9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. to July 4 Summer hours 9:00 to 5:00
Never hinged
On cover
On piece
Block of four
Block larger than four
PP Plate Proof
DP Die Proof
TC Trial Color
We regret we are unable to accept credit cards for payment of purchases. For overseas buyers, we ask that payment be made by bank draft , wire or checks in dollars made payable on a U.S. bank .
SE ; Straight Edge: s.l. ; Straight-line ; c.d.s. ; Circular Date Stamp. c.t.o. ; Cancelled to Order: F.D.C. ; First Day Cover CONDITION
The various gradings of stamps are, in order : superb: extremely fine; very fine; fine; fair. A lot described as "fair'' Is so listed either by reason of general appearance or more otten
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
because of a small fault or faults. such as a crease . thin spot. short or missing pert, perforated into, cut into, etc. In the case of sets, large blocks, sheets . etc., the condition quoted represents the average and quality above and below this standard can be expected. Mixed Condition : In large lots, the condition is generally expected to range from fair to at best
fine. Serious defects can be expected .
Upto$ 150 $ 5 $150- $ 300 $ 10 $300- $ 700 $ 25 $ 50 $700- $ 1,500 Over $ 1,500 approximately 5% Bids which do not conform to the above will be automatically reduced to the correct level.
Handstamp on reverse: Denotes either a dealer, collector or indecipherableexpertiser's mark. Signed by : Denotes either the actua l signature or mark of the expertiser . The absence of mentioning a signature does not reflect on the ability or knowledge of the party involved .
Please comply with the following: (a) Not more than 20 bids can be accepted and must be confirmed in writing. {b) Any errors are the responsibility of the bidder. (c) No bids accepted later than 1/2 hour before sale.
0 .G.
Shaded portion can represent an actual hinge or the area disturbed by a hinge. n.h. Never hinged - unused with original gum in Post Office state and unmounted l.h. Lightly hinged - unused with full original gum showing some evidence of a previous hinge which may be present in part or entirely removed. o.g. Original gum - unused with original gum somewhat disturbed by previous hinging which may still be present. part o.g. Part original gum - unused with original gum. large hinge remnants may or may not be present. disturbed o.g. Disturbed original gum - unused with original gum , affected by sweating. glazing or mount disturbance; may not resemble the originalgum. Unused without gum (unless gum is mentioned) unused ungummed Unused without gum, as issued. BLOCKS OR SHEETS AND THEIR GUM : Minor separations are the rule, rather than the exception. in the case of blocks or sheets of any size. A few separations-around four perts per row-do not affect the value of a block or sheet and are not grounds for the return of a lot. Blocks of four that have two stamps o.g. and two stamps n.h. are described "n.h. (2)/o.g.(2)".
You may fax or e-mail bids up to 1 hour before sale commences -
be sure to use
(212) 447-5625 or hrharmer
1. Lots of not more than 10 items. 2. To U.S. clients only. 3. Viewer ~ pay postage and insurance both ways and return lots within 24 hours of receipt. 4. Viewer assumes all responsibility, including proper insurance. for any loss.
whGther in his possessionor in any and all forms of transit when returningPostal ving. References required from bidders unknown to us.
PAIRS : All pairs are horizontal. unless otherwise mentioned.
CATALOGUE NUMBERS : The cata logue numbers of the contents of the lots are given in parentheses immediately following the descriptions , but in bulky lots only the range of issue is shown.
.t .ons of all lots are available in receipt of stamped , self-addressed envelope. GUM DESCRIPTION
CATALOGUE VALUES : The final column shows the catalogue value of the lot. This is shown " parentheseswhere, in the opinion of the auctioneers, the market value exceeds this figure.
.;n izing that there are occasional differences of opinion concerning gum
1clature by various expert committees , for example. a stamp described as --eing certified as large part o.g. or even part o.g., this minor classification 1pancy alone is not sufficient groundsfor return.
ESTIMATED VALUES : If an estimated cash value is given, it is shown in the descriptior , nrt always indicated by the abbreviations "Est. Cash Val.". It is used where the lot is large or ,t
the actual value has little relation to the catalogue price. It represents the auctioneer's appr of the true MARKET value of a lot and the figure is invariably close to the actual realization. It , useless for mail bidders to list any bids that are only a low proportion of such estimates.
taulls including, but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps, small tears ,me back flap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue.
U.S. Specialized Scott 1840-1940 Scott Vol. 1 Scott Vols. 2-6 Stanley Gibbons British Commonwealt h Michel Germany Michel Europe Unitrade Others as noted in the descriptions Euros are Michel unless otherwise noted
Printed with PMS 561 and Pantone 871
2003 2003
200J 2003
200 2 200J2003 2002
o,a• bac:.,,
,er, NO lots may be returned with back stamps stating Fake, Falsch, or similar ;_ Recently there has been a spate of German expertisers marking the stamps. It is your responsibility as the purchaser not to let this happen . IN THE MAILING ENVELOPE
You will find the bid form and prices realized for the December 12 United States, British Commonwealth and Foreign, "Hohenzollern" German Offices and Colonies Part II auction.
SALE 2941
UNITED STATES FORGERIES AND REPRINTS BRITISH COMMONWEALTH & FOREIGN Further Portions of the ccwoodstock))Collection of Postal History Dr. Dale Hart)s Collection of Number Ones of the World The Estate of Miles De VreeseBelgium and Europe The Estate of Sol Rozman United States and the properties of 21 other vendors.
JU LY 23, 2003 Afternoon Session at 1:30 P .M.
EXHIBITI ON OF LOTS JULY 21,22 from 9:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. or by Appointment EXHIBITION ROOM CLOSED 1:00 p .m . to 1:45 p.m. EACH DAY ON SALE DAY LOTS WILL BE AVAILABLE UN TIL 12 NOON
To be sold at Auction by
H.R.HARMER INC. 3 EAST 28TH STREET , 7TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY 10016 Telephone: (212 ) 532 -3700 Fax: (212 ) 447-5625 E-mail: Website: Keith A. H armer, Jack LaCalamito - Licensed Auctioneers , License #'s 672829 , 78 087 0
On all lots sold a commission ofl5 % on the hammer price will be payable by the bu yer.
Cat i. Val.
WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 2003 Afternoon Session at 1:30 P.M.
AUTOGRAPHS: EISENHOWER , DWIGHT D. (as General): Signature in ink on Czec hoslo vakia 60h postal card with poignant inscription and 1945 special canc el, very fine ......(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $150-200
ROOS EVE LT , FRAN KLI N D: Signatur e in ink on photo-portr ait, 203x253mm , some faults incl. creasing, but not affecting facia l feat ures. fine ...................................................... ..(Ph oto page 46) Est. Cash Value $ 150-200
GENERAL ISSUES 1847 ISSUE Cancelled by red grids unless otherwise noted Sc red bro wn, shad es Sc brown , doubl e transfer of top frame line, Pos. SORIA, ju st clea r to enormou s margins showing fram e line of adjoining stamp , neatl y ca ned., fine ................................... .............................. ..........................................(Photo )
725. 00
Sc, good to mostly lar ge mar gins all round , lightly caned., crease , fresh and very fine appe ara nce ....... (Phot o) ( I)
5 0
Sc, good to large mar gins, lightly ca ned., sma ll fau lts, very fine appearance ...........................................(Ph oto) ( I)
550 .00
Sc, barel y touch ed at bottom , clear to large margins oth er sides, tiny corner margin crease, fine appear ance ............................................................. ....................................... ..................................................................(Ph oto) ( I)
550 .00
7 181
Sc dark bro wn, dot in "S" variety, small crease, mostly very large margins, very fine, ju st tied by typical stroke on 1847 fold ed lett e r s hee t bea rin g g re e n W IL MINGT O N Del. N OV 15 c.d .s . to New York. This is the seventh oldest of 39 documented covers mailed fro m Delaware and may be the unique Dot in "S" cover ............. ............ .................................. ................. ............................ ............... (Photo ) (l a) Es t. Cas h Value $300-400
8 181
Sc, touched in places to large mar gins, tied by blue grid in circ le ca nce l on neat enve lope bearin g matchin g PHI LADA Pa. SEP 12 c.d.s. to Massac husetts ........................................................(Pho to) ( I ) Est. Cash Va lue $200
3 0
705 .00
9 0
10c black , ca nce llatio n remo ved , margin s all rou nd tho ug h so me added , reg ummed , ex treme ly fi ne unu sed appeara nce. Foundat ion Cert. (200 3) ....................................................................... .................................... (Photo ) (2)
10 0
10c, little or no mar gins, fault , fine appearance .......................... ............ .................. ............................... (Phot o) (2)
II *
1875 REPROD UCTIO N OF 1847 ISSUE : 10c black , good to large margins all round, cert. states "tiny corner crease", very fin e. PSE Ce rt. (2003) ......... .................................... ................................................. (Cove r Photo ) (4)
900. 00
12 0
1851-57 IMPERFORAT E : 10c green, type m, mar gins all round , enormou s three sides, light blue cance l, fine ............................................. ......................... ........ .......................................... ........ ....... .............................(Ph oto) ( 15)
13 14 0
1857-61 PERFORAT ED 15½: 1c blu e (SE), type Illa , Plate 4, unu sed, fres h, fine ..................... ...... (Ph oto) (22)
Sc red bro wn, lightly ca ned., reperfed, very fine appearance ............... .................................................... (Ph oto) (28)
15 t:;
Sc brown , type II , strip of thr ee, fin e copie s, tied by c.d.s. on piece, ..................................................(Ph oto) (30A )
* 17 *
1861-62 PERFORA TE D 12 : 3c dull red, o.g., very fine ............................ ............. .......... ............... .....(Photo ) (65)
1875 RE-IS SUE OF 1861- 66 ISSUE : I0c green, unu sed. reperfed, bea utiful rich co lor , fin e app earance. PSE Ce rt. (2002 ). 451 Prim ed ...................... ............................................... ................................(Cove r Ph oto) (106)
1,900 .00
10c yellow, unused, corner perf crease, fine ........ .......... ....................... ...... .......... ...................................(Phot o) ( 116)
1,000 .00
18 19 0
30c ultramarin e & carmin e, cork cance l, tiny corner crease, repe,fed , very fine appeara nce .............. (Phot o) ( 121)
550 .00
20 0
90c carmin e & black, cork ca ncel, perfs ju st in at bottom , fresh and attrac tive copy ...... ........ .............. (Photo ) ( I 22)
2 ,350 .00
1875 RE-IS SUES OF 1869 ISSUE : 1c buff , slightly toned d isturbed o.g ., fine ............. ................... ...(Phot o) (123)
500 .00
24c gree n & viol et, unu sed, hand stamp on reverse whi ch barely sho ws on front, ve ry fine app ea rance. Found ation Cert. (2002 ) .................. ......... ................ ......... ................................. .......... .......................... (Photo) (130)
1,200 .00
21 22
* 24
Without Grill )Sc bright orange, o .g ., u¡ace of thinning , fine ......................... ............................. .........(Photo) ( 152)
2,200 .00
30c black, pair, lightly disturb ed o.g., fresh ................. ......................... .................. ....... (Cove r Photo) (154) 11,500.00+
Cati. Val.
1881-82 RE-ENGRAVED: 6c rose, o.g., thin , fresh , very fine appearance ......................... ...... ..........(Photo ) (208) 1890-93 Sc chocolate , imperforate proof pair on n.h. gummed paper, good margins all round, extremely fine ..................................................................... ........................................................................................ (Photo) (223Pb)
* 28 *
30c black , centered sheet margin copy, very l.h. thoug h n.h. appear ance , tiny surface scrapes, still very fine . Foundatio n Cert. (2002) ............................................... ................................. .................... ...... ................. (Photo) (228)
400 .00
90c orange, o.g., reperfed , very fine appearance . Found ation Cert. (2003) .......... ..................................(Photo ) (229)
25 26 P 27
* le to 10c, seven diff., l.h. , 6c o.g. , fine to very fine ...................................................................... (Photo) (230 -35 ,37) 30 *Ell3c green, block of four, n.h .(2)/ 1.h.(2) , perf separatio n , very fine ......................... ...... ......................... (Photo ) (232) 31 *EllSc magenta , block of four, n.h .(2)/ 1.h.(2), brilliant fresh, fine to very fine ............................. ............ ...(Photo ) (236)
32 0
$1 salmon, on-the-nose 3- 11 1893 double ova l cance l, mall faults, fine appearance............................ (Photo ) (24 1)
$2 red brown $2, disturbed o.g., small th.ins, fine appeara nce ........ ............ ............... .............................. ...................... (Photo) (242) $2, on-the-nose Regis. cance l, small faults, very fine appea rance ................................... ............ ............ (Photo ) (242)
33 34 0
511.00 360.00+
$2, partial grid cance l, small thin pot, we ll centered, fine. Found ation Cert. (2002 ) ................ ............. (Photo ) (242) $2, lightly caned ., small thin s, fine appeara nce ........................................................................... ............ (Photo ) (242)
36 0 37 0
$4 crimson lake, closed tear, repaired , fine appeara nce .......................................... ................ ...............(Photo ) (244)
1,300 .00
38 0
$5 black, neatly caned., tiny thin spo t, fine ........... ................................................ .................................. (Photo ) (245)
35 0
margin ** 1894 UNW ATERMARKED: 2c carmine, type II, Imprint Pl. No. part arrow strip of six, plus detached pair, n.h., stray perf indent in left stamp and selvage in strip, fresh, fine .................. ......................(Photo) (251) 5,200.00+ 475.00 2c carmine, type m, Imprint Pl. o. vertical strip of three, very l.h. if at all, very fine .............. .....(Photo) (252) 40 * $1 black, type II. o.g., light crease, very fine appearance .......................................... (Cove r Photo) (261A) 2,300.00 41 * 39
1895 WATERMARKED : $1 black, type I, l.h., Lightcreas ing, very fine appearance .............. ........... (Photo ) (276)
* *
$1, type II , l.h., reperfed , extremely fine appearance. Foundation Cert. (2003) ...........................(Photo) (276A) $2 bright blue, o.g., tiny light corner crease, large centered copy, extremely fine appearance. Foundation Cert. (2003) ............... ................................ .......... ....................................................................................(Photo ) (277)
* [jj]
1897-1903 CHANGED COLORS; 2c red, booklet pane of six, l.h., fine ...................................... (Photo) (279 Be)
42 43
le dark yellow green, vert. pair, block of four, Imprint Pl. No. strip of three, n.h., very fine to extremely tine. **Ell (Photo ) (285)
Cati. as singles $585+ ............................................................ ......................... ........................................ S0c sage green, o.g ., light gum wrin kle, well centered, very fine. PSE Cert. (2003) ............................. (Photo ) (291)
S0c, o.g. (hinge remn ants), deep fresh color, fine appeara nce .................. ............................................... (Photo ) (291)
. ...• ..•.
