Sale 2939 - United States, British Commonwealth, and Foreign, "Hohenzollern" Collection Part II

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The Collections of the Estate of Eric Bole, Jacques Musy and Gerald S. Page The Stuart Beringer Collections of United States and British America The Collections of Robert J. Schier, Fred Barovick, Herbert Koenig and Cecil Patterson, Jr.



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OFFICE CLOSED The Holiday Weeks December 23 - January 3, 200~

9:30 a.m . to 5:30 p.m.



Never hinged





On cover


On piece


Spec imen


Block of four


Block larger than fou r


Plate Proof


Die Proof

TC Trial Color

PLEASE NOTE - CREDIT CARDS We regret we are unable to accept credit cards for payment of purchases. For overseas buyers, we ask that payment be made by bank draft , wire or checks in dollars made payable on a U.S. bank.

MAJOR ABBREVIATIO NS SE ; Straight Edge : s .l. ; Straight-line : c .d.s . ; Circu lar Date Stamp . c .t.o .; Cancelled to Order ; F.D.C. ; First Day Cover

CONDITION The various gradings of stamps are , in order: superb: extremely fine ; very fine ; fine : fair.

A lot described as "fair ' is so listed either by reaso n of general appea rance or more ofte n because of a small fault or faults , such as a crease , thin spot , short or missing pert , perforate d into , cut into , etc . In the case of sets , large blocks , sheets , etc ., the condition quoted repres ents

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.



the average and qualit y above and below this standar d can be expected .

Mixed Cond ition: In large lots , the condition is generally expected to range from fair to at best fine . Serious defe cts can be expected .

Handst amp on reverse : Denotes either a dealer , collector or indecipherab le expertiser 's mark. Signed by : Denote s either the actual signature or mark of the expertise,. The absence o f mentioning a signatu re does not reflect on the abi lity or knowledge of the party involved .

BIDDING LEVELS Upto$ 150 $ 5 $150- $ 300 $ 10 $300- $ 700 $ 25 $700· $ 1,500 $ 50 Over $ 1,500 approximately 5% Bids which do not conform to the above wit/ be automatica/ty reduced to the correc t level. BIDS BY T ELEPHONE


□ EJPJ □ N.H

L.H .

0 .G.


Shaded portion can represent an actual hinge or the area disturbed by a hinge. n.h. Never hinged - unused with origi nal gum in Post Office state and unmounted l.h . Lightly hinged - unused with full original gum showing so me evidence of a previous hinge which may be present in part or entirely remove d . o.g. Original gum - unused with origina l gum somew hat disturbed by previous hinging which may still be present. part o.g. Part original gum - unused with original gum, large hinge remnant s may or may not be present. disturbed o.g. Disturbed original gum - unused with original gum , affecte d by sweating , glazing or mount disturbance ; may not resemble the original gum . unused Unused without gum (unless gum is mentioned)


Unused without gum, as issued.

BLOCKS OR SHEETS AND THEIR GUM : Minor separa tions are the rule, rather than thq exception , in the case of blocks or sheets of any size. A few separa tions-around four perts per rm..., '" not affect the va lue of a block or shee t and are not grounds for the return of a lot. Blocks of four tha t have two stamps o.g. and two stamp s n.h. are described "n.h. (2)/o .g.(2)".

Please comply (a) Not more tc (b) An y erro rs c (c) No bids acce

following : ds can be accepted and must be confirmed in writing . ,sponsibili ty of the bidder . ter than 1/2 hour before sale .

BIDS BY FAX OR EMAIL You may fax or


up to 1 hour before sale commences -

be sure to use

\7-5625 or


1. Lot:, "

ot mar


10 items.

2. To U.f. c'ients

3. Viewe· !!ll!fil p hours of ,.-~eipt.

age and insurance both ways and retu rn lots within 24

4. Viewer assu m1.. •~ ·,,• . asponsi bility, includin g proper insurance . for any loss , whPt1 .... rn his po:,Se~sIon or in any and all forms of transit when returning Postal View:,lg .

5. F:eterences requi red from bidders unknown to us.

PAIRS : All pairs are horizontal , unless otherwise mentioned . VALUATION OF LOTS

CATALOGUE NUMBERS : The catalog ue numbers of the conten ts of the lots are give n in parentheses immediately following the descr iptions , but in bulky lots only the rangt -::ueis shown . CATALOGUE VALUES : The final column shows the catalogue val ue of the lot. Th i. parentheses where , in the opinion of the auctionee rs, the market value exceeds th:

Jwn in J.

.ption and ESTIMATED VALUES : If an estimated cash value is given , it is shown in the o ge or where always indicated by the abb reviations "Est. Cash Val.". It is used where the lot is the actual value has little relation to the catalogue price . It represents the auctior er's appraisal of the true MARKET value of a lot and the figure is invariably close to the actua · ,alization . It is useless for mail bidders to list any bids that are only a low proportion of suc h es· ates .

CATALOGUES USED IN LISTING : U.S. Specialized Scott 1840- 1940 Scott Vols. 1-6 Stanley Gibbons British Commonwealth Miche l Germany Michel Europe Others as noted in the descrip tions Euro s are Michel unless otherwise noted

Printed wit h Pantone 192 & 8383

2003 2002 2003 2003 2002 2002/2003

/alua tions of all lots are available in rece ipt of stamped , self-addressed envelope . GUM DESCRIPTION :ecognizing that there are occasional differences of opinion concerning gum omenclature by various expert committees , for example, a stamp described as g. being certifie d as large part o.g. or even part o.g ., this mino r classification screpancy alone is not sufficient grounds for return .

COVER CONDITION .. .or faults including , but not limited to , file folds not affecting stamps , small tears and some back flap damage have not been noted in the desc riptions of this cata logue.

HANDSTAMPS /BACKSTA MPS Remember , NO lots may be returned with back stamps stating Fake, Falsch, or similar ma rkings. Recently there has been a spate of German expertisers marking the backs of stamps . It is you r responsibility as the purchaser not to let this happen .

IN THE MAILING ENVELOPE You will find the bid form and prices realized for the October 2-3 United States , British Commonwealth , Foreign and Europe, October 3 "Hohenzo llern" German Offices and Colonies auctions .

SALE 2939

UNITED STATES BRITISH COMMONWEALTH & FOREIGN TH E "HOHENZOLL ERN " COLLECTION , PART 2 The Collections of the Estates of Eric Bole)Jacques Musy and Gerald S. Page The Stuart Beringer Collections of United States and British America The Collections of Ms. Susan Carte~ Fred Barovick) Herbert Koenig and Cecil Patterson) Jr. and the properties of 16 other vendors.

Thursday, D ecember 12, 2 00 2 Morning Session at 11:00 A.M .

UNITED STATES SINGLES LOTS 1 - 223 Afternoon Session at 1:00 P.M.


EXH IBITI ON OF LOTS December 9 -11, 2002 from 9:3U a.m . to 5:15 p.m. or by Appointmen t EXHIBITION ROOM CLOSED 1:00 p.m . to 1:45 p.m. EACH DAY

To be sold at Auction by

H.R.HARMER LLC 3 EAST 28TH STREET, 7TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY 10016 Fax: (212 ) 447-5625 Telephone : (212 ) 532-3700 Website: E-mail: hrharmer @hrharmer .com Keit h A. H arme r, Jack LaCalamito -

Licensed Auctionee rs, License #'s 67 2829 , 78087 0

On all lots sold a commission of 15% on the hammer price will be payable by the buyer.

Cati. Val.

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2002 Morning Session at 11:00 A.M.


* 3 *


NEW YORK , N.Y. : 1845-46 Imperf Sc black , signed ACM connected , good to large margin s, small light cancel, small fault s incl. tear , fine appearance ............................................................. ........... ................... .........(Photo ) (9X l )


PROVIDENCE , R.I.: 1846 Handmade Paper Sc gray black , sheet margin copy, unused, large margins other sides, extremely fine ....................................................................................... ......... ............ ................ (Photo ) (l0Xl )


Sc, sheet margin copy, unused, large margins other sides. small thin s, extremely fine appeara nce ... (Photo ) ( I OX!)


GENERAL ISSUES 1847 ISSUE Sc red brown , shades



Sc, disturb ed part o.g., good to large margin s, diagonal crease , very fine appearance ............. (Photo ) (1)


5 0

Sc, goo d to enormous margin s showing frame line of adjoining stamp at bottom , neat blue grid in circle cancel , extremely fine .......................................................... ..................... .......... ..................................................... (Photo ) (1)


6 0

Sc brown , clear to lar ge margin s, blue framed PAID cance l, faults , fine appe ara nce ...................... ........ (Photo ) ( I )



Sc, touched in place s to large margin s, tied by blu e TROY dated ca nce l on small piece , light c reasing and di sco lorat ion from wax sea l, fin e appeara nce ......................... ................... ...... ......................................... (Photo ) ( 1)

6 10.00


8 0

10c black, light red grid cance l, margins added, very fine appearance .......................................................

(Photo ) (2)


9 181

Sc, margin s all round , fine, tied by clea r blue TROY N.Y. OCTO 19 c.d .s. on blue 1849 envelope .......(Photo ) ( I)


IO 181

10c, good to mostly large mar gins all round , neatl y tied on 1850 folded letter bearing red ROCHESTER N.Y. AUG 3 pmk to New York ............. ............................. ...... ........ ....... ................................................... (Photo) (2)


Used on Cover

1875 REPRODUCTIONS OF 1847 ISSUE Sc red brown , 10c black II*

* * 14 * 12


Sc, good to very larg e mar gins, lovely color , extremely fine .................... ..... ............................ .............(Photo ) (3)


Sc, good to very large mar gins, light crease , brilliant fresh , very fine appearance .......... ...................(Photo ) (3) 10c, mostly very large mar gins all round , fresh , extremely fine .......................... ..................................(Photo ) (4)


10c, goo d to large margin s all round , very fine .................. .................. ...................................................(Photo ) (4)



1851-57 IMPERFORATE 15


16 0 17


3p dull red , pair , o.g ., good to large mar g in s a ll rou nd , neg lig ib le co rn e r creas ing, othe rw ise ve ry fin e ................................................................................ .......... ......................................... ................................ .(Photo) ( I I)

525 .00

Sc brown , clear to enormous margins showing extreme edge of adjoining stamp, neatl y caned., very fine ................. ............... ................................................. ................................................ ............... .................... (Photo ) ( 12)

1,000 .00

10c green, type II, pair , unused , goo d to large margin s, right stamp corner fault , fine ....... ............. (Photo ) ( 14) 4,000.00+

18 0

10c, type ill , good to mostly enormous margins, blue c.d .s. ca nce ls, very fine ......... ........................... (Photo ) ( 15)


19 0

10c, type II , large to enormou s margin s, light c.d.s. cance l, barely noticea ble stain , lovely fresh co lor, extremely fine appeara nce .......... ............................................... ............................................................................. ..... (Photo ) ( 15)

2 10.00

12c black on very thin paper , sheet margin cop y, outer frame line touched to large margins other sides, bars in circle cancels and portion of red pmk , fine ................................. ................................................. .......... (Photo ) ( 17)


20 0




/ "'o \


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,/ c_

7c/~. ifr , )



.. 3

Cati. Val.

1857-61 PERFORATED 15½

* 22 *


3c dull red, type Il , o.g., fresh, extremely fine .................................. ..................................................... (Photo) (26)


30c orange, unused, small faults, fresh rich color, fine appearance ......................... .................. ...............(Photo) (38)


90c blue

* 24 *

90c, unused, reperfed, fine appearance .................... .................................... ............................................ ..(Photo ) (39) 90c, unu ed, pulled perf, fresh, fine appearance ............................................... ................... ...................... (Photo ) (39)



90c, unused, one closed tear, reperfed, very fine appearance ........................... .........................................(Photo) (39)


90c, part o.g., thins, deep fresh color ................................. ........................................................................ (Photo ) (39)







Used on Cover



le , type Il , with 3c, both fine, the two tied by circular grids on 186 1 Patriotic envelope, some faults, paying the carrier rate and bearing red BOSTON JUN 6 c.d.s., to Maine ..................... ............(Photo) (7) Est. Cash Value $200



10c green, type V, with le , type V and 3c, faults, fine appearance , tied by various cancels on omewhat stained envelope bearing NORTH BERWICK ME FEB 18 c.d.s. and PAID, red New York 19 transit and matching London 1861 receiver ................................................. .............................(Photo) (35,etc.) Est. Cash Value $200- 250



1875 REPRINT OF 1857-60 ISSUE: le bright blue, pulled perf, well centered and brilliant fresh, fine appearance .......... ........................................... ........................................................................... ....................................(Photo) (40)


1861-62 PERFORATED 12 30


31 0


Plate Essay 3c brown rose on gummed stamp paper, o.g. (hinge remnant), deep fresh color, fine. Formerly 56 ................................................................................ ..........................................................................(Photo) (65-E 15h)


3c, o.g., pencil marks on reverse, fre h, fine. Formerly 56 .............................................................. (Photo) (65-El5h )


32 33 0

3c dull red, o.g., fresh, very fine ........................................................................................................ .......(Photo) (65)


Sc olive yellow , neat red grid cancel, repaired and portions added. A/tractive copy of this rarity .......... (Photo) (67b)


34 0

30c orange, light PAID cancel, fine ..................................................................... .................. ................... (Photo) (71)


35 0

90c blue, red grid cancel, filled thin, very fine appearance ....................................................................... (Photo) (72)


1861-66 ISSUE

* 37 *

Sc red brown , o.g. (hinge remnant) , small faults , reperfed , lovely deep color, fine appearance ......(Photo) (75)


Sc, unused, horiz. crease, bright color, probably a natural "changeling", very fine appearance .............. .(Photo) (75)





Sc brown (SE), o.g., rich fresh color .........................................................................................................(Photo) (76)


39 0

Sc, deep shade (toward black brown), lightly caned., reperfed, very fine appearance........................... (Photo ) (76)



24c grayish lilac, unused, fresh fine ................................... ................................................................... ..(Photo) (78a)



Used on Cover



Patriotic; Eagle Clutching Flag 3c, hinged and tied by target cancel on multicolored envelope (portion of edge missing) bearing ALEXANDRI A VA OCT 9 63 pmk and ms. "The Flag I fight for." Including an article picturing this cover.. ...................... ................................... ...................... ........................ (Photo ) (65) Est. Cash Value $ 100-150



10c green, three copies, perfs cut, all ju st tied by weak targets on yellow envelope bearing BATTLECREEK MICH OCT 4 67 c.d.s., Boston Pkt transit, blue loca l "Franco Prussn.", Swiss transits and receiver. Rare usage ....................................................................................... .................................(Photo ) (68) Est. Cash Value $300- 350



1867 GRILLED: "E" Grill 3c rose , o.g., reperfed, fine appearance ....................................................... (Photo) (88)




Cati. Val.


PLATE ESSAYS: 2c brown, 12c blue gree n , p erforated , gummed and gr ill ed in iss u ed co lors, fine ............ ..................................... ...................... .................................. ................ .................. (Photo) ( l 13-E3e, l 17-El e)

45 PP

PLATE PROOFS : le to 30c, six diff. pairs, incl. 15c Reissue, type ill , handstamp on reverse, negligible faults, 6c to 30c certs. state "....lightly cleaned", very tine or very tine appearance. Each with A.P.E.S. Cert. (1995) ....................................................... .......................................................... ................................. ......(Photo) (112-21P3) 1,350.00+


Issued Stamps 46

* 47

10c yellow, unu sed , co mer perf creases, fine ....... .......................................................................


............(Photo) ( 116)

15c brown & blue, type I, part o.g., tine. Photocopy Foundation Cert. (1976) ...........(Cover Photo) (118)



An extreme ly rare stamp sound and with gum 48 0

15c, lightly ca ned. , small corner crease, very fine appeara nce ...................... .................. ........................(Photo) ( 118)


49 50 0


15c, type II , unused, corner perf crease, we ll cente red , fine appeara nce ................................................(Photo) ( 119)


24c green & violet, light cork cance l, reperfed, very fine appearance ..................... .................... ..... ...... (Photo) (120)

750.00 550.00

51 0

30c ultramarine & carmine , cork ca ncel, fine..................... ................................. ..................... ............(Photo) (12 1)

52 0

30c, neat cork cancel, reperfed, fine appearance....................................................................... ...............(Photo) ( 12 1)


53 0

90c carmine & black, lightly caned., mall faults incl. sea led tear, very fine appearance .....................(Photo) ( 122)


54 0

90c, light red cance l and portion of black pmk , faulty though we ll cente red. Collect ible copy of this popular stamp .......................................... ........................................................................................................................(Photo) ( 122)


1875 RE -ISSUE OF 1869 ISSUE: 6c blue , unused (reg umm ed ), repe rfed, fine ap peara nce. 2226 Print ed ................................... ....................... ........................................................................................................(Photo) ( 126)


6c, o.g. , faults incl. tea r, reperfed , fine appearance .................... ......... ........................ .................. ...........(Photo) ( 126)


1870-71 NATIONAL BANK NOTE CO: 15c bright orange, o.g., traces of thinning, fine ............(Photo) (152)


(Photo) ( 152)

950 .00

90c carmine, unu sed , fine ............................ .................................... ........................................... .............(Photo) ( 155)


1873 CONTINENTAL BANK NOTE CO: 10c brown , unused , la rge cente red copy , extreme ly fine ......................................................................................... ......................................................................... (Photo) (161)



* 56 * 57 * 58 * 59 * 60 * 61 62 0

15c, unu sed, reperfed, fine appearance ....................................................................................................


90c rose carmine, reperfed, bright fresh color, fine appearance .................................. ...........(Photo) (166) 90c, neat cork cancel, smaJI light comer crease , well centered, very fine appeara nce ............................ (Photo) ( 166)

2,750 .00 250.00


* 64 *

1879 SOFT POROUS PAPER: Sc blue, disturbed o .g., repe1fed , very fine appeara nce ..................... (Photo) ( 185)


6c pink, o.g . (hinge remnant) , fre h, fine ......... ................................... .............. ........................ .............. (Photo) ( 186)

1,000 .00

65 0

90c carmine, light Regis. cancel, reperfed, large copy, extremely fine appearance .........................(Photo) (191)


66 0

90c, Regis. cancel and portio n of c.d .s. cance ls, thin, "wide" copy, very fine appearance .....................(Photo) ( 19 1)

275 .00

1882 S0c yellow brown, disturbed o.g. , very fine ...................... ................ .............................................(Photo) (205)


1883 2c red brown, o.g., ink marks on reverse, enormous centered copy, extremely fine .... .........(Photo) (210)

(50.00 )


67 68

* *

* 70 * 71 * 72 *


73 0

1888 REGULAR ISSUE 4c rose carmine, o.g., very fine .................... ........................................... ............................. ..................(Photo) (215)


30c orange brown, o.g. , fresh, fine ............... ............. ........... .............................................. ...... .............. (Photo) (217)


90c purple, o.g., incl. light gum stain, very fine ................................................... ................................ (Photo) (218)


90c, slightly disturbed o.g. , rich fresh color, fine .....................................................................................(Photo) (2 18)

lm 300.00

90c, lightl y caned ., reperfe d, very fin e appearance ...................................... ............................... .............(Photo) (2 18)


1890- 93 ISSUE

* 75 * 76 ** 77 * 78 * 74

le to 30c, ten diff., l.h. or o.g., fine to extremely fine. Lovely group .................................... .....(Photo) (219,20-28) le dull blue, l.h., centered, enormously "tall" copy, extremely tine ..................................................(Photo) (219)


2c lake, n.h., finger pr int on gum , very fine ............................. .......................... ......................... .........(Photo) (2 19D)



2c carmine, cap on left "2", very I.h., large centered copy, brilliant fresh, superb ........................(Photo) (220a)


2c, cap on both "2" s, very l.h., brilliant fresh, extremely tine .............. ................................. ..........(Photo) (220c)



Cati. Val.


79 80 pp

* 82 * 83 * 81

3c purple, o.g., perfectl y centered , extremely fine ............. ................................. ................................. (Photo ) (221) 4c dark brown , imperf pair on gummed stamp paper , larg e margins all round , extremely fine ....(Photo ) (222Pa ) 15c indigo , o.g., extremely fine .......................................... ............ .............. ..................................... .....(Photo) (227) 90c orange , o.g., perfectl y centered , extremely fine ............ .............................. ...................... ............(Photo) (229) 90c, o.g., barest trace of tone spot , very fine ......................... ............................................... ........ ............ (Photo ) (229)


80.00 210.00 250.00 600.00 600 .00

Cati. Val.


* le to 10c, six diff., l.h., 6c o.g. (hinge remnant), fine to extremely fine .............................(Photo) (230-32,34,35,37) le deep blue, top left pane of 50, n.h.(35)/o.g.( 15), incl. rejoined separations or slightly gum disturbed, mixed *[HIcentering to very fine. As singles $ 19 12 ................................................................ ..............................(Photo page 33) and Jetter Pl. No. blk of eight , o.g., fault , fine appearance ............................. ................. (Photo ) (230) Imprint , le 86 * le, l.h., extraordinarily "wide" copy, extremely fine ................................................................ ..........(Photo) (230) 87 * n.h. , large centered copy, extremely fine ................................................................ ..(Photo) (231) 88 ** 2c brown violet, tiny inclusions , large copy , extremely fine .......................... ..................................(Photo) (232) few , n.h. 3c green, 89 ** 4c ultramarine , l.h., brilliant fresh , extremely fine ............................................................................. (Photo ) (233) 90 * Sc, n.h. , fresh, very fine ............................................................. ..............................................................(Photo ) (234) 9 1 ** fine appearance .....................................................(Photo) (234)

84 85



Sc, l.h., trace of thin , enormous copy, extremely 6c red violet, n.h. , finger print on gum, brilliant fresh , extremely fine .............................. .............(Photo) (235a) 6c, very l.h., large centered copy, extremely fine ...............................................................................(Photo ) (235a) Sc magenta , n.h ., brilliant fre sh, extremely fine ..................................................................... .............(Photo ) (236)

** * 95 ** 96 * 97 * 98 * 99 * 100 * 101 * 102 * 103 * 93 94

10c black brown , l.h., almost perfectl y centered, extremely fine .......................................................(Photo ) 15c dark green, o.g., large center ed copy, extremely fine ................................................................... (Photo) 15c, l.h., extremely fine ..........................................................................................................................(Photo ) 30c orange brown , l.h., large , perfectl y centered copy, extremely fine .............................................(Photo)

423 .00

525.00 (22.00) (42.00) 120.00 87.00 190.00 95.00 170.00 85.00 150.00









30c, unused , large copy , extremely fine appearance ........................ ...................................................(Photo ) (239) 50c slate blue , part Imprint copy , o.g. a touch disturbed, well centered, very fine ..............................(Photo ) (240) 50c, very l.h. if at all, corner perf crease, very fine ...................................... ............................................ (Photo) (240)


50c, o.g. (hiDge remnants), trace of thinning, large centered copy, very fine appearance .......................(Photo ) (240)


300.00 600.00

$1 salmon

* 105 *

$1, o.g., small thin, perfectly centered and brilliant fresh , superb appearance ...............................(Photo ) $1, o.g. (hinge remnant), small faults, vivid color and welJ centered, very fine appearance ................... (Photo ) $1, slightly disturbed o.,g., faults, fine appearance ............................................................................ ......(Photo ) $1, unused, mounted, very fine appearance ........................ ..... .................................................. .............(Photo )


* 107 *


(241) (24 1)

1,300.00 1,300.00

(24 1)


(24 1)



$2 brown red I 08

* I IO * 111 * 112 * 109


$2, o.g., almost perfectl y centered, extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (1982) .........................(Photo ) (242)


$2, di turbed o.g., small thin, fresh, fine appearance ...............................................................................(Photo) (242) $2, o.g. (hinge remnant), thin, well centered, very fine appearance ........................ ................................(Photo ) (242) $2, unused , reperfed , large centered copy, extremely fine appearance .............................................(Photo ) (242)

1,400.00 1,400.00

$2, unused. light creases, very fine appearance .................................. ...................................... ...............(Photo ) (242)





Cati. Val.


