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To be sold at public auction Friday, September 29, 2006 10:30 AM by H.R. Harmer, Inc. Philatelic Auctioneers
775 Passaic Avenue, West Caldwell , NJ 07006 Phone : + 1.973.882.0887 I Facsimile : + 1.973.882 .0004 Email: hrharmer @hrharmer.com • www.hrharmer.com
ANDREW KoPERSMIT President a ku persm it @h rha rmer.com KEITH A . H ARMER Chairman Emeritus
Bill Bergstrom, Brian Degen, Andrew Kupersmit CATALOGUEPRODUCTION
Bev Benner, Alicia Manning Kalmar, Sharon Ormsbee Scimeca, Lisa Roemer
775 Passaic Avenue West Caldwell, NJ 07006 Phone:+ 1.973.882.0887 I Facsimile :+ 1.973.882.3499 Email: hrharmer @hrharmer.com www .hrharmer.com
APS STAMP SHOW 2006 Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, Hall G, Booths 422 and 424 5555 N. River Road , Rosemont (Chicago) , IL Thursday , Friday and Saturday 10AM-6PM , Sunday 10AM-4PM SEPTEMB ER
Autumn Stampex 2006 Business Design Centre 52 Upper Street Islington London , Unit ed Kingdom A t our offices in NJ September 26 and September 27 9AM-5PM or by prior arrangement
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OFFICE HO URS 8:3 0 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
(* ) Unused (without gumor regummed)
* **
Original gum (previously hinged or wi1hou1
Unexploded Booklet Booklet Pane
gum as issued) Origina l gum (never hinged )
0 Used Block of four or larger 0 PB Plate Block
... On Piece
Trial Color
PLEASE NOTE - CREDIT CARDS We regret we are unable to accept credit cards for payment of purchases. For overseas buyers, we ask that payment be mad e by bank draft , wire or checks in dollar s made payable on a U.S. bank.
EDU Earliest Documented Usage
Cover, card or entire
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
MAJOR A BBRE VIAT IONS c.d.s. = circular datestamps; NH = never hinged; cplt = complete; o.g. = original gum; FDC = first day cove r; ovp t. = ove rprint ; h.r.= hinge remnant ; pmk . = postmark; incl. = including s.e. = stra ight edge ; ms= manu script
CON DITIO N extremel y fin e - outsta nding , the highest qua lity possib le. very fine - choice condition. well centered: if imperforate with four well clear margins. fin e - sound in all respect . perforations c lear des ign; if imperfora1e.margins may be close or touching, but will not cut design . ver y good - stamp s are so graded either by reason of general appearance of imperfec t centering or a fault. Faults suc h as a thin spot , tear , crease, etc. wi ll be descri bed on individual !ms at all tim es. In larger lots, deg rees of con diti on denote the average, and copies above and below such condition can be expected. Minor separations on blocks or sheets are the rule rather than the exceptio n and are not grounds for the return of a lot. The tenn "mint" denotes that the item has original gum . but does not imply that it is never hinged. The tenn "unu sed" is used to describe an uncancelled item that is without gum . Rega rdin g cove rs, the follow ing are not ju stificatio n for the rerum of a lot: tom or partiall y removed back naps , light file folds which do not detra ct from the overa ll appeara nce and small edge tears which do not affec t adhesive or markin gs.
Bidd ing Incr emen ts
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S5.00 S10.00 S25.00 S50.00 S100.00
S3.000-S7.500 S7.500-S15.000 SI 5.000-S30.000 S30.000-S75.000 S75.000 and Up
S250.00 S500.00 Si.000.00 S2.500.00 auctioneer's discretion
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L.H .
Shaded portion can repr esent an actua l hinge or the area disturbed by a hinge . Neve r hinged - unused with original gum in Post Office state and unm ounted Lightly hin ged - unused with full origin al gum show ing so me evidence ofa previous hinge which may be presen t in part or entire ly remove d. Origina l gum - unu sed w ith original gum somewhat disturbed by previous hingi ng which may still be present. Part original gum - unused with origina l gum, large hinge remnants may or may not be present. Disturbed original gum - unused with orig inal gum, affected by sweating. glazing or mount disturbance: may not resemb le the original gum. Unused without gum (un less gum is ment ioned) Unused without gum , as issued.
BLOCKS OR SH"EET S AND TH"EIRGUM: Minor separatio ns are the nt le, rather than the exception, in the case of blocks or sheets of any size. A few separations-aro und four perfs per row-do not affec t the value of a block or sheet and are nor gro und s for the return of a lot. ESTIMATED VALUES: If an est imated cash value is give n, it is shown in the description . It is used wher e the lot i large or whe re the actual valu e has little relation to the cata logue price . It represen ts the auc tion ee r 's appr aisal of the t:rue MARKET value of a lot and the figure is invariably c lose to the actual realization. II is useless for mai l bidders to list any bids that are on ly a low pro ponio n of such estimates .
New York Licen sed Auctioneer Andrew Kup ersmit - Lic e nse # I I 89092 - N igh t Licen se # II 9 I 00
POSTAL VIEWING BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS I . Lots of not more than 10 items. 2. To U.S. clients only. at our disc ret ion. 3. Viewer tlllW pay postage and insurance both ways and return lots within 24 hour s of receipt. 4. Viewer assumes all responsibility , includ ing proper insurance, for any loss , whether in hi s possession or in any and all fonns of tr ansit when return ing Postal Viewin g. 5. Refere nces requir ed from bidders unknown to us.
HA 'DSTAM PS/BACKSTAM PS Remember , NO lots may be returned with back stamps stating Fake, Falsch, or similar markings. Recently there has been a spa te of Gennan expe rti sers marking the backs of stamps. It is you r respo nsibi lity as the purchaser not to let this happen.
CATALOGUES USED IN LISTI 'G: Scott I 40- I 940 con Vols. 1-4 Scott Vols 5-6 Stanley G ibbons Briti sh Co mmonwealth (in pounds} Michel Germa ny (in Euro s) Michel Europe (in Euros) Others as noted in the desc riptions
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PNC Bank Two Towe r Center Blvd . East Brunswick. NJ 088 I 6 ABA# 03 1207607 For - H.R. Harmer , Inc. Acco unt # 8025723228 Please add S20.00 U .. to invoice total 10 cover bank charges. plus any additio nal fee imposed by your bank .
Great Britain ................... ........... ............. .................... ............... ................ ......... 2001-2036 Great Britain Specimens and Proofs .................................................................. 2037-2076 Australia and States ............. ...................... .......... ................... ............................ 2077-2088 Bahamas thru Brunei ......................... .......................... ....................................... 2089-2106 Canada and Provinces ........................................................................................ 2107-214 2 Cape of Good Hope ........... .................................................................. .............. 2143-2154 Cayman Is. thru Guyana .................................................................................... 2155-2172 India and States .................. .................................................. ....... ................... .... 2173-2190 Ireland thru Malaya ............................................................................................ 2191-2198 2199-2208 Malta .................................................................................................................. Montserrat thru Zanzibar ................................................................................... 2209-2247 SECOND SESSION AT
Abu Dhabi thru Argentina .................................................................................. 2248-2253 Austria incl. Lombardy-Venetia ............. ................ ................... ................... ...... 2254-2282 Belgiu1n .............................................................................................................. 2283-2308 Brazil thru Finland ..................... ....... ................... .............. ................................ 2309-2331 France and Colonies ........................................................................................... 2332-2380 Germany and Related ......................................................................................... 2381-2427 Greece ................................................................................................................ 2428-2438 Greenland thru Hungary .................................................................................... 2439-2443 Iceland ................................................................................................................ 2444-2458 Iran and Israel ................. ............. ..................... ................................................. 2459-2467 Italy and States ................................................................................................... 2468-2519 Korea thru Liberia ............................................................................................. 2520-2523 Liechtenstein ........................ ........ .............. ........ ................................... ............. 2524-2586 Luxembourg ....................................................................................................... 2587-2595 Mexico thru Nepal ............................................................................................. 2596-2609 Netherlands ........................................................................................................ 2610-2621 Norway thru Peru ............................................................................................... 2622-2632 Portugal and Colonies ................................. ........................... ........................ .... 2633-2669 Russia thru Salvador .......................................................................................... 2670-2685 San Marino ................................ ......... ................................................................ 2686-2701 Saudi Arabia thru Surinam ................................................................................. 2702-2722 Sweden .................... ............. ................. ........... .............. ............ ................. ....... 2723-2737 Switzerland .............................. ............................. ....................... ...................... 2738-2764 Turkey thru Yugoslavia .......................... .................................... ........................ 2765-2775 Foreign Collections by Country ......................................................................... 2776-2817 Regional and Worldwide Collections .............................................. .......... ....... 2818-2827
Catalog or Estimat ed Value
First Session
Friday, September 29, 2006 at 10:30 A.M.
P OS T,\ t. l :
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200 1
2001 0
S.G. 2 var., S.G. Spec. #AS2, 1840 lp Black , D-G, plate IA showing moderate plate wear, red Ma ltese Cross cancel, clear to large margins, Very Fine; signed Bloch and Sismondo and with the latter 's 2006 certificate (Scott # 1, $290 .00). (Photo) .... . . . ...... ... ... ... . . S.G. Spec . £250
2002 0
S.G. 2 var., S.G. Spec. #AS2, 1840 Ip Black, G-8 , plate IA (worn state), red Ma ltese Cross can cel, ampl e to large margins, Very Fine; signed Bloch and Sismondo and with the latter 's 2006 cer. ....... . S.G. Spec . £250 tificate (Scott # 1, $290.00). (Photo) . ...........................
2003 0
S.G. 2 var., S.G. Spec #AS21 , 1840 lp Black, Q-1, worn state of plate 3, red Maltese Cross cancel, full to large margins, Very Fine; signed Bloch and Sismondo and with the latter 's 2006 certificate (Scott # 1, $310. 00). (Photo) .... .. . .... . ............. . .. . ............... S.G. £325
2004 0
S.G. 2, 1840 lp Black, T-A, plate 7, red Maltese Cross cancel, clear to wide margins, Very Fine; signed Sismondo and with the latter 's 2006 certificate (Sco tt # 1, $290.00). (Photo) . . .. S.G. £275
September 29, 2006
Page 7
H.R. Hanner , Inc.
Catalog or Estimat ed Value
S.G. #DP35, 1865 lp Black so-called "Royal Reprint ", left margin block of four with imprint "Per Sheet. Place the labels ABOVE th(e) ", LA-MB , plate proof impression taken from plate 66, die II after it had been withdr awn from use, on stamp paper watermarke d large crown inverted , full balanced margins , original gum , bottom right stamp Neve r Hinged , usual light natural gum wr inkles , Very Fine and choice , a remarkab le showp iece . It is thought that in 1864 (thoug h a Perkins Bacon reference to this request is dated 1865) an appl ication was made to the Board of Inland Revenue for spec imens of the Ip Black for some young members of the Royal Fam ily who wished them for their newl y formed stamp co llections . There being no spares available , these reprints were created on the large crown watermarked paper (all with inverted watermark) . There is some disagreement as to whether there were four or five sheets printed and who were the fina l recipients of the sheets . . . . . . .. . . . . ... . .... .. ... .. .. . ... ... . .. . .... . . .. . ... . ... Est. 15,000-20 ,000
S.G. #6, 1840 2p Pale Blue, C-D , plate I, black Ma ltese Cross cance l, clea r to large margins , filled thins , Very Fine appearance ; 2006 Sismondo certificate (Scott #2, $650.00). (Photo) . . . S.G. ÂŁ600
S.G. #DP71b , 1850 lp "Prince Consort " Essay, imperforate finished design in brown , full balanced margins , part original gum , Very Fine and choice , a scarce sound example , these essay s were produced for Henry Arc her in an attempt to lure the stamp printing business away from Perki ns . . .. S.G . Spec . ÂŁ 1, 100 Bacon. (Photo) .. . .. . . . . . ... . ... . . . . . . ... . . ..... . . . .... . .......
September 29, 200 6
Page 8
H.R . Hann er, Inc.
Cata log or Estimated Value
2008 0
S.G. #134, 1882 5/- Rose, strong centrally struck London octagona l 1882 cance l, excellent center ing, light horizontal crease and two perf tip corne r creases , otherwise Very Fine (Scott #90a , $2,750 .00). (Photo) . . . . .. . ..... ...... .. . .... ... .. . . ... ... . . .... . ... . .... S.G. £2,500
2009 0
S.G. #135, 1867 10/- Greenish Grey, unusually well centered , bold unrubbed color, bold centrally struck Cornhill B.O . SP 17 83 c.d .s., Very Fine and choice (Scott #9 la , $3,500 .00). (Photo) . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S.G. £3,000
September 29 , 2006
S.G. #137, 1867 £5 Orange, a visua lly striking mint single combining attributes seldom found in combination on this issue, wonderfu l overall freshness , rich vibrant color enhanced by the fresh white paper upon wh ich it is printed , particularly well centered within well balanced margins , full unblemished original gum , Never Hing ed, insignificant tiny natural inclusion speck , Extremely Fine , a rare stamp made even more so by its outstanding quality (Scott #93, $9,000 for hinged). (Photo) ..... . ......... ......... ...... . . ... . . . .. .............. for hinged S.G. £8,000
Page 9
H.R. Harmer , Inc.
Catalog or Estimated Value
2011 S.G. #137, 1867 £5 Orange , a magnificent used sing le in a quality seldom seen for these high values, we ll centered , crisp unrubbed impression , excellent strike of oval " Regi stered/ Threadneed le St. 8.0.E. C./ 12 JY 95" cancel, Very Fin e and choice , a strikin g example not often enco untered in .. S.G. £3,800 this premium conditi on (Scott #93, $4,250.00) . (Photo) . . . .... ... .............
201 1 0
20 12
~-tf/.l~ L'.Z
~ ,-
2014 20 13
S.G. #181, 1883 5/- Crimson, unusually we ll centered mint single with rich color, original gum , S.G . £700 fresh and Very Fine (Scott # l08 , $875.00). (Photo) ... . .... .. . . ..... . ...........
20 13 0
S.G. #183, 1883 10/- Ultramarine , premium used single combi ning excellent centering , bold unrubbed co lor and a light Bri stol c.d.s., cho ice Very Fine (Sco tt # 109, $525.00). (Photo) . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S.G . £450
20 14
S.G. #192, 1883-84, 4p Green, tied by "L. No . 5 Manchester 1885 " 198" in duplex cancel on folded cover to Vera Cruz, Mexico , ms. "Baltic via New York & Paso def Norte" , violet "Stavert , Ligomala & Co. Manchester " hand stamp at bott om left, New York City Nov . 15 transit and Mex ico 23 Nov. recei ving backstamps , light overa ll foxing and stamp w ith small piece out at bottom right, Est. 100- 150 . ............... . .......... . ............ otherwi se Fine . (Photo) . . .......
20 12
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Catalog or Estimated Value
········ ········· ....... ..............,.. . ····· ....... .. .... .. ... . ~1.ll,:r.=-..... . .
Ex 2018
Ex 2016
20 15
S.G. #197/214 , 1887-1900 Victoria Jubilee Issue, comp lete set of fourteen block s of twenty , the 4p , 4 I /2p, 9p, and I Op being complet e sheets as issued , the balance bein g comer margin block s, post-offi ce fresh and scarce in such large multiple s, origina l gum , Neve r Hinged , Ext remel y Fine and cho ice (Scott 111-122 , 125-126 , $ 12,585 as hinged single s). (Photo) . .. . . . .... S.G. £10 ,000
20 17
S.G. #260, 263, 265, 1902 2/6, 5/-, 10/- Edward Vll, well centered with fres h co lors , original gum with slight disturbance s to vary ing degr ees, 2/6 natura l gum crease , Fine-Very Fine (Scott # I 39141, $ 1,350.00). (Photo) ........... . ...... . ........ . .... . . . .... . ... . ..... S.G. £ 1, 175
S.G. #197/211, 213, 214, 1887/1900 1/2]p-l/- Victoria Jubilee Issue, or iginal gum , lightly hinged or h.r., (I /- bit of paper h.r.), fres h and Fine-Very Fine (Scott 111-121, I 25-126, $300.00 ). (Photo) ........... . ........ ... .................................. .... . . .. .. .... S.G. £550
2018 0
S.G. #260, 263, 265, 1902 2/6, 5/-, 10/- Edward Vll, each wit h a clear date cance l (2/6, 10/- registry cance ls), 2/6 light bend, otherwi se Fine -Very Fine (Scott # 139-41 , $890.00). (Photo) .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S.G . £770
20 19 0
S.G. #265, 1902 10/- Ultramarine , nicel y centered , two bold strike s of "Hatton Barden 8 .0. E .C. 8 JUL _" ova l cance ls, pulled perf at right (one causing tiny thin), otherwise very Fine (Scott # 141, $525.00) . (Photo) ........................................... . ....... .... . S.G. £450
S.G. #318, 1912 5/- Carmine, well centered, lightly canceled , fresh and nearl y Very Fine (Scott # 140b, $22 5.00). (Photo) .... ... ......... . ..................... .... . ....... S.G. £175
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Catalog or Estimated Value
202 1
S.G. #402, 1913 10/- Indigo, remarkab le block of four, exceptiona lly we ll centered wit h full perfs all aro und , intense co lor enhanced by the crisp wh ite paper , origina l gum , lightly hing ed, an for singles S.G. £2,200 Extreme ly Fine gem (Scott # 175, $2,500.00 for sing les). (Photo) ........
S.G. #403, 1913 £1 Green, right sheet-margin sing le, 2022 excel lent center ing, origina l gum , very light ly hinged , light vertica l crease , Extreme ly Fine appeara nce (Sco tt 176; S.G. £1,500 1,600.00). (Photo) ........................
S ptember 29, 2006
S.G. #414, 1918 2/6 Chocolate Brown, marvelous left margin block of four, wo nderfu lly well centered , strong colo r, orig inal gum , Never H inged , Extremely Fine block for the finest co llection (Scott # 179b, $1,040.00 for singles). (Photo) . . . ..... .... .... ..... ... for singles S.G. £1,040 Page 12
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Cata log or Estimated Value
................................................ . 2024 2024
S.G. #414, 1918 2/6 Chocolate Brown, striking bottom right come r margin block of four, very well centered with full perfs , rich color, original gum , lightly hinged , Very Fine and choice (Scott # 179b, $560 .00 for singles). (Photo) ... .. . .. . . ....... . . . . .. ... .. .. . .... .. . for singles S.G. ÂŁ500
2025 2025
September 29, 2006
S.G. #416, 1919 5/- Rose-Red, post -office fresh right margin block of four, nicely cente red with full perfs all around, vivid color, original gum, Never Hinged , Very Fine and choice (Scott # 180, $1,300.00 for singles) . (Photo) .. ...... .... . ................ . . . ... for sing les S.G. ÂŁ 1,600
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Ca talog or Estimated Va lue
2026 2026
S.G. #417, 1919 10/- Dull Grey Blue, an astoundin g right margin block of four, hardl y "dull " color nicely enhanced by the fres h w hite paper on which it is print ed, unusually we ll centered and with nary a blunt ed perf in sight, original gum , Neve r Hinged, Extremely Fin e and choic e, an elusive .. . . . . . multipl e in this premium conditi on (Scott # 181, $ 1,800.00 for singles). (Photo) . . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for singles S.G. £2,800
2027 Ex 2028
S.G. #438, 1929 £1 Postal Union Congress , exce llent centering, typica l light evenly browned original gum, small h.r., Very Fine and choic e (Scott #209, $850.00). (Photo) . . .. . .. . . .. . S.G . £7 50
S.G. #439-449 , 1934/36 l/2p-l/- George V Photogravure, blocks of four, po st-offi ce fresh, original gum , Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine (Scott #2 10-220, $435.00 for singles). (Photo) . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for singles S.G. £468
September 29, 2006
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Ca talog or Estimated Value
2029 2029
S.G. #450, 1934 2/6 Chocolate Brown, Re-e ngrave d, right margin block of four, well centered, full perfs all around , original gum , Neve r Hin ged, Very F ine and choice (Scott #222, $540 .00 for singles). (Photo) ............ . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . ... . ... ...... for singles S.G. £500
• •• ••• ••
. .. -~~~~===.,,,;,~ • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• •• •
September 29 , 2006
S.G. #451, 1934 5/- Bright Rose-Red Re-engrave d, pheno menal right marg in block of four, marve lous centering, full intact perfs, beautiful vibrant color, original gum, ever Hinged, choice Very Fine, perfec t for the gem co llector (Sco tt #223 , $ 1,300.0 0 for singles). (Photo) . .. . .. . ... .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for singles S.G. £ 1,200
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Catalog or Estimated Value
•• •• •• •• • •• •• •• •• ' • ••••••••••••••• • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
S.G. #452, 1934 10/- Indigo Re-e ngraved, a top left comer margin block of four combi ning all the attributes the condition-conscious collector looks for - perfect centeri ng, stro ng intense color on white paper , full intact perfs and pristine Never Hinged origina l gum, an Extremely Fine, a gem block in every respect (Scott #224 , $2,600.00 for singles). (Photo) .. .... . for singles S.G . £1,800
Ex 2033 Ex 2032
S.G. #536-539, 1955 2/6-£1 Castles (Waterlow), post-office fresh blocks of four, original gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine (Sco tt #309-312, $1,202 .00 for singles). (Photo) .. for singles S.G. £900
S.G. #540/556, 1955/58 1/2p-1/6 Wilding, Wmk St. Edward Crown, comp lete less 1956 2p, blocks of four, original gum , Never Hinged , Fine-Very Fine (Scott #317-333 , $801.00 for singles). . ... . . ... for singles S.G. £640 .. . . ..... . . .. .. ................... (Photo) ............
September 29, 2006
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Cata log or Estimated Value
2035 2034
S.G. #MEI, 1840 lp Black Mulready Letter Sheet, 1st series, forme 3, a35, particularly fresh folded sheet without any of the usual folding separations, intense color, Very Fine (Scott #U3, $275.00). (Photo) . .................... ... ...... . ... .............. .. .. .... S.G. £225
S.G. #ME3, 1840 2p Blue Mulready Letter Sheet, a99, intact letter sheet with no separat ions along fold , bright color, small natural facia l blemish in address area , Very Fine (Scott #U4, $350.00). (Photo) . .. ... .. ... .. . .... . . . .... . ... .............. ............. S.G. £300 GREAT BRITAIN - OFFICES IN MOROCCO
2036 2036
September 29, 2006
S.G. #141, 191412P on 10/- Blue , right margin block of four, very well centered , strong color, original gum , margin hinging plus top right stamp very lightly hinged , other three stamps Never Hinged , Very Fine and choice (Scott #57a, $400.00 for hinged singles) . (Photo) . ................ ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for hinged singles S.G. £360
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Catalog or Estimated Value
Ex 2037 203 8 P
c.1868 Ip lmperforate Trial Color Plate Proofs , four block s of four in Green , Blue , Lilac or Red on thick unwate1marked paper without gum , fresh and Very Fine ; an adaptation of the Inland revenue des ign intro duced in 1868 by Charles Skipp er & East. (Photo) . ... .. . .. ... .. Est. 500-750
203 8 P
1878 £1 Victoria Die Proof, fini shed state pro of in black on white gla zed paper , 88x60mm , stampe d "Apr 30, 1876" and "BEFOR E HARD EN ING " in black , Very Fine and choice. (Photo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S.G . £ 1,600
rJi P-i 2039 2041 1882 £1 Grey Black Trial Color Proof, top left come r margin single on gummed stamp paper with Ma ltese Cross watermark and w ide margins the oth er two side s, black type 9 " SPECIMEN " overp rint and assorted marg inal markin gs , deep rich co lor, hinging in margin barel y extends into stamp , . . . . . S.G . Spec. £ 1,500 Very Fine , a spectacu lar showpi ece. (Photo) .. . .. ..... . ... .... ......
1880 1/2p "Provisional " Issue Imperforate Trial Color Proofs , Orange Red or Greenish Grey on ung umm ed paper watem1arke d Imp erial Crown , fres h and Fine-Very Fine . (Photo) . . Est. 300-400
S.G. # 166P, 1880 1/2p Trial Color Plate Proofs, Blue or Carmin e Pink on ungummed pap er, perf 14, wate nn arked Crow n, fres h and Fine, qui te attrac tive. (Photo) .. .... . . . . ... .. . Est. 500-750
Sep tember 29 . 2006
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Cata log or Estimated Value
2042 2042
S.G. #185 var., S.G. Spec K15t, 1884 ÂŁ1 Brown-Lilac , "SPECIMEN" Overprint , magnificent plate 2 vertica l pair with type 9 overprint , stamps without the usual frame breaks, unusually well centered with perfs we ll clear of design on each side, original gum, Never Hinged , an Extremely Fine showpiece; 1997 BPA certificate. (Photo) .. ... ... .... . ... . . S.G. Spec for hinged ÂŁ2,200
2043 P
S.G. #188P, 1883 1 1/2p Trial Color Plate Proofs, Rose (A-C) or Yellow (A-D) on watermarked paper without gum , each with rounded comer top right, otherwise fresh and Fine. (Photo) . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. 200-300
2044 P
S.G. #188P, 1884 1 1/2p Blue Green Trial Color Plate Proof, A-C, on watermarked paper without gum , very well centered , choice Very Fine. (Photo) . . .. . ..... . .... . ..... .. . Est. 200-300
2045 P
S.G. #188P, 1884 1 1/2p Purple Trial Color Plate Proof, A-C, on watermarked paper without gum, fresh and Very Fine . (Photo) . ............. . ...... . .... . ........ . .... . Est. 200-300
S.G. #188P, 1884 1 1/2p Purple on Buff Trial Color Plate Proof, B-B, on unwatermarked paper without gum, fresh and Very Fine . (Photo) .......... . . . . .. . . .. . ...... .... ... Est. 200-300
2047 P
S.G. #188P, 188411/2p Pale Orange Imperforate Trial Color Plate Proof,A -C, on watermarke d paper without gum, Very Fine. (Photo) .. . ... . .... . ..... . ................. . . Est. 200-300
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2050 2048
Catalog or Estimated Value
S.G. #188P, 1884 1 l/2p Green Im perforate Trial Color Plate Proof, A-C , on watermarked paper . . .. ... Est. 200-300 . ....... ............. without gum , Very Fine. (Photo) ..............
S.G. #188P, 1884 1 l/2p Pale Purple Imperforate Trial Color Plate Proof, A-C, on watermarked Est. 200-300 .. . . . . ...... paper without gum , Fine-Very Fine . (Photo) .... .................
S.G. #189P, 1884 2p Rose Trial Color Plate Proof, G-T, on watermarked paper without gum , fresh . ... Est. 200-300 and Fine . (Photo) . ..... . .... . ... . .. .. .... . .. . ..... . ................
S.G. #189P, 1884 2p Purple on Yellow Trial Color Plate Proof, A-1, on unwatermarked paper without gum , nicel y centered , Very Fine . (Photo) . .... . ..... . .. .. . ..... . . .. . . . Est. 200-300
S.G. #189P, 1884 2p Yellow Trial Color Plate Proof, A-T, on watem1arked paper without gum , .. . ..... . .. . . .. Est. 200-300 . ........... bright co lor, fresh and Fine. (Photo) ............
S.G. #189P, 1884 2p Yellow Brown Trial Color Plate Proof , G-T, on watem1arked paper without gum , strong color , fresh and Fine . (Photo) .... . .. .. .... . .... . . .... . . .... . ... Est. 200-300
S.G. #189P, 1884 2p Blue Green Trial Color Plate Proof, G-T, on watermarked paper w ithout Est. 200-300 gum , crisp co lor and impression , fresh and Fin e. (Photo) . ......................
S.G. #189P, 1884 2p Brown Trial Color Plate Proof, G-T, on watennarked paper without gum , . .. .... . . . ..... . .... . .. .. Est. 200-300 rich co lor, fresh and Fine . (Photo) . ... .. ..........
S.G. #190P, 1884 2 l/2p Orange Trial Color Plate Proof, G-T, on watennarked paper without Est. 200-300 gum , fresh and Fine. (Photo) ... .. .. . ... .. ... . .. .. .... . ...................
S.G. #190P, 1884 2 l/2p Blue lmperforate Trial Color Plate Proof, G-T, on watermarked paper Est. 200-300 w ithout gum , beautiful color, Very Fine and choice. (Photo) ....................
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206 1
Cata log or Estimated Value
S.G. #190P, 1884 2 l/2p Slate Imperforat e Trial Color Plate Proof, G-T, on watermarked paper without gum , intense color , Very Fine and choice . (Photo) . . ...... . . . .. .. ...... . Est. 200-300
S.G. #191P, 1884 3p Brown Trial Color Plate Proof, T-C, on watermarked paper without gum , deep rich co lor, Very Fine and cho ice. (Photo) .. . ..................... . ... . .. Est. 200-300
S.G. #191P, 1884 3p Purple on Light Blue Trial Color Plate Proof, J-1, on unwatermarked paper without gum , nearly Very Fine. (Photo) . ...... . ............ .. .. . ......... . .. Est. 200-300
206 1 P
S.G. #191P, 1884 3p Grey Imperforat e Trial Color Plate Proof, T-F, on watermarked paper without gum , deep rich co lor, Very Fine and choice . (Photo) .......... . ..... . ...... Est. 200-300
S.G. #191P, 1884 3p Blue Green Imperforate Trial Color Plate Proof, S-J, on waterma rked paper wit hout gum , sumptuo us color, Very Fine . (Photo) . ... . .. .. . . ... ....... . ... . . . Est. 200-300
S.G. #191P, 1884 3p Lilac lmperforate Trial Color Plate Proof, T-C, on watermarked paper with out gum , fresh and Very Fine . (Photo) . . .. . .... . . ....... .. ..... .... ......... Est. 200-300
2064 2064
S.G. #198E, 1887 1 l/2p Victoria, Reply Paid Essay, bottom right comer margin block of four in blue on watermarked Crown stamp paper , amp le margin s the other two sides, strong color , original gum , top stamps bare st trace of hingin g, bottom stamps Never Hinged , Very Fine , design used for paid reply stamp experiments in I 894 . (Photo) . ....... ... ... ....... . . ........ Est. 300-400
S.G. #205P, 1887 3p Black on Yellowish Imperforate Trial Color Proof , on unwatermarked paper without gum, excellent centering , Very Fine and choice. (Photo) ..... ... . ... Est. 400 -500
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Catalog or Estima ted Value
2066 S
S.G. #212 var., S.G. Spec. Kl 7s, 1891 £1 Green, lmperforate , "SPECIMEN " Overprint , type 9 overp rint , eye-catching bottom left comer margin sing le with amp le margins the other sides, wonderfully fres h co lor, or igina l gum , very lightly hin ged , Very Fine , a des irable spec imen for the spe . . S.G. Spec £3,000 cia list; 1999 BPA ce 11ificate. (Photo) . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . .... ... . ........
\ . -
,. 'qnrn 1NG
2067 2067 P
September 29, 2006
1902 10/- Edward VII Die Proof, in black on white glazed card , 92x60mm , stamp ed "25 NOY. 0 I" in blue and "AFTE R HARDE ING " in black , black ink ms . endorsement "HW 25.11.01", unusu... ... . .. ... .. .... .. . . . S.G . £2,500 ... ...... ally fres h and Very Fine. (Photo) . . . . .......
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U L1: . j
Catalog or Estimated Value
·. iOEN1~1 ,
2068 2068
1902 £1 Edward VII Die Proof, in black on white glazed card, 9lx60mm , stamped " 16 DEC . 01" in blue and "BEFORE HARDENING " in black, choice Very Fine exa mple of this scarce proof. (Photo) . . .......... . .. . . .. . . . ........... .... . ....................... .. S.G. £2,800
13 MA. J2
2069 P
September 29, 2006
1902 £5 Edward VII Unissued Value Die Proof, in black on white glazed card , 92x6lmm, stamped " 13 MAR. 02" in blue and "AFTE R HARDENING " in black , Very Fine and cho ice, a seldom offered and qu ite elusi ve example of this unissued high val ue, the proof was prepared but not registered as it was resolved that the £5 value was not going to be issued. (Photo) .. . S.G. £9,000
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Cata log or Estimat ed Value
2070 2071 2070 P
S.G. Spec. #N8(1) , 1912 lp Carmine , Die 1B Im perforate Plate Proof, block of four on unwatermarked chalk-surface d paper, full balanced margins, origi nal gum, Never Hinged, choice Very Fine, love ly block for the spec ialist. (Photo) .. ... . . . .. .... .. .. S.G. Spec . for hinged £ 1,000+
2071 P
De La Rue 2/6 "Seahorse " Deep Yellow Brown Im perforate Trial Color Proof, block of four on unwatenn arked paper without gum , wide balanced margins , choice Very Fine, a showp iece. (Photo) ... . ....... . .... . .. . .. .... .. . ... . .... . ..... .. . ....... .. .. . . . ...... . Est. 750-1,000
NJv 3, 1878.
2072 P
1877 6p Telegraph Issue Die Proof, in black on white glazed card, 9 l x60mm , stampe d "Nov 3, 1876." in black, Very Fine . (Photo) . . . .. . . . ... . .. . . .... . ..... .... . . . . . ... . ... S.G. £300
S.G. Spec. #L229 , 1877 3/- Telegraph Imperforat e Trial Color Proof with "SPECI MEN" Overprint , Dull Claret (o.g ., h.r.) and Ultramarine (o.g. , Neve r Hinged), fresh and Very Fine. (Photo) ... . .... . . ... . . . .. ... .. .. .. . . .. ... .. ........ .. . ... . .... . .. .. . . . .. S.G. £ 110
2074 P
S.G. Spec. #L236 , 1877 £1 Telegraph Imperforate Trial Color Proof with "SPECI MEN" Overprint, Pale Ultramarine, C-J, love ly fres h pa stel co lor, unblem ished orig inal gum , Neve r Hinged, Very Fine and choice. (Photo) . . . . .... .. . . .. .. .. . .. . . . ... ... . for hinged S.G. £300
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Catalog or Estimated Value
Nov 10, 1876,
2075 2075
1877 £5 Telegraph Issue Die Proof, in black on white glazed card, 91 x60mm , stamped "Nov I 0, 1876." in black , Very Fine , a gorgeous example of this popular high value. (Photo) . ... S.G. £650
2076 P
S.G. Spec. #L237, 1877 £5 Telegraph Imperforate Trial Color Proof with "SPECIMEN" Overprint, Dull Mauve , B-F, strong color enhanced by the crisp white paper upon which it is printed, pristine original gum , Never Hinged , choice Very Fine. (Photo) ...... . . for hinged S.G. £750
2077 2077 0
September 29, 2006
S.G. #1/6, 1p Seal of Colony, first issue without clouds , comp lete plating of 25 used incl. two horizontal pairs , 18 on yellowish paper and 7 on bluish paper, wide variety of shades , some scarcer cancels incl. Pas. I with mute lozenge of dots , Pas. 20 with "31 " (Picton) , Pas. 24 and 25 with "72 " (Wee Waa), Pas. 23 with "76" (Merton) , Pas. 6 with "81" (Warwick , Moreton Bay) and Pas. 12 with " 88" (Port Macquarie) , most stamps with four margins and faults not visible on face, Fine -Very Fine appeari ng and a scarce plating; ex Pack (Scott # I, 1b; $14 ,375). (Photo) . ......... S.G. £9,3 75+ Page 25
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May 1, 1867
Catalog or Estim ated Value
2084 epternber 29 , 2006
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Catalog or Estimated Value
2078 P
1867/93 lOp Victoria Die Proof, in Black on white glazed card , 92x60mm , stampe d "May 1, 1867" and "BEFORE HARDENING" in black , Very Fine. (Photo) . .. . . . ... . ........ . . Est. 400-500
2079 P
1865 1/- Stamp Duty Die Proof, Violet and Salmon on white glazed card, 92x60mm , fresh and Very Fine. (Photo) .... . . . ... . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .... .. . . ... .. . ... . .. ... Est. 400-500
2080 P
1865 2/- Stamp Duty Die Proof, Violet and Brown on white glazed card , 92x60mm , Very Fine. (Photo) ... .... .. ....... .... . . .. . .... ... . . . .... .... . . . . .... . . . . ...... . Est. 400-500
208 1 P
1865 3/- Stamp Duty Die Proof, Violet and Green on white glazed card, 92x60mm , Very Fine, a lovely proof . (Photo) ... . ...... . . . ..... . .. .. . . ....... . ... . . ... . . .... .. .. Est. 400-500
2082 P
1865 7/- Stamp Dut y Die Proof, Violet and Pink on white glazed card, 92x6lmm , particularly fresh and Very Fine . (Photo) . . . ... . ... . . ..... . . ...... . . . .. . . . ... ........ . .... . Est. 400-500
2083 P
1865 8/- Stamp Duty Die Proof, Violet and Blue on whjte glazed card, 9lx6lmm , Very Fine and quite attract ive. (Photo) .. . ................ . . .... .. ... . . . .. .. .. . ... . . . ... Est. 400-500
#lla , 3p Deep Blue, Third State, pos . 7- 10, an impressive left margin horizontal strip of four, full margin at top, into at bottom and right, four bold strikes of " I V" in circle of bars cance l, right stamp with vert ical crease , otherwise Fine-Very Fine and a very scarce multiple (Scott #3). (Photo) .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. 200-300
2085 2085
September 29, 2006
S.G. #431ab , 1911 ÂŁ1 Dull Rose, Perf 12 1/2, Watermark Upright, phenomenal top margin block of four featuring a crisp impression with beautiful color, unblemished origina l gum without any of the toning or disturbances typically seen, Never Hinged , Extreme ly Fine and choice , almost unobtainable in this premium condition (Scott #230a , $1,300 .00 for hinged). (Photo) ........ .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for hinged S.G. ÂŁ 1,200 Page 27
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Catalog or Estimated Value
Ex 2087
Ex 2088
2086 2089
S.G. #164-178, 1937/49 l/2p-£1 Definiti ves, block s of four, original gum , Never Hinged , fresh and Fine-Very Fine (Scott # 166-179, $857.00 for singles). (Photo) .. . .... . ... . for singles S.G. £900
S.G. #176-178, 1938 5/-, 10/-, £1 George VI, block s of four, well centered , original gum, bottom stamps Never Hinged , top l.h. or h.r., Very Fine (Scott # 177-179 , $471.00) . (Photo) ... S.G. £440
S.G. #43, 1917 10/- Grey and Pink, nicely centered , original gum , lightly hinged , few short perfs , otherwise Very Fine (Scott #55, $650.00). (Photo) .. .. ... .. ... .. .. . .... . . ..... .. S.G. £450
September 29, 2006
S.G. #125, 1926 £1 Green and Black, bottom margin single with plate no. " I" marginal marking , unusually well centered , original gum, Never Hinged , Very Fine and choice (Scott #84, $225.00 for . . ... . .. .. .. . . .... .. . .. ...... . ....... for hinged S.G. £170 hinged ). (Photo) ...........
