Sale 2919 - United States, British Commonwealth, and Foreign Stamps and Covers

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Never hinged On cover Block larger than four

pp Plate Proof








Block of four


Die Proof

Used On piece


9:30 a.m. to 5;30 p.m.

TC Trial Color


SE ; Straight Edge; s.l. ; Straight-line ; c.d.s. ; Circular Date Stamp. c.t.o. ; Cancelled to Order; F.D.C. ; First Day Cover

We regret we are unable to accept credit cards for payment of purchases. For overseas buyers, we ask that payment be made by bank draft, wire or checks in dollars


The various gradingsof stamps are, in order: superb;extremelyfine; very fine; fine; fair. A lot described as "fair" Is so listed either by reason of general appearance or more often because of a small fault or faults, such as a crease, thin spot, short or missing pert, perlorated

made payable on a U.S. bank. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation .

into, cut into, etc. In the case of sets, large blocks, sheets, etc., the condition quoted represents the average and quality above and below this standard can be expected. Mixed Condi tion : In large lots, the condition is generally expected to range from fair to at best fine. Serious defects can be expected.

Handstamp on reverse: Denotes either a dealer, collectoror indecipherableexpertiser'smark. Signed by : Denote s either the actual signature or mark of the expertise, . The absence of mentioning a signature does not reflect on the ability or knowledge of the party involved.

BIDDING LEVELS Up to$ 150 $ 5 $10 $150- $ 300 $300- $ 700 $ 25 $700- $1 ,500 $ 50 Over $1 ,500 approximately 5% Bids which do not conform to the above will be automatically reduced to the

correct level. BIDS BY TELEPHONE Please comply with the following:

(a) Not more than 20 bids can be accepted and must be confirmed in writing. (b) Any errors are the responsibility of the bidder. (c) No bids accepted later than 1/2 hour before sale.







Shaded portion can represent an actual hinge or the area disturbed by a hinge. Never hinged- unusedwith originalgum in Post Office state and unmounted Lightly hinged - unused with full original gum showing some evidence of a previous hinge wr , may be present in part or entirely removed. o.g. Original gum - 1 ed with original gum somewhat disturbed by previous hinging which ma I be present. part o.g. Part original gum unused with original gum, large hinge remnants may or may not be pres, ;m - unused with original gum, affected by sweating, disturbed o.g. Disturbed origirn .rbance; may not resemble the original gum. glazing or mounl (unless gum is mentioned) unused Unused without as issued. ungummed Unused without

You may Fax bids up to 1 hour before sale commences -

be sure to use

(212) 447-5625 .

n.h. l.h.

BLOCKS OR SHEETS AND THEIR in the case of blocks or sheets of a affect the value of a block or sheet Blocks of four that have two stam~ PAIRS: All pairs are horizontal , ur CATALOGUE NUMBERS : The parentheses immediately followi1

Minorseparationsare the rule, ratherthan the exception, a. A few separations-around four perts per row-do not re not grounds for the return of a lot. md two stamps n.h. are described "n.h. (2)/o.g.(2)". 1


Others as noted in the descriptions Printed with Pantone 485, 487

3. Viewer must pay postage and insurance both ways and return lots within 24 hours of receipt. 4. References requiredfrom bidders unknownto us.

Valuations of all lots are available in receipt of stamped , self-addressed envelope. GUM DESCRIPTION

shows the catalogue value of the lot. This is shown in •ctioneers, the market value exceeds this figure.

ESTIMATED VALUES : If an es ,sh value is given, it is shown in the description and always indicated by the abbrevia .. Cash Val.". It is used where the lot is large or where the actual value has little relation to 1 ,gue price. It represents the auctioneer's appraisal of the true MARKET value of a lot and th e is invariably close to the actual realization. It is useless for mail bidders to list any bids that • • Jnly a low proportion of such estimates . CATALOGUES USED IN LISTING : U.S. Specialized & Scott Vol. 6 Scott Vols. 1-5 Stanley Gibbons British Commonwealth Michel Germany Michel Europe Ceres France Sassone

2. To U.S. clients only.


Jue numbers of the contents of the lots are given in descriptions , but in bulky lots only the range of issue is

shown. CATALOGUE VALUES : The fina parentheseswhere, in the opinio


1. Lots of not more than 10 items.

1998 1999 1998 1998 1997/98 1997 1997

Recognizing that there are occasional differences of opinion concerning gum nomenclature by various expert committees, for example, a stamp described as o.g. being certified as large part o.g. or even part o.g., this minor classification discrepancyalone is not sufficientgroundstor return. COVER CONDITION

Minor faults including, but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps, small tears and some back flap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue. IMPORTANT

Remember, NO lots may be returned with back stamps stating Fake, Falsch, or similar markings. Recently there has been a spate of German expertisers marking the backs of stamps. It Is your responsibility as the purchaser not to let this happen. IN THE MAILING ENVELOPE You will find the bid form and prices realized for the June 25, 1998 United States, British Commonwealth and Foreign auction.

SALE 2919


& FOREIGN The "Courvoisier" Collection of 19th and 20th Century French Colonies An Old-time European Reference Collection World-Wide Collection of Frederick Nicholas Hahn The Alex Rendon and Lowell Newman Galleries Philatelic Libraries and the properties of 22 other vendors. Wednesday, October 7, 1998 Morning Session at 10:30 P.M.

UNITED STATES SINGLES AND COLLECTIONS LOTS 1 - 333 Afternoon Session at 1 :30 P.M.


EXHIBITION OF LOTS OCTOBER 5 & 6, 1998 from 9 :30 a.m. to 5 :15 p.m. or by Appointment EXHIBITION ROOM CLOSED 1 :00 p.m. to 1 :45 p.m. EACH DAY ON SALE DAY LOTS WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION

To be sold at Auction by



3 EAST 28TH STREET , 7TH FLOOR , NEW YORK , NY 10016 Telephone : (212) 532-3700 Fax : (212) 447-5625 Keith A. Harme r, Jack LaCalamito - License d Auctioneers License #'s 672829 , 780870

On all lots sold a commission of 15% on the hammer price will be payable by the buyer.

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1998 Morning Session at 10:30 A.M.

UNITED STATES FREE FRANKS BURR, AARON, as Vice President, signed on 1807 docketed letter sheet to Elbridge Gerry at Cambridge, Mass., "Alby N.Y. Oct 15" c.d.s. and ms. "Free", very fine .......................................................................(Photo) MONROE, JAMES, as Secretary of State, signed free frank on folded letter sheet to A.J. Dallas at Philadelphia, partially clear "Washn City Dec 29" pmk and "Free" handstamp, fine ........................... (Photo)

I l8J





VAN BUREN , MARTIN, signed free frank on envelope (small tear at top) addressed to General Dix at Albany, N.Y., greenish WASHINGTO CITY D.C. NOV 21 c.d.s. and matching "Free" handstamp , fine ..........................................................................................................................................................................(Photo)



ALABAMA: Choctaw and Creek Nations and Preemption Lands; 1832-35, set of fourteen, compr. 11 stampless covers and three letters all to Virginia and bearing either ms. or handstamped postal markings incl. Hope, Tuska, Huntsve., Erie and Palestine. Contents involve a Virginia land speculator and his sonin-law and the removal of Indians by the State and Ann y to the Indian Territory. Each letter (some cross written) is accompanied by a typed replication ..................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 Fascinating historical transcript




TUSCALOOSA AL. JUN 4 c.d.s. and crossed-off PAID 10 handstamps on envelope to Washington, also bearing DUE 3cts. , two strikes of oval DEAD LETTER OFFICE P.O. DPT JUNE 13 1861 on reverse. Originally a postal card from which the die has been cut. Original letter to Capt. John Dalgren f rom John B. Reed requesting a copy of "Your Official Report on Rifled Cannon experimen ts... ". Dalgren writes in pencil and initials "What an impudern rascal. " and 011 reverse in ink and initialed "This is f rom Dr. Reed, the inventor of the Rifle. that used by Parrott." Ve,y fi ne usage and contents . .................................... ......................................... (Photo)




ARKANSAS TERRITORY: Union dateline on 1821 folded letter from Superintendent of the Osage Mission to the Secretary of the Union Mission Society in Philadelphia , entered the mails with red ms. "Ft. Osage Mo Dec 4" and "25" rate. Interesting letter mentioning mission work among the Indians and concluding "though the Indians prowl around the forest in quest of each others blood, we dwell secure". Quite historical ................................. .............................. ................................................. .........................(Photo) 1835 HEMPSTEAD CH ArT. MAR 21 territorial pmk, two FREE handstamps and "P.M." endorsement on folded letter "cleaned and repaired", fine appearing, to Connecticut. Letter describes slave holding s. PSE Cert. ( 1998) .......................... ........................................................................................................................ ....(Photo)




CALIFORNIA: BENICIA Cal. NOV 29 red c.d.s. and matching script style "40" rate handstamp on 1850 envelope to Baltimore, incl. enclosure , fine ......... ............... .................................. ..................... ..... .............. .(Photo)



"Fort Tejon Oct 31/64" ms. on neat amber envelope with enclosure to San Francisco, bear ing 186 1 3c tied by LOS AN GELES Cal . NOV 9 c .d .s ........................................... .................................... ........... .................. (Photo)(65) INDIAN TERRITORY



CHEROKEE NATION: ''Fort Gibson C.N. October 14 1849" ms. and "Paid 10" rate on folded letter to Indiana, beari ng additi onal FORT GIBSON Ark. handstamp , min or age spots, fine .............. ....... ............ ...(Photo)



CHICASAW NATION: ''Fort Arbuckle C N Aug 23d 1889" ms. on neat yellow envelope to Texas, bearin g ms. "Paid" and ms. cancelled 1857- 61 3c (SE), very fine ........................................................................(Photo) (26)



CHOCTAW AGENCY: An extremel y early letter from a Native American Chief ; Mobile ms. on reinforced 1811 folded letter endorsed "To the Care of the Red Flute" and signed by Choctaw chief Puckshunmibbia (the killer). Letter begins "This will be handed to you by The Red Flute who has Charge of Jaure hors Loads of Skins yo u will please to send me fou r ps of strands[? ] one Dozen of Shirts and four ...Blankets one ps of Indian Callico three Beaver traps if you Send the above articles there will be a ballance in your favor which I will pay in the Spring". and a P.S. "you will p lease to tell me how the news Come on as it is my wishes to heare of peace with all Nations of people". Quite historical .....................(Back Cover Photo)

13 181

CHOCTAW NATION: "Doaksville C N Feb 26th 1848" ms. and "5" on folded letter (internal archival tape re-inforcements ) of P.P. Pitchlynn to McKinley at Choctaw Agency, very fine. Excellen t letter regarding affairs of the late Jack Pitchlynn mentions "How my old f riends are pass ing away! But few of those with whom I fi rst assoc iated in pub lic life are now living. We are really a dying people" . ............................... ..................(Photo)

14 181

MUSKOGEE NATION (Oklahoma ): "Okmulgee MN May 6th" ms. on neat small envelope to Creek Agency Post Office, beari ng 1869 3c cancelled by matchin g ms. Ex Chase. Unlisted in Sig nore lli. Unique town usage and earliest known use ........................ ............................... .............. .............................................(Photo)( l 14)


IOWA UNORGANIZED TERRITORY: "Fort Snelling Oct 17th" ms. and "10" rate on 1848 folded letter (slightly soiled), fine. Good soldier's letter mentioning the local Indians and the situation of the fort .........(Photo)




16 181

NEBRASKA: 3c, ms. cancel, on illustrated Nebraska Map amber enve lope, Nebra ska Territory "De Soto Aug 24" pmk , origina l 1858 letter, very fine ................ .......................................... .......... ................................(Photo)(26)



OREGON: le pale blue, Type II , IIIA , vert. combination pair FROM PLATE ONE EARLY , typical color, cut in at right, tied by mostly clear Olympia 0. Territ ory pmk on Mar 2 1856 folded letter from Port Townsend to Orego n City , Oregon Terri tory, ms. "Due l cts", interesting letter mentioning the Indian troub les . Quite histori cal and rarefranking .................................................... ................................................................. ............. (Photo )(7 ,8A)

18 181

3c near rose pink , perf faults, good color, tied by grid ca ncel on OVERLAND MAil .. CO. corner card yellow enve lope (edge fau lts) to Oh io, SALT LAKE CITY U.T. JAN 8 territorial pmk . Fine usage ........................ (Photo )

~~ e/4


20 181

"Salt Lake Cal Jul y 16", while U ORGA IZED TERRITORY and attached to California for administrative purposes, on 1849 folded trail letter (edge repairs) to aperville, Illinoi s. Interesting letter mentions "We arrived here at 1he Mo rman settlement /asr evening ... we ha ve dri ven so fasr rhar our carrle are worn down & we are exchang ing for f resh oxen ". Ex Alexander ..........................................(Photo) WISCONSIN: 1837 ms. "For Des Moines (WT) 21st Juny" pmk and "Free CA Carter, P.M." on folded letter (somewhat brittle) to Washington, original enc losure. Very fine usage ............. ......................... ................. (Photo) POST AL HI STORY LISTINGS MAY BE FOUND THR OUG HO UT THIS CATALOGUE

Thank you, S.R . D ear Sir s, Thank you mo st sin cerely for your co-operation in takin g my order over th e phon e. It is a real pleasur e to deal with your company. Sincere ly,

7/98 6





POSTMAST ERS ' PROVISIONAL: 1845 ew York, .Y. Sc black, Sperati forgery Die proof , 50x65mm , initials ACM, crease at extreme top , signed in pencil , extremely fine. A lovely addi tion to a collection .................... ........ ........ .......... ........ ........ ......... ......................................... .............. ............................ ........... (Photo )( 2)

22 0

Issued Stamp Sc, signed ACM, connected , margins just clear to large , blue ms. cancel , fine ........ (Photo )(9X 1)


GENERAL ISSUES 1847 ISSUE Cancelled by red grid unless othe,wise noted Sc red brown , shades

23 0

Sc, margins all round , large three sides, lightl y caned., lovely deep color, very fine. Foundation Cert. (1998) ........... ................... ........... .................. .................................................... ...................... ............ .................... (Photo )( l )

24 0

Sc, very large margins , lightly caned., faint, barel y perceptible crease , lovely color and impression, extremely fine appearance. Foundation Cert. (1998) .................................................... ........................................... (Photo )( l)

25 0

Sc, mostly large margins all round , light blue grid cance l, tiny faults incl. tear , very fine appearance ..(Photo )(!) Sc, margins all round , light ly caned., faults incl. sealed tear, fine appearance ......................................... (Photo )(l)

600 .00

Sc, margins all round , clean ed cance l, fine appearance ....................... .................................... .................(Photo )(l) Sc, margins three sides, in at top, blue cance ls, light vert . crease, bright co lor .......................................(Photo )(l)


26 0 27 0 28 0

600.00 600.00



29 30

10c, "unused ", large even margin s, handstamp on reverse, extremely fine .................................(Photo )( 2) 10c, blue grid "cancel ", mostl y large margins, handstamp on reverse, extremely fine ...............(Photo )( 2)


10c, black grid "cancel ", margin s all round , signed in pencil , very fine ............................ ........ ...(Photo )( 2)





32 0 33 0 34 0

10c, good to large margin s, black cance ls, creases and small tear , fine appeara nce .......... ......................(Photo )(2) 1,500 .00 10c, little or no marg ins, small faults, neat ly caned . .......................................................... .........................(Photo )(2) 1,400.00 10c, caned . by two face-free pen strokes , margins three sides, in at bottom, attrac tive ....... .............. ......... (Photo )(2) 625.00 USED ON COVER





Sc, pair , full margins on three sides, tied by red ST . LOUIS MO APR 14 prnks and ms. "Paid" on folded letter sheet (bottom and side flaps missing) to Boston ........... ..................................................... ........... ......... .....(Photo )( 1) 1,250 .00+ Sc, good margin s all round, tiny stain, very fine , tied by blue grid on fragile reinforced printed 1850 folded letter sheet bearing matching PHILADA NO 24 5 cts c.d.s. to Wilke s Barre ............ ..........................................(Photo )(l) 650 .00+



1851-56 IMPERFORA TE 37




3c orange brown, o.g., clear to large margins all round, fresh , fine ...........................................(Photo) (10) 2,500.00

3c dull red , BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER COPY, just in at top, cancelled by PAID cancel on envelope to Chicopee bearing 2 strikes of WARREN SEP 2 Mass . (1854) c.d.s. Enclosure signed by original Hamilton Fish (as Senator) and makes interesting reference to a poor shoe repair. Impress ive cover ............. (Photo)(ll)

39 0

Sc red brown, good to large margin s, light red grid cancel , thin spot and crease , very fine appeara nce ...................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) ( l2) 1,100.00

40 0

10c green, type I, Pos. 91L, sheet margin copy, large margins other sides, unused , Sacramento, Cal. 1857 pmk, superb ..............................................................................................................................................(Photo) (13)


41 0

10c, type III, good to large margins , clear red grid cancels, very fine ...................................................(Photo) ( 15)


42 0

10c, large margins, c.d .. cancel, tiny thin pot, fine ...............................................................................(Photo)(15 )


43 0

10c, type IV, recut at top, Pos. 65L, margins all round , huge at top and bottom , lightly caned., faint horiz. crease, very fine appearance. Foundation Cert. (1998) .......................................................................(Photo)(16) 1,500.00

1857-61 PERFORATED 15½

*ffi le blue , type V, blk of four , l.h., negligible gum creasing and light tone spots on gum, fresh, fine ......(Photo)(24 ) *ffi le, slightly deeper shade, blk of four, o.g., fresh, fine. Foundation Cert. (1987) ..................................(Photo) (24) 46 *l!!l3c dull red , type II , blk of eight, l.h. to full o.g., fine to very fine ........................................................(Photo)(26) 3c, type II , Damaged Transfer above lower rosette, top stamps in sheet margin blk of nine with normals, 47 **l!!l 44




o.g., SE and top left stamp crease , fine to very fine ..............................................................................(Photo)(26)

48 0 49


650.00+ 740.00+

3c, type II , clear blue Wells, Fargo cancel, light corner crease, large centered copy, extremely fine appearance . Foundation Cert. (1998) ..........................................................................................................................(Photo)(26) Sc orange brown , o.g., fresh, fine ...........................................................................................................(Photo )(30) 1,100.00 USED ON COVER



51 6

le , type V, almost very fine, tied on neat local manila envelope by Boston grid bearing red BOSTON DEC 12 MASS c.d.s. and red PENNY POST PAID. Print ed enclosure offers A TREATISE ON VENEREAL DISEASE by Dr. Silas Durk ee ............. ............... ............................................................................................. ...............(Photo) (24)

10c green, vert. COMBINATION STRIP OF THREE , Types II-III-I , mostly well centered, few clipped perf s affecting Type I, tied by light TERRE HAUTE pmks and red New York exchange datestamp on front to Germany. Signed Ashbrook . Very rare strip .............................. ........................................... ....... (Photo )(31-33)

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10c, type V, very fine, tied by SAN F NCISCO Cal APR 5 1860 c.d.s. on illustrated Steamer VIA PANAMA envelope (back re-attached not me tioned in cert.) to New York, Bell Imprint. Foundation Cert. (1979) ......................... .......................................................................................................................................... (Photo)(35)



Used to Nova Scotia; 10c, fine appearance, tied by Boston PAID grid on neat readdressed amber envelope bearing red BOSTON MASS MAR 30 c.d.s., ms. 20 Due (10c x 2 penalty), Bridgetown and Laur encetown rece ivers on reverse, with enclosure . Interesting penalty on new cents rate ................................................................. (Photo)(35)





1875 REPRINT OF 1857-60 ISSUE: le bright blue, reperfed , pencil marks on reverse , true fresh color, fine appeara nce. PSE Cert . ( l 998) ................................................................................................................ ....(Photo )(40)

525 .00

1861 PERFORATED 12: 10c dark green, perfs in at right, fresh color, neatly tied by COLUMBIA Cal. JAN 3 c.d.s. on very fine envelope (minor reduction) to Wa shington , D.C. Signed Ashbrook .........................(Photo) (62b)


1861-62 PERFORATED 12 56 0 57

10c yellow green, lightl y caned., small closed tear, large perfectl y centered copy, superb appearance. Foundation Cert. (1998) .......................................................................................................................... (Photo)(68)




3c rose, tied by WASHINGTON D.C. double circle pmk on Bronze Magnus dual vignette patriotic envelope with Signing of the Declaration and U.S. Senate, very fine and colorful ....................(Photo)(65) A lovely pat riotic



90c blue, o.g., faults incl. comer perf tear, fresh , fine appearance ........... ................. ...............................(Photo)(72) 2, 100.00


1861-66: 2c black, vertical pair, perf faults, tied by blue target cancels on slightly soiled envelope bearing matching LOUISVILLE KY MAY 15 64 c.d.s. to a PRISONER OF WAR at Rock Island Barracks , Illinois, no censor markings. Ex Harry Allen. Attractive usage ........................... (Front Cover Photo) (73)



Used to Nova Scotia; 2c, five copies, few minor tears, cancelled by grids on 1867 small envelope bearing AUBURN c.d.s. and on reverse Nova Scotia transit and Laurencetown receiver. Scarce f ranking .(Photo)(73)



Used to Victoria, Australia; 24c gray, 10c green, pair (one faulty), le, all tied by four-ring target cancels on fragile cover (one partial back flap ) bearin g RUSHVILLE IND OCT 8 1866 c.d.s ., Packet and London trans its and Kangaroo Flats receiver on reverse. Rare combination and destination ....................................... (Photo )(78b,68 ,63)



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"A" Grill 3c rose, imperf pair on gummed stamp paper, huge margins , left stamp barely visible 1.3mm tear at bottom , vivid co lor , extremely fine appearance. Foundation Cert. (1965) and PSE Cert. (1998) .......................................... .................. ............................................... ...................................................... (Photo )(79P) 1,500.00


"C" Grill 3c rose, unused, well defined grill, fine for this issue. Rare ................................................(Photo)(83) 2,250.00

64 0

"D" Grill 3c rose, light target cancel, reperfed, very fine appearance . PSE Cert. (1998) ..................... ..(Photo)(85)

65 * 83


''E" Grill 3c rose, Block of Four , perfect o.g., fresh, fine to very fine ..... ............ (Front Cover Photo ) (88) 3,750 .00

This is one of the finer of the two or three remaining blocks 66

Used from Japan; "F Grill " 10c green, usual centering , tied by cork cancel on envelope to New York , magenta ornamental CHINA AND JAPAN STEAM SERVICE oval handstamp and matching SAN FRANCISCO PAID ALL OCT 21 transit on reverse , very fine. Carried on the Pacific Mail Steamer "S.S. America " in 1869 .............................................. .................................... ................. ...................................(Photo)(96)




24c gray lilac , o.g., faint diagonal crease, lovely color and fresh, very fine appearance. Ex Lilly. Foundation Cert. (1998) ................................. ............ .....................................................................(Photo)(99) 3,500.00

68 0

30c orange , cork cancel, faults, fine appearance . Foundation Cert. ( 1998) ...........................................(Photo) ( I00)


Used to Nova Scotia; 3c blue , two copies, fine appearance , tied by cor k cancels on almost all-over 1870 advertising envelope (some edge damage) bearing New York MAR 17 c.d.s and Annapolis and Lawrencetown transit and receiver on reverse .................................................................................................................(Photo )( ll 4)




* 71 * 72 * 73 * 74 * 70

le buff, o.g., bit of album adherence , very fine ................................. ................ ..................................(Photo )( 123)


le , o.g., tiny corner perf crease, very fine ...................... .................................... .................................. (Photo )(123)

425 .00

10c yellow, o.g., reperfed , brilliant fresh , fine appearance. 194 7 Prinred ....................................

.....(Photo )( 127) 1,750.00

12c green, o.g. (hinge remnant ), reperfed, rich color , very fine appearance . Foundation Cert. (1998) J584 P rinted ............ ..... ........ ..... ............. ...... ............................ ...... ....... .......... .............................. .......... (Photo )( 128) 1,900.00 12c, unused, reperfed, rich color and fresh .............................................................................................(Photo )( l 28) 1,400.00

1870-71 NATIONAL BANK NOTE CO. 75 0 76






With Grill 15c orange, neat segmented cork cancel, reperfed, extremely fine appearance. PSE Cert. (1998) ................. .................................................... ............................................................................................(Photo) (141)


Used from China; Without Grill 1870-71 lOc brown, perfs cut, tied by wedge cancel on fresh 1873 envelope, with U.S. POSTAL AGCY SHANGHAI SEP 12 pmk and San Francisco transit c.d.s., very fine. Foundation Cert. ( 1982) ................................... ......................................................................... .....................................................(Photo)( J50) 24c purple, unused, reperfed, lovely color and very fine appearance. Foundation Cert. (1998) ...(Photo)(153)


1873 CONTINENTAL BANK NOTE CO: 90c rose carmine , o.g., reperfed , bright, rosy color , very fine appearance ...................................................................... .......................................................................(Photo)(166) 2,250.00

79 0

90c, lightly caned. , extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (1998) .................... .........................................(Photo)(166 )



1875 Sc blue, o.g., reperfed , beautiful color and sharp impression , very fine appearance. PSE Cert . (1998) ............................................................................. ....................................................................................(Photo)(179)







~g\\llll c :frlankinq .

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The PhrenologicalJournaland Life Illustratecl, Ethnol




cg y .-'Ibe

Natnral Eistory of

Man: nntionti ancl races desc ribed.



P hysiology.-Heart. Lungs, Stomach Bou e~, l-LniEcles,antl Nervous ystem. · Ph.reno l ogy.-'Iemperaments, IntclJcctunl. Social, and Reli~iou:; Nature. P hy s iogno m y, with •· ~igns 1ol Chacncter, and How to Read Tbem.~


) \ nlllllllel R.,...Wells . /






n11d Written De sc1•iption ot'Ch, . when de~ired. 8. IL ,YEJ.I.S hos all works 01 Physiolo gy. Phonography , nnd ~ctences gen<'ro.lly


P sycho l ogy, or, t!Je "Science or the 8onl. " Man's relations to this life, nnd to the life to come . What of ou r Future State? All this, and much more is given.





