Sale 2933 - General Foreign, Asia, and Latin America Stamps and Covers

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General Foreign Asia and Latin Arrierica


July 19, 2001




Never hinged






On cover


On piece




Block of four


Block larger than four

PP Plate Proof

DP Die Proof



9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Until July 2

July 6 -

for Independence Day


9:30 a.m. to 5 :00 ~ July 2 thru Aug . 2

TC Trial Color



= Straight

Edge ; s.l. = Straight-line; c.d.s. = Circular Date Stamp. c.t.o. = Cancelled to Order; F.D.C. = First Day Cover

PLEASE NOTE - CREDIT CARDS We regret we are unable to accept credit cards for payment of purchases . For


The various gradings of stamps are, in order : superb ; extremely fine ; very fine ; fine ; fair. A lot described as ¡'fair" is so listed either by reason of general appearance or more often because of a small fault or faults, such as a crease , thin spot, short or missing pert, perforated into, cut into, etc. In the case of sets , large blocks, sheets , etc., the condition quoted represents

overseas buyers , we ask that payment be made by bank draft , wire or checks in dollars made payable on a U.S. bank . Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

the average and quality above and below this standard can be expected . Mixed Condit ion : In large lots, the condition is generally expected to range from fair to at best fine. Serious defects can be expected . Handstamp on reverse: Denotes either a dealer , collector or indecipherable expertiser 's mark.

Signed by : Denotes either the actual signature or mark of the expertise, . The absence of mention ing a signature does not reflect on the ability or knowledge of the party involved.






Shaded portion can represent an actual hinge or the area disturbed by a hinge. Never hinged - unused with original gum in Post Office state and unmounted n.h. Lightly hinged - unused with full original gum showing some evidence of a l.h. previous hinge which may be present in part or entirely removed . Original gum - unused with original gum somewhat disturbed by previous e.g. hinging which may still be present. Part original gum - unused with original gum , large hinge remnants may or part e.g. may not be present. disturbed e.g. Disturbed original gum - unused with original gum , affected by sweating , glazing or mount disturbance ; may not resemble the original gum. Unused without gum (unless gum is mentioned) unused Unused without gum, as issued. ungummed BLOCKS OR SHEETS AND THEIR GUM : Minor separations are the rule, rather than the exception, in the case of blocksor sheets of any size. A few separations- around four perts per row--do not affect the value of a block or sheet and are not grounds for the return of a lot. Blocks of four that have two stamps e.g. and two stam ps n.h. are described "n.h. (2)/o.g. (2)".

BIDDING LEVELS Up to$ 150 $ 5 $150- $ 300 $10 $300- $ 700 $ 25 $700- $1 ,500 $ 50 Over $ 1,500 approximately 5% Bids which do not conform to the above will be automatically reduced to the correctlevel. BIDS BY TELEPHONE Please comply with the following : (a) Not more than 20 bids can be accepted and must be confirmed in writing . (b) Any errors are the responsib ility of the bidder. (c) No bids accepted later than 1/2 hour before sale. BIDS BY FAX

You may Fax or e-mail bids up to 1 hour before sale commences-

be sure to use

(212) 447-5625 or hrharmer@erol


1. Lots of not more than 1O items. 2. To U.S. clients only. 3. Viewer I!llLSl pay postage and insurance both ways and return lots within 24 hoursof receipt. 4. Viewer assumes all responsibility, including proper insurance. for any loss,

whether in his possession or in any and all forms of transit when returning Postal Viewing. 5. References required from bidders unknown to us.

PAIRS : All pairs are horizontal , unless otherwise mentioned. CATALOGUE NUMBERS: The catalogue numbers of the contents of the lots are given in parentheses immediately following the descri ptions , but in bulky lots only the range of issue is shown. CATALOGUE VALUES : The final column shows the catalogue value of the lot. This is shown in parentheses where , in the opinion of the auctioneers , the market value exceeds this figure . ESTIMATED VALUES: If an estimated cash value is given, it is shown in the description and always indicated by the abbreviations "Est. Cash Val.". It is used where the lot is large or where the actual value has little relation to the catalogue price . It represents the auctioneer's appraisal of the true MARKET value of a lot and the figure is invariably close to the actua l realization . It is useless for mail bidders to list any bids that are only a low proportion of such estimates . CATALOGUES USED IN LISTING : U.S. Specialized Scott Vols. 1-4 Scott Vols. 4-5 Stanley Gibbons British Commonwealth Michel Germany Michel Europe

2000 2001 2000 2000 1999 1999/2000


Valuations of all lots are available in receipt of stamped , self-add ressed envelope . GUM DESCRIPTION

Recognizing that there are occasional differences of opinion concerning gum nomenclature by various expert committees, for example, a stamp described as

e.g. being certified as large part e.g. or even part e.g ., this minor classification discrepancy alone is not sufficient grounds for return. COVER CONDITION

Minor faults including, but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps, small tears and some back flap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue . IMPORTANT

Remember, NO lots may be returned with back stamps stating Fake, Falsch, or similar markings. Recently there has been a spate of German expertisers marking the backs of stamps. It is your responsib ility as the purchaser not to let this happen . IN THE MAILING ENVELOPE

Others as noted in the descriptions

Printed with Pantone 877

You will find the bid form and prices realized for the April 25-26 United Stales , British Commonwealth , BNA Stamps & Foreign and the April 26 BNA Postal History.

SALE 2933

GENERAL FOREIGN ASIA AND LATIN AMERICA The Dr. Hayden G. I(eech Asia and Latin America The Estate of Louis Levitt) a property from Boys Town and the properties of 16 other vendors.

Thursday, July 19, 2001 Afternoon Session at 1:30 P.M.


EXHIBITION OF LOTS Jul y 16,17 from 9 :30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. or by Appointment EXHIBITION ROOM CLOSED 1:00 p.m . to 1:45 p.m. EACH DAY ON SALE DAY LOTS WILL BE AVAILABLE UNTIL 12 NOON

To be sold at Auction by

H.R.HARMER INC. 3 EAST 28TH STREET, 7TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY 10016 Telephone: (212 ) 532-3700 Fax: (212 ) 447-5625 E-mail: Website: Keith A. Harmer , Jack LaCalamito -

Licensed Auctioneers , License #'s 672829 , 78 0870

On all lots sold a commission ofl5% on the hammer price will be payable by the buyer.

Cati. Val.

THURSDAY, JULY 19, 2001 Afternoon Session at 1:30 P.M.

ASIA 443 * llll AFGHANISTAN: POSTAL TAX; 1949 United Nations Emblem 125p dark blue green, IMPERFORA TE SHEET OF SIX, o.g., small selvage faults, fine ...............................................................(Photo) (RAS var.)


Purportedly less than five imperforate sheets exist.

444 * Ollll 1871 to 1982, coll. of several thou sa nd on annotated pages in 10 Specialty albums in 2 cartons, n.h. to unused or used , vol. one devoted exclusively to 1871 to 1913 issues, a few identified by position, incl. blk of 9, other multiples, dated 1295 combination sheet of 40, wide range incl. retouch, tete-beche, imperf between, S.G. vars. and unlisted, wide range of cancels, some identified, about 45 covers, many modern imperf pairs and blks of 4, few covers, Parcel Post , Postal Tax, Registration, Revenues, etc., mixed condition to fine to very fine .........................................................................Est. Cash Value $5,000+




447 0


LARGE DRAGON ISSUE: 1865-66, selection of over 70 on annotated pages , unu sed, good variety of types and papers, shades, reference , fault y or mixed condition, some fine to very fine ............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $2,000-3,000 1896 ARMS: Error 2c scarlet & black, BLACK INSCRIPTION INVERTED, o.g., very fine. S.G. 187a, £500 ................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (170a) WEI HAI WEI: 1898 Handstamped 2c and Sc black on scarlet, good margins all round, creasing , very fine appearance ..........................................................................................................................................(Photo) (SGl,2)

448 * Ollll 19th Century , coll. of several thousand on annotated pages in 2 Specialty albums, n.h. to unused or used, compr. Shanghai, from 1896 small dragon types , Amoy, Chefoo, Chinkiang. Chungking , Foochow, Hankow , lchang, Kewkiang, Nanking, Wei Hai Wei, Wuhu , incl. large blks, part panes, etc., bisects , shades, cancels, surch. vars., without dot, diff. stones, wide ''f', blue surch., lchang 2c on 3m violet surch., imperfs, excellent showing of Postage Due, etc., faults as would be expected but much fine to very fine. Marvelous collection of these fascinating issues ................... Est. Cash Value $5,000-7,500 449




POSTAL STATIONERY: 19th Century, selection of 15 items on pages, compr. Shanghai, Chefoo, Chinkiang, Foochow, Kewkiang, with mint envelopes and postal cards, incl. Chinkiang le blue card triple impression, Chefoo and Foochow ½c wrappers, Shanghai le reddish brown local printed postal card (Shanghai Choral Society's practice announcement) blue 1894 pmk , few cut squares, mixed condition to very fine ...................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500+


Coll. of over 90 on annotated pages, l.h. to unused or used, various shades and cancels, 1883 3c (SE) without bar in "H" in "CHINA", clean cut and rough perfs, etc., mixed condition to fine to very fine ...................................................................................................(1-5,7-15, etc.) Est. Cash Value $2,000-3 ,000

1888 PERFORATED ll½-12: Sc greenish yellow, block of four, very l.h. if at all, incl. one stamp two toned perfs, well centered, fine to very fine .........................................................................................................(Photo) (15)

400 .00

452 Ollll 1894 LITHOGRAPHED: le orange red , top left corner , VERTICAL GUTTER BLOCK OF THIRTY-TWO, cancelled by neat strikes of blue CUSTOMS SHANGHAI FEB 12 1895 pmks, minor selvage toning, fine to very fine .....................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (16)


451 * ffi


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Cat!. Val. 453 Q[!j] 454


Sc dull orange, SHEET MARGIN BLOCK OF SIX, gutter at right , neat blue native cancels , very fine ....................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (20) 9c dark green, TETE-BECHE PAffi, I.h., one stamp light creases and spot on front, well centered, fine. S.G. £600 ..................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (22i)

480.00+ 1,000.00

455 * OEBColl. of over 140 on annotated pages, 1.h. to unused or used, many shades and cancels, incl. blue CUSTOMS SHANGHAI and native chops, Kowloon c.d.s. , retouched "3", blks of 4 incl. 24c used, 6c margin blk with gutter at bottom, etc. , some faults though generally fine to very fine ................................................................................................................(16-24, etc.) Est. Cash Value $1,500+





le to 24c compl. set, extra 3c, 9c sheet margin copy, l.h. to o.g., mixed centering to very fine and quite fresh

....................................................................................................................................(Cover Photo) (16n-24n) 11,075.00 1897 MOLLENDORF: The complete set of nine, l.h., brilliant fresh, fine to very fine.....(Photo) (16n-24n vars.)



SMALL DRAGON SURCHARGED: Sc on Sc greenish yellow, COMPLETE VERTICAL GUTTER SHEET OF FORTY, cancelled by neat strikes of brown CUSTOMS SHANGHAI MAY 211897 double circle, no bottom selvage, few minor tone spots, one stamp tin y thin , very fine ......................(Photo ) (27) 1,900.00+






460 * [!j] 461 * IE!l 462 * Ell 463 OE!l

1894 ISSUE SURCHARGED 2c on 2c green, fine, caned. by neat strike of PaKua pmk on envelope (corner fault) bearing red CUSTOMS KIUKIANG APR 21 97 c.d.s., brown CUSTOMS SHANGHAI receiver on reverse ...............................................................................................................................(Photo) (30) Est. Cash Value $500 10c on 6c reddish brown , " 1" OF "10" MISSING SERIF , Pos. 9 in sheet margin block of twenty with normals, gutter at left, n.h., few l.h., some faults mostly bottom row, generally fine to very fine .........................(Photo ) (34) 10c on 6c brown , GUTTER BLOCK OF EIGHT , very l.h. if at all, fine to very fine ..........................(Photo) (34) 10c on 9c dark green , BLOCK OF FOUR, n.h.(2)/1.h.(2), few inclusions , very fine ..........................(Photo) (35) 10c on 12c orange , BLOCK OF FOUR , neat brown CUSTOMS SHANGHAI c.d.s. cancels, very fine ....................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (36) 4

800.00+ 320.00+ 840.00+ 400.00+

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Cati. Val.







10c on 12c, VERTICAL PAIR , IMPERF. HORIZ ., l.h. , bottom stamp small corner crease, fine. S.G. £1200 .....................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (36a)

10c on 12c, VE RTIC AL STRIP OF THREE, IMPERF. HORIZ. , o.g. a touch brownish , very fine. As pair Sc. $1500, S.G. £1200 ..................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (36a var.)

