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SALE 2948
MAY 27, 2004 Afternoon Session at 2:00 P.M.
EXH IBITION OF LOTS MAY 24 -26 from 9 :30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. or by Appointm ent EXHIBITION ROOM CLOSED 1:00 p.m. to 1:45 p .m. EACH DAY May 27 from 9:30 to 12 Noo n To be sold at Auction by
H.R.HARMER LLC 3 EAST 28TH STREET , 7TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY 10016 Telephon e: (212 ) 532 -3700 Fax: (212 ) 447 -5625 E-mail : hrharmer @hrharmer.com Website : ,vww.hrharmer.com Keith A. H armer, Jack LaCalamiro -
Licensed Auctio neers, License #'s 672829 , 78087 0
On all lots sold a commis sion of 15% on th e hammer price will be payable by the buyer .
Cati. Val.
MAY27,2004 Afternoon Session at 2:00 P.M.
ARGENTINA 1867-72 RIV ADA VlA: Im perforate 15c bright blue, good to enormous margins, lightly cancelled, handstamps on reverse , lovely deep color , extremely fine. Royal Certificate (1930) ......................... ..................... (Photo ) (16) 1002 * EE 1877 SURCHARGED: Wove Paper 2c on Sc vermilion , BLOCK OF FOUR , o.g., fresh , very tine. Scarce multipl e ................................................................................................................... .................................................(Photo) (31)
I00 I O
1,750.00 370.00+
1003 * li:il CORDOBA: 1858 LAID PAPER; Arms Sc blue, BLOCK OF TWENTY, Pos. Jl-20 , 21-30 , o.g. , clear to large margins except two stamps touched, hinged to card backing with various notations denoting stop after CEN", re-entry, "C RDOBA" , etc., some faults including stains. fine or fine appearance. Rare m ultiple ............. (Photo ) ( I) 2,500 .00+ I004 0 b.
ARGENTINA AND PROVINCES: The selection of about 75 stamps on stock sheets , some used on piece and #5 mint top sheet margin pair , including #1 strip of three , other Confederation and Republic Issues , Rivadavia , Bueno s Aire s (24) including 2c blue on piece with Confederat ion Sc, Corrientes (11) with (3c) on dark blue , tete-b eche pair, etc ., pairs and inter esting cance ls throughout, some faults , generally tine to ver y tine ...................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $2,000-3 ,000
USED ON COVER Lot 1007 used on fro nt I005 181
1006 181
1007 b.
I008 181
1863 BROAD " C" IN " CENTAVOS" , NO ACCENT ON " U" OF " REPUBLICA": Sc rose , clear to enormous margins , fine , tied by bold TUCUMA in shield cancel on folded letter sheet to Goya bearing blue CORREOS DEL PARANA 15 ABR 64 circular datestamp, indistinct backstamp ..........(Photo ) (7C) Est. Cash Value $200-300 1864 ARROW "C" IN " CENTAVOS: Sc rose red , good to large margins, very fine , tied by blue dotted oval cancel on petite green folded letter sheet bearing matching CORREOS DE SANT A FE 23 MAR 64 circular datestamp. Prerry sramp and cover ............................................................(Photo ) (714) Est. Cash Value $300-500 1864-67 RIV ADA VIA BISECT : Perforated 11 ½ 10c green , right diagonal half used as Sc on cover front, pe rfora tions c lipp ed , fin e a ppeara nce, tied by PASO DE LOS LIBRES in fancy oval cancel to Montevideo. Seldom seen bisect usage .............. .................................................... (Photo) ( 12a) Est . Cash Value $300- 500 ]Sc blue , very tine , tied by on-the-nose blue oval CONCORDIA cancel on folded letter sheet to Buenos Aires ........................................................................................................................(Photo ) ( 13) Est. Cash Value $300-4 00
675 .00
10 10 181
1859 LIBERTY HEAD: lmperforate 4r green on blui sh , mo stl y ver y large margin s, extremely fine , tied by greenish blue negative po stmark on fresh folded letter sheet , Maier handstamp on reverse .........................................................................................................................(Photo ) (9) Est. Cash Value $400-600 1862 ISSUE: Ip rose, good to mostl y large margins , ver y tine , tied by dotted grid and CORREOS DE BUENOS AIRES 2 1 ENR 63 circular date tamp on folded letter sheet (hinge sealed tears) bearing manu cript "and 63" in purple .......................... ......................................... ....................................................(Photo ) ( 12) Est. Cash Value $200-300
c/ __
Cati. Va l.
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IO11 r8J
Th e selection of 24 cover s in stockbook , includ ing Confed eration and Republic issues, Rivad avia, all single frank ings with a variet y of cancels and markin gs, also Corri entes, six cover s, two franked with pair s, mixed conditio n to very tin e .................................................... (Photo ) Est. Cas h Value $4,000-6 ,000
1012 10 12 0
SOUTH AUSTR ALI A: 1856-59 LOCAL PRINT ; lmp erforat e l sh oran ge, STR IP OF THREE , very lar ge margins, on-the-no se " 1" in diamond grid canc els, bri ght , fresh color , sup erb . S.G . 12, ÂŁ1125+ ............................................................................................................................... .............................(Photo ) (9) 4
Ca ti. Va l.
TASMANIA: 1856-57 UNWATERMARKED: lmperforate 2p dull emerald green, mostly huge margin s showing portion of adjoining stamp at left , extremel y fine , lifted in order to inspect the paper and then affixed by hinge to cover , tied by numeral in grid cancel on local folded letter sheet (light soiling) to Hobart Town bearing red PRE-PAID 14 NO 1858 marking. S.G . 20 , from £2400 .....................................................................................(Photo) (8) Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 A RARE STAMP AND ESPEC IALLY SO USED ON COVE R
IO 14 L::. IJll 1850 COAT OF ARMS: Im perforate 2kr black , STRIP OF THREE , 3kr red , BLOCK OF SIX, large
margins , tied by cro ssed straight-line HOHENEMS cancels on piece , extremely fine. 3kr catalogued as block of four ...................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (2,3) 2,825.00+
Cat i. Va l.
1015 10 15 0
9kr blue , type II , STRIP OF EIGHT, large margins all round , one fold between stamps , neatl y cancelled, extremely fine. Catalogued as pair and two strip s of three .......................................................... ..........(Photo) (5)
1016 181
1858-59 EMBOSSED: Perforated 14½ 2kr yellow , type II , right diagonal half, uncancelled and in verse ly placed on blue 1861 folded letter with 2kr , two singles , one creased, fine , tied by SZIGETHVAR 6 VIII circular datestamp , on reverse NAGY-KAGYA (?) transit/receiver.Rudolf Fried l Certificate (1923) ....................................................... .....(Photo ) (6c) Est. Cash Value $7,500-10,000 A FABULOUS AUST RIA RARITY.
The bisect in combination with rhe two copies of the 2kr pay the correct 5kr rate.
IO17 L::.Hl 3kr black , type I , BLOCK OF FOUR AND SINGLE, tied by PESTH 19/12 circular postmarks on
piece, trivial pert' stains , otherwise very fine ............................................................................... (Photo ) (7a) 10 18 181
3kr black , type I, STRIP OF THREE PLUS TWO SINGLES , fine to very fine, tied by centered strikes of TRIEST 5/7 (B-H ) postmark s on blue folded letter sheet to Augsburg, backstamped BAHNH-AUSBURG ....................................................................................................................(Photo ) (7a) Est . Cash Value $750-1,000
Cati. Val.
~riebricbmitttr t,. 1'ami6, f. f.
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1019 1020
1851-56 TYPOGRAPHED 1019 0
1020 6.
lmperforate (6kr ) yellow , CORNER COPY with margins all round except frame line touch ed at right , circular datestamp cancel , light crea ses, fine appearance. Mi. â‚Ź8500 ..............................................(Photo ) (P2) (6kr ) yellow, touched one side to large margin s, tied on printed addre ss label , fine. Scott $11,500 as complete wrapper ........................................................................(Photo ) (P2) Est. Cash Value $2,000-3 ,000
0 0
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Italiano. 1nhre
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ella piccolo linea er Ire volte, piu erzione. liono onorarci, ordinazioni onde o Gennaio l'edirolfrire ai noslri ,eda:&lone.
La visita che fece S. M. l'lmperalore al regal Suo Zio a Berlino, trasse in queslo momcntoin molto maggior gr·ado, che non sarebbe slalo ii caso altrevolte sopra di se l' attenzione di tu . Ui 'gli slali, ed empi ii mondo di supposizioni ·sopra lo scopo vero di questo ,iaggio e i suoi probabili effetti. I legami di paren· tela e di personale amicizia, che uniscono i due eccelsi Monarcbi, le slreUe. relazioni d' ambi gli Slati e la fratellanza d' al'mi delre·· due armale, souo motivi sufficienli.per ispiegare la visita imperiale. Ma il r1guardo aHe negoziazio11inon ancor cliiuse negli affari doganali di Germania, e al cangiamento di governo tesle avvenuto in Francia, indusse ad aggiustar maggiore imporlanza polilica al convegno dei due.Sovran;
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lamenlari, e della caduta dtl minislero che ora va a formarsi; pur lroppo e da lemere che da queste lotle abbian la peggio i caUolici.
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Abbaonamentl per Vienna al rlcnono alla Reda rlone del Olon,ale, Tuchlaubeo, Nr. 438, rr.piano. A Trieste da Giacomo Saraval. - A Veoerla da Antonio Gallo sotlo le Procuratle. - A Verona alla Llbrerla della Minerva. - A Milano alla Llbr. e Tlpogr. di G. Silvestri. - A Dologoa olJa Lod, Sped.delle Garrette , Gropp! e letl ero vog llooo euere dlretu fraoold di porlo Alla Redazione del O>rrier~ Itali ano.
N 0
Cati. Val.
1858-59 EMBOSSED lmperforate 1858-59 (lkr ) blue , VERTICAL PAIR, large margin s all round , straight-line cancels , Senf hand sta mp on reverse , very fine .............................................................................................................(Photo ) (PS)
1023 0
I 024
(lkr ) blue , irregular BLOCK OF FIVE , mostly very large margin s all round , oval cancels, small scissors cut between extended single and block, very fine to extremely fine. Ca talogued as single and block of four ..................................................................................................................... ....................................(Photo ) (PS) 5,050.00+
1025 181
(lkr ) blue , cut in slightly to good margin s, tied by on-the-nose SACILE 7/5 within barred circle cancel on blue 1859 folded lette r (missing one small flap , slight soiling), MILANO 8/5 back sta mp. Very rare usage ......................................................................................................................(Photo ) (PS) Est. Cash Value $500-750
1026 181
(lkr ) deep blue , margin s all round , larg e three sides, fine , tied by MA TOYA 27/2 postmark on rose wrapper .................................................................................................................................................................. (Photo ) (P5a) (lkr ) lilac , large to enormous margin s, light wrinkle , extremely fine appearance , tied by NIMES postmark on wrapper .................................................................. ..................................................................................... (Photo ) (P6)
1027 181
825.00 500.00
Cati. Val.
1028 6
(lkr ) dark lilac , STRIP OF THR EE , ver y lar ge mar gin s all round , tied by ZEITUNGS -EX PED: WIEN 19/ 10 double circl e postmark s on piece , extr emely fine ........(Ph oto) (P6a ) Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500
1029 0
1861 ISSUE : (lkr ) deep lilac, PAffi , lar ge mar gins sho wing significa nt portion s of adjoinin g stamp s at top , ova l cance ls, light soiling , fine appeara nce . Rare mulrip/e ..........................(Photo ) (P7b) Est. Cash Value $300- 500
1030 6
1863 ISSUE : Coat of Arm s (l.05kr ) browni sh lilac , G UTT E R STRIP OF THR EE, hu ge mar gins, cancelled on print ed addr ess la bel, extr emely fine ..............................................(Ph oto) (P8c) Est. Cash Valu e $750-1 ,000
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Hans (eschi, • . I Ve n " i. , 'n den oeste'r •. ,_ ,~··ii H • J:'.f'C . CE L;._.~ 11s serh:I.IJ1 o,,.,.,...,w,,n u ,,. _ .tn • ~ \ ::;::.' S t a d l ~ ' ;;· und d(uI:lcs tt llunt vom ausliindi- . Wollzl'ilu !i ? l i tr'. 1111 in-Wiun gtllllnclu W6l't.le11. • ~
103 1 0
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1851 to 1863 , th e Newspa per selection of a bout 30, plu s Me r cur y (0.6kr ) on News paper and two wr a pp ers, as well as sin gles includin g diff er ent types and shades , also 1861 (lkr ) gr ay and shad es, 1863 Coat of Arm s shades and strip of thr ee , etc., fair numb er tied on piece, some fa ult s though much fine to very fine and virtuall y a ll four-mar gined copies .............................(Photo) Est. Cas h Value $1,500 10
Cati. Val. 1032
NEWSPAPER TAX: 1853 Imperforate 2kr blue green , o.g., clear to large marg ins, gum creases, beautiful deep color, fine . Mi . €2200 ...................................................... ................................................................. .....(Photo) (PR le) 1858--59 4kr brown, SHEET MARGIN COPY, large margins other sides, TRIEST cancel, very fine. Mi. €1200+ ........................................................................................................................................................... ......(Photo) (PR4) REVENUE: 1854-57 In scribed "Ankiindigung s-St empel " lkr pale blue & black , ver y fine , tied by ind istinct ca nce l on 9 Jun e 1859 " Bohm . Le ipar Woc henbl att" pr inted bull etin , few light tone spots, fine ...................... ....................................................................................................... ............. ....Est. Cash Value $300- 500
1033 0 1034
I036 0
OFFICES IN THE TURKISH EMPIRE: 1867 Coarse Print 50sld red brown , perf 12, and 25sld gray lilac , perf 9½, BLOCKS OF FO UR , tied by ALEXANDR IEN RECO M 4/ 12 ca nce ls on piece , fine to very fine ...(Photo ) (6b,7a) Est. Cash Value $300-400 .......... ........ ................................................................................... L',
The collection of over 150 stamp s on stock sheet s, including man y strip s of three or four , pair s, on piec e, fanc y cancel s, oval , r ed , blue , etc. , man y ar e Fir st Issue including types , also Lombard y-Venetia copie s with s trip s, s ome fault s though o verall fin e to ve r y fine and s ome exceptional ......................................................................................... .....................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $2,000-3 ,000
~onnerftag ben 9. ~ nni.