1883 2c red brown, perf faults on side, tied by neat SPENCER , MASS. OCT 1 1883 fancy duplex cancel on small envelope to Longmeadow, incl. original dated enclosure. AFDCS Cert. (1974 ) .................................................................................................................................. (Back Cover Photo) (210) 1,900.00 Rare and attractive

Blocks of Four 82 * EE 2c red brown, 1.h., fine to very fine ............................ .................................................................... ........ (Photo )(210)


83 ** EE4c blue green, n.h., fresh, fine ............................................... ................................................................. (Photo )(21 l )



1888 Sc indigo, l.h., large copy, extremely fine. Photocopy of PSE Cert. (1998) for block of four of which this is the top right stamp .............................................................................................................................(Photo)(216)


85 **

Sc, n.h., fresh, fine. PSE Cert. (1998) for block of four of which this is the bottom left stamp ......(Photo)(216)



Sc, l.h. , very fine. Photoco py of PSE Cer t. (1998) for block of four of which this is the bottom right stamp .......................................................... ....................................................................................................... (Photo)(216)


Sc, l.h., fine. Photocopy of PSE Cert . ( 1998) for block of four of which this is the top left stamp ........ (Photo)(216)


30c orange brown, o.g., fresh, fine. Photocopy of PSE Cert. (1998) for block of four of which this is the bottom left stamp ......................................... .............................................. ..................................... .................... .(Photo)(2 17)


30c, o.g., tiny thin spots, very fine appearance. Photocopy of PSE Cert. ( 1998) for block of four of which this is the bottom right stamp ........................................ .....................................................................................(Photo }(217)


30c, pair , o.g., small thins, fresh, fine. PSE Cert. (l 998) for block of four of which thi is the top pair.(Photo)(2l 7)



* 87 * 88 * 89 * 90


1890-93 ISSUE 91


92 **

** 94 ** 95 ** 96 ** 93

97 S

10c green, n.h., very fine. Photocopy of PSE Cert. (1998) for part Imprint block of four of which this is the top right stamp .......................................................................................................................................(Photo)(226)


10c, n.h., very fine. Photocopy of PSE Cert. (1998) for part Imprint block of four of which this is the top left stamp .......................................................................................................................................................(Photo)(226)


10c, part Imprint pair, n.h., natural gum creasing, very fine. PSE Cert. (1998) for part Imprint block of four of which this is the bottom pair ....................................................................................................(Photo)(226)


30c black , n.h. , ver y fine .............................. .................. .......................................................... ..............(Photo )(228)


30c, n.h. , very fine .............. .................................................. ........................................................ .......... (Photo) (228)


30c, n.h ., very fine ......................................... .........................................................................................(Photo )(228)


30c, n.h., small perf faults, very fine appearance ....................................................................... ........... ..............(228)






Exposition Postal Cards; 12 diff. views by Koehler on le Grant postal cards, fine to very fine, with original wrapper ................................................................... ......................... ........................... .........Est. Cash Value $200-300 le to $2 compl., n.h. to unused (regummed), mixed condition or centering, several fine or fine appearance ............................................................................................................................................................ (Photo)(230-42) 3,360.00

lOO * O EEle to S0c comp), coll. on album pages, n.h. to unused 3c and 4c used, incl. le , 4c (SE), 10c blks of four, le Imprint PI. No strip of three, some small faults or mixed centering, generally fine or fine appearance ............................................................................................................................................................ (Photo)(230-40) 3,050.00+

* 102 * 103 * 101

Group of 25, compr. 2c (5), 3c (3), Sc (4), Sc (5), 10c (3), 15c (5), position singles and pairs, several n.h., rest l.h. or o.g., fresh colors, few neglig ible faults, fine centering ................................................... (23 1,232,234,236-38) 2,650.00+ Group of seven, compr. Sc (3), 6c(2), Sc, 15c, l.h. to unused (regummed or reperfed), fine or fine appearance ...................................... .................................. ................ ................................................................... ........ (234-36 ,38)


10c black brown , Imprint Pl. No. strip of four, unused, fine ...................................... ........................(Photo )(237)


104 * EE 15c dark green, blk of four , 1.h. or o.g., gum creasing and separations, fresh, fine or fine appearance . Catl. as singles ................................................................................................. ..................... ........................................... (Photo)(238 ) 1,060.00

* 106 * 107 *


30c orange brown , very l.h. if at all, natural streaky gum, fresh, fine ........................ ................. .......... (Photo )(239)

300 .00

$1 salmon , unused, small thins, intense color, fine appearance ............................ .................................(Photo )(241)

725 .00

$1, o.g. (hinge remnant) , few tiny thins , fresh bright color, fine appearance ........................................(Photo )(24 1) 1,500 .00

108 0

$1, lightly caned. , tiny tear and reperfed, rich color, fine appeara nce. Foundation Cert. ( I 997) ............(Photo )(241)


$2 brown red, o.g. (hinge remnants), fresh , fine ...................... .............. ............................ .................... (Photo )(242) 1,550.00




* 111 * 112 * 113 * 114 * 115 * 116 * 117 * 118 * 119 * 110

$2, o.g., thinned , well centered and rich color ............................ ....................................... ..................... (Photo) (242) 1,550.00 $3 yellow green,, o.g. (hinge remnant s), thins, rich, fresh color, fine appeara nce .................................(Photo)(243) 2,400.00 $3, unused, small faults, fine appearance .................................................................... ............................(Photo)(243) 1,150.00 $3, part o.g., vert. crease ending in tear, fine appearance .................. ..................................................... (Photo)(243) 2,400.00 $4 crimson lake, o.g. (hinge remnants), small thins, bright color and well centered, very fine appearance .................................................................................................................................................................(Photo)(244) 3,250.00 $4, unused, barely discernible horiz. crease, fresh, fine .....................................................................(Photo)(244) 1,500.00 $4, part o.g., thins and light crease, fine appearance .............................. ................................................. (Photo )(244) 3,250 .00 $5, black, disturbed o.g., horiz. crease, large, perfectly centered copy, very fine appearance .......(Photo)(245) 3,750.00 $5, o.g. (hinge remnant s), smaJI faults, fine appearance ......................................................... ................(Photo)(245) 3,750.00 $5, unused (regummed) , small closed tear , fine appearance ........................................ ........................... (Photo )(245) 1,750 .00





2c carmine , type


Sc violet brown, very l.h., extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (1998) ................................................. (Photo)(272)

1894 UNWATERMARKED: 2c RED POSTAL FORGERY , used to defra ud the Post Office, tied by KANSAS CITY MO MAR 30 1895 machine cancel on envelope (edge faults) bearing FROM DRAWER H KANSAS CITY handstamp and ms. "Not called for" to Canada , CANADA DEAD-LETTER OFFICE arrivals on reverse. An extremely rare Postal forgery ................................................................. .(Photo)(250 var.)

m, Imprint

Pl. No. st rip of three, l.h., brilliant fresh, fine. Foundation Cert. (l 990) ...(Photo )(252)


1895 WATERMARKED 55.00

122 123 0

$2 bright blue, $5 dark green, neatly caned., small faults, latter incl. small tear, fine appearance ...(Photo )(277,278)


124 0

$5, Regis. cancel, fine ........................................................................ ........................................... ...........(Photo)(278)




1898 ISSUE: Used from China; Sc violet brown, used with le green, both tied by MIL. POSTAL STA. NO 1: CHINA JAN 29 1901 pmk s on picture post card of Pek in , China rai lway station to Germany, very fine ................................................................................................................................... ......................(Photo) (279,272)


*ffi 15c olive green, blk of four, o.g., rich color, fine ........................................................... ....................... (Photo)(284)

* 128 ** 129 0 130 * 127


TRANS -MISSISSIPPI: le to $2 compl., l.h. or o.g .. $2 unused (regummed), mixed conditi on or centering ........................................................... ........................................................................................ .........(Photo)(28 5-93) 3,067.50 Sc violet brown, Pl. No. copy, stamp n.h., inclusion on reverse, fine ............................ ...................... (Photo)(289)

260 .00+

50c sage green, o.g. (hinge remnants), small corner crease, fine .................................. ......................... (Photo)(29 1)

550 .00

$2 orange brown, o.g., thinned, rich color.. ....................................................... .................................... (Photo) (293) 2,100.00


....................... ......... '%. -...~........ ......... . ~

~~--(? ......... .7 --:. .-:-:.. ~ ..... ................ ... ........'1.j.j\l'. •

..... ~.~... ~✓.!.. ...... .....~ 5252525225252522 5~2222525252222222222.2222222222




.•.. .. •

: _1


13 1 181

** 133 ** 134 * 135 ** 132

1901 PA N-AMERICAN: le green & black, tied by blurred Buffalo double oval cancel on spectacular multicolored advertising envelope (small tears ) depicting Niagara Falls, Singer corner card enclosure. Beautiful .................... .................. ...................... ............................................... ..................................... ..(Photo )(294) 4c deep red brown & black , n.h. , very fine .................. ........................................................ ................(Photo )(296)


4c, n.h. , very fine ....................................................................... .............................................................. (Photo )(296)


10c yellow brown & black, Pl. No. copy , l.h., very fine .......................................................................(Photo )(299)


1902-03 REGULAR ISSUE: 15c olive green, n.h., very tine ................................... ......................... (Photo )(309)


•• •• •• •• • • ~ ,,o,.;;11+HIIY.,iiiliFXmrrnuS@+-•••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••• •••••••

. .. ...


•• •• •

613/ ~

.. ... .. •



..• .

147 136 136 ** EE1904 LOUISIANA PURCHASE: le green, Imprint Pl. blk of four, n.h., edge of selvage creasing , stamps extremely tine .................... ............................................................................................................. ........(Photo)( 323) 137 * EE 10c red brown, blk of four, o.g., inclusion one stamp, fine to very fine...............................................(Photo )(327) 138 * EE 10c, blk of four, o.g., one stamp gum disturbed, fine ............................................................................. (Photo)(327) 139


250.00 750.00 750.00

1907 JAMESTOWN: Sc blue, seve n copies on old auction lot pages, n.h.(2, one SE)/1.h. or o.g.(5), generally fine to very fine ................................. ............................. ........................ ................. .............................................(330) 1,050 .00

140 * EE 1908-09 DOUBLE LINE WMK., PERF. 12: 8c olive green, blk of four, very l.h. if at all, perfectly centered , extremely tine ........................................................................................................................ ................. (Photo)(337)


141 * II!l 15c ultramarine , Imprint Pl. blk of six, n.h.(4)/1.h.(2), selvage slightly reduced , lower left stamp small corner crease, almost perfectly centered , very tine. PSE Cert. (1998) .......................................................... (Photo)(340)


* 143 * 144 ** 145 **

$1 violet brown, large part o.g., tiny faults, very fine appearance. Foundation Cert. ( 1998) ................ (Photo) (342)

475 .00

1908-10 PERF. 12 HORIZ: le green, line pair, l.h., fresh, fine. Foundation Cert. ( 1985) ................(Photo)(348)


1909 PERF. 12 VE RT: Sc blue, pair , n.h. , pen cil nota tion on reve rse of right stamp , fine to very fine . Foundation Cert. ( 1980) ....................................... ................................................................................... (Photo)(355)


1909 LINCOLN BLUISH PAPER: 2c carmine, n.h., few tiny inclusions, very tine ....................... (Photo)(369)


146 ** EE2c, blk of four, 3mm spacing, l.h., fre h, fine ............... ........................................................................ (Photo)(369)



147 ** ll!lPANAMA-PACIFIC: 1913 Perf 12 Sc blue, Plate Block of Six, n.h., separation between top left and middle stamps, fresh, tine .......................................................................... ....................... ................. ................ (Photo)(399) 2,600.00

** 149 * 148

1914-15 Perf 10 10c orange, n.h., fresh, fine ................................ ............... ....................................... ..(Photo )(404) 1,400.00 10c, l.h., fine .............................................. ........................................................ ......................................(Photo )(404)




* 151 * 150

152 153

1912-14 SINGLE LINE WMK. PERF. 12: Sc to 30c , fi ve diff. , n.h . incl. 30c to o.g ., fine to ve ry fine ...... ....................... ..................................................... ........................................................... (Photo )(4 14, 15, 17, 19,20)

562 .50

1914 IMPERFORATE HORIZONTAL COIL: 2c carmine, pair , n.h. , large margins , hand stamp on reverse , extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (1985 ) .............................................................................................. (Photo)(459)


*83 2c, pair , n.h. (1)/1.h.(1), large


margin s, extremely fine. Foundation

Cert. (1985) ........ ........ ............. (Photo) (459 )

1916-17 PERF. 10: $1 violet black , l.h. , ver y fine .............................. ........................................ ........ (P hoto )(478 )

775.00+ 750.00

1917 TYPES OF 1902-03 ISSUE

* ** 156 ** 157 * 154

$2 dark blue , $5 light green, former o.g., latter J.h., each small thin , very fine appe arance ......... (Photo )(479 ,480 )



$5, n.h. , inclusion, almost very fine ......................................................................................................



$5, n.h. , tin y inclu sion s, fine ........... ......................... ...... ......... ...................... ............................ ............. (Photo)(480)




$5, l.h. , tin y inclu sion s, very fine ............. ............... ............. ............ ........... ............ ..................... ......... (Photo )( 480 )


$5, n.h. , tiny thin spo t, fine ......... .................................. ..................... ................................................... ..(Photo )(480)


1917-19 UNWATERMARKED, PERF.11 Plate Blocks of Six 159 160 161 162 163

*IBI15c gray, l.h., very fine ..........................................................................................................................(Photo)(514) **IBI 30c orange red, n.h., fres h, fine ............................... ....................... .......................................................(Photo) (S 16) **IBI 50c deep red violet, n.h., light bend, beautiful color and brilliant fresh, fine ..................................(Photo)(517)


1918 BI-COLOR: $5 deep green & black, sheet margin copy with black Pl. No., stamp n.h., fine ..(Photo)(524)


1918-20 OFFSET PRINTI NG, IMPERF: 2c carmine, ty pe IV , n.h. , full margin s, extremely fine .......................................................................................................................................... .......................(Photo)(533)


2c carmine, type VII, large margins, lightly caned., small crease, extremely fine appearance. PSE Cert. (1998) ........................................................... ................................................................... ............................ ....(Photo)(534B)


** **

164 0 165





1920 PILGRIM TERCENTENARY: Group compr. two compl. sets, Sc seven singles and blk of four, n.h. to o.g., on old auction lot pages, mixed centering to extremely fine ........................... ............ ....................... .. (548-50 )


*83 1922-25 REGULAR ISSUE: le


**IBI $1 violet black, Pl. blk of six, n.h., neg ligible gum ski ps or bend s, fine ...............................................

to 30c comp)., blks of four, n.h. to o.g. (few hinge remnants), few gum wrinkles or small faults, generally fine to very fine ......................................................................................{Photo)(SSl-69 ) 1,622.60+

** 170 ** 171 * 172


ROTARY PRESS , PERF. 11: 2c carmine rose , blk of four , n.h. , few tiny inclu sion s, cert. states "improved perforatio ns at top of rig ht stamp", fresh , fine. Foundation Cert. (1989) ............................. (Photo)(546)




(Photo) (57 1)


1923-25 PERF. llxlO: le green, 2c carmine, n.h., latter pencil mark s on reverse , very fine ..... (Photo )(578 ,579) Same, n.h., very fine ........................ .............. ................. ................. .......... .............. ........................(Photo )(578,579)


1923-29 PERF. 10 VERT: 2c carmine, line pair compr. types I and II , l.h ., fine. Fo und ation Cert. (1978) ........................................................................................................... ...................................................(Photo)(599A)




Group of over 125 mostly on old auction lot pages, majorit y n.h., balance

l.h. or o.g. , incl. many compl. sets, fair number with SE , blks of four and extra Sc values, mixed ce ntering to very fine .............. ................................................................................................................ ............... ..................... (614- l 6) 2, 100 .00+ 173




Group of over 60 stamps mostly on old album lot pages, n.h. to o.g ., comp!. sets and many extra Sc (6 SE) , incl. blks of four, l e and 2c Pl. blk s, etc ., generall y fine to very fine .......... (6 17-19) 1,575.0 0+ Group of 52 stamps mostly on old auction lot pages, n.h . to o.g., incl. blk s of four , com p!. sets and extra Sc values, genera lly fine to extreme ly fine ....... ............. ................................ .... (620,621)



**IBI 2c carmine rose, n.h., few inclusions or bends, very fine .................. .............................................................. (630) *IBI2c, l.h. in selvage only, very fine ........................................................................... ............................................. (630) **IBI 2c, n.h., light gum creasing , well cen tered , fine to very fine ................ ............... ......... ......... .............................. (630) *IBI2c, o.g. , hinged in selvage only, sea led bottom margin tears , very fine appearance ........ ................................... (630)


575.00 450.00 575.00 450.00

•• •• ••



: · 7049 ·········••J••········--·········· • •



*83 1926-34 PERF.

180 181




llxlO ½ : 2c carmine, type

II,Plate Block of Four,

o.g., fine. Scarce plate block(P hoto )(634A ) 1,850.00

7c black, vertical pair, imperf between , disturbed o.g., fine ..............................................................(Photo) (639a) KANSAS AND NEBRASKA: Both sets compl. , n.h. except two stamps, fine to very fine. As n.h. 893.50 ............................................................................................................................................................(Photo )(658-79)



6c red orange, 7c black , Pl. blks of four , former n.h. selvage corner crease , latter l.h ., fine ..........................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (664,665) I, 125.00

183 **83Sc olive green, Pl. blk of four , n.h., negligible ovpt. offset on reverse , very fine ..............................(Photo )(666) 1,050.00 184 **83NEBRASKA: Sc olive green, PI. blk of four , n.h., fine .......................................................................(Photo )(667) 575.00 185 083 1938 PRESIDENTIAL: Coolidge $5 carmine & black, Pl .blk of four , lightly caned. , extremely fine .................................................................................................................................................................(Photo)(834 ) unpr. 186


1979 ENDANGERED FLORA: 15c multi-colored , imperf se-tenant sheet margin blk of four , n.h., extremely fine ......................................................................................................................................................(Photo )(1786b)


co -.J ~






188 189



Group of 22 stamps, compr. 6c orange (6), 16c green (9), 24c carmine rose & black (7), on old auction lot pages, l.h. or o.g., one 24c regummed , a few small fau lts or mixed centering to fine to very fine ............(Cl -3) 2,010.00 6c (3), 24c (2), n.h., few inclusions, fresh, fine ..................................................................................................(Cl ,3) 640.00 24c, l.h., enormous copy, very fine ........................................................................................................(Photo)(C3) 105.00 Blocks of Four

190 19 1

**836c, n.h., one stamp inclusion and gum skip, bri!Jiant fresh, fine ..............................................................(Photo )(Cl) *83 6c, n.h.(2)/1.h.(2), few tiny inclusions,fine ...............................................................................................(Photo )(Cl)

440.00 370.00


24, n.h. , faint gum yellowing, fine to very fine ........................................................................................(Photo )(C3)



Center Line Blocks of Four

**836c, n.h., few inclusions, fine .....................................................................................................................(Photo)(Cl ) *83 6c, o.g., fine ..............................................................................................................................................(Photo) (Cl) 195 **8324, n.h., few tiny inclusions, fresh, fine ...................................................................................................(Photo )(C3) 196 *83 24c, o.g., rich colors, fine ................................................................................................................(Photo p. 27)(C3) 193 194


440.00+ 325.00 620.00+ 475.00






1923 SECOND ISSUE 197 198 199 200 201 202 203

*EBGroup of over 30 copies, Sc dark green (14), 16c dark blue (11), 24c carmine (9) on old auction lot pages, l.h. or

o.g., few n.h. and one 24c disturbed gum, another SE, incl. 8c two blk of four, mixed centering to very fine .(C4-6) 2,830 .00 ** Comp!. set, n.h., fresh, fine ..................................................................... ........................................... ..(Photo)(C4-6) 375.00 ** 16c, n.h., tiny inclusion, very fine ............................. .................................. ........................................... (Photo)( CS) 155.00 16c, blk of four, n.h., one stamp inclusion , very fine to extremel y fine .............................................(Photo)( CS) 620.00 **EB 16c, blk of four, n.h., few tiny inclusions, generaJiy fine to very fine ................. ........................... ........ (Photo) (C5) 620.00 **EB **ml1927 LINDBERGH: 10c dark blue, Pl. blk of six, n.h., perfectly centered, extremely fine ................ .......(ClO) 170.00


1938 GRAF ZEPPELIN: 65c green, sheet margin copy, l.h., gum kips, fresh, fine ........................ (Photo )( Cl 3)


Vi a Zepp elin · J

Ger many To



CENTURY OF PROGRESS 204 205 206 207 208 209 2 10 21 l 2 12

S0c green Group of six on auction lot pages, n.h., usual gum skips or bends, fine to very fine .................................. (C18) Another group of six on auction lot pages, incl. one Pl. o. copy, l.h., fine to very fine .................... .......... (Cl8 ) Group of seven on auction lot pages, l.h. to o.g. (hinge remnant), couple small faults, generally fine to very fine.( Cl 8) Four copies, one with top Pl. o., n.h., very fine .................................................... ........................ ....(Photo) (C l8 ) S0c, blk of four with Pl. No., n.h., gum bends, fine to very fine ............. ............................................. (Photo)(Cl8 ) **EB S0c, sheet margin blk of four, n.h., fine, ..............................................................................................(Photo)(Cl 8) **EB *EBS0c, blk of four with Pl. o., n.h.(2)/o.g.(2) , gum creasing and kips, fine ............ ................................... .......(Cl8 ) S0c, Pl. blk of six, n.h., light gum creasing or bends, very fine ........................ .................................... (Photo) (Cl8 ) **IBI SOc, pair , very fine , tied by First Day strikes of NEW YORK G.P.O . OCT 2 1933 duplex, additionaJiy tied by CBI appropri ate cachets on multi-colored Magnus envelope to U.S., Miami Oct 23 pmks on reverse ........(Photo) (Cl 8) 1938 EAGLE: 6c ultramarine & carmine, n.h., true color and fresh. Signed H. Bloch ............. (Photo)(C23 var.) POSTAGE DUE: 1879 UNWMKD. 30c brown, n.h., inclusion on reverse, fresh, fine ....................... (Photo) (J6) 1884 SECOND ISSUE: 3c red brown, disturbed o.g., fine .................. ................................................ (Photo)(Jl 7) 1894 Sc deep claret, n.h., internal paper crease, very fine ..................................... ............................(Photo)(J34) ** OFFICES INCHINA: 1922 2c on le green, blk of four, n.h., one stamp paper inclusion , extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (1998) ............................................... ............................... ................ .........................(Photo) (K17)


* * **

** ** * 2 l6 ** 2 13

2 14 2 15

2 17

2 18 0

NEWSPAPER: 1875 Thin Hard Paper $1.92 dark brown, neat blue cork cancel, perfectly centered very fine ............. ............................................................................................ .....................................................(Photo) (PR24) 26

720.00 480.00 560 .00 480.00 480.00+ 480.00 400 .00+ 900 .00 225 .00+ 150.00 240.00+ 825.00

290.00 640.00+ 200 .00

.• • •• ~

2117 1


CARRIERS, LOCALS AND EXPRESS COMPANIES Postal History Listings may be found throughout this Catalogue 219


NEW YORK UNITED STATES CITY DISPATCH POST: 1842 3c black on grayish, four large margins, "pinhole", very fine appearance , tied on large portion of printed prices current listing (edge tears) for wines (dated 1841 and 1842) by orange red U.S. boxed cancels, very fine appearance. Foundation Cert. (1997). The first postage stamp issued in the United States .... ........................... ......... ............... ............ .......... (Photo)(6LB1)



1842-45 Glazed Paper 3c black on blue green, frame-line barely touched at top, ca ned. by red pmk on folded letter (faults) bearing matching CITY DESPATCH AUG(?) c.d . . .............. ...................................... (Photo)(6LB5) U.S. MAIL: Philadelphia , Pa; 1850-52 Lithographed le blue, type I, o.g. , full to large marg ins, small stain spot showing mostly on reverse, almost very fine. Foundation Cert. ( 1998) ..................................... (Photo )(? LB 12)





1856 (?) le red U.S.P.O. DESPATCH PRE-PAID clear sans-serif impression on fresh buff envelope, bearing embossed Life Insurance corner card on back flap and printed 1855 enclosure. Ex Gibson, Lilly and illustrated in Ashbrook .................................. .............................................................................................(Photo)(7LB18 var.)





AMERICAN LETTE R MAIL CO; Three difT.stampless, compr. red circ le and small rectang le, oval circle and rectangle and oval and PAID , with five 5c black franked covers (one tied) , va ried destinations , very fine . Interesting group ........................................... .............. ................................... ....................Est. Cash Value $400----600 D.O. BLOOD & CO: Selection of 36 covers, mostly 1848-54 small rectangles incl. 13 in combination with 1851 3c, two stamp less and three 1855 Penny Post, many tied, generally fine to very fine. Good variety .......................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000



BOYD 'S CITY EXPRESS POST SEP 4 (1844): Red octagonal handstamp on folded letter from Rochester to New York, bear ing ms. "Co llect 6¼". Attract ive .............................. ............................ .............................(Photo)





BOYD 'S CITY EXPRESS: Used to Prussia; 2c black on green, cance lled on envelope (edge faults) to Berlin beari ng N YORK AM PKT . 23 JUL and ms. Prussian rate and "By Steamer St. Louis via Havre". Local was damaged while on the cover and gives every indicat ion it belongs . Neve rthele s, sold as is .......... ....................(Photo)(20L8) Selection of 20 covers, compr. 2c green (6), 2c red (1), Mercury (4), all tied, three stampless and six 2c green untied , de stinat ion s incl. Illinois and Alabama, generall y fine to very fine. Useful group ...................... ............................ ........................................................................................Est. Cash Value $600-800



BOYD 'S DISPATCH 38 FULTON ST : Black circle MAY 25 1867 on WELLS, FARGO & CO. franked 6c legal size entire, bearin g blue WELLS , FARGO APR 30 SAN FRANCISCO oval to New York. Rare combination



BROADWAY CITY EXPRESS POST OFFICE 2 Cts; Oval handstamp and PAID in arc on local envelope (tears), fine. Signed Toaspern ................. ........................................ ............................ ............... ........... ........... (Photo )



THE CENTRAL OVERLAND CALIFORNIA & PILES PEAK EXPRESS COMPANY DENVER CITY K.T: SEP 8 oval datestamp on folded entire franked with 3c (damaged) to St. Joe, Mo, greenish SAINT JOSEPH MO . SEP 15 1860 c.d .s., two strikes of Company 's ST. JOSEPH MO. SEP 14 oval on reverse, fine ................................ ...................................................................................................................................(Photo)(26)

23 1


EAGLE CITY DESPATCH POST: Red circle handstamp (weak strike) on Nov. 1845 folded letter, another clear red STRAITS DESPATCH c.d.s. on stained envelope. Appropria te combina tion ....................................... .


500 .00 300.00

~~ >~/°~,e,c-~-









~~~~ CC~




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,. ·'

:·•· ·.



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. . .



--- ,'

'\' . .

232 B

FREEMAN & CO. EXPRESS: Handstamp in red oval on 1855 printed bill of lading in French, used fro m Panama to San Franc isco , ms. "J. L. Steph ens" and internal "Cova & Co ." . Ex Dale/L ichtenste in ............... (Photo)

233 B

GREGORY 'S EXPRESS N.Y: Large ms. marking on folded inter-bank statement of Dec. 1844, bear ing red HALE & CO . fo rwa rding ova l and small recta ngle to New Bedford Mass. Rare early marking ...................(Photo)


234 B

Selection of 11 stampless, bear ing red Forwar din g ova ls and rectangles, incl. one black Salem ova l, all da ted before Jul y I , 1845 , fine to very fine ........ .............. ........ ....... ....... ........ ................................... ..Est . Cas h Value $300

23 5 B

1844 6c blue, three local covers, eac h with tied cut-to-s hape co py (two with out stree t addr ess) and bear ing Bos ton and Salem forwar djn g ova l. Ex Worthj ngton. Attractive trio ....................................(Photo)(75Ll ,75L5 [2])

236 B

HINCKLEY & CO'S EXPRESS: DEC 10 mostly clear datestamp on envelope inbound to Denver City, Jefferson Territory, with pen cance lled 3c, distin ct SID NE Y IOA OCT 25 or iginating c .d.s. Sca rcer inbound usage ....................... .................................. ....................................................................................................... .(Photo )

237 B

AUG 20 1860 datestamp and 3c dull red, tied by "Mec hanicsv ille Ioa Jul 23" c .d.s. on envelope (red uced slig htly at left) inbound to Denver, Jeffe rson Terri tory. Fine strike ................................................................... ...(Photo)(26)

238 B

LANGSTON 'S PIONEER EXPRESS: Blue printed frank on 3c pink entire to San Francisco, beari ng clear stri kes of blue LANG STO N ' S DOWNIEV ILL E ova l and WE LLS , FA RGO & Co. MAR YVILL E FEB 26 double ova l pmks . Ve,y fi ne conjuctive usage ............ ...................................... ........................................... ................ (Photo)

239 B

METROPOLITAN ERRAND & CARRIER EXPRESS CO: 1855 le red orange, tied by boxed PAID and filin g crease on Jan. 1856 fo lded letter bearin g additi onal A.M . HINKL EY & Cos. EXPRESS NEW YORK , ova l to New York. Ex Mero nj. Rare ......................... ...................... ................................................................ (Photo )( l 07 Ll )

240 G

SALMON RIVER & NEZ PERCES EXPRESS . PAID 75 CENTS : Printed frank on Wells, Fargo & Co. 10c green entire (reduced slightly affecting frank) to New York, entered the mails with ATCHISO N KAS M AY 26 pmk. Fine usage ........................................................................... .................................................................... (Photo)





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SWART'S CITY DISPATCH, NEW YORK: 1849-5 3 Washington (le) red, good to large margins, minute stains, tied by framed PAID SW ARTS pmk on neat blue 1855 folded letter bearin g CHA THAM SQUARE OCT 29 oval ...................................................... ........................................................................................... (Photo )( l36L9 ) THOMAS & SKADDEN'S EXPRESS PAID: Blue printed frank on 3c greo entire (reduced, affecting die) to San Francisco, pmkd . by Compan y's SUSANVILLE doub le circle and blue WELLS , FARGO & Co. RENO oval datestamps. Fine strike .................................. ....................................... ............................. .......................(Photo) THOMPSON'S EXPRESS, MASS: Ms. marking on June 1844 book order, bearing red ALBANY N.Y. JUN 11 C. to Springfield , Mass. First year of operation ................................... .................. ....................................(Photo)


WELLS, FARGO & CO. 1861 $2 red, neat blue PAID cancel , clear to large margins, trace of a thin, fine ..............................(Photo )( l43Ll )

244 0 245


Blue WELLS FARGO & CO. EXPRESS AURORA: Ovals and Feb 24 63 docketing tying 25c blue Pony Express adhesive to franked 3c pink entire to Sao Francisco .............. (Back Cover Photo) (143L8)






~~~ r
















VIRGINI A CITY PONY EXPRESS : Blue SACRAMENTO JAN 28 double circle datestamp tying Pony Express 10c brown , sheet margin copy, to franked 3c pink entire (reduced ) to Carson City, Neva da Territory, 1863 docket. Scarcer usage to Nevada Territory ............................................................(Photo)(143L7) Used to Guatemala; Red printed frank on 10c green on buff front (somewhat brittle, back separate), from Crosby correspondence bearing "4" (reales) due handstamp to Guatemala. An excepti onal usage ......(Photo)(U 18) Franked 3c pink entire (torn corner), used to San Francisco with blue NEW CASTLE C.P .R.R. FEB 6 1871 double circle datestamp. Fine strike ................................................................................................................. (Photo) Remainder group of four better used franked covers, compr. New York, Portland , Belmot , Ner. and Salex 0 ., two unaddres sed, fine to very fine ......................................................................................Est. Cash Value $400-500




CARRIERS AND LOCALS: Extensive coll. and selection of over 800 on pages in ring-binder and glassines in box, generally unused, wide ranging incl. multiples, reprints and reference, cut-to-shape, etc., mixed condition. Worth careful insp ection .............. ..........................................Est. Cash Value $2,500+

WESTERN EXPRESS: The remainder of 19 covers, compr. 15 diff. companies, incl. Adams, Bamber, Eureka, Everts-Wilson, Gregory's Kennedy-Long, Lamping, Rutherford, Swift, Whiting and others, handstamps and printed franks, varied condition, but very useful... ...........Est. Cash Value $2,000-2 ,500 The remainder of 10 covers, compr. four Swart 's hand tamp s and one franked large piece, Eagle carrier with 1851 3c, U.S. Mail (damaged), U.S.P.O. le blue, Hussey handstamp, U.S. Express Co. green label, varied condition. Useful group .......................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $300-400 Group of four covers, compr. Boston, Mass. Penny Post 1851 le blue, Swart's City Dispatch 1849-53 le red (Foundation Cert. 1981), Union Square P.O. 1852 le black on dark green, cut to shape, all used with 3c (#11), and L.H. Wells' Moore's Flat and Eureka Express printed frank on 3c pink entire, all appropriately tied or cancelled, mixed condition. Last item ex Gimmelson and Neadham ......................(3Lb2,136L9,141Ll ) 32

500 .00








254 * llll REVENUES : HUNTING PERMIT; 1943 $1 Wood Ducks, Pl. blk of six with side selvage, o.g., negligible gum creas ing or bends, fresh, very fine. Cati. $525 as n.h .......... ............... ..................................................... (RWIO) POSTAL HISTORY LISTI NGS MAY BE FOUND THROUGHO UT THIS CATALOGUE

STA TE HUNTING PERMIT: California; 1971 $1 Pintail s, se lf-adhesive on backing , n.h., very fine ........................................................................... ..................................... ..................................... ................(Photo)( l )

255 **




SUMTER S.C. APR 9 1861 c.d.s. with error of year date, PAID and circular " 10" handstamps on "Auctio neer & Commi ssion Ag' t," come r card envelope (one back flap damaged., open three sides) to Newberry, S.C., very fine. Found ation Cert . ( 1998) ............................................................... .................... ........................................ (Photo)



RICHMOND VA MAY 9 1861, C.S.A. PERIOD, mostly clear pmks tying U.S. le blue, type II, three copies (corner creases and stain spot), to green embossed CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE corner card envelope (flap missing). Fine and rare usage ........................................................ ......................................................... .(Photo)(20)



PROVISIONAL HANDSTAMP RALEIGH, N.C: Sc red on buff to Hillsboro, bearing blue RALEIGH DEC 10 c.d.s., fine. Weill handstamp on reverse. Ex Caspary, Lilly ............... ...............................................(Photo)(68XU1)



1862 Sc blue, pair, full margins to cut in slightly, tied on gray all-over design STATE OF TEXAS. DEPARTMENT OF STATE. enve lope by partially clear AUSTIN TEX OCT 14 pmk , original letter from Texas Secretary of State. Extremely attrac1ive ................................................................................... ....................................... ........... (Photo )(6)



