OCTOBER 3, 2002
9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Never hinged
On cover
On piece
Block of four
Block larger than four
PP Plate Proof
DP Die Proof
TC Trial Color
We regret we are unable to accept credit cards for payment of purchases. For overseas buyers, we ask that payment be made by bank draft , wire or checks in dollars made payable on a U.S. bank.
SE ; Straight Edge; s.l. ; Straight-line; c.d.s. ; Circular Date Stamp. c.t.o.; Cancelled to Order; F.D.C. ; First Day Cover CONDITION
The various gradings of stamps are, in order: superb; extremely fine; very fine; fine; fair. A lot described as "fair" is so listed either by reason of general appearance or more often because of a small fault or faults, such as a crease, thin spot, short or missing pert, pertorated into, cut into, etc. In the case of sets, large blocks, sheets, etc., the condition quoted represents
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
the average and quality above and below this standard can be expected. Mixed Condition : In large lots, the condition is generally expected to range from fair to at best fine. Serious defects can be expected. BIDDING LEVELS
Up to$ 150 $ 5 $150- $ 300 $ 10 $300- $ 700 $ 25 $700- $1 ,500 $ 50 Over $ t ,500 approximately 5% Bids which do not conform to the above will be automatically reduced to the correctlevel.
Hands tamp on reverse : Denotes either a dealer, collector or indecipherable expertiser's mark. Signed by : Denotes either the actual signature or mark of the expertiser . The absence of mentioning a signature does not reflect on the ability or knowledge of the party involved.
0 .G.
Shaded portion can represent an actual hinge or the area disturbed by a hinge. n.h. Never hinged - unused with original gum in Post Office state and unmounted l.h. Lightly hinged - unused with full original gum showing some evidence of a previous hinge which may be present in part or entirely removed. o.g. Original gum - unused with original gum somewhat disturbed by previous hinging which may still be present. part o.g. Part original gum - unused with original gum. large hingi ,11 mnants m , or may not be present. disturbed o.g. Disturbed original gum - unused with original gu-n glazing or mount disturbance; may not resemble the unused Unused without gum (unless gum is mentioned) ungummed Unused without gum, as issued. BLOCKS OR SHEETS AND THEIR GUM: Minor separationsare the rule, rathe in the case of blocks or sheets of any size. A few separations-arou nd tour pe affect the value of a block or sheet and are not grounds for the return of a lo• Blocks of four that have two stamps o.g. and two stamps n.h. are · • ,ri bed .
Please comply with the following: (a) Not more than 20 bids can be accepted and must be confirmed in writing. (b) Any errors are the responsibility of the bidder. (c) No bids accepted later than 1/2 hour before sale. BIDS BY FAX OR EMAIL
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PAIRS: All pairs are horizontal. unless otherwise mentioned. ION OF LOTS
CATALOGUE NUMBERS : The catalogue numbers of the content. of the parentheses immediately following the descriptions . but in bulky Iott •nly th, shown. CATALOGUE VALUES : The final column shows the catalogue val parentheseswhere, in the opinion of the auctioneers, the market v, ESTIMATED VALUES : If an estimated cash value is given, it is always indicated by the abbreviations "Est. Cash Val.". It is used the actual value has little relation to the catalogue price. It repro of the true MARKET value of a lot and the figure is invariably c' useless for mail bidders to list any bids that are only a low pro CATALOGUES USED IN LISTING:
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ceipt of stamped, self-addressed envelope. cSCRIPTfON
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Jndsfor return.
1al differences of opinion concerning gum
nittees , for example, a stamp described as
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to, file folds not affecting stamps, small tears ,een noted in the descriptions of this catalogue.
Michel Germany Specialized APS/BACKSTAMPS
Euros are Michel unless otherwise noted
'r. Uy ther, It is yo,
vith back stamps stating Fake, Falsch, or similar a spate of German expertisers marking the ,ility as the purchaser not to let this happen. AILING ENVELOPE
e Printed with Pantone t 92 & Grey
•ne bid torr :,wealth &
, realized for theJune 20, 2002 United States, ,stern Europe and Colonies and Liberia auction.
SALE 2938
The ccHohenzollern)) Collection
October 3, 2002 Afternoon Session not before 2:00 P.M.
EXHIBITION OF LOTS SEPTEMBER 30, OCTOBER2 from 9:30 a.m . to 5:15 p.m. or by Appointm ent EXHIBITION ROOM CLOSED 1:00 p .m . to 1:45 p .m . EACH DAY ON SALE DAYS LOTS WILL BE AVAILABLE UNTIL 12 NOON
T o be sold at Auction by
H. R. HARMER LLC 3 EAST 28TH STREET , 7TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY 10016 Telephone: (212 ) 532-3700 Fax: (212 ) 447-5625 E-mail : hrharmer @hrharmer.com Website: ww,,.,.hrharmer.com Keith A. Harmer , Jack LaCalamito -
Licensed Auctioneers , License #'s 672829 , 780870
On all lots sold a commi ssion of 15% on the hammer price will be payable by the buyer.
The "HOHENZOLLERN" Collection Seldom do German Area Collections offering such content and quality escape the European Continent and find their way to the United States. The "Hohenzollern" Auction provides the perfect occasion for collectors in the United States to be more directly and deeply involved in the German Offices and Colonies market. "Postfrisch" As will be noticed, the vast majority of the rare stamps of this area are Never Hinged. In addition, complete sets in such superior condition present the market with an opportunity unlikely to occur for years to come. "Briefstucke" Amazingly virtually every used stamp in this spectacular collection is tied "on piece" and generally with superior strikes of of various cancels. This exceptional quality is reflected in the 20% premium placed on the catalogue values by the Michel catalogue and separates this material from the general run-of-the-mill Colonial offerings that normally greets the public's eye. Collectors will also be pleasantly surprised by the huge number of certificates and handstamps. We hope you enjoy this catalogue. To collectors of German Offices and Colonies and those embarking on collecting this fascinating area, we wish you success in your bidding.
Cati. Val.
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2002 Afternoon Session not before 2:00 P.M.
901 /';.
2m dull violet purple, pair, 20pf ultramarine, two strikes of KAISERLICH DEUTSCHE POSTAGENTUR SHANGHAI 23/8 90, 20pf perf fault s, pair , very fine. Steuer Cert. (1998) and Mansfel d handstamp. Mi. 37d, 48a, €1512+ .........................................................................................................................................(Photo)
902 /';.
2m , 50pf redd ish brown , simil ar strike as previou s, 50pf light co rner crease, fine. Bot he hand stamp. Mi. 37d, 50b, €924 .............................. .............................................................................................................. (Photo)
903 /';.83
Coll. of 66 stamps on 25 pieces, nice variety of combinations and multiples incl. pairs to strips of 3, 4 or 5, one blk of 4, some faults as would be expected to fine to very fine. Mi. betw. 37 and 50d, €5475+ ...
904 /';.
3pf yellow brown, tied by clear SHANGHAI 5/10 98 c.d.s. on piece, extreme ly fine. Bothe Cert. (1976), his and numerous other handstamps. Mi. lib , €30,000 .............................................. .....(Cover Photo) (le) A great rarity of Offices in China and one of the highlights of this collection
Cati. Val.
Hand stamp Surcharged 5pf on lOpf carmine
905 **
5pf on lOpf, "C hina " ovptd. at 45 degree angle, n.h. , very fine. Ebel Cert. (1965) and his handstamp. Mi. 71b, €1800 ...............................................................................................................................(Photo ) (16a)
906 **
5pf on lOpf, "China" ovptd. at 56 degree angle, top sheet margin copy, n.h., very fine. Steuer Cert. (1996) and Drahn hand stamp. Mi. 711, €1400+ .......................................................................................(Photo ) (16)
907 ** EB5pf on lOpf, CORNER SHEET MARGIN BLOCK OF FOUR, selvage handstamped "80" in violet, fresh, fine. Drahn handstamp. Mi. 7 II , €5600+ ..........................................................................(Photo) (16)
Tied on Piece 908 t,,
5pf on l0pf , "China" ovptd. at 45 degree angle, on-the-nose FUTSCHAU 9/1 01 c.d.s., light perf top stains, fine. Steuer Cert. (1998) and Mansfe ld and Pfenninger handstamps. Mi. 7IB , €1200 .................. ........... (Photo) ( 16a)
909 t,,
5pf on lOpf, "China" ovptd. at 56 degree angle, neat FUTSCHAU 5/4/01 c.d.s., very fine. Steuer Cert. (1999) and Drahn handstamp. Mi. 711, €2500+ .................................................................................................(Photo) (16)
Catl. Val.
** 911 ** 912 ** 9 13 ** 9 IO
3pf brown, sheet margin copy, n.h ., perfectly centered, superb. Jakubek Cert. (1994) for corner block of four of which this is the bottom left copy. Mi. 8, €2500+ ........................................................(Photo) (17) 5pf green, n.h., extremely fine. Jakubek Cert. (1998) and Bothe hand sta mp. Mi. 9, €1500 ...(Photo ) (18) IOpf carmine, n.h. , brilliant fresh , fine. Bothe and Jakubek Certs. (1984 and 2000 respectively ) and at least seven handstamps. Mi. IO, €5000 .........................................................................................(Photo) (19) 20pf ultramarine, n.h., very fine. Jakubek Cert. (2000) and several handstamps. Mi . II, €2500 ...(Photo) (20)
914 914
30pf orange & black on salmon , n.h. , perfectl y centered, superb. Lantelme and Jakubek Certs. (1998 and 1999 respectively ), Bothe handstamp. Mi. 12, €25,000 ...............................(Cover Photo ) (21) Fabulous copy of this International rarity
9 15
50pf purple & black on salmon , very l.h. , perf ect ly centered , superb. Bothe and Jakubek Certs. (1978 and 1998 respectivel y), Bothe and other hand stamps. Mi. 13, €40,000 ............(Cover Photo ) (22) One of the greatest rarities in all of German. Philately
80pf lake & black on rose, n.h. , typical centering , vivid colors , very fine. Holcombe and Jakubek Certs. (1999 and 2000 respecti vely), signed Kohler, Pfenninger , Bothe and others. Mi. 14, €11,000 ..............................................................................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (23) 5
Catl. Val.
