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To be sold at public auction Tuesday, March 21, 2006 at 1:30pm
by H.R. Harmer, Inc. PhilatelicAuctioneers
3 East 28th Street, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10016 - Ph:+1.212.532 .3700-
Fax:+1 .212.447.5625-
ANDREW KuPERSMIT President KEITH A. H ARMER Chairman Emeritus D AVID CooGLE President Nutmeg Stamp Sales S UE FIELDS Sale Administration and Shipping D ESCRIPTIONS F.J.(Paco) Acevedo
Philatelist CATALOGUE PR ODUCTION Bev Benner, Alicia Manning Kalmar, Sharon Ormsbee, Lisa Roemer
3 East 28th Street, 7th Floor New York, NY 10016 Phone:+ 1.212.532.3700 ~Facsimile:+ 1.212.447.5625 Email:
go-a J7a.yia~Ylo-oa ~~ott'on PUERTO RICO POSTAL HISTORY
or LoTs
Zoliker Strasse226 Zurich, S1vitzerland +41.44.389.9191
The Nutmeg Stamp Sales Booth Business DesignCentre London,England
28 - MARCH 3, 2006
16-19, 2006
MadisonSquare Garden New York, NY .com asdaonline zvwu;,
Calle Mcryor,29 Madrid, Spain +34.91.366.4779
6-7, 2006 C o RIN PHI LA
20, 2006 9 - 5 PM MARCH 21, 2006 9 - 1 PM
prior appointment) (or0J H.R.
3 East 28th Street, 7th Floor, ew York, NY 10016 Ph: +1.212.532.3700 Fax: +1.212.447.5625
R MR. Lurs CUYA PO Box 36 1901 San Juan, Puei-toRico 00936-1901 +1.787.763.7218
MR.CHARLESE.CWIAKALA 152 7 S. FairviewAve . Park Ridge, IL 60068 +1.847.823.8747
MR. j OCHEN H EDD ERGOIT Bauerstrasse,9 D-80796 Munchen(Germaf!Y) +
MRs. JEA LANCASTER 20, M ilnerRoad Kingston upon Thames KI1 2AU England +44 .208 .547.1220
MR. B ENNY Mursnz PO Box 11605 Caparra H eights Caparra, PuertoRico 00922-1605 +1.787.661.1487
SR .
H i/eras #9 Entreplanta, Madrid, 28013 Espana
P.O. Box 157 Ne1vYork, NY 10014-0157 +1.212.675.0819
MoocfyLane Danbury, CT. 06810 +1.203.748.2237
8, Old House Close Ewell Epsom, S umy KT1 7 1LE England +44 .208 .393.8217
H. R. Harmer, lnc. with the collaboration of Nutmeg Stamp Sales proudlr brings to market the Don Gaspar Roca collection, a majestic assemblage of Puerto Rico Postal Histor~. This collection is the most significant of Spanish colonial material handled by our company in its 66-rear history. The collection, the product of on:r 35 years of dedication, demonstrates the ad, ·anced level of completion achie\ ed by Don Gaspar which he accomplished b,· acc1uiring a significant number of extreme I: fine and rare items, starting from the Pre - Philatelic period to the end of the Spanish Colonial era. ,\lan) items are ''ONE OF \ KIND." \!so included are many cm er" sent through the British and I·rench Postal \gencies in the Island from the 1840's to 1ST'. Some Spanish \merican \'\ar material, such as, a "Ponce Prm isional" stamp, Scott # 200, an entire sheet of 10 of the "Coamo Provisional" stamp, Scott # 201, accompanied by a cm·er \\'1th this stamp mailed to San Juan. Don Gaspar took great care to have all of his most important items e:,.;.pertisedthus assuring their great monetary and hisrorical ,alues. Because of the importance of this sale it \\·ill be conducted at our New York offices located at 3 hast 28th Street, 7th floor.
H. RI Iarmer, Inc, con la colaboraci6n de Nutmeg Stamp Sales, orgullosamente presenta a la venta la colecci6n de Don Gaspar Roca, un maravilloso conjunto de Historia Postal de Puerto Rico. Esta es la coleccion mas significante de material Colonial Espanol que ha pasado por nucstras manos durante nuestros 66 arias de ex1stenc1a. La coleccion, producto de mas de 35 anos de dedicaci6n, demuestra el oh el tan alto logrado por Don Gaspar al ensamblar csta adquiriendo muchas piezas de gran ,·alor, comenzando por cl pcriodo Pre - Filatelico hasta el final del periodo Colonial de Espana. Muchas de estas son - "l'ntca Conocida". lncluidas tambien hay muchas cartas em iadas atravez de las Estaciones Consulares Inglesas y Francesas en la Isla desck los aiios 1844 hasta el 1877, asi como tambien algi.'.111 material de la Guerra Hispano ,\mcricana, tales como, el scllo "PrO\·isional de Ponce", Scott# 200, una hoja completa de 1() de] sello "Provisional de Coamo", Scott# 201, al igual que una carta con este sello usada dentro de la Isla a San Juan. Don Gaspar fue de los primeros en tomar la precauci6n de mandar a expertizar rodas sus mejores piczas y de esa forrna poder lograr mantener su gran valor, monetario y historico. Ya que esta ,enta es de tan gran importancia para nosotros, sera conducida en nuestros salones de Nueva York, localizados en, el · umero 3 de la Calle 28 Estc, 7mo Pizo.
Lots Spanish Control Pos tal Rates D ocument .............................................................................................................. 1 Stampless Covers Loc al Usage Incl uding Straight Line Town Marking The Pre-Stamp Pe riod - Late 1700 to 1855............................................................................. 2 - 184 Stampless Maritime to Foreign D estination 1779 to 1855 (By Countr y of Destination )............................................................................. 185 - 271 Stampless Covers - Incoming From Abroad (By Countr y of Origin )............................................................................................................... 272 - 304 Postal History Franked with Antilles Issue 1855 to 1873 Issues (Local Usage)........................................................................................... 305 - 346 Postal Histor y Franked with Spanish Official Issues Official Stamps - Spanish Issues.. .............................................................................................
347 - 351
Postal Histor y - Antilles Period Outgoing & Incoming D estinations (By Countr y)................................................................
352 - 413
British Post Offices in Puerto Rico Stampless Covers - with Crowned Circle Handstamps and 1st and 2nd Anglo / French Postal Treaty Marks ....................................................................
414 - 484
British Consular Postal Agencies in Puerto Rico Covers Franked with Stamps from Great Britain (SG # order and listing)............................................................................................................. 485 - 537 Puerto Rico - Outgoing Mail Through St. Thomas ................................................................... 538 - 541 French Consular Postal Agencies In Puerto Rico......................................................................
542 - 553
Po stal Histor y - Post 1873 Covers with Stamps of Puerto Rico 1873 to 1876 Overprinted Issues..............................................................................................
554- 609
Postal Cards - Spanish (EDIFIL #'s )..........................................................................................
610 - 614
Puerto Rico - Post 1873 - Outgoing Mail Includin g - War Tax Issues (By Countr y)................................................................................
615 - 703
Puerto Rico - Post 1873 - Incomin g Mail (By Countr y)................................................................................................................................
704 - 724
United States - Spanish American War Provisional Issues and Usages...................................................................................................
725 - 737
Don Gaspar Roca was born in Yauco, Puerto Rico in 1926. His father was of Spanish (Catalonian) descent and his mother of r:rench (Corsican) descent. He attended the \\;'harton School of Finance & Commerce from which he graduated in 1947 with a BS in Economics . Don Gaspar is Founder, President and Publisher of "El \'ocero de Puerto Rico," a local newspaper, \Yhich he established in 197 4. He was former President and General \Ianager of the Puerto Rico Industrial De,eloprnt'.nt Corporation, responsible for bringing man) industries to Puerto Rico which helped to reduce the large unemployment situation in the Island. He has sen-ed on several other governmental and pri, ate associations including the Board of Trustees of \'alley Porgt'. i\lilitary Academy foundation in Pennsykania. I le 1s currently a member of the \PS and The Puerto Rico Philatelic Societ). Dun Gaspar started collecting stamps at a \·ery early age, this \ms something he inherited from his g randfather who\\ as a great collector in his own right, collecting stamps from Colonial Puerto Rico and the US\. As a young man, he remembers his grandfather corresponding with man) collectors from Europe and other countries. EYt'.ntuall) the collection ,,·as passed on to one of his uncles who upon seeing young Gaspar's lm-e for philatdy gladly passed it on to him at the age of 20. from there he began to enlarge the collection but it wasn't until the earl)· 197 (l's when he decided to dedicate his effort to Puerto Rico Postal Histor) with great emphasis on Pre - Philatelic and British & Prcnch Postal 1\gencies. Don Gaspar tells us that although his grandparents mo\'ed to the Island in the early 19th century the:, still kept in touch with their families in thL old world. Such was the communication with their rdati,·cs that Don Gaspar ,till consenes a full letter sent to his grandfather 6:- a relative who wrote about hm·ing visited London where he witnessed the Coronation of Queen \'ictoria, (rune 20, 1837). This brings to mind that she was the first monarch to authorize the use of postage stamps. Don Gaspar is married to the former \Iaria Luisa Perez; the, haYc-+ sons, 4 daughters and 9 grandchildren. f l1s man:- hobbies include Puerto Rico \rchcolog1cal His tor:-· up to 1500.
SPANISH CONTROL Postal Rates Document An extraordinary manuscript document outlinin g the po stal rates between Spain and it's colonies end of the 18th Ce ntu ry, based on his Majesty King Carlos Ill 's royal decree of August 6, 1764. the towards
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Puerto Rico 1764 Document , hand written stating postal rate s to Yndias , for both departing and arriving 1 mail , truly a piece of earliest postal history , Very Fine ; Great start of any exhibit or for Framing . . . . . .. . .. ... .. . .Est. $1,500-$2 ,000
March 2 1, 2006
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H,R. Hanner, Inc.
STAMPLESS COVERS: LOCAL USAGE INCLUDING STRAIGHT LINE TOWN MARKINGS The Pre-Stamp Period - Late 1700 to 1855 The period , also referred to as the "Pre-Philatelic Period ", is an era which offers exceptiona l stamp less rarities , During this sa le we will present you wit h remarkable material which is very rare for this period , considering the ravages of the h·opical climate and the lack of material during the early days due to the sma ll population and their lack of literacy. The period runs from the later part of the 18th Century to 1855 when stamps came into use. Characteristic of these times were the straight -lin e town marking s, of which you wi ll find one of the most complete se lection, as well as other stamp less cover.
ADJUNTAS, Ty# I ca. 1874 Black straight line with matching unrecorded FRA CO handstamp on cover , manuscript "3 Rs " at upper left , addressed San Juan wit h Black straig ht line PONCE transit handstamp on reve rse flap , work hol es with some toning , Very Fine. (RRR) ..... . ................. . .... Est. $3 00- $400
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A,AGUADA, Puerto Rico, 2 NOV 1863 Black thimble sized double circle postmark with large handstamped A "A bono " (prepaid) on Official cover, with manuscript "Vo Bo " (Visto Bueno) for free at upper left , reverse with Blue Mayaguez receiving and manuscript "dos re a les" (2Rs) , addressed Mayaguez , Aguada Municipal sea l at lower left, couple wonn holes with normal overall toning , Fine . (RRR) .. ....... Est. $100 -$150
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3 ADJUNTAS, Ty# I ca . 1874 Blue straight line with handstamped 1 1/2 due marking on small cover, larg e Black fancy ova l mncpl. seal at lower left , addre s ed San Juan with Blue straight line PONCE transit handstamp on reverse flap , few worm holes with so me toning , Very Fine. (RRR) . . ..... . ...... Est. $400 -$50 0 March 2 1, 2006
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5 AGUADA, Ty# I undated Black straight line poshnark with matching Black thimble sized I 0/SEP double circle CDS on Official cover front only as often, with manu scr ipt "Vo Bo " (Visto Bueno) for free at upper left , addressed San Juan , nonnal overa ll toning , Fine. (RRR) ... .. .. .... .. . .. .... . ....... Est. $200-$300
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AGUADA, Ty# ! undated Black straight line 6 postmark on Official cover , handstamped Blue 3 Rs due paid on arrival at San Juan , small comer missing at upper .. . . .Est. $200-$300 left, Fine . (RRR) . .. . . .. .......
AGUADILLA, Ty# ! undated Blue straight line 8 on cover address panel only as often , Blue straight line handstamp "4 Rs" at top , manuscript "R.S ." (real servicio) , addressed "Superintendent of the Treasury " San Juan , worm holes with some toning , Fine . (RR) . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $150 -$200
AGUADILLA, Ty# I undated extremely Rare 7 Green straight line with manuscript "69" at upper right and "Vo Bo " (Visto Bueno) for free at upper left on cover , addressed Mayor of Pepi no, wonn holes and toning , with minor acid ink erosion , Fine . (EXT ) . .... Est. $400- 500
March 2 1, 2006
AGUADILLA, Ty# I undated Red straight line 9 postmark on Official cover with much of reverse missing, handstamped Red 3/4 oz weight marking , addressed San Juan , some faults mostly to reverse with light toning , .. . .. . . . . Est . $300-$400 Fine. (R) ... .. ... ... .....
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10 AGUASBUE AS , und ated ex tremely ra re Blue straight line on cove r front addr ess panel onl y as often w ith Blu e handstamp ed 5 Rs at upp er right , manuscr ipt " I 1/2 oz" and "R .S." (rea l serv icio) at top , addr esse d San Juan, some acid ink erosion with light toning, Very Fine . (EXT ) ..... . ........... Est. $500- $750
12 AIBO ITO , 1844 rar e Black straight line on cove r w ith manu sc ript "2 Rs" Black strai ght lin e CAGUAS , Blue mostly clea r Blue "ISLA DE PTORJCO 20 AU G 1844" Baeza and Blu e SIN CARGO (free of charge) in framed arc tran sits, Black double oval muni cipal sea l at lower left, addr esse d Ponce , worm holes w ith usual tonin g, Very Fin e. (EXT ) .. ... ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $500- $75 0
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11 AGUASBUENAS , unrecorded Black straight line on cove r front addr ess panel only as often with Blue handstamped 6 Rs at upp er right, manuscti pt " I 1/2 oz" at upper left, Black doubl e ova l mun icipa l sea l at lowe r left, bold Blue strai ght line CAGUAS transit at top, addresse d San Juan, some wo rm holes, Very Fine. (-) .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. $750- $ 1,000
March 21, 2006
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13 AIBONITO , und ated rare Black straight line on sma ll cover fro nt addr ess pan el only as often with Blu e handstamped 1 1/2 Rs, addr esse d Judge in Pon ce, normal toning, Very Fin e. (EX T) ............. Est. $750- $ 1,000
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~~ ANASCO, Ty# ! undated Black straight line 14 postmark with matching Black thimble sized 2/MAR double circle CDS on Official cover , manuscript " I onza " and "2 " reales with manuscript "Vo Bo" (Visto Bueno) for free at upper left, clear double oval Anasco Municipal seal handstamp at lower left , addressed Mayaguez , usual aging with some fau lts, Fine . (-) ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... Est. $400 -$500
ANASCO, unrecorded Red straight line post16 mark on Official cover , addressed San Juan , some fault s, acid erosion with usual aging , almost Fine ; possibly Unique with this Red straight line on cover. (-) .. . .... . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. ... .. .... Est. $750-$1 ,000
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~ ANASCO, unrecorded Black stra ight line on 15 cover front on ly as often with Black thimble sized "Anasco Puerto Rico , 13 JAN" postmark , Blue double oval Municipal seal hand stamp at lower left, manuscript " l/2" and " I" with "Vo Bo" (Visto Bueno) for free at upper left, addressed Mayaguez , worm holes , faults with Est. $500-$750 light toning , Very Fine . (-) .. .. .. . ......
March 2 1, 2006
ANASCO, undated rare Blue straight line on 17 cover , Blue handstamped 5 Rs , also with what appears to be large Blue handstamped 1 at upper left, addressed San Juan , worm holes with normal toning , Fine. (RRR ) ... . . .. . ... . ...... Est. $300 -$400 . . .. .. . . . ............
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18 ARECIBO, Ty# I ca. I 850 very rare Red stra ight line on cover with boxed Red 1 oz at top with manuscript "3 Rs", addressed San Juan , wom1 holes, fau lts with light toning , Very Fine . (RRR) ... ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. $300-$400
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20 ARECIBO, SAN CARGO, Ty# ! undated Blue straig ht line postmarks on Official cover wit h handstamped Blue 2 Rs and SIN CARGO (free of charge), addressed San Juan , worm holes with usual aging , Fine . (RR) .......... . ........... . .. Est. $200-$300
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19 ARECIBO/SIN CARGO , Ty#2 undated rare bold Blue stra ight lines on cover with Blue handstamped 2 Rs at upper right , manuscript "De Oficio " at top, addressed "Head of the Treasury Department " in San Juan , worm holes with usual aging , Very Fine ; scarce combination. (RR) . . . . .. . . ........ . .. Est. $300-$400 March 2 1, 2006
21 Municipal Postal Bill , City of Arec ibo, posta l bill for 24 DEC 1890 with do uble circle Areci bo 24 DEC I 890 postal CDS and El Alca lde Municipal de Are cibo oval hand sta mp seal , Very Fine ........ .Est. $200 -$300
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22 ARROYO, Ty#l undated rare petite Blue straight line on official cover with matching extremely rare petite Blue straig ht line SIN CARGO, handstamped 2 Rs at upper right , manuscript "R.S." (real servicio) at top , addressed San Juan , worm holes with usual aging , Very Fine; one of on ly tlu¡ee reported with these markings. (RRR) ......... .... . .... .. . Est. $400-$500
24 BARRAN /QUITAS , Ty# l ca . 1846 Blue Two line straight line on official cover, manuscript " l 1/4 oz" and Blue handstamped "4 Rs" at upper left, Blue double oval Municipal seal handstamp at lower left , addressed San Juan with Black straight line CAGUAS , wom1 hole s with normal toning , Very Fine ; very rare , one of only a handful repotted . (RRR) ... ......... . . Est. $400 -$500
23 ARROYO, Ty# l ca. 1855 petite Black straight line on official homemade cover made from printed form, with matching Black thimble sized "AtToyo Puerto Rico , 15 MAY " postmark , manuscript "Vo Bo" (Visto Bueno) for free at upper left , with Blue fancy double ova l Municipal seal handstamp at lower left , addressed Guayama , few wonn holes with light toning , Fine; homemade envelopes are very scarce from this period. (RRR). ............ .. ............ Est. $200-$300
March 2 1, 2006
25 BARRAN /QUITAS , 1876 Blue Two line post mark with matching handstamped Parilla killer on offi cial cover , with manuscript "Vo Bo " (Visto Bueno) for free at upper left, with matching Black thimble sized "Barranquitas Puerto Rico , 21 DEC 76" postmark , handstamped Blue doubl e oval Barranquitas municipal cachet at lower left , addressed to the "District Judget" at Ponce, couple small worm holes , Very Fine ; very rare straight li_ne.(-) ... . .. . . . .. .. ........ . .... Est. $500-$750
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26 BARROS , Ty# ! undate d rare Blu e straig ht line on offic ial cover , Blu e handstamped "2 Rs" at top, Blu e double ova l Municipal sea l handstamp at lowe r left, addresse d "S uper intende nt of Treasury Depart ment" in San Juan, worm holes, Very Fine. (RRR ). Est. $400-$500
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27 BARROS , Ty# ! und ate d very rare Green stra ight line on offic ial cove r, with Blu e handsta mped 2 Rs at upper right, manuscript "R.S" (rea l serv icio) at top, addresse d San Juan, wonn ho les with nonn al toning, Fine. (RRR ) .... . ........ . . . . . . .Est. $300 -$400
March 2 1, 2006
28 B ARROS /MOROVIS, Ty# l und ated rare Black stra ight lines on official cove r, with Blu e handstam ped 2 Rs at top, Black doubl e ova l Moov is Muni cipal sea l hand stamp at lower left, manuscript "Vo Bo" (Visto Bueno) for free at top, addresse d Ponce with smud ged transit strikes, worm holes with usual toning, Fine. (RR) .. ... . .. .. ... . .... .... Est. $300-$400
29 BARROS , Ty# ! und ate d ve ry rare Bl ac k stra ight line on official cover , w ith Blu e handstamped 2 Rs at top, Black double ova l Municipal seal handstamp at lowe r left, manuscript "R.S." (real serv icio) at top, add resse d "Prov incial Superintend ent" at San Ju an, wonn holes, acid ink eros ion with light toning, Very Fine. (RR) . . ..... . . .... . . . ........ Est. $400 -$500
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30 BAYAMON , Ty# l und ate d Blu e (unr ecor ded) stra ight line with matc hin g Blu e 1 1/2 Rs struck twice and "Vo Bo" (Visto Bu eno) for free at upp er left on cover, addr esse d Capital, wo1111ho les and tonin g, Bay amon marking s are hard to find on cover , Fin e. (-) ....... ... . .. .. ............... .. ... . . .. Est. $300-$400
32 CABO ROJO, Ty# l 1878 Red stra ight line postmark with matchin g Red PaITilla killer on cover , Bl ack thimble sized 6/FE B doubl e circle CDS, with manuscript "Vo Bo" (Visto Bueno) for free at upp er left, Blac k double ova l Ca bo Rojo Mu n icipal sea l hand sta mp at lower left, also Blu e thimble sized FEB 5, 1878 dou ble circle CDS strik e at top , addressed San German , couple worm holes w ith toning , Very Fine. (EXT) ...... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. $750-$ 1,000
31 BAYAMON, TY# I und ated very rare Blue (um eco rded) straight line on offic ial cover , wi th Blu e hand sta mped 2 Rs due mark ing at top , manu script "R.S ." (real serv icio ) at top , addr esse d San Ju an, few wor m holes w ith light tonin g, Very Fine .( -) .... Est. $400-$500
March 2 1, 2006
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33 CABO ROJO, Ty# l und ated very rare Blue stra ight line on offic ial cover , wit h Blu e hand sta mped 2 Rs at top , unu sua l Black double oval Municipal sea l handstamp at lowe r left, addr essed San Juan, wo 1111 holes with light toning , Fine. (RRR ) . . . . . .. . . . Est. 300-$400
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postm ark with matchin g Blue Pa1Tilla killer on cove r, Black thimbl e sized 28/ FEB doubl e circle CDS , with manuscrip t "Vo Bo" (Visto Bueno) for free at upp er left, Bl ack doub le ova l Ca bo Roj o Muni cipal sea l handstamp at lowe r left , addr esse d San Germ an, so me fault s with min or toning, Very Fine, Great cove r. (RRR ) . . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $500- $750
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CAGUAS , Ty# I 1844 Red straight line po st-
mark on fo lded letter with co ntents datelined OCT 28 1844, addr esse d Ponce, fresh and clea n, Very Fine. (R) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .... . Es t. $200- $300
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CABO ROJO, Ty# l und ated very rar e Blac k straight line on large offici al cove r fro nt addre ss panel only as often, manusc ript "Vo Bo" (Vista Bu eno) for free at upp er left , addr esse d San Gem1a11, wit h Bla ck thimbl e sized "San German Puerto Rico , 7 FE B" rece iving postmark , few worm holes , small ac id ink erosion, F ine. (RRR) .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. .. .. Est. $300- 400
March 2 1, 2006
CAGUAS, Ty# l und ated bold Red straight line on large offici al cover, manu script " I l /2 oz" and "3 Rs" at upp er left with " S.R. " (se rvicio real) at top , addresse d Sa n Ju an, few wo m1 hol es w ith norma l tonin g, Fin e. (R). Est. $300- $400 . ........ .....................
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38 CAGUAS, Ty# l undated Blue straight line on sma ll officia l cover , manuscript "Deoficio " and scarce manuscript " Sin Cargo" at top , addressed , Mayor of Guayamas , few worm holes with normal toning , Fine. (RRR) . .. .. . . . ....... . .. . . . . . ...... Est. $ I 50-$200
40 CAGUAS/FRA CO, Ty# I undated Blue straight lines on small officia l cover , Black fancy double oval Municipal seal handstamp at lower left, addressed Mayor of Gua yamas , mostly clear Blue "ISLA DE PTORJCO 5 MAR 1855" Baeza transit on reverse, few worm holes with light toning , Fine. (RR) .. . . . .. Est. $300-$400
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39 CAGUAS, Ty# l 1849 Blue straight line with handstamped SIN CARGO (free of charge) in framed arc at left of small cover missing top and side flap , addressed Ponce , reverse with Blue "ISLA DE PTORJCO , 20 NOV 1849" Baeza receiving strike , opened for display , worm holes , Fine. (RRR) .. . . . . . Est. $200 -$300
Mar ch 2 1, 2006
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41 CAMUY, Ty# 2 ca. 1854 Blue straig ht line with matching Blue thimble sized double circle Ca muy CDS on cover , with manuscript "Yo Bo" (Yisto Bueno) for free at upper left and Blue double ova l Municipal seal at bottom , addressed Arecibo , wonn hol es with some soi ling, Fine . (RRR) . . . ..... . .. . .. .. . ... Est. $300-$400
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CAMUY , Ty#2 ca. und ated Black strai ght line 42 w ith matchin g Black thimbl e sized doubl e circle "Ca muy Puerto Rico" CDS with unu sual manuscript "3 M 74" date on cove r, manuscript "Vo Bo" (Vista Bueno) for free at upper left and Blac k double ova l M unicipal sea l at bottom, addr esse d Arec ibo, reduced left, Fin e. (RR) . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $300- $40 0
CANGREJO , und ated extremely rare small 44 Blac k straig ht line struck Twice, once upside dow n, on small offic ial cover , addresse d San Juan, Ca ngrejo is misspelled, shou ld read "Ca ngrej os" , wo nn holes with norma l toning, Very Fin e; Onl y reco rded cove r w ith this prephi late Iic handstamp . (EX T). . . . Est. $ I ,000- $ I ,500
CAMUY, (unr ecord ed type) und ated Blac k 43 stra ight line on small offici al cove r fro nt address panel only as ofte n, with Red handstamp ed 2 1/2 Rs at upper left, manuscript "7 1/2 Rs" and "R.S." (rea l servicio) at top, addr esse d Arec ibo, wo nn holes with nonn a l toning, Fine. (-).. . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . .. .. . .. Est. $500-$7 50
CAYEY, undated Blu e strai ght line on official 45 cove r, manuscript " R.S." (rea l servicio) at top , Blac k do uble ova l Cayey Municipal sea l handstamp at lowe r left, addr essed Mayor at Caguas, few pin holes , edge wea r wit h nonn al toning, Fin e . (RRR ) . .. Est. $400-$500
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46 CAYEY, ca. 1873 very rare Black stra ight line on official cover , manuscript "Yo Bo" (Yisto Bueno) for free at upper left , addressed Guayama with stra ight line GUAYAMA receiving strike , Blue fancy double ova l Municipa l sea l handstamp at lower left, wo1m holes with normal toning, Very Fine ; scarce use of stra ight line as receiver . (RRR ). . . . . . . . . ... . . ... Est. $500-$750
48 CAYEY /FRANCO , ca . 1850 B lue stra ight lines on offic ial cove r, addresse d Pon ce, few wor m holes with normal toning , Very Fine; scarce com binati on of straig ht lines. (RRR ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $300-$400
47 CAYEY, Ty#2 ca . undated Black stra ight line on cove r, w ith Black doubl e oval Municipal seal at bottom , from Cowt in Cayey to Head Jud ge in Guayama , worm holes , reduced top and left, Fine. (RRR) .... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $300 -$400
49 SEIBA, undat ed, ca. 1860, bold Black stra ight line handstamp on Official front as often w ith ova l Parr illa killer , addressed Mayor Naguabo Puerto Rico, with manuscript "Yo Bo" (Yisto Bueno) for free at upp er left, early spe lling now Cei ba, cou ple small worm holes , still Very Fine. (RRR ) ..... . ..... . . . . .Est. $500 -$750
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, CIALES , ca . 1849 rare Red stra ight line on offi50 manuscript "Deofic io" at top, Blue fancy doucover, cial Muni cipal sea l handstamp at lowe r left, l ova ble ibo, few wonn holes, Very Fine. (EXT) . . Arec addressed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $500-$750 . . . . . . . . .
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CIALES, ca. undated Black straig ht line on 52 Offic ial cover , with manuscript "Vo Bo" (Visto Bueno) for free at upp er left and " I onza, small thimbl e sized double circle "Ciales, 27 NOV 187 1, Puerto Rico" at right, Blue Ciales doubl e ova l Municipal sea l at bottom , ... addr essed Arecibo, wo rm holes, Fine. (RRR) ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $200-$300
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CIALES , undated Blue straight line on official 51 cove r with Blu e handstamped 2 Rs due marking, manuscript "R.S." (rea l serv icio) at top, addresse d San Juan, reduced left with light toning, Very Fine. (RRR ) .. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $400-$500
March 2 1, 2006
CIALES, ca. undat ed Black stra ight line on 53 Official cove r, Blue Ciales doub le ova l Muni cipal seal at lower left and Black thimbl e sized double circle "C iales I OCT 1871" transit, also with Bold Black straight line MAN ATI tra nsit, addresse d Arec ibo with rece iving strike on reverse , wonn holes, scarce combin ation of markings, Fine. (RRR) .. ..... . . . ..... . Est. $300-$400
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54 Church Document , Cia les Catholic Church , postal bill with double circle Ciales 24 APR 1897 postal CDS and Parroquia de Ciales, Pto Rico oval handstamp seal, file crease faults at center, Fine ..... Est. $300-$400
56 CIDRA , Ty#l undated Blue straight line handstamp on Official cover with manu script "Vo Bo" (Visto Bueno) for free at upper left and Blue Parrilla oval , Blue double oval Cidra Municipal seal handstamp at lower left, Black double circle Caugus 5 DEC transit on rever se, addressed Head Judge at Guayama s, wonn holes , still Fine . (RRR) ... .. . . ....... Est. $500-$750
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55 CIDRA, Ty#l Red straight line postmark with manuscript "Vo Bo" (Visto Bueno) for free at left, also manu script " l 1/2 oz" on Official cover missing top and bottom flap s, addressed Caguas with Blue straig ht line CAGUAS and FRANCO , usual aging with few wo rm holes , Very Fine, extremely rare Red CIDRA straight line and only cover known with this comb ination . (EXT) . . . . . . . . ...... . . . ... .. .. Est. $750-$ 1,000
March 2 1, 2006
57 CIDRA, undat ed Blue straigh t line on official cover with matching Blue Parrilla killer, Blue fancy oval Municipa l sea l handstamp at lowe r left , addre sse d "District Jud ge" at Guayama , Black thimble sized "Caguas , Puerto Rico , 5 DEC" tran sit on reverse, couple small worm holes, Very Fine. (RRR) .... Est. $500- $750
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COAMO , Ty#2 , undated Black stra ight line on 58 offic ial cove r front address panel only as ofte n, Red boxe d 112oz and 2 Rs at upper left, w ith Black straight line FRANCO blocked out since Mayo r at Coa mo did not have free frankin g pri vilege, manuscript "R.S ." (real servicio) at top, addr esse d San Juan, few worm holes with light tonin g, Fin e. (RRR ) . .. . . . . . . .Est. $300- $400
COAMO, Ty#2, undated Blue strai ght line on 60 offic ial cove r, manuscript "R.S." (real serv icio) at top, from Mayo r at Coa mo addresse d San Juan, few small holes with light toning, Very Fine. (RRR ).Es t. $200-$3 00
COAMO , Ty#2, undated Blu e straight line on 59 r, Blu e handstamped 1 1/2 Rs at upper left, cove ial offic " manuscript R.S." (real servicio) at top, faint Blue double ova l Municipal seal handstamp at lowe r left, addresse d "District Jud ge" in San Juan, few worm holes with usual tonin g, Very Fine. (RRR ). . . . . Est. $500- $750
COROZAL , und ated Blu e stra ight line on offi61 cial cover w ith Blu e handstamped 3 Rs, manu script "5oz " and "R.S ." (real serv icio) at top, from Mayor at Coroza l to the " Superintendent of the Treas ury" at San Juan, few small holes with light toning, Very Fine. . . . .. .. . . . ... . . Est. $500- $750 (RRR ) . . . .....
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{ 62 DORADO , und ated mostly clear Blue straight line on offic ial cover , manuscript "Vo Bo" (Visto Bueno) for free at upper left, manuscript "Deoficio" at top, Blue double ova l Municipal sea l handstamp at lower left, addresse d to the Mayo r at San Juan, few small holes with light tonin g, Fine. (RRR ) .. . .. .. .. .. .. .Est. $300- $400
64 GUAINABO, Blue straight line handstamp on Offic ial cover , Blue thimbl e sized "Guaynabo Puerto Rico, 19 SEP" transit postmark, faint manuscript "Vo Bo" (Visto Bueno) for free at upper left, Blu e fancy ova l muni cipal cachet at lower left, Guainabo is misspell ed, should read "Guaynabo", addressed to Mayor at Caguas, one worm hole, tear through mark ing with toning, Very Fine; one of poss ibly Two or Three covers known with this markin g. (EXT) . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $500- $750
63 DORADO , und ated Blu e stra ight line on official cove r with Blu e handstamped 2 Rs due marking, manuscript " Deoficio" at top, addressed to the District Jud ge at San Juan, few small holes with norma l toning, Fine. (RRR) . ...... . . .. ... . . . . .Est. $400-$500
March 2 1, 2006
65 GUAYAMA, FRANCO , Ty# l undated Red transit straight lines on official cover, manuscript " I 3/402" at top , from the Mayor at Salinas as noted at lowe r left, addressed to the Gove rnor at San Juan, reduced top, wonn holes with nonn al toning, Fine. (RR) . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. $200-$300
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GUAYAMA, Ty# l , ca. 1848 unreco rded Blu e 66 stra ight line postmark on cover front address panel only as often, w ith handstamped Blue 2 Rs and straight line SIN CARGO (free of charge) , addr esse d "Nava l Bri gadier Comm andant" in San Juan, worm holes, faults . . Est. $400-$500 w ith usual aging, Very Fine. (-) .......
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GUAYAMA, FRA CO, Ty#2 1847 boxe d Red 68 straight line postmark on folded letter date lined Guaya ma OCT 29 1847 , addresse d Hum acao , couple minor wo rm holes, Very Fine; rare combin ation and a great cove r. (EXT). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $750-$ 1,000
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GUAYAMA, Ty#2 1848 boxe d Red stra ight 67 line postmark on folded letter date lined Guaya rna JUN 22 1848, addresse d Ponce, with very scarce Red pet ite stra ight line ARROYO transit mark ing, fresh and clea n, Very Fine; rare combinat ion and a great cove r. (EXT) .. . . . . . . . . ... .. Est. $ 1,000-$1,500 ....... .......
Marc h 2 1, 200 6
GUAYAMA, Ty#2 undated boxe d Blu e straight line handsta mp w ith uncommon manuscript "S in Cargo" (free of charge) on Offic ial front address panel only as often , w/ manuscr ipt "2 Rea les" due marki ng at upper left, addressed to Judge in Caga us, some faults with nor.Est. $200-$300 ma l soiling, Fine. (RR) . . ... .......
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70 GUAYAMA, JUNIO 13, Ty#2 undated Blue sh路aight line handstamp on certified Official address pane l only as often , with boxed Blue 1 oz weight mark ings , from Military Mayor of Guayama to Mayor at Caguas , worm holes , still Fine. (RR) . . . .. Est. $400-$500
72 20(sing le, block/9), GUAYAMA, Ty#3 Black straight line on official cover with Ten Puerto Rico stamps tied by Parrilla killers, additional stamps removed where they were tied by Black oval Municipal seal handstamp , Black thimble sized "Guayama Puerto Rico , 5 APR 78" transit postmark, addressed to the District Judge at Salinas , worm holes including through few stamps, with normal toning , Fine. (RR).. . Est. $300-$400
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71 GUAYAMA, Ty# l undated Black straight line handstamp on Official address panel only as often , with manuscript "Vo Bo " (Visto Bueno) for free at upper left , poorly struck Black double oval Guayama Municipal seal handstamp at lower left, scarce Black thimble sized double circle "Guayama 10 February 56" strike at bottom addressed Salinas , wonn holes and faults , still Fine . (RR). . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . .. Est. $200 -$300
March 2 1, 2006
73 GUAYAMA, Ty#3 ca. 1862 bold Black sh路aight line postmark on cover front address panel only as often , manuscript "Vo Bo " (Visto Bueno) for free at upper left , with handstamped Black framed octagonal Ty#9 A (Abono-prepaid) , Blue double oval Municipal seal handstamp at lower left , addressed "District Judge " at Caguas , wom1 holes , faults with usual aging , Very Fine. (RR) ... . . . . ......... .. ........ Est. $500-$750
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GUAYAMA , Ty#3 , Registered , SET.25, und at74 ed Blu e straight line postmark on address panel of Offic ial reg istered pac kage front as ofte n, with two scarce small Blu e trefo il handstamp s appli ed only to registered mail, manuscript " I 1/202", addr esse d Cag uas , all handstamps are clear and Very Fine; unu sual combin ation of markings. (RR ) . . . . . . . . . . .. . Est. $750- $ 1,000
GU AYA ILLA , und ate d Black, strai ght line 76 hand stamp on Offic ia l cover , Blac k thimbl e size d "Guaya nilla Puerto Rico, 12 MAY" tran sit postmark, manuscript "Yo Bo" (Yisto Bueno) for free at upp er left, Black ova l "Alea Muni cipal, de Gu aya nilla", addr esse d to Hea d Jud ge in Ponc e, few worm hol es with som e ton. . . .. Est. $300- $400 ing, Very Fin e. (RRR) . .. . ....
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G UAYAN ILLA , pet ite unreco rded Red stra ight 75 line postmark with manuscript Deoficio and manuscript "2 Rs" due on Offi cial cove r, addr esse d San Juan, Black smea red circular Muni cipa l sea l hand stamp at lowe r left , clea n and fres h, Very F ine, rare petite unsee n stra ight line. Ow ner paid $3,960 in 1986. (-) .. Est. $2,000-$3,000
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G UARABO , 184 7 Blac k straight line postmark 77 on large cove r fro nt addr ess pane l only as often with Blu e 19 1/2 Rs handstamp , also with manuscript "6 1/2 oz" and " 19 I /2 Rs", Blu e stra ight line Caguas transit handstamp, manuscript "R.S." (rea l serv icio" at top, addr esse d to San Ju an, this being a reused package piece with Red do uble circle " ISLA DE PTO-RI CO 9 OCT 1847" Baeza strik e on reverse, wo rm ho les, faults w ith tonin g, Very ... Fine; wo nderful item for any co llect ion. (RRR ) ..... .Est. $500 -$750
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78 HATILLO , undated rare Black straight line postmark on cove r front address label only as often, manuscript "Deofic io" at sop, addr essed to "District Judge" at Arec ibo, repaired, acid ink erosion, worm holes with normal tonin g, Fine. (EXT). . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $400- $500
80 HATILLO, 1847 unreco rded rare Blac k stra ight line postmark on folded letter with contents datelined 28 JUL 1847, addressed to "Mili tary commander" at Arecibo, fresh and clean, Very Fine; poss ibly uniqu e handstamp . (-) . . . ... . .. . . . . ... . Est. $750- $ 1,000
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79 HATILLO, undated rare Blue straight line postmark on cove r with handstamped Blue <3 Rs and SIN CARGO (free of charge) , Blu e double ova l "Hatillo Milit ary" cachet at lowe r left, manuscript "R.S." (rea l oficio) at top, addressed San Juan with Blue stra ight line ARECIBO transit on reverse flap, some wonn holes with light toning, Very Fine; unusual and outstandin g combin ation of markings ......... . ... Est. $500-$750 March 2 1, 2006
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81 HUMACAO , Ty# I und ated ex tremely rare Black stra ight line handstamp with manuscript "2 oz" and "4 Rs" on large Official addre s panel front as often , manuscript "De oficio , certifico" at top, addressed to Guayama, wotm holes with some toning, Very Fine. (EXT) . .... . . . . . .... . . ... .... Est. $500 -$750
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82 HUMACAO, Ty#2 undated Blu e stra ight line handstamp with manu scr ipt "3 Rs" on official cover , rare handstamped Green petite straight line SIN CARGO (free of charge) and Blue SIN CARGO (free of charge) in framed Blue arc District Judge at Caguas , via San Juan with Blue Baeza transit , wonn boles with light toning , Very Fine. (RR) .. . . . . ............... Est. $200-$300
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84 HUMACAO, Ty#2 undated very rare Green straight line handstamp on small Officia l cover , addressed to military Mayor at Gallama , misspelled , clean with some wonn holes , Very Fine. (RRR) . ..... . . .. . .... . .. . ...... . . . . ..... Est. $300-$400
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83 HUMACAO, Ty#2 undated rare bold Blue straight line handstamp on large Official cover with manuscript "6 reales " at upper left, addressed to Caguas, wonn holes with light toning , Very Fine. (RR) ....... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $200 -$300
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85 HUMACAO, Registered, Ty#2 undated Black straight line handstamp on small registered cover, two scarce sma ll Black trefoil handstamp s applied to registered mail , addressed San Juan , some worm holes with usual toning , Very Fine ; trefoil registrations marks are extre mely rare in Black . (RRR) ........ Est. $500-$750
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86 ISA BELA, Ty#2 undated bold Blue straight line handstamp on Official cover with handstamped Blue 3 Rs and manuscript "R.S." (real servicio) at top, large Black double ova l "lsabela Military" cachet at lower left, addressed to "Head of the Treasury Department " in San Juan , some worm holes with usual toning , Very Fine. (RRR) .... . ............... Est. $750-$ 1,000
88 DE JUANA DIAS, undated Black double circle Municipal seal handstamp with manuscript "Vo Bo" (Visto Bueno) for free at upper left on Officia l address panel front as often, addressed to Mayor at Ponce , few wonn holes some toning , Very Fine .( -) ... Est. $200-$300
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87 ISABELA, 1848 Red (oxidized from B lack) stra ight line handstamp on large Official cover with handstamped Blue 26 Rs and Red 6 1/2 oz, addressed to " Secretary of the Board of Public Lands " in San Juan , appears to be registered as there are several recording numbers present includ ing "No.2 158", "No. I" ect, some worm holes, stains , acid ink erosion with usual toning , Very Fine. (RRR) . .... ........ . ..... Est. $750-$ 1,000 March 2 1, 2006
89 JU COS, Ty# ! 1845 bold Black straight line postmark on folded letter with contents datelined NOV 19 1845, addressed Naguabo with Red straight line CAGUAS tran sit strike at upper right , fresh and clean, Very Fine; rare marking and One of Three known. Owner paid $3,000 in 1986 (EXT) . . . Est. $2,000- $3,000
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JUNCOS, undated Blue straight line handstamp 90 on sma ll officia l cover with Blue SIN CARGO (free of charge) in framed Blue arc , manuscript "De oficio , certifico " at top , addressed to "District Judge " in Humacao via San Juan with Blue Baeza transit and with additional Black straight line CAGUAS strike , worm holes wit h light toning , Very Fine . (EXT) ..... .. Est. $ 1,000-$1 ,500
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LARES, Ty# I undated faint Blue straig ht line 92 handstamp on Official cove r with fa int handstamped Blue FRANCO , manuscript "Vo Bo" (Vista Bueno) for free at upper left, Black double ova l Lares municipal cachet at lower left , addressed " District Judge at Aguadilla", few wo1111hol es, nicked comer with light toning , Fine. (RRR ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $300-$400
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LARES, Ty# I undated Black stra ight line hand91 stamp on offic ial cover with hand stamped Blue 2 Rs and manuscript "R.S. " (rea l servicio) at top , large Black double oval "Lares Military" cachet at lower left , addressed San Juan , few wom1 holes with light toning , Fine. (RRR). .. .Est. $300-$400 .. . . . .. . .. . .. ..........