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1863 2c brown red, STRIP OF FIVE, mostly large margins all round, minor gum tone spots, tied by SPARTA Ga APR 17 pmks on 1865 folded letter to Augusta, Georgia, very fine ......................(Photo) (8) Contents include local Paup er li st for 1861 and welfare payments. Quite historical

26 1 * llll 2c, vertical gutter blk of eight, o.g., good to very large margins, light horiz. crease, very fine. Ex Meroni .......................... ........................................... .................................................................................. ...............(Photo)~ )


262 * 83 2c pale red, corner blk of four, o.g., large margins other sides, extremely fine. Ex John R. Hill ....(Photo)(8a)
















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GUAM: 1899 Overprinted le green, SE, stain , tied with 2c red and Sc blue by SAN LUIS D' APRA, GUAM. DEC 13 1899 two line pmk and geometric cance ls on envelope to Pa., Mani la Military transit and arrival on reverse, very fine. Foundation Cert. ( 1995) .......................................................................................... (Photo )(l ,2,5)



Guard Mail; le red & black, vert. pair , ver y fine, tied by GUAM SERVICE ASAN AUG 25 1930 double circle pmk on local envelope, very fine ....................................... .................................................................. ....(Photo )(M3)



HA WAil: 1864-65 Sc blue on bluish , Westerberg pl. 9-A-ill , full margins except small corner nick , fine , IN COMBINATION WITH U.S. Sc brown , faults, both tied by clear cog-wheel cancel s on envelope (back re-attached ) to Mass. , red HONOLULU H.I. U.S. POSTAGE PAID NOV 13 originating and SAN FRANCISCO DEC 11865 transit c.d.s .'s ................................................................(Photo )(21,U.S.76) 8,000.00 Rare comb ination



1864-86 Sc blue (short perO , in combination with U.S. ''F Grill " 10c green, both tied by cork cancel on envelope to Michigan , HONOLULU HAWAIIAN-ISLANDS MAY 28 origin and SAN FRANCISCO CAL. JUN 14 transit c.d.s., red oval HAWAIIAN STEAM SERVICE handstamp ......(Photo )(32,U.S.96) Colo,fu l f ranking



1882 10c black, fault y, tied by magenta WELLS , FARGO & CO. HONOLULU , H.I. 1884 oval date stamp on brown franked legal size envelo pe, pasteback and stain spots .........................(Photo )(40) A rare usage


268 269 t:,

PHILIPPINES: 1901 $1 black , type I , l.h., fine ................................................................................... (Photo )(223)


1944 VICTORY Handstamp type II 30 orange red (on 442), pair , both copies with broken arm of ''Y", separation, usual condition and paper interleaving ad hering to gum. 200 Handstamped ...............(Photo )( 483)



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UNITED STATES COLLECTIONS AND VARIOUS AMERICANA PATENT MODEL #102187, 1879 Stop Valve for Petroleum Packages compl. with 9" x 9" x 13" gas can, rusted bottom .......................................... ............................................ Est. Ca h Value $ 100- 150 PATENT MODEL #175817 , 1876 Post Office lock box, a somewhat inco mplete4-holer, but with original tag from the Patent Office. Interesting oddity ........................................Est. Cas h Value $75- 100

270 27 1 272

MICROSCOPE: E. LEITZ WETZLAR (Germany) No. 2226633, black and tarnished brass plated, probably late 1800s or turn-of-the-centur y, three-rotating powe r lenses plus eye pieces, slide , oil j ars and remova ble slide adju ter, all in somewhat damaged carry ing case .....E t. Cash Value $200-3 00


The remainder of a stock, compr. sports, with autographs incl. baseball cards, old newspapers, books, magazines, records, the arts with photos, show books, sheet music, etc., somewhat sorted, fair amount subject to water damage. Worth inspec tion ..................................... Est. Cash Value $500 19th Century





276 * O

277 * O

ST AMPLESS COVERS: Selection of over 80 covers from 1820s to 1850s, usual Eastern citie , but some smaller towns as far West as Wisco nsin, variety of mkgs and diff. co lors , couple "FREE " and a few Express covers, some faults, ge nerally fine to very fine ...................... ......Est. Cas h Value $300-5 00 Coll. of over SOfolded letters or letter sheets in ring-binder, variety of ms. markings and handstamps, mostly New Hamp shire incl. green PAPER MILL VILL AGE and matching large "5", New York incl. printed notice, Vermont, etc., also Chicago , Georgia, Missouri, Ohio, etc., Ca nada cross-bor der, etc., mixed condition, folded-out and displayed in pochettes ............................. ...... Est. Cas h Value $200-400 Coll. of almost 200 on album pages, unused or used, incl. perf 15½ Sc brown type II pair, perf 12 issues, Bank Notes, Columbians to 30c, Trans-Miss to S0c, back-of-book incl. misc. Officials, Locals, Newspaper, also Hawaii, D.W.I. and some 20th cent., faulty or mixed condition, some fine ................................................................................................................... ....Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000 Balance of nine items on stock sheet, 12c black Pl. 3 (#36b) and le ultramari ne (# 145), unused, others used, incl. couple "Black Jacks" and Sc brown (#76) strip of three tied on sma ll piece, few small faults, fine or fine appearance. Six with Foundation Certs. Sc. $2 185+ ................... ............................................. .

278 * O

1847 to 1898, coll. of over 300 on Scott pages , used, some o.g. to unused , wide ranging and with better items, incl. grills and many Bank Notes , Bureau issues, Columbians incl. $1 and $2 used, $3 large part o.g., Trans-Miss. compl. unused, etc., faulty or mixed condition ..................................................................................................................... Est. Cash Value $1,000

279 * O

1851 to 1898, coll. of over 150 on pages, used, some l.h. to unused, incl. imperf to 12c, perf 15½ and 12 to 30c, grills, 1869 Pictorial to 90c, Bank Note Issues, Bureau to $1, Columbians to S0c, etc., plus misc. 20th cent., dupl. and many better items, couple blks, faulty or mixed condition to some very fine. Worth careful inspection .................. Est. Cash Value $2,000-2 ,500

280 0

1861-62 3c rose, shades, cancellation coll. of about 375, plus 3 covers in album, wide variety with dated strik es, segmented co rk of all sorts, grid s, geo metric, leaf, crossroa d, star , negat ive ca nce ls, PAID , many others and a few in blue,mixed condition to very fine ............. ....Est . Cas h Value $200-300 19th and 20th Century

28 1 * O

Balance of a property, many thousand on pages, coll. remainders, stock sheets, etc., in carton, n.h. to unused or used , wide ranging incl. Columbians , 2c reds, Presidentials, recalled Legends sheet, back-of-book incl. Hunting Permit, etc., also some United Nations, mixed condition to fine to very fine ........................ ..................................Est. Cash Value $2,000-3 ,000

282 * O IBI Balance of many thousand in glassines on pages and stock sheets, etc., in carton, n.h. to unused or used, incl. compl. or part sets, blks and Pl. blks of 4 or 6, coils, Souvenir sheets, etc., wide ranging and much in no order whatsoever, mixed condition to much fine to very fine and generally n.h.....................................................................Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500 283 * O

Coll. and accum. of many hundred in albums, incl. one Specialty, and loose in carton, used, some n.h. to unused, some Bank notes, Columbians to S0c and many other Commems, Airs back-of-book incl. Revenues, Possessions , covers, misc. foreign, etc., mixed condition .......Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000



284 * O

Coil. of several hundred on pages and stock sheets in 2 ring-binders, mo tly used, with precance l and perf-in se lection , revenue s incl. a few beer stamp s, te t co il , cigarette and tobacco stamp s, state tax , Various labels incl. PhiJatelic Exhibitions, etc., mixed condition to very fine ..Est. Cash Value $400-600

285 0

286 0

stock of several hundred on pochette pages in box, u ed, incl. imperf , perf 15½ and 12, few grills, 1869 Pi ctor ials to 30c, man y Bank Note , 20th cent. Comm em and Regular Issues, Airs and bac k-of-b ook, m ixed co ndition ................................... ..... ....................................... .................. Est. Cash Value $400-600 Balance of a propert y in box, used, many hundr ed in glassines throu gh modern is ue s, also 19th fancy cancel co ll. of many hundred on pages in ring-binder , mostly banknote s with a variety of handstamps, mixed cond ition ...... ...... .............................. ...................................... Est. Cash Val. $300 -500

C ent.

287 181

Accum. of over 150 covers in 2 binders and loose in box, wide ranging incl. a few stample ss, perf I 5V2 and 12, with a larger se lection of 3c rose, few grilJs, Bank Notes , vario us cance ls incl. PAID , 0


eometrics, etc. , Union patrioti c, few Air Post incl. AERIAL MAIL SERVICE postaJ car d, etc., mix ed ...... ............. ........ ..... ............ ...... ......................................... ................. Est. Cash Value $300-400

C onditi on

288 * l!:!l smaJI remainder of a property on stock sheet, n.h. to o.g., com pr. Pre sidential 3c vert . gutter pair , I 982 Chri stma s (20c) imperf marg in blk of 4 , 1986 avajo Art 22c se-te nant pair , bla c k omitt ed, # Ellb Pl. blk of 6 (Fo und ati o n Cert. 1983 ), a lso #127 , 28 use d , ge nerall y fine to ve ry fin e .................. ................. .................... .................................. ............... ................... Est. Cash Value $250-350 289 181

Coil. of over 350 covers neatly mounted on pages in 4 ring-binders in box, wide ranging incl. st ampless, flag cancels , Bank Note issues, a few Columbian s, picture post cards, so ldier 's mail, Specia.l D elivery, Statue of Liberty se lection, etc., mixed condition to very fine .......... Est. Cas h Value $250- 300

290 181

Accum. of a few hundred covers in box, incl. Bank

291 181

ASTOR HOUSE (Hotel): 1840 to 1908, exhibition coll. of 29 advertising covers, plu s numerou s newspape r engravin gs, cards, adve rtisements, etc, aJJ mounted on 37 older quadri lle pages . Quile extensive

292 181

LI COLN: Coll. of about 40 covers on mint and used stationery, modern stamps, mostly mounted

ote issues and a few ear lier, FDCs, mint and used stationery , Airs, etc ., mixed co nditi on ...................... ................... ........ .... .Est . Ca sh Value$ 150-250

... ..... ........ ........ .................................................................. ................................. Es t. Cas h Value $300- 500

as exhibition, balance loose or in auction lot pages, incl. Lincoln blue pap er, co uple Bank C over

otes on to Pari and State Dept. 3c on front, mixed co nditi on to very fine ......... Est. Cash Value $300-400

293 * O l!ll Primarily 20th Century, accum. of many thousand in various containers, pages and stock

sheets in carton, n.h. to unused or used , incl. blks and Pl. blks, with 2c reds, Famous Americans, large number of Farley Souvenir sheets, 19th cent. incl. generally common Banknote issues , etc., mixed condition to much fine or better. Worth ca refu l inspection .................................................................................................................. Est. Cash Value $3,000+ 294 * 01818 alance of a property, many hundred in 2 cartons, incl. covers, Souvenir card s and pages, FDCs and maximum cards, mint stationery all in album s, etc. , accum. of booklet pane and co il str ips, #CJ6 p ane , co ll. of severa l hundr ed in Minuteman aJbum, n.h. to o .g ., incl. slightly better items , Sou venir s hee ls, etc., faults to much ve ry fine .......... ....... .................. .............................. Est . Cash VaJue $300-500

See Lor #855 for addilional United States

20th Century 295 ** IBI Stock of a few thousand Pl. blks in numbered glassines in 2 boxes, vast majority if not all

n.h., mostly Commems, also Regular Issues and Airs, varying quantities and some premium, incl. $1 Airlift, Historical Flags Pl. blks of 20, etc., clean and generally fine to very fine ...............................................................................................(from 899) Est. Cash Value $1,500+

Plate blks in number ed glassines in box , n.h. to o.g., incl. Washington Bicentennial , Overrun Countries, some earlier, incl. Pl. blks of 6, also Air Post incl. some slightly better and quantitie s of #C38, mixed condition to some very fine .................................................. (betw. 703 and 921,C9 and C74) Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500

296 * WI Accum. of man y hundred

297 * EB Stock of several thousand on retail pochette pages, etc., in box, much n.h., balance l.h. to

unu sed, incl. Regular Issues with Washington-Franklin, Commems, compl. sets with extras, few Souvenir sheets , later Pl. blks, etc., Airs, back-of-book incl. slightly better Postage Due, Revenues , few Confederate States, some faults and mis-identified account ed for to much very fine ...........................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200



298 * EB Coll. of about 250 blks of 4 in album, n.h. to o.g., with Commem. issues, Washington-Franklin

incl. coil pairs, 1923-26 Perf 10, Rotary Press to 50c, Washington Bicentennial, National Parks, Farley issues, etc., generally fine to very fine ........................................... Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000 299 ** [8)Accum. of many hundred in box, n.h., mostly modern issues incl. compl. sheets, Pl. blks of 4 or

larger, blks, booklets, etc., generally very fine. Face stated by owner to be about $640 ..................... 300 ** llilAccum. of several thousand in numbered glassine s in box, vas t major ity if not all n.h ., wi de ra ngin g and vary ing denomin at ions fro m about #900 , inc l. singles , blks of 4 or larger , book lets, many coil pairs and strip s, Souvenir sheets, Airs, etc., some slight premiu m, genera lly fine to very fine .................... ............ .............................. ............................ .......................... .......Est. Cas h Value $400- 500 301 * O IBIAccum. of many hundred in glassines, etc., in box, much n.h., bala nce l.h. to used, incl. 2c reds, a few ear lier incl. misc. 19th cent. , Washington Bicentenni al, perf and imperf Parks plu s other Farley issues , Army -Navy , Pre sidentials, Fa mous Ame ricans, co ils, blks and Pl. blks, Souvenir sheets, Air s, etc., some faults through genera lly fine to very fine ...... ............ .................... ...Est. Cas h Value $400--450 302 * O EBBalance of a property on auction lot pages , stock sheet s, etc., in box, n.h. to o.g., incl. 1909 Commems imperf, pairs and singles, Huguenot-Wall oon and Lexington-Concord sets plus extra Sc values, Airsincl. First and Seco nd issues, Transport 50c, Pl. blk s of 4, co uple Hun ting Permit $5 Pl. blks, Postal Savings, #797 ( 100), postal cards and a few used Co lum bians, some faults though genera lly fine to very fine ............. ................................................... ................ ......... ................... .Est. Cas h Value $350--450 303 * IBI Accum. of several thousand in sheet files and glassines, plus coll. on pages in box, n.h. to unu sed, incl. Na tional Parks perf and imperf, blks, later PL blks, full sheets, Souvenir sheets , etc., mixed condition with some stainin g to fine to very fine ............................ ......... ......................... Est. Cas h Value $300-350 304 * O IBIColl. and accum. of several thousand in 2 Scott spring-back albums in box, n.h. to o.g. , dupl. used , issues fro m 1930s incl. Pl. blk s of 4 or 6, So uve nir shee ts, co ils, so me Pres identi als and Fam ous Americans, misc. U.N., genera lly fine to very fine ........................ ...................Est. Cas h Value $ 150-250 305 * O EBSmall coll. in albums, n.h. to o.g. , few used, generally blks of 4, incl. Co lumbian 8c, to 1940, with Harding No rse-A merican, Hawai i, 2c reds , Parks perf and imperf , some earlier singles , mixed condition to very fin e .............................. ............................................. ..............................Est . Cas h Va lue $ 150-200 306


Accum. of several hundred in glassines and loose in box, n.h. to unu sed, wide ranging and generally co mm on issues, few Washin gton-Franklin , mi sc. A irs and bac k-of -book, So uvenir sheets and 197 5 Christm as sheets, mixed co nditi on to very fine ...... ................. ..........................Est. Cas h Value $ 125- 150

307 0 1':i Accum. of many thousand off and on paper in 3 cartons , some in enve lopes by numb er , stoc k sheets, etc., mixed conditi on .............................. ........ ........................... ............... Est. Cas h Va lue $50-100 308 0

PRECANCELS: Coll. of many hundred on pages in box, wide ra ng ing issues and many types, mixed conditi on ............... ............ ......................................... .............................Est. Cas h Value $ 150-200

309 * O

1901 to 1940, coll. of well over 400 in album, n.h. to o.g., few used, incl. Pan-American and other Commem set s compl. , 1902-03 Regular Issue , Washington- Franklin incl. coil s, Panama-Pacific to 10c perf 12, $2 and $5 bi-colors, 1922-25 compl., Kansas and Nebraska, Souvenir sheets, Presidential coil pairs, dupl. incl. a few slightly better, etc., mixed condition to much fine to very fine ................................................................Est. Cash Value $2,000-2 ,500

3 10 * O EB1901 to 1932, coll. and accum. of many hundred on pages, o.g. or used, incl. many Commem

sets with dupl., Washington-Franklin , 1902-03 and 1922-25 Regular Issue coils, blks, etc., mixed cond.ition ........................................................................ ...............................Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000 3 11




1913 to 1929, group of 32 diff., n.h. to unused (regummed), Panama-Pacific perf 12 and 10, #505 in strip of three with 2c, Kansas and Nebraska sets, mixed condition or centering to several very fine ...........................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500 1922 to 1993, coll. of several hundred FDCs neatly mounted in 18 ring-binders in 2 carton, incl. better 1920s issues , #584-86, 588-90 , etc. , Huguenot-Walloon , Lexington-Concord , NorseAmerican with dupl. and/or diff. cities, Washington-Bicentennial , National Parks incl. imperfs and other Farley issues, Souvenir sheets, Army-Navy, Presidentials to $5 incl. coils and panes, Famous Americans, etc., singles and blks of 4, etc., common U.N. in 2 vols., some faulty, generally fine to very fine ....................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $750+

3 13 ** !Bl1929 to 1931, 2c reds, group of seven compl. sheets in file, n.h., co mpr. #654 , 57, 80, 82, 88, 89, 702, neg ligible faults, Sulli van ja mm ed perfs, generall y fine to very fin e .......Est. Cas h Va lue $ 125-1 50 3 14 ** IBI 1930s to 1960s, duplicated coll. of several hundred PI. blks or blks in 9 albums (4 Specialty)

in carton, vast majority if not all n.h., incl. some singles and souvenir sheets, Special ptg incl. a few gutter blks, Famous Americans, etc., Airs and misc. United Nations, generally fine to very fine ..................................................................... ...................Est. Cash Value $1,000+ 3 15 ** IBIAccum. of many hundred blks or PI.blks of 4 or 6 in files in box, n.h., mostly Co mm ems incl. National Parks , Ar my-Navy, Famous Americans co mp!. , Overrun Co untries, Souvenir sheets and Air Post, vary ing quantities , generally fine to very fine ..................................... .....Es t. Cas h Va lue $350--450






3 l7



1934 to 1990, $1 to $12.50, issues compl. on Scott pages,vast majorit y n.h. , extra #RWS6 , a few SE copies, generally fine to very fine ................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000

COMMEMORATIVES: 1898 to 1935, accum. on album and old auction lot pages in box, n.h. to unused (few regummed), incl.Trans-Miss. to 10c, later comp!. or part sets with extras, Souvenir sheets, Pl. blks of 6 incl. Harding and National Parks imperf , #287 Imprint Pl. No. pair , etc., some faults though much fine to very fine ......Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,500 1901 to 1932, selection of about SOmostly diff. on stock sheets, n.h. to o.g., incl. Pan-American to Sc, Louisiana to 10c, Jame stown Sc (3 copies), Lincoln blue paper , Panama-Pacific perf 12 to 10c, perf 10 to Sc (2), Edison coil line pair , etc., few small faults, generally fine to very fine. Sc. $2675+

319 * O EE1909 2c carmine, group of over 100 sta mps mostl y on old auction lot pages, n.h. to o.g., man y Hudson-Fulton imperf s incl. Pl. blks of six and used blk of four, varying quantities, some faults or mixed centering , man y fine to extremely fine. Sc. $3000+ ..................................................(367-73) 320 * 0[!!] REGULAR ISSUES: 20th Centur y, accum. on old auction lot pages and loose in box, vast majorit y n.h. , balance l.h. or o.g., incl. center line blks of 4 or lar ger, $2 bi-color s, 1922-25 $2 and $5, Presidential coil strips and line pairs, Pl. blks , Imprint Pl. No. strips #307, a few 19th cent. and scattered used, generally fine to very fine ............................................................Est. Cash Value $750 321


1902 to 1939, accum. of over 150 mostly diff. on stock sheets, n.h. to o.g., incl. 1902-03 to 10c, man y Washington-Franklin incl. coil line pair s, 1917 perf 10 $2 and $5, rotary press and offset ptgs , 1922-25 $5, two copies, Pre sidential s incl. $5, etc., some small faults though generally fine to very fine with a fair number of larg e copies ...Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,200

322 * O

WASHINGTON-FRANKLIN: Group of 12 items on stock sheet , n.h. to o.g., incl. #595 used, incl. S coil pair s, blks of 4, incl. 538a, 540a, and #545, " 30" PI. blk of 4, folded along horiz. perfs , four coil pairs with Foundation Cer ts., generally fine to very fine. Sc. $3945+ ............................................ AIR POST: 20th Century, coll. of several hundred covers neatl y mounted and annotated on 323 t8l pages in 9 ring-binders in carton, compr. mostl y cacheted FDCs betw. #ClO and #C116, incl. #C18 , Trans-Pacific, Transport blks , coils and booklet pane s, Special Del. and Officials , etc., Flight covers in 4 vols. with contract mail route s, incl. three 1926 covers franked by #C4, later inaugural and jet service, airport dedication , special cachets, etc., some faults , mostly very fine ...............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $750+ 324 * [!!] Accum. on album and old auction lot pages in box, va t majority n.h., balance l.h. or o.g., incl. a few early items, blks of four and Pl. blks of 4 or 6, Lindbergh Beacon, Transport 50c, etc., also #E7 part Imprint Pl. No. pair, some faults though generally fine to very fine .................Est. Cash Value $350-450 325 * O EE1918 to 1960s, coll. and accum. of a few hundred on page s, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. First and Second Issues, later issues with biles and Pl. biles, Lindbergh pane of three, also Special Delivery, some faults though mostly fine to very fine ................................................................Est. Cash Value $400-500


19th and 20th Century, coll. of man y hundred dilf. in box, o.g. to unu sed or used, wide ranging incl. Officials, Newspaper , Postage Due , Confederate States, Cut Squares, Telegraph, Special Delivery, Post Office Seals, a fair number of better Officials and Postage Due, faulty or mixed condition, some fine to very fine ................................................................Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000

327 * O

Accum. of man y hundred in numbered glassines on stock cards in box, mostly used, some o.g., wide ranging with selections in almo t every category, many Revenues incl. First Issue, cut squares, Officials, few Match and Medicine, Telegraph, Confederate States and Possessions, some slightly better and a few on documents, faulty or mixed condition .........................................Est. Cash Value $300-500 POSTAL STATIONERY: 19th and 20th Century , coll. of a few hundred neatl y mounted on pages in 6 ring-binders in box, incl. postal cards, with early mint and modern with First Day cancels, envelopes with severa l albino, air letter sheets, wrappers , etc., slightly better items among the common, incl. Ha waii, Philippine s, Puerto Rico, Ryukyu Is., generally fine to very fine and well annotated ............................................................................................................Est. Cash Val. $500-750 REVENUES: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of several hundred on pages, used, some unu sed, wide ranging though a goodly number of First Iss u e, perf and imperf , so me part perf , also Documentar y and Proprietar y issues, later issues, Wine Beer, Hunting Permit , misc. Match and Medicine, etc. , fault y or mix ed condition incl. cut or punch cancels, some sca rcer items .......................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $750-1,000



329 * O



330 **

STATE WATERFOWL HUNTING PERMIT: Coll. of about 450 diff. in Scott album, vast majority n.h., compr. over 40 states and mostly 1970s and 1980s issues with better items, serrate d cards, rouletted , with tab, die-cut self-adhesive, etc., genera lly very fine. Worth inspection ............................ .............................................................Est. Cash Value $1,500-2 ,000

33 1

SOUVENIR CARDS AND SOUVENIR PAGES: Many hundred of each in 3 cartons, Pages coll. from 1972 in 8 ring-binders, incl. better items from #303, Cards incl. Numismatic, U.N. Inta glio prints, etc., altso misc. covers, fine to very fine ................................................Est. Cash Value $ 100-150

332 * O

U.S. POSSESSIONS: Primarily 19th Century, coll. of about 200 on pages, o.g. to unused or used, compr. Canal Zone, Cuba, Guam, Hawaii, Philippine s, Puerto Rico, incl. a few slightly better items, back- of-b oo k with Sp ec ial De live ry, Pos tage Du e, cut sq uares, etc. , fault y or mixed co nditi on ...........................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $300-400

333 * l!ll

UNITED NATIONS: From 1951, small accum. in box, vast maj ority n.h., incl. margin inscription blks of 4 or larger, Tenth Anniversary Souvenir sheet of three, Geneva, few FDCs, etc., generally fine to very fine .............. ........................................... ....................... ................................. Est. Cash Value $ 150

Thankyou) B.J Dear M r.Harmer, I'd like to thanky oufo r ally ourtime and efforts in the auctioning qf my stepfather's coll,e ction. My family is verysatisfied...It was a pl,easu re to deal withyou. On behalf qf the beneficiari es...) thanks toy ou and the staff' qfyour ((House))for a succesiful auction. Sincerely) 4/9 8

Thank you , LC Dear Keith , I want to thank you for the fine job you did of selling my material and all the hard work that you and your assoc iates have put into it. I wil l surely refer my friends to you when they are disposing the ir collections . Sincerely , 6/98

Thank you A. D'A. Gentlemen: Dealing with your firm is always a pleasure . I appreciate the "family " atmosphere and warmth you project. It is a rarity in today 's world where so many people are treated as cogs in a money making wheel and it is ignored that both employer and employee basically remain sentient human beings. Yours very truly, 7/98 42


Afternoo n Session at 1 :30 P.M.

PHILATELIC LITERATURE BOOKS The language of a book 's text is indicated by the language of its title unless otherwise noted


Armstrong, M.A. COIL ISS UES 1906-38 , 1980 (2nd Ed.), WASHINGTON -FRANKLINS 1908-21 , 1977 (1st Ed.), DEFI NITI VE SERIES 1922-38 , 1980 (2nd Ed.), three SB booklets , minor wear, fine to very fine ..............................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $75-100


Ashbrook, Stanley B. THE UNITED STATES ONE CENT STAMP OF 1851-1857 , Vols. I & II , 1938, HB, Vol. II rebound, still fine to very fine ................................................................................. Est. Cash Value $ 125- 150


ASHBROOK SPECIAL SERVICES, photocopy set of important 1950s research newsletter , poor reproduction of photos, fine ..................................................................................................................... Est. Cash Value $ 100- 150


Boggs , Winthrop S. ROB ERT MORRIS POSTM ASTE R OF NEW YORK , 1960 , Deluxe binding wit h slipcase , plus S. Piller 's THE NEW YORK POST MASTE RS' PROVISIO NAL, 1991, HB , both very fine ..........................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $200-250


Brookman , Lester G. THE UNITED STATES POSTAGE STAM PS OF THE 19TH CENTURY, Vols. I-III , 1966-67 , HB, light wear, fine ............................................................................................Est. Cash Value $100- 150


DeGraff , L.S. (Ed.) FEDERAL POST OFFICE OF NEW YORK STATE 1792-1969, 1970, photocop y (as are all), plus Ka y/Smith NEW YORK POSTAL HISTOR Y, 1982, HB, fine to very fine ......Est. Cash Value $75-100


Hill, Henr y W. THE UNITED STATES FIVE CENT STAMPS OF 1856-1861 , 1955, HB , #121 oflimite d ed. of 500, binding wear and soiling, pages, very fine ...................................................... .......Est. Cash Value $100-150

34 1

Johl , Max THE UNITED STATES POS TA GE STAMPS OF THE 20TH CENTURY, Vols. I (Revised )-IV, 1934-38 , HB, a bit worn, fine ....................................................................................... .............Est. Cash Value $ 100


Vols. I & II , 1947, HB, signed by author , partial internal spine separations, fine ....................Est. Cash Value $50


Klein , Eugene UNIT ED STATES WATERWAY PACKET-MARKS 1832-1 899, 1940, HB , #193 of limited ed. of 500 and signed , very fine ...................................................................................... ..........Est. Cash Value $75-100


Linn 's U.S. Stamp Yearbook, 1983-1995 , 13 vols., SB, plu s boxed set of Bierman' s WORLD 'S GREATEST STAMP COLLECTIONS", 2 vols., SB, fine to very fine .................................................Est. Cash Value $100-150


Milgram, Jame s VESSEL-NAME D MARKINGS ON UNITED S TATES INLAN D AND OCEAN WATERWAYS 1810-1890 , 1984, HB with slipcase, very fine. The best reference ......................................Est. Cash Value $50-75


Phillips , David G. (Ed.), AME RICAN STAMPLESS COVER CATALOG, Vols. I-III, 1985-93, SB, plus Vol. I, 1997 (5th Ed), HB , fine to very fine .........................................................................................Est. Cash Value $100


Piller , Stanley M. THE NEW YORK POSTM ASTE RS' PRO VISIO NA L , 1991, HB, very fine, plus 0. Hart 's SOME NOTES ON THE NEW YORK POSTM ASTE RS' PROVISIONAL , 1911, SB, with cover faults, otherwise fine to very fine ............................................. ....................................................................... Est. Cash Value $75-100


Risvold , F.E. THE MINNESOTA TERRITORY IN POSTMA RKS , LETTER AN D HISTORY , 1985, HB , plusPatera/Gallagher POST OFFICES OF MINNESOTA , 1978, HB, very fine .............Est. Cash Value $50-75


Rohloff, Paul C.THE WATERBURY CANCELLATIONS 1865-1890 , 1979, HB with slipcase, very fine , plus M . Hahn 's 1940 booklet and Henry Houser Fancy Cancels (Christie's 1994, incl. Prices Realized), very fine

.......................................................... .................................................................................. Est. Cash Value $ 100- 150 350

Sandbur g, Car l ABRAH AM LI NCOLN, The Prairie Years, 1926 (25th Printing ), HB in 2 vols., and A BRAHAM LI N COLN, The War Years, 1939 (16th printing ), HB in 4 vols., fine to very fine ........Est. Cash Value $ 100- 150

35 1

Slater , A. THE STAMPS OF THE PRO VIDE NCE R.I . POSTM AS TER 1846-1847, 1930, #124 of limited ed . of 300 , SB, inscribed and sig ned (twice ) by George Sloan, titl e taped on spin e, fine to very fine . Scarce .................................. ..........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $ 100-150


Slawson/Bingham/Dre nan , THE POSTAL HISTORY OF VERMO N T, 1969, HB, fine to very fine. Still the best reference .............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $ 100-150