All used sramps are ried on p iece
9 l7 f'1 9 18 f'1
9 l9 f'1 920 f'1
3pf brown, on-the-nose TIENTSIN 1/1 01 c.d.s., traces of tone spots on perf tips, perfectly centered , very fine. Kosack and Thier handstamps . Mi. 8, €1080 .........................................................................................(Photo) (17) 5pf green , perfect strike of TIENTSIN 9/1 01 c.d.s. , extremely fine. Mi. 9, €540 ...............................(Photo ) (18) l0pf carmine , on-the-nose TIENTSI 4/2 01 c.d.s., few light perf tone s, very fine. Jakubek Cert. (1998) and several hand stamps. Mi. 10, €1310 ..........................................................................................................(Photo ) (19) 20pf ultramarine , on-the-nose TIENTSIN 1/1 01 c.d.s., perfectl y centered , superb. Jakubek Cert. (1997), Richter and Thier handstamps . Mi. 11, €1440 .......................................................................................(Photo ) (20)
92 1 f'1
30pf orange & black on salmon , clear TIENTSIN 13/4 01 c.d.s., perfectly centered, extremel y fine. Holcombe and Jakubek Cert s. (1990 and 1998 respectivel y), Champion handstamp . Mi. 12, €9600 ............................................................................................ .......................................................... ....(Photo ) (21)
922 f'1
50pf purple & black on salmon , neat TIENTSIN 5/1 01 c.d.s., very fine. Bothe Cert. (1980), his and other handstamps. Mi. 13, €26,400. A great Colonia l rar ity ............................................. (Cover Photo ) (22)
923 f'1
80pf lake & black on rose , neat TIENTSIN I ¾ 01 c.d.s., extremel y fine. Holcombe and Jakubek Certs. (1990 and 1998 respecti vely), Champion hand stamp. Mi. 14, €5400......................................... (Photo ) (23) 6
Cati. Val.
** 925 **
926 t;
1901 REGULAR ISSUE : Sm slate & carmine , type ill , retouched , n.h. , extremel y fine. Steuer Cert. (1999). Mi. 27 ill , €750 ............................................................... ........................................................................ (Photo ) (36b ) 1905 SURCHARGED: 1 '12d on 3m black viol et , 26: 17 perforation , n.h. , very fine. Mi. 36A , €800 ....................................................................................................................................................... ............. (Photo ) (45) 2½ d on Sm slate & carmine , three copie s, two with sheet margin , neatl y caned. AMOY , FUTSCHAU or SCH ANGHAI, ver y fin e to extremel y fine. One hand stamped Steuer , another Richter . Mi. 37b , €1224 .................................................................................................................................................................... (Photo ) (46)
928 t;
1898 to 1905, coll. of 41 mostly diff. on page s, n.h. , with 45 and 56 degree ovpts. , incl. shade s, 1901 Ovptd. to Sm (type II ), etc., generall y very fine. Mi. €3745 .......................................................................... ..
Coll. of 48 stamps on pages , nice variet y of cancel s, incl. 45 and 56 degree ovpts. , shades , 1901 Sm types I (retouched ) and II , 2m and 3m types I and II , 1905 Surchd. , few dupl. , generall y ver y fine. Mi. €3440.
OFFICES IN MOROCCO 929 t; t81 FORERUNNERS: Circa 1900, selection of seven stamp s on six pieces, incl. Casablanca, Tanger, Larache, others, plus one cover to Gemrnny, 20pf pmkd. 2 1 1 01, fine to very fine .................................. ...Est. Ca h Value $200-250 930
931 S 932
** **
1899 UNISSUED: Overprinted ''Morocco " 2pf to S0pf compl. set, 3pf, lOpf and 25pf sheet margin copies , n.h ., fine to very fine. KILIAN and another hand stamp. Mi . I-VI , €1800+ ..................(Photo ) (1-6 vars. )
1900 SURCHARGED ISSUE 3c on 3pf to 6p25 on Sm, type I , retouched , overprinted " Specimen ", n.h. , brilliant fre sh , ver y fine to extremel y fine. Steuer Cert. (1999) and multiple hand stamp s. Mi. 7-18, 19ill S, €1750 ......... (Photo ) (17-19bS ) S0c on 40pf lake & black , "POST " of " REICHPOST" cut into at bottom , sheet margin copy, stamp n.h. , wonderfully fre sh, ver y fine. Mi. 13PFII , €600+. Seldom seen variety .......................................... (Photo ) (13 var. ) 6p25c on Sm slat e & carmine 6p25c on Sm, type I, n.h. , ver y fine. Steuer Cert. (2001) and hand stamp. Mi. 191, €1200 .................(Photo ) (19)
934 934
6p25c on Sm, type II , thinner overprint , n.h. , brilliant fre sh, extremel y tine. Hoffmann-Giesecke Cert. (1965) and hand stamp. Mi. 19Il , €3500 ..................................................... ........................ (Photo ) (19A var. ) 7
Cati. Val.
935 **
6p25c on Sm, type III , retouched, n.h. , brilliant fresh, ver y fin e. Steuer and Richter handstamps. Mi. 19III , €1200 .................................. ....................................................................................................(Photo ) (19b)
936 **
1903 THICKER OVERPRINT lp25c on Im carmine , n.h. , fre sh bright color , fine. Btihler Cert. (1949) and handstamps. Mi. 1611b, €1400 ...................................................... ......................................................................................................(Photo ) (16 var. )
937 **
2m dark blue , German y type I, n.h., brilliant fresh, extremely tine. Steuer Cert. (2001). Mi. 1711/I, €1600 ............................................................................................. .....................................................(Photo) (17 var.)
938 **
2m, German y type TI, sheet margin copy, n.h ., brilliant fre sh, extremel y fine. Kohler and Mansfeld handstamp s. Mi. 17II/II , €3200 .............................................................................................(Photo ) (17 var. )
939 939 **
940 S
3p, 75c on 3m dark violet, German y type I, sheet margin copy, n.h. , very fine. Bothe Cert. (1972) and handstamp. Mi . 1811/1,€4800 ................................................................................................(Photo ) (18 var. ) 6p25c on Sm slate & carmine , Germany type 11,ovptd. " Specimen ", n.h. , brilliant fresh , extremely fine. Steuer Cert. (2001). Mi. 19IVS, €1500 ......................................................................................... (Photo) (19A var .)
941 941 ** EE6p2Sc on Sm, German y type II , Marker Sheet Margin Block of Four , n.h. , brilliant fresh , very fine to extremely fine. Mi. 191V, €2200+ ............................................................................................... (Photo ) (19A) Lovely pos ition multip le 8
Cati. Val.
EX942 942
3c on 3pf to lp on 80pf compl. set, n.h., brilliant colors, fine to very fine. United Stamp Co. Cert. (1955) and various handstamps. Mi. 711-1511,€5000......................................................................................(Photo) Quite rare. On.L y thirty sets exist
Sc on Spf ovptd. "Specimen", n.h., extremely fine. Bothe handstamp. Mi. 20S, €500 ..................(Photo) (32AS)
10c on l0pf carmine rose , n.h. , extremely fine. Bothe and Pfenninger handstamps. Mi. VII, €3400 ..................................................................................................................................................................(Photo)
1899 to 1911, coll. of 71 diff. on pages, n.h. except one l.h., incl. Michel types, shades, sheet margin copies, generally very fine. Mi. €5550+ .............................................................................................................
,:: ;, ,:
...., /.
1900 SURCHARGED : 6p25c on Sm slate & carmine , type I, tied by two strikes of light TANGER (MAROCCO) 12/1 02 c.d.s. on piece, very fine. Mi. 191, €720........................................................................................(Photo) (19) CANCELLED MAROKKO AND MAROCCO
947 0 6
1905 Unwmkd . Surcharged "M arocco " 60c on S0pf and lp on 80pf, pmkd. "MA ROKKO" , plus 1911 Surcharged " Marokko " 2p50c on 2m and 3p75c on 3m pmkd. "MA ROCCO" , all tied on piece except lp on 80pf, very fine. Steuer Cert. (1999), latter two others handstamp. Mi. 28, 29, 56A, 57A, €6853 .......................................................................................................................................... .......................(Photo ) Rare group 9
Cati. Val.
1906-11 PICTURE POST CARDS: Sc on Spf green, two copies, negligibl e perf stains, eac h tied by strike of CASABLANCA MOROCCO 5. 3. 08 c.d.s. on diff. cards picturing French military balloon training ................................................................................................................................ (Photo ) Est. Cash Value $200-300 1911 AGADI R CRISIS: Wmkd. Lozenge 3c on 3pf brown , top sheet margin blk of four , very fine, each stamp tied by light strike of KAIS.DE UTSC HE MARINE SCHIFFSPOST 22/9 11 c.d.s. on envelop[e to Germa ny. Mi. 46. Mailed from the lighl cruiser SMS Berlin ...................... (Photo ) Est. Cas h Value $200-250 (46) SPECIAL PRINTING: 6p25c on Sm slate & carmine , tied by light st rikes of TANGER (MOROKKO ) 24. 11. 11 c.d.s. on piece, very fine. Steuer Cert. (1998), hand sta mp. Mi. 58M, €1560...............(Photo ) (57 var .)
950 !:::.
951 6
1899 to 1911, coll. of 79 stamp s, mostly diff. and all but two on indjvidual pieces, dupl. of better items, fine to very fine, Mi. 42 and 45 with Steuer Certs. Mi. €10,900+ ......................................................(Photo )
CANCELLATIONS: Ea rl y 20th Centu r y, coll. of 42 stamp s on 38 piece s, plu s three cover s, won d erfu l range of cancels which are virtuall y complete strike s, generally fine to very fine. Requir es careful inspect ion ............................... ......................... ......... .(Photo) Est. Cash Value $2,500-3 ,000
6 181
Cati. Val.
OFFICES IN TURKISH EMPIRE 1870-1890 FORERUNNERS All stamps are lied on pie ce unless otherwise noted
1870 1/3gr green, ½g r orange , CONSTANTINOPEL 13/6 71 c.d.s. , very fine. Steuer Cert. (1989). Mi. 14, 15, €2040 .....................................................................................................................................(Photo)
Colorful combinatio n
11'3gr, on-the-nose KAISERL. DEUTSCHES P.A. CONSTANTINOPEL 17/10 71 c.d.s. , very fine. Bothe and other handstamps. MI 14, €2340 ........................................................................................(Photo )
30gr blue, ms. "Constantinopel N.P.A. 7.2.71." , used on piece, perf faults, fine appearance. Steuer Cert. (1992) with English translation. Mi. 29, unpr . ........................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $5,000-6,000
1872 J/3gr green, two vertical strips of three , each stamp with strike of KAISERL. DEUTSCHES P.A. CONSTANTINOPEL 22/1 73 c.d.s., very fine. Steuer Cert. (1994). Mi. 2, €3600+ .........................(Photo ) Fabulous fra nking
Cati. Val.
