l I'
OFFICE CLOSED December 22, 2003 to January 2, 2004
9;30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Never hinged
On cover
On piece
Block of four
Block larger than four
Plate Proof
Die Proof
TC Trial Color
PLEASE NOTE - CREDIT CARDS We regret we are unable to accept credit cards for payment of purchases. For overseas buyers, we ask that payment be made by bank draft , wire or checks in dollars made payable on a U.S. bank .
MAJOR ABBREV IATIONS SE = Straight Edge ; s.l. = Straight-line; c .d.s . = Circular Date Stamp . c .t.o.
to Order ; F.D.C.
=First Day Cover
CONDITION The va rious grad ings of stamps are , in order : superb ; extremely fine ; very fine ; fine ; fair .
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
A lot described as "fair" is so listed either by reason of general appearance or more otten because of a small faull or faults , such as a crease , thin spot , short or missing pert , perforated into , cut into , etc , In lhe case of sets , large blocks , sheets, etc ., the condition quoted represents the average and quality above and below this standard can be expected .
Mixed Condition: In large lots , the condition is generally expected to range from fair to at best fine . Serious defects can be expected.
Handstamp on reverse : Denotes either a dealer, collector or indecipherable expertiser 's mark. Signed by : Denotes eilher the actual signature or mark of lhe expertiser . The absence of mentioning a sig nature does not reflect on the ability or knowledge of the party invo lved .
BIDDING LEVELS Up to$ 150 $ 5 $150 - $ 300 $ 10 $300- $ 700 $ 25 $700- $1 ,500 $ 50 Over $1 ,500 approximate ly 5% Bids which do not conform to the above will be automatically reduced to the correct level. BIDS BY TELEPHONE
□ LJPJ[□] N.H
0 .G.
Please comply with lhe follow ing : (a) Not more than 20 bids can be accepted and must be con firmed in writing . (b) Any errors are the responsibility ol the bidder . (c) No bids accep led later than 1/2 hour before sale .
BIDS BY FAX OR EMAIL You may fax or e-mail bids up to 1 hour before sale commences -
Shaded port ion can represent an actual hinge or the area disturbed by a hinge , Never hinged - unused with original gum in Post Office state and unmounled Lightly hinged - unused with full original gum show ing some evidence of a previous hinge which may be present in part or entirely removed . Original gum - unused with original gum somew hat disturbed by previous o.g. hing ing which may still be present. part o.g. Part origina l gum - unused with original gum , large hinge remnants may or may not be present. disturbed o .g . Disturbed original gum - unused with original gum , affected by sweating , glazing or mount disturba nce ; may not resemble the original gum . unused Unused without gum (unless gum is mentioned) Unused without gum , as issued . ungummed
be sure to use
(212) 447-5625 or hrharmer @hrharmer.com
n.h. l.h.
BLOCKS OR SHEETS AND THEIR GUM : Minor separations are the rule, rather in the case of blocks or sheets of any size . A few separations-around fou r ~ ~5 ~ affect the value ol a block or sheet and are nol grounds for the return of a Iv, Blocks of four lhat have two stamps o.g. and two slamps n.h. are describe ~
_ ...,ption , ::, not
POSTAL VIEWING BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS 1. Lots of not more than 1o items . 2. To U.S . clients only. 3. Viewer ~ pay postage and insurance both ways and return lots within 24 hours of receipt.
4 . Viewer assumes all responsib ility. including proper insurance . for any loss, whether in his possession or in any and all forms of transit when returning Postal Viewing . 5. References required from bidders unknown to us,
PAIRS : All pairs are horizonlal , unless otherwise mentioned . VALUATION OF LOTS
CATALOGUE NUMBERS : The catalogue number s of the contents o: • parentheses immediately rollowing the descrirtions , but in bulky lots on'. shown .
Valuations of all lots are available in receipt ol stamped , self-addressed envelope .
GUM DESCRIPTION CATALOGUE VALUES : The final column shows the catalogue va lue of the 1, parentheses where , in the opinion of the uctioneers , the marke t va lue exce eo
ESTIMATED VALUES : If an estimated cash value is given , it is shown in thr always indicated by the abbreviations "Est. Cash Val.". II is used where the lot, ~ , the actual value has little relation to the catalogue price . It represents the auctionc of the true MARKET value of a lot and the figure is invariably close to the actual re;,I• useless lor mail bidders to list any bids that are only a low proportion ol such esti maK s CATALOGUES USED IN LISTING : U.S. Specialized Scott 1840-1940 Scott Vols . 1-6 Stanley Gibbons British Commonwealth Michel Germany Michel Europe Unitrad e Others as noted in the desc riptions Euro s are Michel unless otherwise noted
Printed with Cool gray 8 and white
,nc ,ere i sa t ii
Recognizing that there are occasional differences of opinion concerning gum nomenclature by var ious expert committees , for examp le, a stamp described as o.g. being certified as large part o .g. or even part o.g .. this minor classification discrepancy alone is not suffic ienl grounds lor return . COVER CONDITION Minor faults including , but not limited to , file folds not affecting stamps , small tears and some back flap damage have not been noted in the descriptions ol this catalogue .
!003 2004 2003 2002 2002/2003 2002
HANDSTAMPS /BACKSTAMPS Remember , NO lots may be returned with back stamps stating Fake, Falsch, or similar markings . Recently there has been a spa te of German expertisers marking the backs of stamps . It is your respons ibility as the purchaser not to let this happen ,
IN THE MAILING ENVELOPE You will find the bid form and prices realized for the December 12 United State s, British Commonwealth and Foreign , "Hohenzollern " German Offices and Colonies Part II auction .
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SALE 2942
UNITED STATES FORGERIES AND REPRINTS BRITISH COMMONWEALTH REVENUES INVERTED CENTERS BRITISH COMMONWEALTH & FOREIGN Dr. Kenneth Luxenberg Postal History Collection Mr. Martin Sellinger)s Collection of Inverted Centers of the World The John T Warner Collection of France The Estate of Sol Rozman United States
NOVEMBER 6 , 2 00 3 Morning Session at 10:30 A.M.
H.R.HARMER LLC 3 EAST 28TH STREET , 7TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY 10016 Telephone : (212 ) 532-3700 Fax: (212 ) 447-5625 E-mail: hrharmer@hrharmer.com Website: www.hrharmer.com Keith A. Harmer , Jack LaCalamito -
Licensed Auctio neers, License #'s 6728 29 , 780870
On all lots sold a commission ofl5 % on the hammer price will be payable by the buyer.
Cati. Val.
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2003 Morning Session at 10:30 A.M.
G. A. GARFIELD: Free frank on neat envelope to N.Y. be aring WASHINGTON D .C . FREE c.d .s., fine .............. ................................................... .............. .................................................(Photo) Est. Cas h Value $ 150-200
1843 U.S. to U.S. to G.B.; Stampless bearing gree n BATHNH SEP 23 c.d.s. and New York rece iver, redirecte d to London where 184 1 1p red brow n appli ed and tied by " 19" in oval. 1843 U.S. cove rs with any stamps are exceedingly rare . ...................................... ..............................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $200-250
1863 Paris to U.S. to U.S.; Stampless bearing PARJS 20 OCT 63 c.d.s., large "6", red Boston receiver and depreciated cu1Tency due mkgs, 3c added for redirection to New York (lifted to show marking) .............. (Photo) Est. Cas h Value $300--400
1864 U.S . to G.B. to G.B.; 1861 24c, fine, tied by grid and Boston Br. Pkt. c.d .s. on envelope to Nottingham where perf . Ip affixed for redirection to London , Nottin gham JY 2 64 and red Lo ndon receive rs on reverse. Colo,f ul combinati on ..............................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cas h Va lue $300--400
1872 U.S. to G.B. to G.B.; Banknote 3p green, two copies, fine, tied by indistinct Mass. cancel on envelope (some tears and soiling on reverse) bearin g London SP5 72 rece iver where perf. Ip red brown aff ixed for redir ection to Tunbrid ge-Wells, receiver on reverse .......................... .......................................... (Photo) Est. Cas h Value $ 100- 150
1873 U.S. to France to Switzerland; Banknote 10c brown, one side rough, tied by cork on small envelope bearing light red Bosto n c.d.s., red LONDON 7 JU 73 transit, Paris receiver where Cere 30c gray affixed for red irection to Zu rich, rece iver on reverse. A fi ne and busy cover .......... ...........................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 150-200
1876 U.S. to G.B. to G.B;. Banknote 3c green, pair (one few perf stains), tine, tied by cork ca nce ls on envelope bearing COHASS ET MASS JUN 28 1876 c.d.s. , red BOSTO N PAID, London receiver where perf Ip affixe d for redi rection to Brighton , receiver on reverse.......................................................... .(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ l00 - 150 Postal History lots can be fo und throughout this catalogue
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Catl. Val.
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1875 U.S. to G.B. to G.B.; Banknote 6c, pair (one cop y two tears) , tied by cork cance ls on small envelope (some soiling) to Ealing bearing magenta SAN FRANCISCO CAL MAR 11 PAID c.d.s., London receiver where perf lp affixed for redirection to London, second London receiver on reverse . ........................................................................................ ............................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $600-800 Extremely rare combination
U, C/4A_.e_
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1 .
1879 U.S. to G.B. to France; Taylor Sc (rounded corner), tied by CHARLESTOWN STA. MASS DEC 9 c.d.s. on envelope (back flap missing) bearin g Manchester receive r where ½p and 2p affixed for redirection to Paris. A rare and colo1ful combinati on .............................................. .........................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 150- 200
IO t8I
1888 U.S. to G.B. to Scotland; Banknote 2c green, two copies , plus le blue, fine , all tied by NEW YORK JUL 24 88 duplex cance ls on slightly trimmed mourning enve lope beari ng Kingston receiver where Ip affixed for redirect ion to Glasgow. Three-color franking .......... ..............................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ I00-150
* 12 * 13 *
POSTMASTERS' PROVISIONALS NEW YORK, N.Y: 1845-46 Engraved Sc black, signed ACM connected, unu sed , margins three sides, j ust in at bottom , deep color with sharp impression and quite attractive ............................................................... (Photo ) (9X l )
Cati. Val.
PROVIDENCE , R.I: 1846 Sc gray black, unu sed, mostly very large margins all round , trace of thin , otherwi se very fine.............................................................................. ...................................................................(Photo) ( LOX I)
Sc, unused, mostly large margin s all round , crease at bottom , very fine appearance. Signed A. Brun ....(Photo) ( IOXl)
GENERAL ISSUES 1847 ISSUE 5c red brown., shades
T . .t-o"'..,,.•
c.e,~ •
Sc, very fine, uniform gum, good margins three sides, clear to mostly large margin on left, fresh bright color, cert. states "never hinged, the bottom stamp with two pinholes and a horizontal crease" making the top copy extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (2002). Sc. $15,000 as hinged pair .........(Cover Photo) (1) A most impressive multiple of the First Stamp of the United States.
Can.celled by red grid unless otherwise noted 15 0
Sc, margins all round, lightly caned., very faint thins, still very fine ....... .............. ................................... (Photo) ( I)
16 0
Sc, margins three sides, lightly caned., thin s, fres h ........... ............ ............................................................ (Photo) ( I )
17 0
Sc, good to large margins except frame line touched bottom left, blue ca ncel, small toning, fine appeara nce ..................................................................................................... ................................................................. (Photo) ( 1)
Sc, slightly in to enormous margins showing portion of adjoining stamp at left, small faults, tied by grids on most of blue letter sheet, matching red datestamp to Boston, fine appeara nce ........ (Photo) ( I) Est. Ca sh Value $ 150
19 0
10c black, four mm SHEET MARGIN COPY, outer frame line touched in places to margins other sides, neatly caned., very sharp impression, fine ................................................................................. ..............(Photo) (2)
Catl. Val.
* * *
725.00 725.00 900.00
20 21 22 23 0
Sc red brown, mostl y very large margins , brilliant fresh, extremely fine. PSE Cert. (2003) ..............(Photo ) (3) Sc, good to large margin s, sma ll faults , very fine appearance ........................................ ....................... (Photo) (3) 10c black , mostl y very large margin s all ro und , small th in, extremely fine appearance .................... (Photo) (4) 1851- 57 IMPERFORA TE : le blue , type ma, good to large margin s, neat c.d.s. cancel, faults, rich color and sharp impression, very fine appearance ....................................................................................................(Photo ) (SA)
24 0
10c green, type TI, pair , clear to large margin s, cleaned cancel, small crease and thin, very fine unused appearance. PSE Ce1t . (2003) ........................................... ......................... ..................................... ...............................(Photo ) ( 14) 1857-61 PERFORATED 15½: 24c gray lilac, n.h., inclusion and perfthin , rich fresh color and quite attractive. PSE Cert. (2003) ................................... ..................... ............................................. ..................................(Photo ) (37) 1,600.00+
1861-62 PERFORATED 12 26
3c rose pink , ve r y l.h. if at all , beautifu l fre sh cop y, extremely fine. Foundation Cert . (199 0) ............................................................................................................... ........................................ (Photo ) (64b)
Lovely stamp
27 28
* *
3c lak e, on gummed stamp paper , o.g., b1illiant fresh, fine. Fom1erly 66, as pair $4500 ................. (Photo ) (66TC) 90c blue, unused (regummed), fresh, fine appearance. Foundation Cert. ( 199 1) ...................................... (Photo ) (72)
Four diff. plate proofs , 10c, 12c, 15c type ill , on card, 24c on India, good to large margins, fine to very fine .............................. ................................................... ....................................................... (Photo ) (116, 17,29?4 , l20P3 )
30 30
3c ultramarine , split grill, n.h. , enormous centered copy, extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (2002) .......... (Photo ) (114 var.) (350.00+) Fabulous stamp
15c brown & blue, type II, o.g., small faults, fresh colors ...................... ............................ ...................(Photo) (119)
2c brown , tiny thin spot, fresh, fine ............................................................................. ............................(Photo ) ( 124)
6c blue , pin point thin , large centered copy, very fine. 2226 Printed ....................................... (Photo ) (126)
700.00 1,900.00
* 35 * 36 *
WITH GRILL : 2c red brown , large part disturbed o.g., reperfed, fresh, very fine appearance ...........(Photo ) 6c carmine, unused, rich fresh color ............................................... ........................................................ (Photo ) 10c brown , unused, fault-free fresh copy. PSE Cert. (1995) ................................................................... (Photo) WITHOUT GRILL: 15c bright orange, o.g., trace of thin and corner pe1f crease, fine .................. ...(Photo)
( 135) (137) (139) (152)
24c purpl e, traces of o.g., bright color and well centered , very fine. Fo und ation Cert . (1990 ) ..................................................................................................................................... ................... (Photo ) (153)
38 6
1,250.00 2,000.00 2,250.00 2,200.00 1,600.00
Cati. Val.
1873 CONTINENTAL BANK NOTE COMPANY le to 90c comp!. set of eleven, plate proofs on card, brilliant fresh and pristine, extremely fine to superb ....................... ......................... ........................................................................................................ (Photo) (156-66P4)
39 PP
* 41 *
42 43
2c brown, o.g ., reperfed, "taJJ" copy, extre mely fine appearance ........... ................................................ (Photo) ( 157)
7c orange vermilion, o.g. , reperfed, well centered, very fine ................................................................. (Photo) ( I 60)
30c gray black, o.g. (hinge remnant), fresh, very fine ................................. .................. (Cover Photo) (165) 90c rose carmine, o.g. (hinge remnant), thin , fresh, fine ................................................ ........................(Photo) ( 166)
2,750.00 2,750.00
Cati. Val.
7c reddish vermil.ion, thin spot, vivid color and well centered, very fine appearance. Foundation Cert. (1963) .............................................................................................................................................(Photo) (171) 1875 Taylor Sc blue , o.g., reperfed, very fine appearance ......................................................................(Photo) ( 179)
3,250.00 575.00
AMERICAN BANK NOTE COMPANY ISSUES Presentation Booklet containing seven engraved SPECIMENS die sunk on card pages . Ex Dale/Lichtenstein Lovely sale brochure and artistic ............................... ......... ............................... ............ ....Est. Cash Value $500-750
46 47 48
* *
1879 SOFT POROUS PAPER: 6c pink , o.g., large copy, fresh , very tine ........................................(Photo ) (186)
15c red orange , o.g., tiny thin spot, biilliant fresh, very fine appearance ............................................................( 189)
** 50 *
** 52 ** 51
2c pale red brown , n.h. , fresh , very fine. Foundation Cert. (1999 ) top left stamp in block of four ...............................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (211B)
2c, l.h., very fine. Foundation Cert. (1998) ........................................................................................(Photo ) (211B)
1887 REGULAR ISSUE: 3c vermilion, n.h. , extraordinarily " tall" copy, brilliant fresh, extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (1999) ....................................................................... ..................................................(Photo) (214)
Sc indigo, n.h., two thin pecks, fre h, fine .............................................................................................(Photo) (216)
1890-93 ISSUE 53
** *
le dull blue , n.h. , large, centered copy, extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (2002) ............................(Photo) (219)
2c lake , l.h., very fine. extremely fine (2003) .................................................................................... .(Photo) (219D)
3c purple , n.h. , incredibly larg e corner copy, superb. Foundation Cert. (2002) ..............................(Photo ) (221)
Sc chocolate, imperforate proof pair on n.h. gummed paper , good margins all round , extremely fine ............................................ .................................................................................................................(Photo) (223Pb)
Sc lilac, o.g., large, centered copy, extremely fine ...............................................................................(Photo) (225)
** ** 57 * 58 *
90c orange , o.g., small faults, perfectly centered, extremely fine appearance .................................. (Photo ) (150229) 150600.00
** 6 I **
le to $5 compl. set, plate proof s on card, Sc mounted , hinge remnant s, bright color s, very fine ........................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (230-4SP4)
le deep blue , n.h. , enormous, centered copy, extremely fine. PSE Cert. (2000) bottom right stamp in Imprint
plate block of eight .................................................................................................................................(Photo) (230)
2c brown violet, broken frame line at lower right , n.h. , large , centered copy, extremely fine. PSE Cert. (2000) ................................................................................................................. .................................................(Photo ) (231)
Sc chocolate , l.h., enormous, centered copy, extremely fine ...............................................................(Photo) (234)
* 65 *
Sc magenta , n.h., beautiful rich color, large, centered copy. extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (1989) ..................................................................................................................................(236) Est. Cash Value $150-250
30c orange brown , o.g., "wide" copy, very fine .....................................................................................(Photo) (239)
S0c slate blue, o.g. (hinge remnant), mall corner crease, otherwi every fine .......................................(Photo) (240)
$1 salmon , disturbed o.g., few tiny thins, fre h, rich color .....................................................................(Photo ) (241)
$1, unused, small faults incl. light stains, fine appearance ......................................................................(Photo) (24 1)
63 64
* 67 *
$2 brown red , n.h. , lovely rich color, large centered copy, extr emely fine. PSE and Foundation Certs. (2001) ..................................................................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (242) (3,500.00) Absolu1ely lovely
69 70 0
$2, unused, perf toning, large, centered copy, very fine appearance .......................................................(Photo ) (242) $2, lightly caned., faults, very fine appearance ........................................................................................(Photo ) (242)
* 72 * 73 * 74 * 75 *
$3 yellow green, unus ed, staining , enormou s, well centered copy .....................................................(Photo ) (243) $3, unused (regummed), pos ible small faults, very fine appearance ......................................................(Photo ) (243) $4 crimson rose , disturbed o.g., small faults, fine and attractive ............................................................(Photo ) (244) $4 rose carmine , disturbed o.g., small faults incl. light stain, fine appearance ....................................(Photo ) (244a)
$5 black , unu sed, pin hole, very fine appearance ............................................................ ...................(Photo) (245)
Catl. Val. 675.00 600.00 1,100.00 1, 100.00 2,750.00 2,750.00 1,650.00
** 77 ** 78 ** 79 * 80 * 81 * 82 * 83 *
o. 99, n.h. , enormou s, centered copy, extr emely fine. Foundation Cert. (1998) .....(Photo ) (247) (160.00+) 350.00 4c dark brown , n.h. , fresh, fine ..............................................................................................................(Photo ) (254) 400.00 6c dull brown , n.h. , fr esh, extrem ely fine. Foundation Cert. (2001) ..................................................(Photo ) (256) le blue, Plate
6c, o.g., very fine ......................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (256) 10c dark green, o.g., fresh, fine ..............................................................................................................(Photo ) (258) 50c orange, l.h., very fine ........................................................................................................................(Photo) (260) $2 bright blue , part o.g., reperfed, fine appearance ................................................................................(Photo) (262) $5 dark green, part o.g., deep rich color, fine ......................................................................................(Photo) (263)
175.00 300.00 575.00 3, 100.00 5,000.00
** * * 87 * 88 *
2c carmine , type I, part Imprint copy, n.h., perfectl y centered, extreme ly fine. PSE Cert. (2000) ....(Photo) (265) 15c dull blue , o.g., fresh, fine ..................................................................................................................(Photo ) (274) 50c orange, o.g., rich color, fresh, fine ....................................................................................................(Photo ) (275)
$ 1 black , type I, o.g., very fine ...............................................................................................................(Photo) (276) $1, o.g. (hinge remnant), fresh, fine .........................................................................................................(Photo) (276)
650.00 650.00
89 * ml 1897-1903 CHANGED COLOR: 2c red , booklet pane of six, l.h., fine ........................................ (Photo) (279Be)
84 85 86
225.00 300.00
** **
93 0
4c orange , n.h. , extr emely fin e. Photocop y of Foundation Cert. (1998) top right stamp in block of four ...................................................... ............................................................................................................(Photo ) (287) Sc dull blue , n.h. , beautiful fre sh color , extremel y fine. Foundation Cert. (2000) ...........................(Photo ) (288) Sc dark violet brown , n.h., perfectl y centered, extremely fine. Foundation Cer t. (2001) ................(Photo ) (289) $2 orange brown , Regi . cancel, rich color ............................................................................................ (Photo ) (293)
325.00 325.00 (400.00) 1,000.00
4c deep red brown & black , hand stamped violet "Specimen ", slightl y disturbed o.g., thin perf at top, rich color fine. Foundation Cert. (2002). Ex Sellinger ..........................................(Cover Photo ) (296Sa-E )
See U.S. Revenue lots 208 to 237 and Canal Zone lot 246
** 96 ** 97 **
2c carmine & black , n.h. , finger print not mentioned in cert. , enormou s, centered copy , extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (2001) ......................................................................................................................... (Photo) (295) Sc brown violet & black , n.h. , perfectl y centered, extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (1999) ..........(Photo) (298)
10c yellow brown & black , n.h. , "w ide" centered copy, extremely fine. PSE Cert. (2000) .............(Photo) (299)
Catl. Val.