.. ------
· r,:;;;~~
..•.. . ...•
. . ... •
Cati. Val. 49 ** IBI1901 PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITIO N: 2c carmine & black, 24 copies incl. part Imprint blk of four, n.h., mixed ce nter ing to very fine. Ca ti. as singles $840 ............................ ................. ............ ........... ..... ........(Photo) (295 )
1902- 03 REGULAR ISSUE 50 ** IBIle blue green, 56 copies incl. blks of 12 and 16, n.h., mixed ce ntering to extreme ly fi ne. Ca ti. as singles $ 1344 ..................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (300) 51 ** IBI2c carmin e, 35 copies incl. part Imprint blk s with PI. No., n.h. , few inc lusion s, fine to very fine . Ca ti. as single s $ 1137 ................. ................................................................ ..... ....... .......... ......... ......... ........ .......... (Photo) (30 1) 52 **
3c bright violet, ten copies, n.h., mixed ce nter ing to fine ............ .............. ....................... ........... ....................... (302)
1,100 .00
53 ** IBI4c brown, 44 copies (12 SE) in 3 large multiples, n.h., separations, bright fresh color, mixed centering
to fine. Cati. as singles $5280 ....................................................................................................................(303) 6c claret, Imprint Pl. No. strip of three, n.h., top stamp crease , lovely deep co lor , fine .....................(Photo) (305) S0c orange , o.g., repe,fed, very fine appeara nce. PSE Cert. (2003 ) .......... ........... ......... ........ ................. (Photo) (3 10) 56 ** IBI1903 2c carmine, type I , booklet pane of six, n.h., inclu ion, very fine ....... ........... ........ ................... (Photo) (3 I 9g)
54 ** 55
450.00 + 47 5.00 240.00
1908-09 DOUBLE LINE WATERMARK 57 ** IBIPERFORATED 12: 2c carmine, booklet pane of six, n.h., very fine ....................... ......................... (Photo) (332a)
2 10.00
50c violet , o.g. , fres h, fine .......... ................. ........... .............. ................ ............................................... .....(Photo ) (34 1)
* 59 *
$1 violet brown, o.g ., fres h, fin e ................... ........ .................................................................... ..............(Photo) (342)
525 .00
1908-10 PERFORATED 12 HORIZ: 2c carmine , vert. guide line pair, o.g., very fine ...................(Photo) (349) 60 6 1 ** IBI1909 LINCOL N CENTENARY: Perf 12 2c carmin e, top right pane of 100, n.h., se lvage tear affect ing right Pl. blk, some jammed perf s, mixed ce ntering to extreme ly fine . Cat i. as top PL blk of six and 94 singles ...... .... (367)
550 .00 1, 118.00
62 ** ffi BLUISH PAPER: 2c carmin e, block of four 3mm spacing , n.h., hand stamp s on rever se, fine to very fine ................................ ...................................... ......................................................................... ...................(Photo) (369)
63 ** IBI1909 ALASKA-Y UKON-PACIFIC: Imperf 2c carmine , block of twenty, n.h., large even margins all round,
negligible gum crease, very fine. Cati. as ten pairs $900 ..................................................................................(371)
1910-11 SINGLE LINE WATERMARK 64 ** IBIPERFORAT ED 12: 2c carmine, booklet pane of six, n.h., extremely fine ...................................... (Photo) (375a)
15c pale ultramarine, sheet margin copy, n.h., gu m skip , inclusion, fine . PSE Cert. (2002) ..............(Photo ) (382) 15c, very l.h. if at all, fine .......... ................. ............ .................... ......... .................... ............ ....... .............(Photo ) (382 ) 1910 PERFORAT ED 12 HORIZ: le green, vert. pair, n.h., fine ........................................... ............(Photo) (38 5) 2c carmine, vertical strip of four, middle stamps paste-up pair, n.h., others l.h., enormous copies, superb. As n.h. pair and two l.h. singles, Sc. $640 .................................................................................................... (Photo) (386) 1912 DOUBLE LINE WATERMARK : $1 violet brown, o.g., fine .......... ............... .............. (Photo page 9) (423)
** 66 * 67 ** 68 * 69 * 65
.. I
27 5.00 2 10.00
525 .00
Cati. Val.
**llllSc blue, top left pane of 100, folded once along perfs , severa l inclu sions or marks on gum not affecting
plat e blks , mixed condition to tine ................................................................................ (Photo page 45) (428) 7,410.00+
* 1914 PERFORAT ED 10 VERT: 3c violet, 4c brown , Sc blue , o.g., fine to very fine ......................(Photo) (445-47) * 3c, pair, o.g., fresh, fine. Foundation Cert. (1975) ........................................................................................(Photo) (445) 73 * ROTARY PRESS: 2c carmine rose, type I, pair, very l.h. if at all, fine ..................................................(Photo) (453) 74 * 2c red , type II, pair, l.h., fine ........................................................................................................................(Photo) (454) 75 ** Sc blue, joint line pair , n.h., very fine .........................................................................................................(Photo) (458) 76 * 1916-17 UNWATERMARKED, PERF. 10: 50c light vio let, o.g. , ver y fine. Foundation Cert. (1981) ................................................................................................................................................. .............(Cover Photo) (477) 77 ** S0c, n.h., reperfed, fresh, fine.........................................................................................................................(Photo) (477) 78 ** 1917-19 PERFORATED 11: 2c deep rose, type la, sheet margin str ip of three, n.h., fresh, fine .......(Photo) (500) 79 **83 1918-20 OFFSET PRINTING: Imperf 2c carmine rose, type IV ,corner block of four , n.h., wrinkles, very fine ......................................................................................................................................................................... (Photo) (532) 71 72
395.00 575.00 325.00 175.00 360.00 1,100.00 2,350.00 1,725.00 300.00
**l!llSc deep blue , part pane of 48, compr. two Plate Blocks of Six and corner
initials, n.h. , few inclusions, mixed centering to extremel y tine ...............................................................................................(Photo ) (550)
1926 WHITE PLAINS SOUVENIR SHEET OF 25 81 82 83 84 85 86
2c carmine rose 2c, dot over "S" variety, Pos. 11, n.h. , very fine ................................................................................................(630) 2c, dot over "S" var iety, Pos. n.h. , very tine ................................................................................................(630) 2c, n.h. , very tine ..................................................................................................................................................(630) 2c, n.h., owner' s handstamp on reverse, very fine ................................................................................................ (630) 2c, n.h. , stray perf indent one stamp, very fine ......................................................................................................(630) 2c, l.h., very fine .................................................................................................................................................... (630)
**llll **llll 11 , **llll **l!ll **l!ll *l!ll 2c, six sheets, n.h. , gum creases and/or tiny inclusions, fine to very tine appearance 87 **llll
*llll2c, four sheets, n.h. (3)/o.g.(1), crease s and/or selvage faults , fine to very tine appearance ..........................(630) 1938 PRESIDENTIAL ISSUE: ½ c to $5, coll. of about 150 on album pa ges, majority n.h., incl. coils, line *83pairs, booklet panes, Pl. blks to $2, fine to very fine ........................................................... Est. Cash Value $250-300 90 **l!ll 24c gray black , pan e of 100, bottom left Pl. No. 22827, n.h. , spots on gum of a couple, generally very fine ....(828) 1954-68 LIBERTY ISSUE: Jefferson 2c carmine rose , SILKOTE PAPER, sheet margin block of four, 91 **83 88 89
n.h. , extr emely fine. A.P.E.S. Cert. (1999). .................................................................(Cover Photo ) (1033a)
575.00+ 575.00+ 575.00 550.00 575.00 375.00 3,450.00 2,100.00
Very sca rce multiple
**llll1930 WINGED
GLOBE : Perf Sc violet, four top left pane s of 50, n.h., some gum skips or bends , few faults, generally very fine or better centering .....................................................(Photo page 46) (C12)
*llll REGISTRATION: 1911 Eag le 10c ultramarine , Imprint and "A" Plate Numb er Block of Six, o.g., some separations, very tine ...............................................................................................................................(Photo) (Fl) 94 * NEWSPAPER: 1879 Soft Porous Paper 9c black, privately perforated , l.h. , fine. Very rare ................................................................................................................................ (Photo ) Est. Cash Value $200-300 95 * $1.92 pale brown (SE), o.g., fine .........................................................................................................(Photo) (PR71) 93
Catl. Val.
97 *
1934 to 1989 , se lection of over 70 on stock sheets, n.h. to unused , incl. a few Pl. No. copies, moderate dupl. , some small fault s or mixed centering, many fine to very fine ..................................................................................(betw. RWl and RW56 ) Est. Cash Value $1,200-1 ,500 1940 to 1949, $1 and $2 group of seven diff ., l.h. oro.g. , very fine ........... (RW7,8, I0, 13-16) Est. Cash Value $ 125
98 ** IBI1950 $2 Trumpeter Swans, top right Pl. No. block of six, n.h ., usual wrinkles, very fine ....(Photo page 11) (RWI 7)
99 ** 83 1959 $3 Retriever Carrying Mallard, Pl. No. block of four, n.h., very fine ....................(Photo page 11) (RW26)
I00 * Ot81 19th and 20th Century, stock and accum. of several hundred in sheet files, stock sheets, etc., and loose in box, n.h. to unused or used, incl. Special Deliver y, Registration , Official Postal Savings, Parcel Post , first issue Revenues on documents and photo s, bank drafts , bills of lading , deeds , etc. , few covers incl. sta mple ss, postal cards, couple foreign , etc., better items and fascinating Americana, mixed condition to very fine ............................................................ ........................................... ..Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500 l0l
1893 to 1916, group of four diff. , plus Offices in China 1922 set of two, l.h. or o.g., mixed condition , fine or fine appearan ce ............................ ...........................................................................................................(E3,4,8, 10 ,K 17, 18)
CONFEDERATE STATES: 1862 Lithographed 10c rose , unu sed, clear to large margin s, small thfo, fine. Foundation Cert. ( 1979) ...............................................................................................................................(Photo ) (5)
Cat i. Val.
U.S. POSSESSIONS CUBA: 1898-99 Sc on Sm orange brown, surcharged type "g" inverted, tied on piece by 1898 c.d .. , very fine ....................................................................................................................................... .........................(Photo) ( 188a) 3c on lm blue green, surcharge type "k" inverted , pe1fs, cut, tied on piece by light c.d.s . ..............(Photo) (20 I a)
103 6. 104 6.
200.00 450.00
HAWAII 1853 Sc Blue on Thick White Wove Paper Used on Cover to Utah Territory
I 05 t8I
Sc, margins large to clear three sides, in at bottom , neatly tied by small red HONOL ULU JUL S HA WAIIA ISLANDS c.d.s. and bearing SAN FRANCISCO 1 DEC CAL transit and large SHJP and "5" due handstamp. Some tasteful cover restoration . ...(Cover Photo) (5) Est. Cash Value $3,000-4 ,000 Sc, similar copy on the matching cover bearing duplicate NOV 3 Hawaiian c.d.s., 1 DEC San Francisco , SHIP and "S" markings. Again tastefully restored .. ......(Cover Photo) (5) Est. Cash Value $3,000-4,000 West Coast usages of early Hawaii are virtua lly unheard of This is probab ly a unique pair to Utah and heretofore u11offeredto the public . From a find
I 08 C8I
1861-63 Horiz. and Vert. Laid Paper 2c pale rose, sheet margin copy, 2c carmine rose, unu sed, clear to full margins , latter fau lty, fine appearance, former fine ............................................................................ (Photo) (27,28a) Posta l Cards; 1882-92 , group of five diff., unu sed, inc l. paid rep ly message ca rd, plu s UX I ca ned. by blue LIHUE KAUAI 1888, couple printed on reverse, mixed con diti on ........ ........ ............... ................... (UX 1-3,8,U Y2m )
575.00 290.00
PHILIPPINES 1944 "VICTORY" HANDSTAMPED STAMPS These rare stamps, because of tropical and wartime conditi ons, seldom exist without sta ins or grease spots , scrapes, ere., and paper interleaving adhe ring to gum. Prospect ive bidders may assume these cond itions apply. Handstamps are type II unless otherwise noted.
2c apple green (on 461), complete sheet of 100, bottom right PI. No. 145417, left selvage mi ing and a few faulty stamps, generally fine to very fine ............... ....................................................................(Photo page 48) (464) 110 * WI Identical sheet of 100, a few fau lty tamps , genera lly fine to very fine ................................... (Photo page 48) (464 ) 20c light olive green (on 440), strip of three, unu sed, hori z. crease , without paper back ing, fine ....... (Photo) (48 1) 111 112 * 83 20c, sheet margin block of four, unu sed, witho ut paper backi ng, fine ..................................................(Photo) (48 1) 109
20c, block of four, unu sed , SE at top, witho ut paper backing , fine ............... ............. ............................ (Photo) (48 1) 114 * IBI 20c, block of eight, fine .............................. .............................. ....................................... ........................(Photo) (48 1) 115 * IBI 20c, left sheet margin block of eighteen (SE), vert. separatio n between seco nd and third rows , fine ..(Photo) (48 1)
I 13 * 83
375.00+ 375.00+ 105.00+ 140.00+ 140.00+ 280.00+ 630.00+
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* I 18 *
Cati. Val.
30c orange red (on 442, SE), stuck to similar SE copy of original stamp (442), unu ed, coup le smal l nick , witho ut d 01ed 011rhese issues. 200 Ha11dsrampe pape r backi ng, fine appeara nce. This phenomenon has never been previously 11 .................................................. ................................................................... ............................................. (Photo) (483)
Postage Due; 20c brown red (SE ), part arrow sheet margin cop y, unu se d , w ith out paper bac kin g, fin e . 306 Ha11dsramped .................................................................................................. ............................. ......(Photo) (J22) 20c, without paper back ing, fine ....................... ............................................... ......................................... (Photo) (122)
119 * EE 20c, block of four, unu sed , w ithou t pa per back ing, fine ........ ..... ........... .............. ............. ...................... (Photo) (122)
120 * IBI Otlicials; 2c rose (on 027 ), SHEET MARGIN BLOCK OF FIFTY-FOUR , SE at bottom, a few stamps . Exceed ingly dsra111ped faulty, exceptiona lly clean handstamp impressions , fine to very fine. 128 Ha11 rare and rhe larges/ known multiple of rhis value .............................................. ........................... (Photo ) (030 ) 13,500.00+ 128 Handstamped. Exceedingly rare and rhe largesr known mulriple ofrhis value
COVER CONDITION Minor faults including, but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps, small tears and some backflap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue. 12
Cati. Val.
