United States Canada and Provinces British Co,n,nonwealth & Fore g 3
April 14, 1999
~ J,UA/~~ 01:
SALE 2922
UNITED STATES CANADA AND PROVINCES BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AND FOREIGN The "Edwards" Collection of Prince Edward Island The United States Exhibition Collection of Ralph A. Berry The Douglas F. Richardson Collection of Netherlands The "Esotaric " Stamp Co. Stock and the properties of 15 other vendors. Wednesday , April 14, 1999 Morning Session at 11 :00 A.M.
UNITED STATES SINGLES AND COLLECTIONS LOTS 1 - 198 Afternoon Sess ion at 1 :30 P.M.
To be sold at Auction by
3 EAST 28TH STREET , 7TH FLOOR , NEW YORK , NY 10016 Telephone : (212) 532-3700 Fax : (212) 447-5625 e-ma il: hrharme r@erols .com Keith A. Harmer, Jack LaCa lamito - Licensed Auctioneers License #'s 672829 , 780 870
On all lots sold a comm ission of 15% on the hammer price will be payable by the buyer .
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1999 Morning Session at 11:00 A.M.
Sc, unused, margins all round, tiny faults, good color, fine .............................................. (Cover Photo) (1)
Cancelled by red grid unless otherwise noted
Sc brown, mostly very large margins, lightly caned., lovely color and impression, extremely fine ...(Photo) (1)
3 0
Sc brown orange, clear to mostly huge margins showing portions of two adjoining stamps, blue barred circle cancel, fine .................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (lb )
4 0
Sc, full to large margins, very fine .................... ................................................................. .......................(Photo) (1)
5 0
Sc, full to large margins, light grid cancels, ms. offset on reverse, very fine ........................................(Photo) (1)
6 7 8 9
Sc, good to huge margins showing portion of adjoining stamp, very fine .............................................(Photo) (1)
Sc, margins clear to large all round, black barre d circle and small part red pmks , fine........................... (Photo) (1)
Sc, good margins all round, small faults, very fine appeara nce .......... ......... ............................................. (Photo) (1)
Sc, margins all round, small light crease and pre- printin g fold, very fine appearance ..............................(Photo ) (1)
10 0
Sc, full to large margins except frame line touched bottom left, neat barre d circle cancel, light creases, fine appeara nce ...................................................................... ........................... .................. .................... ......... ....(Photo) ( 1)
II 0
Sc, good to large margins all round, additio nal red c.d.s. pmk, light creasing, fine appeara nce ..............(Photo ) (I)
12 0
Sc, margins three sides, slightly in at bottom, neat blue oval cance l, thin s, attractive ............ ........ ......... .(Photo) (I)
13 6.
Sc, margins to barely touching, tied to small piece by blue "5 cts" c.d.s. , fi le crease, fine appeara nce ...(Photo ) (I)
14 0
Sc, good margins to in one side, Lightly cane d., trace of crease , fine appeara nce ............. .......... .............. (Photo) (1)
15 0
Sc brown, mostly large margins all round, neat barre d circle cance l, tear at top, fine appeara nce .........(Photo) (1)
0 0 0 0
16 0
10c black, full to very large margins all round, on-the-no se barred circle cancel, sharp impression , very fine ......................................... ....................................... .................................................(Cover Photo) (2) 10c, margins clear to full all round, deep blue barre d circ le cancel, repaired, fine appeara nce ............... (Photo ) (2)
17 0
1,400.00 1,450 .00
Used to London; Sc orange brown, good to very large margins, small faults though vivid color and very fine appearance , tied by blue barred circle cancel on envelop e bearing matching TROY N.Y. MAY 2 c.d.s., red MY 11848 receiver on reverse. Enclosure dated Oct. 12, 1847 ......(Cover Photo) (lb )
Believed to be the only known cover used f rom Troy to London 19
Sc deep red brown, vert. pair, large margins to cut in, small nick bottom stamp, tied by red barred circle cancels on folded letter sheet (refolded, hinge reinforced small tears) bearing red ST. LOUIS Mo. 10 MAR 2 1 pmk .....(Photo) (1)
Sc, margins clear to very large, fine, tied by red NEW YORK 5 cts OCT 1 c.d.s. on local envelope .....(Photo) (1)
650 .00
Sc dark brown, touched at bottom to huge margins showing portion of adjoining stamp, tied by double strikes of blue PHILAD A 5 cts JUL 14 c.d.s. on tattered folded letter to New York ........................................... ..(Photo) ( 1)
1875 REPRODUCTIONS OF 1847 ISSUE: Sc red brown, full to very large margins, vivid color, very fine ......................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (3)
* 23
10c black , SHEET MARGIN COPY , large margins other side s, sup erb ....... .......................... ..(Photo ) (4) 1,100.00+
1851-57 IMPERFORATE le blue , shade s
24 0
le , COMBIN ATION PAIR , compr. types II and IV, Pos. 3-4 RlL , touched to enormou s margin s showing significant portion of adjoining stamp , c.d.s. cancels, left stamp vert. creasing , fine to very tine. Rare combinatio n ...................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (7,9)
25 0
le , type II , barel y touched at top to huge margin s showing portion s of two adjoining stamp s, c.d.s. canc els, deep color and sharp impression , very tine .............................................................................................(Photo ) (7)
26 0 27 0
le , large double transfer , Pl. IE , sheet margin copy with dividing line, touched to large margin s other sides, face-free cancel , fine ...................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (7) 160.00+ le , type ma , Strip of Three, Plate 4, Pos. 57-59L, cut in to enormous margin s showing portion s of adjoining stamp s at top , small light ms. cancels, left stamp fault y, rich color and sharp impre ssion, fine .....(Photo ) (SA) 1,350.00+
Type IV le , recut once at top and once at bottom , enormou s margin s showing portions of adjoining stamps thre e sides, neatly caned., superb .......................................................................................................................(Photo ) (9)
29 0 30 0
le , recut once at top and twice at bottom , large margins all round , lightly caned ., extremel y fine ...(Photo ) (9)
31 0
le , recut twice at top and twice at bottom , margins clear to large , lightly caned., small faults, very fine appearance. Only two positions on plate ............................................................ ................................ ..............................(Photo ) (9)
32 0
le , pair , recut once at top and twice at bottom , mostly large margin s all round showing portions of four adjoining stamps , light c.d.s. cancels, right stamp light crea sing, left stamp extr emely fine ..............{Photo) (9)
28 0
le , recut once at top , inverted tran sfer , Pos. 91L, margin clear to lar ge, c.d.s. cancels, very fme .......(Photo ) (9)
3c orange brown, shade s 33 0
3c, pair , ROULETTED 7½ horizontall y (probabl y Toppan , Carpent er Co. trial perforation ) bearing "ruled, crossed black pen lines" pre-cancel , large margin s three sides, ju st in at top , small thin s and horiz . crea se, fine appearance ....................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (10 var. ) Rare
34 0 35 0 36 0 37 0
39 40 0
41 0 42 0 43
44 0
45 0
46 0 47 0
48 0
3c, sheet margin copy, full to large mar gins other sides, on-the-no se blue c.d.s. cancel, ver y fine ...(Photo ) (10) 3c, sheet margin copy, cut in slightly to ver y large margin s other sides, neat gre en c.d.s. cancel, margin corner crea se well away from design , fine appearance ..............................................................................(Photo ) (10) 3c, deeper shade , margins clear to very large , light blue cancels, brilliant fresh color , ver y fine ....(Photo ) (10) 3c, pair , full to large margins except frame line touched one point, neat c.d.s. cancel, fine to very fine ..(Photo ) (10) 3c, vertical pair, mostly large margins showing portion of adjoining stamp s at right, extremely fine, tied by single strike of SAN FRANCISCO CAL 16 SEP c.d.s. cancel on folded lett er sheet to Ma ssachus etts .....(Photo ) (10) 3c dull red , gash on shoulder , o.g., ju st clear to mostly large margin s all round , fresh , fine ............(Photo ) (11) 3c, corner sheet margin cop y, frame line touched to huge mar gins oth er sides showing portion of both adjoining stamps , c.d.s. cancel , light vert. crease , very fine appearance ............................................(Photo ) (11) 3c, clear to large margins , light " 1" in grid cancel , late illegal usage, ver y fine .................................(Photo ) (11) 3c claret , enormous margins showing portions of fou r adjoining stamps, neat on-the-nose c.d.s. can cel, superb ........................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (11) Two Railroad Covers ; compr. #11 tied by blue NEW LONDON. W & P R.R. MAY 30 c.d.s. on 1853 folded letter, #114 tied by smudged cancel on buff envelope bearing RENS. & SAR. R.R. AUG 10 pmk, fair ................................. Sc red brown , margins clear to large all round , neat March 14 c.d.s. cancel , fine .............................(Photo ) (12) 10c green 10c, COMBINATION VERTICAL STRIP OF THREE , compr. types II , ill , I, good margin s to touch ed in places, light New Orleans Aug 3 c.d.s. cancels, faults incl. small tear s top and bottom stamp s, fine appearance ..........................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (13,14,15) 10c, type I, three huge margin s, barel y touched at bottom , light Norwalk c.d.s. cancel, ver y fine ..(Photo ) (13) 10c, deeper shade , COMBINATION PAIR, compr. types II and ill , full to large margins , both New York c.d.s. cancel , extremely fine ................................................................................................................(Photo ) (14,15) 10c, COMBINATION VERTICAL PAIR , compr. types ill and II , margins clear to enormou s showing portion of adjoining stamp , lightly caned., bottom stamp comer creases, very fine appearance ....................(Photo ) (14, 15)
(92.00+) 290.00+ 92.00 325.00 325.00+ 250.00
4,000.00 750.00 500.00 500.00
49 0
10c, type II , mostly huge margins an round ahowing portion of adjoining stamp , probabl y Chines e Camp Cal. cancel , extremely fine .......................................................................................................................(Photo ) (14)
50 0
10c, clear to enormous margins showing portions of adjoining stamp , barred circle cancel, light stain barely noticeable on front, very fine .......................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (14)
10c, type ill, mostly huge margins all round, pen ms. and blue MAXWELL'S RIVER CAL. c.d.s., extremely fine ......................... .......................... ................. ................................. ........................................................(Photo) (15) 10c, large margins, very fine, tied by light strike of SAN FRANCISCO 20 (MAR ) c.d.s. on envelope (reduced at right) to Georgia .............................................. ................... ................................ .................................. (Photo ) (15)
51 0 52
235.00+ 290.00
12c intense black , margins clear to large except outer frame line barely touched one point, light red grid cancel, 325.00 negligible toning on reverse, fine ...................................................... ................................ .........................(Photo) ( 17) 1857- 61 PERFORATED 15½: Sc brown, vertica l strip of three, used with 12c (Plate 3) and 3c, type II, tied by vivid red grids and matching c.d.s. on small piece, 3c tear, fine and colorful usage. Foundation Cert . ( 1989) ........................................................ ........................... ............................................................ ......(Photo ) (30A,36b,26) 1,045.00+
53 0 54 O ti
55 56 0
1875 REPRINT OF 1857-60 ISSUE: le bright blue, reperfed, very fine appearance .......................... (Photo) (40) 1861 PERFORATED 12: Sc buff, neat framed PAID cancel, small faults incl. tiny tear, attractive ...... (Photo) (67)
57 0
12c black, lightly caned., extremely fine ........................................................................... ................. .....(Photo) (69) 1861-66 2c black, two copies, one repaired, other faulty, tied by blue target cancels on slightly soiled envelope bearing matching LOUISVILLE MA(?) 15 64 c.d.s. to a prisoner of war at Rock Island Barracks, Illinois. Ex Harry Allen. No censor marking s .................. ........... ......................... ................................... .....................(Photo) (73)
"B lack Jack", selection of twelve covers, sing le frankings except one with pair and two copies of 3c, incl. embossed valentine envelope with ornate enclosure, couple comer cards, patriotic - DEATH TO TRAITORS - one grill, all caned. or addressed to Ohio, mixed condition .......................................................Est. Cash Value $200-3 00
1869 PICTORIAL ISSUE lmperforate Iss ues Sc red brown, Sc buff , both on gummed wove paper, horiz. and vert. pairs respectively , former large margins to cut-in slightly, latter mostly ver y large margins, fresh, fine to very fine ......................(Photo ) (115-E2c) 10c ultramarine, pair, on gummed stamp paper, huge margins, extremely fine ......................(Photo) (116-Elj)
60 E 61 E
30c black on or ange surface -tinte d pa per , ung ummed , large margins , extremely fine .......... (Photo) (121-Elp) 90c dull violet & black, sheet margin copy on stamp paper, ungummed, large margins other sides, extremely fine .............................. ..................... ......................................... ........................................... ............(Photo) (122-E2b)
62 E 63 E
Issued Stamps very fine ................................... ....................... ......(Photo) (112) sed, unu copy, arrow part le buff, large centered le , light dated cancel, very fine .................. ........................................................................................... (Photo ) (112)
64 65 0
320.00 200.00+ 275.00 225.00
300.00 125.00
le , fine, tied by crossroads cork cancel on yellow envelope bearing WATERFORD N.Y. JUL 29 c.d.s.... (Photo ) (112) 2c brown, unused, fresh, almost very fine ................. ............................................................... ...............(Photo) ( 113)
68 69 0
10c yellow, un used, brig ht color, very fine ........... ................... .......................................... ................... (Photo) (116) 12c green, neat blue cork cancel, almost very fine ................................................ .................................. (Photo) (117)
70 0
12c, clear strike of purple star cancels, i-eperfed, fine appearance ...................................................... .....(Photo) ( 117)
72 0 73 0
* 75 *
30c ultramarine & carmine, unused , fresh, very fine ................................... ............................ (Photo) (121) 30c, cork cancel , small comer creases, fine .......................................................... ...................................(Photo) ( 121) le to 15c, type II, selection of 24 used on stock sheet , compr . le , 6c, 10c, three each, 2c (4), 3c (9 incl. pair), 12c and 15c, plus 2c used, mixed condition to fine. Generally attractive copies and a variety of cancels ..... (112-17,19)
250.00 290.00
3,250.00 500.00 2,426.00
1880-81 RE -ISSUE OF 1869 ISSUE le buff, unused, very fine ................................ ........................... ............................................................ (Photo) (123) 2c brown , o.g., very fine .......................... ............................................................... ................................(Photo) (124)
275.00 575.00 3000 .00
77 0
3c blue, unused, fresh. 1406 Printed ........... .................... .................. ...................... ............. ................... (Photo) ( 125) 6c blue, Regis. cance ls, fine ............................. ...................................... ............................................ ......(Photo ) ( 126)
10c yellow, unused , one puJled perf , well centered, brilliant fre sh, fine. 1947 prin ted .....................(Photo) (127)
12c green, cork cancel, almost perfectl y centered , very fine. 1584 Printed .............................(Photo) (128)
79 0
15c brown & blue, type ID , lightly caned., rich colors, fine. 1981 Printed ........................................(Photo) (129)
80 0
15c, IMPERFORATE HORIZ. , o.g. under paper adherence , rich fresh colors, very fine ..........................................................................................................................................(Cover Photo) (129a)
24c green & violet, light violet cancel, barest trace of tone spot, handstamps on reverse, very fine. 2901 Printed .............. .......................................................................... ................. ......................................................... (Photo) (130)
82 0
2,250.00 900.00
30c ultramarine & carmine , o.g., vivid, brilliant fresh colors, extremely fine. 1535 Pr inted ............................................................................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (131)
90c carmine & black, o.g. (hinge remnants ), beautiful rich color and almost perfectly centered, extremel y fine. 1356 Printed ........................................... ................................................. .(Cover Photo) (132)
1870-71 NATIONAL BANK NOTE CO: With Grill le ultramarine, lightly caned., extremely fine ............. ............................................. ........................................... .............................................................(Photo) (134) 6c carmine , unu sed, rich color and fresh................................................................................................. (Photo) (137)
88 0
Without Grill 6c carmine, unused , almost perfectly centered, very fine ............................... ........... (Photo) (148) 6c, neatly caned., large centered copy, extremely fine ..................... ................................................... (Photo) (148)
Used to China; 6c, six copies incl. pair and strip of three, used with le and 3c, perf faults to damaged, caned. by segme nted cork pmks and tied by red NEW YORK JUL 10 c.d.s. on enve lope (faults, incl. scisso rs cut beneath stamps) bearing Derby , Ct. prnks ................................. .............................. ............... ........ ................ (Photo) ( 148,etc.) 30c black, unused, tiny faults not mentioned in cert., fine. A.P.E.S. Cert. ( I 983) ..................................(Photo) (154)
1879 CONTINENTAL BANK NOTE CO: 2c vermilion, o.g., very fine .............. ............................. (Photo) (183) 1890-93 AMERICAN BANK NOTE CO: 90c orange, unused, beautiful deep , fresh color .......... ....(Photo) (229)
85 0
* 87 * 89 181
* 92 * 91
(95.00) 260.00
** 94 *
Sc magenta, n.h., very fine ............ ............................................. ......................... ........................... ........(Photo) (236) toe black brown, Imprint Pl. No. strip of four, unused, almost fine ..................... ..............................(Photo) (237)
* 96 *
15c dark green, o.g., negligib le gum wrinkling , well centered , fine ............................. ......................... (Photo) (238) $1 salmon, unused (regumm ed), fine appearance ........................................ ....................... .................... (Photo) (241)
120.00 675 .00 240 .00 725.00
$2 brown red, lightly caned., bright color, almost very fine ......................................... ......................... (Photo) (242) $2, Lig htly caned. , small faults, reperfed , fine appearance ........................ ........................... .......... .......... (Photo) (242)
600 .00
1894 UNWATERMARKED: 15c dark blue, o.g., very fine ............................................................... (Photo) (259) 1895 WATERMARKED: $5 dark green, disturbed o.g. showing on a few perfs , fine ....................... (Photo) (278)
260.00 2,250.00
IOI * IBI 1897-1903 CHANGED COLOR: 2c red, booklet pane of six, very l.h. if at all, fresh, fine .......... (Photo) (279Be)
97 0 98 0
* 100 * 99
*HJ 2c copper red, Imprint Pl. No . blk of four , l.h., fresh, fine .................................................. ........... .....(Photo) (286) 103 ** 4c orange , Imprint PI. No. pair, n.h. , brilliant fresh , very fine ...................... ........... ................. ........(Photo ) (287)
* 105 * 106 * 107 * 108 0 109 * 110 0 111 * 112 * 104
* [ij]
190.00 325.00+
Sc violet brown , very l.h., fresh, fine ........................... ................... .............................. .......................... (Photo) (289)
S0c sage green , o.g. (hinge remnants), fme ...................................... ................................. ......................(Photo) (291)
S0c, o.g. (hinge remnant) , light corner creasing, rich color .............. ............................................... ........(Photo) (29 1)
$1 black , o.g. (hinge remnant), faulty and reperfed, very fine appearance .............................................(Photo) (292)
$1, portion of duplex cancel, crease, fine appearance ..................................... ......................................(Photo) (292)
$2 orange brown , unused, faults, deep rich color. ........................ ............................ ............ ......... .........(Photo) (293)
$2, neatly caned., comer perf crease, rich color......... ............ ................. ......................... ........................(Photo) (293)
1901 PAN-AMERICAN ISSUE: 4c deep red brown & black, part Imprint Pl. No. pair, l.h ., fres h, fine ........................................................................ ...................................... ............ ........................................ (Photo) (296)
10c yellow brown & black, corner copy , o.g. , very fine ..................................... ........ ......................... (Photo ) (299)
1902-03 REGULAR ISSUE: le deep green, booklet pane of six, Pos. C., o.g., thin in selvage, fres h, fine ............ ................. .................. ................ .................. ................................ ................. ......... ........ .............(Photo) (300b)
550 .00
* [ij]
2c carmine, booklet pane of six, very l.h., some internal perf separations, fine ........ ................ ........ ..(Photo) (301c)
450 .00
1909 LINCOLN: Blue Paper 2c carmine, sheet margin copy, l.h., fine .................... ......................... (Photo) (369)
225 .00
PANAMA-PACIFIC: 1914-15 Perf 10 10c orange, slightly disturbed o.g., fme ........... ................ .....(Photo) (404)
1914-16 SINGLE LINE WMK., PERF. 10 VERT: 2c red, type II , pair , o.g., extremely fine ........(Photo ) (454)
1916--17 UNWATERMA RKED PERF. 10: $1 violet black, l.h. if at all, reperfed at right, very fine appeara nce ............... ...................... ............ ......... ...................... ..................................................... .............................(Photo ) (478)
* 117 * 116 118
*HJ 1918 FIRST ISSUE: 16c green, blk of four, n.h.(2)/o .g.(2), fine ............................. .................. ...........(Photo) (C2)
LIBERTY: Hamilton $5 black, Pl. blk of four, n.h., extremel y fine ................... ........................... (1053)
AIR POST 1927 LINDBERGH: 10c dark blue, pane of three, Pos. M., very fine, tied by concentric circles and MIAMI, FLA. FEB 4 1929 duplex cancels on cacheted first flight envelope to Canal Zone, receiver on reverse ...........(C I0 a)
122 S
10c, pane of three, fine, used with 25c and tied by F.A.M. Venezuela flight cachet on flown envelope bearing Miami transit and violet Venezuela backstam p ................. ................................. ................................................. (C I0a)
10c, single from pane of three, fine, tied by W ASHINGTON.D.C. MAY 26 1928 First Day duplex on pre-printed envelope to Cleveland, next-da y recei vers on reverse ................................... ......................... ............... (ClOa var.)
* 125 * 126 * 124
1930 GRAF ZEPPELIN ISSUE 65c green, o.g., very fine .................... ...................................................... ............. ................. ........ ........ (Photo) (C13)
$1.30 brown , o.g. (hinge remnant), fresh, fine ............................... ...................................................... ..(Photo) (C l4 )
$2.60 blue , unused (regumrned) , light crease, fine appearance .................................................. ............ (Photo) (Cl5 )
... .••
•• ••
.. ••
• ••••
....... ... ,
USED ON COVER 127 181 128 181 129 181
65c , fin e, tied b y LAKEHU R ST , N .J. MAY 30 1930 fla g d up lex on card (co rn er crea s in g ) beari ng FRIEDRICHSHAFEN (BODEN SEE) pmk and appropriat ely cacheted ............. ............. ................... ...(Photo ) (C13 )
65c, fine appearance, used with additional postage on le postal card, tied by NEW YORK M AY 4 c.d.s. and cachet beari ng FRIED RICHSHAFEN ambodensee 6 .VI.30 pmk and additional cachets ......................(Photo ) (C 13)
$1.30, very fine, tied by LAKEHURST, N.J. MAY 30 1930 flag duplex cancel on appropriately cacheted envelope, Friedrichshafen (Bodensee) backstamp .............................................................................(Photo) (C14)
130 181
$2.60, large cop y, ver y fin e, tied by LA KEHURST , N.H. JUN 2 1930 flag duplex on appropriatel y cacheted
131 181
envelope bearing Friedrichshafen (Bodensee) backstamp ................................................................(Photo) (ClS ) 1933 CENTURY OF PROGRESS: 50c green, five copies, mixed centering or condition, tied on three separate cacheted First Day covers, com pr. Chicago OCT 7 and New York OCT 12 pmk s ............................................ ..(C 18)
865 .00
50c, five singles incl. Pl. No. copy, and blk of four, mixed centering to very fine, eac h tied on separate Graf Zeppelin cacheted enve lope by 1933 pmk , citie s compr. Chic ago, Akr on, Miami and New York ................... ...(C l 8)
132 181
* 135 * 136 *
137 * O
BACK OF THE BOOK OFFICES IN CHINA: 1919 and 1922 Surcharged sets compl., l.h. or o.g., 2c and 18c negligible thinning, generally superior centering, fine to very fine ................................................................................(Photo) (Kl-18 ) CUT SQUARES: 1864-65 Nesbitt ptg. 9c lemon on buff, 35x32mm, few tiny inclusions, bright co lor, fi ne .................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (U66 ) 1870-71 Reay ptg. 24c purpl e on amber and cream , 39x40mm and 37x40mm respecti vely, very fine ........................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (Ul00 ,101) 30c black on cream, full corner, 41x44mm, very fine ................................................................ ......(Photo) (U104)
1,997.00 400 .00
350.00 210.00
Prim aril y 19th Ce ntu ry, selection of over 95 mostl y diff. cut square s on poch ett e pag es in binder , unused or used, wid e rangi n g issues incl. di e type s, some slightl y better , mixed condition to ver y fine. Sc. about $2500 ...