Cati. Val.
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~ EX1037
I037 181
The selection of 25 covers on stock sheets , includin g First Issue, eleven covers with lkr strip of three , E mbo sse d (6), 3kr and 6kr Revenue s on se parate covers , Office s in Turkish Empire and Lombardy-Venetia , one each, fancy cancels, red Register ed , different types, for eign destination s, etc., generall y fine to very fine ...................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $3,000-5,000
1038 6ffi
1039 6
1040 0
Coat of Arm s 2s yellow, BLOCK OF FOUR , tied by CONSTANTINOPEL 27/9 cancels on piece, couple corner perforation s creased , well centered , very fine. Scott as strip of four $8750 .................(Photo ) (20)
NEWSPA PER TAX: 1858-59 lmperforate lkr black , mostly very large margin s, tied by small, indistinct thimble cancel on piece, very light crease, very fine appearance. Mi. €3400 ........... ..............................(Photo ) (PR I ) 4kr red , larg e, even margin s, on-the -n ose GAZZETTE VENEZ IA 2/13 doubl e circle cancel , extr emely fin e. Mi. €3100 .........................................................................................................(Photo ) (PR3)
Cat i. Val.
~• ,; :-. ,, .
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USED ON COVER 104 1 181
1850 IMPERFORATE : Coat of Arms Sc buff , STRIP OF THREE, large margins, left stamp light gum crease, otherwise very fine, tied by clear strikes of CASA RSA 28 / I circular po stmark on pa le gree n 1852 fo lded letter , two line UDINE 29 GEN rece iver on reve rse ........................................ (Photo) ( I) Est . Cash Value $400-600
1042 181 I043 181
1864- 65 PERFORATED 9½ : 2s yellow, fine, tied by bold VERONA 24/4 po stmark on b lue 1866 print ed folded lett er to Milan bearin g PD hand sta mp , "T' in oval markin g on reve rse ........ (Photo) (20) Est. Cash Value $400- 500 2s ye ll ow, PAIR , brilli ant fr es h , ve ry fin e, ca nce ll ed by SM IR NE 27/ 3 69 thimbl e postm ark on fo ld ed print ed doc um ent (e dge fa ult s), ova l Tri es t tr ans it and Wie n rec e iver on reve rse ............................................................. .......................................................... (Photo) (20) Est. Cash Value $500-600
1044 181
2s yellow and 3s green, fresh and fine, tied by single strik e o f PALMA 5/4 po stmark on 1866 folded letter , brown ne xt-day Gr ay rece ive r on rever se .......... ........................................ 13
(Phot o) (20 ,2 1) Est. Ca sh Value $400-600
1,800 .00 I ,600.00
1,400.00 1,400.00
Ca ti. Val.
1045 181
1857 Inscribed " Centesimi " 75c yellow green & black , fine , cancelled by bold VENEZIA 15/12 circular datestamp on 1856 folded letter , on re verse next-day Basel receiver ...................................................................................................(Photo ) (Mi.6) Est. Cash Value $3,000-4 ,000 RARE USAGE
BARBADOS 1046 t,
1855-58 WHJTE PAPER: Imperforate (½ p) deep green , VERTICAL STRIP OF FOUR , mostly very large margins, tied by "1" in grid cancels on part of envelope to St. Lucia with FEB 1860 postmark, large scissors cut between middle stamp resulting in large margins for both stamps , small corner fault bottom stamp , otherwise very fine. S.G. 8. Rare multip le frank ing ....................................................... (Photo) (5) Est. Cash Value $500-750
1047 181
(lp ) deep blue, good to mostly large margins all round , very fine, tied by nea t strike of" 1·' in grid ca nce l on blue folded letter (few small fa ults) to Trinj dad bea ring manu cript " P Stmr. ", BARBADOES J U 2 1 1857 spli t ring dates tamp of orig in on reve rse. S.G . JO, from £300 ............. ........... ............ ..... (Photo) (6) Est. Cas h Va lue $ 150-200 14
Cati. Val.
1867-68 E GRAVED: Condor 10c brown , vertical PAIR , good to enormous margins showing portion of adjoining stamps at left, extremel y tine , tied by single strike of indistinct LA PAZ double circle postmark on neat blue folded letter sheet bearing on reverse TAGNA transit and AREQUIPA 16 APR 68 receiver .........................................................................................................................(Photo ) (4) Est. Cash Value $300-500 1049 * llil 100c green, BLOCK OF EIGHT, full o.g. , large margins all round, one stamp tiny tear , very tine and rare multiple ..............................................................................................................................................(Photo) (8) 1,120.00+
I 048 181
1050 181
1843 ENGRAVED: Fine Impression 60r black , good to large margins , light corner crease , very tine appearance , tied by straight-line SJOAO DEL REY postmark on local greenish 1844 folded letter to Rio de Janeiro ................................................................................(Photo ) (2) Est. Cash Value $2,000-3,000 15
Cati. Val.
105 1
USED TO FRANCE: 1861 lS0r red , sheet margin copy , superb , tied by dotted grid cancel on blue folded letter readdressed to La Bastide bearing double circle dated postmark, large red framed P .D. and manuscript " Paket Francais" , Bordeaux transit markings and LA-BASTIDE 20 AVRIL 62 receiver on reverse .......................................................................................................................(Photo ) (39) Est. Cash Value $500-600
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1052 0161181 The selection of over 40 lmperforate stamps and one cover on stock sheets, including 1843 60r and
90r , 1850s issues with singles and pairs , #7 strip of three , #39 pair , #27 block of six, plus pair on cover to London , mixed condition to extremely fine ..................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $1,500-2 ,000 16
Cati. Val.
~~ tfr-,,,__ _c ~ ~
/~ I053
Ship and Motto 4c blue , margin s all round , large three sides, very little bleeding in design , tied by DEMERARA JU 3 1853 circular date stamp on attractive blue folded letter (smalJ hole) with hand-drawn border s to Georgetown , neat company filing sheet , on rever se duplicated dat estamp. S.G. 10, £18,000 .............................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (7) Est. Cash Value $5,000-7,500 LO VELY, RARE COVE R AN D AS N ICE AS ANY OFFERED IN TH£ LAST TWENTY YEARS
1853-59 IMPERFORA TE ISSUE Without Line Above Value
1054 1054 0 1055 0
Sea l of Colony le vermilion , mostly very large margins , neatl y cancelled , vivid color , extremely fine. S.G. 11, £1000 ............................................................ ..................................................................................(Photo ) (8) le , bright shade , good to mostly large margin s all round, lightly caned. , post office fre sh , extremely fine. S.G. ll , £1000 ..................................................................................................................................... .........(Photo ) (8)
1056 0
le , clear to mostly large margin s all round , on-the-nose circular date stamp cance l, rich co lor, very fine . S.G. 11, £ 1000 .............................................................. ........................ ........................................................ (Photo ) (8)
1057 0
Full or Partial White Line Above Value le dull red , type I (S.G. "A"), PAIR, well clear to mostly large margin s all round , each with neat circular date stamp cancel , extremely fine. S.G. 12, £2000+ .................................................................................(Photo ) (9)
1058 0
le browni sh red , type III (S.G. " C"), mostly enormous margin s all round , lightly cancelled, superb. S.G. 16a, £1700 ................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (9f)
Cati. Val.
1059 t8J
4c pale blue , STRIP OF THREE , good to large margin s except left stamp (damaged ) lifted and hinged to local pale blue folded letter sheet (hinge sealed tears ), tied by DEMERARA AP 7 59 circular datestamps , Berbice receiver on reverse. Ex Seybold. S.G. 20a .............................(Photo ) (llb ) Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000
1060 0
With or Without White Line Above Value 4c deep blue, blue, pale blue, four different , large to enormous margins , neatly cancelled, extremel y fine to superb. S.G. 18a, 19, 19a, 20a , £2500 .....(Photo ) (10,a,b,11)
106 1 0
1856 TYPESET: 4c black on magenta , signed E.D.W. (ight), large margin s cut square, neat Demerara split ring cancel , tin y corner crease , otherwi se very fine. S.G. 24, £6000 .................................(Photo ) (14)
1062 I 062 0
1063 0
1064 0 I 065
1857 BLUE PAPER: Watermarked Star 6p purple brown , edge of sheet watermark , mostly enormous margins , lightl y cancelled , extremel y fine . S.G. 1, £450. Fab ulous sramp ............................................ .................. (Photo) (2) 1857-59 WIDTE PAPER: 4p dull rose , good margins all round , lightl y cancelled , beautiful deep color , very fine. S.G. 4, £4500 .......................................................... ..........................................................(Photo ) (5) l sh9p green , full to large margins , unobtrusive cancel and lovely color , extremely fine. S.G. 11, £800 .................................................................. ......................................................................................... .........(Photo) (12) 1857-58 UNWATERMARKED: ½ p lilac , SHEET MARGIN COPY , good to ver y large margins other sides, o.g., fresh , extremel y fine. S.G. 17, £170+ ......... .......... .................... ........ ..................... ......... ...... (Photo) (14 ) 18
Cat i. Va l.
1866 to 1873 COAT OF ARMS: Selection of six stamps, compri sing Laid Pap er lr , Wove paper ½ r (2), Ordinar y paper ½r black on yellow, one each mint and used, ½r black on violet, includin g blue, red and violet cancels, ver y fine to extr emely fine ................ ........... ....... ............... ...... ....... .................. ...... ..... ... (7,9,29,30 )
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186~7 WOVE PAPER: lr black on bluish, good to enormou s mar gins showing significant portion of adj oinin g stamp at bott om, extr emely fine, tied by FR ANCO in ova l cancel on blue folded letter sheet (negligible soilin g) bea rin g blu e doubl e circl e STO DO MING O AGO 12 1871 (in part ) and .Y. STEAMS HIP 10 markin g ..........................................................(Ph oto) (11) Est. Cas h Valu e $2,000-3 ,000 RARE COVER
1068 1068 iBI
SUEZ CANAL COMPANY: 1858 Imp erfor ate 20c blue, SHEET MA RGIN BLOCK OF EIGHT , mostly lar ge mar gins oth er sides, o.g., vertic al cr ease between stamp s fir st and second ro ws, fr esh , very fin e. Attra ctive m.ultipl e ............................................................................................................. ...................... (Photo) (SG3)
Cat i. Va l.
1069 B
1856-58 COAT OF ARMS: Small Pearl s in Post Horns 10k rose, large , even margins , light stain, very fine appearance , cancelled by framed WIBORG 1856 postmark on local blue folded letter sheet, Ernst Stook hand stamp on rever se. Very attra ctive ................................................... ......(Photo ) (2) Est. Cash Value $500-750
BADEN 1070 0
1862 -65 PERFORATED 10: 30kr deep orange, nea tly cance lled , come r perforat ion crease , fine and attracti ve. Mi . 22b, €2000 .......... ............... ........ ........ ...................................... ........... ........................................ ......... (Photo ) (25)
1kr black , large margin s showing dividing lines thre e sides, tied by light 1860 double circle cancel on piece, couple barely visible tone spots, hand stamp s on re verse, very fine. Mi. Hla , €3000 ...........................(Photo ) (1)
Cati. Va l.
