~~ri::,.!~!f s ~~:t~'.~~ ·a·I·.~~~. ~~ .~~~~.".'..~~~~. ~.~~~~~--L.. h.a~~~t~~p ..°. ~.~~~~~~.~'.. ~~~. -1.°. tt1~~~· ~~·~·~·h·~: ..
.~~ a;:::)
.~~~~ .~~ .'..~~~~.~.~~~~r·~ ·~
1,008.80+ 262.50
·~2·~·~~.~s.~ '..~o/J.t. -<~ ~.l:~:'..'.. n~l:.~s.~,..°.~.~:~:'..:.r~.~~'..~~~~~o)~i2~ ~~·
3 19.50
FIJI: 1912-23 Mult. Crown CA George V £1 violet & black on red, Die I, neatly caned., very fine. S.G. 137, £275 ············································································ ·······························/f(} ··..········································ ·····<Photo) (91)
FRANCE 444 445
* 447 ** 448 ** 446
1923 Bordeaux lfr claret & olive green, very l.h., extremely fine. DM1200 ................................... (Photo) (197)
~.~.2.~...~~~..~.a.~.~~~~'...~.'~ ..~.~..~..f.~~~..~~~.~.e~i·r··s·h·e·et·,·.~~~t..~~.5.-.2.~..~~~i·b·~~i~L.~~.'
260.00+ 550 .00
1929-33 Engraved 20fr red brown, Die I, n.h., extremely fine. DMll00
6-P.P..'. ................... (Photo)(253)
Semi-Postal; 1918 Red Cross 15c+5c slate & red, n.h., very fine. 1955 Ceres FF rs 1800 ...
450 0
~~~.r~~~~~ ..~t~o?o~~i~~)
1927 Strasbourg Souvenir sheet of two, plus label, o.g. , neat exhibition cancel in selvage, slightly reduced and small faults not affec ting stamp s, very fine appeara nce ....................................... 29.'e. :.................... .(Photo)(241)
~i;:~~~: se ~:~~!~~; .~9.~~ ..~.~~ ..~.~ . ~~ 2 ~..
~~~~ ~~~ ..
7.f:.... (Photo)(B 11)
(] 00 .00+)
(~:/i~)' 170.00+
..~~~.~'.:'. ..b.'.~~ ..
GERMAN STATES: BADEN; 1862-65 Perf 10 30kr orange, neatly caned., very Lig ht creas ing, rich co lor, very fine appearance. Mi. 22b , DM3300 ....................................... ........ .................... .................... ....................(Photo) (25) 1,250.00 GERMANY
451 0
1872 Eagle With Small Shield 18kr bistre, neatly caned. , trace of thin, fine . Signed A. Diena. Mi . 11, DMl 100 (Photo)(l I) 275.00 Eagle With Large Shield 18kr bistre, neat c.d.s. ca ncel, small co rner crease , fine appeara nce. Mi. 28 , DM5600 .............. ................................................................................................... /.'. ................................. ..........(Photo)(26) 1,500.00 1948 Band Ovpt. 2pf to 84pf, compl. except #587C , n.h., 40pf disturbed 0 um, various handstamp s on reverse and/or signed Herbert Bloch. Scott $475 as complete set.. ........ ................ (Photo )(585A-87B ,88-93) 700.00:z.Sb , Carpet Ovpt. 2pf to 84pf, comp!. set, n.h., some disturbed gum. fine to very fine. Signed SB ..(Photo) (593A-99)
............. ..................................................................... ..................;t,r............... ............. .................... .......
452 0
** 454 ** 455 * 456 * 453
~-?.?. ..·......................... (Photo)(670-85)
1951-52 Post Horn set compl., o.g., fine to very fine. DM2000 ............... Comp!. set, o.g., fine to very fine ..................................................
?.~'? ..'......... .......... ..... ............... .(Photo) (670-85)
~.e..~............................ .......
**m50pf blue gray, margin blk of 4, n.h., fine to very fine . DMI 800 ........ . (Photo) (681) l/-7.5· **m60pf brown, single and two blks of 4, n.h., very fine. DM3240 ............................................ ............(Photo)(682) **m1952 Schurz 20pf blue, black & brown orange, 7 copies incl. corner blk of 4, n.h., fine to very fine. DM455
457 458
............................................. ........................... ..................................... .b.---:fi.. ~................ ...................... ................(691) . DM I 050 .......... ................................... /30 ............ , .......................... (Photo )(7 12-21) 30pf to 3m, com pl., n.h., very frne. Semi-Postal s
461 462
(200.00 +)
(360.00+) 168.00
1930 IPOSTA Souvenir sheet of four, l.h. in selvage , tiny tear, very fine appearance. DM900 .... :..~ ....: ..... (B33) 1935 OSTROPA Souvenir sheet of four, neatly caned., very fine. DM I 800 ........... (Photo) (B6 8)
~.S..~ ...'..............
658.96 658.96
350 .00 475.00
Air Post
* :i.; 1931 Polar Flight set compl., bottom sheet margin copies , slightly disturbed o.g., fine. DM 1650 .(Photo) (C40-42 ) 464 *)J,O !933 Chicago Flight set comp!., o.g ., Im and 2m slightly disturbed gum, fresh , fine. DM 1500 ...(Photo) (C43 -45) 463
2 0,,..
527 .50 415.00
.............•................. . . ..
. .. .....
.. .
1927 .
. . ·--~~······~·-················
--. 462
. .•..•..•••••••..•.•.•....•........ ......... .. ...
•.••••..•....••••..•....•.......•. ..•.....• .
Used on Cover 465
466 467
1930 South America Flight 4m black brown, single and vert. pair, fine, tied by strik es of double circle FRIEDRICHSHAFEN (Bodensee) 18.5.30. prnks (simi lar 6.Vl.30 backstamp ) on envelope bearing appropriate red and violet (also tying one stamp ) cachets. DM2800 ......................................................................... (Photo) (C39)
4m, very fine, tied by double circle FRIEDRICHSHAFEN (Bodensee) 18.5.30 prnk on cacheted envelope, transits and Rio de Janeiro receiver on reverse. DM 1000..................... ............................ ..................................(Phot o) (C39)
225 .00+
1931 Polar Flight 2m ultramarine, fine, 4m black brown, mall corner crease, fine appearance, former on picture postcard, each tied by clear strike of double circle FRIEDRICHSHAFEN (Bodensee) 24.7.31. prnk (latter light corner mount marks) and bearing appropriate cachets, to New York. DM2700 ...............................(Photo)(C4 I ,42)
46 8
4m black brown, fine, tied by double circle FRIEDRICHSHAFEN (Bodensee) 24.7.3 1. prnk on envelope (very mall tear) bearing appropriate cachets and rnkgs incl. PARA VION ZEPPELIN LENINGRAD 25 VII 31 and Berlin backstamp . DM2000 .................................................................................................................... (Photo)(C42)
450.00 +
4m, fine, tied by neat strike of double circle LUFTSCHIFF GRAFZEPPELIN 25 7 193 1 prnk on envelope beari ng BRISE-GL ACE '·MAL YGUIN" ARCTIQUE 27 VII 3 1 rnkg and very light carmine cachet. DM2000 ................... ........................................................................................ .....................................................(Photo)(C42)
450 .00+
1933 Chicago Flight l m carmine, 2m ultramarine used with Spf postage, fine to very fine, tied by neat trikes of double circle FRIEDRICHS HAFEN (Bodensee) 14.10.33. prnks on cacheted Regis. envelope, Chicago receiver on reverse. DM1450 .................................................................................................................... ......(Ph oto) (C43,44)
340 .00+
Im , used with Eag le S0pf, fine, tied by clear strike of double circle LUFTSCHIFF GRAF ZEPPELIN 25.10.33. on cacheted envelope, Chicago receiver on reverse. DMIO00 ............................................................... (Ph oto) (C43)
225 .00+
472 181
4m, very fine, tied by neat strike of double circle FREIDRICHSHAFEN (Bodensee) 14.10.33. on cacheted envelope, green rnkgs and New York receiver on reverse. DMJ5 00 .....................................................................(Photo)(C45)
4m black brown, fine, used with additional postage and tied strikes of double circle BERLIN 14. 10.33. on Regis. e nve lope (s li g htl y re du ce d , li gh t ed ge to ni ng) bea rin g a pp ro pri a te cac he ts in c l. re d BE R LINFRIEDRICHSHAFEN and on reverse green (BODENSEE ) and Gorlitz receiver. DM1400 ................ (Phot o) (C45)
Glider Mail; 1922-23 lOpf on Sm red orange & yellow, invtd. surch., tete-beche pair with normal, used with additional franking and tied by neat strikes of "Segel-Fliige am Biichelberg. MUHLHAUSEN 20.4.25" and blue "Flugsport-Club" pmks on Regis. envelope (opened and slightly reduced at side) bearing red boxed cachet and backstamped Pforzheim. Mi. 13d var. Purportedly only one other tete-beche pair exists on cover ................................................................................... .....................................................................(Photo)(C l l var.)
475 0
BADEN : Semi-Posta ls; 1949 Arms set of four, light mage nta commemora tive cance ls, very fin e. DM900 ........................................................................ .................. ............................................................................. (5NB1-4 )
476 O E!l Imperf Souvenir sheet of four, neat magenta 1(?). 9. 49. cancel, very fine. DM3000 .......(Photo) (SNB4a) 1,400.00 477 OE!l Souvenir sheet of four, neatly caned., few inclusions, very fine .............................. .............(Photo)(SNB4a) 1,400.00
3, 50
3 , 50
465 c,P.A."'-
P:nc::::nr c ,3EA ..7::::N,
..-aw... ,au.....,i.:.u._,.,._ ._ C,
1 .
I Cl...
-,;(:(if C
:Y u (!: C p.
. &;-;:rf2t2J~~~~
· rrola:~J;x
;tasf Eis ~o( «r g-ef, ·ef
c:f'fr; f ret$er ;fi'al~fqin: 468
// 9 3 1
iedrich Laitanbergar orlitz /Deutschland Landes kro nstr.22
478 O EB RHINE PALATINATE: Semi-Postals; 1949 Arms imperf Souvenir sheet of four , neatly caned. , very fine. DM3000 ............................................................................................................................(Photo)(6NB6a) 1,400.00 479 0
WURTTEMBERG: Semi-Postals; 1949 Arms set of four, lightly caned., very fine. DM2000 .(Photo) (8NB 1-4)
480 O EB Imperf Souvenir sheet of four, neatly caned. , small thin spot , fine. DM3800 ...........................(Photo)(8NB4a) 1,250.00
311~48 Black Berlin 3m copper red, Sm dark blue, lightly caned., fine. DM4100 .....................(Photo)(9N19,20)
OJ,-l/0 .:i.948-49Red BERLIN Im olive, 2m dark brown violet, neatly caned., very fine. DM2200 .....(Photo)(9N33,34)
481 0 482
Semi-Postals 1949 Currenc y Victims Issue
483 6
Comp!. set on same small piece, each neatly tied by clear First Day cancel, very fine. DMl400+ (Photo) (9NB 1-3)
Souvenir sheet of three, l.h. in margin, very fine .............................................................................(Photo) (9NB3a)
Souvenir sheet, o.g., very fine ..........................................................................................................(Photo) (9NB3a)
Same, o.g. in selvage, tiny corner crease, few inclusions, stamps well centered, fresh, very fine ....(Photo) (9NB3a)
* * 486 * 485
487 0
Souvenir sheet, neatly caned. , negligible selvage crease , very fine. DM7000 .....................(Photo)(9NB3a) 2,200.00
488 181
Souvenir sheet, fine, caned. by double circle BERLIN 30.10.50 pmks and tied by New York receiver on reverse of Regis. cacheted envelope bearing two sets of Berlin Philharmonic issue, fine to very fine. DM9660+ ........................... ............................................................................(Photo Back Cover)(9NB3a,4,5) 2,200.00+
1953 Church set of four, very fine , tied by neat strikes of 9.8.53 First Day cancels on unaddressed cover. DMJ200 ............................................................................................................................................(Photo) (9N8-l l )
.DER BERLINER .WA.HR U NGSG E. SCHA.DIGT EN . .•........•... ...•.......•.•.••..•..•.•...•....•...........