957 t:, 958 t:,
959 t:,
960 0
96 1 t:,
96 2 t:,
lOgr gray , ms. (Consta ) " ntinopel 1874", fine. Steuer Cert. (1989). Mi. 12, €2400 ..........................(Photo ) ¼ gr violet, clear strike of KAISERL. DEUTSCHES P.A. CONSTA TINOPEL 14/7 74 c.d.s. , very fine. Steuer Cert. (1981) and Grobe , Both e, Ma nsfeld hand stamp s. Mi. 16, €840 ..............................................(Photo ) 2½ gr on 2½g r brown , strip of five, each stamp tied by strik e of CONST ANTINOPEL 3/3 75 c.d.s. on piece with with Regi s. label ms. "78" and " charge" , ver y fine. Steuer Cert. (1995). Mi. 29 .........................................................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $1,000 2m lilac purple , ms. "Constant/inopel 7/6 84", not on piece fine. Steuer Cert. (200 1) and Dr. 0 handstamp. Mi 37b, €750 .................... ........................................................................................................... ....................... (Photo ) 2m Iilac carmine, on-the-nose JER USALEM DEUTSCHE PO ST 11/6 00 c.d.s., very fine. Steuer Cert. (2001) and Dr. 0 hand stamp. Mi. 37f, €3240 .......................................................................................(Photo ) 1879-80 50pf greenish gray, neat P. A. CONSTANTINOPEL 24 7 82(?) c.d.s., very fin e. Bothe and Pfenninger handstamp s. Mi. 44a, €1536.........................................................................................................(Photo )
963 t:,
50pf dark olive green , vertical strip of three , pmkd. by two strike s of CONST ANTI OPEL 1 DEUTSC HE POST 15/11 89 c.d.s., some light stainin g, fine to very fine. Steuer Cert. (2000). Bothe and Bohne hand stamp s. Mi. 44b .......................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $1,500-2 ,000
Cati. Val.
964 t:,
Spf violet, " P.A. CONSTANTINOPEL 9/8 81" c.d.s., extremely fin e. Bothe and Mansfeld handstamps. Mi. 44a, €1536 ...................................................................................................................................................(Photo )
965 t:,
2m brown purple , strip of five, thr ee clear strikes of CO STANTINOPEL 2/2 98 c.d.s., very fine. Mi. 37e, €540+ ............................................................................................................................................................................(Photo )
966 t:,
1870-90, coll. of 45 stamps on 33 piece s, incl. multiples and mixed frankings , excellent showing of these scarce usage s with man y signed and one cert. , generally fine to very fine. Mi. €9050 .......................
IOpa on Spf to 15pi on 3m, 25pi on Sm, type II , ovptd. "S pecimen ", comp I. set , n.h. , fine to extr emel y fine. Hollmann Cert. (1999) and additional Steuer Cert. (1988) for 25pi , hand stamp s ........................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (13-23S,24BS) 25pi on Sm slate & carmine, type I, n.h. , brilliant fre sh, extremely fine. Handstamp. Mi. 231, €1100 ..................................................................................................................................................... ...............(Photo ) (24)
25pi on Sm,type JI, DOUBLE SURCHARGE, o.g., very fine. Steuer Cert. (1999). Mi. 23II DD, €12,000 A most impressive example of the error ................................................................... ........(Cover Photo ) (24Bc) 13
Cati. Val.
1902-04 ISSUE 970
tOpa on 5 Spf green, 20pa on l0pf carmine, Michel types II and I in pair s, former vertica l pair , n.h. , extreme ly fine. Steuer Certs. (1991). Mi. 12II/I, 1311/1, €1100 .....................................................................(Photo ) lpi on 20pf ultr amarine, Michel types II and I in pair , tied by light SMYRNA 15 8 03 c.d.s. cancels on piece, extremely fine. Steuer Cert. (1992) and hand stamp. Mi. 11/1, unpr. used (Photo) (14, var .) Est. Cash Value $500 25pi on Sm slate & carmine , Germany type II , three copies, ti ed b y SMYRNA an d two diff. CONSTANTINOPEL c.d.s. cancels on piece, very fine. Various hand sta mps. Mi. 23IV, €2340 .....(Photo ) (30)
97 1 t;
972 t;
THICKER SURCHARGE: 1 ¼ pi on 25pf to 4pi on 80pf, five diff. com pl., n.h., fine to extreme ly fine. Bothe Cert. (1976), his and oth er hand sta mps. Mi. 1-V, €3750..........................................................(Photo )
lSpi on 3m black violet, Germany type II, o.g., extremely fine. Hollmann Cert. (2000) and hand sta mps. Mi. VI/II, €22,000 ........................................................................................................................(Cover Photo) Exrreme /y rare. One of the highlights of this great collection
COVER CONDITION Minor faults including, but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps, small tears and some backflap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue. 14
Cati. Val.
Ill lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 11111111111 975
975 ** IHI1905 UNWATERMARKED: Error I ½ pi on 30pf oran ge & bla ck on salmon , brok en " l " . right stamp in Corner Sheet Margin Block of Six with normal s, extremel y fine. Hartung Cert. (1998) and Buhler hand stamp . Mi. 28, 281, €1450+ .....................................................................................................(Photo ) (35, var. ) 25pi on Sm slate & carmin e, tied by neat BEIRUT 6/3 08 c.d.s.'s, on piece, extr emely fine. Mansfeld hand stamp. 976 6. Mi. 35a, €744 .....................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (42 var. ) 25pi on Sm, two copies, tied by diff. types of CONSTANTINOP EL c.d.s. on piece, very fine. Hand stamp s. 977 6. Mi. 35b, €2160 ...................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (42 var. )
2 .., 978
1906-12 WATE RMARKED ISSUE 978 0
"2 2 Piaste" on 40pf lake & black, Left Sheet Ma rgin Showing "2 Piaster", light SMYRNA c.d.s., single off piece, some blun ted perfs at right , very fine. Bothe Cert. (1985) and handstamp s. Mi. 41ID , €16,000 ......................................................................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (48 var .) Only five copi es of this error, mini or used, are available to collectors, making this one of !he rarest stamps in German Offi ces and Colonies.
Cati. Val.
j -.
l)e l.H;•· .~(i ·
ff8 -
Einschreiben! lleutsd1es Postamt
J stanti1101uil f:011
M 426
a 979
979 6
"2 2 Piaste" , on-the-nose CONSTANTINOPEL 1-14.9.09 c.d.s. , on large portion of enve lope with Registry label , extremely fine. Bothe Cert. 91976) and handstamp. Mi. 411, €6000 ........(Photo ) (48 var. ) Only 80 mint or used copies exist
980 0
SPECIAL PRINTING: 25 pi on Sm slate & carmine, 22.11.13 c.d.s. cancels, very rme. Bothe handstamp. Mi. 47M, €3200 .......................................................................................................................(Photo ) (54 var.)
98 1
/', 181
1900 to 1913, coll. of over 60 diff. on pages , n.h. , incl. better items with diff. types , shades, 1905-13 "0 10 para " on Spf green, unu sed, etc., many handstamped and two cert s., generally fine to very fine. Mi. €9700+...............................................................................................................................................(Photo )
1903 to 1913, coll. of over 50 stamps on as man y pieces , on pages , incl. better types, IOpa on Spf Jerusalem 11.7.08 c.d.s., also two covers and postal card, fine to very fine. Stamps catl. Mi. €6200+ ..................................................................................................................................................................(Photo )
Cati. Val.
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1911 PICTURE POST CARD: Falkland Islands 1904-07 lp red, tied by indistinct SOUTH G(EORGIA) DE (10?) c.d.s. bearing red DEUTSCHE SUDPOLAR EXPEDITION label tied by light strike of violet handstamp reading in part "Polarschiff Deutschland Sud -Georgia ... 10.Dezember 1911". Card with picture of ship "Deutschland" and bearing seven signatures, very fine ..............................................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200
More World-WideStamps Accompanyingthis SpecializedGermanColoniesCatalogueshouldbe a GeneralAuction Catalogueof 83 4 lots) almost2 00 of whichare of Germanmaterial.!f you do not havethis catalogue) please contactHarmersoryour cataloguesourceimmediately. !f timeis of the essence)visit ourweb site www.hrharmer.com .
Ca ti. Val.
984 6
Lamu; 1889-1901 3pf green, pair , neat LAMU OSTAFRIKA 3/2 91 c.d.s.'s, deep color , fine. Steuer Cert. (1994) and Kohler and Brande s handstamp s. Mi. 39, €400......................................................(Photo)
985 6
1891 3pf brown , thr ee copies, bold LAMU OSTAFRIKA 31/3 91 c.d.s.'s, very fine. Mi. 45a, €1800 ..................................................................................................................................................................(Photo )
986 6
Zanzibar; 1890-01 2m pale violet purple , str ip of three , strik es of ZANZIBAR KAISIRL.DEUTSCHE POSTAGENTUR 1/9 90 c.d.s., Fir st Day of Use, mixed centering , left stamp creased, fine. Bothe handstamp. Mi. 37d, €6120+ .................................................................................................................(Photo) Rare multipl e
987 6ffi
2m brown purple , Block of Four , ZANZIBAR KAISERL. DEUTSCH E POSTAGENTUR 2/4 91 c.d.s.'s., fine to very tine. Steuer Cert. (1993) and hand stamp s. Mi. 37e, €5760+ ............................(Photo ) Rare and love ly block 18
Cati. Val.
988 I:::. 989 !:::. 990 !:::.
1890 Spf green, vertical strip of four , tied by ZANZIBAR KAISERL. DEUTSCHE POSTAGENTUR 7/7 9 1 c.d.s.' s, top stamp small red mark, other light crease, fine to very fine. Mi. 46b, €8 I 6+ ..................................(Photo) lOpf brown rose, S0pf reddish lilac brown , each with neat strikes of ZANZIBAR KAISERL. DEUTSCHE POSTAGENTUR 17/11 90 c.d.s., fine. Zenker handstamp. Mi. 47b, S0ba, €1104+ ........................................(Photo ) 25pf orange yellow, most of ZANZIBAR KAISERL.D EUTSCHE 6 7 (?) c.d.s. , ver y fine. Mi. 49a , €960 ............................................................................................................................................................................(Photo )
99 1 !:::.
S0pf reddish brown , vertical strip of three , each stamp tied by ZANZIBAR KAISERL. DEUTSCHE POSTAGENTUR 2/10 90 c.d.s., fine to very fine. Steuer Cert. (1994). Mi. 50b, €3240+ ................(Photo )
992 992 I:::.