March 2 1, 2006
LOYZA, Ty# I undat ed Blue stra ight line hand93 stamp with manu script "Vo Bo " (Visto Bueno) for free at upper left on Official cover with Blue hand stamped 2 reales due marking app lied on arriva l, Blue double oval Mayor of Loyza Official seal handstamp at lower left , from Mayor of Loyza to San Juan, acid ink erosion with few wom1 holes , some toning , Fine. (RRR) .. .. . . .. . . . . .... Est. $400-$500 . . . . . . . . . .... . .. . . .. ......
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94 LUQUILLA, undated Black straight line handstamp on Official cover with Blue handstamped 2 reales due marking , manuscript "De oficio " and "Vo Bo" (Visto Bueno) for free at top, Black double oval Luquillo municipal cachet at lower left, add ressed to the Mayor at San Juan , few worm holes , edge wear with light toning , Very Fi11e.(RRR) .... . .... ... ...... .. Est. $400-$500
96 MA ATI, Ty#2, undated rare Blue straight line handstamp on large Official cover with Blue handstamped 9 Rs , addressed to "Head of the Treasury " at San Juan , few wonn holes with light toning , Very Fine. (RRR). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $300 -$400
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95 MANATI, Ty# l , undated Red straight line handstamp on Official cover , addressed to "District Judge " at Arecibo , wom1 holes with light toning , Fine ; one of only very few recorded with this Red straig ht line strike. (EXT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . Est. $400-$500
March 21, 2006
97 MANATI, Ty#2 Black straight line handstarnp with manuscript "Vo Bo" (Visto Bueno) for free at upper left on Official cover , Black double oval Municipal seal handstarnp at lower left, addressed Arecibo wit h thimble sized receiving strike on reverse , with few wom1 holes mostly on reverse , Very Fine. (RRR) .... Est. $300 -$400
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MARICAO, FRANCO, ca. 1850 bold Black 98 straight line postmark w/ manuscript "I 1/2 onza " on cover address panel only as often , addressed Mayaguez , Black double oval Municipal seal handstamp at lowe r left , Very Fine. (EXT) . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $500 -$750
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MAUNABO , undated lightly struck rare Blue 100 straight line handstamp on Official cover with handstamped 2 Rs due marking , manuscript "R.S." (real servicio) at top , handstamped Black double oval Maunabo to cachet at low er left , addressed municipal "S uperintendent of the Treasury" in San Juan , some worm holes w ith normal toning , Very Fine . (RRR) .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Est. $500-$750
MARINA de MAYAGUEZ, unlisted bold Blue 99 hand stamp in circle marking at upper left of cover front only, addressed Aguadilla , cut out at upper right, likely stamp missing , strike is Fine; exce llent for a co llector of .. .. . . . .. .... .... Est. $100-$ 150 markings. (-) .....
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MAYAGUEZ, 1844 Ty# l Red straight line 101 postmark on sma ll folded lette r with contents date lined SEP 22 1844, addr essed Ponce and rece ived same day, file crease , Very Fine ; same day delivery over 160 years . . . . . .Est. $200 -$300 .. .... . .... ago . (RR) .....
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102 MAYAGUEZ, Ty# l undated Red straight line handstamp with matching Red 5 oz handstamp we ight marking and manuscript "4 3/4 oz , 19Rs" rating on frontal portion of large Official wrapper, from District Judge of Mayaguez to Royal Prosecutor in San Juan , with worm holes , usual toning , Fine ..... Est. $300-$400
I 04 MAYAGUEZ, ENE 24, undated Blue straig ht line handstamp with addit iona l Blue ENE 24, FRANCO handstamp as incoming marking , with manuscript "6 3/4 oz, 20Rs" rating on frontal portion of large Official wrap per from Aguadilla , manuscript "Vo Bo " (Visto Bueno) for free at upper left , addressed to the "District Judge " at Mayaguez , faults , acid ink erosion with nonnal ton ing, great for the advanced collector , Fine. (RR) (RR) ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $200-$300
103 MAYAGUEZ, FRANCO, Ty# ! and Ty# 2 Red straight line postmarks w/ manuscript "3 oz" and "3 Rs" due markings on cover , addressed to Head Judge in Humacao, faults with wonn holes , acid ink erosion and normal toning , Fine . (RR) + (RRR) .. . . . .Est. $300-$400
105 MAYAGUEZ, Ty# ! & Ty#2 undat ed Blue straight line handstamp with ma tching Blue FRANCO handstamp and manuscript "3 1/4 oz, I0Rs" rating on fronta l pottion of large Official wrapper , a scarce combination , addressed Mayor of Aquadilla , acid ink erosion , Very Fine. (RR) (RR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Est. $300 -$400
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MAYAGUEZ , Ty# l und ated Blue stra ight line 106 posm1ark o â&#x2013;Ą cove r with Blu e handstamped 2 Rs and straight line SIN CARGO (free of charge), manu scr ipt " l/2 oz" , "2 Rs" and "R .S." (rea l servicio) at top, addr esse d to the "Head of the Treasury Department" in San Juan, reduced left with some wo rm holes, Fine. (RR) . . ... ... .Est. $300-$400 ..... (RRR ) ........
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MOCA , undated rare Black strn ight line post108 mark on cove r with Blu e handstamp ed 3 Rs "Real Servo" at top, addresse d to the 'Tr easury Department " in San Juan, reduced left, some wonn holes w ith light tonin g, Very Fin e. (-). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $750- $ 1,000
..r MOCA , undat ed rare Red (oxidized) straight 107 line postmark on cove r with Blu e handstamped 5 Rs , manuscript "R. S." (real serv icio) at top, hand stamped Black double ova l Moca muni cipal cac het at lowe r left, addresse d to the "Head of the Treas ury Departm ent" in San Juan, some worm holes with usual toning, Very Fin e. Est. $750-$ I ,000 (EXT) ......................
March 21, 2006
MOROVIS , undat ed Red straight line postmark 109 with Blu e hand stamped 2 Rs and manuscript " 1/2 oz" on small cove r, addr esse d to the " Treasury Department" at San Juan, comer fault, few worm holes with norm al tonEst. $400- $500 ing, Fine. (EXT) . ................
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110 MOROVIS, undated Blue straight line postmark with Blue Parrilla killer on small cover , with handstamped Black double oval Morovis municipal cachet at lower left, addressed to the "Municipal Judge " at Ciales , reduced top , few small holes with little edge toning , Fine. (RRR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $300-$400
111 MOROVIS, undated Black straight line post mark on cover , with manuscript "Vo Bo" (Visto Bueno) for free at upper left, handstamped Blue double ova l Morovis municipal cachet at lower left, addressed to the "District Judge " at Arecibo , straight line CIALES transit strike at center , few worm holes , Very Fine . (RR) ..... . ........ . ... . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. .Est. $200-$300
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112 NAGUABO, Ty# 1 Red straight line in fancy oval postmark w/ manuscript "1/ 2 oz" and "2 Rs " on cover , addressed to Director of the Central College in San Juan , file crease with acid ink erosion and normal toning , Very Fine ; One of only three known; CEM 1984 certificate. Owner paid $3,600 in 1986 (EXT) .. . . .... Est. $4,000-$5,000
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NAGUABO, Ty#2 bold Blue (unlisted in blue) 113 straight line postmark w/ handstamped Blue "3 Rs" due marking on certified cover, Black double oval Municipal seal handstamp at lower left, addressed San Juan , worm holes with some faults, Very Fine ; a rare marking . . . . .... Est. $750-$1,000 (RRR) ................
ARANJlTO, undated very rare Blu e straig ht US line postmark on sma ll official cover , with manuscript " De oficio" at top , addressed to the "District Judge " at San Juan , worm holes , Fine. (RRR) ...... Est. $200-$300
NAGUABO, unli sted Black straight line post114 mark w/ manuscript " I onza" on cover , Black thimble sized NAGUABO, PUERTO RICO, 16 SEP double circ le CDS strike at upper right, Blue ova l smeared Municipal sea l handstamp at lower left , addressed San Juan with transit and receiving strikes on reverse , worm hole s and acid ink eros ion with light normal toning , Very Fine ; rare unseen straight line. (-) ...... Est. $750- 1,000
March 2 1, 2006
PATILLAS, undated rare Blue stra ight line 116 postmark on official cover, with manuscript "R.S." (real servicio) at top , bandstamped Black double ova l Patilla s municipal cachet at lower left , from the Mayor of Patilla s to the "Treasury Department" to San Juan , wom1 holes Est. $300 -$400 with some toning, Fine . (RRR) .........
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117 PATILLAS, 1877 Black stra ight line postmark w ith matchin g handstamped Parilla killer and manuscript " 1/2 oz" on official cover, w ith matchin g Black thimbl e sized "Patill as Puert o Rico, 3 1 JUL 77" postmark, addresse d to the "District Jud ge" at Guayama, couple small worm holes, Very Fine. (RR) . . .. . .Est. $200- $300
119 PENUELAS , bold unli sted type, Black stra ight line postmark on small Offic ial cover, with manuscript "R .S." (rea l servicio), addressed San Juan , with Red PONCE straight line handstamped transit, one worm hole, Very Fine; an extre mely rare markin g. Ow ner paid $3600 in 1986 (-) ... . . . ..... .. ..... Est. $2,000- $3,000
118 PE NUELAS , Ty# l bold Black stra ight line postmark on Offic ial cover , w ith manuscript "De ofic io" , addr esse d to the Mayo r at Pon ce, handstamped Black double ova l Penuelas muni cipal cac het at lowe r left, couple faults wi th toning, Very Fine; a very rare marking. (RRR) ... . . ... . .. . . . ......... Est. $75 0-$ 1,000
120 PEPI 0 , Blu e (unlisted in Blue) straight line pos tm ar k on small cut out pi ece only, addr esse d Aguadill a, fault s with wo rm holes and tonin g, Fine; a very sca rce marking. (-). . . . . . . . . Est. $200-$300
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FRANCO/PEPINO, very rare Black stra ight 121 line hand stamps on fo lded lette r with contents datelined NOV 5 1853, addressed Arecibo , internal faults wit h ton. . . . Est. $750- 1,000 ing, Very Fine. (EXT) . . . ........
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PONCE , Ty#l undated Red straig ht line hand123 stamp with boxed Red handstamped 1/2 oz and manuscript " recibi 2 Rs" due marking app lied on arrival on Official cover address panel only as normal, from Head Jud ge at Ponce to San Juan , w ith normal toning , Fine . (R). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $ l 50-$200
PIEDRAS , undated rare Black straight line 122 handstamp on Officia l cover w ith manuscript "Vo Bo " (Visto Bueno) for free at upper left, addressed to "District Judge" in Humacao , few very minor thread holes , very Est. $500-$750 clean cover , Very Fine . (RRR) ........
Mar ch 21 , 2006
PONCE , Ty# l undated Red straig ht line hand124 stamp with Red handstamped 2 oz and manuscript "rec ibi 8 Rs" due marking app lied on aITival on Official cover add ress panel only as normal, from Head Jud ge at Ponce to Head Judge at San Juan , coup le sma ll worm holes with some light toning , Fine. (R) . . . Est. $200-$300
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125 PO CE/ FRANCO , Ty#l and Ty#2 undated Red straight line handstamps with manu script "weight I 8oz" rating "40 + 16= total 56" Reale s on certified Official front only as normal , from Mayor of Ponc e addressed to Lawyer in San Juan , worm holes with some soiling, Very Fine. (RR) (RRR ) . ..... . . . Est. $300-$400
127 PO CE, Ty# l undated Blue straight line handstamp on certified Official cover, from Jud ge in Ponce addressed to Mayor of San Juan , little acid erosion , one side flap missing on reverse , still clean and Very Fine. (RR) .......................... Est. $200 -$300
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126 PO CE, Ty# ! undated Blue straight line handstamp with Blue handstamped 2 Rs marking applied on an-ival on Official cover wit hout back flap , addressed to Head Judge at San Juan , some toning , Fine. (RR) ..... . ......... .. . . ............. Est. $150-$200
March 2 1, 2006
128 PONCE , Ty# I undated Black straig ht line handstamp with manuscript "8oz-24 Rs" at upper right on Official certified part wrapper as nom1al, from the Judge at Ponce to the Mayor of Salinas , scarcely used bold Blue straight line DIC.12 . transit handstamp at right, attractive and Very Fine . (RR)(-) .. Est. $400 -$500
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PONCE, Ty# I undated Blue stra ight line hand129 stamp with matchin g Blu e partly boxe d 1 1/2 on small Offi cial certifi ed cove , from Judge at Ponce to Mayo r at A ibonito, partly clear Blue ISLA DE PTO -RICO tra nsit on reve rse, som e wo rn, holes with light toning, Fine. . .. Est. $200- $300 (RR) . . .. . ... . ... .. ........
PUERTO RICO, Ty# 5 framed doubl e ova l Red 131 stra ight line handstam p on undate d Offic ial cover fro m san Juan, addressed Baya mon, sent fro m the Gove rnor to the Mayor at Baya mon, w ith Black official Shield in double ova l, this being one of two reco rded items where it was used for internal mail, coupl e worm holes, Very .. ... Est. $500 -$750 Fine. (R) . . . . ............
PONCE , Ty# I 1854 Black stra ight line hand130 sta mp on Offic ial ce rtified cover , addresse d to Caguas , Blu e Ty#3 SI CARGO (free of charge) in fra med arc and 4 Rs due handstamp markings , attract ive and Very Fine. (RR ) (RRR ) . ... . . .. . . ... . . .. .. Est. $400 - 500
ISLA DE PTO RICO, Ty#6, 3 1 OCT 1846 132 Gree n (unli sted in green) double circle "Baeza" handsta mp on large Offic ial front only as normal, manuscript " J9 1/4 oz", as we ll as manuscript " 77 ove r 38 1/2" , fro m Clerk of the Co u1t in San Juan to District Jud ge in Ponce, some ac id eros ion w ith usual ag ing, Fine. (-) . ... . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $400- $50 0
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133 RINCON , Ty# l und ated Dark Blu e straight line postm ark on addre ss panel large part of folded letter, opened on all sides, manu script "Vo Bo " (Vista Bu eno) for free at upper left , addressed Aguadilla , small piece cut out at lower right, some acid ink erosion with light toning, Fine . (EXT) .................... Est. $300-$400
135 RIO GRANDE , undated scarce Black (unli sted in Blac k) stra ight line hand stamp on Offi cial cove r, with the Rio Grande Municipal sea l in Bla ck at lower left and hand stamp ed Blue 2 Rs mark ing at top wit h manuscript " 19" at upper righ t, from Mayor of Rio Grande to Superintendent of the Ro ya l Trea sury at San Juan , some wo 1m holes , Fine . (-) ............... Est. $750-$1,000
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134 RIO GRANDE , und ated Blu e straig ht line handstamp on Official addre ss panel front only as often , with the Rio Grande Mun icipa l sea l in Blu e at lowe r left , from Mayor of Rio Grande to Mayor at Caro lina, fau lts with usual toning , still Fine , very rare stra ight line fro m this small village. (RRR ) . . .......... Est. $400-$500
Marc h 2 1, 2006
136 RIO PIEDRAS , und ated, fai nted but distinct , Black straig ht line hand stamp on Official cover , with the Rio Piedras Municipal sea l in Black at lower left and handstamped Blu e I Rs rate marking at upper right , addres sed San Juan, some ac id erosio n w ith usual toning , still Fine. (RRR ) ....... .. . .. . . . . Est. $200-$300
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SABANA DL PALMAR, Ty# l undated bold 137 Blue straight line postmark on cover , manuscript "Vo Bo " (Visto Bueno ) for free at upper left , addressed Caguas , large clear Blue fancy double oval "Municipal Shield " at lower left, worm holes with light toning , Very Fine ; only 4-5 reported of this rare straight line . (EXT) .. Est. $1,000-$1 ,500 . . . . . . . . . . . ..............
SALINAS, Registered , undat ed Blue stra ight 139 line hand stamp on sma ll Official cover with Blue 1 1/2 Rs due hand stamp at upper left with scarce small Blue trefoil hand tamp app lied to registered mail , reverse with Blue Ty#3 straight line GUAYAMA and Blue Type #7 NOV. 16 handstamps , some acid erosion with usual ton Est. $1,000-$1 ,500 . ...... ing, still Fine . (RR) ++ ......
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SABANA DL PALMAR , Ty#2 undated Blue 138 Two line postmark on cover , manu scri pt "R.S ." (Real Servicio) at top , addressed San Juan with Blue straight line CAGUAS transit , Blue handst amped 2 Rs , with Black double ova l " Municipal Shield" at lower left , worm hole s with light toning , Very Fine ; few reported of this scarce two line handstamp. (RRR ) ... Est. $300 -$400 March 2 1, 2006
SAL i AS, undated Black (unlisted in Black) 140 straight line hand stamp on small Official cover with two Blue O handstamps appl ied for registration , manu script " 1 1/2 Rs" rate applied in San Juan , reverse with boxed Blue straight line GUAYAMA and NOV. 16 handstamps , addressed Capital , small acid erosion at edges with light so iling , sti ll Fine. (RR) ... ... ... .. .. Est. $500-$750
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141 SALINAS, undated Blue straight line handstamp on Official cover with handstamped Salinas Municipal seal in Black at lower left and Blue hand stamped 2 Rs due marking at upper right, Blue boxed GUAYAMA boxed Ty#2 Blue straight line transit at bottom , addressed to Superintendent of the Royal Treasury in Capital, (San Juan) , reduced top and bottom with worm holes , still Fine. (RR)(RR) ........ Est. $400 -$500
143 SAN GERMAN, Ty# l ca. 1873 Black straight line handstamp on small Official cover, thimble sized "San Germain , 1 MAY, Puerto Rico ' poshnark and Municipal seal in shape of Shield handstamps at lower left, manuscr ipt "Vo Bo" (Visto Bueno) for free at upper left, addressed Cabo Rojo , sealed tear, still Fine . (RRR). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Est. $300-$400
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142 SALINAS, undated Blue straight line handstamp on large Official certified cover with handstamped with partly clear Salinas Municipal seal in Black at lower left and Blue handstamped 7 Rs rate marking at upper right , from Mayor in Salinas to Superintendent of Royal Treasury in San Juan , small fau lts at sides, still Very Fine. (RR) .......................... Est. $300 -$400
March 21 , 2006
144 SAN GERMAN , Ty# ! ca. 1873 bold Blue straight line handstamp with matching FRANCO and manuscript "2" on Official cover , manuscript "3/4 oz, 3Rs" at upper left, addressed to Royal Treasury in San Juan , reduced left, edge toning with few wonn holes , still Fine. (RR) .... . .............. .. Est. $300-$400
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/ 145 SAN GERMAN, Ty# l undated Blue straight line postmark on certified cover with large Blue Ty#3 straight line SIN CARGO (free of charge), manuscript "De Officio" at top, with manuscript " l oz" and "4 Rs", addressed San Juan , wonn holes with some light toning , Very Fine. (RR) (RRR) ............... Est. $400-$500
146 SAN GERMAN, Ty# ! undated Red straight line postmark on large Official certified front address panel only as often , with manuscript "DeOfficio" at top, manuscript "21 3/4 oz" and "64 Rs" at upper left, addressed San Juan , wonn holes with some acid ink erosion, light toning , Very Fine . (EXT) .... . Est. $500-$750
147 San Juan to Naguabo, P.RICO/Franco, 1830 Black oval handstamp on folded letter datelined " San Juan 18 JUN 1830", addressed Naguabo with unlisted petite Red straight line Nag uabo receiving strike , small acid ink erosion, clean and clear strikes, Very Fine; a rare and likely unique combination. (-) .... . . Est. $5,000-$7 ,500 March 21, 2006
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148 San Juan to Ponce, ISLA DE PTO RICO, 25 SEP 1842 mostly clear Blue double circle " Baeza" handstamp with matching fancy framed "Franco" Ty# ! I on cove r, addressed Ponc e, scarce combination of markings on Inter-Island mail , couple light creases , Fine. (E) (ME). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $200-$300
150 San Juan to Ponce, ISLA DE PTO RICO, 3 OV 1846 Blue double circle handstamp with matching "3 oz" strike on Official registered wrapper, frontal portion only as n01m al, with Blue fancy framed Franco and Certif strikes, fresh and Very Fine. (EXT) . .......... . ......... . .... . .. ... .. . . ..... Est. $500- $750
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149 San Juan to Arecibo, ISLA DE PTO RICO , 2 1 FEB 1845 clear Red doubl e circle "Baeza " handstamp with fancy framed "Franco" Ty# ! I on cover, manuscript "3/4 oz" at upp er left, addr essed Arecibo with manuscript ".Muni cipal de Morovis" at lowe r left", sca rce combin ation of markings on Inter-Island mail, Very Fine. (R) (RRR) ...... . ........ . ..... . .. .Est. $300- 400
March 2 1, 2006
151 San Juan to Ponce, ISLA DE PTO RICO, 5 FEB 1847 Red double circle "Baeza " handstamp on folded letter date lined "3 JAN 1847" , addressed Ponce, Fine. (R) . ... .. . .. . ... .. ...... .. ..... Est. $ I 50-$200
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San Juan to Humaco, ISLA DE PTO-RICO , 152 27 MAR 1847 Red double circle "Baeza " handstamp and Red handstamped 21 114ozwith manuscr ipt "82 l/2 Rs" at upper left on large Official front on ly as often , addressed Humaco , some wonn holes , little reduced , Est. $200 -$300 Fine. (R). . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ......
San. LORENZO, Ty#l undated Blue straig ht 154 line handstamp on Official cover front as nonnal , manuscript "I /2 oz" at upper left, oval "Hato Grande " Municipal sea l handstamp at lower left, addressed to Superintendent of the Royal Treasury in San Juan , Blue 2 Rs due marking app lied on arrival , Very Fine . (RR) ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Est. $200-$300
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San Juan to Ponce , ISLA DE PTO RICO , 8 153 JUL 185 1 Blu e double circle "Baeza " handstamp with matching fancy framed "Franco" Ty# 11 on large Official front only as nonnal , manuscript "32 oz" and I 04 Rs , sent from Judge in San Juan to Mayor of Ponce, scarce combination of markings on Inter-Island mail, some acid ink erosion , little toned , Fine . (E) (ME) ... Est. $200-$300
Mar ch 2 1, 2006
San. LORE ZO, Ty# l undated Blue straight 155 line hand stamp on Official cover, manu script " I oz" at upper left w/ manuscript "11" at upper right, oval "Hato Grande " Municipal seal handstamp at lower left , addressed to Superintendent of the Royal Treasury in San Juan , Black straig ht line CAGUAS transit and Blue 3 Rs due marking applied on arrival , very minor fau lts, Very Est. $300 -$400 Fine. (RR) .. .. ... ... .. ........
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156 San. LORENZO, Ty# l , Three undated straight line handstamps two of which tie 4mgn Cuba #2 on Blue folded letter front only, addressed Catal una Spain , w/ straight line CAGUAS transit with handstamps lRs due applied on arriva l, stamp is Very Fine . (RR) .. .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $300-$400
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158 STA YSABEL, undated lightly struck Black straight line handstarnp on Official cover , with "Vo Bo ' (Vista Bueno) for free and "l /2" weight manuscript markings at upper left, addressed to Head Judge in Ponce , with handstamped partly clear oval Municipal seal in Black at lower left, some w01m holes mostly to reverse , still Fine. (RRR) . . .. . .... . .... Est. $300 -$400
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157 STA YSABEL/ DECOAMO , Ty# l undated Black/Green straight line handstamp on address panel of Official package front as normal, with two scarce small Blue trefoil handstamps app lied only to registered mail , app lied on transit through Guayamas , Blue 2 Rs hand stamp due marking , manuscript "22" at upper right , from Mayor at Santa Isabel to Superintendent of the Royal Treasury in Capital , (San Juan) , some worm holes with light toning , still Fine . (EXT) . ... .. .. Est. $1,000-$ 1,500
March 2 1, 2006
159 TOA.ALTA, Ty# l undated Black straight line handstamp on Official cover with Blue bandstamped 2 Rs due marking at upper left applied on arriva l, addressed to Superintendent of the Royal Treasury in San Juan , reduced top and left with worm holes , sti ll Fine . (RRR) .... . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . ..... . . . Est. $400-$500
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J~u~ TOA.ALTA, Bla ck straig ht line handstamp on 160 certified Official cover with ove r stru ck Blu e straight line handstampe d TOA.BAJA transit , addr esse d San Juan , small thimble sized "Toa.Alta, 9 SEP, Pu erto Rico " CDS at right , Very Fine. (RRR) (RRR) ..... . Est. $750-$ 1,000
TOA.BAJA, und ated Red (unli sted in Red) 162 straight lin e handst amp on Official front only as normal , with boxe d Red hand stamped 1 oz with manu script "4 Rs" markin gs at upper right, applied on arrival, addre ssed to Head Jud ge in San Juan , some worm hole s, Es t. $750-$ 1,000 still Fine. (RRR) for Blue ...........
TOA.BAJA, und ated Blu e stra ight line band161 3 Rs with sta mp on enve lope, with Blu e handstamped manu scri pt "R.S ." (rea l serv icio) markin gs at upper right , appli ed on arrival, addr esse d to Superintendent of the Roya l Treasury in San Ju an, nice str ike of double oval Municipal sea l at lower left, some ac id ink erosion and worm ho les, still Very Fine . (RRR) . .. . . . Est. $500-$750
TRUJILLO/ ALTO, Ty# ! undated Black 163 straight line handstamp on large Official cover with manuscript "2 oz" marking , faint oval Municip al seal struck at upp er left , fro m Mayor at Trujillo Alto to Ma yo r at Rio Piedra s, so mew hat reduced , still Fine. (RRR) ... . .... . .. .. .Es t. $400- $500 ...... ....... .. .......
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164 TRUJILLO / BAJO , Ty# I und ated B lac k stra ight line handstamp on Offic ial cove r with Blue handstamped 6 Rs due mark ing appli ed on arri va l, partly clear Blac k ova l Muni cipal sea l handstamp at lowe r left, addr esse d Jud ge at San Ju an, a sca rce not ex istent post office, today part of Trujillo A lto, so me soilin g at edges, Very Fin e. (RRR ) .... . . . . . .. . ... . . . Est. $500- $750
166 UTUADO , Ty# I undated Blu e/Green straight line handstamp on small Offic ia l cove r with manuscript "R.S." and "2 oz" markings at top, addr esse d Head Judge at Arec ibo with Black double ova l Utuado Muni cipal sea l handstamp on reve rse, couple holes with no1mal aging, still Fine. (RRR ). . . . . . . .... . .... .Est. $400- $500
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165 TRUJILLO BAJO , small thimbl e sized 16 JAN 1860 Blu e doubl e circ le postmark with ova l Panil a kill er on Blu e Offici al fo lded letter, addr esse d Gove rnor at Capital (San Ju an), bold Blue ADMON GRAZ rece iving strike on reve rse, Very Fine; very sca rce village markin g. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $200- $300
March 2 1, 2006
167 UTUADO , SINCARGO , Ty#2 and Ty#3 und ated Blu e stra ight line handstamp s on Official cover, from Mayo r at Utuado to Hea d Jud ge at Arec ibo, missing side flap wit h few worm hole , ome soi ling, unu sual with (free of charge) stra ight line combin ation, still Fin e. (RRR )(EXT) .. .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . .... Est. $500- $750
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4(1/ /;,c UTUADO , Ty# ! undated Blu e straight line 168 handsta mp on Offic ial cove r, manuscript " I oz" marking, with manuscript "Yo Bo" (Vista Bueno) for free at upp er left, addresse d Mayo r at Arecibo w ith Black double circle thimbl e sized "Arecibo Puerto Rico, 6 DIC" rece iving strike on reve rse, couple minor holes, still Very Fine. (RRR ) . . . . . . . . ... . .. . .. . . . . .. .. Est. $300- $400
UTUADO , Ty# l und ated Red strai ght line 170 handstamp on Official cover w ith manuscript , "Yo Bo" (Vista Bueno) for free at upper left and " 1/2 onza" marking at center, addresse d District Jud ge at Arecibo, wo nn holes with nonn al aging, still Fin e. (EXT) .... . . .... . .. . .Es t. $750-$ 1,000 . .. . .. . . . . . . .. ........
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PONCE , Ty# ! undated Blue straight line hand169 stamp on Official cove r, from Jud ge in Ponce addresse d to Mayor of Arecibo, some wonn holes mostly to reve rse, clear Blu e stra ight line UTUADO transit at lowe r left, . .. . .. Est. $400-$500 attractive and Fine. (RRR ) .......
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UTUADO Red Transit, ARECIBO, Ty# ! ca . 171 1854 rare Blu e straight line on small cover, with extremely rare Red stra ight line UTUADO transit, manuscript "De Ofic io" at top , addresse d Jud ge in Ponce, wonn holes, Very Fine. (EXT) . ... . . . .. . . .Est. $750- $ 1,000
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172 VEGA ALTA, Ty# l undated Black straight line handstamp on Official cover with manuscript "Prado " at upper left, from Mayor at Vega Alta to Head Judge at San Juan , Blue double oval Vega Alta Municipal seal bandstamp at lowe r left, light crease , Very Fine. (RRR) ..... . ........ . ........ ........... Est. $400 -$500
174 VEGA BAJA , Ty#2 undated B lack stra ight line handstamp on Official cover with Blue hand stamped 2 mark ing at top , addressed San Juan , Black double oval Vega Baja Municipal sea l handstamp at lower left, some worm holes , reduced top and right , sti ll Fine. (RR R) .... . .. ....... .... ... ......... . . . .Est. $300 -$400
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• 173 VEGA ALTA, Ty# I undated Blue /Green (un listed ) straight line hand stamp on Official front only as normal , wit h Blue bandstamped 3 Rs. over 2 Rs. and manuscript "R .S." (rea l servicio) , from Mayor at Vega Alta to Head Judg e at San Juan , Black double ova l Vega Alta Municipal seal handstamp at lower left , some wonn bo les , F ine. (-) . .. . .. . .. ...... ..... .Est. $500-$750
March 2 1, 2006
175 VIEQUES , Ty# l undated Black stra ight line handstamp with manu script" 17" on sma ll Official cover , wit h manuscript "R .S." (real servicio) at top , addresse d to Superintendent of the Royal Treasuty in San Juan , clear Black double circle Gob ierno de la Isla Espano la handstamp from Vieques at lower left, Ve1y Fine. (RRR). ........ . ...... . .. .. . .... . ..... Est. $500-$750
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176 YABUCOA, Ty#l undated bold Blue straight line handstamp on Official envelope missing part of reverse , with manuscript " 1/2 oz" and" 1 1/2 Rs" at upper left, addressed to Head Judge at Humaco , Bold clear Black double oval Yabucoa Municipa l sea l handstamp at lower left, some toning , Fine. (RRR) ... Est. $750-$1 ,000
178 YAUCO/FRANCO, Ty# l and Ty#2 undated Blue straight line handstamps with manuscript " 10" at upper right on Official cover, addressed to Superintendent of the Royal Treasury in San Juan , Blue handstamp ed 10 Rs due arriva l marking , with Blue double ova l Yauco Municipa l sea l handstamp at lower left, little tonin g at top edge, Very Fine . (RR) (RRR) . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. $500 -$750
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177 YAUCO, Ty# l undated Black stra ight line handstamp with manuscript "2 oz" at upper right and B lue hand stamped 6 Rs due arrival marking , on Official cover, addres sed to Superintendent of the Roya l Treasury in San Juan , with Blue double oval Yauco Municipal seal handstamp at lower left, missing side flap with few worm holes, with usual aging , Fine . (RRR) ..... Est. $400-$500
March 21, 2006
179 Yanco, error of spelling, sma ll thimble size 24 AUG 1868 double circ le postmark with oval Parri la killer on Official cover , addressed Ponce with partial receivin g strike on reverse , some normal toning and fau lts to reve rse, Fine ; scarce Yauco error of spell ing. (-) . ....... . ...... . ...... .. . .. . ...... Est. $200-$300
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' 180 Collection Balance in Lighthouse album , ca. l 850 's- l 870, group of 38 Stampless enve lopes or address panel fronts only as often seen, mostly Officia l, grea t variety of postmarks in vari ous co lors include Adjunt as, Aguada, Ag uadill a, Arecibo, A.1T oyo, Cag uas, Lares, Mayaguez, Ponce, many with handstamped or manuscr ipt A (abono), var ious Mun icipal sea l and various other markings, usual ag ing, some with wonn holes or ac id ink eros ion, grea t group for further study, many are Fine-Very Fine .. ..... . .. .. .. .. .. . Est. $2,000-$3,000
182 Collection Balance in Lighthouse album , ca. I 850 's- l 870, gro up of 3 1 Stamp less and One stamped enve lopes or address pane l fronts only as ofte n seen, many Offic ial, great variety of postmarks in various colors includin g Perin o, Ponce, Adm on Graz, Adm on Central, Rinco n, Sabana Gra nde, San Ge1111 an, Santa Isabel, Yanco (error), many with var ious handstamped Municipal sea l and various other markings, usual ag ing, some with wo rm holes or acid ink erosion, great group for furt her study, many are Fine-Very Fine ..... .. . . . . . . . . .. ... . ..... . .... . ... .Est. $2,000- $3,000
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â&#x20AC;˘ 181 Collection Balance in Lighthouse album , ca . l 850's- I 870, group of 40 Stampless enve lopes or addr ess panel fronts only as ofte n seen, mostly Officia l, great va riety of postm ark s in va rious co lors inclu d ing Aguadill a, Arec ibo, Barranquit as, Cayey , Guaya ma, Guaya nilla, Hum acao, Isabella, Juana Diaz, Lajas, Lares , Maricao , Mayaguez , Moca , Mora vis, Penuelas, many w ith various handstamped Mun icipal sea l and vario us other markin g , usual aging, some with worm holes or acid ink erosion, great gro up for further study, many are Fin e-Very Fine ... . ...... . .. .. . .Est. $2,000-$3 ,000 March 2 1, 200 6
183 Pre-philatelic Collection Balance , Fourteen Covers , Fronts or Fragm ents, ca. l 840 's-l 870 's, co lors of strikes represented includin g Re d, Blue and Black, straig ht lin es includ e Cag uas , Arec ibo, G uayama, Mayaguez , coupl e of bad San Juan Porto Rico Crow n Circle s, handstamped instructiona l and informational mark ings includ e severa l SIN CARGO , couple of A abo no, differe nt FRANCO and severa l high rates, Blu e and Red Baeza strikes , additi onal mark ings fro m Aguada, Ciales, man y faults as normal in balance grouping , many are Fine-Very Fine . . . . . ... Est. $ 1,000 -$ 1,500
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184 Straight Line Town Marking Collection Balance , ove r 100 items, prodom inantly loca l town usages with many different (Agua dill a through Yanco - Yuaco erro r), including many muni cipal sea ls Sin Cargo, Yo Bo, Franco, Abon o and others. Includ es a few stamp s and fore ign destinations. Exce llent starter unit or for retail, we note items to $750 eac h with most ly $200-$ 500 range . An opportuni ty and a must for viewi ng .......... Est. $ 10,00 0-$ 15,000
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STAMPLESS MARITI ME TO FOREIG N DESTINATION 1779 to 1855 (By Countr y of Destination ) This portion of the period cove rc all co n-espondence sent abroa d by using the C row n ' O verseas Posta l per the Roya l decree of A ugust 6, 1764 . Here yo u w ill find covers with such markin gs as: Yndi as, De as Service , Islas de B arlove nto . and Yndi as
To Balearic Island s, ISLA DE PTO RICO , 8 185 SEP 1847 Red doubl e circl e handsta mp on large cove r fro m San Juan, sent fro m the Gove rnor w ith his bold Blac k offic ial Shi eld in double ova l, addre sect Palma, manuscr ipt "73" du e markin g and "R. S." (rea l serv icio) at top, w ith Red "Palma D.M., I. Balear. 24 Nov 1847" rece iving strik e on reve rse, Very Fin e. Rare destin ation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $750 -$ 1,000
San Juan to Tenerife, ISLA DE PT O-R ICO , 187 29 JAN 1852 Blu e doubl e circle "B aeza" handstamp w ith Red hand sta mp ed SR on fo lded lette r w ith , addres sed Tene rifa Ca nary Islands, reve rse w ith Red "Cad iz" tra nsit and Red Tenerife , 6 APR 1852, Ca nary Islands rece iving stri kes , Very Fin e . .. . . .Es t. $400- $500
San Juan to Tenerife , ISLA DE PTO -RI CO 9 186 MAY 185 1 Blu e do uble circ le " Baeza " handstamp with large Red handsta mp ed SR and 5.R in circ le on fo lded lette r wra pp er, ad dr esse d Tene rifa Cana ry Is la nds , rever e w ith partia l "Baeza" rece iving str ike, Very F ine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. $400 -$500
to Canar y Islands , La Guaira Venezue la, AP 188 9 1854 date line on Blu e fo lded lette r w ith co ntents, addressed Tenerife Canary Island s, Red handstamp "S R" w ith Blue lSLAS DE PTO RICO doubl e circ le "Baeza " for transit through Puerto Rico , Very F ine . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . .. Est. $400 -$500 . . . ...... . . .. ..........
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189 ISLAS DE BARLOVENTO , Ty#2 Red two line handstamp at bottom of folded letter with contents , addressed Tenerife Canar y Islands , date lined Puerto Rico JUL 26 1789 with manuscript "2" Rea les due , very ear ly usage , Beautiful and Extra Fine ; one of the earliest (po ssibly the ear liest) lette r known from Puerto Rico to the Old World ..... . . . .... . ..... . . . .... . ...... . ........... . .. . ...... . . . .. .. ... .Est. $2,000-$3,000
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190 to Canary Island s, ISLAS DE BARLOVE NTO, 23 August 1802 Red straight line postmark on fold ed letter with contents , rare Red straig ht line ESPANA handstamp at bottom addres sed Tenerife Canary Islands , Very Fine ; very early . .. ... . .... ... Est. $1,000-$1 ,500
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191 to Canary Islands , CADIZ, 21 Marc h 1838 Blue double circ le postmark with unusual Black fancy 5*5 in circle due app lied on arrival on folded letter with contents datelined "Jerez de la Frontera 15 March 1868", Red PUERTO RICO in double ova l error of mailing , or iginall y addres sed Tenerife to where it was returned , Very Fine ; very scarce routing .. . ... . .Est. $500 -$750
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To Venezuela , ISLAS DE BARLOVENTO, Ty#4 Red two line handstamp at bottom of folded letter with 192 content s, addressed Caracas Venezuela , datelined Pue110 Rico AUG 7 1789 with manuscript "2" Reales due , very ea rly usage Beautiful and Extra Fine ; earliest letter known from Puerto Rico to Venezuela .... Est. $5,000-$7,500
To Colombia, YSLAS, Ty# l Red straig ht line 193 handsta mp on fo lded letter with contents , datelined " Pu ert o Rico , FEB 25 1810" , addr esse d Popayan Colomb ia, Very Fine; rare destin ation and On e of only . . .. .. . . Five repo rted covers w ith this marking ...... .. . ... .. .. .. . ... Est. $2,000-$3,000 .. .. . . ....
March 2 1, 200 6
to Corsica, YAUCO/ FRANCO , Ty# ! Black 194 stra ight line handstam ps with lD. in small oval on folded lette r with parti al contents, PUERTO RICO straight line in Red doubl e ova l, addressed Bastia Cors ica , num ero us tra nsit markings includin g Red boxed Packet Letter , London , Paris and Bast ia receiving some so iling . . . . Est. $ 1,500-$2,000 and edge faults, Fine ...........
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195 PUERTO RICO, Ty#5 framed double oval Red straight line handstamp on folded letter with contents , addressed Havana , datelined Puerto Rico , MAY 2, 1841 with Black handstamp Empressa E in circle for the Cuban Maritime Company which operated from 18 271851 on reverse , Very Fine ..... .. .. .. Est. $50 0-$750
197 To France, ARROYO, FRANCO, 1847 sma ll Red straig ht line postmarks , transferred to the British agency with Black San Juan-Porto Rico FE 21 1847 split circ le on folded letter datel ined Guayama Puerto Rico , Red boxed Colonies & c.ART.13 handstamp , addressed Corsia France with Red San Juan Baeza , London , Marseille , Boulogne transit s and Corse receiving strikes , some wear with light toning , Fine; very rare straight line used to foreign destination ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $1,000 -$ 1,500
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'' 196 DWI to France, S. TOMAS, 1848 octagonal framed Red straight line postmark on folded letter with contents datelined " St. Thomas , 17 JAN 1848", manuscript "per Paquebot No.5 , voie de Pto Rico " directional at upper left, Black British St. Thomas, FE 14 1848 split circle Valentines day dispatch strike on reverse , addressed Bordeaux France with Red boxed Colonies & c.ART.13, Red "Ang l.2, Boulogne 2" , London transits and Bordeaux receiving strikes , Very Fine ; Puerto Rico S. Tomas originat ion markings are rare; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certific ate .. ...... . .. .... Est. $2,000- $3,000 March 2 1, 2006
198 Puerto Rico to France, Puerto Rico 17 APR I 857 dateline on Blue folded lette r with Blue/Green handstamped two line PACKET LETTER / SOUTHAMPTON , boxed G.B./1F60c and 8 exchange marking s, Blue " Southampton" Red London , Black French "Ang 1, Amb Calais M", "Paris a Pyrenn es" transit markings , well annotated transits , Very Fine ..... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . .. . . ... Est. $ 1,000- $ 1,500
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To France , Mayaguez Porto Rico, UNPAID , 199 AU IO 1875 Blac k Brit ish postm ark on reve rse of cove r opened for display with handstamp ed " 12" (dec imes) rate, boxe d GB/ 1F60c at upp er right, addresse d Age n France w ith London, Ca lais, Paris tra nsit and Age n rece iv ing strik es, Fine; rare Mayag uez UNPAID depreciated currency markin g; 2005 Se rgio Sismondo certifi.Es t. $500-$75 0 . ....... . . .. ...... cate ......
