Sale 2940 - United States, British Commonwealth & Foreign, British North America Stamps and Covers

Page 1


OFFICE HOURS 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.



Never hinged






On cover


On piece




Block of fou r

~ Block larger than four


Plate Proof

DP Die Proof


TC Trial Color

We regret we are unable to accept credit cards for payment of purchases. For overseas buyers, we ask that payment be made by bank draft , wire or checks in dollars made payable on a U.S. bank .


SE= Straight Edge ; s.l. = Straight-line ; c.d.s. = Circu lar Date Stamp . c.t.o . = Cancelled to Order ; F.D.C. = First Day Cover CONDITION

The various gradings of stamps are, in order : superb; extremely fine; very fine ; fine ; fair. A lot describ ed as "fair" is so listed either by reason of general appearance or more often

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

because of a small fault or faults , such as a crease , thin spot , short or missing pert , perforated into . cut into , etc. In the case of sets , large blocks , sheets , etc., the condition quoted represents the average and quality above and below this standard can be expected . Mixed Condition : In large lots, the condition is generally expected to range from fair to at best fine . Serious defects can be expected . Handstamp on reverse : Denotes either a dealer , collector or indecipherable expertiser 's mark . Signed by : Denotes either the actual signature or mark of the expertise r. The absence of mentioning a signature does not reflect on the ability or knowledge of the party involved .

BIDDING LEVELS Up to $ 150 $150- $ 300 $300- $ 700 $700- $1 ,500 Over $1 ,500

$ 5 $10 $ 25 $ 50 approximately 5%

Bids which do not conform to the above will be automatically reduced to the correctlevel. BIDS BY TELEPHONE


□ FJPJf[]] N.H

L I.

0 .G.


Shaded portion can represenl an actual hinge or the area disturbed by a hi• J . Never hinged - unused with orig ,nal gum in Post Office state a. ,J unmounted n.h. l.h. Lightly hinged - unused with full original gum showing some evidence of a previous hinge which may be present in part or entirely removed . o.g. Original gum - unused with original gum somewhat disturbed by previous hinging which may still be present. part o.g . Part original gum - unused with original gum , large hinge remnants may or may not be present. disturbed o.g . Disturbed original gum - unused with original gum, affected by swea ting, glazing or mount disturbance ; may not resemble the original gum . unused Unused without gum (unless gum is mentioned) ungummed Unused without gum , as issued . BLOCKS OR SHEETS AND THEIR GUM : Minor separations are lhe rule, rather than t>9 qxccptioo , w- ~ in the case of blocks or sheets of any size . A few separations-around four perts ' affect the value of a block or sheet and are not grounds for the return of a lot Blocks of four that have two stamps o.g. and two stamps n.h. are describe -

Please comply with the following : (a) Not more than 20 bids can be accepted and must be confirmed in writing . (b) Any errors are the respons ibility of the bidder . (c) No bids accepted later than 1/2 hour before sale. BIDS BY FAX OR EMAIL You may fax or e-mail bids up to 1 hour before sale commences -

be sure to use

(212) 447-5625 or hrharmer @hrharmer .com

POSTAL VIEWING BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS ,ts of not more than 10 items .

-., U.S. clients only . ·wer !!lYfil pay postage and insurance both ways and return lots within 24 "'"' ,.,of receipt. Viewer assumes all responsibility,

including properinsurance . for

any loss,

,.,ther in his possession or in any and all forms of transit when returning Posta l PWing. 9efe rences required from bidders unknown to us.

PAIRS : All pairs are horizontal , unless otherwise mentioned .

CATALOGUE NUMBERS : The cat alogue numbers of the contents of the parentheses immed iately following the descr iptions , but in Lulk y lots only the "' shown .




,.. -

,uations of all lots are available in receipt of stamped , self-addressed envelope . GUM DESCRIPTION

CATALOGUE VALUES : The final column shows the cata1011uevalue of the lot. Th is is shown in parentheses where , in the opinion of the auctionee rs, the m r!<et value exceeds this figu re. ESTIMATED VALUES : If an estimate d cash val ue is given, it is shown in the description and always indica ted by the abbreviations "Est. Cash Val.". It is used where the lot is large or where the actual value has little relation to the catalogue price . It represents the auctioneer's appraisal of the true MARKET value of a lot and the figure is invariably close to the actual realizat ion. It is useless for mail bidders to list any bias that are only a low proportion of such estimates. CATALOGUES USED IN LISTING : U.S. Specialized Scott 1840-1940 Scott Vols . 1-6 Stanley Gibbons British Commonwealth Michel Germany M ichel Europe

Others as noted in the descriptions

Euros are Michel unlessotherwisenoted

Printed with Pantone 548 & 551

2003 2003 2003 2003 2002 2002/2003

qcognizing that there are occasional differences of opinion concerning gum

.omenclatureby various expert committees, for example, a stamp described as .. g. being certified as large part o.g. or even part o.g., this minor classification

1screpancyalone is not sufficientgrounds for return. COVER CONDITION

..i,1or faults including , but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps, small tears - ~d some back flap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue . HANDSTAMPS/BACKSTAMPS

Remember, NO lots may be returned with back stamps stating Fake, Falsch, or similar markings . Recently there has been a spate of German expertisers marking the backs of stamps . It is your responsibility as the purchaser not to let this happen . IN THE MAILING ENVELOPE You will find the bid form and prices realized for the December 12 United Stat es, British Commonwealth and Foreign , "Hohenzollern " German Offices and Colonie s Part II auction .

SALE 2940

UNITED STATES BRITISH COMMONWEALTH & FOREIGN BRITISH NORTH AMERICA The ccwoodstocF)Collection of Postal H istory ProfessorJ on Manchip White Collection of Cuba The Collections of Dr. Byron Rothhouse and The Estate of Raymond D. Fear and the properties of 16 other vendors.

March 2 7, 2 003 Afte rnoon Session at 1:00 P.M.


EXHIB ITIO N OF LOTS MARCH 24-26 from 9:30 a.m. to 5:15 p .m . or by Appointmen t EXHIBITION ROOM CLOSED 1:00 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. EACH DAY ON SALE DAY LOTS WILL BE AVAILABLE UNTIL 12 NOON

To be sold at Auction by

H. R. HARMERLLC 3 EAST 28TH STREET, 7TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY 10016 Telephone : (212 ) 532-3700 Fax: (212 ) 447-5625 E-mail : hrharmer Website: Keith A. Harmer , Jack LaCaJamito -

Licensed Auctioneers , License #'s 672829, 78087 0

On all lots sold a commission of 15% on the hammer price will be payable by the buyer.

Cati. Val.

THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 2003 Afternoon Session at 1:00 P.M.

UNITED STATES AUTOGRAPHS: 20th Century, selection of nine autograph s, incl. Ali , Ne lson Rockefe ller , one on VicePres ident 's stationery , Arnol d Palmer, etc., co uple ornate Pre identi al Navy appointment s, fine to very fine . Eclect ic gro up ................... ............... ................... ..................... ........................................ ....Est. Cash Value $200-300


POSTMASTER 'S PROVISIONAL: New York , N.Y. 1845-46 Sc black , Pos. 2, without signature, clear double transfer at bottom , margins alJ round , light red cancel, faint stain spot, till very fine ....................(Photo ) (9Xle )

750 .00



1847 ISSUE: Sc red brown, sheet margin cop y, unused, little or no margins other sides, rich color and fresh .............................................................................. ........................................................................................ (Photo ) {I)

4 0

Sc, cut in slightly to large margin s, lightened cancel and handstamp on reve rse showing through slightly, fine appearance .......................................................... .............................. .......................... .................................. (Photo ) ( I )

5 0

10c black, margins alJ round, pen cancel, repaired , fine appearance .......................... ............. .................(Photo) (2)

2,750 .00


1851-57 IMPERFORATE le Blue

6 0

le , type lb , Pos. 3RlE , cut in to larg e margins , on-the-nose c.d.s. cancel , cert. states " ...small thin spot", faults but a collect ible copy of thi s rare type. Foundation Cert. (1980) ............................................. (Photo ) (SA)


le, type Ia , just in or touched at bottom , very large margin s other sides , c.d.s. cancel, very fine. Foundation Cert. (1973) ......................................................................................... ..............(Cover Photo ) (6) 10,000.00

7 0

Love ly copy of rhis rare stamp

8 0

le , type III , mostl y very large margins all round , light pen cancel, small sealed tear , very fine appearance ......................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (8)

1,500 .00

9 0

le bright blue , type ill , Plate IE , Pos. 72L , very larg e margins to barel y touched at bottom showing portions of adjoining stamp three sides, neat N.Y. "two bar" c.d.s., tiny thin spot , still very fine. Foundation Cert. (200 l). Love ly stamp ..................... ................... ................. ............ .................................. .............................. .........(P hoto ) (8A)

I , I 00.00



le , type IV , BLOCK OF TEN , Pos. 16-20, 26-30L, full o.g. and fine color , usual creases and some faults, six with margins all round , generally fine ...............................................................(Cover Photo) (9) 8,600.00+ An impr ess ive multipl e, rare wilh gum

11 0

le light blue , pair , Pos. 95-96L , each recut , one at top , good to large margins all round , neat pen strokes, very fine to extremely fine ...................................................................... .................................. ........................... (Photo) (9)

12 0

Sc red brown , mostly large margins all round , dated c.d.s. cancel , pres sed crease , very fine appearance ............................... ..................... .................................... ........... .............................................. ................... (Photo) (12)


10c Green 13 0

10c, type I, PAIR , good to large margins, lightl y caned. , very faint corner crea ses, very fine .........(Photo ) (13)


14 0

10c, type II, STRIP OF THREE, Pos. 53-SSRI, clear to mostly enormous margins showing portion of adjoining stamp, grid cancels , center stamp small tear , fine to extremely fine ................................. .(Photo ) (14)


15 0

10c, VERTICAL PAIR , Pos. 7, 17L1, clear to large margin s all round , neat grid cancels, fine to very fine ................................................................................. ...................................................................................(Photo ) ( 14)

475 .00

10c, types III+II , VERTICAL PAIR , clear to large margins alJ round , neat c.d.s. cancels, fine to very fine .............................................................................................................................. ............... ..................(Photo ) ( 14, 15)


16 0

lOcT ype ill 17 0

10c, very lar ge even margins , neat c.d.s. cancel, extremely fine .......................................................... (Photo ) (15)


18 0

10c, good to enormous margins, blue c.d.s., very fine ................ .................... ............... .........................{Photo) ( 15)

220 .00

19 0

10c yellowish green, PAIR, good to very large margins all round , lightl y caned. , very fine .............(Photo ) (15)


20 0

10c, PAIR , Pos. 45-46Rl , good to large margin s all round , lightly caned., fine to very fine ...............(Photo ) ( 15)


21 0

10c, PAIR , Pos. 43, 44Rl , clear to mostly enormous margins showing portions of adjoining stamps at sides, truly insignificant faults, fine to very fine .................................................................................................. (Photo ) (15)


12c black on very thin paper , sheet margin copy, large margins to frame line just touched , red and black cancels, fine ............................................................................................................................................... (Photo ) ( 17)


22 0



Minor faults including, but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps, small tears and some backflap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue.


Cati. Val.













le , type D, STRIP OF THREE, large margins or touched, fine to very fine, tied by red grid cance ls on neat 185 1 blue folded letter bearing matching R1CHMOND Va. JUL IO c.d.s. to Co lumbia. Rare second week of use ........................................... ............................... ................................................ (Photo) (7) Est. Cash Value $200-300 le , PLATE 2, three singles, margins all round to touched, fine to very fine, tied by TROY N.Y. (?) 11 c.d.s. strikes on attractive amber Iron Foundry adve rtising cove r to New York ....... (Photo) (7) Est. Cash Value $200- 250 Used to France: le , PAIR , margins to cut in , plu s 3c, all tied by NEW ORLEANS La. MAY 12 c.d.s. strike s on buff 1856 envelope bearing ms. " 19" decimes, Boston Br. Pkt and G.B. and French transits. Attra ctive examp le .......................... .................................................... .......................................(Photo) (7, 11) Est. Cas h Val ue $ 150-200 le , type IV , Pos. 9R1L, double transfer, recut at bottom, good to large margins all round, very fine, tied by blue grid cancel on 1856 Cincinnati blue printed prices current, to Te 1Te Haute . Signed Ashbrook with leng thy notation. Lovely cover......................................... .............................................. (Photo) (9) Est. Cas h Value $ 150-200

10c, types II+III , Pos. 61, 71Rl , le , type II , Pos. SR2, all with margins all round, plus 3s claret, cut in, all tied by SAINT LOUIS MO . SEP 29 c.d.s. on refo lded 1856 legal size amber co urthouse envelope (two ide back flaps missing) to Illinois. An. attractive three -color combination ..............(Photo) ( 14, 15,7, I I) Est. Cas h Value $300-4 00 Use d to Canada; 10c , type III , two copies, margin s to in , tied by NEW YORK OCT 11 c. d .s. on enve lope bear in g HAM IL TON OCT 12 1855 re ce ive r on rever se. Rare doubl e rat e lett e r to Canada .............................................. ....................................................... ...................(Photo) ( 15) Est. Cash Value $ 150-200








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Cati. Val.

1857-61 PERFORATED 15½ le Blue

35 0

le , type I, showing complete design at bottom, neat ly caned., fine ............ .............. .......... ................... (Photo) (18) le, type II, Plate 2, VERTICAL STRIP OF THREE, Pos. 46, 56, 66L2, curl showing between top and middle stamps, caned. by neat pen stroke s, top stamp corner perf crease , fine.........(Photo) (20) Est. Cash Value $200-250 le , PAIR , Pos. 48-49R2 , neat pe n strok es , love ly co lor , well ce nt e red a nd fin e to very fine .................................................................. ......................................................(Photo) (20) Est. Cash Value $ 100-150 le light blue, from Plate 12, red N.Y. carr ier cancel , well centered for this, fine and very attractive. A lovely stamp ....................................................................... ............................... ..............................................................(Photo) (20) le blue, type III , Plate 4, lightly caned., fresh, fine ...................... .........................................................(Photo) (21) le, type Illa , Plate 4, unused, one of the few remaining SE cop ies, fresh, fine. Quite rare ........... ......... (Photo) (22) le, PAIR, blue bars cancel s, small faults incl. light tone spots, fine appearance ................ ......................(Photo ) (22)


le, type Illa , Plate 11, o.g ., light creas ing, rich fresh color ................................................. ............ ........ (Photo) (22)

29 0 30 0 31 0 32 0 33 0 34





2,200.00 950.00 1,055.00 2,000.00

Type V 37 0

le, VERTICAL STRIP OF THREE (SE), blue c.d.s. cancel s, enormous ly "wide" copies, extremely fine ............................... .................................................................................................................................... .(Photo) (24) le , FIVE STRIPS OF THREE, all with c.d.s. cance ls exce pt one stamp pen stroke , few fau lts, generally fine to very fine . Useful position pieces ........................................................................... ...................... .............. .(Photo) (24) le, SEVEN VERTICAL STRIPS , four with centerline , all with c.d.s. ca ncels, some faults, generally fine to very fine . Scarce position pi eces ....................................... ................................. ......................................(Photo) (24) le , seven copies , from Plate 7, compr. six with captured part Imprint, one with minor variety , one Imprint stamp faulty, variety of shades and cancels, generally fine to very fine and very scarce group ...................................................................................................................... .(Photo) (24) Est. Cash Value $250-300

38 0 39 0 40 0

700.00 980.00+

Five Cents 41 0

Sc Indian red, grid cancel, reperfed, true rich color, fine appearance .......................... ................... (Photo) (28A) Sc deep orange brown, full original gum, small corner crease, intense color, fine ........... ....... ............... (Photo) (30)

* 43 * 42


l ,200.00 Sc, centerline (SE) copy, disturbed o.g., light creasing ,, anoth er with inten se color and, very fine appe ara nce ................................................................................................................................. ................................... (Photo) (30) 1,200.00+ Sc brown, type II, STRIP OF THREE, tied by c. d .s. cancels and red framed P.D on mall pie ce, fine .................................................................................................................... .............................................(Photo) (30A) 950.00

44 6




10c deep green, type II , unused, truly tiny surface scrape and ink spot, large centered copy and otherwise very fine. Foundation Cert. (2002) .......................................... ..................................................... (Photo) (32)


Very rare stamp

46 6 47 0 48


49 0

10c, types II+III+II , VERTICAL PAIR AND SINGLE, tied by DRYTO WN Ca. c.d.s. cance ls on small piece, bottom single pulled perf , fine ..................... ................... ........................................... ........................... (Photo) (32,33) 10c, type m, PAIR, N.Y. "Ocea n Mail" cance ls, ink ms. offset on reverse , fine ....................................(Photo) (33) 24c gray lilac, unused, two thin , fine ....................................................................................... ................(Photo) (37) 90c blue, lightly caned., reperfed, very fine appearance and quite attractive ..............(Cover Photo) (39)


925.00+ 575 .00+ 725.00



Cati. Val.



le , Plate 2, type I, guideline SE, with 10c, type V, two copies, all fine, tied by grid cancels on restored homemade envelope bearing HENDERSON KY , MAY 11 (probab ly 186 1) to Hickman , KY . A very rare seven times local rate from a state which former ly did not secede from the Union .............. (Photo) ( I 8,35) Est. Cash Value $300-400







le, type Illa , three copies , fine, tied by NEW YORK AUG 15 c.d.s. strik es on 1857 blue fo lded letter to Richmond , Va . ................................................ ........................................................(Photo) (22) Est. Cash Value $250 le, type IV , PAIR , Pos. 52 -53R lL, with single , type II , Plate 2, left stamp perf faults, others fine , tied by RICHMO ND Va. DEC 19 c.d .s. strikes on blue folded letter sheet to Petersburg,, Va .. Rare combination ...................................................................................................................(Photo) (23,20) Est. Cash Value $300- 350 le, type V, STRIP OF THREE, fine to very fine, tied by pretty blue PETERSBURG , Ya. MAR c.d.s. strikes on neat 1859 amber envelope. A lovely cover ..................................................... (Photo) (24) Est. Cash Value $ 150- 200



Used to France; Sc brick red, VERTICAL STRIP OF THREE , fine appearance , tied by NEW ORLEANS MAR 20 c.d.s. strikes on folded letter sheet bearing red New York PAID 12, French transit s and SAINTES 13 AVRIL recei ver on reverse. Sc. $5400 as used strip of three ......................................................................................................... (Photo) (27) Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000 A vel) 1 scarce color on cover



Used to Switzerland; Sc, fine, VERTICAL STRIP OF THREE, types III+II+III , Pos. 2, 12 22Ll (first "misplaced relier' ), few rough perf s, fine , tied by Minn esota (Territ ory) c.d.s. strikes on frai l envelope , St . Gallen receive r on revere . Rare usage ............... ...........................(Photo) (28,33,32) Est . Cash Value $ 150- 350



Used to England; 10c, type II , PAIR, Pos. 5-6Rl, fine, with le , type V, and 3c, type II , few faults, tied by BEAUFORT S.C. 6 AUG c.d.s. trikes on 1858 envelope bearing "3" and London transit both in red, Liverpool rece iver on reverse ........................ .............................. .......................... (Photo ) (32,24,26) Est. Cash Value $250- 350




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&~L~ 9

Cati. Val.



