Sale 2932 - Dr. Hayden G. Keech Collection of United States

Page 1

.Ps::v~/~ ~




Never hinged





On cover


On piece




Block of four

IHI Block larger


Plate Proof


Die Proof

TC Trial Colo r

than four



OFFICE HOURS 9:30 a.m. to 5 :30 p.m.

9:30 a.m . to 5 :00

for Independence Day

July 6 -

July 2 thru Aug .

Until July 2

MAJOR ABBREVIATIONS SE = Straight Edge ; s.l. = Straight -line ; c.d .s. = Circular Date Stam p. c.t.o. = Canc elled to Order ; F.D.C. = First Day Cover

PLEASE NOTE - CREDIT CARDS We regret we are unable to accept credit ca rds for payment of purchases . For

CONDITION The various gradings of stam ps are, in order : superb; extremely fine ; very fine; fine ; fair. A lot described as "fair" is so listed eithe r by reason of general appearance or more often because of a small fau lt or faults , such as a crease , thin spot , short or miss ing pert , perforated into , cut into , etc . In the case of sets , large blocks , sheets , etc ., the con dition quoted represe nts

ove rseas buyers , we ask that payment be made by bank draft , wire or checks in dollars made payab le on a U.S. bank . Thank you for your understan ding and cooperation .

the average and quality above and below th is stan dard can be expected . Mixed Condition : In large lots, the condition is genera lly expect ed to range from fair to at best fine . Serious defe cts ca n be expected. Handstamp

on reverse: Denotes either a dealer , collector or indeciphe rable expertiser's mark .

Signed by : Denotes either the actual signature or mark of the expe rtiser . The absence of mentioning a signature does not reflect on the ability or knowledge of the party involved .

BIDDING LEVELS $ 5 150 Up to$ $10 $150 - $ 300 $ 25 $300 - $ 700 $ 50 $700 - $1 ,500 approxima tely 5% Over $1 ,500 Bids which do not conform to the above will be automatically reduced to the correct level. BIDS BY TELEPHONE Please comply with the following : (a) Not more than 20 bids can be accep ted and must be confirmed in writing . (b) Any errors are the responsib ility of the bidder . (c) No bids acce pted later than 1/2 hour before sa le.



L.H .

0 .G.


You may Fax or e-mail bids up to 1 hour before sale commences -

Shaded portion can represent an actual hinge or the area distur bed by a hinge. Never hinged - unused with original gum in Post Office state and unmounted Lightly hinged - unused with full original gum show ing some evidence of a prev ious hinge which may be present in part or entirely removed . Original gum - unused with orig inal gum somewhat disturbed by prev ious

n.h. l.h . o.g.

part o.g . distu rbed o.g.

unused ungumm ed

hinging which may still be present. Part origi nal gum - unused with original gum , large hinge remnants may or may not be present. Disturbed orig inal gum - unused with origina l gum , affected by sweat ing, glazing or mount disturbance ; may not resemble the original gum . Unused without gum (unless gum is mentione d) Unused without gum , as issue d.

BLOCKS OR SHEETS AND THEIR GUM : Minor separations are the rule, rather than the exception , in the case of blocks or shee ts of any size . A few separa tions-a round fou r perts per row-do not affect the value of a block or sheet and are not grounds for the return of a lot. Blocks of four that have two stamps o.g. and two stamps n.h. are descr ibed "n.h. (2)/o.g. (2)".

be sure to use

(212) 447 -5625 or hrharmer@erols .com


POSTAL VIEWl~:t 1. Lots of not more than 1O iter.2. To U.S. clients only.

3. Viewer !Il.liSl pay postage a d ~ .urar,ce both ways and return lots within hours of rece ipt.

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rd a' forms of transit when returning F<

whether in his possession or in Viewing .


vn to us.

r Or


5. References required from bi

PAIRS : All pairs are horizontal , unless otherw ise ment ioned . CATALOGUE NUMBERS : The catalogue numbers of the contents of the lots are given in parentheses immed iately follow ing the descri pt ions , but in bulky lots on ly the range of issue is


..,, . of stamped , se f

Valuations of all lots are availab

shown. CATALOGUE VALUES : The final column show s the catalo gue value of the lot. This is shown in parentheses where , in the opinion of the auc tioneers , the market value exceeds this figure . ESTIMATED VALUES : If an estimated cash value is given , it is shown in the descript ion and alway s ind icated by the abbrev iations "Est. Cash Val.". It is used where the lot is large or where the actua l value has little relation to the cata logue price . It represents the auct ioneer 's appra isal of the true MARKET value of a lot and the figure is invariably close to the actual realization . It is useless for mail bidders to list any bids that are only a low proport ion of such estimates . CATALOGUES USED IN LISTING : U.S. Specia lized Scott Vols. 1-4 Scott Vols. 4-5 Stanley Gibbons British Commonwealth Michel Germany Michel Europe

2000 2001 2000 2000 1999 1999/2000

GU Recogn izing that there are occz nomenclature by various expert c o.g. being ce rt ified as large part

fferences of N


discrepancyalone is not sufficient grc n COVER Minor faults including , but not limited to some back flap damage have not bee

, , for exampl! ·en part o.g., #


return. ITION

s not affecting stamos, small tears and : the descr iptions of this catalogue . "'NT

Remember , NO lots may be returne mark ings. Recent ly there has be, back s of sta mps. It is your respo n, INTH I

Others as noted in the descriptions

•• ~ ,, 11PTION

~ck stamps stating Fake, Falsch , or similar ,ate of German expertisers marking the ,s the purchaser not to let this happen . ,!LING ENVELOPE

You will find the bid ferro s e · · ,rices realized for the April 25-26 United States , .Jmps & Foreign and the April 26 BNA Postal History. British Commonwea lth

SALE 2932


THE DR. HAYDEN G. IZEECH COLLECTION an d the p rop erties of 18 other vendors.

Wednesday, July 18, 2001 Aft erno on Sessi on at 1:30 P .M.


EXH IBITION OF LOTS July 16, 17 from 9:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. or by Appointm ent EXHIBITION ROOM CLOSED 1:00 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. EACH DAY ON SALE DAY LOTS WILL BE AVAILABLE UNTIL 12 NOON

To be sold at Auction by

H.R.HARMER INC. 3 EAST 28TH STREET, 7TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY 10016 Telephone : (212 ) 532-3700 Fax: (212 ) 447-5625 E-mail: hr harmer@hrharmer .com Website: Keith A. H anner , Jack LaCaJamito - Licensed Auctioneers, License #'s 672829 , 7808 70

On all lots sold a commission of 15% on the hammer price will be payable by the buyer.

Cati. Val.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 2001 Afternoon Session at 1:30 P.M.

UNITED STATES POSTMASTER'S PROVISIONAL: PROVIDENCE, R.I.; 1846 Handmade Paper Sc gray black , unused , margins all round, large three sides, very fine ..................................................................................(Photo ) (lOxl )




2 0 3 0 4 181

Sc brown , mostly enormous margin s all round, caned. by pen strokes, traces of tone spots mostly on reverse , very fine ............................................. ..........................................................................................................(Photo) (1) Sc, large margin s except touched bottom left , on-the- nose red bars in circle cance l, thins, fine appearance .......................................................... ..................................................... .......................................................(Photo ) ( 1) HOTEL COVER; Sc, margins all round, fine, tied by red grid cancel on folded letter sheet (missing back flaps but one) bearing matching WASHINGTON CITY D.C. MAR or MAY 20 c.d.s. and neat THOMAS ' S IRVING HOTEL WASHINGTON.D.C. oval, to New York ..........................................(Photo ) ( 1) Est. Cash Value $200-2 50 10c, good to large margins all round , caned. by light pen stroke s, small fault s, very fine appearance ......................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (2) 10c, margins to cut in, caned. by pen strokes, faulty but collectible copy .................................................(Photo ) (2)

5 0


300.00 600.00

600.00 750.00 750.00

7 0181 1847 Sc, shades, 10c, group on stock sheets, used , compr . Sc, 18 singles and 2 covers , one with red U.S . EXPRESS MAIL pmk, 10c, two copie s, former incl. red " 5" (2), each doubly struck, blue " 5" (2), another blue framed PAID , 3 others caned. in blue, fault y or mixed condition ...................................................................................................................(1,2) Est. Cash Value $2,500-3 ,000



1875 REPRODUCTION OF 1847 ISSUE: Sc red brown , mostly large margins all round, rich color, almost very fine .......................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (3)


le, group of 31 die essays on paper , various paper s and colors, compr. black , blue, brown violet, red violet, red , vermilion, orang e brown, green, progre ssive dies from vignette to finished design , one vignette on green bond, fine to very fine .......................................... (Photo ) Est. Cash Value $2,500-3 ,500



Cati. Val.


le , VERTICAL PAIR , Pos. 81-91R4, top stamp cur l on shoulder , cut in to huge margin s showing portion of three adjoining stamp s at right and top , neat blue Madison, Wisc. c.d.s. cancel, fine. Signed Ashbrook and with his annotations Very rare. The only positions in which a pair of type Jc can exist .........................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (6b ) 6,500.00+



le, PAIR , barel y touched to very large margin s, neat blu e CHARLESTON PAID c.d .s., light creasing, otherwise very fine .....................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (7)


12 0

le , VERTICAL STRIP OF THREE , Pos. 80, 90, IO0R, touched to large margin s, neat blue bars in circle cancels, bottom stamp light crease , middle stamp extreme ly fine .........................................................(Photo ) (7)


13 O rn

le , BLOCK OF FOUR, Pos. 7-8, 17-18L, cut in to large margin s, on-the-no se JAMAI CA PL AIN, Ms. c.d.s. cancel , faults thou gh quite attractive multipl e.....................................................................(Photo ) (7) Blocks from plat e 1 early are rare

14 OCB:I le , coll. on annotated pages, used, incl. over 50 single copies, 10 pairs , over 25 strip s of thr ee, plus ten

covers most franked with strip s of three , etc., man y identified by position, variety of shad es and cancels, incl. blue grids and c.d.s. pmk s, PAID incl. red on st rip of three , pen , etc., few corner or margin copies, mixed condition as would be expected , but a wonderful array .(7) Est. Cash Value $6,000-8 ,000



12 4


Cati. Val.

le TYPE II, PLATE 2 15 0

16 0 17 0

18 0

19 0

le deep blue , STRIP OF THREE , Pos. 65-67L, cut in slightl y to mostly large margin s, c.d.s. cancels, fine to extremely fine ..............................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (7) 550.00 le pale blue, STRIP OF THREE , Pos. 58-60L, touch ed to large margin s showing portion of' two adjoining stamps at bottom , fine to very fine ............................................................................................................(Photo ) (7) 550.00 le , VERTICAL STRIP OF THREE , Pos. 1, 11, 21L, middle stamp showing dropped relief variet y, barel y touched to mostly huge margin s showing portion of adjoinin g sta mp at bottom , c.d.s. cancels, top stamp small stain, fine to very fine ...................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (7) 550.00 + le , CRACKED PLATE RECONSTRUCTION , Pos. 2-3 (pair ), 12-13, 22-23L, the variety clearl y showing on four position s, cut in to large margins, small faults to fine.........................................................................(Photo ) (7) 1,820.00+ le, RECONSTRUCTED BLO CK OF TEN, compr. STRIPS OF THREE AND SEVEN, Pos. 16-18, 2228R, showing three double tran sfers and three with plate markings, cut in to large margins, light dotted grid cancels, pos. 23 vert. crease, pos. 26 negligible wrinkle, genera lly fine .................................................(Photo ) (7)

20 * OC8Jle , coll. on annotated pages, used , incl. over 90 single copies, 16 pair s, 19 strips of thr ee, also single,

pair and strip of three apparently unu sed, plus 15 covers, 11 franked by strips of three man y identified by position , varieties includ e cracked plate, double tran sfers, curl, shifts, etc., also shade s and various cancels , incl. grid and c.d.s. in blue or red , few year dat es, "Mo bile Paint ", U.S. Ma il, WAY 5, Free , City Delivery, pen, also a few Pl ate 3 incl. one cover , mixed condition. Worth carefu l inspection ....................................................................................................................(7) Est. Cash Value $7,500-10,000


Cati. Val.

le TYPE II, PLATE 3 21 0

le , barely touched to large margin s at sides, red c.d.s. cancels, lovely color, very fine, .....................(Photo) (7)



le, mostl y very large margin s all round showing portion of adjoining stamp at top , neat c.d.s. cancel, extremely fine and beautiful ......................................................................................................................(Photo ) (7) le , PAIR, good to mostly very large margins showing portion of five adjoining stamps , lightly caned. , very light vert. margin crease at left, very fine to extremely fine ................................................................... (Photo ) (7)

(160.00) 350.00

24 * 0181le , coll. on annotated page s, used, incl. over 70 single copies , 9 pairs, 5 strips of three, also 5 singles and strip of thre e apparently unu sed, plus over 25 cover s incl. mixed ÂŁrankings with 3c and Sc strips of three , variety of cancels incl. PAID and town pmks in red or blue , U.S. Mail , grid types, pen , etc., mixed condition, but quite an array and much useful ............................ (7) Est. Cash Value $5,000-7 ,500

le TYPE III 25 0

le , SHEET MARGIN COPY , Pos. 99R2, barel y touched to large margins other sides, red carrier cancel, very fine. Foundation Cert. (1978) ......................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (8) The best possible example of (ype Ill


le TYPE Illa, PLATE 1 EARLY 26 0 27 0 28 0

le bright blue , Pos. 72L, barel y touch ed at bottom , very large margin s other sides and showing portions of adjoining stamps, neat N.Y. "two bar' ' c.d.s., very fine .......................................................................(Photo ) (SA) le , DOUBLE TRANSFER, ONE INVERTED, Pos. 81L, cut in at left, huge margin s other sides showing portions of adjoining stamps , bar s in circle cancel , fine ................................................. .....................(Photo ) (SA)


le light blue , touched one point at left, otherwise huge margins showing portion s of adjoining stamps at top and bottom , clear on-the -nose "3" cancel, smaJI tear , extremely fine appearance ........................... (Photo ) (8A)


le TYPE Illa 29 0181 le , coll. on annotated page s, used, compr . 12 single copies, two pair s, strip of three and 3 covers incl. one printed circular , various cancels incl. blue and red c.d.s., grids , PAID , relief D signed Ashbrook, etc., mixed condition .................................................................. .............. (8A) Est. Cash Value $5,000-6,000



Cati. Val.



30 0

le pale blue , STRIP OF THREE, from Plate IE , types II+illa+Illa, cut in to large margin s, neat PAID cancels, small thin , fine to very fine ....................................................................................................(Photo ) (7,8A) 2,125.00+

3 I O 181 le, coll. on annotated pages, used , mostly combination multiples , incl. 9 strips of three , 3 pair s and a

cover, most identified by position , cancels include pen , c.d.s. incl. blue, cork, grids incl. red and blue, mixed condition ..................................................................................... (8A,7) Est. Cash Value $3,500-4,000

le TYPE IV, PLATE 1 LATE ONE CENT PART IMPRINT PLATE NUMBER BLOCK OF TWENTY-ONE 32 * IBI le, Pos. 51-57, 61-67, 71-77L, incl. eight double transfers and a triple transfer one inverted (Pos. 71Ll ), unused , deep rich color, touched in places to enormous margins , some creases and reinforced tears, generally fine to very fine .....................................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (9) 18,000.00+ Most impressive and larger than the Caspa,y block



le , BLOCK OF TE , Pos. 16-20, 26-30L, full original gum and fine color , usual creases, six with margins all round , generally fine to very fine ...............................................................................(Photo) (9) 8,600.00+ A most impressive multiple especially with gum, which is genera lly unheard of on the 1861 issue



Ca ti. Val.

34 * Ill!

35 * Ill!

le , BLOCK OF SIX, Pos. 24-26, 34-36R , unused , four with mar gins all round , small faults incl. tone spots , ver y fine appear ance ............................................................................................................. (Photo ) (9) 5,100.00+

le , BLOCK OF SIX , Pos. 18-19, 28-29, 38-39L , unus ed, vert . scissors cut through top two row s mostl y betwe en stamp s, bottom left stamp repaired , small fault s, fine to ver y fine appe aran ce ....................(Photo ) (9) 5,100.00+



36 * Ill!

le , RECONSTR UCTED BLOCK OF FORTY-TWO , Po s. 42-48 , 52-58 , 62-68 , etc. , to 92-98L , compr. multipl es of tw elve (3) and nine (1), a few with gum , five badl y cut in , sheet margin s at bottom , usual fault s, some soiling , but incredibl y impr essive. Cati. as block s and strip s $34,000 ........................................................................................................(Photo ) (9) Est. Cash Value $2,000-3 ,000

COVER CONDITION Minor faults including, but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps, small tears and some backflap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue.




Cati. Val.

