Sale 2947 - United States, Forgeries and Reprints, B.N.A., British Commonwealth, and Foreign

Page 1

Cati. Val.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 2004 Morning Session at 10:30 A.M.

UNITED STATES POSTMASTER 'S PROVISIO NAL ; 1846 Engraved Sc gray black , unu sed , large margin s all round, extremely fine .......................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (lOXl )






Sc, small part o.g., creases, very fine appearance. Foundation Cert. (2003) ...................(Cover Photo ) (1)


Cancelled by red grid unless otherwise noted

Sc, mostly enormou s mar gins showing portion of adjoining stamp at top , grid and red c.d.s. cancel s, extremely fine ..............................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (1) Sc brown , double tran sfer of top frame line, Pos. SORIA, touched to enormou s mar gins, showing portion of adjoining stamp at left , neatly caned., tiny scissors cut, fine ....................................................................(Photo ) ( I ) Sc, SHEET MARGI COPY, other margin s large, sup erb , tied by red grid on front bearing red NEW YORK DEC 5 c.d .s. to Connecticut. Ex Consul Weinberger .................................................................(Photo ) (1)

3 0

40 5








Sc deep red brown , PAIR , clear to most ly enormou s margin s all round (right margin wrinkles), extr emely fine, tied by vivid red grid cancels on neat greenish folded letter originating in New Orleans bearing matchin g and equally vivid MOBILE FEB l Ala. circular date sta mp tran sit , manuscript " 48 ", " 1/s" and " by B(?) Steamer", on reverse red Briti s h FE 28 1848 tran sit marking. Ex Consul Weinberger ..................................................(Cover Photo ) (1) Est. Cas h Value $30,000-40,000 Earliest documented five cents cover to German States Sc, deeper shade, full to very large mar gins, extremely fine, neatl y tied on folded letter sheet , docketed ms. "1850" bearing matching red RICHMOND VA PAID JUN 30 circular d ates ta mp , ms. " Paid " to Williamsburg , Va. Scarce and lovely cover .... ............................................. (Photo ) (1) Est. Cash Value $600-800 Sc dark brown , sharp impression, good to Ir ,,,... mar gins all round , very fine, deep impre ssion, tied by blue grid on 1848 folded letter bearin g matchin g TC.: .9 0 NOV 2 c.d.s. Ex Consul Weinberger Only three fi ve cents covers are known fro m Toledo and only on, '•er bears a single. Un.documented in the Alexander Census book .....................................(Photo ) (lb ) Est. Cas h Value $500-750 . ......................................................................

EXTENSI 1 Any lot s placed on extension for expertii pur _:1aser will nullify any extension requ< Miss Alison Harmer by mail, telephone, ._ ~ Plea !:~ also advise whose nam __you wisb , n to expedite this material .

. AND EXPE RTIS ING mst be submitted by H.R. Harmer. Submi ssion by the 1erefore, up on notification of purcha es, please contact email with the lot numbers you wish submitted . the certificate. Special arrangements have been made Thank you


550.00 700.00

SALE 2947

UNITED STATES FORGERIES AND REPRINTS BRITISH NORTH AMERICA BRITISH COMMONWEAL TH & FOREIGN Portions of the Dale/ Lichtenstein Hawaii and Canada The ((ParkAvenue)) Collection of Birtish Commonwealth Portions of the Consul Weinberger United States and British North America

May 26 , 2 00 4 Morning Session at 10:30 A.M.



EXHIBITI ON OF LOTS May 24 , 25 from 9 :30 a.m. to 5: 15 p.m . or by Appointment EXHIBITION ROOM CLOS ED 1:00 p.m . to 1:45 p.m . EACH DAY

To be sold at Auction by

H.R.HARMER LLC 3 EAST 28TH STREET , 7TH FLOOR, NEW YORK , NY 10016 Telephone : (212 ) 532 -3700 Fax: (212 ) 447 -5625 E-mail: hrharmer Web site: ww, Keith A. H armer, Jack L1Calamito -

Licensed Auctio neers, License #'s 672829 , 780870

On all lots sold a commi ssion of 15% on the hammer price will be payable by the buyer.






. '




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Cati. Val. lOcBLACK 9


10c, good margin s all round , lovely impres s ion , tied by blue grid on 1851 folded letter bearing matching NASHVILLE MAR Te c.d.s. , to New York City. Ex Consul Weinberger ........................................... ........................................................(Cover Photo ) Est. Cash Value $1,500-2 ,000 One of 011/y rhree of the ten cen ts addressed to New York Ciry. Undocume11ted i11the Alexander census book.


* II * 12 *


13 0 14 0 15 0 16 0 17 0 18 pp 19 pp

* 21 *


Sc red brown, large even margin s, trivial corner margin crease , rich color and otherwise extremely fine ................................................ ......................................................................................................................(Photo ) (3) Sc, good to large margins except touched lower left, crease, pencil marks on reverse , fine appearance ....(Photo ) (3)

725.00 725.00

10c black , very large , even margin s, extreme ly fine ............................................................................ ...(Photo ) (4) 1851-57 IMPERFORATE ISSUE: lp blue , types U or IV, four matched corner copies, margins to cut in , neatl y caned. , attractive and ditlicult to duplicate .................................. (Photo ) (7 :J)Est. Cash Value $500-600


le, type II , PAIR , ju st clear to very large margin s, lightl y caned. , extremel y fine ..............................(Photo ) (7) 3c orange brown , 3c dull red , shade s, compr. four singles. pair and neatly pen cancelled strip of three, margins to cut in, blue and red cancels, double transfer, etc., attractive selection ......(Photo ) ( 10, I I) Est. Cash Value $400-500 1857-61 PERFORATED 15½: lc blue , type Illa , Plate 4, STRIP OF THR EE, neat grid cancel s, very fine. Foundation Cert. (2003) ................................................................. ................................................ ..........(Photo ) (22)


10c green, type III , light c.d.s. cancel, almost very fine ........................................................................... (Photo ) (33) IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF: 12c black , Plate 3, on gummed sta mp paper , margin s all round , slight gum loss from hinge, light overall toning, very fine appearance ...........................................................(Photo ) (36Pd) 1857- 61 PLATE PROOFS: le to 90c, eleven diff. Plate proofs on card , some hinge remnants , mostly enormous margins , brilliant fresh , extremely fine ....................................................................... (Photo ) (betw. 40 and 78P4) 1861 FIRST DESIGN: Plate Essay 3c brown rose, on perforat ed gummed stamp pap er , l.h., fresh, very fine. Formerly Scott #56 .................. ........................................................................................................ .(Photo ) (65-E 15h) 3c on perforated , gummed sta mp paper , o.g .. fresh. fine. Formerly Scott #56 ...........................(Photo ) (65-E 15h)

1,750.00 275.00 unpr. 510.00 550.00 550 .00




22 23 0 24 C8l

3c rose, l.h. , fresh, extremel y fine ..................... .......................................................................................(Photo ) (65) Sc brown yellow , red barred circle cancel, reperfed. fine appearance .......................... ..........................(Photo ) (67a) printed corner card "Steamer Via PANAMA. " on envelope to Main e Illu s trated Side-Wheeler bearing 10c green, tied by TODDS VALLEY Ca l. APR 3 c.d.s. Ex Da le/ Lichtenstein . Ve ry a ttra c ti ve ........................................................................................................................(Photo ) (68) Est. Cash Value 300-400

25 0

12c black , almost complete strike of Cambridge, Mas . "Eagle"' cancel. very fine ...(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $300-350 1861-66 15c black (SE), light cork cancel and trace of red postmark , enormous copy , extremely fine .................................................................................................................... ................................................(Photo ) (77) 1875 RE-ISSUE OF 1861-66 ISS UE: 12c black , unused (reg ummed ), reperfed , very fine appearance. ....... (Photo ) (107) 389 Print ed ................. ......................................................................................................................


1869 PICTORIAL ISSUE: le buff , 10c yellow (2), 30c ultramarin e & carmine (2), variet y of fancy or unusual cancels, mixed condition to fine .................................................(Photo ) (112,116,121) Est. Cas h Value $500-750 30c ultramarine & dark carmin e, segmented cork cancel, reperfed, beautifu l colors, extreme ly fine appearance ......................... ............................................................................ ............................................................. (Photo ) (12 1)


26 0 27


28 0 29 0




* 31 *

30 32




2c brown , o.g., light creasing, fine .......................................................................................................... (Photo ) ( 124) 6c blue , reperfed , light crease , fre sh, fine appearance. 2226 Print ed ................................................. (Photo ) (126) 10c yellow , o.g., reperfed , brilliant fresh , very fine appearance. Foundation Ce rt. (2003). 1947 Print ed ................................................................................................................... ...............................................(Photo) (127)


ed .................... .................. (Photo ) (128) 12c green, reperfed , small thin , deep color , fine appearance. 1584 Pri111



700.00 1,900.00


Cat i. Va l.

BANK NOTE ISSUES Selection of six cancelled stamps , inc l. # 138 blu e ro se tt e cork , #2 10 MB (Mys ti c Brid ge), e tc., fi ne ................................ .......................................................... ....................................... .............E t. Cash Value $400-600 1887 AMERICAN BANK NOTE CO : le ultramarine , l.h., perfectly centered, extremely fine ....(Photo) (212) 1890-93 ISSUE : 30c black, very l.h . if at all , sma ll faults, large almo t perfectly centered copy , ex treme ly fine appeara nce ........................... ........... ............. ................................. ............................ ......................... .......(Photo) (228) 90c orange, on-the-nose SEATTLE, WASH c.d.s. cancel , fabulous strike, very fine ......................(Photo) (229)

34 0 35 36

* *

37 0


425.00 125.00+



Sc chocolate , n.h., fresh, extremely fine ....................................... ............................... ..........................(Photo) (234) 38 39 * ml 6c purple, Imprint and Letter Plate Block of Eight, l.h. , coupl e stamps disturbed gum, vivid color, fine ....................................................................................... .........................................................................(Photo) (2351) Sc magenta , Imprint and Letters Plate o. strip of four, l.h. , selvage thins, hinge reinforced separati ons, stamps 40 brilliant fres h, very fine ................................. ........................ ................. ............ ...................................... (Photo) (236) orange brown , l.h., enormous copy, brilliant fresh, extremely fine ............................................. (Photo)(2 39) 30c 41 S0c slate, o.g., almost perfectly centered , extreme ly fine .................................. ..................................(Photo) (240) 42 S0c, disturbed part o.g ., fresh and otherwise ext remely fine ................................... ................................ (Photo) (240) 43 S0c slate blue, slightly disturbed o.g. , sma ll thin , very fine appearance ........................ .........................(Photo) (240) 44 $1 salmon , o.g., fresh, very fine. Foundation Cert. (1980) ............. ................................ .....................(Photo) (241) 45 $1, slightly disnirbed o.g. , reperfed, filled thin, vivid color and quit e attractive ....................... ..............(Photo) (241) 46 $1, o.g. , fau lts, rich co lor, fine appearance ......... ..................................................................... ............... .(Photo) (241) 47 $2 brown red, unu ed , mall corner thin, large centered copy , very fine appearance ............................(Photo) (242) 48


* * * *

* * *



50 51

* * 52




54 0 55 0 56 0

$3 yellow green, l.h., lovely color, almost perfectly centered , extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (1980) .................................................... ........................................................................................(Cover Photo) (243) $3, part o.g., faults incl. pin hole, crease ending in tear, well centered , very fine appeara nce ................ (Photo) (243) $4 crimson lake, unused, deep color , enormous copy, extreme ly fine ................... ............................(Photo) (244)


$4 rose carmine, l.h., almost perfectly centered, fresh, extremel y fine ......................(Cover Photo) (244a)

190.00 2,IS0.00

400.00 300.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 1,2S0.00 1,250 .00 1,250.00 675 .00


2,000.00 1,400.00 2,750.00

$5 black, unused (regu mmed), crease and light overa ll toning, fine appearance ....................... ........... (Photo) (245)


USED COPIES $2 brown red, lightly ca ned., small faults, large copy, very fine appeara nce ............... .......................... (Photo ) (242) $4 crimson lake, blue cancel, faults, rich co lor. .................... ................................. ........... ............... .......(Photo ) (244) $5 black , Reg is. ca nce l, repaired, overa ll tonin g, well centered .......................... ........................ ......... ..(Photo) (245)

600.00 1,300.00 1,600.00





Cati. Val.

* 58 * 57


59 60 0

1894 UNW ATERMARKE D: $2 bright blue, o.g. (hinge remnant), one short perf, well centered, almost very fine ...................... ............. ................................. ............................................................ .................... ..............(Phot o) (262) 1895 WATERMA RKED: $1 black, type I , o.g ., fresh , fine ......... ............................................. ...........(Photo) (276) $5 dark green, unused , crease s, sma ll thin. fine appearanc e .......... ............................................. ...........(Phot o) (278) $5, Reg is. ca ncel, very fine .......................................... ......... ........... ............................................. ...........(Photo) (278)

COVER CONDITION Minor faults including , but not limited to , file folds not affecting stamps, small tears and some backflap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue.


3,250.00 650. 00 950.00 550.00

Cati. Val.

1898 TRANS-MISSISSIPPI EXPOSITION ISSUE 4c orange, n.h., few tiny inclusions , fresh, bright color , perfectl y centered, extremely fine ...........(Photo ) (287) 4c, deeper shade, n.h., brilliant fre h, very fine .................................................. ................................... (Photo ) (287) S0c sage green (SE), n.h. , few perf fault and inclusions, fresh, fine ..................................................... (Photo ) (29 1)

6 1 ** 62 ** 63 ** 64 *

S0c dark sage green , disturbed o.g., otherwise very fine ........................................... ............................(Photo) (29 1) $1 black, disturbed o.g., centered and otherwise extremely fine .......................................................(Photo) (292)

65 *

$1, ungummed (regummed), well centered, very fine appearance ..........................................................(Photo ) (292) $1, unused, thinned, very fine appearance .................................................... ...........................................(Photo ) (292)

66 * 67 * 68 *

$2 orange brown, o.g., pencil initials on reverse not mentioned in cert. , very fine. Foundation Cert. (1980) ................................................ ........................................................................................................ (Photo ) (293) $2, on-the-nose New York c.d.s. cancel. reperfed , fine appearance ........................................................(Photo ) (293)

69 0

325.00 325.00 1,600.00 700 .00 1,250.00 1,250 .00 650.00

2,100.00 1,000.00




(19), 4c (40), Sc (35), 10c (18), incl. large multiple s, disturbed o.g., mixed condition incl. staining, generally well centered. Cati. as singles ..............................................................................(294,296,298,299) 10,902.00

*83 Sc brown

violet & black , bottom arrow , markers and black Plate No. block of four , n.h.(2)/o.g.(2), fresh, fine ..................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (298)


1902-03 REGULAR ISSUE 3c br ight violet , large centered copy , extremely fine ..........................................................................(Photo ) (302) 15c dark olive green , very l.h. if at all , large copy , fresh , extremel y fine ..........................................(Photo) (309) S0c orange, o.g . (hinge remnant), fresh, very fine ..................................................................................(Photo) (3 10)

72 **

* 74 * 75 * 76 *



$1 black, o.g., large copy , extremel y fine. Foundat ion Cert . (1979) ..................................................(Photo) (311) $2 dark blue , o.g., perfectly centered , extreme ly fine ............................................................. ............(Photo) (312)


$5 dark green , o.g., faint corner crease , well centered , very fine appearance. Foundation Cert . (1980) .................................. ..........................................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (313)

$5, light perf stain , well centered , fine appearance ............................................ .......................... ..........(Photo ) (3 13) 79 ** IHI1903 PERFORATED 12: 2c lake , Die II , booklet pane of six , n .h. , " ... lightly toned", centered , very fine. PSE Cert. (2003) ....................... ....................................................... ......................................................(Photo) (3 19a)

78 0

110.00 170.00 475.00 750.00 1,200.00

2,900.00 750.00 425.00

1904 LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION ISSUE 80 * IHI 3c violet , Imprint Plate No. with part arrow corner block of ten , disturbed o.g., light gum staining, very fine appearance ............................................................................................................................................................. (325) 8 1 ** Sc dark blue , center line copy , n.h. , extremel y fine .............................................................................(Photo ) (326)


10c red brown , n.h. , very fine ..................................................... ...........................................................(Photo ) (327) 10c, o.g. , almost perfectl y centered , extremel y fine .............................................................................(Photo ) (327) 84 * IHI 10c, Block of Ten (two SE), disturbed o.g .. light gum toning, fine or fine appearance ......................... (Photo ) (327)

82 83


1,310 .00+ 190.00 350.00 175.00 1,750.00


**lf!lle green , bottom pane of 100, Plate No. 3544, n.h. , folded along vertical center line, some small faults , light

green toning, mixed centering. Cati. as two plate block s of six, arrow block of four and 84 singles ...................................... ............................................................................ .........................(Photo page 31)(328) 6,070.00+

86 **

* 88 * 89 *



Sc blue , n.h. , extremely fine ...................................................................................................................(Photo ) (330) 1908-09 DOUBLE LIN E WATERMARK: Perf. 12 4c orange brown , l.h. , enormou s, centered cop y, extremel y fine ................................................. ......................................................................................... (Photo) (334) 1909 BLUISH PAPER: 2c carmine , sheet margin copy , o.g. , extremel y fine ................................... (Photo) (358)


10c yellow, o.g., fine. Foundation Cert . (2003) .....................................................................................(Photo) (364)





90 91


1909 LINCOL BLUISH PAPER: 2c carmine, sheet mar gin copy, l.h .. very fine ..........................(Photo ) (369) **ml1909 HUDSO -FULTON: Perf. 12 2c carmine, Imprint Plate o. block of six, n.h. , very fine ....(Photo ) (372)

Cati. Val. 2 10 .00+ 425.00


** 93 * 92

1913 PERFORATED 12: 10c orange yellow, n.h. , few tiny inclusions, fresh, very fine ....................(Photo ) (400) 10c orange, l.h., lovely rich color, larg e, centered copy, extremel y fine .......................... ...............(Photo ) (400A)

275.00 210.00

1914-15 PERFORATED 10 94 95 96

**83le green, corner block of four with initial s, n.h. , large copies, extre mely fine ................................. (Photo ) (401) **l!llle , Plate No. block of six, n.h. , fresh, fine to very fine ..........................................................................(Photo ) (401) **83le, 14 copies incl. two block s of four , n.h. , mo stly la rg e cent ered copies , ver y fin e to extremel y fine

** * 99 ** 97

............................................................................................................. .....................................................(Photo) (401) Sc blue , n.h. , beautiful , deep color , larg e copy, extremel y fine ................................................... .......(Photo ) (403)

10c orange, o.g., natural vert. paper crea ea t left, well centered, brilliant fre h, very fine appearance.(Photo) (404) 1915 SINGLE LINE WATERMARK. PERF.10: 2c pal e carmine red , n.h., fresh, fine .................(Photo ) (46 1) 100 **831916-17 UNWATERMARKED: llc dark green , block of four , n.h ., beautiful deep color, extremely fine ............................................................ ......................................................................................................(Photo ) (473) 98

* * 103 *

220.00+ 550.00 770.00+ 350.00 875.00 300.00 300.00+ 200.00

I 02

15c gray, o.g., large copy, extremely fine .................... .................................................................... .....(Photo) (475) 1918 BICOLORS: Perf 11 $2 orange red & black , o.g. , large centered copy, very fine ....................(Photo ) (523)


$2, l.h., well centered, very fine .......................................................................... .....................................(Photo ) (523) $5 deep green & black , l.h., trace of fingerprint, fresh, very fine ................................. .........................(Photo ) (524)

600.00 400 .00

le green, 2c carmine, imperforate horizontall y, blocks of four, o.g. to somewhat disturbed, fine ..................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (538a,540 ,) 1921 PERFOR ATED 11: le green, SHEET MARGI COPY, n.h. ,ex tremely fine .......................(Photo ) (545)



I 05

** *83 ROT ARY PR ESS:

** ** 108 ** 109 ** 106 I 07

110 111 I




le, n.h. , well centered, very fine ........................................................................... ...................................(Photo ) (545) le , two copies, one with Star and PI. No., n.h. , perfs trimmed at left ............ .................................(Photo ) (545.00)

400 .00

1920 BICOLOR: $2 lake & black , n.h. , very fine ............................................................................. (Photo) (547a) TERCE TENARY: Sc deep blue , PI. No. block of six, n.h., negligible bend, fre h. fine to very fine ..................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (550) Sc, part pane of 48, compr. two Plate Blocks of Six and corner initial s, n.h. , few inclu sions, mixed centering to extremely fine ....................................................................................................................... (Photo page 31)(550)


**ml1920 PILGRIM


**83Sc, pair

and sheet margin block s of four , n.h. , fine to extremely fine .................................................(Photo) (550)

800 .00

650.00 4,230.00 480.00+





$5 carmine & blue, n.h. , brilliant fresh , extremely fine ........................... .................................. .........(Photo ) (573) bottom arrow block of four , n.h. , bright , fre s h colors , lar ge centered copies , extremely fine ............................................................. ............................................................................... ........(Photo page 13) (573)

$5, **[lj]


225.00 900.00+


e,: •••••


z(.) .•

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Cati. Val.

PLATE NUMBER BLOCKS OF SIX I I 5 ** [jjj3c violet, wide top Plate Block, n.h., Iight bend , fres h, very fine ..........................................................(Photo) (555) 116 ** [jjjSc dark blue, wide top Plate Block, n.h., brilli ant fresh, very fine .......................................................(Photo) (557)


117 ** [jjj6c red orange, right Plate Block , trace of hinge mark one stamp, brilliant fresh, very fine ............ .....(Photo) (558) 118 ** [jjjSc olive green , left Plate Block, n.h. , fresh dee p co lor, fine to very fine ...............................................(Photo) (560)


119 ** [jjj10c orange , wide top Plate Block,n.h. , few inclusions. brilliant fresh. very fine ................... ...............(Photo) (562) 120 ** [jjj20c carmine rose , wide top Plate Block , n.h., gum bends, very fine .......................... ..........................(Photo) (567)

50c lilac, wide left Plate Block, stamp s n.h., few rejoined margin separations, fres h. fine .......... ........(Photo ) (570) 12 1 ** [jjj 122 ** II!l$1 violet black , bottom Plate Block , n.h., gum bend , fine to very fine ...................................... ........... (Photo) (571) 123 ** II!l$1, top Plate Block,, n.h., slightly disturbed gum , one stamp small stain, fine appearance ..........................(Photo ) (57 1) 124 ** II!l$2 deep blue, bottom Plate Block,n.h., gum bends, very fine ........................ .....................................(Photo) (572) 125 ** 83 1923 PERFORATED llxL0: le green, Block of Four, n.h., fine to very fine .................. ................. .(Photo) (578) 126 ** [jjj2c carmine, n.h., well centered for this, extremely fine .................................................. .................... (Photo) (579) TERCENTE ARY: Sc deep blue , Plate o. block of six , broken circle 127 ** II!l1924 HUGUENOT-WALLOO three top positions, n.h., top left tamp small th in, otherwise very fine ............ ....................................(Photo) (6 16) 128 * II!l Sc , Plate No. block of six, broken circle three top position s, trace of hinge marks left stamps, extremely fine ..................................................................................................................................................................(616) 129 ** II!l1925 NORSE-AMERICAN: 2c carmine & black , Arrow Plate No. block of eight , n.h. , very fine .(Photo) (620)



300 .00 875.00 325.00 400.00 575.00 475.00 475.00

1,000.00 700.00 +

160.00 350.00+

225.00+ 375 .00

i40 67 . .........·-... .......... ... ........ ... . . . .... ..... .. .. ... . ... -'


e ••••





I •

*llilSc dark blue & black , Arrow Plate No. block of eight , o.g., very fine................................................(Photo ) (621)

Cati. Val. 525.00

l 3 1 ** ml1925-26 REG ULAR ISSUE: 13c green , 17c black , Plat e No. blocks of six, n.h. , 17c perfs touch bottom stamps, fine to very fine .................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (622,623)


132 ** ml1926 WIDTE PLAINS SOUVENIR SHEET OF 25: 2c carmin e rose, dot over "S", Pl. No. 18773, n.h ., very fine ................................................................................................................................................................................(630)


l 33 * ml 2c, dot over " S", Pl. No. 18773, trace if hinging in selvage. selvage fault, mixed centering .............................. (630)





1926-34 PERFOR ATED llxlO ½ : 2c carmine , type II , n.h., exceptional centering, brilliant fresh , extr emely fine ...............................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (634A)


135 ** EE1928 HAW AIi SESQUICENTENNlAL: 2c carmine , Sc dark blue , Plate No. blocks of four , n.h. , very fine .................................................................. .........................................................................................(Photo ) (647,648)


136 ** EE1929 NEBRASKA: 9c bright rose, Plat e block of four , n.h. , fresh, fine ............................................(Photo) (678)


I 37 ** ml1931 PULASKI: 2c carm ine ro se, top left part pane of 50, Pl. o. 20421, white blotche s in left value of 13 sta mps, n.h. , fine to very fine. Interes ting pr inting variety ...................................... ..(690) Est. Cash Value $75- 100


$1 purpl e & black , wmkd . USIR , n.h. , perfectl y centered, extrem ely fine .....................................(Photo ) (832b)



$1, wmkd. USIR , n.h. , extremely fine ............................................................................. ....................(Photo ) (532b)



$5 carmine & black 140 ** EB$5, center line block of four , n.h. , extreme ly fine ................................................................................(Photo ) (834)


Top Arrow Plate Numb er Blocks of Fo ur 141 ** EB$5, No. 22167/22168, n.h. , perf ectly centered, extremel y fine ............................................................(Photo ) (834)


142 ** EE$5, No. 22166/22169, n.h. , extremely fine ............................................................................................. (Photo ) (834)


143 ** EE$5, No. 22166/22169, n.h. , extremely fine .............................................................................................(Photo ) (834)


144 ** EE1954-68 LIBERTY ISSUE: Hamilton $5 black , Plate No. block of four , n.h. , extr emely fine .....(Photo) (1053)


145 ** EB$5, Plate No. block of four , n.h. , extremel y fine ................................................................................. (Photo ) (1053)


146 ** l!il$5, Plate No. block of six, n.h. , extre mely fine .................................................................................(Photo ) (1053a)




Cati. Val.