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Catalog or Estimated Value
2091 2092 2090
S.G. #96ab, 1960 lOR on 10/- Type II Surcharge on De La Rue Printing , striking top right corner margin block of four of this rare overprint type made even more so by having been app lied to the 10/- De La Rue printing , original gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine , an Elizabeth II reign rarity as only 10 sheets (400 stamps) received this overprint (Scott #98 var.). (Photo) for singles S.G. £640
S.G. #8, 1858 (1/2p) Dark Green, attractive used sing le with amp le to large margins, light strike of "3" oval gird numeral cancel of St. Philip Parish , Very Fine ; signed Sismondo and wit h his 2006 cert ificate (Scott #5, $225 .00) . (Photo) .......... . .. ....... ....... . . . . .. .. .... S.G. £200
S.G. #55, 1918 £1 Purple and Black on Red, well centered single with rich color , original gum , barest trace of hinging, choice Very Fine (Scott #54, $400.00). (Photo) . ... . .. ... .. .. S.G. £325
September 29, 2006
2094 S.G. #120c, 1940 12/6 Grey and Pale Orange on Ordinar y Paper, top margin sing le, flaw 3, original gum , stamp Never Hinged , margin h.r., Very Fine . (Photo) .. .. .. ... . .. .. .... Est. 100-150
S.G. #120c, 1940 12/6 Grey and Pale Orange on Ordinar y Paper, top margin sing le, flaw 4, original gum , stamp Never Hinged , margin h.r., Very Fine . (Photo) . .... .. . . .. . .. . . .. Est. 100-150
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Catalog or Estimated Value
S.G. #120c, 1940 12/6 Grey and Pale Orange on Ordinar y Paper, flaw 20a, orig inal gum , Never . . . Est. 100-150 . ........... . .... . ... . ....... . ....... Hinged , Very Fine . (Photo) ......
S.G. #120e, 1950 12/6 Grey and Pale Orange, top margin sing le, flaw 3, original gum, Never Est. 200-300 Hinged , Very Fine, one of the scarcer flaws . (Photo) .... .... . . ... .... ... ......
S.G. #l20e, 1950 12/6 Grey and Pale Orange , top margin single, flaw 4, origina l gum, Never Est. 100-150 .... . ................................... Hinged , Very Fine . (Photo) ......
S.G. #120e, 1950 12/6 Grey and Pale Orange, top margin sing le, flaws 8a, 8b, 8c, original gum , Est. 150-200 .... ....... stamp Neve r Hinged , margin l.h., Very Fine . (Photo) . ..............
2 102
S.G. #l20e, 1950 12/6 Grey and Pale Orange , flaw 8c, origina l gum , Neve r Hinged , Very Fine. Est. 100-150 . ... . ............................................. (Photo) .. ..........
S.G. #120e, 1950 12/6 Grey and Pale Orange, flaw 12b, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. . ... . ... Est. 100-150 . ....... . .... . ............. (Photo) .. . ........................
210 1
S.G. #120e, 1950 12/6 Grey and Pale Orange , flaw 31, origina l gum, Never Hinged , Very Fine. Est. 100-150 ........ ... ........ . .. . . . . . . . ........ . . ............... (Photo) . . ......
S.G. #120e, 1950 12/6 Grey and Pale Orange , flaws 49a, 49c , origina l gum, Never Hinged , Very Est. 100-150 . .... .... ............. . . ...... .. . . ....... Fine . (Photo) . ..... ...........
eptember 29, 2006
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Catalog or Estimated Value
Ex 2105
2103 2103 **D
S.G. #121b, 1943 £1 Pale Purple and Black on Pale rRd, love ly bottom margin block of four with strong color, original gum, Never Hinged , choice very Fine, ex-Ulrich (Scott #128 var.). (Photo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for singles S.G. £320
S.G. #20, 1855 4c Pale Blue, lovely pastel color, fair strike of "A03 " barred oval numeral cance l of Georgetown , amp le to full margins , minute centra l pinhole , Very Fine appearance , signed A. Diena, Bloch and with 2006 Sismondo certificate (Scott # l0b , $450.00). (Photo) . .. . . S.G. £375 S.G. #288-300 , 1934 lc-$1 George V, origina l gum, Never Hinged , fresh and Fine-Very Fine, a select set (Scott #2 10-222, $123 .00 for hinged) . (Photo) . . .... . . . .. .... ... for hinged S.G. £95
2 106 *D Japanese Occupation , S.G. #J19, 1944 $25 Black on Red, remarkable bottom right comer margin block of four, intense color, very we ll centered , origina l gum, bottom pair Never Hinged , top pair very lightly hinged, some perf separations, choice Very Fine, a magnificent block of this high value; 1967 Proud-Bailey certificate (Scott #N l 9, $5,400 for hinged). (Photo) .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for hinged S.G. £3,600
2 106 September 29, 2006
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Catalog or Estimated Value
2107 (*) #2a, 1860 2 1/2p Pale Dull Rose, fresh color, unused , Fine and scarce sound example , signed Bloch and with 2006 Sismondo certificate. (Photo) . .. . .. . .. for o.g. 250.00
2 108
September 29 , 2006
#28b, 1865 12c Pale Red Brown, Half Used as 6c, the upper left diagonal half, tied by bold cork cance l to cover to Harbor Buffet overpaying the internal 5c rate by le , faint "Placentia/30 Apr, 1869" town of origin backstamp partially drawn in by pencil and sharp "St Johns Newfoundland/Ap 23, 1869" transit backstamp , Very Fine ; the only known example of this bisect; 2005 B.P.A. certificate; ex-Dale -Lichtenstein , Pratt , Gilbert (S.G. #28a; £3 ,000). (Photo) ....... Est. 1,000-1 ,500
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Catalog or Estimated Value
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Ex 2109
4 Stamps 1 Cent Contents: 12 Stamps 2 Cents 4 Stamps 3 Cents
Ex 2112
#61P- 74P, 1897 lc-60c Discovery of Newfo undland Plate Proofs, blocks of four on india mounted on card , excellent centering with wide balanced margins , choice Very Fine , a select set of these gorgeous proofs. (Photo) . .. . ... ...... .. . . . .. . . .. ............. . . .. . .. Unitrade C$3 ,000
Unitrade #BK3, 1932 40c Booklet, Perf 14 Panes, complete booklet with nos. 184b, l86b(3) , 187b, Fine -Very Fine. (Photo) ..... . ... . .. . . ... .. ...... . .............. Un itrade C$1 ,000
Unitrade #BK4, 1932 40c Booklet, Perf 13 1/2 Panes, comp lete booklet with nos. 184a, l86a(3) , 187a, Fine -Very Fine. (Photo) . . . . . . .. . .. . . . ... .. .. . . . .. . .. . .... . ... . . . . Unitrade C$800
Septembe r 29, 2006
#213a, 214a, 225a, 1933 2c, 4c, 24c Gilbert Issues, lmperforate, pairs , 2c vertical , others horizontal , original gum , Never Hinged , choice Very Fine. (Photo) . . . . . . .. . . . ... . Unitrade C$562 "The Mirror of Literature, Amusement and Instruction", front page dated April 4, 1840, 131 x 2 I 2mm with an illustration of motorized balloon in flight and a large part of an article titled "Mr. Green 's Intended Aerial Voyage Across the Atlantic " that describes how Mr. Green plans to travel to Europe across the Atlantic in a motorized balloon that ".. consists of two prop ellers attached to a spindl e, a rudder, guid e-line and appendages. " the article goes on to describe how each part affects the horizontal movement of the balloon , page with small reinforcing at left, otherw ise Very Fine and very interesting , it is not known if Green attempted this flig ht in this balloon ; ex Cyril Harmer. .. ...... .... .. . . . ... . .. .. . .... . . ... . . . .... .. . . .... .... .. .... .... . .. . . . . . Est.50 -75 Page 33
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Catalog or Estimated Value
I .
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Ex 2114
2116 Ex 2 115
1919 Alcock and Brown Transatlantic Flight Collection, neatly mounted and annotated on pages , includes flown cover franked by #C2 tied by St. John s Jun 10 1919 machine cancel (signed Co lla, cover bit worn with some open ing breaks at top) , balance of collection comprised mostly of var ious photos relating to the flight includin g Alcock 's autograph , two single , pair and block of four Scott # 156 (vignette shows image of their aircraft) , photos of the pilot s, five photo s presumably taken by a Mr. Jewett (a private co llector and amateur photographer) with four of them being various picnires of the plane , addition al photo of the plane mired in an Irish bog , two b&w postca rds showing the plane on the gro und or in flight , Alcock & Brown 's statue at a London airport , etc ., a useful lot chronicling the eve nts surroundin g the first successfu l transatlantic flight resultin g in the £ 10,000 prize being awarde d to the pilot s by the "London Dail y Mail" . (Photo) . Est. 1,500-2,000
#Cl3 -C17, I 933 Sc-75c Labrador Issue Airmails , unusually well centered block s of four, bright fres h colors , or iginal gum, Never Hinged , Very Fine and choic e (Scott $96 0). (Photo) . . ... . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unitrade C$ 1,472
21 16
#C 18, 1933 $4.50 on 75c Balbo Flight Surcharge , very we ll centered, original gum , Neve r . . . . 500.00 . ....... . ........... . .......... Hinged, Very Fine. (Photo) . ...............
September 29, 2006
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Cata log or Estimated Value
21 19
#1, 1853 lp Red Brown, lightly cancelled , clear to large margin s, Fine and attractive sound exam ple . (Photo) . ... . . . ... . . . . .. . .. . . ........ . . . ..... ...... ... . .... . .... ....... . 525 .00
#1, 1853 lp Red Brown , light grid cancel, clear to ample margin s, fresh and Fine . (Photo) 525.00
#2 var, 1861 3p Blue, Broken Frameline at Upper Left Variety, better centering than typica lly seen, origina l gum, fres h and Fine; 1996 CPES certificate specifica lly mentioning the variety (Unitrade C$ l ,500 for norm al). (Photo) . ............. . ............... . for normal 1,000 .00
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-B 2122
2 121 2120
#2TCi , 1851 6p Red Purple Trial Color Plate Proof, bottom margin horizont al strip of three with "Rawdon , Wright , Hatch & Edson , New York." imprint , on india mounted on card , large to wide margins , Very Fine, a very scarce positional piece. (Photo) . ................ . . Unitrade C$825
#2TCxi, 1851 6p Gray Blue Trial Color Plate Proof, top margin block of four on india , vertical " SPECIMEN ." in carm ine, exemplary condition without any of the flaw s usually associated with this fragi le paper , full margin s all around , Very Fine show piece . (Photo) ...... Unitrade C$1 ,200
#3Pi, 1851 12d Black Plate Proof, on India mounted on card, vertica l " SPECIMEN " overprint in carmine, wide balanced margins, Very Fine and cho ice, a lovely proof with exce llent visual appeal. (Photo) ............ . . . . . ............... . ................. .. ... . .. Unitrade C$2,000
September 29, 2006
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I . ·,
Cata log or Estimated Value
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2 125
2 124 P
#18P, 1859 12 1/2c Yellow Green Plate Proof, blo ck of four on india mounted on card, amp le to Unitrade C$1 ,200 large margins all around , Very Fine and choice. (Photo) . ... . .. ............
2 124 P
#19TC, 1867 17c Pale Blue Trial Color Proof, stunning top left comer margin block of four with large well balanced margin s the other sides, on indi a mounted on card, Extremely Fine , a rare posiUnitrade C$1 ,000 . ...... tional multiple in extraordinary showpiece co nditi on. (Photo) ........
#19TC, 1867 17c Pale Blue Trial Color Proof, block of four on india mounted on card, large bal.. Unitrade C$ l, 000 .... ........... anced margin s, choice Very Fine . (Photo) . .. .. . .. ......
2 125
Ex 2126
September 29 , 2006
#50P-65P, 1897 1/2c-$5 Jubilee Plate Proofs , blo cks of four on india mounted on card, all wel l margined and incl. few marginal blocks , Very Fine and choice set of this popular issue , very scarce Un itrade C$2 1,400 . ... . .... . ....... w ith only 400 complete sets recorded . (Photo) . ........
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Catalog or Estimated Value
2127 Ex 2 128
Ex 2 129
2 127
Unitrade #BK3e, 4b, Sd, 1912/22 le , 2c Admiral Complete Booklets , part icular ly fresh , 4b top cover opening fold at staple, fres h and Fine-Very Fine. (Photo) .............. . Unitr ade C$975
2 129 BP
#104a / 128a, 1911/24 1c/3c Admiral Booklet Panes , Coil Block, compri sed of 104a, 105a, 105b, 106a, 107b, 108a, 109a, 128a , original gum , 128a N.H. , others lightly hinged or h.r., fresh and Fine.. . ........ .. .............. . .. ... . .. Unitrad e C$704 Very Fine. (Photo) . .. .. ..........
#60, 1897 S0c Jubilee , lovely "powdery blue" color, orig inal gum , h.r., fres h and near ly Very Fine . (Photo) .. . ........ . ............. .......... .... .... ........................ 2 10.00
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2 130
Ex 2 132 2131 2130
#116, 1912 10c Plum , very we ll centered, orig inal gum, Never Hinged , thin vertica l natural gum skip , Very Fine (Uni trade C$975) . (Photo) . .. .. .. . . .... .. ..... ............... . ... 575.00
2 13 1
#122 , $1.00 Orange , Dry Print , block of four, origi nal gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine (Sco tt . ... .......... . for singles Unitr ade C$1 ,500 $920.0 0 for singles). (Photo) .. . ..............
#1S3a/ 19Sb, 1929/33 le /Sc Booklet Panes , five better panes com pri sing Uni trade # 153a (NH) , 165bii (NH), 96biii (l.h .), 195a (l.h .), 195b (NH), fres h and Fine-Very Fine . (Photo) .. . ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Uni trade C$870
Septe mber 29, 2006
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Cata log or Esti mated Value
2 133
2 133
#177, 1930 $1 Mt. Edith Cavell , left margin block of four, unu sually we ll centered, original gum , Neve r Hin ged, Very Fine (Sco tt $ 1,500 .00 for singles). (Photo) . . . . for singles Unitrade C$2,400
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2134 2 134
** PB
September 29, 200 6
#244 , 1938 50c Vancouver Harbor, top right plate No . I and imprint block of four, excell ent centering, original gum, Neve r Hin ged, choice Very Fine. (Photo) . .. . .. ... . ...... Unitrade C$300
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Catalog or Estimated Value
2135 2135
#387a, Sc St. Lawrence Seaway, Inverted Center, margin single, wonderfully bright and fresh , exce llent centering, full origina l gum (scarce thus as many examples now have disturbed gum thanks to poor handlin g by non-collector s), Never Hinged , Extreme ly Fine , a gem examp le of one of the 20th century's most noted errors (Unitrade C$15 ,000) . (Photo) ... . . ..... .. . ... 9,250.00
September 29, 2006
#1181a, 1989 $1 Runnymede Librar y, Engraved Inscriptions Inverted, impress ive mint single of this extraord inary error, original gum , Never Hing ed, Extremely Fine , rare and seldom offered as only one sheet of25 was found (Scott $10,500.00) . (Photo) .. ..... . ..... . . Unitrade C$16 ,500
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Cata log or Estimated Value
2137 2 137
#1376b , 1994 $2 Provincial Normal School at Truro, Photogravure Inscriptions Inverted , eyecatc hing top margin single wit h partial design in the marg in, orig inal gum, Neve r Hinged , Ex tremel y Fine , a mod em rarity as only 70 examples are reported and of these nine were lost in shippin g and pres umably de stroyed ; 1998 APS certifica te (Scott $8 ,000) . (Photo) ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U ni trade C$ I 2,000
2138 2 138
September 29, 2006
#ES, 1932 20c Special Delivery , block of four , espec ially well centered , original gum , Never Unitrade C$720 Hin ge d, Very Fine and choice, a love ly block (Scott $38 0). (Photo) .... . . ......
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Ca ta log or Estimated Value
Ex 2 140
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Ex 2141
Ex 2 139
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Ex 2142
2 143 2 139
Van Dam #FEGl -FEGll , 1930 Electricit y and Gas Inspection Reven ues, compl ete set, blocks of four, original gum , Neve r Hinged, fresh and Fine-Very F ine. (Photo) ... ..... Van Dam C$278
2 140
Van Dam #FWH2b-FWH5b , 1986-89 Federal Wildlife Conservation Issues, full sheets of sixteen, original gum , Never Hinged, Extreme ly Fine . (Photo) . . . ............. Van Dam C$ 1,070
2 141
Van Dam #FWM60 -FWM71, 1930 Sc-$10 Weights and Measu res Reve nues, compl ete set, blocks of four, original gum , Never Hinged, fres h and F ine-Very Fine. (Photo) .. Van Dam C$445
2 142
Quebec Van Dam #QWla -QW4a , 1988-91 Wildlife Con servat ion Issue, Sheets of Four, immac ulate, original gum , Neve r Hin ged, Extreme ly Fine. (Photo) . . ... . ... ..... . .. Van Dam C$475
September 29 , 2006
I p Black Perkins , Baco n & Co. Plate Proof, pair on ungumm ed wove paper without wa tenn ark, full to large margins, Very Fine. (Photo ) . . .... . ..... .. . .... . ................ Est. 150-200 Pag e 41
H.R. Harmer , Inc .
Cata log or Estimated Va lue
2 146
2144 0
S.G. #Sa, 1858 lp Rose, well margined single with partial strike of (CA)NCELL(E D) marking (presuma bly fiscal or archiva l marking) , Very Fine and unusual (Sco tt #3). (Photo) .. Est. 100-150
2 145 0
S.G. #13a, 1861 lp Carmine "Woodblock ", light strike of the black triangular "CGH" cance l, repai red with one margin added and a bit of repainting in the design, Fine appearance and a handsome examp le of this scarce issue ; 2006 Sismondo cert ificate (Scott #37a, $3,400 .00) . (Photo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S.G . £3,000
2 146 0
S.G. #14, 1861 4p Pale Milky Blue "Woodblock ", crisp strike of black triangular "CGH" cancel , clear to amp le margins, two significant pre-printin g paperfolds most notic eable in the central design , repaire d from right edge to the anchor attempt ing to conceal a tear and sma ll hole, Fine appeara nce; 2006 Sismondo certificate (Scott #9, $ 1,900.00). (Photo) . ..... . . ..... S.G. £1 ,700
2 147
S.G. #14, 1861 4p Pale Milky Blue "Woodblock", huge bott om margin incorpora ting portion of adjacent stamp, margins clear to cutting other two sides, tied by two strike s of black "CG H" triangular cancel on attractive blue letter wrapper sent 9 March 1861 from Port Elizabet h (red oval backstamp) to Grahams Town, light agi ng along a centra l horizonta l file fold clear of stamp , Fine usage ; Est. 3,000-4,000 2004 BPA certificate (Scott #9 var.) . (Photo) .. . .. ... . ... .. . .. ............
2148 2 148 0
September 29, 2006
S.G. #14e, 4p Woodblock , Vermilion, Error of Color, an attractive used example of this major classic rarity, large margins to into , fresh color, centra l fau lts and creased - which are not visible on the face , Fine appeara nce; a rare opportunity to own a great rarity ; 1982 B.P.A. certifica te (Scot t .. . ... . . . .. . . . . .. . ... . . S.G . £40 ,000 9f; $65 ,000). (Photo) . . .... .. . . .. . . . ..... ........ Page 42
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2 149 2 149
2 150
S.G. #18, 1864 lp Deep Carmine , pair, deep rich co lor, ampl e to large margi ns, original gum , Very Fine and choice (Sco tt # 12, $350 for singles). (Photo) . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. for singles S.G. £30 0 S.G. #19c var., 1864 4p Steel Blue, Watermark Sideways, pair, clear to large margins, pen cancel removed, Very Fine, a scarce pair combining an elusive color variety and the sideways watermark; 2006 Sismondo certificate (Scott # 13b var.). (Photo ) .... . .. . ... .. . . ... . . . Est. 200-300
2 152
2 153
2 15 1
S.G. #18, 1864 lp Deep Carmine , pair, strong co lor, clear to large margins, original gum , h.r., Very Fine (Sco tt # 12, $350 for singles) . (Photo) .. . .. . . .. . . . .. .... . . .... . . . for singles S.G. £300
2 15 1 0
2 152
2 150
Catalog or Estimated Va lue
2 154 0
2 153
S.G. #20, 1864 6p Bright Mauve, pair, beautifu l color, full balanced margins, original gum , Very Fine and choice (Scott # 14, $420.00 for singles) . (Photo) . . . ..... . . . . . .. . for singles S.G. £380 S.G. #20, 1864 6p Bright Mauve, pair, unusually fresh color , ample to full margins, original gum , h.r., Very Fine and attrac tive (Scott # 14, $420.0 0 for sing les). (Photo) . . ... for singles S.G. £380 S.G. #20, 1864 6p Bright Mauve , indistinct black cance l, clear to huge margins and incorporat ing a portion of the adjacent stamp at the bottom, presse d diago nal crease , Very Fine appeara nce; 2006 Sismondo certificate (Sco tt # 14, $500.00) . (Photo) .. . .. . . .. . ..... . .... . ......... S.G. £450
September 29, 200 6
1908 "ID " on 4p Black and Red on Yellow, orig ina l gum , lightly hinged, minor perf tip toned spot, otherw ise Fine; like the other prov isional va lues, this one came about due to a shortage of 1p stamps necessary for receipt purp oses , a small " ID " in metal type was fashioned and used to surcharge a full sheet of 100 (so ld to an American who had originally requested the lp stamp s) and 296 other stamps which were dispersed as necessary though only for fisca l, not postal, use only, mentioned and priced in S.G. and Scott footnotes ; signed Thier and Champ ion, 2006 Sismo ndo certificate S.G. £225 (Scott $300.00) . (Photo) . . .. .. ..... .. . . ... . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . .. . . ... .......... Page 43
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Catalog or Estima ted Value
2158 Ex 2 157
Ex 2156 2 156
S.G. #96-107 , 1935/36 George V, original gum , Neve r Hinged , fresh and Fine-Very Fine (Scott ... .. ... .. .. . .... . . ... for hinged S.G. £ 180 #85-96 , $350.00 for NH). (Photo) ............
2 157
S.G. #115/126, 1938/43 1/4p-10/- George VI, comp lete less the 2 l/2 p orange and 3p blue , blocks of four, original gum , Never Hinged , Fine-Very Fine (Sco tt # 100-111, $540.00). (Photo) .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. 200-300
S.G. #4, 1859 4p Dull Rose, light grid cancel, three clear to full margins, ju st into desig n at left, Fine and scarce sound examp le of this rarity; 2000 RPSL cert ificate (Scott #5, $5,250.00). (Photo)
£4,500 Nov
::7, 1378
2 161 2 160 2 159
2 159 P
S.G. 138P, 1879 2R50c Victoria Die Proof, in black on white glazed card, 94x60mm , stampe d "Nov 27, 1878." and "BEFORE HARD ENING" in black , Very Fine. (Photo) ...... Est. 300-400 S.G. #360, 1927 l00r Ultramarine and Dull Violet, we ll centered mint single, fresh , orig inal gum , very lightly hinged , Extreme ly Fine (Sco tt 247, $ 1,500 .00) . (Photo) . .. .. . . .. . .... S.G. £ 1,300
Septembe r 29, 2006
S.G. #102 , 1924 £1 Purple and Black on Red, unusually we ll centered single with inten se color, original gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine , seldom seen this nice (Scott # 110, $350.00 for hinged) . Page 44
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Cata log or Estima ted Value
(Photo) .... for hinged S.G. £300
2 162
2 162
S.G. #102, 1924 £1 Purple and Black on Red, top margin block of four with plate no. " l ", nicely centered , post-office fresh , original gum, ever Hinged , Very Fine, an attractive block with plenty of eye-appeal (Scott # 110, $1,400.00 for hinged). (Photo) ... .. . . ..... for hinged S.G. £1,200
S.G. #132, 1928 £1 George V, exceptionally well centered block of four, original gum, Never Hinged , choice Very Fine (Scott # 123, $900.00 for hinged). (Photo) .. . .... for hinged S.G. £900
H: APR03
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2165 Ex 2163 2164
S.G. #151/163, 1938/43 1/4p/£1 George VI, blocks of four complete less the 1951 issues (l /2p violet, 1 l /2p green, 4p ultra) , original gum without any of the toning so often seen, Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine (Scott # 143-155, $700.00) . (Photo) .. . ........................ Est. 200-300
September 29, 2006
1903 2a Edward VII Frame Die Proof, in black on white glazed card, 92x60mm, stamped "I 0 APR. 03" in blue and "BEFORE HARDENING " in black , fresh and Very Fine. (Photo) ...... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. 400-500 Page 45
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Cata log or Estimated Value
Ex 2166
September 29, 2006
S.G. #127-138, 1933 1/2p-£1 Centenary, impres sive set of blocks of four with £1 being a bottom margin block with patt imprint , very well centered especially the high values , rich co lors, original gum, I 0/-, £ I two stamps Never Hinged , two l.h., 2/6, 5/- three stamps Never Hinged , one l.h., l/2pl/- one stamp Never Hinged , three I.h., Very Fine and cho ice, a scarce set of blocks of one of the pre-eminent sets in all the British Commonwealth (Sco tt #65-76, $14 ,216 for hinged singles). {Photo) . . ... . .... . ... . ......... .. . ........... .. . ...... for hinged singles S.G. £11,000
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Ex 2168
Ex 2167
Cata log or Estimated Value
S.G. #146-163 , 1938-50 1/2p-£1 George VI, complete set in blocks of four, original gum, Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine , a scarce set in unmounted multipl es (Scott #84-96 , 101-102, $ 1,88 1.00 for for sing les S.G. £1,600 . ............. . . .. . .. .. ...... singles). (Photo) . .................
FIJI 2168
S.G. #298-310, 1959-63 1/2p-£1 Elizabeth II , blocks of four, post-office fresh without any of the toning so often seen, original gum, Never Hinged, F ine-Very Fine (Scott # 163-175, $23 1.00 for sin. . for singles 2002 S.G. £160 ........... .. ............ gles). (Photo) ...................
2169 Ex 2170
S.G. #85, 1912, £1 Dull Purple and Black on Red, stunning right margin block of four, nicely centered , origina l gum , hinged in the margin and the top right stamp trace of hinging , other three stamp s Never Hinged , Very Fine , a desirable and attractive multiple (Scott #75, $600 .00 for hinged singles). for hinged singles S.G. £520 .. ......... .. ..... . ....... (Photo) . .. . . . .................
S.G. #145-158, 1953 1/2p-£1 Pictorials , bottom left comer margin block s of fifteen with portion of De La Rue imprint, original gum, ever Hinged , fresh and Very Fine (Scott # 132-45, $2,745 .00 . . for singles S.G. £2, I 00 . ................ for sing les). (Photo) . . .. .....................
September 29, 2006
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Catalog or Estimat ed Value
lffl WOlllDS
wm smi,
C3J,,. ..t _Id §
.Q §
Ex 2171
c:3J,...t ) d § D .§
2174 2 173
GRENADA 2 17 1
S.G. #135-144, 1934/36 1/2p-5/- Georg e V, post-office fres h blocks of four , orig inal gum , Never Hinged , Fine-Very F ine (Scott # 114-123, $500.00 for H sing les). (Photo) .. .. . ....... .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for hinged singles S.G. £200
GUYANA 2 172
#26a, Sc British Guiana le Black on Magenta Commemoration, lmp erforate , comp lete pane of 50, orig inal gu m, ever Hin ged, ve ry light fingerprints on gum affect four pairs , right co lumn with sma ll fau lts, otherwise Very Fine and probab ly uniqu e; Scott lists the variety but does not price it; unli sted and unpric ed in Gibbons . (Photo) ... ... . . . .. . . . . . .. .. ... .. . . .. . . Est. 2,000-3 ,000
INDIA 2 173 O D
S.G. #11, 1854 la Deep Red, block of fou r from die I, eac h stamp of the block w ith a clear black 9x9 rhombus of dots cance l, clear to wide margins , Very Fine multiple ; signed Sismondo and with his 2006 certificate (Scott #4 var.). (Photo) . ....... . . . .. .. ....... . .... for sing les S.G . £200
2 174 0
S.G. #13, 1854 la Deep Red, horizontal strip of four from die II, eac h stamp of the block wi th a black " I" barred numeral cance l, clear to wide margin s, third stamp a small surface scuff , otherwise Very Fine ; signe d Sismondo and with his 2006 certificate (Scott #4 var.). (Photo) .......... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for sing les S.G. £200
September 29 , 2006
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Catalog or Estimated Value
.L,. '1
H· ;urn1NG
Ex 2175
Ex 2176
2175 P
S.G. #84P/101P, 1882/87 9p-1R Victoria Die Proofs, comp lete set of eleven values with images in black on white glazed card, proper sizes with date and "BEFORE HARDENING " (two different types) except 3a with "AFTER HARDENING ", fresh and Very Fine, a choice set for the discriminating collector. (Photo) . . ........ . .... .... . ..... ..... ................ Est. 3,000-4 ,000
2176 P
1902 IR Edward VII Vignette and Partial Frame Die Proof, in black on white glazed card, 92x60mm, stamped "22 DEC. 02" in blue and "AFTER HARDENING " in black, ms. "WHK" endorsement bottom left, exceptionally fresh and Very Fine. (Photo) ........ .. .. . Est. 400-500
Ex 2177 Ex 2178
S.G. #95-99, 1938 2R-25R George VI "CHAMBA STATE" Overprints , margin singles , original gum, Never Hinged , Very Fine, tough to find these high values this nice ; 25R with 1996 BPA certificate (Scott #83-87, $710.00 for hinged) . (Photo) ...... .. .... .... ........ ..... S.G. £643
S.G. #102-107, 1942/47 1R-25R George VI "CHAMBA" Overprints, bottom interpanneau margin singles, very well centered, original gum, Never Hinged , Very Fine and choice, elusive this nice ; 25R with 1996 BPA certificate (Scott # 101-106, $644 .00 for hinged) . (Photo) ........ S.G. £497
September 29, 2006
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Catalog or Estimated Value
Ex 2179
Ex 2181
Ex 2182 2179
S.G. #068-071, 1939/40 lR-lOR George VI "CHAMBA STATE SERVICE" Overprint, margin blocks of four of this scarce issue, well centered , original gum with typical light overall even toning (not mentioned on cert.), Never Hinged , Very Fine; IR with 1996 BPA certificate (Scott for sing les S.G. £ 1,748 #051 A-O54 , $4,030.00 for hinged singles). (Photo) . . . ...............
S.G. #083-086, 1942 lR-l0R George VI "CHAMBA SERVICE" Overprint, vertica l right margin pairs with gutter between , original gum , Never Hinged , Fine-Very Fine ; l OR with I 996 BPA for sing les S.G. £390 certificate (Scott #066-069 , $555.00 for hinged singles). (Photo) . ........
S.G. #092-094, 1942/47 2R-I0R George VI Overprints , vertica l margin pairs with gutter between , original gum with light even overall toning as often (not mentioned on cert.) , Never Hinged , Fine-Very Fine ; I OR with 1996 BPA certificate (Scott #049-51 , $265 for hinged singles). . .... for sing les S.G. £256 .... . . ... . .. ............ (Photo) ... . . . . .. .................
Septembe r 29 , 2006
S.G. #121-125, 1938 lR-lSR George VI "JIND STATE" Overprint , comer margin blocks of four, original gum with usua l light even overall toning (not mentioned on cert.) , Never Hinged , Fine-Very Fine; I SR with 1996 BPA certificate (Scott # 145-49, $ 1,346 for hinged singles). (Photo) . .. . ..... . ... for sing les S.G. £788 . . ... . .. . .... . .. ............. .... . .... . .. . . ...... Page 50
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Catalog or Estimated Value
2 184
2 183
Bundi, S.G. #46, 1914/41 2r Red Brown and Black, full sheet of four, without gum as issued, fresh and Very Fine (Scott #28, $ 140.00 for singles). (Photo) . .. . ... . .... for singles S.G. £300
2 183 * D
2 184
2 185
Bundi, S.G. #48, 1917/41 4R Emerald and Scarlet, top right comer margin single, sumptu ous colS.G. £225 ors, without gum as issued, fresh and Very Fine (Scott #30, $275.00). (Photo) . ....... Bundi, S.G. #49, 1917/41 SR Scarlet and Emerald, another exceptional top right comer margin single, luscious colors, without gum as issued, Very Fine and choice (Scott #3 1, $300.00). (Photo) ........ ... .. .. ... ......... . ........................................... S.G. £250
2 186 2 186
2 187
2 188
2 189
2 185
September 29, 2006
2 187
2 188
2 189
Bundi, S.G. #49, 1917/41 SR Scarlet and Emerald , striking top right comer margin single, rich vibrant colors, without gum as issued, Very Fine and choice (Scott #3 1, $300.00). (Photo) ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S.G. £250 Bundi, S.G. #O25B, 1915/41 3R Blue and Red Brown, Overprint Type "B", unusually well centered single, strong colors, without gum as issued, choice Very Fine (Scott #014 , $ 175.00). (Photo) .. . . . . . .. . ................................... . ......................... S.G. £225 Bundi , S.G. #O26A, 1915/41 4R Emerald and Scarlet, Overprint Type "A", rich colors, without gum as issued, nearly Very Fine (Scott #015 var.). (Photo) .. . . ..... . .......... S.G. £300 Bundi, S.G. #O27A, 1915/41 SR Scarlet and Emerald , Overprint Type "A", intense colors, without gum as issued, nearly Very Fine (Scott #01 6 var.). (Photo) ... . ........ . ... S.G. £325
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Catalog or Estimated Value
Ex 2192
Ex 2191 2190
Bundi, S.G. #O27B, 1915/4 1 SR Scarlet and Emerald, Overprint Type "B", unusually well centered sing le, rich vibrant colors , without gum as issued , choice Very Fine (Scott #032 var.). (Photo) . . .... . ........... .. . ..... . .. . .. . .... . ........................... .. .. .. S.G. £325
c.1922 Dollard Essays, group of eleven different lithographed issues showing an angel sound ing a trumpet and leaning on an Irish harp at her side , three monocolored , eight bicolored , all perf 12 on gummed stamp paper , origina l gum , most small h.r., fresh and Fine-Very Fine. (Photo) . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2002 Hibernian €465 S.G. #99-101 , 1935 2/6, 5/-, 10/- Overprints , post-office fresh, original gum , Never Hinged , FineVery Fine , an attractive set (Scott #93-95 , $1,800 .00 for NH) . (Photo) .. .. . for hinged S.G. £375
1921 6p Abolition of Slavery, Watermark Multiple Crown Block CA, "SPECIME N" Overprint Reading Up, Samue l type D 12 overprint , original gum , sma ll h.r., fresh and Fine and handsome example of this unissued variety who se non-release was politically motivated (Scott .. . ......... . . .... . . . . . ........ S.G. £700 $ 1,500 .00). (Photo) .... . . . .. . . .. ...........
1921 6p "Port Royal in 1853" Vignette Proof, engraved in deep blue on card , 51x34mm , Very Fine, this vignette was used as a replacement for the unissued design show ing the reading of the . . ..... . .. . .. . . .. . . . . Est. 200-300 emancipation document. (Photo) . . .. . .. . ... . . . . ......
September 29 , 200 6
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Catalog or Estimated Value
S.G. #93P, 1922 7s.50c.George V Frame Die Proof, in black on white glazed card , 92x6 lmm , choice Very Fine . (Photo) . . .... .. .... . .. . ... . . . . . ........ ..... . .. . .. . . . .. Est. 400-500
S.G. #105P, 1925 £100.G eorge V Frame Die Proof, struck vert ically in black on white glazed card , 93x60mm , sta mped "BEFORE HARDENING" in black , Very Fine , a very scarce proofofthis classic Commonwea lth high value. (Photo) . . ... . . . . . ....... .... .... ..... .. . . Est. 500- 750
... . ... ................... 1 .. .... :
2 199
S.G. #110-23, 1935 lc-£1 George V, wonderfu lly fresh colo rs, origina l gum , Never Hinged , FineVery Fine (Scott #46 -59, $600.00 for NH) . (Photo) . ... ....... . .. .. . . . .. for hinged S.G . £250
Barefoot #13, 1936 $25 Purple and Blue on Blue Revenue, block of four, deep luxurious unrubbed colors , original gum , bottom pair ever Hinged , top pair very lightly hinged , Fine-Very Fine , an elusive multiple. (Photo) ..... . . .. . .. ... .... . . .. ........ . . .. ..... . Est. 150-200
MALTA 2 199 P
September 29, 2006
S.G. #24P, 1885 2 l/2p Victoria Die Proof, in black on wh ite glazed card , 92x60mm , sta mped "18 FEB. 84" and "BEFORE HARDENING " in black , Very Fine; signed Sismondo and with his 2002 certificate . (Photo) . . ... ........ ..... . ... . . ... . .. . ... . ...... . . . .. . . . . ... Est. 400-500 Page 53
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Catalog or Estim ated Value
220 1
2200 P
S.G. #39P, 1903 Ip Edward VII Frame Die Proof, in black on white glazed card , 92x60mm , stamped " 14 NOV. 02" in blue and "BEFORE HARDENING " in black , Very Fine; signed Est. 400-500 . ........... Sismondo and with his 2002 certificate. (Photo) . . . . . . .. . .........
S.G. #41P, 1903 2 1/2p Edward VTI Frame Die Proof, in black on wh ite glazed card , 92x60mm , stampe d "22 NOV. 02" in blue and "BEFORE HARDENING " in black , Very Fine ; signed Est. 400-500 Sismondo and with his 2002 certificate . (Photo) . . . . .... . . . .... .. . . .... . ......
INB HARDE.N 2204 2202
S.G. #87, 96, 1919 2/6 Brown, 10/- Brownish Orange Printer 's Samples, "SPECIMEN" Overprints, issued designs on imperforate card stock with black overpr ints (2/6 Samuels type DS 3, I 0/- type DS2), Very Fine and scarce; ex Samuels ; each signe d Sismondo and with his 2002 certifi.. . Est. 400-500 ..... . ........ . . . .... . ........ cate for the pair. (Photo) . ...............
S.G. #124P, 1922 1/2p Deep blue and Reddish Brown Printer's Sample Proof, "SPECIMEN" Overprint , issued design on imperforate ungummed unw atermarked white paper , black overprint (Samuels type DS2 ), fresh and Very Fine; ex Samuel s; signed Sismondo and with his 2002 certifi..... .. .. Est. 300-400 ... . .. ....... . . .. . .... .. ............. cate. (Photo) . .. . ........