Slawson et al, THE POSTA L HISTORY OF VERMONT , 1969, HB, very fine ............Est. Cash Value $ 100-150


Toppan/Deats/Holland, AN HISTORIC AL REFER ENCE LIST OF THE REVE NUE STAMPS OF THE UNITED STATES 1899, "The Boston Revenue Book", HB, split leather spine and worn, still fine. Ex Richetts .......................................................... .....................................................................................Est. Cash Value $75-100


White , Roy H. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE COLORS OF UNITED STATES POSTAGE STAMPS, Vols. I-V, 1981-86 , in three original binder s titled in gold gilt, two with slipcovers, also several album pages with shades of various U.S. issues, late 19th to mid-20th cent., fine to very fine ...............Est. Cas h Value $300-400


Similar lot, Vols. I-IV in two original binders , gold gilt, with slipca se, very fine .....Est. Cash Value $300-400 43



GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT REFERENCE: Navy Dept. DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN NA VAL FIGHTING SHIPS, Vols. 1-8, 1964-81 , HB, fine to very fine. Key refe rence work on U.S. Naval vesse ls ..........................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $350-400 Treasury Dept. HISTORY OF THE BUREAU OF ENGRA YING AND PRINTING 1862-196 2, 1962, HB, with bound-in engraved Souvenir sheet (four views of Washington), spin e so iled , fin e to ve ry fine ............................ ................................... ............................................ ................................... Est. Cash Value $75-1 00


GENERAL REFERENCE: APPLETO N' S CYCLOPEDIA OF AME RICAN BIOGR AP HY , Wilson & Fiske (Ed.) , Vols. I-VI , 1898 , HB , some partial int ernal spine separations, fine. Useful reference ................................................ .......................................................................................... Est. Cash Value $300-400


Postal Regulations, Guides, etc; Group of 9 items, incl. Post Offices 18 19 (missing pages of county listings only) and 1981 reprint of 1862 ed. , Offi cial Pos tal Guid e, 1929. 1930 , 1939 and 1949 , Posta l La ws and Regulatio ns, 1932, plus 1823 Morse Universal Gazetteer and 1838 Mitchell Travel Guide to U.S.(town, stage and canal route listings, no map), fine ................... ............................ .......................................Est. Cash Val ue $100-150


CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA: Dietz, August THE POSTAL SERVICE OF THE CONFEDERATE STA TES OF AMERICA, 1989, HB, reprint of class ic 1929 edition , like new ..................Est. Cash Value $75-100 Library of 16 HB and 9 SB vols. in 2 boxes, incl. Antrim's "Prisoners of War", Crown's "Postal History", Dietz 1959 and 1986 catls., Harrison's "POW Mail", Powell's "Richmond Postmarks", etc., plus 1992-98 run of Confede rate Philatelist and 23 auction catls, some "Name" sales, mostly fine to very fine. Good nucleus for Confede ra1e States Library ......................................................... ................ ................ Est. Cash Value $300-400 Group of 2 HB and 12 paperback vols., incl. Shenfield 's "Special Posta l Routes", Antrim 's "Civil War Pri sons",



six Brian Green booklet s, Kriege r's "T rans-Miss issippi Ma ils" , etc ., fine to very fine ....Est. Cash Value $100-150 364

U.S. POSSESSIONS: Hawaii ; Myer/Harris et al, HA WAIi, ITS STAMPS AND POSTAL HISTORY, 1948, SB, with specialized sales of Burrus, Ishikawa, Leman and Lichtenstein plus two Siegel catls. (#316 & 457), fine to very fine ................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $200-250


Possess ions Library; Group of 21 book and pamphlets , incl. Murphy 's "Postal History " and "Cance llation Study of U.S. Pacific Islands", (both editions), six Cana l Zone Study Group booklets , auction catls. incl. Burru s, Lichtenstein and Pietsch Hawaii , Plass Canal Zone and Fisher U.S. China Agency , mo stly fine to very fine ............................................ ................................................... ..................... ........................ Est. Cash Value $ 100-150


CALIFORNIA: Group of 5, co mpr. Coburn 's "Letter s of Gold ", Fricks tad 's "A Century of California Post Offices", Mahoney 's "San Francisco Postal Markin gs", William ' s "Los Ange les Co. Postmark s", plus California Postal History cat!. (Fraj ola, 1985), very fine ......................................................................Est. Cash Value $75-IO0


NEW YORK: Foreign Mail Cancellations; Group of 3, compr. Van Vlissingen & Waud, 1968, HB , Weiss, 1990, HB , plus 1942 Millik en booklet, fine to very fine ...................................................Est. Cash Value $ !00-1 25


TEXAS: Group of 3, co mpr. Deatons' "Texas Posta l Histo ry Handbook " , 1980, spiral -bound , ter Braake ' s "Texas - the Dram a of Its Postal Past" , 1970 , HB , and Camina cat!. (R.A. Siege l, 1994), fine to very fine .............................................................................. ........ ............ ................ ........................ ....Est. Cash Value $75- 100


Library Balance of over 50 vols. on various states, incl. Post Office and Postal Markings lists, many better items, mostly fine to very fine. Retail $1100+. Good nucleus fo r a library ..................Est. Cash Value $500-750


CARRIERS AND LOCAL POST: Group of over 45, incl. Cooper ' s "Fresno and San Francisco Bicycle Mail ", Perry' s "Byways of Philately" , The Penny Post, Vol. 2, No. 1 - Vol. 8, No. 2 plus Indexes, phot ocopy of Koawi ser and Mason' s "Independent Mai l Routes, some auction calls. and tear sheets, incl.Frajola ' s Middendo ,f cat!., fine to very fine ................................ ...................... ...................... ................... ............... ............Est. Cash Value $ 150- 200

37 1

CIVIL WAR PATRIOTICS: Group of four, compr. Grant ' s "Handbook of Civil War Patri otics" with price suppl. , Arch (ed.) "New Jersey Patriotics" , auction mpr. Walcott (Laurence , 1934 , HB wit h Pri ces Realized) and Kimm el (R.A. Siege l, 1976) , fine to very fine .................. .......................... Est. Cash Value $ !00-150


FIRST DAY COVERS: Group of 30 SB/Looseleaf, incl. Planty/Me llone "Photo Ency. " Vols. 1-6, "Mel lone's Cac het Catls. " of the 1940s, 1950s and I 960s (7 vols.), I 3 Handbooks on Name Cachet Makers, etc., three auction catls., fine to very fine ............................................. ............................... ............................ Est . Cash Va lue $ 150- 200


MACHINE CANCELS: Group of 25 SB/Looseleaf books and booklets, plus Machine Cancel Forum, Nos. 1-81, · 139/166, also copies of a collector's reference notes on various Company markings, fine ..Est. Cash Value $ 100- 150


POSTAL MARKINGS AND FANCY CANCELS: Group of 10 HB and 7 SB/looseleaf, incl Alexa nder's "U.S. Postal Markin gs 185 1-6 1", Bert 's "Chicago Blues" , Chase/Cabeen "Terr itorial Postmarks", Richow's "RFD Cancels", etc., mostly fine to very fine .................................................................. ............Est. Cash Value $200-250


POSTMASTERS' PROVISION AL: Group of 5, compr. Luff s " 1937" (with plates), MacGuffin's and Piller's "New York Postm asters' Pro vis ionals", ( 1936 booklet and 1991 HB respectively) , also Farrington New York Provisional cat!. (Ivy, 1992 plus photocopy), fine to very fine .......................................... Est. Cash Value $!00- 150



U.S. PRESIDENTIAL FREE-FRANKS; Postal History and Ephemera; Group of 3 HB and 6 SB vols., incl. Stern 's "Hi stor y of Free Franking ", Milgram 's two vol . on Pre sidential Campaign Stationery, Vrzalik/Minor "From the President ' s Pen " and five Button and Campai gn Memorabelia Guides by Hake (4) and Gore , mostly fine to very fine ........................ .................. ............... ............... ............................... ........... Est. Cash Value $ 150-200


RAILROADS : Group of 5 HB, 9 SB and 2 Looseleaf, incl. Tow le' s "U .S. Transit Markings Catl.", Vols. I-ill and "U.S. Route and Station Agent Postmark s" with historical suppleme nt, "U.S. Railw ay P.O . Po tmark Cati." , Towle/Me yer' s "Railroad Postmark s 1861-86", "S ix Street Car RPO " booklets, plus Wyer cat!. (Ke lleher, 1997 with Prices Realized) , etc. , mostly fine to very fine ................ .......... ............ ........ ............ .Est. Cash Value $100-150


REVENUES : Group of 16, incl. Cas tenholz's "Revenue Stamped Paper " , Vo ls. 1-7, Turner ' s "Essays and Proof s", Combs ' "Fir st and Second Federal Issues ", Pri ester ' s "Beer Stamps ", auction cat ls. incl. Joyce and Revenue s and Private Dies, some faults, fine .................. ......................... ......................... Est. Cash Value $ 150- 200


WESTERN EXPRESSES : Group of 4 HB and 3 SB, compr. Forster's "Orego n Express Companies " , Hailer ' s "Pri vate Frank s on U.S. Gov't. Envelope s" , Jackson's "We lls, Fargo in Co lorado TeITitory ", Knapp ' s "Pony Express" , Leutzinger 's "Handstamps of Wells , Fargo & Co.", (2nd Ed.) , Natlrnn's "Franks of Western Expres es" and Nathan/Bo ggs "The Pony Express", very fine ............................................ ................ Est. Cash Value $150-200


TRANS -ATLANTIC AND FOREIGN MAILS: Group of 7 HB, co mpr. Har gest's "History of Letter Post Communicati ons", Hubb ard/W inter "North Atlanti c Mail Sailings " , Rowe ' s "Forwarding Agents " , Staffs ''Tra nsAtlantic Mail", Starnes ' "U. S. Lett er Rates to Foreign Destinatio ns" and Wierenga's "Incomi ng Steamship Mail" and "Gold Rush Mail Agen ts" , fine to very fine ........................... .................. ...................Est. Cash Value $150-200


POSTAL HISTORY: Group of9 HB and 6 SB vols., incl. Woodward's "Secret Service", Hargest's "History of Letter Post Communications" (original and reprint eds.), Rose & Searing's "2c 1869 Cover Census", Kutz's "Gold Fever'', Starnes' "U.S. Letter Rates", etc., fine to very fine ................Est. Cash Value $250-300


Group of 8 HB and 18 SB/Looseleaf in 2 boxes, incl. Baker ' s "In dian a" , Vols. I & II, Rose's " 1869 Issue Cove r Census " , Ame rican Illustrated Cover Cati., ter Braake's "Posted Letter in Colonial America" , Yan Dam 's "Postal


History of A.E.F. 19178/12/98 1923", McDonald' s "American Philat elic Miscellany" , etc. , mostly fine to very fine ............................................................... ............................. ........................................ ........Est. Cash Value $200-250 383

STAMPS: Group of 7 HB and 25 SB vols., plus a few auction catls., incl. Bro okma n, 2 vo ls., JohJ's "20th Cent ury", Vol. ill , Neinken 's " lOc 1855-59 " , Chapin ' s "Plate Block Census" (with suppl. ), Preston/Sayb urn 's "Puert o Rico" , etc. , mostly fine to very fine. Useful lot ............................ ...................... ...Est. Cash Value $200-250


STAMPS AND POSTAL STATIONERY: Group of 16 HB and 20 SB/Looseleaf vols., incl. Luffs "Postage Stamp s of U.S." (reprint ), Lane' s "Bl ack Jack s" , Chase ' s " 3c 1851-7", French ' s "Ency. of Plate Varieties", U.P.S.S . catalogues, Brazier's "Essays " , Gobie ' s "The Speedy ", Hodder & Bowers "Encased Stamps ", Gobie ' s "The Speed y", Hodd er & Bowers "Encased Stamp s", etc. , mostly fine to very fine . A fine nucleus for a U.S. libra,y .............. ................... ................................................. ......... ................ ................................. Est. Cash Value $250-300


American Airmail Society AMERICAN AIR MAIL CATALOGUE, Fifth Ed., Vols. 1-5 plus 1990 Pricing Supplement, fine to very fine ........ ............................. ............................ ...........................Est. Cash Value $100-150




Wentz, George W., Jr. FIRST INTER NA TIONAL RO CKET A IR MAIL FLIGHT, 1936, small HB vol. with embossed cover, incl. singles, sheets and covers of the two stamps issued for this U.S. to Mexico (and return) flight, signed and inscribed to H.L. Lindquist, very fine. Scarce item ........................ Es t. Cash Value $300-4 00


AIRMAILS AND SPACE: Group of 11 HB and over 25 SB, booklets and pamphlets plus some auction catls., Price Lists, etc., incl. "Sanabria 1966", ''E-Z Rocket", 1967, 1973, Schoendorf "Classic American Airposts", Kronstein "Pioneer Airpost Flights", etc., generally fine to very fine. Good nucleus for a library ............................................................................ ..............................................................Est. Cash Value $300- 350


Airmail Handbooks and Catalogues; Group 48 of in 2 boxes, incl. AAMC Fourth Edition, 1971, 4 vols. plus

CATALOGUE , 1941, 1945, 1959/60, 1966, key ed., 1972 (A-L only), sma ll faults, fine to very fine ................................................ ............... .................. ................................. Est. Cash Value $100-150

three earlier vo ls. , Schoendorf 's "C lass ic American Airposts" , Eisendrath ' s "Cras h Covers " . Nierinck ' s "Recovered Mail ", ear ly Airma il cat ls. incl. Turt on 1925, Champoin 1921, 1924 , 1928, 1934, Standard 1931 , 1933-34, Berezowski 1925 , various booklet s, Aero Phil atelic Annuals , etc. , fine to very fine ......... Est. Cash Value $200- 250

ASIA 390

CHINA: Group of 5 HB vols., co mpr. ROCP EX T AIPEI 1978 "A Select Collection of Large Dragon Stamps , Covers and Postmarks " and "Prize Selections from the ROCPEX TAlPEI ' 8 1", Lankester ' s "China 1927-49 ", Zirkle 's "Manchoukuo " , Ma ' s " 1947 Catalogue" , also Livingston ' s China (H.R. Harm er N.Y ., 1973), fine to very fine ........... ........... ................... ...................................................... ......... ....................... .......Est. Cash Value $100-150


39 1

CHINA AND HONG KONG: Group of 8 items, incl. Scamp 's "Posta l Rate History of China and Hon g Kong 1800- 1845 ", Whit e ' s "Hon g Kon g & Treaty Ports", Scho enfe ld 's "Cance llations of Hon g Kong 184 1-l94l" , Hong Kong Study Circle Vol. I: The Adhe ives, Christ ie's Philip Ireland, Denison and "Opening of China" catls., 1994 Sotheb y ' s Far East Stamps , very fine ....................................................................... Est. Cas h Value $ I 00--150


HONG KONG: Bishop/Morton/Sa ye rs, HONG KONG AND THE TREATY PORTS, 1949 , HB, very fine. Scarce ............... ....................................... ........................................................................... Est. Cas h Value $ 150--200


Proud , Edward B. THE POSTAL HISTORY OF HONG KONG, Vol. I 1841-1958, 1989, HB, very fine .................... ......................................... ................................. ..................................... ........... Est. Cash Value $75- 100


JAPAN: lch ida, Dr. S. THE DRAGON STAMPS OF JAPAN 1871-1872, 1971, boxed set compr. HB vol. plus 17 photoplates and SB (slight soiling ) English and French translations, signed and inscribed to Alex Rendon , very fine ........ ..................................................................... .................................Est. Cas h Value $ 100--150


The same, 1959, HB, #176 oflimited ed., very fine ........ ............ ....................................Est. Cas h Value $ l00-150


THE CHERRY BLOSSOM ISSU ES OF JAPAN 1872-1876 , 1965 , HB , #15 and signed , ve ry fine ...................... ................................ ......................................................................................Est. Cash Value $ [50--200


Philatelic Society, London, THE POSTAGE STAMPS, Vol. I Tasmania, Vol. II British Colonies West Indies and South America , Vol. III British India and Ceylon, HB in deluxe green leather with hubbed spine and gold stamping , outstanding photoplate s, from the Hiram Deats collection, minor binding wear, but still attractive ........................ ............................................................... Est. Cash Value $750-1,000

Rare and important work


Lowe, Robson ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BRITISH EMPIRE POSTAGE STAMPS , Vols I-VI , 1947-91 , HB , some binding wear on earlier out-of-print vols ., fine to very fine ......................... ..... Est. Cash Value $350-400


Lowe, Robson THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BRITISH EMPIRE POSTAGE STAMPS , Vols. I-IV , 1947 to 1962, fine to very fine ...................................................................................................... Est. Cash Value $300-400


Samuel, Marcus SPECIMEN STAMPS OF THE CROWN COLONIES , 1857-1948, 1976, HB with gold gilt stamping, incl. supplement, very fine ........... ........ ........... ................................ .................. Est. Cas h Value $75- 100

40 1

BECHUANALAND: Holmes , H.R . THE POSTAGE STAMPS, POSTAL STATIONERY AND POSTMARKS OF THE BECHUANALANDS, 1971, HB, very fine ................. ........................................ Est. Cash Value $75- 100


BERMUDA: Ludington, Morris H. THE POSTAL HISTORY AND STAMPS OF BERMUDA, 1978 Revised Edition, HB, very fine ............. ............................................................. .............................Est. Cash Value $ 100--150


BORNEO: Proud , Edward B. THE POSTAL HISTORY OF BRITISH BORNEO, 1987, HB , ve ry fine ......................................... ............... .................................... ....................................................Est. Cash Value $50--75


BRITISH AFRICA: Gibbs, Robert M. G.R.I., THE POSTAGE STAMPS OF THE GERMAN COLONIES OCCUPIED BY THE BRITISH 1914-1918 , 1988, HB, very fine ................................ ....Est. Cash Value $75- LO0 Lowe, Robson THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BRITISH EMPIRE POSTAGE STAMPS, Vol. II , The Empire in Africa, 1948, HB, fine to very fine .................................................... ..................................... Est. Cash Value $50-75


405 406

Similar lot, fine ..................... .................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $50-75


BRITISH AMERICA: Group of 8 HB and 5 PB , incl. Gisburn ' s "Bah amas", Clarke et al "Barbado s Markings ", Dickgiesse r' s "Berm uda King George VI High Valu es" and "King George VT Large Key Type s of Bermuda ", Barn es ' "Falkl and Islands Postal Markin gs" and "Postal Service", (2 vols.), Foster ' s "Jamaica Postal History" , etc. , fine to very fine .......................... ................... ......................... .....................................Et. Cash Value $ 150-200


BRITISH COLUMBIA: Wellburn, Gerald E. THE STAMPS AND POSTAL HISTORY OF VANCOUVER ISLAND AND BRITISH COLUMBIA, 1987, magnificent oversized HB vol. in full color, limited ed. of 1000,


BRITISH GUIANA: Townsend/Howe THE POSTAGE STAMPS AND POSTAL HISTORY OF BRITISH GUIANA, 1970, HB , limited ed. of 500, very fine ...................... ..................................... Est. Cash Value $ 150--200


BRITISH NORTH AMERICA: Jephcott/GreeneNoung, THE POSTAL HISTORY OF NOVA SCOTIA AND NEW BRUNSWICK, 1754-1867, HB #115 oflimited ed. of 400 , very fine ........Est. Cash Value $ 150--175

41 l

Group of 6 HB and 14 SB vols., plus over 20 auction catls., incl. Argent i's ·• ew Brun sw ick and Nova Scoti a (1976 reprint ), Boggs ' "Canada (1974 reprint ), Harmer' s "Newfo undl and Air Mails 19 I 9- 1939" , MacDon ald 's " Nov a Sco tia Po st 1700-1 867 ", Mar le r' s "A dmir a l Iss ues of Canada" , etc. , mos tl y fine to very fin e ............................................... ................... ............................ .............................................. Est. Cash Value $ 100-l50

4 12

BRITISH PACIFIC :Group of 5 HB and 18 SB/booklets, incl. Aust ralian Commonwealth Special ists ' Catalogue, Samuel' s "New Zealand Postal Stat ionery", Parts 1-3, 1898, Sotheby's "Midas " New Zealand , Lee 's "Br . N. Guin ea & Pap ua", Pur ves ' " Emblems of Victoria " and " Victoria Barred ", Numeral Cancels (fa ulty), Western Australia 's Study Group "Western Australia", mostly fine to very fine .............. Est. Cash Value $ 150--200

very fine ................................................................................................................................


Est. Cash Value $75-100

4 13

CANADA: Boggs, Winthrop THE POSTAGE STAMPS AND POSTAL HISTORY OF CANADA, Vols. I & II, 1945-46, HB, binding weak (as often), fine ........................................................... ......... ...Est. Cash Value $75- 100


Howes, C.A. CANADA - ITS POSTAGE STAMPS AND POSTAL STATIONERY, 1911, HB, fine to very fine ...................................................................... .......................................... ............. .......... .......Est . Cash Value $75-100


CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: Stevenso n, D. Alan THE TRIANGULAR STAMPS OF CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, 1950, HB, plus "Maximus " catl. (Sotheby's, 1989), HB, very fine ............... ................. Est. Cash Value $ 150-200


Similar lot, without catalog ue, fine to very fine .......................................... ...................... Est. Cash Value $150-200 CYPRUS: Castle, W.T.F. et al, CYPRUS 1353-1986, 1987 Revised Ed., HB, very fine .Est. Cash Value $ 100-150 GREAT BRITAIN: Robertson, A.W. A HISTORY OF THE SHIP LETTERS OF THE BRITISH ISLES", 3 spiral-bound vols., 1955 reprint, one cove r slight tear at bottom , fine .......... .............. Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 Seymour/Wiggins/Beaumont/ Adams/Stanton , THE POSTAGE STAMPS OF GREAT BRITAIN, Parts 1-4, 1950 to 1962, various editions, with Stanley Gibbons Specialized Catalogue, Vo ls. 1-5, I 987-90, SB , Queen Victoria (9th Ed .), King Edward VII TO George VJ (8th Ed.), Queen Elizabeth II Pre-Decimal (7th Ed.), Decimal Definitives (5th Ed.) and Decimal Special Issues ( 1st Ed.), plus "The Connoisseur Catalogue of Machin Stamps 1967- 85", (1986 Ed .), very fine ................................................................................ .........Est. Cash Value $100- 150 Group of 6 HB and 11 SB plus 12 auction catls, incl. R. Lowe's "The British Postage Stamp ", Huggins' "Briti sh Postal Stationery ", Montgomery 's "Postage Rates on ortb Atlantic Mails ", Tabeart 's "U. K . Letter Rates", auction catls. incl. Glassco British Post Offices Abroad, etc ........................ ........ ....... ................... Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 MALTA: Martin, R.E. (Editor ) MALTA THE STAMPS AND POSTAL HISTORY 1576-1960 , 1980, HB, plus 1985 Supplement No. I, very fine ...................................... ...................... ................... Est. Cas h Valu e $75-100 MAURITIUS: Kanai, Hiroyuki MAURITIUS 1847-59 (Local Issues), #42 of limited ed. of 100 and signed, HB (boxed), text mostly in Japane se, very fine ............ ........................ ............ ................ Est. Cas h Value $75-100 NEW ZEALAND: Collins, R.J.G. THE POSTAGE STAMPS OF NEW ZEALA ND , Vol. V The Stamps and Postal History of the Pacific Islands, 1967, HB, very fine .............................................. Est. Cash Value$ 150-200 Ne aught, K.J. THE POSTAGE STAMPS OF NEW ZEALAND, Vol. VII New Zealand Postal History 1820 to 1874, 1988, HB, very fine .............................................................................................. Est. Cash Value $100- 150 TRANSVAAL: Curle/Basden, TRANSVAAL POSTAGE STAMPS, 1940 , HB, fine to ve ry fi ne. Sca rce .................................... ....................... ........................... ..................... ............... .................. Est. Cas h Va lue $150-200 Mathews, Ian B. et al, TRANSVAAL PHILATELY, 1981, HB, fine to very fine ............ Est. Cas h Valu e $75-IO0

417 418 4 19


42 1 422 423 424 425 426 427 428


VICTORIA: Pack, Charles L. VICTORIA - THE HALF-LENGTH PORTRAITS AND THE TWO PENCE QUEEN ENTHRONED, 1923, HB, very fine ................................ ......................... ........... Est. Cas h Valu e $75-IO0 BRITISH EMPIRE BALANCE: Group of 11 HB and 9 SB, incl. Atwood's "Ascension", Hine-Haycock's "Posted in Gibraltar ", Koeppel & Manner's ''India Revenues", Vol. II , Shipman's "North Borneo", Smith's "Rhodesia", Hibbert's "St. Helena", etc., plus 12 auction catls. incl. useful "Name" sales, generally fine to very tine ............................................................................ ................. ..............................Est. Cash Value $200-250 Library balance of 14 HB and over 30 SB/Booklets, plus 12 auction catls., in 2 boxes, incl. Stagg 's "Sudan" , Aquilar & Saunders ' "Cayman Islands", Rodger & Duberal' "Fiji", etc., booklet in mixed condition, fine to very fine ........................................................... ........ .................... ....................... ............ .................. Est. Cash Value $150-200


LOMBARDY-VENETIA : Avi, Dr. H. LOMBARDO-VENETO 1854-1 858, #247 of limited ed. of 1000, HB, Italian and German text on postal use of Revenu e stamps, fine to very fine ............... Est. Cas h Value $ 100-150

43 1

AUSTRIA: Mueller, Edwin HANDBOOK OF AUSTRIA AND LOMBARDY VENETIA CANCELLATIONSON THE ISSUES OF 1859, 1858-59, 1860-61, 1863 AND 1863-64, 1961, HB, German and English text, very fine ....... ............. .................................................... ............................ ........ ........................ ........Est. Cash Value $ 100-150 AUSTRIA: Mueller , Edwin DIE POSTMARKEN VON OESTERREICH, 1950, CCP reprint booklet , very fine ...................... ........... ........................................................................................... ......... .Est. Cash Value $100- 150 Tchilinghirian/Steph enffr anmer, AUSTRIAN POST OFFICES ABROAD, Parts 1-8, 1962 to 1976, SB, fine to very tine ................... ................................................................................................... .Est. Cash Value $400-500 Tchilinghirian/Stephen , AUSTRIAN POST OFFICES ABROAD, Parts 1-7, 1962-67 , photocop y set nicely HB in one vol., gold stamped leather spine, very tine .............. .................................... Est. Cash Value $200-250 Group of 2 HB and 6 booklets , incl. Mueller 's "Handbook of Pre-Stamp Post mark " and "Die Postmarken von Oesterreich", 1927, De Frank booklets in German and Enghsh, etc., mixed condition, fine ..Est. Cash Value$ 100- 150 DENMARK: Schmidt-Anderson , J. THE POSTAGE STAMPS OF DENMARK 1851-1951 , 1951, SB, incl. plates with JO 1854 issue reprints in shades, minor wear , fine .................................... ................ Est. Cash Value $75 FRANCE: Salles, Raymond LA POSTE MARITIME FRAN(:AIS, Vols. I-IX, 1993 Bendon reprints, SB, tine to very tine ....................................................................................................... ................ Est. Cash Value $250-300 Yvert & Tellier CATALOGUE SPECIALISE des TIMBRES de FRANCE, Tome s 1 & 2, 1975- 82, HB, bumped come rs, fine to very fine. Excellent reference .................... .......................... ........Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 Group of 15, incl. 11 SB on var ious subjects, with Yvert Specialized Vol. I, a few general catls., Schatzkes Co ll. auction cat!., most fine to very fine ............................................. ....................................... Est. Cash Value $ 100-150

432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439



GERMAN STATES: Library balance of 4 HB and 18 SB/Booklets, incl. Grobe 's "A ltsuetschland Spez ialKatalog " , 4th Ed., Winkler 's " Handbuch der B aye ri sc hen Postste mpel " , nine sec tion of Miiller /Marks ' ·'AJtdeutschland Unter der Lupe ", mixed condition to very fine . Good starting nucleus fo r German States library ...................... ........... ........... ....... ....................... ......................... ............ ......... .......... .......... Est. Cash Value $ 150-200


GERMAN EAST AFRICA: Pennycuick, A. THE POSTAL HISTORY OF GERMAN EAST AFRICA, 1989, HB, very fine ............. ..................................................................... ........................................ Est. Cash Value $50-75


GERMANY: Bohne , Werner M. GERMAN PHILATELIC SOCIETY REFE RENCE MANUEL OF FORGERIES, looseleaf in seven specialized binders (thro ugh Release #29) plus two empty binders and Index (through Release #30), very fine ............................................................ .............Est. Cash Value $200-250

44 3

Friedmann,AlbertDER POSTWER1ZEICHENUNDENTWERTUNGENDER DEUTSCHEN POSTANSTALTEN IN DEN SCHUTZGEBIETEN UND IM AUSLAND, 1967 (3rd Ed.), looseleaf in 3 specialty gold stamped binders, very fine ............. ........................ ........................................................................ ....Est. Cas h Value $75-100 Friedmann/Whittmann, DIE POSTWERTZEICHEN UND ENTWERTUNGEN DE R DEUTSC HEN POSTANSTALTEN IN DER SCHUTZGEBIETEN UND IN AUSLAND, 1969 (revised ed.), looseleaf in three binders, very fine. The essential work on German Colonies ............................................Est. Cash Value $ 100-150 Group of 4 HB and 14 SB vols. plus two auction catls. in 2 boxes, incl. Grobe 's "Altdeut schland Specz ial



Kata log" (5th Ed .}, Schmidt 's "Pri vate Posts" (Vol. II on ly), Gla sewa ld's "Priv ate Posts", three Borek and 4 Michel catls., German Phila1elic A1las, etc. , mostly fine to very fine ...............................Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 446

Group of 3 HB and 38 SB/Booklets, almost all older titles on min or subjects , very mix ed co ndition to fine ................ ............... .................................................................... .........................................Est. Cash Value $ 100-150


HUNGARY: Ryan, Gary S. THE CANCELLATIONS OF HUNGARIAN POST OFFICES ON THE STAMPS OF AUSTRIA 1850- 67, 1980, HB in slipcase, inscribed by author, very fine. Ex Bloch ..Est. Cash Value $200


Similar lot, HB, without slipcase, #233 of limited ed. of 400, very fine ........................ Est. Cash Value $ 150-200


ICELAND: Jonsson , Jon A. ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF ICELANDIC STAMPS, 1977, HB with ornate binding in slipcase, spine faults at bottom , fine ..................................................................Est. Cash Value $75-100




IT ALY: Diena/Friedl, SIZILIEN - PLATTEN, set of original 36 photoplates on card showing plating of Ferdinand II "Bomba" Head issues of Sicily, in original box (some edge pieces missing), still fine to very fine ....................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-750 Gaggero/Mondolfo , STORIA POSTALE ITAL/A NA - LE COLLETTORIE POSTAL/ def REGN IO D'ITALIA, 1970, HB, very fine ............... .................. ............ ............................................. Est. Cash Value $75- 100 Tchilinghirian/BernardeHi, STAMPS OF ITALY USED ABROAD, Parts 1-6, 1963- 74, boxed SB, last with small spine split, generally fine to very fine. Sca rce .....................................Est. Cash Value $500-750


ITALY AND STATES: Group of 4 HB and 3 SB vols., incl. Dehn 's "Italian Stamp s", Bo laffi's Italian States, 1973, HB and Mixed Franki ng catls., SB, Sasso ne "A nnull ame nte di Sicilia ", #995 , HB, and Ita lian States Cat i,. 197 1, HB , del Bianc o's "A nnulli Marittimi ", SB, and Sicilian postmark cat ls., etc., mostly fine to very fine ............................... ........ ........................................... ..........................................................Est . Cash Value $ 100-150


POLAND: Bojanowicz , M.A. THE KINGDOM OF POLAND, 1979, HB, #28 of limited ed. of 500, very fine .................................................. ....................................................... .....................................Est. Cash Va lue $75-100


Polanski/Rachmanow , DIE POSTWERTZEICHEN UND POSTSTEMPEL VON POLEN IM XVlll UND XIX JAHRHUNDERT, 1935, HB with gold stamped leather binding (faulty), #3 of limited ed. of 300 and signed by Rachmanow, fine ...... .................................................. .......................................Est. Cash Value $75-100 RUSSIA: Skipton/Michalov, POSTAL CENSORSHIP IN IMPERIAL RUSSIA, Vols. I & II, 1989, a new .