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To France , ISLAS DE PTO RICO, 6 MAR 200 1852 Blu e Baeza postm ark, transfe ITed to the Briti sh agency with Black San Juan-Porto Rico MR 1852 split circle on folded letter datelined Guaya ma PUerto Ri co , Red boxe d Co lonies & c.ART.13 and Black 15 (decim es) hand stamp s, addr esse d Co rsia Fr ance with London, Ca lais, Paris tra nsits and St. Flor enten Co rse rece iving str ikes , some wea r with light tonin g, F ine .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Es t. $200- $3 00
To France , GUAYAMA, SEP. 11, Ty# 3 und ated Blu e straight line with fancy framed FRANCO and " 15" 201 handsta mp s on Blu e folded letter, addresse d Ro chelle Franc e, Red boxe d "Co lonies & ART 13." exchan ge handstamp , tra nsits include rim less Bri tish San Juan, Islas Pto Rico , Lo ndon, Ca lais and Pairs, Very Fin e; rare spectacu. . Est. $3 ,000- $4,000 .. . . . . .... lar and co lorful markings . Ow ner pa id 3,900 . . . .. . . .. . ... .. .... . .... March 2 1, 2006
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..,, 202 To France , GUAYAMA, JU 10.11, 1854 bold Blue straig ht line postmark on fo lded lette r wrap per, wit h bold Blue fancy framed FRANCO with Black "Sa n Juan-Por to Rico" split circle and Blu e Baeza on reverse, handstamped 15 (decimes) rate, Red boxed Colonies & c.ART.13, addr esse d La Rochell e Fra nce, London , Paris , Pari s a Bord eaux tran sits and La Roch elle receiving strike s, Very Fine; stra ight line Guayarna originat ion mar king s to foreign destinations are very rare ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo cert ificate ... ... .. .. ......... . . Est. $3,000-$4 ,000
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--- ~,,~ (Cb~ 203 To France, FRANCO, 1856 unrecorded Black straig ht line in ova l handstam p loca l origi nation strike , transferred to the Briti sh agency wi th Black San Juan-Porto Rico JY 13 1856 split circle on folded lette r date lined Ag uada Puerto Rico , Red boxed Colonies & c.ART.13 and Black 90 (dec imes) handstamps, addressed Bastia Corsica Fra nce with London , Ca lais transits and Bastia receiving strikes, edge wear with interna l faults, Fine ; on ly reported copy of this large oval Franco originat ion handstamp ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo cert ificate . . Est. $2 ,000-$3 ,000
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Puerto Rico to France , Ponce , 11 SEP 1857 204 dateline on fo lded lette r with Blue ova l handstamped "Dede & Ovem1ann , Ponce , P.R." orig inatio n cac het at lowe r left, Blu e double ova l Elzab uru & Ca, Puerto Rico forwa rdin g age nt cac het at lower left , Blue right boxed "GB/ 1F60c " exc hange str ike, Riml ess Briti sh San Juan , Red London and num ero us French tra nsit markings , Very Fine ; 1984 Philatelic Fou nd ation Ce 1tificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .Est. $400-$500
Arecibo to Lon don, BALTIMORE , MD SEP 206 29 1845 Blue inco min g postm ark with matc hing "PA ID " and " IO" in ova l on fo lded letter w ith full co ntents , addressed Lo ndon manuscript l/ exc hange marki ng, reverse with manu script Forwarded by yo ur obt. Svt, Wm Ho we ll & Son, Balto 29t h Sept /45'i and Red London 15 Oct 1845 rece iving strik e, Very Fine ... . . Est. $20 0-$300
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To London , San Juan Puerto Rico, 21 OCT 205 1840 dateline on fo lded letter w ith fu ll co ntents, addressed London , manuscript 1/5 exchange marking , reverse with sma ll Black ova l handstamped Per HESTEES & Co., St. Thomas forwa rdin g agent cachet and Red London 19 DE 1840 rece iving str ike, insignificant . ... .. ... .Est. $200 -$300 fi le crease , Very Fine ....... March 21, 2006
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San Juan to London, 1845 with Red double 207 circle ISLA DE PTO-RICO 12 MA R 1845 "Baeza " postmark with man uscr ipt l/5 rate on fo lded lette r datelined Ag uadi lla, addressed London , Eng land with 9 PAR 1845 receiv ing str ike on reverse, co uple creases , Very . .. . .. . .. Est. $200 -$300 Fine ... ... . .. .. ....
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208 San Juan to Eng land , ISLA DE PTO RICO 11 JUL 1845 clear Blu e double circle handstamp with manuscript " l/5" due markin g on folded letter with contents, some acid erosion, addr esse d London, England with 5 AU 1845 Red rece iving strik e on rever e, Very Fine .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $300-$400
210 To Great Britain , CAPITANlA GE ERAL DE PUERTO RICO , E*M., 1868 Black ova l postmark, Black thimbl e sized double circle "Pu erto-Ric o, 16 JUN 1868" and rimless "South ampton, MR J 6 1869 , PacketLetter" hand stamps manu script " 1/" on cove r, addr essed to Span ish Consul in Southampton England, "Puerto Rico, C" and St -Thomas British str ikes on reve rse, small edge faults w ith couple filin g holes, min or toning, Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certifi cate .. . . .. Est. $200-$300
209 Naguabo to England , ST THOMAS , AU 14 1847 clear Briti sh split circle handstamp w ith manuscript "2/1 O" due marking on folded letter with contents datelined Nag uabo AU 11 1847, carried out of the mails to St. Thom as with Blue double ova l J.B. Anduzer & Cie, St. de Thomas fo rwa rd ing age nt cac het on reve rse , addr esse d Lond on England with 5 SP 184 7 Red rece iving strik e on reve rse, coupl e file creases with minor fault s to reverse, Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismond o certifica te . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. $300-$400
211 To Great Britain , CAPITANIA GE ERAL DE PUERTO RICO , E*M., 1868 Black ova l with small thimbl e sized double circl e Puerto-Rico , postmark Black straight line FRA CO and large 2 hand stamps on cove r,
Ma rch 21, 2006
addresse d to Spanish Consul in South ampton England with London transit, reverse w ith "South ampton, MY 7 1868" rece iving strik e, Blu e/Gr ee n "Co nsulado de Espana en Nueva York" fancy crest in circle handstamp at top, small edge faults w ith minor toning, Very Fine .. . ...... .... .... . ... . . . .. .... Est. $300-$400
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To Great Britain , CAPIT AN TA GENERAL 212 DE PUERTO RICO , E*M., 1868 Black ova l with sma ll thimble size d double circle Puerto-Rico , 27 OCT 68,* postmark , Blac k stra ight line "FRANCO " handsta mp ties Cuba 5ctms sta mp to cove r, (fraudu lent marking w ith added stamp) , addressed to Span ish Co nsu l in Southampton England , St. Thomas transit strike , small edge faults w ith min or toning, Fine, sta mp added, still nice exa mpl es of scarce marki ngs; 2005 Sergio . ... . . . Est. $ 100-$200 Sismondo certificate ... . ......
To Great Britain , CAPITANlA GE ERAL 214 DE PUERTO RICO , E*M., 1869 Black ova l postmark , Black straig ht line FRANCO, bold Parilla killer and 1/ handsta mps on cover , addr esse d to Spanish Co nsul in riml ess w ith reve rse Engla nd , Southampton " Southampton , MR 16 1869 , Packet-Letter " and multiple "Puerto Rico " strikes including Spanish and British PO 's, sma ll edge faults w ith min or toning, Very Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo cert ificate . . . ... .. . .. Est. $200-$300
To Great Britain , CAPJTANIA GENERAL 213 DE PUERTO RlCO , E.M ., 1868 Black ova l with 1/ handstamps on cover , addressed to Spanish Cons ul in Sout hampto n England , manuscript "R.S. " fo r Rea l Servic io at top , reverse with very scarce SPANISH MAJL-PACKET, A SP 28 1868 , Bri tish post office St. Thomas and riml ess " Southampt on-Packet -Lette r" tran sit strikes on reve rse, coupl e sma ll holes , few small .. Est. $750 -$1,000 fau lts, Very Fine . .. . .. . .. .......
Guayanilla to England, ST THOMAS, A, DE 215 13 1871 British postmark with handsta mp ed 1/ due marking on fo lded letter wit h conte nt s date lin ed Guaya nilla DE 10 1871, car ried out of the mails to St. Thomas w ith Blu e double ova l F.Antonio & Co, Gua yanilla P.R. merchants origination cachet at lower left, addr esse d London England with DE 28 187 1 Red receiv ing strike on reverse , file crease , Fi ne; 2005 Sergio Sismondo cert ificate . .. .. .. .. .. . ... ... Est. $ 150-$200
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216 Ponce to London , MAR 8 1872 dateline on folded letter with full contents , addressed London , with handstamped 1/ exchange marking , Blue oval handstamped Forwarded by, Wiechers & Co, Ponce, P.R. forwarding agent cachet and multiple Red London 2 AP/ AP3 , 1872 receiving strikes , insignificant file crease , Very Fine .. .. . . ..... . . . ..... . .Est. $300 -$400
218 Mayaguez to London, 24 OCT 1872 dateline on folded letter with full conte nts, addressed London , with scarce handstamped double circle AA, F.B., NO 12 1872 and 2/ exchange marking, Blue double circle handstamped Lameyer & Co, Mayaguez P.R. cachet and Red London OV 2 1872 receiving strike , some soil ing w ith light file crease , Very Fine ... ... .. .Est. $300-$400
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217 To Great Britain, Ponce Porto Rico , UNPAID, NO 24 1872 Black British postmark on reverse of folded letter datelined Guayanilla 23 NOV 1872, Black handst amped 1/ and double circle AA/ DE 14 1872 / FB at upper right, Blue double oval "F.Antonisanti & Co, Guayanilla P.R." merchants cachet , addressed London Great Britain , Very Fine ; one of less than five reported examples of this rare Ponce UNPAID marking ; 1948 Philatelic Foundation ce11ificate, 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate .. . .. . . . . Est. $2 ,000-$3 ,000 March 2 1, 2006
To Martinique, Guayama, 26 JUN 1844 dateline on folded letter , with bold Red oval Encaminada por, Benito Carreras E Hijos , Sn Juan de Pto Rico forwarding agents cachet on reverse , manuscript "por Vapor" directive at lower left, addressed St. Pierre Martinique , some acid ink erosion , Fine . . . .... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. $750-$ 1,000 219
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To Spain, Pto. RICO / FRANCO, ca. 1802 in 222 Red oval handstamp on sma ll cover, addressed Madrid Spain , fresh and Very Fine ; One of only Two recorded . .... Est. $2,000-$3,000 with this marking ..........
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To Martinique, Guayama, DEC 10 I 847 date220 line with manuscript "Paid I/" on folded letter, addressed care of U.S. Consul St. Pien·e Martinique , rare Red oval handstamped Forwarded by, your obedient Svts, McPherson, Rie Kohl & Co, NACUABO, Puerto Rico cachet at upper left, St. Thomas DE 22 1847 transit and St. PieITe receiving strikes, Very Fine; a rare destination .. .... Est. 1,500-$2,000 and unique cover ..........
ISLAS DE BARLOVENTO , Ty#2 Red two 223 line handstamp on folded letter with contents, addressed Cataluna , datelined Puerto Rico , Jan 28 1814 with manuscript "6" Reales due , very early usage , sma ll ink acid erosion , othe1wise Very Fine .. . ...... Est. $750. -$ 1,000
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PUERTO RICO / FRANCO, Ty#9 undated 221 Black oval handstamp on folded letter with content , large Red handstamped "4" due marking applied on aITival, datelined San Juan AUG 25, 1834, addressed Est. $2,000 -$3,000 Barcelona Cataluna , Very Fine ......
March 21, 2006
To Spain, ISLAS DE BARLOVENTO, Ty#5 224 Black two line handstamp on folded letter with contents , addressed Valencia , datelined "Puerto Rico , 12 AUG 1818" with Red handstamped 5 and Rs due markings , manu script "v ia Gibraltar" at lower left, some light ton.. Est. $400-$500 ing, Very Fine ...............
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225 To Spain , PUERT O RICO ., 1826 bold Black straig ht line on folded lette r wra pper only, addr esse d Barcelona Spain, Red CADIZ and 13 due handstamps, light file crease , crisp, fres h and Very Fine; rare early sh·aight line . .... . . .... . .. . . . . .. .. . . . .. . .. ....... . .............. ... .. .. .. .. . ... ..... Est. $3,000 -$4,000
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226 PUERTO RICO , Ty#2 Black straight line handstamp on folded letter with contents, addresse d Barce lona, datelined San Juan de Puerto Rico, JUL 23, 1834 with Red handstamp "SR 4Ms " due markings, one small insignifi cant soiling spot, slits from disinfection/fumi gation, this scarce straight line only used on letters from San Juan, very fres h and Very Fine . ............... . ............. . ....... ... .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . ...... Est. $3,000 -$4,000
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To Spain, DE YNDlAS, Ty#8 Red stra ight line 227 handstamp on folded letter with contents , addressed Barcelona Spain , datelined " San Juan de Puerto Rico , 30 8 1835" with bold Red handstamped R/ Ore 24 strike on reverse , very fresh w ith slits from disinfection/fumigation, Very Fine ..... . ..... . .... . . ... .Est. $500 -$750
To Spain, PUERTO RICO, Ty#5 1840 straight 229 line in Red double oval with 7.R due handstamp on Blue folded letter datelined "Puerto Rico 9 JUN 1840" , addressed Madrid Spain , reverse with large Red "Madrid , ruL 30 1840" and large Red "AB " (abono) hands tamps , light file crease , crisp , fresh and Very Fine . ... . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $400-$500
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PUERTO RICO , Ty#5 framed double oval Red 228 straight line handstamp on folded letter with contents , addressed Barcelona , datelined San Juan de Puerto Rico, DEC 13, 1840 with Blue handstamp "SR 4M s" due markings , very fresh with Blue "Fro 31" receiving strike on reverse , this Red oval only used from San Juan , Very Fine .... .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . .... . . . .. Est. $300 -$400
March 2 1, 2006
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To Barcelona, PUERTO RICO , Ty#5 framed 230 double oval Red straight line handstamp on folded letter with contents datelined "AUG 25 1842" , add ressed Barcelona , with Black handstamp "9R" due marking , reverse with Red Vigo transit and Black Cataluna receiving strike s, this Red oval only used from San Juan , couple light creases , Very Fine ... . ..... .. . Est. $400-$500
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231 To Spain, PUERTO RICO/ FRANCO, 1842 straight line in Red oval handstamp on folded letter datelined "Puerto Rico MAY 2 1842", addressed Cervera Spain , light file crease , crisp , fres h and Very Fine .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. Est. $1,500-$2 ,000
233 To Madrid, PUERTO RICO, Ty#5 framed double oval Red straig ht line handstamp on folded letter without contents , addressed Madrid , with Red hand stamp " 5.R" due marking , manuscript "via Goleta Casa dora " at lower left, Red "Madr id 11 MAY 1842" Baeza receiving strike, this Red oval only used from San Juan , Very Fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. $400-$500
232 To Madrid, PUERTO RICO , Ty#5 framed double oval Red straight line handstamp on folded letter without content s, addressed Madrid , with Red handstamp "5.R" due marking , manuscript "p Arimides via Cadiz" at lower left, Red "Baeza " receiving strike , this Red ova l only used from San Juan, Very Fine . . . . . Est. $400-$500
234 San Juan to Barcelona, ISLA DE PTORICO , 10 JAN 1843 Red double circle "Baeza" handstamp with small Red handstamped SR on folded letter wit h contents , addressed Barcelona, Spain , reverse with partial "Baeza " receiving strike , Very Fine , one of ear liest reported uses of the Baeza type postmark in Puerto Rico . . . ..... .. . . .... .. . ... Est. $750 -$ 1,000
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235 To Madrid, ISLA DE PTO-RICO , 3 FEB 1843 Red doubl e circle "Baeza " postmark with matchin g Red handstamped 5.R due markin g on folded letter without cont ents, addresse d Madrid , Spain with Red " 15 MAR 1843" rece iving strik e on reverse , Very F ine . ... . .............................. Est. $300- $400
237 ISLAS DE BARLOVE NTO, Ty#3 Red two line watery handstamp on folded letter with contents, addresse d Barce loneta, datelined Vega Baj a Puerto Rico, Mar 1 1845 w ith Red " l 5R" handstamped due strik e at top, light file fo ld, Red Barcelona Catalona 15 April 1845 receiv ing strike on reverse, Very Fine .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Es t. $ 1,000- $ 1,500
236 To Madrid, ISLA DE PTO-RICO, 15 MAR 1843 Red double circle "Baeza" post mark with Black handstamped 5.R due marking on fo lded letter wit hout contents datelined, addresse d Madrid, Spain, Very Fine . . .............. . ... . . .... . .. . ... Est. $200 -$300
238 ISLAS DE BARLOVE NTO, Ty#3 Red two line watery handstamp on folded lette r w ith contents, little soiled, addresse d Barcelona, datelined Manaty Puerto Rico, Fe b 14 1845 with Red " !OR" due strike at bottom, light file fold, Very Fine . .. . ....... .Est. $ 1,000- $ 1,500
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239 PONCE , TY# l bold Red straight line handstamp on Blue folded letter with contents , addressed Barce lona, datelined Ponce Puerto Rico , MAY 17, 1846, Red handstamped "5R" due marking , reverse with Red ISLA DE PTO -RICO and Red Barcelona double circle transit strikes , light insignificant crease, still Very Fine .. ...... .. . ................ .. .... Est. $400 -$500
241 YNDIAS, Ty#2 Red straight line handstamp on folded letter with contents , addressed Barcelona , datelined Mayaguez , Puerto Rico , JUN 17, 1847 with manuscript due marking , Red Barcelona AUG 5, 1847 receiving strike on reverse , overall toning with a couple spindle type holes from disinfection/fumigation , Very Fine ... . . . .................. .. . . . ... .Est. $500-$750
240 YNDIAS, Ty# 1 bold Red straight line hand stamp on Blue folded letter with contents , addressed Barcelona , datelined Mayaguez , Puerto Rico , JUN 17, 1847 with manuscript due marking , manuscript "per Zoila " at lower left and de lndia s at top , Red Mahon Baleric Island s SEP 22, 1847 transit strike on reverse , very fresh with a circle of slits from disinfectio n/fumigation , Extremely Fine .. .. . . ... . . . . ... Est. $750-$1 ,000
242 YNDIAS, Ty# l Blue straight line handstamp on Blue folded letter with contents , addressed Barcelona , datelined Mayaguez , Puerto Rico , JUN 16 1850 with handstamped Blue SR due marking , partial Red Baeza with handstamped 6 strikes on reverse , very fres h with a circle of slits from disinfection/fumigation , Very Fine; an extremely scarce use in Blue ........ . .Est. $750-$1,000
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DE FRANCIA, 1847 Red straight line hand243 stamp with manu script " 1 oz" on fo lded letter date lined Puerto Rico APR 16 1847, addr esse d Barcelon a, Spain, reve rse with 9 JUN 1847 "Baeza" rece iving strik e, .. . . . Beautiful and Ve1y Fine; very rare marJcjng . ..... . .Est. $ 1,000- $ I ,500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .......
To Spain, YNDIAS, Ty# 11 Red straight line 245 hand stamp w ith matching 5 Rs on fo lded letter wrapp er, addr esse d Bilb oa Spain with Blu e doubl e ova l Amell, Julia & Co, Arecibo P.R. hand stamp ed fo1warder cach et at lowe r left, Red Baeza Bilbo a receiving strik e on reve rse, very fres h with slits from disinfectio n/fumi gaEs t. $ I ,000- $ 1,500 tion, Very Fine .. ... .. ... ..........
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To Spain , Mayaguez , 4 MAY 1847 da te line on 244 fo lded lette r with contents, add ressed Barce lona, with rare manuscript lndia s and "5 Rs" due mark ings , Red Barce lona Baeza rece iving strike on reverse , Ve1y F ine; only cove r known with manuscr ipt, rat her than more normal handstamp ; Graus ce rtific ate .. .. Est. $ 1,500- $2,000
March 21, 2006
To Spain , San-Juan Puerto Rico , 1850 parti al 246 Blac k Briti sh split ring postmark on reve rse of Blu e folded lette r wra pp er w ithout contents, manu script Mage nta "2 /6" rate and Red ova l "PF " (pa id to fronti er) handstamp ed two diffe rent Red 15 R handstamp s, London and Ca lais tra nsit strik es with poor Baeza rece ivin g, addr esse d Madrid SPain, portion of reverse mi ss ing, Fin e; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificat e ... Est. $200- $300
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SA LORENZO , Ty# ! 1850 Black straight line postmark on Blue folded letter, handstam ped Red 5 Rs at top, addressed Madrid Spa in with bold Blue stra ight line CAGUAS transit , reverse with Blu e Isla de Puerto Rko and Red "Madrid " double circ le "Baeza" strikes, Very Fine. Owner paid $3,200 . . . .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $2,000-$3 ,000 247
249 San Juan to Barcelona , ISLA DE PTO-RICO , 21 JUL 1854 Blue double circle "Baeza" handstamp with Blue handstamped 5R on folded lette r with printed circular contents, addressed Barcelona , Spa in with Red "Barcelona , 6 SEP 1854, Cata luna" rece iving strike on reve rse, Very Fine .. . . ...... ....... Est. $200 -$300
248 To Madrid, San Juan , JUL 14 1852 dateline on folded letter with contents , addressed Madrid , carr ied private ly to Great Britain , wit h Red handstamp "13 R" due marking , large rimless Red " LONDON / PAID" transit, "PF" (paid to Fro ntier) in Red ova l, Ca lais transit and Red "Madrid " Baeza rece iving strike, Very Fine ...... . ............. . .. . ................. Est. $200-$300
March 21 , 2006
250 Puerto Rico to Spain, PONCE , Ty# l 1855 Blue /Gree n straight line with unusual Blue handstamped 2 R on folded letter wrapper, Blue ISLA DE PTORICO , 27 FEB 1855 Baeza and Blue double circle Palomos, Gerona transit str ikes , addressed Cata luna Spain , Very Fine .... .. . . .... . ....... .Est. $500 -$750
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251 Arecibo to United States, PORTO-RICO, PAID, C, 27 JU 1863 faint Red postmark , bold Black ST THOMAS, JU 30 1863 British spl it circle transit on reverse with Red manuscript crayon" I/ " due marking on Blue folded letter with contents datelined Arecibo JUN 26 1863, carried out of the ma ils to St. Thomas with faint double oval Vias Y Compania, San Juan P.R. forwarder cachet struck over reverse flap , bold "Arnell , Julia & Co , Arecibo P.R." merchants origination cachet at lower left , addressed New York with BOSTO /5 JUL 17 incom ing exchange marking , Very Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate ... ... ..... . ... ... . . .. .Est. $200-$300
253 To Spain, Guayanilla, Puerto Rico , 3 SEP 1867 markings on Blue folded letter with contents datelined "Guayanilla ", One Spain stamp , faulty # 19, on reverse with large part of Spanish franking tom away during careless opening, likely Three 1/2 Rs stamps , markings include stra ight line FRANCO , "Puerto Rico" struck twice including from British post office , addressed Barcelona with receiving strike, Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate .. .. . ... ...... . .Est. $200-$300
252 To Spain, Puerto Rico, J867 marking s on Blue folded letter with contents datelined "Guayanilla ", Two Spain stamps ,# 19 on reverse mostly all tom away during carele ss opening , markings include straight line FRANCO , "Puerto Rico " struck twice including from Briti sh post office , addressed Barcelona with recei ving strike , Fine .. .. ...... .. .. ... . .... . . . .. Est. $ 150-$200
March 2 1, 2006
254 To Spain, Guayanilla, Puerto Rico , 5 FEB 1868 thimble sized postmark on Blue folded letter with contents datelined "Guayanilla" , reverse with large part torn away missing Spanish stamps with total franking of 2 Reales as indicated by Blue 2 Rs handstamp on address side , markings include "Puerto Rico" struck twice including from British post office , addressed Barcelona with London transit , Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate . . .. . .. .. . .... . . . . . .. .. .. . . . .. .Est. $ 150-$200
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255 San Juan to Spain, ST-THOMAS, B, OC 14 1869 Briti sh po stmark with Blu e handstamped 4 Rs due markin g on folded letter wrapp er with Black mournin g bord er, date!ined Guayani Ila DE IO 187 1, carried out of the mails to St. Th omas w ith Blue doubl e ova l Sobrinos de Ezquiara & Co, San Juan de Puerto Rico merchants originat ion cac het at lowe r left, addr esse d Barce lona Spain with London, La Junqu era transits and Barce lona receiving strike on reve rse, Very Fin e; 2005 Sergio Slsmondo certificat e .... . ....... Est. $ 150-$200
257 To Spain, FRANCO , 1876 Bla ck stra ight line hand stamp on folded letter with small thimbl e sized double circle "Guaya nilla, 23 JAN 1868, Puerto Rico" postmark addr esse d Barce lona Spain, Black Puerto Rico transit strike on reve rse, fault s to reve rse flap, Fin e ....... . ...... . ... ... .. . ... . ..... .Est. $150-$200
256 To Spain, FRANCO , 1876 Bl ack stra ight line handstamp on folded lette r with pr inted contents date1ined "Puerto -Rico FEB 12 1876", addr esse d Cadiz Spain, Black 27 MAR 1876 rece iving strik e on reverse , Very F ine .. . ..... . ... . .. . ........ .Est. $ 150-$200
258 To Spain, San Juan to Barcelona , Black bordered mourni ng enve lope , front only, carried via Mi litary transport to Barcelona, Spain, scarce Blu e double circle handstamped 2nd Provincial Battalion of Puerto Rico, 1st Chief , Black transit strike ofN uevitas Isla de Cuba, Fine.; like ly an ear ly sending from the Spanish America n War. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . ...... Est. $200 -$300
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259 Puerto Rico to New York, GUAYAMA, PUERTO RICO, MAY 13 1855 fancy Blue hand stamp , struck twice on Blu e folded lette r with contents , Blue fancy framed FRANCO , 2 and Blu e "Islas de Pto Rico, 15 MAY 1855" and "Hava na, Tslade Cuba, 2 JUN 1855" Baeza style transit str ikes, with Black STEAMSffiP 10 in circle exchange str ike, Very Fine; very scarce with less than Ten strikes repo rted. Owner paid $4,300 ... . ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $3, 000 -$4,000
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260 Puerto Rico to New York, NEW HAVE , Con, OCT 25 1860 handstamp w ith SHIP 5 in circle incom ing strikes on Blue folded letter , Blue double oval L. TORO & CO forward by,PO CE P.R. forward ing age nt cac het at upper right , Very Fine ; very scarce incoming ship mail from Ponce to New York via Connectic ut. . .. . ... . . . ........... .Est. $300-$400
262 San Juan to New York, PAID at SAN JUAN, 1860 Red crowned circle , poorl y struck on folded letter with incoming ew York STEAMSHIP lO<and Red manuscript " I" crayon exchange marking s, with full con tents , addressed ew York, reverse with "San Juan Puerto Rico APR 12 1860" British post office strike and ST. THOMAS in small thimble sized circle with scarce inverted "C", one of on ly two reported whe n purchased , Very Fine . . .. .... . . .. ... . .... . .... Est. $500-$750
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261 Puerto Rico to New York, NEW HAVEN, Ct, JUL 18 1863 Black handstamp with SHIP in oval and 12 incoming strikes on folded letter datelined Arroyo , Blu e double ova l Forwarded by, L. TORO & Co, PONCE P.R. forward ing agent cac het at upper right , Very Fine ; very scarce incoming sh ip mail to New York via Connectic ut. ........ . ... . ... . . ..... Est. $400 -$500
March 2 1, 2006
263 San Juan to New York, BALTIMORE , MD APR 26 186 1 incoming Blue postmark with matching Blue SHIP, 5 on folded Blue letter with full content s, addressed New York, Blue double oval handstampe d Vias y Compania, Puerto Rico cachet , manuscript "per Kirkland" ship directive at upper left, light file crease , Very Fine . . .. .. . . . .. .. .... . . . . . Est. $ 150-$200
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St. John's to New York, BALTIMORE , MD 264 APR 26, 1861 incoming Blue postmark with match ing Blue SHIP, 5 on folded Blue letter with full contents, addre sse d New York, manuscr ipt "per Kirk land via Baltimore " ship directive at lower left , light file creases, .Est. $100-$ 150 .. ............ Very Fine ...
Puerto Rico to New York, Arroyo, 1 JUL 1865 266 dateline on fo lded letter wit h full contents, handstamped EW-YORK SHIP LETTER/ 4 JUL 20 incoming strike, addressed New York , Blue double ova l A. McCormick & So, Arroyo P.R. forwa rdin g agent cachet at lower left, light file crease, Very Fine; on ly reported Est. $300 -$400 copy of this forwarde r cac het. ........
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,.---Arecibo to United States, ST THOMAS/ 265 EXPRESS/ OFFICE , 1862 Blue ova l forwarding agent cachet on reverse of fo lded letter datelined "Arec ibo PR , APR26 1862" with Blue ova l " L' Do. Felix S. A lfonso, Arecibo Puerto Rico" compa ny cac het at lower left, handstamped 5 in circ le incoming sh ip marking and manuscript "pr Minerva " directive all on address side, Blu e football shaped double oval Forwarded by James T. Abbott & Co, St. Thomas, W.I. strike on reverse, Very .. Est. $2,000 -$3 ,000 ...... ....... Fine . .......
March 21, 2006
San Juan to Maine, BALTIMORE , MD, 267 1876 incoming transit postmark with matching 4 MAR SHIP and boxed 6 on fo lded letter wit h conline straight d Portland Ma ine, light file creases with addresse tents , Est. $100-$ 150 ...... Very Fine ........ , toning normal
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268 St. John's to ew York, OV 28 1868 date line on folded letter with full contents , addressed ew York with N.Y. STEAMSHIP / JO D EC/ 10 incoming strike, manuscript "Stea mer vis Havana" directive at upper left, light file creases , fres h and Very Fine . ... Est.$ I 00-$150
270 To France, YAUCO, 1852 Blue straight line postmark , transfe1Ted to the British agency w ith Black San Juan-Porto Rico MR 1852 split circle on folded letter datelined Guayama Puerto Rico, partial Red boxed Colonies & c.ART.13 and Black 90 (decimes) handstamps, addres ed Corsia France with London, Cala is, Paris transits and St. Flo renten Corse receiving strikes , some wea r with light toning , Fine; very rare stra ight line used to foreign destination .. ..... . ... .Est. $750 -$ J ,000
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269 Puerto Rico to New York, San Juan Bautista , APR 22 1876 dateline on folded lette r w ith full contents, addr esse d New York with Blue oval Forwarded by, Theobaud Brothers , New -York handstamped cachet , Blue partly clear double circle Havana Forwarding cachet on reverse , some reverse and internal faults , still Fine .. . . . . ... . .. . .. . ... . . . ..... Est. $300-$400
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271 Ship Manifest, San Juan , Puerto Rico, APR 25 1867 document w ith Illustra tion of Sailing Ship at upper left , listing 50 bales of coffee beans car ried from San Juan to Cadiz Spain , comp lete document with minor ton ing, Very Fine ; Great start of any exhibit or for Framing .... .. ........ . . . . . .. .... . .Est. 200-$300
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Incoming to Puerto Rico , HAVANA, 1835 Black straight line handstamp with manuscript "2" rating , man272 . . .Est. $400- $500 uscript 28 JAN 1835 docket ing, rare early Island to Island use, fres h and Very Fine ... .. . . ....
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To Puerto Rico, Havana, Isla de Cuba, 15 MAR 184 7 Red "Baeza" type postmark on small Official cover 273 wit h Red stra ight line hand stampe d CUBA and 2 overstuck on I 1/2 due markings appli ed on arriva l, addre ssed San Juan , light toning with few wo nn holes, very clear strik es, Very Fine; a rare inco ming straight line. Own er paid $5,400. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $4, 000- $5,000
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274 To Puerto Rico, HAVANA, 1847 octagonal framed Red straight line postmark on small Offici al cover with Red 1 3/4 oz due marking app lied on arrival , addressed San Juan , light tonin g with crease, very clear strike s, manuscript "per Str Ulises" at lower left, Very Fine ; a rare incoming strike, . ........ . .. Est. $2,000- $3,000
275 DWI to San Juan, P.RICO/Franco , 1830 Black oval incoming handstamp on folded letter datelined "S t. Thomas 11 SEP 1827", addressed San Juan with very scarce Black straight line S. Tomas origination strike, clean and clear strikes, Very Fine; a rare cover of which this is One only Two known ovals. Owner paid $5,400 ... ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $4,000-$5 ,000
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DWI to Puerto Rico, SO. TOMAS, Ty#2 ca. 1843 Red straig ht line on incoming folded letter wra pper, 276 addressed San Juan, rare mark ing, One of only Tlu·ee or so known needs some repairs, vertica l tear s, acid erosion w ith Est. $200 -$300 marking unaffected , with nonn al toning great exam ple or reference copy. . . . . . . . .....
DWI to Puerto Rico, SO. TOMAS, Ty#2 J 843 Red stra ight line on folded letter with contents datelined 277 "Sa n Thomas 20 SEP 1843" , addressed Manat i, w ith manuscript " I 1/2 Rs" on reverse , Very Fine . Owner paid $6,50 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $4,000-$6 ,000
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278 Connecticut via DWI to Puerto Rico, S. TOMAS, mark on folded letter with contents datelined "New Haven , directi ve "care of Whitmore & Co, St. Thomas ", with Red 2 1846" markings , also with scarce faint Red oval Forwarded cachet, file crease , Very Fine. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1846 octagonal framed Red straight line transit post16 MAY 1846", addressed Guyama with manuscript Rs and double circ le "ISLA DE PTO-RI CO, 22 JUN by Whitmore & Co, St. Thomas forwarding agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $3,000 -$4,000
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DWI to Puerto Rico, S. TOMAS , I 849 octag279 onal framed Blu e straight line postmark on Green fo lded letter w ith contents datelined "S t. Thomas, 4 April 1849", addr esse d Ponce, w ith Blu e 2 1/2 and Blu e doubl e circle " ISLA DE PTO-RI CO, 7 AP 1849" markings file crease, . . . .Est. $2,000- $3, 000 ... ...... Very Fine .......
DWI to Puerto Rico , S. TOMAS, ca. 185 1 281 octago nal framed Blu e straight line post mark on incoming addr ess panel only as ofte n with Blu e 2 1/2 handstamp at upp er right, addr esse d Ponce, usual aging, som e . .. . .Est. $750- $ 1,000 . ...... faults, Very Fin e ......
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DWI to Puerto Rico, S. TOMAS, ca. 1850 280 octago na l framed Blu e straight line postmark on incom ing cove r with Blu e stra ight line PONCE transit handstamp at top, addresse d Mayag uez Puerto Rico , min or .... Est. $2,000 -$3,000 edge faults, Very Fin e .........
Marc h 2 1, 2006
DWI to Puerto Rico , ST THOMAS/ 282 EXPRESS / OFFICE , 1864 Red ova l forwa rdin g age nt cac het on reve rse of Blu e fo lded letter Sheet datelined " St. Thomas 22 DEC 1864" with illustrated Buildin g for "Briscoe M . Douga l & Co" inside, ova l Pan-ilia kill ers tie Cuba # l 2(3) , one creased to addr ess side, addr esse d San Juan with Pu erto Rico strik e on reverse, small hole, faults w ith coupl e separa tions and file creases , Very Fine ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $2,000- $3, 000
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283 DWI to Pu erto Rico , ST. TH OMAS/ EXPRESS/OFFICE, 1878 Green oval forwarding agent cachet on reverse of folded letter datelined "St. Thomas JAN 29 1878" with Purpl e ova l "J.Salay Y Ca" company cachet at lower left, small handstamped "3" due marking , smeared Puerto Rico strike on reverse , couple tears , worm holes and file creases , Fine .... Est. $1,500-$2,000
285 France to Puerto Rico , FRANCIA, 1845 Red straight line handstamp app lied on arrival , Red Bureau Maritime , Havre 9 SEP 1845 strike , Red 4 Rs rating with boxed P.P., addressed Huamacao Puerto Rico , edge wear with smal l comer faults, Fine ; one of less than five recorded Francia country of orig inatio n handstamps; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate . Owner paid $3,000 ... .. . .. .. . . ..... . . ......... .Est. $2,000 -$3,000
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284 DWI to Puerto Rico , ST. THOMAS, 2 7 1873 postmark on folded letter with handstamped 2 accountancy strike, addressed San Juan Puerto Rico with Cuba #55 (sheet margin vert pair) tied by Bold Maltese cross killer, used by the "Herrera Shipping Co.", out of Dominican Republic , Puerto Rico recei ving backstamp , crease not affect ing stamps wit h normal toning , Very Fine; scarce mixed franking ......... ... .... . .... Est. $750 -$ 1,000
March 2 1, 2006
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286 France to Puerto Rico, Aug, 13 MAY 1873 double circ le handstamp on enve lope , with scarce Blue Francia straight line handstamp appli ed on arr ival, addresse d Guayama Puerto Rico , reduced with worm holes and faults , sma ll double circle "Ligne R, Paq. Fr. o.2" strike on reverse . ...... . .. . .. Est. $500-$750
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Germany to Puerto Rico, HAMBURG, F, 14 3 1872 Red pos tmark on fold ed letter w ith bold strai ght line 287 YNGLATERRA , with hand stamp ed Red P.P. (pa id to fro ntier), Blac k 1 exchange strikes , manu script Red crayon " I/ I" and " l /4", addr essed San Juan Puerto Rico "Lond on PAID 16 MR 72" transit and Puerto Rico receivin g strik es, file crease not affectin g marking s, Very Fin e; the Yn glaterra straight line usage is rare; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certifi. . . .Est. $3,000- $4 ,000 . .............. . . . ............ .. . .... . ... cate . ....
Germany to Puerto Rico , HAMBURG , F, 30 288 3 1872 Red postmark on fo lded letter with handstamped P.P. (paid to fronti er) strike, Red "London PAlD I AP 72" transit, addr esse d San Juan Puerto Ri co where Cuba #51 affixed for short payment, some ac id ink eros ion w ith light crease , normal toning, Very Fine; scarce mixed frankin g; 1983 CEM ce rtific ate ...... Est. $ 1,500- $2,000
March 2 1, 2006
DE/ ISLAS France, to Guatemala 289 BARLOVE TOS , 1839 Red straight line strike appli ed on arriva l at Cadiz to fo lded letter datelined Guatemala MR 3/ / 839 , RedEspag.St.J. -De-Luz,3 20JUN 1839 maritim e transit w ith matchin g Red 2 rate markin g, the Islas de Barlove nto being used to indicate origin of ship , Very F ine; 2005 Sergio Sismond o ce rtifica te . .. . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. $750-$ 1,000
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290 Incoming to Ponce, Empressa, EM Ty#23 in Red oval on folded letter with content s, Mataro Cataluna 16 OCT 1844 Red double circle Baeza originat ion handstamp , addressed Ponce Puerto Rico , Empressa marking for the Cuban Maritime Company which operated from 1827-1851 , this being one of very few reported incoming letters from that era, crisp and clean , Very Fine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $3,000-$4 ,000
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291 Incoming to Ponce, Empressa, EM Ty#23 in Red oval on folded letter with contents , Mataro Cataluna 14 JUL, 1844 Red double circle origination handstamp , addressed Ponce Puerto Rico, Empressa marking for the Cuban Maritime Company which operated from 18271851, this being one of very few reported incoming letters from that era, crisp and clean , Very Fine ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $1,500-$2,000
March 2 1, 2006
292 Mataro Spain to Ponce , ISLA DE PTORICO, 19 MAY 1846 Red double circle "Baeza " receiving handstamp on fo lded letter datelined "Ma taro, 6 APR 1846", light crease, fresh and Very Fine .. Est. $400-$500
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293 Incoming to Ponce, MATARO CATALUNA, 14 FEB, 1846 Red double circle origination handstamp on folded letter with conte nts, addressed Ponce Puerto Rico, Red double cir cle "ISLA DE PTO-RICO 24 MAR l 846" an-iva l CDS and Red "5 1/2 Rs" due handstamps on reverse , Very Fine . . ..... . .. .... .Est. $750-$ 1,000
294 Incoming to Puerto Rico , CADIZ , 25 JUN 1846 Red double circle "Baeza " handstamp on cove r missing much of reverse , addressed San Juan, some acid ink eros ion, light toning , Fine . .. ... . . .. .Est. $400 -$500
295 Incoming to Puerto Rico , CADIZ, 3 JUN 1846 Red double circle " Baeza" handstamp on folded letter wrapper , addresse d Director of the Econo mic Society San Juan , Very Fine .. .... .. .. .. Est. $400 -$500 March 2 1, 2006
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296 Incoming to Ponce, Empressa , EM, Ty#23 in Red oval on folded letter with contents , Mataro Catalun a 2 JUL 1846 Red doubl e circle origination postmark with hand stam ped small Red 3/4 oz and manuscript "3 Rs", addressed Ponce Puerto Rico , Empressa marking for the Cuban Maritime Company which operated from 1827185 1, this being one of very few reporte d incoming letters from the era , minor edge faults, crisp and clean, Very F ine ......... . ....... . .. Est. $2,000-$3,000
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297 Incoming to Ponce, MATARO CATALUNA, 14 APR 1847 Red double circle originat ion handstamp on folded letter with contents, addressed Ponce Puerto Rico, Red double circ le " ISLA DE PTO-RI CO 26 MAY, 1847" an-ival CDS and Red "5 1/2 Rs" due hand stamp s on reverse , great letter, Very Fine ... .. Est. $ 1,000-$1 ,500
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298 Incoming to Ponce, Empressa, NEMTy# 24 in Red ova l on folded letter with contents, Mataro Cataluna FEB 15 1848 Red double circle Baeza paitl y clear origination handstamp, addressed Ponce Puerto Rico, Empressa markin g for the Cuban Maritim e Comp any which operated from 1827- 185 1, this being one of very few reported incoming letters with this rare marking, light tonin g, Very Fine .................... Est. $5,0 00-$7,500
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Incoming to Puerto Rico , ESPANA , ca . 1852 Red straight line, w ith Red ova l ori gination po stmark 299 addr esse d to Pr es ident of the High Co urt in San Ju an Puerto Rico with his clear Blac k Sea l in fancy ova l at top , som e wo rm holes with usual ag ing, Very Fine; rare straight line. Owners paid $6000 . .. . . .. .. . . . .... .Est. $3,000- $4,000
Incoming to Puerto Rico, ESPA A, 1860 Blue straight line, small thimbl e sized "Valencia 17 APR 1860" 300 do uble circle originat ion postmark with handstamp ed Black A " Abono" (prepaid), on cove r fro m Comm andin g Genera l in Valencia w ith his fancy cac het, addr esse d to same in San Juan Puerto Rico, so me wo nn holes with usual Est. $3, 000- $4,000 ... .. . ... . ... . .. . .. ........ ag ing, Ve1y Fine; rare stra ight line; 1984 CEM cert ificat e ...... March 2 1, 2006
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â&#x20AC;¢ 301 Incom ing to Puerto Rico, ESPANA, 1874 bold Black straight line, with Black thimble sized "Valladolid 5 SEP 1874" 01igination postmark on cover, addressed to President of the High Court in San Juan Puerto Rico with their double oval Officia l seal at lower left, some worm holes with usual aging, Very Fine; rare straight line. Owners paid $5,400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . ..... . .. ..... . . .. .. . .. Est. $3,000-$4,000
302 GUAYAMA, Ty#2 1850 boxed Blue straight line postmark on folded letter datelined Guayama MAY 6 1850, addressed Ponce , with very scarce framed Blue S.TOMAS and petite Blue straight line ARROYO transit markings , fresh and clean , Very Fine, rare combination of very scarce markings . Owner s paid $2,45 0 . . ..... . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. $2,000- $3,000
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303 To Puerto Rico, NORTH AMERICA, 1848 Red straight line postmark on Blue folded letter datelined "New Haven CT 15 MAR 1848", Red 2 1/2 Rs due and doubl e circle "ISLA DE PTO-RI CO" Baeza style markings on reverse, addressed Mayaguez , light crease, very clear strikes , Very Fine; a rare straight line and scarce early destination from Connecticut. Owners paid $4,000 ... .. ... . ...... . ... . ......... . . ....... Est. $3,000-$4,000
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304 Venezuela to Puerto Rico, ST THOMAS/ EXPRESS/ OFFICE , 1868 Red oval forwarding agent cachet on reverse of folded letter with Correos La Guaira, NOV 8 double circ le origination postmark , Blue/Green framed St. Thomas and boxed 1 1/2 transit markings , "Puerto Rico , 25 November 1868" receiving strike on reverse , minor faults with some aging, Very Fine; one of very few known from Venezuela. Owner paid $6,800 ... Est. $5,000- $7,500
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POSTAL HISTORY FRANKED WITH ANTILLES ISSUES 1855 to 1873 Issues (Local Usage) Thi s was a period when Spain print ed stamp s for their ' Overseas Pro vinces " (Ultram ar), as directed by the Roya l order ofS eptermb er 1st, 1854. Th ere we re 57 types of stamp s printed durin g thi s period , all of which we re used in Cuba. However , only 29 we re used in Puerto Rico and som e were also used in the Philippin es. Onl y stamp s on cove rs can definit ely be identifi ed as used in Pu erto Rico . These stamp s are identifi ed using the Scott catalog numbers under Cuba Issues.