BE RLIN ER WAHRUNGSGESCH A DIG T EN .. DE R .................................. .. . ................. ········ ... .. . SON D ERPOS TWERTZEICHEN Z U GUN ST EN .. DER BERLIN ER.WAHRUN G SGE. SCH .i\DIGT E N . . ........................................... . . . ... ... .... . S ONDERPO STW E RTZ EI CH EN . .. . . ZU G UN STEN • . .. DER BE RLI NE R WAH RUNGSGESCHA DIGTEN .. .. . .·:······· . . . . .. .. . ..··:········ . ..······· . ·········:······· . . . . . . . : ~ ~ ......................... ................................ .:=====-==.:=======:======= . . :. . . . .. PREIS 1.-DM .... .. ..=====-== ..=====--==i• .................................. .......................... ..=======.. •
490 0
1884 Wmkd. Anchor IOsh ultram arine, light Regis. cancel , very fine. S.G. 183, £250 ...~e.~. (Phot o)(l09)
490A O
1884 Wmkd. Three Crown s £1 brown violet, lightly caned. incl. crayon strikes, fine. S.G. 185, £950 ............... ·················· ···················· ················································································· /!tJ·, ···························· ·(Photo)(l l O)
Edward VII 1911-13 Somer set Printin g
* 493 * 494 * 495 * 496 * 497 * 498 * 492
l sh deep green & scarl et, second printin g, compr. thr ee corn er pair s, l sh green & carmin e, third ptg. , compr. two corn er pair s and corn er blk of 4, all showing dat e cu ts and/ or color ed dots, n.h. to o.g ., (hinge remnan t), very fine. S.G. 313,3 14, £464+ ................................../ ...................... .................... ....................... (138) 2sh6p dull reddish purple or purpl e, 4 copi es, compr. two single s (one bottom interJ.!. ane gutt er) and corn er pair showing dat e cuts and purple dot , n.h. to o.g., very fine. S.G. 316, £440+ ............ 2~ .., .......(Photo )( l 39)
440.00 +
Ssh carmin e red, interpan e gutter cop y, l.h. , vivid color , extremel y fine. S.G. 318 , £160+ .8.'£. (Photo )( l40a )
Ssh carmin e, l.h., extr emel y fine ..... ..........................................
/:2.f? ..:............. ................................ (Photo ) (l40a )
~.o.~~.~~ ..~? ... Ys.~°.~ '.~~..~~~~ ..c~·~·.~~~..~'.~~ ..~°.~;;~
~1:~( ;h;:~j( [~~)· 250.00+
3~~~; ~2~1:.e:..
·~~~.'.~·a·g~ ..t~~~.'..~~i.H~·a·n·t·.
IOsh blu e, interpane gutter corner copy sho wing date cuts and blue dot o.g., light gum crease, well centere d, fine ........................................ ..................................... .............................. (Photo ) (141)
250 .00+
£1 deep gr een, interpane gutter corner copy showing dat e cuts , o.g., vivid color and fresh, fine. S.G. 320, £800 + ................................................................... ......... ........................................ 3.7£ -............................... .(Photo )( l42 )
//,f.,............ ........................
3.5-P ..~...............................(Photo )(l42)
£1, corn er cop y showing dat e cut , o.g., fine ................................... .........
750.00 +
1955 Waterlow Printing Elizabeth set comp!., n.h., extremely fine. Royal Certs. (1976 and 1977). S.G. 536-39, £225 ............................................................................ (Photo) (309-12)
** 501 **
Comp!. set, n.h. , extremely fine. S.G. 536-39, £225 ......................................................................(Photo) (309-12)
=:-::............. ......... ............ .... ........ .(Photo) (309-12)
2 14.00
/..@..':......... ................. ....................... ........
Compl. set, n.h. , very fine to extremely fine ..............................
De La Rue Printing
** 1958 Elizabeth set of four , n.h. , Foundation Cert.. S.G. 536a-39a , £500 ....~P...~.......(Photo )(309-12 vars.) .~.....(Photo)(309 -12 vars.) 503 ** Compl. set, n.h. , extremely fine. Friedl Cert. (1981). S.G. 536a-39a, £500+ ...:3<ft.7. . .Z$h, 504 ** Comp l. set, n.h. , ve1y fine to extremely fine. Royal Certs. (1976 and 1977) ..........................(Photo )(309-12 vars.) 505 ** 1958-65 Mult. St. Edwards Crown 3p dark purpl e, two tet e-beche vert. gutter pair s, n.h., very fi ne ..........................................................................................................(~ ..~ ...................................(Photo)(358 var.) 506 ** 1959 De La Rue Ptg. set of four, n.h., very fine. S.G. 595-98, £150 ...........=· ····················(Photo)(371-74 vars.) 507 **Hl BOOKLETS: Group of three diff. with graphite lines, compr. red cover Aug. 1959, brick red covers Oct. 502
uni. uni.
uni. uni
1959 and Feb. 1960, n.h., fine. S.G. Spec. 1984 6th ed., £520 ........................= ·····················<SGMl3g ,l5g , l9g ,) 508
((£ .... ........... ........... ....... (19-27)
GREENLAND: 1945 Liberation set compl., very l.b., very fine ......................
1937-38 George VI ¼ p to lOsh, compl. set, perfed SPECIMEN, l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine. S.G. 152/63S , £225 ..................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (l31-42S )
?.--r.: .....(Photo)(136a)
f.?.~ .................. (Photo) (l36 a)
510 0
1938-42 Perf. 12½x13½ 2½ p ultramarine, lightly caned., very fine. S.G. 157a, £200 ..
511 0
2½p, lightly caned., fresh, fine ...............................................................................
00 .
* * * *
. . Seal of Colony, Perforated 14, Narrow Printing LO sh slate blue & bnght carmme , very l.h., browni sh gum , very fine . S.G. 163b, £170 ............. (Photo}( 142 var.) lOsh, very l.h., brownish gum, very fine ..................................... (Photo}(l4 2 var.) lOsh, l.h., very fine ............................................. ................ ......... (Photo}( l42 var. ) lOsh, l.h., very fine ........................ ..................................... ....... ( 142 var.) ICELAND: 1873 Perf 12½ 16s yellow, lightly ca ned. , well ce ntered, fine . Mi . 58 , DMl 100 ..iff'- :....(Photo) (7)
uni. uni. uni. uni. 300.00
. ITALY . /~ , 1923 Manzom set comp!., o.g., SL album offse t on reverse, fres h, very frne. DM700 .......... j ....... (Photo} (l 65-70 ) 1950 Radio Conference set of two, n.h., very fine. Rayba udi Cert. SSL ( I 996). DM 800 ./ .. (Photo) (538,39)
3 11.08 275.00
=...................................... ........ .
512 513 514 515 516 0 517
................ ............ =:?.?. ... .~.................. ..... . .... ............ ............... . ... .
** 519 **
1961 Error 20SL rose lilac, n.h., very fine. Raybaudi Cert. (1996). DM4000 (Photo Front Cover )(834a) 1,500.00
~~".~~_i~~ /ir ..~..
~.~.~~~~.~~.y ~~~t~~1~f 125.00
~·i·r··~·o·~· ~;.. ~~8.~~:.~.t~~.~.t'..c..~~.".~~.r.o."...:.-.:.~~ .. ~.r~.y.'...o...~'.'... .. Air Post Officials; 1934 SERVIZIO DI STATO l0L blue black , o.g., very fine. Signed Elliott and others. DM 850 ......... ......................... ...................................................................../5>-...................................(Photo}(C02)
Parcel Post; 1946-54 Wmkd. Winged Wheel lO00L ultramarine , I.h., fresh, fine ...... ~ .......................................................................... ........................................................ (Photo Front Cover)(Q76) 1,300.00
?...?.:~ .............. .
** 524 * 525 * 523
i~~;1 36.~s·t ·~ ~.t~~.~i~~~. ·~·e·l·i~~?; ..
1.9. 5.3.. ~.1.~11 ~: ..~i~
·g·e~..~~~ . ~~ .
·1·1 ·07. ~o.lllf.1...s.e.t, ..n.·.~:· ..ft t~~o )c!A t~)·
ITALIAN SOCIAL REPUBLIC: Parcel Post; 1944 Sc to 20L, comp!. se~ l.h. or o.g., mixed centering to very fine ................................................................................................................... ./,Sl).~ ............................ (Photo} (Ql - 12) (Photo) (227-29) JAPAN: 1936 Leased Territory set of three, l.h., very fine .......... ............ ..:-=............................. LEEWARD ISLANDS: 1921-32 Mult. Crown CA George V £1 black & violet on red, broken crown and scroll (pos. 24), l.h., extremely fine ............................ ............................ 2.$:i?..,.......................... (Photo)(SGS0b} 1938-51 George VI lOsh bluish green & deep red on greenish, n.h. browni sh gum typica l of this printing , very fine ............................................................................ ..................................~ .................................(Photo) (SG 113) £1 brown purple & black on salmon, three top margin blks of 4, £1 violet & black on scarlet, perf 13, top left corner blk of 4, n.h., very fi ne to extreme ly fine ...................... ........... (Photo}(SG 114b,c)
= ...................... ...
200.00 594.75 225.00
£375 £ 170 £548
LIBERIA 529 181
1841 Folded letter bearing SHIP mkg, BOSTON MAY(?) pmk and ms. charge of "20c". all in red, to Philadelphia . Fine and rare cover ...................................................... ................................................... (Photo) Mr. Louis Sheridan of Bassa Cove on Dec, 29, 1841 tells us he is a tiller of the soil. His evident vitriolic attacks and criticism of the mission has led to his ostracism by all classes of the colonists except a few farmers. He tries to ease his former statements but his feelings and patriotism for Liberia make him continue his attacks even in this letter which is evidently in reply to one from the society advising him caution in his writings.
1846 Folded letter, faults incl. small piece mis sing, bearing red SlllP and ·' 12" hand stamps . matching BOSTON JAN (?) pmk to Phil adelphia .......... .................................. ........... ................ ...... ............ ............... ................. ............. ...
531 181
1870 Hand-delivered letter in amber envelope to U.S. Consulate, Monrovia, bearing ms. "On His Majesty 's Service ", from "Royal Apartment , Lotoque!Ja" and signed ·'Mo moro Sou , King of Cond o", fine. Interesting contents. "My town is open for anyth ing which 1 conceive to be advantageous to my race ... " ...................................... (Photo) 1892-96 Engraved Issue
533 0 534
Errors le to $5, horiz. (10) or vert. (7) pairs imperf between,n.h. to o.g., fresh and generally very fine ............................................................................................................. .........(Photo)(33-37,39,41,43,46,48 ,49 vars.)
,;z:zo .
6c blue green, $5 carmine & black , imperf pair s, neatly ca ned ., large ma rgin s a ll round , ve ry fine ............................................................................... .............................................. ............... ...... (Photo)(36,49 vars.)
80 •
8c brown & black, CENTER SIDEWAYS, unused, very fine. S.G. 79d ................................... (Photo)(37 var.)
:2.iO uni.
#.eJa#~~ ---- ~0
ar~~~~ 45
Center In verted
... ................ ..:.................. b.?.
(Photo )(35) 4c green & black, o.g., extremely fine. DM210 ............................... Sc brown & black , tied by 1896 cancel on small piece, slightly soiled, very fine appearance. DM575
535 536 6
..... ... ........... .. ........... .... ....... ...... ...... ....... .. .. ........ ............... ....
$5 carmine & black, o.g., extremely fine. DM575 ................................
..... ..... ...... .... ... ..... ..... ~~
(Photo)(49) /2...f?..:.............................
75.00 300.00 225.00
Errors of Color
* 539 * 540 *
o.h. (hinge remnant) , le tiny thin , 32c le blue, 2c vermilion, 32c dull purpl e, last sheet margin f,!lJ>Y, few toned perf tips , fine ........................................................(./.C2..~ ..........................(Photo)(33a,34a,46 var.)
16c. greenish. blue ,. o.g., .fault s. including .small ..internal.
tej}jf nly four . cop ies J'~~~)(~~ ~: ~s{
(Photo )(46 var.) 32c lilac, o.g. (hinge remnant ), corner fault, well centered, fine appearance .....=:..... .....
uni. uni.
