Sale 2955 - Richard Baron Cohen Collection Mint Never Hinged US Stamps

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Cu tl'OO l'dtizay ~ W zt ~ Icoel' ,90l!Je{I 1y 11t &: 2 0 11t Ce1zt11y i l cf. clt-a11zjJJ'

To be sold at public auction Friday, June 24, 2005 at 6PM by H.R.Harmer, Inc. Philatelic Auctioneers 3 East 28th Street, 7th Floor New York, NY 10016 USA

At NOJEX 2005,Booth 12


Saturday May 28 through Monday May 30 Meadowlands Crowne Plaza Hotel Two Harmon Plaza, Seacaucus, NJ www.nojex .org

At Our Offices

Monday ,June 20 through Friday,June 24 10AM to 5PM or by prior appointment Ph: 212-532-3700 Fax:212-447-5625 hrharmer


AND REW KUPE RSMIT President aku persm it @hrha rm K EITH A . H ARMER Chairman Emeritus S UE F IELDS Sale Administration and Shipping sfields @hrha rme

D ESC RIPT IONS George Eveleth and Andrew Kupersmit CAT ALO GUE P RODU CTION Bev Benner, Alicia Manning Kalmar, Sharon Ormsbee, Lisa Roemer

3 East 28th Street , 7th Floor New York, NY 10016 Phone : 212-532-3700 ~ Facsimile: 212-447-5625 Email: hrharmer @hrharmer .com www

OFFICE HOURS . . to 5:30 p.111 9:30 a.111



SYMBOLS Original gum (prc\iou!iily lunged or without


We regret we are unable to accept credit cards for payment of purcha ses. For overseas buyers , we ask that payment be made by bank draft , wire or checks 111 dollars made payab le on a U.S. bank .

Original gum (11C\Cr hinged)

Thank yo u for your under standin g and coo peration .


ex1remely fine - outstanding. 1hc highcs1quality possible. very fine - choice condition. well centered: if impcrforntc with four well clear margins. fin e . sou nd in all respects. perfora tions clear design: if impcrforatc. margin s may be close or lOuching. but will not cut design. very good - stamps arc so graded d thcr by reaso n of general appearance of imperfect cen tering or a fauh . Fauhs such as a thin spo1. tear. crease. etc. will be described on individual lots at all times. In larger lots. degrees of condition dcno1c the ave rage. and copie s above and be low suc h condition can bcexpcctcd. Minor separations on blocks or shc-ets arc the rule rather than the exception and arc not grounds for the return of a lot. The tem1 "mint" denotes that 1hc item has original gum. but does notim• ply that i1 is never hinged. The term "unused" is used to describe an uneanccllcd item that is without gum. Regarding covers. the following arc not jus tification for the return of a lot: torn or panially removed back flaps. light file folds which do not detract from the overa ll appearance and small edgetcars which do not affect adhesive or markings.

Bidding Increments BIDS




Up to S 100

S3.000-S7.500 S7.500 -S 15.000

S250.00 S500.00 1.000.00


S5.00 S10.00 $25.00



SI 5.000-S30.000 S30.000-S75.000

S 1.500-S3.000


S75.000 and Up

S 100-S300

S2.500.00 auctioneer·:. discretion

The ahm·e i11creme111sare si mp(1 prodded llS "guide for hiddi11g 1mifromi1y. The a11c1io11eerretai11s the right to change the i11creme,us ,,, his discre tio11when bidding actil'i ly is partic 11/ar~\' strong to exp,,dite 1he sale. or he may brn1k 11,ei11creme11ts10 accomoodme a11age m ·..,hid. 1


(a) Must be confirmed in writing. (b) Any errors arc the responsibility of the bidder. (c) 1 o bids accepted later than 1/2 hour before sale.


□ EJPJb] N.H


0.G .


Shaded ponion can represe111an acrnal hinge or the area disturbed by a hinge. Ne\ er hinged - unused with original gum in Post Office state and unmounted unused with full original gum showing some evidence of a previous hinge which Lightly hinged may be present in pan or entirely removed. Original gum - unused with original gum somewhat disrnrbcd by previous hinging which may still be present. Part original gum - unused with original gum. large hinge remnants may or may not be present. Disturbed original gum - unused with original gum. affected by swea1ing. glazing or mount dis• turbancc: may not resemble the original gum. Unused without gum (unless gum is mcn1ioncd) Unused without gum. as issued. BLO CKS OR SH EETS AN D THEIR GUM: Minor separations arc the nilc. rather than the exception. in the case of blocks or sheets of any size. A few separations- around four perfs per row- do 01grounds for the return of a lot. not afTcct the value of a block or sheet and arc 11

EST IMATED VALUES: Ifan estimated cash value is given. it is shown in the description. It is used where the lot is large or where the actual value has link relation 10 1he catalogue price. It rep• resents the auc1ionecr·s appraisal of the true MARKET value of a lot and the figure is invariably close to the actual realization. It is useless for mail bidders to list any bids that are only a low pro• portion of such estimates. CATALOGUES USED IN LI ST I NG:

Scott Volume I Scott U.S. pecialized

New York Licensed Auclion ee r Andr ew Kupersmit - Lice nse # 1189092 - Nig ht Licen se # 1189 100

2006 2005


You may fax or e-mail bids up to I hour before sale commences -

be sure to use

er@hrhanner.co111 (2 12) 447-5625 or hrhar111 PHO NE BIDDI NG DURING THE SALE

Phone bidding space is limi1ed and available on a first come. first served basis. The imponance of reserving early cannot be overstated!


I. Lots of not more than IO items. 2. To U.S. clients only. at our discretion. J. Viewer !lli!fil pay postage and insurance bo1h ways and return lots within 24 hours of receipt. 4. Viewer assumes all responsibility. including proper insurance. for any loss. whether in his possession or in any and all forms of transit when returning Postal Viewing. 5. References required from bidders unknown to us.


Remember. NO lots may be returned with back stamps stating Fake. Falsch. or similar markings. Recemly there has been a spate of Gem1an expertisers marking 1he backs of stamps. It is your responsibility as the purchaser nm 10 lei 1his happen. INST RUCTIO NS FOR PAYME NT BY WIRE TRA NSFER PNC Bank

Two Tower Center Blvd. East Brunswick. J 088 16 ABA# 03 1207607 For - H.R. Ham1er. Inc. Account # 8025723228 Please add S20.00 U.S. to invoice total to cover bank charges, plus any additional fee imposed by your bank.

Richard Baron Cohen only wanted to collect the finest examp les of United States stamps. Over a period of years I proudly assisted him in acquiring many of the incredible condition rarities in his exceptional collection. While other high quality United States stamp collections have been sold at public auction in recent years , J believe that Mr. Cohen has set a new quality standard with his unwavering emphasis on Never Hinged Extremely Fine stamps with wide marg111s . Professional Stamp Experts (PSE), whose innovative numerical grading system and financial guarantee have revolutionized the independent certification of United States stamps, has examined and numerically graded each stamp in the auction. Of the 290 lots offered , over 200 were graded at 90 or above with 83 being either the finest known or tied with the finest known on the PSE Population Report, which is available on their website , /popreport /. Even though the population report is in an early state, the vast majority of the stamps in the Cohen collection should remain at the top of the list for quite some time. In addition to the numerical grading , PSE financially guarantees , without time limit and up to$ I 0,000 per stamp, that their certificate correct ly identifies the stamp ' s Scott catalogue number. In addition to the graded PSE certificates , a certificate issued by the Philatelic Foundation issued within the last six years accompanies almost every stamp in the Cohen collection , including all of the great rarities. Personally , I have mixed feelings about the sale of the Cohen collection . While I will benefit professionally from its sale, I am disappointed that collection did not achieve a greater degree of completion , as Richard certainly had both the ambition and the resources. However , as he astutely pointed out, he never wou ld have been able to complete the collection in the manner he desired because many of the classics do not exist in perfectly centered Never Hinged condition with huge margins. While I managed to convince him to purchase the Scott No. 72 because I knew he wou ld never find a certified Never Hinged copy superior to the quality of this example , he never felt comfortable with the stamp. He wisely did not start collecting officials or newspapers! But I am grateful for the opportunity to have worked with him and to know him for he truly is a wonderful man. Those who attend the sale will be able to meet him and see for themselves. Richard Baron Cohen's collection has earned its place in the tradition of Harmer's important single owner auctions , which include the Caspary , Dale-Lichtenstein , Gilbert (still in progress) , Moody, Dietz, West, Weinberger , and the Franklin Delano Roosevelt collections .




Catalog Value

THE RICHARD BARON COHEN COLLECTION Friday, June 24, 2005 at 6:00 P.M. 1857-61 ISSUE


#26, 3c Dull Red, Ty. II , post office fres h full top shee t-m argin single, bei ng nea rly perfectly ce ntered fro m top to bottom and side to side, strong co lor and impr ess ion on bri ght pap er, pr ist ine orig inal gum , the stamp so und and Neve r Hin ge d, the se lvage onl y is lightl y hin ge d and w ith a diago nal crease, an Ext remely Fin e ge m ; ph otoco py of I 993 P. F. ce rtifi ca te fo r a top left co rner marg in bloc k of fo ur, thi s being the top right stamp , 2003 P.F. ce rtifi ca te and 2005 P.S.E. ce rtificate wi th the gra de of XF 90 . . .... . ........... . .. . ........... . ... .. ....... . .... fo r hin ge d 75.00


2 2


Ju1Je 24, 2005

#30A, Sc Brown , Ty. II , a trul y ex trao rdin ary exa mpl e of this ve ry sca rce and always di ffic ult stamp , boas tin g a se nsational overa ll fres hness and crispn ess which belies its nea rly 150 yea rs of age , w ith sumptu ously rich color and a razo r sharp impr ess ion on whit e paper, plu s it is co nsiderably better ce ntered than the vas t maj ority of mint co pies we have enco unt ered, with its pe rfora tions remar kably full and eve n, its reve rse , howeve r, is eve n more impr ess ive , as it revea ls imm ac ulate original gum , w hich qui te incredibl y has never been hinged, Ex tremely Fine fo r thi s notoriously challenging iss ue and co nsiderin g that it is one of the rarest stamps in United States philatel y in truly Never Hinged condition; des pit e being listed in the Sco tt ca talog ue after the Ty. II O range Brow n (Sco tt #30), the Bro wn shade was iss ued prev iously and suppli es we re esse nti ally ex hausted at the tim e of demonit az tion at the onset of th e C ivil War, leav ing a low suppl y in any co ndition fo r fut ure phil atelists, mu ch less those in thi s wo nd erful co nd ition; 1998 P.F. ce 11ifica te and 2005 P.S.E . ce rtifi ca te w ith the abso lute gra de of F 70 and the only Neve r Hin ge d exa mpl e they have ce rtifi ed to date; ex- "Silver l ake " collection ... .................... . . ..... fo r hin ge d 2,100.00 Page 5

H.R. Harmer, Inc.




Ca talog Value

1857-60 REPRINTS

3 3


#42, Sc Orange Brown Reprint , without gum as issued, a select quality example of this reprint, with sumptuously rich color and a prootlike impression on crisp white paper, plus it is considerably better centered than most and its perforation s are unusually full and even, Extreme ly Fine ; only 878 stamps were issued; 1986 and 2003 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of VF . .. 1,400.00 80, which is the highest grade received by a #42 to date; ex-Drucker . ............. d- 1 Joo

1861-66 ISSUES






Jun e 24 , 2005


#56, 3c Brown Rose "August", an especia lly handsome and choice single, with vivid rich color and a highly detailed impression on fresh clean paper, beautifull y centered within generous margins, full and equal perforation s all around, unblemished original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; while this stamp is relatively available, never hinged copies are actua lly few and far between; now listed as #65,:E_I Sh; 1992,~nd 2004 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certificate (P.S.E. d_oesnot grade essays); ex- Stiver Lake co/lectwn .. . .. . . . .. . . ... . .. ... .. ............. for h111 ged 550.00 #65, 3c Rose, an immaculate mint example of this relative ly common stamp, but one that is in a truly uncommon quality, being precisely centered amid generous and well balanced margins, plus both its color and impression are considerably stronger than normal, full and equal perforation s all around, unblemished original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and handsome; a condition rarity; photocopy of 199 1 P.F. certificate for a block of four, this being the top left stamp and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade ofXF 90; ex- "Si/ver Lake" collection . . .. . .. . for hinged 150.00 Page 6

H.R. Harmer, Inc.





Catalog Value




June 24, 2005

#72, 90c Blue , an impr ess ive exa mpl e of thi s terribl y diffi cult high va lue I 86 1 issue, fea turin g marg ins and ce nterin g th at are quit e out of the ordin ary, espec ially fo r a mint co py, being wo nd erfull y we ll ce ntered w ithin un co mm only large margins all aro und , plu s it ret ains an ex traordin ary ove rall fres hness w hich belies its age , w ith co lor and impr ess ion w hich co uld riva l that of a proo f, w hile its reve rse revea ls full clea n original gum w hich the co mmitt ees be lieve shows only the slightes t pos sible hint of prev ious hin ging but , we res pectfull y do not agree , Ex tremely fin e; clea rly among the finest mint singles extant; Mr. Co hen opted to retain thi s stamp in his co llecti on of only Neve r Hin ge d stamp s beca use he knew that he may neve r find a better exa mpl e; 1999 P.F. ce rtific ate and 2005 P.S.E. ce 11ifica te w ith the gra de of VF -XF 85 , the highes t gra de rece ive d to date by a #72 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,25 0.00

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H.R. Harmer, Inc.



Catalog Value




#77, 15c Black , an incomparable mint single, being the only example we have ever encountered in a post office fresh state of preservation , as the extraordinary copy offered here still retains it

full mint "bloom" and appears as if printed only yesterday, plus its co lor is truly prooflike and its impression is razor-sharp, wonderfully well centered within large margins for this surprisingly difficult value, with full and even perforations surrounding the whole, its reverse, howeve r, is its most remarkable feature, as it displays pristine original gum which has never been hinged , while not quite perfectly centered certainly Extremely Fine considering its numerous desirable physical characteristics; unquestionabl y the finest mint Never Hinged single extant and the onl y one in the P.S.E. population report; 1999 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of F-VF 75; ex- "Silver lak e" collection . .. . .. .. .. ... .. . ... . .. . . .... .. ....... . for hinged 3,500.00

June 24, 2005

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H.R. Harmer, Inc.



Catalog Value





# 132 , 90c Ca rmin e and Black Re-I ss ue, a truly amazi ng mint example of this scarce 1869 Pictor ial re-issue, boast ing physical characteristic few (if any) other singles enj oy, including being in an absolutel y pri stine state of prese rva tion , with eye-arresting luxuriant colors and a prooflike

impression on immaculate white paper, beautifully centered within large margins, with full and even perforations all around, but most incredible of all is its reverse, which reveals pristine original gum which ha s neve r been hinged , Extremely Fine; very few 1869 Pictorial re-issues exist Never Hinged and this top value, of which only 1,356 were issued, may in fact be the only truly Neve r Hinged single avai lable, as the only other such copies we are aware of are tied up in the unique plate block ; 199 1 and 2004 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade XF-90 making it the finest example P.S.E. has ce1iified to date; ex- "Silver lak e" collection . .. for hinged 4,750 .00 vv,"? (Jl,L/ .

June 24, 2005

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H.R. Hanner. Inc.



Catalog Value





June 24, 2005

# 136, 3c Green with Grill , a seldom seen post office fresh mint single, with rich verdant color and

a crisp impression on immacu late paper showing a strong and complete grill impression, particular ly well centered within large margins, unblemished original gum, Never Hinged, certainly Extremely Fine given its numerous desirab le features; a true cond ition rarity; 1994 and 2004 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of VF 80, making it the finest example they have certified to date ; ex- "Silver Lak e" collection . ... .. .................. for hinged 750.00

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H.R. Harmer, Inc.





Catalog Value




#153, 24c Purple, an amazing mint examp le of this scarce and difficult Bank Note higher value, being the first copy we have ever had the pleasure of offering in a post office fresh state of preservation , as the example offered here retains an extraordinary overall freshness rarely found

on stamps from this era, let alone on a higher value, plus it is remarkably well centered amid generous margins and its color is significantl y stronger than normal, its reverse boasts full clean original gum, which quite remarkabl y has never been hinged , Extremely Fine considering that in all probability, this stamp is the finest quality mint Never Hinged copy extant and the onl y Neve r Hinged example certified by P.S.E; 1999 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of F 70; ex- "Silv er lak e" collection . ............... .. .. .. ............ for hinged 2,000.00

June 24. 2005

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Catalog Value





# 156, le Ultramarine , a pristine mint single, remarkably well centered within balanced margins, wonderfully bright and fresh, full and equal perforat ions all around, unblemished original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine for the issue; this is the only example certified by P.S.E. as Never Hinged; photoco py of2000 P.F. certificate for a horizontal pair, this being the right stamp and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of F-VF 75 .... ... .... . .... . ... . ......... for hinged 300.00 I

, <., ~





June 24, 2005

#157, 2c Brown, an eye-arresting jumbo -margined right sheet-margin mint single, boast ing physical characteristics few (if any) other examples enjoy , including possess ing extravaga ntly wide and beautifull y balanced margins all around, plus it is extrao rdinarily well centered amid this vast expanse, with prooflike color and impression on bright white paper, full and even perforations all around serve to further enhance its tremendous eye-appeal, while its reverse displays unblemished original gum which has never been hinged, an Extremely Fine jumbo ; we feel safe in saying that this is the finest mint single extant ; 1982 and 2002 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. cert ificate with the impress ive grade ofXF 901, the highest so far achieved by an N.H. example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ................. . ........ . .. . .. .. .... . . . .... . ................ for hinged 400 .00 Page 12

H.R. Harmer, Inc.