1923 SECOND ISSUE: Sc, 16c, 24c compl. set , n.h. , very fine .........................................................(Photo ) (C4-6)


GRAF ZEPPELIN ISSUE 65c green, $1.30 brown, $2.60 blue 148 149 ] 50 151 152 153 154 155 156


** ** *


** * ** *

* ** 159 *

157 158

Compl. set , l.h. , ver y fine to extremely fine ......................................................................... (Photo ) (C13 -15)


65c, n.h. , lar ge, perfectly centered copy, extr emely fine ....................................................................(Photo ) (C 13)


65c, n.h. , very fine ........................ ................................................................ ..........................................(Photo) (Cl3 )


65c, o.g., large centered copy, ext r emely fine ...................................................................................... (Photo ) (Cl3)


65c, l.h., very fine ................................................ ....................................................................................(Photo ) (Cl 3)

240 .00

$1.30, n.h. , creased perfs at bottom , fine appearance ............................................................................. (Photo ) (C 14)

700 .00

$1.30, l.h., light crease, very fine appearance ...................................... ...................................................(Photo ) (C l4)

450 .00

$2.60, n.h. , few gum skip s, brilliant fresh , extremel y fine .................................................................(Photo ) (ClS)


$2.60, l.h., very fine .................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (C l5 )


$2.60, l.h., small faults incl. few soiled pe1fs, very fine appearance ....................................................... (Photo) (Cl 5) 1933 CENTURY OF PROGR ESS : 50c green , five copies, n.h. , very fine to extremely fine .......................... (Cl 8)

700.00 500 .00

S0c, six copies , I .h. or o.g. , very fine to extreme ly fine ........................... ............................................................. (Cl 8)



**~ 1969 MOON

16 1

**~ 1918 to 1927, small selection on stock cards,


**~ 1926 to 1969, selectio n of perhaps



AIR POST AND PARCEL PO ST: 1913 to 1923, selection of over 20 on stock cards , n.h. to o.g. , compr. First and Second Air Post sets, Parcel Post to 75c, dupl.. incl. 75c Pl. No. copy. mixed centered to extre mely fine ............................................................ ..................................................................................Est. Cash Value $400-600



SPE C I AL DELIVERY: 1895 Double Line Wmk. 10c blue , o.g. (hin ge remnant) , extre m ely fin e ...................................................... ............................................................................................................ (Photo) (ES)

LANDING: 10c multicolor ed, rose red omitted , plate number copy in PL ATE NO. BLOCK OF TWELVE, partial or complete omissions of should er patch occurs in six other copies , n.h. , extremely fine ......................... .......................................................................................... ............................................... (C76a , vars ,)


n.h. , incl. 1918 6c (IO), 24c (5), etc., 1926-27 Ma p set comp!. , Pl. blk s of 6, mixed condition to ver y fine. Scott $2426 .............................. .................................................. ..(Cl,C3 -9)

a coupl e hundred in glassines, etc., in box, apparently n.h., incl. early Pl. No. blks of 6, coil pairs and strips, later Pl. No. blk of four in matched corners. Space Twins , etc. , fine to very fine ............................................................................................................................... ...............Est. Cash Value $300-500





**HJ15c carmine



Sc car min e rose, bottom left Plat e No. block of eight, initials left selvage, n.h. (4)/o.g., hin ge remnants(4) , fine to ver y fine ............................. ..................................................................................... .............................(Photo ) (QS) 1,087.00+ rose, block of four, n.h., very fine to extremely fine ............................................ ...........(Photo ) (Q7)


S0c carmine rose , n.h. , large copy , extre mely fine ............................... ..............................................(Photo ) (Ql0 )


•• •• ••

. •========== ••• •. • ..

• ••••••


....I •

. (/)


.......I!!::::~~=======!!~~ II) : •




• 165 16

•.... ""'I



Cati. Val.

···················••¥••·················· 6427 : 168



•• •• •• • •



**ffiS0c, bottom imprint


Plate No . Block of Four , n.h. , small separation betw een top stamp s, almo st perfectl y centered , extremel y fine ............................................................. ............... .................................. (Photo ) (QlO )

$1 carmine ro se, n.h. , very fine ................................................................. ............................. ............. ..(Photo ) (Q 12) 17

3,000.00 750.00

Cat i. Val.

PARCEL POST POSTAGE DUE 170 ** IHIle and Sc dark green , top Plate No . block of six, n.h. , few smal l faults or tiny stain spots , deli cate perforat ions and mo tly elvage separati ons , very fine to extremely fine. Very scarc e plate blocks ..................(Photo) (JQ 1,JQ3)

1,825 .00

I t,=p ri i H Hi l I


·····················t··········· : 6 24 3 • . ··········$·····················

.. •. .• t




•• ••

I 7 I ** IHI2c dark green , bottom Plate No . block of six, n.h. , delicate perfora tions and selvage separation , very fine .......... ............ ................ ......................................... ......... ............................................................... (Photo ) (JQ2 )



172 ** 173 ** 174 **

2c dark gree n, 14 copies , n.h., mixed centering to very fine .................................................... ............. (JQ2) 2c , ten copies , n.h., small fault inc l. light tone spot , fine or fine appea rance ................................. .................... (JQ2) Sc dark gree n, 26 copies , n.h. , some small faults incl. light stain spot s, mixed ce ntering to very fine ....... .......(JQ3)

2,800.00 2,000.00 845.00

175 175


176 C8J

VE DING AFF IXING MACHI E PERFO RATI ONS: THE FA RWELL CO; 1910 s ingle Lin e Wmk. 2c carmine , three holes over two holes, GUIDE LINE STRIP OF FIVE , right stamp o .g. (hin ge remnant), others (Photo ) (384,3A2) n .h ., bend s and creased at guide line , fine ........................................................................................ except barel y round all s in g mar , green le 1850-55 Md. e, CA RRIER: Sem i-Offici a l ; Baltimor touched one point , still very fine , tied by usual pencil stroke on envelope (faults incl. missing closing flap) ........... .............................................. ........... .................. .................... .......(Photo ) (1LB4) Est. Cas h Value $500-600

177 * 83

LOCAL STAMPS:We lls, Fargo & Co; 1861 $1 red, BLOCK OF FO R , ungummed, larg e to enormou s margins all round , extremely fine. Rare block ............. .............................................................. ......(Photo ) (143L3)

178 C8J

CHANDLE R'S NEWS EXP RESS: Oval hand stam p with ms. "10" in center on envelop e (some sta ins) to Libert y, M iss . bea rin g 1861 3c, ti ed by NEW ORLEA S LA 62 duplex , ms. "v ia Magnolia Mi ss". Ex Dale/L ichtenstein .................. ........................................................ ....................(Photo ) Est . Cash Value $200-300 LIVINGSTON FARGO & Co . BY T HE AME RI CAN EX PRE SS PAID: Blue printed frank on Nes bitt 3c entir e, ca ned. by blue CINCINNAT I 0. MAR 2 c .d.s . to Fort De laware, De lawa re. Ex Da le/Lic hte nste in . Very rare company .................................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $300-500 SOUT H ER EXP R ESS COM PANY AND TEXAS EX PR ESS COMPANY PAID: Green print ed frank to Illinoi s on 2c brown ent ire, ca ned . by NEW O R LEANS DEC 12 1897 num era l " 10" duple x. Ex Dale/L ichtenstei n ........... ................................... ...... ...... ................... ................. (Photo ) Est. Cas h Value $200-300


179 C8J

180 C8J


















(! 180

Cat i. Va l.



18 1


** 183 ** 184 *

POSTAL STATIONERY: 1860-61 Star Die le blue on orange on wove, ungummed entire, extremely fine and rare. UPSS 33 Die 12, Knife 22 ...................... (Photo) (U21A var.) Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500

REVENUE: HUNTING PERMITS: 1936 $1 brown black, Plate No. copy, stamp n.h., few gum skips, two pulled perf s, large ce ntered sta mp and otherwi se ve ry fine ................................................. ..................(Photo) (RW 3) 1937 $I light green , Plate No. copy, stamp n.h., gum sk ips. fres h , fine .... ........... ......... ................. ...(Photo) (RW4 )

350 .00+

1942 to 1974, group of 17 stamps, 13 diff. , n.h . exce pt # RW 30 l.h ., incl. thre e Pl. No. copies, fine to very fine ......................................... ......................... .................................... (betw . RW 9 and RW 4 1) E t. Cas h Value $400- 500

I ,I 10.00

I 85 1:81 CONFEDERATE STATES: 1861 Lithographed Sc green , large margins all round, extremel y fine, tied by light GRENADA JAN 29 MISS. c.d.s . on neat amber envelope to New Orlean s. Ex Consul Weinberger ....................................................................................................................... ..........(Photo) (1) Est. Cash Value $150 I 86 * 01:8119th Century, selection of about 90 on pages, etc. , unused or used, many 1861 and 1862 issues, with shades, reference, few provisionals, covers , etc., faulty or mixed condition ............................. Est. Cash Value $500-750





Circa 1899, small selection of entires, co mpr. C uba ( 17) and Puerto Rico (4). plus a few wrappe rs and Republi c, various co lors and de no min atio ns, dupl. , co rner cards . etc. , ge nera lly fine to ve ry fine .....Est. Cas h Va lue $ 150-200

CANAL ZONE 188 * O llll20th Century , coll. and accum. of about 125 on pages, o .g . to unu sed or used , incl. various surchd . or ovp td . types, few blks and Postage Due. faulty or mixed co ndition ............ .............. .................. ...Est . Cash Va lue $300-3 50 189 * O

1904 to 1978, issues nearly compl. on White Ace pages in ring-bind er, n.h. to unused or used, incl. #1 and 2, surchd. and ovptd. types, Letter "A" with flat and pointed tops, Airs and Air Post Officials incl. 1941 PANAMA CA AL 17mm long, compl. less I0c , Officials incl. PANAMA 9mm long S0c rose lilac, better bookl et pan es of 6 , etc ., mi xe d condition to fine to ve ry fine. Worth ca ref ul inspection ................................ ..................................................................... .......................Est. Cash Value $1,500-1 ,700


300 .00+


13 431 8



EXTENSIONS AND EXPERTISING Aany lots placed on extension for expertising must be submitted by H.R. Harmer. Submission by the purchaser will nullify any extension request. Therefore, upon notification of purchases , please contact Miss Alison Harm er by mail, telephone, fa.,\'.or email with the lot numb ers yo u wish submitted. Please also advise whose name you wish on the certificate. Special arrangements have been made to expedit e this material. Thank yo u


Cat i. Val.





Sc blue , good to clear margin s all round , lightl y caned., ve ry fine. Ex Consul Weinberger .................................................................................................................................(Photo) (5) Est. Cash Value $600


19 1 0

Sc on 13c dark red, full margins to just clear at top left, unused, very fine. Ex Consul Weinberger ............................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (7)



One of the very fe w sound cop ies with marg ins





Sc blue, bearing ms. "Hilo", good to ample margins all round, very fine, with 1861 Sc brown, both tied by grid , latter caned. by cogwheel, red HONOL ULU U.S. POST AGE PAID JAN 30 c.d.s., SAN FRANCISCO FEB 22 1863 (?) double circle. Ex Consul Weinberger Pencil ms . on reverse reads: "A Letter bearing yo ur address is deta ined at Post Office New Orleans, by remitting to me the sum of nine cents it would be for-wa rded to yo u. " ......... ........................................(Photo) (9,76) Est. Cash Value $3,000-4 ,000 A lovely cover to a m.ost interesting address - U.S. Ste . Sebago , Mobile Bay, Alabama U.S.



Cat i. Val.





VERTICALLY LAID PAPER: 2c pale rose, incredible copy with inscriptions both at bottom and top from another stamp and showing portion of adjoining sta mp s at lef t , ju st in top right , tied by square grid on envelope to Honolulu bea ring ms . "Pr Kilauea ". Ex Consul Weinberger .................................. ...............................................................................(Photo) (28) Est. Cash Value $1,000




2c ro se ve rmilion , right diagonal half use d as le (corner crease ), together w ith Sc blue , tied by negati ve "HI " cancels on likel y 1871 e nve lope (mo s t of back re st or ed) bearing U.S. Bank Note IOc brown (surface scrapes) , tied by red double circle G.P.O. HO OLUL U PAID ALL MAR 2 , magent a San Franci sco Cal. PAID MA R 17 and ms . "pr. Str. Moses Taylor". Ex Dale/Lichtenstein ................... ................................ (Cover Photo) (31b) Est. Cash Value $7,500-10 ,000

British Columbia is a very rare destination for any Hawa iian cover . interestingly was postmarked in Honolulu on the same day as another two cenrs bisect cover and rnost certainly traveled on the same ship to San Francisco .

COVER CONDITION Minor faults including , but not limited to , file folds not affecting stamps , small tears and some backflap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue.


Cati. Val.




·~ >'7~~~~ ~~g:j/4 195


USED TO VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA; 1864-86 Sc blue , two copies, 2c rose vermilion, mixed centering and perf s, plu s U.S. 1861-62 12c black , perf sta ins, fine , all tied by various cork cancels and magenta SAN FRANCISCO JAN 3 PAID ALL c.d.s. on envelope (edge and flap fault s) bearing red double circle G.P.O. HONOL ULU DEC 28 PAID ALL. Ex Dale / Lichtenstein ..............................................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000



196 DP


DIE PROOF : 1875 King Kalakaua 2c brown , Die proof on India die sunk on card, 130xl00mm, small edge crease, very fine .....................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (35P I )


1893 PROVISIONAL ISSUES: Red Overprint le purple , double overprint, o.g. (hinge remnant), stain showing on a couple perfs, fine appearance ................................................. .....................................................(Photo ) (53t) Black Overprint 12c red lilac , face-free cancel, very fine ............................. ........................................(Photo ) (69) $1 rose red , no period after " GOVT ", o.g .. brilliant fresh ...................................................................(Photo ) (73b)

550.00 500.00 450 .00


198 0 199



le , 2c, 4c black , large trial color Die proofs , plus 10c black Die proof in issued color, all mounted on card, approx. 139xl00mm , very fine . ......................................................................... (Photo) (Ul-3TC,USP )



20 I DP 202 DP 203 181 204 205

181 181

4c red , large Die proof mounted on card , 139x100mm , very fine ....................................................(Photo ) (U3P) Sc blue, large Die proof mount ed on card, 139x110mm, very fine ...................................................(Photo ) (U4P) ENVELOPES: 1889 Blue In sid e 2c rose , Sc blu e former ligh t marks at left, fine , latter ve ry fin e .................................................................................................................(Photo ) (U6.U8) Est. Cash Value $300-400 10c black , ink ms. addressed, fine ............................................... .........................(Photo ) (U9) Est. Cash Value $ 150 1893 Overprinted "P rovi sional Government 1893" 10c black, extre mely fine. Very scarce especially this nice .................................................................................................................... (Photo ) (U14) Est. Cash Value $500-600 24

725.00 725.00 800.00 450.00 1,000.00



*1811884 to 1893, selection of 30 entires in box, com pr.



Cati. Val.

1884 ( 18) with many shades, 1893 Ovptd . ( 11) incl. one J a bearin g Panama-Pacific perf 12 2c tied by San Francisco Exposition dupl ex cance l, 1885 Spec ial Des patch Lette r I0c , mixed co nditi on to very fine ..................... .................... .......... (U 1-5, I0-13 ,etc ..UE I) Est. Cas h Value 250-300

A D PAID REPLY POSTAL CARDS: 1882 to 1897 , se lec tion of 16 it ems, in c l. #U X4 m int a nd use d , UX8 a nd 9 , Sa a nd 9a. UY I a nd UY 4 un severed (fo lded ), mi xe d co nditi o n to very fine ....................... .......... ................................... ........ ............................. (be tw. UX I and UY4) Est. Cash Value $300-400


208 0 209



REVENUE STAMPS: 1894 Lithograph ed 20c red, STRIP OF THREE , red violet PAID in ova l ca nce ls, few creases, fine .............................................. ....................... ...... .............. ...................................................... (Photo) (R9)


25c violet brown, o.g. (hinge remnant ), crease, fre h , very fine appearance ............................. ........ ....(Photo) (RIO)


2 10 * Ol!il 19th Century, coll. and accum. of many hundred on album pages , circuit books, etc., o.g. to unused or used, wide ranging with many dupl., incl. Numerals, Specimen, red and blks ovptd. incl. without period after GOVT. , reference and reprints, blks of 4 or larger, Officials, cut squares, etc. , faulty or mixed condition , some fine to very fine. Requires carefu l inspection ........................Est. Cash Value $1,500-2 ,000

2 11 * O

2 12 * O

1853 to 1899, coll. of over 300 on pages in ring-bind er, o.g. to unused or used, incl. better early items damaged or faulty, Numeral types, Bank Note issues, ovptd. in red or black , Official s, Revenue s, Railroad, later blks, dupl., reproductions and reprints, reference, etc., mixed condition to fine to very fine ............................................... ............................................................................. Est. Cash Value $2,500-3 ,000

1861 to 1899, coll. of over 40 diff. on Specialty pages, unused or used . inc l. Horiz. La id 2c, later issues and Offici als, a lso a few Guam , Guard Mail. few sma ll faults, genera lly fine to very fine .......Est. Cas h Value $250-300


2 14 * l!ll

1899 to 1946, coll. of several hundred diff. on album pages in ring-binder and loose Specialty pages, l.h. to unused or used, high degree of completeness , incl. 1901 $1 types I and II , $2, $5, later various perf issues and imperf , Airs incl. Madrid-Manila with top , Philatelic Foundation. Cert. (1980), Special Delivery, Postage due, Officials, Revenues, Japane se Occu., dupl. , etc ., mixed condition to fine to very fine with better items throughout ..................... .............................................. Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500

HA DSTAMPED VICTORY : 1944 group, co mpr. #464 shee t of 100,48 1 blk of four , 483 (2) , 122 ing le , 041 (5, damaged), usua l gum faults ................ .................... ......... ................ ......................... ................... .......... ....................



Cati. Val.

U.S. COLLECTIONS AND VARIOUS For additional United States in mixed lots, see lots 660 to 671

19th Century 2 15 pp

Selection of over 100 diff. plate proof s on card, affixed to thin card album page , incl. 1847 Sc and 10c through 1869 Pictorials , Bank Note issues, Columbians compl., Officials, Newspaper and a couple Special Deliver y, mixed condition to very fine ...................(Photo page 78) Est. Cash Value $1,500-1,800

2 16 * OC>3J Coll. of over 30 stamp s and about a dozen covers on pages in ring-binder , mostly used , incl. 1851 le and 3c, 1857 to 12c, 1861 to 30c, 24c and 90c ovptd. "S pecimen ", etc., also stockbook with some modern Pl. blks and foreign , mixed condition to very fine ...........................................................................Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 2 J7 * O Accum. of well over 30 on stock cards in cigar box, used, some unu sed, a fair number of Bank Note issues, incl. two 90c, few imperf and perf 15½ . 1869 Pictorial s, couple $1 green ovptd. "NARCOTIC". etc., mixed condition .........................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 2 18 * O Selection of over 50 stamps on stock cards, unused or used , incl. Bank Note issues and a few earlier, few Officials and about a dozen Confederate States, 90c Bank Note, etc .. mixed condition .....Est. Cash Value $400- 500 19th and 20th Century 219 C>3J 6 Coll. of several hundred covers or fronts in 2 Specialty albums, wide ranging incl. three #1, other imperf and perf 15½ and 12, 1869 Pictorials , Bank Note issues, Columbians and Trans-Miss., 20th cent. Commems and Regular Issue s, Washington-Franklin, better Air Post and back-of-book , Stamp Dealer corner cards, contrived frankings , mixed condition incl. staining. An eclec tic and quit e useful array ............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $3,000-4 ,000

220 * O

Coll. of several hundred diff. in National album, n.h. to unu sed or used, early issues incl. #1, blue cancels, few grilled, 1869 Pictorial s to 15c, type I, Bank Note issues to $1, Colombians $2 and $4, Trans-Miss. $1 and $2, some 20th cent, sets, Souvenir sheet s, Pre sidential s, Airs , misc. back-of-book , mixed condition incl. some tape stain s ............................................................ Est. Cas h Value $2,500-3,000

22 1 * llll Selection on pochette pages in box , n.h. to unused , few imperf and perf 15½, but mostly 20th cent. incl. coils, Airs , Postage Due , Hunting Permit (12) an d other back-of-book , National Park s and Presidential Pl. blks, Postage Due , etc. , mixed condition to very fine .........Est. Cash Value $2,500-3 ,000

222 0

Coll. of man y hundred in American album , used, few unu sed , incl. $1 and $2, faulty, other better early items , later Commems, Washington-Franklin , Airs and misc. back-of-book , also small accum. and balance , mixed condition ..........................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,500-1,800

223 * OC>3J Coll. and accum. of man y hundred diff. on pages in 6 ring-binder s in carton, n.h . to unu sed or used , sparse early issues but incl. Bank Note issues, Colombians to 30c, later comp!. or part sets, Lincoln blue paper, better Airs, Kansas and Nebraska used, Souvenir sheet s incl. White Plains , Pre sidential coils, Hamilton $5, back-of-book incl . Revenue s, cut square s and mint stationer y, Canal Zone , Hawaii , etc. , mixed condition to very fine .............................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,500+

224 C>3l Aecom. and coll. of man y hundred in a couple ring-binders and loose in 2 cartons, incl. FDCs, First Flights , metered covers, Air Post incl. set of Zeppelins , mint and used stationery with many entires , Officials , Dept. of War , Columbian Exposition , reply card s, etc., mixed condition incl. staining to fine to very fine ............................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $100-1,500 225 * O C>3l The Louise Boyd Dale/Alfred F. Lichtenstein remai nd er of misc . covers , sta mps, face, free franks, etc. , generally found cleaning out desk drawer s and a closet. Worth inspection .............. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 226 * O