1901-02 Hand stamped "ORDIN ARY" 541
$1 blue & black , o.g., "s mall thinning",
fre sh, fine. Foundation
Cert. (19 73). DM3000. Rar e Cover)(64D) 1,350.00
(Photo Front ./,ZSl)..,.............. ..................................... ................................. .............................. On Stamps with "O S" Printed
le to 50c, 14 stamps, 13 diff., 50c and extra 30c "ORDINARY " double , incl. "OS" hand stamp ed le and 2c,
(65,67,68,70-74,76-78,82,83) 775.00+ ..... . . .......... l.h. or o.g., #70 and 73 unu sed, fine to very fine ........................<'./7~ double , le lilac ro se ARY" RDIN "O with le to 24c , 11 stamp s, 7 diff. , incl. le green pair , single (S.G. 175), 2c blu e and 2c bistre & bla ck, 2 each, neatly caned .. fine to very fine. Scott $485+, plus S.G. 175 .(65-66A,7 I ,72 ,75) ..'.................................. .....:.{3C?. ...................... ....·········..·..···..··....·..·....·..·..·..···............................ Imperf Sc violet & green (026 ), Perf 15 $1 ultramarin e & black , unused, faulty but collectible copies. Very ....(69,79) 450.00 ............................ ...... scarce ..................................................................... ...............................;g.:v••······
543 0
* * *
547 548 549 550 0 551 0
$2 brown on ye llowi sh , o.g. , very fine. Sig n ed H. Blo ch and others. DM4000 . Very rare (Photo Front Cover )(80) 1,200.00
............ /5>?-R).'< ................... .................... ......... .............................. .......................
$5 carmine & black , o.g., fine. Foundation Cert. (1973). Ex Blum. DM4250. Exceedingly rare ..(Photo)(81) 1,500.00
On Stamps with "0 S" Hand sta mped le to 20c, compl. , o.g. (few hinge remnants), most negligible faults, fresh, fine or fine appearance.(Photo )(82-86) (Photo )(88) 25c yellow green, o.g., brilliant fresh, very fine. Signed Thier ................................ )(88 var.) (Photo ............ . ::.... /~ ............... fine 25c yellow green , "OS" and "ORDIN ARY" inverted , o.g., fresh, (Photo) (89) 30c steel blue , neatly caned., handstamps on reverse, very fine. Foundation Cert. ( 1985) .... 32c greenish blue, neatly caned., light toning, welJ centered and very fine appearance. DM450 /~ ·..(Photo )(90)
400.00 i.ffl · 125.00 125.00+ unpr. unpr.
•.................... i:?.J. .~ ........ :?.
553 DP
* 555 * 554
556 DP 557
1902 Surcharged
75c on $1 ultramarine
& black , o.g., very fine. DM4000
Excee din g ly rare
......................................... ............ ........................ ...... /~cJ.,........ ..........................(Photo Front Cover )(93)
1903 Liberty 3c rose red , 3c violet , trial color Die proofs die sunk on wove, about 78x87mm , very fine (Photo )(94TC)
................... ...................... .................................. .......................... . .............. =-:................. ...........
~~~~..~~..~~~~r.s ..~ ~.~o..~2.'. .~o.~~'..·..s~~'..~~~t.~~~..'.~~~~.~~~'. '.:~.·..o.~..~···g·.·•..2~~~. ~~t..a.~.~i~h~~::
)\o1~;:: 1~~;
1909-12 Errors 2c to 50c, comp). set, centers inverted , o.g., Sc few short perfs, fine to very fine .....(Photo)(l 16a-23a)
, sheet of 50, sta mps n.h7e selvage separa tions, fine to very fine. Scott $600+. Rare multiple ......................... ................................................................. ..................................... (127E)
$1 on $5 red brown & black , double surch. , o.g., very fine ...............................~ ..'.....................(Photo )(l48a)
1915-16 Surcharged in Black 2c on 15c indigo & black, o.g., very fine. Very scarce ...... ~(q.: .... (Photo)(151)
561 DP
25c green & dark green, 30c dark brown , Die pr oofs o~ermarked wove paper , abo ut 60x75mm and 75x70mm respectively , fine to very fine ...................................................................................(Photo )( ] 20,121DP)
* 559 *
**161 1910-12 3c on 10c black & ultramarine
* *
1915-16 Surcharged Type "m" 50c on $2 green & black , o.g., shor~orne r pe1f, fine appearance. Ve,y scarce ........................ ................................................ ........ ........... ...........................:P. ..:..... .................... .......(Photo ) ( 147)
700.00 75.00 325.00
1918 (15c) black , Die proof of two vignettes die sunk on wove, 70x16mm , pencil ms. "Final - passed with (Photo )( l6 7DP) reservation s 14/8/16" and arrow s, creasing, fine appearance. Ex Blum ...............
L .............. ....
1921 Ovptd . " 1921" set compl. , extra 10c ovptd. at left , o.g., few small faults, generally fine to very fine ..................... ..................... ......... .................... ............................ .................. ........ /Y,£~................(Photo )( l 95-208)
1944-46 Surcharged set of twelve, extra le on 4c and 2c on 3c surch. inverted, l.h. to dull part o.g., Sc on le light gum toning, fine to very fine .......................................................................4.'.~ ~.... ..... ................ (288A-95)
Air Post 564
1.936 Surchd. set ~f three, 6c on 2c neatly tied on small pie~t hers o.g., 6c on 3c light creas ing, fine to very fine. DM l 100. Sca , ce ......................................................... .......,.............................................. .............(Photo )(Cl-3) ~ing adhering, fine. Signed H. Bloch and Error Surchar.ged o~ ~ egular Issue 6c on le green, o.g., tis~~ y ,a,e ....................................... .......................,-,....................................................... (Photo)(C3m) others. Exceed111gl
* 566 * ~ r: : e!~ 565
~r~;;.)· °.'.~~. ~ ~~~·e·ct<;~~ ~~)(~~A t~~~ ·/.;7-~~ .~~~·r ~·e·~.I.~~..~.~.~'..'. t~..6.c,..c~~ .~I:.~.e.t'..t~t~~·b·~.c 300.00+
1.~4~ Fi.rst Flight 50c on.2c to $1, 8.diff., l.h. or o.g., 50c on 30c_~..rgo;ner perf, fine to very fine. Numerous s10 natu1es or handstamps incl. Kessle, ........................ ....................... ....................................(Photo )(C l 8-22,24-26)
568 * DP
..~~i~ ..~.i.t~..~~.~~ .~.l,(~t~to)(2' 4Jt) 170.00 Z~.~~ ~~~~.e~..'. ~~..i".:: ~.~·c··~~..1.~.r..el·l·o·~··~~~~"...~ ..~'.~~~• ....3.~ .-.~..5. ~~~~ Registration Stamps
1893 Lithographed (10c) black "BUCHANAN", tied by 1898 ~
569 t:,
I on small piece, very fine .....(Photo)(Fl )
10c black "GREENV ILL E", o.g., small printin g flaw at top of "R", fine. Ex Blum. Very rar e ................(Photo)(F2) 1,750.00 .................... 5f..5'.:........ .............................................................................................
10c black "HARPER ", o.g., extremely fine. Exceedingly rare in this condition ..(Photo Front Cover )(F3) 1,750.00
~.~~..~.l·a·~·~·::~~~~~~~~ .'.'.'...~.e~t...~~.~t~~.~.l.~ ..~.f.~ ..~~~..~ G.?~ ~~~~ .'...l..~.·..~~..~:~::..s.~.~.l.l..~~;~;t~o;:~ev:i}(:; ; (10c) black"ROBERTSPORT ", o.g.,extremely fine. Rare .................8J.P..'. .................... ..(Photo page48)(F 5) 574 * 573
575 * li:il 1894 Ovptd. set of four, sheets of 39, n.h. or l.h., some reinforced separations and light foxing almost entirely on reverse, very fine appearance. Scott $624+. Rare multipl es ............................................................ .....(F6-9) 576
10c blue on pink, BUCHANAN , fine, used with postage le vermilion and imperf Sc carmi ne & black, each tied by strike of oval REGISTERED LIVERPOOL 23 SP 95 on envelope bearing (?) LIBERIA AUG 23 pmk to New York, receiver on reverse ..........................................................................................................................(Photo) (F6) 1903 Errors 10c, four diff. with inverted center, o.g., Buchanan wrinkle s, Harper perfs touch top, fresh, fine. DM IOOO ...................................................................................................................................(Photo)(Fl0a-12 a, 14a)
1921 Viper 10c "MONROVIA " and "ROBERTSPORT ", imperf tete-beche pairs, unused, large margins, extremely fine ........................................................... ...................................................................(Photo)(F23a,24a)
1921 Overprinted set comp!., plus another with ovpt. inverted, l.h. or o.g., very fine. DM500 ...............(F25-29, vars)
Military Stamps 580 6 581 0 582 0
* 584 * 585 ** 586 * 583
589 DP
590 0 591 S 592
135.00 1916 Impre ssed Wmk. le on le light green, neatly tied on small piece. very fine. DM220 ............... (Photo )(M I) 175.00 (Mlc) Error le on le, invert ed surcharg e, violet c.d.s. cancels, very fine. Signed A. Brun ........................ (Photo) Unwmkd. le on le green & black , neatly caned., very fine. Rare ............................. ...........................(Photo) (M2) 425 .00 Surchd. on Official le on le green & black, l.h., handstamps on reve rse, extreme ly fine. DM800. Rare .................................................................................................................................. ...............................(Photo)(M S) 325.00 Officials; 1894 Ovptd. OFFICI AL and O S le to 24c, 6 diff. , o.g., fine to very fine . Ver y sca rce ........................................................................ ..................................................................(Photo)(SGOl 32-35,37,38) LIBYA: Air Post; 1934 Eighth Sample Fair set comp!., n.h., very fine. Sass. est. L980,000 .....(Photo)(C 14-18) ( 145.50) LIECHTENSTEIN: 1928 Johann Il set comp!., o.g. (the three high values hinge remnant), 20rp tiny thin, fine 286.90 to very fine. DM850 ................................................................ ............................ .................................(Photo)(82-89) 1934 Vaduz Sfr brown, Souvenir sheet of one, disturbed o.g., ever so slightly trimmed, very fine appearance. DM3500 .................................................................................................... ............................(Photo)(llS) 1,100.00 Officials; 1932 Srp to 1.20fr, last value perf 10½, o.g. (hinge remnant) , fresh, fine to very fine. DM850+ ...............................................................................................................................................................(Photo)(O 1-8) LUXEMBOURG: Charlotte 1926-35 50c red brown, 75c bistre brown and 1944-46 50c to 20fr, six diff., all large Die proofs on India in issued colors, 6 die sunk on card, 2 affixed to card, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-500 ..................................................................................................... (170,75,222,23B,26,29,31,34DP) MALA YA: Selangor; 1895-99 Crown CA 50c green & black, dented frame, c.d.s. cancel, fine. S.G. 60a, unpr. Very rare ......... ........................................ ......................... ........... ............................. ............. ..(Photo)(35 var.) MALTA: 1921-22 Script George V ¼ p to lOsh, comp!. set, ovptd. SPECIMEN, o.g., several low values faults, fresh and generally fine. S.G. 97-104S , £400 ...................................................................................... (Photo)(66-73) 1922 Mult. Crown CA Ssh scarlet & green on yellow, lines omitted from upper left scroll (pos. 14), l.h., extremely fine. S.G. 113c, £250 ................................................................... ...................................(Photo)(84 var.) Same, o.g., very fine .......................................................................................................................... (Photo)(84 var.) C
unpr. uni.
594 0
1892 Wmkd. "CORREOS E U M" Sp carmine , perf 12, lightly caned., reperfed at right. MEPSI Cert. (1995) (Photo) (228) and signed Thier and Diena .................................................................... .................
595 0
1936 Wmkd. SECRETARIA DE HACIENDA MEXICO toe brown lake , neatly caned. , fine. Very sca rce ····························· ···································································· ··································lcGCJ.·•··············(Photo) (727 A)
596 0
/ 3p..~····· .............
1934-37 Wmkd. Lines and SECRETARIA DE HACIENDA MEXICO 2c scarlet , neatly caned., fine. A great rarity ............ ............ ............ ...................................... / &&,? · •............ ..(Photo Front Cover )(735A) 4,000.00
* 601 * 602 ** 603 ** 600
295.00 1953-56 Wmkd. Horiz. "MEX" and Eagle in Circl e 50c green , 9 copies, 4 n.h., 5 lightly caned., very fine .......................................................................................................... ................:Z,fc'-.r. ........................(Photo) (C212) 1,475.00
.?i?. ..~ .... ..(Photo) (CO21,30)
Air Post Officials; 1932 Perf 12 15c carmine , 1933-34 lOc vert., l.h., very fine .......