/717-~ 1072 181
lkr deep black (tiefschwar z), VERTICAL STRIP OF SIX, mostly very larg e margin s showing dividing lines except bottom sta mp touched , very fine, each stamp cancelled by cogwheel "2 72" postmark on Register ed folded lett er sheet bearing "C harge " hand sta mp and POERNB ACH receiver. Mi. lib .......................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (la ) Est. Cash Value $25,000-30,000 A PARAMOUNT EXHIBITI ON PIECE Until now , there was only one cover bearing a strip of six of the one kreuser. Residing fo r decades first in the West, then the Boker collections , it is a highlight of Bavarian Philately . Now there is a companion cover made even more enticing by bearing the one kreuser in 1he rarer color.
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1850-58 COMPLETE CIRCLE 1073 181
6p bro wn , SHEET MARGIN ST RIP OF FOUR , good to lar ge margin s other sides showing dividing lines except touch ed one point , fine to very fine, tied by closed cogwheel "598" on folded letter sheet bearing WURZBURG 28 JUL (?), Simbach receiver on re verse . Mi. 4Il, unpriced on cover. €3200 as strip of four off cover ....................................................................(Photo ) (5) Est . Cash Value $1,000-1,200 21
Cati. Val.
1074 0
9hr pale blue green, STRIP OF FOUR, good to large margins showing dividing lines three sides , neat cogwheel "18" cancels , fine to very fine .......................................................................................(Photo ) (6b)
1075 181
12kr red , VERTICAL MARGIN PAIR, good to large margins other sides showing trace or complete dividing lines all sides , natural margin paper cracks (Bayern-briichig) , very fine appearance, cancelled by cogwheel "325" on long Registered envelope bearing MUNCHEN 22 double circle postmark and "Charge" handstamp. Mi. 6, â&#x201A;Ź1800+ ..................................................................................................(Photo ) (7) Est. Cash Value $500-750
1076 6
lkr yellow, irregular STRIP OF SIX, pane margins left and right, large margins other sides , caned. by closed cogwheel "137" and tied by semi-circu lar FREYSING postmarks on piece, brilliant fresh, extremely fine. Mi. 8, â&#x201A;Ź3760+. Catalogued as pair and strip of four ...........................................(Photo) (9)
Cat i. Val.
1077 O l!ll 6kr blue , BLOCK OF TEN, cut in slightl y to larg e margin s, oval Crown FREISING cancels , defective but quite attractive. Mi. 10a , €5150+. Catalogued as two block s of four and pair. Rare nwltiple ............ (Photo ) (11)
9kr bistre , BLOCK OF FOUR, barel y touched to good margin s, tied by cogwheel " 189" cancels on 1078 L'.'.'-EB piece , two small stain spots , fine and rare block. Mi.11 , €12,000 ..............................................(Photo ) (12)
I E, good to large margin s, cancelled by on-the-nose cogwheel " 191" cancels, a few minor fault s, none the less a very fine and rare multiple. Mi. 13a, €11,250+. Ca talogued as block of four , strip of three and pair ............................................................................................... .......(Photo ) (14)
1079 O llll 18kr vermilion red , BLOCK OF
Cati. Val.
1080 181
USED TO LONDON: 18kr pale red, SHEET MARGIN COPY, large margins other sides showing complete dividing lines, tiny corner margin fault, very fine, tied by BAMBERG 12 APR. 1869 double circle datestamp on folded letter (hinge sealed tear) bearing framed P.D., LONDON PAID AP 14 69 and manuscript rating in crayon, all in red. Mi. 13b, €2500 ........(Photo) (14a) Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200
108 1 0 161 1870-72 WIDE WATERMARK: Coat of Arms 7kr ultramarine , BLOCK OF SIX, neat KRAUPZEITUNGSEXPED AUGSBURG 29 JAN. oval cancels , fine. Mi. 25Ya, €855+. Cata logued as block of four and pair ....................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (26) I 082 0 6 181The collection of about 90 stamps and 11 covers on stock sheets, comprising the various Numeral
issues and 1867-68 Embossed Coat of Arms, with pairs and strips of three , many used on piece, open and closed cogwheel cance ls, important shades, etc. , covers include local and foreign destinations plus Postage Due #Jl tied by circular datestamp and bearing MUNCHEN 28 NOV 1869 two line postmark and J3 tied by bluish MUNCHEN circular datestamp , some faults as would be expected , much very fine ................................................................................................(Photo page 74) Est. Cash Value $3,000-4,000
Cat i. Val.
1852-55 ISSUE 1083 6 10846 1085 6
black on blui sh, Mi. type I , mostly large margin s, tied by large " 22/5" postmark on piece 1852-55 bearing ABBEHAUSEN straight-line cancel, very fine. Mi. 21 ................(Photo ) (1) Est. Cash Value $300-500 1/ioth black on yellowish, PAIR , tied by blue framed HOHE KIRCHEN 9/4 cancels on piece , large margins , extremely fine. Mi. 4a , €1320 .................................................................................................. ...................(Photo ) (3) 1/3sgr black on greenish , mostly very large margins all round , tied by blue framed OLDENBURG 25/s cancel on piece , extremely fine. Mi. 1, €1440 ..................................................................... .................... ..............(Photo ) (4) 1/Joth
1086 6
1859 ISSUE: 1/3g black on greenish , large margins all round , tied by blue framed VAREL 21/3 postmark on piece , extremely fine. Mi. €4320 .................................................................................................(Photo ) (5)
1087 6
1/Jg black on greenish , good to mostly large margin s, tied by blue framed CLOPPENBURG 6/3 postmark on piece , very fine. Mi. €4320 ........................................................................ ..................................(Photo ) (5)
1861 ISSUE
1088 1089 6 10900
109 1 6
¼ orange , PAIR , full o.g., very large margins all round , brilliant fresh , superb. Mi. €1400 ..............(Photo) (9)
/3g deep blui sh green , very larg e mar gins, tied by blue on-the-nose OLDENBURG 25/1 double circle datestamp on piece , extremely fine. Signed Thier. Mi. lOc, €1320 ............................................ ................(Photo ) (10a) 1/3g moss green , large , even margin s, neat blue double circle cancels , pencil mark s on re verse, extremely fine. Mi. lOb, €3200 ............................. ......................................................................................... ..........(Photo) (10b) ½g reddish brown, huge margin s all round, tied by blue , double circle cancel on piece , beautiful color , extremely fine. Mi. llb, Mi. €780 ................................ .................................. .......................................... (Photo) (12) 1
Cati. Val.
1092 6
lg indigo , large margin s, tied by blue framed ABBEHAUSEN cancel on piece , Ernst Stook handstamp on reverse , extreme ly fine. Mi. 12c, €4800 ...........................................................................(Photo ) (13 var ,)
I093 0 6
1852 to 1862, the selection of 23 stamps on stock sheet, most tied on piece includin g #1 pair , Mi. typ es I and III , #6 sheet margin strip of three , #12 unused , other 1861 issues and Rouletted 11 ½ on piece , genera lly fine to extreme ly fine ................................................................................Est. Cash Value $1,500+
USED ON COVER Lois 1094, 1099 and 1106 used on p iece
1859 ISSUE
1094 6
1/3g black on gr eenish , mostly huge margins, extremel y fine, tied by blue framed VAREL 38/3 postmark on piece, matching next-da y BRAKE backstamp and K.AMBRECH and J .H. OVYE handstamp s on reverse. Mi. €4320 .............................................. ...........................(Photo ) (5) Est. Cas h Value $1,000-1,200
I 095
2g black on rose, very large margin s, extre mely fine tied by blue framed WESTERSTEDE 10/5 postmark on 1861 folded letter to Varel, blue framed OLDENBURG 11 V markin g and similar receiver on reverse. Mi. €3200 .........................................................................(Photo) (7) Est. Cas h Value $1,500-2 ,000
Cati. Val.
1096 t8l
3g black on yellowish , mostly huge margin s all round , extremely fine, tied by blu e framed JEVE R 5/12 · 8-9 postmark on envelope (light stain from wax seal, pin holes) to Weimar, blue fr amed Oldenburg hand stamp , BREMEN TH & TX 6 12 1860 transit , next-day receiver and Ernst Stook hand stamp all on reverse. Mi. 8, €3000 ...................................................................................................................(Photo) (8) Est. Cash Value $1,200-1,500
1861 ISSUE
1097 t8l
1/3g green , deep shade , SHEET MARGIN VERTIC AL PAIR , mostly enormous margin s other sides showing trace s of two adjoining stamp s, extremely fine , and SHEET MARGI N SINGLE , lar ge margin s to touched two places, tied by blue OLDENB URG 4 9 doubl e circle postmark s on envelope bearing manu script " 1862 ", blu e framed BRAKE 5 9 marking on re ver se . Mi. 10a , unpric ed ...........................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (10) Est. Cash Value $4,000-6 ,000 IMPRESSIVE FRANKING AND PRETTY COVER. These stamps were originally a vertical strip of three, the single being the top stamp
Cati. Val.
1098 1099
I 098 C1:sl
1/3g pale green , good to mostly large margins, horizontal bend as a result of blue home-made "wrap around" envelope, handstamp on reverse , very fine appearance , tied by blue framed ZETEL 13/10 postmark, on reverse blue OLDENBURG 13/10 double circle datestamp and matching framed ESSEN 14 OCT receiver. Mi. 10a, €7000 ......................................................................................(Photo ) (10a) Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500
1099 l:::.
1/3g moss green, good to large margin s, tied by blue framed part Neuenbourg cancel on piece of printed page with manuscript notations , also portion of bluish Oldenburg postmark , piece with light staining , otherwise very fine. Mi. lOb, €12,000 on full cover ...................................................................(Photo ) (10b)
I 100
½ g reddish brown , MARKER PAIR, beautiful deep color , clear to huge margins , ver y fine , tied by clear strike s of blue OLDENBURG 14 7 double circle postmark on neat envelope to Jever bearing manu script " Franco " , blue framed 14 7 receiver on rever se. Mi. lla, €5000 ......................................................................................................(Photo ) (12) Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500 COLOR FUL AN D MOS T ATTRAC TI VE
Cati. Val.
2g red , three large margin s, well clear at right , very fine, tied by blue framed MOCKSIEL 19/11 postmark on folded letter sheet (soiling) to Harburg bearing manu script "free ", on rever se OLDENBURG 20 11 double circle postmark , framed JEVER transit and indistinct receiver, all in blue. Mi. 13, €2200 ....................................................................................................................(Photo) (14) Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000
3g yellow, mostly large margins all round , very fine , tied by blue OLDENBURG 19 8 double circle po st mark on local envelope (s mall stain from wax sea l), AUSG. 28 backstamp. Mi. 14, €2200 .......................................................................................................................(Photo ) (15) Est. Cash Value $500-750
1102 [81
l 104 [81
1862 EMBOSSED: Rouletted 11½ 1/3g green, STRIP OF SIX, left stamp s mall faults, on lg rose entire , tied by clear st rikes of OLDENBURG 25/4 ve r y fine, in combination double circle po stmark s and bearing manu sc ript " Franco ", indistinct marking on reverse ......................................................................................................(Photo ) (16) Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 The select ion of ten covers and a front on stock sheets, all single frankings including First Issue 1/3oth , 1/3 th, 1/3 th , 1859 lg black on bluish, five covers, couple Rouletted 11½, etc., generally very fine to extremely fi~ie......1.~..... .. .. ...... .. .... .... ...... ...... .. ...... .... .... .. .. ...... ............ .... .. . .. ........... (Photo page 75) Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000
Cati. Val.
" ... " ~
I I 05181
NORTHER N DISTRICT: 1859--60lmperforate 5sgr lilac, mostly huge margin s showing portion s of adjoining stam ps, extremel y fine, tied by "301" in concentric circles cancel on local blue folded letter sheet bearing BREMEN.TH.&TX 18 7 c.d.s. and ms. " franco " und er stamp , seve r al back stamp s including in part "EX PED " . Mi. 18, €800 ..............................................................................(Photo ) (13) Est. Cas h Value $300-500
I I 06 6
1866 Rouletted in Colored Lines ¼g r black , tied by "273" in concentric circles on piece, with GOTHA circular date stamp cancel, extremely fine. Mi. 45, €2160 ...................................................................................(Photo) (27)
1107 181
¼sg r black , vertical PAffi , extremely fine. tied by "69" in concentric circles cancels on local blue folded letter sheet bearing red SPANGEN BERG 4/6 circular postmark , Rotenburg 1867 receiver on reverse. Mi. 45, €7500 ................................................................................(Photo ) (27) Est. Cash Value $1,500-2 ,000
Cati. Val.