Used to London; 10c, type II, PAIR AND SINGLE, fine, tied by SWEETLAND Cal. JUL 18 c.d.s. strikes on small 1859 envelope. An unusual fra nking overpaying the 24 cents rate ......(Photo) (32) Est. Cash Value $150-2 00



Used to Cuba; 10c, type III, fine, tied by red NEW YORK foreign mail c.d .. on Feb. 1859 blue folded letter bearing NA in oval, Havana receiver on reverse .......................... ................. .(Photo ) (33) Est. Cash Value $ 150-2 00 Type V



10c, two copies, one side of each trimmed, with le , type V, fine, tied by weak ew Orlean c.d.s. strikes on I 860 folded letter bearing New Orleans forwarder to New York . Rare seven times rate on normal size cover ................................................................................................................... (Photo) (35,42) Est. Cash Value $ 150-250



10c , fine , ti ed by SAN FRANCISCO CAL MA R 16 1860 c.d.s. on yellow envelope bearin g " B. Overl and " ms., WHAT CHEER HOUSE a ll ove r ad ve rti se me nt on rever se, to Snow Camp N .C . ............................................................................................. ...........................(Photo) (35) Est. Ca h Value 150-2 00



Washington Territory; 10c, few short perfs, fine, tied by VANCOUVER W.T. SEP 25 c.d .. on envelope (part of one flap missing) bearing m . "X" (not recog nized) and red " lO" to Illinoi . Interesting usage, probabl y during the demon etization period ................ ...................... ........................................(Photo) (35) Est. Cash Value $ 150-200



Used to Mexico; 10c, BLOCK OF THREE AND SINGLE, fine appearance , tied by NEW ORLEANS c.d.s. strike on folded letter sheet (fragile) bearing m . "Steamer (?)", numeral "4" mkg., to Vera Cruz. An example of rhefour times rate to Mexico .......................................................................... (Photo) (35) Est. Cash Value $ 150-250



10c, FOUR PAIRS OR SINGLES , generally very fine, top left with part Imprint , tied by NEW YORK OCEAN MAIL, cancels on most of cover with prutial back flaps bearing m . "Via Aspinwall", to San Francisco. Stamp alone catl. $520 . A rare franki ng paying the eight time rate ............. (Photo) (35) Est. Ca h Value $300-400


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Cati. Val.

1875 REPRINTS OF 1857-60 ISSUE 64



* 66

3c scarlet, vivid color, fine. 479 Print ed ................ ........ ........................... ................ ..........(Cover Photo) (41) Lovely fresh copy of this rarity Sc orange blown, reperfed not state d in cert., fine appearance. A.P.E.S. Cert. ( 1972). 878 Printed ....... (Photo) (42)








10c blue green, rich fresh color, almost very fine and quite attractive. Foundation Cert. (1981). 516 Printed .................... .......................................................................................................(Cover Photo) (43)


12c greenish black, reperfed, fresh, fine appearance. 489 Prin ted ................................. ......... ...(Photo) (44)


24c blackish violet, rich color, very fine copy of this rare stamp. Foundation Cert. (1972). 479 Printed .............................................................................................................................................. (Cover Photo) (45)




30c deep yellow orange, reperfed, fresh color, fine appearance. 480 Printed ................... ........(Photo) (46)




90c deep blue, light staining, fine appearance.



Cert. (1981). 454 Printed ............. (Photo ) (47)


* 72 * 73 * 71

1861 10c dark green, unused, cert. states "...tiny soiling at top right", fine appearance. Foundation Cert. (1972) .................. ............................................ .........................................................................................(Photo) (62B) 1861-62 3c dull red, o.g., fresh , very fine ..... .............................. ............... ................................... ......... ..(Photo) (65) 1861-66 Sc red brown, unused, light crease, brilliant color and well centered, extremely fine appearance ................................................................ ........................................................... ........................................(Photo) (75)

3,250.00 130.00




2c black, very fine , tied by cork cancel on li g ht over-a ll advertising cover w ith 1865 CALEN DAR to Pennsylvania . A most unusual cover ..............................................................(Photo) (73) Est. Cas h Value $ 150-250



2c (SE), very fine, with le and 3c, usual centering, tied by SYRACUSE N. Y. SEP c.d.s. and target ca ncels on attrac tive small envelo pe to Thompkins Co. An unusual three-color domest ic fra nking. Most are internat ional mailings ............................................................................... ................. (Photo) (73 ,63,65) Est. Cas h Value$ I 00-150



Used to France; 10c green, Sc red brown, extremely fine and very fine respectively, tied by target cancels on smaJI mournin g front beaiing NEVADA CITY CAL JAN 4 1866 c.d.s ., red N.Y. PAID 12 and matc hing French trans its. Neat and pret ty ............. ......... ....................... ................................ (Photo ) (75,68) Est. Cash Value$ I 00- 150



Used to England; 24c gray , fine , tied by red " I 9" a nd pen strok e o n 186 I a mb e r e nv e lo pe (o ne ba ck flap mi ss in g) be ar in g love ly SUSQUEHANNAH

DEPOT PA NOV 29 c.d.s. a nd re d Lo ndon rece iver

.................. .............................................................................. ......................(Photo) (78b) Est. Cash Value $ 100- 125 1867 GRILLED ISSUES: "A" Grill 3c rose, lightly caned., small sta in and thin spot s. Collectible copy of this difficult stamp ................................................................................................................................ .............(Photo) (79)


79 0

''D" Grill 3c rose, neatly caned ., typical cen tering. Foundat ion Ce 11. ( 1979) ................................ ..........(Photo) (85)



Used to Holland; ''F'' Grill 15c black, perfs in, tied by cork cancel on blue folded letter sheet, dockete d 1868 in blue

78 0


and bearing red NEW YORK PAID ALL Brt . TRANSIT AUG 18 mkg , matching Amster dam receiver on reverse. Scarce destination. ................. ............................... ............................... ............(Photo) (98) Est. Cas h Value $ 100- 125 12


Cati. Val.

1875 RE-ISSUE OF 1861-66 ISSUES


* 82




2c black , unused , reperfed , very fine appearance. Foundation Cert. (1970). 979 Printed ...............(Photo) (103)

* * *









3c brown red , o.g. , fabulous color and impression , fine. Fo undation Cert. (1994 ). 465 Printed ............................................................................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (104)


Sc brown , o.g. (hinge remnant s), perf tip reattached not stated in cert. , small thin , large copy, extremely tine appearance. Foundation Cert. (1981). 672 Printed ......................... ...................................(Photo ) (105)


10c green , o.g. , cert. state s " ... perforations as shown in the photo ", " tall " copy , rich color , fine. Foundation Cert. (1987). 45 1 Printed ...................... .............................. ........................... .......... (Photo ) (106)


12c black, o.g., light vert. crea se, few lightl y toned perfs , well centered and very fine appearance. 389 Print ed ........................ ....................................................... .........................................(Cover Photo ) (107)


15 black , o.g., fre sh, very fine. Foundation Cert. (1988). 397 Printed .......................... (Cover Photo ) (108)


24c deep violet, unused , thins , rich color and well centered , very fine appearance . Foundation Cert. (1958). 346 Print ecl.......................................................... ...................................................(Cover Photo ) (109)


30c brownish orange, unused , beautiful fre sh color, fin e. Foundation Cert. (1983 ). 346 Print ed ............................................................................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (110)


Pretty stamp



90c blue , unused, fresh , fine. Foundation Cert. (1981). 317 Printed .......................... ...(Cove r Photo ) (111)


Lovely copy of this rarity


* 91

1869 PICTORIAL ISSUES: 10c yellow, unu ed, corner perf crea e, fine ...........................................(Photo ) ( l 16)


24c green & violet, unused , trace of thin and pressed crease , reperf ed, rich colors , well centered , very fine appearance ............................................................................................................................ (Photo ) (120)



92 0

30c blue & carmine , cork cancel, mall comer crease, reperfed, fine appearance .................................(Photo) ( 121)


93 0

90c carmine & black , cork cancel, off center but attractive copy of thi s popular stamp ................(Photo) (122)



Cati. Val.


* 95 * 94



* 98 * 97

99 100

* * 101


le buff, disturb ed o.g., slight toning , fine appearance ............. ................................................ ................ (Photo ) ( I 23)


6c blue, o.g., small tear, fresh fine appeara nce. 2226 Printed ................................................................. (Photo) ( 126)


10c yellow, o.g., beautiful rich color, very fine. 1947 Printed ................ .................... ....(Cover Photo) (127)


12c green, unu sed, small thin s, love ly co lor , fine. Foundation Cert. ( 198 1). 1584 Printed ............ ........ (Photo ) (128)

1 550 .00

15c brown & blue, type III , unused, rich fresh colors , very fine. Foundation Cert. (1980). 1981 Print ed .................................................................................................................................................................. (Photo) (129)


24c green & violet, unused, very fine. 2091 Printed ......................... .................................................... (Photo) (130)


30c ultr amarin e & carmine, unu sed, two small hinge- sea led tears , rich colors , very fine appearance. Foundation Cert. (1980). 1535 P rinted ...................................... ......................................................... ...(Photo) (131)


90c carmine & black, unused, fine. Foundation Cert. (1978). J356 Printed ................... ........(Photo) (132)


A fine copy of the rarest of the J869 Re-Issues

102 0

103 0

104 0

NATIONAL BANK OTE CO: With Grill 12c dull violet, neatly caned., small tear, good color and attractive copy of this rare stamp. Signed J.M. Bartels ........................................................... (Photo) (140)


15c orange , quadruple split grill, co nce ntri c circle s cance l, co rner and corne r pe rf crea e fine appearance ............................................................. .....................................................................................................(Photo) ( 14 1)


24c purple, N.Y. foreign mail cancel, completely mounted but distinctive grill, good space filler or reference .............................................. ....................................................................................................................(Photo) (142)



Catl. Val.


1881-82 RE-E GRAVED 6c rose, o.g., smal l faults, fine appearance ..................... .............. ............. (Photo) (208)


106 *

1883 2c red brown, o.g., ink date on gum, enormous centered copy, extremely fine .......................(Photo) (210)


107 *

1883-85 SPECIAL PRINTING: 2c pale red brown, o.g., handstamp on reverse, fresh, fine. Foundation Cert. ( 1967) ................................ .................. ................................... ........................................................ .................. (Photo) (2 11B)

450 .00

108 0

1887 90c purple , neatly caned., very fine ....................................................... ........................................(Photo) (2 18)


109 *

1890-93 Sc chocolate, imperf pair on gummed stamp paper , good to large margins, very fine ......(Photo ) (223b)



30 black , l.h., very fine ....................... .............. ............................ ...................................................... ..... (Photo) (228)


1893 COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION ISSUE le to $5 compl. set, plate proofs on card, hinge remnants , fresh bright colors , very fine .....(Photo ) (230-4SP4)


111 * EE 3c green , blk of four, n/h/(2)/1.h.(2), large hindge reinforced separation s, fine to very fine ..................(Photo ) (232)

360 .00+


6c purple , n.h., perfectl y centered, extre mely fine ........................... ...................................................(Photo) (235)


113 * EE Sc magenta , blks of four, n.h.(2)/1.h.(2), fresh, fine to very fine ...........................................................(Photo ) (235)


114 *

$1 salmon , unused (regummed ), rich color, very fine appearance ......... .................................................(Photo) (24 1)


115 *

$1, unused, repe1fed, fresh , fine appearance ............ ............................. ........................ .............. ............. (Photo) (24 1)


116 *

$2 brown red, o.g. , tiny fault , reperfed , bright colors, very fine appearance ........................................(Photo ) (242)


117 *

$2, unused, small faults, fresh, fine appearance ........................................................................... ............(Photo) (242)


118 0

$2, grid cancel, small thin spot, well centered, fine. Foundation Cert. (2002) ........................................(Photo ) (242)


119 *

$3 yellow green, o.g. (hinge remnant), small thin spots, fresh, bright color, fine .............................. .....(Photo) (243)

2, 100.00

120 *

$3, unused (regummed ), lovely deep color and well centered, very fine appearance .............................(Photo) (243)

1, 150.00

112 **

12 1 *

122 *

$4 crimson lake, slightly disturbed o.g., small faults, vivid color and well centered, very fine appearance ............. ................................................................................... ...................................................... ..(Photo ) (244) $4, unused, small faults, reperfed , fine appearance .................................................................................(Photo ) (244)


2,900.00 1,500.00


123 *

$5 black, disturbed o.g., perfectl y centered, very Qrle.............................................................. (Photo ) (245)


124 *

$5, disturbed o.g. , horiz. crease, very fine appearance ..................................................... ........ (Photo) (245)

3,250 .00

125 *

1895 WATERMARKED: $5 dark green, unused, trace of thin, fresh, fine .........................................(Photo) (278)


126 *

1897-1903 CHANGED COLORS : 2c red, booklet pane of six, l.h., fine for this ..........................(Photo ) (279Be)


127 **

6c lake, n.h., brilliant fresh, very fine ......................................................................................................(Photo ) (282)




CatJ. Val.


* 129 * 130 * 128

S0c sage green , unused (regummed ), perfectly centered, extremel y fine appearance .....................(Photo ) (291)


S0c, disturbed o.g., couple thin spot , reperfed, fine appearance .............................................................(Photo ) (29 1)


$1 black, disturbed o.g., small faults , reperfed , VERY fine appearance ..........................................(Photo ) (292)


13 1 *

$1, unused (regummed ), very fine .........................................................................................................(Photo ) (292)



$2 orange brown , l.h., tiny thin spot, fre h, fine .....................................................................................(Photo ) (293)

2, 100.00

$2, unused (regummed), vert. crease, reperfed, very fine appearance .....................................................(Photo ) (293)


1901 PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION: le to 10c compl. set , n.h. , inclusions, Sc strong indent, l0c finger print on gum, fine to very fine .....................................................................................................................(Photo) (294-99)


132 I 33


* **



-: . ...........•....


...... .

*[jj]le deep green, booklet pane of six, o.g., fresh, fine ............................................................................(Photo) (300b) 136 *[jj]2c carmine , booklet pane of six, o.g. (hinge remnants), bright color, fine .......................................... (Photo) (30 le) 2c carmine , rejoined booklet pane of six, eve r so ligh tly ca ned. , fine appea ran ce. Sc. $22 50 as pane 137 * ................................................................................................................................. ...............................{Photo ) (301c) 138 ** 4c brown , n.h. , perfectl y centered , extremely fine ..............................................................................(Photo) (303) 139 ** 6c claret , Imprint Pl. No. strip of three , n.h. , top stamp creased, briUiant fre h, fine .........................(Photo) (305) 140 * $1 black , slightl y disturbed o.g., centered, very fine ...........................................................................{Photo) (311) 14 1 * $2 dark blue , o.g., well centered, very fine ...........................................................................................(Photo) (312) 135

I 4 1A *

600.00 500.00

115.00 420.00+ 775.00 1,250.00

$5 dark green, Regis. cancel, well centered, fine ...................................................................................(Photo) (313)


142 ** IHI1903 BOOKLET PANES OF SIX: 2c carmine, type I, n.h. , inclusion one stamp , very fine ........(Photo ) (319g)



**[jj]2c carmine, type II, n.h. , inclusion one sta mp , very fine ..................................................................(Photo) (319h)


**lBl 2c lake , type II, n.h ., extremely

** 146 *



fine .................................................................................................... (Photo) (319g)


1904 LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION: le to Sc comp!. , n.h. , very fine to extreme ly fine .............................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (323-26)


10c red brown , l.h., very tine .................................................................................................................{Photo) (327)



**[jj]PERFORATED 12: 2c carmine, booklet pane of six, n.h. , very fine ...............................................(Photo ) (332a) 18


e············ ······ -'


Cati. Val.

S0c violet Unique non-philatelic usage on cover 148 181

S0c , fine , tied by NY consular Branch Mail oval on Regi s . 10c Columbian legal size envelope (trimmed at left, some edge faults) bearing red NEW YORK JAN 27 1911 c.d.s., Frankfort, Germany receiver and two half copies of blue Officiall y Sealed stamps on reverse, Foundation Cert. (2001) ............................. .......................................................................(Photo) (341) Est. Cash Value $1,500-2 ,000

5,000.00 A most important recent fi nd. Until now the fifty cent pe,jorated 12 double line watermark was only known genu inely used on a 1909 Registry tag and a 1916 Elliot Perry philateli c cover. This sixty cent usage is an overpayment of the eight cent Registry fee and the ten Jive cent posta l rate.

* * 151 * 149




S0c, o.g. , fresh, fine ............................................. .....................................................................................(Photo) (34 1) $1 violet brown, o.g ., fine .......... ................................. ......................... ................ ...... ..... ....... ................. (Photo) (342)

525 .00

1908-10 PERFOR ATE D 12 HORIZ: le green, vertical pair , l.h. enormous centere d copies, superb ............................................................................................. ..................................................................... (Photo) (348)


2c carmine, vertical guide line pair, o.g ., very fine ........... ................ ....... ...................... ............ ...... .... (Photo) (349) 4c orange brown, vertical pair, n.h., tiny margin fault not mentioned in celt ., we ll centered and otherwise, very fine .............................. .................................................................... ................................................................(Photo) (350) 1909 PERFORATED 12 VERT: 4c orange brown, pair, 3mm spacing, l.h., very fine ................... (Photo) (354)

** 154 * 155 * Sc blue, pair, l.h., fre h, very fine ......... ............ ................................................... ................................... (Photo) (355) 156 * 10c ye llow , pair , o.g., cert. sta tes "... top mar gin trimm ed to impro ve appea rance", ve ry fin e. 153

Foundation Cert. (1994) ..................................... .............................................................. (Cover Photo) (356)



10c, unu sed, fine. Photocopy of Found ation Cer t. (1975) for st rip of thr ee of which thi s is the right stamp ..................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (356)



550 .00 750 .00

525.00 230.00



Cati. Val.


* 159

3c deep violet, o.g., light stain on a couple perfs , hand stamp on reverse , fine ..................................(Photo) (359)


Sc blue , o.g., fresh , fine. Foundation Cert. (1979) .....................................................................(Photo ) (361)

* 6c red orange, o.g., fresh, fine. Photocopy of Foundation Cert. (1977) for block of four of which this is the upper left sta mp ................................................................................................. ..................................... (Photo ) (362) 10c yellow, disturb ed o.g., fine .............................................................................................................. (Photo ) (364) 161 * 13c blue green, light c.d.s. cancel , reperfed , very fine appearance ............................................. .......(Photo) (365) 162 0 163 * 15c pale ultramarine , djsturbed o.g., light toning, fine appearance. Foundation Cert. ( 198 1) .............. (Photo) (366) 164 **IIil PERFORATED 12: 2c carmine, booklet pane of six, extremely fine ..............................................(Photo) (375a) 165 ** 1910 PERFORATED 12 HORIZ: le green, vertical pair , n.h. , fre sh, fine .......................................(Photo) (385) 166 * 1910-11 PERFORATED 12 VERT: le green, pair , 3mm spacing , l.h., very fine ............................(Photo) (387)

2,000.00 5,000.00



1,500.00 1,800.00 2,250.00 1,450.00

160.00 210.00 450.00

Cati. Val.



2c carmine, n.h. , large almost perfect ly centered copy, extremel y fine ..................................(Photo ) (388)




2c, PAIR , 3mm spacin g, l.h., very fine. Foundation Cert. (1975) .................................(Cover Photo ) (388)


Rare multiple


* 170 * 171 * 172 * 169

2c carmine , n.h.neft stamp very l.h. if at all, lar ge cent ered copies, sup erb . Foundation Cert. (1979) for strip of four of which thi s is th e left pair ........................................................... ............................................ (Photo ) (393)


3c deep violet, 3mm spacin g, l.h., fine to very fine ............................................................................... (Photo ) (394)


4c brown , 2mm spacing , o.g. (hinge remnant), very fine ......................................................................(Photo ) (395)


Sc blu e, l.h., perfectl y centered , extr emely fine. Foundation Cert . (1979) ........................................(Photo) (396)




* 175 * 174 176 177

** *

* 179 ** 180 * 18 1 * 182 * 178

2c carmin e, o.g., extremely fine ............................................................................................................. (Photo ) (393)


4c brown , o.g., very fine ..........................................................................................................................(Photo ) (395)


Sc blue , n.h.( I )/o.g.(l ), very fine ............................................................................................................. (Photo ) (396)


PA AMA -P AC IFIC EXPOSITION : Perf 12 2c carmine , n.h. , beautifull y ce ntered , brilliant fr es h, extremel y fine .........................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (398)


Perf 10 10c orange , o.g., small light crea e. very fine appearance ......................................................... (Photo ) (404)


10c, l.h., reperfed, not stated in cert., fresh, fine appearance. A.P.S. Cert. ( 197 1) ...... ................ ....... .....(Photo ) (404)

900 .00

1912-14 SINGLE LINE WATERMARK , PERF. 12: 7c black , n.h. , fine .........................................(Photo ) (407)


S0c violet, o.g. (hinge remnant ), extrem ely fine ...................................................................................(Photo ) (422)


50c, o.g., fresh, fine ..................................................................................................................................(Photo) (42 1)

425 .00

1912 DOUBLE LINE WMK: $1 violet brown , o.g., fine ....................................................................(Photo ) (423)

525 .00


* I 84 * 185 * 186 * 187 * 188 ** 183

12c claret brown , l.h., vivid color, enormou s centered copy, superb ................................................(Photo ) (435)


30c or ange red , l.h., brilliant fresh, ver y fine ....................................................................................... (Photo ) (439)


50c violet, o.g., trace if thin, fine .............................................................................................. ...............(Photo) (440)

575 .00

1914 PERFOR ATED 10 VERT: 3c violet, 4c brown , Sc blue , o.g., fine to very fine ...................(Photo ) (445-47)


3c, pair , o.g., fresh, fine. Foundation Cert. (1975) ..................................................................................