466 * EE 30c on 24c carmine , BLOCK OF FOUR, gutter margins at left, very l.h. if at all, very fine ............(Photo) (37)


unl. 900.00+



1894 ISSUE SURCHARGED: ½co n 3c orange, brown customs cancel, fine ...................................(Photo ) (38) ½ con 3c olive yellow, brown PaKua cancel, fine. Rare shade unlisted in Ma ........................ ..... (Photo) (38 var .) ½ con 3c chrome yellow, VERTICAL CORNER STRIP OF THREE IMPERF. HORIZ. , gutter margin at right , o.g., very fine. Sc. $1100 as pair ..................................................................................................(Photo) (47c)


BLOCKS OF FOUR 470 471 472 473

* EE * EE * EE * EE

Sc on 6c red brown , l.h., very fine ...........................................................................................................(Photo ) (52) Sc on 6c, lighter shade , very l.h. if at all, very fine ................................................................................(Photo ) (52) 10c on 9c emerald, l.h., fresh, fine ..........................................................................................................(Photo ) (53a) 10c on 12c yellowish orange, 1.h., fine to very fine ..................................................................................(Photo ) (54)

800.00+ 800.00+ 320.00+ 560.00+

NUMERALS 1½ mm BELOW CHINESE CHARACTERS 1894 ISSUE SURCHARGED BLOCK OF FOUR 474 * EE ½co n 3c orange yellow, o.g., light gum toning barel y showing on front , very light crease affecting left sta mps , fine .....................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (56) 2,400.00+ 475 OEE ½c on 3c, lighter shade , neat strike of bi-lingual SHANGHAI c.d .. cancel, fine. Signed H. Bloch......(Photo ) 476 * EE 4c on 4c rose pink, sheet margin blk , n.h.(2)/1.h.(2), fine to very fine ...................................................(Photo ) 477 * EE Same, sheet margin blk, stamps n.h. , light pencil marks on reverse, fine ..............................................(Photo) 478 * EE 10c on 9c dark green, o.g., negligible gum toning, well centered, fine ...................................................(Photo) 6

(56) (59)

700.00+ 640.00+






CatJ. Val. 1897 ISSUE SURCHARGED 479 * llil 2c on 2c olive green, MISPLACED VERTICAL PERFS, SHEET MARGIN BLOCK OF EIGHT, n.h. to o.g., light pre-printing creases , fine ........................................................................................................(Photo) (67) 480 * llil 2c on 3c, MISPLACED VERTICAL PERFS , SHEET MARGIN BLOCK OF EIGHT, n.h. to o.g., fine ....................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (67) 48 l

2c on 2c, faulty, tied by CUSTOMS HANKOW MAY 15 1897 pmk on envelope (file fold, small part backflap missing), brown CUSTOMS SHANGHAI receiver on reverse . .....................(Cover Photo) (67)


Possibly the earliest known usage of this stamp

2c on 2c olive green, SPLIT SURCHARGE, brown SHANGHAI c.d.s. cancel, fine ................................................................................................................(Photo) (67 var.) Est. Cash Value $250-350 483 *EE10c on 9c yellowish green , BLOCK OF FOUR , l.h., bottom right stamp faulty , others very fine ...(Photo) (70) 10c on 9c, INVERTED SURCHARGE, unused (regummed), fine appearance ...................................(Photo) (70a) 484

482 0


340.00+ 1,000.00

485 * Orn! ½ con 3c to 30c on 24c, coll. of many hundred on annotated pages in Specialty album , n.h. to unused or used, incl. many shades and cancels, with PaKua and large double circle or double oval CUSTOMS in various colors , gutter part pane or blks of 4 or larger , various plate mkgs, surch. "cent" vars. incl. "½" over ''n", "e" incl. olive yellow, "1" over "e", "2" and "4" over "en", space between "e n", 4mm spacing, incorrect "4" of surcharge, etc., some faults as would be expected, but overall fine to very fine ............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $6,000-8,000



Type "a" le on 3c, central character with large ''box", top right stamp in blk of four with normals , o.g., gum skips, variety with tiny tone spot, fine to very fine .................................................................(Photo) (78,b)





Surcharged Type "b" Error 2c on 3c, INVERTED SURCHARGE , o.g. (hinge remnant ), faults incl. small tear , very fine appearance .....................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (79a) Surcharged Type "g" $1 on 3c, unused , fine ..........................................................................................(Photo ) (84)

489 * O


6,750.00 1,400.00

Selection of 47 on annotated pages, o.g. to unused or used, compr. surcharges Scott types "a", "b", "c", "e", "g", incl. large "box", without period after "cents", inverted "s", $1 (SE), other vars. noted, incl. broken letter s or numbers, etc., cancels include PaKua and customs types , small faults to very fine ............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $3,000-4,000

INSCRIBED "CHINESE IMPERIAL POST" 1898 WATERMARKED YIN-YANG SYMBOL ½ c to $5 compl. set, overprinted SPECIMEN, unused, fine to very fine ...............................................................................................................(Photo ) (98-109S) Est Cash Value $150-250 le ochre , VERTICAL STRIP OF FOUR, IMPERF. BETWEEN , top tamp comer perf crease, fine to very fine ................................................................................................................(Photo) (99a var.) Est. Cash Value $150-200 30c dull rose, PAIR , IMPERF. BETWEEN , o.g. (hinge remnant), trace of toning, fine...................(Photo ) (105a) *EE$1 red & pale rose, BLOCK OF FOUR, o.g., gum wrinkling, fresh, fine to very fine. S.G. £400 ......(Photo ) (107) $5 deep green & salmon, IMPERF. PAIR , large margins all round, unused, printer 's waste, very fine . Signed Chun ................................................................................................................(109 var.) Est. Cash Value $ 150 1900-06 UNWATERMARKED: le ochre , SHEET MARGIN VERTICAL STRIP OF FIVE, IMPERF. BETWEEN STAMPS AND TOP STAMP AND SHEET MARGIN , unused , bottom stamp small faults, very fine. S.G. £400 .......................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (Ille ) 4c orange brown , VERTICAL PAIR, IMPERF. BETWEEN, gutter at left, o.g., fine. S.G. £224 ...(Photo ) (113b) 20c red brown, VERTICAL STRIP OF FIVE, IMPERF. BETWEEN , o.g. , light creasing , fine ..........................................................................................................(Photo) (117c var.) Est. Cash Value 3$300-400

490 S

* 492 * 493 494 * 491

495 496 497

* *




675.00 600.00+



Used to England; ½ c, le (two each), 2c, 5, fine, tied by red strikes of WEI HAI WEI 2 DEC 02 pmks on envelope bearing and also tied by SHANG-HAI CHINE 5 JAN 03 c.d.s., transits and New Romney receiver on rever se. Pretty cover ...................................................(Cover Photo ) Est. Cash Value $300-400 Sc violet , VERTICAL STRIP OF THREE, IMPERF. BETWEEN, unused (regummed), mall faults, fine ...........................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (127 var.) 8

380.00+ 275.00



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Cati. Val.


* 501 *

1912 10c ultramarine, DOUBLE OVERPRINT, bottom stam p and gutter in vertical gutter pair with normal, somewhat disturbed o.g. (hinge remnants) , fine ...........................(Photo ) (153a var .) Est. Cash Value $3oµoo


1913 LONDON PRINTING: $10 yellow green & black, o.g., very fine ............................................(Photo) (220)


1916 HUNG HSIEN: Unissued set of three, ovptd. SPECIMEN, 10c sheet margin copy, o.g., very fine.

502 S

Purportedl y only seven sets exist ........... ............................................... ............................. ........................... .....(Photo )


Junk le orange, IMPERF BLOCK OF FOUR AND STRIP OF FOUR, IMPERF. HORIZ. , l.h., small faults, fresh, fine. S.G. 3 I0a, £280+, 3 10c, unpr................................................(Photo) (249a,b) 504 *EB1938 UNWATERMARKED: Type I $1, $2, $5, BLOCKS OF FOUR l.h. or o.g., ver y fine. S.G. £600+ .............................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (344-46) 503

505 506





340.00+ 722.00+

1946-48 WITH SECRET MARK: $20 on Sc green, (#381), large part o.g., very fine .................(Photo) (700A)


1946 WMKD. CHARACTER YU MULTIPLE: $20 on 3c deep yellow brown , unused, handstamp in reverse, fresh, fine ..................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (714)


1949 HANKOW PRINTS: Surcharged set of eleven, ungummed , fine to very fine ........(Photo) (937-47)




1950 FLYING GEESE: Comp!. set of five, ungumm ed, fine to very fine. S.G. £4000 .....................................................................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (1007-11)


* 1951 SILVER YUAN: Surcharged set of four, ungummed , very fine. S.G. £2330.........(Photo ) (1042-45) 1,280.00 510 ** 1952 TAX REDUCTION: Perf and Imperf sets comp!., latter right sheet margin copies, ungummed, very fine ...........................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (1046-51) 686.00 511 ** 1952 PRESIDENCY: Perf and imperf sets comp!., latter right sheet margin copies, ungummed, very fine ...........................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (1052-56) 478.00 509


* 5 14 *



1952 VALUE OMITTED: Surcharged set of three , ungummed , very fine. S.G. £2300 .....................................................................................................................................(Cover Photo) (1061-63) 1953 REDRAWN: Error $5 rose violet, PAIR, IMPERF. BETWEEN , ungummed , very fine ........................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (1069 var.)


1954 SILO BRIDGE: Souvenir folder with imperf sheet of four , ungummed , tiny margin corner crease, otherwise very fine .......................................................................................................................................... (1095a)



*EB1958 and





1962 MANSION: Both sets comp!., ordinary and granite papers, IMPRINT BLOCKS OF FOUR , ungummed , very fine. S.G. £834+ ...................................................................(Photo) (1196-99,96a,97a,1349-Sla)


1958 CONSTITUTION : Error $3.50 dark blue, PAIR , IMPERF. BETWEEN , ungummed, very fine ........................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (1217 var .)



DOUBLE CARP DESIGN: Granite Paper $5 to $100 comp!. set, BOTTOM LEFT CORNER BLOCKS OF FOUR, ungummed , very fine .................................................................................(Photo) (1441-47)

518 * IBlC8l 1950 to 1980s , coll. of several thousand on annotated pages in 9 Specialty albums, vast majority n.h. , balance l.h. to ungummed, mostly comp!. sets in singles and blks of 4 or larger, ~ouvenir sheets, imperf s and errors, ovptd. SPECIMEN, covers and cacheted FDCs, Semis, Airs , Postage Due , stationery with special event cancels , misc. used , generally fine to very fine ............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $5,000-6,000

COVER CONDITION Minor faults including, but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps, small tears and some backflap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue. 10



.. .................


Cati. Val.

SPECIAL DELIVERY 519 * 0181 1905 to 1916 , coll. of over 35 items on pages , unused or u se d , incl. Dragon facing upward s, black roulettes , unu sed comp!. , other s with B-C-D or C-D portion s attached , variety of singles, plus 1914 through after 1916 comp!. sta mp s, couple nati ve covers, etc., mixed condition to very fine ...................................... ........................ ..............................................................Est. Cash Value $2,000-2 ,500

520 * OII!lTAIWAN (Formosa ): 1945 to 1950, coll. of a few thousand on annotated page s in Specialty album, n.h. to ungummed , few used , incl. blk s of 4 or larg er , some sets in quantit y, better Postage Due and a few 19th cent. incl. reference, 1945 issue incl. var iou s pap ers, generally fin e to very fine ............................................................................................................................ Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200



KWANGTUNG: 1942 Sc olive gr een (on #353), l.h., ver y fine ........................................................(Photo) (1N26)


522 * EE MENG CHAING: 1942 UNWATERMARKED: Surcharged set of seve n, TOP IMPRINT BLOCKS OF FOUR, l.h., few bend s, $5 on $10 one tiny thin , generally ver y fine ......................................... (Photo ) (2N68-74)


523 * EE 1942 WMKD. CHARACTER YU: 15c on 30c scarlet , IMPRINT BLOCK OF FOUR, n.h. (2)/1.h.(2), very fine .......................................... .....................................................................................................................(Photo ) (2N75)



524 * OEE 1941 to 1945, coll. of several thou sand on annotated pages in 3 Specialty albums in carton, n.h. to o.g. or used, compr. all sub-division s, incl. blks and Imprint blk s of 4, minor varieties of all sorts , double transfer , diff. settings, broken box , referenc e, few cover s, scarcer items, etc., some faults but overall fine to very fine and quite extensive ......................... (betw. l Nl and 9NJ4) Est. Cash Value $4,000-5,000