~ ,)
. ~
1108 '81
SOUTHERN DISTRICT: Used to London; Rouletted 6kr blue, STRIP OF THREE, PAIR, TWO SINGLES , usual centering, fine to very fine, tied by " 124" in concentric circle cancels and Crown REGISTERED in arc markin g , CHARGE , framed P.D. and PRUSSIA REGISTERED AP 4 65 circ ular date stamp , all in red, numerou s manu sc ript rates and " Recomm andirt ", MAINZ po stm ark. Mi. 43 IA. A very "busy " and colo,jul cover ................................................................................. .................... ...................(Photo) (58) Est. Cash Value $400-600
~~~e ~
U_ -//41, H//
1869 PERFORATED 14x13½: Numeral I0gr gray, STRIP OF THREE, fine, tied by manu script " Ha11hau 2 1/12. 69" cance ls, in combination with Roulened 5gr bistre, tied by HARTHAU b. CHEMNITZ 21 DEC 69 double circle datestamp on envelope (creases , flap damage) bearing variou s manuscript endor sement s, blue Berlin receiver on reverse. Mi. 25 , 6 .................................................................................... (Photo) (25 ,6) Est. Cash Value $300-500 31
Cati. Val.
...... \
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1110 6 1lll
lkr green , BLOCK OF TEN AND BLOCK OF EIGHT plus single, few creased , very fine, tied by st rike s of MANNHEIM 17 JAN doubl e circle datesta mps on reverse of large part of Regi stered turned cover with refolds bearing manu sc ript blue crayo n ratings and ye llow lab el ........................................ ............................................................. ...(Photo) (7) Est. Cash Value $5,000-7,500
COVER CONDITION Minor faults including, but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps , small tears and some backflap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue.
Cati. Val.
J/ b
Hierbei I Paque• ,,.
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I I I I 181
18kr bistre , fine tied by on-the -nose PFUNGSTRADT lW 74 circular datestamp on amber parcel post receipt (some writing scratched out , minor edge faults ). Mi. 11, €2000 as single franking on cover . Scarce single fra nking .......................................................................................................................(Photo) (11) Est. Cash Value $750-100
1112 L:,.
1872 Numerals IOgr gray and 30gr blue , in combination with Large Shield ½gr, 5gr , all tied by strikes of DIERINGHAUSEN 30 10 73 double circle datestamps on Registered cover front (rever se hinged to front ), mixed centering to fine. Scott as used singles $2931 .........................................................(Photo ) (12,13,16,17,20)
1113 181
¼ gr violet and ½ gr orange , in combination with Numeral lOgr gray, mixed centering , fine , tied by strikes of LEIPZIG 17 (1873) double circle datestamps on Registered local folded printed letterhead invoice bearing manuscript endorsement and ratings , one in red, plus framed MUHLHAUSEN postmark , manuscript "Paquet ". Mi.12 , 16, 18. Fine three color f ranking .............. ........... (Photo ) (12,14,16) Est. Cash Value $500-750 33
Cati. Val.
HAITI 1114
* OrnThe
selection of about 70 stamps on stock sheets, mostly Fir st Issue imperforates includin g 5c pair on piece, 3c and 7c strips of three , I c strip of six, 3c vertica l strip of four , all used , other mint and used multipl es, generall y fine to very fine ..................................................... .................... ............ ...........(Photo page 75) Est. Cash Value $300- 500
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1871 Lithograph and Engraved Issues; Five covers , one parcel post receipt (25kr), one receipt and one piece, various values. Seldom seen group ........................... .........(Photo) Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,250
EXTENSIONS AND EXPERTISING Instructions from the consignor require s that any lots placed on extension for expertising must be submitted by H.R . Harmer. Submission by the purchaser will nullify any exten sion request. Therefore , upon notification of purcha ses, please contact Miss Alison Harmer by mail, telephone , fax or email with the lot numbers you wish submitted . Please also advise whose name you wish on th e certificate. Special arrangements have been made with The Philatelic Foundation and the B .P .A. Expertising Ltd for the expeditiou s handling of the Cunsu l Weinberger material. Thank yo u 34
Cati. Val.
1854 LITHGRAPHED: la red , Die I , STRIP OF FOUR, margins all round, huge three sides, right stamp filing crease , otherwise very fine, tied by "B172" in concentric octagon cancels on flimsy folded letter sheet bearing large red framed INDIA PAID and manuscript "p Singapore", red SINGAPORE P.O. 17 JUL (1856 ) double circle and HONG KONG 25 JY 1856 split ring backstamps. S.G. 12 ......................................................................................................................(Photo ) (4) Est. Cash Value $750-1,000
USED TO IT ALY 1117 1:81
1854-55 Third Printing , Head Die III , Frame Die I 4a red & blue , PAIR , good to large margin s all round , very fine, tied by "Bl " in concentric octagonal cancels and red framed INDIA PAID marking bearing matching "D.A.a.L.", various manu script rating s, one in red , and " p Bomba y via Triest" , on reverse green framed "0 ", red Calcutta tran sit and vermilion fram ed GENOVA 15 FEB 56 receiver. S.G. 21, from £10,000 ....................................................................(Photo ) (6) Est. Cash Value $4,000-5,000 FABULOUS FRANK ING ON A COLO RF UL AN D RAR E COVE R
Cati. Val.
1118 **
1859 UNWATERMARKED: Imperforate (½p) orange, CORNER SHEET MARGIN BLOCK OF NINE, n.h. , large, even margin s other sides, pencil notations on reverse , negligible gum wrinkles , brilliant fresh, extremely fine. S.G. 1 £720 as single stamps ...............................................(Photo) (1) Est. Cash Value $600-800
TWO SHILLINGS black on white card attractively presented within recessed tanned frame, gold-like beveled inner edge adds to the three dimensional illusion, extremely fine. A delightful and vibrant app earing proof .................................................................................................................(Photo ) (14DP) Est. Cash Value $50~00
1872 DRAGON ISSUE , PLATE I Lot 1123 is Plate Ii
SHEETS OF FORTY I 120 * llll 48m red brown on native laid paper, ungummed, clear to large margins except touched top left stamp, I 12 1 [!j]
1122 181
few positioning pin holes and pre-printing wrink les, genera lly very fine .................................(Photo) (la) 8,400.00+ 100m blue on wove paper , ungummed , clear to large margins , positioning pin holes , some creasing including between stamps, generally fine to very fine .....................................................(Cover Photo) (2a) 10,400.00+
48m brown , VERTICAL PAIR. Pos. 28-36 , good to large margins , very fine , tied on reverse of native envelope (c reases , small tears), enclosure in German, apparently printed receipt .............................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (1) Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000
1121 37
Cati. Val.
l 123 t:.EE PLATE Il: 48m brown, Block of Four , Pos. 31-32 , 39-40 (printing flaw), touched in places at top to mostly larg e margins , used with 1872-73 2s vermilion, wove paper , all neatly tied on piece, handstamps on reverse including Thier , fine and rare usage ..................................................................................................(Photo) (lc,11) 1,150.00+ 100m blue on wove paper, VERTICAL PAIR, Pos. 5-13, clear to large margins, neatly cancelled, fine to very fine .....................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (2a)
200m vermilion on native laid paper , Pos. 34, ungummed , mostly large margins , brilliant fresh, extremely fine ......................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (3)
I 1260
200m vermilion on native laid paper , VERTICAL PAIR , good to large margins , over-inked in places, creases, very fine appearance .....................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (3)
127 0
500m blue green on native laid paper , Pos. 5, margins all round except extreme bottom left corner, very sharp impression and neatly cancelled , almost very fine .......................................................................(Photo) (4)
1124 0 1125
1852 WATERMARKED W: William III 10c gray black , STRIP OF FOUR, clear to huge margins , very fine to extreme ly tine , tied by neat grid cancels on folded letter (missing side flap) to France bearing" LUXEMBOURG 6 DEC. 54 double circle datestamp , framed PD and red same -day ROUSSY DE VILLAGE postmark , transit markings and STENA Y receiver on reverse. Impr essive strip of four on clean , fresh cover .........................................................................................................................(Photo) (1) Est. Cash Value $500- 750
1129 C8I
10c intense black, PAIR, good to enormous margins showing portion of adjoining stamp at top, extreme ly fine, tied by concentric circles on blue folded letter to Bastogne , bearing blue WILTZ 27 JUIN 55 double circle postmark , red same-day receiver on reverse. Lo vely stamps and cover .....(Photo) (1b) Est. Cash Value $500-600
1130 C8I
1859-63 FRANKFORT PRINT: Coat of Arms 25c brown, large margin s all round , extremely fine, tied by LUXEMBOURG 22 JANV 63 double circle datestamp on pale blue folded letter sheet to Germany bearing framed PD, Trier/Bingerbruck transit on reverse. Very pretty and scarce single fra nking .........................................................................................................................(Photo ) (9) Est. Cash Value $600-800
I I 3 I C8I
37½c green, large to enormous margin s, SUPERB, tied by LUXEMBOURG 23 JUIL 80 double circle datestamp on neat blue folded letter sheet to Germany , framed PD and manuscript "franco ", Trier transit marking on reverse. Post Office fresh and beautiful ......... .........................(Photo ) (11) Est. Cash Value $400-600
1132 C81
1865-74 ROULETTED IN COLOR: 37½ c bistre , extremely fine , tied by LUXEMBOURG 3 MAI 71 double circle datestamp on Registered envelope (no closing flap , hinge sea led tear , slight ly soiled) to Germany bearing "Charge" and framed PD handstamps , Coelo Ausgabe backstamp. Rare stamp seldom seen on cover .......................... ................ ....................... ............... ........... ...(Photo ) (24) Est . Cash Value $750-1,000
" ______
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1132 39
Ca ti. Va l.
1133 0
IMPERFORA TE: 2p deep blue on yellowish white paper , Pos. 4, enormo us margin s, neatl y struck on-the-nose barred circle cancel, hand stamp on reverse, beautiful color and excellent detail , superb. S.G. 9, £6500 ........................................................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (4a) A FINER EXAMPLE THAN AN Y USED COPIES IN THE KANAI COLLECTION
1135 1859 DARDENNE : Laid Paper 2p pale blue , PAIR , good to large mar gins, tied by oval gr id cancels on part of cover bearing MAURITI US GPO MR 1860 double circle datestamp, variou s French marking s, fresh , very tine. S.G. 44, £800+ ..........................................................................................................................(Photo ) (17) 1135 O EE 1859 ENG RAVED: Wove Pap er l sh vermilion , BLOCK OF FOUR , good to mostly very lar ge margin s, minor toning on reverse, trivial corner crease , ova l grid cancels , ver y fin e and rare blo ck. S.G. 34 .......................................................................................................................(Photo ) (19) Est. Cas h Value $500-750
I 134 f:::.
Cati. Val.
NUMERALS IN BLACK ON WIDTE PAPER: 25c and S0c gray blue & blue, touched to large margins, latter light creasing , fine to very fine, tied by framed FRANCO CARMEN FBRO 2 187(?) postmark s on blue 1877 folded letter sheet (file creases) paying the triple rate to Vera Cruz. Jaretzk y Cert. (2004) ........................................................................................(Cover Photo) (2,3) Est. Cash Value $7,500-10 ,000 An exceedingly rare co ver fr om the fam ous Esteban Benecke correspondence . Only f our co vers bearin g the fifty cents valu e have been. recorded.
1137 181
25c gray blue & blue , clear to large margin s , very fine , tied by bluish oval FRANCO EN. CAMPECHE 13 ENE 77 postmark on reverse of folded letter sheet (somewhat faulty) to Merida. Jaretzky Cert. (2004). As was comm on pra ctice, this stamp was used to seal the cove r and has since been lifted and replaced when the cove r was restored ........................(Photo) (2,3) Est. Cash Value $2,000-3,000 A VERY RARE CO VER FRO M THE PERE Z CORRE SP OND ENCE.
Minor faults including, but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps , small tears and some backflap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue.
Cati. Val.
I 138 O EE IMPERFORATE: Sc blue, 10c lake , 10c orange yellow, BLOCKS OF FOUR, full to mostly large margins all round, neatly cancelled , Sc one stamp small crease , 10c light staining barely visible on front , fresh colors and otherwise very fine to extremely fine ................................................. .......................(Photo) (1-3) 10,500.00
1139 0
Sc bright blue , horizontal INTERP ANNEAU PAIR , good to large margin s all round , AMSTERDAM cancel , very fine ............................................................................. (Photo ) (1) Est. Cash Value $2,000-3,000
1140 0
Sc light blue , vertica l INTERPANN EAU PAIR , large margin s all round , neat boxed FRANCO cancels, top stamp light crease , otherwise extremely fine .....................(Photo ) (la) Est. Cash Value $2,000-3 ,000
1141 0
lSc orange yellow, INTERPANNEA U STRIP OF THREE, good to huge margins, each with neat framed Franco cancel, bright color, extremely fine ... ...............(Photo ) (3) Est. Cash Value $3,000-4,000
Cati. Val.