USED COPIES 37 0 38 0 39 0

40 0

le, deep shade, Pos. 22L, recut once at top and once at bottom , enormous margins all round showing portions of adjoining stamps all sides, c.d.s. cancel, superb ..................................................................................(Photo) (9) le, recut once at top and once at bottom, huge margins showing portion of three adjoining stamps, bright red "paint" Mobile , Ala. cancel , small thin , tiny margin corner crease, superb appearance .............(Photo ) (9) le , SHEET MARGIN PAIR, Pos. 49-50L, each recut once at top, left stamp once at bottom , touched one point to mostly larg e margins other sides showing portions of four adjoining stamps, bold cancels incl. small part of red pmk, extremely fine ................................................................................................................(Photo ) (9) le, STRIP OF THREE, Pos. 15-17L, each recut once at top, barely touched to huge margins showing portions of four adjoining stamps , neat bars in circle cancels, beautiful color, very fine. Ex Theodore Cook ......................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (9)

41 0

le light blue, STRIP OF THREE , Pos. 95-97L, each recut once at top, barely touched to mostly large margin s, caned. by neat pen strokes, very fine to extremely fine ..........................................................................(Photo ) (9)

42 0

le, SHEET MARGIN STRIP OF FIVE, Pos. 91-95L, Pos. 91 triple transfer, blue c.d.s. cancels, folded generally between stamps , tear left stamp, others very fine. Lo vely pos irion srrip ....... ..... ................. ......... .......... (Photo ) (9) le, STRIP OF FIVE , Pos. 96-lO0L, middle stamp double transfer, all recut once at top, cut in to large margins, bars in circle cancels and portion of red pmk, crease between second and third stamps , pretty color , three stamps almost very fine ..............................................................................................................................(Photo ) (9) le, BLOCK OF THREE, Pos. 43-44, 53L, each recut once at top, right stamp once at bottom , lower stamp twice at bottom, touched to large margins, light c.d.s. cancels, vert. pair very fine ............................(Photo ) (9)

43 0

44 0

(125.00) 125.00+




720.00+ 390.00+

Cati. Val .

le , BLOCK OF FOUR , Pos. 26-27, 36-37, 46-47L , numerous recuts, touched to large margins showi ng portions of two adjoining stamps, neat PAID cancels , small faults incl. a few tin y tears. Attractive block ......................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (9) 2,000.00+ 46 O[!l] le, BLOCK OF SIX , Pos. 39-40, 59-60R, three with large margins , neat CAIRO ILLS. c.d.s. strikes , faint bend , generally fine to very fine. Used blocks are sca rce .........................................................................(Photo ) (9) 2,260.00+ 45 O rn

47 0

le , RECONSTRUCTION OF TOP ROW , LEFT PANE, Pos. 1-l0Ll, all c.d.s. cancels, compr. one pair , five singles incl. corner margins and top margin strip of three, few small faults , fine to superb ............................................. ........................ ......................... ..........(Photo ) (9) Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500

48 0

le , RECONSTRUCTION OF TOP ROW , RIGHT PANE , Pos. 1-l0Rl, incl. type II , the only one in the plate , all c.d.s. cancels, compr. three strips of three and type II single, few small faults, genera lly fine to very fine. Ashbrook note accompanies ................ ............(Photo ) (9,7) Est. Cash Va lue $1,500-2,000

le TYPE IV 49 * 0181 le , the well annotated coll. on pages in 2 Specialty albums, used, several apparently unused , incl. well over 300 single copies , over 65 pairs , more than 75 stripes of three , incl . 2 as reconstructed blk of 6, strips of four (3), five and six, blks of four (4), over 40 covers, 17 franked by strips of three, few combinations with 3c or le types , many double or triple transfers (one invtd. ), margin or center line copies, cracked plate and other vars., few signed Ashbrook, cancels incl. U.S. Mail, grid, target, PAID , cork, FREE, c.d.s., blue , red , green, etc., most incl. covers identified by position and recuts , mixed condition as would be expected though some "s uper " copies. A sp ectac ular arra y ......................................... ......................................................................... (9) Est. Cash Value $20,000-25,000


Ca ti. Val.


3c pale brownish carmine, PART Th1PRINT BLOCK OF FORTY , from Plate 3, Pos. 6 and lSR double transfer , 30R three lines recut , almost all o.g. or large part o.g., some creasing incl. horiz. along third row , lovely fre sh color. Figured as ten blocks of four. Ex Burru s, Rubel... .............................. (Photo ) (11) 14,000.00+ Very rare multiple

so 51 * 83

le dull red , BLOCK OF FOUR , full o.g., slightl y into outer frame line at bottom to large margin s, brilliant fresh, fine to very fine ........................ ....................................................................................(Photo ) (11)

52 0 83 3c pale claret , BLOCK OF FOUR , from Plate 4, Pos. 48-49, 58-59L , outer frame line touched to mostly large margins , on-the-nose c.d.s. cancel , few tin y fauJts, ver y fine appe a ranc e ...........................................(Photo ) (11)


51 12



Cati. Val.

53 0 ~

3c claret , IRREGULAR BLOCK OF FIVE, from Plate 4, Pos. 1-3, ll-12R, right stamp of blk of four outer frame lin e touched , large margins other sides, caned. by c.d.s. and ms. (slight smudge), fine to very fine ....................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) ( II )

54 0 ~

3c dull red , BLOCK OF SIX, touched to margins mostly all round, c.d.s. cancels, small open repaired tear, fine appearance. Scarce multiple ................................................................... ....................................................(Photo ) (l l )


le brownish claret , BLOCK OF SIX AND SINGLE, from Plate 3, cut in to good margins, tied by blue c.d.s. cancels on small piece, faulty but attractive multiple ................................................................................ (Photo ) ( 11)


55 t,.~

56 * 01813c, the coll. virtually intact on well annotated pages in 9 National albums in carton, fair number o.g. to unused , mostly used , incl. approx. 2000 single copies, 100 pairs , many stri ps of three to nine , 8 blks of four , six (2), eight , over 350 covers, most identified by plate and position , shades and cancels abound, incl. PAID , WAY, STEAM, STEAMBOAT, SHIP, numerals , pen , blue , red , green, brown , recuts and plate vars ., double transfers , etc., mixed condition as would be expected. A wonde 1ful and valuable collection which must be inspected ....................... ....................................... (11,etc.) Est. Cash Value $7,500+

COVER CONDITION Minor faults including, but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps, small tears and some backflap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue.


Ca ti. Val.


Sc red brown , PAPER FOLD. enormous margins , (Washington D.C.) FREE cance l, thin , extremely fine appearance ..............................................................................................................................(Photo) (12) 1,100.00+ The fo ld is clearly visible the entire length of the stamp



10c, PAIR , good to large margins , lightly caned. , right stamp small light corner creasing , left stamp superb ..............................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (13)


10c TYPE II 59 0 60 0 61 0

62 0 63 0 64 0

10c, PAIR, good to large margins all round, neat strike of N.Y. "Ocean Mail" cancel, very fine ....(Photo) (14) 10c, VERTICAL PAIR , Pos. 7, 17Ll , clear to large margin s all round, neat grid cancels, fine to very fine ....................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (14) 10c deep green, SHEET MARGIN PAIR, Pos. 51-52Rl, good to large margins other sides, ms. cancel, very fine ....................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (14) STRIPS OF THREE 10c, Pos. 17-19Rl , c.d.s. cancel, fine to very fine .....................................................................................(Photo) ( I 8) 10c, Pos. 7-9Rl , clear to large margin s, c.d.s. cancels, fine to very fine ..............................................(Photo) (14) 10c, clear to large margins , neat strike of COLUMBUS c.d.s. cancel, fine to very fine ....................(Photo) (14)


500.00+ 500.00 200.00+

850.00 850.00 850.00

Cati. Val.

STRIPS OF FO UR 65 0 66 0 67 0 68 0

10c, clear to mostly larg e margins all round, neat c.d.s. cancels , small sealed bottom margin tear bet ween middle stamps , fine to very fine ................................................................ ..................................................... (Photo ) (14) 1,075.00+ 10c, barel y touched at right to mostly enormous margin s, PAID in grid cancels , left stamp very light creasing, fine to extremely fine ................................................................ ........................................................(Photo ) (14) 1,175.00+ 10c, three huge margin s, bar ely touched at top , c.d.s. cancels, fine ....................................................(Photo ) (14) 1,075.00+ 10c deep green, GUIDE LINE SHEET MARGIN STRIP OF SIX, cut in to ver y large margins other sides, c.d.s. cancels, fine .......................................................... ............................................................................(Photo ) (14) 1,700.00+


10c, VERTICAL STRIP OF THREE , types II+ill+II , clear to large margin s, neat c.d.s. cancels, fine to very fine ................................................................. ..............................................................................................(Photo ) (14,15)


BLOCKS OF FOUR OR LARGER 70 0 83 10c, types II+III , large margin s all round , grid cancels, faulty but very fine appearance ...........(Photo ) (14,15) 7 1 0 83 10c, types II+ill , Pos. 37-38, 47-48Ll, cut in to large margins , c.d.s. cancels, bare st trace of two thins, one between right sta mp s, bright color, fine ............................................................................................(Photo ) (14,15)


72 0 83 10c, types ill+II , Pos. 68-69,78-79Rl , touched in place s to large margins , c.d.s. cancels, faults incl. small hole bottom left stamp, fine appearance ........................ ...............................................................................(Photo ) ( 14, 15)




Cat i. Val.

73 O IBI 10c, BLO CK OF NINE, Types II+II+ill , Pos. 3-5, 13-15, 23-25Rl , margin s to cut in, c.d.s. cancels , top right stamp large tear, few sma ll faults, fine appearanc e .....................................................(Photo ) (14,15) 4,850.00+

74 O IBI 10c, SHEET MARGIN BLO CK OF ELEVEN , ty pes III+IJ+IIJ, Pos. 22-24, 31-34, 41-44Rl, good margin s other sides except top right sta mp , cork cancels , faulty but a most impre ssive multiple .....................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (14,15) 5,350.00+ y large r Third larges t known multipl e, blocks of twelve and six teen being the on.L

75 0

10c, RECONSTRUCTED BLOCK OF FIVE, compr. PAIR and STRIP OF THREE, types ill+II , Pos. 43-44, 53-55Rl, touched to mostly enormou s margin s showing portion s of two adjoining stamps , bar s in circle cancels, right sta mp in pair sma ll light creasing, fine ......................................................................(Photo ) (14,15)

76 O IBI 10c, coll. on annotated pages, used, type II compr. 33 single copies, 11 pair s, 6 str ips of thr ee, one strip of five, 3 covers incl. pair with le , types 11+111compr. 3 str ips of three incl. cover to Germany , some identified by position , cancels include red PAID 10, other red , blue and black c.d.s. types, grids , pen , etc., mixed condition though many fine or lovely appearance ........(14,15) Est. Cash Value $3,500-4,500



Catl. Val.


10c, PAIR , types II+IV , Pos. 76-76Ll , right stamp recut at bottom , large margin s mostly all round , touched upper right , c.d.s. cancels, faults, fine appearance ...........................................................................(Photo ) (14,16) 2,100.00+ 10c, STRIP OF FIVE, types II+II+I V+II+II , Pos. 1-5Rl , type IV misplaced transfer , recut at top , cut in to good margin s, red bar s in circle cancel s, light crea sing, left stamp light stain , bri ght color and attr active ...............................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (14,16) 2,285.00+

79 O IBJ 10c deep green , IRRE GULA R BLOCK OF NINE , types II+I V+ll , Pos. 2-5, 11-15Rl (3Rl type IV recut at top), most cut in or touched , bar s in circle cancels, small tears, few corn er crea ses, fine and impr essive multipl e ...................................................................................................................(Photo ) (14,16) 3,950.00+

lOcTYPEID 80 0 81 0

10c yellowish green, very large even margins, neat c.d.s. can cel, extr emely fine ...............................(Photo ) (15) 10c, good to lar ge margins all round , neat c.d.s. canc els, tiny hand sta mp on rever se, very fine ......(Phot o) (15)

(225.00) 225.00


82 0 83 0

84 0 85 0

86 0 87 0 88 0

10c, Pos. 24-25Ll , good to very larg e mar gins all round , light c.d. s. can cel, ri ght stamp very light vert. crea se, left stamp extr emely fine .............................................................................................................(Photo) (15) 10c, good to very lar ge margin s all round , c.d.s. cancels, ver y fine .....................................................(Photo ) (15)


10c, mostly very large mar gins all round , neat c.d.s. cancel , fine to very fine ....................................(Photo ) (15) 10c, mostly large margin s all round , neat red bars in circle cancels, tiny hand stamp on reverse, fine to very fine ....................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (15) 10c, Pos. 45-46Rl , good to large margin s, lightly can ed., fine to ver y fine .........................................(Photo ) (15) 10c, clear to large margins, bars in circl e cancels, fine to very fine ....................................................(Photo ) (15) 10c yellowish green, good to large margin s, lightly caned., left stamp negligible creasing, fine ..........(Photo ) (15)

550.00 500.00


500.00 500.00

500.00 500.00

89 0 90 0 91 0

92 0 93 0

Cati. Val. STRIPS OF THREE OR FOUR 10c, STRIP OF THREE, Pos. 44-46Ll , good to very large margin s all round, light c.d.s. cancels, extremely fine 850.00 ....................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (15) 10c, GUIDELINE SHEET MARGIN STRIP OF THREE , Pos. 28-30Ll, touched to large margins other 850.00 sides, lightly caned., fine ............................................................................................................................(Photo ) ( 15) other margins 10c, GUIDE LINE SHEET MARGIN STRIP OF FOUR, touched in places to very large sides, light c.d.s. cance ls, right stamp extremely fine ............................................................................(Photo ) (15) 1,075.00+ 10c, STRIP OF FOUR , good to mostly very large margins all round , light c.d.s. cancel s, small faults, very fine to extremely fine appearance ·······················;;..::···············································································(Photo) (15) 1,075.00+ 10c, STRIP OF FOUR, Pos. 27-30Rl , clear one point to mostly large margins , light ms. cancel , two scissors 400.00 cut between stamps, fine to very fine .......................................................................................................(Photo ) (15)

94 OC81 10c, coll . on annotated pages , used , compr. 30 single copies, 11 pair s, 3 strips of three, 7 covers , few identified by position , cancels incl. red and blue grids and c.d.s., pen, etc., mixed condition .................................................................................................................... (15) Est. Cash Value $2,500-3,000

12c BLACK, SHADES 95 0

12c gray black , STRIP OF FOUR, Pos. 43-46Ll, outer frame line touched to large margins two sides, small scissors cut affecting frame Lineof third stamp , fine ............................................................................(Photo ) (17) 1,400.00+

96 O EB 12c, BLOCK OF FOUR, into outer frame line at left, good to large margin s other sides, neat San Francisco c.d.s. cancels, bottom stamp horiz. crease, fine ..........................................................(Photo ) (17)


BLOCKS OF EIGHT 97 OIBI 12c, cut in to very large margins , two neat strikes of bright red CLEVELAND, 0 PAID c.d.s. cancel, faults though attractive ..................................................................................................................(Photo ) (17) 9,000.00+

98 OIBI 12c, into outer frame line to large margins , Bloomington , Ind. dated c.d.s. cancels, faults, mostly creases, fine appearance ..............................................................................................................................(Photo ) (17) 9,000.00+

99 OIBI 12c, Pos. 52-55, 62-65Rl, margin s to cut in, bar s in circle cancels, small fault s incl. top stamps light horiz . crease, scissors cut at bottom between two right stamps, fine appearance ...................(Photo ) (17) 9,000.00+


Cati. Val.

I 00 O IHI 12c, Pos. 52-55, 62-65Rl , margins to cut in, bold bars in circle cancels , rejoined tear through most of bottom

row, fine appearance ................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (17) 9,000.00+

101 * O

12c black , shades, the coll. balance on pages, compr. 4 apparently unused, used copies consist of blk of 6, rejoined blk of 4, 25 pair s (some vert.), two strips of three, two covers each franked by pair , plus over 30 singles, incl. a fair number identified by position , variety of cancels incl. blue , red., c.d.s. PAID , grids , etc., mixed condition as would be expected but many ver y fine appearance or fine .....................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $5,000-7,500 (17)


Cat i. Va l.



le , deep intense color, margin s two sides, neatly tied by ALBANY N.Y PAID c.d.s. on printed July 10 1857 N.Y. Militia circular to Elbridge. A.P.E.S. Cert. (1959) .....(Photo ) (6) Est. Cash Value $2000-3000 11,000.00 Very rare










I 07


le , PAIR , Pos. 23-24L, small faults, margins all round to in one stamp, tied by LOUISVILLE KY . AU 4 c.d .s. on Jul y 20 , 1852 blue print ed circular ................. ................................... ..........(Photo ) (7) Est. Cas h Value $250-3 50 le , STRIP OF THREE , large margins or touched , fine to very fine, tied by red grid cancels on neat 1851 blue folded letter bearing matching RICHMOND Va. JUL 10 c.d.s. to Columbia. Rare second week of use .........................................................................................................................(Photo ) (7) Est. Cash Value $400-500 le , PLATE 2, three singles , margin s all round to touched , fine to very fine , tied b y TROY N.Y. (?) 11 c.d. s. strike s on attractive amber Iron Foundry adverti sing cover to New York .........................................................................................................................(Photo ) (7) Est. Cash Value $400-500 le, PLATE 1 EARLY, three singles, generally touched , light soiling, caned. by red grids on 1851 blue folded letter sheet bearing matching U.S. EXPRESS MAIL N.YORK N.Y. JUL 16 c.d.s. to Philadelphia. Rare early Railroad marking .............................. .............................................................. (Photo ) (7) Est. Cash Value $400-500 le , VERTICAL STRIP OF THREE, Reliefs "B" , "A", "B" , close to margin s aU round , top stamp tiny tear , tied by blue AUGUSTA Ga. OCT 29 c.d.s. strikes on buff envelope with embossed advertising on back flap, to Eatonton. Signed Ashbrook with notation. Attractive cover .... (Photo page 23) (7) Est. Cash Value $300-400



Cati. Val.

le TYPE II, PLATE 3 108


le , STRIP OF THREE, Pos. 85-87R , mostly margins all round , almost very fine , tied by NEW HA VEN CON. MAR 26 1857 c.d.s. strikes on buff envelope with enclosure , to Philad elphia. Signed Ashbrook with notation. Plate 3 is very scarce 011 cover ...............................................(Photo ) (7 var. ) Est. Cash Value $500--600




le, STRIP OF THREE , Pos. 92-94R , generall y touched or cut in, tied by OTTO .Y APR 8 (1858) c.d.s. strikes on readdressed envelope with enclosure bearing Bergen N .Y. c.d.. , DUE and "3" in circle mkgs. Signed Ashbrook with extensive notation .............................................................(Photo ) (7 var.) Est. Cash Value $400-500

le TYPE II I LO l23l 111




le , Pos. 4RIL, the only position not recut on Plate IL, margin s to cut in, tied by BOSTON 23 MAY PAID c.d.s. on 1855 printed circular to Indiana. Very rare position 011 cover .....(Photo ) (7) Est. Cash Value $400-500 Used to Austria; le , SHEET MARGIN PAIR , large margin s to just touched , tied by large NEW ORLEANS La. JUN 30 c.d.s. on 1856 folded letter sheet bearing blue PRINTED CIRCULAR PER STEAMER and red French transit ................................................................................................................(Photo ) (7) Est. Cash Value $300-4 00 le , BLOCK OF THREE , Pos. 59, 60, 69L2, bottom stamp extremel y tine , others cut in, tied by N. YORK NY c.d.s. on neat envelope to Dunkirk , NY . Signed Ashbrook with notation ....(Photo ) (7) Est. Cash Value $300-400


le , vertical strip , Po s. 29, 39, 49L2 , double transfer top and bottom stamp s, margins all round except touched at top and corner crea se, tied by JACKSO MISS. FEB 4 (1856) on amber envelope with corner card and enclosure to New York .................................................................(Photo ) (7) Est. Cash Value $300-400