German East Afr ica; 1890-91 2m pale rose lilac , four copie s, mostly clear strikes of DAR-ESSALAAM KAISERL. DEUTSCHE POSTAGENTUR 2/11 91 pmks, left stamp repaired tear , fine and very rare. Photocopy of Steuer Cert. (2001). Mi. 37c, €16,800 ...............................................(Cover Photo )
993 !:::. C8:I 1888-1901, coll. of 43 stamps on 20 pieces incl. Spf cut square on pages, incl. Lamu , blue Zanzibar , multiples incl. pair s and strips , 2m blk of 8, al so 20pf on cover , and late usage (mitlaufer ), some fa ult s as would be expected , generally fin e to very fine and a goodly amount handstamped ..............................................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $2,500-3,500 994 E
1892 SCHULKE & MA YR PRIVAT E POST: Perf 11½ Sc to $1 compl. set, o.g., mixed centering to very fine ............................................................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $750- 1,000 19
Cati. Val.
995 *
2pes on 3pf to 25pes on S0pf compl. set, handstamped " Werthlos " diagonally in red, unused (regummed), fine to very fine. Steuer Cert. (1997) .........(Photo )(l-6 vars. ) Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 From the Berlin archives. Only one hundred sets exist
996 ** Ell3pes on Spf green, surcharge 14¼ mm, bottom right copy in Sheet Margin Block of Four with normals , n.h., fresh , fine. Bothe Cert. (1983). Mi. 21, II , €2920+ ..............................................................(Photo) (2,a)
997 **
3pes on Spf , surcharge 16¼ mm, ver y fine. Basel Cert. (2001 ) and handstamps , Mi. 2111, €2400 .........................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (2b)
2p to 3r compl. set, ovptd. "Specimen ", 2p to 40p top sheet margin copies, n.h., fine to extremel y fine. AU handstamped , rupee values Siebentritt , Bartel s and Pfennin ger. Mi. 11-21S, €3300....(Photo ) (11-21S)
999 ** liilIr claret , 2r yellow green, retouched clouds above bow of ship , Pos. 1, in sheets of twenty with normals, n.h. , folded once along vert. perfs , 2r light selvage edge toning , fine to ver y fine. Mi. 19, 20, €1900+ .................................................................................................................................................(Photo page 56) (19,20) 1000 **
3r carmine red & greenish black , frame Michel type ill , vignette type I, Corner Sheet Margin Copy, very fine. Pauligh Cert. (1999), Siebentritt and Lantelme handstamps. Mi. 21al , €3800 ...(Photo ) (21 var. ) 20
Catl. Val.
.. k ~
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Deatsell-0stafrika, i;
No. 682. 1001
l002 ti
3r carmine red & greenish black, frame type III , vignette type I, used with lr and 2r , all very fine, each doubly tied by strikes of AMANI DEUTSCH-OSTAFRIKA 6/8 06 c.d.s. on Regis. envelope (small scissors cuts , filing creases ) to Buren , receiver on reverse. Steuer Cert. (2000) and Mansfeld handstamp. Mi. 21al , 19, 20, €13,180.........................................................................(Photo ) (21 var. , 19,20) 3r carmine red & black or red & black , six copies tied by diff. c.d.s. cancel s on separate piece , fine to extremely fine. Mi. 21a,b, €1800..............................................................................................................(Photo ) (21)
Catl. Val.
1003 **
2 ½ h , 4h, 15h, 30h , 45h, IMPERFORATE , 4h and 15h top margin copies, latter a pair with violet seal, 2 ½ h and 4h hand stamped " Wertlo s", 4h and 15h frayed selvage top, very fine to extremely fine. Individual Steuer Certs. (1997 , 1998). Mi. 30 , 31, 33 , 35, 36bU ......................................................................... (Photo ) (31,32,34,36,37 vars.) Est. Cash Value $4,000-6,000
1004 1004 0
lr red , DARESSALAM C 2.7.16 pmk s, fine. von Wildmann and Bothe Certs. (1961 and 1976 respectively ) and numerous hand sta mp s. Mi. 38b , €25,000 .........................................(Cover Photo ) (39) A grea t German Co/0 11ies rar ity
2 1 , 2~
Deutsch Ostafrika DD
1005 *
Deutsch Osta f rika DD
He ll er
2 12
DeutschOstafrika DD
D 1
1916 WUGA: Rouletted 2½ h violet brown, 7½ h carmine , Ir rose, 15 stamps incl. Michel types I and II or II and I in 5 pairs , one vert. plus 2½ h blk of four , un gummed , some light staining , tine appearance to very tine. Various handstamp s. Mi. III-IV ,€4980 ...........................................................................(Photo ) Scarce gro up
1892 Schulke & Mayr's reprinted set comp!., pan es incl. perfs which do and do not go through selvage, fine to extremely fine. Mi. €4770 ...............................................................................................................................
I 006 ** IHI1893 to 1916, coll. of 59 stamp s and 8 booklet pane s on pa ges, n.h. , incl. shades throughout,
Cati. Val.
CA CELLA TIO S All stamps are tied on.pie ce unless otherwise noted
1007 t::.
7 ½ h carmine , top margin copy , 15h ultramarine, each with compl. MAHENGE (DEUTSCH OST AFRIKA) dated c.d.s. , former 10 9 17 in blue , very fine. Mi. 32, 33a ................. ...................................................................... ..................... (Photo ) (33,34) Est. Cash Value $1,000
New Langenburg
1008 t::.
2½ h brown , three copies, each with ms. on piece handstamped " ew Langenburg 7.1.13", very fine. Steuer Cert. (2001), Dr. 0 hand stamp. Mi. 30 .........................(Photo ) (31) Est. Cash Value $2,500-3 ,000
Wdtpoftverdn Anda
C1uon postale muverselle
Kaiserlich ·, £iol~andwirtschaftliche lnstitut
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I I 11111
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1010 Tanga
1009 t::.
Postmarked TANGA (DEUTSCH-OSTAFRIKA ) 17.7.15 c.d.s. bearing violet " Heller " and bluish framed handstamps tying attached label , also 1 rupie scrip signed in purple , fine and rare . Dr . 0 hand stamp ........................................................................... ...................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $750-1,000
Po s tal Card; 5pe s on l0pf red , caned . b y on-the-nose MASI DE 10/1 96 c.d.s. bearing TANGA 15 1 96 tran s it to Germany, Wandsbek receiver , very fine. Steuer Cert. ( 1993 ) ..............................................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $1,200-1,500
Cati. Val.
1011 1011 t:,,
4h green, pair , complete strike of UMBULU (DEUTSCH OST AFRIKA ) 8.7 13 c.d.s., extremely fine. Mi. 31 ...............................................................................................(Photo) (32) Est. Cash Value $750-1,000
1012 t:,,
7 ½ h carmine , neat UR UN DI (DE UTSC H OSTAFRIKA ) 6.10 13 c.d.s. , extremel y fine. Steuer Cert. (2001 ). Mi. 32 ......................................................(Photo ) (33) Est. Cash Value $2,500-3,500
19th and 20th Century , coll. of 59 stamp s on 53 pieces, plus 15 covers on pages, excellent range of cancels on virtually all issues incl. man y 1905 wmkd., covers incl. multiple franking s on Regis. envelopes , Feldpost, Seapost, etc., generally fine to very fine. Fabulous contents which requires careful inspect ion .............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,500-1,800
1014 t:,,r81
Coll. of 110 stamp s on 90 plu s pieces, additionally about 30 covers or postal cards on pag es, great selection of place names and c.d.s. types, railwa y ovals, covers and cards with a variet y of frankings and destination s, apparently all legible and well identified , generally fine to very fine. Shou ld be caref ully inspected ................................................................................(Photo ).Est. Cash Value $6,000-8 ,000
Cati. Val .
GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA All used stamps are tied on piece unless otherwise noted
-"° 46.
R 1015 1892-1901 FORERUNNERS
1015 !:::.
5pf bluish green, 25pf orange yellow, neat WINDHOEK 15/10 93 c.d.s. on large lOpf piece with Regis. label affixed, very fine. MI. 46c, 49a, €648 ..............................................................................................................(Photo)
1016 t::.181 Coll. of 23 stamps on 13 pieces, plus two cards , good range of denominations and several multiple
frankings , also seapost oval, plus picture post card, and 3pf+2pf postal card pmkd. UJlJl, generally fine to very fine ............................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000
1897 FIRST ISSUE IO17 1018
** **
1019 t::.
Overprinted "Deutsch-Siidwest-Afrika " 3pf reddish brown , n.h. , fresh, fine. Mi. le , €1300 ...........(Photo) (la ) 25pf orange, 50pf brown , n.h. , very fine. 50pf Biihler Cert. (1999) and handstamped. Mi. I, II , €1500 ...................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (5,6) 3pf yellow brown , clear strike of SEEIS DEUTSCH-SUDWEST- AF RIKA 12/8 00 c.d. s., very fine. Steuer Cert. (1993). Mi. lb, unpr .. ....................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $1,000(la)
1899 ISSUE Overprinted "Deutsch-Siidwest Afrika" 25pf orange , n.h., fresh , fine. Pfenninger and Schroder handstamps. Mi. 9, €1100 ...............................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (11)
Cati. Val.
• 1021
...... ...... -
Siidwes Deutsch• BISECT USED ON CARD
102 1 181 1022 t:::. 1023 t:::. 1024 l:::.
l0pf carmine, left diagonal half used as Spf, very fine, tied by KEEi.MA SHOOP 26/6 00 c.d.s. on picture post card (creases, pin hole) to Germany , Ichtershausen receiver. Bothe handstamp. Mi. 7H, €1200 ....(Photo ) (9 var.) 25pf oran ge, clear strike of GROOTFO TEIN DEUTS CH-SUDWEST AFRIK A 5/2 01 c.d.s., extremely fine. Steurer Cert. (1998), hand stamp . Mi. 9, €600 ...............................................................................(Photo ) (11) 1906-19 WATERMARKED: 30pf orange & black on light yellow orange, on-the -nose KARIBIB 21.7 l (?) c.d.s., extreme ly fine. Mansfe ld handstamp. Mi. 28y, €720. Scar ce ..............................................(Photo) (30 var.) Sm slate & carmine , GUCHAB DEUTSCH-SUDWESTAFRIK A 19/6 15 c.d.s.'s, very fine. Mi. 32Ac, €960 ....................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (34)
181 £:::.
1897 to 1919, coll. of over 50 diff. on pages, incl. shades, Mi . Sc, vert. gutter pair , #12 bottom left corner Imprint blk of 10, also exploded booklet compr. 5 pane s, variou s margin or corner copies, generally very fine. Mi. €3362 ................................................................................................................................(Photo )
Coll. of 34 mostly diff. on equal number of pieces, plus 1900 Sm on Regis. cover and 3pf on picture post card, incl. shades, Sm dupl. , fine to very fine. Mi. €2573 ............................................................(Photo ) 26
Cati. Val.