129 $3 yellow green

* 114 * 115 * 116 * 117 *

$3, o.g., paper adherence , perf thin , fre sh, fine ............................................................ .......................(Photo ) (243) $3, disturbed o.g., bare st trace of thin , reperfed , very fine appearance ...........................................(Photo ) (243) $3, unu sed (regummed ), small sea led tea r , bright color , lar ge centered copy , extremel y fine appearance ................................................................................ ..................................................................................(Photo ) (243) $3, unused, few small thins, reperfed, fine appearance ............................. ...............................................(Photo) (243) $3, o.g., thin and small crease, bright color and fresh .................................... ......................................... .(Photo ) (243)


2,100.00 2,100.00 1,150.00 I, 150.00 2,100.00

$4 crim son lake , shad es I 18


$4, l.h., corner perf crease , rich fresh color and attractive ......................................................... .......(Photo) (244) $4 ro se carmine , o.g., reperfed , tin y faults, fresh , very fine appearance ........................................ (Photo ) (244a) $4, disturbed part o.g., negligibl e faults , extremel y fine appearance ..................... ......................... (Photo ) (244a ) $4, unu sed, coup le filled thins , r eperfed , larg e copy , ver y fine appearance ................................... (Photo ) (244a)

* 120 *

119 121


2,900.00 2,900.00 2,900.00 1,500.00

$5 black 122

* 124 * 125 * 126 *



$5, o.g., pin point thin , trivial corner crease , enormou s centered copy , extr emel y fine appearanc e .............................................................. ..............................................................................(Cover Photo ) (245) Fabulous stamp



$5, l.h. disturbed o.g., small thins, tiny perf stain, fine appearance .................. ................................(Photo ) (245) $5, part o.g., faults incl. light stain, fine appearance ....................................................... .................... (Photo) (245) $5, o.g., negligible faults, fine appearance......................... ............................ .................................... ......(Photo ) (245)


$5, unused (regummed), reperfed, small repair, very fine appearance ......................................... ...........(Photo ) (245)



Blocks of Four

**ffi2c brown violet, n.h., very fine to extremely tine ................................................. ............... ................ .(Photo) (231) *ffi Sc chocolate , very l.h. if at all, fre h, very fine .......................................................................................(Photo) (234) 129 *ffi Sc, n.h.(2)/1.h.(2), large horiz. separation , centered copies, extremel y fine ....................................... (Photo ) (236) 130 *ffi 10c black brown , l.h., horiz. separation , very fine ................................................................................(Photo ) (237)

l 27



400.00 450.00+


Used Copies

13 1 0 132 0 133 0 134 0 135 0

$1 salmon , neatly caned., crease , very fine appearance ......................................................................... (Photo ) (241) $2 red brown , Regis. cancels, faults, fine appearance ....................................... .....................................(Photo ) (242) $3 yellow green, Regis. cancel, small fault , reperfed , fine appearance .................................................(Photo) (243) $4 crimson lake, Regis. cancel, reperfed, fine appearance ..................................................................... (Photo ) (244) $5 black , Regis. cancels, reperfed, fine appearance .............................................. ......................... .........(Photo ) (245)


650.00 600.00 1,100.00 1,350.00 I.,700.00

COVER CONDITION Minor faults including, but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps, small tears and some backflap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue. 11

Cati. Val.


* 137 * 138 *

le to Sc, twelve diff. incl. shade s of 2c, type I and two diff. Sc, l.h. or o.g., some enormous copies, fine to extremel y fine .....................................................................................................(Photo ) (246-48,50,a,b,52,53,55-57) 50c orange , o.g., fresh, fine .....................................................................................................................(Photo ) (260) $1 black , type I, o.g., tiny faults, very fine appearance ..........................................................................(Photo ) (261)






14 1

$1, o.g. (hinge remnant ), reperfed , ver y fine appearance ................................................................(Photo ) (261A)




$1, type II , o.g., very fine ..........................................................................................................(Photo ) (261A)

982.00 550.00 1,000.00 2,300.00 2,300.00

$2 bright blue , part Imprint copy, l.h., very fine ...........................................................(Cover Photo ) (262) 3,100.00+ $2, part o.g., reperfed , fresh ..................................................................................................................(Photo ) (262)




$5 dark green , o.g., light gum crea se, well centered fre sh, fine ....................................(Cover Photo ) (263)




$5, small part o.g., rich fresh color , fine .....................................................................................(Photo ) (263)



* 146 ** 147 * 148 * 149 *

le to 10c, nine diff., mostly l.h., few o.g., fine to ver y fine ...................................................(Photo ) (264-68,70-73) 8c violet brown , Imprint Pl. No strip of three , n.h. , few inclu ions, very fine ...................................(Photo ) (272) 10c dark green , l.h., lovely fresh color , extremel y fine .......................................................................(Photo ) (273) 15c dark blue , l.h., large centered copy, beautiful deep color , extr emely fine ..................................(Photo ) (274) 50c red orange , o.g., negligible thinnings, fresh, very fine appearance ................................................(Photo ) (275a)


150 15 1 152

$1 black $1, type I, o.g., ver y fine ......................................................................................................................... (Photo ) (276) $1, l.h., negligible gum wrinkling , very fine .........................................................................................(Photo ) (276) $1, o.g. (hinge remnant s), gum crea sing, small tear , enormou s cent ered copy, extremel y fine appearanc e ......................................................... ......................................................................................................... (Photo ) (276)

* * *




$1, type II , l.h., light handstamp on re verse , extremel y fine ...................................... (Cover Photo ) (276A)

$1, o.g., thins, very fine appearance ......................................................................................................(Photo ) (276A) $1, bar cancel, almost perfectly centered, very fine ..............................................................................(Photo ) (276A)

154 155 0

402.00 290.00+ (95.00) 225.00 325.00

650.00 650.00 650.00 1,300.00 1,300.00 175.00

$2 bright blue , shade s 156

* * *

157 158 159 160 0


$2, o.g., larg e center ed copy, ........................................................................ ...................(Cover Photo ) (277) $2, o.g., very fine .....................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (277) 2c, o.g. (hinge remnants), fresh, fine ........................................................................................................ (Photo ) (277) $2, disturb ed o.g., small corner thin , almo st perfectl y centered , very fine appearanc e ..................(Photo ) (277) $2 dark blue , lightly caned., small tear, perfectly centered copy, extremely fine appearance .............(Photo ) (277a) 12

1,100.00 1,100.00 1, 100.00 1,100.00 350.00

Cati. Val.

$5 dark green



$5, o.g. (hinge remnants ), few small thins , large centered copy, extremely fine appearance .....(Photo ) (278)




$5, o.g., shallow thinning , perfectly centered , extremel y fine appearance .......................... ...(Photo) (278)


163 0 164 0

* 166 * 167 *


$5, Regis. cancels, well centered, extremely fine ....................................................... .......................... (Photo ) (278) $5, line copy, Regis. cancel, small fault , very fine appearance .................................... .........................(Photo ) (278) 1897-1903 CHANGED COLORS: le to 10c, 13 diff. incl. shades and 10c type I, l.h., couple o.g., one 10c type II perf stain reverse only, fine to extremel y fine .....................(Photo) (279[2],79B,Bf,80,a,b ,81(2),82,82C,83 (2)) 2c rose carmine, type IV, o.g., two tiny stains, fine. Excellent referenc e copy ................................. (Photo ) (279Bc) 15c olive green, l.h., almost perfectl y centered, extremely fine .................................. ........................(Photo) (284)


500.00 500.00 642.00 250.00 150.00

Cati. Val.




Sc violet brown , PI. No. copy, o.g. very fine ..........................................................................................(Photo ) (289) 10c gra y violet, Imprint PI. No. Block of Six, n.h. (5)/o.g.(1), larg e separation between stamps and margin (not mentioned in cert.) , few tiny inclusions , very fine appearance. Foundation Cert. (1981) .......(Photo ) (292)



** 17 1 *


50c sage green, n.h. , trace of finger print on gum, small margin thin, very fine appearance .................(Photo ) (29 I) 50c, o.g., very fine ....................................................................................................................................(Photo) (29 1)


3,250.00 l ,350.00 650.0 0

$1 black 172 * ffi



* 175 * 176 * 177 *




$1, BLOCK OF FOUR, I.h., fine to extremely fine .......................................................(Cover Photo) (292)


$1, o.g., large centered copy, extremel y fine ...................................................................(Cover Photo ) (292)


$1, o.g., very fine .....................................................................................................................................(Photo) (292) $1, o.g., tiny faults , almost perfectl y centered , very fine .....................................................................(Photo) (292)


$1, disturbed o.g., tin y thins , large centered copy, extremel y fine appearance ................................(Photo ) (292)


$1, o.g., tiny thins, fine .............................................................................................................................(Photo ) (292)


$1, o.g. (hinge remnants), small faults, fresh ...........................................................................................(Photo ) (292)



$2 orange brown 179


* 18 1 * 182 *


183 0

$2, I.h., reperfed large copy , extremel y fine appearance ..........................................................(Photo ) (293)


$2, I.h., barely noticeable gum crea se, rich color and well centered , extremel y fine appearance ..(Photo ) (293) $2, o.g., fine .............................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (293)


$2, o.g., thins, very fine appearance .........................................................................................................(Photo ) (293) $2, on-the-nose Regis. cancel and portion of red pmk, small faults, fine ................................................(Photo ) (293)

2, 100 .00

2,100.00 1,000.00




le to 10c compl. set , large Die proof s die sunk on card , approx . 84x78mm, extremely fine. Each with A.P.E.S. Cert. (1995) ...............................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (294-99Pl) Lovely set

10c yellow brown & black , I.h., enormou s centered copy, superb ................................................ .....(Photo ) (299)




* 187 * 188 * 189 * 186

190 19 1

** *

le to 13c, eight diff., 17 stamps incl. shades , I.h., couple o.g., le, 2c, 3c, Sc, two each , 4c (4), 13c (3), fine to extremel y fine ..........................................................................................................................(Photo ) (300-05,07,08) Sc blue , very l.h., large copy, extremel y fine ........................................................................................ (Photo ) (304)


6c brownish lake , I.h., centered, extremely fine ...................................................................................(Photo ) (305) 10c pale red brown , o.g., large centered copy, extremel y fine ........................................................... (Photo) (307)


10c, n.h. , fresh, almo t very fine ................................................................... ...........................................(Photo ) (307) 50c orange , o.g., very fine ............................................... ........................................................................(Photo ) (3 10)

475 .00

818.00 (72.00) 135.00

$1 black

* 193 * 194 *


$1, slightly disturbed o.g., well centered , very fine .............................................................................(Photo ) (311)


$1, Pl. o. copy, very l.h., fine ................................................................................................................(Photo ) (3 11) $1, o.g., thins, very fine appearance .........................................................................................................(Photo ) (3 11)





Cati. Val.

$2 dark blue

* 196 * 197 * 195

$2, l.h., two tiny rust spots on reverse, very fine .................................................................................(Photo ) (312) $2, o.g. (hinge remnants), trace of hinge thin, fine ........................................................ ..........................(Photo) (3 12)


$2, o.g., (hinge remnant), mall thins, very fine appearance ................................................................... (Photo ) (3 12)



$5 dark green

* 199 *


$5, o.g., tiny perf stain almost entirely on reverse, fine ......................................................................(Photo) (313)


$5, o.g. (hinge remnants ), small thin , very fine appearance .................................. ............................. (Photo) (313) $5, Regis. cancels, light crea ing, reperfed, large copy, extremely fine appearance ...............................(Photo ) (3 13)


200 0



1906-08 IMPERFORATE: Sc blue, vertical line pair , l.h., large margins a!J round, negligible corner margin crease, very fine ........................................................................................................................................ (Photo) (3 15) 202 *EESc, blk of four , l.h. (2)/o.g.(2), lar ge margins all round , extreme ly fine ............................................ .(Photo) (315)


203 * EB 1906 2c carmine , type I, arrow blks , matched set of four, n.h. to o.g., good to mostly large margins other sides, gum creasing or wrinkles, fine to very fine ..............................................................................................(Photo ) (320)


204 * EB 2c lake , type II, sheet margin blk of four with Pl. No., l.h., mostly large margins other sides, vivid color, very fine ................................................ ................................................................................................................(Photo ) (320a)

2I0 .00+

20 1



1903 and 1906 PERF and IMPERF, 2c gro up of 19 perf 12 and S imperf pairs , l.h. or o.g. , so me 205 hinge remnants, types I and ll incl. many shades, Pl. No. and large cop ies, mixed condition to extremely fine ......................................................................................................... .....................................Est. Cash Value $ 150-250 206 *EE 1907 JAMESTOWN EXPOSITIO : Comp l. set, blks of four , n.h. , Sc l.h., 2c finger prints on reverse, 5c one stamp thin, fine to extremely fine ....................................................................................................... (Photo ) (328-30)


Sc blue, Pl. No. copy, l.h., very fine ........................................................................................................(Photo) (330)


207 0




* 2 1I *

2 10

8c olive green, 13c blue green, 15c pale ultramarin e, o.g., fine to very fine .............................(Photo ) (337,39,40) 10c yellow, very l.h., almost perfectly centered , brilliant fresh , extremely fine ............................... (Photo ) (338)


15c pale ultramarine , very l.h., large centered copy, extremely fine .................................................(Photo ) (340)


$1 violet brown , unused (regummed), almost perfectly centered, extremely fine appearance ...............(Photo) (342)


2 12 * EB IMPERFORA TE: le to Sc, blks of four, 2c part Imprint , 4c right arrow, n.h. incl. Sc to o.g., good to mostly large margins , very fine to extremely fine ...................................................................................... (Photo ) (343-47) 1908-10 PERFORATED 12 HORIZ: le green, 2c carm in e, vert ica l pairs , n.h. ( I )/ 1.h.( I ), very fine 2 13 ..................................................................... .................................... ................... ............................... (Photo ) (348,349)

* 2 14 * 2 15 *


491.00+ 330.00+

Sc blue , vertical pair , n.h. (I)n.h. (l), extremely fine ............................................................................(Photo ) (351)


1909 PERFORATED 12 VERT: Sc blue, guide line pair , o.g., light thinning, fine .......................... (Photo ) (355)



** 217 * 2 18 *

le green, n.h., very fine ............................. .......................... ...................................................................(Photo ) (357)


6c red orange , o.g., fresh, fine ...............................................................................................................(Photo ) (362) 15c pale ultramarine , l.h., reperfed , very fine appearance ...................................................... ...........(Photo) (366)


1909 LINCOLN CENTENARY: Bluish pap er 2c carmine, neatly caned., very fine ........................(Photo) (369) 220 * IBI 1909 HUDSON-FULTON: Imperf 2c carmine , matched set Pl. blks of six, No. 5394, a nd center line blk , tamps n.h. to o.g., some faults, fine or fine appearance. Sc. $ 1160+ ................................................................... (373)


2 16

2 19 0




1910-11 SINGLE LINE WMK: 15c pale ultramarine , l.h. , perfectl y centered , extremely fine .....(Photo ) (382)




1910 PERFORATED 12 HORIZ: le green, pair , n.h. , very fine ............................ ...........................(Photo) (385) 1910 PERFORATED 8½ HORIZ: le green, 2c carmine , guide line vertical pairs , very l.h., extremely fine ...........................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (390,391)

210 .00






Cati. Val.

Afternoon Session at 1:00 P.M.

* ** 226 *

224 225

1910-13 PERFORATED 8½ VERT. le to Sc, four diff. pair s, 4c 3mm spacin g, l.h., fine to ver y fine ..........................................(Photo ) (392,93,95,96)

3c deep violet, n.h. , very tin e .................................................................................................................(Photo ) (394) 3c, pair , 3mm spacing , l.h., fine to very fine ..........................................................................................(Photo ) (394)

487.00 110.00 145.00

Gujde Line Pair s 227 228 229 230 23 1 232 233

* * * * * * *

le green, l.h., extr emely fine ..................................................................................................................(Photo ) (392)

2c carmin e, o.g., extremel y fine .............................................................................................................(Photo ) (393) 3c deep violet, l.h., extremel y fine .........................................................................................................(Photo ) (394) 3c, l.h ., extr emely fine ............................................................................................................................ (Photo ) (394) 3c, l.h., tiny thin, extremely fine appearance ...........................................................................................(Photo ) (394) 4c brown , o.g., very fine ..........................................................................................................................(Photo ) (395) Sc blue , o.g., right stamp n.h. , ver y fine ...............................................................................................(Photo ) (396)

190.00 300.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00


* 235 ** 236 ** 237 *

1913 PERFORAT ED 12: le to 10c compl. set, l.h. or o.g., few negligible thin s, cent ered and mostly larg e copies, very fine to extrem ely fine ............................................................................................... (Photo ) (397-400A) 2c carmin e, n.h., almo st perfectl y cent ered, brilliant fresh, extr emely fine ......................................(Photo ) (398) 10c oran ge, n.h. , fresh, fine ................................................................................................ ...................(Photo ) (400a) 1914-15 PERF ORATED 10: Sc blu e, o.g., perfectl y cent ered, extrem ely fine ................................. (Photo ) (403)

473.00 (40.00) 425.00 175.00

238 239 240

* * * 24 1 *

10c orange 10c, l.h., very fine ....................................................................................................................................(Photo ) 10c, l.h., fine .............................................................................................................................................(Photo ) 10c, l.h., reperfed, very fine appearance ..................................................................................................(Photo ) 10c, unused (regummed), reperfed, fresh, fine appearance .....................................................................(Photo )

(404) (404) (404) (404)

925.00 900.00 900.00 900.00

** 243 *

PERFOR ATED 12: 7c black , n.h. , ver y fine .......................................................................................(Photo ) (407) 1912 PERFORATED 8½ VERT : 2c carmine , guide line pair , l.h., very fine ..................................(Photo ) (413)

150.00 280.00




1912-14 PERFORATED 12 244 245 246 247 248 249

* *


* * *

Sc to 12c compl. plus Sc and 10c shade s, 9c and one Sc Pl. No. copies, l.h., fine to very fine ......(Photo ) (414-17) 50c violet, o.g., tin y inclu sion, perfectl y centered , extr emely fine ...................................................... (Photo ) (422) 50c , o.g ., slight gum loss from hing e remo val , pencil m a rk s on r eve r se, large cop y, extr emel y fin e .................................................................................................................................................................. (Photo ) (422) 50c, o.g., very fine ....................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (422) $1 violet brown , o.g. (hinge remnant), fresh ...........................................................................................(Photo ) (423) $1, o.g., fresh ............................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (423)

285.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 525.00 525.00

1914-15 PERFORATED 10.

* 251 * 250

252 253 254 255

* * * *

le to 15c, eight diff. , plu s 2c, 3c and 12c shade s incl. " pink back s", I.h. or o.g., fin e to extr emely fine

........................................ ......................................................................................................(424-26,28,31,34,35,a,37) 12c claret brown , I.h., vivid color , enormou s center ed copy, sup erb ................................................(Photo ) (435) 30c orang e red , I.h., brilliant fresh, extr emely fine .............................................................................(Photo ) (439) 30c, large part o.g., some gum loss from hinge removal, vivid color, very fine ...................................... (Photo ) (439) 50c violet, o.g., lovely color, fine to very fine .........................................................................................(Photo ) (440) 50c, o.g., trace of thin in wmk, otherwise very fine .................................................................................(Photo ) (440)

327.00 (27.00) 260.00 260.00 575.00 575.00


* * * * 260 * 26 1 ** 256 257 258 259

le green, 2c carmin e, guide line pair s, former l.h., latter o.g., extr emely fine ...........................(Photo ) (443,444) 3c violet, o.g. (hinge remnant), very fine .................................................. ...............................................(Photo ) (445) 3c, pair , o.g., some gum loss from hinge remo val, enormou s center ed copies, extr emely fine .......(Photo ) (445) 4c bro wn, pair , I.h., extremel y fine .......................................................................................................(Photo ) (446) Sc blue , pair , very l.h., large center ed copies, extremel y fine .............................................................(Photo ) (447) 1915 PERFOR ATED 10 HORIZ: 2c carmin e, type Ill , joint line pair , n.h. , very fine ...................(Photo ) (450)


445.00 225.00 575.00 325.00 115.00 160.00


Cati. Val.


* 263 ** 264 * 265 * 266 * 267 * 268 * 269 *




* 272 **

271 273


le to Sc, four diff. incl. 2c type m, pair , l.h. or o.g., very fine .............. ........ ........... ............. (Photo ) (452,55,57,58) le green, selection of 85 on stock cards , n.h., compr. singles, pairs, strips of 4 and 2 line pairs, mixed centering to fine to very fine ......................................................................................................................... ................. ............ (452) 2c carmine rose, type I, joint line pair , l.h., few inclusions , very fine ............. ............ ....................... (Photo ) (453) 2c, type II, I.h.(1)/o.g. (l} , extreme ly fine ...... ................. ................... ................. .................................. ............... (454)


3c violet, pair, very I.h., perfectl y centered, extremel y fine ........ ...................................... .................. (Photo ) (456) 4c brown , joint line pair , I.h., large perfectl y centered copies, extremely fine ................................. (Photo ) (457)

600.00 150.00

Sc blue, joint line pair, very I.h., extremely tine .............................. .................... ................................(Photo ) (458) 1915 DOUBLE LINE WMK. , PERF. 10: $1 violet black , very I.h. , large centered copy, extreme ly fine ............................... ................................................................................................................................... (Photo ) (460)

180.00 850.00

$1, o.g. (hinge remnant), very fine ........................................................................... ......................... .......(Photo ) (460)



725.00 175.00

1916-17 UNWATERMARKED, PERF. 10 2c to 15c, seven diff. , I.h., fine to extremely fine ............................ ............................. (Photo) (463,66,68,69,73-75) 3c violet, n.h. , enormou s centered copy, superb Fabulous stamp ................................................. ......(Photo ) (464) 3c, very I.h., enormous centered copy, extreme ly fine ...................................... .................................. (Photo ) (464)

274 * II!! Error Sc carmine , middle stamp in block of nine with 2c, error stamp n.h., couple 2c with finger prints , very fine ............................................................................................................... ........................................ ...........(Photo ) (467) Sc, o.g. (hinge remnants), fine ......................... ........................................................................................ .(Photo ) (467) 275

599.00 (140.00) (75.00) 950.00

550.00 * (60.00) Sc olive green , I.h., enormou s centered copy, extremel y fine ......................................................... ....(Photo ) (470) 276 * (60.00) Sc, very I.h., perfectl y centered , extremely fine ....................................................... ............................ (Photo) (470) 277 * 380.00 (475) ) (Photo ............. ..................................... 278 ** 15c gray, n.h. , extremely fine ............................................................... 250.00 20c light ultramarine , o.g. (hinge remnant ), extremel y fine .................... ........................................... (Photo ) (476) 279 * 250.00 2c, l.h., very fine ............................................ ................................................ .......................................... .(Photo) (476) 280 * 28 l ** 50c light vio let, n.h. , tiny fiber inclu sion reverse onl y, reperfed , rich color , very fine appearance .(Photo ) (477) 2,200 .00 ...... ............ ......................................... ............................................................................................