(Phot o) (445)

575 .00

4c, pair , n.h ., rich fresh color ........................................................ ..........................................................(Photo ) (446)



** * 191 * 192 ** 193 *

3c violet, pair , o.g., left stamp trace of thinning, fine .............................................................................(Photo ) (456)



Sc blue , joint line pair , n.h., very fine ...................................................................................................(Photo ) (458)


1914 HORIZO NTAL CO IL: Imp erf 2c carmine , n.h. , mo stl y very lar ge mar gin s, extremely fin e ................................................................................................................................. .................................(Photo ) (459)


2c, pair , l.h., good to mo tly large margins, very fine .............................................................................(Photo ) (459 )

500 .00


1914-16 PERFOR ATE D 10 VERT: le green, pair , n.h. , perfec tly cent ered, sup erb .....................(Photo ) (452)



2c carmine rose , type I, pair , very l.h. if at all, fine .............................................................................. (Photo ) (453)



** 196 * 195

2c red , type II, pair , o.g., very fine ........................................................................................................ (Photo ) (454)

175 .00

2c carmine , joint line pair , n.h. but for perf adherence, fine .................................................................(Photo ) (454)




Cati. Val.


**ml2c carmine,

* 199 *



200 201

booklet pane of six with Pl. No., n.h. , fre h, fine ............................................ ................(Photo) (463a)

10c orange yellow, l.h. , large centered copy, extremely fine ..............................................................(Photo ) (472) 15c gray, o.g., large centered copy, extremely fine .................... ....................................... ...................(Photo) (475)


* * * 205 *

S0c light violet, o.g., very fine. Foundation Cert. (1981) ......................... .................................. (Photo ) (477)

200.00 1,100.00

S0c, n.h. , reperfed , rich color , fine ............ .............................. ........................... ...................................(Photo) (477) S0c, l.h., reperfed, fre h, fine ..................... ................ ............... ............... .............................. .................. (Photo ) (477)

202 203 204

200 .00 110.00

2,200.00 1, 100.00

$1 violet black , l.h., tin y thin, perfectl y centered, extremely fine appearance ................................. (Photo ) (478) 1917 TYPES OF 1902-03 ISSUE: $2 da rk blue , $5 light green , 1.h., very fine ..................... ....(Photo ) (479 ,480)


$2, l.h. , extremely fine ............................... ............................................ .......... ................. ...................... (Photo) (479)




*ml le green,

o.g. (hinge remnant ), few hinge reinforced eparations, few smaJI faults, mixed centering, rich fresh color ........... ......................................................................................... ................................... ...................... ....(Photo ) (498t)


*ml 2c rose, few sta mp s, l.h. or slightl y glazed gum, fre sh, fine to very fine ............. ................... (Photo ) (499f)




**[lj] 3c light violet, type I, 3c dark violet , type II, booklet pane of six, n.h. , former extremel y fine , latter very fine ............................................... ................... .............. ........................ .............................................. (Photo ) (501b,502b )



*ml Error

675 .00

Sc ro se, middl e stamp in blk of nin e with 2c, error stamp very l.h., one 2c small thin , fine .....(Photo ) (505)

1918-20 OFFSET PRINTING 2 10


IMPERFORA TE: 2c carmine, type VII, PAffi , l.h., few tin y thins, very fine appearance .....(Photo) (534B)






llxlO: 2c carmine rose , type II, l.h., fresh , fine ................................... (Photo ) (539)

Seldom seen stamp 212




1923 ISS UE : le green, 2c ca rmine , n.h., very fine ............... ............................... .......................... (Photo ) (578,579) PERFORATED

10: 2c carmine, booklet pane of six, n.h. , very fine ........ ......................... (P hoto ) (583a) 24

305.00 135.00


2 14 ** llll1926 WHITE PLAINS SOUVENIR SHEET OF 25: 2c carmine rose, n.h. very fine ............ ...................... .. (630)

Cati. Val. 550.00

2 I5 ** llll2c, n.h., some creas ing or bends, very fine ...................... .............................................................................. ........ (630)

550 .00

2 I 6 ** llll WASHINGTON BICENTENNIAL: ½ c to 10c, compl. less 4c, panes of 100, n.h., 1 ½ c one corner

stamp missing not affecting Pl. No. blk, generally very fine .............................................. ....(704-08,10-15 )


2 17 * [fj] 1933 AMERICAN PHILATELIC SOCIETY: Souvenir sheets of 25, le yellow green (11), 3c deep violet (7), ungummed, very fine ................ ................................ .............. ............................................. ....................... .... (730,73 I )


2 18 ** [fj]1934 SOUVENIR SHEETS OF SIX: Byrd 3c (30), A.P.S. 3c (9), Trans-Mississippi Exhibition le (13), n.h. or ungummed , u uaJ gum bends, fine to very fine ..................................... .............. .................................... (735 ,750,75I )


219 ** llll1938 PRESIDENTIAL ISSUE: ½c to $5, compl. set, Pl. o. blks of four, $1, $2, $5 arrow Pl. blks, n.h., negligible gum crea ing or bend , fine to very fine ................................................ ............................ (Photo) (803-34)


220 * EE Selection of about 150 on album pages, vast majorit y n.h., balance o.g., incl. coil and line pairs, booklet panes comp!., Pl. blks of $2, comp!. et of ingle , dupl. , fine to very fine .............................................................................


22 1 ** llll½ c to S0c compl., panes of 100, n.h., some selvage faults, inclusions or separations, 19c separated but 100 incl. Pl. blk, generally fine to very fine, figured as singles though almost all Pl. blks intact.. ................. (803-31)


222 ** EE$5 carmine & black, arrow Pl. No. blk of four, n.h., perfectly centered, extremely fine ............. ....(Photo) (834)


223 ** EE1954-68 LIBERTY ISSUE: Hamilton $5 black, Pl.


blk of four, n.h., extre mely fine .............. (Photo) ( !053)


224 ** EE$5, Pl. No. blk of four, n.h., extremely fine.......................................................................................... (Photo) ( I 053)



225 **

1975 BICENTENNIAL: Souvenir sheets of five , 22 sets, n.h., very fine . Sc. $4 18, also 1986 AME RIPEX Souvenir sheets of nine, 20 sets, generally stuck, face about $64 ..................................................................... ........... ..

226 **

1983 and 1985 EXPRESS MAIL: Unexploded Booklets, compr. $9.35 (3) and $ I0.75, type I (4), type TI (2), n.h., very fine ............................... ............................................................. ...................... .................. .... ( 1909a,2 l22a,b)


227 0

1988 to 1998 PRIORITY AND EXPRESS MAIL: $3 to $10.75, four diff., compr. #2394 and 2544A, SOeach, #2544 and 3261, 300 each, neatly caned., fine to very fine ............................................... ......................... ................. .


228 ** 83 1991 ISSUES: $1 to $14, four diff. compl. Pl. No. blks and two singles of each, n.h., very fine.....(Photo) (2539-42)


229 ** [fj]1998 SYLVESTER & TWEETY: 32c multicolored, pane of ten with Plate No., SOpanes, very fine ........ (3204)


AIR POST 230 * EE 1923 SECOND ISSUE: 24c carmine , blk of four, very l.h. if at all, couple tiny thins, fine to very fine appearance .................................................................................................... .............................................................. .(Photo) (C6)

380 .00

1930 GRAF ZEPPELIN ISSUE 65c green, $1.30 brown , $2.60 blue

* 232 * 233 * 234 * 231

Compl. set, unused (regummed over faults), fine to very fine appearance ................ ................ (Photo) (C13-15)


65c, l.h., trace of thin, very fine appearance ............................ ......................................... ....................... (Photo ) (C 13)


$1.30, o.g., smalJ thin, perfectly centered, extremely fine appearance ............................... ....................(Photo) (CI4 )


$2.60, o.g., large copy, extremel y fine. Signed A. Diena ................... ................... ...............................(Photo) (ClS )


COVER CONDITION Minor faults including, but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps, small tears and some backflap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue.


I\) (11

w 0)


..... ..

•• •


Cati. Val.

BACKOF THE BOOK 235 * IBI REGISTRATION: 1911 Eagle 10c ultramarine , Imprint and "A" Plate Numb er block of Six, o.g., two vert. hinge-reinforced separat ions, fine. Scarce pla re block ................................... .......... .............................(Photo) (Fl)


POSTAGE DUE: 1894 NEW DESIG N: le vermil ion, l.h., fresh, fine. Very scarce .........................(Photo ) (J 29)


237 *

2c vermilion, barely l.h. if at all, fine. Foundation Cert.(2001 ) ..............................................................(Photo) (130)


238 *

2c, l.h., fresh, fine .....................................................................................................................................(Photo) (J30)


239 *

1894-95 S0c pale rose, very l.h., tiny corner crease, fine ......................................................................(Photo ) (J37a)


236 *

OFFICES IN CHINA: 1919 and 1922 Surcharged sets compl. , very l.h. if at all to o.g., 30c perf faults, mixed cond ition incl. $2 to extremely fine. Generally superior ser ................. .............. ........ (Photo ) (Kl-18 )

240 *

24 1 *

1919 and 1922 Surcharged sets compl. , o.g. (hinge remnants), 20c and 24c faults, mixed centering to fine ..............................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (Kl-1 8)

242 pp

OFFICIALS: 1873, coll. of Plate proofs on card, all departments complete, hinge remnants, bright color , very fine .......................................................................................................................................................................(O1-93P4)

243 * O

Issued stamps coll. remaind er of over 40 diff. on pages, o.g. to unu sed or used , incl. Justice to 10c, Navy to 90c, State to 15c, Treasur y and War to 90c, both used, some faults as would be expected, genera lly fine to very fine with some exceptional looking copies. Stated by owner to catl. $3050+ ..................................................

244 *

NEWSPAPER: 1879 Soft Porous Paper $1.92 pale brown (SE), o.g., very fine ............................(Photo) (PR71)




245 0181 LOCALS: Selection of 40 stamp s, two covers and two on piece, in small stockbook, incl. genuine, questionable and reprint s. lnspec rion necessar y ............................................................... ..................Est. Cash Value $750-1,000


1862-71 FIRST ISSUES; Coll. of about 250 mostly diff. on album pages, compr. perf 12, part perf, imperf , with man y better items incl. dupl. of some, $20 Probat e of Will, $200 Internal Revenue , fair numb er silk paper and a few certs. , faults as would be expected , but far above usua l condition , man y fine to very fine or very fine appearance ...................................................................Est. Cash Value $3,000

247 * O

MATCH AND MEDICINE: 19th Century, coll. of several hundred in album , used, some unused , wide ranging incl. Perfumer y, Playing Cards , Tobacco , Telegraph and misc. Narcotic types, dupl. and some slight ly better , fault y or mixed condition, some fine .....................................Est. Cash Value $2,000-3 ,000

247A *


HUNT ING PERMIT: 1934 to 1993, coll. of 36 diff. on Specialty page s, n.h. to o.g., incl. severa l Pl. No. copies, so me small faults though overall fine to very fine and a fair amount n.h . ..............................................................................................(RWl ,3-32,34,36-38,60) Est. Cash Value $1,000 1972 to 1982 , $5 and $7.50 , group of ten diff. Pl. No. blk s of four , n.h. , very fine to ext remely fine ....................................... ....... ........ ........ ...... ..... .......... ............ ............. ............ ............... ...... ......... E t. Ca h Value $250

CONFEDERATE STATES 1862 SOFT POROUS PAPER: Imperf 2c green , unu sed, mostly very large mar gins all round slowing trace s of adjo ining stamp at left, extremely fine .................................................................................................(Photo) (3)


250 *

10c rose, unu ed, clear to large margins, mall thin, fine ............................................................................(Photo) (5)



1863 "TEN CENTS" 10c blue , unused, barely touched at bottom, good to large margins other sides, tiny pulp inclusion, light horiz. crease, lovely color and quite attractive ....................................................................(Photo ) (9)


249 *


252 *

FRAME LINE " 10 CENTS": 10c greenis h blue, o.g., in slightl y at top , good to larg e margins showing frame line two sides, sma ll thins , fresh, fine appearance ..............................................(Cover Photo ) (10b)



Cati. Val.


* 255 ** 254

CANAL ZONE: Air Post Officials; 1941 Overprinted Type II ; Sc to 40c compl. set, light roller cancels, Sc and 40c crea es, rest fine to very fine ................................. ............................................. ........................(Photo) (CO8-12)


CUBA: Special Delivery; 1899 Error 10c on 10c blue, no period after CUBA, left stamp in Imprint Pl. o. strip of three, o.g., error tiny margin tear, very tine. $1000 as normal strip .................................. (Photo) (El ,a) 10c on 10c blue, n.h., brilliant fresh, extremely tine ................................. ................................. ........... (Photo) (El )

256 * O

PHILIPPINES: 1899 to 1974, coll. of several hundred diff. in Specialty album, n.h. to o.g. or used, compr. U.S. Admin. and Republic issues, incl. many compl. sets, Semis, Airs, back-of-book incl. Occu., few imperfs and Souvenir sheets, mixed condition to very fine ....................................................... .Est. Cash Value $500-750

257 0

OFFICIALS; 1906 to 1930s Handstamped "O.B.", coll. of over 250 on pages, used, various styles on a variety of issues, much dupl. , various colors, ome 111 . errors and National Bank, mixed condition. Scar ce array and worth careful inspection ....................... .................................. .................. ........... ............... ..E t. Cash Value $250--350



UNITED STATES COLLECTIONS AND VARIOUS 19th Centur y Philatelicall y ChaIJenged Covers ; The remainder of a major U.S. coll. compr. 10 mostly major covers either legal size, missing or dam aged sta mps, also 2 questionable cancels. A great deal of fu n and worth inspection ................................................................................ Est. Cas h Value $500-750

258 181

259 * O



1851 to 1898, coll. of over 200 mostly diff. on National pages, o.g. to unu sed or used, incl. imperf and perf 15½ types, perf 12, grills, 1869 Pictorials to 15c, both types, many Bank Note issues to 90c, Bureau unwmkd . and wmkd. , incl. bett er items throughout , mixed condition .........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $5,000--6,000

1851 to 1894, coll. remaind er of 25 on aJbum pages, o.g. to unu sed, incl. 1869 Pictorials incl. 12c and 30c, some earlier issues, Bank ote issues and Columbian s 30c and 50c, mixed condition. Allra ctive group ........................ .....................................Est. Cash VaJue $1,000-1,200

19th and 20th Centur y Coll. of man y hundred diff. in ationaJ album , used, scatte red o.g., incl. grills and other bett er ea rl y issues, 1869 Pictorial s, Bank ote issues, 20th cent. Regular Issues and Commems , Airs and some back-of-book , mixed condition ..................Est. Cash VaJue $2,500

26 1 0

26 IA * O

CoIJ. of man y hundred diff. in 6 albums (4 Specialty ) and loose in carton , n.h. to o.g., some used, some 19th cent. incl. Bank Notes and a few earlier , Columbian s to 30c, Bur eau types, Trans-Miss. to 10c, other Commem s and ReguJar Issues, Lincoln blue paper , White Plain s and other Souvenir sheets, Kan sas and ebraska , Airs and back-0f-b00o incl. Officials and misc. Possessions, Pl. No. coll. and foreign , some fault s thou gh mostly fine to very fine .........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000

262 * O

Coll. of man y hundr ed diff. in Specialty album, mostly used, balance n.h. to unu sed, wide ranging with Bank Notes and some earlier incl . 1869 Pictori als to 15c, type II , later Commems and Regular Issues incl. Washington-Franklin , coils, some doubtful , Souvenir sheets, Airs, Special Delivery, Postage Due and other back-of-book, also Guam and a few Hawaii , mixed condition ...............................................................Est. Cash Value $1,500-2 ,000

263 * O

Selection of about 90 items on pochette cards in small box, n.h. to unu sed, few used, incl. 1869 Pictorial s and a few earlier , misc. Bank Notes, Columbian s 30c and 50c, 20th cent. Co mmem s, Washington-Franklin incl. co ils, mod ern variet ies, back-of-book incl. Hunting Permit , also a few Confederate Stat es, mixed condition. High catalogu e value .........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000- 1,500

264 * O II!l BaJance of a propert y in carton , severaJ thou sand in cons. and colJ. remaind ers , used stock, mint Pl. No. blks, selection of error s, United Nations colts. incl. Geneva and Vienna issues, etc., mixed condition to very fine. Worth careful inspection ....... Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,500

265 0

266 * O

Selection of several hundr ed on stock ca rd s in box , used, very few mint , incl. ma ny 1851-57 3c , 1869 Pictorial s, Bank ote iss ue s, Co lumbian s and lat er Co mm ems, Washington-Franklin , Airs, back -of-book with Postage Due, Parcel Post, Revenues, etc., variet y of pr etty cancels, blks of 4, some fault s as would be expected, but much very fine and a fair number of enormou s copies ........................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,200 Coll. of seve ral hundr ed on album pag es, l.h. to unu sed or used , sca tt er ed ea rl y issues, Columbian s to 10c, some Commem sets and Regular Issues incl. Pr esidential s compl., Air s, back-of-book and Hawaii , many dupl. , fauJty or mixed condition ..................Est. Cash Value $500

267 0 EB181Coll. of man y hundr ed on pages in 9 binders , plus 3 cover album s in carton , used, incl. com mon Bank Not e issues, Comm em , many Wa shin gto n-Franklin incl. co il , some mint incl. bookle t pane , A irs, ba ck-of -book in c l. stati o nery , Possess io ns, FDC co ll. etc. , mi xe d co nditi on to ve ry fine ........ ......... ..... ............ .......... ............ ........ ............ ............................................ Est. Ca sh Value $300-500



268 * O

Accum. of several thousand in glassines and stockbook s, etc., in carton , n.h. to unused, mucb used, incl. mint modem issues, coils, Famous Americans, etc., 19th and 20th cent. used selection on pochette pages, large stock in glassines incl. back-of-book, faulty or mixed condition to very fine ................................................................................................ .........................Est. Cash Value $300-500

269 * O

Balance of a propert y in carton, used, some unused, many hundred in glassine incl. early i ues with l 869 Pictorial , Columbian 20th cent. in quantitie , back-of-book incl. Officials and Revenues, precancels, etc., faulty or mixed condition ......................................................Est. Cash Value $300-500 Remainder of a few hundred covers, every thin g from cheaper classics to better FDCs incl. Presidential , flight cover incl. I era h, ephemera. Worth inspec1ion ........... Est. Ca h Value $300-50 0 Stock of man y thou sand in glassines, etc., in 2 carton s, used, incl. Bank ore is ue and some earlier, Bureau types, Commems, Regular I sue , Air and back-of-book , ome Souvenir heet , eal and labels, varying to large quantitie , mixed condition to very fine .....................Est. Cash Value $300-400 Small cover selection , incl. stampless, other 19th cent. incl. #24 pmkd. Chicopee, Mass. Star, Express Mail cacheted FDCs and 1937 Alaska Fairbanks to New York by Motorcycle cachet (2 1), #UC9 entire, etc., mixed condition to very fine ....................................................................Est. Cash Value $200-300