2c (on 027), very fine. 128 Handsta mp ed ..................... ......................................... ............... ....... .........(Photo ) (038) 12 1 122 * ml 2c apple green (03 7), block of thirty, large separation, fine to very fine. As five blocks of four and ten singles $227
* 124 *
··········· ············ ······· ······ ········· ··· ··········· ········· ····· ····· ···· ··· ··· ···· ··········· ················· ··· ·············· ··· ··· ····~~
4c yellow green (on 016), five SE copies, unu sed, wit hout paper backi ng, one copy rounded corner , fin e .......................................................... .......................................................................................................(Photo) (040 )
10c rose carmine (on 031), faults. 665 Handsramped ......... ................... ....... ......................... ..............(Photo) (041 )
125 * O
Selection compr. Postage Due 20c brown red, two copies, Officials 2c apple green, two blks of 4 (one left sheet margin), 4c yellow green and 10c rose carmine, two and three copies respectively (SE), some unused without paper backing, mixed condition to very fine. Very rare g roup ........... ........................................ (122,039-41 )
126 * O
AIR POST: Madrid-Manila Flight 2c to 30c, ten diff., o.g. to unused, 26c used, small faults and/or mixed centering .....................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (Cl-6 ,C9-12 )
COLLECTIONS AND VARIOUS 19th Century, small remainder on stock sheet, o.g., unused or used, better items incl. #38 and J37, mixed condition and with four certificates .................................................. ....Est. Cash Value $30~00 Primarily 19th Century, small balance on stock cards, etc., unused or used, incl. 1851-57 imperf 128 * OCBJ I c and I 0c incl. cover , one Ohio stampless, 1861-62 24c unused, 1879 5c blue, 1902-03 13c blk of 4, etc., faulty or mixed condition. Couple certificate .........................................Est. Cash Value $250-3 00
127 * O
19th and 20th Century 129 * O EE Coll. of over 500 on pages and a few glassines in album, n.h. to unused or used, fair range incl. Perf 12 and some earlier, grilled , 1869 Pictorials , Bank Note issue s to 90c , Columbians to S0c, Trans-Miss. to 10c, other Commems Washington-Franklin, incl. Lincoln blue paper , Airs , back-of-book, 1920s-30s blks of 4, etc., mixed condition ..................................................... ............................................................... Est. Cash Value $2,500 130 ** O Balance of a property in carton, incl. modern compl. and part sheets, blks and Pl. blks, n.h., also small coll. in 2 albums mostly used, 19th cent. generally defective, some later mint fine to very fine ..................................... ........................................................................................Est. Cash Value $750+ 13 1 * O llllBalance of a property in box, n.h. to unused or used, many hundreds in glassines and loose, incl. comp!. or part sheets, Pl. blks, few Souvenir cards and FDCs , imperf co il pairs, Hunting Permit , $5 Pl. blks, etc., mixed condition to very fine. Face about $300 .................................................................... .............. 132
133 0
Group of eight diff., n.h. to o.g., incl. Columbians to 5c, Second Air Post issue comp!., etc., generally very fine ......................................................................................................... ..Est. Cash Value $250-300 Balance of many hundred on stock sheets , etc., in box, u ed, generally common issues, incl. blks, some early items, incl. Columbians, or slightly better, with Kansas and Nebraska (not complete), small coll. on pages incl. Airs, misc. back-of-book, etc., mixed condition to very fine ......Est. Cash Value $ 150
134 * O llll 1893 to 1980, coll. of many hundred in National album , n.h. to unused , few used, incl. Columbians to S0c, Trans-Miss. to 10c, 1902-03 $2 and $5 used, booklet panes, Souvenir sheets, later imperf coil pairs, few Pl. blks, Air Post, back-of-book with Parcel Post and P.P. Due sets compl., good range of Newspaper issues, etc., earlier mixed condition to later much fine to very fine ...................... ........................ ............ ..........Est. Cash Value $4,500-5,000 I 35 * O llllPrimaril y 20th Century , property as received in carton, several thousand in sheet album and files, glassines and loose, n.h. to unused, incl. compl. and part sheets , blk s and Pl. blks, post office year books and folders, also colls. on pages in 4 ring-binder s, unused or used , mixed condition incl. some gum dist urbed or stuck to fine to very fine. Much useful face a11da bit more ............................... .................. ........................................................... .........Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 136 * EE Accum. of man y hundred in stockbook and glassines in cigar box, vast majority n.h. , balance l.h. to unused , incl. Columbians to S0c, 2c reds , Washington-Franklin, Washington Bicentennial , etc., Airs incl. Winged Globe, coils incl. imperf pairs with #1625 (12), other modern issues, Postage Due and Officials, some blks and Pl. blks, mixed condition to much fine to very fine ....Est. Cash Value $750+ 20th Century 137 * lBI Accum. of severa l hundred in 3 sheet files, n.h. to disturbed o.g., mostly part sheets incl. Pl. No. blks, with 1909 Commems, Pilgrim le and 2c, Huguenot-Walloon , LexingtonConcord , Ericsson , 2c reds, Washington-Franklin, Farley part panes, etc., some faults or mixed centering, much fine to very fine and vast majority n.h. ......... Est.Cash Value $2,000 138 ** lBIAccum. of over 100 compl. sheets in 3 sheet files, n.h., mostly Bicentennial Flags and World War II, also Colonial Flags, $5 #2592 (2 sheets), others, few perf sheets, generally very fine. Face about $910 139 ** llllAccum of about 200 compl. sheets in S sheet files in box, n.h., compr. Commems. mostly 3c, also 5c incl. Oven-un Countries , etc., and Air Post incl. U.P.U. issues, also a few part sheets, fine to very fine. Face over $400 ........................................ ...................... ........................................... .......................... 140 ** llllSelection of about SO compl. shee ts in 2 files , n.h. , incl. Kosc iu szko, Arm y- avy, five Korea sheets with " KORPA'' variety. 13c #694 , dupl. , etc., few fault , genera lly fine to very fine ............................................... ........................ .................................................. E t. Ca h Value $250-300 141 ** llllAccum. of over 100 compl. sheets in 4 files, apparentl y n.h., mostly 3c and 4c Commerns and Airs, fine to very fine. Face about $245 ............................................................................................................. .
142 '8J
Small balance of a property in box, incl. 2c "reds" FD Cs and so me later incl. W .M . Gra ndy , L.W . Staehle, Cachetcra ft, Smartcraf t, Anderson , A11master and other more interes ting cac hets, co ntri ved bi sec ts, co lorfu l se lect ion of turn- of -th e-ce ntur y picture pos t card s, Gove rn or s' sign atur es, 27 on stamp s aff ixed to 3x 5 card s, incl. Alfr ed E. Smith , Eugene Ta lm adge , etc. , ca nce l co ll. on pages , mixed co nditi on to very fine ............. ........ ............. ................... .................... ...Est. Cas h Va lue $ 150-2 00
**ll:il Balance of a property in box, app are ntly n.h., many hun dred in glass ines, mixed denomin ations,
in c l. blk s and Pl. bl ks , also 194 8 Sky m aste r 5c co il ro ll of 500 , mi xe d ce nte rin g to ve ry fin e ....................... ...... ...... .................................... ......... .............. ............ .......................Est. Cas h Value $ 150
**ll:il Balance of many hundred
in glassines and stock sheet s in box , n.h. , inc l. a few pr e mium , Souvenir sheets , blk s and Pl. blk s, co ils, Air s inc l. First and Seco nd issues, mi sc . back -of -b oo k, ge nera lly fine to very fine ..................... ........ ............ ............................................... Es t. Cas h Value $ 150
145 '8J
Accum. in carton, incl. ove r 175 "silk" cac het FDCs , mint picture post card sets, with Lege nd s of Base ball, Olympi cs , Huntin g Permit , var iety of others, also a few with WWII prop aga nda cac hets incl. COL UM BUS DISPATCH free franks, very fine ............. ...... ...... ........ ....... ....Est. Cas h Value $ 100- 150
146 '8J
Selection of a few hundred items in 2 cover albums and loose in box, large portions FDC incl. 1933 Ce ntur y of Pro gress cac hets, mint and used, stationery incl. entir es and pos tal card s, pictur e pos t card s, etc., few 19th ce nt. , mixed co nditi on to very fine .... ............ ............. ....Es t. Cas h Val ue $ 100- 125
147 0'8J
Balance of a property in carton, many thousand Co mm ems and Reg ular Iss ues in g lass ines , some on paper, also U .S. and U.N . FDC s and mi nt and used stationery , clean and tidy .Est. Cas h Value $50- 100
*ffi 1901 to 1923, group of four diff. blks of four, n.h. or l.h., co mpr. #296, 297 , 399, 579, coupl e with Pl. No ., fine .......... ........... ........ ....... ................................ ...... .......................... ..Est. Cas h Value $300-3 50 1902 to 1917, small balance on stock card, l.h . or o.g. , incl. a few W ashington-F ranklin , ge nera lly 149 * fine to very fine ................................................. ................. ............. ........................... (betw. 304 and 464 ) 150 * WASHINGTON-FRANKLIN: 1908 to 1916, selection of over 80 stamps on stock sheets, vast 148
majority n.h. , mostl y coil pairs and strips , some with guide line , varying quantities incl. #411 and 450, couple certs., few small faults or mixed centering, several extremely fine ..................................................................................... (betw. 348 and 458) Est. Cash Value $500-750
**ll:il 1927 to 1932, 2c "reds" selection of 24 panes in me, n.h., incl. Elec u¡ic Li ght rotary press and flat plate ptgs , severa l dupl. , some fault s, ge nera lly fine to very fine .... .......................... (betw . 643 and 7 17) 1971 to 1985, accum. of over 600 unexploded booklets, five diff. in shoe box, n.h., vary ing quantities 152 **ll:il 151
betw . BKl 22 and BK144 , fine to ve ry fine. Well ove r Sc. $ I 800 .......... .......... ........... ......... ..... ........ ....... .
153 0
155 0
COILS: 1923 to 2000, stock of several thousand neatl y arranged in 3 stockbooks , many Pl. No. pairs or strips with catl. values to $85 as mint, clean and generall y fine to ver y fine. Owner 's 14 page inventory shows catl. value of $1700+ as singles onl y .................................................................................... (betw. 597 and 3055) Est. Cash Value $600-800
1923 to 1932, group of compl. or part rolls in box, n.h., betw. 601 and 723, incl. 10c orange (603), mixed centering to extremel y fine ................................................Est. Cash Value $1,500
Plate Number coil selection neatly mounted on pages , used, compr. over 280 singles, over 100 pair s and more than 120 strips of 3, all diff. numbers with catl. values to $70 as mint , fine to very fine and virtually impossible to duplicate ...(betw. 1897 and 2523) Est. Cash Value $500-750
Selection of modern issues on stock sheets, vast majority n.h., balance o.g. to unused , mostly imperf incl. Flag over Porch 32c (2897a ) full pane of 100, n.h., other imperf blks of 4 or larger incl. diff. Christmas issues and Officials, #1560a and 1561a vert. pairs missing inscriptions on reverse, various imperf horiz., Love 29c imperf between vert. , etc. , few faults, generally very fine. Fabu lous se lect ion. and very high cat/. value .............................................................................(Photo page 47) Est. Cash Value $4,000-6 ,000
*ll:ilUNITED NATIONS: From 1951, accum. of many hundred in box, vast maj ority n.h., balance l.h . or used , incl. ear ly blk s and M argin Inscription blk s, Sou venir sheets in Tenth Anniversary (2) , co mp!. sheets, etc., ge nerall y very fine ................ ............ ................ .............. ...... ................Est. Cas h Valu e $ 150
**ll:il Accum. of a few thousand in sheet mes, glassines, etc., in box, n.h., incl. co mp!. and part shee ts, M argin In cription blks , Airs, few Souvenir sheets, etc., generally very fine .....Est. Cas h Value $ l 00-1 25
Cat i. Val.
FORGERIES AND REPRINTS The fo llowing 43 lots contain, in our opinion, generally superior reference copies of the forge r 's artistry. For the most part, specific issues and condition have been omitted.
ALBANIA: 1913 Stamp of Turkey, handstamped 2Spi, used . Mi . lc ................ (Photo) Est. Cash Value $75- 100
AUSTRIA: Trentino; 1918 tOkr, "unused " ................ ...................... ........ ....................(Photo) Est. Cas h Value $75
BANGKOK: 1867-72, group of six, co m pr. 2c (2) , o ne " unu se d " . Sc , I 0c (2) , I 2c , all " u se d " ..................................................... .................................... ................ (Photo) Et. Cas h Value $75-100
BATUM : 1920 lSr , "tied" on cover to Swit zerland ..... ......... .................. ............. (Photo ) Est. Ca h Value $ 100- 150
BERMUDA: 1874 3p on l sh, "unu sed" .......................... ......... ................................ ......(Photo) Est. Cas h Value $75
1874 3p on lp, "used"............................... .............................................................(Photo) Est. Cas h Value $ 100- 125
CHINA: 1916-17 $1, second and third characters transposed , "used" .........(Photo) Est. Cash Value $150- 200
CUBA: U.S. Administration; 1898-99 Surcharge coll. of about 65 neatly annotated varieties on pages, some genuine , mostly "used" . Worth inspection ............................................. .............................. Est. Cash Value $250-300
ECUADOR: Air Post 1929 lOc, Panelli Die proof.. .............................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $50-75
ETHIOPIA: 1911 Surchd. set of seven, "tied " on cove r. ............ ........................ (Photo ) Est. Cash Value $ 100- 150
FIJI: Times Express; 12 values on diff. paper and in various colors , o n e " u se d " ........................................................ ........................................... .................. ...........(Photo) Est. Cas h Value $ 100- 150
1874 6c on 3p , "inverted surcharges", type b (2) , type c (3), a ll " use d" . Pr evio usly unkn own forgery .................................. ................................................................................................. .....(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $ 150
FRANCE: Offices in Zanzibar; 1897 Sa and 25c on greenish, "used on piece " . Forged Champion handstamp .................................................................................................................................. (Photo) Est. Cas h Value $75-100
GERMANY : 1901 Veneta Provisional 3pf on right half of Spf, "used" ............. (Photo) Est. Cash Va lue $75- 100
I 73
A similar but left half copy ........................ ........................................................... .(Photo) Est. Cash Valu e $75- l 00
Air Post: Zeppelin Issues compr. Sudamerika, four sets plus extra 2m, Polar Fahrt, three sets plus extra 2m and 4m (2) and Chicagofahrt, five sets plus extra 4m, all "unused" ..............(Photo) Est. Cash Value $200-400
INDIAN FEUDATORY STATES: Duttia; 1896 ½ a on yellow, "used'' ............ ........ (Photo) Est. Cas h Value $75
Jammu and Kashmir ; (?)a yellow, pair, "tied" on lndi a ½a stationery .............(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 100-1 25
ITALIAN STATES: Sardinia; 1819 Provisionals 15c, 25c, S0c in blue .................... (Photo) Est. Cas h Value $75
Two Sicilies; 1860 ½ t Trinacria , outstanding "used" example ...................... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $200-300
1861 S0g slate blue, "used" ......................................................................... ....... .....(Photo) Est. Cas h Value $75-100
ITALY: Occupation of Ljubljana; Group of 12 covers and Socialiste, all multiple frankings, plus 35 GNR , singles or pa irs, and 20 ZA RA , single s and three on piece ................................................(Photo) Est. Cas h Value $ 150-200
JAPAN: Selection of about 160 19th Century classics, not too we ll organized on stock pages, generally better exa mple s ................ .......... .......................................................... ........................................... Est. Cas h Value $ 125- 150
MALAY AN STATES: Selangor; The questionable 1878 Crescent Star Hand stamp in red on 2c brown , "unused" ................................................................................................................. .....(Photo) Est. Cash Value $150
I 83
Same sheet margin copy, "unused" ................................ ................ ........................... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $150
1920 S0pf , four "used" cop ies ................. .................................... (Photo ) Est. Cas h Value $75
. (
/ .;
Cati. Val. 185 186 187 188
MEXICO : 1913 2c, pair , two types "tied" on local envelope, signed by A. Diena as genuine. Very aflracti ve ........................................................................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $ 100 NEW CALEDONIA: 1892 to 1912, Fournier selection of 45 cliff. on pages, "unused" and incl. "surcharged" types ................................................................................................................................................Et . Ca h Value $75- 100 NEWFOUNDLAND : 1800s coll. of 33 stamps, incl. 3 se-tenant strips of six of the first three issues, all values, plus various other pence and cents , also Balbo. Very interes ting .................... (Photo ) Est. Cash Value $250-300 NEW GUINEA: 1925-28 £1 Panelli , "unu ed" .............................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $75
PORTUGAL: 1853 l00r , ge nuin e sta mp , forged cancel. Roya l Cert. ( 1957 ) stating ge nuin e ..........................................................................................................................(Photo ) (4) Est. Cash Value $ 100-125
190 19.1 192 193
RUSSIA: 1918 70k, imperforate variety, "unu ed" ......................................................(Photo) E r. Cash Value $50 Air Post; 1924 15k, inverted surcharge, "unu ed" ...............................................(Photo ) E t. Ca h Value $75- 100 SARAWAK: Japanese Occupation; 1942 $3, "used" on piece ..............................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value 50-75 SAUDI ARABIA: 1920s, selection of 12 " ovptd ." stamps, incl. errors, one "used", rest "unused". Interesting .............................................................................................(Photo ) (betw. L69a and Pl ,P2) E t. Cash Value $50-75 SWITZERLA D: 1845 Basel Dove 2½ r, faulty but "unu ed'' ....................................(Photo ) Est. Ca h Value $75 2½ r, "u ed" ....................................................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $ 100
194 195 196 197 198 199 200
2½ r, "used" ....................................................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value 100 THAILAND: Fine group of seven, Tica ! and Atts surchar ges, four "unused ", three "used", man y certificates .......................................................................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $150 TOBAGO: 1880 Ip on right half of 6p , '·u se d". Roya l Cert. ( 1953) tating "ge nuine " ................................................................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $ 100-125 WESTER UKRAINE : 1918 Kolom yy a Issue se t of four , "unu sed". Signed Champion and ot hers ................................................................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Ca h Value $ 100-125 BRITISH COMMONWEAL TH : 19th and 20th Cent ur y, se lec tion of around 265 items , almost all areas represented , incl. B A, Suez , Australian States, Natal , Hong Kong , etc., man y certificates ............................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $600-800 FOREIGN: 19th and 20th Centur y, se lection of around 460 , very strong in Europe, usual French Colonies , strong Germany, some South America, Batum , man y seldom seen . Great variery ...............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $750-1,000
June 28 toJu ly 7 Miami) Tampa) Naples and Orlando July 8) 9 Charleston ALSO July 19) 2 0 Pittsburgh Intereste d in selling? Reserve an appointment now. 1-800-223-6076 $2)000 minimummarket valuefor auction) please
H.R. HARMER LLC 3 EAST 28TH STREET, NEW YORK NY. 10016 Tel: (212) 532-3700 Fax: (212) 447-5625 email I8
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Cati. Val.