* 283 * 284 * 285 *

50c , sheet margin copy, I.h., fine ................................... ............................. ........ .................... ............ ...(Photo) (477) 50c, l.h., reperfed, fresh, very fine appearance ................................................... .....................................(Photo) (477)


50c, large part o.g., fresh, fine ..... ............... ........ .... ..... ......... ............................ ................. ........... ............(Photo ) (477) $1 violet black , l.h., reperfed, large copy , very fine appearance .............................................................(Photo ) (478)

I , 100.00

* 287 * 288 * 289 * 290 ** 29 1 *

$2 dark blue, I.h., extremely fine ....................................................... ....................................................(Photo ) (479) $2, l.h., very fine .................................................................................. ....................................................(Photo) (479)


1, L00.00 800.00

1917 TYPES OF 1902-03 ISSUE 286

$5 light green , l.h., few tone spots on reverse, very fine ................................ ........................................(Photo) (480) $5, PI. No. copy, l.h., fine .......................................... ............................................... ............................... (Photo ) (480) 1916-22 PERFORATED 10 VERT: 3c violet, types I and II, joint line pairs, n.h., fresh, fine ....(Photo ) (493,494) 1917-19 PERFORATED 11: 3c to $1, 15 diff. , plu s shades, 23 stamp s incl. Pl. No. and four $1 copies, I.h., few o.g., fine to extremely fine ........................................................................................(Photo) (501-03,07-18,12a)

292 * II!! Sc rose, single error in sheet margin blk of 24 with 2c, PI. o. at right , l.h ., so me 2c n.h., ve ry fine ......................................................... ............................................................................. ..............(Photo page 52) (505) 7c to $1, ten diff., incl. 12c brown carmine, l.h. or o.g., fine to extremely fine .....(Photo) (507-11,12a,14-16,18 ) 293 1917 DOUBLE LINE WMK. , PERF. 11: 2c carmine , n.h., few tiny inclusions, fresh, very fine ...(Photo) (519) 294

* **

275 .00

290.00 225.00 240.00+ 370.00 616.00+

675.00+ 264.00 800.00

1918 BICOLOR ISSUE $2 orange red & black

* 296 * 297 * 298 * 299 * 295

$2, o.g., almost perfectly centered , extremely fine ......................................... ............... ......................(Photo ) (523) $2, l.h., very fine ............................... .................................... ................................... ................................ (Photo ) (523)


$2, o.g. (hinge remnants), traces of thinnings, large centered copy, extremely fine appearance .............(Photo) (523)


$2, o.g., fine .............................................................................. ............................ ....................... .............(Photo ) (523) $5 deep green & black , o.g., perfectly centered, brilliant fresh, extremely fine ...............................(Photo ) (524)



600.00 600.00


Cat i. Va l.

1918-20 OFFSET PRINTING , IMPERFORATE 2c carmine rose, type IV

**832c, corner mar gin blk of four , n.h., enormou s margin s other sides, extr emely fine ........................(Photo ) (532) 30 I *83 2c, center line blk of four, l.h., enormou s margins all round , inclu sions, extremel y fine ................(Photo) (532) 302 *83 2c, left, right and bottom arrow blks, o.g., large to enormous margin s other sides, very fine to extremely fine


..................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (532) 2c, Pl. No. blk of six, n.h. , enormou s margin s other sides, superb .....................................................(Photo ) (532) 303 **IBl 304 *83 2c carmine, type V, arrow blk of four , l.h., large mar gins other sides, extremel y fine ....................(Photo ) (533) 305 *83 2c carmine rose, type Va, n.h. to o.g., good to large mar gins, very fine to extremely fine ..............(Photo ) (534)

300.00+ 190.00 495.00 525.00 500.00 267.00

2c carmine , type VI 306 307 308 309

*83 2c, blk of four , o.g., large margins all round, very fine .......................................................................(Photo) (534A) *IBl2c, Pl. No. blk of six, o.g., enom1ou margin other ides, inclusion, very fine ..................................(Photo ) (534A) *83 2c, n.h. to o.g., mostly enormous margin , very fine to extremely fine ................................................ (Photo) (534A) *83 3c violet, type IV, n.h. to o.g., large margins, very fine to extremely fine .............................................(Photo) (535)



190.00 375.00 255.00 236.00

Cati. Val.

... ... .•

:r 22167


234 7 5


r·:"·:m~-~~-: ss*'i:'.':':'~~ *ss; ss.<;:>gc•~~ .ss

··· ~·····••f ·•·········

r·-·-:11 ·:-~ :"I~ ss*~~fr: .ss ss.~~r~ *ss

3 10 3 11 312 3 13 3 14 3 15 316 317 318 319 320


1921 PERFORATED 11: le green, l.h., enormously ''w ide" copy, extremely fine ..........................(Photo ) (545) 1'920 PILGRIM TERCENTENARY: Sc deep blue , Pl. o. blk of six, stamp s n.h. , very fine ........(Photo) (550) *IBI 1922-25 REG ULAR ISSUE: $5 carmine & black , n.h. , stray perf indent, brilliant fresh, very fine ..(Photo ) (573) ** 1923 PERFORATED llxlO: le green, 2c carmine , n.h ., each with barely noticeable perf thin, exceptional centering, very fine ............................................................................................................................(Photo ) (578,579) 1923 PERFORATED 11: 2c carmine, very l.h., very fine ....................................................................(Photo) (595) 2c, o.g., very fine ........................................................... ...........................................................................(Photo) (595) 1923-29 PERFORATED 10 VERT: 2c carmin e, type II , joint line pair, I.h. , typical centering , fresh ...............................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (599A) **IBI 1926 WHITE PLAINS SOUVENffi SHEET: 2c carmine rose , n.h., gum bends, very fine ...........................(630) *IBI2c, dot over "S" variety, l.h. in selvage, small comer creasing, very fine ........................................................... (630) *IBI2c, l.h., light oil spot middle stamp, otherwise very fine ........................................................................... ............(630) 1926-34 PERFORATED llxlO ½ : 2c carmine, type II , n.h. , brilliant fre sh, very fine ................(Photo ) (634A)

** * * *

** *

305.00 300.00 300.00 67.00 550.00 400.00 375.00 525.00


KANSAS: le to 10c compl. set, l.h., fine to very fine ......................................................................(Photo) (658-68) **83Compl. set, blks of four, n.h., some gum disturbed , mixed centering to extremely fine ............(Photo ) (658-68) NEBRASKA: le to 10c compl. set, l.h., 3c gum spot, fine to very fine ...........................................(Photo ) (669-79) **83Compl. set, blk s of four, n.h. , some gum disturbed. generally superior centering , fine to extremely fine .............................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (670-79) 325 **831931 REGULAR ISSUE: Ile to S0c compl. set, Pl. No. blks of four , n.h. , few tin y inclu sions, very fine to extremely fine ................................................................................................................................................(692-701) 326 **831938 PRESIDENTI AL ISSUE : $2 yellow green & black , $5 carmine & black , arrow PI. No. blks of four , n.h., extremely fine ..........................................................................................................................(Photo ) (833,834) 327 **83$5, PI. No. blk of four , n.h. , extremely fine ..........................................................................................(Photo ) (834)

321 322 323 324

190.00 450.00 230.00



283.00 1,773.00 359.00 2,251.00 620.00 510.00 425.00

**831954-68 LIBERTY ISSUE: Hamilton $5 black , PI. No. blk of four , n.h. , extremel y fine .............(Photo ) (1053) 329 **83$5, PI. No. blk of four , n.h., very fine .................................................................................................. (Photo ) ( I053) IAL: Souvenir sheets of five, 30 sets, n.h. , very fine .......................... ( 1686-89) 330 ** 1976 AMERICAN BICENTE 33 1 ** 1976 FRANKLIN: Error 13c ultramarine & multicolored , light blue omitted , n.h. , extremel y fine 328

332 333 334

Cati. Val. 280.00 280.00 570.00

................................................................................................................................. ............................. (Photo ) (1690a)


** Same , sheet margin copy, n.h., extreme ly fine .................................. ............................................... (Photo ) (1690a) **~ 1977-78 PERFORATED 10: $1 un exploded booklet , no Pl. No., 10 booklets , n.h. , very fine ................. (BK132) **~ 1994 LEGENDS OF THE WEST (Recalled): 29c pane of twent y, n.h. , incl. envelope, very fine ............... (2870)

250.00 300.00 190.00



1918 FffiST ISSUE: 6c oran ge, 16c green , 24c carmine rose & blue, compl. set, l.h., very fine to extreme ly fine ........................................................................................................................................... .....................(Photo ) (Cl -3) arr ow Pl. No. Block of Eight , n.h. , few tiny inclusions, fresh, fine ..................................................(Photo ) (C l ) 6c, 336 **~ 337 *83 16c green, blk of four , unu sed, very fine to extreme ly fine ..................................................................(Photo ) (C2) 335

338 339



1923 SECOND ISSUE: Sc dark green , 16c dark blu e, 24c carmin e, comp l. set, l.h., 24c o.g., large centered copies, extr emely fine ...........................................................................................................................(Photo ) (C4-6) 1926-27 MAP : 20c yellow gre en, bottom right pane of 50, Pl. No. 18892, n.h. , few tin y inclu sions, gum skips , extreme ly fine .........................................................................................................................................................(C9)

250.00 1,270.00 360.00 215.00 713.00

1930 GRAF ZEPPELIN ISSUE 65c green , $1.30 brown , $2.60 blue 340

*83 Compl.

set, BLOCKS OF FO UR, 65c o.g.(2), $2.60 l.h.(2), oth ers n.h ., few inclu sions, 65c one o.g., stamp small thin, very fine to extr emely fine ......................................................................(Photo ) (C13-15) 7,720.00+

65c gr een 34 1 342 343 344 345



* * *

65c, l.h., large centered copy, extremel y fine ......................................................................................(Photo ) (C13) 65c, n.h. , tin y dr y spots on gum , very fine ........................................................................................... (Photo ) (C13) 65c, Pl. No. copy, ver y l.h. if at all, extreme ly fine .............................................................................. (Photo ) (C13) 65c, l.h., fine ............................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (C 13) 65c, o.g. (hinge remnant), large thin, very fine appearance ....................................................................(Photo ) (C 13)

250./00 360.00 250.00+ 250.00 250.00

$1.30 brown

* 347 * 348 * 349 *



$1.30, l.h., extreme ly fine ......................................................................................................................(Photo ) (C14) $1.30, o.g., extremel y fine ......................................................................................................................(Photo ) (C14) $1.30, very l.h., very fine .........................................................................................................................(Photo ) (C 14)


$1.30, o.g. (hinge remnant), very fine ..................................................................................................... (Photo ) (C l4)





.. ·••-41••········~···········


•• •

. F■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiil •

..... CD C") Ii)


•••••••••• '- ~ '

tL _r:·

:;t._ ~w4:t


Cati. Val.

$2.60 blue

** 351 ** 352 * 353 * 354 * 350

355 0 356


$2.60, n.h., few inclusions, large centered copy, extremel y fine ................. ....................................... (Photo) (ClS )


$2.60, n.h., large centered copy, extremely fine .............................. ...................... .............................. (Photo) (ClS )


$2.60, PI. No. copy, very l.h. if at aJI, very fine ........................ ................................. .................... .........(Photo) (C 15)

750 .00+

$2.60 l.h., very fine ..................... ........................................................... ....................................... ...........(Photo) (C 15)

750 .00

$2.60, o.g. (hinge remna nt), fresh , fine ................................................ ................................................... (Photo) (C 15)

750 .00

Used Copies 65c, 1930 duplex cance l, fine ............................................................ ......................................................(Photo) (Cl3 )


65c, very fine, tied by LAKEHURST . N.J. MAY 19 1930 duple x on le postal card (creas ing) to New York, appropriately cacheted ........... ............................................................................................ (C l3 ) Est. Cash Value $ 100


357 0

$1.30, 1930 duplex cance l, vert. crease , fine .................................................... ....................................... (Photo) (C I4)


358 0

$2.60, neatly caned., centered copy, extremely fine ..................... ...................... .................................(Photo) (ClS )



**EE 50c green, blk of four, with Pl. No., n.h., indent and pin point tone speck one stamp, fine to very fine ...(Photo) (Cl8) *EE50c, blk of four, l.h.(2)/o.g.(2) , one o.g. copy thin, fine to very fine ..................................................... (Photo) (C 18)

440.00 +

50c, four copies, n.h., gum bends , fine to very fine .......................... .....................................................(Photo) (C 18)


50c, blk of four, fine, tied by NEW YORK OCT 2 1933 First Day duplex cancels on flown enve lope, Seville transit and New York receiver on reverse , appropriately cacheted .................... .............. ............ (C l 8) Est. Cash Value $ 125


36 1



181 EE

363 364

**ml1941-44 TRANSPORT: 50c orange , top left pane of 50, Pl. No. 22778, n.h., extremely fine ...................... (C31) *ml 1918 to 1963, small coll. on White Ace pages, n.h. to o.g., incl. singles, blks and PI. blks of 4 or 6, coils and

280 .00


booklet panes, some faults though generally fine to very fine .............................................. Est. Cash Value $500


* * 367 * 368 * 369 * 370 * 37 1 * 372 ** 373 * 374 * 375 * 365 366


1885 UNWATERMARKED: Perf 12 10c blue, o.g., small faults, brilliant fresh, very fine appearance ....(Photo ) (EI) 1888 ISSUE: 10c blue, o.g . (hinge remnants) , enormo us copy, extreme ly fine appearan ce ............ .......(Photo) (E2) 10c, very l.h., reperfed , very fine appearance .................. .......................................................................... (Photo ) (E2) 1893 COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION: 10c orange, o.g. (hinge remnant), enormously "wide" copy, extremely fine .................................................................................................................. .................................................(Photo) (E3) 1894 LINE UNDER "TEN CENTS": 10c blue, o.g., trace of thinnin g, fresh, fine ................. .............. (Photo) (E4) 10c, o.g. (hinge remnant) , fine appearance ........................................ ........................................................(Photo ) (E4) 1895 DOUBLE LINE WMK: 10c blue, part Imprint PI. No. copy, l.h., small thin, perfectly centered and brilliant fresh, extremely fine appearance ................................................................... .................... ...................... ..(Photo) (ES) 1911 SINGLE LINE WMK: 10c ultramarine , o.g., enormous centered copy, extremely fine .........(Photo) (ES) 1914 PERFORATED 10: 10c ultramarine , I.h., extremely fine .......................................................... (Photo) (E9) 1916 UNWATERMARKED: 10c pale ultramarine , l.h., very fine ...................................... ..............(Photo) (ElO) REGISTR ATION: 1911 Perf 12 10c ultramarine , l.h., large centered copy, brilliant fresh , extremely fine .................................................................................................... ...................... ................ .........................(Photo) (Fl )

**EE POSTAGE DUE: 1891 THIRD ISSUE; Perf 12 Sc bright claret, blk of four, n.h., top pair crease, folded along

horiz. perfs, fresh , fine. Sold as four single copies .................................. ................................................. (Photo ) (125) 26

350.00 350.00 325.00

200.00 800.00 800.00 160.00+ 100.00

180.00 275.00

75.00 340.00+


Cati. Val.


Comp!. set, o.g. (hinge remnants), few mall faults or mixed centering to very fine................................(Photo) (Kl-6 )


Blocks of Four 378 ** EB24c on 12c claret brown, n.h.(3)/1.h.( I), rich fresh color, fine ............................................................(Photo) (K 1 I a) 379 ** EB60c on 30c orange red, n.h., on e stamp negli gibl e creasing , brilli ant fre sh, fine . A.P.E .S. Cert. ( 1993 ) .................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (Kl4 ) 380 ** EE60c on 30c, sheet margin blk with Pl. o., n.h., brilliant fresh .................................... ....................... (Photo) (Kl4 )

567 .00+ 800.00+ 800.00+

38 1 ** EB$1 on 50c light violet, sheet margin blk with Pl. No., n.h., creased along perforation s, rich fresh color. A.P.E.S. Cert. (1994) .............................................................................................................................(Photo) (KlS ) 3,800.00+ 2!0 .00 1922 2c on le green, 4c on 2c carmine, very l.h., for fine, latter very fine ................................ ..(Photo) (K 17,K 18) 382


LOCAL HANDSTAMPED COVER: "EXPRESS MAIL BOSTO N NOV. 4" handstamp on front of 1853 folded letter, bearing " 10" and "6d" in circle and red arced U. States mkg, various New Brunswick transit and rece iver on rever e ........................................................................ ..........................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $300- 325 STAMPED ENVELOPES: 1887-94 Plimpton 30c red brown, shades, 90c purple, 14 and 8 entires respectively, 384 * i:;:;;i unused, variously colored envelopes, mostly very fine .............................................................................................. POSTAL CARD: Air Post; 1949 EAGLE : Error 4c deep red on buff postal card, addre ssed and note on 385 c;:;;i reverse, but uncancelled, very fine ......................................................... (Photo) (UXCl a) Est. Cash Value $ 125- 150



* 387 ** 388 * 386

HU TING PERMIT: 1934 $1 Ma llard s, very l.h. if at all, gum skips, very fine .............................(Photo ) (RWI ) 1935 $1 Canvasback, n.h. , negligible gum crease, fresh, fine ............................................... .............. (Photo ) (RW2) 1936 to 1979m $1 to $7.50, issues comp!. on White Ace pages , n.h. to o.g., incl. a few Pl. Number copies, fine to very fine .................................... ........................................................................... .......Est. Cash Va lue $750-1 ,000

600.00 350.00 675.00

U.S. POSSESSIONS 389 * O liil CANAL ZONE: 20th Century, stock and accum. of several hundred in glassines, etc., in box, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. Pl. blks of 4 or 6, Airs, Postage Due, coils, booklets, compl. or part sets, generally fine to very fine ............................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $35~00 390 c;:;;i Accum. of perhaps 200 items in box, incl. FDC , commercial mail, Airs, mint and used stationery incl. postal cards and entires, generally fine to very fine .............................. .................. ....................... Est. Cash Value $ 150-250

HAWAII 391 0

* 393 * 394 * 395 *


1864-65 TYPESET: Imperf Sc blue on bluish, clear margins alJ round, neat grid cancel, faults incl. sealed tear, fine appearance ....................... .................................. ................................................................... ............... (Photo) (2 1) Sc blue on bluish, Westerberg Pos. 12-A-X, unused, large margins all round, tiny ink spot bottom margin, fine. A.P.E.S. Cert. ( 1993) and signed A. Diena .................................. ......................................................... .....(Photo) (22) Sc, unused, good margins all round, thin spot, very fine appearance .................... ....................................(Photo) (22) 1864 LAID PAPER: 2c black, unused, large margins all round, very fine ................................... .........(Photo) (24) 1861 to 1899, coll. of 45 diff. on pages, n.h. to o.g., couple used, love ly selection in superior condition ..............................................................................................................(betw. 27 and 82) Est. Cash Value $500-600


575.00 550.00 550.00 300.00

OKU Lt.'l'."-

IC ,,. .., ~,,





~ ;:



~ >

" 0:

;; Ct•nt.s






1851 to 1898, coll. of over 100 diff. on pages, o.g. to unused, some used, incl. imperf to IOc, perf 15½ to 12c, perf 12 to 30c, few grills, 1869 Pictorial s to 24c, variety of Bank Note issues incl. 1890-93 to 90c, and Bureau types , mixed condition to fine to very fin e ............................................................... ..........................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500

19th and 20th Century

397 * 001 Coll. balance of about 175 in hingeless album, n.h. to unu sed, sca ttered early incl. 1869 Pictorials, Bank Note issue s, 1909 Commems incl. blk s, Columbians incl. $1, Trans-Miss. , Airs incl. Map Pl. blks of 6, Parcel Post, etc., mixed condition to extremely tine ......................................................................................................... Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000

398 * O

Remainder coils. in hingeless and 4 National albums in carton, n.h. to unused or used, many hundred incl. random early issues, later issues incl. some sets and Souvenir sheets, Airs, back-of-book incl. some First Issue revenues incl. Hunting Permit, early issues faulty or mixed condition, modern tine to very tine .............................. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200

399 * O HlColl. of several hundred in 2 Specialty albums, n.h. to unused or used, somewhat sparsely filled but incl. moderately better items, Columbians to $1, some 20th cent. sets, blks of 4, Airs, back-of-book incl. Hawaii, etc., mixed condition ................................... Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 400 * O HlColl. of many hundred in 5 hingeless albums in carton, n.h. to unused or used, incl. early issues with 1869 Pictorials to 10c, few Bank Notes, etc., 20th cent. incl. comp!. or part sets, Souvenir sheets, se-tenant blks, Airs, etc., early issues faulty or mixed condition, later generally tine to very fine ......................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000 401 * Oli:ilBalance of a property in 2 cartons, used, ome mint, many thousand in glassines, albums, etc ., and loose, incl. many precancel s, blk , Revenue s and other back-of-book , Airs , scattered slightly better item incl. postage currency, coll. remainders, etc., mixed cond ition ............ .Est. Cash Value $400-600 Small balance of random issues in glassines in box, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. Souvenir sheets, Farley 402 * 0 001 gutter blks of 4, booklet panes, Airs incl. Lindbergh booklet, Map Pl. blks of 6, Postal Insurance booklet, Vending Machine strips of 4 - Schermack type ill - misc. early and back-of-book, Canal Zone C2 blk of 4, etc., mixed condition to mostly very fine ...................... Est. Cash Value $500-750 403 * O

404 0

Duplicated coll. of a few thousand in Harris album , used, some unused, good representation from Bank Note issues on with several copies to one of each, few earlier issues, Souvenir sheets, etc., faulty or mixed condition .......................... ........................................... Est. Cash Value $500-600 Stock and accum. of man y thousand in envelopes, glassines, etc., in 9 boxe s and carton, used, varying to large quantitie s of common, incl. back-of-book , Christmas and other seals, mixed condition ............................................................. .......................................Est. Cash Value $500

405 * Ot81Balance of a few thousand in carton, n.h. to unused or used, incl. accum. in glassines, covers & mint stationery , Souvenir sheets, several co mp!. sheets, small stock of co ils, elect ion of Souvenir cards incl. some U.N., post office year sets, small coll. of ship on stamps incl. foreign, etc., mixed condition to very fine ........ ............... ................ .......... ................................ .................... ..Est. Cash Va lue $400-500 406 t8I Accum. of many hundred covers in carton and box, incl. FDC s, J.F .K., mint and u ed stationery , hundred s of U.S. and U.N. Fir t Jet Flights , ship cance ls, polar , advertising , space and rocketry , picture post cards, etc., mixed condition to very fine ...................................... ........ ....Est. Cash Value $300-400 407 t8I Group of 13 covers, incl. a couple Black Jack covers , one with "State of Maile" comer card , Perf 12, !0c gree n, 2 copies on cove r, Sanitary Co mmi ss ion, Rou nd the World Fli ght , Washington Bicentennial et on FDC, Century of Progress 50c to Brazil via Germany and appropriately cacheted, etc., mixed condition ......................................... ................................................ ......Est . Cash Value $200-250

Balance of many hundred in 3 stockbooks, etc., in box, n.h . to unused or used, random issues incl. 408 * O OOl evera l comp!. sheets , Souvenir sheets, blks, Famou s Americans, misc. back-of-book , covers, Canal Zone and United Nations , m.ixed condition to very fine ................................. Est. Cash Value $125-150 Balance of thousands in glassines, etc., in carton, used, incl. meter mail, precancels, back-of-book incl. 409 0 Revenues, Regular I sues and Commems on and off paper, mixed condition .... Est. Cash Value $ 100- 150



410 * O

To 1930, coll of a few hundred diff. in spring-back ational album, I.h. to unused, few used, beginning in earnest from 1870s with mint Bank otes to 10c, Columbians to 50c and many more Commems, Bureau and other Regular Issues incl. large selection of Washington-Franklin, incl. bicolors , #505 in blk of 9 with 2c, imperf and coil pairs , Souvenir sheets , better Airs, Special Deliver y, Parcel Post , etc. , dupl or shades much of the way through , mixed condition to extremely fine. Quite fresh and man y well centered or large copies .............................................................................................Est. Cash Value $5,000+

411 * O

To 1940, coll. of several hundred in 2 Scott albums, I.h. to unused or used , scattered early issues, Columbians, 20th cent. Commems and Regular Issues incl. Washington-Franklin with coils and bicolor s, Farley blks , Airs, Souvenir sheets , back-of-book incl. Revenues , Post Office Seals, Telegraph, etc., mixed condition to some very fine ..Est. Cash Value $1,000+

4 12 * O

1851 to 1980s, coll. of man y hundred diff. on White Ace page s in 4 ring-binder s in carton, n.h. to unused , some early used , incl. perf 12 and a few earlier, 1869 Pictorials, Bank Note issues, Columbians to 30c, Trans-Miss. to 50c, later compl. sets, Lincoln blue paper , Souvenir sheets, Washington-Franklin , Kansas and eb raska , 1938 Presidential s, better Air Post , booklet pane s, back-of-book incl. Registration , Offices in China, Special Deliver y, Parcel Post , etc., mixed condition to much fine to very fine ......Est. Cash Value $3,50~,000

413 0 83 1892 to 1959, coll. of man y hundred on loose page s in box and Scott album, used, with singles and blks of 4, incl. Columbians and Trans-Miss., many comp!. sets incl. Parks perf and imperf blks, Farley cross gutter blks, 1938 Presidential set comp!., Souvenir sheets, Airs incl. Lindbergh booklet pane, mixed condition to fine to very fine ................................................................Est. Cash Value $300-400 414 * O [lj] Primaril y 20th Century, balance of a few thou sa nd in carton, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. selection in stockbook with Airs and some back-of-book , album and glassines in box with man y blk s and Pl. blks , Famous Americans and ea rlier Commems and Regular Issues , Presidentials , Airs, etc., mixed condition to much fine to very fine .....Est. Cash Value $1,000

20th Century 415 * [lj]

Dealer 's messy stock and accum. of man y thousand in glassines, stock sheets in 3 ring-binder s, sheet files, etc., in 4 cartons, much n.h., incl. compl. and part sheets, some gum disturbed or glassine adhering to gum, Souvenir sheets , coils, Airs , Pl. blks of 4 or larger , some slight premium , also back-of-book incl. Postage Due , couple of Hunting Permit , over 200 Commemorative Panel s 1972 to 1986, U.N. incl. Tenth Anniversary Souvenir sheet and several thousand Pl. No. singles, mixed condition to much very fine. Requires carefu l inspection .............................. ...........................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,500-2 ,000

4 I 6 * * [lj]Accum. of severa l thou sand in glassines and files in carton , n.h. , incl. comp I. sheets , PI. blks and blks , coils, booklets , ZIP blks , Souvenir sheets , Airs, Overrun Countries and other slight premium , mostl y Commems in varying quantitie s, generally fine to very fine. Face about $950 ...................... 417 * 83 Balance of a propert y in carton, vast majorit y n.h. , balance o.g. or used , incl. coll. remainder s on loose page s and 3 albums, incl. Souvenir sheets, Washington-Franklin, back-of-book , etc., also accum. of man y hundred Pl. blk s and blk s in glassines, mo s tl y Commems incl. Famous Americans, Overrun Countries, earlier Airs, booklet s, etc., generally fine to very fine ............................................................................................................. ................Est. Cash Value $750+ 418 Accum. of a few thousand in glassines and 2 sheet files in box, apparent ly n.h., incl. compl.and part sheets, Souvenir sheets, Pl. blks, etc., majority Commems from 3c to 15c, al o ome earlier incl. slight premium, coils, etc., some mixed centering , generally fine to very fine .........Est. Cash Value $450- 500 419 * [lj] Coll. of several hundred diff . PI. blks on pages in 2 ring-binders, l.h. or o.g., incl. Pl. blk s of 6, blks of 4, 2c red s, National Parks , Famous Americans, Overrun Countries, Airs, Special Handling , etc., fine to very fine ...................................................................Est. Cash Value $400-500 420 * 83 Balanc e of man y hundred in glassines in 2 boxes , vast majority n.h., mostly Pl. blks of 4 incl. matched comers , also ZIP blks, Air , mainly 4c and Sc Commems , generally fine to very fine. Face about $375, plus some earlier slight premium .......................................................................................... . 421 * [lj] Balance of a property in 2 small cartons , n.h. to unused, incl. Pl. blks of 4 or 6 in glassines and coll. on pages, incl. 2c reds, Air Post, etc., mint stationery, plus a few amount stuck fast or gum disturbed not figured, mixed condition to very fine ........................................................Est. Cash Value $250-300 422 ** [lj]Small balance is sheet file, n.h. , incl. comp!. sheets, Pl. blks, etc., Bicentennial Souvenir sheets, very fine. Face about $ I 18, plus Souvenir sheets ................................... ........................................................ ...