1, HUMACAO , Ty# I, und ated Black straight 305 line handstamp with Cuba stamp tied by Parrill a killer to Blue fo lded letter wra pper, addr ess ed Puerto Rico , sca rce use of straight line durin g the phil atelic period, Very . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. Est. $300- $400 Fine . . ........
2, PONCE, Ty# l , und ated Black straight line 307 handstamp with Cuba stamp tied by Parrill a kill er to Blu e folded letter wrapp er, addr esse d Puerto Rico scarce use of straight line durin g the phil atelic period , creases w ith ome tonin g, Very Fin e; ex Pres ton. Owner paid $ 1,800 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $750- $ 1,000
I , San German, Puerto Rico , 15 APR 1857 306 Blu e thimbl e sized postmark with Cuba stamp tied by Parrill a kill er to small fo lded letter w ith cont ents, addr esse d Ag uadill a, Fine . .. . . ... . . . . . Est. I 00- $ 150
12(2), Puerto Rico , 15 SEP 1863 thimbl e sized 308 postmark with Cub a stamp s tied by Parrill a kill ers to cover front addr ess panel only as oft en, addr esse d Cag uas, large Blac k fancy ova l Muni cipal seal handstamp at lowe r left, coupl e hol es with norm al tonin g, .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $ I 00- $ 150
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309 12, Cangrejo , Puerto Rico, 11 JUN 1862 thimble sized postmark with Cuba stamp tied by Parrilla killer to cover, now the town of Santur ce, addressed Puerto Rico , large Bla ck fancy ova l Municipal sea l bandstamp at lower left, norm al toning, Very Fine ... Est. $500 -$750
311 12(single , two pairs) , Admon Graz , Puerto Rico, 3 OCT 1859 Blue thimble sized postmark with Cuba stamps tied by Pan-ilia ki llers to address panel fro nt only as ofte n with sma ll Blue "2 1/2" due handstamp, manuscript "R.S." (rea l serv icio) at top , addr essed Rio Gra nde wit h large Black ova l Superior Court Shield in municipal sea l at lowe r left, normal toning , Fine ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Est. $ 100-$ 150
fa 310 12(block/4), Admon Graz , Puerto Rico, 7 JUL 1860 Blu e thimble sized postma rk with Cuba stamp s tied by Parrilla killers to address panel fron t only as often wit h small Blue "2" due handstamp, addr esse d Rio Gra nde with large Black oval Superior Court Shield in municipal sea l at lower left, acid ink eros ion with faults, normal toni ng, Fi ne ................. Est. $ 100-$150
March 2 1, 2006
312 12(block/6, pairs), Rio Grande , Puerto Rico, NOY 22 1860 thimble size d postmark wit h Cu ba stamps tied by Parrilla killers to address panel front only, addressed Puerto Rico , large Black ova l Muni cipa l sea l handstarnp at lower left , reverse rernai led with "Adrno n Ge n! 26 OY 1860" thimble sized postmark , Blu e "2" and large Black ova l Military ova l handstarnp, Fine .... . . ............................ Est. $400-$500
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12a(block/4) , Puerto Rico , 2 APR 1859 Black 313 thimb le sized postmark with Cuba stamps , dark Blue Shade variety , tied by Parrilla killers to large addre ss panel front only as ofte n, with hand stampe d 2 due marking and manuscript "R .S ." (real se rvicio) at top , addres sed Luquillo , large Black ova l municipal seal at bottom , normal overa ll toning , Fine . . . .... Est. $75-$ 100
13(10), PUERTO RICO, 4 APR 1862 thimbl e 315 sized postmark with Cuba stam ps, IO Rs rate, tied by Parri lla killers to Official package addr ess panel on ly, addr essed Aguadilla , ac id ink eros ion w ith tonin g, Fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. $200-$300
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12(twelve) , Admon Graz , Puerto Rico , 2 APR 314 1859 Blue thimble sized postmark with Cuba stamps tied by Parri lla killers to large address panel fro nt onl y as ofte n, with Blue 6 Rs due handstamp and manuscript "R .S." (real serv icio) at top , addres sed Rio Gra nde with large Black oval Superior Court Shield municipal sea l at lower left , Fine . . . .. . . . . ... . . .. . .Est. $300-$400
March 2 1, 2006
13(2),14(b lock/4), Guayama, Puerto Rico , 17 316 JUN 1865 thimble sized postmark wit h Cuba stamps tied by Parri lla killers to large certified cove r, Manuscript "9 oz" at upper right , addresse d San Juan, fancy octagonal "Certif ' handstamp , no1111altoning , co lorful and Very Fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $ 1,500-$2,000
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317 14,20, to Spain, Puerto-Rico , 12 MAR 1866 thimble sized postmark with Cuba stamps tied by Parrilla ki llers to folded letter wit h contents , large Red 2 R due handstamp , Black fancy framed FRANCO handstamp at bottom , Blue oval "Caracena Yria rte, Y Ca , Puerto Rico " commercial cachet at upper right , addressed Cadiz Spa in, markings on reverse include British Puerto Rico , Londo n transits and Cadiz receiv ing very sma ll tear with file crease , Very Fine ; very rare mixed 1857 and 1864 issues ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate .. . . Est. $1,500-$2,000
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319 18(block/10) , Playa de Ponce, Puerto Rico, 7 DEC 1866 Blue thimbl e sized postmark with Cuba stamps tied by Parrilla killers to large front address pane l only manuscript "5 ounzas" and "26 Rs" at upper right, oval Municipa l seal at lower left, addressed Adjuntas , acid ink erosio n with normal toning , Very Fine .. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $400-$500
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318 14,20(18), Ponce, Puerto Rico, 19 JUN 1865 Blue thimble sized postmark with Cuba stamps tied by Parrilla killers to large certified front address panel only, Blue straight line CERTIFICADO handstamp addressed Puerto Rico (San Juan) , faults , missing pieces , with normal toning , Fine .... . ... .. .. Est. $400 -$500
320 18, Trujillo Bajo, Puerto Rico , 20 JAN 1866 thimble sized postmark with Cuba stamp tied by Parrilla kil ler to cover with clipped lower left comer , manuscript "R.S ." (rea l servicio) at top, ova l Municipal seal at lower left., addressed Puerto Rico (San Juan) , some acid ink erosion with normal toning, Fine . ... .Est. $300 -$400
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19(6), Puerto Rico, 2 A PR 1859 Black thimble
sized postmark with Cuba stamps tied by PaITilla killers to large addr ess panel fro nt only as ofte n, with manuscript "3 oz" at upper right , addressed Utuado with large Black oval Superior Court Shield municipal seal at . .... Est. $ 100-$ I 50 . ....... lower left , Fine . ......
19(two blocks/4) , Puerto Rico, 4 OCT 1867
Bla ck thimble sized postma rk with Cuba stamps tied by Parrill a killers to large address panel front only as often, with manuscript "4 oz" and "R.S. " (rea l servicio) at top , addressed Guayama wit h large Black oval Governor General's Office municipal sea l at lower left, Fine ; . .... Est. $ 150-$200 unu sual with large multiples ......
March 2 1, 2006
20(pair) , to Spain, Puerto-Rico, IO NOY 1866 thimble sized postmark with Cuba sta mp s tied by Parr illa killer s to fo lded letter sheet wrapper with Black mourning border , large Red 4 R due handsta mp , Black fancy framed FRANCO handstamp at bottom , addressed Madrid Spa in, markings, on reverse include British Puerto Rico , London transit and Madrid receiving light file crease , Very F ine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo ce1tificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $500-$750
20(pair) , to Spain, Guayanilla , Puerto Rico, 324 23 JUL 1866 Blue thimble sized postmark on Blue fo lded letter w ith co ntents date lined "Guayanilla", reverse with stamps tied by Blue Parrill a killers , Black fancy framed FRANCO handstamp at lower left , ad dressed Barcelona Spain , markings includ e "Pu erto Rico " struck twice including from British post office, London transit and Barc e lona recei ving , stamps affixed ove r reverse flap and used to sea l it, badly torn at time of openin g but esse ntially complete, Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certifiEst. $200-$300 cate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .......
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325 21, Puerto Rico, 7 SEP 1867 Black thimbl e sized postmark with Cuba stamp tied by Parrill a kill er to address panel front only as often, with manuscr ipt "R .S." (rea l serv icio) at top, addr esse d Gurabo, large Black ova l munic ipal sea l at lowe r left, wo rm holes w ith norma l ove rall tonin g, Fin e; sca rce 2 Rs frankin g ... . ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . Est. $200- $300
327 31(pair), Puerto Rico, 9 DEC 1868 thimbl e sized postmark w ith Cuba sta mp s tied by Parrill a killer to cover addr ess pa nel only as ofte n, fancy Bishop's sea l at lower left, from Bishop in San Juan to Mayo r in Cabo Rojo, very sca rce use of the Sets stamps in Puerto Rico as it was issued for use only in Hava na, one stamp with pull ed perf, normal tonin g, Very Fine . . .. Es t. $400- $500
326 21, to Spain , Puerto-Rico , IO JUN 1867 thimble sized postmark with Cuba sta mp tied by Parr illa killer to Blu e fo lded letter, addr esse d Madrid Spain, Blac k fancy framed FRANCO handstamp at top, markings on reve rse include British Puerto Rico, Londo n tra nsits and Madrid rece iving, Very Fine; 2005 Serg io Sismondo ce rtific ate .. . ... . . . ...... .. .... . . .. Est. $300-$400
328 3l(pair ), Arecibo , Puerto Rico , 30 APR 1868 thimbl e sized postmark w ith Cuba stamp s tied by Parrilla killer to cove r address panel only as often, manuscript "R. S." (rea l servicio) at top , addr esse d Camuy, very sca rce use of the Sets stamps in Puerto Rico as it was issued for use only in Hava na, light toning, Very Fine ... .. .. . . . . .... . . .. .. ... .. .. . ..... Est. $400- $500
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3 I (4), Arecibo, Puerto Rico, 19 MAR 1868
thimbl e sized postm ark with Cuba stamp s tied by Parrill a kill er to cove r addr ess panel only as often, manuscript "R.S." (rea l serv icio) at top , addr esse d to Mayo r in Ca muy, very scarce use of the 5ctv s stamp s in Puerto Rico as it was issued for use onl y in Hava na, some aci d ink erosion with usual aging, Very F ine . . .Est. $300- $40 0
32(strip /5), Puerto Rico, 12 DEC 1868 thimbl e
sized postm ark with Cub a stamp s tied by Parrill a kill ers to large cove r addr ess panel onl y as often, manu script "2 l /2oz " at upper right, large ova l Munici pal sea l at lower left , addr essed to Ma yor in Faja rdo, few pin holes, some faults wit h usual aging , F ine ..... . ... . . Es t. $200- $30 0
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32, Arecibo, Puerto Rico, 9 JAN 1875 Black
thimbl e sized po stm ark w ith Parrill a kill er ties stamp to small cove r, addr esse d Ca muy, Puerto Rico , manu script "R .s'' (rea l serv icio) at top, small opening tear at upp er left not affec tin g stamp , Fin e ..... .. . . . .Est. $ 100 -$ 150
March 2 1, 2006
32(block/8 , Two singles), Puerto Rico, 18 thimbl e sized postm ark w ith Cuba stamps 1868 MAR tied by Parrill a ki ller to fro nt addr ess panel only as ofte n, manu script "R.S." (rea l servicio) and "5 oz" at top, addresse d Guaya ma, some wo rm holes w ith norm al ton. ... Es t. $300- $400 ing, Very Fine . . . .. ... . . . . .....
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333 32, 33(strip /4), Puerto Rico , ca. 1868 Parri lla killers tie Cuba stamps to cove r front as often , part ial Black double ova l Municipal sea l at lower left, addressed Cabo Rojo, Fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Est. $ 100-$ 150
335 32, 33(single , pair), Humacao , Puerto Rico , 16 MAY 1868 thimbl e sized post mark with Cuba stamps tied by Parrill a killer to registered cover front as often, with top flap only on reverse, ova l Municip al seal at lower left, addresse d Nagua bo, stra ight line CERTIFICADO at top, light tonin g, Very Fine .. . . Est. $500 -$750
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334 32(3) , Puerto Rico , ca. 1868 Parrilla killer ties Cuba stamps to cove r front part address panel as often, large Black double ova l Muni cipal sea l at lower left, addressed Cabo Roj o, Fine .. . .... . . . . .Est. $ 100-$ 150
March 2 1, 2006
336 32(block/6) , Puerto Rico , 17 NOV 1868 thimble sized postmark with Cuba stamp s tied by Blue double ova l Municipal sea ls to large cove r addr ess panel only as often, additi onal Black large ova l Municip al sea l at lower left, addresse d to Mayo r in Santa Isabel, acid ink eros ion hole, some faults with usua l aging, Fine ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Est. $200-$300
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#33 (vert. bisect), Adjuntas , Puerto Rico, 13 JA 1868 thimble sized postmark w ith Cuba Bisec ted 20c ts 337 stamp tied by Parrilla kill er to Offic ial cove r, over manuscr ipt "Yo Bo" (Visto Bu eno) fo r free at upp er left, addr esse d to Mayor at Ponc e, stamp damage d at upp er left , light toning, Very Fine; one of only a handful record with this use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $2,000- $3,000
---39(diagonal bisect), Arecibo , Puerto Rico , 10 JAN 1869 thimble sized postm ark w ith Cuba Bisected I 0cts 338 stamp tied by Parr illa killer to cover , w ith manusc ript "Yo Bo " (Yisto Bueno) fo r free at upper left, unu sual use base d on Roya l Ord er of SEP 24 1859 , when two part ies , one rich other poo r sent document, the rich wo uld pay half of the po stage w ith endorsement by an offic ial, addresse d to San Juan, light tonin g, includ es auth entication letter from R.B . . Est. $2,000- $3,000 Preston, Very Fine; one of only a handfu l reco rd with this use . . . . . . .... .. . .. . .. . . .. . ..... March 2 1, 2006
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339 39(2), Humacao, Puerto Rico, 26 NOV 1869 thimb le sized smear ed po stmark with Cuba stamps tied by pen strok e to cov er addr ess pan el only as often, manuscr ipt " l oz" at upp er right , fa ncy doub le ova l Municip al sea l at lower left, addresse d to Mayo r in Ce iba, light tonin g, Fine . ............. Est. $ 150-$200
341 40, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 13 FEB 1869 B lack thimb le sized postmark with Parrilla kill er ties stamp to folded letter address panel only, Blue double ova l, "Latim er & Co., Mayague z, P.R." merchant 's commerc ial cachet at left, addr essed Pu erto Rico , Fine . . . .. .... . .. . . . . . .. . . . ... . . . . .. ... Est. $ 100-$ 150
340 39(stri p/3), Arecibo , Puerto Rico, 28 SEP 1869 thimbl e sized postmark wit h Cuba stamps tied by CERTIFICADO stra ight line strik e to reverse of cover , matchin g strike on address side, large Black Offic ial ova l "Ys la de Pue1io Rico, Admini strac tion de la, Aduana, Arecibo" also struck on both sides, addr esse d to San Juan, coupl e minor file creases , Very Fine; fantastic cove r..... ...... . ... . ...... . .Est. $750-$ I ,000
March 2 1, 2006
342 55, QUEBRADILLAS , und ated 29 NOV 1873 postmark in Blue circle w ith Cub a stamp tied by Parrill a killer to folded lette r with contents, addresse d Puerto Rico (San Juan), inconsequential file fold, Very Fine. Owner Paid $ 1900 ... . . . . . . . .. . . . . .Est. $ 1,500-$2,000
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57 (two pairs), Puerto Rico, 27 JUN 1873 343 thimbl e sized postmark with Cuba stamps tied by large fancy Muni cipal sea ls to part addr ess panel only as often, addr esse d Mayo r at Yabu coa w ith additi onal ova l Muni cipal sea l at lowe r left, Very Fine; unusual use of I peseta stamp s ... ... . .. . .... . . .. ..... Est. $400 -$500
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12//20, Collection Balance , Thirty Official 345 Fronts, ca. 1858-67, various frankin gs includin g singles, pairs, strips and larger multipl es, from and to man y towns includ ing Pepin o, Hum acao , Rio Grand e, Yabu coa , Luqu ero , Sta ysa bel etc, all with offic ial Municipal Seal handstamped cac hets many beautifull y struck, Fine-Very Est. $ 1,500- $2,000 Fin e. . . . . . . . . . . .........
32//51, Four Fronts, Puerto Rico, all with ca . 344 1868- 70 thimbl e sized postmarks, Thr ee with Cuba stamp tied by Parri lla killers to cover address panels only as often, to or from variou s town s including San Juan, Cieba, Maya guez, Santa Isabel, Ca bo Roj o, frankin gs includ e #32(single), #33(s ingle), #47(st rip/3) pen cance lled, #5 1(single), clean with clear strikes, grea t for Est. $200-$300 study, Fine gro up ..................
Marc h 2 1, 2006
SEIBA, Cuba #55, undated straight Line hand346 sta mp as a rece iving str ike ties Cuba #55 to Official front as non11al, addr esse d Ce iba Puerto Rico, small thimbl e sized "Pue110 Rico I MAR " 1873 hand stamp at upp er right, Perfectly struck fancy handstamped doubl e ova l "Dipu tac ion Prov incia l de Pto Rico" sea l at lowe r left, stamp is Very Fine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Est. $300- $400
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POSTAL HISTORY FRANKED WITH SPANISH OFFICIAL ISSUES Official Stamps - Spanish Issues Officia l stamps were required to be used in Puerto Rico in accordance with the terms of the Royal decree of March I 6th, I 854. The 1855 (Spa nish) issues were used for ome ten years by both Cuba and Puerto Rico , accordingly they must be on cover to establish Puerto Rico usage . They are very scarce and of considerab le rarity.
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347 01 , 02a , 03 , GUAYAMA, Ty#3 Black straight line postmark with same struck three more times tie Spain 1/20 Black/Blue and 20 Blac k/Green stamps to large cover , thimble sized "Guayama , Puerto Rico , 24 DEC_5 " strike at left, the stamps were issued in values to indicate we ight in ounces so this was for "5 1/2 oz" , addressed San Juan , file crease , worm boles with usual aging, Very Fine ; spectacular and colorfu l combination ; Francisco Graus Certificate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $7,500 -$ 10,000
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05, Puerto Rico, 3 JUN 1867 Black thimbl e sized postmark with additi onal Cuba stamp # 19, both tied by Parrilla killers to address panel of Officia l front only as often, with manuscript "R.S." (rea l servicio) at top, addresse d Vega Baj a, large Black ova l "Tax & Lottery Dept's " muni cipal sea l at lowe r left, small ac id ink erosion w ith light toning, Very Fine; nice mixed frank ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $20 0-$300
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05, Puerto Rico, 15 N OV 1866 Bl ack thimbl e sized postmark with additi onal Cuba stamp # 18, both tied by Parrilla killers to address panel of Official front only as often, with manuscript "R.S ." (real servicio) at top, addr esse d Corozal, large Black ova l municip al seal at lowe r left, normal toning, Very Fin e; nice mixed franking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Est. $200-$300
05 , Puerto Rico, 19 DEC 1866 Black thimb le
sized postma rk with additi onal Cuba stamp # 19, both tied by Pa rrilla killers to address pane l of Offic ial front only as often, with manuscript " R.S." (rea l servic io) at top, addressed Vega Baj a, large Black ova l "Mayo r 's" muni cipal sea l at lower left , acid ink erosion with normal toning, Very Fine; nice mixe d franking .. .... Est. $200 -$300
Marc h 2 1, 2006
06, Puerto Rico, 19 NOY 1866 postmark w ith Spain Offic ial #06 and Cuba stamp # 18 tied by Parrill a ki ller to cover fro nt add ress panel only as often, addresse d Ponce , bad tea r throug h center, faults and norma l toning, unusual mixed frankin g . .. ... Est. $150-$200
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POSTAL HIST ORY- ANTILLES PERI OD Outgoing & Incoming Destinations (By Country)
352 To Cuba, Admon Graz, Puerto Rico, 2 MAR 1858 Blue thimble sized postmark with Parrilla killer ties Cuba # 12 to folded letter w ith contents, addressed Havana Cuba, with Blue double oval "M . Duran Y Ca, Puerto Rico " merchants cachet and Blue Havana receiving strikes on reverse , file fold and some toning , Fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $100-$ 150
353 To Cuba, Puerto Rico, OCT 1864 Black thimble sized postmark with Parrilla killer ties Cuba # 12(2) , unusual with two different shades , to folded letter with contents , addressed Havana Cuba, acid ink erosion with some toning , Fine . .. . ........ Est. $200 -$300
354 Puerto Rico to France, GUAYAMA, PUERTO RICO, JAN 7 1856 fancy Blue Ty#8 large doubl e circle postmark , Cuba #1 tied by Black Parrilla killer to Blue folded letter part wrapper only, Red boxed "Colonies , ART18" and Black "15" centimes handstamps , manuscript " 1/7" excha nge, addresse d Bordeaux , Fra nce, transits include Blue "ISLA DE PTO-RICO" , 17 JAN I 856" Baeza style CDS, Briti sh San Juan P0110-Rico, London and Cala is with Bordeaux receiving , file crease with norma l tonin g, Very Fine , very rare marking .............. Est. $2,000-$3 ,000 March 21 , 2006
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To Spain, Admon Grat, Puerto Rico, 27 JAN 1857 Blue /Green thimble sized postmark with Parrilla killer tied Cuba # 12 to folded letter with contents , addressed Gerona Spain with receiving strike on reverse , Very Fine .. . ............. . . .. Est. $200 -$300
357 12(pair), to France, Ceiba, Puerto Rico, 12 DEC 1859 thimble sized postmark with Cuba stamps , left clipped at bottom , tied by Parrilla ki ller to Blue fo lded letter wrapper on ly, framed "GB , IF60c" accountancy and "8 " (cent ime s) handstamps , addressed Nantes France, multiple transits including Admon Graz , SanJuan-Puerto-Rico British split circle, London , Ca lais, Paris with nantes receiving , faults mostly to reverse Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate ... .. . . .Est. $300 -$400
12, to France, Naguabo, Puerto Rico, 2 JUN 1858 thimble sized postmark with Cuba stamp tied by Parrilla killer to Blue fo lded letter wrapper only , framed "GB , IF60c" acco untan cy and " 8" (cent imes) handstamps, addressed Nantes France , multiple transits including Admon Graz, two St. Thomas (one is British PO), Calais , Paris with Nantes receiving , cover is faulty missing side flaps and contents with stains , stamp with "Queen without mouth" variety , four margins expect rounded top right comer ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate ..... . .. . ... . . .. .. .... ... .Est. $300-$400
March 21 , 200 6
To Spain, Ponce, Puerto Rico, 22 OCT 1861 Blue thimble sized postmark with Parrilla killers tie Cuba # 2(pair) to cover with enclosed letter , addressed Barcelona Spain with Black Puerto Rico transit and Black Barcelona receiving strikes on reverse , edge wear with some faults and so ilin g, Fine . Rare usage of #2 stamp (1855 issue) in 1861. .. ......... Est. $400-$500
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~~ 359 To Spain, Puerto Rico, 17 NOV 1866 Black thimbl e sized postmark with Parri lla ki lier ties Cuba # 13 to folded letter wrapper only without contents, addressed Madrid , Spain, with Black receiving strike on reverse, fresh and clean, Very Fine ............. Est. $200-$300
361 To Spain, Puerto Rico, 17 OCT 1867 Black thimbl e sized postmark with Parrilla killer ties Cuba # 13 to folded letter with contents, addresse d Madrid, Spain, with Black receiving strik e on reverse, stamp clipped com er, cove r with light file crease, fresh and clean, Very Fine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. Est. $200-$300
360 To Spain, Puerto Rico , 17 APR 1867 Black thimbl e sized postmark with Parrilla killer ties Cuba # 13 to folded letter wrapp er only, addressed Madrid , Spain, with Black rece iving strike on reverse, light file crease, fresh and clean, Very Fine. . . . . . . . . .Est. $200-$300
362 To Spain, Guayama, Puerto Rico, 23 SEP 1867 Black thimble sized postmark with Parrilla killer ties Cubs # 13(vert. pair), mostly tom away, to reverse of folded letter with contents, addressed Barcelona, Spain, with Black Puerto Rico transit strike on reverse ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $ 100-$ 150
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363 To United States , Puerto Rko , 2 AUG 1864 Black thimble sized postmark with Parrilla killer ties Cuba # 13 to fo lded letter with co ntents, B lack handstamp ed STEAMSHIP 10 in circle incomin g markin g, addresse d New York with Blu e boxed "F.Ramos " commerc ial cac het at upp er left , Very Fine . .. .Est. $ 150-$200
365 to Spain , Puerto Rico , 15 MAR 1864 Bl ack thimble sized postmark with Black Parrilla killer ties Cu ba # 13a to Blu e folded letter wrapper without con tents , ova l Ca racena Y Ca, Puerto Rico commercial origina tion cac het at lowe r left, addr esse d Cadiz Spain , stampe d toned, fo lded letter with light file crease , Fine .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . .. . Est. $ 150-$200
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364 To Cuba, Puerto Rico, 17 OCT 1864 Black thimble sized postmark with Black Parri lla killer ties Cuba # 13 to fo lded letter with co ntents , addr essed Havana , Cuba, minor toning , F ine ...... . Est. $ 150- $200
March 2 1, 2006
366 l3a(pair,single), to Spa in, Puerto Rico, DE 12 1863 Britis h thimbl e sized po stmark with Cub a stamp s tied by Parrilla killers to folded letter wra pp er only, both Red and Blu e fancy framed FRANCO handstamps , addr esse d Santander Spain , Pu erto Ri co, London transits an d Santander rece ivi ng , Very Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo cert ificate .. .. .. . . . . ...... .. Est. $500 -$75 0
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367 To Cuba , Puerto Rico , 16 MAR 1864 Black thimb le sized postmark with Black PaJTilla killer ties Cuba # 13a to folded letter wra pper without contents, ova l Caracena Y Ca, Puerto Rico commer cial origination cachet at lower left, addressed Havana Cuba, Fine ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .. Est. $ 150-$200
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369 To Cuba, Puerto Rico, l MAY 1864 Black thimble sized postmark with Black PaJTilla killer ties Cuba # l 3a(pair) to folded letter with contents, ova l Caracena Y Ca, Puerto Rico comm ercia l origination cachet at lower left, addressed Havana Cuba, clipped lower right corner with some toning , Fine ...... ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $ 150-$200
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368 To Cuba , Puerto Rico , 16 FEB 1864 Black thimble sized po stmark with Black Parrilla killer on Cuba # l 3a(pair) , folded letter with contents , oval Caracena Y Ca, Puerto Rico commercial origination cachet at lower left, addressed Havana Cuba, acid ink eros ion , tears, some toning .. . . ......... Est. $ 100-$ 150
March 2 1, 2006
370 To Spain , Puerto Rico, 11 June 1866 thimble sized postmark with Parill a killers tie Cuba stamps # 14, #20 to fo lded letter with contents, Bla ck fancy framed FRANCO and Red 2.R due handstam ps, Black merchant sea l at upp er right , addressed Cad iz Spain wit h London transit and Cad iz receiving on reverse , Very Fine ; spectacular mixed franking .... . ....... .. Est. $500-$750
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To Spain , Puerto Rico, 15 JUN 1865 Black 371 thimbl e sized po stm ark w ith Blac k Parrilla killer ties Cuba " l 8(pa ir) to Blu e fold ed letter w ith cont ents, Blu e ova l Caracena Yriatre Y Ca, Puerto Rico comm ercial origination cachet at lowe r left, addresse d Ca diz, Spain w ith rece iving strik e on reve rse, Very Fin e . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. $300- $400
20, to Great Britain , Naguabo, Puerto Rico, 373 C, NO 26 1867 Briti sh thimbl e sized postm ark w ith Cub a sta mp tied by Pan ¡illa kill er to Blu e fold ed letter with co ntents dat elin ed Ponc e, addr esse d Lond on Gr ea t Bri tain, Pu erto Rico transit and London rece iving manuscrip t "p W.I.M.S ." at top with Blu e doubl e ova l "J. Laco t & Co , Ponce P.R." co mm ercia l cachet at lower left , crease , Very Fin e; scarce I rea l fra nkin g; 2005 Serg io Sismond o ce1iificate . .. . .. .. ... . . . . . . Es t. $400- $500
'7&,./~ To Spain, Puerto Rico, 22 OCT 186 5 Black 372 thimbl e sized postm ark with Bl ac k Parr illa killer ties Cuba #20 to fold ed letter with co ntent s, Blu e ova l Caracena Yriatre Y Ca, Puerto Rico comm ercial origination cachet at lowe r left, addr esse d Cadiz, Sp ain with rece iving strik e on reve rse , small ac id ink erosion pot, . . .. Es t. $200- $300 .. . . ...... Very Fine ....
March 2 1, 2006
To Cuba, Puerto Rico, 9 JAN 1868 Bl ack 374 thimbl e sized po stm ark w ith Black Parrill a kill er ties Cub a #32(ve rt. pair) to folded lette r wrapper , small disinfection slits, addre sse d Santia go de Cub a, minor ton ing, Fine .. . .. . . .. . . .... . . . . . .. . Est. $200- $300
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375 33(pair) , to Spain, Puerto Rico, C, FE 10 1868 British thimble sized postmark with Cuba stamps tied by Parrilla killer to Blue folded letter with conte nts datelined San Juan , Black stra ight line FRANCO at left, addressed Madrid Spain , Puerto Rico , London transits with Madrid receiving , file crease, Very Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo cert ificat e . ....... ... . Est. $300-$400
377 To Spain, Admon Graz, Puerto Rico, 11 AUG 1858 Blue thimble sized postmark wit h bold clear Parrilla killer ties Cuba # 12 to folded letter with contents , handstamped Black lRs due marking at r ight , addresse d Tolosa Spain , with disinfection slitat center Vigo transit strike on reverse , fresh and clean, Very Fine . ........ . ............. . .. . ............ .. Est. $ 150-$200
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376 To Cuba , Puerto Rico, 12 APR 1868 Black thimble sized postmark with Black Parrilla killer ties Cuba #33 to Blue folded letter wrapper without contents, addressed Santiago de Cuba , minor toning , Fine ...... . .. ... .... ........................ Est. $150 -$200
March 21 , 2006
378 To Spain, Admon Graz, Puerto Rico , 28 JUL 1858 Blue thimble sized postmark with Parrilla killer ties Cuba # 12 to Blue folded letter with contents , addressed Palmas de Mallorca Spain , with Blue double oval "P. Hermanos , San Juan , Puerto Rico " merchants cachet at lower left and receiving strike on reverse , fresh and clean , Very Fine ................... .Est. $150-$200
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(/J~ To Spain, Ponce, Puerto Rico, 17 MAR 1860 Black thimble sized postmark with Parrilla killers ties Cuba # 12(2) to folded letter with contents , addressed Barcelona Spain , with Blue Admon Graz Puerto Rico transit and Black Barcelona receiving strikes on reverse , a lso appea rs to be remailed as there is a seco nd Ponce Puerto Rico 26 NOV 1859 strike in Blue unusual , some paper separations at fo lds acid ink erosion w ith faults , Est. $200-$300 normal ag ing, Fine ... ................
To Spain, Ponce, Puerto Rico, 23 JAN 1858 Black thimble sized postmark with Parrilla killer ties Cuba # 12 to folded letter wit h contents , addressed Barcelona Spain , with Blue Admon Graz Puerto Rico transit and Blue Barcelona receiving strikes on reverse , some paper separat ions at fo lds and back flap fa ults, norEst. $150 -$200 mal aging, Fine ... ................
To Spain, Ponce, Puerto Rico, 28 DEC 1858 Blue thimble sized postmark with Parrilla killer ties Cuba # 12(2) to folded letter with contents, addressed Barcelona Spain, with Blue Admon Graz Puerto Rico transit and Blue Barcelona receiving strikes on reverse Est. $200 -$300 some light toning , Very Fine . .........
To Spain, Ponce, Puerto Rico, 24 MAR 1860 Blue thimble sized postmark with Parrilla killers tie Cuba # 12(2) to folded letter with contents addresse d Barcelona Spain , with Blue Admon Graz Puerto Rico transit and Black Barcelona receiving strikes on reverse , minor acid ink erosion , some light aging , Very Fine . .Est. $200 -$300
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383 To Spain, Puerto Rico, 11 June 1868 thimble sized postmark with Parrilla killer ties Cuba stamp #34 to fo lded letter with contents datelined "Puerto Rico , January 23 1868" , Blue double oval merchant seal at upper right , addressed Cadiz Spain with receiving strike on reverse , Very Fine ; nice mixed franking . Owner paid $1500 . . .. . . . ..... . .. .. ..... . .Est. $400-$500
385 To Cuba, P. De Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 12 APR 1869 Black thimble sized postma rk with Black Parrilla killer ties Cuba #39(pair) to folded letter wrap per, addressed Santiago de Cuba , minor toning , Fine .... ..... .. . .... .. . . . . . . ........ .. Est. $200 -$300
384 To Spain, Puerto Rico, 27 DEC 1868 Black thimble sized postmark with Black Parrilla killer ties Cuba #33 to folded letter wrapper without contents , addi tiona l Black straig ht line FRANCO handstamp at lower right , addr essed Rivadeo , Spain , British Puerto Rico , Red London transits and Rivadeo receiving str ikes on reverse, stamp with comer fault , cover with minor toning , Fine .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $300-$400
386 To Cuba, Puerto Rko , 5 MAR 1869 Black thimble sized postmark with Black Parrilla killer ties Cuba #39(pair ) to folded letter part w rapper , addressed Santiago de Cuba , faults with normal toning , Fine ..... . .. . .. .... .... ... . . .. ... . .... . .Est. $ 100-$ 150
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To Spain, Puerto Rico , 3 OCT 1869 Black 387 thimble sized postmark with Black Parrilla ki ller ties Cuba #40 to Blu e fo lded letter wrapper, addresse d Madrid, Spain, small Red receiving strike over corner of . .. Est. $200-$300 stamp , light file fold, Fine . .........
41, to Spain, Puerto Rico, C, AP 27 1869 389 sized postmark with Cuba stamp tied by thimble Briti sh Blue folded letter wrapper without conto lciller Parrilla tents datelined San Juan , Black stra ight line FRANCO at left, addre ssed Tarragona Spain , Pue1to Rico , London trans its with Tarragona receiving , file crease, stamp with corner fau lts, Very Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. $150-$200
To Cuba, Puerto Rico, 19 AUG 1869 Black 388 thimb le sized postmark with Black Parrilla killer ties Cuba #4 0 to folded letter part wrapper , Black mourning border , addressed Santiago de Cuba , faults with some Est. $200-$300 . ..... toning , Fine . .. . . ..........
41, to Spain, Puerto Rico *, 10 NOV 1869 390 d postmark with Cuba stamp tied by Parrilla size thimble killer to folded letter wrapper wit hout conte nts datelined San Juan , Black straight line FRANCO at left, addressed Malaga Spain , British Porto Rico and London transits with Malaga recei ving, Blu e "v ia de Ynglaterra" strai ght line at top and sma ll Blu e doubl e circle commercial cachet at lower left, light file crease, Very Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate . .. . ..... . .. Est. $300 -$400
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391 41, to Great Britain , Ponce, Puerto Rico, 24 AUG 1870 thimbl e sized postmark with Cuba stamp tied by Parrilla killer to cover, Black l/ handstamp, addressed London Great Briti sh Puerto Rico tra nsit with London receiving, manuscript "v ia Inglesia" at top, light tonin g, Very Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate . ... ..... . . .... . . . . . ......... . . . ... . .Est. $300-$400
393 48, 49(3) , to Spain, Puerto Rico, 27 FEB 1870 thimbl e sized postmark with Cuba stamp s tied by Parrilla killers to folded letter wrapp er without cont ents datelined San Juan , Black straight line FRANCO handstamp , addressed Cadiz Spain , Briti sh Porto Rico and London transits with Cadiz receiving, Blue "v ia de Ynglaterra" straight line at top, fragile cove r with edge tears and toning, Fine; rare franking ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate. . . . . . . . . . . ..... .. . . Est. $ 1,000- $ 1,500
392 48, to Spain , Puerto Rico , 27 FEB 1870 thim ble sized postmark with Cuba stamp tied by Parrilla kill er to folded letter wrapp er without cont ents datelined San Juan, Black straight line FRA CO and Red 2 R handstamp, addressed Cadiz Spain, Brit ish Puerto Rico and London transit with Cadiz rece iving, manuscript "v ia Ingla" at top, light toning, Very Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismond o certificat e . . ... .. . . . . . . . .. Est. $400- $500
394 49, to Spain, Mayaguez , Puerto-Rico, 24 NOV 1870 Grey/Green thimbl e sized postmark with Cuba stamp tied by matchin g Parrilla kill er to folded letter wrapper , Black straight line FRANCO handstamp, unusual Red doubl e ova l merchant cachet at lower left, addressed Rivedeo Spain, British Porto Rico and London transit strikes, Very Fine; 2005 Sergio Sl smond o certificate . ... . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . .... ... . .. Est. $400 -$500
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51(4), to Spain , Puerto Rko , 12 APR 1872 thimbl e sized postmark w ith C uba stamp s tied by Parrilla kill ers to fo lded letter w rapp er w ithout co ntents datelined San Ju an, addr esse d Ca diz Spain, Bri tish Porto Ri co and London tra nsits, Very F ine; 200 5 Sergio Sismondo ce r. ... . ... . .Est. $3 00- $400 tifica te . ... . . .. ....
51(4) , to Spain, Puerto Rico, 26 SEP 187 1 poor thi mble size d post mark w ith C uba stamps tied by Pan-ilia kill ers to fo lded letter wrapp er w ithout cont ents datelined San Ju an, Blac k strai g htlin e FRANCO handstamp , addr esse d Cadi z Spain, British Porto Ri co and Lo ndon transits w ith Ca di z rece iving str ikes, light file crease , Very F ine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo ce rtificate . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Es t. $300- $400
51 (4), to Spain , Puerto Rico , IO JU 187 1 poor thi mble sized postm ark wit h Cuba stamps tied by Parri lla kill ers to fo lded letter wra pper w ithout contents date lined San Juan, Black straig ht line FRANCO handstamp , addr esse d Cadi z Spain, B ritish Po rto Rico , Lo ndon and M adrid transits w ith Ca di z rece iv ing strikes , fi le crease w ith so me tonin g, Very Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismo ndo certificate . .. .. . . . . . . ... .. ... . . . .. .Est. $300 -$400
March 2 1, 2006
51(4) , to Spain , Puerto Rico , 27 N O V 187 1 thi m ble size d post mark w ith Cub a stamp s tied by Parr illa ki llers to Blu e fo lded lette r wra pper w ithout co ntents date lined San Juan, B lack stra ight line FRANCO handstam p, addr esse d Cad iz Spain , Briti sh Porto Ri co and Londo n tra nsits, Very Fin e; 200 5 Sergio Sismond o cerEst. $400 -$500 ... ... .......... tificat e . .......
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399 51(4), to Spain, Puerto Rico, 26 DE C 1872 thimble sized postmark with Cuba stamp s tied by Parrilla killers to fo lded letter wrapper without contents dat elined San Juan , Black straight line FRANCO handstamp , addressed Cadiz Spain, Briti sh Pu erto Rico and London transits with Cad iz receiving strikes , light file crease, Very Fine ; 2005 Serg io Sis mondo cert ificate ......... . . . . . . . .. .............. ... . ... Est. $300 -$400
401 52, 53(2), to Spain, Puerto-Rico, 27 JUN 187 1 thimble sized po stmark w ith Cuba stamp s tied by Parrilla killers to fo lded letter wrappe r without conte nts datelined Ma yague z, Black straight line FRANCO handstamp , Blue double ova l Viuda de Vias Y Ca, San Juan Pto. Rico. commercial hand stamped cachet at lower left , Blue stra ight line "v ia de Yng laterra " hand stamp at upp er left , addressed Cadiz Spain , Briti sh Pu erto Rico and London transits w ith Cadiz rece iving strik es, file creases with toning , Fine; ve ry sca rc e franking ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certifi cate . .. ..... . . . . ... Est. $ 1,000- $1,500
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400 51(4), to Spain, Puerto Rico, 12 SEP 1872 thimble sized postmark wit h Cuba stamp s tied by Pa1Tilla ki llers to folded letter wrapper contents date lined San Juan , Black straig ht lin e FRANCO hand stamp , addressed Cadiz Spain, Briti sh Puerto Rico and London tran sits with Cadiz receiv ing strikes, file crease, Very Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate .. Est. $300 -$400
March 2 1, 2006
402 52-3, to Spain, Mayaguez, Puerto-Rico , 24 APR 187 1 Blue thimble sized po stmark with Cuba sta mps tied by Parr illa killers to folded letter wrapper without contents dat elined Mayaguez , Black straight line FRANCO hand stamp , Blu e doubl e oval Viuda de Vias Y Ca, San Juan Pto. Rico. commercia l handstamped cachet on rev erse, addre ssed Barcelona Spai n, British Puerto Rico and London tran sits with Bar ce lona receiving strikes, minor file crease , Very Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo cert ificat e ............... Est. $750- $1, 000
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52-3, to Spain, Mayaguez, Puerto-Rico , 403 8 APR 1871 Blue thimble sized postmark with Cuba stamps tied by Parrilla killers to folded letter with contents datelined Mayague z, Black straight line FRA CO handstamp , Blue double oval Viuda de Vias Y Ca, San Juan Pto. Rico. commercia l handstamped cachet at lower left, addressed Barcelona Spain, British Porto Rico and London transits with Barcelona receiving strikes , minor file crease , Very Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo cer. .. . . . . . . . . . .. . .. Est. $750-$1 ,000 tificate ....