NETHERLANDS: 1869-71 Perf 13½ 2½ c violet, unused, very fine. DM l 150........ /.
...................(Photo) (22)
325.00 450.00
1898-1924 Wilhelmina 71/zc brown , vert. tete-beche pair and gutter pair, n.h., small gum spot on gutter, very fine. 1992 Neth. Spec. glds. 1400 .................................................. ........................................... .................... (66a, var.) NEW CALEDONIA: 1932 Pari s-Noumea Flight set comp!. , n.h. , 50c tin y spot o n fr ont , ve ry fin e .................................................................................... ...................................................................... (Photo) (l 80,181)
NOVA SCOTIA 1851-53 Blued Paper
* 605 * 604
606 0 607 0 608 0
lp red brown, unused, full to large margins all round, small thins, lig~ oriz. crease, handstamp on reverse, bnght color and fine appearance. S.G. I , £2000 ............................................ :................................ ............(Photo)(! ) 2,000.00 3p blue and 3p dark blue, unused, large even margins, former tiny surface scrape, latter small corner crease, very fine appearance. S.G. 23, £2100 ..............................................................~...-:.................................(Photo) (2,3) 1,350.00
6p yellow green, good to large margins, very light or lightened cancel, very fine . S.G. 5, £400 ~ .'..(Photo) (4) 6p dark green, cleared cancel, margins added, fine unu ed appearance .................=:-.... ........ ............... (Photo) (5) lsh purple, full to enormous margins, faded pen cross cancel, negligible crease , rich color and extremely ....................(Photo)(?) fine appearance. Ex Dale/Lichtenstein .................................................... 71:,'?).............. 51
400 .00
6 1O**EE 611
..(Photo) ( 12-23) 200.90 ./(?..' ~4~)' £480+ ){s~ .~'..~'.~~~..~~~~in3.~£~~. ~.o.t~~~..~~~~'.0'~:: 1:s~n~a·l·e··~·r~~~..~..~.e~..o.~ .~~'.'.~~i~
1913-18 Mutt. Crown CA George V ½ p to £1, l.h., generally very ftne. S.G. 83/98, £ 180 ~e~:~:::
Ssh green & red on pale yellow, ordinary **EE
paper, corner blk of 4, n.h., vivid colors, very fine (Photo )(SG 141a) _,, £380+ £275
lOsh bluish green & brown red on pale green ish, ordinary paper , o.g., very fine ....................(Photo) (SG 142a) £1 purple & black on red, two top margin blks of 4, n.h., extremely fine ..........~ .................(Photo) (SG143) 613 **EE Postage Due; 1950 Script lp to 6p, compl. set, top left and bottom right Corner Control Blocks of Four, plus 614 **EE top right corner sheet number blk of 4, n.h., fresh, fine to very fine. S.G. D 1-5, £504+ ..................(Photo) (Jl -5)
POLAND: Locals; Przedb6rz , 1916 to 1918 Perf 11½, four diff. com pl. sets, o.g. , fin e to very fine ...........................................................................................................................(Photo )(Mi. l A,2A,3B-6B, 11B-18B)
£240+ 702.00+ DM9 l5
~i,,A,A JJ~
6 16
6 17
** *
6 18
620 0
SAAR: Semi-Postal; 1948 Flood Relief imperf Souvenir sheet of four, n.h., ~ht mount mark on reverse, tiny corner crease, very fine appeara nce. DM l 600 ........................................................... ~ (Photo) (B64a)
550 .00
SPAI : 1950 Stamp Centenar y set comp!. , plu s a second postage set of four , l.h. or o.g ., very fine ...... ..................................................... .................... ............. ..............!!?.."PJ?. ..~........ ............. .(Photo)(776-79,C127-30)
4P.9.' .......... .........
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS : 1867-72 Crown CC 12c ultramarine, lmprimateur copy, o.g . (hinge remnants), good to large margi ns, fine . S.G. 15 var......................................................-:=-:..................... ...........(Photo)( l4 var.) 32c pale red, lmprimateur copy , o.g. (hin ge remna nts) , goo d to large margins, fres h, fine . S.G. 18 var. .....................................................................................................................~ ..............................(Photo)( l7 var.) SWEDEN: 1862-69 Perf 14 17i:igray, neat c.d.s. cancel, exceptionally well centered, very fine. Mi. 15b, DM1700 .........................................................................................................~@ ..'..............................(Photo)( lS )
Ex617 53
621 0
SWITZERLAND three sides, slightly in at top, neatly caned., sound and fresh margins black, 6r Lines Horiz. Red 1846 Zurich; copy of this scarce stamp ............................................~ ............................................................... .......(Photo)(lL4) 1,400.00
Federal Administration
very l.h. Lfat all, very fine. DM I 00Q..........................................(Photo) (226) 450.00 * 1934 NABA Souvemr sheet of four, 1'80 . .(Photo )(293-305,B145) 3 10.66 /7/J * 1945 Peace set comp!., o.g., 5fr thrn, fine to very fine ......................................................... ** Semi-Postal s; 1940 National Fete Day imperf Souvenir sheet of four, n.h., very fine. DM 1000..(Photo) (B 105) 400.o<Y- ' ..(B 143) 225.00 .......... ** 1945 War Victims imperf Souvenir sheet of one, n.h., very fine. DM500 ............./?.£.~.............. blue, part o.g., fine. B.P.A. Cert. THAILAND: 1891 Additional Surcharge 2a on la on 3a ~SP& 626 * ...:................(Photo Front Cover )(29) (1,500.00) (1996). S.G. 28, £1000 . Rare ..................................................../.
622 623 624 625
627 628 0
** ** 63 1 * 632 *
629 630
TRIPOLITANIA: Air Post; 1934 "Circuit of the Oasis" set comp!., l.h., very fine ...................(Photo) (C38-42) 258.25 VATI CAN CITY: 1934 Provi sional set comp!., neatl y caned., some small faults, #39 very fine, also #40 (despite cert. , as there is no discernibl e fault). A. Diena Cert. (1966). DM2300 .........................(Photo )(35-40) 1,086.00 Air Post; 1948 Archangel set of two, n.h., very fine. DM1430 ...................................................... (Photo) (Cl6 , 17) 463.00 137.50 1949 U.P.U. Anniversary set comp!. , n.h. , very fine. DM450 ........................................................(Photo) (Cl 8, 19)
.~~~~~.~.:. ·~·i·t~~~~~~~~..1.s~..~~l~ ..b.~~~~.'..~~o/5\~~:~i~
~.~?_~~~~~ )({;
~.a~.'.~.. s..~.1.
1860 Engraved 6p dull green, some o.g., large even margins, light gum tonin° still very fine and attractive. (Photo) (l6 ) Ex Caspary. S.G. 28, £ 1100 ....................................................... ..................
.... -3.7T,~......................
......................... .
< {.)
. .... ... ... . ... .. ••. .. .. ... .. •. . "' ... ...•...................... ... "' • ... • <
2: 0
.l ,(
~ 0
.. "'
"II • >< 0 • "' ;:j
. 0z .. z0 .•.. z... ... "' .. ;:= •. • ... ... > ,-j
"' "II
> ,-j . ~
400.00 900.00
19th Century, coll. of several thousand diff. in bound International album, unused or used , wide range of countries (no United States, Great Britain or Japan), much Europe, British areas and Latin America, incl. slightly better British Africa, also some reference, China and Thailand, faulty or mixed condition, some fine and useful items. Est. Cash Value $1,000-2,000
634 * O
Old-time coll. of many hundred diff. in 3 albums in carton, unused or used, some o.g., wide range of countries and many classic issues, mostly Europe, some British areas, Latin America, Asia incl. severa l China and Japan, back-of-book with cut squares, also U.S. cut squares and revenue s, Great Britain Mulready lp and 2p unused , better items , reference and reprints, faulty or mixed condition, some very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 COLLECTION IN INTERNATIONAL ALBUMS
635 * O
19th and 20th Century to 1938, the coll. virtuall y as received (United States and Asia removed ), many thou sand diff . in 5 bound International albums , l.h. to unused or used , many countries with much Europe, colonies, Latin America, British areas incl. Canada , with compl. and part sets, moderatel y better items, Semis, Airs , back-of-book , reprints and reference, mixed condition to very fine. Should be carefu lly inspected. Est. Cash Value $25,000-30,000 .................................................................... .............................................................. 19th and 20th Centur y
636 * O
Coll. of several thou sand diff. in 2 International albums, n.h. to unused or used , wide range of countries - Dominica to Romania - with compl. or part sets, Souvenir sheets , back-of-book , much of the value in 1930s to 40s incl. Europe and Latin America , British areas and some Asia , mixed condition to very fine. Worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $5,000-7,500 .
637 * O
Coll. of many thousand diff. in 25 International albums in 5 cartons, l.h. to unused or used , many countries (no United States or China) though generally common issues and sporadic representation , incl. compl. and part sets, Souvenir sheets and back-of-book , stronger Europe, modern British West Indie s and some Oceania, mixed condition to very fine. Excellent for expan sion. Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500 ................................................................. .
637 * O
The large remainder of a property contained in Internationals, shoe boxes, envelopes, stockbooks, glassines, approval books , on stock page s, more albums, etc., in 11 boxes or cartons , collection needs sorting and inspection. Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500 ......................................
638 * O !BlAccum. of over 150 stamps in small stockbook , l.h. to unused or used, incl. better items with British areas, classic Europe and some mod er n issues, reference items, some certs ., etc., mixed condition to very fine. Scott over $15,000 .......................................................................... 639 * O
Coll. and accum. of a few thousand stamps in albums and ring-binder plu s loose in carton , o.g. or used, wide ranging with general coll., Stamp Centenary sets and Souvenir sheets, Br. West Indie s, new issues and misc. in envelopes, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ..........
640 * O !BlBalance of thousands in carton, n.h. to unu sed or used, mostly Europe with coll. remainders and accums., Austria incl. Newspaper sta mp s, Czechoslovakia incl. 1934 National Anthem Souvenir sheet folders (8), San Marino, Switzerland, etc., Liberia, Portugal and Colonies, Belgian Colonies, also some British incl. Natal, Brunei compl. sheets, etc., mixed condition to very tine. From the Herbert Bloch stock. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 .................................................................................... 641 * O
Balance of a property , several thousand in 11 binder s and loose in carton, mostly used, some unused, generally common issues from many countries, incl. much Europe, some U.S . and Possess ions, British areas, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $400-600 ..................................................................
Coll. and balance of a few hundred covers in ring-binder s, sheet files and loose in box and carton, incl. a sampling of many countries, European and Great Britain stampless, Ballon Monte " Le GeneralBourbaki", Canada inaugural flights, general commercial mail and FDCs, post cards, stationery. early Tonga, some U.N. and U .S. incl. First Flight #C3 , faulty stamp and cover, mixed condition. Eclectic group worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $300-500 .................................................................................. . Balance of a property , several thousand sta mps on page s, coll. remainder s, etc., and loose in box, unused or used, many countiies though majority Europe incl. Germany, misc. British, etc., mixed condition with some stuck, some fine and useful items. Est. Cash Value $300-400 .................................................. .
643 * O
644 * OIHIMisc. balance of over 75 stamps on stock cards, etc., n.h. to unused or used , incl. Denmark and Finland , Newfoundland , Cape of Good Hope, Nepal tete-beche pair s, Anato lia in blks of I 0, reference , etc., mixed co ndition. Est. Cash Value $200 -400 ..................................................... ....... ........................... . 645 * O Coll. balance of many hundred diff. in 4 bound lnternational albums in carton, unused or used, mostly Europe with a wide range of generally common issues and sparsely filled , also Mexico coll. of severa l hundred in Specialty album and loose, incl. some set , Souvenir sheets and Airs, mixed condition . Est. Cash Valu e$ I 50-200 .................................................................................. ........................................ ..