98 99
** 10c pale red brown , n.h ., enormous copy, extremely tine. Foundation Cert. (2001) .......................(Photo ) (307) * 50c orange, l.h., bright color, fine .............................................................................. .............................(Photo ) (3 10) 100 * $5 dark green, o.g., light crease, inten se color , enormous centered copy, extremely tine appearance ........................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (313)
** 103 ** l04 * 102
1904 LOUISIANA PURCHASE: le to Sc compl., n.h. , very fine .................................................(Photo ) (323-26)
2,900.00 485.00
1908-10 DOUBLE LINE WATERMARK COILS PERFORATED 12 HORIZ : 2c carmine, n.h., fresh, very fine ........................................................... (Photo ) (349)
Sc blue, n.h., extremely tine. Photocop y of Foundation Cert. (1991) bottom stamp in vertical pair. Fabulous coil ..................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (351)
1909 PERFORATED 12 VERT: 2c carmine, guide line pair , l.h ., fresh , fine. Fo undation Cert. ( 1986 ) ..................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (353)
4c orange brown , guide line pair , n.h. , gum wrinkle s, fresh , tine ................................ (Cover Photo) (354)
Scarce multiple l06
4c orange brown, two copies, o.g. (hinge remnant), fine and very fine .................................................(Photo ) (354)
10c yellow, pair , o.g. (hinge remnant ), C.H. Mekeel hand stam p on re verse , trace of thinnings , large copies, extremely tine appearance ............................................................ ..................................(Photo ) (356)
Anot her seldom seen multipl e
* 109 * 110 * 108
le green , o.g., large copy, extremely tine .................................. ................................................... .........(Photo ) (357)
2c carmine , o.g., perfectl y centered , extremely tine ............................................................................ (Photo ) (358)
3c deep violet, o.g., light stain spots not mentioned in cert. , tine . A.P.E.S. Cert. (1970) .................(Photo ) (359)
10c yellow, n.h ., extremely tine. PSE Cert. (2000) .........................................................(Cover Photo ) (364)
Very rare this nice
* l 13 * 114 ** 115 ** 1l 6 * ll2
10c, I.h., inclusion , tine ................................................ ...........................................................................(Photo ) (364)
15c pale ultramarine, sheet mar gin copy, o.g., inclusion , extremely fine. Very aurac1ive pos ition pie ce .................................................................................................................................................................. (Photo ) (366)
1909 LINCOLN BLUISH PAPER: 2c carmine, n.h. , gum skips not mentioned in cert., large , centered copy, extremely tine. Foundation Cert. (2000) .............................................................................................. (Photo) (369)
2c, n.h. , large , centered copy, extremely tine .......................................................................................(Photo ) (369)
Bluish paper 2c, neatly caned., very fine ................................................................................................(Photo) (369)
Cati. Val.
** ll 8 * 119 ** 120 * 121 * 122 * 123 ** 124 * 125 ** 126 ** 127 * 128 ** 117
PERFORATED 12: 3c deep violet, n.h., large , centered copy , extremely fine Foundation Cert. (2001) ..................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (376)
15c pale ultramarine , l.h., inclusion, large, centered copy, extremely fine .......................................(Photo ) (382)
1910 PERFORATED 12 HORIZ: 2c carmine, n.h., enormous copy, extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (1996) ................................................................... ...............................................................................................(Photo ) (386)
1910-13 PERFORATED 8½ VERT: 3c violet , pair , 3mm spacing, l.h. , large copies, extremely fine ..................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (394)
4c brown , guide line pair , l.h., right stamp light wrinkle not mentioned in cert., very fine ..................(Photo ) (395)
Sc lilac, guide line pair , l.h., vivid color, extremely fine ......................................................................(Photo ) (396)
PANAMA-PACIFIC 1913 PERF ORATED 12: 10c orang e yellow, n.h., lovely center ed copy, extremely fine. PSE Cert. (2001) ....................................................................................... ..............................................(Photo ) (400)
1914-15 PERFORATED 10: Sc blue , l.h., very fine ............................................................................(Photo ) (403 )
1912-14 PERFORATED 12: 8c pale olive green, n.h., extremely fine. PSE Cert. (2002) bottom right stamp in block of four ........................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (414)
15c gray , n.h. , large , perfectl y centered copy, extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (1997) .................(Photo ) (418)
1913-15 PERFORATED 10: 3c violet, l.h., enormous, centered copy, extremely fine ...............(Photo ) (426.00)
12c claret brown, n.h., perfectl y centered, extremely fine. PSE Cert. (2001) ................................... (Photo ) (435)
* 130 * 129
Cati. Val. 1914 PERFORAT ED 10 VERT : 3c violet, gujde line pair , o.g., lovely color , ver y fine. Foundation Cert. (1972) ..................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (445)
4c brown , guid e line pair , o.g., fresh, deep color. Foundation Cert. ( 1979)..........................................(Photo ) (446)
* **
* ** 135 * 136 ** 134
1914-16 PERFORATED 10 VERT : 2c carmin e rose, type I, joint line pair , o.g., fresh, fme. Foundation Cert. ( 1976) ..................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (453) 2c red , type II , pair, n.h., brilli ant fr esh, extr emely fine. Found ation Cert. (1997) .........................(Photo ) (454) 2c, joint line pair , l.h., fine. Foundation Cert. ( 198 1) .............................................................................(Photo ) (454)
725.00 350.00
2c carmin e, type Ill , pair , n.h., perfectly cent ered, extr emely fine ...................................................(Photo ) (455)
425.00 (42.00)
3c violet, joint line pair , o.g., lovely color , very fine ............................................................................(Photo ) (456)
4c brown , pair , n.h., lar ge, cent er ed copies, extr emely fin e. Fo und ation Cert. (2000). Fabul ous multipl e ..................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (457)
1914 HO RIZO NT AL COIL , IMPERFOR A TE: 2c ca rmin e, 1.h., large margins all round , hand stamp on reverse, briUiant fr esh, extr emely fine .................................................................................................(Photo ) (459)
2c joint line pair , l.h., good to large margins all round, usual vert. crease touches design of left stamp, light horiz. crease, very fine appearance and quite attractive .....................................................................................(Photo ) (459)
** 140 * 14 1 *
le green, 2c carmine , n.h., enormou s, cent ered copies, extr emely fine ......................................(Photo ) (462,463)
3c violet, l.h., enormou s, cent ered copy, fresh, extr emely fine ...........................................................(Photo ) (464) 4c orange brown , o.g., enormou s, cent er ed copy, lovely deep color , extr emely fine ........................(Photo ) (465)
75.00 (45.00)
Sc blue, n.h ., few inclu sions, lar ge, center ed copy, brilliant fr esh, extr emely fine ...........................(Photo ) (466)
6c r ed orange , o.g., larg e, cent ered copy, lovely bri ght color, extremely fine ...................................(Photo ) (468)
7c black , Plate No. copy, l.h., fr esh, very fine ......................................................................................(Photo ) (469) Sc olive green, ver y l.h., perf ectly cent er ed, extr emely fine. Found ation Cert. (1990) ....................(Photo ) (470)
130.00+ (60.00)
9c salmon red , n.h. , very light finger print on gum , perfectly cent ered , extremel y fine ..................(Photo ) (471)
10c oran ge yellow, l.h., briUiant fresh, extremely fine ........................................................................(Photo ) (472)
U c dark green, n.h. , large, center ed copy, vivid color , extr emely fine .............................................(Photo ) (473) 12c claret, very l.h. if at all, fr esh, extr emely fine ...............................................................................(Photo ) (474)
** * 144 * 145 * 146 ** 147 * 148 ** 149 * 150 * 151 * 152 * 153 **
15c gr ay, o.g., lar ge, cent ered copy, wond erfull y deep color , extre mely fine ...................................(Photo ) (475)
15c gra y, very l.h., fresh, very fine. Foundation Cert. (2003) .................................................................(Photo ) (475)
20c light ultramarine , l.h., fresh, very fine ............................................................................................(Photo ) (476)
S0c light violet, n.h. , reperfed, bright color, fresh, fine appearance .......................................................(Photo ) (477)
* ** 156 *
$5, very l.h. if at all, fresh, very fine ........................................................................................................(Photo ) (480)
1916-17 IMP ERFORAT E: 3c violet, type I , n.h., enormou s margins, post office fr esh, sup erb ...(Photo ) (483)
1916- 19 PERFOR ATED 10 HORIZ: 3c violet, vertic al j oint line pair , n.h., extr emely fine. PSE Cert. (2000) for join t line st rip of four .......................................................................................................................(Photo ) (489)
1916- 22 PERFORA TE D JO VERT : 2c ca rmin e rose, type III , n.h., vertic al crease, perfectly centered , brilliant fresh, sup erb ...................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (492) 2c deep carmine , type III , pair , n.h., vivid color , extr emely fine .................... ..................................(Photo ) (492)
(18.00) (45.00)
1917 TYPES OF 1902-03 ISSUE : $2 dark blu e, o.g., vivid color, very fine ......................................(Photo ) (479)
$5 light gr een, n.h., lar ge, cent ered copy, extr emely fine. PSE Cert. 2001). Lovely stamp ............(Photo ) (480)
** 159 ** 160 **
Cati. Val.
1917-19 PERFORAT ED 11
** 162 ** 163 ** 164 ** 161
2c deep rose, type Ia, n.h., almost perfectly cen tered, brilliant fresh , extremely fine ......................(Photo ) (500)
3c dark violet, type II, n.h., large , centered copy, extreme ly fine ......................................................(Photo) (502)
4c brown, n.h. , large, centered copy, extreme ly fine .................................... .......................................(Photo ) (503)
Sc blue , n.h. , enormous, centered copy, superb . PSE Cert. (2000) ..................................... ...............(Photo ) (504)
165 ** 16lError Sc rose, single error, top middle stamp in block of six with 2c, all large, centered copi es, extremely fine. PSE Cert. (2003 ) ...............................................................................................(Photo) (505) (628.00+) Fabulous multiple
166 167
* **
Sc, o.g., fresh, very fine .................................:............................................................ ...........................(Photo ) (505)
9c sa lmon red , n.h. , enormous, centered copy , brilliant fresh , sup erb .............................................. (Photo ) (509)
168 **
llc light green, n.h. , enormous, centered copy , beautiful color, superb . PSE Cert. (2000) ...........(Photo ) (511)
12c claret brown , n.h., perfectl y centered, fresh , extreme ly fine ............................... ........................(Photo ) (512)
13c apple green, n.h. , large , centered copy, fabu lous color and freshne ss, extreme ly fine ..............(Phot o) (513)
1918 BICOLOR ISSUE: $2 orange red & black, part arrow copy , very l.h. if at a ll, sma ll red spot on reverse , well centered, very fine .............. ............................................................ ..................................(Photo ) (523)
172 **
$5 deep green & black, n.h. , light gum creasing, perfectly centered , extremely fine appearance ........(Photo) (524)
1918 - 20 OFFSET PRINTING: Perf 11 2c carmine, type IV, n.h. , enormo u s copy, extremely fine .............. .......................................................................................................... ..........................................(Photo) (526)
1921 COIL WASTE: le green, n.h. , very fine ........................... ...........................................................(Photo ) (545)
1920 BICOLOR: $2 deep carmine & black , n.h. , gum bend and pencil marks on reverse not mentioned in cert., large , centered copy, extremely fine ............................................................................................(Photo ) (547)
$2 carmine & black , o.g., brilliant fresh, very fine ................................................................................(Photo ) (547)
** 170 ** 17 1 * ** 174 ** 175 ** 176 *
** 178 ** I 79 ** 180 ** 181 ** 177
7c black , n.h. , large , centered cop y, intense color, extreme ly fine .............................. ....................... (Photo) (559)
10c orange, n.h. , enormous copy , brilliant fresh , extreme ly fine. PSE Cert. (2001) ........................ (Photo) (562)
12c brown violet , n.h., large , centered copy, deep shade and post office fresh , extreme ly fine. PSE Cert. (2000) ................................................................... ......................................... ......................................................(Photo ) (564)
14c blue , n.h. , enormous, centered copy, vivid color , supe rb. PSE Cert. (2000) ..............................(Photo) (565)
$1 violet black , n.h. , perfectly centered , ext reme ly fine .................................................................... ..(P hoto) (571)
182 * 16l 1926 WHITE PLAINS SOUVENIR SHEET OF 25 : 2c carmine rose , l.h. in margin , usual wrinkles , very fine ············································································································· ···································································<630) 183 1926 - 34 PERFORATED llxlO ½ : 2c carmine , type II , n.h. , perfectl y ce nt ere d , deep and fresh color , extremely fine. Foundation Certs. (1980 and 1996). Very scarce this well cente red .......................(Photo) (634A)
2c, n.h. , brilliant fresh , very fine for this ...................................... .....................................................(Photo ) (634A)
** 184 **
** 187 ** 188 ** 189 ** 190 ** I 86
19 1 **
Kansas 4c yellow brown, n.h. , deep shade an d quite fresh , la rge, centered copy, extremely fine. PSE Cert. (2001) .......................................................................................................... .............................................(Photo) (662)
6c red orange, n.h., enormous, centered copy , brilli ant fresh , superb. PSE Cert. (2000). Fabulo us stamp .................................................... ..............................................................................................................(Photo ) (664)
Sc olive green, n.h., a difficult stamp with exceptional centering, extreme ly fine . PSE Cert. (2000) .................................................. ................................................................................................................(Photo ) (666)
Nebraska 9c light rose, n.h. , enormous, centered copy , bright color, extremely fine ......................(Photo) (678)
10c orange yellow, n.h., enormous copy with excep tional centering, brilliant fresh , sup erb. Photocopy of Foundation Cert. (2000) for block of four of wh ich this is the top left stamp .................................. (Photo ) (679)
1938 PRESIDENTIAL ISSUE: Harding $5 carmine & black , n.h. , perfectl y centered, superb ... (Photo) (834)
$5, center line block of four, n.h., mathematically centered , superb ............................. .............. ......(Photo) (834)
1·t·""""~::1 ss.~a:.ss
Cati. Val.
AIR POST 192 193
** **
1923 SECOND ISSUE: 24c carmine, n.h. , large , perfectl y centered copy, superb ...........................(Photo) (C6) 1924 LINDBERGH: 10c dark blue , booklet pane of three , n.h. , deep fresh color , extremely fine ........................................................................................................................ .......................................(Photo) (ClOa)
(150.00) 120.00
65c green, $1.30 brown , $2.60 blue 65c, l.h., very fine ..................................................................................................... ...............................(Photo) (C13) $1.30, o.g., thin, handstamp on reverse, very fine appearance ................................................................(Photo ) (Cl4) $2.60, l.h., brilliant fresh, very fine .........................................................................................................(Photo) (C 15)
197 0 198 t:, 199 0 200
Used Copies 65c, neatly caned., fine ............................................................................................................................(Photo ) (Cl 3) $1.30, neatly tied by duplex cancel on small piece, very fine .................................................................(Photo) (C14) $2.60, lightly caned., fine .......................................................................................... ..............................(Photo) (Cl5) 1933 CENTURY OF PROGRESS: 50c green, n.h. , negligible bend s, perfectly centered , extremely fine ........................................................................................... ......................................................................(Photo ) (C18)
* * 196 *
201 202
SPECIAL DELIVERY: Line Under TEN CENTS 10c blue, o.g. (hinge remnant), fresh, fine ..... ....(Photo) (E4)
.......................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (Q12)
SPECIAL HANDLING: 1925-55 10c, 15c, 25c yellow green, wet printing , n.h. , large , centered copies, deep , fresh color , superb .............................................................. ........................................................(Photo ) (QEla,2a ,4)
CARRIERS' U.S. P.O. Despatch Earliest Known Usage 207
160.00 375.00 575.00 100.00
** 1908 Mercury 10c green , deep shade, n.h. , large perf ectly centered copy, superb. PSE Cert. (2000) of block of four of which this is the top left stamp .............................................................................................. (Photo) (E7) OFFICES IN CHINA: 1919 and 1922 Surcharged sets compl. , l.h. to disturbed o.g., some small faults incl. perf 203 * stains, mixed centering to fine .............................................................................................................(Photo) (Kl-1 8) NEWSPAPER : 1879 Soft Porous Paper $1.92 pale brown (SE), o.g., beautiful fresh color, fine ..(Photo) (PR7 l ) 204 * 205 ** PARCEL POST: 1913 $1 carmine rose, n.h., perfectl y centered , brilliant fresh , superb . PSE Cert. (2002) 206
240.00 450.00 700.00
1851 le blue , margins all round , very fine, tied by Philadelphia red star cancel on printed invitation (few stain spots), ms. dated internall y Jan. 3/52...................(Photo ) (LO3) Est. Cash Value $2,000-3,000 An exceptionally attractiv e and rare cove r of considerable importan ce
0 1.favv
1/1_ . ÂŁ. 207
Y rl
800.00 (120.00) 2,240.00 450.00
Cati. Va l.
Semi-Official; Baltimore, Md. 1850-55 le green, margins all round except barely touched one spot, still ve ry fine , tied by usual pencil strok e on envelope (so me edge fault s, clos ing flap miss ing) . ................................................................................................ (Photo) (1LB4) Est. Cash Value $1,000- 1,250 In better condition than the very few tied examples 19
Cati. Val.
Steinmeyer's City Post; 1959 Typeset 2c black on bluish , unused, good to large margins , torn vert. and repaired , fine appearance. PSE Cert. (2001) ........................................................................(Photo ) (4LB19 )
Exceedingly rare
2 10
Brown & McHiU U.S.P.O. Despatch ; 1858 Eagle (2c) black, unused, in at left, clear to large margins other sides, corner crease ending in tear, fine appearance ...................................................(Photo ) (5LB3)
Very rare
U.S. City Despatch Post, N.Y. 2 11
1842-45 3c black on green glazed, fine, five copies with generall y large to huge margins all round , each stamp tied by red "U.S." in frame to each other on full 1843 folded letter bearin g red NEW YORK NOV 1 and blue ms. "12½" to Pleasant Valley, New York. The four stamps in strip have had a horizontal crease expertly repaired ................... ( Cover Photo) (6LB5d) Est. Cash Value $20,000-30,000 36,000 .00
Of the five kn.own comp lete exampl es of this fra nking, (there are also a front and a cove r missing one stamp), this is the most recently discovered -j ust three years ago. All examples vary in condition., but this is, perhaps, one of the most attractive and is the only one addressed to New York. A lovely example of this most impo rtant Carrier rarity.
Cati. Val.
2 12
Philadelphia, Pa; 1849-50 Typeset le black on rose (with "H"), margins to touched , fine, on petit envelope (seal on reverse excised) bearing neat strike of blue PffiLADELPHIA.P A 5 cts SEP 2 c.d.s. to New York. Very pretty ............... ........................................................ (Photo ) (7LB3) Est. Cash Value $750-1,000
/ / / /;,~~ÂŁ t}'//2/,â&#x153;&#x201C;
213 0
Without Letter s le black on yellow glazed, into frame line, large bottom margin , used on cover to which it does not belong , fine appearance ............................ (Photo ) (7LB9)Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 Very rare
Catl. Val.
214 121
U.S.P.O. Philadelphi a, Pa ; le black, large margined copy, tied by rare Philadelphia red star cancel on local e nv e lope. Foundation Cert. (1999 ) . Ex Vernon Morris ................................................................................................ (Photo) (7LB18) Est. Cash Value $3,000-4,000
Tied hands tamps of this size and quality of impression. are virtually unheard of The cover has been cleaned (not too professiona lly) in order to reduce stains and toning. Nevertheless , an except ional exarnple of this most rare Carrier
Retur n, nftrl' Ten Day~, to
ebster& Comstock Manfg.Co., 125 and 127 Ontario St., CHICAGO,
,<(!f; Vrâ&#x153;&#x201C;
r <,
JfJJ(c,,) 215
2 15 121
Allen's City Despatch, Chicago, 111;1882 Perf 10 pink, fine appearance , tied by violet Eagle on corner card (s lightl y red uced , faults incl. tears ) bearing matchin g company oval NOV . 3 1882. Ver y scarce ............................................................................................................ (Photo) (3Ll ) Est Cash Value $400-600 22
Catl. Val.
,£. •/4r,__ /
2 16
D.O. Blood & Co; 1848 (2c) black & blue, margins to touched, rich color, fine , used on local folded letter sheet (file fold) bearing blue PHILADA, Pa AUG 31 c.d.s. PSE Cert. (2001). Lovely stamp and cover ....................................................................................................... .........(Photo) (15L10) Est. Cash Value $500-750
/)/ /,
~/,,; y
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2 17
1858-54 Patriotic Flag and Constitution; (le ) bronze on lilac, fine, acid tied with 3c rose pink, very fine, tied by PHILADELPHIA , Pa OCT I 4 I 86 I c.d.s. on envelope (small faults) to First Regiment , Poolsville, Maryland ...........................................................................................................(Photo) ( I 5Ll4 ,64b) Est. Ca h Value$ 100-150
Cati. Val.
2 18
2 19 0
Boyd ' s City Express, New York , N.Y; Used to German y, 1861 Cent er Dots Before POST and After CENTS , le black on lilac, clear to large margins, stained spot and crea ses, tied by framed oval PAID cancel on envelope (small faults ) bearing ms. Liverpool and NEW YORK PKT. 23 APR 11 c.d.s. to Prussia , transit pmk s incl. red AACHEN datestamp on reverse. Foundation Cert. (2000 ). Ra re usage ................................................................................................................(Photo) (20L17) Est. Cash Value $500-750 Brady & Co.}s Penny Post Chicago, Ill; 1860 (?) Lithographed le violet, light pen strokes cancel, barel y touched in places to good margins , good color , very fine appearance .............(Photo ) (23Ll ) Est. Cash Value $300-400
-. [$~~
Brainard & Co. 220
The Unique " Tied " 1844 "Blue ", cut -to-shape example with design unbroken , initialed " F" for Farwell (Hale 's agent ) and tied by red "Forwarded By Brainard & compan y From Tro y" hand stamp on folded letter sheet (docketed 29 January 1845) bearing red PAID. Scott $3250 not tied ......................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (24L2) Est. Cash Value $6,000-8 ,000
unpr .
Cati. Val.