S.G. #129P, 1926 2 1/2p "Allegory of Malta" Tablets Die Proof, in black on white glazed card , 92x60mm, stamped "BEFORE HARDENING " in black, Very Fine ; signed Sismondo and with his Est. 400-500 2002 certificate . (Photo) . . . .. .... . . .. .. ... .. .. . .... . .....................
September 29, 2006
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Catalog or Estimated Value
2205 P
S.G. #139P, 1922 £1 Brown and Ultramarine Printer 's Sample Proof, "SPECIMEN " Overprint, issued design on imperforate ungummed unwatermarked white paper, diagona l black overprint (Samuels type DS3), Very Fine and attract ive; ex Samuels; signed Sismondo and with his 2002 certificate. (Photo) . .................................. . .. ........... Est. 300-400
2206 P
S.G. #139P, 1922 £1 Green and Ultramarine Printer's Sample Proof , "SPECIMEN " Overprint , issued design on imperforat e ungummed unwatermarked white paper, black overpr int (Samuels type DSJ ), Very Fine and rare ; ex Samuels; signed Sismondo and with his 2002 certificate. (Photo) . ...... .. . . .. ... . .... . . .. ... .. ....... . .... .. .. . ..... . ... . . Est. 300-400
2207 P
S.G. #139P, 1922 £1 Brown and Ultramarine Printer 's Sample Proof, "SPECIMEN" Overprint , issued design on imperforate ungummed unwatermarked white paper , black overpri nt (Sam uels type DS2), choice Very Fine ; ex Samuels; signed Sismondo and with his 2002 certificate . (Photo) ....... . ..... . ..... ...... . ... .. . .... ....... .... .. . . ......... . . Est. 300-400
I Ex 2209 2208
S.G. #140, 1925 £1 Black and Bright Carmine, Watermark Script CA Upright, handsome top right comer margin block of four, original gum , stamps Never Hinged, margin l.h., Very Fine and ... . . .. . for hinged S.G. £400 attractive (Scott # 114, $560.00 for hinged). (Photo) ............
September 29, 2006
S.G. #84-93, 1932 1/2p-5/- 300th Settlement Anniversary , bottom right plate no. I blocks of four, P.O. fresh , original gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine and choice set; each 5/- single signed Bolaffi ... .. . ... ...... for binged S.G. £600 (Scott #7 5-84, $ 1,300 .00 for NH singles). (Photo) ...... Page 55
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Cata log or Estimated Value
M a1. 1, 187~ .
FEB. J.'2
22 12
22 10 P
22 11 P
1874 5/- Victoria Die Proof, in black on white glazed card, 92x60m m, stamped "May. 1, 1874." and "BEFORE HARDENING " in black, choice Very Fine. (Photo) ....... . ...... Est. 400-500 S.G. #96P, 1880 1/2p Victoria Die Proof, in black on white glazed card , 92x60mm , stamp ed " 15 JUN. 80." in blue and and "BEFORE HARDENING " in black, Very Fine . (Photo) .. Est. 400 -500
22 12 P
S.G. #143P, 1902 £1.10 Edward VII Frame Die Proof, in black on white glazed card , 92x60mm , stamped " 17 FEB. 02" in blue and "BEFORE HARDENING " in black, unusually fresh and Very . .......... Est. 400-500 Fine , a gem proofof this high va lue. (Photo) .... . .. . .... . ........
2213 22 13
September 29, 2006
(New Guinea) S.G. #15, 1914, Ssh on Sm Slate and Carmine , First Setting , an outstandin g example of this very scarce issue , deep rich colors and sharp proof-like impressions on fresh pap er, orig inal gum with only a single hinge mark at top center , fresh and Very Fine ; acco rding to Michel , only 102 of both surcharges were printed ; signed Blo ch (Scott # 15, $7,250.00) (Photo) ... S.G. £7, 000 Page 56
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Lot --------------------
Ca talog or Estimated Value
-,111 ► IIIU> 11..J::)-Q
Ex 2216
Ex 22 18
Ex 22 15
22 14 Ex 2219 2217 2214 0
S.G. #28, 1859 2p Blue, Roulette 7, light ly canceled , ma ll fau lts, Fine appearance , a rare stamp in any condition (Scot t #8c, $3,400.00). (Photo) ......... .. ..... . . .. . ........ . S.G. £3,000
22 15 BP
Scott #13lb/186Ab, 1909/35 1/2p, Ip Booklet Panes, nine panes with group of l/2 p "Dom inion" plus Ip George V "Bu st" or "Adm iral" panes , most wit h slogans in the margin s, original gum, Never Hinged , Fine-Very Fine . (Photo) ... .. . ............. . .. . Campbell Pater son NZ$3,360
22 16 **D
S.G. #613-625, 1940 l/p-1/- Centenar y of Proclamation of British Sovereignty, blocks of four, original gum, Never Hin ged, fresh and Fine -Very Fine (Sco tt #229-24 I, $300). (Photo) S.G. £260
22 17 **
S.G. #F207, 1951 £2.IOs Red, bottom right comer margin single, wonderfully well centered, original gum , Neve r Hin ged , choice Very Fine (Sco tt #AR90 , $225 for hinged). (Photo) . .. S.G. £275
S.G. #0141-0151, 1940 1/2p-l/- Centenary Official Overprints, we ll centered block s of four, origina l gum , Never Hinged , fresh and Very Fine (Scott #076 -0 86, $760). (Photo) . ... S.G. £640
Barefoot #210/232, 1880 4p/£20 Stamp Duty Fiscals, Plate Proofs, group of 25 proofs in similar to issued colors on card, extra shade 2/-, 2/6 values, set missing the 12/6 and 15/- va lues but with a 25/- and 30/-, most full margins, some sma ll faults , an overa ll Fine-Very Fine set. (Photo) ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. 200-300
September 29, 2006
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Catalog or Estimated Value
. ................•......................... . .......•......... .······:. 2220
Ex 222 1 t 1e
rOflpccu ng
::>•. •f J.n,pect; ......... .... ... ~.Q_(.-<: ..,......... aod ,Int, du•
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10 -
2224 2222
S.G. #12b, 1927 £1 Deep Purple and Black on Red, Die II , we ll centered, original gum , lightly hinged, short but heavy internal gum crease , still Very Fine (Sco tt # 12a , $200 .00). (Photo) .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S.G. £ 190 S.G. #34-45 , 1936 1/2p-£1 George V Pictorial s, impress ive set of top left comer margin blocks of four, post-office fresh, original gum, Neve r Hin ged, Very Fi_n e, a select set (Sco tt #38-49, $634. 00 ... .. .. . .... . ... .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .... . . for hinged S.G. £560 for hinged). (Photo) . . ........
Barefoot #5, 1925 £50 George V Revenue , horizontal strip of four plu s £2 Revenue (Barefoo t 1) and 10/- Geo rge VI postage issue (S.G. 44) all tied on a British South Afr ica Company mining inspection document (folded) dated 26 Mar 49, stamps tied by Acco untant General's Dept. 6(?) Apr 49 oval hand stamps, I 0/- stamp sma ll edge tear, still a Fine usage. (Photo) .. . .. Barefoo t £205+
eptember 29, 200 6
S.G. #99, 1916 £1 Chocolate and Dull Blue, original gum, lightly hinged, fresh and Fine (Scott #26, $300 .00). (Photo) . ...... . ... . .. . . ... . ........ .. ...... .. ............ . . S.G. £250 S.G. #99, 1916 £1 Chocolate and Dull Blue, vert ical strip of three show ing the three different overprint settings, unusually we ll centered, original gum with center stamp being Neve r Hinged, Very Fine and choice (Scott #26 var.). (Photo) .. . .... . . . ... . . . . ..... . ... . .. . . S.G. £ 1,000+
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Y02 13 MA
Catalog or Esti mated Value
lH:I [IKt.
Ex 2225 2226 2225
S.G. #106 , 109-117, 1919 2p/ 10/- Overprints , original gum , some sma ll h.r., fresh and Fine-Very . . S.G. £281 . . . ... . .. ......... Fine (Scott #29, 3 1-37, $330.00) . (Photo) . .... ... ... ......
1902 Edward VII Frame Die Proof , in black on wh ite glazed card , 9 l x60mm , stamped " 13 MAY. 02" in blue and "BEFORE HARDE ING" in black (both without smeari ng-scarce thus), choic e Est. 400-500 .... .......................... Very Fine . (Photo) .... .. .... . ... . ........
Ex 2227
S.G. #119s/185s, 1910/13 l/2p-£1 Double Head , "SPECIME " Overprint , magnificent com plete set, perf 14 except 2 l /2p, 8p perf 13 1/2, Samuels type R7 overprint , each value very well centered with brilliant colors and pristine ever Hinged original gum , Very Fine ; we doubt a finer set ex ists, a must for the true connoisseur of the Double Head issue. (Photo) . ..... .. .... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for hinged S.G. £3,250
S.G. #243 , 1913/22 £1 Black and Violet, Perf 14, Head Die II , eye-catchi ng mint 2228 single with intense co lors enhanced by the fresh white paper upon which it is printed , original gum , Never Hinged , a Very Fine examp le of this popular high va lue (Scott # 138, $400.00 for for hinged S.G. £325 . . .. ... . . ........ .. .. . .......... hinged) . (Photo) . ............ 2228 September 29, 2006
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Ca talog or Estimated Value
o JUN12
C BEF ,,, ,_ HARUb
,r:0 IIARDC. 1
KING â&#x20AC;¢ 1"R1
September 29, 2006
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Catalog or Estimated Value
S.G. #74P, 1913 1 1/2p George V Frame Die Proof, in black on white glazed card , 91x60mm , stamp ed "6 MAR. 13" in blue and "BEFORE HARDENING " in black, Very Fine and choice. (Photo) ..... . .. .. .. ....... ..... . .. ...... . ............. . . ... . ......... Est. 400 -500
2230 P
S.G. #77P, 1913 3p George V Frame Die Proof, in black on white glazed card, 92x6 l mm , stampe d "6 MAR . 13" in blue and "BEFORE HARDENING " in black , Very Fine and choice. (Photo) ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. 400 -500
223 1 P
S.G. #78P, 1912 8p George V Frame Die Proof, in black on wh ite glazed card, 92x60mm , stamped " 12 JUL. 12" in blue and "BEFORE HARDENING " in black , Very Fine and choice. (Photo) ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. 400 -500
2232 P
S.G. #79P, 1912 1/- George V Frame Die Proof , in black on white glazed card, 92x60mm , stamped " 8 JUN. 12" in blue and "BEFORE HARD ENIN G" in black , Very Fine and choice. (Photo) ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. 400-500
S.G. #96P, 1922 £1 George V Frame Die Proof, in black on white glazed card, 92x60mm , stamped "BEFORE STRIKING " in black , penciled ms. endorsement "20/4/22", Very Fine. (Photo) . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. 400-500
2234 P
S.G. #106P, 1922 1/- George V Frame Die Proof, in black on white glazed card , 92x60mm , stam ped "AF TER HARDENING " in black, penciled ms. endorseme nt "30/3/22", Very Fine. (Photo) . . ... . .. . . . ...... . .... . . ...... .. . . . . ..... . ........ . .. .... ... . . Est. 400 -500
September 29 , 2006
S.G. #92a, 1923 4p Grey and Black on Yellow, "Broken Mainmast" Variety, intense colors , original gum, fres h and Fine (Scott #95 var.). (Photo) . .. .. .... . ...... . . ..... . . .. .... S.G. £ 150 S.G. #96, 1922 £1 Grey and Purple on Red, stunn ing used block of four with crisp strikes of"St. Helena NO 8 36" cancel s, particularl y well centered, Very Fine and cho ice, used blocks of this high va lue are seldom seen (Scott #99, $2,200 for singles). (Photo) .. . .. .. .. . for singles S.G . £ 1,800
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Ex 2237 2237
S.G. #113-124, 19361/2p-10 /- George V Pictorial s, splendid set of blocks of four, post-offic e fresh and we ll centered, origina l gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine, a select set (Sco tt #95- 106, $560 .00 for H) . (Photo) . .. .. . .... . . .. .... .. . .. . .... . .. . ..... . . . .. . .. ... . .. for hinged S.G. £260
S.G. #32, 1880 5/- Rose Red, impress ive mint single showi ng star plus "AGE" waterma rks, we ll centered for this issue with deep rich co lor, large part or iginal gum, h.r., Very Fine and choice, only 2,000 printed of which 800 were overprinted for fiscal use, a select exa mple of one of the most S.G . £ 1,000 attract ive of all the Emp ire's Victorian issues (Scott #29, $ I ,250 .00). (Photo) . ......
S.G. #91-93, 1941 4p-6p War Effort, folded full sheets of 60 (30 pairs/sheet), 3p with some internal perf separation s and the "Cigarette " flaw at pos. 18/2, origina l gum , Neve r Hinged, Fine-Very for pairs S.G. £3,477 .. .............. Fine (Sco tt #85-87 , $2,280 .00 for pairs) . .. ... .. ......
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Ex 2241
Ex 2240 2240
S.G. #74-85, 19311/2p-20 /- Pictorials , bottom margin blocks of four, original gum, Never Hinged , . .. Est. 200-300 fresh and Fine-Very Fine (Scott # 108- 120, $450 .00 for hinged ). (Photo) .......
224 1
S.G. #74-85, 19311/2p-20 /- Pictorials , bottom margin blocks of four with Bradbury , Wilkinson & Co. imprint , original gum, Never Hinged, fresh and Fine-Very Fine (Scott # I 08- 120, $450 .00 for .. . . . .. .. ... . .. Est. 200-300 hinged) . (Photo) . . . .... . ... . . . . .... .... . ... . ..... . ......
September 29, 2006
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... Ex 2242
Ex 2243 2242
S.G. #011-016, 1962 2p-£1 Centenar y of Emancipation Overprint Airmail Officials, blocks of four, £ 1 bottom margin with part imprint , fresh untoned original gum, Never Hinged , Fine-Very Fine, a scarce modem issue with reportedly only 510 sets sold (Scott #CO l-CO6 , $876 .00 for sin.. ... 2002 S.G. £800 gles). (Photo) . . .. . . ... .. .. . . . . .. ...............................
S.G. #208-221 , 1922 lm-£Pl Definitives , blocks of fo ur, orig inal gum, £Pl two stam ps Never Hinged and two very lightly hinged, other blocks very lightly hinged , fresh and Fine-Very Fine, a rare set in multiples (Scott # 185-198, $2,325.00 for sing les). (Photo) . ... . for singles S.G. £2,400
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' 2244
Ex 2245
Barefoot #86a, 1902 2/6 Edward VII Revenue, Center Inverted, fresh unrubbed color, origina l . gum, sma ll h.r., Fine and quite scarce , a lovely stamp for the invert devotee. (Photo) . . ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barefoot £500
Septemb er 29, 2006
S.G. #1-12, 1952 1/2p-10/- George VI Overprints , marg in blocks of four, original gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine, a pristine set (Scott # 1-12, $455.00) . (Photo) . . . .. . . .... ... . . .. . S.G. £360
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2246 2246
S.G. #221P, 1904 2R Monogram Die Proof, in black on white glazed card, 9 l x60 rnm, stam ped . . . Est. 300-400 "29 JAN. 04" in blue , particularly fre sh and Very Fine. (Photo) ..............
2247 2247
S.G. #244, 1980 l00R Black and Steel Blue , select mint single proof-like co lor enhanced by the crisp white paper upon wh ich hinged, choice Very Fine ; signed A. Diena and wit h his 1974 (Photo) . ..... . ..... . .. .. .... . .... . ... .. . . . . . . ..... ..
with exce llent centering and vivid it is printed , origina l gum, lightly certificate (Scott # 118, $750.00). .. . .... . ... . .. . . ... S.G. ÂŁ650
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Second Session
Friday , September 29, 2006 at 1:30 P.M.
Ex 2248
Ex 2251
Ex 2249
Ex 2250
#15-25 , 1966 Sf on Snp - ld on lOr Overprints, origina l gum, Never Hinged , fresh and Fine-Very Fine , only 3,000 sets issued (Mic hel # 15A-25C , €280 ). (Photo) .......... . . .. . .... . .. 27 1.50
#2280-2281 , 1988 60q, 90q Peop le's Army Anniversary, bottom margin block s of four, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine , only 4,000 sets issued (Michel #2367 -2368 , €400 for singles). (Photo) .. .. .. . . ... . . .. . ............... . ...... . . .... . .... . . . . .. . . . for singles 360.00
#2282-2284A , 1988 30q-1.20L Prominent People, bottom margin blocks of four, orig inal gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine , only 4,000 sets issued (Michel #2369-2372 , €400 for singles) . (Photo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for singles 360.00
September 29, 2006
#C22-C28 , 1929 5q-3Fr Airmail Overprints , fresh colors , origina l gum with most values a bit of disturb ed gum , sma ll h.r., Fine-Very Fine , only 1,014 sets issued; 1Fr-3Fr signed Bloch, all values signed Sismondo and with his 2006 certificate for the set (Mic hel #210-216) . (Photo) . . .. 640.00 Page 65
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I _ii11il
ANG OLA #7, 1870 lO0r Lilac, uncancelled , affixed to sma ll cove r to Fran ce, "Trunabordeaux 4 Mar s 87' ' doub le circle date stamp and "T" in triangle hs., France 20c and 30c Due s tied by "Dijon 5 Mar s 87" double circle date sta mps, Very Fine; signed Calves and w ith his 1994 certificate. (Photo) . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. 500- 750
#B11, 1944 Sc+S0P National Anthem Souvenir Sheet, a lovely examp le, original gum , ever Hin ged, usual light natural gum wrinkles , Very Fine and quit e elusive in this post-office fresh con.. ... . .. for hin ged 400.00 . ..... .. ...... .. ...... dition. (Photo) ... . .. ................
2254 2255 2254
#6, 1859 2Kr Yellow, Type II , nicel y centered single with stron g co lor, origina l gum , small thin in top margin ju st exte ndin g into desig n, Very Fine appearance; signed Bloch and with 2006 Sismondo . . ... 1,050.00 certificate (Mic hel # 10 II a, € 1,300). (Photo) . ... .. . .. ... .. .... .. .... . ......
#380, 1936 lOS Dollfus s, po st-office fresh, origi nal gum , (M ichel #588 , € 1,300). (Photo) .... ... .. . . . .. .. ... .....
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ever Hinged, Very Fine and choice . . .... . .. 1, 100.00 .. ... ........ H.R. Harmer , Inc.
Cata log or Estimat ed Value
Ex 2258 2256
#380, 1938 l0S Dollfuss, we ll centered , origina l gum , light ly hinged, Very Fine (Michel #588, €90 0). (Photo) . .. . ... . .... . .. . . .. . . . . . . ... .. ... . . .. . ...... .. . . . . .. .. ... .. .. 725.00 #380, 1938 lOS Dollfuss, exce llent center ing, origi nal gum , lightly hinged, Very Fine (Mic hel #588 , . . . .. . .. ...... . .. .. .. . . . ........... ..... .. . . ..... . ... 725 .00 €900). (Photo) ........ #B106-B109 , 1933 12g-50g Ski Federation Meeting, magnificent set of left margin sing les, bright colors enhanced by the snow-w hite paper upon whic h they are printed , orig inal gum , Never Hinged, Extre mely Fine , a choice set for the con dition conscious collector (Mic hel #551-554 , €600) . (Photo) .. . ..... .. . . ... . .. ..... .. . . . . . . . .... . . ....... . . ....... . . ... . . .. .. .. 415.00
Ex 2260
Ex 2259
Septemb er 29 , 2006
#B106-B109 , 1933 12g-50g Ski Federation Meeting, ano ther stunnin g set of left margin singles, vivid colors enhanced by the fresh white paper upon which they are print ed, original gum , Never Hinged , Extremely Fine , as nice as they come (Michel #551-554 , €600). (Photo) . . .... .. 415.00 #B106-B109 , 1933 12g-50g Ski Federation Meeting, vivid colors, original gum , Never Hinged , post-offic e fres h and Fine-Very Fine (Miche l 551-554 , €600). (Photo) . . . . ... . . .. . . .... 4 75.00 #B110, 110a, 1933 S0g Wipa, Ordinar y and Granite Paper Varieties, comer margin singles w ith exce llent centering, original gum , Very Fine and attractive (M ichel #555A , 555B , €5 50) . . . 475.00 #B110, 110a, 1933 S0g Wipa, Ordinar y and Granite Paper Varieties, margin singles, beautifully centered , original gum , B 110 l.h., B 110a small h.r., Very Fine and attrac tive (Mic hel #555A , 555B, €55 0) . .. . ... .... . .. .. . . . ... . . . . ...... . . .. .................. .. . . .. .. .. 475 .00
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Ex 2266
Ex 2267 2263
#B110, 50g 1933 WIPA, Ordinary Paper, bottom left corner margin block of four, we ll balance d margins all aro und, post-office fresh , orig inal gum, Never Hinged , Extremely Fine and select. for singles 1,000 .00 . ................. (Mic hel #555A , 1,280 for sing les) (Photo) . . .......
#B122-B127 , 1934 12g-64g Architects , blocks of four, original gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine ; a select set in premium post-office fresh condition (Michel #591-596 , €600 for singles) . (Photo) . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for sing les 360.00
#B269-B271, 1950 60g-1 ,70S Carinthia Plebiscite, blocks of four, original gum , Neve r Hing ed, Very Fine , a gem set (Michel #952-954 , €640 for singles). (Photo) . . .. . ..... . for singles 426.00
#J132-J158 , 1925-34 lg-10S Postage Dues , compl ete set of block s of four, post-office fresh , original gum , Never Hinged , Fine-Very Fine; a scarce set of blocks of these key postage dues (Michel . .. ... . . . for singles 1,700.00 #Pl32-Pl58 , €2,800 for singles) . (Photo) .... . ... . ... .. ......
September 29, 200 6
#B110, 110a, 1933 50g Wipa, Ordinary and Granite Paper Varieties, very we ll centered, or iginal gum , very lightly hinged , Very Fine and choice (Michel #555A , 5558, €550). (Photo). 475.00
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2268 2268
Catalog or Estimated Value
#Pla, 1951 (0.6Kr) Blue, Type I, strong color , large margins three sides and clear of design on left, usual "crack ly" original gum , few tiny paper adherence s on gum , Fine ; an attract ive sound example ; signe d Sismondo and with his 2006 certificate (Michel #6 I, €230 ). (Photo) . .... . ... 250 .00 #Pie , 1851 (0.6Kr) Blue, Type III, clear to wide margins , part original gum with some paper adherences, Fine; signed A. Diena , 2006 Sismondo certificate (Michel #6 II, €480) . (Photo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600.00
227 1
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#5, 1853 30c Deep Brown on Hand Made Wove Paper, Type II, just clear to close margins , part origi nal gum with bit of addit ional gum added , small spot of extraneous ink on front , sma ll yellowish spot on gum not showing through top front , Fine ; a very scarce mint stamp ; signed A. Diena and with 2006 Sismondo certificate (Sassone #8, €7,500). (Photo) . ... . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . ... 5,500.00 #7, 1859 2s Yellow, Type II, rich color, original gum , small h.r., fresh and Fine; a scarce sound mint examp le; signe d Bloch and Sismondo and with the latter 's 2006 certificate (Sassone #28, € 1,600) . (Photo) ........ ... . ........ . . . ... . .. .. ... .. . . .. . . ... .. . . ......... . . . . . . . . 1, 100.00
#12, 1859 15s Blue, Type II, particu larly we ll centered , unused , Very Fine and choice ; signed A. . .... 425 .00 Diena and with 2006 Sismondo certificate (Sassone #32, € 1,375). (Photo) . ........
2273 2273
(* )
September 29, 2006
#14, 1862 10s Brown, nicely cente red vertical strip of three tied on piece by fair strikes of Venezia cancels , fresh and Fine -Very Fine (Sassone #34) . (Photo) ..... . . . . ... .... .. .. Sassone € 1,375 #17, 1863 5s Rose, Perf 14, original gum affected somewh at by humidity , Fine , a very scarce mint stamp ; signed Bloch and Sismondo and with the latter 's 2006 certificate (Sassone #38, €6,000). (Photo) . ... .. . ... . .. . . . ... . . .... . .... ....... . . ..... . ........... . . .. . . .... 4,000.00 #18, 1863 10s Blue, Perf 14, rich co lor, unused , Fine ; signed Bloch (Sassone #39, €3, 125). (Photo) . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . .. . . .... . . . ........ . . . . .. ... . . .... . . . . .. . .... . . .. .. . .. . .. 825.00 #19, 1863 15s Yellowish Brown, Perf 14, unusually well centered , large part original gum, h.r. and some sma ll paper adherences , sma ll fault s (not mentioned in cert.), appears Very Fine ; signed Bloch and Sismondo and with the latter 's 2006 certificate (Sassone #40, €9,000). (Photo) . . .. . 6, 150.00 Page 69
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Ex 2280
Catalog or Estimated Value
Ex 2281
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#19, 1863 15s Yellowish Brown , Perf 14, rich color , unu sed, couple small faults incl. 112mm closed tear at right , Fine appearance ; signed Bloch and Sismondo and with the latter 's 2006 certificate .. . . 600 .00 ......... (Sasso ne #40 , €2,2 50) . (Photo) ..... .... . .. ... .. .. . .... . ..........
#20 var., 1865 2s Yellow Perf 9 1/2, well centered , po11ion of " LLOYD VA(RNA) " cance l, Very .. Sassone €550 .... . ..... .. ... .. . . ....... . ........ Fine (Sassone #41L ). (Photo) .......
#20 var., 1865 2s Yellow Perf 9 1/2, ju t legible strike of Beretti town cancel , fresh and Fine Sassone €550 .... . ................... .. .......... (Sasso ne #41L). (Photo) .. . . ........
228 I
#20-24, 1864/65 2s-15s Coat of Arms , Perf 9 1/2, nicely centered set with bright colors , original gum , 15s Never Hinged , others h.r. inc l. 3s pap er h.r., Fine -Very Fine ; 2s signed A. Diena (Sa ssone .. .. . .. .. for hinged 602 .50 .... ...... #41-45 , € 1,670 for hin ged). (Photo) ... . ............ #20-24, 1864/65 2s-15s Coat of Arms, Perf 9 1/2, fresh colors , original gum , I Os, 15s h.r., other s lightly hinge d, I Os rounded co rner, usual Very Good-Very Fin e; 2s signed Bloch (Sassone #41-45 , 602.50 ...... .. ...... . ............ . ....... € 1,670) . (Photo) .... . .................... #PR3, 1858 4Kr Red, double circle "DISTRIBUZIO NE GAZETTE ." cancel (date illegible ), clear to large margins , co upl e sma ll thins , Fine appearance, a very sca rce stamp ; signed Bloch and Sismondo and wit h the latter 's 2006 certificate (Sasso ne #4, €6 ,250). (Photo) .. ... .. . . 3,250.00
Ex 2283 2283
September 29, 2006
#60-75, 1893-1900 Coat of Arms & King Leopold , complete set of block s of four , all stamps with labe ls attac hed, post-office fres h, original gum , Neve r Hin ged, Fine-Very Fine. (COB 53-67 , 55a , for singles 5,08 I .40 . . .... ... .. ........ €7,2 00 for singles) (Photo) . . . . .... . . .... ........ Page 70
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Ex 2284 #124-137, 1919 lc-lOFr King Albert, a magnificent set of blocks of four displaying wondrous color, strong intact perforations , pristine unblemi shed original gum, ever Hinged, Fine-Very Fine, for singles 4,600.00 a showpiece set (COB 165-178, €7,000 for singles). (Photo) ..............
2284 **D
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Ex 2286 Ex 2285
2286 **D
September 29, 2006
#435-445 , B514, 1952 80c-40Fr 13th UPU Congress, blocks of fifteen from the top portion of the sheet with sheet margins on three sides, origina l gum, Neve r Hinged , Very Fine (COB 880-89 1, . .... .. .. . .... . . for singles 4,365.00 .. . ...... €4,800 for singles). (Photo) .. .. ........... #B34-B47 , lc-lOFr 1918 Red Cross Surcharges, blocks of four, incredibl y fresh colors, origina l gum, Neve r Hinged , Fine-Very Fine with majority Very Fine, a very rare set of unmounted block s .. . .. .. . for singles 8,000.00 .... . ............ (COB 150-163, € 10,200). (Photo) ... . ......
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Ex 2287
Ex 2288
Ex 229 0
Ex 2289
Ex 229 3
Ex 2294 Ex 229 1
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Ex 2292 September 29 , 2006
Ex 2295
Ex 2296 Page 72
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#B144-B150, 1933 10c-5Fr Anti-Tuberculosis, margin blocks of four, we ll centered, orig inal gum, Never Hinged , Very Fine, an elusive set of sound unmounted block s (COB 377 -383). (Photo) ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for singles COB €3,000
#8156-8162, 1934 10c-5Fr Anti-Tuberculosis, block s of four, particularly well centered and with bright fresh colors , original gum , ever Hinged , Very Fine and choice (COB 394-400). (Photo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for single s COB €2, I 00
#8241-B248, 1939 Rubens , blocks of four, unblemi shed original gum , Never Hinged , fresh and Fine-Very Fine (COB 504-511 ). (Photo) . ... ........................ . for singles COB €568
September 29, 2006
#B69-B77 var., 1929 5c-10Fr Orval Abbey Restoration , bright fresh colors , origina l gum , small h.r., Fine-Very Fine , only 5,000 sets issued (COB 272A-272K, €800). (Photo) . . ... .. ... 650.00 #B69-B77 var., 1929 Sc-lOFr Orval Abbey Restoration , complete set of blocks of four, privately produced for the laying of the first stone toward the restoration of the ruined Abbey of Orval , deep rich colors and impre ssions, strong clear overprints , origi nal gum , Never Hinged , Very FineExtreme ly Fine and scarce in multipl es (Michel 235 1-243 I, €6 ,800 for sing les). (Photo) . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for singles 2,600.00 #B114-8122, lOc-l0Fr 1932 Cardinal Mercier, original gum , Never Hinged (3Fr fingerprints on gum) except l0Fr very lightly hinged , fresh and Fine-Very Fine (COB #342-350). (Photo) .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COB €87 0 #B114-8122, 10c-10Fr 1932 Cardinal Mercier, block s of four, original gum , Never Hinged , FineVery Fine , a very scarce set of post-office fresh block s (COB 342 -350). (Photo) ......... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for singles COB €4,500 #B132-8143, Sc-lOFr 1933 Orval Abbey Restoration , attractive well centered set, origina l gum , Never Hinged , fresh and Very Fine (COB #363-374). (Photo) . . . ...... . ......... COB €2 , 150 #B132-B143, Sc-lOFr 1933 Orval Abbey Restoration , particul arly well centered set, original gum , most lightly hinged , fresh and Fine -Very Fine (COB 363-374 , €9 70). (Photo) ...... 607.50
#B466A-466B, 1949 van der Weyden and Jordaen s Paintings S/S, pristine original gum (scarce thus) , Never Hinged , fresh and Very Fine (COB Bloc 27-28 , €380). (Photo) ... . ........ 250.00
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Ex 2301 Ex 2300
Ex 2305
Ex 2304
Ex 2302
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Ex 2306
Ex 2307 September 29, 2006
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Ex 2297
Ex 2298
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Ex 2299
#B544-B546 , 1953 80c-4Fr Bureau of Childhood and Youth, blocks of four, original gum, Neve r Hinged, Fine-Very Fine (COB 927-929 , €268 for sing les) . (Photo) ........... for singles 294.00
#B561-B566 , 1954 80c-9Fr Friend s of the Beguinage of Brugues, eye catching set of blocks of four, prist ine orig inal gum, Never Hinged , Very Fine (COB 946-95 1, €700 for singles). (Photo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for singles 602.00
#El-E6 , 1929-32 1.75Fr-5.25Fr Special Delivery, blocks of four, origina l gum, Never Hinged, fresh and Fine-Very Fine, scarce so nice (COB 292C-292 H, €740 for sin gles). (Photo) . .. . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for singles 340 .00
#QI 76-Ql 79, 1929-30 3Fr-6Fr Brussels Central Post Office, blocks of four, very well centered, strong color, original gum, Neve r Hinge d, Very Fine, an attractive and seldom offere d set (COB . ............... for singles 400 .00 CF 170-CF 173, €420 for sing les). (Photo) . ..............
230 1
#Q181-Q183 , 1934 3Fr-5Fr Locomoti ve, blocks of four, post-office fresh, original gum , Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine, a scarce set in premium condition (COB CF 175-CF l 77, € 1,040 for singles). (Photo) ................. .. . .. . . . .... .... ..... ............ . .. for singles 480.00
#Q374-Q377 , 1960 20Fr-70Fr Railway Congre ss Anniversary, matc hed set of top left com er margin blocks of four, original gum , ever Hinge d, Very F ine and choice (COB #CF369 -CF372 , . .... . .. . .... . ...... ... . .... . . for singles 680.00 €720 for singles). (Photo) . .. .. . .......
#Q410-Q412 , 1970 37Fr-53Fr Parcel Post Surcharges, top margin blocks of four, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine (COB CF404 -CF406 , €260 for singles). (Photo) ... .. for sing les 292.00
September 29, 2006
#Q341-Q342 , 1953 200Fr Parcel Post, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine and choice (COB #CF334-CF335, €450). (Photo) . . .................. ... .. . ........... . .. . .... . .. 475 .00 #Q342 , 1953 200Fr Parcel Post, attract ive bottom right comer margin block of four, orig inal gum , Neve r Hinged, Very Fine (COB #CF334 , €880 for sing les). (Photo) . .... . .. .. for singles 900.00 #Q343-361B , 1953-57 1Fr-300Fr Train Stations, extra shade of #Q347 , orig inal gum , Neve r Hinged, fresh and Fine-Very Fine (COB #CF336 -CF3548, €400) . (Photo) ........ . .... 400.00 #Q374-Q377 , 1960 20Fr-70Fr International Railway Congre ss, Perf and Imperf , pristine original gum , Neve r Hinged, Fine-Very Fine (COB #CF369 -CF372) . (Photo) . . .... . .... COB €405
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#Q438-Q459 , 1980 1Fr-500Fr Railroad Cars, matching set of bottom left comer margin blocks of four, original gum , Neve r Hinged, Very Fine (COB #CF433 -CF454, €400 for singles). (Photo) .. . ... . ........ . . . ......... . .. .. . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . .. ...... . . .... . . for singles 324. 80
#496a-498a , 1940 1,000r-10,000r N.Y. World's Fair, Sheets of Nine, well centered on fresh untoned paper, without gum as issued, Very Fine; as nice as they come . (Photo) . . .... .. . 299.50
#101-105 , 106-15, 1915 lc /2Fr French Occupation Overprints , complete less the very rare 10c # 105A, particularly fresh colors, original gum , most sma ll h.r., few lower values small faults, 2Fr some gum toning, still a Fine-Very Fine set; each signed Champion, l Fr signed Bloch; 2006 Sismondo certificate for the set (Ceres 38-52, €2 ,170). (Photo) .. . . .... .. ... . ... .... 1,826.00
23 11
#343-351 , C38-C40, 1961 1/2p-£1 Federal Republic Surcharges , complete set of blocks of ten (airmails folded), original gum, Never Hinged, fresh and Fine-Very Fine (Michel #332-343, €850 for singles). . . .. .. .... . .... . ........ . . . ... . . . . .. . . . ......... .... . . for singles 772 .00
#Cl 75-C185 , 1950 Sc-SP "L" (Lansa) Overprints, blocks of four, or iginal gum , Never Hinged, fresh and Very Fine (Michel #579-589) . (Photo) . . .. . .... .. .. ... .. . . . for singles Michel €440
CUBA 2313
#340-354, C24-C29, El0-Ell , 1937 American Writers and Artists, blocks of four, original gum , Never Hinged, few stamps with bit of disturbed gum as often found , fresh and Fine-Very Fine. (Photo) ... ... . . . .. ... . ..... . .. . . . . . . . . . ... . .. .... . ... . . . . .. . .. .. . for singles 640.00
23 14
#463-465 , C44-C46, E14, 1951 Chess, blocks of six, remarkably fresh, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine, a key set in a chess topical collectio n. (Photo) . .... . .... . for singles 402.00
23 15
#608-609 , C185-C191 , E26-E27, 1958 Poey, blocks of six, original gum , Never Hinged, fresh and .. . . . . . ...... ....... . . . . . .... ..... for singles 478.5 0 Fine-Very Fine. (Photo) . . . .. ......
23 16
#625-628 , C200-C202 , 1960 Revolution Anniversary, full sheets of 50 folded in half along one row of perfs, original gum, Never Hinged, fresh and F ine-Very Fine (Michel #633-639, €650 for singles) . .. .. . .. . .. .. . . . .... . . . . . . . .... . ..... . .. . . . .. ..... .. ... .. . for singles 750 .00
#648-662 , 1960 lc-lOc Christmas , full sheets of 25, or iginal gum, Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine. ...... . . .... . .. . ... . . . .. ... . ....... . ... .. .. . .. . . . ... . ... . .... . . . . . ...... 320.75+
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#C77-C78, 1953 2p, Sp Lockheed Constellation, full sheets of ten, pristine original gum , Never Hinged, fresh and Fine-Very Fine (Miche l #393-394, â&#x201A;Ź760 for singles) . (Photo) for singles 825.00
** D
#C136-C146, 1956 Sc-SP Airmails, full set in complete sheets , 8c-30c sheets of I 00, 50c-5P sheets of 50, each sheet folded in half and with typical perf separations (almost entire ly in the margins), orig inal gum , 50c, 2P sheets some gum disturbance , Never Hinged , Fine-Very Fine. (Photo) . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for singles 4,562.50
2320 2320
#E4a, 1910 Special Delivery, Inverted Center, extraordinary left margin single being especially well centered and displaying rich vibrant color, fresh original gum with the stamp Never Hinged (lightly hinged in the margin only), Extremely Fine in all respects ; a very rare stamp in this outstanding conditio n. (Photo) . ...... . . . . . . . . . . ..... . ... . .......... . .. . for hinged 1,250 .00
Michel #Bl. 2 P, 1937 DAPOSTA Collective Proof, in black with inscription s on unwaterrnarked gummed paper, Never Hinged, Extreme ly Fine ; an absolutely pristine proof and a major rarity in Danzig philately , listed but unpriced in Michel. (Photo) . .. . . . .... . . ...... . . . Est. 4,000-5,000 #J43-J47, 1938-39 lOpf-l00pf Postage Dues, top right comer margin blocks of four, bright colors , origina l gum, Never Hinged , Fine-Very Fine (Michel #P43-P47 , â&#x201A;Ź440 for singles). (Photo) .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for sing les 360.00
2323 2323 0
September 29, 2006
#1, 1851 2rs Blue, Thiele Printing, plate I, type 5, pos . 73, burelage type lb , Kjobenhavn " I" threering numeral cancel, full balanced margins , pressed vertical crease ending in I mm closed tear, Very Fine appearance ; signed Bloch , 2006 Sismondo certificate (Facit # 1-11). (Photo) . . Facit SKr9,500 #5, 1857 8s Green, strong color, amp le balanced margins , large part original gum, Very Fine; signed Bloch (Facit #5, SKr3,000). (Photo) . .. .. ... ... .. . . . . .. . .... ... . . .. . .. . .. ... .. .. 250 .00 Page 79
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EGYPT 2325
#172-176 var., 1933 5m-20m International Aviation Congress, Imperforate "Royal" Proofs , top margin singles on thick ungummed paper with multiple impr essions of "Ca ncelled " on reverse , bright colors, Very Fine , only 50 sets produced , a showpiece set for the airmail/ Zeppelin collector . .. . ..... .. ..... . .... . . . .. Cha loub $875 (Cha loub #C42a -C46a). (Photo) . .... .... ......