PROVINCES MANCHURIA: Local Overprints; Circa 1945, coll. of over 1500 on annotated page s in Specialty album , n.h. to unused, few used and one native cover , compr. man y place name s and towns, wide variet y with dupl. , generally fine to ver y fine ..............................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-1,000 526 * EE NORTHEASTERN PROVINCES: 1947 $22, $65, $109 comp!. set, BLOCKS OF FOUR, ungummed , very fine .................................. ............................................................ ................................................................. (Photo ) (61-63)


560.00 ÂŁ585

Parcel Post; 1948 $500 to $20,000 comp!. set, ungummed , very fine .................................... (Photo ) (SG P78-83 ) 527 528 * EE YUNNAN: 1926 $5 red & slate, BLOCK OF FOUR , l.h., folded along horiz. perfs, fine to very fine. S.G. ÂŁ560+ ............................. ......................................................................... ..................... .........................................(Photo) (20)


529 * IIil SINKIANG: 1944 10c to $5 comp!., except $1 rose lake , pane s of 100 in sheet file, ungummed, folded once along middle perfs, some selvage faults, generally fine to very fine ..................................................... ( 162-67,69-73)

715 .00

530 * Ol!ll 1926 to 1949, coll. of man y hundred on annotated pages in Specialty album , n.h. to o.g., few used, compr. Northeastern province s, Szechwan, Fukien , Kwang si, Manchuria, Sinkiang, incl. comp!. sets and extras, blk s of 4 or larger , variou s Commems in blks of 4, Air s, ovptd. SPECIMEN, Postage Due , etc., some faults though overall fine to very fine ...........................................Est. Cash Value $3,500-4,000



532 * O

OFFICES IN TIBET: 1911 Surcharged set comp!. , o.g. (hinge remnan ts), faults but generall y fine or very fine appearance. Scarce ..................... ........................... ............................................. ........... ........ ........ (Photo ) (1-11) 19t~ and 20th Century, balance of a propert y, man y hundred on page s in ring-binders , stock cards , in envelopes, etc., in box , n.h to unused or used, generally random issues, incl. a few Dragons, back-of-book , Treaty Ports, Tibet, Manchukuo , etc., mixed condition .................................................................. Est. Cash Value $200-300

533 * O!Iil 1897 to 1912, coll. of many hundred on annotated pages in Specialty album, n.h. to unused or used , incl. comp!. or part sets, blks of 4 or larger , gutter multiple s incl. Imperial Post imperf one gutter side, vert. and horiz. pairs imperf between , plate and ovpt. vars. incl. reference , ovptd. SPECIMEN , shades and cancel s incl. Custom and PaKua , mixed condition incl. some staining, much fine to very fine .......................................... ................................................ (betw. 86 and 177)) Est. Cash Value $3,000-4,000



Cati. Val.


•;,,•4!>':J' .i ~AJ--* J<.


534 * OC8:I 1912 to 1949, coll. of several thousand on annotated pages in 5 Specialty albums in carton, n.h. to unused or used, incl. compl. sets with many dupl., shades, cancels, blks of 4 or larger, ovptd. SPEC™EN, imperf and perf vars., imperf between or between stamp and margin or gutter , excellent showing of Domestic Postage Paid and Provincial Surcharges, ovpt. and surch. vars. , better sets in blks, Souvenir sheets , Semis, Airs incl. Pl. or lmprint blks, back-of-book incl. Postage Due, Parcel Post, Military, few Taiwan revenues , reference and over 175 covers, mixed condition to very fine. A valuabl e collection worth careful inspection ................................................................... ................Est. Cash Value $7,500-10,000


Minor faults including, but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps, small tears and some backflap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue. 13

Cati. Val.


* 536 * 537 * 538 * 539 * 540 *

1950 SURCHARGED: Locomoti ve and Ship $800 on orang e, perf 14, ungummed , extremely fine ..................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (28b) 1950 HARVESTERS: Surcharged $20,000 on $10,000 red, ungummed , extremely fine. S.G. £400 ....................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (30) 1950 ORTHEASTERN PROVINCES: Surcharged $100 on $4 orange brown, type I, sheet margin copy ungummed, very fine. S.G. £650 ...........................................................................................................(Photo ) (40a) $400 on $20 olive, type I, ungumm ed, very fine. S.G. £800 ................................................................(Photo ) (43a) 1950 THIRD ISSUE: $100 to $2000 compl. set, ungummed , very fine. S.G. £333 .......................(Photo ) (65-71) 1950-51 FOURTH ISSUE: Lithographed $2000 olive, ungummed , extremely fine. S.G. £425 ........(Photo ) (92)


54 1


1951 COLORED NETWORK: Engraved set compl., incl. three sheet margin copies ,ungummed , very fine .......................................................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (95-100)

800.00 450.00 800.00 900.00 421.00 325.00


542 * II!! 1952 SPORTS: Compl. set of ten, TOP LEFT CORNER SE-TENANT BLOCKS OF 16, ungummed, few with light creasing or selvage faults, fine to very fine. S.G. £ 1000+ .............................................................. ( 141-50) 1,040.00+ 1953 U OFFICIAL RELEASE: $800 blue, $800 brown , neatl y caned ., very fine. As set of four Sc. $2000 543 0 ..................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (194,195 vars.) 1960-61 CHRYSANTHEMUMS: 4f to 52f compl. set, BLOCKS OF FOUR , n.h., few inclusion s or marks on 544 gum, fine to very fine ........................................................................................................................(Photo ) (542-59) 1,1512.00+




1962 STAGE ART: 4f to 50f compl. set, IMPERFORATE , incl. a few sheet margin copies, o.g., good to large margins , few inclusions, fine to very fine. S.G. £1800 ..................................(Photo ) (620-27 vars.)

Com pl. set, IMPERFORA TE , few creases, fine to very fine , tied by bilingual PEKING 1964.5.5. c.d.s. cancels on Regi s. envelope (small edge tear , creases ) to England. S.G. £1200 as used copies ..............................................................................................................(Photo) (620-27 vars.) Est. Cash Value $500 1963 CUBA REVOLUTIO ANNIVERSARY: Comp !. set of six, BOTTOM LEFT CORNER BLOCKS OF FOUR, n.h., few inclusions, negligible selvage creasing, fine to very fine .......................................(Photo) (655-60) 1,020.00+






16, SHEET MARGIN BLOCKS OF FOUR , n.h., few inclusions or **ffi1963 LANDSCAPES: Comp!. setfine.ofS.G. £1400+ .................................................................(Photo ) (716-31) natural offset on rever se, very

549 550


* **


1964 PEO IES: $2 Souvenir sheet of one, ungummed , light corner bend , very fine. S.G. £600 .....(Photo) (782) 1967 THOUGHTS OF MAO: Compl. set, incl. the two se -t enant strip s of fi ve, n.h. , very fin e ................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (938,943a,948a)


950.00 1,580.00


• •••


• •• • ••• •• '--,~ ---'-----=-= '-- -- ----e







= --'

(}Sl)l !M

Cati. Val.

EX561 EX562

** ** 553 ** 554 ** 555 ** 556 ** 557 ** 551 552

Same, n.h., very fine .............................................................................................................(Photo ) (938,943a,948a) 1,580.00 Same, n.h. , very fine .............................................................................................................(Photo) (938,943a,948a) 1,580.00 Same, strips with right sheet margin , n.h., very fine ........................................................(Photo ) (938,943a,948a) 1,580.00 Same, n.h. , very fine .............................................................................................................(Photo ) (938,943a,948a) 1,580.00 587.00 1967 MAO TSE-TUNG: Compl. set of eight, n.h. , very fine. S.G. £695 ......................................(Photo) (949-56) 587.00 Same, incl. sheet margin copies, n.h., very fine. S.G. £695 ............................................................(Photo) (949-56) Same, PAIRS , two vert., n.h. , very fine. S.G. £1390 ......................................................................(Photo) (949-56) 1,175.00 1967 ANNIVERSARY: Comp!. set of three, BLOCKS OF FOUR, n.h., #958 one stamp small faults, fine to very fine. S.G. £1480+ .......................................................................................................................(Photo ) (957-59) 1,920.00+ 1967 MAO TSE-TUNG: Engraved set compl., TOP LEFT CORNER BLOCKS OF FOUR, n.h. , very fine. S.G. £760+ ..........................................................................................................................................(Photo) (960-64) 950.00+ Compl. set, LEFT SHEET MARGIN BLOCKS OF FOUR , n.h., very fine. S.G. £760+ ...........(Photo) (960-64) 950.00+ 1967-68 POEMS: Compl. set of 14, n.h., natural offset on reverse, fine to very fine .................(Photo ) (967-80) 1,190.00

**ffi 559 **ffi 560 **ffi 558



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**fEComp!. set, CORNER BLO CKS OF FOUR, n.h., n at ural offset on re ver se, fine to very fine ...................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (967-80)




Compl. set of five, SE-TENA NT IMPRINT STRIP OF FIVE, n.h., folded along one vert. row of perfs , very fine .......................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (996a)






~-,-, ~..,,.._-_ _,. ' - . . . - -=·: ~--E..~ -·~~, -~

Cati. Val.

** 565 ** 566 **


SE-TENANT STRIP OF FIVE , n.h., folded along two rows of perfs , very fine ..................(Photo) (996a)


SE-TENANT STRIP OF FIVE, n.h. , folded along perfs, very fine .......................................(Photo) (996a)


SE-TENANT STRIP OF FIVE, n.h., folded along perfs , very fine .......................................(Photo) (996a)


567 ** EB1971 PARIS COMMUNE: Compl. set, CORNER BLOCKS OF FOUR, ungummed, very fine. S.G. £552 ...........................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (1054-57) 568 ** EB1973 PANDAS: Compl. set, SHEET MARGIN CORNER BLOCKS OF FOUR, n.h. , very line. S.G. £620 ...........................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (1108-13) 569 ** EB1980 NEW YEAR: Monkey Sf multicolored, SINGLE AND SHEET NUMBER CORNER BLOCK OF FOUR, n.h. , natural offset on reverse , very fine. S.G. £850 .............................................................(Photo ) (1586)


**ml MILITARY: RecJ Star; 1953 $800 yellow, orange & red , SHEET MARGIN BLOCK OF TEN, ungummed, very fine. S.G. £850 .................................................................................................................................(Photo) (Ml)

571 ** !BlSame, SHEET MARGIN BLOCK OF EIGHT , ungummed , one stamp corner crease, others very fine. S.G. £680 ..................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (Ml) 572 $800 multicolored & brown purple , SHEET MARGIN COPY, ungummed , very fine. S.G. M1594, £500 ..........................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (Ml var.)


800.00 720.00 875.00

850.00 680.00

573 ** EB1949 to 1985, the coll. balance of several thousand in 12 Specialty albums in 2 cartons , apparently n.h., plus used dupl. and cacheted FDCs, high degree of completeness with compl. sets (incl. mint dupl.), blks and corner blks of 4, reprints, Souvenir sheets (mostly modern ) incl. dupl., booklets, Semis, Airs, Postage Due, wonderful balance incl. many better items or sets, few imperfs , generally fine to very fine. Worth careful inspection ....................... ................................ .............. ........... Est. Cash Value $10,000-15 ,000



575 * O

1959 to 1990, coll. of many hundred diff. on stock sheets in box, all n.h. but a few, balance l.h. or ungummed , mostly comp!. sets incl. several better, generally fine to very fine ..........................(from 453) 5,800.00+

Balance of a property , many hundred on pages and stock sheets, in glassines, etc., in box, n.h. to ungummed or u ed, mostly random issues incl. regional issues, reprints, etc., small selection of 1950s sets, few Souvenir sheets, mixed condition to very fine ....................................................................................Est. Cash Value $150-250 18

. •

c=:;=, iz=_......_-""!mta"D$:: f 81 1





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.• ...• ..•


Cati. Val.


* 577 * 578 * 579 * 576

NORTHEAST CIIlNA: 1949 TRADE UNIONS: Compl. set of thr ee, sheet margin copies, ungummed, very fine ........................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (1L133-35) 1950 FLAG: Error $5000 deep green , YELLOW PRINTED ON BOTH SIDES , ungummed , very fine .....................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (1L159 var.) NORTH CHINA: 1946 DEFEAT OF JAPAN: Error $4 vermilion, IMPERF. TOP LEFT CORNER VERTICAL PAIR , ungummed , very fine. S.G. NC19a , £200+ .................................................(Photo) (3L3 var.) EAST CHINA: 1949 SURCHARGED: Error $3 on $20 violet brown , INVERTED SURCHARGE, ungummed, extremely fine .................................................................................................................(Photo ) (5L44c)

580 * O EECirca 1940s to early 1950s, coll. of several thousand on annotated pages in 3 Specialty albums in

carton, n.h. to unu sed or used , compr. Central and South , East, North, Northeast, Northwest, Southwest, Port Arthur and Dairen, incl. compl. and part sets, man y blks or corner blks of 4, few Souvenir sheets , imperf and perf vars., granite paper , shade s, uni ssued, ovpt. invtd., Parcel Post, etc., faults as would be expected to much fine to very fine ............................................Est. Cash Value $4,000+

58 1 * Ol!llINDONESIA: 1945 to 1980s, coll. of man y hundred diff. in 3 Specialty album s in carton, much n.h., incl.