Balanc e of about 40 on stoc k cards , o.g. to unused or use d , incl. Bank Notes and so me earlier , Columbian 30c, Panama-Pacific perf 12, Lincoln blue paper , reference , etc. , faulty or mixed condition ............................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-750

227 * OC>3l The intere sting remainder of stamp s and covers in 2 carton,s compr. some better material , WWII mail , album page s, FDCs, Commems. medal s, etc. , trul y needs sorti ng, but man y useful item s ...Est. Cash Value $500-750


Cati. Val. 228 * O

Coll. of several hundred diff. in Specialty album, used , some o.g. to unused , incl. grills and a few earlier, man y Bank Note issues, Columbians , Tr a ns-Mis s. incl. $1 stained , other Commems , Regular Issue s, incl. Washington-Franklin , Souvenir sheets , etc ., mixed condition .................... .................Est . Cash Value $500-600

229 * O

Coll. of a few hundred on National album page s, o.g. to unu sed or used, scattered early issues, perf 15½ , 1869 Pictorial s, Bank Note Issues , Columbian s to 30c, Tran s-Miss. to toe , Pan-American and other sets, Washington-Franklin, Airs, mi sc . back-of-book , fault y or mixed condition, some fine to very fine ..................................................................................... .................................... ...................Est. Cash Value $500-600

230 * O

Co ll. of over 130 mostly used on album pages , stronger in Bank Notes and Bureaus, some early Comme ms, many useful, condition a bit mixed to very fine ...................................................................Est. Cash Value $400-600

23 1 0

Coll. of a couple hundred on European album pages , used,, incl. vals . to 90c, much useful, some back-of-book, mixed condition to very fine ................................................................................................ Est. Cash Value $400-6 00

232 * O

Balance of a propert y, man y thousand on pages , notebook s, stock sheets , etc. , in carton, used some o.g. to unused, wide ranging and many dupl. , incl. grills, precancels, many Bank Note issues incl. cancels selections, back-of-book, junk , etc., mixed condition incl. some staining. Worth careful inspection ..Est. Cash Value $400- 600

233 * O181Balance of a propert y in carton, n.h. to unused or used, incl. small co ll. and accum. in ring-binders, FDCs in albums, face, used on paper, back-of-book , United Nations, etc. , mixed condition ............Est. Cash Value $300-400 234 * O EEAccum. of several hundred in glassines, etc ., in box, n.h. to unused or used, incl. Columbians to I0c , used , small quantities, other 19th cent., mostly mint 20th cent. incl. blks and Pl. blks. 2c reds, coils, Souvenir sheets, precancels, misc. Guam and Hawaii, mixed condition to very fine ........................................................ Est. Cash Value $250-300 235 * O EEAccum. of seve ral hundred in stockbook , n.h . to o .g. or used , inc l. a few Bank Note issues , 20 th cen t. Commems, Washington-Franklin, blks and Pl. No. blks, Souvenir sheets , Airs, etc., mixed condition to very fine ...................................................................................... ........................................................Est. Cash Value $200- 250 236 * O

19th and 20th Century to 1955, coll. of man y hundred diff. in Nat ional album , o.g. to unused , or used , wide ranging and mostly comprehen sive, incl. early imperf pert' 15½, pert' 12, grilled, 1869 Pictorials to 30c, man y Bank Notes , Columbians , Trans-Miss. and other Commems throughout , Bureau types, better Washington-Franklin item s incl. coils (some doubtful ), White Plains and other Souvenir sheets, some blks (incl. n.h. ), Airs and Hunting Permit , mixed condition as would be expected but some quite nice .............................................................. ..............................................................Est. Cas h Value $5,000-6,000

237 * O

1859 to 1979, coll . of man y hundred diff. in National album, n.h. to unu sed , wide ranging with scattered early issues, 1869 Pictorials to 3c, Bank Note issues, Columbians to 50c, Bureau type s to 50c, 20th cent. Commems and Regular Issues, incl. man y Washington-Franklin, 1922-25 set compl. , coils, Kansas -Nebraska, Souvenir sheets, coils (some doubtful ), Air s etc., some fault s, much fine to very fine ............................................................ ................................................................... Est. Cas h Value $6,000-800

Primarily 20th Centur y 238 * (!l] Accum. of man y hundred in glassines , 011 stock cards. etc ., in tin , n.h. to unu sed , wide ranging to about 1940, incl. blk s of 4, compl. and part sets, man y Commems incl. 1909 issues, Washington Bicentennial, Famous American s, Washington-Franklin incl. coils, Airs incl. Centur y of Progre ss, etc., mixed cond ition to much fine to very fine ................... ........................................... ....................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,250 239 * O

240 * O

Accum. of well over 250 stamp s in stockbook , n.h. to unu sed, incl. Columbian s to 50c and a few earl ier, Washington-Franklin incl. a few coils, Pre sidential and Libert y $5, many Commem s, Airs, misc. back-of-book , $5 and 1920 bicolor s used , etc., some fault s though generally fine to very fine ..........Est. Cash Value $600-800 To 1967, coll. of a few hundr ed diff. on hingeless page s in bind er, much n.h. , balance l.h. to unused, few used , incl. Columbian s to 15c, few earlier, 20th cent. Commems and Regular Issues, Hamilton $5, Souvenir sheet s, Airs, misc. back-of-book , mixed condition to fine to very fine ............... ..........Est. Cash Value $500-750 20th Centur y

24 1 * llll Accum . of severa l hundr ed in glassines in cigar box , n.h. to unu sed , mostly Commems in varying quantitie s, incl. blk s and Pl. blk s, Imprint Pl. No. pair s, etc. , Pan-American, Louisiana Purchase, Jamestown , 1909 Issues, Panama-Pacific , others, plu s Airs and back-of-book with Parcel Post and P.P. Postage Due, misc. Columbian s, mixed condition incl. dist urb ed gum and staining , fair number sa lvagea ble and useful. Requires carefu l inspect ion ............... ....................... ..Est. Cash Value $2,000-3,000


Catl. Val. 242

*l)j] Duplicated


*l)j] Accum.

coll. in 2 National album s, n.h. to unus ed , a few hundr ed Pl. blks of 4 or 6 and blks of 4, incl. Lexington-Concord and other Commem s, Airs, var ious Regular Issues, mixed condition to fine to very fine .............................. .................................................................. ............................Est. Cas h Va lue $1,000-1,200

of several thou sa nd in glassines, etc. , in carton, n.h . to o.g. , scattered used , much 1940s to mod ern , incl. Souvenir sheets, Pl. blk s of 4 or larger, blks , booklets, self-adh esives, Pr esidenti als and some earlier, Airs incl. Centur y of Progr ess S0c mint and used singles, few unimport ant st uck or gum disturbed , generall y fine to ver y fine ....................................................................... Est. Cas h Value $1,000+

**l)j] Accum. of several thousand in glassines, sheet files, etc., in 2 boxes, vast majority if not all n.h., mostly modern


issues in varying quantitie s, incl. com pl. and part sheets, Pl. blks of 4 or larger, singles, blks, some 1930s incl. 2c reds, National Parks, Airs, Presidentials to $1, etc., generally fine to very fine .....Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000 245

**l61 Accum.


*l)j] 181 Balance of a property in 4 albums or ring-binders in carton, n.h. to o.g., some singles, but mostly Pl. blks of

of many hundred in glassines, etc., in box, n.h., mostly modern Commems to $3 .00, incl . compl. sheets and sheetlets , Souvenir sheets, se-tenant , Commem. Panels , etc., generally very fine. Face about $940 ..

4 or 6, incl. 2c reds, Famous American s set compl., plus dupl. , Overrun Countries, Regular Issues and many other Commems incl. matched corners, mostly 4c and 8c, Airs incl. Pl. blks, FDCs and First Flights, generally fine to very fine ................................................ .................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-600 247

**l)j] Balance


**l)j] Balance of many hundred in box, n.h., modern issues and mostly Pl. blks of 20, few sheets, loose, etc., fine to very

of a propert y in carton, with a se lect ion of Plate No. blks apparently n.h ., inc l. Was hin gto n Bicentennial, National Park ., Army-Navy. Famous Americans, etc. , modern Postage Due comp!. or part sheets , Postal Stationery accum . and United Nations coll., genera lly fine to very fine ..................Est. Cash Value $300-400

fine. Face about $435 ........................................ ................................................................................... ........................... 249

**l)j] Accum. of many hundred blks or Pl. blks in glassines in shoe box,


**l61 Accum. of many hundred in glassines in box, apparently n.h., mostly modern

25 1

181 Coll. and accum. of many hundred mostly modern FDCs in 3 cartons , incl. Bicentennial ster ling silver medals,

apparently n.h. , incl. ZIP and Mail Early, Air Post, 2c reds, Famous Americans, etc ., fine to very fine ...............................................Est . Cash Value 300-350

issues incl. blks, Souvenir sheets, co ils, Airs, self-ad hes ives , high denomination s, etc ., varying quantitie s to one of an item , fi ne to very fine ...................................................................... ........................................................................ Est. Cash Value $250-300 Souvenir sheets, Flag sheets, Foreign and British bicentennial coll. in cover album, plus other covers, few J 9th cent. , maximum cards, United Nations FDCs , incl. Geneva, etc., U.S. and U.N. Souvenir cards incl. 1970s Numismatic, Souven ir pages , common stamps in glassines, etc ., genera lly fine to very fine ..................Est. Cash Value $200-400


*l61Balance of many hundred in glassines in shoe box, n.h. to disturbed o.g. or unused , incl. blks and Pl. blks of 4, Souvenir sheets, few booklets and Airs, some 1930s issues, mixed condition to fine to ve1y fine ...Est. Cash Value $ 125


Offi181 Accum . of many thousand in carton , used, incl. bundled stock , United N ations , covers, etc. , misc . foreign, clean


*l)j]Turn of the Century to 1990s, accum. of many hundred on stock sheets in 2 ring-binders and sheet tiles in

and genera lly fine to very fine ............................................ .................................................Est. Cash Value $ 100- 125 carton, vast majority n.h., balance o.g. , incl. blks, Pl. blks of 4 or 6, Souvenir sheets , modern booklets and compl. shee ts, imperf Parks Pl. blks , Air s and back-of-book , duplicat ed singles , etc. , ge nera lly fine to very fine .............. ............................................................. ................................................ ...................Est. Cash Value $250-3 00 255

*l61 1920 to 1943, coll. of well over 200 in Scott album, n.h. to o.g., compr.


**l)j]1944 to 1996, coll. of man y hundr ed Pl. No blks of 4 or lar ger in 4 Scott albums


Pl. No. blks of 4 or 6 and blks, incl. Le xington- Co ncord , 2c red s, Washington Bicentennials , Natio nal Park s, Far ley issues, Presidentials to $2 and earlier Regular Issues, Famous Americans, etc., Airs and Postage Due, minor dupl. , mixed condition to fine to very fine .............................................................. Est. Cash Value $1,000+

in carto n , apparentl y n.h. , incl. Air Post , some compl. and Souvenir sheets, dupl. , fine to very fine ....Est. Cas h Va lue $1,200-1,500

**l)j] 1984 to 2002, issues very nearl y compl. in 4 Comm emorative


Stamp Club album s with slipca ses in carto n , n.h. , incl. booklets and Regular Issues, Souvenir sheets, se-tenant, compl. sheets and self-adhesives, generall y ver y fine ............................. ............................ ................................ .................... ...............................Es t. Cas h Value $600-700

**l61 ERRORS: Selection in ring-bind er , apparentl y n.h. , incl. Was hingto n private

roulette blks of 4, mod ern vars., incl. imp erf horiz. , In scripti on on back missing , im perf, Officials, part perf , 1992 Chri st ma s imperf horiz. , 3 booklet pane s of 4, high Dat z Cati. value, 1994 $2 Souvenir sheet of 4, doub le transfer , dupl. , etc ., fine to ver y fine ............................................................................... Est. Cas h Va lue $3,000-4 ,000


Cati. Val. 259 * O

ERRORS AN D MISPRINTS : Selection of over 50 stamp s on stock cards, n.h. to unu sed , few used, genera lly mode rn issues seve rely mis-perfora ted , smeared printings , inscripti on from adjoining sta mp, etc . ..............................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $ 100- 150


MILITARY : Coll. of perhap s 1000 covers in 2 boxes , generally I 930s and 40s with a fair number cacheted, incl. wartime multicolored slogans or ca11oons, many ship or naval station cancels, air squadrons or bases, etc ., fine to very fine. wonderful array of this topic ................... .................... ........... ............................. Est. Cash Value $300-500

26 1 0

PRECANC ELS: Co ll. and accum. of a few hundr ed in album and glassines in box, coll. mounted by state and include s man y Pre sidential s and earlier as well as mod ern , mixed condition to fine to very fine .......................................... .................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $100-150




*IIil1898 to 1920, accum. of several hundred


**IIilin20thcarton, Century, coll. and accum. of a few hundred comp!. sheet s in sheet album and 11 files, plus loose n.b. , severa l to one of an item with majorit y 18c to 34c values, incl. sbeet lets and self-adh esives,

1893 to 1915, selection of over 50 on stock cards, n.h. to o.g., few unu sed , incl. Columbians to 15c, Tran s-Miss. to 10c, Pan-American , Louisiana Purcha se, Jame stown , Panama-Pacific perf 12 and 10, dupl. etc ., some faults , generally fin e to very fine with so me exceptional lo oking copies ............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500

in sheet file, n.h . to disturbed o.g., incl. Loui siana Purchase to Sc, Jame stown le and Sc, Pilgrim , 1909 perf. Commems , others, incl. larger multiple s and varying quantitie s, fault s incl. sta ining, some fine to very fine. Cat i. as singles ......................................................... 14,358.00

post office packaging , few Regular Issues, genera lly very fine. Face well over $3000 ................................ . 265 * ml Selection of over 85 Plate No. blks of six or four in box, n.h. to o.g., incl. 1919 Victory, Lexington-Concord 2c red s, Er icsson, National Park s perf and imperf , Washington Bicent enni als, dupl. , etc., genera lly fine to very fine ...........................................................................................................................................Est . Cash Value $750+ 266 * ml REGUL AR ISSUES: 1895 to 1970s, selection of about 30 Plate No. blk s of 4 or 6, n.h. to o.g., incl. 1922-25 l/2c to 30c, 213 diff. Perf 10, 7c black , 1938 Pre sidential s to $2 incl. right arrow blk , etc. , fine to very fine ............................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-600 267


268 0

1902 to 1938, selection of over 65 on stock cards, n.h. to o.g., incl. 1902-03 to 50c, 1923- Perf 10 set, coils, $2 bicolor , $1 5 Harding , etc. , few small faults, overa ll fin e to ver y fine with some exceptiona l copie s ............................................................................................................................................Est . Cash Value $600-800 BACK OF THE BOOK: 19th Century, Primaril y Second Issue Revenue coll. of about 150 used on album pages , misc. selection of values to $25, also some other back-of-book. Worth inspection .......Est. Cash Value $300-500

269 * O

270 * O

19th and 20th Cent ur y, coll. of seve ral hundr ed in Specialty album , used , some o.g. to unu sed , incl. Specia l Deliver y, Po sta ge Du e, Officials , man y cut sq uares incl. Officials , Revenue s incl. First, Second and Third issues, Telegraph, dupl. , etc. , some better items , faulty or mixed condition ............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500

20th Century , small selection on stock sheet s, n.h. to o.g., few used, incl Registration !Oc, and Parcel Post le, Sc, !Oc, in varying quantities, also compl. set,$ I used, Hunting Pennit , six, diff., etc., mixed centering to fine to very fine ................................................................................ ..............................................................Est. Cash Value $350-400



Cat i. Val.

Afternoon Session at 1:30 P.M.

FORGERIES SPERATI REPRODUCTIONS DIE PROOFS The fo llow ing 85 lots are exampl es of the masrerf orge r 's art collected over the pas t 50 years since the British Philatelic Asso ciation (B.P .A.) bought his stock. All ha ve been backs tamp ed "SPERATI REPROD UCTION" by the B.P A. and many ha ve 0 11 reverse the number assigned by them for the original owner. The reproduc tion and cellario11types are as described by the B.P A. 's "The Work of Jean de Sperari ". Condi tion is "Spera ri" supe rb, cc111 unless otherwise noted. Proofs were produced by Spera ti 011oversize p ieces of pap er or card. All signed by Sperwi unless noted to the contrary


ARGENTINA: BUENOS AIRES; 4 (cuatro) pesos vermilion, co lor proof ............ .(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 150

FRANCE 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279

20c black, re produ c ti o n A , Sperati 's " REPR ODUC TION INT E RDIT E" h a nd s ta mp 1849-50 ............ ............................................................... ............ ..................................... ............(Photo) Est. Cash Va lue $ 100 40c orange, reproduction B , static ca nce l. ................... ............................................. .....(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $ 150 1852 10c bistre, reprod uction A ....................................................................................(Photo) Est. Ca sh Value $ 150 10c bistre , reprod uction B, static cancel. ......................... ....................... .......................(Photo) Est. Cas h Value $ 150 GERMA STATES: BADE ; 1852 18kr green, reproducti on A ............. ................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 150 18kr green, reproduction C ............................. ............................................................ ..(Photo) Est. Cash Va lue $ I 50 BREMEN; 1855 3gr, type II, black on horiz . laid paper ............ ............ ..................... (Photo) Est . Cash Valu e$ I 50 3gr , type 11, black on vert. laid paper , Spera ti's "s un" insignia and " REP RODUCTION INTERDITE " hand stamp on reve rse .......................................... ................ .............. ..................... .......... ................. (Photo) Est. Cash Va lue $ 150

28 1

LUBECK: 1859 2sh brown , "zwei ein halb" error ............................ ........................(Photo) Est. Ca sh Value $ 150 I TERDJTE' ' ha nd s ta mp 1875 2m black , Sp e ra ti ' s " R EPRODUC TIO WURTTEMBERG: ............. .......................... .................................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $ 100


GREAT BRITAIN: 1880 2sh black , position K-J ..............................................(Photo) Est. Ca sh Valu e $250-300


ITALIAN ST ATES 283 284 285 286 287 288 O S

PARMA: 1859 Sc emerald, reprodu ction A ............. ............... .................. ........ .......... (Photo) Est. Cas h Value $ 150 40c black, Spera ti 's " REPRODUCTIO N I TERDITE" handstamp ..... ....................... (Photo) Est. Cas h Value$ I 00 80c bistre, reprodu ction B .............................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 150 Sardinia 1855-61 Sc black , reproduction C ................................... ....... ..... ..................(Photo) Est. Cash Value$ I 00 20c blue, reproduction B , proof of frame ........... .............. .................... ............... ...........(Photo) Est. Ca sh Value $ 150 1884 4p black , Spe ra ti ·s " R E PROD UCT ION IN TE RDIT E " h a nd s ta mp MONTSERRAT: ..................... ........................................................................ ................................ ...........(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 150


ROUMANIA: 1858 108pa blue .......................................................... .........................(Photo) Est. Cash Va lue 150 1858-59 Spa black , I cm tear well c lear of des ign .............................. ...................... ....(Photo) Est . Cash Value I 00

29 1

SIERRA LEONE: 1859 6p purple , unsigned .......................... ............. ............... (Photo) Est. Cash Value 200-250


SPAIN 292 293 294 295

SPAIN: 1850 Sr red .................................. ............................................ ....................... .(Photo) Est. Cas h Va lue $ 150 6r blue , reprodu ction A ........................ .................. ........... ................................ .............(Photo) Est. Cas h Valu e $ 150 lOr green ...................... .................................................................................................. (Photo) Est. Ca sh Valu e $ 150 1851 12c lilac ............................... ....................... ............. ..............................................(Photo) Est. Cas h Value $ 150






I 276










Ca ti. Va l. 296

2r red, reprod uction B ............................ ................ ...... ......... ........ .................... ............(Photo) Est. Cas h Value $ 150


6r blue .............. ................................... ................................................. ....................... ...(Photo) E t. Cas h Va lue $ 150 lOr green , reproduction A ...................................... ................ ....................... ........ ........(Photo) Est. Cas h Va lue 150


30 1

l0r green , reprod uction B ..............................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cas h Va lue $ 150 1852 6r blue, reprod uction A .............. ........ ...................... ........................ ........ ............. (Photo) Est. Cas h Va lue $ 150 6r blue, reproduction B ..................................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cas h Value $ 150


J853 2r vermilion ............................................... ............. ............................................ ..(Photo) Est. Cas h Va lue $ 150


6r deep blue .................. .............................................................................................. ...(Photo) Est. Cas h Value $ 150


ZURICH: 1843 6r , type I , proof of black porti o n w ith o ut backgrou nd lin es, Spera ti 's " R EPR O D UC TI ON INTE RDf TE" handstamp ...... ....... .... .................................. .......... ..................... .............(Photo) E t. Cas h Valu e $ 150


6r , type


6r , type V, horiz . lines .......................... ............................ .............................................


6r, type V, vert. lines ....... ....... ............... .......................... .............................................. (Photo) Est. Cas h Va lue $200


GEN E VA: 1848 "large eagle , Sc black , Sp era ti ·s " R E PR ODUCT ION INT ERDIT E" ha nd s t a mp ........................................... ....................... .................................................... .................(Photo) Est . Cas h Value $ 125 1850 4c black & red, reproduction A ................................................ ............................(Photo) Est. Cas h Value $200

299 300



n, proof

of black portion w itho ut backgro und lines .................................... ....(Photo) Est. Cas h Va lue $ 150

(Photo) Est. Cas h Va lue $200

3 10

FEDERAL ADMINISTRATION: Poste Locale 1850 2½ r black & red , reprodu ction D w ith frame aro und cross , static ca nce l "P.P."................ ........................ ........................................... ............(Photo) Est. Ca h Value $ 150

3 11 3 13

Rayon 1850 Sr blue & red, reprodu ct ion A, fra me aro und cross ....... .......................... (Photo) Est. Ca h Va lue $ 150 Sr blue & red, reproduction B. frame aro und cross ..... .................. ............... ......... ...... .(Photo) Est. Ca h Va lue 150 1852 lSr vermilion, small figures, reproductio n A , static gr ill ca ncel ........... .................(Photo) Est. Cas h Value $ 150

3 14

120c black, repro duction B, Spera ti' s " RE PRO DUCTIO N I TE RDITE ., handstamp .... (Photo ) Est. Ca h Va lue$ 100

3 15

URUGUAY: 1858 120c blue, re prod uction A .............. ........................................... ....(Photo) Est. Cas h Va lue $ 150

3 12


ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires; 1858 Sp, unused , signed , 4rs brown , type la cancel , 1859 lp , reproduction A and B, type la cancels, 1860 4r , reproduction B, type Sa cancel ....................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $300-400

3 17

1849-50 15c green , reproduction A and C, grill cancels , form er signed , reproduction D, "134" cancel , signed , 40c orange , reproduction A, grill cancel , signed , reprodu ction C, type 165-"692 " cancel , corner crease ....................................................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $400-500

3 18

lfr carmine brown, reprod uct ion A. gr ill ca nce l ..................................... .................. ...(Photo) Est. Cas h Va lue$ I 00 1853-54 lfr, reproduction E, Paris Star cancel, reproduction G, 165-"78" cancel , reproduction H, 165-"73" cancel ...................................................... ............................................................... .......(Photo) Est. Cash Value $300


3 19 320 32 1

lfr , pair, reprod uction K , Paris star ca nce l. ............................. .......... ......................... ...(Photo ) Est. Cas h Value $250 1854 20c , tete-beche pair, unused .................. ....... ........ ............ ............ .. ........ .............(Photo) Est. Cas h Value $250 34

I ;-




Cat i. Val. 322

1859 10c Postage Due, unused, signed, 1868 lfr telegraph, unused, B.P.A. backstamp showing through slightly on front of stamp , 1870 30c, reproduction B, type 17bis- cancel, 1871 40c Postage Due in blue, ultramarine and indigo , all unused, 60c Postage Due, black and yellow, both unused ......(Photo) Est. Cash Value $50~00


BADEN: 1852 18kr, reproduction B , genuine ca ncel ................ ...... ............................. (Photo) Est. Cash Value $ I 00


BAVARIA: 1849 lkr , reproduction C, cogwheel 195 cancel ........ .......... ............ .... ....(Photo) Est. Cas h Va lue $ 100


lkr, tete-beche pair, reproduct ion C, unu sed ................ .......................... .... ................. (Photo) Est. Ca sh Va lue $250


BRUNSWICK: 1852 2sgr , "4" cancel , 3sgr, "I" cancel , Bremen 1856 7gr , unused, Hanover 1861 l0 gr, reproduction A and B, types 13 and 18 cancels respectively, latter signed ............(Photo) Est. Cash Value $500


OLDENBURG: 18551/3 sgr, reproduction A, type 6 cancel. 1859 1/3sgr, two copies, reproductions A and B, types 19 and lb cancels respectively, 2gr, type 13 cancel, 1861 ¼ gr, two copies , reproduction s A and B, types 46 and 14 cancels respectively, l gr type 22 cancel, 2gr, two copies, reproduction A and C, "19" and "49" cancels respectively ................................................................................. (Photo) Est. Cash Value $800-1 ,000


SAXONY: 1850 3pf, reproduction B , " 16" ca nce l (Plate 55) ................ ...................... .(Photo) Est. Cas h Va lue $ I 00


WURTTEMBERG: 1852 18kr, "4c" cance l (Plate 56) ...............................................(Photo) Est . Cash Value$ 100


TWO SICILIES: Naples;l860 ½ t, reproduct ion . " Id" cance l .................... ............. (Photo) Est. Cas h Va lue$ 100

33 1

½ t, reproduction B, framed ANNULLATO cance l ....................................................... (Photo) Est. Cas h Value $ 100


½ t, reproduction C, type 2d cance l .................................. ...... .............. ........ .......... ........ (Photo) Est. Cas h Value$ I00


PARMA: 1859 80c, reproduction B and C, both unused, former with 4mm pen marks at right of stamp, also Sardini a 185 1 Sc, type 5 ca nce l ............ .................................................................. (Photo) Est. Cas h Value $250-300


SARDINIA : 1855--61 10c, inverted head, on small piece, genuine cancel, B.P.A.'s B.P.A. SPERATI handstamp across corner of stamp ................................................................................ ....(Photo) Est. Cash Value $125


PHILIPPINESS: 1863 2r, unused ..................................................................