;f' f
c//? rÂź~
~~/?;~~F 7ÂŁ_ (_
Brookl yn City Express Post 221
1855 - 64 2c black on pink , margins three sides (corner tear ), plu s 1857 3c (#65) , tied by c.d. s. strikes on neat envelope to Platt s burgh , N.Y. Foundation Cert. (2 003 ) ..................................................................................... .............(Photo) (28L4) Est. Cash Value $1,500- 2,000 No examp le of th.is combinatio n. on cover has been certified by the Philatelic Foundation and no example existed in the Golden Auction. Probab ly unique and responsible for the cover en.try in. the Scott cata logue
223 224
* l8l
City Despatch Post, New York, NY; 1842 Engraved 3c black on grayish, large paper fold and pre-printing wrinkle, corner sheet margin copy, unused , complete frame lines other sides, creases , very light stain, very fine appearance .......................................................................... ......... ............................... ........................... (Photo) (40LI)
375 .00+
City Despatch, Philadelphia, Pa; 1860 Justice le black, margins except oval touched at left, tied by black circled grid of X on local enve lope ............... ........ .................. ....................... ......(Photo) (4 1LI ) Est. Cash Value $200-250
Floyd's Penny Post, Chicago, Ill; 1860 Typographed (le) brown, margins all round, paper adher ing hiding small faults, rich co lor, fine appeara nce. PSE Cert. (2001). Ex R. Schwa1tz ....... .............. ...................(Photo ) (68Ll)
Cati. Val.
22 5 * llil
Teese & Co. Penny Post, Philadelphia , PA; 1852 Lithographed (le ) blue on bluish, irregular BLOCK OF FIFTY-TWO, so me gum. margins mos tly all round , stains and crea ing mos tly betwee n stamp s. As twe lve bloc ks of fo ur and four singles, Sc. $ 1160+. A rrractive and impress ive ,nu lriple ................................... ........ (Photo ) ( 137 LI )
226 * O
Wells, Fargo and Co; Pony Express 1861 10c to $4, eight diff., unused exce pt 25c blue light blue ca nce l, most with margins, fa ulty or mixed co ndition, ge nera lly fine appea rance ......................................... (Photo) ( 143 L 1-5,7-9)
EXPRESS: Utica, .Y.; S.V. KI G & CO'S EXPRESS , DEVEREUX BLOCK Imprint on closing flap of local Valentine envelope with enclosure, fine . .............................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $1,500-2 ,000 King was reporte dly a per iodical dea ler in Utica who operated this Express Company fo r one Valentine's Day in 1855
227 181
1, 185.00
Cat i. Val.
228 0
le blue & black, cut cancel, fresh, fine ............................................................................................(Photo) (R103a)
229 0
50c blue & black, ms. and punch ca nce l replace d, fine appeara nce ........ ............ .................. ............(Photo) (Rl 15b)
275 .00
230 0
$1 blue & black , ms. cancel, crease ending in small tear, well centered, very fine appearance ...................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (R118a)
Very rare; 60 known
23 1 0
$5 blue & black, ms. cancel, small thins, fine. Very rare. Only 40 known ........ ...................(P hoto ) (R127a)
1871- 72 THIRD ISSUE 2c orange & black
2c, unused , fresh, bright color, very fine ............................................(Photo) (R135b) Est. Cash Value $500-750
233 234 0
2c, vertical perfs shifted 2mm, unusually large perforation sh ift, fine .(Photo) (R 135b) Est. Cash Valu e $2 50- 350
unpr .
2c, neat ms. ca nce l, very fine............................................................................................................... (Photo) (R 135b)
235 0
2c, neat 1872 cut ca nce l, fine ..................................... ......... ........................ ........................ ............... (Photo) (R 135b)
Cati. Val.
237 l'i
2c, tied by blue herringbone and 1872 double line ova l on bank check , bright color , fine. An invert still intact on an original check is exceptio nally rare .............................. ............... (Photo ) (R135b ) Est. Cash Val ue $250-300
1874 2c orange & black on greenish , neat ms. cancel on small piece, fine ...................................... (Photo ) (R 15l a)
HUNTING PERMIT 1935 $1 Canvasback Duck s, Plate No. at bottom , very l.h. , love ly centered copy , extremely fine . Foundat ion Ce rt. (1991) ............................................................................ ........................................(Photo ) (RW2 )
* 24 1 **
1936 $1 Canada Geese, very l.h. , enormous, centered copy , superb. Foundation Cert. (1991) ...(Photo ) (RW3 )
239 240 ** IBI1974 to 1990, gro up of 24 Pl. No. or single copies, 14 diff., n.h. , fine to very fine ........... (betw. RW4 l and RW57)
1946 $1 Redhead Duck s, n.h. , larg e centered copy, extreme ly fin e ...................................... ........(Photo ) (RW13 )
242 **
1961 $3 Ma llard Hen and Duckling s, n.h. , perfectl y centered, superb ........................................ (Photo ) (RW28 )
1965 $3 Canvasback Drake s, n.h. , perfectl y centered , superb ...................................................... (Photo ) (RW32 ) 1969 to 1971 $3, group of three diff. , n.h. , extremely fine ........................................................ (Photo ) (RW36-38 )
238 *
243 244 **
370 .00+
* 246 * 245
CANAL ZONE : 1904 Handstamped 2c ro se, part o.g., fresh, very fine ..................................... .............(Photo ) ( 1)
550 .00
1912-13 Overprinted Type II 2c vermilion & black , center in ver t ed , unused , beautiful large copy, extremely fin e. Ex Sellin ger ................................................................................................................. (Photo) (39e)
1904 to 1975, coll. of about 185 diff. on Special ty page s, n.h. to unu sed, fairly compl. incl. better ovptd . types, comp!. sets incl. pointed and flat top "A", Airs, Official s an d Postage Due, som e fau lts, generally fine to very fine ............................................................................ .....................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,200 GUAM: 1899 $1 black , type I, very l.h. if at all, fine ........................ ......................................... .............(Photo ) ( 12)
M R. KEITH HARME R IS TRA VELI.NG TO FLORIDA DECEMBER 22 TOJANUARY 1 Miami) Tampa)Naplesand Orlando Interestedin selling? Reservean appointmentnow. 1-800-223-6076 $2)000 minimummarketvaluefor auction)please H.R. HARMER LLC 3 EAST 28TH STREET, NEW YORK NY. 10016 Tel: (212) 532-3700 Fax: (212) 447-5625 email
keith @hrharmer.com
Cati. Val.
HAWAII United States Used from Hawaii
249 B
RED HONOLULU U.S. POSTAGE PAID JAN 24 c.d.s.: 10c green , type V, tied by red SAN F R ANCISCO CAL FEB 13 1860 Paid c.d .s . on colored illustrated Stagecoac h cover bearing OVERLAND -via-LOS ANGELES and Boston receiver on reverse ....................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (US35) Est. Cash Valu e $7,500-10,000 Only one other Hawaiian. cover with Stagecoa ch combination exists. A grea t and colo,f ul rarity Hawaiian Island s/United States
250 B
Mixed franking Cover; 1866 Sc blue with U.S. 1863 2c black and Sc brown, all tied by cork cance ls on buff 3c envelope bearing HONOLULU HAWAIIAN -ISLAND JUN 23 and San Francisco receiver plus ms. "per Steamer' Ajax"'. Ex Dale/Lichtenstein ....(Photo) (32,U.S.73,76) Est. Cash Value $1,500-2 ,000 Distinct ive four-co lor comb ination 30
Cati. Val.
1882 Sc ultramarine, two singles, tied by violet WELLS FARGO & CO'S HONOLULU H.I. OCT 31 1885 oval on brown franked legaJ size envelope (edge fauJt), shortened addressed envelope attached to reverse. Ex Dale/Lichten stein ....................................................(Photo ) (39) Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 10c black, faulty, tied by magenta WELLS FARGO & CO'S HONOLULU , H.I. JAN(?) 15 1884 oval on brown franked legal size envelope (faulty and stained). Ex Dale/Lichtenstein ..... (Photo ) (40) Est. Cash Value $500-750 Additional covers can. be fo und throughout the catalogue and in the Postal History section in the back.
* 254 *
PIDLIPPINES: 1901 $1 black, type I, o.g., fine .......................................... ............................. ............(Photo ) (223)
475 .00
$5 dark green, o.g ., trace of thin, well centered, fine. 782 Overprinted ............... .................................. (Photo ) (225)
255 * O
1899 to 1946, coll. of over 200 cliff.on Specialty pages, l.h. to unused, few n.h. or used, incl. slightly better ovptd. items, comp!. or part sets, Airs, back-of-book incl. Postage Due and Officials, mixed condition to fine to very fine ................................................................................................ ........................................ .......... Est. Cash Value $500+
256 * O
19th and 20th Century, coll. of about 75 diff. on Specialty pages , l.h. to unused, some used, compr. Cuba, Guam incl. Guard Mail , Hawaii, Puerto Rico, incl. a few slightly better item , back-of-book , etc., mixed condit ion ........................................................................................................................ ...................... Est. Cash Value $400-500 31
STAMPLESS: 19th Century , fine and varied selection of over 930 folded letters in 3 boxes, mostl y sorted by state, incl. smalJer states, railroads , ms. ship, fair amount of New York , plus several TROY, and Connecticut , some mixed condition. Worth inspection and organizing .........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,500-2 ,000
258 OCBJ BANKNOTE ISSUES: 1870 to 1888, coll. of over 750 incl. 16 covers in well annotated hingeless Specialty album, lovely array of cancel s, incl. negative , target , star , town cancels, fancy cork types, violet, varieties and better items, some faults as would be expected, but overall fine to very fine and very attractive ..........(betw. 146 and 216) Est. Cash Value $1,500-2 ,000
19th and 20th Centur y 259 * O
Coll. of many hundred mostl y diff. in album , n.h. to unused or used , incl. imperf , perf 15 ½ and 1869 Pictorial s with dupl. , last with better items to 90c , Bank Note issues , Columbians and Trans-Miss to S0c, Washington-Franklin , 1922-25 set compl. , perf 10, other Commem sets, White Plain s and other Souvenir sheets, Kansa s and Nebraska, Presidential and Liberty issues, Airs, misc. back-of-book and U.N., mixed condition though some exceptional looking ..............................................................Est. Cash Value $2,500-3,000
260 * O
Selection of 47 stamps in small stockbook, generally more popular classics , singles, sets, but with varying faults, some certificates. Very useful for mail o r Internet sale .........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000
26 1 * O ~ Balance of a propert y in stock sheets, etc., in box , n.h. to unu se d or used, incl. compl. sheets , blks , coll. of modern Errors , booklet panes and unexploded booklets, Washington-Frank lin, plate proofs on card, coin proof sets, etc., mixed condition to very tine. Requires careful inspection ....................................................Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000
262 t,,CBJ Property as received in 13 cartons or boxes , several thousand covers with franks ranging from imperfs to perf 12, Bank Notes, Columbians , much turn-of-the-centur y incl. Washington-Franklin, stationery, some stampless , commercial mail incl. modern , also hoard s on piece , plu s some mint stamps and foreign covers, mixed condit ion .........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 263 * O
Balance of several hundred in stockbook , etc., unused or used, some o.g., incl. Columbians and other Comme ms, Regular Issues from imperfs through Bank Notes, some back-of-book, Pl. blks, Canal Zone, Hawaii, etc., mixed condition .....................................................Est. Cash Value $400-50 0
264 * O ~ Coll. and accum. of several hundred in album, etc., in box, n.h. to unused or used, small coll. incl. 1922-2 5 Regular Issue comp!., balance incl. Columbians, later biles, Hunting Permit, etc., also some stained material not figured, mixed condition .................................................Est. Cash Value $350-450 265 * O
The remainder of a small propert y in 2 cartons , compr. sparsely filled albums, used Commems, telephone cards, covers, some earlier, precancels, signed Hunting Pemut Souvenir cards. What a mixture .........................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $300-400
Balance of a few hundred covers in box, incl. 3c imperfs through modem mail, postal card coll., entires, picture post cards, advertising and comer cards, etc., nuxed condition ..........Est. Cash Value $200-400
267 * O
1851 to 1970 , coll. of man y hundred diff. in Scott hin gele ss album , n.h. to unu se d, some early used, slightly better items throughout incl. imperf to 12c, perf 15½ to 30c, perf 12, grilled 1869 Pictorials to 30c, man y Bank Note issues, Commem s and Regular Issues incl. Washington-Franklin with coil pair s and line pairs (some doubtful ), Souvenir sheets incl. White Plains , 1922-25 , Presidentials and Liberty compl. , Airs and much back-of-book, early fault y or mixed condition, later much fine to very fine. Worth ca reful inspect ion .................................................... .....................................................Est. Cash Value $5,000-7 ,500
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ADVERTISING ENVELOPES: Ship Companjes 1881 to 1902 Hamburg- American (3), Anchor Line (2), franked with Bank Notes and Bureaus , some soiling, from New York, Hoboken , Chicago and Scranton. Fine gro up ................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $100-150
Primaril y 20th Centur y, selection of over 100 on stock cards in box, n.h. to unu sed, a few used , incl. #14 , 72 and 523, mint include #11, 216, 20th cent. Commems and Regular Issues incl. Washington -Franklin with #524 , 547, etc., modern coil strips , Parcel Post, two sets, etc., better items throughout , mixed condition to very fine .......Est . Cash Value $1,500-2 ,000
20th Century 270
**llllAccum . of man y hundr ed on stock sheets in ring-binder s, etc ., in carton,
mostly modern issues incl. coil pair s, Sc, 10c, 13c, etc., Pl. blks incl. 45c, S0c, 52c, 65c, 75c, 78c, $1, $2, others , few compl. sheet s, Bicentennial Souvenir sheets, etc., generall y fine to very fine. Face about $1200 ................................................................ .............................................................
*llllAccum. of a few thousand in sheet files, etc., in box, vast majority n.h., incl. comp!. and part sheets, blks and singles, mostly Commems, generally fine to very fine. Face about $340 ................................... Coll. and accum . of several hundr ed Pl. blks or blks in 2 album s, glassines, etc., in carton , apparent!y 272 * *llll n.h., mostly Commems from 1930s, some Airs, dupl., etc., fine to very fine .Est. Cash Value$ I 00-120 273 * 1902 to 1938, coll of over 100 diff. in 2 hingele ss album s with slipca ses, all but a few n.h. , mostly 271
oversized centered copies, incl. Regular Issues and Commems, Souvenir sheets, coil pair s and line pairs , back-of-book to 1985, Official s and Postage Due, generally extremely fine to superb ........................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-600
274 0
WASHINGTON-FRANKLIN: Accum. of well over 7000 in envelop es in box, used, mostly 3c to $1 values, incl. slightly better with #418 (300+), etc., varying quantities and mixed condition. High cata logue value .................... .................... ............ Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,200
Select ion of 40 items , plu s imperf sheet of 102 (#2529 va r.), apparently n.h. , other multiples incl. imperf between , imperf horiz. , imperf , Officials , nke selection with better errors, generally fine to very fine .....................................Est. Cas h Value $3,000-4 ,000
**133 UNITED
NATIONS : 1951 to 1967, coll. and accum . on pages, etc., n.h. , incl. Tenth Anniversary Souvenir sheets, both ptgs, first ptg. pencil autographed by designer, Margin Inscription blks of 4 , etc., generally very fine ...........................................................................................Est. Cash Value $ 100-125 33
Cati. Val.
Afternoon Session at 1:30 P.M.
POSTAL FORGERIES of defraud ing the govern men.I of reve nue. The fo llow ing fo urteen lols we re crea1ed wilh the i111entio11
BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AND FOREIGN 277 0 278 279 280 28 1 282
* 0 0 0
COLOMBIA: New Grenada 2½c, lightly caned. B.P.A . Cert. ( 1956) ............... (Photo) Est. Cas h Value $ 150-2 00 MONACO: 1885 5fr, o.g. B.P.A. Cert. (1956) ..................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $200-300 5fr, face-free cancel. B.P.A. Cert. ( 1955) .............................................................. (Photo) Est. Ca h Value $ 150-200 NEW CALEDONIA: 1859 10c, pair, c.d.s. cancel s. B.P.A . Ce1t. ( 1955) ..........(Photo) Est. Cash Value $200-300 PARAGUAY: 1870 2r, red grid cancels. B.P.A. Cert. ( 1955) .............................. .(Photo) Est . Cash Value $50-100 SAN MARINO: lL carmine & yellow, light c.d.s. cancel, B.P.A. Cert . ( 1955) ...(Photo) Est. Ca h Value $ 100- 150
SPAIN 283 0 284 0 285 286 287 288 289 290
0 0 0 0 0 0
1853 Thin Paper 2r, oval grid cancels. B.P.A. Cert. ( 1955) ................................ (Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 150-2 00 ova l g rid ca nce l. B .P .A. Cert. (und a te d , be li eve d c ir ca 1955 ) 1854 6r deep blue , on-the-nose ................................................................................................ ........................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $100 186619c, numeral in grid cance l. B.P.A . Ce1t. ( 1955) ..........................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 100- 150 1874 Justice 4p, star in diamond of dots cancel. B.P.A. Celt. ( 1955) ................... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 100-150 lOp black, neatl y caned. B.P.A. Cert. (1955) ........................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $100-2 00 URUGUAY: 1858 120c, neatly ca ned. B.P.A. Cert. ( 1955) ................................. (Photo) Est. Ca h Value $ 100-200 180c, lightly caned. B.P.A. Celt . ( 1955) ................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 100- 150 240c, lightly caned. B .P.A. Cert. ( 1955) ................................................................ (Photo) Est. Cash Valu e $ 150-200
FORGERIES AND REPRINTS The fo llowing 43 lots contain, i11our opin ion, generall y super ior reference cop ies of the forger's artistr y . For the mos/ part , specific iss ues and co11ditio11have been omitl ed.
UNITED STATES 291 292 293
1869 3c, blue "bee cance l" on corner card. Foundation Cert . ( 1974) .... ................. (Photo) Est . Cash Valu e $75-100 1870-71 3c, "bee cancel" on cover. Foundation Cert . (2002) ......................................... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $75 Officials; 1873 Department of State $2, "FACSIMILE " ob lit era ted by "ca nce ls". B .P.A. Cert . ( 1949) .......................................... ........................................ ................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $75- 100
294 295
$5, "FACSIMILE " obliterated by "ca ncels". B .P.A. Ce1t. (1949) ........................... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $75- 100 LOCALS AND CARRIERS: 19th Century, selection of over 350 items on pages, "unu ed ' or "u ed" . wide ranging incl. multipl es, bogus issues , fant asies with a few foreig n, one cert......... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $300- 500
Used from "New Mexico"; 1896 2c green entire, ms. postmark added, with matching New Mexi co enclo sure. PSE Cert. ( 1989) .....................................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 100- 125 Postal Stationery; 19th and 20th Century, group of 18 "surcharged" entires and six le "tinted" postal cards, variou s denomination s and co lors ................. ............. ...... ......... ........................... .................. Est. Cash Value $75- 100 Tenn; 1861 Sc blue, " hand ta mped " envelope Nashville, STATES: CONFEDERATE ........................................................................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 100 1863 2c, Imperf genuine strip of five , " ti ed " o n e nv e lope. Con. St a mp Alliance Cert. ( 1997 ) ........................................................................................................................................(Photo) Est. Ca h Value $200 HA WAil: 19th Century, selection of about 60 on pages, "unused" or "used", incl. many Numeral type s. Four celts .........................................................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $250-3 50 19th and 20th Century, selection of over 130 on pages, etc., "unu sed" or "used", incl. "coil" pairs, Provid ence Postma ster 's provi sional s, back-of- book incl. a gro up of Confederate States, facs imile, etc., also one cove r and eight certs................................................................................................................ (Photo) Est. Ca h Value $150-250
297 298 299 300 30 I
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BRITISH COMMONWEALTH 302 0 303 304 305
BERM UDA: 1874 3p on Ip rose , "used" ...................................... ...................... (Photo ) Est. Cash Value $ 100- 125 3p on l sh green , "used". SPA Cert. (1978) ..................................................................... (Photo ) Est. Cash Value $75 NORTH BORNEO: 1887-92 ½ c d eep ros e, p erf 12 , heet of 50 w ith mi s pl ace d ho ri z. perfs o nl y ................................................................................ ............................................. .................Est. Cash Value $ 100- 150 NOVA SCOTIA : 1860-63 12 ½ c black , two cop ies on co ve r, one added. Greene Cert. (2001 ) ................................................................ ............................................................... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $150 - 200 19th and 20th Cent ury, select ion of over 50 on stock cards, etc., "unused" or "used", random group incl. North America, Africa, Oceania, also four certs ................................................................ ............ Est. Cash Value $ 150- 200
FOREIGN 307 308
AUSTRIA: Newspaper; 1851-56 (6kr) yellow, "used". Seitz attestation (1953) ...(Photo ) Est. Cash Value$ I 00- 150 19th and 20th Centur y, selection of over 135 on pages, etc., "u ed" and "unu ed", incl. reprints, Newspa per, Lombardy-Venetia, private issue, WWil Locals, cinderella, even a few genuine .....(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $200-300
3 10
black , " use d " . B.P .A. Ce rt. ( 195 8) 1858 -5 9 lkr : Ne wspaper; LOMBARDY-VENETIA .............................................................. .................. .................................... ............(Photo ) Est. Ca h Value $ 100-150 BELGIUM: 1869-70 Sfr deep red brown, imperforate sheet of six, "unused" ....{Photo ) Est. Cash Value $ 150-200
3 11
Sfr pale brown , imperforat e sheet of six, "unused" ............. .................... ........... (Photo ) Est. Cash Value $ 150-200
3 12
BOLIVIA: 1867 - 68 le to 100c , group of 18 , "used" or " unu sed" , annotations purp ortedl y by Eb erh art ................... .......................................................... .........................................................................Est. Cash Value $ 100
3 13
CHINA AND KOREA: Primaril y 19th Cent ury, selection of about 60 on pages, etc. , "used", incl. 1903 "bisect on piece", large and small Dragon, Formo a, etc., Korea portion 25 stamps ........(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $200-300 DANZIG: 1920 Innend ienst 2pf, 30pf , S0pf , "unused ", 2 ½ pf, 60pf , lm , 2m, "used". Four B.P.A. Certs. ( I 957) for "used" ..................................................... ........................................................... (Photo ) Est. Cash Value $200-2 50
3 14 3 15 3 16 3 17 3 18 3 19 320 32 1 322
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: 1867-71 ½ r, two diff. "used", Ir ' unused" .................. (Photo ) Est. Ca h Value $ 100 FRANCE : A ir Po s t ; 1928 Ile de France , two " used" se ts. Fo ur B .P .A. Ce rt s ( 1943 , 1949) ................................................................ ............ ................................ .................... (Photo ) Est. Ca h Value $ 100- 150 FRENCH COLONIES : 1872-77 France 2c red brown , perforation s r emoved , "used on piece". B.P.A. Cert. (undated) ............................................................. ......................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $75- 100 GERMAN STATES: SAXONY; 1850 3pf , "used" ............ ................................. (Photo ) Est. Cash Value $ !00- 125 ITALIAN STATES: SARDINIA ; 185140c , "used".............................. .......... ...........(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $ 100 1853 Sc, "used". A.P.E.S. Ce11. ( 1995) ............................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $75 1855- 63 40c red, head inverted , "used" .............................................................. (Photo ) Est. Cash Value$ I00- 150 JAPAN : 19th Centur y, selection of about 170 on pages, etc. , "used", many Dragon types, also Chrysanthemum through Koban issues .............................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $200-400
SHANGHAI: 1865 - 66 Large Dragon selection of over 130 on page s, etc. , " unu ed" o r " use d" , goo d range of ptg an d de no minat io ns, inc l. bl ks of 4, 6 a nd 8, even a few ge nuin e and misc. late r iss ues ..................... ............................................ ......... ......................................................{Photo ) Est. Cash Value $300-500
324 325
SPAIN : 2r deep oran ge red, "unu ed". B.P.A. Cert. ( 1955) .................. ..................... (Photo ) E t. Cash Value $ 150 2r, "unused" ...................................................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $ 150
1865 Ir yellow green , "unused" . B.P .A. Cert. ( I 955) ...................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $ 150
327 0 328
1874 Justice IOp, "used", lightly caned. B.P.A. Cert. ( 1955) ............................... ........{Photo ) Est. Cash Value$ 100 19th Centur y, selection of about 70 on pages, "unused" or "used", incl. Isabel la types with pairs, blks of 4 and 6, Carlist , etc. Six certs ............................................................................... ................ (Photo ) Est. Cash Value $ 150-20 0
SWITZ ERLAND: Gen eva; 1843 IOc, "unused half' . APES Cert. ( 1982) ...................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $75
33 1
PRIMARILY EUROPE: 19th and 20th Centur y, selection of ove r 750 on pages , etc., "unus ed" or "used ", man y countrie s and mostly Europe , incl. classic issues of Albania , France and area, Belgium , Luxembourg , Romania , Serbia , Greece , others , also Austria , Turk ey, Iran , few Liberi a, reprints and a few genu ine, 23 certs. Great variety and exce llent refere11ce ............................. Est. Cash Valu e $1,500- 2,000 FOREIGN : Selection of over 325 on stock cards , etc., "unu sed" or "used", clas sic issues of many countries with much Europe , also Latin America , German States, French Colonies, Japan Air Post, etc., also one cover and six cert s ...... ........ ..................... ........................ .................... ........................................ Est. Cash Value $500-750 Random select ion of a few hundred in glas sines , etc., incl. reprints and forgeries, also many reven ues, much Europe with Bavaria, Heligoland, Spain punch cancels, Shanghai, People' Rep. of China, ome British and U.S., mixed condition .......... ............... ...........................................................................................Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 LATIN AMERICA : 19th Centur y, selection of well over 500 on pages, etc. , "unused" or "used", over 15 countrie s with larger representations of Argent ina incl. Bueno s Aire s and Corriente s, Brazil , Colombia , Costa Rica , Hondura s incl. pane s of 25, Mexico , Peru incl. Pacific Navigation Co., Urugua y, other s, also reproductions and nine ce rts. Exce llent reference ..................................................... ..Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000 36
Catl. Val.