'") ~(

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Catalog Value




#175, 24c Dull Purple Special Printing , without gum as issued, a stunning example of this Hard Paper Special Printing value, being in a quality that places it among the finest copies in existence ,

as the single offered here possesses out tanding physical characteristic that few others enjoy, including being extraordinarily well centered within lavishly large and beautifully balanced margins which are most uncharacteristic of any Special Printing value, plus its perforations are not only intact, but long and even all around, not scissor separated as is most often the case, in addition its color is deep and luxuriant and its impression is razor-sharp, Extremely Fine in every regard; a true gem deserving of placement in the finest collection; only a combined 286 of this and the co1Tesponding Soft Paper Special Printing were sold, of these it is estimated that fewer than 90 of this Hard Paper Special Printing exist today; 1957 and 2003 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the lofty grade of XF-S 95, which makes it the highest graded example; ex-Chapin . . .. . 4,000.00

June 24 . 2005

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Catalog Value


14 #178 , 2c Vermilion , a superb mint single, near perfect centering within uncommonly large margins all around, luxuriant deep color and a crisp impress ion on bright paper, full and even perforations, unblemished original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; actually a rare stamp Neve r Hinged; 1995 P.F. certificate for a block of four, this being the bottom right stamp and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade of XF-S 95, which is the highest achieved by a hinged or N.H. copy ................... . ... .. ...................... . . . . . for hinged 450.00


_, ' '7





#182 , I c Dark Ultramarine , an impeccable single, precisely cen-


tered, with considerably stronger color and impression than normally found, full and even perforations all around, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; 1988 P.F. certificate for a block of six, this being the top left stamp and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of VF 80 . .. ... .... . . . ... for hinged 350.00



16 #I 83, 2c Vermilion , a flawless mint single, boasting virtually perfect centering amid symmetrical margins, wonderfully bright and fresh, with radiant color and a detailed impress ion on immaculate white paper, unblemished original gum, Neve r Hinged, Extremely Fine; a true gem for the perfectionist; 1997 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of VF-XF 85 .. . ... . .. for hinged 150.00


June 24, 2005

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Catalog Value




#189, 15c Red Orange , an eye-catching mint single, featuring lavishly large and perfectly balanced

margins all around, plus its centering would be impossible to improve upon, its color is bright and fresh and the impression is crisp and clean, full and even perforations all around serve to further enhance its great eye-a ppeal, unblemished original gum, Neve r Hinged, an Extremely fin e gem with few peers; never hinged examples in this premium quality are actually quite scarce; 200 I P.F. certificate for a block of four, this being the bottom left stamp and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade of XF-S 95 .............. .. .. . .... ... . ... . .......... for hinged 350.00

'2__ / 1 () l)

18 18


#190 , 30c Full Black , an extraordinarily choice and handsome mint example of this surprisingly scarce and difficult Bank Note, the example offered here being, in our opinion, the finest mint cop y extant , as it is in a quality that is virtually unobtainable on this value, as it remains in a post office

state of freshness which few other 30c American Bank Note Co. printing examples can boast, plus its margins are uncharacteristically large and well balanced and its centering would be a challenge to improve upon, in addition its co lor is truly luxuriant, its impress ion is deeply etched and its perforations are full and even all around, its reverse is equally remarkable as it reveals pristine original gum which has never been hinged, Extremely Fine; a true gem in the finest obtainable quality; 1993 and 2005 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. ce11ificate with the grade of VF-XF 85, the highest grade yet achieved by an .H. example; ex- "Silver Lak e" collection . ....... for hinged I, I00.00

June 24, 2005

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Catalog Value





#195 , 6c Dull Rose Special Printing , without gum as is ued, an extraordinarily choice example of this very rare and notoriously difficult Soft Paper Special Printing value, being the best centered examp le we have ever encountered , as it is remarkably well centered within large margins, which is most unusual for this value since most are centered quite strongly to the left, plus it is completely free of the myriad faults that plague so many of this issue, warm characteristic color on fresh paper, full perforations all around, Extremely Fine; clearl y one of the very finest examples among the fewer than 30 copies that are believed to exist toda y ; signed "W.H.C." (Co lson), 1973 and 2003 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of VF 80; ex-Chap in . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,500.00

S'.:.JvLL I

June 24, 2005

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Catalog Value




June 24, 2005

#196 , 7c Scarlet Vermilion Special Printing , without gum as iss ued, an eye -arres ting exa mpl e of thi s rare stamp , being in a qu ality w ith w hich few (if any) other co pies ca n co mp are, as it possess es phys ica l characteristics few Soft Paper Spec ial Print ing enjoy , most notably its extra ordin ary ce nterin g w ithin uncharac teristica lly lav ish margins, plu s its co lor is deep and luxuri ant and the impr ession is highly detailed on imm ac ulate w hite paper that is co mpl ete ly free of the fault s that plague so many exa mpl es , intac t perfora tions all around , an Ex tremely Fine gem ; w ith fewe r than I 00 stamp s believe d to ex ist today ve ry few ca n that riva l th e qu ality of the exa mpl e offered here; I 99 3 and 2004 P.F. certifi ca tes, 1992 P.S.E . ce rtifi cate and 200 5 P.S.E. certific ate w ith the grad e of XF 90 6,000 .00

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Catalog Value




#197 , I Oc Deep Brown Special Printing , without gum as issued, a phenomenal example of this

important Special Printing rarity, being the beneficiary of physical character istics very few others enjoy, including being precisely centered within lavishly large margins all around, with gloriously rich color and a razor-sharp impression on bright fresh paper, intact perforations and completely free of the faults which plague so many other example , Extremely Fine; a large-margined gem which is clearly among the very finest examples among the fewer than 35 copies that are believed to exist; 197 1, 1986 and 2002 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF-90; ex.. ... .. .. 30,000.00 ... ... . ............... Crocker and Drucker .. ..... . .... . .......... ~

C. (.,

June 24, 2005

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Catalog Value




June 24, 2005

#205C, Sc Gray Brown Spec ial Printing , without gum as iss ued , an exc itin g exa mpl e of this mo st sought- after Special Prin ting rarity , of which a mere 22 copies have been confirmed to ex ist, being incredibly we ll centered w ithi n ge nero us balanced margins , w ith luxuri ant rich co lor and a razo rsharp impr ess ion on clea n fresh paper , fu ll and even perforations all aro und , Extre me ly Fine; among the fine st of the only 22 recorded examp les and certainly one of the highlights of the Co hen co llec tion and that of any other co llect ion of United States sta mp s in w hich it is included ; 1949 and 2003 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E . ce11ificate wit h th e impressive gra de of XF 90; exLilly and Chapin . . .... . .. . .. . . .... . . . . . . . .. . ...... . .... . . ... . . . . ... .. .. .. 50,000.00

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Catalog Value



#205 , Sc Yellow Brown , a visually striking jumbo-margined mint single, pos essing lavishly large margins all around and being precisely centered within them, plus its color is sumptuously rich and its impres ion would rival that of a proof, full and equal perforations, unblemished original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine ; a true gem in every regard; 2004 P.F. ce11ificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF 90, which is the highest grade so far achieved by 750.00 . .. . ......... . ............... an N. H. #205 ...................





#206, le G ray Blue , a select mint single, featuring consider -

ably larger margins than typically found and being particularly well centered amid them, strong color and impression on fresh white paper. pristine original gum, ever Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; 1996 P.F. ce11ificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the lofty grade of XF-S 95, the highest grade achieved by a 200.00 .. . . . .... ................. . ..... #206 .......




#209 , I 0c Brown , an impeccable mint single, featuring essentially perfect centering within uncommonly large and beautifully balanced margins, plus it retains a marvelous overa ll freshness few others enjoy, with luxurious rich color and a fine impression, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a true gem in eve1y regard; 1990 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade ofXF 90, which is the highest grade achieved by an N.H. #209 ; ex-Morris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475.00 25


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Catalog Value


26 #210, 2c Red Brown, choice margins and centering, prootlike color and impression, original gum, ever Hinged, Extremely Fine and handsome; 1996 P.S.E. certificate for the block of nine from which this wa taken, 1997 P.F. ce11ificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade XF 90 ...... .. ... . .. . . . . 130.00



#211, 4c Blue Green , a marvelously fresh and choice mint exam-


ple, with eye-catc hing luxuriant color and a razor-sharp impression on crisp clean paper, beautifully centered within generous equal margins, unblemished original gum, ever Hinged, Extremely Fine and handsome; 1996 P.F. ce11ificate for a strip of four, this being the right stamp and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade ofV F-XF 85 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .850.00

OJ 27


#211 B, 2c Pale Red Brown Spec ial Printin g, a stunning mint example in a quality rarely found, boasting near perfect center ing within uncharacteristically large margins for this issue, plus it retains an extraordinary freshness and brilliance, pristine original gum, Neve r Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem with few peers; 1999 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. ce11ificate with the grade ofVF-XF 85 ..... 800.00





#212 , le Ultramarine , a fantastic mint single, incredibly well cen-

tered within margins that are not only lavi hly large but perfectly balanced as well, strong color and crisp impression on fresh white paper, immaculate original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a large-margined gem; 1996 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the lofty grade of S-98, the highest grade achieved by any #2 12 . . . .... ... . . .... .. .. . ... .. .... . ........... 310.00

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Catalog Value

#213, 2c Green , handsome top sheet-margin mint single, excep-


tionally well centered amid large margins, strong color and sharp impression on immaculate white paper, original gum, Neve r Hinged, Extreme ly Fine for this issue; 1995 P.F. certificate for a strip of three, this being the right stamp and 2005 P.S.E. certificate .. . .. .... . ... . .. .... 125.00 with the grade of VF 80 ........



#2 15, 4c Carmine , a highly select mint single, being precisely centered within generous symmetrica l margins, vivid rich color and a razor-sharp impression on crisp white paper, unblemi hed original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a true condition rarity; 1996 P.F. certificate for a block of four, this being the top left 675.00 stamp and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of VF-XF 85 .. . ..........




#216 , Sc Indi go, a desirable mint single displaying prooflike color


and impression on marvelously fresh white paper, plus it is beautifully centered within generous margins, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine for this issue; 1991 and 2004 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certifica te with the grade of VF 80; ex.725 .00 . ..... . ...... "Si/ver lak e" collection . .. .... . ......



#217 , 30c Orange Brown , a seldom seen post office fresh mint example, with sumptuously rich color and a strong impression on exceptionally crisp clean paper, beautifully centered as well, unblemished original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine and handsome; 1996 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of .. ... 1,200.00 . ... . .................. F-VF 75 . ..... . ..... . . . ... . .......


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Ca ta log Value


** #219 , le Dull Blue , an impre ive mint example of this value, sporting extravagantly wide margins all around which are most uncharacteristic of this, plus it is incredibly well centered within these lavish borders, with excellent color and a detailed impression on crisp white paper, full and even perforations pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a large-margined gem with few peers; 2003 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF 901. ... .. . .... . . 80.00 34

3uu 34

35 35

#219D , 2c Lake , a visually stunning mint single, boa ting numerous de irable physical character-


istics rarely found converg ing on a single copy, including possess ing extravagantly large margins all around which are most uncharacteristic of this issue, plus its centering simply could not be improved upon, its color is deep and luxuriant and could not be more characteristic of this issue and the impression i deeply etched, in addition it retains an extraordinary overall freshness which is most often lacking on this scarce stamp, with long even perforations, original gum, ever Hinged, Extremely Fine; a flawless gem whose equal may not exist; 2004 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade of XF-S 95, the highest achieved by an .H. #2 19D.. 650.00

** #220 , 2c Carmine , a brilliant mint example in a quality few others enjoy with radiant color and a razor-sharp impression on immaculate white paper, incredibly well centered within extravagantly wide margins, pristine original gum, ever Hinged, Extremely Fine; a breathtaking jumb o and though a relatively common mint stamp, surprisingly difficult to locate in this stellar quality, 2004 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF-S 95, the highest achieved by any mint #220 . .... . . .. . .. . ....... . . . ......... . .... . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . .... 65.00 36


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Catalog Value


#220a, 2c Carmine, Cap on Left "2", a superb mint examp le of this 37 always popular plate variety, being incredibly well centered within margins that are not only uncommonl y large but beautifully balanced as well, plus it retains a marvelou overall freshness, with radiant rich color and a deeply etched impression on bright white paper, immaculate original gum, ever Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; a finer example would be a challenge to locate; 2003 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. 400.00 certificate with the grade of XF 90 ...................................

6 so



#220c, 2c Carmine, Cap on Both "2"'s, an incredibly choice mint example of this very scarce and sought-after plate variety, possessing numerous desirable features enjoyed by few others, including being almost perfectly centered within generous symmetr ical margins, plus its color is luxuriant and the impression is deeply etched which helps to accentuate the variety, wonderfully fresh, full and even perforations, pristine original gum, ever Hinged, Extremely Fine; a gem whose equal may be a long time reaching the auction block; I997 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of VF 80, the highest grade yet achieved by an N.H. #220c ..... .. . 1,750.00 ... ........... .................. . .. . ..........




#22 1, Jc Purpl e, a premium quality mint single, extraordi narily well 39 centered within large symmetrica l margins, luxuriant rich color and a crisp impression on fresh white paper, unblemished origina l gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; 2002 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade ofXF. . . .. 225.00 . . .. . .. .. . ......................... S 95 ... ... .............




#222, 4c Dark Brow n, a gorgeous mint single, with eye-catching intense color and a razor-sharp impression contrasted by bright white paper, precisely centered within uncommonly large and perfectly balanced margin , pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; an gorgeou gem; 2003 P.S.E. and 2004 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impre ive grade ofXF-S 95, the highest grade achieved by any mint #222 . . .. . . ... .290.00


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Catalog Value



41 #226, IOc Green, an especial ly choice mint example of this surprisingly difficult value, being flawlessly centered within uniformly large margins, rich color and crisp impression on uncommonly fresh paper, original gum, Neve r Hinged, an Extreme ly Fine gem; never hinged copies of this stamp are actually very scarce in premium quality such as this; 1980 and 1996 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade of XF-S 95 . .. ............. . .... . ....... . .. 550.00 41


#227, 15c Indigo , a gem mint single in a quality that is sure to


please even the most demanding condition conscious collector, as every aspect of the example offered here is beyond reproach, from its mathematically precise centering within large and perfectly balanced margins to its luxuriant color and deeply etched impression, from it post office fresh state of preservation to its uniform perforations, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a gem for the collector seeking perfection; 200 I P.F. certificate for a block of four, this being the bottom left stamp and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF 90 ................ . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . 750.00 42


#228 , 30c Black , a magnificent mint example of this value, which is, in our opinion, the most difficult value of the set to find in premium quality such as this, being extraordinarily well centered amid large symmetrical margins, with luxuriant rich color and a razor-sharp impression on fresh white paper, unblemished original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; an eye-appea ling gem; 1996 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade of XF-S 95, which is the highest grade achieved by an N.H. #228 ... ... ..... . ... .. . . ................ I, 150.00



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Catalog Value



#23 0, le Co lumbian , strikingly handsome bottom margin letter "O O" single, with prooflike color and impression on immaculate white paper, perfect ly centered within unifo1mly lavish margins, original gum, Neve r Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; 2004 P.F. cert ificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade ofXF -S 95 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50.00


44 I...



#2 31 Var., 2c Columbian , Brok en Hat Variety, an

especially choice mint examp le of this always popular variety, incredib ly well centered within oversized margins, luxuriant color and a razor-sharp . impression contrasted by bright white paper, original gum, Never Hinged, Extreme ly Fine; a largemargined gem; 1988 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. ce11ificate with the grade of XF-S 95 ....... 150.00




#232, 3c Co lumbian , post office fresh mint single, wonderfu lly well centered within large balanced margins, deep rich co lor and proofl ike impression on crisp clean paper, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; 1997 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF 90 .......................... 135.00 l.{ '2<__, 46

46 47


#233, 4c Columbian , selec t mint single, with rich

color and a detailed impression on crisp clean paper, beautifully centered within large margins, original gum, Neve r Hinged , Extreme ly Fine; 1988 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF 90 ...... ........... . ............. 200 .00 47

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Catalog Value



#234, Sc Columbian , a strikingly handsome bottom sheet-margin partial imprint single, boasting


#235a , 6c Columbian , the red violet shade, a highly select mint example of this distinctive shade


#236 , 8c Columbian , an exquisite mint single, with deep rich color and a razor-sharp impression,


#237 , JOc Columbian , a pleasing mint example of this difficult value, possess ing considerably larg-


June 24, 2005

precision centering within lavishly large margins all around, plus its color is sumptuously rich and its impression would rival that of any proof, unblemished original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine, a large-margined gem; 1997 P.F. ce11ificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of VFXF 85J. . . ... . . . .. ... .. .. ......................... . . .. . .. ............. . .... 220.00

variety, with luxuriant deep color and a razor-sharp impression on fresh white paper, perfectly centered within uniformly large margins, pristine original gum, ever Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; 1996 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF-S 95 . . ....... . ... . I 95.00

uncharacteristically large margins all around and precisely centered within these impressive borders, post office fresh, immaculate original gum, Neve r Hinged, Extremely Fine, a gem for the collector with a discerning eye; 1995 P.F. certificate for a vertical pair, this being the bottom stamp and 2005 P.S.E. ce11ificate with the grade of XF 90J ........... . ... .. ...... . . . . . ... .. . . 175.00

er margins than normal for this tightly spaced stamp and being wonderfully well centered within them, strong color and a prooflike impression on bright white paper, original gum, Neve r Hinged, Extremely Fine; seldom found with these wide margins; 1997 P.F. certificate as N.H. and 2005 P.S.E. certificate as lightly hinged with the grade of VF 80J ........ . ........ for hinged 140.00

? -.......f7 J

#238 , 15c Columbian , the "perfect" mint single, flaw less ly centered amid symmetrical margins,

luxuriant color and a deeply etched impression on immaculate fresh paper, unblemished original gum, Neve r Hinged, Extremely Fine; a gem for the most fastidious collection; 1996 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. ce11ificate with the impressive grade of XF-S 95 . ............ . ... .. .. 625.00

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Catalog Value

53 53


#240 , 50c Columbian , the full bottom sheet-margin pa11ial imprint single offered here, is, without fear of being contradicted, among the ve ry fine st mint examples extant , as every aspect of thi

gem would be a great challenge to improve upon, including its uncharacteristically lavish and symmetrical margins, its abso lutely flawless center ing, as well as its intense co lor and deep ly etched impressio n, even its paper is out of the ordinary, being uncommonly fresh and bright, not toned as so many other examples are, wh ile its rever e reveal immacul ate original gum which has never been hinged, an Extremely Fine jumb o; a terribly difficult stamp to locate in this stellar quality and ideally suited for the co llector who has undertaken the challenge of assembling the finest possible set of mint Columbians; 1999 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impress ive grade . .. . .... .. . . ... . .... . . .. . . . .. ... .. . .. . . . .. 1,700.00 ofXF-S 95J. .... . ..............