#134-137, 1936 5s-25s St. Brigitta Convent Anniversary, full sheets of 100 folded in half, origifor singles 600.00 nal gum, Neve r Hinged , Very Fine (Michel # 120-123, â&#x201A;Ź900 for singles) .......
ETHIOPIA 2327 ** D
#101-107, 1917 1/4g-16g Coronation Overprints, blocks of four, origina l gum, Never Hinged , . .. for hinged 272 .00 fresh and Fine-Very Fine (Michel #47-52, â&#x201A;Ź480 for hinged). (Photo) ...... #258-262, 1943 5c-30c Obelisk Restoration Surcharges, post-office fresh with bright co lors, orig.. . . ..... for hinged 225.00 inal gum, Never Hinged , Fine -Very Fine . {Photo) .. .............
September 29 , 2006
Iceland and Danish Stamps Used in the Faroe Islands, Denmark No. 26 (pair) and Iceland No. 12 tied by "Trangig vaag 25/6 1894" circular datestamps on cove r to Copenhagen, Denmark, Gotscha lk correspondence , "K. Omb. 2 4. 7-94" backstamp and nine sma ll wax sea ls in 5 different colors, Extremely Fine ; this cover originated in Iceland and was carried privately to Trang igvaag in the Faroe Islands where the pair of Dan ish stamps was affixed and all stamps received the Trangigvaag cancels; 2005 Lasse Nie lsen certificate . {Photo) . . . .. .... . . . .... Est. 1,000-1 ,500
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2331 Ex 2330 2330
1891-92 Imperial Arms of Russia Grouping, consists of Nos. 46-48 , 50, and 52-54, all in sheet margin blocks of fifteen (all being bottoms , except for the 3k which is a top), bright vibrant colors and sharp impre ssions, origina l gum , Never Hinged, fresh and Extre mely Fine . (Photo) ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for singles 1,878.75
#M8, 1963 Violet Blue Military Stamp, perfectly centered block of four, origina l gum, Never Hinged , Extremely Fine (Facit # F.8, SKr4 ,800 for singles). (Photo) ......... for singles 600.00
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#ld-7d, 9d, 1862 lOc-IFr Re-issues , complete set of the seven va lues, all with wo nderfu lly fresh co lor and amp le to large margins , partial strikes of black diamond grid cancel choice Very Fine; only 4,350 sets were issued and only a very few were cancelled, unpric ed in used condition in all the .. . . ..... Est. 3,000 -4,000 major cata logs (Yvert I f/ 8f). (Photo) . .... ......................
#ld, 1862 10c Bistre Re-issue, magnificent right margin block of four with amp le well balanced margins on the other sides , distinctive crisp impression , origina l gum, stamps Never Hinged , small h.r. in the margin only, Extreme ly Fine showpiece; 2001 Roumet certificate (Dalla y #5d, €3,600 for ... ... . ... . .. for hinged 1,600.00 binged). (Photo) . . ..... .. ..... . ......................
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2337 2334
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#2, 1850 15c Yellow Green on Greenish , select single with light gri ll cancel, wide ba lanced margins, choice Ve1y Fine , a love ly stamp ; signed Sismondo and with his 2006 certificate (Yvert #2, 725.00 .. ... . ........... . .. ...... . ... . .... . . ...... € 1,000). (Photo) .. . .... . ......... #3, 1849 20c Black on Yellowish, attractive single with amp le to large margin s, original gum , Very Fine ; signed Sismondo and with his 2006 certificate (Yvert #3, €450) . (Photo) .. . ... .... 300.00 #3 var., 1839 20c Grayish Black on Yellowish, clear to large margins, large part original gum , nearly Very Fine , a scarce shade; signed Bloch , J.Schl (esinger) and Sismondo (Yvert #3c). (Photo) Yvert €2 ,300 . .. ..... .... . ... . ............................ ....................... #3, 1849 20c Black on Yellowish, eye catching block of four, large margins all aro und, unused , for o.g. 1,650.00 Very Fine and attractive (Yvert #3, €2,500 for o.g.) . (Photo) . ... .. ... .. ......
2338 2338
Sep tember 29. 2006
Ceres #3h, 1849 20c Intense Black on Tinted Paper, striking block of four, full to huge margins , original gum , bottom stamps Never Hinged , top h.r., fresh and Very Fine ; a ste llar example of this scarcer shade variety; signed Roumet and one other on the bottom right stamp and with 200 I . . ... Est. 3,000-4 ,000 Roum et certificate (Scott #3 var.). (Photo) . .. . .. ..... ... .. . ......... Page 82
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2339 0 #9, 1851 lFr Light Carmine on Yellowish, black roller grill cancel, large margins , small thin at top left just into the stamp design , Very Fine appearance; 2006 Sismondo certificate (Yvert #6a, €950). (Photo) . ........ . .... . ........ . . .. .. . . . ..... . ....... 700.00
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1852 First Iss ue Cover to USA, horizontal pair of 15c Green and single !Fr Dark Carmine (Scott 2, 9; Yvert 2, 6) tied on neat envelope to NY City by Pari s grill cancels , accompanying Pari s 3 Dec . 52 c.d.s. , red boxed "P.O." and light partial impression of a black Boston receiving cancel, ms. "per Steamer/ via Liverpool ", 15c pair with large to huge margins all around I Fr clear to full margins three sides , just clear to impinging on frame-line at top, Very Fine , rarely seen this choice ; signed Calves and with his 2000 certificate. (Photo) .... ...... . .... . .... . .... . ... Est. 3,000-4,000
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2341 2341
September 29, 2006
#lOb, Ila , 1862 10c, 25c Re-issues, right margin blocks of four with large balanced margins the other three sides , rich sumptuous color, original gum , I 0c top stamps lightly hinged , bottom stamps Never Hinged , small natural paper translucency bottom left stamp ; 25c original gum , bottom left stamp Never Hinged , Very Fine and choice multiple s; each signed and with 200 I Roumet certificate. (Photo) . . ........... . . ........ . ............. . ................... Dallay €7,8 10 Page 83
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#21, lFr Lake on Yellowish, vertical pair plus 25c blue vertical pair (Scott 17) tied by "DS2' ' lozenge cancels (Paris substation) on cover to Harbourg (Germany) , Paris 29 Avri l 54 c.d .s., red boxed "FRANCO" and "PD ", backstamped Ligne-De-Quievrain (same day) and blurred red Gennan marking , !Fr pair clear to ample margin s, full margins three sides but just in at bottom , back of envelope with faults from opening , all inconsequential owing to the great rarity of the I Fr Est. 10,000-15 ,000 pair franking , still Very Fine and a love ly showpiece cover . (Photo) .........
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2343 **D #23, 1862 Sc Yellow Green, block of four, extremely well centered for the issue , fresh and pristine , original gum, Never Hinged , Very Fine, scarce block in N. H. conditi on; signed Brun (Yvert 20, €1 ,000 as hinged block). (Photo) ..... .. .. . . ... . . ...... . ....... . ..... . ... . ... for hinged singles 600.00
2344 2344
#25, 1862 10c Bistre on Yellowish, impressive block of four, overa ll nicely cente red with fresh color, original gum , bottom pair Never Hinged , top pair h.r., Fine -Very Fine; a rare mint multiple ; . . . Dallay €12 ,000 each stamp signed Roumet and with his 1989 certificate . (Photo) . ..........
#34c, 30c Pale Brown, "Rothschild " Re-issue, block of four of this scarce re-issue , authorized excl usively for the use of banker Rothschild for his corresponde nce, strong color and impression , original gum , hinged, an Extreme ly Fine block; signed Calves (Yvert 30c , €680 for sing les). (Photo) . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for singles 500 .00
2345 Septemb er 29, 2006
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2346 2348 2346
#41, 1870 Sc Yellow Green on Greenish , Report 2, right margin block of four with large balanced margins the other three sides, rich verdant color, orig inal gum , small h.r., Very Fine (Yvert #42B, € 1,280 for singles). (Photo) ............................ . ... .. .. . . .... for singles 760.00
2347 0
#47g, 1870 40c Pale Red on Yellowish, pos . 9, large num era l "532" cancel of Bordeaux, ample to huge margins, Ve1y Fine; a nice example of this scarcer shade; signed Bloch and Sismondo and with . .... . . . 525.00 the latter's 2006 cert ificate (Ce res #48j, "ro uge clair" , €825). (Photo) .........
#49, 1871 10c on 10c Bistre, unusually we ll cen tered, part original gum ,, h.r., Vety Fine; signed Bloc h, 2006 Sismondo cert ificate (Yvert #34, €2, 000). (Photo ) ... . ..... . . . ........ . 1,300.00
* f** D #53, 1872 Sc Yellow Green on Pale Blue, block of four, each stamp we ll centered with balanced margins, luxurious co lor and sharp impress ion on fresh paper, original gum , top pair hinged (left stamp with hj nge remnant), bottom pair Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine block; 2001 Roum et certifica te rating the block as "Superb " (Yvert 53, € 1,000 for hinged block). (Photo) .... . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for hinged singles 600.00
2350 2350
September 29, 2006
#55a , 1873 10c Bistre, Tete-beche Pair, horizontal pair, unusually we ll centered and with strong color, original gum, Ve1y Fine and choice, a select example of this rare variety ; signed Calves and .. ... . ......... . .. . 4,75 0.00 wit h his 198 1 ce11ificate (Yvert #58c, €5, 500). (Photo) . ........
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#57b , 1870 20c Dark Blue, Tete-beche Pair, horizontal pair on fo lded lette r sent from Antibes to Nap les , tie d by two str ikes of large numera l " 117" lozenge cancel with accompanyi ng Ant ibes 4 Sept. 54 c.d.s. , red boxed "PD ", backstamped Nice transit and illegible Ita lian receiver postmark , stamps have bee n lifted from the cover for examination and later hinge re-attached , Very F ine; an attrac tive usage in mu ch better condition than usua lly seen , signed Ca lves, Brun an d Sismondo and with the latter's 200 1 certificate (Yvert #37c, €4 ,500) . (Photo) . . .. . .... .. ... .... .. . . 3,400.00
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#64, 1876 le Green on Greenish, Type I, b lock of four , pleasingly we ll centered , post-office fresh , origi nal gum , Never H inged , an Extremely fine block · signed Ca lves & Roumet , 1990 Roumet certificate (Yvert 61, € 1,000 for hinged block) . (Photo) . . ..... . .... . . .. .. ... for singles 1,000 .00
September 29, 2006
#67a , 1876 Sc Green on Greenish,Type I, Imp erforate, striking top rig ht comer margin block of fo ur w ith fu ll ba lanced margi ns the other two sides , beaut iful co lor, orig ina l gum, stamps Nev er Hinged, margin h.r., Extremely Fine , a gem; 200 1 Roumet certificate . (Photo) . . . . Da llay €7 ,500 Page 87
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2354 2354 * f**D
#68a, 1876 10c Green on Greenish, Type I, lmperforat e, impressiv e top right corner margin block of four with fu ll ba lanced mar gins on the other two sides, rich verdant color , or igi nal gum , top right stamp very lightly hinged , three stamps Never Hinged , marg in h.r., Extremely Fine ge m, seldom fou nd in thi s ge m condition ; 200 I Roum et certificate . (Photo) . .......... Dall ay €8,850
#77, 1876 2c Green on Greenish, Type II, block of four , well ce nter ed for the issue , luxuriou s co lor and sharp imp ression , origi nal gum , ever Hin ged , Very Fine ; 2005 Roum et certificate (Yvert 74, €760 for hinged). (Photo) ................... .. ... . ......... for hinge d single s 640.00
#81, 1876 25c Ultramarine on Bluish , Type II, outstanding blo ck of four , incr edibl y we ll centered , love ly " milk y blue " co lor, original gum , bottom right sta mp ever Hin ged, others lightly hinge d, fre sh and Extreme ly Fine , multipl es of thi s caliber are few and far betwe en; each sta mp signed Be hr and with his 1985 certificate . (Photo) ... . .... .. .. . .... . ....... .. ... .. .. . .. Dallay €6,000
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2357 2357
#96, 1877 5Fr Violet on Lavender, Type II, top left corner margin block of four , wonderfully well centered and post-office fresh , or iginal gum, Never Hinged , cho ice Very Fine ; eac h stamp signed twice incl. Ca lves; 1989 Ceres and 200 I Sismondo certificates. (Photo) . ........ Dallay €4,500+ #197 , I 923 I Fr Bordeaux Philatelic Congress, well ce ntered bottom margi n single , original gum, very lightly hinged , Very Fine (Yvert # 182, €480). (Photo) .. . . ..... . .... .. . . ........ 300.00 #236, I 926 55c on 60c Surcharged Precancel , left margin block of fou r, unusually we ll centered for this notoriously poorl y centered issue , pristine original gum , ever Hinged , Very Fine and cho ice; 1997 Schollmeyer certificate (Yvert #47) . (Photo) . .. . ..... .. . . for sing les Yvert € 1,060
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September 29, 2006
#236, 1926 55c on 60c Surcharged Precancel , bottom right corner margin block of six with dat e imprint , extraordinari ly well centered, remarkable fresh color, flawless or iginal gum, eve r Hinged, Extremely Fine multiple for the serious collector; 1997 Schollmeye r ce 1tificate (Yvert #47). (Photo) ........ .. ................... . ........ . .................... . for singles Yvert € 1,590 #246, 1929 2Fr LeHavre Philatelic Exhibition, bright co lors, unblem ished or igi nal gum , Never Hinged , fres h and Fine ; 2006 Sismondo certificate (Yvert #2 57A , € 1,350). (Photo) ....... 650.00 Page 89
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#252, 1931 l0Fr Port of La Rochelle , Type Ill , block of four , near-perfect centering , strong color enha nced by the crisp white paper upon whic h it is printed , original gum, Never Hinged , cho ice Very Fine (Yvert #261 , €640 for singles). (Photo) . . . . . .... ........ . ... . .. for singles 400.00
#254A , 20Fr Orange Brown, Die III , bottom left corner margin block of four with dated corner " 18.10.37" , deep rich co lor and sharp impression on fresh paper , origina l gum , Neve r Hinged , Very Fine-Extremely Fine block ; signed Calves , 2002 Roumet certificate (Yvert 262 , €2, 000 for singles). (Photo) .. . ........ . ................ . ...... .. ... . .......... .. .. . . for sing les 1, 100.00
#294, 1934 1.50Fr Dove of Peace , bottom right comer margin block of four with date imprint, exceptiona l centering , lovely fresh color , flaw less origina l gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine and choice (Yvert #294, €48 0 for singles). (Photo) . ............ ... .. . .... .. . . for singles 290 .00
#952-955, 1960 8c-55c Rooster Precancel , blocks of forty from the right po1iion of the sheet w ith sheet margins three sides and date imp ression, post-office fresh , original gum , Never Hinged , fold ed in half along one row ofperfs, Fine-Ver y Fine (Yvert 119-122, €2,000 for sing les) . . . ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for singles 1,578 .00
Ex 2366
#B12-B19, 1922 Surcharged Semi-Postals of 1917-19 , complete set of sheet margin blocks of four, Yvert # 162 being bottom cross gutter block of four , the four high values being top right corner margin blocks , fresh, original gum , ever Hinged (h.r. on the se lvage front of Yvert Nos. 166 & 168, not affecting the stam ps), a Fine-Very Fine set of blocks (Yvert 162-169, €2,0 00 for sing les). (Photo) .... ..................... ... .. ... .. .. . .... . ... . . .... . . .. . for singles 1,184.80
#B38 , 1931 Allegory French Province s, comp lete top, left and bottom sheet-margin block of ten , dated comer "15 .10.30" (dated almost five months prior first day issue) and serial number "99 575", post-office fresh , origi nal gum , stamps ever Hinged (some selvage reinforcing noted , not affecting the stamps) , Extremely Fine and cho ice (Yvert 269 , €3,000 for singles) . (Photo) . for singles 1,900.00
#B66-B67, 1937 Winged Victory, matc hed set of bottom margin blocks of four , well centered , postoffice fres h, origina l gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine, a se lect set (Yvert 354-355 , € 1,400 for singles) . (Photo) ...... . ..... . ............. . . . ..... . . .. . .. . . ...... .. ... . ... for singles 800 .00
#B294-B299, 1955 12Fr-50Fr Portraits, block s of four, or iginal gum, Neve r Hinged , Very Fine and choice (Yvert # I 027- 1032 , €640 for single s). (Photo) . . ........ .. ... .. . for singles 402.00
#C29-C32, 1954 l00Fr-1 ,000Fr Airplanes, matching bottom left comer margin blocks of four with date imprint , origina l gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine (Yvert #30-33 , € 1,500 for sing les). (Photo) . .... .. ... ............. . ...... . .................... .. .... . for singles 896.00
September 29 , 2006
#B3-B10 , 1917-19 2c-5Fr War Orphans , well centered set with bright colors , orig inal gum , most ly Very Fine ; 2006 Sismondo certificate for 88-B 10 (Yvert 148-155 , €2,850). (Photo) . .. 2,096.00
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Catalog or Estimat ed Value
2373 Ex 2374
#39, 1905 lpi on 15c Red , tied on pie ce by clear strike of "BEY ROUTH/ SYRIE / 17 JANY. 05" date of issue cance l, fresh and Fine, only 1,000 surch arges we re issued; signed Sismondo and with his 2006 certificate (Ceres 27, €35 0). (Photo) . ... ... . ...... . .. .. . .. . .............. 250.00
#3a, 1859 IOc Bistre on Yellow, Pair, One Stamp Sideways, vertic al block of six with third stamp sideways or iented, large to huge margins incl. portions of adjace nt stamp s at right , orig inal gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine and cho ice (Yvert 3a, €2,500 fo r hinged) . (Photo) . .. . for hin ged 875.00
#C2-C4, 1955-57 100Fr-500Fr Airmail Issue , matc hin g bottom left corner margin block s of four wit h date imprint , origina l gum , Never Hinged , choice Very Fine (Yvert 2-4, €732 for singles) . (Photo) . . . . . . . . .... .. ..... .. . . . .. . ..... . .. .. . . . . . . ... ..... . .. ... . for single s 534.00
** OD
September 29, 200 6
#177, 178, 180, 181, Sea, 12ca, lfa 12c, 2fa 12c Ove rprints on 1937 Paris Exposition Issue , an impressive acc umul ation compr ising No. 178 (570 min t and 573 used) , others 70 mint and 73 used each , in blocks of 20, 23 and 25 with se lvage , original gum , Never Hinged, ca ncel s are large "Pondich ery Inde Francaise " doubl e circle date stamp s, most of which are dat ed Feb. 29 1944 , about 100 m int No . 178 w ith usual gum tonin g at edges (cat $400) , still Very Fine-Ext rem ely Fine ; remarka bly these have bee n carefu lly store d by the fam ily of the purchaser for the past 62 yea rs (Yvert Nos. 171, 173, l 74, 183). . ... . .. . . ...... . . ... .... .. . .. . for hinged singles 5,765 .30 Page 92
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**OD #209B-209G,
Cata log or Estimated Value
#182-183, lfa 12c- 2fa 12c Overprints on 1939 ew York Exposition Issue, 120 mint sets in four blocks of 25 and one block of 20 plus 123 used sets in four block s of 25 and one block of 23, eac h with selvage, original gum , Never Hing ed, cancels are large "Pondicher y Inde Francaise" doubl e circle date stamps, most of which are dated Feb. 29 1944, Very Fine-Extremely F ine; remarkably these have been carefu lly stored by the family of the purcha ser for the past 62 yea rs, (Yvert os. 175-176) ... .. . ..... ... ...... ..... ... .. .................... for hinged single s 1,458.00 4ca-3fa 3ca on 6fa 6c Independence Overprint s, an important accumu lation comprising No. 209B (320 mint and 475 used), No. 209C (JO mint and 75 used), No. 2090 (70 mint and 98 used) , No. 209E (45 mint and 75 used), No. 209F (70 mint and 75 used ), o. 209G (70 mint and 73 used), in block s of 5 to 25 incl. many w ith selvage , original gum, Never Hinged , cance ls are large "Po ndichery lnde Francaise" doubl e circle date sta mps , most of o. 209B are dated Feb. 29 1944, and most of the others are dated Mar. 17, 1944, Very Fine-Extreme ly Fine ; on ly 5,000 of each issue was printed ; remarkably these have been carefully stored by the family of the purcha ser for the past 62 years (Yvert Nos. 192-197) .. .. ..... . . . . ... . . . .. .. .. for hinged single s 21,175.25
#Cl28-C129 var., 1976 24Fr, 31Fr US Revolution Bicentennial , Im perforate , full sheets of ten with the vert ical gutter between stamps, origina l gum , Never Hing ed, Very Fine (Ce res 104-105) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ceres €850
#C128-C129 var., 1976 24Fr, 31Fr US Revolution Bicentennial, Imperforate Trial Color Proof Sheets, five different sheets of ten of each value with vertica l gutter between stamps wit h ms. color notations in the left margin , origina l gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine .............. Est. 500-750 BICENTENAIRE
#C107 var., 1989 French Revolution Bicentenar y SIS, lmperforate , post-office fresh , original gum , eve r Hinged , Very Fine. (Photo) . . ..... . ... . .. ... .. ................ .. . Ceres €450
September 29, 2006
#1, 1850 3pf Red, plate V, pos. 18, light port ion of town cancel , ample to full margins all aro und, Very Fine; one of the premier "# l s" of the wor ld; signe d A. Diena , Bloch and with 1965 Diena and I 980 Fr iedl certificates (M ichel # la , €7,000) . (Photo) . ... . . ... .. . . ............... 5,250.00 Page 93
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Catalog or Estimated Value
,e!:-{11, P.E1c,,
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2383 2382 2382
* f**D
#14, 1872 1/4gr Violet, eye appealing bottom margin block of nine , fresh color , original gum , top right stamp bare st trace of hinging , other stamp s Never Hinged , a Very Fine and attractive mult iple ; 2001 Sommer certificate (Michel # 16, €2,490 for singles) . (Photo) ....... . . for singles 1,462. 00
#23, 1872 3Kr Rose, top margin block of six, well centered , stro ng fre sh color , original gum , Never Hinged , Extremely Fine and choice , a scarce position multiple ; 200 I Sommer certificate (Michel 25, €600 for singles). (Photo) ... . .. . .... ........................... . . for singles 525.00
2385 2384
* f**D
September 29 , 2006
#28, 1874 9Kr on 9Kr Brown, horizont al block of eight , well centered , fresh vibrant color , sharp impression , original gum , top left & right singles lightly hinged , other six stamps Never Hinged , "TW" lightly penciled on gum side of lower right stamp , Extremely Fine and rare multiple; 2001 Sommer certificate (Michel 30, € 1,500 for single s). (Photo) .... . . . .... ..... for singles 910 .00 55 var., 1900 l0pf Germania, lmperforate, Double Print with One Inverted, left margin single, original gum , very lightly hinged , fresh and Very Fine , a striking variety (Michel #56 a U DK). (Photo) ................. . . .... . ......................... . .... .. . . .... Michel €500
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Cata log or Est imated Value
Ex 2386
#65C- 74 Var., 1902 2pf-80pf Germania , Imperforate, exqu isite set of horizontal pairs, each well margined and with pristine Never Hinged orig inal gum, Extre mely Fine , a showpi ece set for the most condition- conscious collector (Michel #68 U-77 U). (Photo) . ... . . . .. .... Michel € 10,000
Ex 2388
Ex 2387
Ex 2389 2387
#337-339 , 350, 1924/25 Im-Sm Buildings, left margin blocks of four, bright fresh co lors and pristine original gum, Ne ver Hinged , Fine-Very Fine (M iche l #364-367, € 1,440 for singles) . (Photo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for singles 1, 110.00
238 8
#351-362, 1926 3pf-80pf Portraits , a phenomen al set of block s of four, truly post-office fresh a the gum looks ju st as it did when it came out of the post office with nary a distur bance or fingerprint to be found , Never Hinged , fresh and Fine-Very Fine , a select set for the con noisse ur (M ichel for singles 3,450 .00 #385-387, €4,400 for singles). (Photo) ..... ... ..... ..... ..............
#363-365, 1927 8pf-25pf "I.A.A. " Overprints , block s of four, flawle ss original gum , ever Hinged , Fine-Very Fine , scarce so nice (M iche l #407-409 , €960 for singles). (Photo) . .... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for singles 690.00
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Ex 2391 Ex 2392 Ex 2390
Ex 2395
S6,00 4Q00 . ........... ..... ·········· ······: · \:
Ex 2393
Ex 2394
7-.........: 8········! :.........!•.•••••.
Ex 2397
Ex 2396 September 29, 2006
Ex 2400 Page 96
Ex 2398 H.R. Harmer, Inc.
Catalog or Estim ated Value
#391-397, 1932 4pf-50pf Pres. von Hindenburg , block s of four, bright colors , pristine original gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine and cho ice (Michel #467 -473 , €640 for singles). (Photo) . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for singles 5 16.00
#398-400, 1933 6pf-25pf Frederick the Great, block s of four, pristine origi nal gum, Never Hinged , fres h and Fine-Very Fine (Miche l #479-48 1, € 1,280 for singles). (Photo) ........... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for singles 996.00
#401-414, 1933 3pf-100pf Hindenburg Issue, complete set in blocks of four, all but the 40pfbeing margin block s (3pf, 6pf, 12pf, 30pf, & 60pfcomer margin blocks) , post-office fresh, origina l gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine-Extreme ly Fine set (M ichel 482-495, €4,400 for singles). (Photo) ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for singles 3,572 .00
#401-414 , 1933 3pf-100pfHindenburg Issue, six complete sets, 40pf(singl e, pair, & strip of three ) & 50pf (three pairs), othe rs vertical blocks of six, fresh colors, origina l gum, Never Hinged , Very for singles 5,358.00 Fine-Extreme ly Fine (M ichel 482 -495, €6,600 for singles). (Photo) . ........
#459-462 , 1935 6pf-40pf Railroad Centenary , top right comer margin blocks of four, post-office fresh , origina l gum , Never Hinged , Fine-Very Fine (M iche l #580-5 83, €520 for singles). (Photo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for singles 408 .00
#665b-661a, 1948/51 lm-5m Buildings , Type II, top margin singles , unu sually we ll center ed, original gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine (M ichel #97 II-100 II, €530). (Photo) .. . ... . ..... . . 350.00
#665-666, 1949 l0pf , 20pf Federal Assembly, top margin block s of four, orig inal gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine (Michel # 111-112, €480 for singles ). (Photo) . ............ for singles 350.00
#670-685, 1951-52 2pf-90pf Posthorns , post -office fresh blocks of ten (2x5), pristine original gum without any evidence of fingerpr ints, Never Hinged , Very Fine (Miche l 123-138 , €25,000 for sin. ... .. . . ........... . ...................... . .. for singles 18,000.00 gles). (Photo) ......
#702-721 , 1954/60 2pf-3M Pres. Heuss, blocks of four, flaw less original gum , Never Hinged , FineVery Fine (M ichel # 177-196 , € 1,400 for singles) . (Photo) . .. .... .. ... .. .. for singles 1,000 .00
#793-797, 1959 7pf-70 pf Heuss, full sheets of 100, remarkabl y post-office fres h and intact , orig inal gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine (Michel #302 -306 , €2,2 00 for singles) .... for singles 1,600.00
#B8-Bll, 1924 5pf-50pf Emergency Aid, margin block s of four, rich color s, original gum , Neve r Hinged , Fine-Very Fine, quite elusive in this pristine cond ition (Michel #351-354 , €640 for single s). (Photo) ...... . .... . ....... . . .. . . ................................. for singles 462 .00
Sep tember 29, 2006
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Ex 240 1
Cata log or Estimated Value
Ex 2402 2404
( '"'~,~.... ~ ..~ .....}.?,.~~..... 80 !
160 i Ex 2406
Ex 2403
Ex 2409
8 , ...
Ex 24 10 September 29, 2006
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Cata log or Estimated Va lue
#B23-B27, 1928 5pf-50pf Coats of Arms, blocks of four, well centered , bright colors, unblemished original gum , Neve r Hinged , Very Fine , a select set (Michel #425 Y-429 Y, €96 0 for singles) . (Photo) .. ......... . ................. ..... . . .. ......... . ... . .... . . for singles 710.40
#B38-B41 , 1931 8pf-50pf Buildings , block s of four, very well centered , or iginal gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine and cho ice (Michel #459 -462 , €800 for sing les). (Photo) . .. for sing les 637.40
#B44-B48, 1932 4pf-40pf Buildings, top left comer margin blocks of four, bright colors, origi nal gum , Never Hinged , a Fine-Very Fine set with significant eye appeal (Michel #474-478 , €72 0 for singles). (Photo) . . ... ........... . ... . . ... . . ....... . .... . . . ....... .. for sing les 534.80
#B59-B67, 1934 3pf-40pf Occupations , impressive set of blocks of four, pristine orig inal gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine and choice , blocks of this caliber are few and far between (Miche l #556.. .............. . .... ........ for sing les 1,620.00 564, €2,200 for singles). (Photo) .......
(* )
#B68, 1935 OSTROPA Souvenir Sheet, two in the prefened no gum condit ion, well-centered, rich colors , usual minor breaks in letters at top and perfseparations , Very Fine (Mic hel Block 3; €2, 000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,400.00
#B69a, B71a var., 1935 Native Costumes Booklet Pane Sheets, unfolded full sheets often panes , post-office fresh , intact perfs all around , origi nal gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine and choice, scarce in this pristine condition (Mic hel #MHB55-MHB56) . . . . .... . .. ...... . .. ...... Michel €710
#B316-B317, 1951 lOpf, 20pfMarienkirche , blocks of four, flawless origina l gum , Ne ver Hinged , Very Fine and choice (Miche l # 139-140 , €96 0 for singles). (Photo) .......... for singles 700.00
#B320-B323, 1951 4pf-30pf Welfare, blocks of four, origina l gum , Never Hinged , fresh and FineVery Fine (Mic hel # 143-146, €68 0 for singles). (Photo) . ........... . .... . . for singles 500.00
#B58, 1933 IO-YearAnniversary Souvenir Sheet, remarkab ly well-centered , deep rich colors on bright white paper , original gum, Never Hinged , Extremely Fine examp le of this always popular souvenir sheet (Miche l Block 2; €7,000). (Photo) . . ............... ....... . . ... . .. 4,500.00 #B58, 1933 10-Year Anniversary Souvenir Sheet, bright colors , Never Hinged but with some small gum soaks , margin creases and wrinkles as often , otherwise Very Fine; 2005 Oechsner certificate (M ichel Block 2, €7, 000) ............ .. . ... ..................... . .. ... .4,500.00
2411 **D #C27-C34, 1926-27 5pf-3M Eagles, a magnificent set of blocks of four featuring lovely bright colors, choice centeri ng and boasting immaculate unblemi shed origina l gum void of any traces of any fingerprints or disturbanc es, Never Hinged , Very Fine , a gem set and almost never offered in this flawles s conditio n (Michel #378-384 , €4,400 for singles). (Photo) ..... .... .. .. ..... for sing les 3,340 .00
Ex 241 1 Septe mber 29 , 2006
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Ca talog or Estimat ed Value
Ex 2416 2414
12,5 ,25 ...... ........... ............... ....11
Ex 2420 September 29 , 2006
Ex 2421 Page I 00
Ex 2422 H.R. Hann er, Inc.
Catalog or Estimated Value
#5N41a, 1949 30Pf Engineering Congress , Type II, rig ht margin block of four, well centered , post-office fresh, original gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine and sca rce (M ichel 46 II, €2,6 00 for sin.. ... . ........ . .. . ............. . .... for singles 1,800.00 gles). (Photo) . ...............
#5N4la, 1949 30Pf Engineering Congr ess, Type II, right margin block of four, flawless origin al gum , Never Hinged, fresh and Very Fine ; a gem multipl e of this scarce type (Michel #46 II, €2,600 . ...... for singles 1,800 .00 for singles). (Photo) .. .... ... . . .. . .........................
#5N41 a, 1949 30Pf Engineering Congress , Type II, left margin block of six, pristine origin al gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine; an eye catching multiple (Miche l #46 II, €3, 900 for singles). (Photo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for singles 2,700.00
#5NB4a , 6NB6a , 8NB4a , 1949 French Zone Red Cross S/S, without gum as issued , Very Fine (M ichel €370) . (Photo) ........ . ....... . ..................................... 302.50
#9Nl-9N20 , 2pf-5M Black "Berlin" Overprints , set of margin pairs , post-office fresh , original gum , Never Hinged , Fine -Very Fine (Mic hel # 1-20, €90 0 for sing les). (Photo) . for singles 650.00
Ex 24 18
Ex 24 19
Ex 24 17 2417
#9N35-9N41 , 12pf-2M 1949 UPU Anniversary, margin singles, unblemished original gum, Never Hinged , Fine-Very Fine (M ichel #35-41 , €1, 000). (Photo) ............. ..... ......... 725 .00
#9N35-9N41 , 12pf-2M 1949 UPU Anniversary, margin sing les, pristine origina l gum , Never Hinged , Fine-Very Fine (M ichel #35-4 1, €1,000). (Photo) . ............... . ......... . 725.00
24 19
#9N42-9N60 , 1949 lpf-5M Berlin Landmarks, origi nal gum, Never Hinged , fresh and Fine -Very Fine (M ichel #42-60 , €900) . (Photo) . .. .. . .. . . . . ..... . . .. .. . ...... . .. . .... . .. . . . 675.00
#9N64-9N67, 1949 5pf-1M Surcharges, blocks of four, original gum , Never Hinged , Fine-Very Fine (Michel #64-67, €1 ,200 for singles). (Photo) ................ . ..... . . for singles 900.00
#9N75-9N79 , 1951 5pf-40pf Freedom Bell, blocks of six, post -office fresh, origina l gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine (Miche l #82-86 , €840 for sing les). (Photo) . . . .. . . .. . . .. . for singles 555.00
#9N84-9N93, 1952/53 4pf-40pf Portraits , top margin blocks of four, post-office fresh in every respect, orig inal gum, Neve r Hin ged, Very Fine (Michel #9 1-100, €640 for singles). (Photo) . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for singles 500.00
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Catalo g or Estimated Value
........ .......... .............. ........... ...................
Ex 2423 2424 2423
#9Nl08-9N 110, 1954 7pf-70pf Buildings , block s of six, unblemished original gum , Never Hinged , fresh and Fine-Very F ine (M ichel # 12 1-123, €6 00 for sing les). (Photo) ..... . . for singles 444.00
#9N165-9N169, 1959 7pf-70pf Heuss, full sheets of 100, post office fresh , original gum , Never . . .. ... . . ... for singles 1, 120.00 Hinged , Very Fine (Miche l # 182-186 , € 1,500 for singles) .....
#36A, 1901 Sm Slate & Carmine, Type 11, top left comer margin block of four , exceptionally well centered , bright vibrant colors , sharp impre ssio ns, original gum , lightly hinged in selvage only , stamps Never Hinged , Ext reme ly Fine and cho ice block ; sig ned Freyse & with 200 l Steuer certifi. .. .... .... . for hinged singles 1,240.00 cate (M ichel 27 II, €2 ,000 for single s). (Photo) . ......
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#19, 1901 Sm Slate & Carmine, bottom right corner margin block of four with guide line markings , bright vibrant colors and sharp impre ssio n, or iginal gum , Never Hin ged, Fine-Very Fine , a scarce block ; 2001 Steuer cert ificate (M ichel 19, €2 ,400 for singles). (Photo). for singles 1,700.00 TOGO
Septembe r 29 , 2006
#19, 1900 Sm Slate & Carmine, top left corner margin block of four with guide line marking s, fre sh co lors , proof-like impressions , original gum , ever Hin ged, Very Fine -Extremely Fin e block ; . .... for singles I , I 00.00 200 I Steuer certificate (Miche l 19, € 1,680 for sing les). (Photo) . ...... Page I 02
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Catalog or Estimated Value
Ex 2428 2428
1861 Hermes "Paris Print" Trial Color Die Proofs, complete set of seven , 60x7 l mm , bright vibrant colors and sharp impressions on crisp fresh paper , Extremel y Fine and choice set. (Photo) . . .... . .. . . .. . .... . . ... . .. . . . .. . . ... . . .. . . . . .. .. . . ... .. .. . . ...... . Est. 1,500-2 ,000
#7, 1861 IOL Orange on Greenish Blue , centrally struck "67" numeral cancel of Syros , ample to wide margins , fresh and Very Fine; signed Bloch and Sismondo and with the latter 's 2006 certificate . (Photo) . ................. .. . . . ....... .. .. .. .. ... . ....... . ........ . .... 425.00
2431 2430 2430
#29, 1873 SOLRose Carmine on Pale Rose, exceptional right margin block of fifteen with large balanced margins on the other three sides , clear impression with vivid color , original gum , Never Hinged , cho ice Very Fine , a lovely showpiece multiple (Michel #29, â&#x201A;Ź2,700 for hinged). {Photo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for hinged 2, I00.00
#138, 1900 SD on 40L Red Violet on Bluish , attracti ve block of four, strong color , well margined all around , original gum , small h.r., Very Fine; signed Sismondo and with his 2006 certificate. (Photo) ... .. . . ...... .... . . .... .... . . .. . .. .... . .. . .... .. .......... for singles 350 .00
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Cata log or Estimat ed Value
r~ 1 ft IJ ~
Ex 2432
Ex 2436
Ex 2433 Ex 2435
#383-387, 1935 S0L-15D Monarchy Surcharges, Nos. 383 & 384 blocks of 50, Nos . 385 -387 full sheets of 50, original gum (typ ical bit of light even toning on 5D, 15D) , Neve r Hinged , Fine-Very Fine (Mic hel #383-387 , € 1,600 for hinged singles) .. .................... for singles 3,000.00
#556-567, 1954 100D-20 ,000D Greek Antiquities , blocks of four, original gum, Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine (Michel #603A-6 14A, €880 for singles) . (Photo) .. . . .. . . . .. . for singles 796 .20
#582-585, 1955 2D-6D Samos School of Philo so phy, blocks of four, exce ptionally fresh, orig inal gum , Never Hin ged, Very Fine (Mic hel #632 -635 , €360 for singles). (Photo) . . for singles 350.00
#159-163, 1901 SL on 1D-2D on 10D Surcharges, we ll centered set , original gu m w ith 2D being Never Hinged , fres h and Very Fine ; all signed Sismondo and wit h his 2006 certificate for the set. (Photo) ............................................ . .. . ... .. .............. 368.25 #159 -163 , 1901 SL on 1D-2D on 10D Surcharges, unusually bright fres h colors , origina l gum with the 2D being Never Hinged , 25L , SOL sma ll comer creases , otherw ise Fi ne-Very Fine ; all signed Sismondo and with his 2006 certific ate for the set. (Photo) . . ........ . . . .. . ........ .. 368.25
..............."'l'~..~..=..=..=..=..::::!! ..~.. Ex 2437
1A Ex 2438
#C71 -C73, 1954 1,200D-4 ,000D NAT O, bottom left comer margin plate no. blocks of four, original gum, Neve r Hinged , Very Fine (M ichel #6 15-6 17, €520 for sing les). (Photo)for singles 352.00
#C71-C73 , 1954 1,200D-4 ,000D NATO, blocks of four, origina l gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine .. .............. . . for singles 352.00 (M ichel #615 -617 , €5 20 for sing les) . (Photo) .. . .......