MARTIN SELLINGER'S INVERTED CENTERS Mr. Sellinger, through the decades, has been noted as one of the foremost collectors and, as a dealer, an advocate of Inverted Centers of the World. A major portion of his collection is presented herewith.
**Hl1967 John F. Kennedy 2r, imperf Souvenir sheet of four, vignette omitted at top left, vignette inverted and
1970 Napoleon 20r Souvenir sheet, gold stamp inverted , also normal sheet, n.h., ve ry fine .......................................................... ...................................................................... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $100 -150
1970 Apollo 13 20r Souvenir sheet, gold stamp inverted , also normal sheet, n.h. , very fin e ................................................................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $100-150
1970 Olympics 20r Souvenir sheet, gold stamp inverted , also normal sheet, n.h. , very fine ................................................................ ................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 100-150
severely misplaced at bottom right, n.h., small faults, fine ........................................ (Photo) Est. Cash Value$ I 00
Postage Due; 1926 20q green, S0q dark brown , doubly printed, one inverted , former corner block of four , latter imperf sheet margin block of six (light creases ), n.h. , ve ry fine ...............................................................................................................(Photo) (123 ,134 vars.) Est. Cash Value $ 100
1899-1903 Wmkd. Large Sun Sp orange & black, l.b., brilliant fresh, very fine. One sheet of fifty printed ..........................................................................................................................................(Cover Photo) (140a)
340 pp
1910 Centenary 12c bright blue, imperf plate proof on card, vertical sheet margin corner pair, extremely fine. Scarce .................................... ........................................................ .(Photo) (167aP) Est. Cash Value $300-400
* * *
1917 Wmkd. Honeycomb 20p dull blue & claret, o.g. , creases , centered to right as always , rich color s, fine appeara nce. Twelve mint exampl es kno wn .............................................................................. ..............(Photo) (246a)
341 342 343
344** 345
1954-59 Wmkd. IA in Sun Ip brown, doubly printed, one inverted, imperf. o .g., large margins, creases, very fine appeara nce ........................ ...... .............. ................................................ ..(Photo ) (635 var.) Est. Cash Value $ 100
ARMENIA : 1920 Unissued se t of five , l.h. , fresh bright co lors, fine to ve ry fi ne .............................................................. ...........................(Photo) (see footnote after 265) Est. Cash Value $300 - 500 BANGLADESH: 1990 U.N. Conference !Or multicolored , sheet margin copy, n.h., extremely fine .............................................................................................................(Photo) (371 var.) Est. Cash Value $200-300 BASUTOLAND: 1961-63 Elizabeth ½ c dark brown & gray, imperforate pair, n.h., large margins all round, extremely fine .......................................................................................(Photo) (72 var.) Est. Cash Value $300-400 BELIZE: 1984 $1 yellow-tail snapper, sheet margin copy, n.h., very fine .............................. ...(Photo) (7 11 var.)
l ,200.00
1501/i '~ 1821 -
Cati. Val. 347 ** 1lil 1986 Royal Wedding strip of three, Inscriptions inverted, three strips in sheetlet with margin inscription also inverted, n.h., very fine ............................. .......... ..................... ....(Photo) (833 var.) Est. Cash Value $250-300
BOUVIA: Group of six diff. compr. 1909 lOc, 20c, 2b, 1916-17 2c and 10c, three diff. incl. 2c imperf., l.h. to unused, few small faults, fine ............. ................. .............. ...(Photo) (79-81 , l I 3c,d, 116c) E t. Cash Value $ 150-2 50 349 * EB 1910 Warnes Sc green & black, center inverted and shifted, imperforate corner block of four, unused, crease and light stains, very fine appearance ............. ....... ............. ........ .............(Photo ) (92 var.) Est. Cash Value $ 150-200
348 *
350 *
35 1 *
Air Post; 1924 2b black brown & black, l.h., handstamp on reverse, extremely fine. 1972 Sanabria $1500. Very rare ; only 25 Prin.red ........................................... (Cove r Photo) (C6 var.) Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000 CHILE: Postage Due; 1924 2c to Sp comp!. set, o.g. (hinge remnant s), some small faults, fres h, mixed centering to very fine ............... ........ .......... ..................................................... (Photo) (J48-58 vars.) Est. Cash Value $ 125-150
352 * EE COLOMBIA: 1910 Independence Centenary ½ c violet & black, block of four, unused, extremely fine ........................................................................ ..............................................................................(Photo) (331a) 1,700.00+ Rare mulripl e
353 ** 354 **
& black , perf 14 , n.h. , ve ry fi ne 2p brown COOK ISL AN DS: 1932 U nwmkd. ...................................................................................................................... (Photo) (86b) Est. Cash Value $200-2 50 Perf 13 2½ p dark ultramarine & black, sheet margin copy, n.h., fine ..(Photo) Est. Cash Value $300-400(87 var.)
355 ** llilD UBAI: 1963 Red Cro ss Ce nt enar y lnp multicolor e d, red in sc ription and cre sce nt in ve rted , top four stamp s fram e omitted, imperf sheet margin block of eight , n.h. , se lvage creases, ve ry fine ................................................................................................................. .......(Photo) ( 18) Est. Cash Value $ 100-1 25 356 ** EEAir Post; 1963 Red Cross Centenary 40np Imperf Souvenir sheet of four, yelJow vignette, red inscription and crescent inverted, margins doubly printed , one reversed, n.h., tiny co rner crease , otherwise very fine ................................................................ ..............................................(Photo) (Cl 1 var.) Est. Cash Value $100- 150 357 ** EBPostage Due; 1963 three diff., co mpr. lnp and 5np imperf sheet marg in cop ies, 3np top left corne r block of four with severe ly shifted perfs, n.h., very fine ....... ................. ...............(Photo) (J l ,3,5 vars.) Est. Cash Value $ 150- 200 358 0 359 ** 360 *
ESTONIA : 1919-20 Imperf Sm yello w & black , very large margin s, neatl y caned., extremely fine ...............................................................................................................(Photo) (35 var.) Est. Cash Value $300-400 1919 1/s g to l0t , re print ed se t co mp!. , n.h ., ve ry fin e to extreme ly fine ETHIOPIA: ......................................... ................................ .............................(Photo) (120-34 vars.) Est. Cash Value $150-200 GUATEMALA : 1881 Quetzal 2c brown & green, o.g., fresh, extremely fine ........................ ..........(Photo) (22a)
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Cati. Val.
GUINEA 36 1 ** EB1964 John F. Kenned y set compl. incl. Air Post, centers inverted and shifted to top, corner margin blocks of four with part Imprint also inverted , n.h., extremely fine ......(Photo) (325-27,CS6 vars.) Est. Cash Value $500 362 ** EB1965 World's Fair 30fr green & orange, 7Sfr brown & violet, bottom corner blocks of four, n.h., extremely fine ................................ ........................ ............................................{Photo) (372,375 vars.) Est. Cash Value $150-250 363 ** EBSelection of three diff. iss ues, compr. 15 s ingle s, S blks of 4 and one pair , n.h. , mo stly ce nter or v ig nett e inverted , also imperf. seve re ly mi sp laced , vigne tt e omi tted , etc ., very fine ................................................................................ (Photo) (372-75,394-96,433-35 vars.) Est. Cash Value $400-500 A ir Post; 1962 A nti-Malaria se t of thr ee, mo s quito inv e rted , n.h. , fine to ve ry fine 364 ** ................... .....................................................................................(Photo) (C29-3 l vars.) Est. Cash Value $150-200 l00fr g ree n & black , Souvenir s he et , mo s quito and Coat of A rm s invert ed , n .h. , ve ry fine 365 ** .............................................................................................................. (Photo) (C3 l var.) Est. Cash Value $150-200 Kennedy l00fr multicolored, Die Proof in issued colors die sunk on glazed card, center inverted, extremely fine 366 DP .............................................................................................................. (Photo) (C56DP) Est. Cash Value $150-200 367 ** HAITI: 1960 United Nations set of three incl. Air Post, centers inverted and shifted as always, n.h., very fine ......................................................................................... ....(Photo) (469,Cl 68-169 vars.) Est. Cash Value $100-12 5 Air Post; Imperforate Souvenir sheet of three, centers inverted and shifted to bottom of sheet, n.h., very fine 368 ** ............................................. ..............................................................(Photo) (C I69a var.) Est. Cash Value $200-2 50
1921- 25 Madonna and Child 5000k dark green & yellow green, l.h., extremely fine. Less than 100 exist ................................................................................................................. ......................... (Cover Photo) (386a) 11,000.00 Fabulous copy of this rarity
IRAN 370 **
1915 Coronation set compl. less 2t, centers inverted, sheetlets of five, le, to 12c, 24c and St normal printing on reverse, unused, lk , 2k to 3t centers inverted, sheetlets n.h. to o.g., some edge faults, fresh, fine to very fine ......................................... .......... (Photo) (560-74 ,76,77 vars.)Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 Rarely offered this complete
1949-50 lOr carmine & blue green, l.h., brilliant fresh, very fine. Signed H. Bloch .....................(Photo) (927a)
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Cati. Val. 37 1 **
1956-57 Shah 50d brown & olive brown , Pos. 30, sheet margin copy , n.h., position notation in pencil on reverse , extremely fine. One sheet of one hundr ed printed ................ ....................(Cover Photo) (1059A)
Postal Tax; 1957-58 50d emerald & rose , lion and inscription inverted , l.h. , brilliant fresh , extremely fine. Listed in Sellinger catalogue ..................... ......................................(Photo ) (RA4 var.) Est. Cash Value $300- 350 373 *EEITALY: Postage Due; 1870-1925 Sc to 60c, selection of numeral s inverted, 22 stamps, compr. six diff. singles and four blocks of four , o.g., fresh, mixed centering to very fine .......................................(Photo) (J5a-8a, I 0a, 11a)
372 *
1892-96 $5 carmine & black , plu s normal , o.g., extremely fine .......................................................... (Photo ) (49)
1906 ISSUE 375
1906 and 1909-12 2c to $1, nine diff., plus normals , o.g., #I I 6a pulled co rner perf , fine to ve ry fine .................................................................. ........................................(Photo ) ( I 02a,07a,09b, 11a, 16a, 17a, I 9a,20a,23a) 2c carmine & black , Sc ultramarine & black, neatly caned., very fine ....................................(Photo) ( I02a, l03a)
376 0
1906 2c carmine & black , thr ee copies, used with $5 and 1913 8c on 3c, surcharge double, both inverted, tied on small piece, faults, fine or fine appearance .....................(Photo ) ( l0 2a, 113,128b var.) Est. Cash Value $150-200 378 *EEChimpanzee Sc ultramarine & black, sheet margin block of four, slightly disturbed o.g., well centered, fine .................... ..................................... ............................................................... ............................... .........(Photo) ( 103a) 377
549.99 152.00
* 380 * 38 1 *
25c violet & black , 25c dull blue & black , $1, imperforate , unused, first 25c o.g. and paper maker 's wmk., very fine ....................................................................................(Photo ) ( 107a ,109b,l I la vars.) Est. Cash Value $ 100-150 Flag 50c deep green & black , imperf sheet margin vertical pair , plus normal imperf single, unused, extremely fine ................................................................... ................. (Photo) (109 var.) Est. Cash Value $100-150
Officials; 1909-12 20c bistre & green, center inverted and overprint omitted, plus normal, o.g., very fine ..............................................................................................................(Photo ) (051 var.) Est. Cash Value $ 100-1 25
1921 Wmkd. Crown Sc, toe, 15c, 25c, centers inverted, incl. extra 25c margin block of four and used single, n.h. to o.g., mixed centering to very fine ............................................ ...................(Photo) (22b,23a-25a)
383 ** llllLITHUANIA: 1919 75sk bistre & red , centers inverted and misplaced, imperforate corner block of eight, n.h. , large margins other sides, very fine ................................................(Photo) (57 var.) Est. Cash Value $ 150-2 00 384 ** MAURITANIA: Air Post ; 1942 Caravan l0fr ultramarine , indigo & henna, n.h.,, extremely fine. Signed A. Brun, Biihler , Calves. Ceres FFrs7000. One sheet of fifty printed ....................................................(Photo ) (Clla )
MEXICO: 1915-16 Lighthou se lp brown & black , o.g., handstamp on reverse, very fine .............. (Photo) (513a) Post Office Sp claret & ultramarine, center inverted and severely shifted, o.g., fine ....................(Photo) (514a)
400 .00
385 386
* *
..• .. .... . t-,.~-~~'-='.:.
t:.--==--=1 :
... . ····························--· O I -a.....a.a.....
............... a.-,
... . •. ... •
*EE Sinaloa;
1929 Coat of Arms 20c black , red & gray , bottom right sheet margin block of four , very l.h. if at all , brilliant fre sh, very fine ................................................(Photo) (2 var.) Est. Cash Value $750-1,000
MONTSERRAT: Postal Cards; Air Post, 1979 Scout and Space Ship 15c blue on blue , 15c blue on yellow, inverted , blue card embos ed SPECIMEN di ago na ll y aero s die , very fine brown centers ................................................................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Ca h Value $ 150-200 44
388 45
Cati. Val.
* 390 * 39 1 * 392 *
NY ASSA: 1901 Pictorials 2½ r to 300r com pl. set, o.g., few toni ng mostly on reve rse, fine to very fine. Signed A. Brun ................................ .............................................................................................(Photo ) (26-38 vars.)
1906-07 ½c to 50c compl. set , plus Sc ultramarine & black , o.g. (some hinge remnants), fine to very fine. Seldom seen as a complete set ........ .................. ...... .............................................. .......(Photo ) ( 185-87,89-93, 89 var.) 1915-16 Panama-Pacific Exposition 20c brown & black , o.g., fresh, fine. Friedl Cert. ( 1983) and signed H. Bloch ................. ...............................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (2 12a) PARAGUAY: 1922 Parliament lp dark blue & brown, perf left sheet margin pair , imperf between selvage and stamp , imperf single , also unissued Palace set of six, bottom sheet margin copies with vignette inverted , n.h. to o.g., fine to very fine ....................................................................................................(Photo ) (244b, var.,etc.)
225.00 275.00
**HJ1960 United
Nations Anniversary 75c multicolored , blue portion compr. denomination and portions of flags inverted , printed on orange background used for air post stamp (C272), corner margin block of four , n.h. , few light creases, fine to very fine. Only 100 pr inted ...........................(Photo ) (570 var.) Est. Cash Value $250-3 00 PENRHYN ISLAND: 1920 Unwmkd. ½ p emerald & black , sheet margin copy , o.g., few stained perfs reverse only, fine ................................. ..................................................................................................................(Photo ) (25a)
* 395 * 396 * 394
Ip red & black , o.g., very fine. Signed H . Bloch ..................................................................................(Photo ) (26a) PERU: 1919 Con stitution Sc blue (5) and Sc brown (1), black center inverted, incl. blue doubly printed strip of three , another Sc blue , vignette double one inverted , additionall y printed on reverse , o.g., small faults , fine or fine appearance ............................................................... (Photo ) (220b ,221b , var s.) Est. Cash Value $100-150
1921 Centenary le olive brown & red brown, o.g., very fine ............................................................(Photo) (222a)
POLAND: 1956 Olympic Games 20g light brown & dull violet , center inverted , n.h. , ver y fine ................................................. ......................................(Cover Photo ) (751a ) Est. Cash Value $1,500-2 ,000
Only fo urteen examples known
400 * O 401 0
** 403 **
405 406 pp
Dachau-Allach 1945 Red Cross Souvenir sheet of six , top left stamp (25f) inverted , perf and imperf, ungumrned, very fine .............................................. ................................................ (Photo ) Est. Cash Value $200-2 50 Liiboml; 1918 Loca ls set of five, inverted values , perf and imperf , o.g. except 20h lightly caned., small faults mostly thins, fine or fine appearance .............................. .................... ............................................. (Photo ) (Mi. I-VF) ROMANIA: 1906 Exposition I.SOL red lilac & black brown , imperf pair , on-the-nose c.t.o. datestamp , large margins , pencil initials on reverse , extremely fine ................... .....(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $200-250 (204a var .) RUSSIA: 1927 Revolution Anniver sary 14k dull blue & red, map (red ) inverted , two additional row s of vertical perfs , sheet margin block of four , n.h. very fine ..................... ..(Photo ) (379 var.) Est. Cash Value $ 100-15 0
Offices in Turkish Empire; 1909 Spa on lk orange , center background inverted , sheet margin copy, n.h. , few clipped perfs , fine. Only one sheet known ........................................... (Photo ) (40 var. ) Est. Cash Value $500-600 TURKEY: 1970 International Education Year 130k ultramarine , pink & rose lilac , lilac inverted , sheet margin single, o.g ., pink inverted , imperf top right corner block of four , n.h. , ve ry fin e .................................................................. .................................... ......(Photo ) ( 1839 vars.) Est. Cash Value $ 100-150 URUGUAY: 1908 Rouletted Independence set of three , o.g., light gum toning , ver y fine ....(Photo) (l 74a- 76a) 1909 Port of Montevideo 2c olive green & red brown, Sc dark green & blue , imperf trial color plate proof s on thick card , bottom s heet margin and top right corner copie s r es pectively , extremely fine ................................................................................................................................................... ..(Photo ) (177,178TC)
Cati. Val. I
CENA 10 RM (2,85+7,15
-A llACH
1 11.1945
393 EX399
Cati. Val.