Very a11ractive and excellent reference ................................................................... .............Est. Cash Valu e $75-100 457

Tchilinghirian/Stephen, STAMPS OF THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE USED ABROAD, Parts 1-6, 1957-60 , SB, minor spine wear, generally very fine. Important reference .........................................Est. Cash Value $30~00


SPAIN: Ayrivie, Antonio 6 CUARTOS 1850, 1936, HB, fine to very fine ....... .............Est. Cash Value $ 100-150


Fulcher, L.W. CATALOGUE OF THE REVENUE STAMPS OF SPAIN AND COLONIES, 1902, HB, very fine .............................................................................. ............. ......... ............... ........ ........ ...........Est. Cash Value $75- 100


Galvez, Rafaela CATALOGO GALVEZ PRUEBAS Y ENSAYOS DE ESPANA, 1960, HB, fine to very fine. Rar e .................. ................................................................... ..............................................Est. Cash Value $200-2 50


CATALOGO GALVEZ ESPECIALIZADO DE LOS SELLOS DE CORREOS DE ESPANA, 1960, HB, fine to very fine. Sca rce ...................................................................................... ...........................Est. Cash Value $ 100-150 Graus/Soro, FALSOS POSTALES DE ESPANA, 1977, boxed HB, #357 of limited ed. of 1050, plus box of transparencie s, very fine ............................................. ........................................ ...........Est. Cash Value $30~00

462 463

Griebert, Hugo THE STAMPS OF SPAIN 1850-1854, 1919. lovely HB gold stamped full red Morocco binding showing only minor wear, all Plates present, fine to very fine ........ ............ .................. Est. Cash Value $ 150-200


464 465 466 467 468

Koechlin-Schwartz, Ge. P. MARQUES POSTALES ESPAGNOLES du XVIII SJECLE, HB, fine to very fine. Scarce ............................................ .................. ............................................. ........................Est. Cash Value $75- 177 Thebussem, Dr. FRUSLERIAS POSTALES, 1985, HB, leather spine wear and faults, fine to very fine. Quite scarce .............. ............ ........................................... ............ ............ ............... ......................Est. Cash Value $ I00---150 Tort, A. GU/A DELCOLECCIONISTA DE SELLOS DE CORREOS DE ESPANA, Vols. I-ill , 1935 to 1950, HB, original printing , minor spine faults and fading, fine ...... .................................. ....... Est. Cash Value$ 150---200 Librar y balance of 3 HB and over 20 SB/Booklets , plus some journals , most ly fine to very fine ............................. ........................ ................................ .................... .......................... ......... Est. Cash Value $ 100---150

GROSSES HAN DBUCH DES ABSTEMPLUNGEN AUF SWITZERLAND: Andres/Emmengger, SCHWEIZER MARKEN 1843-18 82, 1931, HB, plus set of 21 sheets of postmark overlays, fine to very fine ........... ..................................................... ............................................................................

Est. Cash Value $ 150---200


Columbi/Stadeli/Streiff/Milllet, RAYON I, RAYON II , 1968, 1973, two HB vols., French and German text, fine to very fine ............. ................ ................. ................................ ................. ......... .................... Est. Cash Value $75-100


Jaeggli-Weber , H. DIE SCHEWIZERISCHEN POST UND ENTWERT UNGS-STEMPEL 1843-62, 1920, HB, fine to very fine ......................... ......................... ........................................................... Est. Cash Value $75-100 Schlifer, Richard SWISS LETTER MAIL TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES 1459-1907 , 1995, HB, text in German, very fine. Colo,ful ...................... ....................... ........................... ................. ........... ............ Est. Cash Value $75- 100

47 1 472



ARGENTINA: Del Pont, J.M. EL CORREO MARITIMO EN EL RIO DE LA PLATA, 1913, HB deluxe ¼ leather, very fine ................................................................................................................ Est. Cash Value $ 100-150 Kneitschel , Victor CATOLOGO DE LOS SELLOS POSTALES DE LA REPUBLICA ARGENTINA, Vols. I & II, HB in extra deluxe blue leather with gold stamping , Vol I inscribed by Kneitschel to J. Galvez N. (1960) and by Galvez to Rendon (1974), fau lty bindin gs, still fine to very fine . Rar e ...............Est. Cash Value $ 100---150

........................ ........ ........ ......................................... ................. ........ .......................................... Est. Cash Value $ 100


475 476



479 480 481 482 483 484 485

486 487 488 489 490

Moens, Jean B. TIMBRES DE LA REPUBLIQUE ARGENTINE, 1882, Vols. 1 & 2, modern HB, very fine. Ex E.D. Bacon and Menaker ........................................................... .......................... .....Est. Cash Value $200-250 Group of 6 HB and 13 SB vols., incl. Del Pont's "Sella Postale s" (1902) , Bose's "Ex pedi cion y Recepcion", (1933) and Jew ell's "Men sajeria s Argentinas " ( 1966), all HB in deluxe leather , al so Spowarts' and Del Pont' s "Ri vadav ia's" ( 1923 and 1946 respectively ), Jewell's "Co rriente s" ( 1964) , etc. , some faults on ear ly boo klet s, mo t fine to very fi ne ............. ............................................................................................ .Est. Cash Value $ 150- 200 BOLIVIA: Escalier, Marcos .G. ESTUDIOS POSTALES, no date, Vols. 1-7 of SB photocopies on specialized subjects, MARCAS POST ALES 1770-1900 , 1983 , and EL ESTABLICIENTO DE MATASELLOS POSTALES EN BOLIVIA 1867-1878, 1985, both SB photocopies, fine ...................... Est. Cas h Value $100- 150 Group of 13 SB/booklets , incl. Urquidi ' s "N uevo Compendia de la Historia de Bo livia" ( 1921), Pelaez ' s "Los Condore s" ( 1974), Bonilla Lara 's "Five Studi es" ( 1972) , 1988 Specialized Cati., 2 vols., etc., plus group of clippin gs, fine .............. ...................... ......................................... ....................... ...................Est. Cash Value $75- 100 BRAZIL: Ayres, Paulo CATALOGO DE CARIMBOS (Brasil-Imperio), 1937, HB, #25 of limited ed. of 500, inscribed by Ayres to Col. G.S. F. Napier, very fine . Scarce ............................. ............Est. Cash Value $ 150---200 Similar lot, #130 of limited ed. of 500, partial internal spine separat ion, fine ................ .Est. Cash Value$ l00---150 Napier, G.S.F. THE STAMPS OF THE FIRST ISSUE OF BRAZIL, 1923, HB in modern buckram with Plates in back pocket, very fine ......................................................................... ............Est. Cash Value $200-250 CHILE: Blank , G. CHILE FIRST ISS UES OF POSTAGE STAMPS 1853-1867 , 1989, HB, very fine ............. ........ ......... ............. ......................................................................... .................. ........Est. Cash Valu e $75- 100 Galvez, J. LOS PRJMEROS SELLOS DE CHILE 1853 A 1867, HB, binding worn, fine. Important trilingua l book with outstanding illustrations .................................................. ............................... ..Est. Cash Value $200-250 Haworth , W.B. CHILE - AN OUTLINE OF THE POSTAL ISSUES 1766-1919 , 1919, HB, #13 of Author 's ed. of 50, very fine .................................... .................... ....................................................... Est. Cash Value $75- lO0 Group of 1 HB and 17 SB, plus 2 auction catls. , incl. Mercado/ Jean "Les Timbr es du Chile " ( 1923 , SB) , Walter's "Chile Gill et Lithog raphs of 1854" ( 1923, HB ), works by Krause/P hilippi . Pupp o, Martcorena, Varga Cat ts., etc ., fine ....... ...................................................................... ...................................... Est. Cas h Value $100---150 ECUADOR: Harris/Bargholtz/Paez , ECUADOR POSTAL HISTOR Y AND A LISTING OF PREPHILATELIC POSTMARKS", 1984, HB and SB eds, plus SB Spanish ed., very fine .......................... Est. Cash Value $75- 100 GUATEMALA: Goodman, Roland A. GUATEMALA I & 2, 1969, 1985, 2 vols. HB, plus 6 boo klets on various Guatemalan subje cts, fine to very fine .................................. ......................... .......... .......... Est. Ca h Value$ I00- 150 MEXICO: Chapman, S. THE POSTAGE STAMPS OF MEXICO 1856 TO 1868, HB, #46 of limited ed. of 150, some internal spine splittin g as ofte n, fine to very fine. Scarce ................................ ......... E t. Cash Value $ 150-200 Schatzkes , J. THE CANCELLATIONS OF MEXICO 1856-1874, 1964, HB, #243 of limited ed. of 265, bindin g wear, fine .................. ...... ................................................................. ....... .................. .......... Est. Cash Value$ I 00-150 Stampa, M.C. HISTORIA DEL CORREO EN MEXICO, 1970, HB, inscribed by Stampa to J.H. Beal, fine to very fine .................... ............................... ....................... ................. ..................................... Est. Cash Value $75- 100



PANAMA: DeVoss, Jame s VIA PANAMA, 1978 , HB, limited ed. of 100 , photocop y reproduction of author's International Gold Medal coll., plus Sotheby's auction catl. for sale incl. Prices Realized, very fine ............................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $150-200


PERU: Colareta, Jose PREFILAT ELIA PERVANA, 1772-1 857, 1979, RB, #377 of limited ed. of 1000, very fine ....................... ...............................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $100-150


Lamy/Rinck, PEROU OBLITERATIO NS POSTALES, 1964 (2nd Ed.), #195 of limited ed. of 400, bumped corners, fine to very fine ................................................ .......................................................Est. Cash Value $75-100


URUGUAY : Griebert, Hugo A STUDY OF THE STAMPS OF UR UGUAY, 1910, RB ¼ leather (faulty), fine ...................................... ................................................................... ...................................Est. Cash Value $ 100-150


Lee, E.J. THE POST A GE STAMPS OF UR UGUAY, 1931, HB ¼ leather (some wear), #44 of limited ed. of 200, fine to very fine. Scarce ................. ............................ ................ ..............................Est. Cash Value $250-300


VENEZUELA: Group of 1 HB and 9 SB/Booklets , incl. Brunel's "Emissions Postales du Venezuela" (1931), Ron's "Estampilla s Clasicas" ( I 967), Wichersham 's "Early Stamps" ( 1958), Baiio's "Prefilatelia Yenezolana", etc., fine to very fine ...........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $ 100- 150


Latin American Library balance in 2 boxes, incl. 6 HB and over SOSB/auction catls., good range of titles, mostly fine to very fine ....................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $250-300


MIDDLE EAST: SAUDI-ARABIA: Warin, D.F. THE POST AL ISSUES OF HEJAZ , JEDD AH AN D NEJD , 1927, SB, fine to very fine ......................................................................................... ..........Est. Cash Value $75- 100


Earee , Rev. R.B. THE SPUD PAPERS ; OR NOTES ON PHILA TELIC WEEDS , Nos. 12-42 comp l. in 3 vols. in HB deluxe leather , hub- spin es (little worn ), plu s extras unbound between Nos. 9 and 63, incl. 101 forgeries tipped in, very fine ......................................................................Est. Cas h Value $1,000-1 ,500 Pe1fec 1for compl etion


The same , Nos. 32-63, original articles binding remo ved, group incl. 61 forgeries tipped in, fine. Scarce reference items .................................................................................... ........ ............................... .......Est. Cash Value $300-400


British Philatelic Association, THE WORK OF JE AN de SPERATI , 1955, Vol. 1 Text , Vol. 2 Plates , HB, #188 of Librar y ed. of 500, minor binding wear, stHI very fine ..................................Est. Cash Value $400-500


Group of 6 HB an d 39 SB/Booklets, incl. Chem i's "Yucatan Affair " (1974 Deluxe HB in slipcase), Schloss' " Old Germa n States" and " 19th Century Europ e" (2 HB vols. ), Ohrt's " Handbuch aller bekannten Neud ru cke" (1906, HB), Billig 's booklets on German and Italian State s, bound in 2 vols. plu s 21 unbound from same series (some dupl. ), SB, Aret z's "K now Your Own Stamps" (4), etc., some faults among booklets , fine to very fine ................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $200-250


Brown, Mount CATALOGUE OF BRITISH , COLONIAL AND FOREIGN POSTAGE STAMPS , 1863 (4th Ed.), SB, fragile. Quite scarce ............ ................................................................................. Est. Cash Value $75-100


Collin/Calman, A CATALOGUE FOR ADVANCED COLLECTORS, Vols. A-R, R-Z and Plates, HB in red leather (somewhat worn) with gilt edges, fine ................................. ......................... ....Est. Cash Value $300-400


Higgins & Gage, PRICED CATALOGUE OF POST AL STATIONERY OF THE WORLD , looseleaf in 10 specialized binders, pricing updates marked (with dates) on pages, fine to very fine .....Est. Cash Value $200-250


Mahe, P. N OUVEA U GUIDE-MA NUEL DU COLLECTIONNEUR DE TIMBRES-POSTE , 1865 (3rd Ed.), modern HB, fine. Scarce ............................... .................................................................... Est. Cash Value $ 100- 150 Moens, J.B. ILLU ST RATIO NS OF POSTAGE STAMPS , 169 , mod ern HB , fine to very fine . Sca rce ..................................................................................................................................... .......Est. Ca h Value $ 150-200 CATALOGUE PRI X-CO URANT DE TIMBRES-POST E 1873, 1872-73 (4th Ed.), modern HB, very fine . Sca rce ................................................................... ..............................................................Est. Cash Value $ 100-150

507 508 509

CATALOGUE PRJX -COURANT DE TIMBRES -PO STE, Vol. I Adhesives, Vol. II Entires, 1892 (7th Ed.), HB, very fine. Classic catalogue ...... ........... ................ ....................................................Est. Cash Value $300-400

5 10

Group of 27 HB and over 18 SB, 1870s to 1980s, most notable for earlier catls., incl. Maury 1870 and 1881, Leitzow 1884, Senf 1894, 1909, 19 11, 19 19, Scott' s 1897-98, 1900-04, 1919-20, Thumin 19 12, plus Stanley Gibbons, Societie Franc;:aise, Yve11, Mueller' s "Classic lmperfs" ( 1958), various Kohl Handbook sections , etc., some poor conditions in early vols., fine to very fine ........................................................Est. Cash Value $ 150-200

51 l

The American Philateli st, Vols. I-VI, 1887-92 , incl. unbound Vol. I, #1-5, HB Vols. II-YI (binding faults), journa ls fine to very fine .......................................................................... ........................................Est. Cash Value$ I 00-150


Chile Filatelico, 1936-67 , Nos. 22-184 (plus Index, HB in 10 matching bound vols., plus unbound Nos . 1, 18, 20, 2 1, 12 1-22, 124-28, fine to very fine ................................................... .........................Est. Cash Value $ 100-150



The Collectors Club Philat elist, Vols. 28-40, 1949-61 , HB in 13 red ¼ leather vols. with gold gilt, minor wear, very fine. Ex. Edw in Mueller .......................................... ................ .................................. .Est. Cash Value $150-200 Correo Filatelico , Valencia Filatelico , Vols. 1-V, 1961-71, HB boxed set, gold gilt, very fine .............................. ........ ............................................ ....................... ..................................... Est. Cash Value $75- L00

513 514


The London Philat elist, Vols. 1-39 in 3 boxe s, 1892-1930, all HB in matching gold sta mped red ¼ leather, very fine .............................. ............................................... ...................Est. Cash Value $1,500-2 ,000

The same, Vols. 63-86 in 2 boxes, almost comp!. run incl. HB Vols. 69-83 , unbound vols. 63-68 (missing 7 issues) and 84-86 , plus Indexes (bound and unbound) and Museum Cati. , very fine ........ Est. Cash Value $ 100- 150 Mercury Stamp Journal , Edwin Mueller, Vols. 1-V, 1947-61, Nos. 1-60, HB in 5 blue vols., fine to very fine ...................................................................................................................... ....................Est. Cash Value $250-300

516 517


Moen's Le Timbre Poste, Vols. 1-38, 1863-1900, compl. set in 8 matching vols., HB with blue leather spines (some faults ), plus B.T.K. Smith Index booklet (1926), fine to very fine ... ..Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,500 Scarce ser


The Stamp Collector 's Maga z in e, Vols . 1-6 , 1863-68, HB in 2 vo ls., very fine. Scar ce earl y run ..........................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $250-300


Sta nl ey Gibbon s Monthly Journal , Vols. 1-22 (1890-1914 ) and New Series, Vols. 1-4 (1923-26 ), HB in 12 vols., fine to very fine ................................................................................. .....................Est. Cash Value $300-400 GERMAN RESEARCH JOURNALS: Group of over 40, incl. Arch iv fur Postgeschichre in Bayern, ( 1949-75, HB & SB), Ar chive fur Deutsche Posrgeschichte, ( I 953-57), Deursche Postgeschichte ( 1937-43) , Friedmann 's ·'Berichte fur Briefmark ensammler" ( 1922-30, 16 i sues), etc., fine to very fine ........ .....Est. Cash Value $ 100-150


LATIN AMERICA JOURNALS : Group of well over 100 in 2 boxes, incl. bound runs of Revisra de/ Club Filarelico de Caracas , os. 1-43, Chile Filatelico, os. 169-84 (plus unbound ), unbound runs of Revisra Soc. Filatelico Argentina (betw, 86 and 437 ), £/ Quetzal ( os. 47-125 incl. supp l.), etc. , some faults, fine to very fine ...................................... ............................................... .......................................................Est. Cash Value $ 100-150



American Philat elic Congress , group of 14, compr. HB 1955, 1968-77, SB 195 1, 1953-54 , fine to very fine .......................... .................. ....................... ............................................ ............ .................Est. Cash Va lue $ 150-200


Ascher, Dr. GROSSER GANZSACHEN-KATALOG 1928 , two vols. bound together , in small box, binding in poor condition , page s fine to ve ry fine and much nicer than usual , overall fine. Very scarce ............................................................................................................. .............................Est. Cash Value $250-300 Beckhaus/Krause/Maas, WELT -GANZSAC HEN-KATALOG 1938, HB, binding wear, internal spine separation , fine. Scarce .............................. .......... .............. .............. .............................. ........ ............ ...Est. Cash Value $ 100-150

525 526

Bungerz, Alexander GROS SES LEXJKON DER PHJLATELJE, 1923, HB, usual fragile condition, fine to very fine. Scarce ........................................... ............ ............................. ....................................... Est. Cash Value $75-L00


Collin/Calman, CATALOGUE FOR ADVANCED COLLECTORS , Vols. 1 & 2 (HB) plus boxed vol. of loose Plates, 1901, bindings falling apart, but most text pages sound and Plates intact. Scarce ..Est. Cas h Va lue $ 150-200 Degaast/Frot, LES IND UST RIES GRAPHJQUE, 1934, various SB parts bound in 1 vol., incl. sec tion on paper making and print technique s, with tipped-in examples and incl. some etch ings and printing for the Blind , fine to very fine. Scarce ..................................................................................................... Est. Cash Value $100-1 50


529 530 531

Griffiths, W.H. THE STORY OF AME RJCAN BANK NOTE COMPANY , 1958, HB, 8 double page sprea ds of engraved vignettes, very fine .......................................... ................ .......................... .......... Est. Cash Va lue$ 100-150 Hocking, Charles DICTIO NARY OF DISAS TERS AT SEA D URJNG THE A GE OF STEAM, 1990 (3rd Ed.), HB, Like new. Lloyd's Registry and xce llenr reference ............................................ ............Est. Cash Value $75-100 MacKay, J. (Ed.), INTE RNAT IO NAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF STAM PS , 1970-71, serial publicat ions housed in 6 special red padded binders with go ld stampin g, very fine ....................... .................... .....Est. Cash Value $75- 100


Ridgeway, Robert COLOR STANDARDS AND COLOR NOME NCLA TURE , 1912, HB, with 53 colored plates and 1115 named colors, some wear and front fly leaf loose, still fine......Est. Cash Value $700-800 One of the most importan.t color guides


UNION POST ALE UNJVERSELLE , Nom enclatur e In ternational des Bur eaux de Poste, 1968 , consumate Post Office listing from A to Z in 3 matchin g HB vols. (usual corner bends ), English suppl. , very fine . ........................................................... ................................. ................. .....................Est. Cash Value $500-600 A "have-to" bookforfindin g unknown town cancels 51


MARITIME MAIL AND MARKING S: Group of 16 books and pamphlet s, incl. E. Drechel "N. Ger Lloyd, Bremen ", Vol. I, Hosking ' s "Paquebot Cancellatio ns", Ringstromffester "Private Ship Letter Stamps", Vols. I & II, Hopkin 's "Wreck Covers", Howat's "South American Packets" , Kirk's "P & 0 Lines", Cattell's "Union Castle P.O.", Hurt/Kelly 's "Danube Steam Nav. Co.", plus eight booklets, fine to very fine ......Est. Cash Value $200---250


POSTCARDS: Gro up of 8, incl. Burdick 's "Pioneer Postcards" (SB), Saleh 's "Guide to Artists' Signature s ..." (SB), Bernh ard' s "Bild postkartenkatalog " (HB) , etc. , some faults, fine ............................Est. Cash Value $75-100


Library balance of 24 HB and over 70 SB/Booklets and magazines, incl. Boggs' "Foundation s of Philately ", MacKay's "World of Clas sic Stamps" , Smith 's "Deve lop ment of Rates of Postage ", original ed ., Stone 's "Caribb ea n Neptune " , White 's "Co lors in Philately ", American Philatelic Co ngress ( 1968 , 1970-72) , earl y American Journal of Philately , ot her cla ss ic j o urn als, etc ., so me fa ult s, fine to ve ry fine . Useful lo t ............................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $ 150---200


General Fo reign balance of 65 vols. in 2 boxes, incl. better Holyland , Turkey, Russian area, forger ies, Switzerla nd, etc., conditio n somewhat mixed , generally fine or better .................... .Est. Cash Value $30~00


WORLD-WIDE HANDBOOKS AND BOOKLETS: Group of 10 HB and over 40 SB/Booklets , good range of titles , booklets with various faults , still fine to very fine .................... ..................... Est. Cash Value $30~00


Wor ld- wide Library balan ce in 6 boxes, incl. 22 HB and over 20SB/Loo se leaf vo ls., plus short run s of Collectors Club Philat elist (1968-73, 1988-98) and The Chroni cle ( 1980-96), so me auct ion ca tis . incl. Autographs and Ephemera, looseleaf Gaines U.N. Cati., also "Fundamental s of Philately", etc. , mixed condition but most fine to very fine ........................................ .................................. ......................... Est. Cash Value $ 150-200


Bok er, John R. GE RMAN STATES , H. Kohler , 1985-88 , Sales I-VIII with English translation, HB boxed set, #196 of limited Ed. of 400, plu s PR USS IA, Sales I-III , SB , very fine. Excellent refe rence ........................... ....... .............................................. ......................... .......................... .......Est. Cash Value $400-500

54 1

Similar Lot , the set of 11 auctions complete with Prices Realized plus Preview, SB, some spine fau lts, fine ................................................................................. ..................................................... ......Est. Cash Value $ 150-200


Caspary, Alfred H. H.R. Harmer , New York, 1955-58, the 16 auctions in 3 vols., original house binding , very fine ................................................................... ......................................................................... Est. Cash Value $400


Similar Lot, the 16 auction s with Prices Realized and Prospectus , fine to very fine ..Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 Dale-Lichtenstein, H.R. Harmer , New York, 1968-71, the 11 sa les in 2 vols. , house binding , very fine


......... ........ ............................................. .............. .............................................. ................Est. Cash Value $30~00


1989 -92 , the set of 10 auctions wit h Prices Realized in 2 vo ls ., hou se binding , very fine ....... .............................................. .......... ............ ............................... ........ .............. ..........Est. Cash Value $250-300


The 11 sales, plus Preview, SB, fine to very fine ............ ................................................. Est. Cash Value $ 100---150


Ferrari de la Renotiere, Philippe, M. Gilbert, 1921-25, the 14 auctions with Plates and Prices Realized (also handwritten prices ) in lovely Deluxe Âź leather binding , belonged to F. Fontenez who attended the sales, very fine .. ................................................. ................................................. Est. Cash Value $1,500- 2,000 A choice set of these important sales


Grunin , Louis, UNITE D STATES 1851-57 STAMPS ON COVER, Christie's, 1987-88, 3 catls . with Prices Realized, very fine ................................... ..................................... .........................................Est. Cash Value $50-75


"HELVETICUS ", D. Feldman, 1991-92 , Vols. 1 & 2, HB with Prices Realized and bookmark, very fine. Important sales ................................................... ................. ................................................... Est. Cash Value $50-75


Henry , T. Charlton, Harmer-Rooke, 1960-61 and H.R. Harmer , New York , 1974 to 1990, the 4 sales with Prices Realized, house binding , very fine .................... .................................................... Est. Cash Value $ 125- 175


Hessel, Sidney A., H.R. Harmer, New York, 1975 to 1990, the 6 auctions with Prices Realized , house binding , very fine .............................................................................................................................. Est. Cash Value $ 125-175


Hind, A rthur , Phillip s & Kennett , 1933, H.R. Harmer Ltd. , 1934-35 , the 12 sa les, the 11 Harmer sales in 2 vols. with Index , part leather house binding, the Phillip s U.S. HB, all with Price s Realized , fine to very fine ............ ............................................................. ................................................................. ..Est. Cash Value $400-500


Honolulu Advertiser Collection, THE STAMPS AND POST AL HISTORY OF HAWA II , R.A . Siegel, 1995, boxed set of three SB catls. and Preview with Prices Realized, very fine .............. ........Est. Cash Value $75-100


Ishikawa, Rio, UNITED STATES STAMPS AND COVERS 1847-1869 , Christie 's, 1993, house binding with Price s Realized , very fine .......................................... .................................................. .........Est. Cash Value $50-75


Kanai, Hiroyuki , MAURITIUS, D. Fe ldman , 1993 , delux e boxed set, HB with velour cover and gold gilt stamping, very fine .................................. ............................................. .................................Est. Cash Value $50-75


Klep, Consul , W. Balasse, 1956, SB , with loose photo booklet, fine ...................... .........Est. Cash Value $ 100- 150




Knapp , Edward, PHILATELIC AMERICANA, Parke-Bernet Galleries, Parts I-III , 1941-42 , Parts I & ill HB, fine .................... ............................................ ..................................... ............ ............. Est. Cash Value $100-150 Lilly, Josiah K. , R.A. Siegel, 1967-68 , the 10 auctions with Prices Realized in 2 vols., house binding, very fine .......................... .................................... ............................................................................ Est. Cash Value $250-300 Similar Lot, the 10 auctions with Prices Realized, SB, fine to very fine ........ ....................... Est. Cash Value$ 100 "Mayfair Find ", H.R. Harmer Ltd., 1925, HB with Plates in pocket, fine to very fine ..Est. Cash Value $150-200


Moody, William L., the 4 sales with Price s Realized , HB, very fine ..................... ..........Est. Cash Value $125- 175

562 563

No lot ......... ............ .................................... ..................................... ............... ........... ...................... ...................... ........ Pack, Charles L. , Harmer-Rooke, 1944-49, the 6 sales with Price s Realized , HB in red buckram, very fine .............. ........... ....................................... ......... .......................... ........ .......... ....................... Est. Cash Value $150-200


Ricketts, William R. PHILATELIC LITERATURE , P. Blus s, 1945, HB with loose Prices Realized, fine to very fine


Rothchild Collection , OLD GERM AN STATES , GERMANY AND HELIGOLAND ON ENTIRES, H.R. Harmer Ltd., 1939, SB with Prices Realized, spine faults , fme ..................................... Est. Cash Value $100-150 Seymour , J.B. NINETEENTH CENTURY GREAT BRITAI N, Robson Lowe Ltd., 1951-52, the 6 auctions, HB, very fine .......................... ...................... ......................................... ............................... Est. Cash Value $75-100

558 559

.................... .......... .................................................... .................... .......... .............................. Est. Cash Value $75- 100

566 567


Starr, Maj. Jame s, 'HIDDEN TREASU RES ' PO STAGE STAM PS OF CHINA, Sotheby's, 1991, beautiful boxed set of two HB vols. with Prices Realized, fine to very fine. Spectacular stamps and postal history sale ............ ........ .................................................. ............ .................... ............................... .......Est. Cash Value $150-200

Streeter, Thomas W., AME RICANA, Parke-Bernet , 1966-69, the 7 auctions HB in 7 vols. with Prices Realized, fine to very fine ............................. ......................... ............... ............... Est. Cas h Va lue $750-1,000 Perhaps the finest collection of Americana ever offered


Tows , Ferrars H. , C.E. Pelander , 1948-50 , the 5 auctions with loose Price s Realized, HB, very fine ................... ...................................... ............ .......................... .......... ................................... Est. Cash Value $100-150


AUCTION HOUSE RUNS:Christi e's (Robson Lowe), group of over 100 from 1980 to 1990s in 2 cartons, vast majority New York, few London and Zurich, many " ame" sales incl. American Bank Note Co., "Angel", Gallagher, Grunin, Houser, lsleham, Klein , Paliafito , Robert on, Rorke , Weill (2 HB), etc. , many Prices Realized, fine to very fine ................................... .................................................... .............. ............. Est. Cash Value $200-250 Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries, group of over 250 from 1964 to 1997, incl. Raritie s Sale , many "Name", some Price s Real ized, mostly fine to very fine. Excellent reference ................................. Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 Sotheby Parke Bemet, group of 14 from 1977 to 1981, incl. four Ishikawa sales , 1977 and 198 1 Waterways Packetrnarks , De Voss Via Panama , etc. , 12 with Price Reali zed, fine to very fine ........ Est. Cash Value $100-I 50 U.S. POSTAL HISTORY: Group of over 100 catls. in two cartons, incl. Frajola sales 1-46, 49-58 plus four Net Price cat ls., 19 diff. Hyers , also Christie 's Jarrett , Gibbons Haas, 12 R. Kaufmann incl. Patrick Henry, Hart and G. Kramer ,W. Wyer Railroads , 1977 Sotheby Waterway Packetmarks, D. Beal' s Forts and Sportscolls. , etc., many with Price s Realized. mostly fine to very fine ....................... ................................. .. Est. Cash Value $ 150- 220 U.S. STAMPS AND POSTAL HISTORY: Group of over 90 catls., incl. R. Kaufmann , sales 13, 16, 18-76, 19 diff. Frajola, 14 others incl. 1933 Hind , 1943 Philip B. Philipp and William West, 1963 Burrus , 1991 "Sierra Madre " 1847s and 1991 Joyce Private Dies, etc. , mostly fine to very fine ............. ...... ...Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 Balance of over 30 auction catls, incl. Maxwell Joseph Cape of Good Hope, Glassco British Post Offices Abroad, Adm. Harris, 5 sales, Max Simon, 5 sales, Philip Silver U.S. Airmails (deluxe binding), Duveen Rare Old Postage Stamps (1922), Baron de Worms Cey lon, etc., all HB, plus over 20 SB catls., incl. Rothchild German States (1939), S.D. Brown U.S., Meroni Foreign Postal Histo,y, Livingston China, Schatzkes French Maritim e Mails, etc., some SB faulty, fine to very fine .................................................Est. Cash Value $300-400

571 572 573




FORGERIES AND REPRINTS AN OLD-TIME EUROPEAN REFERENCE COLLECTION OF WORLD -WIDE STAMPS AND COVERS The fo llowing 46 lots contain, in our opini on, superior reference copies of the forger 's artist,y , generally requiring advanced exp ertise fo r detection. For the most part, specific issues and condition have been omitted.