'2a 1 0L, o


#241 , $ 1.00 Col umbi an, a select post office fresh mint example of this difficult value, with rich "fie ry" color and a razorsharp impre ion on pristine white paper, nicely centered and margined, full perforations all around, immacu late original gum, Never Hinged, choice Very Fine; truly never hinged $ 1.00 Columbians are few and far between; 1996 P.F. ce11ificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate . . . . .. . .. 3,500 .00 .. ....... with the grade of VF 80 ........... 54


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Ca talog Value




#242, $2.00 Columbian, there is little doubt that the mint example offered here is one of the very finest mint singles of the $2.00 Co lumbi an available , as this extraordinary stamp is in a quality

that has few rivals, being the epitome of a post office fresh gem, featuring sumptuously rich color and an impression which is razor sharp, fw1her enhancing its tremendous appeal is its truly extraordinary centering within large and wonderfully well balanced margins, while these characteristics would be impressive on a hinged example, quite incredibly this stamp boasts immaculate original gum which has never been hinged , Extremely Fine; an incomparable gem deserving of placement in the finest quality U.S. collection; 2002 P.F. ce11ificateand 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF 90 .. . ........ .. .. . . . . . . .. . ..... . . .... . .. . .......... .. .............. 3,650.00

J-'L.,, O.?C)

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Catalog Value




#244a , $4.00 Co lum bian, the rose carm ine shade, a handsome mint single, po essing post office

fresh qualities which are not often found on this high value Columbian, including eye-catching bright characteristic color and a highly detailed impre sion on immaculate white paper, plus it is quite well centered within generou margins and its perforations are full and even, pristine original gum without a single bend or skip, ever Hinged, while not quite perfectly centered certainly Extremely Fine considering its numerous desirable physical characteristics; 1997 P.F. certificate and . ... . .. .. .. ... . 8,000.00 2005 P.S.E. certificate as #244 with the grade of VF 80 .. . . . . ....... "I (1 \_ v, J

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Catalog Value




#245 , $5.00 Columbian , the incomparable mint ingle offered here clearly represents a very rare opportunity to acquire what is arguabl y the finest mint $5.00 Columbian in existence , as this

stamp represents the ultimate in gem quality on this sought-after high value commemorative, being flawless in every regard, including being not only perfectly centered, but also possessing remarkably uniformly large margins all around, a feature few other $5.00 Columbians can boast, plus it is in a pristine state of preservation, with prooflike color and impression on bright white paper, not the yellowish toned paper so often assoc iated with this value, however the crowning characteristic of this amazing stamp is its absolutely pristine original gum which, incredibly, has never been hinged , simply Superb; the centerpiece of even the finest collection of gem quality mint United States stamp ; 2002 P.F. and P.S.E. ce11ificates and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the lo~y grade ofXF -S 95, which is the highest grade an .H . #245 has received .... . .... . . ............. . ... . 9,000.00

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Catalog Value




#249, 2c Carmin e Lake, Ty. I, an eye-catching jumb o-margined mint sin-

gle, incredibly well centered within lavishly large margin all around which are most uncharacteristic of this issue, vivid rich color and a prooflike impression contrasted by bright white paper, unblemished original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a largemargined gem; 2003 P.F. ce11ificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade ... .... . .. . 450 .00 . .... . . ..... . . . .. .. . ........ . ........ of XF-S 95 . .......

2boo 58






#250 , 2c Ca rmin e, Ty. I, handsome left sheet-margin partial imprint mint single, featuring excep-

tionally large margins and being wonderfully well centered amid them, plus it is incredibly fresh, with deep rich color and a sharp impression on bright white paper, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and choice; 2003 P.F. certificate for the imprint and plate no. strip of three from . . . 77.50 which this was taken and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade ofVF -XF 85J . ........




#252 , 2c Ca rmin e, Ty. Ill , a highly desirable mint example of this always difficult stamp, mar-

velously well centered within generous symmetrical margins, wonderfully bright and fresh with a razor-sharp impression, pristine original gum, ever Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; seldom found this well centered; 2000 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF 90; ex. ... .. ... 350.00 . ... . .. ... . .. .. ..... . ............ Vinevard . .. .. ... .. .. . . .......... ~~




** **

#253, 3c Purpl e, a select mint single, exquisitely centered, deep luxuriant color and sharp impression on wonderfully fresh white paper, original gum, ever Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; 1996 325.00 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF 90 .. . .... . ............

#254 , 4c Dark Brow n, a choice mint example of this difficult value,

featuring uncommonly large margins all around and being exceptionally well centered within them, sumptuou ly rich color and a razorsharp impression on bright white paper, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; I 996 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. .. .. .425.00 certificate with the impressive grade of XF-S 95 ......

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Lot --

THE RICHARD BARON COHEN COLL ECTION - - --- - ------ - ------


Catalog Value








#255 , Sc Chocolate , an impr ess ive w ide top sheet-m argin plate no . 134 sing le, possess ing lav ishly large margins for a Bur eau iss ue and being flaw less ly ce ntered w ithin th ese lav ish bord ers, wo nderfull y bright and fres h, w ith strong co lor and a razo r-sharp impr ess ion on crisp whi te paper, original gum , Neve r Hin ged, an Ex tremely Fine jumb o; 1990 and 2004 P.F. ce1tifica tes and 2005 P.S.E. cer. ... .. . .. .. 300.00 tifi cate w ith the impr ess ive gra de of XF-S 95 .. ... .. ..... . .............



#256 , 6c Dull Brown , a flaw less mint exa mpl e, possessi ng phys ica l charac teristics se ldom found on a Bureau iss ue, let alone on thi s a lways diffi cult va lue, inc ludin g uncharac teristica lly large margins all around , prec ise centering w ithin these ge nerou s bo rders, unco mm only rich co lor and a highly detailed impr ess ion on incredibl y fres h white paper, fu ll and even perfora tions all around serve to fu 1ther enhance its tremendous eye-appea l, pristine or iginal gum , Neve r Hin ged, an Ex tremely F ine j umb o; a tru e ge m in eve ry rega rd ; 2002 P.S.E. and P.F. certi fica tes and 2005 P.S.E. ce rtifi cate . ....... . ...... . . .. 450.00 with the impr ess ive grad e ofXF -S 95 . ... .. . . .. . . . ...........



#257 , Sc Violet Brown, a pr emium qu ality mint exa mpl e of thi s surpri sing ly d ifficult va lue, boas ting outstandin g ce nterin g w ithin co nsidera bly large r margins th an most, vivid rich co lor and a highly detailed impr ess ion on brig ht paper, unbl emished origi nal gum , Neve r Hin ged, Ex tremely F ine; an eye -app ea ling gem ; 1997 P.F. certifi cate as N .H . and 2005 P.S .E. ce rtifi cate as lightly hin ged w ith the gra de ofXF -S 95 .. . . ..... . ............................... . .. ... .. for N .H. 400.00



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#258 , 10c Dark Green , hand some mint sing le, unco mm o nly fres h and bri ght , w ith exce llent co lor and a proo flike impr ess ion on w hite pa per, beautifull y ce ntere d w ithin uncharac teristica lly large margins, pri stin e original gum , Neve r Hin ged , Ex trem ely F ine; 1997 P.F. certifi cate and 2005 P.S.E. ce rtifi cate w ith the gra de of VF-XF 85 .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .... . .. . .. .. . ... . . ....... . .. 800.00

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Cata log Value




#26 0, 50c Orange , a delightful mint example in a quality seldom found, exceptionally well centered

within considerably larger margins than typically associated with this value, with radiant color and a crisp impression contrasted by fresh white paper, immaculate original gum, Neve r Hinged, Extremely Fine and choice; to locate this stamp both well centered and never hinged is quite a challenge; 199 1 P.S.E and 2004 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of VF-XF 85. . ..... . .... . . .... . . ... . . . ... 1,500.00 ex- 'Silver l ake' co//eclion. .. . ...................

I 6c;.__




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#26 1A, $ 1.00 Black , Ty. 11, a fabulous post office fresh mint example of this very scarce type,

boasting numerous desirable physical characte ristics seldom found converging on a single copy, most notable of which is its mathematically precise centering within the largest margins we have ever encountered on a never hinged copy, in addition its color is particularly intense and its impression is deeply etched on bright white paper, remarkably full and even perforations all around, unblemished original gum without a single bend or skip, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; clearly one of the finest mint singles available ; 1997 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the lofty . 6,000.00 . ......... . .. . . .. .... . .. ... ... .. . . ............. grade ofXF -S 95 ..........

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Ca talog Va lue










#264 , le Blue , a stri king jumb o-m arg ined m int sing le, sportin g lav ishly large margins all aro und and being perfec tly cen tered wi thin them, rich co lor and a razo r-sharp impr ess ion on fres h whit e paper, original gum , Neve r Hinged , an Extre me ly Fine jumb o for the perfec tionist; 2003 P.F. ce rtifi ca te and 2002 P.S.E . ce rtifi cate w ith the grade of XF -S 951. . ...... . . . .. . ....... . ... 17.50



#265 , 2c Carmine , Ty. l, handso me top sheet -m argin partia l imprint single, bea utifull y ce ntered w ithin large margins, wo nd erfu lly br ight and fres h, original gum , Neve r Hin ge d, Ex treme ly Fine; photoco py of 2002 P.F. ce rt ifica te fo r the imprint and plate no. strip of three from which thi s was take n and 2005 P.S.E. ce rtificate w ith the gra de of VF -XF 85 ... . . . .. .. . ... . .. . ....... 77.5 0




#266 , 2c Carmine , Ty. n , ch oice mint single, w ith go rgeo us co lor and a razo r-sharp impr ess ion on crisp whit e paper, flaw less ly ce ntered ami d uni forml y large margi ns, orig inal gum , eve r Hin ge d, / ,, an Extremely Fine ge m; 2003 P.F. ce rtifi cate and 2005 P.S.E. ce 1iifica te w ith the impr ess ive grad e t>1 -., ofXF -S 95 , the highest ac hieve d by any mint #266 .......... . ...... . .... . ...... . ... 90 .00



#268 , 3c Purple , a superior mint exampl e, fea turin g outsta ndin g ce nterin g amid symm etr ica l margins, dee p rich co lor and a crisp impr ess ion on fres h whit e paper, origina l gum , Neve r Hin ge d, an Extre mely Fine ge m ; 1997 P.F. ce rtifi ca te and 2005 P.S.E . ce rtifi ca te w ith the gra de ofX F 90 . ... .... .. ... .. ...................... ... .... . ................. . ........ . . . .. . . 97. 50



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#269 , 4c Dark Brown , a selec t mint sing le, w ith dee p luxu riant co lor and a proo flik e impr ess ion on imm ac ulate paper, remarkably we ll ce ntered w ithin ge nerou s ba lance d margins, original gum , eve r Hin ged , an Ex tremely Fine ge m ; 2005 P.S.E. ce 1i ificate w ith the gra de of XF 90 . .. 125. 00

rz.._,lJ )


#270 , Sc Chocolate , a premium qu ality mint sing le, possess ing un co mm only large and we ll balanced marg ins fo r a Bur ea u issue and being prec ise ly ce ntere d w ithin th em, sumptu ously rich co lor and crisp impr es sion on bri ght whit e paper, pri st ine origina l gum , Neve r Hin ge d, Ex tremely Fine; 1_-- _;/ a large- margine d ge m ; 200 I P.F. ce rtifi ca te and 20 05 P.S.E . cer tifi ca te w ith the impr ess ive grade of l.'.) XF -S 95.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . .. .. . 97. 50 Page 35

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Cata log Value


#273 , 10c Dark Green , an impre sive mint example of this difficult 75 value, incredibly well centered within lavishly large margins for a Bureau issue, striking rich color and a razor-sharp impression contrasted by bright white paper, immaculate original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a large-margined gem for the perfectionist; 1997 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade of XF-S 95 ....... .. . . .... . ..... .. .... . ...... . . ... . ... 260.00



#274, 15c Dark Blue , a truly magnificent mint example, boasting


huge margins which are practically unheard of on this value, plus it is perfectly centered within these lavish borders, with eye-arresting intense color and a deeply etched impression on crisp white paper, full and equal perforations all around further enhance its tremendous eye-appeal, an Extremely Fine jumb o; a true condition rarity; 1995 P.F. certificate for a horizontal pair, this being the right stamp and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the unimprovable grade of S 100 .. ..................... . ... ... ... . . . ............. ~5 .00 76


77 #276 , $ 1.00 Black , Ty. I, a handsome post office fresh top sheet-margin partial imprint single, being in a quality few others enjoy , perfectly centered from top to bottom and side to side, intense color and strong impression on bright paper, original gum, lightly hinged in the selvage only, the stamp itself Neve r Hinged, Extremely Fine; truly never hinged examples of this high value are few and far between; 1993 P.S.E. and 1996 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of F-VF 75. . .. .. .... . ...... . . .. . ............... . .... 1,950.00

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Cata log Value




#276A , $1.00 Black , Ty.II, a highly de irable mint single in a quality that is rare indeed, as the

example offered here features an incredible overa ll freshness which belies its age, plus its color is intense and the impression is prooflike on cri p white paper, but most remarkable of all is this stamps centering, as it is virtually perfectly centered within margins that are not only large but remarkably uniform in size, while its reverse reveal pristine original gum which is Never Hinged , an Extremely Fine gem, clearly amo ng the finest mint exam ples exta nt in terms of overall quality; 1984 P.F. and I 996 P.S.E. certificates as .H. and 2005 P.S.E. certificate as lightly hinged with the grade of VF 80 ...... .. ...... . .................. . .... . .. ... . .. .. for N .H. 4,000 .00

r 1.,.,v




June 24 , 2005

#277 , $2.00 Bright Blue , a gorgeous bottom sheet-margin partial imprint single, possessing a

remarkable overa ll freshness few stamp from this era retain, with luxuriant deep color and a highly detailed impression on bright white paper, remarkably well centered within beautifully balanced margins, unblemished original gum , lightly hinged in the selvage only, the stamp itself Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a post office fresh gem; photocopy of 1996 P.F. ce11ificate for the imprint and plate no. trip of three from which this was taken and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of F-VF 75 .......... . ....... . .. . . ... .. . . .. ... ... .... . .. .. ........... . . .. ... 3,000 .00 Page 37

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Catalog Value



80 #279Bc , 2c Rose Carmine , Ty. IV, a remarkable jumb o-margined mint example of this very scarce and frequently misidentified shade variety, being in a quality few others can compare to, as it is in a post office fresh state of preservation, with rich distinctive color and a razor-sharp impression on pristine white paper, exceptionally well centered within extravagantly wide margins which are unheard of on this issue, unblemished original gum, Neve r Hinged, Extremely Fine; the largestmargined #279Bc we have ever encountered; 1995 and 2004 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade ofV F-XF 85 .. ..... . ... . .. .. . . . .. . .. . 600.00





#280, 4c Rose Brown, an especially choice mint single, wonderfully well centered within exceptionally wide margins for this, sumptuously rich color and crisp impression on fresh paper, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a large-margined gem; 200 I P.F. certificate for a block of four, this being the top right stamp and 2005 P.S.E. certificate as #280a with the grade ofXF 90, which is the highest grade so far received by this issue .. ..... 75.00




82 #282C, 10c Brown , Ty. I, pleasing mint example of this difficult stamp, incredibly fresh, attractively centered within generous margins, original gum, Neve r Hinged, choice Very Fine; 1996 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of VF 80 ....... .. ... . ....... .. .. . .......... .. .......... ... 500.00

S c.)D 82

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Catalog Value


83 83




#285, le Tra ns-Mississippi , choice margins and centering, rich verdant color and a crisp impres-


#286, 2c Trans-Mississippi , a stunning jumb o-margined mint example, boasting extravagantly

sion, post office fresh, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and handsome; 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade ofV F-XF 85 ..................... . .. . ......... . ........... 70.00

large and perfectly balanced margins all around, plus its centering simply could not be improved upon, its color is dazzling and its impression would rival that of a proof, long and even perforations I ' all around, original gum, ever Hinged, Extremely Fine, an eye-arresting jumb o; 2004 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the lofty grade of XF-S 95J.. .... .. ... . ........... 65.00

85 85


June 24, 2005

#287, 4c Trans-Miss issippi , an incredibly beautiful mint single, featuring lavishly large margins all

around which are quite uncharacteristic of this, plus it i extraordinarily well centered, with radiant rich color and a sharp impression on marvelously fresh paper, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine, a large-margined gem; 2003 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade of XF-S 95. ex - 'Silver lake ' collection. . ... . ...................... 325.00

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Catalog Va lue

#288 , Sc Trans-Mississippi , a visually striking wide top sheet-margin imprint single, possess ing lavishly large and beautifully balanced margins all around and being incredibly well centered within these generous borders, extraordinarily bright and fresh, pristine origina l gum, ever Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem with great eye-appeal; photocopy of 1994 P.S.E. ce11ificate for the imprint and plate no. pair form which this was taken, 1996 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. ce11ificate with the impressive grade of XF-S 95, which is the highest grade achieved by any mint #288 ...... 325.00 C. <..




#290 , toe Trans-Mississippi , a gorgeous mint single that is the epitome of perfection, possessing a sensational overa ll freshness, with luxuriant deep color and a razor-sharp impression on crisp clean paper, perfectly centered within uncharacteristically lavish margins, unblemished original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine ; a nicer I 0c Trans-Mississippi would be a challenge to locate; . .... . . 425.00 2004 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. ce11ificate with the grade of XF 90 .........

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Catalog Value




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#29 1, 50c Trans-Mississippi, a breathtakingly beautiful bottom sheet -m argin mint exa mpl e of this ten-ibly difficult va lue, being in a quality whic h few others enjoy , as every aspect of this stamp wo uld be a chall enge to impro ve up on , from its fabu lous post office fresh state of preservation to its precise ce nterin g withi n genero us balanced margins , or from its luxuri ant deep co lor to its full and eve n perforat ions , immaculate origina l gum , eve r Hinged, an Ext reme ly Fine gem ; premium quality never hin ged 50c Trans -Missi ippi are decidedly rare and se ldom make an auction appea rance so co llectors w ho have patiently been wait ing fo r a truly choice exa mpl e to reach the auction block should ca refu lly co nsider the co py offered here; 2000 P.F. ce 1iificate fo r a ve rtica l pair , thi s being the bott om stamp and 2005 P.S .E . ce rtific ate w ith the grade of XF 90 , w hich is the highes t . . . .... . ... . .. ... 1,750 .00 . .... ... .......... grade yet achieved by an .H. #29 1. .. .....