Provisional issues, some on stamps of Japan, Republic 1945-49 , imperfs, blks of 4 or larger, covers and FDCs, many sets incl. comer blks, "RIAU", Sumatra, Dutch New Guinea, etc., some faults though generally fine to very fine ..............................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $400-600


750.00 uni. uni. 200.00

Cati. Val.


585 S

1923 IMPERFORATE: ½ s to 20s compl. set , ungumm ed, goo d to large margins, fi ne to very fine ..........................................................................................................................................................(Photo) ( 179-87 S) 1948-49 WMKD. CURVED WAVY LINES: S00y deep blue, l.h., very fine .................................(Photo ) (436S) 1950-52 UNWATERMARKED: S00y deep blue, 1.h., extremel y fine ..........................................(Photo ) (521BS) 20th Centur y, coll . of man y hundr ed overpr inted MIHON (Specimen ) on Specialt y pages and stock sheets in box , n .h. to unu sed , wide ranging incl. 1940 s issue s, Souvenir sheets , Semi s, Airs incl. with and without zeros, goodly number two of each , few blks, some faults though overall fine to very fine .........................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000



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ISSUED STAMPS 586 * IIil 1945-47 WMKD CURVED WAVY LINES: Imperf Error 30s bright blue, DOUBLE IMPRESSION , blk of four , ungummed , lar ge margins , very fine ...................................................................................(Photo ) (357 var. ) 587 ** EE1946-47 PERFORATED 13: S0y bistre brown , lO0y bro wn carmine , BLOCKS OF FOUR , n.h., very fine

...........................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (371,372) 588 ** EEAIR POST: 1929-34 PHILAT ELIC EXHIBITION: Souvenir sheet of four , n.h., negligible gum creasing, very fine ..........................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (C8) 589 * O



1871 to 1900 , coll. of over 300 on Specialt y pag es, o. g. to unu se d or u sed, incl. Dragon iss ue s, Chr ysanthemum and man y Kohan types sorted by perforation , varie ty of cancels incl. c.d.s., SHIP, used in Korea , etc ., #63 with Sumiten and ovptd. MIHON , Office s in China to 192 1 and Korea , Re ven ues, Telegraph , 3 covers, few reference , etc., mixed condition .........................................Est. Cash Value $500-1 ,000

590 * O

19th and 20th Centur y to 1970s, coll. of man y hundr ed diff. in Specialt y album , l.h. o.g. or used, some earl y issues throu gh Kohan types, many 20th cent. comp!. sets and Souvenir sheets, a few slightly better , Ceremonia l Cap used, Semis, Air s and Offices in China and Korea , some faul ts and a few reference , generall y fine to very fine .......................................................(Cover Photo) Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,200


591 * 01811901 to 1982 , coll . of man y thou sand in 9 Specialt y album s in 2 carton s, mostl y n .h. to o.g.,

some used, almost comp! countr y incl. Ceremonial Cap and other better items, dupl. , blks , booklets , Souvenir sheets and sheet lets incl. Mt. Fuji , ''Beaut y Looking Back", ' 'Moon and Geese" , etc., Semis an d bett er Airs , also covers with man y cacheted FDCs, mixed condition to much fine to very fine ........................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $5,000



Cati. Val.

KOREA 592 0 593

1900 SURCHARGED IN RED lch on Sp green, lightly caned. , very fine ........................................(Photo ) (158) MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS PRESENTATION BOOK: 1884 to 1905 reproductions, 55 diff. affixed to pages, fine to very fine .......................................................................................Est. Cash Value $100--150



* 1952 INAUGURATION: lO00wn dark green, very fine .............................................................(Photo) (182 var.) ** 1955 WMKD. CURVED WA VY LINES: 10h, lSh , S0h , plu s Unwmkd Laid Paper 20h, very fine ........................................................................................................................................(Photo) (209,10,12,12B var.) 596 ** 1955 ROTARY INTERNATIO AL: Set of three , very fine ...............................................(Photo ) (213-15 vars.) 597 ** 1955 NAVY AND 1956 MONUMENT: 20h violet blue , 20h dull green, very fine ..........(Photo ) (225,226 vars.) 598 ** 1956 THIRD INAUGURATION: Two diff., n.h. , few inclusions, very fine ......................(Photo) (227,228 vars.) 599 ** 1957 TREATY: Imperf Souvenir sheet of two, n.h. , very fine .........................................................(Photo) (264a) Compl. se t of three, imperf Souvenir sheet s of one, n.h. , very fine 600 ** 1957 CHRISTMAS: 594 595



602 * O

603 * O


..............................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (26Sa-67a)


1958 POSTAL WEEK: Winged Envelope 40h dark blue & red , imperf Souvenir sheet of one, n.h. , very fine .......................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (283a)


1885 to 1903, coll. of about 300 on Specialty pages, n.h. to unused or used , incl. shades and perf vars ., incl. #6b vert. st rip of S imperf horiz. , essays, ovptd. and surc harged types , hand stamped vars ., 1900 New Currency perf vars., 1901 Emblems, 1903 Falcon, reference, many mint and used dupl., mixed condition ............................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $3,000

20th Century, balance of a property , several hundred on stock sheets, album pages, in glassines, etc., in box, n.h. to unused or used, incl. Souvenir sheets and some comp!. sets, mixed condition to very fine .......Est. Cash Value $200--250

604 * OII!I 1946 to 1982, coll. of several thousand in 7 Specialty albums, vast majorit y n.h. , extensive showing with blks of 4 or larger , corner blks, covers (mostl y FD), minUused dupl. throughout, imperfs, perf vars. incl. double , imperf between or one side, surcharged "kiss" doubles, Souvenir sheets galore incl. ungummed sheets of one, Semis and Airs, some faults though overall fine to very fine ............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $4,000-5,000 605 * OllllNORTH KOREA: 1946 to 1982, coll. of a few thousand in 2 Specialty alb ums, n.h. to unused, some used, a fair number pre-1960 , incl. a few large blks and and stationery , later apparently compl. with pairs and blks of 4 of man y, also Souvenir sheets or sheetlets , some imperfs , mixed condition to mostly fine to very fine ............................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-750 606 * OII!I MANCHUKUO: 1932 to 1945, coll. of many hundred on annotated pages , n.h. to unused, some used , incl. comp!. sets with dupl. , blks of 4 or larger , booklet panes, few covers, better items , 1932 Gen. Su Ping-Wen ovpts . on ½ f and If, each tied on small piece , surcharged in brown , surch . reversed, inverted , severe ly shifted , perf and ptg. vars., Airs , etc., some faults though generally fine to very fine .............................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,500-2 ,000 607 * OII!I MONGOLIA: 1924 to 1931, coll. of many hundred on annotated pages in Specialty album, n.h. to o.g. or used , incl. imperf and/or perf through middle , blks of 4 and larger , perf vars. incl. First Issue perf 13½ and perf 10, 1926 Revenue ovptd. in violet, black , red, variety of shades and cancels, useful reference items, better items throughout, some hand stam ped on reverse or signed, some fault s as would be expected, generally fine to very fine ........................................................Est. Cash Value $1,500+ 608 181

1924 to 1931, selection of 15 covers on pages , incl. nati ve envelopes , multiple and mixed franki ngs with China postage and Postage Due, Regis., railroad, etc., bearing Scepter of Indra, Yin Yang and other symbols, handstamped and revenue surcharged, most to Kalgan, others to Shanghai , Harbin, Moscow, variety of markings, generally fine for these .............................................................................Est. Cash Value $2,500-3 ,000 609 * 831811932 to 1981, issues apparently compl. in S Specialty albums in carton, vast majority n.h., balance o.g. to a few used, most sets with additional comer blks of 4 and FDCs, incl. Semis, Airs and Souvenir sheets, generally fine to very fine ...............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $300-500 610 PHILIPPINES: 1952 FISHERIES: Error Sc orange brown, PAIR, IMPERF. BETWEEN, J.h., extremely fine. S.G. 744a, unpr. Purportedly only one sheet print ed ........................ .................................. ... (Photo ) (578 var.)


61 I * 831811946 to 1982, coll. of a couple thousand on annotated pages in 6 Specialty albums in carton, vast majority n.h., issues nearly comp!., incl. blks of 4 or larger and FDC for most sets, also additional singles, Souvenir sheets, imperfs , part perf, Semis, Airs, back-of-book with Offici als, incl. #O50a and b, genera lly very fine ..............................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $300--500 22






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Cati. Val.






1952 PROVISIONAL: Perf 13x13½ l00y on 2y rose violet, 1.h., very fine ..............................(Photo) (17)


1958 REGULAR ISSUE: Error 25c pale violet blue, PAIR, IMPERF. BETWEEN, ungummed, left stamp crease , fine ...............................................................................................................................................(Photo) (Slb)


S0c gray, IMPERF. BETWEEN MIDDLE AND RIGHT STAMP IN SHEET MARGIN STRIP OF THREE, ungummed, fine ......................................................................................................................................(Photo) (52b)


615 * IHI ½c to $1, selection of about 500 on pages, ungummed, incl. many blks of 4 or larger , variety of shades and perfs, ½c to S0c incl. 16 imperf between pairs or strips (imperf between two stamps only), some vert., few covers, generally generally fine to very fine ...........................................Est. Cash Value $1,500+

616 * Oliil 1948 to 1972, coll. of several thousand in 2 Specialty albums, n.h. to o.g. or used, complete issues but for a few, incl. blks and corner blks, some Imprint, many printing or surch. vars., cancels, Souvenir and comp!. sheets, 1964 Microwave invtd. " 1", Airs incl. blk s and strips, latter compr. the S diff. surch. types, cacheted FDCs, fine to very fine ...............................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 617 * IHI TIBET: 1912 to 1950, small coll. on pages, o.g. to unused, various ptgs. and incl. 5 sheetlets of 12, mixed condition ..............................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $300-400

SOUTHEAST ASIA 618 * 83P CAMBODIA: 1951 to 1976, issues very nearly complete on annotated pages in 3 Specialty albums in carton, n.h. or l.h., incl. Souvenir sheets, Semis, Airs, Postage Due, also significant portion incl. blks of 4, imperfs in issued colors from #1, many sheet margin or corner imperfs , Die proofs die sunk on card, some pencil signed, Epreuves de luxe incl. scarce earl y collective types, imperf sheetlets of 4, cacheted FDCs , generally very fine. A spl endid array worth careful inspection ...........Est. Cash Value $2,500-3,000

619 * 83

LAOS: 1951 to 1982, coll. of many hundred on annotated pages in 4 Specialty albums in carton, vast majority n.h., issues nearly comp!. incl. Souvenir sheets, Semis, Airs, Postage Due, also incl. blks of 4, corner date and gutter blks (some imperf), imperf singles in issued and trial colors, imperf miniature sheets of 2 and 4, Epreuves de luxe, ovptd. SPECIMEN, etc., some faults but generally fine to very fine ............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,500

620 ** 83 NORTH VIET NAM: 1955 to 1968, coll. of several hundred mostly diff. in Specialty album, apparently n.h., incl. many sets with dupl. and imperf, Souvenir sheets, blks of 4, Airs, several scarcer sets, generally fine to very fine .............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-750 621 * liilP VIET NAM AND SOUTH VIET NAM: 1951 to 1975, coll. of a few thousand on annotated pages in 4 Specialty albums in carton , vast majority n.h., balance 1.h. or o.g., some used , issues nearly comp!. incl. Souvenir sheets, Semis, Airs, Postage Due, plus blks of 4, imperf s in issued and trial colors incl. blks and strips, ovptd. or handstamped SPECIMEN, Die proofs die sunk on card, Epreuves de luxe incl. unpunched on card, 180x9Smm (few later gummed) 77 diff. in sets, collective types, ptg. vars. incl #51 sheet of SOovptd. mainl y diagonally and omitted on some (ex Diem coll. and purportedl y unique ), #54 bar vars . incl. 2, 3, 4, with and without and misplaced , Semis with Red Cross and Soldiers booklets , Postage Due imperfs incl. blks , few with colors omitted but all with value , covers, etc., generally fine to very fine. A fabulous array requiring careful inspection ............. .....................Est. Cash Value $4,000-5 ,000 24

Cati. Val .