** 140 * 141 **
HUNTING PERMIT 1934 $1 M allard s, n.h. , tiny inclu sions and gum skips, fresh, fine ...................... ................... ....... ......(Photo ) (RWl )
675 .00
1935 $1 Canvasbacks, n.h., tiny inclusions, very fine .......................................................................(Photo) (RW2)
$1, very l.h., deep brilli ant fresh color , fine ................................... ................ ....................... ............ ....... (Photo ) (RW)
375 .00
1936 $1 Canada Geese, n.h., negligible gum bends, large copy, very fine ......................................(Photo) (RW3)
P. Scheer
1276 Balboa
Burlingaâ&#x20AC;˘e,Oalifornia 13
$1 Wood Duck s, blk of six with Pl. o., n.h. , light gum creas ing, brilliant fresh, fine to very fine **llll1943 .......................................................................... ....................................................................... ............(Photo ) (RWl0 ) 143 ** 1944 to 1975 , $1 to $5, group of ten diff., n.h., few tin y gum ski ps or inclu sion s, fine to very fi ne ................................................................................................................................................. (RWl 1,25,34-39,4 1,42) 142
144 ** EE1945 $1 Shovelier Ducks , corner blk of four with Pl. No., n.h. , gum skips or bends , very fine to extremely fine ....................................................................................................................................................... (Photo ) (RW12) 145 ** EE1964 $3 Hawaiian Nene Geese, blk of four with Pl. No., stamps l.h., light natural offset on reverse , extremely fine ....................................................................................................................................................... (Photo ) (RW31) Plate Blocks of Six with Side Selvage , n.h. , negligible gum wrinkle s or bends , very fine .......(Photo ) (RWll ) right 146 ** li:il1944 $1 White-fronted Geese, top 147 ** li:il1946 $1 Redhead Ducks, top left, n.h., gum skips and bends, very fine .......................................... (Photo ) (RWl 3) 1947 $1 Snow Geese, bottom left, n.h. , gum bends, very fine .......................................................... (Photo ) (RW14) 148 149 ** li:il1948 $1 Buffleheads , top left, n.h. , extremely fine .......................................................................... (Photo) (RW15) 150 ** l!ll$1, bottom left, n.h. , negligible bends, very fine ................................................................................(Photo ) (RW15) 151 ** l!ll1950 $2 Trumpeter Swans , bottom left, n.h., gum skips, very fine ................................................. (Photo ) (RWJ7 )
152 ** l!ll1952 $2 Harlequin Ducks , bottom left, n.h., gum bends, extremely fine ......................................(Photo ) (RW19) 153 ** l!ll1954 $2 Ring-necked Ducks , top left, n.h., extremely fine ............................................................. (Photo) (RW21) 154 ** l!ll$2, top right , n.h. , right selvage gum a touch disturbed, light toning edge of left stamp, very fine ..(Photo ) (RW21) 155 ** l!ll1958 $2 Canada Geese, top left, n.h. , small selvage crease, very fine .............................................. (Photo ) (RW25)
••••••••••• iiii!iiiii•iii~I
..... ....... ~
U. S. D0 1 AJIITmCnT
. -·'
450.00+ 511.00 240.00+ 380.00+
625.00 290.00 290.00 325.00 325.00 450.00 475.00 475.00 475.00 475.00
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Plate Blocks of Four I 56 ** 83 1959 $3 Retriever and Mallard, n.h., natural offset on reverse, very fine .......................................(Photo) (RW26) 157 ** 83 1960 $3 Redhead Ducks , n.h., few tiny inclusions , extremely fine ................................................(Photo) (RW27 ) 158 ** 83$3, n.h., small disturbed gum spot in selvage, very fine .....................................................................(Photo) (RW27) 159 ** 83 1961 $3 Mallard and Ducklings , n.h., extremely fine .....................................................................(Photo) (RW28) 160 ** 83 1962 $3 Pintails, n.h., extremely fine ...............................................................................................(Photo) (RW29)
450.00 375.00 375.00 400.00 425.00 425.00 425.00 425.00
83 1963 $3 Pair of Brant, n.h., one stamp and adjoining selvage mount gum-disturbed, very fine ......(Photo ) (RW30) 83 1965 $3 Canvasback, n.h., extremely fine .......................................................................................(Photo) (RW32) 83 1966 $3 Whistling Swans, n.h., small gum disturbed spot in selvage, extremely fine .................(Photo ) (RW33 ) 83 1967 $3 Old Squaw Ducks , n.h., one stamp and adjoi nin g selvage mount gum -di sturbed , very fine .............................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (RW34) 165 ** 83 1968 $3 Hooded Mergansers, n.h., tiny inclusions, very fine ...........................................................(Photo ) (RW35) 166 ** 83 1969 to 1972, $3 and $5, four diff., n.h., RW36 tiny gum disturbed spot in selvage, very fine ..(Photo ) (RW36-39) 167 ** 83 1974 to 1981, $5 and $7.50, eight diff., n.h., some with natural offset on reverse, very fine to extremely fine ......................................................................................................................................................................(RW41-48) 168 ** 83 Same, n.h., some with natural offset on reverse, very fine to extremely fine .............................................(RW41-48) 169 ** 83 1974 to 1984, $5 and $7.50, ten diff., n.h., some with natural offset on reverse, very fine to extreme ly fine ........................................................................................................................................................... (RW41-47,49-5 l ) 170 ** 83 1985 to 1995, $7.50 to $15, eleven diff., all bottom left corner, n.h. , extremely fine ............................(RW52-62) 171 ** 83 Same, but top right corner, n.h ., extremely fine .....................................................................................(RW52-62) 172 ** 83Same, but bottom right corner, n.h., extremely fine ...............................................................................(RW52-62 )
l6I 162 163 164
** ** ** **
450.00 275.00 840.00 391.00 391.00 616.00 862.50 862.50 862.50 230.00
173 ** 83 1985 $7.50 Cinnamon Teal, matched set of four, n.h., extremely fine ....................................................... (RW52) 174 ** 83 1959 to 1995 $3 to $15, group of 22 Pl. blks of four on stock sheets, vast majority n.h., some with spots on gum or slightly disturbed, also a few singles incl. #RW 11 and 12 and Maine 1984 top blk of 4 with numbers , few small faults, generally very fine ................................................................................. (betw. RW26 and RW62) 175 ** 83 STATE STAMPS: New Hampshire 1984 $4 Mallards, corner blk of four, n.h., tiny inclusions , extremely fine .....................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (2) 176 ** 83 1985 $4 Blue-winged Teal, corner blk of four, n.h., tiny inclusions, mark on reverse of one, very fine (Photo ) (3)
2,262.00 370.00+ 360.00+
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177 * O llllCONFEDERATE STA TES: 1861 to 1864, coll. of about 70 stamps on pages, o.g. or used, several better items and shades, incl. ' 'TEN CENTS", private perf, blks of 4 incl. #8, and bottom Imprint blk of 21, various ptgs, also 4 covers, two franked by Sc pairs, mixed condition to very fine. Worth careful inspection .....Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 178 ** [jj]U.S. POSSESSIONS: CANAL ZONE; 1925-28 Letter "A" Sharp Pointed Tops 2c carmine , booklet pane of six, n.h., fine ................................... .................................... ..................................................................... .(Photo ) (84d) 179
Stationery: 1934 Entire, Numerals with Serifs 3c on 2c carmine, numerals 4mm high , few small indentations at left, very fine .......................................................................................................................................(Photo) (Ul4 )
PHILIPPINES: 1944 Handstamped VICTORY 12c purple (on 460), o.g., pencil signature on reverse, very fine. Foundation Cert. (1983) and signed Kessler ...............................................................................(Photo ) (477)
COVER CONDITION Minor faults including, but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps, small tears and some backflap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue.
181 ¡
19th Century, coll. remainder of about 75 on pages, used, incl. imperf le types , 3c shades, pairs and vert. strip of 3, couple 10c, Perf 12 30c, two copies, Bank Note le with grill, several Officials incl. ovptd. SPECIMEN, mixed condition .................................................Est. Cash Value $500-750 Accum. of about 50 items in box, incl. stampless and franked covers with imperf le and 3c types, Pictorial 2c and 6c, separate covers, entires, incl. two Wells, Fargo & Co., each pmkd. bluish EXPRESS oval, one Columbia, other Sonora, Carrier le Eagle, etc., mixed condition to very fine. Interesting group and varied markings .................................................Est. Cash Value $500-750 Accum. of about 80 covers in album, incl. stampless with a variety of markings, FREE, SHIP, STEAMSHIP, PAID, fair number franked by 1851 imperf and 1857 perf 15½ 3c shades incl. orange brown, few comer cards or flag cancels, etc., mixed condition ......................Est. Cash Value $300- 500 19th and 20th Century, coll. of a few hundred mostly diff. on pages in 4 ring-binders in box, n.h. to o.g., incl. Columbians to 50c, other Commems , Washington -Franklin, coils with line pairs, booklet panes, Airs incl. First and Second issues, etc., some faults though generally fine to very fine .................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-750 Coll. of over 175 covers (some cards) in 2 cover albums in box, compr. Flag cancellation coll. incl. Commems starting with Trans-Miss., soldier's and censored, Roessler franked by C2, Chichasha Indian Terr. and Ardmore Texas Terr., many corner cards and advertising, incl. multicolored all-over, Spanish -American War, 1899 Philadelphia Exposition, Parcel Post, etc., also postally used WWII propaganda cacheted and franked covers and some Zeppelin Flights incl. Cl8 FDC with additional postage, misc. Canada, mixed condition to very fine. Eclectic and worth careful inspection ......................... ........................................................Est. Cash Value $500-750 Stock of several thousand in 2 ring-binders and envelopes in carton, used, much common but some moderately better items, incl. Bank Notes to 90c, Columbians to 10c, Trans-Miss. 50c (3), Washington-Franklin , early 20th cent. Commems, Airs, etc., mixed condition ........................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-750 1851 to 1960s, coll. of several hundred dilT. in American album, few o.g., wide ranging though scattered issues, perf 12, 1869 Pictorials to 15c, many Bank otes with several 90c, Columbians and Trans-Miss. to 50c, 20th cent. Commem sets and Regular Issues with Washington-Franklin types, few Airs and back-of-book, mixed condit ion to some very fine ..........Est. Cash Value $750+ Primarily 20th Century, balance of a few hundred in glassines, etc., in box, n.h. to o.g., random issues incl. blks, Pl. blks of 4 or 6, sets, some moderately better with Souvenir sheets, Park s, Washington-Bicentennial, Famous Americans, coils, panes, Airs and a small selection of Columbians to 30c, mixed condition to very fine ................................................................Est. Cash Value $300--400
186 0
187 0
To 1986, coll. of many hundred dilT. in 3 hingeless albums in box, n.h. to unused (some regummed), incl. a few Bank Notes with 90c purple , Columbians incl. 50c, Lincoln blue paper , Washington-Franklin incl. coils, Commem sets, White Plains and other Souvenir sheets, 1933-23 $5, Perf 10, Kansas and ebraska, Farley arrow and gutter blks, Presidentials compl., Air Post apparently compl. but for Zeppelins , back-of-book incl. several Hunting Permit, some faults but much fine to very fine ............Est. Cash Value $1,800-2,000
20th Century 190
**llilAccum. of several
**llilAccum. of several thousand in box, n.h., mostly 20c and 22c Commems in part sheets, incl.
thousand in box, n.h., compr. part sheets of mostly Commems, some Airs, many incl. Pl. No., ZIP or Mail early, varying denominations - Sc to 44c - many 15c, generally very fine. Face about $1750 ............................................................................................
Pl. No., ZIP or Mail Early, generally very fine. Face about $1450 .............................................
**IEil Accum. of several hundred comp!. or part sheets in 6 sheet files in box, n.h., mostly Commems with larger quantities of 3c, 13c, 15c, generally very fine. Face about $1200 ..................................... 193 **IBI Accum. of a few thousand in box, n.h., mostly Commem Pl. blks of 20 or appropriate size, some Regular Issues and Airs, var ious denominations to 40c, generally very fine. Face about $1050 ...... 194 **llil Coll. of a few hundred Pl. blks on pages in 5 ring-binders in box, apparently n.h., incl.
Commems, Regular Issues and Air Post, Pl. blks of 6, some blks of 4, Souvenir sheets, Nat ional Parks, Presidentials, Famous Americans, Overrun Countries , etc., some faults though overall fine to very fine ..............................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-600
195 ** llllStock of many thousand in glassines in metal file and box, n.h., wide ranging common issues with many Commem s, also Regular Issues and Airs , incl. blks and Pl. blks, coils incl. part rolls, booklets , panes, ZIP and Mail Early , etc., generally fine to very fine ..... Est. Cash Value $500-600 196 ** liilRemainder of several thousand in glassine s, etc., and loose in box, n.h. , varying denomination s of random Commems , Regular Issues and some Airs, incl. Pl. blks of 4 or larger , modern mint in stockbook , coils, booklets and booklet panes , fine to very fine. Face about $750 ......................... . 197 * liil Accum. of man y hundred in stockbook , etc. , in box , n.h. to o.g., incl. 2c reds, Was hing ton Bicentennial , Parks, Far ley, Famous Americans, blks of 4 and later singles and Pl. blks, generally fine to very fine .......................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $250--300 198 * O BACK OF THE BOOK: 19th and early 20th Century, coll. remainder of about 200 on pages, used, few unused, incl. cut squares, Telegraph, Revenues incl. first three issues and misc. Match and Medicine, etc., mixed condition incl. cut cancels ............................................Est. Cash Value $200--300
Afternoon Session at 1:30 P.M.
6p gray lilac on thick hard wove paper, clear to enormou s margins showing portion of adjoining stamp, very fine, tied by grid cancel on neat envelope bearing large TORONTO MAR 17 1858 c.d.s. and red PAID to Tennessee. B.P.A. Cert. (1997) and signed W.H.C. (Colson). Ex Dale/Lichtenstein. S.G. 19, from £4000 ..................................................................................(Photo) (5) Est. Cash Value $1,500 Only twenty-six covers to the United States bear this pape r variety. As this is the only one known used to the South, it is fa r rarer than those to the Western States.
6p slate violet, margins all round, tiny tear, tied by target cancels on blue envelope to New Hampshire bearing HAMILTON NO 27 1852 c.d.s. and red CANADA PAID 10 Cts. S.G. 9, from £1900 Colorful and attractive .................................................................................................................(Photo) (5 var.) Est. Cash Value $400-500 6p brownish gray, good to large margins, very fine, tied by " 12" in four-ring cancel to envelope (edge repaired , some cleaning) to New York beari ng DUNDAS MR 15 1857 c.d.s. Royal Cert . ( 1998). S.G. 11, from £2200 ........................................................................................................................(Photo) (Sa) Est. Cash Value $300-4 00 Local Usage; 6p greenish gray, large to enormous margins, light filing crease, tied by four-ring target cancels on blue folded letter sheet bearing Port Hope c.d.s., TORONTO APR 13 1857 receiver on reverse. S.G. 10, from £1900. Of the fo rty-six internally used six pence, this is one of a mere twenty with medium wove paper with Dale only having two. Much rarer than laid papers ............................(Photo) (Sb) Est. Cash Value $400-500 USED TO ENGLAND
1855 CARTIER: lOp bright blue on thin wove paper, FOUR COPIES, varied margins and two with minor faults, tied to each other and on blue envelope (slightly trimmed at left) to Reading bearing TORONTO FE 21 59 pmk and blue READING MR 9 59 receiver on reverse. B.P.A. Cert. (1990). Ex De Volpi, Reford, Wilkinson ..........................................(Cover Photo) (7) Est. Cash Value $7,500-10,000 Four copies is the largest known multiple fran king of the ten pence value and the highest rated cover to a fo reign country. Only two other covers bear this number. An impr ess ive exhibition p iece C8I
1857 7½ p green on wove, deep color , mostly enormous margins all round , extremely fine, tied by small light grid cancel on envelope bearing beautifully struck LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. CANADA. JULY 29, 1858, shield and crown datestamp and Liverpool tombstone transit , both in red, s.I. BY-CANADIAN/ PACKET and Forres receiver on reverse. B.P.A. Cert. (1997). Ex Dale/Lichtenstein , Nickle. S.G. 12 ...................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $7,500-10,000 The Legislative Asse mbly handstamp is attractive and rare. This may be the only example known used with the 7½p.
205 206 * O
207 * O
1897 JUBILEE ISSUE: $2 dark purple , o.g., fresh, fine. S.G. £700 .....................................................(Photo ) (62) 19th Century , coll. of about 65 mostly diff. on album pages, mostly used, some o.g. to unused, incl. Large and Small Queen issues, Jubilee compl., $2, $4, $5 roller cancels, also some Prince Edward Is., Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Br. Columbia and Vancouver Is., better items throughout , mixed condition. Stated by owner to cat!. Unitrade Can. $7850+ .......................................................................................................................... 19th and 20th Century, coll. of about 200 on hingeless album pages , I.h. to unused or used, scattered n.h., incl. earl y issues, Jubilee to 50c, plus $4 roller cancel, Maple Leaf and Numeral, Tercentenary , coils, incl. pair s, $1 Parliament , dupl. and some back-of-book , mixed condition to very fine. Stated by owner to catl. Unitrade about Can. $8850 .......................................................................................................................................... 1897 to 1948, coll. of well over 300 on hingele ss album pages , n.h. to o.g., few used, issues nearly compl. incl. better items or sets, coils, Airs, Special Delivery, Postage due, War Tax , Officials to 1963 and Semis to 1976, some faults though much fine to very fine. Stated by owner to catl. Unitrade Can. $10,750+ ............................................................................................................................................................... Primaril y 20th Century , coll. of many hundred diff. in stockbook , much n.h., balance l.h. or o.g., incl. 1897 Jubilee to Sc, several Maple Leaf and Numeral issues, George V part sets incl. coil pairs, later values to $1, Airs, Special Delivery and Officials, generaIJy fine to very fine ..........................................................Est. Cash Value $400 24
1860 PERF 14: 2½ p dull rose (dmgd . corner ), tied by "1" in grid cancel on neat manila envelope to Iowa bearing CENT RAL POST OFFICE BRITI SH COLUMBIA SEP 12 1863 c.d.s. beneath U.S. 1861 3c rose (lifted for displa y) and tied by San Fr ancisco cogwheel cancel, with SAN FRANCISCO SEP 18 1863 tran sit and red cra yon ms. "10" denoting former U.S. postage charge which changed on Jul y 1 to 3c. Ex Wellburn , Guilford .................................(Photo ) (2, US65) Est. Cash Value $1,500-2 ,000 One of two known cross-border covers with this franking and the only one with the three cent tied. Further enhanced by the application of the incorrect postage due manuscript.
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POST OFFIC E PAID VICTORIA blue oval, two similar 1865 cover s bearing U.S. 24c gra y, tied by San Franc isco cancels to England, each with wax removed from face, one with enclos ure. Fine matched pair ..............................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $200-300 1867-69 PERF. 14: Used to England ; 25c on 3p orange , light stain s, tied by clear blue "35" in grid on blue envelope bearing matching VICTORIA B.C. JUN 13 1870 c.d.s. with Oldham receiver on reverse. S.G. 31, £1200. We note only one other example of the use of the 25c to England ...(Photo) (11) Est. Cash Value $500-750
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2 13 C8l
3p dull red , lovely FOUR-MARGINED PAIR, extremely fine , tied by two clear strikes of " l" in barred oval cancels on folded letter sheet to New Orl ean s bearing ST JOHN NEW BRUNSWICK SP 10 1854 c.d.s. on reverse. B.P.A. Cert. (1997). Ex Clayton , Amundsen , Seybold. S.G. 2 ........................................................................................................(Photo ) (1) Est. Cash Value $1,500-2 ,000 This is the only New Brunswick pence cover addressed to the southe rn United States
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3p, BISECT, touched, together with 3p, PAIR, full margins , just tied on most attractive blue printed envelope bearing ALEX:BALLOCH Insurance Agent embossing and steamer ms., ST. JOHN NO 23 1859 originating pmk and London receiv er on reverse. V.G. Greene handstamp and Greene Foundation Cert. (1999). S.G. 2a, 2 .............................(Cover Photo ) (lb ,1) Est. Cash Value $3,000-3,500
6p, diagonal half on deeply blued paper, large margins showing portion of adjoining stamp, two corner creases, neatly tied by blue "8" in barred oval on folded letter (shortened side flaps) from Chatham bearing Shediac and Bend of Petitcodiac transits and light DORCHESTER AU 3 1854 receiver all on reverse. B.P.A. Cert. (1997). S.G. 4a, £3000. Interesting contents referring to cholera epidemic .............................................................................. ...................................(Photo) (2b) Est. Cash Value $2,500 This is the third earliest six pence bisect cover. The first bears the rare mustard shade; the second, bearing the olive yellow shade, has not been seen since the Granger sale in I958 .
215 181
6p, diagonal half, ample margins, fine, tied by numeral grid on envelope to Pleasant Valley, Nova Scotia bearing St. John and St. Martin Aug 2 pmks and KENTVILLE N.S. AUG 7 1858 transit all on reverse. Greene Foundation Cert. (1987) and purported 1974 Royal Cert. Ex Halifax (Guggenheim). S.G.4a, £3000. Interesting routings through and to tiny towns ..... (Cover Photo) (2b) Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500 Unbelievably there exist only nine 6 pence covers paying the interpro vincial rate, of which five bear bisects.
•·· THE "LAST" PENCE COVER 2 16 181
6p, diagonal half, large margins, very fine, tied by "1" in oval grid on folded letter sheet to Moncton bearing ST. JOHN JU 13 1860 c.d.s. and PETITCODIAC transit on reverse. S.G. £3000+ ...................................................................................................... (Photo) (2b) Est. Cash Value $3,000-3,500 The last documented cover of any value of the New Brunswick pence issue, used more than one month after the conve rsion to the decimal currency. A significant closure to this period . Very attractive
6p full black , die sunk on India , 45x60mm , showing complete die sinking, very fine. Ex Cheung ...........................................................................................................................................(Cover Photo) (6DP) Die proofs of this size are extremely rare with probably less that five per value.
1860 WOVE PAPER, NO MESH: 4p orange, unused, clear to good margins all round , fresh , bright color, almost very fine. Greene Foundation Cert. (1998). S.G. 12, £2250 ......................................................(Photo) (12) 2 l9 ** llll1861-62 NEW COLOR: 4p rose , complete sheet of 20, all stamps n.h. , insignificant selvage tear, fresh, bright color , extremely fine. S.G. 23, £500 .............................................................................................(Photo) (18) 220 *EEAIR POST: 1921 Halifax 35c red, blk of four , compr. wide and narrow spacing, top stamps with period after " 1921", o.g .. , very fine. S.G. 148, A, F, £350+ ...........................................................................(Photo) (C3,A)
2 18 *
2,250.00 575.00+ 470.00+
222 0
Ip red brown , beautiful , distinct color , good to huge margins , faint grid cancel and portion of transit marking at bottom , very fine. S.G. £400 ..................................................................................................................(Photo) (1) Ip , PAIR, good margins all round , cancelled by two strikes of large "3", light horiz. crease, very fine. S.G. £800+. No examples of this cancel have been noted in any of the fo llowing collections - A rgenti, Dale/Li chtenstein, Halifax, Foxbridge, Kanai or Koh - and only two such markings are found on cover. Quite lovely and rare .........(Photo) (1)
223 0
lp ,rare VERTICAL PAIR on deepl y blued paper, good to large margins , neatly caned. , extremely fine.
221 0
S.G. £800+ ...................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (1)
COVER CONDITION Minor faults including, but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps, small tears and some backflap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue.
900.00+ 900.00+
219 224 181
6p yellow green, SHEET MARGIN COPY, margins clear to large other sides showing portion of adjoining stamp, very fine, tied by neat grid on envelope bearing blue NEW BRUNSWICK transit and light red PAID 10 CENTS, LOCKS ISLAND (now Lockport) MR17 1857 c.d.s., St. John NB MR 28 and red Yarmouth transit on reverse to East Harrington, Me. B.P.A. Cert. (1959). S.G. 5, from £2000 .........................................................................................................(Photo) (4) Est. Cash Value $1,000 A most interesting cover as Locks Island is a very rare point of origin. The cover took 11 days to arrive in New Brunswick and then undoubtedly traveled overland to East Harrington .