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Ca talog Value





#292 , $1.00 Trans-Mississippi , an extraordinarily handsome bottom sheet-margin plate no. 606 single of this perennially popular commemorative high value, being in a quality few others can boast, as it is tlawle sly centered within generous and beautifully balanced margins, plus it is fabulously fresh, with prootlike color and impression contrasted by bright paper, while its reverse shows pristine original gum that is Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a true gem for the finest collection ; 1993 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade ofX F 90 ........ . ... . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,250.00 r •


90 90


#293 , $2.00 Trans-Mississippi, an exceedingly scarce select quality mint single in a post office

fresh state of preservation, wonderfully well centered for this notoriously difficult value, with generous margins all around, sumptuously rich color without a hint of oxidation so often found, sharp impression on crisp clean paper, unblemished original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine for thi ; truly never hinged examples of this high value commemorative are seldom offered, and only a few are as well centered as the example offered here; 1994 and 2004 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of VF 80; ex- "Sil ver l ake ·· collecrion . . .. . . ......... . .... . 5,500.00 J)L~""

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Catalog Value





94 95 91





#294 , I c Pan-Am erican , marvelously centered within exceptiona lly well balanced margins for this


#295 , 2c Pan-Am erican , beautifully centered within uncharacteri stically large margins, vivid rich


#298, Sc Pan-Am erican , premium quality mint ingle, flawlessly centered within uncommonly


#299 , I 0c Pan- American , select mint single, excellent centering within large equal margins, wonderfully bright and fresh, original gum, ever Hinged, Extremely Fine; 1996 P.F. certificate and

issue, deep rich colors, original gum, Never Hinged, Extreme ly Fine; 2005 P.S. E. certificate with \ ?_ 45.00 the grade of XF 90 .. .... . .. . .. .. ... . . ... . .... . .. . .. ... .......................




June 24, 2005


colors, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF0 . .... 40.00 It.Y:; . .... . ...... S 95J. ....................................................

large margins for this value, intense colors and a razor-sharp impression on fresh white paper, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extreme ly Fine gem; 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade ofVF -XF 'UL 275.00 .. ... ..... . .... . .. ..... ... .... . ............... . .. .. . . .. .......... 85 .......

2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade ofVF-XF 85 .. ..... 95


.. ..........

.. .....

... .. .. 375.00

#3 00, le Blue Green , extraordinarily choice left sheet-margin partial imprint mint example of this

surprisingly difficult value, incredibly well centered within uniformly large margins, lovely bright color and crisp impression on white paper, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a little . ... .. 27.50 .... ... .. ...... gem; 2005 P.F. ce11ificate with the grade ofXF 90 .............


#3 01 , 2c Ca rmin e, precisely centered within incredibly well balanced margin which are most

uncharacteri stic of this difficult value, radiant rich color on fresh white paper, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem and quite elusive thus; 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF . 35.00 .. ... . ........... . ............ 90.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 43

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97 97


Catalog Value

#308, 13c Purple Black , an eye-arresting gem mint single that would satisfy even the most


demanding condition conscious collector, boasting margins that are not only lavishly large but perfectly balanced as well, plus its center ing would be impossible to improve upon, its color is gloriously rich and the impression razor sharp, full perforations all around, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine jumbo ; 2003 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the lofty . .... . ...... .. ... .. ............................. s:,¡ . 110.00 grade of S 98 .......... 7 #309, lSc Olive Green , a gorgeous mint examp le of this challenging value, featuring eye-catching


intense color and a deeply etched impression on fresh paper, exceptionally well centered within beautifully balanced margins, pristine origina l gum, Neve r Hinged,. Extremely Fine and choice; 1996 P.F. certificate for a block of four, this being the top right stamp and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade ofVF -XF 85 . . . . . . ... . .... . .................... .. .. . .. . ... . .. . . 450 .00





June 24, 2005


#310, S0c Orange , an extraordinary mint single in a quality with which few others can compare, as the example offered here boasts numerous desirable physical characte ristics seldom found converging on a single copy, including possessing lavishly large and perfectly balanced margins all around which are quite uncharacterist ic of this value, plus its center ing simply could not be improved upon, the color is deep and luxuriant and its impression is highly detailed, uniform perforations all around, unblemished original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a large margined gem whose equal may be a long time reaching the auction block, 1996 P.S.E. and 1997 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S. E. certificate with the grade of XF 90 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,200 .00 99


#311, $1.00 Black , a truly spectacular mint single that is in

a quality that may be impossible to duplicate, being in a fabulous post office fresh state of preservation , with eyecatching intense color and a prooflike impression on crisp white paper, plus its centering is absolutely perfect within lavishly large margins, immaculate original gum, ever Hinged, Extremely Fine; a gem for the collector seeking the ultimate quality; 1996 P.F. ce11ificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade of XF-S 95, which is the highest grade achieved by an .H. example . . 2,000.00

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Catalog Value

•• •• •

•• •

•• :

10 1



• ............. . ... ·• '



104 101


#323 , le Louisiana Purchas e, perfectly centered within uniformly large margins, rich color and sharp impression on crisp white paper, original gum, Neve r Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF-S 95 ............. .. ... . .. . .. ..... ........ .. . 70.00


#331 , le Green , an eye-arresting bottom right corner sheet margin single with siderographer's ini-


#334 , 4c Orange Brown , a superior mint single, precise ly centered within lavishly large margins,



#336 , 6c Red Orange , choice top sheet-margin partial imprint mint single, particularly well cen-



#340 , 15c Pale Ultramarine , a fabulously fresh and bright top sheet-margin partial imprint mint



tials, incredibly well centered within extravaga ntly wide margins all around, striking intense color '.::,1) on fresh white paper, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine j umbo with few rivals; 2005 P.F. ce11ificate and 200 5 P.S.E. ce11ificate with the grade ofXF 90J ..... .. ... .... ....... 15.00

, sumptuously rich color and a razor-sharp impression on fresh white paper, original gum, Never 1 Hinged, an Extremely Fine jumb o; 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF-S 95 . . .. .. 90.00 U?. '

tered within uncommonly large margins, radiant rich color and a strong impression on bright white paper, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and handsome; 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the ~ I J grade of XF 90; which is the highest grade any mint #336 has achieved ............ . ... 140 .00

single, featuring uncharacteristically large margins and perfect centering, strong color and impression on white paper, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; 1997 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of YF-XF 85 .. . . . .... . ... . . .. ... .. . . ... . .. .. 150.00


106 #341 , 50c Violet , an exciting mint example of this value, which is rarely found with both this superb centering and in never hinged condition, possess ing post office fresh qualities, with deep rich color and a crisp impression, extraordinarily well centered within considerably larger margins than most, immaculate original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a true gem for the collector who seeks only the finest obtainable quality; 2004 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF 90; ex"Silver Lct!ce" co llection . ...... . ............... . ...... .. ... . ... .. . .. . 750.00

106 June 24, 2005


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Catalog Value

#349, 2c Carmine Coil, an especially choice mint guide line pair of this

surprisingly scarce and difficult coil, exceptionally fresh with rich " fiery" color and a deeply etched impression on bright paper, wonderfu lly well centered and margined, strong and intact perforations, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; 1984 and 1999 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade ofXF 90; . 1,200 .00 .... . . .. . ... .. . .. ....... . ........................ 0111 ex- Pi ec/111 -


2 L)l




#350, 4c Orange Brown Coil , a select quality mint pair, post

office fresh with strong and intact perforations, remarkably well centered within generous margins, rich color and crisp impression on bright paper, original gum, Never Hinged, Ve1y Fine to Extremely Fine; 2003 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of VF 80 .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . ... 800.00

- I -i<



#3 55, Sc Blue Coil, a magnificent mint guide line 109 pair that is in the finest obtainable quality, being incredibly well centered with generous and remarkably well balanced margin , plus thi pair in a pristine state of preservation, its color i incredibly bright and the impression deeply etched, crisp and intact perforations, unblemished original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; to locate thi line pairs equal would be a challenge indeed; 1995 P.S.E. and 2003 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of VF-XF 85 ; exVineyard . . .... ... ... .. .... ..... . . . . . . . .. . .. 3,250.00


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Catalog Value

114 #369, 2c Linco ln on Bluish Paper, an especially choice mint single, flawlessly centered amid

uncommonly large and well balanced margins, deep rich color on strongly blued paper, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem for the perfectionist ; 199 1 P.F. certificate for a block of four, this being the top right stamp, 2004 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade of XF-S 95 . . .. . . ........ . ......... . . .. . ... . . ... . . ... . .. .. ... 400.00


#3 76, 3c Deep Violet, lavishly large margins all around and precisely centered within them, strong


#377, 4c Brown , a phenomenal top sheet-margin partial imprint mint single that is sheer perfection,


color and impression on fresh white paper, original gum, Never Hinged, Extreme ly Fine and handsome; 2003 P.F. certificate for a block of four, this being the bottom left stamp and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade ofXF 90 ................................................. 45 .00

being the beneficiary of extravagantly large margins all around which are perfectly balanced as well, flawlessly centered, sumptuous ly rich color and cri p impression on immaculate fre h paper, original gum, ever Hinged, Extremely Fine; a large-margined gem with few peer ; 1997 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impres ive grade ofXF -S 95J. .............. 67.50 #378, Sc Blue, a visually stunning mint single, boasting the largest margins we have ever seen on a perf. 12 Washington-Franklin head i sue, with mathematicall y precise centering within these

extravagant borders, plus its color is incredibly intense, its impression is deeply etched on fresh clean paper, and full and even perforations add to its tremendous eye-appea l, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine jumb o; as nice an examp le as can possibly be found; 2004 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade ofXF-S 951. . ......... 67.50 114




#380, Sc Olive Green, an eye-a1Te ting top sheet-margin partial

imprint mint ingle which possesses exceptiona l physical characteristics, including intense color and a deeply etched impression on immaculate white paper, lavishly large symmetrica l margins all around and absolutely perfect centering, full perforation s, original gum, ever Hinged, an Extremely Fine jumbo ; a large margined gem in every regard; 19 3, 1986 and 2000 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade of XF-S 95, which is the highest grade achieved by an N.H. examp le ... 250.00

/11.Jt) -;:,

#382, JSc Pale ltramari ne, an incredible bottom sheet-margin plate no. 4954 single of this difficult stamp, featuring cons iderab ly

stronger color and impression than normal, plus it is perfectly centered within lavishly large symmetrical margins, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; 2003 P.S.E. and 2004 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the lofty grade of XFS 95J, the highest grade achieved by any mint #382 ...... 625 .00 June 24, 2005

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Catalog Value


•• •• •• , •• •• •••

#387 , le Green Co il, a magnificent mint pair 116 showing 3mm pacing, sporting uncharacteristically large margins all around and being extraordinarily well centered within them, deep rich color and crisp impression on white paper, strong and intact perforations, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a finer mint pair would be a challenge to locate; 1993 and 2004 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade of XF-S 95 .. ..... .. 1,000.00




• • • • • • •

.• l!lil!:!~====

• • • • • • • • • 118




12 1

120 117


#392 , le Gree n Coil , a sensational mint pair, flawlessly centered within large and perfectly bal-



#393, 2c Carm ine Coi l, an exceedingly handsome mint pair, wonderfully well centered amid large





anced margins which are most uncharacteristic of this issue, strong color and impression on crisp white paper, original gum, Neve r Hinged, Extremely Fine; a true gem pair for the perfectionist; 2003 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the lofty grade of S 98, which not surprisingly . .. 150.00 . .. . ........ . ........... is the highest grade yet achieved by a mint pair.........

lh) margins, gloriously rich color and a deeply etched impression on fresh white paper, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; 2003 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of . . 275.00 .. . . . .......... XF 90 .... .. ... .. ... . .. . . . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. ... . ........... LI , ✓ #394 , 3c Deep Vio let Coi l, a stunning mint pair with the preferred 3mm spacing, remarkably well centered within lavishly large margins, marvelously bright and fresh, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; 1988 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S. E. certi ticate with the grade of XF 90 . . 300.00


#394 , 3c Deep Violet and Red Vio let Coil , a visually striking paste-up strip of four with 3mm spac-

ing, the left pair in the deep violet shade and the right pair in the red violet shade, attractively centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine and eye-catching; 2003 P.F. certificate for the strip of six from which this was taken and 2005 P.S.E. certificate (not graded) ... .. . for wppairs 600.00 '-1



June 24. 2005

#396 , Sc Blue Co il, fresh mint pair, beautifully centered within large margins, deep luxuriant color

on bright white paper, original gum , ever Hinged, choice Very Fine; 2003 P.F. certificate and 2005 . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . ... .... .I-:-. .. . . ... 325.00 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of VF 80 . . ...... Page 4

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Lo t

Ca ta log Value


122 #399, Sc Panama-Pacific , a gem mint single, flawlessly centered within uncommonly large symmetrical margins, wonderfully bright and fresh, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and handsome; 1996 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade ofXF-S 951. I rJ, 1) ....... ...... ...... . .. .... ......... ............ . .. .. . . . 180.00




#400, I0c Panama-Pacific , a gorgeous mint example, with

radiant color contrasted by bright white paper, flawlessly centered amid large and perfectly balanced margins, pristine original gum, ever Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem for the perfectionist ; 2003 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade ofXF-S 95 .. . ....... .. .325.00

lu o J



124 #400A, I0c Panama-Pacific Orange , a fabulously choice mint example, possess ing absolutely flawless centering amid uncommonly large margins, plus its color is intense and the impression is deeply etched on wonderfully fresh white paper, immaculate original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a large-margined gem for the finest collection; 2003 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the lofty grade of S 98, which is the highest grade a mint example has achieved .................. 475.00




#401, le Panama-Pacific Perf. I 0, j umbo-margined mint

example, perfectly centered within lavishly large and well balanced margins, rich color and prooflike impression on bright paper, original gum, Never Hinged , Extremely Fine; 2003 P.F. ce1iificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade ofXF -S 95 .. . .... . ...... .. ............ 60.00 125

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Catalog Value




#4 03, Sc Panama-P acifi c Perf. I 0, a gorgeous mint single, vivid ricb color and a crisp impression

on bright white paper, wonderfully well centered amid large margin , full and equal perforations all around, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; 1996 P.F. certificate and 2005 . ... . ..... 400.00 . .... . ..... . . ...... P.S.E. certificate witb the grade of VF-XF 85 ........


r l


127 127


#4 04, IOc Panama-P aci fic Perf. I 0, an incredibly handsome wide top sheet-margin plate no. 6 135

single in a qual ity seldom encountered , being exquisitely centered amid uncommonly large balanced margins, with sumptuously rich color and a deeply etched impression on marvelously fresh paper, unblemished original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and choice; 1993 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of VF-XF 85 .... . ..... . . .. r ..,..... .... .. 1,900.00 ---

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Catalog Value

• • • •

• • • 128






** ** **

#407, 7c Black , remarkably well centered amid generous equal margins, intense color and razorsharp impre sion on crisp white paper, original gum, ever Hinged, Extremely Fine and choice; _ 1995 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. ce11ificate with the grade of XF 90 . . .. . . . . . ....... 175.00 _

elect guide line pair, incredibly well centered, eye-arresting color and strong impression, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and handsome; 2004 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of YF-Xf 85. ex "Silver la ke" collection. ..... 125.00


#411, 2c Carmine Coil,




#412 , le Green Coil , choice mint pair, wonderfully well centered within uncommonly wide mar-

gins all around, deep rich color and strong impression on fresh white paper, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; 200 l P.F. certificate for the strip of seven from which this was taken and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade of XF-S 95, which is the highest grade achieved by a mint pair. .. ...... . ..... . ... . . ... . . . ............ . . ... .......... . ....... 130.00

l' L


131 #413 , 2c Carmine Coil, a visually stunning guide line pair that is the epitome of perfection, being flawlessly centered amid the largest margins possible for a genuine coil, with eye-catching "fiery" color and a deeply etched impression on bright white paper, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; one of the finest guide line pairs extant; 1993 and 2003 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the unimprovable grade of GEM l 00 ; ex-Morris, Vineyard .. . ........... . ..... . ......... .. .. . .. 625.00

13 1

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(u )






132 132

Catalog Value


#4 14, 8c Pale Olive Green , an eye-arresting jumbo-margined right sheet-margin mint single whose


#415, 9c Sa lmon Red , the "perfect" mint examp le, flawless ly centered within large margins for this

physical qualities would be difficu lt to improve upon, including its extraordinarily intense color which belies its "pale" designation by Scott, further enhancing its spectacular eye-appeal are its lavishly large margins all around and its precise centering , pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a large-margined gem with few peers; 1996 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade ofXF-S 95J ; which is the highest grade achieved by an N.H. #414 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ·t·6- cJ .. .. ... I 00 .00

value, sumptuously rich color and strong impression on immaculate white paper, full and even perforatio ns all around, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; an eye-appea ling gem; 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade of XF-S 95, which is the highest grade achieved by an N. H. #415 ................................. . ........ . .. . .. .• 120.00

s· ..........



#4 18, 15c Gray , an espec ially hansom mint examp le, with stronger color and impres ion than nor-

mal, incredibly well centered amid uniformly large margins, post office fresh, original gum, Neve r Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; 1996 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S. E. certificate with the impressive grade of XF-S 95 .......................... . .... . .. . ... . .... . ............ 190.00


135 135




#419, 20c Ultramarine , an impeccable mint single, with luxuriant deep color and a strong impres-


#420, 30c Orange Red, a superb mint single, incredib ly well centered within larger margins than

sion on fresh white paper, plus it is perfectly centered within symmetrical margins which are uncharacteristic of this value, unblemished original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; I 997 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. ce11ificate with the grade of XF 90 . . . . . . . . .. .. 425.00

most, rich luxuriant color and a deeply etched impression contrasted by bright white paper, pristine origina l gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a large-marg ined gem ; 1982 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade ofXF-S 95; which is the highest grade yet achieved by an N.H. #420.... .. ... . .. .. ... .. . .. ... . ................... . . . . ... . ..... 260.00 ~()

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Catalog Value


137 #42 1, SOc Violet Single Line Watermark , a visually striking mint examp le in a quality rarely encountered, possessing post office fresh qualities few other enjoy, in addition its centering could not be improved upon and its lavishly large margins all around are perfectly balanced, intense color and impression on bright paper, full and even perforations all around, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a gem for the collector who is satisfied with only the finest obtainable quality; 1996 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the remarkable grade of XF-S 95 .. . ..... . .............................. .. .. . 950 .00






#422, SOc Violet Double Line Watermark, a true post office fresh

mint example, with deep rich color and a strong impress ion on white paper, extraordinarily well centered within symmetrical margins, immaculate original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem for the perfectionist ; 1997 P.F. ce11ificateand 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the remarkable grade of XF-S 95, which is by far this highest grade received by an .H. example in additio n to being the highest grade received by any mint copy ............ 550.00 138


139 #423, $ 1.00 Violet Brown , an eye-aITesting mint example of this difficult high value, possessing magnificent centering within lavishly large margins which are incredibly well balanced as well, with eye-catching intense color and a prooflike impression on bright fresh paper, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a post office fresh jumb o whose equal may not exist; 1996 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the lofty grade of XF-S 95, which is the highest grade received by an N.H. example . ....................... 1, 150.00


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14 1

143 140


ca talog va lue


#430, 7c Black , a desirable mint example of this scarce and difficult value, wonderfully well cen-

tered within larger margins than usual, intense color and impress ion contrasted by bright white paper, full and even perforat ions, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and handsome; 1995 P.F. certificate for a block of four, this being the to left stamp and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the 200.00 grade of XF 90. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

L' ......