CANCELLA TIO NS A ll tied on piece unless otherwise noted
Arahoab l027 6
lOpf carmine , near First Day ms. "Arahoab 12/12 08" cancel, very fine. Steuer Cert. (2001), Dr. 0 handstamp. Mi. 26a ................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $2,500-3 ,000
Bogenfels l028 6
1029 6
5pf green , on-the-nose BOGENFELS (DEUTSCH SUDWESTAFRIKA ) 24.4 14 c.d.s. , ver y fine. Steuer Cert. , 92001), Grobe handstamp. Mi. 25 ..............................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,500 Chairos; lOpf carmine , neat CHAIROS (DEUTSCH-SUDWESTAFRIKA) 6.3. 13 c.d.s., very fine. Czimmek handstamp. Mi. 26a .............................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $400-500
(Gibeon ) l030 0
5pf green, on-the-nose 2 DEUTSCH-SUDWEST AFRIKA 23. 4 c.d.s. , not on piece , very fine. Steuer Cert. (2001), Dr. 0 handstamp. Mi. 25 .................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $1,500-2 ,000
Griindorn 103 1 6
l0pf red, doubly struck by GRUNDORN (DEUTSCH-SUDWESTAFRIKA) 21.8 14 c.d.s., very fine. Steuer Cert. (2001), Hoffmann-Giesecke handstamp. Mi. 26b .......(Photo) Est. Cash Value $3,000-3 ,500
Kuis 1032 6
5pf bluish green , very neat ms. " Kuis 14.11. 1900 " cancel , ver y fine. Steuer Cert. (2001) , Dr. 0 handstamp. Mi. 6 ......................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,500
Cati. Val.
Okahandja 1033 6
lOpf rose, neat violet "Okahandja Deutsch-Siidwestafrika " handstamp and blue crayon strokes, very fine. Steuer Cert. (2001), Dr. 0 and other handstamps. Mi. 13 ....................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $600-800
1034 6
Sm slate & red , tied by Last Day 14/3 04 c.d.s. cancels and violet "Okahandja Deutsch-Siidwestafrika " handstamp , very fine. Steuer Cert. (2001), Dr. 0 handstamp. Mi. 23 ...(Photo) Est. Cash Value $500-750
1035 6
Ovati ; Spf green, on-the-no se OTAVI (DEUTSCH-SUDWEST AFRIKA ) c.d.s., very fine. Dr. 0 handstamp. Mi. 25 .................................................................. ..................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $500-750
Otjundaura 1036 6
Spf green, OTJUNDAURA (DEUTSCH-SUDWESTAFRIKA ) 21.2 15 c.d.s., perf faults , very fine appearance. Steuer Cert. (2001), Dr. 0 handstamp. Mi. 25 ...........(Photo) Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000
1037 t8I
Local Envelope; Black "Owikokorero G.S.W.Africa" and 7/9 05 date stamps, SWAKOPMUND 13/9 05 receiver on reverse, negligible faults, fine. Dr. 0 handstamp ........... (Photo page 56) Est. Cash Value $300-400
1038 6
Ramansdrift; Spf bluish green, tied by violet "RAMANSDRIFf Deutsch-SUdwestafr ika" handstamp and ms. " 10/7(?)/99" , fine. Grobe Cert . ( 1972) , Grobe and Dr. 0 handstamps. Mi. 6 ........(Photo) Est. Cas h Value $400-600
1039 Usakos 1039 6
Spf green , tied by indistinct pmk (28/11 04 (?)) and violet "Usakos" handstamp , very fine. Dr. 0 handstamp. Mi. 12 .......................... ...................... .............................. (Photo) Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000
Cati. Val.
1040 Bondelswart Insurrection 1040
3pf brown , tied by 30/1 04 c.d.s. and violet "Feld-Poststation" handstamp , very fine. Steuer Cert. (2001), Dr. 0 handstamp. Mi. 11....................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,250
l041 t:,.181 19th and 20th Century , coll. of over 145 stamps on 128 pieces, additionally 21 covers and 20 postal
cards or cards in album, enormous range - Abbabis to Windhuk, with many seldom seen cancels or handstamps, also Field Railway Stations, Feldpost , etc., some faults as would be expected, overall fine to very fine. Fabulous contents which require careful inspection ..(Photo) Est. Cash Value $10,000-15,000
Catl. Val.
CAMEROUN All used stamp s are tied 011pie ce u11lessotherw ise noted
1042 1887-1901 FORERU 1042 6
1887-90 2m dull rose lilac, vertical pair , bold strikes of KAMERU 14/12 88 c.d.s., fine. Mi. 37c, €3600+ ...................................................................................... ......................... .................................... .............. ( Photo ) Ear ly usage
l 043 6
l 044 6
2m dull violet purple, on-th e-nose KAMER UN 23/6 90 c.d.s., fine. Steuer Cert. (1994), Bothe handstamp. Mi. 37d , €1200 ............................ ............................................ .......................................... ................................. (Photo ) lOpf rose , sharp on-the-nose KAMER UN 16/2 87 c.d.s. , very fine. Mi. 41a , €1800 ........................ .(Photo ) Scarce a11das fine c111example as one could expect
1045 6 10466 1047 6
1048 6 1049 6
50pf olive green, complete KAMERUN BIAFRAKUSTE 10/12 89 c.d.s., very fine. Mi. 44b , €648 .........(Photo ) 50pf black olive, KAERUN 20/1 89 c.d.s., very fine. Steuer Cert. (1998). Steuer Cati. €1800 ..................(Photo ) 1890-1901 2m lilac carmine, clear centered KRIBI 10/2 00 c.d.s. , fine. Dr. 0 handstamp. Mi. 37f, €840 ....................................................................................................................................... .....................................(Photo)
lOpf carmine rose , clear KAMERU 28/5 90 c.d.s. , fine. Steuer Cer t. (2001). Mi. 47a , €1680 ................(Photo) lOpf brownish red , two copies, each with strike of KAMER UN 1 6 95 c.d.s., very fine. Steuer handstamp. Mi. 47c, €960 .....................................................................................................................................................(Photo )
1050 6 181 Coll of 35 stamp s on 28 pieces, incl. 4 pairs and strip of 3, wonderfully clean strikes, also two covers 1900 and 1901, generally ver y fine ............................................................. (Photo ) Est. Cash Value $2,000+ 30
Catl. Val.
1051 1900 UNWA TERMARKED 1051 **P
UNISSUED: Yacht 2pf slate gray, n.h., very fine. Basel Cert. 92001), tiny handstamp. Mi. llP , €7000 ..................................................................................................................................................................(Photo )
1052 t:.
ISSUED STAMPS: Sm slate & carmine, ten copies, incl. three with sheet margin , each tied on separate piece by nine diff. cancels, fine to very fine. Four Steuer Certs. (1998, 1999, 2001), various handstamps. Mi. 19, €7200 ...................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (19)
20pf ultramarine , left vertical half used as lOpf, very fine, tied by red strike of LONJI KAMERUN 19.5 11 c.d.s. on envelope bearing official seal and ms. "p r S S Badenia! ". Mansfeld Cert. (1968), his hand sta mp. Mi. I, €9000 ...................................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (IOa) 31
1055 I::.
Cati. Val. 1897 to 1919, coll. of 33 diff., plus exploded booklet compr. 5 panes , n.h., incl. Michel shades and perf vars., generally very fine. Mi. €1525 ...................................................................................................................................... The used coll. of 24 diff., with 1897 3pf and 25pf shades, unwmkd. Yacht to 3m, etc., fine to very fine. Mi. €995 ... CAN CELLA TIO NS
1056 b. 1057 I::.
Ambam; 25pf orange & black on yellowish , on-the-nose AMBAM (KAMERUN ) 1.5 14 c.d.s. , very fine. Dr. 0 handstamp. Mi. 11....................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $600-800 Buar; 5pf, pair , single strike of BUAR (KAMERUN ) 2.7 14 c.d.s. , very fine. Steuer Cert. (2001), Dr. 0 handstamp. Mi. 21 .............................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $600-800 lkelemba
1058 b.
l059 I::. 1060 b.
3pf brown, on-the-nose IKELEMBA (KAMERUN ) 12.7 14 c.d.s., very fine. Mansfeld, Hirshberg and other handstamps. Mi. 20 ...................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 Kribi; 5pf green, vertical pair , each with neat KRIBI KAMERUN 15.7.09 c.d.s. , very fine. Eibenstein handstamp. Mi. 21 .............................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $600-800 Mora; 5pf green , on-the-nose MORA (KAMERUN ) 24.8 13 c.d.s. , very fine. Dr. 0 hand stamp. Mi. 21 ...............................................................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $400-600
l06 I /::.CBl Primaril y 20th Century, coll. of 80 stamps on about 70 pieces, wide range of legible and identified cancels, - Abong-Mbang to Victoria, incl. a few multiple frank.ings, blk of 4 not on piece, railway , etc., additional 5 covers or cards, few faults as would be expected , generally fine to very fine. Worth careful inspectio n ................................................................................. ............. (Photo ) Est. Cash Value $4,000-5,000
Catl. Val.
TOGO 1888-1901 FORERUNNERS All stamps are tied on piece unless otherwise noted
1n Dahomeh.
l062 t::.
1888-91 20pf ultramarine , strip of four and single, each stamp struck by clear KLEI -POPO 12/2 89 c.d.s. cancel, very fine. Steuer handstamp. Mi. 42c, €1080+ ..................................................................................(Photo)
1063 t::.
1888-1901 l0pf carmine rose, pair , neat strikes of KLEIN -POPO 2/1 90 c.d.s. cancel, negligible cr easing , fine. Bothe handstamp. Mi. 47a, €2640+ ..............................................................................................(Photo )
l064 t::.
l0pf brownish rose, on-the -nose LOME TOGOGEBIET 23 8 c.d.s. cancel, very fine. Bothe hand stamp. Mi. 47c, €2400 .........................................................................................................................................(Photo )
l065 b.181 1888-1901 , coll. of 20 stamps on 11 pieces, incl. pair s and mixed frankings , KLEIN-POPO and LOME cancels, also cover bearing 20pf vert. pair , Klein-Popo to Berlin , generally fine to very fine. Mi. €2650+ ..................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) ISSUED ST AMPS
1066 1066 *
1897 FIRST ISSUE: Coat of Arms 3pf gray brown , o.g. (hinge remnant ), very fine. Steuer Cert. (2000) and handstamp. Mi. ld, €2000 ......................................................................................................(Photo ) (le )
1067 ** EE1897 to 1919, coll. of 25 singles and 3 margin blks of four , n.h. bur for a couple , incl. Yacht unwmkd. set compl., few sheet margin copies, wmkd. Sm Mi. 23A and B, etc., 1897 25pf top sheet margin blk , etc., very fine to extreme ly fine. Mi. €1840 .....................................................................................................................(Photo) 33
Cati. Val.