52(2), to Spain, Puerto-Rico, 11 FEB 1872 405 thimble sized postmark with Cuba stamp s tied by Parrilla killer to Blue folded letter wrapper without contents datelined San Juan, Black straight line FRANCO handstamp , addressed Cadiz Spain, British Porto Rico and London transits with Cadiz receiving strikes , light file crease , Ye1y Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .... .Est. $400-$500
52-3, to Spain, Puerto-Rico, 27 JAN 1871 404 thimble sized postmark with Cuba stamps tied by Parrilla killers to folded letter wrapper without contents datelined San Juan, Black stra ight line FRANCO handstamp , Blue double oval Viuda de Vias Y Ca, San Juan Pto. Rico. commercial handstamp ed cachet at lower left, Blue straight line "via de Ynglaterra" handstamp at upper left, addressed Cadiz Spain, British Puerto Rico and London transits with Cadiz receiving strike s, creases with toning and worm holes, about Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Est. $500-$750
52(2), to Spain, Puerto-Rico, 27 AUG 1872 406 postmark with Cuba stamps tied by Parrilla sized thimble folded letter wrapper contents datelined Blue to killer straight line FRANCO handstamp , Blue Black San Juan, de Vias Y Ca, San Juan Pto. Rico. Viuda oval double cachet over back fold , handstamped commercial Porto Rico transit with British Spain, Cadiz sed addres Cadiz receiving strikes , crease with light tropical stains, Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate . . .Est. $300-$400
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407 52, 53(2), to Spain, Puerto-Rico, 10 FEB 1871 thimble sized postmark with Cuba stamps tied by Pa1Tilla killers to folded letter wrapper without contents datelined Mayaguez, Black straight line FRANCO handstamp , Blue double oval Viuda de Vias Y Ca, San Juan Pto. Rico. commercial handstamped cachet at lower left, Blue straight line "v ia de Ynglaterra" handstamp at upper left, addressed Cadiz Spain, British Porto Rico and London tran sits with Cadiz receiving strikes , file crease s with toning , Fine ; very scarce franking; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate ............... Est. $ 1,000- $ 1,500
409 To Cuba, R. De Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 30 JUL 1873 Blue thimble sized postmark with Blue Parrilla killer ties Cuba #55(pair) to folded letter with contents, addressed Havana , Cuba , manuscript "por Clara" ship directive at upper left, Blue double circ le Ch's de Choudens, Mayaquez P.R. commercial cachet at lower left, faults with some toning , Fine ... . ... Est. $200- $300
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408 53, to Spain, Puerto-Rico, 10 AUG 1871 thimble sized postmark with Cuba stamp tied by Parrilla killer to folded letter wrapper without contents datelined San Juan , Black straight lin e FRA CO handstamp , addressed Cadiz Spain, British Porto Rico and London transit strikes , light crease , Very Fine; scarce single 1 Pesata franking ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $75 0-$1 ,000
March 2 1, 2006
410 To Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico , 26 MAY 1873 Black thimble sized postmark with Black Maltese killer , used by the "Ramon Herrera Shipping Line of Dominican Republic ", ties Cuba #55(vert. pair) to reverse of folded letter wrapper, addressed Puerto Plata (Dominican Republic ), manuscript "Yap Clara" ship directive at upper left, faults to top of left stamp from opening , coup le small worm hole s, Fine ....... .. ............ . .......... Est. $200-$300
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To Italy, Puerto Rico, 2 APR 1878 Blue thim411 ble sized postmark with Blu e Pan-ilia killer ties Cuba stamp #55 to cover , multip le Blu e crayon exc han ge markings , St. Thomas boxed Aus QWestindi en, uber Brema n, Blu e "A llemagne Erq. Pari s" , "Lyon a Marse i lie" and Bremen trans it strikes, addresse d Ra gliano Co rsica , Italy, norma l ton ing, Fine .... . . .Est. $400 -$500
To United States , Guyama , Puerto Rico , 3 412 NOV 1858 B lue thimble sized postmark with Pan-ilia kjllers ties Cuba # 12 to Blue folded letter with contents , Black handstamped 6 in circle rate markin g, addre ssed ew York with Blu e Ad mon Graz Blu e thimbl e sized transit and Black ova l Foreign Letter Office , St. Thomas cac het on reverse , bold Red ova l Forwarded by Koefoed Whitmore & Co, St. Thomas, W.I., file creas es inc ludin g through stamp , scarce combination of mark.. . . . Est. $400 -$500 ings , Very Fine ................
144(pair) , to Venezuela, Admon Central, Puerto-Rico, 29 OCT 1890 Black double circle po stmark ties 413 Cuba stamps to cover with illustration of "Havana Manufacturing Building", addresse d Maracaibo Venezuela , w ith small Curacao , 9 11 1890 tran sit CDS on reverse , light file fo ld not affecting stamp s or mark ings , Very Fine ; scarce .. . . . .. .. Est. $300 -$400 . ..... . ... . . . .. ..... . ... . ... ........ destination .... .. . .. . . . . ... . . . . ......
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BRITISH POST OFFICES IN PUERTO RICO Stampless Covers - With Crowned Circle Handstamps And 1st And 2nd Anglo/French Postal Treaty Marks.
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Crown Circle to Baleric Islands , PAID at 414 SAN JUAN-PUERTO RICO, 1861 Red Briti sh Crown Circle (S.G. #CCI) and Black SAN JUA -PUERTO RICO MY 27 186 1 sp lit circ le postmarks on fo lded letter with contents dateline d Mayaguez , manuscript Red crayon "2/3" and "4" rates with Red ova l "PD" handstam p, Blue double oval Vias Compania, Puerto Rico forwarding age nt cac het at lower left , London , La Junquera Spain transit strikes with Palma de Ma llorca receiving , addressed Palma de Ma llorca Islas Baleares , Blue double circle "Pedro J. Raldiris & Co , Mayaguez , P.R. " commercial cachet over fo ld on reverse , Very F ine; 2005 Sergio . .. .. . .. . .. Est. $500 -$750 Sismondo cert ificate .......
To Denmark , Porto Rico , C, DE 12 1871 416 Black British thimb le sized postmark on reve rse of Blue fo lded letter wrapper contents datelined St. John's Puerto Rico , manu scr ipt Red crayo n "6" rate marki ng and Blu e straig ht line P rinted Matter handstamp , manuscript "pr R .M> Stea mer" at upp er left , Blu e double ova l Lamb , Storer & Gad , St. John 's Porto Rico at lower left , addressed Copenhagen Denmark , with London transit and two different Copenhagen receiving strikes , Very .. . .Est. $400 -$500 . .. . . . ....... Fine . .........
To Corsica, San-Juan Puerto Rico , OC 25 415 1854 Black British split ring postmark on reverse of fold ed letter datelined Puerto Rico wit h co ntents , with manuscript " 15" (decimes) rate , Red boxed COLO IES & ART 13 at upp er right London , Calais , Paris and Bastia strikes , addressed Bastia Corsica , minor edge faults , Very Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate ... Est. 200 -$300
To France, Puerto Rico, C, MY 27 1869 Black 417 British thimble size d postmark on reverse of fo lded letter with co ntents datelined San Juan , framed "GB , 1F60c" accountancy and "20 " (centimes) handstamps , Blue ova l Borras , Montana Y Ca, San Juan , P.R. MAY 28 69 dated commerica l cachets struck on both sides, Lon don and Ca la is transit strikes , addressed Paris France, Very Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate ... Est. $ l 50-$200
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418 To France, San-J uan Puerto Rico , JU I 3 1853 Black British split ring postmark on reverse of folded letter datelined Pu erto Rico w ith contents, with manus cript " 15" (dec imes) rate, Red boxe d COLONIES & ART 13 at upp er right , London and Calais transit strike s, addr esse d Paris Fra nce, Very Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate .. .. ... . . . . .. .. . Est. $200 -$300
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420 To France, San Juan -Porto Rico, SP 29 1857 Black British sp lit circle on folded letter date lined Guayama Puerto Rico, Black boxed G.B., 1F60c and Black 8 (dec imes) hand stamp s, Blu e oval L.Mariani & Co, Guayama P.R. forwa rder cac het at upper right, addresse d Bord eaux France with London , Ca lais, Paris , Parisa Bordeaux transits and Bord eaux rece iving strik es, minor aging, Very Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate . . . .. . . . . ............... Est. $750 -$ 1,000
419 To France, San-Juan Puerto Rico, MY 27 186 1 Black Brit ish split ring postmark on reverse of folded letter w ith contents date lined Mayaguez , Black boxed G.B., 1F60c with manu script "24" (dec imes) rate, Blue boxed Encaminado por, Alzaburu Y Co forwarding agent cac het, tran sit strikes includ e London , Ca lais, Paris with Bordeaux receivi ng addre ssed Bordeaux France, minor acid ink eros ion, Very Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo cert ificate . . . . . . . .Est. 300- $400 ---
March 2 1, 2006
421 To France, PORTO -RICO , OC 13 1865 small Black Briti sh dispatch postmark on folded lette r with B lack boxed G B, 1F60c and 8 (decimes) handstamp s, datelined Mayaguez Puerto Ric o, addressed Na nte s France with Ca lais, Paris, "Par isa Nantes" transit and Na ntes receiv ing strikes on reverse , there is also a very unu sual fancy Blu e SUN, OC 29. 1865 hand stamp in shape of Sun on reverse , light file crease , Very Fine .. . . . ...... . ... . .. . .. . .. . ....... . ... .Est. $750-$1,000 ----
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422 To Germany, San-Juan Puerto Rico, JY 24 1848 Black British split ring postmark on reverse of folded letter datelined Mayaguez with contents , with manuscript "2/ 1" and Red crayon "58" rates London transit strike on reverse , manuscript "pr Brit West Ind Steam Packet " directive at top addre ssed Bremen German y, minor fau lts, Very Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate . . . .......... . .. . .... . . .. Est. $300 -$400
424 To Germany, San Juan-Puerto Rico , FE 23 1848 Black British split ring postmark on reverse of folded letter datelined Aguadilla with contents with manuscript " I /5" and " 54" rates , Blue double circle " Schroeder & Co, Aguadilla , P.R." conunercia l cachet at lower left, London transit strike on reverse , manuscript " pr Brit West Ind Steam Packet " directive at top, addressed Bremen Germany , minor wear, Very Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate . .... .Est. $300 -$400
423 To Germany, San Juan-Puerto Rico, AU 26 1847 Black British split ring postmark on reverse of folded letter with conte nts, with manuscript " 1/5" and Red crayon 46" rates , Blue ova l " Schroeder & Co, Aguadilla , P.R." commercial cachet at lower left, London transit strike on reverse , manuscript "pr W.I. Steam Packet " directive at upper left, addressed Bremen Germany , minor wear, Very Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ............ Est. $300 -$400
425 To Great Britain , Porto Rico , C, MY 25 1864 Black British thimble sized postmark on reverse of folded letter wrapper with partial contents datelined Mayaguez , manuscript "1/" rate marking , manuscript "P WI. Steamer " at upper left, addressed Liverpool Great Britain , London transit and Liverpool receiving strike , file crease with toning , Very Fine ... . .. Est. $ 100-$ 150
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I 426 To Great Britain, San-Juan Puerto Rico, FE 23 1848 Black British sp lit rin g postmark on reve rse of folded letter datelined Ag uadilla with contents , w ith manuscript "2/10" rate , London transit strike on reverse, manuscript " pr Brit W I Steamer" directive bottom, Blue double circle "Schroeder & Co , Aguadilla Puerto Rico " commercial cachet at top , addressed London Great Britain , file creases , Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Est. $150-$200
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To Great Britain, Puerto-Rico, C, DE 11 1867 British postmark on reverse of fo lded letter wit h contents , date lined " Ponce , 9 DEC 1867", w ith manuscript "I I" and Blue oval "J. Co11ada & Co, Ponce P.R." commercial cachet at lower left , London receiving strike on reverse , manuscript "pr W.I. Steamer" direct ive at upper left, addressed London Great Britain , Very F ine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo ce11ificate . . . .. . ..... Est. $ 150-$200
.,, 427 To Great Brita in, San-Juan Puerto Rico, AU 29 1849 Black British split ring postmark on reverse of fo lded letter datelined Puerto Rico with contents , with manuscript " l/5" rate , Londo n transit str ike on reverse , addr essed London Great Britain , fi le creases , F ine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo ce 11ific ate. . . . . ..... .Est. $ I 50-$200
March 2 1, 200 6
429 To Great Britain, Puerto-Rico , C, MR 12 1868 British postmark on reverse of fo lded letter with contents , datelined "Mayaguez , 7 MAR 1867", with manuscript "I/ " and Blue oval "P laja & C, Mayaguez" commercial cachet at top , London receiving strike on reverse, manuscript "pr W.I. Steamer" directive at upper left , addressed London Great Brita in, Very Fine; 2005 Sergio Sis mondo certificate . .. . . .. . .. Est. $ 150-$200
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430 To Great Britain , Puerto-Rico , C, MY 25 1868 Briti sh po stmark on reve rse of Blu e fo lded letter with contents, datelined AtToyo MAY 24 1868 , with Blu e ova l "Ca ntuzz i Hermanos , A!Toyo, Puerto Rico" commercial cac het at lowe r left, Lond on rece iving strik e, Very Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certifi cate . .. . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Est. $200 -$300
432 To Great Britain , PORTO-RICO , C, JU 11 1870 Bla ck thimbl e sized Briti sh postmark on folded letter with Blac k mournin g border and contents datelined Aguadill a, Black handstamped 1/, manuscript "p Stea mer via South ampt on" dir ective at top , Blue doubl e circle Viuda de Vias Y Ca, San Juan P.R. unr eco rded forwardin g age nt cac het on reverse , Blac k tripl e foo tball shaped ova l "A mell, Juli a & Ca , Ag uadill a, P.R ." commercial cac het at lowe r left, addr esse d London Great Bri tain with receiving strike, Ve1y Fin e; 2005 Serg io Sismond o certifi cate ... .. . . ....... . .. Est. $500 -$75 0
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431 To Great Britain , PUERTO-RICO , C, AU 27 1870 Black thimbl e sized Briti sh postmark on fo lded letter with Black mournin g border and cont ents datelined Aguadill a, Bla ck hand stamp ed 1/, manuscript "p Stea mer via South ampt on" dir ective at top, Blu e doubl e circle Viuda de Vias Y Ca, San Juan P.R. unr eco rded forwardin g age nt cac het on reverse, La Junqu era transit strik es with London rece iving, addr esse d London Great Brit ain, Ve1y Fin e; 2005 Sergio Sismondo ce rtific ate . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $500- $750
March 2 I, 2006
433 To Great Britain , San Juan-Porto Rico , MY 12 1847 Black Briti sh spl it circ le on fo lded letter with manu script "2/5" rate, datelined Arec ibo Pu erto Rico, manuscript Elizaburu & Ca, Puerto Rico forwar der markin g on reve rse, addr esse d London Great Britain with rece iving strike on reverse , file crease , Fine ..... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. $500- $750
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434 To Scotland, Porto Rico, C, MY 10 1870 Black British thimble sized postmark on reverse of fold ed letter wrapper without contents datelined St. John's Puerto Rico , handstamped 1/ rate marking , manuscript "RI Mail Steamer " at upper left , addressed Edinburgh Scotland with receiving strike , file creases with toning , Fine . . .. . . .. .. . . .... . ..... . ..... . Est. $ 100-$150
436 To Scotland, Puerto Rico, C, AP IO 1868 Black British thimble sized postmark on reverse of Blue folded letter with contents datelined Mayaguez , manuscript "2/" rate , Blue rimless Arc Latimer, Turrull & Co, Mayaguez, P.R. forwarding agent cachet , manuscript "p W.I.R . Mail Steamer" at upper left, London transit str ike with Edinburgh receiving , addressed Edinburgh Scotland , file crease , F ine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate . ... ..... . . . . .... .Est. $ I 50-$200
435 To Scotland, Porto Rico , C, MY 25 1870 Black British thimble sized postmark on reverse of folded letter wrapper without contents datelined St. John's Puerto Rico , handstamp ed 1/ rate marking , manuscript " Br Steamer " at upp er left , addressed Edinburgh Scot land with receiving strike , file crease toning , Fine .. .... . .... . .... . .. . ..... Est. $100 -$150
437 To Scotland, San-Juan Puerto Rico, JU 11 1862 Black British split ring postmark on reverse of Blue folded letter with contents datelined Mayaguez , manuscript "2/1 0" rate , Blue rimless Arc Latimer, Turrull & Co, Mayaguez, P.R. fo rwarding agent cac het, manuscript "p WI. Mail Steamer " at upper left, London transit strike with Edinburgh receiving , addressed Edinburg h Scotland , file crease , Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate .. .... ....... . . .. .. . .. .. . . .Est. $200 -$300
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438 To Scotland, Porto Rico , C, NO 26 1870 Black Briti sh thimble sized postmark on reverse of folded letter wrapper with contents datelined St. John's Puerto Rico , bold handstamped 1/ rate marking , manu script "Br Steamer " at upper left, addressed Edinburgh Scotland with recei ving strike , file crease , Very Fine .... . .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Est. $200-$300
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440 To Roman States, San-Juan Puerto Rico, JU 29 1858 Black British split ring postmark on reverse of folded letter wrapper , with manu script "28" rate , Black boxed G.B., IF60c at upper right , transit strikes include London , Calais , Paris and Acquapendente with Viterbo receiving addressed Viterbo Rom an States , folded open for displa y, Very Fine ; rare destination ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate . . ... . .......... . Est. $500- $750
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439 To Roman States, San-Juan Puerto Rico, JA 29 1859 Black British split ring postmark on reverse of folded letter wrapper , with manuscript "28" rate , Black boxed G.B., 1F60c at upper right , transit strikes include London , Calais , Pari s and Acquapendente with Viterbo receiving addre ssed Viterbo State Pontificio (Roman States), folded open for displ ay, Very Fine; rare destination ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo ce1iificate ... Est. $500- $75 0
March 2 1, 2006
441 Crown Circle to Martinique, PAID at SAN JUAN -PUERTO RICO, 1847 Red Briti sh Crown Circle (S.G.#CC I) and Bla ck SAN JUAN-PUERTO RJCO DE 11 1847 split circle postmarks on folded letter with contents , manu script Red " 1/" rate, St. Thomas transit strike w ith recei ving strike , addr essed St. Pieree Martinique w ith receiving strike, vert ical file fold , Very Fine; very scarce destin ation ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate .... . .... ... ......... . .. . . . . .. ... .. Est. $750-$ 1,000
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Crown Circle to Martinique, PAID at SAN 442 JUAN-PORTO RICO , I 848 Red British Crown Circle (S.G. #CCl) and Black SAN JUAN-PORTO RICO DE 23 I 846 sp lit circle postmarks on folded letter with contents datelined Mayaguez , manuscript Red " 1/", addressed St. Pierre Martinique with Black oval Forwarded by, Mason & Co, St. John 's, Porto Rico forwarding agent cachet on reverse , Very Fine ; rare earl y destination from Puerto Rico ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo cer. . . . .... . . . . .. .Est. $750-$1 ,000 tificate . ...........
To Spain, PORTO RICO PAID, C, JY 10 444 1864 Red postmark on folded letter wrapper without contents , manuscript Red crayon " 1/ 11" and "4" rates with Black 8 Rs handstamp , London transit strike with Alicante receiving , addressed A licante Spain , Very Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate .... ... Est. $150-$200
Crown Circle to Peru, PAID at SAN JUAN443 PORTO RICO, 1848 Red British Crown Circle (S.G .#CCl) and Black SAN JUAN-PORTO RICO MY 12 1848 spl it circle postmarks on folded letter with con tents datelined San Juan , manuscript Red "2/", addressed Lima Peru with Briti sh sp lit circle KINGSTONJAMAICA , A MY 16 1848 tran it, Very Fine ; rare early destination and routing Puerto Rico ; 2005 Sergio Est. $750- $ 1,000 Sismondo certificate . . . .... .........
To Spain, PORTO RICO PAID, C, SP 26 445 1864 Red postmark on fo lded letter with contents , manuscript Red crayon " 1/11" and "4" rates and Black Cartero, 3A, Seccion handstamp on reverse , Blue /Green La Junquera transit trike with Barcelona receiving , addre ssed Barcelona Spain , Very Fine ; 2005 Sergio . Est. $200 -$300 Sismondo certificate . . . ...........
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446 Crown Circle to Spain, PAID at SAN JUANPUERTO RICO, 1861 smeared Red British Crown Circ le (S.G. #CCJ) and Black SAN JUAN-PUERTO RICO FY I 1861 split circle postmarks on folded letter wrapper , manuscript Red crayon "2/", fancy framed Blue FRANCO rate handstamps , London transit strike with receiving addressed Valencia Spain , Very Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate ....... . .... Est. $200-$300
448 Crown Circle to Spain, PAID at SAN JUAN PUERTO RICO, 1862 faint Red British Crown Circle (S.G.#CCI) and Black SAN JUAN-PUERTO RICO AP 11 1862 split circle postmarks on folded letter wrapper , manuscript Red crayon "2/3", fancy framed Blue FRAN CO rate and Red "PD" in sma ll ova l handstamps , London transit strike with receiving addressed Alicante Spain , some creases and fau lts to reverse , Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate . . .. . ... . ... Est. $200 -$300
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447 Crown Circle to Spain, PAID at SAN JUANPUERTO RICO, 1862 Red partly clear British Crown Circle (S .G.#CCI) and Black SAN JUAN-PUERTO RICO DE 12 1862 postmarks on folded letter with contents datelined Guayanilla , manuscript Red crayon " l /7" and "2" rates with Red "PD" in circle handstamp , London transit strike , addressed Barcelona Spain , coup le soiled comers , Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate . . .... . ................. . ... . ....... Est. $200-$300
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449 Crown Circle to Spain, PAID at SAN JUAN PUERTO RICO, 1852 partly clear Black British Crow n Circle (S.G. #CCI) and Black SAN JUAN -PUERTO RICO AP 15 1852 split circle postmarks on folded letter 13 Rs with contents , manuscript Magenta "2/6" , Red rate and Red oval "PF" (paid to frontier) handstamps , London and Calais transit strikes with Baeza receiving addressed Madrid Spain , file creases , Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate . .. . .... ... .. ... Est. $200-$300
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450 Crown Circle to Spain, PAID at SAN JUANPUERTO RICO, 1852 Black British Crown Circ le (S.G.#CCl) and Black SAN JUAN -PUERTO RICO MR 2 1852 split circle postmarks on folded letter with contents, manuscript Magenta "2/", Red 10 R rate and Red ova l "PF" (paid to frontier) handstamps , London and Calais transit strikes with poor Baez a receiving addressed Madrid Spain , file crease , Very Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate ............ Est. $300-$400
451 Crown Circle to Spain, PAID at SAN JUANPUERTO RICO, 1852 Black British Crown Circle (S.G.#CC I) and faint Black SAN JUAN-PUERTO RICO MY 16 1825 split circle postmarks on folded letter wrap per datelined Mayaguez , manuscript Magenta "2/", Red 13 R rate and Red oval "PF" (paid to frontier) handstamps, London transit strike with poor Baeza receiving addressed Bilbao Spain, file creases , Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo cetiificate . . ......... ... . . . Est. $200-$300
452 Crown Circle to Spain, PAID at SAN JUANPUERTO RICO, 1852 Black mostly clear British Crown Circle (S.G.#CCI) and Black SAN JUAN-PUERTO RICO MR 16 I 852 split circle poshnarks on folded letter, manuscript "4/7", Red 24 R rate and Red oval "PF " (paid to frontier) handstamps, London and Calais h·ansit strikes with Baeza receiving addressed Madrid Spain, light file creases, Very Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate ........ . ... ... ... Est. $200-$300
453 Crown Circle to Spain, PAID at SAN JUANPUERTO RICO, 1852 Black British Crown Circle (S.G.#CC I) and Black SAN JUAN -PUERTO RICO JY 29 1852 split circle postmarks on small cover, manuscript Magenta "2/1 ", Blue 10 R rate, Red "6ms" and oval "PF" (paid to frontier) handstamps , London and Calais transit strikes, addressed Barcelona Spain, smal l opening fau lts to reverse , Very Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate . . .. ..................... . . . . Est. $300-$400
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454 Crown Circle to Spain, PAID at SAN JUANPUERTO RICO , 1855 Black British Crown Circle (S.G.#CCl) and Black SAN JUAN-PUERTO RICO NO 29 1852 split circle postmarks on Blue folded letter with contents , manuscript Red "2/6", Blue 8 rate and oval "PF" (paid to frontier) handstamps , London transit strike with bold Blue Estrangero, Cad iz receiving , addressed Cadiz Spain , small opening fau lts to reverse , Very Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate . .. ..... Est. $300-$400
456 Crown Circle to Spain, PAID at SAN JUANPUERTO RICO, 1850 poor Red British Crown Circle (S.G .#CCl) and Black SAN JUAN-PUERTO RICO FE 11 1850 split circle postmarks on folded letter with contents , manuscript Magenta "2/6", Red 13 R and Blue 13 Rs rate and Red ova l "PF" (paid to frontier) handstamps , London and Calais transit strikes , addressed Madrid Spain , Very Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate ... . . .... . .. .. . . .. ... . ... . . . . . .. Est. $300 -$400
455 Crown Circle to Spain, PAID at SAN JUANPUERTO RICO, 1848 Red mostly clear Briti sh Crown Circle (S.G.#CC I) and Black SAN JUAN-PUERTO RICO FE 11 1849 split circle postmarks on folded letter with content s, manuscript Red "2/6", Blue 10 Rs rate and oval "PF" (paid to frontier) handstamps , London and Boulogne transit strikes , Baeza receiving , addressed Barcelona Spain light soi ling, Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate .......... .. . . .. Est. $300-$400
457 Crown Circle to Spa in, PAID at SAN JUANPUERTO RICO, 1850 poor Red British Crown Circle (S.G.#CC I) and Black SAN JUAN-PUERTO RICO AP 11 1850 split circle postmarks on folded letter with contents , manuscript Magenta "2/1 ", Red 10 R rate and Red oval "PF" (paid to frontier) handstamps , London and Calais transit strikes with Baeza receiving, addressed Madrid Spain , file creases , Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate ...... .... ... ......... Est. $300-$400
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Crown Circle to Spain, PAID at SA JUA 458 PUERTO RICO , 1850 poor Red British Crown Circle (S .G.#CCI) and Black SA JUAN-PUERTO RICO MR 11 1850 sp lit circle postmarks on folded letter with contents , manuscript Magenta "2/ I", Red 11.R rate and Red oval "PF " (paid to frontier) hand sta mp s, London and Calais transit strikes with Baeza receiving , addressed Cadiz Spain, file creases , Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .... Est. $300 -$400
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Crown Circle to Spain, PAID at SAN JUAN459 PUERTO RICO, 1860 smeared Red British Crown Circle (S.G .#CCl) and Black SAN JUAN-PUERTO RJCO OC 12 1860 sp lit circle postmarks on fo lded letter wrapper , manuscript Red crayon " 1/9", fancy framed Blue FRANCO rate and Red circular "PD " handstamps , London transit strikes with Rivadeo Lugo receiving addressed Rivadeo Spain , Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo ce11ificate. . . . . . . . .... . ... .. . . . . . .. Est. $300 -$400
March 2 1, 2006
Crown Circle to Spain, PAID at SAN JUAN460 PUERTO RICO, 1861 Red British Crown Circle (S .G.#CCl) and Black SAN JUAN-PUERTO RICO FY 27 l86lsplit circle postmarks on folded letter wrapper , manuscript Red crayon "2/", fancy framed Blue FRANCO rate hand stamps , London transit strike with receiving addr essed Valencia Spain, Very Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate . . . . ... . ... . . . .. .Est. $400 -$500
Crown Circle to Spain, PAID at SAN JUAN461 PUERTO RICO, 1863 Red partly clear British Crown Circle (S.G .#CCI) and Black SAN JUAN-PUERTO RICO JA 11 1863 postmarks on Blue folded letter with cont ents datelined Guayanilla , manuscript Red crayon " 1/9" and "2" rates and Red " PD" in circle handstamp , Blue double oval Vias Compania, Puerto Rico forwarding agent cachet at lower left , London and La Junquera transit strike with receiving , addressed Barcelon a Spain , . Very Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo ce11ificate... ...... .. ... Est. $400-$500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....
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~~ 462 To Spa in, PUERTO RICO PAID, 26 JA 1864 Red postmark on Blue folded letter with contents datelined Guayanilla , manuscript Red crayo n " 1/5" and "2" rates and Red "PD" in circle handstamp , Black "Via de Yng laterra " and "Pro Perpigan " straigh t line instructional hand stamp s, Blu e doubl e ova l J. Decoto & Co, Ponce , P.R. and Black Vias Y Cia, San Juan P.R. forwa rding age nt cachets on reve rse, London and La Junquera transit strikes with rece iving, addresse d Barce lona Spain , Very Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $400- $500
464 Crown Circle to Spain, PAID at SAN JUAN PUE RTO RICO , 184 8 Red Briti sh Crown Circle (S.G.#CC I) and Black SAN JUAN-PUERTO RICO SP 15 1848 split circle postmarks on folded letter with contents , manuscript Red "2/6" , Red "6" and Blue 10 R rate ova l "PF" (paid to frontier) hand stamp s, London and Boul ogne transit strike s, Bae za receiving addressed Barcelona Spain, small faults, Very Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate ..... . . ... ...... Est. $750-$ 1,000
463 Crown Circle to Spain, PAID at SAN JUANPUERTO RICO , 1862 Red British Crown Circle (S.G .#CC L) and Black SAN JUAN -PUERTO RICO JA 11 1863 postmarks on Blue folded letter wrapper , manuscr ipt Red crayon " l /9", fancy framed Red FRANCO rate and Red "PD " in small circ le handstamps , London transit strike with receiving addressed Alicante Spain , some faults to reverse , Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $400-$500
March 2 1, 2006
465 Crown Circle to Spain , PAID at SAN JUANPORTO RICO , 1852 Black British Crown Circle (S.G.#CC l ) and Black SAN JUAN -PORTO RICO DE 29 1852 split circ le postmarks on folded letter wrapper datelined Mayaguez , manuscript Magenta "2/6", Red 13 Rs rate and Red oval PF (paid to frontier) handstamps, addressed Bibao Spain wit h London and Calais transit strikes wit h Red Bilb ao Baeza receiving, light file crease , Very Fine; 2005 Sergio Sisrnondo certificate. . . . . . . . . ....................... . . .Est. $750-$ 1,000
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Bl ack Briti sh split circle on fo lded letter datelined San Ju an Pu erto Rico, Blue oval Elizaburu & Ca, Puerto Rico forwarder cachet at upp er right , large Blue /Green fancy Norwegian Consulate shield hand sta mp ove r reverse flap , addre ssed Stockholm Sweden with Lo ndon and Thr ee Hambur g transits on reverse , Very Fine; very rare destin ation from ea rly Puerto Ri co ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo ce rtificate. . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $ 1,000 -$ I ,500
To Boston, PORTO RICO, PAID, C, 12 FEB 1864 Red postmark on Blue fo lded letter with contents datelined Humacao , manuscript Red crayo n " l ", with Black Boston , MAR 2, 5 exchange handstamp , British St. Thomas transit str ike, addressed Boston Massachusetts , light file creases , Very F ine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate ............. . . . .. Est. $150-$200
March 2 1, 2006
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To Sweden, San Juan-Porto Rico, FE I 1857
To New York, PORTO RICO, PAID, C, NO 26 1864 Red postm ark on Blu e fo lded lette r with contents date lined Arecibo , manu scr ipt crayon "1/" , with Black STEAMSHIP, IO exc hange hand stamp app lied in New York, Briti sh St. Thomas transit str ike, addr essed New York , light fi le creases, Very Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo ce rtifi cate ............ . . Est. $ 150-$200
To New York, PORTO RICO, PAID, C, DE 26 1866 Red postmark on Blu e folded letter with co ntents datelined Arecibo , manuscript Red crayon "1/", with Black JO due exc hange handstamp app lied in New York , British St. Thomas transit strike, addressed New York , light file creases , Very Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate . .. ... .......... .. .. . .Est. $150 -$200 469
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470 Crown Circle to Boston , PAID at SAN JUAN -PUERTO RICO, 1861 Red British Crown Circle (S.G. #CCI) and Black SA JUAN-PUERTO RICO MY 11 1861 plit circle postmarks on folded letter with contents datelined Arec ibo, manuscript Red crayon "1/ " , with Black Boston, MAY 30, 5 exc hange hand stamp , unrecorded Blue double oval Amell, Julia & Ca, Arecibo P.R. forwarding agent cachet , St. Thomas transit str ike, addressed Boston Massachusetts , file creases , Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate. Est. $750 -$ 1,000
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472 9a, to Spain, PAID at SAN JUA -PORTO RICO, 1857 Black British Crown C ircle (S.G. #CCI) , Cuba stamp tied by Parri lla kille r, Black SAN JUANPORTO RICO JY 29 1857 split circle dispatch postmark on Blue folded letter wit h contents , manuscript Red crayon" 1/11" rate and Red "PP " in circ le handstamp , Admon Graz , London , Calais and Paris transit strikes with Cad iz receiving addressed Cadiz Spain , Very Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate .. ..... . ....... . .Est. $500 -$750
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471 la, to Spain, PAID at SAN JUANPORTO RICO , 1856 Blue British Crown Circle (S.G .#CC) , Cuba stamps tied by Parrilla killer , Blue SAN JUA -PORTO RICO MY 29 1856 split circle and Blue Baeza dispatch postmark on very sma ll letter with contents datelined San Juan , manuscript Red crayon "2/1" rate and Red "PF " in circle hand stamp , addressed Caceres Spain , London , Calais transit strikes with Caceres receiving , Very Fine ; extreme ly rare Blue Crown Circle , possibly unique tying stamp ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo cert ificate . .. .. ... .. . . . .. Est. $2,000 - 3,000
March 2 1, 200 6
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473 9a, to Spain, PAID at SAN JUAN-PORTO RICO , 1857 Black British Crown Circle (S .G .#CCI ), Cuba stamp tied by unusual Blue barred circle killer and Red London transit , Black SAN JUAN-PORTO RICO SP 29 1857 split circle dispatch postmark on Blue folded letter wrapper without contents , manuscript Red crayon " 1/1 1" rate and Red "PP ' in circle handstamp , London , Calais and Paris transit strikes with Blue Rivadeo recei ving, addressed Rivadeo Spain , Extremely Fine ; very rare use with stamp tied by British markings , a true Beauty ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate . ..... Est. $500 -$750
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7'(rhna,. 12, to Spain , PAID at SAN JUA -PORTO 474 RICO, 1858 Blac k Briti sh Crown Circle (S.G.#CC I), Cuba stamp tied by Parrill a kill er on cove r front only, manuscr ipt Red crayo n " 1/ I I " rate, w ith Black "4R s" and Red "PP " in circ le handstamps , Adm on Graz , Londo n, Ca lais tra nsit str ikes , addresse d Santa nder Spa in, Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate .. . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $200-$300
12(pair), to Balaeric Islands, PAID at SAN 476 JUA -PORTO RICO , 1858 clear Bla ck Briti sh Crown Circle (S.G.#CC 1), Cuba stamp s tied by Parrill a killer, Black SAN JUA N-PORTO RlCO JY 14 1858 spl it circle dispatc h post mark on fo lded letter w ith content s datelined San Ju an, manuscr ipt Red crayo n "2/" corr ected to "4/4" rate and Red " PP" in circl e handstamp , addr esse d Palma Ma llorca Balaeric Island s, Admon Graz , Lond on, Ca lais, Paris, Perpignan, La Junqu era tran sit strikes w ith Ma llorca rece iving, stamp in at bottom, Very Fine; ex Glassco; 1984 Philate lic Fo undati on certificate, 2005 . .Est. $2,000- $3,000 Sergio Sismondo ce rtifica te .....
12, to Spain, PAID at SA JUAN-PORTO 475 RICO, 1858 pa rtia l Black Britis h Crown C irc le (S .G .#CCl) , Cuba sta mp tied by Pm illa killer, Black SAN JUAN -PORTO Rl CO JY 29 1858 split circ le dispatc h post mark on sma ll Blu e fo lded letter wrappe r without contents, manusc ript Red crayo n " 1/1 1" rate and Red "PP" in circle handstamp , Adm on Graz , London, Ca lais and Paris tran sit strik es with Blu e Rivadeo rece iving, addr esse d Ri vadeo Spa in Very Fine ; 200 5 Sergio Sismondo ce rtificate .. .. . . . ..... .. . . .Est. $400-$500
March 2 1, 2006
12, to Spain, PAID at SAN JUA -PORTO 477 RICO , 1858 B lack British Crow n Circ le (S .G.#CC I ), Cuba stam p tied by uncomm on Blue parri lla killer, Black SA JUAN -POR TO Rl CO AU 13 1858 split circle and Blue/Green "Ad mon Graz , Puerto Rico , 11 AUG 1858 " dispatc h post mark on small Blu e fo lded letter wra pper w ithout contents, manuscript Red crayo n " 1/ 11" rate and Red " PP" in circle handstamp , London and Pari s tran sit strik es with Blue Rivadeo recei ving, addr ess ed Rivadeo Spain, Very Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certifi cate .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. ... .. ... Est. $750-$ 1,000
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478 12, to Spain, PAID at SAN JUAN-PORTO RICO, 1858 Black Briti sh Crown Circle (S.G. #CC I) , Cuba stamp tied by Parrilla killer , Black SA JUANPORTO RJCO AP 29 1858 split circle dispatch postmark on folded letter with contents datelined Mayaguez , manuscript Red crayon "1/ 11" rate , with Black "4Rs" and Red "P P" in circle handstamp s, double oval "Chavarry Y Polidura & Ca, Mayaguez P.R." commercial cachet on reverse , Admon Graz, London , Calais and Paris transit strikes , addressed Santander Spain , couple file creases, Very Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate .. . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $750-$1 ,000
480 12, to Spain, PAID at SAN JUA -PORTO RICO, 1858 Black Briti sh Crown C ircle (S.G. #CCI) , Cuba stamp tied by Parrilla killer , Black SAN JUANPORTO RICO DE 29 1858 spl it circ le and bold Blue "Admon Graz , Puerto Rico, 29 DEC 1858" dispatch postmark on Blue folded letter wrapper witho ut contents , manuscript Red crayon " 1/6" and "4" rates and Red "PP" in circle hand stamp , London transit with Rivadeo receiving, addressed Rivadeo Spain , Very Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate ............ .. . Est. $750-$1 ,000
479 12, to Spain, PAID at SAN JUAN-PORTO RICO , 1858 Black British Crown Circle (S .G .#CCl) , Cuba sta mp tied by uncommon Blue Parrilla killer , Black SAN JUAN-PORTO RICO AU 13 1858 sp lit circle and Blue "P.De Mayaguez , Pue1io Rico , 11 AUG 1858" dispatch postmark on Blue folded letter wrapper without contents , manuscript Red crayon "2/2" rate and Red "P P" in circle hand stamp, London and Paris transit str ikes wit h Blue Rivadeo receiving , addressed Rivadeo Spain , mis ing left flap and contents, Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate . . . . .. . .... . .. . .. . . .Est. $500-$750
481 12, to Spain, PAID at SA JUAN-PORTO RICO, 1858 Black British Crown Circle (S.G .#CC I) , Cuba stamp tied by Parrilla killer , Black SA JUANPORTO RICO DE 29 1858 sp lit circl e and bold Blue "Admo n Graz , Puerto Rico , 13 NOY 1858" dispatch po tmark on Blue fo lded letter with contents datelined San Juan , manuscript Red crayon "I /" rate and Red "PP" in circle handstamp , London transit with Cadiz double ova l receiving , addressed Cadiz Spain , some toning , Very Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate .. .Est. $500-$750
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12, to Spain, PAID at SAN JUAN-PORTO 482 RICO , 1858 Black British Crown Circle (S.G .#C CI) , Cuba stamp tied by Parrilla killer , Black SAN JUANPORTO RICO 13 NO 1858 split circle and bold Blue "A dmon Graz , Puerto Rico, 29 DEC 1858" dispatch postmark on Blue folded letter wrapper without contents datelined San Juan , manuscript Red crayon " 1/6" rate and Red " PD" in oval handstamp , London transit , addre ssed Cadiz Spain , creased with worm ho les and sta ining, abo ut Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. $400-$500
12, to Spain, PAID at SAN JUA -PORTO 483 RICO, 1859 Black British Crown Circle (S.G. #CC I), Cuba stamp tied by Parrilla killer , bold Blue "A dmon Graz , Puerto Rico, 13 APR 1859" dispatch postmark on printed folded letter add ress panel with only side flaps , manuscript Red crayon" l/9" and "2" rates and Red "P D" in oval handstamp , addressed Rivadeo Spain , fresh clean fragment, Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $400-$500
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47(Z5-P14), 97(Z16-P6), I 03(Z7-P5) , 117(Z29-P4), San Juan to Spain, ST THOMAS, PAID, A, MAR 1 484 1869 Red British postmark with Black CSI barred numeral killer s tie Great Britain 2d Blue lettered "EI", 3d Rose lettered "FJ", 6d Purple lettered "PI" wing margin copy, I/ Green lettered "HK " stamps to fo lded letter datelined San Juan , Red manuscript crayon "4" and handstamped PD in circle, carried out of the mail s to St. Thomas , addressed Cadiz Spain with London transit strike, 1/ stamp missing lower right comer , Very Fine ; Beautiful and rare four color ...... Est. $2,000-$3,000 ..... . ... ......... . .. . ........ franking; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate . . ......
March 2 I, 2006
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BRITISH CONSULAR POSTAL AGENCIES IN PUERTO RICO Covers Franked with Stamps from Great Britain (S.G.# order and listing) The Br itish operated six consumer post offices in Puerto Rico , through an accord between Great Britain and Spain. The first operate d in San Juan in 1844 - the only one for almost thi1ty years. Others were opened at Arroyo , Ag uadill a, Mayaguez , Pon ce and Naguabo in 1877, except for Naguabo wh ich started in 1876. At this time each one was issued their own obuterator and other correspond ing stamps. Most Puerto Rican citizens did not welcome the use of Briti sh stamp s, thou gh some took advantage of the more efficient mail system to Europe. The res ult is that cove rs with Briti sh stamp s are very sca rce, parti cularly before 1872. A ll British post offices clo sed May I, 1977 .