SPAIN :1860 6r, reproduction B, unused, lOr, type 1 cancel, 1851 2r, reproduction A, 6r, both type 1 cancels , 1853 2r, margins small at top right and bottom left, and Sr, both type 4 cancels, 186~1 19c, cancel probably genuine, Madrid 1853 le , small margins, reproduction A, type 1 cancel ......(Photo) Est. Cash Value $700-800

.............. (Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 100


ZURICH: 1843 4r, type , I , II , IV and V, types I and IV vert. lines, II and V horiz. lines, all rosette cancels .............................................................................................................................. .........(Photo) Est . Cash Value $500


6r, types II , III and IV, a ll ve11. lines and unused ...... .......... .............................. ..(Photo) Est. Cash Value $350-40 0


GENEVA : 1843 I0c , ri ght half of Do ubl e Ge neva, reprodu ctio n B , ty pe II ro se tte ca nce l , s ig ned ........................................................... .............................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Va lue $ 125


1848 Sc, Large Eagle, type V, rosette ca nce l .......................................... ...................... (Photo) Est . Cas h Val ue $ 125

34 1

VAUD:1850 4c, pair, on large piece, reproduction B, each stamp caned. by type Vd rosette (Plate 104) and marked "Co pie" by the French Co urt at Chamber y and ha nd sta mped SPE RAT I by th e B.P. A . ............................................................... .......................................................................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $500


4c, reproduction A, Geneva grill type 101c cancel (Plate 105), Sc, caned . by part GENEVE 10 MAI 51 8½S (Plate 106) and type II rosette (Plate 104) ........................................ ........................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $250


Sc , two copi es, one ca ned. by Federa l g rill , o th er by Gene va g rill a nd s m a ll part of s in g le c ir c le ....................................... .................................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cas h Value $250


NEUCHATEL: 1850 Sc , reproduction B , two copies , one w ith b lue Federa l gr ill , ot her w ith black ............................................ ....................................................................................(Photo) Est. Cas h Value $200-2 50


FEDERAL ADMIN ISTRATION : 1850 Orts-Poste 2½r , pair, reproducti o ns A and B, frame aro und c ross, Federal grill cance l .................................... ...... ............................................................... (Photo) Est. Cas h Value $200


2½ r, pair, reprod uct ions A and B , without frame aro und cross , " P .O." cance l ........... (Photo) Est. Cas h Va lue $200


2½r, pair , reproduct io ns A and B , w itho ut fra me aro und cross , boxed PP (268, Pl ate 106), signe d ............................................................. ........................................................................... (Photo) Est. Cas h Va lue $200


Poste Locale 2½r, reprod uction G, witho ut frame aro und cross. unu sed ..................... (Photo) Est. Cas h Valu e $ 125


2½r, pair, reproduction s A and B , frame aro und cross, Zur ich rosette cance l, signed (Photo) Est. Cash Va lue $200


2½ r, reprodu ctions A, D , E, G , all with frame aro und cross and all caned . P.P. exce pt A with Fede ral grill , D cance l (243b, Plate 5) ........................................................................................................ (Photo) Est. Cash Va lue $350-400 36



{&f A;,, -

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Cati. Val. 35 1

1850 Ra y on I Sr , re p ro du c t io ns A a nd B , bo th w ith frame aro und cross a nd Fe dera l g ri ll ca nce ls ............................................................................................................ ............................ (Photo) Est. Cash Value $200


Rayon II l0r , re p ro du cti o ns A a nd B , bo th w ith fr ame aro und cross and F e de ra l g rill ca nce ls ........................................................ ....................................... .........................................(Photo) Est . Cas h Value $250


1852 Rayon III lSr , small figures , reproduction B , Federa l grill cance l, signed ........(Photo) Est. Cas h Value $ 100


URUGUAY: 1856 60c, type I , 80c, both reproduction Band unused, 1858 180c, reproduction B, unused, 240c , two copies , reproduction A, "d" cancel (Plate 143), reproduction D, unused , 1859 100c, reproduction A, "e" cancel (Plate 143), C with "d" cancel and D with static cancel (Plate 140) .....(Photo) Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000 The remainder of 11 reproductions , incl. Argentina , Belgian Congo , Russian Levant, Geneva, Turkey, all but two caned. Excellent variety .............. ............... .......................... (Photo) Est. Cash Value $750-1,000



UNITED STATES: 1857-61 90c blue, "used" ........ .......................... .................... ........(Photo) Est. Cash Value $75


1902-03 le blue green (5) and Sc blue (2), "used coils", also 1910-17 "Perf 12 vert.", o.g. strip of four, all with A.P.S. Ce rts ........... ............................ .......... .............................................. .............. ............... Est . Cash Value $75- 100

358 181

19th and 20th Centur y, group of over 29 covers , co mpr . mos tl y Pa rce l Pos t , a lso so me o th e r ............... ........................................... ........................................................ ............................Es t. Cash Value $200-3 00


BRITISHCOLUMBIA AND VANCOUVER ISLAND: Sperati 1865 Imperf Sc rose , neatly "cancelled", extremely fine. Not handstamped. B.P.A . Cert. (1998) .................. .................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $300-400

360 181

BURMA: Japanese Occupation; A staggering selection of over 100 stamps and 25 covers, all still on auction company lot sheets with printed catl. numbers and values , some dupl. ..................... .Est. Cash Value $500-750

36 1

CANADA: 1899 Port Hood Provisionals l (c) on "left vertical half'' of 3c, neatly "tied" on small piece . B.P .A. Cert. ( 1998) stating" ...not prepared to certify ...unless on cove r." .............. ...........(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 150-200


le on "right vertical third" of 3c, "tied" on small piece bear ing portion of another stamp . B.P .A. Cert. ( 1997) ........................... ............................................ ................. ........................................(Photo) Est . Cas h Value $ 150- 200

363 181

INDIAN FEUDATORY STATES: Jammu & Kashmir; (?)a yellow , pair on reverse of ½a stationery ......................................................... ............................................................................ ..(Photo) Est. Cash Value $100


BRITISH AND EUROPE: Four British and four European , all with Royal Certs. , some fabulous copies, also Swiss Post card. Useful group .............. ............... ............. ............ ........... ............................ Est. Cash Value $300-400


FOREIGN: Interesting assortment of about 30 classics from Europe or South America , plus other Austria coll. of about 130 generally more recent issues, few U.S., quality varies from mostly professional to crude . .......................................... ............................ .....................................................................Est. Cash Value $600-800


Selection of ten singles and Oldenburg ¼ g orange "strip of five" on piece , other German States , Belgium , etc., "mint or used" , and 11 Sismondo Certs. Nice selection ........................ ........................... ...Est . Cash Value $250-3 50


367 181

POST OFFICE VICTORIA VANCOUVER ISLAND PAID blue oval handstamp on envelope (missing one back flap) bearing U.S. 1861 24c grayish lilac, very fine, tied by SAN FRANCISCO FEB 13 1865 duplex , red New York Br. Pkt. Paid 10 and London receiver. Greene Foundation Cert. (1984) ..............................................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 A bright,fr esh cove r


10c black Die proof, 93x61mm , dated Mar, 10. 1865, m s . " 7189 " and initialed , very fine .....................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (4DP)) Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500 A very rare p roof




L •






Ca ti. Val.


369 0

IMPERFORATE: Sc rose , margins except in place s, blue VICTO RIA ova l ca nce l, fin e appeara nce ....................................................... ................................................................. .................................... (Photo) (3)




PERFORATED 14: Sc rose, tied by blue "35" in grid on Wells, Fargo & Co. franked 3c pink front bearing U.S . 1861 le and 10c , vertical pair , red LONDON MY 12 66 receiver. Ex Consul Weinberger ............................................................................................. ......................... (Photo) (5) Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000



25c on 3p orange, very fine tied by clear "35 " in grid cancel on neat mourning cover (o ne back flap missing ) by steamer to Quesnellemouth , blue VICTORIA B.C. JUN (?) 1871 c.d.s. S.G. 31 ............................................ .......................................................(Cover Photo) (11) Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500 Quesnel/emourh. deep in rhe Cariboo dis rricr. is a wonderfu lly remore desrinarion. Only 12 covers exis rfranked by a sing le copy of rhe pe,fora red 14 25c. eighr are ro rhe Inferior and four are addressed ro England. This cover is rhefines r of all.


6p olive green , clear to good margins, neat "23" in grid cance l, very fine. S .G. 3. £700 ...................... ...(Photo) (2)


3p red , full margin s all round , very fine , nea tl y ti e d by "23 ·• in g rid o n e n ve lo p e (so me back flap fa ult s) to Bu c to uc he bearin g on reverse RI C HIB UC TO OCT 25 1858 point of o ri g in . S.G. I , £650 ...............................................(Photo) (SG I) Est. Cash Value $300-350 .................................. ......................................................






375 pp

6p olive yellow, SHEET MARGI COPY, margins all round , extremel y fine, tied by near grid in oval on folded letter sheet to ew York bearing large red "10 " hand sta mp , on reverse ST. JOH NEW BRUNSWICK AP 27 1857 c.d.s. Gilbert and Maier handstamps front and reverse. Ex Consul Weinberger. A lovely exa mpl e paying rhe six pence rare ro rhe Uni1ed Srares .................... (Photo) (2) Est. Cash Value $500-750 Sc brown , Sc brown violet (2), three distincti ve proof s, one perforat e d , mi xe d condition ............................................................................... .......................................(Photo) (Sp) Est . Cash Value $100-1 50 40





Sp brown violet , STRIP OF THREE and SINGLE , all stamps margins all round and very fine except for light file crea se through one stamp , tied by grids on blue folded letter bearing red ST. JOHN'S NEWFOUNDL AND PAID MY 31 1858 c.d .s., ms. "Per Steamer and red crayon "¼ ", on reverse Cape Breton Nova Scotia receiver. Ex Consul Weinberger ...(Cover Photo) (5) Est. Cash Value $20 ,000-30 ,000

This heretof ore undocumented cover, which has not been seen since before WWII, is stunning in all respects . It is the highest fr anked pence cover at twenty pence, eclipsing the three til'nes six pence cover. The earliest known usage of the five p ence, it is in exceptional condition . 41



. {.

-~s-.¡, ~


377 181

1861-62 Tffi RD ISSUE: Used to Baltimore ; 4p deep rose lake , mar gins aU round , very fine, tied by grid on folded lette r (file folds and rewritten addressing) bearing red ST JOH N'S NEW BRUNSWICK PAID SP 24 1862 c.d.s. and BOSTON OCT 4 5 receiver/du e marking , Ernst Stook hand stamp on reverse. Ex Consul Weinberger . A lovely fresh cover .............. .............. ................................. (Photo ) (18) Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000

THE EARLIE ST USAGE OF THE 1861 FOUR PENCE From the Rober t Pratt Collection 378 181

4p deep lake , pale color, marg ins to cut in, filing crease and tear , tied by oval grid cancel on blue folded letter sheet to Baltimore bearing red ST JOHNS JY 30 62 c.d.s. , small BOSTON BR. PKT. tran sit and ms. "v ia Halifa x". B.P.A. Cert. (1986). S.G. 17 .......................................................(Photo ) (18) Est . Cash Value $500-600


ESSAY : Circa 1880 2c brown red , unadapted essay for 2c value (adopted as 3c), perf. 11 ½ at a later dat e, ungu mmed , corner defect s, brilliant fresh , very fine appearanc e. Royal and Brandon Certs. (2000 and 1988 respectively). Rare if not unique ............................................... ....... ......................................... ..............(Photo ) (33E)


Cati. Val.



* 38 1 *






Ip , o.g., good to large margins, creases, fresh, bright color, extremely fine appearance. S.G. £2000 ......(Photo) (1) Ip , traces of o.g., clear to large margins, fresh, very fine. S.G. £2000 ..................................... ..............(Photo) (1)


2,100.00 2,100.00

384 0

Used Copies Ip , deep shade, good to large margins, lightly caned., extremely fine. S.G. £400 ................................(Photo) (1) Ip , good margins all round , virtual face-free cancel. very fine. S.G. £400 ..............................................(Photo) (I) Ip, margins all round , bold ova l grid cancels, rich co lor , almost very fine. S.G. £400 ............................(Photo) ( I)


385 0

Ip , clear to good margins , lightly caned. , almost very fine. S.G . £400 ............. ................ ........................(Photo) ( I)


382 0 383 0

450.00 450.00


* 387 *

3p, unused , margins all round , fresh, almost very fine. S.G. 3. £900 ......................................... .................(Photo) (2) 1857 3p pale blue, o.g., mostly large margins all round , fresh, very fine. S.G. 4, £750 ..................... .(Photo) (2a)






6p yellow green, some original gum, good to large margin s all round , very fine. Ex Koh. Greene Foundation Cert. (1999). S.G. 5, £4000 ........................... ............................... .................(COVE R Photo) (4)


A very rare stamp; less than 20 examples are known, with only a few having gum 389


6p, unused , margin s all round , insignificant corner crease, fine. S.G. 5, £4000. A very rare stamp unused ................................................... ...................................................................................................................(Photo) (4)


Used Copies 390 0

3p, SHEET MARGIN COPY , good to enormous margin , lightl y caned., extremely fine. S.G. 5, £450 .......................................................................................... .................. ................... .......................................(Photo ) (4)

39 1 0

3p, good to huge margins, lightly caned ., very fine. S.G. 5, £450 .............................................................(Photo) (4) 3p, margins all round , neatly caned ., very fine. S.G. 5, £450 ................................................................... (Photo) (4)

392 0


500.00 500 .00 500 .00

Cat i. Val.




6p , full original gum, good to lar ge margins a ll round except one spot , rich color , fine. Richter Cert. (1996). S.G. 6, ÂŁ 10,000 ..........................................................................................................(Cove r Photo ) (5)


Only fo urteen unused copies ex ist of the 6p deep green, makin g it one of the world 's rares t stamps and probab ly the rares t in British North Am erica


lsh, mostly large margin s all round , ver y light grid cancel and small part red transit marking , lovely true color , very fine. Ex Kanai .............................................................. .........................(Cover Photo ) (SG7 )

394 0





3p blue , BIS ECT, four-margin single , two copies , tied by gr ids to small envelope (top flap dama ge) bearing ms . "C losed Ma il for Ca nad a", on r ever se WOLFVILLE AU 22 1859 origin c.d.s. , Halifax transit and Montreal r eceiver. Ex Consul Weinberger ...........(Photo ) (2c) Est . Cas h Value $1,000- 1,500 The last known examp le of the.five docu111 e111 ed of this very rare rate to Canada via Boston



3p blue , margi ns all round , fine , tied on blu e enve lop e to Montrea l bearing ms. " via Portland ", on reverse WINDSOR OC 14 1859 or igin c. d. s., New Brun sw ick transit an d Montrea l receiver ................................. ....................................................................................... (Photo ) (3) Est. Cash Value $300-400 44


Cati. Val.


397 0 398 0 399 0 400 0 40 1 0

3p (toward oran ge vermili on), SHEET MARGIN COP Y, good to lar ge margin s other sides, neatl y caned. , bri ght color , extr emely fine. S.G . 1, £650 .................................................................................................(Photo ) (1) 3p red , hu ge margins all round , light seven-rin g cancel, extr emely fine. S.G. £650 ............................(Photo ) (1) 3p , good to lar ge mar gins all round , on-th e-nose seven-rin g cancel, deep color , extremel y fine . S.G. 1, £650 ......................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (1)

800.00 800.00 800.00

3p , SHEE T MARGI N PAIR , lar ge to clear mar gins oth er sides, left stamp almo st cancel free, brilliant color , extr emely fine. S.G. 1, £1300+ Love ly p a ir ................. ........... .................................. ............. ......... ............ (Photo ) (1) 1,600.00+ lp , PAIR , good to enormou s margins all round , six-rin g cancels, extr emely fine. S.G . l , £1300+ .....(Photo ) (1) 1,600.00+






403 0

6p, distincti ve laid lines, good to large margins all ro und , lightly caned., fresh color , extrem ely fine. S.G. 2, £900 .............................................................................................................. ........................................................(Photo ) (2) 6p , good to enormou s mar gins all round , lightl y caned ., extremely fine. S.G. 2, £900 ........................(Photo ) (2)

404 0

6p , good margin s all round , smudged cancel, very fine. S.G . 2, £900 ......................................................(Photo ) (2)


402 0

405 0

6p br own purpl e, margins all round to enorm ous at sides showing portion of adjoinin g stamp at right , on-th e-nose seven-rin g cancel, sup erb. B.P.A. Ce rt. (2001). S.G. 3, £1200 ...................(Cover Photo ) (2b)




1852-55 WOVE PAPER

406 406 0 407 0


3p red , distin ctive PR E-PRI NTI G CREASE , lightly can ed. , fres h ....................................................(Photo ) (4) 3p , ribb ed paper , large margins all round , lightly caned .. small thin, vivid color, extremely fine appearance. S.G . 22 . £400 ..............................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (4c)


450 .00

Cati. Val.


408 0 409 0 4 10 0 41 1 0 4 12 0 4 13 0 4 14 0 4 15 0

6p , close to large margins, lightly caned. , very fine. S.G. 9, £950 .......................................................... (Photo) (5) 6p slate violet, clear to large margins, six-ring cancel , very fine. S.G. 9, £950 ..................................... (Photo) (5) 6p brownish gray , clo se to mostly large margin s, concentric rings cancel, very fine. S.G. 11, £1100 ..................................... ...............................................................................................................................(Photo) (Sa) 6p greenish gray, SHEET MARGI I COPY, clear to enormous margins, li ghtl y caned ., very fin e. S.G . 10, £9 50 .............. ...................................................................................................................... ................................(Photo) (5b) 6p, clear to mostly very large margins, concentric rings cancel, very fine. S.G. 10, £950 .................(Photo) (Sb) 6p clear to large margins all round, li ghtl y caned., fin e. S.G . I 0 , £95 0 ......................................... .......(Photo) (5b) 1855 CARTIER: lOp deep blue , very Thin Wove Paper , close to enormous margin s showing portion of adjoining stamp at left, very fine. S.G. 15, £1200 ....................................................................................(Photo) (7) lOp blue , frame lin e just touched one spot to very large margin s, li ghtl y caned .. fin e. S.G. 15, £ 1200 .......................................................................... .................................... ........................................................(Photo) (7)



1,000.00 1,000.00 1,750.00 1,250.00

1,250.00 1,250.00

1,250.00 1.250 .00


1857 ISSUE 4 .16 0

4 17 0

½ prose , good to enormous margins showing portion of adjoining stamp at right, neat "21" in three-ring cancel , beautiful deep color, extremely fine. S.G. 17, £425 ........................................ ...................... .......(Photo) (8) 7 ½ p green , good to enormous margins, lightly caned. by grid , incredibly deep rich color , extremely fine. B.P.A. Cert. (2001)S.G. 12, £1500 .......................................... ..................................... (Cover Photo) (9)



We have never seen such luxuriant color as in this stamp

1852-55 USED TO NEW YORK 4 18 t:,

6p bluish black, good to large margins all round, very fine, tied by numeral in four-ring cancel on small front bearing red CANADA in arc and matching KINGSTO JU 23 1857 c.d.s. Ex Consul Weinberger. Very pretty ........................................................ ..............................................................................................................(Photo) (5)

4 19 181

6p greenish gray, large margins all round, scissors cut, ti ed by grid cancel and red CANA DA in framed arc on fo lded lener (back flap problems) bearin g PORT SARNlA JY I 1856 c.d.s. and on back fl ap LO DON U.C. transit ............................... ......................... ...................................................................................... (Photo) (Sb) Est. Cash V alue $400-500

420 181

1859 Machine-Made Thick Wove Paper 6p s late v iolet , large to e normou s margin s, extremely tine , tied by oval grids on cross border envelope (with enclosure) to Morris , N.Y. bearing red KINGSTON U.C NO 17 88 c.d.s. and matching CANADA in framed arc. S.G. 27a , from £6750 ...................... ............................. ...................................................(Photo) (Sd) Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500

42 1 181

1857 ISSUE: ½ p, good margins all round, very fine, ti ed by li ght grid on blue print ed circular bearin g PORT HOP E 5AUG 1858 c.d . . receiver on reverse. S.G . 17, fr om £8 50 ............. ....(Photo) (8) Est. Ca h Va lue $400- 500

422 0

10c black brown , li ght numeral cancel. thin s. usual centerin g. beauti fu l tru e co lor and exce ll ent refe rence copy ............................................................ ........................................................................................................(Photo) ( 16)



3,250 .00





THE TWENTY -FIVE CENT RATE TO BRITISH COLUMBIA Only fift een such covers exist

4 I C ioV


==/. i ~y~/ ~ .




i----1- ~p74


L:4~£; 424






423 181

10c brown , VE RTICAL PAIR , fine , Sc ve rmilion , fine , tied by "18 " in target cance ls onlemon e nve lope bearing KI GSTON C.W JA 21 63 c.d.s. Ex Dal e/ Lichten s tein .................................................. ..................................................(Photo) (17B) Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,250 is an extr emely rare rate There are no other existing examples of the 25c rate to Canada. There are two exampl es only of the fif ty cems double rare and these were off ered in the Smarr, Jeph.con and Groten sales . The twelve and one half cents pair is, therefore, pr obably unique . 424 181

10c brown, two fair copies, Sc vermilion, tine, tied by six-ring target cancels on buff envelope (damaged flaps) bearing KYLMER AU 18 92 datestamp and s.l. "Too Late", on reverse ms. notation "Returned to Kylmer for more postage" and two diff . each dated LONDON and ST. THOMAS U.C. cance ls . Ex Dale/Lichtenstein ............................................................(Photo) (17b,15) Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,250 This correctly f ranked cover was probably not pa id all the way ro Li/looers Flats, which is deep in the interior.