GENERAL FOREIGN 576 577 578 579 580

581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591

BELGIUM: Semi-Postals ; 1928 ORVAL Abbey ovptd. sets, "u ed" and "o.g." ....(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 150 Officials; 1915 ovptd. set, the values to 2fr, "n.h." ..................................................... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $75 FRANCE: 1849-50 Ceres 20c black, corner blk of eight, "used" ...........................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 100 1877-80 le Prussian blue, blk of four, "o.g."....................................... ................. ....(Photo) Est. Ca h Value $ 100 19th and 20th Century, balance of about 100 stampJ, "unused" or "used", incl. Large Numera l 10c and 15c se-tenant pair (2), Prussian blue (3), Le Havre (2), Ile de France lOfr on 90c, Liner Pasteur surch. omitted , various Postage Due, Military "errors", early precancelled , Liberation ovpts, French Legion Souvenir sheet (2), War Tax 10c on cover, etc . ........................ .............................. .................. (Photo) Est. Cash Value $500-750 GERMANY AND AREA, STATES AND COLONIES: Excellent selection of about 65 items, incl. genuine stamps with spurious cancels, ovpts., surchs., etc . ...................... ...................... ...(Photo) Est. Cash Value $300-500 ICELAND: Three distinct examples of the 1 GILDI surcharge , "o.g." ...................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $75 ITALIAN STATES: Sicily ½g r, lgr, 5gr, 50gr, all "used" .....................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 150 ½gr , 50gr,"USED" ......................... ............ ..................... ........................ ....................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $75 Group of about 75 mostly genuine stamps, cancels, ovpts, surch , etc . ...........(Photo) Est. Cash Value $400-500 LUXEMBOURG: 1852 to 1880s, selection of 14 incl. #2 (2), vals. to 5fr and Officials, "unused" or "used" ....................................................................................................... .........................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $75- 100 MEXICO: The district issues, excellent selection of about 35, "unused·' or "used", incl. multiples and 5 bisects or quadrisects on pieces, ...................................... ............. ............................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $300 RUSSIA: Air Post Officials; 1200 ovpts on 2p25, 3p and 50k, the three vals., "o.g." .(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 150 SPAIN : 1850 6c black on thicker paper, blk of nine, "unused" ..............................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 100 1851 Second issue 2r (2), 6r, lOr, "unu ed" or "used" ...............................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 100 19th and 20th Century, remainder of 13 items, "unused" or "used" .......................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 100




592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603

SWITZERLAND: 1846 4r , 6r , horiz. lines, "used" .....................................(Photo )( I L3,4) Est. Cash Va lue $100 1843 Double Geneva 10c, "used" on piece ........................................................ (Photo )(2Ll ) Est. Cash Value $150 1849-50 Vaud Sc, "used" ............................. .............................................. ........(Photo ) (2L6) Est. Cash Value $100 1850 SC, "used" ............................................ ..................................................... .(Photo ) (2L7) Est. Cash Value $100 Similar copy ....................... .................. ...................... ..................................... ........... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $100 1845 Basel Dove 2½ r, "unused" .................................... .................................... (Photo ) (3Ll ) Est. Cash Value $200 A "used" copy .................... ................................... ........................................ ....(Photo)(3Ll ) Est. Cash Value $150 1859 Federal Administration First Issue of two, full framed, "used" .............. (Photo )(l ,2)E t. Cash Value $100 1852 15r vermilion , the three types, "used" .................. .................................(Photo)( l I - I 3)Est. Cash Value$ I 00 The four stamp remainder , "used" ............................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 100 FOREIGN: 19th and 20th Century, balance of over 70 ''unused" or "used", mostly Eastern Europe incl. Albania handstarnped Eagle, Air Post, Czechoslovakia Semis, Russia amd area, etc . ......(Photo) E t. Cash Value $200-300 Remainder of about 40, "unused" or "used", incl. Colombia #C l (2), Belgian Congo, U.S. Pony Express, Canal Zone #3, Chile Officials, Greece and few other Europe, etc., some geniune stamps ....(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $200-400

BRITISH COMMONWEALTH 604 605 606 607 608 609

EGYPT: FOR FOUAD S0pt, "used" on piece ........................................................... (Photo ) Est. Cash Value $ 150 INDIA: 1852 Scinde Dawk ½ a red, "u ed" on piece, incredible embossi ng ............(Photo) Est. Cash Value $200 A very similar copy ......................................... .......................................................... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $200 NEW BRITAIN: 1914 GRI l sh (2), 3sh on New Guinea, lsh , 2sh (2), 3sh on Marshall Island , seven items, "o.g." ..................................................................................................................... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $200-250 STRAITS SETTLEMENT: 1908-11 Edward VII $500, the excellent example(Photo) Est. Cash Value $500-750 Balance of over 50 "unused " or "used, incl. Bu shire, Bri tish Guiana, Egypt, Rhodes ia, Swaz iland , Great Britain, Offices in Turkish Empire, 1893 Provisional invtd surch., six on two small pieces, etc. , some genuine stamps ................................................................. ................... ............................... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $300-500 POST AL HISTORY

610 61 1 612

COLOMBIA: Tolima; 1870 10c, "cance lled" by FRANCO on 1867 folded letter ....(Photo) Est. Ca h Value $250 FRANC E: 1862-71 bistre ''bisect", plus 20c, "tied" on 187 1 folded letter heet... ..(Photo) Est. Cash Value $250 Ballon Monte reproduction , very attractive and intricate version compl. with letter in English, bearing 20c reproductio n in brown and blue, perfect ly intact except for re-address ing ..................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 150



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614 615 616 617 618 619 620 62 1

Group of four covers, compr. two 1870s combination covers, one with additional Peru franking, other with Argentina, also Postage Due 60c ye llow and Great Brita in surface ptd. 4p with Cuba stamp. Very atrractive ....................................... .......................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $300-400 19th Century, balance of five covers and card, compr. 80c quadri sect, the rest multiple or mixed franki ngs ..............................................................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $300-400 1943 "Chambre De Commerce De Saint-Nazaire Front Atlantique" 50c, 2fr stamps withLIBERA TION ovpt., two covers bearing diff. combinations ............................................................... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $100 ITALIAN STATES: ROMAGNA; 2b, pair, "tied" on 1859 folded letter sheet .(Photo)(l) Est. Cash Value $100 TUSCANY: ls , three copie s, plus lq , "tied" on 1852 fo lded letter sheet beari ng forged Diena signature ......................................................................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 150 ITALY: Socialiste and Fascista issues, two covers of each, latter genuine stamps but forged cancels. Quite fas cinating .................... ..................................................... ....................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 MEXICO : Seven district period covers, inc l. one bisect and one quadr isect. Quite excell ent renditi ons ..............................................................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $300-500 VICTORIA: 6p in combination with ew South Wa les 6p , both "tied" on I 859 cover to London ................................................................... .....................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $75 SOUTH AMERICA: Three cover s, bearing respect ively Argentina and Peru bisercts and Ecuador stamps .................................................................................. ....................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 150







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* 623 * 624 * 625 ** 626 *


1915 Wmkd. Wide Crown and Narrow A Ssh yellow & gray, edge of sheet wmk, o.g., very fine. S.G. 30, £500 ...................................................................................................................................................................(Photo )(44) 1915-24 Wmkd. Narrow Crow n and Narrow A l0sh bright pink & gray, o.g., very fine. S.G. 43a , £350 ...................................................................................................................................................................(Photo )(SS) 1931-36 Wmkd. Small Crown and C of A Multiple lOsh pink & gray, o.g., fres h, fine . S.G. 136, £250 .................................................................................................................................................................(Photo )(127) 1932 Bridge Ssh gray green, n.h., gum skips, very fine. S.G. £375+ ...................................................(Photo) (l32 ) 1937-49 Pictorial Coils ½ p to 2p, six diff. vert pairs , l.h. or o.g., S.G. # 184a paste-up , fine to very fine .....................................................................................................................(Photo) (SG 179b,8 la,84a,85a,203a,O5a)

700.00 400.00 325.00 575.00 £496

AUSTRALIAN STATES : 19th Cent ur y, coll. of about 250 mostly diff. on album pages, o.g. to unused or used, comp r . New South Wa les, Queen sland , South Austra lia , Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, incl. slightly better classic items , Postal-Fi scal, Officials, etc., mixed condition to fine to very fine ......................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200

627 * O

EW SOUTH WALES: 1852-55 Imperf Reprinted Laureated Issue 2p blue, Sp blue , Sp yellow sheets of 50, 6p brown sheet of 25 showing vario us error s as in originals , also 3 reprints with forged pmks , generalJy very fine ...........................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $200-300

628 ml


* 631 * 632 * 633 * 634 *


635 0




TASMANIA : 1853 to 1908, coll. of over 100 on pages, unused or u ed, incl. classic issues, various perfs and wmk , postal-fiscals and misc. perf-initialed, mixed condition .........................................Est. Cash Value $200-250 1854 Machine- mad e Paper 9kr blue , Mi . type illb , redistributed o.g., large margins, very fine. Puschmann Cert. ( 1997) and signed A. Brun and others. DM IO00.......................................................................................(Photo )(5e) 1858-59 Perf 14½ 3kr black, type II, small faults, fine appearance. Puschmann Cert. (1997). DM4250 ..(Photo )(?) 3kr, type I, o.g., negligible gum creasing, fine. Foundation Cert. (1970). DM2300 ................................(Photo )(7a) 3kr, o.g., fre h, fine ...................................................................................................................................(Photo )(7a) ewspaper Tax; 1853 Unwmkd. imperf 2kr green , large part o.g., deep fresh color, very fine. Puschmann Cert. (1997). Mi . le, DM3250 .........................................................................................................................(Photo )(PRI )



* 643 ** 642


AZORES: 1868 Imperf lOr yellow, unused, large margin s, top of "A" of ovpt. breaks paper, hand stamp on reverse , brilliant fresh, fine. Signed Houtzamer. Very rare ................... (Front Cover Photo) (2) 13,500.00 BAHAMAS: 1912-19 Mu tt. Crown CA George VI £1 green & black , l.h., extremely fine ..............(Photo )(S6) 250.00 BANGKOK: 1882 Crown CC 96c olive gray, tiby thin spot, perfs in at right. S.G. £2500. Very scarce ...................................................................................................................................................................(Photo )( l0 ) 2,250.00 1883 Provisional 2c on 32c pale red, wid e "E", neatl y caned., usual centering, fine. S.G. £2500 ................................................................................................................................... (Front Cover Photo ) (21) 2,250.00

640 0


1,300.00 1, I 00.00 1,100.00

19th and 20th Century to 1930s, specialized coll. of well over 1000 used on well documented album pages with numerous Michel specialt y not at ions, variety of shades, cancels, perfs , etc., generally fine to very fine. Worth inspecti on ............ .............................................. ..................... ......................................................... ................... 20th Century, coll. of over 250 diff. on hingeless pag es, n.h. , incl. compl. or part sets, Semis incl. B260-67, Air betw. Cl8 and C31, also some back-of-book, fine to very fine .........................................Est. Cash Value $ 150-200


638 639 0


BELGIUM: 1849 Wmkd . Two "L's" Frame d 20c blue, o.g., large margins all round, light creasing, brilliant fresh, fine. DM5000 ....................................................................................................................................(Photo) (2) 2,850.00 1851-54 Unframed Wmk. 40c carmine rose, o.g., enormous margin s showing portion s of adjoining stamps three sides, negligible gum creasing, bright color , very fine. DMSS00...........................(Front Cover Photo )(8) 2,750.00 Semi-Postals; 1928 Orval Abbey Ovptd. set compl., n.h., some with pencil initial on reverse, mixed centering to very fine. DM3500 ....................................................................................................................(Photo )(B69-77 vars.)

644 * O

19th and 20th Century, extensive coll. of over a thousand impeccabl y arranged on quadrilJe pages, earlier generally used, later issues to 1960 mostly l.h., incl. o.g. and used dupl. , shade s, Souvenir sheets, etc. Cat i. about $5000. Well documented and very complete ............................................................. ................ ...... .. 60


646 0 647


648 0 649



BERMUDA: 1874 Provisionals "P" and "R" same type 3p on lsh green, o.g. (hinge remnant), fine. S.G. 13b, £2000 ............................................................................................................... (Front Cover Photo) (12a) 2,100.00 A far rarer sramp rhan generally preceived. We counr only I 3 other unused copies in the seven major Brirish Commonwealrh or Bermuda Collections , including Tucker, Burrus, Ulrich and so on Same, lightly caned., typical centering, fine. S.G . £800 ........... .................................... .......................... (Photo)( l 2a) 1,200.00 BOLIVIA: 1868-69 ine Stars 500c black, unused (regumrned), tiny faults, very fine appearance. Ve,y sca rce ...................................................................................................................................................................(Photo)(l4 ) 475 .00 Eleven Star 500c black, neatly caned., repaired, fine appearance . Rare .................................................(Photo)(l9) 1,750 .00 BRAZIL: 1850 Numeral Issue !Or, 20r, 60r, single and strip of three, plus 1854 !Or blue, four-margined copies and generally very fine, all tied by blue cork cancels on rever se of folded lett er bearing British P.O. RIO DE JANEIRO NO 5 1859 c.d .s., British transit and Frenc h receiver s. Colo,ful franking ...............................................................................................................................................(Photo )(21,22,24(4),37)






~~,~..... ,. ,;

., 649



CA ADA AND PROVINCES CANADA 1852-55 WOVE PAPER 6p slate gray, margins clear to very large except outer frame line barely touched bottom right, bold even-ring cancel, fine ......... ................. ................... ............ ................................. .......(Photo)(5) 1,000.00 1857 ½ prose , mostly large margins all round, lightly ca ned ., very fine .................................. ............. (Photo) (8) 425.00 1868 Laid Paper 3c bright red, neatly caned ., small co rner creasing , fine appeara nce .......... ......... ...... (Photo)(33) 725 .00

650 0 651 0 652 0

* 654 * 655 *

1897 Jubilee $1, $2, $3, $5, o.g. (hinge remnants), small faults, fine or very fine appearance(Photo)(61-63,65) 3,250.00 950.00 $5 olive green, o.g., almost very fine. S.G. £800 .................................................................................... (Photo)(65) Air Post; Error 6c on Sc brown olive, triple surcharge, glazed o.g. , fine .............. ......... .................. (Photo)(C3c) 225.00


19th and 20th Century, many hundred in box, used , co mpr . co ils. in album and ring -binder and acc um . in stockbook and auction lot sheets, etc., incl. Large and Small Queen types with dupl. , a few earlier better items, shade s and cancels, back-of-book incl. Reve nues, few Provinces, mixed condition ....... .. Est. Cas h Value $400-500

656 0

657 * llll



1893 to 1962, coll. of a few hundred on pages in ring-binder, unused, stuck-down , incl. 1897 Jubilee Issue comp!. to $5, many other better items and scarcer booklet panes and coils, 1927 Confederation pairs , imperf and imperf vert., back-of-book incl. Official s, and Registration Sc, mixed condition. Worth careful inspection ..................................................................................... Est. Cash Value $1,500-2 ,000

1897 to 1956, coll. of a few hundred mostly Bileski album, n.h. to unused, incl. Jubilee issue to 50c, Maple Leaf set comp!., Numerals to 20c, other better items or comp!. sets, incl. Admiral to $1 and better shades, coil pairs, Airs, Officials, etc., some faults to much fine to very fine .......Est. Cash Value $1,500+

659 * EB Primarily 20th Century, accum. of a few hundred in small stockbooks, glassines and 1970s auction lot pages in box, unused , incl. better items, blks and Pl. blks of 4, back-of-book , coil , etc. , mo t stuck dow n, faults to very fine .......... ........ ......... .................... ............................................... ...................................... ..Est. Cash Value $300-500 660 * EB 20th Century, accum. of many thousand in stockbooks and glassines, etc., in carton,n.h. to unused, mostly Pl. blks in matched corners, also booklet panes and booklets, blks, Airs, Officials, etc., varying quantities, mixed condition incl.much stained and/or stuck-down , some incl. slightly better not affected and fine to very fine. Careful inspection recommended ............................................................... ..............Es t. Cash Value $500-750

CANADA AND PROVINCES: 19th Century, coll. of over 75 diff. on album pages, o.g. to unused or used, incl. Beaver 3p, CENTS, Large and Small Queen issues, Registration Sc, also Br. Columbia and Vancouver Is., Newfoundland and bits of several others, mixed condition to some very fine ....Est. Cash Value $500-750 662 * O Coll. of well over 100 mostly diff. on pages, used, some o.g. to unused, incl. Large and Small Queen issues, Maple Leaf to I 0c, various Newfoundland imperf and perf issues, misc. New Brun sw ick and Nova Scotia, a few slightly better items , mixed co nditi on to some very fine ................. ................... ............... Est. Cash Value $300-350 NEW BRUNSWICK : Fascinating cover to Newfoundland with almost complete impression of 3p dark red 663 181 (actually gumme d portion of original stamp), bearing MORE TO PAY hand stamp , ms . "V ia Halifax ", St. John ' s AU 6 1855 receiver and various transits on reverse . Ex Dale/Li chtens tein .............................. .(Photo)([(l)]) 664 * EB NEWFOUNDLAND: Air Post; 1921 Halifax 35c red, wide and narrow spacing, with period after "1921", top stamp in blk of four with normal s, o.g.(3)/ part o.g.( 1), very fine. S.G. 148, a, f, £350+ ......... ...(Photo )(C3,a) 661 * O


470 .00+

NOVA SCOTIA 1860-63 Perforated 12 665




le black, vert. strip of three, plus two singles, fine , majority tied on large part of cover to St. Peters bearing PLAISTER-COVE AU 28 1863 c.d.s . on reverse. Interesting method of pay ing the 5c rate ............. ....... (Photo)(8) 2c lilac, perfs cut, tied by oval grid on fragile salmon envelope to Noel and bearing MAITLAND Co. HANTS MR 20 1866 c.d.s. on reverse. Fine example of the very rare 2c drop letter rate ...................................... (Photo)(9)

J/w.frJ!~ ~ 668

) t7wz) rt/J . 1-


Sc blue, shades 667




Sc, CORNER COPY, beautiful deep color, tied by grid on folded letter sheet to Windsor and bear ing JA 9 HAUF AX dispatch on reverse. Lovely position piece ............... .................. .................... .........................(Photo)( I 0) Sc deep blue, few minor perf faults, fine, lightly tied by grid on envelope (missing one back flap) to Wilmot bearing rare numeral "5" in circle and ms. "More to pay", KENTVILLEMY 4 65 c.d.s. and other marking s on reverse ........................ ............. ...................................................................................................................(Photo)( 10) 63



Sc Interprovincial Rate to Canada West; Wolfville, N.S. - Windsor - St. John N.B . - Portland MaineMontreal - Ottawa, Sc, fine, tied on neat enve lope bearing four transits and OTT AWA AP I 9 c.d.s. receiver and ms. "via Portland " on front. Wonde,fu l routing for 5c rate ......................................................................(Photo)(! 0)



Sc deep blue, few perf stains, fine, tied by grid on folded letter sheet (one back flap only) to Cobourg , rare ms. "Land Mail" on front , HALIFAX JA 16 1864 c.d.s. dispatch, Quebec transit and recei ver on reverse ...(Photo) ( I0)



Interprovincial Rate to Prince Edward Island; Sc, very fine, cancelled on bluee nvelope bearing Halifax dispatch and PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND SEP 7 1865 receiver on reverse ................................. ........................ (Photo )(I0)

672 181

Sc deep blue, pair, very fine, tied on re-folded double rate letter to Halifax and bearing KENTVILLE NO 16 1886 dispatch and Halifax receiver on reverse ..................................... .....................................................(Photo) ( lO)



Used to United States; Sc, two copies, perf soiling, fine, tied by grids on envelope to New York bearing NEW GLASGOW JY 10 1865 dispatch c.d.s. and Truro transit on reverse .............. ........... ........... ...................(Photo )(l0)



Sc, pair, light creasing, fine appearance, pen cance lled and tied by grid cance l on fragile envelope to New York bearing BARRINGTON AP 6 1865 dispatch and Halifax transit on reverse ................. ......................... .(Photo)(I0 )



1861-65 Sc, the remainder of six covers, one (dama ged) from Baddeck to Mal agawa tchkt , remaining five from H a li fax to Brid ge town , N ew Gla sgo w , Brid gew ater w ith two cork-ca nce ll ed to Sherbrooke ......................................... ....................................................................... ............................. Est. Cash Value $300-400



10c vermilion, faults, cancelledby pen cross and tied by grid on fragile salmon enve lope to North Beverly , Mass . and beruing red PAID 10 in circle and ms. "pd" , PLAISTER-COVE NO 25 1864 dispatch c.d.s. plus Antigonish and Bathur st transits on reverse. Nice cover ....................... ....................... ................ ............................... (Photo)( 12)

677 181

10c vermilion, used with Sc blue, very fine, both tied on small 1861 Regis. folded letter sheet (tattered back flap) from Wallace to Halifax. Ex Brouse. Quite fresh ....................................................................(Photo) (12,10)


10c, used with Sc, perfs clipped, fine appearance, tied on Regis. folded letter sheet (tears at top) bearing on reverse KENTVILLE QC 10 I 860 dispatch and Halifax receiver. Very rare ninth day of issue cover ...........(Photo) ( 12, 10)


v //a

':,,i}ye z.✓ '



,,. , .,::- = ,,. '




679 0



1857-58 Typographed ½ p lilac on bluish, large part o.g., full to large margins all round, thins, fine appearance . S.G. £3250 ................................................................................................... ..............................................(Photo) ( I5) 4,000.00 CHILE: Officials; 1907 le to Ip compl. set of eight, tied on large Official ARMADA NACIONAL envelope (split and trimmed) by VALPARASIO 23 JUL 07 c.d.s .. ..................................................................(Photo )( O9-16)

68 1 t:. 682







CEYLON: 1857-59 Wmkd. Large Star 4p dull rose, edge of sheet wmk, lightly caned., light creasing, rich color and very fine appearance. S.G. £4500 ............................................................................ (Photo)(S) 4,500.00

CHINA : 19th Century, coll. of well over 150 on pages, o.g. to unused or used, incl. large and small Dragon, surchd. incl. 1897 Revenue types, variety of Treaty Posts, mixed condition with reference items not figured ................................................................................................................................................ Est. Cash Value $750+ Primarily 20th Century, coll. of several hundred on pages in ring-binder , unused or used, generally cheaper stamps, incl. Airs and back-of-book, provinces, Taiwan, People 's Republic , etc., mixed condition with reprints and reference items not figured .......................... ................................. ........................... ...........Est. Cash Value $200-300 COLOMBIA: Air Post; 1923-28 Perf 14x14½ Sc to Sp compl. set, incl. Air Regis. 20c, bottom left corner blks of four, n.h., few usual light bends, very fine ....................................................................(Photo )(C38-50 ,CFI

530 .00+

**83Same, bottom right corner blks of four, n.h., light bends, very fine ....................... ..............(Photo )(C38-50,CFI )





**831966 Painting

1945 to 1990s, the duplicated coll. of several thousand in 30 hingeless albums in 4 cartons n.h. , issues virtually complete incl. dupl. of slightl y better items, many Souvenir sheets , sheetlets, also imperf, monochrome , Airs, Michel listed, etc., additional loose pages, generally very fine. Worth inspection ................................................................................... ..............Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000

* 689 **

set compl. , sheetlets of four , 26 sets in hingeless album and loose pages in box, n.b. , fine to very fine. 1995-96 Mi. DM23 ,400 .................................................. (1435-39) Est. Cash Value $500-1,000


DENMARK: 1864-68 Perf 13 16s olive green, l.h., very fine. DM l0OO..............................................(Photo)(l5 ) 1904-05 Engraved 500 dull violet, 1000 ochre, corner copies, stamps n.h., gum wrinkles, fresh, fine (Photo) (68,69)

690 0

FERNANDO PO: 1899 Imperf 10c on 25c, 15c on 25c green, full to large margins, violet cancels, very fine . Both signed Champion . Scar ce ............. ............... ............................. ................................................................ (42,43)

400 .00 (60.00+) 165.00



692 0

693 0



1849-50 Ceres imperf 20c black on yellowish, margins all round, fine, tied by deep red grid on small folded letter sheet bearing PARIS 1850 c.d.s. and Troyes receiver on reverse ......................................................(Photo)(3)


20c black on white, tete-beche pair, unused, handstamp on reverse, repaired, fine and attractive. FFrs75,000 as o.g ................................................................................................................................... .......................(Photo) (3c) 7,500.00 lfr bright vermilion (vif), outer frame line barely touched one point to large margins, neatly caned., slight thinning s, lovely color, fine. 1997 Ceres 7a, FFrs 135,000 .................................................(Photo)(8a) 17,000.00

1853-60 Empire 10c bistre on yellowish, close to large margins , very fine, tied by neat red dotted star cancel on blue fo lded letter sheet bearing matching red PARIS 7 MARS 54 c.d.s. A lovely f resh and colorful cove r ................................................................. ................................................................ .......................... ........(Photo)( l 4)

695 0

lfr lake on yellowish, mostly large margins all round, lightly caned., filled thins, very fine appearance. 1997 Ceres FFrs25 ,000 .......................................................................................................................................(Photo )(2 1) 3,500.00

696 0

lfr , margins all round, neatly caned., barely noticeab le surface scrap, fine appearance ........................(Photo )(2 1) 3,500.00

697 t:.

1862-71 Perf 14x13½ le olive green on pale green, tied by neat red Paris Star cancel on small piece, very fine. Scarce cance l ......................................................... .................................................. .................................. (Photo) (22)

698 0

1863-70 4c gray, love ly blu e Anc hor in diamond of dots cance l , cance l bare ly bre aks paper , fine .....................................................................................................................................................(Photo page 69)(3 1)

699 t:.

4c, tied by red Pairs Star and Nov. ( 18)70 c.d.s. cancels on small piece , fine. Probably from a Ballon Monte ................................................................................................................................ .....................(Photo page 69)(3 1)


. ........................... .........

.................. ... .. .... .. ................................•..........•••..................


EX685 -






••• ••

•• •••• ••




Used to England; 30c, faults, tied by PARIS 17 NOY 70 c.d.s. and carried by "Le General Uhrich", with complete letter .....................................................................................................................................(34)Est. Cash Value $250


70 l

702 0 703 0


1870-71 , coll. of 27 folded letters or cards on auction lot pages in box, 15 plus diff. incl. a few mixed or multiple frankings, printed Nov. 1870 "LETTRE -JO URNAL" , various local destinations, also to Belgium , Spain , England , Switzerland, some faults though generally fine and varied group . Also two books - "Balloon Post of the Siege of Paris 18708/11/9871" and ''New Studies of the Transport Mails in Wartime France 1870-71 " ...................................................................(Photo)Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500 1870-71 Bordeaux le olive green on pale bluish, margins all round, neat 5102 (Tultscha, Turkey) cancel, very fine .............................................................................................................................................................(Photo)(38) Sc emerald on greenish , full to enormous margins all round , lightly caned., very fine ....................(Photo) (4lb )


704 * 83 1876-78 Type I lfr bronze green on straw, BLOCK OF FOUR, o.g., fresh, very fine. FFrs28,000+ ....................................................................................................... .....................................................(Photo)(76) 4,000.00+

* 706 * 707 *


1877-80 Type II 35c black on yellowish, very l.h. if at all, very fine. FFrs4250 ...................................(Photo)(94) 35c, o.g., tiny perf faults, fine.......................................... .......................................................................... (Photo)(94)

575.00 575.00

1900-29 2fr gray violet & yellow, imperf, very l.h. if at all, large margins, light diagonal crease, fresh, fine. 1997 Ceres 122d, unpr., FFrs l 1,500 as used ............................................................................................. (Photo)(l26 var.)

708 ** 83 1929-33 Engraved 3fr dark gray, Die III, corner date blk of four, n.h. , extremely fine. DM5600+ .......................................................................................................................................................(Photo )(247B) 2,600.00+ 709


Postage Due; 1859-78 40c blue, two copies, very fine, with 10c black , two copies, one damaged , all tied by "4427" in diamond of dots pmks on refolded envelope bearing CAEN 16 JUN 72 c.d.s., Paris receiver on reverse. Royal Cert. (1951). Ex Paul Wolff ........................................................................................(Photo) (J8,3 )

709 68


JJ! ·

· 11 .