' ;;





,, '


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i~ -~


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Cati. Val. I 14


le , BOTTOM SHEET MARGIN vertical strip, enormous margins to just touched at top, fine to superb, tied by OV 15 N.C. c.d.s. on small lady ' s enve lope to Hender son ...................... (Photo) (7) Est. Cash Value $300-400



le , TOP SHEET MARGIN strip, Pos. 6-8L2, large margins to just in, fine to very fine, tied by indistinct c.d.s. on buff envelope to Walcott, Conn. Signed Ashbrook. Ex Krug ....(Photo) (7) Est. Cash Value $30~00

116 t8l

le , Pos. l-3L2, center stamp cracked plate, margins to cut in, tied by CHITTENANGO .Y. c.d.s. on small envelope to Lockport. Rare usage on cover ..................................... ............ (Photo) (7) Est. Cash Value $30~00 le, vertical strip, large margins to cut in, bottom pair very fine, tied by red BOSTON I I OCT Mass. c.d.s. and grid cancels on enve lope to New York............................................................. (Photo) (7) Est. Cas h Value $250-300





le , vertical strip, Pos. 18, 28, 38R2, margins to just in, ti ed b y NEW ORLEANS OCT 23 c.d.s. on fresh blu e envelope (back flap d a mag e) to Phil ade lphi a. Signed Ashbrook with no ta tion ................................................... ................................................................... ....(Photo) (7) Est. Cash Value $250- 300



I I9


le, SIX COPIES, compr. two pairs and two singles, margin s to cut in, all attractively positioned and tied or cancelled by grid cancels on lovely ornate blue valentine printed in gold ink on both front and back and bearing red NEW ORLEANS La. FEB 11 c.d.s., to Maine. Ex Jefferson Jones. Documented and illustrated (pag e 106) in Brookman's "T he 19th Century Postage Stamps of the United States", Vol. I and titled "Extraor dinar y Valentine". The top right pair was originally classified by Ashbrook as Type ma ........................................................................(Cover Photo ) (7) Est. Cash Value $2,500-3,500 Beautiful cove r in exceptionall y good condi tion







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P lare



Cati. Val.

le TYPE Illa 120


le , margins all round, very fine, tied by NEW YORK JAN 4 c.d.s . on 1853 blue printed circular to Philadelphia ................................................................................................(Photo) (SA) Est. Cash Value $400-500



12 1


le , margins mostly all round, touched at left, fine, tied by SPART A Ga. c.d . . on neat buff enve lope paying drop letter rate ................... ..................... ....... ............ ............ ................. ........ (Photo) (8A) Est. Cash Value $300-4 00



I, I 00.00

Cati. Val.



~ -~

51- 52- 53路Rl路E

71路Rl路 E.


122 181

le , LEFT GUIDE LINE SHEET MARGIN STRIP OF THREE, types illa (Pos. 51RIE)+II+II, margins at sides, plus single guide line sheet margin copy, type II, margin other side, paying prepaid way fee, all tied by black grid cancels on local 1851 blue folded letter bearing red NEW ORLEANS NOV 16 c.d.s. Ex Carroll Chase, Filstrup ...........................................(Photo) (8A,7) Est. Cash Value $1,500-2 ,000 There are only fo ur covers bearing f our copi es of ihe 1c impeif orate. No ne were pr esent in the Caspary, Newb ury, Moody, Gibson, Klein or Ishikawa collections. Until now, only three were thought to have survived.


Cati. Val.

123 181

le, VERTICAL STRIP OF THREE , types II+Il+llla, Pos. 12, 22, 32RlE, type Illa very fine, others fine and extremely fine, tied by grid cancels on readdressed amber envelope (slightly reduced, closed tear ) bearing ALLEGAN CH. Mi. FEB 23 and COUDERSPORT PA. MAR 4 c.d.s.'s, "5" due marking , to Almond , Pa . ...................................................................................................................(Photo) (SA,7) Est. Cash Value $500-750


124 181

le, three singles, types II+Illa+II, center copy type Illa, Pos. lO0RlE (hinged to cover), large margin s all round except just in at top and tin y tear , others margins to touched , tied by grid cancels on 1852 blue folded letter bearing WILMINGTON N.C. FEB 13 c.d.s., to New York ......(Photo) (SA,7) Est. Cash Value $400-500


Cati. Val.

le TYPE IV 125 181

126 181

127 181

128 181

le, Pos. 9R1L , double transfer, recut at bottom , good to large margin s all round , ver y fine, tied by blue grid cancel on 1856 Cincinnati blue printed prices current , to Terre Haute. Signed Ashbrook with length y notation. Lovely cover ....................................................................................(Photo ) (9) Est. Cash Value $30(µ100 le , PART IMPRINT PL. NO. STRIP OF THREE , Pos. 51-53LIL, margins at sides only, tied by red NEW ORLEANS APR 26 c.d. s. on 1853 buff envelope with enclosure (rounded corner ), to Kentucky. Ra re position piece ................................................. .................. ............ ................ ...(Photo ) (9) Est. Cash Value $400-500 le , STRIP OF THREE , Pos. 27-29R1L, margins almo st all round , PRE-PRINTING CREASES through first two positions , file crease through third , tied by blue BALTIM ORE APR 28 c.d.s. cancels on 1853 folded letter to Chestertown ..................................................................................................(Photo ) (9) Est. Cash Value $30(µ1.00 le , TOP SHEET MARGIN STRIP OF THREE , Po s. 5-7R1L , touched or in other sides, tied by CHICA GO ILL. JAN 16 I 857 c.d. . trikes on yellow envelope bearing fancy blue corner card, to Conn . ..........................................................................................................................(Photo ) (9) Est. Cash Value $30(µ1.00


FAY & CO.'s


l(acyincrn ~rtrO't Machinists' R.nd Ruildcr~·

I t11·oi~hil)q Store,

All kind s of ,food&. lr o n Machin ery cons tA.nfay

on hand.

24 River



...... 29

Cati. Val.





I 31


Used to France: 3c, PAIR, margins three sides, tied by NEW BEDFORD , Mass. DEC 30 c.d.s. on 1857 buff envelope bearing Boston PKT. , "16" handstamp, various French and British transits on front and back, to Haute Rhine. The use of 3 cents stamps to pay the 5 cents rate to France during the "three month period " is extremely rare .................... ...................................................... ..................... (Photo ) (11) Est. Cash Value $500- 750 Used to England; 3c, SHEET MARGIN STRIP OF SEVEN , Pos . 4-l0 RlL, copies with margins all round , caned. by pen strokes on buff envelope bearing red "3" and matching G.B. trans it, greenis h STOKE -UPON-TRENT MY 16 1855 receiver on reverse. Apparently an. accepted underpayment usage .............. ...................................................... ................................................... (Photo) (11) Est. Cash Value $400-500 3c, STRIP OF EIGHT, margins to most cut in at bottom, tied by blue grid cance ls and pen strokes on large 1856 amber envelope bearing matching LANCASTER MAR 29, to Lexington, Ya. Scarce multipl e making the eight times rate .................... ................................................................ ...........(Photo) ( 11) Est. Cash Value $30~00


COVER CONDITION Minor faults including, but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps , small tears and some backflap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue .


Cati. Val .


1Iil 3c, BLOCK OF TWELVE, Pos. 1-6, 11-16L5L (one torn), plus strip of three, Pos. 7-9L5L (one damaged), 132 181

most with margins, tied by either pen strokes or red New York Br. Pkt. c.d.s. on reverse of envelope (edge damage) open for display bearing on front red British PAID 1856 15 DE transit, ms. "paid by stamps 45" and "28" and crossed out red erroneous RETURNED FOR POSTAGE , Hong Kong receiver on reverse ...................................................................... (Photo) (11) Est. Cash Value $3,500-5 ,000 A block of twelve is the largest known multiple to be fo und on cove r. It is quite amusing rhar rhe postal authorities initially missed the fif teen stamps.



Cat i. Val.


Used to Mexico; 10c, BLOCK OF FOUR, types III+I , Pos. 89-90, 99-lO0Rl , good to large margin s except at bottom , tied by indistinct c.d.s. cancel s on part of cover front bearing VERA CRUZ 17 MARZO 1857 receiver. Block of four Sc. $10,500 ..............(Photo) (13,15) Est. Cash Value $2,000-3,000


NEXT AUCTION Space is still available for inclusion of your stamps 1n our September/October General Auction Contact Mr . Keith A. Harmer or Mr. Jack LaCalarnito as soon as possible . Attractive rates for properties realizing over $25,000 H.R. HARMER INC. 3 EAST 28TH STREET NEW YORK, NY 10016 Seller's number (800 ) 223-6076


Cati. Val. 134


135 B

Used to Hawaii; 10c, type II, PAIR, margins (crease) to cut in, caned. on legal size buff envelope bearing red CHA RLES TOWN Mass. MAY 19 PAID c.d. s. A doubl e rate Leuer to a most popular destination .......................................................................................................................(Photo) (14) Est. Cash Value $500-750 10c, type III , SHEET MARGIN COPY, in other side, tied by impecca ble strike of incoming N. YORK STEAMSHIP circle on neat buff envelope to Philadelphia .................... (Photo) (15) Est. Cash Value $400-500 Use d to Canada; 10c , type III , two copies, margins to in , tied by NEW YORK OCT 11 c.d .s. on enve lope bear in g HAMILTO N OCT 12 1855 rece iver on reverse. Rare double rate lei/ er to Canada ........................................................................ ................................................ (Photo) ( 15) Est. Cash Value $300--400

136 B

$~~az/~ ..


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Catl. Val. USED TO I DIA 137 C81[Jj]

10c, BLOCK OF SIX, types II+III, Pos. 21-22, 31-32 , 41-42Ll, mostly cut in and folded over edge, plus Perf. 10c, type ill, all tied by strikes of MOBILE ALA MAY 11 c.d.s. on small envelope bearing N Y Br. Pkt. and London and Bombay transits all in red, matching CALCUTT A JUL 1858 receiver on reverse .................... ............................... ...................... ............. (Cover Photo ) (14,15) Est. Cash Value $4,000-6,000

This cover traveled by British Mail on the Cunard "Europa " via Marseilles as evidenced by the "34" magenta credit marking. The rate was 39 cents. Evidently the Mobile postmaster did not notice the three fo lded-over 10 cents imperforates and added the perforated JO cents to make 40 cents (a one p enny overpayment). The three "unnoticed " stamps were subsequently pe n cancelled in New York in the same magenta ink as the ms. "34 ". A fa scinating examp le of stamp usage and routing to a rare destination


I 38


Used to Mexico; 10c, type IV in STRIP OF EIGHT of type II, Pos. 1-8Rl with Pos. 1R3 being type IV, recut at top, margins all round except just in at top , all tied by NEW ORLEANS JUL 15 c.d.s. on 1856 folded letter sheet bearing Mexican "10" mkg, Bruguierr & Co. New Orleans forwarding stamp on reverse. Foundation Cert. (1964) ........ .................... (Cover Photo) (16,14) Est. Cash Value $7,500-10 ,000

A magnificently rare and attractive three times frankin g f rom the fa mous Hargous Correspondence


9. GIi-Li




~~ I'

/ 139

139 to.

10c , STRIPS OF FOUR AND FIVE, former type II, latter type s III(3 )+IV(2) , Pos. 61-65Ll, all tied by SAN FRANCISCO CAL. 5 JAN c.d.s. strikes on most of buff front to Washington , D.C . ................................ ............................................. ...............(Photo ) (16,15,14,) Est. Cash Value $2,500-3 ,000

Fabulous nine times fra nking



Cati. Val.


12c, good to large margins except into frame line at left, tied by lovely SPIRAL OF DOTS in circle and PAID on large amber cover (fragile) also bearing ms. ''Paid" and red SALEM Mass. MAR 20 c.d.s. to New Hampshire. Sign ed "Stan ley 8. Ashbrook " with notation "The cancel. .. must sure ly be extremely rare on a 12c 1851." .......................................................(Photo) (17) Est. Cash Value $750-1,000



142 C8'J

143 C8'J

144 C8'J 145 C8'J

le, type II , margins to in, crease, with usual 3c, tied by MONTGOMERY Ala. SEP 1852 c.d.s. on blue folded letter with printed prices current bearing WAY mkg, to Petersburg, Ya. A most attractive example of a prepaid way cover .................................................................................. ................................... (Photo) (7, 11) Est. Cash Value $300-400 Used to Canada; le , type II, margins to barely touched, very fine, plus 3c strip of three, mostly margins, tied by NEW YORK DEC 28 c.d.s. strikes on 1853 blue folded letter sheet bearing red Kingston receiver on reverse. Rare combination making the IO cents rate to Canada .............. (Photo) (7,11) Est. Cash Value $30~00 Used to France; le , type II , PAIR, margins to cut in, plus 3c, all tied by NEW ORLEANS La. MAY 12 c.d.s. strikes on 1856 envelope bearing ms. " 19" decimes, Boston Br. Pkt and G.B. and French transits. Attractive example of the 5 cents rat e ...................................... ................................................... (Photo ) (7, 11) Est. Cash Value $300-400 le , type ma, margins all round, touched at right, with 3c, tied by black grids on 1852 blue folded letter bearing red NEW ORLEANS JUN 6 c.d.s. and ms. ''W ay", to New Orleans ..(Photo) (8A,ll ) Est. Cash Value $400-500 Used to France; le, type JV, PAIR, margins three sides, plus Perf. 3c, type I, tied by strikes of New Jerse y c.d.s. on 1857 envelope bearing NEW YORK 6 SEP and red French transit, Paris receiver on reverse. A very scarce combination ...................................... .............................................. (Photo ) (9,25) Est. Cash Value $30~00


,.,.., f' L/




Cati. Val.


146 C8J[j'j]

le , BLOCK OF TWELVE, type IV, Pos. 14-19, 24-29L1L, various margins and edge faults at top , one repaired, plus Perf. 3c, all tied by ms. "Fairfield Texas February 20th/58" on legal size buff envelope bearing Fairfield c.d.s. and several acknowledgments to County Court Dewitt County ...................................................................................................(Photo ) (9,26) Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 An impressive frankin g from a remote origin with detailed double tramf ers and recuts

\\\J /#~~~ ~

147 147


Used to France; le, type II , Plate 4, PAIR, toe , type I, Perf. 3c, type II , var ying margins and faults , all tied by Aug 11 c.d.s. strike on small envelope (piece missing ) bearing red NEW YORK PAID 6 datestamp and French transit , PARIS 29 AOUT 57 receiver on reverse. A quite unusual combination ................................................... ....................................... .....................(Photo ) (13,7,26) Est. Cash Value $500-750


Cati. Val.



10c, types II+III , Pos. 61, 71Rl, le , type IT, Pos. 5R2, all with margins all round, plus 3c claret, cut in, all tied by SAINT LOUIS MO. SEP 29 c.d.s. on refolded 1856 legal size amber courthouse envelope (back flap omissions) to Illinois. An attractive three-color combination ........(Photo) (14,15,7,11) Est. Cash Value $400-500


-~4 -~


/t( 149



le , type IV, PAIR, Pos. 67-68L1L, margins all round, very fine, plus 12c, three margins, and 3c, pair, all tied by SAN FRANCISCO CAL c.d.s. strikes on 1855 blue folded letter sheet (addressee obliterated) to New York .........................................................................(Photo) (9,17,11) Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 A colo,ful example of the first three stamps of the 185 1 issue. Only about six covers exist with this combination.


Cati. Val.



150 15 1 0

le bright blue , large part o.g., small thins, fine appearance .....................................................................(Photo ) ( 18) le , showing complete design at bottom , neatly caned. , fine .................................................................(Photo ) (18)



le , selection of 13 on annotated pages, used , vario us cancel s incl. red carr ier , variety of grid s, incl. one blue , town , Pos. 25L12 double tran sfer , etc., mixed conditi on ........................ (18) Est. Cash Value $1,000

152 0




le , types 1+11, IRREGULAR BOTTOM MARGIN BLOCK , between 57 and 100R12 , some brown residue on rever se from gum , well centered , one type II dmgd ., genera lly fine to ver y fine. Cat i. $51,000+ as combination blk s and multiples ........(Cover Photo ) (18,20) Est. Cash Value $15,000-20,000 As hbrook guarantee acco mpa nies this extraordina rily rare multiple

No Lot

le TYPE II, PLATE 2 155 0 156 0 157 0 158 0 159 0

le , MAJOR CRACKED PLAT E, Pos. 23L2, light blue cance l, few short perf s, otherwi se very fine. Lovely 530.00 example of this position .............................................................................................. ................................(Photo ) (20) le , Pos. 40R2 , PART IMPRI T COPY , rich color and light 1857 canc el. Very scarce pos ition piece .................................................................................................................................................................... (Photo ) (20) (260.00+)

le , PAIR , Pos. 48 -4 9R2 , caned. by neat pen str okes , lovely co lo r, f in e to ve ry fin e .........................................................................................................................(Photo ) (20) Est. Cash Value $250-300 le , VERTIC AL STRIP OF THREE , Pos. 46, 56, 66L2, curl showing between top an d middle stamps , caned. by neat pen strokes, top stamp small comer crease, fine ............................... (Photo ) (20) E t. Cash Value $300-400 le , STRIP OF THREE , Po s. 44-46L2 , right sta mp curl at bottom , ca ned. by nea t pe n strokes , fine ......................................................................................... ...............................(Photo ) (20) Est. Cash Value $300-400

le TYPE II 160 6 161 0

le light blue , from Plat e 12, tied by red N.Y. carrier cancel on small piece, well centered for thi s, fine an d very attractive. A lovely stamp ...................................... ............................... ......................... ................... (Photo ) (20) le , STRIP OF THREE, Pos. 2-4R 12, neat PAID cancels, mjddle stamp tiny nick, fine. Scarce top row posit ion mu ltiple .................................................. ...................................................................... ......... ...................... (Photo ) (20)

162 * 018l le , coll. on annotated pages, used, one o.g., compr. 20 single copies, pair , 5 strips of three 12 cover s incl. single and strip of three frankings , fair number identifi ed by position , incl. cracked plate and double transfer , range of canc els incl. c.d.s., gr id, pen , PAID, red U.S. MAIL , etc., mixed condition ....................................................................................................................(20) Est. Cash Value $2,500-3 ,000

COVER CONDITION Minor faults including, but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps, small tears and some backflap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue.