423 * llll To 1940s, accum. of several thousand on stock sheets and 5 sheet files in box, vast majorit y n.h. , balance o.g. and misc. n.h. , incl. compl. and part sheets, PI. blks of 4 or 6 incl. better Air Post, some coils and back-of-book , with Army-Navy, Famous Americans, Overrun Countries, etc., generally fine to very fine ..................................................................................Est. Cash Value $750+ 1920s to 1990s, coll. of man y hundred in 2 albums, n.h. , incl. sets and Souvenir sheets, some Airs, 424 ** fine to very fine ................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $250-300 USED ABROAD: 1940 s Poli sh Field Posts compr. 15 cover s or statio ner y, ge ne ra lly 425 181 franked with Presidentials, 6c transport, etc., also some additional G.B . stamps and Special labels .................................................................................................................. ........Et. Cash Value $ 150


COMMEMORATIVES 1893 to 1940s, coll. of about 300 in Scott album, n.h. to o.g. (hinge remnants ), incl. Columbians to $4, Trans-Miss. to 50c, mostly compl. sets thereafter , Lincoln blue paper, Farley cross gutter blks, Airs, etc., mixed condition .......................................................(from 230) Est. Cash Value $500


427 * llll

1893 to 1939, coll. of about 300 on White Ace pages in ring-binder , n.h. to unused , incl. Columbians to 50c, Trans-Miss. compl. to 50c, plus $2 (sealed tear ), apparently compl. sets thereafter , Souvenir sheets, 1909 Commems and Harding imperf incl. blks, arrow and center line, imprint strips, etc., ational Parks imperf blks, Farley gutter pair s, mixed condition to much fine to very fine ............................................................... Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000


to 1949 , coll. of over 250 blk s of 4 in Scott album, n.h. to o.g., incl. 1909 perf and imperf issues , man y compl. sets, Souvenir sheets, few Airs , generally fine to very fine ..............................................................................(betw. 303 and 986,etc.) Est. Cash Value $500-600 429 * llll 1909 to 1944, coll. of about 150 Pl. blks of 4 or 6 on White Ace pag es in box, vast majority n.h., plus blks of 4 and Souvenir sheets, incl. National Parks perf and imperf, Famous American s, Overrun Countries, biles incl. 2c reds, Washington Bicentennial, etc., fine to very fine ...Est. Cash Value $400-450



1851 to 1932, coll. of several hundred diff. on National album pages, used, incl. perf 12 and a few earlier, grills, 1869 Pictorials to 30c, Bank Note and Bureau issues, latter to $5, 1902-03 to $2, Washington-Franklin incl. coils, some doubtful , Kansas-Nebraska, back-of-book incl. Special Delivery and Parcel Post , faulty or mixed condition .......Est. Cash Value $1,500




*El3 1902



1857 to 1932, coll. of several hundred diff. in Scott album , o.g. (hinge remnants ) to unused , incl. perf 15½ and 12, grills, 1869 Pictorials to 12c, Bank Note and Bureau issues, many Washington-Franklin incl. coils, some doubtful , Bicolored $5 and $2, 1922-26 compl. to $5, Kansas-Nebraska Special Deliver y and Parcel Post , man y better items throughout, faulty or mixed condition .........................................................................Est. Cash Value $4,000-5,000

to 1932 , coll. of about 250 on page s, n.h. to o.g. (s ome hinge r e mnants ), incl. 1902-03 to 50c, 1906 Imperf 2c type s I and II , shades , 1922-26 to $2, coils incl. line pair s, few imperf blks and pairs , some small faults, generally fine to very fine ..................................................................................(betw. 300 and 723) Est. Cash Value $3,000

AND FRANKLIN ISSUES: 1908 to 1920 , coll. of about 400 on page s, n.h . to o.g., few unu sed, wide ranging incl. single and doubl e line wmks, various perf s, incl. perf 10 wmkd and unwmkd. , coils in line pair s, Offset ptg. mostl y imperf incl. blks , matched arrow and center line blk s, PI. blks of 6, $5 and $2 Bicolored, quite ex tensive with better item s throughout , mixed condition to much fine to very fine ..................................................................................(betw. 331 and 547) Est. Cash Value $3,000

*El31929 to 1963, coll. of several hundred

on White Ace pages in ring-binder , n.h. to o.g., incl. 1938 Pre sidentials and 1954-68 Libert y Issue blks of 4 to $5, also singles and some Pl. blks, coils and booklet panes , fine to very fine ....................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-600 435 *El31938 PRESIDENTIAL ISSUE: Selection of about 150 on page s, vast majority n.h., balance o.g., incl. coil pairs and line pairs, booklet panes, Pl. blks to $2, comp!. set of singles, dupl., fine to very fine ............................................................... ..........................................................Est. Cash Value $300-350 436 *El31954 to 1974, coll. of a few hundred on pages in ring-binder , vast majority n.h., balance o.g., incl. $5 Hamilton and Moore, coil pairs and line pairs, Pl. blks, booklet panes, Airs and dupl., fine to very fine ........................................................................................................................ ..Est. Cash Value $ 125- 150






REVENUES , LABELS AND AMERICANA: Balance in carton, incl. Reve nu es off and on do cument s, Match and Medicin e, wi de va riety of label s an d sea ls, incl. Ex hibiti ons, Polar , etc., America na incl. "Bazooka Joe" cartoo n bubble gum wrappers , Philatelic Literature incl. "Old Map s and Plan s" in 4 vols., etc ., mixed condition .........Est. Cash Value $200-400

UNITED NATIONS 438 S 439 440 441 442 443

1951 to 1957, group of 15 diff. handstamped SPECIMEN, n.h., mostly compl. sets, very fine. Sc. 19-22, 51, 53-58, Cl-4S .............................................. ............................. Est. Cash Value $300-400

** 1955 Tenth Anniversary Souvenir sheet of three, retouched, three sheets, n.h., very fine. Sc. 38, $360 ** 1961 IMF 4c bright bluish green, imperf pair, n.h., large margins all round, right copy light creasi ng, fresh, fine . Sc. 90 var. .................... ................. ................................. ........ ......................................... .......... **l!ll1951 to 1990, coll. of several hundred in pages in album and ring-binder , n.h., incl. sets and Souvenir sheets incl. Tenth Anniversary, Airs, few blks and dupl., fine to very fine .... Est. Cash Value $ I 00 *l!ll 181 1951 to 1980s, coll. and accum. of many hundred in carton, n.h., incl. coll. in album , Souvenir sheets , incl. Tenth Anniversary, comp !. sheets , ............. .................................Est. Cas h Value $250- 300 *l!ll 181 Accum. of many hundred stamps and covers in carton, most n.h., incl. comp!. sets, Margin inscription blks of 4 or larger, Souvenir sheets, mint and used stationery, FDCs , Gene va, etc. , fine to very fine .................................. ....................................................................................... Est. Cash Value $200-3 00



1951 to 1973 , issues apparently compl. on White Ace pages in ring-binder , l.h ., incl. Tenth Anniversary Souven ir sheet , Airs , generall y very fine .................... ..........................Est. Cash Value $75 l / ,j J .........··~· ····............ .... ..... .... :····· ·········· ······;······ ··................ .... [············· ..·····t········ ........... .











. "'



Cati. Val.


445 446

447 448 449 450

1882-86 Crown CA 6p deep green, blk of four , very l.h., rich color, very fine. S.G. 29, $240+ 240.00+ ....................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (19) better incl. compl. *EE 1862 to 1962, coll. of over 150 mostl y diff. on pages, n.h. to unu sed, early issues almost item s, George V £1, Tercentenar y set compl., plus n.h. blks of 4 to 6p, etc., some faults though generally fine to very fine .................................................................................................................................... ................................. 3,550.00+ AUSTRALIA: 1915 Wmkd. Wide Crown and Narrow A 2p gray , blk of four , n.h. , very fine to extremely fine **EE 380.00+ ............................................................................................................... .....................................................(Photo ) (38) *EE2½ p dark blue, blk of four , very l.h. if at all, extremely fine. S.G. £200+ ..........................................(Photo ) (39) 180.00+ AUSTRALIAN STATE: NEW SOUTH WALES; 1860-72 Double Line Wmk. perf 12 Sp orange (SE), part £2250 o.g., irregular perfs , large copy, fre sh, very fine and rar e. R.P.S. of Victoria Cert. (2002) ....(Photo ) (S.G. 150) Official; 1880 Essay 3p blue green, Perf 10 wmkd. Crown/NSW type 40, ovptd. OS in red (S½ mm ), type 01 , remainder cancel, fine. R.P.S. of Victoria Cert. (2002) and signed Champion. S.G. O24E. Unrecorded .................................................................................................................................. ...............................(Photo) (03E)


BAHAMAS 1859-60 Imperf lp dull lake , mostly large margins all round, neatly caned., small comer crease ending in margin tear, very fine appearance. S.G. 2, £ 1500 ....................................................................................................(Photo) (1) 1863-81 Crown CC perf 14 lp carmine lake, unused, fresh, very fine for this. S.G. 34, £ 1000. Very scarce ....................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) ( 17) 1883 Handstamped Surcharge 4p on 6p violet, o.g., tiny handstamp on rever e, fresh, fine. S.G. £550....(Photo ) (26) 1902 Crown CA Edward VIl Ip to £1 compl. set, l.h., generally fine to very fine. S.G. £36 I ..... ...(Photo ) (37-43) 1906-11 Mult. Crown CA Edward VII 6p bistre brown , blk of four , n.h. , very fine .........................(Photo ) (47) **EE

45 1 0

* 453 *


454 455


456 * O

457 * O

458 * O



1,400.00 1,500.00 575.00 423.00 140.00+

1859 to 1962, coll. of over 175 mostly diff. on Specialt y pages, n.h. to unused , few used, incl. early better items and a few dupl. , Edward VIl and George V and VI to £1, compl. sets, War Tax incl. lsh (MR4) blk of 4, etc., some fault s, mostl y fine to very fine .........................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200

BARBADOS: 1852 to 1976, coll. of about 400 diff. on pages , l.h. to unu sed, early used , incl. better items, various perfs, Ssh (#43) light staining , compl. sets, Souvenir sheets , etc., some faults in early issues, generally fine to very fine ................................................................................................................. Est. Cash Value $600-700 1852 to 1957 , coll. of over 225 mo stly diff. on Specialty page s, l.h . to unu sed , some early used , incl. moderatel y better earl y items with dupl. , 20th cent. almost compl. issues, some faults, generally fine to very fine .......................................................................................... ...............................................Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 BARBADOS AND CAYMAN ISLANDS: 1897 to 1980s, coll. of man y hundred diff. in stockbook , vast majority n.h., balance l.h. or o.g., many comp!. sets and Souvenir sheets, also a few modem Grenada, generally very fine ..............................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $40~50

BERMUDA 1874 Handstamped Diagonall y 3p on lsh green , face-free cancel, small faults, fine appearance. S.G. 14, £650 ......................................(Photo ) ( 10)

460 0 461



3p on lsh, part o.g., small faults, handstamp on reverse, fine appearance. S.G. 13, £2500 ......................(Photo) ( 12) 3p on lsh , grid cancel and portion of red pmk , handstamp on re verse , extremely fine. S.G. 13, £850 ................................................................................................................................................ ....................(Photo ) (12)

462 463 0

464 465 466 467

* * *


" P" and "R" Different 3p on l sh green , o.g. , ve r y fine . B.P.A. Cert. (2002 ). S.G. 13, £2500 ..............................................................................................................................................(Cove r Photo ) (12) Rare in.sound cond ition. and with gum. This is equal to the best in the Sir Henry Tucker Collection and a finer copy than that in Ulrich 's.


" P" With Top Like "R" 3p on lsh green, o.g., very fine. S.G. 13b, £2000 ..............................(Photo ) (12a) 1875 Surcharged set of three , unu ed, small faults, fine appearance. S.G. £ 1650 ............................(Photo ) ( 13- 15) 1910-20 Mult. Crown CA George V £1 black & violet on red, l.h., extremel y fine. S.G. 55, £325 ...(Photo ) (54) £1, l.h., very fine. S.G. 55, £325 ................................................................................................................(Photo ) (54)


1868 Olympic s Error (3p) lilac & multicolored, rose brown 3d BERMUDA omitted , n.h. , very fine. S.G. £2500 ........................................................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (226a) 34



2,250.00 900.00 2,250.00 1,650.00 350.00 350.00


Cati. Val.

469 * O

470 * O



472 * O 473


1865 to 1980s, coll. of several hundred d.iff. on stock sheets, much n.h., balance l.h. to a few unused or used, incl. better early surcharged, George V and V1 Key Plates to 12sh6p and £1 respectively, many compl. sets, Souvenir sheets, etc., some faults in early issues though overall fine to very fine ............Est. Cash Value $750+ 1865 to 1976, coll. of about 300 diff. on pages, l.h. to unused, few used, incl. early shades, Key Plates with George V to 12sh6p, George VI to £1, later compl. sets, early mixed condition, otherwise generally fine to very fine .................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500 1865 to 1966, coll. of over 200 diff. on Specialty pages, l.h. to unused, incl. scarcer early shades, with 6p brown lilac (4) signed H. Bloch, others, and surcharged, George V and V1 to £1, compl. sets., etc., some faults though generally fine to very fine ...............................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 1865 to 1962, coll. of about 200 on pages, n.h. to unused, few used, incl. early shades with dupl. , later comp!. or part sets, George VTKey Plates to£ I incl. perf vars., mixed condition to very fine ...........Est. Ca h Value $350-450 1901 to 1962, coll. of about 150 diff. on pages, l.h. or o.g., incl. comp!. or par sets, George YI Key Plates incl. better S.G. vars., misidentified accounted for, generally ftne to very fine ....................... ...Est. Cash Value $400-50 0 35

Cati. Val. 474 S

475 *

476 0 477 0

BRITISH CENTRAL AFRICA NYASALAND: 1895 to 1908, selection of 14 key high value Specimens to £10 (catl. £550), o.g. (some hinge remnant s), few insignificant faults. Hard to find group ...................................... ................................ ................................................................ ...Est. Cash Value $800-1,000 BRITISH EAST AFRICA: 1897 U.P.U. Special Printing 2½ p red surch. (Type 12) on 3a Perf. 12, wmk. Rosette, "British East Africa" ovpt, type 8, with stop after "Africa", o.g., very fine. B.P.A. Cert. (2002). See Note after S.G. 9 l .................................... ..................................................... .............. ....(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ LOO BRITISH GUIANA: 1852 Lithographed 4c black of blue, clear to large margins, lightly caned., fault , fine appearance. S.G. 10, £6000 ..................................................................................... .....................................(Photo) (7) 1853-59 White Line Above Value 4c blue, pair, touched in places to large margins, each with light FE 4 59 c.d .. , right stamp light crease, fine. S.G. 19, £850+ ..................................................................................(Photo) ( 10) 1889 Revenue Stamps Surcharged $1 to $5, six diff. comp!., l.h. to o.g., slight tropical gum, fine to very fine. S.G. £2665 ......................................................................................................... .....(Photo) (124-28)

478 *

1860 to 1961, coll. of about 175 diff. on Specialty pages, l.h. to unused, some early u ed, a few better items incl. 1876 Crown CC 96c, later ovptd. or urcharged, comp!. or part sets, mixed condition to very fine ...E t. Cash Value $400- 500 BRITISH HONDURAS: 1899-1901 Crown CA $2 green & ultramarine, $5 green & black, o.g., very fine. 480 * S.G. £360 ............................................................... ................................................................................(Photo) (56,57) 481 * O 1865 to 1953, coll. of over 140 mostly diff. on Specialty pages, l.h. to unused, incl. better early items, surchd., Edward VII, George V and VI to $5, sets, Semis, few dupl., some small faults, generally fine to very fine ........................................................................................................................................ ....Est. Cash Value $600-700 482 * 83 BRUNEI: 1924 to 1980s, coll. of about 250 diff. on stock sheets, n.h. but for a very few, incl. glazed paper, wmkd . sideways, Souvenir sheets incl. a few dupl. , very fine........................ ................. .................................... ..........

5,750.00 900.00+


479 * O

3 15.00



484 * 485 * 486 * 487 *

PROVINCES: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of about 200 on Specialty pages, n.h. to unused, some used, compr. British Columbia and Vancouver Is., New Brunswick, ova Scotia, Prince Edward Is., and much Newfoundland, fair number of better items, plus Newfoundland imperf Sp brown shades, 3 diff. blks of 4, few sets, Airs, etc., mixed condition incl. some glazed gum .........Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,200

BRITISH COLUMBIA AND VA COUVER ISLAND: 1860 Perf 14 2½ p dull rose, large part o.g., fresh, fine. S.G. £325 .............................................. ................. ...................................... .................................................(Photo) (2) 1865 Imperf 10c blue, o.g. (hinge remnant), margins all round, small faults, fine appearance. S. G. £ 1500 ..(Photo) (4) 1867-69 Perf 14 2c on 3p brown, Sc on 3p bright red, 25c on 3p orange, o.g., usual centering, fine. S.G. £395 ........................... .................................... ................................................................. ..............................(Photo) (8,9,11)

l ,350.00

1896 Perf 12½ 10c on 3p lilac rose, unused, very fine. S.G. £550 ....................................................... ...(Photo) (15)




NEW BRUNSWICK 488 * 489 0 490 0 49 1 R 492 DP

1851 Bluish Paper 3p red, unused , mostl y large margins all round , very fine. Signed Senf. S.G. £2000 ......................................................................................................... ....................................... ......................(Photo) (1) 6p olive yellow, good to large margin s all round , light oval grid cancel, tiny thin, fresh , extremel y fine appearance. S.G. 4, £700 ...................................... ........................................ ..............................................(Photo) (2) lsh bright red violet, clear to mostly large margins all round, neat " I" in grid cancels, repaired tear, very fine appearance. S.G. 5, £4000 ........................................................... .................................................................(Photo) (3) 1897 Official Reprints 3p orange, 6p gray, lsh black, pairs on wove, ungummed, clear to large margins, I sh light horiz. crease, fine to very fine. 800 of each denomination printed ...... ...... (P hoto ) ( l-3R) Est. Cash Value$ l50



1860-63 Engraved 10c purple on India, Die proof cut close from the compound die, lovely color and fresh. Rare ................................................................................................................ (Photo) (9DPTC) Est. Cash Value $ 100- 150

NEWFOUNDLAND 493 * 494 * 495 0

1857 Wove Paper With Mesh 6½ p scarlet vermilion, unused, clear to good margins all round, vivid colors, fine. S.G. £2250 .......................................... ...................................... ........................................................... (Photo) (7) Sp scarlet vermilion, o.g. (hinge remnant), very large margins all round, extremely fine. S.G. £225 ....(Photo) (8)

lsh scarlet vermilion , clear to large margins , neat grid cancel, small faults, beautiful rich color, fine appearance. Signed H. Bloch. S.G. £4750 ............................................................................(Photo) (9)


2,750.00 200.00


Cati. Val.