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225 181
THE "LAST" PENCE COVER 6p yellow green, full margins, tied by neat grid on envelope (small tear and one tatty backflap) to Truro bearing very late HALIFAX MR 25 1861 c.d.s. on reverse. Greene Foundation Cert. (1999). Ex Brouse ..........................................................................................(Photo) (4a) Est. Cash Value $3,000-4,000 As Nova Scotia 's currency changed f rom p ence to cents on April 30, 1860, this cover, mailed some eleven months after,has by far the latest usage of the six p ence and is probably the last documented pence cover.
6p dark green, margins all round except for insignificant nick at one spot, full o.g. (hinge remnant), cert. states "small thin in margin" which in our opinion is merely gum removed inherent in its crackly nature, rich deep color and a wonderful copy. Greene Foundation Cert. (1997). S.G. ÂŁ5,000 ...............................................................................................(Cover Photo) (5) Est Cash Value $3,000-4,000 Of the mere fourteen copi es we have noted, this is undoubtedly the rarest unused stamp in classic British North Am erica. There are only a handful with gum and even Less that are sound.
6p, two margins, tied by intense grid on folded letter sheet bearing red shield HALIFAX PAID JL 19 1852 handstamp and " 10" and "8" ms., ''Halifax 17 July 1852" ms. on reverse. Sc. 5 .........................................................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $2,000 A significant cover using the 6 pence dark green before 1856; the only other known has not been seen since 1963.
228 181
lsh bright purple, unused , large to very large margins aU round, small margin corner crease clear of design, lovel y brilliant color , very fine. Greene Foundation Cert. (1998 ). S.G. 8, ÂŁ14,000 ........................................................................................................(Cover Photo) (6) Est. Cash Value $5,000
1860-63 "CENTS" IISSUE: Coll. of 13 covers on album and stock pages, compr. le, 2c, Sc and 10c values with multiples , combination cancels , designations , some documentation. Ex Porter. Nice selection .........................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $750-1,000
PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND STAMPLESS COVERS THE FRENCH-BRITISH WAR 1793-1802 Transatlantic mail of this period is particularly difficult to find and especiall y rare from Prince Edward Island. According to Arnell, French raiders operating out of New York and Chesapeake interrupted mail service with a loss of 46 packet boats. The regular practice of sending duplicate letters exemplified the risk of non-delivery.
1796 Invoice signed by bold ''Edward" as ''Lt. General Commanding His Majesty's Forces in Nova Scotia and its dependencies", dated "Halifax 1st June 1796", addressed to "Alex Bryrrun , Esq. Deputy Paymastr. General." and in the amount of ÂŁ12 to cover freight of supplies "...to the Island of St. Johns and there delivered for the use of His Majestys Troops at that Post", fine ........ (Photo) Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 St John 's Island was renamed Prince Edward Island in his honor two years later in 1798. A historical document from the War and the foremost frontispiece signed by the Island's namesake.
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23 1
USED TO PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND 1798 folded letter addressed to Mr. James Douglas, St. John's Island (name changed that year), carried by private ship and bearing ms. "recd. 11th Sept. 1798" and ''7th March 1798 Grace Douglas" on inside flap, fine. Lengthy eight page letter from his mother ..........................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $750 1802 folded letter inbound to James Douglas , Prince Edward Island, dated "Edinburgh 2nd Octr. 1802" and bearing ms. "(Duplicate)", carried by private ship, lengthy letter from his brother, John, regarding debt collection within the Island, court cases, etc., very fine. An early reference to Prince Edward Island. Manuscript notation on reverse "Received 16th July 1803 never received the original" indicates the importance of duplicate letters ........... .............. ........ ............... ....... ....................... ......................... .............. (Photo) Est. Cash Value $600-700 SECOND EARLIEST KNOW OUTBOUND LETTER 1804 folded letter, dated April 24th, 1804, addressed to ''Lieutenant Alex B. Howe on Board His Majesty's Ship Laviathan , Westminster" and from his father, bearing ms. rated "1/10" collect, HALIFAX MAY 14 straightline backstamp and faint red pmk on reverse, wax seal cut away from back. Letter advises his son of his marriage to his late wife 's companion and caretaker, Miss Green. Also includes 1836 internal cover from Howe correspondenc e, Alex in Woolwich to his son Richard at Pembroke College, Cambridge, ms. "July 5 1836", WOWOOLWICH/ 2p P.PAID and several paid pmks plus framed type on reverse, all in red. Letter suggests that Richard "when ever you come to London if Lord Howe be in Town wait on him, not for favour but to pay you r homage to the Head of our famil y ... ". Two fine and historical covers .........(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $500
WAROF1812 The War brought serious disruption to shipping in the Atlantic. The New York leg of the Falmouth packet service was cancelled on March 11, 1813 due to U.S. war ship and pri vateer attacks. War mail from British North America is again parti cularly difficult to locate, especially from Prince Edward Island. The war ended by Treaty on December 24, 1814. EARLIEST RECORDED PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND DA TEST AMP
1814 folded letter carried by Falmouth packet ''Express" bearing PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. MAY 2 1814 datestamp , Halifax transit and red Falmouth "JY 3" receiver on reverse , ms. "Paid to Halifax Âź" in red for double rate and "6/6" as triple rate to UK, fine. From the Birnie Correspondence. Lengthy but interesting contents ...................................................... ................... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $2,500-3,000
1814 Privateer Attack folded letter sheet bearing early PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Jun 1 1814 datestamp and red "11 JY 11 1814" receiver on reverse, Halifax transit plus ms. "Paid to Halifax ls/4d " in red and "4/4" collect as double letter, fine. From the Birnie Correspondence .........................................................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $1,500 Letter was carried by Falmouth packet "Osborne " which was attacked by the Privateer "Snap Dragon ", itself subsequently pursue d and captur ed by a British war ship.
1814 folded letter bearing PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. AUG 1 1814 datestamp and red Falmouth "SE 21 1814" receiver on reverse, ms. ''Pd to Halifax 8" and "2/2" collect as single letter, carried via Falmouth packet "Princess Mary", fine. From the Birnie Correspondence Letter begins with the sinking of the packet "Princess of Wales" by collision and the loss of life, which included two fri ends or colleagues ............................................................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $750
1815 re-folded letter sheet from Fade Goff (Land Agent ) bearing "Ship Letter. " arc handstamp countermanded by red pen strokes and matching ms. "Pd. to Halifax 8d", also PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. 1815 datestamp with ms. "Nov 11 t(h)", HALIFAX NO. 12 1815 fleuron cancel and double letter rate ms. "4/4" collect to London , ms. "15/2" and red receiver on reverse, carried via Falmouth packet "Chesterfield", fine. From the Birnie Correspondence ......(Cover Photo) Est. Cash Value $5,000 The only known example of Prince Edward Island 's fi rst "Ship Letter." handstamp. An important exhibition piec e 36
1819 folded letter from Fade Goff bearing PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Apr. 11819 datestamp, Halifax transit, ms. ''Pd. to Halifax ¼" in red and "4/4" collect as double letter rate to London, red July 15 receiver on reverse, carried by Falmouth packet "Queensbury", very fine. From the Birnie Correspondence . Letter from Fade Goff, now coroner and Colonial Secretary, as well as land agent, announcing "she [his wife] has presented me with another little boy, a fine Infant - now numberin g the seventh ... " .................... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $400
1820 folded letter bearing PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. May 1, 1820 datestamp , ms. "Pd. to Halifax 8" and "2/2" as single letter rate to London, "8/8" ms. and red July 15 receiver on reverse, carried via Falmouth packet "Manchester", fine. From the Birnie Correspondence . Furth.er correspondence from Goff discussing prop osed Hillsbro Ferry bridge, concern over public access to land and other political affairs .....(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $400 1820 folded letter (small piece missing), somewhat fragile, bearing PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. May 1 1820 datestamp and ms. "8/9", consisting of 8p rate to Halifax plus additional lp indicating local delivery fee for a total of9p ......................... ............................................ ................................ ................ (Photo) Est. Cash Value $350
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1821 folded letter sheet bearing brown PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Feb. 2 1821 handstamp , also ms. "Pd. to Halifax 8", Halifax pmk and "2/2" rate to London, receiver on reverse, carried via "Duke of York" from New York. Very fine and a superb strike .......................... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $750-1,000
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1822 folded letter sheet (portion of one backflap missing) bearing ms. " 1 oz" and " 6/4" collect rate to London, step-type SHIP-LETTER/PLYMOUTH backstamp and red receiver on reverse, fine. From the Birnie Correspondence ..............................................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $200 1822 front bearing writer 's ms. "P Halifax Mail", same "1 oz" and "8/8" ms. , "Packet 9 N 8/2N4/12N" collect rate from London, also faint Halifax transit and PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. datestamp with partial ms. date (hammer quite worn by 1820) to Hills Town , portion of back flap showing partial London mkg . .......................................................................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $200 1826 folded letter bearing earliest recorded use of PAID in circle and double circle POST OFFICE P.E.ISLAND datestamp with red ms. "17 Ot 26", also red "8" rate to Halifax and "2/2" single letter rate collect to London, red receiver on reverse, carried by Falmouth packet "Swallow", fine. From the Letter f rom J ohn St ewart , Sp eaker of th e Assembl y and Receive r General Birnie Correspondence. .......................................................................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $600
242 /';.
1827 folded letter bearing ms. "3/s" collect rate plus bold framed ½ road tax handstamp over light strike of two-line "Add½" mkg , SHIP LETTER GREENOCK 28 JUN 1827 backstamp and London receiver, fine. From the Birnie Correspondence ............................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $200 l8l
1828 folded letter sheet bearing PAID in circle pmk with ms. "8" rate cancelled with pen stroke (denoting pre-paid to Halifax ) and double circle POST OFFICE P.E. ISLAND, all in red, with ms. " 1 July 1828" date within double circle pmk, Halifax transit and ms. " 2/2" collect rate to London, receiver on reverse, fine ..................................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $750 A beautiful cover
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1837 folded letter bearing PRINtE EDWARDS ISLAND error datestamp with ms. "5 Sep 37", small PAID in circle and red ms. "8" rate to Halifax, appropriate transit and "2/2" ms. collect rate to London, ms. "3/1" and red receiver on reverse, carried via Falmouth packet "Hope", fine. From the Birnie Correspondence. Lengthy letter from H.D. Mopeth (Landagent) decrying the loss of a suit to a Mrs. Millar over p roperty, Birnie 's decaying homesteads and disputes over boundaries ...(Photo) Est. Cash Value $750
1840 folded letter sheet bearing ms. steamer mkg., "l oz" and "4/-" collect for quadruple letter rate to London, red framed PACKET LETTER, on reverse FE 20 1840 receiver. ..............(Photo) Est. Cash Value $200
250 b.
25 1
1844 folded letter bearing clear strike of red PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND PAID pmk and matching prepaid ms. "1/10½", also writer's ms. ''Via Halifax & Boston", carried via Cunard "Caledonia" on her 19th voyage, PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND MY 14 1844 c.d.s. on reverse, fine. Lette r from H.N. Hope to Mess rs. Goodhu e, Merchants, New York (forwa rders) requesting enclosure be forward ed. Externa l docketing note "A rchibald Hop e I Mex ico" indi ca tes it was forwarde d to Mexico. Fabulous transit ............................................................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $750
1845 small envelope bearing ms. "4½" and PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND handstamp, both in red, Prince Edward Island transit and PICTOU NS JY 23 1845 receiver on reverse, fine. Love ly inter-co lonial rate .......................................................................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $250 1852 large part of printed folded letter bearing scarce "2" in circle handstamp, 2p internal rate, PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND JA 22 1853 c.d.s. and lovely red Summerside receiver, fine. January 1853 was the first reported month of use of the "2" handstamp .................... ................... ...... .................. (Photo) Est. Cash Value $250 1855 folded letter from Kildare bearing clear strike of "2" handstamp for 2p internal letter fee collect rate, St. Eleanors transit and SUMMERSIDE P.E. ISLAND OCT 18 c.d.s. on reverse, both in red. A superb copy of the "2" handstamp and one of only two reported . Very rare and attractive cover ..... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $350 1856 blue Official envelope (#10) bearing CHARLOTTE TOWN-P.E.I. PAID MY 23 1856 PAID c.d.s. and ms. "4" 4p double internal rate, both in red, also "Containing two Acts relating to Weights and Measures" of which one printed Act is enclosed, addressed to P.M. Powers Esquire, the Island's Essayer of Weights and Measures, red SUMMERSIDE P.E. ISLAND MAY 26 receiver and Prince Edward Island c.d.s. on reverse, fine. This bears the earliest rep orted use of the Summer side datestamp ..................... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $300 1857 folded letter bearing CHARLOTTE TOWN AP 18 1852 PAID c.d.s. and ms. "2" 2p internal rate, Prince Edward Island datestamp on reverse, fine. Letter from Mrs. Jam es to Mr. Saunde rson " ... two month s has expired since I wrote you for the rent and no answer . Sir please send it up by the Post if not I must try other means. " ....................................................................................................................................... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $200
1857 blue Official envelope (#10) bearing lovely strike of CHARLOTTE.TOWN P.E.I AP 22 1857 PAID c.d.s. and ms. "4" 4p double internal rate, both in red, plus interesting ms. "Ackdg My acct agnst the Govt. for Sundry Articles ...", red SUMMERSIDE P.E. ISLAND 23 APR 1857 receiver on reverse, fine. With enclosure. Very rare. There ex ist only two exa mpl es of the Summe rside ca nce l exhibit ing the yea r date . .......................................................................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $400 1859 (docket) blue Official envelope (#10) bearing light CHARLOTTE -TOWN P.E.I. PAID DEC 3 1858 c.d.s. and ms. "4" 4p double internal rate, plu s Summ erside rece iver on reve rse, all markings in red, fine ........................................................................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $200 1861 envelope bearing CHARLOTTE TOWN P.E.I. MY 25 1861 PAID c.d.s., ms. "6" and U.S. PAID 10 in circle, all in red, to Maine, Prince Edward Island transit on reverse , fine. An attractive and colorfu l crossborde r cove r .............................. ........ ....... ....................... ...... ........ ................................ (Photo ) Est. Cash Value $200
1862 small envelope (staining , roughl y opened ) with enclosure dated May 15 , 1862 and bearing light strike of SUMMERSIDE (MY 15 1862 PAID) c.d.s. and ms. "2" 2p internal rate, both in red, 1862 Prince Edward Island and Summerside backstamps. The Summe rside PAID datestamp is one of only two recorded .......................................................................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $250
USED FROM NOVA SCOTIA: 1841 folded letter, bearing HALIF AX OVA-SCOTIA FEB 10 184 1 c.d.s. and ms. "8" collect rate, to Charlotte Town, very fine .......................................................... (Photo ) Est. Cash Value$ I00
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USED FROM NEW BRUNSWICK: 1846 folded letter (age faults) bearing "Prince Edward Island SHIP LETTER" straight-line handstamp and ms. "4½" rate as ship letter, addressed to Thomas Owen Esquire (Deputy Postmaster General of the Island ) from Miramichi , PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND JU 12 1846 receiver on reverse.... .................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $2,000 A rare and significan t cover
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USED FROM ENGLAND: 1846 folded letter from London bearing clear strike of the rare "ls/ 4 Cy" handstamp and on reverse double circle Crown B R 3 AU 1846 departure datestamp and PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND AU211846 receiver, carried via Cunard "Caledonia", very fine. From the Birnie Correspondence. One of only three known ................................... ..(Photo) Est. Cash Value $750
USED FROM SCOTLAND: 1852 folded letter from Glasgow bearing lovely strike of the rare " ls / 6 Cy" handstamp , representing the combined lsh/3p packet rate and 3p internal rate, also GLASGOW AP 9 1852 c.d.s. , transit mkg. and Prince Edward Island receiver on reverse, carried by Cunard "Niagara" via Liverpool to Halifax, very fine. One of only five known ............ ................................ (Photo) Est. Cash Value $600
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USED FROM ENGLAND: Neat 1857 envelope bearing inverted "6" handstamp used to indicate 9p rate from London, double circle Crown B C DE 4 1857 and red UK transfer mkg., also departure handstamps, tiny blue London transit and Prince Edward Island Dec 21 receiver on reverse, very fine. There are thirteen reported examples of the "6" used as such on mails leaving the island. This is a rare example of the "6" handstamp used upside down to indicate the 9p collect rate on an inbound letter . ................................. (Photo) Est. Cash Value $350 USED FROM UNITED STATES: 1868 envelope bearing NEW YORK MAY 30 10 combined rate/datestamp and rare large "6" collect handstamp to Middleton, Halifax oval and PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND . 5 JUN 1868 c.d.s. on reverse, all mkgs unusually sharp and clear, fine. Greene Foundatio n Cert. ( 1985). One of only two reported strikes of the large 6(p) marking ............................................................... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $400
2p rose, Scott 1 $300 on cover 2p deep rose (toward claret), perfs in at bottom, tied by two strikes of oval grid cancel on envelope (sealed tear) to C ha rl otte tow n beari ng PRI NCE EDWARD ISLAND SEP 13 1862 dat es ta mp o n r everse. Sc. l a ................................................ ................................................................. .......................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $250 2p, short corner perf, fine appearance , tied by clear oval grid cancel to Charlottetow n and bearing PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND APR 15 1863 datestamp on reverse . S.G. I, from £360 ..............(Photo) Est. Cash Value $250 2p, deep shade, fine, tied by oval ten-line grid on bronze envelope (back flap missing) to Charlotte Town bearing transit and neat ST. ELEANORS JU 5 1863 c.d.s. on reverse. S.G. I, from £360 ........(Photo) Est. Cash Value $300 2p, PENCF var., SE, nibbed perf, oval grid cancel on amber envelope to George Town bearing two strikes of PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND DEC 28 1863 c.d.s. and faint apparently same day Georgetown receiver. Sc. I var . ................................................................................................................... ..................... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $250 2p, crease d, very fine appearance , tied by eight -bar ova l on amber enve lope (ex ploded , seale d tear s) to Charlotte town beari ng clear strik e of PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND APR 11 1864 datestamp on reverse . Ex Dale/Lichtenstein. S.G. I, from £360 ....................................................................... ......(Photo) Est. Cash Value $200
3p blue, Scott 2 269
3p, perf faults, fine appearance, bar grid pmk and rare ms. "S" (Souris) cancel, on folded letter datelined Rollo Bay to Halifax bearing faint Prince Edward Island c.d.s. and H NS JU 11 1863 (Halifax ) receiver on reverse. S.G. 3, from £675 ....................................................... .................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $1,000 There is only one reported example of a Rollo Bay po stmark. This letter, carried by govern ment contrac t steame r to Pictou, traveled via Souris and was cancelled there by the manuscript "S ".