(285.00) 895.00

Cati . Val.



ma, PLATE 11

165 0

le, o.g., light creasing, rich fresh color ............................................................................ .......................(Photo) (22) le, PAIR, c.d.s. cancel, fine to very fine .................................................................................................(Photo) (22) le , PAIR, neat PAID cancel, negligible perffa ults, fine to very fine ...................................................(Photo) (22)

166 0

le, PAIR, blue bars cancels, small faults incl. light tone spots, fine appear ance .................... ............... ...(Photo ) (22)

163 164 0

le TYPE 167 0


ma 960.00

le, STRIP OF THREE, bars in circle cancels, pretty color, fine to very fine ..........................(Photo) (22) 1,400.00+ Very nice mulriplefo r this issue

168 OC81 le, selection on annotated pages, used, compr. 22 single copies, plus one type III , pair, two strips of three (one with middle stamp type II ) and two covers , cancelled by grids incl. red, City Delivery, PAID, c.d.s. incl. blue, pen, mixed condition .................................. (22, etc.) Est. Cash Value $2,000-2 ,500


Catl. Val.

.,. 169 !:::. 170 !:::.


le , STRIP OF THREE, recut top and bottom, pen strokes and tied by town pmk on small piece, fine. Ex Weill. Nice condition for this ........................................................................................... .....................................(Photo ) (23)


le , STRIP OF THREE, Pos. 74-76LIL , recut at bottom, tied by DETROIT 3 PAID c.d.s. cancels on small piece, faults, fine appearance .....................................................................................................................(Photo ) (23)


17 1 OC81 le, selection on annotated pages , used, compr. 12 single copies, pair and cover, some identified by position and recuts, incl. triple transfer, one inverted , double transfers incl. pair, variety of cancels incl. pen, year date, c.d.s., blue grid , etc., mixed condition .............................(23) Est. Cash Value $1,000

le TYPE V 172 0

173 0

le , SEVEN COPIES from Plate 7, compr. six with captured part Imprint , one with minor variety , one Imprint stamp faulty , variety of shades and cancels , generally fine to very fine and very scarce group ......................................................................................................................................(24) Est. Cash Value $400-500 le, Plate 5 reconstruction with center line, compr. TWO SINGLE COPIES AND STRIP OF THREE, Pos. 91-95R5, neat c.d.s. cancels , fine. Signed Ashbrook Same posiiion reconstruction f rom bottom of plat e 5 ....................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (24)


le , VERTICAL STRIP (SE), blue c.d.s. cancels , enormously wide copies, extremel y fine ...............(Photo) (24)

175 0

le , SEVE VERTICAL STRIPS, four with center line, all with c.d.s. cancel s, some faults , generally fine to very fine. Scarce position pi eces ........... ....................................................................................................(Photo ) (24) le, FIVE STRIPS OF THREE , all with c.d.s. cancels except one stamp pen stroke, few faults, generally fine to very fine. Useful posiiion pieces ......................................... ......................................................... .............. (Photo ) (24)

176 0

177 * O EEle , coll. on annotated pages, o.g. to unused, few used, incl. over 75 single copies, 6 pairs, 2 strips of three , blk of 4, incl. Reliefs A to F, Plates 7 to 10, some identified by position, incl. part Imprint , double transfer, guide line, curl and other vars ., mixed condition ...................(24) Est. Cash Value $2,500-3 ,000

178 OC81 le , the collection on annotated pages in 5 Specialty albums in carton , used , incl. about 850 single copies, 200 pairs or strips of three , over 200 covers , many franked by strips of three not figured in above count, or mixed frankings , fair number identified by Plate , flaws or position , curl , double transfer, part Imprint copies, etc., enormous range of cancels incl. various grid and c.d.s. types , red , blue, magenta, FREE , num eral, carrier, PAID, others incl. pen, mixed condition as would be expected. A spl endid array requiring careful inspection ........................... (Photo )( 24) Est. Cash Value $10,000-12 ,000

le TYPE Va I79 * OC81le , coll. on annotated pages, used, one apparentl y unused , incl. over 35 single copies, 4 covers incl. one franked by vert. guide line strip of three , several identified by position , cancels include black and red carrier , red and blue grid and c.d.s., pen , PAID, etc., mixed condition to fine to very fine. Nice selection ............................................................................................................................... (24) Est. Cash Value $2,000


(147.00+ 980.00+ 700.00



Cat i. Val.


... ......... .... .. ..... .. ..... 1




3c, IRREGULAR PART IMPRINT PL. NO. CORNER BLOCK OF FORTY-EIGHT , only 14 hinged , balance generally n.h., shows most of center line at right , two stamps torn, some exceptionall y well centered copies ................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (26) 3,850.00+ A most impressive mult iple

3c TYPES I, II, Ila 181

3c, shades , *0181

the coll. on annotated pages in 3 National albums in carton , some o.g . to unused , mostly used , incl. well over 1200 single copies, 17 pair s, strip s of three and four , 6 blks of 4, about 125 covers, some identified by position and various recuts noted , enormous range of shades and cancels, covers incl. patriotic s, mixed condition. A specta cular arra y requiring ca reful inspection ..................................................................................................................... (25,26,a) Est. Cash Value $5,000+


Cati. Val.


Sc Indian red , indistinct cancel, creased, well centered and rich color, fine appearance. A.P.E.S. Cert. (1991) ..................................................................................................................................(Photo) (28A)


Sc BROWN, TYPE I 183 0 184 0 185 6

Sc, VERTICAL PAIR , two rows of double perforations , light c.d.s. cancel s, fine .............................(Photo) (29) Sc, VERTICAL STRIP OF THREE, scissors separated from adjoining stamps, lightl y caned., almost very fine and quite attractive ...........................................................................................................................(Photo ) (29)


1,200.00 Sc, PART IMPRINT VERTICAL STRIP OF THREE, Pos. 41-61Ll, scisso rs separated from adjoining stamps, hinged and tied by light c.d.s. cancels on small piece, small faults incl. small tear bottom stamp, fine or fine appearance ...........................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (29) 1,200.00+

186 * 0181Sc, shades, coll. on annotated pages , used, one apparently unused , incl. types I and II, with over 50 singles, pair , 4 strips of three, 2 covers, incl. town cancels , PAID , grids incl. red , few yea r dates , couple blue cancels, mixed condition ............................................. (29,etc.) Est. Cash Value $3,000-4,000

Sc ORANGE BROWN , SHADES 187 188 189 190 191 192

* * 6 6 6


Sc deep orange brown , o.g., small corner crease , fresh , fine ................................................................(Photo) (30) 1,150.00 Sc deep orange brown, center line (SE) copy, disturbed o.g., light creasing, very fine appearance ....(Photo ) (30) 1,150.00+ STRIPS OF THREE Sc, (left SE), tied by bright red bars in circle cancels on mall piece, fine .............................................(Photo) (30A) 860.00 Sc, vertical strip, tied by deep red grids on small piece, small faults bottom stamp, fine to very fine ......(Photo ) (30A) 860.00 Sc, tied by c.d.s. cancels and red framed pmk, fine .................................................................................(Photo) (30A) 800.00 Sc, three vertical st rips , one part Imprint , another with guide line , c.d.s. cancels , SE, perf faults, fine .............................................................................................................................................................................. (30A) 2,400.00+


Cati. Val.

TE N CENTS GREEN , SHADES 10c TYPES I AND III IN COMBINATION 193 O EE 10c, BLO CK OF FOUR , types 111+1, c.d.s. cancels , top stamps light creasing, bottom left stamp small part of corner rejoined ... ........................................................(Photo ) (31,33) Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 Rare block


10c TYPE II 194


195 0

10c de ep green, unu sed, ne gligible corner perf crea ses, large cent er ed copy and otherwise very fine ....................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (32) 10c, STRIP OF THREE , neat grid cancels, left pair extremely fine ...................................................(Photo ) (32)

196 O EE 10c, BLO CK OF FOUR, c.d.s. cancels, bottom right stamp pulled perf , one stamp tiny handstamp on reverse , fine .....................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (32)

2,300.00 875.00


197 0EEC8110c, coll. on annotated page s, used, incl. over 30 single copies, 8 pair s, 4 strip s of three , st rip of four , 2 blks of four, about 25 sing le franked cover s, one on 3c entire, some identified by position , wide range of cancels , with c.d.s. and grid, some red or blue , PAID 3, pen , WAY, etc., mixed condit ion or centering to some fine to very fine. Worth careful inspection .......................................... (32) Est. Cash Value $6,000+

10c TYPES II AND III IN COMBINATION 10c, VERTICAL PAIR AND SINGLE, types U+III+II , tied by DRYTOWN Cal. c.d.s. cancels on small piece, 850.00 bottom single pulled perf, fine .......................................................................................... ....................(Photo ) (32,33) fine very faults, 10c, VERTICAL STRIP OF FOUR, types II+II+III+II, Pos. 2-32Ll, c.d.s. cancels, small 199 0 appearance ............................................................................................................................................. (Photo ) (32,33) 1, 150.00+ 200 OEE 10c, BLOCK OF FOUR, types Il+II+III+m , New Orl eans c.d.s . cancels, top right stamp closed tear, fine. Foundation Cert. (1975) ......................................................................................................................(Photo ) (32,33) 2,250.00 198 t::.

10c, BLOCK OF SIX, types III+III+II, bottom row type II , Pos. 1-3, 11-13Ll, both type Ills misplaced transfers, c.d.s. cancels and small part of red pmk , few minor creases, fine .................................(Photo ) (32,33) 1,725.00+ 202 O EE 10c, BLOCK OF SIX, types lll+II+II , bottom row type II, pen cance ls, light toning, well centered block ................................................................................................... ............................................ ................(Photo ) (32,33)

20 1 OIIll

row s of t ypes Ill+ll , 203 OIHI 10c, BLOCKS O F FOUR A D SIX , rejoined and in alternate pen cancels, large separation between top stamps , small faults and overall toning , fine appearance .......................................................... ...........................................(Photo ) (32,33) Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 46

Cati. Val.

204 0

10c, selection on annotated pages, used, compr. pair , 3 strip s of thre e, blk of 4, blk of 6 (mostly separat ed horiz. between types), covers compr. strip of thr ee to German y, anoth er with pair and le type Von 3c entire to Eng land , incl. c.d.s. and pen cancels , fault y to fine ...................... (32,33) Est. Cash Value $1,000


10c, STRIP OF THRE E, types II+II+IV , Pos. 52-54Ll , recut at bottom , light c.d.s. cancels, negligible faults , rich color, fine ............................................................................. .........................................................(Photo ) (32,34) 2,925.00+ 10c, STRIP OF THREE, types II+IV+II , Pos. 73-75Ll , type IV recut at top , bold grid can cels, two with light crease s, fine to ver y fine ......................................................................................................................(Photo ) (32,34) 2,925.00+




Cati. Val.

10c TYPE III 207 0 208 0 209 0

575.00+ 10c, PAIR, N.Y. "Ocean Mail" cancels, ink. ms. offset on reverse, fine ..................................................(Photo) (33) fine creasing, comer stamp top cancels, Mail" "Ocean .Y. 10c, VERTICAL STRIP OF THREE, Pos. 6-26Rl , 875.00+ ....................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (33) 10c bluish green, STRIP OF FOUR, c.d.s. cancels, left stamp vert. crease, fine ...................................(Photo ) (33) I, 150.00+

210 OC81 10c, coll. strips of identified condition

on annotated page s, used, couple apparently unused , incl. about 25 single copies , pair , 3 three , about 20 covers with single franking s, also type IV recut at bottom , thin , some by position variety of cancels, many c.d.s. incl. blue , PAID, .Y. ship , red grids , etc., mixed or centering. Substantial and useful array .......................... (33,34) Est. Cash Value $2,500-3 ,000

lOcTYPE V 2 1I * IBI 10c dark green, IRREG ULAR BLOCK OF SEVEN, Pos. 36-38, 45-48R2 , Pos. 47 st rong doubl e transfer , unu sed, separation between top left and middl e stamps , few small faults incl. light tone spots, beautiful rich color and well centered, fine to very fine ...............................................................................................(Photo ) (35) 2,050.00+ 212 * OC8110c, coll. on annotated page s in 2 National albums , some o.g. to unu sed, mostly used , incl. well over 200 single copies, 16 pair s, 35 strip s of thr ee, couple larger, few blks of 4 or 6, incl. o.g., almost 70 covers, 9 franked by strips of thr ee, some identified by position , part Imprint , double transfer, curl, stitch wmk, dash in head , etc., wide ran ge of cancels, incl. grid and c.d.s. types in blue and red , magenta , pen , Ocean Mail, N.Y. for eign mail , numeral, PAID, year date , etc., mixed condition but a fantastic array with some "s uper " lookin g copies .................................................(35) Est. Cash Value $6,000-8 ,000


Cati. Val.

TWELVE CENTS BLACK, SHADES PLATE I The following three lors were referred ro in Ashbr ook's Special Service (pages 124-125) as being in the Richey Collection and on a pi ece of an 1858 wrapp er f rom Pontiac, Mich. to England. Originally there were fifty-six stamps paying rhe twenly-eigh r times 24 cent rate, but when seen by Ashb rook, only rhese fifty copies remained. Howeve r, ir was still, to quote Ashbrook , "Quite remarkable" .

2 13 Ol!il

12c, RECONSTRUCTED BLOCK OF TWENTY-SIX, Pos. 13-83, 14-84, 45-85, 46-86L, each stamp caned. by grid cancels, numerous double recuts, double transfers, faults or perf faults, nevertheless most impressive and of exhibition calibre .................................................... ................................(Photo) (36) 10,075.00+

2 14 Ol!il

12c, RECONSTRUCTED CORNER BLOCK OF TWENTY, Pos. 81-90, 91-lO0Ll , one double and one single recut, trace of center line at extreme right, each stamp caned. by grid cancels, faults or perf faults, nevertheless an important and rare position piece ......................................................... .(Photo) (36)


215 OEE 12c, RECONSTRUCTED BLOCK OF FOUR, compr. two pairs, Pos. 21-22, 21-32Ll, neatly caned.,

scissors cuts, very fine appearance ...............................................................................................(Photo) (36)

2 16 OIBI


12c, IRREGULAR BLOCK OF THIRTEEN, Pos. 21-27, 31-37R (less 24R), all but one apparently sound, quite well centered for this difficult stamp .... .................................................................. (Photo) (36) 4,360.00+ Impressive mulriple


Cati. Val.


2 17 O li:il 12c, IRREGULAR BLOCK OF TWENTY, Pos. 72-77, 82-88, 92-98R, caned. by pen strokes, some rejoining and reinforcing , few faults as wou ld be expected When a block of four of this stamp is very rare, a multipl e of this size is truly spectac ular .................................................. ...........................(Photo ) (36b)



18112c, coll. on annotated page s, used, three apparently unused , incl. about 75 single copies, 12 pairs, strips 2 18 0 li:il of three and four and blks of 4 and 6, one each, 9 covers incl. 3 in combination with 3c, several identified by position , few recut or double tran sfer , etc., wide range of cancels incl. red numeral, pen , PAID , etc., mixed condition to fine. A valuable collection worth careful inspection ... (36,b ) Est. Cash Value $5,000-6 ,000



24c GRAY LILAC , 30c ORANGE , 90c BLUE


24c, unused, two thins, fresh, fine ................................ .................................. ............................................(Photo ) (37)

220 0

24c and 30c, selection on page s, mostly used , compr . 24c, 19 copies, 30c, 5 copies, also 90c 2 damaged copies, and a few proof s and essays, cance ls incl. c.d.s ., PAID , red gr ids, etc., mixed condition , some fine ....................... ................................................................................ (37-39, etc.) Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000


90c, unu sed, fresh , very fine. PSE Cert. (1997) ............................................................ ......................... (Photo ) (39)

2 19

22 1




Cati. Val.



le, STRIP OF THREE, types II +I+II , Pos. 52-54L, very fine , tied by pen strokes on envelope bearing GREENBUSH WIS. MAY 7 c.d.s. to Chittenango .Y. ....................(Photo ) (18,20) Est. Cash Value $300-400



le, VERTICAL STRIP OF THREE, types II+II+I , quite well centered with perfs barely touching , very fine, just tied by EAST HARTFORD CT SEP 27 c.d .s. on small envelope to Plantsville ..................................................................................................................(Photo) (18,20) Est. Cash Value $400- 500



le , STRIP OF THREE, types Il+II+I , Pos. 51-53L, deep color, fine, caned . by grid cancels on small envelope (one back flap missing) bearing KINSMAN O OCT 16 c.d.s. ...........(Photo ) (18,20) Est. Cash Value $400-500


Cati. Val. 225






Civil War Usage; le , VERTI CAL STRIP OF THREE, types I+II+I , wid e copi es, fine , ca ned . by pen strokes on am ber envelope docketed July 4 186 1 on reverse, from "Delaney [Ark.] July 20" (ms.) to New York .................. ........................................ ......................................................... (Photo) ( 18,20) Est. Cash Value $300-40 0 le , vertical pair and single, types 1+1+11(damaged), others fine, all tied by LOWELL Ms. MA Y 2, 186 1 c.d.s. strikes on readdresse d buff enve lope embosse d NATIONA L HOTEL , WAS HINGT ON D.C. and bear ing D.C. c.d.s. under pair. Ex Klein (l 927) .............................................................. (Photo) (l 8,20) Est. Cash Value $300-400 TYPE II: le , STRIP OF THRE E, Pos . 88-90R2 , center stamp major double tran sfer , dee p co lor , fin e to right cop y dam aged , tied by MA RTINSB URGH N .Y. MAR 26 c.d.s . strikes on loca l enve lope ...................................................... ................ ...................................... ............(Photo) (20) Est. Cash Value $300-400






le , Pos. 13L2, major cracked plate, with Imperf. le , two copies, Pos. 24-25L1L, all generally fine and cancelled on amber envelope docketed "Little Sioux Iowa" to New York. A most unusua l combination from a remote origin .................. .......................................... ......................................... ...............(Photo) (20,9) Est. Cash Value $500-750




TYPE III : le , Plat e 4, Pos. 66R4 , few scissored perfs, fine, tied by light red BOSTON MASS. 19 FEB on neat blue folded lett er sheet docketed "Jun e 17/58", negligible gum stains mostly around stamp , to Fairhav en ........................................................................................................................(Phot o) (21) Est. Cash Value $500-600 52



Cati. Va l.