#43 1, 8c Pale Olive Gree n, a gorgeous mint single, with sumptuously rich color and a deeply

etched impression on fresh white paper, exceptionally well centered amid uncommonly large margins, full and equal perforations, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; 2005 P.S.E. certific ate with the grade of X F 90 ... . .... .. . .. .. . .... . .. . ..... .. . ...... • . -'\ .. ... 80.00





#433 , IOc Orange Yellow, a flawles mint single, extraordinarily well centered within uncommon-



#435a, 12c Co pper Red, exceptional mint single, perfectly centered within large equal margins,



#437 , 15c Gray , an exquisite mint single, precisely centered within generous symmetrical margins,

Jun e 24, 2005

ly large and perfectly balanced margins, radiant rich color on fresh white paper, full and even perforations all around, original gum, Neve r Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem for the perfectionist; 2002 P.F. certificate for the irregular block of five from which this was taken and 2005 P.S.E. certificate (.1. ~l. .... 100.00 with the impressive grade ofX F-S 95 .. . .. . . . .........................

eye-catchin g luxuriant color and intense impression on crisp clean paper, original gum, ever Hinged, Extremely Fine; a true gem in every regard; 2003 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade ofXF- S 95; which is the highest grade achieved by either an N. H. #435 ¡ ....... 75.00 --;-~- ;:J . ............... or 435a . . .. . . .. .... . . ... . .... . . ... . ...........

deep rich color and strong impress ion on fresh white paper, full and even perforations all around, pristine original gum, ever Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; seldom found both this well centered and never hinged; 1996 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impress ive grade of XFS 95; which is the highest grade achieved by an N. H. example .... . ... . . l .".". ) ~¡ . . ... 290.00 Page 54

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Catal og Value


145 #438, 20c Ultramarine , an impr essive mint exa mpl e of this va lue, extraord inarily we ll centered w ithin uncommonl y large margins , rich co lor and strong impr ess ion on particularly fresh w hite pap er, unb lemished original gum , Neve r Hin ged, Extremely Fine and choice ; 1988 P.F. ce rtificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate w ith th e impr essive grade of XF -S 95 ... . . ............ . ... 475.00




#439, 30c Orange Red , a strikin g mint single, w ith g lor ious ly rich color and a deeply etc hed impr ess ion co ntrasted by crisp white paper, incr ed ibly we ll ce ntere d wit hin ge nero us eq ual margins , imm ac ulate or iginal gum , Never Hin ge d, an Extremely Fine ge m ; 1996 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. ce rtific ate with the grade of XF 90 , w hich is the highes t gra de achieve d by an N.H. copy. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .575 .00 146


147 #440 , 50c Violet , a fabulou sly fre sh and choice mint sing le, possess ing a marve lous overa ll fres hness few others enjo y, bea utifull y centered as we ll, with deep rich co lor and a crisp impr ess ion on bri ght paper , unbl emi shed original gum , Neve r Hin ged Extreme ly Fine ; a parti cularly rare sta mp in thi s superio r quality; 1996 P.F. certific ate and 2005 P.S .E. certifi cate w ith the gra de ofVF -XF 85 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,300 .00 147

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Cata log Value


148 #442 , 2c Carmine Flat Plate Coil , perfectly centered within uncommonly large and beautifully balanced margins , prooflike color and impress ion on fresh white paper, strong and intact, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem for the perfectionist; photocopy of 200 I P.F. cert ificate for the strip of six from wh ich this was taken and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the lofty grade of S 98, which is the highest grade achieved by a mint pair. . . .. . . . . .. . ..... . ....................... .. .... 55.00

148 149


#444, 2c Carmine Flat Plate Coil , an incredib le quality guide line pair of this frequently faked coi l, boasting flawless centering within uncommonly large and perfectly balanced margins all around, rich "fiery" co lor and intense impression on crisp white paper, strong and intact, original gum, Neve r Hinged, Extreme ly Fine; certai nly a good candidate for the finest known #444 line pair in existence; 1993 P. F. certificate and 2005 P.S. E. certificate with the remarkable grade of XF-S 95, which is by far the highest grade yet achieved by a line pair...... . ......... 675.00 •__{





150 #445 , 3c Violet Flat Plate Co il, a superb mint pair of this difficult coil value, precisely centered within uniformly large margins all around, particular ly deep rich color and strong impression on fresh clean paper, immaculate original gum, Neve r Hinged, Extremely Fine; a gem pair in every regard; 1985 and 2003 P.F. certificates as N.H. and 2005 P.S.E. certificate as lightly hinged with the grade ofXF 90; ex- Vineyard . . for N.H. l ,250.00




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I ~rc ~

#446, 4c Brown Flat Plate Coil, an eye-arresting

mint pair, possessing the largest margins possible on a genuine coil and being magnificent ly centered within these lavish border , plus its color is sumptuously rich and the impression prooflike on immaculate white paper, pristine original gum, Never Hinged , Extremely Fine; a massive gem pair; 2003 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the lofty grade ofXF -S 951; which is the highest grade achieved by an N.H. pair. .. . 700.00

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Catalog Value


154 152




#4 52 , le Green Rotar y Coil , select mint joint line pair, remarkably well cente red, rich color on


#4 54 , 2c Red Rotar y Coil , Ty. JI, handsome joint line pair, beautifully centered, wonderfully bright


fresh paper, original gum, ever Hinged, Extremely Fine; 2000 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of VF 80 ...................... . .... . ................... . 160.00

and fresh, crisp and intact, origina l gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; 2003 P.F. ce1iificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of VF 80 ..... . .............................. 900.00


/ (:,


1 u-----


#455 , 2c Ca rmin e Rotar y Co il, Ty. 111,jo int line pair, virtually perfect centering, fresh and crisp,

original gum, Neve r Hinged, trivial natural perf. indentat ion in the right margin, Extremely Fine; 2003 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of VF 80 ..... . .......... I05.00


155 #456, 3c Vio let Rotar y Coil, an impressive mint joint line pair of this surpri singly scarce and difficult coil, boasting precise center ing am id generous margins, strong color and a prooflike impression on immaculate fresh paper, crisp and intact, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and strikingly handsome ; rarely found in this extraordi nary qual ity; 1994 and 2004 P.F. certificates as .H. and 2005 P.S.E. certificate as lightly hinged (we disagree) with the grade of XF 90; ex- ¡'Silver Lake " ~-; collection. . ... . . ..... .. ... .. .. . . ....... for N.H. 2,500.00

155 156


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#457, 4c Brown Rotar y Coil, highly select

mint pair, incred ibly we ll cen tered within uncommonly large and well balanced margins for a rotary coi l, sumptuously rich color and a razor-sharp impression on crisp clean paper, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine, a gem pair in every regard; 2003 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive gradeofXF -S95 ................. 130.00

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Catalog Value


157 #458, Sc Blue Rotar y Coi l, an incomparable joint line pair, perfectly centered within uncharacteristically large and well balanced margins for a rotary coil, plus both its color and impress ion are truly prooflike , original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; an eye-arresting gem whose equal may not exist; 1995 P.F. certificate for the joint line strip of four from which this was taken and 2005 P.S.E. cert ificate with the impressive grade ofXF -S 95 ... . 375.00






#459, 2c Carmine lmperforate Coil , post office

fresh mint pair, beautifully centered and margined, prooflike color and impress ion, unblemished original gum, Neve r Hinged, Extremely Fine and choice; 2003 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate w ith the grade of XF-S 95 ...... 750.00

r. \...)






16 1

#463, 2c Carmine , an espec ially choice mint example of this low value, which is actually terribly

difficult to locate in premium quality such as this, possess ing uncommonly wide margins and being almost perfectly centered within them, bright and fresh, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extreme ly Fine gem; 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF 90 .................. ( . . ....... 9.50 )



** **


#465, 4c Orange Brown , premium mint example, exce llent centering within uncommonly large

margins, sumptuously rich color and sharp impression on fresh white paper, original gum, Neve r Hinged, Extremely Fine; 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF 90 .... '.! ·1·l) · ... .. . 95.00 #466, Sc Blue , a superior mint single, with eye-catching luxuriant color and a deta iled impress ion

on bright white paper, incred ibly well centered amid generous balanced margins, original gum, Neve r Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; 2000 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade of XF-S 95 .......... .. .. .. . . . .. ... . ..................... .. .. 160.00

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Ca tal og Value


162 #467 , Sc Carmine Error, a visually striking mint single, having been separated at the sides so as to include portions of the adjacent stamps, plus its centering simply could not be improved upon, wonderfully bright and fresh, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; the ideal copy for the collector who seeks absolute perfection; 1996 P.F. ce11ificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF 90 . ........... . . ... . ... ......... 1,000.00




#468 , 6c Red Oran ge, a phenomenal mint single, flawlessly cen-

tered amid lavishly large and perfectly balanced margins, radiant rich color on immaculate fresh paper, with full perforat ions surrounding the whole, unblemished original gum, Neve r Hinged , an Extremely Fine gem for the perfectionist; 2004 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade of XF-S 95 ; which is the highest grade achieved by an N .H. examp le; ex- "Silver Lak e" collection . ... ... . .. .. ...... .. .... ..... ..... . . . .. 200.00 I



#47 0, 8c Oli ve Green, a gorgeous mint examp le, perfectly centered ** within uncommonly large symmetr ical margins, sumptuously rich color and bold 164

impression on fresh white paper, full and equal perforations all around, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a large-margined gem; 2003 P.F. certificate for the irregular block of three from which this was taken and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the lofty grade of S 98 ; which is the highest grade achieved by any mint #4 70 ... l 30.00




#471 , 9c Sa lmon Red, a handsome mint examp le of this difficu lt

value, extraordinarily well centered within uniformly large margins, rich color on fresh white paper, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF 90. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130.00


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Cata log Va lue


166 #472, 10c Orange Yellow, a highly select mint single, perfectly centered within symmetric al margins, radiant rich color on crisp white paper, long and even perforations all around, original gum, Never Hinged , an Extreme ly Fine gem; seldom found this choice; 1997 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impress ive grade of XF-S 95, which is the highest grade achieved by a mint #4 72 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240.00

166 167


#473, 11c Dark Green, choice mint single, perfectly centered within balanced margins, sumptuously rich color and a deep ly etched impression on bright white paper, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF 90 .... . . . .. .. ... . ................. . .............. 85.00



168 #474, 12c Claret Brown, a wonderfu l mint single, with gloriously rich color and a strong impression on fre h white paper, near perfect centering within uncommonly large and well balanced margins, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a large-margined gem; 1996 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. ce11ificate with the impressive grade of XF-S 95.. . . . . . .............. 120.00

168 169


#475, 15c Gray, a truly remarkable mint example in a quality rarely seen, possessing uncommonl y large and perfectly balanced margins all around, flawlessly centered as well, with strong color and impression on pristine fresh paper, full and even perforation s all around serve to further enhance its tremendous eye-appea l, unblemished original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a true gem for the collector who seeks only the finest obtainable; 1992 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade of XF-S 95. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . .. .425.00 169


170 #476, 20c Light Ultramarine, a select mint single, wonderfu lly well centered within uncommonly wide margins, remarkably bright and fresh , with strong color and impression on crisp white paper, full and equal perforations, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and handsome; 1996 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade of XF-S 95 . . ... . .... ......... . ... 550.00

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Catalog Value




#476A , 30c Orange Red Unwatermarked , position 42 from plate 69 11, the mint single offered here is undeniably one of only a very small number from the only 209 accepted examples that can

accurately be graded Extremely Fine, as it is the beneficiary of physical characteristics that occur on only a minute number of copies, the mo t impressive of which is its extraordinary centering within the large t margin we have ever encountered on thi issue, which is quite remarkable when one considers that most are strongly off center in one or two direction s, plus it is in a post office fresh state of preservation, with sumptuously rich color and a deeply etched impression on bright white paper, full and even perforations, pristine original gum without a single bend or skip, ever Hinged, Extremely Fine; unquestionabl y one of the finest examples extant; 1984, 1996 and 2004 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of VF-XF 85, which makes it by far the highest . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . ... .. . 5,750.00 graded example; ex-Vin eyard . .......................... /

I .l(J

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Catalog Value




#478 , $1.00 Violet Black , a gem mint single which epitomizes the term "post office fresh," with a marvelous overa ll freshness few others still retain, intense color and impression on crisp white paper, plus it is incredibly well centered within larger margins than normal, full and equal perforations all around, immaculate original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; collectors who have been patiently waiting for a true premium quality never hinged example to reach the auction block should carefully consider the example offered here and that another like it may not appear for quite some time; photocopy of 1990 P.F. certificate for a block of four, this being the bottom right stamp, 1994 and 2004 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the remarkable grade of XF-S 95, which makes it the finest graded .H. example to date; ex- "Silver Lake" collection. ... . 1,800.00




175 173


#479 , $2.00 Dark Blue, choice mint single, outstanding centering within large balanced margins, intense color and a deeply etched impression on fresh white paper, original gum, Never Hinged, an 550.00 Extremely Fine gem; 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF 90 . . . . . .. . .. .

¡l¡C.., ....



#480 , $5.00 Light Green , wonderfully well centered within large margins, post office fresh, original gum, Never Hinged, choice Very Fine; 1985 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of VF 80 ...... .. ......... . ....... . ............. . ... . ...... . .. . .. . "/" . . 450 .00

7¡.., I




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#487 , 2c Carmine Coil , Ty. II, handsome mint pair, perfectly centered within large balanced margins, vivid rich color on crisp fresh paper, original gum, ever Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem pair; 2003 P.F. certificate for a strip of four, this being the top pair and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the lofty grade of S 98, which makes it the highest graded mint pair. ...... . .... i . , .. i., .... 60.00 Page 62


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Catalog Value

•• • • •

•• •• ~~~~~ • 1""'!'-

· ~~

176 176


** **

:;:::; =~~!I

' !!II



•• •• •• ,, ..



J ~

-. •

,.d'J .... . .

TI •


#492, 2c Carm ine Co il, Ty. lll , flawless mint pair, perfectly centered within remarkably symmet-

rical margins, rich color and prooflike impression on fresh paper, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem pair; 2003 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade ofXF- S 95...... . .... . ...... . . . .. . ... . . . .. . . . . ... . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . ... . . . .. . . 45.00


#493, 3c Violet Co il, Ty. I, handsome and choice j oint line pair, having been separated so as to

include portions of the adjoining stamps, perfectly centered within uncommonly large and exceptionally well balanced margins, bright and fresh, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; 1999 ,,. P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF 90 . . . . .. . ... .. . .. .. . . . 230.00 f


#494 , 3c Violet Coi l, Ty. II, the "perfect" j oint line 178 pair, flawles ly centered within uncharacteristically large symmetrical margins, strong color and crisp impre sion on fresh paper, original gum, ever Hinged, Extremely Fine; true gem quality line pairs of #494 are far more rare than its relatively modest catalog value would indicate; 2004 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with I I, ✓,V ') the impressive grade of XF-S 95, which makes it by far and away the finest grade line pair; ex- "Silver l ake ., collection . . . ... . . . 160.00



• ••• • ••• •• • ~




I 179



#495 , 4c Ora nge Brown Co il, gorgeou mint pair, virtually perfect centering within lavishly large


#496, Sc Blue Co il, fresh mint pair, incredibly well centered within larger margins than most, deep

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margins for a rotary coil, post office fresh, original gum, Neve r Hinged, Extremely Fine; 2003 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade ofXF -S 95 ..... . .. . ... . . 50.00

rich color and razor-sharp impression, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem pair; 2003 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade of XF-S 95 .. . ... 17.50 Page 63



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Catalog Value

18 1 18 1


#500, 2c Deep Rose, Ty. la, a fantastic mint example of this scarce and difficult type, posses ing severa l eye-catching physical characteristics , including rich luxuriant color which could not be more representative of this, plus its margins are lavishly large all around and its centering simply could not be improved upon, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine jumbo; actually a rare stamp in this premium quality; 2002 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the unimprovable grade of GEM 100 , which makes it by far the finest graded example .. . .... 575.00



182 182


#5 02, Jc Dark Violet, Ty. II, jumb o-margined mint single, sporting lavishly large margins all

around and being extraordinarily well centered within these generous borders, luxuriant rich color on fresh white paper, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; 2003 P.S.E. and 2004 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade of 95J, which is the highest ,,-1• , • . .... . . 30.00 grade a mint #502 has received ...................................... , 1



#504, Sc Blue, striking mint single, incredibly well centered within uniformly large margins, luxu-

riant color and a razor-sharp impression on fresh white paper, original gum, Neve r Hinged, Extremely Fine; a large-margined gem; 2003 P.S. E. certificate for the irregular block of five from which thi was taken, 2004 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade of .. ... . .. ..... . . .. . . . .. . 19.00 . ..................... XF-S 95 .... . . ................. -








#505, Sc Rose Error, an outstanding mint single of this popular error, 184 marvelously well centered within uncommonly large and well balanced margin , wonderfully bright and fresh, immaculate original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; 1997 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. cenific ate with the grade of XF 90 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 650.00

vu )

184 June 24, 2005

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Catalog Value


185 #505 , Sc Rose Error, eye -ca tchin g doubl e erro r at the ce nter of a bloc k of twe lve, fea turin g the best overa ll ce nterin g we have eve r see n on thi s multiple, as eac h and eve ry stamp is fabul ously centered w ith in un iforml y large mar gins, a fea tur e virtu a lly no other double en or bloc k can boas t, wo nderfull y bright and fres h, w ith stro ng and intact perforations, original gum , Neve r Hin ge d, Ex tre mely Fin e; the idea l exa mpl e for the co llec to r w ho see ks perfec tion; 2004 P.S.E. and P.F. certifica tes and 2005 P.S.E. ce rtifi cate, not gra ded ..... . ... . . .. . . . . ............ . ..... . . 2,250.00









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#511, llc Light Green , an eye -an es tin g jumb o-m argi ned mint sing le, boas tin g extravaga ntly w ide marg ins all aro und and being perfect ly centered w ith in them , luxuriant deep co lor and stron g impr ess ion cont raste d by brig ht w hite paper, orig inal gum , Neve r Hin ged, an Ext remely F ine j umb o; 2002 P.F. ce rtifica te and 2005 P.S.E. cert ifica te with the lofty gra de of S 981, which makes it the finest gra ded min t exa mple ............ . .................. . ... . .... . . .. ... . 19.00



#513 , 13c Apple Green , an impress ive mint single, prec ise ly centered w ithin uncharac terist ica lly lavi sh marg ins, exce pti onally bri ght and fre sh, or ig inal gum , Neve r Hin ged, an Extremely F ine - 1 ju111b o; 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the i1npressive grade of XF-S 951. . .. . .... . . . ... ... . 24.00 ~. #514 , 15c Gra y, perfec tly ce ntered amid unco mm only large sy mm etrica l margins, sumptu ously rich co lor on whi te paper, orig ina l gum , Neve r Hin ged, an Extre mely Fine ge m ; 1997 P.F. ce rtifi cate and 2005 P.S.E. ce rtifi ca te w ith the lofty gra de of S 98 , w hich make s it the highes t graded mint single. ......................................... . ............ . . .... . .. 77. 50 Page 65

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189 189



Catalog Value

19 1


#515 , 20c Light Ultramarine , wonderfully well centered within generous margins, rich color on

fresh paper, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of 95.00 XF-90 . ........... .... ...... .. . . .................. . ....... _..-_), . ! .. ¡; . . ....... '-




#516 , 30c Orange Red , jumbo-margined mint examp le, extraordinari ly well centered within lav-

ishly large margins all around, sumptuously rich color and crisp impression on fresh white paper, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a large-margined gem; 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF 90J. ..... . .. ... ... . . .. ... .. ........................ ... / . i__.... 80.00 7



#5 17, 50c Red Violet, incredibly well centered within larger margins than most, wonderfully bright and fresh, with a detailed impression on white paper, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine ju mbo; 1989 and 2004 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade of XF-S 95; ex- "Silver lak e" collection . ... .. ... .. . .. .. .. ..... .. ...... , , ~-;-/ ..... 135.00 .)