425 181

12½c yellow green, PA[R , fine, caned. by "31" in target cancels on envelope (missing one flap) bearing SARNIA C.W JY 30 62 c.d.s ., red s.l. CANADA PAID 10 cts with ms. "25" over written, large "3" handstamp, red ms. "22" with part of address crossed through for redirecting to San Francisco in Oct. 61. Ex Dale/Lichtenstein ...................................................................(Photo) (18) Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,250

EXTENS IONS AND EXPERTISING Any lots placed on extens ion for must be submitt ed by H.R . Hanner. Sub mission by the purchaser will nullify any extension request. Therefore , upon notification of purchases , please cont act M.issAlison Harmer by mail, telephone, fax or email with the lot numbers you wish submit ted. Please also advise whose name you wish on the certificate. Spec ial arrangement s have been made to expedit e thi s material. Thank you


Cat i. Val.







. .~ ·~

429 432 426 O t:::. 1868-76 LARGE QUEEN ISSUE : le yellow orange, two copies, used on portion of 1869 newspaper banner, neatly caned . by CW DEC 3 1869 c .d .. , fine ........................................................ (Photo) (23) Est. Ca h Value $ 150 427 * EE 1870-89 , SMALL QUEEN ISSUE : ½c black, PART PANE of 100, compr. top PI. No. Imprint plus Imprints at right and bottom, n.h. to o.g., some faults incl. creasing, mixed condition to extremely fine. S.G. £1000+ .......................................... ....................................................................................................(34) Est. Cash Value $ 150




428 429 PP

* 43 1 * 432 * 430

$2 dark purple, very l.h. if at all, vivid color, extremely fine. S.G. £700 .............................................(Photo) (62) $3 ye ll ow bi str e, pl ate pr oof o n ca rd affi xe d to t hin ca rd s, 138 x 100mm , ve ry fin e ......................................................... ................................................................... ...(Photo) (65P Est. Cash Value $ 150 $3 yellow bistre, o .g .. (hinge remnant) , small th in , deep color and brilliant fresh , very fine appearance (Photo) (63) $4 purple, o .g ., fresh. love ly co lor. very fine. S.G. £800 ........................................ ...................... ............(Photo) (64) $5 olive gree n, o.g .. tra ce of thinnin g. deep fresh co lor and we ll ce ntere d. very fine appe arance. S .G . £800 ............ ................................................................................................................................................ .......(Photo) (65) 50


975.00 975.00 975.00

Cati. Val.


<Z.., • 1 ~·~~-~ = '!"".,.. ...,;_, ..~''7-,e


SJ! o1!}



XG 88A


. ...•• . •








**ffi2002 1938 PICTORI AL: Comp!. set , bottom left or right Plate Unitrade

1919 Siberian Expedition Force Mar 25 c.d.s. on Jap anese militar y lett er sheet to Hilea , Hawaii, bearin g ms. "On Active Service " . Rare usage .......... ................................................ ....... .......(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $250-300 Mar 25 c.d. s. on YM CA bicolor ed en ve lop e , bea rin g m s . " On Acti ve Se rvice " ...............................................................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $200-250 o. blocks of four , n.h. , very fine to extr emely fine. Can. $1177 ................................................................................................................(Photo) (241-45)


438 DP

1949 4c black trial Die proof on India on card , no " PO ST AGE -PO ST ES" INSCRIPTIO N, numb er ed XG884, mount ed on card , extr emely fine .......................................................................................(Phot o) (287TD) Circa 1950, selection of 16 Die proof s on card mount ed on card , some cut to near stamp size, couple of trial colors, one vignette, War Tax 1940-41 25c carmin e die sunk on card. , eight diff. of the 16 proofs, fine to very fine .........................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000 Circa 1950, selection of 15 Die proof s on card mount ed on large card , incl. one ewfoundl and , some cut to near stamp size, #286 unfini shed design, black and oth er trial colors, Air Post CS fr ame only, etc., fine to very fine. Sca rce offe ring ...................... ............ ..................... ........... .....(Photo page 78) Est. Cash Value $500-750 51


Cati. Val. 439 '8l

19th and 20th Century, accum. of about 100 covers in box, incl. stampless from all points , but mostly U.C. and L.C. , with Legislat ive Assembly and House of Comn1ons, variety of franking s and date stamps , incl. FREE, MORE TO PAY , ms. "Paid", TOO LATE, SffiP, STEAMBOAT LETTER, Regis., etc ., many in red, also tum-of-the-century and later advertising covers or corner cards , misc. Great Britain and U.S. incl. two patriotic , faulty or mixed condition to some fine to very fine. Worth careful inspection ...............Est . Cash Value $500-750

440 '8l

Accum . of several hundred item s in carton, incl. modern covers. but much turn-of-the-century and a bit later with quaint picture post cards, many multicolored, incl. hotels, scenes. humorous, etc., postal cards, OHMS, slogan cancels, etc ., also some U.S . and foreign , mixed condition .................................................Est. Cash Value $ 150-250

44 1 * O16l20th Century, coll. of man y hundred on pages in ring-binder , vast majority n.h .. few o.g. or used, mostly Pl. blks of 4 to 1980s , also blks, coils . few Souvenir sheets and sheetlets. Regular issues to $5, Montreal Olympics, etc., fine to very fine ............................................... ..................................... ..................................Est. Cash Value $75-100 442 * O ffi OFFICIALS: Perforated O.H.M.S; 1930s and 1940s, coll. of about 100 on page s, n.h. or l.h., few used , incl. 1938 Pictorials . 1942-43 War Effort , 1946 Peace set , bac k-of-book, 11 blks o f 4 , etc., fine to very fine ..............................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $200-250




19th and 20th Century, coll. of several hundred diff. on Specialty page s, n.h. to unused , primarily Canada and Newfoundland, couple British Columbia, incl. bett er early items with Larg e and Small Queen issues, Jubilee to $1, mostly compl. sets thereafter , Airs, Postage Due, War Tax , Newfoun dland also with early item s and later compl. sets, minor dupl , so me faults, overall fine to very fine ................................................... .........................................................................Est. Cash Value $2,500-3,000

445 * O

446 * O


19th Century, classic selection of imperforate issue s of Canada ( 13), Nova Scotia (18), P.E.I. (3), Vancouver Is. (1), most used , with margins and of very fine appearance , some with small fault s, plus two Nova Scotia 3p covers. Scott $16,000+ .................................... .................... .......Est. Cash Value $2,500

Coll. of several hundred on page s, o.g. to unused or used , Canada incl. several imperf Beaver 3p red , Large and Small Queen issues incl. shades , Jubilee incl. $3 hand sta mped SPECIMEN , back-of-book incl. Regis., fair selection of Newfoundland, also Briti sh Columbia , New Brun swick , Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Is. , fault y or mixed condition with some stuck down ........Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000

Coll. on pages and accum. on stock sheet s in box , n.h. to unused or used . incl. Large and Small Queen types with cancels and shades, some comp!. sets, back-of-book, quantities of some incl. Air Spec ial Delivery 17c, coils, Newfoundland coll., etc., mixed condition ..........................................................................Est. Cash Value $300- 350

BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AND FOREIGN ANTIGUA: 1862 Unwmkd; Rough Perf 14 to 16 6p blue green, o.g., very fine. S.G . £800 ................(Photo ) (1)


448 * O

ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires; 1858 Steamship 1 (in) pesos light brown , two copies, one ungummed , other lightly caned. , both very fine .................... .............................................. ......................................... .............(Photo ) ( I )


449 TCP

AUSTRALIAN STATES: QUEENSLAND; 1897-1900 2½ p , seven diff. perfed color trials on wmkd. stamp paper , o.g. (hinge remnant ), one with few clipped perf s, fin e to ve r y fine. Ex Manuel Galvez ............................................................................................................................... (Photo ) Est. Cash Value $100-150




45 1 '8l

452 * O

AUSTRALIA: 1913 Wmkd. Wide Crown and Wide A £1 ultramarin e & brown , top edge of sheet wmk. o.g., bright , fresh colors , fine. S.G.£1100 .............................. .......................................................... ...............(Photo ) (14)


AUSTRIA: 19th and 20th Centur y, selection of over 1500 items in carton , mostl y covers incl. several classic issues, commercial mail , FDCs, Airs , Semis, sets, mint and used station er y, etc., mixed condition wide ranging selection ...................................................................................... Est. Cash Value $1,200-1,500 Coll. of many hundred in Specialty album , l.h. to unused or used , mostly pre-WWII , incl. slightl y better early items , reference and reprint s, Semis, Airs , extensive back-of-book , incl. dupl. , Office s Abroad and Lombard y-Venetia , mixed condition to fine to very fine ..............................................Est. Cash Value $500-750

453 ** O 1945 to 1983, coll. of several hundred diff. in 2 Davo albums with slipca ses, n.h. , issues almost comp!., incl. sets, better Semis and Airs, misc. back-of-book incl. a few used. generally very fine ........Est. Cash Value $400-5 00 454 '8l 455 0

LOMBARDY-VENETIA: 1850 Imp erf Sc orange , large margins all round , very fine, neatly tied no local folded letter sheet (no side flaps) bearing 1857 REGGIO receiver on reverse ..................(Photo ) ( I c) Est. Cash Value $250

I ,000 .00

AZORES: 1868 Imperf Sr black , margin s all round , enormous three sides , neat "48" in grid cancel, thins, very fine appearance. Signed H . Bloch ................................................................................................................ (Photo) ( I )



Cati. Val.

* * 458 * 456




BAHAMAS 1861 Unwmkd. Perf 14 to 16 lp lake, unused, very fine. S.G. 4, £750 ...................................................(Photo) (2) 6p pale dull lilac, unused , very fine. S.G. 6a, £3000 ..............................................................................(Photo) (4a) 1884-90 Crown CA £1 brown, o .g., fine. S.G. 57. £275 ....................... .................................................. (Photo) (32) 1910 to 1970s, issues almost comp!. on Specialty pages and a few stock sheets, n.h . to o.g., mostly co mp!. sets and Souvenir sheets, also Special Delivery and War Tax comp!. , fine to very fine ............ Est. Ca h Value $250-300 BARBADOS: 1873 Wmkd . Small Star Ssh dull rose, unu ed, rich true co lor, ve ry fine. B.P.A. Cert. ( 1962). S.G. 64 , £950 .................................. .......................... ............ ............. ................................. ....................... (Photo) (43) BECHUANALA D: 1887 Wmkd. Orb £1 lilac & black, very l.h., fresh and perfectly centered , extremely fine. S.G. 20, £800 ..................................................................................................................................... (Photo) (21) BELG TUM AND BELGIAN CONGO: 1950s and 60s, stock of a few thousand in sheet album , n.h., mostly co mp!. sets in blk , part or comp!. shee ts, incl. Semi s, varying quantities of cheaper issues, ge nerall y very fine ................. .............. ............ ........ ................. ..................................... ................ .....................Est. Cas h Value $300-3 50 BRITISH EAST AFRICA: 1890 Wmkd . Imperial Crown ½ a on lp lilac, la on 2p green & carmine rose, l.h .. very fine. S.G. £725 ................................................................................................................. ..........(Photo) ( 1,2) 1891-95 Manuscript Surcharge ½ a on 3a black on red, initialed T.E.C.R." (Remington), o.g ., fresh. fine. S .G . 3 I , £42 5 .............................................. ...................... ........... ........................... .................................. ..(Photo) (34) 1898 Crown CC 20r yellow green, o.g. (hinge remnant ) . fresh , very fine. S.G. 98. £650 .................... (Photo) ( 108) BRITISH GUIA A: 1875 Perf 15 24c yellow green , part of papermaker 's wmk , l.h. , extremely fine. S.G. 114,£ 600+ ..................... ................................................................ ....................................................(Photo) (71) BRITISH HONDURAS: 1891 Surcharge Error red 6c on IOc on 4p violet, "6" and bar inverted , l.h ., initialed in ink on reve rse. fresh, fine. S.G. 43a , £42 5 .............................................................. ........................... ..(Photo) (34a)

* 461 * 462 **IBI 460





* * 467 *

465 466


900.00 3,250.00 325.00




525.00+ 450.00

Cati. Val.

BURMA OCCUPATION ST AMPS 468 ** ll:il1942 May Double Ovpt. in blue on 3p slate , Block of Forty, most;y n.h. with flat gum, generally fine to very fine. S.G. 22a, £400+ ....................................................................................................................................(lNl var. ) 469 O l!ll Wmkd. Elephant 's Head 6p bright blue, u ed blk of six, neatly caned ., very fine. S .G. 127, £300+ ......(Photo) ( I N6) 470 0 6p, used bl.kof four, on-th e-nose c .d.s. ca nce l, very fine. S.G. 127, £200+ ............................................(Photo) ( I N6) 47 1 * llll Overprinted on Officials 4a greenish blue , CORNER MARGIN BLOCK OF 24, mostly n.h. , but dull gum and toned , generally fine to very fine. S.G. J32, £1008+ ................................................................................(lNll ) 1942 2r dark violet & red brown , very fine, tied by RED SEAL CHOP on FDC (ink pricing at bottom ) to a 472 181 Rangoon Military Camp. S.G. Jl9. £150 for used stamp Very attractive ..(Photo ) (1N44) Est. Cash Value $150 473


JAPANESE OCCUPATION 1942 Perf. 13 8a on 8s dark purple & pale violet, o.g. , pape r interl eav ing in reve rse, very fine. Signed Rowe ll. S.G. 53,£ 190.........................................................................................................................................(Photo) (2NI0)

474 * llll 1943 Feb. Sc scarlet , MARGIN BLOCK OF SIX, ungummed , very fine. S.G. J72, £96+. These stamps were normally sold attached to envelopes. Unused blocks are extremely rare ............................ .................(Photo) (2N29)





NO 683 45 18.

0. M. .I' h Jlo JAP. r"1tLY. CAMP~ Mom..MEiN RANGOO N. BURMA. ::r,'~Ct.ERK, OFFICE OF S D.

.,. .,

Cati. Val.

47 5

* [!i]

1943 Aug. Sc carmine , IMPERFORATE SHEET MARGIN BLOCK OF SIX, ungummed , extremely fine. S.G. J87c , £135+. Rare mu lriple ........... ...... ................ ....... ................. ...................................... ....(Photo) (2N40 var.)

476 * EE Oct. Shan States set of seven, BLOCKS OF FOUR, n.h.(3)/o.g.( l), usual gum, fine to very fine. S.G . 198- 104 , £340 + ................................................................................................................... ....................................... (Photo) (2N5 l- 57)

* 478 *

Remainder group of 15 stamps on approval cards, mostly o.g. , incl. S.G. 113, 26, J85b , J56fa and betw. 147 and 64 , plus others, also 8 forger ies , genera lly very fine. S .G. £755 ......................................................................................... .


CAMBODIA: Air Post; 1953 to 1964, small selection on stock sheets, n.h . or l.h., incl. imperf singles and pairs (so me s hee t ma rg in s), #C I0 -1 8 epre u ves de lu xe, Cl8 im pe r f sheet le t of 4 , e tc. , f ine to ve ry fin e ............................................................. .......... ........ .......................................(C l-23P , etc .) Es t. Cas h Value $400-600 CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: 1853 to 1864, group of six dilT., incl. 4p steel blue (S.G . 19c), good to enormous margins all round exce pt 4p milky blue touched in places, a few small faults, fi ne appeara nce. B.P.A. Cert. ( 14, 1984) and Roya l (19c , J 992). S.G. 3 , 4 , 8, 14 , 18, 19c , £2565 .......................................................................( I ,2,6,9 ,l 2a , 13 var.)

479 0

480 0

48 1






1853 Deepl y Blued Paper lp pale brick red, large part o.g. , ample to enormou s margin s, barely discernible marks and rubbing on front, lovely rich color and even overall deep bluing , very fine. Ex Dale/Lichtenstein. B.P.A. Cert. (1990). S.G. 1, £3500 ................................................(Cover Photo) (la )

3,500 .00

CAYMAN ISLANDS: 1907-09 Surcharged 2½ p on 4p brown & blue, l.h., very fine. S.G. 35, £1500 ........................................ ......................................................................................................(Cover Photo) (20)


1907-09 Multiple Crown CA Edward VII Reve nue Prov ision al lp on 4p black & red on yellowi sh, surcharge inverted , o.g. , light horiz. crease , very fine appearance. See footnote after S.G. MPS. Rarely seen ............................................... .................................. .......................... ........................................... (Photo) (SG 29 var.)


War Tax; 1917 Surcharged l ½ p on 2½ p ultramarin e, o.g. (hi nge remna nt), fres h , fi ne. S.G. 55 , £700 ....................................................... .................................................... ............................. ........................(Photo) (MR3)

900 .00


Cat i. Val.

CHINA 484 * EB 1888 Perforated

11 ½ Sc greeni sh yello w, block of four , very l.h. if at a ll, two toned perfs , we ll ce ntered , very

fine .............................. ..................................................................................................................(Photo page 55) ( 15)

400 .00+

1894 Sc dull orange, TOP SHEET MARGIN BLOCK OF SIX with vertical gutter at right, neat blue cancels, very fine ...................................................................................... ................................................. (Photo page 55) (20)


486 O EB 1897 Numerals 1½ Below Chinese Characters ½ con 3c orange yellow, block of four, nea t strike of bi-lingual SHAN GH AI c.d.s ., fine. Signed H. Bloch .............. ..... ............... ............................... ................................ (Photo) (56)


485 O l!ll


* 488 * 489 * 490 * 49 I O 492 *

le on 3c red, type "a". l.h., fresh, very fine ............................................................................................(Photo) (78)



2c on 3c, type "b". o .g. (hinge remnant) . fres h, fine .................................................................................(Photo) (79)


2c on 3c, type "b", large part o.g. , fres h , fine ...... ........................... ...... ................... ........... ......... ............. (Photo) (79)


4c on 3c, type "e", large part o.g., fresh, very fine ................................................................................(Photo) (82)


$1 on 3c, type "g", c.d .s. cance l, fa ulty , fine appeara nce ................. ........................................................

(Photo) (84)


1955 Armed Forces Day imperf sheet of three with right edge of sheet selvage , ungummed , extremely fine ..............................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (1117a)


493 * EB Japanese Occupation ; Meng Chiang; 1942 Unwmkd. Surcharged set of seven, TOP IMPRINT BLOCKS OF FOUR , l.h ., few bends, $5 tiny thin , ge nera lly very fine ........... ........ ....... ........ ........... ....... ............(Photo) (2 N68-74)

600 .00+

494 * EB Wmkd . Character

YU 15c on 30c scar let , IMPRINT BLO CK OF FOUR, n .h .(2) / 1.h.(2) , ve ry fin e .................................................................... ...................... ......................................................... ............(Photo) (2 N75)


495 * EB Yunnan Province; 1926 $5 red & slate, BLOCK OF FOUR, l.h., folded along horiz. perfs, fine to very fine

................................. ...................................................................................................................................(Photo) (20)


496 ** EB20th Century, accum . of a couple hundred diff. on stock sheet, etc., appare ntly n .h., mos tly 1950s and 60s sets and IO So uve nir shee ts, so me s light ly be tte r , a lso so me Peo ple 's Rep. used inc l. re print s, fi ne to ve ry fin e ...................................... ....................... ...................... ...........................................................Est. Cas h Value $250-300 497




PEOPLE 'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA: 1950 Surc harged Locomoti ve and Ship $800 on orang e, perf 14, ungummed , extremely fine .................................................... ................................................................ (Photo) (28b)


CRETE AND GREECE: Coll. of severa l hundred dif'f. in Duro hingeless album with slipcase and loose pages, n.h. to o.g. , Crete with slightly better items and a few en·ors, some Th race , etc. , Greece co ll. 1970 to 1988 apparently co mp!. , fin e to very fine ..... ................................................

499 181

......... ......... .............. Est. Cas h Value $250-350

CUBA: Two stampless covers, 1866 enve lope (rou gh edges) from Hava na to Yale , Briti sh Co lumbi a bear ing PANAMA AU 22 1866 transit and HAVA NA PAID , various co lored ms. , Hava na dates tamp , St. Th omas transit and Briti sh Co lumbi a rece iver on reverse , 1867 blue fo lded letter , very fine , from Hava na to Portland , M a ine bea ring S HIP , STEA M , " IO" and red Hava na fo rwa rdin g ha nd stamp s and PHIL A DA PA J AN 27 tra ns it. Ex Dale/ Lichtenste in ........ ........................ ................................................ .................... (Photo) Est . Cas h Va lue $200-25 0


* 50 1 * 500


503 * O


1880 Perf 14 l sh green, o.g., almost perfectly centered , very fine. S.G. £650 ....................................... (Photo) (6)


1921-23 Mult. Crown CA George V l0 sh green & red on yellowish , £1 violet & black on red, o.g. , fresh, very fine. S.G. 100, 101, £1350 ............................................................................................................(Photo) (87,88)

1,400 .00

1924-28 Script George V £5 black on yellowish, very l.h., beautifully fresh, perfectly well centered , extreme l)' fine. S.G. 117a, £2750 ................... ............................................................ .......(Cover Photo) (109) 19th and 20th Century to 1995, coll. of several hundred diff. in 2 hingeless albums, much n.h. , balance o.g. to used , sparse ea rly iss ues , ve ry nea rly co mp!. fro m 1930s , inc l. So uvenir sheet s, ge nera lly fine to very fine ..... ................ ...................................... ............................ ......................... ........... ................... Est . Cas h Value $350-400

504 * 0181DANZIG: 1920 to 1939 , exhibition

coll. of several hundred stamp s and over 110 co vers or post cards on annotated pages, n.h. to unused, very few used, incl. varieties with imperfs, double ovpt . or surch ., inverted center s, misprints , burlage vars ., Innendi enst lm , Semi s and Airs, co vers with special event cachet s, flight s, Regis. , FDCs, etc ., mixed condition to much fine to very fine ............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500




Cati. Val.