27 l O



273 * Ollil 1893 to 1980, coll. of man y hundred diff. in National album, n.h. to unu sed, scattered used , incl. Columbians to 50c, Trans-Miss. to 10c, incl. 1902-03 $1 and $5 used, booklet panes , Souvenir sheets, latter imperf coil pair s, few Pl. blks , Air Post, better back-of-book with Parcel Post and P.P. Due sets comp!., good range of Newspaper issues, etc., mixed condition to much fine to very fine ..........................................................................Est. Cash Value $5,000



1893 to 1976, coll. of several hundr ed diff. on album pages in 2 ring-binder s, much n.h. , balance l.h . or unused , mostly Commems incl. Columbians to 50c, Trans-Miss. to 10c, almost compl. thereafter , incl. Lincoln blue pap er, 1909 imperf pairs , Panama-Pacific compl. except 10c perf 10, Souvenir sheets , severa l Farley gutter pair s, Libert y and Promin ent American s issues to $5, also Air Post incl. First and Second issues, etc., some faults in earlies, generally fine to very fine with exceptional looking copies .....Est. Cash Value $1,500

Primaril y 20th Century Stock and accum. of several thou sand in 2 boxes and 2 cartons, mostly cacheted FDCs incl. a few slightly better 1920s, blks, Airs, coils, Souvenir sheets, Hamilton $5, hundred s of First Flights with some Foreign , picture post cards and much stationer y incl. postal cards and entires, also 19th cent. selection (mixed condition ), va riet y of cachets incl. Air Craft, Cachet Craft, Artmaster , Anderson , Fleugel, Fleetwood , etc., fine to very fine .............Est. Cash Value $500-750 276 * IBI Accum . of several thousand in sheet files, etc., in box, vast majority n.h. , balance l.h. to unused, man y part sheets incl. Arm y and Navy, 2c reds , Air Post Special Deliver y 16c, Famous Americans and other Pl. blks , Pr esidential coil roll s, Souvenir sheets, so me WashingtonFranklin and back-of-book, etc., mixed condition incl. some stuck down (not figured ) to much fine to very fine ............................................................................................. Est. Cash Value $400-500 277 l:!:sl Accum. of a few thousand items in 11 ring-binder s or cover albums, etc., and loose in 3 boxes and 2 cartons, much stationery incl. mint and FD cancels, cover , First Flights and Inaugural Service cachet , picture po t cards, United ations Souvenir cards incl. Vienna and Geneva, al o foreign incl. Israel air letter sheet , etc., generally fine to very fine ....................................Est. Ca h Value $ 150-250 275




To 1940, coll. of a few hundred diff . on Naribo page s in ring-binder , n.h. to o.g., incl. Columbians to 10c, other Commems, Washington-Franklin, better Airs, etc. , some small faults, fresh and generally fine to very fine .................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,200 20th Century

279 * llil

Accum. of man y thou sand in sheet files, glassines , etc., in carton, vast majorit y n.h. , incl. comp!. and part sheets, Pl. blks and blks , Souvenir sheets, Presidential s incl. coils, booklets , Airs , back-of-book, varying quantitie s and some slightl y better stamps, generally fine to very fine. Wor1h careful inspecl ion ................................................ ......... ..Est. Cash Value $2,500

280 * llil

Accum. of several thousand in sheet file s, etc., in carton , vast majorit y n.h. , mostl y Commem sheet s to 15c, some Airs and Regular issues, part sheets, Souvenir sheets and misc., few fault s, generaJly fine to very fine. Face over $1425 .....................................................

281 ** llil Accum. of several thou sand in sheet file and glassines in carton , n.h. , mostly Commems, also Souvenir sheets , coils, Airs , some compl. sheet s, many blks, misc. Canal Zone, etc., varying quantities , fine to very fine .................................................... ....Est. Cash Value $1,000 31



*IBIBalanc e of a propert y in carton , vast majority


**IIilAccum. of over 150 compl. sheets in sheet tiles, etc., in carton, n.h., mostly modern issues with

n.h. , incl. Pl. blks, compl. and part sheets, Souvenir s heets, Was hington Bicentennial, Arm y-Navy, Famous Americ ans, Ove rrun Countries, Airs incl. Transport, coils, back-of-book, misc. United ations, some faults, overall tine to very tine .......................................................................................... Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000

many 32c and 33c Commems, incl. 1998 Trans-Miss sheets, some slight faults or separations in earlier issues, overall tine to very tine. Face about $960 ............................................................... ........


*IBIAccum. of many hundred in glassines, etc., in box, vast majorit y n.h., some o.g ., incl. Pl. blks, blks,

many singles, co ils, Souven ir sheet s, mostly Com mem s in variou s denomination s, some fault , ove rall fine to very fine . Face abo ut $650 ............ ........ .................................. .......... ....................................... ...... .

285 * OII!l Duplicated coll. of many hundred on pages in 2 ring-binders, n.h . to o.g., some used dupl., incl. Pres identia ls com p!., Sou venir sheets , blks, co ils, book let pane s, Airs and back-of-bo ok, Canal Zone, mixed co nditi on to very fine ............................ ............ .................... ................ Est. Cas h Value $400-500 286 ** II!lAccum. of mostly compl. sheets and misc. stationery in 2 boxes, n.h., variou s denominat ions with many 1993 29c Clas sic Books and 32c , misc. part sheets , etc., face incl. stationery over $550 , also United Nation s incl. Flag heets, Vienn a and Geneva ( ew York face only $ 160+) , genera lly very fine

**IBI Coll. of several hundred Pl. blks on pages in ring-binder , appar ently n.h., incl. Pl. No. blks of 4 or larger, blk s of 4. co il strips, Air , few dupl. , etc., generally fine to very fine ....Est. Cash Value $350-4 00 288 **IIil Selection of about 60 compl. sheets in 3 sheet tiles, n.h., incl. Yorktown , Washington Bicentennial ½ c,


1930 3c issues, Nation al Parks set co mp!., Poets to lOc, etc ., and misc. modern, vary ing quantitie s, genera lly fine to very fine ....................................... ............ ........... .................. Est. Cash Value $250- 300


**IIilAccum. of a few thousand in glassines in shoe box, appare ntly n.h. , mostly Comme ms in various

denomi nations, many 3c, 4c , 5c, incl. Pl. No . blks and blk of 4 , also Airs and ome Regular Issues, vary ing quantities , fine to very fine. Face ove r $32 5 .......................... ............ ................... ........... .......... ...


**llilAccum. of over 150 compl. sheets in album, n.h., most ly 3c Commem s, also Air Post IOc, 15c, 25c , fine to very fine . Face $3 15...................... ................................................................................... ...............

USED STOCK: Turn of the century to modern stock of several thousand in 9 ring-binders or stockbooks, wide ranging , vary ing quantitie , incl. blks, Souvenir sheets, Airs, some mint , plus cove rs, coll. of Pl. No. copies, mixed co nditi on to much very fine .......... .............. .....Est. Cash Va lue $200-300

291 0


**EE 1902 to 1932, coll. of about 250 on pages, a great deal n.h., rest o.g., incl. 1902-03 to S0c, 1906 Imperf 2c types I and II, shades, 1922-26 to $2, coils incl. line pairs, few imperf blks and pairs, some small faults, generally tine to very tine. Sc. $4500+ ........ (betw. 300 and 723)


**IIil1970s to 1990s, colJ./accum. of many hundred in 2 boxes, n.h., incl. post office issue packs and

Year Book , also Commemorative Stamp Club page , mi c. FDC s, speci al eve nt cachet s and Souvenir cards, etc ., generally very fine. Face about $300 ............. .............. ............ ............. .................... .............. .



WASHINGTON-FRANKLIN ISSUES: 1908 to 1920, coll. of over 225 on National album pages, n.h. to unused, wide ranging and with better items throughout incl. various wmks and perfs, booklet panes, coils incl. pairs or line pairs, bicolors, Sc errors perf 10 and 11, etc., mixed condition to tine to very tine .....................................Est. Cash Value $2,500- 3,000

295 ** IJjjBOOKLETS : Accum. of about 200 in box, n.h., wide variety in moderate quantities, incl. letter series and self-adhesive panes, tine to very tine. Face about $870 ...................................................... . 296

**llilSelection of over 95 in cigar box, n.h., vario us denominat ions, incl AMERlPEX , Bugs Bunn y, etc. ,

moderat e quantiti es to one of an item , very fine. Face abo ut $435 ............................. ............................ ...

297 * l!ll

BOOKLET PANES: 1903 to 1932, selection of about 45 on pages, n.h. to o.g., incl. 1903 types I and II, plus shades, Washington-Franklin , etc., better items a few dupl., mixed condition to tine to very tine ...................... .................................. ............................................Est. Cash Value $500-600

298 * Iii!



ERRORS AND MISPRINTS: Selection of 45 items, plus Flag over Porch 32c, pane of 100, incl. imperf vert., pairs, n.h. to o.g., incl. vert. pairs imperf horiz., imperf panes, missing color or Imprint on reverse, imperf blks, imperf between, back-of-book, etc., tine to very tine ..................................... .................................. ..................................Est. Cash Value $3,000-4 ,000

U.S. AND WORLD-WIDE: 19th and 20th Century, accum. of many hundred covers in box and carton, incl. I 9th ce nt. cac heted FDC s, stationery, Canad a cove r col l. on pages, incl. flight cachets and station ery, misc. foreign com merc ial mail , mixed condition .................. ..E t. Cash Value $200-400

300 * Oliil U.S. AND UNITED NATIONS: 20th Century, coll. and accum. of many hundred in 7 albums or ring-binders, etc., in carton, vast majorit y n.h., incl. Pl. and Mail Early blks, dupl. , modern face , misc. Can al Zone , etc., U.N . incl. Margin Inscription blks, Sou venir sheet incl. Tenth Anniver sary, Geneva , cove r and mint Stationer y, etc., generally fine to very fine .............E t. Ca h Value $250-350





20th Century, coils. and accum. of several thousand on pages in 2 ring-binders and glassines in carton, n.h. to o .g., incl. two simil ar singles co ils., Margin Inscription blks of 4 co ll., additi onal blk and hee t incl. Flag serie , Souveni r shee ts incl. 10th Anniversary (3), Geneva issues, FD Cs , etc. , ge nerally fine to very fine ..... ...... ........ ............... ....... ............... ........ ...... .......... Est. Cas h Value $300-500

302 C8I

Accum. of a few thousand FDCs in 4 cartons, mint and u ed ..................... E t. Cas h Value $200-4 00

303 C8I

1951 to 1980s, stock of many hundred cacheted FDCs in carton and 2 boxes, wide ranging and moderate qu antit ies , incl. set , Souve nir sheets, M argin In scriptio n blks of 4 , Airs, Geneva is ues , flight s, p icture pos t card , etc., also so me Souve nir fo lders and mint tamp , cac het incl. Cac het Craft, Artm a ter , Rit z, Art Craf t, many ew York issues with Offic ial Geneva cac hets, etc., alma t all unaddr ess ed , fine to very fin e ...................... ........ ......... ................ ......... .......... Est. Cash Valu e $30 0-4 00


**~ From 1958, coll. and accum. of a few hundred on Minkus pages in ring-binder and glassines in box, appare ntly n.h., inc l. co ll. to 1970 s with Tenth Anniversary Souvenir hee t, also Souve nir fo lders and cards, few sheets, Vienna and Geneva, UNTE A et, etc., generall y very fine ...E t. Cas h Value $ 100- 150

216 33


Catl. Val.


305 0 306



307 308 0 309 3 10



3 11 0 3 12 181

3 13 0

1865 Crown CC imperf Sc blue, good to large margins, neat blue oval cancel, diagonal crea e, fine. S.G. 12, £850 ......................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (4) Perf 14 3p pale blue, blk of four , n.h.(2)/1.h.(2), fine to very fine. S.G. 22, £320+ ..................................(Photo ) (7) 1867-69 Surcharged Sc pale red , o.g., perfs clear , superb . Signed A. Diena. S.G. 29, £140 ................(Photo) (9) Sc on 3p bright red , 25c on 3p orange, former " I ", latter blue "35" in grid cancel, fine. S.G. 29, 31, £280 .................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (9, 11) $1 on 3p green, o.g., all perf s clear , pri stine color, superb. Signed A. Diena. S.G. 33, £650 .................(Photo ) (13) 1869 Perf 12½ 10c on 3p lilac , l.h., virtually all perf s clear , very fine. Signe d A. Diena. S.G. 32, £450 ....................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (15) 25c on 3p orange , blue "35" in grid cancel, fine. S.G. 25, £400 ..............................................................(Photo ) (16) NEW BRUNSWICK: 1860-63 Perf 12 le red lilac, vertical strip of five placed sideways, typical centering , each tied by st rik e of oval grid cance l on neat local envelope, RICHIBUCTO AU 16 1865 receiver on rever se .........................................................................................................................(Photo ) (6) Est. Cas h Value $400-500 NEWFOUNDLAND: 1860 Imperf 2p orange, margin s all round except framelin e touched , lightly caned., fine. Foundation Cert. ( 1999). S.G. 10, £400 .....................................................................................................(Photo ) (11)




I \.


1,000.00 700.00

Catl. Val.



3 16 3 17 0

3 18 0 3 19 0 320 0 32 1 0 322 0 323 0

Ip red brown, good to mostly enormous margins , neat oval cancel , extremel y fine. S.G. 1, £400 .....(Photo) (1) Ip to 6p deep green , four diff., all with margins all round , neat ova l cancels, small faults, very fine appeara nce. S.G. £ 1735 ...........................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (1,3,4,5) 3p bright blue , fuJI o.g., very l.h. if at all, clear to mostly large margins , fresh , fine. S.G. 3, £900 .....(Photo ) (2) 3p very deep blue , PAIR , mostl y large margins all round , lightly caned. , extremel y fine. S.G. 2, £320+ ......................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (3) 3p deep blue , PAIR , good to enormous margins all round , barely caned. , faint filin g crease between tamp s, very fine . S.G . 2, £320+ ...............................................................................................................................(Photo ) (3) 6p yellow green, good to large margins all round , very lightly caned. , very fine. S.G. 5, £425 ...........(Photo ) (4) 6p, good to large margins , neatly caned. , very fine. S.G. 5, £425 ...........................................................(Photo ) (4) 6p, mostly enormous margin s, grid and red c.d.s. cancels, tin y corner crease , still very fine. S.G. 5, £425 ......................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (4) 6p deep green, good to large margins all round , lightl y caned., very fine. S.G. 6, £750 ......................(Photo ) (5)


500.00 500.00 500.00 900.00

l sh purple, SI G LE LINE WATERMARK, cleaned cancel , good to large margin s all round. B.P.A. Cert. (2002). S.G. 7D, £5000+..............................................................................................(Photo ) (6) 6,500.00+ Love ly copy

COVER CONDITION Minor faults including, but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps, small tears and some backflap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue. 35

Cati. Val.

USE D ON COVER 324 181

lp dull red brown , VERTICAL PAIR AND SINGLE, full margins to just in, tied by oval grid s on small enve lope to Arichat bearing HALIFAX SP 28 1854 c.d.s. on reverse. S.G. 1 The earliest documented three times one pen ce frank ing and the sixth oldest one pen ce cover ......................(Photo) (1) Est. Cash Value $500- 750

~f!'~ ~~.1.--------~~ "½,.~e:£4 ✓

~ ~:7G--

1/ ,-- ...,,,. /I»- u./ / 325


/b, I! ~~., l.. _L








325 181

3p bright blue , THREE COPIES, good to large margins all round , very fine or extremely fine, all tied by oval grids on blue folded letter bear ing ANNAPOLIS FE 6 1858 c.d.s. and Halifax receiver on reverse. Ex Claude Carton. S.G. 3 ..................................................(Photo) (2) Est. Cash Value $750-1,000

326 181

3p , PAIR AND SINGLE, full margin s all round , one cut one side, fine to very fine, tied by oval grid on Regis. folded letter sheet bearing GUYSBOROUGH DE20 1858 c.d.s. and Halifax receiver on rever se. S.G. 3 ....................................................................................................(Photo ) (2) Est. Cash Value $500-750 Only eight covers are known to bear three copies of the three pence

327 181

328 181

3p, TWO COPIES, both good to large margins , lightly tied on folded letter sheet (some stains) bearing HALIF AX OC 19 1854 c.d.s. and Albion Mines receiver on reverse. S.G. 3. The fo urth oldest three pence multiple fra nking ..........................................................................................................................(Photo ) (2) Est. Cash Value $300-400 6p deep green, extreme ly tine , 3p deep blue, fine, both with margin s all round , tied by oval gr ids on Regis. folded letter sheet (no side flap) bear ing red LONDONDERRY SE 15 1858 c.d.s. and Amherst receiv er on reverse. S.G. 6, 3 .....................................................(Photo ) (5,2) Est. Cash Value $1,250-1,500 The fou rth oldest usage of the six pence deep green



J~ ✓ ~~,,



ff A . ~/-~ /Z /~L~/----

r, J





Cati. Val.

Bisects on Cover 329



6p yellow green, BISECT , fine, tied over ms. "Pai(d)" by oval grid cancel on small red irected envelope bearing red LONDONDERRY JY 9 1858 c.d.s., Halifax transit , Baddeck, Sydne y transits on reverse. Friedl Cert. (1984). S.G. Sa, £3250 ..................................................................................(Photo ) (4a) Est. Cash Value $500-750


33 1

3p deep blue, BISECT , 6p yellow green , latt er margins all round , extremel y fine, both tied on flimsy envelope bearing red LIVERPOOL tombstone, HALIFAX FE 12 1857 c.d.s. an d Dumfries receiver on reverse. S.G. 2a, 5 ........................................................................(Photo ) (3a,4) Est. Cash Value $750-1,000


6p deep gree n, BISECT, margins but clipped corner , fine, tied by oval grid on blue folded letter sheet bearing HALIFAX MY 8 1860 c.d.s. and Dorchester N.B. receiver on reverse. Friedl Cert. (1978). Ex. T. Char lton Henry. S.G . 6a, £5500 ... ..................................(Photo ) (Sa) Est. Cash Value $1,000- 1,500 Only two deep green bisects are known used to New Brunswick


Cati. Val.



, ~





333 * O

6p, BISECT , good margins , very fine, tied by oval grid on envelope (town address removed ) bear ing HALIFAX JA 27 1860 c.d.s. and Annapolis receiver on reverse. Ex Carnegie and Collie Collections. S.G. 6a, ÂŁ5500 .................................................................................(Photo ) (Sa) Est. Cash Value $750- 1,000 CANADA AND PROVINCES : 19th and 20th Century, coll . of man y hundred mint and used in box , incl. many stock cards and glassines, also Exhibition coll. of Railroad and Ship cancels, varied cond ition. Well documented ................................................................................. .............................Est. Cash Value $750- 1,000


Cati. Val.