#518 , $ 1.00 Violet Brown , perfectly centered within symmetrical margins, luxuriant color on fresh

paper, origina l gum, Neve r Hinged, an Extreme ly Fine gem; 1997 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF-S 95 . . . .. . .. . . . ............................. .. .. I05.00

''-) LI



193 #5 18b , $ 1.00 Dee p Brown , a truly incredible mint example of this rare and frequently misidentified shade variety, being in a quality that clear ly places it among the ver y finest in existence , as

every physical aspect of this gem would be practically impossible to improve upon, including its especially true deep brown color which could not be more representative of the shade, its extraordinary centering within lavishly large margins which are quite uncharacteristic of this, as most are quite poorly centered within relatively narrow margins, plus its impression would rival that of a proof and its perforations are long and even all around, while its reverse reveals immaculate original gum, which, quite remarkably, is Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; truly never hinged examples of this stamp are exceedingly scarce, so to find one that is also this well centered is a miracle indeed, we would be surprised if a finer example could be found; 1983, 1995 and 2004 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade of XF 90; the only graded N.H. example; ex'Si/v er lak e " collection . ... . .... . . . ... . .... . ... . .......................... . 3, 100.00 June 24, 2005

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Catalog Value


194 #5 19, 2c Carmin e, a highly des irable mint exa mpl e of this sca rce and frequent ly faked sta mp , possessing uncommonly large and we ll balanced margins a ll around and being perfectly centered wi thin them , rich "fiery " colo r and a razor-s harp impr e sion on fresh paper , full and even perforations , pristine or igina l gum , Never Hinged , an Extreme ly Fine gem for the perfectionist ; a rare sta mp in such ste llar quality ; 2003 P.S.E . and 2004 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. cert ificate w ith the impr essive grade of XF -S 95 . . . . ............ . ....... . . .... . . . . . . . . ... . .. 850.00




#523, $2.00 Orange Red and Black , a strik ing left sheet-m arg in partial arrow mint single, w ith rich unbl em ished co lors and a crisp impr ess ion on unco mm only fresh paper , outsta ndin g ce nter ing amid extra wide and well balanced marg ins, lightly hin ged in the se lvage on ly, the sta mp itself wi th pristine or igi nal gum , ever Hinged , Extre mely Fine; an eyeappea ling gem ; 1997 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. cert ificate with the grade of XF 90 . .... . . . . . . . . .. . . .... . 1,300 .00


#524, $5.00 Deep Green and Black, wo nd erfu lly we ll ce ntere d 196 wit hin unconm1only large margins , rich luxuriant co lors on fres h paper , origi nal gu m, Never Hinged , Ext remely F ine; 2005 P.S.E. ce rtifi cate w ith the gra de of VF-XF 85 ...... . . . ......... . ..................... . ....... . .. 425.00



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Catalog Value




#528c, 2c Carmine Offset, Ty. Va, Double Impres sion, select mint example of this error, particularly well centered within large margins, deep rich color on fresh white paper, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and striking; 2004 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade . .... .. .. ... .. ... . .. .. ~,_;;;¡ ¡; .... . . ... for binged 27.50 ofVF -XF 85 . .... . .... . . ......



#528 B, 2c Carmine Offset , Ty. VII, a j umbo-margined mint example of this stamp, which is rarely found in such stellar quality, precisely centered amid extravagantly wide margins all around, luxuriant deep color contrasted by bright white paper, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a gem with few peers; 2003 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade of . .... . ... . . .. ... .. .. . .. . ..... . ... 47.50 XF-S 95J .................................. (/'




199 199


#534B , 2c Carmine Offset lmperforat e, Ty. VII, a handsome mint example of this rare type, with unifonnl y large margins all around, deep rich color and a strong impression, marve lously fresh and crisp, unblemished original gum, ever Hinged, Extremely Fine and choice; 1992 and 2004 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF 90; ex- "Silver lak e" and Viney ard. . 3,600.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J . . r .. ........

') ) u


#540, 2c Carmine Rose Coil Waste, Ty. III , exceptional mint single, 200 incredibly well centered within lavishly large margins for this issue, vivid rich color on fresh paper, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; 2005 P.S.E. cer27.50 . ....... tificate with the grade of XF 90 .. . . ..... .. . .. .... ............

I ',, 0 200 June 24, 2005

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Catalog Value




#544 , I c Green Perf. 11, an exciting mint example of this maj or 20th century rarity, being in a quality that arguably ranks it as the finest mint never hinged copy in existence, as the single offered

here posse es physical characteristics that only one other existing copy can compare with (the exGrunin and Weisman example from the same strip of four from which this was taken), as this single is quite the oppos ite of what is normally found on this poorly produced rotary press sheet waste issue, as it features lavishly large margins and is remarkably well centered within them, plu s it possesses an extrao rdinary overa ll freshness only a few #544' enjoy, with exceptionally deep rich color and a razor-sharp impression on immaculate paper, full and even perforations all around, pristine original gum which incredibly is ever Hinged , Extremely Fine for this issue as no better centered ever Hinged copies exist; ce11a inly one of the highlights of the Cohen collection; I 966 P.F. certificate for a strip of four, this being the left stamp, 1997 and 2004 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with, what for this stamp is, the impressive grade of f- VF 75, the only graded mint example; ex- "Silver lak e" collection . . ... . . .. . . .... . ... . .. . ... . ... . .. .. ... . for fine 32,500.00

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Catalog Value




#545, 1c Green Co il Waste, few knowledgeable collectors will deny that the mint example offered here ranks among the finest cop ies in existence, as it boasts physical characteristics that are simply unheard of on this coil waste is ue, including being perfectly centered within extravagantly large and beautifully balanced margins, plus its color is rich and luxuriant and its impression is prooflike on pristine white paper, full perforation s all around, unblemished origina l gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a true jumbo for the collector who i satisfied with only the finest obtainable quality; 2003 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the lofty grade of S 98, which makes it by . ... . .. . ... .. ... .. 425.00 . ...... far and away the finest graded mint #545 ...............

Li ">" (_






#547, $2.00 Ca rmin e and Black, a premium quality mint single, flawlessly centered within lavishly large and perfectly balanced margins, rich luxuriant colors on fresh paper, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a large-margined gem; 1988 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with 330.00 .... the impressive grade of XF-S 95 . .... . . .. . .. . ........... L








#561, 9c Rose, striking mint single, perfectly centered within lavishly large symmetrical margins, vivid rich color on bright paper, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a large-margined gem; 2002 P.S.E. certificate for a block of four, this being the bottom right stamp, 2004 P.F. ce,i ifi29 .00 .. ...... cate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the lofty grade of S 98 ................... I l



#56 2, 10c Orange, handsome mint single, flawlessly centered amid uniformly lavish margins, radiant rich color on cri p white paper, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; 2002 P.S.E. certificate for the i1Tegularblock of ten from which this was taken, 2004 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the lofty grade of S 98, which is the highest grade a mint #562 has 37.50 ~ .. . . .. ... . . .. .. .. . ... . ............ received ..... . ..........

.. ..... .... ..... 1

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206 206


Catalog Value



#566, !Sc Gra y, lovely mint examp le, extraordinarily well centered within uncommonly large margins, rich color on fresh white paper, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade ofXF 95 .. . .... .. .. . ....... . ..... .. ... .. ...... ... 42.50



#567, 20c Carmine Rose , choice margins and centering, bright and fresh, original gum, Never . 42.5p Hinged , Extremely Fine; 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF 90 . ..............



#570, 50c Lilac, wonderfully well centered within uncharacter istically large margins, strong color on fresh paper, original gum, Never Hinged, Extreme ly Fine; 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF 90J. .................. . ... .. . . .... . .... . ................. ... . . ...... I 00.00 -



#578, le Green Coil Waste , except ionally well centered within generous margins for this issue, rich color on fresh paper, origina l gum, Never Hinged, Extreme ly Fine; 2002 P.S.E. certificate for a block of four, this being the bottom left stamp, 2003 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificat with ; the grade of XF 90 .. .. .. . . . .. .. ... .. . . .... . ...... . ............ . ........... .. 180.00

- I ,...


#623, 17c Black , an eye-arresting jumb o-margined right 210 sheet-margin single, boasting abolutely massive margins within which it is perfectly centered, rich color and prooflike impression on fresh paper, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extre mely Fine jumb o; a one-in-a-million gem; 2003 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the lofty grade of S 981, which makes it the highest graded example . ... . 24.00 2 10 211


I June 24, 2005


#634A , 2c Carmine, Ty. 11, a marvelous top right comer sheet-margin plate no. 1974 7 single of this scarce type in a quality seldom encountered, incredibly well centered within lavishly large margins which are most uncharacteristic of this issue, plus its color is an intense "fiery" shade and the impression is deeply etched which allow its type characteristics to be plainly vi ible, pristine origina l gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a large-margined gem sure to please the most demanding collector; 2004 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade of XF-S 95 .. .. ............................. 600.00

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Catalog Value





2 18



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• 222

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Catalog Value



#660, 2c Kan sas, an incredible mint example, extraordinarily well centered within lavishly large symmetrical margins which are quite uncharacter istic of this rotary press stamp, rich color on bright paper, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a large-marg ined gem with few peers; 2002 / P.S.E. and 2003 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade ofXF-S 95 .. . . ... 7.00 !. (J



#661 , 3c Kansa s, an espec ially choice mint single, perfect ly centered within large symmetrical marExtremely Fine gem; 200 I A. P.S. gins, rich color ~n fresh paper, original gum'. _NeverH_inged, and 2003 P.F. ce1t1ficates and 2005 P.S.E. ce1t1ficate with the 0 1ade ofXF-S 95 ... ... .. .. . 37.50


#662, 4c Kansas, select mint single, precisely centered within larger margins than most, sumptuously rich color on bright paper, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extreme ly Fine gem; 2002 P.S.E. and 2003 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade ofXF -S 95 . . ......... 37.50






** PB






#662 , 4c Kansas, handsome top left corner margin plate no. 18038 block of four, welI centered, fresh .~nd inta_ct, original gum, Neve r Hinged, choice Very Fine; 2004 P.F. certificate; ex-~'Silver \, Lake collection . ....................... . . . .. . ................... .. . . . . ..... .,o0.00 #663 , Sc Kansas , select top left corner margin plate no. 18908 block of four, well centered, fresh and intact, original gum, Never Hinged, choice Very Fine; 2004 P.F. certificate .. . ....... 210.00 \


0 <;0

#665 , 7c Kan sas, a stunning jumbo -margined mint ingle, boasting extravagantly large margins which are most uncharacteristic of a rotary press stamp and being incredibly well centered within \ this vast expanse, original gum, ever Hinged, Extremely Fine; a true jumb o; 1993 and 2003 P.F. '--I certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade ofXF 90J. ............. . ... .. ... 60.00 #66 6, 8c Kansa s, an especially choice top right corner margin plate no. 18 19 1 block of four of this key value, wonderfully well centered , sumptuously rich color on fresh paper, crisp and intact perforations, original gum, Never Hinged, Extreme ly Fine and handsome; 1997 P.F. certificate . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,100.00





#664, 6c Kansas, an exquisite top right corner margin plate no. 1803 7 block of four, remarkab ly well centered for this, strong and intact, original gum, Neve r Hinged, fresh and Extremely Fine; 2004 P.F. certificate; ex- "Sil ver Lake" collection . ................. .. .. ... ..... . ... 650.00




#673 , 4c Nebraska , select bottom right corner margin plate no. 18038 block of four, particularly well centered for this, rich color on fresh paper, strong and intact, original gum, Neve r Hinged, .. .. ... . .. ..... 350.00 Extremely Fine; 2003 P.F. ce11ificate.. . . ......................... #678 , 9c Nebraska, choice top left corner margin plate no. 18744 block of four, exceptionally well centered, vivid rich color on fresh white paper, strong and intact perforations, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine .... . . .. .. . .. .. . ... . . ........................ .. .. . .... 750.00



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#679 , 10c Nebra ska, a superb bottom right corner margin plate no. 19235 single in a quality rarely encountered, possessing extraordinarily large margins all around which are most uncharacteristic of this, plus its centering could not be improved upon, radiant color on bright paper, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine jumb o; a magnificent stamp whose equal may not exist; 1996 P.F. 1 certificate for the plate block from which this was taken and 2005 P.S.E. ce11ificate with the grade of XF 901; ex- "Silver Lak e" collection . ....... . .................. .. .... . . .. ..... 225.00


#679 , I 0c Ne braska , an especially handsome and choice top left corner margin plate no. 19234 block of four, radiant rich color on fresh paper, wonderfully well centered for this difficult key value , I plate block, crisp and intact, original gun1, Neve r Hin ged, Extre1nely Fine; rarely encountered this Lo.nice; 2004 P.F. certificate . ....... . ...... . ... ... . . . ... . ........ . .... . ...... . .. . 1,300.0 Page 73

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225 #C6, 24c Carmine , premium quality mint single, incredibly well centered within larger margins than most, rich color on fresh white paper, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and choice; 1990 and 2004 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF-S 95; ex- Viney ard. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160.00

l / (...'"-



#C13-Cl 5, 65c-$2.60 Graf Zeppel ins, a select comp lete mint set, each stamp beautifully centered amid large margins, wonderfully bright and fresh, origi nal gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; 2005 P.S.E. certificates graded YF-XF 85, VF 80 and VF-Xf 85 respectively .... ... ... 2, I00.00 -)


226 226


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#El, 10c Blue, an exceptional mint examp le, brilliantly fresh and crisp, with rich color and a razorsharp impression on white paper, incredibly well centered within uncommonly large and well balanced margins, unblemished original gum, ever Hinged, Extremely Fine; rarely seen in this sought-after premium grade; 2002 P.S.E. and 2003 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade of XF-S 95, which is the highest grade received by an N.H. #E I. . . 1,000.00 Page 74

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Catalog Value




#E4, 10c Blue, an impressive jumb o-margined mint example of this perennially difficult stamp,

boasting extravagantly wide margins all around and being precisely centered am id these lavish borders, plus its color is deep and luxuriant and the impression is highly detailed, marvelously fresh, pristine original gum, ever Hinged, an Extremely Fine jumbo ; 2002 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade ofXF-S 95J; which makes it the finest graded .H. examp le . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,900.00

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Cata log Value

492 232 229 228

230 228


23 1

#ES, I Oc Blue, an espec ially handsome bottom sheet-margin partial imprint mint ingle, near perfect centering with beautifu lly balanced margins, prooflike color and impre ion on immaculate white paper, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; 200 1 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade ofVF-85 ............................ .. .1..••.• 425.00 l:.,..,J





#E8, IOc Ultramarine, an espec ially large-margined mint single, featuring uncommonly large margins all around and being wonderfully well centered amid them, lovely pastel color and a fine impression on fre h white paper, full and even perforations, pristine original gum, ever Hinged, an Extreme ly Fine gem; 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade ofXF 90J. . . . ..... ,, ., 225.00

23 1


#E9, I Oc Ultramarine, a flawless mint single, perfectly centered within uniformly large margins all around, wonderfully bright and fresh, with a highly detai led impression on bright white paper, full perforation s all around, original gum, ever Hinged, Extremely Fine; a large margined gem for the perfectionist; 2002 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade ofXF 90J ... .400.00



#Fl , l Oc Registration, a fantastic mint example, sporting large symmetrical margin all~ round and perfectly centered within, deep rich color and crisp impression contrasted by fre h white paper, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine jumbo for the finest collection; 1997 P.F. certificate as , N.H. and 2005 P.S.E. certificate as lightly hinged (we disagree) with the grade ofXF-S 95J .. 150.00

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#E7, I Oc Green, a true jumbo-margined bottom sheet-margin plate no. 4920 single, sporting lavishly large margins all around and being almo t perfectly centered within them, gorgeous rich color and a razor-sharp impression, post office fre h, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; I 99 1 and 2004 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S. E. certificate with the impressive grade of XF-S 95J, which i the highest grade received by any mint #E7 .. . . . .. . .. .. . . . ..... .. . . ... 150.00

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233 #J2 , 2c Brown , a pristine post office fresh mint single in a quality few others enjoy, possessing uncommonly large balanced margins all around and being remarkably well centered within them, warm rich color and a highly detailed impression on bright paper, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; such well centered never hinged copie are few and far between; 1997 and 2004 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade ofXF-S 95, which is the highest grade received by an N. H. #J2; ex- Vineyard . ..... for hinged 400. 00