* * 205 *
ANTI GUA : 1862 Unwmkd. 6p blu e green, o.g., fre h, fine. Signed H. Bloch. S.G. £800 ......................(Ph oto) ( I ) 6p, o.g. (hinge remnant), trace of toning, fine. S.G. £800 ...........................................................................(Ph oto) (I) 6p, lightly caned., fine. S.G. £500 ................................................................................................................(Photo ) ( I ) AUSTRALI A: 1915-24 Wmkd. arr ow Crown and Narro w A lOsh bri ght pink & gray, very I.h., brilliant fresh, very fine. S.G. £350 .........................................................................................................................(Photo) (55) £1 gray, neatly caned., very fine. S.G. £225 ..............................................................................................(Photo) (57)
202 203 204 0
206 0 207 208
BARBADOS: 1852-55 Imp erf on Blued Paper (½ p) deep green, sheet margin copy, lar ge mar gins oth er sides, o.g., extr emely fine. S.G. £90+ .........................................................................................................(Ph oto) (1)
* 2 11 * 2 12 * 2 13 *
400.00 275.00 2,400.00
1878 Surch arged lp on half of Ssh dull ro se, un severed pair , part o.g., stain ed, torn horiz. (rejoined). B.P.A. Cert. (2003). S.G. 88a, £18,000. .......................................................................................(Ph oto) (59a) 17,000.00 Vel)' rare ,nulriple BERM UDA: 1874 " P" With To p Like " R" 3p on l sh green, o.g., tiny corner perf crease, well centered and otherwise very fine. S.G. £2000 ................................................................ .............................................. (Ph oto) ( 12a) 1938-5 3 George VI Ssh pale green & red on yelJow, l.h., corn er per f bend , extr emely fine ...(Ph oto) (SG118a) 10sh green & deep lake on pale emerald, l.h., very fine .. ..............................................................(Ph oto) (SG 119) BRITI SH EAST AF RI CA : 1890 Sur charged ½a on Ip lilac , very 1.h., extr emely fine. Signed H. Bloch. S.G. £275 ................................................. .....................................................................................................(Ph oto) (1)
2 10
BANGKOK: 1882 Cro wn CC 2c br own , unu sed, very fine. S.G. 2, £2750 .....................(Cover Photo) (1)
900.00 900.00 575.00
2,250.00 £300 £450 300.00
BRITI SH GUIANA: 1856 4c black on magenta , initial ed ''E .D.W."( ight), cut square, unu sed, repaired and paint ed in, extr emely fine app earanc e. B.P.A. Cert. (2003). S.G. 24, unpr . ..........(Cover Photo) (14) 20,000.00 Our reco rds show only three known unused copies of the fo ur cen t magenta, all more or less i11similar conditi o11. One resided in the Great and Ferrari Col/ectio11s, the other in the Lilly and Caspary Collections. A most important stamp
NEW BRUNSWI CK: 1851 Blue Paper l sh bri ght red violet, clear to mostly good margins all round , small fault s not menti oned in cert ., clean ed can cel, very fine unu sed app earance. B.P.A. Cert. (2003). S.G. 5, £4,000 ............................................................................................................... ......................(Phot o) (3)
217 0
2 18
219 0 220 22 1 0
222 0 223 0 224
1857 Wove Pap er with Mesh Ip br own violet, corn er sheet margin copy, o.g., full margins oth er sides, extr emely fine. S.G. £90+ ...........................................................................................................................(Phot o) (1) 1860 without Mes h 6p orange, very large margin s, lightly caned., light crease , extremely fiDe appearance. S.G. 14, £600 ..............................................................................................................................................(Ph oto) ( 13) Air Post 1919 T rans-Atlantic $1 on 15c sca rl et, two copies, with and with out comm a after PO ST, o.g., very fine ..............................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (C2,2a) 1921 Halifax 35c red, neat roller cancel, extr emely fine ........................................................ ..............(Phot o) (C3) 1932 DO-X $1.50 on $1 blu e, o.g., very fine. S.G. £190 .......................................................................(Ph oto) (C l2 ) NOVA SCOTIA: 1851- 57 Blue Paper Ip red bro wn, clea r to large margins all ro und , numeral in oval grid cancels, very fine. S.G. £400 ........................................................................................................................ (Ph oto) ( I) Ip , deeply blu ed pa per, VERTICAL PAIR , mostly very large margins all round , neatly caned., very fine. S.G. 800+ .....................................................................................................................................................(Ph oto) ( I) lp , deeply blued paper, PAIR , clear to mostly lar ge margins all round , neatly caned., right stamp faults, left stamp extremely fine. S.G. £800+ ................................................................................................................(Ph oto) ( 1) 1860-6 3 Perf 12 2c lilac, 8½c green, Imprint corn er blocks of twelve, n.h. to o.g .. mixed centering to very fine ···············································································································································································(9, 11) PRI NCE EDWARD ISLAND: 1861 Perf 9 2p dull rose, o.g. (hinge remnant), very fine. Signed H. Bloch ......................................................................................... .............................................................................(Ph oto) (I) 19th Centur y, group of six stamps compr. New Brun swick and Nova Scotia # 1, Newfoundl and 7, 12, 13, plus Bahamas #1 with favor cancel, cleaned or possibly cleaned cancels, all with margins all round , fine appearance .................................................................................................................................................... Est. Cas h Value $500 20
(70.00+) 650.00
375.00 135.00 250.00 450.00 900.00+ 900.00+ 156.00+ 400.00
Cati. Val.
CANADA 227 0 228 0 229 0 230 0 23 1 0
1851 Laid Paper 3p red, huge margins , light concentric circles cancel, extremely fine. S.G. £650 ....(Photo) (1) 3p, good margins all round, on-the-nose seven-ring cancel , very fine . S.G. £650 ...................................(Photo) ( I) 3p, full to very large margins, lightly caned., very fine. S.G. £650 .......................................................... (Photo) ( I)
1855 Cartier top blue, clear to large margins all round, smal l fault , fine appearance . S.G. £ 1100 ..... (Photo ) (7) 1857 Wove Paper 7 ½ p green, outer frame line barely touched in places to large margins, clea ned cancel, fine unu ed appeara nce. Greene Foundation Cert. (2003). S.G. 12 .................. .............................. .................... (Photo) (9)
800.00 800.00
Cati. Val. 1859 17c blue , imperf sheet margin copy, ungummed , large mar gins other sides, brilliant fresh , extremel y fine. Sc. and S.G. as imperf pair $4000/£3000 .......................................................................(Photo page 21) (19b)
234 0 235
1868-76 Large Qu een Issue 3c r ed, unu sed , almost perfectl y cente red , brilliant fresh, extremely fine. S.G. 58, £650 ............................................................... ...............................................................................(Photo) (25)
1868 Laid Paper 3c bright red, numeral "34" cancel, fine .....................................................................(Photo ) (33)
*1611870--89Small Queen Issue ½ c black , part
pane of 100, compr. top Pl. No. Imprint , plus Imprints at right and bottom , n.h. to o.g., some fault s incl. creasing, mixed condition to extremely fine. S.G. £1000+ ............................................................................................................................................(Photo page 48) (34)
Attra ctive and quite impressive multiple
236 0
1897 Jubilee $1 lake, light roller cancel, very fine. S.G. £400 .................................................................(Photo ) (6 1)
1926 Surcharged 2c on 3c carmine , left stamp without surchar ge in pair with normal , n.h. , very fine. Uni. Can. $675 ........................................................................................................ ................................(Photo ) ( l39a)
** * 240 *
2c on 3c carmine, double surcharge , n.h. , extremel y fine. Uni. Can. $450 .....................................(Photo ) (140a)
1927 Historical set compl., imp erf pairs , o.g., 12c n.h. , large margins , extremel y fine. Uni. Can. $520 ......................................................................................................................................................... (Photo ) ( l46a-48a)
3 10.00
237 238 239
1928-29 George V le orange , imperf tete- bech e pair , o.g., large margins all round, light crease, extremely fine appearance ................................................................................................................................(Photo ) ( 149c var.)
241 * EE Schooner 50c dark blue , block of four , very l.h., extremely fine. Uni . Can . $1200 ..........................(Photo ) (158) 242 ** Parliament $1 olive green , n.h. , extreme ly fine. Uni. Can. $800 ........................................................(Photo ) (159)
243 * EE 1938 Pictorial set comp!., incl. IOc carmine rose, blocks of four, n.h.(3)/1.h.(l), few tiny inclusions, very fine. Uni. Can. $1287 .........................................................................................................................(Photo ) (240-45,24la)
244 ** EEChate a u de Rame say $1 dull violet, shee t mar gin block of four, n.h., extr emely fine. Uni. Ca n. $720 ..................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (245)
245 * EE 1942-43 War Effort IOc to $1 comp!., blocks of four, n.h.(3)/1.h.(l), very fine. Uni. Can. $2610....(Photo) (257-62)
Air Post; 1932 Error 6c on Sc, sur char ge inverted, l.h., SG hand stamp on reverse, fresh, fine ....(Photo ) (C3a)
247 * O EE19th and 20th Century , stock of a few thou sa nd in glassines in box, n.h. to unu sed, few used, incl. Small Que en and Jubilee low values, Admiral and lat er issues, comp!. and part sets, blks , bookl ets and booklet panes, coil strip s and rolls, Airs Special Delivery and other back-of-book, varying quantities, some faults , much fine to very fine n.h. Worth careful inspection ................. Est . Cash Value $3,000-3 ,500
248 * O EEColl. and accum. of man y hundr ed on page s, stock sheets, etc., in box, much n.h. , balanc e l.h. to used, wide ran ging incl. Large and Small Que en issues, Jubile e to $1, va rietie s and shad es, coil pairs and strip s, coll. of single s and blks of 4 incl. Air s and Air Semi-Officials, back -of-book with Officials, Revenues, perforate d initials, Regis., dupl. of bette r item s, also some Newfoundland , mixed condition to much very fine ..............................................................................................Est. Cas h Value $2,500-3 ,000 249
**~ 20th Centur y, accum. of many
thousand in glassines, sheet files, etc., in carton, n.h., incl. comp!. sheets, blks and Pl. blks, some matched comers , Officials, booklets, Christmas panes, tagged issues, small coll. on pages, n.h. or l.h., etc., fine to very fine .................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $200-250
252 0
1911-25 Adm iral Issue le to $1, sma ll coll. on pages and a couple stock sheets, n.h. to o.g., not comp!. but man y better values incl. a couple booklets, blks of 4 with shad es, coil pairs and strips, perf 8 blks of 4, etc., a few faults or mixed centering mostly fine to extremely fine. Lovely selection worth careful inspection. .......................................................................................................................................Est. Cas h Value $2,000
Semi-Offici al Air Post; Circa 1920s, selection of over 20 covers , good variety incl. 1924 (25c) dark green (Uni. CL2c) and dupl. , generally fine to very fine. Uni. Ca. $ 1140 ..............................................................(Photo ) CAPE OF GOOD HOPE : 1868-7 4 Red Surcharg e 4p on 6p violet, Error "Peuce" for "Pence ", " I" in grid cancel, fine. S.G. 27a, £700 ................................................................................................... ...................(Photo) (20a)
253 6
CRETE : 1898 Handstamped 20pa violet , sheet margin copy, lar ge margins other sides, neatl y tied on small piece, extremely fine. S.G. £225 ................................................................................ .................................(Photo ) (I)
FALKLAND ISLANDS: 1878-79 Unw mkd. Ip claret , unu sed , fresh , fine. Signed H. Bloch, S.G. £600 ................................................................................................................................ ......................................(Photo ) ( I )
* *
1929-31 George V £1 black on red, large part o.g., fresh, fine. S.G. £300 .............................................(Photo) (64)
575.00 350.00
GAMB IA: 1869 Unwmkd. 4p brown , l.h., large mar gins all round , fresh , extr emely fine. Foundation Cert. (1983). S.G. £475 ....................................................................................................................................... (Photo ) (la)
Cati. Val.
1840 Impe rf lp black , E-H , mostly very large marg ins all ro und , red Maltese Cross cancel, extremely fine. S.G. £200 ......................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (1)
19th and 20th Centur y 258
Coll. of several hundred in hingeless album, n.h. to o.g. or used, some better early items, lp red partial plating , modern n.h. sets, etc., mixed condition to very tine. Stated by owner to catl. $8000 ......Est. Cash Value $600- 800
Coll. of man y hundred in 3 albums in box, much n.h ., ba lance o.g. or used, incl. early issues, but mostly later compl. sets and duplicated used coll., some FDCs , generally fine to very fine ...........Est. Cash Value $500-600
Coll. of several hundred diff. in hin geless alb um, n.h. to o.g. or used , incl. better early items with dupl. and some modern sets, mixed condition to very fine. Stated by owner to catl. $5000 ...............Est. Cash Value $500
Coll. of man y hundred on pages in ring-binder , o.g. or used, incl. some slightly better early items, various plate numbers, later mint sets with used dupl., Offices, etc., mixed condition to ve1y fine. Stated by owner to cat!. about $6000 .................................................................................... ..........................................................Est. Cash Value $400-600
263 0
1840s to 1980s, coll. of man y hundred in album , n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. early used with dupl. and various plate number s, later with mint and duplicated us ed sets, pho sphor issues, some covers and front s, Regional s, etc., mixed condition to very fine . Stated by owner to catl. about $14,000 ............................................................................... ..............................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200
HELIGOLAND: 1867- 68 Rouletted ½s ch blue green & rose , type I, lightly caned., fine. Signed A. Diena. S.G. £800 ......................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (1)
HONG KONG : 1962 St. Edwards Crown and CA Mu tt. $1.30 to $20 compl. , n.h. , fine to very fine. S.G. £199 .............................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (213-17)
INDIA: 1852 Scinde Dawk ½a on white, huge copy tied on most of native cover bearing portion of red Hyderabad pmk , soiled but sharp impres sion. Sc. on cover $10,000 ......(Photo ) (Al) Est. Cash Value $200-30 0
1854 Lithographed ½a blue, large margins , very fine. neatly tied on blue folded letter, red Rayon 20 SEPT transit and CALCUTTA OCT 1856 double circle receiver on reverse ...........................(Photo ) (2) Est. Ca h Value $50-75
MADAGASCAR : Briti sh Consular Mail Antananarivo 4p ro se, violet handstamp , o.g ., thin , fine .............................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (SG43b)
MAL TA : 1860-61 Unwmkd. Perf 14 ½ p buff, pan o.g., handstamps on reverse, fine. S.G. £850 ........(Photo ) (1)
269 0
NATAL: 1857 Embossed 3p rose , good to large marg ins, blue 15 AU NATAL c.d.s., hand stamps on reverse , clear embossing, very fine. S.G. £400 .......................................................................................................(Photo ) (1)
NEW REPUBLIC: 1886 Hand stamped lp black on yellowish, perfed on three sides as usual , neat violet cancel , few small faults . S.G. £3000. Collectib le copy of this rarity ................................................................... (Photo ) (IA )
NIUE : 1902 Perf 11 lp carmine , l.h., fresh, very fine. Signed H . Bloch. S.G. £300 ................................(Photo) ( 1)
NORTH BORNEO: 1883 handstamped " 8 cents" on 2c red brown , grid cancels, thin, fine ..........(Photo) (SG2)
ST. VINCENT: 1883-97 Crown CA 4p red brown , o.g ., thin spot, true rich color, very fine appeara nce. S.G. 50, £850 ..................................................................................................................... ........................(Photo) (47)
SOUTHERN RHODESIA: 1931-37 George V 6p to 2sh6p , seven diff. , perf 11½, lsh and 2sh6p corner copies, n.h. or l.h., extremely fine. S.G. £207+ ......................................................(Photo) (22b,23c,24,25,26a,28a)
* 268 * * 27 1 * 270
272 0
* 274 * 273
275 * IBI TONGA: 1886-88 Perf 12xll/12 lp carmine , Corner Block of Twenty-nine with gutter at left, n.h. to o.g., generally well centered and fine to very fine. S.G. 1b, £290+. Impressiv e mult iple ............................ ......................... .