STRIP OF THREE (SE), types III+Illa+Illa , Pos. 70-90L4, missing perfs bottom stamp , tied by NEW YORK SEP 18 1857 c.d.s. strikes on envelope to Philadelphia. Scarce position piece ..................................................................................................................(Photo ) (21,22) Est. Cash Value $500-600

23 I 181

le, STRIP OF THREE, from Plate 4, Pos. 58-60R, fine, tied by RICHMOND IND. NOV 30 c.d.s. strikes on 1857 envelope with enclosure to Ohio .......................................................(Photo ) (22) Est. Cash Value $400-500


PLATE 11 le , VERTICAL STRIP OF THREE , generally very fine, tied by PITTSBURG c.d.s. strikes on amber advertising cover (missing most of one back flap ) docketed Aug . 2 1861 to Monongahela City .......................................................................................................................(Photo ) (22) Est. Cash Value $500-750


le TYPE Illa



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232 54

Cati. Val.

le , three copies, fine, tied by NEW YORK AUG 15 c.d.s. strikes on 1857 blue folded letter to Richmond , Va . .................... ............................ ............................................................... ........ (Photo) (22) Est. Cash Value $400-500 le bright blue, STRIP OF THREE, fine , tied by indi stin ct c.d.s. on amber envelope to Tenan go Co ., Pa ................................................... ................ ............ ......................................... (Photo) (22) Est. Cash Value $30~00







le , Pos. 31LlL, fine, tied by NEW YORK SEP 6 c.d.s. on printed amber envelope (slight water stain) to Utica ....................... .................................................................... .............................(Photo) (23) Est. Cash Value $300-400



le, three copies, irregular perfs, tied by NEW YORK AUG 4 18(??) c.d .s. strike s on amber envelope to East Chester , N.Y . .................. ................... ................................. ......... ........ ...........(Photo) (23) Est. Cash Value $30~00




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GEO. LANGFORD, Oneida Bank, 236

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-----~~~~-~~---- ~/c£~4 55



Cati. Val.

237 237


le, STRIP OF FIVE AND SINGLE , Po s . 71-76R1L, stro ng p e rf sh ift , incl. one folded, tied b y ZEBULON Ga. OCT 31 c.d.s. on rev er se of local legal size court en velop e to Perr y ......................................................................................................(Photo ) (23) Est. Cas h Value $1,000-1 ,500 Rare multiple paying double rate


Cati. Val.




le , PAIR, type IV, Pos. 52-53R1L, with single, type II , Plate 2, left stamp perf faults, others fine, tied by RICHMOND Va. DEC 19 c.d.s. strikes on blue folded letter sheet to Petersburg , Va. Rare comb ination ........... (Photo) (23,20) Est. Cash Value $500-750





-v/f ,,Y,~i




•• 239



le, type IV, PAIR , Pos. 88-89L1L, double transfers with le , type ma, Plate 4, all fine to very fine, caned. by light pen strokes and tied by (?) Ill. APR 5 c.d.s. on small embossed envelope. A very rare combination ....................................................................................................(Photo) (23,22) Est. Cash Value $750-1,000


Cati. Val.

le TYPE V 240 181

le , STRIP OF THREE , fine to very fine, tied by pretty blue PETERSBURG , Va. MAR c.d.s. strikes on neat 1859 amber envelope. A lovely cover ......... ........................... ......................(Photo) (24) Est. Cash Value $30~00

241 181

SC OC 13 1860 c. d .s. on blue open printed Used to Germany; le, PAIR , fine , tied by CHARLESTO c ir c ul ar bear ing red Fr ench tr ansit , German markings o n reve rse. A mo s t a//ractive and sca rce usage ................................................................................ ........................................(Photo) (24) Est. Cash Value $250-350 le, TWO STRIPS OF THREE, fine to very fine, tied by MADISON Fla. c.d.s. strikes on legal size buff envelope to Abbeville, S.C. A ve1y sca rce fra nking and Florida usage .....(Photo) (24) Est. Cash Value $300-400

242 181 243 181

le , NINE COPIES, incl. Pos. 70L9, overlapping, generally fine to very fine, caned. by grids on yellow legal size envelope bearing NEW PORT .H. AUG 16 to Boston. Ve1y unusual method of payme nt of the three times domest ic rate .................. .................... ............... ................................. ........... (Photo) (24) Est. Cash Value $400-500







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,., .


t r '


Ca ti . Val.


3c, THREE PAIRS, generally very fine, tied by grid cancels on buff envelope (slightly reduced ) bearing SARATOGA SPRINGS N.Y. APR 17 c.d.s. to Oswego. Attractive six time rate and multiple usage of the three cents ...................................... .................................................................................(Photo ) (26) Est. Cash Value $250-350

245 t:'3J

3c, usual centering, tied by VA. CENTRAL R.R . COBH AM STA. MAY 22 c.d.s. on small envelope (faulty ), Montgomery receiver and 1861 docketin g. Unusual usage of a Federal stamp as the envelope is addressed to a member of the C.S.A. Congress in Alabama and readdressed back to Virginia .................................................................................... ....................................(Photo) (26) Est. Cash Value $250-300

246 t:'3J

3c, fine, tied by beautiful strike of JACKSONVILLE FLA MAY 24 with inverted 1861 c.d.s. on neat amber envelope with enclosure to New York .......................................................(Photo ) (26) Est. Cash Value $250-350



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/ri~ ~ 59


Cati. Val.



Used to France; Sc brick red , VERTICAL STRIP OF THREE, tied by NEW ORLEANS MAR 20 c.d.s. strikes on folded letter sheet bearing red New York PAID 12, French transits and SAINTES 13 AVRIL receiver on reverse . Sc. $5000 as used strip of three ...............(Photo) (27) Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 A very scarce color on cover



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Used to France; Sc red brown, VERTICAL PAIR AND STRIP OF THREE (clipped perfs one stamp) , tied by NEW ORLEANS La. OCT 19 1857 c.d.s. strikes on folded letter bearing red New York PAID 12, French transits and NANTES 10 NOV receiver on reverse ...........(Photo) (28) Est. Cash Value $500-750 Apparently an underpayment of the two times J5 cents rate. Very rare





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249 l:8l83 Sc brown, type I, BLOCK OF FOUR, perfs trimmed one side, others fine, tied by RICHMOND Va. FEB 2 1860 c.d.s. strikes on legal size buff envelope to Stockton, California. Sc. $4500 as used block of four ............................................. ..................... ..................................... (Photo) (26) Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 Very scarce method of payment of the two times rate to California. According to ou.r records, this is the largest multipl e of the 5 cents brown type I to be fou nd on cover and, therefore, likely unique,



Sc, Type I, PAIR, very fine, tied by PORTSMOUTH N.H. OCT 13 c.d.s. on envelope (restored at right) to San Francisco. Very rare on cover .............................. ........................ ........ (Photo) (29) Est. Cash Value $500-600


Cati. Val.

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251 181

Used to France; Sc type II, PART IMPRI T STRIP OF THREE, one pulled perf , fine to very fine, tied by red P.D. and SAN FRA CISCO Cal. JUL (?) 1861 c.d.s. st rikes on buff envelope (tears ) bearing red New York PAID 12 and ms. "By Overland Mail", French tran sits and VERGT 7 AOUT receiver on rever se ....................................................................................................................(Photo) (30A) Est. Cash Value $400-500







/4 77 . . .




TYPE I: Used to Germany ; 10c, STRIP OF THREE, Type I, Pos. 91-93Ll , type characteristics clear, perf s in at top, tied by blue grid cancels on front (small hole) bearing matching LOUISVILLE MAR 30 1859 c.d.s., red New York PAID 7 and German transit. Strip of three , unpriced , pair and single as used stamps Sc. $2745. A very rare multipl e ...................................... .............. .............. ..(Photo) (31) Est. Cash Value $500-750






TYPE I WITH TYPES II AND III: Used to France; 10c, VERTICAL STRIP OF THREE types II +III+I , Pos. 80, 90, lO0Rl , last with double transfer, scissored from sheet, tied by NEW ORLEANS La. DEC. 30 1858 c.d.s. strike s on blue folded letter sheet bearing red New York PAID 24 , French transits and Nantes receiver on reverse. Strip unpriced in Scott. Rare combination on cove r ............... (Photo) (3 I ,32,33) E t. Cash Value $350-400 10c, VERTICAL STRIP OF THREE, types II+I II +I, scissore d from sheet, tied by NEW ORLEANS La. MAR 29 1859 c.d .s. strike s on reve rse of blue folded letter bear ing red New York PAID 24 on front , French transits and Paris receiver on reverse. Signed Ashbrook with notation ...(Photo) (3 1,32,33) Est. Cash Value $300-400



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Cati. Val.

Cati. Val.





10c, TWO COPIES, fine, tied by BANGOR Me c.d.s. on legal size envelope docketed "Dec 5. 1858." A very scarce use paying the double ra1e.................................... .......(Photo) (32) Est. Cash Value $300-400 10c, PAIR (end copy trimmed) and single (corner crease), tied by BANGOR Me c.d.s. on legal size envelope docketed "May 20th 58." An even scarcer three times rale and compani on to the previous lot ............................................................................................................(Photo) (32) Est. Cash Value $300-400 See lot #270 for additional Allen correspondence






Used to London; 10c, PAIR AND SINGLE, fine, tied by SWEETLAND Cal. JUL 18 c.d.s. strikes on small 1859 envelope. An unusual franking ove,pa ying the 24 cents rate .............. (Photo) (32) Est. Cash Value $250-350 Used to France; 10c, STRIP OF THREE, very fine, tied by NEW ORLEANS La. OCT 20 c.d.s. strikes on 1857 folded letter bearing red New York PAID 24, boxed P.D., French transits and Trie receiver on reverse. Paying the two times rate to France .................................. ................. ..........(Photo) (32) Est. Cash Value $250-350

10c TYPE III 259






Used to Cuba; 10c, fine, tied by red NEW YORK foreign mail c.d.s. on Feb . 1859 blue folded lette r bearin g Havana receiver on rever se .................... .............. ....... .................. ................. .(Photo) (33) Est. Cash Value $250-350 Used to Mexico; 10c, PAIR and two singles, Pos. 25-28R, tied by NEW ORLEANS AUG 1858 c.d.s. strikes on folded letter bear ing " IO" mkg and ms. "schooner 'Star ' via Vera - Cruz ". A fine example of the four limes rate ........................................................................................................................(Photo) (33) Est. Cash Value $350--450 Used to Canada; 10c, STRIP OF FIVE, fine, tied by NEW YORK MAR 19 1859 c.d.s. strikes on buff ITED STA TES PAID and ms. "50", Berlin U.C. receiver on reverse. court house envelope bearing red A fine five limes rate .................................. ................................................... (Photo) (33) Est. Cash Value $300-400


r-.._, I


~ ,J



Cati. Val.


,f 11/

6 tJ 'd ':J //,r" b 1Jt1//1jttV 7


262 181

TYPE IV WITH TYPE IT: 10c, STRIP OF THREE, types II+II+IV , Pos. l-3Rl , last recut at top, perfs cut, tied by COLUMBIA Cal. MAY 4 1858 c.d.s. strikes on buff envelope (slightly reduced) to Maine. Sc. $2650 for type IV alone on cover ....................................................................(Photo) (34, 32) Est. Cash Value $500-750


lOcTYPE V 263 181 264 181

265 181

Patriotic ; 10c, very fine, caned. by grid on envelope bearing red NEW HAVEN MAY 30 1861 c.d.s. to San Francisco .................................................................................... ..................(Photo) (35) Est. Cash Value $250-300 Washington Territory; 10c, few short perfs, fine, tied by VA COUVE R W.T. SEP 25 c.d.s. on envelope (most of one back flap missing) bearing ms. "X" (not recog nized) and red " I O" to Illin ois. Interes ting usage, probabl y during the demoneti~ation p eriod ................................................... (Photo) (35) Est. Cas h Value $250-350 CAL MAR 16 1860 c.d.s. on ye ll ow e nve lope bearing FRANCISCO 10c , fine , tied by SA " B. Overland " ms., WHAT CHEER HOUSE a ll over adve rti se ment on re ve rse, to Snow Camp , N.C . .................................. ...................................................................................... (Photo) (35) Est. Cas h Value $250-3 50 66


Cati. Val.






266 181


Used to Panama; 10c, TWO COPIES , right stamp Pos. 78L2 curl on head, generally fine, tied by RJCHMOND Ya. c.d .. on yellow envelope ms. docketed "May 3rd 1860" , all ove r IRON WORKS advertis ing on rever se. A fi ne example of the two times packet rate addressed to the U.S.S. Powhatan ......(Photo ) (35) Est. Cas h Value $250-350 See lots #280 and 295 fo r other covers addressed to the U.S.S. Powha tan

267 181

Used to Mexico; 10c, BLOCK OF THREE AND SINGLE , tied by NEW ORLEANS c.d.s. strikes on folded letter sheet (frag ile) bearin g ms. "Steamer (?), numeral "4" mkg., to Vera Cruz . An example of the fou r times rate to Mexico .................................................................................................................... ....(Photo ) (35) Est. Ca sh Value $250-3 50 67

Cati. Val.



IOc, SIX COPIES , one faulty, others fine, tied by SAN FRANCISCO CAL SEP 5 1859 c.d.s. strikes on blue envelope to Boston. Fine example of six times domestic rate ........................(Photo) (35) Est. Cash Value $250- 350

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__) .


10c, FOUR PAIRS OR SINGLES, generally very fine, top left with part Imprint, tied by NEW YORK OCEAN MAIL cancel s on most of cover with partial back flaps bearing ms. "Via Aspinwall", to San Franci sco. Stamps alone catl. $520. A rare fra nking paying the eight times rate .........(Photo) (35) Est. Cash Value $500-600 68

Cati. Val.




10c, Group of three covers bearing PAIR, THREE COPIES and FOUR COPIES, all Bangor, Maine origination s, tied by c.d.s. strikes from 1861, (?) and 1859 respectively, stamps generally very fine, all addressed to the Hon. Elisha H. Allen "For Mrs. Allen" ...........(Photo) (35) Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000 A wonde,ful group demonstrating the two times, three times and four times rates. Companions to lots 255 and 256 listed under Type II




Used to Switzerland ; 12c, VERTICAL STRIP OF THREE, Pos. 9, 19, 29Ll , few faults, tied by ATHENS Ga. MAR 3 1 c.d.s. strikes on small 1860 envelope bearing ms. " 12", P.O. and N.Y. Am. Pkt. all in red, Geneva receiver on reverse ........................ ............................ .................................................... (Photo ) (36) Est. Cash Value $250-350












,rry~ ~




Cati. Val.




Used to England; 12c, BLOCK 7x4, usual centering , minor imperfection and natural SE at right, tied by pen stroke s on attractive 1860 large cover bearing LEO IDAS MICH JUL 21 c.d.s., ms. "$3.36" within, also ms. ''7/14" and "42" with London transits all in red, bluish Holbeach receiver ................................................................. ..................................... (Photo) (36) Est. Cash Value $3,000-4,000 Perhaps the largest franked cover befor e the 186 I issue, paying the fourteen times 24 cents rate

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Ca ti. Va l.


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273 C8J EE Used to England ; 12c, BLOCK OF FOUR, one stamp faulty, fine, tied by red grid cancels on large 1859

envelope bearing matching N. YORK 38 SEP 14 Br. Pkt. mkg and London transit to Arms factor y in Enfield. Rare multip le pay ing the two times transit 24 cents rate ...............(Photo) (36) Est. Cash Value $400-500 274 C8J

12c, TWO PAIRS, one vertical (SE at top), fine, tied by gri d ca nce ls on legal size 1859 enve lope beari ng N. YO RK 38 JAN 19 Br. P kt. a nd Lo nd on tra nsit, both in red , blu ish Lee d s receiver on rever se. Another example of the two times rate......................................... ...................................................(Photo) (36 ) Es t. Ca sh Val ue $3 50-450

275 C8J

Used to Austria ; 12c, STRIP OF FOUR, plus single, few trimmed perfs, tied by NEW ORLEANS AUG (?) 1858 c.d.s. strikes on folded letter bearing NEW YORK 14 SEP 1 PAID Br. Pkt. and boxed AACHEN 14 9 FRANCO, both in red Vienna receiver on reverse. An attractive example of the two times 30 cents Prussian Closed Mail rate ............................................................................................ (Photo ) (36) Est. Cash Value $400-500



Cati. Va l.