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Ca talog or Estimat ed Value
Ex 2439
.................; ..............,...... Ex 2440
#19 -27, 1945 lo-SK Liberation Overprints, premium quality set with excellent centering , original gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine and choice (Facit # 19-27 , SKr9 ,000) . (Photo) . ...... 1,050.00
HAITI 2440
#469, Cl 68-C169 var., 1960 S0c-1.S0G U
Anniversary, Inverted Centers, margin blocks of four , origin al gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine , a rare se t of multiple s and a key set fo r the se rious UN topical co llection . (Photo) . . ... . .............. . . . ............ .. ....... . .. Est. 500-750
#62a-64a, 1891 2P-SP Pres. Bogran, Inverte d Center, an amazing se t of these rare inverts , each excep tionall y well centered and wi th rich proof-like color , original gum , lightly hinged , Extremely Fine and cho ice, a se ldom offered set especially so in thi s premium condition. (Photo) . ... 360 .00
HUNGARY Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor, a remarkably fres h 1548 folded two page letter prior to him becom ing Holy Roman Emperor , with triple cito and wax seal , Very Fine . (Photo) . . Est. 100-150
September 29 , 2006
#2, 1871 3k Light Green, face-free comer cancel , fresh and Fine ; signed Bloch, A. Brun and Sismondo and with the latter 's 2006 certificate (Michel #2, â&#x201A;Ź 1,200). (Photo) . . . . . ... .. .. 550.00 Page 105
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Cata log or Estimated Value
2444 2444
#1, 1873 2s Ultramarine , nice ly centered with especially fresh color, part original gum with some album page adhesion, Very Fine; signed Bloch (Facit # 1, SKr9,500). (Photo) . ......... 1,000.00 #3, 1873 8s Brown , rich co lor, original gum, lightly hin ged, Fine sound example (Facit #3, SKr2,800). (Photo) . ... . ............ ... .. ... . . . ... . .... . .... ... .. .... . . . . . . . . 300.00 #4, 1873 16s Yellow, deep luxuriant color, original gum, Fine and scarce sound example; signed Bloch and Sismondo and with the latter 's 2006 certificate (Fac it #4, SKrl 3,000). (Photo) 1,600.00 #4, 1873 16s Yellow, 25nun Lapid ar circular "Reykjav ik" posthum ous favor cancel, fres h and Fine; 2006 Sismondo cert ificate (Fac it #4). (Photo) . . ...... .. . . ......... . .... .. .. Fac it SKr5 ,000
244 8
2449 0
September 29 , 2006
#6, 1873 4s Carmine Perf 12 1/2, remarka ble block of four, original gum , h.r., usual rough perfs but better than typic ally seen, fres h and Fine, a magn ificent and incredibl y rare multipl e; 1963 Danske Filtelisters Prnningsudva lg certificate (Fac it #6, mentioned but unpri ced as a block, ... . ............ .. . . . . ... . . .... for singles 5,600.00 SK.r50,000 for singles). (Photo) ...... #6, 1873 4s Carmine, 25nu11 Lapidar circular "Reykjav ik 2 1/." posthum ous favo r cance l, fresh and Fine; 2006 Sismondo certificate (Facit #6). (Photo) ... . .... .. ... . .... . ..... . Facit SKr6,500 #30, 1898 50a Blue and Carmine , rich co lors, original gum, lightly hinged, fresh and Fine (Facit 3 1, SKr4 ,000). (Photo) . . .. . ... .. ... . .. .. ... .. . ... . .. . . .. . .. . . . . .... ... .. ... . . 450.00
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" I:Y. D Y.
D! Ex 245 l
Ex 2454
#143, 1930 lOK on SK Brown and Slate, post-office fresh block of four, orig inal gum , Never Hinged , Fine-Very Fine ; 2006 Sismondo certifica te (Facit # 107). (Photo) ...... . . . ... . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for singles Facit SKr32 ,000
#257-268, 1950-54 Sa-Sk Definitives , full sheets of 50 except 2k block of 45 (plate no . block intact) and strip of five , original gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine (Fac it SKr55 ,000 for singles) . (Photo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for singles 6,465.00
#273, 1952 25k Parliament Building , bottom left comer margin block of 20 with De La Rue imprint in bottom margin , original gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine (Fac it #3 l l , SKr32 ,000) . (Photo) .. . .... . ... .. ... . . .. . .. . ... .. ... . . . .. ....... . .... . . ...... . . . . .. for singles 1,300 .00
#274-282 , 1952-53 Bjornsson , Ancient Manuscripts, blocks of four, original gum, fresh and Very Fine (Fac it #3 15-3 18, 32 1-325, SKr3 ,300 for sing les) . . ... . .. .... .. ... . . .. for singles 385.20
Sept ember 29 , 200 6
#93-98 , 1912 10a-5Kr Frederik VIII, comp lete less the Sa, margin blocks of four, post-office fresh , origina l gum , Never Hinged , Fine-Very Fine (Facit # I 15-120) . (Photo) . . .. . ..... . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for singles Facit SKr24 ,400 #143, 1930 l0K on SK Brown and Slate, origi nal gum , Never Hinged , fres h and Fine (Facit # l 07) . (Photo) . .... . . . ... . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. .. .. . . . ... . .. .. ... . . .. . .... Facit SKr8 ,000
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Ex 2464 Septemb er 29 . 2006
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Catalog or Estimated Value
#C9-Cll , 1931 30a-2k Zeppelin Overprint , block s of fo ur, bright colors , origina l gum , Never Hinged but 2k disturbed gum fro m storage, Fine-Very Fine (Fac it # 162-164). (Photo) . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for sing les Facit SKr5 ,240
#051 , 1922 5Kr Brown , block of four, three light strikes of Saudarkrokur c.d.s., Fine and attractive multipl e (Fac it #Tj54 , SKr8,800 for singles). (Photo) .... ............ for singles 1,000.00
IRAN 2459
#910-914 , 1949 25d-5R Victory, matc hed set of top left corner margin blocks of four, or iginal gum , Never Hinged , Fine-Very Fine. (Photo) ...... . . ..... . . . .... ... .... .. .... for hinged 292.00
246 1
#935-940, 1950 25d-5R Shah's Birthda y, corner margin block s of four, orig inal gum , Never Hinged, fresh and Fine-Very Fi ne. (Photo) . ... . ... . . . . .. ... .. . . ...... .. . for hinged 460 .00
#978-982 , 1953 lR-lOR Sports and Hunting, blocks of four , usual iITegu lar original gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine. (Photo) .. . ....... .. ... .. . .... .. ............ . ..... for hin ged 420 .00
#876/909, 1942/44 5d-200R Definitiv es, comp lete !es the 1946 75d rose carmi ne (#889 , cart. $ I 0), fresh colors, origina l gum, lightly hinged , Fine -Very Fine . (Photo) . .... . . .. . .... .... 3,485 .00
#058-071 , 1941 5d-50R Officials , lovely set with rich colors nicely enhanced by the fresh white paper upon which they are printed , or iginal gum witho ut any traces of toning , light ly hin ged, FineVery Fine , a scarce set espec ially so in this sound condition. (Photo) ..... . ... .. .. ... 2,717.00
#1-9, 1948 3m-1,000m First Coins , comp lete set of top right corner margin contro l blocks of four, genera lly very we ll centere d, crisp and intact , pristine origina l gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine and sca rce ; top three values w ith 1979 Shalit certificate. (Photo) .............. for singles 1,530.00
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2465 2465
#10-14, 1948 3m-65m New Year, comp lete set of vert ical gutter pai rs, strong and intact perforations , origi nal gum, Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine and carce (Ba le # 10b-14b ). (Photo) ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. 200 -300
#Jl -J5, 1948 3m-50m Postage Dues, complete set of top right corner margin control no. blocks of six (3x2) , or iginal gum , ever Hinged , Fine-Ve ry Fine and sca rce. (Photo) . . .. for singles 450 .00
September 29, 2006
#7-9, 1948 250m-1 ,000m First Coins , tab sing les, original gum , lightly hin ged, fres h and FineVery Fine. (Photo) . . . . . . . . . . .............................. . ........... Est. 750-1,000
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Cata log or Estimated Value
247 1
#Sa, 1852 40c Black on Sky Blue, black six-para llel-bar cancel , clear to large margins, Fine and scarce sound exa mple; signed Bloch and Sismondo and with the latter 's 2006 certificate (Sassone .. . . ..... . . 1,200.00 . .... . . .................... #5, € 1,650). (Photo) . . . . . .. . .........
#7, 1855 10c Black on Rose, botto m right com er margin block of four with marg ins clear of frame lines the other two sides, orig inal gum, top stamps small h.r., bottom stamps Never Hinged , light crease affect ing the bottom sta mps, Very Fine appeara nce ; signed Sismondo and with his 2006 cer. . . . Sassone €2, 500 . ..... . .......... . .. .. ...... tificat e (Sasso ne #9). (Photo) . ..........
#7a, 1857 10c Black on Rose, "CENE" for "CENT" Variety, pos . 44 of lower right pan e of 60, ample margins show ing dividing line at top, part original gum, small thin top right com er, Very Fine appe arance; signed Blo ch, A . Diena, 2006 Sismondo certificate (Sasso ne #9e, € 1,750) . (Photo) .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,200.00
#7c, 1857 10c Black on Rose, "CE6T " for "CENT " Variety, pos. 42 of upp er right pane of 60, indistinct blue cancel , amp le margin s show ing dividing line at top , small thinnin g in bottom margin, Very Fine appeara nce; signed Bloch, 2006 Sismondo cert ificate (Sasso ne #9d, €2 ,250) . (Photo) 1,550.00 ............ ..... ... ...... . ... . .... . ... ..... .. ....... ...................
#10, 1859 Sc Green, full margin s with 4mm margi n and pan e separation line at right, original gum , fresh and Fine; signed Sismondo and wit h his 2006 certifica te (Sassone # 12, €2 ,000). (Photo) ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 .00
#10, 1859 Sc Green, clear to full margins showing dividing line at left and paiii al dividing line at right , large part original gum , Fine sound examp le; signe d A . Diena and Sismo ndo and with the lat. 1,500.00 . .............. ter 's 2006 certificate (Sassone # 12, €2 ,000). (Photo) .............
#10, 1859 Sc Green , clear margins all around , original gum , h.r., fre sh and Fine ; signed Sismondo .. .... 1,500.00 and with his 2006 cert ificate (Sasso ne # 12, €2 ,000). (Photo) .................
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#PR2, 1853 9c Black on Grayish Lilac-Violet, rich co lor, large balanced margins w ith separation lines three sides , original gum , h.r. , Very Fine ; signed A. Diena and Sismondo and with the latter's 2006 certificate (Sassone Seg. #2, €950). (Photo) .... . . . . ... . .. . ... .. ... . .. . . .... . 625 .00
#PRS, 1859 10c Black, clear to huge margins showing separat ion line at bottom , origi nal gum w ith few spots of gum toning , b.r., nearly Very Fine ; signed Bloch and Sismondo and with the latter 's 2006 certificate (Sassone Seg. #5, €1 ,500) . (Photo) ..... .. ... .. ...... . .. . ... .. . . ... 900 .00
#5, 1852 40c Black on Blue, horizontal pair wit h clear margins all around , origina l gum , h.r ., two horizontal creases , Fine appearance , a very scarce mint multiple ; signed E. Diena , 2006 Sismondo certificate (Sassone # 5, €7 ,500) . (Photo ) .. .. . .. ..... . . ... ........ . .. . . . . .. . .. . . 5,500.00
#12, 1859 Sc Yellow Green, full to large margins , large part or iginal gum , 11.r., fresh and Very Fine ; sig ned E. Dien a, A. Bolaffi and Sismondo and w ith the latter 's 2006 cert ificate (Sassone # 13, €900) . (Photo) . .. . . .. .... ... . .. .. .. . . . ..... .. . . . ... . . ..... ..... . .. . . . . ..... . . . ... 650 .00
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2479 2479
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#12, 1859 Sc Yellow Green , amp le margins, part origina l gum , h.r., Very Fine , an attract ive sound single ; signed A . D iena and Sismondo and with the latter's 2006 certificate (Sassone # 13, €900 ). . .. . .... . ... .. . . ... . .. . ... . .. . . . ... . .. ... . ... 650 .00
{Photo) . . . . .. . . . .. .. . .. . . .... 2480
#13, 1859 10c Brown, full margins , large part origina l gum , paper h.r., Very Fine ; signed Sismondo and with his 2006 certificate (Sassone # 14, €1 ,850). (Photo) .. . . . . .. . .. . . . ......... 1,250.00 #13 var., 1859 10c Brown , "CFNTES IMI" Variety, a constant variety appearing throughout the printing in one position in each pane of 60 , full to large margins , original gum , fresh and Very Fine ; signed A . Di ena and Sismondo and w ith the latter's 2006 certificate (Sassone # 14e) . (Photo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sassone €2 , 150
#9, 1859 20b Black on Grayish Blue, black gr ill ca ncel of the Roma n States period , three amp le margins we ll clear of frame lines , j ust into at bottom , sma ll comer crease at lower right , sti ll Fine , a scarce genu inely used stamp; signed E. Diena , A. Diena and Bloch , with 2006 Sismo nd o cert ificate (Sas sone #9, €3,500). (Photo) . . ...... . . .. . . . . .... . . . .............. . .. . . .. 2,500 .00
Sept ember 29, 2006
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Catalog or Estimated Value
2484 2483 2483 .&.
#9, 1859 20b Black on Grayish Blu e, tied on cover fron t by pen cance l and partial black diamond grid ca ncel s, addr esse d to and forwarded within Spain , vario us Italian , French and Spanish pos tmarks and routing auxiliary ca ncels, stamp w ide margins two sides, into desi gn left and top with some sma ll faults at top from placement, still a Fine and attractive usage (Sasso ne #9). (Photo) .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sassone €4,2 50
2485 2485
September 29. 2006
#6, 1860 Sb Black on Pale Rose , right marg in block of four with clear to ampl e margins the other sides, original gum with few trivial spot s of gum tonin g, top stamp s h.r., small thin top right stamp, Very Fine appearance; signed Sismondo and with his 2006 cert ificate (Sasso ne #6). (Photo) . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sassone € 1,600
#7, 1852 6b Black on Grayish Green, left margin single with ampl e margin s the oth er sides, original gum , fresh and Very Fine ; signed Sismondo and w ith his 2006 ce rtificate (Sasso ne #7, E 1,200). . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . .. . .... .. . ... .. ... .... ... ... .. . ... . .... . . 725.00 (Photo) ......... #7 var., 1864 6b Black on Pearl Gray, love ly fresh co lor, clear to large margin s incl. tiny portion of adjac ent stamp at right, or igi nal gum , Fine; signed A. Diena and Sismondo, with the latter 's 2006 Sasso ne €2, 000 . .... . ........ certificate (Sasso ne #7Aa , "gr igio per la"). (Photo) . . .......... #7 var., 1864 6b Black on Pearl Gray, fres h distinct ive color, clear to ample margins, orig inal gum , Fine exa mple of this sca rcer shade ; signed A. Diena and Sismo ndo, w ith the latter 's 2006 certificate Sasso ne €2 ,000 . . . ....... (Sasso ne #7Aa , "grigio perla"). (Photo) . . ... . ... . .............. #7b , 1864 6b Black on Bluish Lilac , clear to amp le margins , or iginal gum , fresh and Fine; signed Sismo ndo, w ith his 2006 ce1tificate (Sassone #7Ab , " !ilia azz1mastro" , € 1,750). (Photo) . 1, 150.00 Page 112
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Ex 2492 2491
#8, 1852 7b Black on Blue, right margin single with clear to ample margins the other sides , pa11 original gum , small bits h.r., bit of extra gum on front of stamp in sheet margin , Fine ; signed A. Diena and Sismondo , with the latter 's 2006 certificate (Sassone #8, €1 ,850). (Photo) . ... 1, 150.00 #8, 1852 7b Black on Blue, fresh color, ample to full margins , original gum with bit of natural oily suffusion to the front side, small h.r., Fine ; signed A. Diena and Sismondo , with the latter 's 2006 ce11ificate (Sassone #8, €1,850) . (Photo) . . .. .... . ...... . ...... .. ... . ........ . .. I , 150.00
#15, 1861 3L Bronze, legible black "LIVORNO / 22 OTT." cancel , margins clear of frame lines all around , usual bit of cracked embossing at lower portion of king's effigy, Fine and scarce ; this stamp was used in Livomo (a part of Tuscany) following the annexation of Tuscany to the Kingdom of Victor Emmanuel II which took place 22 March 1860; signed Bloch, with 2006 Sismondo certifi. .... . ... . Sassone €4,250 cate (Sassone # 18A). (Photo) .. . . . .. . .. . .... . ... .............
September 29, 2006
Two Tuscany Covers, comprising an 1853 folded letter sheet from Arezzo to Rome with 2cr Blue Green on Gray and 4cr Dark Green on Blue (Scott #Sa, 6 var., Sassone Sf, 6b) , just tied by grid of diamonds cancel , Arezzo 13 SET 1853 c.d.s. alongside , "P.D" handstamp , backstamped Perugia (black) and Roma (red) , stamps slightly overlap , 2cr just clear to ample margins , 4cr wide margins showing p011ions of four other stamps , cover with some insignificant small aging spots , and 1854 folded letter from Firenze to San Sepolcro franked with lcr Catmine on Gray , 2cr Blue on Gray, (Scott 4, 5, Sassone 4, 5), tied by poorly struck Firenze c.d.s. (letter datelined Firenze 9 Nov. 1854), San Sepolcro arrival backstamp , I er ample margins three sides incl. portions adjacent stamps left and bottom (just into design at top) , 2cr wide top margin , cuts into design other sides, cover with couple light folds with one affecting I er stamp , Fine ; first signed Raybaudi and with bis 1999 cer. . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . .... . .... . . . . . . . ... . ... . . . .... Est. 200-300 tificate . (Photo) . . . . ......
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2493 2493
#7a, 1851 6cr Blue , deep intense color , three j ust clear to large margins, clear to cutting at right , part origina l gum, Fine and scarce , an attractive examp le of this rare mint stam p (Sasso ne # 15). (Photo) ............. .. . . ... . .. . . . . ... .... . ... .. . .. . .. . . .. . .... ... . Sassone € 12,000
2494 2494 0
Naples, #la var., 1858 l/2gr Lilac Rose, Plate I, horizontal strip of four with two strikes of framed "ANNULLATO' cancel , well margined all around , horizontal crease, third stamp repaired tear, Very Fine appeara nce ; 2006 Sismondo certificate (Sassone # la). (Photo) .. . .... . .... Sassone €2 ,250 Naples, #lb var., 1858 1/2gr Brownish Rose, Plate I, large margins we ll clear of frame lines on each side, original gum with bit of oxidation , h.r., tiny extraneous blue ink spot on front side, still Very Fine ; signed E . Diena , 2006 Sismondo ce11ificate (Sasso ne # 1b). (Photo) . . . Sassone €2 ,850 Naples, #6c, 1859 20gr Pale Rose , Plate II , framed "ANNULLATO" postmark, full to large margins we ll clear of frame lines all around , Very Fine ; signed A. Diena and Sismondo and with the latter 's 2006 certificate (Sassone # 13, €2,000). (Photo) . .. ..... . .. .. . . . ... . .... . .. .. 1, 100.00
2497 0
Naples, #9 var., 1860 l/2T Blue , Double Engraving of "T" with Horizontal Shift, pos. 5, frame d "ANNULLATO " postmark , margins well clear of frame lines all around though close top and right, shallow thinning lower right , Very Fine appeara nce, the double engrav ing of "T" occurs in six positions in the sheet of I 00, pos. 5 is the only one with the two letters side by side as opposed to vertically aligned ; 2006 Sismondo certificate (Sassone # 16d). (Photo) .. .. ... . .... Sassone €5,000
2498 0
Naples, Sassone #F13, 1860 20gr Carmine Rose, Postal Forgery, Type VI, black framed "ANNULLATO " postmark , ample margins all around , fresh and Very Fine ; signed A. Diena, 2006 . .. . . .. . .. . ... .. . . .... .. .... . . Sassone €325 Sismondo certificate. (Photo) . . . . ..........
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V )t~L J:,-~c,,'~,.,,:. • -:l·,.·"· :.,I; · /,,_ c,. • V-I- _//f,-,,,..,,,,,.7· ,.,/1.,.,..
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2501 2499
Sicily, 1859 Cover to Palermo to Rome, lgr Olive Green single and horiz. pair , lOgr Deep Blue, 20gr Slate (Sco tt 12, 16, 17, Sassone 5, 12, 13) tied on letter sheet by the usual black ornamented frame cancel , Palermo / Par Pen za 5 MAR 59 c.d.s . and "C ivita vecc hia Dalla Via Di Mar" transit po stmark , back stamped Civitavecc hia 5 Mar and Rom a 7 Ma r, stamps slightl y over lapp ing and with clear to cutting margins, 20gr ample margins all around, cove r w ith some minor faults from postal wear , Fine and attractive three-color franking; signed Emilio Diena . (Photo) .... Est. 1,000-1 ,500
Sicily, 1859 Cover Messina to Girgenti, 2gr Blu e & l0gr Deep Blue (Scott 13, 16, Sassone 8, 12) tied on letter sheet by the usual black ornamented frame cance l with bold str ike of"MESAI 859/ 17 AGOSo" alongside , oval framed "ASSICURATA" (registered) hand sta mp , 2gr amp le mar gins, I0 gr . .. . ... Est. 300 -400 clear margin s, a Fine and attractive cover. (Photo) ... . .................
Sicily, 1859 Cover to Palermo to Rome , 2gr Blue hori zo ntal pair & lOgr Deep Blue (Scott 13, 16, Sassone 8, 12) tied on letter sheet by the usual black ornamented frame cancel, Palern10/ Par Penza 17 FEB 59 c.d.s. and "Civitavecchia Dalla Via Di Mar " transit postmark , backstamped Civitavecchia 19 Feb and Roma 21 Feb, stamps slight ly over lappi ng and with clear to cutt ing margins , cover with some binge sea led interna l breaks along file folds, Fine usage; signed Emi lio and .................. . . . .... . .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . Est. 500 -75 0 Enzo Diena . (Photo) . . ......
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#26, 1863 Sc Slate Green , we ll centered single with unusually fresh co lor, origiml gum , Very Fine , an attractive and scarce sound exa mple; signe d (Sasso ne # 16, €2, 100). (Photo) . .... . .. 1,500.00 Sassone #64A, 1893 20c Silver Wedding of King Umberto and Queen Margherita, prep ared but not officia lly issued , rich co lor, original gum , bare st trace of hinging, Fine and scarce; this stamp was not issued because the stamp print ers in Turin failed to prepare it in time for the celebration. (Photo) ..... ...... ...... . .................... . ............. . ... . ... Sassone €2 ,000 Sassone #64A, 1893 20c Silver Wedding of King Umberto and Queen Margherita, prep ared but not officially issued, fresh co lor, original gum, h.r., Very Good-Fine. (Photo) .... Sassone €2, 000
Ex 2505
September 29, 2006
174A-174G, 192410c-2L Italian Cruise Overprints, impre ssive set of blocks of four, bright colors especially so on the high va lues, original gum, Neve r Hinged , Fine-Very Fine ; a scarce set of multipl es particularl y in this post-office fres h conditi on, only 5,000 sets issued ; 1967 Diena certificate for the IL and 2L values (Sasso ne # 162-168) . (Photo) . ....... ... ........ Sassone € 1,250
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<1'. :=i
u Ex 2507
Ex 2508
Ex 2506 2506
#324-328, C62-C65, 1934 2d World Soccer Championship, blocks of four, immaculate origina l gum without any of the browning typically seen on stamps of this period , Never Hinged , fresh and Fine-Very Fine , a select set of this popular topical (Sassone #357-36 1, A69-A 72). (Photo) ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sassone €2,750
#331-341, C66-C72, CE8-CE9, 1934 Medal of Honor, blocks of four, tnily post-office fresh with pristine orig inal gum showing no traces of the browning so often seen , Never Hinged , Fine-Very Fine, a choice set typically impossible to find in this premium condition (Sassone #366-376 , A 74.... . . . .. .. . .. .. . .. ............ . . .. Sassone €1 ,700 A82). (Photo) . . . . . . .... ..........
#400 -409, Cl00-Cl0S, 1938 Proclamation of the Empire, eye appealing blocks of four, pristine original gum , Never Hinged , Fine-Very Fine , a lovely set looking just as it did when purchased at the post office (Sassone #439 -448 , Al 11-A I I 6). (Photo) . . ... .. .. . .. .. . ...... Sassone €1,575
2509 2509
September 29 , 2006
#C27 var., 1930 7.70L Rome to Rio Flight, Plate Proof, left margin horizontal pair in issued co lors on ungummed paper , Extreme ly Fine , a seldom offered showpiece ; signed Kessler (Sassone . .... ... . .... ... .. .. . ... . . .. . . ..... . .. .. . . . Sassone €2,200 #P25). (Photo) ...........
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H.R. Hann er, Inc.
Catalog or Estimated Value
2511 2510 25 10
#C27, 1930 7.70L Rome to Rio Flight, right margin block of four , well centered and fresh , original gum, Never Hin ged, Extre mely Fine (Sassone #A25, €3,750; Michel #361 , €2,800 for singles). (Photo) . . . . .. .. ........ .... ................. . ................... for single s 1,800.00
#C27, 1930 7.70L Rome to Rfo de Janeiro Flight, tied on piece (a long wit h usual l.25L Deep Blue) by 15 Dec 1930 flight machine cancel , Very Fine (Sass one #A25 , €1,350). (Photo) . 925.00
Ex2512 Ex 2513
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Ex 2514 2512
#C42-C47, 1933 L3-L20 Zeppelin Flight, block s of fo ur, vivid colors , unblemish ed original gum, Never Hinged , Fine-Very Fine , a lovely set (Sasso ne A45-50). (Photo) ... .. . .. . Sassone €1,3 50
** D
#C42-C47, 1933 L3-L20 Zeppeli n Flight, margin block s of four , bright vibrant co lors, original gum , Neve r Hinged , Fine-Very Fine , a love ly set (Sasso ne A45-50). (Photo) ..... Sassone € 1,350
#C48-C49, 1933 5.25L Balbo Flight Overprints, group of eig ht sets with different pilot s' names overprints, includes overprints for Balbo , Biseo , Giordano , Leone , Nannini , Napoli , Ranier i and Rovis , origina l gum , Never Hinged , Fine-Very Fine (Sassone PA Sl509A /Sl509R). (Photo) ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sassone €5,250
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Catalog or Estimated Value
.. .. ......... .......................... Ex 2515 25 15
#C89-C94 , 1937 25c-5L Child Welfare Airmails , comer margin blocks of four, or iginal gum, ever Hinged , fresh and Fine-Very Fine (Sassone #A 100-Al 15). (Photo) . . .. . . . .. Sassone €950
#Q76, 1954 l,000L Parcel Post, outstand ing single being particularly well centered and with immaculate original gum , Never Hinged , choice Very Fine, a very scarce post-war issue (Sasso ne .. ... . . . .. Sassone €3,600 ........... . ..... . . . . ... . ...... . ....... 8 1). (Photo) .......
25 17 2517
September 29, 2006
1944 10c-50c "Base Atlantica" Overprints , set tied on censored military entire by "Forze Subacquee Italiane In Atlantico " 17.2.44 c.d.s. on address side with addit ional "Mugeiano La Spezia " 29.2.44 cancel and purple framed "VERIFICATO / PER CE SURA " and double circle "4" censor handsta mps, reverse side with German censor tape tied by two Feldpost markings , 2.44 c.d.s "Genova Ferr. Race. Gruppo Straord. " 6.3.44 c.d.s, addressee handstamp "COMAN DO SURERIORE FORZE SUBACQUE / IN ATLANTICO - FELDPOST N. 28988" , fresh and Extreme ly Fine; only 50 of the 15c value were issued ; signed Bloch and with notation "Pos. 12 in setting of 20" . below the key !Sc va lue (Sasso ne #6-11 , !Sc va lue unpriced on cover) . (Photo) ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for used Sassone € 16,600 Page 119
er, Inc. H.R. Ha1111
Catalog or Estimat ed Value
2518 Ex 2519 2518 **
#Ql -Q12 , 1947-48 lL-S00L Parcel Post, post-office fresh, original gum, Never Hin ged, Fine-Very Fine (Sassone # 1-12, € 1,000). (Photo) ....................... . .... . ....... . .... . 649 . 15
2519 **D
#Q13 -Q26 , 1949-54 1L-1,000L Parcel Post, impress ive set of block s of four, bright color s, original gum , Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine, scarce in multipl es (Sasso ne # 13-26, €2, 160 for singles). (Photo) ....... . ......... .. ....... . . .... .. . . .. .... .. . . . .. .. . . . ... for singles 1,308.80
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Ex 2523 Ex 2520
Ex 2522
KOREA 2520
1955 Rotary Souvenir Sheets , complete set, also incl. set of " imperfora te" singles cut from souvenir sheets, Very Fine, unlisted in Scott. (Photo) .... .... . ....... ... . .. 2003 KPC Wl 80,000
#C36a , 1929 ISP on 25P Ultramarine , Type II , original gum , fresh and Fine, scarce with only 1,000 issued (Ceres 36b, € 1,300). (Photo) ....... . .. . .. ... . . .... .. ... .. . .. . . . .. . . 800.00
LIBERIA 2522 **
#368-730, C114-Cll 7 var., 1958 Pres. Tubman European Visit, Flags inverted , original gum , Neve r Hinged, fres h and Fine-Very Fine. (Photo) . ................. . ....... . .. Est. 300-400
2523 **D
#368-370, C114-Cll 7 var., 1958 Pres. Tubman European Visit, Flags inverted , comer margin block s of four, original gum, Never Hin ged, fres h and F ine-Very Fine. (Photo) . ... Est. 750-1,000
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Catalog or Estimated Value
2525 2524 2524
#1 var., 1912 Sh Yellow Green on Chalk Surfaced Paper, Imperforate, left marg in block of four , wonderfu lly fresh co lor, origi nal gum , Never Hinged , choice Very Fine and quite attracti ve (M ichel # I x U). (Photo) . .. .. ... . .. . .... . .. . ... . ....... ............... .... . ... Michel € 1,600 #la var., 1915 Sh Yellow Green on Thin Uns urfac ed Paper, Imperforate, left margin hori zontal pair, stron g colo r, original gum , Never Hinged but with tiny spot of gum disturb ance on left stamp , couple margin creases we ll away from stamp s, Very F ine (M ichel # 1 y U). (Photo)Michel € 1,200
#2a var., 1915 JOh Rose on Thin Unsurfaced Paper, Imperforate , left margin block of four , rich intense color , or igina l gum , Never Hinged , cho ice Very Fine (Miche l #2 y U) . (Photo) .. .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michel €2 ,400
#2a var., 1915 10h Rose on Thin Unsurfaced Paper, Imperforate, block of six, deep luxuriant color , or iginal gum , Never Hinged, natural paper wrink ling affects pos. 5-6 , Very Fine , a showpiece block (M ichel #2 y U). (Photo) . ............. . . .. . ........ .... ...... . .. .. Michel €3 ,600
September 29, 2006
#3 var., 1912 25h Dark Blue on Chalk Surfaced Paper, Imperforate , left margin hor izontal pair, bright color , or iginal gum , ever Hin ge d, choic e Very Fine (M ichel #3 x U). (Photo) Michel €8 00
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Catalog or Est imat ed Value
2529 2532 2529
#3 var., 1912 25h Dark Blue on Chalk Surfaced Paper, Imperforate , top marg in block of four , viv id "just printed " co lor, origi nal gum , Never Hinged, Extreme ly Fine , a showpiece (Mic hel #3 x . .... Michel € 1,600 . .. .... . ......... . .. . .... . ...... . ........ U). (Photo) . . .. ........
#3a var., 1915 25h Dark Blue on Thin Unsurfaced Paper, lmperforate , gorgeo us mint single wit h vivid co lor, large bal anced margin s, original gum , ever Hing ed, tiny nick in the bottom margin, Very Fine, the rarest of the first issue imperf s (M ichel #3 ya U). (Photo) . .... M ichel €2 ,000
253 1
#4-9 var., 1917-18 3h-25h Arms, Johann II , Imperforate , hor izonta l pairs , origina l gum , Neve r Hinged but with some light gum disturbances , most with creases to vary ing degrees , Very Fine appeara nce, a scarce set (Mic hel #4 U-9 U). (Photo) . .. . ..... . ... . ... for hinged Michel €900
#10 var., 1918 20h Dark Green, Imperforate , top margin hori zontal pair , intense color, orig inal gum , Neve r Hinged , natural gum wrink le in left stamp , Very Fine and cho ice (M ichel # IO U). . .. . ... Michel € 1,000 (Photo) .... ..... . . .. .. . .. . . .. . . .. ... . ... . .. . . .... . .. . ........
#3ab, 1915 25h Ultramarine on Thin Unsurfac ed Paper, unu suall y we ll cente red sing le with lovel y distinctiv e " milky " blue co lor, orig inal gum , h.r., Very Fine and choice (Michel #3 y B, . .... . 350.00 .. ..... . . .. ... . ........ €400 ). (Photo) . .. .. . .. . .......................
P #54/61, 1921 2rp/15rp Coat of Arms Trial Color Proofs, ten comp rising 2rp 2534 (Red Brown) , 2 l/2rp (Red Violet) , 5rp (Green , Dark Green , Black) , I Orp (Dark Brown , Claret) , I 3rp (Black) , l 5rp (Claret, Black ), imperforate on ungummed paper except 2 l/2 rp perf 12 1/2 (rare) , all imperfs with large margins, Very Fine and sca rce ; 1991 Rupp cert ifi. .... . . .. Est. 2,000-3 ,000 cate for the gro up (M ichel 45/52). (Photo) . ................ Ex 2534
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Catalog or Estim ated Value
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2536 2537 Ex 2535 2535
*f**D #62-69,
(* )
#63 var., 1921 25rp Rose Red & Black , Imperf & Inverted Center Variety, well centered ami dst huge balanced margins, deep rich color & sharp impress ion on crisp paper, unused , Extremely Fine and scarce (an unlisted var iety of Michel 54) . (Photo) . . . . . ..... ... . .... .. . ... . Est. 150-200
#80 , 1924 lFr Blue , top margin block of four, beautifull y centered , unbl em ished orig inal gum , Never Hin ged , Very Fine and choice (Mic hel #71). (Photo) . ... . .... . ..... . .. . Michel € 1,040
1921 20rp-1Fr Scenes , incredible set of block s of four with wonderfu lly deep rich co lor, unu sually well centered, original gum , top pair lightly hinged , bottom pair Never Hinged , Very Fine, a select set of this key ear ly issue (Michel #53-60 , € 1,940 for sing les). (Photo) for sing les 1,794.50
Ex 2538 Ex 2539
Ex 2540 #82-89 , 1928 10rp-5Fr 70th Johann II Anniversary, unu sua lly we ll centered set , unbl emis hed original gum, Never Hinged, choice Very Fine, a select set of this always popular issue (Mic hel #8289, € 1,200). (Photo) .. .. .. . .. .. .... .. . . . . . .. ... .. . . .. . . .... . . . .... ...... . .... 925.00
*f**D #94-107,
September 29, 2006
#86P-89P , 1928 1.20Fr - SFr Prince Johann II as Boy & Man, Die Proofs on Card , high values from 70th year of the reign of Prince Johann II issue complete as bottom margin singles, bright vibrant co lors and sharp impre ssions, an Extreme ly Fine gro uping , 1972 Hunziker certificate for set of bottom right comer margin blocks of four from which these are the bottom left proofs. (Photo) ... .... .. . . . . ..... . . .. ... . .... .. .... .. .... . . . . . . .... . . . .. .. . . . .. . ... . Est. 300-400 1930 3rp-2Fr Pictorials, blocks of four, fresh co lors , original gum , top sta mps lightl y hinged , bottom Never Hinged , Fine-Very Fine , a scarce set in multiples (Mic hel #94-107 , €4,300 for single s). (Photo) .. ... ...... . ..... . .. . .. . .. . ..... .. .. . ... . . .... for singles 3,882.40 Page 123
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Catalog or Estimated Value
254 1 2541
#107a, 1930 2Fr Prince Franz and Princess Elsa, Perf 11 1/2 x 10 1/2, flawless exa mpl e of this rare var iety, wonderfu lly fresh co lors , Triesenberg 2.IX .35 favor cance l (stamp is o.g ., Never Hinged) , nearly Very F ine , a very scarce variety missing from many of eve n the most advanced co llections ; 1975 Reinhardt and 2002 Marxer cert ificates (Michel # 107 C). (Photo) . . Mic hel €7 ,000
Ex 2542
Ex 2543 Ex 2544
#108-110, I 933 25rp-1.20Fr Views, marv e lous set of block s of four , unusually we ll centered, sumptu ous rich co lor, immaculate orig inal gum , ever Hinged , Very Fine and choice (Mic hel # I 19121, €4 ,000 for singles) . (Photo) . ... . . .. .... . ... . ..... .. .... . .. . .. . . for singles 3,300.00
#108-110, 1933 25rp-l.20Fr Views, another wonderful set of blocks of four with cente ring far better than usually seen , deep rich co lor, unblemished original gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine and . . for singles 3,300 .00 choice (M iche l # 119-12 1, €4 ,000 for singles). (Photo) . .. ... ... ........