... .. ..

... .. .... .


3 . 3. 30 EX701


.. . \ ..·

Jllo/ dl .


...••...••........ .


*6 711 *

1882-92 Perf 14xl3½ 5fr black, o.g., very fine. FFrs20,000 .............................................................(Photo)(J25) 2,100.00


7 12

1893-1941 lfr rose on straw , sheet margin copy , o.g., fre sh, fine. Signed A. Brun and others. FFrs3000 ...................... ....................................... ..................................................................................................... (Photo)(J40) 375,00

*EE lfr,

713 * O



blk of four, n.h.(2)/o.g.(2), one hinged copy tiny thin, fine to very fine. FFrs17,200 ..................... (Photo) (J40) 1,500 .00+

19th Century, accum. of many hundred in numbered glassines and a few stock sheets in box, mostly used, some unused, wide range of classic issues through Peace and Commerce, incl. multiples , shades, report types, cancels, essays, etc., plenty of reference items and mis-identified accounted for, faulty or mixed condition ................................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500+ Coll. of over 60 covers in album, incl. stamp less letter or letter sheets, many franked covers and a variety of markings and issues through Peace and Commerce and a few Postage Due, with single, multiple and mixed franking s, mixed condition, folded-out and displayed in pochettes ............................ ...................................Est. Cash Value $20~ 00

715 * O

1849 to about 1930, coll. of over 200 on album pages, used, some o.g. to unused, incl. Ceres and other classic issues, Postage Due and Telegraph, misc. modern, also Alsace & Lorraine, French Colonies general issues, Monaco, etc., fair number of better items and variety of cancels, faulty or mixed condition to some fine to very fine ...........................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-600

7 16 * O

20th Century, accum. of many hundred in stockbook and glassines in box, l.h. to unused or used, incl. comp !. or part sets, Semis , etc., few Souvenir sheets incl. 1937 Philatelic Exhibition, also some 19th and 20th cent. colonies and Offices, mixed condition .................................................................... ...........Est. Cash Value $200-300



1974 to 1980, coll. of over 115 imperfs in issued colors on pochette cards in box, n.h., incl. premium items, compl. se ts, some Semis and UNESCO issues, very fine. Stated by owner to catl. about FFrs25,000 ..................................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $750 1978 to 1980, coll. of over 65 diff. Epreuves de luxe on pochette pages, n.h., incl. Semis and UNESCO Officials, very fine. Ceres FFrs19,000+ ......................................................................... Est. Cash Value $500-750

718 DP

719 * O

FRANCE AND COLONIES: 19th Century, coll. of many hundred diff. on Scott pages, much used, also o.g. to unused, classic issues with better items, ovptd. or surchd., Offices Abroad, Colonies General Issues and small selections of over 20 colonies, incl. Guadeloupe, Martinique, Monaco, Reunion, St. Pierre & Miquelon, many African colnoies and back-of-book, faulty or mixed condition with reference items not figured. Worth inspection ..................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500

720 * O

20th Century, accum. of a few hundred on pochette pages and stock sheets in box, n.h. to o.g., very few used, mostly France incl. comp!. sets, Semis, etc., misc. colonies with some sets and imperf, generally fine to very fine .............................................................. .............................................................................. Est. Cash Value $150-200

721 * O

REUNION: 1877 to 1950, coll. of over 350 on album pages, vast majority l.h. or o.g., incl. sets, Tax , Airs, Departmental, quite fresh and generally fine to very fine. Sc. $800 .................... ......................... ............................... .



FRENCH COLONIES: General Issues; 1871- 72 Imperf 20c blue on bluish, o.g., mostly large margins all round, very fine. 1998 Ceres FFrs3850 .............................................. ....................................................... (Photo)(l l )


"C OURVOISIER COLLECTION " 19th and 20th Century French Colonies The following sixteen lots comprise a group of closely related collections started by a French colonial family in the early 1900s and basically continued until the Second World War. However, through relatives, rhey did arrange ro subscribe ro a Paris new issue service and also to obrain "France Libre" dir ecr/y, hen ce rhe large number of n.h . stamps. In the ea rly 19 70s, the new issue se rvice was discont inued and the collection was eventually assembled in.tofou r Yvert albums. It should be noted that in earlier days French collectors relied on their own favorite dealers and normally did not obtain signatures or certificates for their stamps . However, we note the signa tures of Tuipin, Kohler, Champion, Marchand , Octave Roumet, Zumstein , Bernichon, Pavoi/le, Cividini, Thiaude, Darryre, Mau,y, Hotz, Their, Carion, Jacquemyns , Silombra, Gilbert, Senf, Marquelet and LeMa ire throughout the collection . There are also many stamps signed by early dealers whose names have passed from living memo,y. In addition, stamps purchas ed in the later stages of the family's activities bear signatures of Brun, Calves, Lesgor, Bloch, Roumet, Diena and Stolow. Stickers have been placed above stamps bearing the signatures of kn.own dealers. Owing to the time period within which this collection was formed, reference material is certainly present. However, there are many colonies which are predominate ly genuine. Therefore, careful inspection is highly recommended. 723 * O

OFFICES ABROAD: 19th Century and 20th Century to 1948, compr. Offices in China, Crete, Egypt and Turkish Empire and their sub-divisions, with Jerusalem Consular, three stamps, two covers, Zanzibar incl. printed on sheet margins of French stamps ...........................Est. Cash Value $5,000-6 ,000

724 * O

FRENCH AFRICA: 19th and 20th Century to 1975, well over 2000 diff. in album with slipcase, few used, extens ive or compl. iss ues of about 25 countries, lar ger selec tion s of Equitorial Africa, Cameroun, Congo incl. Parcel Post, Ivory Coast, Diego Suarez, Gabon, Grand Comoro and Comoro Is., Guinea, Nossi-Be, Senegal .................................................................................Est. Cash Value $15,000+ 70



FRENCH MIDDLE EAST: Primarily 20th Century, well over 2000 diff. in album with slipcase, very few cancelled, compr. extensive or complete colls. of Alaouites, Alexandretta, Algeria, Castellorizo, Cilicia, Fezzan, Lebanon, Latakia, Morocco, Rouad , Syria, Tunisia, incl. many Air Post sets ...........................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $7,500-10,000

726 * O





729 730

FRENCH GUIANA AND ININI: 1866 to 1947, about 300 diff., only one stamp cancelled, Guiana very nearly complete ........................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 FRENCH INDIA: 1892 to 1954, over 250 diff., only three stamps cancelled .........Est. Cash Value $750-1,000



GUADELOUPE: 1884 to 1947, over 250 diff., only five stamps cancelled ..Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 INDO-CHINA: 1889 to 1949, over 400 diff., incl. Annam and Tonkin and Cochin China, only one stamp from each country cancelled .............................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000+

73 1 * O


FRENCH COLONIES: General Issue; 1859 to 1946, over 100 diff ., many four-margined copies ......................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000+

MADAGASCAR : 1889 to 1957, about 400 diff., incl. Yvert listed Parcel Post ...........Est. Cash Value $2,000+


MARTINIQUE: 1886 to 1947 , over 250 diff. , very nearly compl. and only one cancelled .............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500

733 * O

NEW CALEDONIA: 1859 to 1966, over 350 diff ...........................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500

734 * O

REUNION: 1885 to 1974, over 600 diff., very few cancelled ........................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500

735 * O

ST. PIERRE AND MIQUELON: 1885 to 1974, over 500 diff., highly complete .Est. Cash Value $4,000-6,000

736 * O

SOMALI COAST: 1892 to 1975, over 550 diff., incl. Obock and Afars and lssas, variety of bisects tied on smaU piece .....................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000

737 * O

TAHITI: 1882-1903, over 45 diff. of which 21 are Postage Due, ten stamps used, two on small piece .............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500



TOGO: 1914 to 1955, well over 200 diff., incl. British issues ........................Est. Cash Value $1,000- 1,500 71


740 0 741 0 742 0

19th Century, coU. of a few hundred diff. on Scott pages, o.g., part o.g. or used, compr. 10 colonies and Offices in China, Morocco and Turkish Empire, with ovptd. or surchd. issues and Yacht issues unwmkd., some faults and reference, much fine to very fine ...................................Est. Cash Value $1,000

GERMAN EAST AFRICA: 1900 Unwmkd. 3r carmine & slate, DAR-ES-SALAAM cancel s, very fine. DM600 ................................................................................................................... ............................... .....(Photo) (2 I ) 1905-16 Wmkd. Lozenges 60h lake & black, single TANGA cancel, very fine. DM575 .................(Photo) (38)


KIAUCHAU: 1901 Unwmkd. Sm slate & carmine, neatly caned., small thins, very fine appearance. DM1600 ................................................................................................................................. ..................................(Photo) (22)


743 O D. MARSHALL ISLANDS: 1901 Unwmkd. 2m blue, 3m black violet, Sm slate & carmine, each with Jaluit c.d.s., 3111tied on small piece, fine. 3m signed Bothe, Sm Grobe. DM 2275 .......................................... (Photo) (23-) SAMOA: 1900 Unwmkd. Sm slate & carmine, neatly tied by APIA 13. 1.07 pmks on small piece, very fine 744 6 ................................................ ...................................................................................................................(Photo) (69)


25 425 .00

GERMAN STATES BRUNSWICK: 1865 Serpentine Roulette 1/3sgr black, on-the-no e blue c.d .s. cancel, very fine. DM 1000 375.00 ...................................................................................................................................................................(Photo)(23) 4 Signed fine. , thins small few unused, red, /4s ½ 11 Rouletted MECKLEN BURG-SCHWERIN: 1864-67 Calve . DM6700 ........................................ ..................................................................................................(Photo) (4) 2,500.00 4/4s, lightly caned., very fine. Friedl Cert. (1950) and signed by him and Calves. DM4500 .............. (Photo)(4) 2,000.00

745 0 746


74 7 0 748 1:8:1

THURN AND TAXES: 1862-63 lmperf 3sgr bistre, Sheet Margin Strip of Five, margins all round, very fine, on ½sg r stationery envelope, all tied by "44" in target cancels and CASSEL datestamp bearing red Netherlands 186(?) receiver. cert. states "possibly unique". Frey Cert. ( 197 1) and signed Drahn. Mi. 3 1. .................(Photo)(20)

749 1:8:1

1866 Rouletted in Color 2sgr blue, vertical pair and single, very fine, tied on neat Regis. envelope by ZIEGENHAIN 18/6 67 c.d.s. strikes and bearing red "Charge", receiver on reverse. Frey Cert. (1971) and signed by A. Diena. Mi. 49, DM7000 for pair . ....................................................................... (Photo)(31) Ve,y rare

ORTH GERMAN CONFEDERATION: 1869 Perf 13½x 1418kr bistre, neatly caned., reperfed, fine appearance. Signed Bi.ihler.DM4000 ................................................... ...............................................................(Photo) (23) 1.500.00

750 0

751 * O

752 * O

753 * O

GERMANY AND STATES: 19th Century, coll. of several hundred mostly diff. on album pages, used, some o.g., to unused, incl. Small and Large Shield, over 15 states and Heligoland , with larger selections of Baden, Brunswick , Hamburg, Oldenburg , Prussia, Schleswig-Holstein, Wurttemberg , etc., better items, few on sma ll piec e, back-of-book, cut squares, etc. , mixed condition with reference items accounted for. Worth careful inspec rion .................... ........................................ Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500

Coll. of a few hundred diff. on pages , used, some unused or o.g., incl. Germany, Small and Large Shield, sma ll selection s of most States and Alsace-Loraine , some slightly better items and shades, mixed condition though a fair number quite attractive ......................... ...............................................Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 Coll. of severa l hundred diff. on Scott pages , much used , some o.g. to unused , incl. Large and Small Shield, other better items, virtually all the states, Alsace & Lorraine, and Heligoland , faulty or mixed condition with reference item s not figured ......................................... ........................................Est. Cash Value $500-1,000



755 1:8:1

1872 Large Shield 18k bistre, very fine, and lgr , fine, both tied by METZ BAHNHOF 25 2 74 c.d.s. on sma ll envelope bearing German and French transits , red boxed P. D. and BURZET receiver on reverse. DM22,000 . ....................................... ............................................................... ............... (Photo)(26,17) 8,750.00+ Exceedingly rare and auractive Air Post; 1930 Pan-American Flight 4m South America Zeppelin, crease, tied together with Brazilian Condor 3000r and 200r by FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 18.5.30 c.d.s. on flown envelope bearing Condor label, red flight cachet and onboard cancel, Bueno Aires receiver on reverse. very fine. Sieger 57EE ...................... (Photo page 22)(C39)


Jr ,___,,. /




""' --· I


BERLIN: Semi-Postals; 1949 Currency Victims set comp!., neatl y ca ned., very fine. DM 1800 ..........................................................................................................................................................(Photo )(9NB1-3)

756 0

525.00 757 0 Souvenir sheet of three, neatly caned., small selvage faults, very tine appearance. DM7500 ...(Photo)(9NB3a) 2,500.00 758 ** EBGERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC: 1951 Friendship set compl., sheet margin blks of four, stamps n.h., some spots on gum or inclusions, 24pf one stamp faulty, fine to very fine. DM4000 ................(Photo )(82-84) 2,000.00


1872 to 1945, coll. of several hundred diff. in KA-BE album, l.h. to unused or used, incl. Eagle with small and large shield, mostly comp!. sets thereafter incl. better Semis with souvenir sheets, Airs incl. Zeppelin Flights, etc., mixed condition to very tine .......................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500

760 * llll Circa 1920s, accum. of thousand s in over 15 sheet tiles and loose in box, stamps generally n.h. , comp!. and part sheets, plus some coil strips, incl. Air Post and Officials, some selvage faults or sides missing in whole or part, stamps generally fine to very fine. Cati. per Michel sheet listing with no premium figured for shades, plate varieties or selvage markings. Extra portions of sheets and multiple s not figured. Stated by owner to cat!. DM23,000+ .............................................................................................................................. 761 * O

19th and 20th Century, coll. of several thousand mostly diff. in International album , l.h. to unused or sued, some n.h. , wide ranging incl. Colonies and Offices Abroad, Thurn and Taxis, North German Confederation, but mostly Germany incl. Small and Large Shield, high degree of completeness thereafter , incl. Semis and Airs, Souvenir sheets, AUied Zones, Berlin , G.D.R., with comp!. or part sets, better items plus hundreds of dupl. , mixed condition to much tine to very tine. Worth careful inspect ion ........................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $2,000

762 * O

Coll. of many hundred mostl y diff. in 2 albums, used, some n.h. to o.g., incl. States, Danzig , Saar , Memel, etc., Colonies and Offices Abroad, Germany with large and small shield, comp!. or part sets, Semis, Souvenir sheets, Occu. , Michel listed ptgs., slightly better items, etc., mixed condition to very tine ......................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,200-1,500

763 * O

Balance of about 70 items on stock sheets, n.h. to unused , and a couple covers, incl. colonies Yacht mark values, a few states, modern Germany Semis, Berlin , etc., slightly better items, some fauJts,m reference items incl. Bavaria #1 not figured , man y tine to very tine .....................................Est. Cash Value $1,000+


Accum. of over 50 items, almost aJJ Germany pre-WWII and mostly covers, incl. ½g r orange yellow (3a) vert. pair, inflation issues, censored , Semis, mint and used stationery , picture post cards, etc., mixed condition ................................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $150+


765 * O EBPrimarily 20th Century, coll. and accum . of many thousand in albums or ring-binders and loose in carton , n.h. to o.g. and much used , incl. many post-WWII issues, with slightly better items or sets in var ying quantities , Semis, G.D.R., Berlin , Allied and Soviet Zones, booklets , Souvenir sheets, etc., mixed condition to much tine to very fine .......................................................Est. Cash Value $2,000-3,000





768 * O

20th Century, coll. of man y hundred covers neatly mounted in 20 ring-binder s in 3 cartons , generally modern issues incl. cacheted, unaddressed FDCs with Semis, Souvenirs , sets, etc., commercial mail with better frankings , maximum cards, mint and some used stationery, special events, Berlin , G.D.R. and Occu., Aerophilately incl. U.S. with German theme s, also covers of the world in one volume, clean and well annotated , generally tine to very tine ...............................................Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 Accum. of several hundred covers in box, mostly Germany with better post-WWII issues incl. Semis and G.D.R., also some Third Reich and WWI Occu., mint and used stationery, mixed condition. Worth careful inspecrion ......................................... .............................................................................. Est. Cash Value $500-1,000 Coll. of many hundred in 2 hingeles s albums, n.h. to unused or used, incl. Germany back-of-book, WW I and II Occu. with Bohemia and Moravia, Luxembourg, Poland General Government, Allenstein, Marienwerder, Upper Silesia, Saar, etc., comp!. or part et and mint and used dupl., some faults though generally fine to very fine ......................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value 250-350

769 * 0 83Accum. of many hundred on pochette pages and stock sheets in box, n.h. to unused , ome u ed, mo tly Germany incl. Third Reich with comp!. or part sets, blks, Semis, se-tenant and tete-beche incl. gutters between, Revenues, Occu. and Souvenir sheets, also G.D.R., some Danzig and Saar, etc., mixed condition to very fine ............................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $250-350 74

DM 2.40

DM 1.2 0


.........••.•.• .•....•••..•....


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* 779 * 780 ** 778

78 1




783 0

1883 Wmkd. Anchor 2sh6p mac on bluish paper, o.g., tiny faults, fine appearance. S.G. 175, £2500 .(Photo )(96a) 1,600.00 1840 to 1892, coll. of about 75 diff. on album pages, mostly used, few unused, incl. early engraved and surface printed, few revenues, also a fair number of cut squares, mixed condition ...................... .Est. Cash Value $300-500 1940 to 1953 , group of six Fir s t Day covers compr . compl. sets , ge nera ll y fine to ve ry fin e ........................................................................... ...(252-57,64,67,71-74,76-79,90,91,3 13-16) Est. Cash Value $ 100+ 1948 Silver Wedding set compl., very fine, tied by FOLKSTO NE KENT 26 AP 48 First Day cancels on large Regis. envelope (tears) to Canada, appropriately backstamped . S.G. £350 ........................ .............(Photo) (267,268) 1952-54 Elizabeth set compl., fine to very fine, tied by First Day cancels on five covers and a sixth prnkd. 8 MR 54 (3 Regis.) all to Canada. S.G. £300 .............. ................................................................................................ (292-308) 1953 to 1962 , small group of printing varieties on retail pochette pages, n.h. to o.g., incl. thi stle flaw, broke n wreat h, double fra me line, broke n diadem , etc., so me in multiples with normals, fine to very fine ................................. ................................ ................................. (betw. 3 16 and 388 vars.) Est. Cash Value $ 100-150 1955 Set of four , £1 rounded corner perf, fine to very fine , tied by HYTHE KENT I SP 55 or 23 SP 55 First Day cancels on two Regis. envelopes (edge faults) to Canada, appropriate backstarnps. S.G. £750 ........ (Photo) (309-12)

HONDURAS: Air Post ; circa 1930s, group of over 125 in glassines and Behr auction lot sheets, l.h. to unused, few used, compr. overprinted and/or surcharged types, mostly Sanabria listed with varieties, some unlisted , wide ranging and many multiples , few small faults to fine to very fine ........... Est. Cash Value $500+

HONGKONG 1891 Jubilee 2c carmine, space between "o" and "n" of ''Hong", traces of o.g., negligible faults, fine appearance. SG 51f, £1500 ......... ............... .................... .............................................................................................. (Photo)( 66e) 1938-48 George VI, $1 to $10 compl. , 1.h. or o.g., #166 yellowish gum, fine to very fine .........(Photo) ( l 63-66A)


1948 Silver Wedding set compl. , n.h., few tiny inclusions, very fine. S.G. £327 ......................... (Photo )(l 78, l79 )


Comp!. set, o.g.,very fine .......................................................................................................... .......(Photo) ( 178, 179)


Circa 1973 Elizabeth 20c to $20, 25 stamps , 10 diff., n.h., fine to very fine ................... Est. Ca h Value $75-100 1863 to 1896, small coll. on two pages, used, incl. surchd. and Treaty Port cancels, Some small faults, generally fine ............. ............................................................................................................................... Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 Primarily 19th Century , duplicated coll. of over 200 on pages, mostly used, some o.g., incl. classic issues, surchd. types, postal fiscals and other better items, Treaty Port cancels, etc., mixed condition. Worth inspection ................................................................................... ......................................... ..........Est. Cash Value $750-1,000







DUTTIA: 1899-1900 4a on rose red, sheet margin copy, plus 1917 la blue, both tied by DUTTIA arched cancel on folded native envelope bearing large seal on interior. S.G. 20. Attractive and rare combination ................................ ............................... ........................................ .............................. ................ (Photo)( 18, old #30)



NOWANUGGUR: 1877 lp dull blue, cancelled by "26" in circle on trimmed India ½a blue stationery bearing JETPUR KATHIAWAR MAY 12 c.d.s. and RAJKOT rece iver on reverse ............................... ............... (Photo) ( !)



1877-88 2d black on green, frame lines almost intact, blue cancel, tied by sl prnk on small native cover. Rare .............. ......................... ..............................................................................................................................(Photo) (4)



1893 Perf 12 lp black, very fine , tied by c.d .s. and lined- cance l on nati ve strin g- tied envelope be aring POSTAGE DUE ONE ANNA and FIRSTDELA DEOLI APR I c.d.s. on reverse. Rare ......................... (Photo) (?)

INDIAN STATES JIND: Officials; 1937-42 George VI Ir to lOr compl. , n.h. , I r inclu sion, very fin e. S.G . 06 9-72 , £30 8 ....................................... ........................................ ................................................................. ...........(Photo )(O58-61)




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FCJLKESTONE Gem of the KentishCoast




ISRAEL: 1948 to 1988, coll. of over 650 covers neatly mounted on pages in 10 ring-binders plus literature in 2 cartons, mostly cacheted, unaddressed FDCs with full tabs, Souvenir sheets and sheetlets, special events, etc., literature incl. The Holyland Philatelist, Vols. 1-22, 1949-7 1, reprinted edit ions bound in 11 vol . with indexes, also o lder cata log ues , etc ., inc l. Bale , Ma sden , Ger shon 's Simon 's oth ers , ge nera lly fine to ve ry fine ............................................... .............................................................................................Et . Cash Value $ 150-200 1948 to 1954 , coll. of about 85 diff. full tab copie s on album pages, use d, incl. Fir t Coins to 50m , Flying Scroll , 1949 New Year , 1950 Independen ce Day, Men ora h, 1950 Air Post, etc ., fine to very fine ........................................ ...........................................................(betw, 83,C 1-6,C I 6,etc.) Est. Cash Value $350-450


79 1 0


From 1949, accum. of several thousand in envelopes, etc., plus coll. of a few hundred in 2 stockbooks in box, **IHI





vast majority n.h., FDCs and mint stationery, coll. with many full tab compl. sets,, Souvenir sheets, etc., generally fine to very fine .............. ................................. .................................................... ...............Est. Cash Value $250-3 50 1949 to 1954, selection of 34 diff. with full tabs on album pages, n.h., comp !. sets incl. 1952 Menorah, generally fine to very fine. Sc. $415 ......................... ................................................................................. (betw . 15 and 83,etc.)

ITALIAN STA TES: PARMA; 1852 Imperf 25c black on violet, unu ed, margins all round, very fine. Fiecchi Cert. ( 1976). Sass. L5,000,000 .................................................................................................................... (Photo )(4) 1,600.00 ROMAN STATES: 1852 Typographed Sb black, right diagonal half used as 4b, used with lb (faulty), both tied by diamond grid ca nce ls on small piece , fin e. Raybaudi Cert. (1998) and signed by him . Sass. 9, 2a , L2,500,000 ............................................ ........................................................ ..........................................(Photo) (9a,2)

795 t:.

TUSCANY: 1851-52 Wmkd. Crown in the Sheet 60cr red, repaired , fine appearance . Raybaudi Cert. (1998) ............................................................................................................................... ......................................(Photo)(9) 16,000.00 IT ALY: 1879 Perf 14 30c brown, lightly caned., negligible perf faults, fine. Signed Senf. 1996 Sass. L3,000,000 .................................................................................... ...............................................................................(Photo) (49) 1, 100.00

796 0 797 0 798




ITALY AND AREA : 19th Century, coll. ofa few hundred diff. on Scott pages, o.g. to unused or used, incl.the States, Italy classic issues and back-of-book with Offices Abroad general issues, Eritrea and San Marino , faulty or mixed condition with reference items not figured, some fine to very fine ................ ........Est. Cash Value $400-600 ITALY AND STATES: 19th Century, coll. of about 200 mostly diff. on album pages, used, some o.g. to unused, classic issues and Italy with Postage Due and Parcel Post, states compr. Modena, Parma, Romagna Roman States , Sardinia , Tuscany, Two Sicilies, also Lombardy-Venetia, wide ranging and some better items, shades, etc., mixed condition though fair number of four-margin copies ......Est. Cash Value $600-800




KENYA, UGANDA, TANZANIA: Revenues ; circa 1965 background of violet diagonal lines 9sh, 13sh, 20sh, **IHI

JAPAN: 1950-52 Unwmkd. lOy carmine lake, l.h., very fine. Sc. $400 as n.h . ..............................(Photo)(521A) 20th Century, accum. in 2 sheet files, n.h. to ungummed , few used, incl. Souvenir sheets, some with covers, 80 1 *OIHI 1940s compl. sheets incl. Regular Issues, shades, Revenues, etc., some faults though much fine to very fine ..........................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-750 30sh, 50sh, ovptd. MSA 02, sheets of 100, n.h., offset on reverse of a few stamps and folded once horiz., fine to very fine .......................................... ....................................................................................Est. Cash Value $400-500 LATVIA: Air Post; 1932 Third South American Flight, post card with five adhesives, tied by RIGA 2 14 IV 32 c.d.s. strikes, brown flight cachet, red Berlin connector and Rec ife Brazil receiver all on front, very fine. Sieger 150B Early flighr for rhis counr,y ........................ ............. ...............................................................................(Photo)




LIECHTENSTEIN: To about 1980, coll. and accum. of many hundred on pages in ring-binder, n.h. to o.g. or *OEB

used, incl. many compl. sets and blks of 4, Airs and back-of-book , Souvenir sheets, mint and used duplicates with a goodly portion n.h., generally fine to very fine ...................................................... .Est. Cash Value $750+ LUXEM BO URG: 1852 Wmkd. " W " l sg brown red , redistributed toned o.g. , large margins, fine. Roya l Cert.( 1997). DM4200 ............... ............................................................................... ........................ .......... (Photo )(2a) I , I 00.00





807 0



8 10


1852 to 1882, selection of of 36 mostly used Regular Issues and 13 mostly o.g. Official s, condition generally well above average, man y better values. Catls. $3400 for Regular Issues plu s 04, 07, DM3000 for rem ai ning Officials ................................................................................................................... .........Est . Cas h Value $500-60 0 1875-79 Luxembourg Print 10c lilac, imperf , good to lar ge margin s, lightly caned., small thin and Light creasing, very fine appearance ........................................ .............................. ........................................ ..................(Photo )(33c) 2,200.00

1852 to 1975, coll. of about 800 diff. in hingeless album, n.h. to o.g., high degree of completeness with many compl. sets, Souvenir sheets, Semis, Airs and back-of-book , fair number of n.h. sets, clean and generally fine to very fine. Owner 's 1998 Sc. about $4500 ............................................................................. .

MONAC O: 20th Century, stock of several hundred in pochette cards, etc., in box, vast majority n.h., balance **EB


8 11 0

l.h. or o.g., mostly modern compl. set incl. Air Post and A.P. Semis, a few Souvenir sheets, later issues 10 of each, generally very fine ......................................... ..................................................... ......Est. Cash Value $200-300 NETHERLANDS WEST INDIES: Correspondence; 1829 to 1841, coll. of 14 covers and 37 letters, the majority from the Java area, incl. three bearing blue BA TA VIA ONGEFRA KEED ovals and one ZEEB RIEF 0 GEFRANKEED, remainder local island usages, incl. translated recap of correspondence. Ve,y rare and specialized ........................................ ................................................ ........... ...................Est. Cash Value $500-1,00 0 NEW ZEALAND: 1857-61 Unwmkd. white paper 6p brown, sheet margin copy, margins clear to large other sides, light grid cancel, almost very fine. S.G. ÂŁ300 ......................................................................... (Photo)(9) 78


812 t.!Iil

Officials; 1911-14 £1 rose, BLOCK OF TWE NTY-FIVE, plus STRIP OF FIVE , all tied on 8¼" x 7" piece by Wellington N.Z. straight-line cancel s, brilliant color and fre sh, extr emely fine. S.G.O72a , £15,000+ .........................................................................................................................................(Photo )(O40) Probably no larger used block exists. This p iece is p e1fec tf or exhibition.


813 0

NORWAY: 1855 Wmkd. Lion 4s blue, large margins, lightly caned., extremely fine. DM250 .........(Photo)(l )



4s, margins all round, large three sides, fine, ju st tied by 12-bar grid on folded letter (back flaps partly trimmed) prnkd by blue CHRISTIANIA 19 7 1855 to Aurdal ...................... ................. ................. ....................... ....(Photo)(!)