(___ _
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1142 181
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10c lake, sharp impr ession and bright color, STRIP OF FIVE, mostly very large margin s all round , one scissors cut between stamps leaving large margin s, extrem ely fine, tied by neat framed FRANCO cancels on folded letter sheet bearing red ZAANDAM 19/4 63 circular dat estamp , indistinct postmark and manu script ''franco", va riou s backstamp s includin g straight-lin e WESTZAAN . Atlractive frank in g and co /01ful cover .........................................................................................................(Photo ) (2) Estimat ed Cas h Value $1,500-2,000
~ I
1145 1144 1143 1143 L'>EBPERFOR ATE D 12½ x12::Sc blue, BLOCK OF FOUR , tied by clear framed FRANCO ca ncels on piece
bearing red LEERDAM 1866 postmark , very fine .................................................................................(Photo ) (4) 1144 L'>EBSc blue , BLOCK OF FOUR, tied by neat cancels on piece, very fine ...................................................(Photo ) (4)
950.00 950.00
15c orange, BLOCK OF FOUR, tied by neat cancels on piece, top left corne r perfo ration reattac hed , fresh, deep color , very fine appearance ..............................................................................................................(Photo) (6)
I 145 181
Ca ti. Val.
1867 PERFORATED 12¾ xll ¾ : S0c gold , BLOCK OF EIGHT, neat "44" in dotted grid cancels, wonderful color for this difficult stamp , very fine. Catalogued as two blocks of four ............(Photo) (12) 2,200.00+
1146 0~
J EX1147
l 147 0 6 181The selection of over SO stamps and 14 covers in stock book , primaril y the First Issue including 10c singles and pairs , Sc on four covers, two with pairs , 15c covers with single and pair, Second Issue Sc and 10c multiples , some on piece and three Sc covers , etc., also 1870 Postage Due Sc on two covers, some faults as would be expected, but overall fine to very fine with some exceptional copies ..............................................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $1,200-1,500
I 148 0
1868 ENGRAVED: Perforated 12½ xl2 10c lake , STRJP OF FOUR , sharp impression and rich color, neatly cancelled , extremely fine. Ve1J1 scar ce multipl e ........ ............................. ................... ......................... ........ (Photo ) (2) 44
Cat i. Val.
1149 1149 0
WHITE PAPER: lmperforate lp duJI carmine on white paper , touched at bottom left, large margins other sides showing trace of adjoining stamp at right , neat numeral " 19" of Oamaru in grid cancel, true deep color , fine. S.G. 1, £9500 ......................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (1) 14,000.00 VERY RARE STAM P
1150 0
BLUED PAPER: lsh deep yellow green, margins all round, large three sides, neat numeral of New Plymouth in grid cancel, lovely post office fresh color , fine. S.G. 3, £5000 ................................(Photo ) (3)
1151 1151 0
1152 0
UNWATERMARKED: Ip orange red , good to mostly very large margins showing trace of adjoining stamp at bottom , numeral of New Plymouth in grid cancels , very fine. S.G. 4, £1600 ...................................(Photo) (4) 2p blue , CORNER MARGIN STRIP OF FOUR , full margins other sides , each stamp cancelled by numeral " 1" of Auckland in grid , corner creases at top and tiny margin tear well away from design , fine to very fine. S.G. 5, £1200+ as single stamps ..........................................................................(Photo ) (5) ATT RAC TIV E AN D UNUSUALLY LARGE MULTIPLE
1153 1153 0
1154 0
2p blue , STRIP OF THREE, ju st clear to mostl y large margins , numeral " 18" of Otago in grid cancels , small scissors cut top left, otherwise very fine. S.G. 5, £900+ as single stam ps ....................................(Photo ) (5) lsh green, mostly very large margin s all round , neat numeral "10" of Wellington in grid cancel, extremely fine. S.G. 6, £4250 ...........................................................................................................(Photo) (6) FABULOUS CO PY OF THIS RARITY
Cati. Val.
1155 0
6p orange on thick soft paper , SHEET MARGIN PAIR, clear to large margins other sides, neat numeral "10" of Wellington in grid cancels , bright color , ver y fine. S.G. 8, £1100+ . Espec ia lly rar e without thin s ........................................................................................ ..............................................................................(Photo) (7)
1156 0
2p blue on thin hard paper with vertical mesh , PAIR large to enormous margins showing traces of two adjoining stamps, neat numeral "1" of Auckland in grid cancel, extremely fine. Odenweller Certificate (2004). S.G. 10, £360+. Pretty multipl e ....... ............ ................................................ ................................................ (Photo) (8)
1157 1157 O rn
2p dull deep blue on thick paper , BLOCK OF FOUR, enormous margins , each stamp with light numeral " 15" of Nelson in grid cancel , superb. Odenweller Certificate (2004). S.G . 11, £1100+ ............................ .......................... .................... ............................ ....................................................(Photo) (8f)(l,100.00+) THE UNIQUE BLOCK OF FO UR , ABSOLUTELY STUNNING
1158 1158 0
1159 0
1160 0
2p deep ultramarine on thick soft paper with horizontal mesh, clear to mostly large margins all round, neatly cancelled, sharp impression and post office fresh , very fine. Odenweller Certificate (2004). S.G. 8a , £800. Rare shade ........ ................................................................ ...................... .................................................... (Photo) (8g) lsh blue green on thick soft paper , overlapped at bottom , good to mostly large margins, neat numeral "15" of Nelson in grid cancel, pin hole , strong true color and otherwise very fine. Odenweller Certificate (2004). S.G. 17, £1300. Th e ove rlap occur red because the pap er was too shorr to accommodate a co mpl ete shee t .................................................................................................................................................................... (Photo) (10)
lsh emerald, barel y touched at left to huge margins showing portions of adjoining stamps two sides, face-free grid cancel, lovely color , very fine. S.G. 16, £1300 ....................................................(Photo ) (lOe) ESPEC IALLY RARE WITHO UT THINN ING
1161 0 1162 0
1862-63 WATERMARKED LARGE STAR: 2p slate blue, good to mostly large margins, light face-free grid cancel, fresh color, extremely fine. Odenweller Certificate (2004). S.G. 37, £180. Rare shad e .......(Photo) (12d) 3p brown lilac , PAIR , mostly large margin s all round, lightl y cancelled, extremely fine. Odenweller Certificate (2004). S.G. 40, £260+ . Love ly larg e-marg ined pair ................................................. ........ ....(Photo) (12)
190.00 350.00+
Cat i. Val.
1164 1163 0
1863 PELURE PAPER: Perforated 13 at Dunedin 2p pale dull ultramarine , PAIR (SE), neat ly cancelled, fine. S.G. 92, £1400+ . Scarce and attra ctive multiple ........................................... ................................. (Photo ) (22b) 2,300.00+
1164 O EE 1864 WATERMARKED NZ: lp carmine vermilion , BLOCK OF FOUR , clear to mostl y very large margins showing portion of adjoining stamp at right , light Auckland cancels, left stamps light crease , almost iridescent color , fine to very fine. S.G. 97, £1000+ .........................................................(Photo ) (27) A BSOL UTELY STUNN ING COLO R AND A MOST RARE MULTIPLE
1165 0
6p red brown , good to large margin s, neatl y cancelled , beautiful inten se color, extremel y fine. S.G. 99, £600 .................................................................................................................................................................... (Photo ) (29)
1166 0 ml 1864-71 WATERMARKED STAR: Perforated 12½ 2p deep greenish blue, Plat e I, ear ly state of the damaged plate , BLOCK OF FOUR, Rows 13-14, Pos. 8-9, grid cance ls break paper one po int in eac h bottom stamp not mentioned in certifica te , fine. Odenweller Ce11ificate (2004) , S.G. 115. Scar ce block and from a position higher on the p lare which was not later retouched ............... ......................................................................................(Photo ) (32) 1167 0
3p deep mauve , IMPERFOR ATE , numeral " 1" of Auckland in grid cancel , mostly huge margins , lovely fre sh color, extremely fine. S.G. 118a var ., £1600 as pair. Post Office j i·esh ................. ............ (Photo ) (33b var.,)
1168 O EE l sh dull yellow green, BLOCK OF FOUR , sma ll faults not ment ioned in certificate , fine or very fine appeara nce. Odenwe ller Certificate (2004) . S.G. 125 , £340 + . A scar ce block in c111 early shad e and with comb pe1foration . ..................................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (37a) 1169 0
1872 UNWATE RM ARK E D: Perforated 12 ½ lp brown , on PREVIO US LY UNRECORDED PAP ERMAKER ' S SCRIPT WATERMARK , very fin e. Odenweller Ce rtificate (2004 ). S.G. 137 var. Love ly copy of record ..................... ............................................................................................ ........(Photo ) (47 var.)
Cati. Val.
1170 *
1857 PACIFIC STEAM NAVIG ATION CO: lmperforat e lr blue on bluish, o.g., good to large margin s, fresh, very fine ............................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (1)
1171 0
Ir blue , clear to mostly lar ge margin s all round , on-the-nose LIMA FEB 20 58 in circle postmark , deep color , very fine ............................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (1)
1858 WA VY LINES IN SPANDRELS 1l72 C8:1 Ip rose red , vertical PAIR WITH GUTTER BETWEEN , good to mostly lar ge margins , extrem ely fine, tied by light strike s of 03 ENE RO 59 postmar ks to blue 1858 folded lett er , very fine. Scarce position pair on cover
.........................................................................................................................(Photo ) (4) Est. Cash Value $600-800 Ip rose red, ST RIP OF NINE, ca nc ell ed on cover fragment by four complete st rik es of lar ge CAXAMA RCA st rai ght-line post mark, place s cut in to large margins. A fab ulous multipl e f ran king ...................................................................................................................................(4) Est. Cas h Value $750-1 ,000
1173 6.
½ peso buff , right diagonal half , very fine , tied by PUNO an d negat ive sta rs fancy cancel on neat mournin g envelope to Arequeper .........................(Cover Photo ) (6 var. ) Est . Cas h Value $8,000-$10, 000 EXCEEDINGLY RAR E USAGE The most elusi ve way ro pay the ¼ peso 2 dinero local rare. Until now, there were only two kn.own examples of the bisect on. cover, all can.celled by the Pun.a wilh Stars . This third copy has on.Ly j ust now com.e ro light.
I I 75 6.
½ peso orange yellow, VERTICAL STRIP OF FIVE , clear to large margins except touched one point at top left, neatly pen cancelled and tied by two strikes of lar ge TRUJILLO str aight-lin e hand sta mp on cover fragment bearing seal hand stam p .............................(Photo ) (6a) Est . Cas h Value $3,000-5 ,000 VERY FINE AND RARE MULTIPLE FRANKING
/4~--(-~ · Va,✓.,-,-
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Ca ti. Val.
1176 1862-63 EMBOSSED: lp brown , STRIP OF FIVE, each stamp neatly cancelled b y P ASG O 30 NOV 63 dated postmark , few light creases, enormous margin s, extremely fine and rare multiple .......................................................................................................................(Photo ) (13) Est. Cas h Value $500--600
POLAND 10k Blue & Rose
IJ 77 18l
10k, ver y fine, tied by " 1" in concentric circle s cancel on blue folded letter sheet to St. Peter sburg bearing red circular post mark , Ernst Stook hand stamp on reverse. Exceptional stamp and cove r ...........................................................................................................(Photo ) (1) Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000
I l 78
10k, very fine, tied by on-the-nose POCZT w WAGONIE EXPEDVCYA 3/2 circular postmark on blue folded letter sheet to Odessa bearing red 2½ circular postmark ..(Photo ) (1) Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000
Cati. Val.