1068 6
1069 6
1900 UNWATERMARKED: Yacht 3m black violet, tied by sing le strike of SANSANE-MANGU 16 3 14 c.d.s. cancel on small piece, extremely fine. Steuer Cert. (2001), handstamps ................................................................................................................... (Photo) (18)Est. Cash Value $1000 Sm slate & carmine , three copies each tied by diff. c.d.s. cancel on separate sma ll piece, very fine to extremely fine. Handstamps. Mi. 19, €2160 .............................................................................................................(Photo ) (19)
l070 6 181 1897 to 1919, coll. of 24 mostly dit'f., each tied by full on-the-nose c.d.s. cancel on separate small piece, also 2 covers incl. 1897 2Spf to Germany, almost all with hand stamp, generalJy very fine to extremely fine. Mi. € about 3290 ............................................................................................................................................................
5-tdmarfcn unb 2!ufgab•f 1ttnpe!. ·cation des timbres ~poste t du timbre d'origine.
I071 6 181 CANCELLATIONS: 19th and 20th Century, selection of 13 stamps (incl. Forerunners) on 9 pieces, plus Spf blue green postal card caned. by Hamburg-Westafrika Line 02 oval, Rudolstadt receiver, cancels incl. framed AUS WESTAFRIKA , AGBELUVHOE, KETE-KRATSCHI, additiona l seapos t, etc., fine to very fine ............................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,200
Cati. Val.
All stamps are tied on pi ece
1072 l072 6
1888-91 2mk dull violet, pair and two singles, each sta mp with FINSCHHAFEN 30 1 91 c.d.s., some faults as would be expected of a large piece , st ill fin e and quite rare. Steuer Ce rt. (1987) and Pfenninger and Steuer handstamp s. Mi. 37d, €14,400+ .....................................................................(Photo )
1073 6 5pf bright violet, two pair s, FINSCHHAFEN 22/1 90 pmk s, fine to very fine. Mi. 40, €1056+ ................(Photo ) 1074 6EB l0pf red , Block of Four and two singles, STEPHANSORT 20/2 91 c.d.s., negligible faults , fine to very fine. Mi. 41b, €1440+.................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) 1075 6 20pf ultramarine , pair , centered KERAWA RA 19/9 88 c.d.s., left stamp rounded corner, fine. Basel Cert. (2002). Mi. 42c, Steuer Cati. €1250 .................................................................................................................(Photo ) 1076 6EB 1890-1901 2m browni sh purpl e, Block of Four , neat strik es of FRIEDRICH- WILHELMSHAFEN 8/6 95 c.d.s., fresh, fine. Steuer hand stamp s. Mi. 37e, €1056+ .................................................................................(Photo ) 1077 6 lOpf brownish red , on-the-nose HE RBERTSHOHE 1/7/96 c.d.s., very fine. Lantelme handstamp. Mi. 47c, €864 ............................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) I 078 6 l0pf , most of STEPHANSORT 15/2 95 c.d.s. , very fine. Steuer hand stamp. Mi. 47c, Ste uer Ca ti. €1296 ............................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) 1079 6 50pf brown red , two pair s, one ver tical , FINSCHHAFEN 7/10 90 c.d.s. cancels, fine to very fine. Steuer Cert. (1994). Mi. 50a, €1680+ ....................................................................................................................................(Photo ) 35
Cati. Val.
S0pf reddish brown, pair , bold FRJEDRICH-WILHELMSHAFEN 5/9 92 c.d.s. cancels, fine . Mi. 50b , €936+ ............................................................................................................................................................................(Photo )
1080 f:i
f:it81 1888-1901, coll. of 25 stamps on 10 pieces, incl. Mi. 42c, irregular
blk of 10, Lantelme Cert. (1998), also large folded envelope franked by S0pf, 3 pairs and 2 singles, inscribed "Geheim" (Secret ) and bearing on rever se blue seals of New Guinea Co. General -Director, mixed condition .....Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,500
108 1
25pf orange, INVERTED OVERPRINT , n.h. , very fine. Steuer Cert. (1994 ). Mi. SK, €7000 ..............................................................................................................................................(Cover Photo) (Sa) One hundred exist
1085 f:i
BERNE ISSUE: 3pf to S0pf compl. set, n.h. , very fine. Both e Ce rt. (1976) and his handstamp. Mi. l-6b , €4000 .....................................................................................................................(Photo ) (1-6 vars.)
AIR POST: 1913 Zeppelin 2pf ultramarine , n.h., very fine. Handstamp ......(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $500-750 1901 UNW ATERMARKED: Yacht Sm slate & carmine , four copies, each tied by diff. town c.d.s. on piece, incl. STEPANSORT and KAEWIENG, very fine. Steuer Certs. (1999 & 2000). Mi. 19, €2640 ..........................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (19)
**t81 l897
1087 f:i
to 1919, coll. of 29 mostly diff. on pages, n.h. , incl. First Issue shades and Yacht Michel types, also 1888 Dutch New Guinea Co. 2m red on blue parcel post receipt , mint card , generally very fine. Mi. €1959 ............... Coll. of 23 on 20 pieces on page, First Issue compl. incl. 3pf shades, 190 1 comp!. to 3m, fine to very fine. Mi . €1120 ... 36
Cati. Val.
CAROLINE ISLANDS All used stamps are tied on small pi ece unless otherw ise noted
** 3pf light brown , sheet margin copy , n.h. , very fine. Copy of Steuer Cert. (1999). Mi. 11, €1800+ ...(Photo) (la ) ** Spf green, Corner Margin Copy, n.h., extremely fine. Copy of Steuer Cert. (1999). Mi 21, €2000 ..(Photo) (2a) 1090 ** 25pf orange , Corner Margin Cop y, n.h. , extremely fine. Mi. 51, €4000 ....................................(Photo ) (Sa)
1088 I089
I 091
S0pf red brown , n.h., extremely fine. Steuer Cert. (1999). Mi. 61, €1800 ............................................(Photo ) (6a) USED COPIES
1092 6
3pf light brown , clear PONAPE KAROLINEN 11/5 00 c.d.s., extremely fine. Steuer Cert. (1983), Bothe handstamp. Mi. 11, €1020 ........................................... ............................................................................(Photo ) (la )
1093 6
Spf green, on-the-nose PONAPE 8/6 00 c.d.s. , very fine. Bothe Cert. (1981 ), Bothe, Grobe and other handstamps. Mi. 21, €780 .............................................................................................................. .........(Photo) (2c)
1094 6
25pf orange , on-th e-nose YAP KAROLINEN 25/3 01 c.d.s., very fine. Steuer Cert. (1991), Lantelme and other handstamps. Mi. 51, €4080 ........................................... ................................................ (Photo ) (Sa)
1095 6
S0pf red brown , full on-the-nose SAIPAN MARIANEN 14/11 00 c.d.s., very fine. Steuer Cert. (1998) and Calves handstamp. Mi. 61, €2160+ ........................................................................................(Photo ) (6a)
1096 6
S0pf, sheet margin copy , on-the-no se YAP KAROLINEN 7/11 99 c.d.s., very fine. Steuer Cert. (1998), Pfenninger , Richter handstamps. Mi. 61, €2160 ......................................................................... (Photo ) (6a)
I 097 6
S0pf, tied by neat PO NAPE 20/2 00 c.d.s., very fine. Steuer Cert. (1982), Bothe hand stamp. Mi. 61, €2160 .......................................................................................................................................................... (Photo) (6a) 37
Cati. Val.
1098 s
1099 6
Yacht 3pf to Sm compl. set, ovptd. "S pecimen", n.h., very fine to extremely fine. Bothe handstamp. Mi 7-19S, €1500 ...................................................................................................................................(Photo) (7-19S) Compl. set, each tied by official seal handstamp , very fine to extremely fine. Sm Mayer, Pfenninger and Thier handstamps. Mi. 7-19, €1200 ....................................................................................(Photo) (7-19)
1100 6
Sm slate & carmine , three copies, PONAPA YAP and blue TRUK c.d.s.'s, fine to extremely fine. First two Lantelme and other handstamps. Mi. 19, €2160 ....................................................................................(Photo) (19)
1101 6
Sm, two copies , ANGAUR and violet PALAU c.d.s. 's, very fine. One Basel Cert. (2001) and Handel handstamp, other Richter handstamp. Mi. 19, €1440 ..................................................................................(Photo) (19)
.r.T.~41!1-.........~~ ........... ...
1W1A ...... .
. e4:uH'f.. -/f~~t4' 1102
1910 PROVISIONAL ISSUE 1102 r.81
"SPr' on 3pf brown , very fine, tied by light strike of PONAPE (KAROLINEN ) 12/7 97 c.d.s. on picture post card bearing official seal. Steuer Cert. (1997), Richter hand stamp. Mi. 20, €7000 ....(Photo) 38
Cati. Val.
/w= ····· ········ ··· 'it!: JlL . %.d/4! ,~ :i 3ttt1I' ~ \
___. di.L~---~A ., J.._ 1103
1103 l8I
"SPr ' on 3pf, INVERTED SURCHARGE, very fine, tied by light strike of PONAPE (KAROLINEN ) 12/7 10 c.d.s . on picture post card bearing official sea l to Baden-Baden. Steuer Cert. (1999), von Willmann hand sta mp. Mi. 20K, €8000 ...............................................................................(Photo ) (20a)
20pf ultramarine , right vertical half used as l0pf , ver y fine , tied by neat strike of PO NAPE (KAROLI NEN) 12/7 10 c .d .s. on envelope bearing official sea l. Steuer Cert. (1998 ), Mansfeld, Pfenninger and Zobisch handstamp s. Mi. II , €11,000 ......................................(Photo) (10a) 39
Cati. Val.
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EX1107 1105
1106 t,
1107 t, 181
1899 to 1919, coll. of 25 diff., n.h., compr. 1899 48 degree angle lOpf and 20pf, issues compl. thereafter incl. Mi.22A and B, generally very fine to extremely fine. Mi. €1617 .............................................................................. Coll. of 21 diff. on same number of pieces, compr. Mi. 31, 41, 1-611,7-9, very fine to extremely fine. Mi. €1848 CANCELLATIONS: 20th Century , coll. of 13 stamps on 9 pieces , incl. violet c.d.s., Seapost , etc., few Forerunners incl. 5pf blk of 4, additionally 6 covers or postal cards , nice var iety and generally fine to extremely fine ...................................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $750-1,000
COVER CONDITION Minor faults including, but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps, small tears and some backflap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue.
Cati. Val.
KIAUCHAU All used stamps tied on pie ce unless otherwise noted
1108 !:::.