BRITISH COMMONWEALTH COLLECTIONS AND VARIOUS 276 * O rnl 19th and 20th Century, balance of a propert y, 2 stockbook s, glassines , etc., in box, incl. Ghana , Great Britain , India , Ireland incl. used stock in glassines, also Newfoundland stock , n.h. to unused and used, compl. or part sets, Airs and Postage Due, mixed condition to fine to very fine .................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000 277 0
Coll. and accum. of a few thou sa nd on pages and stock sheets in 2 ring-binders and loose in box, used, man y colonies, incl. compl or part sets, slightly better items, few perf var ieties, moderate dupl. , some fault s to fine to very fine .......................................................Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000
278 * ml
20th Century, coll. and accum. of seve ral thousand on pa ges and stock sheet s in 6 ring-binder s and album in carton , n.h. to o.g. (hinge remnant ), few unu sed, man y colonies and some Offices, incl. compl. or part sets with some bett er, Airs, Souvenir sheets, few blks and booklets , moderat e duplication , generall y fine to very fine and a fair amount n.h. Worth careful inspection ....................................... .......................... Est. Cas h Value $2,000-2 ,500
Selection of man y hundred covers in 3 boxes, mostly FDCs 1930s to 70s with man y Omnibu s issues with dupl. , incl. Churchill , Red Cross, Freedom from Hunger , Shak espear e, also Falkland Is. and South Georgia , Pacific area in Papua New Guinea , Souvenir sheets and compl. sets, some Great Britain , clean and generalJy fine to very fine ..................................Est. Cas h Value $500-600
Additional British materia l can be found in the Postal History section and mixed lots at the end of the sale
Cati. Val.
* 28 1 *
ALBANIA: 1913 Handstamped 2V2pi violet, o.g., very fine. Signed H. Bloch and others. Mi. €500. ....(Photo) (1) A DORR A: French Administration ; 1931 to 1990s, selection of several hundred on stock sheets, n.h. to o.g., incl. comp !. or part set . dupl. and slightly better item , Air , back-of-b ook and misc. Span ish issues, general ly fine to very fine ............... ............ ......... .......................... ............................................................. E t. Cash Value $300-350
1858 Unwmkd. Sc red, two copies, cut in to huge margins, eac h tied by "FRANCA " cance ls, one in ova l, on 1858 and 1869 loca l folded lette r , ....................... ........ ....................................(Photo)( !) Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 1867-68 Sc vermilion and France lfr green, tied by BUE OS AYRES PAQ FR. 10 DEC 76 octagonal date tamp on somewhat soiled buff enve lope (no back flap) bea ring blue 80c, LEBAC H receiver on reverse. An attractive combination ............................................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $200-300 BUENOS AIRES: 1858 Steamship 1 (in) pesos light brown, sheet margin copy, ungumrned, clear to large margin other sides , handstamp on reverse, very fine .................................................... ...........................................(Photo)(! ) 1 (in) pesos, mostly very large margins all round, neatly tied by blue cancel on small piece, extremely fine. Very scarce with fu ll margins....................................................................................................................... (Photo) (1) 1 (in) pesos, clear to large margins, very lightly caned ., very fine ........................................ ...................(Photo) ( I )
286 0
AUSTRIA: 1936 Dollfuss 10s dark blue, neat face-free cancel, negligible crease, very fine appeara nce. Mi. €1300 ............................. .....................................................................................................................................(Photo) (380) Semi-Po stal; 1933 WIPA 50g deep ultramarin e, tied by neat 27 Jun e exhibition cancel on small piece , extremel y fine. Mi. €300 ......................................................................................................................(Photo) (BU0 )
287 0 288
289 * O
250.00 250 .00 800.00
19th and 20th Century, coll. of many hundred diff. in stockbook , n.h. to o.g., early issues mostly used, many compl. sets, incl. better Semis and Airs, with Rotary and Bird sets, etc., some faults though overall fine to very fine and a goodly amount n.h . ..................................... ............................................ Est. Cash Value $600-800
AZORES: 1868 Imp erf. Sr black , unused , large even mar gins, small thin and light stain , hand stamp on reverse, very fine app earance. Darte yre Cert. (1960).. ...........................................................(Photo ) (1)
Ve,y rare 29 1 0 292
Sr, margins all round, enormous three sides, neat "48" in grid cancel, thins, very fine appearance .....(Photo) (1) DJ: 19th and 20th Ce ntur y, stock of man y hundred in glassines, stockbook and sheet file in box, n.h. to unused, incl. slightly better items and many compl. sets, Semis, Airs, Reve nues and other back-of-book , blks, compl. and part sheets, few ovpt. inve rted, also Ge rman Eas t Africa, Belgian Occu. and Congo Democratic Rep., mixed condition to fine to very fine ................................................. .................................................. ......................................Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000
BELGIUM 1919 Trench Helmet Issue Albert lfr to lOfr compl. , l.h., very fine ...........................................................................................(Photo) ( 134-37) Same, l.h. or o.g. , very fine ................................................................................................................(Photo) ( 134-37)
* 294 * Same, o.g. (hinge remnant ), fine to ve1y fine ........ ........................................................ ................ ...(Photo) ( 134-37) 295 * Same, o.g. (hinge remnant s), fine to very fine ................................................................................... (Photo) ( 134-37) 296 * 297 ** 1930 Antwerp Exhibition 4fr green, ten singles from Souvenir sheet, n.h., very fine . Mi. € 1200 ....(Photo) (22 1) 298 ** 1952 U.P.U Congress set compl., incl. Semi-Postal, three sets, n.h., very fine. Mi . €960 .....(Photo) (435-45,85 14) 1953-72 Baudouin 6.S0fr gray, 7.50 grayish brown, blocks of four, n.h., very fine. Mi. €640 ....(Photo) (46 1,463) 299 **lnl 6.S0fr and 7.S0fr , 15 incl. blk of four and 9 copi es res pecti ve ly, n.h. , fi ne to very fine , M i. € 1950 300 **lnl (Photo) (46 1,463) 293
..................................................................... ......................................................................................
625.00 625.00 625 .00 625.00 873.00 440.00 1,365.00
SEMI-PO STALS 1918 Surchar ged Issue
30 1 302 0
Compl. set of fourteen, l.h .. fine to very fine. M i. €1000 ............................... ..................................(Photo) (B34-47) Compl. set, neatly caned., fine to very fine. Mi. €1000 ....................................................................(Photo) (834-47 )
940 .00
303 0
Comp). set, neatly caned. , fine to very fine. Mi . €1000 ............................................... .....................(Photo) (B34-47 ) Same, neatly caned ., fine to very fine. Mi. € 1000 ...... .......................................................................(Photo) (834 -47)
304 0 305
1928 Handstamped in Violet set compl. , o.g. , small fault incl. some staining, handstamp on reve rse, fine or fine appearanc e. M i. €1 100 ................................................... ...........................................................(Photo) (8 69-77 vars.) 28
940 .00 940.00 uni.
w .. I
Cati. Val. 932 Cardinal Mercier Issue
* 307 * 308 * 309 * 306
3 10 0
311 0 312
3 13
* *
* 3 15 * 3 14
3 16 0
** 3 18 ** 3 17
Compl. set of nine, l.h., very fine ....................................................................................................(Photo) (B 114-22) Comp!. set. l.h. incl. I0fr, couple o.g., very fine .................... ......................... ................................ (Photo) (B 114-22) Compl. set, l.h. incl. I0fr or o.g., fine to very fine .............. ............................................................ (Photo) (B 114-22)
475.00 475.00 475.00
Com pl. set, l.h. incl. I0fr or o.g., fine to very fine ..........................................................................(Photo) (B 114-22) Comp!. set, lightly caned., very fine. Mi. €550 .......................................................... .....................(Photo) (B 114-22)
Comp!. set, neatly caned., very fine . Mi. €550 ................................................. ............................... (Photo) (B 114-22) 1933 Privately Overprinted set compl., handstamp on rever e, fine to very fine ................(Photo) (B 114-22 vars.)
1933 Orval Abbey Issue Com pl. set of twelve, l.h. incl. I0fr, few o.g., fine to very fine ........................ ....................... .......(Photo) (B 132-43) Com pl. set, l.h. incl. IOfr or o.g., fine to very fine ................................ .................... ......................(Photo) (B 132-43) Comp!. set, 1.h.or o.g., fine to very fine..........................................................................................(Photo) (B 132-43) Comp!. set, lightly caned., very fine. Mi . €750 ................................ ...............................................(Photo) (B 132-43) 1947 WWII Victims set comp!., four sets, 20fr+20fr , six additional copies, n.h., fine to very fine. Mi. €570 ..........................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (B437-4 1) Air Post; 1946 Skymaster 50fr yellow green, lOfr gray, perf 12xll ½. n.h., extremely fine .(Photo) (ClOa,lla )
526.00 850.00
607.00 607.00 607.00 635.00 545.00 390.00
* ** 32 1 * 322 ** 323 ** 324 * 3 19
1915 Handstamped 35c bistre brown, l.h., handstamps on reverse , fresh, fine. Mi. €260 .................. (Photo) (Q55) 1953 Electric Train set of two, n.h., extremely fine. Mi . €500 ..................................................(Photo) (Q341,342) Same, three compl. sets, l.h., fine to very fine ................................ .............................................(Photo) (Q34 1,342)
250 .00 475.00 1,425.00
1953-57 Train Stations 60fr to 300fr comp!., n.h., very fine ....................................................(Photo) (Q359-61B) lO0fr emerald, 200fr bright violet blue, 300fr lilac rose, n.h., very fine .....................................(Photo) (Q361-B)
1960 Locomotive set comp!., five sets, n.h.(2)/1.h.(3), fine to very fine ........................................(Photo) (Q374-77)
325 0
1849 to 1897, coll. and accum. of over 1200 on stock sheets, used, with 1849 lOc (49) and 20c (73), also wide range of subsequent issues with many shades and a variety of cancels throughout, mixed condition. Worth careful inspec1io11.......................... ..........................................................Est. Cash Value $2,500-3 ,000
326 0
19th and 20th Centur y, stock and coll. of man y thousand in album , 12 stoc kbooks and glass ines in carton , used , wide ran gin g wit h ma ny comp!. and part sets , Sou ven ir sheet s, Semis , Air s, much back-of-book from 1870 with exten sive Parcel Post and Ra ilway, also Occu. pre ca ncels, tete-beche and se-tenant issues, faults as would be expected , but much fine to ver y fine and very clean st ock ......................................................................................................................... ...Est. Cas h Value $3,000-3 ,500
327 * EB 1861 to 2001, stock of severa l thousand in 10 stockbook s in carto n, n.h. to unu sed, wide ranging with man y better comp!. sets or bett er item s in depth , Semi s, Airs , back-of-book incl. Po stage Due , Officials , Newspaper , exte nsive Parcel Po st and Rail way, som e blks, "10%" hand sta mp ed types, German Occu. and Belgian Occu. of Ge rman y, tete-beche pair s an d se-tenant with labe ls, etc., mixed condition to fine to very fine a nd much n.h . .............................................. Est. Cas h Va lue $15,000-18 ,000 328
**[8] 20th
Century, selection of several thousand in 10 sheet files in box, n.h., compr. modern issues in comp!. and part sheets, so me blks, incl. Regular Issues with Lion Rampant, Heraldic Lion, Albert, Birds, etc., comp!. or part sets, mint preca ncels, Postage Due and Official s, paper varieties, etc., generally very fine ................................................................................. .................................... .................... .........Est. Cash Value $500+
329 * O
BELGIUM AND LUXEMBOURG: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of a few hundr ed diff. on stock sheets, l.h. or o.g. or used, few n.h., incl. comp!. or part sets , Semis, Souvenir sheets, Airs and back-of-book , mixed co ndition to very fine ............................................ .............................................................. Est. Ca h Value $300-400
330 ** EBCHINA: 1923 Temple 3c blue green, 10c blue, 4 and 16 copies respectively , incl. blks of four, n.h., fine to very fine ....................... ...................................................................... ......................... ....................................(271,273) 33 1
333 * O
20th Century, group of over 20 native covers mostly to Tientsin, incl. Japane e Occu. , few commemorat ive cancels, variety of issues and multiples, mixed condition ...................................................Est. Cash Value $200-300 PEOPLE 'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA: 1973-1977 , small selection in glassines, n.h., almost comp!. sets, incl. a few slightly better, very fine ................................................. ............................................. .....(betw. 1122 and 1342) COCHIN CHINA : 1886 to 1888, selection of 12 stamps, five diff., o.g. or unused. five u ed, generally fine ........................................................................................................................................... ( 1-50) Est. Ca h Value$ 100 30
Cati. Val.
COLOMBIA AIR POST 334 ** Hl 1920-21 Seaplane 10c to S0c compl. set, blocks of four, 10c and 30c rose, top sheet margin s, latter with Imprint , n.h., few light creases , mixed centering to very fine .......................................................... (Photo) (C l2-16)
1920-21 30c black on rose, S0c pale green, with "G. Mejia" signature, vertical pairs, n.h., usual mixed center ing to fine, fresh. Scarce multiples , 5000 and 1000 print ed respectively ......................... ...................(Photo) (Mi. 3ll ,SII)
DM 2600
336 ** Hl 1921 Sc to 3p compl., top right corner blocks of four, n.h. , 2p and 3p dry gum , fre sh, fine to very fine .................................................................. ........................... ....................................... ........................(Photo) (C25-34 )
337 ** lnlSame, corner sheet ma rgin blo cks of nine, n.h. , 2p and 3p dry gum. 50 c so me thins , fine to very fine ...................................... .................. .................................................................................................... (Photo) (C25-34)
338 ** Hl 1923-28 Sc to Sp compl. set, plus Air Regis. 20c gray, blocks of four, n.h., few bends or light gum creas ing, 2p dry gum , genera lly very fine .................................................................................................(Photo) (C38-50 ,CF I)
339 ** HJSame, bottom right corner sheet margin blocks of four, n.h., few bends or light gum creasing , CFI dry gum, fine to very fine .................... ......................................................................................................(Photo) (C38- 50 ,CF I)
340 * lnl 3p violet, sheet of 25, vast majority n.h., few gum disturbed . fresh, fine to very fine ......................... ............ .... (C49)
335 **
. ....···-: . ..
·················-:'··················!······ .
.............. .