1840 Wmkd. Small Crown lp black, disturbed o.g., margins all round, clear at top, good to large other sides, fine. S.G. 2, £3500 ................................................................................................................... (Photo) (1) 1841 Bluish Paper lp red brown , fu ll o.g. , good to large margins all round, fres h, very fine. S.G. 8, £ I 80 ......................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (3)
* 4 10 * 409
* 4 14 * 415 * 4 16 * 4 17 * 4 13
* 419 * 4 18
* 42 1 * 420
1848 lOp red brown, some o.g., barely touched at right, good to large margins other sides, small thins, fresh, fine. S.G. 57, £3750 ........................................................... ................................................................................... (Photo ) (6)
lOp, good margins all round , neat " 26" in grid canc els and portion of Fr ench c.d.s., very fine. S.G. 57, £725 .................................................................. .................................................................................................... (Photo ) (6)
4 11 0
1847 l sh pale green, large part o.g., large margins all round, pin hole, light crease, very fine appearance and quite attractive. S.G. 54, £5000 ................................................................................................................. (Photo) (5)
6p dull lilac , late printing, green tinted o.g., margin s to touched in places, deep fresh color , fine. Royal Cert. (1978). S.G. 59, £4250 ..............................................................................................(Photo) (7a)
1858-59 Thin Lines 2p deep blue, Plate 15, o.g., vivid color, fine. S.G. 47, £275 ..................... ........... (Photo) (30)
1862 Wmkd. Heraldic Emblems 3p pale carmine rose, o.g. , fresh, fine. S.G. 77, £ 1000 .................... (Photo) (37)
9p straw, unused (regummed), well centered, very fine appearance. S.G. 87, £2500 ......................... .....(Photo) (40)
l sh green, part o.g ., negligible come r crease, rich color, very fine appearance. S.G. 90, £1300 ............. (Photo) (42)
1867-80 Wmkd. Spray of Rose lOp red brown , Plate 1, dist urbed pa rt o.g. , fres h, fine. S.G. lI 2, £1700 ......................................................................................................... ............................................. ..............(Photo) (53)
l sh green, Plate 4, o.g., fre h fine. S.G. 117, £550 ............................... ....................................................(Photo) (54)
1873- 80 l sh pale green, Plate 13, l.h., very fine. S.G. 150, £400 ................................................... ........(Photo) (64)
1876-80 Wmkd. Orb 2½ p ultramarin e, Plate 20, o.g., very fine. S.G. 142, £325 ...............................(Photo) (68)
1876-80 Wmkd. Large Garter 4p gray brown, o.g., perfectly centered, fresh, extremely fine. S.G. 154, £1100. Fabulous stamp ................. ..................... ........................................................... ......................................... (Photo) (71)
1882 Wmkd. Two Anchors £5 bright orange, l.h., brilliant color and post office fresh, extremely fine. Signed E. Diena. S.G. 137, £6500 ............................. ......................... .................................(Cover Photo) (93)
Beautif ul copy of this popular sta,np
* 424 * 423
426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433
* * * * *
1883-84 Wmkd. Imperial Crown 9p green, l.h., handstamp on reverse, fresh, fine. S.G. 195, £750 .....(Photo) ( 106)
1884 Wmkd. Anchor lOsh ultramarin e, o.g., tiny perf stain reverse only, bright color and well centered, extremely fine. S.G. 183, £1250 ............................................ .......................................................... .......(Photo) (109)
1891 Wmkd. Three Imperial Crowns £1 green , o.g., lovely rich color , very fine. S.G. 212, £2500 ........................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (124)
£1, l.h., light staining barely showing on front, very fine appearance . S.G. 212, £2500 ......................... (Photo) ( 124)
1902-11 Wmkd. Anchor Edward VII Ssh carm ine rose, o.g., brilli ant fresh, extrem ely fine. S.G. £210 .............................................. .................................................................................................................... (Photo) (140)
lOsh ultramarine, l.h., brilliant fresh , very fine. S.G. £550 ................. ..................................................(Photo) (141)
1913 Wmkd. Crown •a nd GvR Multiple ½ p green, lp scarlet, o.g., former fine, latter very fine. S.G. 397, 398, £375. Scarce coils ................................................. ................................................ ............................(Photo) (177,178)
1913-18 De La Rue Printing 2sh6p light brown, l.h., extremely fine. S.G. £200 ............................(Photo) (173a)
Waterlow Printing lOsh indigo blue, o.g ., vivid co lor, very fine. S.G. 402 , £450 ...............................(Photo) ( 175)
425 .00
£1 green, sheet margin copy, very l.h. if at all, very fine. S.G. 404, £1300+ ......................................(Photo) (176) 1,200.00+ 1919 Bradbury, Wilkinson Printing l0 sh blue, l.h., very fine. S.G. 417 , £300 ...................................(Photo) ( I 8 I)
Cati. Val. 434*
1929 U.P. U. Congre ss £1 black , o.g. (hinge rem nant), trace of thin in wmk. , fresh , fine . S.G. 438 , £750 ................................................................................................................................................ ..................(Photo ) (209)
435 *
1934 Re-en graved set of three, l.h., very fine, Ssh extremel y fine. S.G. 450-52, £540 .................(Photo ) (222-24)
INLAND REVEN UE OFF ICIA L 1902- 04 Wmkd. Anchor Edward VII lOsh ultramarine , rai sed stop aft er " R", top sheet margin copy, unu sed, cert. state s "surface rubbin g, colour faded " which we find somewhat har sh, well centered and fine copy of this gr eat rarit y. B.P.A. Cert . (1996). S.G. O26a , £20,000 ...............(Cover Pho to) (025 var. )
436 *
437 * 438 * 439 *
OFFICES IN CHINA: 1917 Mult. Crown CA $5 red & green on bluish green, olive back , o.g., fresh, very fine. S.G. 16, £350 ..............................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (15) $10 black & violet on re d, o.g., fr esh, fine. S.G. 17, £850 .....................................................................(Photo ) (16) OFFICES IN TURKISH EMPIRE : 1906 Provisional lpi on 2p green & carmin e, o.g., fresh, fine. S.G. 15, £1300 ....................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (25)
440 * O
300.00 675.00 1,500.00
1841 to 1994, coll. of man y hundred diff. in 2 Specialt y album s, n.h. to o.g., some unu sed or used, incl. a good selection of better earl y item s, almo st complete issues from about 1910, incl. better coils, phosphor and /or graphite , Po stag e Due , exten sive Offic es Abroad incl. China , Re gional issue s, plus Guern sey, Jer sey, Isle of Man , some fault s but overall fine to very fine. Worth careful inspection ............................................................................................................................Est. Cas h Valu e $3,500-4 ,000
44 1 ** llllGUERNSEY : 1958 to 1986, issues very near ly comp!. in hingel ess album with slipcas e, n.h., incl. Souvenir sheets and sheetlets, perf varieties, Postage Due, very fine .................................................Est. Cash Value $200-250 442 0 AUSTRALIAN STATES : NEW SOUTH WALES ; 1854- 55 Wmkd. Double -lined Numeral imperf Sp green , most ly enormou s margins all round , lightl y caned ., superb . Signed A. Diena. S.G. 88, £600 ...........(Photo ) (26) Sp orange , clear to large margin s, neatly caned., rich color, fine. B.P.A. Cert. (1970). S.G. 98. £850 .....(Photo ) (30) 443 0 AUSTRALIA : Air Post; 1929 and 1931 3p deep green and 6p olive bro wn, five and nine copies respectively 444 ** incl. blocks of four , n.h., fine to very fine ........................................................................................................(CI ,C3) BARBADOS: 1852-53 Blued Paper (2p) gra yish slate, pair , o.g., very large mar gins all round , extr emely fine. 445 * S.G. 4a , £400+ ........................................................................................................................................... (Photo ) (3a) 1873 Wmk d. Small Star Ssh dull rose, large part o.g., marks on reverse, fresh 1i ch color for this, fine. S.G. 64, £950 446 * ....................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (43) BASUTOLAND : 1933 George V set comp!. , lightly caned., fine to very fine. S.G. £248 .................(Photo ) (1-lO) 447 0 BERMUDA : 1910- 20 Mult. Crown CA George V 2sh to £1 comp!., l.h., 2sh tin y perf stain reverse only, very 448 * fine to extremely fine. S.G. Slb-55 , £656 ...........................................................................................(Photo ) (49-54) 1938- 53 George VI Ssh pale green & red on yellow, l.h., bent corner perf, very fine .. ...........(Photo ) (S.G. 118a) 449 * BRITISH GUIANA: 1878 Provi sional (2c) on Sc rose, slightly disturb ed o.g., rich color , fine. S.G. 146, £1500. 450 * Very scarce .................................. ...............................................................................................................(Photo ) (87) 1889 Surcharged $1 to $5 , five diff ., $4 t ype I, l.h . or o.g. , $1 small gum stain , fin e to ver y fine. 451 S.G. 185-89, £1465 .......................................................................................................................(Photo ) (124-27,28)
575.00 1,000.00 265.00 400.00+ 1,000.00 177.00 631.00 £300 1,000.00 1,260.00
CANADA 1897 Jubilee $2 dark purple , o.g. (hinge remnant ), almo st perf ectl y center ed, ver y fin e. S.G. 137, £700 ............................................................................................................. .......................................................(Photo ) (62) $4 purp le, o.g. (large hinge remnant), couple small thins, fresh, fine. S.G. 139, £800 ............................(Pho to) (64) 453 * $5 olive green , o.g. (hinge remnants), small light crease, well centered, very fine appearance. S.G. 140, £800 454 * ....................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (65) 1899- 1902 Numera l 20c olive gr een, o.g., very fine. S.G. 165, £300 .....................................................(Photo ) (84) 455 * 1903-08 Edward VII le to 20c comp!. , l.h. or o.g., Sc n.h. , short corn er perf , lar ge, cent ered copies, very fine 456 * to extreme ly fine ..................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (89-94) 457 ** 1908 Quebec Tercentenar y set comp!. , n.h. , some negligible perf fault s, generall y very fine to extremel y fine. 2002 Uni., Can . $3097. As fine a never hinged set as one could reasonably expect .........................(Photo ) (96-103) 458 ** 1928-29 Parliamen t $1 olive gre en, n.h ., fresh, fine. 2002 Uni., Can. $500 ........................................(Photo ) ( I 59) 1930- 31 Mt. Edith Cavell $1 dark olive green , n.h., enormou s cent er ed copy, extremel y fine. 2002 Uni., 459 * Can .$600 ..................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (177) 460 ** 83 Air Post; 1928 to 1935, three diff., compr . Cl (13), CS (16), incl. block s of four , C2 (4), n.h., few inclusion , fine to very fine ............................................................................................................................................................... 46 1 * CAYMAN ISL ANDS : 1932 Centen a ry set comp!. , l.h. , ver y fin e to extr emely fin e. S.G. 84-95 , £350 ............................................................................................................................................................... (Pho to) (69-80) 452 *
462 *
Com p!. set, l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine. S.G. £350 ...........................................................................(Photo ) (69_80) 50
875.00 975.00 975.00 350.00 915.00 1,428.00 375.00 300.00 532.00 399.00 399.00
Cati. Val.
CEYLON: 1885 Crown CC Surcharged Sc on 24c green, o.g., very fine. Signed H. Bloch. S.G. 154, £2250 ............................................................................................................................................. .............(Photo ) (95) Rare
1921-23 Mult. Crown CA George V lOsh green & red on yellowish, l.h., very fine. S.G. 100, £350 ....(Photo ) (87)
1924-28 Script £5 black on yellowish , l.h. , fre sh, very fine. Signed H. Bloch. S.G. 117a, £2750 ............................................................................................................................................ (Cover Photo ) (109) Mult. Crown CA £1 violet & black on red , l.h. , perfectly centered, extremely fine. S.G. 102 , £325 ..................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (110)
* 468 * 469 *
1898 Crown CC 2sh6p dark blue , Ssh brown red, o.g., gum wrinkles, perfectl y centered, extremel y fine. S.G. 41, 42, £370 ...................................................................................................................................(Photo) (20,21)
1929-31 £1 black on red , l.h., large copy, extremely fine. S.G. 126, £300 ........................................... (Photo) (64)
1933 Centenar y lOsh light brown & black , part Imprint copy, l.h. , extremely fine. S.G. 137, £550+ .................................................................................................. ..................................................................(Photo ) (75)
1878 to 1968, coll. of over 200 diff. on Specia lty pages , n.h. to o.g., one used, with compl. or part sets, incl. 470 Edward VII to Ssh, George V to l0 sh, Centenary to 2sh6p, compl. issues thereafter , War Tax , Dependencies , plus Antarctic Terr. and South Georgia, fine to very fine .................................................... Est. Cash Value $750 471 * Ell Dependencies; 1944, the four separate island s compl., bottom Imprint blocks of four, n.h., a few l.h., very fine to extremely fine ............................................................................................................................................ (2Ll-5L8 )
GAMBIA : 1902-05 Crown CA Edward VII ½ p to 3sh comp). set, n.h. except 6p, lsh, 1sh6p very l.h., very fine. S.G. £190 ..............................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (28-39)
GIBRALTAR: 1904-12 Mult. Crown CA Edward VII £1 violet & black on red, o.g., fresh, fine. S.G. £475 .................................................................................................................................................................... (Photo) (64)
1921-32 Script George V £5 dull violet & black , I.h., slight tropical gum , perfectl y centered , rich , fresh color , extremely fine. S.G. 108, £1300 ...............................................................................................................(Photo ) (93)
* 474 * 473
475 S
GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS: 1911 Edward VII ½ p to l sh compl. set, ovptd . SPECIMEN, extra 2½p and lsh , fine to very fine. S.G. £275+ ............................................................................................(Photo) (1-7)
476 !:::.
½ p to lsh compl. set, each tied by large violet protectorate cancel on piece, ½p short comer perf, rest fine to very fine. S.G. £282+ ................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (1-7)
1912 George V £1 violet & black on red , Die II, very l.h. if at all, light diagonal crease, very fine appearance. B.P.A. Cert. (2003). S.G. 24, £550 ............................................................................................................(Photo ) (26)
478 S
INDIAN STATES: GWALIOR; 1885 Overprint Spacing 13mm ½a, la , 2a compl., overprinted SPECIMEN , l.h., very fine .......................................................................................... (Photo ) (SG l-3S) Est. Cash Value $100-150
Cati. Val.
479 479
Used from Cefalonia; ½ p orange, affixed on reverse, lp blue, margins alJ round except one side, both tied by rare blue boxed FRANCA cancel on folded letter bearing blue Cefalonia oval and matching ZARKYNTHOS (Zante) c.d.s. receiver. Signed Balasse ................. (Photo) Est. Cash Value $3,000-4,000 An exceed ingly rare mark ing and a very attractive cover, wirh swm p placeme nt typ ical of the island of Cefalonia
Cati. Val.
480 181
Used from Corfu; ½ p orange, Ip blue, margins all round except latter just in one side, tied together by rare blue FRANCA in oval and indistinct matching oval on 1859 folded letter forwarded by Georgio Marchetti & Figli to Cefalonia bearing attractive corner card handstamp . Royal Cert. (1972) and signed A. Diena . ...........................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $2,000- 3,000
\ ~t~,1~ ' ,.... "<.1-.
4 8 1 181
¡~ 481
Used from Zante; lp , large margins all round , caned . by pen stroke s on 1860 folded letter to Corfu bearing faint ms. "2" adjacent to stamp. A. Diena and Robineau Cert s. (1963 and 1991 respectively ) and signed A. Diena and other ..............................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $500-750
Cat!. Val.
(~ @~ . L-------J. -J. --~
r✓~~ 482
½ p, lp , each with margins all round to barel y touched , cancelled and latter tied by pen strokes to neat 1859 folded letter to Cefalonia bearing indistinct blue oval and matching CORFU 25 AUG c.d.s . ...................................................................................... ...............(Photo) (1,2) Est. Cash Valu e $1,500-2 ,000 Lovely cover
483 484 S 485
IREL AND: 1935 Re-engrav ed set of three , l.h. , extremely fine. S.G. £400 ................................... (Photo ) (93-95) MALAYAN STATES: KEDAH; 1921-32 Script le to $5 compl. set, overprinted SPECIMEN, l.h. or o.g., mixed cente1ing to very fine .................................. .............................................. .......................... (Photo ) (SG26-40S )
475.00 £300
PEN ANG : Japan ese Occupation; 1942 George VI le black , Sc gray, pane s of 100, vast majority n.h., portion s of left selvage missing , few negligible fa ults, 1c tropical gum , fre h and we ll ce ntered , fine to very fine . S.G. J77,J8I, £550+ .......................................................................................................................................... (NI ,NS)
* 489 * 490 * 49 1 * 488
1860 Unwatermarked ½ p buff on blui sh paper , l.h. to full o.g., fresh , fine. A. Diena Cert. (1972) and signed by him and others. S.G. 1, £850 ............................................................................. .............................. ......(Photo ) (2) 1863-80 Crown CC ½ p buff , block of four, o.g., fresh, very fine. S.G . 4, £320+ .................................(Photo ) (3a) ½ p bright orange , part o.g., hand stamp on rever se, rich , fre sh color , extremely fine. S.G . 5, £400 ............................................................................... ........................................... ..........................................(Photo ) (3d) ½ p golden yellow (a niline ), o.g., lovely true color, fine and attractive. S.G. 9, £250 ............................... (Photo) (4) 1882-84 Crown CA ½ p orange ye llow , sheet margin block of tw elv e with gutter se lvage at right , n.h. (10)/very l.h. (2), brilliant fre sh, very fine to extremely fine ....................................... (Photo page 56) (SG18) 1921-22 Script l0 sh black , l.h., very fine. S.G. 104, £325 ......................................... ............................. (Photo ) (73)
850.00 300.00+
225.00 £360+ 300.00
Cati. Val.
* * 494 * 495 **
Postage Due; 1925 Imperf set compl. , tete-beche pairs, l.h., extremely tine. S.G. £181 ......(Photo ) (Jl-10 vars.) NEWFOUNDLAND: Air Post ; 1932 DO-X $1.50 on $1 blue , l.h., handstamp on reverse, very fine. S.G. £190 ................................................................................................................................................................. (Photo) (C l2) 1933 Balbo $4.50 on 75c bistre, l.h., extremely tine. Foundation Cert. (1968). S.G. £250 .............. (Photo ) (C l8 ) NEW HEBRIDES: Postage Due; 1925 lp to lOp compl. set , all but 20c top sheet margin copies, n.h., few traces of gum toning, fresh, fine to very fine ..........................................................................................(Photo ) (Jl -5) 496 * IBI NEW ZEALAND: 1902 - 07 Wmkd . NZ and Star Close Together lp carmine, imperforate horiz. , block of six, o .g . (hin ge remnant s) , very fine . S.G . 303a, as horiz. imperfo rate pa ir , $4 00+/£340+ ....................................................................................................................(Photo ) ( I 08d) Est. Cash Value $200-3 00 497 S NORTH BORNEO: 1899 Surcharged 4c on Sc to 4c on $10 compl. set, overprinted SPECIMEN, o.g., some small faults, mixed centering to very fine. S.G. I L2-24S, £ I 90 ....................................................... (Photo ) (9 1-l02S) SAMOA: 1914 Surcharged 5 Shillings on Sm carmine & black , neatly tied on small piece, very tine. R. Gibbs 498 6 Cert. (2003). S.G. 114, £1000 .................................................................................................................(Photo ) (113) SOMALILAND PROTECTORATE : 1903 Ovpt. at top 2a violet, ovptd. " BRIT SH" (light crease), 6a bistre 499 "BRITISH ", left and right stamps respectively in pairs with normal , l.h., tine and very tine respectivel y. Former Fried l Cert. (1983). S.G. 2a, 7a, £380+ .................................................................... ..........(Photo) (19,var. ) 500 S SOUTH AUSTRALIA: 1886-96 2sh6p to £20 compl. set, overprinted SPECIMEN, o.g., 2sh6p small thin, 50sh ink mark on front, mixed centering to very fine. S.G. 195-208S, £500 .....................................(Photo ) (81-93S) TOGO : 1914 Unwmkd. 40pf lake & black , o.g., extremely tine. S.G. H7, £225 .................................(Photo ) (41) 501 TRINIDAD: Postage Due; 1906-07 Script lp to lsh compl. set, perfo rated or overprinted SPECIMEN, n.h. 502 S to o.g., Ip and 2p brown gum, fine to very fine. S.G. D18-25, £180 ................................................(Photo ) (JI0-17S ) 492 493
250.00 325.00 255.00+
* *
ana 3ov.1sod
19th and 20th Century , coll. of many hundred cliff. in 2 Specialty albums , n.h. to unused or used, about 20 countries with Barbados, Bermuda incl. special Penguin cancels on covers and pieces, Falkland Is., etc., some compl. sets or slightly better items, blks , etc., mixed condition to very fine .................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $600-800
504 * O EEl 20th Century , balance of a property in 3 albums and ring-binder in carton , n.h. to o.g. or used, many hundred diff., plus dupl. , compr. Br. Guiana/Guyana , Br. Honduras, St, Vincent, South Africa, Cyprus , Gibraltar , Malta, mostly modern sets and Souvenir sheets , Semis , Airs and back-of-book issues, also selection of sets ovptd. SPECIMEN, generally fine to very fine ........................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $600-800 505 * O
BRITISH NORTH AMERICA: 1851 to 1973, coll. of man y hundred diff. in Scott hingeless album, n.h. to unused , some early used, mostly Canada and Newfoundland, incl. slightly better early items, many compl. sets and Airs , Canada with virtually compl. back-of-book incl. Officials, mixed condition to fine to very fine ................................Est. Cash Value $2,500
506 * O
BRITISH EUROPE: 19th and 20th Century to 1980s or 90s, coll. of many hundred diff. in ring-binder and Specialty album, n.h. to o.g., some unused or used, compr. Cyprus incl. diff. Plate Nos. and shades, Gibraltar , Heligoland and reference, Ionian Is., Ireland, Ma lta incl. shades, many better items or sets throughout, also Souvenir sheets and back-of-book, some faults though generally fine to very fine. Extensive and wort h ca reful insp ec tion ....................................................................................................................Est. Cash VaJue $5,000
507 * O
Primarily 20th Century , accum. of a few hundred in stockbook , n.h . to o.g., some unused or used, compr. Great Britain , Cypru s, Gibraltar and mostly Ireland , incl. some comp!. sets or slightly better , mixed conditi on ............................ ................................................ ................... Est. Cash Value $300-400
508 * O
BRITISH WEST INDIES: 19th and 20th Centur y to 1960s, coll. of a few thousand in 2 Specialty albums, n.h. to unused , some early used , compr . 24 colonies incl. British Guiana and British Honduras , excellent representation of most with many better or scarcer items and compl. sets throughout, especiall y extensive Barbados , Guiana, St. Vincent, mixed condition in early issues though many fine or better , later generally fine to very fine with a fair amount n.h . ................................................................................Est. Cash Value $10,000-15 ,000 Additional British material can be fo und in the mixed lots beginning with lot 719 and the Postal History section located in the back of this catalogue.
COVER CONDITION Minor faults including, but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps, small tears and some backflap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue. 57
Cati. Val.