6p, good margin s all round , distincti ve laid lines, smudged cancel, very fine. S.G. 2, £900 ..................(Photo ) (9)

335 0 336

6p slate violet, good to large mar gins, distincti ve laid lines, neatl y caned. and lovely color , extr emely fine. S.G. 2, £900 ....................................................................................................................................... (Photo ) (2)


1,350.00 1,350.00

6p , good to large margin s all round , ver y fin e, tied b y target cancel on neat folded letter sheet bearing red MO NTR EA L SP29 1851 c.d.s., London UC recei ver on rever se. S.G . 2 .................................................... .........................................(Cover Photo ) (2) Est. Ca sh Value $2,000-2 ,500

1852-55 WOVE PAPER 337 0 338 0

3p deep red , mostly enormou s mar gins showin g portion of adjoinin g stamp at right , lightl y caned. , extremel y fine. Signed A. Diena. S.G. £160 ............................................................................................................. ...(Phot o) (4)


6p gre enish gr ay, good to ver y lar ge mar gins, light on-the-nose cancel, light overall toning, creases, bright color for this, very fine appearance. S.G. I 0, £950 ............................................................................................ .(Photo ) (Sb)


Used on Cover 339


340 6 341


3p, re-entr y above "PE" of "PE NCE", good to large margin s all round , tied by neat diamond-of-bar s cancels on front , ver y fine. Signed A. Diena ........................................................ ..................................................(Photo ) (4)


1857 Medium to Thick Hard Wove Pap er 3p , large margin s all round , extremel y fine, tied by cri sp numeral " 19" in 4-ring target cancel on neat envelope to Montr eal bearin g LONDO N MAY 25 1857 c.d.s. S.G. 18. Love ly color ............................................................................................ .....(Photo ) (4iii) Est. Cash Value $600-800



3p , good to lar ge margin s all round , ver y fine , caned. on blu e fold ed letter bearing PORT PERR Y JY 14 1858 c.d.s., Lind sey receiver on reverse. Signed A. Diena . Lovely stamp and cove r .........................................................................................................................(Photo ) (4) Est. Cash Value $100-125


1859 Machine-Made Thick Wove Paper 6p slate violet, lar ge to enormou s margins, extremel y fine, tied by oval grids on cro ss bord er envelope (with enclosure ) to Morri s, N.Y. bearing red KINGSTON U.C NO 17 58 c.d.s. and matchin g CANADA arc. S.G. 27a, £6750 ......(Photo ) (5d) Est. Cash Value $1,500-2 ,000 Pretty stamp an.d rare cover

343 6

1855 Cartier lOp deep blu e, mar gins thr ee sides, in at right , lightly caned. on small piece, fine appearance. S.G. 15, £ 1200 ..............................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (7)


344 0

1857 ½ pro se, good to large margins aJI round, lightly caned., very fine. S.G. 17, £400 ......................... (Photo ) (8)


½ p, lar ge even margin s, lightly caned., couple thins, extremely fine appearance. S.G. 17, £400 ............(Photo ) (8)


345 0 346 l8l 347 0

½ p, good mar gins all round , very fine, tied by light grid canc el on blu e printed circu lar bearing PORT HOPE 5 AUG 1858 c.d.s. receiver on re verse. S.G. 17, £1200 ..................(Photo ) (8) Es t. Cas h Value $400- 500 7½ p deep green , clear to larg e margin s all round , neatly caned., corner crease, lovely fresh color, very fine appearance. S.G. 12, £ 1500 ...................................................................... .................................................. (Photo ) (9a) 40





J~ ~






Cati. Val.


1857 Very Thick Soft Wove Paper 348 181

6p reddish purple , good to large margins all round , fine , tied by "21 " in 4-ring circle on neat envelope to Caledonia , N.Y. bearing MONTREAL JU 1 1858 c.d. s . S.G. 23 ......................................................................................................(Photo) (10) Est. Cash Value $4,000-5,000 An in.credibly rare stamp, espec ially on cove r and in such super ior appeara nce and condition

~ 349 181

1858-59 Pence Perf 11 ž 3p red , two very fine copies , one sheet margin , tied by grid cancels on folded letter to ew York bearing TORO TO MR 12 1859 c.d. s. and red PAID. S.G. 26 ............................................................... .......................................(Photo) (12) Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,250 Rare franking especially paying the six pence rate to the United States 42

Cati . Val.



- I/; l //-cir

f; I )

") / /





/ 1-J


1859 "CENTS" ISSUE 350 0

10c black brown, light numeral cancel, thins, true rich color. S.G. 33 ......................................... ......(Photo) (16) Used on Cover

35 1


le pale ro se, Sc pale red , fine , tied by duplex on envelope to New York bearing PRESCOTT OC 8 68 transit. S.G . 29 , 31. A ve ry fine example of the new six ce nt rate to the United States ...............................................................................................................(Photo) (14,15) Est. Cash Value $750-1,000



First Printing le deep rose, VERTICAL PAIR, fine, tied by grids on envelope bearing TORONTO JY 17 59 c.d.s. , Stratford receiver on reverse. S.G. 30. Interest ing exampl e of the underpaid five cent domesti c feller rate ............................................................................................................... ......(Photo) ( 14b) Et. Cash Value $400-450



Sc deep red, STRIP OF THREE, few rough perfs and one copy small tear, tied by grids on buff Regis. envelope (one partial back flap ) bearing DUNDAS JY 20 60 c.d.s. transit , REGISTERED and red CANADA PAID 10 cts, Clifton origin on reverse, to New York ........(Photo) (15) Est. Cash Value $500-600



Cati. Val.


10c deep red purple , fine, tied b y numeral in four-ring grid on buff envelope to New York bearing red KINGSTON AU 9 1850 c.d.s. S.G. 33b , £1500. Attract ive examp le of the very rare shade .....................................................................................................................(Photo ) (17e) Est. Cash Value $400-500




1864 ISSUE



356 357 0


2c rose red, PAIR, le pale ro se, all very fine , tied b y indi stinct c.d. s . strikes on local amber en velop e, LYNDOCK FE 17 66 receiver on r eve rse . B.P. A. Cert. (1982 ). S. G. 44 , 29 .................................. ..............................................................(Photo ) (20,14) Est. Cash Value $1,250-1,500 A ve,y f ine and rare combination 1868-76 Ottawa Ptg 3c red, thin pap er, unused, fresh, fine. S.G. 49, £600 ..........................(Photo page 45) (25b)


1868 Laid Paper le bro wn red , lig htl y ca ned ., fau lt s, ri ch co lor and fine appeara nce. S.G. 55a ................................................ ........................................................................................... .......(Photo page 45) (31)



Cati. Val.


363 ✓




VfJi~ :·(JJ?










J 364

* ** 360 * 36 1 *

358 359

1870-89 PERFORATED 12 le yellow, imperf pair, unused, large margins all round, very fine. S.G. 75a, £300 ......................,.......(Photo) (35b) 3c pale rose red , Sheet Margin Imprint Pair with "THREE CENTS" complete , n.h ., fresh, very fine . S.G. 80 , £550+ . Fabulous multiple ......................................................................................................... (Photo) (37) 3c Indian red, o.g., "wide" copy, very fine. B.P.A. Cert. (1961). S.G. 79, £900 ................................(Photo) (37b) 3c, slightly deeper shade, o.g., fresh, fine. Greene Foundation Cert. (1996). S.G. 79, £900 ................. (Photo) (37b) Used on Cover







3c rose , PAIR , fine , tied by segmented cork ca ncels on neat cross-border envelope bea ring OTT AWA DE 2 1 72 c.d.s. , Philadelphia receiver on reverse. Most attractive fancy cancels and rare usage ......................................................................................................................(Photo) (37a) Est. Cash Value $200-250 3c orange red, fine, tied by Lron Cross cance l on neat amber envelope (slightly reduced) bearing HUNTSVlLLE NO 14 77 c.d.s. , Toronto receive r on reverse. Quite distinctive ...................(Photo ) (37c) Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 3c bright orange red, fine, tied by lovely segmented cork in circle cancel on neat envelope bearing BRACEBRIDGE OC 7 75 c.d.s. , Toro nto receiver on reverse. Very pretty ...................... ....... (Photo) (37c) Est. Ca h Value$ I 00-150 45


1,000.00 1,000.00

Cati. Val.






10c pale lilac magenta , extremely fine, plus Sc olive green , fine, each tied by six-ring target cancel on envelope bearing RIVIERE-DU-LOUP-EN-BAS OC 26 1878 c.d.s., Rimouski Que. transit and Clitheroe England receiver on reverse. S.G. 85, 87 ..................(Photo) (38,40) Est. Cash Value $600-800 10c, very fine, tied by segmented cork cancel on envelope bearing ST. JOHN N.B. FE 27 77 c.d.s., Frome , England receiver on reverse. S.G. 87 .................................(Photo ) (40) Est. Cash Value $500-750 The ten cenr pal e lilac magen ta is seriously under-catalogued on cove r

367 * EB 1889-97 Ottawa Ptg 10c salmon pink , BLOCK OF FOUR , o.g. (hinge remnant ), top left stamp

smalJ thins, well centered and otherwise very fine to extremel y fine. Old Scott #40c, S.G. 109, £1000+ ..................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (40 var. ) Rare shade 368 0

6c chestnut , major re-entry of Sc design, c.d.s. cancel, slightly cut paper , very fine appearance. Royal Cert. (1961). S.G. 107a, £1300 .........................................................................................................................(Photo ) (43c)


1897 JUBILEE ISSUE 369 ** IBI$I lake, BLOCK OF FOUR , n.h. , very fine .....................................................................(Cover Photo ) (61) 6,200.00+

A lovely pris1ine block in posl office condition

* 37 1 * 372 * 373 *


$2 dark purple, unused (regummed), small thin , fine appearance. S.G. 137, £700 ................................. (Photo) (62) $4 purple, unused (reg ummed), small faults, fine appeara nce. S.G. 139, £800 ........................................(Photo ) (64) $5 olive green, o.g., rich color, fine. S.G. 140, £800 ................................................................................. (Photo ) (65) 1897-98 Maple Leaf ½ c to 10c com pl. set, o.g. (hinge remnant), fine to very fine. S.G. £387 ........(Photo ) (66-73)

875.00 975 .00 975.00 591.50

374 ** IBI1903-08 Edward VII 2c carmine , BOOKLET PA E OF SIX , n.h. , ver y fine. Uni. Can. $3000

.......................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (90b) Very scarce this nice



Cati. Val.

* 376 ** 377 ** 378 ** 379 ** 380 ** 375



1926 Surcharged Errors 2c on 3c, carmine , pair, left stamp without surcharge, l.h., very fine . Uni. Can. $450 ............................................................ ........................................................................................... .........(Photo) (l 39a) 2c on 3c carmine, double surcharge, n.h., very fine. Uni. Can. $450 ............... ........................... ......(Photo) ( 140a) 1927 Confederation le , 2c, Sc, 12c, pairs, imperf vert., n.h., 2c left stamp gum inclusion, very fine. Uni. Can. $960 ...................... .......................................................................................................... ........... (Photo) ( 14lb,42b,44b,45b)

275.00 175.00+ 520.00

2c, 3c, Sc, vert. pairs, imperf horiz., n.h., 3c one perf thin, Sc tiny gum spot, fine to very fine. Uni. Can. $720 as very fine ................... ........................................................................................................................ (Photo) ( 142c-44c)


1928-29 George V "Scroll" le to 12c, compl. less 2c, pairs, imperf vert., 4c, Sc, Sc SE, n.h., lOc right stamp light crease , fine to very fine. S.G. from ÂŁ500 , Uni. Can. $ I 875 as very fine.........................(Photo) ( 149d,5 l b-56b)


le to 20c compl., vert. pairs, imperf horiz., n.h., fine to very fine. Uni. Can. $2626 as very fine. 250 Pairs of each printed .... .............. ............ ............ ..... ............ ...... .................... ..... .... ...... ........ .........................(Photo) ( l 49b-57a)


IMPERFORATE PAIRS 1927 Confederation 2c, 3c, Sc, 12c, imperf pairs, n.h., large margins, 12c left stamp faults, fine to very fine. Uni. Can . $960 as very fine ................................................ ............... ......................................................(Photo ) ( l 42c-45c)



Cati. Val.

** 383 **



* 386 * 385



** 389 ** 390 * 391 ** 392 * 388

393 394

** *

1927 McGee Sc violet, pairs, imperf and imperf vert., vert. pair imperf horiz., n.h., extremely fine. Uni. Can. $720. 250 Pairs of each printed ....................................................................................................... (Photo) (146a,b,c)


1928-29 George V "Scroll" le to 12c compl., n.h., good to mostly large margin s all round , le and 2c light finger print on gum, fine to very fine . S.G. from £560 , Uni. Can. $2 I 00 as very fine. 250 Pairs of each printed ................... ......................................................... .............................................. ...............................(Photo) ( 144b-56a)


1932 George V "Medallion" le to 4c compl., n.h., mostly large margins all round, 2c gum inclusions, 4c usual yellow gum, very fine. S.G. £600 , Uni. Can. $ 1800. 150 Pairs of each printed .......... ............ (Photo) ( I 95,-97b,98a)


1933 Steamsh ip Sc dark blue , sheet margin , right stamp l.h., large margins other sides, extremely fine. S.G. £450, Uni. Can. $750 . 75 Pair s printed ............................................................................... .....(Photo) (204a)


1934 Cartier 3c blue, bottom sheet margin, l.h., large margins other sides, right stamp light crease, extremely fine appeara nce. S. G. £450, Uni. Can. $750. /25 Pairs printed ........... ............ .................................... (Photo) (208a)


1934 New Brunswick Seal 2c red brown, bottom sheet margin, l.h., large margins other sides, extremely fine. S.G. £400, Uni. Can. $850. 75 Pairs printed ................................ ........................................................(Photo) (210a)


1939 Royal Visit set compl., le and 3c top right corner pairs, n.h. except le top stamp disturbed spots, large margins other sides, very fine. S.G. £975, Uni. Can. $2025. 75 Pairs printed .......................... (Photo) (246a-48a)


Special Delivery; 1938-39 10c dark green, n.h., large margins all round, extremely fine. S.G. £475, Uni. Can. $1125. 75 Pairs kno wn ................................................................ ............................................................(Photo) (E7a)


Postage Due; 1933-34 le dark violet, o.g., very large margins all round, extremely fine. S.G. £300, Uni. Can. $500. JOOPairs print ed ............... ............... ............. ............................................................................... (Photo) (Jlla )


1935 George V Error 3c dark carmine, printed on gummed side, sheet margin copy, n.h., very fine. S.G. 343b, £225, Uni. Can. $600 .................................... ...................................................... ....................................(Photo) (2 19c)


Air Post; 1932 Surcharge Errors 6c on Sc brown olive, inverted, 6c on Sc triple, two copies of latter, l.h., fine to very fine ............... ...................................................... ........................................ ............ ...................(Photo) (C3a,c)


Special Delivery; 1927 Confederation 20c orange, pair, imperf vert., vert. pair imperf horiz., SE at left, n.h., large margins all round, extremely fine. S.G. £260, Uni. Can. $750. 250 Pairs of each printed ...(Photo) (E3b,c)


War Tax; 1916 2c+lc carmine, type II, 2c+le brown, type I, l.h., fresh, fine. S.G. £275 .........(Photo) (MR3a,4a )


395 * OEEOFFICIALS: Perforated O.H.M.S; 1930s and 1940s, coll. of about 100 on pages , n.h . or l.h. , few used , incl. 1938 Pictorial s, 1942-43 War Effort, 1946 Peace set, back-o f-book , 11 blks of 4, etc., fine to very fine ........... ............... ............................................... .................. .................................. ................. Est. Cash Value $400- 500 396 * O

REVENUE: Primarily 19th Century , small coll. on pages , o.g . or used, inc l. Seco nd I ue $ I and $3 , Third Issue $ 1, $2, $3, Suprem e Court 1876 I0c to $5 comp!. set, all mint , etc., mixed condition to very fine ......... ............................................................................ ................................ ....................... ..Est. Cash Value 250-300

397 * O l!ll 1851 to 1980s, coll. of many hundred diff. on pages in 2 ring-binders, n.h. to o.g. or used incl. dupl., incl. Laid and Wove papers, Large Queen varieties, Small Queen shades, Jubilee to $1, Admiral types, coils, better compl. sets, booklet panes, Airs and better back-of-book, high degree of completeness, early faulty or mixed condition to much fine to very fine ............................ Est. Cash Value $2,500-3,000 398 * IBI 20th Century, coll. and accum. of a few thousand in album and glassines, etc., in carton, vast majority n.h., balance l.h. to used, mostly blks of 4 or larger, also modern ingles and Pl. blks, Souvenir sheets, booklets, etc., mixed centering to very fine ................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $200-30 0 399 * O l!ll 1911 to 1970s, coll. of about 100 booklet panes or booklets on pages in ring-binder, n.h. to disturbed o.g. or used, incl. Admiral types and other George V issues, War Effort, etc., some dupl., mixed condition to very fine ..................................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500+



40 I * O



ANTIGUA: 1863 to 1948, selection of over 40 on stock cards, l.h. to unused , incl. slightly better early items, George V and VI issues, few small faults, generally fine to very fine. Sc. about $ 1900 ............. .................................. AUSTRALIA: 1913 to 1990s, coll. of several hundred in 2 albums, used to 1928, 1929 on l.h. or o.g., some used with light stains, decent George V, o.g. incl. some very nice John Ash and early imprint blks, better sets. Better than normal collection ......................................................... ................................ ....Est. Cash Value $750-900 Duck Stamps; 1990s, coll. of a few hundred blks , sheets , some covers , in album, all n.h. and very fine . Face alone $3300 + ..................................................... ..................................... .................... Est. Cash Value $300-4 00



Cati. Val.



404 0

1859-60 Unwmkd. imperf lp reddi sh lake on thick pap er , large part o.g., large margin s all round , extremel y tine. B.P.A. Cert. (1968). S.G. 1, £4500 ...........................................................(Cover Photo ) (la )


lp, mostly large margins all round, neatly caned. , extremely tine. B.P.A. Cert. (1968). Ex Charlton Henry. S.G. 1, £2250 ......................................................................................................................(Photo ) (la )


BATUM: 1919-20, selection of about 45 on album pages, o.g. to unused, few used, incl. slightly better surcharged types, reference, some signed or handstamped, few faults, fine to very fine .......................Est. Cash Value $300-400

405 * O





408 409 4 10 41 1

* * * *

4 12



4 13 4 14 4 15 181


1910-20 Mu tt. Crown CA George V £1 purple & black on red , very l.h., extreme ly tine ........(Photo ) (S.G. 55) 1938-51 George VI Issue 2sh, 2sh6p , 9 diff. shade s, Ssh, lOsh, 6 diff. shades, plus 12sh6p (2), £1, 18 diff. , n.h. to o.g., generally very fine, S.G. about £840 .......................................................(Photo ) (SG 116,c,d,e,f, 117,b,c,d, l I 8d,e,f, l I 9c.e,f, I 20b,e, 12 1d) 2sh deep purple & ultramarine on gray blue, perf 14¼ , o.g., fine .............................................(Photo ) (SG 116b) Ssh pale green & red on yellow, I.h., extreme ly fine ....................................................................(Photo ) (SG118a ) lOsh green & deep lake on pale emera ld, o.g., very fine ................................................................(Photo ) (SG 119) 1875 to 1951, selection of over 50 on stock cards, etc., n.h. to unused , incl. surcharged lp on 2p and lp on 3p, George VI Key Plates to £1, incl. perf vars. and S.G. shades, few small fault s, generally tine to very tine ..................................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500+ BRITISH GUIANA: 1837 Stampless folded lett er (some soiling), originating Ebenezer Chapel, West Coast Demerara 9th May 1837 and bearing boxed SHIP LETTER KINGSBRIDGE and London receiver. Attrac tive usage and scarce origin .................... ....................................................... ...............(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $100-150 FALKLAND ISLANDS: 1933 Centenary Ssh yellow & black , 1.h., very fine. S.G. £500 ...................(Photo ) (74) 1938-46 George VI Ssh yellow brown & indigo, l.h., very fine. S.G. l6lb , £600 ...............................(Photo ) (94a) GREAT BRITAIN: OFFICES IN CHINA; 1922-27 Script George V 2c green, single and vert. pair , tine, tied by light strikes of WEI HAJ WEJ PORT EDWARD NO 23 22 c.d.s. on envelope (stamp missing) to New York ..........................................................................................................................(Photo ) ( 18) Est. Cash Value $75-100

416 * !Bl OFFICES IN MOROCCO: 1898 to 1957, coll. of many hundred in Specia lty album , much n.h. , balance o.g., all currencies and Tangier , incl. varieties and ptgs, ''M" with long serif, hyphen between " n" and "c" of "Agencies", blks of 4 and lar ger, few covers , etc., tine to very tine .........Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000

J£-✓g,'O ,_~

.>I~~' ~ ~~

~~ ~.




GRENADA: 1873 Wmkd. Large Star lp blue green , 6p ver milion , pair , tine , tied by light strikes of JAN 28 1875 " D" double circle cancel on neat blue folded letter sheet to Eng land, backstamped ................................................................................................................(Photo) (6,7) Est. Cash Value $2,000 50


£300 £300 £450

525.00 375.00


,,> /



/ /'



·<u ,,cs, ~ .l

d.J:: j · \)...... ...~---





( ,') ' '


~~ ~

J{ ~ ~~l{








Cati. Val.