1860 Wove Paper, o Mesh 496


4p orange, unused, small even margins all round, unusually bright color, fine. S.G. 12, £2250 ......(Photo) (12) 4p, large margins all round, grid cancel, very fine. S.G. £800 .............................................................(Photo) (12)

497 0 498


499 0 500 0

6p orange , unu se d, even margins all round , ve ry fine. S ig ned H. Bloch. S.G. 14 , £2 750 ........................................................................................ ......................................................(Cover Photo) (13) 6p, very large margins, lightly caned., extremely fine. S.G. 14, £600 ................................. ................. (Photo) (13) 6p, large even margins all round, lightly caned., comer crease, very fine appearance . S.G. 14, £600 ......(Photo) (13) 1861-62


3,250.00 650.00 650.00

ew Colors

501 * llil 4p rose, sheet of twenty, portion of papermaker 's wmk, n.h.( 15), o.g. (5), vert. margin crease between seco nd and third rows, fine to very fine. S.G. £580+ ....................................................... ........................ (Photo page 53) (I 8) 502 * 83 6p and Sp rose, blks of four , n.h., Sp o.g . (2), lar ge margins all round, extremely fine. S.G. £384+ ..................................... .................................................................................................. ,..........(Photo page 53) (20,22) • l 503 * llil 6p rose, sheet of twenty, portion of papermaker's wmk, very l.h. if at all, Light creasing and bends, fine to very fine . S.G. £420+ ...................................................... ............................ ..................................................(Photo page 53) (20) 504 * 83 Sp, corne r sheet margin blk of four, l.h ., good to large mar g in s ot he r sid es, ve ry fine . S.G. £300+ ............................................................ ............................................................................ ..............(Photo page 53) (22) 505 ** llillsh rose, part sheet of fifteen, selvage creases, very fine to extremely fine. S.G. £525+ ......(Photo page 53) (23) 506 1911 Engraved Guy set compl., o.g., very fine. S.G. £326 ................................. ............................. (Photo) (98- 103)


507 * 83


1920 Surcharged 3c on 15c sc arlet, type I , blk of four , n.h .( 2)/1.h. (2), very fine. S .G. £640+ ............................................................................................................................. .......................(Photo page 39) (128) 37

7 12.00+

390.00+ 300 .00+ 240 .00+

562.00+ 305.00


Cati. Val. Affi POST after "POST ", bottom stamp invert. pair with normal, comma 1919 Trans -Atlantic $1 on 15c scarlet, without l.h., normal copy o.g., pencil mark s on reverse, extreme ly fine. S.G. £250+ ...................................(Photo ) (C2,a) $1 on 15c, without comma after ''POST", l.h., very fine .....................................................................(Photo ) (C2a)

* 509 *







1921 Halifax 35c red , INVERTED OVERPRINT, l.h. , very fine. Friedl Cert. (1974) and signed Sanabria and H. Bloch. S.G. £3750 ................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (C3a) 35c, with period after "1921", right stamp in pair with normal , l.h., very fine. S.G. £170+ ..........(Photo ) (C3,b)


* ** * 517 *

513 514 O EE 515 516

1930 "Co lumbia " 50c on 36c olive green, slightly disturbed o.g., well centered, very fine. Signed Kessler. S.G. £4750 ............................................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (CS) 1932 DO-X $1.50 on $1 blue, l.h., extremely fine. S.G. £190 .............................................................(Photo) (C12) $1.50 on $1, Block of Four, n.h. (2)/1.h.(2), folded at ver t. perf s, very fine to extremely fine ..........(Photo ) (C12) 1933 Labrador Sc to 75c com pl. set, n.h. , very fine. S.G. £ 154 .....................................................(Photo) (C 13- 17) 1933 Balbo $4.50 On 75c bistre , l.h., extremely fine. S.G. £250 .........................................................(Photo) (Cl8) Same, l.h., very fine. S.G. £250 ..............................................................................................................(Photo ) (Cl 8)

518 ** EE$4.50 on 75c, Block of Four, n.h. , very fine to extremel y fine .................................................(Photo) (C18)



375.00 200.00

4,500.00 245.00+

7,000.00 250.00 1,200.00 190.00 325.00 325.00 1,900.00

1857 to 1947, coll. of over 150 diff. on Whit e Ace pages in ring-binder, n.h. to unused , scattered ear ly and later mostly comp l. sets, incl. better Air Post , generally fine to very fine ......Est. Cash Value $1,000

520 * O

1857 to 1933, coll. of about 150 on hingeless album pages , n.h. to unu sed, few early used , incl. with and witho ut mesh , compl. sets with dupl. , Guy sets, etc., and Airs , some faults though much fine to very fine and some "super " looking copies ........................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,500






524 0 525 0

Stamp less; 1813 H ALIFAX FEB9 straight-line , de ce nt strik e on on reverse of Feb 3 folded letter (tears on front) to New Brunswick. A very late usage, perhaps the last recorded date during the war period ........................................................................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $200 1851-57 Bluish Paper Imperf 1851-57 lp red brown on deepl y blued paper , part o.g., clear to large margins all round , very fine. S.G. £2000 ....................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (1) 6p yellow green , unu sed , touched extreme corner , otherwise good margin s, fresh , fine. S.G. 5, £4000 ......................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (4)


l sh deep purple , cut-in to good margin s, lightly caned., good color. S.G. 7c, £3750. A ttractive copy of this rarity ....................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (6b) l sh dull violet, lightly caned., fault s, S.G. 7, £5000. Collectible copy of this rarity ........................ ........(Photo) (7)

4,000.00 6,000.00

COVER CONDITION Minor faults including, but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps, small tears and some backflap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue.







..,....._ 521



/ •

~· .L.



Cat!. Val. Used on Cover 526


6p yellow green and 3p deep blue , mostl y mar g in s, ms. cancels on folded letter (tear s) bearing PORT MEDWAY NO 28 1857 recei ver and Halifa x receivers on re ve rs e .................. .................................... ........................................... .......(Photo ) (3,4) Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 A fine example of the three pen ce local postage plus six pence preregistration.



6p yellow green, just touched at right, tied by grid on envelope bearing HALIFAX SP23 1856 c.d.s., P.E.I. receiver on reverse. R.P.S. Cert. (1982) . ........................ (Photo) (SGS) Est. Cash Value $750- 1,000 Most mail to Prince Edward Island was franked with one pen ce stamps. These are only two known covers bearing the six pence value and none with the twelve pence.

528 R

1897 Official Reprints Ip brown, 31 blue, 6p deep green, lsh blue black, pairs on wove, ungummed , good to very large margins, extremely fine .................................................. (Photo) (1,2,4,6R) Est. Cash Value $150-250


1860-6 3 Perf 12 2c lilac, 8½ c green, Imprint Block of Twelve , n.h. to o.g. , mixed centering to very fine ...................................... ................................................ ................................................................. ...................... .(9, 1I)

* [lj]



Stampless; Crown "Ship Letter QUEBEC" handstamp on 12 June 1814 folded letter, bearing framed "Addi. 2", ms. 2/4 and 2/6, London transit on reverse. An attracti ve usage ........................... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $300-500


1851 Laid Paper 53 1 0

3p red, full to very large margins, lightly caned., very fine. S.G. £650 .................................................(Photo) (1)


532 0

6p slate violet, margins all round, frame line just touched, seven-ring cancel, fine. S.G. £900 ............ (Photo) (2)


533 0

6p, clear to large margins three sides, into frame line at bottom, neatly caned., fine appearance . S.G. £900 ...................................................................................................................................................................... (Photo) (2)


534 0

6p, margins mostly all round, frame line just touched at bottom, lightly caned., internal w1inkle , fresh. S.G. £900 ..................... ........................................................ .........................................................................................(Photo) (2)


535 0

6p, outer frame line touched to mostly large margins, seven-1ing cancel , small tear, fine appeara nce .......(Photo ) (2)



1852-55 Wove Paper Railroad Postal History 3p dark red, just touched , tied by grid on envelope bear ing QUEBEC L.C. DEC 24 1853 c.d.s. and addressed to early survey party for the Grand Truck Railway. Quite historical ..................................................................................... ...................................(Photo) (48) Est. Cash Value $300-500



3p red, thin paper, unused, mostly large margins all round, very fine. S.G. £1100 ...........................(Photo) (4d) 6p gray Wac on medium paper, good to large margins all round, lightly caned., very faint comer crease, fine. S.G. 19, £2000 ................................. ............................................................................................................. (Photo) (5)