REVE NUE STAMPS GREAT BRITAIN: 1877 Wmkd. Three Shamrocks £1 brown lilac , unu se d , fresh , fin e ............................. .............................................. ...................... ............................... (Photo) Est. Ca sh Value $200- 300
510 0
£5 orange , neat Glascow 188 1 cancel, fine ...................................... ............................. (Photo) Est. Cash Value $150
AUSTRALIAN STATES: WESTERN AUSTRALIA; 1907 Fees Ip to £100, 16 diff., most are bottom right corner copies, o.g. , fres h, fine to very fine .................. ..........................................(Photo) Est. Ca sh Value $ 100-150
* *
Probate Ip to £50, 15 diff., l.h. or o.g. , fresh, fine to very fine ............................ (Photo) Est. Cash Value$ I 00-125
513 0
BERMUDA: Key Plates, George VI 12sh6p, £1, some Elizabeth II £1, many hundred in 2 small boxes, almost a ll ho le punched on piece s of do cum ent s, incl. aro und 50 un ca ncd. I 2s h6p. Excessive but lots of shades ......................................................................... ................. ....................................... ......... ....Est. Cas h Value $ 150-200
514 0
12sh6p, £1, accum . of over I 00 caned. and/o r pun ched on clippin gs from document s, also 12 uncancelled and 5 Geo rge V lOsh, 12sh6p used, man y shades, mixed co ndition ..................................................... Est. Cash Value $ 100
515 * O
CANADA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA: 1870s to 1950s, selection of about 130 in glassines in cigar box, values to $10, also some Regular Issues with fiscal cancels, mixed condition ................... Est. Cash Value $ 100-150
Victoria; Three documents , co mpr. 189 1 Written co ntrac t bear ing £ 1 brown on orange , strip of four , plus £1 violet (3), perf faults, and 1896 Deed s of Transfer, one bearing £4 and £2 violet, plus Ssh, other with £2 violet, plus 6sh (2), nicely presented ................... ......................................................................(Photo) Est. Ca sh Value $200-300
1894 Mortgage Bond, fra nked by Victoria £5, £ 1, lOsh, Ssh and 3sh red from variou s issues, plus Edward VII 3sh lilac & green (3), £5 somewhat rubbed . Great var iety .................................... ....... (Photo) Est. Ca sh Value $200- 250
51 8
1881, two documents , com pr. Deed of Tran sfer bearing£ I/1 0sh (2), IOsh and 6p and Mortg age Bond bearing £2 , I 0sh and 6p. both neatly presented ............. ............................................ ................ (Photo) Est. Ca sh Value $200-250
1908 Mortgage bearing Victoria £10, Cape of Good Hope £5, Edward VII £2, £1 lOsh and 2sh, all in neat row on title page. A stunn ing three issue comb ination fra nking ...........................................(Photo) Est. Cas h Value $200
1909 Mortgage Bond bearing Cape of Good Hope £5, Edward VII £2 and 2sh (2), tied on title page. A fine two issue combination fra nking ............................................. ........................................ (Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 100-125
1909, four page typed agreement bearing 1903 lOsh green & orange , 17 copies in blks of ten and seven (4 creased). Impressive ,nultiple ....................... ................................................ ..................(Photo) Est. Cash Valu e $ 150
1918 Printed Deed of Transfer bearing 1913 George V £10, £2 orange & purple (2) lOsh and Ssh, tied by cancel s and crease. Beautif ul presentation ....................................................... .................. ......... (Photo) Es t. Cash Value $150
1920 Deed of Transfer bearing 1913 £10 (2), £5 and Ssh (3), all tied in neat row on title page. Impressive document ................................................................................................................................{Photo) Est. Cas h Value $250-300
524 0
EAST AFRJCA AND UGANDA PROTECTORATES: 1912-18 George V lO0r purple & black on red, lightly caned ., extremely fine ................... ......................................................... .............(Photo) (58) Est. Cash Value $150
525 0
S00r green & red on greenish, neatly caned., extremely fine ..................(Photo) (59) Est. Cash Value $500-600
FIJI: 1914 George V £1 and Ssh pair each, £1 and lsh singles, tied on sa me pie ce , fine to very fine .................................. ............................................. ............................... (Photo) (78 ,88,90) Est. Ca sh Value $ 100-150
527 0
HONG KONG: Victoria; Edward VII, George V and Elizabeth II , group of 33 stamps on stock sheet, values to $ 10, "B ofE " ovpts. Great variety ............................................................. ........ (Photo) Est. Ca sh Value $ 100-150
KENYA, UGANDA AND TANZANIA 1922-27 George V Issue 528 0 6
£5 blue & black , plus JUDICIAL £5 , darker s hade , on piece , fine to very fine ........................................................... ........................................................(Photo) (41 ,var.) Est. Ca sh Value $75- 100
529 0
£10 green & black, neatly caned. , fine ....................................................... (Photo) (41A ) Est. Cas h Value $200-250
530 0
£25 red & black , two used faulty copies, fine appearance .........................(Photo) (41C) Est. Cash Value $ 150-200
53 1 6
£50 brown & black , STRIP OF THREE AND TWO SINGLES, tied b y three neatlyplaced red embossed cancels on piece of document , few faults , very fine or very fine appearance. Unused copies of the £50 catalogue $20,000 ................. ............................. (CoverPhoto ) (41D ) Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000
532 0
£50, lightly caned. , very fine ................................................ ................ ............ (Photo ) (41D) Est. Cas h Va lu e $500
533 0
£50 , lightly caned. , well centered , fine ............................................................(Photo) (41D) Est. Cash Val ue $500
Cati. Val.
534 0
£75 gr ay & purpl e, neatly ca ned. , excepti onal centerin g, extr emely fine. Unu sed copi es of th e £75 cata logue $45,000 ..........................................................(Cove r Ph oto) (41E) Est. Cas h Value $1,000- 1,500
535 0
£100 black & red, lightl y caned., brilli ant fresh, extremely fine. Unused copies of th e £100 cat alogue $50,000 ............................................................................(Cove r Ph oto) (41F) Est. Cas h Va lue $1,500-2 ,000
536 0
£100, neatly caned., small tear, very fine appearance ........................(Ph oto) (4 1F) Est. Cash Value $200-250
Cati. Val.
MALAYA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS 537 0 538 0 539 0 540 0 541 0 542 0 543 0 544 /'; 545
546 0 547 0 548 0 549 0
552 0 553
554 0 555 I';
Ca11celledby red embosse d sea l unless othe rwise noted 1902 Crown CA Edward VII $ 100 dull violet & g reen on ye ll owis h, ne atl y ca ned ., very fine ...................................... ........................ ..................................................... (Photo) ( 104A) Est. Ca h Value $ 100- 150 1904-11 Mu tt. Crown CA $1 00 dull vio let & green on ye llo wis h, li g htl y ca ned., fres h , fine ............................................................ ................................................ ........(Photo) (128B) Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 1908-11 $500 violet & orange, neatly caned., very fine ............................(Photo) ( 146 ) Est. Cash Value $ 150-2 00 $500, neatly caned., very fine ..................................... ............................... ...(Photo) ( 146) E t. Cash Value $ 150-200 1915 George V $100 red & black on blui s h, sec ond printing , face-free ca nce l , ve ry fine .......................................... ......................................................................................(Photo) ( 173) Est. Cas h Value $75 $100, third printing, face-free cance l, very fine ...................................................(Photo) ( 173) Est. Cash Value $75 $100, perfectly cen tered, very fine ....... ............ ................................. ..................... (Photo) ( 173) Est. Cas h Value $75 1921 Script $25 blue & purple on bluish, three fine to very fine copies, plus $5 (2) and $1, tied on 1925 Indenture by 4 diff. red crow n fisca l cancels. Impr ess ive p iece ........................ .....(Photo) Est. Cash Value $100- 150 1937 Script George VI Inscribed REVENUE - REVENUE $25 blue & violet on bluish, sheet margin copy, n.h., extremely fine. Ex Hamm. Rare .................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $200-300 1945 Briti s h Mi lit ary Ad mini s tration $25 red & brown , neat 1947 c. d .s., ve ry f ine ......................................................... ............................ ........................................ ...(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 100-125 $100 purple & blue, neat STAMP OFFICE c.d.s ., very fine .......... ............ .......... (Photo) Est. Cas h Value $ 150-200 $100, face-free cancel, very fine. B.P.A . Cert . (1970) ...........................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 MALAYAN STATES: NEGRI SEMBILAN; Japan ese Occupation ; 1942 40c sca rlet & dull purple , ov ptd. in brown , Central Accounts Office cance l indicating fisca l usage, very fine . B .P.A. Cert. ( 1992 ) ...................... .................... ..................................................................... (Photo) (SGl72a ) Est. Ca h Value $ 100- 150 PENANG: 1947 George V Inscribed REVENUE - REVENUE $25 carmine & brown pair, neat c.d.s. cancels on piece , very fine ........................... ............................................................................... (Photo) Est. Cash Va lue $ 100
PERAK: 1936 Script Inscribed REVENUE **EB
- REVENUE $25 violet & blue on bluish, corner sheet margin block of four, n.h., extremely fine ........................................ ....(Photo) Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 Love ly and a most impress ive mult iple
NATAL : 1885 Crown CA £5 and £10, two each , ms. o r fisca l ca ncel , fine to very fine ....................................................................................................................... .............(Photo) Est. Cas h Value $50-75 1902-03 Crown CA Edward VII £10 orange & green , perf initi als and violet ova l ca ncel s on piece , fine .................................... ..................................................................................... .........(Photo) (99) E t. Cas h Value $50 £20 green & carmine, perf initials and violet cancels, very fine ................ (Photo) ( 100) Est. Cash Value$ 100- 125 £20, vertical pair, perf initials and vio let cance ls on piece , fine.................(Photo) ( 100) Est. Ca h Value $200-250 60
Cati. Val.
NEW ZEALAND 1876 Law Co urt s 2 0s h ye ll ow & blu e, pair and s in gle , with Stamp Dut y £ 50 ca rmin e & blu e, s trip of thr ee, ti ed by ms ., blu e c. d.s. a nd emb osse d sea l on pi ece . Fine and impr ess i ve usage ......................................................... ...................................................................... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $300-500
556 6
Postal Fiscals 1882- 90 Wmkd. NZ and Star Far Apart Perf 11 30sh brown, large part o.g., few tone spots on reverse only, rich fresh color ....................................................................................... (Photo) (AR17) Est. Cash Value $500- 750
* 558
£3 yeUow gr een, o.g., perf ectly cent ered, extr emely tin e ...... (Photo) (AR21) Est. Cas h Va lue $750-1 ,000
559 560 6
£10 blu e, o.g., light crease, fresh, fine ..................................... ................. (Photo) (AR30) Est. Cash Value $300-500 1882 Stamp Dut y Imp erf £200, £50 , £45, Ssh, tied by 1883 Crown HAWKES BAY c.d.s. cancels on piece, fresh and fine ................................................................................................................... (Ph oto) Est. Cash Value $ 100-150
561 0
£1000 r ed , c.d.s. cancel , creases, fine appearance ............................................... (Ph oto) Est. Cash Value $ 150-2 00 £1000, perf initials and Otago c.d .. cancel, small faults, fine appeara nce ....................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 100
562 0 563 6 564 6 565 0 566
567 6 568 0 569 0 570
571 6 572 0 573 0 574 0
unpr. unpr. unpr .
1900 Indi vidu a lly Print ed £1298 gold , good ma r gins, with Ssh and 2p postage, tied by embossed seal and 1912 c.d.s. cance l on piece, very fine. £1298 unrecorded in J. Barefoot catalogue ........(Photo) Est. Cash Value $250-300 £3,139 gold, touched in places to good margins, embossed sea l and Hawkes Bay c.d.s. on piece, very fine. £3, 139 unrecord ed in J. Barefoot catalogue ........................................................... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 150-200
£9,877 gold, unusually large untrimmed margins, embo sed eal and datestarnp cancel, faults, extre mely fine appearance . £9,877 unrecorded in J. Barefoot catalogue ..................................... ..(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 150- 200 1903-1 5 Wmkd. N Z and Star Close Together 2sh to l Ssh, nine diff., o.g., fresh co lors, fine to very fine ............................................................................................. .................................... ....(Photo) (AR32,33,36-38,40-43)
1918 £500, £400, £50, Ssh, with 3p and 6p postage, tied by embossed seal and Napier c.d.s. cancels on piece, fine to very fine .................................................. ............................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 1931 Individually Printed £5,041 gold, embossed on-the-nose Napier c.d.s. cancel, superb. £5,041 unrecorded in J. Barefoot catalogue ......................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $250- 300 £7,448 gold, embosse d seal and neat c.d.s. cancel, superb. £7,448 unrecorded in J. Barefo ot catalogue ............................................................................................................ ...................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $250-300 1931- 39 Wmkd. NZ and Star Close Together £1 l0 sh dark red, very l.h. , extremely fin e. S.G. £275 .......................................................... ............................................... .....................................................(Photo) (AR64) 1932 £900, £40, 2sh6p, plus 1931- 58 Coat of Arms £2 and 3p postage, tied by embossed seal and Napier c.d.s. cancels on piece, fine to very fine ............................ .............................................. (Photo) Est. Ca h Value $250-300 1931-5 8 £400 red & blue, lightly caned., extremely tine ................................. (Photo) Est. Cash Value $100- 125 £1000 carmine & black, c.d.s. cancel, very fine...................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $200-2 50 Group of fi ve diff. , c. d.s. ca nce ls except £ LO cleaned ca nce l, few perf fau lts, fine or fin e appearance ..........................................................................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $50
Cati. Val.
NYASALAN DPROTECTORATE 1919 George V £10 purple & royal blue A ll can.celled by ova l datestamp
575 0
£10, perfectly centered, extremely fine ........................................... ...........(Photo) (24) Est. Cash Value $250-300
576 0
£10, perfectly centered, extreme ly fine ......................................................(Photo) (24) Est. Cash Value $250-300
577 0
£10, perfectly centered, extremely fine ......................................................(Photo) (24) Est. Cash Value $250-300
578 0
£10, very fine ................ ................................................................................. .(Photo) (24) Est. Cas h Value $200-2 50
579 0
£10, very fine ....................................................... ........................................... (Photo) (24) Est. Cash Value $200-250
580 0
£10, pe n ms. and vio let ova l cancel, very fine ........................ ........... ............(Photo) (24) Est. Cash Value $100- 150
581 0
£10, 1jghtly caned., fine ................. ...................... ................................ ........ ...(Photo) (24) Est. Cash Value $100- 150
582 0
£10, fine ................................................................... ....................................... (Photo) (24) Est. Cas h Value$ I 00-150
583 0
£10 , neg ligible toning , fine ...................................................... .........................(Photo) (24) Est. Cas h Value $75- 100
1896 £ 30 brown & green, perf initi a ls and vio le t oval ca nce ls, s ma ll fa ult s, fine appe ara nce ........................................................................................... ............................................... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $75
585 t:,
£30, with 1898-1908 £10, £5, £2, lOsh, pe1f initials and violet Mining Office 1904 datestamps on document piece, minor perf staining, fine to very fine .................. .......................................................... ..(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 100
586 t:,
1898-19 08 £20 yellow brown, two copies, plus £5, £2 and lOsh, perf initials and same vio let cancels on piece, fine to very fine ................... ................................................................. ..........................(Photo) Est. Cas h Value $100
587 t:,
£20, plus £5, £2 (2 ), l0sh, Ssh, perf initi a ls a nd v io le t 1905 pmk s on piece , fine to ve ry fine ............ .......................... ................................ ..................................................................(Photo) Est. Cas h Value $100
588 0
1907 Arms £20, ovptd. REVENUE in green, perf initials and double violet oval cance ls, fine. Listed in J. Barefoot catalog ue Ve1y rare ......... ................ ........................................ ............................... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 100-150
589 t:,
£10 on £10 blue , fine , together with 2sh6p brown , very fine , tied on front of Air Mail letter Packet by WELLINGTON NZ 18 0C 50 c.d.s., to Canada. Rare on. any document ........ (Photo ) Est. Cash Value $300-500
**EB 1966 £100 blue & orange, lower left corner block of four, stamps n.h., extremely fine. A most impressive multiple ...............................................................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $350-400
Cati. Val.
SAMOA 1935 Wmkd. N Zand Star Close Toget her
* 592 * 593 * 594 * 595 * 591
£10 blue , sheet ma rgi n copy with paper maker 's doub le line A wmk. , o.g., trace of gum toning , perfectl y centered, extremely fine .............. ...............................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $150 £10, o.g. (hin ge remnant) , fre sh, extremely fine ....................................................... (Photo ) Est. Cash Value $150 £10, l.h., extreme ly fine ..................................................... .......................................... (Photo ) Est. Cash Value $150 £10, l.h., very fine ................................................................................................... (Photo ) Est. Cash Value $ 100- 150 1955 Wmkd. NZ an d Star ovptd . £20 blue and yellow, l.h. , extremely fine .(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $150- 200
596 0
TANGANYIKA: 1934 KOOi Poll Tax Stamp lsh rose red & purple , Lightlycaned., slight color mn, well centered, fine appearance ............................ ................................................................................... (Photo ) Est. Cash Value $ 100
597 0
TRANSVAAL: 1902 Crow n CC Edward VII £10 brown & black , ms. and violet oval cancels, very fine ................................................. .................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $75- 100
598 0
£25 red & black , m . and light oval cancels, very fine .........................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $ 125- 150
599 * O
BRITISH AFRICA: Selection of over 160 stamp s on stock pa ges, Edward VII through George VI, incl. Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, Tangan yika , Southern Rhodesia , numerou s values to £25, some dupl. Worth careful inspection ................................................ .......................Est. Cash Value $300-500
600 0
BRITISH ASIA: Selection of 15 George V £25 key plate s with re venue cance ls, also three $100 values, plus over 80 various India-Ce ylon revenue sta mps and two North Borneo £25 values. Great variety ..................................................................................................... .............................Est. Cash Value $200-300
COVER CONDITION Minor faults including, but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps, small tears and some backflap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue.
Cati. Val.
GENERAL FOREIGN AUSTRIA : Semi-Postal s; 1933 Pictorial set compl., 40g and 64g bottom right corner sheet margin copies, n.h. , extremely fine. Mi . €420 ........................................................................................................(Photo ) (B112-17)
19th and 20th Cent ur y to 1966, coll. of many hundred diff. in Specialt y album , n.h. to unu sed, some ear ly used, high degree of completene ss incl. better sets, Semis and Air Post , extensive back-of-book , also Offices and Lombardy-Venetia , mixed condition to much fine to ver y fineE st. Cash Value $2,000+
BELGIUM: Semi-Postals; 1933 Orval Abbey set compl., l.h., very fine ........ ................ ........... (Photo) (B 132-43)
1849 to 1964, coll. of man y hundr ed diff. in Specialt y alb um , n.h. to o.g. , some unu sed or used , high degree of completeness incl. slightly better earl y items, man y better compl. sets, Souvenir sheets, Semis , Airs an d back-of-book , incl. significant Parcel Post and Railwa y, also some Belgian Congo and Ruanda-Urundi , mixed condition to much fine to ver y fine and fa ir amount n.h . ............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $3,000-3,500
* CAME ROO NS: 1915 Surch arged ½ p on 3pf to Ssh on Sm compl . set, l.h. or o.g ., fine to very fine. S.G. £7 10, Mi . €1000 ..............................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (53-65) 606 ** CUBA: Air Post; 1937 Wr iters and Art ists set compl. , bottom corner blocks of four , n.h. , few stain s, very fine to extremel y fine ........................................................................................................................(Photo ) (C24-29) 607 **IBI Com pl. set, bottom arrow gutt er blocks of eight , n.h., ver y fine to extremel y fine ....................(Photo ) (C24-29) 608 **IBI Compl. set, se-tenant , tete-beche arrow gutter blocks of twelve, few inclusions , very fine to extremel y fine ..........................................................................................................................................................................(C24-29) Compl. set, se-tena nt, tete -beche cross gutter blocks of sixteen, n.h., few inclusions, very fine to extremel y fine 609 **IBI
•. .•• •. •
........... ,. ~
• •
• • ••
•• •
• • • •• •
. .
656.00 160.00+ 320.00+ 240.00+ 320.00+
•• • •
.• •
Catl. Val.
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1919 Semi-P osta ls
* Postage Due Overprinted S0h rose red , l.h., very fine. Signed H. Bloch and Mrnak. Mi. €450 .........(Photo ) (B54) lk , Sk, 10k ultramarine, l.h. , Sk n.h. , extreme ly fine. Sk and 10k signed H. Bloch, latter additiona lly Mrnak. * Mi. €460+ ................................. ........................................................................................... ............. ..(Photo ) (BSS-57) 612 ** Three diff. sur charged, n.h. , extreme ly fine. signed H. Bloch. Mi. €410+ .............................. (Photo) (BS9,60,62) Air Post Overprinted set of three , l.h. , extreme ly fine. Signed Mikulski and Mrnak .............. ..(Photo ) (B37-39) 613 * 614 *ffi 1918 to 1971, coll. of many hundr ed dill'. in 2 hingeless albums and Scott Specialty pages, n.h. to o.g., apparently 6LO 611
400.00 442.00+ 305.00+ 1,400.00
complete from 1945, incl. Souvenir sheets , ear lier issues with Semis incl. Austria and Hun gary sta mps ovptd. , Airs and back-of-book incl. Legion Post , genera lly fine to very fine .............. Est. Cash Value $600-800
6 15 * O
DANISH WEST INDIES: 1856 to 1915, coll. of abo ut 150 on pages and stock sheet s, l.h. to unused or used, incl. early ptgs, various perfs and surchd., study of shades, invtd. frame, 4c left diagonal half on cover, sets and Postage Due, mixed condition .......................................................... ....................................Est. Cash Value $400-500
616 * O
ETHIOPIA : 1895 2g dark brown , 4g lilac brown , very fine, tied on piece by framed 13 SET 97 POSTE ITALINAE MASSAUA ADEN. Rare usage ...... ............................................................. (Photo) (4,5) Est. Cash Value $100- 150
6 17 6 618 0 619
DENMARK: 1851 to 1974, coll. of many hundr ed diff. on Specia lty page s, n.h. to unu sed, few ea rly used, high degree of completene ss, incl. shades and invtd. frame, bett er sets, Semis, Airs, full range of back-of-book with better items, mixed condition to fine to very fine ..........Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,500
FAROE ISLANDS: 1940-41 Surcharged set compl. , neatly caned., very fine. Mi. €360 ...................(Photo) (2-6)
FINLAND: 1875-81 Perf 11 lOp brown , o.g., fresh, fine. Mi. €800 .......................................................(Photo ) (20)
620 * O
19th and 20th Century to 1968, coll. of severa l hundr ed diff. on Specialty pages , n.h. to unused, few early used , high degree of completeness with better items and compl. sets, Semis, Airs and Military, faults in early issues, genera lly fine to very fine ............................ ......................... Est. Cash Value $1,000+
* 622 **
1900- 29 Liberty and Peace 2fr gray violet & yellow, o.g. (hinge remnant), gum wrinkles, perfectly centered , very fine ................................................................................................... ................................................. (Photo) (126)
1923 Philatelic Congress lfr claret & olive gree n, n.h. , extremely fine. Yv.€725 .................................... ...(Photo)
lOfr green & red , 20fr magenta & green, n.h. , ext r emely fine. Yv.€735 ....................................(Photo ) (131,132)
* 1929 Le Havre Exh ibiti on 2fr orange & pale blue , l.h., extreme ly fine. Yv.€675 ............................. (Photo) (246) * 2fr, o.g. (hinge remnant), extremely fine. Signed A. Diena. Yv.€675 .................................. ............... (Photo ) (246) 626 ** 1927 Strasbourg Exhi bition Souvenir sheet of two, plus lab el, n.h. , small faults, slightly reduced, fresh, very fine appearance. Yv.€2000 ....................................... .......................................................................... ......(Photo) (241) 627 * 1929- 33 Engraved 3fr, Dies I, II , IV, 20fr, Dies I and m , l.h. or o.g., Dies II and IV n.h. , extremely fine. Yv.€1087 ..................................................................................................................... .......(Photo ) (247,A,48,53,54A) 628 ** 3fr dark gray, Die III , n.h. , extreme ly fine. Yv.€725 ........................................................................ (Photo ) (247B) 629 * 20fr bright red brown , Die II , l.h. perfectl y centered , superb. Yv. €1150. Lovely stamp ................. .(Photo) (254) 630 **ffi 1937 Philatelic Exhibition Souvenir sheet of four, n.h. , extr emely fine. Yv.€360 ..................................... ..... (329) Semi -Posta ls; 1917-19 War Orphan set comp l., n.h. to o.g., lfr and Sfr n.h. , but negligible gum 631 * 624
disturbance s and wrink les, latter not mentioned in cert ., fine to very fine. BIO Foundation Cert. (1966). Yv.€5565 .......................................................................................................................(Photo) (B3-10) 632
1918 Red Cross 15c + Sc slat e & red , n.h. , fresh, very fine. Yv.€300 .................................................(Phot o) (B 11)
1,100.00 765.00 500.00 600.00 300.00
3,076.00 190.00
Air Post 1928 Ile de France Issue 633
l0fr on 90c dull rose , o.g., light corner creases not mentioned in cert., well centered, fine. Foundation Cert. ( 1979). Yv.€2100 .................................... .......................................................... ......................................................(Photo ) (C3)
l0fr on 1.S0fr blue , o.g., fresh , fine. Foundat ion Cert. ( 1979 ) and signed Elliott. Yv. €10 ,500 .............................................................................. ...............................................................(Cove r Photo ) (C4) 68
.... . ... .... 626
...........••.• .. STRASBOURG
.... . .... .