Primarily 20th Century 646 * O ffi Coll. of many thousand diff. on stock sheets in 9 ring-binders and loose in 2 cartons, n.h. to o.g., some used, wide range of countries and mainly modern or new issues, incl. compl. or part sets, blks of 4, booklets, Semis, Airs, etc., much Europe, Latin America and British areas, African colonies, stronger Canada, France incl. several Die proofs, Great Britain and Channel Is., Liechtenstein, Sweden, Switzerland, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,250-1,500 ........................ .............................................................................................................. 647 * O
648 * O
649 * O
Coll. of several hundred in 2 spring-back albums, l.h. , o.g. or used, strength in Africa and Oceania, also Newfoundland, incl. compl. sets and Souvenir sheets, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ...................................................................................................... ................... Accum. of several thousand stamps in glassines in box, n.h. to o.g. or used, many countries with much Europe, especially Greece and used selection of France, also European colonies, Latin America, some British and Asia, incl. comp!. sets, odd values, Airs, etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-600 ............................................................................................................... .. Balance of several thousand stamps in 23 International albums and glassines in 4 cartons, unused or used, albums sparsely filled or nearly empty , stamps are predominat ely Europe and common, some U.S., mixed condition . Est. Cash Value $300-40 0 ...................................................................................... . 20th Century
650 ** ml Accum. of many hundred items in glassines and 2 ring-binders in box, vast majority n.h. , some o.g . or used, incl. many modem Souvenir sheet and comp!. sets, with imperf s, Airs, a plethora of topical theme s, wide rang ing incl. Europ e, Middl e East, Latin America, some Briti sh area s, etc. , genera lly fine to very fine . Est. Cash Value $300-500 ...................................................................................................... . 651 181
652 181
Coll. of many hundred FDCs in 21 albums or ring-binders and loose in 4 cartons, a number of countri es but mostly United State s, U.N. with Genev a, Can ada, Great Britain and Europ e, incl. blks and Souvenir sheet s, foreign generally cac heted and incl. American Revolution Anniversary, U. S. with President s selection and common posta l card s, mixed cond ition. Est. Cash Value $150-250 ................ .... The remainder of several hundred covers more or less sorted by area, incl. Europe with better Germany , Briti sh, South America, some picture po stcard s and aerograms. Wide variety. Est. Cash ................. ................................... . Value $ 150-200 ....................................................................................... TOPICALS
653 * 0181Primarily 20th Century, balance of a property, many hundred stamps, n.h. to used and scores of covers in 9 stockbooks or ring-binder s in carton, incl. Austria , Fran ce, Germany , Ru ssia, Spain , Italy, Sweden , etc. , Great Britain with I 9th cent. covers , many topical themes incl. modern U .P.U., Silver Wedding , Churchi ll, Penny Black Anniversary , French Revo lution, etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $150-200 ........................ .................................. ........................... ....................... ....... .
20th Century, coll. and accum. of several hundred in 3 ring-binders in box, vast majority n.h., incl. EUROPA with dupl., Stamp Centenary, Marian Year, Rowland Hill, Boy Scouts, Freedom from Hunger and several other themes, some blks of 4 and Souvenir sheets, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $600-800 ........................ .................................... ..................................................................... 655 * 181 Coll. of primaril y recent issues and covers organized in 14 mostly ring-bind ers, incl. Space , Zepp elin, Lindbergh , Olympic s, Christmas , John F . Kennedy , Boy Scouts , with U .S. Excellent for spec ialist. Est. Cash Value $200-300 ................ ............. .................................... ....................................... .. 654 **
656 ** 181Coll. of many hundred stamps (n.h.) or covers in 11 albums or ring-binders in 2 cartons, mostly U.S. Bicentennial issues, incl. cacheted , unaddressed FDC s, so me si lk cac het s, postal stationery , Souvenir sheets and cards, state flags , U.S. history on stamps, ephemera , etc .. genera lly very fine. Est. Cash Value $100-150 .................................... ................... ......... ................................... ................ ............... .
19th and 20th Century to 1915, coll. of several hundred diff. in remains of Ideal album, o.g. to unused or used, generally part sets and random issues of many countries, useful Asia and Africa, mixed condition to some very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000+ ......................................... 56
Coll. of over 350 diff. on pages, l.h. or o.g., some used, mostly St. Helena, St. Kitts-Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, incl. 1935 Jubilee, George V and Elizabeth sets, a few slightly better Victoria items, generally fine to very fine. S.G. £1750+ ..................................................... .................................. 659 *O 20th Century, balance of a property, many hundred cliff. on loose pages and 2 binders in box, l.h. or o.g., some n.h. or used , incl. modern issues colts. of Australia , New Zealand, Papua , also British Honduras , with many compl. sets to £1 or equivalent , Souvenir sheets, Semis, etc., fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ........................... .......................................................................... 660 * O EESmall balance in stockbook, n.h. to o.g., few used, incl. Leeward ls., Malta, Nyasaland Prot. Key Plates, Tanganyika, few others, with blks of 4, Specimens, etc., also Grenada SGI63b mint and used, generally fine to very fine. S.G. £1700+ ...................................... ........................................ .......... . REVENUES: Mutt. Crown CA George V, group of four stamps, compr. Ceylon 500r gray green 661 0 (217), severa l ca nce ls incl. punched , unpriced , Nyasaland Prot. £ 10 purpl e & roya l blue (24), two co pies, Scott $500 , also Bermud a George Yl l 2sh6p (SG 120e), violet cance ls, fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Value $ 150-200 ...... ..................................................... ................................ .................. ..................... .
19th and 20th Century , coll. of many hundr ed diff. in Specialty album , plus accum. of hundred s more on pages and loose in box, n.h. to unused or used, coll. compr. over 20 countries with a number of better items and some later compl. sets, accum. incl. misc. blks and covers, Great Britain coll. and hundreds of foreign stamps, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 ............................................................................................... ..
19th and 20th Century , coll. and accum. of man y hundred cliff. in Specialty album and loose in box , n.h. to unused or used , mo stly Canada incl. R eve nue s, also ewfoundland, Briti sh Columbia and Vancouver Is. , New Brun sw ick , ova Scotia, Prince Edward Is., many better item s with dupl. , some sets, Airs , back-of-book , blks , etc ., mixed condition to some very fine , worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $2,500-3 ,500 ............................................................. .
664 * OEE19th and 20th Century, coll. of many hundred in 2 Specialty albums, n.h. to unused, some used, primarily Canada with value mostly in 20th cent. though earlier issues present, incl. many compl. sets, Souvenir sheets and back-of-book , also Newfoundland, other provinces, mixed condition incl. some staining to very fine, several slightly better items n.h. Est. Cash Value $300-400 ............ To 1964, coll. of many hundred diff. on Specialty pages, n.h. to unused or used, value mostly 665 Canada, incl. Jubile e to 15c, later compl. sets, coils , booklet panes, Airs , back-of-book with Officials compl., Newfoundland with a few slightly better and some sets, misc. provinces, mixed condition to many very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-600 ................................... .......................... .......... .
666 * O t8lCANADA: Coll. and accum. of many hundred stamps and covers in 10 ring-binders or cover albums and stockbook in carton, n.h. or used, incl. small coll. on Whit e Ace pages , modern issues in post office Souvenir books, cacheted, unaddresse d FDC s, incl. silk cac hets, postal cards , picture post cards, ear lier specia l flight covers, etc., mixed conditi on to very fine. Est. Cash Value $ 150-250 .............
Primarily 19th Century, old-time coll. of many hundred diff. on tattered album pages, mostly used, some unused, much Europe incl. Austria, France, Greece, Switzerland, Scandinavia, also Brazil, Chili, Mexico, few others, many classic issues with some slightly better, back-of-book , etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $500-1,000 ......................................................................................... 20th Century, selection of over 150 items in stockbook, vast majority n.h., incl. modern Burundi irnperf s incl. comp!. sets and Souvenir sheets, French Comm unity Die Proofs also in sets, Epreuves de luxe incl. Air Post, Lebanon and Syria imperf pairs , etc., fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-300 .....
669 * OllllBalance of a property, several thousand stamps in carton, incl. modern n.h. comp!. or part sheets with Japan , Saar , Berlin and San Marin o, some EUROPA sets and Italy prese ntation booklets , also hundr eds of stamp s unu sed and used in glassines , fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $ 150-250 ............... . Small balance of compl. and part sheets in box, n.h. to o.g., much of it misc. Europe incl. Ger many 670 and Liechten stein , also Fran ce incl. small selec tion of unused precancel and "R.F .", plus Croatia on stock sheets incl. imperf s, mixed conditi on to very fine . Est. Cash Valu e $ I 00-150 ............... ...................
671 ** t8l The Mercury Stamp Co. and Edwin Mueller Correspondence; 1920s to 1930s, thousands of envelopes of varying sizes in 14 boxes, great variety of Registry frankings and origins, some typically commercial, others far better, some clippings, other mail interspersed, needs sorting. Worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,250 .................................................. ........................
671 * llll Balance of many hundred in carton, n.h. to unused or used, incl. coll. remainders , loose material, ring binders, Great Britain used abroad, misc. items from many countrie s, incl. material from the Herbert Bloch stock and Mercury Stamp Co. sheets, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ..... 672 181
GRAF ZEPPELIN FLIGHTS: Selection of 30 covers or cards in box, frankings incl. Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Finland, Hungary, Japan, Liechten stein, Russia, Spain, few others, with better items and some sets, a few non-Zeppelin, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 .....
673 181
WAR COVERS: Extensive group of over 140 covers and cards, mostly WWI, compr. Germany and Italy , plus others, Fe ldpost. soldier . picture post ca rds, etc .. used and unused, needs sorting. Est. Cash Value$ I 50 ................................. ............. .................................. ................................................. ........ .
674 ** IHIAFRICA AND MIDDLE EAST : 20th Century, coll. of over 250 items on stock sheets in box, vast majority n.h., small se lection s and mostly Souvenir sheets of many countries. incl. Burundi , Congo, Guinea. Liberia. French Colonies and Independent Commun ity. Middle East incl udes Egypt and Israe l, incl. Airs, imperf s, comp!. sheets or sheetlet s, also scattered Bri tish Oceania. fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $150-200 ......... .......................................................................................................... ............... .
ASIA 675 * O llllPrimarily 19th Century, coll. and accum. of many hundred on pages, n.h. to o.g. or used, compr. China incl. a few Large and Small Dragon types, surchd., 1897 Lithographed and Postage Due in large multiples incl. gutter betwee n or at edge, a few Special Delivery and Officiall y Sealed, Offices in Tibet, Shanghai perf 12 and 1893 Surchd. Bisect le brown (151) large multiples , Thailand # 19 pairs and blks, later surchd., etc., generaUy fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 676 * O
19th and 20th Century to 1930s, coll. of seve ral hundred diff. on album pages, o.g. to unused or used, compr . China incl. provinces, Offices in Tibet , Hong Kong, Japan incl. Offices , Korea, Manchukuo, Mongolia, some signed Friedl, Shanghai, Thailand , Tannu Tuva, Tibet, with better items, comp!. sets and reference, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $2,500+ ........
677 181
Selection of over 75 items in box, incl. Japan with 19th cent. postal ca rds, 20th cent. cove rs and picture post cards. Chin a incl. People¡ s Rep . #795 blk of l O on reve rse of cove r, some Korea and Th ailand, mixed con dition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-300 ........................................................................... .
678 * *
20th Century, small balance in glassines and loose in box, vast major ity n.h .. incl. China and Korea Souvenir sheet s, also Ryuky u Is .. misc. Viet Nam, China, Laos imperfs , etc., few sets and used, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value$ I 50-250 .................................................. .................................... ............. ....... .
679 ** IHISma ll balance of Souvenir sheets on stock sheets, apparent ly n.h., incl. Afg hanistan, Camb odia, China, Laos. etc .. imperf s and ju st a few of eac h country, fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Value $ 100- 150 ....
EUROPE 680 181
19th Century, group of over a hundred covers,, primarily Germany and Austria, incl. stampl ess, First issues, wrapper s, cancels, good variety . Est. Cash Value $100- 125 ...................................................
68 1 ** llll20th Ce ntur y, coll. of over 200 items on stock sheets in 2 ring-binder s, vast majority n.h. , Souvenir sheets of perhaps a dozen countries plus United Nations, incl. Belgium , Luxembourg , San Ma rino, Czec hoslova kia, Hun ga ry, Poland , Romania , a few others , with better items , imperfs and sheetlets, mostly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $600-800 ......................................... . 682 181
PRIMARILY EUROPE : 19th and 20th Century, excellent selection of about 150 covers, ranging from Italian States and Colonies to German Inflation issues, some British Cols., vast majority before WWII, worth careful inspection. From the Herbert Bloch stock. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ...