485 117(Zll-P7), to Great Britain , AGUADILLA.PORTO.RICO, PAID, DE 11 1873 British dispatch postmark with Black F84 barred numera l killer ties Great Brit ain I/ Green lette red "QF " stamp to folded letter datelined Aguadilla , Blu e merchants handstamp cachet at lowe r left, addresse d London , Great Britain with receiving strike, two file creases one affect ing stamp , Fine; Aguadilla Briti sh post office strikes are very scarce ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate . .. .. . ... Est. $ 1,000-$ I ,500
486 95(Z6-Pl4) , 117(Z12-P10) , to Ital y, AGUADILLA.PORTO.RICO, PAID, DE 11 1873 British dispatch postmark with Black F84 barred numeral killer ties Great Britain 4d Vem1illion lettered "GJ", 1/ Green lettered "PL " stamps to mourning cover , bold Blue merchants handstamp cac het at lower left, addressed Genova , Italy with Red Lo ndon transit and Genova receiving str ike, reduced bottom missing flap , Fine; Aguad illa Bri tish po st office str ikes are very scarce ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo ce 1iificate . ... . ... .Est . $1,500-$2 ,000
A~//~ 487 93, pair(Z20-Pl4) , to U.S, ARROYO. PORTO.RICO , PAID, JY 12 1875 Black Briti h postmark with Black F83 baITed numeral ki llers tie Great Britain 4d Verm illion lettered "AG/AH" stamp to folded lette r, addressed New York with British St. Thomas transit and NEW YORK, U.S. CURRE CY/DUE 10 JUL 21 incoming exchange strike , some acid ink eros ion wit h normal toning . Fine; Arroyo British post office markings are rare ; ex R.B. Preston; 1984 Philatelic Found ation certificate , 2005 Sergio Sismondo ce1iificate . . .. . . . ... . ... . ... . .. .Est. $4,000 -$5,000 March 21, 2006
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47, vert pair (Z35-Pl4), 144, three singles 488 (Z38-P13), to Italy, MAYAGUEZ, PORTO.RICO , PAID, 25 JU 1874 British dispatch postmark with bold Black F85 ba1Ted numeral kille rs tie Great Britain 2d Deep Blue lettered "SC /TC ", 4d Vem1illion lettered "OF / PF/QF" , all wings cop ies, stamps to folded letter wrapper datelined Mayaguez, Red PD in circ le, addressed Genova Italy with Red London transit and Genova receiving str ikes, Very Fine; Beautiful co lor, Mayaguez British post office strikes are very scarce; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate .... Est. $2,000-$3,000
150(Z50-P12) , to Ital y, 95(Z38-P14), 490 MAYAGUEZ, PORTO.RICO , PAID, 10 JA 1876 British dispatch postmark with Black F85 barred numeral killer ties Great Britain 4d Vermillion lettered " 1B" , I/Green lettered "FF" stamps to folded lette r wrapper datelined Mayag uez, Blue merc hants handstamp cac het at lower left, addressed Genova Italy wit h London transit and Genova receiving strikes, Very Fine; Mayaguez British post office strikes are very scarce; 2005 Sergio . Est. $ 1,500 -$2,000 Sismondo cert ificate .............
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~,,;,, 95, two (Z38-P14), 150, pair (Z50-Pl2), to 489 Italy, MAYAGUEZ.PORTO.RICO, PAID, JA 10 1876 British dispatch postm ark with partly clear Black F85 barred numeral ki llers tie Great Britain 4d Vermillion lettered "BL/CG", 1/ Green lettered "JJ/JK" stamps , to cover Blue merchant cachet at lower left, addressed Genova Italy with London transit and Genova recei ving str ikes, so me wrink les with light crease affecting one 4d, Fine; Mayaguez Briti sh post office strikes are very .. . . . . scarce; 2005 Sergio Sismondo ce1tificate . ...... ... Est. $ 1,500 -$2,000 . ....... . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...... March 2 1, 2006
144, strip/4(Z37-P12), to Great Britain , 491 PAID , FE 25 1874 MAYAGUEZ.PORTO.RICO, k F85 ban ed num erBlac with postmark dispatch British lette red "DA/DD " Rose 3d Britain Great tie al killers lette r datelined lded fo stamps , right is wing copy , to Blue Mayaguez , Red PD in circle, addressed Binnin gham Great Britain w ith rece iving strike, Very Fine ; Mayaguez British post office strikes are very scarce; 2005 Sergio Est. $ 1,500 -$2,000 Sismondo certificate . ... . .........
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iv/492 95(Z39-P15), to DWI , MAYAGUEZ, PORTO RICO , PAID, FE 23 1877 British dispatch postmark with Black F85 barred numeral killer ties Great Britain 4d Vennillion lettered "OE" stamps to folded letter datelined Mayaguez, addressed San Thomas W.l. with British St. Thomas receiving strike, horizontal file crease not affecting stamp, faults internally and to rever se, Fine ; Mayaguez British post office strikes are very scarce as are all uses of the plate # 15 in Pue110 Rico ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate .... .. .... . .. Est. $1 ,000-$1 ,500
494 117, two singles(Z50-P12), 144(Z37-P16), to Denmark , MAYAGUEZ.PORTO RICO.PAID , DE 11 1875 Black Briti sh dispatch postm ark with matching F85 barred numeral killers tie Great Britain 3d Ro se lettered "GK ", I/Green lettered "A D/DD " stamps to Blue folded letter datelined Mayaguez , addressed Copenhagen Denmark with London transit and Copenhagen receiving strikes , 1/ with sc isso r cut perforat ion s, one affected by file crease , Fine ; very rare destination from early Puerto Rico ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo ce 11ificate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .Est. $ 1,500 -$2, 000
/ L 493 95(Z39-P15) , to DWI, MAYAGUEZ, PORTO RICO , PAID, MR 12 1877 British dispatch postmark with Black F85 batTed numeral killer ties Great Britain 4d Vermil lion lettered "RD " stamp to folded letter datelined San German , addressed San Thoma W.I. with British St. Thomas receiving strike , horizontal file crease not affecting stamp, somewhat fragile with internal faults , Fine ; Ma yag uez British post office str ikes are very scarce as are all use s of the plate # 15 in Pue110 Rico ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate .. .. Est. $ 1,000 -$ 1,500
March 2 1, 2006
495 150(Z50-P12), to Great Britain , MAYAGUEZ PORTO RJCO, PAID, MR 12 1877 British dispatch po stmark with Black F85 barred numeral killer ties Great Britain 1/ Green letter ed "CE " stamp to folded letter datelined Mayaguez , Blue merchants handstamp cachet at lower left , addressed Birmingham Great Brit ain with recei ving strike, two file crea es one affecting stamp , Very Fine ; Mayaguez British post office strikes are very sca rce ; 2005 Serg io Sismondo certificate. .. ...... . ................... Est. $7 50-$1 ,000
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44(Z33-Pl67) , 144,pair(Z37-Pl6) , to France , 496 MAYAGUEZ.PORTO.RICO , PAID , FE 25 1875 Brit ish dispatch postmark w ith Black F85 barr ed num eral killers tie Grant Brit ain Id Red lettered "AE", 3d Ro e lettered "SC /SD" stamp s to cove r, Red PD in circle, addr esse d La Bazoc he Gouet France with Lond on, Ca lais transits and La Bazoche Gouet rece iving strik es, cove r with some faults prim arily to reve rse, Very Fin e; ex Glassco; Mayag uez Briti sh post office strik es are very sca rce; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certifi cate .... .. .. . ... . Est. $ 1,000- $ 1,500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....
Venezuela, to strip /4(Z33-P 154) , 44, 497 MAYAGUEZ.PORTO.RICO , PAID , JA 10 1873 Briti sh dispatch postmark with bold perfec tly struck Blac k F85 baiTed numeral killer s tie Grea t Britain Id Red lettered "Tl/ TL " stamps, to cover with manu script "2", addr esse d Ca raca s Venez uela with pa11ial Briti sh St. Thomas transit strike, cov er with clipp er comer miss ing back flap, Fine; Mayaguez Briti sh post office strik es are very scarce espec ially to thi s rare destination ; 2005 ... Est. $ 1,500- $2, 000 Sergio Sismondo ce11ifica te ......
43, two singles, strip/3(Z33-P134) , 112(Z48-Pl), to Italy, MAYAGUEZ .PORTO RICO. PAID, MR 25 498 1873 Blu e British dispatch postmark s w ith matc hing Blu e F85 barred num eral killers tied Great Brit ain I Ro se/Red lettered "DA/FA,GA, HA", I 0d Red/Brown lettered "AH" stamp s to fo lded letter wrapper dat elined Ma yaguez with Black mournin g border, small Red PD in circle and sca rce Insufficientl y, Prepaid in rimle ss oval, Blu e double ova l merchants cac het at lowe r left, addr esse d Genova Ita ly with London tran sit and Genova receiving strike s, Very Fin e; ext remely rare used abroa d usage, with short paid; 200 5 Sergio Sismond o certifi cate ... ... . ..... Est. $3,000- $4,000
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499 44(Z33-Pl 78), 49(Z32-Pll), 150(Z50-P12), to Italy, MAYAGUEZ.PORTO.RICO , PAID, 0 9 1876 Briti sh dispatch po stmark with partly clear Black F85 barred numeral killers tie Great Brit ain 112d Red lettered "AF" , Id Red lettered "A L", 1/ Green lettered "HI", stamps to folded letter wra pper datelined Mayag uez, Red PD in circle, addr esse d Genova Italy with Red London transit and Geno va rece iving strik es, I/ with sissor cut perforation s at bottom , Very Fin e; Maya guez Briti sh post office strikes are very scarce; 2005 Sergio Sismond o certificate . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $750- $ 1,000
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~~Ea' 500 44(Z33 -P180), 47(Z35-P35), 143, eight singles(Z37-Pl8), to Italy, MAYAGUEZ.PORTO RICO.PAID, A U 25 1876 Black Briti sh dispatch postmark with matchin g Black F85 barred numera l killers tie Great Brit ain Id Lak e/Red lettered "FD ", 2d Blu e lettered "TI", 3d Rose stamps to folded datelined Mayag uez, addresse d Genova Italy with London tran sit and Gen ova receiving strik es, one 3d with small close d tear , Very Fine; rare used abroad franking; 1984 Philat elic Fo undation certificate, 2005 Sergio Sismondo certifica te. . . . . . . . Est. 3,000- $4,000
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47(Z35-PI4), 144, single, pair(Z38-P14) , to France , MAYAGUEZ.PORTO.RICO, PAID, SP IO 1874 501 Briti sh dispatch postmark with Black F85 ban-ed num era l killers tie Great Britain 2d Deep Blue lettered " KE" , 4d Vem1illion lettered "SD/P B/PC ", stam ps to sma ll cove r, Red PD in circle, addr esse d La Bazoche Gouet France w ith London, Ca la is, Pari transit strik es, miss ing part of back flap otherw ise, Very Fi ne; Mayag uez Briti sh post office . .... Est. $2,000- $3,000 ... ..... . . . ....... strikes are very scarce; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certifi cate . ........
0 9 I 876 Briti sh 44(Z64-Pl 70), 49(Z63-P5) , 150(Z79-P12) , to Spain , MAYAGUEZ.PORTO.RICO, 502 dispatch postmark with partly clear Black F85 barred numera l ki llers tie Great Britain I/2d Red lettered " DU" , Id Red lettere d "ME" , 1/ Green lettered " FG", sta mp s to sma ll cove r, addresse d Santander Spa in, cove r reduced at top, I/ stamp with pr e-affixing wrinkl e, Fine; Mayag uez Briti sh pos t offic e stri kes are very sca rce; 2005 Sergio Sismondo Es t. $ 1,000- $ 1,500 .. ........ certific ate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......
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503 44(Z54 -Pl59) , 47(Z53-P5) , 1552(Z57 -P15), to Germany, NAGUABO, PAID, C, MAY 12 1876 Black Briti sh postmark with Black 582 barred numera l killers tie Great Brit ain 112d Red lettered "BO ", Id Red lettered "GA" , 4d Vermilli on lettered "NK/ OK" stamps to cove r, addressed Elsfleth Germany with London transit and Elsfleth 1676 rece iving strikes, lower left comer removed from cover along with one 4d stamp, otherwise fresh and Fine; this being the only recorded use of British stamps with Nagua bo Paid strike; ex Glassco ; 1959 Roya l certificate , 1984 Philatelic Found ation ce11ificate, 2005 Sergio Sismondo cert ificate . . ... . .. . . ..... Est. $ 10,000- $ 15,000
March 2 1, 2006
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504 44(Z64-P150), 147(Z75-P14), to France, PONCE.PORTO.RICO , DE 26 1875 Briti sh dispatch po stmark with Black F88 barr ed num era l killer ties Great Britain Id Red lette r "NK" , 6d Grey lette red "DJ " stamp s to cove r with Black mournin g bord er, addressed Pari s France with London , Ca lais tran sit and Paris recei ving strike s, few faults to reve rse, otherwise Very Fine ; Ponce Briti sh post office strikes are very scarce; 2005 Sergio S ismondo certificate ......... . .. ... Est. $ 1,500-$2 ,000
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506 49, pair, single (Z82-P10) , 95, strip/3 (Z90Pl4) , to Spain, PORTO-RICO, C, FE 27 1876 Red Briti sh dispatc h po stmark with Black C61 barr ed numeral killers tie Great Britain l /2d Rose lettered "NK , ML/NL ", 4d Vermillion lettered "GJ/GL" stamp s to folded letter datelin ed San Juan , red London tran sit, addressed Vivero , Spain with Green receiving strik e on reverse , small piece missing at left not affecting stamp s, one 112d w ith rounded corner, Very Fine; scarce used abroad franking ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. $2,000- $3,000
505 47, pair(Z66-P14) , to Dominican Republic, PONCE.PORTO.RICO , PAID, NO 6 1875 bold British dispatch postmark with Black F88 barr ed numeral killer ties Great Brit ain 2d Deep Blue lettered "SE" stamps to folded letter wra pper, addr essed Pue110Plata Domini can Repu blic, no other markin gs present, light vert ical file crease with minor edge faults , otherwise Very Fine ; to rare dest ination, Ponce British post office strikes are very scarce ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate . . .. . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Est. $1,500-$2 ,000
March 2 1, 2006
507 33, (Z84-Pl 74), to Canada, PORTO RICO , C, 1875 Black Briti sh dispatch postmark with C61 batTed num era l killer ties Great Britain Id stamp to Blu e Price Curre nt (Lat imer & Co 's monthl y market report ) folded letter , addressed London Ca nada with AP 16 75 rece iving strike , Very Fine ; great exa mple of the Used Abroa d printed matt er rate ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate ... .. ... .. .. . ..... .. .. . .. . Est. $500- $750
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508 33, (Z84-P124), to Bermuda, PORTO RICO , C, AU 12 1874 Blac k British despatch postmark wit h C61 barred numeral killer ties Great Britain Id stamp to Blu e Pric e Curre nt (Latimer & Co 's monthly market report) folded letter , addressed St. Georges Bermu da, fragile w ith edge wea r, creases and normal toned paper , Fine; scarce destination for Use d Abroa d printed matt er rate; 2005 Sergio Sismondo cert ificate . . .Est. $500- $75 0
510 95(Z90 -P12), to U.S., PORTO RICO, C, MY I 3 I 875 Black British dispatc h postmark , inverted "C", with Black C61 barred numeral killer ties Great Brita in 4d venni llion stamp , lettered "QE ", to fo lded letter with conte nts date lined San Ju an, addr esse d New York with incoming New York/U.S. Currency / DUE 10 MAY 2 1 exc hange strike, two light file creases not affec ting stamp , Very Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. $400 -$500
509 95, (Z90-P14), to Guadeloupe , PORTO RICO , C, DE 13 1875 Black British dispatc h postmark with C61 ba1Ted numeral killer ties Great Brit ain 4d vermillion stamp to cover, Black hollow "30" due handstamp , Blue oval comme rcia l cac het at upper left , addressed Pointe a Pitre Gua daloupe wit h Briti sh St. Thomas transit and two diff ere nt French Packet Guade loupe strikes on reverse , file crease endin g wit h tears , Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo cert ificate . ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . ... . .Est. $500-$750
511 95(Z90 -Pl2) , to U.S., PORTO RICO, C, DE 13 1875 Black Briti sh dispatch postmark , inverted "C", wit h Black C61 barre d num era l killer ties Great Britain 4d vermi llion stamp , lette red "EB ", to folded lette r with contents dateli ned San Ju an, add ressed New York with incoming New-York/DUE 5 CE TS DEC 28 exchange strike , two light file creases one affecting stamp , Very Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate . ... . .. .... . . . . ...... .... ... .................. $400 -$500
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95, (Z90-P14), to DWI, PORTO RICO, C, JY 512 25 1876 British dispatch postmark with C61 barred num era l killer ties Great Britain 4d verm illion sta mp lettered "E A" to sma ll cover with manuscript Blue crayon "4" , addressed Christiansted St. Croix, two St. Thomas transit strikes including from Briti sh post office, reduced . left, Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate . ........ . . Est. $500-$750 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......
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112, pair, (Z102-Pl), Mixed Franking to 513 Spain, PORTO RICO, PAID, C, SP 26 1873, Black British transit postmark with C61 barred numera l killer ties Great Britain I Od Red/ Brown stamps, lettered "LK/LL" , to folded letter wrapper with thimble sized double c irc le Puerto Rico /* 26 SEP origination and Parrilla killer ties Cuba#51(pair) for internal posta ge, then put in the British post office for speedier service, addressed Barcelona , Spain with handstamped Red 4d accountancy marking , Red London transit and partial Barcelona rece iving strikes, Very Fine ; ex Glassco , 1970 , 1984 Philatelic Foundation cert ificates; 2005 Sergio Est. $2, 000-$3 ,000 Sismondo certificate ............... March 2 1, 2006
33, (Z84-P156), to Italy, PORTO RICO, C, 514 AU 15 1876 Black British despatch duplex postmark w ith C61 barred numeral killer ties Great Brit ain Id stamp to Blue Price Current (Lat imer & Co's monthly market repmt) folded letter , addressed Genoa Italy, Very Fine ; nice examp le of the Used Abroad printed matter rate ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate ... Est. $500-$750
44(Z84-P72), 95(Z90-P7) , 97, pair(Z92-P5) , 515 to Spain, PORTO-RICO , C, JA IO 1866 bold Red Briti sh dispatch postmark with Black C61 barred numeral killers tie Great Britain ld Lake Red lettered "NH ", 4d Vermillion lettered "QA ", 6d(pair includin g wing copy) Lilac lettered " RE/RF" stamps to folded letter wrapper with Black mourning border , Red crayon "2" w ith Red PD in oval and London transit , addr essed Madrid , Spain with receiving strike on reverse , file crease not affecting stamps , Very Fine ; scarce used abroad franking ; 2005 ... Est. $2,000 -$3,000 Sergio Sismondo certificate ....
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44(Z84-P78) , 117, strip/3(Z104-P4), to Italy, 516 PORTO-RICO, C, NO IO 1867 Red British dispatch postmark with Black C61 barred numeral killers tie Great Brit a in Id Lake Red lettered "QI ", I/ Green lettered "D J/DL " stamps to folded letter datelined San Juan , Red crayon "60 " with Red PD in ova l and London transit, small Blu e merchant s handstamp cachet at lower left , addresse d Genova , Italy with receiving strik e on reverse , Very Fine ; scarce used abroad fra nkin g; 2005 Sergio Est. $2 000-$3 ,000 Sismondo cert ificate ...........
44(Z84-P81), 95(Z90-P7), 117(Z104-P4), to 518 Spain, PORTO-RICO, C, AP 26 1866 Red Briti sh dispatch postmark w ith Black C61 barre d num era l killers tie Great Britain Id Lake Red lette red "MF ", 4d Vennillion lettered "ND ", 1/ Green lettere d "MF" stamps to folded lette r datelined San Juan , Red crayo n "2" with Red PD in oval and London tran sit, addressed Madrid, Spain with rece iving strik e on reverse , Very Fine; sca rce used abroad . franking ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo ce rtifi cate .......... . .. . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. Est. $2,000-$3,000
97(Z92-O5) , 95(Z90-P7) , 44(Z84-P81) , 517 10l{Zl04-P4) , to Spain, PORTO-RICO , C, DE 11 1865 Black British dispatch postmark with Black C61 barred num era l killers tie Great Britain Id Red lettere d "QD ", 4d Vermi llion lettered " SL", 6d Lilac lette red "BD ", l / Green wing copy lettered "PD " stamps to Blue fo lded letter datelined San Juan , addressed Mad rid Spa in with Lo ndon transit and Madrid rece iving trikes , Very F ine; rare Four color franking ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo . . .. ... . Est. $ 1,500 -$2 ,000 certificate .... . . .......
52(Z85-P3), 144, strip/4(Z89-P18), to Italy, 519 PORTO RICO , C, AU 27 1876 Briti sh duplex postmarks , inverted "C" with C61 barred numeral kille rs tie Great Britain I 1/2d Lake/Red lettered "NA ", 3d Ro se lettered "OE /OH" including two wi ng copies , sta mp s to Blue folded letter datelined San Juan , faint Blue doubl e ova l merchants cac het at lower left , add ressed Genova Italy with London transit and Genova receiving strikes , Very Fine ; great used abroad multiple ; 1984 Philat elic Founda tion cert ificate , 2005 Sergio Sismondo cer tificate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . Est. $2 ,500-$3 ,000
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520 52(Z85-P3) , 150(Z105-P12) , to Ital y, PORTO-RICO , C, DE 26 1876 Briti sh dispatch postmar k w ith Black C61 barre d num era l killer ties Great Brit ain I 112d Red/Lake lettered "HK ", 1/ Green lettered "A D" stamp s to fo lded letter wrapper date lin ed Mayag uez with Red London tra nsit, addr esse d Genova , Ita ly, with smeared receiving strike on reve rse, Very Fin e; sca rce use d abro ad fr anking ; 200 5 Serg io Sismondo certifica te. . . . . . . . . . .. . . Est. $750-$ 1,000
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522 95, pair(Z90-P12) , to U.S., PORTO RICO , PAID, C, MR 13 1872 Red British dispatch postmark with C61 barred num era l killer ties Great Britain 4d ve rmilli on stamps lettered "n/ JJ" to folded letter with co ntents date lined St. John' s, addr esse d New York w ith NEW YORK, 20, U.S. NOTES MAR 2 1 incomin g exc hange strik e, file creases not affecting stamps, Very Fin e; 1984 Philatelic Foundati o n certifica te, 200 5 Sergio Sismo ndo certifi cate .... . .... . ... . Est. $500-$750
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521 95, pair(Z90-P8) , to Cuba , PORTO RICO , PAlD , C, AP 17 1867 Red British dispatc h postma rk with C61 barred num era l killer ties Great Britain 4d vermilli on stamp s lettere d "BK/B L" to B lue fo lded lette r with contents datelined San Juan, Black handstamp ed 4 and fra med NE arriva l markings , B lac k doubl e ova l "Borras, Mo ntana & Ca , San Juan Puerto Rico" comm ercial cac het at upper right, addressed Havana Cuba, file crease , Very Fine; 1989 Ho lcomb e ce1i ificate , 2005 Sergio Sismondo cert ificate . .. . . . ... Est. $1 ,500 -$2,000
March 2 1, 2006
523 95, pair, (Z90-Pll) , to U.S., PORTO RICO , C, MR 2 1 187 1 Black British dispatch postm ark, inve11ed "C", wit h B lack C61 barred num era l killer ties Grea t Brita in 4d verrni llion sta mp, lettered "KH /KI ", to fo lded letter wit h co ntents datelined San Ju an, addr essed New York with inco min g N.Y. Steamship / IO MA R 30 exc hange strike, reverse with Briti sh St. Thomas transit strike , two light file creases not affec ting sta mps , Very Fi ne; 2005 Sergio Sismondo cert ifica te .. . Est. $500- $750
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95(Z90 -P12), to U.S., PORTO RICO, PAID, C, SP I 3 1872 Red British dispatch postmark with Black C61 barred numeral killer ties Great Britain 4d vermillion stamp, lettered "RH" to folded letter wrapper datelined St. John's, addressed New York with incoming N.Y. Steamship/IO OCT 21 excha nge strike, light horizontal filing crease, Very Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate. . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . ... .... .Est. $400-$500
95(Z90-P12), to U.S., PORTO RICO, PAID, C, MR 13 I 872 Red British dispatch postmark with Black C61 barred numeral killer ties Great Britain 4d verm illion stamp , lettered "FL ", to folded letter with contents datelined San Juan , addressed New York with incoming N.Y. Steamship/IO MAR 2 I exchange strike, two light file creases one affecting stamp, Very Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo ce1iificate .... . . .Est. $400 -$500
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95(Z90-Pl2), to U.S., PORTO RICO , PAID, C, MY 13 1872 Red British dispatch postmark with Black C61 barred numeral killer ties Great Britain 4d vermillion stamp , lettered "PC ", to folded letter with contents datelined San Juan , addressed New York with incoming N.Y. Steamship / IO MAY 20 exchange strike, British St. Thomas transit on reverse, two light file creases one affecting stamp , Very Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate . . . . . . . . . ............... Est. $400-$500
March 2 1, 2006
527 95(Z90-P12), to Venezuela, PORTO RICO, PAID, C, DE 12 187 1 Red British dispatch postmark with Black C61 barred numeral killer ties Great Britain 4d vermillion sta mp , lettered "PB ", to folded letter with contents datelined Mayaguez DEC 12 1871, Blue double oval "V iuda de Vias & Ca , San Juan , P.R." forwarding agents cachet at lower left who placed in Briti sh post office , addressed Carupano Venezuela with British St. Thomas transit strike , stamp with rounded comer , Very Fine ; very scarce destination ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate . . . . . . . . .... . ... Est. $400 -$500
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c/lt/~c/K~1~~ &r~??V:U. 95(pair), (Z90-P9), to DWI, PORTO RICO , 528 PAID, C, JA 26 1868 Red Briti sh postmark with C61 ban-ed numeral killer ties Great Britain 4d vem1i llion stamp to folded letter wrapper without contents, rimless Blue Arc Latimer, Turrull & Co, Mayaguez, P.R. handstamp forwarding agent cachet at top , addressed St. Thomas DWI , British "St. Thomas JAN 29 1868" receiving strike on reverse , Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo cert ifiEst. $400-$500 cate. . . . . . . . . ....................
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95, (Z90-P9), to DWI, PORTO RICO, PAID,
C, J A IO 1868 Red British postmark with C61 ban-ed numeral killer ties Great Britain 4d venni llion stamp to folded letter wrapper wit hout contents , rimless Blue Arc Latimer, Turrull & Co, Mayaguez, P.R. bandstamp forwarding agent cachet at top , addressed St. Thomas DWl , British "St. Thomas JAN 13 1868" receiving strik e on rever se, wrapper missing interna l flap with back faults , Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate ... Est. $300 -$400
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â&#x20AC;˘/2,yfa7t'' 95, (Z90-P9) , to DWI, PORTO RICO, PAID, 529 C, SP 11 1868 Red British dispatch postmark with C61 ba1Ted numeral killer ties Great Britain 4d vermillion sta mp to Blue folded letter with contents datelined Arecibo , Blue double oval "C.F. Storer & Co , Arecibo , P.R." commercial cachet at lower left , addressed St. Thomas , Danish West Indie s with recei v ing strike , file . crease , Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate ....... Est. $300-$400 ...... .. ....... . . . . . .. . .....
March 2 1, 2006
95(Z90-Pll), 117(Z104-P4, to U.S., PORTO531 RICO, A, SP IO 1869 faint Red British dispatch postmark with Black C61 ban-ed numeral killer ties Great Britain 4d Vennillion lettered " DH ", I/ Green lettered "EB" , sta mp s, to folded letter wrapper date lined Mayaguez with manuscript crayon "40 " exchange , addressed New York , British St. Thomas strike on reverse , Blue double oval merchant cachet at lower left , two light file creases one affecting I/ stamp , Very Fine ; rare quadruple rate ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate . . .. .. .. ... .. Est. $400-$500 . . . . . . . . . . . ......
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532 112(Z102-Pl), to Spain, PORTO RICO, PAID, C, FE 20 1873 Red Briti sh dispatch postmark with C61 ban-ed numeral killer ties Great Brit ain I 0d Red /Brown wing copy stamp , lettered "KE", to folded letter wrapper, addressed Madrid, Spain with Red PD in oval and Red London transit strike , file crease, Very Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate ... . .. .. Est . $500 -$750
534 112, pair, (Zl02-Pl), to Spain, PORTO RICO, PAID , C, SP 12 1873 Red British dispatch postmark with C61 ban-ed num era l killer ties Great Britain l 0d Red/Brown stamps including wing copy , lettered "Rl/ RJ ", to folded letter wrapper , addressed Barcelona , Spain with manu scr ipt Red crayon "2" and "4" accountancy markings , Red PD in oval and Red London transit and partial Barcelona receiving strikes, Very Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate . . ..... ... Est. $750-$ 1,000
533 112(Z102-Pl), to Spain, PORTO RICO , C, SP 25 1873 British duplex postmark wit h C61 ban-ed numeral killer ties Great Britain 10d Red/Brown wing copy sta mp , lettered "EE" , to folded letter wrapper , addressed Madrid , Spain with manuscript Red crayon "2" and Red London transit strik e, file crease , Very Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate . ...... Est. $500-$750
535 112, pair , (Z102-Pl), to Spain , PORTO RICO , PAID , C, AUG 26 1873, C is inverted , Red British duplex postmark with C61 ban-ed numeral kil ler ties Great Britain I 0d Red /Brown stamps , lettered " EF/CA" , to folded letter with contents and Bl ack mourning border , addressed Barce lona, Spain with handstamped Red 4d accountanc y marking , Red London transit and patiial Barcelona receiving strikes , Very Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate ..... Est. $750 -$1,000
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536 112, strip/3(Z102-PJ) , to Spain , PORTO RICO , PAID , C, FE 12 1874 Red Briti sh dispatch po stmark with C61 barred num era l killers ties Grea t Britain I 0d Red/Bro wn stamp s lettered "LF /LH ", to fold ed letter wrapp er dat elined San Ju an, addr esse d Cadiz Spain with Red 4d and PD in ova l and Red London tran sit and Cadiz receiving stri kes, file crease not affec ting stamp s, Very Fine, rare franki ng fro m Puerto Rico; 1984 Phil atelic Found ation certificate , 2005 Sergio Sismondo cert ificate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Es t. $2,000- $3,000
537 150 (Zl05-Pl2) , to Great Britain , PORTO-RICO , A, AP 26 1877 Black British dupl ex postmark w ith Black C61 barred num era l killer ties Great Bri tai n I/ Gree n stamp lettered " SJ", to fo lded letter with Illustrated contents datelined San Juan , addr esse d Birmin gha m, Great Britain with partial rece iving strike on reve rse, two light file creases one affec ting sta mp , so iled, Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certifica te .. . .. . . . .. . .. . ..... . . Est. $300- $40 0
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538 97, pair(Z16-P6), Mayaguez to Great Britain , ST THOMAS , PAID, A, MR 13 1866 Red British transit postmark with Black C51 barred numeral killer ties Great Britain 6d (pair including w ing copy) Lilac lettered " EC/ED" sta mp s to folded letter date lined Mayaguez MAR 18 1869, Red London transit , carr ied out of the mails to St. Thomas , addressed Madrid Spain with receiving strike , file crease not affecting stamps , Very Fine; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate. Est. $750 -$1,000
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539 95, (ZI0-Pl2), Arroyo to U.S., C51, 1872 Black barred numeral killer ties Great Britain 4d Vermillion lettered "MK " stamp to folded letter carried out of the ma ils to St. Thomas , datelined Anoyo JUL 11 1872 , sma ll Black N.Y.Steams hip/ 10 JUL 20 incoming exchange strike , two file creases one affecti ng stamp , still Very Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate ........ .. . .............. . ......... Est. $500-$750
540 95(Z10-P12), 117(Z29-P5), Mayag uez to Italy, ST THOMAS, PAID, A, 1872 British Black C51 barred numeral killer ties Great Britain 4d Vermillion lettered "KE" , I/ Green lettered "MA" stamps to folded letter with Black mourning border datelined Mayaguez 9 SEP 1872, Black double oval "Hijos de Llreda , Mayaguez " merchants origination cachet at lower left , ca1Tied out of the mails to St. Thomas , addressed Genova Italy wit h London transit and Genova rece iving strikes , Very Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate ..................... Est. $750-$ I ,000
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95(Z10-PI0), Mixed Franking, Humacao to United States, ST THOMAS, PAID, A, MY 18 1869 Red 541 Briti sh postmark with Black CSl ba1Ted numeral killer ties Great Britain 4d Ve1million lettered "FB " stamp to Blue folded letter wrapper datelined Humacao 7 SEP 1869, large Blue oval "R. Pou Y Cia , Humacao Pue110 Rico, MAY 9 1869" merchant s origination cac het at lower left , carried out of the mails to St. Thomas , addressed New York, at St. Thomas Geo . A. Philips & Co. acting as Forwardi ng agents added the U.S. grilled stamp #96 which was additiona lly tied on arr iva l by large N.Y. STEAMSHIP, JU 4 strike , this was intended to be carried on the "U .S.S . Mississippi " of the U.S . Brazil line which was on it's return voyage to New York, thus the !Octs stamp for prepayment, the ship was Wrecked off coast of Martinique Ma y 11, 1869 so when this news arr ived the letter was posted at the British post office, Very Fine ; a very rare cover and one of only about five recorded with this combination of Est. $4,000-$5,000 ......... which came as a result of the ship wreck; 2005 Sergio Sismondo ce11ificate ... .......
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FRENCH CONSULAR POSTAL AGENCIES IN PUERTO RICO Covers Franked With Stamps From France There were two French consular postal agencies authorized in the island through an accord between France and Spain. The main one in San Juan operated from l 862to 1872, and the second, in Mayaguez, from 1876 to 1877 when Puerto llico joined the universal postal union. Each one used an octagonal cancel mark with the town 's name.
542 70, to France , St. Jean-de-Porto-Rico, P.Fr.B.No.4, 26 APR 1885 octagona l postmark , Salles # 1443, ties Puerto Rico stam p to cover with matching handstamp at left , two line Consulatde France, a Puerto Rico cachet at upp er left with matching Violet Consu lar sea l on reverse , addressed Bordeaux France wit h Bordeaux receiving strike, edge faults with glue sta ins; this French Paquet Age ncy use is rare when tying stamps ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... . Est. $1,500 -$2,000
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"t' 543 To France, St. Jean-de-Porto-Rico, 24 JUN 1866 Blue octagonal postmark, Salles # 1368 on folded letter with handstamped 10 (decimes) , add re ssed Solesmes France with Ligne B, Paq. Fr. o.2 26 JUN 1866 Salles # 1431/2, two Calais transit and Solesmes receiving strike s, some edge wear, Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate ............ . .. Est. $500 -$750 March 21, 2006
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544 French Colonies #12(2), to Puerto Rico , Martinique, 27 NOV 1872 postmark with dotted grid killers tie stamps, right with faults , to cover , addressed Mayor of Guayama Puerto Rico , St. Thomas and Martinique transit strikes on reverse , crease wit h edge faults and usual tonin g, Fine ; rare origination for mai l to Puerto Rico. . . . . . . . . . ..... .. .. Est. $1,000 -$1,500
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25(block/14 , vert. pair) , Mixed Franking to Spain, St. Jean-de-Porto-Rico, 22 APR 1866 Blu e octago545 nal postmark, Salle s Ty# 1368 , multipl e dotted grids with Anchors tie stamp s to folded letter wrapper , addressed Madrid, Spain , two strik es of Red framed "P.P." with four Spain stamps Scott #8 6(pai r, two singles) tied by Black num era l 8 strik es with Red 8.R due markin g, w ith Ligne B Paq Fr No.4 Salles Ty# 1431/4 and Madrid arrival strikes on reve rse, opened for displa y, two I 0c stamps used to seal letter are split, others in nice conditi on, Very Fine ; rare Fantastic mixed fra nki ng cove r with largest recorded multiple of stamps carried by French packet from Puerto Rico; ex Presto n; 2005 Sergio Sismondo cert ificate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $20,0 00- 30,000
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546 27(two blocks/4), to Spain, St.Jean-de-Porto-Rico, 22 APR 1866 Blu e octagona l postmark , Salles Ty#l368 , with multiple dotted grid killers tie stamps to folded letter datelined San Juan , addressed Cadiz Spain, Red framed P.P. and 16.R handstamped markings , with Ligne B Paq Fr o.4 Salles Ty# l4 31/4 transit and Cad iz arriva l strikes on reverse , opened for disp lay, couple stamps with sissor trimm ed perforations , Very Fine; one of the more extraor dinary frankings used at the Frenc h PO sta l Agencies in Puerto Rico; 2005 Serg io Sismondo cert ificate . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. $3,000-$4,000
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547 27(single , strip/3), to Spain, St .Jean-de-Porto-Rico, 27 MAY 1868 octagonal postmark , Salles # 1368 with two diamond grid of dots tie stamps to cover front address panel only as often, with Red handstamped boxed P.P. and 1.R due marking appli ed on arriva l, addressed Cadiz Spain ; one of few recorded covers from Puerto Rico with this franking; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... Est. $ I ,000-$ I ,500
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28, to Spain, St. Jean-de-Porto-Rico , 22 JAN 1866 Blue octagonal postmark , Salles # 1368 with diamond 548 grid of dots tie stamp to fo lded letter wrapper with Black mourning border , Red handstamped boxed P.P. and 4.R due marking app lied on arrival , addressed Madrid Spain with Ligne B, Paq.Fr. No.l 24 JAN 1866 Salles # 143 1/1, "Bordeauxa Irun " transits and Madrid rece iving strikes , stamp sissor clipped at top , Very Fine ; one of few recorde d .. Est. $3 ,000- $4,000 cover s from Puerto Rico with thi s fran_kjng; 2005 Sergio Sismo ndo certificate . . .... .. ......
35, to DWI, Commisaire de Bord de Darien, AUG 1869 Blue purs er 's cac hets tie stamp to fo lded lette r 549 date lined San Juan , addressed St. Thomas Danish West Indi es with 23 8 1869 receiv ing strike on reverse , cove r strengthene d at lower right with file crease, Fine; probably uniqu e, rare origi natio n ship 's marking; signed Roge r .... . ... . .Est. $2,000- $3,000 .. ..... .. .. ...... Ca lves , 2005 Sergio Sismondo certifica te ... . .. . .. . . . .....
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550 59, 63, to Genova, Italy, Mayaguez Postes Francaises, 31 OCT 1876 Black octagonal postmarks , Salles Ty# l 369, tie stamps to folded letter wrappe r, struck twice additio nally with Mayaguez Paq. Fr. D. No. 1, Salles Ty# l498 / I strike at top, addressed Genova , Italy, Genova receiving strikes on reverse , Very Fine; rare cover in beautifu l cond ition; signed Roger Ca lves, 2005 Sergio Sismondo , certificate ............ . .. .. .. .Est. $8,500-$12 ,000
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59, 63, to Genova, Italy, Mayaguez Paq. Fr. D. o. 2, 31 AUG 1876 Blue octagona l postmarks , Sa lles 551 Ty#l498 /2, tie stamps to folded letter wrapper, over commercial originatio n cac het, addressed Genova, Italy, Pari s transit and Genova receiving strike s on reverse, 80c with smal l pre-affixing closed tear, Very Fine; very rare possibly . unique usage as Salles Ty# 1498/2 is unreported used cance ling stamps; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate ........ 10,000 -$ $7,500 .Est. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................
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552 59, 81, to DWI, Mayaguez, Postes Francaises, 2 MAY 1877 Black octagonal postmark , Salles Ty# l369 , tie stamps to folded letter with contents datelined Mayaguez 2 MAY 1877, with matching additiona l strike at left, addressed St. Thomas , "Mayaguez Paq. Fr. D. o. I", Salles Ty# 1498/l, "Ligne D Paq Fr No.3" Salles Ty# l471 /3 transit and St. Thomas receiving strikes on reverse , light file crease , Very Fine ; rare cover in beautiful condition ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... .. Est. $7,500-$10 ,000
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59(single, pair), to Italy Mayaguez, Postes-Francaises, 4 MAR 1876 Black octagonal postmark , Salles 553 Ty# 1369, with Anchors in dotted grids tie stamps to folded letter datelined Mayaguez , addr essed Genova Ita ly, with octagonal Mayaguez Paq. Fr. D. No. 2 Salles Ty# l498 /2, Paris transit and Genova receiving str ikes, Blue merchants cachet at lower left , some minor perforation fau lts, Very Fine ; rare cover ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $7,500 -$ 10,000
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POSTAL HISTORY - POST 1873 COVERS WITH STAMPS OF PUERTO RICO 1873 - 1876 Overprinted Issues From 1873 through 1876 both Cuba and Puerto Rico used the same stamps. This changed however , since the high Cuba inflation forced the use of "Paper Currency" instead of the more va luab le"Silver Peceta " used in Puerto Ricowhich caused Cuban merchants to make their Puerto Rican transactions with stamps, at a discounted price , rather than their devalued currency. This produced a drop in revenue for the Government of Puerto Rico which then orde red that stamps be overprinted with a "paraph" of the Governor and in the years that followed ( 1874-1876) the Treasurer's initial s were added. These were changed every year to avoid counterfe iting. This created the first truly Puerto Rican stamps.