* 506 *

1865 Wove Paper ½ r on rose , unused , some margins, thin. Rare ................................... .........................(Photo) (l) 1866 Laid Paper lr black on pale greenish, unused , large margins all round , extremely fine ...........(Photo ) (7) lr , margins all round , red numeral in grid cancel , pin hole , very fine ................................................ ......(Photo ) (7) 1867-71 Pelure Paper ½ r on lavend er , typical paper characteristics , unused, very fine ...................(Photo ) ( 15)


507 0 508 509

* *

600.00 150.00 125.00 2 10.00

1870-73 Ordinary Paper ½ r on rose , BLUE INSCRIPTION , unused , mostly huge margins all round , extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (2001) ..............................................................................................(Photo ) (28a)

500.00 510 * 83 ½ r black on yellowish, SHEET MARGIN BLOCK OF FOUR, unused , very large margins other sides, extremely fine. Scarce multipl e .......................... .................................. ..................... ............ ................. ...(Photo) (29) (120.00+) EAST AFRICA AND UGA DA PROTECTORATES: 1903 CROWN CA Edward VU 20r olive gray & black, 511 l.h., fresh, fine. S.G. £500 ................................................................................................................. .........(Photo) ( 15)




513 514

50r orange brown & black , 1.h., fresh, extremely fine. S.G. £1400 ............................................(Photo) (16)



1878-79 Unwmkd. lp claret , unused, fresh, fine. Signed H . Bloch. S.G. £650 ................... .....................(Photo) ( l ) 1928 Provisional 2½p on 2p brown violet, l.h., fresh, very fine. S.G. 115, £800 .............. ..................(Photo) (52)

* *


1933 Centenary set compl., l.h. or o.g., bright , fresh colors , very fine to extremely fine. S.G. £2909 ......................................................... ............................................................................. ...(Cove r Photo ) (65-76)

575.00 750.00


As fine a set as one could expec t

5 16

5 17



518 * O

1878 to 1968, coll. of over 200 on Specialty pages , n.h. to unused , high degree of completeness with better items incl. bisect , Edward VII, George V and Vl sets compl. , Dependencies , few dupl. , generally fine to very fine ................................... ......................................................... .....Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 FIJI: Times Express; 1871 Laid Batonne Paper lp black on pink laid batonne paper , roulettes and dividing lines almost intact, full o.g., extremely fine. Signed Thier. S.G. 5, £900 ...............................................(Photo) (6)


FINLAND: Primarily 20th Century to 1992, coll. of several hundred ditl'. in 2 Davo albums with slipcase, n.h. to o.g. , ear ly used , incl. a few slightly better early items (#57 forgery), many compl. sets incl. Semi and Airs, few booklets , genera lly fine to very fine with a good number n.h ........................ .............. .Est. Ca h Value $300-400

FRANCE 519 520 52 1


* *

Air Post; 1936 Plane over Paris 50fr emerald , o.g., extremely fine .................................................. (Photo ) (C 14) 1936 Monoplane 50fr ultramarine , l.h. , perfectly centered, extremely fine .................................... (Photo ) (C15) * 083 19th and 20th Century, coll. of severa l hundred diff. in album and a few loose pages , n.h. to o.g., some early used , incl. man y compl. sets and modern blks of 4 , Semis and Airs, 1937 Philatelic Exhibition Souvenir sheet, few better items, dupl. , generally fine to very fine ........................................... Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 * O Coll. of severa l hundred diff. in Specialty album, mostly used , some o.g. , incl. classic i sues , later compl. or pru1 sets, Semis , Airs, misc. back-of-book , early issues faulty or mixed condition , later generally fine to very fine ...................................................................... ....................................... .................................E t. Cash Value $300-400

523 * O

1849 to 1920s, coll. and accum. of many hundred on pages in ring-binder, used or unu sed, some o.g., in depth representation of all 19th cent. issues , incl. shades and cancels , reissue s, reference , Sage types I and II , also some Semis , extensive back-of-book incl. Postage Due, Offices Abroad incl. China and sub-divisions, Algeria, etc. , faulty or mixed condition incl. stuck down. High catalogue value and worth carefu l inspection ....................................... ............................ ............... .......... ...Est. Cash Value $5,000-7,500

524 0

20th Century , accum. of many hundr ed in stockbook , u ed , incl. many Commemorat ives and Semis, moderate quantities and a few slightly better , clean and generally fine to very fine ................... ........Est. Cash Value $ 100-125

525 * O

FRENCH COLONIES: 19th and 20th Century, coll. remainder of many hundred diff. in 2 Minkus albums in carton , n.h. to unused or used , random issues of many colonies , some with token representation, larger selections of Algeria, Martinique , Reunion , several others, incl. comp! or part sets, Airs, etc., generally fine to very fine ........................................................................................................................ .Est. Cash Value $600-800


650.00 500.00





Cati. Val.


A IR PO ST: 1930 South A mer ic a Fli g ht 4m black br own, three co pi es, two with nibbed perf s, ti ed by Graf Zeppe lin 19.5.30 on e n ve lope to England, Friedri c hshafen tran s it on rever se . Mi . € 1300 ................... .................................................. ......................... ..........(Photo page 59) (C39) Est. Cas h Value $ 150-200



CATAPULT COVERS: Circa 1930s, selection of over 140 covers in box, wonderful array of markings and cachets, variety of frankings incl. blks, Air Post, Regis., Roessler, few picture post cards, etc., generally very fine. A colo,ful and valuable selection requiring careful inspection ........Est. Cash Value $2,000-3 ,000


528 * EB LODZ: Ghetto Post; 1944 Imperforat e lO(pf) dark blue green on brownish paper , BLOCK OF FOUR, ungummed , large margins , few thin spots from hinge mounting, fine to very fine ..................(Photo) (Mi.Ilbz )


529 * EB l0(pf) dark blue green on brownish paper, BLOCK OF FOUR, ungummed, large margins, thin from hinge mounting , fine to very fine .................................................................................................. ............(Photo) (Mi.Ilbz )


530 * EB l0 (pf) dark blue green on brown paper , PRINT ED ON REVERSE UPSIDE DOWN , BLOCK OF FOUR , ungummed , s mall se l vage thin s from hin ge mounting, fine to ve ry fine. Normal printing catl. €2800+ ...................................................... ....................................................... (Photo) (Mi.Ilbz) 53 1 * Ornl 19th and 20th Century, coll. and accum . of several hundred on pages, etc., incl. used co ll. on pages with Eag le and Shie ld through J920s , back-of-book , also mint Inflation issues singles and blks of 4 or larger, some with margin inscription s, mixed condit ion to fine to very fine ...... .......... .......... ...................... ............ ....Est. Cash Value $300--400 532 * O

Primaril y 1930s and 40s, coll. of severa l hundred diff. in ring hingeless album , n.h. to o.g., many comp!. sets incl. Semis, some Souvenir sheets, 19th cent. issues incl. some used, misc. Airs and back-of-book , generally fine to very fine ................. ................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500--600

GERMANY AND AREA 19th and 20th Ce ntur y 533 * O

Co ll. of man y hundr ed diff. in 2 KABE albums , n.h . to unu sed or used , wid e ranging incl. Sta tes with slightl y better items , Germany with man y comp!. sets, Semis , Air s, Souvenir sheets, Berlin , G.D.R., back -of-book incl. Occu. , mi sc . Officials and Colonies, r eference, Saa r , Me mel , etc ., genera lly quite clean and fine to very fine ............................ ....................................................Est. Cash Value $3,000-3,500

534 * O

Coll . of a few thou sa nd in 2 Schaubek albums in box , mostl y used, balance o.g. to unu sed , wide ra nging with states and co lonies , Me mel , Saar, etc ., but mostly Germany , Berlin and G .D.R. , incl. man y comp I. sets, Semis, Airs, Souvenir sheets., etc., so me fault s as would be ex pecte d though much fine to very fine ......................................................... ................. ......... .........................................Est . Cas h Value $3,000-3,500

535 * OOOIAccum. and coll. of many hundred in ring-binder and stockbook, n.h. to unused or used, incl. sets and blks of 4 or larger, Semis, Airs, Souvenir sheets, Berlin, G.D.R., Saar, Bavaria, etc., generally fine to very fine ....................................................................... ..................................................... Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 536


537 * O

Accum. of several hundred covers in ring-binder and loose in carton, incl. some states and North Ge rman Confederation , modern FDC s, incl. Semi s and Airs , commercia l mail, Berlin , G.D.R. FDCs , also Briti sh and Foreign, plus misc. U.S. , mixed cond ition to very fine .......................................................Est. Cash Value $300--400 Coll. remainder on pages and accum. on stock sheets in box, many hundred, n.h. to unused or used , wide ranging though cheaper stamps, incl. states, Saar , Danzig, Memel. Berlin , etc .. mostly Germany incl. comp !. or part sets, Sem is, Airs , etc., mixed condition ................. ............. ......................................................... Est. Cash Value $300-350

538 ** rnlBERLIN: 1957-59 Portraits set comp!., incl. Semi-Postal, over 50 sets in sheet file, n.h ., incl. part sheets and blks, fine to very fine. Mi. €756 ................................... .................................................................. ((9N l48-56.9NB 19) 539

540 541 542 543

* * * * *


OFFICE S IN MOROCCO: 1899 to 1911, coll. of about 60 diff. on album pages, l.h. or o.g., almost comp!. issues, incl. Michel vars., most important stamps handstamped, one with Ebel Cert. (1965) , fine to very fine. Stated by owner to catl . €4190 .................................. .................................................................. ................................. GIBRALTAR: 1904-12 Mult. Crown CA Edward VII £1 violet & black on red, l.h. , fresh, extremely fine. S.G. 64. £500 .......................................................... ................................................................................... .(Photo) (64)


1921- 32 Script George VI £5 dull violet & black, l.h., barely visible red mark on front , lovely, fresh color, very fine. S.G. 108, £1300 ......................................................................................................................... (Photo) (93)

1,750 .00

GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS: 1912-24 Mutt. Crown CA George V £ 1 violet & black on red, 1.h., perfectly centered, fresh, extremely fine. S.G. 24 , £550 .............................................................................. (Photo) (26)


GOLD COAST: 1921-25 Script George V £2 green & orange , o.g .. very fine. S.G. 102 , £350 .........(Photo) (95) 60


Cati. Val.


1841 Blue Paper lp red , Readdre ss ed - Six deliveries , 1851 (Se pt. ) env elope , bear ing two co pies, P-J (corner turned over) on top of F-K, to at least two Scottish and four British destinations, six rece ivers on reverse. A well traveled and fascinating cover ...................................... ................ (Photo page 61) Est . Cash Value $200-2 50


* 546 *

1867-80 Wmkd. Apra y of Rose 2sh blue, plate 1, o.g. (hinge remnant), usual center ing, rich color, fresh. S .G. £ 1800 ...................................................................................................... ....................................................(Photo ) (55)


Edward VII Somer set House Printing £1 deep green , Control corner cop y, very l.h. if at all, light creases, vivid color, very fine appearance. S.G. £1300 ....................................................................................... (Photo ) ( 142b)

850 .00+



VALPARAISO: Crown PAID double circle in red , VALPARAISO without stop , on April 1860 blue folded letter sheet to Bordeaux bearing London PAID , PD in circle and ms. " 1/s", all in red, various transits on reverse, fine ..........................................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Ca sh Value $30~00



INDIA USED TO GREAT BRIT AIN : 1868 mourning envelope (back flap excised ), bearing Oct. I Bombay transit, LONDON NO 2 1 68 receive r. second London transit and town rece iver on reverse . Very nice combination ......................................... .............................................................................. .........(Photo ) Est . Cas h Value $250- 300


549 0

19th Centur y, selection of several thousand in ledger-like book , used , mostly partial reconstructions of variou s issues, incl. engraved with many #3 and 4 , surface printed with a variety of plate numbers , 1883--84 incl. l sh, man y cancel s incl. numeral and town , perf initial s, etc. , faulty or mixed condition. Fabulous array ...................................................................................... .............Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,500

550 0

1840 and 1841, coll. of nine stamps and one cover on page s, used , incl. lp black (2), 2p blue , single and pair , etc. , almo st all four-margined copies, generally fine to ver y fine ................................ .........Est. Cash Value $500

551 0

1864 lp rose red , stock of several thou sand in glassines , etc. , stock of several thousand in glassines, etc., in box , used , various plate numbers , plating attempt on pages and stock card , some covers , some attempt made at sorting , fault y or mixed condition ............................................................................ Est. Cash Value $500-1,000



553 * O

Primarily 19th Centur y, selection of a few hundred cover s or front s in box, incl. First Issue , 1847-54 Embossed , some cut to shape , Surface Printed , incl. combination s with engraved, Mulready letter sheets , Revenues and Telegraph used as postage , Stationery incl. wrapper s, 1890 Jubilee lp blue , Regis., printed circular s, Malte se Cross with numeral cancel s, etc. , also Canada 1939 fir st flights , other misc. , faulty or mixed condition. Worth careful inspection .................. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500

Primarily 19th Century to 1920s, coll. and accum . on pages and in glassines in box , mostl y used , balance o.g. to unused , wide ranging and in depth incl. partial reconstruction s, many "Penny Black s", other engraved issues , load s of surfac e printed incl. plate numbers and cancel s, pair s, strip s, blk s, 1883--84 Is sue , ovptd. SPECIMEN , Official s, Revenues , Offices Abroad , cut square s , misc. Gibraltar and Ireland , fault y or mixed condition , some fine to ver y fine. High cata logue value and worth caref ul inspection ............................................................... .................... ......................... Est. Cash Value $5,000-7,500

554 * O

1840 to 1990s, coll. of man y hundred ditT. in 2 Stanle y Gibbon s album s, n.h. to unused or used, incl. slightly better early items in mixed condition, generally comp!. sets from about 1940, some back-of-book, generally fine to very fine ........................................ ....................................... ......................................................... ......Est. Cash Value $300-350

555 * O

GRE E NL AND: 1938 to 1986, coll. of a few hundred on hingeles s album page s and stock sheets , much n.h., balance l.h. and used dupl. , almost comp !. country incl. better sets, generally very fine ....Est. Cash Value $350-4 00

556 0

HE LIGOLAND : 1867-68 rouletted ½s ch blue green & rose , type I , lightly caned. , fine. Signed A. Diena. Mi. 11, €1200 .................. ........................................................ ................................................................... ..(Photo ) ( I)

775 .00




1863 Crown CC 16c yellow , unused, corner perf crease, fine. S.G. 22, £ 1600 ....................................... (Photo ) ( 16)


18c lilac , edge of sheet wmk. , o.g., pulled perf replaced , fine appearance. S.G. 13, £6000 ......(Photo ) (17)

I ,400 .00


A collectible copy of this rarity 559 0

96c bistre , blue cancel, very fine for this. S.G . 18. £600 .............................................. ............................(Photo ) (23)

575.00 1,100 .00 850.00



1891 Jubilee 2c ro se, TALL "K" IN " Kong ", o .g .. small faults, well centered , fine appearance. S.G. 5 1d, £ 1200 ........................... .............................................................................................................. .........................(Photo ) (66d)

56 1


1903 Crown CA E dward VII $10 orang e & black on blui sh , o.g., ver y fine. S.G. 76, £950 ..............(Photo ) (85)


Cati. Val.


A_ ~

y ',:..

.. -




563 564

* *






-,.. ' ' .

\...,.. .


1912-14 Mutt. Crown CA George V le to $10 compl. set, plus Surface Colored Paper set of three and 1919 Redrawn 25c, o.g. (hinge remnants), fine to very fine ............................... .................(Photo) (109-28)


1912-14 Mutt. Crown CA George V $10 black & violet on red, l.h., fresh, fine. S.G. I 16, ÂŁ600 .....(Photo) ( 124)


1921-37 Script George V le to $5 compl. set, l.h. incl. 5 to o.g. (hinge remnant), fine to very fine. S.G. ÂŁ836 .............................................................................................................................................................(Photo) ( 129-46)

738 .00


Cati. Val.

565 * O IBIHUNGARY: 1871 to about 1970, coll. of a few thousand mostly diff. in Specialty album , n.h. to o.g. or used, country very nearly complete , incl. early issues, many compl. sets and Souvenir sheets, incl. Chain Bridge issues, imperfs, etc., se-tenant types, Roosevelt sheets, Semis, better Airs, back-of-book incl. Occu. , some faults , but overall fine to very fine ...............................................Est. Cash Value $1,000

566 * O EBICELAND : 19th and 20th Century, coll. of several hundred diff. on stock sheets, n.h. to o.g., some early used and dupl., shades, better items, later compl. sets, Souvenir sheets , Airs, back-of-book, generally fine to very fine. Stated by owner to catl. over $7500. Worth careful inspection ............................................

567 * O

568 **

1873 to 1971, coll. of several hundred diff. in hingeless album, n.h . to o.g., some used, incl. better early issues , few blks of 4, compl. or part sets, Semis , Airs, back-of-book , mint/used dupl. , some faults as would be expected, generally fine to very fine. Stated by owner to catl. $12,400. Worth careful inspection.

20th Century , selection of about 200 in stockbook , etc. , apparently n.h ., co mp!. sets and a few Souvenir sheets and post off ice year fo lders. fine to very fine ...................... ........ ................................... .....Est. Cas h Value$ I 00- 125

INDIA AND STATES 569 * O EBOFFICIALS: 1866 Unwmkd . la brown , neatly caned. , plus Wmkd. Elephant 's Head 4a green , o.g. , blocks of four, latter left part Imprint block, stains mostly on reve rse, fine appeara nce. S .G. 03,0 13 , £ 1400 + . Rare blocks ............................................................................................................................................................... (Photo) (03,09) 570 * O

1, 120 .00+

19th and 20th Century, coll. of several hundred diff. in Minkus album, o .g . to unused or used , generally cheaper stamps and mostly Indi a, states with random issues, also better Cey lon and misc. British Asia, etc., mixed condition .......................................................................................................... .................................... Est. Cas h Value $300-350

57 1 QC81 INDIA AND TRAVANCORE -COCHIN: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of about 150 and 100 stationer y items respectively on pages and album, variety of cities, additional stamp franks, India First Issue I a red caned. symbolic Pondicherry . Trava ncore co ll. we ll annotate d and additi onal co llectors' notes , mixed co ndition to much very fine .............. ......................... ................ ........................................................ ............................... Est. Cas h Value $400-6 00 572 PP

JAIPUR: 1904-06 Chariot ¼ a, 3 diff. trial color plate proofs on card, 2 with pray paper backing, extremely fine .................................................................................. ...................................(Photo) (4TC) Est. Cash Value $75-100

573 PP

JAMMU AND KASHMIR : Jammu; 1866-70 ¼ a black plate proof, partial sheet strip of four on watermarked paper , two or three vertica l creases , fine to very fine. Rare ............................(Photo) (63 P) Est. Cash Value $50-7 5

574 PP

KISHANGARH: 1904-05 Singh ½ a, la , four ditl'. trial color plate proofs of each value on card, large margins all round , brilliant fresh, extreme ly fine ........................................(Photo) (29,29TC) Est . Cash Value $150-200



IRAN: 1902 Type U 50k orange red & blue, l.h., large margins , extremely fine. Mi. DMIO00, S.G. £425 (1992) .............................................................................................................................................. ....................(Photo) (290)

576 * O


IRELAND: 1922 to 1989, coll . of several hundred diff. in Davo hingeles s album with slipcase, vast majority n.h., balance o.g. and a few used, high degree of completenes s incl. some Seahorses to lOsh, re-engraved, St. Patrick, mostly sets thereafter, sheetlets, Airs and Postage Due, generally fine to very fine ...................................................................... .................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000

ISRAEL 577 * EB 1948 First Coins 250m, 500m, 1000m, top right Corner Plate No. blocks of four, mostly n.h ., JO00m finger print and inclusions, fine to very fine ......................................................... .......................... .............................(Photo) (7-9) 578 * O IBIFrom 1948, stock and accum. of several thousand in stockbooks , glassines , etc ., in carton , n.h. to unused and used , incl . Jeru salem locals , First Coins incl. printing vars ., later compl. or part sets, Souvenir sheets, Airs Postage Due, blks of 4 or larger , Pl. No. blks, gutter multiples, many tab copies, some covers and misc. foreign, varying quantities, some faults incl. gum staining, overall fine to very fine .......................................................................... ..................................................Est. Cash Value $1,200-1,500 579


1948 to 1950, issues apparently compl. in Souvenir booklet , l.h., incl. comp !. or part tabs, Tsabul sheet. Airs and Postage Due , misc. stationery, fine to very fine ........................................ ...........................Est. Cas h Value $250-300


1,530.00 +

Cati. Val.


1949 to 1974, propert y as rec eived in 2 cartons, incl . coils. on album pag es in 3 ring-binder s and 2 Elbe **II!l Jeffer son albums with slip cases , man y compl. sets , tab an d Pl. blks , Souvenir sheet s and sheetlet s, dupl. ,

58 1 0 582






* 586 * 587 * 588 **


Air s, Postage Due , plu s sever al hundr ed cacheted FDC s, commercial mail, etc., genera lly fine to ver y fine. Also several hundr ed extra Jefferson pa ges ..................... ..............................................Est. Cash Value $500-600 ITALIAN STATES: ROM AN STATES; S0b deep blu e, good margin s all round, ever so tin y thin spot , still very fine. Mi.1011, €3000 ............................ ................................................................................... ........(Photo ) (10a)


ITALY: 19th Ce ntur y, select ion of 35 sta mple ss covers in cigar box , London and local destinations , wide variety of markings, incl. red , blue , straight-line , framed , Imperial Eagle on printed communique, etc ., genera lly fine to very fine. Priced fo r retail over $ / 500 ............. ................................................................... Est. Cash Value $300-3 50 J APAN: 1871 Plate I Laid Pap er 48m brown , Pos. 24 , deep shad e and over inked , un gumm ed , good to large margin s, ver y fine ................... ........................................................... ......................................................... (Photo ) ( I)

2 10.00

100m blue , Po. 30 , ungumm ed , mostly enormous marg ins all r ound , extr emely fine ......................... (Photo ) (2)


KENYA , UGANDA , TA ZANIA 1922-27 Script George V £2 brown violet & green , ver y l.h. , de ep , brilliant fr esh color s, ext remel y fine . S.G . 96 ,£60 0 ....................... .................................................................. ....................................................(Photo ) (38) £2, l.h., fresh, fine ................... ...................................... .............................. ................................................(Photo ) (38) £3 yellow & dull violet, very l.h., vivid co lors, fine. S.G. 97,£800 ......................................................... (Photo ) (39) 1938-54 George VI £1 black & sca rlet , perf 11 ½x l3 , n.h ., very fine. S .G. 150, £300 .......................(Photo ) (85a) 65

725.00 725.00 1,100.00

Cati. Val. 589


KOREA: Tum-of-the-Century, selecti on of 12 stationery items or covers, local and foreign de stinations , incl. 1900-01 frankings , Regis., various markings , small villages, etc. , va lu ab le group priced for retail at $6000 ..............................................................................................................Est. Cas h Va lue $4,000-5 ,000

590 * O

LIBERIA: 19th and 20th Century , coll. of seve ral hundred on Specia lty pages , n.h. to unused or used, generally good representation incl . mint/used dupl., few imperfs, compl. or part sets, ovptd. ORDINARY or SPECIMEN , Semis, Airs, extensive back-of-book , slightly better and scarcer items, few errors, etc., mixed condition incl. staining and stick down to fine to very fine ........................................ Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000

591 * O

LUXEMBOURG: 1921 to 1956, coll. of a few hundred diff. in folder and hingeless album, vast maj or ity n.h. , balance l.h. to used , incl. better Semi s , Airs , Souvenir shee ts, co mp!. ets throu gho ut , few covers and mi sc. back-of-book , genera lly very fine ............. ................ ................ ....................... .................... Est . Cas h Val ue $3 50--400

592 DP

Group of 8 Die proofs affixed to card or die sunk on card, com pr. 1926---3550c and 75c bistre brown , 1944--46 50c to 20fr , six diff. , eac h with printed numb er , very fine .... ..(Photo page 78) (betw. I 70 DP and 234 DP) Est. Cash Valu e $300--400

59 3 * O

594 595

** *

MALAYSIA: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of several hundred diff. in album and a few stock sheets , l.h . to unu sed or used , compr. Strait s Settl ements, Fed era ted and indi vidual states , North Borneo , Sarawak , in c l. so me co mp!. se ts , dupl. , bac k-of-book in c l. Officia ls a nd Japa nese Occu. , mi xe d co nditi o n to fine to ve ry fin e .... .............................. ........ ....... ............................................. ..... ............ ............ ........... ........ Es t. Cash Value $400- 500

MARIANA ISLANDS: 1899 Overprinted at 48 Degree Angle lOpf carmine, n.h., neg lig ible co rner crea se , fres h , very fine ap pea ran ce . Mi . €650 ........... ...................................... .................. ............. .......... ............ (Photo) (I3a)


MAU RITI US: 1924 Coat of Arms 50r lilac & green, l.h. , perfectl y centered , fresh , extremely fine. S .G. 222 , £700 . As if new ly print ed ........... ................................................... ................. ...................... (Photo) (200)


20th Century, selection of four trial color Die proofs and two epreuves de luxe, all die sunk, trial pencil signed by designer, incl. one France and one French Moro cco , fine to very fine ......... (Photo page 80) Est . Cash Value $ 100- 125

597 DP

1949-50 U.P.U. Anniversary, group of six diff. epreuves de luxe in issued colors, co mpr. Sfr , I Sfr , Air Post 25fr die sunk on co llec tive proof , also sing le 25fr die sunk , plu s IOfr, Ai r Po st 40fr , SOfr, IOOfr epreuves de luxe , fine to very fine ..................................... ...... ..... .............. ............ ......... (24 5-46 ,C30 -33 DP ) Est. Cash Value $200-2 50

59 8 DP

1956 Royal Wedding compl. set incl. Air Post, trial color Die proofs die sunk on card, all pen cil signed artist , various co lors inc l. lfr , ISfr, IOOfr , SOOfrin black , very fine ... .........(366 -70 ,C46-48TC) Est. Cash Value $ 150-200

599 pp

Selectio n of imperf trial color plat e proofs , co mpr . 12 s ingl e s, 19 56 FIPEX co rn er d ate strip of thr ee a nd Roya l Weddin g se t co mp!. inc l. Air Pos t , co rn e r d ate blk s of fo ur , n .h ., very fin e to ex tr e me ly fin e ..........................................................................(Photo page 79) (366-70 ,C46 -48TP , etc .) Est . Ca sh Value$ I 50-200

600 0 601





NETHERLANDS ANTILLES: 1873 to 1979, coll. of several hundred diff. in hingeless album, n.h . to unu sed or used, incl. slightl y bett er ear ly items , many comp!. sets inc l. Semi s and Airs , Pos tage Du e , etc .. also a se para te co ll. of Dut ch Indi es and Surinam , mixed co ndition to very fin e .......... ............ ..... ............ .Est. Ca sh Va lue $400-500


NEW GUINEA: Air Post; 1935 £2 violet, £5 green, compl. set, very l.h., brilliant fresh, extremely fine S.G. £725 ................................................................................................................................... ......................(Photo) (C44,C45)

605 * [lj]



1904-08 MuJt. Crown CA Edward VII £1 lOsh violet & orange brown, o.g. , small handstamp on reverse, few toned perfs not visible on front not mentioned in cert. , fresh colors, very fine. Foundation Cert. (1968). S.G. 162, £1000 .......................................... ..............................................................................................(Photo) (109) 190S-09 Mult. Crown CA Edward VII 6p to £1 compl. set, l.h. or o.g .. fresh , fine to very fine. S.G. I 65-7 l , £358 .............................................................................................................................................................(Photo) ( 110- 16)

603 * O


NATAL : 1857 Embossed (crisp) 3p rose, large to just touched at right, blue AU NATAL c.d.s., small expert handstamp on reverse , very fine. S.G. £400 ................................................... ..........................................(Photo) (1)



NEW ZEALAND: 20th Century, but for a few, coll. of several hundred diff. on pages, n .h . to o.g ., inc l. man y co mp!. sets , Semi s incl. Sou venir shee ts, Airs, etc., fine to ve ry fine and very c lean ....... ..Est. Cash Val ue $ 150- 175 NY ASA LAND PROTECTORATES: 1913-19 George V £10 purple & royal blu e, o.g ., brilliant colors , almost perfectly centered, extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (1969). S.G. 99e, £2750 ..................................................................................................... ................................... ......(Cover Photo) (24)

607 * O[lj] PALESTINE: 1918 to 1942, selection of over 400 on stock sheets , n.h. to unu sed , so me used , inc l. Pos tage Due and Revenu es, blks of 4 or large r. gutter pa irs , print ing vars .. Bale listed ite ms , etc .. vary ing qua ntiti es, few fault s thou gh overa ll fine to very fine ............. ........................... .................... ......... .............. .........Est . Ca h Value $400--450



Cati. Val.