683 * O
CENT RAL EUROPE: Prim arily 20th Century to about 1966, coll. of many hundred diff. in Specialty album, n.h. to o.g. or used, compr. Czechoslovakia and Hungary with value mostly the latter, incl. many compl. sets, Semis and Airs, Souvenir sheets incl. Hungary Chain Bridge and other better sheets n.h., imperfs, also back-of-book and misc. Eastern Silesia, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 .............................. ...................... .................................................... NORTHERN EUROPE: 20th Century, coll. of several hundred diff. in Specialty album, o.g. or used. co mpr . small selection of Estonia , Latvia , Lithuania , Po land and a few others , incl. some co mp!. sets, Semi s and Airs, impe,fs , etc .. some n.h .. mixed co ndition to very fine. Est. Cas h Value $200-300 ..
684 * O
685 * O
SCAND INAVIA: 19th and 20th Century to 1950s or 1960s, coll. of many hundred diff. in Specialty album, o.g. or used, some n.h., compr. Denmark and Danish West Indies, Finland , Iceland, Norway, Sweden and misc. Karelia, incl. early better items, later comp!. or part sets, Semis and Airs, back-of-book, some better items incl. early issues, mixed condition, later generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 ...................................... .............
686 * 0181 LATIN AMERICA: 19th and 20th Century, balance of many hundred in carton , n.h. to unu sed or used, incl. coll. balance s on album page s and stock sheets. with compl. sets, blks. Airs, etc., many co untrie s incl. Mexi co, Revenue s on bank drafts , few covers, Souvenir sheets, ear ly reference items, etc .. mixed condition to very fine. From the Herbert Bloch stock. Est. Cash Va lue $300- 500 ................... 58
687 pp
20th Century, selection of 33 items, compr. plate proofs, trial colors and large Die proofs, some reduced, incl. Panama, Venezuela, Columbia, etc., and a few Philippines, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-300 ............................................................................................................................ Coll. of well over 100 items on stock sheets in 2 ring-binders , vast majority n.h., mostly Souvenir sheets of over a dozen countries, larger selections of Colombia, Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, incl. irnperfs and Air Post, some sheetlets, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val ue $ 150-200.................................................
MIDDLE EAST: Primarily 20th Century , coll. and accum. of hundred s on album page s and approval cards, l.h., some n.h., incl. Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, generaUy very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-400 ................................................................................................................................... Accum. of many hundred items in glassines in box, vast majority n.h., incl. much Israel with tabs, blks, Souvenir sheets, also Algeria, Egypt and Iran, generally frne to very fine. Est. Cash Value $ 150 ....
** 692
AUSTRIA: 1850 to 1966, coll. of many hundred dilT. on Specialty pages, l.h. to unused or used , some n.h. , wide range of issues incl. some better early items , later comp!. sets with slightly better Semis, also Air s and back-of-book incl. Newspaper , Military , Occu. of Serbia , Offices in Crete and Turkish Empire , plus Bosnia, some faults as would be expected , but generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 ............................................................
1957 to 1978, coll. of many hundred on pag es, n.h. , mostly comp!. sets with pair s and blks of 4, also Souvenir sheets incl. Vienna Opera House Centenar y gutter pane of 4 sheets, Postage Due and some used , generally very fine. Est. Cash Value $250-350 .......................................
ARMENIA: 1919 to 1922, coll. of about 170 diff. in stockbook, n.h., various ovptd. or surchd., incl. a few better items, fine to very fine. With inventory. Scott $ 1900+ ..............................(betw. la and 309)
COLONIES: 1849 to 1955, coll. of many hundred diff. in Specialty album, l.h., BELGIUM AND o.g. or used, incl. slightly better early items and later comp!. sets, Souvenir sheets and better post-WWII Semis, back-of-book incl. Parcel Post and Railwa ys, colonies compr. Congo and Ruanda-Urundi, mixed condition to much very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 ................
BERMUDA: 1910 to 1965, small balance in stockbook , n.h. to o.g., three used, mostly George V and VI Key Plates to 4sh and ÂŁ1 respectively, incl. corner copies, couple Specimens, etc., also Caravel types incl. SG shades, generally fine to very fine. S.G. ÂŁ1300+ .............................................. See Bermuda lots #386 to 412
Japanese Occupation; 1943 Cart 3c violet, sheet of 100, n.h., folded once along **l!ilBURMA: perfs, very fine. JSDA 700,000Yen. Scott $2000+ .............................................................(2N53)
CHINA: 19th and 20th Century to about 1939, coll. of several hundred diff. in album , o.g., few unused or used, incl. Large and Small Dragon types, surchd. issues, comp!. and part sets, Airs, Postage Due, Manchuria, Sinkiang, Yunnan, Offices in Tibet, incl. a number of better items, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $3,000-3,500 ......................................
REPUBLIC: 20th Century , coll. of a few hundred on stock sheets in ring-binder, vast maj ority n.h., generally modern issues incl. compl. sets, Souvenir sheets and blks of 4, some early incl. reprints, misc. Taiwan, Hong Kong and other Asia, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-500 . Coll. of over 300 cacheted, unaddressed FDCs and about 100 postal cards incl. packets , in album , modern issues incl. comp!. sets on same cover, singles, Souvenir sheets, generally very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-300 ............................................................................................................................................ 20th Century, coll. and accum. of man y hundred in stockbooks , etc., in carton , vast majority n.h. , generally modern issues incl. comp!. sets and blks of 4, a few hundred sheetlets of 4, Bohemia and Moravia, Slovakia, also hundred s more used not figured, generally very fine. Mint portion about DMl0,000 ................................................................................................................. Coll. of many hundred items in 12 ring-binders or cover albums in carton, incl. many cacheted, unaddressed FDCs, picture post cards, some earlier and a few 19th cent. though mostly modern issues, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 ................................................................................
*OEEESTONIA: 1918 to 1940, coll. and stock of many hundred
on stock sheets in 2 ring-binders and small stockbook in box, much n.h., balance o.g. or used, incl. surchd. , corner or positional blks of 4 with 1936-40 President Issue, Semis with imperf and part perf blk s and sets, Air Post triangular blks of 4, Souvenir sheet, scarcer items, some faults or reference but generally fine to very fine and seldom seen in this quantity. Est. Cash Value $1,500+ ............................. 59
FAL KLAND ISLA DS: 1878 to 1953, coll. of over 120 on album pages, l.h. to unused, incl. better items with Victoria 2sh6p and Ssh, George V I 0sh, later compl. sets, Dependencies, etc., some small faults in early issues, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-400 .............................................. FRANCE
704 * O
19th and 20th Centur y, accum . of several hundred in KABE stockbook , much n.h.. some o.g .. incl. comp!. sets and odd values. Semis. blks of 4, misc. back-of-book. moderate quantities to one of an item, fine to very fine, also some 19th cent. used in mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $200-250 .................... ..
705 * O
* 707 **
1849 to 1966, coll. of man y hundr ed diff. in Specialty album , l.h. to unu sed or used, some n.h., goo d r epr ese nt a ti on with bett er ea rl y iss ues, incl. Cer es and Bordeaux , Peace and Comm erce types, later compl. sets, 1937 Exhibition Souvenir sheet, bett er Semis and Airs, back-of-book with earl y Postage Due and some Offices in China , Crete and Turki sh Empire , early issues faulty or mixed condition , later fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 ..
20th Centur y, coll. of about 175 diff. on stock sheets , n.h. to o.g., compr. comp!. sets incl. slightly better Semis, few Airs and Officials. fresh and very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-250 ................................
1937 to 1979, coll. of a few hundr ed diff. in Minku s album , n.h. , many modern comp!. sets incl. Semi and Air . very fine. Scott $800 ...................................... (betw. 322 and 1632,B87A and B513,etc.) 708 *HJ Semi-P ostal s; 1918 to 1931, eight stamp s compr. Red Cro ss, three copies , n.h. , Industry and Agricultur e blk of 4, n.h. (3)/1.h.(1), and Allegor y, l.h. , blk a few tiny faults, fine to very fine. DM2925, Scot1 $975 ....................................................................................................(Photo )(B 11,27,28) FRENC H COLONIES
709 * O
7 11 181
19th and 20th Centur y, coll. of man y hundr ed diff. in 2 Specialt y album s, l.h. to unused or used, some n.h. , spor adic cont ents but man y countri es and colonies, incl. General Issues , And or ra and M on aco, Fr ench Indi a, Pol Y!1esia , Lebanon and Syria , New Caledonia , South east Asia, many compl. sets incl. "Franc e Libre ", Airs and back-of-book , some faults th ough much fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Valu e $2,000 ...............................................................
20th Centur y, accum. of man y hundr ed diff. in 7 variou s sized stockbook s and one ring-binder in box, vast maj orit y n.h., some o.g. or used, wide range of colonies and Fr ench Communit y, also Monaco, Burundi and Congo, incl. many compl. sets with better dupl. , omnibus issues, blks of 4, Souvenir sheets, Semis and Airs, genera lly very fine. Est. Cash Valu e $600-800 .............................. . A wonderfull y varied group of well over 100 covers from all over th e world , many earlier, Regis., Airs, combinations, some cards. Very nice group f rom the Herbert Bloch s10ck. Est. Cash Value $200-300
7 12 * O
FRENC H AF RI CA : 19th a nd 20th Ce ntur y, coll. of man y hundr ed diff . in 2 Specialty album s, o.g. or used, some n.h., many countri es and smaller colonies with varying degree s of repr esentati on, incl. compl. or part sets, Semis, Air s and back-of-book , bett er or scarcer items, also some France Afri ca Offices, earl y issues mixed condition , later fine to very fine. Est. Cash Valu e $1,000-1,500 .........................................................................................................
713 * O
GE RMAN STATES: Primaril y 19th Centur y, stock of several thou sand neatly arranged in stockb ook, o.g. to unu sed or used, compr. Baden , Ba vari a, Bergedorf , Hano ver , Pru ssia, Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Thurn and Taxi s, Wurtt enberg , North German Confederation , misc. oth ers, incl. man y slightl y bett er item s, cancels and shad es, Ba varia compl. sets, mixed conditi on as would be expected. Stat ed by owner to catl. Scott $43,000+, Mi. DM 250,000+ ..
714 * O
Coll. of several hundr ed diff. on Specialty pages, o.g. to unused or used, most stat es well represented incl. bett er items, dupl. and reference items, fault y or mixed conditi on with some fine and useful. High catl. value, should be carefully inspected. Es t. Cash Value $750-1,000 ......................................
7 15 * O
Selection of about 100 stamp s on stock card s, used, a few o.g. to unu sed, incl. classic issues of Baden, Brun swick, Hano ver , Pru ssia, Saxony, Wurttemberg , few other s, plus four Germany , incl. a number of bett er items, four-m argined copies and vars., some reference or optimistically identified, mixed condition to very fine or ver y fine appearanc e. Est. Cash Value $1,000-2,000
716 * 0181GE RM ANY: 20th Centur y, balance of a few stamp s on stock card s, l.h. o.g. or used, plus 5 covers, incl. Airs, red BERLIN, etc., also German New Guinea Zeppelin 2pf blue, unused, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $150-200 ........................................................................................................... 717 Circa 1920s and 1930s, accum. of compl. or part sheets in sheet album and fine, n.h. to unused, incl. inflation period, some Commem and Semis with se-tenant, separations and mixed condition (some stuck) to very fine. Est. Cash Value$ l 50-250 ..................................................................................
1930s, selection of about 35 covers or card s, most frank ed by 1928-31 Issue, also several South America , Polar Flight and non-Zeppelin issues, incl. sin gle, multipl e and mi xed frankings, variet y of cachets and destination s th ough most to Unit ed States, generally fine to very fine, worth car eful inspection . Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 ....................................... . GERM ANY AND ARE A
7 19 * EE
19th and 20th Century , coll. of man y hundr ed mostly diff. in Specialty album , used, mostly Germany with Regular Issues highly complet e, incl. Small and Lar ge Shield to about 1970, compl. sets, Souvenir sheets , blk s of 4, canc els (some refer ence), Occu. WWI and II incl. Allied Zones, Berlin , " l0N s" and G.D.R. , also some better Thurn and Taxis and N.G.P.D., misc. Colonies, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cas h Value $1,500-2,000 .............................