-MJ~~i;g J.• ................••.•...•..•.•.. .. .
** 636 ** 637 ** 638 * 635
Cati. Val. 1930-31 E.I.P.A. 30 1.50fr ultramarine , perforated initials, n.h., handstamp on reverse , perfectly centered , extremel y fine. Yv.€765 .........................................................................................................................(Photo) (C6b) 1936 Plane over Paris 50fr emerald , n.h., brilliant fresh , extremel y fine. Yv.€1550 .......................(Photo) (C14) 1936 Monoplane 50fr ultramarine , n.h., perfectly centered, extremel y fine. Yv.€1300..................(Photo ) (C15) 50fr , l.h., another perfectl y centered copy, extremely fine. Yv.€765 ................................................(Photo) (C15) 1900 to 1969, coll. of many hundred diff. neatly arranged on stock sheets in 3 ring-binders in carton , n.h. to o.g. , high degree of completeness and a few dupl. , incl. 1937 Souvenir sheet, better sets and early n.h. , #1088 and 1100, two sheets of each , Semis and Airs, generally fine to very fine ............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,500-1,800
1900 to 1997, coll. of man y hundred diff. in 5 albums , n.h. to unused , quite extensive incl. a few 1870s, earl y part sets to 1920s, almost complete thereafter , incl. Semis, some Airs and back-of-book , Souvenir sheets, mixed condition to much very tine .....................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 1849 to 1997, the companion coll of used stamps in 3 hingeless albums and loose stock sheets in box, equally as wide ranging as previous coll. with Semis, Souvenir sheets , Airs, etc., additional 19th cent. selection on loose page s, mixed condition in early issue s to much very fine and lightly caned . ..................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-750
64 1 0
642 * O
643 * O
** 645 *
648 649
GERMAN COLONIES AND GERMANY OFFICES ABROAD: 19th and 20th Centur y, coll. of about 500 on Specialty pages, l.h. to unused , few used , scattered n.h. and dupl. , compr. 11 colonies incl. New Britain and Togo , diff. settings and French and British Occu. , Offices compr. China , Morocco , Turke y, many sets and slightl y better items throughout , some signed, handstamped or with certs. , mixed condition to much tine to very fine ......................................................Est. Cash Value $2,500-3,000
GERMA STATES: Primaril y 19th Century, coll. of several hundred diff. on Specialt y pages , o.g. to unu sed or used, compr. about 15 states , some spar sely repre sented , incl. some slightly better items, stronger Bavaria and Wurttemberg , mixed condition .................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-600
GERMANY Air Post; 1928-31 Graf Zeppelin set compl., n.h., gum a touched disturbed, very fine. Mi . €5 l5 .....(Photo) (C35-37) 1930 South America Flight set of two, 4m o .g ., 2 m n.h. a to uch di sturb ed , ve ry fin e. Mi . €2020 ..........................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (C38,C39) 1931 Polar Flight set compl. , o.g., fine to very fine. Mi. €920 ........................................................(Photo ) (C40-42)
** 181
500.00 1,000.00 850.00 500.00
1933 Chicago Flight set compl. , n.h. , gum spot s or tiny inclusions , fine to very fine. Mi. €4000 .................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (C43-45)
For Use in Baden; 1905 2pf to 25pf com pl. set, n.h., very fine. Mi. €1100 ................................(Photo ) (OL 16-2 1) THIRD REICH : Group of 14 picture post cards, generally colored, five black and white (one real photo), 3 used. Impo rtant propaga nda p ieces ......... ...................... ..........................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $ 150
650 * O
GERMANY AND AREA: 1875 to 1966, coll. of many hundred diff. in Specialty album , n.h. to o.g., some unu sed or used , quite extensive with mostly compl. sets , incl. Semis , Airs , Souvenir sheets , back-of-book , WWI and WWII Occu. , Berlin and German Democratic Republic, many better sets and a goodly amount of Third Reich and post-WWII n.h. , some faults, overall fine to very fine .............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $4,500-5 ,000
65 1 * O
20th Centur y, coll. of many hundred in Specialt y album, n.h. to o.g., some unused or used, incl. Danzig , Memel, Saar , other s, WWI and WWII Occu. and Protectorates , Poland General Government , etc., many compl. sets, Souvenir sheets or sheetlets, Semis, Airs, back-of-book , generally tine to very tine .............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000
Cati. Val.
. . ... ·························································· .... . . .
. ..... . ......••....... ..
.: POST:. DEUTSCHE POST: .. DEUTSCHE ....•.•....••••..•..••..•....• . ............... .. t
** **
.. .
652 653
BERLIN: 1949 U.P.U. set compl., n.h., very fine. 60pf and Im Schlegel Cert. (2000). Mi. €1000 ..(Photo ) (9N3 5-4 l) Semi-Postal; 1949 Currency Victims Souvenir sheet of three , n.h., few inclusion and finger print in selvage , very fine . Mi. € 1100............ ................................ ......... ................................................... ............ ........(Photo ) (9NB3 a)
650.00 725.00
EX649 71
* * 656 *
654 655
GREENLA ND: 1945 Overprint in Revers ed Color s set compl. , l.h. or o.g., very fine ..............(Photo ) (22a-27a) 1938 to 1975, coll. of abo ut 90 diff. on pages, vast majority n.h., few l.h., issues almost comp!. incl. Semis, generally very fine ...............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $300--400 Parcel Post; 1905-37 Arms lo to 3k, eight diff., perf 11 ½ except lOo perf 11, plus 1937 set of two, l.h. or o.g., few small faults, generally very fine to extremely fine. Mi. €8 I 3 ....................................(Photo ) (Ql-4 ,6,7a,8a,9- I I )
657 * O
658 * O
Catl. Val. 6 10.00
HUNGARY : 1871 to 1974, coll. of man y hundred diff. in 2 Specialty albums , n.h. to o.g., some early used , issues almost compl. incl. Souvenir sheets and se-tenant issues, Semis, Airs and back-of-book incl. Occu. , also Bosnia and Herzegovina and misc . Europe, some faults , overall fine to very fine ............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,200
Primaril y 20th Centur y to 1940s, two coll. remainder s in album and ring-binder , n.h. to o.g., or used, incl. comp!. or part sets, dupl., Semis, Airs, back-of-book and Souvenir sheet , some faults, overall fine to very fine ................................................................................................................. .............................Est. Cash Value $250-300
659 * OEE20th Cent ur y to 1969, coll. of man y hundred diff. in album and loose pages in box, n.h . to I.h., very few used , incl. many compl. sets, Souvenir sheets, Semis, airs and back-of-book , also imperfs , se-tenant, dupl. , etc., plus 1967 AERFILA post office pre sentation book com pr . perf and imperf sta mps and Souvenir sheets , also on FDCs , generally fine to very fine ................................................................................Est . Cash Value $400-600
* 661 *
1873 Wmkd. Crown Perf 14xl3 ½ 8s brown , o.g., fre sh, extremely fine. Mi. 4, €250 ..........................(Photo ) (3)
1896-1901 Perf 13 50a blue & carmine, o.g., very fine. Mi. 16B, €320 ................................................(Photo ) (30)
1902-03 Black Overprint 3m orange, Sm green, I.h., former extremely fine, latter very fine .....(Photo ) (49,52)
6a gray, o.g., extreme ly fine. Mi . 27BF, €400 .........................................................................................(Photo) (53)
1924-30 Surcharged set of four , I.h., very fine to extremely fine .................................................(Photo ) (140-43)
665 ** EE1935 Mount Hek la lk greenish gray, sheet margin block of four, n.h. , few tin y inclusions , extreme ly fine ..................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (194)
666 ** EE1935 Poet set compl., block s of four incl. sheet margins , n.h. , extremely fine ............................(Photo ) (195-98 )
* 664 * 663
667 ** [jj)Air Post; 1934 Scenes set compl. , 20a perf 14, 25a perf 12½x1 4, blocks of four, n.h., extremely fine. Mi . €660+ ............................................................. ............................................................................(Photo ) (C15,16a,17a ,18-20)
* 669 * 668
Officials ; 1902-03 Perf 14xl3 ½ 10a blu e, 1.h., very fine. Foundation Cert. ( 1969). Mi. €420 ...........(Photo ) (027)
1922 Overprinted with Period 2k rose, Sk brown , very I.h., extremely fine. Mi. €550 .........(Photo ) (OS0a,O51)
670 * EE 1873 to 1968, coll. of many hundred on Specialty pages, n.h . to unu sed, high degree of completeness, with early item s and better sets, Semis, Airs and man y Official s incl. Parliament set, range of blks of 4 from tum-of-the-centur y, some fau lts though much fine to ver y fin e and a good ly number n.h . ..................................................................................................................................... Est. Cash Value $2,000+ 671 No lot 672 ** [jj)ISR AEL: 20th Cent ur y, coll. and accum . of several hundred on stock sheets in ring-binder , apparently n.h., compr. full tab comp!. sets, also so me comp!. sheet s and a few norm al single s, fine to very fine ........................................................... ................................................................................... Est. Cash Value $ 100-150 ITALIAN COLONIES : 20th Century , coll. of a few hundred diff. on Specialty pages , I.h. or o.g., few 673 unused , incl. general issues, East Africa, Somalia, Tripolitania, few others, compl. or part sets, Semis, Airs and some back-of-book, fine to very fine ........................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-750 674 l8l ITALIAN STATES: ROMA N STATES; 19th Century, selection of seven covers and two fronts , all but one bearing imperf 1852 or 1867 issues, incl. multiple or mixed frankings, variet y of markings and destinations , mixed condit ion .................................................................................................................Est. Cash Va lue $500-750
ITALY 675 676 677
* * *
Air Post ; 1930 Tran s-Atlantic Squadron 7.70L Prussian blue & gray, l.h., extremely fine ...........(Photo ) (C27)
1933 Balbo set of two, tript ychs, I-ARAM , I.h., extremely fine .................................................(Photo) (C48,C49) Parcel Post ; 1946-54 Wmkd . Winged Whee l 300L brown carmine, l.h., very fine ......................... (Photo) (Q74)
220.00 675.00
678 * O
19th and 20th Century to 1987, coll. of man y hundred diff. in 3 hingeless albums with slipcases in carton, n.h. to unu sed, few ear ly used, high degre e of comp leteness incl. better sets, Semis, Airs and extens ive back-of-book , mixed cond ition to much fine to very fine ......................................Est . Cash Value $2,000+
ITALIAN SOCIAL REPUBLIC: Parc el Post; 1944 Sc to 20L compl. set, l.h., usual mixed centering to very fine. Scarce se1............................................................................ ............ ............................................. ..........(Photo ) (Ql-12) 72
.. ,
q J./\!?, 7~
vV'~â&#x20AC;¢ ~lid
Catl. Val.
KOREA: 1959 to 1984, coll. of several hundred diff. Souvenir sheets in album, much n.h., some o.g., sheets almo st comp!., plu s some dupl. sets, ge neral ly very fine ....................................... ..............Est. Cash Value $200-250 LIECHTENSTEIN : Air Post; 1931 Zeppelin set of two, lfr on card, 2fr on envelope, very fine, eac h tied by red VADUZ JUNl 1931 ZE PP ELIN-POST c.d.s. and bearin g VADUZ and LAUSANNE pmks to Germ any. Mi . €460 off cover. ....................................................................... ....................(Photo) (C7,C8) Est. Cas h Value $ 125 1912 to 1966, issues almost compl. on Specialty pages, n.h. to o.g., incl. Souvenir sheets, Semis, Airs and back-of-book, mixed condition to very fine .................................................................. ..Est. Cash Value $500-750
683 * O
LUXEMBOURG: 1852 to 1963, coll. of a few hundred diff. on Specialty pages, n.h. to unused, few used, incl. slightly better early items, later compl. sets and Souvenir sheets, Semis and Airs, etc., mixed condition to much fine to very fine ...............................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $750 NETHERLANDS : 1923 Anniversary set compl., mostly l.h. incl. 2½g and 5g, usual gum wrinkles , very fine .............................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (124-34)
685 * O
1852 to 1964, coll. of many hundred in Specialty album, n.h. to unused, few early used, high degree of completeness with many compl. sets, syncopated perf issues, Semis, Airs and back-of-book , some faults though overall fine to very fine .............................................................Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500
686 * O
NETHERLANDS COLONIES: 19th and 20th Century to 1960s, coll . of man y hundred in Specialty album , n.h. to unused , few used , compr. Netherlands Antilles , Dutch Indies , Dutch New Guinea, Surinam , incl. man y compl. sets and slightl y better early item s, Dutch Indie s with ovpt. reading down or inverted and Marine Insurance , all with Semis, Airs and back-of-book , some faults incl. light staining, generally fine to very fine ............. .................................................................... .......... Est. Cash Value $2,500
NORWAY : 1877-78 600 dark blue , fine , tied by TRONDHYEM 7X89 c.d.s. on Re gis. enve lope to U. S. Rar e single frank ing ................. ......................................................................(Photo) (3 1) Est. Cash Value $ 150-2 00
1909-10 Die 3 set of three, l.h., fres h, fine to very fine. Mi . €600 .................................. ....................(Photo) (67-69)
689 * O
1855 to 1968, coll. of many hundred diff. on Specialty pages, n.h. to unused, few used, issues very nearly compl. incl. better items and many sets through back-of-book , mixed condition to fine to very fine ..................................................................... .......................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000- 1,500
69 1
* 693
1866-67 Imperf 25r rose, Plate IV, o.g., good to very large margins all round , hand stamp on reverse , extreme ly fine. Mi. 20, €220 ..................................................................................................................... (Photo) (20) Used to France; 1870-84 Perf 12½ 80r orange, two copies (SE), fine, tied by " 1" in grid (L isbon) on folded letter sheet bearin g Bayo nne tran sit and ORTHEZ 13 SEPT 70 rece iver on reverse ..... (Photo) (44 ) Est. Cash Value $ 150 150r pale blue, o .g. (hinge remnant), fresh, fine . Mi . €350 ......................................................................
(Photo) (47)
ROMANIA: 19th and 20th Century to 1970, coll. of many hundred diff. in album , stockbook and loose pages in carton, n.h. to o .g. or used , wide rang ing with many comp!. sets , plus dup l. incl. Semis , Souvenir sheets, Airs , imperf s, etc ., some faults though overa ll fine to very fine ........................... ...............Est. Cash Valu e $400-600
695 * O
SERBIA: 19th and 20th Century, accum of about 150 in glassines, etc., n.h. to unused, few used, random issues with some dupl. , most ly Occu. incl. Semis with and without burel age, outlin ed symbol , etc., some fau lts, genera lly fine to very fine ............... ....................... ............................................... .............. .................Est. Cash Value $ 150-200
19th and 20th Century to 1983, coll. of many hundred diff. in Specialty album, n.h. to unused, high degree of completeness incl. early reprints and better items, 20th cent. almost compl. , incl. Ceres types with various papers, surchd., Souvenir sheets, Airs, back-of-book incl. Franchise issues, mixed condition to very fine ............................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $2,500
694 * O
SOMALI COAST: 1902 Black Surcharge 0.75c on 5fr rose & blue, o.g., enormous ma.rgins all round, handstamp on reverse, extremely fine ....................................................................................... .............(Photo) (27)
* 698 * 699 * 700 *
1856 Wmkd. Crossed Lines 2r brown violet, o.g ., large margins all round , very fine. Mi. 38 , €400 ....(Photo) (43)
1862 Tinted Paper 10c carmine on lilac, o.g., full to enormous margins, superb. Mi. 52, €10 ..........(Photo) (58) 1864 lr brown on greenish, l.h., very large even margins, superb. Mi. 59, €130 ................................(Photo) (65)
125.00 125.00
1865 Perf 14 19c brown & rose, unu sed, smal l thin s, corner repair, rich co lors , very fine app eara nce ..(Photo ) (77)
701 0
19c, bold grid cancel, light crease , collectib le copy of this rarity .............................................................. (Photo) (77)
1870 2c blue, l.h., very fine. Comex Cert. (1982) ........................................................ .........................(Photo) (171)
Z · ' I 2 7 "" ·
lle:~:rn ruis Beernann Berlin
Cati. Val. 703
19th and 20th Century to 1969, coll. of many hundred diff. in Specialty album, n.h. to unused but for a few used, high degree of completeness, with early better items, 20th cent. nearly comp!., incl. Semis, Souvenir sheets, Airs, Air Semi-Postals, back-of-book , Canary Islands, etc. , some faults as would be expected, but some very fine looking early o.g. stamps and overall fine to very fine ............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $4,000-4,500
1936 to 1995, coll. of many hundred diff. in 3 hingeless albums in carton, vast majority n.h., balance o.g. and few used , incl. many comp!. sets, Souvenir sheets or sheetlets, Semis, Airs, better issues, few dupl., few small faults, quite clean and overall fine to very fine ...........................................................Est. Cash Value $750-1,000
SPANISH COLONIES: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of man y hundred diff. in Specialty album, n.h. to o.g., some unused or used, compr. over a dozen countries, incl. comp!. or part sets, some zero serialization, Semis and Airs, etc., stronger Elobey, Annobon and Corisco, Guinea and Morocco, mixed condition to fine to very fine .................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500
706 707
* *
1858-62 Perf 14 300 red brown, o.g., very fine. Foundation Cert. ( 1969). Mi. €450 ...........................(Photo ) (1la ) 1872-77 Numeral 4o gray, o.g., fresh, fine. Mi. €500 .............................................................................(Photo) (18)
350.00 425.00
1903 Post Office Sk blue , n.h. , very fine ..................................................................................................(Photo) (66)
710 711
* *
7 12
1910-19 Unwmkd. SSo pale blue , sheet margin copy, l.h., extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (1970).