#111-113, 1933 10rp-30rp Prince Francis I Birthda y, blocks of four, post-office fresh , original gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine (Miche l # 122-124 , €800 for singles). (Photo) . . for singles 640 .00
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Ca talog or Estim ated Va lue
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2546 2545
#114, 1933 3Fr Prince Francis I, stunni ng full sheet of twenty , excellent centering throughout with unbl emished original gum , Neve r Hinged , choice Very Fine , a lovely sheet (Miche l # 141, €4 ,800 . ... .. ... . . . ... . for sing les 4,500 .00 for sing les). (Photo) .. . . . .. . .... .. . . .. ... .. . ......
#115, 1934 Vaduz Souvenir Sheet, a gorgeo us used sheet wit h a perfectly clear Sept. 29, 1934 double circle First Day of the Exposition date stamp , rich co lor on fresh paper , beautifully centered , two light vert ica l creases at left edge are barely visible , otherwise an Extremely Fine and beautiful . ... ... ... ... . .... 2,100.00 souveni r sheet (Michel Block 1, €2,600) . (Photo) .. .. . . ........
#130, 1935 2Fr Henna Brown , eye-catching full sheet of twenty , as fresh as the day it was printed, exce llent centering and pristine original gum , Never Hinged , cho ice Very Fine , a select sheet . . . .. . for sing les 2,200 .00 (Michel # 140, €2 ,800 for singles). (Photo) . .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . ......
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Catalog or Estima ted Value
#131, 1935 5Fr Dark Violet, full sheet of 20, folded horizontally between 2d and 3d rows , original gum , ever Hinged , sma ll margin break and light wrinkling at top , still Very Fine and scarce sheet (Mic hel # 142, €13 ,000 for singles). (Photo) . . . . . .. .. ... . . .. . . . . . ... . . for singles 10,500.00
#131, 1935 5Fr Dark Violet, we ll centered , Very Fine, 1996 PF certificate (Michel 142, €I, I 00). (Photo ) . .. . .. . .. .. . . . . ............. . . .... . . . .. .... . ... .. ... .... . .. .. . ..... 850.00
255 1
# 136-150, 1937-38 3rp-l.50 Fr Land scapes, Locks and Castles, comp lete set in full sheets, 3rp 25rp sheets of 50, 30rp - l .50Fr sheets of 25, original gum , Never Hinged , fresh and Very Fine (Michel # 156- 169). . ... ........ . . . . . .. . .... . . . ... . ..... . . . ........ . . . . . Michel €700
#131, 1935 5Fr Dark Violet, premium single with excellent cente ring, strong co lor and pristine origina l gum , Never Hinged , choice Very Fine (Michel # 142, €650) . {Photo ) . . ....... . . 525 .00
;;o V,
,.... 2552 2552
#157-159, 1939 2Fr-5Fr Arms, Prince Franz Josef II, 2Fr, 3Fr sheets of twe lve, 5Fr shee t of four, original gum, Never H inged , Very Fine (M ichel # 183-185). . ....... .. .... .. . . . . Michel €554
#198-211 , 1944-45 3rp-150rp Towns and Landscapes, full sheets of 25, orig ina l gum, Never Hinged , Very Fine (Michel #224 -237 , €1 ,375 for singles) . .. .. . ...... . ..... for singles 937.50
September 29, 2006
#149 var., 1938 1.20Fr Deep Brown, Imperforate, right margin single with large balanced margins the other three sides , pristine original gum , Never Hinged , Extremely Fine gem ; 1990 Marxer certificate (Michel # 168 U). (Photo) .. . . . .. . . ........ . .... . .... . ... . . .. . .. Michel €1 ,000
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Cata log or Estimated Value
2555 2555
#215-216 var., 1944 2Fr, 3Fr Monarchs, lmp erforate, incred ible set of full sheets of eight (normal perforated sheets acco mpany), remarkably fresh in all respects with unbl em ished original gu m, eve r Hinged , Extremely Fine, a wo nderfu l opportunity as the se are se ldom offe red a intact sheets for singles Michel â&#x201A;Ź20 ,800 (Miche l #238 U-239 U) . (Photo) . ..............................
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Ex 2557
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Ex 2558
Ex 2559
#217, 222, 1945, 1947 5rp Coat of Arms, sheets of eight, original gum , Neve r Hinged , Very Fine (Michel #243, 252). . . . ........... . . ...... ... ..... . . ... . ........ . . . .. ... Michel €620
#247-258, 1951 5rp-1Fr Definitive Issue, matching set of top left corner margin blocks of four, pristine orig inal gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine (Miche l #289-300, €680 for singles). (Photo) . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for singles 500.00
#247-258 , 1951 5rp-1Fr Agricultural Workers, full sheets of 25, original gum, Never Hinged, Very F ine (M ichel #289-300 , €4 ,250 for singles). (Photo) . .... . .. . ... . . .. for singles 3, 125.00
#259a-260a, 1951 Prince & Princess , Perf 14 3/4, margin block s of four, exceptionally well centered , original gum, ever Hinged , Extremely Fine and scarce ; 1999 Marxer certificate for the set (Miche l #304 B, 305 B, €4,800 for sing les). (Photo) . .. .. .. .. .... .... . . . . for sing les 3,600.00
#264, 1952 5Fr Vaduz Castle, full sheet of nine, excellent centeri ng, unblemi shed or igina l gum, choice Very Fine (Michel #309). (Photo) . . .... ...... . .... ............ ... . . Michel €2,000
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Ca talog or Estimated Value
#264, 1952 5Fr Vaduz Castle, full sheet of nine , origina l gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine (Mic hel .. . . .... .. Michel €2 ,000 .... .... . . . .. .. ... ...... ........ #309) . ....................
#266-269, 1953 10rp-40rp Paintings, full sheets of twe lve, exce ptionall y fresh , original gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine (Mic hel #311-314 , € 1,440 for singles). . . . .... . ... . for singles 960.00
#284-286, 1954 20rp-1Fr Madonna, full sheets of 20, original gum, Never Hinged , Very Fine . . .. . . ... for singles 750 .00 . ...... .. ...... (Miche l #329 -33 I, €I , I 00 for singles) ..........
#289-292, 1955 10rp-40rp Winter Sports, full sheets of 25 , original gum, Never Hinged , Very Fine (M ichel #334-337 , € 1,500 for singles) .. .... . . .. ... .... . . . . . . . .... for single s 1,062.50
#297-300, 1956 10rp-1Fr Sports, full sheets of 25, origina l gum , Neve r Hinged , Very Fine (M ichel for singles 562.50 .. ......... . .......... ..... .......... #342-345, €800 for singles) .....
#312-314, 1957 10rp-1Fr Trees and Flowers , sheets of 20, origina l gum, stamps Neve r Hinged , . .. . I 0rp lightly hinged in margin only, Very Fine (Mic hel #357-359 , €440 for singles) ......... 320.00 singles for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................
#353-355, 1960 20rp-50rp Trees, sheets of 20, original gum , eve r Hinged , Very Fine (M ichel . .... . .. .. .. .. ..... for singles 800.00 #399-40 1, € 1,000 for singles). . . . . .. . .... . ........
Ex 2568
Ex 2570 2569
#81-83, 1925 10rp-30rp Prince Johann II Birthda y, top margin blocks of four, unu sually we ll centered , original gum , eve r Hinged , Very Fine , a select set (M ichel #72-74 , €88 0 for singles). for singles 600.00 .. ... . .. . ........ . .............. ... ................ {Photo) .......
#B4 var., 1927 10 (+5) rp Prince Johann II Birthda y, Imperforate, full sheet of 25, original gum , margin and pos. 21 lightl y hinged , othe r stamps Never Hinged , fresh and Very Fine , a rarity in full Michel €4,900 sheet format (Michel #75 U). (Photo) . . .... . . . .. . ... . .....................
#811-813, 1932 10rp-30rp Child Welfare, blocks of four, we ll centered , rich colors , original gum , Never Hinged, Very F ine (Michel # 116-118, €640 for sing les). (Photo) .... . .. for singles 500.00
257 1
#819-821, 1951 10rp+I0rp-40rp+10rp Painting s, full sheets of twe lve, orig inal gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine (Mic hel #30 1-303, €480 for sing les) . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ... . .. for singles 360.00
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Catalog or Estimated Value
Ex 2573
Ex 2572
Ex 2576
Ex 2575
#C7-C8 , 1931 1Fr-2Fr Zeppelin, co rner margin blocks of fou r, exce llent centering, strong colors, pristine original gum , Never Hinged, Extre mely Fine, a gem set (Michel # 114-115, €2 ,200 for singles). (Photo) .. . ....... . . . .... . . .. . . . .... .. ... . .. . .... . . .. .. ... .. for singles 1,300 .00
#C7-C8, 1931 1Fr-2Fr Zeppelin, margin blocks of four, co lors and gum as if they were ju st purchased in the Post Office, near-perfect centerin g, Neve r Hin ged, Extremely Fin e, a showpiece set (Michel # 114-115, €2,2 00 for singles). (Photo) . .. .. . .... . .......... .. .. for singles 1,300 .00
#C9 -C13, 1934-35 IOrp-SOrp Birds , Ribbed Gum, blocks of four, original gum , eve r Hinged, fresh and Fin e-Very Fine (Michel # 143 Y-147 Y, €88 0 for singles) . (Photo) .... for singles 600 .00
September 29, 2006
#Cl-C6, 1930 15rp-1Fr Airmails, blocks of four, very we ll centered, original gum , Neve r Hinged, Very Fine, a very attractive and desirable set (Michel # 108-113, €2 ,000 for singles). (Photo) .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for singles 1,400 .00 #C7-C8, 1931 1Fr-2Fr Zeppelin , margin singles, strong co lors, pristine original gum, ever Hinged, Very Fin e (Michel # 114-115, €550). (Photo) .. .. . . .... . ... . ... . . ... . ... .. .. 325.00
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Catalog or Est imated Value
2578 Ex 2577 2577
#C9-C13, 1934-35 10rp-50rp Birds , Ribbed Gum, fu ll sheets of 50 fo lded in half vert ica lly, original gum , Never Hinged , fresh and Very Fine , elusive in fu ll sheets (M ichel # 143 Y-147 Y, € 11,000 for singles) . (Photo) .... ... ........ . . . ... .. .. . .... . .... ... . . .... . . for singles 7,500.00
#C14, 1935 60rp on lFr Lake, top margin block of four , very well centered , orig inal gum, Never Hinged , Very Fine and choice (M iche l # 148, €480 for singles). (Photo) . . ..... for singles 300 .00 LIECHTENSTEIN
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Ex 2579 2579
#Cl 7-C23 , 1939 10rp-2Fr Airmail Issue , full sheets of 50, or igina l gum , Never Hinged , Ve1y Fine, an elusive set in full sheets (M ichel # 173-179, €2,25 0 for singles). (Photo) .. for singles 1,000.00
#C26a, 1948 20rp Degen, Reddish Brown Variety, full sheet of nine , origi nal gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine (Miche l #259b , € 1,080 for singles). (Photo) ................... . for sing les 585.00
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Ca talog or Estimated Value
258 1 **D
#C34-C37, 1960 30rp-75rp Airmails, compl ete sheets of 20, original gum, Neve r Hinged, Very Fin e (Michel #39 1-394, €520 for singles) .... .. . ...... .. .... . .. . .... . . .. for singles 350.00
2582 **D
#J21-J28, 1940 5rp-50rp Postage Due, full sheets of 20, original gum , Neve r Hinged, fresh and Fin e-Very Fine (Michel #P2 I-P 28, €800 for singles) . . . . . .. . . .. .. ... ..... . for singles 500 .00
2583 **D #09-010 , 1933 25rp, 1.20Fr Officials, blocks of four, post-office fresh, we ll centered, original gum , ever Hinged, Very Fin e (Mic hel #D9-D I 0, € 1,360 for singles) . (Photo) . . . . ..... . .. . . .... .. .. . . .. . for singles 800.00 2584 **D #021-029 , 1937-41 Srp-1.S0Fr Officials, blocks of2 5 with 30rpl.50 Fr being full sheets, original gum , Neve r Hin ged, Fine-Very Fine (Mich el #D20-D21 , D22 a, D22b, D23-D 37, € 1,225 for singles) .. . . . . for singles 375.00
Ex 2583
2585 **D
1947 5rp-150rp Official Overprints, sheets of 25, original gum ,
Fin e (Mich el #D28-D34, € 1,000 for singles) .. . .... 2586 **D
. ....
ever Hinged, Very . ... . ... . ... . .. . . for singles 647.50
#O42a, O43a, 1968 55rp, 60rp Officials, White Paper Var., full sheets of 20, original gum , Neve r Hin ged, Very Fin e (M ichel #D40 y, D41 y, € 1,220 for singles) . . . ....
for singles 1,020.00
#218P/233P, 1944-46, Sc, 70c//10Fr Grand Duchess Charlotte, Large Die Proofs, eleve n compri sing Sc, 70c, 75c, I l/4f, I 3/4f, 2f, 2 1/2f, 3f, 3 l/2f, Sf, !Of, in issued co lors, 75 x 85mm and affixe d to gray card, also incl. 25c and 30c mounted on card, Ol ive Gree n w ith blank denomination and " F" at top right mounted on card, all w ith plate no. at top, plu s 1927 issue 25c Violet Brown issue mounted on card with plate no. and imprint , and pro of of unissued 3 l/2f design of an older Gra nd Du chess Charlotte, Oli ve Gr een proof with toned specks, otherw ise Very Fine; all are from the American Bank No te company archive and offered to the market for the first tim e since that sale. (Photo) ... Est. 500-750 Ex 2587
September 29, 200 6
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Cata log or Estimated Value
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Ex 2590
Ex 2589
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Ex 2591
Ex 2593 Ex 2595
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0 Ex 2592 eptember 29, 2006
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Catalog or Estimated Value
#278-279, 1952 2Fr, 4Fr Centenar y, half sheet of eight se-tenant pairs (tete-beche halves) with gutter between , original gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine (M ichel #488 -489 , €960 as pairs). (Photo) . . .. for singles 520.00 . ....... . .. . .. . . . ... . .... . .. . ... .. ... . ......... . ............
#B45-B49 , 1931 10c-l.75Fr Child Welfare, blocks of four, pristine origi nal gum , Never Hinged , . ..... . . for singles 440 .00 Fine-Very Fine (Miche l #240-244, €480 for singles). (Photo) .......
#B55-B59, 1933 10c-l.75Fr Count Henry VII, blocks of four, bright and fresh , original gum , ever Hinged , Fine-Very Fine (Michel #252-256 , €600 for singles). (Photo) . .. for singles 500.00
#B60-B65, 1934 10c-1.75Fr John the Blind , blocks of four, bright colors , unblemished original . gum , Never Hinged , Fine-Very Fine (Michel #259 -264, €640 for singles). (Photo) ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for singles 500.00
#B65A-B65Q, 1935 5c+5c-20Fr+20Fr 1935 Intell ectuals, impre ssive and rare set of comer margin blocks of four, post-office fresh, pristine origina l gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine and choice; a quality set for the condition conscious collector ; 1967 Bolaffi certificate for the 20Fr (Miche l #266. ... 4,000.00 .. . ... .. .. ...... .. . .. . .... .. . .. ....... 280) , €5,600). (Photo) ............
#B67-B72, 1935 10c-1.75Fr Charles I, margin block s of four, immacu late original gum , Never Hinged , fresh and Fine-Very Fine (Michel #284-289 , €560 for singles). (Photo ) for singles 440 .00
#B143-B146 , 1947 Welfare, full sheets of 25, fresh original gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine (Michel for single s 425 .00 .. ....................... . ...... #427-430 , €425 for singles) ...........
#C16-C20, 1952 Centenary Airmails , blocks of four, unb lemished or iginal gum (scarce on these "soft gum" issues) , Never Hinged, Very Fine (Mic hel #490-494 , €440 for singles). (Photo) . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for singles 400.00
2596 2596
September 29, 2006
#42, 1867 1/2r Gray, Gothic "Mexico " Overprint , excep tionall y well centered within large balanced margins , origina l gum , h.r., Very Fine and choice ; 2006 MEPSI certificate . (Photo) . 275.00 #514a, 1915 SP Post Office, Inverted Center, well centered sing le, orig inal gum , Very Fine and choice , a scarce and seldom offered error espec ially in this premium cond ition. (Photo) . .. 400.00 #538a, 1916 SP "Corbata "/ Govierno Constitucionalista" Overprints , Tablet Inverted, top right come r margin block of four, we ll centered , rich colors , original gum , ever Hinged, Very Fine; an attractive and desirable multiple of this rare invert with reportedly only one sheet printed. (Photo) for hinged 1,200 .00 . .. .......................................... . ....... ..........
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Ex 2600 2603
Ex 2599
Ex 260 1
#754-758, Cl03 -Cl07, 1940 Postage Stamp Centenary, top left corner margin blocks of four, vivid fresh colors , or iginal gum, Never Hin ged , Very Fine and choice. (Photo) . fo r singles 564.00
#943-952, 1963-66 5c-10P Definit ives, bottom margin blocks of six with ser ial number imprint , orig ina l gum , Never Hinged , !Sc fingerprints on gum, still fresh and Very Fine . (Photo) . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for singles 864.90
260 1
#C54 -C61, 20c-20P 1934 National University Airmails, particularly we ll centered set, or ig inal
#C74, 1935 20c Amelia Earhart Overprint , or ig inal gum , Never Hinged but with trace of finger prints and bits of offset , a Fine exa mpl e of this air post rarity; signed and with 2006 MEPSI certifi. . ... . . ...................... for hinged 3,250.00 cate . (Photo) . . ... . .. . . .. .. . . . ......
#C93a, 1939, 20c Sarabia, block of four, especially well centered, deep rich co lors and impressions, origina l gum, ever Hinged , Ext remely Fine and scarce with only 1,000 overpr inted stamps . ............. . ..... for si11g les 1,800.0 0 issued, 1993 P.F. certificate. (Photo) . ..... . .......
Septembe r 29 , 2006
gum , Never Hin ged but most with traces of fingerprint s to varying degree s as often fou nd, Very . .... .. ... .. . . . ... ... ...... . .... for hinged 1,6 17.00 Fine. (Photo) . . . . ................
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Catalog or Estimated Value
2604 2604
#817 var., 1972 2Fr Dur er Anniversar y, "AL BERT" Variety, top right com er margin single, origi_ nal gum, Neve r Hin ged, choice Very Fine, a rare modem error (Yvert #876 A). (Photo) .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yvert €5,500
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Ex 2607 Ex 2606
260 6
Yvert Block #3A, 38 , 1949 Red Cross Sheets, perf. and imp erf. sheets (noted but not priced in Scott), bea utiful co lors on fresh clea n paper, original gum , eve r Hinged, Extremely Fine . (Photo ) ....... . .. . ... ... .... .. .. . .... . . . . ..... . ...... . ..... . . . . ... . .... . ... . . Yvert €990
#C4 1-C43, C44a, 1955100 Fr-1000 Fr Birds, Perf 11, eye-ca tching matchin g com er margin block s of four , post-offic e fres h, very we ll ce ntered, origina l gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine, a showpiece set (Michel #502A -505 A, € l ,704 for singles). (Photo) . . . . .. .. . ... ..... . . for singles 1,516.00
September 29, 2006
#88 , SFr+SFr Dull Red, particul arly we ll cent ered, original gum , Very Fin e (Yvert #33, € l ,300 ). (Photo ) ... . . . . . ... . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. ... . . . . .. . . ..... . . ........... .. ......... . 925.00
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Ex 2608 2608
Cata log or Estimated Value
Ex 2609
#C41a, C42a , C44, 1957 IO0Fr-1,000Fr Birds , Perf 13, exce llent centering, original gum , Neve r 436. 50 Hinge d, choice Very Fine (M ichel #502B-505 B, €552). (Photo) . . .. .... . . ............
NEPAL 2609
#84-88, 1956 4p-1R Coronation , bloc ks of four, or iginal gum , Neve r Hin ged, fres h and Fine-Very .. . for singles 274.00 Fine (M ichel #92-96 , €700 for singles). (Photo) . ..... . ..... . .. . .......
26 10 26 IO
September 29, 2006
#1-3 , 1952 5c-15c King William Ill , vertica l pairs, eac h w ith full to wide marg ins all aro und plus crisp imp ress ions in glor ious ly rich co lor, or igina l gum , top stamp s are light ly binged or small h.r., bottom stamps Never Hinged , Ex tremely Fine in every respect, a gem set sure to please even the most demand ing of collec tors (NV PH # 1-3) . (Photo) . .. .... . . .. . ... . for singles NVP H €9, 125
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Catalog or Estimated Value
Ex 2613
26 11 26 12
Ex 26 14
#86, 1905 JOGOrange , port ion of town cancel, fresh and Fine (NVPH 80, €900) . (Photo) 625.00
26 12 0
#101, 1913 lOG Red on Straw, Utrecht 1916 c.d.s., corner perf crease bottom right , fres h and Fine . . ... . . . . ..... .. ......... . . . . . .. ..... . . 650.00 (NVPH 101, €1 ,000). (Photo) .. . .......
#142a-160a , 1925 lc-60c Definitives , Type A Syncopated Perfs , original gum, Never Hinged , fresh and Fine -Very Fine , a scarce set in this premium cond ition (NVPH #Rl-Rl8 , € 1,350). (Photo) ..... . ......... . ... . .. .. . .. . ...... ... .. .. ... . . .. . ..... .. .... . .. . .... . .. . . 950.00
26 14
#164a-193a, 1928 1/2c-60c Definitive s, Type B Syncopated Perfs, blocks of four, bright colors, original gum, top stamp s lightly hinged or small h.r., bottom stamps Never Hinged excep t I l/ 2c, 2c, !0 c, !Sc orange , 25c , 27 l /2c which are hinged , Fine-Very Fine (NVPH #R33-R56) . (Photo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. 400-500
Ex 26 16
Ex 2615 26 15 OD
Ex 26 17
#164a-193a , 1928 1/2c-60c Definitives , Type B Syncopated Perfs, postally used blocks of four, most with light to just legible single strike of a circular town cance l, overall nicely centered , fresh and Fine-Very Fine , an attractive and desirable set of these elusive block s (NVPH #R33-R56 , €948 for singles) . (Photo) . ... . . . . . . .... . . .. ... . . . . . . ..... . .... . . .... . .... for singles 880.40
#164b -192b , 1930 1/2c-50c Definitives, Type C Syncopa ted Perfs, blocks of four, original gum, top stamps lightly hin ged, bottom stamps Never Hinged , except I l/ 2c lightly hinged , fresh and Fine-Very Fine (NV PH #R57 -R70). (Photo) . . ... . . . . . .. ... .. . ..... .. ....... . Est. 200 -300
#168b-191a , 1926 2c-40c Definitives , Type A Syncopated Perfs, blocks of four, strong co lors, orig inal gum , Never Hin ged , one 15c stamp with popped inclusion causing sma ll perforation sized hole , otherwise fresh and Fine-Very Fine (NVPH #Rl 9-R31 , € 1,520 for singles). (Photo) . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for sing les 1,440 .00
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Ex 26 18 2620 26 18
#336 -339 , 1952 2c-20c Postage Stamp Centenar y Exhibition Issue , blocks of four, very we ll ce ntered, orig ina l gum , Neve r Hinged, Very Fine (NVPH # 592 -595, €52 0 for singles). (Photo) .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for singles 360.00
26 19
#B108-B112 , 1938 l l/2c-12 l/2c Child Welfare , marg in blocks of twe nty fo lded in half (2 l/2c perf separa tions along fo ld), origi nal gum , Neve r Hinged , Very Fine (NV PH #3 13-3 17, € 1,020 for sing les) . . .. .. . .. .... . .. .. .... . ....... . ..... . . . ...... . ...... . . .... for singles 700.00
#C9 , 1931 36c Queen Wilh elmina & Airplanes , block of four, pa1i icular ly we ll centered, unbl emished or ig inal gum , Neve r H inged , choice Very F ine (NV PH #9, €300 for singles) . (Photo) .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fo r singles 280 .00
Ex 2622
262 1
262 1
#Cl3-C14 , 1951 15G-25G Seagulls , matchin g left ma rgin singles, original gum , Neve r Hin ged, Very Fine and cho ice (NVPH # 12-13, €700) . (Photo) .. . ... . ............ . ... . ... . . . 460. 00
#104-110 , 1925 2i:i-25i:iAmunds en North Pol e Flight , unu sually we ll centered blocks of four, pristine orig inal gum , Neve r Hinge d, Very Fine and choice (Fac it # 15 1-157 SK.r5,600 for singles) . (Photo) . . . . .. .. ..... . .. . ... . ............. . ....... .. ....... . . ... . . for singles 500.00
#340-342 , 1955 20i:i-55i:iNational Philate lic Exhibition Overprints , bloc ks of ten, bright and fresh, or iginal gum , Neve r Hinged, Very Fi ne (Fac it #426 -428 , SKr3,7 50 for singles). . ..... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for sing les 450.00
#370-374 , 1959 lk-lOk King Olav V, blocks of 50 ( I 0x5) with fu ll marg ins three sides , origi nal gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine (Fac it #456 -460 , SK.r34,800 for singles) ..... for singles 3,600 .00
S ptemb er 29 , 200 6
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Ex 2626 Ex 2625
#235-236var, le & 2c Booklet Panes , Plate Proofs on Card, horizontal sheet margin pairs of booklet panes of six, 2c with "General Engraving Dept. 1923-Nov-26" receiving stamp on back , Very Fine-Extremely Fine ; one of only twelve possible pairs as only one set of sheets of 24 panes is known from the archives; ex Leeds. (Photo) . ... . .. . . ... . ... .. .. ... ........ Est. 200-250
PERU 2626
#134-140 var., 1895 le-IS Revolution and Election, "Specimen" Overprint, blocks of four wit h red Ame rican Bank ote Co. overprint , original gum , Never Hinged , Fine-Very Fine and as fresh as the day they were printed. (Photo) . . . .. . ...... .. .................. . ... . . Est. 150-200 UHIOH POSTAL UHIVl.R'"iAL
Ex 2627 Ex 2628 2627
#158-159 var., 1899 5S, I0S "Libert y", "Specimen" Overprint , 5S blue , I OS red American Bank Note Co. overprints , origina l gum , Never Hinged, fresh and Very Fine . (Photo) . . . .. Est. 300-400
#158-159 var., 1899 5S, IOS "Liberty" , "Specimen" Overprint, blocks of four, 5S blue , !OS red American Bank ote Co . overprints , origina l gum , Never Hinged , fres h and Very Fine ; very rare in multipl es. (Photo) . ... .. . .. . ... . . ..... .... .. .. . ... . .... . .. . . ... . .... . Est. 1,000- 1,500
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Ex 2629
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Ex 263 0
Ex 263 1 Ex 2632
#168-176 var., 1907 lc-2S Pictorials , "Specimen" Overprint , red America n Bank Note Co. ove rprint and security punch , espec ially fresh colors, origi nal gum, eve r Hinged, Fine-Very Fine . . . .. .. Est. I 00- 150 ..... . . . . .. .. ......... .. .... . .. . .... . ... . ......... (Photo) ......
#168-176 var., 1907 lc-2S Pictorials , "Specimen" Overprint, block s of four, red American Bank Note Co. ove rprint and security punch , fresh vibrant colors, original gum, Never Hing ed, Fine- Very Est. 300-400 . .. ... . ........ Fine , a scarce set in multiples. (Photo) . . ... . . . .. . .... . ......
263 1 P
#356-373 var., 1936-37 2c-10S Pictorials , Waterlow Plate Proofs, blocks of four in issued co lors on ungummed pap er, each stamp w ith security punch, fres h and F ine-Very Fine , nice set for the spe. Est. 300-400 . .. . ..... . .. . .... . ........ cia list. {Photo) . . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. . ............
#J34-J35 var., 1899 SS, lOS "Liberty" Postag e Dues, "Specimen" Overprint , red American Bank Note Co. ove rprints, well centered with strong co lor, origina l gu m, Never Hin ged, Very Fine. . .. .... . . .. . .. Es t. 400-500 .. . . .. ... ............ . . . .. . . . . ......... {Photo) . ........
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Ca talog or Estim ated Value
OD 00
Ex 2633
2634 2633
#la /5, 1853/55 5r/ 100r Regular Issues, selection of eight used singles with numeral cancels , la(5) , 4, 5(2) , clear to large margins , each with faults to varying degrees , Fine-Very Fine appearance . (Photo) . .... . .. . . .. .. .... . . . .. . . .. . ...... ......... .. . . . ...... .. ........ . . 8,700.00
#9, 1856 Sr Brown , bottom left comer margin block of four with large margins the other two sides , large part orig inal gum , multiple h .r., bottom right stamp small thin , otherwise Very Fine ; signed A. Diena (Miche l #9, â&#x201A;Ź2 ,200 for sing les). (Photo) . .. ... .. . . ... . .. .... .. . . . for sing les I , I 00.00
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Ex 2636
1869 Cover to Prussia, impress ive 3-color franking cover franked with 1867/7 0 !Or, 20r , 50r pair (Scott 26, 28 , 29) with all tied or canceled by "52" numeral cancel, 25r also tied by "Po rto 26 Fevr. 1869" c .d.s., addition al red large framed "P.D.", backstamped with Lisboa and an indistinct Gennan transit cancels , 25r perfs trimmed at bottom and few short / pulled perfs , still a Very Fine and scarce cover ; copy of 1995 P.F. certificate . (Photo) .. . . . . . ..... . ... .. . . . ....... .. Est. 1,500-2 ,000 P
Septemb er 29 , 2006
#315P-345P , 1924 Birth of Camoens Plate Proofs , set of Waterlow proofs in blocks of four (50c Red Orange two pair s), imperforate on ungummed paper with usual punches (large central punch or row of smaller size circles) , in issued or close to issued colors and with denomination omitted except 25c and 40c , few duplicates , some with usual light wrinkling , Fine-Very Fine . (Photo) .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. 500- 750 Page 143
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Cata log or Estimated Value
Ex 263 7 Ex 2638
264 1
Ex 2642
Ex 2647
Ex 2645 September 29 , 2006
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.R. Harmer, Inc. 1-1
Catalog or Estimated Value
#346Pl375P, 1925 Castello-Branco Birth Centenary Plate Proofs, set of Waterlow proof s in block s of four missing only two low values of the "A 73" design , imperforate on ungumrned paper w ith usual punches (large central pun ch or row of sma ller size circles) , in issued or close to issued colors and w ith deno mination omitted excep t 15c, 25c, 32c , 64c, 75c, IE , I E50 , 2E40 , 20E, some with usual light wrink ling, Fine-Very Fine. (Photo) ...... . .... . . .. . . . .... . .... Est. 300-400
263 8 P
#398P-421P, 1926 2c-10E Ceres Die Proofs, complete set, black on whi te glazed card, 60x92mrn , nineteen with black "BEFORE HARDE ING" hand stamp, others same state but with penciled notat ion of varying types , Very Fine , an exce ption ally scarce set. (Photo) .. . ... Est. 7,500-10 ,000
#595-602 , 1940 15c-1E75c Postage Stamp Centenary, str ips of five plus block s of fifteen , original gum, Never Hinged, usual natura l gum bend s and wrinkles , fresh and Fine-Very Fine (Michel #622 -629, €2,000 for sing les). (Photo) . ................ . .... . .. .. .... . for single s 1,500 .00
#605-614 , 1941 4c-2E Native Costumes, block s of 25, original gum , Neve r Hing ed, Very Fine (Michel #6 32-641 , €3,750 for single s) ................ .. . .... . .. . ...... for single s 2,750 .00
#662-669 , 1946 10c-3E50c Castles, matching top right corner margin blocks of four, orig inal gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine and choice, a lovely set (Mic hel #693 -700, €760 for singles) . (Photo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for single s 570.60
#683-688 , 1947 5c-3E50c Conquest of Lisbon, Nos . 683-685 & 688 block s of 40 , Nos. 686-87 blocks of35 plus strip s of five , original gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine (M ichel #714-7 19, €2 ,000 for singles) . . .. ......................................... . .... . ... for singles 1,518.00
#683P-688P , 1947 5c-3E50c Conquest of Lisbon Plate Proofs, set of Waterlow proof s in blocks of four in issued colors on gummed pap er, usual sec urity punche s, most minor fau lts generally con fined to gum side, fres h and Very Fine appearance. (Photo) . . .... ............. .. Est. 300-400
#689-692, 1948 30c-1E75c Birth of St. John de Britto, block s of 15, original gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine (Miche l #720-723 , €450 for singles) . .. ....... . .. .. . .. . ........ for singles 359.25
September 29, 2006
#575-578, 1938 15c-1E75c Vineyard and Wine Congress, select set of block s of four, exce llent centering , bright colors , original gum, Never Hinged , Very Fine and choice (Mic hel #602-605 , €360 for singles) . (Photo) . . .... .... ..... . .... ........... .. ... . ........... for singles 260.00 #586a, 1940 Portugu ese Legion SIS, well centered, origina l gum , eve r Hin ged, usual light natural gum wrinkles , Very Fine and choice (Mic hel Blo ck I , €900) . (Photo) . ............ .. 600.00 #594a , 1940 Portuguese International Exhibition SIS, exce ptionall y fresh , unbl emished original gum , ever Hinged , usual light natural gum wrinkl es, Very Fine and choice (M ichel Block 2, €380). (Photo) .............. . ....... . ...... ...... . . ....... . .. . . ............. ..... 275.00
#657a , 667a, 674a, 682a, 1945147 Souvenir Sheet Selection, all w ith unblemi shed original gum , Never Hinged , fresh and Very Fine , a select group (Michel Block 8, 10, 12, 13, € 1,020) .. . 677 .50
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Catalog or Es timated Value
Ex 2652 Ex 2649
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Ex 2654
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Ex 2658
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September 29, 200 6
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Cata log or Esti mated Value
#721- 726, 1950 20c-4 E St. John of God, blocks of four , remarkably fresh and intact , original gum, Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine (Michel #752 -757 , €480 for singles). (Photo) ... for singles 367.20
2650 #747- 748, 1952 ATO Anniversary, well centered , bright colors , original gum , Never Hinged, fresh and Very Fine (Michel #778-779 , €450). (Photo) ..... 338.00 2651 ** D #747 -748 , 1952 ATO Anniversary, bottom margin blocks of four, very well centered , unblemished original gu m, ever Hinged , Very Fine , a se lect set (Michel #778-779 , € 1,800 for singles) . (Photo) .. .. . .. . .. ... .. . .... . .. . for singles 1,352.00 2652 ** D #800-803, 1954 Founding of San Paolo, blocks of four , original gum, Never Hinged, fresh and Fine-Very Fine (Miche l #831-834 , €68 0 for sing les). (Photo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for sing les 511.20 Ex 2650 2653
#824 -827 , 1957 IE-SE Garrett, blocks of four , original gum , ever Hinged , fresh and Fine-Very Fine (M ichel #856 -859 , €720 for singles). (Photo) .......... . .. . ..... .... . for singles 553.00
#RA11P-RA13P, 1925 Pombal Plat e Proofs, set of Waterlow proofs in blocks of fo ur in issued co lor un ungummed paper , witho ut denomination , usua l sec urity punches , Very Fine . (Photo) . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EM. 100-150
1889 Postal Card to St. Pierre & Miquelon forwarded to Guadeloupe , 20r carm ine King Luiz card (Michel P 15) with Lisboa 10 Oct. 89 c.d.s and sender's handstamp , tran sit cancels of St. Pierre (two Oct. 31? incl. one on indicia) and Boston (Nov . 7) on address side, back stamped St. PierreMiquelon 2 Nov. and Basse-Terre 22 ov., light bend of little consequence , Very Fine usage encompassing two scarce destinations. (Photo) . ............................ . .. . ... Est. 150-200
1890 Postal Card to Japan, 20r carmine King Luiz card (Mic hel P 15) wit h Lisboa 6 Abr . 90 c.d.s, red Fre nch transit cance l, Nagasaki 19 May 1890 arrival c.d .s., Very Fine in all respects , an eyecatc hin g card to a desirable destination. (Photo) .... .............. ....... . .. .. Est. 150-200
September 29 , 2006
Portuguese Colonies 1939 NY World's Fair Air Mail Overprints, set of seven issues from Angola, Cape Verde, Macao , Mozambique , Port. Guinea , Port . Ind ia and St. Thomas & Principe , original gum , ever Hinged , fresh and Fine-Very Fine ; all signed A. Brun and two others . (Photo) ........................................ Est. 500- 750 Portuguese Colonies 1949 UP U Anniversary, complete set of the eight issues from Angola , Cape Verde, Macao , Mozambique , Port. Guinea , Port. India , St. Thomas & Principe and Timor in blocks of six, original gum wit hout any of the toning so often see n, Never Hinged , incredibl y fresh and Fine-Very Fine. (Photo) .. .. .... . ... . ........ Est. I 00-150
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Ex 2657
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Ex 2659
Ex 2662 Ex 2661 2660
#243-262 , 1932-46 lc-20A Ceres, a premium set featuring excellent centering , rich co lors and pristine original gum with nary a disturbance or toning spot to be foun d, Never Hinged , Very Fine, scarce in thi s exce ption al condi tion . (Photo) ... .. .. . ................... . . . . .. . . .. . 150.00
266 1
September 29 , 2006
#40, 1881 5r Black, impres sive full sheet of 28, origi nal gum , Never Hinged , usual natura l gum bends and wrink les, usual few trivial margin faults, overa ll Very Fine and quite scarce . (Photo) .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for hinged 770.00 #78-92, 1895 l/2r-1,000r St. Anthony of Padua , fresh co lors especia lly in the high va lues, original gum with usual few minor disturbance s, few lower and middle values paper h.r., 20r short perf , Fine-Very Fine , an attractive set ; l ,000r signed Bloch , 2006 Sismondo cert ificat e for the set. (Photo) . . ................. .. .. . ..... .. . ... . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. ...... . . .... .. .. 1,247. 00 #238P/257P, 1925 2c/3E20c Casrello-Branco Plate Proofs, complete set of the Waterlow proofs less the 2E in imperforate block s of four on ungummed paper , usual security punches and var ious issues with light wrinklin g and/or portions of ms. notations , Fine-Very Fine and scarce . (Photo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. 300-400
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Ca talog or Estimated Value
2664 :_
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Ex 2666
1892 Postal Card to Hawaii, 20r card (1884/87 issue) with excellent strike of Angra do Herismo 30 JAN 92 c.d.s. with red London FE 15 92 transit cancel alongside , backstamped Lisboa (twice) and Honolulu Mar 8 1892 "2" duplex , card with a bit of wrinkling along left edge, still a Very Fine usage to a rare and desirable destination . (Photo) . . ... ..... . .. . .. .... .. ..... .. Est. 300-400
#198a, 1921 4c on 10c Surcharge on 16c Macao Error, rich color, original gum, Fine , an elusive error (Miche l # 168 F, € 150). (Photo) ...... . . .......... . ............. ... . .. ... . . 150.00 #RAISa, 1969 50c on 2c Postal Tax, Inverted Surcharge, block of six, post-office fresh , original gum, ever Hinged , Very Fine, very scarce with only I 00 issued. (Photo) . . . . . for singles 225.00
September 29, 2006
#RA1P-RA3P, 1928 15c Pombal Plate Proofs, two sets of Waterlow blocks of four in issued colors, imperforate set on ungummed paper (monument issue without "l 5c") , perforated set on gummed paper (planning issue a strip of four), all with usual security punches , Fine-Very Fine. (Photo) ...... . .... .. .. ... .................... .. . ..... . . . .. ...... ..... Est. 150-200
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Ex 2669
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Ex 2675
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Ex 2676
2673 September 29 , 2006
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Ca ta log or Estimated Value
#2, 1871 20r Dark Carmin e, tied on large part of cover by bold strike of " l" numera l cance l, blue 27/10 J 87 1 cancels of Pangim and Ma rgao on either side of stamp , small cove r faults, still a Fine .. ...... . .. . .... . .... . ......... Est. 300-400 and rare usage. (Photo) . . .................