720 * OllllBalance of a propert y, man y hundr ed in 4 ring-bind ers or stockbook s and loose in carton , n.h. to o.g. or used, wide range of generall y common with some moderat ely bett er items, incl. Danzig and some state s, German y Republic and Third Reich, Allied Zones, Berlin , etc., inflation margin or corner blks , some minor var s, etc., misc. for eign and Briti sh in glassines, mixed conditi on. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ................................................................................................................................. 721 * O
To about 1965, extensive coll. of a few thou sand diff. in 2 Specialt y album s, n.h. to unu sed (some regummed ) or used , German y highl y compl ete with bett er items and compl. sets, Semis, Souvenir sheets , Airs, Allied Zones, Berlin , G.D.R., also WWI and II Occu., colonies, plebiscite s with Danzig , Marienw erder , Memel, Saar, etc., some mint and used dupl. , mixed condition to much fine to ver y fine. Est. Cash Valu e $4,000-5,000 .............................................
722 * EE Primaril y 20th Centur y, coll. of man y hundr ed diff. in Specialty album , n.h. to o.g., some ea rly unused , mostly German y Regular Issues and Occu., incl. compl. sets , blk s of 4, tete-b eche and coil multiple s, Sou venir sheets , Allied Zon es, Berlin with man y bett er sets, " lONs" and G.D.R., also misc. state s and colonies, mixed conditi on to much very fine. Est. Cash Value $2,500-3,000 ..................................................................................................................................... .
Coll. of over 75 cover s or card s on pages and loose, incl. commercial mail and special events, compl. sets , Souvenir sheets , blks of 4, Regis., censored, cacheted FDCs, Allied Zones, Berlin incl. Freedom Bell, Currenc y Victim s and oth er better items, G.D.R., etc., also two Glides Mail cards, mixed condition to ver y fine. Interesting assortment. Est. Cas h Value $1,000+ .....
Coll. of about 175 mostl y diff. on stock sheets, l.h., o.g. or used, some n.h. , mostly Germ any SemiPostal sets from 1920s to post-WWIJ , also Allied Zone Baden, Berlin , G.D.R., Offices in China and Austria, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Valu e $500-750 .................................................... . * O 6 LOCALS: Circa 1946, coll. of well over 200 stamp s on pages, o.g. or used. incl. Grossraschen. Meissen, Lubbenau, Spremberg, Storkow, etc., misc. selection with dupl. and comp!. sets, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value$ I 50-200 ................................................................................................................... . ** EEBERLIN: Semi-Postal s; 1954 Stamp Exhibition 20+10pf multi-color ed, 38 copies, incl. corn er blks of 4, n.h. , very fine. DM 1520, Scott $608 ............................................................................ (9NB 12) GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC: 1957-58 and 1959-60 Perf 13x12½ 5pf emerald , lOpf light blue green , pane s of six, 20pf carmin e (5) + l0pf pane of six, in 71 un exploded booklets , n.h. , fine to very fine. Mi. MH3b I , OM 1207 ............................................................................ (330c.33a,477b) GREAT BRITAIN: 1864 Ip rose red , Plat e 121, platin g of 240 on pa ges, used, fault y or mixed 0 condition. S.G. £720. Scott $840 ..................................................................................................... ... (33)
724 * O
726 727
729 * EE 20th Century , Elizabeth Issue, accum. of over 250 on stock sheets and auction lot pages, n.h. to o.g., mostl y compl. sets with blks of 4, incl. pho sphor and/or graphit e pt gs., Cas tle types to £1, generally fine to very fine. Est. Ca sh Value $500 ................................................................................. .. 730 * EE 1957 to 1976, coll. of several hundred on pages, n.h. or l.h., mostly comp!. sets incl. blks of 4, phosphor ptgs. and Regional issues. fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $250-300 .................................................... .. 73 1
1969 to 1980, group of 15 unexploded booklets, compr. £1 Stamp s For Cooks (2), £1 and £3 Wedgwood (5 and 3 respectiv ely), plus 2sh (2) and 50p (3) stitch ed bookl ets, n.h., fine to very fine. S.G. Spec. 1984 6th and 1985 4th eds. about £500 .................................... (SGZP I .DX 1.2.etc.)
732 * O
ITALIA AREA: 19th and 20th Centur y, coll. of many hundr ed dilT. in Specialt y album , l.h. to unused or used, some n.h. , incl. colonies and stat es, Occu., Lomb ard y-Venetia, Fium e, Libya , etc., man y compl. sets incl. Manzoni , bett er Airs and Air Semi-P ostals, back-of-book, etc., early issues mixed condition with some ref erence, lat er generall y fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 ................................................................................................................ .
733 * O
ITALIAN STATES: SICILY; 1859 ½ g to 50g, selection of 16 stamp s on page, o.g. or part o.g., incl. 2 used, incl. several shades, most with margins all round and a few signed, fresh and generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ...............................................................(betw . 10 and 18)
734 * O
735 * O 736 * O
737 * O 738 * O
ITALY: 19th and 20th Centur y to 1970s, coll. of many hundred diff. in Specialty album , l.h. to unused or used , some n.h ., high degree of completenes s with early better items , many compl . sets, Semis, Airs and back-of-book , incl. Postage Due, Parcel Post, Occu ., Offices and Aegean Island s, mixed condition to much very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,800-2,000 .................
TRIESTE: Zones A and B, 1947 to 1954, issues nearly complete on album pages, l.h., o.g. or used, incl. better items and sets, Airs and back-of-book, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-500 ............... JAP AN: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of over 200 stamps on pages, o.g. to unused or used, incl. a few early issues, Kohan types and slightly better items mixed condition incl. some stuck to frne. Est. Cash Value $350-450 ................................................................................................................................... Coll. of perhaps 200 stamps on pages and stock sheets, unused or used, scattered issues incl. a few slightly better and reference items, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $300-400 ....................................... J APAN AND KOREA: Primaril y 20th Century to about 1955, coll. of over 350 diff. on album pages, l.h. to unu sed or used, bulk of value in Japan, incl. some better items or compl. sets, Airs and .misc. Offices, Korea with #80-84, 287a-89a , etc., some faults though generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $600-800 ................................................................................................................. LIBERIA
739 * O rnl 1860 to 1880, The Classic Issues as received , a few hundred on pages, o.g. to unused or used , incl. 12c deep blue (2), blk of 64, 24c light yellow green (15), blk of 32, other smaller multiple s, shades, combination perf s, imperf s, plate proof s in black and trial colors, defaced Die proof s in black , red and blue, also a selection of Fournier and Spiro referenc e copies, mixed condition to very fine. Worth careful inspection. Some ex Blum. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 ............. 740
741 181
1892-96 Engraved le to $2, group of 21 items on stock sheets, n.h. to o.g., compr. imperf varieties and I c to 8c pairs imperf between, imperfs incl. margin singles and pairs, $2 top right corner pair, le corner blk of 8, $ I top blk of 4, generally very fine. Est. Cash Value $150-250 .....(33-37,39,4 l,43,47-49 vars.) 19th and 20th Century, coll. of over 140 items in album , incl. some later 19th and early 20th cent. covers, Regis., etc., 1944-46 surchd ., a few Military and Officials on cover, Airs, modern FDCs incl. Souvenir sheets , mint and used stationery , etc., mixed condition. Some very scarce items. Est. Cash Value $500-750 .................................................................................................................................
742 * O rni 1881 to 1946, coll. virtuall y as received in Elbe Lincoln album, o.g. to unu sed or used, excellent range incl. many Scott and Stanle y Gibbons listed varieties, plu s many unlisted , imperf , part perf , compl. or part sheets and sheetlets, selections of cancels incl. paqu ebot and combination perfs, man y surchd. types with vars. and multiple s, few inverted centers , Airs, reference , etc., some faults as would be expected though much fine to very fine. Careful inspection recommended. Est. Cash Value $2,000-3,000 ............................................................................... 1892 to 1918, coll. of over 45 items on pages o.g. to unused , incl. 1892 to 1905 ovptd. Roman or serifed SPECIMEN , later specimen s, imperf trial colors on stout card or gummed stamp paper , black vignette s, 1909-12 imperf and 1918 perf black proof s, etc., some faults but generally fine to very fine. Very scarce selection. Some items ex Blum. Est. Cash Value $600-800 ............................... 744 * O rnl1940 to 1975, coll. of several thousand stamp s in album , etc., and loose in carton, n.h . to o.g., sca ttered used , incl. many compl. sets, full sheets , Airs and a few Semis, errors and imperfs galore, with Souvenir sheets serial numb er invtd. , 1949 and 1952 Ashmun issues with imperf progressive plate proofs, ovptd. SPECIMEN, trial colors, autographed sheets , centers omitted or invtd., 25c and S0c rever sed colors, 1948-50 3c rose violet date added, sheet of 25 (315a), much more, generally very fine. Also the library incl. 13 booklets by Philip Cockrill. Est. Cash Value $500-750
743 S
745 * O rnl BACK OF THE BOOK: 1892 to 1945, the coll. of many hundred in Elbe Lincoln album , n.h . to o.g ., some ungummed or use d , ve ry nearly as rec eived and compr. Semi s, Registration, Postage Due, Militar y, Officials , incl. many compl. sets, sheetlets an d part sheets, errors of all kinds, imperf , part perf, impe rf between , ovpt. omitted, doub le or invtd. , center invtd. or omitte d, cancels, combination perfs , plate proof s incl. a few centers only, etc., variety of multiples, also some Revenues , generally fine to very fine. A valuable collection with many Seo/I and Stanley Gibbons varieties. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 ............................. 746 * O
LIBERIA AND ETHIOPIA: Primaril y 20th Centur y, coll. remainder of a few hundred diff. on Specia lty pages , unused or used, generally the more common issues incl. some comp!. sets, Airs and back-of-book, Liberia with a few proofs, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value$ I00- 150 .............................
747 * O
749 * O
LIECHTENSTEIN : 1912 to 1966, country nearly complete on Specialty pages, l.h. or o.g., some n.h., scattered used, incl. a number of better compl. sets, early perf vars., Souvenir s heets, Se mis, Air Post and back-of-book , generally fine to very fine. Scott $5300+ .......................... ...................................................................... (betw. 1 and 410,Bl-23,Cl-37,etc. )
Officials; 1880 to 1882, S.P. Ovpts., group of 13 stamps, 8 diff., all o.g . exce pt 2 unu sed, compr. Mi. 341 (3 stamp s), 26II-34II , all on old Mercury Stamp Co . lot sheets. DM3000+ .............. ............................ MAURITIUS: Primarily 20th Century, coll. of about 150 on pages, l.h. or o.g .. some used. incl. com pl. or part sets, with Edw ard VII to I Or, some back-of-book. fLne to very fine. S.G . £575 ................. .
750 IIi1
1903 "REPUBLICA DE PANAMA"in violet reprints , hundr eds of copies of 2c. 5c and 20c in sheets, part sheet s or blks, many stuck together or on pages. impr essive numb er. From the Herbert Bloch Reference collection. Est. Cash Value $150-200 ................................................. .............. ............... .
751 * O
PORTUGAL AND COLONIES: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of many hundred diff. in Specialty album, o.g. or used. wide range of issues through back- of-boo k. incl. a few lightly better items and part sets, colonies include Angola. Azore s. Cape Verde, Moza mbiqu e, St. Thomas and Prin ce Is .. Zambe sia, severa l other s, mixed conditi on to very fine . Est. Ca h Value $400-600 ................................. ..
752 ** 83PORTUGUESE COLONIES: 20th Century, selection of a few hundred in stockbook, n.h .. mostly comp!. sets incl. blks of 4 , incl. Angola , Cape Verde , M ozamb ique, Guinea . Tim a r, others, some backof-book. U.P.U. omnibus , etc. , genera lly very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-250 ........................................ . 753 181
RUSSIA : 19th and 20th Century, coll. of about 85 items in stockbook, mostly covers, also parcel post receipt s, picture post cards, some multiple and mixed frankings, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $200-400 .............................................................. ..................... ....................... ................ ........................... .