418 419

** **

HONG KONG: 1954-60 Elizabeth Sc to $10 compl. set, n.h., very fine . S.G . ÂŁ227 .......... .......... (Photo) ( 185-98)


1962 Wmkd. Upright Sc to $20 compl. set, n.h., very fine ............................................................. (Photo) (203-17 )


420 * O

1904 to 1973, selection of over 90 mostly diff. on stock cards, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. Edwa rd VII to $3 and George V used to $3 and $ 10 respect ively, 1938-48 Geor ge VI set comp!., Elizabeth sets, etc., some small faults in earlier issues, generally fine to very fine .......... .......................... ............................ .......... ...Est. Cash Value $350-400

421 * O

IRELAND: 1922 to 1974, coll. of a few hundred diff. on Specialty pages, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. Seahorses sets, coils, later compl. sets and Postage Due, genera lly fine to very fine ................... ............... Est. Cash Value $750+



1891 Surcharged 6c on Sc dark violet, "Cents" OMITTED , o.g., cert. states "to ned", an op inion with which we do not agree, fine. B.P.A. Cert. (2002 ). S.G. 34d, ÂŁ400 ........................................................... ................ (Photo ) (29c)




Used to United States 423


6c on 8c violet, three copies, fine, tied by light strikes of barred oval and red London transit on Regis. envelope bearing LABUAN JA (29?) 1892 c.d.s. and registr y mkgs, New York tran sit and violet and red Boston receiver on reverse ..................................................(Photo ) (29) Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000


Cati. Val.

":.,. .,;.-- ,,




·.._~ >)

~. w< .

1892 Unwmkd. 6c, 10c, 12c, 16c, 40c, fine , tied by oval grid s on Regis . env elope (fault s) bear in g registr y mkgs , LABUAN AU 2 1893 c.d.s. and red oval London transit , next-day recei ver on rever se ............................................................................................(Photo ) (34,36-39) Est. Cash Value $1,000- 1,200 Sea rce five color combina tion



LEEWARD ISLANDS: 1938- 51 George VI lOsh blui sh green & deep red on green, n.h., extremel y fine ...........................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (SG119a)






1860-63 Unwmkd. 9p lilac and 1863-72 crown CA lp brown lilac, very tine and tine respectively except for minor staining , tied by "B53" in grid cancels on blue envelope bearing MAURITI US SP 22 7 1 c.d.s., ms. "Via Suez Marseille, Suisse", French transit and Swiss receiver. Very rare stamp, destination and combination of two issues ...................................................................................................................(Photo ) (29,32) Est. Cash Value $300- 500 53


Cati. Val.



1863-72 4p rose , PAIR, fine , tied by "B5 3'' in grid ca ncels on nea t blu e enve lope bearin g ms. " Via Suez Marseille" beaiin g red French maritime transit, blue MAURITIUS MR 8 72 and Paris rece iver on reve r e. S.G. 62 ........................................................................... ............... .............................. (Photo) (35) Est. Cas h Value $ 100- 150



6p green, 4p rose, fine and very good respectivel y, tied by "B53" in grid cancels on small envelope bear ing red French maritime transit, MAURITIUS JY 18 68 c.d.s. and Swiss receivers on reverse. S.G. 64, 62. Rare destination ; none in Kanai Collection .........................................................................(Photo) (37a,35) Est. Cas h Value $ 150-200



lsh blue, 4p rose, very fine and fine respectivel y, tied by "B53" in grid cance ls in blue envelope beai·ing blue MAURITI US AP 5 72 c.d.s. and receive r on reve rse, ms. " Via Suez Marseille" and red French transit. S.G. 69 , 62. Lovely ............................................................. ............................... .............(Photo ) (40,35) Est. Cas h Value $ 100- 150



1878 Surcharged S0c on lsh green, tied by dupl ex MAURITIUS MR 3 1 79 on Reg is. envelope bearing ms. "par Message ries" and red French packet, Paris rece iver on reverse .................. .......(Photo ) (57) Est. Cash Value $50-7 5

43 1


1883 "SIXTEEN CENTS" on 17c rose, fine pair, tied by "B53" in grid cancels on Reg is. enve lope beaiin g blue French packet, M AURITIUS OC IO 89 c.d.s. and Paris rece iver on reverse .... (Photo) (79) Est. Cash Value $50-75

NORTH BORNEO 1883 "8 cents" on 2c red brown, grid cancels, thin , fine ................ ......................................................(Photo ) (SG2)

432 0 433



1894 Error 6c brown olive & black, pair imperf between , o.g ., thins and pulled perf, centered, fresh, fine and rare. S.G. 74 var., unpr. Vert. pair imperf betwee n cat!. £475 ........ ............................ ......... ........ ....... (Photo) (63 var.)


1887-92 6c lake, pair, fine appearance, caned. by barred oval on Regis. envelope bearing SANDAKAN 10 JUN 1893 c.d.s., framed registry mkg and red LONDON transit, red Tottenham receiver on reverse ......................................................................... .............................(Photo) (41) Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,500



P.D 428

, J0~ ,½

c~~c .



r· / r







. 430




,1 { •













f¼At.Jfl1T1 1J. '



J'f ~

cL,/. ~~ d 55


c g ~,_/~


Cati. Val.


North Borneo Used in Labuan 435


6c on 8c deep violet, two copies, used with North Borneo 6c on 1891 Surcharged 8c green, pair, all fine , tied b y strikes of barred oval on Regis. envelope bearing LABUAN JA 9 1892 c.d.s. to Germany, Singapore transit and Hanover receiver on re verse ............................................................................(Cover Photo) (29a,N.B.52) Est. Cash Value $1,500-1,750 Lovely combinatio n

436 * O IBINORTH WEST PACIFIC ISLANDS: 1915 to 1923, coll. of man y hundred in Specialty album, n.h. to o.g., some used , values to £1, minor varieties, vert. strips of three , large blks, minor wmks, some faults , overall fine to very fine .....................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,500

437 * O EBPAPUA NEW GUINEA: 1901 to 1980s, coll. of man y hundred in 3 Specialty album s in carton, n.h. to o.g. or used , incl. a plethora of ptg. and ovpt. varieties , rift in clouds , etc., cancels, blks of 4 or larger , modern corner blk s and FDCs , Airs , Postage Due and Officials , some faults , overall fine to very fine ............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000

438 * O IBISAMOA: 1877 to 1983, coll. of man y hundred in 2 Specialty albums in box, n.h. to unused , some used , wide ranging incl. early reprints , man y surcharge varieties incl. no fraction bar, "I" of" ½" to left of "2" . others plus perf vars. , blks and corner blks of 4, larger multiple s and covers, some faults though overall fine to very fine .................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000

439 * IBI 1877 to 1953 , extensive coll. of almost 300 on page s, almost all l.h. or o.g. , some used dupl. , nice selection of G.R.I. issues, incl. 5 Express sheets or reconstruction s, useful single s and sets, generally fine to very fine . Cati. $2700 plu s £1680. Excellent for expandi ng a se rious co lleclion ............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,250 440 ** EBSINGAPORE: 1963 Flower s and Birds le to $5 compl. set, top corner blks of four, n.h. , extremely fine. S.G. £233+ ..........................................................................................................................................................(62-68)



Cati. Val.

RHOD ESIA 1910 Double Portrait Issue


* *



44 1







lp rose carmine, perf 13½ . large part o.g., light staining, fine appearance. S.G. 183, £1800. Very sca rce ................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (102c) lsh turquoise green & black, perf 15, o.g. (hin ge rem nant) , thinn ed , very fine appeara nce. S.G . 177, £900 ................................................................. ............................................................................................... (Photo) ( I I lb )

1,750.00 800 .00

£1 bluish slate & carmine, disturbed o .g ., trace of thin , very fine appearance. S.G. 166, £ 1100..........(Photo) (1 18) Selection of about SOon pochette pages, etc., l.h. to o.g. (hinge remnants), values to Ssh, incl. S.G. shades, perf 13½ or 15, and a few Admiral type s, some faults, fine to very fine. S.G. portion alone stated by owner to cat!. over £1000 ..... STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Occupation; 1942 2c brown orange , INVERTED OVERPRINT, 1.h., fresh , fine . Signed Rowe !J. S.G . J90b , £300 ............................................................................................................(Photo) (N24a) TRINIDAD: 1829 stampless folded letter sheet, docketed March 2(?) bearin g boxed PENZANCE SHIP LETTER and red London receiver. Attract ive usage .............................. ............. ..................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ I 00- 125

it -~'{): ~

~ I

,.., q ,. i - !_


... .



{') '



BRITISH COMMONWEALTH COLLECTIONS AND VARIOUS Add itional British material can be found in the Postal History sect ion and mixed lots at the end of the sale 447 * O

19th and 20th Century , coll. of several thousand diff. in 7 Specialty albums in carton, n.h. to o.g., some used , compr . over 40 countries , incl. Canada and misc. BNA, Falkland Is., Great Britain , other larger selection s, compl. or part sets , back-of-book , some better items , early portion mixed condition, later generally fine to very fine .........Est. Cash Value $4,000-5,000


Selectio n of about 150 on s tock cards , etc. , n.h. to o .g., incl. Australia , So lomon Is ., G ibralt ar, Gr eat Britain incl. 3 covers, few sets, few small faults, generally fine to very fine ................................... ................................................. .................................... Est. Cash Value $500-750

449 * O

Stock of many thousand in glassines in 8 metal file drawer s and box , n.h . to unused or used , genera lly cheaper stamps from man y countries, large selection s of Canada and Great Britain , varyi ng to large quantities of some , mixed condition ...............................Est. Cash Value $500-750


450 ** IBl20th Cent ur y, select ion of man y hundred diff. modern issues in stockbook, glassines, etc., in box , n.h. , man y countries incl. much Briti sh West Indie s, Oceania, Great Britain and Regionals , some Africa, etc., wid e ranging with man y topical themes , compl. sets, Souvenir sheets , dupl. , etc., generally very fine .............................. ........... ......................................... ............Est. Cash Value $750+ 45 1 ** IBlSelection of a few hundr ed mo stl y diff. on stock she ets and in glassines, n.h. , incl. Briti sh Antarctic Te1T., Falkland Is. and Dependenc ies, South Georg ia, etc ., many compl. sets incl. slightly better , Souvenir sheets, gutter pairs, few bLks, etc., generally very fine .........Est. Cash Value $400- 500 452 * IBl Coll. of many hundred diff. in 3 Specialt y albums in carton , vast majority n.h., mostly modem issues in compl. sets., incl. Tran skei and Verda, Nigeri a, Vanuatu , Rhodesia, others, also Souvenir sheets, blks of 4, sheetlets and a few covers, etc., fine to very fine ................ Est. Cash Value $ 150-2 00 453




BRITISH AF RI CA: 20th Century , selection of about 150 on stock cards, n.h . to o.g., mostl y Edward VII to Geo rge VI issues incl. compl. or part sets, Ascension incl. perf var s., few small faults , genera lly fin e to very fine ............................................................... .......Est. Cash Va lue $500+ BRITISH WEST INDIES: 19th and 20th Cent ur y, selection of well over 200 on stock cards, etc., in cigar box, n.h. to unu sed, couple used, about ten countries incl. Barbado s, Montserrat, Virgin Is., etc. , also Falkland Is. and Antarctic Terr. , incl. compl. or part sets, a few slightl y better , some faults , generall y fine to very fine .................................................... ..................Est . Cash Value $500+

COVER CONDITION Minor faults including, but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps, small tears and some backflap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue.



Catl. Val.









* 460 *




ANGOLA: 1951 Bird s Sc to 50a compl. set, n.h., Sa light crease , otherwise very fi ne to extreme ly fine .............................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (333-56) 1870 to 1974, coll. of several hundred diff. on pages in Specialty binder , n.h. to unused or ungummed , some used ,, incl. perf and paper vars., few better surchd. types, reprints , later compl. sets, Airs incl. various 1945 Emergency issue, Postage Due, Postal Tax , etc., mixed condition to very fine .................Est. Cash Value $500+ ARGENTINA: 1845 Stampless folded letter , docketed "Rio de Janeiro 29 July" bearing red boxed FALMOUTH SHIP LETTER, ms. "Firefly" and "8" plus London receiver ................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $100-125 AUSTRIA: 1882 2kr postal card with three copies of 3kr yellow, all tied by GRAZ 14-6-82 c.d.s. strikes, Lima (under Chilean occupation) receiver, Chilean le green and 2/8/82 forwarder back to Graz. Friedl handstamp . The compan ion to a Philippin es cover we have previousl y offered ....................... (Photo ) Est. Cash Value $250-300 Occupation ; 1918 Overprinted Errors le to toe compl., inverted ovpt., 2c o.g., Sc hinge remnant, fine to very fine. Signed Champion ...........................................................................................................................(Photo ) (N52a-55a) 45c olive green, IL brown & green, double ovpt., o.g., fresh, fine. Signed Champion ..........(Photo ) (N58a,N60a) LOMBARDY-VENETIA: 1850 Imperf Sc orange, large margins all round , very fine, neatly tied on local folded letter sheet (no side flaps ) bearing 1857 REGGIO recei ver on reverse .(Photo ) (le ) Est. Cash Value $250-300

462 0



BRAZIL: 19th Century , exten sive used holding of hundred s on stock card s in box, from large and small "Bull's Eyes" to perfed and roul etted issues, dupl., cancels , shades, etc., mixed condition , but worth inspection. Stated by owner to catl. about $21,000 ............................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500



19th and 20th Centur y, massive stock of thousand s in 9 stock books , plus pages, in 2 cartons, mostly used , man y earlier , dupl. , cancels, etc., fairl y well sorted , varied condition. Stated by owner to catl. about $15,000. Plenty to work with ................................................................... Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500

AZORES: 1868 to 1930, coll. of about 400 mostly diff. on pages, n.h. to unused or used, incl. earl y ovpt. types incl. reprints, Navigator and St. Anthony sets (mixed mint/u sed, Cere s vars. and back-of-book , mixed condition to very fine ........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-600



240.00 280.00 1,000.00



Cati. Val. CAPE VERDE: Postal Tax; 1967-72 Surcharged S0c on 2c orange, inverted surcharge, n.h. , tin y disturbed spot of gum, very fine. One hundred copies known and the only one seen by us .............................(Photo) (RAlSc)




467 468

* *

19th Century, small selection of unused or used, incl. Large Dragon issues with #4, two unused, #6 used, others, plus later issues, small faults, fine or fine appearance .................................................. Est. Cash Value $500-600 1897 Surcharged Small Numerals 2½mm Spacing 10c on 12c orange, o.g., fresh, fine .....................(Photo) (36) Same, o.g., fresh, fine ................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (36)


le on 3c red, type "a", o.g. (hinge remnant), extremely fine ...............................................................(Photo ) (78)

175.00 175.00

1897 Revenue Stamps Surcharged 469 470

* 47 1 * 472 * 473 * 474 * 475 0 476 0 477 478 479 480

* * *





483 0 484 0


le on 3c, type "a" (3, one with central character large box), 2c on 3c, type "c" (2), o.g. to unused, faulty or

mixed condition, fine appearance .................................................................................................................... (78,b,80) 2c on 3c, type " b", o.g., thin, fine appearance ..........................................................................................(Photo ) (79) 4c on 3c, type "e", o.g. (hinge remnant), fresh, fine .................................................................................(Photo ) (82) 4c on 3c, unused, very fine ........................................................................................................................(Photo ) (82) 4c on 3c, o.g. (hinge remnant), fresh, fine .................................................................................................(Photo ) (82)

900.00 500.00 275.00 275.00 275.00

Used Copies le on 3c, type "a" (3), 2c on 3c, type "c" (5), 4c on 3c, type "e", used, mixed condition, fine or fine appearance ........................................................................................................................................................................(78,80,82) 2c on 3c, the two diff. types, 4c on 3c, type "e", neatly caned., very fine ....................................(Photo ) (79,80,82) 1912 Republic $5 deep green & salmon, o.g., tiny thin, well centered, fine ........................................(Photo) (160) 1915 First Peking Printing $5 scarlet & black, o.g., very fine ............................................................(Photo) (238) Air Post; 1921 lSc to 90c compl. set, o.g., very fine ...........................................................................(Photo) (C 1-6) British Railway Administration; 1901 Surcharged Sc on ½c brown , o.g., another tied by violet Tientsin Railway cancel on small piece, former red spot and negligible toning, fine appearance, latter fine ...........(Photo ) (SGBR 133)

1,300.00 450.00 300.00 350.00 160.00



1883 to 1974, coll. of man y hundred diff. in Specialty album, n.h. to o.g. or used, some early issues and slightly better items , but mostly 20th cent. compl. sets, incl. Airs, back-of-book with some Occu. and Provinces , mixed condition to mostl y fine to very fine .................................Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000

TAIWAN: 1888 Perf 14 Outer Edges Imperf 20 cash carmine, unused, small faults incl. negligible toning, fine appearance ............................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (SGC6)


1888 Handstamped S.G. Type C9 in Red 20 cash green, ms. cancel which breaks paper at one tiny point, fine appearance ..........................................................................................................................................(Photo) (SGC 12)


20 cash, ms. cancel, small faults, fine appearance ............................................................................. (Photo) (SGCl2 )



*EEParcel Post; 1950 Flying Geese Surcharged


set compl., blks of four , ungummed , very fine ....(Photo ) (SLQ23-26) 1,560.00+

1950 Parcel Post Stamps Surcharged set of four , ungumrned, very fine .................................. (Photo ) (5LQ27-30)

*EESame, blks of four , ungummed, very fine .................................................................................(Photo) (SLQ27-30) *EESame, blks of four, ungummed, very fine .................................................................................(Photo ) (SLQ27-30) *O COCHIN CHINA: 1886 to 1888, selection of 12 stamps, o.g. to unu sed or used , compr. the 5 diff., 2 or 3 of each,

260.00 1,040.00 1,040.00

fine appearance or fine ..................................................................................(Photo ) (1-5) Est. Cash Value $100-150

CUBA 490



1888 Bisect 10c blue , left diagonal half used as Sc, fine, tied by CUBA HABANA 24 OCT 88 double circle cancel on buff envelope (slightly reduced) bearing blue dated oval to New York, Paid All receiver on reverse ..............................................................................................................(Photo page 63) ( 130a) Est. Cash Value$ 100

*Ollil1855 to

1961, coll. and accum. of man y hundred in 2 stockbooks, n.h. to unused, few used , wide ranging with better early items and dupl. , blks , gutter blks, Souvenir sheets, comp!. sets, some imperfs and ovptd. Specimen with hole punch, 1960 Christmas sheets of 25, Airs, Telegraph and Revenue s, U.S. Admin., reference with Puerto Principe selection , etc., some faults but overall fine to very fine ............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,500-1,800 60


Cati. Val.

492 0

Issues nearly compl. on album pages in ring-binder , used, incl. Souvenir sheets , Airs, back-of-book , few imperfs and slightly better items, mixed condition to much fine to very fine .............Est. Cash Value $500-600


Primarily 20th Centur y, accum. of a few hundred covers in box , incl. some stampl ess , stationery incl. Spanjsh Domjruon and U.S. Admjn. , some unused, but mostly cacheted FDCs and commercial mrul, incl. cross gutter blks, sets and a few Souvenjr sheets, Regis., Flights, picture post cards, etc., mixed condition to very fine .................................................................... ..........................................................................Est. Cash Value $200- 300


494 ** IBI1961 to 1996, coll. of many hundred diff. in 2 stockbooks, apparently n.h., Airs, etc., also a selection of comp!. sheets, some prior to 196 1, generally fine to very fine ........................................................ Est. Cash Value $200-3 00


Surcharged 25pf on 30pf orange & black on buff, inverted surcharge, sheet margin blk of four, **ffiDANZIG: 1920 stamps n.h., hand stamp on re verse bottom right stamp , extremel y fine. Mi. €1200+ .....................(Photo ) (21a) DENMARK: 1918 Wmkd. Crown Surcharged set compl. , l.h., fresh, fine to very fine .............................( 138-44) 496 *

Catl. Val.