#2, 1871 20r Dark Carmin e, tied on back side of sma ll cover by "l" num era l cancel and portion of ms. notation, blue 19/10 187 1 cance ls of Pangim and Margao plus additional Margao 20/1 0 l 87 1 c.d.s., most of backfla p tom away, still a Fine and attract ive cover. (Photo ) .. . ..... Est. 300-400
1885/1903 Issues Specimen Overprint s, group of 21 issues comprised of l 885 Crow n perf 13 1/2 reprint s Sr, 1Or, 20r (2 diff co lors), 25r, 50r; 1887 Luiz Sr, lOr, 50r (all perf 13 1/2 exce pt 50r perf 12 1/2); 1895 Carlos Sr, !Or, 15r, 25r, 50r; 1898/1903 Car los Sr, !Or, 15r, 20r, 25r, 50r; 1893 Newspa per 2 l/2 r; bright fresh colors , all origina l gum though few issues with paper adhesion, Fine. .. . .. . . . .. ........ .. ..... ... ... . Est. 200-300 Very Fine. (Photo) ....................
#916-920 , 1943-44 15k-2r Young Communist Leagu e Anniversar y, sheets of I 00 folded in half along one row of perfs, orig inal gum , Neve r Hinged, usual perf separations primar ily confined to margins plu s some usual light margin wr ink ling, still fresh and Fine-Very Fine (M ichel #885-889, €500 for singles) .. .. . . . . . .. . .... ....... ... . .. . . .. ...... ............ for singles 700 .00
267 1
#C77 -C79, 1944 lr Stratosphere Disas ter Anniv ersary, full sheets of 80 folded in half along one horizontal row of perfs, original gum, Never Hinged, fresh and Fine-Very Fine (Michel #892-894, € 1,760 for singles) .. . .... . ... . . .. ... ....... .. .. .... . ... .. .... . ... .. for singles 520.00
RUSSIA - OFFICES IN THE TURKISH EMPIRE 2672 .A. #3, 1865 (2p) Blue and Red, affixe d on piece , nice strike of the blue "Retta" lozenge cance l, large balanced margins, Very Fine and choice; signe d Bloch and M ikulski and with a copy 850.0 0 of the latter's 1986 certificate (Michel #2, €1,000). (Photo) . ..... . ..... . .... . ......
2672 2673
** P
Michel #161P-167P , 1932 Castles & Churches , Uncut Trial Color Proof Sheet, a comp lete run of seven proof sheets, one in each of the issued co lors of the indiv idual issues of the set, vibrant colors and sharp impress ions on clean paper, orig inal gum , Never Hinged, an Extreme ly Fine set of . ........ . .. . . . ..... . ... .... . . . Miche l €2,800 trial color pro of sheets. (Photo) . . .........
#139-154 , CS-CS, 1934 Plebiscite Overprint s, 25 complete sets, # 139- 153, CS, C7 sheets of 25, 154 sheets ofte n (2) and strip of five , C6 singles (25) , C7 sheet of25 without selvage , origina l gum , Never Hin ged, Fine-Very Fine (Michel # 179-198) ........................... Michel €5,625
267 5
#226, C12, 1950 25Fr, 200Fr Council of Europe, blocks of four, very well centered, origina l gum , Never Hinged, fresh and Very Fine (M ichel #297 -298 , €880 for singles). (Photo ) ....... . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for singles 890.00
#B9-B15 , 1928 40c-10Fr Welfare, margin blocks of four, exce ptiona lly fresh with pristine original gum (rare thus), Neve r Hinge d, Very Fine and choice, a select set of this key issue (Michel # 128134, €4,400 for singles). (Photo) . . .. ... .. . . . . ... ... . ..... . . ... .. . . . . for singles 3, 120.00
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Ex 2678
Ex 2677
Ex 2681
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Ex 2685 2682 Sept ember 29, 2006
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Cata log or Estimated Value
#B23-B29, 1931 40c-10Fr Welfare, top right corner margin singles with "19-12 - 1930" imprint , original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine and choice, a lovely fresh set (Michel # 144-150). (Photo) ....... . ................... ........ . .... .. ......................... . . Michel €450
#B37-B43 var., 1932 Castles & Churches, Cross Gutter Pairs, complete set of cross gutter blocks of four, well centered, deep rich colors and impressions , all with vertical gutters except the 5Fr (+5Fr) which has a horizontal gutter , original gum, Never Hinged , Extreme ly Fine and choice set (Michel 161 ZW-167 ZW, €3,920 as two pairs). (Photo) . .......... ... ... . for singles 1,968.00
#B69-B73, 1949 8Fr-50Fr Welfare, block s of four, remarkably fresh , original gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine (M ichel #267 -271 , €440 for singles). (Photo) ................... for singles 310.00
#B76, 1950 15Fr Stamp Day, full sheet of ten with vertical gutter between stamps , original gum, . . .. Michel €2,000 Never Hinged, Very Fine (Michel #291). (Photo) .... ...................
#CBla, 1948 Flood Relief SIS, pristine original gum with none of the typical disturbances or fin425 .00 gerprints , Never Hinged , Extremely Fine (Michel Block 2, €600) . (Photo) . . ............
#027-038, 1949 10c-100Fr Officials , blocks of four (all but I 0Fr marginal) , original gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine (Michel #O33-D44 , €400 for sing les). (Photo) . .. . ..... . .. for singles 560.00
#B64a, 1948 Flood Relief S/S, unblemished original gum without any traces of fingerprints or toning (scarce thus) , Never Hinged , fresh and Very Fine , elusive in this select condition (Miche l Block 1, €700). (Photo) . .. . ..... . ... . ......................................... .... 425.00 #B64a, 1948 Flood Relief S/S, select example in truly post-office fresh condition, original gum, Never Hinged , fresh and Very Fine, a gem (Michel Block 1, €700) ...... .. ...... ... ... 425.00
#572P, C61P, 1938 Sc, 30c Constitution, four items comprising Nos . 572P and Nos. C61P mounted on reduced cards , a trial color proof of No. C6 l in brown only, and an essay of the base design in black with denomination s omitted , mounted on reduced card with full die sinkage, three with plate nos. at top, first three with small faults, still Fine-Very Fine ; and available for the first time . Est. 150-200 since the American Bank Note Company archive sale. (Photo) .................
Ex 2687
2686 2686
September 29 , 2006
#72, 1903 2L Violet, rich color, original gum , small h.r., fresh and Fine (Sassone #44 , €1,100) . (Photo) . . .. ... .. .. .... ............... . ..... . .. . .... . .. .. .... . ... .. ... . ... . 750.00 #143-150, 1932 10c-5L Garibaldi, handsome set with rich colors , original gum, Never Hinged (very scarce thus) , fresh and Fine-Very Fine (Sassone 168-175). (Photo) .. .. .. .. Sassone €1,375 Page 153
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Ex 2689 2691
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2695 September 29, 2006
Ex 2696 Page 154
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Catalog or Estimated Value
#155-158, 1934 25c-l.25L Milan Trade Fair Surcharges , blocks of four, orig inal gum, Never . . Sassone €625 . ............... Hinged, Fine-Very Fine (Sasso ne 180-183). (Photo) ........
#169-180, 1935 5c-1.75L Melchiorre Delfico , bottom margi n horizontal strips of three with partial Bradbury & Wilkinson imprint, original gum , Never Hinged , fresh and Fine-Very Fine (Sassone .. . .. Sassone € 1,800 ... ........... .. ... . .............. # 193-204). (Photo) . . ..........
#239 , 1945 Palace Reconstruction SIS, Perf and Imperf , original gum, Never Hinged , usual sma ll natural gum skips, fres h and Very Fine (Sasso ne 6-7, €325) ... . ... . .. . ... .. . . .. . . .. . . 250.00
#277, 1948 l00L on 15c Surcharge, block of four, marvelously we ll centered, original gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine and choice (Sassone #341, €480 for singles). (Photo) .. . . .. for singles 280 .00
#355a , 1950 250L Olympics, Sheet of Four, unusually we ll cente red, original gum, Never Hinged , usual light natural gum wr inkles, Very Fine (Sasso ne # 17, €450). (Photo) .... .... . ..... 160.00
#411, 1958 L500 Panoramic View, Sheet of Six, particularly well centered , post-office fres h, original gum, Never Hin ged, choice Very Fine (Sassone Bl. 18, € 1, 100). (Photo) . .. . .. ... . . 575.00
#411, 1958 L500 Panoramic View, Sheet of Six, slight ly miscut , original gum ever Hinged , tiny natural paper translucency in margin, Very Fine (Sassone # 18, € 1, 100). (Photo) ..... . ... 575.00
Sassone #91b, 1950 500L View of San Marino, Imperf Variety, top right comer margin block of five , original gum , hinged and gum soak/stai n in selvage not affecti ng the stam ps, stamps Never Hinged, Very Fine-Extremely Fine; unlisted in Scott & Michel ; 198 1 Diena ce11ificate, Sassone for €3,250 . ......... . ............. . ............... normal singles. (Photo) ..............
#Cll-C16 , 1933 3L-20L Zeppelin Overprints , eye-appealing set of blocks of four, very well centered, remarkably bright and fresh with unblem ished origi nal gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine and Sassone €2,350 . ...... . ...... choice, scarce so nice (Sasso ne #Al l-Al6) . (Photo) . . . .......
R E P U B B L I C A D I S. M A R I N 0
R E P U B B L I C A D I S. M A R I N 0
2697 2697
#C78, 1951 500L San Marino View Airmail, Sheet of Six, an impressive example of this scarce sheet, rich co lor, original gum , Never Hinged , Fine-Very Fine ; only 3,219 sheets issued (Sasso ne .. . .... 1,500.00 # 12, €2,800). (Photo) ... . .. .. . . .. . . .. ...............................
#C78 , 1951 500L San Marino View Airmail, Sheet of Six, another example of this scarce sheet, particularl y well centered , unbl emished original gum , Neve r Hinged , Very Fine and choice; only 3,219 sheets issued (Sasso ne # 12, €2,800). (Photo) ... .... . .... . ... .. . .. . . . .... . .. 1,500.00
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#C90, 1953 L200 Skier, Sheet of Six, orig inal gum , Never Hinged , Ve1y Fine; scarce sports topical wit h only 6,710 sheets issued (Sasso ne Bl. 15, € 1,500). (Photo) .... . .... .. .... .. .. 775.00
#C117, 1961 1,000L Helicopter , Sheet of Six, unusually we ll centered , origi nal gum , ever Hinged , usual light natural gum wrink les, Very Fine and choice (Sasso ne #22 , €462.5 0). (Photo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 .00
#Cll 7, 1961 1,000L Helicopter , Sheet of Six, very well centered , unbl em ished origi nal gum , Never Hinged , usual light natural gum wrink les, Ve1y Fine and choice (Sassone #22, €462 .50) ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225.00
Ex 2702
eptember 29, 2006
Ex 2703
Ex 2704
#138-149, 1934 1/4g-1S Proclamation of the Heir Apparent, particularly we ll centered wit h bright colors , original gum , lightly hin ged , Very Fine and choice . (Photo) ... ... ....... 1,538.00 #138-149, 1934 1/4g-1S Proclamation of the Heir Apparent , lmperforate , eac h va lue wit h rich color and large to w ide margins , fresh original gum , lightly hinged , Very Fine. (Photo) . . 1,538. 00 #243-245 var., 1961 3p-8p Port of Dammam Expansion, Imperforat e, full sheets of four with sideways watermark , original gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine ; mentioned and priced in a Scott foot note . (Photo) . .. ....... .. . .. . .. .... . . ..... ...... ..... . .. ..... .. . .. . .... . . ... 425.00 Page 156
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Ex 2706
#674 , 1975 40p King Faisal Souvenir Sheet, post-office fresh , origina l gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine . (Photo) ..... . . .. . . .. ........ . ... . ... ... .. .... . . ..... . .......... . ..... 350.00
1926 First Flight Covers Singapore to Kuala Lumpur or Port Swettenham , pair of covers with Straits Sett. 4c George V franking (2c pair or I c block of four respectively) , each with Singapore c.d.s. and bold "BY AIR MAIL" ms. notation and handstamps , appropr iate arriva l backstamps , Very Fine and rare with reportedl y only five of each covers carried on this special flight comp leted by an aeria l survey compa ny after their survey of Sarawak (Mu ller l , I 0,000 pts). (Photo) . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. 400-500
SPAIN 2707 0
#10, 1851 6r Blue, lightly cancelled , margin s close but well clear all around , Fine (Michel I Ow, â&#x201A;Ź950) . (Photo) . . .... . .. ... . . . .. ........ .. ... . ... . .. . ..... .. ... .. .. . . . ... .. . 900.00
2708 0
#11, 16, 17, 24, 1851/53 lc /IOr Regular Issues, 11(2), each with four clear to ample margins and centra lly appli ed cancel, Fine group; each signed Bloch or Diena . (Photo) ........ . . .. 1,975.00
Sept ember 29, 200 6
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Ca talog or Es timated Value
27 09 2709
#46, 1856 Jr Blue, bloc k of 36 , stron g color, clear to large margins all around , original gum , 13 sta mp s l.h. or Ju ., others eve r Hin ged, vertica l crease do wn the right column , one stamp mall gum toned spot show ing thro ugh, still a Fine multipl e (Editil #4 9, €8 46 for hin ged single s). (Photo) for hinged singles 630.00 . ...... .. ..... . ........ . . . ....... . ... .... . . .. .... . ........
Edifil #172 , 1875 "Devolucion De Correspondencia Sobrante", non-d enomin ated issue for refu nd ofre tum ed ma il, block of35 from top portion of the sheet with sheet mar g ins thr ee sides and clear margins at bottom, original gum , ever Hin ged, mar gin break at left endin g in crea se which affec ts the first stamp , otherwi se fresh and Very Fin e. (Photo) .. . ... .. . for hinged Edifil €3, 465
Ex 27 12
Ex 27 13
Ex 27 11 27 11 ** D
#572-573, 1936 10c, 15c ational Philatelic Exhibition, bloc ks of four with huge mar gins all aro und , origina l gum , Neve r Hin ged, Ex tremely Fin e, as nice as they com e (Edifil # 727- 28, € 616 . ... for single s 440 .00 . ....... for sing les). (Photo) . .... . . .. .. .........................
27 12
#606-614 , 1938 Sc-lOP Militia, hand som e set with full perfs (sc arce thu s), original gum , small h.r., fresh and F ine-Very Fine (Edifil #792-8 00 , €555 ) . (Photo) .. .. . .. .. ... .. . ... . . .. .... 442. 75
27 13
#776-779, Cl27-C130 , 1950 Stamp Centenary , remarkably fres h, original gum , eve r Hin ge d, Very Fi ne, a select set (Edifi l # 1075-108 2, €82 5). (Photo) . ..... . .. . .... . ..... .... . .. 550 .00
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Ex 27 14 Ex 27 15
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27 15
27 16
#C88-C89 , 1936 10c, 15c National Philatelic Exhibition Airmails, premium set, wide margins and viv id co lor, or iginal gum , Never Hinged , Extreme ly Fine , a gem set (Edifil #729-730, €550). (Photo) ...... . .... . ......... . .. .... ........ .. ... . . . ............. . . . ....... 500.00
27 17
#C88-C89 , 1936 10c, 15c National Philatelic Exhibition Airmails, another select set with huge margins and brilliant co lor, original gum, Neve r Hinged, Extremely Fine. (Edifil #729-730, €5 50). (Photo) .... . . .. ... .. ....... . ....... . ............. . ....... . ...... .. . ..... . . 500.00
#B32-B46 , 1927 3c-10P Alfonso XIII Surcharges, attract ive set wit h bright co lors, original gum, l.h. or small h.r., Fine-Very Fine (Edifil #373-387 , €5 10). (Photo) . . ... . . ............. 358.95 #C68-C72 var., 1931 Sc-lP Montserrat Monastery, Imperforate, ample to large margins, original gum, few values light gum disturb ances , Very Fine (Edifi l 650-654, €700). (Photo) . .. 525.00
Ex 2719 27 18 27 18
#CB18 , 1950 25P + 10c Franco's Visit to the Canary Islands, top margin single with control A00 l,9 52 on gum , unusually we ll centered, original gum , Never Hinged, choice Very Fine, a premium exampl e of this toug h issue (Edifi l # 1090, €850). (Photo) .... . ... . .. . ... .. . .... 500.00
September 29 , 2006
#248-261 , 1933 le-SP "Republica Espanola" Overprints, amazing set of blocks of four, truly post-office fres h, pristine origina l gwn , Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine. (Photo) for singles 640.00 Page 159
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Ex 2722
Ex 2720 Ex 2721
SUDAN 2720
#228-2288, 1970 2p-65M Revolution Anniversary, blocks of four, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; officia lly withdrawn from sale on the date of issue but not before 1,721 sets were sold (M ichel #261 -263 , â&#x201A;Ź300 for singles). (Photo) . . ... . .... . . ... . ....... .. .. . for singles 300.00
#184P-193P, 196P-202P, 1945 lc-lOc , 22 1/2c-60c Queen Wilhelmina, in issued colors with plate nos. at top, 88 x 85mm and affixe d to card except 60c die sunk on reduced card , most with toned spots, otherw ise Very Fine; fro m the Ame rican Bank Note compan y archive and offered to the market for the first time since that sale. (Photo) ...... . .............. . ... .. ...... Est. 400-500 #C8-C14, 1931 10c-11/2G "Do.XI 1931" Overprints, nicely centered set, original gum, fresh and Very Fine (NVPH 8- 14, â&#x201A;Ź345). (Photo) .. . .... . . ............. . . .......... .. ... .. . 293.50
#1, 1855 3s Blue Green, portion of 1857 town cancel, fres h and Fine example of this scarce first issue (Facit I , SKr30 ,000) . (Photo) ........ . ................. . ......... . .... . . 2,750 .00
2724 R
#1 R, 1868 3s Green Reprint (2d Series), indistinct cancel probably applied much later ( 1890s?), rich color , Fine . (Photo) . .. . ..... .. .. . .... . ... .. .... . .... . ... . ........ . Facit SKr6,000
2725 0
#3b, 1855 6s Pale Gray on Thin Paper, bold Stockho lm 1855 c.d.s., few tiny toned spots, still Very Fine , scarce shade variety (Facit #3b, SKr9,500 ). (Photo) . . ........ . ........ . .... . .. 975.00
2726 0
#4, 1855 8s Red Orange on Thin Paper, well centered with light cancel , Very Fine; signed Bloch (Fac it #4a , SKr5 ,500) . (Photo) ..... . .. . . . . .... . .................... . .. ... . .... 550.00
2727 0
#4g, 1855 8s Orange Yellow, Clear Print on Thick Paper, nicely centered single with portion of boxed cance l, fresh and Very Fine; signed Richter (Facit #4h , SKr5 ,000). (Photo) . . .. ... . 500.00
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273 1
2732 #Sc, 1855 24s Light Orange Red on Thick Paper, bold Stockholm 1858 cancel, shallow thin spot, Fine appearance; signed Bloch (Facit #5d, SKr l 6,000). (Photo) . ..... . .. .... .. ... ... 2,200.00
2728 0
2729 0
#15, 1869 170 Gray, rich color, partial c.d.s. cancel, Fine; signed Bloch (Facit # 15c, SKr6,500). (Photo) ... . .. . . . .... . . . . . . .. . . .. ... .. . .... . . . .. . . . ...... . .. . . .. . .......... 650.00
2730 0
#15, 1869 170 Gray, partial town cancel, fresh and Fine (Facit # 15c, SKr6 ,500). (Photo) . 650.00
273 1 0
#37, 1877 lrd Bistre and Blue, well centered with rich colors, crisp strike of Karlstad cancel, Very Fine (Facit #327, SKr4,000). (Photo) .... . . . .. ..... . ... . . . ... . ..... ............ . 400.00
#47, 1886 300 Pale Brown, block of four in a shade anything but "pale", original gum with bottom stamps Never Hinged, fresh and Fine (Fac it #47). (Photo) . ... .. . .. . for singles Facit SKr l0 ,800
1111 ig··· ·j
Ex 2733
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2734 2733
#197-211 , 1924 So-Sk U.P.U. Congress, compl ete less the 106 wmkd , original gum , Never Hinged, some usual blunt ed or short perfs, 306 short perfs on left side, otherwise fresh and Fine-Very Fine (Fac it # 196, 197cx , 198-2 10). (Photo) .. . ... . .. .. . ...... . ... . .. . . .. . . . .. . Facit SKr l 1,000
#C8c , 1942 20k Flying Swans, Perf on 4 Sides, right margin block of four, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine and choice (Fac it #337C , SKr4,600 for singles). (Photo) ... for singles 440 .00
#LXI , 1856 (ls) Black on Thick Paper, unusually well centered, unused, fresh and Very Fine; signed Bloch (Facit #6, SKr5,500 for o.g.). (Photo) .... . . . . ..... . . .. ... .. ... for o.g . 950.00
2736 0
#LXI , 1856 (ls) Black on Thick Paper, well centered single with centrally struck Stockholm "star" cancel, fresh and Very Fine; signed Bloch (Facit #6, SKr2,500). (Photo) . ... . .... . . . . .. 450.00
2737 0
#LX2 , 1862 (3o) Bistre Brown, particularly fresh color, original gum with some disturbance from hinge remova l, Fine and attractive; signed Bloch (Fac it # 13, SKr4,500). (Photo) .. .. . ... . 600.00
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2738 (detail)
September 29, 2006
#2Lla , 1843 (Sc) Black on Yellow Green, left half of the famed "Double Gene va" tied on cove r by the red Geneva rose tte, exce llent strike of Geneve 29 Juin 45 c.d.s alongside , stamp with large margins and particularl y fresh color, Very Fine , a lovely cover and quite elusive in this premium conditi on; signed Roum et and von der Weid, 1994 Tressel certific ate (Zumstein #4L , SFrl 8,000). 13,000 .00 .. . . . .. . . .. . . ............................................. (Photo) . ......
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2739 (detail) 2739
September 29 , 2006
#3Ll , 1845 2 l/2rp Black, Crimson and Blue, the famous "Basel Dove ", 2d printing , proper single franking usage on large portion of folded letter to a local Basel address , stamp itself is uncancelled, fair strike of red "Basel 26 Sept 1849 Nach Mittag" c.d.s. alongside with similar cance l on back side along with sender's hand stamp , stamp with distinctive 2d printing color and sharp embossi ng, wide margins three sides incl. portion of adjacent stamp at right , clear to cutting design at left, fresh and Very Fine , a wonderful usage of this class ic; 1969 Hunziker certificate (Zum stein Est. 10,000-15 ,000 . . .. . .. . ...................................... #8). (Photo) . . ......
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Ex 2749 Septembe r 29, 2006
2745 Page 164
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Catalog or Estimated Value
1853 Printed Matter Wrapper, franke d with slightl y over lappin g singles of Scott #8, 12, tied by Winterthur 26 Fe. 53 dupl ex cancel, stamps with clear to full margins, Fine usage . (Photo) . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. 100-150
#103 , 1900 25c Blue , Re-engraved, from Plate 3, extrao rdina ry block of four with crisp distinctive impr ess ion and co lor enhanced by the fresh white paper upon which it is print ed, original gum, Neve r Hinged, Extremely Fine and choice, a rare multiple made eve n more so by its exce pti onal conditi on (Zum stein #79C). (Photo) .. .. . .. . . .. .. .. . .. . ..... .. .. . . ... Zum ste in SFr12,000
#182, 1918 3Fr Red, full sheet of2 5 wi th plate no. "4" at top , exce ptionally we ll centered, original gum , eve r Hinged, fres h and Very Fine, a showpiece (Zum stein # 142). (Photo) . .... .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zum stein SFr8,750
#183 , 1914 5Fr Deep Ultramarine , bottom left comer margin block of four, exce llent cent erin g, rich co lor, ori ginal gum , Neve r Hin ged, Very Fine and choice (Zum stein # 130). (Photo) .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zum stein SFr440
#184, 1914 lOFr Dull Violet, right margin block of four, perfectly centered, post-office fresh, original gum , Nev er Hinged, Extremely Fin e, a gorgeo us block (Zum stein # 131). (Photo) .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zum stein SFr 1,380
#185, 1930 lOFr Gray Green, top right comer marg in block of four, fres h, original gum, Neve r Hin ged, Very Fine; 2000 BPB certifica te (Michel 228 , â&#x201A;Ź2,200 for singles). (Photo) .. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for singles 900 .00
#200a-203a , 1933 90c-2Fr Shield , Grilled Gum , flawless set of blocks of four being very we ll centered, wa rm sumptu ous color s, pri stine original gum, Neve r Hin ged, choic e Very Fin e, the perfect set for the conditi on conscious co llector; 1995 Renggli certificate for the set (Zum stein # l 63zl 66z) . (Photo) .. . . .. . .. . ... . .. .. .... . .. . ... .. . .. . . . . .... .. .. ..... Zum stein SFrl ,760
#219-225 , 1934 3c-30c Views, comer margin blocks of four, we ll centered, original gum , Neve r Hinged, Very Fine and choice (Zum stein # 194-200). (Photo) ... . ... . .. .. .. .. Zum stein SFr600
#244-246 , 1938 3Fr-10Fr Symbolic Images on Greenish , matching bottom margin blocks of four, very we ll centered, original gum , fres h and Very Fine, a scarce set in this "Post Office " fres h conditi on (Zum stein #2 l 6v-2 l 8v). (Photo) . .. . ... . . . ... . .. . . . .... for singles Zum stein SFrl ,240
September 29, 2006
Ex 2746 Ex 274 7 #200-203, 1924 90c-2Fr Shield , magnifi cent set of blocks of four with eac h being exce ptionally well centered, gloriously rich co lor, imm aculate original gum, Neve r Hin ged, Extremely Fin e, to find a better quality set would be very difficult , trul y a set for the perfec tionist; 1996 Rellstab certificate for the set (Zum stein # 163-166). (Photo) . . ... .. ... . . ... . .. . . . . . . Zum stein SFr l ,900
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Ex 2752
Ex 2756
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Ex 2758
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Ex 2762 September 29, 2006
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#284-286 , 1955 3Fr-10Fr Symbolic Images , full sheets of 25, original gum , Neve r Hinged , Very . ............. for singles 1, I 00.00 Fine (Zumstein #2 l 6x-2 l 8x, SFrl ,000 for sing les). . ......
#284a-286a, 1942 3Fr-10Fr Symbolic Images on Cream, blocks of four, we ll centered , pristine original gum , Neve r Hinged , Very Fine (Zumstein #2 16w-218w, SFrl ,040 for singles). (Photo) .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for sing les 640.00
#293-305, 1945 10c-10Fr PAX, blocks of four with high values being comer margin, excelle nt centering throughout , pristine original gum , Neve r Hinged , Very Fine (Zumstein 262 -274). (Photo) .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for singles Zum stein SFr2, 100
#293-305, 1945 10c-10Fr PAX, block s of four, premium centering, flawless original gum , Never .. ...... for sing les Zum stein SFr2 , I 00 Hinged, Very Fine (Zum stein 262-274). (Photo) . .......
#316-321 , 1948 5c-40c Landscapes, full sheets of 50 folded in half along one row of vertica l perfs , original gum , Never Hin ged, some margin perf separations on 30c and 40c , Very Fine (Zumstein #285-290 , SFr3 ,250 for singles). . ........................... .. ...... for singles 2, 125.00
Zumstein #1-111, 1912 lOrp, lOcts, lOcmi Pro Juventute , set of blocks of four with usual inscription s on gum, very we ll centere d, original gum , Never Hinged , fresh and Very Fine, exceptio nally scarce in this "Post Office" fresh condition . (Photo) . .. .. . . .... .. .. . . .... . Zumstein SFr6,065
#B2-B3 , 1915 Sc, 10c Pro Juventute, blocks of six, unusually we ll centered , original gum , Never Hing ed, fresh and Very Fine (Zumstein #2-3, SFr 1,920 for singles) . (Photo) . for singles 1,350 .00
#B4-B6, 1916 3c-10c Pro Juventute, blocks of four, very fresh, original gum , Never Hin ged, Very Fine (Zum stein #4-6, SFr900 for singles). (Photo) . ..... .. ........ . ....... for singles 700 .00
#B7-B9, 1917 3c-10c Pro Juventute , blocks of four, very we ll centered , origin al gum , Never Hinged , fresh and Very Fine (Zum stein #7-9, SFr480 for singles). (Photo) ..... for singles 350.00
#B80a , 1936 Pro Patria SIS, Sheet of Four, magnificent sheet with sharp comers and none of the usual bend s, creases or edge breaks , unblemished original gum , Never Hinged , choice Very Fine .......... . ... . .. . . .. ... . .... ... . ... ... . 300.00 (Zum stein #8, SFr425). (Photo) .. ......
#B229a , 1953 Pro Juventute Sheet of 24, well centered , fully intact perfs , immaculate original gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine and choice , scarce this nice Zumstein oZ41 , SFr550) ..... 375.00
September 29, 2006
#293-305, 1945 10c-10Fr PAX, remarkably fresh , unblem ished origi nal gum , Never Hin ged, Very Fine (Zum stein 262-274) . (Photo) .... . .. .. ..... .... . ... . .. . ....... . .. . Zumst ein SFr525
Zumstein #1, IV, VITI, XI, 1913 30c , 50c Semi-Official Airmails , original gum or part original ... . gum , h.r. and/or small bits of paper adhesion, fresh and Fine -Very Fine . (Photo) . .. ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zum stein SFrl ,130 #Cl-2 , 1929-30 , 30c-50c Overprints, blocks of four, we ll balanced margins all around, original gum , Never Hing ed, fresh and Extrem ely Fine ; 200 1 Abt certificates (Michel 145 & 152, â&#x201A;Ź 1,440 for for singles 1,400 .00 singles). (Photo) . . .. . ... .. . . . .... . .. . . .... . ... .. . .. .. . .. .. .......
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Ex 2766
Ex 2767 Ex 2764
Ex 2765 2764
#S10a-S12a, 1927 5c-20c Franchise Issue, Without Control Numbers, blocks of four, original . . .. . for singles Zumstein SFrl,200 gum, Never Hinged , Fine-Very Fine. (Photo) ... . .........
#565-582, 1919 2pa-250pi Accession to the Throne Overprints , blocks of four, fresh colors , orig inal gum , Never Hinged , Fine -Very F ine (M ichel #657 -674 , €32 0 for hinged ). (Photo) . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for hinged 243.60
#634-647, 1926 10pa-200G Definitives, vivid co lors, original gum , Never Hinged , Fine-Ve ry Fine (M ichel #843-856). (Photo) . .... .... . .. . . ... .. . .... . .... . .. . . . . .. ... . . .. Michel € 1,500
#B54-B68, 1935 20pa-100k International Women's Congress, well centered set with rich colors , unblemi shed original gum (rare thus), Never Hin ged, Very Fine and choice, difficult to obtain in this premium condition (Mic hel #985-999). (Photo) .. .... ........ .. .......... . .. Michel € 1,300
Ex 2768 2768
#B54-868, 1935 20pa-100k International Women's Congress, , comp lete matched set of bottom margin block s of four, well centered , bright vibrant co lors and sharp impression s, original gum, Never Hing ed, Very Fine -Ex tremely Fine (M ichel #985 -999) . (Photo) . . for singles Michel €5,200 --
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...; Ex 2769 Ex 277 0 2769
#J88-J91 , 1919 10pa-2pi Accession to the Throne Postage Due Overprint s, bloc ks of four, well ce ntered , post office fresh , original gum, Ne ver Hinged , Very Fine , an elusive set in unm ounted blocks (Miche l #A674- D674 , €640 for hinged). (Photo) ...... . ... . .... . ... for hinged 288. 00
#282-284 , I 924 2c-12c Olympics, fu ll sheets of 20 , fresh colors , original gum w ithout any traces of toning, Never Hinge d, some sma ll perf separations as expected , Fine-Very Fine, a sca rce show piece set for an Olympi cs topi cal co llect ion (M ichel #285 -287 , € 1,200 for hinged singles). (Photo) .... . . .. ........ .... . .. . ... .. . . . . .. .. .. ... .. . ... . .... . . .. . . . .... for hinged 8 I 0.00
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Ex 2772
277 1
#19-34 , E3-E4, 1933 5c-20L Definiti ves, comer margin blocks of four, particularly we ll centere d fo r these , original gum , Never Hin ged, Very Fine; an attract ive and elusive set of blo cks. (Photo) . . . . .. .. .. . . . . .. ... .. ...... . .... . . . . . .. . . ... . ... . . .. .. . .. . .. .. . ... Sasso ne € 1,700
#Bl-84 , 1933 25c-1.25L Holy Year, matching top margin blocks of four , nice ly centered, origi nal gum , Never H inged , Very Fine (Sasso ne # 15-1 8). (Photo) . .. . . ... . .. .... ... ... Sasso ne €75 0
#Cl6-Cl 7, 1948 250L, S00L Archangel Rapha el and Tobias, rich co lors on brilliant white paper, original gum , Ne ver Hinged , Very Fine (Sasso ne # 16- 17, €600). (Photo) . ... . . . .. ... . . . 47 5.00
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Ex 2774
Ex 2775
#C79-Cl 13, 1938-39 Sc-20B Airmails, original gum , Never Hinged , Fine-Very Fine , an elusive . for hinged 236.85 .. .... . . .. ......... "long" set in premium condition. {Photo) .. . ........
#RAJ3, 1951 SOp Postal Tax Due, block of four, very well centered , original gum, Never Hinged , for sing les 340.00 Very Fine and choice (Sassone 40 , â&#x201A;Ź900 for singles). (Photo) . . . ... .........
Australian States Selection, comprised of (S.G. numbers) New South Wales 24, pos. 11 (signed A. Diena) , 35, Penrith numeral "7" ca nce l (signed Bloch and A. Diena) , South Australia 12 horiz . pair with Ade laide 1859 c .d .s., Western Australia 19 with Gui ldford "5" numeral cancel , each with small faults not readil y apparent from the front , also include Tasmania 41 horiz. strip of three plate proofs which have been gummed to imitate the issued stam p, three to four margins , Very Good-Very Fine; . ..... S.G. ÂŁ1 ,575+ . ............ all with 2006 Sismondo certificates. (Photo) ... . . .. ......
* (* )O
Austria Classic Selection , comprised of Used Id on cover signed Bloch , Lombardy-Venet ia 5 pair , 14 pair, Unused Pl signed Bloch , P6 signed Dien a, Mint 41-46, Lombardy-Venetia 19 signed Diena , PR! signed Bloch , very mixed condit ion , Very Good-Very Fine ; Nos. Pl , P6 , L-V 19 & PR! .... . ... . . ... Est. 400-500 .. ..................... with 2006 Sismondo certificates .......
Sept emb er 29 , 2006
Belgium Premium Assortment, comprised of # l 24- 137 (2, one set with 2Fr value small thins) , B69-B77 var. with special "L" overpr int, B 114-B 122(2) , B 132-8143(2) , original gum , l.h. or h.r., . .... . ... 4, 109.50 few lower values with trivial faults , generally Fin e-Very Fine . . ...........
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II Ex 2779 Ex 2781
Ex 2782 2779
Brazil Proof Collection, 1866/1939, 29 plate and large die proofs comprising Nos . 53P, 56P-59P , 69P,l 76P-l 78P, 182P, 183P, 186P, 189P, 190P, 193P, 48 lP, O2P, O6P, 0lOP , 013P , trial colors com prising Nos. 54P, 56P, 58P, 77P (in black) , I 90P (brown) , 48 IP (caim ine), and a couple vignettes and an en larged proofofNo . 189 in green , mounted on reduced cards , a few of which have full die sinkage , also incl. eight pieces of unused postal stationery (proofs or essays ?), Very Fine; available for the first time since the American Bank Note Company archive sale. (Photo) . ... Est. 600-800 Canada & Provinces Accumulation, mostly used Canada incl. No. 94 (3), but strength in Newfoundland incl. o.g. Nos. C6-C8, Cl3 -Cl7, and used No. C8 , generally Fine-Very Fine; .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scott catalogue over. 650.00
Chile Proof Collection, 1867/1913, 52 large die and plate proof s, design s incl. Columbus incl. composite proof of Nos. 29 & 31, 34TCP (in black) , 5 IP-53P , 55P, 83P-88P plu s essays of the vignettes , 98P/ 111P, few others , also incl. I 4 small die proofs affixed to large card , Very Fine ; on the market since the American Bank Note Company archive sale . (Photo) . . .... Est. 1,000-1 ,500
Colombia Proof Collection, 1946/1956, 38 large die and plate proofs and essays comprising No s. 528P-536P , 547P-550P , 618E & C237E (ten incl. some in unissued denomi nations) , CI60P, Cl6IP , Cl63P , RI3P , also incl. couple vignettes , six proofs and essays for unissued designs , most mounted on reduced cards with full die sinkage , Very Fine ; availab le for the first time since the American ... . Est. 500-750 Bank Note Company archive sale. (Photo) ..............................