754 * Oli:ll1857 to 1947, coll of several hundred in 2 albums, o.g. to unused or used. incl. a fair selection of ea rly issues with multipl es and a few cove rs, shades, ca ncel s and slightl y better items. later co mp!. sets , Semi s and Air s, so me back-of-book. mixed co nditi on to much fine to very fine. worth careful inspect ion. Est. Cash Value $ 1.500-2 ,000 .............. ............................................... ...... 755 ** llll 20th Century, stock of a few thousand in numbered glassines in box, n.h., primarily 1956 to 1991 sets and Souvenir sheets, 10 of each, incl. Semis and Airs, Far Eastern Rep., Siberia, etc., with inventory Scott and Michel cross-referenced, clean and very fine. DM27,000+ ....... 756 * 083 SAAR: 1920 to 1959, stock of several hundred in 3 counter books in box, n.h. to o.g. and used, many compl. sets plus extra values, incl. Regular Issues, Semis and Airs, few Officials, blks of 4, better items, moderate quantities and generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ........ 757 * O
ST. VINCENT : 1862 to 1935, coll. of over 90 on Specialty pages, n.h. to unused. one used. incl. slightly better early items. various perf s, surchd ., I 898 set comp I., Edward VII and George V sets. mixed condition to very fLne. Est. Cash Valu e $350-400 ................... .................... ............... ..................... .
758 * O
759 * O
* 762 0
SAN MARINO: 1877 to 1973, country nearly complete on Specialty pages, n.h. to unused, some used, incl. many better sets, Souvenir sheets, later blks of 4 or 6,Semis, Airs, Special Delivery, Postage Due and Parcel Post, early issues mixed condition , overall fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 .................................................................................................
SPAIN: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of a few hundred diff. in Specialty album, o.g. or used, incl. classic issues perf and imperf part sets, Semis, Airs, back-of-book , sporadic colonies with a few slightly better items and reference, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $300-400 ............................... . 20th Century, accum. of several hundred diff. in glassines in cigar box, n.h., mostly modern comp !. sets, incl. Airs , Semis and misc. back-of-book , a few slightly better , fine to very fine . Est. Cash Value $200-300 ....................... ..................... ....................... ....... ................ ....... .................. .................................. . STRAITS SETTLEMENT: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of about 120 on stock sheets, o.g. , incl. Edward VII and George V, some ov ptd . or surchd. , also Kedah , Pahang and Selan gor. some slightly better item s, generally fine to very fine . S.G. £1450+ ............... ................................................................. . Coll. of about 250 mostly diff. on stock sheets, used, incl. various wmks and surchd. types, Edward VII and George V, also Malayan States Selangor, Pahang, etc., many scarcer items, mixed condition to very fine. S.G. over £4500 ..............................................................................
**1:8:1 20th Century, accum. of a few thousand items in container
and 20th Century , coll. of man y hundr ed diff. in Specialty album , n.h. to unu sed or use d , incl. better early it em s (faulty or mi xe d co ndition ), m any later comp!. se ts and Souvenir sheets, mod ern blks of 4, better Semis and Airs, ba ck-of-bo ok with man y Officials , 20th cent . generally fine to very fine. Es t. Cash Value $1,500+ ................................................. .
and loose in 2 cartons, compr. modern n.h. issues in post office year sets, unexploded booklets, etc., incl. comp!. sets, blks, Semis and Souvenir shee ts, plus many hundred cacheted unaddr esse d FDCs and PTT booklets and folders of the same issues, fairly high face value cost as new issues, varying quantities and generally very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000+ ...................................................... Complete Sheets of Fifty, unless otherwise noted
**llil1961 Evangelists set comp!., sheets of 25, n.h., extremely fine. DM2375, Scott $793.75 ...... (406-09 ) **lnl1981 to 1984, group of 12 diff. iss ues co mp!. , n.h. , ex tr emely fin e. DM2962 , Sco tt $ 1095
**llil1892-86 Views lfr
·················································· ········ ······················································· (694- 700 ,704-07 15.16,29-48,50) to 4,S0fr, compl. set, n.h., extremely fine. DM3700, Scott $1497.50 .... (717-28A )
**llil1985 to 1991, group of 23 diff. comp! issues, one sheet of 30, n.h., extre mely fine . DM 76 I5, Scott $3 151...................................................... (751-59 ,72-78 ,99-821 ,24-35 ,51-59 ,61-69 ,89,93-96)
**lnl1986-89 Mail Handling Sc to 90c, compl. set, n.h., extremely fine. DM600 , Scott $32 1.50 ..... (779-90) 770 **llil 1974 to 1984, nine diff. compl. sets, n.h., extremely fine. DM4 l 75, Scott $ 1446 ..(B422-29 ,80-83.88-5 I 2) 77 1 **IBI 1981 Arms set of four, 3 sets, n.h., very fine . DM 1425, Scott $453 .......... .............................. (B484-87 ) 769
**llil1985 to 1990, group of 13 diff. issues complete, n.h., extremely fine. DM6462 , Scott $2368.50 .............................. ................................................................................................... (B513-40 ,46-62)
1974 to 1989, group of 12 sheets of 25 or 50, part or compl. sets, n.h., ext remely fine. DMI 112+, Scott $454.25 .......................................... ......... (3O104 .08 ,09,5O40 ,9O 14.15 , 10O 14 , I IO l-5) Printed First Day Cancellations
775 Ol!il 776 Ol!il
1982-86 and 1986-89, Two diff. compl. sets, extre mely fine. DM2 2 I 2+. Scott $447+.(7 I 7-28A ,79-90 ) 1981 to 1984, group of 13 diff . issues co mp!. , extremely fi ne . DM24 80+ , Scott $7 14.50+ ·················· ········· ············· ································································ ··················<694-703 ,7 10- 16.29-48 .50) 1985 to 1991, group of 23 diff. issues compl., one sheet of 30, extremely fine. DM6202+ , Scott $1,039.50+ ....................................................................................................................(betw . 75 1 and 869)
777 O l!il
1974 to 1990, group of 21 diff. issues comp!., extra set of sheets #484-87 , extremely fine. DM9037+, Scott $1,830.00+ .......................................................... (B426-29 ,80-540,46-49 ,54-62)
OFFICIALS: 1974 to 1989, group of 12 sheets of 25 or 50, part or compl. sets, extre mely fine . OM 1112+. Scott $429.25+ ................................................. (30104 .08 ,09,5 040 .9014 , 15, 10014.1101 -5) *OIBI 1960s to 1991, balance of 40 compl. sheets, varying sizes up to 80 and part sets in sheet file, n.h. or printed First Day cancel, incl. 1960s Messinge r and Buildin gs sheets, tete-beche and gu tter tete-beche , Villages, Folk Customs, etc., plus 10 Souvenir sheets, very fine to extremely fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 .............................................................................................................................. *O TURKEY: Primarily 20th Century, accum. of a few hundred in stockbook, o.g. or used, incl. a number ov ptd . crescent and sta r, plus other issues of that period, some Sult an·s Visit with various cities, misc. back-of-book , scarce Anat olia and some modern n.h., ge nera lly fine to very fine . Est. Cash Value $250-300 ......................... ......................................................................................................... ......... . VATICAN CITY:1929 to about 1968, coll. of over 500 mostly diff. on Specialty pages, n.h. to o.g., scattered used, issues almost complete incl. Stagecoach Souvenir sheet, Semis, Airs and back-ofbook, some early n.h., fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-600 ..................................... ............... .. *01:8:1 Coll. of hundreds of stamps and covers in ring-binders, stockbook and cover album in carton, n.h. to used, incl. compl. sets, Airs, Souvenir sheets, cacheted, unaddre sed FDC , maximum cards, special events incl. Pope ·s New York Visit with special cachets, ticket , etc., fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-300 WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 1854 to 1860 lp to 6p, group of 5 diff., unused , key items fau lty or repaired. very fine appearan ce. S.G . £3495. Scott $5175 ................ ............................................... ( 1-4 . 14)
778 Ol!il 779
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·•41srJ., ~-
June 27, 1996
PRICE $1.00 (or by subscription)
3 EAST 28th STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10016
The Wright Key Plate, Goldfrank Canal Zone,Michener Liberia and Hoar Duck Federal and State Prints Collections
SALE 2907
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 43 44 45 46 47 49 51 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 66
100 135 140 100 260 575 350 475 675 230 1700 100 260 160 170 600 180 2400 850 375 160 325 260 160 80 125 110 310 475 550 300 300 150 325 1350 90 425 800 210 90 675 150 200 55 230 110 150 130 130 80 150 105 240 170 160 100 220
67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 92 93 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 103 104 105 106 107 109 110 112 113 115 117 118 119 120 122 123 124 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133
115 75 155 325 210 180 190 160 300 135 105 115 475 425 1000 190 350 525 290 400 200 100 125 170 250 350 250 200 625 300 250 325 425 200 650 180 220 145 120 260 105 130 260 170 130 160 105 600 190 150 125 240 230 160 450 300 180
134 136 137 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195
180 110 75 900 125 200 450 100 130 250 250 210 250 210 180 170 145 600 500 135 135 120 180 125 90 230 260 600 95 450 300 1150 900 750 650 1450 1800 115 105 400 145 135 240 160 300 575 950 80 220 425 160 400 1350 3500 600 150 130
196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 205 206 207 208 209 210 212 213 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 227 228 229 230 231 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 242 244 245 246 247 248 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264
1150 200 140 230 220 300 1600 200 190 95 125 100 110 75 105 625 170 250 190 375 150 850 100 300 160 80 95 325 130 240 110 145 90 850 70 75 200 90 125 600 300 400 37 1600 550 1100 1100 1350 850 2100 120 450 1150 95 425 475 7000
266 267 268 269 271 273 274 275 277 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 291 292 295 296 299 300 303 304 305 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337
1900 2600 1500 1600 1200 1200 1350 1000 1000 400 250 400 130 475 5000 350 4000 1800 1150 800 1100 160 1900 1500 1250 850 800 900 675 500 525 375 400 210 160 180 1800 500 2400 800 425 600 850 600 220 950 750 160 150 250 850 750 800 625 475 1500 950
338 339 341 345 346 350 354 355 356 357 359 360 361 362 363 364 366 373 374 375 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 405 406 407 411 412 413 414 415 416 417
TOTAL $465 ,402
800 1800 700 800 325 130 850 180 420 1000 1900 2000 5250 110 75 160 200 115 130 130 220 400 140 85 70 1150 2200 120 240 130 105 1600 120 120 170 100 200 230 210 130 110 110 210 240 100 220 150 70 375 200 65 525 140 220 270 300 700
418 421 422 423 424 426 428 431 432 434 435 436 437 438 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485
55 210 75 180 220 140 115 180 55 325 210 850 160 135 190 220 130 200 200 75 140 425 95 170 250 350 300 230 475 55 130 145 280 250 260 350 125 400 300 325 210 210 250 190 260 150 650 450 550 150 475 375 240 280 325 325
486 487 488 489 490 490A 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 502 503 504 505 507 508 510 511 512 514 516 517 518 520 521 522 523 524 526 528 529 530 531
300 1400 1600 180 80 180 190 240 85 120 140 115 375 350 100 95 240 280 240 160 210 115 95 95 60 55 210 100 180 105 155 1200 160 150 240 270 280 105 270
532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572
220 80 280 60 145 160 110 105 1250 475 230 125 1500 1900 450 220 135 350 130 1600 650 270 115 180 350 40 270 135 145 200 140 350 170 350 110 180 850 650 1500
573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 585 586 587 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 598 599 600 602 603 605 606 608 609 610 611 613 615 616 617 620 622 623
240 850 240 450 350 170 110 70 85 425 350 230 95 750 260 100 150 120 135 260 1050 90
280 80 135 300 300 250 750 110 375 170 160 190 160 500 200 280 130
624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 637A 638 639 640 641 642 643 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 660 661 662 663
160 135 1250 200 425 290 90 95 375 2700 4000 28000 4750 2600 1700 1700 2200 1200 700 3000 350 270 1700 750 425 270 425 160 1400 250 450 270 180 1100 475 500 170 5250 5750
664 665 666 668 669 670 671 671A 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 697 698 699 700 701 702 703
700 700 200 290 170 80 2600 1250 1700 450 260 2500 3750 650 290 110 1400 500 1050 400 700 950 525 500 210 290 105 700 1350 200 1250 400 3750 475 250 475 210 1450 450
704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 714 715 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744
210 1500 210 210 325 2100 850 375 1900 1550 800 135 1900 2600 525 5250 2800 1400 750 260 170 130 115 700 230 160 2900 700 3500 400 400 325 700 3250 290 1900 4000 800 1300
745 746 747 750 751 752 754 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 774 775 776 777 779 780 781 782 783
3000 150 1250 220 625 275 1250 750 475 1250 425 250 425 1600 1350 950 525 525 800 1350 160 525 190 750 130 160 400 500 850 180 500 325 250
SEASON'S TOTAL TO DATE: $1,925,101 (including 15% on the hammer price payable by the buyer)