537 538 0


539 1855 Cartier 539


Imperf l0p blue , part o.g., outer frame line barely tou ched to well clear , fine. Friedl Cert. (1959). S.G. £7000 .........................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (7)



~~~~~0 ,





/4 7#.z. A~ #~

c/1! t77/ L a/ f!j) al' /h'PJ,,, /412d




Cati. Val. 540 0

lOp on thin paper, good to enormous margins all round showing adjoining frame line at top, lightly caned., crease, very fine appearance. S.G. 15, £ 1200 ..................... ...................................... ...................................(Photo) (7)

54 1 0

lOp on hard stout opaque paper, good to large margins all round, face-free cancel, thins, very fine appearance . S.G. 20, £2000 .................. ...................................................................................................................... ......(Photo) (7)

542 0

lOp bright blue, clear to good margins all round, lightly caned., small faults, very fine appearance. S.G. £ 1200 ...................................................................................................................................................................... (Photo) (7) lOp blue, clear to large margins all round, lightly caned., pin hole, fine appeara nce. S.G. £ 1l 00 ......... (Photo) (7)

543 0

544 0 545

1857 ½p deep rose, unu sed, mostly large marg ins all round , faint horiz. crease, ext reme ly fine appeara nce. S.G. 17, £700 ................................................................................................................................................ (Photo) (8)



* *

549 0

* * *


7½ p, unused, outer frame line barely touched in places to large margins, fresh, fine. S.G. 12, £7000 ............................................. ............................... ................................................................. ............... (Photo) (9)

4,750.00 2,000.00


(25.00+) 750.00 650.00

Used on Cover le rose, three copies, plus Sc, pair, few edge faults, all tied by grids on most of mourning cover to England. An interesting combination overpaying the 12 ½c Allan Line rate ...........(Photo) (14,15) Est. Cash Value $200-300 le dee p rose , fine , ti ed by " 2 1" in c irc le ca nce l on neat blu e prices c urr e nt printed Montreal 15th November 1862 and bearing Chatham N.B. receiver on reverse. Fine examp le of the rare printed matter rate ...................................................................................... ..................................(Photo) ( 14) Est. Cash Value $ 150-2 00

554 6. t8l


7½ p green, large part o.g., good to large margins, faint horiz. crease, rich color, very fine appearance. Foundation Cert. (1961). S.G. 12, £7000 ....................................... .................................................(Photo) (9)

1959 Perforated 12 Sc vermilion, part Imprint copy, lightly caned., brilliant fresh and almost perfectly centered , extremely fine ..................................................................... ...............................................................................................(Photo) (15) 12½ c yellow green, glazed o.g., fresh, fine. S.G. 40, £550 ...................................................................... (Photo) ( I 8) 17c blue, unused, fresh, fine. S.G. 42, £750 ............. ................................................................................. (Photo) ( 19) 17c, imperf sheet margin copy, ungummed, large margins other sides, proof-like impression and brilliant fresh, extremely fine. Sc. and S.G. as imperf pair $4000/£3000 ............................................... ..........(Photo) (19b)

550 0



7½ p, little or no margins, neatly caned. , small faults, fine appearance. S.G. 12, £ 1500 ............. ............. (Photo) (9) Very Thick Soft Wove Paper 6p reddish purple, bottom outer frame line touched to large margins at sides, neat grid cancels, small faults incl. tiny tear at bottom, lovely color and sharp impressio n, fine appearance and quite attractive ......................................................................................................... .........................(Photo) (10)

548 0

551 552 553


l0p deep blue on medium paper, margins all round, face-free cancel, closed tear, fine appearance. S.G. 20, £2000 ...................... ................................................................... ........................................... ................................(Photo) (7a)





le rose, very fine pair, tied by MONTREAL JY 6 62 duplex on neat amber soldier 's letter bearing BRAY Ireland receiver .................................................................. (Photo) (14) Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 A most rare and attractive example of the two cent soldiers rate to the United Kingdom



Sc, pair, right stamp slight shift in FIVE CENTS, fresh and fine, caned. by seven-ring cance l on neat envelope bearing HAWKESB URY AU2 I 1865 c.d.s., Montreal transit on reverse, to ew York ......................... (Photo) (15)

1868-76 Large Queen Issue 558 * ml ½ c black, thin paper, shiny glazed gum, few toned perfs, fresh, fine. S.G. 46, £700+ ...................................... (2 1c) le brown red, thin paper, unused, very fine. S.G. 47 , £325 ................................ .............................. ....(Photo) (22b) 559

* 560 * 561 * 562


563 0

3c red, unused, almost perfectly centered, brilliant fresh, extremely fine. S.G. 58, £650 ..................(Photo) (25) Sc olive green, unused, fresh, almost very fine. S.G. 63, £700 ................................................................. (Photo) (26)

700.00+ 400 .00 675.00

800.00 12½ c blue, rejoined strip of four compr. two pairs, unused, pos. 2 smaJI margin scrape, fine to very fine. S.G. 60, £1800+ ........................................................................ ................................................................. (Photo) (28) 2,000.00+

1868 Laid Paper le brown red, lightly caned., small faults, fine appearance ........................................ (Photo) (3 1) 42



Catl. Val. 564




$4 purple , o.g., very fine. S.G. £800 .................................................. ................................ ...................... (Photo ) (64) $3 yellow bistre , $4, $5 olive green, neat roller cancels, very fine. S.G. £ 1850 ................................. (Photo) (63-65) 1897-98 Maple Leaf ½c to 10c, compl. set, o.g. (hin ge remnan t), fine to very fine . S.G. 142-49 , £387 ................................................................................................................... ....................... ................ .....(Photo) (66-73)

566 0



1897 Jubilee $1 to $5 comp!. , disturbed o.g. or part o.g., few small faults , bright fresh colors , fine to very fine. S.G. £3500 ................................... ..............................................................................(Photo ) (61-65)

568 * EE Sc orange, blk of four, di turbed o.g. , fresh, fine .................................................... ................................. (Photo) (72) Registration; 1875--88 2c vermilion, very fine, tied by three-ring target on Regis. le postal card , some staining, 569 181 bearing CHARLOTTETOWN FE2 83 c.d.s., receiver on reverse. An interesting exampl e of payment of the Drop Letter Registered rate in pos t cardfo rm ............................................. (Photo ) (Fl ) Est. Cash Value $30~00 570

4,375.00 975.00 2,250.00


Sc green, very fine, together with Sma ll Queen Sc, fine, tied by REGISTERED 24 JY 82 octagon on envelope bearing appropriate marking s incl. Red Crown, G.B. receiver on reverse. An attractive example of the JO cent U.P.U. rat e ................ ................................ ........................................ ............ (Photo ) (F2) Est. Cash Va lue $30~00


57 1 * O

1851 to 1961, coll. of a few hundred in hingeless album , n.h. to unused , some early used , incl. ear ly issues (#2, tear ), Large Queen incl. thin paper , Small Queen shades , Jubilee to 50c, Leaf Numera l and other compl. sets, mint Edward VII to 20c, coils, Air s, Officials and other back-of-book, mixed condition incl. much n.h. glazed gum, sma ll selection of blks stuck fast. Worth careful insp ect ion ....................................................................................................................................... Est. Cas h Va lue $2,000

572 * O

1852 to 1977, coll. of several hundred dilT. on White Ace page s in ring-binder , n.h. to unused , some early used, incl. Large and Small Queen issues and a few earlier, Jubilee to $2, issues nearly compl. thereafter , incl. Air s and back-of-book , mixed condition to very fine ........Est. Cash Va lue $1,500-2,000

573 * O [ij]Primarily 20th Century, selection of a few hundred in glassines , etc., in box , vast majority n.h., incl. Pl. blks and blks, Airs, misc. Newfoundland and Nova Scotia , generally fine to very fine .....................Est. Cash Value $250 574 * O REVENUES: Primarily 20th Cent ur y, sma ll selection in glassines in cigar box , n.h. to used, incl. ome set and dupl., British Columbi a Law tamps, etc., fine to very fine ..................................................Est. Cash Value $250 CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: 1868-74 Red Surcharge Error 4p on 6p violet, surcharged "Peuce" for ''Pence", bold cancel, fine. S.G. 27a , £700. Scarce variety .............. ................ .................................... ...................(Photo ) (20a)

575 0




1907 Mult. Crown CA Edward VII 4p to Ssh compl. se t , l.h. inc l. Ssh or o.g ., very fine. S.G . £289 ................................................................................................................................................... ............ (Photo ) ( 13-16)


1907-08 Sur charged Issue



* 579 *




* 582 * 583 * 584 **

58 1

585 S

* 587 * 586


½ p on Ssh vermi lion & green , o.g., very fine. S.G. £225 .......................................................................(Photo) ( I 8) lp on Ssh vermilion & gr een, o.g., handstamp on reverse, very fine. S.G. £225 .................................... (Photo) ( 19)


Ip on Ssh, o.g., very fine. S.G. £225 .................................................................................... .....................(Photo) (19)


2½p on 4p brown & blue , o.g., handstamp on rever se, very fine. S.G. 35, £1500 ........(C over Photo ) (20) Unauthorized Ip on 4p black & red on yellowish, o.g., very fine. S.G. 29 var., £225 ...(Photo ) (see footnote after 20) 1932 Centenary lOsh carmine & black , l.h., very fine. S.G. £250 .........................................................(Photo ) (80)

1,900.00 300.00 275.00

1900 to 1959, coll. of about 150 on Specia lty pages, l.h. or o.g., 3 used , incl. early issues with dupl., compl. sets, etc ., genera lly fine to very fine ........................ ......................................................................... Est. Cas h Value $500 CYPRUS: 1964 Olympic Games Imperf Souven ir sheet of three , 100 sheets, n.h. , very fine. S.G. £600 ... (243a) fine to very fine n.h., SPECIMEN, ovptd. of 30 diff. 1985 , group 1984 and ......................................................................... .................(Photo ) (62 1-23,25,26,37-61S) Est. Cash Value $ 100-150 DOMINICA: 1923 Mult. Crown CA Seal of Co lony £1 violet & black on red , l.h., very fine. S.G. 9 1, £225 ................................................................................................................. ...................................................(Photo ) (85) 1874 to 1963, coll. of abo ut 200 on Specialt y pages and retail pages , n.h. to unused, incl. moderately better early items , bisects , Edward VII and George V to Ssh with dupl. , later sets some sma ll faults , generally fine to very fine ........................ ................................ ................................................................. Est. Cash Value $500-600


250 .00


Cati. Val.


1878-79 Unwmkd. lp claret, porti on of glazed o.g., fresh , fine. S.G. £660 ............................................. (Photo) (1)

575 .00

589 *

1891 Bisects ½ p on left diagonal of lp claret, o.g. , negligibl e perf thin , very fine. S.G. 14, £550 .....(Photo ) (19E)


590 *

½ p on right diagonal half of lp , o.g ., handstamp on rever se, fine. S .G. 14.\, £550 .................. '...........(Photo) (I 9E)



1898 Crown CC Ssh brown red, very l.h., very fine . S.G. !:170 .............................................................(Photo) (21)


1912-14 Mutt. Crown CA George V set compl., plus lsh brown on thick grayish paper , l.h. or o.g. , fine to very fine . S.G . 60-69 , 65b, £732 ............................................................ ....................... ............(Photo) (30-40 ,35 var .)

667 .00+

593 *

1928 Provincial 2½p on 2p brown violet, l.h., very fine . S.G. 115, £750 ............ ...................... ............(Photo) (52)


594 *

1929- 31 £1 black on red, o.g., fresh, fine. S,G, £300 ................ ............... .................... .......... ................. (Photo) (64)

350 .00

595 *

Ssh yellow & black, o.g., extremely fine. S.G. £SOO.................................. ............... ................ ..............(Photo) (74)

* 592 *

1933 Centenary Issue 525.00

Ssh yellow orange & black, n.h., extremely fine. S.G. £1300+ ..................................... (Cove r Photo) (74A) 1,250.00+

596 ** 597 *

lOsh light brown & black, o.g., extremely fine. S.G. £550 ....................................................................(Photo) (75)


59 8 *

lOsh, o .g ., very fine. S.G . £550 .............. .............................................. ................................ ......................(Photo) (75)

550 .00

£1 rose & black, o.g., extremely fine. S.G. £1500 ........................................................................ (Photo) (76)

599 * 600 ' *

1938-46 George VI ½ p to £1 com pl. set, six part Imprint copies incl. £3, n.h. exce pt I 0sh l.h ., very fine . Sc. as n.h. $350 ................................................... ................................ ................................ ........ .......... (Photo) (84-96)

601 *

Compl. set, plus lp rose, carmine & black, incl. several corner copies, n.h. except ½ p, 1p violet , 3p and 4p , fine to very fine. Sc . as n.h. $350 ........................................... ........................................................ ; ............. (84-96 ,85a)


602 * EB 1878 to 1962, coll. of over 260 on pages, n.h. to o.g., few unused, incl. several better items, later compl. sets and dupl., Centenary ½ p to 6p sheet margin blks of 4, n.h., Dependencies, etc., generally fine to very fine ....... 3,260.00+ 603 *

1878 to 1960, coll. of over 200 mostly diff. on pages, o.g. , some used, incl. better early item s, some comp!. sets and slight dupl. , Dependen cies , etc ., mixed condit ion incl. some staining ....................... ... Est. Ca sh Value $300-350

604 * O~ Primarily 1950s to 1970s, accum. of a few hundred in glassines, etc., in box, vast majority n.h., many compl. sets, blks of 4 or larger, gutter blks, Dependencies , etc., generally fine to very fine ..Est. Cash Value $600-800 605 *

GIBRALTAR: 1912 Mutt. Crown CA George V ½ p to £1 compl. set, l.h. , fine to very fine. S.G . £275 ............... ............................................................................................ .................................................... (Photo ) (66-75)


606 * O

1886 to 1980s, coll. of over 300 diff. on stock sheets, vast major ity n.h., balance l.h. or o.g. , some ea rly used, mostly modern compl. sets and Sou venir sheets, some early issues , Edward VII and Geor ge V , Postage Due and a few bookl ets, fine to very fine .......... ................. .................................. ............ .................... .Est. Cash Value $400--500

607 t:,

1840 Wmkd. Small Crown lp black, mostly very large margins all round, red Maltese Cro s cancel , very fine. S.G. £2 00 ............................................... ...................... .................................................................... .............(Photo) (1)


608 0

1878 Wmkd. Maltese Cross lOsh slate, usual Regis. cancels, very fine. S.G. 128, £1400 .................. (Photo) (74)


609 *

1919 Retouched lOsh blue, o.g. , very fine. S.G . 417 , £300 .......... ..................... ................................... .(Photo) (181)


610 t8I

Stampless; Group of six covers all documented on exhibition pages, SHIP LETTER marking s from Dartmouth , Falmo uth, Harwich, Kingsbridge, Penzance and Liverpoo l, 5 straight-line , 1 oval, 2 are red, date s range from 1804 (Liverpool) to 1845, original in cl. Mexico, Rio , Demerara. L ove ly g roup ..................... ..........................................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $500- 750

611 * O

Primarily 19th Century, coll. of about 125 on Specialty pages, used, some o.g. , incl. Penny Black, 1p red plating attempt , back-of-book , mixed condition ............ ................. ................................................. Est. Ca sh Value $ l00-150


19th and 20th Century 6 12 * O

The remainder of 3 coils. on Scott album pages and accum. on stock cards, earlier usual mixed condition, later mixed sets and a useful gro up of back-of-book. Stated by owner to catl. $30,000+. Good for stocking up and Internet sale .............. ........................ .................... ....Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500


/' !.




Cati. Val.



6 14 0

6 16

Specialized group of over 165 "s ocked-on-nose" cancels , valu es to lOsh , no recent , usual varied condition. Stated by owner to cat!. $14 ,000+. Great for stock ...........................(Photo) Est. Cash Va lue $1,250-1,500


6 15


Coll. and accum. of many hundred on album page s, s ome mint 20th cent. and decent back-of-book, earlier usual mixed condition though with useful dupl. Stated by owner to cat!. $27,000 .............................. ............... ........ ......... .............................................................. Est. Cash Value $1,500 -2 ,000

Small stock on stock sheets in ring-binder , values to Ssh , some useful 20th cent. mint , section of Phosphors, earlier mixed condition though some fine, later generally fine. Stated by owner to catl. $16 ,000+ ......... ................................................... ................................ .................Est. Cash Value $1,000 -1 ,500

Coll. of a few hundred in Scott album, used except some Jersey and Guernsey, earlier values to Ssh and mixed condition , sets in later is s ues , generall y fine. Stated by owner to cat!. about $12,500 ................................................................................................................................ .........Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000

6 17 0

Small but useful coll. of a few hundred used in Windsor album, values to Ssh, decent dupl. in earlier though usual mixed condjtion. Stated by owner to cat!. $13,000. Worth inspection ..............Est. Cash Value $750-1,000

618 0

Coll. of a few hundred used on Scott album pages , usual varied earlier issues in mixed condition incl. Mulready's, sets in later issues, generally fine. Good for fi lling in sets. .................................................................... 9,000.00+

6 19




ISSUES: 20th Century to 1980s , coll. of several hundred diff. in stockbook, n.h. , co mpr. Guern sey, Jersey, Isle of Man and Great Britain 197 1 postal strike issues , mos tly comp!. sets and souvenir sheets, incl. Postage Due , booklet s, etc. , ge nerally very fine .................................................... ......Est. Cash Value $350-450

GRENADA: 1863-71 Wmkd. Small Star 6p rose, full o.g., perfs in at left but adjoining portion intact and presenting an impossible copy of thls stamp, fresh, superb appearance. S.G. 6, £600 ........................ (Photo) (4)




1861 to 1961, coll. of over 160 mostly diff. on Specialty pages, l.h. to unu sed, 4 used, incl.early issues, surchd., Edward VT! to 1Osh, comp !. or part sets Postage Due, generally fine to very fine ............Est. Cash Value $400-500


* 623 * 622

1921-37 Script George V set comp!., except 30c, l.h., fresh, fine to very fine. S.G. £755 ...(Photo) ( 129-40 ,42-46 )


1938-48 George VI le to $10 comp!. set, l.h. or o.g., very fine ....................................................(Photo) ( 154-66A)




1954-60 Elizabeth set com pl., n.h., few inclusions, very fine. S.G. £226 ....... ................................(Photo) ( 185-98)

274. 00



1962 Wmkd. St. Edward's Crown and C of A Mult. Sc to $20 compl. set , n.h., very fine . S .G . £225 .............................................................................. ............................................................................. ..(Photo) (203-17 )




1966-72 Wmkd. Sideways Sc to $20 comp!. set, n.h., very fine . S.G . £250 ............................... (Photo) (203b-l 7a)



*OEE20th Century, coll. of many hundred diff., plus moderate dupl in stockbook, glassines, etc., in box, vast majority n.h., few l.h. or used incl. misc. 19th cent., mostly modern comp!. sets and Souvenir sheets, nice selection of booklets, generally very fine ......................................... .......Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 INDIA AND NATIVE FEUDATORY STATES : 19th and 20th Century, coll. of several hundred diff. in album, l.h. to unused, some used, compr. 17 states, Alwar to Wadhwan, incl. Barwaru, Bijawar , Idar panes, Bundi and Jaipur incl. Officials , multiples , etc., S.G. annotations, clean and genera lly fine to very fine ........................ .................................................................................................. ...............Est. Cash Value $750-1,000

629 6 630


** 632 * 63 1


CONVENTION STATES: Small but useful coll. of a few hundred on and off album pages, o.g. or used, general ly fine . Worth inspeclionfor elusive small issues .................................................................... Est. Cas h Value $ 150-200 IRELAND: 1925 "1922" 5½ mm Long 2sh6p, Ssh, lOsh, comp!. set, n.h., very fine .....................(Photo) (77-79 )


1935 Re-engraved set of three, o.g ., very fine. S.G. £400 ..................................................... ...... ......(Photo) (93-95)

475 .00


* 635 *


SORUTH: 1886 Wove Paper Error la blue, neatly tied on cove r fragme nt, fine . S.G. 22b, £600 ............... (Photo)

1860 to 1960, coll. of over 200 mostly diff. on album pages, n.h. to unu sed, so me used, George V sets and blks of 4, Semi s, etc. , mixed co ndition to very fine ..................................... ..........Est. Ca sh Valu e $300-350

LEEWARD ISLANDS: 1897 Jubilee Ssh green & ultramarine , o.g., perfectl y centered, extreme ly fine .......................................................................................................................................... ..........................(Photo) (16) 1890 to 1954, coll. of over 100 diff. on album pages, l.h. or o.g. , incl. Edward VII to Ssh, George V to £1, few Barbud a, fine to very fine ................. ........................................................................... .........Est. Cash Value $350-400



Cati. Val.

636 ** EBMALAYSIA: 20th Century, coll. of many hundred diff., plus minor dupl. in stockbook, etc ., n.h., incl. Ma laya and States, with Sabah , Sarawak, few Straits Settlements, much Singapore, many comp!. sets and Souvenir sheets , Postage Due, etc., fine to very fine ..............................Est . Cash Value $1,000- 1,500 637

638 639 640 641


643 644 645


MALTA: 1863 to 1980s, coll. of about 500 diff. on stock sheets, vast majority n.h., balance l.h. to unused and one used, many comp!. sets and slightly better early issues, also Semis, Souvenir sheets, booklets, Airs and back-of-book, generally fine to very fine ................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500 C8J MAURITIUS: 1848 to 1883, group of eight covers, incl. 2 stampless, 4 from 1860s , nice variety with combinations, French and Swiss destinations. Lo vely group ........ .................. ...........Est. Cash Value $500-750 MONTSERRAT: 1876 to 1958, coll. of over 125 diff. on album pages, l.h. to unused, incl. Edward VII and George V to Ssh, modern sets, some faults, overall fine to very fine ..........................................Est. Cash Value $350 ** mlNAURU:1916 to 1980s, coll of well over 250 diff. on stock sheets, almost all n.h., balance l.h., virtually comp!. issues incl. # 1- 16, plus ovpt. centered, Souvenir sheets, etc., generally very fine......................................................... NEW HEBRIDES: 1908 to 1980, coll. of about 280 on stock sheets, mostly n.h., some l.h. or o.g., almost comp!. issues, incl. Souvenir sheets and Postage Due, also Vanuatu 280-92, 280a-92a, few early with gum stains, fine to very fine ........................................................................ ................................................(betw. 2 and 279,J 1-20) * rnl.6 NEW ZEALAND: Antarctic Expedition; 1991- 13 Ovptd. VICTORIA LAND lp carmine, 13 stamps compr. corner blk of six, margin blk of four, three singles (one tied on piece), n.h.(11)/1.h. (1), very fine to extremely fine. S.G. A3, £625+ .............................................................................................................................(Photo) (131A) NIGER COAST PROTECTORATE: 1894 Red ½ p on left vertical half of lp light blue, o.g., small thin, fre h, fine. Holcombe Cert. ( 1996) for pair. S.G. 57, £1000 ............................................................................... (Photo) (49) ** EBNIGERIA : 1957 2sh Unexploded booklet black on green stitched cover, compr. ½p (2), Ip and 2p (2) panes of four, 12 booklets, n.h., very fine. S.G. £288 ............................................................................ .............(80,8 l ,83 vars.) ** NORFOLK ISLAND: 1947-59 ½p to 2p comp!., white paper, n.h., brilliant fresh, extremely fine. S.G. la-4a, £103 ..........................................................................................................................................................(Photo) ( 1-4 var .)

* *







**II!l 1947 to 1980s, coll. of about 350 diff. on stock sheets, n.h., issues apparently comp! incl. Souvenir sheets, etc.,

very fine................... .......................................................................................................................................................



Cati. Val. 515.00+

NORTH BORNEO: 1916 Surcharged set of three, fine to very fine , eac h tied by indistinct str ike of 18 SEP 191 8 c.d.s. on Regis. enve lop e to England , receiver and red Reg istry pmks on reverse ........................................................................................................... ..............(Photo ) (160-62) Est. Cash Value $150

** NORTHERN RHODESIA: 1938 ½ p chocolate, coil perf 12½x14 , 3 compl. sealed rolls of 500 each, n.h., fine to very fine. S.G. 26a, £2100 .................................................................................................. ...................................... . PAKISTAN: Bahawalpur; 1945 Surcharged set of three, very l.h., very fine. S.G. 011-13 , £ 159 ....(Photo) (07 -9) 649 * 650 **ffi PITCAIRN ISLANDS: 1940 to 1980s, issues apparently compl. on stock sheets, n.h., incl. Souvenir sheet , very fine. About $485 .................................................................................. .................................................................. . ST. KITTS-NEVIS: 1920-22 Mult. Crown CA George V £1 black & violet on red, l.h., extremely fine. S.G. £225 651 * 648

......................................... ........................................................................................................................... (Photo) (36)



ST. LUCIA: 1860 to 1954, coll. of over 175 mostly diff. on album pages, l.h. to unused, few used, incl. numerous better items, some comp I. sets and dupl., generally fine to very fine ..................................Est. Cash Value $500-600



ST. VINCENT : 1869 to 1955, coll. of about 150 diff. on pages, l.h. to unused , couple used, incl. better early items, Edward VII and George V £1 values, later sets, mixed condition to very fine ......Est. Cash Va lue $750+

*II!lSAMOA: 1914 to 1980s, coll. of about 350 diff. on stock sheets, almost alJ n.h., balance l.h., mostly modem comp!. sets and Souvenir sheets, few earlier and a couple reprints, fine to very fine .................Est. Cash Value $150 655 ** SINGAPORE: 1949-52 Perf 18 George V set compl., n.h., fine to very fine. S.G. £362 ............(Photo) ( 1A-20A) 656 **II!l 1969 Sesquicentennial Souvenir sheet and compl. set, n.h. , very fine. S.G. £540 ...................... (Photo) (101-06,a) 657 *ffi SOLOMON ISLANDS: 1908 to 1980s, coll. of several hundred diff. in stockbook, vast majority n.h., few 1.h., incl. War Canoe, Souvenir sheets, Postage Due, fine to very fine .......................................Est. Cash Value $200-250 658 *II!lSOUTH AFRICA: 20th Century , selection of several hundred in sheet file, vast majority n.h., some o.g.,




400.00 615.00

mostly bi-lingual part sheets or panes, incl. Officials ½p and 6p, incl. stop after OFFICIEEL , alignment varieties, broken or malformed letters, etc., generally fine to very fine ......................Est. Cash Value $500-750


*II!l1913 to 1950s, selection of well over 200 stamps on stock sheets, n.h. to o.g., incl. a few George V, but mostly

bi-lingual pairs incl. Officials and S.G. varieties, few blks and South West Africa incl. used S.G. 130c, invtd. ovpt. (faults), some moderately better items, generally fine to very fine ..................Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000





TRISTAN DA CUNHA: 20th Century, selection of about 85 covers in box, fair number of S.G. cachets, many type VII, mostly FDCs from 1952, incl. compl. or part sets and Souvenir sheets, QE 2 Visit autographed covers, etc., tine to very fine ............................................................................................. Est. Cash Value $400-600



1952 to 1970s, selection of several hundred in stockbook and glassines in box, vast majority n.h., incl. compl. sets and Souvenir sheets, blks of 4 or larger , booklets , gutter pairs, etc., generally fine to very fine ............................................................................................................................................ Est. Cash Value $500-750

TRINIDAD , TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO: 1879 to 1961, coll. of over 200 mostly diff. on Specialty pages and compl. stock sheets, n.h. to unused, some used, Tobago incl. better early items, also £1 violet revenue , Trinidad early issues incl. a couple signed H. Bloch, also blks , values to £1, Trinidad and Tobago modern sets and War Tax incl. two errors, some faults, mostly tine to very tine .......................... Est. Cash Value $750+

* 664 * 663

TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS: 1923 to 1960, coll. of about 125 diff . on Specialty pages, o.g., mostly comp!. sets, also some War Tax, generalJy fine to very fine ....................................................... Est. Cash Value $150 TURKS ISLANDS: 1867 to 1894, coll. of over 25 on album pages, I.h. to unused, incl. slightly better surchd. types, 1867 lp throat flaw, etc., mixed condition or centering ...........................................Est. Cash Value $500+



UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: 1972 Overprinted set com pl., sheet margin copies except 50f, n.h. , very fine to extremely fine. 1996 S.G. £250 ............................................................................................................. (Photo) (1-12)



VIRGIN ISLANDS: 1866 to 1962, coll. of over 125 diff. on Specialty pages , l.h. to unused, high degree of completeness incl. compl. sets and early better items , tine to very tine ................................................................... 1,900.00+

MR . KEITH HARMER IS TRAVELING TO FLORIDA DECEMBER 27 TO JANUARY 10 Nliami, Ta.mpa , Naplesand Orlando Interestedin selling? Reservean appointment now. J-800-223-6076 $2,000 minimummarketvaluefor auction,please

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Mr. Ozw.11· .lar.s 1 ,Uam et ___

d. lonao n .E l9. t

England~ 647




19th and 20th Century , coll. balance of several hundred in 4 Specialty albums in carton , o.g. or used, few n.h., many countries though album s sparsely filled , mixed cond ition to very fine ............. ....................... ................... ............................................... ................... Est. Cash Value $350-400 selection of many hundred, mostly in glassines and stock sheets or cards in *[lj] 20th Century,majority n.h., few used, many countries incl. Australia and Antarctic Terr., carton, vast South Georgia, Br. Antarctic Terr., Norfolk Is., Pitcairn Is., many others, with compl. sets, Souvenir sheets, blks of 4 or larger, booklets, etc., fine to very fine ....Est. Cash Value $1,500+