I I 79 C8I
10k, fine, tied by " 1" in four line box cancel on folded letter sheet bearing red circular 16/1 datestamp , Ernst Stook handstamp , Riga 1865 receiver , both on reverse. Very fresh s tamp and cove r ...........................................................................................................(Photo) (1) Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000 10k dark blue & ro se, very fine, tied by "1" in concentric circles cancel on blue folded letter sheet to St. Petersburg bearing red 5/s circular postmark. Bea utiful fresh stamp on clean cove r .........................................................................................................(Photo) (lb ) Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000
1Rl{:ES , )V.A. 118 10 1182
I 183 0 I 184 0
Sr reddi sh brown , large even margins all round, on-the-nose " 1" in grid cancel, extremely fine. Mi. la , â&#x201A;Ź1000. Exceptional stamp ................................ ............................................................................................ ............(Photo ) (1) 25r blue , enormous margins , tied by blue TORRES NOVAS in oval cancel on piece , extremely fine. An excee din gly rar e cancellation seldom found in its entirety ...........................(Photo ) (2) Est. Cash Value $500 S0r deep yellow green, large margins all round , on-the-nose " 1" in grid cancel, extremely fine. Mi. 3a , â&#x201A;Ź1000. Lovely stamp .................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (3) S0r deep yellow green, PAIR , large margin s, "67" in grid cancels, few trivial tone spots, very line. Scarce multiple ......................................................................................................................(Photo ) (3) Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000 51
Cati. Val.
l00r lilac, ver y lar ge mar gins all round , clear on-th e-nose "61" in grid cancel, handstamp and pencil initial s on reverse, deep shade, extr emely fine. Mi. €2200 ..................................................................................(Photo ) (4) lO0r lilac, large margins, neat " 165" in grid can cel, extr emely fine. Mi. €2200 ...................................(Photo) (4)
1185 0 1186 0
50r , large margins, trace of edge tones at top , very fine, tied by clear strik e of "52" in grid cancel on folded letter sheet to Lisbon bearin g blue fr amed POR TO 18 2 1854 handstamp , blu e doubl e circl e dated receiver on reverse .............................................................(Photo) (3) Est. Cash Value $3,000-5 ,000 CONDITION FAR SUPERIOR TO ANY EXAMPLE IN THE LIMA COLLECTION
I I 88 C8l
1855 WITH ST R AIG HT HAIR: 25r blu e, type I , enormou s ma r gin s, negligibl e wrinkl e, ver y fin e, tied by n eat strik e of " 26" in grid ca ncel on fold ed lett er sheet bearin g blu e LE IRI A strai ght-lin e ha nd sta mp a nd m a nu script " Por to ", fr amed PORTO 18/1 1856 backstamp . Big stamp and nea t cove r .......................................................................................................................(Photo) (6a) Est. Cash Value $500-750
I 189 0
50r yellow green , VERTICAL PAIR , mostly enorm ous margins all round , " 171" in grid cancels, very fine .......................................................................................................................(Photo) (15) Est. Cash Value $500-750
1862-64 ISSUE
Cat i. Val.
ll 9l 0
USED TO BRAZIL: 50c yellow green and l00r lilac, both very fine, used together and tied by grid cancels and neat LISBOA 14/12 66 double circle postmark on blue folded letter bearing manuscript endorsement and blue crayon "300", blue RIO DE J ANEIRO receiver on reverse. Very attractive and scarce cover ............................................................................. (Photo ) (15,16) Est . Cash Value $1,000-1,500
The selection of over 60 stamp s on stock sheet s, all used but one #2 and bearing numeral in grid cancels, many shade s and different numerals , #2, 6, 11 (vertical ) st rips of three , #13 strip of four , so me faults as would be expected, overall fine to ver y fine with several exceptional copies ..............................................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500
1192 0
1858 LAID PAPER: Imperforate 27pa black on rose, large margin s, bluish double circle postmark , small faults, very fine appearance. Numerous pencil initials and hand stamp s including Thier. Mi. 1, â&#x201A;Ź9000 ............................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (1) QUITE DESIRABLE COPY OF TH IS RARITY
Cati. Val.
54pa blue on greenish , large margins , tied by neat bluish MOLDOVA 9/9 double circle cancel on piece, extremely fine. Mi. 2, €3600 ..................................................................................................(Photo) (2) BEAUTIF UL COPY OF THIS SELDOM SEEN CLASSIC
1193 6
se lection of over 100 use d sta mp s on stock pages , including rare blocks of four, st rips , pair s, variety of cancels, a few with small faults , but overall very fine ........................ .............................................. ..........................(Photo page 76) Est. Cash Value $2,000-3,000
1194 O EE 1858 to 1872 , wonderful
m risore l'tf·Omnncla In
~ .a stnti:t tclegrnfo-postnl, Pe11tm
r cla1·r ; h:rnT n
1195 6
1859 WHITE WOVE PAPER: Coat of Arms 80pa red, two copies, each tied on separate piece, one by blue OPAHKO in rounded frame, other by blue double oval FRANCO DALATZ , plus 40pa blue and 80pa tied on piece by blue double oval FRA CO (?) wi th Jassy M oldo va 17/ 1 double circle datestamp, fin e or fin e appearance .....................................................................................................................(Photo) (9, 10) Est. Cash Value 400-600
1196 6
1868-70 CAROL: 2b orange, 3b violet, clear to mostly large margins, fine to very fine, tied by BUCARESTI 5/ I I circular datestamp on signed, print ed receipt. Scarce .......................(Photo) (33.34) Est. Cash V alue $300-400 54
Cati. Val.
1197 C8I
1198 C8I
1199 C8I
1869 ISSUE: 1869 Sb orange, two different shades, used with 15b vermilion, good to large margins , very fine, tied by greenish blue framed but indi stinct cancels on folded letter sheet to Vienna bea ring blue BERLAD 4/ 12 double circle datestamp and matchin g framed P .O ., transit and Wien rece iver on reve r e. Bright and fres h stamps and cover ................................................... ........... .................... .....(Photo) (37 ,40) Est. Cash Value $300-500 10b deep blue and 15b vermilion, touched to large margin s, fine to very fine, tied by single strik e of BACAU 12 7 90 double circ le pos tmark on blue folded letter bea ring framed P.O ., railroad tran sit markin g and next-da y gree nish backs tamp s . .................. ................. .......... .............. ...................... (Photo) (38.40) Est. Cash Value $300- 500 1864 TO 1872, lovely remainder of 15 covers, comprising five examples of the 1865 20pa red, Prince Carol issues to 25b, including three postal receipts , wonderful cancels, several to foreign destinations , very advanced group in very fine condition .................. .....(Photo page 77) Est. Cash Value $2 ,000-3,000
1201 1200 6 120 1 0
lmperforate 10k brown & blue , mostly huge margins all round , tied by 1858 stra ight-line cancel on piece , extremely fine. Mi.â&#x201A;Ź1000 ........................... ................ .............. ........... ............. ............. ............ ..................(Photo) (1) 10k brown & blue , good to enormous margin s, num era l in diamond of dots ca nce l, light crea se , ve ry fine appearance. Mi.â&#x201A;Ź I000 ................................................ ............ ......................... .................... ................... ......(Photo) ( I) 55
Cati. Val.
J~·· .
o/ ·.4<:~JI~
½' A..,
/ ~-0
1202 181
1203 181
10k brown blue , large margins , extremel y fine, tied by 1858 circular datestamp on local blue folded letter. Condirion of stamp and cover super ior to the usual ........... .(Photo ) (1) Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500
10k brown & blue , mostly very large margins all round, very fine, tied by bold framed VILNA 1859 postmark on envelope (fau lts including closed tear) ... ..............(Photo ) (1) Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500
1204 181
10k brown & blue, large margins , extremely fine , tied by 1858 straight -line LIBAU cancel on pale blue folded letter sheet (name cut awa y) to Riga , large framed dated rectangle backstamp. (Photo ) (1) Est. Cash Value $1,000 ......................... .................... .................................... ........................... ___ BRILLI AN T FRE SH STAM P ON CLEAN CO VER
Ca ti. Va l.
1205 0 1206 t:::.
1207 t:::. 1208 t:::.
12 10 C8l
1863 COAT OF ARMS: lmperforate 6k blue, TWO COPIES , each with blue diamond of dots cancel, damaged though fine looking. Difficul t issue ................................ ............................................ ............ ......... .......... ...(Photo ) ( I) 2,000.00 1865 LITHOGRAPHED: (2k) brown & blue , vertical STRIP OF THREE AND SINGLE above , mostly very large margins showing dividing lines three sides, tied by blue circular datestamps on piece, end stamps in strip creased, very fine or very fine appearance. Mi.€2400+ ..................................................................(Photo ) (2) 2,500.00+ (2k), vertical PAIR , very large margin s showing dividing lines three sides , tied by blue dotted grid cancel on piece, extremely fine. Mi.€1200+ ...............................................................................................................(Photo ) (2) 1,250.00+ 1866 HORIZONTAL NETWORK: (20k) deep blue & rose , PAIR , large to enormous margins showing dividing lines at top , tied by on-the-nose blue ROPIT KON STA Tl OP. AGENT 1(3?) lI 68 circular datestamp on piece ........................................................................................(Photo) (5) Est. Cash Value $400-600 (20k) deep blue & rose , large margins , very fine, tied by blue numeral in dotted grid cancel on folded letter sheet to Beirut , docketed 1868 .....................................................................(Photo ) (5) Est. Cash Value $400-600 1876 SURCHARGED: 8k on 10k carmine & green , fine, tied by KO STANT IN 1878 circular datestamp on folded letter to Taganrog, two circular backstamps. Post Office f resh ....(Photo ) (16) Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000 57
Cati. Val.
/4 /u, &5~ • ~/
~~ L V#
\_~ £ ~/< 1211
121 l 181
1843 RED VERTICAL LINES: 4r black, Type III, good to large margins, very fine, tied by red rosette cancel on local folded printed letterhead invoice bearing matching manuscript "No. 6." and ZURICH 5/1 45 double circle datestamp and identical backstamp, Ernst Stook handstamp on reverse. A superior stamp and lovely cover ............................. (Cover Photo ) (lLl) Est . Cash Value $20,000-25,000 32,500.00
12 12 181
6r black , Type II , large margins , very fine, tied by bold red rosette cancel on folded letter bearing matching ZURICH 3/12 43 double circle datestamp , same-da y ANDELFINGEN receiver on reverse ........................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (1L2) Est. Cash Value $1,500-2 ,000 4,000.000 58
Cati. Val.
10c black on ye llow green, enormou s m a rgin s sho win g complete di viding line s all sides , extremely fin e , ca nc elled by cle a r central st rik e of r ed ro se tt e on petit e folded letter sheet (no side flap s) b ea ring m atc hing GENE VE 28 OCT. 4 (? ) doubl e circle date stamp ....................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (2Ll ) Est. Cash Value $25,000-30 ,000 62,500.00
1213 181
-, ....
12 14 181
Right half of 10c black on yellow green , enormous margins showing dividing lines all sides, extremely fine, tied by red rosette cancel on local folded lette r (unobtru sive ink Scott numb er on front) bearing red GENEVE 20 MAI 45 doubl e circle datestam p .............(Photo ) (2Lla ) Est. Cash Value $4,000-5 ,000 16,000.00 LO VELY STAM P AN D NEA T CO VER
Cat i. Va l.
1218 -:)
12 15 181
12 16 181
12 17 6 12 18 181
1845 SMALL EAGLE: Sc black on yellow green, clear to enormous margins at right , very fine , tied by red rosette cancel on local greenish folded letter (light tone s pots barely showing on front) bearing matching GENEVE 13 JUIN 45 double circle datestamp. Colo1ful and quire arrracti ve ....................................................................................................................(Photo ) (2L2) Est. Cash Value $500-750 Sc black on yellow green, good margin s except just into frame line at bottom , fine, cancelled by red rosette on local folded letter (flap damag e) bearing matching GENEVE 23 A I 48 double circle datestamp ....................................................................................................................(Photo ) (2L2) Est. Cash Value $400-600
1847 LARGE EAGLE: Sc black on yellow green, large margins, tied by red rosette on piece with matching GENEVE 30 JUIN 47 double circle datestamp , very fine. Mi. 4, â&#x201A;Ź1600+ ........................................(Photo ) (2L3) 1,700.00+ Sc black on yellow green, large margin s, trace of corner wrinkle , extremely fine appearance, tied by red rosette cancel on local greenish folded letter (negligible soiling) bearing matching GENEVE 24 FEVR. 47 3,100.00 double circle date stamp ...........................................................................(Photo) (2L3) Est. Cash Value $500-750
Cat i. Val.
1219 181
1220 181
Sc black on yellow green , good to large margins three sides, just into outer frame line at right , fine, tied by red rosette cancel on local pale blue folded letter bearing matching GENEVE 17 AVRIL 49 double circle datestamp. Stamp and cover quite fresh ............................................ .......(Photo) (2L3) Est. Cash Value $500-750 Sc black on yellow green, good to mostly enormous margins showing portion of adjoining stamp at top , very fine, tied by red rosette cancel on local greenish folded letter (stain spots) bearing matching GENEVE 15 MAI 49 double circle datestamp .............................................................(Photo ) (2L3) Est. Cash Value $500-600
122 1 181
1848 DARK GREEN: Sc black on dark green , good to mostly large margin s, very fine, tied by red rosett e cancel on local 1849 printed circular bearing red GENEVE 12 JA V 4(9) double circle datestamp ....................................................................................................(Photo ) (2L4) Est. Cash Value $1,500-2 ,000 MARVELOUS STAMP AN D COVER. AS IF POSTED YESTERDAY
Cati. Val.