*ffir81 PARAGUAY:

AIR POST; Circa 1930s, coll. compr. a few hundred stamp s and over 75 covers , few fronts on page s, incl. C74-78, C79-83, C88-92, C93-97 blks of 4 or 6, dupl. , others , covers incl. fir st flights, Trans -Atlantic/Condor-Zeppelin flights, Graf Zeppelin, etc., wide variety of cachets and markings , Regi s., various destination s incl. Dakar , London , Ma drid , Brisbane, others , generall y fine to very fine. Excellent collection of this period ....................... .......................... .....................Est. Cas h Value $2,500-3 ,000


PERU: 1857 Steam Navigation Co. lr blue on bluish , lar ge mar gins all round , part o.g., very fine. A.P.E.S. Cert. (1995) ................................................................. .................................................................(Photo) (1)

6 10 * O

PHILIPPINES: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of many hundred diff. in Specialty album and loose pages, n.h. to unused , some early used, compr. Spanish dominion and Republic about 1980, incl. early slightly better items, Republic nearly compl. incl. imperfs, Souvenir sheets, Semis, Airs and back-of-book with Officials, mixed condition to much very tine .................................................................................. Est. Cash Value $500-600

6 1l


POLAND: 1940s and S0s, coll. of a few hundred dill'. in stockbook, apparently n .h., appears to be compI. issues or nearly so, incl. Semis, Airs and Souvenir sheets with #4 I 2a and sjjgbtly better sets, also some covers, generally very fine .................. ................................ ............................................................................................Est. Cash Value $250-3 50

6 12


POLISH ARMY IN FRANCE, WWII: Coll. of 37 covers neatly mounted on special exhibition pages in album, incl. camps, reserve and training centers, variety of markings, Regis., etc., couple covers pictured in the Ron Jaworski article in Linns. Fine and impressive collection ................... .............Est. Cash Value $500-600 PORTUGAL: 1853 Typographed and Embossed Sr orange brown , large margins all round, neatly caned., small handstamp on reverse, extremely fine. Mi. la , €1000 ...................................... ......................... ..(Photo) (la )

6I3 0

6 14


* 6 16 ** 6 15


RHODESI A: 1898-1908 Coat of Arms £5 dark blu e, o.g ., perfectl y centered, extremely fine. S.G. 92, £3000 ......................................................................................................................(Cover Photo) (74) 1910 double Portrait £1 carmine red & bluish black, o.g., trace of thinnin g, extre mely fine appearance. S.G. 165, £1000 ........................................................................................................................................(Photo) ( 118) 1966 Independence Error 9p olive green , yellow & brown , double overprint, n.h., very fine. S.G. 365, £375 ............................. ............................ ................................................................................................ .......(Photo) (2 14a)




Cati. Val.

RUSSIA 6 17 ** EB1924-25 Unwmkd . Sr dark blue & gray brown, perforated 10½, Corner Block of Four, n.h., extremely fine. Mi. 261D , â‚Ź200+ ........................................................... ................................... ......................................(Photo) (293a) 6 18 * EB181SEMI -POSTALS : 1905 to 1915, coll. of over 250 stamps, n.h. to used, and 20 plus covers on pages , extens ive study incl. vars., blks of 4, colored papers and shades, ovptd. SPECIMEN, covers to various destinations incl. United States, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, others, Regis. , compl. sets, frankings, some with labels, etc., mixed condition to much very fine. Well anno rared and valuab le srudy .................................................................... .............................................. ..........Est. Cash Value $3,50~,500


6 19 181

1920s and 30s, coll. of 38 flown covers in album, franked by a good variety of Regular and Air Post Issues , many Regis., local and foreign destinations , a fine mix of special markings, cachets or labels, cancels and usages, well annotated pages, fine to very fine. Worrh careful i11specrion .....Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000

620 * 0181 1922 to 1937, coll. on pages, n.h. to o.g. and used , incl. mint and duplicated used singles, few blks, perf. varieties and imperf , 1931-32 Color Error 50k gray blue, etc., and 10 covers from a variety of Air Post issues incl. Regis., etc., fine to very fine ........................ ............................. .....Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 62 1 181

1933, selection of nine flown CATAPULT covers to United States and Bremen , Germany , each franked by 1931 imperf set of three and Germany se-tenant and tete-beche multiples, good array of required handstamps and cachets despite same event, generally very fine. Scarce selection and seldom see11in rhis quantit y .................................................................................................(Photo) (452-54, etc.) Est. Cash Value $4,000-5,000

622 181


IMPERIAL RUSSIA: Circa 1905, coll. of over 40 covers on annotated pages , interesting array with domestic and foreign destinations , pretty franking combinations, Regis., advertising, military , money order, etc., fine to very fine. Grear variety and sca rce usage ................. ..... ....Est . Cash Value $2,000-3,000

POST AL SEALS: 19th Century, selection of 21 postal seals, ome embo sed and most featuring imperial eagle, mixed condition ...................... ............................. .................... ............... ................(Photo) Est. Cash Value $ 100-150

624 181

19th and 20th Century, selection of over 35 covers plus fronts or fragments on pages, etc., all to foreign destinations incl. various cities in United States , Germany , Great Britain , Austria, Italy, etc., variety of frankings and markings , picture post cards , stationery, 1919 Army of the North set compl. on cover, 101ated backstamped TALLINN, etc., mixed condition to very fine. Great variety and goo d porrion a111 .......................................... ......................................................(Photo page 79) Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200

RUSSIA AND AREA: 19th and 20th Century, coll. and accum. of many hundred in album and stock cards in box, l.h. to unused or used, incl. classic issues, latter compl. or part sets, Semis, Airs, extensive back-of-book with Offices and Wrangel issues, dupl. , etc., some faults, overall fine to very fine ....Est. Cash Value $400-500 626 * IBI RYUKYU ISLANDS: 1949 to 1972, issues apparently compl. except 1948 First Printing , n.h. or l.h., incl. better Airs. Special Delivery, 1970 sheet of 4 and a few others . genera lly very fine ....................Est. Cash Value $300-350

625 * O

627 ** Ill!1957 to 1970s, coll. and stock of many hundred in glassines , etc., and stockbook in box, n.h., incl. comp!. sheets . blks of 4, Airs. Souvenir sheets. varying quantities , very fine ................................. Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 628 ** IBIRYUKYU ISLANDS AND JAPAN: 20th Century , accum. of about 200 on stock sheet, etc., apparently n.h., incl. Ryukyu Is. Imprint blks of 6. Air Post 1957 and 1959 sets compl .. comer blks of 4. Japan Souvenir sheets, etc., fine to very fine .......................... ............... ........................................................... ................Est. Cash Value $500-600 Small accum. of covers, incl. mail sent from diff . native post off ices and pen pals. etc .. few mint sheets, incl. 629 * IBl181 Chr istmas sheetlets , Japan postal cards incl. severa l ovptd . MIHON (SPECIMEN), generally fine to very fine .............................................................. ........................................... .....................................Est. Cash Value $ 100-150



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Cati. Val.

* 631 * 632 * 633 *

ST. HELENA: 1922-27 Script Badge of Colony 15sh violet & black on bluish, l.h. , perfectly centered, extremely fine. S.G. 113, £800 ................................................................................ .................................(Photo ) (94) ST. KITTS-NEVIS: 1923 Mutt. Crown CA £1 violet & black on red , o .g. (hinge remnant) , very fine. S.G. £700 .................................................................................................................................................................... (Photo) (64)

634 !:::.

SAMOA: 1914 Surcharged 5 Shillings on Sm carmine & black , neatl y tied on piece, very fine. R. Gibbs Cert. (2003). S.G. 114, £1000 ................ .................... .............. .................................. .......(113) Est. Cash Value $500-600 SIERRA LEONE: 1921-27 Script George V £2 violet & ultramarine , l.h. , extremely fine. S.G. 147, £450 ................................................................... .............................................. ................................. ................(Photo ) (138)



ST. LUCIA: 1863 Crown CC 6p on (4p) slate blue , full o.g. , almost perfect centering for this stamp and intact perfs , fresh , very fine. S.G. 10, £950 .............................. ................... .................................... .......(Photo ) (26) 1949 George VI 12c ro se lake , perf 14½ x14, l.h. , extremely fine. S.G. £475. Very scarce variety .(Photo) (142a)


* 637 *

SOUTH AFRICA: 1913-24 George V £1 red & deep green, 1.h., very fine. S.G. £600 ...................... (Photo ) ( 16) £1 red & gray green, l.h., very fine. S .G. £800 .......................... ....................................................... .....(Photo ) ( 16a)





STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Used to Singapore; 1882-99 8c orange, three single franked covers, two to Vienna (1890 and 1884), ms. " Per French Mail via Marseilles" and " Per Eng lish Mail via Naples" respectively, one to Berlin ( 1885) with ms. "Per French Mail via Naples". each with two hole punch. Nice group of routings to Europe ...................................................... .................................. ........................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $200-2 50 1883 to 1899, interesting group of three covers all to England, compr. 8c , I 0c and 4c surcharge rates , Penang Regi . native enve lope two times Sc rate An excellent representation of rates .....(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $ 150-2 00



1921-32 Script George V $25 blue & violet on bluish, very l.h. , very fine. S.G. 240b, £650 ...........(Photo) (202) SWEDEN: 1855 Coat of Arms 3s blue green , nea tly caned ., repe rfed, well ce ntered , very fine appearanc e. Mi . la , €3500 ........................................ ............................ .................................. .................. ............ ...........(Photo ) ( I )

640 64 1 0

800.00 1,600.00 450.00

800.00 1,000.00

2 ,500 .00



643 0

1852 15r vermilion, SMALL NUMBERS, type 7, cracked plate and slight double transfer , part o.g., good to large margin s all round , extremely fine. Marchand Cert. (2001) ..................... (Cove r Photo ) ( 11) An excepti onally rare stamp on par with almost any of the great Cantonals

19th Century, coll. and accum. of man y hundred in lin ed tablet, etc., in box , used , mostl y Rayon and Sitting Helvetia Issue s incl. cancellation array , old-time Luder-Edelman auction lots, some earlier incl. Cantonals , later perforated , misc. back-of-book , fault or mixed condition and reference ............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $2,000-3,000

644 * OIIil 1862 to 1920s, coll. and accum. of man y hundred in Specialty album , n.h. to unused or used , some c.t.o., wide range of perforated Helvetia types, incl. white and granite papers , large multiple s mint and used, better items , se-tenant and tete-beche, Semis, misc. back-of-book , mixed condition incl. staining to fine to very fine with a fair number n.h . ..................................... ...............Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500

S BACK OF THE BOOK: 19th Century, coll. of a few thousand on pages and sheet files, n.h. to unused 645 * IEil incl. large multiple s, some Helvetia perforated or used , incl. Postage Due , man y ovptd. SPECIME issues, also in large blks, numeral types, etc., also used coll. of several hundred on pages , incl. revenues , Ca ntonals, railroad , telegraph, refer ence , etc., mixed condition incl. mint portion with sta ining , much fine to very fine .......................... ............................ ...................................................... Est. Cash Value $1,000

646 * IBI HOTEL POST: 19th Century, stock and accum. of man y hundred on pages , etc., n.h. to unused, fair range of hotels and man y large blks or part sheets, varying to large quantities of some, mixed condition incl. staining to fine to very fine. A very scarce stock and seldom seen in this quantity ....................................................................... .....................................................Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 647 * l!il TONGA: 1887 Perf. 12xll ½ lp carmine, corner block of twenty-nine with gutter at left , n.h. to o.g ., many well centered, fine to very fine. S.G. lb.£290+ .................... .................................................................................... ( 1)



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•• 71

Cati. Val.

648 648 181

TURKEY: Stampless: 1854 bluish folded letter sheet bearing SMYRNE TURQUIE 17 MARS 54 circular datestamp and framed P.P., transit s and Par is receiver on reverse , very fine. Apparentl y an important com1111111i cation to a diplomat ....................................... ......................... ...............(Photo) Est. Cash Value $150-200

649 * O

19th and 20th Century, two separate overlapping coll. in Minkus album and on loose pages, n .h. to o.g. or used , incl. c lass ic and other ea rly i sues. many later comp!. ets . Air . Posta l Ta x, etc. , ome faults though overa ll fine to very fine .......... .................. ............... ................... .................. ........................... ......... Est. Ca h Value $400-600

650 * O

TURKS ISLA D: 1867 to 1895, coll. of 37 stamps on 2 album pages , o.g. to used, 2 used, nice selection of surcharge issues identified, 1881 to 1895 virtually compl., many useful, mixed condition to very fine. S.G. ÂŁ2400 ........

65 1 ** llilU ITED NATIONS: 20th Century, selection of many hundred in glassines in box, appar ently n.h., incl. many Marg in Inscription blks, Souvenir sheet s, First Issue, etc. , fine to very fine ...............................Est. Ca h Value $ 100 652 ** EE1951 to 1980s, coll. of a few hundred on pages in ring-binder , appare ntly n.h .. nearly co mp!. issues incl. Tenth Anni versary and other Souv enir sheet s, Airs, few blk s and dupl. , fine to very fine ...................... Est . Cas h Value $75

VATICAN CITY 653 * * 654




656 * O 657 * O

658 * O

659 * O

20th Century, selection of a few hundred on stock sheets in ring-binder , n.h., apparently co mp!. sets, incl. a few slightly better , Air s and back-of-b ook. fine to very fine ............................................... Est. Ca sh Value $350-4 00 1929 to 1990, coll. of several hundred diff. on pages in ring-binder and Davo album with slipcase, vast majorit y n.h. , balance l.h. or o.g., incl. slightly bette r earl y sets, Air Post , Stagecoac h Souvenir sheet, etc .. fine to very fine .............................................................................. .................................. ..............................Est. Ca sh Value $300- 350 1929 to 1973, two similar coils. on album pages in ring-binder , n .h . to o.g., genera lly the more commo n comp!. set , inc l. Airs and bac k-of- book , fine to very fine .................................................. ............ Est. Cash Value $200-25 0 1929 to 1960, coll. of a few hundred mostly diff. on Minkus pages in ring-binder , l.h . or o.g. , some used , incl. compl. or part sets, Semi-Postal set, Airs, Parcel Post, etc., generally fine to very fine .....Est. Cash Value $125 VENEZUELA: 19th and 20th Century, selection of about 200 in cigar box, o.g. to unused or u ed , incl. slightly better classics and Bolivar types, Airs and back-of-b ook , refe rence . etc .• some on o ld-time mail sa le lot sheets, mixed conditi on to fine to very fine ......... ........................................ ............... .....................Est. Cash Va lue $250- 350 VIET NAM: 1951 to 1970s, coll. of several hundred on album pages, etc ., in box, much n.h. inc l. ea rly issues , ba lance l.h . to used. man y com p!. sets , Airs , etc .. dupl. inc l. used , fine to very fine ..........Est. Cash Value 250-350 YUGOSLAVIA: 1918 to 1951, coll. of many hundred in hingele ss album, duplicated n .h . and used , man y co mp!. sets , Souvenir sheets. emis and few Airs , genera lly fine to very fine ............ ........Est. Cash Value $350-450


Cat i. Val.


PLATE PROOFS: Group of over 280 plate proofs on card affixed to large mounting pages, wide ranging incl. United States, Hawaii, incl. Officials and Revenues, Canada and Provinces incl. Jubilee set compl., plus 3c card proof affixed to large card, also Canada and Newfoundland Revenues, Latin America incl. Cuba, Dominican Rep. , Nicaragua (also Will Rogers Air Post Sc carmine Die proof die sunk on card), Haiti, Costa Rica , others , generally fine to very fine. Many scarce and seldom seen proofs ................................... .........................................................................................Est. Cash Value $3,000-4,000

66 1 * 018J The coll. as received, repackaged in 19 cartons and 2 boxes, many thousands n.h. to unused or used,

wide ranging with much British Commonwealth , Europe and United States , incl. colls . of stamps and covers in 45 ring-binders and 19 International albums, stock sheets, glassines, etc., Australia, Canada, Norway with 62 post office yearly issues "coffee table" books, 1980s to 2002, many modern sets, booklets , Souvenir sheets, FDCs and commercial mail, United Nations, U.S. coll. and common used stock, face , stat ionery, Japan , Scandinavia , etc. , mixed condition to very fine. A valuabl e pr operty worth careful insp ection ...........................................................................................Est. Cash Value $10,000-20 ,000

662 * 018J The coll. and accum. as received in 27 cartons, n.h. to unused or used, enormous range with scores of

countries incl. sizable United States , much Europe, Great Britain and British Empire, etc., classics, modern sets, blks, covers and stationery , stockbooks, albums, collection remainders on pages, quantities on and off paper , large selection in numbered glassines , back-of-book , etc., contains kindling as well as much useful material, mixed condition to very fine ..........................Est. Cash Value $4,000-6 ,000

663 * O



Old -time se lection of over 200 in appro v al book , o.g. to unu se d or used , random iss ues incl. better item s with United States , incl. $1 unused, Briti sh Commonw ealth , Fre nch Colonies , Latin America, etc., some reference , mixed condition to fine to very fine. Worth carejit! inspection ........................................................................ ........................(Photo page 79) Est. Cash Value $2,500-3,500

Coll. in 4 large Elbe-like albums with slipcases in carton, compr. issued stamp mounted on page with artist's interpretation of event or personality. Over 200 such pages drawn in pen and colored ink or watercolors , incl. stamps of United States, United Nations, Israel, France, Germany, Russia, several others , also misc. Iran covers circa 1894, etc. Beautijitlly executed and ideal for display or f rontispiece ............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $2,000-3 ,000

665 * O

Coll. of several thousand diff. in International Junior album , o.g. to unused or used, wide ranging and good representation of many countries incl. some United States and Hawaii , compl. or part sets, Airs and back-of-book , mixed condition incl. some stuck down ......................... .Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200

666 * O

Balance of a property in 3 cartons, unu sed or used , much Ca nada and U.S. on stock sheets and thou ands off and on paper , Great Brit ain , plu s A to Z select ion in envelopes , mixed condit ion ........ ............ Est. Cash Value $200--400

667 **

Balance of a prop erty in carton , unu se d o r used , com mo n is s ues from m a ny co untri es, in c l. U.S., Briti sh Commo nwea lth , Europe incl. used Sw itzerland in varying quantiti es, some mint , mod ern Great Brita in mint iss ues, U.S. pre ca nce ls , few reve nues , many stock book and o ld a lbum s , few e mp ty , mixed cond ition .................. ................................. ............. ................................... ................... ........ ...... ..........Est. Cas h Value $200-3 00

668 0 6 18JBalance of many thousand in glassines, etc., and loose in 2 cartons , used , sca ttered unu sed , much U.S. incl. sorted in numb er g lassi nes , Christmas and other seals in sheet s, on and off paper , FDCs , mint and used stationery , mixed co nditi on ................ ............................ .......... ........ ............. ........................... ..............Est. Ca sh Value $ 150-250 669 * O

Balance of a few hundred on pages, o .g . to unused or used , inc l. Philippin es (U. S . Adm in.) , 19th ce nt. France and Haiti, mint U .N . Tenth Ann iversary sets, mixed conditi on ...... ..... ........ ............. ........ .......... .......Est. Cash Va lue$ lOO


20th Century, balance of a property in box and carton, many hundr ed inc l. FDC s , modern co mmercial mail,


United Nations organizations and opera tions, Polar expedi tion. meter mail, mint and used stationery , topic al subjects , many countri es , Swit zerland and other Europe , etc .. mixed co ndit ion to fine to very fine .Est. Ca sh Value $ 150-2 50


Cat i. Val.