554 1(7), Mayaguez , Puerto Rico , 8 MAR 1873 thimble sized postmark with stamps , including pairs , tied by Parrilla killers to cover address panel only as often , Black straight line CERTIFICADO with manuscript "2 1/2 oz" at upper left, l .25Pts for postage with S0cts for registration , addressed San Juan with commercial oval at lower left, Very Fine ; fantastic item. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . ... Est. $ 1,000- $ 1,500
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555 1, Fajardo , Puerto Rico , 4 JUN 187 5 Blu e thimbl e sized postma rk with stamp tied by Parrill a kill er to fo lded letter with cont ents, addr esse d San Juan with rece iv ing str ike on reve rse, light fi le crease w ith norma l tonin g, Fine ........... . ....... Est. $ I 00- $ 150
557 1(2), 4, Three Fronts , Puerto Rico , all with ca. 1868-9 thimbl e sized postmark s, all with single stamp tied by Parr illa kill ers to cove r addr ess panels onl y as often, add resse d Toa Baja or Patillas, clean with clear strikes, goo d for study, Fine gro up ....... Est. $ 100-$ 150
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1, DORADO , 21 DEC ca. 1873 Blue 556 straight line and small thimbl e sized post marks w ith stamp tied by Blue Parrilla killer to cover fro nt address pane l only as often, add ressed Toa Baja , Blu e Del Dora do double ova l Muni cipal sea l at lower left , Fine ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Es t. $400- $500
March 21 , 2006
558 4, VEGA BAJA, 14 JUL 1874 Black stra ight line postma rk with sta mp tied by Black PaITilla kill er to fo lded lette r with conte nts, add resse d Pu erto Rico (Sa n Jua n), ligh t fi le fo ld, Very F ine . . .... . . .Es t. $500-$750
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559 4, COROZAL, 10 JUN 1874 straight line and sma ll thimble sized postmarks with stamp tied by Black Parr illa killer to cover, addresse d Vega A lta, two holes at left with light file fold, Very Fine . .. .Est. $500 -$750
561 5, ARROYO, 9 JAN 1875 Black stra ight line postmark with Parrilla killer ties stamp to folded letter, Black thimbl e sized Arroyo transit po stma rk, addr essed San Juan, Blu e double oval Aldecoa & Cia, Arroyo, Puerto Rico commercial cachet at lower left, Puerto Ric o rece iving on reverse , Fine . . .. . ... Est. $200 -$300
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~ 560 4, ARROYO , 4 NOY 1874 Blu e petite straig ht line and small thimble sized postmarks with stamp tied by Black Parrilla killer to cover front address panel only as ofte n, handstamped Black I due marking at center , addresse d Patillas , Blu e doubl e ova l Municipa l seal at lowe r left , usual aging, Fine . ..... Est. $200 -$300
562 5 (two singles, pair), Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 30 NOV 1875 thimb le sized postmark with stamps tied by Parrilla killers to cover part address panel only as often, 50cts for postage with 50cts for registratio n, manuscript "R.S. " (real serv icio) at top , addresse d San Juan wit h partial , "A lcaldia Municipal de la Vi lla de Mayaguez " ova l cachet at lower left, unusual item, Very Fine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $750 -$ 1,000
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563 5(two singles, strip/3), Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 18 OCT 1875 thimbl e sized postmark with stamps tied by Parrilla killers to registered cover address panel only as often, Black straight line CERTIFICADO at lower left, manuscript "R.S." (rea l servicio) at top, addressed San Juan with bold Black "Alcaldi a Municip al de la Villa de Mayag uez" ova l cachet at lower left, some faults and creases , Very Fine ...... . .. . .. Est. $750-$ 1,000
564 15, 19, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, MAR 3 1878 Black thim ble sized postmarks tie Puerto Rico stamp s, mixed from both 1877 & 1878 issues, to folded letter with contents, Mage nta ova l P. Bals, Mayaguez, P.R. commercial cachet at lowe r left, addressed San Juan with smeared 8 MAR rece iving strike on reverse, fresh and clean, Very Fine; only cove r recorded franked with IOcts # 19 .. . . .. . . . . ... .. .. . .. . . ...... .. . . .. . . . ... . .. Est. $3,000- $4,000
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565 16, Fajardo, Puerto Rico, 15 MAY 1877 Black thimble sized postmark with stamp tied by Parrilla killer to folded letter with contents , addressed San Juan with smeared parti al receiving strike on reverse , Blue/Green framed "H. Ritter & Co., Fajardo" dated commercial cachet at lower left, Very Fine ...... Est. $300-$400
567 16, Aguadilla , Puerto Rico, 1877 smeared Black thimble sized postmark with stamp tied by smudged Parrilla killer to folded letter with contents , addressed San Juan with receiving strike on reverse , Purple double sawtooth oval commercial cachet for "Koppiscb, Firpo & Co ., Aquadilla " at lower left, light file fold, Fine. . . . . . ........... Est. $ 100-$ I 50
566 16(5), Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 20 MAR 1877 thimbl e sized postmark with stamps tied by Pa1Tilla killers to registered cover address panel only as often , manuscript , " I I/2oz " at upper left, 75cts for postage with 50ct s for registration , Black straight line CERTIFICADO at lower left , manuscript "R .S." (rea l serv icio) at top, addressed San Juan with bold Black "Alcaldia Municipal de la Villa de Mayaguez" ova l cachet at lower left, some light creases , Very Fine .... Est. $ 1,000- $ 1,500
568 20, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, FEB 20 1878 Black thimble sized blurr ed postm ark ties stamp to Blue folded letter with contents , addressed San Juan with smeared partial receiving strike on reverse , light file creases , Fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .Est. $ I 00-$ I 50
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569 26(7) , Mayaguez, Puerto Rico , 28 APR 1879 thimble sized postm ark with stamp s, includin g multipl es, tied by Parrill a killers to registered cover addr ess panel only as often , l .25Pts for postage w ith 50cts for registra tion , Black straight line CERTIFICADO at bottom , manuscr ipt "R .S." (rea l serv icio) at top , ad dressed Governor General at San Juan w ith bold Black " Alca ldiz Municipal de la Ciudad Mayaguez" oval cac het at lower left, creases with some toning , Very Fine. Est. $500 -$750
571 48, 49(2), GUAYANILLA , Ty#l 188 1 Black stra ight line handsta mp ties stamp s to Officia l folded letter wrapper , seco nd matc hin g stra ight line at top , addressed to Silva Fe1Ter& Cia in San Juan with AUG 12 1881 docketing , very sca rce late use of pre-stamp marking on sta mps, norm al toning, F ine ..... Est. $300 -$400
570 35, 37, 52, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico , 15 MAY 1881 Black thimble sized postmarks tie stamps to folded lette r wrapper , Purple double oval "Plaja & Bra vo, Mayaguez , Po1io Rico " commerc ial merchants cac het, addressed San Juan, water stains wit h worm hole through perfs of 8ctvs stamp , very scarce mixed issues, Fine . . .. . . . . . . ... .. . . . . ... . .. . . ... . Est. $ 150-$200
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572 49-50, GUAYANILLA , Ty# ! 188 1 Black starlight line handstamp ties stamps to Official folded letter wrapper , with partially struck thimbl e sized marking at left, addressed to Silva Ferrer & Cia in San Juan, very scarce late use of pre-stamp mark ing on stamps, nonn al toning , Fine ......... .. . . . . . .. ... Est. $200 -$300
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573 51, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 26 APR 1881 Black thimble sized smea red postmark ties stamp to fold ed letter with contents, Purpl e double ova l "Plaja & Bravo , Mayaguez , Porto Rico " commerc ial merchants cac het at lowe r left , addressed San Juan , light file fold, Fine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Est. $ 100-$ I 50
575 56(10) , 58(9), 61, 65, Sabana Grande, 9 JAN 1886 Black double circ le postmarks tie stamps to both sides of cover opened for display, addressed Mayag uez, some minor stamp fau lts and toning , Very Fine ; rare interna l franki ng .. . . ... .. ... . ... .Est. $1,500-$2 ,000
574 51(three singles, strip/3), Puerto Rico, I 0 AUG 188 1 large indistinct postmarks tie stamps to cover addr ess panel only as ofte n, 30cts rate , manuscript "R .S." (rea l servicio) at top , addressed Aguadi lla, usual aging with some faults, Fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $ 100-$150
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67, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico , 15 MAR 1883 576 Black thimbl e sized postmark with stamp tied by stra ight line Correos de Mayaguez reintegra ting (local) strike, Purpl e Remitida por, Palacios & Co. straig ht line co mmercial merchants cac het at bottom, addr esse d San Ju an, Est. $ 100-$ 150 ......... Very F ine ...........
101//108, Correspondence , Four Covers , all 578 1894 , var ious frank.ings includin g singles, pair, strip/3, three with enclo sed letters, a ll to or fro m Aibonito and Ponce, faults with normal ag ing, Fine ... Est. $ 100-$ 150
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98(pair) , 119(pair), Lares, Pto. Rico, 20 FEB 577 1895 Blu e postmark ties stamps to reg istered cove r, l 8cts fra nkin g, Blu e boxe d R at top , addr esse d San Lo renzo , Caguas reg istry transit, stamps with some glue stains, bac k faults fro m remova l of wax sea ls with usual toning, .. .Est. $200- $300 Fine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....
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102, 113, 119, San Lorenzo, Pto. Rico, 10 FEB 579 1897 Blue postmark ties stamp s to registered cover, I Sets fra nking, Blue boxed R at top, addr esse d Lares , usua l Est. $ 100-$ 150 . ................ aging, Fine ...
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~' 580 125, 130, Arecibo, 2 JAN 1897 Black doubl e circle postmarks tie stamps, 20cts with corner crease, to registered cover, sealed with wax seals and string, addresse d Toa Alta, slightly reduced at bottom, Fine; one of two known covers with 80ctvs value. Owner paid $8,500 in l 980 's ............................ Est. $7,500-$ I 0,000
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98// 119, to Spain , Six Fronts , ca. 1896-9 vari581 ous frankings all includin g three to nine stamps, postmarked from Ponce and San Juan, severa l registered, all addresse d Bar celona, Fin e-Very Fin e ... Est. $750-$ 1,000
141//146, to Spain, Seventeen Fronts, ca. 583 1898-9 var ious frankjn gs, mostly addresse d Bar celona, Spain, postmarked from Jun cos, Ponc e, Mayag uez and San Juan, rare period of use durin g period of the Spanish American War, excellent condition , Fine-Very Fine .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $750-$ 1,000
140// 149, to Spain , Ten Fronts, ca. 1898-9 var582 ious frankin gs, all addresse d Barce lona, Spain, postmarked from Juncos, Ponce, Mayag uez and San Juan, manuscript directives or markings include France, "Vap Italiano" , " p Vap Franc ais", rare period of use durin g period of the Spanish Am erican War, exce llent conditi on, Fine-Very Fin e . . . ... . ... .. .... . . .Est. $500- $750
MR9(3) , to Spain, Admon Central, Puerto 584 Rico , 29 OCT 1898 Black doubl e circle postmarks tie Puerto Rico War Tax stamps to cover front address panel only as often, manu script "per, Isla de Pana y'' shjp dir ective at top, with Purpl e doubl e oval merchant cachet at lower left, addre ssed Barc elona, Spain, missing additional stamp(s) at right, Very Fine . ... . ... . . .Est. $ 100-$ 150
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585 142, 144, MR6 , to Spain, Admon Central , Puerto Rico, 17 JUN 1898 Black double circle post marks tie Puerto Rico stamps includin g War Tax to cover front address panel only as often, Purpl e double ova l merchant cachet at lower left, addressed Barce lona, Spain, some toning , Very Fine ... . . .. Est. $ 150-$200
587 145, MR6(2) , to Spain , San Juan, Puerto Rico, 27 MAY 1898 Black double c irc le postmarks tie Puerto Rico stamps including War Tax to cover front addr e s panel only as often, Purpl e doubl e ova l mer chant cac het at lower left , add ressed Barcelona, Spain , some faults with light toning , Very Fine .... Est. $ I 50-$200
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586 141, 145, MR6, to Spain, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 29 MAR 1898 Black double circ le postmarks tie Puerto Ric o stamp s inc ludin g War Tax to Green cover front address panel on ly as often , manuscri pt "p Yap Flandria " ship directive at upper left, Purple double oval merc hant cac het at lower left, addressed Barcelona , Spain , some faults w ith light toning , Very Fine . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .... .Est. $150-$200 Mar ch 2 1, 2006
588 MR6(vert. pair, vert. strip/3), to Spain, San Juan, Puerto Rico , ca . 1898 Black smu dged killers tie Puerto Rico War Tax stamp s to cover fro nt address panel on ly a often , manuscript "Yap Italiano " ship directive at upper left, Purple double oval merchant cachet at lower left, addressed Barcelona , Spain , light toning , Fi ne . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .Est. $ I 00-$150
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589 140, 141(pair) , MR7 , to Spain , San Juan , Puerto Rico , 17 JUN 1898 Black doubl e circle postmark ties Pue1to Ric o stamp s including War Tax to cove r front address panel only as often , manuscript "via Francesca " ship directive at upp er left, Purpl e ova l merchant cachet at lowe r left, addressed Barce lona, Spain , light toning , Very Fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $ 150-$200
591 166, to Spain , Admon Central, Puerto Rico , 15 OCT 1898 Black doubl e circle postmark ties Puerto Rico stamp ove rprint ed with Red Habilitado, par 1898 y 99 to cove r front addre ss panel on ly as often , addressed Barcelona , Spain , Very Fine; Habilitado overprints are rare on cover. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $200 -$300
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590 157, to Spain , San Juan , Puerto Rico , 16 SEP 1898 Blue doubl e circle postmark ties Pu erto Rico stamp overpr inted w ith Red Habilitado , par 1898 y 99 to cover , Purpl e ova l merchant cac het at lower left , addr esse d Barce lona, Spain , stamp faulty, cover with minor edge toning , still Very Fine ; Habilitado ove rprint s are rare on cover . .. ..... . ... .. . .Est. $ 150-$200
March 2 1, 2006
592 MR7(vert. pair), to Spain, Admon Central , Puerto Rico, 7 JUL 1898 Black doubl e circle po stmark s tie Pue110 Rico War Tax stamp s to cover front addr ess panel only as often , manuscript "via Ponc e, por Vapor Italiano" ship directive at upp er left , Blu e doubl e oval merchant cac het at lowe r left, addressed Bar ce lona , Spain , some acid ink erosion w ith light toning , Fine . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $ 150-$20 0
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593 167, to Spain , Admon Central, Puerto Rico , 20 SEP 1898 clea r Blue double circle postmark ties Puerto Rico stamp overprinted with Purple Habilitado , par 1898 y 99 to Yellow cover front address panel as often , manu cript "por Vapor Chateau Laffite , Espana " ship dir ect ive at upp er left, addressed Barce lona, Spai n, Very Fine ; Habilitado overp rin ts are rare on cover. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $200-$300
595 142(2) , 159(pair), to Spain , Admon Central, Puerto Rico , 16 SEP 1898 Blue do ubl e ci rcle postmark ties Puerto Rico stamps , I ct(pa ir) eac h overpr inted with Red Habilitado , par 1898 y 99 to cove r front addr ess panel only as ofte n, Purple dou ble ova l merchant cac het at lower left , addresse d Barcelona , Spa in, Very Fine ; Habilitado overprints are rare on cover .. .Est. $300 -$400
594 167, to Spain, Admon Central , Puerto Rico , 2 OCT 1898 Bl ac k double circle postmark ties Puerto Rico stamp overprinted with Purpl e Habilitado, par 1898 y 99 to Yellow cover front address pane l on ly as often , manuscript "po r v/ Panay" ship directive at upper left , Purpl e doubl e oval merchant cac het at lowe r left , addressed Barce lona , Spain , Very Fine ; Habilitado overprint s are rare on cove r.... .. ... .. Est. $200 -$300
596 142(2) , 159, to Spain, San Juan , Puerto Rico, 11 SEP 1898 Blue double ci rcle postmarks tie Pu erto Rico stamps , 2cts overprinted with Red Habilitado, par 1898 y 99 to cover front address panel on ly as often , manuscript "Vapor Sn Fran Co" ship directive at top , Purple double oval merchant cac het at lower left , addressed Barcelona , Spain , some fa ult s, Fine; Habilitado overprints are rare on cover ... Est. $ 150-$200
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597 142, 165, to Spain , San Juan , Puerto Rico , 11 SEP 1898 Blu e double circle postmarks tie Pu erto Rico stamps, Sets ove rprinted w ith Red Habilitado , par 1898 y 99 to cover front pa1i address pane l only as often, addr esse d Barce lona, Spain, so me fa ult s, F ine; Habili tado ove rprint s are rare on cover. .. Est. $ 150-$200
599 146, MR6 , to Spain , San Juan, Puerto Rico , 16 JUN 1898 Black rimless double circle postma rk s tie Pu e110 Rico stamps includin g War Tax to cover front address panel only as ofte n, manuscript "via Franc esca" ship dir ective at upper left , Purpl e doubl e ova l " Suceso r de Bordoy" merchant cachet at lowe r left, addresse d Barce lona , Spa in, minor edge faults, Fine. . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. $100-$ 150
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598 142(pa ir), MR6, to Spain , Admon Central , Puerto Rico , 29 MAY 1898 Black rimless do uble circle postmarks tie Puerto Rico stamp s inc luding War Tax to cove r front address panel only as often, manuscript "por Vap Flandria" ship directive at upper left, Purp le double ova l merchant cac het at lowe r left , addressed Barcelona, Spain, some faults w ith light toning, F ine.Est. $ 100-$ 150
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600 146, MR6, to Spain , San Juan , Puerto Rico , indistinct 1898 Black pos tmark ties Puerto Rico stamps including War Tax to Yellow cover front address panel only as often , manuscript "via Italiana" ship directive at upp er left, Purp le double ova l "Villar Y Ca , San Juan de Pto-Ri co" merc hant cac het at lowe r left, addr esse d Barcelona , Spain, Fine. . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $ 100-$ 150
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601 MR7(2) , to Spain , San Juan , Puerto Rico , indi stin ct JUL 1898 Black postmar k ties Pu erto Ri co War Tax stamp s to cove r fro nt addr ess panel only as often, French Ligne B, Paq 22 JUL 98 tran sit strik e, manu script "v ia Fran cesca" ship dir ect ive at upp er left, Purpl e double ova l "Egozc ue Y Ca , S. J. Pto-Ri co" merchant cachet at lowe r left , addr esse d Barce lona, Spain, some faults with minor toning , Very Fine. Est. $150- 200 G
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604 141, 145, MR6 , to Spain , San Juan , Puerto Rico , MAY 1898 Bl ack post mark ties Pu erto Rico stamp s includ ing War Tax to cove r fro nt address panel only as often, manu script "v ia Fran cesca " ship dir ective at upp er left, Purpl e doubl e ova l "Egozc ue Y Ca , S. J. Pto-Ri co" merchant cac het at lowe r left, addr esse d Barce lona, Spain, Fin e .. . . . ... . ... Est. $ 100-$ 150
602 140(2) , 142(2) , MR6 , to Spain , Arecibo , Puerto Rico, 1 SEP 1898 Black doubl e circle postm arks tie Pu erto Rico stamp s includin g War Tax to cover fro nt addr ess panel only as ofte n, wi th printed c/c for "G. Le des ma & Co ., Arec ibo", manu scr ipt "p or va por F rances" ship dir ec tive at upp er lef t, add resse d Barce lona, Spain, minor tonin g, Fine . . .. Est. $ 150-$200
603 142(2), MR6(2) , to Spain, Arecibo , Puerto Rico, JUL 1898 Black double circ le smeared postma rks tie Pu erto Rico sta mp s includin g War Tax to cover fro nt addr ess panel only as ofte n, Fre nch Ligne B, Paq o. 2 22 JUL 98 tra nsit strike , manu script "v ia Fra nces" ship dir ective at upp er left, Purpl e double ova l "Ledes ima Arta u Y Ca , Areci bo Pt o-Ri co " merchant cac het at lowe r left, addr esse d Barce lona, Spain, Fine ... Est. $ 150-$200 March 2 1, 2006
605 145, MR6(2) , to Spain , San Juan , Puerto Rico , 7 JUN 1898 Bl ack pos tm ark ties Pu erto Rico stamp s includin g War Tax to cover fro nt addr ess panel only as ofte n, manuscript "pa r v/ Fra nces" ship dir ec tive at upp er left, addr esse d Barcelona, Sp ain, Fin e ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. $ 100-$ 150
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140// 147, to Spain, Twelve Fronts, ca. 1898-9 606 various frankings , all addressed Barcelona , Spain, postmarked from Playa de Ponce , Mayaguez, Ponce and San Juan , manuscript directive s or markings include "v ia Alemana" , "Via ltaliana ", "p Francais ", rare period of use during period of the Spanish American War, excellent $500-$750 Est. Fine. Fine-Very condition,
Sets Revenue Stamp, Puerto Rico, 18 JAN ca. 608 1879 Black double circ le postmark ties Sets " Receipts & Accounts " revenue stamp to Green cover addressed San Juan , Purple double oval "Roses Y Ca, Arecibo P.R." commercial origination cachet at lower left , fresh and clean , Very Fine , one of only two reported Pue110 Rico ... .... .. .Est. $750-$1,000 u es on cove r. . .. .......
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135-6, MRlO, to Spain, Nine Fronts, ca. 1898 607 9 various frankings all printed matter addressed Barcelona , Spain , postmarked from Ponce , Mayaguez and San Juan , rare period of use during period of the Spanish American War, Fine-Very Fine ... Est. $300 -$400
March 2 1, 2006
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Telegraph, 1896, 29 JAN dateline on telegraph 609 from Utuado addressed to Arecibo with postage stamps, Puerto Rico #98(6) , # 106(4), # 125 eac h with punch hole and tied by matching T in circle handstamps , used due to lack of telegraph stamp availability, some faults but very . Est. $500-$750 unusua l document , Fine. . . . . . . .....
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610 EdifiJ 2A, Storer #669 , to Finland , Ponce, 25 MAY 1886 Blue doubl e circle postmark on 3c postal card, carried on French ship with rare small thimbl e sized double circle Ponce , Paq. Fr. F., 25 MAY 86 transit, manuscript "via St. Petersburg Russia" at top with octagonal Russian transit and boxed Finish receiving strikes, addressed Helsinki Finland, small fault at top, Very Fine; only reported exampl e of this usage. Owner paid $9,000 ..... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. $5,000- $7,500
Marc h 2 1, 2006
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139, 141, Edifil #9, Storer #676, to Germany , 611 Admon Central, Puerto Rico, 26 JUL 1898 Bla ck double circle postmark s tie Puerto Rico stamp s to Sm postal card , attached repl y w ithout me ssage, addr esse d Hannov er, Gennan y, one wo1111hole, Very Fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . ... . . . ... .Est. $400-$500
Edifil #140 , Storer #678, to German y, Ponce , 613 Puerto Rico , JUL 1898 Black indistinct postmark ties stamp on 2cts posta l card , with me ssage dat e lined " Ponc e, IO JUL 1898" , addre sse d Berlin , Gennany with 3 8 98 rece iving strike , Very Fine ; just 15 days prior to U.S. invas ion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Est. $200-$300
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141, Edifil #10, Storer #677, to German y, 612 Admon Central , Puerto Rico, 26 JUL 1898 Bla ck double circ le po stmarks tie Puerto Rico stamp to I ct posta l ca rd, attac hed reply without message , ad dr essed Hanno ver, Gennany , light crease to reverse , one worm . . . .Est. 200 -$300 . . .. .... hole, Fine . . . .. ....
March 21, 2006
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Edifil #11, Storer #678, to Germany, Ponce , 614 Puerto Rico , JUL 1898 Black ind istinct postmark on 2cts postal car d, with me ssage date lined "Ponce , IO JUL 1898 ", addresse d Berlin , Gem1any with 3 8 98 receiving strike , Very Fine ; just 15 days prior to U.S. invas ion . ... . ... Est. $ I 50-$200 .......... ... .....
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615 63-4, 67(2), 70(3), to Austria, Certificado , Ponce , Pto Rico, l O JAN 1888 Black framed postmarks tie Puerto Rico stamp s to reg istered commerc ial cove r with Black framed R, small Black octago nal maritime Ligne E/ Paq. Fr. IO JAN 1888 transit postmark, addressed Vienna AUstr ia, l et with minor faults, min or edge wear, Very Fine ; very little Puerto Rico mail to Austria; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $750-$ 1,000
616 67(pair) , to Spain, RIO GRANDE , April 1882 Blue straight line postmark with stamp tied by Blue Parrilla killers to cove r, addressed Astur ias Spain, reverse with lrun and Oviedo transit strikes , toning mostly to reverse , Very Fine; scarce use of prephilatelic straig ht line ... . .. . . ... . . .. . . . .. . .. . . .Est. $750-$ 1,000
617 98(9),106(2),115, to Austria , San Juan, 15 FEB 1896 Black octago nal certifie d postmarks tie stamps to large registered cover with Red & Black "Yorn Auslande" Registry exchange label at top, addressed Vienna Austria with rece iving strike on reverse , crease with edge wear and toning, Very Fine. Owner paid $5,000 .. . ... . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est.$3 ,000- $4,000
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618 33-4, to Canada , Playa de Mayaguez, Pto. Rico, 15 NOV 1880 Blu e double ova l postmark ties Puerto Ric o sta mps to fold ed letter, folded in long f01mat, with print ed contents, Purpl e double oval Gorham Hubbard & Co., Mayaguez P.R. commer cial cac het at lowe r left, Purpl e handstamped "Print ed Matter" straight line instruction al handstamp at top, addr esse d Mo ntrea l, Ca nada, small faults with light tonin g, Fine . . . ........ .. .. Est. $200- $300
619 35(5) , to Nova Scotia, Mayaguez , DEC 1880 small thimbl e sized smeared postmarks tie sta mps to cove r w ith print ed ova l "Belt" shaped "Hijos de Lloreda, Mayag uez" cac het on reve rse addr esse d "Henry B echler, Ha lifax Nova Scot ia, mul tiple markings on reverse includin g St. Thomas (15 12 1880), New York transits and Halifax rece iving, minor tonin g, Fine .. .... . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $ 150-$200
March 2 1, 2006
620 63, to Cuba, San Juan , Puerto Rico , 14 MAR 1882 date mark ing ties Puerto Rico stamp to folded letter prin ted circular datelin ed San Ju an, addr esse d Manzanill o, Cuba with rece iving strik e on reve rse, crease , Fine ................ .. ...... Est. $ I 00- $ J 50
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621 97, 114(2), to Chile , Lares , Puerto Rico, 12 NOV 1894 Black double circle postmarks tie Puerto Rico stamps to registered cove r opened for display, Black and Red boxed R registry handstamp s, Purpl e fancy corrunercial ova l at lower left, addressed Santiago , Chile where it was unclaimed and returned, numerous transits and instructional markings including St. Thomas registry, oval Jamaica reg istry, Santiago registry and straight line REBUTS , lots of wea r, aging and faults but most markings are Very Fine . . . . . . . . ... . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . .Est. $500-$750
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622 To DWI and U.S., Arroyo, 8 FEB 1868 date line on folded letter wra pper, with Blu e small thimbl e sized double circle ".erges Henn anos , FEB 9 1868, Arroyo , P.R." commercial strike over reverse flap, addressed "via St. Thomas" to New York with Blu e oval J.F. Laferriere & Co, St. Thomas forwar ding agent cachet, "St. Thomas, 19 3 1868" CDS and bold N.York, FEB 26, Steamship handstamps tie DWI # 1 and U.S. #68 to upp er right, stamps appli ed by forwa rder in St. Thomas, some creases and faults, still Very Fine; rare early frankin g ... Est. $4,000- $5,000
March 2 1, 2006
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~~ 623 16(pair) , to DWI , ARROYO , 8 AU G 1877 Black straight line postmark on back flap, w ith Parrill a killer ties Puerto Rico stamp s to fo lded letter w ith contents, Blu e crayo n "4" due marking at rig ht marking , Black thimbl e size d Arroyo transit pos tmark, addr esse d St. Thomas W.I. with AU 13 1877 rece iving on reve rse, Fine . . .. . .... . .. .. . . . . ... . .. Est. $200- $300
624 11, 14, 15, to DWI , Puerto Rico , 6 AUG 1877 Black thimbl e sized postmarks tie Pu erto Rico sta mp s, mixed fro m both 1876 & 1877 issues , to folded lette r with contents, Blu e doubl e ova l Llompart , Melon Y Ca, San Juan de Puerto Rico com mercial cachet at lower left, addr esse d St. Thomas W I. with rece iving strike on reverse , file fo ld with so me toning, Very Fine; unu sua l mixed issue Tri-Co lor frankin g ........ Est. $400- $50 0
March 2 1, 200 6
625 To DWI and German y., San Juan, DE C 1898 Purpl e three line Lloyd Andaluz, Compania de Seguros Maritimos , Agentes en San Juan and two line Red A. Lugo & Co, St. Thomas, W.I. strik e on reverse of unsea led cove r, addresse d Ce lle Germany, w ith Purple doubl e ova l Sobrino De Izquierdo & Ca, San Juan , Puerto Rico co mm erc ial cac het, "St. Thoma s, 20 12 1898 " CD S ties DWI #S(pair), manu script "pr R.M .S." at upp er left, Ce lle receiv ing, insignifi ca nt file crease , Very F ine ; rare use. . . . . . . ... . .. . . . . Est. $400- $500
626 118, to Denmark , Ponce , MAY 1894 Black doubl e circle smud ged p ostmark ties stamp to cove r, addr esse d Copenhagen Denm ark with St. Th omas transit strikes on reve rse, also with Aus Westindien , Hamburg Dampfer , uber Coln ship strik e at center, Very Fin e; this is only reported copy of letter carried from Pu erto Rico with this Ge m1an ship markin g. Owner paid $4, I 00 .... . . . . . . . . .. . ............. . .Est. $2, 000- $3,000
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627 27, to France , Playa de Mayaguez, Pto. Rico, 22 APR 1879 Black doubl e oval postmark ties stamps to cover front address panel only as often , Black maritime thimbl e sized Mayaguez , Paq . Fr. F 22 APR transit postmark , addressed Marseille France , fresh and clean , Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate ..... Est. $500 -$600
629 95(2), 110(7), to France, Certificado , S. Juan de Pto. Rico , 22 AUG 1892 Black framed postmarks tie Puerto Rico stamps to registered cover , printed address to Bord eaux, France redirected Bidart, with Purpl e boxed San Juan registry exchange and R handstamps, num erous transit strikes including Vigo, "Bord eaux a lrun ", "Amb . Ase. Nor deste" with Bidart receiving , Very Fine .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $7 50-$1 ,000
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628 64, 68(4), to France, Arroyo, Pto. Rico, JAN 1887 postmark s tie Puerto Rico stamps to cover , oval "Fa ntauzzi Hennanos , Arroyo , Pto. Rico" commerc ial cachet at lower left multipl e transit markings including San Juan , Madrid and "lrun a Bordeaux", addressed Corse, France , few faults includin g missing stamps at right w ith no1111altonin g, Fine . .. . . .Est. $200-$300
March 21, 2006
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630 118, to France , Ponce, Puerto Rico, 1894 Black thimble sized double circle postmark ties Puerto Rico stamp to cover , manuscript "par Alfonso XII" ship directive at upper left, addressed Paris, France , with receiving strikes , edge faults minor toning , Very Fine . .. . . . . . .. ... ...... .... ... ... .. . .Est. $200 -$300
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631 117, to France, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 17 SEP 1895 Black double circle postmark ties Pue1to Rico stamp to cover , manu script "vapor St. Somone" ship dire ctive at upper left addressed Pari s, France, Purple double oval "J.T. Silva & Ca ., San Juan , Pto. Rico " commercial cachet at lower left , Blu e Pari s receiving, Very Fine . ......................... .. .. Est. $200- $300
633 102, 106, to France, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico , l 7 MAR 1897 Black double circle postmarks tie Puerto Rico stamps to Green cover , addre ssed Paris, France , with receiv ing strike , minor toning, Ve1y Fine . ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $300-$ 400
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PARIS. 632 98(2), 106(2), to France, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 14 APR 1896 Black double circle postmarks tie Puerto Rico stamp s to cover, addressed Pari s, France , with faint receiving str ike, bold Purpl e sawtooth oval "La CotTespo ndenci a, Diar io de Noticias , de Puerto-Rico" at lower left, Ve1y Fine . .............. Est. $300 -$400
March 21 , 2006
634 141, 146, to Spain , Ponce, _Puerto Rico, MAY 1898 Black indi stinct postmark ties Puerto Rico stamps to cover front address panel only as often , large Blue double circ le Agencie Consulaire de France, Ponce P.R. handstamped cachet on reverse, manuscript "v ia Italiana " ship dir ective at upper left , addressed Montauban , France , w ith 30 MAY 98 receiving strike on reverse, ath¡act ive cover , Vety Fine .. . ... Est. $300 -$400
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... 63(pair), to Germany , Playa de Mayaguez, 635 Pto. Rico , 23 AUG 1883 Blu e double ova l postma rk ties Pu erto Rico stamp s to Spanish Vessel "Avis de Reception" voucher, carried on Stea mship "C.Co lon" to Hanno ver, Germany , an unu sual item , Fine .... . . .... . . .... . .Est. $ 100-$ 150 . ..... . ........... .....
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97, lOS(pair), 118(vert pair), to German y, 636 Arecibo, 7 MAR 1895 Black double circle postmarks tie stamp s to registered cover, addressed Berlin Germany w ith San Juan transit and Berlin rece iving str ikes on .. .. . . .. Est. $750 -$ 1,000 reve rse, Very Fine . .....
March 2 1, 2006
118 (vert pair) , to German y, Pla ya de 637 Mayaguez, Pto. Rico, 11 JAN 1894 Black doubl e circle postmark tie Puerto Rico stamps to cover, addr essed Hambur g, Gem1any, w ith San Juan transit and receiving strik es, light creases, fault s to reverse , minor tonin g, Very Fine . .. .. . .. ... . ... . .... . ..... .... Est. $300 -$400
140, 149, MR6(pair) , to German y, Ponce, 638 Puerto Rico , 1898 Black killers tie stamps includin g War Tax to co mmerci al cover , manu script "vapor Frances" at top, addr essed Berlin, Germany with Le Havre transit and Ber lin receiv ing strikes, Very Fine .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .. .. . .. .. Est. $400 -$500
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639 38 (single, pair), to Great Britain, Playa de Mayaguez, Pto. Rico, 3 NOV 1880 Blue double oval postmark ties Puerto Rico stamps to registered cover with stra ight line handstamped CHARGE , addressed London , Great Britain via French mail, numerous transit strikes including Bordeaux a Paris , Paris a Calais , also with scarce Purple Union, Pauillac and lntre-Mer , Pauillac 26 NOV 1880 strikes , Red London ova l, Very Fine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .Est. $300-$400
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640 64(4), to Great Britain , San Juan, Pto. Rico , 10 MAY 1889 double circle postmarks tie Puerto Rico stamps to cover , manuscript "por vapor Ciudad de Cadiz" ship directive at upper left, addressed London , Great Britain , Purple double ova l Gonzalez & Alonso, San Juan, Pto. Rico commercial cachet at lower left, four different types of Red London strikes on reverse , a little edge wear , Very Fine ... . .. . . . .. ... .. Est. $400-$500 March 2 1, 2006
641 70, to Great Britain, San Juan, Pto. Rico , 4 SEP 1886 Postmark ties Puerto Rico stamp to commercia l cover , with octagona l handstamp maritime St. Jeande-Porto-Rico , Paq.Fr.E. Salles # 1565 at left, carried on first return voyage of the Fort de France , addressed London Great Britain with Ligne A, Paq. Fr. No.2 Salles # 1402/2 transit and Red receiving strikes on reverse ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate . ... Est. $2,000-$3 ,000
642 141, 167, to Great Britain, San Juan , Puerto Rico, 20 SEP 1898 Blue postmarks tie stamps including Sets overprinted with Purple Habilitado , par 1898 y 99 to cover , addressed London , Great Britain , couple small toning spots , Very Fine ; Habilitado overprints are rare on cover. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $400-$500
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643 119, to Scotland , Playa de Mayaguez , Puerto Rico , 9 MAY 1897 Black doubl e circle postmark ties Pu erto Rico stamp to cove r with commercial return c/c at upper left, Purpl e handstamped "vapor correo Espanol via Capit al" directive at top, addr essed Dund e e Scotland with rece iving sh¡ike on reve rse, fresh and clean, "Very Rare Destination" Very Fine ... ...... Est. $500- $750
645 To Italy, GuayaniUa, Puerto Rico, 1878 Blu e thimbl e sized postmarks tie Puerto Rico stamps #20(4) to cove r, multipl e transit markings includin g Pu e110 Rico, Red Lond on, Red Calais and Paris, addresse d Ragliano Corsica, Italy, few faults with norm al toning, Fine . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. . . ....... . .Est. $200- $300
644 To Italy, Mayaguez Puerto Rico, Sep 24 187 J dateline on folded letter w ith sma ll Blu e Mayaguez P.R. SEP 24 187 1 merchant origination cachet at lowe r left, manuscript " 17" due markin g with Italy #18-9,#J 13 affixed for shorty payment, eac h tied by Genova 16 OCT 187 1 strike, addresse d Genova Italy with London transit and Genova receiving strikes on reverse, 40c w ith small faults, Very Fine; 1984 Phil atelic Foundation certificate, 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate .. .. Est. $ 1,000- $ 1,500
646 35, 36, 38, to Italy, Puerto Rico , SEP 1880 smeared Black thimb le sized postm arks tie Puerto Ric o stamp to folded lette r wra pper, Purpl e double sawtoo th ova l Vias, Soler, Palacios & Co., San Juan Pto. Rico commercial cachet at lowe r left, hand stamped "via de Ynglaterra" stra ight line instructi onal hand stamp at upper left, addres sed Geno va, Italy, w ith Red London transit and Genova rece iving strik es on reve rse, file creases affec ts I 0cts stamp , Very Fine; nice Tri-Color frankin g . ....... . . . . . .. ... ...... .Est. $300- $400
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647 105, 108, 114, to Italy, Certificado, Ponce, Puerto Rico, 31 JUL 1895 Black framed postmarks tie Puerto Rico stamps to registered cover with Black boxed R, Purple fancy sawtooth commercial oval at lower left, addressed Mi lan, Italy, San Juan and Ventimiglia transits , clean cover, Very Fine ...... . ..... Est. $750 -$ 1,000
649 101, 114, to Nova Scotia, San Juan , Puerto Rico , JUN 1895 blurred postmark ties Puerto Rico stamps to cover , Blue ova l "Planas, Roj o Y Ca., San Juan Puerto-Rico" handsta mp ed cachet at lower left, addressed Halifax , Nova Scotia with New York opera glass sty le transit and Halifax receiving strikes on reverse, reduced at top wit h some faults, Fine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ Est. $300-$400
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648 36, 38, to Nova Scotia, Playa de Mayaguez, Pto. Rico, 12 OCT 1880 Blue double oval postmark ties Puerto Rico stamps to Registered cover with Blue straight line handstamped 33898 regi stry number , addressed Halifax , Nova Scotia with St. Thomas , ew York, St. John's , Canada transit strikes on reverse , opened for display , Very Fine ; spectacu lar showpiece ... Est.
March 2 1, 2006
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650 16(2), to DWI, Mayaguez, 24 OCT 1877 Black double ova l postmark ties stamps to folded letter with contents , addresse d St. Thomas , faint Blue double ova l company cachet for "C h. de Choudens" at lower left, Very Fine; scarce use in first month after DWI j oined UPU . . . ...... .. . . .. . ............. Est. $400 -$500
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/47/J~ /~ 651 l(strip/3), 3(pair) to Spain, Puerto Rico, ca . 1873 Parri Ila oval killers with stars tie stamps to registered front only as nonnal , some soi ling, w/ framed Certif , add ressed Madrid , Spain , Peseta value stamps are very rare on cover , some again ., Very Fine .. .... .... . ... . ...... . .... ....... ... ... . . .Est. $750-$1 ,000
653 3(pair), to Spain, Puerto-Rico , 26 JUL 1874 thimble sized postmark with stamps tied by Parrilla killers to fo lded letter wrapper without contents datelined Mayaguez , Black straight line FRANCO handstamped , addressed Cad iz Spain , British Puerto Rico and "Estafeta de Cambio Madrid " transit strikes , file creases , Very Fine ; rare locally overprinted pair on cover ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate . ........ . .. Est. $ 1,000-$1 ,500
652 2(two pairs) , to Spain, Puerto Rico, 12 FEB 1874 Black thimble sized postmark with stamps tied by Parrilla killers to cover , addressed Madrid , Spain with London transit strike on reverse , reduced top and bottom with light toning , Fine . ........... Est. $400-$500
654 3(pair), to Spain , Puerto-Rico, 27 JAN 1875 thimble sized postmark with stamps tied by Parrilla killer to folded letter wrapper , addressed Cadiz, Spain , London and "Estafeta de Cambio Madrid " transit strikes, norma l toning , Very Fine ; rare locally over printed I Peseta pair on cover. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $1,000-$ I ,500
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655 5, 7, to Balaeric Islands, LARES, 9 JAN 1875 Blue straig ht line postmark with Parrilla killers tie stamps to folded letter datelined Lares , Blue thimble sized Lares Puerto Rico 23 OC transit po stmark , exchange and accountancy marking s include Black T and Fr-Cts/ 1.10 and Blue lP.30 , Blue double oval "Marquez & Ca, Lares, Puerto Rico " commercial merchant cachet at lower left , addressed Soller Bale aric Islands , Puerto Rico receiving on reve rse , Extremely Fine , Beautiful ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo ce1iificate .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $2,000-$3 ,000
657 12, to Spain, Puerto Rico , IO OCT 1876 Black small thimb le sized postmark ties stamp to fo lded letter wrapper , addressed Cadiz Spain , faint Blue double oval company cac het on reverse flap with Red "!run , 2 NOV l 876" transit strike , Very Fine ; sca rce use of Ip sta mp .. . . . . ... .... ... . . ... .. ....... Est. $300-$400
7, to Spain, Puerto Rico, 27 AUG 1875 thimble sized postmark with sta mp tied by Parrilla killer to folded letter datelined San Juan , Black handstamped T and Red 30, Blue double oval commercial cachet at lower left , addressed Cadiz Spain with London , Estafeta de Cambio, Madrid transit and Cadiz receiving strikes on reverse, fi le crease not affecting sta mp , Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo ce11ificate ...... .... .Est. $500-$750
March 2 1, 2006
13(2), 14, 17(2), to Spain, Puerto Rico, 12
AUG I 877 Blac k thimble sized postmarks tie Puerto Rico stamps to fo lded letter with contents , Blue double ova l Sobrinos de Pl, S. Juan de Puerto Rico commercial cachet at top , addressed Gijon , Spain , Red Spain tran sit on rev erse , light file fold, Very Fine ; nice TriCo lor franking . .. .............. Est. $300-$400
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~at«k« 659 14, 16, 17(2), to Spain, Puerto Rico , 14 JUL 1877 Black thimble sized postmarks tie Puerto Rico stamps to Blue fo lded letter wrapper , Blue double ova l Sobrinos de Esquiraga , San Juan Puerto Rico commercial cachet at top, addressed Cadiz, Spain, Red lrun Spain transit on reverse , file fold, Very Fine ; nice TriColor franking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $300-$400
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660 37, 38(2), to Spain, Puerto Rico , 8 OV 1880 smeared Black thimble sized postmarks tie Puerto Rico stamps to folded letter with contents , Purple double oval sawtoo th Vias, Soler, Palacios & Co., San Juan Pto. Rico commercial cachet at lower left , addressed Barcelona , Spain , light file crease, Very Fine ......... . . . .......................... Est. $300-$400
March 21, 2006
661 39, to Spain, Puerto Rico , 24 OCT 1880 Black thimble sized postmark ties Puerto Rico stamp to folded letter with contents , Purple double sawtooth oval Vias, Soler, Palacios & Co., San Juan Pto. Rico commercial cachet at lower left, handstamped "via de Ynglaterra " straight line instructional handstamp at upper left, addressed Barcelona , Spa in, Irun Spain transit on reverse, light file fold, Very Fine . . . . Est. $300-$400
662 70, to Spain, Playa de Mayaguez, Pto. Rico, 9 MAR 1883 Blue double oval postmark ties Puerto Rico stamp to folded letter with contents , addressed Barcelona , Spain, Purple double oval "Rabassa Y Sojo, Mayaguez Pto-Rico " commercial cachet at bottom , couple creases including through stamp , Fine . . ..... . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Est. $300-$400
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663 52, to Spain, Puerto Rico, 7 FEB 188 1 smeared Black thimble sized postmark s tie Puerto Rico stamp to folded letter with contents , Purple double oval sawtooth , Vias, Soler, Palacios & Co., San Juan Pto. Rico commercial cachet at lower left , addr essed Barcelona , Spain , light file fold with normal agi ng, Very Fine .. . ..................... Est. $200-$300
665 63, to Spain, Arecibo, Pto. Rico, 8 APR 1887 Blue double circ le postmark ties Puerto Rico stamp to fo lded letter printed circular datelin ed Arecibo , Purple sawtooth ova l "Pericas & Co ., Arecibo , P.R ." commercial cachet at lower left, addresse d Barce lona, Spain wit h rece iving strike on reverse , light crease , Fine ......... . ..... . ........ . ... .... Est. $100-$ 150
664 60, to Spain, PERIODICOS , FRANCO, 1887 Black stra ight line postmark from the pre-philatelic period tied Puerto Rico stamp to fo lded letter circ ular dateIined San Juan MAY 2 I, 1887, large Purple oval " Serra Y Ca. , S. Juan de Puerto-Rico " commercial oval at right , with manuscript "por Herman Cortez " ship directi ve at upper left , addressed Barcelona , Spain , light file fold s with normal aging , Fine ... .. . . . .. . . . .Est. $ 100-$150
666 57, 60, to Cuba, PERIODICOS , FRANCO, 1887 Black straight line postmark, partially struck , from the pre-philatelic period ties Pue1to Rico stamp to fo lded letter printed ciJ¡cu lar datelined San Juan l APR 1887, large Purple double oval "Cerecedo He1manos & Co. , San Juan Puerto-Rico " commercial oval at lower left, addressed Manzanilla , Cuba , Very Fine ... Est. $200 -$300
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60, to Spain, PERIODICOS , FRANCO, 1891 667 Black straig ht line postmark , partly struck , fro m the prephilatelic period ties Puerto Rico stamp to fo lded letter printed circular datelined San Juan SEP 1891, large Purpl e ova l "Tomer Hennanos , San Juan Pto-Ri co" commercial ova l at lowe r left , add ressed Barce lona, Spain , . . . . . .. Est. $ 100-$ 150 Very Fine ............