1222 181
Sc black on dark green , clear to mostly enormous marg ins showin g portion of adjoining stamp at top , ver y fine , ju st tied by edge of red rosette cancel on local buff folded printed letterhead invoice (creases, fl a p dam age ) be a rin g m atc hin g GENE VE 16 JANV. 49 double circl e date st a mp ....................................................................................................(Photo ) (2L4) Est. Cas h Value $1,500-2 ,000
122 3 t::.
4c black & red , very lar ge margin s all round showing dividing lines thr ee sides, deep red rosette cancel on piece with matchin g GENEVE 3 MAJ SOcircular datestamp , trace of edge toning, otherwise very fine. Mi. 1, â&#x201A;¬19,000+ .................................................................... .....................................................(Cover Photo ) (265) 19,000.00+ ALMOST PERFECT ON-THE-NOSE STRIKE AND ATTRACTIVE DATED POSTMARK
1224 181
Sc black & red, very large mar gins showin g dividin g lines three sides, extremely fine, cancelled by black rosette postmark on folded local print ed letterhead invoice bearing mat ching GENEVE 15 J ANV 51 circular dat estamp , Emil Wettler hand sta mp on reverse(Ph oto) (2L6) Est . Cas h Value $1,200-1,500 NEAT, ATTRACT I VE COVER
Cati. Val.
1225 181
Sc black & red, very large margins showing dividing lines three sides , extremely tine, tied by red rosette cancel on local folded printed letterhead invoice (ink spots ) bearing matching GENEVE 16 AVRI 50 circular datestamp ...................................................(Photo ) (2L6) Est. Cash Value $1,200-1,500
1226 181
Sc black & red, very large margins showing dividing lines all sides , extremely tine , tied by red framed PP cancel on folded local printed letterhead invoice bearing matching GENEVE 16 NOVE 50 circular datestamp, Ernst Stook handstamp on reverse .....................(Photo ) (2L6) Est. Cash Value $1,200-1,500
Cati. Val.
.~&,..J;;-~ r/Jue_
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1227 CBI
Sc black & red , very large margins all round , extremely fine , tied by blue grid cancel on small local folded letter sheet (hinge closed tears) bearing matching GENEVE 2 JANY 54 circular date stamp ...............................................................................................................(Photo) (2L6) Est. Cash Value $1,000
1228 CBI
1851 COAT OF ARMS: Sc black & red , huge margin s showing dividing lines all sides, extremely fine, tied by neat grid AND GENEVE 9 DECE 51 circular date stamp on local folded printed letterhead invoice ....................................................................................................(Photo ) (2L7) Est. Cash Value $4,000-5 ,000 AN EXCEP TIONAL COVER
c/0 64
Cati. Val.
2½ r black , crimson & blue , SHEET MARGIN COPY, original gum large margins other sides showing significant portion of adjoining stamp at left , incredibl y sharp embo ssing and post office fresh , superb .....................................................................................................................(Cover Photo ) (3Ll ) 11,500.00+
1230 6
2½ r black , crimson & bright blue , CORNER SHEET MARGIN PAIR , small selvage tear which does not detract, clear to large margin s other sides except outer frame line ju st in one point , tied by single strike of red double circle datestamp on small piece, right stamp small crease , otherwise very fine , Ernst Stook handstamp on reverse , fine to very fine ..................................................(Cover Photo ) (3Lla ) 25,000.00+
~~ ~
:TrU1.,,(__ CVl/4
1231 123 1 181
2½ r black , crimson & blue, good margins all round except outer frame line touched one point , fresh colors and sharp embossing, fine, tied by red BASEL 10 JUIL 1848 double circle datestamp on local small folded letter sheet with matching same-da y backstamp .....(Cover Photo ) (3Ll ) Est. Cash Value $12,000-15 ,000 LOVE LY STAM P AN D CO VER
Cati. Va l.
-~ ------
FULL BLACK FRAME AROUND CROSS: Poste Locale 2½r black & red , THREE PAIRS , types 7-8, 15-16, 36-37, clear to large margins mostly all round , just in or touched a few place s, two stamps vertical creasing, fair to very fine, tied by neat strikes of P.P. in circle postmarks on large greenish folded letter sheet (filing crease, soiling) bearing LOCLE 20 (?) 1851 double circle datestamp and indistinct backstamp ...................................................(Cover Photo ) (2) Est. Cash Value $5,000-7,500 A MOST IMPRESSI VE COVER BEARING A SIGNIFICANT FRANKING
. ,. 1233
1233 /';
2½ r black & red , type 8, full to large margins showing dividing lines three sides , tied by grid cancel to front bearing GENEVE 29 JUlL 51 circular datestamp , very fine. Mi. 51, €1400+ ......................................(Photo ) (2) 1,250.00+
Cati. Val.
1234 1234
WITHOUT FRAME AROUND CROSS: Orts-Post 2½r black & red, STRIP OF FOUR, types 33-36, good to mostly enormous margins, many stamps showing dividing line s, extremely fine, tied by neat strikes of crossed grids on pristine folded letter sheet bearing red ST .GALLEN NACHMITTAG 21 AUG. 1851 double circle datestamp , greenish blue SARGANS receiver on reverse .........................................................................................(Cover Photo) (3) Est. Cash Value $15,000-20,000 FABULOUS CLASS IC FRANK ING
t~ ♦if~W "t~ "'
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1235 1235 181
Srp dark gray ish blue , black & red , type 11, mostly very large margins showing dividing lines all sides, extremely fine, cancelled by P.P. on folded letter bearing EGG 1 AVRIL 1851 double circle datestamp ....................................................................................................................(Photo ) (Sa) Est. Cash Value $750-1,000
Ca ti. Val.
1237 0 1238
Sr light blue, black & red, type 19, good to large margins showing dividing lines three sides, light corner creasing, very fine appearance, light P.P. cancel on folded letter sheet bearin g LANGENT HAL 26 APR 5 1 doub le circ le dat estamp , Bern receiver on reve rse ............ .................... ....................... (Photo) (7) Est. Ca sh Value $300- 500 l0r deep yellow, black & red, STRIP OF FOUR , types 1-4 , clear to mostly large margins, neat grid cancels , Thier handstamp on reverse , extremel y fine. Love ly multipl e ...................(Photo) (8) Est. Cash Value $300-500 lOr bright yellow , black & red, type 12, large margins showing dividing lines all sides, extremely fine, tied by fabulous on-the-nose strike of RHEINBECK 22 MARZ 1853 circular datestamp on blue folded letter sheet bearing manuscript "franco", fancy two line "Bregenz 22.MAR. " receiver on reverse. Exquisite usage ................... ......................................... .............................................................(Photo) (8) Est. Cash Value $500-750 l0r yellow , black & red , two copies, types 19 and 40 , cut in to good margins and large margins showing dividing lines all sides, respectively, tied by sing le strik e of large C HARGE E handstamp on petite Reg istered fo lded letter shee t bea ring sa me se parate hand stamp , manu sc ript "Cha rgee " and BAD EN 29 1 1 doub le c ircle dates tamp , ZURICH 29 NOY . 53 bac kstamp . Imp ress ive cover .................... (Photo) (8) Est. Cash Val ue $300-500 )
t0r buff , black & red , type 37 , in combination with 1857 Sr lig ht blue & red , type 29 , clear to large mar gins exce pt !Or touched one point , fine to very fine , ti ed by blu e g rid ca nce ls o n s m a ll e nve lope bear ing mat chin g GEN EVE 2 1 JU IN 53 circular dates tamp , Lausa nne rece iver on reve rse . Attractive combinati on ......................................... ................................ ...................... ....................(Photo) (8a ,I0) Est. Ca sh Va lue $400-500
1, 100.00
Cati. Val.
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,,,,.. ,,,,, / P P' fn Jfcrnton~fanalti. 1242 1241 CBI
1242 EBCBI
1851 P ARTI AL BL UE FRAME ARO UN D CROSS: Sr light blue & red , t yp e 40, traces or almost complete line s five side s, large margin s, fr esh and very fin e, tied by black ro sett e on sea led folded letter bearing red ZURICH 22 JUIN 51 circular date stamp , Winterthur rece iver on re ver se ..............................................................................................................(Photo ) (9 var.) Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000 1851 WITHOUT FRAME ARO UND CROSS: Sr light blue & red , BLOCK OF FOUR , types 3-4, 11-12, clear to huge margin s except touched one point , very fine, tied by grid cancels on folded print ed invoice bearin g red ST. GALLEN S JUNI 1852 double circle date sta mp and matching crayon manu script "20/180" . Imp ressive f ranking ............. ....... ..... ............... ........... ...... .............................. ..... ...(Photo ) (10) Est. Cas h Value $500
1// -- ~/
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r 1243 1243 CBI
lSr ve rmilion , type 6 , mo stl y lar ge margins sho win g di vidin g lin es two sid es , ver y fine , tied by grid cancel on gree ni sh folded lett er bearing r ed BASEL 15 MA R S 52, doubl e circle dat es tamp and manu script ''f ranco " , ATLSTATTEN and red ST. GALLEN 16 MARZ 1852 double circl e backstamps ....................................................................................................................(Photo ) (11) Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000
Cati. Val.
lSr vermilion , type 8, touched at right , good to large margins three sides, tied by light gr id cancel on folded letter bearing greenish SCANF straight-line handstamp, blue Chur transit and ZURICH 15 AOUT 52 receiver on reverse ......................................................................................(Photo ) (11) Est. Cash Value $500-750 1245 L:,EE lSr vermilion , BLOCK OF FOUR , types 1-2, 3-4, just clear one point to very large margins showing dividing lines three sides, neatly tied on piece by blue grid cancels , type 3 small corner crease , otherwise very fine .......................................................................................................................(Photo ) (12) Est. Cash Value $300-400 vermilion , type 5, clearl y showing plate crack , bright color and huge margins showing almost comp lete 15c r8l 1246 dividing lines three sides , tiny corner margin fault, very fine , tied by neat grid cancel on small envelope (flap damage ) bearing A VENGHES 6 FEBR. 52 double circle datestamp , next-day Geneva receiver on reverse ....................................................................................................................(Photo ) (13) Est. Cash Value $750-1 ,000
1244 r8l
The selection of seven " Rayon " covers on stock sheets , without frame around cross except 1852 #12, including lOr pair , Sr with 3 different shades , etc. , some negligible faults , fine to very fine ..............................................................................................................(Photo ) Est. Ca sh Value $1,000-1,200
Ca ti. Val.
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1248 181
1855-57 HELVETIA: Colored Silk Threads lfr lavender (black silk thread ), VERTICAL PAIR , top stamp tiny corner crease , fine , in combination with 40r yellow green, touched in places to mostly good margins , each tied by strike of ZURICH 19 SEPT. 58 circular d?te stamp on Registered envelope (fault s, including tear s and flaps damaged ) bearing P .O. and CHARGEE handstamp s, manuscript "C harg ee" and rate marking s, two in red , also SUISSE ST. LOUIS double circle date sta mp , BASEL BRIEFEXPEDITION backstamp. An impr ess ive f ranking paying the thr ee tim es 40r rare to Fran ce , plus I 20 r for Regisrration ...............................................................................................................(Photo ) (30,29) Est. Cash Value $750-1,000
~ 7/ " 1249
1249 181
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1858-62 10c dark blu e, RIGHT DI AG ON AL H ALF use d as Sc , large margin s, ve r y fine , tied by bold grid cancel on 1863 folded letter bearing LUZERN 30 JAN (63) double circle date sta mp . ....................................................................................................(Photo) (37a) Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500 PRISTINE STAMP AND COVER 71
Cati. Val.
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1250 0 6 181The Helvetia selection of 15 sta mp s and 7 covers on stock sheets, stamp s include 15r strip of four , 40r pair , Perfo rate d 11 ½ 60c pair on piec e and single on diff erent covers, other covers includ e imperforate s with sin gle, multiple and mi xe d frankings , mixed condition to ve r y fin e ..............................................................................................................(Photo ) Est.Cash Value $1,200-1,500 1251 6 1Bl POST AGE DUE: 1882-83 Granit e Paper 500c ultram arin e, irr egular BLO CK OF SEVEN, each stamp tied by individual BASEL 2 1 JV 83 cancel to piece of printed matter, very fine. Mi. 14 , € 1400+ .................(Photo ) (J 14) 1252 0
TELEGRAPH STAMP : 1868 Perforated 11¾ 3fr gold & carmine, very fine, tied by BERN TELEGR. 31 (?) circular datestamp on face of complete telegram page, very fine. €850 as used off cover. Seldom seen this nice ...................................................................................................................(Photo ) (Mi.4) Est. Cas h Value $400- 500 72
1,330 .00+
Cati. Val.
1253 1860 U WATERMARKED: Clean-cut Perforated 14 to 15½ (lp ) dull rose , STRIP OF THREE IMPERFORA TE VERTICALLY, o.g., two vertical bends , fresh, fme. S.G. 45, £3250 ..(Cover Photo ) (27b)
1253 *
A very rare error existing otherwise only in five pairs. Centered to boffom, with vertical bends/creases probably from the pe1foration machine.