276 276


Use d to England; 12c , EIGHT COPIES, small fault s, ca ned . by grids on 1859 folded letter sheet, stamps tied by red PHILa. Am. PKT. JUN 17 c.d.s., ms. 12/4 and London receiver, both in red .........................................................................................................(Photo) (36) Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 A scarce multip le paying the four times 24 cents rate


-:; 1




277 181

Used to Germany; 12c, Plate 3, STRIP OF FOUR, plus single, fine, tied by grid cancels on 1860 buff envelope bearing Illinois c.d.s., N. YORK BR, PKT. 14 PAID OV 7 and framed FRANCO, both in red, Stuttgart transit and Wurttemberg receiver on reverse. A very scarce multiple paying the two times 30 cents Prussian Closed Mail rate ................ ...................... .................................................(Photo) (24,26) Est. Cash Value $500-750 72


\. ~

Cati. Val.


278 278 b.fHI le, VERTICAL BLOCK OF TEN , type II , Pos. 4-5R2, 14-15, 24-25, 34-35, 44-45, with 10c, two copies, types II, III (dmgd. ), all caned. by pen strokes on most of front of buff legal size envelope bearing YREKA Cal. NOV 30 1857 c.d.s., to Washington D.C ....(Photo ) (20,32,33) Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 A most impressive piece

~ jL





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279 279 181

le , Plate 2, type I, guideline SE, with 10c, type V, two copies, all fine, tied by grid cancels on repaired homemade envelope bearing HENDERSON KY. MAY 11 (probably 1861) to Hickman , Ky.A very rare seven times local rate f rom a state which formally did not secede from the Union .............(Photo ) (18,35) Est. Cash Value $500-750 73

Cati. Val.


,o/6 ~ 280








Used to Hong Kong; le, type V, vertical pair , fine but for crease, with 3c , ty pe II, all tied by WASHINGTON D.C. JUN 27 1859 c.d.s. strikes on small envelope (portion of back flap missing ) bearing on front red London transit , matching part of recei ve r on reverse. An a11rac 1ive exa mpl e of 1he 5 cents "to the ship" ra/e , specifically !he U.S.S. Powhallan. See /01 295 for addi1ional correspondence .................................................................................................................. .(Photo) (24,26) Est. Cash Valu e $400-500 Sc red brown , type I, le, type V, 3c, type II , few trimmed perf s, fine , tied by WASHINGTON CITY MAY 13

c. d .s . strike s on legal size Regis. envelo pe (va riou s tea rs) bearing m s. " Reg ister & chge" on front and "Comm issions & Receip ts" on reve rse. A fine early example of a I rip le rale envelope with unusual franking , where !he 5 cents registry was paid in cash ............. ........................... ............(Photo) (28, 18,26) Est. Cash Valu e $35~50

Used to Switzerland; Sc, fine, plus 10c, vertical strip of three , types III+II+III , Pos. 2, 12, 22Ll (first "misplaced relier' ), few rough perfs, fine, tied by Minnesota (Territory) c.d.s. strikes on frail envelope, St. Gallen receiver on reverse. Rare usage ............... ....................... ......(Photo) (28,33,32) Est. Cash Value $400-500 74

Cati. Val.




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283 181

Used to France; Sc brown, type I, almost very fine, plus 10c, type V, extremely fine, tied by red grid cancels on blue folded letter sheet bearing red NEW YORK PAID 12 c.d.s., French transits and NANTES receiver on reverse ................................................................................................(Photo) (29,35) Est. Cash Value $250-350

284 181

Used to Italy; Sc, with 10c, Pair, type V, 3c, type II , all caned . by mage nta grid cance ls on flim sy enve lope (flap mi ssing) bear ing matc hin g HART FORD c.d.s., red Briti sh Nov. 2 1 and Fre nch 1860 transit, Ita ly rece iver on reve rse. Fine three-color combination ................ .......................... .......(Photo) (29 ,35,26) Est. Cas h Value $300-400

285 181

Sc brown , type II , fine, with 10c, type V, file crease, tied by NEW YORK APR 20 186 1 c.d.s. on small folded Iene r to Philadelphia. Scarce combination making the two times domestic ra te ..... (Photo ) (30 A,35) Est. Cash Value $300-400 75

Cati. Val.


286 181

Sc, type II , with 10c, type V, fine and very fine respectively, tied by NEW ORLEANS La. FEB 20 c.d. s. on blue folded letter bearin g red BOSTON PAID 12, French transit, PARIS 12 MARS 61 receiver on reverse .................................................................(Photo) (30A,35) Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000 Very scarce highly fra nked cover "crossing the lines" at the start of the Civil War



287 181

Use d to Ger ma ny; l e, Pl ate 2, ty pe II , PAIR , va ryin g ma rgin s, with Pe rf. 10 c, thr ee copi es, types II+III , one dm gd., tied by bl ue MARC ELL US N .Y . OV 10 c. d . . st rik es on enve lope bearin g red AM . PKT . 7 PAID c. d. s. and ma tchin g Germ an mk g, Ge rm an tra ns it and 1859 rece ive r o n reve rse ................................................................................................................(Photo) (7,32,33) Est. Cash Value $400-50 0 76

Cati. Val.

. .



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..r 288


Used to Australia; 10c, type I, Pos. l00Rl , type ill , Pos. 28Rl, in at top and fine, with le, type V and 3c, strip of four, perfs in, all caned. by ms. and "Iowa" on amber envelope (portions of two back flaps missing) bearing red LONDON FE 10 60 transits and matching "12" mkg, red New York, Pkt. and OMEO VICTORIA receiver on reverse. ...................(Photo) (31,33,24,26) Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,500 Colorful and scarce combination and destination



10c, type V, two copies, one side of each trimmed, with le, type V, fine, tied by weak New Orleans c.d.s. strikes on 1860 folded letter bearing New Orleans forwarder to New York. Rare seven times rate on normal size cove r ........... ............................................ .................. .........................(Photo ) (35,24) Est. Cash Value $250-350



Used to England; 10c, PAIR, Pos. 5-6Rl , fine, with le , type V and 3c, type II , irregular perfs and fine respectively, tied by BEAUFORT S.C. 6 AUG c.d.s. strikes on 1858 envelope bearing "3" and London transit both in red, Liverpool receiver on reverse ............................................ (Photo ) (35,24,26) Est. Cash Value $250-350


Cati. Val.


29 1 18lffi

Used to Ireland; IOc, type V, BLOCK OF FOUR , perfs in and one dmgd. , with le , type V, fine, and 3c, pair (damaged ), all tied by NY FEB 1 c.d.s. strikes on buff envelope bearing red NY Am. Pkt 6 transit , ms. " Paid 48", red LONDON FE 17 60 and Limerick tran sits, blue Killaloe receiver on rever se. A block of fou r of the JO cents on cover is a very scarce f ranking ..................................(Photo ) (35,24,26) Est. Cash Value $400-500




10c, STRIP OF THREE, right copy damaged (SE), other s very fine , with 3c, type II, top trimmed, tied by MARIETTA 0. JUL 4 1860 c.d.s. strikes on amber envelope (portion of back flap missing ) bearing red London tran sit and matching "12" mkg ..........................(Photo ) (35,26) Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 A wonderful and scarce destination f or missionary mail


Cati. Val.

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293 C8l




10c, type V, FOUR COPIES, few rough perfs , fine, with Sc brown, type I, fine, tied by red grid cancels on 1860 legal size readdressed folded letter also bearing France Napoleon III 40c orange , tied by numeral in diamond of dots , red NEW YORK PAID 6 MAY 5 and PD in box, both crossed off, French transits , initial Paris receiver and Bordeaux receiver on reverse ....(Photo) (35,29) Est. Cash Value $2,000-3,000 A spectacular and rare combina tion showing the three times 15 cents rate

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294 C8l

Used to Italy; 10c, type V, STRIP OF THREE, Pos. 34-36R2, horiz. perfs cut, with 12c, Plate 3 (SE), tied by NEW ORLEANS AUG 22 c.d.s. strikes on folded letter bearing ms. "Via N.O. J & G.N.R.R.", red framed AACHEN 9 9 FRANCO and 19 mkg , Zurich transits and Genoa 1860 receiver on reverse. Ex Knapp. A fas cinating cover commencing on ihe New Orleans, Jackson & Grear Northern Rail Road, transiting through Switzerland on the Prussian closed mail and arriving in /taly ..............(Photo ) (35,36b) Est. Cash Value $400-500


Cati. Val.




Used to Hong Kong; 12c, Plate 1, STRIP OF THREE , SE at top, fine, with le , type ma , pair , fine, tied by WASHINGTON D.C. c.d.s. strikes on 1858 envelope (portion missing) bearing red BOSTON 15, various German transit s and credits, Boston OCT 20 Br. Pkt. c.d.s. and Hong Kong receiver on reverse .................................................................................................(Photo ) (36,22) Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,500 A very scarce routing to an interesting Nava.I address, U.S.S. "Powhattan ". A spectacula r cove r despite its faults





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Used to Ital y; 12c, Plate 1, STRIP OF THREE, Pos. 62-64L, with le , type V, vert. pair , Pos. 5-15L8, various SEs, tied by NEW ORL EA S La. MA 21 1858 c.d.s. st rik es on amber envelope bearing various red German and Italian transits with matching N. Y. Br. Pkt on rever se, also GENOVA 18 APR 58 receiver ..................................................................................................................(Photo ) (36,24) Est. Cash Value $400-500


Cati. Val.

297 181

Used to Spesia, Sardinia; 12c, Plate 1, STRIP OF THREE, one creased from mounting fold, with le, type V, Pos. 83-93R8, all fine , tied by indistinct c.d.s. strikes on envelope bearing various red German and Italian credits and transits, GENOVA 14 FEB 60 c.d.s. and red N.Y. Pkt. on reverse ..................................................................................................................(Photo) (36,24) Est. Cash Value $400-500

298 181

Used to Germany; 12c, Plate 1, STRIP OF THREE, plus single , Pos. 2-4Rl, 19Rl , with 3c, type II , all fine, tied by COL UMB US 0 . DEC 13 c .d.s. strik e on lega l size amber enve lope (s mall po rti on of co rner

mi ss in g, porti on of addr ess erase d) bear ing red N.Y . Br . PKT. 14 PAID , ms. " Per pru ss ian c lose d mail via London & Ostende" and Neustadt rece ive r o n reve rse. An unusual acceptance of short-paying the two times 28 cents rate .............................................................................. ................(Photo) (36,26) Est. Cash Value $350-450 81

Cati. Val. 299 181



Used to Hong Kong; 12c, Plate 1, PAIR, 10c, type II , 3c, type II , le , type V, all fine except 3c damaged, tied by New York c.d.s. strikes on amber envelope bearing red Ms. "12" and British PAID 1858 13 AU, red N.Y. Br. Pkt. and black Hong Kong receiver on reverse . A fine fou r-colo r fra nking paying the 38 cents rate via British mail ...............................................................................(Photo ) (36,32,24,26) Est. Cash Value $500-750 1875 REPRINT OF 1857-60 ISSUE : Perf 12 Sc orange brown , fresh, fine. 878 Printed ...................(Photo ) (42)

I, I00.00

1861-62 AND 1861-66 ISSUES 30 I * O

Coll. of a few thousand on annotated pages in 3 National album s, mostly used, some unused , featuring a plethora of shades and cancels and about 60 covers incl. domestic , couple Patriotic , to France or Germany , etc., incl. colors, PAID , PAID ALL, FREE, railroad , star , numeral , grids , SHIP , red and black carrier , pairs , strips, blks of 4, mixed condition. A fabulous collection requiring careful inspeclion ...........................................................................(63,65,67,69-72,75-78,etc.) Est. Cash Value $10,000-15 ,000

302 * 01811861-62 WASHINGTON: 10c yellow green, dark green, shade s, coll. of several hundred on annotated pages in Nationa l album , mostl y used, some unused , incl. Plate 26 " TAG" of " POSTAGE " flawed, pairs and strips, double transfer, about 20 covers, wide range of cance ls, incl. color s, PAID incl. red, Wells Fargo, c.d.s. and grid types, target, cork , numeral, star, STEAMSHIP, etc. , mixed condition. An impressive and varied array .................................................. (68,68a, etc.) Est. Cash Value $3,000-4 ,000 303 0

24c steel blue, neat bright red grid cancels , tin y thin , well centered , fine ........................................(Photo ) (70b)


304 * 01811861-66 JACKSON: 2c " Black Jack" , coll. of over 1000 on annotated pages in 2 National albums , mostly used , a fair number unused , plus over 65 covers , incl. pairs , double tran sfers , one triple , guide line and plate vars. or mkgs, shades and a wide range of cancels, incl. shield, sunburst , circle, geometrics , square target , carrier , FREE , c.d.s. and ms., colors, star, PAID, etc., mixed condition. Fabulous seleclion worth careful inspect ion ..................................... ........... ................... (73, etc.) Est. Cash Value $7,500-10 ,000



24c lilac, o.g., small light corner crea e, fine .............................................................................................(Photo) (78)



Cati. Val.



3c, STRIP OF SEVEN, most very fine appearance, tied by CAM PBELLSVILL E KY c.d.s. cance ls on lega l size amb er envelope (trimm ed) docke ted Aug 15 1864 to Rus ellville. A fine example of the seven times rate bearing stamps of superior centering and freshness ................................................... (Photo) (65) Est. Cash Va lue $250-350



Used to Canada; 10c green, fine appearance, tied by green RICHMOND VA AU 11 and grid cancels on amber envelope to Melbourne C.E. A very scarce and attractive envelope ..........(Photo ) (68) Est. Cash Value $400-500



Used to England; 24c steel blue , fine, tied b y red " I 9" a nd pen stroke s o n I 86 1 a mb er e n velope (one back flap missing) bear ing lovely SUSQUEHANNAH DEPOT PA NOY 29 c.d.s. and red London rece iver .................................................... ................................................................. .(Photo) (70b) Est. Cas h Va lue $300-400



Used to France; 30c orange, well centered, fresh and extremely fine, caned. by clear grid cancel on small neat envelope bearing LANCASTER PA AUG 25 1863 c.d.s., red N.Y. PAID 24 c.d.s., framed PD and French transit, Paris receiver on reverse. Abso lutely lovely stamp and cover, paying the two times J5 cents rate ........................................ ............................................ ...................................(Photo) (71) Est. Cash Value $400-500


I, 150.00

Cati. Val.

1861-62 ISSUE 3 10


3 11


2c black , very fine , tied by cork cancel on all-over adv erti sing cover with 1865 CALENDAR, to Pennsylvania. A mos/ unusual cover ........... ................... .............................(Photo ) (73) Est. Cash Value $250-350 2c, STRIP OF SIX, plus most of a pair, usual centering, tied by cork cancel on legal size envelope bearing NEW YORK MAR (?) octagonal cancel , to Baltimore. A most unusual multiple rate paid by the "Black Jack ". Ve,y few of these covers have survived . ........................................................ (Photo ) (73) Est. Cash Value $500-750








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3 12


3 13


3 14



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Used to Austria; 15c black , centered and extremel y fine, caned. by cork on blue 1867 folded letter bearing NEW ORLEANS LA. SEP 27 c.d.s. , red NEW YORK BREM. Pkt. PAID 12 and blue Bremen Franco, WIEN receiver on rever se ................................................ ..........................(Photo ) (77) Est. Cash Value $300-400

COMBINATION COVERS 10c, 3c, le , pair , usual centering , tied by JEFFERSON CITY Mo. DEC IOc.d.s. strikes on fresh amber legal size envelope (slightly reduced) docketed Dec. 9th 1862 to Washington, D.C. A scarce and attractive three-color franki ng paying the five times rate ...................................................................... (Photo ) (68,65,63) Est. Cash Value $250- 350 Used to China; 24c brown lilac, vertical PAIR with 3c, strip of thre e, perf faults , tied by grid cancels on neat envelope bearing NORWALK CO MAY 5 1863 c.d.s., red Br. Pkt . and London tran sit, Hong Kong transit and Shanghai receiver on reverse. A colorful and rare combination making the 57 cents rate via Marseilles to China ................................................................................................................(Photo ) (70a,65) Est. Cash Value $400-500 84


Cati. Val.



2c (SE), very fine, with le and 3c, usual centering, tied by SYRACUSE N.Y. SEP c.d.s. and target cancels on attractive small envelope to Tompkins Co. An unusual three-color domestic f ranking. Mos/ are in.temational mailings .......................................................... .................................................... (Photo) (73,63,65) Est. Cash Value $250-350

3 16 6

Used to France; 10c green, Sc red brown, extremely fine and very fine respectively, tied by target cance ls on small mournin g front bearing NEVADA CITY CAL JA 4 1866 c.d.s., red .Y. PAID 12 and matchjng French tran it. Neat and pretty ................................... ...........................................(Photo) (75 ,68) Est. Cash Value $300-400

3 17

Sc, VERTICAL STRIP OF FOUR, with 1867 "F" Grill 3c, perfs touch, tied by indist inct c.d.s. strikes on amber Reg is. envelope bearing (?)FIE LD MAR 2 c.d.s. A scarce combination. making up the 20 cents regist1y fee and 3 cents postag e rate ............................. ............................ ...................(Photo) (76,94) Est. Cash Value $250--350


,, I



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. <;) 316



Cati. Val.