1951 to 1970s, a similar coll. in 4 Specialty albums in carton, apparently n.h., somewhat smaller than previous lots, but still significant representations of Cambodia, Laos, Viet Nam, incl. man y imperfs, Epreuves de luxe, handstamped SPECIMEN, imperf , trial color plate proofs , Souvenir sheets, blks of 4, Airs, etc., some faults though generally very fine ..........................................Est. Cash Value $1,500-2 ,000










* 630 ** 629



1907 PROVISIONALS: Compl. set of three, 20t oval stop , o.g., lOt and 20t small faults , very fine appearance, 40t very fine ............................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (106-08) 6,000.00+

1908 SURCHARGED: Error 2a on 24a lilac & blue , INVERTED SURCHARGE, o.g., very fine ................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (Ula)

628 0

63 1

1902 PROVISIONALS: Typewritten Surcharge in Violet 2a on 3a red & blue, 10a on 12a brown violet & rose, lightly caned., fine ........................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (78a,85a)

1908 CORONATION ANNIVE RSARY: 1t to 40t compl. set, 1.h. incl. lOt or o.g., fine to very fine ..................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (118-24) 1912 VIE NA PRINTING: Error 2s brown orange, PAIR , IMPERF. BETWEEN , l.h. , very fine ................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (145b)




1914-15 SURCHARGED: Err or 10s on 12s gray black & brown , VERTICAL PAIR , IMPERF. BETWEE , c.d.s. cancel, very fine .....................................................................................................................(Photo ) (159 var. )


Sc, VERTICAL PAIR , IMPERF. HORIZ., l.h., very fine ..........................................................(Photo ) (209 var. )


Ss, MIDDLE STAMPS IMPERF. BETWEEN IN SHEET MARGIN STRIP OF FOUR WITH NORMALS , n.h., very fine ...................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (209 var.)


1947-49 UNWMKD: Ss to 20b compl. set, n.h., fine to very fme ..................................................(Photo) (264-73)

67 I .00


Cati. Val. 632 ** EB1951-60 NEW DESIGN: Sb aqua & red, 10b black brown & violet, 20b gray & olive , BOTTOM SHEET MARGIN BLOCKS OF FOUR, n.h., extremely fine .................................... ........(Photo ) (293-95) 2,200.00+




1918 RED CROSS: 2s to 20b comp!. set, o.g., fine to very fine ...........(Photo ) (81 -11) 2,718.00

634 * EB 2s to 10b comp!., BLOCKS OF FOUR, incl. a few margin or corner blks , n.h. to o.g., baht values stamps mostl y n.h. (2)/1.h.(2), 10b n.h. (3)/1.h.(l), few tiny faults , generally very fine .........(Photo) (81-10) 3,672.00+

............. -. ... ............ . ................... .:, ..................•........... ..



635 * Ollil 1883 to 1982, coll. of several thousand on annotated pages in 5 Specialty albums in carton, n.h. to unused or used, incl. First Issue classified by plate, Tica! types, 19th cent. surcharged incl. vars. (some imagined), with double or "kiss" double. Antique and Roman letters, strips and blks of 4 or larger, etc., almost comp!. 20th cent. incl. blks or corner blks of many, Semis incl. Scouts, Airs, Officials blks imperf vert., over 85 covers incl. some early or Airs and FDCs, condition varies in early but generally fine to very fine. Worth careful inspection ........................................... ..........Est. Cash Value $7,500-10,000 636 * O

Primarily 20th Century, the Hayden Keech Asia balance of several thousand in box, n.h. to unused or used, mostly China in envelopes and stockbook , etc. , incl. quantities of 1940s surchd., Japan 1940s and modem sheets, Philippines Japane e Occu., lndone ia coll. on pages, etc., mixed condition to very fine ......Est. Cash Value $300-500


Cati. Val.



48c rose, unused , fresh, fine. S.G. 6, £2500 ....................................................................................(Photo ) (6)




96c gray, disturbed o.g., light creasing, fine appearance. S.G. 7, £3500 .....................................(Photo ) (7)




96c, unu sed (regumrned ) over small thin, fine appearance. S.G. 7, £3500 .................................(Photo ) (7)




64 1

1863- CROWN CC: 16c yellow, unused, corner perf crease, fine. S.G. 22, £1200 ................................(Photo ) (16)


96c bistre, blue cancel, light creasing, fine. S.G. 18, £550 .............................................................. ......... (Photo ) (23)

642 0





647 S 648





18c lilac, edge of sheet wmk., o.g., pulled perf replaced , fine appearance. S.G. 13, £5500 ......(Photo ) (17)

1874 PE;RFORATED 12½ : 4c slate , unused , perf faults. S.G. 9e; £8000. Collectible copy of this rarity ..........................................................................................................................................................(25) (Photo)

1876 SURCHARGED: 16c on 18c lilac , unused (regummed ), fre sh, fine app earance. S.G. 20, £1900 ....................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (29)


1882--1902 CROWN CA: 10c blue green , o.g., fresh, true color , fine .....................................(Photo ) (43a)

1885-91 SURCHARGED: Group of four ditT., l.h. or o.g., $ 1 on 96c light crease, fresh, fine. S.G. 40, 45-47, £ 1125 .....................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (51,52,54,56) 50c on 48c brown , diagonall y handstamped SPECIMEN , I.h., ver y fine. S.G. 41S .........................(Photo) (53S) 1891 HANDSTAMPED WITH CHINESE CHARACTERS: 50c on 48c lilac , WITHOUT CHINESE CHARACTERS LEFT STAMP IN PAIR WITH NORMAL , l.h., fresh, fine. S.G. 49, var ....... (Photo) (62, var.)


1,250 .00

4,750.00 625.00


2,000.00 1,450.00

995 .00


Catl. Val.


S0c on 48c, LARGE CHINESE CHARACTERS BOTTOM STAMP IN VERTICAL PAffi WITH NORMALS, l.h., one tiny gum tone spot, fresh, fine. S.G. 49, var.........................................................................(Photo) (62, var.)


*IBI2c rose,

SHORT "J" IN"JUBILEE" , bottom right stamp in BLOCK OF SIX with normals, o.g. (hinge remnants), fresh, tine. S.G. 51, Sla, £2425+ ...................................................(Cover Photo) (66,66c) 3,550.00+

* 652 * 653 * 654 *

2c, BROKEN "1" IN "1891", sheet margin copy, l.h., light vert. crease, very fine appearance. S.G. Sic, £700 .............................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (66 var.) 2c, SHORT "U" IN "JUBILEE ", l.h., horiz. crease, very fine appearance. S.G. 51b, £550 ................(Photo) (66b) 2c rose, TALL " K" IN "Kong", o.g., small faults, fine appearance. S.G. 5 ld, £ 1100 .........................(Photo) (66d) 2c, WIDE SPACE BETWEEN " o" AND " n" of "Hong", part o.g., tiny handstamp on reverse, fine. S.G. Slf , £1500 ........................................................................................................................................(Photo) (66e)


uni. 800.00 1,100.00 1,500.00


* 657 * 658 * 659 *

10c on 30c, " 10" WIDELY SPACED, RIGHT STAMP IN SHEET MARGIN PAIR WITH NORMAL, negligible gum tone spots, very fine. S.G. 55, SSb, £738+ ..................................................................(Photo) (69,c) 10c on 30c, LARGE CHINESE SURCHARGE, 1.h., fresh, very tine. S.G. SSc, £850 .....................(Photo) (69a) 10c on 30c, WITHOUT CHINESE SURCHARGE, l.h., fresh , very fine. S.G. 54, £450 .................(Photo ) (69b) $1 in 96c black, CHINESE CHARACTERS AT LEFT AND RIGHT, $1 on 96c gray black, LEFT STAMP CHINESE CHARACTERS DOUBLE, ONE INVERTED IN PAffi WITH NORMAL, former o.g., latter l.h., fine to very fine. S.G. 52, 52a, vars .........................................................................................(Photo) (70 vars.)



10c on 30c gray green, TOP LEFT CONTROL NUMBER PANE OF SIXTY, most n.h. , bottom and portions of left selvage and gutter missing, some faults, mostly creases and curling, fresh and many fine to very fine. S.G. 55, £2280+ ..........................................................................................(Photo p.46) (60) 2,700.00+


$1 on 96c gray black, WITHOUT CHINESE SURCHARGE , 1.h., very fine. S.G. 53a , £2750 ............................................................................................................................................(Cover Photo) (70a)

66 1 S

$1, WITHOUT CHINESE CHARACTERS , ovptd . SPECIMEN , o.g., very fine. S.G. 53aS , £600 ........................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (70aS var.)

662 S

1903 CROWN CA: le to $10 compl. set, plus extra $2, ovptd. SPECIMEN, l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine. S.G. £1200+ ........................................................................................................................................(Photo) (71-85S)

420.00+ 950.00 325.00




* * 666 *

664 665


le to $10 compl. set, I.h. or o.g., few hinge remnants , $I large part o.g., tine to very fine ....(Photo) (71-85)

$2 scarlet & black, $5 blue green & lilac, o.g., fresh, fine. S.G. £530 ..............................................(Photo) (82,84) 1904-11 MULTIPLE CROWN CA: $10 orange & black on bluish , o.g., light crease, very fine appearance. S.G. 90, £1400..........................................................................................................................................(Photo) (108) $10, chalky paper , l.h., traces of perf toning on reverse, well centered, fine. S.G. 90a, £1300 .............(Photo) (108)

2,303.00 650.00 1,300.00 1,300.00



1912-14 MULTIPLE CROWN CA: le brown, BROKEN CROWN AT RIGHT , middle stamp in sheet **llilmargin blk of nine with normals , gutter at left, error stamp and most normals n.h., very fine. S.G. 100, b, £206+



669 670

.........................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (109, var.) le , BROKEN CROWN AT RIGHT , l.h., very fine. S.G. 100b, £190 ........................................(Photo) (109 var.)


$2 to $10 compl., l.h or o.g., brilliant fresh , fine. S.G. 113-16, £1245 ...........................................(Photo) (121-24) $10 black & violet on red , 1.h., very fine. S.G. 116, £500 ....................................................................(Photo) (124) $10, o.g., very fine. S.G. 116, £500 .........................................................................................................(Photo) (124) 1914 SURFACE COLORED PAPER: $5 red & green on greenish, 1.h., very fine. S.G. 115a, £475 ..................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (127) $5, l.h., fresh, fine. S.G. 115a, £475 .........................................................................................................(Photo ) (127) 1921-37 SCRIPT: $3 dull violet & green, $5 red & green on emerald, l.h., fresh, fine. S.G. 131, 132, £550 ...........................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (145,146) 1938-48 GEORGE VI: le to $10 compl. set, 29 stamps compr. 50c to $ IO chalky papers, plus listed colors, 6 diff. of 14½x l4 perfs, normal gum variations, fine to very fine. S.G. £] 100+ .........................(Photo ) ( 154-66A,55a,62a) **83$5 green & violet, $10 violet & ultramarine , TOP LEFT CORNER BLOCKS OF FOUR, n.h., brilliant fresh, fine to very fine. S.G. 160, 162, £880+ ...........................................................................(Photo) (16SA,166A)


* * 673 *

671 672







uni. uni. 1,270.00 600.00 600.00 300.00 300.00 525.00


Cati. Val.