6p yellow green, Scott 3 270
USED TO UNITED STATES: 6p, fresh color, fine, tied by clear oval grid cancel on small mourning cover bearing MAY 5 datestamp and lovely strike of "Not called for" handstamp, Boston July 4 and PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND AP 2(3) 18(63) backstamps, with enclosure, also print ed "Returned Letters," wrapper bearing Princ e Edward Island Nov. 28 datestamp on reverse and in which the undelivered letter was returned by the Prince Edward Island GPO in Charlottetown to the sender David Walker. Royal Cert. (1960). S.G. 4 ........................................ (Cover Photo) Est. Cash Value $3,500 Certainly the fines t and most traveled of the sixteen reported six p ence covers. See additional covers beginning with lot 308 46
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1862-65 PENCE ISSUE VARIO US PERFORATIONS lp yellow orange , Scott 4 $350 on cover
lp, perf 11¾, negligible crease, fine appearance, tied by CHARLOTTETOWN PEI 4 SEP 1871 ring duplex cancel on folded printed circular to Montague Bridge paying the lp circular rate. Greene Foundation Cert. (1984). S.G. 9 ....................................................................{Photo) Est. Cash Value $1,000 Only five strikes of the hammer II ring dup lex exist. This is the unique example of the hammer I duplex used only in 1871. 181
lp , perf 11, two copies, one faulty, paying 2p internal rate, tied by eight-bar grid cancels and each stamp with ms. "S" (Souris) on envelope to Charlotte Town, PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND OCT 8 1864 c.d.s. on reverse. S.G. 9 Only thirteen such / rankings rep orted .............................................. ..................... .........(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $200 lp , compound perf 11 and 11½ -12, used with 2p, both with faults, paying 3p letter rate to Halifax, tied by oval grid cancels on large piece (one back flap) beari ng PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND SE 20 1865 c.d.s. and Hal ifax receiver , carrie d by co ntr act tea mer "Princess of Wales " or "Hea th er Bell e" to Pi c tou . Ex Dale/Lichtenstein. Sc. 4, 5., S.G. 2 1, 12. Only six such rated covers are recorded ......(Photo) Est. Cash Value $250
272 181
273 6
lp , perf 11¾, two copies, tied by oval grid cancels on amber envelope (backflap torn and portion missing, docketing at right) to Charlottetown bearing bold PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND 28 AUG 1868 c.d.s. on reverse. S.G. 9 .......................................................... ....................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $200 lp , two overlapping off-center copies, pen cancelled on small envelope (partial backflap) to Summerside bearing PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND 16 DEC 1868 c.d.s. on reverse. S.G. 9 ..........................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 150 lp , perf 11¾, off-center, tied by indistinct grid on small envelope (back flap missing) to Ch. Town bearing PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND 29 JAN 1869 c.d.s. S.G. 9 The Ip pays the unsealed envelop e rate fo r weight not exceeding ½oz. Only nineteen covers exist with this rate bearing this stamp .......(Photo) Est. Cash Value $200- 300 lp and 2p rose, both perf 11¾, perfs in one side, paying the 3p letter rate to Nova Scotia, tied by pen strikes and oval grid cancels on envelope to Wallace, PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND l MAY 1869 c.d.s. and Pictou and Halifax transits on reverse, carried via contract steamer "Princess of Wales" or "St. Lawrence" to Pictou. Sc. 4, 5., S.G. 9, 12. Only six such rated covers are known..........................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $350 lp , perf 11¾, pair, fine, tied by cork cancels on envelope (exploded) to Geo. Town bearing CHARLOTTEI'OWN JU 2 7 1 c.d.s. and Georgetown receiver on reverse. S.G. 9 ........................................... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $250 2p rose, Scott 5
USED TO QUEBEC: 2p, RIGHT DIAGONAL BISECT and single , nibbed perfs, tied by two strike s of PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND JA 5 70 c.d.s., additional strike on envelope , Montreal tran sit and Quebec recei ver on reverse. Signed Jarrett. Sc. Sa, Se, S.G. 12, 12b, from £1400+ ..............................................................................................................(Cover Photo) Est. Cash Value $2,000 The unique franking paying the 3 pence interprovincial letter rate. A lovely cover 48
2p on yellowish paper, fine, tied by clear strike of TIGNISH PAID cancel on blue envelope to Summerside. Greene Foundation Cert. (1985). S.G. 12 Very rare postmark as Lehr repo rts only three known. The yellowish pap er indicates usage between 1861 and 1862 ........................................................... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $500
28 1
2p, bright color, tied by clear oval grid cancel on amber envelope (back.flap faults) bearing SUMME RSIDE P.E. ISLAND JAN 5 c.d.s. and Charlottetow n receiver on reverse ....................................... (Photo ) Est. Cash Value $ 100 2p, fine, tied by two strikes of oval grid cancel on envelope to Summerside, faint SUMME RSIDE P.E. ISLAND OCT 10 receiver on reverse. Usually used with the the day preceeding the month, it is known in the late 1860s and 1870s with the two reversed ...........................................................................................(Photo) Est . Cash Va lue $ 100 2p, faulty, tied by bar grid cancel on envelope (sealed opening tear, docketing at right) to Georgetown bearing clear strike of PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND MAY 12 1869 c.d.s., next-day Georgetown receiver on reverse indicating the overland route ........................................................................................................... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 150 2p, fine appearance. caned. by eight-bar oval on envelope (portions of two back flaps missing) to Summerside bearing clear strike of PRINCE-EDW ARD-ISLAND OC 2 69 datestamp and equally clear Summerside receiver on reverse ........................................................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 100 2p, two copies, left stamp Dot in "C" and Dot after "E" of "PENCE", Pos. 40, fine, tied by oval grid pmks and caned. by neat pen strikes on envelope (partial backflap, sealed edge tear) to Boston bearing PRINCE-EDWARD-ISLAND NO 24 69 datestamp on reverse, cert. mentions "a third stamp ...removed". Greene Foundation Cert. (1984). Sc. 5 var. Despit e certificat e notation , we find no evidence or need of a third 2p as the existing f ranking paid the correct lette r rate (4p) to Boston . The only recorded cover bearing the 2p variety.................................................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $300 2p, Dot before "T" of "TWO", fine, tied by "13" in grid cancel on bronze envelope (reduced at left) to Charlottetown bearing PRINCE-EDWARD-ISLAND DE 15 69 transit on reverse. Toaspern handstar.ip. Sc. 5 var. This is the only reported exampl e of this variety on cover ..........................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $150 2p, surface scuff, fine appearance , tied by Charlottetow n fancy cork ca nce l on envelope (open two sides, slightly reduced at left) addressed to the Captain of the "Ship 'James Duncan' at Charlottetown", faint PRINC E EDWARD ISLAND (D)E 22 (1870) transit on reverse. One of only eight reported strikes of this fa ncy cork cancel ........................................................................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $200 2p, well centered, fine, tied by neat strike of oval grid cancel on envelope to Belfast bearing CHARLOTTE TOWN P.E.I. JU 2 7 1 c.d.s. and Georgetown transit on reverse ................................... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $100 2p, very fine, caned. by Charlottetown 28 AU 187 1 star duplex on corner card yellow envelope to Souris. Lehr reports only fi ve examples of the star duplex ............................. ...................... ..............(Photo) Est. Cash Value $250
Group of six single franked 2p covers, incl. Georgetown, Summerside, Charlotte Town split ring and Prince Edward Island pmks, starburst cork and " 13" and oval grid cancels, mixed condition ............................Est . Cash Value $250
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3p blue , Scott 6
3p, vertical pair , perfs touch , used with 2p on yellowish paper , perf 11 ½ -12, dash above TWO , Pos. 20, fine , all tied by strikes of oval grid on white envelope (small part of backflap missing ) to Belfast bearing faint PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND MY 29 1866 datestamp on reverse. Royal Cert. (1962). Ex Lea , Lehr. Sc. Sa, 6a, S.G. 12, 14 ....... ............ ....................... ............ ......... ...(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $1,200
Registered covers are rare and this is the unique franking combination
3p, "J" for ''I" in "ISLAND ", Pos. 12, negligible perf stains , very fine appearance , tied by neat strike of "13" in grid on envelope to Tatarnagouche, Nova Scotia bearing PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND NOV 24 1865 c.d.s. and Tatarnago uche receive r on reverse. Sc. 6 var., S.G. 14 .................... ................. ............(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $250 3p , compound perf 11 and 11 ½ -12 , fine , tied by " 13' ' grid cancel on envelope (docke ting at left) beari ng PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND JU 12 1866 c.d.s. and Tatarnagouche receive r on reverse, carried by contract steamer "Princess of Wales" or "Heather Belle". Sc. 6 var., S.G. 23, Unitrade 6ii ............... .....(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $ 150
3p, compound perf 11 and 11½ -12, deep shade, small corner crease , very fine appearance , paying the letter rate to Nova Scotia , tied by oval grid cancel on envelope to "Ship 'Duncan ', Straits of Canso" bearing PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND 23 DEC 1868 c.d.s ., Pictou, Truro and Antigonish transits on reverse. Ex Wellburn. Sc. 6 var., S.G. 23, Unitrade 6ii. Letter carried off island by contract steamer "Princess of Wales" or "Heather Belle " to Pictou ........... ..................................... ....................................... ...................................... .(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $250
3p, dash after "E" of "EDWARD ", negligible perf faults, fine appearance , tied by " 13" grid ca ncel on envelope bearing PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND FEB 6 1868 c.d.s., Amherst transit and Pictou rece iver on reverse. Sc. 6 var., S.G. 14. A lovely example of Winter Mail carried fro m Cape Traverse to Cape Tormentine by ice boat ................. .......... .................................... ......... ................. ............... ................................ (Photo ) Est. Cash Value $300 3p, perfs touch at right , tied by oval grid cancel on small envelope to Wolfville bearing PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND 1 MA Y 1868 c.d.s., Halifax transit and scarce W olfville belt buckle double oval receiver on reverse, carried by contract steamer "Princess of Wales" or "St. Lawre nce" . S.G. 14 ........................... (Photo ) Est. Cash Value $ 100
3p, perf 11 ½, broken ''D" of "ISLAND ", perfs touch at right , Pos. 22, tied by neat oval grid cancel on envelope (tears, partial back flap) to Cape Breto n, Nova Scotia bearing clear SUMME RSIDE. P.E. ISLAND SEP 20 c.d.s ., Pictou, Pallister Cove, West Bay and PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND (S)EP 20 69 transits on reverse. Sc. 6 var., S.G. 14. West Bay N.S. post mark in unrecorded by MacDonald ...................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $250 3p , compound perf 11 and 11 ½ -12 , fine , paying the letter rate to Nova Scotia , tied by lovely strik e of CHARLOTTE-TOWN P.E.I. JA 24 187 1 c.d.s., another equally lovely strike on envelope to Halifax , Nova Scotia backstarnp. Sc. 6 var., S.G. 23, Unitrade 6ii... .................................... ........................ ....(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $ 150 3p on bluish white paper , fine , tied by CHARLOTTE-TOWN 18 AUG 1871 star duplex on lovel y all-over advertising envelope to Sydne y (Nova Scotia ) bearing Pictou , Nova Scotia date stamps on reverse , carried via contract steamer "Princess of Wale s" or "St. Lawrence ". S.G. 30. One of only five recorded star duplex covers .................................... ........ ............... ................................................... ................. ........ (Photo ) Est. Cash Value $600 1867-70 , group of five single franked 3p covers , paying letter rate to various towns in Nova Scotia, all carrie d by contract steamer via Pictou, mixed condition .................. ..........................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $250
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6p yellow green, Scott 7
2 PENCE INTERNAL RATE PLUS 6 PENCE REGISTRATION 6p, fine, used with 2p, Pos. 28, perf faults , tied by light oval grid cancels on Regis. envelope (small part of back flap missing) bearing clear strike of PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND FEB 4 1869 pmk and ms. "Registered No. 926", to Grand River Wharf Lot 55 corrected to Lot 56. Foundation Cert. (1975). Sc. 7, Sa, S.G.12, 17 .......................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $1,200 A very rare use of the 6 pen ce to complete the fees
6p , compound perf 11 and 11½ -12, slight faults, well centered , paying the triple internal letter rate, tied by "13" in grid cancel on envelope (back flap tears ) to Grand River Wharf bearing slightly blurred PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND MA 28 1867 c.d.s. on reverse. Greene Foundation Cert. (1985). S.G. 25, Unitrade 7i, unpr. B elieve d to be the only triple rat e compound perf cove r ............................................................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $750
Believed to be the only triple rate compound perforation cover
6p, faulty, paying the cross border rate, tied by oval grid on envelope (slightly reduced at right) to New York bearing choice strike of PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND 28 MAR 1868 c.d.s. S.G. 17 ..... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $250
9p deep lilac, perf 11ž, fine, tied by oval grid handstamp on small envelope (small tear, portion of back flap missing ) bearing PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND FEB 8 1869 datestamp and red British packet arrival handstamp. Green Foundation Cert. (1983). Ex Reford. Sc. 8, $525 on cover, S.G. 19. Lovely example of the 9p rate ...................................... ........................ .................. ...................... .....................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $750
1868 4p BLACK BISECT Scott 9c $1000 on cover
4p on white paper, perf 11 ½ -12, left diagonal half , fine , pa ying 2p internal rate , tied by clear strike of oval grid on envelope bearing SUMMERSIDE P.E. ISLAND OCT 17 c.d.s. with ms. " 1870" year date. Royal Cert. (1930). S.G. 31b , from £1500 ...................... ....................... .......(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $1,000 Of the only seventeen reported bisect covers, this is one of the finest.
4p , compound perf 11 and 11 ½ -12, edge staining , fine app earanc e, pa ying lett er rate to the United State s, tied by diamond fanc y cork cancel on neat ladies' en velope (two small sealed tears at left ) to Minnesota bearing CHARLOTTE-TOWN P.E.I. JU 29 71 c.d.s. Greene Foundation Cert. (1984). Sc. 9 var. , S.G. 24, Unitrade 9i. The unique use of the diamond cancel as reported in Lehr ..........(Photo ) Est. Ca sh Value $750
1870 4½p BROWN Scott 10 $2000 on cover 307
4½p, perf 11¾, faults, fine appearance, tied by the unique CHARLOTTETOWN 28 SEP 1871 star duplex cancel on small envelope (portion of back flap missing), writer 's ms. "Via New York", to Shepton Mallett, England with partial receiver on reverse. Greene Foundation Cert. (1998) . Ex Wellburn. S.G. 32, from £2100 ..........................................................(Cover Photo) Est. Cash Value $3,000 One of only nine recorded examples of this rate. Also the unique cover cancelled by the star duplex, of which only five examples are known to exist. An important exhibition piec e
RARE TOWN ORIGINS AND DESTINATIONS Collecting pr e-Confederati on Prince Edward Island cove rs with town postmarks is challenging. With a population of 80,000 in 1861 and a mere 40 miles by 140 miles, the island had less than 130 post offices before 1879 and less than 50 reported postmarks, many with unique usages.
USED TO BAY FORTUNE: 2p deep rose, perfs touch at top, sheet margin copy, tied by bar grid cancel on envelope (small internal tear, light edge stains) bearing PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND NOV 30 I 863 datestamp on reverse . There are no reported Bay Fortune postmarks until 1874 ........................ (Photo) ( la ) Est. Cash Value $250
2p rose, perf faults, fine appearance, tied by eight-bar oval on envelope bearing PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND APR 7 1864 datestamp on reverse ............................................................................(Photo) (1) Est. Cash Value $250
USED TO CHERRY HILL: lp yellow orange, perf 11¾, pair, tied by light cork cancel on envelope (tear incl. dmgd. back flap) bearing faint PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND JY 13 1867 c.d.s. on reverse. No Cherry Hill postmarks were reported before 1873 ............................ ........................................................... (Photo) (4) Est. Cash Value $250 USED TO NORTH BEDEQUE: Ip , perf 11¾, pair, tied by indistinct " 13" in grid cancel on envelope . No North Bedeque postmark s were repor ted before 1897 and the lp was withdrawn from ci rculation in 1874 ..................................................................................................................................(Photo) (4) Est. Cash Value $225
' .\_
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3 12
USED TO PORT HILL: lp orange buff, perf 11, pair, negligible perf faults, fine, paying 2p internal rate, tied by eight-bar grid cance l on amber envelope (opening tear), PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND OCT 3 1864 c.d .s. on reverse. S.G. IO. No Port Hill postmarks were reported before 1870 ...............(Photo) (4a) Est. Cash Value $300
3 13
USED TO PORT HILL AND MT. STEWARD: 2p, one faulty, other very fine, each caned. by diff. eight-bar grid on blue envelope (faults) bearing PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND JY 9 1866 and OC IO 1866 c.d.s. 's respective ly on reverse. Neither town had reported postmarks until the 1870s ...........................(Photo) (5) Est. Cash Value $200
USED FROM PRINCETON: 2p, fine, tied by ova l grid ca nce l on amber envelope (docketin g at right) to Charlotte Town bearing blurred PRINCE-TOWN OC 26 1869 c.d.s. and Prince Edward Island transit on reverse. This PRINCE-TOWN datestamp is one of only eight recorded strikes ................... (Photo) (5) Est. Ca h Value $200
USED FROM ROSE HILL: 2p, small faults, fine appearance, tied by neat ten-bar oval cancel on envelope (exploded) to Charlottetow n bearing clear PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND 22 MAY 1868 c.d.s. and Summer side receiver on reverse. There were no reported Rose Hill strikes until 1905 ...............(Photo) (5) Est. Cash Value $200
USED TO RUSTICO: 2p rose, fine appearance, tied by light eight-bar ova l on envelope bearing PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND APR 15 1863 datestamp on reverse. There are no reported Rustico postmarks until 1873 ..................................................................................................................................(Photo) (I) Est. Cash Value $250
3 17
USED FROM ST. ELEANORS: 2p deep rose, few short perfs, well centered, tied by neat grid cancel on small pink envelope bearing ST. ELEANO RS' MY IO 1864 datestamp and Prince Edward Island transit on reverse. One of only eight reported strikes of St. Eleanors .............................................. ,............ (Photo ) ( Ia) Est. Cash Value $300
3 18
USED TO SOUTHPORT: 2p , perf 11ž, perfs touch at right , tied by eight-bar grid ca ncel on small enve lope (exploded, sealed tear) to Charlotte Town bearing Price Edward Island c.d.s. and SOUTHPORT OC 30 66 receive r on reverse. The Southport postmark resembles the British style, eliminating the PEI at the base, and was the only new hands tamp introduced in the colony between 1860 and 1870. One of only four known examples ..................................................................................................................................(Photo) (5) Est. Cash Value $300
3 19
USED TO VERNON RIVER: 2p, fine, tied by ten-bar oval on envelope (few light stains) bearing Sumrnerside and PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND JUN IO 1863 backstamps. There are no reported Vernon River postmarks until 1876 ..................................................................................................................................(Photo) (1) Est. Cash Value $300 The balance of six 2p covers, all diff. destinations, compr. Cardigan Ferry, Georgetown , Montague Bridge, St. Eleanors, Souris East and Summerside, mixed condition to fine ................. ........... (Photo) (5) Est. Cash Value $300
~-(t. ··~ ..~
;i;:1_.. ' ~ I
• •. 7
1872 CENTS ISSUE 2c ultramarine , Scott 12 There are only eight examples of the two cent on cover 321 181
2c, two copies, perf faults, tied by grid cancels on envelope (slightly reduced at left with side flap missing) bearing light strike of SUMMERSIDE. P.E. ISLAND FEB 25 (1873) dat estamp and illegible pmk , MELROSE ST MARY ' S N.S. MR 10 73 and Cross Countr y Harbor Canada transits on reverse. Greene Foundation Cert. (1992). S.G. 38 ....................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $1,250
322 181
2c, used with le brown orange , both perf 12, fine, tied by circular cork cancels on envelope to John Scrim geour M.P.P., CHARLOTTE-TOWN P E I MY 30 72 receiver on re verse. Greene Foundation Cert. (1985). Sc. 12, 11, S.G. 38, 34 ...............................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $1,000 Rare internal rate usage
USED TO NOV A SCOTIA 3c rose , Scott 13 323
3c, Period var., Pos. 17, used with le, faults, both tied by pointed grid pmks on envelope (tears and small part of back flap) bearing CHARLOTTE TOWN P.E.I. AP 6 72 c.d.s. to Stellerton, Amherst transit and Stellerton receiver on reverse. Greene Foundation Cert. (1984). Sc. 13 var., 11, Unitrade 13i, 11Afine example of the rare four cent interprovincial rate ......................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $500 3c, rounded corner, tied by lovely strike of CHARLOTTETOWN PE I 19 AUG 1872 barred duplex on envelope (slightly reduced at left) to Souris, paying the 3c internal rate. Greene Foundation Cert. (1985). S.G. 45. A very rare cover ............................................................................................ (Photo) Est. Cash Value $500 3c, two copies, one faulty , other fine, each on separate envelope, tied by diff . five-pointed star cancel and bearing strike of CHARLOTTE-TOWN P.E.I. 72 c.d.s., one dated NO. 7, other very faint NO. 24. A pr etty pair ........................................................................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $150
3c, tied by four-ring target cancel on envelope , bearing PRIN CE TOWN ROAD P.E.I. FEB 2 1 c.d.s. and longish ms. in part reading "Will come in May", Charlotte Town 1873 receiver on reverse. S.G. 37 The only reported exampl e of the Prince Town Road postma rk, believed manufactured f rom boxwood and similar to those offered by John Zevely of Wheeling, West Virginia ................... ......................(Photo page 61) Est. Cash Value $400 3p, perf 12½, fine, tied by triangular cork cancel on envelope, bearing CHARLOTTE -TOWN P.E.I. MY 17 73 c.d.s., rare WOOD ISLANDS P.E.I. MY 20 receiver on reverse. S.G. 45 . This is the only reported example of this postmark devise believed to be constructed from boxwood ........... ........................ ........ (Photo) Est. Cash Value $400 3c, two copies, perf 12½-13, fine, each on separate envelope (one exploded, other small part of back flap missing), tied by diff. triangle cork cancel and bearing strike of CHARLOTTE -TOWN P.E.I. 73 c.d.s., one dated MR 5, the other MY 23 with faint handstamp on reverse. S.G. 45 . Very attractive ......(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 150 4c yellow green, Scott 14 4c, perf 12-12 ¼, fine, paying interpro vincial letter rate, tied by bullse ye cancel on envelope (slightl y reduced at right) bearing RUSTICO P.E.I. MAY 5 pmk and ms. "(in haste)", CHARLOTTE-TOWN P.E.I. MY 6 73 backstamp. Ex Doane Green. S.G. 39. The only rep orted strike of the Rustico boxwood po stmark .......................................................................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $500
USED TO BATHURST, N.B.: 4c, perfs touch, tied by triangular cork cancel on envelope (tears left side), bearing CHARLOTTE -TOWN P.E.I. JU 6 73 c.d.s., CHATHAM N.S. JUlO 1873 transit and partial Bathurst receiver on reverse . S.G. 39. A exampl e of the fou r cent interprovin.cial rate used during the last month prior to Prince Edward Island j oining the Con.federation in July, / 873 .....................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $250 USED TO UNITED STATES 6c black, Scott 15
33 1
6c, perf 12, perfs touch, tied by bullseye cancel on envelope, bearing MONTAGUE BRIDGE P.E.I MAR 18 c.d .. , Charlotte Town next-day 1873 transit on reverse. Greene Foundatio n Cert . ( 1985). S.G. 41. Only four reported strikes of Montague Bridge..............................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $300 6c, perfs touch, tied by bold triangular cancel on pale yellow envelope (small tear) to Boston, Mass., bearing CHARL OTTE-TOWN P.E.I. AP 5 73 pmk with enclosure. S.G. 41. Writer is seeking a change of employment as "things have not turned as favourable as I would like... " ............................................. (Photo) Est. Cash Value $200 6c, spur on bottom right "6", small tear, tied by smudge cancel on envelope to Minnesota, CHARLOTTE-TOWN P.E .I AP 2(4) 7 3 ha nd sta mp on reverse. Greene Foundation Cert. (1985). Sc . 15 var ., S .G . 4 1 va r. ........................................................................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $200 6c, perf 12-12¼ , perf faults,tied by triangular cork cancel on envelope (slightly reduced, some tone spots) to Massachusetts, bearing light strike of CHARLOTTE-TOWN P.E.I. JU 27 73 c.d.s. S.G. 4 1. A very late, and possibly last, usage prior to Prince Edward Island j oining the Confederation in July of 1873 ....(Photo) Est. Cash Value $300 USED FROM BARBADOS: 4p dull red, perf 14, very fine, tied by ova l on pre-printed envelope (roughly opened , back flap rejoined) bearing BARBADOS MY 3 1 82 pm.k and endorsed "per Muriel via New York", "New York Paid All" datestamp on reverse. Sc. 54 ................................................... ..............(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $300 62
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336 1:8:1
337 1:8:1 338 1:8:1
USED FROM GREAT BRITAIN: 6p dull violet, small faults, tied by LIVERPOOL OC 1 64 duplex , on blue envelope (portion of back flap missing) bearing two strikes of the rare "ls/6 Cy" handstamp short-paid, amount the representing "9" ms. and mkg. straight-line PREPAID ENTLY also INSUFFICI the also ''via Queenstown " ms., faint backstamp. Sc. 39. A choice cover and one of only fi ve known with $750-1,000 Value Cash Est. (Photo) ............. ................... ................... ................... .................... handstamp 1/6
s, carried Selection of four covers, 6p lilac, Sc. 27 and 45, PI. 6, two each, varyin g departure datestamps and receiver
Cash Val ue $250 by four different Cunard ships , mixed condition. Sc. 27 , 45 ................ ............. ................... .......Est. 21 NO7 l LIVERPOOL of s strike three by tied s, copie Selection of three covers, corn pr. Ip red, three overlapping duplex on piece duplex on folded letter to Summerside , 2 ½ p, perfin, Pl. 12, tied by MANCHESTER NO 26 1878 , mixed condition and 3p rose, wing pair , tied by LIVERPOOL 7 AP 74 duplex on folded letter , both to Charlotte Town Ca sh Value $150 ...... .................. ............................ .............................. ............................ ......................... ...... .........Est.