233 234


#J3 , 3c Brown , an eye-catching mint single possess ing numerous desirable physical characteristics, including gorgeou prootlike color and impression on immaculate paper, plus it features a rnarvelou overa ll freshness few others still retain, near perfect centering within larger margins than most, unblemished original gum, ever Hinged, Extremely Fine; a true gem for the most meticulously a sembled collection; 2004 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade ofX F 90; ex-Vinevard .. .for hinged 65.00


b C"J


235 #J19 , IOc Red Brown , a highly desirable mint single, featuring eyearresting color and a deeply etched impression on fresh white paper, plus it is precisely centered within uncommonly large margins, full perforations all around, unblemished original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and handsome; an elusive stamp in this premium quality; 1995 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF 90, which makes it the highest graded N .H. example .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for hinged 600.00

~!..'~vd 235 236


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#J20 , 30c Red Brown , an eye-arresting jumb o-margined left sheet-margin mint single, possess ing remarkable physical characteri tics, most notably its mammoth margins all around, plus its centering could not be improved upon, its color is luxuriant and its perforations are full and even, while its reverse reveals unblemished original gum which is ever Hinged, an Extremely Fine jumb o; we would be amazed if a finer never hinged single could be found; 2004 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. ce1i ificate with the impressive grade of XF-S 95J, which makes it by far the highest graded mint single . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .for hinged 200.00 Page 77

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Catalog Value

237 237


#J21, 50c Red Brow n, a desirable mint examp le of this very scarce high value Postage Due, being

in a quality that very few others enjoy, as it i in a post office fresh state of preservation that rarely encountered on this issue, with gloriously rich color and a razor-sharp impression on immaculate paper, its superior centering and generous margins are also quite impressive, as is its unblemished original gum which is Never Hinged, Very Fine; 1996 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of VF 80 .... . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. ... . . ..... . ... . .... for hinged 1,750.00 1- '






#J22, le Bright Claret , a visually stunning mint single, featuring eye-arresting intense color and a



#J23, 2c Br ight Clare t, handsome mint example, with prootlike color and impression on immacu-



#J24, 3c Bright Claret, a magnificent mint single, possessing uniformly lavish margins all around

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deeply etched impression on immaculate fresh paper, plus it is extraordinarily well centered within uncommonly large and perfectly balanced margins, full perforations all around, pristine original gum, ever Hinged, Extremely Fine; a true gem for the perfectionist; 2003 P.F. certificate, 2002 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF 90 and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF-S 95, for hinged 35.00 ., .... . ...... which makes it the highest graded N.H. example ..............

late white paper, wonderfully well centered within generous margins, unblemished original gum, ever Hinged, Extremely Fine; 2000 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of . .. . . for hinged 37.50 VF-XF 85 . .. . . .. . . . .. . ... . ... . . .. . . . .. . . ..... . . .. .... . . ......

and being perfectly centered within the e generous borders, incredibly bright and fresh, with a highly detailed impression on white paper, full and even perforations all around, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a large-margined gem with few rivals; 1997 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S. E. certificate with the lofty grade of S 98, which makes it by far the highest graded mint exam. . . ... .I.... . . . . . for hinged 75.00 . .. . .. . . . ....... ple .. ... .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . ...... Page 78

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Catalog Value


241 #J25 , Sc Bright Claret , an incomparable top sheet-margin plate no. 3 18 single, boasting exceptional physical characteri tics unlike any other we have encountered, most notably its extravagantly wide margins all around that, quite remarkably, are perfectly balanced a well, flawlessly centered, gorgeous rich color and prooflike impression on incredibly fresh paper, unblemished original gum, ever Hinged, an Extremely Fine jumb o; clearly a record stamp; 2002 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the lofty grade of S 98J, which makes it by far and away the finest graded mint example.. . . . . .. . . .... .. .. .. for hinged I 00.00

24 1 242


#J26 , I Oc Bright Claret , an impres ive mint single, possess ing

physical characteristics seldom found converging on a single copy, including eye-catching prooflike color and impression on bright white paper, uncharacteristically large margins all around and precisely centered within them, brilliant original gum, Neve r Hinged, Extremely Fine and handsome; 1996 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade of XF-S 95J, which is the highest grade received by an .H. #126 . . . . . ... . .. for hinged 170.00



#J27 , 30c Bright Claret , a premium quality mint single, remarkably well centered within uncommonly large margins all around, vivid rich color and a deeply etched impression on fresh white paper, immaculate original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and choice; 1995 and 2004 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of VF 80; ex- "Silver l ake" collection. .... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for hinged 600.00




#J33 , 3c Deep Claret, select mint single, possess ing considerably

larger margins than typically encountered and being exquisitely centered within them, luxuriant rich color and a detailed impression on fresh white paper, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; seldom seen with such wide margins; 1982 and 1997 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF 90J, which is by far the highest grade any mint N.H. #J33 has achieved . 425.00

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Catalog Value


#J35 , IOc Deep Claret , an especia lly handsome and choice mint sin245 gle, featuring uncharacteristically wide margins all around and marvelous centering within them, striking deep color and prootlike impression on bright paper, post office fresh, unblemished original gum, ever Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; a true condition rarity; photocopy of 1993 P.F. certificate for a block of four, this being the bottom left stamp, 2004 P.F. ce11ificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF 90, this being the only graded N. H. example; ex- ''Silver Lake'' collection . . 675.00





#J36b , 30c Pale Rose, a beautiful post office fresh mint example

of this distinctive shade variety, particularly well centered within larger margins than normal, strong characteri tic color and sharp impression on bright white paper, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and handsome; 2003 P.F. cert ificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of VF-XF 85, being by far 900.00 the highest grade an N.H. #J36b has achieved ... . ...... 246



#J39 , 2c Deep Claret , jumb o-margined left sheet-

margin mint single, spo11ing lavishly large margins all around and being precise ly centered within them, luxuriant deep color and a razor- harp impression on fresh white paper, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and choice; 2005 P.S. E. certi fi.. 65.00 cate with the impressive grade of XF-S 95J. ......... 1 _,



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Catalog Value


248 #J40 , 3c Deep Claret , a highly select mint example of this surprisingly difficult value, exceptionally well centered within uncharacteristically large margins, luxuriant deep color and a prootlike impression on crisp white paper, full and even perforations all around, immaculate original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; 1998 P.S.E. certificate, 2004 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade of YF-XF 85; ex- Vineyard. ........ . . . .. . ....... . .. .. 150.00





#J41 , Sc Deep Claret , a flawless top sheet-margin partial imprint

mint single in a quality few others can boast, possessing lavishly large and perfectly symmetrical margins all around which are most uncharacteristic of this issue, extraordinarily well centered, with striking prootlik e color and impression on immaculate white paper, full and even perforations all around, pristine original gum, ever Hinged, Extremely Fine; a large-margined gem for the perfectionist; photocopy of 2003 P.S.E. certificate for the imprint and plate no. strip of three from which this was taken, 2004 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade of XF-S 95 .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160.00 .,(

I" '




250 #J42 , 10c Deep Claret , a wonderful mint example, incredibly well centered amid uncommonly large and well balanced margins, gloriously rich color and a deeply etched impression on marvelously fresh paper, unblemished original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and handsome; 1997 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade ofYF -XF 85 ......................... . .... . 160.00 I I





June 24, 200 5

#J43 , 30c Deep Claret , a seldom seen post office fresh mint exam-

ple of this high value Postage Due, possess ing numerous desirable features few others enjoy, including a remarkable overall freshness very few others still retain, plus its margins are uncharacteristically large and it is remarkably well centered within these generous borders, in addition both its color and impression would rival that of a proof, full perforations, pristine original gum, Neve r Hinged, Extremely Fine for this issue; actually a very rare stamp both this well centered and never hinged; 1994 and 2004 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of VF 80; ex - "Silver Lake" co/lee/ion . . .. ..... . ... .... ....... . . . .... . .. . ... 1,300.00 Page 8 1

H.R. Hann er, Inc.



Cata log Va lue


252 #J46 , 2c Deep Claret , a premium quality mint single, near perfect centering within lavishly large and beautifully balanced margins, rich luxuriant color and a deeply etched impression on fresh white paper, unblemished original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a large-margined gem; 2004 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade of XF-S 95, which makes it the highest graded N.H. example; ex-Vi neyard. . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . . . . . . ........ 85.00 '"







#J47 , 3c Deep Claret, a marvelous mint single, being in a quality seldom encountered on this always difficult Postage Due, with eyearresting intense color and a deeply etched impression on bright paper, but most impressive of all is thi stamps 's centering, as it is precisely centered within generous margins, marvelously fresh and crisp, full and equal perforations all around, unblemished original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; despite its catalogue value, premium quality examples such as this are actually quite rare; 1987, 1997 and 2004 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S. E. certificate with the grade of F-VF 75, the only graded .H. example ... . .... 1,300.00




253 {


254 #J48, Sc Deep Claret , an especially handsome and choice mint example, possessing lavishly large margins all around and being incredibly well centered within them, gloriously rich color and a prootl ike impression on remarkably fresh white paper, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a large-margined gem for the finest collection; 1992 and 2004 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade ofXF 90; ex- Vineyard ..... . .. . ......... . .... .. .. . . 240.00




J une 24 , 2005

#J49a , 10c Rose Carmine , an eye-catching mint single, boasting extravagantly large margins for this and being extraordinarily well centered within them, wonderfully bright and fresh, with strong color and impression on crisp white paper, immaculate original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine jumb o; 2003 P.S.E. and 2004 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF 901, which is the highest grade an N.H. #J49 or J49a has received . . . .... . .. . . . . .................... . ...... 275.00

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Catalog Value




#JSO, 50c Deep Claret , a visua lly stunnin g mint sing le of inco mp arable quality , boast ing enom1ous margi ns fo r any Postage Due, let alone thi s elusive high va lue, plu s it is remarkab ly we ll centered wit hin these lavis h borders and it possesses a marve lous overa ll freshness few ot hers st ill retai n, w ith eye -catchin g intense co lor and a dee ply etched impression on white paper, while its reve rse revea ls pristine or ig ina l gum w hich is Never Hinged , an Extre mely F ine jumbo ; a true co nditi on rarity for the co llec tor who has taken up the ard uous challenge of asse mblin g a ge m quality co llect ion of Postage Dues ; 2004 P.F. ce rtifi cate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate w ith the rem arka bl e gra de of XF 90 , wh ich is the highest grade any mint #150 has ac hieved ; ex-Vineyard. ............. 2,500 .00









#J52, le Carmine Lake , a choice mint examp le, especia lly we ll centered wit hin generous and we ll balanced margins , prooflike co lor and impr ession on fresh whit e paper, full and eve n perforatio ns a ll aro und , or ig inal gum , Never Hin ged , Extremely F ine and handso me; 2003 P.F. ce rtifi cate for a block of four, thi being the top left stamp and 2005 P.S.E. ce rtifi cate w ith the impr ess ive gra de of XF -S 95 , the highest grade any mint #152 or 152a has received and the only grade d N. H . exa mpl e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140.00


#J53, 2c Carmine Lake , a superb mint sing le, possess ing tru ly outstandin g ce ntering w ithin lavishly large and perfectly balanced margins , intense co lor and impr essio n on fresh white paper , or iginal gum , Never Hin ged , Ext remely Fine ; a large -m arg ined ge m for the perfectionist ; 2003 P.F.certifi cate and 2005 P.S.E. certifi cate w ith the imp ress ive grade ofXF -S 95; the hi ghest gra de rece ived by either #153, J53a or J53b and the only N.H . graded #J53 ........................ .. 105.00

June 24, 200 5

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Catalog Value




#J54, 3c Carmine Lake , a phenomenal mint example of this very scarce Postage Due, being in a

quality with which very few (if any) others can compare, as the example offered here boasts physical characteristics that are very scarcely encountered on this issue, including lavishly large and unusually well balanced margins all around, plus it is precise ly centered within these generous borders, with eye-a1Testing prootlike color and impress ion on bright white paper, while its full and equal perforations all around serve to further enhance its tremendous eye-appeal, immaculate original gum, which remarkably, is Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; knowledgeable collectors of premium quality Postage Dues with immediately recognize the copy offered here as being one of the finest known examples; 1995 and 2004 P.F. certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the -remarkable grade of XF 90, the only graded N. H. example .................. . ... . .. 2,250.00 I ,,, , ..

June 24, 2005

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Catalog Value

#J56 Var., I Oc Ca rmin e Rose , an especially choice and handsome mint single, exceptionally well centered within uncharacteristica lly large margins all around, lovely bright color and detailed impression on fresh white paper, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; 1996 P.F. certificate and 200 5 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF 90 . .... . ..... . ...................... 125.0Q



' 260 26 1


#JS7, 30c Ca rmin e Lake, a magnificent mint single, featuring vir-

tually perfect centering within uncharacteristically large symmetrical margins, striking intense color and a deeply etched impression on bright white paper, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; 1996 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF 90, which is the highest grade achieved by an N .H. #J5 7 ........... . ...... . . .. .. . ... . .... . ... . ..... 500 .00 26 1

262 #J60, 2c Rose, a beautiful post office fresh mint single, remarkably well centered within uncommonly wide margins, strong color and impression on white paper, full perforation , original gum, ever Hinged, Extremely Fine; 2002 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade ofYF- XF 85, which is the highest grade rece.ived by an N.H. example . . . . . . ......... .. ... .. .. . .. .. .. 500 .00



262 263


#J66, 30c Ca rmin e Rose , extraordinarily choice mint example,

flawlessly centered within lavishly large and perfectly balanced margins, rich color and sharp impression on fresh paper, original gum, Neve r Hinged, Extremely Fine; a true gem for the perfectionist; 1997 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade of XF-S 95, which is the highest grade received by an N.H. example. .. . . . . . . . .. .. ....... . . . . . .. . ....... 175.00 263


264 #J67, SOc Ca rmin e Rose, an eye-catching left sheetmargin plate no. 5527 ingle, sporting uncharacteristically large and well balanced margins all around and being extraordinarily well centered within them, prooflike color and impression on fresh white paper, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a large-margined gem with few rivals; 1998 P.F. certificate for the plate block from which this was taken and 2005 P.S.E. ce11ificate with the grade of XF 90 ........... . ..... . .. . . .... .... . .. ,._. , ........ 250.00 ,J

264 June 24, 2005

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Catalog Value


#K7, 14c on 7c Black , select mint single, post office fresh, wonderfully well centered amid generous equal margins, intense color and impression on white paper, pristine original gum, ever Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; 2004 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF 90; ex-Drucker .. . 2 10.00






#KIO, 20c on IOc Orange Yellow, a gorgeous mint single, possess-

ing a marvelous overa ll freshness , with radiant color on bright white paper, plus it is incredibly well centered within larger margins than most, unblemished original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a large-margined gem; 2003 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF 90 .. . . . . .. . . .. . .... . .... ... .. . . 150.00 \.






#K ll , 24c on 12c Brown Carmine , choice mint single, wonderfully

well centered within uncommonly wide margins, sumptuously rich color and a deeply etched impression on fresh paper, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and handsome; 2003 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of VF-XF . 190.00 . ............ . ........... . ...... 85 ........................... '<.-




#Kl7, 2c on le Green , an impressive mint examp le of this surpris-

ingly difficu lt tamp, possessing exceptionally large margins all around and being exquisitely centered within them, remarkably bright and fresh, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely , Fine jumb o; 1983 and 2004 P.F.certificates and 2005 P.S.E. certifi. cate with the impressive grade of XF-S 95; ex-Drucker . . ..... 250.00 _, J


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Catalog Value


6 260




#Q7, I Sc Parcel Post , a gorgeous wide top sheet-margin plate no. 626 0 single, possessing uniform-

ly lavish margins all around and being perfectly centered within them, wonderfully bright and fresh, with a razor-sharp impression on crisp white paper, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a large-margined gem for the perfectionist; 1993 P.F. ce1i ificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the impressive grade of XF-S 95 .... . ... .. . . .. . ... ... . . . .... . ...... .. ... .. . .. ... .. I 80.00


#QIO, SOc Parcel Post, a highly select mint example, wonderfully well centered within uncommon-



#Qll , 7Sc Parcel Post , an especially handsome top sheet-margin mint single, exceptionally well centered within large margins, deep rich color and a highly detailed impression on fresh white paper, original gum , Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; 1996 P.F. ce1iificate for a horizontal pair, thi being the left stamp and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF 90 ........ . ....... 240 .00



#JQ2 , 2c Parcel Post Postage Due , a premium quality mint single, preci ely centered within gen-


June 24, 2005

ly large margin all around, radiant rich color and a razor-sharp impression on bright white paper, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and handsome; 200 5 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF 90 .... . .............................. . ..... .. .... . ..... . ........ . ... 700 .00

erous symmetrical margins, sumptuously rich color and a deeply etched impression on crisp clean paper, pristine original gum, ever Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem for the perfectionist; 1996 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of X F 90 . . .. ... . . . .. . ...... . .... 2 10.00 Page 87

H.R. Harmer, Inc.

, ,



Cata log Va lue





278 #RWt, 1934 $1.00 Blue , attractive top sheet-margin plate no. 129200 single, post office fresh, nicely centered , original gum, Neve r Hinged, Very Fine; 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of F-VF 75.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., .... 800.00 L...., ,




#RW6, 1939 $1.00 Chocolate, beautifully centered wit hin generous balanced margins, exceptionally fresh, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; 2003 P.F. certificate and 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade ofVF-XF 85 .......... .. . .. .... . ...... . ........... -. .,. .... 250.00



#RW9, 1942 $ 1.00 Violet Brown , near perfect cente ring within uncommonly large and well balanced margins, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF 90 .. . ... . ................ .. . . . ... .. .. . .... . .................. , , . ,. . . . 225.00



#RWtt , 1944 $1.00 Red Orange , fresh and well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, choice Very Fine; 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of VF 80. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 110.00



#RW13 , 1946 $1.00 Red Brown, incredibly well centered amid balanced margins, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; 2005 P.S.E. cert ificate with the grade of XF 90 .. . . 50.00






June 24 , 2005

#RW2l , 1954 $2.00 Black , jumbo-margined mint sing le, near perfect centering within lavishly large margins all around, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; 2005 P.S.E. certificate with . .. ... . ...... . ... \ . 1•.• ,85.00 the grade of XF 901.. .. . .. ... .. ......................... Page 88

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28 1




Cata log Value


# RW22 , 1955 $2.00 Dark Blue , choice margins and centering , original gum,


#RW24 , 1957 $2.00 Emerald , attractive ly centered within large margins, original gum,


# RW25 , 1958 $2 .00 Black , perfectly centered within symmetrical margins, origina l gum, Never


# RW27 , 1960 $3. 00 Multicolored , beautifully centered, original gum,


# RW29 , 1962 $3.00 Multicolored , precisely centered within large balanced margins, original gum,.,, ,


# RW30 , 1963 $3.00 M ulticolor ed, beautifully centered and margined, or iginal gum, Never ,

.lune 24, 2005

ever Hinged, an 85.00 Extremely Fine gem; 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade ofXF 90 .. . . ... . . ..........