AND OM IBUS: 20th Century, coll. of many hundred diff. in stockbook, etc., and **[lj]TOPICALS loose in box, n.h., various omnibus incl. 1977 silver Jubil ee , 1978 Coronat ion , 25t h Anniversary, 1980 and 1990 Queen Mother 's Birthd ay, I 982 Diana's 21st Birthday, incl. Souvenir sheets and sheetle ts, booklet s, selection of modern South Africa , Falkland I . and Malvina s covers, etc., genera lly ve ry fine ...... ........ ............ ........ .................................... ................................................... Est. Cash Value $ 150-2 50 670 **



672 * O


1937 to 1980s, selection of many hundred diff. in stockbook, n.h., compr. over 20 omnibus issues compl. , incl. 1937 Coronation, 1949 U.P .U., 1953 Coronation, Freedom From Hunger, Red Cross, ITU and ICY , Churchill , UNESCO, others, plus 1948-49 Silver Wedding, 28 diff. countries, fine to very fine ......................................... Est. Cash Value $1,000

1948-49 Silver Wedding issues compl., except Falkland Islands Dependencies (136), n.h., fine to very fine. S.G. ÂŁ1600 ............................................................................. ............................. ..

BRITISH WEST INDIES: 19th and 20th Century to 1961, coll. of about 250 mostly diff. on album pages, I.h. to unused, few used, compr. Nevis, St. Christopher, St. Kitts-Nevis , misc. St. Vincent, incl. a fair number of better items, George VI perf vars., dupl., some faults though overall fine to very fine ................................................. ...Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200

BRITISH OCEANIA: 20th Century, coll. of many hundred diff. in stock sheets in box, n.h., **[lj]cornpr. Gilbert and Ellice ls., Kiribati , Tuvalu, misc . Tonga , mostly comp!. sets and Souvenir sheets , al o Postage Due and Officials, gutter pairs, very fine .................................... E t. Ca h Value $300-400

Additional British mater ial will be found in Collections and Various beginning with lot 855





Cati. Val.




ALBANIA: Air Post; 1929 Overprinted in Red Brown Sq to 3fr comp!. set, l.h. or o.g., handstamps and/or pencil initials on reverse, very fine ...............................................................................................................(Photo) (C22-28) ARGE TINA: 1899-1903 ½ c to Sp, trial color Die proofs on India die sunk on card , 143x173 , 16 diff. incl. 4 compound, some staining. Very scarce .................... (Photo page 52) (122/140TC) Est. Cash Value $500-1,000

675 DP



* 677 *

1910 Jubilee 2k , Sk, 10k, l.h., very fine. Mi. €460 ............................................................................(Photo) ( 142-44) 1936 Dollfuss 10s dark blue , l.h., extremely fine ................................................................................. (Photo ) (380)



Semi-Postals; 1946 Renner **IHI

Souvenir sheets of eight, comp!. set, n.h. , usual inclu sions, handstamp on reverse of each , very fine. Mi. €2600 ..................................................................... .............(Photo) (B185-88)

679 * O

392.00 675.00


19th and 20th Century, coll of man y hundred ditT. in stockbook , n.h. to o.g., early issues mostly used , man y comp!. sets, incl. better Semis and Airs, with Rotar y and Bird s sets, etc ., some faults though overall fine to very fine and a goodly amount n.h . ................................................... Est. Cash Value $1,000

680 * O EBColl on pages and accum. in 2 stockbooks in box, n.h. to o.g. or used, many hundred incl. early types, later comp!. sets, Semis, Airs, back-of-book , reference , blks and a few covers, mixed condition to very fine with a goodly account n.h . ...................... ..................................................... .............................Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000 681 181 LOMBARDY-VENETIA; 1850 to 1863, group of four covers, compr. # I and 2 combination, 7, 8, and 15, generally very fine ...............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $200- 250



BELGIUM: Semi-Postals; 1960 World Refugee Year Perf. Souvenir sheet of three, nine sheets, n.h., very fine. Mi. €540 .................................................. .......................................................................................................... (B662a)

683 * O



685 0


19th and 20th Century, coll of man y hundred diff. in 2 stockbook s, n.h. to o.g., early issues mostl y used , many comp! . sets plus dupl. , Souvenir sheets and Airs, better Semis and misc. back-of-book , some faults though overall fine to very fine and a fair numb er n.h . ....................Est. Cash Value $1,000+

PEOPLE 'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA: 1997 Deng Xiaoping $50 gold & multicolored , Souvenir sheet of one, 18 sheets in fanc y folders and envelopes, n.h. , very fine .................................................................................(2775) COCHIN CHINA: 1888 15c on diagonal half of 30c brown on bistre , strip of three un severed pair s, neat 16 AVRIL 88 c.d.s. cancels , very fine ........................................................................................................ ....(Photo ) (5)



Anthem lk claret, 2k blue, Souvenir sheets of 15 with folder, ungummed, edge or corner creas**llll1934 National very fine. Mi . €1300 ........................................................................................................... (200a,20 IA)

ing, otherwise


SEMI-POSTALS 1919 Overprinted on Stamps of Austria or o.g., few small faults, various handstamp or initials on rever e, fine or l.h. dupl., one and diff. five of Group fine appearance. Mi. €900 .............................................................................................................(B 19,56,57,60,62[2]) Perf 12½ 10k deep violet, l.h., very fine. Signed Gilbert. Mi. 54Ia, €500 ........................................ ..(Photo) (B2 1a)

* 688 *






1908 Newspaper imperf 10h carmine , l.h., large margins, extremely fine. Sighed Leseticky and others. Mi. €2200 ................. ....................................................................................... ...................(Cove r Photo) (B26) 1918 Air Post set of three , 4k l.h. others o.g., 2.50k on 3k creases , very fine appeara nce, other very fine. Handstamp or pencil initials on reverse. Mi . 71-73, €1070 ...............................................................(Photo) (B37-39)

750.00 375.00



Postage Due

* 692 * 693 * 694 * 691

1908-13 S0h carmine, o.g., very fine. Signed Gilbert and others. Mi. 80, €1000 .................................(Photo) (B46) 1916 S0h rose red, o.g. (hinge remnant), very fine. Handstamps on reverse. Mi . 88, €450 .................. (Photo) (85 4) 10k ultramarine , o.g., very fine. Signed A. Diena and others. Mi . 9 1, €400 ........................................ (Photo) (857 ) 1916 and 1917 four diff. Surcharged , l.h. or o.g., very fine. Various handstamps on reverse. Mi. 93-96,€410 ........................................................................ .......................................................... .................... ......(Photo) (B59-62)


875.00 400.00 375.00 306.00


L EX678



Cati. Val.


Overprinted on Stamp of Hungar y l0f rose , o.g., very fine. Several handstamps on reverse . Mi. 118, €500 .................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (B71)

696 DP

DANZIG: Air Post; 1923 100,000m scarlet , Die proof on gummed paper , 86x88m , vert. wmk., very fine ............................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (C24DP)

697 DP

50 ,000m purple , trial color Die proof on ungummed pap er , 92x78mm , horiz. wmk., ve ry fine ............................................................................................................................................................ (Photo) (C25TC)

698 0

DENMARK: 1851 Wmkd. Small Crown 2rs blue, margins all round , lar ge three sides, neatl y caned. , very fine. Mi. €1100 .....................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) ( I)





1851 to 1999, coll. of man y hundred diff. in hingeless album , n.h. to unused , some used , high degree of completeness, incl. better early items incl. back-of-book , compl. sets, Semis and Airs , also Dani sh West Indie s, mixed condition to much fine to very fine .........................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,200




70 1




1860s to 1890s, trul y exceptional coll. of approx. 1300 seals neatl y arranged and typed on stock pages, some cancel s identified , great variety with virtually no dupl. , incl. 85 Used Abroad, over 380 used , which are very rare , and over 830 unused , approx . 50 unpriced or unli sted on Kehr catl. Total cash value for listed £8000 ........................................................................................Est. Cash Value $4,000-5 ,000

ESTONIA: Air Post; 1923 Surcharged set of five, l.h. or o.g., rough perf values, pencil initials on reverse, very fine ................................................................................................................................................................ (Photo ) (C4-8)


1918 to 1999, coll. of several hundr ed in stockbook , n.h. to o.g. or used, many comp!. sets incl. used dupl., Semis, Airs, Souvenir sheets, also modern Latvia, generally fine to very fine ...................Est. Cash Value $200-2 50



Air Post; 1927 Overprinted 2fr orange & blue , Sfr dark blue & buff , l.h., very fine ...................(Photo ) (C l ,C2)



1928 Ile de France set of two, l.h., very fine. Signed Thiaude , Meghrig , others ....(Cover Photo) (C3,C$)


705 1936 Plane over Pari s S0fr emerald, l.h., few smudged perfs, well centered, fine ..............................(Photo) (C 14) 706 OC81 19th Century, stock and accum. of seve ral thousand in glassines and approval sheets in box , used , wide ranging imperf and perf issues, incl. cancel s of all sorts , also over 100 covers or fronts, mixed condition ....................................... ..................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-1 ,000 707




** 710 **


300.00 5,500.00 650.00

19th and 20th Century , coll. of man y hundred in stockbook , n.h. to o.g. , early issues to about 1930, pr edominantl y used , man y compl. sets, som e mixed mint/u sed, Semis and Airs, some dupl. , mixed condition to much fine to very fine and a goodly amount n.h . .....................................Est. Cash Value $500 USED IN ALGERIA: 1830s to 1870s, nice selection of over 155 stamples s and franked covers all neatl y mounted and documented on quadrille page s, with some multiple s, Postage Due (2), variety of local and French destinations , also 2 each to Germany and Switzerland , Ital y (3), U.S. (1). Wonde,ful collection ............................................................ ...................................................................... .....Est. Cash Value $1,500 FRENCH COLONIES: Air Post Omnibu s; 1946 Victory compl. issue except Indo-China (14), imperf right sheet mar gin pari s, n.h. , very fine to extremely fine. Yv. €416 ......................................................................(Photo ) 1946 Chad to Rhine com pl. issues except Indo-China (84) imp erf , mostl y corner copies, n.h., very fine to extremely fine. Yv. €866+ ............................................................................ ................................................................ ..


712 7 13 7 14

**EB 1963

Quiet Sun Year set of two , Sfr (7), 20fr (9), incl. blk s of four, n.h. , few inclu sion s, very fine ...............................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (23,24)


1966-69 Albatross


20fr slat e, olive & orange , n.h. , extremely fine ......................................................................................(Photo) (28)

300.00 300.00


Same, left sheet mar gin copy, n.h. , extremely fine ................................................................................(Photo ) (28) Same, right sheet margin copy, n.h. , extremely fine .............................................................................(Photo ) (28)





Cat!. Val.

** 20fr , bottom right corner date block of four, n.h. , extremely fine .......................................................(Photo) (28) 716 **EB 20fr , top right corner copy, n.h. , extremely fine ....................................................................................(Photo) (28) 7 I7 **EB 1968 Explorer 30fr light ultramarine , dark blue & dark brown , 11copies incl. corner blks of four, n.h. ,


extremely fine .............................................................................................................................................(Photo) (30)

1, 100.00


718 7 19

1963 Quiet Sun Year lO0fr blue, vermilion & black, 11copies incl. blks of four, n.h., extremely fine ...................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (C6)


**EB Air Post;

Pictorials 40fr and 50fr multicolored, 10 and 11copie s respectively, incl. blks of four, n.h., extremely fine .................................................................................................................................(Photo) (C13,C14)


**EB 1968-69




of over 300 in glassines , n.h., mostly 1960s, incl. compl. sheets , corner blks of 4 or larger, Airs incl. se-ten ant pairs with label, etc., varying quantities, very fine .......Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200

72 1

**IIil 1984 to 1987, 2 sheet files, n.h., mostly part or comp!. sheets, 10 copies each, incl. Air Post, generally very fine



.....................................................................................................................................( I05-32,C78-82a,84-94a,96-98)


Selection of 20 covers, mostly 1960s, incl. FDCs, Airs with better values, Antarctic Expedition cachets, fine to very fine. Stamps as used off cover about $1150 ........................................................................................................... GERMAN STATE : BADEN; 1862--65Perf 10 30kr deep orange , neatly caned., comer pe1f crease, fine. Mi . €2000 ....................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (25)

723 0




1951-52 Post Horn 30pf to 90pf compl., n.h., few inclusions, fine to very fine. Mi. €2285 ...........(Photo) (679-85)



Air Post; 1930 South America Flight set of two, l.h., extremel y fine. Mi. €640 .......................(Photo) (C38,C39)






1931 Polar Flight set compl. , vert. pairs , lm bottom stamp without hyphen, bottom stamps n.h. , 2m trace of finger print , top stamp l.h., very fine. Mi. €10,000 ..............(Cover Photo) (C40-42,C40 var.) Compl. set, o.g. (hinge remnant), very fine. Mi. €900 ......................................................................(Photo) (C40-42)


1948 to 1985, coll. of several hundred diff. in 2 hingele ss albums, vast majority n.h., balance l.h. to a few used, high degree of completeness incl Souvenir sheets , Semis and Berlin, fine to very fine ............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200


1970 to 1989, group of over 200 unexploded booklets in cigar box, n.h. , 13 diff., 5 to about 40 each, incl. MH14 and MH15 , 21 and 15 respectively , very fine. 2000 Mi. DM12,130 ......................................................


73 1



AND AREA: 19th and 20th Century , coll. of many hundred diff. in 7 stockbooks in carton, n.h. to unused , some used , mostly Germany incl. compl. sets, Souvenir sheets , Semis, etc., Allied Occu., some Berlin , Danzig and Memel , states, etc. , booklets, se-tenant and tete-beche, etc. , some faults though mostly fine to very fine ........................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,200-1,500

*OII!I Accum . of several

hundred in glassines and a couple stockbooks in box, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. misc. Danzig, States, Poland General Government, etc., but mostly Germany incl. some sets, fair amount n.h., mixed condition to very fine ...............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $ 150-200




Coll. of over 350 in hingeles s album, o.g. or used, compr. Offices in China, Morocco, Turkish Empire , plus New Guinea, East Africa, South West Africa, Carolina Is., Mariana ls., Togo, incl. compl. and part sets with dupl., few on piece, Mariana Is. ovptd. "Specimen" , ovptd. types, etc., mixed condition to much fine to very fine. Mi. €14,145 ...............................................................................................................



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Cati. Val.



.. .. ................................•...........







735 0

19th and 20th Century, coll. of over 150 mostly diff. on hin geless album pages, n.h. , compr. Offices in China, Morocco , Turkish Empire , incl. better items and sets, corner blk s of 4, Michel types, etc., few hand stamps on rever se, fine to very fine. Mi. €14,460........................................................................(Photo)

Coll. of about 140 diff. on hingeles s album pages , l.h. or o.g., few unused , compr. the three diff. Offices, incl. Michel shade s and types, better items and sets, generall y fine to very fine. Mi. €5825+ .......

Coll. of about 130 diff. on hin geless album pages, used , compr. the three diff. Offices and incl. better items , some sets, Michel shade s, etc., generally neatl y caned. and fine to very fine. Mi. €5440+ ................

7,oo 737 736 736






* *

OFFICES IN CHINA 1898 Overprinted at 56 Degree Angle 5pf on lOpf carmine , sheet mar gin copy, n.h. , hand stamp s on rever se, very fine. Mi. 7II , €1400 ...........................................................................................................................(Photo) (16)


1900 Tientsin Issue 20pf ultramarine , appear s n.h., very fine. Basel Cert. (2002), Bothe and man y other handstamp s. Mi. ii, €2500 ....................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (20)


30pf orange & black on salmon , l.h. , extremely fine. Hoffman-Gi esecke and other hand stamps. Mi. 12, €8000 .......................................................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (21)

1898 to 1919, coll. of over 70 diff. on hingeless album pages, l.h. or o.g., few unu sed, incl. ovptd. at 48 and 56 degr ee angles, Michel shade s and perf types, Tientsin 3pf, 5pf, lOpf and other better items, some signed or handstamp on rever se, some small faults , generall y fine to very fine. Mi. €7300...............



Cati. Val.

740 0 b.

74 1

Coll. of over SO mostly diff. on hingeless pages, incl. Forerunners on piece, ovptd. at 45 and 56 degree angles, Michel types, generally tine to very tine. Mi. €2275...................................................................................................


742 0



744 0 b.

OFFICES IN MOROCCO: 1899 to 1911, coll. of about SO diff. plus a few dupl. on hingeless album pages, l.h. or o.g., incl. better items, Mi. 1911 with Ebel Cert. (1965) and Bothe handstamp , few sets, generally tine to very tine. Mi. €4184 ................................................................................................................

Coll. of 55 diff. on hing eless album pages, high degree of completeness incl. better items, neatl y caned. , tine to very tine. Mi. €3375 .................................................................................................................................

OFFICES IN TURKISH EMPIRE: 1884 to 1908, coll. of over 70 diff. on hingeless album pages, 1.h. to unused , incl. better items , Michel shades and types, some sets, 1902-04 Thicker Surcharge Mi. 1-V with Hollman Cert. (2000), etc., fine to very fine. Mi. €6419 ..........................................................................

Coll. of about 75 diff. on hingeless album pages, used, incl. Forerunners on piece, Michel shades and types, better items, some small faults, generally fine to very tine. Mi. €5885 ...............................................

GERMAN COLONIES 19th and 20th Century

745 0 b.





748 0 b.

Coll. of about 275 mostly diff. on hlngeless album pages, wide ranging with better items, Forerunners, some sets , M.ichel shade s, etc., fair number on piece, some signed or handstamp on re verse, two certificates , generally fine to very tine and neatl y caned. Mi. €18,520..............................................(Photo )

Coll. of over 200 hingeless album pages, n.h., compr. ew Guinea, Eas t Africa , South West Africa , Cameroun, Carolina Is., Kiauchau , Mariana Is., Marshall Is., Samoa , Togo, incl. better items and sets, few blks of 4, dupl. , sheet margin copies, etc., tin e to very tine. Mi. €8765 ...................................................

Coll. of over 260 diff. on hingeles s album pages, l.h. to o.g. (hinge remnant ), few n.h. , compr. New Guinea , East Africa , South West Africa , Cameroun , Carolina Is., Kiauchau , Mariana Is., Marshall Is., Samoa , Togo , incl. comp!. sets , Michel shades , Yacht unwmkd . and wmkd. , some hand stamp on re verse, generall y tine to very tine. Mi. €8400..................................................................................................

Coll. of about 170 diff. on hlngeless album pages, used, incl. compl. or part sets, better items, fair number on small piece, Forerunners, etc., some signed or hand sta mp on reverse, generally fine to very fine and neatl y caned. Mi. €10,085 ............................................................................................Est. Cash Value $2,500 61

Cati. Val. 749


750 * O

Coll. of about 220 diff. on hingeles s album pages , l.h. or o.g., few n.h. , compr. New Guinea , East Africa , South West Africa , Cameroun , Caroline Is. , Kiauchau , Mariana Is. , Marshall Is., Samoa, Togo , incl. Coat of Arms issues , Yacht unwmkd. and wmkd. , Michel shad es and perf vars. , generally fine to ver y fine with some handstamped. Mi. €5730 .................................. .......................................... ............................... Coll. of about 120 in hingele ss album , I.h. to o.g. and used, compr. New Guinea, East Africa , South West Africa , Caroline Is., Togo , incl. Coat of Arms, Yacht unwmkd. and wmkd. , some moderately better item s, on piece, etc. , some handstamp on reverse , mixed condition to mostl y fine to ver y fine. Mi. over €3300 ................ .


751 75 1 D.

752 D.

Forerunner; 1888-91 3pf gr een , tied by neat LAMU OST AFRIKA 3/2 (91) pmk on piece , very fine. Steuer Cert. (1994), Richter and another handstamp. Mi. 39, €4200 ................................................ (Photo ) Provi s ional Cash Frankings; Circa 1916 , group of four violet mkgs on separate piece, thr ee are Imp erial Eagle, other with framed handstamp and additi onal MORO GORO c.d.s. as pictured in Michel, fine ......................... .....................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $200-3 00


753 753 0


1897 First Issue 3pf yellow brown , neat c.d.s. cancel , extremel y fine. Dr . Oeschner handstamp . Mi. lb , unpr. used ....................................................................................(Photo ) (la ) Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,500 Very rare shade

754 0

1906-19 Wmkd. Sm slate & carmine , neatly caned., very fine. Mi . €340 ..............................................(Photo ) (34)


755 755 0

Forerunner; 1887-91 2m dull rose & lilac , VERTICAL STRIP OF THREE , KAMERUN 21/88 c.d.s. cancels , hinge reinforced , fine. Mi. 37c, €4500+ ........................................................ .................... ......(Photo )



Cati. Val.

~ /cu~~/'~~

/ d,;-+f. ~7~4e/4.-Hj 756

3,oo ~ ,11111111111 ············•: ·= § ·= := ·= ·= ·= ·= :=:

·= ·=



1911 Bisect Used on Cover 756









20pf ultramarine , left vertical half used as lOpf, very fine, tied by neat strik e of LONGJI KAMER UN 19.5 11 c.d.s. on local envelope (tile fold) bearing official seal. Steuer Cert: (2001). Mi. I, €9000 .........(Photo)

CAROLINE ISL ANDS: 1899 Overprinted at 48 Degree Angle; 3pf to 50pf compl. set, n.h. , ver y fine. S0pf Bothe Cert. (1980) and hand stamp s. Mi. 11-61, €10,000 ....................................(Cover Photo ) (la-6a )


Compl. to 25pf, Spf sheet mar gin copy, n.h. , fre sh, fine to very fine. Mi. 11-51, €8200 ......(Photo ) (la-Sa )


3pf light brown , top corner margin copy, Spf gre en, top margin copy, n.h. , extr emely fine. Each with Steuer hand stamp . Mi. 11, 21, €3800+ .....................................................................................(Photo ) (la ,2a) 3,200.00+ 63

Cati. Val.

** lOpf carmine , 20pf ultramarine , strip s of three , former vert. , n.h., very tine. Mi. 31, 41, €1200 .....(Photo ) (3a,4a) 1,260.00 76 1 ** 25pf orange , 50pf red brown , n.h. , fresh, ver y fine. Both e and other hand stamp s. Mi. 51, 61, €5800 (Photo ) (6a) 4,900.00





50pf, n.h., extr emely fine. Steuer hand stamp . Mi. 61, €1800+ ..............................................................(Photo ) (6a) 1,500.00+

763 .6

1910 Bisect 20pf ultramarine , left vertica l half used as lOpf, tied by PON APE KAROLINEN 12/7 10 c.d.s. on piece bearing official seal, very fine. Pfenninger and Steu er 1967 and 2002 Cert s. respectivel y. Mi. II, €3500 ................................................................................................................................(Cover Photo )

1910 Provi sional Issue




5pf on 3pf brown , very fine, tied by light strike of PON APE (KAROLINE N) 12/7/10 c.d.s. on picture post card bearin g official seal. Steuer Cert. (2002). Mi. 20, €7000 ....................................................(Photo )





766 0

1905 Unwmkd. $2½ slate & carmine , perforation 25:16, n.h., extr emely tine. Bothe hand stamp. Mi. 27B, €6000 ................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (32)

$2½, perforation 25:16, on-the-nose TSINGTAU KIAUTSCHO U 112 05 c.d.s., very fine. Steuer Cert. (2001) and hand stamp. Mi. 27B, €6000 ........................................................................................(Photo ) (32) 64

Catl. Val.


767 *

1897 First Issue 3pf yellow brown, o.g. (hinge remnant ), extremely fine. Steuer Cert. (1999), various handstamps. Mi. Ila, €5000 ...........................................................................................................(Photo) (la)

768 /:;

3pf reddish ochre, tied by neat strike of JALUIT MARSCHALL-INSELN 25 8 99 c.d.s., extremely fine. Steuer Cert. (1990), Richter and Dr. Lantelme handstamp s. Mi. lib , €3120 ...................(Photo ) (la var.)

769 770

* 1:;

77 l EP

772 **

Bern Issue 3pf gray brown, o.g., very fine. Steuer Cert. (2001). Mi. IIB, €1600 ..........................(Photo ) (1 var.) TOGO: 1890-1901 Forerunner; I0pf brownish red , tied by clear strike of LOME TOGOGEBIET 3 10, very fine. Bothe handstamp. Mi. 47c, €2400 ................................................................................................(Photo) GREECE: 19th and 20th Century, accum. on pages, etc., incl. about 40 essays, plus circa 1931 Scott design A41 Id dark blue & orange brown , 2 Die proofs each affixed in separate Perkins Bacon folder with ms. notations, 2 imperf sheets of 25, one in issued colors, other orange brown, plu s orange brown vignette imperf sheet of 100, also Die proofs and imperf plate proof s incl. Imprint strip of 6, SOL violet imperf sheet of 150 compr . 3 panes of 50 each with notations , etc. mixed condition ....................Est. Cash Value $500-1,000 1933 Youth of Marathon 100d brown & dull green , n.h., extre mely fine. Mi. 371, €1300 ..............(Photo) (380)


773 * O IBlGREECE AND AREA: 19th and 20th Century, accum. of several thousand in glassines, etc., in carton, n.h. to o.g. or used, much Greece incl. back-of-book and better Occu., with selection of Dedeagatch incl. few covers , Corfu , Crete, Thrace , etc., with comp!. or part sets, moderatel y better items, part sheets and blks, ovpt. varieties or errors, coll. remainders and auction lot selections, etc., mixed condition to much very fine. Requires careful inspectio n ................................................Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,500



1945 lo to Sk comp!. set, very fine, tied by light strikes of GODTHAAB 1-2-1945 First Day cance l on unaddre ssed envelope, reduced slightly at left. Mi. €260 ................................... ......... ............................................................ (10-14)

1945 Overprinted Issue 775 Comp!. set of nine, incl. three sheet margin copies, n.h., few inclusion s, extremely fine .............(Photo ) (19-27) 776 ** EBlo, So, 7o, top right corner blks of four , n.h., extremely fine. Mi. €1020+ .......................(Photo page 67) (19-21)



Cati. Val. Inverted Overprint

** 778 ** 779 ** 780 ** 78 1 ** 782 ** 783 * 777

Hi olive black & violet , n.h. , hand stamp on rever se, extrem ely fine ............................................(Photo ) (19 var. ) Hi, sheet margin cop y, n.h ., handstamp on reverse , extremel y fine ............................................(Photo ) (19 var. )

156 red & bright ultramarine , n.h. , handstamp on re ver se, extremel y fine ...............................(Photo ) (23 var. ) 300 dark blue & red brown, n.h. , handstamp on reverse, extr emely fin e ...................................(Photo ) (24 var. ) 5k dark purple & dull brown , n.h., handstamp on r everse , few inclu sions , extremel y fine ......(Photo ) (27 var. ) Overprint Colors Reversed lOo to 5k compl. set, n.h., few inclusions, extremely fine. Mi. €1500..(Photo ) (22a-27a ) too, 300, 2k , n.h., l0o l.h., very fine .......................................................... ................................ (Photo) (22a,24a,26a) 784 * 0 83 1905 to 1984, sf lection of several hundred in glassines, on pages, etc., in box, vast majority n.h., balance o.g. or used, incl. many blks of 4, sets plus extras, small coll., post office packs, Parcel Post, Semis, etc., fine to very fine .................................................. ................................................... .............. .........................Est. Cash Value $600-800 1924-30 Surcharged 10k on 50a , 10k on lk , 10k on 5k , l.h., last o.g ., fresh, fine to very fine ICELAND: 785 ............................................................. ......................... ..................................................................(Photo) ( 140,4 1,43)




400.00 400.00 400.00 500.00 400.00 370.00+


1873 to 1999, coll. of many hundred diff. in hingeless album, n.h. to o.g., some early used, incl. better early items and many comp!. sets, Souvenir sheets or sheetlets , Semis, Airs and back-of-book incl. better Officials , some faults and sets mixed mint/used , much fine to very fine .....Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200

INDO-CHINA 787 ** 83 1892-1900 50c carmine & blue on rose, sheet margin blk of four, n.h., extremely fine. Yv. as hinged €183+ ......................................................................................................................... ...........................................(Photo) (17) 1904-06 "France" 10c to 2fr, eight diff. millesime pairs, l.h. to o.g.(hinge remnant), 2fr one stamp short perf, 788 mixed centering to very fine. Yv. €257+ ..................................... .................................... ............... (28,30-33,35,37,38) 1919 4c on 10c red & black, double surcharge , plus surch. with wide spacing and closed "4", each in pair 789 with normals, latter vert., l.h., fresh, fine. Yv. €149 ............................................... ...............(Photo) (69 var.,69a,b) 1931-41 Dancer , lpi black, trial color Die proof die sunk on soft wove, 127x123mm , also showing S0c and 790 DP 2pi value designs , negligible selvage crease, very fine .........................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $200-300 1941 Petain (25c ) blue , Die proof die sunk on card , 162x122mm , without value inscription , very fine 791 DP .............................................................................................................. (Photo) (209ADP) Est. Cash Value $ 150- 250 Semi-Postal; 1939 French Revolution Die proof in black on thick wove paper, 95x61mm , without country 792 DP inscription and value, very fine ................................................... ......... (Photo) (BlSDP ) Est. Cash Value $300-500

* *

793 181




19th and 20th Centur y, coll. of 33 items in album , incl. mint and used stationer y, Peace and Commerce and "Franc e" issues on cover to various destinations , Regis. , aerogramme s, FDCs, etc., mixed condition to very fine ................................. ............................................Est. Cash Value $2,000-2 ,500

IRAN : Air Post; 1927 l0kr , 20kr, 30kr, high values, 1.h., very fine. Handstarnp on reverse and signed Meghrig .............. ................................................................................................. ..................... ........................(Photo) (C l4- 16)



ISRAEL: 1948 First Coin set compl., full tabs, n.h., usual inclusions, 500m rejoined tab, fine to very fine. As tab set $4960 ............................................................ ............................................. ........(Cover Photo) (1-9)