339 64
1861 (3p) white on solid vermilion background on tan paper, lettering and value tablets omitted , large Die essay die sunk on wove, 74x67mm, very fine ... ....................................................(Photo) (Pratt 2E-Ab ) Only two such essays known in this color
340 E 341 P 342 P 343 DP 344 DP 345 DP 346 DP 347 DP 348 P 349 DP
6p black , Die essay die sunk on India , 45x77mm , very tine .................................................(Photo) (Pratt 3E-Aa ) 6p claret , imperf plate essay on India, beautiful fresh color, very fine. Ex Lehr, illustrated page 54. Rare ...................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (Pratt 3E-Aa) 1872 3c green, perf 13½ plate essay on gummed thick crisp paper, fresh, fine. Ex Lehr, illustrated page 54 ...................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (Pratt 13E-Ab) 1862-65 lp black , tete-beche trial color Die proof die sunk on thin glazed card , 107x84mm, small light comer crease and red marks on front, very fine appearance. Unlisted in Pratt and R. Lowe ..................(Photo) (4TC) lp black , trial color Die proof die sunk on thick glazed card, 37x40mm, defaced by two thin vert. lines, very fine ...........................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (4DP) Same, but die sunk on thin glazed card, 48x40mm , sma ll fa ult s incl. light toning mostly on reverse .................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (4DP) lp black , trial color Die proof with black surrounds on hard paper , faults, tine appearance. A proof unlisted in all referenc e books and no apparent examples have been offered at auction .......................... ..........(Photo) (4DP) lp orange buff, trial color Die proof with colored surrounds cut quite close especially at bottom, faults, fine appearance ...............................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (4DP) 1868 3p blue , imperf plate proof , almost complete design with 4p blue printed upside down on re verse (illustrated ), very fine .........................................................................................................................(Photo ) (6P,9P) 4p black , Die proof on thin wove paper with solid black background, 54x62mm, die breaks paper at right and light tone spots not mentioned in cert., still very fine. Greene Foundation Cert. (1993) .....(Photo ) (Pratt 9pla)
350 P
3p blue, imperf plate proof, sheet margin pair, 4p black, almost complete design of sheet margin pair printed upside down on reverse (illustrated ), fine ..................................... ................. ................... ...............(Photo) (6P,9P)
35 1 PP
1870 4½ p greenish black, imperf trial color plate proof on India on card, pair, very fine ............ (Photo) (lOP)
352 PP
4½p brown, imperf plate proof on India on card, very large margins, brilliant fresh, extremely fine. Pratt 10P3 .................................. ......................................... ............................................................... ....................... (Photo) (l0P)
353 PP
Same, sheet margin pair, large margins other sides, brilliant fresh, extremely fine .................. .....(Photo) (lOP)
354 PPEB 1872 le bright orange, le black, imperf trial color plate proofs on thin white wove paper, blks of four, latter sheet margin blk, former top proofs creasing, fine to very fine. Pratt 11TC5a .................................. (Photo) (I ITC ) 1893 J. A. TILLEARD PROOFS 355 DP
Black on Glazed White Paper Seven subjects on two pages, 181x281mm , showing the two vignette die proofs of "PENCE" and "CENTS", a die essay and die proofs of lp , 2p, 3p, 9p, fine to very fine ............................. (Photo) Est. Cash Value $300-500
356 PP
2p, complete pane of 60, page 179x282mm, very fine .......................... ..............(Photo) Est. Cash Value $200-300
357 PP
4p, complete pane of 30, page 179x280mm , very fine ........................................ (Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 150- 250
358 DP
The set of four Die Proofs , compr. le , 3c, 4c, 6c, page I 79x28lmm , very fine ..(Photo) Est. Cash Value $300- 500
359 PP
3c, complete pane of 30, showing stop between PRINCE . EDWARD, Pos. 2, 12, 22, 32 , 42, very fin e ................................................................................................................................ (Photo) Est. Cash Value $200-30 0
360 PP
12c, complete pane of SO, page 178x278mm , very fine ............................. .........(Photo) Est. Cash Value $200-30 0
36 1 DP
6p, H.R. Harmer reprinted Die Proof on thin card, 96x63mm , the complete set of ten diff. colors, very fine .................................................... ................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $50-75
362 P*
IMPERFORA TES/PROOFS: 1862 to 1872, selection of 23 on pages, incl. singles and pairs, 1872 le and 6c trials in black, 12c purple vert. pair, etc., mixed condition to very fine .............................. .........Est. Cash Value $350-450
ARTHUR A. BARTLETT MULTI-COLORED LETTERHEAD: Two watermarked sheets, 8½"xll", folded for display, small edge faults, fine ........................................... ................................................Est. Cash Value $50-75
Selection of six collateral items, compr. British American Bank Note Die Proof of Prince Edward Island Coat of Arms (lovely frontispiece) , early Christmas Greeting card (Dept. of Public Works) and four engravings circa 1867, very fine .............................. ............... ......................................................... ................................. Est. Cash Value $250
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*83 2p rose, BLOCK
* *
366 367 368 6 369 0 370 0 37 1
372 373 374 375 376
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378 0 379 6
OF FOUR, o.g., top stamps gum disturbed showing slightl y on front , fine. S.G. 1, £900+. .....................................................................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (1) 1,300.00+ Rare multipl e
2p deep rose (toward claret ), o.g., ver y fine ...........................................................................................(Photo ) (la ) 2p, l.h., ljght crease, perfectly centered and very fine appearance. S.G. £225 ............................................(Photo ) (1) 2p, ms. "S" (Souris) cancel on small piece, some blunted perfs, fine .........................................................(Photo ) (1) 2p, on-the-no se TIGNISH P.E.I. PAID cancel , two lightly toned perf s, very fine. S.G. £120+ ...........(Photo ) (1) 2p, very deep shade (toward claret ), neat grid cancel, fine ....................................................................(Photo ) (la ) 3p blue , two slightl y diff. shades, one SE at bottom , former unused (regummed), latter part o.g., faults, fine appearance. S.G. 3 ........................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (2) 3p, on-the-nose TIGNISH P.E.I. PAID cancel, fine. S.G. £225+ ................................................................(Photo ) (2) 6p yellow green , o.g., tri vial corner perf crea se, fresh, fine. S.G. 4 .......................................................(Photo ) (3) 6p, neat grid cancel, fine ..............................................................................................................................(Photo ) (3) 6p, light grid cancel, small thins, fine ..........................................................................................................(Photo ) (3) lp yellow oran ge on yellowish toned paper , perf 11½ -12, PANE OF THIRTY , showing constant and minor ptg va ri etie s, full o.g. , minor selvage toning barel y showin g on front , fine to ver y fine. S.G . 9, £660 ........................................................................................................................................................(Photo pag e 69) (4) lp bro wn or ange, thr ee copies, 9p dull mau ve, perf. 11, l.h. to unused, small faults or mixed centering, one l p enormous centered copy, fine appearance. S.G. 6, 8, £ 144 ............................................................(Photo ) (4a,8 vars.) lp , neat SAINT-P ETERS PAID P.E.I. cancel , tiny thin spot and ink num eral on re ver se, fine. S.G. 9. The only recorded use of this cancel ...................................................................................................................(Photo ) (4) lp , strip of thr ee, tied by grid canc els on small piece, fine. S.G. 9, £81+ ..............................................(Photo ) (4) lp orange buff, imperf pair , o.g., right stamp a few tiny thins , very fine ...........................................(Photo ) (4b) lp , imperf , tied by c.d.s. cancel on small piece, large margin s all round , ver y fine ...................(Photo ) (4b var. )
380 381 6 382 * l1il 2p rose pink on bluish white pap er , PANE OF SIXTY, Pos. 2/5 Die II, 6/4 "TW C" instead of "TWO " and showing constant ptg. vari eties, full o.g. and most n.h. , few minor edge tones , mixed centering to very fine. S.G. 28, a, b, £449 .......................................................................................................................(Photo page 69) (5,f) 383 *llil 2p, PANE OF SIXTY, Pos. 2/5 Die II and showing constant ptg. varietie s, full o.g. and most n.h. , several small stain s, fr esh, mixed cent ering to ver y fine. S.G. 28, a, £389+ .........................................(Photo page 69) (5) 2p, l.h., enormous centered copy, superb .................................................................................................(Photo ) (5) 384 385 *83 2p, corner sheet margin blk of four , bottom right stamp folded-o ver and mis-perforated , 1.h ., fresh, fine ......................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (5) 2p, imperf between stamp and sheet margin , o.g., bright color, fine ...............................................(Photo ) (5 var.) 386 387 ** 2p, pair , left stamp imperf between stamp and margin , right stamp dot after "E" of "POSTAGE ", Pos. 31-32, n.h. , fresh, fine ......................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (5 var.) 388 *83 2p, corner mar gin blk of four , imperf between left stamps and sheet margin , bottom right stamp dot "T" of "TW O" , Pos. 41-42/51-52, 1.h., fresh, fine ..........................................................................................(Photo ) (5 var.) 2p, imp erf pair , right stamp dot after " E" of "POST AGE ", Pos. 31-32, unused, large margins, very fine 389 ....................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (5b)
400.00 325.00 175.00+ 175.00+ 200.00 1,500.00 375.00+ 1,250.00 750.00 750.00
(67.50+) 150.00
399.00+ 360.00+
* *
390 * rnl 3p blue on white paper , IMP ERFORATE PANE OF THIRTY , folded once hori z. between stamps 3rd and 4th ro ws, small selvage faul ts incl. tiny tear s, rich color , very tine .....................(Photo page 68) (6b) 1,200.00+ 391
**llil3p, PANE
393 394 395 396
* * *
* 398 * 397
OF THIRTY , showing constant and minor ptg varietie s, stamp s n.h., folded along one row of hori z. perf s, mixed centering to ver y fine and quite fresh. S.G. 30, £240+ .............................(Photo page 69) (6) 2p, imperf between horiz. , sheet margin blk of four , very l.h. if at all, fresh, fine ...............................(Photo ) (5d) 3p, imperf between stamp and sheet mar gin, o.g., very fine ..........................................................(Photo ) (6 var. ) 3p, compound perf 11 and 11½ -12, o.g., small thin, very fine appearance. S.G. 23, £170 ..........................(6a var.) 3p, imperf sheet margin pair , o.g., lar ge margin s other sides, extremel y fine .................................................(6b) 3p deep shade , imperf blk of four , Pos. 12-13/17-18, unused, large margins, fresh, very fine ..............(Photo ) (6b) 3p, sheet mar gin pair imperf between, l.h., extremel y fine. S.G. 30a, £275+ .....................................(Photo ) (6d) 6p blue green , perf 11½ x12, locati ng dot top left corn er , o.g., extrem ely fine. S.G. 18, £55+ ..........(Photo ) (7a) 68
180.00+ 300.00+
80.00 160.00+ 175.00+ 65.00+
i--- ;...........L..........L. .......,...........•........ , ......
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····r··········l···········1·····-···· ········· ··1······ 383
*83 6p deep blue green , blk of four , locating
dot between right stamps , l.h. (3)/o.g.(I), fine to very fine. S.G. 18, £220+ ..........................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (7a)
**llil9p lilac,
PANE OF THIRTY , full o.g. with stamps n.h. , one stamp rounded corner , few selvage separations, rich , fresh color, mixed centering to very fine. S.G. 19, £1350+ ..............(Photo page 73) (8) 1,650.00+
*83 9p, blk
402 403 0
of four , l.h. , bottom stamp light perf toning mostly on reverse , fine to very fine. S.G. 19, £180+ ......................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (8) 9p, compound perf 11 and 11½ -12, o.g., perfs touch, fine. S.G. 26, £180 ........................................(Photo ) (8 var.) 9p, compound perf 11 and 11½ -12, grid cancel. Scarce ............................................ ...................... (Photo ) (8 var.)
1868 4p BLACK 404
*83 4p on white paper , IMPERFORATE
PANE OF THIRTY, ''FOUP " var., Pos. 19, unused, folded once horiz. between stamps 3rd and 4th rows, small selvage faults , very fine ...................(Photo page 72) (9d)
4p on white **IBI
paper, PANE OF THIRTY, perf 11¾, "FOUP " var. , Pos. 19, stamps n.h. , fine to very fine ........................................................................................................................................................(Photo page 73) (9) 4p on yellowish toned paper, PANE OF THIRTY, perf 12, "FOUP " var. , Pos. 19, n.h. to o.g., some toning, one stamp tiny thin, fine ............................................................................................................(Photo page 73) (9a)
White Paper sides, unused, light spots from plate over-inking, very fine. three margin sheet 407 *IBI4p, imperf blk of ten with Unitrade Ca. $500+. Rare multip le ........................................................... .................. ............................. (Photo ) (9d) 4p, imperf between stamp and sheet margin, Pos. 4, l.b., fresh, fine ...............................................(Photo) (9 var.) 408 4p, corner vertical pair imperf between stamp and bottom margin , Pos. 21-26, very l.h. if at all, fresh, fine 409 ...............................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (9 var.) 4p, pair imperf between , left stamp dash on chin , Pos. 9-10, o.g., fresh, fine. S.G. 31a, £120 ............(Photo) (9e) 410 Yellowish Toned Paper stamp imperf vert. , Pos. 26-28, negligible selvage toning, fine. middle three, of strip margin sheet corner 4p, 411 S.G. 16a var., unpr ......................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (9b) 4p, compound perf 11 and 11½ -12, o.g., small faults, very fine appearance. S.G. 24, £ 190 ............(Photo) (9 var.) 4 12 4p, compound perf 11 and 11¾ -12, cork cancel, fine. S.G. 24, £ 180 .............................................(Photo) (9a var.) 4 13 0
* * *
1870 ENGRAVED 414 * llil 4½ p brown, sheet margin (natural SE) BLOCK OF TWELVE, unused, majority light perf staining, fresh, fine. S.G. £420+ .............................................................................................................................(Photo) (10)
414 415 *83 4½ p, blk of four with wide horiz. gutter between, unused, very fine. S.G. 32, £140+ .........................(Photo ) (10) 416 *83 4½p , part Imprint blk of four , unused, fresh, fine .................................................................................(Photo) (10) 1861 to 1870, selection of 27 stamps on pages, used, a good range of cancels incl. " 13" (Charlottetown) in grid, 417 0 various bar cancels incl. red, negative star in circle, cogwheel, oval grid, three compound perf 11, 3p #2) on small piece, shades, particularly 9p violet, etc., mixed condition to some very fine ....................Est. Cash Value $300-400 4 18 * llil 1862-65 and 1868 ISSUES: Study of about 75 stamps on annotated pages , n.h. to unused , with various perfs incl. compound perf 11, small-hole , imperf between stamp and sheet margin, 9p single imperf vert., 2p, 3p, 4p blks and corner blks of 4 or larger showing various plate markings incl. "TWC", dots or dashes , broken letters , "FOUP ", white and yellowish papers , shades, etc. , mixed condition to extremely fine and some exceptional centering ..............................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $750+ 72
160.00+ 160.00+
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1872 CENTS ISSUE 419 * llll le brown orange, separated corner sheet margin blk of twelve, imperf between stamps and bottom margin , n.h. except one very I.h. if at all, some separations, fresh, fine to very fine. Uni trade 11v, Can. $1200+ ............. (Photo ) (11 var.) le, separated corner sheet margin blk of eight , imperf between sta mps and bottom margin, n.h., large sepa420 ** rations, sold as four vertical pair s, fine to very fine. Unitrade 11v, Can. $800+ ........................(Photo ) (11 var.) 421 * llil le brown orange , sheet margin blk of six, imperf between stamps and margin, n.h. except one very I.h. if at all, very fine. Unitrade llv, Can. $600+ .........................................................................................(Photo ) (11 var.) 422
* 424 * 425 * 426 * 427 * 428 *
le , imperf between stamp and sheet margin, very l.h. if at all, extremely fine. Unitrade llv, Can. $200+ ............................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (11 var.) 3c rose, 4c green, imperf vertical pairs , unused, large margins all round, 4c bottom stamp small tear, very fine appearance, 3c very fine ....................................................................................................................(Photo ) (13a,14a) 3c, pair imperf between , I.h., very fine .................................................................................................(Photo ) (13c)
6c black , corner margin copy, imperf between stamp and margins , 1.h., fresh ...........................(Photo ) (15 var.) 6c, imperf between stamp and margins , l.h., fine ...........................................................................(Photo) (15 var.) 6c, pair imperf between , o.g., few lightly toned perfs, fine ...................................................................(Photo) (15a) Same, o.g., fine.........................................................................................................................................(Photo) (15a) 429 *IIil 1872 le to 12c comp]., study of over 110 stamps on annotated pages, n.h. to o.g., incl. blks of four or larger , various perfs and die types, plate markings and flaws, 6p single imperf between stamp and margin , shades, etc., some faults though much fine to very fine ..............................................................Est. Cash Value $300-400 Cancellation study of 46 stamps on pages , incl. various bar and cork cancels, star, target, c.d.s., also perf and 430 0 minor plate vars., etc., mixed condition ...............................................................................Est. Cash Value $300-350
Minor faults including, but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps, small tears and some backflap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue.
300.00 175.00
150.00 150.00
BRITISH COMMONWEALTH GENERAL ISSUES AUSTRALIA: 1931-36 Wmkd. Small Crown and C of A Mutt. £2 dull rose & black , neatly caned., fine. S.G. 138, £325 ....................................................................................................... ............................ .......(Photo ) (129) AUSTRALIAN STATES: WESTERN AUSTRALIA; 1860 Engraved 6p dull green, unused (regummed), fu ll to large margins all round, very fine. B.P.A. Cert. ( 1998). S.G. 28, £1100 ............................................... (Photo) (16)
43 1 0
BERMUDA: 1874 Provisional ''P" with top like " R" 3p on l sb gr een, lightly caned., fine. S.G. 13b, £800 ........................................ .......................................................................................... ................................ (Photo ) ( 12a) 1938--51George VI £1 bright violet & black on scarlet, sheet margin copy, stamp s n.h., very fine. S.G. 121d, 70+ .................................................................................................................................. ......................... (Photo) (128 var.) BRITISH GUIANA: 1852 Lithographed 4c black on deep blu e, three margins touched at top, faults, fine appearance. S.G. £5500 .................................................................................... ............................................(Photo ) (7) BRUNEI: Japanese Occupation ; 1942-44 Mutt. Crown CA $25 black on red , dull o.g., handstamp signature on reverse , very fine. S.G. J19 , £850 ................................................................... .................................(Photo) (N19)
433 0
435 0
* 437 *
CAYMAN ISLANDS: War Tax; 1917 l ½ p on 2½ p ultramarin e, o.g., cert. stating "The original gum has been redistributed" which we believe is rather harsh, fine. B.P.A. Cert. ( 1983). S.G. 55, £650 ...................(Photo) (MR3) CEYLON: 1857-59 White Paper 4p dull rose , neatly caned. , margins to touching, faults, fresh. S.G. £4500 .................... ........................ ............................................................ .............................................................. (Photo ) (5) COOK ISLAND: 1967 Surcharged set of three , n.h., very fine. S.G. 219-21, £295 ..................... (Photo ) (192-94) FALKLAND ISLAND: 1871 Laid Batonne Paper Ip , Pos. 18, l.h. , full to mostly lar ge mar gins showing roulettes two sides, very fine. Foundation Cert. (1991). S.G. S, £900 ........................................... .........(Photo) (6) 1962 to 1981, coll. of over 275 diff. on pages, l.h., mostly comp!. sets and a few Souvenir sheets, also Dependencies from 1946, incl. 1948 George VI reissued set and 1954 Elizabeth, generally very fine ...........Est. Cash Value $200+ GAMBIA: 1880 to 1982, coll. of well over 400 dilT. on Specialty pag es, J.h. or o.g., Souvenir sheets apparently n.h., incl. Edward VII and George V com p!. sets as we ll as modern issue s, fresh and fine to very fine ............................................. ..................................... ......................................... ....(from 8) Est. Cash Value $350-400
438 0
* 441 * 442 *
350.00 1,100.00 1,200.00
5,750.00 1,400.00 800.00 4,500.00 425.00 950.00
444 0
1840 Wmkd. Small Crown lp black , margins all round , fine, tied by neat strike of red Maltese Cross on June 1840 local folded letter. S.G. £275 ........................... .................................................................................... (Photo) ( I) 2p blue , pair , H-A, H-B, full to large margins , black Maltese Cross cancels, very fine. S.G. Spec. Vol. I £900 ................................... .................................................................................................... ............................... (Photo) (2) 1970 Christmas Sp, two copies , emerald omitted , 1972 Polar Explor ers 3p , gold omitted , n.h. , ver y fine. S.G. 839b, 897a , £180 ....................................................................... ................... ................... (Photo) (646,664 vars .)
**831973 Paintings
448 * O
* 450 **
285.00 600.00+
3p, gold omitted , corner blk of four , n.h. , very fine. S.G. 931, £240+ ............... (Photo ) (697 var.) Circa 1948 to 1955, selection of about 15 cover s, incl. better George VI and Elizabeth FDCs, generally fine to very flne ................................................................................... (betw. 252 and 312, etc.) Est. Cash Value $250-350 OFFICES ABROAD: 1898 to 1950s, coll. of about 375 diff. on Specialty pag es, l.h. or o.g., some used, compr. Offices in Africa and Morocco and their sub-divisions, high degree of comple teness incl. better items and Postage Due, generally fine to very fine. Stated by owner to catl. Sc. about $1500 ................................................................... GRE ADA: 1863-71 Wmkd. Small Star 6p rose , o.g. (hinge remnant), fine. S.G. 6, £600 .................. (Photo) (4) 1963-64 Wmkd. St. Edwards Crown and CA Mult. 6c olive & black , n.h. , very fine. S.G. 218, £190 ...(Photo) ( 199)
700.00 225.00
452 0
* 454 *
19th and 20th Centur y, coll. of many hundred diff. on pag es, l.h. to unused , compr. India incl. man y S.G. sha des, also tete-beche and compl. sets, Officials , Chambra , Gwalior, Jind , Nabha , Patiala and some Pakistan, some better item s and later n.h. , small fault s though generally fine to ver y fine ..................... ............................................................................................................. .....Est. Cash Value $1,000 Similar coll. of several hundred diff. on page s, used, and beginnin g 1854, incl. man y S.G. shades, slightly better items , Official s, etc., mixed condition to very flne ........................................ ......Est. Cash Value $500-750 CHAMBA: Official s; 1938-41 George VI 9p to l0r compl. set, l.h., fine to very fine. S.G. 066-71 , £761 ................................... ............................................... .......................................................................... (Photo) (0 50-54) JIND: 1937-38 George VI 3p to 2Sr compl. set, l.h. or o.g., very fine. S.G. 109-26, £6 15 ...........(Photo ) (133-50)
838.00 477.85
* 456 * 457 * 458 * 459 * 460 * 461 * 462 * 463 **
464 0 465 0 466
467 0 468
Consular Mail 2p rose, type I, o.g., trace of a thin, very fine. Handstamped Seal BRITISH VICE-CONSULATE Violet S.G. 16V, £275 ...........................................................................................................................................(Photo) (18) Black Seal Handstamped lp rose, type I, o.g., tiny thin and margin creasing, very fine appearance ....(Photo ) (26) BRITISH CONSULAR MAIL Violet Seal Handstamped l ½ p rose, o.g., no thins, very fine. S.G. 34V, £130 ....................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (34) 2p rose, unu ed, few Light tone spots but no thins, fine. S.G. 35V, £140 ............................................... ...(Photo) (35) Black Seal Handstamped 1½ prose , type I, o.g., very fine. S.G. 22, £70 ................................. ............(Photo) (46) 1½p, type II, o.g ., light creasing , small thins, very fine appearance . S.G. 34B, £65 .............................(Photo) (46a) 6p rose, type II, o.g., no thins, almost very fine. S.G. 38, £70 .................................................................(Photo) (5 1) Sp rose, type I, o.g., two tiny corner thins, fine. S.G. 26, £100 .................................................. ..............(Photo) (52) MALTA: 20th Century, coll. of many hundred diff. in hingeless album, vast majority n.h ., mostly modem issues incl. Souvenir sheets or sheetlets and some dupl. incl. slightly better sets, also Airs and Postage Due, some earlier issues with Edward VII and 1926 ovptd. POSTAGE , generall y very fine ..................... Est. Cash Value $300+ MAURITIUS: 1862 Perf 14 to 16 lsh deep green, neatly caned., very fine. S.G. 55, £325 ...............(Photo) (23) NATAL: 1858 Embossed Ip on rose, very large margins all round, neatly caned., sharp embossing, very fine. S.G. 1, £1700 ........................................................................................................................... ............(Photo) (6) NAURU: 1916-23 De La Rue Printing 2sh6p yellow brown, Ssh bright carmine, lOsh pale blue, l.h., 2sh6p centered to top, fine to very fine. S.G. 20, 22, 23, £415 .......................................................................(Photo) (13- 15) lOsh deep bright blue, lightly caned. , faint blue marks on front, fine. S.G. 23c, £550 ....................(Photo) (15 var.)
NEVIS: 1837 Stampless Cover to Amsterdam; folded letter sheet (file fold ending in small tear) bearing on reverse double oval Crown "(Ship) Letter NEVIS", somewhat enhanced, LONDON 4 AUG 1837 transit, red script handstamp ''England over Rotterdam" and matching 6 AUG receiver, on front red tombstone PAID mkg ...........................................................................................................................(Photo) The altered Crown handstamp was used between July 8 1837 and October 25 1839. Of the twelve purport edly known, this is one of the earliest usages. A fine and rare cove
325.00 110.00 110.00 150.00 75.00 75.00 80.00 110.00
300.00 1,850.00 620.00
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* 470 * 47 1 * 472 * 473 * 474 * 475 *
NEW BRITAIN: 1914 Surcharged on Stamps of Marshall Island 3p on 25c orange & black on yellowish, l.h., very fine. S.G. 54, £250 .....................................................................................................................(Photo) (34) 2sh on 2m blue, o.g. (hinge remnant ), fine. B.P.A. Cert. (1955). S.G. 60, £1200 ................................(Photo) (40) 1914 Registration Label "Kieta" 3p red & black, large part o.g., small faults, very fine appearance. S.G. 38, £325 ..................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (43d) NORTH BORNEO: Semi-Postals; 1916 le to 25c vermilion , ovptd. set comp!., o.g. (hinge remnants), fine to very fine. S.G. 189-201, £650 ..............................................................................................................(Photo) (B1-13) NORTH WEST PACIFIC ISL ANDS: 1915-19 Wmkd. Narrow Crown and Narrow A £1 ultramarine & brown , S.G. setting "a", l.h., extremel y fine. S.G. 99 .............................................................. ..............(Photo ) (38) PAPUA NEW GUINEA: 1906 Large "Papua " ½ p to 2sh6p comp!. set, o.g., fine to very fine ....(Photo ) ( 11- 18) 1937 to 1980s, coll. of several hundred dilT. in stockbook , vast majority n.h., balance l.h., many comp!. sets incl. some dupl. and blks, Air Post compl., few Souvenir sheets, also about 140 diff. Tuvalu, generally very fine ..............................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $200-2 50
* 478 ** 479 ** 480 **
ST. VINCENT: 1873 Wmkd. Small Star Perf 11 to 12½x l5 lsh lilac rose, o.g., bright color , very fine for this issue. Royal Cert. (1965). S.G. 20, £5000 .............................................................(Cover Photo ) (22)
325.00 1,250.00 375.00 730.25 425.00 357.00
5,500.00 350.00 500.00 500.00
SAMOA: 1914-15 Postal Fiscal £2 violet, l.h., brilliant fresh, fine ......................................................(Photo) (126) SINGAPORE: 1969 Sesquicentennial Souvenir sheet of six, n.h. , very fine....................................(Photo) (106a) Same, n.h. , very fine ..............................................................................................................................(Photo ) (106a) SOLOMON ISLANDS: 1913 to 1980s, coll. of several hundred diff. in stockbook , all but a few n.h., nearly compl. issues incl. wmk . vars. plus some dupl and about 30 Souvenir sheets or sheetlet s, geneally very fine ..............................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $300-3 50
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Primarily 20th Centur y, coll. of a few hundred diff. in 2 albums with slipcases , l.h. or o.g., wide ranging colonies and issues, generaUy common comp!. or part sets, incl. Great Britain, Oceania, Hong Kong, etc., fine to very fine ...................................................................................Est. Cash Value $150+ 20th Century, George VI specialized coll. of over 120 stamps from Cayman Is., Ceylon, Fiji , Seychelles, l.h., very fine. All identified by S.G. Almost ÂŁ 1500. Great variety .............. ................ ......... SOUTHERN AFRICA: 20th Century, coll. of about 450 mostly diff. on hingeless pages or in mounts, much n.h., balance l.h. or o.g., compr. Northern Rhodesia, Rhodesia and Nyasaland , Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia , plus Zimbabwe #414-28 , man y compl. sets with S. Rhodesia George V issues, Rhodesia virtually compl., few blks or sheetlets , etc., generally fine to very fine .............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500+ BRITISH WEST INDIES: 19th Century, selection of 22 mostly used, few unused , compr. classic issues of St. Lucia amd St. Vincent, incl. a few shade and better items, mixed condition to fine. Stated by owner to catl. Sc. $2 150+...........................................................................................................