1954-62 ELIZABETH: Sc to $10 compl. set, plus shades incl. extra 20c and 50c, TWENTY-ONE TOP OR BOTTOM CONTROL CORNER PAIRS , stamps n.h. to o.g., very fine ......(Photo ) (SG l 78-9 l ,79b,82a-84a,90a)




STAMP OFFICE: 1891 Overprinted 2c carmine , 10c purpl e on red, o.g., former creasing, fine appearance, latter hinge remnant , ver y fine ..................................... ............................. (Photo) (S.G. Sl ,S3) JAPANESE OCCUPATION: 1945 Surcharged set of three , Sy on Ss sheet margin copy , l.h. , very fine. S.G. Jl -3, £888 ......................................................................................................................... ..................... .... (Nl-3)




680 * O IBI1945, selection on pages, n.h. to o.g., few used, incl. 1.S0y on ls part sheet of 94, 3y on 2s three sheets of 100 and part sheet of 94, also blk s and single s of both , Sy on Ss used copy, also a few cards franked by sta mps of Japan with cancels celebrating the bombing of Hong Kong, generally fine to very fine. S.G. Jl-3 , £8100+ ....................... .......................................................................................................... ........... (Nl -3)



POSTAL STATIONERY: 1945 Framed hand sta mp HONG KONG POSTAGE PAID 1945 on local envelope and China le yeUow postal card (few scuffs on front) , tine .....(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $300-500 Purportedly only seven postal cards exist

682 * OEB1862 to 1898, coll. of over 350 on annotated page s, n.h. to unu sed (some regummed ) or used , excellent depth incl. S.G. shades, cancels incl. Treaty Ports , Postal Fiscals, pairs and blks of 4, ovptd. or handstamped SPECIMEN, reference , Chinese surchd. error s, 1891 Jubilee , 3 singles (2 o.g.), canceUed blk of four , plus single with short "J", Stamp Office and Stamp Dut y, stamps for use on postcards, local cancels, revenues , misc. mint sta tioner y, mixed condition. Splendid array worth careful inspection ............................................................................................ ....................... ..................Est. Cash Value $7,500+ 683 * O EB1903 to 1983, highl y specialized coll. of a few thousand on annotated page s in 3 Specialty albums in carton, n.h. to o.g. or used , many compl. sets , incl. blks or corner blk s of 4 and cacheted FDCs, few George VI panes of 60, Control multiple s, various shades and cancels, diff. pap er s incl. glazed, plate flaws abound, wmk inverted or sideways, mis-registered or shifted ptg s, ovptd. or perfed SPECIMEN, commercial covers and misc. stationery, some faults as would be expected, but generally tine to very fine. A valuable array requiring careful inspection ............................... ................ ........................ ......................... .......Est. Cash Value $8,000-10,000

MALAYSIA 684 * Olli! 19th and 20th Century to 1980s, colJ. of man y thousand on annotated pages in 10 Specialty albums in 2 cartons, n.h. to unu sed or used , compr. Straits Settlements , Federation and National issues, all States, Labuan , North Borneo , Sabah , Sarawak, extensive repre sentation in virtually all areas, particularl y Japanese Occu. incl. Revenue Chops, man y compl. sets, blks , corner and Control blks of 4 or larger, back-of-book , shades, cancels (revenue cancels accounted for), replete with varieties with ovpt. invtd. , sideways, double , one invtd., small box , reversed, invtd. "s" in "cents", imperf or imperf between , sheets and sheetlets, color trials , N. Borneo imperf Waterlow specimens without punch , others ovptd. SPECIMEN, Trengganu Red Cross vars., much more , better items throughout , some key Occu. signed by Rowell , mixed condition particularl y in early portion and some reference , many fine to very fine. A fabulous array requiring careful insp ection ......................................... Est. Cash Value $20,000+

** 686 *


* 688 * 687

MALAYA BRITISH MILITARY ADMINISTRATION: 1946 Prepared but not Issued Sc carmine, sheet margin pair , stamps n.h., gum toning, fresh, fine .................... ............................... (Photo ) (SG footnote after 18) PERAK: 1891 WITHOUT BAR: le on 2c rose, surcharged type "c" (S.G. 41), o.g., negUgible tone spots barely showing on a few perfs, fine. S.G. 54, £750 ...................................... ....................................... ...............(Photo ) (31a) 1938-41 SULTAN: le to $5 comp!. set, l.h. incl. dollar values, few o.g., fine to very fine. S.G. 103-21. £767 .................................................. ..................................................... ................................... .....................(Photo) (84-98)

£550+ 600.00

TRENGGANU: 1941 Unavailable Issues 2c, 6c, Sc, 15c, l.h. or o.g., fresh, fine to very fine. S.G. footnote after 47, £480 .......................................................................,......................................(Photo ) (Sc. footnote after 41)



FEDERATION OF MALAYA: POSTAGE DUE; 1942 Hand stamped in Red le , light cancel, 4c, 10c, 50c, l.h., fine to very fine. Signed Rowell. S.G. JD21a, 23a, 25a, 27a, £495 ....................................(Photo) (NJl ,3,5,7) JOHORE:POSTAGE DUE ; 1943 Overprinted set of five, SECOND CHARACTER SIDEWAYS, middle stam ps in strips of three with normal s, o.g., generally light gum toning or tropical gum, fine to very fine. S.G. JD6-10 ,6a-10a , £983+ ..................................... ................................................... ....................(Photo ) (NJ6-10 , vars.)

691 * EB Compl. set, SECOND CHARACTER SIDEWAYS, top right stamps in blocks of four with normals , o.g., gum toning , 4c pre-printing wrinkle, fine to very fine, Error stamp in each block signed Rowell. S.G. JD6-10 , 6a-10a, £1011+ ................................................................................................. (Photo ) (NJ6-10 , vars.) KEDAH: 1942 Overprinted set compl., l.h. or o.g., 6c toned, fine to very fine. S.G. Jl-15 , £574 .(Photo) (Nl - 15) 692




Cati. Val. 693


KELANTAN: 1942 Surcharged set comp!. except Sc on 12c, l.h. or o.g., some with bits of red tissue adhering to re verse , very fine ................................................................................(Cover Photo) (N2,3,5-10)









Surcharged and Red Sunakawa Seal Handstamp , six diff., l.h. or o.g., most with handstamps on reverse , fine to very fine. S.G. J16 , 19, 20, 22, 23, 26, £903 .................................................. .......(Photo ) (NlOA,12,13,15,16,18)






* 702 * 703 * 70 1







* 708 * 707



3c to 40c, seven diff., l.h. or o.g., some toned or tropical gum , few hand stamps on reverse or signed, fine to very fine. S.G. J47-53 , £1100. Scarce ................. ............ ................................ ........ ..................... ...(Photo) (N38-,10)


NEGRI SEMBILAN: 1942 Hand stamped in Black 6c to $5, eight diff., o.g., some with handstamp on re vers e or signed , fine to ver y fine .. ...........................................(Cover Photo ) (S.G. J165-67 ,70-72,74,75)


PAHANG: 1942 Handstamp ed in Black $5 brown red & green on emerald , l.h., tropical gum, very fine. Foundation Cert. (1970). S.G. J189 , £600 ...........................................................................................(Photo ) (N12)


PENANG: 1942 Overprinted 10c dull violet , DOUBLE OVERPRINT , sheet margin copy, stamp very l.h. if at all, ver y fine. Signed Rowell. S.G. J82a, £350 ........................................................................... (Photo) (N6 var.)


15c ultramarine , INVERTED OVERPRINT, sheet margin copy, stamp very l.h. if at all, very light gum toning , very fine. Signed Rowell. S.G. J84b, £400 .....................................................................................(Photo ) (NS var. )


$5 green & red on gre enish, 1.h., extremel y fine. S.G. J89 , £450 .......................................................(Photo) (N13)


$5, very l.h. if at all , tropical gum , very fine. S.G. JS, £450 ...............................................................(Photo) (N13)


PERAK: 1942 Handstamped in Violet le black, DOUBLE HANDST AMP LEFT STAMP IN PAIR WITH NORMAL , l.h., inclusions, very fine. S.G. Jl 90a, var., £320+ as normal .......................................(Photo) (Nl , var.) 1942 Handstamped in Black 40c dark violet & rose red, $1 red & black on bluish, l.h., former pencil initial on rever se, latter signed Rowell, very fine. S.G. J201 , J203 , £725 ............................................(Photo ) (N12,N14) Overprinted Sc ro se red , DOUBLE OVERPRINT , one inverted , o.g., fine. Signed Rowell. S.G. J248b, £200 ............................................................................................................................................................... (Photo) (N19b)


$5 red on emerald, INVERTED OVERPRINT , o.g. (hinge remnant ), very fine. Signed Rowell. S.G. J253 , £275 ......................................................................................................................................... ......................(Photo ) (N24a)


SELANGOR: 1942 UNAVAILABLE ISSUES: le to $5 comp!. set of six, l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine. All but $5 signed Rowell. S.G. £600 .............................................................................(Photo ) (N18A,19A,20,23,24A,25A) 1942 2c brown orange , INVERTED OVERPRINT , 1.h., fre sh, fine. Signed Rowell. S.G. J90b , £300 ...............................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (N24a)


7 10


1943 6c on Sc chocolate , DOUBLE SURCHARGE AND O VERPRINT , o.g. , fin e. S.G. J2 93 b, £3 50 ....................................................................................... ................................................................... (Photo) (N33 var.)


SETTLEMENTS: 1942 3c green , MISPLACED OVERPRINT, Control corner blk of four , I.h., graphic misplacement on a scarce block , very fine. Each stamp signed Rowell. S.G. J225 var. Normal block of four £200 each stamp .................................................................................. .............................. (Photo) (N21 var.)


7 11 712 0

1944 FOR RED CROSS LETTERS: 6c on Sc brown, I.h., ver y fine ................ (Photo) (SG footnote after J317 ) THAI OCCUPATION: 1943 HANDSTAMPED STATE ARMS: 2c and Sc violet & black , neatly caned., small faults , very fine appearance. Signed Rowell. S.G. TK2 , 4, £450. Rare .................. .............. (Photo) (2N2,4)


**l!!l 1891 CROWN CA: Surcharged in Black 6c on Sc, violet DOUBLE SURCHARGE , Pos. 4 in sheetlet often with normals , stamps n.h., fresh, fine. S.G. 35, h, £383+ .................................................................... (Photo) (29,b)

7 14


6c on Sc dark violet, "Cents" OMITTED, I.h., very fine. S.G. 34d, £400 .......................................... (Photo) (29c)

on Sc violet, DOUBLE INVERTED SURCHARGE , Po s. 4 in inverted sheetlet of ten , o.g., light overall *l!!l6ctoning , fine. S.G. 35a,c, £1082+ ........................................................................................................... (Photo ) (29d,f)


716 7 17 0 7 18 7 19


1942 Handstamped in Carmine 2c orange , 3c green , BLOCKS OF FOUR with compl. handstamp , n.h. or ver y l.h. if at all, very fine. S.G. J46 , J47 , from £550 ............................................................(Photo ) (N2,3)


7 15




6c on Sc, DOUBLE SURCHARGE , BOTH INVERTED , o.g., fine. S.G. 35c, £650 .......................... (Photo) (29f) Surcharged in Red 6c on Sc violet, INVERTED SURCHARGE, neat c.d.s. cancel , very fine. S.G. 36a, £475 ..................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (30a) 1893 UNWMKD: 2c on 4c ochre , INVERTED SURCHARGE, o.g., very fine. S.G. 49a, £325 ......(Photo ) (40a) 1896 JUBILEE: Errors le lilac & black, ORANGE OVERPRINT, plu s PERF. 13 ½ -14 DOUBLE OVERPRINT, o.g., fine. S.G. 83b, ea, £455 ....................................................................................... (Photo ) (66a,b) 32



Cati. Val. 1897-1900 CHANGED COLORS: Error 2c blue & black, VERTICAL PAIR, IMPERF. BETWEEN , lightly caned., ver y fine. S.G. 90a, £475 ......................................................................................................(Photo ) (73 var. ) 1899 SURCHARGED: Error 4c on 18c bistre & black , DOUBLE SURCHARGE , o.g., small thin, fine. S .G . 106a, £350 ........................................................................................................................................(Photo) (91a) 1899-1901 Error 4c yellow brown & black, VERTICAL PAIR , IMPERF. BETWEEN , o.g., small faults , very fine appearance. S.G. 112a, £750 ..................................................................................................(Photo ) (96a)

720 0

* 722 * 72 1

723 0



725 0 726 0 727 0

1902-03 Error 12c yellow & black , VERTICAL STRIP OF THREE IMPERF. BETWEEN, c.t.o. as always , very fine. S.G. 123a, £2500 ...............................................................................(Cover Photo ) (104a)



NORTH BORNEO 1883-84 COAT OF ARMS: Error 2c brown, PAIR , IMPERF. BETWEEN , o.g., light crease, very fine appearance. S.G. la , unpr., Robson Lowe "VV" ..................................................................................(Photo ) (la ) 1883 VERTICAL SURCHARGE: Sc red brown , lightly caned., small thin, gum wrinkles, fine appearance .................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (SG2) 1891-92 SURCHARGED ON 1887-92 ISSUE: 6c on Sc green , "c" of "cents " INVERTED, lightly caned., handstamp on reverse, very fine. S.G. 55b, £400 .................................................................................(Photo ) (52a) 6c on Sc, "cetns " INSTEAD OF "cents ", light red cancel , very fine. S.G. 55c, £425 .......................(Photo ) (52b)

unpr. £600 325.00 400.00


* *

730 0 731 732


* 733 * 734 * 735


736 0 737 0

* 739 * 740 * 738

PERF. 14½ -15: 2c rose & black, o.g., left stamp small faults, fresh, fine. S.G. 68a, £450 .........(Photo ) (60 var. ) 3c violet & olive green , vertical pair , o.g., top stamp few trivial thin spots, ver y fine. S.G. 70a var., uni., Robson Lowe 59a ............................................................................................................................(Photo) (61a var. ) 3c, neat c.d.s. cancel, small faults, very fine appearance. S.G. 70a, £375 ...............................................(Photo ) (61a) Sc orange red & black , unused, fresh, fine. S.G. 72a, £400 ...................................................................(Photo ) (62a) 6c brown olive & black , o.g., thins, left stamp one pulled perf, well centered, fine appearance. S.G. 74d, unpr. .............................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (63 var.) PERF . 13½ -14: Sc lilac & black , vertical pair, large part o.g., top stamp trivial thin spot, fine. S.G . 74ba, £425 ..................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (64a) PERF. 14½ -15: 15 24c claret & blue , vertical pair, o.g., top stamp small thin , fresh, fine. S.G. 79a, unpr. ............................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (67 var.) 1895 SURCHARGED: 4c on $1 red , DOUBLE SURCHARGE , ONE DIAGONAL, corner copy, light crease, ver y fine appearance. S.G. 87a, £800 ....................................................................................................(Photo ) (74a) 1897-1900 ERRORS: 12c blue & black , vertical pair , IMPERF. BETWEEN, neat c.t.o. cancel, very light overall toning , very fine. S.G. 106a, £425 .......................................................................................(Photo ) (86 var.) 18c green & black, vertical pair , IMPERF. BETWEEN , neat c.t.o. cancel , very fine. S.G. 108b , £250 ..................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (87a) 1901-05 OVERPRINTED: Error $1 red , IMPERF . HORIZ., sheet margin vertical pair, o.g., light natural vert. paper crease , ver y fine appearance. S.G. 142a, £475 .........................................................(Photo) (118 var. ) 1926-28 PICTORIALS: le to $10 compl. set, l.h., fresh, fine to very fine. S.G. 277-94, £652 .....(Photo ) ( 167-84) 1939 PICTORIALS: le to $5 compl. set, l.h., very fine. S.G. £600 ............................................(Photo) (193-207)



*ffi Compl.

set , BLOCKS OF FO UR, most incl. $5 n.h. , balance l.h., fine to very fine. S.G. £2400+ ................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (193-207) 34

uni. uni. unpr. 325.00 uni. 325.00 uni .


uni. 449.00


Cati. Val.