1867 GRILLED ISSUES "C" GRILL: 3c rose, grid cance l, fine center ing for this ......................................................................... (Photo) (83) "E" GRILL: 15c black, PAIR, reinforced top perfs , typica l centerin g. A.P .E.S. Cert. ( I 998) .............. (Photo) (9 I)

3 18 0 3 19 0

900.00 1,300.00



320 32 1

3c rose, o.g., negligible corner perf crease, large centered copy, extremely fine ................................ (Photo) (94) 24c gray lilac, unused (regummed ), reperfed and tone spo t, fresh color. Founda tion Cert. ( 1998) ......... (Photo) (99)


350.00 2,500 .00

322 * 081 The coll. of about 450 on annotated pages in National album , mostly used, some unused, plus about 35 cover s, mostly "E" and "F" grills, also "D" and "Z" 2c, latter incl. double transfers , wide range of cancels incl. cork, PAID, PAID ALL, ms., c.d.s. types, target, colors, etc., mixed condition and few doubtful.A valuable collecrionwonh careful inspecrion........... . (betw. 84 and 101) Est. Cash Value $5,000-7 ,500

USED ON COVER Used to France; 10c, 2c, 3c, usual centering, tied by target ca nce ls on neat 1869 envelope bearing CLlFTO SPRINGS N.Y. MAR 8 c.d.s ., red N .Y. PAID 6 and blue French tran sit. Paying the 1869 15 cents rate to France before the expiration of the treaty. Colo,ful three-co /or combination .... (Photo ) (93,94,96) E t. Ca h Value $250-3 50 10c green , PAIR , with 3c, two copies , usual centering , tied by cork ca nce ls on amb er Reg is. enve lop e bearing indi stinct c.d.s. to Alfred, Maine. Scar ce frank ing pa yi ng the double rate with 20 cents registry fee ...................................................................................................................(Photo) (94,96) Est. Cash Value $300-400

323 81

324 81

Used to Holland ; 15c black, perfs in, tied by cork cance l on blue folded letter sheet, docketed Aug 1868 in blue and bearing red NEW YORK PAID ALL Brt . TRA NS IT AUG 18 mkg , matching Amste rdam receiver on reve rse. Scarce des tinatio n ......................... ......... .......................................... ............... (Photo ) (98) Est. Cash Va lue $250-3 50

325 81



1875 RE-ISS UES OF 1861-66 ISSUES : 24c deep violet, redi stributed o.g., small faults , fresh color and well cent ered , very fine appearance. 346 Print ed ............................. ..............................(Cover Photo ) (109)



24c, unu sed, few short perf s, fine. A.P.E.S. Cert. (1989). 346 Print ed ..................................... (Photo ) (109) 2,700.00


1869 PICTORIAL ISSUE 328 /'; 329


3c ultramarine , tied by sup erb st rik e of blui sh CHARLESTOWN , W. VA skull and crossbones pmk on small piece, sta mp faulty but attractive "eye -catch er" .......................................................................(Photo ) (114) 24c green & violet, unu sed, small thin , fresh color , fine ..................................................................... (Photo ) (120)


330 * 081 The extensive remainder on pages in ational album, almost 400 stamps incl. 90c (2), 30c (11),24c (8), 15c (21), apparently unused copies, variety of cancels and 25 covers, mixed condition as would be expected .................................................................................................................... ........Est. Cash Value $5,000-7 ,500



33 1 332 0

333 0 334 0


2c brown, o.g., neg ligible corner creasing, nice co lor, fine ....................................................................(Photo) (I 24) 2c, lighter shade , light conce ntric circles cance l, bit of overall toning , we ll ce ntered, ve ry fine appearance .................... ........................................................................................................... ................ ...................(Photo) (124) 6c blue, Regis. cance l, well centered , fine ............................................. ........................ ..........................(Photo) ( 126)


15c brown & blue, type III, neatly caned., "corner crease" which is, in fact, corner perf only, perfectly centered, very fine. Foundation Cert. (2000). 198 1 Print ed ........ ......... ........... ................... ............ ...................... (Photo) (129)





~ ~ 'I



c,J,-.~ 4

; • •

: I







~ "



~S)j ~ ~



C ""' ~ . . . ._ ' ) ~-~






.lffe:ff} of~










Cati. Val.


335 0 336 0 337 0 338 0

* 340 * 339

10c brown , neatly caned., stron g grill, fine ......................................................................................

....(Photo ) (139)


···<Photo ) ( 14 I )


!Sc oran ge, tiny thin, fres h rn lor, fine. A.P.E.S: Cert. ( 1993) ····················· ······························ ~ ··/ (Photo ) ( 142) 24c purple , N.Y. foreign mail cancel, paper split along gnll. Ve,y rare ......... :.p..f.,.... 30c black , lightl y caned. , cert. states small corner creases, quite well cent ~red, fine. Foundation Cert. (1998) ............................................................ ............................. ......................................................................... (Photo ) (143) WITHO UT GRILL: 90c carmin e, unused (regumrned), reperfed, tiny thin, fine appearance . A.P.E.S. Cert. ( I 989) ............................................................................................................ .......................... ............................ (Photo ) ( 155)

·........ \}1.~......

1879 AMERICAN BAN K NOTE CO: 6c brown rose, o.g., tiny thin, otherwise very fine ................ (Photo ) ( 186)

6,500 .00 2,250.00

1,850.00 950.00

1870 to 1888 BANK NOTE ISSUES 34 1 * OEBThe coll. of se veral thou sand on annotated page s in 3 National album s in carton , mo stly used , some unu sed , incl. with and without grill , few ribbed pap er, pair , blk s of 4 and strips, perhap s a dozen cover s, num erou s shad es and a bevy of canc els, incl. star , PAID , Malte se Cro ss, letter s and numerals , with negati ve, blu e, green , purple , red , geom etric s, etc. , mi xed condition . Worth careful inspection ................................... ...................................................... (b etw. 134 and 218) Est. Cash Valu e $5,000-7 ,500


343 0

344 0


le to 15c comp!., selection of about 90 On page s, n.h. to unused, incl. blk of 4 of each , Sc and IOc double transfer, etc., mixe d condition ...................................................... (230-38 ) Est. Cash Value $1,000

Coll. of over 500 in Specialt y album , used, primarily le and 2c, incl. many double transfers, 2c incl. triple transfer, broken corner recuts and many other minor breaks, etc., part Imprint cop ies, wide range of cance ls, also three covers incl. 3c (3), 4c and Sc on Regis. 2c entire to Columbia, etc., well annotated, mixed condition. Worth inspection ..............................................................................................................................................Est. Ca h Value $300-500 $2 brown red, New York Oct 9 93 duplex cancel, few thins, almost perfectly centered and otherwise very fine .............................................................. .......................................................... ....................................... ...(Photo ) (242) 1895 WATE RMARKED: le to 10c, sev en diff. , imperf plate proof pairs on gummed stamp paper , l.h. or o.g., good to large margin s, generally very fine ................. ................... .(Cover Photo ) (264 ,67,69-73P4 )



1898 TRANS-MISSISSIPPI EXPOSITION ISSUE BICOLOR ESSAYS Die Sunk on Card , 76x66mm 4c deep red oran ge & black , brilliant fre sh, very fine ............ ....................................................... .(Photo ) (287E9 ) 10c du sky blu e violet & black , fre sh, fine ........................................................................................(Photo ) (290E4 ) $1 dull violet blu e & bla ck, brilli a nt fr esh, fin e .......................................................................... ....(Photo ) (292E6 )

346 347 348

300.00 350.00 450.00

Issued Stamp $1 black


$1, n.h., light bend, fresh, fine ...................... ...................... .......... .........................................................(Photo ) (292) $1, l.h., tiny thin spot and trivial wrinkle , large copy, fine. PSE Cert. ( I 997) ..................... ....................(Photo ) (292) $1, on-the-nose New York oval cancel, repaired and reperfed, fine appeara nce ........................ .............(Photo ) (292)


1902-03 REGU LAR ISSUE: Perf 12 $2 dark blue, o.g., fresh, fine ................................................... (Photo ) (3 12) 1906-08 IMPERFORA TE: Sc blue, guide line at right, mostly large margin s all round , lightly caned., small corner crease, fine ............................................... ................... ................................................... ............... (Photo ) (3 15)


354 ** EB1904 LOUISIANA PURCHA SES: 2c carmin e, sheet margin blk of four , n.h. , fine ........................(Photo ) (324)




350 35 1 0


352 353 0


1,250.00 525.00



Cati. Val. 355 ** IBI2c, Imprint Pl. blk of six, n.h. , separation at bottom between middle and right stamps, inclusion one stamp, fine 425.00 .................................................................................................................. ................................................(Photo ) (324) separation, 6, of blk Pl. Imprint top and 4 of blks 3 SE), IO ( 356 * IBI 2c, group of 40 stam ps, n.h.(34)/1.h.(6), compr. 22 singles few perf faults, mixed centering to fine ................................................................................................................. (324) 1,990.00+ 357 ** IBI1909 HUDSON-FULTON: Imperf 2c carmine, Imprint Pl. blk of six, n.h., extremely fine ...........(Photo ) (373)





359 **



36 1 **

** 363 *

1910-13 SINGLE-LINED WMK: Perf 8½ vert. 4c brown, line pair , o.g., very fine ......................(Photo) (395) 1914-16 ROTARY COILS: Perf 10 vert. 2c carmine rose , line pair , n.h. , very fine ....................... (Photo ) (454) 1915 HORIZONTAL COIL: Imperf 2c carmine, n.h. , large even margins , extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (1985) .............................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (459) 1916-17 UNWATERMA RKED : Perf 10 Error Sc carm ine, n.h. , fresh, fine. PSE Cert. ( 1998) ......(Photo) (467)

380.00 725.00 375.00 875.00

325.00 15c gray, n.h. , inclusion "dropout" , very fine. PSE Cert. (2001) .......................................................(Photo) (475) 1917-18 PERF. 11: Sc blue , extraordinary pre-printing fold, S½ to 6½mm, o.g., fine ..................(Photo ) (504) 364 ** IBIDouble Error Sc rose, two stamp s in top left pane of 100 with 2c, Pl. o. 7942 (no side selvage), error stamps and most 2c n.h. , fine ................................................................................................................ (Photo page 99) (505) 2,140.00+ 365 ** IBISc, two middle stamps in block of 12 with 2c, error stam ps n.h. , fresh , fine .................................... (Photo ) (SOS) 2,100.00 600.00 Sc, n.h. , fresh ............................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (505) 366 ** 362


1917 DOUBLE-LINED WMK: Perf 11 2c carmine , n.h., reperfed , few inclusions, fresh, fine appeara nce ..................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (519) 368 ** IBI1926 WHITE PLAINS SOUVENIR SHEET OF 25: 2c carmin e rose, n.h. , light bends , small gum wrinkle , very fine .................................................................................................................................................................(630) 367

675.00 550.00

AIR POST 1930 GRAF ZEPPELIN ISSUE 65c green, $1.30 brown , $2.60 blue


• •






Comp !. set, $2.60 Pl. No. copy, l.h., $1.30 and $2.60 small thin s, fine ............................... (Photo ) (C 13-15)


65c, corner sheet margin copy, very l.h. if at all, gum skips, very fine .............................................(Photo ) (C l3 ) $1.30, n.h. , few tiny inclu sions, fine ......................................................................................................(Photo ) (C 14) 37 1 ** $2.60, l.h., small spot gum disturbed, very fine ..................................................................................(Photo ) (ClS ) 372 373 ** IBI1937 TRANSPACIFIC 50c carmine, top right pane of 50, Pl. No. 21628, n.h. , negligible gum bends , inclusion one stamp not affecting Pl. blk , very fine .......................................................................................................... (C22)




250.00 725.00 800.00 560.00


* 375 **


SPECIAL DELIVERY : 1885 U WATERMARKED PERF: 12: 10c blue , o.g., reperfed, very fine appearance ............................................................................................................................................ .......................(Photo ) (E l) 1916 PERFORAT ED 10: 10c pale ultr amarin e, n.h., very fine. PSE Cert. (2001) .......................... (Photo ) (El0 ) 90

325.00 (275.00)



Ci) C')



J t1 J ~

J c;

'.z.. 1






Cati. Val.


* 377 *


378 0 379 380 38 1 382 383 384

** * * *

* *

1884 PERFORATED 12: 50c red brown , o.g., inclusion, fresh, fine. Ve,y scarce ........................... ...(Photo ) (12 1) 1894 NEW DESIGN: le vermilion , l.h., fresh , fine. Ve,y scarce ........................................................(Photo ) (J29 ) le , lightly caned. , very fine ....................................................................................................................(Photo ) (J29 )

1,650.00 1,750.00 400.00

2c vermilion , n.h., light pencil marks on reverse , fresh , fine ..............................................................(Photo) (J30) 2c, l.h., fresh, fine .....................................................................................................................................(Photo) (130) 1894-95 le to 10c comp!., le part Imprint copy, l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine ...............................(Photo ) (131-35) 50c deep claret , o.g. (hinge remnant ), negligible gum wrinkles, very fine. Ve,y scarce ................... (Photo) (J37) 50c pale rose, very l.h., small corner crease, fresh ................................................................................(Photo ) (137a)

1,200.00 700.00 727.00 1,250.00 1,200.00

1895-97 DOUBLE-LINED WMK: le to 50c comp!., less 3c, l.h. or o.g., fresh, fine ..........(Photo ) (138,39,4 1-44)





3c carmine lake , very l.h., light bends, fresh, fine ..................................................................................(Photo) (154)



50c carm ine lake , n.h., negligible pencil marks on reverse, fresh, fine ........................(Cover Photo ) (J58) 17,500.00 Exceedingly rare. According lO the Ph.ilmelic Foundation, no sound unused copy of this stamp has been certified in the last 20 yea rs. In addition, there is no record of a never hinged copy in their fi les.

50c, lightened crayon stroke, very fine appearance. PSE Cert. ( 1997). Sc. $900 as cancelled ................(Photo ) (158) OFFICIALS: Department of State $2 green & black, large part o.g., couple small thins, fresh .......(Photo ) (0 68)

387 0




389 * O S 1873, coll. of about 300 on pages, o.g. to unused or used, all departments incl. some comp!., plus ovptd. SPECIMEN and many unused and used dupl. , also 1879 soft paper, incl. Dept. of War 2c top right Imprint corner blks of 21, 15c bottom left Imprint Pl. No. corner blk of 12, mixed condition though a fair number fine to very fine ...........................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000


39 1



VENDING AND AFFIXING MACHINE PERFORATIONS: 1906 to 1909, selection of 46 pairs or strips on pages , n.h. to o.g., incl. most companies and various types , line pairs and vert. pairs, Farwell 4 over 4 types A and B, etc., some faults as would be expected, many fine to very fine. Nice group ............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,200-1,500 MAILOMETER TYPE IV: 1909 Hudson-Fulton imperf2c , pair , n.h. , fresh, fine ..........................(Photo) (373)


392 * 018:1CARRIERS AND LOCALS: 19th Century, coll. in National album , incl. 18 covers , A.L.M.C. sheet of 20, various stamp s with reprints and reference, mostly Bloods, generally fine to very fine ............................................................................................................................Est . Cash Value $1,500-2,000

393 18:1

LOCAL: Wells, Fargo and Co; 1862-64 25c blue, margins three sides, touched left, tied by ms. Aurora Feb. 24 63 on 3c pink (U34) Wells Fargo & Co. envelope bearing blue WELLS FARGO EXPRESS AURORA oval, to San Francisco ........................................(Photo ) (143L8) Est. Cash Value $1,250-1 ,500

394 * O

CUT SQUARES: 1853 to 1932, coll. of over 300 on Specialt y pages in box, mostly unu sed, few used , incl. a fair number of better items , Officials and a few Airs, also misc. modern stationery, most are full corners, some faults though overall fine to very fine ....................................Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000

395 * O

REVENUES: 19th and 20th Century , coll. of many hundred on National album pages, used, some o.g. to unused , wide ranging incl. first 3 issues with imperf , part perf and perf , later Documentary to 1954, Proprietary incl. 1875-81 wmkd . and rouletted , Future Deliver y, Stock Transfer to 1951, Hunting Permit , etc. , some early double or mis-perfed , mixed condition incl. cut or punch cancels . Worth carefu l inspection ................................................ ...............................................Est. Cash Value $2,000-2 ,500

396 !:::.

CONFEDERATE STATES: 1861 PROVISIONAL ; Mobil e, Ala. 2c black , clear to large margins except in slightly lower right , tied by neat MOB[LE, ALA c.d.s. on small piece, fresh .....................................(Photo) (58x I) 92



~ ~j

au;-~ ~zi6



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Minor faults including, but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps, small tears and some backflap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue. 93

Cati. Val.



1912-16 OVERPRINTED TYPE II: Error 2c vermilion & black , ovpt. reading down , INVERTED CENTER , l.h., rich fresh color ........................................................................................... ........................................(Photo ) (39e) 398 * 83 1920-21 OVERPRINTED TYPE V: Sc deep blue & black , CORNER BLOCK OF FOUR , dull o.g., very fine ................................................. ...................................................................................................................(Photo) (57) AIR POST OFFICIALS: 1941 OVERPRINTED TYPE II: Sc to 40c comp!. set, light roller cancels, fine to 399 0 very fine .............................................................................................................................................{Photo) (CO8-12) 397

700.00 1,350.00 855.00

400 * 0 83 1904 to 1978, coll. of a few hundr ed on National album page s, n.h. to unused or used, incl. First Issue, various ovptd. types, comp!. sets incl. flat and sharp pointed "A", blk s and Pl. blk s, covers, Airs, Air Official s, Postage Due, high degre e of completeness , some faults , overall fine to very fine .......................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,500

40 I * 0 83 1904 to 1931, coll. of a few hundred on page s, n.h. to dull o.g., some used, mostly 1904 to 1921 blks of 4 ovptd. or surcharged , normal and varieties with normal s, incl. shifted ovpts, broken letter s, antique " ZONE ", " Z" or " L", "Z" of "Z ONE " missing, spaced "C" of "CANAL", variou s surchd. " 8 cts", Balboa types I, II , IV, V, type III le double ovpt. , also a few later issues, some faults though overall fine to very fine or better ................................................................................. Est. Cash Value $2,500-3 ,000 402 6.