* 483 * 482
484 * O
487 * O
19th and 20th Century, coll. of thousands in 7 Scott Specialty albums in carton , l.h. or o.g., prior to 1930 completeness a bit spotty with short sets, but man y high vals. to lOsh, virtually complete from 1930s on, generally superior overall condition, fine to very fine .........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $3,500-4 ,000 20th Century, coll. of thousand s of chiefly new issue s in glassines and stock pages in box , primarily n.h. , some George V and VII and Elizabeth l.h. , very fine. Worth inspection ........................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-750
BRITISH EUROPE: 19th and 20th Century to about 1980, coll. of several hundred diff. in Specialty album , n.h. to o.g., some used , compr. Cyprus , Gibraltar , Malta , Ionian Is. and misc. Heligoland, incl. sporadic early issues, later compl. or part sets, Souvenir sheets, Semis, etc., faults though generally fine to very fine .....................................................Est. Cash Value $500-600 BRITISH OCEANIA: 20th Century, coll. of several hundred mostly diff. in stockbook , vast majority n.h., some 1.h . or o.g., compr. Gilbert and EUice Is., Gilbert ls., Kiribati, generally compl. sets and Souvenir sheets, few wmk. vars. and blks of 4, generally very fine ..........Est. Cash Value $150
For additional British Commonwealth see lots 694 and subsequent mixed-lot listings.
1919-20 Parliament 2k to 20k , plus 1921 50k, perf 11 ½, n.h. to o.g., 7½k one pulled perf, fine to very fine. DMl090 as n.h . .............................. ............................................................. .......(Photo ) (2 19,2 1-23,24a,25b,26b,48a)
490 0
Same, perf 11 ½. neatly or lightly caned., fine to very fine. DM lO I 7 .............. (Photo) (2 I 9,2 l-23 ,24a,25b,26b,48a)
* 492 **
1922-24 Engraved 25k to 1000k comp!. , perf 11 ½, plus 25k slightly diff. shade, l.h. or o.g., I 000k inclusion, fine to very fine. DM877 as n.h.......................... ........ ....................... ......... ........ ............ ........... ......(Photo) (289a-94a)
1925-27 Church ls yellowish green on gray ye llowish paper , n.h. , light crease, very fine appearance . 1997 Spec. Mi. 466b, DMI000 ........................................................................... ........................................... .(Photo ) (323a) 1932 Scenes 10g to 75g comp!. set, n.h. except 60g l.h. and slight album adherence, few tiny inclusions, fresh, very fine. Sc. $500 and Mi. DM1400 as n.h. ............................................................... .......................(Photo ) (340-53)
495 0
1936 Dollfuss lOsh dark blue , sheet margin copy, n.h. , extremely fine. DM2250 ....... (Cover Photo ) (380)
10s, face-free cancel , very fine. DM2000 .................................. ............ ........... .....................................(Photo ) (380)
900 .00
3pf to 12pf, comp!. set of five , INVERTED OVERPRINT , n.h. or l.h., very fine. Dr. Wallner Cert. (1947) and signed by him. 1997 Spec. Mi. 660-63K, IVK. ................. ................. ............... ................... ....................(Photo )
6pf , 8pf, 12pf, ovptd. Mi. types I, II, III , complete less 8pf type II, n.h. or o.g., very fine. 1997 Spec. Mi. 1-3 ·········· ········· ····································· ················································ ·········· ······· ··········· ············ ····························(Photo)
DM 1384
1945 Errors 5pf to 12pf, comp). set of four, DOUBLE OVERPRINT , n.h., very fine. Dr. Wallner Cert. (1948) and signed by him. 1997 Spec. Mi. 660-63DO, DM390 . ................................................. .........(Photo) (390-93 vars.)
**HJ1945 Overprinted
set of seven, right sheet margin blks of four , n.h. , few tiny inclusions or natural offset, very ........ ............................. ............................ ......... ............................ (Photo ) (398-404) .............................. DM760+ fine.
500 0
** 502 **
1945 Error 6pf deep violet, double impression , lightly caned., very fine. 1997 Spec. Mi. 700OD unpr. used, DM300 as n.h. ............................................................ ....................................................................... (Photo ) (435 var.) 1948-52 Costume s set compl. , n.h., few inclusions or bends, fresh, fine to very fine. DM435 ......(Photo) (520-56)
10s gray, imperf , n.h. , large margin s, extremely fine. 1997 Mi. Spec. DM350 ......................... (Photo ) (556 var.) SEMI-POSTALS
1922 Musicians set compl., perf 11 ½, l.h. or o.g., very fine. DM320 ...........................(Photo ) (B50a,52a-54a,56a)
Same, lightly caned., few negligible perf faults, fine to very fine. DM500 .....................(Photo ) (B50a,52a-54a,56a)
1931 Rotary set compl., 1.h., 20g o.g. , extremely fine. DM550 ..................... ........ .................... ....(Photo) (B87-92 )
506 0
Compl. set, neatly caned., very fine to extremely fine .............. .......................... .......................... ....(Photo ) (B87-92)
507 0
1932 Artists set compl., lightly caned., very fine to extremely fine. DM500 ................................(Photo ) (B 100-05)
1933 Ski Federation set comp!. , sheet margin copies, o.g., brilliant fresh, very fine. DM440 .... (Photo ) (B 106-09)
Comp!. set, very fine , tied by two strikes of INNSBRUCK 13. 11. 33 doub le circle cancel on commerative picture post card. DM625 off cover ....................................... ...................................... ............................................. (B 106-09)
504 0 505
Perf 12½ 50g deep ultramarine , n.h., extremely fine. DM550 ............... ......................................... (Photo ) (Bll0 )
511 b.
50g , neatly tied on small piece , extremel y fine. DM500 ............... ............. ...................................... .(Photo ) (Bll0 )
50g, granite paper , l.h., extremel y fine. DM700 ........................................ ................................... ...(Photo ) (Bll0a )
513 0
50g , lightly caned., extremel y fine. DM lO00 ......... ............... .......................... ............ ..................... (Photo ) (Bll0a )
Souvenir Sheets of Four 514 * Ell Souvenir sheet, very l.h. if at all, very fine. DM5750 .............................................................(Photo ) (Blll )
Souvenir sheet, neat strike of 30 JUN commemorative cancel on portion of envelope , negligible margin creasing , very fine. DM7500 ..........................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (Blll )
515 liE!l
1946 RENNER SOUVENIR SHEETS 516 ** llll Complete set of four sheets of eight, n.h., usual inclusions, extremel y fine. DM5200 ........(Photo ) (B185-88)
517 ** IBICompl. set, n.h., usual inclusions , very tine .......................................................................(Photo ) (BlSS-88)
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Com pl. set of single stamps , plus deep blue violet coat of arms from middle of sheet, n.h., 2s+2s tiny inclusion, extremely fine. DM640 .......................................... ..................................................................... (Photo) (Bl85a-88a)
5 I 8 **
1946 Unissued set of two, n.h. , 12+12g gum a touch disturbed , negligible creasing , very fine appearance , 5+3g very fine .................................................................. ............................ ..........(Cover Photo) (Mi. VI,VII) DM4600
519 **
Air Post; 1950-53 Birds set comp!. less ls , n.h., very fine. DM753 ........................................ .(Photo) (C54,56-60) Special Handling; 1919 Diagonal Ovpt. 2h claret on yellowish, perf 12½xll½, n.h., very fine. 1997 Spec. Mi. 252D, DM350 ............................................ .................................. ................................................... (Photo) (Qe5c) 20th Century, coll. of many hundred dill. on stock sheets and album pages , n.h. to o.g., many comp!. sets incl. better 1930s-50s Semis and dupl. of some, Airs and back-of-book , generally fine to very fine ................................ ............................. ........................................... ............................................ Est. Cash Value $750 Selection of over 225 covers in box, incl. many cacheted FDCs with comp!. sets and Semis, few Airs, Regis., etc., generally fine to very fine ............................................. ....................................................... Est. Cash Value $150-200
520 ** 521 ** 522
526 0 527 * O
* 530 **
Coll. of over 250 dill. on hingeless album pages, n.h. , incl. comp!. or part sets, Semis, Airs, etc., a few moderately better, fine to very fine .......................... ...............................................................................Est. Cash Value $100-125
524 **
1918 to 1981, coll. of many hundred dill. on pages in 2 albums , much n.h. , balance l.h. or o.g., high degree of completeness, incl. shades and paper types, better perf and minor ptg vars., most Michel listed, Semis, Airs, back-of-book with many Postage Due, fine to very fine ...................Est. Cash Value $1,500+ The similar coll. of many hundred diff. used in album , highly complete , but only a few var., incl. Semis and Airs, better sets, etc., neatly caned., fine to very fine ......................................... ...................Est. Cash Value $750 BELGIUM: 19th and 20th Century , extensive coll. of over a thousand beautifully arranged on custom quadrille pages, earlier generally used , later issues to 1960 mostly l.h. , incl. cancels, shades, dupl., Souvenir sheets, etc . ............................... ........................................................................................Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 1849 to 1963, coll. of many hundred on Scott album pages, o.g. and used, incl. Regular Issues, Semis and back-of-book, sets, no Airs, generally fine ........................................... ............................... Est. Cash Value $200-3 00 20th Century, coll. of many hundred diff. in stockbook, l.h. or o.g., incl. many comp!. sets with Semis and back-of-book as well as Regular Issues, some slightly better, generally fine to very fine......Est. Cash Value $400- 500 CAMBODIA: 1983 to 1995, issues apparently comp!. in glassines in box, n.h., incl. Souvenir sheets, etc., very fine. 1994 Michel DM2750 plus 1994 and 1995 unlisted issues ..................................................... ............................. .. COLOMBIA AIR POST
1920 to 1934, selection of over 60 diff. on stock sheets, n.h. to dull o.g., mostly compl. sets, incl. Air Regis., a few small faults, fresh and generally very fine .(Cl2-16 ,25-34,38-50,53-67,80-95, 111-14,CFl ,2,42) Est. Cash Value $200
89 1.90+
Similar lot
*IE Selection
of 29 blks of four on stock sheets, n.h . to dull o.g., many margin or corne r blk s, incl. Air Regis., plu s #C5 2 blk of six unu sed, some small fa ult s, ge nera lly fine to ve ry fine ............................. ......................................... (Cl 2-16,25-34,52,55-67,80-82 , l l l- l 4,CF2) Est. Cash Value $250-350
Similar lot
535 ** EB1923-28 Wmkd. Crosses and Circles Sc to Sp comp!. set, plus Air Regis. 20c gray , bottom left corner blks of four , n.h. , 5p one stamp inclusion, fresh, very fine ................................................. .................. (Photo ) (C38-50 ,CF1) 536 **IESame , n.h., 5p tiny thin spots, very fine appearance, others very fine ......................................(Photo ) (C38-50,CF1) SCADTA: 1923-27 Three dill. comp!. sets, compr. Ovptd. "A", incl. Air Regis. 20c, ''EU", ''P", n.h. to dull o.g., 537 some ilisturbed, few small faults, generally fine to very fine. 1989 S.G. £327 ..........(Photo) (SG26-36A,F,K,R 37A)
Similar lot
539 DP
1941 to 1952, selection of 25 difT. Die proofs affixed or die sunk on card, compr. Scott types AP18 and AP22 incl. three diff. Sp, plus Sp vignette in black , fine to very fine ....................Est. Cash Value $2,500+ Scarce group
530.00+ 530.00+
.• .• .•. .. ••. .
O&f'US:.ICA OE Cou»lBII\
AMA.CIN 0£ LA '.?iql:l"END£NCl A
S'PEGL~L • f
Stationery; Unwmkd. 1923 10c green on amber postal card, 20c olive gray on dark buff letter card and letter sheet, two of each, 10c minor tone spots, fine to very fine ............................................. (Photo) (H&GFl,FA l ,FG I)
CUBA: 19th Century, selection of 26 classic covers , with two sta mpless and two fronts , incl. multiple destinations, good variety of frankings , generally fine to very fine ............................. Est. Cash Value $500--600
DANZIG: 1920 Overprinted 2pf and 2½ pf gray, blks of four, n.h., latter n.h.(2)/o.g. (2), former separation, pencil initials on reverse, fine to very fine. DM7950 .................................................................. ......(Photo) (31,32) 1,000.00+ 543
1920 to 1939, coll. of over 250 mostly diff. on Specialty pages, o.g. or used, incl. compl. or part sets, a few slightly better items and dupl., Semis, Airs and back-of-book, generally fine to very fine .................Est. Cash Value $250-350
DENMARK: 186~8
544 545 0
Perf 13 16s olive green, l.h., fresh, very fine. OM 1000 ................................ .....(Photo) (15)
400 .00
Parcel Post; 1919-41 Wmkd. Multiple Crosses 106 to 10k, 11 diff., plus extra Q8, neatly caned., fine to very fine ...................................... .............. ................................................. ....................................... ...(Photo) (Ql-9 ,10, 11)
** 548 * 547
1928 "PROVISIONAL" at 45 degree Angle comp!. set of five, plus Air Regis. ls on 20c at 41 degree Angle, n.h., very fine ..................... ............................ ............................................................................. (Photo) (Cl-5,CFla )
Same, n.h., very fine .............................................. .......................... ........................................... (Photo) (Cl-5 ,CFla )
ls on 20c gray, 12 stamps, compr. large "l" at left, normal at right (4), " l " same size with thin sloping serifs (5), " l " small at left, large at right (3), unused , one with small faults, generally very fine. 1898 S.G. 3a, b, c, £1440 ..................................................................................................................... ......................................(Photo) (C3 vars.)
*Blfour, 1½s on 30c blue, 3s on 60c brown, plus 1929 50c to Ss comp!. and Air Regis. ls rose, sheet margin blks of n.h. to dull o.g., very fine ................................................................ ............................ (Photo) (C4,5, 16-22,CF2) 550 *BlSame, n.h. to dull o.g., very fine .......................................................................................... (Photo) (C4,5,16-22,CF2) 1929 "Cts." Between Surcharged Numerals 50c on 10c green, very 1.h. if at all, very fine ..............(Photo) (C6) 551 * 552 * 50c on 10c, very l.h. if at all, very fine .................................. ................................................ ................. (Photo) (C6) 553 * 1929 Wmkd. Quatrefoils 50c to 25s comp!. set, plus Air Regis. ls rose , most n.h. to dull o.g., very fine ......................................... ................................................................................. ..........................(Photo) (C16-25,CF2) 554 * Same, most n.h. to dull o.g., 25s one short perf, fine to very fine ........................................................... (Cl6 -25,CF2) 549
**llllSCADTA Unissued Provisionals, ls green, 1.50s carmine, 3s yellow, part sheets of eight, 2 of each, n.h., some
906.00+ 906.00+
450.00 450.00 291.50+ 291.50+
inclusions or crackly gum, mixed centering to very fine. Gebauer listing .......................... Est. Cash Value $ 150-200
** 558 *
FRANCE: 19th and 20th Century, Ship and Maritime markings, selection of over 40 covers and two fronts, incl. picture post cards, wide variety of frankings. Worth inspection .................................. Est. Cash Value $300-500 REUNION: 1961--63 Oran Coat of Arms Error 2fr on Sc multicolored, DOUBLE SURCHARGE, sheet margin block of four, n.h., very fine. Ceres 343a, FFrs7000+ . Rare rnultiple .......................................... (Photo ) (336 var.) 1949 to 1971, coll. of about 150 diff. on Specialty pages, l.h., apparently comp, issues, incl. Semis, Airs and Postage Due, very fine. 1994 Yvert FFrs7200+ ........................................................... ................................................. .
560 0
562 0
19th and 20th Century, selection of several hundred diff. in stockbook , n.h. to o.g., wide range of colonies and issues, incl. Airs and back-of-book, Africa and Middle East, others, some faults in early issues, generally fine to very fine. 1997 Yvert FFrs46,800 ............................................................................. . Random selection of a few hundred diff. on stock sheets, used, perhaps 25 countries, incl. many better or scarcer items, some Airs, mixed condition to very fine. Inventory included. 1997 Yvert FFrs22,500. Worth careful inspection ............... ......... .......... ....................... ................ ..................... ......... ......... ................ .............. ............. . GENERAL ISSUES: 1859 to 1906, coll. and accum. of over 100 on album pages and stock sheets, l.h . to unused , excellent range of issues, shades, multiples, Postage Due, pairs and a couple part panes, mixed condition. 1997 Yvert FFrs 17,800+. Worth inspection ....................... .......................... .................................... ............................. . The used selection of well over 200 on stock sheets, extensive representation and excellent array of cancels, many c.d.s. types, some in blue, Postage Due and a few shades, mixed condition to very fine with a goodly number of four-margined copies. Inventory included. 1997 Yvert FFrs24,700 .................................................... .
ALGERIA: 1924 to 1969, coll. of several hundred on Specialty pages, n.h. to o.g., some used incl. dupl., good representation with a fair number n.h., incl. Semis, some Airs and Due s, generally fine to very fine. 1994 Yvert FFrs6100 ................................. ....................................................................................................................................... .
1924 to 1958, coll. of many hundred diff. on Specialty pages, l.h. or o .g., plus hundred more used, nearly comp!. mint incl. Semis, Airs, Postage Due, general ly fine to very fine. 1997 Yvert FFrs8600+ ......................... ................... . ANDORRA : 1931 to 1976, issues very nearly comp!. on Specialty pages, vast majority l.h., balance o.g., incl. better sets, 1964 Semi-Postal , Airs and Postage Due, generally fine to very fine. 1994 Yvert FFrs22,250+ ........ 90
:······· ···•:....
or ...... .............. .................. .......
Carrera Calle
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1111 r.... -..~~" ] r··~" ·
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* 568 *
* 570 *
DAHOMEY: 1899 to 1944, coll. of about 200 diff. on Yvert pages, 1.h. or o.g ., almost comp!. issues incl. better items, Semis, Airs, Postage Due and 1967-69 Parcel Post and Air Parcel Post , fresh and fine to very fine. 1997 Yvert FFrs8600+ ................ ................ .................................................................................................................... FRENCH EQUATORIAL AFRICA: 1936 to 1958, coll. of over 260 diff. on Specialty pages, n.h. or l.h., nearly comp!. issues incl. Semi s, Postage Due and better Air Post , fine to very fine . 1994 Yvert FFrsl 1,000+ ..................... . FRENCH GUIANA: 1886 to 1892, selection of 23 mostly diff., o.g. to unused, incl. better surchd. or ovptd. items, #13 vert. pair, etc., some small faults, mixed centering to very fine. Inventory included. 1997 Yvert FFrs14,300+ ............ ................... ................. ............................................................................. ..........(betw. 1 and 31) 1892 to 1947, coll. of over 200 diff. on Specialty pages, l.h. or o.g., some n.h., incl. better items and comp!. sets, Airs, etc., generally fine to very fine. 1997 Yvert almo st FFrs7700 ..................... ....................................... .......... ....... . FRENCH GUINEA: 1904 to 1941, issues compl., but for a very few , on Specialty pages, l.h. or o.g., incl. Semis, Airs and Postage Due, fine to very fine. 1994 Yvert FFr s5600+ ........ ....................................... ............. .......... .
571 * 0133FRENCH INDIA: 1892 to 1952, coll. of about 300 on Specialty pages , n.h. to o.g., some used, incl. moderately better items, compl. and part sets, dupl., blks of 4, Semis, Airs, Postage Due, mixed condition to much fine to very fine. 1997 Yvert FFrs12 ,800+ ............. ................... .................... ............. ...................................................... ...... . FRENCH MOROCCO: 1891 to 1955, coll. of about 500 diff. on Specialty pages, n.h. to o.g., excellent 572 representation with better items and compl. sets, Semis , Airs and better back-of-book, some small faults in early issues, generally fine to very fine. 1997 Yvert FFrs24,600+ ............ ......................... ............... ........................ Military Markings; 1907 to 1930s, coll. of 25 covers or cards, 17 documented, wide selection of frankin gs and 573 postmark s, twe lve stampl ess. Exce llent lot ...... ............................ .................... ....................Est. Cash Value $300-350 FRENCH POLYNESIA: 1958 to 1974, issues very nearly compl. on Yvert pages, n.h., incl. Airs and a couple 574 Souvenir sheets , very fine. 1997 Yvert FFrs21,400 .......... ................................. .........................................................
* 575 *
576 * O 577 0
* 579 *
57 8
* 585 * 584
586 0 587
GUADELOUPE: 1892 to 1947, issues almost comp!. on Specialty pages, n.h. to o.g., incl. Semi s, Airs and Postage Due, generally fine to very fine. 1997 Yvert FFrs9250+ ......................... ......................................................... Postage Due; 1879 and 1884, selection of 14, o.g. to unused or used, incl. shade s, mixed condition to very fine. Inventory includ ed. 1997 Yvert FFrs4600+ ................................ ....................... ................................................. (J6-12 ) INDO-CHINA: 19th and 20th Century , accum. of several hundred on stock sheets, used, wide range of cancels with many c.d.s. types , fair numb er of Navigation and Comm erce and "France " issue s, also three Annam and Tonki n, mixed condition to very fine. 1997 Yvert FFrs7100+ ............................. ..................................................... .... . MARTINIQUE: 1886 to 1892, selection of 31 mostly diff., o.g. to unu sed, compr. various surchd . types , mixed condition to very fine. Inventory includ ed. 1997 Yvert FFrs I0,300 .............. .............. ................................................. . 1892 to 1947, coll. of about 250 diff. on Specialty pages, l.h. or o.g., scattered n.h., nearly comp!. issues incl. Navigation and Commerce, Semis, Air , Postage Due , some small faults, generally fine to very fine. 1997 Yvert FF rs I0,600 ................. ................................... .................... ......... .................. .................... .............................................. . MONACO: 1885 to 1980s, coll. of several hundred diff. in Specialty album, n.h. or I.h., some o.g. to used, wide ranging incl. a fair number of n.h. or I.h. sets, Semis and Airs , a few Souvenir sheets and Postage Due, generally fine to very fine .................................. ................................................ ...............Est. Cash Value $500-600 NEW CALEDONIA: 1948 to 1975, issues apparently comp!. on Yvert pages, much n.h. , balance l.h. , incl. Semis and extensive Air Post, many modem sheet margin copies , very fine. 1997 Yvert FFrs9400+ .......................... NEW HEBRIDES: French and British Administrations; 1908 to 1974, coll. of well over 250 diff. on Yvert pages , goodly number n.h., balance I.h. or o.g., many compl. sets incl. ''France Libre" and better Postage Due, fine to very fine. 1997 Yvert FFrs20,900+ ...................................... ............................ ...................................... . ST. PIERRE AND MIQUELON: 1885 to 1945, coll. of about 350 mostly diff. on Specialty pages, n.h. to unused , better or scarcer items throughout, incl. early surchd. or ovptd . types, comp!. or part sets, Semis and back-of-book , some dupl., mixed condition to very fine.1997 Yvert FFrs28,775 ........................................... 1920 to 1975, issues apparentl y compl. on Yvert album pages n.h. or I.h., incl. "France Libre" set, Semis, Airs and back-of-book , fresh and fine to very fine. 1997 Yvert FFrs13,600 ........................................................... 1942 FRANCE LIBRE , selection of 32 diff. on stock sheets , n.h. to o.g., incl. better items with extra #228, surchd. , Semis and Postage Due, fair number signed or handstamp on reverse, fine to very fine. Inventory included. 1997 Yvert FFrs12 ,500+ ...................................................................... (betw. 217 and 255,B9,B10,J46,a) Selection of 25 on stock sheet, 23 diff., incl. extra 1.25fr and 1.40fr, surchd. set of seven, carmine Noel (3 diff.), etc., neatly caned. and fine to very fine. Inventory included. 1997 Yvert FFrs38 30 ............. ........ (betw. 226 and 263) 1945 to 1994, coll. of about 350 diff. on Minkus and Scott pages, vast majority n.h., balance I.h. or o.g., nearly compl. issues , incl. se-tenant issues , few Souvenir sheets, Airs, etc., generally very fine. 1997 Yvert FFrs20,250+ .................................. .................... .............................................. ........................ ............... ....................... . SYRIA: 1919 to 1958, coll. of many hundred diff. on Specialty pages , n.h. to o.g., wide ranging and good representation with scarcer items, many comp!. sets, Souvenir sheets, Semis, many Airs and Postage Due, minor dupl., some faults though overall fine to very fine. 1995 and 1997 Yvert FFrs29,000+ .............................. TUNISIA: 1888 to 1950s, coll. of well over 400 diff. on Specialty pages, n.h. to o.g., incl. better compl. sets and scarcer items, Semis and Airs almost comp!., also some back-of-book, small faults though generally fine to very fine. 1997 Yvert about FFrs16,000 .................. .................................................................... ...........................