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Ex 2783 2783
Costa Rica Proof Collection , 1934/ 1953, 43 large die and plate proofs comp rising Nos . 186P, 212P, 2 13P, 216P, 220P, 234P -236P, Cl5P -Cl7P , C l9P-C21P , C24 (black), C25P, C26P, C3 1P, C43P, C46P, C49 P, C51P, C52P, C57P, C94P -C98P, C IOOP-Cl02P, C J23P, Cl61P -C l 64P, C l 66P, C 167P, C2 l 6P, C2 l 7P, C2 l 9P, mounted on reduced cards , a few of wh ich have full die sinkage , also incl. sma ll die card proofs (P4's) mounted on one card of Nos. Cl5 -C26, C31-C34 and C5 1-C54, Very Fine ; avai lable for the first time since the American Bank Note Company archive sale. (Photo) . . . .. ...... .. ... . ........ .. ................. .. .............. . ........ Est. 600-800
* (* )O
Egypt Assortment, includes Used 15, Mint 6 (no gum) signed Bloch , 15, 25a signe d Bloch, 31 block of six, 148-149, lmperfs 50-59 pairs , 106 sing le and pair, 269 D pair, 285-287 singles , 291 pair, etc. , generally fres h and Fine -Very Fine .. ...... ...................... .. . Est. 500- 750
2785 2785
* (* )O
France 1849/70 Classics Selection, group of sixteen premium comprise d of Used 2 (repaired), 7 pair (th ins), 2 I (repaired ), 37(2, repaired) , 39 (thinned) , 46 var. pair (deep bro wn, "ML*" cancel , left side closed tear) , 47a , Unused Id , 3a pair, 6d, I Ob, 15(2), Mint 21 sma ll part o.g. (thinn ed), 39 ; genera lly fresh colors, Fine-Very Fine appearance; some signed Bloch , all with 2006 Sismond o certificates (Yvert â&#x201A;Ź 18,000 +) . (Photo) ........... . . . ....... .. .. . .... . .. . .. . ..... 12,400.00 +
(* )O
France Classic Selection , comprised of Used 40 signed Bloch , 46 signed Bloch , Unused 3 signed Bloch , 3 block of four, plus refe rence forgery of # 1 mint pair, some usual minor fau lts, Fine-Very Fine. . ... .......................... .. ...... . .. . ....... .. .. . ........ . . Est. I 00-150
September 29, 2006
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Catalog or Estimated Va lue
Great Britain Offici als Collection, 57 stamps in mounts on pages incl. 52 used incl. os. 02, 03, 05 , 06 , 012 , 023 , 027 , 029-046 , 049 , 050 , 052 , 058 , 061 , 063 , 064 , 072-077 , 083, some with legible town cancels , usual mixed condition incl. some faded colors but still much better than norma lly found, Very Good -Very Fine , excellent for continuat ion, Scott cata logue approximately. . ... . .. . .............. .. . .. . . . ... .. . . . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . .......... . ........ 4,300 .00
*0 -
Great Br itain 1971 Strike Ma il Collection, extensive collection of the various labels used plus some phi latelic covers , the co llection includes a wide variety of "stamps" for pub lic mails to and from domestic locations , Channe l Is lands , Europe , US, Germany , Japan , Israe l and special stamps overpr inted for incom ing ma il from Malawi , numerous different de livery serv ices as Harrow Posta l Service , London Parce l Delivery , Manchester Express , etc ., overprints on the privately issued stamps of Staffa , Stroma , Pabay , comprised of pre-decimal and decimal issues , overall Fine-Very Fine , a fascinating look at this two month period (Jan-March 1971) of British postal history . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. 200 -300
* (* )O
Greece Classic Selection, comprised of Used 49 , 52(2), Unuse d 4(2) , Mint 4, 6(2) , 18 pair, 37, 49 , 52, all with clear to large margins , usual mixed condition , generally fresh and Fine-Very Fine ; nearly all signed Diena or B loch , mint #4 with 2006 Sismondo certificate ........ . ... . Est. 300-400
Greenland Collection , 1945/67, on Scott pages and including (Mint unless otherwise noted) 1-9, 14- 15, 17 used , 19-2 1, 35-37 blocks of four NH, 40 , etc. , Fine-Very Fine ... . .. . .. .. .... 610 .00
279 1 =
India 20th Century Po stal Hist ory Asso rtment, group of 83 mostly 1920s/ 1950s covers addressed to U.S. or European countries mo unted on pages , good number are airmail covers incl. some first flights and aerogrammes , additional with "Book Post" or "Printed Matter" ratings , some up-ratvd postal stationery , philatelic covers with cachets or slogan cance ls, censored , reg istered , also 1893 reg istered cover Delhi to Cawnpore , etc. , Fine and useful lot. . . . ..... . . .. . . Est. 200-300
Israel Forerunn er Issues Ass ortm ent, useful group of sets and singles with (Ba le numbers) Used 122 , Mint IO1-106(2) , I 05 sheet of twenty , I 07 , Covers I pair Tel Aviv ovpt. June 1948 usage to Haifa with boxed "To Pay IO M ils" marking- !Om was paid by Israel Scott #3b rouletted tab sing le, 104-106 set (2) , I 13-115 set, 122 (2 incl. I mixed franking with other issues) , etc. , Fine lot. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Est. 150-200
Israel Accumulation , most ly mint and covers/FDC , includes Used 1-6 tab (2) , 16(2), 27 tab , 35-36 tab , JI -J5 sing les tied on unmai led envelope by Tel Aviv 23.12.1949 c.d.s. , M int 1-6 tab, assorted low value First Coins mint singles and multiples incl. # I, 4 sheets of I 00, also rou letted , numerous shades , some misperfs , etc ., 16, 426 perf 14 tab NH , Cove rs 1-6 cacheted FDC , 7-9 control no. 1 singles tied by 23.1 1.48 Haifa cancels on locally addressed cover , 9 plus assorted other issues tied on registered cover by Ha ifa 16.2.49 cancels, 16 cacheted FDC (2), C I-C6 wit h tabs on 1959 "Arika" Helicopter flight cover , C 16 tab cacheted FDC (2) , group of 18 philatelic covers with 1997 "50th Jubilee" cancels tying assorted frankings which include some forerunner and "classic" issues , plus some philatelic covers with better frankings (e.g . 1-6 control no. singles , JI-JS, combo frankings with Palestine issues , etc.) , P.O. openings , flights , etc. , usual mixed condition , mostly FineVery Fine ....... . .. . .... . . . .... . .. . .. . ..... .... . .. . . . ........ . ........ Est. 500- 750
September 29 , 2006
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2797 September 29, 2006
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.R. Harmer, Inc. 1-1
Ca talog or Estimated Value
* (*) O
ITALIAN STATES-Modena Assortment, gro up of eleven better issues comprised of (sound unless otherwise noted ) Used 5a (repaired) , Unused l Oa, PR5, Mint IO (4, each with faults), 1Ob (2, each thinned) , Forgery I 852 5c black on green missing "CENT" and "5" (unused) , PR I used , most with four margins , Fine-Very Fine ; some signed Bloch or Diena , each with a 2006 Sismondo Sassone € 19,900+ .. .. ................ ...... ........ certificate . (Photo) . .. ............
* (* )O
ITALIAN STATES-Parma Assortment, group of eight better issues comprised of (sound unles s otherwise noted) Used I strip of thre e (repaired tear, thin) , 11 pair (small surface scuff) , 12a (thinned ), Unused 5a (bit of soi ling), Mint 3 (small thin) , 5 (repaired thin) , 9 pair (thin s), 12 (thin ), generally well margined , appear Fine-Very Fine; some signed Bloch or Diena , each with a 2006 . ..... . ... . .... . ... . .... .. .. Sassone €18 ,500+ ...... Sismondo certificate. (Photo) ......
ITALIAN STATES-Roman States Assortment, group of seven better issues comprised of (sound unless otherwise noted) Used 13a (usual slight enamel cracking , signed Bloch ), I 3a (pinhole , signed Diena) , Mint I c (closed tear) , 7 (small thinning ), 8 (thinned), Forgery I I (2) with fraudulent posthumous cancel applied to meet the demand of collectors for used stamps , generall y well margined , appear Fine-Very Fine ; each with a 2006 Sismondo certificat e. (Photo) . Sassone € 10,000 +
(* )O
ITALIAN STATES-Sardinia Assortment, group of seve n better issues comprised of(sound unle ss otherwise noted) Used la (crease), 3 var. (Sass. 3c, thinned) , 6 (tear from strong cancel which has been sea led), 14c (crease), 14c (portions of cancel cut through stamp) , 15 (toned , small tear ), Unused 3 var. (Sass. 3c, repaired) , generally well margined , appear Fine-Very Fine ; few signed . .. Sassone €21 ,000 + Bloch or Diena , each with a 2006 Sismondo certificate. (Photo) . . ........
2794 2798
(* )O
September 29, 2006
ITALIAN STATES-Tuscany 1851/59 4cr/ls Tuscany Lion Issues Selection , group of sixteen singles and one pair comprised of Used 6, 8a, 10(2), 11(3), 12, 13, 15, 15pair , 16, Unused 10(3), 14, 15, cutting to full margins , all with faults or repairs (incl. added margins ) to vary ing degree s, Very Good-Very Fine appearance; all with 2006 Sismondo certificates. (Photo) ..... Sassone €36 ,500+
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Catalog or Estimated Value
2804 September 29, 2006
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H.R. Haimer, Inc.
Catalog or Estimated Value
2799 2799
(* )O
ITALIAN STATES-Tuscany 1860 5c/80c Provisional Government Issues Selection , gro up of nine singles comprised of Used 18 (postmark cleaned and stamp regumm ed), 22(3 , all repaired or with faults),22 with "two extra dot s in center of Savoy shield" semi-constant variety, 22a(2 , one is repa ired), Unused 19 var. (Sasso ne 19c), 20 (repaired , 3 margins added) , cutt ing to full margi ns, Very Good -Very Fine appeara nce ; few signed A. Diena , all with 2006 Sismondo certificates . (Photo) ... . .... . .... . ...... . ................... .. . . .... . ... . ... . . Sassone € 14,000 +
ITALIAN STATES-Tuscan y Assortment, gro up of eleve n better issues comprised of (sound unless otherwise noted) I (5, a ll with faults and/or repairs) , 2a (2, both w ith faults), 2b (thinnin g) , 2c, 2d, 2e (crease) , two -four marg ins, appear Fine-Very Fine; some signed incl. Bloch and Diena , eac h with a 2006 Sismondo certificate . (Photo) ... ...... . ...... . . . ..... .. Sassone €39 ,000 +
280 I * (* )0
ITALIAN STATES-Two Sicilies-Naples Assortment, gro up of eleven better issues compri sed of (so und unless otherwise noted) Used 6c (2 with one repaired) , 7 (2, eac h sma ll faults), Unused 4e, Sa var. (Sass. 10, pinhole and so iled), 6c, Mint la var. (Sass . 1), 5 (thin) , 6 (thin) , Forger y 6a used , most with four mar gins, Fine-Very Fine; some signe d Bloch or Diena , eac h with a 2006 Sismondo certificat e. (Photo) . .... . .. .. ... . ............ . . .... .... . . . . .... . .... Sasso ne €43,000 +
* (* )0
ITALIAN STATES-Two Sicil ies, Sicily 1859 l/2gr-50gr Ferdinand II Premium Selection, asso rtm ent of mint , unu sed and used singles on two stock pages , replete with shades , plate and print varieties , good numb er with full margins , comp rised of Used l /2g(3) , lg Brown(2) , 5gr Ro se(6 incl. Sass. 9e) , 5gr Vennilion 1 (p late 2), I 0gr(2) , 20g r(4) , 50g r( l ), Unused l/ 2gr, 1g Olive gree n ( I, Sass . 4f) , 2gr , 5gr Rose, 10gr(2) , 20gr(2) , 50gr , Mint l/2gr(2) , lgr Olive bro wn(l2 incl. Sass. 4e) , 2gr(l 2 incl. plate I reto uch), Sgr Rose (4 incl. Sass . 4e) , Sgr Vermili on(! ), l 0gr(6) , 20gr(2) , 50gr(6) , usual very mixed conditi on tho ugh usually not affecting the appeara nce , many signed Diena or Bloch, a Fine lot of these classic issues for the specia list. . .. . ... . ... .. ... . .. Est. 5,000- 7,500
28 03
* (* )O
Italian States Premium Assortment , compri sed of(Sasso ne numb ers) Used Na ples F l a, F4a , F9 , F9b , Romagna I pa ir Arge nta town cance l (s igned Bloch) , Sard inia 18(2) , Unused Na ples 1-4, 8, Pann a l 3, Mint Modena 5, Na ples 5, Parma 11a, Roman States I A, plus refere nce forgery of Sardinia 7 used, usual mixed co nditi on though Fine or better appearance , overa ll Very Good-Very Fine with many signed Bloch or Dien a . . .... . .. .... . . ... . .. .. .... . ..... Sassone €19 ,000 +
* (* )O
Italy Classics Assortment, compri sed of Used 2 1(2), Unused 27, 28 , 30 Lo ndon print , 3 1, 34a , 34b(2) , 48, 52, 67 , 113, Mint 22 pair with left stamp embossing omitte d, 26(3) , 27 Torino print , 29 London print , 3 1, 35 block of four Torino print , 36, 40, 43 , 48 block of "3 ", 52, 12 (sig ned Diena), usual mixed condition with most hav ing faults to vary ing degree s thou gh genera lly not affec ting appearance , Very Good-Ve1y Fine ; many signed Diena or Bloch. (Photo) . .. ... . Est. 1,500-2 ,000
Septembe r 29 , 200 6
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Catalog or Estimated Value
Ex 28 12 September 29, 2006
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Catalog or Estim ated Value
* (* )O
Ital y Offices Abroad Assortment, comprised of Used 14 signed Champ ion, China-Peki ng 30 signed Diena , China-Tients in 2(2 , both signed Bloch ), Unused 6, 7 signed Bloch , Mint 4, Chi naTientsin 23 , usual mixed cond ition with most having small faults to vary ing degrees tho ugh gener ally not affec ting appeara nce, Very Good-Very Fine. (Photo) ....................... 3, 145.00
* (* )O
Italy and Italian States Accumulation, scores of mint , unu sed and used singles in cards, glassines, and on pages with good representation from the various states plus the early Italian issues incl. postage dues and offices abroad, many premium, usual mixed condition with some usual dubious and forger ies, Very Good -Very Fine ; a usefu l lot with significant catalog va lue in desperate need of some organization ....................... . ...... .... . . ..... ... ....... Est. 1,000-1 ,500
Italian Area Balance, mostly ear ly to mid 20th century with bits of Fiume , G.N.R. overpr ints, Italian Soc ial Republic , Aegea n Island s, Trieste-A , various co lonies , note some better as Rhodes 5c50c with "Weinachten 1944" overprints , Cyrena ica B2 l- B24 NH , CB IO (4 NH) , Somalia B49-B50 (10 NH) , 1936 unissue d ainna il overprint set (2 incl. l NH) , Tripolitania C38-C40 ( 13 NH with bit s of gum toning) , etc. , usual mixed condition , Very Good -Very Fine . . . .... . .. . .... Est. 400-500
Liechtenstein Premium Selection, comprised of Used 3ab , Mint 3, 3ab , 82-89(5), I 08-110 , 114, C7-C8(2) , original gum, l.h. or lu ., few trivial faults , generally fresh and Fine -Very Fine. . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,939.00
Mauritius 1859 Issues Assortment, comprised of ten singles and two pair s, with (S.G. numbers) 37 pos. 8, "l" numeral cancel of Ma hebourg ,; 37 pos. 2; 37 pos. 5, 4la(2) , 43(2), 43 pair, 43a "PAID" cancel, 43a hori zonta l pair on piece , 44(2) , each with faults and repairs to varying degrees though most will be of Fine appearance; severa l signed Bloch , all with 2006 Sisrnondo ce11ificates. (Photo) ... . . .... . . .. . . ...... . .. . .. ............. .. ...... . .... .. ...... S.G. ÂŁ 13,200+
ether lands Premium Selection, comprised of Nos. 45 & 48 (blocks of four) , 86, IO1, orig inal gum with minor disturbanc es, 101 lightly hinged , others h.r., Fine -Very Fine. . .. .. .... 2, 150.00 Palestine Assortment, mostly an array of I 920/22 overprinted issues incl. some high va lues and block s of four, better includ e Used J l-J5 , Mint 2-3 block of four NH , 58-59 block of four NH , 6384, 79 NH , 80-84 blocks of four NH , Jl -J5, Covers 1919 registered to London with #4, 7-9; 1919 Wilson reg istered censored cove r to England with #2-5, 7, 9, mo stly Fine-Very Fine; nice lot for the specialist. ......................... . .. .... . .............. .... . . . .... .. Est. 200-300
28 12 P
El Salvador Proof Collection, 1912/194 7, 29 comprising 2 1 of comp lete des ign mounted on cards incl. Nos. 405 , 407 , 477 , 574 , 575 , 578 ,580,58 1,597 , 598 , C54-C60 , C63 , C64 , C71 and C72 , 6 vignettes only incl. Nos. 405 , 406 , 410 , 411 , 456 and C24 plus essay of No. C55 with denomi nation blank , mounted on reduced cards with a coup le showing full die sinkage and with plate nos . at top , Very Fine ; appea ring on the market for the first time since the American Bank Note Compa ny arch ive sale.(Photo) ................. .. . .. .. . . .. . . .. . ....... . ........... Est. 500-750
28 13
Spain Classic Selection, compr ised of Used 2, I 0, 21, 29 , Mint 48 , 52, plus refe rence forgery of #8 used , all with clear to large margins , mixed condition , F ine-Very Fine appearance , all but #29 signed Bloch ... . ................... .. ... . . ..... . . .. . .. ........... . ... . Est. 300 -400
28 15 * O
Sweden Classic Selection, compr ised of Used 3 signed Bloch , 15, LX I (4), LX2(2) , Mint 40-44 , 46-49 , 05 signe d Bloch , 07 signed Bloch , 09 block of four, usual very mixed condition , Fine -Very Fine appeara nce. . .......... . ........ . .... . .. . .... .. .... . ... . ... .. ..... Est. 300-400
San Marino Premium Selection, comprised of 115-133(3) , 143-150(2 ), 159-160 , C 1-C 16(2), Cl 9C20 , orig inal gum , l.h. or h.r., few trivial faults (most ly perf related) , genera lly Fine-Very Fine . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,813.30
Sep tember 29 , 2006
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Catalo g or Est imated Value
28 16 28 16 (* )O
* ( * )0
Switzerland 1848/81 Classics Assortment, eight singles and one pair comprised of Used 2L4 , 14, 18, 3 1(2) , 33, 67b , Unused 7, 12 hori z. pair, all with fau lts to varyi ng degree not affec ting appea rance , imperfs 3-4 margins , Fine-Very Fine appearance ; most signed Bloch. (Photo) . Est. 500-750 Switzerland Premium Selection, compri sed of Used 2029 , 304 7 both signed Bloch, Mint 82-88 (less 30c; !Fr , 3Fr both signed Bloch) , 126-145 , 185 regum , 206(2) , 293 -305(2) , original gum , mostly l.h. or h.r., few minor faults of little conseq uence , genera lly Fi ne-Very Fine. . . .. 2,649.00 REGION AL AN D WORLDWIDE COLLECTIONS
28 18 * O
British Commonwealth Premium Assortment, compri sed of Used Ca nada 4, Cape of Good Hop e 15, Ma lta lb , New Brunswick I, Nova Scotia 3(2) , 4(3 ), Mint Gibraltar 47 , 75, 90, New South Wales 93 with minor overprint variety , Newfo undl and 11A block of four, C 12, Zanzibar 118, very mixed cond ition with some faults to varyi ng degrees or repaired , also includes some reference forgeries - Mafia Island M33 /M42 fake overpr ints and Bush ire 16, N 18-N 19, N29-N30 forged over5,300.00 + ...... print s, Fine-Ver y Fine ; many signed or with 2006 Sismondo certificate . . ......
28 19 * O
Europe Assortment, mostl y used class ic period , mo st val ue in used Germa n States with better as Used Bavaria 14 signed Bloch , Germa ny 64d , 65A , Greece SL, I 0L , 20L Hennes Head s on piece tied by "PIROSCAFI AUST RIAC I" boxed cance l, Hamb urg 2 sig ned Bloch, 6-8, Hannover 22 signed Bloch , Luxe mbourg I, Ne therlands 3(2) , Schleswig-Holstein 17 signe d E. Diena, Sweden 2(4), Switze rland 7(2), 8(3) , Mint D enmark 138-54 , Ger many 65A(2) , Hannover 24(2 signed Bloch) , Oldenburg 12 signed Bloch , Sch leswig-Holstein I a signed Bloch , etc. , usual mixed con di.. . .. Est. 750-1 ,000 tion thoug h most imperfs with fu ll margins , Fi ne-Very Fine. . . ...........
2 20
* (* )
Europe Classics Selection, small stockbook of classic era mint sets and sing les fro m a numb er of countrie s incl. Unused Austria 19-21 , 3 1, Mint Austria 13, Lombardy-Venetia 8, 8a, Belg ium 46 , Bulgari a 2, Denmark 15 signed Bloch , etherlands 52, etc . plus usefu l selection of French Bordeaux , Sage and postage dues , German States esp. Baden , Bavaria , Thum & Taxis and Wurttemberg , Greek Hennes Heads , Italian State s, very mixed condition , Fine -Very Fine , mu st be . .. . . ... . . . . .... . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . ... Est. 750- 1,000 viewed. . ... . .......
* (* )O
Europe Classic Selection, comprise d of Used Austria P7 , Bavaria 2 1, Belgium 2, Finland I 0, Hung ary 12 block of four (S ismondo ce ti)., Ice land I (S ismondo cert.) , 3 (Sismo ndo cert.) , Luxembourg 04 , 01way 1(2 signed Bloch) , Ru ssia -O ffices in Turkey 3(2 signe d Bloch) , Switzerland 7(3 signed Bloch) , 12, 20 (signed Bloch) , Unused ether lands 33, San Marino 15, Mint Lux embourg 04 (signed Bloch) , Monaco IO (signed Bloch) , 27 millesimes "7" gutte r pair, Norwa y 9 (signed Bloch) , Portugal 9 strip of three (s igned Bloch) , St. Piene & Miquelon 5 (signe d Bloch) , San Marino 15(2 incl. 1 signed Diena) , very mixed cond ition with the occasiona l sma ll . Est. 750-1 ,000 repair , Fine-Very Fine. . . .. . . . .. . .. .. . . ... . . .. . ... ... . .. . . . ... .. ......
Septemb er 29 . 200 6
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Catalog or Estimated Value
Western Europe Premium Assortment , co mpri sed of Aust ria 126-44(3 less one# 13 1), Denm ark 131, 135, C l- C5(2 plu s one used set) , Q l 0 pair NH , Greece l 17- 128(3) , 159- I 60 (S ismondo cert). , 184-197(2 ), 378 -380 , Ice land 128 block of four(2), 175 block of four NH , Italy 165-170, C27(2), C l2 (signed Bloch) , Luxe mbour g 55 , B65A -B 65Q(3), Monaco B2-B 8(2), Russia C58 -C67 , Saar B9-B 15, Tripolitani a C38 -42 & CE1 -CE2 , also includ es Reuni on C2-C5 block s of four with dubious doubl e overprint (not figured) , mixed cond ition with so me minor faults plu s a few regums (esp. in Greece issues), genera lly fres h and Fine-Very Fine .. ... .. .. ....... . .......... 15,000.00 + TOPICAL - Nudes on Stamps, thousands of prim arily newer issues of the world incl. souvenir sheets, some cove rs/cards , all neatly sorted and organized in glassi nes or sleeves, usual country se lections , overall Very Fine ; per fect for fra min g in your home (bedroo m?) or office. Est. 200-300
2824 P South and Central America Small Plate Proof Collection , 162 incl. Brazi l Nos. 174P/188 P, 189P -192P , OIP-Ol3P , co uple Revenues, Chi le Nos. 20P-24P , 25P -36P, 52P-55P , 68P/77 P, many Reven ues, few unissued , Co lombi a incl. one set of unissued designs and one set of Reve nues, a lso incl. few El Sa lvador, Panam a, Venezuel a, Haiti, Boli v ia, and Hondura s, ge nerall y Very Fine. (Photo ) ................... . .......................... Est. 500- 750
Ex 2824
Worldwide Accumulation , 19th and 20t h century with mostly classic period , incl. co upl e stock book s of used wor ldwid e incl. Great Brit ain used !Osh Seahorse , stock book of used US, wo rldw ide co llection in five album s with strength in Switzerland , and a wo rldw ide cover accu mulation , usual mi xed condition, mo stly F ine ................. .. . ... .. .. ...... . .... .. .. .. . Est. 400-500
Worldwid e Accumulation, tens of thousands of used stam ps, 19th and early 20th Ce ntury , mostly Europe w ith stren gth in Gennany but also much France , Britain and Co lonies , much sorte d, both on and off paper , few covers , generall y Fine , tota l we ight exceeds IO lbs . ............ Est. I 00-150 Worldwide Balance Lot, var ious mo stly mid 20th century sets an d single s in stoc k book s, inc ludes UN related issues (e.g. Mexico 8 13-818 & Cl58 -C 162 N H, 1960 Refugee Year FDC incl. Bel gium B662a ), Swiss and Du tch officials used, 1960s/80s Chi na spec imens, Palestin e No. l 7e o.g. (cat $525), and No . 19 with overprint shift so that Hebr ew is at top and Eng lish at bottom , some better Mint NH incl. Liechtenstein 660 -662 sheets, PRC 1108-1 l 13(2) , Iran 995-998, also incl. six extra long shoeboxes of UN first day cover s, much more , most ly Fi ne-Very Fine. . ...... Est. 500- 750
End of Sale; Thank You.
September 29, 2006
Page I 8 I
1-1 .R. l-lam1er, Inc.
Laurence Gibson Chief Operating Officer x107 lgibson@gregmanning.com Sharon Scimeca Director of Operations x205 sormsbee@g regmanning .co m Randi Luzzi Operations Assistant x208 rluzzi@gregmanning .c om Martha Husick Administrative Coordinator x112 .com mhusick@gregmanning
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Greg Manning Auctions
John Bull Stamp Auctions , Ltd.
775 Passaic Avenue West Ca ldwell, NJ 07006-6409 Tel.: 973-882-0 87 Fax: 973-882-3499 E-mail: info@gregma nnin g.com
Suite 16 P, Hong Kong Man sion I Yee Wo Street Ca useway Bay, I-long Kong
Greg Mannin g. President gmanni ng@gregmanning.com Greg Manning Auc tions is one of the world's most prominent specialty auctio n houses for dealer ' stoc ks and intact co llect ions. Four majo r auctions are held per yea r, reali zing betwee n $2 million and $5 million each. Co llectors and dealers from around the wor ld attend the auctions, held at the built-to -suit auc tion ga llery at the company's West Ca ldwell, NJ headquaners. In add ition to the auction attendees, hundred s of successful bidders panicipate via the post, lntem et. fax, te lephone and E-mail.
H.R. Harmer, Inc. 775 Passaic Avenue West Ca ldwe ll, NJ 07006 Fax: 973-882-3499 Tel. : 973-882-0887
www.hrlwrme,:com Andrew Kuper smit, President akupcrsm it@hrh armer.co m H.R. Hanner , Inc. is one of the grand names in philately. Con ducting public auction s since 1940. the com pany has a traditi on of offe ring many important and valuable single owner collection sales.
Founded io London in 1918 by Henry R. Harm er. the fim1 has enjoyed the highest of reputat ions. while conducting some of the most important sa les in philat e lic histo ry. including the Rothschild , Franklin D. Roosevelt , Caspary and Lagerl oef sales. as well as the recentl y concluded Dale-Lichtenstein auction s. The fim1 enjoys a well-deserved reputation. industry wide, for integri-
ty and
Lau rence Gib son, Managing Director in U.S.A. lgibson @gregmanning.com Fax : 973-882-3499 Tel. : 973-882-0 887 Cus tomer Service in Hong Kong info@j bull.c om Tel: +852-2890-5767 Fax: +852-2576-5 110 www.jbu ll .com.
lgibson@grcgmanning.com Founded in 1975. John Bull Stamp Auctions is widely regarded as the world leader in Ch inese and Asian philately , John Bull enjoys an unsurpassed reputationfor integrity and customerservice, in addition to being the oldest philatelic auction house in I-long Kong
Ivy & Manning Philatelic Auctions, Inc. 775 Passa ic Avenue West Ca ldwell , NJ 07006-6409 Te l.: 973-882-0887 Fax : 973-882-3499 E-mail: info@grcg mannin g.co m s.com ·w11:gmauctio11 11
George Evelet h. President gcve leth @gregma nnin g.co m Ivy & Manning Philatelic Auctions. pre viously known as Ivy & Mader, is recognized around the world as one of America's finest auc• tion companies. specializing in the sale of high-end stamps and postal history of the United States, British Co mmonwealth and wor ldwide. Th e firm has a well-deserved reputation for accurate descriptions. superb customer service and producing the finest catalogues in the indust ry.
superb customer service.
Greg Manning Galleries Nutmeg Stamp Sales P.O. Box 4547 Danbury. CT 06813 Tel.: 203-792-3 862 Fax: 203-798- 7902 E-mail: info@nutm egs tamp.com Dav id Coog le, President david@nutrne gstamp.com utmeg Stamp Sales is one of the leaders in the philatelic mark etplace , offer ing over 150.000 lots per year aimed at the full spectrum of collector s, with items ranging in value from SI 0 to $50,000 per item . Considered by many to be America' s ·user-friendl y' mail auc tion house, most lots are illustrated in the catalogs in c lose proximity to their description. and all lots are depicted in color on the websi te. Founded in 1996 by renowne d dealer Andrew Levitt. CEO Emeritus. and David Coogle , President. Nutmeg has historically so ld primarily ow ned inventory rather than consignments. creating a unique alterna-
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H.R. HARMER, INC. 77 5 Passaic A venue West Caldwell, NJ 07006 Phone: 973-882-0887; Facsimile: 973-882-3499 www.hrharmer.com; hrharmer @hrharmer.com
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Prices Realized
Prices Realized for H.R. Harmer , Inc.'s Sale 2968,Sept29,2006. Lot No.
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2021 2022 Lot No.
2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135
120 220 110 150 12,500 140 1,900 500 2,500 11,000 3,000 325 180 150 170 15,000 525 190 4,000 1,500
350 325 9,500 120 240 180 140 350 240 525 180 10,500
Lot No.
2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 Lot No.
2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155
1,600 700 2,600 4,500 500 260 800 2,100 2,700 650 450 180 200 270 625 2,600 2,400 800 1,350 5,500
110 400 325 2,700 13,000 350 350 260 600 500 85 190
Lot No .
2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 Lot No.
2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2173 2174 2175 2176
110 575 575 325 575 575 650 575 575 575 575 575 575 400 575 600 600 475 575 650
900 500 22,000 1,900 150 1,250 1,700 550 160 80 3,000 375
Lot No.
2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 Lot No.
2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196
http://www .stampauctionnetwork.com/pricesreal ized.cfm
775 675 350 4,250 2,800 3,250 12,500 500 2,500 350 170 425 1,100 800 2,400 325 325 325 325 325
190 200 100 160 170 170 240 900 575 250 475 950
Lot No.
2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 Lot No.
2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216
375 160 1,800 140 475 170 600 350 80 290 160 100 140 150 100 150 110 100 95 100
290 290 290 525 1,300 650 600 700 5,000 160 850 110
Lot No .
2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 Lot No .
2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236
210 80 150 4,500 400 2,100 1,700 350 270 280 220 675 290 220 140 1,250 290 290 1,300 280
150 475 4,000 450 350 350 350 600 800 750 70 2,200
Prices Realized
2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 Lot No .
2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 2251 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 Lot No.
2366 2367 2368 2369 2370 2371
7,500 5,000 160 65 100 85 85 900
280 400 1,200 140 120 120 240 170 110 550 400 400 270 270 250 220 250 250 725 170
1,050 800 3,750 550 160 1,200
Page 2 of 5
2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 Lot No.
2266 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 Lot No.
2386 2387 2388 2389 2390 2391
300 325 700 450 1,350 300 2,000 1,350
160 950 75 120 450 190 110 110 650 250 625 160 90 85 120 130 350 2,300 3,000 1,150
4,500 425 1,600 300 210 450
2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 Lot No .
2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 Lot No .
2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411
475 400 1,200 160 150 425 300 170
4,250 210 1,900 200 2,600 575 240 750 500 110 130 100 160 140 140 230 230 400 160 230
850 230 150 280 170 2,000
2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 Lot No.
2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325 Lot No .
2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431
2,000 425 500 575 625 625 350 350
180 85 120 190 800 180 85 240 300 190 160 110 240 750 1,600 2,800 110 120 130 1,000
1,000 850 1,200 260 1,600 325
2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 Lot No.
2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 Lot No.
2446 2447 2448 2449 2450 2451
190 270 1,000 90 1,150 400 160 1,200
200 150 190 1,050 525 210 1,900 1,200 350 150 375 375 2,300 160 2,600 3,250 8,500 475 4,000 270
325 100 1,000 110 130 475
2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 Lot No .
2346 2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 2362 2363 2364 2365 Lot No.
2466 2467 2468 2469 2470 2471
525 675 1,200 425 675 650 4,000 675
575 130 750 475 4,000 3,250 1,150 5,250 3,250 325 1,800 2,200 230 475 425 375 210 1,800 475 475
500 425 260 180 220 170
Prices Realized
2372 2373 2374 2375 2376 2377 2378 2379 2380 2381 2382 2383 2384 2385 Lot No.
2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 2495 2496 2497 2498 2499 2500 2501 2502 2503 2504 2505 Lot No .
110 950 300 1,900 475 7,250 160 325 260 3,000 1,200 400 700 325
180 180 250 190 180 450 210 3,000 200 550 210 800 100 1,400 500 750 375 725 800 650
Page 3 of 5
2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 Lot No .
2506 2507 2508 2509 2510 2511 2512 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 Lot No .
1,400 2,200 190 200 140 8,500 350 350 350 400 450 425 700 675
1,100 1,050 400 850 1,500 500 400 425 2,700 280 2,300 5,250 350 500 260 220 200 575 500 475
2412 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 2423 2424 2425 Lot No.
2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 Lot No.
700 700 1,000 110 270 270 270 300 325 200 160 160 300 1,050
600 900 260 450 525 110 475 375 1,600 625 260 300 325 575 1,500 4,000 1,400 1,350 200 1,600
2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 2437 2438 2439 2440 2441 2442 2443 2444 2445 Lot No.
2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 Lot No.
http ://www .stampauctionnetwork.com/pricesrealized.cfm
210 230 625 375 150 180 200 400 325 270 250 170 400 160
1,200 800 270 5,250 375 375 800 200 250 12,500 200 150 1,000 1,700 550 525 300 220 325 200
2452 2453 2454 2455 2456 2457 2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 2463 2464 2465 Lot No.
2566 2567 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 2583 2584 2585
Lot No .
150 525 1,250 700 100 160 210 1,400 160 260 350 1,050 1,000 1,200
120 250 300 1,500 200 80 725 160 950 850 260 2,800 160 475 270 130 210 400 260 250
2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 2485 Lot No.
2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595 2596 2597 2598 2599 2600 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605
Realized Lot No.
230 250 240 300 180 525 280 270 250 325 550 575 180 130
280 500 200 160 160 170 2,700 160 100 110 150 260 600 180 240 950 2,800 800 3,500 260
Page 4 of 5
Prices Realized
2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 2623 2624 2625 Lot No.
2726 2727 2728 2729 2730 2731 2732 2733 2734 2735 2736 2737 2738 2739 2740 2741 2742 2743
650 750 210 180 6,250 325 270 750 725 725 475 1,350 140 525 150 260 300 150 700 325
55 75 100 150 110 110 170 375 140 80 150 75 6,250 11,000 130 3,000 1,800 110
2626 2627 2628 2629 2630 2631 2632 2633 2634 2635 2636 2637 2638 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643 2644 2645 Lot No.
2746 2747 2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 2753 2754 2755 2756 2757 2758 2759 2760 2761 2762 2763
200 250 1,000 180 300 250 400 525 210 1,400 500 350 5,500 130 260 130 475 850 260 250
750 750 140 250 210 210 240 625 625 600 1,350 500 230 130 170 140 325 525
2646 2647 2648 2649 2650 2651 2652 2653 2654 2655 2656 2657 2658 2659 2660 2661 2662 2663 2664 2665 Lot No.
2766 2767 2768 2769 2770 2771 2772 2773 2774 2775 2776 2777 2778 2779 2780 2781 2782 2783
475 300 150 170 160 650 180 170 100 160 160 725 110 110 220 600 280 240 140 150
425 400 1,600 550 450 525 200 250 150 190 625 725 1,100 3,500 150 4,750 1,600 4,500
2666 2667 2668 2669 2670 2671 2672 2673 2674 2675 2676 2677 2678 2679 2680 2681 2682 2683 2684 2685 Lot No.
2786 2787 2788 2789 2790 2791 2792 2793 2794 2795 2796 2797 2798 2799 2800 2801 2802 2803
http://www .stampauctionnetwork.com/pricesrealized .cfm
150 350 280 200 250 500 290 1,250 1,700 300 1,600 220 1,100 400 260 150 550 230 130 160
210 500 350 550 170 55 325 475 1,050 900 300 750 1,250 1,600 950 950 2,900 525
2686 2687 2688 2689 2690 2691 2692 2693 2694 2695 2696 2697 2698 2699 2700 2701 2702 2703 2704 2705 Lot No .
2806 2807 2808 2809 2810 2811 2812 2813 2814 2815 2816 2817 2818 2819 2820 2821 2822 2823
375 550 300 500 100 150 140 475 180 950 675 1,600 1,900 575 160 120 575 500 210 160
2706 2707 2708 2709 2710 2711 2712 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 2718 2719 2720 2721 2722 2723 2724 2725 Lot No.
2,000 2826 1,250 2827 575 2,200 1,000 375 1,600 800 525 625 600 550 2,100 1,800 4,250 2,100 4,750 475
200 230 650 475 1,500 220 240 300 160 200 280 280 325 250 140 325 130 300 75 80
525 1,400
Prices Realized
2744 2745
300 2764 700 2765
Page 5 of 5
300 2784 130 2785
1,350 2804 3,125 2805
2,200 2824 675 2825
2.400 750