18120th Centur y, accum. of man y hundred stamp s and cover s in sheet files , glassine s, etc. , in carton , 796 * IBl much n.h., incl. comp!. sheets, forerunners, loca ls, labels, Palestine, sets, Airs, etc., generally fine to very fine .............................................................................................................. ................................Est. Cash Value $300-400 1948 and 1949, balance on stock sheet, n.h. to unused, compr. Coin 50111full tab, Flying Scroll horiz. gutter vert. 797 pairs, tete-beche pairs and 1949 New Year set of three 35p tab rej oined, fine to very fine ........Est. Cash Value $ 150




* 799 * 798



ITALIAN STATE: TWO SICILIES ; 1858 Sg brown lake, o.g., good margins all round, very fine. A. Diena Cert. ( 1969) and signed by him .............................................. ............................ ...................................................(Photo) (4) ITALY: Air Post; 1930 Trans-Atlantic Squadron 7.70L Prussian blue & gray, part Imprint copy, l.h., very fine ................................... ............................. ............................................................................... ................................(C27) Air Post Official; 1934 SERVIZIO DI STA TO lOL blue black, I.h., extremel y fine .....................(Photo) (CO2) 66

1,350.00 225.00+ 350.00





Cati. Val.

JAPAN Dragon Issues Ungummed

* 802 * 803 * 804 *

1871 Native Laid Paper Plate I 100m blue, portion s over -inked, mostly large margins all round , light creasing, fresh, fine appearance ...................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (2) 500m blue green , mostly large margin s all round , negligible creasing, very fine appearance ...............(Photo ) (4) 1872 perf 9-12 & Compound 2s ver mmon , wove paper , small faults, fresh, fine appearance ..............(Photo ) (7a)


Ss blue green, o.g. (hinge remnants), faults, fine appearance ..................................................................... (Photo ) (8) 1874 Foreign Wove Paper 30s gra y, lightly caned. , faulty and repaired . Collectible copy of this great rarity ....................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (25)

805 0

190.00 400.00 400.00 500.00 5,000.00


1894 Wedding Anni versar y 2s carmine , on-the-nose I.J.P.O. SHA GHAI MEUI 9 II 1894 pmk, very fine ....................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (85) 1948 " Beaut y Looking Back " Sy brown , sheet of five, stamps n.h. , few inclusion and gum bends, very fine .......... ... ..... ... ... .. .... ... ..... ... ...... ... ..... .... ... ~~




1948-49 Wmkd. Curved Wavy Line s lO0y carmine lake , S00y deep blue , o.g., fine ................ (Photo) (435,436) 1950-52 Unwmkd. l00 y carmine lake , S00y deep blue , o.g., very fine ........................................ (Photo ) (52 1A,B}


* *

Air Post 1919 1½s blue , 3s rose, com pl. set, l.h., former with trace of thin spot, fine, latter very fine .......... (Photo ) (C l ,C2) Compl. set, o.g. (hinge remnant), I ½s very fine, 3s fine. Signed H. Bloch .......................................(Photo ) (C l ,C2)

806 0

* 808 * 8 10 8 11

8 12


sheet of four , n.h., light gum bend , tiny nick bottom selvage, fine **ffi1929-34 Philatelic Exhibition Souvenir ................................................................................................(Photo ) (CS) .........................................................

8 13

*ffi Souvenir sheet, l.h., inclusion in margin , very fine ............................................................................... (Photo ) (CS)

8 14 * O

1871 to 1892, coll. of about 70 diff. on White Ace pages , used , couple unused , incl. few Dragon types , Chrysanthemum issues incl. Native and Foreign Wove paper , with an d without Syllabic Character s, Kohan types, mixed condition .................................................................................... Est. Cash Value $1,000

8 15 * O

1894 to 1978, coll. of man y hundred on White Ace pages in 3 ring-binder s on carton, l.h. to unused , some used , high degree of completeness with better sets, incl. Ceremonia l Cap (faults ) and others incl. Airs, Souvenir sheets, etc., some small faults , overall fine to very fine .......Est. Cash Va lue $2,000- 2,500


8 17


8 19


KOREA: 1959 to 1966, selection of a few hundred imperf Souvenir sheets in glassines in box, n.h. but for a very few, lar ge amount of 296a, 305a, 322a, few bend s or printing wrinkles , generally very fine. Scott about $2675 ...................................................................................................................................................(betw. 290a and 545a) LIECHTENSTEIN: 1965 Madonna lOfr orange red , sheet of four , 50 sheets, stamps n.h., some with small corner gum disturbance , stamp s extremely fine. Mi. €2200 ........................................ .................................... (395) LITHUANIA: Air Post; 1924 Car rier Pigeons 60c rose, unwmkd. , n.h. , handstamp on rever se, extremely fine. Mi. 222y, €400 ................................................................................................................................. (Photo ) (C39 var. )

**ffi 82 1 ** Air Po st Semi-Postal; 1924 Carrier Pigeon 60c+60c rose , unwmkd. , I.h. , ve r y fine. Mi. 239 y, €600 822 * .............................................................................................................................................. ...........(Photo) (CB3 var .) 823 ** NETHE RLANDS: 1920 2.50g on 10g orange, n.h. , sho11 perf, very fine. Mi. €420 ........................... (Photo ) (104) NEW CALEDONIA: 1932 Pari s-Noumea Flight set of two , o.g., light gum loss from hinge removal, fine 824 * ......................................................................... ..................................................................................(Photo ) ( 180, 18 1) 825 ** NEW HEBRID ES : 1920-21 W mkd. RF in Sheet 2p on 40p red on yellowish , n.h. , fine. S.G. £ 120+ ....................................................................................................................................................................(Phot o) (3 1) 820



827 * O

710.00 710.00

1,700.00 1,200.00

Accum. of several hundred 19th cent. postal cards and 20th cent. cacheted, unaddre ssed FDCs, some First Flights , etc., mixed condition to very fine .......................................................................Est. Cash Value $200-400 20th Century , accum. of many hundred in glassines and sheet file in box, n.h., mo tly 1950s and 60s, some earlier, incl. comp!. sheets, corner blks of 4, singles and Souvenir heets, generally very fine ......Est. Cash Value $350-400 1959 to 1963, MIHON (Specimen ), group of over 400 in glassines in box, n.h. , incl. 676, 677 (60), 682, 683 (76 ), 688-90 (33), 692 , 18 blk s of 4, 770 , 771 (75 ), 794 (10, incl. blk s of 4), few other s, very fine ............................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-750

8 16

8 18 Sl!ll


PERU : 1860-61 Id blue , six copies with varied margins , tied by TACNA I 8 MAY 6 1 c.d.s. strike on neat blue folded letter sheet, to Lima. Holcombe Cert. ( I 992) ........................................(Photo ) (9) E t. Cash Value$ l00- 150 PORTUGAL AND COL O TES: 19th and 20th Century to 1960s, coll. remainder of many hundr ed diff. in 2 Specialty albums , I.h. to unused or used, over 15 colonies, some sets and back-of-book , mixed condition to very fine ........................................................ .....................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-750



300.00 650.00 165.00+



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·••'••~~ ---,·· ····. 69

Cati. Val.


**Hl1949 Lenin Mausoleum

Ir gray black & orange brown , imperf Souvenir sheet of four , n.h., negligible wrinkling , otherwise very fine. Mi. €1200 .................................................................................................................(1327a var.)



* 831 *


1931-32 Airships set compl., imperf vert. pairs, n.h.(1), l.h.(1), larg e margins, extremely fine. Mi. €450 as n.h. ............................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (ClS-19 ) 1931 North Pole set compl. , perf 12x12½, plus imperf vert. pair s, n.h. or l.h., large margin s, extremely fine. Mi. 402-0SBC, €440 ..........................................................................................................................(Photo) (C26-33)



Air Post ; 1930 Graf Zeppelin set of two, imperf sheet margin copies, l.h., lar ge margins other sides, hand stamps on rever se, extremel y fine .............................................................(Cover Photo ) (C 12b,C13b)

*OHlPrimaril y 20th

Century, coIJ. of a few thousand mostly diff. in 5 stockbooks in carton, n.h. to o.g. or c.t.o., incl. man y compl. sets and better Souvenir sheets, Semis and Airs, imperfs and a few covers , some faults though overall fine to very fine. Worth careful inspection ....................Est. Cash Value $1,500





836 837

1948 First Printing set compl., n.h. , few inclu sions, very fine to extremely fine ........................... (Photo ) (la-7a) Same, very l.h. if at all, fine to very fine .............................................................................................. (Photo ) (la-7a)


1952 Provisional 100g on 2y rose violet, sheet margin copy, n.h ., very fine. Friedl Cert. (1961) and signed H. Bloch ............................................................................ .......................................(Cover Photo ) (17)

1959 ½c to 17c comp I. set, bottom right corner Imprint block s of ten , n.h. , very fine .................(Photo ) (58-62) **(jj] Air Post; 1959 Surcharged set compl. , bottom right corner Imprint blocks of ten, n.h. , #Cl8 tiny selvage tear, **(jj]

510.00 510.00

1,900.00 459.00

very fine ..............................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (C l4-18) 1960 Surcharged set com pl., bottom right corner Imprint blocks of ten, n.h., fine to very fine ....................(C 19-23) 838 **(jj] Revenues; 1952-53 l y to lO00y compl. set, most with sheet margin , lO00y corner copy, few inclusion s, very 839 fine to extremely fine ............................................................................................................................(Photo ) (Rl-8 )

362.00 3 12.00

1958 le to $10 compl. set, ungummed as issued , n.h. , fine to extremely fine .................................(Photo ) (R9-16) 1959-69 le to $10, eight diff. , n.h. , very fine to extr emely fine ................................(Photo ) (R17-20,23,24,27,28)

1, 165.00 359.00

** 840 **

84 1






1948, accum . of man y hundred in glassines, etc., in box, vast majorit y n.h. , incl. compl. sheets, Imprint blks of 6 or larger , blks of 4, ovptd. MilION (Specimen ), Tuberculosi s seals in compl. sheets, Airs, etc., generally very fine ...................................................................................... Est. Cash Value $1,000

Selection of about 150 items in shoe box, incl. cacheted , unaddre ssed FDCs, mint and used stat ionery incl. postal cards and aerogrammes, some commercial mail , fine to very fine ...................Est. Cash Value $400-500 SAN MARINO: Air Post; 1931 View 50c to lOL compl. set, l.h., very fine to extreme ly fine ....(Photo ) (Cl-10 ) SURINAM: Air Post ; 1931 DO.X set compl., period omitted after "Do", bottom stamps in vert. pairs with normals , n.h., top stamps l.h., very fine. Mi. €2550 ..............................................................(Photo ) (C8-14, vars.) SWEDEN: 1891-1904 Engraved So to lk , nine dill'., o.g. (few hinge remnant), fine to very fine ..(Photo ) (56-63,65) SWITZERLAND: 1945 Peace set compl., incl. Semi-Postal, n.h. except 40c mount mark on gum, very fine to extremel y fine ....................................................... ..................................................................(Photo ) (293-305,B145) Semi -Po sta ls; 1940 Na tional Fete Day Imperf Souvenir sheet of four, n.h. , extremel y fine. Mi. €450 ....................................... ......................................................................................................... ...............(Photo) (8105 )

* * 846 * 847 ** 848 ** 849 ** 1951 LUNABA Imperf Souvenir sheet of one, n.h. , extremely fine. Mi. €280 ................................(Photo) (8206 ) 850 ** 1908 to 1993, coll. of man y hundred on album pages in 3 ring-binders in carton , n.h. but for a very few, 844 845



317.00 525.00 375.00 275.00

incl. better Souvenir sheets and Airs, man y comp l. sets incl. Semis, some Officials , fine to very fine ............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Va lue $1,000-1,250

* 852 * 853 * 854 * 851

SYRIA: Air Post; 1920 Hand stamped set of three , o.g., many handstamps on reverse, 1Op on 40c barest trace of thin, fine to very fine. Yv. €1075 ...........................................................................................................(Photo ) (C l-3 ) 1921 Overprinted in Violet set of three , l.h., many handstamps on reverse, very fine. Yv. €1150 ....(Photo ) (C4-6) 1921 Overprinted A VIO set compl. , Sp on lfr and l0p on 2fr bottom sheet margin copies, l.h., very fine. Yv. €492 .................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (C7-9) NORTH VIET NAM : 1956 to 1960, selection of over 115 diff. in stockbook, ungummed, mostly comp!. sets, plus 4 Souvenir sheets, fine to very fine ................................................................................. (betw. 28 and 14 la, etc.) 70

660.00 660.00


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Coll. and accum. of many hundred covers in file drawer and 4 boxes, wide ranging and many topicals , incl. U.S., Europe, Great Britain and Colonies especially Pacific incl. Australia and Antarctic Terr., Latin America, etc., with FDCs and commercial mail , mint and used stationery, Polar Expeditions incl. Russia , Norway, Greenland, etc., India Mt. Everest (3), South Africa Ship cancels, Falkland Island s incl. early posta l cards, Germany Refugee Year, R.P.O.s, picture post cards, Air Post incl. First Flights, scattered better covers, generally fine to very fine and quite eclectic ...............................Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000

856 * Q [!j] Balance of a propert y in 2 cartons, n.h. to unu sed or used, much Europe, also British areas , U.S., incl. Souvenir cards (two 1966 SIPEX) , Germany and State s, particularl y Bavar ia, Latin America, etc., incl. coll. and auction lot remainder s, etc., in glassines, Serbia sheets , Fr. Colonies part sheets, Br. Offices, etc., mixed condition. Shou ld be carefully inspected .........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,500-1,800

857 * 0181 Prop ert y as received in 5 cartons , n.h . to unused or used , man y thousand in glassines, loose, on pages, in stock sheets in numerous binder s, etc., man y countries incl. U.S. with sma ll amount of face, Briti sh areas, incl. Omnibu s, Asia , much Europe , etc., Souvenir sheets, blks of 4 or larger, imperf s, covers, some sets, stock remainders, etc., mixed condition and rather messy ...........................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,500

858 * Q [!j] Stock and accum. of many thou sand in stock sheets, over 30 ring-binders , envelopes, etc., and loose in 7 cartons, n.h. to unu sed or used , wide ranging and many countries incl. U.S., with comp!. and part sheets , some sets and Souvenir sheets , Christmas Seals and labels , Revenues, etc., mixed condition ....................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200

859 * O

Coll. and accum. of a few thou sand in 17 stockbooks in carton , n.h. to o.g. or used , mostly East and West Europe , Great Britain and British areas, larger selections of Monaco, Greece , Spain, topicals, incl. man y comp!. sets and Souvenir sheets, few covers, usual faults though overall fine to very fine ...............................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000

860 * O 6 Accum. of many thousand mostly in envelopes and glassines in 8 boxes and carton, mostly used, some o.g., generall y common issues with much Europe and British areas , some large quantities , some sets and Souvenir sheets , also Latin America, etc., mixed condition ....................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000 86 1 * O rn Balance of a propert y in 2 cartons, n.h. to unu sed or used, man y thou sand in stock sheets in ring-binders, coll. remainders in albums, etc., incl. France and Colonies, Portugal and Colonies, Germany and Area , Philippine s, Belgian Congo and Ruanda-Urundi , Cuba Souvenir sheets, Liberia , etc., mixed condition to very fine ..............................................Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 862 * O Balance of a propert y in carton, much used , some o.g., man y thousand in glassines, etc., and coll. remainders on pages , stamps from almost everywhere incl. U.S., Europe, incl. Poland on paper , Latin America incl. Cuba in glassines, Asia incl. Philippines , China, Briti sh Areas, Liberia, etc., retired approval pages, mixed condition ....................................................Est. Cash Value $500-750 863 * 0181 Balance of a property in carton , incl. many Souvenir Cards with better items and Num ismatic issues, United Nations incl. mint stationery, misc. U.S. incl. Fractional Curr ency, Israel, Spain Revolution Souvenir sheets, lndo-China blks and gutter pair s, Pakistan 1-19 FDC, Southeast Asia, etc., mixed condition to very fine ......................................................Est. Cash Value $500-600 864 1816

865 * O

Accum. of man y hundred covers in 2 boxes and carton , wide ranging with common from man y countries incl. U.S., much Europe incl. Belgium railwa y stamps on parcel post receipts , much commercial mail , censored, FDCs, postal stationery mint and used , picture post cards, etc., mixed condition ............................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500 Several thousand on retired approval sheets in 3 boxes , used, some o.g., many co untri es incl. U.S., random iss ues and some sets, generally of a chea per va riety, mixe d condition .........................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $400- 600 72


866 * O EEBalance of a few thousand in carton, n.h. to unused or used, many countrie s in glassines, etc., incl. U.S., Europe , British areas, Israel incl. Revenues, some slightly better items or sets, Souvenir sheets incl. 1974 U .P.U. Centenar y, some album pages and stock heets, mixed cond ition to very fin e ........................................... ..............................................................................E t. Cash Value $400-600 867 * O

868 869


871 872





Balance of many hundred in Junior album and stock sheets in ring-binder, l.h. to unused or used, many countries though generally cheaper stamps, small group of Japan circa I 920, n.h., binder incl. mostly British Commo nwealth, mixed condition ............................................Est. Cash Value $400- 500 0 Balance of a property in carton, used, scattered unused, many thou and in glassines, etc., many countrie s incl. much Europe, also a few coll. remainders on pages, mixed condition ....Est. Cash Value $300-400 * O Balance of a property in carton, n.h. to o.g. or used, man thousand in coll. remainders and accum ., off and on paper, many countries incl. U.S., British area , Latin Ameri ca, etc., and much Europe, also a couple topical coils. and Canada coll./accum. incl. Pl. blks, stationery, etc., mixed condition ..................................... ....................................................................................Est. Cash Value $250-3 50 181 Accum. of many hundred covers in carton and box, incl. U.S. and U.N., British Colonies, Latin America and Europe, incl. France 19th cent., Greece and Italy and areas, flights, censored, modern com mercia l ma il, et c ., mixed co ndi tion ...................................................Est. Cash Value $200-400 * O Coll. remainder of many hundred diff. in 2 albums, o.g. to unused or used, many countries, some comp!. sets incl. China and lran, mixed condition ................................... .......Est. Cash Value $200-300 * O liilAccum. of many hundred in 6 stockbooks, glassines, etc., in carton, much Europe incl. France Mar ianne blks of 4 or larger , Great Britain, misc. covers, etc., fair amount n.h., mixed condition to very fine ...........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $150-200 * O t:,.REVENUES: Primarily 19th Century, coll. and accum. of a few thousand in album, etc., in box, used, some o.g., man y countrie s, but much Europ e incl. Greece and Middl e East, some hand stamped on document s, British areas, misc. Latin America and Japan , multiples, etc., mixed condition. Wide ranging and fa scinating array ..............................Est. Cash Value $500-1 ,000 0 t:,. Primarily 20th century, accum. of tens of thousands in envelopes, etc., and loose in 11 cartons, mostly used, incl. on and off paper, bundled stock , etc., man y countries incl. much U.S. , mixed condition .........................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-1 ,000 * O EEBalance of several hundred in glassines, etc., in small box, n.h. to unused, some used, many countries with a bit more Australia and misc. selection of Canada, incl. blks of 4, Canada back-of-book, Air Post selection incl. Latin Americ a, some sets and blks, mixed condition to very fine with a fair number n.h . .........................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $300- 500 * O 20th Century, coll. of many hundred diff. in International Part II albums, o.g. or used, many countries incl. Great Britain and Commonwealth , Europe incl. Austria, Germany and Area, Ital y, Iraq , Eg ypt , etc. , comp I. and part set s, Semi s, etc ., generall y fine to ve ry fin e ........................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-600



Circa 1920s and 30s, many hundred diff. in hinge-post and spring-back Scott International Air Post albums in carton, l.h. or o.g., many countries incl. U.S. and Asia, larger selections of Briti sh Area s, Europe , Middl e East and Latin America , compl. or part sets, fe w Souvenir sheets, some slightly better material, incl. Spain imperfs and Michel listed shades, Honduras 1925 AERO CORREO types, etc., generally quite fresh and fine to very fine .........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $4,000-4 ,500


19th and 20th Century, excellent selection of around 350 better stamps and sets mostly in safet y deposit type stock book , n.h . to used , use ful German y incl. booklet s, co ve r, some cert s. Wo rth car eful insp ecti on and useful for small er au ctions and the Int ern et .........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,500-2 ,000

879 * O

Balance of a propert y in 11 Specialt y album s in carton , unu sed or used , inc l. F ran ce and Co loni es, Ru ssia , Sca ndin av ia, Latin America , sparsel y fil led album s, mi xed conditio n ................................... ......................................................................................Est. Cash Value $350-450


Postal History; Coll. of approximately 100 covers, compr. Epirus (9) from very early 1900s, WWII Polish Field Post (45) with various country frankings, 19th and 20th cent. Montenegro (23), Netherland s WWI P.O.W. and Disinfected Mail (23), 19 Stampl ess from Tuni s, Fran ce, Constantinople. A wonde,fully diversified group and well worth inspection ....Est. Cash Value $500-750




88 1


Prim arily 20th Centur y, accum. of many thou sand in glassines, etc., in cart on, vast majorit y n.h. , many countrie s with much Eur ope, incl. larger selection of Belgium , AMG coll. in glass ines plu s empt y album page s, EU ROP A issues, Fr ench Colonie s, Latin America , Africa and Middl e Eas t, man y compl. sets, Souvenir sheets, blks, Semis, Airs, bookl ets, etc., generally tin e to very tin e ..............................................................Est. Cash Valu e $1,200-1,500

882 * EB ASIA : 20th Centur y, selection of several hundred in glassines in box, vast majorit y n.h. , about a dozen countri es, incl. China , Korea, Mongolia, South east Asia, with Souvenir sheets and compl. sets, generall y very tin e ........................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500 883 * O IBl EUROP E : SCAN DI NAVIA; 19th and 20th Ce ntur y, coll. of seve ral thou sand neatl y ar ra nged in 13 stockbook s in cart on, n.h. to o.g., plus used dupl. coll. and accum. , compr . Aland , Denmark , Faro e Is., Finland , some Gr eenland and Iceland and significant Sweden, other misc., incl. better sets both mint and used, booklet s and Souvenir sheets, Semis, Airs, back-of-book , seal s and lab els, modern cach eted FD Cs , etc., some fault s as would be expected, overall tin e to very tin e ................................................Es t. Cash Valu e $2,000-2 ,500 884 ** IBlLate 1970s to 1990s, coll. of 79 post office set or year pack s in ca rt on, n.h ., compr. Denmark (9), Fa roe Is. (7), Fin land ( 11), Gr ee nl and ( 12), Icel and (9), orway ( 14), Sweden ( 17), incl. dupl. also misc . Foreign incl. misc. China, Fran ce, Sweden selection, etc., ge nerally very fine ................................................................................................................... ......Est. Cash Value $200-2 50 20th Ce ntur y to 1999, coll. of many hundr ed items in 17 album s or binder s in 2 ca rton s, 885 t8l mostly modern issues of Aland , Denm ark , Finland , Iceland , orway, Sweden, some earlier incl. un addr esse d, cac heted FDCs , compl. sets, Semi s, etc., pictur e post ca rd s, mint and used sta ti oner y, etc., also a selecti on of Ge ner a l Fo r eign and Br iti sh incl. Geoph ys ical Ye ar , Switzerland , Ca nada, generall y tin e to very tin e ...................................Est. Cash Value $500-1 ,000 886 * O EBLATI N AME RI CA : 20th Centu ry , accum. of man y hundr ed diff. in 3 stockbook s, vast majority n.h., balance o.g. or used, incl. over 15 countri es, genera lly small selection , but incl. sets, blks Souvenir sheets, Air Post, misc. foreign, generally fine to very fine ..............Est. Cash Value $250-3 00 887 ** EB MIDDL E EAST: 20th Centur y to 1990s, coll. of many hund re d diff. in 2 stockbook s, n.h. , compr. Abu Dhabi, incl. pro visionals mint and used and 2 covers, Aden and sub-divi sions, incl. South Arabia , Ajm an, Dubai, Fujeir a, Qat ar, Unit ed Ar ab Emir ates, also Paki stan , incl. perf vars. and Bah awa lpu r, ma ny bett er sets, Souvenir sheets, Officials, imp erfs, etc., generall y very tin e .........................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,200 888 ** IBlPACIF IC ISLANDS: 1980s, coll. of a few hundr ed on pages in rin g-bind er, n.h. , compr. Marshall I lands, Micronesia, Palau, incl. many sets, se-tenant blks, Souvenir sheet and comp!. sheets, booklets, Airs, generally very fine ..........................................................................................Est. Cash Value $125

from !J!!!at Jiarmers 74



We areplanningour

March GeneralAuction Ourfirst Auctionin 2003 Contactus now.

H.R. HARMER LLC 3 EAST 28TH STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10016 TEL: (212) 532-3700 FAX: (212) 447-5625 EMAIL: hrharmer


COLLECTORS CLUB OF NEW YORI( 22 East 36th Street at 6:30 p.m. An Exhibition of the Louise Boyd Dale/ Alfred F. Lichtenstein Collections February 5, 2003

United States Western Express Companies

February 19, 2003

British Columbia & Vancouver Island

Both exhibits are on the original collection pages. Mr. I(eith Harmer will be guest speaker.


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Pre J ."ifaterc library Amos


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.....•••. .•.•... .••..

December 12, 2002


PRICE $1.00 (or by subscription)

3 EAST 28th STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10016


SALE 2939

1 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 35 36 38 39 40 43 44 45 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 67 69 70

TOTAL $435,430

The Collections of the Estate of Eric Bole, Jacques Musy and Gerald S. Page, The Stuart Beringer Collections of United States and British America The Collections of Robert J. Schier, Fred Barovick, Herbert Keonig and Cecil Patterson , Jr.

105 90 325 160 170 450 375 625 550 475 700 650 230 400 1050 95 45 130 350 350 400 375 170 220 190 240 130 125 145 1600 135 125 145 150 80 400 1150 190 550 180 120 170 425 375 325 200 150 290 270 625 115 130 190 210 160 95 110


72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 85 86 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134

800 425 120 400 80 110 230 1200 80 85 180 400 230 625 210 75 75 80 100 95 160 115 260 80 300 325 290 400 220 170 150 800 240 325 200 425 400 475 325 375 525 675 550 500 3000 625 375 425 450 110 220 375 240 115 140 190 400

135 136 137 138 140 141 143 145 146 148 149 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 188 190 191 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200

550 450 115 400 425 2300 1900 190 170 270 90 220 900 190 160 850 475 325 290 170 725 800 300 160 210 75 170 85 1300 220 260 2600 850 650 525 550 525 525 1000 1100 450 375 200 1200 200 290 80 60 180 325 100 450 250 280 550 650 375

201 202 203 204 205 206 207 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 220 222 223 224 225 227 229 230 231 234 236 237 238 239 240 241 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 252 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270

375 675 220 75 145 350 95 100 250 210 110 350 575 80 625 525 350 105 210 300 80 220 375 250 300 325 125 200 425 325 270 200 125 130 115 115 80 80 120 190 260 145 290 55 450 260 90 85 65 290 375 75 575 135 130 900 375

271 272 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 282 284 285 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332

240 350 650 220 120 90 325 145 105 450 260 400 115 70 85 120 250 280 90 450 325 350 260 200 95 200 80 220 375 300 125 85 125 400 125 160 220 100 130 100 115 270 270 190 375 125 525 145 525 180 155 250 105 105 110 55 55

333 334 335 336 337 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 371 372 373 375 377 378 379 380 381 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397

55 110 130 425 120 300 3800 180 170 200 105 95 325 300 270 260 600 650 575 525 400 75 90 120 300 105 80 120 110 190 350 75 450 95 55 105 115 55 450 210 220 115 525 550 145 280 300 1300 575 160 55 270 140 2 10 675 4500 3250

398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 433 434 436 437 439 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459

1600 1050 850 900 1050 400 650 425 850 150 170 220 8500 850 4000 550 800 1900 850 750 550 350 400 525 110 850 260 200 1000 1600 575 475 1900 8000 3750 425 140 650 110 65 190 160 60 90 625 170 85 75 125 280 105 125 80 1100 1050 700 325

460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 497 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512

170 750 425 375 500 350 250 170 1900 1000 600 1000 525 325 55 210 500 900 575 170 575 1300 120 140 170 375 475 170 425 210 75 550 125 850 525 325 170 450 230 135 130 240 105 425 120 75 2600 110 3250

513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 527 528 533 534 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 556 557 558 559 561 562 563 564 565 566 568 571 572 573 576 577 578

145 600 115 150 145 900 1000 1600 200 625 625 425 1050 2400 280 210 170 325 400 300 900 260 260 250 135 950 650 135 525 55 100 130 750 115 150 200 300 450 550 1050 425 425 135 4250 1600 375 115 105 85

579 580 581 582 583 584 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634

105 900 130 145 550 105 95 575 115 375 300 95 230 500 260 800 250 250 850 160 180 850 525 650 100 350 90 300 65 400 110 1600 1200 1000 135 425 425 250 125 140 150 850 1050 190 120 135 170 450 190


635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 645 646 647 649 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 671 672 673 674 676 677 678 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 690

325 1800 675 500 375 325 250 270 200 65 200 130 75 120 625 650 125 230 220 250 425 750 1000 450 550 250 575 95 425 475 1150 210 750 950 300 125 150 375 800 575 160 130 800 150 75 280 200 140 425

691 693 694 696 697 698 699 700 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 721 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 735 736 739 750 751 753 754 760 765 766 771 772 773 774

250 100 75 160 160 290 1100 3250 250 105 4250 170 3250 575 3500 190 95 95 95 425 375 280 250 400 170 375 190 2100 125 750 300 950 125 3000 4250 1350 375 2000 650 1700 750 145 325 1500 1500 3750 280 4750 55

777 778 779 780 781 782 78 4 785 786 788 789 791 792 793 795 796 797 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 819 820 821 822 823 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835

220 240 220 220 210 375 575 210 1150 55 50 140 350 2200 1400 500 260 120 160 135 375 230 260 1400 170 260 300 290 325 900 700 1300 2600 400 450 550 325 95 115 100 425 475 1300 130 130 1600 270 180 1150

836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 848 850 851 852 853 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 883 884 885 886 887

160 155 125 220 400 150 900 375 95 475 100 160 950 150 240 150 2000 2200 1050 1350 850 950 1100 525 525 1200 600 425 575 525 260 575 300 210 1600 500 220 475 4750 1450 350 2700 900 1600 300 500 150 800


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