590 ** EEFRENCH COMMUNITY: 1950s to 1970s, coll. of man y hundred diff . on Yvert pages in box, n.h., compr. Mali, Morocco , Senegal, Upper Volta, issues nearl y compl., incl. Souvenir sheets, back -of-book and extensive Air Post , very fine. 1994 Yvert FFrs19,900+ ....................................................................................................... 591 ** EE1960 to earl y 1970s, coll. of a few thousand on Minkus pa ges in 3 binders , appare ntly n.h., compr. Algeria , Cameroun , Central African Rep., Chad , Congo Rep., Dahomey , Gabon , Mauritania, Togo, Upper Volta, very nearl y comp!. incl. moderat ely better issues, Semis, Souvenir sheets , extensive Air Post, plus back-of-book , clean and generall y very fine. 1997 Yvert FFrs34 ,600+ and 1998 Miche l for Chad , Congo and Togo DM5600+ .....................................................................................................................
593 0
GERMAN COLONIES AND OFFI CES ABROAD: 19th an d 20th Centu ry, coll. of abo ut 250 mostly diff. on Specialty pages, generall y o.g., some used, about ten colonies and all offices represe nted, incl. some modera tely better items , some faults as would be expected , gener ally fin e to ver y fin e. Worth ca ref ul insp ect ion ..................................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500+ GERM AN OFFICES: 19th and 20th Centur y, coll. of over 85 diff. on Specialt y pages , used, few o.g. to unused, compr. Offices in China, Morocco, Turkish Empire, incl. a few moderately better items, mixed condition ..............................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $ 150-20 0
Primaril y 19th Centur y, coll. of man y hundred diff. on Specialty pages, o.g. to unused or used, over a dozen states and Heligoland, good representation incl. some better items and a fair number of dupl., mixed condition with reprints and refer ence accounted for. Worth insp ection .............. .......................Es t. Cash Value $750-1, 000 POSTAL STATI ONERY
PRUSSIA: Selection of approx. 190 used or unu sed items, good variety incl. Octagona ls, varied town cancels, much better , usual varied condition .................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,250 SAXONY: Cut-out s; rare lot of eight envelope s and one fron t, all tied, most cut to shape, varied towns. Mi. DM2300+ ......................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $400- 500
Selection of appro x. 400 used or unused it ems fr om Baden , Ba var ia, L ubeck, Meckle n burg , Schwerin/Strelitz , Saxony and Wurttemberg , gr eat variety incl. "Sond ers tempel" , private Specimens, better foreign destinations, fairly well sorted. Worth insp ection ...................Es t. Cash Value $2,000- 2,500 OLDENBURG: Selection of 24 envelopes, ten used, fourte en unu sed, better incl. Mi.U8B, DM2200, generally fine to very fine. Rare group ....................................................................... .....(Photo) Est. Cash Value $750-1,000
GERMANY: 1872 to 1939, appro x. 900 used or unused item s, incl. rarer earl y private envelopes, Rohrpost , etc. , rare foreign destinations , qualit y a bit mi xed. Worth insp ect ion by the sp ec ialist ............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,500- 2,000 For additional Postal Stationery, see lots 718 to 728
COVER CONDITION Minor faults including, but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps, small tears and some backflap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue .
GERMANY 600 * llil 1905-19 Wmkd. Lozenges, group of ten booklet panes on pochette pages, o.g., incl. a few better, mixed condition to fine. Sc. over $900, plus Mi. MH4 (creases), DM1400 ............................. ........................................................ ........ . 1948 Band and Carpet Overprints 2pf to 4Spf, 21 diff., very l.h. if at all to o.g., handstamp incl. SB on reverse, 601 599.00+ fine to very fine .............................................. ........................................ (585A,86-b,87A-C,89A,90,93A-F,94A-95A) fine very to fine ., l.h very 1951-52 Po st Horn 70pf deep ye llow , 80pf carmine , 90pf ye llow green, 602 650.00 .................................................. ................................................... .......................... ..............................(Photo) (683-85) Semi-Postals; 1933 Wagner set compl., incl. extra 20+10pf, both perf 13½x 14, l.h. or o.g., few low values 603 501.50 small faults, fine to very fine ........................................................ ............................. .......(Photo) ( B49-54 ,55a,56,57) DM1700+ ) lOBbll (Mi. (Photo) ............. 604 ** EEFieldpost; 1944 Rouletted brown red, Pl. II , dark blue ovpt., n.h., extremely fine BERLIN: 1948 Black Berlin lm to Sm compl., sheet margin copies, n.h. , fi ne to very fine. DM340 605 ............................................................................................... ................................................. ..........(Photo) (9Nl 7-20) 850.00 lm olive, Sm dark blue, neatly caned. , very fine. DM2580 ........................................................... (Photo ) (9N l7 ,20) 606 0 375.00 1-3) (9NB (Photo) ... 100 DMl Semi-Postals; 1949 Currency Victims set comp)., n.h., few tiny inclusions, very fine. 607 G.D.R.: 1951 Friendship set of three, n.h., few tiny inclusions or negligible gum creasing, fine to very fine 608 465 .00 ................................... ................................................................... ......................................................... (Photo) (82-84)
* *
** **
609 * O
6 11 * O
1872 to 1970, coll. of many hundred diff. in Specialty album, n.h. to unused, some used, wide ranging incl. better items and compl. sets, dupl. , Souvenir sheets, booklet panes, tete-beche and se-tenant issues, Semis, Airs, incl. Semi-Official, back-of-book incl. Officials, etc., mixed cond.ition with reference accounted for to much tine to very tine ................................. .................................. Est. Cash Value $2,000+
20th Century, coll. of about 125 covers in album, mostly Third Reich incl. Zeppelin flights, Feldpost incl. SS Danish Legionaire, Regis., censored, picture post cards, Inselpost, Semis incl. Souvenir sheets, Official s, Channel Islands, etc., also turn-of-century Flag cancels, incl. Canada and misc. foreign , generally fine to very fine. Worth careful inspection .................................................... ............................... Est. Cash Value $500-750 Coll. of several hundred diff. on Specialty pages, n.h. to unused, plus used dupl., incl French Zones, Berlin, G.D.R. and Soviet Zone, compl. or part sets, Semis, a few Souvenir sheets, etc., some faults though much fine to very fine ..................... ................................................ ............................ ............................. Est. Cash Value $400-500
612 * O
To 1950s, coll. of many hundred in Scott Specialty album, generally used to 1935, n.h to o.g. thereafter, incl. better Souvenir sheets and sets, Berlin, etc. Worth inspection ..............Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 TIDRD REICH PICTURE POST CARDS
An incredibly comprehensive coll. of over 790 mostly used post cards neatly arranged in 9 cover books, topics incl. photos of Hitler, propaganda and anti-propaganda, military and ship views, humorous, sports, etc., also postal cards. Certainly the most impressive and varied selection of this historical era. Worth careful inspection .................................................................................... Est. Cash Value $3,000-5,000 No lot
German Dispatch; charr ed en velope to Buffalo bearing thr ee Regular Issue stamps , tied by NURNBERG 3.5.37 c.d.s. and Zeppelin cachet on fron t, thr ee German labels tied on reverse, all neatly contain ed in cle a r a cet a te env elope bearing U.S. Officiall y Sealed stamp. With enclo sure .....................................................................................................(Cover Photo ) Est Cash Value $5,000-7,000 Wonderful but poignant example of the crash and of this great Ai r Post rarity
Charred picture post card to New York City bearin g 75pf green , tied by HAMBURG 3.5.37 c.d.s. and light Zeppelin cachet plus additional ms. OT FOUND, also include s original U.S. BULLETIN OF VE RIFI CATIO N dat ed J UL 16 1937 for th e cover 's return to German. Falk Cert. (1999) . .....................................................................................................(Cover Photo ) Est Cash Value $5,000-7,500 This cover has been hidden in Maine for decades. Another remarkable example.
1912 Flight of the VIKTORIA-LUIS E multicolored official Zeppelin 5pf postal card (small tear ), caned. by 17.7. 1912 oval to Berlin. A fine pioneer flight ....................................... .......................(Photo ) Est Cash Value $200 1930 E urop e-Pa n Ameri ca Flight 2m ultram a rin e Sud am erika Fahrt , fine , tied on special envelope by FRIE DRI CHSHAFEN (Bodensee ) 18.5.30 to United States, Seville transit o n rever se .............................................................................................................................(Photo ) (C38) Est Cash Value $300
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4m black brown, three copies, few nibbed perfs, tied by GRAF ZEPPELIN 19.5.30 c.d.s. on envelope to England, Friedrichshafen c.d.s. on reverse ................................... (Photo) (C39) Est Cash Value $1,000
619 181
620 181 621 181
1933 Chicagofahrt lm carmine, very fine, together with 50pf Regular Issue, tied by FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 14.10.33 c.d.s. on Zeppelin envelope to United States, Rio transit on reverse .....(Photo) (C43) Est Cash Value $300 Group of twelve covers , flights from the 1931 Second South America to the 1933 Ninth Flight, incl. Chicagofahrt 2m (2), two combinations , plus first issue set on one cover, generally fine to very fine. Excellent group .......................................................... ........................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $750-1,000
622 181
623 181
624 181 625 181
626 181 627 181
628 181
629 181
The remainder of 20 covers with regular issue franking flights from 1929 Orient and Mediterranean to Sept, 1936, incl. one Eckener autograph , generally fine to very fine. Great veriety ............................................................................................ ..................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500 AEGEAN ISLANDS: 1933 Italy Flight picture post card to Italy bearing Aegean Isl. 31 and Italy 25c, tied by Aegean Island May 24 1933 c.d.s., green and blue Zeppelin cachet s and Rome May 29 and Friedrichshafen May 30 markings . Rar ejlight ................................................................................(Photo ) (C20 , etc.) Est Cash Value $300 ARGENTINA: Group of six covers , incl. South America Flights, 1931 Second , 1932 First (2), Fifth, Sixth , Eighth, all addressed to Germany, generally fine to very fine .............................................Est. Cash Value $300-400 AUSTRIA: 1931 Second South America Flight; dispatched Vienna bearing four Austrian stamps, tied by WIEN 16.IX.31 c.d .s. strikes , appropriate cachets , with Caho Verde mail drop receiver of l 9SE3 l. Rare usage .........................................................................................................................................(Photo) Est Cash Value $300 BRAZIL: Group of 37 covers and cards ranging from May 1930 to Nov. 1936, franking in Regular and Zeppelin issues , most! used to German y, but also U.S., Spain , Switzerland. Exc ellent assortmen t ...........Est. Cash Value $750 DANZIG: 1930 Pan America Flight; picture post card franked by five diff. Air and Regular issues incl. 2 ½ G, tie d by DANZIG 17.5 .30 c. d .s. strike s , Rio transit and ap propriate cac het s, almost ve ry fine ............................................... ..........................................................................................(Photo) Est Cash Value $300 Group of three covers, com pr. I 930 Pan America , 193 1 Third and 1932 Ninth South America flights to New York, Germany and Bueno s Aires respectively, Air Post and Regular issues franking, generally fine to very fine ......................................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $300 DENMARK: Group of six covers, five Regis., compr. South America Flight 1932 Fourth, Sixth (2) and Seventh, 1934 Third and Sixth, all to Brazil, generally very fine. Excellent variety offrankings ....Est. Cash Value $600-800 96
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GREAT BRITAIN: Group of four covers, compr. South America Flight 1932 First, Fourth and Ninth and 1933 Fourth, the last dispatched from Morocco, all to Brazil or Uruguay, generally fine to very fine ............................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-600 ITALY: Group of two covers and one card, compr. 1933 Italy and Second South America Flight, 1934 Sixth South America and 1935 North America, to Italy, Brazil and United States respectively .....Est. Cash Value $300-400 LIECHTENSTEIN: Group of four covers, compr. 1930 Pan America, South America 1933 Eighth and 1934 Twelfth all to Brazil and 1936 North Americ a to United states, generally fine to very fine .............Est. Cash Value $400-500 PARAGUAY: 1932 Third South America Flight, compl. set of five of the triangular Zeppelin issue, plus others, tied by specia l violet cancel s on flown envelo pe to Germany bearing PARAGUAY 15 APR 32 c.d.s ., Friedric hshafen backstamp and LORCH receiver on reverse. Rare and attractive ........ (Photo) Est Cash Value $400 1933 Fifth South America Flight, comp!. set of six of the 1933 Zeppelin issue plus others , tied by special red cance ls on flow n Regis. envelope to Germany and bearing PARAGUAY 16.8.33 c.d.s., Friedrichshafen back stamp a nd LORCH receiver on rever se . Rare and attracti ve. A companion cover to the pri or lot .........................................................................................................................................(Photo) Est Cash Value $400 r8l
The remainder of thirteen covers and cards, compr. South America Flights 1931 Third (2), 1932 Fourth (2) through Eighth, 1933 First (2), Fourth (2) and Seventh, frankings from all Zeppelin sets and other issues, generally fine to very fine . ...............................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $1,500 A wonderful group
SWEDEN: 1932 Fifth South America Flight, 150 postcard bearing five Air Post and Regular issues, tied by MALMO 26-8-32 c.d.s. strikes, Berlin transit, red Friedrichshafen cachet and Brazil receiver on reverse, very fine. Very busy card..........................................................................................................(Photo) Est Cash Value $250-300 TURKEY: 1932 Fourth South America Flight, 2gr postal card bearing six other Regular issue stamps, all tied by ISTANB UL 25-4- 1932 c.d.s. strikes, red Friedrichshafen cachet and Brazil receiver all on front. Colorful and rare ................................... ........................................................................................ (Photo) Est Cash Value $300
638 ,
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VATICAN CITY: 1933 Italian Flight, two Vatican City and one Italian stamps, tied by VATICANO 28.5 .33 c.d.s. strikes and cachet on Regis. postcard bearing Rome Transit and green Friedrichshafen special receiver on front, very fine. Colorful and rare ...................................................................................(Photo) Est Cash Value $300 YUGOSLAVIA: 1932 third South America Flight 1½ D postal card with 200, tied by 5.X.32 triangular date stamp, Berlin transit and Brazil receiver all on front, very fine ................................... ...(Photo) Est Cash Value $200 r8l
The wonderful remainder of 30 covers and cards, dispatches from Austria, Benelux, Chile, Egypt, Greece, Hungary, Saar, San Marino, Russia, Spain, Uruguay and others, flights from 1930 to one 1937 Hindenburg German flight, the last before the crash. Worth inspe ction .....Est. Cash Value $2,000-2 ,500 Collateral Material and Librar y; a most interesting assemblage of clippings, schedules, menus, photos, post cards, autographs , etc., plus a small Library of fo ur book s and a new sletter. Very interesting ................................................................................................................................ ..............Est. Cash Value $200-300 98
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GREECE: 1870s to 1940s, group of about 70 covers, ranging from Herme s Head s to war-time , very nice variety incl. Air s, censo red , few post cards , mixed franking. Worth inspection .................... ..........Est. Cash Value $ 150--200 GUATEMALASTAMPLESSCOVERS
642 181
A wonderful collection of about 170 stampless fronts or covers bearing 43 different markings incl. straightline or shield/plaque type postal markings. Included are 75 items from Mexico, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras and Salvador when they were part of Guatemala. Postal history from this period consists for the most part of fronts; however , this collection contains 33 covers with all or most of back flaps present. Pieces from the Belak and Hennig collections are included ........... (Photo) Est Cash Value $7,500-10,000 As definitiv e a collection as we have seen in many yea rs and well worth inspection
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643 ** 644
645 0
GUINEA: 1959 to 1971, issues apparently comp!. on Minkus pages, n.h ., incl. Airs and Souvenir sheets, few dupl., generally very fine. 1997 Yvert FFrs6650+ ............................ .................... ............................ ............................ . No lot HELIGOLAND: 1879 Perf 13½x14 ½ Sm blue green & salmon, lightly caned. , hand starnps on reverse, one showi ng slightly on front, very fine appearance. Mi. 20A, DM3000 ................................... .......... .......... .(Photo) (23)
* 648 *
1912 Typographed and Embossed Sa to Sk comp!. set, l.h. or o.g., fresh, fine to very fine. DM500 ...(Photo) (92-89) 1915-18 Perf 14x14½ le to 20a compl. set, o.g. , le unused, mixed centering to very fine ............ (Photo) (99- 107) 1924-30 Surcharged 10k on S0a claret, 10k on lk yellow, 10k on Sk brown & slate, l.h. , very fine. DM1850 ......... .......................................................... ................................................. ......................... .......(Photo) ( 140, 141,143) 1931-33 Redrawn set compl. ,mostly 1.h. incl. 2k and I Ok,few o.g., lk tiny thin , fine to very fine.....(Photo) ( 176-87)
649 650 ** 83 1938 Anniversary, six compl. sets incl. blks of four, n.h., extremely fine .................................................. (209-11) 651 0
IRA : 1878 Typographed 1t bronze on bluish, large margins all round, neatly caned., ink signature on reverse , very fine. 1994 Mi. 30, DM8500 ................................................................ .....(Cover Photo) (40) Lovely copy of this rarity
349.99 429.25 1,275 .00 1,035 .00 198.00
ISRAEL: 1948 to 1966, a few hundred diff. in 2 coll. balances in ring-binder and hingeless album , vast majority n.h., incl. compl. sets (some tabs) and Souvenir sheets, tete-be che and pair s incl. gutter between, Airs , etc., fine to very fine ............... ......................................................... ..................... ........ .......Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 653 181 ITALY: 1922-23 B.L.P. (Buste Lettere Postali ), Second Type, group of eight diff. special envelopes , frankin gs compr. three blue ovpts. 20c, 40c (2), two red 25c and three black !Oc (2), 25c Interesting and seldom seen ....................... ............ ...................................... ................................. ................. ............ Est. Cash Value $250-300 654 LAOS: 1981 to 1995, issues apparently compl. in glassines in box, n.h., inc l Souvenir sheets, etc., very fine. 1994 Michel DM2100+ , plu s 1994 and 1995 unlisted issue ................ .................. ...................... .......................... ...... . 655 * Orn LIECHTENSTEIN: Coll. of many hundred on pages in box, majority n.h. , balance l.h. to used, mostly mode rn issues incl. many blk s of 4 and comp!. sets, also Souvenir sheets , Semis , back-of -book and some earl ier Airs, gene rally fine to very fine ..................... ....................................... ...................... .................. Est. Cash Value $400-500
* * 658 * 659 **ffi 656
660 ** 661
662 663 664
* *
1893--96 Perf 11 ½xll lg brown & olive green, o.g ., fres h, fine . DM500 ............. ................................ (Photo) (52) 1898--1905 Engraved 10g orange, o.g., brilliant fresh, very fine. DM1700 ......................................... (Photo) (86) 1913 Centenary 10g red on straw, o.g. (hinge remnant), rich fresh color, very tine .. DM1600 ......(Photo) (101) 1926--39 Wmkd. Circles Error 1½c red violet, "CEN" for "CE T'', top left stamp in blk of four with normals, n.h., extremely fine. DMlO00 ...................................... ........................................................................ (Photo) (166,c) Air Post; 1951 Seagull set of two, n.h., tiny inclusions, very fine. DMIIOO...................................(Photo) (C13, 14) Same. l.h., very fine ...................................................... ............... ....................... ................ ............ ...(Photo) (C l 3, 14) Franchise; 1916 The two diff., o.g ., very fine ........................... .............. ................. ....................... .(Photo) (Mi. 1,1) Marine Insurance; 192115c to 7½ G compl. set, o.g. natural gum , fine to very fine. DMl700 ....(Photo) (GYl-7 ) Telegraph; 1872-1903 lc to 60c, eight diff., o.g . (hinge remnant s), fres h, fine. Scarce ........(Photo) (Mi. 1-6,8,10)
1852 to about 1989, coll. of many hundred diff. in 2 hingeless albums and glassines in box, n.h. to unused, compl. issues but for a few, incl. better sets, Semis, Airs, back-of-book , Souvenir sheets, also new issues, numbered coil strips and booklets in glassines, some faults but overall tine to very tine. 1999 Scott and NVPH (booklets) stated by owner to be about $22,000......................................................... A lovely collection
666 * O
1852 to 1978, coll. of thousands of mostly used jam-packed in stockbook, strong earlier n.h. , recent issues and everything in-between, no real high values and faults generally in earlier, rest generally tine to very tine. Plenty of material ....................... .................... ................... ....................... .................... ...Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000
225.00 825.00 625.00
303.75+ 460.00 260.00 DM5 50 605.00 DM2695
667 * O
669 * O 670
67 1
672 ** 673
NETHERLANDS AND COLONIES: Coll. remainder of a few hundred diff. in 2 Schaubek albums , n.h. to unused or used, scattered issues with a few slightly better items, incl. Semis , Airs and back-of-book, Netherlands 1-6 neatly caned. , some faults though overall fine to ver y fine ...............Est. Cash Value $300-350 NETHERLANDS COLONIES: 19th and 20th Century , coll. of many hundred diff. in 3 hingeless albums in box, n.h. to unused , compr. Neth. Antilles, Indies , Surinam, New Guinea , West Irian , high degree of completeness , with better earl y items and Airs , also Semis and back-of-book , Indies incl. 1908 ovpt. inverted , Marine Insurance , etc., fresh and generall y fine to very fine. 1999 Scott cat!. stated by owner to be about $13,600 ............................................................................................................................ Extensive stock of many hundred more or less sorted on stock pages, primarily used, good classics, some n.h. recent, plus cancellation study .............................................................................................Est. Cash Value $300- 500 NETHERLANDS INDIES: 1938-40 Wmkd. Circles 50c lilac gray, o.g., very fine Scarce .............(Photo) (218) NICARAGUA: Primarily 20th Century, group of over 100 covers, mostly 1920s to 1940s and chiefly Airs, some Officials, large multiple frankings, some dupl., varied selection ................................Est. Cash Value $200
NORTH VIETNAM: Imperforate issues; 1961 to 1969, coll. of over 175 diff. on stock sheets, ungummed or n.h., compr. comp!. sets with many topical themes, very fine. With inventory. 1994 DM 1800+ .................................. PHILIPPINES: 1840s to 1950s, group of over 85 covers, ranging from stampless through Japanese Occu. to more recent, good variety, some dupl., mixed condition .....................................................Est. Cash Value $ 150-2 00 1850s to 1860s, group of five covers, two stampless , three franked , former to Manila, latter to Spain, stamps mostly four-margined, few stains. Fine lot .............................................. ....................................Est. Cash Value $200
Semi-Postals; 1922 Child Welfare set comp!., l.h. or o.g., all but 5k handstamp on reverse, fine to very fine .................................................................................................................... .......................................(Photo) (B24029)
676 * O
1858 to 1980, coll of a few thousand diff. in 2 Minkus albums , n.h. to o.g., early and scattered later issues used, incl. many compl. sets and Souvenir sheets , Semis, Airs , back-of-book, some imperfs, Russian areas incl. Armenia, Azerbaijan, others, mixed condition to much very fine, mis-placed and reference items accounted for, modern issues and a fair number 1930s and 40s n.h. Worth inspection .............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,200-1500
Primarily 20th Century, coll. of a few thousand diff. in 2 Specialty albums, o.g. or used and c.t.o., some n.h., incl. many comp!. sets, some Souvenir sheets , imperfs , Semis , Airs and back-of-book , also selections of Armenia, Azerbaijan , several others, mixed condition to very fine ............................. ........Est Cash Value $500 678 181L::.0 Circa 1910, coll. of over 70 covers on pages and loose in box, compr. mostly fancy cancels identified by city, incl. star burst, grids, target, wheels and variations of such, also stamps, many on small piece, mixed condition to very fine. Wide variety and worth careful inpection ............................................ .........Est. Cash Value $500-750
677 * O
682 * O
Air Post; 1917 to 1930, selection of 27 covers or cards, incl. First Flights, Regis., etc., variety of frankings though mostly Semis and/or Airs, various labels and Semi-Official Airs, local and mostly European destinations, mixed condition. Interesting and varied array .................................................................Est. Cash Value $200-400 SAAR: Semi-Postal; 1948 Flood Relief imperf Souvenir sheet of four , n.h. , small thin well away from designs,otherwise very fine. DM1500 ...................................................................................................(Photo) (B64a) Air Post; 1950 Council of Europe 200fr red brown, very fine, tied by ST. JINGBERT 5.8.51 First Day cancel on Regis. local envelope (horiz. file fold), Harburg (Schwab) backstamp. DM3800 .......................(Photo) (C12) 1920 to 1958, coll. of over 250 on Specialty pages, l.h., o.g. or used, incl. comp!. or part sets, a few earlier shades, perf vars., etc., Semis and Airs, some dupl., generally fine to very fine ............................. Est. Cash Value $200-2 50
683 * O
SALVADOR: 1867 to 1907, exhibition coll. of many hundred used, neatly mounted and documented on quadrille pages, almost every stamp shows a distinctive selection of cancels, incl. the Postal Tax issue, and most are noted, with stamp perf varieties, many of which are very rare used and undercatalogued. Ex Hennan and Hubbard ................................................................................Est. Cash Value $2,000-2 ,500
SAN MARINO: 1877 to 1976, coll. of several hundred diff. in Specialty album , n.h. to o.g., few used or unused, incl. many comp!. sets, some Souvenir sheets, Semis, Airs and back-of-book, generally fine to very fine ..............................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $250- 350 SPAIN: Air Post; 1953 S0p dark violet, n.h., very fine. DM1500 .................................................... (Photo) (Cl 44)
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686 *
Primaril y 20th Century , coll. of severa l hundred diff. in Specia lty album and a few stock sheets, o.g. to unused, moisture damage affect ing gum to var ying degrees to stuck down , some not affected incl. n.h., many sets, with Semis, Airs, Souvenir sheets and modern colonies issues. Worth inspection .....................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000+
SPANISH MORO CCO: Telegraph ; Circa 1903 to 1927, selection of 75 mostly diff. on stock sheets , n.h. to o.g., excellent showing incl. better items, unusually fresh and generall y fine to very fine. Inventor y included. 1995 Yvert FFrs13,000+. Scarce group .................................. ...................................................................................... SURINAM: Air Post; 1931 DO-X set comp!., n.h. or l.h., fine to very fine .....................................(Photo ) (C8-14) 688 * 1941 Allegory Sg blue green , l.h., very fine ..........................................................................................(Photo ) (Cl 8) 689 * 690 ** l!'!ISWEDEN: 1910 to 1975, coll. of over 375 booklets in numbered glassines in box, n.h., incl. a fair number of better bookl ets, ptg. and perf vars. , selvage and booklet types, dupl. , etc., also some modern Souvenir sheets (not catl .), generall y fine to very fine. Scott and Facit cross -r eferenced. Facit SWkrs39 ,000+ ..................................................................................................(betw. 78a and 1115a, H9R and H323 and HA23A)
263.50+ 250.00
i: ~ .LUCHTJ>O.i ,, -
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691 ** l!'!I1922 to 1986, coll. of over 300 diff. unexploded booklets in numbered glassines in box, n.h., incl. better booklets and some ptg. vars., fine to very fine. A valuable collection with Scott and Facit cross-referenced. 1995-96 Facit SWkrs69 ,700+ ...................(betw. 192a and 1622a,H32A and H373A,HAI and HA26, etc.) 692 * 693 * O
SWITZERLAND: 1851 Rayon Sr light blue & red, part o.g., margins all round, dividing line at top, fine ....................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (10) 19th and 20th Cent ur y, coll. of several hundred diff. on album pages, n.h. to o.g., some used, incl. comp!. or part sets, many Semis and modem issues, also Souvenir sheets, Airs, back-of-book, dupl., blks, etc., generally fine to very fine ...........................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $200-2 50
COVER CONDITION Minor faults including, but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps, small tears and some backflap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue.