GERMAN OFFICES IN CHINA: 3pf yellow brown, neat TSINTAU KIAUTSCHOU 18/9 01 c.d.s., tin y nick , very fine appearance. Ex Mizuhara. Bothe Cert. (1978 ), R.H. Pirl handstamp. Mi VU , €15,000 ..............................................................................................................................(Photo) (A7)
1109 f:::. t8l
Coll. of 29 stamps on 26 pieces, also K.D. FELD-POST, etc., plus 3pf reddi sh ochre, vert. pair on picture post card and Spf Feldpost cover , fine to ver y fine ......................... ..............Est. Cash Va lue $1,000-1,200
1110 !:::.
Spf on lOpf carmine, neat TSINGTAU KIAUTSCHOU 18/10 00 c.d.s., very fine. Bothe Cert. (1984), Bothe, Friedmann, Brandes and Stuckert handstamps. Mi. 3, €72,000 ..........................(Cover Photo) (7) From the famed Mizuhara Collection and one of the great rarities of German Colonial Philately.
Catl. Val.
1901 UNWATERMARKED: 3pf to Sm compl. set, ovptd. "Specimen", n.h. , brilliant fresh color s, fine to very fine. Bothe handstamp. Mi. 5-17S, €2500 ................................................................(Photo) (10-22S)
1111 S
1905 ISSUE
l l 12
l 114
$1 ½ black violet, Corner Margin Copy, sta mp n.h., very fine. Mi. 26, €3000 .........................(Photo ) (31)
$2½ slate & carmi ne, perforation 26:17, sheet margin copy , stamp n.h. , brilliant fre sh, very fine. Bothe hand stamp. Mi. 27A, €4000 ................................................................................................(Photo) (32)
$2½, perforation 25:16, Corner Margin Copy, n.h., extremely fine. Bothe and Steuer Certs. (1977 and 1987 respectively), Bothe and Rohr handstamp s. Mi . 27B, €6000 .............................................(Photo) (32)
1115 l l l5 f'i
l l l6 f'i
$1 ½ black violet, centered TSING TAU KIAUTSCHOU 10/5 06 c.d.s., very fine. Steuer Cert . (1997). Mi. 26, €2280 ...................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (31) $2½ slat e & ca rmine , perforation 25:16, light TSINGT AU KIAUTSCHOU 3.12.06 c.d.s., very fine. Killian Cert. (1987), his and Rkht er hand stamps. Mi. 27B, €7200 ..................................................................(Photo ) (32) 42
Cati. Val.
1905-19 WATERMARKED : 2c gr een, IMPERFORA TE , n.h. , large margin s all round , sup erb. Steuer Cert. (1998). Mi. 29aU ..................................................................................(Photo ) (34 var. ) Est. Cash Valu e $500-750
1118 t,,
$2½ slate & carmine , thr ee copies, tied by KITS UN, TSINGT AU and TSINGT AU-Gr. HAFE N c.d.s.'s, last with light perf stain s, fine to very fine. One with Bothe Cert. (1980). Mi. 37, €2160 .........................(Photo ) (42)
l ll 9
No Lot
112 1 t,, 181
1900 to 1919, coll. of 42 diff. on pages, n.h. , incl. 1901 and 1905-19 sets comp!. latter incl. var s., fine to very fine. Mi. €3282.............................................................................................................................................
Coll. of 37 diff. on pages, all but one on piece, incl. Spfg OD lOpf types, additional one OD picture post card , unwmkd . to Sm, two copie s, and $1 #2SA and B, wmkd. to $1 ½, fine to extremel y fine. Mi. €49800+.............................................................................................................................................(Photo )
No lot
MARIANA ISLANDS All used stamps are tied on pi ece unless otherwise noted
- ..............
l 123
3pf yellow brown , Corn er Margin Copy, n.h., extrem ely fine. Lantelm e Cert. (1999), Grob e, Drahn and Both e hand stamp s. Mi. 11, €4000+ ......................................................................................(Photo ) (lla ) 43
Cati. Val.
5pf green , n.h. , beautiful fre sh color , fine. Lant elme Cert. (1998), Kohler and Bothe hand stamp s. Mi. 21, €6000 .................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (12a)
l 125
25pforan ge, n.h., brilliant fresh, extremely fine. Steuer Cert. (1999). Mi. 51, €12,000 ...(Cover Photo ) (15a) Magnificent copy of this rarity
50pf red bro wn, n.h. , newly mint ed fr eshne ss, extr emely fine. Photocop y of Both e Cert. (1983) and handstamped. Mi . 61, €12,000 ..........................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (16a) As fine a copy as exists USED COP IES
l 127 t;
3pf yellow brown , clear (SAIP)AN 99 c.d.s. in violet, extr emely fine. Bothe and Richt er handstamp s. Mi. 11, €2640+ ...............................................................................................................................(Photo ) (lla )
1 128 t;
5pf green, compl ete on-the-no se SAIP AN 21/11 99 c.d.s., perf ectly cent ered, extremel y fine. Bothe and Richt er handstamps. Mi. 21, €2160 .............................................................................................(Photo ) (12a)
Cati. Val.
1129 6
25pf orange , complete SAIPAN 30/7 01 c.d.s., extremel y fine. Steuer Cert. (1998), Thi er and other hand stamps. Mi. SI, €4200 ...........................................................................................................(Photo ) (15a) Lo vely stamp
1130 6
S0pf red brown , complete SAIPAN 31/12 00 c.d.s., perfectly center ed, extremely fine. Bothe Cert . (1981) and his hand stamp. Mi. 61, €4200 ...............................................................................................(Photo ) (16a)
1131 ERROR 113 1 **
1900 OVERPRI NTED AT 56 DEGRE E ANGLE: 2Spf orange , INVERTED OVERPRI T , gutt er mar gin copy, n.h. , brilliant fresh, very fine. Steuer Cert . (1993), Both e hand stamp. Mi. SUK, €5000+ .......................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (15b) Lovely position copy
1132 ** S 1901 UNWATERM ARKED: Yacht 3pf to Sm comp). set, ovptd. "Specimen", n.h., incredibl y fresh colors, 1133 6
1134 **
1135 6 1136 6 81
fine to extr emely fine. Mi. 7-19S, €1500 ..........................................................................................(Photo ) (17-29S) Sm slat e & carmine , Corn er Sheet Margin Copy, tied by light strik es of SAIP AN 6/6 07 c.d.s., extr emely fine. Lant elme Cert. (1995), handstamped by him, Thi er and Richt er. Mi. 19, €720 ........................(Photo ) (29) 1899 to 1919, coll. of 24 diff. on pages, n.h., compr . 1899 lOpf and 20pf, comp!. issues thereaft er incl. 21A and B, very fine. Mi. €2355.........................................................................................................................
Coll. of 20 diff. on pages, compr . 1899 lOpf and 20pf, 1900 set comp!., 1901 comp!. to 3m and extr a 30pf, all on piece, fine to extrem ely fine. Mi. €1994 .................................................................................................................. CANCELLATIO NS: Circa 1910, coll. on pages, compr. six stamp s, two tied by violet ROT A dat estamp s and ink signed Reichel, four For erunner s incl. 20pf pair , also thr ee covers, incl. 2m sheet margin copy, very fine ...............................................................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $500-600 45
Cati. Val.
MARSHALL ISLANDS 1889-1901 FORERUNNERS All stamps tied on piece and unless otherwise noted by datestamp of
1889-1901 2m pale rose lilac, 20pf ultramarine , pair and single, centered strike of 30/4 91 pmk , 20pf copies small faults , fine. Steuer Cert. (1986) and his handstamps. Mi. 37c, 42c, €4740+ ................(Photo )
l 138 !:::.EE 5pf pale violet, Block of Four, clear strikes of 21/11 90 pmks, fine. Mi. 40, €2400+ ........................(Photo)
. Y. 1-l ~
~~ ~.
z l-- s 4-
\ 1139
lOp red , pair , small faults , fine appearance, tied by centered strike of 17/5 90 pmk on envelope, Apia and San Francisco transits and Janesville receiver on reverse. Steuer Cert. (1998). Mi. 41b ...................................................................................................(Cover Photo ) Est. Cash Value $4,000-5 ,000 Very rare cover
Cati. YaJ.
Poftfarte /} A
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1140 li
S0pf dark olive green, vertical pair, centered strike of 22/1 pmk, fine. Lantelme Cert. (1998). Mi. 44b, €1800+ ................................................................................. ........................................................ ................................... (Photo)
1141 li
S0pf dark olive green, pair and remnants of two others, 12/6 89 pmks, right stamp faulty , fine. Mi. 44d , €1800+ .................................................. ..........................................................................................................................(Photo)
1142 li
1890-1901 2m brownish purple , S0pf lilac brown , light 19 (?) 98 cance ls, very fine. Grobe handstamp. Mi. 37e, S0d, €1704 .................................................................................... ........................................................ (Photo )
1143 li
Spf bluish green, 2Spf orange, two JALUIT MARSHALL INSELN 12/8 01 c.d.s. cancels, fine to very fine. Handstamp. Mi. 46c, 49b, €936 ....................................................... ......................... ..................................... ..(Photo)
ll44 t81
Spf bluish green, pair, light staining , tied by single strike of bluish 2 2 99 c.d.s. on picture post card (closed tear) to Berlin bearing dated receiver. Mi . 46c ........................................................ (Photo) Est. Cash Value $500
1145 li
IOpf carmine , vertical str ip of three , on-the-nose strik es of gree nish blue 13/2 97 c.d.s., fine to very fine . Steuer Cert. (1994), Mi. 47d, €720+ .................... ................ ............ .................... .............................................. (Photo )
1146 li
1889-1901, selection of six stamps on five pieces, compr. Mi. 41b (Basel Cert. 2001), 45b, 46b, 48b and d, fine appearance to very fine. Mi. €1866 ....................... ......................... ................................. ....................................... ...... 47
Cati. Val.
1897-99 OVERPRINTED "Marschall-Inseln"
EX1147 1147 **
FIRST PRINTING: 3pf to S0pf compl. set., 25pf and S0pf bottom sheet margin copies, very fine to extremely fine. Bothe Certs. (1978) and handstamp. Mi. lla-6IU , €11,000 .................(Photo) (la-6 vars.)
1148 *
1150 ** 115 1
3pf yellow brown , very l.h., very fine. Lantelme and other hand stan1ps. Mi. lla , €5000.....(Photo ) {la var.)