1916 CROSS IN VERMILION: le to 25c comp!. set, 2c perf 14½ -15, o.g. (hinge remnants), 2c small thins, mixed centering to very fine. S.G. 189, 90a, 91-210, £767 .................................................................(Photo) (B1-13) 1918 RED CROSS: Error 4c+2c dull red & black , INVERTED SURCHARGE, l.h., very fine. S.G. 218a, £350 ...............................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (B17a) Same, sheet margin copy, l.h., fine. S.G. 218a, £350 .........................................................................(Photo ) (B17a) 6c+2c olive green & black , perf. 14½x15 , l.h., extremely fine. S.G. 221a, £160 ............................(Photo) (B19a)

* 744 * 745 * 743

POSTAGE DUE: 1903-11 Errors 18c green & black , VERTICAL CORNER PAIR , IMPERF. BETWEEN, neat c.t.o. cancel as always, very fine. S.G. D45b, £375 ..............................................................(Photo) (J30 var.) 18c green & black, "POSTAGE DUE" DOUBLE, o.g., small thins, very fine appearance. S.G. D45a, £425 .................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (J30a)

746 0 747


730.00 275.00 275.00

uni. unpr.




1942 Handstamped in Violet le to $5 comp!. set, incl. some sheet margin copies, few I.h. if at all, several with light gum toning, generally very fine. S.G. Jl-15 , £2995+ ................................(Cover Photo ) (Nl-15) 2,415.00+

749 0 t::,. Handstamped in Black le, 2c, 4c, Sc, neatl y caned., 4c tied on small piece, Sc negligible thin , fine to very fine. 2c B.P.A. Cert. (1960) and all signed Rowell ...............................................................................(Photo) (Nl,2, 4,6) 750 Handstamped in Black on War Tax le red brown & dark green , l.h. , ve r y fine. S.G. J16 , £400 ..............................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (NlSA)




* *

753 t::,.


Handstamped in Violet 2c Prussian blue & red violet, very l.h. if at all, extremely fine. S.G. JI 7a, unpr ............................................................................................................................................(Photo) (NlSB)


SARAWAK: JAPANESE OCCUPATION; 1942 Handstamped in Violet le to $10, 24 cliff., o.g. to unu sed, few small faults or light toning on reverse, genera lly fine to very fine. S.G. Jl-14, 16-22, 24-26, £2394 ...................................................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (Nl-12 ,13-19,20-22)


$3 blue green & rose, neatly tied on sma ll piece, very fine. S.G. J23, £950 ........................(Photo) (N19A)






1948 GEORGE VI: Perf 14 $2 rose red & emerald, $5 chocolate & emerald, BOTTOM RIGHT CONTROL BLOCKS OF FOUR, n.h., former light gum bend, fine to very fine ..........(Photo) (19,20)



DUE: 1973-77 Perf 13x13½ le to 50c comp!., UNWATERMA RKED BLOCKS OF FOUR, 50c margin blk, n.h. , very fine. S.G. £956. Scarce ........................................ ................... (Photo ) (Jla,3a,S b,7a,8b)

*83181 1948 to 1983, coll. of many hundred

on annotated pages in 2 Specialty albums, vast majority n.h., almost comp!. issues incl. blks or corner blks of 4, Souvenir sheets incl. two Sesquicentennial cacheted FDCs, perf and paper vars., Postage Due, few used and commercial covers, very fine ....Est. Cash Value $1,500+


890.00+ 800.00+

.. .

····················· .

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COVER CONDITION Minor faults including, but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps, small tears and some backflap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue.


Cati. Val.



ARGENTINA: 1858 Confederation 10c green, Diagonal Bisect, in one side, tied by SALTA FRANCA in frame cancel on folded letter sheet to Tucuman ........................................................(Photo ) (2f) Est. Cash Value $300--400



1864-67 Rivadavia Perf 11½, dull to worn impression , 10c green (SE), Sc lake, fine, tied by oval on folded letter sheet bearing CORREOS ROSARIO 3 MAY 67 c.d.s., to Buenos Ayres ..(Photo ) (1 lB,12) Est. Cash Value $200- 300



TASMANIA: 1853-55 Second State of Plate 4p orange , PART IMPRINT at bottom, margins all round , "59" cancel, very fine. S.G. 8, £375. Rare position copy ............ .......................................... ....... ....................... (Photo) (2)

760 0

4p, 12 copies, all but one with margins all round , some very large , only a few with tiny faults , fine variety of paper s, distinctive shade s, cancels "59", "6 4", "6 8", " 60" . S.G. approx. £4200. A very difficult group to accumulate ................................ ...................................................... ................ .(Photo) (2,2a)

76 1

VICTORIA: Stationery; 1887 Registered envelope 4p lilac, ERROR OF COLOR, unused, very fresh and fault-free, very fine ......................................................(Photo ) (H&G6 ) Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500



One of the rarities of worldwide postal stationery


Used to Ja va; 1908 bicolor U.S. Fleet Visit postal card , 1½ p, caned. by Melbourne 1908 duplex c.d.s., to Batavia. Rare and attractive ....................................................................................................... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $200






NEW SOUTH WALES: Coll. of over 165 pieces in stockbook , over 70 used , incl. Officials , wrappers, Regis., mixed franking s, good variety .............................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,250 SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Coll. of over 110 pieces in stoc kbook , over 50 used , incl. wrappers, some mixed frankings and addressed abroad, etc . .............................................................................Est. Cash Va1ue $500-750




TASMANIA: Coll. of over 165 pieces in stockbook, about 40 used, incl. mixed frankings, composites with triple impressions, return , wrappers, shades. Excellent selection ........Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500



VICTORIA: Coll. of about 675 pieces in 2 stockbooks, plu s pages , goodly number used , incl. Regis. , oversea s destinations , mixed frankings , Officials, shades, paper s. H & G (1984) approx. $11,000 ..............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $2,500-3,000



NEW ZEALAND: Coll. of over 250 pieces in 2 stockbook s, about 70 used , incl. mixed frankings , overseas destinations , pictorials , Regis. , scarce POW Air Sheet, shades, varieties. Impressive ............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $21000-2 ,500



AUSTRIA: Semi-Postals; 1933 WIPA Souvenir sheet of four , with fold er , o.g., very fine .......................................................................................................................................(Photo page 41) (B111)




This Letter must be given to an Officer of the Post Office to be Registered,and a Receipt obtainedfor it.


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Cati. Val.


** 770 **


1912 Perf. 8 Horiz. le dark green , 2c carmine , vert. pairs , n.h. , tiny inclusions, 2c top stamp very light crease, fresh, fine to very fine .......................................................................................................................(Photo) (123, 124)

1930-31 Mt. Edith Cavell $1 dark olive green, n.h. ,very fine ............................................................(Photo ) (177) 771 ** 83Post Office Seals; 1902--07black , Imprint Pl. blk of four , tiny gum skip, small selvage edge faults, fine to very fine ................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (OX3)

700.00 300.00 560.00+

772 * 083 CANADA AND NEWFOUNDLAND: 19th and 20th Century, coll. and accum. of many hundred on pages in 2 ring-binders , glassines and stock cards in carton , much n.h. , balance 1.h. to used, scattered early issues through Edward VII, 20th cent. with comp! or part sets, booklet panes, coil pairs, slight ly better items, blks and Pl. blks , Officials and other back-of-book , modern incl. some matched corners , Newfoundland with man y sets and Airs, some faults but generally fine to very fine with a fair number of pre-WWII n.h . ..............................................................................................Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500 773 * OllllTo 1990s, coll. and accum. of several thousand in 2 Specialty albums, few stockbooks and loose in carton, n.h. to unused or used , incl. a few slightly better items, many comp!. sets, Semis, back-of-book incl. Officials, some perf initials, Revenues , better Newfoundland, dupl., etc., mixed condition to later very fine ............................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-750 774


775 * O

CUBA: 1914-15 le to $1, compl. set of eight, imperf pairs, 50c bottom sheet margin, l.h., extremely fine ...................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (253-62 vars.) EGYPT: 1867 Lithographed Spa to Spi compl., specialized selection of over 75 on annotated pages , n.h. to unused or used, incl. vars., shades, ptgs , Zeheri #9b, diagonal bisect tied on small piece of newspaper, mixed condition to very fine. Owner's inventory and catl. stated to be well over $2500 not counting varieties or errors ......................................................................................................................................................................(8-15, etc.)


776 ** llllGERMANY: 1905 to 1923, selection of over 45 compl. sheets in file, n.h. , dupl. of just a few, some selvage faults or separations, generally fine to very fine ...................................(betw. 90 and 239) Est. Cash Value $400-600 777 * O



779 0 780 * O



GERMANY AND AREA: 19th and 20th Century , coll. of several thousand diff. in 17 Davo and Lighthouse hingeless albums with slipcases (3 Aust ria ) in box and 3 cartons, n.h. to unused or used, wide ranging with much German y, also Berlin, G.D.R., Danzig, Saar, Occu., Russian Zone, States incl. Heligoland, Colonies and Offices, incl. many compl. sets, Souvenir sheets, Semis, Airs , back-of-book , reference , etc., also good range of covers and used stock of many thousand in glassines, mixed condition to much fine to very fine and a clean stock ....................................................Est. Cash Value $4,000-5,000

THERESIENST ADT: 1943 dark green, sheet margin copy , n.h., few tiny inclusions , very fine. Signed Gilbert ......................................................................................................................................(Photo) (Mi. 1) BERLIN: 194~9 Red BERLIN lm olive, neatly caned. , very fine. DM1400 ..............................(Photo) (9N33)

DM800 475.00

GREAT BRITAIN: 19th and 20th Century , coll. of many hundred diff. in Specialty album, l.h., o.g. or used, incl. #1 and other slightly better early items, plating attempt of perf lp rose red, later comp!. sets, back-of-book incl. Postage Due, Offices Abroad, also Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jerse y and misc. Ireland , mixed condition to very fine .............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-750 GREENLAND: 1945 Liberation set comp!., n.h. except three lowest values o.g., some natural ovpt. offset, very fine. Sc. as n.h. $1000 ..................................................................................................................(Photo) (19-27)

782 * llll ISRAEL: From 1948, stock and small coils. of many thousand in 8 ring-binders or stockbooks, sheet files and many numbered glassines in 2 cartons , vast majority n.h. , balance l.h., incl. early tabs , some First Coins regummed, comp!. sheets and sheetlets, Souvenir sheets, tab and Pl. blks, Airs, tete-beche, FDCs, etc., minor water damaged not figured, generally very fine .....................Est. Cash Value $1,000+ 783


784 * O

785 * O

786 0

NETHERLANDS: Air Post; 1951 Seagull set of two , n.h., few tiny inclusions , very fine. DM1200 ............................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (Cl3,14) Primarily 20th Century, coll. and accum . of a few hundred on pages in ring-binder and small stockbook in box, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. compl. or part sets with a few slightly better n.h., few dupl. and modern booklets, mixed condition to very fine ............................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-600


NETHERLANDS AND COLONIES: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of many hundred diff. in 2 Specialty albums, o.g. or used, incl. some slightly better early items, 20th cent. comp!. or part sets, Semis, Souvenir sheets, back-of-book, colonies compr. Dutch Indies, Dutch New Guinea, Neth. Antilles, Surinam, dupl. throughout, mixed condition to much fine to very fine ......................................................................................Est. Cash Value $300-500 NEW ZEALAND: 1855-58 Blue Paper lsh green , good margins all round, light caned., insignificant corner margin crease , very fine. S.G. ÂŁ3500 ..................................................................................(Photo) (6)



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Cati. Val.