COLLECTIONS AND VARIOUS BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AND FOREIGN The following two collections neatly mounted in International albums comprise thousands of stamps obtained from a "new issue " service purcha sed between 1960 and 1990. The vast majority are never hinged and very fine with almost every space filled. included are Semi-Postals, Air Post, back of the book and some Souvenir sheets. Very comprehensive
BRITISH COMMONWEAL TH: Thirteen albums in 4 cartons , over 100 countries from all areas incl. Great Britain and Regional issues, se-tenant multiples and some imperfs .....................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $12,000-14,000 FOREIGN: Eighteen albums in 5 cartons, over 100 countries, incl. much Europe and colonies, particularly French Community, no Latin America , Germany , Russian areas or China .....................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $15,000+
19th and 20th Century 696 * O
Stock of several thousand in 12 file boxes in 2 cartons , n.h. to unused or used, stamps from almost everywhere incl. U.S. and Possessions, wide range of mint sets, singles and blks, booklets, Semis, Airs, Colombia SCADTA, some states, locals, stickers and labels, reference and reprints , fantasies , Semi-Officials and a fair amount of Revenues, all on priced pochette cards somewhat in order , mixed condition. R equi res ca reful inspectio n .........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $3,000-5,000
697 * OIBI Balance of a property, many thousand in 3 cartons, n.h. to unused or used, wide ranging with many countries incl. U.S., Germany, Liberia, Europe and British areas, incl. comp!. or part sheets, Souvenir sheets, topicals, labels , some back-of-book incl. Revenues, coll. remainder in album, stockbooks and loose, mixed condition ...Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500
698 * O
The remainder of a property in carton, compr. middling coils. of Belgium, Luxembourg, Spain, Swiss Standing Helvetia, mint Great Britain presentation packs and booklets, n.h. Europe sets, albums and loose, mixed condition to much very fine. Worth inspection ...................................................................................................................Est. . Cash Value $1,000
699 * O
Coll. of many hundred diff. in International Junior album , o.g. to unused or used, wide ranging with much Europe and British areas , incl. Great Britain two Ip black and Mulready envelope, Norway two #ls, Latin America, some Asia incl. Japan native cover and 20s claret tied by purple MOUKDEN I.J.P.O. pmk on small piece, other scattered better items, misc. Canal Zone and Hawaii, mixed condition ...........................................................................Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 700 * OIBIStock of a few hundred on pochette pages in 3 counter books, n.h. to unused or used , varied contents , incl. Revenues , surchd. and ovpt vars., with inverted double, wildly mis-placed , Die proofs , printer 's waste , essays, reference and reprints , blks, part sheets, imperfs , labels and Semi-Officials, Souvenir sheets and even legitimate issues, from many countries, mixed condition. Eclectic and worth careful inspection ...................................... Est. Cash Value $500-1 ,000 70 l * O Coll. of many thousand in 7 albums, incl. 2 Internationals, in carton, mostly used, some o.g., wide ranging incl. U.S. and Possessions, generally common though some sets, mixed condition ................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500 702 * OIBI REVENUES: Stock and accum. of several thousand in 2 cartons, wide ranging incl. U.S. federal and state, some Possessions , much Europe and Latin America, Great Britain as British areas, also Asia and Middle East , with multiples incl. compl. and part sheets, many on documents , also issued and unlisted postage , reference, themes , significant portion on priced pochette cards , mixed condition .......................................Est. Cash Value $2,000-4,000 703 * O
Coll. remainder of several hundred ditT. in 2 International albums , o.g. or used, sparsely filled, but many countries incl. U.S., generally fine to very fine ...............................Est. Cash Value $100-150 704 * O IIilPrimarily 20th Century, stock and accum. of man y thousand in stock sheets in 9 ring-binders and glassines in 2 cartons , mostly used , some n.h. to o.g., stamps from almost everywhere in varying quantities, some sets, Airs, etc., mixed condition ........................Est. Cash Value $500-600 105
TOPICALS: Stock of many hundred in 3 file boxes, unused or used, numerous themes on stamps, some revenues, also a variety of stickers, labels, incl. stamp shows, trading cards , etc ., all on pochette cards, priced and sorted, mixed condition ...................................... ................. Est. Cash Value $300-500 706 * Ot8l 20th Century, balance of a property in carton, n.h. to o.g. or used, wide ranging random issues, incl. some comp!. sets, topicals, U.S., covers, Europe incl. Denmark and Germany , British areas, etc., also hundred on paper, mixed condition to very fine ............................. .........Est. Cash Value $300-500 AIR POST: Balance of over 100 mostly dilT.on pages and stock sheet, n.h. to o.g., mostly comp!. 707 sets incl. China, Italy and area, France, etc., generally fine to very fine ....Est. Cash Value $500-750 705 * O
709 t8l 710 * O
19th Century, coll. of over 300 mostly diff. on pages , o.g. to unused or used , compr. Spain and Portugal, plus Philippines, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Azores, Madeira, Angola, etc., incl. better items , mixed condition to some very fin e. Worth ca refu l inspection .........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,200-1,500
An outstanding and eclectic selection of 26 covers, primarily classic, incl. eight from Latin America, scarce usages, some questionable. Sold as is. Worth careful inspection .....Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 20th Century, coll. of about 130 on album pages , o .g. or use d, co mpr. Mongolia, North Ingermanland , Tannu Tuva, incl. a few slightly better or comp!. sets, imperfs and reference items , some faults though generally fine to very fine .................................... ............Est. Cash Value $200-300
1950s to 1980s, selection of a few hundred unexploded booklets in box, n.h., mostly Belgium, **llllFrance, Netherlands, Switzerland, also some Denmark, Finland, Norway, a few Japan, etc., incl.
better values with various combinations and slogans and Semis, all identified and generally very fine ..............................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 EUROPE: Primaril y 19th Century, coll. of man y hundred neatl y arranged on pages in 3 ring-binders and loose, mostl y used, some o.g. , Eastern and Western Europe usual mixed condition, some better stamps and cancels, mixed condition to ve ry fine. Worth inspection ........................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-750
712 0
20th Century, coll. of many hundred dilT. in 3 Specialty albums in carton, n.h. to o.g. or used, compr. Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Yugoslavia, incl. some slightly better early issues, Poland #1, etc., many compl. sets, Airs and back-of-book, also some Souvenir sheets, Semis, Locals, etc., some faults as would be expected, overall fine to very fine ...................Est. Cash Value $800-1,000 BELGIUM AND NETHERLANDS: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of many hundred in Scott album, o.g. and used, Regular Issues, Semis, Airs, sets, Dutch Cols., plus some extra Europe, mixed condition to very fine ...................... ........................................................ .........Est. Cash Value $300-500
713 * O
714 * O
LATIN AMERICA: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of several hundred diff. in 2 Specialty albums, n.h. to unused or used, compr. Cuba and Dominican Rep., incl. comp!. or part sets, Souvenir sheets incl. imperf , Airs and back-of-book , Cuba incl. U.S. Admin., mixed condition to very fine .............................................. ...................................................................... .....Est. Cash Value $250-350
715 * O
7 16
717 * O
AIR POST: 20th Century to 1960s, coll. of a few thousand dilT. in 3 Specialty albums in carton, n.h. to o.g., compr. 20 countries and incl. many compl. sets and Souvenir sheets, imperfs and other varieties, Sanabria listed items, Air Semis and Officials, etc., generally fine to very fine ...................................................................... ........Est. Cash Value $2,500-3,000 MIDDLE EAST: Primarily 20th Century, coll. remainder of a few hundred in Specialty album, o.g. to unused or used, several countries but mostly Iran incl. comp!. or part sets, also Hejaz, mixed condition and reference items accounted for, some very fine ............ ............. Est. Cash Value $150-200
POSTALSTATIONERY The following eleven lots comprise an excellent old-time postal card collection with some stationery. Primarily unused, with a few used, it was completed in 1905 and all issues end there. While there appears to be some slight duplication , this is of little consequence as these are generally minor varieties. Condition is excellent with much premium material, including individual items cataloguing several hundred marks. BENELUX: About 360 cards. DM8300 .................................................................................................. 7 18 t8l DUTCH COLONJES AND CONGO: About 130 cards ........................Est. Cash Value $800-1,000 t8l 19 7 720 t8l
EASTERN EUROPE: About 375 cards, incl. Greece, Turkey. DM6100 ................................... 106
72 1
FRANCE AND MONACO: About 150 cards. DM2850 ....................................................................... FRENCH COLONIES AND OFFICES: About 220 cards ......................Est. Cash Value $300-500 GERMANY, AUSTRIA AND SWITZERLAND: Around 160 cards. DM3800................................. GREAT BRITAIN AND OFFICES: Over 100 cards. DM1350 ................... ....................................... . ITALY AND SPAIN: About 60 cards. DM2300 .............. ..................... .................. .......................... .....
RUSSIA: About 90 cards. DM12,300 ............................................................................................
SCANDINAVIA: Around 350 cards. DMS0O0.............................................................................
SPANISH COLONIES: Over 90 cards ..................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000 LIBRARY: Virtually intact, specialized in Third Reich books, Flag cancels, U.S. postal history , Air Post incl. Sanabri a 1966, coffee table books, few magazines .. ................... ....Est. Cash Value $200-30 0 END OF SALE
.. **
Never hinged
On cover
On piece
Block of four
Block larger than four
Plate Proof
9:30 a.m. to 5 :30 p.m.
Ap ril 2 - Good Friday
TC Trial Color
DP Die Proof
SE ; Straight Edge; s.l. ; Straight-line ; c.d .s. ; Circular Date Stamp. c.t.o.; Cancelled to Order ; F.D.C. ; First Day Cover
of purchasesFor We regretwe are unableto acceotcreditcardsforpayment
overseas buyers, we ask that payment be made by bank draft , wire or checks in
The various gradings of stamps are, in order : superb ; extremely fine; very fine ; fine ; fair . A lot described as "fair" is so listed either by reason of general appearance or more often because of a small fault or faults , such as a crease , thin spot, short or missing pert, perforated into, cut into, etc. In the case of sets , large blocks , sheets , etc., the condition quoted represents
dollars made payable on a U.S. bank . Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
the average and quality above and below this standard can be expected . Mixed Cond ition : In large lots, the condition is generally expected to range from fair to at best fine . Serious defects can be expected . Handst amp on reverse: Denotes either a dealer , collector or indecipherable expertiser 's mark. Signed by: Denotes either the actual signature or mark of the expertiser . The absence of mentioning a signature does not reflect on the ability or knowledge of the party involved .
BIDDING LEVELS $ 5 150 Upto$ $10 $150- $ 300 $ 25 $300- $ 700 $ 50 $700- $1 ,500 5% ly approximate Over $1 ,500 to the reduced automatically be will above Bids which do not conform to the correct level. BIDS BY TELEPHONE Please comply with the following : (a) Not more than 20 bids can be accepted and must be confirmed in writing. (b) Any errors are the responsibility of the bidder. (c) No bids accepted later than 1/2 hour before sale.
Shaded portion can represent an actual hinge or the area disturbed by a hinge. ; Never hinged - unused with original gum in Post Office state and unmounted ; Lightly hinged - unused with full original gum showing some evidence of a previous hinge which may be present in part or entirely removed . ; Original gum - unused with original gum somewhat disturbed by previous o.g. hinging which may still be present. ; Part original gum - unused with original gum , large hinge remnants may or part o.g. may not be present. disturbed o.g. ; Disturbed original gum - unused with original gum , affected by sweating , glazing or mount disturbance ; may not resemble the original gum . ; Unused without gum (unless gum is mentioned) unused ; Unused without gum , as issued. ungummed
You may Fax bids up to 1 hour before sale commences -
be sure to use
(212) 447-5625.
n.h. l.h.
BLOCKS OR SHEETS AND THE IR GUM: Minor separations are the rule, rather than the exception, in the case of blocks or sheets of any size . A few separations-around four perts per rowdo not affect the value of a block or sheet and are not grounds for the return of a lot. Blocks of four that have two stamps o.g. and two stamps n.h. are described "n.h. (2)/o.g.(2)". PAIRS : All pairs are horizontal , unless otherwise mentioned . CATA LOGUE NUMBERS : The catalogue numbers of the contents of the lots are given in parentheses immediately following the descri ptions , but in bulky lots only the range of issue is shown. CATA LOGUE VALUES : The final column shows the catalogue value of the lot. This is shown in parentheses where , in the opinion of the auctioneers , the market value exceeds this figure . ESTIMATED VALUES : If an estimated cash value is given, it is shown in the description and always Indicated by the abbreviations "Est. Cash Val.". It is used where the lot is large or where the actual value has little relation to the catalogue price. It represents the auctioneer's appraisa l of the true MARKET value of a lot and the figure is invariably close to the actual realization. It is useless for mail bidders to list any bids that are only a low proport ion of such estimates . CATALOGUES USED IN LISTING : U.S. Specialized Scott Vols. 1-6 Stanley Gibbons British Commonweal th Michel German Michel Europe
Others as noted in the descr iptions
1999 1999 1999 1998 1998/99
1. Lots of not more than 10 items. 2. To U.S. clients only . 3. Viewer llll1fil_ pay postage and insurance both ways and return lots within 24 hours of receipt.
, for any loss, proper insurance 4. V iewer assumes all responsibility, including whether in his possession or in any and all forms of transit when returning Postal Viewing. 5. References required from bidders unknown to us. VALUATION OF LOTS Va luations of all lots are available in receipt of stamped , self-add ressed envelope .
Recogn izing tha t there are occasional differences of opinion concerning gum nomenclature by various expert comm ittees , for example , a stamp descr ibed as o .g. being certified as large part o .g . or even part o.g. , this minor class ification discrepancy alone is not sufficient grounds for return. COVER CONDITION
Minor faults including , but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps , small tears and some back flap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue. IMPORTANT
Remember, NO lots may be returned with back stamps stating Fake, Falsch, or similar markings. Recently there has been a spate of German expertisers marking the backs of stamps . It is your responsib ility as the purchaser not to let this happen . IN THE MAILING ENVELOPE
You will find the bid form and prices realized for the January 27-28 , 1999 United States, Philatelic Literature , British Commonwealth and Foreign auction . Printed with Pantone 155 (mod.) and 492
¡For UnitedStates stamps, the generally recognizedauthority. unless otherwise agreed, shall be the Philatelic Foundation of New York
Unless announced otherwise by the auctioneer, all bids are per lot, as numbered in the printed Catalogue. H.R. Harmer, Inc. (hereinafter "Harmers"), License #s 672829, 780870, as agent for the consignor or vendor, shall regulate the bidding and shall determine the manner in which the bidding shall be conducted. Harmers reserves the right to withdraw any lot prior to sale (without liability to any potential purchaser or agent), to re-offer any withdrawn lot, to divide a lot or to group two or more lots belonging to the same consignor or vendor, and to refuse any bid believed not made in good faith. 2. The highest bid acknowledged by the auctioneer shall prevail. Should a dispute arise between bidders (including a dispute between a floor bidder and the auctioneer acting on behalf of a mail bidder, consignor or vendor), the auctioneer alone shall determine who is the successful bidder and whether to reoffer the lot in dispute. Should a dispute arise after the sale, the auctioneer's sale records shall be conclusive. On all lots sold, a commission of
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NOW IS THE TIME TO CONSIGN Weareplanningour l June/July GeneraAuction Attractivecommissionsavailable The New Seasonisjust aroundthe corner Contactus now.
H.R. HARMER INC. 3 EAST 28TH STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10016 TEL: (212) 532-3700 FAX: (212) 447-5625 e-mail: hrharmer@ erols .com
AmosPressPhilatelicLibrary 911Van Jm:u k Rd. Sidney,OH 45365
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Berlin Pari er Platz und Brandenburger Tor
April 14, 1999
PRICE $1.00 (or by subscriptio n)
3 EAST 28th STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10016
The "Edwards " Collection of Prince Edward Island , The United States Exhibition Collection of Ralph A. Berry and The Douglas F. Richardson Collection of Netherlands
TOTAL $30 9 ,0 94 .
Lot #84 $5 ,462 .50
2 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 32 33 34 36 37 38 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 51 54 55 56 57
425 300 290 300 200 150 170 150 160 145 130 130 160 850 325 2700 300 1300 160 42 5 1100 625 150 180 475 260 160 2600 w/d 70 180 350 80 230 350 600 280 300 2 10 220 150 400 180 110 90
59 60 61 62 63 64 66-67 70 71 73 74 75 76
78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 90 92 93 94 96 97 98 99 100 101 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 113 114 116
325 110 90 90 90 130 7-5 90 110 1500 40 0 125 250 2 10 375 525 1500 400 2600 525 1800 4750 240 230 160 400 55 75 80 125 200 110 170 375 125 65 110 90 350 135 180 160 160 115 27 0
118 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 133 134 135 136 140 145 146 150 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 1n 178 179 180 181 182
260 100 65 70 125 130 00 290 200 120 160 625 650 100 170 55 125 160 300 110 220 170 180 190 190 160 170 160 160 110 300 135 130 190 450 425 425 95 575 1100 100 170 120 800 750
183 184 185 187 188 189 -190191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 201 204 205 206 208 209 210 213 213A 214 218 220 221 222 224 225 226A 228 229 232 233 237 240 244 245 246 248 251 252
325 675 750 750 500 2200 1600 1300 1100 1000 700 750 750 350 210 1600 500 8000 190 800 1050 325 1300 1900 2700 2400 700 160 350 550 2400 3000 w/d 950 1000 300 1500 300 550 105 450 475 200 240 200
258 259 261 264 265 266 267 268 270 271 276 279 280 281 285 287 290 291 292 293 296 298 299 300 301 304 305 306 307 310 313 314 315 316 318 319 321 324 326 328 329 331 332 334 336
130 1500 400 145 150 220 ·200135 3000 600 210 2000 400 90 190 130 150 750 190 100 80 140 400 170 1100 600 900 500 2600 180 160 180 110 150 210 220 1100 300 525 100 500 200 200 200 475
339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 356 357 360 362 363 364 366 367 369 370 371 372 374 375 376 3TT 381 382 383 385 386 387 388 389 391 392 393 395 396
1250 600 400 150 575 210 140 42 5 85 150 475 150 210 125 250 160 145 100 160 290 40 180 290 55 110 100 105 150 120 95 w/d 160 50 260 220 75 50 80 85 35 150 130 55 50 75
397 398 399 400 401 402 405 -406 410 411 414 415 417 420 421 424 425 426 427 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 439 440 441 442 443 445 446 447 448 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457
140 55 160 w/d 80 65 1 150 70 90 w/d 80 350 160 140 150 70 60 70 230 210 160 290 260 65 425 500 220 180 400 170 425 85 80 100 250 350 100 1300 475 240 280 170 50 110
458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 486 487 488 489 490
70 90 32 75 35 260 230 1100 115 150 115 700 75 350 300 150 550 2000 85 w/d 575 375 180 250 450 450 425 450 145 80 110
491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 511 512 513 515 516 517 519 520 521 522 524 525 526
80 90 145 450 375 100 95 150 125 45 90 60 45 85 110 125 65 150 110 135 160 1150 900 850 750 115 55 800 85 1350 600
527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 542 543 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 557 559 560 561 562 563 566
575 150 425 350 200 200 475 450 115 90 105 100 650 190 160 260 260 200 130 130 290 230 70 70 280 675 325 270 425 230 300
570 571 572 574 575 576 577 580 581 582 584 586 587 588 589 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 602 603 604 605 606 607 609
230 500 750 650 220 170 220 375 300 750 450 170 750 750 550 650 115 900 1800 850 1500 475 1100 150 220 110 140 110 210 130 2300
610 611 613 615 616 617 620 621 622 623 624 625 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 640A 645 646 647 648
900 500 8000 6500 8500 4500 325 850 1800 325 220 230 1050 375 1300 700 400 400 525 375 1700 375 375 550 575 3750 525 250 90 40 280
649 650 652 653 654 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681
250 30 120 350 240 70 550 290 170 170 130 110 350 400 2800 600 240 2300 240 170 250 240 170 230 140 2600 400 1100 1600 200 400
682 683 684 685 686 688 689 693 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 705 706 707 708 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 726 729
250 2600 180 220 750 100 105 150 2500 1100 850 1450 550 750 2500 95 475 425 450 1400 325 300 450 800 325 200 2500 210 1500 160
SEASON'S TOTAL TO DATE: $1,482,156 (including 15% on the hammer price payable by the buyer)