3pf reddish ochre, o.g., few gum spots, otherwise very fine. Lantelme Cert. (1996) and numerous hand stamp s. Mi. lib , €4500 ...................................................................................................(Photo ) (la var.) Spf green , sheet margin copy , n.h. , ext remel y fine. Bothe Ce rt. (1972) and hand stamp. Mi. 21, €1700 ......................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (2) BERNE ISSUE : 3pf to S0pf compl . set, n.h. , fine to very fine. Basel Cert. (2001) and numerou s hand sta mps. Mi. 1-6IB, €5000 .............................................................................................................................(Photo ) (1-6 vars.)
1152 ** EH1897 to 1919, coll. of 35 mostly diff., n.h. but for a very few, incl. Berlin ptg. compl. except lOpf, 1901
Unwmkd. set compl. , Wmkd . Sm types, fine to very fine. Mi. €3100+ ..............................................(Photo ) 48
Ca ti. Val.
USED COPIES A ll used stamps are tied on piec e unless othe 1wise noted
1153 1153 6
3pf yellow brown , light 14/6 00 c.d. s., ver y fin e. Steuer Cert. (2001 ) and Ko sack hand stamp. Mi. lla , €14,400 ...................................................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (l a)
1154 6
3pf reddi sh ochre , tied by neat 12/11 00 c.d.s. and hinged on small piece to which it belong s, extremel y tine. Lant elme Cert. (1998) and Pfenninger hand stamp. Mi. lib , €14,400 ...........(Cover Photo ) (la var. )
1155 6
3pf yellow brown , perf ect strike of 1/11 99 c.d.s., extrem ely tin e. Steuer Cert. (2001) and num erou s hand stamp s. Mil lla , €3120 ...........................................................................................................(Photo ) (la )
1156 6
3pf reddi sh ochre , neat 2/12 99 c.d.s., very tin e. Lant elme Cert. (1998), hand stamp. Mi. lib , €3120 ..................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (la var. )
Cati. Val.
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- !Deltpoftvetein Union postale universelle
I 157 t8I
lOpf carmine, left vertical half used as 5pf, very tine , neatly tied by JALUJT MARSCHALL-INSELN 22 2 00 pmk on multicolored picture post card to German y bearing Hadersleben receiver. Steuer Cert. (1998) and Bothe handstamp. Mi. 31H, €40,000 ................................................. (Cover Photo ) Exceedingly rare and a most impressive bisecl on a colo,f ul card
Mataa fa von Sa mo a
1157 50
Catl. Val.
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1158 6
BERLIN ISSUE: 3pf to S0pf compl. set, JALUIT MARSHALL INSELN 00 c.d.s. cancels, very fine to extreme ly fine. 25pf Steuer Cert. (2001) and all with handstamps. Mi. 1-611,€4560....(Photo) (1-6 vars. )
1159 6
Same, JALUIT MARSCHALL -INSELN 00 c.d.s., fine to very fine. 3pf, Spf, 25pf, S0pf Steuer Certs. (1988 or 1999), all with handstamps. Mi. 1-611,€4560 .....................................................(Photo ) (1-6 vars.)
50pf lilac brown, extremely fine, tied by light strike of JALUIT MARSHALL INSELN 11/9 00 c.d.s. on neat Registered envelope to Germany , receiver on reverse. Signed Frick. Mi. 611, €2500 ....................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (6 var.) Stamp and cover post office f resh
J l6 l 6
1899-1900 OVERPRINTED ''Marshall-Inseln" 3pf olive brown, neat JALUJT (MARSHALL) INSELN 15/9 00 c.d.s. , extremely fine. Mi. 7b , €900 .......................... .................................................................................................................................(Photo) (7a var.) 51
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1r:.,C~~ 1162
lOpf carmine, left vertica l half used as Spf, very fine , tied by clear strike of JALUIT MARSHALL INSELN 4/12 00 on multicolored picture post card to Germany bearing Bebra rec eiver. Steuer Cert . (1994). Mi. 9H, €10,000 ................................................................. ........................................... (Photo ) (9 var.)
1162 181
1901 UNWATERMARKED : lm to Sm compl., alJ NAURU MARSHALL INSELN dated pmks , very fine to extremely fine. Steuer Cer t. (1995). Mi. 22-25, €1296 ................................................................. .....(Photo) (22-25)
1164 t::,_
Sm slate & carmine , single strike of JALUTT MARSHALL INSELN 14/7 06 c.d .s., fine. Steuer hand stamp. Mi. 25, €720 ..................................................................................................................... .......................... (Photo ) (25)
I 165
t::,_ 181
1897 to 1901, coll. of 26 mostly diff. on 21 pieces, also 3 covers and picture post card, almost all with full cance l, genera lly very fine ......................................................................... Est . Cash Value $1,000-1 ,200
Cati. Val.
SAMOA All used stamps are tied on piece unless otherwise noted
1166 !:::.
1886-91 2m dull violet purple, two vertical pairs, on-the-nose APIA KAISER L. DEUTSCHE POSTAGENTUR. 10 90 c.d.s., right stamps creased , line. Steuer Cert. (1994). Mi. 37d, €7200+ .............(Photo)
1167 !:::. lOpf red, APIA (10/1 ?) 88 cancel, very line. Steuer handstamp. Mi. 41b, (€264+) ....................................(Photo) 1168 !:::.IBIS0pf deep olive green, Block of Six, indistinct APIA c.d.s. cancels, bottom left stamp corner creasing, line to very tine. Mi. 44d, €1440+ ........................................... ................................................ ..................................... (Photo) 1169 !:::. 1890-1901 2m lilac carmine, neat c.d .s. ca ncels, fault , very fine appeara nce. Steuer handstamp. Mi . 37f , € 1800 ......................... ........................................................... ......................... ...............................................................(Photo)
1170 !:::.
l0pf brownish red , pair , S0pf lilac brown, two vert. pairs, two complete str ikes of APIA KAISERL. DEUTSCHE POSTAGENT UR 20 6 94 pmk on two hinge-r ejoined pieces, line. Steuer Cert. (1997). Mi. 47c, 50d, €6312+...............................................................................................................................(Photo ) Rare combination of multiples
1171 !:::.
1172 !:::.
S0pf brown red, two vertica l pair s, on-the-nose APIA 22 1 99(?) c.d.s. cancel, tine to very tine. Bothe hand sta mp. Mi. 50a, €2880+ .................................................................................................................(Photo )
S0pf reddish brown , pair , tied by indistinct APIA pmks , very fine. Steuer handstamp. Mi. 50b, €1440+ ............................................................................................................................................................................(Photo)
Cati. Val.
1173 L'.IBI Coll. of 31 stamps on 13 pieces, incl. 20pf ultramarine , block of nine (Mi. 42c, Steuer 1995 Cert.), pairs an d 2 strips of three, some faults though generally tine to very fine. Mi. €3340+............................(Photo )
ISSUED STAMP 1174 L'.IBI 1900 COAT OF ARMS: 25pf orange, 50pf red brown , BLOCKS OF FIFTEEN AND TEN respectively, each pmkd. APIA 27/9 00 on separate large Registr y piece, one 50pf damaged , very tine. Mi. 5, 6, €2640+
.....................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (55,56) Extra ordinary frankings 54
Cati. Val.
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1175 f:::.
1900 UNWATERMARKED: Yacht Sm slate & carmine, three copies , two with sheet margins , tied by FAGAMALO, APIA or SALAILUA c.d.s. cancels on separate small piece, very fine to extremely fine. Two with Steuer Certs. (1998, 1999) and two handstamped. Mi. 19, €2160 ................................................(Photo ) (69) Sm, Corner Marker Copy, neat VAVAU TONGA 0 (?) DE 26 double circle pmk on small piece, very fine. Mi. 19 1176 f:::. ...............................................................................................................................(Photo ) (69) Est. Cash Value $500 l 177 1900 to 1919, coll. of 24 diff. on pages , n.h. , com pl. issues incl. 23A and B, very fine to extremely fine. Mi. 1-23B, €1115+......................................................................................................................................................... 1178 f:::. t8l Coll. of 18 diff. , each on separate piece and virtually all showing comp!. c.d.s., also 1900 lOpf on cover to Germany, generally very fine to extremely fine. Mi. 1-l 8, €862 ...................................................................................
1179 f:::.
CANCELLATIONS: Yacht 3pf to 30pf, selection of nine stamps on eight pieces, incl. Aleipata, Malua (Basel Cert. 2001), Palauli and two Vavau Tonga , very fine to extremely fine .....Est. Cash Value $1,000
1181 t8l
Circa 1900, coll. of ten cards on pages , compr. Mariana Is., Marshall Is., Samoa and Togo, each with proof s of lOpf carmine, postal and paid repl y cards, Cameroun (lOpf) and German East Africa (Spes) with paid reply cards only, very fine ..............................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $750-1,000
19th and 20th Century, the coll. of about 260 mint and 75 used items in 2 albums, compr. the three offices and ten colonies, mostly postal and postal repl y cards, few envelopes or wrappers , German East Africa with a couple proof cards , Caroline Is. incl. one ovptd. "Specimen", good range and variety , generally fine to very fine ................................................................................Est. Cash Value $3,000-4 ,000
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PRICE $1.00 (or by subscription)
3 EAST 28th STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10016
SALE 2938
901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 912 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 923 924 925 926 928 929 930 931 932 933 935 936 937
475 280 1800 12500 700 575 1800 350 270 1600 14000 32500 7200 450 230 475 475 4000 2200 240 550 400 1150 130 575 525 160 600 350 525 625
938 939 940 941 942 943 944 946 948 949 950 952 957 958 959 960 962 964 965 967 968 969 970 971 973 974 975 976 977 979 981
3500 1500 450 700 1600 150 1250 220 2 10 130 450 1700 700 225 625 2 10 300 375 160 750 475 6250 300 400 1150 16000 525 2 10 550 2000 2200
983 984 985 986 988 989 990 991 993 998 999 1000 1002 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1026
1050 3500 800 1400 200 325 700 1100 1700 900 450 1200 475 650 1500 300 650 375 1400 40.00 180 500 575 400 650 325 300 160 250 350 700
1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1064
800 260 1600 2600 1100 600 450 300 1250 250 350 900 325 800 200 375 250 475 275 1100 2500 2600 400 260 475 650 1400 550 300 300 650
1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1075 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1093 1100 1101 1102 1103 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115
1100 450 900 575 350 750 475 1350 500 650 600 300 425 475 950 475 220 650 500 2300 2700 375 600 600 4750 900 800 950 1450 2 100 650
TOTAL $220,53 5 .00
1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1124 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1138 1139 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1149 1150 1151 1152
500 575 No lot 1150 3000 No lot 2800 7500 750 600 1250 1250 2100 525 180 700 500 375 750 3500 260 475 475 250 160 750 5500 1600 600 3000 850
1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181
900 850 11,000 1400 1600 1000 375 425 180 850 950 350 300 50 800 300 950 700 575 300 325 2 10 625 625 3250