1254 * 83 ½ p on lp dull red , S.G. type 9, BLOCK OF FOUR, o.g. (hinge remnant), top right surcharge "k iss" double , fine to very fine ............................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (SG 17) ½ p on Ip dull red, S.G. type 13, o.g., very fine ................................................................................ (Photo ) (SG23) 1255 * 2½p on 6p blue, S.G. type 16, full o.g., well centered, very fine ..................................................... (Photo ) (SG26) 1256* 1257 *
1258 1259 * 1260 * 126 1 *
1262 * 1263 0
2½p on lsh lilac, S.G. type 19, almost no hyphen , traces of o.g., rich color , very fine ................(Photo) (SG29) 2½ p on lp dull red , S.G. type 23, part o.g., fresh, fine ......................................................................(Photo ) (SG34) 2½p on lsh lilac, S.G. type 23, unused , very fine ............................................................................ (Photo ) (SG36) 2½ p on lsh dull lilac , S.G. type 24, unu sed, unusually large , centered copy , very fine ...............(Photo ) (SG37) 4p on 6p black, SE-TENANT PAIR , S.G. types 29 and 30, o.g., scissors cut all round resulting in large margins and intact perforation s, fresh, very fine .......................................................................................(Photo ) (SG43,44) 4p on lp dull red , S.G. type 28, unused , fresh, very fine ........................................................... ......(Photo ) (SG48) 4p on lp dull red , S.G. type 28, clear on-the-nose "Tl" in grid cancel , very fine .........................(Photo ) (SG48)
t,. 181
The selection of over 30 stamps and 9 covers on stock sheets, also 3 fronts, mostly 1859 and 1860 Thick and Thin umerals , nice range of frankings, most to Buenos Aires and Montevideo, 1860s Coat of Arms fine to very fine multiples , so me faults , overall iss ue s including and Numeral ...................................................................... ..........................(Photo page 76).Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 THANK YO U
£200+ £1000 £300 £550 £600 £550 £1200 £375 £800 £550
/i(),!J·~.\\i~-, I(
May 12 at 1:00 P.M . THE FREDERICK R. MAYER GOLD MEDAL COLLECTION of NOVA SCOTIA Collected over th e Past Tlu ·ee D ecade s Mr . Fred M ayer's sharp eye for import ant pieces and qualit y has culmin ated in th e finest and best docum ent ed Co llection of thi s popular Maritime Province. Majo r pieces from th e greates t collections abound .
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9:30 a.m. to 5 :30 p.m.
Never hinged
On cover
Block of four
DP Die Proof
"' On piece
[I!] Block larger than four
Plate Proof
T C Trial Color
PLEASE NOTE - CREDIT CARDS We regret we are unable to accept credit cards for payment of purchases. For overseas buyers, we ask that payment be made by bank draft , wire or checks in dollars made payable on a U.S. bank .
SE = Straight Edge ; s.l. = Straight-line ; c.d.s. = Circular Date Stamp . c.t.o . = Cancelled to Order ; F.D.C. = First Day Cover CONDITION
T he various grad ings of stamps are , in order : superb ; extremely fine ; very fine ; fine ; fair.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
A lot described as "fair" is so listed either by reason of general appeara nce or more otten because of a small fault or faults , such as a crease , thin spot , sho rt or missing pert , perforated into , cut into, etc . In the case of sets , large blocks , sheets, etc., the condition quoted represents the ave rage and quality above and below this standard can be expec ted .
BIDDING LEVELS Up to$ 150 $ 5 $150- $ 300 $ 10 $300- $ 700 $ 25 $700- $1 ,500 $ 50 Over $1 ,500 approximately 5% Bids which do not conform to the above will be automatically reduced to the correctlevel.
Mixed Condition: In large lots, the con dition is generally expected to range from fair to at best fine. Serious defects can be expected .
Handstamp on rever se : Denotes either a deale r, co llector or indecipherable expertiser's mark . Signed by : Denotes either the actua l signatu re or mark of the expertise,. The absence of mentioning a signature does not reflect on the ability or knowledge of the party involved .
BIDS BY TELEPHONE Please comply with the following:
""¡â&#x2013;Ą EJPJ[Dl N.H
(a) Not more than 20 bids can be accep ted and must be co nfirmed in writing .
(b) Any errors are the respons ibility of the bidder . (c) No bids accep ted later than 1/2 hour before sale . BIDS BY FAX OR EMAIL
You may fax or e-mai l bids up to 1 hour before sale commences -
be sure to use
(212) 447-5625 or hrharmer @hrharmer .com Shaded portion can represent an actual hinge or the area disturbed by a hinge . Never hinged - unused with origina l gum in Post Office state and unmounted Lightly hinged - unused with full original gum showing some evidence of a previous hinge which may be present in part or entirely removed . Original gum - unused with original gum somewhat disturbed by previous o.g. hinging which may still be present. Part original gum - unused with origina l gum , large hinge remnants may or part o.g. may not be present. Disturbed original gum - unused with origina l gum , affected by sweating , disturbed o.g. glazing or mount disturbance ; may not resemble the origina l gum . Unused without gum (unless gum is mentioned) unused Unused witho ut gum , as issued . ungummed n.h. l.h.
Postal Viewing will NOT be available for this auction .
Valuations of all lots are ava ilable in receipt of stamped , self-add ressed envelope. GUM DESCRIPTION
Recogn izing that there are occasional differences of opinion concerning gum nomenclature by various expert committees , for example , a stamp described as o.g. being cert ified as large part o.g. or even part o.g., this minor classifi catio n discrepancy alone is not sufficientgroundsfor return.
BLOCKS OR SHEETS AND THEIR GUM : Minor sepa rations are the rule, rather than the exception, in the case of blocks or sheets of any size . A few separations - around four perts per row--<Jo not affect the value of a block or sheet and are not grounds for the return of a lot. Blocks of four that have two stamps o.g. and two stamps n.h. are described "n.h. (2)/o.g.(2)".
PAIRS : All pairs are horizontal, unless otherwise mentioned .
Minor faults including , but not limited to, file folds not affecting stamps , small tears and some back flap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue .
CATALOGUE NUMBERS : T he catalogue numbers of the contents of the lots are given in parentheses immediately follow ing the des cri ptions , but in bulky lots only the range of issue is
shown. CATALOGUE VALUES : The final column shows the catalogue value of the lot. This is shown in
parentheseswhere, in the opinionof the auctioneers, the market value exceeds this figure.
Remember, NO lots may be returned with back stamps stating Fake, Falsch, or similar markings . Recently there has been a spate of German expe rtisers marking the backs of stamps . It is your responsibi lity as the purchaser not to let this happen .
ESTIMATED VALUES : If an estimated cash value is given , it is shown in the description and always indicated by the abbreviations "Est. Cash Val.". It is used where the lot is large or where the actual value has little relation to the catalogue price . It represents the auctioneer 's appraisal of the true MARKET value of a lot and the figure is inva riably close to the actual realization . It is useless for mail bidders to list any bids that are only a low propo rtion of such estimates . CATALOGUES USED IN LISTING : Scott . Vols. 1-6 Stanley Gibb ons Brit ish Commonwealth Michel German y Michel Europe
IN THE MAILING ENVELOPE You will find the bid form and prices realized for the November 6, 2003 General Auction.
2004 2004 2003 2003
Others as noted in the descriptions Euros are Michel unless otherwise noted
IMPORTANT NOTICE - EXTENSIONS AND EXPERTISING Instru ctions from the consignor require s that any lots placed on extension for expertising must be submitt ed by H .R. Harmer . Submission by the pur chaser will nullify any extension requ est. T herefore, upon notificatio n of purchases , please contact Miss Alison Harm er by mail, telephone, fax or email with the lot numb ers you wish submitt ed. Please also advise whose nam e yo u wish o n the certificate. Spec ial arran ge ment s have been made . Thank you
5. 6.
BIDDING Unless announced otherwise by the auctioneer, all bids are per lot, as numbered in the printed Catalogue . H.R. Harmer, LLC (hereinafter "Harmers"), License #s 672829, 780870, as agent for the consignor or vendor, shall regulate the bidding and shall determine the manner in which the bidding shall be conducted. Harmers reserves the right to withdraw any lot prior to sale (without liability to any potential purchaser or agent), to re-offer any withdrawn lot, to divide a lot or to group two or more lots belonging to the same consignor or vendor, and to refuse any bid believed not made in good faith . The highest bid acknowledged by the auctioneer shall prevail. Should a dispute arise between bidder s (including a dispute between a floor bidder and the auctioneer acting on behalf of a mail bidder, consignor or vendor), the auctioneer alone shall determine who is the successful bidder and whether to reoffer the lot in dispute . Should a dispute arise after the sale, the auctionee r's sale records shall be conclusive . On all lots sold , a commission of 15% on the hammer price is payable by the buyer. (a) The auctioneer reserves the right to bid on behalf of clients (and consignors or vendors) but shall not be liable for errors and omissions in executing instructions to bid, however received, and whether such errors or omissions be those of the bidder or agent or those of the auctioneer. (b) All lots are offered subject to a reserve price. The auctioneer may implement such reserve price . The auctioneer may implement such reserve price by bidding on behalf of the consignor vendor. (c) It may also be assumed that all consignors have been advanced monies against the sale of their stamps and Harmers therefore has a security interest over and above the normal auction commission . 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Howeve r, a purchaser known to Harme rs, or who furnishes satisfactory references, may at Harmers option, have purchases delivered or forwarded for immediate payment (by a dollar draft on a U.S. bank in the case of overseas purchasers ). Mailed delivery will be to the address on the bid sheet and proof by Harmers of receipt of a sending at the advised address shall constitute delivery. All charges for handling , delivery and insurance (obtained by Harmers on behalf of the purchaser ) shall be added to the purchase price; a minimum charge of $1.00 will be made. Risk of loss in transit shall be on the purchase r. (c) Where an opinion of a generally recognized authority• is desired, the time for payment may be extended in accord with and subject to Condition of Sale 8. Title shall not pass to the purchaser until full payment has been received by Harmers as agents for the consignor or vendor. 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·F or United States stamps , lhe genera lly recogniz ed authority, unless otherwise agreed. shall be the Philatelic Fo undation of New York
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Ahbnenawenll per Vienna al rfcnono alla Reda i:lone del Glornale, Tuchlallbeo, Nr. 438 , rr. piano.A Trieste d• Gl•enmo Ca al. - A Veoei:la da AolonlG
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PRICE $1.00 (or by subscription)
3 EAST 28th STREET , NEW YORK , NY 10016
MAY 27, 2004
SALE 2948
TOTAL $1,168 ,920
Lot #1072 $155,750
1001 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030
1400 1500 4500 550 160 550 525 2100 450 7500 1100 5250 4000 4250 1450 2400 3500 9500 55000 20000 800 1100 1200 700 525 750 425 2600
1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059
6500 950 600 160 1300 28000 14000 2700 1500 2000 900 425 1150 750 15000 3750 375 5500 1000 4000 1150 3500 9500 500 550 475 1700 1250 3250
1060 1800 1061 5000 1062 325 1063 2800 1064 325 1065 135 1066 300 1067 8000 1068 325 1069 1100 210 1070 1071 1200 1072 135000 2400 1073 1074 950 1075 600 1076 14000 1077 750 1078 4250 1079 18000 1080 4750 1082 8500 1083 600 1084 500 1085 425 2600 1086 1087 2200 1088 325 1089 325
1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118
950 220 850 3750 2700 1600 2500 14000 12500 2500 3750 850 600 23000 4250 1050 550 7000 2200 850 5500 750 7500 1050 1150 3000 2300 2400 900
1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147
475 10000 13000 3250 2700 500 325 800 550 1200 1150 1150 950 750 7000 700 425 40000 4250 6500 12000 27000 19000 18000 1050 450 1250 3250 7500
1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176
1600 8500 3250 1150 3750 650 2600 1450 475 9000 450 1400 1050 250 375 2000 5000 500 350 325 200 2700 525 1050 900 400 12500 2700 575
1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205
500 1200 750 500 425 500 475 1250 950 800 3500 375 400 2500 1600 13000 9000 4500 230 500 600 500 4250 375 350 2900 1150 1600 375
1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213
1700 550 500 1000 400 23000 2700 50000
1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221
1900 950 400 400 850 200 280 2300
1222 1223 1224 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230
2200 9500 1350 1700 1400 2700 35000 75000
1231 1234 1235 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241
22000 2 1000 950 900 1050 700 950 400
1242 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250
4000 350 2100 500 1800 1350 4250 2100
1251 1252 1253 1256 1257 1259 1261 1262
425 2200 1600 150 115 110 200 450