497 * O

FRANCE: 19th and 20th Centur y, extensive stock of thou sands on approval cards in box, vast majority of value in earlier, incl. dupl. , cancels , shades, 20th cent. more mint with Air s, Semis, etc., usual mixed condition. Stated by owner to catl. over $100,000. Excellent offering fo r pr omot ion or Internet ............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $5,000-6 ,000

*ffi Postage Due; 1896 lfr rose on straw , blk of four , n.h.(2)/o.g.(2), very fine ........................................(Photo ) (140) 500 ** FRENCH SOUTHERN AND A TARCTIC TERRITORIES: Air Post; 1965 ITU 30fr multicolored , sheet margin copy, n.h. , extremel y fine ...........................................................................................................(Photo ) (C8) 50 1 ** 1956 to 1989, coll. of about 100 mostly diff. on stock sheets , n.h., incl. comp!. sets, Air Po t, few strips of three, etc., very fine ............................................................................................................(betw. 2 and 150,C29 and C l07a)





25 1.00

DIEGO-SUAREZ: 19th Centur y, small selection on stock card s, used, few unused, mostly 1890 set of four incl. reference, some handstamped on reverse, fault or mixed condition ............................Est. Cash Value $400- 600

498 * O



FUNCHAL: Used to France ; 1897-1905 IOr light green , fine, tied by FUNCHAL MADEIRA 16 MAR 09 pmk on multicolored ''British Fleet" picture post card bearing same pmk on reverse and LISBOA CENTRAL bi-lingual transit mkg .........................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $100-150 GERMAN STATE: BAVARIA; 1849 Imperf lkr deep black , Plate I, large part o.g., margins aJI round, small faults, very fine appearance. Mi. €3000 .....................................................................................................(Photo) (la)

1,500.00 200.00 547.00


GERMANY 1829 Stampless folded letter sheet , docketed "Hamburg IO October" bearing rare black boxed SHIP LETTER HARWICH, "Schiff s Briefpo t Hamburg" c.d.s. and red London receiver .........(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $ 100- 125 1872 Large Shield 2g ultramarine , used with G.B. Perf. lp on small soiled envelope (most of top flap 505 181 missing ), pmkd. BRAUNSWEIG 2 8 75 c.d.s., London receiver, readdressed to Holywell. Interesting combinatio n ........................................................................................................................(Photo ) ( 18) Est. Cash Value $ 100- 150 506 * O rn 20th Centur y, selection of well over 125 on pochette pages , etc., in cigar box, n.h. to o.g., incl. compl. or part sets, Semis, Airs incl. Zeppelin s, Souvenir sheets , few covers , booklets , Post Horn tete-beche and se-tenant types , couple 19th cent. used, etc., generally fine to very fine ......................................Est. Cash Value $500-750 504





1949 to 1955, selection of over 35 on pochette pages, n.h. , all single issues or sets, incl. Semis and a few dupl., generally very fine. Mi. €1715..........................................................................(betw. 665 and 694,B309 and B347)



WEST GERMANY AND BERLI : Dealer 's stock of primaril y 1980s face in a crammed-full shoe box, mint sheet file, also stock book and envelope of earlier mint and used, in carton , much useful. Stated by owner to catl. $22,000 ......................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,500

509 * llll

GERMANY AND AREA: 19th and 20th Century , stock and accum. of many thousand in 6 ring-binders, numbered glassines, etc., in carton and box, n.h. to unused or used , wide ranging incl. Inflation sheets, coil strips and rolls , booklet panes and booklets, Third Reich Souvenir sheets , much Berlin , Saar , G.D.R. , compl. sets in var ying quantities to one of an item , Occu ., Semis, Airs , back-of-book incl. Revenues, blks , some Colonies and States, small coll. in Minku s album , etc., mixed condition to much fine to very fine .................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $2,500-3 ,000

5 IO * O

Stock of several thou sand in glassines in 8 metal file drawer s, n.h. to unused or used, wide range of generally common issues, some slightly better incl. States with much Bavaria , Colonies, locals, revenues, Occu., Berlin , Soviet Zone, G.D.R., Danzig , much German y incl. modern mint sets, Semis, etc., some faults but overall fine to very fine. Clean stock worth careful inspec tion ......Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,500

5 11 * O 6 OFFICES IN TURKEY AND COLO IES: 19th and 20th Centur y, selection of over 75 on stock cards , mostly used, few unused, Offices mostly part sets, over ix diff. colonies, incl. East Africa #38, Mi. €240, Togo and Zanzibar Forerunners, etc., mixed condition to very fine ....................................................Est. Cash Value $300-400 5 12 * O GREECE: 19th and 20th Centur y, stock and accum. of several thou sand neatl y arranged in 2 stockbooks , n.h. to o.g. and much used, incl. large quantitie of common 20th cent., also misc. Crete, Epirus and Thrace, mixed condition to much fine to very fine ......................................................................................Est. Ca h Value $250-300 5 13 ** ICELAND: 1925 Pictorial s 7a to 50a com pl. set, n.h., few inclusions, very fine. Mi. €600..........(Photo ) ( 144-48) 1930 Parliament set compl. , n.h. , ver y fine ........................................................................................(Photo ) (C4-6) 5 14 Compl. set, lightly caned., very fine ......................................................................................................(Photo ) (C4-8) 5 15 0



220.00+ 350.00 375.00



£!,;r ~ - "


Cati. Val.



INDONESIA: 1950 to 1974, coll. of several hundred diff. in Specialty album, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. slightly better sets, Semis, Souvenir heets, back-of-book incl. Riau, fine to very fine ...................Est. Cash Value $300-350

5 l 7 * IDl ISRAEL: 1948 to 1980s, coll. of many hundred on album pages in ring-binder and glassines, etc., in box, n.h. to o.g., virtually comp!. incl. First Coins with a few star corner cop ies, Souvenir sheets, Airs, Postage Due, few booklets, also misc. foreign incl. Belgium 1958 World ' s Fair set comp!. incl. Air Post, sheets of 30, fine to very fine ...................................................... ........................................................................................Est. Cash Value $250-350


5 18






Semi-Postals; 1921 B.L.P. 10c claret, 20c brown orange, 25c blue, o.g. (hinge remnan ts), usual centering , fine ........................................ ......................................................................................... ...............................(Photo) (B5-7) ITALY AND AREA: 19th and 20th Century, stock of several thousand in numbered glassines and stock sheets in 2 ring-binders in carton, n.h. to unused, much used, some sets, Airs and back-of-book, but mostly common used in quantities, also modern n.h. issues, mixed condition to very fine .................... ....... Est. Cash Value $300-500



ITALY: 1961 Error 205L rose lilac, n.h., brilliant fresh, very fine. Mi. €1700 .........(Cover Photo) (834a)


1, 100.00

JAPAN: 1876 to 1970, coll. of several hundred diff. in Specialty album, n.h. to ungummed, some used, many compl. sets, Semis and Airs, Souvenir sheets, some back-of-book incl. Offices, mixed condition to mostly fine to very fine ................................ ......................................................... Est. Cash Value $1,000+

KOREA: 1884 to 1967, coll. of a few hundred diff. on Specialty pages, n.h. to o.g., few used and on cover, many comp!. sets, also Airs and some Souvenir sheets, generally fine to very fine ............ Est. Cash Value $300--400

LIECHTENSTEIN 1936 Air Post Graf Zeppelin Set of Two 523 **




lfr rose carmine, 2fr violet, latter corner copy, n.h., very fine. Mi. €180..................................... (Photo) (C 15, 16) lfr sheet margin copy, 2fr corner copy, n.h., very fine. Mi. € l80 ............................................ .....(Photo) (C l5 , l6 )





526 **

Compl. set, n.h., very fine. Mi. € 180 ............................................................................................ .....(Photo) (Cl 5,16) Compl. set, n.h., very fine. Mi. €180 ................................................................................................. (Photo) (Cl5 ,16)



Compl. set, n.h., very fine. Mi. €180 .................................................................................................(Photo) (C l5 , l6 )



MACAO 528 529

* 181


530 531



* 533

1911 la black, vert. laid paper, wmkd. double line "R", ungummed, very fine ...............................(Photo) (162)


2a black, very fine, used on reverse of envelope (file folds) pmkd. 10. AGO. 11 MACAU and bi-lingual TSINSHAN 12 AUG receiver on reverse. Seldom seen on cover ...........(Photo) (163) Est. Cash Value $250-350


1915 Surcharged set of 17, o.g. to unused or ungummed, fine to very fine ................................ ...................(239-55)


1921 Regis. wrapper used to Hawaii and bearing stamps from three distinctive issues, I Oa King Carlos ovptd . REPUB LI CA in 1930 , Va sc o de Gama 24a and Cere s I a. Colorful and most certain ly unique .................................................. ..............................................................................(Photo) Et. Cash Value $ 100-l50 1931-33 Surcharged set of nine, o.g. , fine to very fine ................................................................................. (259-67)


*OEE1884 to 1999, coll. of many hundred diff. on pages in Specialty album, n.h. to unused or ungummed, some early used, incl. many early better items, perf varieties, reprints and ovptd. SPECIMEN, later mostly compl. sets with Ceres paper vars., Souvenir sheets, unissued Diocese Ip , se-tenant strips and blks, Airs, Postage Due and other back-of-book, some faults as would be expected, mostly tine to very fine ........................... ..................................................................................................... .......Est. Cash Value $4,000





MADEIRA: 1868 to 1928, coll. of over 180 on pages in Specialty album, n.h. to unused or ungummed , some used, mostly the first three issues, incl. 31 certs., various ovpt. types and perf varieties, 1938 set compl. plus blks of 4 to le , some dupl., back-of-book and early reprints, mixed condition to much fine to very fine for these. Worth careful inspection .......................... ....................................................................... 4,650.00+

MA CHUKUO: 1932 to 1945, issues apparently compl. on Specialty pages, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. Airs, generally fine to very fine ............................................................................................................ Est. Cash Value $250


•••••••••••••••••••••• •• •• ••• •












537 538 539 540





545 546

Cati. Val.


1835 stampless folded letter sheet docket ed 2 Feb . bearing boxed DARTMOUTH SHIP LETTER, ms. "1/7" and "P. Schlesinger", New York forwarder, red London receiver. Very nice usage ............................. .................................................... ..............................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $100- 150 Air Post; 1934 National University set compl., l.h. or o.g. , brilli ant fresh, very fine .............. ...... (Photo) (C54-6l ) ** MONACO: 1983 Princess Grace lOfr black, Souvenir sheet on one, 80 sheets, n.h., very fine . 200l Cere s FFrs4400 ..................................... .............................................. ............... ........ .............................. ........ ..............( l 367) Air Post; 1955-57 Birds 200fr blue & black, perf 13, n.h., tiny inclusions, extremely fine. Ceres FFrs2750 .................................................................................................................................. .............................(Photo) (C42a) *EE 181 MONGOLIA : 1932 to 1981, coll. of many hundred in 5 Specialty albums in carton, vast majorit y n.h., balance o .g. to used, high degree of com plete ness, some gap in 1950s, mostly ets and Souvenir sheet s with additional corner bLk and FDC s, incl. Semi s and Airs , generall y fine to very fine ............................ .Est. Cash Value $300-400 * O MOZAMBIQUE: 1877 to 1976, coll. of several hundred in Specialty binder, n.h. to unused or ungummed, some used, incl. early perf vars. and reprints, compl. or part sets, Semis, Airs, Postage Due, War Tax and Postal tax, few modern errors incl. missing value and/or inscription, mixed condition to fine to very fine ....................................................................................... .....................................................Est. Cash Value $500-600 * O S MOZAMBIQUE COMPANY: 1892 to 1941, coll. of about 400 on pages, n.h. to unu sed or ungumm ed, some used, incl. many paper and perf vars., comp!. sets incl. Semi -Postal issue, Postage Due and Postal Tax, also #175 -93 and 202-07 ovptd. SPECIMEN , mixed condition to very fine .................... ...................... .. Est. Cash Value $400- 500 * llll NYASSA: 1898 to 1925, coll. of over 200 on pages, n.h. to unused, issues nearly compl. incl. invtd. centers with dupl., perf vars. and surcharge types, reference, revenues, selection of Waterlow trial colors ovptd. SPECIMEN with hole punch, incl. 8 sheetlets of nine, mixed condition to very fine ....................Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000 * O llllPHILIPPINES: Spanish Dominion; 1880s and 90s, coll. on pages, n.h. to unused or used, 1898 Alfonso Im to Sm , strips of five handstamped MUESTRA (Spec imen), 2 strip s of each , New spaper and Telegraph incl. 2 sheet s of 100, mixed condition to very fine ...... ...................... ............ .................................. ........ ..Est. Casb Value $200-300 ** PORTUGAL : 1952 NATO le green & black, imperf sheet margin copy, n.h., large margin s other sides , very fine. S.G . ÂŁ600 for imperf pair ........ ......... ............... ...................................................... ........ ............(Photo) (747 var.) PP 1952 Public Works Centenary set compl. in deep blue, perforated trial proofs affixed to thin glazed card, very fine. Purpo rtedly the uniqu e proof set ........... ............ ......................... .................................. (Photo) (757-60TP)



l ,100.00 560.00


547 * O llll1853 to 2002, coll. of a coup le thousand diff. in 5 Specialty albums in carton, n.h. to unused or ungummed , some used, incl. early perf varieties, coated paper , reprint selection , Nav igator and St. Anthon y sets, later with man y compl. sets and Souven ir sheets or sheetlet s, modern issues apparent ly compl., incl. Azores and Madeira, also some imperfs, errors, blks or FDCs, back-of-book , used Franchise stamps, machine labels incl. Klussendorf, Crouzet and Olivetti designs, mint stationery, etc., early issues mixed condition, generally fine to very fine ............................... Est. Cash Value $2,500+

PORTUGUESE COLONIES: 19th Century, selection of 70 forgeries on pages, "unu sed" or "used , compr. nine diff. colonie s with the bulk being Portu guese Ind ia and Timar ................................... Est. Cash Value$ I 00- 150


549 * O

19th and 20th Century, coll. of many hundred diff. in Specialty binder, n.h. to unused or ungummed, some used, compr. 13 countries, with reprints, perf varieties, compl. and part sets, Airs, back-of-book , some slightly better or scarce items, incl. Cape Verde, Inhambane , Lourenco Marques incl. Semis, Congo, Zambezia, others, mixed condition to fine to very fine ....................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,200

550 ** llll 1974 to 1995, coll. of many hundred diff. in 5 Specialty albums in carton, n.h., compr. the independent states issues of Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea -Bissau, Mozamb ique, St. Thomas and Prince Islands, high degree of completeness with compl. sets, Souvenir sheets or sheetlets, se-tenant, etc., some slightly better issues, generally very fine. Worth insp ection .......... ......................................... Est. Cash Value $1,000 551 * O

PORTUGUESE GUINEA : 1881 to 1973, coll. of several hundred diff. on pages, n.h. to unused or ungumm ed, some used, incl. 1881-85 perf vars. and rep rint selection , #25 r violet double ovpt. , later co mpl. or part sets, Airs, Postage Due, Postal Tax incl. cove rs, mixed co ndition to much fine to very fine .............. Est. Cash Value $400-500

552 * O

PORTUGUESE INDIA: 1877 to 1960, coll. of several hundred diff. on pages, n.h. to unused or ungummed , some used, incl. part sets, many surcharged types, later compl. sets, Airs , Postage Due , mixed condition to fine to very fine .......................................... ............................................. .................................... ................... Est. Cas h Value $350-450 ROMANIA: 1859 White Paper 80pa red, pair, neat red oval cance l on cut to shape piece , faint pencil line, very 320.00 fine and very rare . Signed Friedl. Ex Green........................ ............................................... ........................ (Photo) (10) RUSSIA AND AREA: 19th and 20th Century, stock of a few thousand in numbered glassines and stock sheets in ring-binder in box, most ly used, some n.h. to unu sed, varying quantitie s and some sets on blks, Semi s, Office s, etc., also Tannu Tuva , Ukra ine, other s, mixed condition to fine to very fine ........ Est. Cas h Value $400-500 RYUKYU ISLANDS : 1958 50c green , IMPERFOR ATE BETWEEN PAIR in margin strip of three , ungummed , fine ......................................................................................................................................(Photo) (52b) 1,200.00+



554 * O

555 556

* **

SAAR: 1920 Error Im carmine rose, inverted overprint, n.h. , handstamp on reverse and signed A. Brun . Mi . 17 A IK , Mi . â‚Ź 1400 ................. ............ ...................... ............................ ................. ........................ (Photo ) ( 17 var.) 66



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* *

559 560 * O

* ** 563 *

561 562

ST. PIERRE AND MIQUELON : 1942 Overprint Errors 40c deep blue & dark brown, overpr int inverted , l.h., very fine. Signed Calves. Ceres 237a, FFrs9000 ................................................................... (Photo) (209 var.) 1.40fr dark brown, overprint inverted, o.g., very fine. Signed Calves. Ceres 265a, FFrs8000 .....(Photo) (241 var.) ST. THOMAS AND PRINCE ISLANDS: 1869 to 1973, coll. of a few hundred diff. on pages, n.h. to unused or ungummed , some used, incl. First Issue perf variet ies and reprint selection, comp!. or part sets, Airs, back-of-book incl. better Newspaper stamps, mixed cond ition to fine to very fine ............. ...................... Est. Cash Value $400-500

SAUDI ARABIA: Postal Tax; 1936 Hospital 1/sg scarlet, l.h., extremely fine. Very scarce ........... (Photo) (RA2)


SWITZERLAND: Air Post; 1929-30 Granite Paper set of three, n.h., fine to very fine. Mi. â‚Ź480 ..{Photo) (C l 3- l 5)


THAILAND: 1918 Victory set compl., l.h., 15s pulled perf, others very fine to extre mely fine ....(Photo) (176-84)


564 * O

565 * O


90c ultramarine, overprint inverted , o.g., very fine. Signed Calves. Ceres 262a, FFrs8000 ...(Photo) (238 var.)