800 black , sheet margin copy, l.h., very fine. Foundation Cert. (1970). Mi. 85, €1800.(Cover Photo) (92)
1855 to 1968, coll. of many hundred diff. on Specialty pages , n.h. to unused, few early used , high degree of completeness from 1870s incl. better items , Semis, Airs, Postage Due and Officials, mixed condition to fine to very fine ............................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500
SWITZERLAND: 1850 to 1852, selection of nine internal covers bearing Sc #8 (four covers, one with 2 copies), #18 (two covers, one with pair ), #2 (two covers) and combination #8, 10, stamps generally just cut in or small faults. Rare selection ............................... .................... (8,10,12) Est. Cash Value $750-1,000
Air Post; 1920 Wmkd. Crown S0o violet, n.h. , extremely fine. A.P.E.S. Cert. (1971). Mi. €250......(Photo) (CS)
7 13 '81
Mi. 84, €1800 .......................................................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (90)
19th and 20th Century to 1966, coll. of many hundred diff. in Specialty album, n.h. to o.g., early used , high degree of completeness, particularly 1880s through 20th cent., incl. many better sets and Semis, Souvenir sheets, Airs, back-of-book incl. extensive Officials, variety of Helvetia types, wmks and perfs, mixed condition to much fine to very fine .................................................................Est. Cash Value $2,000
VATICAN CITY: 1929 to 1965, issues almost comp!. on Specialty pages , l.h. or o.g., incl. Centenary Souvenfr sheet, Airs and back-of-book, fine to very fine ....................................................................Est. Cash Value $300-350 VENEZUELA: 1880 S0c brown , perf s touched one side, light crease affecting stamp, tied by 3 NOV 84 c.d.s. on neat envelope to Ge1many. Rare European destination ............................ (Photo ) (72) Est. Cash Value $250-300 NORTH VIET NAM: 1950 to 1970s, selection of a few hundred in small stockbook, n.h. to ungummed, some used, mostly comp!. sets in moderate quantities, incl. imperfs, Airs, Military, few Souvenir sheets, etc., early issues, generally fine to very fine .........................................................................................Est. Cash Value $300--400 YUGOSLAVIA: 1918 to 1974, coll. of many hundred diff. in 2 hingeless albums , n.h. to o.g., some used, quite extensive with early sub-divisions , many comp!. sets, Souvenir sheets and sheetlets, Airs, back-of-book, Trieste Zone B, incl. mint and used dupl. , generally fine to very fine ...............................Est. Cash Value $750+
..SJ! -tr- ~
~~ t~ fli,...9,.., ,
719 * O
Property as received, absolute hodgepodge of material in 3 cartons, from nice country coils. of Malta, Indian ative States, Germany to cigarette cards, plastic bag of soaking material. Needs sorting, inspection and pa tience. but well worth the effort .....Es t. Cash Value $1,500-2 ,000
720 * O EB Accum. of many hundred in glassines, on pages, etc., in 2 boxes, n.h. to unused or used,
many countries incl. British areas, Latin America, Middle East, Asia, Africa incl. French Communit y, Togo epreuves de luxe, much Europe and some colonies, incl. France and area, Germany and area, others, with compl. or part sets, blks, dupl., Semis, Airs, many Souvenir sheets, some mis-identified and a few slightly better, Canal Zone booklets, etc., mixed condition. Quite eclectic and worth careful inspection ......Est. Cash Value $1,200-1 ,500 72 1 * O t, Balance from the Kenneth Luxenberg postal history collection, many thousand stamps or pieces in 2 cartons and box, n.h. to unu ed . fronts and u ed on piece . stamp s from many cou ntries incl. U. S., much Europe and Briti h, with random issues . mint ets, prese ntation fo lders. Parce l Po t rec eipt pieces , much Fran ce with full sloga n or c.d.s. on piece , co up le WWI Red Cro boo klet s, etc., mixed co nditi on. Careful inspection essential ............................................................ Est. Cas h Value $300- 500 722 * O II!lBalance of a property, a few thousand in carton and plastic storage box, n.h. to unu sed or used incl. many rand om issue arr anged on stock heets, modern sets and Souve nir shee ts in stockboo ks, U. S., m i c. cove rs and blks, so me class ic iss ue , Spanish Revo luti on co ll., wo rldwide bice ntennia l FD Cs inc l. U.S. Sou ve nir shee ts, L98 0 Olympi cs comp!. shee ts, etc., mixed condit ion to very fine .............................. ....................... ..... ........................... ........... ........ ........... .... .. Est. Cas h Value $300- 500 72 3 * O
Balance of a property in carton, few thousand in ring-binder, 5 albums, glassines, etc., n.h. to unu ed or used , ge nerally common issues though Can ada co ll. and Newfo und land , mixed co nditi on ................................................................... ...... ..... ..................................... ...... E t. Ca h Value $200-3 00
Balance of about 150 covers in box, incl. ewfo und land , Canada and Grea t Brita in, Europe , incl. Gem1any statione ry, picture post card , modem mail. etc., mixed conditi on .... Est. Ca h Value $200- 300
725 * O
19th and 20th Century to 1990s, the coll as received in 34 International albums in 7 cartons, many thousand, n.h. to unused or used, stamps from almost everywhere incl. U.S. with compl. and part sets, Souvenir sheets, Semis, Airs, dupl., reference, some imperfs, etc., volumes I and II are strongest though many sets throughout, mixed condition to very fine. Worth careful inspection .......... ........... ............................................ Est. Cash Value $5,000-7 ,500
FOREIGN 726 * O EBBalance of a property in carton, several thousand in 10 stockbooks or albums, n.h. to unused or
used, mostly Europe, incl. Germany and area, Spain and Cols., Netherlands and Cols., Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, others, plus Philippines, Central America and Germany remainder coils., some sets , Souvenir sheets, Semis, Airs, etc., blks, mixed condition....Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000 727 * O II!l20th Century, balanc e of a property in carton , n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. Austria and other
remainder coils., 1949 U.P.U. coll., Rotary International , German Democratic Rep., Liberia U.S. Presidents sheets, worldwide modern booklets, selection of People 's Rep. of China, with compl. sets, Souvenir sheets or sheetlets, covers, Canal Zone, French Guiana, etc., mixed condition to very tine. Eclectic balance worth careful inspec tion ..................................Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 728 * O
Many hundred diff. on pages and in ring-binder in box, n.b. to o.g., some used, compr. coils. of Albania, Bulgaria, Serbia and German Occu., incl. compl. sets, Semis, Souvenir sheets, Airs, imperfs, Bulgaria incl. 19th cent. and dupl., generally fine to very tine ....Est. Cash Value $500-750
POSTAL HISTORY The following 24 lots comprise the Postal History "Collection " of Kenneth Luxenbe rg. Received for the most part in disarray, Hanners has sorted it into popular and geographic areas. Within.each lot there are numerous better and interesting covers and also recent mail. The postal statione1y group ings are especially enticing. The covers are arranged gene rally in 4 " by 14 " or 6 ½" by 16 ½" fi le boxes.
UNITED STATES STAMPLESS: Selection of about 550 in box, great variety of towns, rates, ship ms., free destinations , incl. some foreign , many New York. .............Est. Cash Value $500-750
UNITED STATES FRANKED COVERS 19th and 20th Century, hoard of about 20,000 covers in 39 boxes, incl. Flights , advertising from turn-of-the-century , ship, war , free franks , Possessions, Revenues, postal stationery and some ephemera and U.N. Ove1whelming and interesting ........Est. Cash Value $10,000-15,000
AUSTRIA: 19th and 20th Centur y, over 1600 in 2 boxes, incl. stationery, classics, FDC s, Air s, sets, Semis, etc. Wonderful selection ........................... .........Est. Cash Value $2,000-3 ,000
LOMBARDY-VENETIA: Stampless covers; Specialized coll. of about 350 covers each mounted on separate quadriUe annotated exhibition pages in 5 boxes and documented by town name , somewhat out of order, also some unmounted material. Quite extensive and very attract ive .............. .................................................................... Est . Cash Value $1,000-2,000
FRANCE AND COLONIES: 19th and 20th Century, about 1200 in 5 file boxes , Airs, Officials, FDCs, events, classics ....................................................Est. Cash Value $1,500-2 ,000
GERMANY: 19th and 20th Century , ove r 10 ,000 in 14 boxes , incl. Airs, Saar, G.D.R. , Occupations , majority pre-War , extensive selection that need s sorting .........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $4,000-6,000
FELDPOST: Primarily WWI and some WWII , coll. of over 700 mainl y stampless in 3 binders and two stockbooks in box, incl. extra paraphernalia , man y Ostland. Worth careful inspection by the specialist .......................................................................... ......................Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000 THIRD REICH: Selection of about 250, incl. post card s, propaganda , compl. sets on covers, cancel coll., Souvenir sheets, some with stains but great variet y .........................Est. Cash Value $200-300 POLAND : Polish Army in France , WWII; Impressive coll. of 37 covers neatly mounted on special exhibit ion pages in album, camps, Reserve and training centers, etc., couple covers pictured in the Ron Jawor ski article in Linns ............................................................Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ASIA: 20th Century, selection of over 2600 cover s and cards in 3 boxes , primaril y Philippines, Japan , China, great deal of recent, but some nice postal stationery, needs sorting .....................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $750-1,000
BRITISH COMMONWEALTH: 19th and 20th Century, incredible assortment of about 10,000 covers in 34 boxes, unsorted , much modern , but many gems tucked away. No part of the Commonwealth untouched ................................................Est. Cash Value $4,000-6,000
EUROPE : 19th and primaril y 20th Century to 1960s, selection of over 10,500 in 14 boxes, incl. both Western and Eastern, Russia , Scandinavia , Spa in, FDCs , Parcel Post receipts , censored , meter , needs major sorting ..........................................Est. Cash VaJue $4,000-6,000
STAMPLESS: 18th and 19th Century, selection of about 2000 primarily Europe in 2 boxes, with France, German y, Switzerland, Austria, other s, great variety of sl and c.d.s., needs sorting, Great destinations .................................................... .........Est . Cash VaJue $1,000-1 ,500
LATIN AMERICA: 19th and 20th Century, approx. 6000 covers in 7 boxes, incredible variety from classics to recent FDCs, also Parcel Post receipts , Airs, stampless, destinations , etc., needs serious sorting .............................................................Est. Cash Value $4,000-6,000 MIDDLE EAST : Mostly 20th Century, over 3000 in 5 boxes, compr . usual countries plus Israel , Egypt, etc., generally more recent , but some interesting ..........................Est. Cash Value $500-600
MILITARY: Group of about 900 covers, cards, documents , etc., WWI to 1967, incl. POW, soldier, censored, Fieldpost , Expedition, tine selection of WWI German Occu. of Poland and others, Israeli War , needs sorting. Wort h inspect ion ........... Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AND FOREIGN : 20th Century, coll. of many hundred cacheted FDC s in 19 ring-binders or cover albums in 2 cartons , wide ranging though mostly Europe, incl. Austria, France, Germany, Vatican City, Ital y, Switzerland, others , incl. blks and corner blks , comp!. sets, maximum cards , etc ., man y topical themes incl. EUROPA, Religion , Space , Sports, Stamp Exhibit ions, special events, flights , etc., tine to very tine .............................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-750
BRITISH COMMONWEALTH: 19th and 20th Century, fabulous lot of over 5000 in 5 boxes, incl. Repl y, Regis., Officials , Air Letters, Australian States, Indian States, South Africa, etc., not sorted and a good number used. Difficult to dupl ica1e ....... Est. Cash Value $5,000-10,000
EUROPE: Primarily 20th Century, fabulous selection of about 3100 from the turn-of-the-century in 4 boxes, ranging from Russia , Eastern and Western Europe with some Colonies, also aerogrammes and more recent. Needs sorting, but well worth the inspection. .........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $4,000-6,000 FRANCE AND COLONIES: 19th and 20th Century, selection of about 300 in box, some used , good variety incl. Port Said and Alexandria, others .................................Est. Cash Value $500-750
GERMANY AND AREA: 19th and 20th Centur y, about 2000 cards and envelopes, mostly early , incl. states, colonies , Saar, G.D.R. , many used. Great variety - please inspec t .........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $2,000-4,000
LATIN AMERICA : Selection of about 550 in 2 boxes, many used, great variety, incl. Mexico, Argentina, Brazil , others ......................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,500-2 ,000
BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AND FOREIGN: 20th Century , about 2000 in 2 boxes, majority unused, modern issues and much Great Britain and co lonjes , incl. some George VI, with sets, aerogrammes , maximum cards, FD cancels, entires, wrappers, Scandinavia, Israel and other Foreign, generaUy fine to very fine ................................................................................Est. Cash Value $300-500
PICTURE POST CARDS: Worldwide selection of almost 7000 cards in 8 boxes, most probably more recent than turn-of-the-century, wide variety incl. scenes, ships, propaganda, military , comical, etc. Interesting and colorful. Worth i11spection .... Est. Cash Value $1,000-1 ,250
CONDITIONS OF SALE THE PLACING OF A BID SHALL CONSTITUTE ACCEPTANCE OF THE CONDITIONS OF SALE BIDDING Unless announced otherwise by the auctioneer, all bids are per lot, as numbered in the printed Catalogue. H.R. Harmer, LLC (hereinafter "Harmers"), License #s 672829, 780870, as agent for the consignor or vendor, shall regulate the bidding and shall determine the manner in which the bidding shall be conducted. Harmers reserves the right to withdraw any lot prior to sale (without liability to any potential purchaser or agent), to re-offer any withdrawn lot, to divide a lot or to group two or more lots belonging to the same consignor or vendor, and to refuse any bid believed not made in good faith. 2. The highest bid acknowledged by the auctioneer shall prevail. Should a dispute arise between bidders (including a dispute between a floor bidder and the auctioneer acting on behalf of a mail bidder, consignor or vendor), the auctioneer alone shall determine who is the successful bidder and whether to reoffer the lot in dispute. Should a dispute arise after the sale, the auctioneer's sale records shall be conclusive. On all lots sold, a commission of 15% on the hammer price is payable by the buyer . 3. (a) The auctioneer reserves the right to bid on behalf of clients (and consignors or vendors) but shall not be liable for errors and omissions in executing instructions to bid, however received, and whether such errors or omissions be those of the bidder or agent or those of the auctioneer. (b) All lots are offered subject to a reserve price. The auctioneer may implement such reserve price. The auctioneer may implement such reserve price by bidding on behalf of the consignor vendor. (c) It may also be assumed that all consignors have been advanced monies against the sale of their stamps and Harmers therefore has a security interest over and above the normal auction commission . (d) Purchases made by a consignor or vendor or his agent on his own lots shall be considered as a sale subject to commissions and sales tax as applicable. (e) Agents are responsible for all purchases made on behalf of their clients, unless other arrangements have been confirmed in writing prior to the auction .
EXHIBITION AND INSPECTION OF LOTS ; QUALITY AND AUTHENTICITY 7. (a) On Premises Inspection and Postal Viewing . Ample opportunity is given for on premises inspection prior to the auction date , and , upon written request and at Harmers discretion, for inspection by postal viewing (all as detailed elsewhere in this Catalogue). (b) Each lot is sold as genuine and correctly described , based on individual description as modified by any specific notations in this Catalogue , including but not restricted to the section entitled "Key to Cataloguing". (c) Quality. Any lot which a purchaser considers to be incorrectly described may be returned to Harmers within two weeks of its receipt by such purchaser ("Returning Purchaser"), provided, however, that the same is received by Harmers within four weeks of the date of the auction; however, Harmers may, in its discretion, refuse acceptance of such returned lot. If an opinion of a generally recognized authority is desired, the period of time within which a lot must be received by Harmers will be extended in accordance with Condition of Sale 8. In the event that a dispute cannot be resolved by reference to a generally recognized authority, and Harmers thereupon undertakesto re-offer the lot with a description identical to the description disputed, the Returning Purchaser shall be liable for the deficiency, if any, between the proceeds of the sale to the Returning Purchaser and the proceeds of a sale to a subsequent purchaser, as well as for all costs and expenses of the re-sale, including commission , and all incidental damages. Any lot, the description of which is disputed, must be returned intact in the condition received by the purchaser. The following lots are not returnable except at the discretion of Harmers: (i) lots from purchasers who attended the exhibition of the lots; (ii) lots examined by postal viewers ; (iii) lots on account of their appearance , if they are illustrated in this Catalogue; (iv) lots described as having repairs, defects or faults-for any reason; (v) U.S. stamps (through 1918) for reasons of paper inclusions, (vi)no encapsulated stamps unless originally offered in this condition. (d) Authenticity . Any lot which is declared otherwise than genuine by a generally recognized authority is returnable, provided such lot is received by Harmers within four weeks of the date of the auction. Proof that a generally recognized authority declines to express an opinion is normally grounds for the return of a lot. (e) Expenses incurred in the submission and the return of a lot under Conditions of Sale 7-9 are not refunded.
5. 6.
PAYMENT FOR PURCHASES Payment for lots, including those on which opinions are desired (Condition of Sale 8), shall be as follows: (a) Floor Bidders. Payment of the purchase price, or such part there of as Harmers shall require, shall be made by the purchaser in such manner as Harmers may determine . The name and address of the purchaser of each lot shall be given to the auctioneer immediately following the sale of such lot. (b) Mail Bidders . A successful mail bidder will be notified of lots purchased. Before Harmers will send such lots, payment in full must be received by Harmers within three (3) business days of receipt of the aforesaid notification by the mail bidder . However , a purchaser known to Harmers , or who furnishes satisfactory references, may at Harmers option, have purchases delivered or forwarded for immediate payment (by a dollar draft on a U.S. bank in the case of overseas purchasers). Mailed delivery will be to the address on the bid sheet and proof by Harmers of receipt of a sending at the advised address shall constitute delivery. All charges for handling, delivery and insurance (obtained by Harmers on behalf of the purchaser) shall be added to the purchase price; a minimum charge of $1.00 will be made. Risk of loss in transit shall be on the purchaser. (c) Where an opinion of a generally recognized authority· is desired, the time for payment may be extended in accord with and subject to Condition of Sale 8. Title shall not pass to the purchaser until full payment has been received by Harmers as agents for the consignor or vendor. (a) Purchasers agree to pay for lots as specified in Condition of Sale 4 (or as the same may be modified by Condition of Sale 8), and no credit is extended; a late payment charge of 2% for the first month and 2 1/2% for each succeeding month compounded shall be added if payment is not made in accordance with the aforesaid conditions. (b) In the event that a bidder shall fail to comply with these Conditions of Sale ("Non-Complying Bidder"), then, as to any lot with respect to which ~ch failure to comply occurs, Harmers may, in its sole discretion , re-offer such lot during the same auction or at an auction at a later time, or by private treaty at such time as Harmers, in its sole discretion , deems appropriate and the Non-Complying Bidder shall be liable for the deficiency, if any, between the hammer price and the net proceeds of a sale to a subsequent purchaser, whether at auction or by private treaty, as well as for all costs and expenses of both sales, all other charges due thereunder, including commissions with respect to both sales , whether payable to Harmers or to a third party and all incidental damages . It shall be in Harmers' sole discretion to determine whether to re-offer the lot theretofore hammereddown to a Non-Complying Bidder at the same auction , or by private treaty in due course, or at a subsequent auction conducted by Harmers. In no event shall any surplus arising from the sale of a re-offered lot be payable to a Non-Complying Bidder. (c) A defaulting purchaser shall be deemed to have granted Harmers a security interest in property in Harmers possession owned by such purchaser. Harmers shall have all of the rights afforded a secured party under the New York Uniform Commercial Code with respect to such property an may apply against such obligations all monies held or received by it for the account of, or due from Harmers to such purchaser. (d) If Harmers takes any legal steps to secure payment of a delinquent account, the defaulting purchaser shall be liable for all legal and other expenses incurred by Harmers to secure such payment, including but not limited to a reasonable allowance for attorneys' fees. For purposes of this paragraph , the term legal steps shall be deemed to include any and all consultation by Harmers with its attorneys with respect to all matters arising out of a delinquentaccount. ·For United States stamps , the generally recognized authonly , unless otherwise agreed. shall be the Philatelic Foundation of New York
EXTENSION OF TIME (a) When an opinion from a generally recognized authority is not expected or available within four weeks from the date of the auction, the purchaser shall: (i) within seven days of receipt thereof submit the lot to one of the generally recognized authorities . (ii) notify Harmers, in writing (and preferably on the form supplied), of such submission no later than four weeks from the date of the auction . Such notification shall be deemed given when received by Harmers and shall include the name and address of the authority to whom the lot has been submitted . (b) A prospective purchaser wishing to submit a lot to an authority not accepted by Harmers shall, prior to the date of the auction, request in writing permission for such submission and obtain confirmation of such request from Harmers. The auctioneer reserves the right to refuse a bid where the authority requested is not acceptable on any grounds, which grounds need not be disclosed by Harmers. (c) Payment for lots upon which an extension of time is obtained pursuant to this Condition of Sale 8 may be made in accord with Condition of Sale 4, subject to the following (paragraph d) and herein. (d) If a lot is certified by a generally recognized authority to be other than as described : (i) the sale (and the invoice with respect thereto, if outstanding) will be cancelled; and, (ii) to the extent set for th in Condition of Sale 9, payment of the expense of certification will be made to the purchaser. EXPENSES OF CERTIFICATION Expenses of certification shall be borne by the purchaser except where a lot is certified other than as described and is returned to Harmers in accordance '!YithCondition of Sale 8.
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PRICE $1.00 (or by subscription)
3 EAST 28th STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10016
$527 ,120 .00
Dr. Kenneth Luxenberg Postal History Collection , Mr. Martin Sellinger 's Collection of Inverted Centers of the World The John T. Warner Collection of France and The Rozman Estate United States
1 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 57 58 59 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68
140 170 800 140 90 210 85 75 13500 170 135 180 190 425 575 325 450 350 325 425 1250 750 375 110 1150 270 750 325 290 650 325 230 260 1150 325 2400 190 375 140 550 300 200 150 85 120 750 90 170 600 110 125 250 110 100 200 160 7500
69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 91 92 93 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 123 124 125 126 127 128
280 130 300 450 500 350 525 350 100 625 75 135 270 325 850 190 110 105 210 210 75 425 425 220 85 270 325 250 160 1050 375 120 475 190 1200 125 3750 90 100 550 6000 400 425 240 190 75 110 2 10 325 90 180 220 95 160 375 50 105
129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 154 155 156 157 158 160 161 162 164 165 166 167 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190
600 120 220 300 100 45 650 240 180 400 60 75 100 190 105 110 95 350 80 150 85 170 190 100 160 425 170 35 75 50 425 55 35 750 220 55
28 40 375 230 50 190 2 10 120 30 75 35
85 230 900 300 55 150 130 120 190 55
191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 207 217 218 220 225 226 228 229 230 231 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 253 254 255 256 257 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267
280 150 90 170 250 475 100 200 260 50 210 160 450 100 950 4000 90 500 4750 350 290 650 140 1300 1000 260 230 130 475 180 500 250 130 55 65 65 160 250 900 150 27000 8500 1700 150 240 700 575 4500 4250 2000 1900 2200 1300 600 220 230 4250
269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 278 280 291 292 293 294 295 296 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 306 307 312 313 314 316 318 319 320 321 322 323 328 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 338 339 341 342 343 344 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 355
1900 950 350 145 1050 750 2700 115 105 210 105 65 30 30 450 105 70 400 190 220 115 90 95 130 75 65 220 350 125 85 75 55 65 800 1400 115 2300 600 400 800 100 110 110 75 1400 350 90 230 350 100 290 140 210 900 110 1200 100
356 358 359 360 366 369 370 370A 371 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 384 385 386 389 392 394 395 397 398 399 401 402 404 405 406 407 409 410 411 412 413 415 416 417 418 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433
110 350 350 290 120 7000 1000 500 1500 270 150 200 70 130 375 105 85 85 180 450 100 160 250 170 550 850 170 3000 180 250 250 150 500 180 475 750 500 375 950 80 250 190 230 160 400 4750 210 400 1000 575 90 280 160 120 180 1000 100
434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 450 451 452 453 454 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 486 487 489 490 491 492 493 494
300 180 6250 220 625 400 5000 180 350 350 70 210 120 80 250 700 525 280 240 250 270 625 95 210 100 180 190 2800 210 1500 180 160 200 250 850 110 90 230 800 125 85 240 75 3250 3750 750 1900
240 145 400 145 120 160 160 110 100 140
495 497 499 500 50 1 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 524 526 529 531 532 537 539 540 541
160 80 160 230 110 70 1800 1050 2800 6500 425 18000 650 650 260 150 1900 500 115 105 85 200 1600 450 80 180 220 80
542 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 552 558 561 566 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 580 581 582 584 585 586 587 588 589
85 80 350 150 180 170 140 160 35 575 120 650 290 220 115 230 120 210 26 95 90 90 55 120 120 100 100 425
591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 602 603 604 605 606 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 618 619 620 621 622
105 105 220 115 300 100 65 115 350 550 2400 210 3500 270 35 105 240 270 150 700 850 600 1800 115 150 1100 160 200
623 624 625 626 627 629 630 631 633 634 636 637 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654
2 10 170 170 200 230 400 90 900 425 3250 400 350 1200 900 575 3750 850 115 220 180 525 280 180 4500 2500 230 210 145
655 656 657 658 659 660 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 671 670 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684
260 210 1600 325 325 70 140 220 95 95 115 170 100 No lot
2100 115 750 425 110 110 240 3250 w/d 240 130 900 950 190
685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 696 700 701 702 703 704 705 {709 710 712 713 714 716 717 718 719 720 721
2600 3000 200 150 1700 80 160 100 3000 475 115 270 160 350 4250 1250 3250 1450 }
1600 750 1900 190 260 750 2900 1700 750
722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 732 733 734 735 736 738 ·739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752
450 600 260 20000 3000 1150 1400 2200 1700 1400 4250 700 425 2500 4750 4750 3750 3500 950 850 375 6000 3750 500 2800 2600 575 1150