* 342 * 34 1
1923 Overprinted "A" set compl., incl. Air Regis., Sc smaller "A", n.h. to disturbed o.g., I Sc sma ll scrape, 2p gum oaks , others fine to very fine .................................................................................................(Photo) (Mi.LA540 1-51) Overprinted "E" set compl. , incl. Air Reg is., "R" 12mm, disturbed o .g., Sp gum soaks, fine to very fine ................. ................................................................. .............................................................. (Photo) (Mi.LA 576-871 )
DM72 3 DMI397
343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 35 1
Cati. Val. Overprinted "EU " Sc to Sp compl. set , plus 1928 15c and 30c , n.h. to disturbed o.g. , fine to very fine ....................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (Mi.LA588-98,600,60 I) DM583 * EE 1928 New York Printing 15c carmine red , 30c dull blue, bottom left corner margin blocks of four , disturbed o.g., well centered, fine ........................................................................................................................ (Mi.LA600,60 1) DM320 Overprinted ''F" set compl. , incl. Air Regis., disturbed o.g., fine to very fine ....................(Photo ) (Mi.LA602- 13) DM1175 Overprinted " P" Sc to Sp compl. set, disturbed o.g., fine to very fine ................................. (Photo ) (Mi.LA650-60) DM608 1932 Government Overprinted Sc to Sp compl. set , plus Air Regis., 20c carmin e, pair s, peso values with right sheet margin, n.h. dry gum, few bends, fine to very fine ................................................(Photo ) (C83-95,CF4) 489.00 * EE Compl. set less 30c, plus Air Regis. 20c, blocks of four , Sp corner sheet margin block , n.h., dry o.g. or slightly disturbed gum, fine to very fine .......................................................................................(Photo ) (C83-86,88-95,CF4) 972.00+ * EE 1920 to 1934, selection of about 250 on stock sheet s, n.h. to disturbed o.g., mostly compl. sets with dupl. , incl. sheet margin and corner blks of four and singles, generall y fine to very fine .......(betw. C12 and C114, CFl ,2) 3,035.00+ BOLIVAR: 1863-66 Imperf 10c green , large margins all round , tied by ms. cancel on small piece, very fine !:::. ...................................................................................................................................................................... (Photo ) ( I) 550.00 * O EECOSTA RICA: Primaril y 20th Centur y, stock of man y hundr ed in glassines and stock sheets in 2 ring-binder s in carton , n.h. to unu sed or used , incl. compl. or part sets, man y Airs and blk s, var ying quantitie s, some faults but overaU quit e clean and generall y fine to ver y fine. Stated by owner to catl. about $3500 .................. .. t8I CUBA: France used from Cuba; 1863-70 40c pale orang e (repaired ), plus 1872-75 80c rose , very fine, tied by Anchor cancels on mourning envelope bearing LA HAVANE 10 JANY. 74 octagonal date tamp, "2" and boxed P.P., Vera Cruz receiver on reverse ................................................(Photo ) (35,63) Est. Cash Value $200-2 50
* * **
352 .
~ •ci ~..✓ -Mt£, ~ C/fl_}✓. _,,,
355 356 357
Cati. Val.
CYPRUS: 1984 and 1985 , group of 30 diff. ovptd. SPECIMEN, n.h. , fine to very fi ne ............................................................................. ...........(Photo Page 31) (betw. 62 1 and 66 1) Est. Cash Value $ I 00 CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Semi-Postals; 1919 Overprinted on Stamps of Austria Newspaper Imperf IOh carmine , l.h. , large margin s, ex tr e mel y fine. Signed Leseticky and other s . Mi. 48, €2200 ............................................................................................................................................(Cover Photo) (B26) Postage Due Ssh rose, red, o.g. , three handstamp s on reverse, very fine . Mi. 88, €450 ................ ......(Photo) (B54) Ovptd. on Stamp of Hungary IOf rose, o.g., very fine. Four signatures. Mi. 118, €500 ..................... (Photo) (8 7 1) DENMARK: 1851 Imperf 2rs blue, sheet margin copy, large margins other sides, very fine, tied by "I " in concentric circles cancel on local folded letter sheet.. ................................ (Photo) (1) Est. Cash Value $500-750
2,250.00 400.00 300.00
358 * O EEDOMINICAN REPUBLIC: PrimariJy 20th Century, stock of many hundred neatly arranged on stock sheets in 2 ring-binders, n.h. to o.g., some unused or used, incl. later comp!. sets and impe1fs , blks, Souvenir sheets, Airs, etc., varying qu antities, generally fine to very fine . Stated by owner to cat!. $2800 ...... ............. .................... .... ..
AIR POST 1928 and 1929 Overprinted "PROVISIONAL " at 45 or 41 Degree Angle, six diff. incl. Air Regis., n.h., #C4 gum skips, very fine ................................... ................................................................(Photo) (Cl a,2a,3-5 ,CFla )
360 ** EESame, but five diff. blocks of four, n.h., few small faults, fine to very fine .............................. (Photo) (CI a,2a ,3-5) 1,860.00+ 36 1 * llll 1928 "PROVISIONAL " at 45 Degree Angle I ½ s on 30c blue, 3s on 60c brown, bottom right corner sheet margin blocks of nine, n.h. or o.g. , very fine ......................... .............................. .......................... ...... ............ (C4,C5) 1,035.00+ Surcharged with "Cts Between umerals" 50c on IOc green, pair, n.h., gum skips, extremely fine. Rare multiple 362 ................................................................................................................................................................... (Photo) (C6) 1,200.00+
* 364 *
1929 50c to 25s com pl. set, plus Air Regis. l s rose, n.h . to disturbed o.g ., fine to very fine ..(Photo) (C 16-25,CF2) Same, bottom corner margin copies, n.h. to disturbed o.g ., fine to very fine......................... (Photo) (C I 6-25 ,CF2 )
29 1.00 29 1.00
365 ** EECompl. set, incl. Air Regis. l s ro se, block s of four , n.h. , ma ny with dr y g um , f in e to ve ry fine ............................... ............................ ................................................ ......................................... (Photo) (C l6 -25,CF2)
1, 166.00+
ETHIOPIA: 1895 to 1970, coll. and stock of many thousand on pages, in glassines, etc., in 2 boxes, vast majority n.h., balance o.g. or used, coll. incl. earlier issues, errors or varieties, back-of-book , etc., bulk of value circa 1960s, some earlier, incl. quantities of compl. sets, Souvenir sheet #484, blks of 4 or larger, some compl. sheets, Airs, etc., also FDCs and misc. commercial mail, some faults but overall fine to very fine. Useful and worth carefu l inspect ion ....................................................................... ............Es t. Cash Value $600-800 FAROE ISLANDS: 1919 Surcharged 2o on So green, neatly tied with Denmark So on small piece, very fine. A.P.E .S. Cert . ( 1994) and signed A. Diena. Mi. €450 .......... ............... ..................... ................................... (Photo) ( I)
* 0181
367 t:.
FRANCE 368 0
* 370 *
1929 Philatelic Exhibition 2fr orange & pale blue, neat 7 26 29 exhibition cancel, extreme ly fine. Mi. €600 ........................................................................................... ....................................................................... (Photo) (246) Air Post; 1936 Plane over Paris S0fr emerald, l.h., very fine ................................. ........... ................. (Photo) (C 14)
1936 Monoplane S0fr ultramarine, o.g., extremely fine ................... .................................................. (Photo) (CIS)
37 1 * O llll 19th and 20th Century , coll. and accum. of man y hundr ed on stock sheets in box , n.h. to o.g.
or used, with cla ss ic iss ues, but mostl y modern , incl. Semis and Air s, man y sets, few booklet s and errors , moderat e dupl. and misc. French Colonies , mixed condition to much fine to very fine ............................................................................................................................Est. Cas h Value $1,000-1 ,200 To 1970s, coll. of man y hundred diff. in stockbook, used, wide rangin g with early dupl. , later mostly compl. sets, incl. a few better items, Semis, Airs and back-of-book, mixed condition to fine to very fine ...Est. Cash Value $750
372 0
20th Cent ur y, coll. of man y hundred diff. in stockbook and sheet file, n.h. to o.g., few unu sed, incl. comp l. or part sets, few bett er items, dupl. , Semis, Airs , part sheets incl. Council of Europ e, some Monaco and misc. 19th cent. , mixed condition to fine to very fine .........................Est. Cash Value $1,000
FRENCH COLONIES: General Issues; Used in ew Caledonia; 1878-80 Type Il Imperf. IOc black on lavender , 15c blue, very fine and cut in respectively, tied by NOUMEA 5 SEPT 81 c.d.s. strike on envelope bearing red Maritime , Pari s receiver on reverse .....(Cover Photo ) (41,42) Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,500 34
650 .00
Cati. Val.
** 376 **
OMNIBUS: Air Post; 1946 Victory comp l. except Indo-China (14), imperf right sheet margin pairs , n.h., extremely fine. Yv. €4 16......................................................................................................................(Photo page 33) 1946 Chad to Rhine, compl. issues except lndo-China (84), imperf. , mostly corner copies , n.h., extremely fine. Yv. €866+ ............................................................................................................................................................... FRENCH SOUTHERN A D ANTARCTIC TERRITORIES: Selection of over 300 in glassines, n.h., mostly 377 **[!jj 1960s, incl. compl. sheets, corner blks of 4 or larger , Air s incl. se-tenant pairs with label, etc., varying quantities, very fine .........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-750 378 C8I 1960s, selection of 20 covers, incl. FDCs, Airs with better values, Expedition cachets, fine to very fine. Stamp alone cat!. $ 1150 off cover ........................................................................................... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $200+ 375
BADEN: Rural Postage Due; 1862 Perf 10 lkr black on yellowish, vert. pair and single, perfs touch, fine, tied by "36" (E mmendingen ) in ring cancels on rever se of most of folded letter bearing blue ms. "3" and 25 MAI c.d.s. on front. Brettl. Cert. (1993). €3800 as strip of three on cover. Rare multiple ....................................................................................................................(Photo ) (LJI ) Est. Cash Value $500-750 BRUNSWICK: 1852 Imperf lsgr rose , mostly enormous margins aU round , blue oval BRAUNSCHWEIG cancel, extremely fine. Mi. €380 ................................................................................................................(Photo) (1) HAMBURG: 1859 Wmkd. Wavy Lines ½s black, block of four, disturbed o.g., large margins, very fine. Signed Kohler. Mi. €400 without gum ....................................................................................................... (Photo) ( I) SCHLESWIG -HOLSTEIN: 1850 Arms Embossed ls dull blue & greenish blue, full o.g., margins all round, huge two sides, fresh, extremely tine. Signed E. Diena. Mi. €400 .......................................................... (Photo) (1)
380 0
* 382 *
38 1
GERMANY 1920-22 Wmkd. Quatrefoils 1 ¼ m vermilion & magenta, neat c.d.s. cancel, incorrectly handstamped Wzl , very fine. Mi. €1400 ................................................................................................................................(Photo) (210)
383 0
386 0
Air Post; 1930 South America Flight 2m ultramarine, 4m black brown, compl. set, n.h. , tin y inclusions, 4m very light fingerprint on gum, tine to very tine. Mi. €3500 ............................ (Cover Photo ) (C39,C39)
1933 Chicago Flight set compl., n.h., tiny inclusions and barely visible finger prints on reverse, very fine. Mi. €4000 .............................................................................................................................................. (C43-45)
Primarily 20th Century to 1980s, coll. of many hundred diff. neatly arranged in 2 stockbooks, used , incl. Eagle and Shield types, man y compl. sets, better Semis and Airs incl. Zeppelin issues, back-of-book incl. French Occu., clean and generally fine to very fine ..............................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,250
390 39 1 392 393
Primarily 20th Century, coll. and accum. of a few thousand in 3 stockbooks and 2 sheet files in carton, n.h. to unused , mostly Germany, Berlin and G.D.R., with many compl. sets, Semis, Airs, back-of-book incl. French Occu., good selection of Danzig , bits of Russian Zone, Colonies and Offices, Berlin 1949 se-tenant with labels , part sheets, etc ., some faults though overall fine to very fine with a goodly amount n.h . ................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $2,000+ Selection of several hundred in glassines, etc ., in box , l.h. to unused or used , scattered n.h., incl. comp!. or part sets, Sou venir sheets, Semis, Airs , Occu. Berlin , G.D .R., some Colonies and Offi ces , few States , Danzig, etc., also coll. remainder on hingeless album pages, plus a few hundred British and Foreign, mixed condition ..............................................................................................................................................Est. Ca h Value $300--400
**[!jj20th Century,
selection of a few hundred diff. in glassines, etc., in box, n.h. , incl. compl. or part sets, Semis incl. Third Reich Souvenir sheets , Berlin, Occu., se-tenant pairs, G.D.R., etc., few faults, overall tine to very fine .................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500
** ** **
BERLIN: 1949 lpf to Sm compl. set, n.h., very fine. 30pf, Sm Schlegel Cert . (2000). Mi. €950 ....(Photo ) (9N42-60) Compl. set, n.h. except 8pf l.h.. few inclusions, fine to very fine. Mi. €949 ..................................(Photo) (9N42-60) 1949 Surcharged set compl., n.h. , few tiny inclusions, fine to very fine. Mi. €300 ......................(Photo ) (9N64-67) DANZIG: 1920 to 1930s, stock of many hundred neatly arranged on stock sheets in 2 ring-binders , n.h. to *O[!jj o.g. or used, scattered unused , wide ranging incl. many blks or corner blks , some sets and slightly better items, Semis, Airs, Postage Due and Officials, some Souvenir sheets, varying quantities to one of an item , generally fine to very fine with a goodly number n.h. Stated by owner to catl. over $4075 .................................. 36
200.00 250.00+ 210.00
H. ~ .l .
11 , ~~ ~<LMA.
~o,v.J EX378
Cati. Val. 394
SAAR: 1920 to 1959 , selection of man y hundred neatl y arranged in stockbook , n.h. to unused , incl. comp!. or part sets, Semi s, Airs, Officials , tete-beche pair s, some slightl y better issues and moderate quantitie s to one of an item , generally fin e to very fine ................................ Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,250
GREENLAND: 1945 comp!. set of nine , incl. thre e sheet margin copies, n.h. , few inclusions , extremely fine. Mi. €850 ................ ............................. ................. ....................... ......... ................... ............. .................. (Photo ) (19-27 ) 396 ** EEHi, So, 7o , corner block s of four , n.h. , extremely fine. Mi. €1020 ............................ ................... ....(Photo) (19-21 ) 397 lOo, 300 , 2k , overprint color reversed , n.h. , l0 o l.h., very fine ................. ......... ....................(P hoto ) (22a ,24a,26a)
700.00 370.00+
398 * O EEGUATEMALA: Primarily 20th Century, stock of several thousand in glassines and neatly arranged on stock sheets in 2 ring-binders in carton, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. comp!. or part sets, many Airs, etc., varying quantities and generally line to very fine. Stated by owner to catl. $6100 ..............................