1909-10 Die B, comp!. set of three, o.g. (hinge remnants), I k hand starnps on reverse , generally fine to very fine ................ .................. ..................................... .............................................................. .. (67-69) Est. Ca h Va lue $ 125



Postal Stationery; 19th and 20th Century, coll. of over 180 items neatly mounted in 3 ring-binders, mostly mint , incl. postal cards, reply and letter cards , Offi cials, etc., ge nerally very fine ............ Est. Cash Value $200- 250

8 17


PARAGUAY: 1870 2r blue, margins all round, fine, tied by circular cancel and bearin g BUENOS AIRES ABR 12 1879 transit c.d.s. and two Italian Postage Due stamp s tied by Rome c.d.s. cance l. Very nice combination cover ..................................................................................................................................................................... (Photo)(2)



POLAND: Air Post; 1932 Fourth South American Flight, Regis. 15g Postal card with 20g First Air Post plus 45g, two blks of four, on reverse, all tied by Warsaw 14 IV 32 c.d.s . strikes, brown flight and red Berlin co nnecto r cachets, Pernarnbuco receiver on reverse . Sieger 157B. Early flight .............................................. (Photo)


505 .00

819 * ll'il Local Post; Luboml 1918 Sh to 50h, set of five, 10 sets in blks or strips, o.g. with offset on gum, few faulty, rest generally fine to very fine. DM 1250 ..................................................................... .............. ................................. .. 820 * el

Sh, 25h, S0h, tete-beche blks of four, o.g. with offse t on gum, fine to very fine. DM600 ............................ (Photo)

82 1 * O eJ PORTUGAL: 20th Century, coll. of many hundred diff. plus dupl. on pages in ring-binder, fair number n.h., balance o.g. or used, incl. better comp!. sets, few Souvenir sheets and blks of 4, generally fine to very fine ................................................................................................................................. .........Est. Cash Value $750+ 822 * llil

1924 Anniversary, many hundred in box, var ious deno minations incl. 80c, 96c , 2.40e, 3e, 3.20e, a few lOe, curled sheets or blks , fair number stuck, some salvageab le, mixed condition .............. .....Est. Cash Value$ I 00-150

823 * O

PORTUGAL AND COLONIES: 19th Century, coll. of several hundred diff. on Scott pages, much used, also o.g. to unused, incl. slightly better or scarcer items, variable selections from about 20 colonies, faulty or mixed condition with reference and reprints accounted for .................................... Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000

824 * O

Coll. of about 150 diff. on album pages, unused or used , va lue most ly in class ic is ues with some slightl y better items, also ovptd. or surchd . type s, colonie s co mpr . Azores and Timor , mixed cond ition to fine to very fine ............................................................................................ ........ ...................................... ..Est. Ca h Value $400-600

* 826 * 827 * 828 * 829 * 830 * 831 *

RUSSIA: Semi-Postal; 1922 Child Welfare lk orange , l.h. , handsta mps on reve rse, extremely fine .................... ............................................................................................................................................ (Photo)(B24)


ST. HELENA: 1922-27 Script Badge of the Colony !Ssh violet & black on bluish, o.g., light crease, well centered, fine ............................. ..................... ......... ........................................ ............. .............................(Photo)(94)


SAMOA: 1914-25 Postal Fiscal £2 violet, sheet margin copy, l.h., brilliant fresh, fine .................... (Photo)( l 26)




SCHLESWIG: 1920 2½ pf to 10m comp!. set, o.g. (hinge remnants), 10m corner perf crease, handstamps on reverse, mixed centering to very fine. DMS000 ........................................... .................................... (Photo)(0l-14 ) 1,955.00 SIBERIA : 1921 Unwmkd. 20k on Sr indigo, green & light blue, l.h., handstamp on reverse, very fine. Mi. 15, DM2500 ....................................................................................................................... .......................(Photo)(62)


SPAIN: 1878 Typographed l0p blue, o.g., very fine. DM700 .................. ......................................... (Photo)(241)


20th Century, coll. of a few hundred on album pages, etc., mostly n.h., balance o.g., mo tly 1960s and 1970s, ome earlier and misc . colonies, genera lly fine to very fine ....................... .............. ............... Est. Cas h Va lue $150 +


STELLALAND: 1885 Handstamped "Twee" 2p on 4p gray, o.g. (hinge remnant ), small thin, fine. Signed Champion. S.G. £3500 .................................................................................. (Front Cover Photo) (6) 3,750.00

833 0

SWEDE : 1855 Unwmkd. perf 14 3s blue green, lightly caned., small thin not mentioned in cert., few shorter perfs, fine appearance. Royal Cert. (1997) and signed Calves. DM8000 ............................................. (Photo)( l ) 2,750.00

834 0

6s gray, on-the-nose Stockholm cancel, negligible toning not mentioned in cert., few shorter perfs, fine appearance. Royal Cert . (1997) . DM2200 ........................................... ............................................................................ (Photo) (3)

835 0

24s dull red, c.d.s. cance l, reperfed, fine appearan ce. DM400 0 .................................. .................... ........... (Photo )(5) 1,500.00

836 * llil

925 .00

Reprints 4s light blu e, 6s lilac , pane s of nine, o.g., a few light tome spots mostly on re verse, fre sh, fine to ver y fine. Ex Caroe ........................ ................ ................................. ............ ........... (Front Cove r Photo )(2,3R) 6,750.00+


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1854 lOr blue, diagonal bisect and lSr red , margin s or just touched, tied by grid cancels on torn envelope bearin g VERNEX 16 MARS 55 c.d.s., Geneva recei ver on r eve rse. Zurn. SFrsl0,000, Mi. 3H , DM12,000 ..........................................................................................................................................(Photo )(16)


Very rare


1854-55 20r pale orange bisect in combination with lOr blue, cut-in, tied by boxed KRIENS cancel on Regis. folded letter sheet and bearing red ms. 100, blue BEZIRKSGERICHTS KRIENS MALTERS handstamp and Luzern transit, MUNSTER 13 FEB 62 receiver on reverse. Zurn. SF25,000, Mi. 16H, DM30,000+ ...........................................................................................................................(Photo)(45 var.,44)


A rare comb ination of postal charges comprising 5c postage with 5c Registration and JOc collection fees

1910-17 First Redrawing Sc green, tete-beche pair, n.h., very fine. Mi. KSII, DMSSO................(Photo)( 152a)

839 **

840 * O

84 1 * O

Primarily 20th Century, stock of many hundred in stockbook, mostly used, some l.h. to unused, mostly Helvetia imperf and perf and Numeral issue s, various ptgs, perf and wmkd. types, identified by Zumstein numbers, mixed condition ........................................................................ Est. Cash Value $1,000+

Coll. and accum. of several hundred on pages and stock sheets, incl. Numeral and Standing Helvetia types, wove and granite papers, wmk and perf vars., etc., some earlier issues incl. reference and Postage Due, mixed condition ................................................................................... ......................................................... Est. Cash Value $200--400

842 * O



19th and 20th Century, coll. and accum. of a few thousand in album and stockbooks or loose pages, etc., in box, n.h. to unused or used, wide ranging and portions somewhat specialized with shades , cancel s, perf vars., etc., also Semis incl. a few Souvenir sheets, Postage Due and other back-of-book, mixed condition to much fine to very fine ............................................... ........Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,500

Accum. of about 400 covers in box, incl. a few stampless and early slightly better frankings , much common co mm erc ial mai l, so me Semis in cl. #B 130, and Airs , stat io nery, e tc ., mi xe d cond iti o n to very fine ............................................................................ ............................................... .................Est. Cash Value $400-600


844 * O

1882 to 1907, coll. of over 200 on pages, l.h. to unused or used, neatly arranged and identified by Zumstein numbers, various perfs and wmks, mixed condition to very fine ...............................Est. Cash Value $500-750

845 * O

20th Century, coll. and accum. of a few hundred on pages in album, stockbook and loose in box, n.h. to o.g. or used, compr. tete-beche or se-tenant pairs, some larger multiples incl. blks, also the same with gutters punched, perforated or zigzag lines, incl. Wm. Tell, surchd. types, Semis, etc., also about 15 covers and a few fronts, some small faults though overall fine to very fine ....................................Est. Cash Value $500-750




MAGNIFICENT "NUMBER ONE" COVER 1863 20 para s, Second Printing , TETE-BECHE PAIR , extremely fine, tied by BATTAL cancellations on neat blue envelope (light crease ) addressed to Filibe. Isfila Cert. (1997). Burak 3T, Mi. 11-1 .................................................................................................................................. (Front Cover Photo ) (la ) Extremely rare assuming any other example even exists



URUGUAY: 1859 Thin Numerals 80c orange, unused , large even margin s, very fine. Signed A. Brun ................................................................................................................................................................... (Photo)(8a)



Air Post; Two diff. covers, one from 1930 Pan-American flight, other 1932 Zeppelin Condor flight, variety offranki ngs to Spain and Germany respectively, fine to very fine ................... .........................Est. Cash Value $100

849 **

VATICAN CITY: 1933 Engraved Sc to 20L compl. set, incl. Special Delivery, n.h., 2L light creasing, fine to very fine. DM600.........................................................................................................................(Photo)( l 9-34,E3,4)


1934 Provisional set compl., o.g. (hinge remnant), 3.70L tiny thin spot, fine to very fine. DM2700.(Photo) (35-40)

916. 10






VENEZUELA: Steamship Post; LaGuaira 1866-67 2c yellow orange, tied by MAYO 9 (l 966) c.d.s. on blue folded letter sheet to Bordeaux. Mi. 20lla ........................................................................................................(Photo)




;i .. •




~t•t ...


•.. •4

~~! 83

COLLECTIONS AND VARIOUS BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AND FOREIGN 852 1,181 19th Century, balance of about 40 items, incl. stample ss cover and fronts , franked cove rs or u ed on piece, with France , Italy and area incl. Italian printed 1849 tariff dec laration, German States, Austria , Alsace-Lorraine , Briti sh Hondura s bisect signed Holco mbe, etc., faulty or mixed condition ....................... Est. Cash Value $ 150-250 853 181

TRANS-ATLANTIC COVERS: Group of about 100 mostly stampless in cover album and loose in box, many from Great Britain incl. several franked by lsh green, Germany, France, also Madeira, Beyrout, Penang, a few Maritime and cross-border , generally fine to very fine. Great variety .............. Est. Cash Value $500-750+

854 * 0

19th and 20th Century, coll. and accum. of several thousand in a dozen albums or ring-binders and loose in carton, mostly used, some o.g., wide ranging incl. much Europe, Great Britain and British Europe, Austria, Belgium, France, Netherlands, Scandinavia , etc., some covers and misc. U.S., slightly better items, etc., mixed condition ..............................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000

855 * 0llil Water-damaged propert y as received, thousand s in carton and 3 boxes, compr. stamps and covers, many countries, incl. United States, scattered slightly better items , faulty or mixed condition ............................................................ ................... ........................................................Est. Cash Value $500-1 ,000 856 181

Accum. of well over 200 covers in ring-binder and loose in box, random selec tion with commerc ial mail, flights incl. France , Great Brit ain and Canada , FDCs , mint and used stationery, many countries with Briti sh areas , Latin Amer ica, Asia , Europe , mixed co ndition to much fine to very fine ...................................Est. Cas h Value $300-500

857 * 0

Balance of a property, many hundred in glassines, etc., and loose in box, unused or used, wide ranging with much 19th cent. , primaril y British areas, Europe and Latin America , incl. Italian and German States , etc. , Cambodia Epreuves de luxe in 2 booklets , much reference and a few cove rs, mixed condi tion ........ Est. Cash Value $300--500

858 * 0181Primaril y 20th Century , coll. and accum. of several thousand in 2 Specialty album s, seve ral small stockbooks, glassines and loose in 2 boxes, n.h. to unused, some used, mostly British areas and many countries incl. Great Britain and Br. Europe, Middle East and Asia, Oceania incl. Australia and New Zealand, Africa, a little Hong Kong, also Latin America and Europe incl. Spain, some covers and picture post cards, coml. or part sets, mixed condition to much fine to very fine ....Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,500 859 * 0 llil Balance of several thousand in albums and glassines, etc., in carton, n.h. to unused, some used, incl. coils, of United Nations with 10th Anniversary Souvenir sheet, Iraq, Egypt and Liberia with comp!. sets, Souvenir sheets, perf and imperf, Airs, back-of-book , also Anti-Malaria incl. Laos imperf Souvenir sheet of three, Brussels World's Fair, misc. Vatican City, China, others, mixed condition incl. some stuck or disturbed o.g., much fine to very fine ........................................................................ .........................Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 860 181

Coll. and accum. of many hundred covers, fronts, picture post cards, stationery, etc., on pages, in ringbinders and loose in carton and 2 boxes, mostly United States and bits from many countries with larger selections of Canada incl. flights , and Hun gary , Latin America, Asia, some FDCs , but mostly common comme rcia l mail, mixed co ndition ......................... ...................... ......................... .......................................... Est. Cas h Value $250--350 20th Century

86 l * 0 181Property as received in albums, variety of containers and loose in 6 cartons, primarily used, incl. Canada, UN complete, plus much more, some topicals , Arctic coll., covers, Germany incl. inflation and other sheets, interesting proofs and reprints, assortment of less expensive sets mint and used, country coils., etc., mixed condition to fine to very fine. Disorgan ized and needs inspection ..Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 862 * 0

Balance of a property, many thousand on pages or stock sheets in ring-binders, etc., in box and carton, unused or used, wide ranging , mostly modern issues, incl. much Europe with France , Germany , Spain , others, also Briti sh areas, Asia incl. Korea #107, blk and single, o.g., U .. , plus thousands more on paper, incl. United States, very clean .................. ............ ................ ........................................................ ..................... Est. Cas h Value $200--300

863 * 0 HJBalance of a few thousand on pochette pages, stock sheets, etc., in carton, n.h. to unused or u ed, wide ranging with Europe incl. Vatican City , Middle Ea t, British area , etc., incl. comp !. or part sets, blks, Souvenir sheets, Reve nues, topicals of all sorts, etc., mixed condition to very fine ..................................... Est. Cash Value $200-2 50 864 * 0

Small balance of a property in glassines in box, incl. Germany 195 l Roentge n n.h.( 1)/used( 12), modern Berlin Semis and Souvenir beets, Israe l #86 , 30+ tab copies, Swit zerland incl. #352a and #Bl3 l , both n.h., so me New Zealand , etc .,generally fine to very fine ................ ................ ................................ ........ ...........Est. Cash Value $150+

865 0181 Balance of a propert y, many thousand in boxes, etc., and loose in 3 cartons , used, mostly off paper with large porti ons of U. S. and Canada, also Europe, Etc ., and some commercia l and FDCs, mixed co nditi on ...................................................... ................ ................................ ............................. .........Est. Cash Value $ 100--150


866 ** !BlEUROPA: Coll. and accum. of a few thousand in stock sheets in 2 ring-binders, vast majority n.h., balance I.h. or o.g., wide ranging incl. Channel Islands and British Europe, Liechtenstein, Monaco, many others, incl. compl. sets, full sheets, Souvenir sheets, Paraguay 1961 and 1962 unlisted issues, also a selection of imperfs in issued and trial colors, modern Epreuves de Luxe, minor ptg. varieties, etc., generally very fine ........................................................................................... .............................. ......Est. Cash Value $1,000+


19th Century, coll. of many hundred diff. in Scott spring-back album, o.g. to unused or used, many countries incl. West Indies, Canada and Newfoundland , Great Britain, Australian and Indian States, small to extensive selections of many others, with better items, part sets and back-of-book, faulty or mixed condition .................... ...................................................... .......................Est. Cash Value $2,000-3,000

868 * O

Coll. of several hundred diff. on loose pages and in album, used, some o.g., small selections to only a few dilT. of many countries, incl. Great Britain, Cyprus, Australian States, British Africa, incl. Cape of Good Hope, and America, Straits Settlements , etc. , some slightly better items , mixed condition .................................................................................................................. ...........Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,500

869 * O

Coll. of about 100 diff. on album pages, unused or used , sma U select ion of severa l countri es incl. New Zealand, North Borneo and other Oceania, also a few Ceylon , Cape of Good Hope, Gibraltar , Malta , etc., faulty or mixed condition ................................ .............. ................... ........................ .................. ........ ..........Est. Ca sh Value $300-500

870 * O

19th and 20th Century, accum. of a few thousand in glassines in box, l.h. to unused or used, wide ranging incl. BNA with much Newfoundland and othe r province s, also Great Britain, Europe, Oceania , etc. , sca ttered slightly better items , faulty or mixed condition and mis-iden tified acco unted for ......................... Est. Cash Value $400- 500

871 * O

Balance of a property, severa l hundred in carton , n.h. to o.g . or used, some on paper , incl. modern sets, Bermud a and Be chuana land co ils. on page s, Canad a, Souvenir heet s, omnib us iss ues and mi sc ., some faults though mostly fine to very fine ........................ .............................. ................................... .Est. Cas h Value $400- 500

872 * O

Coll. and accum. of many on pages in 6 ring-binders and loose in box, used, some o.g., genera lly common issues with large selections of Great Britain , Australia, Canada , India and States, mixed condition ..Est. Ca sh Value $250-350

873 * O EBPrimarily 20th Century, coll. of many hundred in 3 Specialty albums in box, n.h. to o.g., sca ttered used, much Americ a incl. Canada and Newfoundland , also some Africa , inc l. comp!. or part sets and blk s of four, generally fine to very fine ...... ...................................... ................... ......... ............... ........................... Est. Ca sh Value $400-600 874


20th Century, coll. of many hundred diff. neatly arranged in 2 stockbooks, n.h. to o.g., mostly British America with many countries, incl. Edward VII and George V comp). sets or slightly better items through Elizabeth Issues, Postage Due, etc., also Antarctic Terr. and Rhodesia, clean and generally fine to very fine ..................... .................................................... .........................................Est. Cash Value $2,500+

875 ** EBStock of many hundred on pochette cards, etc., in box, va t majorit y n.h., balance l.h. or o.g ., mostly modern co mpl. sets of many co untri es, incl. Great Brit ain and Reg ional issue , much Oceania , a l o Antarctic Terr. , Ascension , Tri stan Da Cunha, etc., Souvenir sheets and blks, generally very fine ...........Est. Ca sh Value $400-600

876 ** llll 1970s stock of many thousand in carton, n.h., compr. stamps in full sheets and Souvenir sheets, incl. Antigua #759 (1000), 934-37 (600+), 938 (850+), Barbuda #209-12 (600+), also Gambia, Grenada, Cook Is., Nauru, Sri Lanka, Zambia, generally fine to very fine. Stated by owner to catl. about $60,000 ........... BRITISH WEST INDIES: 19th Century, coll. of over 200 diff. on album pages, mostly used, some o.g. to unused, about 20 countries in all, some with just one stamp, incl. slightly better items, revenues, Br. Guiana 1852 official reprints, etc., larger selections of Bermuda , Br. Honduras, Jamaica , St. Vincent , Trinidad, mixed condition .....................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500+ 878 * O EBBRITISH EUROPE: Primarily 20th Century, coll. of many hundred on pages in ring-binder , n.h. to o .g. or

877 * O



used, compr. Great Britain , Cypru s, Gibraltar , Ireland and some mi sc., mo stly co mp!. sets, some blks of 4 and Souvenir sheet s, ge nerally fine to very fine ............................... .......................... .............. Est. Cas h Value $200-2 50

GREAT BRITAIN AND BRITISH EUROPE: 20th Century, coll. of many hundred diff. on album pages and in glassines in box, vast majority if not all n.h. , the few used not figured , compr. Cyprus, Ireland , Malta and Great Brit ain with Reg ional Issues, incl.m any comp!. sets, gutter and "traffic light" pairs, se- ten ant, Souvenir sheets, few booklets, Postage Due, etc ., genera lly very fine ...... ................ ............... .........Est. Cash Va lue $35~ 50


19th Century, coll. of severa l hundred diff. in NE PLUS ULTRA album , used, some unused, many countries and mostly Europe, incl. Austria with Lombardy-Venetia, Belgium, France, Italy and misc. states, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Sweden, others, small selections and slightly better items generaJly throughout , mixed condition. Worth careful inspection .......Est. Cash Value $1,200-1,500


88 1 * O

Coll. of man y hundred diff. in Scott spr ing-back album , much used, balan ce o.g. to unu sed, mostl y Europe incl. Netherlands and Spanish Admini strati ons, Scandinavia, also Middle East and Africa , with better item s, back-of-book , etc., faulty or mixed condition, reference items not figured , some fine to ver y fine. Worth careful inspection .............................................. ......................Est. Cas h Value $1,000-1 ,500

882 * Ol!ll 19th and 20th Ce ntur y, balance of a property in carton, mostl y o.g., some used, incl. coils. of French Colonies general issues, Saar , Israel n.h. to o.g., with better ear ly full tab sets, mint Germany and France incl. latter imperf sheet of 50, other Europe, Egypt , etc ., some fau lts though generall y fine to ver y fine. Worth inspection ......................... ..................... ............................................. .......................... Est. Cash Value $750+ 883 * O

Coll. of several thousand on page s in about 30 ring-binders and loose in 2 cartons, much used, also o.g. to unu sed, man y countries though mostly Euro pe, a lso Asia, Latin America, etc., generall y common issues, mixed condition .................................. ............................................... ...........................Est. Cas h Value $500-1,000

884 * O EBColl. of severa l thousand in 11 binder s an d loose in carton , n.h. to unused or used, much Europe incl. Germany and area with sta tes, Austria, Scan dina via, others, Latin America with larger selection s of Brazil and Mexico , Souvenir sheets, etc. , faulty or mixed condition, reprints and referenc e item s accounted for ........................... ...............................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-750 885 * Ol!ll20th Centur y, balance of a property , many hundred diff. on pages or stock sheets in 4 binders in carton, much n.h., balance l.h. or o.g., scatte red used , compr. coils. of Vatican City, modern Zeppelin and Balloon issues, 1960 Olympics, all with compl. sets, Souvenir sheets, Airs, some imperfs, dupl. , lastly a separate Souvenir sheet coll. incl. imperf s, man y countries and a few compl. sheets, generally fine to very fine ..Est. Cas h Value $500-750 886 * Ol!llStock of man y hundred in pochette cards, etc., in box, much n.h., balance used, mostly Europe with much France, Switzerland incl. 19th cent., Liechtenstei n incl. quantities of #595-97 , Norway, others, generally modem comp!. sets, some Souvenir sheets, etc., moderate quantities and generally fine to very fine ..Est. Cash Value $400-500 887 * O ASIA : 19th Centur y, coll. of over 200 on pages, mostly used, some o.g., compr. Japan incl. Offices Abroad, Shanghai , Thailand , Korea , many reference item s mixed with genuine, variety of cance ls, mixed conditi on ..................................................... .......................................................................................Est. Cash Value $400- 500 888 * O

EUR OPE: 19th Century, coll. of man y hundred diff. in old Maury alb um , o.g. to unused or used, many countries, incl. Austria with 4 Puschmann certs ., Belgium , Bulgaria , Finland and Scandinavia, Greece, Hungary, Net herlands and Colonies, Poland #1 , Ru ssia , Spain, Sw it zer land , Turkey, etc. , also Philippines, man y classic issues incl. moderately better items , several signed, and back -of-book, mixed condition ............................................................................................................. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000

889 * O EB20th Century , coll. of man y thousand in over 15 ring-binders in carton , n.h. to o.g. or used, man y countries and mo st lyWeste rn Europe , incl. Austria , France and Monaco, Greece , Germany and Area, BENELUX , Czechoslovakia, San Marino, Spain , Switzer land , others, gene rall y common issues though a fair amount n.h. , incl. blks of 4, comp l. sets, Sem is, Airs, Souvenir sheets, dupl. , generally fine to very fine ................... ......................................................................................................Est. Cas h Value $750-1 ,000 890 **

Selection of about 100 stamps in origina l glass ines, compr . 1920s, 1930s n.h. new issues from France , Ital y, Spain and Colonies and the Vatican , useful singles and sets, generally very fine. Cati. n.h. $ 121 plus $270 1.h. which is, in fact, n.h.... .............................................................................. ...................................................... ..............

89 l * O

ROM ANIA AND RUSSIA: 20th Century , acc um . of severa l hundred mostl y diff. on pochette pages and stock sheet s in box, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. comp!. or part sets, Souvenir sheets, Semis, Airs, imperf and a few blks, generally fine to very fine ........................... .............................................. .................Est. Cash Value $ 150-200

892 * O EBSCANDINAVIA : Primarily 20th Cent ur y, coll. of severa l thousand on pa ges in 5 ring-binder s in box, n.h. to o.g. or used, value mostly in Icelan d an d Sweden, also select ions of Denmark , Finland, Norway and misc., incl. man y compl. sets and blk s of 4, with Semis , Airs, Souvenir sheets and back-of-book , Iceland with better early sets or scarcer values , mint and used, dupl. , some faults in earlier , generally fine to very fine . .................................................................................................Est. Cas h Value $2,000-2 ,500

893 * O

894 * O

LATIN AMERICA: 19th Century , coll. of many hundred diff. in old Ma ur y album, o.g. to unused or used , about 20 countries , incl. Argentina, Brazil , Ch ile. Colombia and States, Cuba, Puerto Rico , Mexico , Uruguay, Venezuela, incl. better item s, cut squares, revenues and other back -of-book, reprints , etc., mixed condition. Worth carefu l inspection .........................................Est. Cas h Value $1,500+

Coll. of man y hundred diff. in Scott spring-back album, o.g. to unused or used, compr. 20 countrie s incl. Cuba , Dominican Rep., Haiti, Colombia , plus states an d insured letter stamps, man y slightl y better or scarcer items, extensive back-of-book , faulty or mixed condition with reprints and reference items not figured ............................................................................. ..........................................................Est. Cas h Value $750-1 ,000


WISHING TO CONSIGN? Thereis still limitedspaceavailablein our Janua~ 1999 GeneralAuction Phoneor sendnow. OurMarch, 1999 Auctionis also readyforyour stamps

H.R. HARMER INC. 3 EAST 28TH STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10016 TEL: (212) 532-3700

FAX: (212) 447-5625








5. 6.

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rtaV--- Utnnm- a ,,,d(l, ~ 1 a..,,z-, ilbo~i~~?~~L #tl:n t--J' C,


PRICE $1.00 (or by subscription )


LISTOF PRICES REALIZED OCTOBER7, 1998 UNITEDSTATES, BRITISHCOMMONWEA LTH and FOREIGN The "Courvois ier" Collection of French Colonies , An Old-Time European Reference Collection The Alex Rendon and Lowell Newman Galler ies Philate lic Libraries

SALE 2919

1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 51 52 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

400 400 180 575 375 160 150 210 140 260 1300 210 375 325 220 950 190 2600 220 300 115 270 325 150 130 160 130 375 300 300 325 230 280 350 220 2200 220 190 1050 115 55 1250 325 190 220 240 55 450 475 400 270 400 50 325 500 650 260

62 63 64 66 67 68 70 71 72 73 74 75 76


78 79 80 81 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121

475 750 260 600 2300 110 190 200 400 700 220 375 190 150 600 220 180 1450 160 375 260 100 60 135 210 180 525 115 180 1150 600 220 115 180 425 350 450 115 115 180 75 210 210 120 425 260 325 325 325 500 450 450 700 500 425 800 105

122 123 124 125 126 127 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 1n 178 179 180

75 180 150 130 140 750 260 260 260 120 80 55 120 260 290 170 400 400 525 140 55 325 260 260 1100 350 280 525 450 500 450 300 140 105 105 210 250 625 110 180 400 140 100 450 170 140 160 210 550 350 180 220 230 240 160 550 95

181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 221 222 225 227 228 229 230 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 242 246 247

170 250 280 150 100 150 500 220 60 90 75 210 75 220 170 575 100 95 400 220 100 140 2 10 160 170 160 150 135 125 400 210 60 190 280 170 850 950 950 180 210 200 500 200 100 290 210 550 230 220 280 260 210 290 240 290 900 230

248 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 270 271 272 274 275 276

2n 278 279 280 281 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 308 309 310 311

100 2100 2200 240 475 180 240 180 300 200 325 2400 230 90 260 180 1900 1700 90 80 210 425 290 1000 700 7500 3000 280 2500 800 350 675 550 350 350 270 210 400 400 2700 575 1250 1300 1150 1400 525 475 500 525 375 260 350 160 105 2200 1500 650

312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 329 330 331 332 333 335 338 340 343 344 345 346 347 350 355 356 357 359 360 362 363 364 365 367 368 369 371 373 374 376 3TT 378 379 380 383 385 389 390 391 392 393

TOTAL $425 ,850 .00

1400 150 750 280 1350 1150 750 800 850 1600 950 650 375 425 2100 260 850 1600 230 500 100 75 85 85 75 75 65 110 60 70 425 270 325 50 95 270 85 160 85 85 60 750 105 110 200 130 85 90 125 170 200 140 180 130 180 170 100

394 395 396 ~97 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 406 407 408 409 412 413 415 416 417 419 422 423 424 425 427 428 429 431 433 434 435 437 438 439 440 441 443 448 449 452 455 457 459 463 465 466 467 470 473 475 476 479 481 482 483 484

130 85 85 700 280 210 90 70 90 40 90 40 120 80 120 110 105 115 75 60 80 65 190 95 120 95 170 135 150 325 160 70 230 115 90 100 75 55 120 50 375 140 240 65 150 160 115 70 60 220 160 160 95 260 65 200 80

485 486 487 488 489 490 492 493 494 495 496 498 502 503 505 506 507 508 510 511 512 513 514 516 517 519 520 521 522 525 527 530 532 534 536 537 544 546 547 549 550 551 552 553 554 556 557 560 561 562 563 564

90 65 130 135 100 60 95 85 100 210 60 60 270 75 190 125 160 115 135 150 350 200 55 210 180 200 260 90 250 85 200 75 750 180 95 300 220 90 1350 60 110 125 300 55 40 85 70 180 90 no lot

260 60

565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 589 591 593 597 599 600 602 603 604 608 609 613 615 617 618 619 620 622 623 624 625 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 637

70 90 110 550 125 105 105 100 290 125 100 90 95 850 325 110 135 60 325 100 270 1300 105 160 200 100 100 290 220 200 475 400 375 100 135 300 280 70 250 150 85 150 900 400 210 200 115 95 145 280 550 1350

638 639 640 641 642 643 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 668 669 670 671 672 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 689 691 692 693 694 695 696 701 702 703 705 707 708

90 1500 850 550 1150 475 1200 240 110 190 450 200 190 170 500 280 80 300 1900 1250 700 1300 450 400 200 250 240 50 180 260 625 150 625 950 160 115 130 1400 375 60 1600 425 2600 290 150 160 4500 27 525 260 210 950

709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 727 728 730 732 733 734 735 736 737 739 742 743 744 746 747 748 749 751 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 761 762 763 764 765 767 768 769 770 771 777 778

400 500 115 300 550 260 1600 260 1400 160 180 115 5500 14500 5750 850 575 750 750 700 800 4000 2500 2200 1000 125 325 140 1050 650 1050 1700 1900 850 11500 240 230 950 450 1800 2100 1700 1100 400 2500 1500 250 300 250 475 850 400

779 780 781 782 783 784 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 795 796 798 799 800 801 802 803 805 806 808 809 810 811 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 832 833 834 835 836 837 838

110 110 80 110 110 750 65 75 75 180 280 290 130 250 250 700 850 170 650 325 270 260 425 700 230 425 85 90 90 105 180 11000 220 75 80 675 80 1300 350 60 200 100 525 200 105 1600 350 160 180 700 2000 3750

840 841 842 843 845 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 891 892 893 894

1200 220 1050 400 600 130 220 220 450 750 1600 625 550 260 2700 1000 325 850 220 240 180 325 1200 4500 1000 250 350 550 750 1050 2600 350 425 220 425 900 3250 1700 1200 1400 450 500 900 1500 625 115 1700 2300 1350

SEASON 'S TOTAL TO DATE: $425 ,850.00 (including 15% on the hammer price payable by the buyer)



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