Hinged, choice Very Fine; 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of F-VF 75 .....

.. . .....

Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF-S 95 ........

Fine; 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade ofYF-XF 85 ....

.. ..............

ever 85.00

ever Hinged, Extremely . . .. .. ... . 90.00

Hinged, Extremely Fine; 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade ofVF-XF 85 ........

. ... 110.00 H.R. Harmer. Inc.

I , 1



ever Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade ofXF 90 .... I I0.00 -

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Catalog Value

168629 C') 0)

(X) -.J

.- . ··························•··· •• -

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... .•






# RW31 , 1964 $3. 00 Multicolored , top sheet-margin plate no. 168629 single, well centered and margined , origina l gum, ever Hinged, Extreme ly Fine; 2005 P.S.E. ce11ificate with the grade of . .... -. ·<:_• .' . 105.00 ... . .. ... ........ VF-XF 85 . .. .. .. .. ... .. . .... . ... . . ... .. ...... ~



# RW32 , 1965 $3.00 Multicolored , gem bottom right corner sheer-margin plate no. 16879 1 single, perfect ly centered within large symmetrical margins , original gum, Never Hinged, Extreme ly Fine . ..... ... ..r .) . 105.00 and cho ice; 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade ofXF-S 95 ........... )



#RW33 , 1966 $3.00 Multicolored , top left corner sheet-margin plate no. 169063 single, extrao rdinarily we ll centered within lavish ly large margins for this, origina l gum, Never Hinged, an I 05.00 . . ...... Extreme ly Fine jumbo ; 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of XF 90J. . ......



# RW34 , 1967 $3.00 Multicolored, choice margins and centering, origina l gum, Never Hinged, an ·I· ~... .,. 125.00 Extreme ly Fine gem ; 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade ofXF 90 .. . .......



- l



# RW35 , 1968 $3.00 Multicolored, near perfect centering within uncharacteristically large margins, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extreme ly Fine jumb o; 2005 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of 901. . . .. .... .. . . . .. . .. . ... . . .... . .. .. . ... . .. .. ... .. .. . .. ... .. .. . .. . . . .1. . . . 65.00



# RW37 , 1970 $3.00 Multicolored , incredibly well centered within large balanced margins, original gum, Neve r Hinged, an Extreme ly Fine gem ; 2005 P.F. certificate with the grade of XF 90 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65.00

) l

END OF SALE - THANK YOU. June 24, 2005

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H.R . Harm er. Inc.

H.R. HARM ER, INC. 3 East 28 th Street, ih Floor New York, NY 10016 Phone: 212-532-3700 ; Facsimile: 212-447-5625 www; hrharmer

The Richard Baron Cohen Collection Of Superb Mint Never Hinged U.S. Stamps H.R. Harmer Sale No. 2955 , Friday , June 24, 2005 at 6PM Please Print

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BID DING Un less announ ced otherwise by the auc tioneer. all bids are per lot, as numbered in the prim ed Catalog ue. H.R. Harm er. as agen t for the co nsigno r or vendo r. sha ll regulat e the bidding an d shal l determin e the mann er in which the bidding shall be co ndu cted. Hanners reserves the rig ht to withdraw any lo t prior 10 sa le (without liab ility to any potential purcha ser or age nt), to re-offer any wi thdrawn lot. to divide a lot or to gro up two o r more lots belonging to the same co nsignor or vendor, and to refuse any b id beli eve d not made in good faith . Th e high est bid ack now ledged by the auction ee r shall pre vail. Sho uld a disput e arise betwee n bidd ers (includ ing a di sput e between a no o r b idder and the auctionee r acting on behalf of a mail bidder , consignor or vendor), the auctioneer a lone shall de termine who is the successf ul bidd er and whether to rcoffer the lot in dispute. Should a d ispu te arise after the sa le. the auctioneer's sale records shall be co nc lusive. O n a ll lots so ld , a co mmi ss ion of 15 % o n th e ha mm er pr ice is payab le by the buye r. (a) Th e auctioneer reserves the right to bid on behalf of cliems (and co nsig no rs or ve ndors) but shall not be liable for erro r and o missio ns in executine. instructions to bid. howeve r rece ived . and whether such erro rs or omissio ns be those of the bidder o r agent or those of the auctioneer. (b) A ll lot in this sale are offere d without reserve. (c) It may a lso be ass umed that al l co nsigno rs have bee n advanced monies agai nst the sa le of thei r stamp s and Harmcr s therefore has a sec urit y interes t ove r and above the normal auc tion co mmi ss ion. (d) Purchases made by a consigno r or vendor or his age nt on his own lots shall be co ns idere d as a sale subject to co mmi ss ions and sa les tax as app licable. (c) Age ms arc responsib le for all purcha ses made o n behalf of their clients, unle ss other arran ge mems have been co nfirm ed in w ritin g prior to the auctio n .

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EX HI BIT ION AN D INSPECT ION OF LOT ; Q A LI TY AND A T HENT ICITY 7. (a) O n Pre mi ses Inspectio n a nd Posta l Viewi ng. A mpl e op portunit y is g iven for on premises inspect ion prior to the auction date. and. up o n wri tten request and at Harm ers d iscretion, for inspec tion by pos tal viewi ng (a ll as detai led elsewhere in this Ca talog ue) . (b) Eac h lot is so ld as genuine and co rrec 1ly de sc ribed. based o n individua l desc ripti o n as mod ified by any spec ific notations in this Cata log ue. incl ud ing but no t restricted to the sec tion elllitled '· Key to Cataloguin g". (c) Q uality. A ny lot w hich a purch ase r co nsider s to be incorrect ly de scribed may be return ed to Harm ers within two wee ks of its recei pt by such pur chase r (" Returnin g Purchase r.. ), prov ided, howeve r. that 1hc same is received by Hann ers within four weeks of the date of the auction: howeve r. Harm ers may. in its discretion. ref use acce ptance of such returned lo t. If an opinio n of a ge nera lly recog nized author ity is desired. the period of time wit hin which a lot mu st be received by Hann ers w ill be ex tend ed in accorda nce wi th Co nditi o n of ale . In the eve nt that a dispute ca nno t be resolved by reference to a ge nera lly recog nized au thority, and Hann ers thereupon und en akcs to re-offer the lot wi1h a description identica l to the description disput ed . the Returnin g Pur chaser shall be liable for the deficie ncy, i r any. betwee n the procee ds of the sa le to the Returnin g Pur chase r and the proceeds ofa sa le to a sub sequ ent pur chaser. as we ll as for all cos ts and expe nse of the re- sale . includin g co mmi ssio n, and a ll inc identa l damages. A ny lot. the desc ripti on of wh ich is disputed. mu st be return ed intact in the condition rece ived by the purchaser. Th e follow ing lots arc not return able exce pt at ihc disc retio n o f Harm crs: (i) lo ts from purchase rs w ho a11e nded 1hc ex hibiti o n of the lots: (ii) lots exa mined by pos tal v iewers: ( iii) lots o n acc o u111o f their app eara nce . if th ey are illu strated in this Ca talog ue: (iv) lots described as havi ng repairs. defec ts or fault s- for any reaso n: (v) U.S. stamp s (thr o ugh 19 18) for rea so ns of paper inc lusio ns. (v i)no enca psulated sta mps unle ss o rig inally offere d in this co ndit ion. (d ) A uth e nticity. Any lot which is dec lared otherw ise than genuine by a ge nera lly recognized auth ori ty is return able. provided such lot is rece ived by Ha1111cr s within four wee ks of the date o f the auction. Proo f that a !!enera lly recog nized authority declines to exp ress an opi nion is nonna lly gro und s for the return of a lot. (e) Expe nses incurred in the submi ss io n and the return of a 101 und er Co nditi ons of Sal e 7-9 arc not ref und ed.



EXTENS ION OFT l~IE (a) When an opini o n from a ge nera lly recog nized au 1hority is not expec ted o r ava ilable w ithin four weeks from 1he dat e o f the auction. the purch ase r sha ll: (i) within sev en days o f rece ipt 1hercof submit the 101to o ne o f the ge nera lly reco gnized autho rities. (ii) notify Hann ers. in writin g (and preferab ly on the fonn supplied ). o f suc h sub mi ss io n no later th an four weeks from th e date of th e auction. Such no tifica tion sha ll be deemed g iven when received by Hanne rs and shall inc lude 1he name and address of the auth or ity to who m the lot has been submitt ed . (b) A prospective purchaser w ishin g 10 submit a lo t 10 an au thority not accepted by Hann ers shall. prior to the date of the auction . reques t in , ritin g permiss ion for such submi ssion and obtain co nfirn1a1io n of such request from Hann ers. Th e auc tionee r reserves the right to ref use a bid where the au thority reques ted is 110 1 acceptab le on any gro und s. w hich grounds need not be disclosed by Hann ers. (c) Pay ment for lots upon which an ex tensio n o f tim e is obta ined pu rsuant to thi s Co nditi on o f Sale 8 may be made in acco rd wi th Co nditi on of Sa le 4. subj cc l to the followi ng (para gra ph d) and herei n. (d) If a lot is ce rtified by a ge nerall y recog nized auth o rity to be 0 1her than as described: (i) 1he sale (a nd the invoice w ith res pcc 1 thereto . if o utsta ndin g) w ill be ca nce lled: and. (ii) to the exte nt set fo11h in Co ndi tion of Sa le 9, payment of the ex pense or ce rtificat ion w ill be made to the pu rchase r. (c) Any lot wi th a P.F. ceni fica tc issued in 1hc lastsix year is not e lig ible for extens ion. EXPENSES OF CE RT I FICAT ION Expenses of certi fica tion shall be borne by the purchaser excep t w her e a lot is ce nifi ed other than as described and is returned to Hann ers in accorda nce wi th Co nd ition of Sale 8.

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Officers First Vice Chair man, CEO and Presidelll Ch ief Corporate Strategist Esteban Perez Chief Executive Officer, Europe Ramon Egurbide Chief Financial Officer Larry Crawford Chief Technology Officer ny Bongiovanni A111ho President/CEO, Gregory N. Roberts Spectrum umismatics International, Inc. Chief Operating Officer, Laurence Gibson Hon!! Kon!! & orth American Philatelic Division

Greg Manning

GREGMANNING AUCTIONS, INC. Trusted by Se rious Collectors Worldwide THE GREG MANNING FAMILY OF COMPANIES Greg Manning Auctions , Inc .

H.R. Harmer , Inc.

775 Pnssaic Avenue West Caldwell. NJ 07006-6409 Te l: 973-882-0004 Fax: 973-882-3499 E-mail:

3 East 28'h Street. 7•hFloor New York. NY 100 16 Tel: 212-532-3700 Fax: 212-447-5625

· m H'\\'11

H.R. Harmer. Inc. is one of the grand names in philatel y. Conducting public auctions since 1940. the company has a traditi on o f offering many important and valuable single owner collection sales.

Greg Manning Auctions. a division of GMA I. is one of tbe world "s most prominent specialty auction houses for dea lers · stocks and intact collections. Four majo r auctions arc held per year. realizing between S2 million and S5 million each. Co llectors and dealers from around the world attend the auctions. held at the built-to-suit auction gallery at the compan ·s West Ca ld" ell. NJ headquan ~rs. In additi on to the aucti on attendees. hundreds o f successful

bidders partici pate via the post. Internet. fax. telephone and E-mai l.

Greg Manning Galleries 775 Passaic Avenue West Ca ldwell , J 07006-6409 Te l: 973-882-0004 Fax: 973-882-3 -199 E-mail: info@_ ·11·1,·.gregmmmi11g.co111 11

Greg Manning Galleries is the wide-ranging. eclect ic auction arm, responsible for Hong Kong based auctions. special and unique sales. such as the 2003 United Nations Archives Auction. as well as domestically catering to the midrange collector through muhi-th ousand lot Gallery auctions. Smaller specia lized one-o"' ncr sales have also been conducted by GMG.

Nutmeg Stamp Sales P.O. Box -1547 Danbury. CT 068 13 Tel : 203-792-3862 Fax: 203-798-7902 o111 sta111p.c 1nut111eg E-mail: info@_ Nutmeg Stamp Sales is one of the leaders in the philateli c market place. offeri ng over 150.000 lots per year aimed at the full speclrum o f collcclors, with items ranging in value from S IOto S50.000 per item. Considered by many to be America·s ·user-l'ricnd ly" mail auction house. most lots arc illustrated in the cata logs in close proximity to 1heir description. and all lots are depicted in co lor on the website. Founded in 1988 by renowned dealer Andrew Leviu. CEO Emeritus, and David Coog le, Presidenl. utmcg has historically sold primaril y o,,ncd inventory rather than consignments. creating a unique alternative within the stamp industry.

Bowe rs & Merena Galleries I 8022 Cowa n. #200D In ine. CA 926 14-6805 Tel.: 1-800-458-4646 Fax: 949-253-0916 Jbowersandmcrcna .com E-mail: info(!!_ The pre-e minent coin auction company of 1he past 3 decades. Bowers & Merena has sold hundred s of millions· worth of coins. paper money. and other numismatic items. Bowers & Merena sold four of the live most \a luable U.S. coin collections ever formed. including the Louis Eliasberg (S-15 million). Harry Bass (S38 million). John Works Garren (S25 million) and Ambassador and Mrs. R. Henry orweb (S20 million) collections. Today . the firm continues its more than 30 year tradition o f sen ing sophisticated. high end coin auction buyers.

·.hr/wrm m H'\\·11

Founded in London in 1918 by Henry R. Harmer. the fim1 has enjoyed the highest of reputations. while conducting some of the most important sales in Philaielic history. including the Rothschild. Franklin D. Rooseve lt. Caspary and Lagerlocf ales. as well as. 1he rece ntly concluded Dale-Lichtenstein auctions.

The tirm enjoys a well-deserved reputation, industty wide. for grity and uperb customer service. i111e Ivy & Manning Philatelic Auctions 775 Passaic A\ ~nue West Cald" ell. J 07006-6409 Tel.: 973-882 -0887 Fax: 973-882-3-199 E-mai l: infoC!:! ·u· H·11

h y & Manning Philatelic Auction . previously know as Ivy & Mader, is recogni zed around the world as one of America·s lincst auction companies. specia lizing in 1he sale o f high-end stamps and postal history of the United States. British Commonwca hh and worldwide. The firm has a well-de served repulation for accurate descrip1ions. superb customer service and produc ing the finest catalogues in the industry.

Spectrum Numismatics International I 8022 Cowan. # I05 lnine. CA 926 14-6805 Tel.: 949-955 -1250 Fax: 949-95 5- 1824 11·11·H·.spectr111111111misma

pectrum Numismatics International is one of America·s leading coin wholesalers. The Company supplies coins to the nation· s top coin auction houses and cCo mmerce companies. Spec1rum's customers range from casua l to \ ery high-end clients. including both collectors and dealer s. Its offerings range in price from S50 to S2 million and up.

Spectrum Numisma tics Auctions 18022 Cowa n. # I05 Irvine. CA 926 14-680 5 Tel.: 9-19-955 -1250 Fax: 949-955-1824 smati m '.spect r111111111mi 11WH

Spectrum 1umismatic Aucti ons consists o f 3 names familiar to coin collec tors. no"' combined 10 specifically fit your individu al needs: Bowers and Merena Galleries Kingswood Coin Auctions Teletrade Certified Coin Auctions Whe1her you want to bid. buy or consign. Spectrum Numisma tic Auction. lets the client decide ho,\ 10 do business with three bona fide coin auction industry leaders. Please feel Free to contact any of 1hese firms to take advantage of the broadest and Iinest spectrum of coi n auction companies in the industry.

Greg Manning Auctions, Inc. Board of Directors



Esteban Perez

Esteban Perez

Larry Crawford

Chai rman

Chairman of the Board

Greg Manning Anthony L. Bongiovanni Gregory N. Roberts James M. Davin Carlos de Figueiredo Scott S. Rosenblum Mark B. Segall Jose Miguel Herrero Emilio Ballester

Greg Manning

Executive Vice Presiden t Chief Financia l Officer

President Chief Execu tive Officer

Ramon Egurbide Ch ief Executive Officer , Europe

Larry Crawford Executive Vice President Chief Financial Officer

Gregory N. Roberts

Joseph Rybak Co ntrol ler

x110 j rybak@gregmanning .com

Gail DiGuiseppi Assistant Controlle r

x118 gdiguiseppi@gregmanning .com

Fiona Gould

PresidenUChief Executive Officer , Spectrum Num ismatics International

Accoun ting

Anthony Bongiovanni

fgould@gregmanning .com


Chief Technology Officer

Laurence Gibson Chief Operating Officer , Hong Kong & North American , Philatelic Division

Carol Meltzer General Counsel

Greg Manning Stamps

H.R. Harmer, Inc.

Greg Manning

Andy Kupersmit

Chief Executive Officer


Laurence Gibson

Sharon Ormsbee

Chief Ope rating Offi cer. Philat elic Division



sormsbee@g regman

Director of Operations

lgibson@gregmanning .com

Randi Luzzi

David Graham

Operations Assistant

Senior Vice President Principal Auctioneer


x111 dgraham@gregmanning .com

rluzzi@gregmanning .com

Lisa Roemer Consigno r Relations

Dave Holloway


European Agent

lroemer@gregmanning .com


Bev Benner

dholloway@gregmanning .com

Catalog Production

Rick Ostlie


Philatelic Spec ialist

bbenner@gregmanning .com


Alicia Manning-Kalmar

rostlie@gregmanning .com


Brian Degen


Philate lic Specialist


x109 bdegen @gregmanning .com

Martha Husick Administ rative Coordi nator


President akupe

Sue Fields Office Mana ger

Ivy & Manning Stamps & Greg Manning Galleries George Eveleth Preside nt

x209 gevelet h@g regmanning .com

Bill Bergstrom Philatelic Specialist

x203 bbe rgstro m@g regmanning .com

Steve Gates Philatel ic Specia list, Asia

x109 sgates@g regm anning .com

Operations (continued) Leroy Mitchell

mhusick@gregmanning .com

Shipping Manag er

Brandi Gregory





Marlon Blackmon

bgregory@gregmanning .com

Shipping Clerk

Rae de la Cretaz

Charles Sanchez

Reception/Administ rative Support

x101 rdela cretaz@gregmanning .com

Shipping Cle rk


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