HAITI: Stamp of Great Britain; 1853 Printed Circular (creased), dated June 15 bearing lp red, tied by "29" in grid , also TOO LATE in circle, red 27 AU 1855 Lond on rece iver on rever se. Interesting transfer of a letter fro m Inland Post to Pe1111 yff wope1111 y Post .............................................................................(Photo) Est. Ca h Value $ 150 ICELAND: 1873 Perf 14x13½ 2s ultramarine, o.g., mall co rner crease. wel l centered, fine . Signed H . Bloch 825.00 .................................... ................................................................................................................................. .(Photo) ( I ) * O llilIRAN: 20th Century , stock and accum. of many hundred in 2 stoc kbooks, folders , etc., in carton , vast majority n.h., balance o.g. or used, mostly 1960s and 70s, some earlier, incl. part sheets, compl. or part sets, blks, se-tenant, Airs, etc., slightly better incl. 1968 Coronation, varying quantities, also misc. postal cards and other Middle East, some faults, generally fine to very fine ...................................Est. Cash Value $500-600 450.00 ** ISRAEL: 1950 Independence Day, set of two, full tabs, n.h., few inclusions, very fine ................. (Photo) (33,34) * 1H1 18120th Century, coll. and accum. in 2 cartons, incl. mint sheets and sma ll coll. of full and pan tabs, Interim and Local post, labels, several hundred Tabil Souvenir heet , many cove rs, etc., in 6 binder s or album , incl. Special Event s, limited edit ion Sou venir cards or folders, FDC , Pale tine and Jud aica, al o some fore ign incl. Germany picture po t ca rd , genera lly fine to very fine and more interest ing than the usual offer ing ...........Est. Ca h Value $300-500 ** EEINDO-CHINA: 1892-1900 50c carmine & blue on rose, sheet margin block of four, n.h., extremely fine. Yv. as hinged €183+ ..................... .......................................................................... ...................................(Photo) (17) DP 1931-41 Dancer lpi black, trial color Die proof die sunk on soft wove 127xl23mm , also 50c and 2pi value designs, wrinkle and small tain , very fine ............ ................... ...................... ...............(Photo) Est. Cash Va lue $ I 00 * O l!ilITALIAN STATES : ROMA STATES; 1852 and 1857 Imperf group, compr. Sb corner blk of six, o.g., three pair s and strip of three, used, 3c black on gray, three cop ies, unu ed(2)/ used( I ), margin to cut in, faulty or mixed condition. Latter three igned A. Diena ..................... ........................................... ............ ......................(Photo) (9, 13) 7,802.00+ SARDINIA: 1851 Lithographed Sc gray black , ju st clearin g to large margins, lightly ca ned ., crease , fine 0 l ,400 .00 appeara nce. Mi. €2000 ........................................................................................................................ .........(Photo) ( I)
399 181
400 401
402 403
404 405 406
** 1961 Error 205L rose lilac, n.h., brilliant fresh, fine. Mi. €1700 ......................................................(Photo) (834a) 409 * Po stage Due ; 1870-1925 Num eral IL light blue & brown, o.g. , typical centering, hand stamp on rever se, fine. Mi. €5500 ............. ........................................................................................(Cove r Photo ) (Jl3)
Very rare
4 10 * O
41 1
Primaril y 20th Century , stock of man y thousand in number ed glassin es, stockbook and 3 ring-binders in 2 cartons, I.h. to unu sed or used , wide ranging incl. comp!. or part sets, va rietie s, slightl y better it ems, Airs and back-of-book , va ryin g quantiti es, mixed condition to much fine to ver y fine . Stated b y owner to catl. well over $25, 000. Useful stock ........... ............. ...................... ........................ .............. ...............
20th Century, selection of a few hundred neatly arranged on stock sheets in ring-binder, apparent ly n.h. incl. comp!. or part sets in varying quantities to one of an item, with Air Post, Air Special Delivery and other back-of-book , a few better items, incl. 1934 Soccer sets, fine to very fine. Stated by owner to cat I. about $3450 .................................................................................................... .............................................
JAPAN: 1871 Native Laid Paper Without Gum 48m brown, Plate I, goo d margin exce pt extre me top left , tiny corner fau lt, handstamp on reverse show s slightly on front , fine appearance . Signed Richter....................(Photo) ( I )
2 10.00
4 13 ** llil1992 Letter Writing Day 4l y and 62y multicolored , booklet pane of 5 each, 50 unexploded booklets, n.h., very fine ............................... .............................................................................................................................. (2 I 37b)
425 .00
4 12
4 14 0
LITHUANIA: 1918 First Vilnius Ptg. lOsh black, corner block of four (natural SE), neat violet cancels, very fine ............................ ..........................................................................................................................................(Photo ) ( I ) 38
',;~.:;.tJ"Tj.113, ...U'WT.lW tJ!\ ',:i,,
Cati. Val.
LUXEMBOURG 1852 WHliam III Issue 4 15 0
10c gray black, vertical strip of three , frame line touched to mostly lar ge margins, neatly caned., middle stamp creased, fine .......................................................................................................................................(Pho to) ( I )
416 0
10c, strip of four, cut in to very large margin s, grid cancels, fine ...........................................................(Photo) ( I )
417 0
lsg brown red , strip of three, good to large margins all round, neatly caned., creases, middle stamp closed tear, very fine appearance. Signed Biihler. ............................................................. ..............................................(Photo) (2)
418 t:,
lsg rose , strip of three, frame line touched at right , good to large margins other sides, tied by neat grid cancels on small piece, fine to very fine ................................................................................................................... (Photo) (3)
Semi-Postals; 1935 Professionals set compl., n.h., ver y fine. Mi. €1400 ....................................(Photo ) (B65A-Q)
Compl. set, lightly caned. , very fine. Mi. €2200 ...........................................................................(Photo) (B65A-Q)
419 420 0
42 1
422 0
19th and 20th Centur y to 1990s, coll. and stock of severa l thousand in 3 stockbooks and glassines in box, n.h. to unused, incl. early better items incl. Officials, man y compl. sets in moderate quantities, Semis, Airs, blks of 4, etc. , mixed condition to much fine to ver y fine ......Est. Cash Value $2,000-25,000
1852 to 1990, coll. of many hundred neatly arranged in stockbook , used , incl. First Issue and other better items, 20th cent. almost compl. incl. Semis, Airs , Postage Due, better Officials and Occu., some faults though much fine to very fine ......................... ...................................... Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500
Air Post; 1947 Wmkd. GOBIERNO MEXICANO and Eagle in Circle 50c green, imperforate corner pair, unused, lar ge margins other sides , extremely fine ...................................................... ...................(Photo) (C175a) l8l
1856 to 1880s , selection of about 80 covers in box , incl. many early Hidalgo types and Coat of Arms , variety of frankings incl. pairs , various types of ovpts, cancels and destinations, also over 70 mint entires and a few used bearing Wells, Fargo printed frank, mixed condition ............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,500
425 * O18Jl9th and 20th Century , balance in carton, incl. over 150 commercial covers 1850s to 1940s and over 250 mostly mint stationery incl. many entires , about 100 FDCs from 1940s, plus coll. on pages and many loose stamps, mint and used, mixed condition to very fine ................................................. Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000 426
20th Century, selection of over 100 advertising covers or corner cards in box , incl. hotels and a variety of businesses , some quite colorful or alJ-over, man y to United States, mixed condition ...Est. Cash Value $500-750
1900 to 1920, accum. of about 200 covers in box, incl. many diff. CiviJ War issues and corner cards , fair amount of Sonora seal types, ovptd. , etc., man y local and United States destinations , few censored or Regis ., mixed condition. Worth careful insp ection ......................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500
20th Century to about 1920, selection of about 55 Chinese -Mexican covers in tin box, var ious issues and destinations, incl. Hong Kong and United States as well as local , with bisects , Regis., corner cards, etc., most with additional Chine se character s, mixed condition ...................................Est. Cash Value $1,000+ MONACO : 1885 to 1998, colJ. of many hundred in 2 aJbums , much n.h. , balance l.h. or o.g., few used, incl. many compl. sets, Souvenir sheets and sheetlets , imperfs, blks, FDCs, Semis, Airs, etc., very clean and generaIJy fine to very fine ............................................... ........................................................ ..........Est . Cash Value $600-800
1952 Philatelic Exhibition set of four , 12 sets incl. corner blks of four , n.h. , very fine. Mi. €1020 ...........................................................................................................................................(Photo) (336-39)
43 1 * O
19th and 20th Century , coll. of a few hundred diff. on stock sheets, I.h., o.g. or used, few n.h. , incl. a few slight ly better early items , later compl. sets incl. Semis, some back-of-book , mixed condition to very fine ..................................................................................................................................................Est . Cash Value $500+
432 * O
Control Number Coils; 20th Century, coll. of several hundred in album, vast majority n.h., balance unused or used, mostly coil strips of 5, incl. 1953- 71 and 1969-7 5 Jul iana issues, 1976-86 Numeral types, EUROPA issues, various papers, diff. cipher types and invtd., etc., with 1996 Specialized catalogue, generally fine to very fine .................................................................................... ..........................................................Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 40
Cati. Val.
434 0
* 436 *
437 * O
438 0 439 0
NETHERLANDS AND COLONIES: 19th and 20th Cent ur y, coll and stock of several thousand in glassines and 2 stockbooks in carton, n.h. to unused , mostly Netherlands, also compr. Neth . Antilles, Indies, New Guinea, Surinam, UNTEA sets and misc. Indonesia, incl. numerous better items and later compl. sets, Semis, Souvenir sheets, Airs, booklets, syncopated perfs and back-of-book, some faults though quite clean and genera lly fine to very fine ........................................Est. Cash Value $3,500-4,000
Coll. of a couple thousand in 2 stockbooks, plus etherlands stock of thousands in glassines in box, used, incl. better items with Neth. #1-6 with shades and cancels, other better items, many sets, Semis, Airs, Souvenir sheets, syncopated perfs, back-of-book , large quantities of some, also nice selection of Belgian Congo, Ruanda-Urundi, some faults, clean and generally fine to very fine ....Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 NETHERLANDS INDIES: 1864 Imperf 10c lake , unused , large even margins , fresh, extremely fine ......................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (1) NEW CALEDONIA: 1859 Lithographed IOc black, sheet margin vertica l pair , ungummed , bottom stamp negligible tone spot, very fine. Signed H . Bloch ............................................................................ .............(Photo) (J) 1859 to 1918, coll. of over 175 on pages, o.g. to unused or used , high degree of completeness plus many surcharged varieties, incl. inverted, double and double inverted , mixed condition to fine to very fine ............................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $600-800 NORWAY: 1855 Wmkd. Lion 4s blue , large margins , on-the-nose eleven lin e c ircle cancels , very fine ......................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) ( I) 4s, slightly deeper shade, large even margins, on-the-nose eleven-ring circle cance l, very fine .............(Photo) ( 1)
250.00 350.00+
125.00 125.00
44 1
PALESTINE : 1918 Rouletted lpi deep blue , unused , fresh , extremely fine. S.G . £150 ...................... (Photo ) (1) PANAMA : Primaril *0161
* *
Cati. Val. 190.00
443 444 0
y 20th Centur y, stock of several thou sa nd in glassines , sheet file and stock sheets in 2 ring-binder s in carton, n.h. to unused or used , incl. comp!. or part sets, varieties, blks , Souvenir sheets, man y Air Post , back-of-book , also comp!. or part she ets (gum staining) , varying quantities and generally fine to very fine , a good ly amount n.h. Stated by owner to catl. almost $9300 ........................... .
PERU: 1857 Pacific Steam Navigation Co. tr blue on bluish, part o.g., large margins all round, very fine. A.P.E.S. Cert. (1995) ....................... .................................................. .............................................. (Cover Photo) (1) lr , o.g. (hinge remnant), margins all round, fresh, very fine .................................................................(Photo) (1)
1,250.00 1,250.00
lr , barely touched at top right, large margins three sides, on-the-no e "6" in grid cance l, tiny comer crea es, negligible tonin g on reverse, signatures on reve rse, fine and attractive ....... ............................................... (Photo) {I)
445 0
PHILIPPINES: 1854 Engraved Sc orange, full to enormous margins showing portions of two adjoining stamps, lightly caned., extremely fine ............................... ........................................................................(Photo) (1)
446 6
POLAND: 1860 Coat of Arms 10k blue & rose, tied by " 1•· in concentric circ les cance l on mall piece, handstamp on reverse, very fine. Mi. €250.............................................................. ........................................ ............... (Photo) ( I ) 10k, added blue frame for inner oval, tied on piece , usual centerin g, fine and rare ....... ........ ......... ....... (Photo) {le)
PORTUGAL: 1853 Typographed and Embossed Sr orange brown, large margins, neatly caned., handstamp on reverse, extremely fine. Mi. t:1000 ........................................................................... .......................... (Photo) (la)
447 6 448 0 449 0
451 0 452 6
19th and 20th Century to 1980s, coll. of many hundred diff. neatly arranged in stockbook, used, incl. slightly better early issues, many comp!. sets incl. 1894 Navigator, Airs, etc., generally fine to very fine with some super 19th century ............................................................................................................ Est. Cash Value $500-750 20th Century, selection of many hundred neatly arranged in stockbook, n.h. to unused, incl. many comp!. sets with dupl., misc. 19th cent., generally fine to very fine ....................................... Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 PORTUGUESE INDIA: 1871 Thin Transparent Paper lOr black, lightly cane d., tiny tear , very fine appearance . Signed H. Bloch . Scarce ................................ ........................................................................... ...................(Photo) {I)
RUSSIA: 1857 Imperf 10k brown & blue, large margins, neatly tied by doubl e circle cance l on small piece , small margin fau lts, very fine appearance . Mi. €!000 ...................... ...........................................................(Photo) ( I )
600 .00
* *
*OrnSOMALIA : 20th
457 0
1918 Soviet Federated Socialist Republic 35k blue, IMPERFORA TE sheet margin pair, l.h. wrinkle , very fine. Mikul ski Cert. (2003 ). Mi. l49U , €500 ............................................ .............................................(Photo) ( 149a , 150a) SHANGHAI: 1865-66 Wove Paper 2ca black, unused, large even margin , light comer crease, very fine appearan ce ....................... ....................................................... ............................ ............................................................(Photo) ( I )
Century, stock of many hundred in glassines and stock sheets in ring-binder in carton, n.h. to unu sed or used, incl. many co mp!. sets, bLks, also Airs, ome Souvenir sheet s and back-of- book, varying quantities and much n.h., generally fine to very fine. Stated by ow ner to cat!. $2425+ ........................................ ......... SPAIN: 20th Century, selection of 14 UPU booklets in box, many popular ets incl. Brusse ls and Ottaw a book s, ome African blks, few n.h., couple cove rs, very fine .................................................... .....Est. Cash Value I00-150 SWEDEN: 1855 Coat of Arms 3s blue green, neatly caned., few light tone spots barely showing on front, well centered, fine. Mi. t:3500 ....................................................................................(Cover Photo) (1)
458 0
1877-79 Perf 13 lrd bistre & blue, on-the-nose c.d .s. ca nce l, very fine. Mi. €450 .................... ............(Photo) (37)
400 .00
SWITZERLAND: 1945 Peace set comp!., incl. Semi-Postal, n.h. exce pt 40c , extreme ly fine. Mi . 500 ............................................................................................. .................................................... (Photo) (293-305, B 145)
Same, neatl y caned. , 5fr ink offse t on reverse, very fine. M i. €!000 ....... ........... ........ ........... (Photo) (293-305, B 145)
895.00 275 .00
460 0 461
Semi-Postal; 1951 LU ABA Imperf. Souvenir sheet of one, n.h., extreme ly fine . Mi . €280 ......... (Photo) (8206 )
SWITZERLAND AND LIECHTENSTEIN: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of several hundred diff. on stock sheets, l.h., o.g. or used, few n.h., some early issues incl. back-of-book , but mostly 20th cent. comp!. sets incl. Semis, Souvenir sheets, Airs, Peace Sfr and lOfr used, also France and a few Germany, some faults thought generally fine to very fine ............................................................................. ................. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000
URUGUAY: Stamps of France; 1862-71 Napoleon 10c bistre, 80c rose , vertical pairs, very fine 19 JUIL 69 and fine respectivel y, ti ed by Anchor ca ncel s o n fo ld ed let ter bearing MONTEVIDEO octago nal date stamp and red New York Packet mkg., Philadelphi a receive r on rever e. Attractive combination ............................................................................................ .................................... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $400-500
1877-79 Sc green, pair, faults, with 10c vermilion, fine, tied on somewha t stained envelope by grid s bearin g MONTEVIDEO PAQ . FR. 26 DEC 80 c.d.s. to Switzerl and, also I 0c ingle , very fine , tied by 1881 c.d . . on amber envelope to France .............................................. ........ ................. ........................... (Photo ) Est. Cash Value $ 150-2 50
YUGOSLAVIA: 1952 Olympics set com pl., imperf., l.h. or o.g. , very fine. Mi. €900 ........... {Photo) (359 -64 var.)