Postal Card; 1886 lp red brown on buff, small faults, ca ned. by CHRISTCHURCH 7 OC 86 c.d.s. bearing Auckland receiver. Exlremely rare and missing from most New Zealand co ll ections .......................................................................................................................(Photo) (H&G5) Est. Cash Value $300+



PERU: Used to Rome; 1860 Retouched lp rose, FOUR COPIES, margins or touched, tied by FRANCO in dots cancels on folded letter sheet bearing CUZCO 25 JUNE 67 c.d.s., Callao British P.O., ms. "Via de Panama", G.B. 2F87c, London and Marseille transits and Italian receivers on reverse.(Photo) (1 1) Est. Cash Value $300-400



RUSSIA: 19th and 20th Century, accum. of about 125 covers in box, majority 1885 to 1940, incl. commercial mail, Regis., postal and picture post cards (a few without stamps), local and international destinations, mixed condition .................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-600


**IHI 20th Century,

Imperial Russia selection of 36 diff. compl. sheets in album, n.h., some with Pl. No., irnperfs, etc, selvage faults, fresh and generally fine to very fine .......................................................Est. Cash Value $300-500

RUSSIA AND AREA 791 * O C8:1 l9th and 20th Century, balance of a property in 3 cartons, tens of thousands in stockbook , glassines, on album pages, etc., and loose, n.h. to unused, used or c.t.o., wide ranging and some in huge quantities, blks, part sheets, also coll. remainders , compl. or part sets, Semis, Airs, Souvenir sheets, etc., also several hundred covers, good selection of surrounding areas, incl. Armenia, Azebayjan, Transcaucasian Fed. Rep. , various others, misc. foreign, mixed condition to much fine to very fine. Worth careful inspection ................................................................... .................Est. Cash Value $3,500-4,500


**IHI 1909 to 1989, stock of several thousand


**[!j]1909 to 1959, selection of over fifty diff. mostly compl. sheets in box, n.h. , incl. sheets of 100 or 50,

in numbered glassines in box, n.h., mostly compl. sets and Souvenir sheets, 10 of each, incl. Semis and Airs, Offices in China, Far Eastern Rep., South Russia, few others , clean and fine to very fine stock. With inventory and stated by owner to catl. DM8545 ..................................................................................(betw. 73 and 5837, etc.) Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200

some edge faults, some part sheets , imperf issues, also Siberia and South Russia ,clean and fine to very fine. With inventory and stated by owner to catl. Mi. 2000, DM53,900+ ............(betw. 74 and 2170, etc.)

794 * Offi SOUTH GEORGIA: 1919 to 1923, specialized coll. of a few hundred in stockbook, n.h. to unused or used, incl. imperfs , few blks , 1923 Handstamped in violet and black, small and large types , Semis, several cards or large portions of covers, mixed condition to very fine ..................................................Est. Cash Value $400-500



Coll. of several thousand in 2 old-time Schaubek albums and notebook in carton, 1.h. to unused or used, wide ranging with much Europe, particularly Germany and area, French Colonies, British areas incl. Great Britain , incl. compl. or part sets, blk s and large multiples , covers, etc., mixed condition as would be expected but much fine to very fine .........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $3,50~,S00

796 * Ol81 The Hayden Keech Balance contained in 14 cartons and 1 two-drawer metal file, compr. collection remainders on pages and in albums and stockbooks, loose stamps, covers from the entire spectrum, specialized remainders of Poland and Germany, mixed condition ...................................... .................................................................... Est. Cash Value $2,000-3,000 797


798 * O

Accum. of about 150 covers in box, many countries, incl. U.S., Austria, France, Poland , Russia, others , plus British areas, few stampless, picture post cards, misc. stationery, mixed condition ............................................................... .........................................................Est. Cash Value $600-800 Coll. of man y thousand diff. in 28 International albums in S carton, mostl y used, balance 1.h. to unused, wide ranging though mostly common issues, some albums sparsely filled or empty, mixed condition .........................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-1,000

799 * Ol81Coll. and accum. of a few thousand in a few small books, on pages and loose in box, mostly used, much Europe incl. Belgium and Switzerland, British area , Asia, etc., also many commercial covers, some censored, etc., mixed condition .................................................. ............Est. Cash Value $400-600 800 * O

Coll. of many hundred diff. in 4 International albums in carton, o.g. to unu sed or used, many countri es though generally co mmon issues, some sets, mixed cond ition with some stuck .........................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $200-300

801 * O

Balance of a property in 2 cartons, o.g. to unused or used, incl. 3 sparsely filled International, Jr. albums, covers, hundreds of stamps in envelopes and glassines, etc., incl. Canada , Scandinavia and other Europe, U.S., mixed condition .................................. .............................Est. Cash Value $150-200

802 * O

Primarily 20th Century, SO volume collection of the world offered intact in 9 cartons, mostly Scott Internationals , majority used , issues after 1950 , tens of thousands of stamps with many popular areas, fine to very fine. Inspection is obviously necessar y ..........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $2,000-3,000

803 * O

Coll. of several thousand diff. in 4 International albums in carton, n.h. to o.g. or used, wide ranging thought mostl y Europe, with man y n.h. issues of Austria, France , Great Britain, Israel, Russia , Switzerland and U.S., generally fine to very fine .......................................................................................................... Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,250

804 * O

BRITISH COMMONWEALTH: 19th and 20th Century, balance of a property in 2 cartons, mostly used, some n.h. to o.g., compr. Great Britain and Canada in large quantities neatly arranged in stockbooks, plus coll. in 4 hingeless albums with slipcases, latter incl. mint Officials, also some Ireland , misc. foreign and covers , mixed condition to very fine .....Est. Cash Value $750

805 * OOOlSCANDINAVIA: 19th and 20th Century, coll. and accum. of a few thousand in 2 Specialty albums, ring-binder , etc., in carton, n.h. to o.g. or used , compr. Danish West Indies, Denmark, Finland, Greenland , Iceland , Norway, Sweden, incl. early items , compl. and part sets, Semis, Airs, back-of-book , many booklets or panes, dupl. and some covers, some slightly better throughout , mixed condition to very fine with a goodly number n.h . ......................................................................................................... Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500

806 * O

To 1970s, coll. of many hundred diff. in Specialty album, l.h. to unused or used, compr. Danish West Indies, Denmark, Faroe Is. , Finland, Greenland , Iceland incl. 1930 Parliament set compl., Norway, Sweden, incl . slightly better items, compl. or part sets, some mixed mint/used , plus dupl., Semis, Airs and back-of-book, mixed condition ..................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000+



LATINAMERICA The following twenty-one lots comp rise an extensive collection of Latin America contained in 148 Scott Specialty albums. While missing very high priced stamps, it is replete with middle value material, especially in the area of varieties and errors. Throughout the collection are cancellation, covers, multip les, Specimen, both Plate and Die proofs, back-of-the-book and so on. All items are fastid iously organized and annotated on the pages. Condition is mixed as would be expected on the early issues to very fi ne on the recent. Virtually any one of these would be a worthy nucleus to a great collection.


ARGENTI NA : 1873 to earl y 1980s; Th e collection in 11 album s in 2 cartons , early issues, man y proof s, Official s, etc . ..................................................................Est. Cash Value $7,500+


BOL IVIA : 1867 to earl y 1980s; Th e collection in 4 album s in carton , excellent Sanabria listed Air Post error s ................................................................................Est. Cash Value $3,000


BRAZIL: 1843 to earl y 1980s; The collection in 20 album s in 4 carton s, strong "Bull 's Eyes", back-of-book, especially Officials ..........................................................Est. Cash Value $10,000


CHIL E: 1853 to earl y 1980s; Th e collection in 5 album s, excellent imperfs with covers and Air Post ..............................................................................................Est. Cash Value $5,000


COLOMBI A: 1859 to earl y 1980s; Th e collection in 7 album s, excell ent earlier and middl e issues ................................................................................Est. Cash Valu e $7,500-10,000


AIR PO ST SCADTA ISSUES: Cir ca 1920s; Th e collection in album , covers, sets, blocks, err ors ..............................................................................................Est. Cash Value $2,500-3 ,000


C O L O M BI AN STA T E S : 1860 s t o 1910 ; Th e coJl ection in 3 album s .........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $4,000-5 ,000


C O ST A RI CA : 1863 to 1982 ; Th e collection in 4 album s, som e Guanacaste .........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $3,000-4,000


CU BA : 1902 to 197 5; Th e collecti on in 7 album s, few earl y error s, Specimen s .........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,500-2 ,000


DOMIN ICAN REP UBLIC: 1879 to early 1980s; The collection in 5 album s, better earl y covers ..............................................................................................Est. Cash Value $2,000-3 ,000


ECUA DOR: 1865 to 1981; The collection in 5 album s ..............Est. Cash Value $2,000-3 ,000


GUATEMALA : 1871 to 1975 ; The collection in 8 album s, fine Air Po st errors .........................................................................................................Est. Cas h Value $3,000-5 ,000


HAITI: 1881 to earl y 1980s; Th e collection in 11 album s, incl. unu sed partial plating s of First Issue Sc, 20c, incredibl e numb er of error s, plus album of flown cover s from 1962 on .........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $6,000-8 ,000




HONDURAS: 1865 to 1981 ; The collection in 5 albums, fabulous Air Post errors .........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $4,000--5,000


NICARAGUA: 1862 to 1982; The collection in 11 albums, early proofs, flown covers, Officials ..........................................................................................Est. Cash Value $4,000--6,000


PANAMA: 1878 to 1980; The collection in 4 albums, extensive Registration .........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,500--2,000


PARAGUAY: 1870 to early 1908s; The collection in 11 albums, incl. o.g., block of 50 of #2 ...................................................................................(Photo p.47) Est. Cash Value $5,000--6,000


PERU: 1857 to 1966; The collection in 6 albums, excellent imperforate stamps and covers, fine later proofs ..............................................................................Est. Cash Value $6,000--8,000


SALVADOR: 1867 to 1982; The collection in 6 albums, 19th Century proofs .........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $3,000--3,500


URUGUAY: 1856 to 1982; The collection in 8 albums , early covers , Officials .........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $3,000--4,000


VENEZUELA: 1841 to 1975; The collection in 6 albums, strong imperforates , fine Locals .........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $4,000--5,000









CONDITIONS OF SALE THE PLACING OF A BID SHALL CONSTITUTE ACCEPTANCE OF THE CONDITIONS OF SALE BIDDING Unless announced otherwise by the auctioneer, all bids are per lot, as numbered in the printed Catalogue . H.R. Harmer, Inc. (hereinafter "Harmers "), License #s 672829, 780870, as agent for the consignor or vendor, shall regulate the bidding and shall determ ine the manner in which the bidding shall be conducted . Harmers reserves the right to withdraw any lot prior to sale (without liability to any potential purchaser or agent), to re-offer any withdrawn lot, to divide a lot or to group two or more lots belonging to the same consignor or vendor, and to refuse any bid believed not made in good faith. The highest bid acknowledged by the auctioneer shall prevail. Should a dispute arise between bidders (including a dispute between a floor bidder and the auctioneer acting on behalf of a mail bidder, consignor or vendor), the auctioneer alone shall determine who is the successful bidder and whether to reoffer the lot in dispute. Should a dispute arise after the sale, the auctioneer 's sale records shall be conclusive . On all lots sold , a commission of 15% on the hammer price is payable by the buyer . (a) The auctioneer reserves the right to bid on behalf of clients (and consignors or vendors ) but shall not be liable for errors and omissions in executing instructions to bid, however received, and whether such errors or omissions be those of the bidder or agent or those of the auctioneer. (b) All lots are offered subject to a reserve price. The auctioneer may implement such reserve price. The auctioneer may implement such reserve price by bidding on behalf of the consignor vendor. (c) It may also be assumed that all consignors have been advanced monies against the sale of their stamps and Harmers therefore has a security interest over and above the normal auction commission . (d) Purchases made by a consignor or vendor or his agent on his own lots shall be considered as a sale subject to commissions and sales tax as applicable. (e) Agents are responsible for all purchases made on behalf of their clients , unless other arrangements have been confirmed in wr iting prior to the auction .





(5. 6.

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July 19, 2001


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