Balance of a property , incl. Lundy Island stamps and cover , U.S. 1936 First Amer ican Rocket airp lane flight , 1954 Antarctic Exped ition and other labels . sheet lets of four , Phil atelic Exhibit ion labe ls, Scandinavia labe ls and sea ls incl. sheets, etc., plenty of co llateral materia l, genera lly fine to very fine .................. Est. Cash Value $ 100- 150

67 1

BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AND FOREIGN 19th and 20th Century 672 * O

Balance of many thousand in albums, ring-binders , glassines, etc., in carton and box, o.g. to unused or used, many countries and primarily Europe, incl. classic issues, better items, compl. or part sets and random iss ues , back-of -book , Local s, worldwide Revenue s, cancels, reference, reprints , Latin America, Dutch West Indies, Portugal and Colonies, etc., mixed condition incl. stuck down, though a goodly number salvageable .................................. ............................................Est. Cash Value $2,500-3,000

673 181

Coll. of about 125 covers on pages, incl. British Colonies featuring War Tax, France and Colonies featuring Semis, lndo -China incl. Military, Expedition Corps, German States incl. mint and used stationery, other Europe, Liberia, few Latin America, Regis., better items and unusual usages, generally fine to very fine. Quite eclectic and requiring careful inspection ....................Est. Cash Value $2,000-3,000

674 * O

Selection of a few hundred stamps in small stock book, generally more popular items and some quite esoteric, incl. Australian Duck stamps, mostly strength in British, but useful Germany and other foreign, condition varies. Very useful for mail or Internet sales ....................................Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000

675 * O

Coll. of several thousand diff. in bulging International Junior album, l.h. to unused or used, stamps from almost everywhere, much Europe and British Commonwealth, some sets, condition better than usual, generally fine to very fine .............................................................. .......Est. Cash Value $1,250-1,500

676 * O

The remainder of several coils., all in 4 cartons , incl. large stock of Latin America in glassines, three fairly full Scott Grand Award albums, Israel sheets, approval cards, loose glassines. Needs a lot of sorting , but useful .............................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-2,000

677 * O

The coll. and accum. of many thou sand on pages or stock sheets in 25 ring-binder s and one album in 3 cartons and box, l.h. to unu sed or used, mostly small selection s of man y countrie s, much Europe and Latin America incl. Cuba coll. and small stock , misc. Asia with slightl y better Japan , misc. covers, etc., mixed condition ............................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000

678 * O

Small dealer 's stock of many hundred on retail cards and in counter book, mostly o.g., some n.h. , man y useful smaller stamp s, but from most popular areas, catl. vals perhap s to $40, generally very fine, Worth inspection and sorting ............................................... ............................................... ............. ............Est. Cash Value $750-1,000

679 * O

The coll. as received, several thou sand diff. in 18 sparsely filled Specialt y album s in 2 carton s, l.h. to unused or used , many countries incl. British Commonwealth in 5 albums, much Europe incl. France and Colonies, some compl. sets and Souvenir sheets , generally the more common issues, mixed condition to very fine .............................................................. ............................................................. .......................Est. Cash Value $750+

680 * O181The Louise Boyd Dale/Alfred F. Lichtenstein remainder of misc. old to new stamps, covers , presentation book s, mo stly taken from a closet and de sk , so me hi stor ica l pieces and a few better , mu ch low val ue .................................. ............................................................................. ............................... Est. Cas h Value $300- 500 68 1 * O

Balance of several thousand in glassines and coll. remainder on pages in box, mo st ly used, some n.h . to unused , incl. much Europe and Briti sh area s, also some As ia with China. Japan and most. Thailand , ge nerall y cheaper issues , mixed condi tion ............. ......... ........... .......................... .................... ............Est. Cash Value $300-40 0

682 * O

Coll. remainder of several thousand diff. in bound International Junior album to 1920s, unused or used , ge nera ll y common iss ues from many co untrie s. much Europe. mixed co ndition wi th so me st uck fast ...... .................................... ....... ................................................................ ..................... ........Est. Cash Va lue $ 150-200



POSTAL HISTORY: 19th and 20th Century, accum. of many hundred covers in 7 boxes, incl. classics from South America, better sets, Airs, Europe, FDCs, picture post cards, many cheap, but some better. Worth inspection ...................................................... ...........................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500


Cati. Val. 684 * Ollil Primaril y 20th Century, coll. and accum. of severa l thousand in box and carton, vast majorit y n.h. , balance o.g., or used , mostly modern issues from almost everywhere, incl. sets, blks , Souvenir sheets, Semis and Airs, topical theme s incl. United ations , nudes, anti-malaria, EUROPA, imperfs, much Europe, Asia, Latin America, etc. , and Briti sh Commonwealth , Paragua y error coll. on stock sheets with various issues imperf , imperf. vert. or hori z., Palestine British Mandate ovptd. re venues on pages, etc., eclectic and generally fine to very fine ........................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 Coll. and accum. of several thousand diff. in album s, stockbook s, etc., in carton , n.h. to unu sed or used , generally cheap stamps of many countries, topical s, modern booklet s and Souvenir sheets or sheetlets, some sets, mixed condition .........................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500-600 ffi 686 * O Balance of a propert y, a few thou sand in glassines , etc., an d 3 spar sely filled albums in carton , n.h. to unused or used , incl. modern China, G.D.F.. other Europe, Great Britain and area , Mexico, etc., mixed condition to fine to very fine ...........................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 687 * llil 20th Century, balance of a propert y in carton , n.h. to o.g., incl. Israel coll. in 2 ring-binders, Belgium coll. on stock sheets incl. sets, Semis, Airs, back-of-book, Venezuela #899-90 I, C927-29 compI sheets, Commonwealth Elizabeth sets incl. 198 1 Royal Wedding, etc., fine to very fine .........................................Est. Cash Value $250-300

685 * O

688 ** llilBalance of a few hundred in shoe box, apparently n.h .. incl. Canada, Great Britain, Israel Souvenir sheets and sheet lets, also Europe Columbus Anniversary, mo t. mint sets, etc., generally very fine ...........Est. Cash Value $ 150 Affi POST: Selection of several hundred diff. in 2 small stockbook s in box, n.h. to o.g., many countries and 689 mostly compl. sets, some slightly better , fine to very fine .....................................................Est. Cash Value $750


BRITISH COMMONWEALTH 19th and 20th Centur y 690


69 1 * O


Balance of a propert y in box, a few hundred stamp s mostly on Harmer 's auction lot pages circa 1960s and early 70s, n.h. to o.g., incl. man y compl. sets of variou s colonies incl. Ceylon, Aden, Fiji, Hong Kong , Straits Settlement s, others , generally fine to very fine ......................Est. Cash Value $1,800-2,000

Coll. and accum. of several thou sand on pages and in stock sheets, etc., in box, n.h. to unused or used , man y countrie s, incl. British Europe, West Indi es, Sudan , South Afr ica, incl. bi-lingual multiple s and a few covers, other s plus a lovely selection of mint Austra lian States on stock cards, most cheaper issues, but some sets and better items, mixed condition to fine to very fine ...........Est. Cash Value $1,200-1,500

Selection of over 80 covers in box , incl. tum-of-th e-centur y picture post card s, slogan cancels , censored , FDCs , Australia incl. Antarctic Terr. , States particul arly Victoria , India , West Indie s, mixed condition to mostly fine to very fine. Eclectic contents ........................................ .............................Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000 * O Coll. of man y hundred in 3 Schaubek albums in carto n, o.g. to unused or used , mostly Great Britain and British Empire, Australia, Hong Kong , random issues of many colonies, mixed condition to fine to very fine ..................................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $750+ and accum. on page s, stock cards and loose in box, o.g. to unu sed , used or c.t.o., man y hundred Coll. *O incl. North Borneo coll. , Africa incl. Mauritius , sni pp ets of man y other countri es, compl. or part sets, ovptd. SPECIME or CA CELLED , Semis, Postage Due , etc. , faulty or mixed condition incl. staining ..................................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $750+ * O Coll. remainder of man y hundred diff. in Specialty album , l.h. to unu sed or used , man y countries with larger selections of Great Britain incl. back-of-book , some Offices, Australia, New Zealand , other s, incl. compl. or part sets, Semis, etc., mixed condition to fine to very fine ..................................................Est. Cash Value $750+ * O ffi Accum. of several hundred in stockbook , n,h , to unu sed or used , man y colonies and Great Britain , incl. compl. or part sets , several slightly better 19th cent. , modern blks of 4 and post office pack s, some fault s, generally fine to very fine .................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $600-800








Primaril y 20th Century, coll. of a few hundr ed diff. in Specialty album and old auction lot coils., n.h. to o.g. , incl. Burma , India , Australia, New Hebride s, ew Zealand, Norfolk Islands , Papua New Guinea, Solomon Island s, Cyprus , Gibraltar , Malta, other s, better items and many com pl. sets, generally fine to very fine .................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $3,000-3,500


Cat i. Va l.

20th Century 698 **

Coll. of many thousand diff. in 30 stockbooks , glassines, etc., and loose in 3 cartons, apparently n.h., mostly NEW ISSUE service for 1960s, 70s and 80s, a good effort to stay complete with booklets , Souvenir sheets, sheetlets, Omnibu s, se-ten ant , wmk . and minor printing vars ., dupl. , misc. used and foreign , random earlier issues , incl. 1935 Silver Jubilee , George VI, etc. , some covers, generally fine to very fine ............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $5,000-6 ,000

699 * O EBSelection of man y hundred in stockbook , vast majorit y n.h. , few o.g. or used , many colonies and Great Britain , incl. compl. and part sets, blks, Postage Due, Officials, some dupl. , clean and generall y fine to very fine ..................................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $500+ 700

Coll. of several hundred covers in 6 cover album s in carton, mod ern Great Britain cacheted FDCs, incl. compl. sets, booklet panes , blk s, Regional issues and 1977 Silver Jubilee apparently compl. in 2 custom albums , fine to very fine ......................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $200-250


70 I * O

To 1990s, coll. of many hundred diff. in 6 hingeless album s (2 slipcases) or ring-binder s in carton , vast majorit y n.h. , some o.g. or used , compr. modern issues of Cyprus, Great Bri ta in and Channel Islands incl. Jerse y and Guernse y, Ireland and Canada , incl. man y compl. sets, generally fine to very fine ..........Est. Cash Value $750

702 **





705 * O

OMNIB US: 1948 Silver Wedding compl. set (138) on page s, n.h. , very fine ....Est. Cash Value $750-100

BRITISH AFRICA: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of man y hundr ed diff. in Specialty album, n.h. to o.g., few unu sed , well over 30 countries and incl. numerou s Edwar d VII, George V and George VI issues , compl. and part sets, incl. Bechuanaland , Central and East Afri ca, Gold Coast, Ken ya, Nyasaland, Rhodesia , St. Helena , Sierra Leone , Southern Nigeria , others, few dupl. , some fault s as would be expected , overall fine to very fine. Worth careful inspection .......Est . Cas h Value $8,000-10 ,000

BRITISH WEST INDIES: 19th and 20th Century , coll. of many hundr ed diff. in 2 Specialty albums, n.h. to o.g., some unu sed , about 20 countries incl. Antigua , Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda , Briti sh Hondura s, Cayman ls., Dominica , Grenada, St. Lucia , St. Vincent , others, man y compl. sets and better items , few dupl. , Die types, perf and printing vars ., some faults as would be expected , overall fine to very fine. A valuable collection worth careful inspection ........................................ Est . Cash Value $10,000+

Coll of several hundred diff. on pag es, n.h. to unu sed , early used, over 15 countries incl. Briti sh Hondura s and Falkland ls. , with man y George VI and Elizabeth compl. sets, also ear lier incl. ovptd. SPECIMEN, dupl. , mixed condition to much fine to very fine ...........................................................Est . Cas h Value $500-600

706 * O

To about 1970, coll. of a couple thousand diff. in Minkus album , n.h. to unu sed , few used , compr . Bahamas , Cayman Is., Dominica , Jamaica , Leeward Is., St. Kitts-Nevis , Turks and Caicos Is., Virgin Is., incl. compl. sets, few bett er early items , Souvenir sheets and Wa r Tax , mixed condition to very fine. Stated by owner to catl. about $15,000 ..................................................Est. Cas h Value $2,500-3,000



19th Century, accum. of well over 200 items in box, com pr. covers, fronts , used on piece and stationer y mint and used , incl. classic France , German and Italian States, with mint and multiple franking s, Mexico and Belgium station ery, Norway #1 single franking , Dan ish West Indie s bisects, Switzerland incl. Rayon 5rp (2 covers) , etc. , faulty or mixed condit ion, but some impressive franking s and a variet y of destinations. Worth careful inspection ........................ ............................ .....Est. Cas h Value $1,500-2 ,000

19th and 20th Century 708 * O

Coll. of severa l thou sand diff . in over 15 mostly Schaubek albums in 4 cartons , o.g. to unu sed or used , man y countries though most ly Europe , incl. compl. or part sets , Semis, Air s, etc ., some Souvenir sheets and imperf s, few refere nce , also Latin Americ a, Middle East, Asia, man y common random iss ue s, incl. man y hundred more loose in 2 bo xes, mixed co ndition to much fin e to very fine ........................................................................ ....................................................Est . Cas h Valu e $5,000-6 ,000


Cati. Val. 709 * O

Balance of several thousand in 4 Specialty albums and ring-binder in carton, n.h. to unu sed or used , incl. Latin America remainder colts., much Central America , also significant Italian States , also Italy and area, some Scandinavia, dupl. , better item s, reference , etc., mixed condition with some stuck down to fine to very fine .............................................................................................Est. Cash Value $2,500-3,000

710 * O

Coll. remainder in 10 albums in carton , several thousand diff., n.h. to unused or used , much Europe incl. Bulgaria , Netherlands and Colonies, sparse Ital y an d Area, Scandinavia and Finland, other Europe and Latin America with over a half dozen countries , incl. compl. or part sets, Airs, some back-of-book , mixed condition to fine to very fine ................................................................ Est. Cash Value $1,200-1,500

711 * O

Coll . remainders and accum. of a few thou sa nd on pages and stock sheets in ring-binder in box , n.h. to unused or used , mostly Europe incl. Luxembourg , Austria , Ital y and area incl. Vatican City, Hungar y, others, also Africa incl. Liberia, Middle East, misc. As ia , with reference and dupl. , some slightly better items , Semis, Airs, Souvenir sheets, few sets, mixed condition to fine to very fine ............................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200

7 12 * O



Coll . and accum. of man y hundred in 4 albums or stockbooks and small sheet book in carton, n.h. to o.g. or used , man y countries and much Europe, incl. Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, Scandinavia, topicals, compl. sets, Souvenir sheets , Semis, etc., Lat in America , etc. , mixed condition to much fine to very fine .........................................................................................................................................Est . Cash Value $750-1,000 20th Century , selection of severa l hundred diff. in 2 stockbooks, vast majority n.h. , some o.g. , compr. Czechos lova kia and Yugos lavia modern issues in apparently co mp!. sets, some sheetlets, fine to very fine ..............................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $300-350

7 14 * O

Balance of a few hundred in 3 small stockbook s in box, n.h. to unused or used, incl. a few China-Peop le' s Rep., Germany and misc., foreign, but mostly Israel incl. compl. or part tabs, Air , etc., mixed condition to very fine ..............................................................................................................................................Est. Cash Value $200-2 50

7 15 * O

LATIN AMERICA: 19th and 20th Century, accum. of man y hundred diff. on stock sheets in ring-binder and stockbook in box, n.h. to unused or used , many countries though much Argentina and Brazil, some comp!. sets, Souvenir sheets, Airs, reference, etc., mixed condition also Guatemala coll. of pages, several hundred diff. , incl. later compl. sets, 1871 imperf singles , etc., generally fine to very fine ....................... Est. Cash Value $350-450

716 * 0 83 ASIA: 19th and 20th Century, balance of a few thousand on pages, in glassines, etc., in 2 boxes , n.h. to unused or used, man y countries incl. China an d People 's Republic , Korea , Ryukyu Is., Hong Kong incl. modern dupl., Japan ovptd. MIHON (Specimen ) incl. blks, Southwest Asia incl. North Viet Nam coll., man y compl. sets, Souvenir sheet s, die proofs, Ep reuves de luxe , Revenues, reference and reprints , coll. remainder s, misc. covers, etc., mixed condition to much very fine . Worth careful inspection .....................................................................................................................................Est . Cash Value $1,000+ 7 17 * 83 SOUTHEAST ASIA: 20th Century to 1975, coll. of many hundred diff. on album pages in 2 ring -bind ers, n.h. to o.g., com pr. Laos and Viet Nam and virtually com pl. issues, many sets and Souvenir sheets incl. imperf , Airs , etc., Laos booklet panes of one, etc., generally very fine with a goodly amount n.h . ........Est. Cash Value $600-700





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9:30 a.m. to 5 :30 p.m.


Never hinged




On cover


On piece


Block of four

[!;ii Block larger than four

DP Die Proof






Plate Proof

TC Trial Color

PLEASE NOTE - CREDIT CARDS We regret we are unable to accept credit cards for payment of purchases. For overseas buyers, we ask that payment be made by bank draft , wire or checks in dollars made payable on a U.S. bank .


SE = Straight Edge; s.l. = Slraight-line ; c.d.s. = Circular Date Stamp. c.t.o. = Cancelled to Order; F.D.C. = First Day Cover CONDITION

The various gradings of stamps are, in order: superb; extremely fine; very fine; fine; fair. A lot described as "fair" is so listed either by reason of general appearance or more often because of a small fault or faults, such as a crease, thin spot, short or missing perf, perforated

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

into, cut into, etc. In the case of sets, large blocks, sheets, etc., the condition quoted represents the average and quality above and below this standard can be expected . BIDDING LEVELS UptoS 150 $ 5 $150- $ 300 $10 $300- $ 700 $ 25 $700- $1 ,500 $ 50 Over $ 1,500 approximately 5% Bids which do not conform to the above will be automatically reduced to the correctlevel.

Mixed Condition : In large lots, the condition is generally expected to range from fair to at best fine. Serious defects can be expected.

Handstamp on reverse: Denotes either a dealer, collector or indecipherableexpertiser's mark. Signed by: Denotes either the actua l signature or mark of the expertis e, . The absence of mentioning a signature does not reflect on the ability or knowledge of the party involved .



BIDS BY TELEPHONE Please comply with the following: (a) Not more than 20 bids can be accepted and must be confirmed in writing . (b) Any errors are the responsibility of the bidder. (c) No bids accepted later than 1/2 hour before sale. BIDS BY FAX OR EMAIL

0 .G.


You may fax or e-mail bids up to 1 hour before sale commences - be sure to use


(212) 447-5625 or Shaded portion can represent an actual hinge or the area disturbed by a hinge. n.h. Never hinged - unused with original gum in Post Office state and unmounted l.h. Lightly hinged - unused with full original gum showing some evidence of a previous hinge which may be present in part or entirely removed. o.g. Original gum - unused with original gum somewhat disturbed by previous hinging which may still be present. part o.g. Part original gum - unused with original gum, large hinge remnants may or may not be present. disturbed o.g. Disturbed original gum - unused with original gum, affected by sweating, glazing or mount disturbance; may not resemble the originalgum. unused Unused without gum (unless gum is mentioned) ungummed Unused without gum, as issued.

POSTAL VIEWING BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS Postal Viewing will NOT be available for this auction . VALUATION OF LOTS

Valuations of all lots are available in receipt of stamped, self-addressed envelope. GUM DESCRIPTION

BLOCKS OR SHEETS AND THEIR GUM: Minor separations are the rule, rather than the exception, in lhe case of blocks or sheets of any size. A few separations-around four perts per row-do not affect the value of a block or sheet and are not grounds for the return of a lot. Blocks of four that have two stamps o.g. and two stamps n.h. are described "n.h. (2)/o.g.(2)".

Recognizing lhal lhere are occasional differences of opinion concerning gum nomenclatureby various expert committees, for example, a stamp described as o.g. being certified as large part o.g. or even part o.g., this minor classification discrepancyalone is not sufficient groundsfor return.

PAIRS : All pairs are horizontal, unless otherwise mentioned.


Minor faulls including, but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps, small tears and some back flap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue.

CATALOGUE NUMBERS : The catalogue numbers of the contents of the lots are given in parentheses immedia tely following the descript ions, but in bulky lots only the range of issue is shown. CATALOGUE VALUES: The final column shows the catalogue value of the lot. This is shown in parentheseswhere, in the opinionof the auctioneers,the market value exceeds this figure.


Remember, NO lots may be returned with back stamps stating Fake, Falsch, or similar markings. Recentlythere has been a spate of German expertisersmarkingthe backs of stamps . It is your responsibility as the purchaser not to let this happen.

ESTIMATED VALUES : If an estimated cash value is given, it is shown in the description and always indicated by the abbreviations "Est. Cash Val.". II is used where the lot is large or where the actual value has little relation to the catalogue price. It represents the auctioneer's appraisal of the true MARKET value of a lot and the figure is invariably close to the actual realization. II is useless for mail bidders to list any bids that are only a low proportion of such estimates.

CATALOGUES USED IN LISTING: Scott. Vols. 1-6 Stanley Gibbons British Commonwealth Michel Germany Michel Europe

IN THE MAILING ENVELOPE You will find the bid form, prices realized for the November 6, 2003 General Auction and the May 27th Consul Weinberger catalog.

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Portions of the Dale/Lichtenstein Hawaii and Canada The "Park Avenue " Collection of British Commonwealth Portions of the Consul Weinberger United States and British North America

66 67 68 69 70 71 72

73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123

550 575 1050 210 2700 150 220 260 280 650 1000 1100 220 170 475 210 105 135 800 1050 400 90 95 700 95 170 140 210 475 210 1000 600 300 475 115 400 325 190 75

220 200 1100 200 170 650 375 180 270 300 350 270 350 190 110

124 125 126 127 128 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 178 179 180 182 183 185

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186 188 189 190 191 192 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246

1700 325 1700 850 3250 4000 2200 270 135 240 160 1700 325 325 375 190 500 850 1300 170 200 3750 7000 240 2500 210 2600 2000 1400 575 3000 2500 1500 1400 2000 1600 1150 1000 1050 900 900 900 3000 375 260 240 7500 9500 1000 500 375 4500 1050 1050 800 700 500

247 248 249 250 251 252 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 272 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 286 288 289 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 308 309 310 311 312 313 317 318 319 320 321 324

300 350 280 250 200 130 325 1600 1050 600 2300 150 1150 160 1900 5500 2300 1350 1400 1000 525 1150 425 120 160 110 110 110 110 75 180 85 190 125 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 125 125 170 105 160 115 115 115 115 375 75 250 230 240 85

325 328 329 330 333 334 337 338 339 340 341 342 344 345 346 347 348 349 351 352 353 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 368 370 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 394 395 397 398

200 100 85 85 210 95 400 325 95 95 400 200 180 170 160 170 100 170 150 200 95 325 125 375 575 750 220 180 75 350 500 400 2000 525 325 750 160 45000 1900 450 145 425 475 400 115 160 190 425 2000 750 450 190 180 2700 2100 350 375

TOTAL $7 09,6 10

399 400 401 402 403 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 455 457 458 459

300 625 575 475 525 600 180 115 375 350 300 500 260 325 325 170 270 1300 375 950 350 250 3750 1600 3250 750 375 1900 100 350 400 350 350 300 260 425 4000 4000 1500 2 10 180 230 2500 4250 2200 550 200 325 190 550 950 1400 425 170 400 125 280

460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 472 473 476 477 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499

290 600 450 325 190 325 350 2 10 50 270 230 750 850 1000 425 400 160 180 325 90 325 190 130 210 125 270 140 375 280 290 260 450

500 501 502 503 504 505 506 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 532 533 534 535

280 650 2000 525 4000 100 120 115 450 170 350 900 200 600 2100 1900 375 210 210 850 550 11500 110 950 290 5750 625 625 700 425 3500 2700 1050

536 537 539 540 541 542 543 545 546 547 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 570 571 572

280 220 750 325 850 350 210 325 750 300 2500 500 1600 4000 2 1000 700 350 210 160 2100 280 300 575 1150 375 475 1400 1000 1250 75 850 105 55


573 574 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 590 592 593 595 596 597 598 599 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610

35 210 850 600 2000 210 575 260 260 135 170 500 375 525 230 600 240 900 550 260 200 210 120 425 200 425 475 160 2600 375 2100 525 600

611 612 613 614 615 616 618 619 620 621 622 624 625 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646

230 950 350 1250 350 240 4000 2200 2300 3750 1800 950 300 130 475 75 450 450 500 325 525 375 350 325 220 950 575 160 2300 10000 5250 1700 2800

647 648 649 651 652 654 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683

80 180 575 75 125 450 230 210 280 9500 7500 8000 2900 3250 950 200 250 260 170 600 270 13000 3750 2600 2200 1050 1250 650 1450 1400 325 220 3250

684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717

1800 550 220 210 160 1350 3500 2400 1300 2400 1300 800 7000 4750 525 650 1000 16000 16000 1200 4000 6000 9500 6500 2600 1500 1600 220 400 300 2600 800



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