1883 to 1974 , co ll. of man y hundred diff. on Specialty pages, n.h. to o.g. or used , incl. better Surcharged types, many compl. sets, Semis incl. Boy Scout issues, Airs, few Official s and Souven ir sheets, generally fine to very fine ........................................ .................. ..........Est. Cash Value $2,500-3 ,000

TIMOR: 1885 to 1973, coll. of a few hundred diff. on pages, n.h. to unused or ungummed , some used, incl. comp!. or part sets, first Issue reprints, 1947 "Liberta cao" set used, Air Post set mint, Postage Due, Newspaper, Postal Tax, few faults , fine to very fine ...............................................................................Est. Cash Value $400-500


BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AND FOREIGN POSTAL HISTORY Additional postal history also in the Collections and Various section and throughout this catalogue The follow ing eighteen. lots comprise a collector's extensive Postal History accumulation. Hanners has, in the past, sold many of the more valuable covers at auction and now presents the remainder of the more common material. 19th and 20th century abound, with war mail, FDCs, phila telic, etc. Buried in these large lots are many interesting and rare items so careful inspection is necessary. 566 181

ASIA: Early 20th Century, accum. of about 250 items in box, incl. many pi ctur e post ca rds, P.R.C. , some Hong Kong and Kore a, misc. Shanghai ................................. ....Est. Cash Value $400-500

567 181

JAPAN: Generally early 20th Century, accum. of about 150 items in box, incl. picture post card ,

568 181

BRITISH COMMONWEALTH: A significant group of about 350 items in box , mostly 20th Century to Elizabeth, many colonies well represented , censored , turn of the century picture post cards, strong Natal, Cape of Good Hope , Transvaal, Seychelles , Offices , etc . ................................................................. ....................................................Est. Cash Value $750-1,000

569 181

Mostly 20th Century, a staggering abundance of many hundred in 4 file boxes and 2 carton, from recent cheap to interesting. lnspect.. ............................................. .....Est. Cash Value $500-750

570 181

GREAT BRITAIN: 19th and 20th Century, a few hundred in 4 file boxes, stampless, Officials, picture post cards, censored, P.O.W., military Post Offices, ships, Paquebot, camps, etc. Well worth inspection ................................................................ ................... .......... Est. Cash Value $500-750

571 181

CANADA AND NEWFOUNDLAND: 20th Century, an interesting lot of about 700 items in file box, Edward VII and vm , ships, cance ls, flights , etc . ...................... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 100-150

572 181

HONG KONG: 20th Century, useful group of about 300 items in box, incl. ships and Paquebot ,

573 181

I DIA AN D STATES : 19th and 20th Century , fabulou s selection of about 760 items

few P.O.W. , etc ........ ....................................................... ................................. E t. Cash Value $300-400

incl. U.S ., stationery, tum of the centur y picture post cards , etc .. ................... E t. Cas h Value $ 150-200

in 2 boxes , incl. Officials , military , combination s, multicolored , destinations , great States .................................................................. ......................................................Est. Cash Value $500-750 574 181

INDIAN CONVENTION STATES : 20th Century, group of about 140 covers and postal cards in box, incl. Chamba , Patiala, extensive Gwalior, Nabha, Jhin d, some 19th cent. Worth careful inspection

575 181

BELGIUM AND CONGO: 19th and 20th Century, about 200 items in box, from stampless to a few

576 181

EGYPT: 19th and 20th Century, fabulous selection of about 500 items in file box, little U.A. R.,


...... Est. Cas h Value $300-500

1970 , ship usages, picture po t cards, Airs, Occu ., military, censored, etc . ....E t. Cash Valu e $ 100- 150 group of stample ss, mostly Briti sh military co ll. incl. seals, picture post cards, Offi cials, ships, etc. lnspecr ....................................... ........................ ...............................................Est. Cash Value $500-750 577 181

FRANCE: 19th and early 20th Century , selection of about 550 items in 2 file boxes , incl. stampless classics, picture post cards, military, censored, Dues, early Airs, pneumatique , etc . ........................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-600

578 181

GERMANY AND STATES: 19th and early 20th Century, great selection of about 600 items in file box, nice early states , many Fe ldpost, inflation, military , Soviet, Saar , etc .... Est. Cash Value $300-500

579 181

ITALY: 19th and early 20th Century, accum. of about 350 items in file box, incl. milit ary,

580 181

LATIN AMERICA: 20th Century, about 1100 items in 3 file boxes, generally earlier issues, usual Airs sets, much Ecuador, etc. Good overall representation .......... Est. Cash Value $500-1 ,000

581 181

MEXICO: 19th Century, wonderful selection of about 80 covers in box, primarily imperforate iss ues from 1850s on , incl. internal, foreign de st ination s, multiple s, Wells Fargo and Guadalajara issues .................................................................................... Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000

582 181

PORTUGUESE COLONIES: Early 20th Century, about 180 covers in file box, many co lonie s represented , incl. Macao, combin ations, destinations, etc. Enough very early to make it very interesting. Well worth inspec tion ..................................................................... ................. E t. Cash Value $300-40 0

Office s, some Colonies , AMG , Tuni sia, Tripoli , etc ....................................... Est. Cash Value $300-500

583 181

The worldwide remainder (no U.S.) in 4 carton and 3 file boxes , thousand s of covers , vast majority better 20th cent. , war, many censored , etc., also 2 additional file boxes of picture post cards. A genuine lot with many hidden. Inspection absolut ely necessar y .........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $2,000-2 ,500



COLLECTIONS AND VARIOUS 19th and 20th Century 584 * O

Old-time coll. of many hundred in 3 old French heavy ledger books in carton, stronger France and Colonies as would be expected, probably catls. about $30,000. Interesting and worth inspection ...................................................................... ........Est. Cash Value $1,250-1 ,500

585 * O

Coll of many hundred in 8 photo albums in carton, good France incl. blks, other Europe, usual varied condition. Plenty to work with ..................................Est. Cash Value $1,250-1 ,500

586 l8l

About 70 selected co ver s of importance , incl. clas s ic South America , Zeppelins , Europe, few stampless, some British. Worth very careful inspection and there will be rewards .........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,250-1 ,500

587 * O

Coll. and accum. of man y thousand in 2 carton s, n.h. to unused or used , incl. 4 International album s, sparsel y filled , and stock sheet s in a doz en ring-binder s, with much Europe incl. Austria, Belgium, Czechoslovakia , Bulgaria , Portugal and Colonies, Turkey, Egypt and other Middle East, Africa, etc., some British, some sets and Souvenir sheets, incl. Netherlands post office packs, 1977 to 1988, etc., mixed condition to very fine .................................................................... .....................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,200

588 * O

The remainder of a coll. in 8 stockbooks, 4 albums and envelope in carton, Eastern and Western Europe, needs sorting , nothing great but plenty of it ............................Est. Cash Value $800-1 ,000

589 * O

Coll. of many hundred mostly used in 5 Scott International albums in carton, incl. United States, usual cheaper material in mixed condition .............................................Est. Cash Value $750-1,000

590 * O

Misc. sweepings from the John Hall Estate, compr. reference, classics, glassines of older issues, esoteric material. Unsorted and needing inspection ................ ....................Est. Cash Value $500-750

59 1 * O

Coll. of several thousand in 2 International Junior and 4 International albums (bound) in carton, l.h . to unu sed or used , ra ndo m iss ues of many co untri es , o me sets and dupl. , mi xed co nditi o n .............. .............................................................. ........... ............................. .....Est. Cas h Value $400- 500

592 * Ornl Balance of a property in carton , n.h. to unu sed or used , several th ousand in co ll remaind er s, glassines and loose, odds and ends of many countri es incl. British areas and Great Brit ain, Europe incl. Austria, Gem1any, Sw itzerland , Latin Ame rica incl. Souvenir sheets, some sets, Semis and Air s, etc., mixed conditi on ..................... ................................................ ........ .......... .Est. Ca sh Value $300-500 593 * O

Accum. of many thousand in 2 cartons, used, some n.h. to unu sed , incl. many packe ts incl. misc. U.S ., BNA coll. remainder, cove rs and large numb er of g lassines incl. few mint sets, mi xed conditi on to fine to very fine ........................... .............. ............ ....................................... Est. Ca sh Value $300--400

594 * O

The small remainder of a few coils. in 2 cartons, co mpr. sparse ly filled album s, ring-bind ers, also glassines , etc. Nothing great, but p lenty of it ......... ...................................... .... Est. Cas h Value $250- 300 Primarily 20th Century

595 * O

Coll of many hundred in 12 small British albums in carton, decent France and Colonies, 4 albums of British, some nice small items, mixed condition to very fine. Worth inspection .........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,200-1 ,500

596 * O

Coll. of several thousand on pages in 6 ring-binders in carton, I.h. to unused or used, many countries though mostly Europe incl. France , Germany , Greece, Italy, Switzerland, etc., British areas, some slightly better sets, Semis, Airs, few Souvenir sheets, also some Asia and Latin America, dupl., mixed condition to very fine ............Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,500

597 * O

Coll. of thousands used in 5 Minkus albums in carton, incl. United States, generally cheaper and in varied condition. Plenty of material... ...................................................Est. Cash Value $800-1,000

598 * O

Remainder stock of thousands in 10 stockbooks of varying sizes in carton , incl. some decent modern mint British Commonwealth , East Africa, varied condition, but much very fine. Worth careful inspection ........................................................................................Est. Cash Value $800-1 ,000

599 l8l

Hundreds of covers and postal cards in 3 boxes, some decent French Co ls., cards, Airs, Offic ials. Virtually something fo r everyone, but needs sorting ................. ......................Est. Cash Value $300--400



20th Century 600 * O




Coll. of several thousand diff. in 4 Specialty albums in carton, much n.h., balance l.h. to some used, mostly Africa and Middle East, incl. independent issues of Cameroun, Chad, Dahomey, others, plus Burundi, Guinea , Ethiopia , Liberia, Iran , Israel , Syria , Yemen , Biafra , misc. Europe, generally fine to very fine ..............................................................Est. Cash Value $600-800 Thousands of stamps in 6 stock books in carton, mostly n.h. or l.h., incl. sets, some recent blks, good topical representation. Needs organization ....................................... Est. Cash Value $600-800

602 * O EBBalance of a property , a few thousand in box, n.h. to unu sed or used, incl. Briti sh West Indi es selection of mint sets and Souvenir sheet s, U.S. blks and Pl. blks, Germany selection incl. Souvenir sheet s. etc., mixed condition .................... ........................................................Est. Cash Value $250- 350

FLORA AND FAUNA 603 * O EB Coll. of several thousand diff. in album, 9 stockbooks and cover album in carton, much n.h., balance l.h. to some unused or used, mostly British areas, also Europe and Africa, incl. comp!. or part sets, key "topical" values, Souvenir sheets and blks, shades and other vars., Semis and Airs, earlier North Borneo and Labuan , Newfoundland, Malaysia, Falkland ls., Portugal and Colonies, Belgian Congo and Ruanda Urundi, misc .. U.S., incl. a myriad of animals with birds, fish, etc., generally fine to very fine ...........Est. Cash Value $4,000-4,500

FOREIGN 604 * O EB 19th and 20th Century, accum. of a few hundred on pochette pages, etc., in cigar box, n.h. to o.g. or used, much Europe incl. Poland, France and a few colonies, Scandinavia, Saudi Arabia, etc., some sets and Souvenir sheets, few covers, reference, etc., mixed condition to very fine ....................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000 605 * O

Primarily 20th Century, stock of several thousand in numbered glassines in carton, n.h. to o.g . or used , compr. Hun gary , Poland, Romania, Yugos lavia, Indonesia, Iran, some sets though mostly singles in varyin g quantiti es to one of an item, incl. Semis, Airs and back-of-boo k, generally fine to very fine .......................................................... ........................ ..................... ..................Est. Cash Value $400 - 500

606 * O

Selection of many hundred on stock sheets in 2 ring-binders, n.h. to o.g. or used, many countries with much Africa and Europ e, incl. Congo, Ethiopi a, Liberi a, Croa tia, Estoni a, Serbi a, etc., also Middl e East incl. Iran and Saudi Arabi a, other s, some sets and Souvenir sheets, imperf and back-of-book, some faults, generally fine to very fine .......... .................... .......................... ...Est. Cash Value $350-450

** 608 * 607

TOPICALS UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION: 1949 to 1963, coll. of over 200 diff. in hingeless albums, n.h., incl. better sets, some FDCs and labels, generally very fine .....................Est. Cash Value $500-750 Balance of a few hundred on stock sheets, etc., vast maj ority n.h., incl. Polar issues, Prin cess Diana, etc., with sets, Sou venir sheets or sheetlets of Argentin a, Russia, Ryuky u Is., Canal Zone, others, fine to very fine ................................................ .......................... .......................... ...........Est. Cash Value $ 100

EUROPE 609 0

610 * O

611 * O

Primarily 19th Century, hundreds of used in 2 stock books, with classic South America, much in mixed condition but useful especially for e-bay sales . Cati. value probably in excess of $30,000 .......................................................................... ..Est. Cash Value $1,000-2 ,000

Primarily 20th Century , three coil s. in 4-rin g binder, compr. Netherlands , Luxembourg, Norway , some sets, sporadic earlier, also some Belgium, mixed condition to very fine. Stated by owner to catl. about $7000 ...........................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-750 EUROPE AND COLONIES : 20th Century, coll. of a few primarily l.h. stamps in album, incl. France, Monaco, Saar, Bohemia and Moravia , etc., high values , useful and generally fine to very fine though some stuck down but removable. Worth inspection ............ Est. Cash Value $750-1,000


612 * O l!il SCANDINAVIA: 19th and 20th Century, stock of several thousand in numbered glassines and 2 ring-binders in carton, n.h. to o.g. or used, compr. Aland, Denmark , Faroe Is. , Finland , Greenland , Iceland , Norway , Sweden , incl. compl. sets, Souvenir sheets , better booklets , modern mint blks and post office packs , Semis, Airs , back-of-book , varying quantities , mixed condition to ver y fine. A clean, useful stock ............Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,200

6 13 * O


LATIN AMERICA: 19th and 20th Century, stock and accum. of many thousand in numbered glassines in carton and ring-binder, much used, balance n.h. to unused , compr. 20 countries , with Airs and back-of-book incl. Postage Due , Officials, Revenues, cut squares , etc., mostly moderate quantities to one of an item , mixed condition to very fine .........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $2,500-3 ,000

THE HAYDEN KEECH COLLECTION REMAINDERS 6 14 * llil AFRICA: 20th Century , coll. of a few thousand in 6 Specialt y album s in carton, vast majority n.h. , modern issues compr. Burundi , Equatorial Guinea , Guinea-Bissau, incl. man y compl. sets and blks of 4, Souvenir sheets and sheetlets , imperfs , Semis, and Airs , fine to very fine ........................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-600 615 * EE181MIDDLE EAST: 1960s and 70s, coll. of many hundred in 3 Specialt y albums in carton , apparently n.h., compr. Ras AJ Khaima and Yemen, many comp!. sets and imperf, Souvenir sheets, Airs, blks, FDCs, varieties and unlisted, generally fine to very fine ................................ Est. Cash Value $200-3 00 616


CASTELLORIZO: 1920, coll. of about 30 mostl y diff. on album pages, o.g. to unused, incl. bett e r items, l e gray in vtd . ov pt ., etc. , mi xe d co nditi o n, many hand stamped on reve rse .........................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $200-2 50

6 17 * O EE ICELAND: 1873 to 1982, coll. of man y hundred in 3 Specialt y albums in carton , n.h. to unused or used, incl. earl y better items, some favor cancels, man y 1902-03 ovpt. varieties , later compl. sets, Souvenir sheets, Semis, Airs , Officials , blks of 4 and FDCs throughout , mixed condition to much very fine ...............................................Est. Cash Value $2,000-2 ,500 6 I8 * O

MEMEL: 1920 to 1923, coll. of over 200 diff. on Specialt y page s, l.h. to unused, some used, incl. Occu., ome faults, generally fine to very fine ................................................Est. Cash Value $200-2 50

6 19 * O IBIPERU: Back of the Book; Primaril y 19th Centur y, coll. of man y hundred in Specialty album, o.g. to unused or used, wide ranging with Special Deliver y, Postage Due, Officials , Postal Tax , Telegraph, Fiscal s, Occu. and man y Provisional issues , incl. reprints and reference , covers , imperfs and perf vars. , ovpt. invtd or double , few India and card plate and Die proofs, essays, etc., mixed condition but a wonderful arra y and seldom seen in this quantity ............................................................................................. Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000 620 * O liilRUSSIA AND AREA: 19th and 20th Century , remainder in box , n.h . to unu sed or used, incl. part shee ts, fi sca ls, charit y and reg istr ation labels, cut squ ares , etc. , mixed co nditi on ............................................................................ .............................................Est. Cash Value $ 100- 150 62 1 * O

TAHITI: 1882 to 1903, coll. of about 65 on album page s, l.h. to unused , some used , better items incl. Postage Due, varietie s throughout, incl. TAHITI sloping down , surch. invtd. or double, some handstamp s on reverse , faults as would be expected , generall y fine to very fine ..................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000+

622 * 0181TRIESTE: ·ZONE B; 1948 to 1954, coll. of a few hundred on Specialt y pages , n.h. to o.g. or used , issues apparently compl. , plus blk s of 4 or larger , Souvenir sheet s, FDCs , Airs , Postage Due, Postal Tax and Tax Due , some fault s, mostl y fine to very fine ................Est. Cash Value $500-600 623 * 018119th and 20th Century, balance of a property in carton , box and wooden double-drawer file, thousands in glassines and loose, incl. Pakistan used stock, Yugoslavia, Greece Revenues, souvenir sheets, misc. U.S., British and French Colonies, modem French Community FDCs, modern Lithuania and Macedonia coll., coll. remainders, etc., mixed condition .........................Est. Cash Value $300-50 0 END OF SALE

Amos rn1·i · Si • ay,




CONDITIONS OF SALE THE PLACING OF A BID SHALL CONSTITUTE ACCEPTANCE OF THE CONDITIONS OF SALE BIDDING Unless announced otherwise by the auctioneer, all bids are per lot, as numbered in the printed Catalogue . H.R. Harmer, LLC (hereinafter "Harmers"), License #s 672829, 780870, as agent for the consignor or vendor, shall regulate the bidding and shall determine the manner in which the bidding shall be conducted . Harmers reserves the right to withdraw any lot prior to sale (without liability to any potential purchaser or agent), to re-offer any withdrawn lot, to divide a lot or to group two or more lots belonging to the same consignor or vendor, and to refuse any bid believed not made in good faith. The highest bid acknowledged by the auctioneer shall prevail. 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PRICE $1.00 (or by subscription)

3 EAST 28th STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10016


MARCH27, 2003

SALE 2940

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 45 46 47 48 50 54 59 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 73 74 76 77

100 170 450 135 325 1700 4250 350 350 1100 100 260 700 220 160 190 115 180 180 90 115 750 270 160 115 150 160 100 145 500 160 200 130 170 270 500 170 150 850 130 105 200 350 1000 200 400 1100 425 1800 1050 2100 1250 1150 850 400 175 80 220


TOTAL $534 ,53 1.50 The "Woodstock " Collection of Postal History Professor Jon Manchip White Collection of Cuba The Collections of Dr. Bryon Rothhouse and The Estate of Raymond D. Fear

78 79 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 91 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 107 108 109 110 112 114 115 116 117 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 138 140 141A 141 143 144 146 151 153 154

2 10 105 800 2100 850 1300 1100 3000 1000 1450 1250 650 350 800 350 700 550 350 1000 500 160 850 140 55 115 675 180 2 10 190 290 190 350 400 650 350 2600 600 500 35 210 115 525 550 600 375 300 240 160 210 280 350 600 230 240 160 115 450 290

155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 179 180 181 183 184 185 188 189 192 193 195 196 197 198 199 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 221 222 223 224

105 2800 750 700 2000 575 650 500 270 210 2800 1900 140 40 60 90 90 160 210 60 350 50 190 115 30 130 105 75 35 200 170 210 325 80 85 130 260 325 300 160 240 13000 80 180 1600 1150 125 110 270 260 1450 145 260 325 1400 230 110 110

225 226 228 230 231 232 233 234 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 246 247A 248A 248 249 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261A 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287

170 230 135 180 700 140 270 500 375 200 180 160 900 525 350 700 3250 1250 200 1000 210 160 1500 210 325 90 425 240 1250 6750 2 100 2600 3750 1600 1150 1300 1700 800 400 475 1000 575 700 350 1250 2300 525 220 1400 2600 1500 1150 900 1000 550 500 475 525

288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 337 338 339 340 341 343 344 345 347 348 349 351 354

550 500 575 240 1200 240 3500 750 400 750 3250 650 450 325 350 325 80 130 625 120 130 675 475 190 325 105 425 270 325 145 160 160 140 525 1150 600 625 550 270 1300 1050 700 3250 600 800 135 190 105 190 700 120 190 80 600 4250 1350 900 350

355 356 357 358 359 366 368 369 370 371 372 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383_ 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 413 414 415 416 418 419 420 421 422 42 3

1300 115 190 200 625 550 900 2500 210 190 190

w/d 190 130 300 125 425 525 180 180 475 400 250 190 325 575 400 170 140 180 140 95 350 3400 425 650 260 1050 750 1600 1100 350 230 350 55 125 250 525 280 400 85 2800 150 150 475 900 270 1800

424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 458 459 460 462 464 466 47 0 471 473 474 475 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 490 491 492 493

1500 85 180 110 270 75 170 55 135 1150 1400 3500 2800 2800 600 115 60 220 425 130 80 6500 850 475 625 425 250 575 750 130 500 1200 210 230 1000 625 575 120 85 85 85 220 60 95 55 145 1600 70 200 220 575 85 375 350 105 1350 450 575

494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 503 504 505 506 508 509 510 511

260 290 65 290 3750 400 60 110 230 75 240 625 2000 2600 1600 250

513 516 517 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 531 532 533

110 250 300 120 260 1200 525 55 55 55 55 55 160 2 10 75 4000

534 535 537 538 539 540 541 543 544 547 548 549 550 551 552 553

1900 290 450 120 85 325 500 750 240 3250 120 1200 1050 400 400 105


554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569

350 700 350 260 260 260 475 240 115 210 2600 500 5000 6500 9000 18000

570 571

572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 589

7000 1100 3750 12000 1400 1400 3250 2600 2000 7500 5500 3000 3500 38000 950 550

590 591 592 593 594 596 597 599 600 602 603 604 607 608 609 610

1050 900 425 750 325 1450 850 625 750 450 4250 1400 900 75 1500 525

611 612 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623

850 1150 1200 750 280 4000 220 2100 325 1300 800 1250



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