ii; -( ' I
â&#x20AC;¢--" 50 463
BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AND FOREIGN POSTAL HISTORY Additional postal history also in the Collections and Various section and throughout this catalogue 466
46 8
BRITISH COMMONWEAL TH: Post Office s in Colonies; About 135 stampless covers, incl. Australia, Ceylon, Malta, Singapore, the West Indie s, Barbados, British Guiana, Jamaica , St. Kitts , Tobago , Tortola, Trinidad, plus other colonies, great variety and man y better. Worth careful inspection ....................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500
Foreign Post Offices in Latin America ; Over 160 stample ss covers, compr. strong Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Venezuela, also Argentina , Bolivia, Cuba, Haiti , Peru , Puerto Rico. Do insp ect ........................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-750 GREAT BRITAIN: Wonderful assortment of approx. 280 stampless covers, majorit y pencil annotated on front for quick inspection, incl. Penn y Post , Returned ''F ree", s.I., O'C lock, boxed SHIP LETTERs from South America, Caribbean, U.S., Europe, etc. Worth careful inspection ..................................................................................................................Est. Cash VaJue $1,000-1 ,500 INDIA: Varied assortment of 35 stamples s covers, incl. various boxed "INDIA LETTER...". packets, crescent paid, Ship letters, unpaids, etc. Worth inspection ..............................Est. Cash Value $350- 500 EUROPE : 17th, 18th and 19th Century , stupendous group of about 550 stampless covers from German and Italian States, Holland , Austria, (no France), very specialized in areas and all annotated on front for quick inspection. Worth careful inspection ........Est. Cash Value $750-1,000
FRENCH COLONIES AND FOREIGN POST OFFICES: 19th Centur y, wonderful selection of over 375 covers, stron g Algeria, Guadeloupe, Senegal, Turk ey, Morocco , Syria, etc., also Egypt, Zanzibar, Madagascar, Argentina , Panama , plu s others, some class ic France. Well worth inspection .....................................................................Est. Cash Value $2,000-3,000
FRENCH COLONIES: 20th Century, around 320 covers somewhat sorted, incl. Lebanon , Syria, Morocco, Equatorial Africa, etc. , majorit y of valu e on turn-of-the-century , man y useful ....................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-2 ,000
INDO-CHINA: 19th and 20th Century, selection of about 65 covers or pictur e post cards in cigar box, incl. stamp s of French Colonies and France used in lndo- China with a varied arra y of cities and villages, also used in Shanghai, militar y with Infantr y, Artillery or Expedition mkgs, Regis., Peking Customs, Hankow Local Post , etc. , local and world-wide destination s, mixed condition to fine to very fine ........................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-750 MILITARY STAMPLESS: 1762 to 1849, 22 cover s from Ital y, France, Germany and Spain, wonderful markings, varied condition .............................................................Est. Cash Value $300-400
* 0181
Primaril y 19th Century , coll. of over 100 displayed on well documented pages in ring-binder , I.h. to unu sed or used, 5 covers, man y countrie s incl. Latin America , though much Europe and Briti sh Commonwealth , with Bueno s Aire s, Belgium , Cape of Good Hope , China, Gambia , Norway, Portugal , Tibet, others, some fault s though generally fine to very fine and quite attracti ve .......................................................................Est. Cash VaJue $1,000-1 ,500
19th and 20th Century 476 * O
Stock and accum. of many thou sand in glassines, stock sheets in num erou s ring-binder s in 3 cartons, n.h. to unu sed or used, incl. much Europe with Austri a, Belgium, Greece, Portugal and Colonies, Africa and Middle East, Eastern Europe, some Briti sh, etc., also 4 spar sely filled International albums, some sets and Souvenir sheets, mixed condition to very fine .........................................................................................................Est. Cash VaJue $1,000-1 ,500
Eclectic balance of a property, n.h. to unused, some used, random values incl. China surchd. red revenue, couple Rhodesia incl. ÂŁ1, Iceland, small selection of Germany n.h. singles, etc., mixed condition to much fine to very fine ...................................... Est. Cash Value $1,000
477 00
478 * O
Coll. and accum. of many thousand in stockbooks and loose in 3 shoe boxes in carton , used, some unused, many countries with some sets, blks of 4, etc., loose material should take years to sort, ve1y clean ....................................................................................... .................................. Est. Ca sh Value $400-600
479 * O
Coll. of several thousand diff. in 3 albums in carton, o.g . to unused or used, many countries though genera lly common issues, mixed condition to very fine ..................... ............ Est. Cash Value $400- 500
480 * O
Balance of a property in 8 old-time sparsely filled albums in carton, o.g . to unused or used, much Europe incl. Austria , some United State s, mixed cond.ition ............. ........ ....... Est. Cash Value $300-500
48 1 * O
Balance of a few thousand in carton, n.h. to unused or used, many countries in glassines, etc., incl. U.S., Europe , Briti sh areas , Israel incl. Rev enues, few slightly better items or sets, Souvenir sheets incl. 1974 U.P.U . Centenary , some on album pages or stock sheets, FDC s, etc., mixed condition to very fine .............. ........................................................................... .................... ............ Est. Cash Value $200-3 00
482 * O /'::.Balance of a property in carton, many thousand in envelopes, loose pages and album, etc., unused or used, common issues of many countries, some on paper, mixed condition ....Est. Cas h Value $ 100-125 483 * O /'::.Remainder of a property , thousands in envelopes and loose in carton , used, scattered unu sed, many countrie s incl. U.S. and Canada, some on paper, mixed condition .........Est. Cash Value $50-100
Primarily 20th Century
484 * O l!ll Property as received in box and 2 carton s, n.h. to o.g. , some used , wide ranging and many countries with many topicals and much Europe, incl. comp!. sets, Souvenir sheets, booklets, blks of 4 and larger, many in glassines , also coll. remainders and stockbooks, British areas incl. Great Britain coll. of gutter blks and pairs, Ryukyu Is., misc. U.S., Spain, Vatican City, Greece, some Asia, EUROPA, etc., mixed condition to much fine to very fine ................................ .........................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,200-1,500 485 * O
Property as received in carton, o.g. or used, compr. auction lot colls. or remainders, many countries with much British areas and Europe, some Asia and Latin America, incl. comp!. or part sets, few Souvenir sheets, etc., some faults though generally fine to very fine. Stated by owner to retail $1350 .
486 * OIBIColl. and accum. of several thousand in ring-binder s, etc., in carton, o.g. to unu sed or used, wide ranging incl. Great Britain and Colonies, Europe incl. France, Africa , Asia, many topic al themes incl. J.F.K ., com pl. or part sets, Souvenir sheets. cove rs, imperfs Liberia, China , appro val sheets , etc. , mixed cond ition to very fine ............ ........................................... .................... .Est. Cas h Value $400-500 487
Balance of several hundred covers in 3 boxes, mostly U.S., U.N. and Canada FDCs , plus 1930s flights, also misc. Foreign and British commercial mail incl. Great Britain # 1, etc., mixed condition to very fine .............. ............................. ....... ................................... ...................... ..............Est. Cas h Value $ 150-200 20th Century
488 * O
Coll. of severa l thousand diff. on pages in 9 ring-binder s in carton, o.g. or used, some n.h., apparently issues from all or nearly all countries with much mint 1995 to 1999, incl. compl. or part sets, Souvenir sheets, etc., some mint hinge stuck, others easy to remove, mixed condition. Stated by owner to retail $3500+ .................................................................. ................
Accum. of several hundred covers in 2 boxes, mostly Middle East commercial covers with much Saudi Arabia, also Africa, Europe and British areas, some U.S., etc., picture post cards , FDC , censored, misc. 19th cent., etc ., mixed cond ition ............................................................Est. Cash Value $200--400
490 * 1Blt81 TOPICALS: Coll. of many hundred in 14 ring-binders or albums in carton, n.h. to o.g., some covers , many themes incl. 1964 Olympics , 1949 U.P.U., 1977 Elizabeth Jubilee and 1978 Coronation Anniversary, 1981 Royal Wedding , Rotary, WRY, severaJ others , with comp!. sets, Souvenir sheets, sheetlets, booklets, etc., fine to very fine ...Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 49 1 * 1Bl t81BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS: Coll. of many hundred in 7 ring-binders and Specialty album in
carton , vast majority n.h., some used, also FDCs incl. "silk" cachet and maximum cards , man y countries with compl. sets, Souvenir sheets and sheetlets, some blks, imperf and booklets, Air Post, etc., fine to very fine ............................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-600
19th and 20th Century, coll. of several thousand in 6 stockbooks and glassines in carton, used , occasional mint, man y countries but mostl y Austria, Switzerland, Vatican City , incl. many compl. sets with better Semis and Airs, back-of-book , Switzerland perf and paper vars., also Greece , Spain, Turkey , others incl. Latin America, plus several thou sand in glassines inc l. misc. British , some faults, quite clean and generally fine to very fine ................................................ .........................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 Balance of a property in 6 albums in carton , o.g. to unused or used, incl. parsely filled Europe albums, Germany coll. of many hundred incl. dupl., Mexico, etc., mixed condition ......Est. Cash Value $300-500
493 * O
20th Centur y 494 * O lBI Stock of man y hundred envelope s, etc., in box, vast majorit y n.h. , balance l.h. or used , modern issues of mostl y Asia, incl. Japan , Thailand, Malaysia , Philippine s, others, with many Souvenir sheets , compl. and part sheets in varying quantities , generally very fine. Stated by owner to catl. $7500 ........................................................................................................
Coll. of a few thousand in 4 stockbook s in carton , n.h. to unu sed, mostly Europe incl . Austria, Spain, Switzerland , Turkey , Vatican City , other s, also Middle East, Latin America, China and misc. Asia, man y compl. sets, Semis, Airs, back-of-book incl. Officials , etc., dupl. , generally fine to very fine ......................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000 Balance of ten diff., compr . Estonia C4-8, Iran C14-16, New Caledonia 180, 181, o.g., some pencil signed and/or handstamp on reverse, fine to very fine. Sc. $20 19 ............................................................ .
497 * O
Balance of many hundred on stock sheet s, etc., in box, n.h. to o.g. or used, random issues incl. Korea Flags (incomplete), much Europe, incl. EUROPA, Middle East, etc .. comp!. or part sets, few Souvenir sheets, generally fine to very fine .....................................................Est. Cash Value $250-3 50
Accum. of over 175 covers in album , incl. Netherlands and Colonies, Belgium incl. Souvenir sheets, with cacheted FDCs, comp!. sets incl. Semis, flights, few mint and used stationery, also some fronts, etc., generally fine to very fine ............. ................................................................. Est. Cash Value $ 100-l50
19th and 20th Century, coll. of several thou sand in 5 stockbooks in carton , used , compr. Aland, Danish West Indie s, Denmark , Faroe Is., Finland, Greenland, Iceland , Norway , Sweden, incl. many early issues and later compl. sets, Semis, Airs, extensive back -of-book , better items throughout , also thou sand s more in glassines, varying quantities , mixed condition to much fine to very fine ............................................................... Est. Cash Value $4,000-4,500
500 * lBI Coll. and stock of several thou sa nd in stockbook, she et file and glassines in box , n.h. to unused , mostl y Denmark , Finland , Iceland , Norway, Sweden , few others , man y compl. se ts, incl. Semis, Airs and back-of -book , booklet s, compl. and part sheet s, man y modern blks and corn er blks of 4, some faults , overall fine to very fine and much n.h . ............................................................................... ..........................Est. Cas h Value $1,000-1 ,200 50 I * O
Coll. of a few hundred mostly diff. on pa ges, o.g. to unu sed or used, com pr . Denmark , Finland, Iceland , Norway , incl. slightly better items, few sets, back-of-book incl. Locals , mixed condition ....................................................................................................................Est. Cas h Value $500-600
502 * O
LA TIN AME RICA: 19th and 20th Century, stock and accum. of man y thousand in numbered glassines in carton and ring-binder , much used, balanc e n.h. to unu sed, compr. 20 countries incl. Airs and back-of-book with Postage Due, Officials, Revenu es, etc., varying quantities of cheaper stamps , mixed condition to very fine ......Est. Cash Value $1,000- 1,500
503 * O EECENTRAL AMERICA: 19th and 20th Centur y, stock of a few thousand neatly arranged in stock sheets in 4 ring -binder s in carton. n.h. to unused or used , compr. Hondura s, Nicaragua, Salvador, incl. comp!. or part sets, blks , Airs, back -of-book, varying quantities and generally fine to very fine. Clean stock and much n.h. Stated by owner to catl. $3900+ ................................... END OF SALE 46
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5. 6.
BIDDING Unless announced otherwise by the auctioneer, all bids are per lot, as numbered in the printed Catalogue. H.R. Harmer, LLC (hereinafter "Harmers"), License #s 672829, 780870, as agent for the consignor or vendor, shall regulate the bidding and shall determine the manner in which the bidding shall be conducted. Harmers reserves the right to withdraw any lot prior to sale (without liability to any potential purchaser or agent), to re-offer any withdrawn lot, to divide a lot or to group two or more lots belonging to the same consignor or vendor, and to refuse any bid believed not made in good faith. The highest bid acknowledged by the auctioneer shall prevail. Should a dispute arise between bidders (including a dispute between a floor bidder and the auctioneer acting on behalf of a mail bidder, consignor or vendor), the auctioneer alone shall determine who is the successful bidder and whether to reciter the lot in dispute. Should a dispute arise after the sale, the auctioneer's sale records shall be conclusive. On all lots sold , a commission of 15% on the hammer price is payable by the buye r. (a) The auctioneer reserves the right to bid on behalf of clients (and consignors or vendors) but shall not be liable for errors and omissions in executing instructions to bid, however received, and whether such errors or omissions be those of the bidder or agent or those of the auctionee r. (b) All lots are offered subject to a reserve price. The auctioneer may implement such reserve price. The auctioneer may implement such reserve price by bidding on behalf of the consignor vendor. (c) It may also be assumed that all consignors have been advanced monies against the sale of their stamps and Harmers therefore has a security interest over and above the normal auction commission . 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PRICE $1.00 (or by subscription)
$3 87,7 15.00
Further Portions of The "Woodstock " Collection of Postal History, Dr. Dale Hart's Collection of Number Ones of the World The DeVreese Estate Belgium and Europe, The Rozman Estate United States 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 68
250 260 220 220 180 170 350 220 525 350 525 75 160 210 190 70 650 130 575 60 525 1250 80 280 240 160 125 180 135 230 210 190 110 290 425 400 375 800 210 575 850 425 270 115 210 475 525 190 900 110 190 55 60 90 75 145 550 500 230 130 125 80 140
69 70 71 72
73 75 76 78 79 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 96
97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 110 111 112 114 115 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140
180 1700 130 160 105 150 450 350 145 325 325 325 260 250 230 1500 1000 230 180 850 700 350 1350 95 300 290 5250 475 170 100 120 22000 110 105 120 29 47 75 160 26 115 3500 75 55 55 170 200 80 1450 850 2900 1000 400 280 220 4250 1000 1250 2100 950 800 600
141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 154 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 166 168 169 170 171 174 176 179 180 181 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 191 192 193 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 212 213 214 215 216 217
525 325 230 250 160 115 80 475 375 750 550 525 1800 3000 200 160 210 220 200 100 80 135 450 180 200 160 75 200 110 140 350 450 95 75 110 100 290 45 325 130 50 55 115 120 270 170 300 1700 2900 350 240 135 105 1200 110 4000 300 125 150 11000 750 45 140
218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 264 265 266 267 270 271 272 273 274 276 277 278 279 280 281 283 285 287 288 289 290
120 45 100 150 300 190 50 325 550 270 240 125 500 160 170 170 120 190 85 150 140 375 170 160 120 170 70 6000 2500 325 1600 425 170 105 160 190 85 450 350 425 475 950 110 625 55 140 475 145 210 110 80 2000 1900 7500 800 110 250 350 95 260 90 625 425
292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 344 345 347 348 349 350 351 352 354 355 356 357 358 359 360
1400 200 200 180 180 300 260 210 650 290 290 290 290 80 160 160 160 160 170 190 500 220 200 -22()
270 110 140 65 150 150 95 80 210 2900 7000 28000 1350 475 350 240 75 140 260 135 240 140 150 95 30 150 160 170 650 190 400 400 850 140 55 1000 220 160 425
361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 411 412 413 414 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 425 429 430 431 432 433 434
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