Spain , to 115(strip /4), 113(strip /3), 669 Certificado , S. Juan de Pto. Rico, 8 MAR 1897 Black framed postmarks tie Puerto Rico stamps to cover front add ress panel only as ofte n, addres ed Barcelona , Spain, unusual 39cts franking , Very Fine ..... . . Est. $200 -$300
113(strip/3), 115(block/6), 125, 129, to Spain, 668 Certificado, S. Juan de Pto. Rico, 19 APR 1897 Black framed postmark tied Pu erto Rico stamp s to cover front address panel only as ofte n, manuscript "por co1reo Montevideo" sh ip directive at top , addressed Barcelona , Spain , lPts 11cts franking , high rate with scarce 40cts on cover , rare high weig ht franking , great fo ur color example fo r the advanced co llecto r, Very Fine. Est. $400 -$500
March 21, 2006
98, 115, 125, to Spain, Certificado , S. Juan de 670 Pto. Rico , 1897 Black framed postmark tie Puerto Rico stamps to Green registered cover front add ress panel only as ofte n, manuscr ipt "va p San Jem1inio " at upp er left, addressed Barcelona , Spain , Purple ova l commercial merchants cac het at lower left, 27cts franking , Fine .... . . . .Est. $ I 00-$150 . ..... . . . . .. .. .......
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671 107(2), 125, to Spain , Certificado , S. Juan de Pto, Rico , 14 DEC 1897 Black fra med pos tmark ties Puerto Rico stamps to Green cove r front address pane l only as ofte n, manuscript "va p Co lon" at upper left, addresse d Barcelona, Spain, Purpl e ova l comm erc ial merchant s cac het at lowe r left, 26cts fra nk ing, Fine .... . .. .. ..... ... .............. Est. $ 100-$150
673 107, 113(4), 115, 129, to Spain , Certificado , S. Juan de Pto. Rico , 19 APR 1897 Black framed postmark ties Pu erto Rico stamps to registe red cover front address panel only as ofte n, addresse d Barcelona, Spain, Purpl e ova l commerc ial cachet at left, 69cts frank ing, 40c ts is scarce on cove r, Very Fine . . . . . .. . ... .Est. $400-$500
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&7tw-e?t'~ J 672 98, 129(pair) , to Spain, Certificado , S. Juan de Pto. Rico , 19 APR 1897 Black fra med postma rk tied Puerto R ico stamps to small reg istered cove r fro nt address panel only as ofte n, Red doub le line boxed A.R. (acknow ledgment of receipt) at upper left , add resse d Barcelona, Spain, Purpl e ova l commerc ial cachet at left 8 1cts frankin g, scarce high rate, 40c ts is scarce on cover , Very Fine ... . ..... . .. . . .. .. . . . .Est. $300-$400
March 2 1, 2006
674 102(2) , 113(2), 129, to Spain, Certificado , S. Juan de Pto. Rico , 19 APR 1897 Black fra med post mark ties Pue1to Rico stamps to reg iste red cove r front address panel only as ofte n, manuscript " por correo Mon tev ideo" ship directive to top, addr esse d Barcelona, Spain, 59c ts frank ing, 40cts is scarce on cover , Very Fine . .... . .. . . .... . .. .. .. . .. . . . . .... . . . ... Est. $400- $500
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BARCELONA. 675 98, 125, to Spain, Certificado , S. Juan de Pto. Rico , 1897 Black framed postmark ties Puerto Rico stamps to registered cove r front address panel only as ofte n, addressed Barcelona, Spain, 21 cts frank ing, Fine .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $ 100-$150
677 98(2) , 125, to Spain, Certificado, S. Juan de Pto. Rico , 14 JAN 1898 Black framed postmark ties Puerto Rico stamps to registered cover front address panel only as often , manuscript "por vapor Monserrat " ship directive at top, addressed Barcelona , Spain , 24cts franking , Fine ......... . .. . ... .. . .. . Est. $150 -$200
676 98, 125, to Spain, Certificado, S. Juan de Pto. Rico , 1897 Black framed postmark ties Puerto Rico stamps to Green regis tered cover front address panel only as often , as addressed Barcelona , Spain , Purple ova l commercial merchants cachet at lower left, 21 cts franking, Fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .Est. $ 100-$ 150
678 106, 125, to Spain, Certificado, S. Juan de Pto. Rico , 14 JAN 1898 Black framed postmark ties Puerto Rico stamps to registered cover front address panel only as ofte n, unusual large Red boxed "R, San Juan , Islas de Pue1to-Rico" strike at left, addressed Barcelona , Spain 23cts franki ng, Fine .. .Est. $200-$300
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679 140(vert. pair, block/8) , to Spain, Puerto Rico , 1898 Black illegible postma rks tie Puerto Rico stamps to cover front address panel only as often , addre ssed Barcelon , Spain with Le Havre 2 JUN 1898 transit , lOcts franking , Very Fine . ... . .Est. $400 -$500
681 140, 144, 145, to Spain, San Juan , Pto. Rico , 14 FEB 1898 Black double circle postmarks tie Puerto Rico stamp s to Yellow cover front address panel only as ofte n, manuscript "pr correo Espanol, Alfonso XII " ship directive at upper left wit h Purple double ova l merchant cac het at lower left, addressed Barce lona, Spain , 12cts double weight franking , Fine . ...... Est. $ 100-$ 150
680 140(vert. pair, block/8) , to Spain, Puerto Rico, 2 OCT 1898 Black double circle postmark s tie Puerto Rico stamps to cover front address panel only as often , addressed Barcelona , Spa in, 24ct s franking , reduced top , Fine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Est. $ 150-$200
682 141, 142(pair) , 145 to Spain, San Juan , Pto. Rico, 20 SEP 1898 double circle postmarks tie Puerto Rico stamps to Yellow cover front addr ess panel only as often , Purple double ova l merchant cac het at lowe r left , addressed Barcelona , Spai n, I 4cts frank ing includ es double weight and 2cts War Tax, Fine . .. .. .Est. $100 -$ 150
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140, 146, to Spain, Certificado , S. Juan de 683 Pto. Rico, 4 SEP 1898 Black framed postmarks tie Puerto Rico stamps to cover front add ress pane l only as often, unusual large PLUple boxed , " R, San Juan, Islas de Puerto -Ri co" str ike at left, manuscript "va por No tre Dame du Salud" at upper left , missing stamp poss ibly 2 cts for War Tax, with some faults, Fine ... Est. 150-$200
142, 149, to Spain, Certificado , S. Juan de 685 Pto. Rico , 8 APR 1898 Black frame d po tma rk ties Puerto Rico stamps to reg istered cove r fro nt address panel only as ofte n, manuscript " pr correo Espa nol" at upper left with Purp le double ova l merchant cac het at lower left , addressed Ba rce lona, Spain , 23cts trip le weig ht registered franking , scarce use of 20cts stamp , Fine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. .. . .Est. $ 150-$200
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142, 149, to Spain, Certificado , S. Juan de 684 Pto. Rico, 14 APR 1898 B lack framed postma rk ties Puerto Rico stamps to cover front address panel only as often , manuscr ipt "per vapor , Alfonso XII" ship directive at upper left with Purple doub le ova l merc hant cachet at lower left, addressed Barce lona , Spai n, 23cts trip le we ight registered franking , sca rce use of 20cts stamp , .. .. . ... .... . . . . .. .. . Est. $ 150-$200 Fine . ......
March 21 , 200 6
142, 145(pair) , to Spain, Certificado , S. Juan 686 de Pto. Rico , 17 JUN 1898 fra med postma rks tie Puerto Rico stamps to Yellow registered cover front address panel on ly as often , manuscript "vap Frances , via St. Thomas " directive at upper left with Purple double ova l merc hant cachet at lower left , addressed Barce lona, Spain , I 5cts franki ng inc ludes 2cts for War Tax, Fine ... . .Est. $100 -$ 150 . .... . . . .... . . ... . .. .....
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687 14l(pair) , 142, 146(pair), to Spain, Certificado, S. Juan de Pto. Rico, 29 MAY 1898 Blue framed postmarks tie Puerto Rico stamps to registe red cover front address panel on ly as often, manuscript "via Hamburgo" ship directive at upper left , addr essed Barcelona , Spain , 23cts triple weig ht registry franking , Very Fine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Est. $ 150-$200
689 140, 142(pair), to Spain , Certificado, S. Juan de Pto. Rico, 14 FEB 1898 Blu e framed postmarks tie Puerto Rico stamps to cover regis tered fron t address panel only as often, manuscript "vap , Alfon so XII" ship directive at top w ith Purple double ova l merchant cachet at lower left , addr essed Barcelona , Spain , 14cts registered franki ng, Fine ........ . ...... Est. $ 150-$200
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688 141, 142, 145(pair), to Spain, Certificado, S. Juan de Pto. Rico, 3 APR 1898 Black framed postmarks tie Puerto Rico stamps to registered cover front address panel on ly as often , Blue oval merchant cac het at upp er right , addressed Barcelona , Spa in, l 7cts double weight registry frank ing, Fine .... . . . . .. . ..... Est. $ I 50-$200
March 21 , 200 6
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690 106(pair) , to Spain, San Juan , 14 MAR 1896 Black double circ le postmark ties sta mps to cover with illustrated advertising for "El Puerto Rico Filatelico" showing stamps, addressed Antequera Spain w ith Malaga transit strikes on reve rse, Very Fine ... . .Est. $200 -$300
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BARCELONA. 691 100//115, to Spain, Four Fronts, all I 890's, variou s frankings all including four or five stamp s, origination postmarks include San Juan , Playa de Pon ce, Arecibo , Utua do, all addressed Barcelona , Spain , Fine .. . ...... . ............. . .Est. $200 -$300
692 To United States, Playa de Ponce, Puerto Rico, 18 N OV 1878 Black thimbl e sized po stmark ties Puerto Rico stamp #23 to fo lded letters heet with printed prices current, Purpl e doubl e circle "Sc hrod er & Tor, Pon ce, P.R." at top, manuscript "p Hadjir " ship directive at upp er left , Purple sawtooth ova l Correos Havana DEC 6 1879 transit strike at center , addr essed New York, some faults with nonnal toning , Fine; nice Sets printed matter rate . ... ....... . ... . ... Est. $ 150-$200 March 2 1, 2006
693 56(4), 58(4), 61(2) , 62(4) , 66, to U.S., Rincon , Puerto Rico , 30 MAR 1887 Black double circ le postmark s tie stamps to both sides of cover opened for display, addresse d Phil adelphi a Pennsy lvan ia, multiple transit markings including Havana and Wash ington DC, some stamp fau lts, minor toning , Very Fine .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . .. .. ....... Est. $400 -$500
694 95(2), 104, San Juan to U.S., 5 15 1893 Black " 12 in Elipse" New York incoming Foreign Ship markings tie stamps to cove r wit h Purpl e ova l Gonzalez Y Alonso, San Juan , P.R. comm ercial originat ion handstamp at lower left, addressed ew York w ith rece iving strike on reverse , small tear wit h some glue sta ins, Very Fine .. . ......... . .. . ..... ... . .. Est. $200 -$300
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697 68(pair), 71, to United States, Certificado , S. Juan de Pto. Rico, 28 APR 1890 Black framed postmarks tie Puerto Rico stam ps to registere d cover , Purple fancy oval "Manuel Fossas Dura n Pto Rico" commercial cachet at lower left, addressed New York, with Purpl e boxed San Juan registry exchange handstarnp at center , New York receiving on reverse , usual toning , Very Fine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. Est. $300 -$400
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695 63(2), 66(pair), to United States, Arroyo, Pto. Rico, 17 JAN 1886 Bla ck postmarks tie Puerto Rico stamps to cove r, Purple ova l "A. Hartmann & Co., Aorroyo Pto Ri co" co mmercial cachet on reverse, addressed Smith's Grove, Kentucky , with San Juan and "New York Paid All" opera glass transit strikes on reverse , some soiling and sta ins, Fine . .. .Est. $ 100-$ 150
698 68, to United States, Ponce, Puerto Rico , I JAN 1890 Black postmark ties Puerto Rico stamp to cove r, addresse d New York with "Paid All" opera glass receiving strike on reverse, Fine ........ .Est. $ 150-$200 VEN/\_'flCle
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696 101(4), to United States, Admon Central, Puerto Rico, 12 MAY 1890 Black double circle postmarks tie Puerto Rico stam ps to cover , addressed New York, opera glass "New York, Paid All" rece iving on reverse, manu script "por vapor Mo ntev ideo" ship directive at upper right, fres h and clean, Very Fine ........ . ........ . .... . ... ... . . . . ... ... Est. $ 150-$200
March 21, 2006
699 95, 112, to United States , Admon Central, Puerto Rico, 2 1 MAY 1893 Black double circle postmarks tie Puerto Rico stamps to cove r with comme rcia l return c/c at upper left, addressed New York, with receiving on reverse , manuscript "v ia Havana" directive at upper right , only 6cts postage appare ntly trave ling 2cts short , fresh and clean, Very Fine . . .... Est. $200-$300
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700 95 (pair), 114, to United States, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 10 OCT 1895 Black postmarks tie Puerto Rico stamps to Yellow cover , manuscript "por vapor South Carolina" at upper left, addressed Troy, N.Y., with "Paid All" opera glass receiving strike on reverse , reduced right with some soi ling, Fine .... Est. $200-$300
702 76//100, to Germany, Spain, U.S., Thirteen Covers, Wrappers or Fronts, ca . I 890 's various frankings all including one to five stamps , include s several comp lete printed matter folded letters , marking s include Periodicos , Periodicos Franco and new spapers straight lines, noticed one beautiful Blue 1897 Aguas Buenas strike , great group of hard to find low values and rates , Fine-Very Fine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Est. $750 -$1,000
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701 l00(two pairs) , to United States, Mayaguez, Pto. Rico, 24 DEC 1897 Black double circle postmarks tie Puerto Rico stamps to cover , addressed to Baltimore , Maryland , with Havana and New York opera glass style transits on reverse , some fau lts, usual aging , Very Fine . . . ...... . . . ........... ... . Est. $300 -$400
March 2 1, 2006
703 Stamped Collection Balance , Fourteen Covers, Fronts or Fragments, ca. l 870 's- I 900, various frankings including few early provi sionally overprinted Cuba , coup le with Military overprints, several Spanish American War uses , noticed Blue 1898 Sebastian postmark on U.S. Ict pair , couple with 1898 Mi litary Station postmarks , revenue usage , coup le Cuba and one later Danish West Indie s, very mixed condition, viewing highly recommended , some are Fine ... . . ... Est. 500 -$750
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PUERTO RICO - POST 1873 - INCOMING MAIL (BY COUNTRY) por Man iela â&#x20AC;˘
704 Cuba #100 (pair), Co rreos Havana, JAN 24 1885 Purpl e postmark ties stamp s to cover, Blue handsta mped J. Bueno & Co. ova l at lowe r left, add resse d Agua dill a Puerto Rico , normal overa ll toning, Fine ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Est. $ 150-$200
706 Cuba # 104, Hava na Cuba, 30 SE P 1884 pos tmark ties stamp to fo lded letter, Purpl e handstamped por Manuela starlight line ship direc tive at upper left, addr e sed San Juan Puerto Rico with smea red rece iving strik e on reverse , so me tonin g w ith light crease , Fine . . . . . . .............. . ............. Est. $200- $300
705 Cuba #103 (strip/3, single), Co rreos Hava na, IO JUN 1884 postmark ties stamps to fo lded letter, Blue handstamped J. Balcells & Co. tra ight line at lowe r left, addr esse d San Juan Puerto Rico with smeared rece iving strike on reve rse, light crease, Very Fin e .. Est. $200- $300
707 Danish West Indi es #8, to Pu erto Rico, ST. THO MAS 16 6 1879 postmark ties stamp to fold ed letter with manuscript "p As ia" ship directive at upper left, addr esse d San Juan Puerto Ric o, smudged Puert o Rico rece iv ing backstamp , couple light crea ses inc lud ing through stamp , Very Fin e . .. . . . . . .. .Est. $300-$400
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Danish West Indies #32, to Puerto Rico , 708 Christiansted 5 3 1906 postmark ties stamp to cover, manuscript "Printed Matter " at upper left, addressed Arecibo Puerto Rico , St. Thomas and San Juan transit , with "Arec ibo P.R . MAR JO 1906" receiving strikes on reverse , usual aging, Fine; scarce printed matter rate .... Est. $500 -$750 . ............... . . . . . . ........
Great Britain S.G. #95(Z10) vert pair, to 710 Puerto Rico , ST. THOMAS , PAID MAY 3 1875 duplex postmark with CS! ties stamps to folded letter with manuscript " p Mersey " ship directive at upper left, addressed Mayaguez Puerto Rico , double oval Lamb & Co, Ship & Insurance agents, St. Thomas W.I. merchants cachet at lower left, couple light creases and tape sea led tears .. not affecting stamps, stamps are Very Fine ... . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .Est. $750-$1 ,000
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~~ - ~ Danish West Indies #35, to Puerto Rico , 709 Christiansted 28 12 1905 postmark ties sta mp to cover , addressed Arecibo Puerto Rico , San Juan JAN 2 1905 transit , with "Arec ibo P.R ., JAN 2 1905" receiving strikes on reverse , light toning , Very Fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $500-$750
March 21, 2006
France #IS(strip/4), Paris, IOAUG 1861 post711 marks with dotted rhombu s grid of dots tie stamps to Blue folded letter, addressed Mayaguez Puerto Rico , exchange handstamps includ e Red boxed P.P., with Blue T and 0 struck over 1/2, at lower left is scarce bold SIN CARGO (free of charge) in framed arc, with London transit and Puerto Rico receiving strikes , edge wear , Fine ; 2005 Sergio Sisrnondo certificate. . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. 1,500-$2 ,000 . . .....................
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712 France #53-4, 63, to Puerto Rko , Paris , R. Milton, 30 APR 1873 postmark with three strikes of num eral 2 in dotted Paris star killers tie stamp s to folded letter wrapper , Red boxed P.P. and Black 1 due handstamp s Cuba#SS tied by bold B lack Maltese cross killer on arriva l in San Juan , addressed San Juan, Pue1to Rico , Red London transit , light file crease affecti ng Sc stamp , Very Fine ; one of finest known of this type mixed franking ; 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Est. $3,000-$4 ,000
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France #26(strip/3), Paris , Re. St. Honore , 3 1 OCT 1865 double circle postmark with Etoile bearing 11 in 713 each of three dotted diamond gr id killers tie sta mp s to cove r, additi onal Puerto Rico #18 tied by Parri lla kill er, addr esse d San Juan with London transit and Puerto Rico receiving str ikes, single 20c stam p removed at upp er left, Fine ; exceed ingly rare combinat ion franking even wit h missing stamp ; 1984 Ph ilatelic Foundation certifi cate, 2005 .. Est. $7 ,500-$10 ,000 Sergio Sismondo certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .......
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/f //uu . 714 Germany #17,#34(2), Flensburg, 23 IO 1875 postmarks tie stamps to cover , addressed San Juan with London transit and Puerto Rico receiving strikes , Very Fine ; 1981 Josef Henneies certificate , 2005 Sergio Sismondo certificate ... . . ...... ... Est. $ 1,500-$2 ,000
716 Germany #67, Hamburg, 31 1 1905 postmark ties stamp to Green cover sent at the unsealed printed matted rate, addressed San Juan Puerto Rico with Purple double circle Dead Letter Bureau , FEB 20 1905, Porto Rico receiving strike and Black straight line Zuruck struck on address side, Purple three line Sent to Dead Letter Office, FEB 18 1905, from San Juan, P.R. on reverse , two very scarce Puerto Rico markings , returned to Ge1many with Hamburg receiving strike , Very Fine .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $ I 00-$150
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715 Germany #31, #34(2), Bremen , 15 2 I 877 postmarks tie stamps to folded letter, addressed Puerto Rico with Red "London PAID" tran sit, poor receiving strike on reverse , Blue oval company handstamped cachet at lower left, couple creases , Fine .. Est. $500- $750
March 21, 2006
717 Great Britain S.G. #192, to Puerto Rico , London JU 19 86 squared circle postmark ties stamp to folded letter wit h manuscript "per French Packet ", addressed San Juan Puerto Rico , "Ca lais a Paris ", Paris and "Ligne B, Paq Fr No2" transit strikes, with partial " San Juan " receiving on reverse , light crease with normal toning , Very Fine ; rare incoming mail from Great Britain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $750-$1,000
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Great Britain S.G. #192, to Puerto Rico, 718 London 16 MAY 85 postmark ties stamp to folded letter, addressed Puerto Rico, with "Sa n Juan Puerto Rico 6 JUN 85" receiving backstamp , light crease , Very Fine; rare incoming mail from Great Brit ain. . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $ 1,000- $ 1,500
Spain #253 , Las Palmas Canar y Islands , 13 720 SEP 1887 postmark ties stamp to folded letter, addr essed Puerto Rico with San Juan 24 SEP 1887 receiving strike on reverse, couple light creases, Fine .... Est. $500- $750
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Reunion #65, 71 to Puerto Rico, Reunion 12 719 SEP 19 17 postmarks tie stamps to reg istered cover with French milit ary censor sea l tied ove r left side, addr essed Rio Piedras Puerto Rico, New York and San Juan transit, with "Rio Piedras P.R., DEC 4 19 17" receivi ng strikes on reverse, uneven to right, Very Fine ... Est. $ 1,000-$ 1,500
March 2 1, 2006
Spain #258 , 259, 264(3), to Puerto Rico, 721 Garac hico Canary Islands 9 MAY 189 1 postmarks tie stamps to registered cover opened for display, addressed San Juan Puerto Rico, "Sa Cruz Tener" and " San Juan" boxed Certi fied transit strikes on reve rse, Very Fin e . ... . Est. $750-$ 1,000 . . . . . . . ..............
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722 Spain #261(2), 263, Malaga , Spain 27 MAR 1897 Certificado truncated rectangles tie stamps to Registered cover with edge faults, addressed Spanish American War soldier in San Juan Puerto Rico , redirected Lares , Fine ........ . .. .. .. Est. $ 1,000-$1 ,500
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723 20-22, Tuscany, Italy, 28 FEB 1860 double circle postmarks tie stamps to envelope front only as often, Black boxed PD with small Red Fr ench Pt de Beau vois in 3 3 MAR 1860 packet marking , addressed Puerto Rico , redirected on arrival with framed Blue S.TOMAS , boxed 1 1/2 zeroed out and corrected to 2 due , manuscript "per Le Havre " at lower left, very colorful, some faults , sti ll Very Fine . .... .Est. $2,000-$3 ,000
March 21, 2006
724 U.S. #116, Puerto Rico to U.S., New York Steamship, FEB 21, 1870 postmark ties stamp to Blue folded letter with comp lete contents , addressed New York, Blue double oval Lindegren & Co., Arroyo, FEB 9 1870 handstamped originat ion cachet, with Two Red Lamb & Co., St. Thomas W.I. forwarding agent cachet handstamps , manuscript ship directive at upper left, Very Fine; very scarce use of pictorial affixed in Danish West Indies by forwarding agent. ....... Est. $2,000-$3,000
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UNITE D STATES - SPANISH/AMERI CAN WAR Provisiona l Issues and Usages On July 25, 1895 the 5th Army Corp., under the comma nd of Maj or Genera l Ne lson A. Miles, landed at Guanica Bay on the Southwest coast of Puerto Rico. The campaign move d swiftly and the peace protoco l was signed August 12 in Washington D.C., ending all hostilities. Due to this military interve ntion all defending troops withdrew quick ly and all gove rnment functions ceased , including mail service. The Mayor of Ponce imme diate ly petitioned from Genera l Miles the authority to estab lish provis iona l mail service to American occupie d areas. Included was a request for authority to issue a stamp at the rate of "Sets". Approva l of this request gave rise to the "PONCE" Provisio nal. Other Mayors were also given authority to opera te mai l service until the U.S. Governme nt could establish proper service.T his was the authority for the "COAM O" Prov isional. A number of other towns established such serv ices. While not yet as phil ate licly glamoro us, Provisional markings from these are also acce ptable and very rare.
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725 U.S. #73, Puerto Rico to Nova Scotia , 1870 prin ted prices curre nt on address panel only, addressed Halifax, Nova Scot ia with Blu e ova l Rothschild Brothers & Co., San Juan P.R., SEP 13 1870 handstamped cachet 2cts Black Jack affixed for payme nt of Ship fee through U.S. likely New York, manuscript "Ha lifax Str" direct ive at upper left, Fine. Est. $200 -$300
726 U.S. #161 , Puerto Rico to U.S., New York Steamship , AUG 20 1874 postmark ties stamp to Blue folded letter wrap per only, addresse d Brookly n, N.Y., Blue F. Fernandez & Co., Arecibo, 10 APR 1874 handstampe d origination cachet , with Red manuscri pt " lOc Paid" under stamp , Black St. Thomas 13 4 1874 transit strike at center where stamp was appli ed for due, manuscript "per Steamer" at upper left, Very Fine .. ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Est. $750-$ 1,000
727 U.S. #158 Puerto Rico to Nova Scotia , ew York, JAN 28 1878 duplex postmark ties stamp to address panel only, addresse d Halifax, Nova Scotia, Blue double ova l Feddersen, Willink & Co., San Juan de Pto. Rlco , 17 JAN 1878 handstamped origination cachet , with additional Blue double ova l Gossler & Co., New York JAN 26 1878 handstampe d forwardi ng agent cachet , creases includin g throug h stamp, unusual U.S. transit item, Fine ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .......... . . . .. . ... . .. .. ............ ...... .... ............. Est. $75-$ 100 March 2 1, 2006
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H.R. Hanner , Inc.
728 200, VF, Ponce Sets Prov isional with purpl e control mark, with very tiny top marg in thin and small margin crease , auth orized by U .S. Postal Serv ice to prov ide serv ice for civ ilians, seldom offered, only 19 copies reported to exist, Very Fin e; 1982 PF certificate ....... .. . . . . . .. . . . . . ... .. . .. . . ... .. ........ . . .. ... Es t. $5,000-
March 21 , 200 6
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H.R. Hann er, Inc .
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201, VF, Sheet of Ten, Coamo Sets Provisional with clear purp le control mark "F.Santiago ", with tiny hole 729 in 2nd stamp at bottom left, authorized by U.S. Postal Service to provide serv ice for civilians , seldom offered , only Est. $7,500 -$10,000 6 sheets reported to exist , Very Fine; a Rare philatelic treasure; 1982 PF certificate .............
March 2 1, 2006
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H.R. Harmer Inc.
730 Utuado, AUG 28 1898 use of "Mayor's Seal " as provisional on cover addre ssed Puerto Rico (Sa n Ju an), "throu gh the lines" with "Admon Ce ntral , 29 AUG 1898, Puerto Rico" receivin g strike on reverse , used while both Utuado and San Juan were still under Spanish control , Purpl e ova l "Jose Blanco Y Ca, Utuado P.R."company cachet at lower left, slightly irregular from opening at top , Very Fine . ... . ............ Est. $2,000- $3,000
731 201, on piece , Coa mo Sets Prov isional, authori zed by U.S. Pos tal Service to pro vide service for civilians , tied to piec e by Mil itary Stat ion postmark , one of few report ed on piece , Very Fine ; a Rare Spanish Americ an War item; 1982 PF certificate . .. . ... . ... ... . ... . .... . . .. ............. .. . .. .... ... ...... Est. $2,0 00- $3,000
March 2 1, 2006
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H.R. Harmer, Inc.
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732 201, Coamo Provisional , AUG 1898 use on cover addressed Puerto Rico (San Juan) , "thro ugh the lines" with "Ad mon Centra l, 25 AUG 1898, Puerto Rico" rece iving strike on reverse, one of five known covers with this provisional stamp, all three AUG -OCT uses are uncancelled as postal workers seemed to feel they did not require it, two later uses have stamps cance lled, Very Fine; one of the true treasure s of Puerto Rico phi lately; 1984 Philatelic Foundation Certificate ...... . ..... . .............................................. Est. $15,000 -$20,000
March 2 1, 2006
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H.R . Ham1er. Inc.
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733 Registered , Military Station No.4, Washington DC, San Juan Puerto Rico , FEB 16 1899 Purple Four line postmark with ki llers tie #280(pair), #286(4) to registered cover front only , addressed New York, Very Fine .. . . ... Est. $500-$750
735 211, (2), 214 , San Juan Puerto Rico, Registered , NOV 18 1899 Purple postmark with barred killers tie stamps , one 2cts w ith fau lts, to registered cover with comer card for the Headquarters Department of Puerto Rico , San Juan , addr esse d Philad elphi a Pennsylvania with New York transit and Phil ade lphia receiving strikes on reverse, Very Fine . . . Est. $300 -$400
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736 UXl, mint very fresh and clean exa mple of first U.S . card , Very Fine ... .. . .. . .... .. .. .Est. $ 100-$ 150
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734 210, San Juan Puerto Rico, DEC 1900 ova l postmark tied stamp to cover with handstamped Purple ova l for "Francisco Alonso Y Ca, San Juan Puerto Rico ", addressed Bayamon , with scarce bold "Bayamon Sta ., DEC 22 1900, Puerto Rico, Rec ' d" receiving strike on reverse , Very Fine ... . ............ . ... Est. $400-$500
737 UX3, mint very fresh and crisp , unusual variety with "Overpri nt" printed on lower part of wreath , Extra Fine ............ .. . . ...... . .Est. $ I 50-$200
END OF SALE - THANK YOU March 21, 2006
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H.R. Hanner , Inc.
March 21, 2006
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H.R. Harmer, Inc.
9:30 a. 111 . 10 5:30 p.111.
We regret we are unable to accept credit cards for payment of purchases . For overseas buyers , we ask that payment be made by bank draft , wire or checks in do llars made payable on a U.S. bank .
MC- Mu y Corr iente (Ma rca conocida con mas de 500 eje mplares ) Ve,:v Comm on (There are m ore than 500 exa mpl es known)
Thank you for your under standing and cooperation. Biddin g lncremenls
C - Co rri enle (Marca de la que conocemos entre 200 y 500 ejemplares) Comm on (There are between 200 - 500 exampl es known) E - Escasa (Ma rca de la que conocemos entre 100 y 200 ejemplares) Unu sual (Ther e are between 100 - 200 e.xflmpl e.,· kn own) ME - Muy Escasa (Ma rca de la qu e conocemo s entre SO y JOOeje mpl a res) Very Unu sual (Th ere are between 50 - JOOe.w1111pl es k11ow 11 ) R - Rar a (Ma rca de la qu e conocemos entre 25 )' 50 ejemplares ) Rar e ( There are between 15 - 50 e.xampl es kno wn) RR - M uy Rara (Ma rca d e la que conocemos enlre 12 y 25 ejemplares) Very Rar e (There are betw een 12 - 25 e.:rnmples known
Up to $100 SI00-$300 S300-$750 $750-S 1.500 S 1.500-$3.000
$5.00 SI0.00 $25.00 S50.00 $100.00
$3,000-$7,500 $7.500-$ I 5.000 $15,000-$30,000 $30,000-$75,000 $75,000 and Up
$250.00 $500.00 $ I ,000.00 S2.500.00 auctioneer 's discretion
The abo,·e incremems are simply provided as a guide for bidding unifromity. The auc tioneer retains the right to change the incremems at his discre tion when biddi ng acth 1ity is partic ularly strong to expedite the sale. or he may breakthe i11creme111s to accomoodarean agem S bid.
BIDS BY TELEPHONE RRR - Ra ri sim a (Ma r ca de la que conocemo s entre 4 y 12 eje mpl a re s) VelJ', Very Rar e (There are betw een 4 - 11 exampl es kn own EXT - Extrn ordinariam ente Rara (Ma rca po sible pi eza unica o conocida a un maxi mode Ires ejemplares) Ex traordinarl y Rar e( There are 011/ y between I - 3 of a kind exmnp les known
□ FJPJ[] N.11
0 .G.
(a) Musi be confirm ed in writ ing. (b) Any erro rs are 1he respo nsibili1y of the bidder . (c) No bids acce pted less than 1/2 hour before sa le.
BIDS BY FAX OR EMAIL You may fax or e-mail bids up to I hour befor e sa le comm ences -
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PHONE BIDDI 'G DURING THE SALE Phone biddin g space is limited and available on a first come. first served basi s. The importa nce of reservi ng early ca nnot be ove rstated !
Shaded ponion ca n repre sent an actua l hinge or the area distu rbed by a hin ge. Neve r hinged - unused with original gum in Post Office state and unm ounted Lig htly hinged - unused with full original gum show ing so me evidence of a previous hinge which may be present in pan or entirely remove d. Or iginal gum - unused with or igina l gum so mewhat distu rbed by previous hingi ng which may still be present Pan or ig inal gum - unused with original gum , large hinge remnant s may or may not be present. Disturbed or iginal gum - unu sed with original gum , affected by swea tin g, g laz ing or mount disturba nce; may not rese mbl e the original gum . Unused without gum (unles s gum is mentioned) Unused without gum, as issued.
BLOCKS OR SHEETS A 'D THEIR GUM: Minor separa1io ns arc the rule. rather 1han 1he exception. in the case of blocks or shee ts of any size. A few separa tions- around four perf s per row--do not affect the value of a block or sheet and are not gro unds for the return of a lot. ESTIMATED VALUES: If an estimated cash value is give n. it is shown in the descri plion. II is used where the lot is large or where the actual value has little relation to the catalog ue price. It represen ts the auct ioneer 's appraisa l of the true MARKET value of a lot and the figure is invariably close 10 the ac 1ual realiza tion. It is useless for mail bidders to list any bids that are only a low proponion of such estimates.
New York Licensed Auctioneer
Andrew Kupersmit - License# I I 89092 - Night License # I I 89 I 00
POSTAL VIEWING BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS There w ill be no postal viewi ng for this sale
HANDSTAMPS /BACKSTAMPS Remember. NO lots may be returned wi th back stamps stating Fake, Falsch, or similar marking s. Recently there has been a spat e of Gemian expe ni sers mar king the back s of stamps. It is your respo nsibilit y as the purchase r not to let this happe n.
INSTR UCTIONS FOR PAYMENT BY WIRE TRANSFER PNC Bank Two Tower Center Blvd. East Brun sw ick. J 088 I 6 ABA# 031207607 For - H.R. Harmer , Inc. Accou 111# 8025723228 Please add $20.00 U.S. 10 invoice 101al to cover bank charges. plus any addi tiona l fee impo sed by your bank.
Un less announced otherw ise by the auctioneer, all bids are per lot, as numb ered in the printed Ca ta logue. H.R . Hanner , as agent for the consignor or vendor, shall regulate the bidding and shall determine the man ner in which the biddin g shall be conducted. Hanner s reserves the right to withdra w any lot pri or to sa le (without liability to any potential purchase r or agent) , to re-offer any withdra wn lot, to divide a lot or to group two or more lots belonging to the same consignor or vendor , and to refu se any bid beli eve d not made in goo d faith. The highe st bid acknowledged by the auctioneer shall preva il. Should a disput e arise between bidder s (includin g a dispute betwee n a floor bidder and the auctioneer acting on behalfof a mail bidder, consignor or vendor), the auctioneer alone shall det ennin e who is the successful bidder and whether to reoffer the lot in dispute . Should a dispute arise afte r the sale, the auctioneer 's sa le recor ds shall be conclusive . On all lots sold, a commission of 15% on the hammer price is payable by the buyer. (a) The auctioneer reserves the right to bid on behalf of clients (and cons igno rs or vendors) but shall not be liab le for errors and omissions in exec uting instruction s to bid , howeve r rece ived, and whether such e1TOr s or omissions be tho se of the bidd er or age nt or tho se of the auction eer. (b) All lots are offered subject to a reserve price. The auctioneer may implement such reserve price. The auctioneer may implement such reserve price by bidding on behalf of tbe consignor vendor. (c) lt may also be assumed that all consignors have been adva nced monies against the sale of their stamp s and Hann ers therefo re ha s a sec urit y interest over and above the nonn al auct ion commi ssion. (d) Purchases made by a consigno r or vendor or his age nt on his ow n lots shall be considered as a sale subject to commi ssions and sa les tax as appli cable. (e) Age nts are responsible for all purchases mad e on beh alf of their clients, unles s other arran gement s have been con finn ed in writing prior to the auction.
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Greg Manning Auctions
John Bull Stamp Auctions , Ltd.
775 Passa ic Avenue West Ca ldwell, J 07006-6409 Tel.: 973-882-0887 Fax: 973-882-3499 E-mail: info@greg www.greg manning .com.
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Greg Manning , President gmanning @greg mannin m Greg Marming Auctions is one of the world 's most prominent specia lty auct ion houses for dealers' stocks and intact collec tions. Four major auctions are held per yea r, rea lizing betwee n $2 million and $5 million eac h. Co llec tors and dea lers from around the world attend the auctions, held at the buil t-to-suit auction ga llery at the company's West Ca ldwe ll, NJ head quarters. In addition to the auction attende es, hundreds of successf ul bidders part icipate via the post , Internet , fax, telephone and E-mail.
H.R. Harmer, Inc. 3 East 28th Street , 7th Floor New York, NY 10016 Tel.: 2 12-532-3700 Fax: 212-447-5625 1vww.hrharme1:com
Andrew Kupersmit , Presiden t aku persm H.R. Harm er, Inc. is one of the grand names in philately. Conduc ting public auctions since I 940 , the compan y has a tra diti on of offe ring many important and valuable single ow ner collection sales. Fou nded in London in 19 18 by Henry R. Harm er, the firm has enjoyed the highest of reputations, while conducting some of the most important sales in philate lic history, includin g the Rothschild , Frank lin D. Roosevelt, Caspary and Lage rloef sales, as we ll as the recentl y concluded Dale-Lichtenstein auctions. Th e !inn enjoys a we ll-deserved reputati on , industry wide, for integrity and superb customer serv ice.
Nutmeg Stamp Sales P.O. Box 4547 Danb ury, CT 06813 Tel. : 203 -792-3862 Fax: 203-798- 7902 E-mail: David Coog le, Preside nt david @ nutm egs tamp .com Nut meg Stamp Sales is one of the leaders in the philatelic marketplace , offe ring over 150,000 lots per year aimed at the full spectru m of co llectors , with items ranging in va lue from S I O to $50 ,000 per item. Considered by many to be America 's ' user-friendly' mail auction house, most lots are illustrated in the catalog s in close proximit y to their description , and all lots are depicted in color on the we bsite. Founded in 1996 by renowned dea ler Andrew Levitt, CEO Emeritu s, and David Coog le, President, Nutmeg has historica lly so ld primari ly ow ned inventory rather than consignments, crea ting a uniqu e alternative within the stamp industry.
Laurence Gibson , Mana ging Director in U.S.A. lgibson @greg mannin m Tel.: 973-8 2-08 7 Fax: 973-882-3 499 Cus tomer Service in Hong Kong Tel: + 852-2890 -5767 Fax: +852-2576 -5 110 m. lgib on@greg mannin m Founded in 1975 , John Bull Stamp Auct ions is widely rega rded as the wo rld leader in Chine se and Asian philate ly, John Bull enjoys an unsurpassed reputation for integrity and cus tom er service , in addition to being the oldest philatelic auction house in Hong Kong
Ivy & Manning Philatelic Auctions , Inc. 775 Passaic Avenue West Ca ldwell, NJ 07006-6409 Tel.: 973 -882-0887 Fax: 973-882-3499 E-mail: info@gregman 1Vlvw.gregman11in g .com
George Eveleth , President geve leth@greg mannin m Ivy & Mannin g Philat elic Auctions, prev iously know n as Ivy & Mader, is recognized around the wo rld as one of Am erica 's finest auction compan ies, specializing in the sale of hig h-end stamps and postal history of the United States , Brit ish Commo nwea lth and wo rldwid e. The fim1 has a we ll-deserved reputation for acc urate description , supe rb customer service and producing the finest catalog ues in the industry .
Greg Manning Galleries 775 Passa ic Avenue West Caldwe ll, J 07006-6409 Tel.: 973-882-0887 Fax: 973-882 -3499 E-m ail: info@gregma nnin www.gregma1111i11g .com.
Greg Manning Galleries is the wide-ranging , ec lectic auction ann , responsible for spec ial and uniqu e ales, such as the 2003 United at ions Arc hives Auction, as well as domest ically ca tering to 1he midrange co llector through multi-th ousand lot Gallery auctions. Smaller specialized one-ow ner sales have also been co nducted by GMG.
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