404 181 405 * 0

CUBA: 1893-99 PUERTO PRINCIPE ; 2c on 2m orange brown , compl ete sett ing 1-5, shifted surcharge , tied on half of cover, fine to very fine. Ex Ferrari, Brock , Tows. An important presenta tion of the positions ...........................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (178,179) SPECIAL DELIVERY: 1899 Error 10c on 10c blue , no period after CUBA, left stamp in Imprint Pl. No. strip of three with normal s, o.g., very fine. Sc. $1000 as normal strip ............................................{Photo ) (El,a ) 10c on 10c, fine, tied by HABANA MAY (5) 1899 pmk on surchd. 2c green entire to United States, Malden, Mass. MAY 7 receiver on reverse .................................................................... (Photo ) (E I ,U3) Est. Cash Value $250 1899, coll. of about SO on album pages , 1.h. to unused or used , incl. le vert. surch., Sc "CU PA" in pair with normal, Postage Due, Special Deliver y, incl. #El bottom Imprint Pl. o. strip of 3 (folded along vert. perfs ), #E3P small Die proof , etc., mixed condition ...........................................................................Est. Cash Value $500




1901 DOUBLE-LI NED WMK: $1 black , type II , lightly caned., fine .............................................(Photo ) (223A) 1903-04 $5 dark green, slightly disturbed o.g., fresh, fine. Signed Diena ............................................(Photo ) (239)

408 * 0 II!l1899 to 1946, coll. of man y hundr ed in Specialty album , n.h. to unu sed or used, quite extensive with 1901 $1 type I, 1903-04 $1 and $2, Rizal incl. variou s perf s and imperf , man y lat er comp!. sets incl. blks of 4, Pl. blks of 4 or 6, COMMONWEALTH types incl. blks of 4, VICTORY incl. handstamped , Airs with several Madrid-Manila Flight, Officials, Postage Due, Special Deliver y, cover s, varieties , dupl. , etc., mixed condition to much fine to very fine ..............................................Est. Cash Value $2,000


OFFICIALS: 1906 to 1940, coll. of about 90 on pag es, n.h. to unu sed or used, incl. italic ovptd. " 0 B", Sc. design A46 small "O.B." blk of 4, invtd. on top stamp s, handstamped incl. Washington 20c yellow with script O.B. in violet , plu s ovptd . varieties with missin g period or hyphen in blk s with normals , mixed condition to very fine. Scarce group .................................... ........................................Est. Cash Value $500 181JAPANESE OCCUPATION: 1942 to 1944, coll. of several hundred in Specialty album, n.h. to ungummed , 4 10 * II!l issues virtuaJJy comp!. incl. blks and part sheets, imperf s, bett er item s, Souvenir sheets, Semis, many covers incl. Official Mail, generally fine to very fine .........................................................................Est. Cas h Value $500 409


750.00 950.00


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After ................. days, return to

Bureau of Finano"\


········ ······· ··nepartmeri"t" ·or "·'··T·: ····r ;···· ....... ........... .........,•1 ....... ................. ...... . 2c.

Mr . J.


Linnell, 28 Park

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Mass .

404 95

UNITED STATES COLLECTIONS AND VARIOUS 411 * 0181 1847 to 1975, The Hayden Keech basic coll. of many hundred diff. in 2 National albums , n.h. to unused or used, incl. 1847 Issue, imperf to 12c, perf 15½ to 90c, perf 12 to 30c, grills, 1869 Pictorials to 90c, few Re-is sues, Bank Note Issues, Columbians, comp!. unused , Bureau types, later comp!. or part sets, 1902-03 to $2, Washington-Franklin incl. coils, pairs , bicolors , 1922-25 comp!. perf 10, Kansas-Nebraska, Souvenir sheets, Presidentials , better Airs, "RF" types incl. stationery, strong back-of-book with Special Delivery , Postage Due with high degree of completeness, Offices in China , Newspaper, Parcel Post compl., etc ., also proofs , blks and dupl. almost throughout , mixed condition as would be expected, some misplaced or doubtful , a goodly number fine to very fine or very fine appearance. A super basic collection with many very scarce issues .........................Est. Cash Value $20,000+

19th and 20th Century Balance of a property in carton, n.h. to o.g. or used , incl. coll. in National album with scattered early issues , grills, 1869 Pictorials , Bank Notes, Columbians and Trans-Miss. to 50c , Washington-Franklin incl. coils, some doubtful, Airs, back-of-book , stockbook with 2c reds through modern mint , etc., mixed condition ..........................................Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 4 13 * O181The Hayden Keech Remainder in 2 boxes and 3 two-drawer metal files, incl. n.h. face in part sheets or blks , misc. U.N. , 19th and 20th cent. covers and stationery, stampless, loose and mounted stamps, etc., mixed condition ...................................................Est. Cash Value $500-1,000 4 14 181 Accum. of a few hundred covers in box, incl. stampless, stationery, Bank Notes, Advertising and comer cards, picture post cards incl. Louisiana le Exposition duplex, FREE, flight covers incl. First and Second Airs, #Cl 8, patriotics and Confederate States, etc., mixed condition .....Est. Cash Value $400-6 00 412 * O

Coll. of a few hundred in National album , n.h. to unused, early used, generally common issues, some slightly better, with Bank Notes, Presidentials and Liberty to $5, few coils, Confederate States , Danish West Indies, etc., mixed condition ....................Est. Cash Value $350-4 50 incl. Sc sheet of LOO 416 * O Small coll. in 1942 album, mostly used, incl. 1869 Pictorials to 15c, a few earlier, Bank Notes to 90c, Columbians to 30c and other Commems, Washington-Franklin, few Airs and back-of-book, mixed condition .......................................................................................................... Est. Cash Value $200--400 4 17 * OliilSma ll balance of a propert y, compr. 1869 30c, Columbian 30c, Trans-Miss. 50c, all used , Columbian 50c unused, Harding 1½ c (#576) arrow blk of 16, n.h. to o.g., Century of Progress 50c o.g. (hinge remnants ), mixed condition ..............................................................Est. Cash Value $200 415 * O

418 * O181Balance of a propert y in box, many hundred mostly used, plus covers, incl. FDCs and first flights, etc., mixed condition ........................................................................................Est. Cash Value $ 100- 150 4 19 0181 Balance of a property in 2 cartons, mostly used, incl. coils. and accums., mint stationery, foreign stamps and covers, etc., mixed condition to very fine .............................................Est. Cash Value$ I 00 420 * O liil 1845 to 1999, coll. and small balance of a few thousand in 6 Scott Platinum albums in carton, n.h. to unu sed or used, from N.Y. Sc to recent issues with man y better items between, incl. imperfs , perf 15½, perf 12, grills, 1869 Pictorials , man y Bank Notes, Columbians to $1, later Regular Issues and Commems, few proofs or ovptd. SAMPLE, dupl. , WashingtonFranklin incl. coils, some doubtful , Souvenir and comp!. sheets , incl. recalled Legends of the West , Airs, also misc. in box incl. 1938 Presidential s precancel s with blks and part sheets , mixed condition to much fine to very fine .......................Est. Cash Value $5,000-6,000

421 * O

To 1990s, coll. of several thousand in 5 Specialty album s in carton, n.h. to unused or used , wide ranging incl. #1 (damaged ) and early imperf s, perf 15½, grills, Columbians to $2, man y Washington-Franklin , Commem sets, Souvenir sheet s, modern issues incl. a few sheets , booklet s and pane s, Airs, back-of-book , incl. Officials , Hunting Permit and other revenue s, Confederate States, Poss., dupl. , etc., mixed condition to fine to very fine .................................................................................................................. Est. Cash Value $2,500+

422 * O

1847 to 1944, coll. of man y hundred on hingele ss album pages in box, used, some later issues n.h. to o.g., wide ranging early issues with dupl., incl. imperf , perf 15½ and 12, grills , 1869 Pictorials to 30c, man y Bank Notes to 90c, Bureau , Columbians and Trans-Miss. to $2, 20th cent. with Washington-Franklin and Commems, Pre sidential s, Airs , back-of-book , Souvenir sheets, etc ., mixed condition ..........................................Est. Cash Value $2,000-3,000





424 0

Primarily 20th Centur y to 1970s , coll. of a few hundred diff. in All American album, n.h. to o.g., some early used, incl. Washington-Franklin , Presidentia ls and Liberty series compl., Airs, Commems, Souvenir sheets, booklet panes and small U. . coll., mixed condition to very fine ...................................................................................... ................................... Est. Cash Value $250-30 0 Accum. of man y thou sand neatly arranged in glassines in box and carton, used , ge nera lly Commems , also U .N. and some covers, back-of-book, etc ., genera lly quite clean .........................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $ 100-125 20th Century


*II!IAccum. of man y hundred


**II!IColl. and accum. of several thousand


**II!IAccum . of several hundred

in glassine s, etc., in box, much n.h. , balance l.h. or o.g., mostly Commem. Pl. blks, incl. 2c reds , ational Park s, Harding , Army and Navy, Washington Bicentennial, Famous Americans, Souvenir sheet s and blks , 1935 Specia l Ptg. with matched arrow , cross gutter and center line blk s, Pl. blks, Airs incl. Transpacific, Transport , winged Globe , etc., generally fine to very fine ...................Est. Cash Value $1,500

in 2 cartons , apparently n.h. , many neatl y mounted in ring-binder s, incl. Pl. blks of 20, blks of 4, ZIP , etc., Airs, coils, Overrun Countries and 2c reds , PO Year booklets to 1999, etc., var ious denomination s to $1, some premium , used not figured , generally fine to very fine. Face $1590+ ........................................................................ ..

mostly compl. sheets in box, n.h., mostly 3c to 18c Commems, large quantities of 3c, Sc, 10c, 13c, some premium incl. a fair number of Historic Flag Serie s, generally fine to very fine. Face over $1575 .................................................................... ..

**II!I Accum. of several thou sand in box , n.h. , incl. part sheets, man y Pl. blk s of 20, etc., various denominations to 33c with man y 6c, Sc, 10c, generally very fine. Face $1080+ ................................ . 429 **II!I Accum. of a few thousand in box, n.h., mostly comp!. sheets in various denomination s to 33c, incl. 6c, Sc, 10c, 32c, etc., very fine. Face $900+ .................................................................................. .. 430 *II!IAccum. of several thou sand in gla ssines, sheet fil es, etc. , in carton, vast majorit y n.h. ,


mostly Commems incl. Pl. blks , part and compl. sheets, some Airs, also premium mixed in, incl. Army and avy and Overrun Countries part sheets, Bicentennial Souvenir sheets (13 sets), Historic Flags sheets, etc., some modern disturbed o.g., plus about $100 face stuck not figured ................................................................................................. .......................Est. Cash Value $500-600

43 1

*II!IAccum . of many hundred

in glassines , stock sheets and loose in box, vast majorit y n.h., incl. Pl. blks , booklet panes , sheets incl. Overrun Countries , some slight premium and a few 19th cent. , Airs, etc., generall y fine to very fine. Face over $450 not incl. premium ........................ . 432 Accum. of a few thousand in box, n.h. , mostly part sheets with Pl. No., majority are Commems to 29c, many I 0c, 13c, 15c, 20c, etc., generally very fine. Face over $580 ................................................. .. 433 ** Accum. of about 85 comp!. sheets in sheet files in box , n.h., most ly Commems to 32c, plus PACIFICA and Trans-Miss., majority 8c, I 0c, 13c, 15c, etc., generally very fine. Face about $375 ....... 434 * EEf81ERRORS : 1940 to 1980, small selection on pages , n.h. to o.g., few covers , incl. National Defense imperf between and later mis-perforated or imperf waste, incl. 1968 Christmas MAIL EARLY blk of 4, bottom stamps inscribed "CHRISTMA/(R)ISTMAS , Sc. type "A 155" le bisect , right half used as ½ c on le entire, Lincoln 4c and Roosevelt 6c imperf coil pairs used on separate covers, generally fine to very fine ............................................................................Est. Cash Value $300-500




PANES: 1903 to 1938, selection of over 45 booklet pane s of six on pages, n.h. to o.g., incl. 1903 perf types I and II plus shades, various Washington-Franklin types with better items , perf 11 3c types I and II, 1932 Washington, also 1938 Presidential 3c double paper blks, etc., fair number of position panes, some faults though generally fine to very fine .......................................... ........................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,500+

**IIilBOOKLETS AND COILS: Accum. in glassines and loose in box, n.h. , mostly modem issues, incl. booklet panes, many Airs, various slogans, etc., generally very fine Face $305+ .................................. .. 437 **II!I SOUVENIR SHEETS : Selection compr. comp!. sets of 1976 Bicentennial (7), 1986 AMER IPEX


(23), 1992 Columbu s (46), n.h. , generally very fine. Sc.1 ,738 ................. (1686-89,2216-19,2624-29)



438 * O



BACK OF THE BOOK: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of several hundred diff. in Scott Platinum album , n.h. to unused or used, incl. Special Delivery, Postage Due, Offices in China (co mpl. ), Officials , ewspaper, Parcel Post, Locals , Confederate States and Hawaii , a few dupl. and man y better items throughout , excellent range of Postage Due, Officia ls and CSA, few reprints and reference , mixed condition as would be expected. Worth careful inspec tion ................... .......... ............. .......................Est. Cash Value $3,000--4,000

HUNTING PERMIT: 1935 to 1999, $1 to $5, coll. of about 65 mostly diff. on hingeless album pages, vast majority n.h., balance very l.h. or o.g., incl. RW2 and 4 (2 each), with about 15 Pl. No. copies, few small faults, generally fine to very fine ...........Est. Cash Value $1,200+

440 * Ot81U.S. AND CANADA : 19th and 20th Century, accum. of many hundred stationery and covers in 2 cartons, stationery mostly mint, U.S. incl. Officials and stampless , covers incl. Newfoundland and misc. British and foreign, also thousa nds of stamps from many countries incl. U.S., mixed condition to very fine ............. ................................................... ...... ................................................. (Est. Cash Va lue $200-300) 441 ** IBIUNITED NATIONS: From 1951, accum. of a few thousand in glassines, etc., and loose in box, n.h., incl. comp!. sheets, Inscripti on blks. Souven ir sheets inc l. 2 Tenth Ann iversary, small portion stuck or gum disturbed not figured, genera lly very fine .......................................... Est. Cash Va lue $ 150 442 * lfll

Coll. and accum. of many hundred in sheet file, ring-binders, etc., in box, n.h. to o.g ., incl. comp!. sheets with dupl. , small co ll., FDC s, etc. , mixed co ndition incl. gum disturb ed. Face about $250 .......... . E D OFSESSIO






GENERAL FOREIGN AUCTION Accompanying this United States Catalogue should be a General Foreign, Asia and Latin America auction catalogue , including: The Dr. Hayden G. Keech Collections of Asia and Latin America. If you do not have it, please contact Harmers or your catalogue source right away. Or, if time is of the essence, see our web site: Thank yo u and good hunting





COMING AUCTIONS Harmers September/October and December Auctions to include further portions of the Dr. Hayden G. Keech World-wide Collection in 1,465 albums. Areas still to come include: Western Europe, particularly France and Colonies, Portugal and Colonies and the German Area Eastern Europe, especially Russia, Offices, Locals, Districts and Provinces British Commonwealth and the Middle East If you wish to consign in these fabulous auctions , Contact Mr. Keith A. Harmer or Mr. Jack LaCalamito as soon as possible. Attractive rates for properties realizing over $25,000

H.R. HARMER INC. 3 EAST 28TH STREET NEW YORI(, NY 10016 Seller's number (800) 223-6076








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. -:-............. ..............



PRICE $1.00 (or by subscription)

3 EAST 28th STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10016



TOTAL The Dr. Hayden G. Keech Collection



Lo t #138 $ I 5,525 .00

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

125 190 170 280 260 190 3250 425 2200 4000 260 300 1100 10000 400 300 500 950 900 12000 260 240 350 7500 4250 650 500 325 5000

BOO 4250 6500 850 475 2500 250 200 325 450

42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 70 71 72 73 74 76 77 78 79 81 82 83 84

350 325 350 475 1000 2200 3250 37500 8500 1500 400 325 260 350 30000 600 1500

400 75 425 300 325 650 400 425 650 1150

BOO 400 1050 2000 7500 325 425 1400 160 280 300 240

85 87 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 126 127 128

280 230 750 500 575 475 290 4750 650 700 1800 1400 2200 950 11000 4000 300 325 500 800 425 350 350 300 260 240 375 525 300 350 4500 400 400 2000 900 350 2100 400 260

129 130 131 132 133 134 135 137 138 139 140 141 142 144 145 146 147 149 150 152 153 155 156 159 161 162 164 165 167 168 169 170 171 173 177 178 179 180 181

675 425 375 4000 2100 475 400 6000 13500 2800 850 375 375 650 300 2900 475 1600 240 1450 11000 900 180 300 240 3250 375 300 1000 3500 290 290 1000 575 3750 19000 1500 2200 8000

182 183 184 185 186 189 190 192 193 194 195 196 197 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 220 221 222 223 224 225 226

BOO 525 625

BOO 8500 260 350 475 1450 2000 325 1300 10500 500 500 550 850 1050 2900 1600

BOO 220 280 6000 1100 14000 3500 1900 350 950 3750 8500 3250 750 230 425 450 375 500

227 228 229 230 231 232 234 235 236 237 239 241 242 243 244 245 246 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 258 260 261 262 266 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277

375 900 600 375 500 800 325 260 280 950 550 475 260 375 260 500 525 1050 2700 375 450 425 300 300 350 250 230 300 550 800 425 700 350 7000

BOO 260 800 600 525

278 280 281 283 284 285 286 288 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 307 308 309 310 312 314 317 319 320 321 322 323 324 326 327

3250 625 280 270 375 400

BOO 1350 400 700 2900 4250 650 1700 1050 800 300

w/d 270 37500 8000 220 12000 350 950 260 625 375 220 625 270 220 900 400 23000 190 290 1600 1250

328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341

950 425 9500 210 w/d 675 475 300 240 1300 475 350 220 8500

342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 354 355 356

1350 450 300 950 140 170 260 500 500 120 400 45 105 260

357 358 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 368 369 370 371 372

180 200 220 350 230 150 675 550 170 220 750 150 270 425

373 375 376 378 379 381 382 384 385 386 387 388 389 390

250 280 300 625 375 220 750 290 200 8000 1250 170 1350 1250

392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405

2100 1400 2000 4000 400 270 400 350 1800 4250 2500 575 400 425

406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419

240 375 2600 800 650 28000 1800 750 1300 550 425 170 180 160

420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433

7500 4500 3500 200 95 1350 1700 1600 900 900 800 475 500 400

SEASON'S TOTAL TO DATE: $2,4 15,955 (including 15% on the hammer price payable by the buyer)



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